#but unfortunately this is the road that the writers have chosen to go down
ohnoitsthebat · 2 years
Some more of my thoughts about That Plot Point in s5 of Cobra Kai: Ignore if you haven't seen, as this post has spoilers.
I'm happy for Carmen, but I'm sorry, am I meant to believe that a 50 something year old man, who had performance problems last season(and probably many times over the years), a man who drank the best years of his life away, was able to get it up long enough to fuck Carmen, let alone get her pregnant?
Sorry, but there are so many things wrong with this scenario. And am I meant to believe that Responsible Carmen Diaz wouldn't at least be on the pill?
This whole arc is just nonsensical and weird, and I am still wondering why the hell the writers even came up with it.
That being said, I enjoyed the season overall.
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eternaloracle · 8 months
It has been thought over for many millennia that the gods above determined when someone was chosen to die, whether by external signs or by those who proclaim to be messengers of said deities, however, the path of heading to the afterlife after years of suffering may not be as clear as one may think…
Vincent, a college drop out is curious about what it means to die, and if the cruel world they’ve been so ‘gratefully’ placed in is worth living through as their old hospital therapist says it is. Deciding to search for answers themself, they head to their local graveyard to ponder their thoughts in solitude and silence, but bumps into a strange girl named Beatrice and swept into a terrifying battle against an enormous paranormal entity.
Now suddenly roped into confusing life pondering questions and dealing with spirits who wield strange fantastical powers, can Vincent and their new group of colleagues truly get the answer they’ve been seeking, or will their unique adventures down uncertain roads be enough to convince them that there is truly a purpose for living.
Welcome to the lore of Eternal Oracle, where things might not be what they seem and the tales of monsters lurking in your shadow may be more than just fables.
Hiya, nice to meet you all, my name is Penn and I’m the writer of Eternal Oracle!! If you’d like to follow me on any social media the links are here for your convenience!
~Twitter~ ~Instagram~
Note that this story does contain themes and mentions of suicide, depression, self harm, death, questions about the existence of the universe and other topics along those lines so if you are sensitive to these please tread through this blog with caution as a lot of these things will be at the forefront for themes and plot points.
A small Q&A for all the lovely people who want the know all of the story and universe!!
Where does the story take place?
Eternal Oracle mainly takes place in Connecticut in the town of New London but the story isn’t restricted to just the mortal world~
I want to know about [insert character here] where’s the link?
The link will be right here in this section! Each character both for the main cast and villians will have a post deticated to their character introduction, character references as well as some fun facts as I develop more of the story!
Ghost Gang
Can I make fanart/write fanfics/make ocs for your story?
YES ghekehehsncbdelch absolutely of course and I’d love to see all the nifty things you all come up with! If you do decide to share please use the hashtag #EternalOracleFanworks or @ me on my social media so I can see it!
Is there a physical copy I can buy?
Unfortunately no! This story (as of writing this post) is purely for fun and a side project I do while I work through a job and college, someday in the future when I have the story fully fleshed out and written I’d love to have it officially published but for now it’ll stay in my heart as a dream.
Any other common questions and answers will be added as I go, if you have a question or just would like to ask something about the lore feel free to put in an ask, I’ll get to it as soon as I can!!
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tricktster · 3 years
So I once again have a lot of new followers, meaning that it’s time for my periodic disclosure that I started this blog back in 2015 to promote *deep breath* my Explicit Sans/Reader Undertale fanfic, Chill or Be Chilled.
If you’re rolling your eyes at that title, that’s totally justified because it was super halfassed, much like I initially expected the whole fic would be. If you’re rolling your eyes at the words “explicit,” “Sans,” and “Reader,” buddy, you aren’t alone, because I never would have chosen that particular combo of content and characters if I hadn’t been up to a scheme to bilk you fuckin’ rubes for all you’re worth.
I’m kidding. Kind of. Like, I didn’t really think that it would ever go anywhere at the outset: I began writing a few months after I graduated grad school and immediately thereafter got incredibly, INCREDIBLY sick, leading to a month long hospitalization that absolutely destroyed my path to get a paid job in my chosen field for about a year (I had to wait months to take a qualifying exam that’s only offered twice a year due to the hospitalization.)
So there I was, recovering from medical trauma, bored and aimless, unemployed, wildly depressed, and suddenly trying to scrape by in my manhattan apartment without a revenue source or student loans to facilitate my doing so. At the time, I was just like “eh, I’ll try my hand at writing fanfic, how hard could it be? and like, maybe i can get some people to donate money if I get enough clicks… and then I can use that money to buy food that isn’t just toast/ketchup sandwiches!!!!!”
What can I say? It honestly wasn’t my wildest scheme; it was 2015, I was seeing tons of thirsty Sans content on tumblr, I’d actually played Undertale so for once I had some context for THE popular tumblr fandom of the time… aaand honestly, I just thought it would be hilarious to write an entirely earnest sex scene where one of the participants was a literal skeleton. I studied screenwriting pretty seriously in college, I knew how to write dialogue and set up a vague narrative arc, I figured I’d write like 15 chapters and maybe get 50$ from generous readers if i was lucky.
Weirdly, even at the very beginning, this plan seemed to actually play out as I hoped? I was only giving it like 40% effort and I was writing absolute fluff for the most part, but I still picked up a few hundred readers and even got a few donations that permitted me to enjoy both pasta AND sauce at the same time!
The thing is, like I said, that I spent my undergrad years writing and critiquing screenplays. I knew that what I was writing could only be engaging for so long without some force driving the narrative, and it turned out that I couldn’t turn the part of my brain that was constantly analyzing plot structure off. And like… I liked writing fiction again. I’d stopped doing that once the 2008 recession turned all the entry level positions that could eventually lead to a writer’s room gig into unpaid internships, forcing me to abandon my dreams and instead pursue the goal of Being A Rich Corporate Asshole. I was actually pretty good at that last part (still am), but I missed writing fiction; more specifically, I missed writing GOOD fiction. I discovered that in spite of my initial lazy intentions, I couldn’t just keep halfassing it.
So, I decided to full-ass it. I began outlining and seriously working on my character development, and since I was the one writing it, I decided that it would be the kind of story I’d actually want to read - sure, there would still be some fluff, I’d still write a few skeleton sex scenes (and I wasn’t wrong, those WERE hilarious to write), but there would also be action and eldritch horrors and quippy dialogue and a billion plot twists down the road that I’d have to earn by laying the groundwork down up front.
Once I decided to fully commit to telling a story, I started having a ton of fun with it, and the quality improved exponentially…. and now, years down the road, I am the author of a 484k word, 176 chapter undertale fanfic that is currently the 884th most kudos-ed work on Ao3, which doesn’t sound that impressive until you consider that’s 884 out of 8,713,596, which puts it in the top .0001 percent. And that, unless I got the math wrong, is a batshit bonkers insane percentile to be in. It took some fuckin’ WORK, my dudes, but as a result I can now say with full sincerity that I am incredibly proud of the explicit Sans/Reader Undertale fanfic that, as one anon once pointed out, I kind of wrote as a joke for an audience of myself?
Anyway, I’m sharing all this because like after years and years of having this information in my head I just managed to FINALLY explain to @wrexie the exact layout of the location that like 70% of the story takes place in - I never managed to shake the screenwriting instinct to keep the location budget manageable - and now I feel like my soul can finally rest. Unfortunately, I was able to do that by sharing google maps photos of a mansion that I drove by a lot in high school, and it seems super invasive to the owners to plop that in a public post, but if you’ve read it and you FINALLY want to understand where all the rooms are in relation to each other, DM me and I’ll send you a screenshot lol.
Also, if any if this intrigued you, you should probably give the fic a shot, the link’s at the top of this post. As I mentioned, the first few chapters are pure fluff, but the plot starts to pick up steam pretty early on… and then you hit chapter 44, the pandering is officially put to rest, and from that point forward it’s a goddamn blast.
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gunterfan1992 · 4 years
“Obsidian” Comic-Con Panel Highlights! *SPOILERS*
If you've missed it, Adventure Time was featured this year at the (virtual) San Diego Comic-Con. The video is right here:
If you do not have the opportunity to watch the panel, I’ve jotted down some highlights. Read on for more (but be warned, as there are spoilers):
Distant Lands was an “older idea” that has its origins during the final season of AT.
The BMO space story and Bubbline story, in particular, were envisioned as miniseries “to fill out the back-half of a longer season” that we, unfortunately, never got.
The writers didn’t want to focus on Finn and Jake too much in Distant Lands because their story was “mostly done—and that was the series.”
When workshopping possible miniseries during the final season, many revolved around minor characters that the writers played.
The producers chose to start with a BMO episode because it is an “easy access point.” Adam also argued that, due to BMO’s kid-like perspective, “the episode [would] feel younger by default.”
“Baby Finn and Jake… I love the look of baby Finn and Jake.”—Niki Yang
According to Niki, “BMO always bounces back!” is her favorite line because “we live in such a strange time,” and that line suggests that “we will bounce back together.”
Curda believes that after BMO departs Y5′s satellite world, Y5 was able to reorganize the Drift and make significant social and political change.
“Obsidian” will touch on pre-series events and post-finale events.
In regard to the previous point, Olson said: “It was really cool to be able to see some of the things in the past that happened between them and how it will affect their, future moving forward.”
Olson was “really excited” when she read the script for “Obsidian,” and she thinks that fans will be able to “tick off a lot of questions.”
The name ‘Obsidian’ is “a metaphor” and the “most powerful fusion” (SU joke, haha), but it has mostly to do with the location of this episode, which takes place in the Glass Kingdom. Adam explained that the name was chosen because obsidian can be protective, but it can also be weaponized (just like Marcy and PB, who can love one another but also be quite mean); he also notes that obsidian can be a “cleansing” material, and this episode will explore some of their “older conflicts” while also considering what their relationship would be like “down the road” after the finale.
Olivia Olson argues that, when she asked Ward about Bubbline in 2014 (prior to her spilling the beans at a 2014 Barnes and Noble panel), she was being “highly speculative” and investigating for the Marceline scrapbook. [Note: Olson was visibly uncomfortable during this portion of the Q&A, suggesting she wasn’t quite OK talking about it.]
“Obsidian” is going to give us a chance to see “so many sides of Marceline.” Much of the episode is focused on her “getting over some of the barriers that she’s put in place for herself.”
“Obsidian” features several new songs, composed by a number of “amazing songwriters.” Many of these songwriters were working hard to replicate Rebecca Sugar’s signature style; the writers also tried to show how Marceline has grown as a songwriter over the years (including from when she was a kid, when she was an “angry punk,” and now as an adult who still has some issues to focus on).
All of the songs were composed before the episode was storyboarded.
Adam and the writers wanted a song in the episode because otherwise, it would be a “missed opportunity.”
It was “an emotional day” for Olivia when she recorded a specific song, and it caused everyone in the recording studio to tear up. She “hopes we get a similar reaction” from the fans.
There are new characters in “Obsidian,” including characters who show up in the beginning as analogs for Finn and Jake. One of them is called “Glass Boy,” and he is a Finn-esque “instigator” who gets PB and Marcy to talk about their past.
Glass Boy is voiced by Michaela Dietz, who played Amethyst on Steven Universe!
The final two specials focus on topics/characters that weren’t explored that well, or might have been explored if the show had gone on for longer. My guess is Peppermint Butler (duh) and the Lich (highly, highly speculative on my part).
Adam notes that the writers didn’t want to go “so far a-field” and focus on D-list characters in these special. The main characters in the final two specials will be major (duh).
One of the songs is called “Monster,” and it was written by Half Shy. It seems to be one of the ‘big’ ones, and of course focuses on Marceline and Bubblegum’s relationship.
Those are the big ones that jumped out to me! Let me know if there were some other cool facts and tidbits that I should’ve added!
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An Open Letter to Supernatural
[ Spoiler warning for 15x20, obviously ]
I understand that a well-contemplated complaint about this ending cannot be made without first reading the original, pre-COVID, script of 15x20, but in the long run, the initial plan is not what will be remembered. 
What will be remembered is what this show created. What it became beyond two brothers driving around the country, hunting monsters. Characters were introduced and developed, and in that, Sam and Dean Winchester become so much more than two kids living on the road. In the past 15 years, the cast, and thus the family, grew to something that would be unimaginable to those who started this project back in 2005. Not only did the characters and their stories become meaningful, but the show itself grew into, well, a family. The fans who have kept this show alive since Day 1 have come together to form what I believe is the greatest community in pop culture. 
What hurts the most is that this finale did not do any of that development justice. 
The finale (and consequently the episodes leading up to it) reverts back to the story between only Sam and Dean. While some see this as an ode to who they are--their brotherhood and familial bond being the heart of their values and the root of their characters--I cannot help but see this as a rejection of their experiences this past decade and a half. 
What’s worse, episode 15x18 confirmed one of the most pure and powerful and goddamn beautiful romances that television will ever see. This story of an angel who abandoned his family and the only beings he’s known for thousands of years, all for one person. I knew from the instant the screen faded to black on November 5 that the story of Castiel will always be remembered, even if his feelings were unrequited. Castiel will always be remembered. 
And then there’s Destiel. I was genuinely impressed that this show would even grow to include a queer angel, more importantly, a queer character in a leading role. The queer-baiting and the “bury your gays” trope both make this confession and its lack of acknowledgement that much worse (and is worthy of an entirely separate open letter for another night). It matters less if Dean does or doesn’t reciprocate these feelings and more that it’s wrong that he completely ignores it. Cas’s love confession, this beautifully tragic and tragically beautiful emotion coming from a being who wasn’t supposed to feel emotions at all, is something that, unfortunately, will become a secret that dies with Dean Winchester. 
It’s truly a shame that the writers of this show let that happen. 
We haven’t even touched the fact that Castiel’s death was an act of sacrifice to save Dean. Dean’s limited reaction and lack of mourning* tears apart this phrase that has become pivotal to the entire show and fanbase: “Family don’t end in blood.” While it would be a lot to ask that Dean rescue Cas from the Empty and resume their cycle of rescue and resurrection, I think it’s only fair that Dean take the time to fully accept Castiel’s actions and words for what they mean instead of simply moving forward as if they never happened.
What’s more, Misha Collins is one of the greatest and kindest people in this world, and he’s poured his heart and soul into Supernatural, just like everybody else. He’s spent 12 years on this project, and the final two episodes hardly mentioned his character. He didn’t deserve this. It’s heartbreaking that his last credit on this show will be a prank call from someone trying to impersonate him, and not something that pays tribute to such an important character and important actor**
The most devastating part of this ending is what happened in 15x19. Pardon my French when I say that that episode, the ultimate climax of the season and latter half of the series, was a piece of dog shit. It’s incredibly frustrating to invest in 15 years worth of television and look forward to this ultimate battle between two average boys and God the Almighty Himself and to instead watch a 6-minute long fist fight on the beach with the only dialogue being variations of “seriously guys, stay down.” 
My issues with 15x19 lie less in the storyline that was chosen and more in how they were presented. I am completely on board with Jack taking God’s power and eventually becoming the new God, but the episode was far too quick to have any real meaning, and, as stated before, Castiel’s sacrifice, which allows Sam, Dean, and Jack to do what they do in 15x19, is hardly mentioned.
Most fans agree that 15x19 was far too quickly paced. The plot with Michael and Lucifer was questionable to begin with, but should have been an episode on its own if it were to be perused at all. Michael’s story in particular could have been fleshed out to reiterate this theme of overly loyal sons and their fathers, as well as their relationships with less loyal siblings, but was instead reduced to about 20 minutes of screen time. 
Though this is less important, Lucifer’s plan to make a new Death felt like a cheap cop-out just to close the storyline with Death’s book, but we can finish that discussion another day. 
The general fan reaction to this atrocity of an episode was that this was meta, and according to Becky, the ending was supposed to be dog shit. This, along with the untouched storyline started when Cas died, gave fans so much hope that the finale would be this amazing piece of art that puts Supernatural in the history books. 
While it’s obvious that an hour cannot perfectly tie up every single event and arc with a pretty little bow, it can at least...try. Any finale should, at minimum, pay tribute to what the show started as (which 15x20 did well) and what it became (which 15x20 failed to do miserably). 
In addition, a reference to character back in season 1 is incredibly frustrating when recurring characters with actual, well, character go unnoticed. I mostly reference Eileen here, but this also applies to Jody and Donna. Nobody even mentions the other wonderful friends who have helped Sam and Dean along their journey to Heaven. If family doesn’t end in blood, then why doesn’t it extend to include Castiel, Jack, Mary, Rowena, Charlie, Kevin, Jody and her girls, Donna, and so many others?
Dean’s death was sad, I’ll give them that (and honestly, I was expecting it). However, considering that this man has defeated apocalypses, killed Death, and taken down God, his death via nail in the wall was incredibly anticlimactic, and something that could literally have happened at any point over the 15 seasons. While Dean’s death was obviously not my ideal ending, I think it could have worked if it were done properly, and in this case, it was not. That said, I do appreciate that Sam did not try to bring Dean back, as that would indicate literally no growth at all.
Dean’s funeral was...pathetic, to say the least. Sam being the only person there was depressing considering that Dean had lots of other close friends (and you’d think that Jack would pay his respects, but apparently not), however, this is likely a scene that was impacted by COVID and the availability of some of the cast, so I will not dwell on that scene.
Dean’s time in Heaven complicates matters even more. Firstly, Bobby confirms that Castiel is no longer in the Empty and has been in contact with Jack. I would have loved to see this reunion; Cas is essentially Jack’s father, and I would have loved to see how their upgrading/remodeling of Heaven brought them closer together. I understand that the writers were trying to focus this finale story on the brothers, this goes back to my earlier point that you cannot simply ignore everything that that this show has grown to include. Bobby’s explanation also begs the question of why Dean had no intention of seeing Cas (or Jack, for that matter) again now that he has the opportunity.
Secondly, Dean’s instinct to go directly for the Impala was very in-character, however, the editing implied that driving was all Dean did until Sam died. As we know, Sam dies of old age, likely (completely guessing here) upwards of 40-50 years from Dean’s death, and that is a very, very long time for Dean to simply driving around the mountains. It would have been nice to see Dean reunite with other family and friends who are also in Heaven, however, again, COVID restraints.
Sam’s ending was similar to what I and a lot of other fans imagined (not necessarily wanted, but predicted) it to be: kids and a wife, living a normal, monster-free, life. I hate to believe that he doesn’t end up with Eileen (to my recollection, his wife was a blur in the background, and it is unclear if she was meant to be Eileen) however that might just be my bias and appreciation of Shoshannah Stern. While I’m glad that this storyline gave Sam the room to grow and develop without his brother, it also completely ignores everything that he’s been through this past decade and a half, and that is something that should not happen. Sam grew and changed so much since he left Stanford and leaving that life, the life of a hunter, behind feels very counterintuitive.
Let’s not even discuss the wig that Jared wore. It reminded me of the Cain wig that Rob wore in the Hillywood parody.
What shocked me the most at the beginning of this episode was the lack of a “The Road So Far” compilation. I hoped for the full song with a recap of all 15 seasons, or, at minimum, the typical single-season recap. “Carry On My Wayward Son” is such an important part of the show and the culture of the fan base, that it seems almost sacrilegious that the season finale not begin with this song and a memorial to the events in the past season (or series).*** I’m very happy that it was included at all, but I was shocked when Neoni’s cover took over.
No disrespect to Neoni; those girls are incredibly talented and I love their music, however, a series finale of a 15 season long show does not feel like the place for a cover when they already have the rights to the original, and the original is so iconic.
Lastly, I want to acknowledge Jensen Ackles’s reaction to this conclusion. At a con panel about a year ago, he said that he needed to be talked into agreeing to this script by Erik Kripke himself, because the ending just wasn’t sitting right with him. So many fans took this to believe that he was homophobic and afraid that of Destiel becoming fully canon, and he got so much more hate than he deserved, because ultimately, he was right in his first opinion. This isn’t the way this story should have ended. Jensen explained that he had been “too close” to the story, and that it took a more holistic view from a step backwards (the audience’s perspective, as he puts it) to agree on this ending, but honestly, nobody knows Dean Winchester better than Jensen, and he knows what’s best and what would be the best way to finish this character’s arc. I think fans and Jensen alike agree that this wasn’t it.
I sympathize with all of the cast and crew members who disagree with how this show ended but are bounded by contract to support this show no matter what. Especially Misha and Jensen.
Over all, I believe that Supernatural will go down in history (in internet communities, at least) as one of the greatest shows ever. While I do agree that the writing quality in terms of both dialogue and plot declined as years passed, the community, the family, that this show created cannot be ignored because of a poorly written/planned ending. I think that the fandom will collectively let go of this disaster of an ending that we were given and will, just like Sam and Dean, write our own stories. I have full faith and confidence that Supernatural will not be represented by this finale episode, but by the beautiful stories, amazing characters, and the family that this show created and what the fans have chosen to do with it.
A Fiercely Frustrated but Fiercely Loyal Fan
* I do not count that last clip of Dean crying on the floor as mourning. In my mind, that was a reaction, not an emotional healing and overcoming, if that makes sense. I argue that if Dean were to fully mourn and process everything (like Sam did in 15x20) we would have seen at least a bit of that on screen. 
** This is where I would have loved to see some of the original scripts. I hope that the writers initial intentions were to have Misha more involved in these last two episodes than what was likely a voice memo created in 10 minutes tops at Misha’s house.
*** The strange montage at the end of 15x19 makes so much more sense. I still would have preferred that montage at the beginning of 15x20. This also shines light on the video that Misha posted. What would we do without him :)
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Gravity Falls Theory - Bill Cipher CANNOT Lie
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Plenty of characters, fans, and even Gravity Falls writers have called Bill a liar. But Bill strikes me more as an old-school Fae. He can’t outright lie, but he can find all sorts of ways to bend the truth to APPEAR like he’s lying. For proof, let’s look at all of his appearances.
Dreamscaperers - Bill’s Debut
Bill was always a part of the show, but he didn’t receive his official debut until Gideon summoned him to “enter the mind of Stanford Pines & steal the code to his safe.” Bill laughed, then repeated “Stan Pines” to himself as he mulled over the deal. Bill KNEW that the man Gideon called “Stanford Pines” wasn’t the real Stanford Pines, and Bill never called Stan “Stanford.” He called him “Stan,” or “your uncle” when he was talking to the kids, and told Gideon he’d “help him with this” in exchange for Gideon’s help later on, but never said he would go into “Stanford’s” mind.
Granted, later in the episode Bill disguised himself as Soos to better track the Mystery Twins as they hunted for the code to the safe, but he never claimed to be Soos. In fact, it’s impossible to pin down precisely when Bill subs in for Soos. Most fans theorize the Soos who came across the memory of Stan going into the secret room behind the vending machine was Bill, since Bill already knew Stan’s secret and would declare the Portal “boring” and move on to more useful or entertaining secrets. And Fae that are incapable of verbally lying have been known to cast glamours & illusions to trick mortal victims.
Sock Opera
When Bill returned in Season 2, he offered Dipper a way to get into the mysterious laptop and “unlock the secrets of the universe” in exchange for a puppet. Unfortunately, once Dipper accepted the deal, Bill seized control of his body & smashed the laptop. At first glance, it appears Bill was lying to Dipper about his deal. But let’s break it down.
Bill said he wanted a puppet, but took Dipper’s body instead. Yes, he led Dipper to believe he wanted a SOCK puppet, but he was never specific. And to Bill, a “being of pure energy,” the human body may seem like nothing but a meat puppet.
Bill said he would give Dipper access to the laptop & the secrets it contained, then smashed it. Bill CLAIMED he did it to keep Dipper from getting too close to “some major answers,” but smashing the laptop also led Dipper to discovering that it was invented by Old Man McGucket, leading to information about Fiddleford’s past, his relationship with The Author, and the Portal in the basement of the Mystery Shack. Bill may have wanted to keep Dipper off his case, but he was bound by the rules of the Deal & his own inability to lie, so he found the most inconvenient way to uphold his end of the bargain while keeping Dipper in the dark.
And like when he impersonated Soos in “Dreamscaperers,” Bill!Dipper never claimed to be Dipper. He just let everyone assume he was Dipper.
The Last Mabelcorn & Journal 3
I’m combining these into one section, since they both cover the same information.
After some poorly chosen memories & paranoia led to Dipper discovering Stanford’s past with Bill, Ford finally came clean about how he met Bill & created the Portal.
According to Ford, Bill introduced himself as a muse who “chose one brilliant mind a century to inspire.” He also led Ford to believe that all of the weirdness in Gravity Falls was caused by extra dimensional weirdness leaking into our world from his, and building a transdimensional portal would help Ford understand more about the universe & anomalies. And Ford trusted Bill completely, worshipping him as a god, until Fiddleford got a peek into Bill’s Nightmare Realm during the first disastrous test run of the Portal. Ford accused Bill of lying to him, but let’s once again break down what Bill said.
Bill called himself a muse, a source of inspiration for others. And in some ways, he’s right. Granted, he mostly inspired chaos, paranoia, and destruction, but inspiration is inspiration. And Ford was far from the first one to fall for Bill’s flattery - his past victims include the Native Americans who originally settled Gravity Falls (who created the cave paintings warning against his tricks & the Prophecy Zodiac), the ancient Egyptians (who created the Pyramids to appease/honor Bill), George Washington (who included the one-eyed triangle on the currency, again to appease/honor the insane triangle deity he’d been plagued by), and Stanley Kubrick (whose psychological thrillers may have been inspired by Bill’s own psychotic nature). So Bill calling himself a “muse” was the truth, From A Certain Point of View.
Bill claimed all the weirdness on Earth was caused by transdimensional leaks. Ford later realized Gravity Falls itself was a magnet for anomalies, but he never got the answer for where the anomalies came from in the first place. The comic “Lost Legends,” though, confirms that The Boiling Isles & Eda the Owl Lady from “The Owl House” are part of the same multiverse as Gravity Falls, and Eda told Luz that every myth in the human realm was caused by a little of the magic of The Boiling Isles leaking into the other dimension. If that’s true for her dimension, it could be true for other dimensions.
Bill said Ford would gain a better understanding of the multiverse if he built the Portal. And again, Bill was right. Granted, Bill’s intent was to bring all of his weirdness to Gravity Falls & turn everything in that dimension inside-out to suit his whims. But getting shoved into the Portal & spending 30 years on a transdimensional revenge road trip did open Ford’s eyes to the wonders of the multiverse & give him new insight into many mysteries.
Again, these are all truths. Twisted truths, but truths nonetheless.
Dipper & Mabel vs The Future
This is the last major source of lies for Bill, but I want to touch on it real quick.
After a heartbroken Mabel ran away from Dipper, she retreated into Sweater Town & wished summer could last forever. A nervous voice said “that might be possible,” then entreated Mabel to listen to his offer. “Blendin” walked out of the trees, saying “M-M-Mabel, it’s me.” He then told Mabel that, because she once did a favor for him, he was willing to “bend the rules” and give her a Time Bubble where summer could last as long as she wanted, but he could only do it if he has a “small thing” from Ford’s workshop. The “small thing” turned out to be the Dimensional Rift (which Mabel knew NOTHING about, so shut up jerks who still blame her for Weirdmageddon), and after “Blendin” smashed the Dimensional Rift, he revealed himself to be Bill piloting Blendin’s body & trapped Mabel in a dream bubble with a snap of his fingers. Last breakdown, I promise.
How did Bill get inside Blendin’s body to begin with? Again, Journal 3 has all the answers. Blendin wrote a coded letter to Dipper & Mabel explaining that after Globnar, everyone in the Time Enforcement Bureau wouldn’t stop teasing him. Even Time Baby gave him a hard time about being beaten by a couple of kids. One night, Blendin had a dream about a certain triangle who promised to get everyone off of Blendin’s back in exchange for a “little favor.” Blendin agreed before asking about the favor, and Bill upheld his end of the bargain by vaporizing Time Baby & the Time Police during Weirdmageddon.
“Blendin” never gave Mabel his name, or any details about the “favor” he owed her for. He let Mabel assume he was talking about using her victory in Globnar to restore his job & his hair instead of wishing him out of existence, but Bill could also have been referring to the events of Sock Opera, where Mabel’s obsession with impressing Gabe Benton led to Dipper being overworked, neglected, and perfectly primed to make a bad deal.
The Time Bubble. “Blendin” claimed he needed the Dimensional Rift in order to give Mabel her eternal summer, and he was right. Bill is a chaos demon with reality-warping abilities, but without a physical form in our world his powers only work in the Dream Time. By destroying the Rift, he made it possible for his powers to have lasting effects on the real world.
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I don’t know why I wrote this, or why I wrote so much. Gomen.
So I just re-watched The Scene while I’m actually awake and coherent and I blasted the volume with my headset so I could hear every little thing and while it’s pretty clear they were filmed separately(?) from a writers point of view, the dialogue and reactions made sense --- not the ‘all gays go to super-hell’-bit... there’s no excusing that, but it was foreshadowed a long while ago (hence why I’m not 100% surprised that The Scene even happened since it was obvious that the character in questions’ ‘moment of true happiness’ would be a confession the moment the deal was made. I still think they’ll end on a ‘reset the universe back to point A to prevent point B’-type to just be like... well you already know the story so even if it’s ending, it’s not really ending but going on and on and on in a paradox because the whole show is convoluted what with the time-travel and parallel universes and other dimensions and shit. 
Not my point, I started rambling. Uh... Click the ‘read more’ for more? Gods, I can’t believe this is what spurred a real-ass post from me...
If anyone wants to discuss this, please do. But don’t be an ass about it please, I’m just here to have a discussion. 
Anyways, Jensen’s acting was flat. Like he wasn’t into the script at all. Like he totally believed that this went completely against the character he’s supposed to play - and he’s not really wrong, but you can see this a lot in movies and tv shows where the actors disagree with the writing and direction that it’s reflected in their performance. 
While this scene in particular seems like the actors were shot apart and chopped together, I think they were both very much in the know about the script. Misha gave it his all, you could hear him thanking the audience for watching his performance. His in-character confession was just as much his ‘thank you’ and it shows - but while his whole speech was likely one good take (probably after a long day, especially since every one working on this show had to work around covid-19 safety procedures) Jensen’s was probably multiple takes, with the good shots being chosen and patched together to make him seem a least a little like he isn’t completely refusing the script. 
As for the characters and the writing, it worked. Now I’m no expert in homosexual relationships but I’m very queer, as is my s/o, so I’m gonna try to not stick my foot in my mouth for this part. While homophobia is in no way acceptable, it’s understandable why Jensen isn’t into this particular pairing: The fandom shoved it down his throat, down the producers throats, until it was made canon. One thing that sucks the life out of creators is self-entitled fans. Yeah it’s nice to show your support and love of a content, but you shouldn’t be shoving your ideals for the content into the creators faces. It’s just uncouth.
Rambled again, sorry. 
Cas’ speech was wonderful. He clarified his love for Dean by leveling his love for everyone and everything first, and then showing how his love for Dean was stronger than those - but stronger because of them. This way, in describing the care and love he has, Cas can be sure Dean understands that his love for him is a different kind of love without worrying about Dean being confused about his meaning when he’s already gone. Sorry I’m trying to figure out how to word this. 
An example for clarification: A tells B they love them, but then they leave/die/whatever, and without clarification B might assume that it was a familial/platonic love - like saying you love your parent/sibling/friend. However, if A prefaced with a confirmation of familial love to B and then confessed their love for B, there is a better chance for understanding. 
And from the way we see Dean shut down after the Empty takes Cas and Billie, completely ignoring Sam’s calls (which, after what he just learned from Billie as well as knowing Sam is in pain from losing Eileen - and everyone - is abnormal) in addition to not really moving from where he was thrown and burying his face - while SOBBING - I think it’s safe to assume he understood Cas’ confession as something more than family. Like, we’ve seen them ‘lose’ Cas before and Dean wasn’t as broken up about it as he was this time. Sure he was angry, but he’s always angry - but this time he isn’t angry. 
Additionally, Dean didn’t outright reject Cas. He said “Don’t do this, Cas.” Which could easily be interpreted as ‘how fucking dare you confess to me when you’re about to die, thus immediately breaking my heart’ - which, if you’re really reaching for straws, could be a ‘wow, so my feelings would’ve been reciprocated if I actually had the balls to confess - not that it matters because apparently if I did confess you’d literally be so happy you would die.’ Ultimately, it’s a lose-lose-lose situation. 
To add on to Sam’s phone call, when we see him hang up after leaving the silo we could assume he first tried calling Cas and then called Dean meaning that since Cas was taken, Dean sat there disassociating and trying to figure out wtf just happened when Sam snapped him back to reality - thus interrupting his compartmentalizing and forcing him to feel, because Dean hates feelings. 
And yeah, the whole ‘Bury your Gays’ trope is shitty, but this is Supernatural: a horror-drama tv show where People Die and unfortunately, because most of the characters that die are side characters, the queers die mostly because they’re side characters and side characters are expendable. It fucking sucks, especially now that they are using LGBTQIA+ to boost their views at the END OF THE SERIES. Honestly, would be more acceptable to have it be a thing a few seasons ago, but they also have to work with the actors to even produce the show - and if the staring actor isn’t comfortable with certain themes, they can’t really force him without the show crashing and burning - which, in good old capitalism, a little homophobia to conserve their money-maker is normal. I don’t even know where I’m going with this. 
Luckily, this is Supernatural, and Supernatural doesn’t like leaving people dead - even at the end of the series. There are a few possible endings they could go with, but through speculation there could be more without noticing.
A) Chuck taunts the brothers, probably tortures them more just ‘cause, before simply ending everything.
B) Amara somehow takes over Chuck - or they properly combine and suddenly remember why they made everything. 
C) The boys give up and accept their fate.
D) The boys don’t give up and go out fighting. 
E) Somehow they negotiate with Chuck and exchange themselves for everyone else. 
F) Chuck hits the reset button, and this time he’ll make the boys more controllable. 
G) The boys kill Chuck, but in the sudden power imbalance, the universe eliminates all supernatural beings and just create a mundane world - whether the boys are part of the world or not is up in the air. 
H) Everyone is in the Empty now cause there’s no place left to exist but the Empty - since for some reason the Empty is more limbo than purgatory, but it makes sense. 
I) The Empty is piiiiiissssssssed that Chuck suddenly made everything stop existing and then eats Chuck because Chuck will be loud making new things - or because Chuck will be a threat to the Empty... or he just wont let the Empty sleep. God what even is the Empty?  Like, really, shouldn’t they be all-powerful - moreso than Chuck - since, without God there is nothing and without anything existing wouldn’t everything/nothing be Empty?
J) Empty eats Chuck 2020 - and the show ends just like that. 
K) Chuck, to prevent being eaten by the Empty, brings everything back to put some cushion between him and the Empty - or gets the boys to kill the Empty in exchange for their world back sans God. (Their own little playpen that they can do whatever they want with.) 
L) Dean kills Chuck with Death’s Scythe. 
M) Sam and Dean somehow kill Chuck and in the power imbalance, replace him. (I’ve had this theory - unspoken though - before where Dean becomes head honcho in Heaven or Hell and Sam takes the other spot, no luck on this one yet.) 
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Either way, two episodes left to find out what the fuck is going on. 
Next episode will be dramatic and sad as Sam, Dean and Jack reconvene - probably with Sam and Jack stopping Dean from giving up. Also, Jack will probably get dusted too - I’m surprised he didn’t go at the end there. 
HONESTLY by the title of the episode, I think option K if more likely... but Chuck will probably be like... yeah here take it idgaf anymore. The road home will be very epilogue-y with flashbacks and shit to tie everything up and be all ‘They lived happily ever after.’ 
I don’t even know anymore... why can I write this much over a stupid show but not for like... a book or something. 
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floof-reppu · 4 years
Aight, so… this is my piece for the BNHA Writer's Fest, written for @ellectric-blue. I wanted to give you the best quality writing I could manage with my knowledge and time crunch, so I chose to write for Yaoyorozu. I've been a little bit preoccupied lately with a lot of family issues since it's that time of year, but nonetheless I was able to pump this out for you just in time. Happy Holidays to you!
Word Count: 2.4k
It was getting to be that time of year yet again; Christmas was just around the corner.
Many hours were always dedicated to shopping for friends and loved ones, this year being no exception. You had gotten to know your current friends over the course of the past few months, especially living at the dorms together with them for at least half that time. Going through such hardships together with your classmates solidified your bonds with one another and made this Christmas feel special to you.
The lot of you decided to host your own Secret Santa of sorts, which was fun and all, but you ended up drawing a name you… didn't exactly expect or desire to draw. Momo Yaoyorozu was more than just a fellow classmate or a friend; to you, she was your crush. To say that you were absolutely terrified was an understatement. She was rich beyond measure, something that you couldn't compare to in the slightest.
Yaoyorozu wasn't much of a materialistic girl thankfully, but it was hard to point out her exact interests and put them to heart. As far as she was concerned, she bought things out of habit and would rather better the economy than use her quirk and imbalance it. Maybe she would like something that you made yourself?
Instead of dawdling on the thought, you instead decided it might be nice to learn how to crochet. Homemade gifts were the best, because it shows how much you care, the time dedicated and the overall process being most meticulous. A scarf would look lovely wrapped around Momo's neck (and possibly around your own as well), a winter coat look sounding appeasing to you, and crocheting one couldn't be all that hard… right?
Your time limit made everything all that more stressful, as well as trying to hide the supplies from your fellow classmates, especially Ashido. If she found out, she would have an absolute fit and press for more information, which you couldn't have at all. That's why you did shopping by yourself, picking out the softest yarn at your disposal. The colors you'd chosen were a compliment to her hero costume: crimson and silver. They both look good on her regardless, but you thought it would be nice for a potential outfit.
Smuggling the materials into the dorms without getting caught wasn't as hard as you thought it would be, given that everyone was preoccupied with one thing or another. However… you did catch a glimpse of Yaoyorozu, and— well, she's walking over here now. Shit.
"Oh, Y/N? Everyone was wondering where you had gone!" The smile she had on her face sent butterflies through your stomach. She glanced down at the bag in your hand which you tried your best to hide from plain sight, but was too wide. "You went to the store? What did you buy?"
"Oh, ah… just a few things, nothing special…" You had to get away from her, and quick. Her eyes continually glanced at the bag, which you kept moving around to block from her sight. "Anyways, what are you up to? Not doing any shopping?"
"There's no need! I purchased my present the day I drew a name!" Momo had her hands folded in front of her body oh so characteristically of her as she spoke proudly. Of course she would have purchased something already. "It was quite easy for me to choose for the recipient of my Secret Santa gift."
"Oh… well, I'm still thinking of what to get mine."
"I'm sure whatever it is will be amazing, Y/N. You're such a thoughtful person, and I know whoever receives your present will absolutely cherish and adore it."
There she goes again, saying something so beautiful that it makes your heart melt. She always seemed to know just what to say to put you to ease, but it made you feel even more pressured to make your gift as perfect as possible so she isn't disappointed. Momo seemed to notice the awkward silence you gave her, blushing a bit out of embarrassment.
"I hope I haven't said anything wrong, Y/N."
"Oh, no! Not at all! I'm just thinking about what you said… thank you, Yaoyorozu. I'm going to start working on my gift now."
And with that, you gave her a small wave before going to your dorm room and practically throwing the yarn to the side. She almost caught you red-handed, but thankfully you were able to change the subject quick enough before she had the nerve to peek in your bag.
Opening the lid to your laptop, you searched up a tutorial on how to crochet a scarf, and thank goodness there was one that popped up immediately that seemed to be reliable enough to follow. You almost forgot that you bought the needles as well (because how would you have been able to crochet without the needles). Grabbing all the materials from the bag, you started to work on your hopefully wonderful masterpiece for Momo.
Weeks had passed since that fateful day, and with every new talent came bumps in the road. You had failed at least five times trying to make the scarf the way you wanted it to turn out, even while following the tutorial. Yarn was wasted and you even had to make a second trip to the store to purchase even more of it.
But your hard work finally paid off, and in front of you sat your finished creation. Each thread was carefully crocheted together perfectly, and you couldn't wait to present it to your crush. Putting it in a box and wrapping it up, you didn't put your name on it, instead writing Your Secret Santa on the tag. You didn't forget to put Momo's name on it, though.
Going down to the first floor, the tree looked marvelous and grand in the middle of the lobby. Presents were already adorning the underside of the tree, while bulbs and lights alike decorated the branches. A star was placed on the top, shining brightly and looking over you and everyone else. You remember putting it up with your friends vividly, as if it just happened yesterday. Iida and Yaoyorozu did most of the clean up when it came to the decorations, all of them being strung in the same places on the tree. Moving them so it looked nice was a must.
And there she was, Momo Yaoyorozu, dressed in some of the most Christmas-like articles of clothing she owned and sitting alone. Placing your present under the tree, you swiftly took a seat beside her, a blush evident on your cheeks.
"Merry Christmas, Yaoyorozu." She turned to face you as you spoke, a bit surprised since she wasn't really paying attention to the seat beside her before now. She returned your greeting earnestly, eyes closed and a wide grin taking up her face.
"Thank you, Y/N, and a Merry Christmas to you too. Are you excited for the Secret Santa present exchange?"
"Yes, I am. I can't wait for a certain someone to open my gift and hopefully smile just like a kid when they see what it is."
"I see. I'm quite confident that my gift with have that same effect, but I'm not sure… maybe I overdone it?" Momo opened her eyes, and for a second you saw a hint of doubt in her expression. "Gifts aren't always things you should buy, that much is for certain. Sometimes I wish Mother and Father would stop purchasing them and be a tad more creative."
"Do you get the same things every year?"
"Unfortunately so. Clothes are always high on the list as well as the newest technologies, but once in a great while I might receive something completely different."
"Really? Like—"
"Everyone, we are now going to start passing out the Secret Santa presents! Please refrain from opening yours until they are all handed out!" Iida was ever the wise one and cut you off, but for a good reason at that. Both Yaoyorozu and yourself directed your attention to the blue-haired president and his wild hand gestures as he spoke. The raven-haired girl beside you took that as her cue to stand up, dusting off her skirt.
"I apologize, Y/N. It's my duty as the vice president to help Iida with handing out the presents. You wouldn't mind saving my seat though, would you?"
"Of course not, take your time."
In a little less than ten minutes, everyone had their present on their lap. Ashido looked to be the most excited to open hers, while Bakugo glared at his. Your present seemed to be big, but not heavy, so you took it as something that was either a gag or a very expensive item (because everyone knows the smaller the gift the more it costs these days). Yaoyorozu sat down beside you yet again when she was finished, the box you had so precariously wrapped earlier placed on her legs.
"I'm quite curious to see what I've received. It's not on the heavy side, but…" She looked over at your present, the curious side of her lighting up yet again. "Perhaps you have a clue as to what your gift is, Y/N?"
"Not a clue. It looks like it would be something big, but it's so light that it doesn't feel like much." You wanted to shake the box, but you didn't want to break whatever was inside if it was fragile. Trying to keep the attention off of you, your head glanced down at the box in Momo's grasp. "Why don't you open yours first? We can see what each other has gotten that way."
"That is a very smart idea, Y/N. Very well, I'll open mine first."
Her hands went and tugged at the bow you added at the very last minute, pulling it free and making it easier for her to tear off the wrapping paper. She read the tag, a bit confused as to why there wasn't another person's name written. Nevertheless, she tore off the rest of the paper and lifted the lid to the box. Tissue paper covered your creation as well as a card you decided to put in so she knew who it was actually from. Pulling it out, she unfolded the envelope and stared wide-eyed at the card.
Momo Yaoyorozu,
I thought of you when I made this scarf for you with my own hands. Your family spoils you with material possessions, and nothing that comes from the heart. They want to make you happy with whatever you desire, but that's not what Christmas should always be about. It's about giving others heartfelt, thoughtful gifts. I hope you cherish this scarf as much as I cherish the time I spent making this for you. I wouldn't have it any other way.
With much love,
You saw tears forming at the corners of her eyes as she read the card. She threw the tissue paper aside and took out your real gift, the one you handmade yourself. The silver accented the crimson perfectly, and she clenched the material in her hands. The tears started to flow like a fountain; that's when you knew that you did the right thing.
"Y/N, I… just can't believe that you spent so much time making this for me. You didn't have to do this—"
"I didn't do this because I had to, I did this because I wanted to. I… meant every word that I wrote on that card, Momo. I love you so much, and I would do anything for you. I wanted to make you smile, because God how I love it when you smile. I messed up a lot of times while I was making that, and even while training and studying I managed to get it done for you in just the nick of time," You paused, catching your breath and chuckling slightly, "but anyways, I hope you like—"
"Like it? Y/N, I absolutely love it. This is the most thoughtful present I've ever received. Thank you from the bottom of my heart," Momo wiped the tears away from her eyes and wrapped the scarf around her neck, her gaze fixed on yours, "so… would you care to open yours now?"
You nodded, prodding carefully at the paper covering your present. Whoever wrapped it used a lot of tape, which wasn't the best idea in a situation like this, so it caused you to take a bit of extra time tearing it off. Finally, it was revealed to you.
The one who had your name was none other than Yaoyorozu herself.
Neither of you expected for it to end up this way, but it was quite the pleasant surprise. You looked at the culprit out of the corner of your eye and opened the box at the same time, revealing a card for you as well.
I know how much you adore the Christmas holiday, as well as books. I myself, as you may already know, enjoy both just as much as you. My gift to you comes from the heart, as I have purchased a book full of Christmas fables for us to enjoy. I would love for us to sit under a blanket together and read it.
This is the most discreet way I could confess my romantic feelings. I would very much love to spend more time with you, as well as… get to know you more than I already do.
Please accept my invitation as well as my feelings.
Momo Yaoyorozu
This was… no way was this happening.
"Y/N…?" Momo sounded worried, her pitch lowering drastically as she met your gaze once again.
"Yes. Yes, Momo, of course I accept your feelings." Now you were the one that was tearing up, grasping the book in your hands and letting the box drop on the ground. "I want this to be the first thing we do together. Tonight."
"I would love to, Y/N."
You spent the rest of the night in the comfort of your own room, Momo and yourself wrapped in a blanket with no worries whatsoever as you took turns reading aloud the many tales. When you were at the last few pages, a blank space was occupying them.
This was where you were going to write your own Christmas Story, with you and Momo as the main characters.
You would never, ever forget this day.
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rosemary-morgan · 4 years
Josiah Trelawny x F.Reader: You deserve better - Part 1
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(Pictures are from Pinterest)
Good day to all of you wonderful people 🌹💗 I started a new story about Josiah Trelawny. I had this story in my head for a long time and now I have decided to finally write it down. Lovely @gangofgunslingers​ inspired me to create this photo collage. She´s also a great writer - you guys should check her masterlist 😉
My sweet @micau2​ also inspired me with ideas 🌹💗 Thank u
Summary: On the way to Saint-Denis you will meet the charming and funny Josiah Trelawny. For both of you, it is immediately clear - you don't want to lose sight of each other. But the social rules prohibit you from meeting him - after all, you were a married woman...
Warning: mention of an abusive husband
Part 2 / Part 3
(¯`v´¯)                                                      (¯`v´¯) `*.¸.*´                                                        `*.¸.*´ ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (`’·.¸(`’·.¸  ¸.·’´) ¸.·’´)  (¨*•.¸ (¨*•.¸`•.¸ (¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`•               •`¯¨• ¸¸ `•. `•.¸) `•.¸) `*.¸.*´                                                       `*.¸.*´
You deserve better
You ran. You ran as fast as you could - with your suitcase in your hand you tried to reach the train station in time, but you could already hear the signal from far away. It could be heard all over Rhodes and it was clear that the train was leaving and you hadn't made it in time. With a heavy sigh, you stopped and closed your eyes, trying to catch your breath. "Oh, no..." Your only hope now was that you didn't have to wait too long for the next train - if there was another train today. You entered the station in Rhodes and went to the mailman. You wanted to ask when the next train would come but unfortunately, you were not lucky. "I'm sorry, miss. But that was the last train to Saint-Denis for today. The next one will leave tomorrow afternoon." That was too long. You had to be back in Saint-Denis before tomorrow morning! Rhodes had been a spontaneous trip. Saint-Denis was a big city and it was very exciting to live there, but you also needed a quiet place to relax. You had been there for the past three days. "Is there no other way to get to Saint-Denis? What about the carriage?" That would take longer, but you would be in Saint-Denis in time. However, the young man advised you to wait for the next train. "Well, you know Miss, I don't think it would be a good idea to travel alone. The carriage will drive through Lakay and I fear that this area cannot be avoided. It´s a direct way to Saint-Denis." You sighed softly because you had no choice. What could happen? It wasn't dark yet, but you should hurry if you want to be home before dark "I'll take the carriage, good man." "But miss, that's...!" You placed the money on the counter and silenced him. Your decision was made. It would have consequences for you if you didn´t reach Saint-Denis by tomorrow morning...
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´
"Miss, I don't want to worry you, but strange things have been happening in Lakay lately. I wish you'd change your mind and not travel with this carriage." The cabby also tried to stop you and that made you feel queasy. Well, you knew about the many alligators and poisonous snakes, but it seemed to be something else. You didn't even want to ask what the real problem was. "Sir, I'm a big girl and I can take care of myself. Also, my husband is waiting for me tonight and I don't want to be late!" Well, your husband didn't even know you were in Rhodes - he wasn't home. He had been out to New York for business and he wouldn´t return until tomorrow. "As you wish, m'am!", said the coachman and he helped you get into the carriage. When the carriage started moving, you stared lost in the distance. Your thoughts were in Rhodes. It had been nice days and it was a shame that you had to leave this place. You were thinking about your next destination. Maybe next time you should go to Strawberry? It had to be a beautiful place. You had only heard good things about that place. The next time Henry left Saint-Denis, you would travel to Strawberry. But Henry was not allowed to know anything about your travels. Because in his opinion, his young wife had to stay at home. Going on a trip and possibly talking to strange men? No way! You sighed heavily when you think of him and your stomach cramps painfully. Henry was anything but a good husband and you were afraid to see him again. But what choice did you have? After all, he was your husband and you had to deal with the fact that you couldn't escape him. You had to live with this man. And it wasn´t easy...
The sun was slowly coming to an end and she covered the sky over Rhodes in a warm orange. The cabby became nervous when he saw that the night was coming. He raised the speed of his horses and you didn't miss that. You had to hold on tight to avoid being hurled over the seats - that was definitely too fast and you shouted to the coachman to slow down. "Can you hear me?! Slow down!" But with the loud noise caused by the wheels of the carriage and the hooves of the horses, he couldn't hear you. The road was very uneven and the carriage slowly got into an imbalance. You shout at the coachman, but he wanted to be out of the marshes before dark. But that would never happen because the next moment the lines that held the horses on the carriage broke and the carriage crashed into a nearby river...
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´
Two men were riding their horses not far from you. They were also on their way to Saint-Denis and had chosen the same road as you. However, the two men were well armed, which made them feel safe passing Lakay. "It was time to get a revolver, Josiah. You can't be unarmed." "I don't believe in brutality, dear boy." "You will be grateful one day." "Sure, Arthur." Josiah had to admit that times became more difficult for him and for the whole gang and it was probably not the stupidest idea of ​​him to get a gun. Josiah might be a gentleman, but a gentleman also knew how to use weapons. Josiah could also be targeted by the Pinkertons at any time. And O'Driscolls and Lemoyne Riders were also omnipresent in this area. So it would be wise not to remain unarmed. "By the way, thank you, Josiah. You didn't betray us when these bounty hunters had you. I deeply admire that." Arthur had always claimed that Josiah would even sell his own sister to save his own skin - but that was wrong. Josiah had to take a lot when he was tortured. He was a tough guy. "Well, Arthur. I may be a thief, but I'm not a traitor." Arthur laughed softly and they continued their conversation until they heard shouts. The two men immediately brought their horses to a standstill and they looked around. They wanted to find out where the cries for help came from. "That comes from that direction!" Said Arthur, pointing his fingers in one direction. Josiah nodded to the young man and they rode off together. They followed the call for help - your call for help! You were still in that carriage. Water had gotten into it and you couldn´t move your leg without pain. You had hurt yourself and in this dress, which was soaked with water, it was even harder for you to move. "Damn it! What am I going to do now?!" Today was definitely not your day and where the hell was the driver? He was passed out on the floor. He had fallen off the carriage when the horses broke out. "Help! I need help!" Hopefully, someone would come soon and hear your calls for help... You just hoped that it would be good people who would find you here. There wasn't much to steal from you, apart from some jewelry on your body. Like your wedding ring, necklace and earrings. But a young woman alone in these areas would be easy prey for criminals. Especially since you were hurt. Suddenly you heard horses approaching you and you don't hesitate to call for help. The day couldn't get any worse - at least you hoped so.
"Arthur, look!" ' The two men rode to the carriage. This lay overthrew in the river. They also saw the unconscious cabby. Josiah and Arthur saw a suitcase lying in the mud. This must be dropped out during the accident. The suitcase had burst open and clothes lay in the sticky mud. Arthur and Josiah got off their horses and hurried to the carriage, where they heard your voice. "Arthur, I'm trying to open the door. You take care of that gentleman." Josiah climbed over the axle and the rear wheel onto the carriage and then he looked into the two most beautiful eyes he had ever seen. Your eyes looked up at him anxiously and he couldn't blame you for being scared. It was definitely not fun to be in such a situation. You looked up to the unknown man and you immediately noticed his well-groomed mustache, which belonged to a very attractive face. He gave you a soft smile, which you immediately return. You didn't know why, but the stranger's charm attracted you and his sea-green eyes were breathtakingly stunning. "I'll help you out of the carriage, miss. Don't worry. My friend and I heard your calls for help." You were very relieved that you would finally leave this carriage. Josiah bent down, reached for the door handle and tried to open the carriage door. Then he discovered something that worried him very much: a snake lay motionless in the folds of your dress. She was olive green and dark streaks ran through her body. Josiah became visibly nervous because he was pretty sure that it was a poisonous snake that had made its way into this carriage. "Miss, I ask you to stay calm now." His soft voice made you listen and you looked uncertainly at the stranger. What was going on? "There's a snake in the carriage. Please don't move. Just stay calm and I'll take care of it." Your eyes widened in shock when you heard that there was a snake in the carriage and judging the stranger's reaction, this animal didn't appear to be harmless. The snake had just opened its mouth and you could see its fangs and inside its mouth that was as white as cotton. Sweat dripped from Josiah's forehead; his heart was pounding like crazy and yours seemed to jump out of your chest at any moment. "If you stay calm, she will go away on its own." At least that's what Josiah hoped. He didn't know anything about snakes and other poisonous animals. Except that you had to be calm when you met them. For both of you, it seemed like an infinite time that you had to endure in this situation.
"Josiah?!" Arthur approached the carriage and he looked questioningly at Josiah when he saw that Josiah was not moving. Josiah looked over his shoulder at the young man and raised his hand to signal that he should be quiet. "Snake." Arthur understood immediately. It wasn´t unusual to meet a snake in this area. Fortunately, it wasn't a bloody alligator. In the meantime, the coachman was again conscious, but still very dazed. You looked up at the man who had come to free you from this situation and Josiah could see that you were afraid. So he tried to calm you down by giving you a gentle and charming smile again. You return his smile a little shyly, but that passed when you suddenly felt the snake slowly sliding over your lap and you closed your eyes, praying that she wouldn´t bite you. Josiah was also worried when he saw the expression on your face. He grabbed the edge of the window, leaned forward carefully, and then looked down - the snake was finally gone. With a relieved sigh, Josiah closed his eyes for a moment before looking at you. "She's gone", he said relieved and you too sighed softly. "Oh, thank you, sir!" Josiah helped you get out of this carriage and you had to hold on to him well. It was not easy to move your legs with the wet skirt and with that injured leg of yours. Josiah held your hand tight and he made sure that you would stand firmly on solid earth. He held you by your waist for a few moments longer than was necessary. He couldn't help it. Your soft skin, your beautiful eyes that sparkled like two stars, your long hair and by God, your lips were so sensual. "Oh thank you, sir. Thank you very much!" "Josiah Trelawny." He took your tender hand and pressed a gentle kiss on the back of it. "My pleasure, miss." You give him a gentle smile and you stroke a long strand of hair behind your ear. "I'm Y/N Hazard." He was very attractive and he was wearing a black jacket. Underneath he was wearing a white shirt and a blue waistcoat that was elegantly decorated. His black hair was perfectly combed and he had a very well-groomed mustache. But his sea-green eyes were of rare beauty. "Are you hurt, miss?" "I'm fine. No need to worry." However, your leg worried you a little. How should you explain that to your husband? Well, of course, you could lie to him and hope that he believes in your story. But Herny was not easy to fool...
"Miss? Are you okay?" Another man came up to both of you. He seemed to belong to Mister Trelawny. He was holding your suitcase in his hand. It was dirty on all sides. But that could simply be washed off. "Oh, thank you!" You wanted to go to the other man to get your suitcase, but every step hurt and an uncomfortable pull dragged through your leg. A soft hiss came over your lips and the two men looked at each other questioningly and then looked at you. "I think it's better if I take you home." "Oh, Mister Trelawny, that's very kind of you. I have to go to Saint-Denis and it's getting dark." And you didn't want to be left here. The cabby apologized to you several times and asked one of the men to be escorted to Rhodes so that the carriage could be rescued. Arthur took on this duty - of course for payment. He could always use money. Finally, the cabby was to blame for this misery. Arthur said goodbye to you politely and he rode back towards Rhodes while Josiah went to his horse. "Don't worry. I'll take you safely to Saint-Denis. I'm on my way there too."
What a lucky coincidence, you thought. If these two men hadn't been, you'd probably be sitting in the cold water for hours, and you might have got a bladder infection. You knew you shouldn't blindly trust a stranger, but it was absurd to think that Mister Trelawny intended to hurt you after he saved you. You also trusted him - for an understandable reason, you felt that you could. You watched him stroke and calm his horse. He gave him a piece of sugar and you had to smile when you saw that. Henry didn´t treat his animals well. He often used the whip against these poor beings. The charming Mister Trelawny looked at you and you felt yourself blush at the sight of his smile. "We should go. Then we'll be in Saint-Denis before dark." You nodded and Josiah brought his horse to you. He helped you get on his horse. You hold on to his shoulders and you looked into each other's eyes as he sits you on the saddle. You had both legs on one side and Josiah sat right behind you. You could immediately smell the scent of fresh mint on him. Josiah took the reins and you could feel his breath on your neck, which gave you goosebumps. It was a very pleasant feeling. Josiah's ocean eyes admired the delicate skin of your neck and the soft hair that fell over your back in big waves. When he woke up this morning he never expected to travel to Saint-Denis with such a lovely woman.
And on the way to Saint-Denis, you talked about many things. He told you that he was a magician and that he made his money with performances - Josiah could hardly tell you that he was a trickster and part of a wanted gang. Josiah enjoyed your presence and he didn't want to scare you with the truth. You had a charming laugh and you seemed to enjoy this little trip with him too. Well, that's what Josiah hoped. And you also enjoy the presence of this charming man very much. You didn't have to feel guilty about Henry. Who knew what he was doing on his business trips? You were caught in a marriage where respect and kindness were of little importance. All you could do was try to be a good wife so as not to annoy Henry and it was pretty exhausting. It was very tiring and sometimes you wished you had the courage to just run away. But the fear that he would find you kept preventing you from...
"Where can I take you, miss?" You showed him the way he should go and enjoyed the last moments in freedom before going back to your cage behind closed doors. When you stood in front of your house your heart started beating like crazy. Fortunately, Henry was not at home and you managed to be here before him. Josiah was the first to get off the horse and again he helped you get off. Your eyes met again, as did a friendly smile. Oh, you could spend hours looking into his wonderful eyes. "Thank you, Mister Trelawny. That was very kind of you." That evening Josiah took your delicate hand again and kissed the back of it and he enjoyed the feeling of your soft skin. God, he hoped to see you again soon. He didn't know that you already had a husband - because you weren't wearing any ring on your finger. You had a habit of taking the ring off when Henry wasn't with you. So you could feel like a free person during this time. "I hope our paths will meet again soon." Josiah looked hopefully into your eyes when he said that and you knew that it was impossible to meet him again. You were married... But something told you that this risk was worth it. That this man was worth it. What should you do? It would be best if you told him immediately that you were a married woman. But why couldn't you say it? Why didn't these words come from your lips? Instead, you looked lost in his beautiful eyes. "That would be great."
That was the beginning of an uncontrollable fire...
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planetlentil57 · 4 years
The Face of Successful Addiction Recovery Treatment
What Does Recovery Look Like? In the world of substance abuse rehabilitation, the word recovery is not as simply defined as a �cure�. Recovery is a lifelong journey toward wellness, toward success, toward health and happiness. For us, recovery means positivity and growth and accepting and adapting to this new life that we have, thankfully, chosen. So when we ask the question of what recovery looks like, successful recovery looks like an ongoing path toward a better life in sobriety. Addiction Recovery is Non-linear After surgery, you and your doctor come up with a very specific recovery plan. Don�t lift too much, only eat these foods, take this antibiotic to prevent infection, keep the surgical site clean. The intentionality of this is to provide a clean path to ensuring that your surgery heals properly without complication and then you can get back to your life. This works well, and usually as long as you follow the doctor�s instructions, you will get back to business. Unfortunately, addiction or substance abuse is not this clear cut and dry. After you�ve finished treatment or medical detox at the best rehab facility of your choosing, getting back to normalcy is not so simple. While your case manager will help to prepare you with aftercare plans and you will be highly encouraged to continue with groups and therapy, there is no �step-by-step� set of rules. Everyone�s recovery is very different and therefore everyone�s path is unique. Someone recovering from a broken arm doesn�t crave to break their arm again. They also do not deal with the social stigmas as someone suffering from alcoholism, for example. Successful recovery looks like a winding road. Successful Recovery Must be Desired Usually, unless it is elective, we don�t want surgery. We shouldn�t have any desire to break an arm or a leg. Accidents happen, and in these cases, recovery is a mandatory process that is just part of the situation. For those of us struggling with heroin, cocaine or prescription drugs, it is the exact opposite. It needs to be a thought-out, firm choice to get sober. This is your life and while your family and loved ones will coerce you get help if they are involved, you have to be the one to decide to make a life change. You also have to understand that you are committing to changing most if not all areas of your life, and that this is your new life. While that may sound somewhat dramatic, you should celebrate this decision. This is the decision that has taken you off of the path of danger, solitude, and maybe even death and onto a path where you can enjoy the beauty of life once more. Successful recovery looks like a celebration of your own life. Stigmas Continue to Hurt One of the biggest hurdles to overcome with addiction treatment is the stigma associated with drug or alcohol abuse. If a cancer survivor gets sick again, or if their cancer returns, it is a dreadful circumstance. It is painful, it is tragic and it is met with aggressive treatment and overwhelming love and support. This is the typical norm. This is, sadly, not how many people view relapse into addiction. Some dissenters will consider it to be a weakness, or say that the user was never clean to begin with. It is thought to be a lack of self control. Men and women who are going through early recovery often feel the need to hide the information from potential employers or new friends and social circles. Unfortunately, it is too commonly not viewed as a disease or mental illness and instead as a crime or destructive behavior. While it is not fair, or acceptable to be treated with these stigmas, it is a part of what makes recovery so hard and something that must be prepared for. As you fight to not only stay sober, but to keep yourself moving through the hard times, you may realize that successful recovery looks like an ongoing battle. Tips for The Best Recovery So how can you create a life where sobriety is your primary goal? Once you have returned to your home or job, reunited with your family, how can you keep strong in the face of a winding road through an ongoing battle? There are some things you can do, as long as you stay strong and committed! Avoid Toxic Triggers When you are in recovery, especially early on, some things may trigger the memories of your addiction and spiral you into relapse. It is important to avoid these triggers so you can stay on the straight and narrow. This may mean different things for different people. Generally speaking, here are some things you should keep in mind: �Avoid people you used with. - It�s not easy to cut people out of your life, but if your friendship was based around passing bongs or needles, you need to create barriers. This is not the influence you need in your life. �Stay away from spots you once obtained drugs. - Same as above, avoid the places where you used to get your supply. You don�t want to run into people or situations that will bring back cravings. �Stay POSITIVE - Easier said than done, however, negativity will bring more pain into your life. Stay positive, especially about your recovery and your new life. Successful recovery looks like a positive, healthy life. Develop and Nurture a Support System. Solitude and isolation is a known trigger for destructive behaviors, such as drugs and alcohol. Once you have finished treatment, rebuilding any broken relationships or building new bridges will be very pivotal to your success. Make a circle of recovery. This could be people from your group therapies or support groups, your parents, children, partner or family or close friends who are supportive. The point is, going through recovery alone is ill advised. Asking for help is difficult, and uncomfortable at times. This is what makes support groups so powerful. However, if you can also include your loved ones in this circle of trust, you will be all the better for it. Royal Life Treatment Centers With anyone in your chosen circle, it is very important that you always remain honest and open. You need them to know where you are at and when you need help. If you all work together, you will find your recovery easier and your transition smoother. Successful recovery looks like a loving family. Develop Healthy Hobbies Now is a great opportunity to pick up cooking, or painting or yoga! With a clear mind, and more time to focus on the right things, there is no better way to fill your life with new endeavors. Positive expression, such as through art or outdoor exploration are amazing ways to broaden your life while also learning more about yourself. You may not know that you are a talented writer or musician yet, because you haven�t tried, Now that you are free from the bondage of drugs or alcohol, you are ready to find what you were actually designed to do. When you pour your focus into this new craft, beautiful things will emerge. Successful recovery looks like freedom. What Sobriety Feels Like Sobriety should feel good. Much better than withdrawal, much better than living on the street or being malnourished. There is no crash when you are sober. Just a working machine of a body that is ready to tackle on whatever you put in front of it. You should feel proud of the decision that you�ve made, as well as amazed at the battle you are winning. Keep that last word in mind, you haven�t won yet - because this is an ongoing battle. Successful recovery looks like many things. It isn�t easy, and sometimes it is down right tough. But above all else, successful recovery is beautiful. Reach Out If you or a loved one is seeking to be free of drugs or alcohol, we are here to help. If you need assistance, Royal Life Centers admissions staff is available 24/7 to answer your questions and address your concerns about drug addiction treatment. We can be reached at (877)-RECOVERY or 877-732-6837. Because We Care.
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xathia-89 · 5 years
“Do you really want me to beg for it?”
This is @plumpblueberry‘s request after she won my 800 followers celebration. She asked for Arthot x Evelyn x Le Comte and gave me two prompts. SMUTTISH?
“You look ravishing this evening,” Arthur was a surprise to the ball as Evelyn found herself relieved of her dance partner in favour of her fellow Brit. A quick glare over her shoulder and her previous slobber was scuttling off the floor. “Who did you upset to get dragged into this debacle?”
“Le Comte de Saint Germain was unable to attend this evening, so I was sent. Apparently getting three more goats without his opinion means I owe him,” Evelyn smiled, trying to not crack from her regal frame. It was one side to her personality that Arthur would do everything and anything to rile her and free her from. Unfortunately, it was a useful one for her to have in light of needing to fundraise for her own cause.
“Well, if Moriarity isn’t trying to mate with Chuuya again, then it can’t be that bad,” the author beamed brightly before spinning her straight off the dancefloor. “Anyway, you have done your dues, and I have need of you back at the mansion.”
Evelyn couldn’t even find the time to get a better explanation, before she was whisked off to the exit, waving at those who knew the pair. It was a standard affair with Arthur, he would find a ‘skirt’ he liked the look of and that would be the last seen of him and his chosen partner for the event. Evelyn was a ‘frequent flyer’ regarding the man’s company, and it was more a comment than a tongue-wagging for them to leave like this. It would sort out the new from the established for certain in society news.
“Mm, Arthur,” Evelyn was barely containing herself as kisses were worshipping her neck, her eyes closed in bliss as she was pinned against the outside. “Shouldn’t… oh gods yes, shouldn’t… we get a cab?” She gasped, trying to grab hold of his shoulders.
“And I thought you’d be into a little voyeurism,” the writer teased, scraping his fangs over her skin.
“Not when it’s probably going to get us both arrested, and then that means you won’t get your fun,” the Lady panted, managing to pull adrift of him at the last moment before she threw her arm out to hail a passing carriage. “You can keep your pants on until we get to someone’s room.”
“Only because Sebastian gives a lecture so long I end up paying attention if I try to get naked the second I walk through the door,” Arthur conceded with a drag of his teeth across her lips with the briefest of kisses.
They only managed to part long enough to give an illusion of decency, the driver stuttered when Evelyn gave the address, though Arthur was busy devouring her lips before long. The ride wasn’t the most comfortable, the obsession with cobbled streets was far from practical for the wheel and the vehicles on the roads, but the woman was almost certain that Arthur’s hands were cupping her ass and trying to lift her into his lap for a quickie.
“My dress won’t let you,” she moaned between kisses, “And we’ll be too fast, even for you,” she teased, bringing a dangerous glint into the man’s eyes.
It was always going to be about dragging it out after that. Arthur’s fingers were leaving firey trails over the sections of her skin that were exposed, refusing to dip below the coverings as he covered her neck in the tiniest of kisses.
“Are you really going to make me beg for it?” Evelyn was panting, trying to gain some form of control on the man as her bedroom door opened without warning. “I’m a little busy Sebas-” The woman interrupted herself, moaning as Arthur made the tiniest of pinpricks with his teeth.
“You probably should have locked your door then, mon amour,” Le Comte’s voice was amused as the pair turned their focus to the newcomer. “Oh, don’t stop on my behalf, I was mostly coming to see if Evelyn required a warm-up,” the pureblood was already helping himself to the small drinks cabinet that was in the corner of her room, a knowing smile on his face as Arthur continued on his quest to teasingly expose her pale skin to the air.
Her dress was stupidly complex to unlace, and it had marked her figure as the writer began to languish her torso in kisses. Le Comte’s golden gaze had her fixed to the spot, not letting her regain any form of control as she was physically supported by Arthur.
“It’s like being at the unveiling of one of Leonardo’s masterpieces,” the pureblood murmured, admiring the view from afar as Arthur was kissing slowly back up her skin, taking the time to try and erase each indent left by the corset.
Any normal person would have left some form of shame to be exposed in such a manner before two others, but Evelyn could only find herself growing in excitement. Le Comte was slowly sipping at the whiskey from his crystal glass, fixated on what the other man was doing to her as Arthur’s fingers slid teasingly down her hip and across her thigh.
“She’s a masterpiece in her own right,” the author replied, “And she’s ready for us,” he smiled into her neck, slipping his fingers into her wet and waiting cunt.
Le Comte had to admire some of the markings left by the other man as he stood up from the bed. Her back was already beginning to bloom in red circles and lines that could be seen from across the room. It made a change that she wasn’t stuck to him like a leech in the ‘bonding aftercare’ as she had called it.
The creaking of the bed attracted his attention as he finished refilling his glass with the rogue. “Mon amour?” It was cute to hear her say the affectionate term when she was half asleep as he drained the glass and turned around.
“Don’t give me that look,” he chuckled as Evelyn turned over to watch him with heavily lidded eyes. “I will come to bed shortly,” he promised, slipping into her attached bathroom momentarily.
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lalainajanes · 5 years
I just read poisonously pretty and it was the cutest thing and of course Caroline would incapacitate anyone who could stop her on her quest and then threaten klaus with the consequences lol all for the sake of fighting a dragon. Is there any chance for a part 2?
Writer’s Month Day Four - Trope Prompt: Road Trip. A follow up to Poisonously Pretty in which Caroline is a rebellious princess and Klaus is her conflicted guard and there’s a quest.
Poisonously Pretty - Two
“What are you wearing?”
Carolinetosses a scornful look over her shoulder and returns to securing hersaddlebags. She does not offer a response to Klaus’ asinine question. He hadeyes, and a lifetime of putting on his own breeches, surely he could deduce thename of the garment Rebekah had sewn for her in preparation for her journey.
She’d hadKlaus’ horse brought from the stables because, as soon as she’d learned he’d beguarding her door she’d known her chances of giving him the slip were nil.Caroline had adjusted her plan accordingly. When he makes no further movement,no attempt to begin checking his saddle or loading his own belongings, shepauses and turns to him.
He’sstaring at her, expectantly, with a fair measure of disbelief. It makes herwant to fidget, or adjust her loose fitting tunic. Caroline refuses to giveinto the urge. “I can hardly travel incognito in my gowns, can I?”
“You have adozen split skirts meant for riding.”
Again, he’spointing out the obvious and, with her plan coming together so nicely, Carolinehas little patience for it.
“Ten,actually. All in fine fabrics, embroidered in expensive thread and intricatepatterns. Do you want us to be setupon by highwaymen?”
“You can’tmean to pass for a man.” His tone rankles, the incredulousness he’s displayingmaking Caroline think that he’s convinced that she’s an imbecile. It hurts abit. They might not be friends, as they were as children, but she’d thoughtKlaus at least respected her.
She givesthe bag a final tug, ensuring it won’t be jostled loose. She lifts her chin,crosses her arms as she turns to face Klaus. “A man, no. Bonnie offered apotion that would grow whiskers on my face but I declined. I see no reason why,from a distance, it would not be assumed I’m a youth of fourteen or so if Idress the part.”
Klaus isn’tconvinced, his eyes dipping towards her chest. If it were any other man she’dbe offended but Klaus’ gaze isn’t lecherous and, if Caroline’s being entirelyhonest – something she always tries to be with herself – she’s been wishingKlaus would recognize that she’s a woman now. That he’d perhaps find herdesirable. Touchable.
“They’rebound,” she informs him briskly.
He appearshorrified, “I beg your pardon?”
Carolinethrows up her hands in frustration, “Oh please, don’t act like you’re ablushing maid. I’m speaking of my breasts, Klaus. I’ve overheard both Genevieveand Aurora whispering rather flattering things about your prowess as a lover soI assume you’re familiar with the weight and shape of the average pair.”
His mouthopens. Closes. Caroline’s never seen him so discomfited, without a ready quip,and it’s immensely satisfying. “Perhaps you shouldn’t pick your bed partnersfrom among my ladies in waiting if you’re so concerned with discretion.”
Caroline’salways chosen the most gossipy courtiers for her inner circle. It’s onlyprudent, keeps her well appraised of the goings on in her kingdom. Her father’sadvisors aren’t keen on Caroline’s interest in politics. They tend to hide informationthey think her too delicate to know. Caroline’s ensured she has other sources.
“Besides,between the tunic and the cloak I’ll wear, my breasts will be entirelyunnoticeable.”
She’dchecked of course. Had modeled her new clothing for her closest friends andgotten their assurances. Well, Bonnie andElena had assured, Katerina had teased Caroline about how the tightlyfitted leather of her breeches clung to areas of her body that were usuallywell covered. Kat had pronounced the pants alluring, had commissioned Rebekahto make her a pair of her own.
Unfortunately,Klaus doesn’t seem allured. He’s irritated, even further away from her than heusually is, regarding her like he’s not sure she’s in her right mind.
She’d liketo tell him that she’s more herself than she has been in years. Free andexcited about her quest and in control of her own life. She feels exactly howshe’s longed to.
It doesn’t look as though Klaus is going torecover himself anytime soon so Caroline sighs, fits her foot into her stirrup.That jolts him into awareness and he takes several jerky steps, instinctively reachingfor her waist to assist her.
Caroline’sfaster, has ridden astride her whole life – slightly scandalous but her motherhad always refused to be tucked away in a carriage or trail behind the men at asedate pace and Caroline has happily followed her lead  - and she’s sitting comfortably in the saddleby the time Klaus is close enough to reach her.
“Besthurry,” she tells him sweetly, tipping her head in the direction of his horse.
He guessesher intent immediately, “Princess,” he says, voice low and thick with a censure.
OneCaroline doesn’t heed, digging in the heels of her boots so her horse takesoff. She laughs when she hers Klaus curse, the sound ringing through the emptystable yard.
Who knewquests could be such fun?
* * * * *
If anyonehad told Caroline that silence was a form of torture, she never would havebelieved them. She and Klaus had departed The Salvatore castle a few hoursbefore dawn and he hadn’t spoken a word to her since he’d thundered up the roadbehind her. It’s now passed midday and he’s only glowered. Her early attemptsat conversation had been answered with nothing but the barest grunts. Carolinehad been forced to give up. She’s tempted to sing but that would give her awayshould another traveler happen to hear.
She’s alsostarving, her back and thighs beginning to ache because if Klaus refused to converseshe’d decided to refuse to suggest a rest or a meal. It’s childish, she knowsbut if he’s intent on making her suffer in silence she’ll ensure he’s asuncomfortable as she can make him.
She sneaksa peek at him, finds him just as stone faced as he’d been the last time she’dchecked on him. Caroline huffs out an annoyed breath, only realizing hermistake when Klaus’ head turns towards her. “Tired, Princess?” he drawls.
“Caroline,”she corrects. Klaus opens his mouth, surely to refuse, but Caroline talks overhim. “What if someone should hear you addressing me so formally? Why, the newsthat I was travelling these lands with such meagre guard would spread likewildfire and we’d be forced to fend of bandits left and right.”
“Meagreguard?” Klaus repeats, highly offended.
She turnsaway, reaching for her flask of water to hide her smile. Perhaps she’s juststumbled onto a solution for her problem. She doesn’t necessarily want Klaus tobe angry with her but if she pokes at his temper, his healthy ego, he’sunlikely to be able to maintain his silence.
A burningdesire to be right, a willingness to fight to prove it, had been the source ofmany of their childhood clashes.
She shrugs,“I rarely see you in the practice yards anymore. It stands to reason that you’reno longer as skilled as you once were.”
“Justbecause you don’t see me, doesn’t mean I’m not there.”
Caroline groans,her head rolling back on her shoulders until she’s staring at the sky, “Mustyou only speak in meaningless nonsense?”
She can seehim in her peripheral vision, just barely, and he’s smirking, the lout. “You’re there every morning. Making aspectacle with Katerina. Surely your skill with your blades can save us shouldwe be ambushed?”
He’sobviously mocking her but Caroline’s stuck on his first words. They hadn’t beena question. “How do you know I practice every morning?”
“I am thecaptain of your personal guard.”
“Oh yes,how could I forget? So nice to know that I only matter because I am your job.” She winces at the nakedbitterness, the hurt that had spilled out with her snide words, urging herhorse to trot a little faster so he won’t be able to see the sheen of tearsthat has clouded her vision.
He allowsher the distance, a modicum of privacy. Somehow, that hurts even more.
* * * * *
They find avillage, a few hours after sunset. Klaus looks around, studying the buildings,the few people who remain outside. Caroline does the same, knows theassessments that he’s making. The street is swept, dotted with buildings ingood repair. The villagers are clean and seemingly pleasant, no drunkards orbeggars in sight.
Klaus mustfind the place pleasing enough, calls to a passerby, asking if there’s an inn.The man approaches and Caroline tips her head down, hoping the dimness and theshadow of her hat will hide her features. Luckily, he pays her no notice,converses briefly with Klaus.
There’s noinn, Klaus is informed and Caroline despairs for a moment. She’d been hopingfor a blanket, a bed, even one less plush than the feather stuffed mattressesshe’s accustomed too. There is a farmer, with a wife and several young sons, who’llprovide travelers a safe campsite, a hot dinner and a place to wash, for asmall price just a short ways down a lane.
Caroline’sstomach rumbles at the mention of hot food. She’d stocked her saddlebags withdry fruit and jerky, has been grazing all day, a home cooked meal sounds rapturous. Klaus thanks the villager forhis assistance, steers his horse in the indicated direction and Caroline isquick to follow.
“Have youthought of a name to go with your disguise,” Klaus murmurs, once they’re aloneagain.
Carolinecannot believe that she hadn’t. She’s been planning this for ages. “Stefan,”she decides. “After the young prince.”
Klaus isn’tpleased with her answer, “You’d name yourself after a boy so easilymanipulated?”
She laughs,more loudly than she should because the trill of it would easily mark her sex, “Whynot? Had he been shrewder I’d never have managed to steal away. I owe theprince a favor.”
“You mostcertainly do not,” Klaus clips out.
Hisexpression has turned thunderous, his jaw tight and brows drawn. If Carolinewere more familiar with caution she’d seek to soothe.
Instead,she inflames.
She’s got adragon to face. She might as well practice with another ornery beast.
Carolinebrings a fingertip to her chin, tapping as if she muses aloud, “Whatever sortof favor would he like, do you think? Katerina’s not a fan of kisses but I’dlike to investigate the matter myself. I can do at least that without risking ruination.”  
Klaus makes a noise, low and sharp andinfuriated.
Carolineignores the warning in the sound. “Perhaps a little more, hmm? I’ve been toldthat there are a number of pleasant things a woman can do with a partnerwithout surrendering her virginity. And Stefan is quite nice to look at.”
Klausthrows her a lethal glare, reaches over to slap her horse sharply on the rumpbefore urging his own into a gallop. Caroline’s mare gives chase and she has tolean down, grip tightly with her knees, in order to avoid being thrown.
Well. Seemsshe’d hit a nerve.
Carolinecouldn’t be more pleased.
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fhimechan · 5 years
#Hannigra(ha)m Meet-Cute Challenge
Summer came back and so, inevitable like the heat wave, does our meet cute. This month, we celebrate our first artwork!
@murderfriesandgayguys filled the prompt  #1 (“B works at a bookstore and offers assistance to an embarrassed A, a customer carrying a large stack of self-help books”) with a beautiful fanart, which you can find and reblog here.
As for the fanfiction side, I finally filled a prompt, asking myself why Will should mistake his roommate for someone else. Encephalitis, that's why. You don't see enough, you see too much #3: A walks into the kitchen, half-asleep, and mistakes B for her roommate. B knows the roommate and stayed overnight; makes breakfast for A. 
These two prompts come in addition to the currently filled ones: #29: Welcome to Widdershins Close by @zigzag-wanderer #110: Fancy meeting you by @mazephoenix #74: Going My Way by @fragile-teacup #55: A Face Like Yours by @hannibalsimago #13: Admirable Deceit by @cinnamaldeide
As usual, in place of the filled prompt we chose two others scenarios which we (I) would love to see depicted in vivid details, or in gory ones, possibly in porny ones 👀
#230: A is waiting in line when they notice B who looks incredibly familiar, but A can’t quite place where they recognize them from. When they exchange glances, A smiles and says hello, thinking that they must have met before – until B says, “Do we know each other?” After talking for a few minutes A realizes that they recognize B from… um, well some amateur NSFW videos online.
#240: A stops at the pub near their house to pick up some food on the way home (they make the best fries in the neighbourhood) when A receives a phone call – and some terrible news. A starts crying and B, the bartender, asks A what’s wrong. As A opens up to them, B gives A a drink on the house, and helps talk them through it.
After @murderfriesandgayguys suggested "dancing in a nightclub" as their next prompt, we realized there's a world of wonderful ideas beyond the list we chose. Would you guys be interested in substituting the filled prompts not only with prompts from the list but also with original ones?
The complete prompt list of the month is this one, which we hope could pick your imagination.
#22: A is having a quiet night at home – that is, until A’s apartment neighbour begins blasting music. Frustration levels rising, A goes to knock on the neighbour’s door to ask them to keep it down… at the same time B, the resident on the other side, is about to. Need more detail? Click on the post.
#32: A checks into a cozy inn while on a cross-country road trip, beyond tired and ready to collapse. When A gets to the assigned room, he or she is in for a surprise! Someone else, B, is already in the room. Uh-oh.
#50: A is at his/her cousin’s wedding. At the reception, A wanders over to B, a stranger, and in the spirit of the romance and happiness in the air, asks if they’re here for the groom or the bride. B’s answer is both simple and, ultimately, confusing: “Neither.”
#116: Although A normally goes to the cafe on Thursday evenings, A’s sibling had called in tears, and s/he had been forced to miss it. So instead A goes the next evening, sitting down at a table with a fresh cup of tea, and then abruptly realized that Friday night was Speed Dating night as B slides into the chair opposite and says, “They say you and I only have five minutes, but I can tell we’re going to need longer.”
#117: A is a professional assassin hired to take out a client’s cheating husband. But the client also spoke to B, a close friend, who has made it his/her’s own mission to also kill the husband. Unfortunately, both A and B have chosen the same night to do so, and it just so happens that B is a bit clumsy… and keeps getting in A’s way.
#143: A’s blind date just left, mumbling some sort of excuse about leaving the stove on. Confused and feeling rejected, A sits orders another beer at the bar, wondering where s/he went wrong. B, who had witnessed the situation, goes over and says sympathetically, “I think I know what went wrong… there’s something in your teeth.”
#162: A is interviewing potential roommates and is having very little luck. When it comes to B, A says, “I’m so sorry, I don’t think this is going to work. I can’t live with someone that I’d like to ask out.”
#166: A is at a coffee shop and sits down at a table, only to find a book on the chair. Intrigued, A starts flipping through it, and realizes it’s actually someone’s journal that had been left behind! And it’s fascinating. Unfortunately, B, the journal’s author, rushes back to retrieve it… and is horrified to see A reading it. But A, having gotten a feel for this person through his/her writing, asks if they want to go out sometime.
#176: A works at a pet store and is utterly surprised when B bursts through the door in a hurry and walks up to the cash without looking around. Out of breath, A says, “Please don’t ask why, but what do capybaras eat?”
#180: There has been a series of recent break-ins in A’s neighbourhood. B, a cop, knocks on A’s door to recommend safety measures and to ask if A has noticed anything peculiar — A hasn’t really seen anything, but invites the cop and his/her charming smile inside for coffee and a bit of false information so s/he might stay a while.
#186: A is walking through the park at night and notices B following close behind. With every step A is getting more and more paranoid until finally, as B goes to pass A, A swivels on his/her heel and punches B in the face! Turns out, B really was just trying to quicken his/her pace to make it home in time for the hockey game.
#207: A meets B and falls immediately for them, but B clearly doesn’t feel the same. After being rejected, A calls on Anteros, the avenger of unrequited love, to exact vengeance on B.
#210: A is a writer struggling to find inspiration for their next book. The publishers are breathing down their neck and the pressure is almost more than A can take. When A comes across an old Greek book in a thrift store, A brings it home and flips through the pages…. only to come across an old chant that was supposed to bring inspiration to those who read it out loud. A gives it a shot and… oh dear. Oh, oh dear. Somehow that summoned B, one of the Muses, to A’s living room.
#215: A is brought in to the police station for questioning about a crime they know nothing about and is put in an interrogation room… with B, who is another suspect in this particular case.
#239: A is sitting in a cafe trying to casually read their book, but is distracted by B’s loud phone conversation at the table over. B tells a joke over the phone, which makes A crack up unexpectedly – B looks over at A, annoyed that they were eavesdropping, but also appreciative that at least someone liked their joke! B hangs up and offers to tell A another.
#246: A was fatally wounded in an accident and suddenly finds themself looking down at their own lifeless body in confusion. B is a reaper and offers A guidance… but A doesn’t want to do the whole follow the light bullshit. A wants to flirt with the cute reaper.
#248: A is a barista and has come to recognize the regulars and their orders. One day, B walks in and A greets them, starting to prepare their order, when B stops A with a sigh: “I’m not who you think I am.” After receiving a blank stare from A who has no idea how to respond to that, B continues, “I have a twin. I’m the other one.”
#252: A is in the public library and notices a strange book that looks like it doesn’t belong in this section. A moves along to another genre, but it seems that this book is in every section… almost like it’s following A. How peculiar! When A finally picks it up to see what exactly it is, B appears out of thin air, and simply says, “I’ve been waiting fifty years for you.”
And as always, we'd achieve nothing without the help of @hanniwinsagrahamy, @diemetzgermeisterin, @niceven-silace, @jenacar and @mistikfir, who keep spreading the word ♥
So... How do you imagine our favorite Murder Husbands first meeting? Is it lust at first sight? Is Will dying in the heat (like us all) and feeling inclined to remove his clothes? Would he rather move to Alaska? 
We're eager to read or see what your imagination can conceive. Just pick a prompt, fill it and contact me (FhimeChan) or Cinnamaldeide. We're creatures of habits and we're keeping the same nicknames on tumblr, pillowfort and now also twitter, while our complete collection can be found on AO3. Feel free to reach out for any question!
We wish you may find some tasty ideas to throw at us this summer... Have fun!!!  (^▽^)
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cinnamaldeide · 5 years
#Hannigraham Meet-Cute Challenge
There’s just barely enough air to breath lately, summer has finally hit us in full force and all that is left for us... is fun. Fun at the seaside, fun with our psycho friends, fun with our precious, scruffy partners, and @funwithtyler​ fun reading lovely stories. Some of us have to combat this torrid heat to approach one very hot computer to type their very beautiful fanfictions and creations, but luckily for us we get to reap the benefits!
#29: Welcome to Widdershins Close by @zigzag-wanderer #110: Fancy meeting you by @mazephoenix #74: Going My Way by @fragile-teacup #55: A Face Like Yours by @hannibalsimago (now with fanart by @bayobayo) #13: Admirable Deceit by @cinnamaldeide​ #248: The night shift customer by @niceven-silace​ #3: You don’t see enough, you see too much by @fhimechan​ #1: Nigel’s Books by @murderfriesandgayguys {fanart} #186: Hello Gorgeous, Love Your Left Hook by @ishxallxgood #230: the aesthetics of pleasure by @exarite​ #116: Speed Dating by @ishxallxgood​ and @stratumgermanitivum #50: Evening Wedding by @emergencytrap {gifset}
You see our list of contributions is growing steadily and inexorably, but in this update I have the pleasure of including not only an incredible cooperation between our unstoppable @ishxallxgood and @stratumgermanitivum, but also an entirely new form of art, which is @emergencytrap’s nsfw gifset where the film Evening meets After the wedding.
As we had announced months ago, despite the name of our challenge, we’re allowing both Hannibal and HEU character, which means EveningWedding and Spacedogs, like in the case of our gifset and fanart, but also RoyalInstincts, DogsDogs, LucAdam, Kaisergram, whatever crosses your mind.
I’ll seize the opportunity and remind you of the #RareMeat fest, mostly on Twitter by now, which is exactly about these pairings. If you’re eager to write something involving Overgård and Galahad, for example, but you don’t know how or where they meet, only that a lot of snow is involved, consider selecting one of the prompts you see here (ง ื▿ ื)ว
#22: A is having a quiet night at home – that is, until A’s apartment neighbour begins blasting music. Frustration levels rising, A goes to knock on the neighbour’s door to ask them to keep it down… at the same time B, the resident on the other side, is about to. Need more detail? Click on the post.
#32: A checks into a cozy inn while on a cross-country road trip, beyond tired and ready to collapse. When A gets to the assigned room, he or she is in for a surprise! Someone else, B, is already in the room. Uh-oh.
#117: A is a professional assassin hired to take out a client’s cheating husband. But the client also spoke to B, a close friend, who has made it his/her’s own mission to also kill the husband. Unfortunately, both A and B have chosen the same night to do so, and it just so happens that B is a bit clumsy… and keeps getting in A’s way.
#143: A’s blind date just left, mumbling some sort of excuse about leaving the stove on. Confused and feeling rejected, A sits orders another beer at the bar, wondering where s/he went wrong. B, who had witnessed the situation, goes over and says sympathetically, “I think I know what went wrong… there’s something in your teeth.”
#162: A is interviewing potential roommates and is having very little luck. When it comes to B, A says, “I’m so sorry, I don’t think this is going to work. I can’t live with someone that I’d like to ask out.”
#166: A is at a coffee shop and sits down at a table, only to find a book on the chair. Intrigued, A starts flipping through it, and realizes it’s actually someone’s journal that had been left behind! And it’s fascinating. Unfortunately, B, the journal’s author, rushes back to retrieve it… and is horrified to see A reading it. But A, having gotten a feel for this person through his/her writing, asks if they want to go out sometime.
#176: A works at a pet store and is utterly surprised when B bursts through the door in a hurry and walks up to the cash without looking around. Out of breath, A says, “Please don’t ask why, but what do capybaras eat?”
#180: There has been a series of recent break-ins in A’s neighbourhood. B, a cop, knocks on A’s door to recommend safety measures and to ask if A has noticed anything peculiar — A hasn’t really seen anything, but invites the cop and his/her charming smile inside for coffee and a bit of false information so s/he might stay a while.
#207: A meets B and falls immediately for them, but B clearly doesn’t feel the same. After being rejected, A calls on Anteros, the avenger of unrequited love, to exact vengeance on B.
#210: A is a writer struggling to find inspiration for their next book. The publishers are breathing down their neck and the pressure is almost more than A can take. When A comes across an old Greek book in a thrift store, A brings it home and flips through the pages…. only to come across an old chant that was supposed to bring inspiration to those who read it out loud. A gives it a shot and… oh dear. Oh, oh dear. Somehow that summoned B, one of the Muses, to A’s living room.
#215: A is brought in to the police station for questioning about a crime they know nothing about and is put in an interrogation room… with B, who is another suspect in this particular case.
#231: A is hanging out with a friend but ends up stopping to look at some lingerie in a shop window. A is still chatting away, thinking that their friend has stopped with them also, and turns to where they assume their friend is to jokingly ask: “Wouldn’t I look sexy in that?” But it turns out that the friend had kept walking and it was B, a total stranger, who A had spoken to.
#232: A is in a public place and temporarily leaves their things where they are seated so that they can use the bathroom. When A returns, A notices B, the person sitting at the next table, putting A’s phone back on the table. A demands to know what they were doing with their phone, and B tells them that the phone was ringing non-stop and it was bothering everyone. Also… “Your friend is drunk and I think they want to sleep with you.”
#239: A is sitting in a cafe trying to casually read their book, but is distracted by B’s loud phone conversation at the table over. B tells a joke over the phone, which makes A crack up unexpectedly – B looks over at A, annoyed that they were eavesdropping, but also appreciative that at least someone liked their joke! B hangs up and offers to tell A another.
#240: A stops at the pub near their house to pick up some food on the way home (they make the best fries in the neighbourhood) when A receives a phone call – and some terrible news. A starts crying and B, the bartender, asks A what’s wrong. As A opens up to them, B gives A a drink on the house, and helps talk them through it.
#246: A was fatally wounded in an accident and suddenly finds themself looking down at their own lifeless body in confusion. B is a reaper and offers A guidance… but A doesn’t want to do the whole follow the light bullshit. A wants to flirt with the cute reaper.
#252: A is in the public library and notices a strange book that looks like it doesn’t belong in this section. A moves along to another genre, but it seems that this book is in every section… almost like it’s following A. How peculiar! When A finally picks it up to see what exactly it is, B appears out of thin air, and simply says, “I’ve been waiting fifty years for you.”
You may have noticed the lack of line breaks in this post. Well, it’s not the only thing I cannot do anymore on this platform, and it would be a big leap to say I’m more or less leaving Tumblr because I can’t do anymore what I previosly did, but that’s exactly what I’m doing. And I’m not alone, apparently.
This challenge, as well as the Accidental Sex initiative, could go on only thanks to those who so kindly kept the word spread for @fhimechan​ and myself. This time, I really thank @zigzag-wanderer​, @mistikfir​, @diemetzgermeisterin​, @cassraven​, @ishxallxgood​, @tiggymalvern​, @crisisoninfintefandoms​, @dyggyd​, @evakkorotta​, @thatthreetoedsloth​, @hannibalsimago​, @xchrysaliswhispersx, @bonesandscales​, @fragile-teacup​, @psychoheu​ and @cinelitchick​, you’ve all helped us keeping this well into Tumblrgeddon, but I’m sad to say this platform is not helping anymore. We’ll have to close this challenge before we had planned and hope the next one will be more fruitful.
In short, hereby starts your last month to choose one of those fantastic prompts and fill it, in whatever capacity you like: fanfiction, fanart, gifset, smoke signals, Hannigraham or RareMeat, whatever crosses your mind. We’re here to reap and to include in our collection, we appreciate your commitment and hope you won’t be mad at us for letting go of this challenge before due time.
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paladin-andric · 5 years
Character Backgrounds: Andric of Lannis, Paladin of the Order
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“We are the men of sweat and steel,
We are the men the world denies,
So now we walk abandoned fields,
Beneath these foreign skies,
We're gonna join the bitter test,
And though there's some will break and fall,
There's nothing here but happiness,
And duty's restless call,
So it calls, but only to the chosen,
To the boys who landed at Liege,
Meet me at the station,
In the glory of the sun,
Into the arms by which the world was won!”
-From “Foreign Skies” by The Dreadnoughts
Born the son of farmers in the remote and rural village of Lannis, Andric’s life seemed set to take only one course; Aid his family in growing enough food to keep themselves fed, stay on the farm, and spend the rest of his life living the simple yet difficult life of a peasant.
It seems fate however, is never set in stone.
His life was fairly uneventful for some time. He made friends in the village, helped with the farm work, and enjoyed what free time he had out in the fields.
That all changed when the fire happened.
No one’s sure how it started, but while a few kids were messing around in a large barn, a fire tore through it, soon coating all in flames. All the teens fled, except for one.
When Andric learned his friend Harry still hadn’t come out, he stormed the barn, despite a chorus of protests. As he was inside, the fire worsened, the barn doors falling apart as the entire building began to collapse. All seemed lost, when suddenly, through a sea of flames, Andric emerged.
In his arms was the unconscious body of his friend. All around him was a burning inferno he marched straight through. In his eyes, there was an entirely different kind of fire burning.
Somehow, someway, the boy had ran straight through a field of fire, engulfed utterly...and yet, both he and Harry were unharmed.
Word spread as quickly as the flames had that day. The people marveled at what had happened. They said God himself intervened that day and saved the courageous hero that willingly risked his life for another.
One day after, a group of priests arrived at the farm. They asked if they could bring the boy in and see his potential. As they explained, sometimes, certain individuals can manifest their energies into magic through sheer will alone under certain conditions. They argued that Andric had somehow created a barrier around himself that shielded him from the flames. If taught to properly wield magic, he could become an incredible individual...
He and his parents accepted. They thought, perhaps, God had some kind of plan for him.
Andric showed much promise. He was strong, athletic, tough and a quick learner. He became a skilled warrior very quickly, favoring the claymore.
His greatest talent was his connection with holy magic. He learned how to heal injuries and diseases, channel holy magic into his body and weapons, fight corruption from demons and undead, and detect any and all evil forces around him very quickly.
He grew and was soon set out to put these skills to use. Andric spent many years traveling the lands, fighting evil and helping those in need. He became toughened, but never lost touch with his kind, empathic nature. He strived to temper compassion and mercy with wisdom and prudence, never one to let an obvious threat off the hook.
There are a great many exploits of his, though so numerous that are not able to be listed here at the moment. He spent decades upon decades journeying across the land and fighting evil wherever he could. Each one of his many quests on their own could make for an epic.
His potential became superb prowess, and he was soon a paladin, a legend that sat among the illustrious few atop the Order’s greatest living warriors. He rubbed elbows with other paladins coming from distant lands and backgrounds. Despite how different some of them were to each other, they were practically family. This band of crusaders against evil held a deep camaraderie in their mission, and thus were united in purpose.
After many long years of travel, questing and war, Andric saw that the lands were, for the first time in a while, near universally safe. He returned to Lannis, though much had changed while he was gone. The young were old, the children were matured, and a new generation had grown. In addition, the village had prospered and become quite large and more successful.
Though he didn’t keep much of the riches he plundered on his adventures, he did save some for this sort of retirement. He build a large home where he could rest comfortably...until he was called on again.
While he was called on to help, it wasn’t for the reasons he imagined.
One day, some people from the village vanished. Though search parties went out looking, no one found them…until they returned on their own.
They had been abducted on the road, kidnapped and tortured by a small tribe of kobolds hiding out in a cave nearby. One of the tribe, a child, took pity on them and helped them escape in the dead of night. Andric donned his armor and readied his weapon once more, to deliver justice to the group of bandits.
The fight was almost too easy. The savage bunch of beasts had little to no experience in combat, and were equipped with only the most primitive of arms.
Andric found the kobold child that helped the prisoners escape hiding and cowering, and took him back to Lannis to raise him in a better environment, and give him a second chance at life. The child seemed happy with this.
The child, Senci, quickly became Andric’s top priority. The child had a pure heart, and dreamed of becoming a hero one day. As he grew, so did his desire to learn how to battle like a hero.
Andric began training him in combat, and the teen showed quite a bit of passion and skill for fighting. His “all-in” approach to combat was as endearing as his approach to everything else.
Things progressed normally until the news of the Exile came. Fearing for Senci’s freedom, Andric planned to flee into the wilds with Senci, and build a new home for the two of them there.
Unfortunately, the soldiers of Geralthin arrived in Lannis just as they were on their way out.
Andric readied himself for battle, but Senci begged him to stop. The kobold agreed to go along with the exile, as he didn’t want Andric to have to become a wanted criminal for his sake. He also said the exile was “like moving, just like we were going to do anyway”. Andric eventually backed down.
While he was initially very worried, Andric’s doubts were calmed when he visited the City of Palethorn and found out that not only had a reptilian given Senci an apprenticeship, but housed and fed him in exchange for the work. The reptilian, a blacksmith by the name of Vok, became a close family friend.
One day, Andric received the call to war. A rogue dragon had not only defied the edict banning him from the kingdom, but rampaged, slaughtering citizens and razing towns without pause. The paladin suited up and set out with the army, riding far north to deal with the fiend.
They were victorious, and the army soon disbanded. It was once Andric returned that he found out about the black fog surrounding Palethorn. He didn’t even take off the armor or drop off his gear. He just took more supplies from his stock at home and immediately rode for Palethorn.
Andric, now older and weary, suits up for battle, one last time. Journeying into the fog, the Champion of God now faces his greatest foe yet; Hell itself, and all its denizens. He’ll gladly take them all on. For justice. For God. For the people of Palethorn.
For Senci.
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadhorner,  @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @reya-writes, @candy687, @novicewriterstuff, @shewrites-sometimes
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zak-animation · 5 years
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Miles Morales: The Hero’s Journey of ‘Into the Spider-Verse’
In this post, I’m exploring the plot of my chosen film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse as an example of the Hero’s Journey as described by Christopher Vogler. The film examines what it means to be a hero, and I felt like breaking down the plot in this format would be a good start to my research into the movie and it’s narrative. For this post, I’m primarily responding to the first essay question:
Analyse your chosen narrative with close reference to the Hero’s Journey or another appropriate story template. You may write about the film’s failure to fit a conventional structure too. Understanding how a film may subvert and challenge narrative conventions is a good aspect of structural analysis.
Act 1: Separation 
1. Ordinary World - introduce the character’s everyday life After a fun opening shot featuring Peter Parker, the film quickly introduces us to the film’s main protagonist Miles Morales. Miles is a teenager from Brooklyn who admires Spider-Man, and we’re shown that he’s struggling to live up to the expectations and standards of his parents and teachers. The film establishes the strong family dynamic of the film, in which we learn that Miles’ father, police officer Jefferson sees Spider-Man as a menace. We learn that Miles has a passion for street art, and pop music that allows him a sense of comfort and ease. After school, Miles sneaks out to visit his Uncle Aaron.
2. Call To Adventure - the hero receives  a call to adventure Aaron takes Miles down to an abandoned subway station, presenting him with a blank canvas. Miles sets to work creating a graffiti ‘masterwork’, and is bitten by a radioactive spider in the process. He’s been bitten, and there’s no going back now.
3. Refusal of the Call - the hero (initially) refuses the call Though just a brief moment, Miles does initially refuse the call in a sense of disbelief. After finding out he has spider-like abilities, Miles reads an Amazing Fantasy comic book detailing the superhero origins of Spider-Man, and he draws similarities to what he’s experiencing. He refuses to believe there ‘can be two Spider-men’. He runs away, saying ‘it’s just puberty’ as the thought bubble ‘no’ flies off around him.
4. Meeting the Mentor - the hero meets the mentor Miles returns to the subway station, searching for the radioactive spider. He unintentionally finds a particle accelerator built by big bad Wilson Fisk, who wishes to open parallel universes in a tragic attempt to find alternative, alive versions of his wife and son. Miles watches as Spider-Man swings in to save the day against Fisk’s villainous cronies Green Goblin and the Prowler.
Spider-Man ends up saving Miles from falling to his death, and they share a bonding moment in which they realise they both have similar spider-like abilities. Miles meets his superhero inspiration and mentor, who says he’ll show him ‘the ropes’. Unfortunately, the mentor is gravely wounded by an explosion during the battle, which also kills Green Goblin.
5. Crossing the Threshold - the hero crosses a boundary, and enters a new world Spider-Man gives Miles a USB drive to disable the accelerator and warns him that if the machine is turned on again, the city will be destroyed. Miles makes an escape after watching Fisk pummel Spider-Man to death. Miles has been given a task, and now the city enters a new world: one without Spider-Man.
Act 2: Descent and Initiation
6. Tests, Allies, Enemies - the hero is tested  In a comical sequence, Miles attempts to master his new abilities and become the new Spider-Man - but manages to inadvertently damage the USB drive in the process. He visits Spider-Man’s grave, and meets Peter B. Parker, and older and more tired version of Spider-Man from another dimension. We find out that Peter has been dragged into Miles’ dimension by Fisk’s accelerator, and needs to return home - and so begrudgingly agrees to train the Brooklyn teenager in exchange for help in creating a new USB drive, using stolen data.
Here, Miles faces new challenges and tests as he teams up with older Spider-Man to break into Fisk’s research facility, and fight off against chief scientist Olivia Octavious. She reveals that Peter will eventually deteriorate and grows closer to death the longer he stays in their dimension, while Miles manages to take the desired data. The dynamic duo make a hasty retreat, pausing to grab a bagel before Peter teaches Miles to web-swing. They are saved by Gwen Stacy, another dimension-displaced spider heroine. Gwen takes Peter and Miles to May Parker, who is shown to be sheltering the other Spider-People: Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Ham, and Peni Parker and SP//dr, who are also deteriorating before Miles’ eyes. He steps up the plate, and given the fact that this is his dimension, offers to disable the accelerator to send the other Spider-People home. Miles, and the audience, begin to learn the rules of this new special world.
In this step, we are introduced to Mile’s allies and enemies, as we learn more about Peter, Gwen and the gang. Something mentioned in the research lecture when we first explored the idea of the Hero’s Journey was how this step was also known as ‘trailer material’. This was especially true with Into the Spider-Verse, as the majority of shots came from the visual gags and quick-paced action of the ‘break in’ scene and as Miles learns to web swing with Peter.
7. Approach To the Inmost Cave - the hero approaches an external / internal threat The heroes attempt to teach Miles how to use his powers, but their lecturing becomes overwhelming and he runs back to Aaron’s home for advice. When he gets back, however, he discovers that Aaron is actually The Prowler, one of Fisk’s hired guns. Terrified, he flees to May’s house, to find out that Peni has completed building the drive. Unfortunately, Miles was followed by Fisk and his enforcers Octavius, Scorpion and Aaron himself. A fight breaks out, and Miles tries to make an escape with the drive.
Prowler seizes Miles, who prepares to kill him on Fisk’s order. Miles unmasks himself, leading Aaron to realise he has been hunting down his own nephew. Prowler decides not to kill Miles, leading Fisk to shoot him in the back - killing his uncle before his eyes. Devastated and afraid, Miles makes a run for it.
The Spider-gang prepare to face Fisk by attending his dinner party in a convenient disguise, while Peter restrains Miles in his dorm and leaves him behind for his own safety. Peter decides to sacrifice himself by taking Miles’ place in deactivating the accelerator, and swings away to help the others. With his mouth webbed up and stuck to his desk chair, Miles’ father Jefferson knocks on his son’s door to tell him about Uncle Aaron. With just silence as his response, Jefferson assumes Miles doesn’t want to speak to him, and proceeds to apologise for his mistakes as a dad.
Here, our hero faces his inner demons and reaches his lowest point. Jefferson leaves, and Miles is forced to combat his own demons. He realises he’s ready for the challenge, and using an on-request surge of energy, breaks out of the web. This isn’t the Ordeal, this is just the build up to it. Miles returns to Aunt May’s house and the original Peter’s Spider-Cave, and designs his own costume using his own spray cans. We next see Miles clinging to the side of a skyscraper. He’s more confident, but he’s still scared. He’s not Spider-Man yet. Miles adjusts his position, in preparation for the ordeal, moving closer and closer to the edge.
8. Ordeal - the hero faces his threat, midpoint, death and rebirth ‘That’s all it is, Miles - a leap of faith’. Our hero lets go of the building, as the window shatters around his hand, and leaps down into the city skyline. He’s out of control, plummeting towards the ground below. We’re left in suspense as Miles takes a literal leap of faith.  
9. Reward - the hero gains something (Seize the Sword) At the last second, miles shoots a web upwards….and it sticks to a building! Miles begins to swing, moving through New York with a visually pleasing fluidity that oozes confidence. After running between taxis and across windows, Miles swings on top of the Brooklyn Bridge and catches his breath. He looks at Fisk Tower, and as an audience, know he’s ready - he is Spider-Man.
Act 3: Resurrection and Rebirth
10. The Road Back - the protagonist, now a hero, embarks on a quest back Miles swings back to meet the gang, and battles Fisk’s enforcers for a final time. It’s a quick fight, but we see how Miles has become his own hero and plays off of his team members easily. Miles manages to activate the USB drive and sends all the Spider-People back to their home dimension.  The other heroes have returned home, but the fight isn’t over: Miles isn’t out of the woods just yet.
11. Resurrection - the protagonist is reborn as a hero Fisk and Miles fight it out throughout the accelerator, which attracts his father’s attention. Jefferson watches as this new Spider-Man risks his life to protect the city and the ones he loves, and realises he’s not the enemy. Spider-Man is reborn as a hero in his father’s eyes, which inspires Miles to defeat Fisk and destroy the accelerator in the process. Jefferson and the authorities arrest Fisk and his enforcers, as the officer and the city recognise Spider-Man as a hero.
12. Return With The Elixir - the hero returns, changed Miles swings around the city, ecstatic to be Spider-Man and have his father’s approval. We literally see him return to his ordinary world - in this case, his bed, at the end of the film. Miles lays back, transformed by the experience. He embraces who he is, and the responsibilities of his new life.
Response In this post, I’ve begun my research into my chosen film of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. To kickstart the process, I’ve analysed the film’s plot in relation to the Hero’s Journey, a narrative structure described by writer Christopher Vogler. It’s clear to me that Chris Lord presents a refreshing take on the Hero’s Journey, following all the beats outlined by Vogler, but in an exciting way that’s new and distinctly…Spider-Man.
As an update on the classic Spider-Man origin story, Mile’s superheroic beginnings manage to feel unique and fresh, whilst also echoing those of Peter Parker’s. However, it should be worth noting that the film’s actual narrative - of becoming a hero - is nothing ground-breaking or particularly new. Instead, that honour goes to the the film’s animation and visual style. It’s a brand-new approach to animated filmmaking, and it’s going to make waves in the industry. 
To continue my research exploring Into the Spider-Verse and it’s narrative, I’m going to be looking at its ground-breaking comic-inspired visual aesthetic: how it was made, and how this allows the filmmakers to tap into an entirely new approach to visual storytelling in film.
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