#but when i say crumbs i really do mean crumbs tho
fumifooms · 4 months
Chilchuck, family & alcoholism
Collection of thoughts and speculation on Chil’s upbringing, his dynamic with his family and how alcoholism ties into it all. If you want the groundwork info on Chil’s background I recommend my masterpost on his family, here beyond a summary of the facts it’s really just me speculating from the crumbs we get of his parents and siblings, how it’s all affected him and in turn affected his own wife and kids etc etc.
There’s nothing more I’d like on mother’s day than to speculate about Chilchuck’s maladaptive attachment style. I’m fascinated by how distant everyone is and how much he’s been devoted to them all despite having been so absent. Intergenerational trauma get over here
Actually it’ll be easier if I make a rundown here too, it’s just stuff I reiterate from my masterpost tho.
Tiny table of contents: 1- rundown: family facts 2- rundown: alcoholism 3- dad 4- parenting 5- daughters 6- wife
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^ Every time his dad gets mentioned. His mom never gets mentioned. His siblings I think are only ever mentioned in this extra, and then there are more ambiguous relatives cameos.
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We know is hometown isn’t Kahka Brud, but we’re not sure wether he moved there upon getting his own house (presumably around when he got married at 13), or if it’s only after his wife when he rented out his place to relatives then rented the place in Kahka Brud.
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If he rented it out to relatives, maybe that meant it was in his hometown? Especially if he and his siblings are "almost strangers" so presumably he doesn’t really keep in touch with his family. And I mean, he hasn’t seen his wife or daughter in 4 years so you can imagine how he’s like with his more distant family…
Additionally half-foots and Chil are very coded to be from an impoverished opressed working class people. So that’s the context.
I’ll say that I mentioned intergenerational trauma at the beginning, and I def think the distrust of elves is part of that, but here I want to focus on the interpersonal effects rather.
Copy pasting my masterpost thoughts overall: Chilchuck is hinted to have had a rather dysfunctional family himself (alcoholic father, distant siblings, etc). So he doesn’t really have the best model on how to raise someone and such. I imagine it was a sort of neglectful home situation, where the kids are encouraged to be independent. If they didn’t have to work or help around much, then a free range parenting sort of thing.
We do see how the family has full and warm feasts, where someone cleans his mouth with a rag, so it’s not like he didn’t have caring people or had a tragic childhood though! I don’t remember if it’s explicitely stated but he’s heavily implied to having grown up poor, as most half-foots, and I just think it’s the hardened hardworking family type of childhood where just like he does with others, they instilled somewhat harsh life lessons in him, which in turn encourages him to indulge in the simple pleasures of life like alcohol and sex, or at least women’s beauty and crass jokes. We do see he seems more optimistic when he’s younger in flashbacks, so a bunch of his harsh view on the world is still likely learned and earned rather than taught.
I still think he inherited many flawed views from how his father acted, like his attitude about excessive drinking not being a big deal, it being worth it. That work hard play hard, enjoy life die young mentality he has, shown mostly in the “alcohol” section of his Adventurer’s Bible profile, could very well be partly a result of the general poverty half-foot communities are that he grew in as well, like how he doesn’t hope for things to be as best as they could be and contends with good enough.  As far as I remember, his mother is never mentioned, but I doubt it implies she was out of the picture. She was probably a regular sort of mother that took care of the home and was still around when his father died, not unlike how Chil’s wife was implied to be a housewife. It looks like there’s a good age gap between one sibling to the next, that could be interesting to speculate about too. Mostly though I think it’s big family because it’s just sorta what happens when you regularly have sex and you don’t have contraception, being poor often makes family planning harder for various reasons and leads to more children.
Alcoholism context rundown:
Good Chilchuck analysis baseline here. Alcohol seems to be his main stress reliever/coping mechanism, especially for how emotionally constipated he is, and his job is being stressed about his party’s safety. Then he also mentions as a changeling that having his senses dulled feels relaxing to him, further confirming alcohol, as a drug that dulls senses, is something that he likes for the intoxication aspect and feels it’s relaxing. Alcohol also acts as a hunger suppressant, so it for sure has played a role in his dieting and unhealthy eating/diet habits, especially since he shows the instinct to drink to soothe hunger, all of that about how going hungry for 3 days used to feel manageable. Chil dieting info compiled here.
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Chilchuck is at his most effortlessly cheerful when drunk or drinking. Compilation of every time he was drunk here.
And to be clear, a cheerful drunk is still a drunk. He literally will drink anytime he gets the opportunity to even if he’s aware overdrinking leads to health problems and death. Like canonically. He does NOT see how drinking should be a problem and does not seek to show restraint with it.
Dad of the dad
Marcille and Chilchuck having a talk on how losing a dad be like "You lost your dad young too…? I know how it is, it must have hit you hard…" "No not really tbh. Do you want lasagna or chicken for dinner?" <- either genuinely doesn’t feel much about his dad’s death or has 10 layers of repression, idk which is worse
I think Chil not making a big deal out of his dad’s death, not having worries in following into his footsteps that way in the least, is super interesting.
As a buddy @saccharineomens puts it: " I kinda imagine chilchuck and his dad didn't have a bad relationship, but in general chilchuck is so blase about drinking (he sees it as a delightful time, a wonderful thing! he wouldn't mind dying doing something he loved!) that he's not very upset about his dad's passing? like "yeah, he died, but i was already an adult, he was an adult, he made his choices, i make my choices, it's cool" " And I���ll nitpick that we don’t know how old he was when his dad died, I always assumed it was pretty early since Chil left home when he got married, and like I’ve gone into he doesn’t seem to be the keep in touch type. It’s on the table though, and he could have learned about it through letter if nothing else and that contributes to the "meh" reaction.
And that is very Chilchuck, the whole "we made our choices, it is how it is, he died doing something he loved", and you can totally believe that that’s the crux of it, but I do think the nonchalance hints at the family overall being distant and not only the siblings, that there’s dysfunctional shenanigans going on in there more than just… Healthy coping and having moved on.
I wonder when Chil first drank… And I wonder how he came to realize he liked alcohol a lot. His father probably gave him sips… Or he stole them
No because, with how disaffected he is about his father and siblings I could definitely see him having started to kind of numb himself/dissociate with the help of alcohol in that home environment that felt so… Either devoid of feelings or too messy to get attached. I can totally see his family being one that encourages dealing with feelings by bottling them up.
Because too… We saw him have a family/community feast of some sort presumably when he was a kid, in that chapter cover, so it’s not like there’s no warmth or sense of family at all, but then like… What went wrong? If as I theorize that girl with short black hair in that panel is his future wife, since she’s his childhood friend and all, what if his family/home life was always kind of cold and distant, even when gathered and cheery or despite those occasions? So then it’s like, at the family gatherings, she’s the most important person there to him, the one he actually connects to the most, the warmest presence he has…….. Someone he jokes around with that feels on the same speed as him, that doesn’t have the same connotations as everyone else present, a bit of a haven, someone different, a breath of fresh hair and a regained sense of childhood… Spitballing of course of course
I feel like they had a pretty big family and they were poor and such so there were always chores to be done etc, so their household might have operated like a mini busiess of sorts where everyone’s too busy, always has this and that to do and the mother asks them to go do tasks. I used to think it might be more of a neglect situation, where the kids are expected to provide for themselves and so cook their own meals and whatnot, both parents distant, but I don’t think so with the feast illustration. Chil at the beginning of canon used to see eating as a practical thing more than anything, you have to eat to live but don’t eat much or your weight will make your job more dangerous, might as well skip meals and have beer instead, etc etc. So the thought that he doesn’t know how to cook all that well despite this speculated background where he cooked for himself and keeps cooking minimalistic, since he does tell Senshi he taught him about cooking, is fair, but still… There could definitely be a situation where his older siblings were pushed into a parental role too, where they helped with the food and raising the younger siblings etc etc. As mentioned, the age gap between siblings may play into the dynamic as well. But on this front I have less ideas…
So yes my general take on Chil’s family is that everyone was too busy to emotionally connect as much as is normal, the parenting leaving things to be desired with alcoholism and emotional neglect.
And I think that’s especially interesting considering he hasn’t been keeping in touch with his daughters either. It’s "they’re independent now" and that’s kinda it. His daughters haven’t sent him letters or visited him or tried to make him talk to their mom again. It does feel like with his own parents and siblings to me, where people are almost strangers, where relationships grow apart and everyone shrugs and goes ‘that’s how things are’. Is it that everyone including all his daughters gave up on trying to keep in touch, or is it that they all went "well divorced or not he’s absent, this is our normal tbh", and which is worse?
So yes, I think his relationship with his daughters is probably similar to his relationship with his parents, sort of hands off. Chil's dad was probably not a good dad but probably not quite a bad dad. A definitive He Was There, to quote another friend heh
Imo the thing with Chil is that he was pretty absent bc of work travels to dungeon dive, right. He’s working hard to provide for his family but in the process he’s not spending much time with them, slowly making a gap grow between him and them as they drift apart and change as people. He’s a career dad who never realized spending time with his family was more important and threw his pager into the ocean— But also here’s the thing!! You want to say being his family is more important, but money is arguably more important! They’re poor, they don’t have the privilege of free time as much. Sure he’s not there, but he is providing for them what they need to keep living and growing healthily. Similarly, you want to say Chil should stop doing harsh dieting for weight management, but, he has a point, maybe starving is still preferable than dying in traps. Of course the ideal would be to change jobs, but again, life is a struggle and that’s not always an option.
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^ Truly the classic "if you don’t listen to me, your parent, a cryptid is gonna kidnap you!" international experience………
He is so so so the "What? My way of parenting is kinda bad? But my father raised me like that, and look how great I turned out!" <- emotionally dysfunctional…….. "Pshhh what do you mean having an alcoholic parent negatively affects you? My father was an alcoholic too and look at me"  🤡
All of it was behavior normalized to him. And listen, I’m saying this but not as like, shirking of his part in it. This isn’t a teen or young adult, he’s middle aged, he’s become the one giving and not receiving the generational trauma. He’s chosen to never think deeper on the topic.
And like, he himself is so indifferent to his father and what their relationship was like, of course he wouldn’t notice if a parenting choice wasn’t great for his daughters. He doesn’t have a relationship with his dad, he’s not (at least not consciously) traumatized by him, so from his perspective it’s mission success! He got raised decent enough 👍⭐️ Except he doesn’t realize that like, not particularly caring if he died is sign of a problem between them in itself… And this even as he remains somewhat of an important figure in his life, especially since that’s who he sees on the other side of the life river in the ghost chapter. It’s implicitly the biggest instance of loss through death Chilchuck has in his life I think.
But despite it all he obviously does love his family a lot, right. So I do believe that like, while he has imperfect standards when it comes to parenting he still tries to be better than his dad was, that even if it’s necessary that he has a lot of long work travels, he spends time with them. And there’s sort of this dissonance that he’s both "it doesn’t matter wether i’m here or not, they’ll live, they’re tough girls. Oh they didn’t like my scolding earlier? It’s just how kids are" dismissive and "I love them so much and I want them to have a good life. I want to do my best by them" devoted and so so caring. And like that’s why he works so damn hard, he does it for them, but also that’s why the girls grew up with an absentee father and aughhhh AUGHHHH the unsolvable dilemma of it all Chilchuck in Dunmeshi truly represents like, the harshness of reality & the world and how sometimes things will just suck no matter what, and then of course balancing that with Marcille in their shared arc where she tacks on "And despite that there is beauty everywhere even in the small and menial things, despite that your flawed relationships and dreams are still worth fighting for" ie giving reconciling with his wife a shot, etc.
All that said I think the very strict "you’re gonna grow up to have a stable job by god, young miss" attitude, those strong work ethics he highly values and focuses on and no doubt tried to instill in is own kids, is something he somewhat inherited from his own upbringing and parents.
In my masterpost bit on his parenting, I said I don’t think he’d do any kind of corporeal punishment, but. I do wonder about spanking aftee all. It can be so so easy to rationalize it… Sigh
Daughter pov
Again, my general interpretations for the daughters are written in my masterpost. I think Patti knows her father the least and is the one least worried about jobs and stability and least settled down as a result. Flertom is the more social one who I imagine tended to be the one worried about her parents’ couple and their emotions the most. And Meijack… Ohh Meijack.
When your father tried his best to provide for you but he worked all the time and even when he was home he was either tired or stressed and he’s always liked to get drunk to relax and cheer up. When you know he values work ethics and respectability so you grew up to be capable and quiet. And when he says you’re like him you’re sort of puzzled, does he really know you so little, or does he know himself so little? But you like the feeling of your father ruffling your hair so you accept it and still you stand next to your mother just as quiet and just as stoic during family gatherings. He leaves again and again and when your mother leaves him nothing changes, really. You wonder if it’s more telling that you know him better than he seems to himself or that you don’t know him as much as you wish you did, or that you don’t think about him all that much these days. Out of sight out of mind
Thinking of those posts about how kids never forget and during the "draw your family!" things at school, some of the kids draw their working parents seperate from the rest of them...
Absent father and when he’s at home you get the crumbs of him that you get and you’re grateful for it and that’s that <333
She doesn’t know how much he loves them bc he hasn’t showed them in a long time </3
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The horror of drunk Chil in my fics is often about what in this state he can’t do rather than what he could do, how someone who’s as proud of his skills and work ethics as he is has truly changed, not comprehending how he could become so sloppy or how he could allow himself to get like this, marred the values he preaches above all else. It’s in the way that he fumbles with doorknobs, that he could never lockpick a door if you were to lock it, and it both being your salvation and bringing you extreme distress at the thought of it all. His footsteps usually featherlight now sound heavy as stone, like a troll’s.
You know the thing that gets me so bad with alcoholism angst is when people describe the drunk person as a stranger. Often making a metaphor that they’re monsters, have some monster they shapeshift into uncontrollably once in a while, as a way to split the unreconciliable halves of the person sober and drunk in your vision of them……. It gets me soooo bad Little Puckpatti growing up on tales of trolls kidnapping disobedient kids and replacing them with doubles so no one even knows they’re gone… Coming face to face with a drunk Chilchuck that roams the halls of the house with heavy steps in the night, because she wanted to go drink a glass of water, too thirsty to sleep………..
And this is where I reveal that I wrote a fic about just that!! Trolls that thump and tiptoe through the night Mei @ Chil, You made me of stone and still every day you wear me down and chip away at me bit by bit
In the end notes I describe my takes and interpretations: With Mei I tried to give the sense of a kid who sacrifices some parts of childhood to feel closer to her parent, like not playing games to spend more time with him no matter how empty, or wanting to be worthy in his eyes. With Fler, since she was the one in canon to take in their mother and write Chil a letter explaining the situation, I feel like she’s always been the one most involved and aware of the problems in their family. The one most there to emotionally support or to understand what the vibes in a room meant. Puckpatti I think knows her father the least, since with time I think Chilchuck was more and more away from work and more and more cynical like the flashbacks of younger him dungeon diving. I think because of her not minding unstable odd jobs that she’s the most passive, that she’s the most go with the flow. I do also love when Mei is the one most aware of her parents’ flaws and most critical as the eldest, but not in this fic. Meijack grows up to never touch a drop of alcohol, what people joke is the one difference between her and her father. Flertom drinks, too much sometimes, but she considers drinking should be a social activity rather than a habit. Puckpatti only drinks on special occasions when she has the chance.
They already don’t have that much time together because of his work, I wonder how big of a percentage the amount of memories the daughters have of him are when he’s not himself truly… How they kinda reconcile it all. It’s their normal. 
And the thing that’s gutting too, is that Chil always looks so so much more open, relaxed, cheerful and happier when drunk than he usually is. He doesn't know how to get his defenses down without alcohol
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"you're all that's good"
Because we do see how he truly used to not be so closed off and bitter. But distrust and fearing for betrayals from both coworkers and then his wife aka the person who’s supposed to be closest to him (he doesn’t even have close family besides his daughters. Does he even have close friends) turned him into what he is now. He was so cheerful!! Happy and trusting and optimistic.
He leaves and she left
God there’s the whole ‘wife leaving him’ trauma too is the thing… It had to have fucked him up so bad like no wonder he got paranoid and decided not to open up to ANYONE like. He never saw it coming is the scariest thing. He didn’t expect her to just up and leave. He didn’t see the warning signs. He won’t know if it’s coming this time either.
….. But then also, why he didn’t reach out to her (besides hurt) was because it was a petty silence treatment, like "oh she left without saying a word? Fine well I won’t reach out to her either" <- man who is so not fine and collected about it. It’s been FOUR YEARSSSSSSS I wonder if he always was like… "This week she’s gonna send a letter. … Ok fine, this month she’s gonna crack. … Within the year she’ll come crawling back." and it’s a bit why it was allowed to go on for this long unchecked like… Why he still considers her his wife even though functionally she’s more of an ex by that point after 4 years.
I can never stop thinking about him and his wife they’re fucking crazyyy. Him not reaching out to her started as a silent treatment from frustration. She never reached out to him either, she just up and left, didn’t even leave or send one last letter she’s just gone and has left this all behind, the house and everything in it. It’s been 4 years but he still considers her his wife and considers themselves only "estranged", "due to circumstances we haven’t seen each other in years". His face in the panel he said this is interesting too, trying to be casual but defensive and exasperated, already dreading the judgement and questions. He moved out of his house to rent a place in Kahka Brud instead. How much of him not reaching out was avoidance… Guilt, frustration, sadness, confusion, just procrastinating and dread and fear of a rejection more concrete, or something else… Maybe realizing he doesn’t miss her as much as he should, not enough to chase after her or try to get her back, just resigning himself to it… Is he a bad husband, is he a bad person? Should they reconcile?
Not seeing it coming… It’s half trust, that this person who’s so dear to you could never just up and leave and hurt you like that, half entitlement, thinking that she would never think of leaving, and third it’s blinding himself to the warning signs, not wanting to believe or acknowledge them. Because like, there WERE some, he said she "suddenly fell into a bad mood on the way back [from the outing]" and I don’t think he’s too dumb to be aware that something was off, he literally just dismissed it and then went surprised pikachu face when it turned out things were indeed off.
Part of it is definitely, how do you even react if your wife walks out on you without warning. If it happened to me I think that I wouldn’t reach out for a while either, wait for them to reach out to me first, give them space. As I put it in one of my marchil wips, "I respect your right to be rid of me too much to try and shackle you to me if you want to leave". Inaction is easier than admitting he’s scared to check and find out that the worst case scenario is true. It’s been years and he still hasn’t worked it out why she left. Do you think that’s on purpose. That he doesnt want to know for sure. It’s so so so scary to try and do anything about it
He said he didn’t reach out right away when she left because he was petty and wanted to give her the silence treatment back. Ok but is it that he blames her for their marriage falling apart or does he blame himself and he’s just misdirecting the conflicted feelings? Did he not reach out because a part of him was too scared to know why she left or if she would refuse to come back? Did he just think that she’d come back on her own, and things would get fixed while still staying unsaid and unconfronted like they always have, the first month, then the next and the next, until it was a year in and it sunk in that oh, maybe she wasn’t coming back?
He seems genuine here when he says that he was angry about it and gave her the silent treatment, but it is an habit of his to lie to make himself look worse instead of showing vulnerability, so who knows.
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He is so so scared of being affected by relationships. Same thing with his compulsive habit to disguise his worry for anger. It’s why he doesn’t want people to have expectations of him, "I’m a coward I’m selfish", because then they can’t be disappointed, they can’t be surprised if he bites, they can’t leave when you lose what they’ve been staying for.
He has avoidant tendencies too. Every time there’s an interpersonal issue he just accepts it’s out of his control immediately. He’s passive when it comes to relationship problems, just like with coworkers, relationships are a ticking time bomb to him, and he just wants to be left out of it and come out unscathed. It comes back to his pessimism. He doesn’t think that like, things could be better. According to him life is tough and cruel, you accept your lot in life and make the best out of it and that’s it. If people are scummy you don’t whine about how unfair it is, you close yourself off and work to not be taken advantage of again and adapt. So then with his wife, when Marcille is like "Have you tried… Talking?" it’s such a crazy idea that it might work at all, that he could have the power to fix things… And that’s why it’s such a big deal when he goes "Alright I’ll try… I don’t know if it’ll go as well as in the stories, but I’ll try". That CRUMB of allowing himself to be hopeful is so huge
Honestly for the longest time I misread this bit, I thought she left in the night like how Marcille framed it, but no she left after he left for work. She left after he left again.
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The way it’s told, it really sounds like Chilchuck just came home from work, stayed probably a couple of days in which they went to that outing together, then left for work again right away/soon after and it’s like. Was that outing the most special thing you guys did together. You came home from like a month of work, you had one outing where she ended up having a bad time, y’all didn’t talk about it further and then you left for another couple of weeks. Are you kidding me
Your married life is waiting for your husband to come home, spending mediocre time together, being shut down when you voice discontentment, and things being left unaddressed before he leaves again.
She left when he was gone for work, but did she leave the day of, or did she flip flop on it and took a while before working up the strength to leave? Was she waiting to see if he’d say anything before leaving and when he didn’t that was the last straw?
Chilchuck trying to prove a point that half-foots can make it out there, trying to rely more on himself because that’s the only person he can trust. His wife feeling like he's leaving her behind (because he does. over and over and over and over.) This guy just keeps throwing himself into work because he thinks it's what's best for everyone. Hey sir neglecting emotional needs can be kinda detrimental to everyone involved, I think you might wanna know that ^ quotes courtesy of @soappox
And to come back to alcoholism for a bit, alcoholism is alcoholism, and someone asked why I thought that a Chilchuck with depression would drink and cope through alcohol, since drinking seems to be something cheerful to him. It does puzzle me a bit but it’s worth going over, so… I don’t think him using drinking as a coping mechanism is far fetched at all. Cheerful drunks that are alcoholic still can absolutely use alcohol in ways like that. If something makes you happier, or even just more numb which translates to you feeling more free etc etc, then I definitely think it tracks that he’d keep drinking. Like personally I do think he’d drink a lot after his wife left him, and in rough patches like that. Depression -> not wanting to have to think, the days are blurring together and you either don’t want to be conscious or you want to feel something etc etc -> drinking for the alcohol. Alcoholics tend to be, well, dependent on alcohol. If something bad happens etc they’re usually more likely to go harder on it rather than stop. We can debate on when and why Chilchuck first started to drink but it’s straight up his favorite food now and it’s deeply ingrained in his life, in his favorite outings and activities and priorities and moods and meals. A CHEERFUL DRUNK IS STILL A DRUNK!!! They drink to get happy not drink because they are happy, though obviously the two can have overlap.
Chil represses sooo much. His solution to interpersonal conflict and feelings is just don’t think about it and dull your feelings & senses to everything ✨ I love him. I need to kill him with hammers Like the other day I was thinking about an AU where he might have ran away from his neglectful home or something, but then I remembered he deals with everything including his family by dulling his feelings and senses to things 🫠 He wouldn’t leave
I’d say he doesn’t look troubled by loss through death, moreso loss through mistakes. His nightmare is his daughters dying yes, but moreso them being killed, there’s an axe in the wall etc, it’s about having failed to protect them.
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If he can’t fuck something up or if he’s already fucked it up there’s this pacifying sense that he can’t have the rug pulled from under him, because that’s what having connections is, having a wife isn’t an insurance it’s a rug waiting to be pulled. And his brand is sort of Flawed Mr Mistakes Man so he’s kinda been having to cope lol. I do think he throws himself into workaholism, because it’s sort of the only way to live he knows, making yourself capable and useful and spending his days working like that, less time to think, too tired to think. Senses dulled, senses that are usually too sharp, cutting with clarity that he prefers ignoring and avoiding. Work is something he doesn’t have to feel through, something that gives him pride and self-esteem, something through all the danger and life or death risk feels safer, emotionally. No one taught him how to deal with things another way, it’s always been suck it up and work.
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Stop smoking we love you and we don’t want you to die
No drinking will not externalize your feelings no it won’t vent them out well please Chilchuck ple-ea-ease…….
</3 They should invent an alcoholism that doesn’t make you dysfunctional and hard to be around
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^ Drunk, by The Living Tombstone
I’ve been thinking about enneagrams and Chil is 6w7 highkey. Becomes 3 when stressed, a little 8 but it’s more that he wants security so much that he becomes paranoid rather than having the core of an 8 y’know. I haven’t dug into it for quotes yet but this paper goes hard if you’re curious.
Dropping my relevant Spotify playlists here bc why not: Chilchuck & his wife, marchil angst
217 notes · View notes
dunmeshistash · 4 months
Do we know what the relationship between milsiril and helki is? Those panels of her manhandling him for kabru are really funny, they seem close? Saw someone say helki was kabrus foster dad and was wondering if there was a source for that
As far as I know there's nothing about a romantic relationship officially between them (I ship tho) this isnt gonna be very straight foward cause I'm honestly still trying to figure out whats their current relationship.
He was Milsiril prisoner partner from when she was part of the canaries, from their interactions it seems they got along (at least better than she got with any other elf, they're always together and it's shown she pretty much shuts off everyone else, other nobles don't seem to be that close with the prisoners they're responsible for)
Just to explain better in the canaries there's Noble children and Prisoners, each noble is responsible to "keep an eye" on two prisoners and Milsiril was the noble responsible for Helki (unclear if she had another prisoner under her).
After Utaya she requested for him to be freed tho, so he's no longer a prisoner after she retirers. From the comics tho (especially Rin's extra) it seems he stayed with the canaries at least for a little longer than Milsiril, perhaps something similar to Erique? (I think Enrique was released for merit(功労) tho while that's not implied for Helki(報労) so I dont think he would have served as a guard?)
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The same page now points him as an current ex canary tho
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But I think this translation isn't very accurate? The original says
"ウタヤの報労として 赦免、引き受け"
First line is "as a reward for Utaya" then bellow "pardon, acceptance/undertaking" something like that? The translations seems to imply he was pardoned and given to her as a reward? But trying to search on google I think 引き受け seems to have a closer meaning to "taken responsability for"? Something like that is repeated by Fleki here.
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So from my not very clear understanding they were Canary Partners and she vouched for him to be released after Utaya and now he either works for her or they're just friends (which i think its more accurate by how he was laughing at Kabru and how he was joining the canaries on the Rin thing without Milsiril, but I'm very biased about my perception of their relationship tbf)
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If anyone else cares this much about this background guy that has very few lines please share what you think, I'm sucking up all the crumbs
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Ben barnes x fem!actress reader Instagram au
context: reader is good friends w Freddie
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yourinstagram Freddie’s cooler friends from s&b🤭
@Jessie_mei_li Said the coolest person in town
@Yourinstagram I LOVE YOU
@Y/nfan2 Y/n cameo in shadow and bone when??
@Amitasuman When do we get to see you again😣
@Yourinstagram soon I hope :/
@Jackwolfe Funny because we know you as Freddie’s cool acting school friend
@Fabienfrankel *coughs in cool friend from the dragon show*
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benbarnes Sadly I did not get any spoilers for house of the dragon 💔
tagged yourinstagram
@Kittheyounger That is after 92 attempts and a blank NDA contract
@Benbarnes We all have our vices don’t we
@Yourinstagram I cannot be HBO’s weakest link I’m sorry😔😔
@Y/nfan1 fan behaviour like he should YASSSS
@Freddiecarter Y/n would fold over a chocolate bar just saying
@Yourinstagram no I would not????
@Oliviacooke y/n!!!! Our strongest soldier when it comes to spoilers! (She would in fact fold over a chocolate bar)
@Freddiecarter See @Yourinstagram
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yourusername said he knew a spot
@Jessie_mei_li is it really worth 4 extra miles?
@yourusrname I mean😭😭
@Freddiecarter Great! I can barely feel my legs now!
@Benbarnes Why thank you :)
@Benfan2 Are they dating??
@Y/nfan1 the photos seem from a camping trip Freddie posted about but who knows
@Benfan2 they’d look so good together tho
@Jackwolfe what a day!
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daniellegalligan_ dumb and dumber
tagged: yourusername benbarnes
@Amitasuman are we surprised
@yourusrname the caption…can’t even do goodwill these days 😔
@Freddiecarter could’ve just walked across mother teresa
@Benbarnes in her defence we didn’t know there was a door there
@Callahan.skogman @benbarnes how else do you think people would get in the place…at all?
@Kittheyounger dumb and dumber indeed
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wriothesleybear · 1 year
AhH thank you so much for gifting us wriothesley content🐺🐺!!!! I really wish to see his drip marketing soon 😭🙏I cannot forget your idea of him being the big bad wolf with the little red Riding Hood fem reader ever since I saw u mention it--- it is it possible if you give us some more details on the idea? Did he want to eat her at first? Does he want to start a pack w her?? I have so many questionss
it makes me happy to know you like my headcanons🥹 same about the drip marketing. hoyoverse please give us something ! any crumbs will do😫 oh gosh i havent thought that much about the wriothesley x red riding hood! reader yet hmm but if i had to give some ideas:
headcanons below ~warning: a bit suggestive~
Pre-relationship headcanons:
the reader is this innocent little thing who is so sweet, kind, is good with animals and kids, and runs a bakery/cafe which is what caught Wriothesley's eye in the first place.
he had been at your shop before for some tea and knew you were the owner and you've seen him a few times in your shop, but you two had never really spoken.
in my headcanons, i see him as a gentleman so he's usually polite to anyone unless he knows you're a bad person/criminal
one day, he saved you from a couple of criminals who were bothering you. thats when you two finally spoke to one another. you were thanking him profusely for saving you. it would probably be too cute to him so he blushes a bit from how cute you are and gives you a slight smile saying its no big deal.
a few days pass and you find out where he works so you visit him to give him some homemade muffins as a thank you. this would cause the man to become more smitten with you.
even though I see him as not really being a sweets person, he'll eat your treats since you're the one who gave it to him. i mean, what kind of gentleman would he be if he let your treats go to waste.
after this, he would visit your shop more often just to see you and of course have some tea.
you guys would enjoy having conversations with one another and this would become a daily thing.
You would learn his order by heart, already having it ready when you knew he would show up soon. he would notice this and it would cause him to fall harder for you.
You guys would start off as friends of course but it would develop into something more as you got to know more about one another and spend more time together.
He would be the one to ask you out first and you say yes ofc. (he thought you looked so cute when you said yes and it made him happy !)
ofc it was an amazing first date ! he'd go a little bit all out. its your first date after all and its for you so he has to make a good impression ;)
Some relationship headcanons:
once this man falls for you, he falls hard (wolves mate for life)
always kisses your hand !!! he doesnt do that much pda except for that, a hand around your waist, a kiss on your head. he prefers more behind closed doors *wink wink*
When people see him showing affection towards you tho, they get shocked cuz those who don't know him think he's a bit of a scary dude based on his appearance and seeing him with an adorable, innocent s/o is surprising to them.
tea dates ofc
he's playful so playful bites/licks occur often and teases you
he loves hearing you laugh and smile. makes his heart race !
he has to protect his cute little innocent, kind darling, can you blame him🥺
he'd be like low-key possessive.
what i mean by that is by marking you. ofc with bite marks during your love making sessions but i could also see him gifting you a necklace with a crescent or symbol that symbolizes him.
it shows others that you're his and hands off!
or imagine its a little red hood that has his symbol on it and matches his cape ahhhh! that'd be so cute!
adding on to that, he's not really the jealous type because he knows you're his but when he sees you giving someone else more attention than him, he might get a little needy.
he just wants his little red riding hood to give him all of their attention and love
please play with his hair and give him scratchies
wouldn't be overly clingy but will hang around you a lot when he can like. like he has to be touching you in a way aka hugging you, you sitting on his lap, etc. or just having you near him while he works is enough
he's gotta make sure you are reminded daily that he loves you
he would be a little bit of a worry wart when he's not with you, always wondering if you were okay
HE IS DEVOTED TO YOU! he would do anything for you maybe even break the law for you👀 he is whipped
a family man
he would for sure want to have a family with you !
would probably want a big one (going off on the fact that wolf packs are usually around 6-10 members from what i read)
Sigewinne is already your guys' child. Its important for you two to get along and you do.
When he sees you two getting along, it makes him so happy !
his thoughts often lead to thinking about you two having a family of your own one day (sorta makes him feral🫣)
he would be the one to bring up the topic when the time is right.
if you said yes, he'd be happy and probably take you right there omg🤭
if you're not ready, he would be understanding, but if you're willing, you could always 'practice' until the time comes ;)
overall, 10/10 boyfriend
i hope i didn't ramble too much. maybe i'll make a series out of this. i hope this answers your questions anon. have a wonderful day!🥰❤️
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jealousmartini · 5 months
"Haven't you ever seen skin like mine?" A vault
Skin clarity + glow | Skin tone | skin clarity
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⋆.˚ Skin clarity .𖥔˚
My skin is just so clear and beautiful, I can't help staring and feeling it. I am just in awe at how wonderfully blessed I am to be born with such perfect ideal skin. It is so gorgeously smooth, and while its firmness keeps me looking young and perfect, it is still supple and has a slight bounce to the touch.
I mean my skin is so perfect some friends ask me what brand of skin care I use to get my skin so even and glowing like it does, but truth be told.. genetics and positive assumptions about myself I guess😭?? I've never had any reason to use skin products because my skin has always been naturally flawless, and ive never had any reason to doubt myself because literally look at me- i am the proof. That's just my nature. But every now and then, I'll get gifted high-quality skin korean care sets and expensive most wanted skin moisturisers with the most delicious and entising scents by my mum "just in case" but also because the process is fun😋
It's also so fun being able to eat whatever I want without ever having to worry about my skin because nothing could ever affect its perfectness. I just eat what I want, and the after-effects are like a couple of crumbs on my lips and still looking pretty😭
But some people do be jealous tho🙄. "There is no way she can eat what she likes and still look that good" one says and "what about the acne? Has she even gotten a spot once?" another says. And it's even better when I post pictures or videos cus haters really be out here doing there best to convince themselves and everyone around them (like the clowns they are) that skin is impossible to look that perfect and it HAS to be makeup or it HAS to be a filter or she MUST have gotten some surgery of a kind and they all couldn't be more wrong lmao. I just be existing and nothing else and i am just that naturally radiant😂
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⋆.˚ Skin colour.𖥔˚
I've had people pointing out how dewy and golden like my skin is like all my life and I never even thought about it until now. Well, I kind of always knew that I have the most gorgeous, jaw dropping skin colour that ranged between a deep caramel tan in the light and like a golden brown in the dark; I've even been accused of bleaching my skin to get a lighter tone once but how would that even make any sense when my tone changes slightly due to lighting?😭😭 But anyway other than that one person I've been getting remarkable amounts of compliments both in person and on social media about how glorious my skin colour looks. It's kind of overwhelming but ive been fighting though it.
skin colour in the dark | skin colour in bright lightings
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1 dimple is ♡shaped | I sweat= I shimmer | cutest mole marks
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⋆.˚ Unique features.𖥔˚
— Glittery skin when I sweat
I have a rare phenomenon that only 0.0001 in the entire human population have, with my skin where if I am to sweat, my skin will have a light glittery coat. Scientists have recently come to find out that the glittery coat left behind by the sweat is a natural skin protecting barrier. This is incredibly useful for preventing skin problems like rashes, strawberry skin, and uneven skin texture. Scientists have not found a name for this yet (im scientists and don't know what to call it)
— ♡Shaped Dimple
Another rare phenomenon for people to get is dimples. Only 0.01 of the entire human population have dimples, and an even smaller number of people (me) have a heart-shaped dimple. There is nothing scientific about this tho, it's just fun to look at
— Beauty marks / moles
I have a couple of cute beauty marks on my body and face. Also somewhat rare, somewhat not lol. Nothing more to add😊
@theshifterbear @livingmydreamlife5555 @4ellieluv
This was lowkey entertaining to script especially the unique features one too. ONTO THE NEXT!
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starry-eyed-steve · 1 year
What do you have against Ronance? It's clear Robin was attracted to Nancy as well as Vickie. Not only that, she jumped off a boat into monster-water for her, for goodness' sake. It's a bad-faith argument to say that people don't ship Vickie with Robin because she's a bisexual sapphic woman. Greatwise/Will and Gareth is not comparable in the slightest as that is a crack ship that never interacted. We DID have scenes with Robin and Vickie, though few.
And I'm gonna be So For Real, more people would ship Rovickie if Ronance was not there. People would devour those crumbs. But why choose crumbs, when you have a potential meal we spent a whole season with?
Okay, so this is really long, I'm sorry this took way too much time. I know I went a bit overboard. If there are any errors, please ignore lmao. Thank you for sending me an ask for a discussion. I also want to preface that I don't hate Nancy as a character, I don't like how she is written in certain situations and that the show overlooks mistakes she makes, and by pointing out those mistakes on her behalf is not me hating on her. Overall, I think she deserves better than what she is given both in the show and fandom.
First things first, Robin didn't jump into the water for Nancy. It was a delayed response after seeing her best friend being dragged under water. She's not as brave as Nancy. If we would apply the same logic, then Eddie would have jumped for Robin because he's in love with her. So no Robin jumped for Steve and should have been the first to do so, but because that scene was used for Stancy later (Eddie giving the speech to Steve in the woods) it had to be Nancy in that instance. It's really bothering me that this scene is so misread because people just don't get Robin's character. Who would you jump for, your best friend you know better than yourself or the girl you met a day ago?
The whole premise of Ronance (platonic or romantic) in s4 was so ooc for Robin, s3 Robin would have never acted the way like s4 Robin did. And I think that has something to do with what I said in the other post. We don't have enough time. There is no conflict when different groups of people come together because the show needs everyone to get along to save the world, and they couldn't elaborate on complex feelings a person might have towards others. So the show made Robin throw herself at Nancy's feet, despite thinking not too highly about her a season prior. Same with Steddie, the OG script was about how Steve and Eddie didn't get along first but it was cut out because there is no time to proper develop new relationships, even tho it would be more interesting. But again, that would mean the show would have to give us more episodes, which is unfortunately not the case.
So you see, I just don't think Robin would have acted the way she did around Nancy based on the character traits she displayed in s3. Furthermore, I will bring up Steve, which is a sensitive topic when it comes to Ronance. I don't want to come off as someone who in general makes a lesbian/sapphic relationship about a man's feelings, however because Steve has history with both girls I can't ignore him because Robin wouldn't either.
A little bit of background of Robin prior to meeting Nancy:
In s3, Robin couldn't stand Steve, and later, we found out why. It had mostly to do with her crush, Tammy Thompson, who had only eyes for him. Yeah, he was obnoxious, and Robin couldn't stand his smugness and arrogance, but the main reason was Tammy and her being kinda jealous of Steve in general because he had no problems fitting in. So she held on to this grudge against Steve for maybe even years. That tells us she doesn't forget when someone has wronged her and maybe, to an extent, her friends. Like she seems to be a person who has your back, no matter what.
Idk if you consider Rebel Robin as canon (I mean Maya narrated the podcast soo I mostly view it that way) but before Barb was Nancy's bff, she was close with Robin and later ditched her for Nancy. That in itself would leave a bad taste in Robin's mouth, and I guess she wouldn't be Nancy's biggest fan. Maybe that's why the priss comment in s3. Again, she had no problem disliking Steve because her crush liked him, but then she does an 180 with Nancy despite Barb being her actual friend leaving her for Nancy. Losing a friend to another person is much worse than a crush you never talked to, not liking you back or liking someone else.
But even if you ignore the Barb stuff and don't think it's canon, Robin still wouldn't be Nancy's biggest fan in the beginning and that has something to do with how Stancy ended and Jancy begun. You have to keep in mind Steve is Robin's bff, one if not the most important person in her life. He's everything to her she trusts him completely. He was maybe even the first person to know she was gay. Then why on earth would Robin A try to befriend Nancy, who broke his heart, and B trying to push her without a thought to get together with him again. It doesn't make any sense to me, based on how Robin was introduced.
Steve may have not any hard feelings for Nancy, maybe he only said positive things about her to Robin because he still views himself as the only person who fucked up in that relationship and not that Nancy was already in love with Jonathan for a while before things ended. Idk where you stand on the whole cheating thing, but it doesn't matter because rumors outside of the relationship would spread. Steve, the most popular guy in school, who is well liked, got left by his girlfriend of 1 year for the school freak, not even 2 days after a public fight. Like people would go crazy and Robin would have heard those rumors as well. You have to admit getting together with a new guy, not even after 48h is, I don't want to say weird, but not very cool, okay? Plus, Tommy would spread extra nasty shit because he hates Nancy and Jonathan and wants to hurt Steve as well. Robin would view her through those rumors, plus Steve having a hard time letting go, being heartbroken about it, there is no doubt in my mind that she wouldn't side eye Nancy.
Those two reasons, Barb and how Stancy ended, are the main ones as to why I think Robin was ooc for desperately wanting to befriend Nancy.
So the way I would have built up Ronance would be Robin being aloof towards her, and Nancy would have been the one who wanted to befriend her in the first place. Nancy never has to work for her relationships with others. People usually make the first move with her, so she never has to give much thought to it. Like Steve still loves her, Jonathan was ready to follow her wherever even if it endangered his family, and Fred followed her around like a lost puppy as well. And with Robin, it could have gone differently. Nancy should have made it her mission to make it up to Robin. Like she desperately wants a friend, she doesn't understand why Robin is being cold to her. By making her the instigator, Nancy would have to reflect on her mistakes and how she treated people, which would finally give her some personal character growth. Plus, it would have made the introduction to Stancy (romantic or platonic) way smoother and more balanced because Nancy never reflected on it. Steve's just available she doesn't have to make it up to him as well. Nancy never really addresses her faults in relationships, and the narrative in Stranger Things lets her off the hook every time. Letting Steve believe he was a terrible boyfriend despite liking Jonathan instead of him? No problem, no consequences. Steve still likes her. In s3 the show was again on her side when she fought with Jonathan by giving her the Karen pep talk, yes she apologized to him but she didn't understand his struggles really because she gave him the don't ever doubt me comment which kinda destroyed her apology imo. Furthermore, as soon as there was a rough patch in s4 with Jonathan, she expected him to come to her instead of going to him and fixing it because she has the financial means to do so, which indicates she still doesn't fully understand Jonathan's financial problems. Also, in general, Jonathan is terrified to tell her the truth, so he gets high to cope. It doesn't seem that he thinks Nancy is understanding.
Again, Robin could have been the person that would have made her realize wait, the way I take people for granted, and sometimes treat is wrong. Instead, we got yet another person instantly liking her and going along with everything she does, so Nancy never had to do anything for it, despite the obvious conflicts that should have arisen when they first met. But like I said before, the show doesn't have much time and focuses more on the plot, so there is no real development for characters, and everyone has to get along. I also think Stranger Things wanted a strong girl duo like Elmax, so they just threw Ronance together without conflict because they wanted to avoid drama, which would take up too much screentime. I can't emphasize the fact that Stranger Things suffers so much because it has too much plot and not enough time. Plus, I believe making Robin angry at Nancy on Steve's behalf would mean acknowledging that Stancy ended in a bad way or that Jancy maybe didn't have this cute start as a romance, but that would also mean recognizing Steve might have not been the only one who was wrong which is simply not possible. When s2 aired and people pointed out hey did Nancy cheat on Steve, did they really break up because a lot of people didn't view the fight in the ally as a break, especially because Nancy mentions she likes Steve at Murray's and Steve went to her house, the Duffers had to confirm it via interviews because I doubt they thought people would sympathize with Steve. Hence, why the narrative only blames him because they wanted the audience root for Jancy.
Long story short, I would have switched roles for platonic Ronance in the show. When it comes to romantic Ronance, that's mostly on the fandom. Everyone is allowed to ship whatever, I personally just don't think they are a good match. I don't see Nancy being patient enough with Robin's neurodivergent ways. She wouldn't handle her rambling over time very well. Nancy gets quickly irrated and snaps. Like Robin already felt the need to explain herself to her, making sure everything is okay because Nancy made her feel like her personality is too much and has faults, like her mom constantly tells her. Whereas with Vickie, she felt immediately at ease when they talked. More of that later. Robin is also poor, maybe a bit better off than Jonathan, but still, Nancy already doesn't get Jonathan's problems. Another reason is that because Steve is Robin's bff, Robin wouldn't want to date her all together. Like she sees Steve still likes her, she knows how much Nancy hurt him to a point that he is serial dating because he has like trust issues, that would immediately turn her off. Robin values Steve's friendship way too much than try to jeopardize it in any way. It's not like Steve wouldn't allow her to date Nancy, I think he would do everything to make Robin happy even if it costs his own happiness. Robin knows Steve. She would know that he would be hurt, and that's ultimately the factor that turns her off. Maya already confirmed that Robin values platonic relationships so much, so yeah. Just think about it that way. How would Robin feel if Steve suddenly would show interest in Vickie and starts dating her? That would be kinda fucked, same goes for Ronance, Robin knows Steve still likes her. I'm also a believer that you shouldn't necessarily date your bffs ex, it's just too messy especially if that relationship ended rather badly.
@findafight had this amazing post about one-sided Ronance, where they described exactly what I'm trying to convey. Nancy is the one interested, but ultimately, Robin declines because of her relationship to Steve. They also have several other posts about Ronance if you want to check it out. Another blog that discusses Ronance and has similar opinions is @thestobingirlie
What I dislike the most is that in Ronance, mostly Robin is only an ounce of her typical character. Her relationship with Steve is downplayed. She makes fun of him with Nancy, she lies to him about her relationship, even asks for sex advice in some fics which is just very weird and so ooc for her to do. Same goes for Steddie, as soon as either Steve or Robin go into a relationship both characters are so ooc, you almost don't recognize them, plus they only have time for their partners and their friendship gets sidelined, which again doesn't make sense for their characters. Ronance is also mostly beneficial to Nancy as it's viewed more how Robin can save her so she doesn't have to end up with a man. Hence, all the posts about how Robin is the only person who gets her, which is also such a shitty thing to say because both Jonathan and Steve were trying. Like Nancy's character development hinges more on her relationship with Robin than doing some soul-searching. Because for real, all her relationships so far are kinda meh because she doesn't know how to communicate properly with her partners, Robin wouldn't magically make everything better because she's a girl. Nancy needs to be single first and discover who she is without jumping in a new relationship. She needs therapy and has to work on her people skills to be a better partner for future relationships.
Also, so many people want Nancy to have a friend, and when Robin comes along, they immediately make it romantic. Robin can still be there for Nancy and understand her as a friend. I don't think she was romantically interested in Nancy in the show. She was actively pushing for Stancy. She only ever talked about being into Vickie romantically. Robin should be allowed to make a friend who is a girl without making it into a romance just because she is a lesbian. Lesbians can have platonic girl friends, lol. Fact is that so many see Robin interacting with a girl as romantic because she is looking at her and then ignore her real crush she talks about all the time.
Now to Rovickie and Vickie. What I meant with people not giving Vickie a chance because she's a girl and interested in a sapphic relationship is a common occurrence throughout fandoms in general. Guys are usually preferred when talking about characters or shipping. Girls have it so much harder. Like with Gareth, I don't think my comparison of him and Vickie was nonsensical or dumb. The fandom had no problems coming up with interesting headcanons for him, even outside the crackship. Almost all the hellfire boys, but especially Gareth because he's the most objectively attractive one of the group, got more love from the fandom. Vickie, on the other hand, is mostly used as the villain in Ronance fics, who is in the way of the main ship. People in general call her boring or too similar to Robin, which is insane because we have one scene where she rambles because she is talking to her potential crush. Also, being similar doesn't have to mean it's bad. Like I mentioned earlier, Vickie rambling is showing Robin it's okay to do so, which makes her feel immediately relaxed because she doesn't have to explain herself to Vickie. Not to mention the biphobia that runs through fandoms. The fact that Vickie had a boyfriend, who she broke up with, was enough. People usually headcanon Nancy as a lesbian than making her bi. Steve's only a bi icon when he's shipped with guys, like him dating a girl is seen as less valued or popular. Again, everyone can headcanon characters sexuality how they like, you do you it's just apparent that characters who are seen as bi are only celebrated for dating a person of the same sex.
Lastly, think about it if Vickie was a guy who was the love interest for Steve, there would be non-stop content for her. She would be well loved within the fandom. But Vickie is a girl, and if she were used as the love interest for Steve instead of Robin, she would also face the same scrutiny the already faces now. She's the villain in the way of ships because she's only a side character and not the full meal like you described. A male characters even with almost no screentime, will always get better treatment than female characters.
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not-goldy · 10 months
I'm a little surprised Jikook haven't come on live to explain away their enlistment. I kinda been expecting it, cause they know all eyes are on them considering their sus behavior over the years and what this means for them. Then again, I hope they don't even speak on it, cause they earned this big fuck you to the world and shouldn't have to explain shit. I would love that Jikook live before they leave. I don't even need to see them flirt. I just wanna see them happy before leaving. I'm gonna miss them so much, but especially Jimin. I'm sorry, but he owns my heart and I am petrified for him. Yes, I'm relieved he will have JK, but I am still petrified and throwing up over this. I am really scared for him. Like really scared. I can sleep easy knowing Jikook have each other, but I also can't sleep cause I am terrified for them and the day is getting closer. I'm not ready.
I also suspect Tae will probably leave Tkk with some crumbs and do something since they've been demolished and taking reality hit after reality hit all year and he probably wanna make sure he has his delusional fanbase to come back too. They begged him while Jikook was in Japan and he did. I imagine he will again. If it were me tho, I'd let them miserable fucks rot and not give them shit the entire time I am gone, after they harassed my GF for an entire year. I wouldn't want to return to same group of nasty fucking toxic disgusting people. All they've done is tarnish his and Jk's name and reputation. Tae being the mentally abused tortured soul and Jk being the abusive, possessive, manipulating, cheating, fanservice king breaking Tae's heart. I saw a lot of tkk saying they were leaving if Jikook go through with enlisting cause they can't explain away Jikook being together by choice for 18 months, when they had other options. Lets hope they keep their word. Taek down your leaders who gaslit you, you'll feel better. That's my advice.
I know Jimin wanna throw hands but I'm waiting to see his bald head🥲
Until then I'm gonna pretend he's not going and we are gonna get his 10/13 birthday live as scheduled on my calendar 😔
They probably have their reasons for choosing to do this together. Reality is they could have done it with any member they wanted. I personally would have loved if Vmin had gone together 🤧
It wouldn't be so surprising if the best friends soul mates went. Chingus doing chingu things- we have no choice but to look away.
However Jikook, the entire Fandom think you hate eachother and spend a lot of time trying to ridicule and diminish your bond. 18 months is Ike 1000 years a day in hell for someone who hates Jimin at his core.
He hates Jimin so much he can't wait to follow him to military to hate him some more.
Never underestimate the power of hate.
It's such a strong emotion.
And ooooh will Jimin burn under his hateful gaze as he fires hateful beams out of his eyes while Jimin jumps around camp bald head with his gun pressed against his chest.
He's been practicing his mini hateful hugs too
He can't wait to hatefully spoon him till he's begging for mercy
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hi Cas!!!
Recently i wrote a poem and decided I loved it and send you an ask with it 2 days ago but i think it got lost or smth.
Little backstory here so I live in a family full of artists and very creative people so sharing my work always made me self concious since I always compared my work with theirs. Turns out I also have a problem with openly sharring my work with others which is a bit of a problem considering I need to do share my work for school. Because of that I've decided to share my poem with someone cause I'm really proud of it but I also want someone to tell me their honest opinion/feedback. So here it is I guess??? Also english is not my first language so sorry if there s any mistakes 🦖
Earth breaking beneth my feet
Hands holding my arms
While pushing me down
Sinking into the ground
Divine paintings flashing before my mind
Their meanings going up my mouth
Watching me choke down all the noble words
Blocking their way out
Only to laugh
As the Devil listens to all the broken sounds
Coming from my eyes
Crimson tears staining my cheeks
Honey dripping from my lips
Straight into a vase near my feet
Angles are gathering the golden liquid
Collectiong memories I missed
Reminding me things I did
That are straining my guilt
People I left forgoten
Are sitting faceless
Waiting for my jugement
God is listening to everyone
Except for me
As I bleed out on a light floor in front of him
Staining red everything I could see
While room fillds with blood
That's comimg from my wounded heart
Drowning me
Ending my tortures
While our outstanding preformance goes on
The capitol's laughing
The kids are dying
But why do I care?
About them when I'm away
Maybe these scary meaningfull portraits
Maybe paintings that left me empty
Are happening somewhere on Earth
Someones mother is dying
But all we do is drink honey
Someones child is fighting
But all we do is play a song
Song of Army Dreamers
And say 'scary things happened years back'
While ignoring the fact
That those things are also happening now
Somehow I made a poem about war with my religious trauma, Kate Bush reference and few Crimson Rivers references. Thats cute. When im rereading it now it seems a bit silly and kinda looks like i tried using 'big words' but i still love it.
Also the way you ate up last Caledenstine(HOW TO WRITE THAT????😭) chapter??? Ate and left no crumbs? Yessir. I support Regs rights and wrongs even if his wrongs are treaky(?) sometimes and make me want to hit him with a paper (just jk i would probably hug him and then make him some good soup)
Losts of love for you and your wife and your cat(s) (pretty sure you have a cat or two but maybe im mixing people???? Prolly should go to sleep but this was more important for me?????) Hope your sleep shedule is better then the rests of the fandom tho you are a teacher, an ao3 writer and a trumble user so its probably not the best while school year but still! 💃All the best ❤️
Hi hon!!! Your original ask was actually next on my list lol but I'm responding to this one because you added some things.
Damn, that ending though.
And say 'scary things happened years back' While ignoring the fact That those things are also happening now
This is SO real, and so poignant. You absolutely should share this with others, it's a very powerful poem. I love the imagery you have throughout. Please don't compare your work to others- art is supposed to be unique, you know?
hahah yeah Reg is in his Rep Era rn I feel. I'll not elaborate more.
My sleep schedule is...well it's 12:30am and I am not planning on sleeping for a while, as I need to edit and then post the next chapter. By the time this ask is posted (I'm scheduling it) the next chapter should be out! yay, summer?
Sending you all the love!
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findafight · 1 year
i agree w all of your r*nance thoughts. i also think a big issue for them would be nancy never being robin's Person bc of steve; i do not think that's something nancy could stomach. tho at this point, even if i had liked it originally, i would despise it bc of how often ppl have robin or nancy or both do absolutely sick and twisted things to steve. like the amount of fics where robin doesn't tell steve/actively lies to him about it for extended periods of time then he just has to be okay w it or they have robin just start putting nancy above steve in every aspect of life is ridiculous. then there's the really bad ones, like the fic i saw where the entire premise is r*nance fucking in steve's bed w/o his knowledge (and robin specifically doesn't feel bad at all which ???? like they have nancy feel bad but not robin? i will never understand) or the ficlet i saw where robin asks steve for sex advice then either 1) tells him it's nancy and he makes the advice specific (wtf) or 2) doesn't tell him but he figures it out later bc nancy thanks him since she realized the advice came from him (demonic). like what the actual fuck. sorry i had to complain about the things i've been forced to see against my will by tumblr.
so many things to complain about having seen on the hellsite. carry on fellow soldier 🫡
dsakjhfaksdhkf ya like. the concept of either of them starting to date someone they like and not immediately busting the other's door down like candace_momholyFUCK dot jpeg is just absurd to me. Robin would kiss a girl for the first time and as soon as she gets home she's dialing Steve up and twirling the phone cord around her fingers and kicking her legs, giggling. They were having boobie talk in the car at 7am. they def share if they actually get a date with someone they have a crush on!! (the exception being if that person didn't want to come out, like I could see Steve telling Robin he kissed a guy or had a boyfriend but not saying who because the bf wasn't ready for other people/people he didn't know well to know? but robin would still know he had a bf and details about what they do, just not personal details.)
I find it actually laughable that people would consider Robin would put some romantic interest above her most specialest boy in the whole wide world. Like. She was obsessed with him when she held her tammy and bagel crumb grudge and hated him! Now she loves him? Do people thing she isn't obsessed with him now?? Absolutely not she's worse and she steals his shirts to prove it.
Which I agree with you. Nancy obviously wants to be her romantic partner's priority and number 1. Jonathan's priority is his family and we saw in both s3 and s4 that this causes strain in their relationship! To the point they kinda break up in s3 about it! Robin and Steve both can no longer give that to their partners, because they have each other, scoops troop, and, by extension, the Party. Which is wild because s2 Nancy was Steve's priority.
idk whyyy people have Robin be mean to Steve :( stopppp that's her special little guy. her sweet cheese. her rotten soldier. She might say or do something that hurts him but she would try to apologize as soon as she realizes!! Just like he would for her! I think it might come from people still prioritizing romo ships over platonic ones and trying to have those be the most important and special and deep relationship the characters have.
lldkfjlakdflkajlfdj anon those are WILD fics wow. I think some are trying to acknowledge past st4ncy, but neglect all the hurt that happened at the end of that relationship, and that for the characters, in s4, Steve and Nancy broke up less than a year and a half ago! very messily and hurtfully! (once again, regardless of whether or not steve knows Nancy cheated) that is so short between the end of the relationship to be hooking up with your best friend's ex! that he has expressed romantic feelings for recently! or trying to emphasize robin and steve's weird little qpr comfortable in one another's space and oversharing relationship but missing the mark. like. it's one thing to sleep in a friend's bed with a different friend. it another to have sex in a friend's guest bedroom. it's another level to have sex in your friends bed? that's bonkers.wild.
I do think it'd be funny for Steve and Robin to exchange sex tips/stories but the first time i think Robin asks and Steve just blanks and goes "cut your nails. watch your teeth." which like. yeah. Robin figured. They're weirdos who live inside each other's pockets and brains but they probably do have some levels of comfort to work up to (they've been friends for less than a year! even if it feels like they've known each other forever)
(also. there is a weird thing sometimes where Nancy is closer to Steve/cares more openly about him than she would. I think it might be a bit of a backlash to people pointing out that she cheated on him in s2 and then seemed to not talk to him at all between then and s3 and again between s3 and s4? hmm...)
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steveharrington · 2 years
it’s so insane how people act about high school steve bc like outside of the shit we see him do in s1 (breaking jonathan’s camera (tho tbh i’m on his side here) and the graffiti), all the things the characters mention when they’re talking about how he used to suck are so??? nothing???? like. he’s a douche because he didn’t remember someone a year younger than him from one (1) of his classes. I live in a small town and went to school with the same people from elementary through high school and there were Absolutely people in my own graduating class (of like ~140 people) whose names I didn’t know (while I was still in high school, let alone years later). and then the other things that get mentioned are like “he ate a bagel messily” or “he asked stupid questions” or “his parents are rich” which aren’t things he needs to apologize for?? everyone leave him alone!!!!
i know it’s actually like silly and goofy the things robin was mad at him for. one of my biggest pet peeves in fic is when people retroactively make up mean things steve did to robin in high school because like…..she would have said if he actively antagonized her. her literal only complaints were 1. he didn’t remember her from class 2. he got crumbs on the floor 3. he didn’t understand the material (😭?) 4. tammy liked him. like that’s all he did to her. and eddie can’t think of a single grievance he has against steve other than like “you play sports so i just kinda figured you’re evil” so all in all i think it’s kinda unfair and ooc when people write steve’s early high school days as if he was just constantly prowling the halls looking for people to harass.
and i’m not saying steve wasn’t a dick, because he was, but the way it’s presented in the show was much more interesting than the way fanon characterizes him. steve’s form of bullying was being nice to someone one second, then laughing along when his friends made a joke at their expense. it was taking the whole “dude stoppppp 🤣” approach when tommy went too far. it was saying the meanest thing he could possibly think of when he felt attacked. steve cared more about his social status and fitting in with his friend group than being kind, and he outright admits that in s3 when he says popularity was really important to him before he developed beyond that and realized it was all pointless. i feel like we all knew people like that in high school and it feels 1000x more real than the typical stephen king bully caricature who’s like so evil it doesn’t even make sense. and yet. everyone insists on making steve into that
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cheemken · 1 year
sir... may i humbly request for more pokemon hcs... a small crumb wld do...
But like majority of my hcs are of the champions so I hope that'll be cool w you hahaha
Anyways owo
•Hc ages, Wallace, Geeta, and Lance are both around 32-35 (Lance is the older one between them). Steven, Cynthia, Diantha, and Leon are all around 28-31 (Leon is the younger one, Diantha is the oldest between em). Hau is 15 and Iris is 17
-I have Hau as my Alola champion bc idk I think he deserves it hahah
•Diantha and Lance are easily susceptible of Iris' and Hau's puppy eyes and get dragged into their hijinks
-the ones who can somewhat resits them are Wallace, Geeta, and Steven
-Cynthia is an enabler, and Leon somehow knows when to say no to their shenanigans bc he has experience as an older brother
•the other champions are honestly a bit unnerved by Geeta, she knows this too but made no effort to change it, she thinks it's entertaining
-the others just try to keep up w her for Diantha
-Lance couldn't tho, Geeta just gets on his nerves and vice verse, tho the two do try to get along for Diantha
-its honestly very comical cause one second they're almost killing each other and the second Diantha walks in they'd both stop and laugh and smile w each other bc they know Dia would get sad if they fight 
•they all have their own little group chat and it's honestly just Steven setting up the dates for their meet ups and Cynthia and Wallace at each other's throats
-Diantha just loves the drama going on between those two, she thinks their petty arguments are entertaining
•Hau and Iris have this solidarity of being raised by their own respective grandfather
-Iris helps Hau cope w it, that at least there's still people who loves them, and hey they're family now too, together w the other champions
-theyre siblings to me your honour pls they mean so much to me
•Steven cherishes the other champions so much because it's the first ever friend group he has that doesn't make fun of him for his love of rare stones
-its really the only friend group he has that doesn't make fun of anything about him in general
-also the only friend group that doesn't use his status as heir to the Devon Corp for the fame and fortune
•Geeta almost doesn't have any concept of empathy whatsoever so her actions seems like she's being an asshole
-she's trying not to be, really, but that's just how she grew up and hey at least they're kinda trying?? To help her??
-well, she's really not like that w Diantha, or rather she feels more empathy solely for Diantha, and to the others that's better than nothing
•out of the public eye, Diantha isn't as elegant of a trainer as people perceived her to be
-i would ramble abt this but it'll be long na so hey send another ask if you want hahah
•other than their native languages and the universal languages Unovan and Galarian, there are a few champions that are fluent in other languages 
-Wallace can speak two other languages, Kalosian and Sinnohan
-Diantha can speak three, as it's often part of an act or she was taught back then, with those being: Paldean, Ransean, and Sinnohan
-surprisingly, Hau also knows three, altho he can't speak some of them, with those being: Kantonian, Hoennian, and Orrean
-Geeta can speak Kalosian and a little bit of Almian
-spare me tho, I made own adjectives for the other regions since there's nothing much abt em in the wikipage
Anyways I think that's long enough before I really start rambling so hey how you like it hahaha
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- "ashe is an edgy kid thats mad at his dad, but when you tried to get him arrested i really didnt know how he would respond to that"
- "wavelength has a +10 to deception." "YEAH, AND THAT SHOULD BE A RED FLAG"
- THE CHOICE THIS EPISODE. to go with either tide or mark. it was flipped! they went with mark bc in a meta way they thought that would be the most exciting/dangerous and going with tide wouldve been the safe route. this is not the case if they wouldve gone with tide something crazy wouldve happened !!! mark was the safe option. hehe
- now theyre all disappointed they didnt go with tide:
grizzly: "what happened, charlie? you were so set on going with tide at first"
charlie: "i KNOW!! because he was THERE IN THE ROOM WITH US and hes TIDE and hes my... FOSTER DAD!"
- grizzly: dakota would always go with tide no hesitation. the only reason he didnt is because william said otherwise and he trusts william (<< im literally always so fucking crazy every time he says something ljke this)
- LOTS OF WILLIAM CRUMBS THIS EPISODE. i havent actually relistened to it yet and charlie is being really vague about what they are so i dont remember but. apparently there were a lot of little conversation moments that were dropped in here that allude to wiwi backstory
- "mark is a bitch" << theyre so fucking mean to him in the rolleds all the tjme. free my man
- "ashe is really mad at him right now but if he lost mark he wouldnt have any family left" HEY YAKKO???? hey yakko im at work rn dont do this to me .
- condi responds to this immediately with "welcome to the no family club, me and dakota are already here" guys please
- chorus of "i love tide"s . these kids have a favorite divorced father fr. sorry. no im not
- AND THUS BEGINS THE INFAMOUS LIZARD DISCUSSION. FORGOT THIS STARTED HERE. OKAY. im so mad this happens almost entirely in rolleds because most people miss it and the payoff is SO fucking funny. theyre discussing power levels. and in the m&m handbook it gives like. template enemy statblocks and some of those are animals and for whatever reason theres just a WHOLE PAGE of this that are various kinds of lizards and they all find this so funny. bc pd at this point is power level 6. the first thing listed on that page is an alligator..... which is power level 7. "we are not even strong enough to defeat an alligator at this point, we cant even go to florida safely" "dont worry tide we'll come save you from your inevitable offscreen death because we didnt come with you and instead went with asshole mark" (bizly, in tide voice:) "dont worry, just bring 4 alligators with you" THIS GOES ON. FOR A WHILE. ITS REALLT FUNNY. this continues to be a topic of conversation for ljke the next 3 rolleds so prepare for more lizard power level discussion
- they start talking about tides powers and apparently they thought he could breathe underwater and talk to fish but bizly describes him as "more like a water bender than aquaman"
- grizzly said this was lame bc he thought it was the other way around but then charlie was like "listen, we already have aquaman on just roll with it and its gillion tidestrider" this is not relevant at all but i have to include every time gillion is mentioned outside of riptide bc i hear his name and my ears perk up like a dog
- anyway. CONCLUSION to that is that tide cannot talk to fish but it is unconfirmed whether or not he can breathe underwater. which i think is neat :]
- "do you think people let le frog rob them because they feel bad for him" "do you think le frog gets hired for childrens birthday parties"
NOOO they could have gone with tide and had exciting times but instead they had 2 babysit mark the depressed widowed dad </3 thats ok tho i love when they have to babysit this grown ass man. i love the pd + mark winters shenanigans
"ashe is really mad at him right now but if he lost mark he wouldnt have any family left" WHAT IF I EXPLODED??? RIGHT HERE AND NOW???? HELLO
the lizards..... i an beginning 2 understand why overlord's reveal was so fucking funny. it was funny without context but the context is funnier
i like 2 think le frog gets hired for birthday parties <3 i love le frog. le frog i love u. favourite pd character right here. le frog u are everything 2 me <3
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my thoughts on ep 1 and 2 of the live action ATLA series!
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So it is absolutely GORGEOUS. like the visuals??? the costumes?? THE VFX??? OUTSTANDING. CHEF'S KISS. INCREDIBLE. the worst thing is Zuko's scar and like ok whatever nothing we can do about that.
Episode one was fantastic we actually see a lot of great additions, which is COOL! like more of Monk Gyatso, and the actual attack on the Air Nomads... 😭
I'd say writing wise it's not as great as I want it to be. A touch too many monologues for my taste, especially in the first episode, but nothing too bad. Could've been better, but definitely DEFINITELY could've been worse *eyes the movie that will not be named*
You can tell they're trying to squish important plot points together instead of spacing it out across more episodes I mean especially since Netflix decided everything has to be EIGHT EPISODES. but the pacing is actually good considering that LOL
but oh the EMOTIONS. THE EMOTIONS?!?!!
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the actor of Aang oh my gosh, Gordon Cormier, OMG. DUDE I NEARLY BAWLED MULTIPLE TIMES BASED ON HIS PERFORMANCE ALONE. IT WAS ABSOLUTELY HEARTBREAKING 😭 HE'S SO GOOD 😭 and he's so cute too he's so baby I'm wjrhwhrhwhdhwhdhwh
I love the actors of Sokka and Zuko whdhwhdhshdsjjdhsjd. Ian Ousley and Dallas Liu? DID NOT DISAPPOINT.
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SOKKA WAS HILARIOUS we BURST out laughing SO MANY TIMES, he was so GOOD 😭 the jokes he cracked were genuinely funny wwhdhwhgd and the SARCASM especially. and HIS ACTING THE ACTING HE NAILED IT?? It was so natural and THE EXPRESSIONS HE'D MAKE AND JUST. ALL HIS ACTING CHOICES IN GENERAL WERE SO GOOD. HE WAS HILARIOUS. and other than the funny parts in general he was just so good! HE GETS IT. HE IS SOKKA.
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and Zuko was so good too like, we haven't gotten to all the juicy angst yet so I can't fully judge, but so far he's done SO well. Like especially the moments he'd get really angry and also HE'S SO GOOD AT MARTIAL ARTS. SO.
BUT HE'S ALSO RLLY FUNNY TOO??? especially when he gets annoyed with Uncle Iroh LIKE THE BODY LANGUAGE WAS SO SUBTLE BUT IT WAS HILARIOUS. and YES UNCLE IROH WAS GREAT TOO, I LOVE HIM SO FAR. HE IS ALSO HILARIOUS and does seem like Uncle Iroh to me so far!!
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Katara hasn't had much to do yet and much like. acting stuff or much to do with her character yet but like that's okay, I'm pretty confident they're still building it up. They haven't gotten to the JUICY bits yet. But she was already so good too.
I'm really interested in some changes, like how they focus more on the Avatar State as a plot point? It's interesting LOL. There was also a shot that showed that in this universe, Katara actually saw her mom die?!?? like omg, that's so gruesome I'm crying.
and it's true that they cut out the sexism arc of Sokka 😭 BUT BUT BUT. IAN OUSLEY. OH HE GETS IT. Like you can see he's really doing his best to keep it a part of the story, like in his acting choices, he's still trying to include the more sexist aspect of his character even if the script isn't supporting it. Like he really truly did his best with what he had and he nailed it, it's the script's fault
And I will say I'm not crazy about some of the stuff they added to Suki? like, I wasn't crazy about the whole "thank you for bringing the world to me" thing, but it's just okay LOL. She's frickin GORGEOUS tho
(also I was really hoping we'd get the scene of Sokka wearing the Kyoshi warrior outfit and makeup but sadly they didn't put it in but it's okay)
OH BUT THE CRUMBS. THE SOKKA AND SUKI CRUMBS. OH THEY'RE SO CUTE. ESPECIALLY THE SCENE IN THE DOJO WHERE SHE'S TEACHING HIM?? OH IT WAS SO CUTE. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. you can tell they're doubling down a bit more on their romance, especially since we know it's already gonna be endgame, but it's making me wonder how they'll tackle Yue 🤔
but yeah. Sokka and Suki stinking adorable I was SQUEALING MULTIPLE TIMES, I LOVE IT I LOVE IT
and the BENDING. THE BENDING IS KRIFFING GORGEOUS. IT'S SO GOOD. THE STUNTS?? THE MARTIAL ARTS?? BEAUTIFUL!! MAGNIFICENT!! PERFECTION!! and the VFX?? HECK YES. AUGH!! I'm definitely not disappointed about it. And I love how dangerous the bending legitimately feels?? like it feels so LETHAL. And there were some really shocking bending moments that were done incredibly well. I loved it.
so YEAH. IN CONCLUSION. so far, judging from just the FIRST TWO episodes... I rate it a 7.5/10
The writing is maybe a 6.5/10, but the acting for sure a solid 9/10. DEFINITELY worth the watch imo, BUT so much more enjoyable with an open mind and acceptance that it's not supposed to be a carbon copy of the show.
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sans-guy · 1 year
Do you have any advice about keeping bittys? I was thinking of getting one (maybe classic or fell, or both if they would get along and keep each other company?) but I'm not sure if I'm ready. Do you keep yours in a cage or can you let them roam free? Also how much should you feed them?
i am definitely not an expert or qualified by any means, before crumb i really had no idea how to care for one, but it really is just like having your own guy hanging around.
most sanses are typically Ok with just existing around you, but the buggers can teleport short distances, so just be mindful.
i don't really know anything about papyrus bitties but i heard they're a lot more social typically than sanses; but then again always depends on the type.
remember they're just little guys so i wouldn't recommend sticking them in a cage; i did with crumb for a while but eventually i just let him roam my house as much as he wanted, and he was much happier that way. He didn't go far because there's no nice hot fresh food outside.
If you really want them to have a nice place of their own, a doll house could work?? might be a little patronizing to them since most of them are like pink and frilly barbie houses. but there are people who hand make small houses for bitties. they're pretty expensive tho
they'll eat whatever you eat, i guess just make a little extra whenever you cook. obviously they don't eat a lot, but it does bring a guardian and their bitty closer when you guys share meal time :>
don't feed them like. bitty pellets. that's a load of bs. would you want to only eat crunchy dried food all the time? wears their teeth down too.
enrichment depends on the type but all of them like joke books, im pretty sure.
Idk what bitty would be fine with being left home alone all the time so i really only recommend getting another one if you work all day; but it's a costly mistake if their personalities don't meld with each other :(
i'm sure any rescue/adoption centers will let you bring your bitty in to meet another one to see if they get along initially.
If i'm going to reccomend one to a beginner, i'd say a blue/swap is the best choice, ik ik they're popular but they really are pretty easy to take care of and very interactive
classic is another good choice, but they like their naps and alone time so they're good if you just want a chill guy without the higher maintenance and attention a swap needs.
ones like swapfell or horror or yandere i only recommend for intermediates, i hear a lot about their temper or aggression.
crumb is a special case for me, he's my first and only bitty (so far)
his last caretaker wasn't so great with him, not sure what they did, but whatever they did resulted in crumb's hesitation when it comes to socializing. He's getting better though, but i still allow him to pick and choose when and who he wants to be around; forcing him to is counter productive.
tldr; just show your little guys some respect and decency.
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lov-eable · 2 years
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TELL ME  ֗ ˖ ࣪ ᩠ ༉‧₊˚ ✿ #07
━━ a filmmaker decides to follow and document the lives of the worst and best students at your school for a month, unfortunately, those students are you and chishiya, the most annoying guy on earth.
masterlist ◌*ꕤ
word count ✦ 2608
A/N: hello lovesssss, happy valentines day ꒰^__^꒱ྀི this is one of my fav days as im a certified lover girl (im single tho...). hope u like this chapter its my fav one so far (and the largest one too!!) :] not proofread pls excuse any mistakes
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06/13/18 7:19
You woke up energised and refreshed for the first time in months, you had slept so well that you panicked as you assumed you slept in and were late for school. It was not as if you were never late, you would normally arrive towards the end of morning assembly but you felt as if it was around noon. However, as you checked the time, you noticed it was even earlier than when you usually woke up. It was also the first time since the start of the shooting that you didn’t have a nightmare about Chishiya cutting your head off or so.
“What are you doing here? It’s not even eight in the morning, are you a ghost?” Kuina said as you took a seat in front of her. As soon as you got up from bed, you got ready and decided to pay her a visit. She would always eat breakfast at the same convenience store alone since both you and Arisu were still sleeping, occasionally not-as-close friends like Tatta or Saori would join her but that was it. That’s why she found it strange to see you there, “oh, Kuina, I missed you too,” you said mockingly while you grabbed her tuna sandwich to take a bite.
“Yesterday you declined my offer to get ice cream, then ignored all my texts and disappeared on me, I’m the one who should be offended,” she took her sandwich out of your hands after hitting you in the forehead with her fingers, “is there something I have to be aware of?” you tried sipping on her tea but she clutched it in her hands before you even had the opportunity to take it, humming as she was expecting your answer. “Nothing happened, I just needed some alone time… Eat your sandwich before I devour it,” you replied, frowning. She seemed dissatisfied with your answer but she had to accept it. She could never know about the Chishiya-spicy noodles lunch situation.
You took your usual seat next to Chishiya, he was studying for the coming test, like the rest of your classmates. You weren’t aware of the date of this test, or its existence to begin with, it was noticeable as you tried greeting everyone as loud as always, but they shushed you right away. Everyone was so into studying but your eyes were on Chishiya, everyone was trying so hard but there was something different about him.
“Guys…” you muttered after taking a bite of your strawberry cookies, Kuina and Arisu looked at you expectantly, “can someone lose their mind from studying too much?” Kuina choked on the biscuits she was eating, “what do you mean?”. “I mean, you know how everyone studies so hard during exam season? It looks stressful. They look like exhausted marathon runners who are sprinting to the finish line… I feel really bad for them and I can’t quite understand them,” Arisu grabbed one of your cookies, “of course you can’t understand them, the last time you studied was in 2009…” Kuina poked his cheek, causing him to spit some crumbs of the cookie, “don’t act all mighty, you’re not even in the top 100 students”.
Before they had the opportunity to start quarrelling, you continued talking, “as I was saying, I feel really bad for them,” you had their attention once again, “but he is a bit different. He’s like someone who’s at the starting line of a speed car race… with the confidence of someone who’s won, like, 100 trophies already. He’s not nervous like everyone else, he seems excited,” you nibbled on the last cookie you had, “he reminds me of this one character of the manga with mortal games you like, Arisu,” he sipped his coke, “who are you talking about?”.
“You know, the one that resembles the Cheshire cat,” he turned to you, holding back the urge to facepalm himself, “no, no, I know which character, who were you talking about in the first part of your monologue,” “oh, uh… Chishiya”. Kuina and Arisu eyed each other, confused about your sudden words, some days ago you wouldn’t even pronounce his name, nor let them pronounce it. But there you were, letting them know your analysis as if you had profoundly stared at him for hours, or days. 
“Wait, are you talking about him like a human being and not only an evil mastermind who solely exists to make you miserable?” Kuina said in a half-mocking half-confused tone, you had realized too late that you were digging your own grave. “Weren’t you so mad at him you were trying to convince me to throw eggs at his house?” you hoped Arisu would have forgotten about that silly plan you had made, “guys, maybe I was overreacting… I’m still mad at him though,” you tried to save your own butt, “and I don’t know who are you mistaking me for because I would never do that, that’s so childish,” he lightly punched you in the arm, “that’s literally what I told you yesterday”.
“Who are you? Is Y/N in there?” Kuina shook you, holding you by your shoulders. “Wait, maybe you are… maturing! I’m so proud of my baby,” she said, hugging you so hard you almost couldn’t breathe, “hey! Do not act as you raised her, she’s my child!” Arisu said like a whole single mother to then hug you as tightly as Kuina was doing, you tried your best to shout at them ‘leave me alone’ but they hugged even tighter. You could not escape, so the three of you started laughing.
When you got out of school, the sun had already set. As soon as the mandatory after-school studies were done, most students would run away to spend time at the near park or at some convenience store, only a small group would keep studying until their eyelids could not stay open any longer, or until the janitor would tell them it was already too late to stay out of their houses. One of the most remarkable people in this group was, as expected, Chishiya.
He was a complicated person, as much as you tried, he was hard to understand. He said he did not like tryhards, but he was studying his ass off every day for hours. What was his definition of ‘tryhard’? Maybe he didn’t have anything else to do, or he did not like being home. You could not stop creating hypotheses as the image of him so concentrated still lingered in your mind. You were some blocks away from the school with a larger group of friends than usual, but you did not quite grasp the topic they were talking about, maybe the next reading test? 
It did not matter anymore when you told them to go first and you ran off to the school. You left them behind without much of a thought, and they brushed it off assuming you had forgotten something of value -maybe a book or your special notebook-, that was for everyone except Kuina. She stopped for a second to look at you sprinting down the path travelled before, only continuing with her own when the others told her to hurry up. You had been acting so weird and she wouldn’t let it go.
But it was none of your concern, for now. You were looking for Chishiya, why? Only god knew, not even you were sure of the answer. Lucky enough, you did not have to search for long, he was staring at the sports field up from the balcony. You approached him after grabbing an energy drink you always kept in your bag and then throwing the latter against a pillar. “It’s been a while since I studied like this, I’m so tired,” you stretched exaggeratedly, “I bought this for myself, but if you really want, you can have the drink,” he side-eyed you before replying, “you read a novel instead of studying the whole time… And no, thanks,” you left the drink on the floor next to you, defeated but tried to hide it away, “oh, okay, better for me”.
Silence wrapped you both. It was just silence, at least for you. As you caught some glimpses of him, you noticed he was blinking delicately and slowly, maintaining his eyes closed for some seconds. He did look like a cat. “You know, I saw something really scary a little while ago,” he remained silent, “there was someone in our class who was smiling while they studied,” you took the energy drink from the floor and opened it, taking a sip, “at first I thought it was some sort of ghost,” another sip, “does studying become fun when you’re the top scoring student?”.
“Studying for entrance exams is never fun,” huh, he was actually answering and not yelling at you to leave him alone, “but the harder you work, the more options there are for you to choose from,” he smirked, “thinking of all the possible choices I have is what makes me happy”. “Isn’t it troublesome if there are too many to choose from?” you turned around to lean against the metal bars, “I’m sure too many choices for someone who wants a simple life in a small town would seem troublesome, but for someone who wants to leave it behind… It gives me hope”.
“Do you want to leave the town?” you asked in genuine curiosity, returning to your previous pose, standing a little bit closer to him without noticing it, merely getting a ‘yes’ for an answer. But you were never satisfied with those simple replies, you craved to know more, even if it was Chishiya, “can I know why?”. He seemed surprised before answering, “oh, yeah. Uh, in smaller communities like this, people are so noisy, they are all up in your business” as if his words were a bucket of cold water, they made you notice the reality, his words were most likely targeted towards you, who was invading his personal space. Exceptions couldn’t be made for Chishiya, apparently, all he knew was being mean. 
“Oh, sorry, my comment was not about you, what I meant was mostly older people” oh, it was not about you? And did you hear him say sorry? “it’s nice when people ask you those things, it’s not common” he eyed you and the whole situation felt out of character for him, especially how gentle his words began to sound. “I mean, how do you expect people to ask you these things? You’re always ignoring everyone” he smirked but this one time his smirk was not as insufferable as usual, “I knew you would say something like that. The thing is, I have tried not to ignore them but, most people here are so superficial or just want me to help them achieve perfect scores out of nowhere”.
“Really? I enjoy hanging out with most of them…” your hands were hanging against the metal bars as you were thinking, maybe there was a reason why people were like that to Chishiya. There was always a reason, but it seemed Chishiya was right to ignore them, even if it did not seem right to you. “That’s because there’s nothing to take from you” silence overfilled you as you felt offended before he noticed his mistake, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to insult you, that sounded terrible” he sighed, “what I mean is, if people approach you, it’s because they actually would like to befriend you, not because they need something from you. I guess being loud and overly friendly sometimes does lure people into you”.
“Thanks, I guess?” you both laughed, weird. You never thought Chishiya was capable of laughing, or feeling emotions for that matter. You did not dare to look at him, seeing him laugh would have been like discovering the secret societies of Antarctica. Really weird. “Still, teachers ask you about these things, people are interested in you” you still tried to prove him wrong, “you’re half right, half wrong, teachers do ask me about my future but they aren’t actually interested in me or what I hope to do, they expect me to say ‘Oh, I’ll study medicine to keep my father’s legacy and serve this community’, fuck community”.
“I don’t think I have ever heard you swear, I thought you were a goody two shoes,” you giggled, “I guess we all are victims of bad impressions,” he now joined you in the giggling, but he stopped, “can I make you a question now?” you nodded in answer, “why, or what do you write in your books? I had never seen you do that before and for a moment, I thought you were vandalising a book, but you can’t borrow them from the library”.
“Oh, no, that one book is mine. I buy and annotate books after reading them in the library,” he glared at you, giving you his whole attention and you had to look away, for some reason, “how so?” you gulped before replying, “basically, I read a book in the library, if I like it or had many thoughts while reading it, I buy it and annotate everything I think, my opinions or analysis, do you get it?” he rested his head on his hand, keeping you at a weird distance, “don’t you feel like you are damaging the book?”
“Not really, I mean, sharing knowledge or whatever is an act of love, I want my books to be loved as much as possible,” he smirked at you once again, “you know you are a really weird person, right?” you smirked back at him for the first time ever, maybe, “you smiled while studying, you don’t have the right to be judging me,” you said setting an emphasis on ‘smiled’, you both giggled. Weird night.
That silence set between you again, it was weird and confusing, but overall comforting. It was the singing of the moon and its crickets comforting you, or maybe Chishiya's presence, you didn't know, but you felt the urge to… do something. Just anything. “You know, we both suck at physical activities so, it would be fun if we raced with each other, don’t you think so?” you said while going down the stairs that connected the balcony with the field, but you tripped over your own feet, “are you okay?” you stood up while giving him a thumbs up to show you were fine.
After regaining your composure and cleaning the dirt from your uniform, you asked him again, “what do you think?! The loser has to carry the other's backpack!” you yelled as if he was three floors away from you, it felt like the Romeo and Juliet scene, you were Romeo, of course. “I think I’ll pass this time,” you expected that answer so you started sprinting away from the balcony, “I can’t hear you! I’m already so close to the finish line, I’ll win! I will win against the Chishiya Shuntaro not only once but twice!” he had no choice but to follow you.
A tired Mr. Kyuma left the school’s interior to get some fresh air. He had taken a short nap -okay, maybe not that short- but when he woke up, both you and Chishiya had left the classroom. He was sure you were still there before he had fallen asleep. He was just hoping you had not run away when he fixed his gaze on two students running in the field. He was feeling lucky as he got more content but, maybe memories should be kept as just memories and not videos. Just you, Chishiya and the moon.
tag list: @surshica @enslique @httpsimmy @elernity @eshtravagent @fishisahappydog @kreishin @vernon-dursley @mhyunri @thenightsflower @madjz @saiewithakatana @yeosangiehwa @xiaoishwrites @seloise @justhere105 @naegisimp @mxbrahms @chlooooop @woodandwaxwings @huachengsbestie01 @hy0ukka @cupofcappuccino
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neutrallyobsessed · 8 months
Clone High S3 Trailer Personal Rundown
>everyone still mad at Joan! apperently 3 months of vacation have passed and she's still not forgiven yay :3 >but why does Joan want to be forgiven tho? well lets say i have my theories but like- no girl, you should double down, think you did nothing wrong and be bitter and resentful and stuff >30♡ >Malcom X/Harriet Tubman?? Joanfucius??? MaryAbe???? im actually more worried about Julius Caesar/Marie Curie, girl really doesnt remember Gandhi :((( >but tis ok, what matter is that Joan and Abe are still very much heterosexually straight and thats epic uwu🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤🤍🖤 >super judgemental cheerleader tryouts lol >skunky poo comes back and i have no strong feelings one way or the other :P >HARRIET GETS SWATTED LMFAO WOOOOOO!!! >bleachers creatures ughughuhbughughubughuhbg (and they better mention that joan used to live under the bleachers!!) >also this?!?!?
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esta cosa bonita cosa preciosa, Juana y Tobi interactuando??? it is mine, MINE!! FOR ME TO ENJOY, My Dearest Joanpher crumb for Yours Truly The One and Only and FIRST Joanpher Queen!!! Unironic! Unapologetic! Unvertebrated! And well, ok y'all can have fun too now, to those who have it as a second choice, last resort, meme ship, guilty pleasure, whatever~~ >Jackie The Ripper is the most excellent idea and parody that I wish I could elaborate more about but we'd be here all day! >Stalin and Mussolini in jail lol (mussolini did have a design in s1 tho) >Cleo being a mean ass bully bitch!!! :DDD (i hope JFK also gets to be a bit of a jerk too, like yknow, in s1??) >dick pic xd >zombie movie parodies are so old that it turns around to being nostalgic so this better be aight but like- i dont think im liking the cementary scenes :/// (except when its Scudworth and Mr B of course) >Scudworth's cringe ass rap being interrupted xd and hellyeah >And finallYYY
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at the end of the day, the only thing that bothered me about the trailer is that the show it really is dropping tomorrow, like as soon the month changes, it's there and available to watch......... and yeah, i guess i do still have time, i could be extra cheeky and drop it January 31st (im considering earlier tho) pero no daaaa boludo NO DAAA but yeah i guess it can be done see you then, then? xdd
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