#why would she want to fucking lock people away lol
stayatsam · 9 months
remember how atla had toph's entire arc be about breaking rules and being independent of a prison of a society and then lok made her a cop
also remember how lok implied non-benders are a marginalized group and showed them experiencing police violence, and then never substantially addressed it
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angelbarelywrites · 2 months
♡ good one | thomas hewitt x reader
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♡ fandoms; Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 + 2006)
♡ characters; Thomas Brown Hewitt
♡ reader; gender neutral
♡ cw; references to extreme violence, stockholm syndrome i suppose?, kidnapping
♡ notes; this was literally supposed to be porn but instead here’s some weird sappy stuff lol
anyways hopefully more fics soon, writers block and rehearsals have been a bitch and a half
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It was a wonder you were still alive. That’s what you thought about, sitting and fidgeting in the strange bedroom with your ankle shackled. Was shackled the right word if it was tied with rope? Whatever. It didn’t matter. You were fairly certain you’d fall prey to the crazy folks running around the place soon enough. The group you’d hitched a ride with was already long gone- one you’d watched get shot point blank by the bullshit sheriff. The others….well, you heard the chainsaw and the screaming. It was an easy conclusion to come to, especially after you saw the bloody smears on the hardwood downstairs.
You weren’t sure why you hadn’t been hacked into bits yet. You’d been indistinguishable from the others- just another wandering twenty-something with tight clothes and next to no money. The only thing you could think of was that gas station. Your companions had been such dicks to the lady at the counter- of course you apologized to her. She’d been just as kind in return, she even snuck a candy into your bag of sodas and snacks. She was the one who’d sent you that way, towards the farm house.
You stilled, train of thought lost as you heard footsteps. Heavy and slow- they were somehow more intimidating than any angry stomping could have been. You curled your legs up defensively, eyes trained on the door. The person stood there more than a second, silent and just as still as you were holding. If you hadn’t been listening so intently, you would have thought they turned and walked away. But then there was some quiet mumbling- a woman’s voice, maybe?- and the door creaked open.
“Go on Tommy dear- I found a good one for you.”
You’d never seen a man so tall- with shoulders so broad or arms and torso so solid. He was massive. He was terrifying. And he was attractive. Once your eyes unglued themselves from his figure you finally took in the rest. Dark, thick shoulder-length waves. A mask that seemed useless as any sort of medical device thanks to the open mouth. Eyes that were dark but not brown. Maybe blue, maybe gray..maybe just pure black. Like a shark’s. In other circumstances you'd be reduced to a puddle on floor over him. But the bloodstains on his shirt didn’t go unnoticed.
You watched him closely, and he watched you just as alertly, stalking forward like some jungle cat…No. Wait. That wasn’t right. He didn’t look scared, but he was cautious, keeping some distance. Maybe a better allegory would be he looked like he was trying to corner a feral kitten- not wanting you to swipe or dart away. As if doing either was possible. You were frozen with fear, though found the courage to lean back a bit as he stepped forward. He grunted softly and persisted, nearly trembling as he brushed a strand of hair from your face.
Love at first sight was a stupid fucking concept. That you’d always believe. Maybe something in you just broke that same moment, maybe you were just too exhausted to think even close to straight. Maybe both. But when you and this massive man locked eyes, there was an instant understanding. He was already yours- and more importantly, you’d be his. He just had to stake his claim.
“…you’re Tommy?” You practically whispered. He nodded quickly. You got a sense he didn’t speak much, but you told him your name in return and tried to think of anything to talk about to stall the inevitable. “…you killed those people?” You blurted for some godforsaken reason. He tensed, still hovering over you. “It’s okay.” You added quickly “I didn’t actually know them. They were kinda mean.”
He furrowed his brow just a bit and searched your face, for any signs that you were lying. Before he came to a conclusion, you gave a soft sigh, instinctively leaning into the hand that had raised your face to him. Something immediately softened about him, and he rubbed your cheek in awe. The sleepy giggle it caused seemed almost to startle him. It was like no one had ever been that soft with him. Maybe they hadn’t. “….this is your room right? Can we sleep?”
Tommy still seemed in shock but carefully nodded, undoing his apron and seeming at a loss of what to do next. He frowned a bit as he noticed your bindings and quickly undid the knot that kept you stuck there. His guard was down- you could try to run. But you didn’t want to. Doing so would only be tiring. You wanted to let go. So instead you smiled softly and simply opened your arms, letting him cuddle up with you. It took him a minute to get settled, and all the while treating you so delicately… like you were made of glass. He looked up at you, again searching your face in near confusion. He grunted in surprise as you pecked his forehead. His mama really did find him a good one.
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totheblood · 1 year
jealous!ellie headcanons
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a/n: these are modern headcanons sooooo... and this isn't jealous gf ellie, this is pining loser lesbian ellie... lol also super inspired by the talented @rxllingstones and @whore-era after reading their amazing fics tonight... pls go read them.. and for u fiends... there is ai audios at the bottom... more uploaded on sc bc tumblr hates me
ellie is incredibly hard to read
or at least that's what she tells herself
it's almost written all over her face how much she hates the people you date when she's in a five-foot radius of them
she tells herself she doesn't care (she's lying) but she can't ignore how her grip tightens when she sees you lip-locking some loser you met at a party
but she always finds herself at your side, pulling you away from them and back into the corner with her
"hey there, pretty girl. having fun?"
"i was until you cock-blocked me."
"there wasn't much to block... i heard his dick's small."
but the curse of having feelings for you was that you were always dating someone
it always comes up when the group goes out to dinner and the topic of who you're dating comes up
like it does every week...
"i actually really like him for you" dina shares, a genuine smile on her face
"yeah, dude's cool" jesse agrees, slinging his arm around dina in the booth
and then all the attention is on ellie as you stare at her with your wide eyes waiting for her approval
"what? you know you're not going to like what i have to say." she says taking a sip of her dr. pepper
yes ellie drinks dr. pepper
"cause you hate everyone i date!" you reply, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout
it was clear you were slightly tipsy but your face still made ellie smile
"yeah, cause you only date fucking losers." she would say smile on her face but anger blooming inside
ellie tries to be mature but she can't help herself
what makes it worse is that you really do date literally everyone except for her
so she doesn't really make an effort to be nice to the people you introduce her to
one time the same guy came around twice and all ellie could say was "oh it's this fucking guy again! hey man, glad to see you made it to a second date."
you scolded her after
but in her defense, you really are with someone new each week
until it's been three weeks and you're still dating the same girl
and ellie is a fucking mess
you started inviting her out to group hang outs and smoke sessions so ellie just stops showing up
she doesn't like the way it feels when her stomach flips upside down at the sight of you sitting on her lap, a beer in your hands
so she decides to opt-out, get high alone and avoid seeing you as much as possible
but it's short lived because your drunk ass is banging on her door
"ellie, let me in!" you yell over the tv playing from inside her dorm room. "i hear you watching shark tank!"
reluctantly, she gets up and opens the door for you
"can i help you?"
"yeah you can fucking help me. you can help me by telling me why you've been MIA for the last few parties. i miss you." you don't miss a beat and are already storming past her and sitting on her unmade bed
"you miss me? does arcadia know about that? you missing me?"
"is this seriously about you not liking another partner of mine? seriously ellie? grow up. you're supposed to be my friend and support me but you have done any of that?" it was obvious you had been hanging onto that for a while
she'd laugh but upon seeing your stone cold face her anger would rise
"oh, you're fucking serious. are you really that blind? you really think i want to be your fucking friend? i mean, my god i couldn't have made it clearer for you. i like you! like actually like you, like i want it to be my lap that you sit in. not hers. every person you have ever dated i have wished was me! but nooo, you just don't seem to notice."
she doesn't even realize it but she's shaking
she's actually just confessed her three year crush on you without even thinking about it
"ellie..." you begin, a worried look all over your face
"no, i don't really have it in me to get rejected by you tonight so please just go." she cuts you off, unable to meet your eyes
but then you're there next to her holding her shaking hand
"i'm not rejecting you, ellie." you whisper
"you're not? what about your little girlfriend."
"this might be absolutely toxic of me to say but... she's not you." you giggle
"you're absolutely right it's fucking toxic to say that…. but it's also EXTREMELY fucking hot."
ai audios:
extra ai audios:
there wasn't much to block..
oh, it's this fucking guy again!
oh you miss me?
you're not? what about your little girlfriend
you're right it's toxic to say that...
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multifan2022 · 1 year
New story that I had in my WIPS lets see if theres any interest lol. 
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The water from the chasm was pouring down into the abyss below, sprinkles of the coolness hitting your face as you waited. Below people were starting to stir, leaving their rooms to find their way to the small shops or cafeteria. From your spot high on the wall they looked like ants, of course you weren't supposed to be up here.. 
Max would scalp you if he saw you. It was a tricky climb to this little alcove, the wall was wet from the waterfall next to it. Small little holes for your hands and feet, people such as Eric never would be able to make it. Even if he could he was too scared to try. That's why it was your favorite place in all of Dauntless. 
"You better get down, Girl.. You gotta get to the train." A voice called from the ledge below, when you looked down you saw the person who was like a mother too you. Her hair slicked back, tattoos on display with a soft smile on her sharp face. 
She was and is the only person who ever looked out for you. Told you that you were strong, strong enough to face the trails as an initiate. Strong enough to get your first tattoo, strong enough when you got your ears pierced. Strong enough when Max ranked you in third when you should've been in second. 
She was there the day you almost died at the hands of your 'friends'. There every day of your recovery. And there even now that you were one of the strongest, still in your corner even if you didn't need her. 
Little did she know you would always need her. 
Slipping down the wall, you could almost hear her eyes roll as you let go off the wall. The seconds of free fall giving you the little boost you need to make it through the day. When your booted feet meet the narrow walkway that has no rails, you turn to look at your mother figure. Confirming the eye roll you figured would be happening. 
Smiling widely at her as she loops her arm through yours, pulling you down the walkway. You could tell she had something to say, she always said that you were one of the few people who could read her like a book. You also knew if she was waiting then it was important and needed to be private. 
That proved to be true as she pulled you into the tattoo parlor, back into her room closing and locking the door before leaning against it. You stood hands folded together in front of her, waiting for whatever it was she was going to tell you. When she opened her eyes, your heart dropped, the line of tears waiting there was something you hadn't seen in two years. 
Since the day after she administered your test.. Since the day she watched you roll off the net after jumping. You stepped closer to her, using your hands to rub her arms slowly as she took a few deep breaths. "Theres another of you.. Shes almost as.... strong.. as you.." 
You felt all the muscles in your body freeze, you knew what she meant by 'strong'. 
Before you could start asking questions the speakers turned on and announced that the trains into the city would be leaving soon. Both of your heads turned back to each other, her hands grabbing you as you had her. "I told her to stay with the Stiffs.. But I have a feeling shes too much like someone else I know."  She had a soft smile on her face as her hands moved to your face, cupping both of your cheeks. 
"If she chooses Dauntless.. You have to protect her as I have you.. As we both have Uriah.. Promise me Y/n." Tori begged, you knew there was no way you could say no. Even though you wanted too. Protecting one Divergent along with yourself was going to be enough work, now there was someone almost as fucked up as you? And shes a stiff?? 
You let out the breath you didn't realize you were holding as she leaned your forehead against her own. The buzzer went off again, you knew you were going to be questioned for being late. So you pulled away opening the door as Tori moved, pausing only to turn back and look at her. She had risked so much for you, how could you tell her no?
"Ill do what I can. But I wont risk myself or Uriah for someone, Zeke is one of my best friends. Riah is like a little brother too me, but I will do what I can. I promise Mom." 
The entire train ride your stomach was in knots, bile heavy in your chest. Not only from not eating breakfast but from nerves. You watch Uriah talk and goof off with the other 16 year olds. You knew this was a big day for all of them, some would be coming home with you and some you would never speak too again. You couldn't help but wonder who would be going where, you remembered you own Choosing Ceremony. 
The day that you left Amity behind. 
Really nobody was surprised, you had never fit in there. Members of Amity are dedicated to peacefulness, kindness, forgiveness, trust, self-sufficiency, and neutrality. They are slow to anger and yet quick to forgive. None of which you are. You still held grudges from when you were five and your use to be brother ate the last pumpkin cake. 
No.. Amity was not where you belonged. While you did miss the rolling fields, and the openness of having the outdoors right there. You were constantly in trouble, always being chastised and then forgiven for everything. 
"Do not run through Y/n, we are all trying to meditate."
" Do not you think it would be kinder to offer the last one to someone older, maybe even younger? Be kinder Y/n."
"Dont worry young one, I forgive you for your stubbornness."
It was exhausting being there, the peacefulness and trust was all you missed. You were self-sufficient enough, part of being in Dauntless was being able to carry out orders without needing supervision. But you are quick to anger, slow to forgive and definitely biased. 
The kids started yelping as the city came into view, most readying themselves to jump. It was then you noticed the two standing near the back. They looked around at there friends, the girl whos name you couldn't remember caught your eye. Her face paling before you sent her a small smile, making your way over to her. 
Your voice was low, so low only she could hear you as you stood behind her. "Make the choice thats right for you. This is forever, dont think about anyone else. Just yourself. It'll be ok, I promise." 
You could read the surprise on her face as you pushed her towards the door, where everyone was already jumping. A quick somersault was all you registered as you stood walking with the group towards the building. Your eyes scan the crowd like you would be able to spot the girl Tori told you about. 
The Stiffs would already be in the building, walking up the stairs like the selfless people they are. 'Fuck that' You thought as you and Zeke broke from the group towards the front doors. The two of you were stationed outside, to make sure everything ran smoothly. That no one would come in and interrupt the ceremony once it started. You wanted to watch now that you knew what was happening, but it was too late. 
Plus who better to work with than your best friend? The hours this would take would go by quickly by his side. The only person you would trade him for was Four, and really he wouldn't be good conversation here. You knew his father was in there, that would mean he would shut down and be rude. 
He would be short and disgruntle. Which is why the last two times this had happened he stayed behind, ready to watch the first jump. 
Inside you could hear them starting, "Decades ago our ancestors realized that it is not political ideology, religious belief, race, or nationalism that is to blame for a warring world. Rather, they determined that it was the fault of human personality—of humankind's inclination toward evil, in whatever form that is. They divided into factions that sought to eradicate those qualities they believed responsible for the world's disarray." Marcus started. 
Your eyes rolled as you held your gun tightly, you had only heard this speech three times but it wore on your nerves. Before you could even think about how disrespectful it might be you started mocking him. 
"ThOsE wHo BlAmEd AgGrEsSiOn FoRmEd AmItY."
Zeke followed directly after you, proving yet again why he was your best friend. "ThOsE wHo BlAmEd IgNoRaNcE bEcAmE tHe ErUdItE."
You both shook your head and chuckled, "Seriously, he needs to revamp his speech. Its getting old, like they dont learn about all that in school no matter the faction." Shifting from foot too foot you could feel yourself getting restless. You were good at following orders, but today something just felt off. 
Zeke noticed almost immediately, you were antys. Moving around constantly, fingers tapping on the butt of your gun. Your face flush and slightly red like you were sweating. "Are you good? Because you look like your going to pass out." He said in a concerned tone, there was no judgement there like there would be with some others. 
You cracked your neck, willing yourself to calm the hell down. Planting your feet and finding your stance you nodded once. "Yeah I didn't sleep well last night" ..Not a lie.. "I always get worried that I'll see my brother here and he will give me that judgy Erudite stare.. " Again not a lie.. Ok not a complete lie. 
You really didn't care about any of Amity's opinions of you. The people whose feelings you cared about you could count on one hand. But for some reason the stare that your brother always gave you, even before you turned 16, always made your stomach turn. Like he knew something you didn't. Like he was disgusted by you. 
Zeke shook his head "I know that's not the reason, but Ill let it go. Just know I'm always here if you need to talk."  Silence fell between you two, you couldn't thank him for not pushing because that would confirm his doubts. After what felt like days the doors open and the few leaders are followed out by those who have chosen the fearless life you have. 
Your eyes stay straight ahead as they all file pass you, walking behind the group where Zeke is in the middle. It isn't hard to pick out the Stiff, taking small but quick steps trying to keep up the kids who are whooping and smiling. Its always easy to pick out the transfers, of course the plain grey dress thing shes wearing helps. 
Your feet move closer to her without you telling them too. Your lungs are pulling in air to speak even though your brain is telling you too shut up.. You made a promise, one that you unwilling would keep. 
"Dont look at me.. Keep your eyes forward and your mouth closed. Just listen."
The blond girl next to you jumped as you spoke, clearly caught off guard. Either by you speaking to her in general or the tone that was clear even in whispers. Your grip on your weapon tightened as you tried to find the will to be reassuring like Tori was. 
"Follow what the Dauntless born do. Don't hesitate when jumping on the train or you'll die." Great job y/n.. That was reassuring.."When we get to headquarters, when they ask for jumpers.. volunteer before the others. Dont ask questions, dont look for help.. Just do as I say and it will be fine.." 
You didn't even look at her or give her the chance to respond before you started running. Didn't look back to see if she was running, or if she was falling behind. In no way would you allow it too look like you were helping her, because in the long run that would only make it worse. For both of you. 
"What the hell is going on?" A transfer boy yells as people start passing him. You shake your head and wonder if these kids even know who they are joining. Had they ever watched the Dauntless? Did they know anything besides that the motto said? 
We believe in freedom from fear, in ordinary acts of bravery, in defending those who cannot defend themselves.
Did they think that being part of this group came easily? That they would just walk into headquarters and be handed a gun and a job? Zeke was next to you jogging as the train horn sounded behind you. Jumping on and off things was one of his favorite things too do, anyone could see it in the way his face lite up. 
"Oh no," mumbles the Erudite boy. "Are we supposed to hop on that thing?"
You hear the Stiff mumble "yes" and feel the tiniest bit better. Maybe she wouldn't be so bad, maybe she knew a little about what was about to happen. But it didn't mean she was prepared for the amount of lying that she was going to have to do. Dauntless begin to pile in, group by group, until only the new initiates are left. The Dauntless-born initiates are used to doing this by now, so in a second it's just faction transfers left.
You watch as they all start to panic, running next to the car you're in. You placed yourself in the last one, where all the others were in the first two. You watched them make it in one by one, the Stiff almost falling off. Had it not been from the girl from Candor she wouldn't have made it. You all watch A short Erudite boy with red hair pumps his arms as he tries to catch up to the train. An Erudite girl by the door reaches out to grab the boy's hand, straining, but he is too far behind. He falls to his knees next to the tracks as we sail away, and puts his head in his hands.
You should feel bad. Hes just failed the first test, hes now factionless. Less than thirty minutes after making his choice he has failed. But you know deep down its for the best, this is the easy part. If he couldn't make it onto the train what you and Four have planned for training would've killed him. 
You listen to the Cador girl and the Abnegation girl talk, watch as she sits down and then instructs the other girl too. It is that moment you see her divergence. A true Dauntless would stay standing, be unafraid of the wind. Would find a way to show courage in the face of the speeding train and whipping wind. 
This is going to be so much harder than you think, so much worse than you had planned. Thankfully Uriah was only a little divergent. His would be easy to hide, this girl.. Beatrice.. She would cause problems, problems you had already promised to try and solve. 
 "I guess we are going to Dauntless headquarters," She says after the other girl Christina speaks, "but I don't know where that is."
"Does anyone?" Christina shakes her head, grinning. "It's like they just popped out of a hole in the ground or something." You chuckle and cross your arms, pulling their attention towards you but you just keep looking out the train doors. If only they knew, you kinda do pop out of holes. 
Then the wind rushes through the car, and the other faction transfers, hit with bursts of air, falling on top of one another. You pinch the bridge of your nose, sighing through it. "Pathetic" You say loud enough for them all to hear, Christina scoffs along with the tall boy from Candor. The rest smartly stay quiet, Beatrice's eyes falling on you silently. 
"Arent you supposed to be like.. guiding us or something?" He says from his place on the floor, it's your turn to scoff. Turning back to the door grabbing the railing and leaning out, you hear the transfers gasp assuming you're going to fall. Like you haven't done this a million times, none of them know if you're a transfer or not. Younger kids don't go to the ceremony, they would have no idea if you were Dauntless born or not.
In the cars ahead you could see those your age looking back at you.  Zeke, Eric and Shauna all smiling knowing what was coming next. The roof came into view as you all pulled back into the cars, you could hear the Dauntless born whooping again. Turning back to the transfers you smiled, before locking eyes with Beatrice. They were all standing now, frantically talking amongst themselves about jumping. 
"Good luck" was all you said before running and throwing yourself from the train.
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zombieunicorngamerzu · 11 months
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(Nat Scatorccio x fem reader on period)
[Warnings - Oral while on period to help with cramps, whiney Nat begging to eat you out, mentions of cannibalism and Nat liking the taste of blood]
“Come on babe, lemme help….” Nat whined at you, she’d been at it all day, tending to you on your period with chocolate, a hot compress on your tummy, cuddles, kisses, but now what she wanted to do was help you with your cramps… in a more sensual manner.
“No, Nat, that’s disgusting.” You shook your head again, you couldn’t believe your girlfriend wanted to eat you out while you were on your period. “Come on, I’ve eaten worse.” She countered which made you freeze, it had been weeks since you all ate Javi and hearing her say that so nonchalantly was… disturbing. “Natalie.” You just stared at her, she quickly realized what she said and stuttered out as she stepped forward,
“Look, you know what I mean, and just- in biology class they said that orgasms help with period cramps, something about relaxing your like uterine wall or something.” She rasped out with a innocent shrug, the thing was, Natalie really wasn’t bothered by the taste of blood for some reason, but after eating Javi…. She kinda just started craving it. She felt disgusting and horrible for it but she’s just had this fantasy of eating you out on your period, plus she was hungry. She knows it’s weird and like utterly disgusting to think it but… she was thinking, (hey, it’s kinda a meal, blood has iron and protein, right? Calories?) she shrugged at the thought before approaching you again to beg again.
“Please baby, I wanna help you, just please… let me.” She pleaded again with those begging eyes she would give you, jutting her lip out just right making you cave with a sigh, “God- fuck Natalie, fine.” You sighed out before laying down, you didn’t understand why she would do this but if it would help with your cramps, fine. Plus, she looked so happy and excited when you said yes, dropping to her knees almost immediately to tug off your pants.
“You won’t regret it baby, I promise, now just relax, let me take care of you.” She spoke with such a loving tone before spreading your legs, her eyes locked on the mess between your thighs, licking her lips and swallowing unconsciously before kissing your knee and down your inner thigh before finally meeting where she wanted, hesitating before she just pushed her face in between your thighs completely, her tongue slipping through your folds with a loud groan like moan coming from her.
You’d never heard her moan like that before, and god, you’d never had her eat you out so eagerly before either. Nat ate you out like she was starved, loud sucks and messy wet noises sounding out as she flicked her tongue and sucked at your folds, her lips grazing your clit to make you shiver and tremble as she rubbed your thighs, “Fuck baby, god… you taste so fucking good…” she panted out, making you whine out, for some reason her words embarrassed you and turned you on more, moaning out as you pushed your hand down to grip her hair, moaning for her through quick gasps, “N-Nat, I’m gonna cum!” She just smirked against your clit, sucking on it harder to make your eyes roll back before mumbling out, “Come on baby, cum for me!”
And at those words your body keened up, back arching and body tensing as you cried out, getting thrown into a burning orgasm because Nat wouldn’t let up, crying out as you came, tugging on Nat’s hair so hard she whimpered, helping you through your orgasm before finally pulling away once you went limp. Your eyes widened at the sight of her, face covered in your blood which made you blush red with a whine, “Nat, ew.” She just smirked and wiped at her face timidly, “What? I can’t help it, I’m starving.”
(This was a little weird, but I just saw the gif and got the idea to write this. I know it’s gross, but Mabye it’s a turn on for some people, idk. Don’t come after me. Lol)
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querenciasturniolo · 10 months
hi hi, i was wondering if i could get a chris x f!reader where chris has a crush on reader and tries to impress her by dressing up as steve for halloween bc reader loves stranger things and when she finds out it’s super fluffy like they finally get together?
Tysm, I’m really excited for halloween lol 🎃
harrington ⮕ c.s.
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word count: 1.2k
warnings: swearing, cheesiness
summary: request
a/n: this was so fun, i’m so PUMPED for halloween thanks to this, so thank you 🎃 not proofread btw
this is the first of MANY, i’m gonna try my best to get more and more finished and posted, but here you are 🧡
everything written is completely fictional. the people i write for are written with characteristics and mannerisms that i made for them, this is in no way depicting what would actually happen in real life.
“When are you guys getting here? The party starts in twenty minutes, and it takes half an hour to get there.”
You heard Nick groan over the receiver as you pulled the final curler from your hair and combed through it.
“We’ll be there soon, Chris just had to choose the most difficult DIY prop for his costume.” Nick said. Before you could even ask what Nick was talking about, chaos ensued. Chris and Nick bickering at each other was nothing new, but over the phone it was almost impossible to understand.
You snorted and told them you’d see them when they got there, though you knew by the time you finished your sentence that they couldn’t hear you. You dropped your phone onto your sink and took a step back, your eyes roaming over your entire outfit to make sure it looked right. You adjusted your skirt and tucked in the back of your shirt, doing a small twirl and shaking your head at how corny you are.
Nancy Wheeler, seemingly an easy character to replicate, but for some reason it still felt cheesy. You’d been a fan of Stranger Things since the first season, and you’d finally gotten over yourself enough to go as her for Halloween. Chris had pestered you to tell him what you were going as, same with Nick and Matt, but you wanted to keep it a secret to save yourself from backing out at the last second if they’d made a joke about it.
The knock on your door made you jump. You sighed and laughed quietly at yourself as you headed towards the door. Another knock sounded just as you twisted the handle.
“I’m coming, Jesus. Hold your hors—”
Your eyes went wide as you met Chris’ eyes, his own face resembling the same amount of shock as yours. Nick’s footsteps were heard coming from behind Chris, but you couldn’t pull your shocked gaze away from him.
“Are we leaving or—no fucking way. Chris, I told you!” Nick exclaimed, turning around and gesturing for Matt to come quicker. “Matt! I was right, they’re fucking matching!”
Chris was standing directly in front of you, dressed as Steve Harrington, the bat thrown over his shoulder. Your face was on fire, your heart racing as you fish-mouthed. You couldn’t possibly go to the party as Steve and Nancy, that would be insinuating that the two of you meant to do this. That would be insinuating that the two of you planned it, to go as a couple.
“I-I can change?” You said, your voice weak. Chris snapped out of his shock and looked down at you, shaking his head.
“What? No, why would you change?” He asked. You noticed the pink tinge to his cheeks almost immediately, which just made your chest ache more.
“I don’t even know.” You said honestly, Chris smiling and looking back.
“We should get going, though.” He said. You nodded and shut your door, locking it and sighing before you turned around and followed them to the car.
The drive was silent apart from the music playing moderately through the speakers. They had been your friends for ages, and the fact that you could all just sit in silence and enjoy each other’s company was perfect, in a sense. You had your feet perched up on the back of Chris’ seat, grateful your skirt was long enough to cover you and that your mother wasn’t there to tell you to sit like a lady, just scrolling through your phone. A text popped up in a banner, and you clicked on it without even seeing who sent it.
chris: you make a good nancy
You rolled your eyes and shook your head as you typed out a message.
and you make a good steve. how did you manage to hide your costume from me?
The moment the message was sent, you realized you were grinning down at your screen. You quickly schooled your features and looked out the window, watching the sun go down and the street lights glare against the glass. Your phone vibrated in your lap, and you forced yourself to wait a few moments before you picked it up.
chris: i’m stealthy, like a ninja.
A cackle bubbled out of you, your hand slapping over your mouth as your cheeks heated up. You could see Nick glance over at you from your peripheral, his eyebrows furrowed before he looked back at his own screen. You cleared your throat and sat back in your seat, dropping your feet on the floor of the car as you locked your phone and dropped it onto your lap.
The rest of the car ride was silent, your face warm and your heart pounding the moment the four of you pulled up to the party. Chris was by your side in an instant, his arm over your shoulders as the two of you walked into the slightly crowded house.
You couldn’t even remember who was throwing the party, but you were grateful that it wasn’t too crowded, and everyone was friendly. You talked to quite a few people, Chris’ arm never leaving your shoulder as the two of you passed through the house.
“You know.” You said, turning your head to face him. Chris looked down at you with raised eyebrows. “You haven’t let go of me all night.”
Chris smiled down at you and shrugged his shoulders. “I have nothing to say for myself, other than you look great and we match. What’s Steve without his Nancy?” He asked, squeezing your shoulder. You pulled away and stood in front of him, crossing your arms over your chest.
“Why did you dress as Steve?” You asked. Chris frowned at you and sputtered, shaking his head.
“What do you mean? Why wouldn’t I dress as Steve?” He asked his cheeks tinged red as he avoided your gaze. The look on your face when he finally met your eyes again made him sigh and he shrugged.
“God it’s so cheesy, bare with me.” He said. You nodded, waiting patiently for him to go on with a growing smile on your face. “I’ve like, been into you for a while now. And I thought if I went as Steve for Halloween, you’d be impressed. It’s totally fine if you don’t feel the same way, obviously. I just, I don’t even know what I was thinking, actually. Forget I said anyth—”
You rested your hand over his mouth, his eyebrows shooting up as you pulled it away when he stopped talking.
“That was so incredibly fucked up, are you serious?” He asked, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you shook your head and smiled up at him.
“How else was I supposed to get you to shut up long enough for me to say I do feel the same?” You asked, Chris’ shocked face morphing into a fond, shy smile.
“Really?” He asked, his hands coming up from his sides to rest on your waist. You practically beamed at him as you nodded and leaned up on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his cheek. You dropped back down on your heels and took a step back, his hands dropping back to his sides as he looked at you with wide eyes.
“Really. Now, ready to get back to the party?” You asked, turning and walking away. He was soon right by your side, his hand entwining with yours as he tossed the bat over his shoulder.
“I was born ready, Wheeler.”
tags: @strniolo , @toyourloves , @ssturniolo , @jellybeanbby , @thetriplets3 , @mxriverse , @stvrni0lo , @gabbylovesreading , @dwntwn-strnlo , @tylerscreat0r , @emmssturniolo , @lvrsparadise , @tuktuk34 , @angelcake-222 , @20nugs , @obsessivencrazy , @lollibumblebee
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lexisecretaccx · 3 months
High School Sweethearts pt.3 -Chris Sturniolo
PT1, PT2, PT4, PT5, PT6, PT7, PT8, PT9, PT10, (rest of the parts on my Masterlist)
(Fem reader x Chris sturniolo, slight angst, Tw: Evan💀, not sure what else.)
A/n: thought I’d TW Evan bc he’s an asshole😂, you will know that even more as the story progresses:( also sorry if my parts are pretty short, let me know if y’all would be happy with longer parts! But 2 parts in a day is wilding lol.
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“What.. why?” I laugh awkwardly and envy crosses over his face. “It doesn’t matter y/n.” He turns down a corridor and I follow. “I don’t understand why you’re being like this?” I say timidly, I don’t know what I had done to make him act like this, we literally became friends yesterday.
He stops in his tracks to face me. I smile softly but it slips when I notice the angry glare in his eyes, “don’t act like you weren’t all over my brother in there!” He spoke with a bitterness in his voice, my face shifts to that of shock due to the accusation, “What? I went to study and he was in there so I sat with him,” Chris scoffs and leans against the wall, “I wanted to know if he was okay after falling over, is that a crime now?” I snap.
The problem with me is when I get angry I cry or get upset. Or if I’m getting shouted at, it’s due to past experiences. “Okay then,” he pushes himself off the wall and looks down at me “so his arm being around you is just in a nice way, you two laughing is you ‘checking up on him’ is it?” He hisses and leans down to my level.
“He was pointing at my page because he told me the answer and we were laughing because it was the wrong answer,” I speak in a brittle voice, “I don’t know why I have to explain myself to you we aren’t dating.” I take a deep breath in to try and keep myself from crying, “I don’t like him like that chris.” I whisper as my eyes well with tears before walking away.
“Wait..” he sighs and I turn around, a single tear falling from my eye. “I’m sorry.” He pinched the bridge of his nose, “it’s just, I can’t help but get angry because my ex girlfriend cheated on me and,” he walks over to me “I know we aren’t dating but..” Footsteps echoed from behind us and we both turn to see Nick, Nate, Evan and the other boy who I don’t know.
My stomach drops as I lock eyes with Evan. “No fucking way.” He spoke before trying to walk closer to me, I step back and he stops in his tracks, “still as frigid as usual I take it.” He laughs and looks around for his friend’s reactions but they don’t do anything, instead they are focused on me and Chris.
“What’s going on here?” Nate motions between me and Chris, “wait you dated my boy Evan right?” Nate asks, his attention fully on me as I nod softly. “Step back.” Chris mutters to Evan, who was getting a bit too close. Evan raises his palms and he smirks at me.
“You tryna get with Evans girl?” The other boy who I don’t know the name of spoke. “No we’re just friends.” Chris fake smiles before it falters, “then why the fuck does she look sad?” Evan spoke in a concerned tone, which of course wasn’t real.
“Can you not get into other people’s business.. for once?” I say, Evan tilts his head to me and opens his mouth slightly as his eyes narrow, he goes to say something before.. “Leave it.” Nick spoke in a tough voice to Evan and Evan just scoffs and walks away.
I can’t help but feel a sense of victory even though I didn’t say much. The other boy follows Evan so it’s just me, Chris, Nick and Nate. “So.. what’s going on here.” Nate repeats himself. “She was studying in the library and I went in there and saw her and now we’re out here, that’s all.” Chris looks back at me and smiles before returning his gaze to the boys.
“Sure whatever, where’s Matt?” Nick asks, looking at me this time. “I saw him in the library so probably still in there.” I shrug. “Okay, nice to meet you.” Nick smiles at me and walks to the library. “We have like half hour till school starts, we should go back outside.” Nate speaks to Chris, completely ignoring my presence.
“I’d rather not, you can go meet Evan again I think I’m gonna help y/n.” Chris replied “help her with what?” Nate looks to me and back at Chris. “It’s a personal thing for her.” Chris lies. “Sure okay.” Nate rolls his eyes before heading down the hallway the same way Evan went.
“I’m sorry about them, and Evan.” Chris turns to me and runs his hand through his hair. “And I’m sorry for earlier and overreacting, and making you cry and speaking to you in that way. I know we aren’t dating but I shouldn’t have reacted like that, even if you and Matt were..” I interrupted him by placing a finger over his lips, leaning up and kissing him on the cheek softly.
“Woah.” He looks at me for a moment before saying, “so there’s definitely nothing going on with you and Matt then or?” I roll my eyes and laugh. “No of course not.” He lets out a sigh of relief, “what about us?” He asks hopefully, “we barely know eachother Chris,” I move a strand of hair out of my face “maybe take me on a date or something and see what happens.” I smirk up at him.
His eyes widen and he smiles back, “really?” He whispers as a group of people walk past. I nod and look at the clock. “I’m gonna head to my next class but I’ll see you somewhere.”
“Maybe in detention again.” Chris teased. I roll my eyes and laugh before I walk away, and I feel Chris’ eyes following me. I turn down a less crowded corridor.
“Hey..” I hear someone speak from next to me, I flinch and turn to my side as my face turns cold.
A/n: Bro Chris is a drama queen. I don’t know if this is any good but thanku to the people supporting this series! That’s the only reason I’m continuing with this🫶 also Chris is a cutie patootie, he’s been thru some breakups y’all don’t hate him😭
Taglist: @blahbel668 @mattsleftnipple03 @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @hysteria-things @sturniologurl4l2008 @jakevwebber @braindead4l @mattybearnard @st7rnioioss @junnniiieee07 @cind2224 @annelouise321 (I’m so sorry both of y’all idk why it won’t let me tag u☹️) @sturniolosmind
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gurugirl · 1 year
imagine the surprise on jessica or another coworker's face if they saw them out or her coming to see him at the office and he is being all over her, i know he would go manic if anyone gave even the lightest judgemental look to her but he also would bring it up to her after when they are alone "such a little slut uh, acting all shy and cute around everyone but still fucked a married man without thinking twice and got all those gifts, my little whore..."
okay just gonna write this real quick...
**This is a little blurb to go with The Arrangement**
Took 30 minutes to write this 😬 Apologies for the lack of editing and proofreading. I should be doing other things but felt inspired? lol! Hope you enjoy :)
1905 words
Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, DDlg, degradation, slight exhibitionism
Y/n didn’t have a class that day so she spent part of her morning lounging in her silk pajamas, sipping on cold brew coffee, and working ahead on an assignment due on Friday. But she had the idea that she’d go and visit Harry at the office. Plus it’d be fun to see everyone again.
After taking a shower and picking out a cute outfit from their walk-in closet she called a taxi to take her downtown. She sent a quick text once she was on her way.
Headed to the office. See you soon xxx
She figured she’d meet him for lunch. Maybe he could get out of the building for a bit.
Harry was in a meeting when she texted him but he saw her note and smiled to himself. He didn’t need to worry about anything. He and his wife were done. Sean sold him his part of the company and shares so he wasn’t around. And if anyone even so much as dared look at Y/n with any kind of contempt he’d set the record straight. There were already whispers of his new relationship with Y/n. What Sean had done with his wife. The divorce Harry was in the middle of.
When she stepped into the front of the office the office receptionist jumped from her seat and greeted Y/n with a warm smile, “Can I get you anything to drink?”
“Nothing to drink for me. I can wait out front until Harry’s done with his meeting,” she said as she gestured toward the sitting area.
“Nonsense. I’ll bring you to Mr. Styles’ office to wait there. It’s a nicer view anyway. I’m sure he’d prefer you there.”
Following the receptionist toward Harry’s office Y/n was stopped by Jessica, “Y/n! What are you doing here?”
Harry stepped out of the meeting just as Jessica and Y/n were speaking.
“Oh! Hi! I’m just here to say hi to everyone. Wanted to see Harry real quick. How have you been?”
Y/n really wanted to get the attention off of herself. She realized most people knew that she and Harry were a bit of a thing at this point. But she still felt shy about being so open with it.
“I’m well. So you’re here to see Harry, huh? How’s that going?”
Y/n looked down at her expensive shoes and then shrugged before looking back at Jessica, “It’s good. Yeah.” She smiled shyly.
Harry walked up behind them at that and grabbed Y/n’s hand and gently pulled at her, “Hi darling. Come with me to my office?” He looked at Y/n as he spoke before turning to speak to Jessica, “You don’t mind if I pull her away for a bit do you?”
“Not at all. Nice to see you, Y/n.”
The moment Harry had his office door closed and locked he grabbed his little girl by her hip and pulled her into him, “What are you doing here?” He put his hands into her hair gently running his finger through it.
“Just wanted to see you. Thought maybe I could get you out of the office for a little lunch,” she smiled sweetly.
“Oh, it’s food you want? Interesting…” he continued with his fingers in her hair, “Thought you came here to show off. Let everyone know who you belong to now.”
“Harry…” she spoke softly, “that’s not why I’m here. I just-“
“Looking so cute and innocent in front of everyone. Showing off all the gifts I’ve bought you,” he nudged at her ear with his thumb over the Cartier diamond earrings he’d bought her, “It’s because you want everyone to know you’re Daddy’s little slut. Isn’t that right?”
“I just wanted to see you. That’s all,” she grasped his hand and moved it up to her lips so she could kiss his fingers, “I just missed you a little today. Thought it would be fun to see you,” she spoke between kisses as she kept her eyes on him.
“Just wanted to see me… Well, here I am. And I’ve already eaten lunch. It’s 2 pm, little girl. I have a feeling you came here for a different kind of fun.”
She smirked and then lowered her gaze to his lips as she dropped his hand and put her arms over his shoulders, “Just missed you, Daddy.”
Harry grinned and gave in to kiss her lips finally. She tasted sweet and smelled delicious. And her cute new dress fit her perfectly. Harry held her out in his arms and looked down over her outfit, “I do have good taste, don’t I?”
Y/n nodded and giggled as she looked down over her dress. She hadn’t worn this one yet. It was a little short and her heels were a little high. She’d also purposely put on a skimpy thong in hopes of him pushing it to the side and touching her or fucking her even.
“You really have everyone fooled, you naughty girl. They think you’re so sweet and shy but really, you had an arrangement with a filthy rich married man who gave you his credit card and then you stole him from his wife and now look at you,” he put his hand around her throat and pushed her back toward the couch in his office, “Shacked up with me, taking all my money, getting fucked every night, and pampered to your heart's content. You’re not innocent.”
Her blood rushed to her extremities and her head began to feel light and floaty like she usually did around him. Her pussy clenched and she moaned at his words and how he squeezed her neck softly.
“Sit down.” He gestured to the couch behind her as he let go of her neck.
She complied, holding the bottom hem of her dress as she put her bottom onto the soft cushion.
Harry sat next to her and leaned back into the couch, “Undo my pants.” He said but when she hesitated he continued, “Come on. I haven’t got all day. I’m a busy man, Y/n.”
She turned her body toward him and began to undo his pants. Harry brought a hand to her chin and grasped it to move her face to look up at him, “Haven’t got time for pleasantries. I’ve got a meeting in,” he lifted his wrist and looked at his expensive watch, “25 minutes.”
Y/n nodded as she unzipped his pants and sat back to wait for his next instructions, “Bend over the arm of the couch, put your pussy on the corner there so you can rub your clit while I fuck you.”
Quickly she got up and draped her body over the arm of the couch, placing herself at the edge where she could get enough friction from the couch. But truly, she didn’t care if she came or not. She was only there to please him. To let him come and get off.
Harry lifted her dress up as he pulled himself out of his briefs and tsk’d at her, “Desperately wet already. Just as I suspected. You’re going to make a mess of my couch, aren’t you?”
Y/n turned her head to look at Harry as he hooked a finger into the flimsy material and pulled it to the side so he could look at her pussy, “I’m always wet for you, Daddy,” she spoke quietly with rounded eyes.
Harry grinned and nodded, “I know you are baby.”
Harry braced himself with one arm on the back of the couch as he pushed himself into her. They both gasped at the delicious feeling of being connected. Two bodies as one. Moving together, breathing one another in, deeply attached and intrinsically joined.
When he’d dipped in as far as his balls would allow Y/n let out a groan that was too loud so Harry used his free hand to cover her mouth as he continued to rail into her, “Shhh… thought you wanted to keep up the appearance of being innocent. Wouldn’t want anyone to know what kind of whore you are, getting fucked on the couch in my office right next to the break room. Anyone in there could have heard you. Is that what you want?” Harry panted his words as he worked himself into her, the couch began to lightly bang into the wall at his thrusts, “You want people to hear how good I give it to you? How hard I make you come?”
Y/n’s eyes were rolled into the back of her head. She was happy to be a hole for him to come in but his cock always felt so good inside of her. And the cloth of the arm of the couch pressed into her pelvis and clit just right. She was glad his hand was over her mouth because he was driving into her deeply and each time he bottomed out she grunted into his hand unintentionally.
Harry spoke quietly into her ear as he continued fucking her, his balls whacking into her flesh, the obscene sound of wet pussy being fucked and skin colliding in repeated cadence in time with the couch hitting the wall, “I bet they all have their ears pressed to the door right now. They can all hear you little pussy getting fucked hard. That’s what you wanted, Y/n? Wanted to show off how good your cunt gets pounded?”
Her gurgles were muffled and Harry’s palm was wet with her saliva. He could tell she was drooling. He could see how red her face was and that she had goosebumps on her skin. Her eyes were fluttering. She was about to come. Which was good because so was he and he had to get going. His guests would be meeting with him in his office and he knew there would be a bit of cleanup involved.
“Gonna come on Daddy’s cock again? Didn’t you just come on his cock this morning, baby? Fffuck, my little girl is so needy. Needs Daddy’s come inside of her, doesn’t she? Poor thing. Wants to get knocked up and keep me forever doesn’t she?”
Y/n moaned and her walls clenched Harry’s cock as her orgasm took over. Her limbs stiffened and she grasped onto the material of the couch. Yes. She wanted all of that. If she could keep him forever, make him give her babies, and then he’d have to keep her.
Harry hissed at how tight her pussy gripped him but he continued his thrusts until he began spurting into her, punching into her deeply so his come could coat her and fill her insides.
Y/n opened her eyes when Harry released his hand from over her mouth and put her panties back into place. He helped her up and kept her in his arms, kissing her temple, “Okay to walk out of here like you are? Or do need a minute?”
She gulped and wiped under her eyes with one hand as she clutched onto Harry’s arm with her other, “I just need to wipe my face and calm myself a little.”
“Whatever you need. I have a mirror behind the cabinet door if you need it.”
Y/n straightened herself out and waved her hands over her face to cool down a bit as Harry wiped up the couch and then got his laptop ready for the meeting.
“Okay. I’m good now,” she smiled as she picked up her purse from the coffee table.
Harry kissed her forehead, “See you tonight at home at 7.”
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Tags: @be-with-me-so-happily @ithinkimaslutforharry @millie-753 @theekyliepage @harryspirate @kathb59 @giabbyespejo-blog @michellekstyles @golden-hoax @a-strange-familiar @reveriehs @yousunshineyoutempter @the-gardener-31 @tenaciousperfectionunknown @swiftmendeshoran @luvonstyles @tiaamberxx @lukesaprince @harrys-foxy @dirtytissuebox @closureesny @lhharrylilpumpkin @evelynlarue @chaptersleftunwritten @justlemmeadoreyou @harrysmimi @itsgigikay @angelbabyyy99 @lllukulele @lanadelharry @novasblogofstuff @gills-lounge @damnasstyles @malwtilda @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @0oolookitsme @babybunharry @anothermannharry @love-letters-to-uranus
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kissitbttr · 2 years
eddie and mean!cheerleader girlfriend have their first fight part 3
read pt 2 and pt 1
a/n: hii i just hit 1k🥺💞 thank you for the love I appreciate u guys sm <3 also, it wasn't as long as i thought it was gn be because I snipped snapped some of them lol
the nervous feeling in his body hasn’t died down as eddie steps out of the van. his stomach churns at the sight of Jason’s party. it was never not packed and the last time he was here, he could barely breathe. the sight of people drinking, throwing up and making a fool of themselves causing him to scrunch his nose in disgust. the music is far worse.
but one thing he needs to remember is that he’s here for her. and for her only
just as he expected when he enters the party, all eyes are set on him. possibly millions of thoughts swimming inside of their minds, ‘the nerve on this weird ass dude to be in a Jason Carver’s party’. obviously they are far too drunk to actually beat his ass so they let the longing stares do the job.
“feelings mutual buddy” eddie smiles sarcastically to a guy who gives him a dirty look. rolling his eyes after as he walks away.
he hates high school students. but mostly the kids in hawkins high
his eyes wander to each and every corner of the room, fingers tapping against the rough material of his jeans. something he does when he gets nervous. why is it so hard to find her? could she probably locked herself in a room?
“where are you, baby?” he whispers to himself, head turning from left to right and that’s where he spots one of his closest friends. “robin? robin, hey!”
the short haired girl whips her head towards the voice, a big smile on her face as she waves. “eddie, hi! i didn’t think you would enjoy a place like this”
she’s holding a red solo cup, offering him one in which he turns down.
“i don’t. came here for y/n. have any idea where she is? she called to pick her up.”
“oh yeah-shit! last time i saw her she was in the kitchen with some guy. looked to me she was about to kill him.”
“some guy?!” his eyebrows are raised. “was it brandon?”
robin could only shrug. “maybe. brown hair in a quiff, he was pretty touchy with her. you should go to her.”
eddie clenches his jaw, “okay, yeah. thanks.”
he walks away before robin could respond, squeezing his way through a sea of people. holding back the disgust as he the reek of sweat filling up his nostrils. god, he swears he could throw up in any minute
eddie finally breathes in relief as he reaches the kitchen. internally glad that it isn’t as crowded.
it doesn’t take long to find her. she’s leaning against the wall right next to a fridge. his heart immediately turn into hearts when he realizes what she’s wearing tonight. soft cotton tank top with lace details embroidered under her breasts and a low cut denim skirt that’s short enough to let her thighs full on display.
she looks so beautiful.
then he moves back to see her face. he notices that her eyes look bored, shoulders slump with arms crossed. unamused at the fact that this man keeps talking. but he doesn’t miss the frightened look on her face.
from the back of his head, eddie could tell exactly who it is. her fucking ex. the ex who broke her heart and made her think that she wasn’t good enough. one that took her far too long to open up again.
“brandon, seriously i do not want to talk to you right now. leave me the fuck alone.” she jabs her fingers to his chest, not really in the mood
“oh come on baby! when are you gonna ditch the loser and come back? i said i was sorry!”
she shakes her head. “can’t hear you over that cock flavored breath washes over me. back. off”
“stop being fucking difficult, y/n” brandon starts getting angry, taking another step ready to whisk her away, “you know I don’t like difficult.”
did he just fucking threaten her?!
“she told you to back off.” eddie steps in, glaring at the jock and watches him slowly turn around. he misses the glee on y/n’s face when she hears his voice. happiness taking over when her boyfriend appears
brandon snickers, squaring his shoulders as if he’s gearing up for a fight. “the fuck you just say to me, freak?”
“i said. back. off” he responds in a cold tone, glaring up to him. “you deaf or something?” eddie tries his best not to swing a punch and ruin his face.
now eddie might be an inch or two shorter that brandon. but there’s no denying that he’s far more intimidating when he’s angry. balled fists with teeth clenched and eyes look like it could kill someone with a single hard stare.
“she’s just playing hard to get, man. she knows she wants me. it’s only matter of times before she dumps your weird ass and get back with me.”
y/n scoffs, pushing herself against the wall and walk over behind eddie as he puts his hand to cover her as an instinct . “don’t get your hopes up, you stupid fuck. Eddie is much more of a man than you are.”
upon hearing that, eddie clears his throat. hiding the blush prominent on his cheeks when she compliments him. “bab-y/n? mind waiting outside by my van for a minute?” he pleads after turning to look at her, holding back the urge to grab her hand.
she contemplates for a while. eyes keep switching between the two. worry grows inside her that eddie is gonna bruise him up. as much as she loves seeing brandon with a black eye, she can’t risk eddie getting beaten up by the rest of basketball team. she can’t handle seeing it. it would hurt too much.
“I’m not going to punch him.” he whispers in a reassuring tone with a small smile as if he read her mind. “just wanted to talk ‘s all. okay?” hands itching to reach out and touch her,
she stares at him with a bitten lip, nodding slowly. “be quick, please.” with that she walks away, not before giving one last glare to brandon.
“god, when did she become a soft bitch? she was never like that with me. you brainwashed her or someth-“
before he could finish his sentence, he’s startled by eddie’s sudden grip around the collar of his shirt and slamming him hard against the wall.
“you stay the fuck away from her” eddie seethes, knuckles turning white. “you don’t go near her, you don’t look at her, and if you even think about her… I’d beat the shit out of you myself.”
brandon looks extremely mortified. all those years he watches the long haired kid getting bullied and called names, never once he has seen eddie doing something about it. he never thought that eddie is capable of being violent.
eddie has always been the type to know how to control his emotions. something he learns from when he was a kid because he refuses to grow up like his old man. he doesn’t care about those basketball idiots making fun of him and his friends. It’s nothing.
but when it comes down to her, he personally wouldn’t let that slide.
“a-alright. sure man. whatever you say.” brandon chuckles nervously as he feels the grip around him starting to loosen.
eddie slowly lets go, not giving him another word before walking away from the scene. if it wasn’t for y/n, he probably already had his hand around that prick’s neck. giving him a piece of mind.
he doesn’t even want to begin to think what could happen if he hadn’t showed up in time. she was already both scared and exhausted having to tolerate his actions. he was a pushy motherfucker, never liked him from the beginning
“found her?” eddie suddenly finds robin rushes over to stand by his side when he’s about to walk out of the party. “she okay?”
“yeah. I’m taking her home. thanks robin, enjoy the party” he pats her shoulder, earning a grateful smile from her.
“thanks dude, oh and hey eds?” robin calls when he stops mid track between the steps on the front porch, turning back to look at her,
“don’t fuck it up again.” she says hinting at the fight the two just had weeks ago. “she misses you, you know? talks about you all the time.”
hearing that statement just makes his stomach flip. it sort of gives him hope. maybe there’s a part of her that actually wants to fix things as much as he does. as small as it can be
“not planning to.” he shoots her a smile before continuing to walk down the steps and back to his van. immediately seeing y/n hugging herself due to the wispy cold air, her lips are shivering and eyes looking away.
eddie shrugs of his leather jacket, without thinking twice. “here. put this on, okay?”
she looks up and smile softly.“thank you” taking it in her hands before putting around her body, inhaling that familiar scent of him she misses so much.
“shall we?”
the drive is pretty quiet, neither of them actually wanted to start something. y/n has her head against the window, mouth shut with her legs crossed and eddie is dying to hear her say something. just anything really.
the silence is driving him nuts.
“I’ll drive you home, okay?” he asks, only to receive no response. her gaze is fixed on the window, staring out into the open.
“you’ve eaten anything? had some snacks maybe?” he’s making a small talk in hopes that she’ll respond. or even just throw a glance to his way. he badly wants her to do that. just one.
he missed being around her. seven days without her presence feels like eternity, the way it’s making him feel should be forbidden. hands clenching every now and then because he’s aching to touch his girlfriend.
if he still had the right to call her that
eddie tilts his head to look back at her. and just as he thought . no answer. he figures there’s nothing he can do to get her to talk to him so he stays quiet.
he doesn’t blame her for not wanting to talk to him. she probably called him because he’s the only one she knows who has a ride and would take her home. he shouldn’t be having high hopes anyway.
after all, all of this happened because of him.
“actually” she starts. “i don’t wanna go home tonight, can i come over to yours? if it’s okay”
there’s a sense of happiness bloom in his chest when he hears her speak. eddie tries to brush off the smile dipping into his mouth after hearing it. the excitement then begins to bubble inside of him, butterflies as you may call it. he feels like a five year old kid hearing his mom say yes to ice cream for breakfast.
clearing his throat before speaking, he musters up a normal tone. “yeah sure. no worries. you could never be a bother to me.”
inside. he’s dying.
‘stay cool, stay cool. my girl is here with me. she’s coming over. don’t crash the van’ he thinks
“okay.” she responds shortly, head resting against the window. “i didn’t eat by the way. couldn’t. the party smells like hot acrid barf so i had no appetite.”
he snorts out a laugh. she’s so funny without even trying. “we can have some at my place. not just pop tarts. i did some groceries awhile ago with Wayne so we can make a sandwich or something.”
with an raised eyebrow, she asks “you finally went to the supermarket? tell me, was it scary?”
“okay now don’t make fun of me. the old people who go there are so… i don’t know, weird! you know that!” he replies seriously,
she giggles, tucking her messy hair behind the ear. “i don’t actually but you can think whatever you want.”
he admires the way her lips curve into a smile. and how her hair gets messy but still manage to compliment every detail of her features. even with mascara dotting the crinkles by her eyes,
twenty minutes after they arrive at the trailer park, the couple walk into his home. this is not the first time she’s been here, she stayed over a few times because his place is somehow far more comforting than hers. not that she hates hers, it just feels more … home?
his bed would probably her favorite part. nothing is better than laying down with her boyfriend, having small talks about what ever after going through the amount of sex they had when his uncle is not home. he would also spend an hour or two teaching her how to roll a blunt.
“i could make you a sandwich if you want?” eddie speaks up, locking the door behind as she sits on the dining table. “or that ramen cup that you like so much. i don’t have it but i could go to the market right now and get you one-“
“eddie” she stops him, a warm smile on her face. “a sandwich sounds good.”
he nods, before heading to the kitchen to pull out the ingredients. he’s no chef but he makes a mean grilled cheese and ham sandwich. it’s the only meal she would eat from him, other than that, that man is clueless when it comes to cooking.
“no ketchup?”
“no ketchup” she repeats, eyeing his back with a lopsided smile. “you’ve been working out?”
he cocks an eyebrow, “what makes you think that?”
“your back seems… toned. and i noticed your arms got bigger too.”
god, why does she have to do this?
“really?” he tries act like the words don’t faze him. “have you noticed the pudgy stomach too? seems like i gain some there.” with that he laughs a little
she frowns. he could probably joking but she doesn’t miss the sound of insecurity seeping in his tone. she hates it when he does that. he doesn’t have to tell her but she just knows it.
“okay, no. stop that. you look fine. a little roll doesn’t hurt anybody.” she shrugs, leaning back against the chair.
“you sure you’re not just saying that?” he asks in a playful manner, walking back to her as he puts the plate down in front of her. “there.”
“if i only wanted you for your body, i would fuck you and sucked your cock before leaving. you know, you’re much more than that.”
he flushes, crossing his arms before taking a seat next to her. “always the foul mouth on you.”
“better than being a fake.” she replies, biting on the sandwich. “wait. that one’s not true, I’m definitely contradicting myself. people still say I’m a fake ass bitch.”
he laughs. not because it’s a fact but how brutally honest she is about herself, though he reminds her from time to time that her entire personality isn’t just all that. there’s much more he can see through her and whether she chooses to believe it or not. he does. he just wishes people could see what he sees
because seeing her happily munching on the sandwich with messy hair and how her pupils glow at the cheesy goodness is like finally finding his happy place. when you look at this girl at this exact moment, you wouldn’t think she’s capable on hurting anyone.
which brings him to that one exact problem. one where he called her all the nasty things he knew she didn’t expect him to say. to this day, he regretted every single thing he spewed out of his mouth. there’s nothing he wants more than to tell her he’s sorry, that the hurt he has caused has been on his mind on daily basis.
“I’m sorry y/n.” he blurts before he can say anything,
she stops chewing to look at him, “what for?”
he takes a deep breath, trying to remember all of the things he wants to say to her. everything has to be perfect “shit, i had this rehearsed in my head but i keep forgetting. s-sorry.”
‘fuck you, stop being cute’ she thinks
“take your time i guess” she still needs to be a little mean. because there’s no way she’s letting him off the hook that easy.
she can’t erased what he did to her. it still hurts
he leans forward, hands clasps with his eyes shut. trying not to tear up infront of your person is difficult when you’re the one who fucked up. and he has no right to actually feel that way.
“what i said to you… was out of line, it was unforgivable. you’re not insecure. you’re…. perfect” he exhales, trying to catch her eyes but she keeps looking away from him. “and when i mentioned your exes? it was not okay too. what kind of a boyfriend does that.”
“i agree you were being a fucking dick.”
nodding, he smiles sadly. “i second that. but it’s not true, all of it.”
“then why did you say it?” she questions,
“i-i was in a heat of the moment i guess” he gulps, “it was never meant to go that far.”
“oh yeah? how far were you willing for that one to go? did you calculate the fight or something?” she’s starting to feel upset, looking at him with a confused look. “you know, no matter how angry i am at you… i would never pull that type of shit that you did. it was traumatizing to hear. you know that?”
her voice cracks at the end, and it makes him feel more shitty than he already is. the way her eyes beginning to water and how her lips tremble just shows how vulnerable he makes her feel. it’s a sight he never wanted to see
“n-no! y/n i-fuck, i know i could never take back all of those things i said to you but i said it anyway. it was fucking s-stupid. i took my girl’s biggest insecurity then used it against you and it was not fair for me to do that. to anyone for that matter. believe me when i say that, please baby you have to. i have been drowning myself in regret for the past couple of weeks and-“ he draws a deep breath to keep him from falling apart,
“i don’t think I’ll ever be able to forgive myself.”
no matter how mean or bitchy y/n is, she always has a soft spot in her heart for the ones she loves the most. and as angry and disappointed she is at him, seeing him break down just takes a huge chunk out of her heart.
she knows that he didn’t mean it, it’s eddie we’re talking about here.
this man may look like a menace but he refuses to even kill a fly.
and she doesn’t want him to keep blaming himself to the point that he believes he’s nothing but a fuck up. he’s better than all those shitty guys she has dated, and she confirmed that to him before. because it’s the truth
“i know” her tone is soft and calming. she taps her finger underneath his chin so he’ll be able to look at her. heart soften at the sight of her boyfriend’s glossy eyes and how the fear in his eyes is easy to be found when the thought of losing her completely tears him apart.
“look, eddie” she begins with a sigh. shifting her weight to face him. “the day you came into my life … you built this home inside of me. a small comfortable bed in my heart with thick white duvet and boxes of pizzas, refusing to leave… and i am so happy that you didn’t despite knowing the choice that you can. sure you tend to keep it messy at times but you never forget to put it back together.”
he listens. every word. and he fails to notice how his heart warms at her choice of words. it almost sounds like he had received a love letter from his significant other.
her eyes then cast down, gazing at the small heart tattooed on his ring finger. “I’ve thought so much before letting you in because i know love hurts. people are capable to give you unbearable amount of pain once they find the things that you care about the most. they would eventually figure out how to use those things against you… the process of putting yourself back into one piece is exhausting which i hate having to go through that again and-“
“and i just did it..” eddie interrupts. realizing the disaster he put her heart through. gulping as the memory of calling her ‘insecure’ comes flashing back into his mind. “god… i fucking-i hurt you so bad and i never thought i would be the person to do that to you… I’m a fucking dick”
“what? hey no. stop” she tells him. forcing him to look at her by reaching out to palm his cheeks. “you’re not a dick… i mean you were at the field that day but entirely? no. baby, you’ve changed my life.”
eddie searches for the security and reassurance in her eyes. then he studies every single detail of her features, the way her lips curve into a small grin trying to comfort him. trying to make him believe
“and i believe you have no power in hurting anyone. especially to the ones you love the most-“
“i love you” he blurts, “i love you the most. no one else”
“yes. i know” she nods, brushing few bangs away from his forehead. “you show me every day. and i am so grateful.”
how could even the universe let him have the most precious girl like her? why do they trust him enough to take care of her when he knows for a fact that there are people who could provide her with better love and experience?
she could’ve chosen one of their beating hearts but instead she chose his.
“i should’ve been the one trying to comfort you, not the other way around” he laughs through his tears making her laugh as well.
“you already have.” she responds truthfully, thumbing the thin skin underneath his eye. “i love you. okay?”
“i love you back” he replies, eyes dropping to her soft lips and he’s eager to kiss her but he doesn’t want to overstep the boundaries. “and i am sorry. for everything.”
“you said that, my love” she giggles, kissing his nose. “i forgive you but i swear you pull that shit one more time, I’ll leave your ass and I’ll make sure you don’t get any clients anymore. got that?”
he nods his head fast after hearing how quick she is to switch her tone. yup, he’s still scared of her
“promise, gorgeous.”
“good” she lets go of his face and he struggles not to tug her hands back and keep it there.
“oh and uhm…. can i take a shower?” she looks at him, fiddling with the loose string of her top. “i smell like someone poured chardonnay on a woman who’s been dead for six months”
he emits a chuckle with his head shaking. even at this state, she still manages to pull a joke or two,
“you don’t need to ask” he tells her with a beam and stands up. heading towards his room with her trailing from behind. grabbing his ‘motley crue’ tee from the drawer. one that she loves to steal. “I keep this here, yeah? towels on the rack.”
“uncle wayne… when will he be home?” she asks
“around 2 i guess. he’s off to meet up with some of his friends after work so I’ll be alone for a while.” he informs with his arms crossed,
she hums, walking towards the bathroom while taking off his jacket then her top and throwing it on the floor—on purpose— giving him a show.
eddie eyes her bare back for a quick second. it is not easy having to resist the urge from planting kisses on her soft skin. she probably wouldn’t appreciate that.
to his concerns, they’re probably not back together… right?
so instead, he decides to keep himself busy. looking around at posters on the walls, to his guitar and books that are left unread.
maybe he should crack one open? he did fail algebra
“well? aren’t you gonna join me?”
he hears her ask, whipping his head towards the direction and his throat runs dry when his eyes fall at the sight of her bare breasts. a mischievous smile planted on her lips with a head tilt.
eddie seems to be loss at words for a moment. not wanting to come off as too excited because he knows he’s still at fault. yet a smile soon painted on his lips. “y-yeah… would love that”
she smiles watching him take off his shirt eagerly. giggling when he nearly trips over the carpet, cursing at it for almost making him fall.
he slowly reaches out to place his hand on hers before interlocking it. y/n eyes observe each and every single one of his tattoos on his chest, tracing it lightly with her other hand.
those beautiful brown eyes of his look into hers and she swears he puts her under a spell. feeling her knees about to drive down to the floor. how could a boy look this pretty and belongs to her?
the longing stare is enough said. both found a home when they gaze at eachother’s eyes. and peace soon, rebuilds itself inside him when eddie pulls her into a sweet kiss. soft lips molding into his lightly chapped ones, followed by a sigh of content escape from his mouth. he’s thinks he might be scaring her off but instead, she melts into the kiss.
his tongue slips into her mouth while he draws her body closer to his bare chest as she gasps softly.
this is the intimacy that they have been craving for so long after the fight. one that he wishes to never have to go through again because being away from her just feels like hell. and she wishes for the same.
they’re not lost anymore. the love is found once again when they’re back in each other’s arms.
he keeps one hand steady around her waist while her arms sling over his shoulders. the couple soon disappear into the bathroom to finally makeup for the lost time.
this is where he swears to keep his promise one more time,
to protect her heart with everything in him.
hopefully this is good enough. love u all mwah:)
as always feedbacks are welcome <3
@munsonmolls @chaarrlliie @plaindonutsworld @protecteddiemunson4vr @ilovecupcakesandtea @renssonly @feltonswifesworld87 @eris-rose-86 @e0509 @depressedacidtest @downtoearthworm98 @bistardew @godsfavoritegirlll @livslifeonline @thicksexxualtension @janenerdstuff @wisestarlightwolf @littlemiss-yeehaw @lacrymosa-24 @bratckerman
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Jealous smut with chishiya please?? love than man 🛐🛐 tyy
Jealousy, Jealousy
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requested?: yes pairing(s): shuntarō chishiya x afab!reader genre: smut warning(s): smut, jealous sex, doggy, mentions of a man grabbing reader, angst (chishiya and reader have a fight kinda), the man walks in on you and chishiya, kuina also walks in (she doesn't see much), reader calls kuina her wife (my bbg fr), hair pulling, multiple orgasms, not proof read:) summary: 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘺𝘢 𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘴 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘢𝘭𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘯, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘴 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘱𝘩𝘺𝘴𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘭, 𝘢 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘱 𝘵𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘴 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 word count: 2.3k a/n: here is the chishiya one, anon! so sorry it took so long, i've just been quite bust recently lol. remember to eat and drink something, love yas, mwah!
you and chishiya had been friends since one of the first games you participated in. the tag game. you found arisu, karube and chota when they entered the borderlands, and you stayed together for a little while. when you met chishiya, it was almost like your whole world had been flipped around. he was calm and nonchalant as people were dying around him.
you had both stood together on the balcony, and said nothing. that was a few days ago, and who knew in such little time that two people could get so close. you had found something so enticing about chishiya.
maybe it was the way his voice managed to tickle your brain every time he spoke, or maybe it was the way his blonde hair would shift slightly in the wind. or maybe it was how his hands flexed whenever he was doing something, or maybe it was the way that he looked so damn hot when he was doing something.
whatever it was, it made you so very wet. but at the same time it pissed you off. every girl at the beach was in love with him, and he knew it, and he liked to piss you off by talking to other girls. he also knew that he got you so worked up over the smallest of things, and that you felt… things towards the man, but he never acknowledged them in front of you.
kuina was about the only girl at the beach that wasn’t completely swooned by chishiya’s somewhat of a charm. today, kuina and chishiya were sat on some sunbeds as you went to go get some more drinks for all of you.
at the bar, a man walked up to you and was very obviously trying to flirt with you. chishiya noticed, but brushed it off as he knew you would decline going on a date with him, or trying to go on a date with him. it was still the borderlands after all. but he was shocked when you started flirting back. he silently sat there and watched the two of you, death staring the man when he touched your shoulder.
the fact that you were wearing a poor excuse for a bikini was not helping the fact that the man then moved his hand to touch your collarbone area. you started to look uncomfortable as he moved his hand down you your chest area and to your waist. he briefly heard the man ask to go back to his room so you two could have some “fun.” but that’s when chishiya had had enough.
he walked over there, cutting kuina off mid-sentence. he said nothing as he walked over there. all he did was grab your wrist and pull you away. the man tried to grab you, but kuina was quick to get him off of you. she understood what was about to go down with the man, so she was quick to block you from his sight.
chishiya hid you in his chest as he walked away with you. he grumbled about the fact you were flirting with another man. you both got back to his room, and he locked the door, pinning you against it.
“fucking flirting with another man. why? he was touching you and you did nothing to stop him even though you looked uncomfortable. why? answer me!” he almost yelled. you stood there, silenced by his words.
“you flirt with other girls all the time, why am i not allowed to flirt?” you didn’t understand why, but you wanted to fight back, and that’s what you did.
“because that’s different. there’s no feelings behind my flirting, but the way he was touching you, there was definitely a feeling. he wanted to fuck you, and you knew it but you did nothing. tell me why you did nothing when you know damn well you didn’t want him to come onto you like that!” you still didn’t respond, but you flinched at chishiya’s tone.
you had never seen him so angry before, usually he just never shows emotion, but this time he was. you knew at least half of his anger wasn’t caused by you, but he was just taking it out on you because he couldn’t go back out there or he might as well murder the man that dared to touch you.
“i don’t know, maybe i wanted to make you jealous” you whisper, his face fell.
“why the fuck would you want to make me jealous” he said, his tone had softened slightly.
you looked away from him. you both said nothing until a small “oh” fell from chishiya’s lips, you nodded, still avoiding his eyes. he gripped your chin and lifted it up gently to look at him. you didn’t look directly at him, and instead the window behind him.
“look at me honey” he tries to move into your eyeline, but you just move your gaze again, he sighs “no honey, not outside, look at me”
you slowly moved your gaze away from the window and looked at him, he looked at you.
chishiya didn’t know what had come over him, but he smashed his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. it started off soft and sensual, but as time went on, it started to get more needy and frantic.
chishiya grasped at your waist, pulling you flush against him so you could feel his hardened erection against your stomach. as the kiss quickened, chishiya snuck his hands up your waist and to your bikini top. he reached behind you and untied the strings keeping the poor excuse for a bikini top together. he let it fall to your feet, bringing his hands back to your front and playing with your tits.
your nipples hardened when they became exposed to the coldness of the hotel room. shiya pressed you further into the door as he massaged the both of them, flicking his fingers over your hardened nipples. you let out a moan when he did so, causing him to pull away and smirk, seeing your pink swollen lips swelled up from your steamy kiss.
he instantly tackled your neck, harshly biting down and sucking, leaving a mark that would be sure to darken by morning. when he reached your right tit, he swirled his tongue around your nipple, causing your hands to fly to his hair and let out a lewd moan.
“fuck, these perfect tits, no wonder he wanted to touch em so badly, i see why he wanted to” chishiya said against your tit. he was teasing in how he took your hardened peak in his mouth, and even more teasing when he sucked on it as slowly as he could.
you felt his right hand travel down your waist, and the other massage your other breast. slowly, he began rubbing soft circles on your clothed clit, you couldn’t help but let out a lewd moan. chishiya did nothing but chuckle, letting your tit go with a small pop.
“holy shit, you’re so fucking wet and i’ve barely even touched you yet. i can feel your juices all over those stupid bikini bottoms. they barely cover anything” he left another kiss, just below your right earlobe, before getting back to your tits, this time moving onto your left and giving it just as much attention as he did the right.
after a while, he let your other tit go. he grabs your flimsy bikini bottoms and pulls them down your legs, letting them pool at your feet
“all fours, on the bed, now” he demands, you do as he says, getting on your hands and knees on the bed.
chishiya made quick work of his clothes, throwing them somewhere in your room. he was also quick to pump his hardened cock in his hands, his tip red with precum spilling out of it. he got on his knees behind you, and lined himself up with your entrance.
he pushed into you agonisingly slowly, before staying there for a few seconds, allowing you to adjust to his length. then, he pulled out, just about leaving his tip in before slamming back inside of you forcefully. you jerked forwards at the harsh thrust, chishiya grabbing onto your hips to keep you still on his cock.
you let out a lewd moan before trying to bite your lip to stop them from spilling from you as chishiya moved at a slow pace in and out of you.
“no, none of that, i want him to hear your pretty moans, let him know who you belong to honey” he said, slamming into you with a particularly hard thrust. your hips jerked into his as he did so, earning a loud groan from him.
“please, want it faster ‘shiya” you moan out sweetly, your hands grabbing fistfuls of the quilt on your bed. you just knew it would be messy to clean up, so you would probably have to ask chishiya to ask hatter for more sheets with his beach executive privilege.
“gonna be a good little slut for me and take what i give you first, you’re lucky i’m giving you all this in the first place, you lucky little whore” he groans, thrusting into you harder.
his tip hit the gummy spot inside of you, earning an even louder moan from you. he smirked, pistoling his hips to hit the same spot over and over. whatever he was doing, it was working as a long string of moans were being ripped from your vocal chords.
“shiya, don’t stop, gonna cum” you babble out helplessly as you felt the knot tighten in your abdomen, signalling your oncoming orgasm.
“oh, i wont stop honey, plan to make you cum as many times as i can if it means that that man can finally learn that you’re mine and nobody else’s” he groans, his thrusts getting faster, but sloppier as he also neared his orgasm.
you let out a lewd moan as you were thrown over the edge, your pussy squelching and clenching around chishiya’s cock as you painted it white, his own hot cum spurting inside of you and painting your walls white. even then he didn’t stop, but you could barely hold yourself up anymore at the intensity of your orgasm.
you dropped down onto your stomach, and chishiya went down with you, still gripping onto your hips and pounding into you relentlessly, not minding your babbles to say it was too much.
“sh, sh, sh” he shushes you “you can take one more for me hm, i know you can” he coos in your ear. you didn’t trust yourself much to form an actual sentence, so you just nodded instead. chishiya, however didn’t like this, and grabbed a fistful of your hair before pulling it backwards so your head was resting on his shoulder “words, use your fucking words”
“fuck” you moan out “i can take another one, i’ll be good, i swear” you babble out.
your words became incoherent as chishiya rubbed harsh circles on your clit to get your to your release sooner, and partly to shut you up so he could fuck you and make you moan as loud as you possibly could to let everyone in this goddamned place that you belonged to him and no one but.
you moaned out as you reached your peak for the second time, your pussy was still taking his cock, welcoming him in with your spasming walls. he still didn’t stop. he had fucked you dumb, but he still didn’t stop, and he knew it wouldn’t take long to make you cum for the third time.
“fuck, just one more, gonna cum” he groaned out as he came inside of you again, not long after you had.
he then flipped you over, shoving his thick cock back into you as he pounded into you with no remorse
you said nothing, but just kept moaning as he rubbed your clit in such a harsh way it had your legs shaking. he knew it would take no time at all to make you cum again.
“fuck don’t stop shiya, gonna cum” you scream out, you heard the door click open. chishiya didn’t look over, but you did.
you grabbed the sheets by your side as your eyes rolled back, allowing your body to go limp again as you came harder than the last two times you had come. the man just stood there, practically mesmerized by your orgasm.
“fuck, can you not see we’re in the middle of something here?” you heard chishiya say, he still didn’t stop pounding into you. the man left the room in a hurry, slamming the door behind him, it was almost on cue that chishiya came again.
you were both a panting mess as you came down from your highs, chishiya left a small kiss at the nape of your neck before pulling out of you, making you whine at the loss.
you both heard the door open again, but this time it was kuina.
“i’m sorry, he just ran, i couldn’t get him and- oh…” she cut herself off by slowly backing out of the room and shutting the door. “you both better have used protection” she yells through the door.
“we didn’t” you say weakly from your spot on the bed.
“at least if you get pregnant then everyone will know you belong to me” chishiya mused, putting his clothes back on. you pout.
“what did you say chishiya” kuina says with a harsh tone, opening the door again, you sat up as chishiya passed you your bikini.
“but kuina is my wife” you say. you finished getting dressed.
“you weren’t saying that when i was fucking you”
“maybe next time she can join then” you joke
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dreamii-krybaby · 3 months
Ok i haven’t rlly spoken about EP7 bc I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY that my brain can’t put it into words, like bro I gotta process words…wordssss man, and organize them in an understandable human language
But I will say this with not to much elaboration
Warning: This is so fucking long holy shit this was originally going to be super short but my ADHD went beserk holy shit-
So it seems that Yeva is the only drone who successfully has had the “Patch” aka cure work on her in some way (Patch version 2.1.8 according to the files shown in EP7)
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perhaps isn’t a one off cure and constantly needs updates bc the solver somehow is able to by pass the previous patches
or it’s simply the only version that has successfully worked and the rest hasn’t, because all of the other test subjects has gotten no effect or got their cores corrupted
and in Nori’s case, it was on progress
But the patch doesn’t seem to get rid of the solver immediately, either it needs constant updates for it to slowly kill it or it keeps it at bay but doesn’t necessarily gets rid of it, maybe it prevents possession or lower it’s chances drastically
Now this is very interesting, it makes much more sense why the first thing they did when Nori got possessed by the solver and shit started to go south they wanted to get Yeva, she is the only one who has somewhat of a success on the patch project.
Or maybe they wanted to bring her so she could calm her bestie down or put her in place lol.
As to why Mitchell left her outside of the cathedral, I think is because he didn’t trust her and feared her, due to her off-standing cold behavior. Like the way she looks at him, how she didn’t want mitchell to hold her hand and sort of slapped his hand away, and well him just witnessing the horrors of possessed nori. And when he saw the sentinels had broken free, he may have used the opportunity for them to kill her off by locking her outside
The other reason as to why Mitchell left yeva is bc he simply well- lost her. Maybe when he looked back at the sentinels had broken free he lost sight of her and assumed they might have gone after her
And it may reinforce my idea that she purposely went outside with her husband to find the cross usb with the patch, she already had plethora of motives imo but her main one would be to find this patch and give it to her daughter.
And with yeva having the patch which may given her more control over her body may explain how Doll also has more control over her body, since she inherited Yeva’s patched version of the AS
or maybe that didn’t happen bc that contradicts with my idea that she was after the patch for her kid due to weird genetic shit, unless the AS somehow bypassed the patch or some shit idk
Also her death makes much more sense, in a previous post I analyzed the flashback scene in EP3 and came to the conclusion Yeva died first, then her husband. Knowing that she was willing to put herself in danger for Nori moments before the core collapse.
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She is definitely seems protective of the people she cares, and she is willing to endanger herself for them. Which may explain why she died so easily to V.
Perhaps she thought that by sacrificing herself her husband and kid had a higher chance at survival.
AND IT WORKED, sure, her husband died right after her leaving her kid with no guardian and Doll did die in the long run but in that moment Doll DID survive.
Which actually, if she indeed sacrificed herself for her family makes it…so much sadder, like it worked….but not quite….and failed in the end, her sacrifice was worthless in the long run. :(
Ok enough of me going bonkers over dead mom who haunts narrative, my other explanation as to why she died to V so easily, contrasting her absolute girlboss of an introduction in EP7
First of all, V is a disassembly drone, a new unknown mysterious species to Yeva. And DD’s have the AS and Yeva may have tried to use her AS against V which didn’t work wich may have caught her off guard. There can also be the factors she might have been not in the right mental and emotional headspace, we don’t know how much time happened between the core collapse and her last moments, a lot of shit could have happened that may have taken a toll on her, affecting her combat abilities.
Also am pretty sure your brain will go bonkers when a literal angel of death tries to kill you, your husband and your child.
Also let’s not forget that she MAYBE thought that she did deserved to give up her life for Doll not only to give a better chance of survival but because like Nori, she blames herself for making Doll start living a horryfing situation. It was HER genetics who passed down the AS to her OWN CHILD, she may have not known better but I cannot imagine the amount of guilt that must have caused her. She KNOWS what the AS is capable of and she just accidentally passed it down to someone young and innocent who is also her own kid.
God she deserves so much better. :(
Well tbh a lot of these things am mentioning is me trying to figure out how the hell Yeva saved Nori from the solver while serving cunt only to wind up dying to V with a simple bullet to the head. Am I on copium?
Tbh I understand more on why Doll was so hellbent on revenge, I too would kill to avenge Yeva (YEVA MY GOD I LOVE HER SO MUCH MY BABYGIRL YOU DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER-)
Also yeah I could make a whole essay on Doll’s death, I fully expected her death but I feel the way they executed it didn’t do her justice at all.
Even if I find her super frustrating I like to think she is in robo-heaven with Yeva now, hopefully with her dad too.
Anyways I have more to say but I think I’ll leave it for other posts
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jessmaybank · 1 year
Jailbirds; part 4 - Caught red handed
Series masterlist
Outer banks masterlist
Pairing(s): JJ Maybank x fem! Reader.
Word count: 2k
Summary: you see JJ for the first time since you were arrested whilst at a party on the cut.
Warnings: alcohol use, smoking, swearing, mentions of sex & masturbation, mentions of abuse, mentions of drugs, violence!!, tiny bit of smut, Y/N sucks JJ’s finger lol.
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You stood at the entrance to a dimly lit house on the edge of the cut, taking the last drag of your cigarette before chucking it on the floor and gazing at the building in front of you.
The booming music engulfed you as you navigate yourself through the crowds of people scattered across the un-cut lawn. The party was in full swing as you walk up to the porch, observing the various people laughing and dancing.
A couple weeks had passed since you got arrested. Amazingly, your parents never even found out, and you had gotten away with it.
You hadn’t seen or heard from JJ since. You lived on opposite sides of OBX and your social circles didn’t mix, so you never really saw him around anyway. Despite this, you still found yourself looking out for the shaggy haired blonde whenever you left the house.
You couldn’t help but wonder if JJ remembered your shared escapade with the same intensity as you did. No one had ever satisfied you like he did, and you knew that was rare. But that didn’t change the fact that he was a pogue, and you were a kook. It was like trying to mix ice with fire.
You scanned the perimeter as you walk into the house, observing your surroundings. The house was full to the brim with party-goers, and you couldn’t remember the last time you came to a party this busy.
Despite the chaotic environment, you found your friends pretty quickly. It was a rarity your group came to parties on the cut, but this was a rager which couldn’t be missed.
About an hour or two into the night, you returned to the front porch to have a cigarette, alcohol cursing through your veins. You dig the cancer stick out of your pocket, parting your plump red lips to place the cigarette in your mouth.
The cool evening air engulfs you as you pull your lighter out of your jacket, and you quickly realise it’s ran out of gas.
“Stupid fucking thing” you ramble, trying your hardest to get it to work.
“Here” a male voice says, and you turn your head to see JJ standing beside you, a matching cigarette dangling from his cherry red lips. He extends his ring clad hand to pass you a lighter, which you accept.
Anticipation fluttered in your chest as you took in his chiseled features, his cheeks slightly rosy from the alcohol he had been drinking.
The faintest of smirks graced his lips as you lit your cigarette, the orange flame lighting up your face briefly.
Your eyes lock as you hand him the lighter back, taking a drag of your cigarette and exhaling, as you observe the mischievous glint that danced in his eyes, tinged with a touch of longing.
JJ had spent the last two weeks wondering when he would see you again. Although he was basically fraternising with the enemy, he just couldn’t get you out of his head. He would find himself in bed at night, insides burning at the memory of you riding him senseless, your manicured hands tugging at his blonde locks. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t gotten himself off a couple times at the thought.
What he couldn’t understand though, was the possibility that you actually might feel the same. When your friendship with Kiara ended because she became friends with the pogues, she didn’t exactly paint you and your friends in a good light. Kie would get drunk at the chateau and bitch about your group to JJ and the others, stating that all the people at the kook academy were rude spoilt brats. Whilst JJ knew that was definitely the case for a majority of kooks, he had an inkling that you might be different. But you were practically kook royalty, and he was just a dirtbag from the cut. Why the hell would you want him?
“Thanks” you mutter, your voice carrying a faint tremor of vulnerability, which was unlike you. A couple weeks ago you were moaning the blondes name, now you couldn’t even find the words to talk to him.
“You been keeping out of trouble?” JJ asks, flicking the ash from his cigarette onto the floor before he places his arms on the varnished wooden railing on the porch. You were so concentrated on the way his hair was perfectly sprawling out of his backwards cap that you almost didn’t hear him.
The conversation was cut short as your heads both turn to the front yard, watching as Rafe’s jeep pulled up to the house, the music in his car faint as it was being drowned out by the party. You mentally curse as you realise this probably means more drama for you.
Ever since you beat the living shit out of Sofia, her and Rafe would drive around town looking for you, eager to get their revenge. You never had the pleasure of actually running into them, that is until tonight.
“Surprisingly, yes. But I think that might be about to change” you say, a tinge of nervousness in your voice. You put your cigarette out by stamping on it, and down the rest of your beer, knowing what’s about to happen.
The sound of car doors slamming fills your ears as Rafe, Sophia and Topper step out of the expensive vehicle, making their way up to the porch.
JJ looks to you, and then to the figures making their way up to the drive, unsure what to make of the situation.
A smug smirk plants itself upon Rafe’s face as he makes his way through the lawn, and his dark cold eyes spot you.
“Y/N, I thought you might be here” Rafe says, him and Sophia walking up the porch steps, her arm clung around Rafes bicep like a trophy wife.
Although you were good friends with Sarah, your relationship with her was a complete contrast to the dynamic you had with Rafe. Unlike many other of the brainwashed kooks, you saw him for what he was, which was a dickhead.
“And I was hoping you wouldn’t be” you say, a sickly sarcastic smile spread across your face.
The scene before him put JJ on edge. He knew Rafe was a loose cannon, and thanks to the intel you told him when you were both locked in a cell, he now knew Sofia was no different. At the same time, watching your fiery personality fight back at them was drawing you to him like a moth to a flame.
“Your hanging out with the help now? That’s low, even for you” Sofia tuts.
You notice the way JJ’s jaw clenches at the insult, and your blood starts to boil.
“One more word and I’ll break your face again” you say, your words stern as your eyes turn cold.
Sophia tried to look tough as she gives a light chuckle as a reply, but everyone could see how nervous she actually was. She was practically clinging onto Rafe for dear life. Rafe noticed this, and decided to take matters into his own hands.
Before you could even register what was happening, Rafe let go of Sophia, grabbing your throat and pinning you against the front wall of the house, the cold metal of his rings digging into your neck. Usually, you would love the feeling of a hand wrapped around your throat, but this was a lot different.
“Not so bitchy now, are you?” He says, his smirk never faltering. You could tell he was truly enjoying this.
JJ tried to lunge at Rafe, but was held back by topper, who now had him in a headlock. You sent him a pleading look, as you mentally asked him not to do something stupid.
There was no need for a reply as you spit in Rafe’s face, a small smile plastered on your lips as you watch his jaw clench, his free hand coming up to wipe his face.
Your eyes widen as you watch Rafe lift his hand, ready to strike you. You shut your eyes as you brace yourself for the impact, but it never came.
JJ managed to get loose by kicking topper in the crotch, and he lunges straight at Rafe, pulling you off him and sending him to the floor. He throws punch after punch, only being hit once before he’s being dragged off by some random people. Rafes face is practically black and blue by the time he’s done with him.
“Think it’s ok to beat women you piece of shit?” JJ shouts, as he’s being dragged away inside the house.
You pay Rafe no attention as you follow JJ inside. Eventually, he calms down and agrees to let you clean him up in the bathroom. Although he only got hit once, it caused his cheek to bleed, probably from Rafe’s ring.
You gesture for him to take a seat on the counter before you pick up some tissue, running it under cold water before taking a place between his legs. It wasn’t exactly a first aid kit, but it will do. The boy winces as you wipe the tissue over his cheek, and you bring your other hand up to lightly cup his chin.
“You didn’t have to do that, you know” you say, breaking the silence.
Your eyes meet his in a dazed haze, and you stroke his chin with your thumb lightly as a gesture of comfort.
“I don’t like bullies, least of all those who hurt women. We both know he deserved it” he says.
You can see the pain in his eyes, and your insides twist in the worst way possible. You knew JJ came from a broken home, and you wondered if his mum ever had to endure the same things he did. You felt nauseous at the thought.
“I know, but-“
“No buts. Your crazy if you think I’m ganna let him touch you like that” he says, letting his hands rest comfortably at your waist.
Your eyebrows raise into a suggestive arch as a small smile creeps up onto your face.
“What?” He says.
“Nothing” you respond, focusing your attention back on his cut, bringing the tissue up to his check once again.
JJ grabs your arm, stopping your movements and forcing you to turn your focus back to the conversation.
“What?” He says sternly, although his expression is somewhat playful.
“You care about me” you say, biting your lip to hide your smile. It was so hard for you to hide your emotions around him.
You would of been upset at his lack of reply if you didn’t notice the way his stare moved from your eyes down to your lips, and then back up to meet your gaze again. His pupils were so dilated you had to question wether he was on drugs or not.
JJ let’s go of your arm, bringing his hands up to cup your soft cheeks. His lust filled eyes were making you dizzy as he ran one of his thumbs over your plump lips.
Without thinking, he shoves his thumb into your mouth, and you welcome it, swirling your tongue around as you maintain eye contact with him.
“Fuck” the blonde says, growing flustered at the sight before him. Everything you did drove him crazy, and he hated it.
He retracts his thumb, pulling you towards him so your bodies are pressed together, before he finally smashes his lips onto yours. Your hands find solace in his hair as you tug at the blonde locks, making JJ groan into your mouth. The burning ache between your thighs was starting to become too much.
JJ breaks the kiss, jumping off the bathroom counter and spinning you around, so you swapped places with him. He grabs your thighs, giving them a rough squeeze before lifting you up onto the surface, finding his place in between your legs.
Before your lips could reconnect, though, the bathroom door swings open, revealing none other than Kie.
“JJ! Are you-“ she starts, her jaw practically on the floor as she pauses at the sight in front of her.
“What the fuck?”
Tags: @pagesfalling @dreamingwithrafe @drewsandsebastianswife @princessbl0ss0m @loverofdrewstarkey @partoftoofuckinmanyfandoms @ibleedcalories
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emilymaxximoff · 2 years
Eye of the Beholder; Carl Grimes X Fem!Reader
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CW: Scars, Mentions of Violence, Fluff, Angst, Swearing
Description: After a rough run Carl dirties his eye patch. He has never let anyone see his disfigured eye but he needs help. eventually he lets his girlfriend, Y/N, help him out.
A/N: This is my first ever story so please be nice. I hope y'all like it lol.
"They can handle it. They came back fine." Michonne argued to Rick "They are adults and you can't prevent them from going on runs just because you run shit around here."
"The fuck I can't. Carl and Y/N are not going out again unless absolutely necessary!" Rick yelled back.
"He's fine! Y/N and him protect each other. She would die for him and he would die for her!" Michonne's face softened, "Listen Rick, I know It's hard for you to accept but Carl and Y/N leaving Alexandria to go on runs but they are adults. You have to let them go."
Rick took Michonne's face in his hands. "I know but you heard what Maggie said, Carl needs to clean his eye. He won't even touch it and hell if he lets anyone else touch it. He could die from something simple like that. Y/N almost got bit and she's been like family ever since she moved in here. I can't loose either of them." A single tear rolled down his cheek. "I've already lost too much."
You walked towards the stairs making sure to make as little noise as possible. You couldn't let them know you were standing in the hall quietly listening to their every word. You had no idea Rick saw you as family. You had seen him as a father figure since you moved into the Grimes house and started seeing Carl but he didn't know that. You had been wishing for a family for a long time after being alone for so long and you finally felt you had one here. It felt good to know he cared but you sure as hell were not staying locked up in here. You were going to go on runs even if Rick killed you.
As you walked up the stairs towards Carl's room you stopped right before you reached the door and took a deep breath. Carl had been upset and oddly quiet since you both had gotten back. The run went downhill very quickly. What should have been an easy run turned into a fight to the death. The store you had gone to was infested with walkers and the second you had opened the door the plethora of dead just aching to get out and enjoy a meal of the living. You and Carl had tried to fight back but there were too many for two people to take on by themselves. You had almost been bitten and Carl had got a face full of blood and dirt getting the walker away from your shoulder. You had then run to the car to escape your deaths and driven like a maniac back to the town, empty handed with your pride hurt and your heart aching worrying about your beloved Carl.
When you had gotten back to Alexandria Maggie made sure to take care of you and Carl. You hated leaving carl alone but you left when Maggie started attending to his wounds and his eye. You knew he was insecure about his eye and you didn't want to make him more uncomfortable than he needed to be. In your heart you understood why he acted like that but your heart still ached to know he didn't want you to see this intimate part of his life.
You finally gained enough confidence to knock on Carl's door and you gently hit hit your knuckles on the white wood of the door. No answer.
"Carl?" you called out as you cracked open the door.
You could hear gentle crying but got no response. You opened the door and found Carl sitting on the edge of his bed quietly sobbing and shaking holding his bandage to his face. He was still wearing the same blood soaked clothes he came back in and his signature sheriff hat was sitting by his side. Supplies Maggie had obviously given him to fix his eye were also sitting beside him. Seeing him like this made your heart ache and you immediately came in and shut the door, rushing to his side.
You gently touched his shoulder with your warm hand. "Carl?" you gently whispered.
"Y/N stop, don't look at me. I'm fucking hideous." He sobbed.
"Don't talk about yourself like that Carl." you gently reassured him. "You need to clean the wound out. I heard Rick and Michonne talk about what Maggie told you."
"I- I can't. I can't bear to look at it or touch it."
"Let me help you." you paused as you looked at the boy that had risked his life for you not even 2 hours ago. "Please."
Carl looked up at you with tear filled eyes, silently begging you to not judge him. Tears streamed out of his singular eye as he gently nodded his head. You gently grabbed his hand letting him know it was ok to trust you.
"Just please, don't hate me after this." Carl choked out, holding back as many tears as he could.
"I could never hate you. Nothing in this world could change the way I feel about you. A stupid scar will change nothing." You answered, putting your forehead against his.
You gently kissed his cheek then started to unravel the bandage wrapped around his head. The bandage was dirty and crusted in dirt and blood. You fulled removed the bandage and threw it in the garbage can near Carl's bedside table. You wiped the silent tears from Carl's cheek. You couldn't bear to see him like this. You didn't care that he only had one eye. You didn't care that there was a big scar. You didn't care what he looked like period. If anything the scar made him more attractive but he didn't know that. All he saw was a monster. This scar was just an outward sign of what he saw on the inside.
You continued with the task at hand laying a quick peck on Carl's cheek as you grabbed the alcohol and the pads Maggie had grabbed for him.
"This is probably gonna sting." you commented as you poured the alcohol on the cotton pad and placed it to his eye.
Carl breathed in sharply and flinched as you gently patted the alcohol on his eye. You knew it burned but it was necessary to make sure he didn't get an infection. In these times even a simple infection could be the end.
You smiled gently and let out a joking snort. "I told you it would sting."
"Yeah, yeah I know." He chuckled back.
You were glad you had brought a smile back to his face. You finished disinfecting the wound and started to wrap it up in the cotton pad and bandage that had been left for him. You finished as quickly and carefully as you could. You finished and you gently kissed his forehead again.
"Alright big boy, you're all done."
"Thanks Y/N. I really appreciate it." He paused and grabbed your hand with one of his. "Y/N can I talk to you about something serious really quick."
Your heart skipped a beat. "Yeah, of course Carl. What is it."
He looked deeply into your eyes and stared at you in silence for a few moments before tucking a piece of hair behind your ear. "Y/N, I- I love you. I love you more than I ever thought possible. I swore no one would ever see my eye, I thought it made me unlovable. But with you all I can think about is how unconditionally you have shown me love. I can't imagine a life without you. I mean you don't have to say it back. I just ya know had to-"
You kissed him deeply. You did want to say it back. You had loved him for a while. You knew he was the only one for you. "I love you more, Grimes."
He smiled into another kiss. "I love you most, Y/L/N"
You pulled away and sniffed his shirt. "You need a fucking shower." you giggled. "I think I might need one too. Maybe we should shower together, you know, to save water."
"Of course, just to save water."
You should have said those words sooner.
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justmeinadaze · 6 months
I Miss The Misery Final Part (Steve X You)
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A/N: I responded to an ask recently about toxic Stevie and how with all of my toxic stories they will all most likely end positively because my personal story didn't. I mean it did in the sense that I got away from the toxic people but I know a lot of times we wish those people would change for the outcome we desperately want.
I Miss the Misery is very much based off a past relationship of mine and I so badly wanted what I write here. Unfortunately that didn't happen but I can give it to my characters here <3 while I continue to wait for my knight in shining metalhead and or pretty boy armor. Lol.
Warnings: A lot less Toxic Daddy Steve/ Sub Fem Reader, SMUT, he gentler with her here. I wanted to convey how he can be rough but he can also be soft, dirty talk abound, and of course after care. FLUFF, Steve makes a speech in the beginning about how much he loves her, ANGST, Jacob finally finds out what Y/N has been up to! She talks about her exes and how they hurt her (mentions of an ex that didn't stop when she said the safe word, no details mentioned), Steve and Y/N take about their relationship, Papa Harrington makes a cameo (always just a delight).
Word Count: 6296
Part 1/ Part 2
“Y/N phone. This is Steve Harrington…Ah, hello Jacob. How are you today?”
Your eyes widen as he pushes off the banister, presses the speaker button on the device, and slowly descends his stairs. 
“I’m, uh, I’m fine. Sir, why do you have Y/N’s phone?”
“Well, you see, I was having a rough night last night so I went to a bar and surprise, surprise, guess who showed up? She was kind enough to drive me home because I was completely wasted.”
“Oh, that’s nice of her. Is…Is she…did she just forget her phone in your car or house or something?”
“Please…please, Steve.”, you beg silently as you mouth the words to him. 
“One second, Jacob.” Placing the call on mute, his stern eyes lock with yours as he puts himself right in front of you, so close you can feel his heart beat against his shirtless chest. “Do you love him?”
“Of-Of course, I do.”
The corner of his lips pull up into a small smirk as he continues to stare you down. 
“Last chance, Y/N. We. Do. NOT. Lie. To. Each. Other. Now, tell me the truth or I do. Do you love him?”
As your eyes searched his, you weren’t sure if he could see all the memories that flashed through your own. Every heartache, pain, and decision that lead you here. You knew every choice you had made in the past when it came to men was wrong. Jacob was a good man but you were so unhappy with him. Not just him but your life together with him as a whole. With Steve, he made you feel alive and all the good memories you did have with him gave you warm feelings you clung to desperately when you cried yourself to sleep. 
He asked you to trust him but your history with him told you that you couldn’t. You were so terrified of getting your heart broken again that you were perfectly willing to spend the rest of your life being numb to everything else around you including love. 
Steve said if you were honest he wouldn’t tell your boyfriend the truth but could you admit the truth yourself?
“I do…very much…”
Blinking, he sighed as he nodded before tapping your phone again with his thumb. 
“Hey Jacob. Sorry about that. Yeah she did forget her phone.” You exhale a heavy sigh of relief as your eyes flutter closed. “Her mind tends to skip after she’s done fucking me.”
Tears fell down your cheek as your bottom lip began to tremble.
“Excuse me? I, uh, I don’t understand.”
“I see. Let me make it clearer for you here. About a month ago, Y/N came to my office begging me to fuck her like the whore she is. I don’t know how she is with you, Jake, but this little girl is a wild one. I just got done spanking her and her pussy was just dripping all over my lap. That’s ok though. She knows her Daddy doesn’t mind it a little bit messy. Right, baby girl?”
As he held the phone to your mouth, the silence on the other end killed you. 
“Y/N…are you there?”
“Is what he’s saying true?”
“…Yes…”, you murmur as your voice cracks. “I’m so sorry.”
“Do…do you have feelings for him?”
Your eyes finally open as you glare up at Steve with fire illuminating behind them. 
“No. I fucking hate him.”
The silence is deafening until Jacob releases a long-winded sigh. 
“Liar. Jesus Christ, Y/N.”
“Yeah she does that but the truth of the matter is I love her, Jake. I fucked up a long time ago and let her slip away but I’m ready to make that up to her if she’ll let me. She’ll never have to want for anything ever again. I can lavish her in gifts and vacations I know she deserves after everything she’s been through. I can make love to her or fuck her like a slut if that’s what she wants or we can just lay there and I can hold her till she falls asleep. She looks so fucking beautiful in the morning and I wouldn’t mind waking up to her gorgeous face every day.”
“And I know our relationship was unhealthy when we were in high school. A lot of that was because of me being an idiot and taking her for granted. I was a stupid kid and I know sometimes the old Harrington comes out but I assure you, Jacob, I will do whatever I can to be the best man I can be for her because I know she deserves that to. More than anything she deserves to be happy.”
Steve’s eyes never left yours as he spoke while you tried to control the tears that kept falling. 
“Are you not happy, Y/N?”
With that your phone disconnected and you ran out the front door without it.
Steve sat at his desk with his head leaning against his palm as his thumb ran along your phone screen. He hadn’t heard from you in a couple of days and your boyfriend had called in that Monday morning telling his superior he was sick. Your device had been vibrating constantly with missed calls mostly from Jacob so he assumed you weren’t at your house.
What worried him were the text messages from your parents asking where you were and if you were safe. He desperately wanted to reply back to ease their minds but he didn’t know your password. 
Staring at the picture of you and Jacob smiling on your lock screen, he thought hard about what it could be or where you would go to hide. Huffing, he threw on his jacket and rode the elevator down to the parking garage so he could head home. While he was thinking of other possible methods of getting into your device, the doors opened and he was promptly met with a fist to his face. 
“OW! Jesus fucking Christ!”
“Where is she?!”, Jacob yells before hitting Steve again. 
“I have no idea! Would you stop fucking hitting me!”
“I should be doing worse after what you two did! Now where is she?!”
Holding up his hands in surrender, Steve leans against the wall as he finds his bearings.
“Look, I seriously have no clue where she is. If I did I would tell you but she left my house after that phone call and I haven’t seen her since. She left her phone here with me.”
Your boyfriend snatches it out of his hand, types something in, and scrolls through it searching for clues. 
“Wait, you know her password?”
“Of course I do. I’m her fucking boyfriend.”, he scoffs. “It’s always her parent’s anniversary. October 15, 2016.”
“That’s not their anniversary.”, Steve sighs as he rubs his eyes in frustration. “Did you really think her parents have only been married for 7 years? They’ve been together for over 30.”
“I-I-I didn’t think about it. I mean I trusted her… FUCK! What IS that date than?!”
Standing up straighter, the man prepares for another punch. 
“That’s the date her and I got together. Not together, together. Technically we were never a couple but…”
“What the fuck were you then?”
“I, personally, was a dumbass. I took her for granted constantly… broke her heart.”
“Hm. No wonder she flocked to you. She always wanted me to hurt her and I never understood it.”
“You still don’t.” Jacob turned on him angrily and Steve held up his hands again as he quickly tried to explain. “She doesn’t want you to hurt her exactly; she wants to be controlled and feel safe. When I met her she was a straight A student, worried about everything including her future. Her mind was always 10 steps ahead of her heart and it scared her. When we were together, she was able to let go and clear her head because she knew I was in control. She knew I would take care of her; in bed anyway. I was never really good at taking care of her emotionally like she wanted.”
Your boyfriend nodded as he absorbed what the man in front of him was saying.
“What about the punishments and ‘put me in my place’?”
“She’s kinky, Jake. Nothing wrong with that.”, Steve chuckles. “Speaking for myself, it makes me feel…alive. There’s a certain passion behind a relationship like that. She’s the only one I ever trusted truly being that way with but…I also knew at the time that I could take advantage of her kindness anyway I saw fit. That’s the problem and what she tried so hard to find in other partners after she left. A healthy version of a dominate man…truth is a lot of men don’t know how to do that. They think it’s all force and telling their partners what to do or how to be.”
“I never wanted to do that with her. I always liked who Y/N was from head to toe. I was just afraid to let myself go like that which is even more selfish than anything I ever did to her because even now I’m asking her to do that yet I could never do that for her. Jesus, I’m an asshole.”
“Yeah you are.”, Jacob sighs as he tosses Steve your phone. “There’s a Facebook message in there she sent to her mom saying she was safe and driving back to Hawkins. Good luck, Mr. Harrington.”
You exhaled heavily from your place on the bleachers in the Hawkins High Gymnasium. This is where your life changed. You always saw yourself as a good little girl who was meant to graduate with honors and go off to some fancy school. After you got your degree and started your career, you would meet the man of your dreams, have a beautiful big church wedding, and pop out a few kids. 
There was always something about Steve Harrington that intrigued you. He was always so cocky with everyone, constantly putting on a show for his peers but when he was alone or practicing he seemed so sad. After watching his dad berate him, you saw that same look and it broke your heart. So much so that you found the courage to comfort him that night after the game. 
As you laid there half naked on the bleachers, you expected him to leave and you would never hear from again but he surprised you when he lifted you up in his strong arms and carried you to the boy’s locker room. 
Silently, he placed you on the bench and turned on the shower making sure it was warm enough before coming back to get you. Reaching for your hand, he tried to pull you to your feet but you didn’t budge. A long sigh left his chest and your eyes squeezed tightly shut feeling like you were annoying him before he gradually sunk down on his heels and tilted his head to get a better look at your face. 
“Hey. Look at me.” When you finally did, you half expected to be met with a frustrated jock but instead found a soft smile. “There she is…such a pretty girl. Are you ok? Feeling a little small?”
When you nod, his fingers come up to brush some of your hair behind your ear. 
“That’s ok. That’s absolutely alright. Is it ok with you if we take a shower so I can clean you? Or if you don’t want me to stay, I can give you some space and wait in the gym so I can walk you to your car.”
Steve’s beautiful eyes watched as you rose to your feet and he guided you to the stalls, placing you under the warm water. 
“Do you want to be alone? Oh shit!”, he exclaimed when you practically tackled your arms around him, resting your cheek on his chest. His own limbs slowly descended around you as he placed his chin on your head. “It’s ok, baby girl. Daddy’s got you.”
After that moment, every time you thought about your future it had Steve by your side. You saw him cheering you on when you graduated and getting excited with you when you published your first book. You imagined his arms around you during your first dance at your wedding or him playing with your children while you had another bun in the oven. Every time you thought that future was close, he dashed them away by fucking other girls and making you feel like trash. 
The truth was you still envisioned that future. Every time you tried to picture your new significant others, Steve’s face took over. With Jacob, you could imagine yourself marrying him and having kids with him but you could also see yourself miserable and full of resentment. Jacob didn’t deserve that. 
“Of all the gin joints in all the world…”
You jumped at the sound of his soothing voice as your glassy eyes met Steve’s before quickly wiping away the tears that had fallen. His expensive shoes squeaked against the floor as he moved closer to you and took a seat on the same row you were on a few feet away. 
“I tried getting into your phone to see where you may be but I couldn’t figure out the password. I started getting worried because your parents were looking for you and I know how close you are to them. You’d never want them to panic.” Glancing at the court in front of him, he leans back on his elbows against the row behind him. 
“Your boyfriend came looking for you…gave me a good hit or two before telling me that you were headed back to Hawkins. I kept thinking, if I was Y/N, where would I go? I figured it might be the school but I didn’t know where. I’ve been walking around for 20 minutes.”, he laughs as he turns his head to face you. 
Your eyes were down cast as you stared at the floor. 
“What are you thinking, honey?”
“Don’t.”, you whisper as you finally look his way. “Don’t sit there pretending like you fucking care about me or my wellbeing. You ruined everything, Steve Harrington. Everything. I wish I had never fucking met you or tried to make you feel better after your dad cussed you out. I hate you.”
He nods as he listens to you speak, trying to hide the fact that your words and pain hurt him.
“Y/N, were you seriously just going to skate by pretending to be happy?”
“That doesn’t give you the right to do what you did!”
“And YOU have no right to waste Jacob’s time! Wouldn’t you want him to be with someone who actually loves him instead of pretending?”
Scoffing, you get to your feet and head towards the door but he quickly cuts you off, blocking you with his body. 
“Am I wrong?”
“No, but you should have let ME tell him!”
“You’ve had how long to do that?”
“Get the fuck out of my way, Harrington!”
“Or what, little girl, huh? What are you going to do?” As you raise your arm to slap his face, his hand promptly grabs your wrist spinning you around and holding you against his chest. “See this is what I was talking about. MY Y/N was always strong, confident, and sarcastic. She was submissive in the bedroom but in life she was a force to be reconned with. You, young lady, have transformed into this subservient ‘yes’ girl, perfectly content with taking the hits instead of fighting back.”
“That’s because I found someone who actually cares about me and loves me!”
“Does he love you or the idea of you? Because trust me baby, I know you and the woman I’ve seen this past month isn’t who you are.”
“Like you fucking know!”, you shouted as you pushed him and he let you go to face him. “You broke me, Steven! There were so many things I wanted to do! For a while you dragged me along and I kept dreaming of doing those things with you but you were too scared and pathetic! Treating me like garbage to bring me down so I’d stop BEGGING you to just claim me. That feeling NEVER LEFT, STEVE! That empty feeling of life…without you…Of needing you and having other men…”, you started to sob, silencing yourself as you tried to walk the other way. 
Again, he ran around to stop you, gripping your biceps to keep you in place. 
“Having other men what, baby girl? Tell me. Tell Daddy what happened.” You rolled your eyes as you tried to turn away from him but his grip only tightened. “No. No, Y/N. You need to feel it, honey. Tell me. Go there if you need to, I promise, I’ll be right here.”
You understood what he was saying and oddly enough you did believe him. That was one thing that Steve never faltered with. In the Daddy headspace whether it be sexual or just taking care of you in general, he was really good at making you feel like you were protected. Like he had all the answers and you could trust him. 
Right now, in this moment, you were so fragile and you felt the little girl trying to burst down the preverbal door, wanting to run into his arms. Hanging your head, you decided to take the leap and let go.
“Every man I met after you was rough. They screamed at me and called me names, telling me I was worthless. But then I would scream right back and would fight till we were having violent angry make up sex. They genuinely treated me like a whore.”, you cried. “A couple of them would leave me after they fucked me and not even bother with after care. I would sit in a bathtub alone…sobbing because…because I wanted you.”
“Baby…”, Steve cooed as his palms cupped your cheeks.
“My last boyfriend before Jacob was the worst. He always spoke to me with so much distain. We fought constantly physically and sexually. The last night we were together, he told me to call him Daddy. I told him no but he kept whining and commanding I say it. I told him no again and used the safe word but he didn’t stop… so I kicked him in the balls and left that night.”
“Who is this guy? Fuck it, who are all the guys? Because I’m going to fucking ruin their lives for hurting my baby girl.”, he growled making you laugh breathily as your own hands reached for his face. 
“I thought Jacob was enough. Being with a man like him was much better than all that. He was always gentle, always kind, always…passive. He IS a good man who deserves the world. He’s just not a good man for me. Steve, I love him, I really do…just not as much as I love you.”
Just like he had back then, he lifted you into his arms and you immediately circled your own arms and legs around him as he carried you out the door to his car.
“Who the fuck is that at this hour?!”, a man snarled as Steve closed the front door behind you. 
“It’s just me, dad. Continue fucking your secretary or whatever you were doing.”
Taking your hand, he heads for the stairs but wasn’t fast enough as his father rounded the corner. 
“Steven, the fuck? You’re supposed to be in Indianapolis—oh.”, he pauses when he sees you. 
“I know, Dad, but I had something important I needed to take care of first. Honestly, I didn’t expect you to be here. I thought you and mom were going on vacation.”
“I had to make sure everything is ready in New York before I trust you to fly up there and take over.” Rolling his eyes, Steve continues to try to lead you upstairs but once again his father stops him. “Steven, you know how I feel about you showing off to the…girls…you meet in bars.”
His father said “girls” but even you knew he meant something way more derogatory.
“You mean that thing I’ve never done? Yeah, dad, you caught me. I flew all the way down here to show some random woman YOUR house so I look good. Y/N isn’t just some girl and she’s been here many times before but I would imagine you don’t remember since you were never here during my high school years.”
“Get rid of the attitude, son.”, his dad growled.
“Or what? You’re going to ground me? Take away the company? Oh, maybe strip me of my inheritance?”, Steve responded in equal measure. “I don’t fucking care. All that matters to me right now is the girl I love is cold and hurting so I’m going to head upstairs and take care of her. Do whatever the fuck you want.”
Not waiting for a response, he lightly tugged you signaling for you to follow and guiding you towards his bathroom. After preparing you a bath, he helped you in before disappearing and returning with some towels and clothes for you to change into. Rolling up his sleeves, he sat on the floor opposite you so he could see your face even though his eyes remained downcast until you finally decided to speak. 
“I always hated the way he talked to you. When I would wake up in the morning in your bed sometimes you wouldn’t be there and I could hear him scolding you about stupid shit. I think one morning he was screaming about the way you made eggs.”, you softly laughed as he smiled. “I was just happy you even thought to make me anything.”
As he continued to stare forward, you reached out to touch a small bruise that was forming on the side of his face causing him to flinch and gently catch your hand. 
“Did I do that?”
“Uh, no. Jacob did. Blindsided me as I was heading to my car. Man doesn’t hit hard but…”, he chuckled. 
“Steve? What are you thinking about?”
Sighing, his eyes finally meet your own. 
“I’m thinking… about everything you went through…with your exes especially that last one. Y/N, honey…no. I shouldn’t say anything.”
“Talk to me, Daddy.”
“You know how I can be. Seeing you with Jacob sprung some jealousy in me but…” He heavily exhales as his beautiful brown eyes darken and his jaw tightens as he tilts his head staring into that void again in front of him. 
“Those men hurt you. You told him to stop and said the word yet he still tried to…” As his chest begins to rise and fall, you reach for his hand in an attempt to calm him. “It’s not just because you’re mine, you know. I want to fucking kill them for what they did but you never would have been in that position if I hadn’t of pushed you to leave. Y/N, I really am sorry. I do genuinely want to do better and be better man for you.”
Steve’s head hangs slightly as he continues. 
“We don’t have to start right away if you don’t trust me. I can go to New York and I can call you every night so we can talk about things. Or, maybe, you can still come with me but we can just hang out as friends and get to know each other again. Whatever you want, sweetheart. Even if you want me to just fuck off, I can do that to.”
“I’m ready to get out now.”, you whisper.
Nodding, he rises to his feet without saying a word and helps you out of the tub, drying you off before lifting you in his arms again and placing you on his bed. Kneeling beside you, you studied his face as he focused on his tasks. He still seemed so angry but you knew it wasn’t at you. 
The little girl inside of you started taking over again as your palm tenderly caressed his cheek till your thumb grazed his lips. Steve’s movements stilled as you touched him, his eyes closing as he sighed and placed his head in your lap. 
“I don’t want you to be sad, Daddy.”
His own warm hands lightly ran along the back of your calves as he softly turned so his lips could kiss your knee.
“I’m not sad, honey. I just hate knowing you went through so much pain and Daddy wasn’t there to protect you.”
Tilting your body, your forehead rested on his as his slightly heavy breathing fanned the skin on your face. 
“Will you protect me now?”
“Of course.”
A soft sigh escaped your chest as he trailed tender kisses along your body, opening your legs wider, and putting your pussy on display for him as his face made its way to the place you wanted him most. 
Steve didn’t hesitate as his tongue licked a long, slow path through you folds. Falling backwards onto his mattress, he devoured you, sucking and flicking your clit as your fingers tangled into his hair. 
“Fuck, baby. I’ll never get over how good you taste. So fucking sweet, just like you, pretty girl.”
Two of his fingers guide almost effortlessly into your core and your eyes roll shut as you grind your hips against his movements. 
“Good girl, honey. Daddy’s right here. Daddy’s got you. Cum for me, sweetheart.”
His tongue moves faster as his digits match his pace and your body trembles as the coil in your tummy snaps. You continue to twitch and moan as his tongue cleans you.
Rising to his feet, you watch with needy, glassy eyes as slowly removes his suit and tosses it to the floor. Your head falls against his lower belly causing him to let out a sexy groan as your own breathy moans hit his cock.
“N-No, baby. You don’t have to do that tonight. Daddy’s taking care of you.”
Taking him in one of your hands, you casually pump him as your own tongue darts out to lick his tip making him mewl as he licks his lips.
“But I like having your cock in my mouth. I love tasting you and feeling you in my throat.”
Practically growling at your words, his hands thread through your hair as you envelope him into your mouth and take him as far back as you can before repeating the process. 
“Shit. No one ever took my dick as well as you do, baby girl. G-Go ahead. Take what’s yours. It’s all yours, Y/N. I swear.” 
Finding a steady rhythm with your head, your palms roamed his legs, your nails dragging along his thighs as he grunted and whimpered at the feeling. Lifting your hair into a makeshift ponytail, Steve holds you firmly as he subtly thrusts his hips causing you to gag around him. 
“Good girl. Th-that’s my good girl. You look so beautiful like this. Come here, sweetheart.”
Lifting you under your arms, he places your head on his pillows as he takes hold of your legs and pushes them back, practically folding you in half with your pussy before him. Steve groans as his tongue tastes you again and he tilts back to spit into your cunt. 
“So fucking beautiful.”, he murmurs as he lines himself up with your entrance and gradually pushes himself into you.
“Oh my God.”
Closing your eyes, your head completely falls back as you allow him to take over. His thrusts are slow at first as his thumb circles your clit driving you crazy. 
“Please… move.”
“I am moving.”, he breathily chuckles, biting his lip to suppress the moan. “I’m sorry, baby. I just—fuck—I just like feeling you cling to me.”
“Daddy!”, you whine. 
Steve crawls up your body and leans down till his nose is just above your own.
“Look at me, Y/N.”, he commands in a firm tone that makes you listen. When your eyes lock with his they are just as lust blown as your own as he tries to maintain control. “Who knows how to take care of you?”
“You do, Daddy.”
“And who know what you need?”
“Y-You do. Please, Daddy. Harder.”
As the tip of his nose runs along yours, Steve thrusts his hips hard hitting just the right spot with incredibly accuracy and force that your arms promptly cling to him to keep you grounded. 
“Like that, baby girl? See?”, he coos as he continues slowly slamming into you at just the right angle. “Daddy knows. I know exactly what you needed. You know how I know?” His chest falls against you and you whimper loudly when his breath warms your ear. “Because I need it to, honey.”
Steve’s pace quickened but his intensity remained the same as you wrapped your limbs around him trying to pull him as close to your body as you could. 
“I need to feel your tight little pussy gripping me when I hit that spot that makes you—God damn it—that makes you fall apart. I need to hear those pretty moans and feel them against my skin.”
Hearing you moan his name hit a feral button inside of him as he pumped into with purpose while the bed began to wiggle underneath you. 
“Fuck, Y/N. Cum, baby.”
Your body shuddered as the coil in your belly aggressively snapped and you screamed his name as your fingers dug into his shoulders. Steve soon followed, his grunts filling your ear as his rhythm faltered and you felt his release warm your insides. 
You both continued to pant as he slowly thrust his hips making sure all of his spend filled you up as you came down from your high. 
After tenderly kissing your forehead, he carefully pulled out of you and hurriedly disappeared out his bedroom. When you heard his father’s agitated tone, you hastily grabbed his button up shirt and covered yourself with it just as Steve came back with some items in his hands. 
“Everything’s ok, honey. My dad’s still here apparently. He told me he and my mom were going to the Bahamas this weekend. If I had known he was going to be here, I would have taken you to a hotel or back to your mom’s house.”, he sighs as he jumps back into bed and hands you a bottle of water.
“What did he say when you went downstairs?”
“He gave me shit again about bringing a girl to his house, saying that he could hear you moaning and screaming. I just shrugged and asked him if he was jealous.”
Unable to control it, you laughed so hard you spit the water you had been drinking back into the bottle making Steve laugh at the sight. As the two of you calmed down, he reached over and gently wiped away some of the liquid that had fallen down your chin. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen or heard you laugh like that; even before you left. Those last few months…I didn’t make things easy.”
“No, you didn’t.” He nods as he averts his eyes in shame. “When are you leaving for New York?”
“Oh, um, unless he changes it, the middle of next week. That way I can meet the team up there and get up to speed before everything kicks into gear that following Monday.” When he sneaks a glance your way, he notices you smirking at him. “What?”
“It’s nice hearing you talk like this. You never really got into anything in school. I mean, yeah, you did sports but you always talked about it like it was chore. Near the end of senior year, you had no idea what you wanted to do or be but it seems like you were meant for this.”
“It’s nice hearing someone say that. I worked hard to get here and even now my dad doesn’t appreciate it.” Taking the bottle from your hand, he quickly cleaned you and threw on a pair of boxers before crawling under the covers and bringing you to his side so he could play with your hair while your palm ran along his upper body.
“Steve?” He answered you with a gravelly hm. “I’ll come with you.”
His hand freezes for a moment before his fingers softly but firmly tugs on your hair, tilting your eyes to meet his. 
“Are you sure?” Steve chuckles under his breath when you nod, trying to hide how excited he genuinely is. “Ok, ok, um, I can rent you an apartment until you feel like you’re ready to take things—”
Placing two fingers on his lips, you interrupt him as you push up on your elbow to look down at him. 
“I have money, Steve. I can rent my own apartment and take care of myself—”
“Ok, whatever makes you comfortable, hon—”
“Would you let me finish!”, you giggle. “I was going to say that I can take care of myself…but I’m going to let go and trust that you can and will take care of me. Not just financially. I know you can do that but it’s taking a lot for me to trust you with everything else. I’d…I’d like to move in with you if that’s ok.”
“Of course, Y/N.”
“I don’t want you to think I’m taking advantage or anything. I just—”
“No, hey, no Y/N. I don’t think that at all. I know you can handle yourself. It’s one of the many things I love about you. I promise, baby girl. You’re safe with me now.”
Caressing his cheek with your hand, you guide his lip to yours.
“I love you to.”
6 Months Later
“Uh, Mr. Harrington. There’s an angry young lady down here asking for you.”
Steve chuckles through his teeth as he presses the intercom button to respond. 
“Is it an exceptionally beautiful young lady who most likely just rolled her eyes when I said that?”
“Yes, sir, it is. Should I send her up?”
After he approves, he throws the manila folders he had been sorting through haphazardly onto his desk as he sighed and ran his fingers frustratingly through his hair. 
“Steven Harrington!”
“Y/N Y/L/N.”
As his hands fall from his face, you round the corner of his desk and place yourself in his lap, wrapping his arms around you as you lean back against his chest. 
“Baby, it’s after 9 on a Friday.”
“I know but…come on. It’s the city that never sleeps!” 
Leaning your forehead into the nook between his neck and shoulder, he holds you tighter to him as he lets out a long sigh. 
“You’re over working yourself again, Daddy.”, you murmur. 
“I know. This is just a big deal and if I can expand my father’s company—”
“Your company. He gave it to you. You need to let go of his old ideals. There’s a reason he was only ever stationed in Hawkins.”
Steve grins softly down at you as he swivels his chair around to face the massive window he has overlooking the city in his top floor office.
“How did things go with your publisher today?”
“Not too bad. The launch date has been moved for the summer so we’ll see how that goes.” Nodding, he gently kissed your shoulder, along your neck, and up to your ear. “I’ve been thinking about you all day.”
“Yeah, baby girl? What have you been thinking?”
“I was just thinking about how much I miss you, Daddy. I even thought about being a bad girl to get your attention.”
“Hm? You need Daddy to make sure you don’t slip?”
You beam up at him as you nod your head, his equally sexy smile radiating you. 
“I can do that, honey. Come on. Let’s go home.”
You patiently wait as he sorts through some things before grabbing his jacket and taking your hand as you both head for the elevator. It had been so long since you felt this happy. Steve had come such a long way and true to his word did the work to be a better man for you. Even better, you both figured out how to utilize what you wanted sexually in the bedroom without resorting to toxic methods. 
For so long, you though something was wrong with you for wanting to be dominated but the truth was you had no idea how to vocalize what you needed let alone a man to work with you on enacting those needs. There were still times of course when you and Steve would genuinely fight and some of his old patterns would leak through triggering you to react how you used to but instead of ignoring each other for days on end or one of you leaving to do something you shouldn’t, you would talk it through before following it with that hot, passionate make up sex you both enjoyed. 
“Have you eaten yet?” Steve sighs in playful annoyance when you tell him no. “I don’t think the spankings are getting through, little one.”
“Yeah but it doesn’t hurt to keep trying.”, you tease, sticking out your tongue as he tries to control his smile.
“Alright, new plan. Let’s swing by that restaurant you love, pick up some food to bring home, and then after we can play.”
As you circle your arms around his waist, he grins down at you as he kisses the top of your head. 
“I love you, Steve Harrington.”
“I love you to, Y/N Y/L/N.”, he responded with zero hesitation making you giddy with happiness as you both stepped off the elevator.
@daysinthephoenix @sophiejayne-illustrations713 @livosssblog @lofaewrites @xxbookdrunkdemigodxx @micheledawn1975 @samajoe @diffrent-spokes
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fancyfeathers · 5 months
Can we possibly get yan!paul hcs???
I would love to see how youd picture him, if not, can we have Tachihara yan hcs by chance?
had to use a stage play gif lol
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Paul is the definition of a protective and patronizing yandere with a touch of delusional. Hè sees his darling as a poor, weak, little thing. But yet in his eyes, she is absolutely perfect, she just doesn't know how to protect herself. He is an assassin, someone who kills people but something about being his darling's guardian angel from the shadows is just so perfect, it is the thing he was missing.
Now where the delusional bit plays in, in Strombringer he sees Chuuya as his little brother when he's not really (I mean kinda but it's hard to explain) so he sees his stalking almost as courting, he's getting to know his darling after all. But even when he can't because of being in the Port Mafia basement, he is still a Port Mafia executive, having some of his underlings follow you around and report back to him is the next best thing.
But over time he grows increasingly frustrated and envious, his subordinates get to see you but he can't. The final straw is when Paul finds out you have gotten a good job and will have to move out et Yokohama because of that. Without hesitation Paul has you kidnapped by his subordinates, of course he never told them about his relations with you, it is none of their business. So in the middle of the night you hear footsteps and then someone bash you on the side of your head before you can even get out of bed.
The next thing you realize you're waking up in a dark, concrete, room, it's nicely furnished but still not where you would want to be. Behind the metal door, that seems to be the only entry and exit, you can hear yelling about how "you were to rough" and "did you see the bruise you left on her head? It's as big as my hand!" You are left shaking at this, wondering what is going to happen to you. Then you hear more muffled speaking following by the shuffling of feet. Then the door unlocks with a click and they’re standing in the door frame is a handsome man to say the least but also the man behind your kidnapping.
When he sees you panicked he doesn't understand why you are, he did this for you, to keep you safe from the outside world that wants to hurt you. Even if he doesn't understand that won't stop him from wrapping his arms around you and kissing your tears away, telling you everything will be alright.
Honestly life with Paul isn't bad, he tries to keep life as normal as possible, despite you never seeing the light of day again. He lets you have full reign of the "house", knowing full well if you try anything he can easily stop you either physically or with his ability. So you can make yourself food with knifes, shave, and have access to other sharp objects but try to use them against him, ha nice try. Also with that good luck picking the locks on the door, by the time you finish he'll notice or his subordinates standing guard outside of it will.
Also if you think him being fluffy and sweet to you will mean your family and friends are safe, think again. He killed the Flags, Chuuya’s friends, so if your friends or family get close to finding out where you are or what happened he’ll snap his fingers and have them either killed or brought to him and killed by his hands. He never lets you see the people or the bodies, but from behind the door you would hear the screams and voices of your family, your friends, and then see Paul come back, covered in their blood. He’ll smile at you, kiss your head, and go off to clean himself up while you just sit there is utter shock and horror.
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hobisstar · 9 months
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What are you hiding from love?| Yandere!Jk x Reader III
Summary: Being in a relationship with Jungkook you’ve always noticed the signs, the red flags if you will. Being so in love with him you ignored them, until the people you loved dearly started disappearing one by one.
Warnings: Murder, Jungkook victim blaming ( like he will say i killed you because you are too stupid or whatever), Possessiveness, Mentions of Smut, Controlling, Locking up YN, Attempt Suicide.
Viewers Discretion is advised.
Taglist: vante 🫶🏾
A/N: This is made to be scary! That is all. I honestly dont like mixing smut with yandere because i read yandere fics to be spooked not horny lol. This chapter will contain attempt suicide.
2 months.
2 bloody months.
It’s been 2 months since yn found out about what jungkook does as a so called hobby.
He’s promised to let her roam around the house if need be and that he didn’t break.
The only thing was when he was at work or out of the house, he made sure she was in his office locked away from the eye.
Yn currently, was tired. Tired of being treated so nicely but so terribly at the the same time. He loves her but keeps her locked away. Why?
She swore she’d never tell a soul about anything that she has seen, as long as he lets her live peacefully, that is.
But, every day Jungkook left for work, Yn was thinking of different ways to get out. Being locked up the only way out was the window.
Residing on the 5th floor of the apartment building, the window was the only option. That was death awaiting her. Yn knew that.
But what else was left to live for? When your lover has had so many hidden lies, a life you never imagined. A life you assumed wasn’t even in his blood.
The signs were always there. But being so love yn ignored the flags.
Thinking maybe he just wants to make sure I am protected, maybe he wants to keep me safe.
This all was things she thought of plenty of times.
With a rush of adrenaline Yn went into thinking. Yes, the window is the only option, but she didn’t want to die. Maybe she could just break the window open and attempt to jump, maybe someone would see her and come help her right?
Without any other thinking she started punching at the window. Hurting yes, but the pain was washed away with the feeling of wanting to be free.
Yn continued to punch at the window seeing little cracks and not caring if her first and hands where covered in blood. She wanted out.
“One more hit..” she thought and with that one hit she heard the glass shatter and freedom was waiting for her.
Looking down she saw the ground and her heart dropped to her stomach. Would this really be the end? Al because of the being locked up? I mean he loves her, but it was suffocating.
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Jungkook was smiling as he got out of his car with dinner and flowers. He stepped into the building and seen his neighbor standing at the front desk. He waved but she looked worried.
“Jungkook! Oh thank god your here! I think someone broke into your home! I headed glass shatter-“
Dashing to the elevator he aggressively pressed the button. “Fucking come on!” He yelled impatiently as if he didn’t just press the button 1 second ago.
He kicked the door and went for the emergency stairs. 5 cases of stairs? No problem. His heart was in his stomach but he swore he could hear it in his ears. She wouldn’t hurt herself to just get away from him would she? Of course not… or maybe Jungkook was wrong. What if someone broke in and oh god…
With that thought he finally reached the stairs and lucky for him there home was right next to the emergency exit. Jungkook quite literally kicked the door down and saw Bam barking at the office door.
“Baby! Baby are you in there?” He yelled through the door ,not hearing a response. Without thinking he kicked the door handle a few times and it fell to the ground.
Pushing the door open he entered the cold room and gasped.
Yn was sitting on the window frame backwards. Facing the door, well now him, Yn let a tear roll down her cheek. “Baby… whatever you are thinking about doing right now… we can talk it out, yeah? We don’t have to get hurt while doing this…” he calmly approaches her talking small but huge steps towards her.
The softness of his voice made her only want to lean back faster. “ we can’t talk, Jungkook. I’m done being in here…”, “ is that was this is about? Baby, I’ll stop locking you in here for good but please get down from the window…” at this point Jungkook was crying without even noticing he was crying.
“No! I want to be free I want to leave.” Yn stated and scooted back even more feeling the glass stab her in her hands and In the back of her thigh.
“Let me go…” she mumbled looking back at him and he froze.
“You-Your doing this… to leave me? Why aren’t I good to you?” He moved closer carefully, not wanting her to leave. “I don’t want to die! But if this is the only way to get away from you then I’m willing to take that risk…”
Without thinking Jungkook jumped and grabbed her pulling her off the window quickly which sent her into gasping feeling the glass that was in her thigh come out.
She didn’t fight she didn’t cry. What’s the point? Yn knew she wasn’t going to jump she loved her life but just didn’t like the part of this. She felt jungkook wrap her in his arms and he cried as loud as he ever cried.
It’s only begun, maybe she can use this as a way to get out of here? What if he went crazy and killed her himself? What if he actually pushed her out that window? So many thoughts ran through her head at the moment of being in his arms.
“Never say that again baby,” he looked at her tears dropping from his eyes to his cheeks, down to his shirt. “ I love you too much to loose you, why don’t you understand that?”
Maybe this was the end. Maybe this was just a sign to let her go in Jungkook eyes.
She was willing to kill herself then be with him…
He had a decision to make
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