#but understanding true self-confidence as something that can also be good for those around you kind of helps motivate me. idk
amygdalae · 2 years
its interesting to me how self-deprecation neatly ties into making others feel bad. like. if you constantly assume that you’re stupid no matter how informed or skilled in a topic you might be, people who are a bit less learned or skilled than you might see how you, someone who is obviously skilled, talk down about yourself, and assume that if you think YOURE an idiot you must think theyre an even bigger idiot and lose confidence or find you intimidating as a result. its fucked up. and its part of why it can be so important to break out of cycles of self-hatred--not just for yourself, but for people around you
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jufry-tony · 10 months
its interesting to me how self-deprecation neatly ties into making others feel bad. like. if you constantly assume that you’re stupid no matter how informed or skilled in a topic you might be, people who are a bit less learned or skilled than you might see how you, someone who is obviously skilled, talk down about yourself, and assume that if you think YOURE an idiot you must think theyre an even bigger idiot and lose confidence or find you intimidating as a result. its fucked up. and its part of why it can be so important to break out of cycles of self-hatred--not just for yourself, but for people around you
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fishnapple · 14 days
CRYSTAL READING : What kind of people are you attracting into your life ? 🧲🎐🪸🫧
A little explanation of the method I used for reading
Lithomancy : I assigned a meaning for each stone (each stone represents a planet) and cast them on a circle divided into 12 parts, just like an astrology chart and do the reading
Pick a stone :
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Reading for each group below :
1. Coral fossil
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These people come into your life in a very fast or even quite forceful manner. They would feel random and foreign to you, but you are attracting them exactly because of that.
They will help you open up your mind and bring some changes to your routine and habits.
Talking with them would not be comfortable all the time. Sometimes, you would feel quite exposed or triggered by them. Their manner of communicating with you would be brutally honest and challenging to your ego. Because they would have a big ego too. They would give an image of a stern, serious and quite a coarse person with strong energy. Would be too much and a little in your face.
But through that, they help shedding some light on your deep-seated vulnerability and fears and propel you higher because they genuinely believe that you're capable of much more.
After some time, if you're able to get used to their way of talking with you, you will feel safe enough to open up more, maybe even adopt some of their fearless and authoritative traits. Be more relaxed and flow with them.
At times, they can also be more tender. Their words have deep impacts on you, making you feel more beautiful and more confident in yourself. Their compliments are true words, not laced with hidden motives. They understand what it's like to be vulnerable and wounded, and they've learned to be strong.
You would likely meet them when you are having fun, making something or going about with your daily life. Could be the people that you see regularly, like your colleagues, the people you are collaborating with. They could be foreigners and have different lifestyle from you.
2. Moss agate
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You are attracting quite a chaotic energy.
At first, you and them would click with each other very fast. Conversations will be fun and flow effortlessly. These people are quite quirky and moody, like the stereotype of artists. You guys would change subjects a lot while talking, having some random and private jokes that only you can understand.
They can make you feel taken care of with small and considerate gestures.
You would sense or feel that they are spiritual, mysterious, and sometimes lonely. That would be your subjective view. In reality, they may not be actually like that.
But being around them for too long would cause you to feel isolated from the world. They would wrap their care around you, blur out the mundane life, and give you a yearning for some ideal, more beautiful life elsewhere. At best, life would feel more magical to you. At worst, you would want to escape or forget your current surroundings.
Though they are kind, they have some well hidden anger and shadow aspects that want to have control over what they have. Including the connection with you. A fragile self-esteem and some insecurities would cause control issues. There could be some manipulative tendencies like making you feel vulnerable to bring you closer to them.
You will need to be more aware of your own feelings when being around them and try to see them in a more objective light.
The people you are attracting would be in a higher position than you, could be your boss, your mentor, teachers, or someone with more authority.
3. Carnelian
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The people that you are attracting are those needing more light and vibrancy in their life.
They have attractive energy, people would consider them to be conventionally good-looking or charming with an edge of passion. A balance between feminine and masculine energy.
They are confident and ambitious with concrete goals and helpful resources. Stoic and wilful. The kind that others have a lot of respect for.
They do everything with dedication.
But something is amiss. Right now, they have some confusions deep inside, lost, looking for a home. You could feel that through their words, their way of communicating. Their light is dimmer, something feels lacklustre. They may not even be aware of that about themself.
Subconsciously, they are looking for something new to learn, to feel excited and curious, to expand their mind. They could be quite established but feel stagnant, so they need a little shaking up. Their life seems a little cold and hard, so they are looking for some softer, more nurturing energy.
And maybe that's why they are attracted to you. They could see that you are embodying that energy quite well.
You could meet them when you are by yourself, being confident, express yourself openly, which is a kind of contrast to their more controlled and reserved nature.
4. Trolleite
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I see some strong bonds of friendship with the people that you are attracting.
They come into your life in the period that you may be feeling a little bored. You need something that can stir you.
You would meet them while studying for something new, maybe a foreign language so they could be foreigners too.
They have a kind of elevated and optimistic spirit. An ability to see beauty everywhere.
They would take you on exciting adventures, physically or mentally, like going to some places with different culture, taking a deep breath of fresh air in nature, and lying down to just talk about everything. They are not childish. In fact, they could be older than you, or their energy just seems mature, but something about them making people feel like a child again, something warm and open.
Oddly enough, even though their core self is always changing, erratic but their actions and sense of self are very solid and dependable. A dependable unpredictability, perhaps. And they would help you feel more grounded and firm in yourself.
You would form some connections that are light, fun yet long lasting, and nurturing.
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bblovetarot · 3 months
{❀} What good things is the new year bringing you?
ʚ ═══・୨ꕤ୧・═══ ɞ Pick a Pile ʚ ═══・୨ꕤ୧・═══ ɞ 
. ༄ . paid readings . ༄.
。°⚠︎°。follow your intuition when choosing a pile. if you're drawn to more than one pile, that's okay! you may have messages in more than one.
。°⚠︎°。tarot readings are not 100% accurate, and do not dictate your future. please keep in mind that you have free will. these readings are also general and aren't specific to one person, so please take what resonates and leave what doesn't! 
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Pile 1
Many of you might be used to keeping to yourselves and often feeling down. But in the upcoming year, you'll have a chance to step out of your comfort zone. Although it may not be something you're thrilled about since you're accustomed to staying away from others, your heart will encourage you to break out of this habit. In the new year, this decision to come out of isolation is expected to bring about various opportunities for you. It's important to note that someone who used to bring you joy but is currently causing stress in your life is likely to leave. This person seems impulsive and tends to follow others rather than making their own choices. Their departure could lead to a more peaceful and happy time for you. If the described person sounds like yourself, it may mean that your own habits of holding yourself back are finally leaving your life. This change could make you feel happier and lighter, freeing you from negative energies. Some of you might engage in daydreaming as a way to cope with past difficulties. In the new year, you may become more aware of how this habit can be more harmful than helpful. The good things for 2024 is moving away from negativity and behaviors that hold you back, creating an environment where your true happiness can thrive.
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Pile 2
For this year, Pile 2, positive changes are on the horizon as you break free from a cycle of self-doubt, consistently prioritizing others over yourself, and lacking belief in your own abilities. It seems like you're stepping into your power more confidently. Many of you may have grappled with insecurity issues for a long time, possibly spanning a decade, but in this year, you're overcoming significant hurdles. While some insecurities might still linger, you're handling them better and adopting a kinder attitude toward yourself, Pile 2. There's a desire for success in a particular area of your life, perhaps related to projects or a business venture. However, there's a noticeable shift in your approach as you become more patient, understanding that success takes time. Despite any impatience you may feel, thinking that others aren't recognizing your talents, you're navigating this challenge more effectively because of the newfound sense of security within yourself. You've developed a strong self-awareness, and external opinions no longer have the same impact on you – a commendable transformation, Pile 2. For some of you, there might have been experiences with failed projects, but you're now discerning when to let go and recognizing what is not aligned with your path. This newfound sense of self-assurance allows you to trust in your ambitions and their natural course. While blocked creativity may present a challenge, your enhanced patience will serve as a valuable asset to guide you through this year.
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Pile 3
For Pile 3, the positive developments coming your way this year involve a journey of self-discovery. It appears that many of you may have grappled with emotional immaturity, but in the current year, you're addressing any ego-driven fears that have hindered your confidence and authenticity. There's a noticeable enhancement in your emotional intelligence, leading to increased kindness towards both yourself and those around you. This year, you're taking a measured and deliberate approach, crafting a plan and sticking to it. Some of you may possess psychic abilities, and it seems that you have a strong connection to nature, receiving profound insights when surrounded by its beauty. Throughout the year, there's a palpable growth in various aspects of your being. This includes boosting your confidence, refining your emotional intelligence, and nurturing your psychic abilities. You're focused on maintaining balance and grounding, ensuring that neither extreme dominates your life. For many in this group, the challenging period of the dark night of the soul may have been experienced in 2023, and the current year serves as a time to reflect on the progress made during that transformative period. If you haven't yet undergone the dark night of the soul, 2024 is likely the year for you to navigate through it. While not an easy journey, you're taking the necessary steps, no matter how small, that align with your personal growth. There's a noticeable effort in learning to control the ego, recognizing and addressing your deepest fears. In the past, you might have been reserved and hesitant to speak up, but in the current year, it appears that you're stepping into your power and finding your voice. Many of you maintain a close connection to the spiritual realm, and it serves as a guiding force through this transformative cycle. Communication might take a back seat, indicating a year of self-focus and solitude for personal growth.
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one-flower-one-sword · 5 months
"Mu Qing spat out a mouthful of blood and grimaced like he'd been stabbed where it hurt. He replied, spiteful slowly, "Thank goodness I kicked you out. If we'd kept you in the army and let you get closer to His Highness, were you going to watch him all day with your mind full of unspeakable filth? Disgusting!"
Xie Lian's heart squeezed violently. Hua Cheng had his fist raised at first, but it froze in midair when Mu Qing spat the word "disgusting." Veins bulged on the back of his pale hand. The fingers clenched and loosened, loosened then clenched.
A long moment later, Hua Cheng said icily, "For now, I won't argue with you on that point. [...]"
TGCF Volume 6, page 66
Hua Cheng's reaction here is really interesting - and gets more heartbreaking the more you think about it. I think to understand it, we need to take a look at his distorted self-image and his extreme self-blame whenever he feels he's failed Xie Lian in some way. While doing this, I think it's important to keep in mind that we're looking at these things as separate from Hua Cheng's very real - and very earned! - confidence in his knowledge, abilities, and strength. He knows exactly what he can and can't do and has no problems stating those things as facts. That "aggressive, rebellious confidence" as Xie Lian describes it is a defining part of Hua Cheng's personality and who he is as a person, that is then juxtaposed by a surprising fragility in other matters.
Right when we meet Hua Cheng at just ten years old, he's already been abused for so long and so severely that it's made him actively suicidal. He's also already internalized that his right eye is ugly, evidenced by the way that he keeps covering it with his hands when the bandages are removed after he was beaten and dragged through the streets by Qi Rong and his lackeys:
After a pause, Xie Lian smiled softly. "The doctors will see to your wounds now. Don't be afraid and lower your hands, okay?" The child heard but hesitantly shook his head.
"Why not?" Xie Lian asked.
He was silent for a long time before replying, "Ugly."
TGCF Volume 2, page 349
The right side of his face also appears to receive the most abuse when he gets beaten, as Xie Lian realizes when he sees him again a few years later and his bandages come loose after being attacked by a group of other kids:
During that scuffle, the bandages on the boy's head had been partially yanked off, giving a peek on the other half of his face. It was quite swollen, covered in black and blue bruises. It was obvious that these injuries hadn't been caused by the brawl just now. TGCF Volume 3, page 56
It can be deduced that he probably learned very early in his life that if people see his eye, he gets beaten. It seems to be known around the area that he frequently gets beaten up and kicked out by his family, to a point where even kids from wealthier families know about him and refer to him as apparently everyone else does - the "ugly freak":
"Wow, wow, the ugly freak got kicked out again!" Although these kids were all around the same age as the boy in the shrine, every single one of them was taller than him and looked like their parents fed them well. There was probably a holiday coming up, since they were all dressed in new clothes and shoes. [...] "Hey, ugly freak, are you sleeping at the shrine again tonight? Watch out, your mom is gonna beat the crap outta you when you get home!"
TGCF Volume 3, pages 54-55
This post is going to get quite long, so I'm putting the rest under a read more.
Hua Cheng seems to internalize this view of himself as something ugly and revolting to a point where even hundreds of years later, he's wary about showing Xie Lian his true form. At the same time, he seems to long deeply for Xie Lian to see and accept the real him, so he tries to test the waters when Xie Lian asks the "young master" on the ox cart what Hua Cheng looks like :
The youth laughed. "Who knows? But he's blind in one eye." He pointed to his right eye. "This one."
That was nothing outrageous. Xie Lian recalled one of the many backstory versions where Hua Cheng wore a black eyepatch to hide that missing eye and asked, "Do you know what happened to that eye?"
"That's a question everyone wants the answer to," the youth replied. Others asked because they wanted to know what Hua Cheng's weakness was, but Xie Lian asked purely out of curiosity. He didn't say anything, and the youth continued, "He dug it out himself."
TGCF Volume 1, page 175
And then again after they're back from Banyue:
Hua Cheng didn't turn around but continued to stare at the dilapidated ceiling of the shrine, and Xie Lian could only see this handsome young man's left profile. Hua Cheng said softly, "If I was ugly."
"Huh?" Xie Lian gaped.
Hua Cheng finally turned his head slightly. "If my true appearance is ugly, would you still want to see it?"
Xie Lian was taken aback. "Is it? Although there's no real reason, I never thought your true appearance would be too horrible-looking."
"Who knows?" Hua Cheng said, half-jokingly. "What if I'm discolored, disfigured, ugly, monstrous, and horrible. What will you do?"
At first, Xie Lian thought this line of inquiry was rather fascinating. So the overlord of the Ghost Realm, the one called the devil incarnate and feared by all in the heavens, would care about his looks? But when he thought about it deeply, he didn't think it was very funny anymore. He vaguely recalled, in one of the many rumored backstories of Hua Cheng, one said that he was a disfigured child from birth, or something along those lines. If that was true, then he must've grown up discriminated against by others. Maybe that was why he was particularly sensitive about his appearance.
TGCF Volume 1, pages 369-370
This quote is really long but I wanted to include all of it because Xie Lian's realization here is very important - Hua Cheng's issues don't stem from vanity but from being othered and subsequently abused because of his unusual red right eye. The society they're in shows many instances of ableism, racism, xenophobia and classism, where any attempted change to the status quo as well as anything that goes against "the norm" is regarded with instant suspicion and rejection - as Pei Ming puts it once, "Where there is abnormality, there is evil."
When he finally does show Xie Lian his true form, Hua Cheng is anxious about it up until Xie Lian remarks that it doesn't look bad:
Xie Lian examined him as he followed, smiling. "So, this is your real appearance." Hua Cheng paused slightly in his step. Maybe it was his imagination, but Hua Cheng's shoulders seemed to stiffen for a flash of a second. The moment didn't last, and Hua Cheng responded naturally. "I did say that the next time we met, I would greet you with my real appearance."
Xie Lian grinned and said earnestly, "Not bad." Xie Lian's tone wasn't teasing or consoling, the words were simply said. Hua Cheng gave a small smile back, and this time, it was genuinely relaxed.
TGCF Volume 2, page 103
Xie Lian's acceptance of his true form seems to have reassured Hua Cheng enough that he appears in it a lot more regularly after that, though it's always with the place where his right eye used to be carefully covered. He's also still too afraid to tell Xie Lian about their shared past and who he really is, and even more afraid to confess his feelings because he fears that then Xie Lian will no longer look at him with acceptance and instead see Hua Cheng as this:
He pointed at a little blood-red person on the wall. Right next to it, there were a bunch of messy, twisted, indiscernible characters - it looked like they had been written in a state of delirium or scrawled to vent the author's feeling during a period of extreme suffering. Based on those characters, Xie Lian could guess that the little blood-red person painted there was Hua Cheng himself, but for some unknown reason he had depicted himself as extremely ugly and disfigured.
[...] There was an ugly little blood-red figure at the bottom of the mural. It cupped a small flower in its hands, which it was offering to the statue.
TGCF Volume 6, pages 52-55
Hua Cheng having internalized this distorted "ugly freak" image of himself isn't the only thing tripping him up though. Every time he can't prevent Xie Lian from getting hurt or can't help him, Hua Cheng takes it as a personal failure on his part and immediately seeks to punish himself. Be that by lashing out at Eming, which is essentially an extension of himself:
Xie Lian stroked Eming. "Fangxin is still better suited." Fangxin remained motionless. Eming had tried so enthusiastically to offer itself up but was so blatantly rejected. It hopped back to Hua Cheng's side, weeping. Hua Cheng didn't spare it a single look before he smacked it with a backhand slap. "What are you crying about? This happened because you're useless! Trash!"
TGCF Volume 5, page 120
Or denying himself to touch Xie Lian, like after Xie Lian got accidentally hurt by Eming (an especially cruel punishment given that Hua Cheng had longed for Xie Lian for hundreds of years):
Hua Cheng, however, let go of his hand. "Don't mind them," he said to Xie Lian. "Come with me." His voice was low, the emotion behind it hard to discern. Yet the way he let go of Xie Lian's wrist was swift, almost like he'd been shaken off.
TGCF Volume 2, page 192
Repeatedly witnessing Xie Lian be brutalized and violated while he didn't yet have the power to stop it from happening traumatized Hua Cheng deeply and left him with a wrathful anger that he wields not only against those who wronged Xie Lian but also against himself for any and all perceived failures.
Now, what does all of this have to do with the quote that started it all? In it, Mu Qing accuses Hua Cheng that if they'd have kept him in the army, he would have kept watching Xie Lian "with his mind full of unspeakable filth! Disgusting!" (the fact that he describes a man having romantic feelings and sexual desires for another man in such a way comes off as extremely homophobic of course but that's not the topic of this post)
Hua Cheng, who hates Mu Qing deeply and with good reason, then not only stops his assault but actually goes on to say that he won't argue with him on that point for now. His inner conflict shows in the repeated clenching and loosening of the fingers in his fist - he's extremely angry and would usually never agree with Mu Qing, yet finds himself unable to deny his words. It's noticeable also that it's the "disgusting" that makes him freeze up.
So why would Hua Cheng, someone usually so confident and so unapologetically himself, concede this point to Mu Qing, someone he hates and who's just been viciously insulting him? I would argue that there are two possible reasons.
First of, if viewed through the lens of everything we reviewed in this post, Hua Cheng feels like he "can't argue" on this because he does desire Xie Lian and always has - while at the same time knowing that he, an ugly disfigured other that has repeatedly failed at keeping the God he's pledged his existence to safe from harm, could never be good enough to deserve being with said God like that.
Second of all, as I analyzed in my previous post, Hua Cheng's reaction to Xie Lian having seen the statues and murals is profound fear and heartbreak because he's so sure Xie Lian must now be scared of and disgusted by him. At this point in the story, Hua Cheng is still utterly convinced that his feelings aren't requited, which is something he can deal with. But what he can't bear is the prospect of his feelings, his very devotion, causing Xie Lian pain. Failing to keep Xie Lian safe from being harmed by others is bad enough, but hurting Xie Lian himself? Unforgivable. His fear that his desire for Xie Lian will be upsetting to him is so strong that even after the confession scene, his immediate reaction to Xie Lian even just mentioning the murals is "I'll go destroy them" (Volume 6, page 88), and he doesn't calm down until Xie Lian reassures them that he only saw a few of them and won't look at the others if Hua Cheng doesn't want him to.
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ms-scarletwings · 6 months
So there was a note under my post about Zim hovering a finger over the self destruct switch on his first day on Earth that just cracked open something in my mind.
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Cause…Oh. Oh hecc you, @murhuedur. You actually touched on like, my favorite thing about this character, period. I really like this take, I do. It’s a good one. I ponder, still,
In my own opinion, it’s actually genuine confidence and arrogance, but Zim’s delusions of grandeur are as a thin rubber band. They can stretch out to wild lengths and remain malleable enough to bend around truth as he wills,
But there’s a hard limit out there eventually, and should reality require him to stretch his cognitive dissonance just too far, it’s a violent snap-back to full clarity. I don’t think he’s faking it or always lying to everyone else about what hot shit he is, because I think he fully believes those lies about as fast as he can speak them, even if he will later realize he was wrong after a cosmic punch to the face.
Like, Zim’s smart, but smart people aren’t inherently rational ones. Within Zim, the tallest, hell, maybe even Skoodge, there’s sometimes this very short-sighted flippancy about what is objectively true/false that peeks out every now and again in their psychology. I mean, humans sometimes do this too when it’s convenient to their interests, just, obviously not to goofy cartoon character levels if they want to function in society.
Zim has whatever this flaw is and cranked up to 11, maybe as a side effect of his PAK defects. Sometimes it gets him into DEEP shit, but it’s also his biggest mental shield. Zim has like no fortitude against spiraling into a full on depression or a justifiable panic attack over the smallest concession of being an absolute failure to his race. That weaponized denial that makes him so dangerous to himself and others also keeps him together and motivated forward. But it’s not largely a conscious lie he’s telling himself. It’s genuine faith he’s trying to manifest into matter through sheer force of his will.
His dogmatic mantra, “I am Zim” and what it means to him is a statement he holds on such conviction it overpowered and hijacked the ego of 3 control brains at once.
If I were inserting him into DnD he’d have the wisdom stat of a stale poptart and a 20+ thrown into charisma. He’s faking it without even understanding he’s faking it.
But were he completely detached from reality, he’d be WAY more likely than even now to accidentally get himself killed. While a narcissistic level of self esteem is what lets him ignore and selectively unhear inconvenient truths, the adrenaline of immediate life or death danger is what grounds him back in the real world. You notice over time that as self-sabotaging as he normally is, he seems to act his most rational and competent when he’s suddenly put against the grindstone and self preservation HAS to jump into the driver’s seat. He basically survives his day to day on a tightrope between a falsely glorious narrative of himself, and his perceptive anxiety both tugging him to land on either side of the fence when something big happens.
In “The Trial”, he wastes very little time on his expected bullshit or his confidence in being able to just win over the approval of his judges.. by virtue of being his awesome self. He spent most of that ordeal on the verge of a heart attack, squirmed to find an escape, and actually tried to DENY causing the death of two Almighty Tallests (reminder that he usually owns up to his atrocities with downright offensive pride). He understood the full gravity of an existence evaluation and how cooked his goose was. As soon as the situation resolves and he’s no longer in that danger, it’s right back to full trust of his status as an invader, and in Red and Purple as his biggest fans. When his disguise starts to slip in front of Skool kids he knows are dumb as a bag of rocks, he can silver tongue his way around that without skipping a beat. Losing his disguise in front of a bunch of alien-obsessed adults? Uh oh, pants-shitting terror, this is potentially game-over levels of bad, immediately gtfo of here. Stand there, chest beat, and scold the obviously rogue duty-mode Gir all day until the second it actually tries to kill you and you suddenly have to realize you’re not the one holding the cards anymore to save your own life.
The other way this quirk of his really shows through is in his selective memory. Zim has this skill to repress down and push away unpleasant experiences that I think some of us can only dream we had. I love it because it’s equal parts a comedic and analytical goldmine.
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Tak, who actually posed a legit threat to his entire mission and tried herself to chip through that massive wall of denial he’s shielded in- same Tak who’s powerful af ship was stolen and desecrated by Zim’s arch nemesis… she’s not just an afterthought in his mind after that mess. He’s literally pushed that one out of his thoughts altogether in the comics. Like she, and Skoodge, who he can’t fucking stand, might as well have never even existed, even while GIR’s trying to remind him. That time he played around with time travel and it was one of the biggest clusterfucks he quickly lost control of? The bologna incident he stooped so low as to ask dib to help him with? You must be thinking of someone else. Nope. Not a thing. Lalala, can’t even hear you. This is also what makes it no wonder he deeply struggles with actually learning from certain mistakes.
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From an outsider’s eye this behavior of his is baffling. It makes him look actually insane or at least obnoxiously obstinate. And I think both assumptions are half right, because this is clearly not the result of mere stupidity. Those truths are simply wayyyy too discordant with his view of himself to devote surface memory to, or too uncomfortable, unless and until, of course, you confront him with them in a fashion where that rubber band has to snap, that bubble pops, and he instantly sobers out of that complacency.
Literally god forbid he ever stops being defective in this way or is given the ability to reckon with the reality of his situation and his history all at once. I’m not even just talking about his job or banishment. I’m talking about his entire life. This chaotic, flexible, incoherent mindstate is the only branch he’s holding onto from dropping into a much more horrifying chasm beneath himself, the depth of which we can only guess. I straight up have no idea what he would do or what could happen to him if he could, even for a moment, rationally comprehend his every action, memory, and empirical truth all at the same time. Seriously, leave that Pak’s Gordian Knot be, or I imagine there could be an HP Lovecraft type of breakdown in the making.
#By the way this is probably one of the most important differences between him and Dib, and what makes Zib so… way he is.
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Venus, Art, and Feelings to Create
I wanted to make a post talking about how to use Venus to make art, since it rules over aesthetics. I tried not to focus too hard on things like painting, drawing, etc and but couldn't cover all types of art forms, so we're going with colors, feelings you can create, and some places to start if you want to give it a try.
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DISCLAIMER: I'm not a pro at this, and may have explained things weirdly. Feel free to ask any questions you may have :). The pallets look different on my tablet vs phone, so tablet/computer could show up more brown and on phone it could be red etc. ALSO check your rising as well, along with aspects to placements (look to the ruling zodiac) :)
��� 1st House - Making art revolving around yourself, personal style, and putting your personality into the art is key. Using yourself as the canvas is something you can utilize, as this is a public house. Similarly to 10th and 5th house, you are connected to your art visually, so your art and brand is associated with you, but unlike the other two houses, staying true to yourself is very important.
✿ Aries/Color Palette - Using tones of red, feelings of confidence and taking charge should be the feeling you evoke with any art you make. Empowerment is key. The viewers of your art and the things you create should be eye-catching, confident and energetic. Make people want to create art too. Don't be afraid to take the lead in any project you take part in.
• Makeup Artist
• Hair Stylist
• Creating Self Portraits
• Those body painting things
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✿ 2nd House - Money, opulence, and values should be shown with your art. Whether it's expensive/shiny things, fashion, or houses, general luxury items is a start. The things you make should scream expensive, no matter how much it cost to make. Modern art reminds me of this placement. Showing what you value could also be shown.
✿ Taurus/Color Pallet - Pastel earth tones are a good place to start, along with channeling that luxurious and "stubborn" (idk a better word my bad) sort of feel Taurus gives. Pairing that with the thought of values, sticking to one practice or taking your time on one thing at a time may work best for you.
• Personal Stylist
• Antique Curator
• Value Setting art
• Jeweler
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✿ 3rd House - Graphic novels, images to match poetry, or simply portraying people communicating are good topics. Causing a conversation with how you show your art is something that could appeal. Conversation starting art. Drawing people talking in a cafe or showing off your mental activity in an artistic way.
✿ Gemini/Color Palette - Yellows, light greens and complimenting cooler tones go with the themes of mental stimulation that Gemini needs, along with 2 things once - pairing two artistic mediums together would benefit this placement, like writing your own poetry and making the art for it, or commentary on mental things with the audience to bounce off of. Taking inspiration from another thing would also be nice.
• Comic Artist
• Poet
• Whatever the fuck Andy Warhol was doing
• Conservation Pieces
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✿ 4th House - Family life, nurturing/cozy environments, ancestry and roots could be a main focus. Things that create the feeling of home is key. Working from or for the home works well for this native. Creating things that give warmth and love, even if it's just for you.
✿ Cancer/Color Palette - Warm and loyal blues, the depth this water sign has should be a calming one. Understanding and comfort should come from this art-even if it's though provoking. Creating comfort with even bad thoughts that this art should create (like reincarnation after death if that makes sense). Understanding yourself and others should come from this art.
• Knitting
• Family Portraits
• Home decor
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✿ 5th House - Performance, romance, and showmanship is what comes with this house. Things such as theater, singer/song writing and painting should carry ego and pride with the art. This house has the opportunity to create something out of someone else's work (theater or movies and such). Showing off your skills in a physical sense could be appealing, and making sure you're the art is key. Just don't get too egoistical.
✿ Leo/Color Palette - Oranges, golds and champagnes shine here, along with glittery things. Anything that draws the eye. Under this sign, the focus is on you, and what feeling YOU create rather than what you can make. Ghostwriting and self removal and de-glamming is not ideal with this placement. Embrace any artistic qualities you may have and inspire others to do the same, or they can watch the show.
• Actor/Actress (comedy or drama)
• Singer or Songwriter
• Face of a Brand (yours or others)
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✿ 6th House - Calmer and more mundane things may appeal to this house as it rules work life, health, and pets may be your style. A focus on still life, and things that remind us of the little details are the way to go. Like Cancer and Family Portraits, you may like taking photos for things like yearbooks, scrapbooks, or newspapers. Remind people of the little things they should remember. Pet portraits are also good for this placement, drawn, painted, or photographed.
✿ Virgo/Color Palette - Back to earthy tones, and more blendable colors take focus, as Virgo focuses on the little things. Curating something that shows off the skill of observation and thought is key here as it's ruled by Mercury like Gemini. But you may want less of an external conversation and more of an internal one. Don't leave out little things. People will appreciate the care you've put in.
• Pottery
• Still Life Study
• Embroidery
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✿ 7th House - Marriage, business deals, and maybe even enemies leave a lot to work with in this house, ranging from a courtroom artist, painting portraits for marriages, getting business deals with any art or creating discussions on social relationships (even bad ones) are themes to work with. Anything interpersonal is up for grabs in this house, as long as it focuses only on smaller groups. Creating reflections of the viewer could work here, along with showing how to obtain balance (even with people you don't like).
✿ Libra/Color Palette - Pretty, bright and feminine colors like pink work at it's best, as to aim for as much balance and easy viewing as possible. Like Taurus, beauty oriented things shine in this zodiac. Showing the beauty in what you do is important, and creating something that means peace to you is key. No matter the medium, even though I've said it a billion times, peace and the beauty of things is what's important and works for this sign. Optimistic art.
• Courtroom Sketch Artist
• Decorative Art
• Runway Fashion
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✿ 8th House - Transformations, s*x, and death are themes to work with in this house, as getting to "the bottom of things" is a key element. Do not create something that doesn't have meaning. Fake depth does not work with this placement-which is different from creating just to create. Making art to explain something or bring an intimate feeling could be something that appeals. Darker topics can easily be explored with this placement, and self exploration is needed to create.
✿ Scorpio/Color Palette - Blacks, darker reds, browns and purples are colors to use, anything that could remind you what it's like to be hidden. A sense of mystic and magnetism comes from you and the art you create, and could leave people wanting more or just pain interested. Show people it's not bad to get their hands dirty when it comes to more personal themes, and general/self investigation is always good. Leave them questioning something they always needed to.
• Horror Art
• Special Effects Makeup
• Art Therapy
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✿ 9th House - Dreams and inspiration of overseas, religion and philosophy is important. Creative freedom and learning and expression is big for this house, and a releasing of any chains artistically would be good. Generally pushing people to discuss things that are important to them and their own views of life is something that comes to mind with this house. A painting, a poem, or even just teaching about religion through your art is something that could work. Keeping things as open to ideas as possible is key. Inflexibly is something to avoid.
✿ Sagittarius/Color Palette: Shades of strong purples, and general vibrant shades work for this zodiac. (Personally I do associate this color with oranges idk why just thought I'd throw that in). Freedom and foreign things are things to show off. Sagittarius are known for wanting and fighting for freedom, and invoking a feeling of elsewhereness is nice. Even in forms of things like comedy, making someone feel like they're not where they are is the goal. Putting heavy emphasis on the comedy, though. Y'all are funny lmao.
• Religious Art
• Philosophical Artworks
• Making Art Abroad
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✿ 10th House - Achievement, Status and how people view you is at play here, having the public eye being the main thing to keep in mind. You may pay attention more to personal aesthetics and style, keeping a leash on how people see you and your art. You could also be very focused on art in general, maybe even wanting it to be the first thing people see when it comes to you. Display your skills as in this house, like 5th, you're connected to your skills. Hard work and displaying it is important. Staying committed to projects be nice. Even being known for how you dress, your specific style or how you wear your makeup could be appearing, so leave people in awe of your dedication.
✿ Capricorn/Color Palette - Grays, dark greens and browns are colors that may suit you. Out of all of the earth signs, to me, Capricorn screams commitment. Showing off the work you've put into anything you make, and creating stability with your craft is something you want to provide. With the art you make, show off your natural ability to make something consistent and how you evolve into something better. Self betterment and achievement is something a Capricorns may like showing off in their work, regardless of what it is. Things like pencil sketching, and single tone art could be appearing. Avoid laziness, but remember to take breaks.
• Personal Stylist (like in a Law Roach kinda way)
• Sculpting
• Fashion Trendsetter
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✿ 11th House - Community, hopes and dreams, and general aspirations themes shine here, and giving hope for the future could be something you like to create. Group projects, and getting everyone to feel involved are things to work with. Commentary on life and what it's like to be a part of something works best here.
✿ Aquarius/Color Palette - Electric/darker blues and light grays work with Aquarius. Using tech for your art could be something you work with, and showing off individually and futuristic ideas to create a head of time art pieces to make people hope for a better/cooler future is something you could like. Future is the keyword to create with this zodiac, as looking forward to create something new and never seen before is something desirable, and giving a change to viewers is the goal. Things such as game design, beat creating and such is something to work with. Remember while individuality is important, you don't need to create something ENTIRELY new for it to be good.
• Game Design
• Script Writing
• Art Teacher
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✿ 12th House - Isolation, mental health and things that are hidden are the themes, creating the most personal depth out of all the water houses. While 1st house is presenting your outward self, 12th could be hiding it or simply dissecting your own brain and fears. Your art could be darker, more in tune and create more personal feelings to the viewer. They may even keep their love of you to themselves, or you could also not feel the need to show off your art, and keep it close to home.
✿ Pisces/Color Palette - Light greens, and watery colors are the go to for this zodiac sign, anything reminiscent of the beach is something you may feel drawn to. Beaches, liminal spaces, and dreamy effects may appeal to you, wanting to create something that, like Sagittarius, makes the viewer feel like they're somewhere else, but in this case, it's a more watery and head in the clouds elsewhere. Dream states and a feeling of calm is something to make the viewer feel. Remember to stay grounded, don't just daydream about your art. Do it.
• Journaling
• Art Autobiography
• Ghost Writer
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Kind of a long post but I hope you liked it!! Hopefully I worded it correctly, I've been thinking about this post for a minute. Let me know your placements, I'm a Libra Venus in 8th House :D.
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utilitycaster · 5 months
(this is tagged for it as well, but putting it here: the below involves some non-graphic mention/discussion of suicide in relation to episode 3x78)
I think it's important to keep in mind, regarding the most recent episode, that while Ashton's behavior was extremely dangerous and reckless, it was not suicidal in intent. Ashton thought it would work. They thought that they would fix things, and they ignored all the smart people warning them against it because it would imply a lot of negative things about their parents. That doesn't mean it wasn't an action taken out of a certain lack of self-regard (Ashton's realization of this is what drives much of his conversations in the first half of the episode); but it's much more akin to an accidental overdose, or a drunk/reckless driving, or other dangerous choices. It feels very true to the idea of punk that Taliesin is going for, in which dying young is always very much a possibility, even perhaps an expectation; but not necessarily a goal. Ashton did not expect taking the shard to result in their death, and is incredibly shaken specifically because it did.
With that in mind I think the party's reactions seem very real and very understandable. The fact is, when someone does something very risky and nearly dies (or even is briefly clinically dead, using real-world terms) but ultimately survives it's extremely normal for one of the emotional responses to be anger that they put themselves in such danger. It is not, perhaps, rational, but most emotions aren't. It hurts a lot when someone one is close to does something that harmful to themselves. I don't judge the other members of Bells Hells for expressing those feelings. Frankly, them not expressing similar feelings in the past might very well be why Ashton made the decisions he did: the party lacking trust and walking on eggshells around each other is why he didn't confide in them, and why they fell apart so completely here.
I think it's relevant that Chetney tells Fearne, after stating he likes Ashton, that either she or Ashton can talk to him if they "want out", and he pretty heavily implies that this indicates not just leaving Bells Hells, but suicide, and that he has considered the latter in the past. It's clear that initially Chetney considers that a possible reason for Ashton's actions. He then gives Ashton the "You should leave" speech only after everyone present has been talking at dinner, after Ashton has indicated that he will help find Laudna. It only comes out after Ashton's emotional state is made more clear to him: it's pretty bad, but not actively at risk of self-harm (and indeed, desperately trying to avoid it and to change).
Finally, it's worth considering how important anger is to Ashton. Obviously I don't think having Imogen, FCG, and Chetney yell at them feels good. I also think it's going to feel better than apathy, and more honest than any other option. I don't think a forced gentleness would be better; in fact it might be worse, with them taking a break because clearly Ashton is having a hard time and needs to recover (shades of how Marisha mentioned Laudna feeling like a burden following her resurrection), rather than "we are clearly all in disarray and all have been not dealing with a lot of emotions, and this could have been any of us, and we should all regroup." I mentioned before that ultimately what's important is, angry as they are, Bells Hells undeniably stayed, and FCG and Imogen at least made it clear early on that they would, even if they were angry. Ashton was abandoned in the past by people who weren't even angry, is the thing. I don't think they cared enough to be.
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midnightsnyx · 8 months
Hi I had an imagine idea for any hockey player as a boyfriend (I'm indecisive if you can't tell lol) but what about a scenario where reader's watching her boyfriend's hockey game, and while she cheers for him there's a group of girls nearby who hate on her? Like what if everyone knows that the hockey player and reader are dating and there are a few fans that aren't really happy with the reader and a couple of those people happen to be sitting near her at the game?
The rest is up to you, happy writing :P
hi ty for the request❤️ i picked jack hughes i hope you like it!! <3 also sorry it’s kind of angsty and short & definitely not edited cause i’m 99% asleep rn😂
you loved supporting jack at his games, it was one of your favorite things to do. however, you didn’t like the attention you received sometimes especially considering it was almost always bad.
yeah you get it, jack is good looking (too much for his own good sometimes) and he’s a professional hockey player so there are a lot of girls who like him but even though they know he’s taken, they will still throw themselves at him. and they will say awful stuff about you sometimes. anytime either of you post something on instagram, you have to disable the comments.
you’re still as supportive as you can be and that includes attending as many games as you can so you decide to surprise him tonight by showing up at a home game. you’d originally told him you were unable to make it which was true but when your boss let you go home early, you decided to surprise him instead of going home and watching the game on the tv.
it was too late to get a decent seat and you still weren’t quite comfortable enough to go to the wives lounge. the other girls were absolutely wonderful and supportive but you were still warming up to them and didn’t feel like you should be there yet.
the downside to getting a crappy seat though was that there were sometimes people around who weren’t exactly nice. you were wishing you had either gotten a suite or decided to just go to the wives lounge when a group a girls start whispering about you. it’s clear that they want you to hear them and as much as you try to tune them out, it’s hard.
by the end of the game, your self confidence is pretty low and you just want to go home and crawl in bed but jack noticed that you were here so you had to go meet him at the locker room doors. when he comes out, all smiles due to their win, he notices your mood right away.
“hey, what’s wrong?” he asks softly, wrapping his arms around you. you bury your face in his neck, hoping that he doesn’t notice the tears.
you just shrug, looking at the ground when you pull away.
“i think i’ll just go back to my place tonight.”
you don’t have to look to see the disappointment on his face. you’d promised you would spend the night at his place and the two of you were looking forward to it.
“they’re wrong, you know,” he says and of course he knows what’s wrong.
“i know jack,” you mutter. “it’s just hard to ignore sometimes.”
you don’t give him a chance to reply, turning on your heel and leaving quickly. a warm bath and your bed sounds like heaven right about now.
but you only get as far as your car before a hand gently wraps around your wrist and you know it’s jack. he tugs you into another hug, not letting you escape this time. not that you want to now.
“i won’t say i understand how it feels, baby,” he whispers in your hair. “but i don’t give a shit what any of them say.” there’s a pause and then he pulls away only far enough to be able to look you in the eyes.
“i love you.”
those three little words that weigh so much haven’t been said between the two of you. you always show your love in other ways and you were okay with that but hearing it, hearing him say them out loud, heals something inside you.
“yeah?” you ask quietly and he chuckles softly.
“yeah.” his head tilts to the side slightly. “you know, i was kind of hoping you’d-”
you cut him off before he can say anything else.
“i love you too.”
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heisenberg-simp257 · 2 years
Helloo! Can you please write four lords falling for reader who is very shy/timid? Hope you have a great day/night! 💞
Sure thing!💖💖 I hope these are good
The Lords Falling for a Shy and Timid Reader
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Alcina Dimitrescu
-She would find your shyness adorable. The way you can’t even lift your head up to look her in the eye, with your hair falling over your face, is something that she finds endearing.
-In all honesty, Alcina likes the power she holds over you.
-She learns that it’s probably the only time where she feels true happiness and comfort. You were something so innocent in this messed up life. Alcina couldn’t stop herself from wanting more with you.
-Her daughters like to mess with your shyness, making you get all flustered and panicky. She puts them in their place immediately, where then they start to treat you more like a member of the family.
-Alcina protects you from the other lords, especially Heisenberg. She isn’t afraid to kill him if he starts to mess with you.
-However, she likes to tease you somewhat, and her daughters can find you being carried around in her arms like a baby. You are mute and all red in the face because of the action.
-She also understands your timidness and tries to keep her commanding mistress tone down as well as her vampiristically derived nature.
-Alcina can’t help but feel proud whenever you get the confidence to speak to her. Or try to, at least. 
-It’s at that point when she tries to encourage you and boost your own confidence. After all, she has the patience to wait for you, and wants you to feel comfortable around her.
-Understands you like to be around the cool air, so sets up a place for you to sit out in the courtyard. After making sure her maids turned into vampire creatures are cleared out.
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Donna Beneviento (and Angie)
-Donna is also quite shy and timid, so she almost falls for you right away. She looks at you and sees someone she can relate to. In fact, this is probably the most excited Donna has ever been.
-Her eagerness to get to know you makes you even more shy, even if Donna is using more action instead of words. Such as making you a lot of tea, sitting extremely close to you, or making you little gifts.
-It’s at this point when Donna realizes she’s getting a crush on you.
-Now, she seeks to make you as comfortable as possible in her little estate. Let’s start with all those creepy dolls.
-Donna’s attempt to make them less creepy for you due to your timid nature only makes them creepier. In turn, Donna feels bad seeing how scared you are and gives you a hug as an apology.
-Turns out, hugs are the one thing your shy self is capable of because you guys don’t have to look at each other and therefore making things awkward and such.
-While Donna is quieter in her actions, Angie is extremely eccentric. It gets to the point where you are so overwhelmed that Donna does something she’s never done before.
-She locks Angie away in a closet so you can get some breathing space.
-Donna also attempts to use her needle skills to make you a quilt because she’s noticed that you are a lot calmer under a thick blanket. It seems to make you more relaxed. However, giving you the gift made both of you shy.
-Also, catch her trying to shyly grab your hand or do other little cute gestures only for both of you to get so flustered that you need space to cool off. 
-The garden is a big hang out spot because the flowers make both of you feel relaxed. Although Donna tries to keep her powers from affecting you because she doesn’t need you to go through any trauma.
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Salvatore Moreau
-Poor Moreau only ever really wanted a friend. He’s well aware on how the others view him, and that he really is a freak of nature. So, he tries so so hard to keep you from being scared of him.
-Truth be, you were a little freaked out in the beginning.
-However, you both were awkward as he was trying to apologize for himself, and you were trying to explain that you were just a shy individual. It was at that moment that you both learned that silence is key.
-But Moreau is a hopeless romantic, and falls for you as soon as you agree to be his friend.
-It’s then that he gets all excited and starts to introduce you to all the things he likes (which isn’t a long list). However, one thing you guys have in common is movies.
-Moreau really goes out of his way to find shows that you would like because he loves to see you smile and laugh. With you being so shy and timid, it’s hard to catch every now and again.
-Once he accidentally grabbed your hand during a movie and it’s been awkward ever since.
-However, he couldn’t help but feel happy that he was able to feel your smooth skin against his own, and even happier that you still stuck around after that encounter.
-Tries to defend you from the other lords, but in the end it’s him that ends up getting teased instead of you. However, for Moreau, you not being the target is a win in his book.
-Doesn’t want you to get freaked out by his fish form, so goes above and beyond to control it and keep you comofrtable.
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Karl Heisenberg
-Okay, so we all know that Karl would have tremendous amounts of fun playing with your shyness. All the teasing you could imagine would come from him, but he’s not mean about it.
-Well, not all the time, and he really tries not to be.
-Karl is really just surprised that you wanted to stick around and wanted to see how much you could take. Turns out despite all the red on your face, your flustered state, and shy mumblings, you wanted to stay by him.
-That’s really what made Karl start to fall for you, and he hated it.
-He tried to push those feelings away, but each time you stuttered while talking to him or gave him that shy smile, he found himself falling deeper into cupid’s pit. Soon, he just stopped denying it.
-Karl still teased you, but he also became extrememly protective of you. This was from everything as well. His soldats, the lycans, the other lords, Miranda, you name it and he would kill it for you.
-He also tried to watch his temper around you, knowing how timid you were. You never got into fights with him, but sometimes things just made him blow up. However, he really didn’t want to frighten you.
-Since he’s the bold one, you can catch him flirting and trying to hold your hand and stuff. It gets you all flustered which just makes him smirk.
-Catch him also trying to make you cute little sculptures out of metal because Karl can’t stop himself from wanting to see you smile. You can bet that he would be all nervous to give it to you as well.
-He also loves that you are a good listener, and don’t get riled up as easily as him. It makes him explaining things a lot more beneficial and easy.
-Boops your nose a lot to see you turn red. It makes him laugh.
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bird-inacage · 2 months
Love Sea: Fortpeat's Letters to Mahasamut & Tongrak (Q1 - Q10)
Here I go again into detective mode. I've been searching through the letters that the cast have written to their characters, to see what further hints are to be found on Mahasamut and Tongrak.
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🌊 Maturity through Hardship
Mahasamut may be the younger of our two, but he's been through a lot. "Your life has never been easy", which indicates overcoming odds that are stacked against you. It's those life experiences that have led Mut to become very mature, someone who is both "reasonable" and "thoughtful". He can come across wiser than his years, to the surprise of those around him (including Fort himself apparently). He notes Mut's ability to "see through people's true nature", which alludes to insightfulness and a good judge of character. It could also mean the ability to see the good in someone, despite how they present. It's easy to forget his real age. Someone whose had to grow up too fast may need a support network that embraces his big kid at times.
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🌊 Determination in Adversity
The fact that Mahasamut has already been through so much and continues to experience "heartache and body ache" during the series - which Fort playfully quips 'is that enough for you?' indicates a person whose is astonishingly resilient and welcomes tough trials. (I assume this is in reference to the BTS clips of him looking bruised). It takes real strength of character to constantly pick yourself back up, without becoming defeatist or jaded. To see these obstacles as opportunities rather than setbacks, something to take in your stride as best you can.
🌊 'Live, Laugh, Love': Being True to Yourself
Fort mentions Mahasamut's honesty and his humour. As cheesy as the above motto is, I do get the sense that Mut is a person who strives to live fully, passionately and freely. Who really values life and being his authentic self. And by all means, when you're dialled up to 100 all the time, you could be a lot for some people. Too much of a good thing may be what gets on Tongrak's nerves initially.
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✍️ A Lonely Existence
One of the initial theories I made about Tongrak as a writer is that this could indicate a very solitary lifestyle. Peat mentions if Tongrak feels lonely because he lives alone in a big house. This could explain why he has flings, because he's trying to fill a void. Loneliness can be due external factors that are hard to control (such as your career or upbringing causing isolation), or internal (pushing others away or feeling like no one understands you).
Peat makes a point of saying Tongrak deserves to be cared for. He may deem himself undeserving through his own perception of self or via the judgement of others. Aya's letter to Kaimook also mentions that Tongrak needs someone like Mahasamut by his side, as she was running around taking care of him. This seems to imply he doesn't have many he can lean on or turn to.
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✍️ A Guarded Façade
Peat mentions how nice it was to play a more relaxed and cute side to Tongrak. A side that clearly isn't privy to everyone. Tongrak may be a bit uptight but it's very likely that his confidence and assuredness is just a persona, and he needs to learn how to let those walls down once in a while. "Everyone can be weak sometimes" can be interpreted as Tongrak feeling ashamed of weakness, or being unable to project any vulnerability.
I think it's natural for creators and artists to seek a little validation. And with that is the pressure of meeting people's expectations, of proving yourself, of opening yourself up to criticism. Perhaps this is also why Tongrak seeks comfort in people finding him attractive. It might be the one characteristic he knows he'll receive guaranteed positive reinforcement for, but it's ultimately not because of who he is underneath.
Optimism vs Pessimism
It seems to me like one of the potential differences between them is Mahasamut's positivity (optimism) vs Tongrak's negativity (pessimism). I just get 'Why?' and 'Why not?' energy from these two. Mahasamut doesn't allow knocks to easily break his spirit or his ability to bounce back. And if we're being cliché, those who grow up in more rural surroundings, whose livelihoods rely on the elements can be more hardy because they've had to be. Whereas Tongrak seems much less secure emotionally. Peat specifically reassures Tongrak that he will get through the hard times even if he is struggling right now, which sounds like a rather disheartened mindset.
Preserving Spiritedness
I have a hunch that Mahasamut's boisterous nature will be what injects some much needed relief or liveliness that Tongrak may be missing in his life. And in response to that, it would be natural for Tongrak to develop a really protective streak over Mahasamut's rare brand of vivaciousness. This would also play into the age dynamic well.
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pastel-twilight · 8 months
✨ An Analysis of Shiki Misaki ✨
Neku, Beat, & Josh were all bitter towards the world because they felt like they couldn't be understood. Shiki stood out from them in that she outright wanted people to perceive her in a different way than she actually was.
It's interestingly ironic since she's the most accepting & empathetic out of the whole group. She's more than willing to encourage others to open up so she may understand them, & yet, she's very unwilling to show her "true self" out of fear that she's not good enough to be cared about in return. It shows how unworthy she feels in comparison to those around her. She even puts herself down at several points, subtly or not.
She was patient with Neku, gentle with Beat, & she'd likely be kind with Joshua. But she believes she's not like them. She shouldn't be herself. If she were, it'd expose just how unimpressive she truly is. Nobody would like her & her friendships would fall apart.
However, as good as her intuition is, she's very incorrect about that. Eri, who's apparently a large source of her self-hatred, adores Shiki. Claims to be nothing without her. Neku, a guy who hated humanity & pushed everyone away, warmed up to Shiki in a matter of days because of the cracks in her façade revealing someone he could have better respect for. He outright says he likes her as she is & to discard the notion that she has to be like Eri.
Shiki - insecure lil Shiki - caused a domino effect that led to the city she dreamed of basing her future in being preserved. It was Neku who proved Joshua wrong in the end, but it was Shiki's influence that inspired Neku to become better to begin with. She's simply that amazing.
Sadly, being able to change & befriend the previously uncaring Neku didn't fully clear her doubts. This led to the telling question, "Once you see the real me, will we still be friends?"
"Count on it. You'll always be Shiki," wasn't something she expected to hear in return.
I theorize that during the ending, she was only mostly shown & not completely because her arc wasn't finished. It symbolizes that her journey towards self-love has not yet reached its conclusion. We can't see Shiki at her (literal) fullest until she's ready to accept herself.
NEO is where that changes. She's living out her dream, being herself down to a fashion sense that might seem tacky to others, but feels cozy to her. It's what she feels about herself that matters, after all, & she's finally acknowledging it. This is why I like her new design.
Shiki used to base too many of her feelings on how others may or may not feel about her, but now that she knows she's good enough, she can be confident in whatever she does. Wear sneakers with a dress & oversized cardigan, then top it off with large, nerdy glasses? Sure, why not! She even succeeded in starting her fashion brand with flying colors. Now she can simultaneously make herself & others happy! Sad as it is that Eri didn't show up alongside Shiki, it goes to show that the seamstress can be iconic even if her bestie('s appearance) isn't involved.
Also, contrary to popular belief, Shiki's not shy. She was awkward when it came to herself & her needs, but was loudly eager to befriend & aid others. She was mostly super capable of putting her foot down when she felt disrespected. That strength can't be faked. It's no persona.
Shiki Misaki's bountiful optimism & compassion already helped her stand out. She never needed to be someone else to shine bright.
When we finally get to see her eyes, we note that they're big, beautiful, & brown like Eri's, but with a different hue. Shiki's hue. 💚
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littlecrittereli · 2 months
It's been a long time since I watched Wild Kratts but I didn't even know he had a fandom, I'm so happy, and your story made my dream come true, I would love to create a story like you, but I'm not very good at writing stories What tips would you give to a beginner <3
I don't consider myself a super great author to be honest, I'm much more confident in my illustrations! But as someone who is completely self taught: here are some tips I use when I write my stories! (these may not apply to everyone, but they do help me) Outlines
If I'm writing a plot-based story I make an outline of all the major plot points I want to make and separate them into chapters. I reference this outline when I'm writing a chapter and it helps me meet all my "goals" for that particular chapter! Of course you can be flexible with this. Say one of your plot points dragged out a little too long and you want to save something for the next chapter, you can adjust your outline as you go! Sometimes your idea will change as you write it, and that's okay! revise your outline accordingly. For me, it's handy so I don't end up spiralling completely off the path I intended and lose the conclusion I wanted to have. Here's an example of the outline for my Reprogrammed AU. (Only chapters 1-5 to prevent spoilers for unreleased chapters)
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as you can see, it doesn't have to be super formal. This is literally just in my notes app. As long as you can understand and follow your ideas, that's all that matters.
Get a Beta Reader!
I do not actually have a beta reader currently, but sending your writings to someone to proofread is one of the best ways to get genuine feedback. Try to find someone who is also pretty educated on proper grammar. I learned more about proper formatting from a fanfiction beta reader than I did in school im so fr. At the very least, make sure this person is comfortable with giving you constructive criticism. If something reads a little awkward or if a plot point doesn't make much sense/could be solved with an easier method, it's a lot easier for someone to point out when they didn't write the piece.
Study fanfictions/books you enjoy
Honestly... just reading a lot has made me a better writer. You will begin to notice the way authors describe certain feelings or environments, and that can give you insight on how to go about writing your own ideas. If I find an author I really like, I will try to dissect WHY I like them so much. Is it their accurate characterization? Do they describe emotions well? Are their plots engaging? Is their dialogue interesting? Find out what makes their writing so interesting so you can incorporate those traits into your own story. This goes for the way they format their writing as well. For example, I've found I prefer when chapters are around 1k-5k words. Really short chapters can make the story seem choppy when the reader has to constantly click to the next page, it kinda breaks the immersion of the story. Instead I try to use chapter breaks as interesting pausing points for suspense. I love it when authors leave their chapter on a slightly unfinished note. So I'm curious for the next chapter, but also I feel fulfilled with what I've read so far. And I've discovered this by analyzing the stories I enjoy!
And the most important advice I can give.... PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE!!!!
Writing is similar to drawing in the sense that in order to learn, you must DO it. You have to make the shitty stuff before you find out how to make it better! It's honestly just part of the creative process. I still have some short stories I wrote back when I was a preteen and ITS BAD LOL but I needed to go through that in order to learn and grow and be more confident in my storytelling capabilities. And just like illustrations, everyone starts at a different place and everyone's process is different. SO BE PATIENT AND DON'T GIVE UP! Write that story! Even if it's bad, who cares?! You wrote something! And next time, you will write something even better!
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The Development Process of a Jupiterian Woman
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The key to understanding the development of Jupiterian Nakshatras in a woman is looking backwards at the Rahu stage, since this is the energy that is already mastered and it's our starting point, since we're working on transcending it.
The Rahuvian skill in a Jupiter woman makes her socially apt, widespread and fast driven in areas that interest her. She may be a good psychologist, have a lot of skill, or simply be a good manipulator on the negative expression of the spectrum. However, underneath that façade, there is a neediness, the reason for manipulation being insecurity and desire for attention, adoration, and feelings of inferiority and competition with other women, which can be particularly directed at Moon ruled women (Rohini, Hasta, Shravana) that tend to be extremely lucky and attract attention very easily.
The problem with the Rahuvian process in Jupiter Nakshatras is that it's expired. It might work for women with Rahu Nakshatras, since they're still developing, but by the time Jupiter comes along, we have pushed the envelope as far as we can. So Jupiterian women, despite certain karmic blessings in girlhood, may actually feel like failures earlier in life, as the recent Rahu influence still makes them want to compete, yet they end up being outshined and feeling misplaced, true success and satisfaction from the old process eluding them.
The key moment for these women is transformation by a lucky, almost magical event. This transformation may not be easy, but they are always, invariably better off. In fiction it often involves magical powers or a supernatural transformation, in real life it may be a strike of luck relative to your Jupiter placement, any sudden push that will steer you in the right direction, away from your past negative Rahuvian tendencies. That transformation might be initially painful but it gives them extra power and energy, that they need in order to be able to transcend past their shallow socially directed behaviors.
However, that energy doesn't exist for them to boast, but to contribute to a cause or something bigger than themselves. This is the main shift in the life of these women, that as their powers and possibilities grow, so does their responsibility, taking them away from their private lives. As a result, their social circle switches from the one motivated by personal petty drama into one united by a cause or external events bringing people together, in which Jupiterian women serve as a protective role. They may start off afraid of their own power, but usually they end up in a leadership position, guiding and protecting those dealing with similar challenges, sharing their ability development with the collective.
What suffers the most in these women's lives is their romantic, personal space, and being able to be on the receiving end of passive, feminine worship. They may be very busy with whatever they're practicing, and they don't really care to meet many people outside of their goals, even though they have excellent social skills. They often marry people from within their cause, someone who shares their interests and life goals, and the couple's socializing is also based on that goal, among people with similar values.
To sum it up, a Jupiterian woman evolves from feeling lost, insecure, forced into unfair, petty social and emotional games into a powerhouse, dedicated to an important goal that puts her in a position of leadership. She moves from caring excessively about everyone's opinion and trying to manipulate it, hoping for external provision, towards being the giver of thoughts and opinions, and being self defined, attracting others that need her care instead. She exists more for others than just for herself, but that puts her as a center of many events, gathering a lot of energy around her, as she is so cosmically opulent, so ironically enough it's exactly how she finds personal confidence, knowing exactly how far she came and how much she can achieve.
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I have another ATLA theory.
Almost all genocides in history, some people survive. Eradicting a people completely is insanely hard to do, partially because when the oldest understand they will die they will move heaven and earth to protect their youngest.
In ATLA lore, some Air Nomads survived the initial carnage, but they were hunted down and killed afterwards. A child / adult with strange tattoos in airbending clothes will be easy to spot and betray, after all, and airbending wasn't suited for killing others, at the time. They believed in spirituality, in self defense. How hard would taking on an Airbending child or a single adult have been when you outnumber them 5 to 1 and they can't run?
At the same time, ATLA's fire benders are portrayed very much as humans. Killing Air bending masters? Sure. But killing children? Something more than Sozin's orders must have motivated those soldiers killing the remaining Air Nomads. Something dark.
No one has ever attacked the Air Nomads before. Even in periods of intense international conflict, they were allowed free entry to holy places and other Nations. They were considered good omens, both because they numbered so few and had such a good relationship with the spirits.
I think when the Airbenders were attacked without the Avatar at their sides, they fought like lions. No one had ever seen Airbenders fight for their lives, and we can see in Tenzin and Zaheer what an Airbender willing to do damage is truly capable of.
What if it took the Fire Nation so long to take over the Water Nation and the Earth Kingdom because they were recovering from the losses after attacking the Air Nomads for the first 20 years?
A hundred years is a long time, and they were still struggling to take over the Water Tribe and the Earth Kingdom by the time Aang woke up again.
What if, full of confidence, amped up by the comet, they approached the Temples, ready to kill the Air Nomads, only met with airbending techniques that scared the living daylights out of them?
Suffocation, tornadoes, vacuums, internal bleeding, fata morganas, pressure blasts, characters moving at super speed, flying, 8 ton bisons protecting their own.
An Airbender literally coming for your throat can do insane damage. Absolutely terrifying.
I believe that the Fire Nation suffered unimaginable losses. After the Air Nomads realize it's going to end in either them or the others dead, they put up a fight so fierce Sozin ordered to execute all Airbenders after because he was terrified, because his losses were innumerable. Remember, among the Air Nomads, EVERYONE could bend.
I think that Sozin came for the Airbenders not just because of the Avatar, but also to remove the most powerful pieces off the board.
We all saw Gyatso sitting on a pile of bodies. How powerful an Airbender must he have been to kill that many people? Imagine 20-300 of those Airbenders, after watching their children die, having nothing left to lose. Abandoning their pacifist principles when faced with annihilation. Even worse, imagine them when they are still fighting to give their children a chance to escape.
I think that Airbending masters are just outnumbered too badly, that the children are easy prey afterwards, unwilling to kill, that they start fighting for their lives too late, unable to make their bending offensive on the fly against the most powerful firebending forms and having nowhere to run.
I think they killed all the Airbenders because the Fire Nation soldiers still around by the time the Air Nomad massacre is over are so scarred from watching formation after formation of friends and brothers die, they don't believe the Air Nomads or their children are normal anymore. So they kill them. They never tell their own children about the destructive power of Airbenders. The true tales become secrets, whispers, rumours, legend, myth.
And so when Aang comes into his own as an Avatar, he is not just respected because he brought peace; he is respected because, despite his commitment to non-violence, the world remembers what happens when you threaten an Airbender.
Remembers how quick, how evasive, how superhuman, how downright deadly they can become.
And when Red Lotus comes for Tenzin, they experience it firsthand. The myths become rumours, whispers, truth again.
Airbenders are never again messed with. Tenzin develops a more militant form, trains his kids and his disciples. Teaches them both spirituality and self-defense. Teaches them to kill.
Soon, Airbending develops sub-forms. What does not contain air? Everyone remembers that Airbenders are not dangerous to them because they choose not to be. Not because they aren't.
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wordbunch · 10 months
Their love song (Taylor Swift edition) > The Rings of Power characters
a/n: welcome to my little self-indulgent celebration of 700 followers! 🥳 EVEN IF you're not a fan/don't know the songs, I hope you can still like and support this fic - a lot of time and love went into it! and by all means come talk to me about it or suggest your own songs! love you all so much and thank you for reading my stories and being a wonderful community 💕
HALBRAND ♡ cruel summer
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Please look at these lyrics and tell me it isn't just perfect for him!! You never really planned on falling for him, ever, but alas, something captivated you - his eyes looking down on you from a height difference, the way he seemed to understand you more than anyone else in certain moments, and how he was adamant to be around you. He was very cocky and confident when you admitted it at last.
ARONDIR ♡ peace
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Maybe you come from different backgrounds, but there is nothing that you wouldn't do for each other. He is very protective of you, but he is also cautious because he never wants you to be in danger because of him. Although your relationship can be judged negatively, the only important thing is what the two of you feel for one another - true love.
ELENDIL ♡ labyrinth
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Things haven't exactly been easy after his wife suddenly died, and he had mixed feelings about moving on; somehow, with you it was kind of effortless and unexpectedly natural. He struggled with it within himself for some time, but you were understanding and supportive the whole time, and he began feeling much better when he accepted his developing feelings for you.
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Honestly, he kind of is a magnetic force, and he would also be a total romantic to his partner and spoil them in so many ways. Admittedly, he's lived through a lot of things and challenges, but ending up with you seemed like a reward at the end of everything, and he never wants to let you go.
GALADRIEL ♡ daylight
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She certainly has her struggles and her mind can be a very occupied place, so she really didn't expect to find captivating romantic love among all the mess. You bring brightness and warmth to her life like nobody else, and she lights up when she is around you, especially when the two of you are alone.
ISILDUR ♡ blank space
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He is still quite young and impulsive, and everything else that comes with it, and also naturally curious and a bit of a troublemaker - never a dull moment. When you two first met, you didn't think it would go anywhere, but quickly you fell for his reckless charm, and decided to give it a go anyways. It's a passionate and unpredictable relationship which can end at any time, but he is so wrapped around your finger that you highly doubt it.
VALANDIL ♡ sparks fly
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He is also crazy, young and exciting, but something won't let you let him go. He is aware of his strengths and he knows how to play them exactly right to keep you on your toes and crazy about him. Maybe it isn't the most stable of relationships, but hey, as long as you're having a good time!
GIL-GALAD ♡ gorgeous
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He is so royal and classy and naturally, captivated your attention within mere seconds in his presence. At first you might have been a little intimidated (who wouldn't be?) and you had mixed feelings within yourself - he surely already had someone, so you decided it would be best to wait for him to approach you. Years and years later, you both like to jokingly reminisce on those moments.
BRONWYN ♡ new year's day
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Life can be tough, and people can be difficult to deal with, but the two of you have each other's back through it all. While you have your arguments and disagreements occasionally, and maybe someone judges your relationship, at the end of the day there is nobody else that the two of you would rather share your troubles with.
ELROND ♡ you are in love
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This sweet soul had to get this song assigned to him! Your love bloomed steadily over centuries of close friendship and understanding, you shared a quiet, unspoken bond, and it was just the most natural thing ever. It eventually became difficult to pinpoint when exactly it turned into something more than platonic, because for so long it had been the two of you together, side by side.
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​​​​​​ @starlady66​​​​​​ @queenmeriadoc​​ @entishramblings @thesolarangel @silversword7000 @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog @averys-place @valkyriepirate @emmaarenstarr @noldorinpainter @asianbutnotjapanese @adamgetawaydriver @fenharel-enaste @ironmandeficiency    @starryeyedrogue​​ @dinofromspac3 ​​  @wisheduponastar @lady-of-imladris @frodo-cinnamonroll @unethicallypleistocene @deadlymistletoe @suncran @high-sea-husbands @asianbutnoteastasian @aidansloth @sweetpea-thoughts
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