#but what they did to toph was evil
stayatsam · 1 year
remember how atla had toph's entire arc be about breaking rules and being independent of a prison of a society and then lok made her a cop
also remember how lok implied non-benders are a marginalized group and showed them experiencing police violence, and then never substantially addressed it
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ilikepjo24 · 11 months
On the topic of live action Azula...
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I'm sick and tired of people hating her on Azula's new design because they think it's not right. Her outfit isn't right, that's true, but what's with everyone complaining about her facial features? The only off thing about her facial features is her eyes not being gold.
That being said, some of y'all's complains are uncalled for.
"I always pictured Azula with razor sharp eyes."
Okay but... Why?
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Her eyes can very much be wide. And they can also be narrowed and sharp. Can I tell you a secret? The way your eyes look changes depending on your facial expression. I know, it's crazy! Who could have thought that when Azula is concentrated or upset, her eyes would narrow because her eyebrows would frown. And who could have also thought that her eyes can be wide too, if she's surprised. It's almost like she has a normal face that moves and her eyes can take different shapes, and if she's just resting her face and not making a particular expression, her eyes will have normal, semi-narrow, semi-wide shape. Who could have thought Azula has a face that works the way faces do 🤯
"Her cheeks are too chubby for Azula because Azula works out so much!"
Azula begs to differ. Look at those curves.
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She's so round she could be a freaking circle. In the second picture she almost is a circle. That's how round she is. And that is called "baby fat" and Azula has it because she's 14, she's still, like, kid kid at this age. People grow up a lot. She's still very young. Now, I know this might be a hard pill to shallow but, and hear me out here, Azula is a young teenager who had barely hit puberty and her face shows it because that's now faces work. I know! It's crazy! I mean, Azula being a person?!? Who came up with that?
Seriously tho, even at The Day Of Black Sun, where her design is arguably the sharpest in the show, she still has a bit of roundness.
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"Her cheeks are sunked tho, like Ozai's!"
On a scare from 10 to 10 to ∞ to Toph, how would you rate your blindness?
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"Her face looks top baby-ish! She's supposed to be evil!"
What's wrong antis? Is it finally next to ignore that Azula is literally a freaking child and you got hit by the realization that you've been antagonizing a baby? Does it hurt your pride to have to acknowledge just how ridiculous you're being for having a beef with someone who hasn't hit puberty? Do you feel silly knowing that no one is going to take you seriously anymore when you try to make everyone think Azula's the devil, because she actually looks young and innocent, which is what all 14yo look like? Did you forget to put on your clown make up today?
In any case, og Azula is a drawing, and actors tend to be real people, so obviously she won't look the exact same, but she's pretty close, okay? So unless you're talking about something that is actually inaccurate, like her clothes, or the color of her eyes, just stfu, cause no one is interested in listening to you complain about a casting that has already happened and won't change.
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muffinlance · 2 years
Zuko wakes up from his angst coma after releasing Appa as a sane, rational, and emotionally stable human being
So I keep misreading this as “...after REALIZING Appa is a sane, rational, and emotionally stable…” and I. I cannot be held responsible for my actions.
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“Nephew, I do not believe you are quite so well as you think—”
“I’m fine, Uncle,” said his nephew, who was smiling like this was a good-humored statement, instead of scowling like he was the teenager Iroh knew. “Oh, let’s stop here.”
They stopped. His nephew haggled, with minimum yelling, for an assortment of vegetables and fruits. Perhaps it was time to change tack.
“While I am sure the gesture will be appreciated, this may be a bit sudden. Perhaps we could begin with a note? Sent by courier.” Preferably one that would not be able to tell the recipients just where said note had come from. “I do not believe we are quite on unannounced visiting terms…”
“If they didn’t want people coming to their house, they wouldn’t have put their address on a poster,” said his nephew, who was occasionally capable of catastrophically (in)correct logic.
“Still,” Iroh said, “perhaps in light of past, ahem, acquaintanceships, a more delicate approach may be—”
But Iroh had not been paying enough attention to said addresses. As he realized, when his nephew vaulted over a stone wall, into the courtyard of a modestly appointed upper-ring home. 
There was a low rumble, as if of a ten-ton animal pleasantly surprised. 
Then much shouting, as if of several children, who did not find ‘pleasant’ to be applicable. 
Iroh sighed and, not finding a gate, politely knocked on the stone wall itself. 
The Avatar’s earthbender obliged him a moment later, a gap in the wall opening as easily as a shoji door slid. 
“Hey, Uncle,” the girl said, with a smile toothier than most predators. “Did you misplace your nephew again?”
“I also have tea again,” said Iroh, lifting up the conciliatory basket he’d only just had time to pack before chasing his nephew’s upbeat attitude out the door. 
“Score,” said Miss Beifong, stepping aside. 
“Toph!” barked the Water Tribe boy. “We do not double the Fire Nation’s invasion forces!”
Iroh set out a teacup for him, regardless. Miss Beifong helpfully bent a stone table for him to work atop. Overall, this neither lessened nor greatly increased the level of shouting in the courtyard. 
“I’m not here for you,” his nephew was saying, with familiar levels of scorn. “Move aside, Avatar.”
“You can’t have him!” said the young Avatar. “I just got him back!”
“Who do you think got him back?”
Iroh let both tea and confusion steep. 
“Do you like persimmon-oranges?” asked his nephew, much more hesitantly.
“I… guess?” said the Avatar, before over his head, a great tongue licked the fruit from his nephew’s offering hand. Similarly, the rest of the basket. And then the rest of his nephew, who stared down at his dripping clothes with the same befuddlement with which the Avatar’s group were staring at him.
“Did we all get some kind of crazy fever from the lake water? Or from evil cave mold?” asked the Water Tribe boy. “Is that what this is?”
…That would make more sense than a spiritual fever, perhaps.
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jheselbraum · 5 months
It's 2024 and some of y'all are still whining about Katara being "mean" to Zuko after he joined the party like he didn't directly betray her trust and almost caused her to waste the spirit water on him instead of saving it for Aang which-- while definitely not intentional on Zuko's part since 1) Zuko didn't know that Azula was going to shoot Aang with lightning and 2) He didn't offer or expect the spirit water to be able to heal his scar-- from Katara's perspective the last time she trusted Zuko the Avatar cycle almost fucking ended. Of fucking course it's going to take her the longest to trust him again, she's right! She was the first person to trust him, and he burned that bridge!
Everyone's field trips with Zuko make the most sense for both how they happen and when they happen. Toph trusts Zuko the quickest because she can literally tell when people are lying and is also good friends with Iroh, who's like, the number one "Zuko's not evil he's just in turmoil" guy. Aang trusts Zuko next because he's a fucking air nomad pacifist who is culturally predisposed to the virtue of forgiveness. Sokka trusts Zuko after an intense and prolonged mission to rescue some POWs because Sokka is a warrior at heart and while he like Toph sees the strategic value in Aang having a firebending teacher (eventually), he needs to know how Zuko behaves while on their side before he can trust him. Like-- the change in dynamic between the air temple, when Sokka and Zuko aren't on mission and Zuko is kind of the one "in charge," he has the information Sokka wants but Zuko is the one who hesitates to give it freely and Zuko is the one who dictates how Sokka leaves the temple for the boiling rock, to when they actually get there and Zuko follows Sokka's lead and Sokka is the one calling the shots and coming up with the plans really emphasizes how Zuko works in team setting when it counts.
And Katara's field trip with Zuko has to be her revenge quest, and how Zuko acts during that quest really tells us a lot about what Zuko wants personally from that field trip which is the same thing that he wanted from the others-- jack shit.
Zuko asks Sokka about his mother's death because he wants to better understand where Katara's coming from, and from where I'm standing it's pretty obvious that he only realizes "hey hang on my years at the Fire Nation School For Little Princes might come in handy actually" and tells Katara what he now knows about the raid and who did it.
And throughout the entire episode Zuko is 110% on board with whatever Katara wants to do with that information. If she'd said at the tent "Thanks but the only revenge I want is helping Aang defeat the firelord and ending the war" then he would've just been like "ok"
Zuko makes no judgement call on Katara's use of bloodbending and he makes no judgement call on Katara's decision to spare Yon Ra and every move he makes in that episode is Zuko saying "You're right, I fucked up, and I understand where you're coming from" every move he makes is in support of Katara, she is the one in control in the situation and I think that's why Zuko brushes off Aang's call to pacifism earlier in the episode, because pacifism isn't what Katara wants in that moment.
Like that whole sequence comes from such a genuine place of caring and support from Zuko for Katara and I think the interpretation that Katara is just being Mean to Zuko for No Good Reason really cheapens one of the best episodes in the series as well as the episodes leading up to it.
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marymary-diva17 · 6 months
who is she
zuko and mom reader + avatar team
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The 100 years war had been very devastating and sad, all four nations had been greatly affected. Nobel families to commoners families had all faced the effects of the war, that had been started many years ago. No one seemed to be spared for the war effects as it kept on ragging on and on.
Zuko “ we can all make camp here” zuko had joined team avatar a while ago, he had gotten feed up with the evil ways of her father and knew he need to be stopped. He had been able to win over them all and from good relationship with them as well.
aang “ wow this place is amazing zuko”
zuko “ thank you”
Hakoda “ good choice young man”
zuko “ thank you sir”
katara “ hey zuko how did you know this home and look at beautiful view you can see everything”
toph “ I don’t think he feel comfortable talking about it” toph could sense zuko had deep feelings about this place.
zuko “ it was my family summer home we will be safe here as we don’t use it that much”
Sokka “ cools maybe we can find some stuff about your father here”
zuko “ ……”
katara “ hey maybe we should sort out the rooms among everyone, and look around as well and hey there town not to far we can go shopping later”
Bato “ that a good idea”
Sokka “ yes and it will allow iroh and his group to meet us here after we sent out a message”
zuko “ my uncle will be able to find us once he read we are here”
katara “ good” zuko had soon left the group to go wonder the place, that once made him happy. He wanted to know if there were any stuff to remember the past.
Later that day
katara “ hey zuko there you are we got started on dinner”
zuko “ oh cool hey where did everyone else go”
toph “ it look around I decided to stay here with katars and suki”
suki “ zuko your home is very beautiful and these flowers are lovely”
toph “ yes and there enough space to move around as well”
zuko “ yes this why me and my sister had many reasons to come here .... when we were younger"
katara " so why did you and your family stop coming here"
zuko " we will stop by sometime but didn't stay here for that long"
suki " oh"
zuko " hey where di your father and other man go"
katara " oh yes they went to hide away the ships so they wouldn't be stopped, we were going to ask you but it seems like you wanted alone time"
zuko " oh that good"
Aang " hey everyone we were wondering around and look what we found"
katara " aang I thought we learned to stop going through other people stuff without permission"
aang " I know I know but this something we couldn't pass up come on guys show them" Soon sokka and Haru had been stopped carrying something in followed by the duke and Teo following them.
sokka " I know what you are going to say katara but you need to see what we found" soon the two guys had put what they were down and leaned it against something.
sokka " zuko why didn't you tell us you had some family portraits"
suki " huh"
sokka " oh yeah get a look at this" sock had soon removed the cover on the portrait soon showing an old family portrait of zuko.
sokka " here is zuko everyone and his sister and father along with some women"
Haru " nice painting zuko we fount this and thought it will be good to share with everyone"
aang " This most be an important family portrait to be covered up in the hall away, we had bene raced and knocked the cover over and saw it"
zuko " you should of left it where is belonged"
sokka " oh come on man we thought it will be good to show everyone we don't know alot about you, and it seems like we know enough about you all"
zuko " I said you should of left it alone ... ahh I'm going for a walk" zuko soon stormed off leaving the whole group confused.
toph " I know I cant see guys but I can sense zuko had become saddened when we came here, and even upset when he saw the painting as well"
katara " it most be about her the women in the painting she so beautiful, I wonder who she is"
sokka " i don't know but now I feel mad"
hair " same here"
duke and teo " yeah"
aang " maybe we should go after zuko and speak with him and say we are sorry"
suki " i don't think that a good idea right now given him some time to clam down" soon night fall had ended as everyone had later for dinner and waited for the return of zuko and everyone else.
sokka " hey I think zuko coming back" the group had looked hoping to see zuko but only saw the older man with the others as well.
Hakoda " hey kids dinner smells good"
katara " thank you"
Hakoda " Iroh and thee other white lotus have come"
Iroh " hello everyone"
Tyro " what what with all the long face"
haru " well there was a situation that happened with zuko"
iroh " what has happened with my nephew"
aang " well we were running around myself and the boys when we came across the painting over there" The group soon looked at the family portrait.
hakoda " the fire nation royal family portrait wow that what the boy looked like all those years ago, it a nice painting"
sokka " well he got mad and stormed off and we think it about the women in the painting"
bato " oh yes her wow who she never in our reports have we heard about her"
katara " she very beautiful but who is she"
Iroh " she is the mother of zuko and azula"
Everyone " ....."
Aang " so that zuko mom"
????? " yes that my mom" everyone soon saw zuko as walked close to them.
sokka " zuko why didn't you tell us she is your mom maybe we can go see her ...."
zuko " we can't she gone" everyone seem to understand what zuko meant by those words.
zuko " one night she was there and then she was gone"
iroh " zuko my boy your brother you will want you to remember her in happy way, not sadness"
zuko " I try uncle but I kiss her still to this day"
iroh " she will be proud of you my boy along with your sister and mai and ty lee alll three of you have gone down different paths in life"
zuko " yes uncle"
katara " zuko we are sorry but if you feel like it maybe you can talk about her with us"
zuko “ thank you” the gang had hugged zuko they knew of his pain of losing someone you love and care about. Zuko did talk to them about you at night, and he seemed happy about talking you and his life growing up. He did make a promise to take his father out of power and restore the fire nation, and make sure a war like this never happened again.
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oneatlatime · 8 months
Let's look back at my season 2 predictions!
When I got to the halfway point of season 2, I made a post detailing my predictions for where the rest of the season was going. They were delightfully subjective and conformed more to my hopes than to any legitimate foreshadowing.
I made 9 predictions (one per main character), and then I predicted three ways that the finale could go. I went into some detail in some of my predictions, so I'd recommend checking out the linked post. Keep in mind that I made these predictions before the Ba Sing Se arc started, and it shows.
For Azula, I predicted that she would be the finale's big bad, that she would be defeated, and that the Fire Lord would be introduced as next season's big bad. I'm giving myself one third of a point for this one. Azula was indeed the big bad.
For Toph, I predicted that she would get a subplot that revolved around either something she excelled at being challenged by an external force like those wrestling idiots, or something that she needed to work on that tied into her noble background. Once again giving myself a third of a point, because those wrestling idiots were involved and she did meet an obstacle that she beat by inventing metalbending. I correctly predicted the pieces involved but I got them in completely the wrong configuration.
For Appa, I predicted that he would come back after having many adventures and running into other sky bison. (What's the plural of sky bison? Devastated to say that I've never had to use it) I was right that Appa came back; I was wrong that he ran into remnants of sky bison(s?), but he did end up running into remnants of the Air Nomads, and dreaming about other sky bison(s?), so I'm giving myself three quarters of a point.
For Zuko, I predicted that he would be coaxed/dragged into being decent via a swordbending girlfriend, and that he would be redeemed by the end of Season 2. Hilariously, my prediction smashed Jin and Jet together, which breaks my brain a little. Also, he did the polar opposite of being redeemed by the end of the season. I'm going to give myself a quarter point, for getting the sword bit and the girl bit.
I predicted that Sokka would split from the rest of the Gaang and go on a multi-episode Appa hunting arc that focused heavily on his ties to his family. I was 100% wrong with this one. No point for me. Which is too bad, because I really liked the idea I came up with.
I predicted that Momo would do aerial reconnaissance for the Appa hunt with Sokka. I'm giving myself a full point for this one, because what was he doing in the Tale of Momo? Flying around looking for Appa. Admittedly Sokka wasn't there, but whatever, I need this point.
For Katara, I predicted some sort of moral crisis. Something to add some nuance to her world view. A good yet unapologetically patriotic firebender, or a downright evil waterbender. I was completely wrong on this one too, unless you count being talked into listening to Jet. No points for me.
I predicted that Aang would have to do some type of Avataring that involved delegating tasks to his friends, or putting his status as avatar first, probably due to unrest in the spirit world. This was by far my most broad prediction ("hey maybe the avatar will have to avatar it up" is a very safe statement), so no points for that. I was wrong about spirit world involvement, although I was right that his Avatar duties would conflict with his personal convictions. I'll give myself one quarter point.
For Iroh, I predicted that he would call on old resources to get himself and Zuko into a better situation. I got this one almost completely right, except two bits: I thought he would use blackmail or intimidation, when he actually used something more like the power of friendship, and I also thought that particular plot point would last longer than a single B-plot in a single episode. But what the hell, I'm giving myself the point.
All three of my predictions for how the finale was going to go were incorrect. There was no strike against the Fire Nation, there was no immediate dismissal of the eclipse as a possible time of attack, and there was no relegation of the eclipse to a single episode plot point. No point for me.
So, out of a grand total of 12 predictions, I scored:
I'm going to be generous and round it up to 4, which is a third correct. Still ouch. I am less reliable than a coin toss.
But! I actually had a lot of fun both coming up with predictions and reviewing them. So I'm still counting this exercise as a win.
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the-badger-mole · 10 months
What are your unpopular opinions? Which characters or plot lines do you think deserved better?
For me, I wanted more development for Suki and Toph and their relationships. (I preferred Aang with Toph)
Personally, I think Toph could do better.
As for my thought on which characters deserved better, I think Jet and Hama deserved way more empathy from the narrative than they got. Jet reminds me of Nat Turner. I don't totally agree with everything they did, per se (I have an annoyingly soft spot when it comes to kids), but I understand completely and I do not judge. That's another reason why I hated Aang's lil' speech in TSR. "YUUU s0UnD lYk3 J33EEttT!!!!" Well, Jet had a point, Aang, so shut up. He deserved a better resolution to his story.
Hama also deserved better. I don't blame Katara and the others for allowing her to be arrested again. What else could they do? They couldn't allow her to murder people who likely had nothing to do with her suffering. But I think Hama also deserved more empathy from the narrative. What she did was...morally questionable- after all, there were a lot of Fire Nation citizens struggling under the weight of the war, too- but it came from a place of so much pain and brokenness, I can't imagine many people wouldn't have turned out at least as vengeful as Hama. I wish Katara and the others had been able to send her home. I wish there was at least a line in the epilogue about POWs in the Fire Nation being sent home. I wish Katara had gotten a chance to come to terms with what she learned from Hama and understood that it wasn't inherently evil knowledge.
I'm going to be a bit controversial here. While I do love stories where Toph and Suki get more plot devoted to them, within the context of the show, I think they got plenty. They had enough development and complexity that we care about what happened to them (which is personally, more than I can say for Aang). They weren't super core characters, though, especially Suki, so it makes sense that they didn't get more stories centering them. Although, I would gladly sacrifice that stupid, hacky Footloose pastiche episode that added nothing to the story for a Toph and Zuko field trip episode. I think Toph and Suki would've benefited from a sequel series that followed the Gaang post war. There would've been more space for stories about Toph's complicated relationship with her parents and Suki's backstory after the war.
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waterfire1848 · 10 days
AU where The Gaang are villains and Ozai's Angels are the heroes.
Hello, @wingchunwaterbender !!!!
I’m sorry this one is so sad😭
1. You know how a lot of people have wondered what would happen if the Avatar turned evil or didn’t want to fight for balance? Well, this era got the answer. During the Day of Black Sun, the Gaang is fighting Fire Nation soldiers and Sokka is killed. Azula didn’t kill him but she did see it happen and they saw the Gaang go absolutely insane. Whatever she thought about Team Avatar before was destroyed in that moment as she saw the team kill every single soldier around them. Azula fled to find Mai and Ty Lee and think about what they should do but while she was doing that the Gaang marched to Ozai and Aang killed him. If the group was at all regretful for their actions, they didn't show it. They didn't show it after they killed Ozai or forced Zuko to join them or established a dictator like rule over the world. Aang becomes one of the most ruthless Avatar's in history, ignoring whatever advice his past lives try to give him. Katara leans into her bloodbender side (learning to do it without a full moon) and starts using her waterbending to torture anyone who challenges her. Toph just starts killing those that oppose her and becomes more and more brutish. Even Suki, who wasn't there when Sokka was killed, starts to become more and more violent which spread to the other Kyoshi Warriors. Within two years after the Day of Black Sun, the world is now ruled over by the group and whoever they decide can be trusted (and that's very few people).
2. While all that is going on, Azula, Mai and Ty Lee have been in hiding, trying to figure out what to do next. Fire Nationals got hit the worst by the Gaang’s take over. The Fire Nation was basically put on lockdown which caused many people to starve and any Fire Nation ship found outside of their territory was sunk immediately. Azula, Mai and Ty Lee worked to get food from the Earth Kingdom to the Fire Nation and it helped to keep a lot of people alive. Eventually, they were found out but fled before they could be captured and now they’re trying to figure out what to do next. Because the Gaang knows Azula is still out there, she has a high bounty on her head and has to conceal herself to avoid detection. One day, Azula is recognized in the Fire Nation but she’s not turned in. Instead, she, Mai and Ty Lee are recruited to join an undercover group that’s trying to fight against the Gaang. (Azula: You think you can take them on with twenty people? The Avatar will kill you all. Fighter: But you’ve killed the Avatar! You did it once! You can do it again! Azula: I killed a very different Avatar than the one you’re fighting now. If I tried that same trick, his waterbender would rip all the blood out of my body. Mai: We have to try something, Azula. This might be our only way to survive. Azula: Fine. What’s the plan?)
3. The plan is to take them out one by one. As a group, they’re too strong to subdue but as individuals they might have a chance if they’re smart about it. The first target is Suki, who remains on Kyoshi Island but her Kyoshi Warriors are spread throughout the Earth Kingdom to help keep order. Ty Lee and Mai disguise themselves as warriors and manage to get into the village without issue but Suki recognizes their hairstyles and stops them in their tracks. After some back and forth, they manage to beat her and take her prisoner. Kyoshi Island’s leader sends a messenger hawk to Aang (which no one sees). After Suki is Toph. Toph has one major disadvantage and that’s if you can attack her from above you could win. Azula uses her fire jets to do just that but Ty Lee is hit during the attack and Toph smashes her arm. The rebellion still wins but Ty Lee is out of commission. (Azula: We have to stop. Fighter: Stop!? We’re so close! Why would we stop now?! Azula: We’re not beating Katara with Ty Lee out of action. Fighter: We can handle- Azula: No! No, you cannot. Katara is the most powerful waterbender in the world. Even before she started torturing people, she was giving me a run for my money. We’re not beating her without a chi blocker. Fighter: We can handle Katara without Ty Lee. We’re overwhelm her and- Azula: And what’s your plan when Katara holds us all in place with her bloodbending and starts snapping us like twigs? Fighter: Ummm….Azula: You can’t have a plan because there’s no way to counter that. Mai: Actually…I might have an idea.)
4. Katara and Aang were hit the worst when Sokka died. Since then, they’ve become the most violent and dangerous. Aang stays in the palace to make sure Zuko is ruling correctly but Katara travels the world to “have fun” with Fire Nation soldiers that still think they have a chance. When Aang gets the messenger hawk about Suki, he sends one to Katara, who heads to the palace so they can talk about what to do. Katara wants to have another fight with the Dangerous Ladies because she views them as the last reminder of their past. Once they’re handled then they’ll be able to move on. Aang wants them handled because they’re the last bit of hope the Fire Nation has. Katara is heading towards where she thinks they are when she gets word about Suki and Toph being captured and kept in a nearby prison. Deciding to help, Katara goes there only to realize it’s a trap. Mai threatens to kill both Suki and Toph unless Katara turns herself over to them. (Katara: I should snap your neck right now. Mai: You could, but I’d still have enough to kill them. What’s the plan here, Katara? Turn yourself over or lose more teammates? Katara, narrowing her eyes: Do not talk about him! Mai: I’m not the one who used Sokka’s memory as an excuse to take over the planet. Katara: We’re making things better! Azula: Sure seems that way. Now, what’s your answer?) Aang gets a messenger hawk that night telling him Suki, Toph and Katara have all been captured.
5. The rebellion group sits and waits for Aang to come. It’s all they can do. Azula can’t help but feel like it’s the DOBS all over again as they sit and wait for someone to come attack them. She’s walking through their little campsite with Mai and Ty Lee until she comes across Katara, Toph and Suki. Suki is held in more traditional chains, Toph in a wooden cage that’s being held up and Katara is constantly surrounded by fire (keeping water away from her as well because they’re not stupid). (Katara: Awwww. Is the princess nervous? Azula: I’m not scared of your boyfriend. Katara: You should be. Aang will kill you three and then we’ll finally be rid of any reminder of the war or- Mai: Or Sokka? Toph: You don’t get to talk about him! Mai: We didn’t kill him. Suki: Be thankful we’re canines up. Ty Lee: I’m just surprised. Katara: I imagine many things surprise you. Ty Lee: Hurtful, but I’m actually surprised because Sokka never seemed….violent. Would he want this? Katara: We’re doing this to make sure he didn’t die for nothing! This world is peaceful and people are growing up happy, healthy, and safe. Azula: Safe because you murder anyone who disagrees with you. Katara: Don’t act all high and mighty, Princess. You did the exact same thing. Azula:…) Aang arrives the next morning in the Avatar State and demolishes most of the rebellion. Azula, Mai and Ty Lee hold out long enough for Ty Lee to get back to Katara. Ty Lee tries to convince Katara again that Sokka wouldn’t want this but Katara argues back, saying that he would understand, which prompts Ty Lee to grab something: Sokka’s boomerang (which the rebellion had stolen a while ago and Ty Lee decided to hold onto because she found it cool). With a final conversation, Ty Lee convinces Katara that this isn’t the way and not what Sokka would have wanted. Katara agrees to fight against Aang which gives the rebellion the final push they need to win. Aang isn’t killed but he, Katara, Toph and Suki retreat. (Mai: You think they’ll come back. Azula: I don’t know, but we know we’ll see the Avatar again.)
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hellz-gate · 7 months
In another universe Zuko and Katara angst 
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Taking place during the final episode after Zuko becomes firelord. Katara decides it’s time to see how Zuko really feels about her.
Today was a day that would be celebrated for many years to come. Today was the day 100 years of death was over. Today was the day 100 years of bloodshed was over. Today was the day 100 years of suffering was over. Today was the day the 100 year war had finally ended.Today Zuko was crowned the new fire lord. Today a new era of peace will come.
Katara found herself with her friends in a tea house Iroh had just opened up. Only Mia,Sokka,Toph,Sukki,Anng,Iroh,and Zuko were there with her. All of them having tea together as companions,as comrades, as friends and as family. Everyone was laughing and celebrating. Katara looked at her friends happily but one thing remained on her mind. A certain fire prince who had made her feel things no boy had ever made her feel.
When she first met him she hated him. And she thought he was one ugly guy. The bald head and ponytail style looked ridiculous to her. Whenever she imagined the fire nation and all the evil it was she pictured his face. How could someone be so heartless and cruel? How could someone want to return the world's only hope for his own self gain? Never showing any other emotion than anger and hatred. She hated him. She really did.
Until that one fateful night in Ba Sing Se. In the prison under the glow of the emerald shaded crystals. He looked completely different. His hair had grown so he didn’t look so ugly anymore. He looked…like he wasn’t angry anymore. And for a second she was reminded he was human as well. For a split second she thought maybe…just maybe…he could change. Only for those beliefs to be shattered in a million ways.
She didn’t see him for a long time after that. Until he had shown up asking for forgiveness and to join the group. If she hated him before, oh boy did she hate him so much then. How dare he have the audacity to ask to join the very same group he had been hunting down? The very same group he has tried to kill so many times. When the group started to trust Zuko she hated him even more. The sight of him made her blood boil. It made her even more mad when Zuko would try to talk to her. Until Zuko and her went on that quest to avenge her mother. Katara would’ve never gotten the closure she had needed for so long. If it weren’t for him.
After that they sorta became…close you could say. Katara had noticed things about him she didn’t before. He was always gentle or soft around kids whenever they were around them. Something she would’ve never guessed before. He was a harsh firebending teacher to Aang but never raised his hand to Aang and would compliment Aang whenever he had improved. Some nights Katara and Zuko were the only ones awake. They would share things about each other that they didn’t know before. Zuko would share things about his culture and family. He would tell her about his holidays on ember island with his family. What his sister was like as a kid. What his mother was like. How much he missed his uncle. Katara would tell him about her culture. Her grandma. How much she missed the snow. Zuko would listen carefully. He had asked if one day he could visit. She noticed on the nights while they stayed up late that Zuko never acted this soft and opened around the others. Only her. She only got to see this side of Zuko. It made her feel special. She also noticed how…beautiful he was. Even with his scar. It gave her butterflies.
She knew she loved him when Zuko almost died for her. The terror she felt when the blue glowing lines of lighting hit him in order to stop them from hitting her. The rush she felt when she handcuffed Azula and sped over to him to heal him. The thought of going on without him felt suffocating. The relief she felt when he was still breathing and alive she felt was so heavy. She wanted to kiss him there. Tell him how much she loved him. She would’ve if it weren’t for Azula screaming in the background.
She looked around, seeing that Zuko was not in the room with her or their friends. He had been serving tea to everyone he most likely went to the kitchen to get more. She got up from her table, excusing herself before heading to the kitchen doors. The doors opened silently with no creaking sounds. She peeked into the kitchen to see Zuko pouring the hot tea into the tiny little cups. She closed the doors behind her. It made a quiet clicking sound causing Zuko to turn and discover whoever came to see him. A smile formed on his lips seeing who it was.
“Hello Katara” her name felt like it belonged on his lips. She smiled at him before walking over.
“Is your scar doing better?” Katara asked, eventually standing beside him over the teacups.
“It hurts when I touch it but other than that it’s healing well you did a good job on it” the memory of seeing Zuko's chest while healing him came to Katara and made her blush a little bit. Katara expected him to have a peck but still. She quickly got that memory out of her head trying to focus on the compliment.
“Thank you it’s funny that you’re serving tea even though you just got crowned firelord”
“Uncle says the best Royalty is serving others” Katara looked out the window as the sunset was giving the sky a purple yellow hue. Both the sun and moon were dancing together.
“It’s crazy to think how far we’ve come hasn’t it? A year ago I was a water bender in hiding”
“A year ago I was a banished prince trying to capture you” both of them chuckled at his comment.
“I’m glad the war is over but I’m gonna miss travelling with everyone, I’m sad we’re all going our separate ways now” Zuko looked over at Katara giving her a sympathetic look.
“We won’t not see eachother forever Katara the world still needs to be fixed 100 years of war doesn’t go away like that, it’s gonna take a long time to bring this era of peace the world still needs the avatar, and the avatar needs his friends” Zuko had somehow always managed to find a way to make Katara feel better. Even though it was expected he would be the last person that could.
“Yeah that makes me feel better thanks Zuko”
“Besides I still wanna visit your tribe, and apologise to them for what my nation and I did to them”
“Yeah grandmas gonna beat you up when she sees you” both of them laughed at her comment, Zuko more nervously than Katara. Katara took a second to look at Zukos features. He looked handsome in his firelord outfit earlier. But now with his hair done and simple clothes on he looked so…majestic. Zuko seemed to notice Kataras staring.
“Is there something on my face?”
“No it's just..” Katara took a moment to choose her words. “You look really good in your firelord outfit but you…look so much like yourself right now…I’m going to miss seeing your hair down like this all the time” Katara saw Zuko's cheeks turn a light shade of pink before going back to pour some more of the tea. Katara looked out the window and saw Aang looking out into the sky from outside. Katara loved Aang. And she knew he loved her. But something about Zuko was just…different. He just…got her. Got her in a way Aang never could. Katara sighed she had nothing else to lose it was now or never.
“You know..Aang loves me right?” Zuko stopped pouring the tea for a second before continuing.
“Yes everyone knows he does”
“And..I’m sure I love him too” Zuko didn’t respond to Katara's comment, giving her a glint of hope.
“Zuko, is there anything you want to say to me before I tell him?” Zuko put the tea pot down and turned to her.
“Katara…I..” he had to have felt something towards her right? He literally almost died for her. Maybe just maybe he did. Maybe they could make it work. Maybe they could be happy. She didn’t want to let him go. Hope spread through her body. His eyes looked at her intensely. She could feel the heat rush to her cheeks. He looked like he wanted to say something like his words were stuck in his throat. He must love her he-
“I think you look gorgeous in that dress” Katara felt her heart shatter. Did Zuko really not feel anything towards her? Were all the nights they spent talking just plationic and nothing more? Katara kept her head up high, hiding her heart break.
“Thanks there was nothing in blue in the market so I got the closet thing I could get”
“You should wear that colour more often if it suits you” Zuko smiled at Katara. But if she looked closely she almost saw a hint of sadness behind that smile. But she probably was just imagining it. Just like she imagined Zuko having feelings for her.
“Thank you Zuko I’m going to see Aang I”ll catch up with you later when the parade is on” Katara began to walk out the room when Zuko spoke.
“Katara wait” Katara stopped in her tracks and looked back. Maybe she wasn’t being delusional. Maybe he did love her. But her hopes were shot back down as soon as they came back up.
“My…father…he told me what might’ve happened to my mother…it would be an honour if you could accompany me on this journey” despite it not being exactly what she wanted to hear she still felt happy he wanted her there. She smiled at the firelord.
“Of course I would love to come” Zuko smiled back at Katara
“Thank you Katara you”ll always be a special person in my life”
“And so will you” were the last words Katara said to Zuko before exiting the kitchen. She closed the doors behind her. She let out a long sad sigh. She loved Zuko. But she had to let him go. Because it was clear he didn’t love her. She loved Aang. She knew she would be happy with him. But there would always be calling to her asking what if?. But she couldn’t let that hold her back. She needed to move on. Zuko was her first love. Even if he didn’t feel the same way at least she could be his friend.
Katara exited the building and walked over to Aang. Who waved happily at her. She loved Aang. She really did. This was for the best she thought to herself. As the sunset and the fireworks set off being tested for the parade being held for Zuko later tonight. Aang and Katara shared a deep loving kiss. Letting all bottled up feelings come out.
Little did Katara know someone was watching not too far.
Zuko watched from a high window. His face showed no emotion but if you looked closely a deep sadness was in his eyes. He felt his heart quietly break as he watched the one he loved kiss someone else. Someone that wasn’t him. And he thought that his heart was already so broken it couldn’t be broken anymore. But oh he was so wrong. He loved Katara. Like no girl before her. But it was just impossible. Her destiny was to help the Avatar restore peace. And his destiny was to restore honour to his nation. Her and Aang were made for eachother. They were always meant to be together. Zuko knew that. Zuko also knew that if he told her he loved her. She would be his. Which is why he couldn’t tell her. She had to follow her destiny. Which is why he must let Katara think he never loved her. He loved Mia. He truly did. And he knew he would be happy with her. But if things were different. He would take the water bender into his arms. Kiss her. Hold her. Tell her how much he loved her. But he couldn’t. Even if she wasn’t made for the avatar. The fire nation would never accept a water tribe girl as their fire lady. He didn’t want to give Katara that burden when she could be happier with Aang. He looked away, he couldn't watch anymore. He had to let her go. But he knew that in the back of his mind he would always wonder what if..
Maybe in another universe the war never happened and the fire nation would be accepting of her.
Maybe in another universe he wasn’t a prince and he could be with who he wanted without worrying about the public opinion.
Maybe in another universe her destiny was with him and not with Aang.
Maybe in another universe one of them was brave enough to tell the other.
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drpoisonoaky · 9 months
Training routine
Azula is... a person made by routine. She starts training every day at 5am.
But one day she said said “None of you, menaces to society, can do it too” so they try to prove her wrong.
Azula: Oh you made it. Sokka: Of course. Azula: But you look like shit.
Sokka: Well, I didn't sleep, so I can be awake right now. Azula: You didn’t sleep? How do you pretend to follow my training session? Sokka: To be honest, I didn’t think I’d made it this far and I’m too tired to even care anymore.
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Suki: Ok smart-ass let 's begin. Azula: You look awake. Suki: I am. You’re not the only one who usually does this.  Azula: I know it’s not a Kyoshi warrior thing because I know Ty Lee.  Suki: It’s my thing. Believe or not I’m more than a “fan girl”. Azula: And she has humor too. Suki: So? Azula: Honestly, you were the only one in that group that I knew was capable of doing my training. So if you want to go and do your thing, it wouldn't change my mind or what I'm going to say to them. Suki: I’m here for your training. We will do that. Azula: Hmn. Suki: What are you waiting for? Azula: Fine pretty girl. Let’s start meditating.
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Toph: I know you’re nuts but this is madness. Why do you have to start to do this so early?! Azula: Good morning to you too. When do you want me to do it? Toph: I don’t know, in the afternoon or after breakfast. Azula: After breakfast, I have to read the scrolls for the meetings that will take place that day. I have two hours to do this, and if I don't need all that time, I do paperwork. Azula: Then the meetings start. Usually everything for the day is set before lunch. Toph: Have lunch later and train there. Azula: After lunch I have to appear in several places in Caldera. You know, publicly blah, blah, blah. Toph: When you finish, you can train there and you can use it to relax. Azula: After that I have to have dinner. Toph: I’m pretty sure you can have dinner later. Azula: Dinner is with Katara. We hardly see each other during the day. Toph: So train after dinner. Azula: No. Toph: Why? Azula: Because that time is usually reserved for Katara and is non-negotiable. Toph: Her words or yours? Azula: Your poi- Don’t you dare to do a whip sound. Toph: Sure, domesticated prissy princess. Azula: Enough of this small talk. We have lost so much time already. Toph: And we don’t want to reduce your Katara time. Azula: Horse stance NOW.
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Ty lee: Good Morning. Azula: At least open your eyes first. Ty lee: I train like this. Azula: You train in your pyjamas? Ty lee:  Azula: Go to sleep. Ty lee:  Azula: You tried and you are not a menace. Well, you never were, because you weren't included in that statement. Why are you here? Ty Lee: I'm too tired to shout at you, but in 3-4 hours, be prepared.
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(Mai didn’t try it or even talk about it)
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Aang: Good morning Azula! Azula: Oh, you look fresh? Aang: Is that a surprise? Azula: Yes. Let’s train. Aang: Sure, but it wouldn't kill you to say good morning too.
Azula: We'll see how Zuzu does, but by far you and Suki deserve a bit more respect from me. Aang: Thank you! That's nice, I guess. So if Zuko does well, you would give him more credit? Azula: Of course not.
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Zuko: Of all of the things you have done to me, this is the most evil. Azula: Aren’t you a morning person? Zuko: Yes but when it’s morning. THE SUN IS NOT EVEN THERE. Azula: Don't worry, Zuzu, the sun will be there when we're done.
Azula: Zuzu, can you please stop throwing up, I want to have a bath and then breakfast. Zuko: I hate you. Azula: Don’t worry, you aren’t the only menace, you should have seen Sokka. Zuko: Aang? Azula: Nah, he did it well. Zuko: Suki? Azula: Don’t do this to yourself Zuko.
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Katara, still half asleep in bed: Who’s turn is today? Azual, already up and ready: Yours. Katara: Oh okay let me just…*takes all the bed for herself* Katara: Have a good time. Azula: Don’t you want to prove that you are not a menace to society? Katara, almost asleep: I’m dating you.  Azula: See you point. *kisses her forehead* Sleep well, see you for breakfast. Katara: *snorts*
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wilcze-kudly · 13 days
Why do I get so attached to minor/side antagonists in tlok, especially Aiwei and Baatar Jr?
Like Aiwei is, from what I know, the first confirmed gay man in the franchise (we all hype Kya up where is Aiwei's gay clout huh), a member of an anarchist syndicate, and spent years undercover. And he has a slay nosering!
Tbh Aiwei gives some autism vibes with how he constantly calls people out for lying and is very blunt with his opinions and feelings, like when he told some random noodle seller that he was a liar bcs the guy claimed to be selling "the best noodles" or when Mako was trying to be polite and Aiwei called him out for lying too.)
But he's also so mysterious. Like he's been in the Red Lotus for years presumably, unless Zaheer could reqruit from a jail cell, and also has been infiltrating Zaofu for years, long enough for Su to consider him family. But like man I need details.
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And he seems.... genuinely nice? To some degree. Like he helped Lin out when she was sick from stress and shit, even though it would probably be beneficial to him to have an enemy in a weakened state, and I think he genuinely cared for the Beifongs, at least to some degree.
I need to know more about him, his relationship to the Beifongs, his reasons for being in the Red Lotus.
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And Baatar Jr is also so interesting but people only bring him up when they're trying to make Kuvira look better by being like: "oh Baatar did this shit too." Like yeah bitch but he's also a surprisingly interesting character on his own. Like if you're gonna talk about his warcrimes let's talk about his wonderfully crafted inferiority complex.
Like he's if Bumi had an engineering degree and also was evil. He's the firstborn child of TOPH FUCKING BEIFONG the greatest earthbender who ever lived. His other brothers are metalbenders, and especially the twins are clearly carrying on the family legacy. His only fellow nonbender is Opal who is then ripped away by RANDOMLY SPAWNING AIRBENDING. And he's lived in his father's shadow, literally carrying his name and simply engineering his father's projects instead of inventing anything ot his own?
And his love and dedication to Kuvira is genuinely devastating. Like how he prioritised her over everything, his family, the Earth Empire... and the bravery? He stared down at Korra who was in the Avatar state and holding him up with one arm and he laughed. HE LAUGHED IN HER FACE AND HER OTHERWORLDLY GLOWING EYES THE AUDACITY. Thw only think he feared was being seperated from Kuvira agh
He looks so unimpressed wtf [its bcs he's dating Kuvira right they provably do way scarier shit in the bedoom huh]
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And the fact that he invented the avatarverse version of nuclear warfare FOR THE LOVE OF A WOMAN. A woman who then tried to kill him with it omg the drama! And also his VA did give a really good performance especially in the moments when he wames up after Kuvira's betrayal (even though he does kinda sound like Nazeem from Skyrim).
I also admire his "Wing and Wei will never forgive me. And Opal." Vs. Kuvira's "I said sorry why are you guys still mad at me". We love a king who takes responsibility for his war crimes and betrayal. Like yeah he still got of wayyy to easy but he's at least clearly not expecting forgiveness. And I do kinda love him just completely swerving Kuvira in the comic she does kinda deserve it lol.
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atla-genderbender · 7 months
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ATLA Gender Bender: Firelord Ozai
"You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher."
The principle behind this AU is to swap the genders of the main cast (Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko) and other characters where it enhances the story. This means that most child characters, like Azula and Suki, are also swapped, but adults are swapped on a case by case basis. This is especially true for characters who had a formative influence on the main characters, like parents and other role models. If you swap a given character and their parent(al figure)s, this alters the character's personality more than swapping that character without swapping their parents. Sometimes this effect is subtle, and sometimes it is large. This is why I would avoid swapping the genders of a character's parents, unless it makes sense to do so.
In the case of Zuko's parents, I do not think it detracts from the story to swap their genders. I would even go so far to say that some things are enhanced by swapping both Ozai and Ursa. Female Ozai fits surprisingly well into the role of an "evil empress". "Urson" also works as a "papa bear" character. A female Ozai would contrast well with a female Zuko, serving as a "good queen" "evil queen" dichotomy. I also find it fascinating to think about what would change and what would stay the same if Ozai's gender was also swapped. 
I picture female Ozai being no less evil or sadistic as normal Ozai. Unlike Ozai, she would have to maintain the image of a good mother to her children, and a good daughter to her father. This is especially interesting if she is the first female Fire Lord in a line of male Fire Lords. She would be a queen who has to strike the perfect balance of femininity and power in order to please her court. A woman who possesses bewitching beauty to conceal a wicked, sadistic soul. I think she would be very narcissistic and cruel, obsessed with being beautiful and powerful at once.
I attempted to convey this through her design, which could be tweaked in many respects. To explain the rationale behind her design, the Fire Lords of Avatar draw from East and Southeast Asian influences. Firelord Ozai's hairstyle is Chinese inspired (see: atlaculture.tumblr.com/post/65…), but his clothing is Burmese inspired (see: atlaculture.tumblr.com/post/63…). As such, I decided to base the hairstyles of female Fire Lords on East Asian hairstyles worn by female rulers.
It feels inevitable that female Ozai would be compared to Wu Zetian. I wanted to minimize these comparisons, and make it clear that female Ozai is not supposed to be a representation of Wu Zetian. Doing so would unfairly demonize a real historical figure. Still, I could not resist including a couple of elements inspired by Fan Bingbing as Wu Zetian in "The Empress of China" (see: dwvyw8kf1avne.cloudfront.net/s…). This is what inspired female Ozai's red makeup, and the stylized phoenix headdress that she wears. Other design elements are not inspired by Wu Zetian, but other portrayals of powerful queens and empresses in Chinese dramas. Namely, Empress Du Feihong in "The Glamorous Imperial Concubine". I hope that the final design is so stylized that it is clear that she is not supposed to represent a real historical figure. I attempted to simplify her headdress in a way that could be easy enough to animate while still making it clear that she is wearing a ridiculous amount of gold and rubies on her head. This is meant to contrast with female Zuko's design. Where female Zuko is humble, female Ozai is vain.
In the end, I am dissatisfied with the design I came up with, for reasons I will explain under "OUTFIT DESCRIPTIONS".
This design approach diverges from the design principles behind the one female Firelord shown in Avatar, that being Izumi. I took liberties with hairstyles, but did not change the masculine style of robes. I felt this would diverge too far from the pre-established rules of Avatar. Additionally, I think it creates an interesting contrast between a feminine hairstyle and masculine robes, especially if Ozai and "Zuka" are the first female Firelords in a long series of male Firelords.
The phoenix imagery actually makes more sense if Ozai was a woman, since the fenghuang is traditionally a feminine entity. I also think it would be cool if she was still named "Ozai", kind of like how "Ty Lee" is very feminine but has a masculine name. It would also imply that "Ozai" isn't the name she was born with, but a name she adopted for its meaning "large presence". 
I picture Grey Griffin as the voice of female Ozai. Specifically, how she voices adult characters, like Ming Hua in LOK and the female Viltrumite from Invincible. I don't think that she should have the same voice as Azula, but Grey Griffin could give her a venomous and vicious voice that would fit her really well.
1: Firelord Costume
I am dissatisfied with the hairstyle I came up with for female Ozai's Firelord costume. I have written previously about my concerns that viewers would conflate her with the real life Wu Zetian. In order to minimize these comparisons, I tried to make elements of her hairstyle abstract instead of authentic to real life costumes. However, I do not think I was successful in achieving my goal. When I first started drawing female Ozai, I knew little about hanfu, and have since learned more about traditional Chinese costumes. The crown that I gave her is clearly inspired by fengguan, which is a distinctly Chinese element. Given Ozai's affinity for phoenixes, I can't not picture female Ozai wearing some sort of fengguan. The design I came up with is flawed, as it is something that "looks Chinese" without being authentic to Chinese costume design. This could come across as offensive. The best approach would be to fuse the Chinese element of the fengguan with other cultural influences, so that the result is something that is not specifically Chinese. I took some time to try to come up with a better design, but to be transparent I am approaching creative burn out with this project and was unable to come up with a better design. I guess this speaks to my limits as an artist.
With all of this said, these designs are best viewed as a first draft and not the final product. These are meant to give an impression of what her character would look like, and could use more sets of eyes to review and improve the design.
2: "Phoenix Queen" Costume
In the second costume, her cape is somewhat inspired by Maleficent's cape in "Sleeping Beauty". Maleficent's appearance also helped inspire female Ozai's widow's peak and facial structure. As I mentioned before, her costume is inspired by the real life apsara. She has dressed herself in the image of a goddess of fire.
3: "Phoenix Queen" Costume, after removing crown and cape
The third costume is supposed to be how female Ozai would appear at the start of her fight with "Aangi". I intended for her to have the same body type as the female Viltrumite "Thula" from "Invincible". I also think that female Ozai's voice would sound like Thula's. I picture her as a warrior queen who spends a lot of time training, giving her an athletic and muscular appearance. I think she would appear more physically intimidating if she has some muscle mass on her frame. This being said, there are a lot of different athletic body types. A less bulky but athletic body type could arguably fit her better.
4: Appearance after being defeated by "Aangi"
The fourth costume is supposed to be how female Ozai would appear at the end of her fight with "Aangi". Since she doesn't have a goattee, I think "Aangi" would grab her by the gold part of her top. I think it would be cool and dramatic if "Aangi" ripped this part of her costume off. In the heat of battle, female Ozai loses the gold parts of her costume, and a waterbending attack by "Aangi" washes off her makeup, exposing her as a false goddess.
Her finger nails and toenails are painted and sharpened, to resemble the talons of a phoenix.
Like what I’m doing? Consider leaving me a donation via Ko-Fi.
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I mean to be fair the writers in the latter half of the show were fully aware of all this fanon madness and threw them some bones. Katara and Zuko were trolled 2 times at being together, Toph hinted at katara having a secret thing with haru (whatever that means) amd she herself seemee very needy and jealous being the only one without a zuko field trip,suki and sokka did it.
When people watch the show without any social media or fanon influence after netflix aired atla all the canon pairings make total sense but when i think bryke indeed did some fanservice (the way zuko jumped in slowmo into the lightning) so the writers definitely knew what they were doing.
I really liked kataang in the first 2.5 seasons but the fact that tsr and eip are both 2 episodes in a row and we never see katara apologizing to either sokka or aang even had me like wtf (tsr is a good episode but still.) Then aang disappears on the lion turtle and katara is pretty chill compared to all the times before. It would be prob better to have a book 4 where they grew apart for a few years and saw how important they were to each other to give them the proper development but it is what it is.
While I'm all for a book 4, splitting the Gaang up would be a HUGE mistake. "This could ruin the whole show" kind of mistake. They all are at their best and grow the most when they are TOGETHER. Hell, that's the whole point of the life-changing field trips with Zuko. Let's not "fix" what isn't broken.
I wouldn't really say that Katara was "chill" after Aang disappeared. They were on the edge of the biggest battle of their lives so they had a LOT to focus on, and even Sokka just immediately thinks "He's probably in the spirit world doing Avatar stuff that will help save the day." Mysterious bullshit making Aang be away for a little while, be it physically or just spiritually/mentally, is a Tuesday for them at this point. They spent an entire episode waiting for Roku to be done telling his backstory with Sozin to him. Katara not losing her mind with concern because of something that happens regularly is not the same them growing apart.
And while an apology to Katara for the Ember Island thing or her apologizing to Aang and SPECIALLY Sokka after how she acted on Southern Raiders would be great, Avatar has a tendency of just skipping apologies that are kind of taken as a given - see Aang not apologizing to Toph after how he acted when Appa was kidnaped, or her and Katara not apologizing to each other after the events of The Chase. They tend to focus on apologies for bad behavior that lasted a whole arc (see Zuko apologizing to the Gaang and to Iroh).
And about the writers throwing shippers a bone with stuff like Katara and Zuko being mistaken for a couple - yeah, I can see how fan would like that. I also remember the characters getting visibly uncomfortable with it and that the show basically mocked the very concept of the ship through the Ember Island Players.
More importantly: fanservice is not foreshadowing, set up and/or development. For exemple: I LOVE Tokka as a ship, and I find Toph's crush on Sokka really cute. But it was always VERY CLEAR that it was one-sided and that the writers decided to make him end up with Suki. The fanservice made me happy, but it was not meant to be taken seriously, so I didn't.
Meanwhile Zutarians use five minutes of bait to argue that there was a whole conspiracy in which their OTP was meant to be endgame but evil Bryke ruined it at the last second. They've argued that Ember Island!Katara saying she likes Zuko and thinks of Aang as her little brother was a reflection of the REAL Katara's feelings, even though she explicitly said it was not the case and the show itself made it obvious that it is simply an INNACCURATE fanon take on the show.
No one would have an issue with Zutara shippers enjoying the little treats the writers gave them if they weren't so hellbent on claiming that those little moments somehow invalidate three seasons of Kataang, and one season (plus a few book 2 episodes) of Maiko. Not to mention the constant "If you dislike the ship/say it's not canon, then you're sexist/racist and I get to harass you."
You can't be "fair" to people that are asking to be allowed to be unfair to everyone else. They need to grow the fuck up first and realize that, if they want to be left alone, they shouldn't go around picking up petty fights with people then complaining when they get punched.
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bunthebreadboy · 6 months
so i’ve been on my atla bs once again, and while rewatching today i got the lovely thought that azula reminded me of a specific kpop idol and spiraled from there. so. here’s my personal list of kpop idols as atla characters!!
these are mostly based on vibes and/or visuals. by no means do i mean to make idols i think are similar to the show’s antagonists out to be bad people!!! i will give an explanation behind my thoughts as well.
also disclaimer, i know next to nothing about boy groups, so please spare me lol
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seungkwan (seventeen) as aang
- once again, i know nothing about boy groups
- i did however watch the devil’s plan (amazing show by the way, it’s on netflix) and the positive but still very determined vibe seungkwan brought to the show reminded me of aang
- also, this selfie of him reminds me of the one scene with aang in the flower crown
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jihyo (twice/soloist) as katara
- extremely hard workers who trained for years to get to where they are now
- have natural leadership abilities and are total mom friends
- would cuss someone out if they were very annoyed
- thanks to jeongyeon and her water bottles, jihyo is actually a pro waterbender already (jeongyeon is pakku but without the misogyny. the entire pakku/katara fight is just a compilation every single concert encore where jeong and jihyo bicker)
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chan (skz) as sokka
- this honestly just felt right
- every time i see a clip of chan on a live i end up laughing
- i have also heard from stays that skz would collapse without chan and i very much think the same of sokka since he’s the ideas guy
- also aussie sokka lmao
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hyunjin (loossemble) as toph
- competitive level 1000000 (please watch one episode of loossemble assemble and tell me i’m wrong)
- would do something out of spite but is also very protective of friends
- cannot be left alone without causing hazards
- theft (“stealing can be fun” -hyunjin)
- chaos reincarnate when younger, calmer (a bit) when older
- toph would also wear that shirt and pretend she didn’t know what it said even though sokka told her
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heejin (artms/soloist) as suki
- i mostly thought of this because heejin and hyunjin are former loona members and good friends. which would make the scene where suki saves toph from drowning even funnier imo
- but also have you SEEN this woman’s muscles??? i have full confidence that heejin could handle her own in a fight
- every sapphic i know who’s seen atla had a crush on suki growing up and every sapphic loona stan i’ve met (which is most loona stans) has had a crush on heejin
- heejin’s lore in loonaverse is basically being a god and i personally equate that to suki
- also, they’re dorks
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siyeon (dreamcatcher) as azula
- LITERALLY THE REASON I THOUGHT OF THIS POST (specifically vision era hello???) LOOK AT HER
- siyeon is at the scene of the crime like 90% of the time something chaotic happens in dreamcatcher so i can fully imagine her cosplaying azula and running around with sparklers or something
- she’s also very good at looking evil in mvs so i think she could play azula
- that scene in the deja vu music video right before the last chorus when fire shoots up from behind her? she’s literally a firebender
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seonghwa (ateez) as zuko
- i know absolutely NOTHING about ateez aside from a couple of their title tracks but this man looks so much like siyeon i couldn’t resist
- idk i just feel like they’d be good at being the fire disaster siblings
- he also looks like he’d eat up the “the scar is not on the wrong side” line for some reason???
- was probably an angsty teenager at some point
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miyeon (gidle) as ty lee
- nobody can out femme either of these two
- cute extroverts who could also be deadly (like imagine x-file miyeon during boiling rock)
- i feel like ty lee would LOVE doing dance challenges with anyone and everyone
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bibi (soloist) as mai
- i am fully aware that bibi isn’t an idol but i couldn’t resist
- she just gives the mai vibes honestly. you know that trope where the guard asks the character to hand over all of their weapons and just stands there and stares as said character pulls out knives from everywhere? that is both bibi and mai
- bibi is also the queen of every concept so i fully believe she could probably play the entire cast of atla in a chaotic one-woman show
anyways i hope you enjoyed my chaos rambling and i kind of want to do this with other shows so if you liked this please leave me recommendations!
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shopcat · 6 months
i know the whole drama of it has been milked out of the situation already but the gaang not knowing fucking Anything about zuko is so fascinating and funny to think about really like he seriously was just some guy to them. who hated them for a reason they didn't quite understand other than he was a cartoon villain. and threw firecrackers at their feet like a neighbourhood bully. i also think from this there's the potential funniest and maybe saddest misunderstanding ever based on just how little they know about him at all + with some combination of misheard/unheard lines and some handwaving on the gaang's tendency to take things at face value and if all else fails a proclivity to assume anything strange was Weird Royal Stuff or undercover identities which could lead to a conversation something like ↓
"my father is evil and i want to help you stop him" "what" "what" "what do you mean your father is evil i thought he was, like... comparatively nice" "WHAT" "SORRY wow i guess we didn't realise i mean i DID have some misgivings at first and all but he was at least seemingly nice to us when we met him and–" "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU MET HIM" "well toph met him in the woods that one time which i still am not totally clear on–" "WHAT" "but i mean he's always just like kind've around isn't he right" "NO" "you can't just say NO he's literally always following you around. we thought it was kind of sweet actually and he SEEMED concerned for you" "sokka you KNOW i don't understand metaphors" "wh– I'M SPEAKING CLEARLY. he was PHYSICALLY FOLLOWING YOU AROUND" "I WOULD KNOW IF THAT WAS HAPPENING. and you would all be DEAD" "okay well that's kind of insulting no offense to your dad but i feel like i could probably kick him over and his bones would just shatter" "WHY" "BECAUSE HE'S OLD" "HE'S 42" "FORTY– well. he does not keep it tight i guess in that case" "you're literally sick" ("sokka stop being mean to zuko he's probably already upset that we have to fight his father now") "what do you mean NOW. you've had to fight him this WHOLE TIME" "what" "my father is the FIRELORD" "WHAT" "WHAT" "NO. YOUR DAD IS THAT OLD GUY WITH THE BEARD" and then zuko would start like genuinely ugly crying and they wouldn't know what to do
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asocial-inkblot · 7 months
Things I Hope/d to See in the New ATLA Live Action Show
A source material-accurate Azula (duh) and Aang (the show's namesake!) with something extra added to both. See #7 and #8 for more on that.
Tweaked war-related plans that come across like they could reasonably be implemented in real life and which may be based on/allude to actual battle proposals from throughout history. I know little about these sorts of things but others have pointed out before that one of Sokka's plans, for example, may not have actually made much sense. And Ozai's plan near the end? Yeeaaahhhhh... I mean, I kinda get it in hindsight. But still. Let's have him come up with something better than that.
Appearances and clothing that call back to the ethnic groups and cultures that the show takes inspiration from (things are looking great on this front so far), but also
Eye colors like the ones from the original cartoon. This may seem petty but I find that it's actually important to use the right hues for each character and not just make everyone's eyes brown or black or gray (looks to me like that's exactly what they did). The reason being that, although I personally tend to dislike when non-white characters are given what I now call "white qualifiers" (meaning traits often used to make them still appeal to whiteness, such as light hair, light eyes, bone-straight hair, round eyes, etc.), in the context of the show, the eye colors are actually by and large ethnic characteristics and differentiators themselves. As I've noted before in a previous post from a while back: Ocean blue eyes = Water Tribes, brown and gray = usually Air Nomad or Earth Kingdom, amber or light tan = Fire Nation, with few exceptions for all of them.
Enough similarities for it to feel like ATLA but with enough differences that it's actually its own story. Again, duh, but we all know how often adaptations tend to get this part wrong.
An age rating that won't be used as just another excuse to shoehorn in as much violence, gore and sexual content as possible but instead to allow for the full illustration of the impact that war can have on a people and their society/traditions. We saw, imo, only little hints of this throughout the cartoon (when Aang found Monk Gyatso's remains is one extremely devastating example), but not near enough. I know the reason why, of course. However, things like that only helped sell the show short by not allowing it to fully flesh out into a world with true, viewable consequences.
An Azula who, from day one, is unquestionably made out to be exactly what she is: A child soldier who is also a victim of the war in a similar way to how the Gaang is. I want to see her allowed to show worry, even fear, either during or after a situation. Not because I don't love how kickass she is, but because at her age, level of trauma and amount of risk to her life everyday, she has all the reason to be more stressed from the get-go. Not to mention her family issues. I want Azula to clearly have anxiety or depression, something many of us can relate to. I also want that scene of her mental breakdown to STAY in some capacity, but be seen in-universe and hopefully—eventually—irl, too, as what it really was: A teenage girl pushed to her limits until she had no where left to step. Real, living people have had anxiety/panic attacks and meltdowns before and that didn't make them evil or any less worthy of sympathy. It only makes it that much more obvious how real Azula herself is, and how much she needed and deserved understanding.
I want an Aang who's allowed to cry, not once, not twice but over and over again as the weight of the burden of what it means to be a child avatar during a world war—and one who was out-of-commission for a century—start to take their toll on his mind, body and eventually spirit. After he reaches his breaking point, I want him to learn to forgive himself and even forgive others, and come back from it, stronger than ever.
A Toph who's tough but maybe a little less...umm... She should be/feel affected by the war too, okay? And have some level of guilt, fear or self-awareness at all times. So she should be like her original self, but deeper.
More Ursa pleeeaaaaaaassse. We know next to nothing about this woman and what we do know, still involves a lot of inferring. I need to know just what her beliefs were about the war and her family/relatives. I need to know if she...if she often feared for her or her children's lives!
A little less romance and a little more danger, planning and large platonic relationship growth as well as character growth.
Zuko actually learning something from his travels; early on, every time he meets someone/some new people, and on a regular basis. I also kinda want to see him have consequences for his actions. Not just that one time, where he was only a clueless 13 year old boy anyway. Doesn't have to be huge or bloody, but he needs to lose something every time he gains at the expense of another. The ATLA world (if not within the cartoon then definitely within the live action show) should have a real, tangible concept of Karma present, if it doesn't already. That would make so. much. sense.
If possible, a little more fleshing out of characters like Jet and the Freedom Fighters, Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors, Hama, Mai, Ty Lee, etc. And can we not demonize or shrug off victims anymore?
A still sexy Hakoda, Ozai and June. (I'm so sorry, don't hate me...)
An ending that won't make me break out in hives plez.
(That's it for now. I may come back here to add more.)
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