#but when palestine fights their colonizers...it's wrong?
kvtnisseverdeen · 7 months
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Where is the International protection the Palestinian people is entitled to when the occupying power violates international law and harms those it is obliged to protect. Aren't Palestinians lives worth saving?
-Riyad Mansour (Palestinian representative to the UN)
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newsfromstolenland · 7 months
The murder of 700+ Jewish people isn't something to be celebrated. I'm against Israeli government and what they've done to the people of Palestine. But there is nothing to encourage or support, this was a terrorist act. We haven't had this many people die in a single day since the Holocaust, and the attack happened on a Jewish holiday. Have some respect.
this isn't an antisemitic attack?? this is people who have been subjected to more than half a century of ethnic cleansing and colonization at the hands of Israeli settlers fighting back against their oppressors
you're ignoring the death toll of Palestinians over the years to make them out to be "terrorists" when all they're doing is fighting back in self defense. when colonists kill brown people it's a "complicated conflict with good people on both sides", but when those brown people fight back they're "terrorists". it's so fucking transparent.
the occupation of Palestine is brutal and genocidal, and you're comparing the people perpetrating said genocide to holocaust victims?? bullshit.
you say you support Palestinians, but what would you have them do? keep asking for help from countries that only end up arming the Israeli state? keep being killed in their homes and schools and hospitals and places of worship because fighting back makes them the bad guys? fuck you
this isn't Palestinians being antisemitic and attacking jewish people (not to mention that there are plenty of jewish Palestinians), this is about a colonized people fighting back against those who are colonizing them. it's about fighting an oppressive colonial state, not persecuting jewish people.
your rhetoric is the same as France's rhetoric when Algerians fought back against the french occupation, and as Britain's when Indians fought back against colonization. colonists slaughter at will but the colonized fighting back get called terrorists. you're on the wrong side of history, and I'd like to cordially invite you to go fuck yourself
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eatdirt420 · 7 months
I keep seeing posts in regard to the attack on Israel caused by Hamas (mostly in support of Israel), and I feel it imperative that I mention some context:
For years (in particular, since 1967, though the conflict has been happening since the 1940s), Israel has been occupying Palestine with apartheid conditions (i.e. Palestinians are not allowed to use certain roads, live in certain areas, have basic necessities, or even leave the Gaza strip) in an "open air prison", of which Israel regularly bombs.
Often and consistently, Palestinians have tried to protest, boycott, and use other non-violent approaches to bring about their freedom. Almost every time (if not always), Israel has answered harshly, violently, and without mercy.
While antisemitism is never excusable, do not make Israel (as well as Zionism) and Judaism synonyms— a religion (nor a specific ethnic group) should never be hated for the actions of a government body. Do not forget that the enemy will never lie in that of a common man, but that he will always be a man with power who commands others to harm. (In this, the enemy is not the Israeli people, but in the Israeli government.)
Still, when a different ethnic group responds to colonization and its subsequent slaughter, of which they have been consistently and systemically oppressed, it is of no shock that they fight back. Revolutions are never won through peace.
As we have seen time and time again when oppressed people fight back against their oppressors (Vietnam, Ireland, South Africa, Korea, etc)— the oppressed often win. There is no moral high ground in war, but Palestinians have no way to be free through peaceful means— that only lies with the Israeli government.
So, I do urge you to do your own personal research (learning the basics of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which I have given some links to through the underlined texts) before you give into outrage. Perhaps, you will determine that I am wrong and that Palestinians should just give in to Israel and "be the bigger man." Regardless, I am of the belief that giving into your oppressors does not make you any less oppressed.
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So this should have been an ask rather than a message. But I'll hide your name so there's no claims of doxxing.
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Ok so first I'll address the last claim.
Gaza is extremely anti LGBT. Most of the Muslim world actually is. Because in miss countries that practice Islam have a few practices to deal with gay people. Castration, jail, or death. It's extremely common to find in most nations. Gaza isn't an exception. The region has it's own laws, specifically that of jailing people whom are gay. For 10 years.
The second claim revolves around the fact that scholars have made pretty definite claims that most all the Philistines are fundamentally gone. Sure it's likely you'll find traces in your blood line somewhere but no that land area has not been occupied by "Palestinians" for a long time. It's actually rather recent.
Also I can separate the people who support Gazan people from people who suppose Hamas, except you all give me on reason to. You lie about hostages, beheadings, and rapes. Most all of you call the Jewish people colonizers when historically almost ALL of that land is their land. What's more while there isn't a voting system in Gaza, Hamas was supported into a position of power through bribery etc by the current people of Gaza.
Believe whatever you want. But don't pretend that one of the most traditional conservative (to an extreme) religions on earth is actually pro LGBT. They aren't. You are all a disposable pawn in their quest to purge the world of every faith not their own. What's more, I'd treat most of you in better faith if most of you were not liars who believed in propaganda. News comes out of a bomb or rocket blowing up a hospital by hamas. Then mainstream leftists do nothing but cover that Non-Stop. Then come to find out it was actually a rocket fired by Hamas that misfired fell back down and blew up a parking lot.
I would treat you all in better Faith generally if y'all didn't believe the mindless propaganda of people who want to see the Jewish people wipe from the face of the Earth. Because it's been pro hamas people and pro Palestinian people who have torn down missing persons signs from the October 7th attack. It's been pro Hamas and pro Palestinian people who have said that Hamas did nothing wrong. It is pro Hamas and pro Palestinian people who have shouted a genocidal term which is from the river to the Sea. Except again historically that land never belonged to them.
I hate taking sides on these wars and other things across the world because it always gets polluted by bleeding heart leftist who think brown people good white people bad and y'all consider Jews white which is the only reason most of you are even upset. I would honestly treat most of you and better faith, if I did not see leftists and progressives harass Target and threaten none Israeli Jews around the world because of a fight going on in a different country that these people have nothing to do with.
If you have zero sympathy for the people who got raped beheaded murdered or kidnapped on October 7th you are pro Hamas. And people who say that their pro Palestinian will never ever get an ounce of Mercy from me. And if you want to know why it's because those same people absolutely never care about the victims on the Israeli side. They either say that they deserve it they call them colonizers or they excuse it because they are "not human".
Having said that, if you are one of the people who cares about both sides in this fight especially all of the innocent people. I will treat you with some level of good faith. But if you have no care for the Israelis that were hurt killed or brutalized. Then I absolutely believe 100% you are pro Hamas. Because as far as I'm concerned you all take pro Hamas propaganda at face value which is a group of people who want Jews wiped off the Earth and everything that comes out of Palestine news wise is almost completely Hamas propaganda in their quest to destroy Israel. That land in mass does not belong to the current residence of Gaza. Almost unilaterally that land belongs to people of Jewish descent. And the fact that they gave that land to the current people referred to as Palestinians should show that they actually care at least a bit. Because honestly if they wanted genocide like everyone claims they could glass Gaza and every other place with Palestinian residents overnight. And I mean glass in the literal sense.
Because the fake before and after photos we keep seeing of Gaza show that it was extremely high-end. They were rich. We're all Palestinians rich? Probably not but a lot of the before and after photos showed a lot of really really high-end housing hotels and businesses. And yet the people who are pro Palestine insist that it was an open-air prison and that they were just treated to the worst atrocities. Sure.
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pettytiredandjewish · 4 months
Are you pro-Israel or pro-Palestine?
I honestly don’t think it’s any of your concern but if you really want to know my “stance”, I’ll tell you. You may or may not like my answer but I’m at the point where I really don’t give a flying F. So here we go-
A little background about me-I’m not Israeli, I’m from the states but my great-grandparents on my mom side left Germany sometime a little before WW1 due to antisemitism (they were Ashkenazi Jews.) Not everyone left and the ones who did stay ended up in the concentration camps/ghettos during WW2. Honestly if my great grandparents didn’t leave Germany- well there is a high chance that I wouldn’t be here and that this family tree branch would be non existent.
I’m gonna be honest I’m a “zionost”. There is no safe place for Jews. A lot of countries made it known for many years and they are still making it known to this day. Not only is the land of Israel is considered holy (I’m not super religious but I do recognize and respect that it’s a sacred and holy site) but it is also considered a safe place for many Jews who had to leave their own homes due to all the antisemitism/hate/etc. I’m not an “anti-Zionist”. Did you know that one of Russian’s leaders during- I believe the Soviet Union created that term as a way to help destroy Jewish culture during that era? That term just rubs me the wrong way.
I constantly worry about my friends and family. I worry about mine and their safety. I have to keep looking over my shoulder when I leave the house or when I go to the store, it to work… I know my parents worry too and I know my mom is secretly happy that I attended Shabbat services via online. I don’t want to think about what would happen if something happened to me or to my family/friends. But I don’t hide my “Jewishness”. I love being Jewish- I’m not ashamed of it. It’s a beautiful culture but it also is sad too. The history is not all butterfly’s and rainbows. We (Jews) have suffered for generations but we also overcome everything that people throws at us. Are we traumatized? Probably yes, but we don’t give up. We work hard to keep our culture alive so that we can keep passing it down.
The situation in Israel and Palestine is/has always been messy. It’s like a pressure pot- every little issue and conflict has been cooking up for some time. And every once in a while someone will let some steam out- to help let out some pressure but if you keep it covered and not let out the pressure, well it’s all going to build up and explode. And il that’s what’s happening here. That’s what we’re seeing now. This is the aftermath.
So to answer your question- I’m “pro Israel”: I think that Israelites have the right to live there. It’s their home. They did not colonize it. It is also not an apartheid state. Really people- please read a dictionary to understand these terms that you keep throwing out. Gaza’s government has been unstable for some time and it did eventually fell to hamas control sometime earlier 2000’s(?) for those who don’t know and or still in denial about what they really are- hamas is a terrorist organization. They’re not a resistance group of freedom fighters “fighting to save their people” cuz they don’t give a damn about their own people. They a literally using their own civilians as human shields. They’re stealing resources that’s mental for the civilians and using it themselves.
Also quick question(s) but why is Israel getting blasted for defending themselves after Oct 7? Is anyone gonna call out the other neighboring countries for how they are handling the situation- why aren’t they opening up their borders for refugees? Also why are most of y’all blaming Israel citizens and well- Jewish people in general- i mean I know the answer to this (*cough* most of y’all hate Jews and are using this as a reason to unmask yourselves).
I honestly could keep going- I’ve mostly kept this to myself, so it’s building up, but to be “nice” I’m gonna stop there for now. I don’t know what your “stance” is and I really don’t care per se- the whole situation has been stressing me out like crazy. If you don’t like my answer to bad so sad- I’m no one’s “good Jew”. If you or anyone have any questions you can ask but if you say some antisemitic crap I will block you and depending on my mood- call you out on it too. Have a happy holiday.
Am Yisrael Chai
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k4marina · 5 months
idk if i’ve ever said this before, but i’ll say it now.
i 100% support palestine and the palestinian people who are fighting for their home in gaza and the west bank.
fuck israel. fuck zionists. fuck the west. and especially fuck the british, the us, and the un.
as someone who’s homeland and people are under threat whenever we speak out agains the government, i 100% support palestine.
i would also like to say that not a jews are zionist’s. there’s a lot of people who are using this genocide as an excuse to attack jewish people and that’s wrong.
this is not muslims/palestinians vs. jews
it’s palestinians vs. white colonizing zionist
this is a show of white supremacy all over again. when the world didn’t want them, palestinians opened their arms to them. only for the settlers to turn their backs on them.
majority of the israeli population hold dual citizenship meaning, israel is not their home country.
even the jews that relocated to palestine are mainly european decent (i.e, polish). none of them are ethnically or natively related to the land that they’re occupying.
the real people to the land are palestinians.
mind you, not all of them are muslim. they’re also other jews and christian’s.
speaking of which, the christian palestinian population is around 800. if the genocide does not stop then all the christian palestinians will die out and their history will be forgotten, as well as the muslim palestinians.
we all have to do our part when it comes to showing support and solidarity, like sharing and reposting, boycotting, attending protests, writing to your representatives and anyone in political office to get their shit together.
we don’t want our children to look at us 50 years in the future and go “why didn’t you do anything?” like how kids went to their parents during the holocaust.
and to all of those who want to go “do you condem KHamas?” here’s my answer:
no. no i do not.
hamas is the byproduct of 75 years of occupation and oppression and constant violent attacks led by israel.
if someone were to take your home by force you’ll also resist them. so why is it wrong for the palestinians to resist israel?
until the world condemns israel and zionist’s for the past 75 years of genocide and forceful occupation, no one will condemns hamas.
you don’t have to be palestinian or muslim to support palestians. you just have to be a human being.
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edenfenixblogs · 4 months
Why do I post so much about antisemitism?
I post about it exactly as often as I experience it
People think antisemitism isn’t real
People think antisemitism isn’t that bad
People think antisemitism is justifiable as long as it is directed toward “bad” Jews. Like any other form of bigotry, it is always bad. Candace Owens has terrible anti-Black, extremely racist opinions. It’s still not OK to hurl racist insults at her. Isis and Hamas are terrorist organizatjons committing terrible crimes against humanity while invoking Islam . It’s still not ok to insult Islam while talking about them or to be racist and Islamophobic toward Muslims or Arabs. Netanyahu is an actual monster whose actions are destroying lives in Palestine, Israel, and worldwide. Jewish West Bank settlers are being extremely hostile, racist, and terrible. It’s still not ok to use antisemitic conspiracies, tropes, or insults against them. Ever. And it’s certainly not ok to use them against ordinary civilians who happen to share a race or religion with the worst people who share those identities.
I want to show all the ways antisemitism hurts.
I want to show how the damage from antisemitism lingers long after the first moment its experienced
I want people to understand that even if I don’t support Netanyahu or the Likud government or the broad actions of the IDF or the indiscriminate bombing of Palestine or the subjugation of Palestinians (and to be very clear—I do not support these things) I’m still allowed to be upset about the global hatred toward Israel right now based solely on the fact that I am Jewish. To say that makes me a supporter of colonialism or genocide is antisemitic. Why? Because half of the Jews in the entire world live in Israel. If half the Muslims in the entire world lived in America or half the Christians in the entire world lived in Japan, then everyone started calling all Christians or Muslims in that country evil/colonizers/oppressors and saying that they should lose protection and citizenship from those places, then it would make sense for all Muslims or Christians around the world to be very upset by that. Not because the Muslims or Christians in those nations are always perfect. But because, hey, seeing that people are perfectly ok condemning half everyone with whom you share a religion will cause you to be sad. And empathetic. And because obviously condemning that many people for anything as if they are all equally responsible is fundamentally wrong. Especially if your only basis for that condemnation is someone’s religion and where they live.
My trauma response is to fawn. To be aggressively kind and complimentary to show I’m not a threat. That I don’t deserve to be hated. That I promise I’m not worth your aggression. This is unhealthy for me personally. This is a bad way to live. This is a disservice to my fellow Jews who don’t deserve to experience antisemitism, regardless of any of their other actions. Instead, I am laying my pain bare for you all to see. I am using my pain to educate you. I am using my desire to help you to keep me patient while I try to educate you while experiencing an endless barrage of hatred all day every day. That hatred is not all violent or aggressive. Very often that hatred is neglect, erasure, and the revocation of societal privileges until I behave in an acceptable manner. But sometimes it is aggressive and violent as well.
People say that I am making a genocide “all about me,” but I’m not. You are. Why do your actions in preventing and fighting an ethnic cleansing on the other side of the world involve causing me emotional pain, social isolation, and ethnoreligous erasure? The problem isn’t that I’m speaking up. It’s that you’re too busy speaking over me to listen to what I’m saying and to stop being harmful.
Because I have the emotional capacity to be patient and to engage when many of my Jewish peers do not. I have the position of relative safety where I can post about these things without facing actual physical harm. Many of my Jewish peers do not. While I would never speak on behalf of other Jews’ opinions, I will certainly speak FOR my fellow Jews. For the dignity, respect, safety, love, and community they all deserve.
Because when this conflict is over or even just calmed down enough to not be at the top of the zeitgeist anymore, I don’t want any of you to have the excuse of saying you didn’t know what you were doing or the harm you were causing. You know. I’m telling you. Repeatedly.
Because despite everything I’ve just written, I know most of you won’t even listen until I confirm that I do support Palestinian self determination, citizenship, equality, and indigeneity. Which I do. I support all those things. I shouldn’t have to in order to avoid antisemitism though.
Because most people in my life have pulled away in this time and if I don’t share my pain here I’ll explode.
Because I have nobody else non-Jewish to share this with. You’ve isolated me. I’m alone. You did this. I could have been marching with you. But you hate me too much to let me fight for a cause we both believe in alongside you. And you aren’t even aware you hate me at all, because it’s so ingrained in you.
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yusrasyang · 6 months
For all you "pro-isr@elis" and "both sides" people. The prime minister of israel has stated before that they are fighting against "human-animals" and yet would you ever even think about doing this to the worst of animals? You are doing this to millions of innocents, to PEOPLE who had dreams, and lives, and passions, who loved and were loved. (by this, I mean genocide, ethnic cleansing, the murder of innocent man, women, and children, by the thousands, etc.)And what's worse is that no manner of resistance will be seen as acceptable in YOUR eyes, you may say that there is no need for violence and that peace is the answer, while I'm sure some Palestinians would agree, they can't because Israel has killed them. You cannot say that Hamas retaliating was so awful and horrible when israel has been doing the same and worse for DECADES. When the Ukraine/Russia conflict escalated people worldwide donated and spread awareness, how is the Palestine/israel conflict different? Even if you can't donate please spread awareness if not online than in person, if not out loud than in writing, and if you can't do that least know in your heart that what Israel is doing is wrong. The people shown here are a fraction of who have been killed, many unfortunately will probably never be identified. It has gotten so bad that Palestinian parents tell their children to write their names on their hands to identify because the possibility of them ending up in pieces is that high, as well as Palestinian women wearing hijabs when they sleep because they want to be covered when they're found. When you search up israel Palestine conflict the FIRST thing that appears is the 2023 Hamas attack on israel, no tthe countless war-crimes and human rights violations that israel has committed to the people in Gaza. In all honesty it baffles me how people still have reservations about supporting Palestine/condemning israel, for example the PRIME MINISTER OF CANADA still wants a 2-state solution, the treaties and peace agreements offered by the israeli government are completely rigged in their favour, however I still hear people saying that if they really wanted out of their situation they could have accepted. I have heard other arguments like "Well if israeli's are colonizers, than what does that make Canada, the US, and Britain?" WHAT DO YOU THINK? They are colinisers as well, this is known. The fact that we still allow things like this in our "modern society" is appalling.
For some people I've noticed that they support israel because of family, or because they were personally affected/are israeli, to that I say, if you are an innocent civilians your grief is valid, but that does not make what israel did/continues to do valid. In war there will be civilian casualties, it's almost guaranteed honestly, and according to https://press.un.org/en/2022/sc14904.doc.htm 90% of war-time casualties are civilians. We should always aim for the lowest civilian casualties on both sides undoubtedly, but do not be surprised when they do happen, because they will. One of the things I admire most about the Palestinian people is their strength and resilience, you can not beat a people who know death is not the end. Something I really like about Islam (the main religion in the Gaza strip, where 93-99% of people are Muslim) is that when one dies for the sake of Allah (God) they will go straight to paradise, have the Palestinian people not shown their determination even in the worst hardships? I hope that each every one of the killed, will go straight to paradise. As a global community we should do better in helping the victims not the invader. On another note, cause this is a question often asked, does israel have a right to defend itself? This question can not simpky be answered with yes or no, because for example, somebody breaks into your house and robs you, and you fight back, does the robber have right to defend himself? Because that is the exact situation happening in Palestine, israel is the one who has been attacking for 75 years, why are we all collectively surprised when they fought back?
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perrysoup · 6 months
I glad a lot of you people are not in positions of power cause some of you fuckers have no concept of rules of war, the Geneva Convention, the rights of the oppressed, and the obligations of the oppressor.
"Why would Hamas do this?"
Do what? Appear after a deal was made where Palestine agreed to a two state solution based on the 1973 lines and ISRAEL REFUSED?
"Hamas did XYZ"
And that justifies killing civilians, bombing hospitals, poisoning wells, blowing up ambulances, killing journalists?
Some of you, genuinely, are so far up your own ass and refuse to admit you were wrong even though a ton of us have shown it's fine to do so that you can't see how you're enabling.
Do you think a lot of us, fuck, MOST OF US started as a pro-Palestinian? Shit man I was raised in America, I was told OVER AND OVER AND OVER that Israel had a divine right to be there. I don't mean by parents, I mean by TEACHERS, GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, CHURCH LEADERS, PEOPLE WE WERE TOLD TO TRUST! That Palestine was wrong. NO ONE told us that it was formerly Palestinian land. NO ONE told us why Palestinian was fighting back. NO ONE told us the horrors that occurred while we sang songs about how happy we should be Israel has Jerusalem. NO ONE told us Palestine has Jews and Christians, and was insanely diverse.
And when 9/11 happened they took us and used that to fuel our rage against the Muslim populace at home and abroad. They painted all of them as people who hated us, and Palestine specifically was taught to us that they were all anti-semites who hated non-Muslims. DO YOU SEE THE FUCKING ISSUE!? THE CONTEXT AND DETAIL WE WEREN'T TOLD? THE DIVERSITY CONVENIENTLY LEFT OUT!? The half truths fed to us on the news, in church, at school?
Or why entities exist. Have you wondering why Israel exists? Have you wondered why Hamas exists? Have you wondered what non-violent resistance the Palestinians have tried before? Cause if you had you'd realize that this was a decision by the British. A nation which *checks map* IS NOT EVEN IN THE GOD DAMN MIDDLE EAST! They were just a conqueror and colonizer who had bigger guns that the Palestinians. Palestinians have for decades tried JUST self defense, JUST peaceful protest, and you know what happened? THEY WERE MURDERED!
So fuck off with this "not the way to do it" shit. They tried it your way, and Israel killed them. Do you want them to just keep lining up to get shot and say "Thank you for shooting me?"
I can't believe this has to be said again and again but here we are:
There is not justification for genocide and blaming and punishing the entire Palestinian population for the actions of a terrorist group not even headquartered where Israel is destroying, literally, people lives is the sign of a genocidal maniac, and you dick riding without even taking the time to look at stuff outside of Israeli propaganda enables it.
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alarajrogers · 4 months
This is long. I've been percolating on it a while.
As usual, when I see a discussion going on that has no nuance, where two sides have been staked out and any suggestion that one side has a point is taken as full support for the other side and everything they do... I feel compelled to try to point out the nuances. This is likely to get me a lot of nastygrams in response, possibly from both sides, but I can't take the lack of nuance any longer.
First, let's begin with this. The government of Israel is committing atrocities. Full stop. There is no way to minimize this. Nothing the civilian population of Palestine has done or could ever do would justify the Israeli government's response here. Israel, as a state, are unmitigated bad guys in this situation. Just like my country, the USA, were unmitigated bad guys for invading Iraq on flimsy pretenses and committing atrocities in the process. A nation doing terrible things doesn't mean the people of that nation are terrible. I pointed this out when the government of Russia chose to invade Ukraine. In democracies, like the US and Israel, the people bear more responsibility than in dictatorships, but as a person who protested the Iraq War and tried to vote out the president responsible for it, I am deeply, deeply uncomfortable with the idea that all the citizens of a democracy are responsible for the actions of its government.
And I am flat out appalled by the notion that non-citizens with no vote should be held responsible; treating Jews as synonymous with the current Israeli government and its awful decisions is like the US rounding up Japanese-Americans and putting them in camps because the Japanese government attacked the US. It was wrong then, it's wrong now, and if you come from an English-speaking country and you're white, 90% chance you come from a country that committed similar atrocities in the course of expanding an empire or colonizing land that didn't belong to it. (I think the Irish, Scottish and Welsh are exceptions; I do not know of any others.)
If you blame Jews worldwide for the actions of Israel, you are a shithead, and if you come from the US, England, Canada, Australia or New Zealand, you are also a hypocritical shithead. France and Germany and Spain, yes, still a hypocritical shithead. Was your nation ever a colonial power? Then if you blame Jews worldwide for Israel's actions, you are a hypocritical shithead.
More to say, possibly more inflammatory, under the cut.
I have seen people I follow saying things like "We should treat Zionists in leftist spaces the way we treat TERFs, they should have no place with us." A lot of "denounce Zionism." A lot of "Zionism is evil."
I have also seen, on the flip side, the disgusting behavior of governments and institutions punishing people for making the argument that Israel should not be murdering Palestinian civilians. This is awful, and inhumane. The people of Palestine have done nothing to deserve this; the existence of terrorists committing atrocities in their name does not justify a civilian population being murdered. As an American, I feel very strongly that I would like to not be murdered for what the CIA did in South America, okay? And frankly, all Americans and anyone from any kind of colonial power should feel the same way, so this behavior where our governments and institutions give Israel free reign to murder civilians is despicable.
But Zionism does not mean "supporting every horrible thing Israel ever did." It means the belief that Jews need and deserve a homeland of their own, that the best place for that homeland is Israel, and as a result Israel has the right to self defense. (Self defense, y'all, is not a euphemism for "murder civilians." In fact murdering civilians usually is antithetical to self defense, because it radicalizes the civilian population against you. You don't fight terrorists with bombs unless your goal is to make more terrorists. Which I actually think Netanyahu's goal is, because he is a right wing war hawk who wants an excuse to commit atrocities against Palestine. That's not good for Israel, but it's good for a right wing war hawk who wants to stay in power.)
I've seen a lot of arguments that Israel are colonizers. Technically it's true but that word has certain baggage due to the motives and behavior of 90% of the world's colonizers. Specifically, when white imperialists marched in to territories occupied by other people, took them over, and killed, enslaved, drove off or ruled over the people who were already there:
The motive was greed, folks. Want, take, have. We're allowed to have everything because we're white. Nothing about "we need this or people will keep killing us."
It wasn't territory they had ever held. Territory associated with them in the lore of the world's biggest religions? Nope. It wasn't territory they'd ever had at all.
They did the colonizing themselves. A third party didn't colonize and then hand it over to them.
Israel's situation is different for multiple reasons.
For 2000 years, Jews have not been treated as full and equal citizens of anywhere they tried to live; those 2000 years have contained so many instances of Jews being murdered en masse, or driven out and all their stuff stolen, I don't think we have an accurate count of how many times it happened.
Anywhere that Jews were treated as full and equal citizens for any period of time, a change in government or in the circumstances of their neighbors could reverse this. Most Jewish citizens of Germany thought of themselves as Germans first, and thrived in Germany, until Hitler stirred up the currents of anti-semitism that apparantly always are present under the surface of a European or European-based society.
It is very easy to argue that the reason for this is that Jews were driven out of their own homeland, and their efforts to keep their own culture during the diaspora made them mistrusted strangers everywhere. Therefore, it's also very easy to argue that the solution is for them to have a homeland again.
This was why Zionists in the 40's were successfully able to get Britain to cede them Palestine. There are very good arguments from the evidence of history that Jews do in fact need a homeland of their own, because anywhere else they live may spontaneously decide to murder them for no reason, because it has been happening for 2000 years and has no evidence of stopping.
Of course, there's a huge problem. Britain didn't hand over part of Britain. Nobody handed over Rome, which forced the Jews out of their homeland originally, or Germany, which had just committed the Holocaust. (These would not have gone well either.) They handed over a territory full of people who had done nothing to the Jews, had nothing to do with the Holocaust, and were not consulted or asked for permission.
Jews sought an ethno-state where Jewish people would be treated as more equal than non-Jews because they're an extreme minority worldwide, and anywhere where they allowed non-Jewish people to become full citizens anytime they wanted, would eventually fill up with enough gentiles that it would again become dangerous to be Jews there. Palestinians were, rightfully, pissed off that they were being forced off their land. So they fought back, and Israel retaliated, and that is how this whole poisonous dynamic began.
Does Israel have a right to the land they were ceded? That is unfortunately the wrong question. After Europe and other places randomly murdered Jews for being Jewish for 2000 years, it becomes really hard to argue against the necessity of a Jewish homeland, somewhere, if you have any empathy for Jewish people at all. Where should that be? Well, there is no uninhabited land on Earth that's suitable for habitation; anywhere would have required throwing people off their land.
This may be colonizing, but it's different colonizing than what white people did. It was done for survival, in the face of 2000 years of threats, and it was done by giving them back land they'd lost 2000 years ago.
There are very few cultures that still exist after being thrown off their land that long ago. Romani still exist, but we really aren't sure exactly where they came from... last I heard the best theory was somewhere in India. Native Americans and other indigenous people displaced by colonization were forced off between 100-500 years ago and a lot of their culture has been lost. This makes it kind of difficult to compare the Jewish situation to anything else. But if there was a movement to give the Native Americans back Montana, and fuck all the white people currently living in Montana, they can move or they can live in the new Native American nation... honestly I do not think the left would object to this. (The right would, they'd screech about it, but a lot of leftists would either be "good for them! fuck those white Montanans!" or "well, I dont think it's right to force people out of their homes, but Native Americans were forced off that land in the first place, so...") The Native Americans lost that territory like 150 years ago or so, not 2000. It's not the same thing. But it is, unfortunately, the closest analogy we have, because no one else managed to hang onto their culture and their memory of having a homeland and the world's memory of it too, for 2000 years.
So. Can you criticize Israel? How can you not? You have to criticize Israel to be a good person because they are murdering civilians. They received a horrible provocation from professional provocateurs who knew that they would react harshly, and that that reaction would fuel their movement, and they did exactly what Hamas knew they would, which is incredibly stupid from the perspective of protecting Israel (but Netanyahu wants to protect his own power, not Israeli citizens) and also morally bankrupt on every level. Arguing that Hamas didn't actually do anything all that terrible is simultaneously untrue and besides the point, because Palestinian civilians aren't Hamas and you can't fight a terrorist group with bombs.
But can you argue, with a straight face, that a homeland for Jewish people shouldn't exist? When Israel's behavior has just caused worldwide antisemitism to spike, and once again, random Jews are being subjected to violence for nothing they did? When we have 2000 years of history of the world attacking Jewish people for no good reason? (I do have some theories as to the reasons, but none of them were good ones.) How do you think Jewish people should protect themselves from antisemitic violence, then? What other options are on the table?
And if you're blaming random Jewish people on the Internet who are not Israeli for the actions of Israel, you are doing the same thing the state of Israel is doing when they blame all Palestinians for the actions of Hamas. Justifying their behavior. Plus, if you come from a colonial power, and if you're on the Internet odds are you do, you're being a sickening hypocrite, because I bet you don't want to be murdered for the atrocities your country has committed. I sure don't! I don't want people blaming me for the Iraq War! I was against it. I don't want people blaming me for Trump! I voted against him. I'm American and my country has done horrible, horrible things that I don't want people to treat me badly for because I also think they're horrible and never supported them... but that doesn't mean I'd be okay with America ceasing to exist.
Jews who support Israel's existence, whether they are Israeli or not, are still not personally responsible for Binyamin Netanyahu being a monster. Israelis aren't entirely responsible for the fucker, given that it is human nature to vote conservative when you live in fear, which is why conservatives fearmonger so hard. Their press probably makes it fairly hard to learn about the atrocities they are committing, just like the American press makes it hard to know what evil things America has done lately. But especially, Jews who aren't Israeli citizens can still support Israel's existence while believing that Israel's current behavior is an atrocity, because Israel was founded to protect Jews from worldwide antisemitism, which if you are blaming Jews for Israel's behavior, you're participating in.
I'm not Jewish. But I find the behavior of gentiles who are demanding that Jews not only reject what Israel is doing (that's fair, it's monstrous) but reject Israel having a right to exist, in a world where America, which took over a continent because we felt like it and slaughtered most of the people who lived here, is never told it doesn't have a right to exist... I mean if you're so out there that yes, you believe America and Canada and Australia have no right to exist, I suppose you're being consistent, but if that is not your position, you don't get to argue against Israel existing. Israel displaced people who didn't deserve it and has treated them like shit ever since, just like every other colonizing power, but Israel, at least, is doing it because Jewish people keep getting murdered for no reason and this has been happening for two millennia. The US has no such justification for existence.
This entire situation is more complicated and nuanced than you think. Not the part where Israel's committing atrocities, that's beyond question. That's horrifying and the world really needs to force them to stop. But everything else -- Zionism, the existence of Israel and its right to self defense, blaming Jews for Israel, yadda yadda -- all that. That is more complicated than you think it is.
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krysanthii · 3 months
Sis do you think we will going to get a more complex point of view about colonialism in later seasons?
I do hope so because on how the writers of the show has interwoven colonialism within the universe by having vampires from old houses develop a symbiotic relationship with the human dukes, kings, and nobles. And seeing in Annette's past of vampire nobles enslaving humans in plantations. I have a rather dark theory that vampires and human colonizers worked together in the Atlantic slave trade that benefited the two factions. The human colonizers get an economic boom and free labor out of it while vampires get more abundance of blood to drink from enslaved humans. I hope the show touches upon it more and explaining it to us how white settler colonialism and vampirism works just how they handle Annette's past. I did talk before how I praised how the writers shown Annette's childhood growing up in the plantations without it resulting into slavery torture porn.
I want to see of black resistance of the maroons because we don't see much of black resistance fighting against white settlers. From the many reviews on Youtube it wasn't well recieved with subjects of racism and colonialism and complaints of the show suddenly becoming "woke" because it delivered topics of slavery, racism, and colonialization. I do hope the show doesn't placate to the criticism and just sugar coat anything but keep pushing the narrative of colonialism. I am not voodoo, I don't know a lick about voodoo religion or practice but I heard from voodoo priests and practioners giving out negative criticism the portrayal is wrong. I do hope the writers fix that and hire voodoo practioners and how to portray the practice and religion accurately.
Hopefully the show will touch upon New World Vampires vs Old World vampires. We got a glimpse of it in the show where Drolta was gassing up Bathory to Olrox and he wasn't having it. It shows the difference that between the two. Just because they are vampires and rule over humans there is a fundlemental differences between the two. When Drolta was giving her story about her hey day being a temple priestess and creating a another world. Olrox cheekily says he heard all about it before because during Olrox's long life how many times have he'd heard about white settlers with inflated egos boosting about creating a new world and empire? Cortes? Pizaro? Columbus? Aguirre? George Washington? King George II? The countless of conquistadors and presidents? He has heard it all before of creating a new world that is build on the backs of the already indigenous population. *cough*Palestine *cough* My man is fatigued and which explains why he was so blase about it prior to meeting Bathory.
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For his many centuries he lived he can smell white settler fuckery a mile away. With Drolta gassing up Bathory to Olrox, her mistake is that Olrox had already seen his entire culture eradicated in order to create a "new world," And he's obviously not so hyped about seeing another new world being created in the backs of oppressed groups. When Olrox arrives to the chateux he's visibly uncomfortable, it shows just because they are all vampires it doesn't change the fact that he is an indigenous man entering a white space.
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Get Out 2017
From the show its been said that vampires originated from the Old World and were brought to the New World by exploration and colonization.
Olrox being a vampire he is a very young and not even 300 yet! So there is a difference in of longevity and experence between Olrox and the Old World vampires along with stagnation in their thinking. The Old World vampires wanting to return back into their glory days and for Olrox, their glory days were his dark ages. And the vampires want to return to a world were vampires are able to rule over humans and govern themselves by blocking the sun. And Olrox who's entire culture is worshiping the sun is horrified and this shows not only the difference between the Old and New World vampires but also culturally. Old World vampires see themselves above the humans the way they use and discard them and talk to them in the most condescending and dehumanizing way.
With Olrox's interactons with humans he doesn't speak to them with the same condescension or talked down to Mizrak as if he's a stupid animal. He's incredibly candid with Mizrak and speaking to him as equals. With Julia when he speaks about her he's never vile towards her even though she took the love of his life and he never mocks Richter for having an anxiety attack and running away from the crypt. Unlike Drolta who mocks Richter and calling him the "boy who ran away."
I pointed out that the difference and this scene blantanly shown when Olrox is forced to bow before Erzsebet and her cultist and guiding her to America. Which is wrong in so many levels. Take out the vampirism, you are forcing an indigenous man to take a white colonizer into his home and enslave everybody to bow down to a white settler colonizer and parade her as a God? And if they don't? She'll starve them and they'd be so hungry they'll have to eat their own vomit. By the look Olrox gave her, she sealed her death warrent.
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This immediately brought to toughts of La Malinche.
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La Malinche story needs to be taken with a grain of salt. She was sold to Cortez as a child and later became his interpreter and lover and betrayed her people. Its said with her help Cortex was able to conquer the Aztec empire. And this is exactly what Bathory needs Olrox. To guide her to America, to betray his people, and be her interpreter and advisor just how La Malinche was to Cortez.
This will be extremely touchy especially what happened to the Americas during colonialism and how it had effects people to this day. The show has already touched upon it just slightly on the Casta System.
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Annette was literally running away from slave catchers and she met Edouard in the concert hall. She was dressed in rags while he was dressed in finary. They are both black but Edouard is mixed white european and many of the mulattos were part of the bourgeoisies. The Haitian mulattos were looked down upon by both the white upper class and the black enslaved class and they would be use to which faction suited them to push out whatever cause.
Historically Edouard and Annette wouldn't be friends because most of the mulattos idenitfied with the ruling French and their culture and also took part of the slave holding. That being said they took a part of the oppression of other black people and as a result they were slaughtered along with the white bourgeosies during the Haitian Revolution.
I am bringing the Casta System because it effected heavily on the Americas as well. Many Latinos have white european colonizers, Native American, and african ancestry. I don't know if the writers are going to focus on the Casta System and latinos and how the erasure of culture has effected them. Olrox talks about how his land had been stolen but it will dive deeper to that on how the next generation has suffered with the slow erosion of their languages, and culture and slowly converting over time to Christianity and Catholicism. Forgetting their tribes, their names, their ancestors. And to be put into these boxes like pedigree.
The violence wil be explored on what colonialism has caused and the result. As of right now with the current events of groups of people being displaced from their own land, erasure of culture, languages, and customs, not being able to practice their own religion. Ethnically cleansing a people and being forced to convert or die. Bringing up subjects of colonialzation has never been more prevelant until now.
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fairuzfan · 6 months
Hi I just wanna say I really like your page and u r awesome =)
Please don't feel pressure to publicly respond to this, but I did want to say that the term zionist entity does freak people out in the west, just so you're aware. I personally fully understand why you guys use that term, but most people in America are very ignorant on the whole subject and even if they side with Palestine they don't want to associate with hate toward Israel because, well, they just don't want to be hateful and they don't understand all the history. But of course it depends who your audience is and who you're you're trying to reach, but I personally don't think Dem/left wing activists like the ones who would respond to your call to call congress will go for that. It does turn a lot of people off. Just my 2 cents!
Again love your page and all the resources you provide!
Hi, thanks for sending this in.
I think this is a valid viewpoint. I personally subscribed to it when I was younger... I thought that there was no point if no one will listen to me and I should try to cater my words so that they're introduced to the concept of Israel oppressing Palestinians and slowly try to go from there.
At this point, though, I think it's more important to speak the truth to power than to change the way I speak for hopes of crumbs. More than anything, I want to foster an environment where we can publicly call out the wrongs that have been done to Palestinians. I think the biggest impact I'm personally trying to implement using my blog is to use my studies and resources to try and spread information and culture — or at least that's my goal.
At the end of the day, Palestinians call them Zionists because that's what their colonizers say allows them to colonize Palestinian land. Political zionism. For us to censor our words at this point won't be helping the Palestinian cause — which is that of anti-colonialism and liberation.
If people do get turned off or irked, please do reach out! I can provide either anecdotal stories or papers about things if they'd like. I published that last ask so that people can know that you cannot be "pro-palestinian" (which, as a term, is something that I get annoyed with in itself as palestinians are not fighting for only themselves, but for the human rights of all peoples) and not be anti-zionist. I actually think it does more harm than good to obfuscate the language of the Palestinians because it changes the goal posts. I would be wary of people who advocate for Palestinians and criticize their language in the same breath.
Thanks again for sending this in. I want to emphasize I'm not publishing this to talk down to you or anything — I just want to make clear that people who criticize the use of "anti-zionism" as a replacement term to mean "antisemitism" means that they really do not know any Palestinian — otherwise would know that Palestinians explicitly make the distinction of being antizionist above all else.
Side note: I've seen this more and more as a zionist talking point — and it obstructs from the main fact that Palestinians are being killed and displaced because of political zionism as a settler colonial project. I want pro-zionists who pretend to advocate for Palestinians to kindly keep the word Palestine out of your mouth. We do not need your pity.
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srk8t · 6 months
hi, this is not something that i usually post, but I'd like to get it off from my chest since ive kept this for quite a long time and talking it on tumblr is my only hope to do so.
please don't stop talking about Palestine.
no matter where I go, what social media that i use, there are always consistently something that has been preventing me and thousands of others from speaking out our voices, and to my surprise, even ROBLOX. FUCKING ROBLOX. IS A VICTIM OF THIS.
thousands and hundreds of money wasted for the sake of war instead of using it to help the homeless and those who are in need. Do you think the world is a big stage for you to sit down in your air conditioned room while crossing your legs on the couch, while watching others suffer?
I have never been more UPSET to see how selfish and brutal these "people" are, calling palestinians "human animals" and saying they are savages while hamas are terrorists when theyve released hostages, and have done nothing but be nice to the said hostages. WHILE THE WHITE AND BLUE STATE REFUSES TO TAKE THE SAID HOSTAGES BACK.
I am unable to speak with such anger and show my frustrations elsewhere, as that'll only result in my socials being banned or shadow banned. I've seen this story play itself out more times than one might assume, as i observed from afar just to see what people all around the world treat muslims and islam itself. It is different, I grew up in a country where a vast majority are muslims while other religions can peacefully coexist.
I grew up hearing about palestine and gaza ever since I was in elementary school. Malaysia has tried to speak upon this but perhaps at that time, people just didn't care enough or, our voices were silenced.
I've seen white men fighting against defenseless nations. I've seen westerners blaming how islam teaches its followers horrible things. I've seen americans calling countless muslims as terrorists. But i have yet to see anyone, LITERALLY anyone calling the one who is in the wrong the actual terroist.
"I'm not educated enough to talk about this!"
"This doesn't affect me"
"Both are in the wrong and it has nothing to do with me nor my country"
If you as human are willing to defend genocide and "stay neutral", you are a coward to wake up and face reality. You called us terrorists as if it's a word that can easily be used whenever you like. And why again, are these white supremacists fighting against people who have no army and are defenseless in power? Is it perhaps they as well are afraid if they go for a bigger target who has the same, equal power as them?
I've seen a loooot of isnotreal dick riders, and willing to go on lengths of texts just to justify genocide... do you get paid to do so? do you feel a sense of relief by wasting your time instead of doing something more useful and educational? Or are you turning a blind eye to the real problem? Your eyes are clear as skies, but your heart is an empty void of ignorance.
I am tired of staying silent for long. How many lives would it take until it will make people finally be aware? Once a colonizer, you are always a colonizer. From the river to the sea, palestine will be free. I was a young and clueless girl when i first heard this story. But I've grown and learned the hard ways of life and its rules. this time, i will not stay silent.
this time, i will not let my voice go unspoken
and this time, i will keep on fighting and spread awareness about palestine and the thousands of years that they have suffered.
If you burn, you'll burn with us.
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nobodysprincess · 6 months
“This is how colonialism works. It convinces us that the fallout from resistance is entirely our fault, that the immoral choice is resistance itself rather than the circumstances that demanded it.” — R.F Kuang, Babel
Resistance does not happen in a vacuum.
Resistance, rebellion, protests, marches, demonstrations, and boycotts all happen in response to injustice.
When you know the context, your humanity should pull you to come out in full support of the Palestinians.
If, after reading this whole post, or even half of it, if you are not emotionally moved or heartbroken by the oppression … I don’t even know what to say.
When Native Americans fought for their land, the white people called them “savages” while the emigrating thieves were “civilized” and considered themselves “victims.”
Mandela’s ANC (African National Congress, a liberation movement known for its opposition to apartheid) was considered a terrorist organization by the oppressors.
The Philippines were colonized by the Spanish for 300 years, then by Americans and then the Japanese. Their historical liberation movement was called “terrorism.” (And the League of Filipino Students stand with Palestine.)
The Hawaiians’ land was stolen. It’s a resort. Whenever you see it in stories (movies, tv shows, books), it’s for when the characters go there on vacation; and their culture gets warped, exaggerated, mocked, purposefully misunderstood, and also sexualized. But in reality, even til this day, indigenous children are punished for speaking their native language in school. Their language and culture is nearly extinct. All Hawaiians should be able to speak their language, not just a percentage of them. Even if you can’t relate, at least you can dig and bring up your compassion and empathy to the surface. Is it wrong to be angry about this? Is it wrong to fight back against colonialism and imperialism and capitalism?
Korea had their own independence movement and liberation army. It lasted decades. Yes, they used violent attacks. You wouldn’t have all those beautiful K-dramas to watch on Netflix, if they didn’t literally fight for their freedom.
India, too.
When Palestinians fight back against the oppression, they’re called “terrorists.”
These people are subjugated. It permeates every waking moment of their life. The Israeli colonizers who would call themselves ‘victims’ are the same people who “control the most simple and basic elements” of Palestinian life.
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Read that again.
“We basically control the most simple and basic elements of life.” — Ori Givati, former Israeli soldier, speaking up about the occupation of Palestine.
With context, it’s a thousand times more chilling. But even without it, especially if you can relate to being controlled over everything by a bigger but terrible person while growing up, that sentence alone is heartbreaking.
But it shouldn’t take that sentence for people to realize that that’s what it’s been all along since 1948. You just need to open your eyes and see how they, the Palestinians, are treated.
The Palestinians’ water wells were cemented by Israeli soldiers, to stop them from getting clean water. So, forget the Israeli government turning on a simple switch to allow water from their pipes – ‘cause the Palestinians can’t even get fresh water on the only strip of land they have!
How can anyone defend or justify that?
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Also, the millions of olive trees that had lived through generations (and it takes years for a new olive tree to produce anything) were destroyed by the Israel occupation since 1948. Now why would Israel destroy olive trees? Olive trees have a very special significance throughout the Middle East. Olive trees are important to Palestinian culture and heritage.
But Israel still continues to burn or destroy agriculture (aside from the bombs destroying it), they never stopped.
Gazan fishermen cannot even fish freely, there have been limits to how far out in the water they could go.
From the words of a Palestinian woman who works in a border school affiliated with the UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, established in 1949), translated to English:
“Fishermen are hunted at sea and they're falsely accused of getting close to the border. The fishing area keeps shrinking that they now have a tiny area from which they can make a living.”
Full post is here. For heaven’s sake, it takes a year to even get an item that they order from the Internet finally delivered, and even then it’s not a guarantee. The Israeli soldiers won’t give it to the purchaser if it’s dual-use.
Diving goggles are classified as dual-use, so the woman (who wrote the post I just linked) wasn’t able to get them. DIVING GOGGLES!
Where is your humanity?
If you are so desensitized to the gravity of this happening to 2 million people in the year 2023, and if you see all the deaths as just a number, and these numbers are just a statistic to you … I don’t know what I could say to make you understand.
How about the words of a Native American who visited Palestine in the past, and said it reminded him of his home in the U.S reservations? The United States government stole native land hundreds of years ago, and life in reservations are still so bad that this person felt at home in Palestine. THINK ABOUT THAT!
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Go ahead, try and tell me Israel isn’t an apartheid that’s even worse than Nazi Germany, or the U.S. genocide of Native Americans.
This occupation has been going on since 1948! Gazans need a permit to enter West Bank (which is often denied to them), and there are checkpoints on every street. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.
Even when you finish reading this post, it doesn’t showcase half of how much oppression there is.
The Israeli government “control the most simple and basic elements of life” there. That was a quote from one former Israeli soldier.
Here’s another former Israeli soldier, speaking up against the occupation, (Eran Efrati):
“I was broken. I felt like I was the terrorist. And my job was literally to scare people so they cannot think about acting against the Israeli settlers.”
“Very early on, I understood that the rights that the Jewish settlers have are not the rights that the Palestinians have.”
“I understood that I cannot touch a Jewish settler if he is attacking a Palestinian.”
“So (these) Jewish settlers that live in Hebron are living under the same rights that I live in, in Jerusalem. But the Palestinians next to them, next house over, next building over, or sometimes next apartment over, lives under my rule, my military rule.”
“And I can do whatever I want with him.”
By the way, this is Stage 3 of the 10 stages of genocide: Discrimination. The Stage 2 is Classification, and Palestinians are a separated group under Israeli law.
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Here’s the link to the video.
And a former Israeli Air Force pilot, Yonatan Shapira, said this:
“I was a captain in Israeli Air Force, I was a helicopter pilot and I realized during the 2nd Intifada what Israeli Air Force and Israeli military doing is war crime, terrorizing population of millions of Palestinians.”
“As a child in Israel, you are being brought up in very strong Zionist militaristic education. You don’t know almost anything about Palestine, you don’t know about the Nakba, 1948, you don’t know anything about ongoing oppression.”
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Here’s the link to the video.
As of October 30, 2023, Israel has wiped out 881 families. Lineages. Bloodlines. This means 30 to 80 persons in EACH FAMILY.
On October 17, that number was only 47 bloodlines.
« Gaza, Oct. 29 (Petra) - The death toll from the war on Gaza has reached 8,005, including 3,324 children, 2,062 women, 460 elderly people, while 1,870 people were reported missing, including 1,020 children, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.
The ministry spokesman said the Israeli occupation has carried out 56 massacres in the last several hours, killing 302 Palestinians. Most of the victims were moved to the southern parts of the Gaza Strip, which Israel claims are safe zones.
He added that 116 medical staff were killed, 25 ambulances were destroyed, and 57 health facilities were targeted, pointing out that 881 families were lost as a result of the occupation's purposeful targeting of them. »
And if you don’t believe these numbers, because you’d rather believe Israel – guess what? Israel is keeping score, and published it on their Channel 14 news channel with rising numbers. Israel are genocidal maniacs. It’s not my fault you refuse to believe what your eyes can see.
As of November 25 of 2023, the number of deaths reached 20,000. The number of children among them are 8,176.
“We must learn that passively to accept an unjust system is to cooperate with that system, and thereby to become a participant in its evil.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Nice people made the best Nazis. My mom grew up next to them. They got along, refused to make waves, looked the other way when things got ugly and focused on happier things than “politics.” They were lovely people who turned their heads as their neighbors were dragged away. You know who weren’t nice people? Resisters.” — Naomi Shulman
And along with Israel bombing the Palestinians using the internationally-banned white phosphorus—!
It is so violent in its destruction, and, I repeat, it is prohibited under international law! Of course, you’d think that violating the Geneva Convention would result in heavy consequences, but imperialist governments not caring and getting away with anything is a different topic.
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It is so wicked, I can’t—
Even if you don’t care about a massive loss of human life, the phosphorus effect on agricultural lands are devastating and lasts for years. It still makes people sick and nauseous with no apparent signs of injury on the plants.
And all the mushroom clouds after those CONSTANT bombs drop on Gaza!
Even if you don’t care about the loss of human life, do you have a speck of humanity in you to care about all the pollution? At the very least?
How many times does the Israeli government have to be caught lying or admit to lying, before you realize they can never be trusted because they’re liars? They have a long history of it, too!
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When the people had a funeral for American-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, the Israeli police kicked and beat the mourners who were carrying the casket.
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Is it any wonder that there are former Israeli soldiers and pilots who stopped supporting their government because they felt like terrorists, and realized it is Israel who are the terrorists?
Look at this!
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It is also NEVER a normal time to say “I’m a little bit fascist,” whether it’s 2000 or 2023…but the video in the tweet below is from 2009. This is an Israeli woman saying, “I’m a little bit fascist.”
Imagine thinking this is normal to talk that way. Imagine thinking fascism is, in any way, good or beneficial.
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The Palestinians in the Gaza Strip do not have basic human rights.
If you value having your human rights, do not turn a blind eye to Palestine.
Their access to the outside world, via WiFi and the Internet, is the one and only way they can spread awareness of what’s going on.
No government should have the power to turn off water and cut electricity and telecommunications.
Collective punishment is a war crime under international law, a crime on humanity that could easily be done to you. You think you’re safe in your country? Every protest and demonstration or march (on any topic, really) is met with the same brutal police treatment. What’s to stop them from going all out, the moment they get the government’s green light? I remember military vehicles coming out in force during the BLM protests. Many people are permanently blind and/or disabled from the tear gassing and the rubber bullets.
You cannot justify indiscriminate bombing on a densely populated SMALL area. It’s never right, but think about this…
The Gaza Strip is 139 square miles.
Detroit, Michigan is also 139 square miles.
Detroit only has less than six hundred thousand people in their population. The Gaza Strip has two MILLION.
Religious buildings, universities, hospitals … bombed, all under the excuse that “terrorists” were hiding there.
The same exact excuse Israel used to justify bombing a school in Egypt in 1970, it is not new and not exclusive to Gaza. They always use the same tactics.
What I’m sharing here is pretty much everything I’ve shared (and then some) about the occupation and genocide against Palestinians. So, pardon me if it’s not cohesive, because it’s not really meant to be. I shared most of this just one time with somebody, and I still got hit back by that heartless lunatic threatening me to watch and “enjoy Israeli retribution.”
It’s bad enough seeing it in the comment sections on YouTube or Twitter; it’s even more mind-boggling to have it spoken in direct response to me in my attempt to appeal to what little speck of humanity they have left, so I don’t make a habit of speaking up.
Palestinians are Arabs. Arabs are Semites.
If, for some asinine reason, you support Israel on the genocide they’re committing right now against Gaza, and you still want to call me an anti-Semite … then you should know that a former Israeli minister of education said (nonchalantly) back in 2002 that they always use that label as a trick on anyone who criticizes the Israeli government.
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And a former Israeli Mossad agent, in 1995, said that labeling someone an anti-Semite is one of the ways he silenced critics. They know you’re not an anti-Semite, but they will label you as such to discredit you.
Victor Ostrovsky: « But I know what they do ‘cause I used to ask them to do it. When I was in the Mossad and we had a guy that gave us problems in the U.S., and he was speaking out and he was talking like people talk once and said, “Israel is bombing Lebanon with cluster bombs,” we say, “Hey, who’s that guy?” you know? ‘Pete Macockey,’ we used to call him. Yeah, which is Pete the Cockroach, ‘cause he makes a lot of noise and you can’t get rid of him. So, what you do is you get in touch with a guy in the station in New York or in the station in Washington and tell the guys in B’nai B’rith to label him. And, of course, the campaign starts, and before you know it, the guy is labeled. And he’s ‘an anti-Semite’ because that’s what we say he is. It shames me as a Jew to tell you that. But that’s the fact and it’s wrong. »
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It SHAMED him as a Jew to say that this is what his government does. This is what Israel does!
The same thing happened in Nazi Germany – it was illegal to even mock Adolf Hitler, or talk badly about the Nazi regime. It’s the same thing regarding CPC, Chinese citizens will have their online posts deleted if they criticize China. And it’s the same with North Korea, it’s actually worse than China – they cannot even consume foreign entertainment if it’s not sanctioned by their government.
If you criticize Israel, their government will silence you by slapping on the “anti-Semitic” label onto you.
As Shulamit Aloni said, “It’s a trick, we always use it.” Thank you for exposing yourselves!
If you’ve reached all the way down to this part of the post, and anything I’ve typed out hasn’t moved you emotionally at all, you should stop calling yourself pro-climate and pro-life.
And look!
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It’s there for all to see.
We don’t even have to expose Israel’s black hearts, they’re doing that all on their own.
We literally just have to point this out. The rest is up to you.
Imagine Russians doing this about Ukrainians!
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Is this who you want to defend? “God’s chosen people” mocking cultural attire, comparing Palestinians to dogs, dehumanizing them, degrading their deaths, laughing at mothers losing their children.
Is this the hill you want to die on? IS THIS YOU?!
The depravity!
“Words and terminology are crucial," said Hussam Zomlot, the Palestinian Head of Mission in the United Kingdom. "From the beginning, Israel wanted to link the Palestinian people to Hamas. And then they linked Hamas to ISIS. That’s linking ISIS to what? The Palestinians.”
Article by Lemma Shehadi • October 17, 2023
[A thread by Dr_MianUmair1 on Twitter]
There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the distinction between Hamas and ISIS. It is important to clarify that these are two distinct entities with different goals, ideologies, and methods.
Hamas is a Palestinian political and military organization that was established in 1987. Its primary objective is the liberation of Palestine, Hamas engages in political and social activities, as well as armed resistance against Israeli occupation.
On the other hand, ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) is a radical Islamist extremist group that emerged in the early 2000s. Their goal was to establish a caliphate in Iraq and Syria, imposing their version of Sharia law and carrying out acts of terrorism worldwide.
While both organizations have been classified as terrorist groups by various countries, it is crucial to note that their motivations, strategies, and geographical focuses are vastly different.
Hamas primarily operates in the Palestinian territories, with a particular focus on the Gaza Strip; while ISIS was primarily active in Iraq and Syria, although their influence has significantly diminished in recent years.
Hamas, despite being a designated terrorist organization by some countries, also has a political wing that participates in democratic processes and provides social services to the Palestinian people (A reason why they love Hamas)
In conclusion, Hamas and ISIS may share the label of "terrorist organization," but they are not the same. Understanding their distinctions is essential for informed discussions about the region. 🌍🤝
But, now, what if I told you that Israel (and the U.S., “indirectly and directly”) created Hamas?
U.S. Congressman, Ron Paul, in 2009:
“If you look at the history, you’ll find out that Hamas was encouraged and really started by Israel because they wanted Hamas to counteract Yassir Arafat [chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, PLO].”
“So, then, we as Americans say, ‘Well, we have such a good system, we’re going to impose this on the world, we’re gonna invade Iraq and teach people how to be democrats.’ We want free elections, so we encourage the Palestinians to have a free election, they do and they elect Hamas.”
“So, we [the United States] first indirectly and directly, through Israel, help establish Hamas, then we have election that Hamas becomes dominant, so we have to kill them.”
Hmm, so Israel-U.S help establish Hamas, playing them against each other until they get their dominance, just so Israel can justify killing Hamas and every single Palestinian? That, coupled with the former Israeli politician saying that they slap the ‘antisemitism’ label on critics to justify killing the Palestinians? Wow, Israel and the U.S. sure do sound like the evil villains here. It almost sounds like…they always planned to commit genocide! Look at my shocked face > ö
But anyway…
Painting Hamas with the ISIS brush has implications for how Israel is expected to fight its war with the Palestinian militant group, experts told The National.
“There is a danger in comparing Hamas to ISIS, which can indirectly legitimise disproportionate use of violence on civilians in Gaza, under the pretence of fighting terrorism,” Ms Khatib said.
Experts highlighted the US-led coalition’s war with ISIS in 2014, during which Iraqi and Syrian cities were razed, killing up to 11,000 civilians in Iraq alone and displacing hundreds of thousands more.
“The US government labelled its campaign in Syria and Iraq as 'a campaign of annihilation', so for Secretary Austin to be suggesting Hamas is the same or worse is doing little more than encouraging Israel to assume a similarly brutal approach in Gaza,” said Charles Lister, director of the US-based Middle East Institute’s Syria programme.
The 6,000 bombs dropped on Gaza in the first six days, as claimed by the Israeli air force, had already exceeded the rate of US bombing of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, which averaged 2,500 per month across 46,000 square miles," he added.
NOTE: This article is from October 17. There, Israel wiped out 47 bloodlines (which means 30 to 80 persons EACH family name.) As of October 30, 2023, that number has risen to 881 families taken off the civilian registry. Whole bloodlines, gone.
As of November 25? 20,000 were killed in total. And 8,176 of them are children.
Don’t talk to me if you support Israel, even after everything you’ve read in this post.
A focus on fighting terror would also obscure the “root causes” of the conflict.
“The narrative will be totally overwhelmed by terrorism and security. Whenever these things happen between Israel and Palestine, there is never a root discussion of settler colonialism, of occupation or dispossession,” said Chris Gunness, a former spokesman for the UN’s agency for Palestinian refugees.
This BBC documentary takes place in 1982, years before Hamas existed. What was Israel’s excuse, then, for their massacre of Palestinians and Lebanese Shias that took place after this?
Israel bombs Lebanon and Syria. Two completely different countries. There are no Hamas there. What’s the excuse?
They’ve committed all the stages of genocide, and all you have to do is open your eyes.
Israel are the terrorists!
A giant with all the advantages of their size (and a world power like the U.S, the biggest, backing them and funding them) is NOT the victim.
Israel isn’t even scared of the United Nations. Think about that! Nearly five dozen U.N staff members, as of October 30, were killed in Gaza because of Israel’s bombs. And all the U.N can do is hold a service for their colleagues??? Acting as if this is normal?
This is Palestine, BEFORE the Israeli occupation:
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Where is your humanity?
Resistance does not happen in a vacuum.
Support Palestinians. Save Gaza. Free Palestine!
You don’t need to be religious. You don’t need to be a Muslim, Christian, or Jew. You just have to be human.
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Y’all know when I say Jewish people should go back to Europe I’m not talking about Jewish Arabs, seriously knock it off. I’m not even fully serous about the European Jewish people, I’m not sure it’s feasible to relocate them all to Europe. But if you come at me with something as ridiculous as a “both sides are committing violence” argument, when one side is trying to free its self from apartheid and genocide that the other side is committing, then I’m allowed to respond with statements like just send everyone back to Europe.
I AM Jewish. Both sides of my family had people that died in and survived the Holocaust. None of it is a valid excuse for stealing the homes of Palestinians. I have family and friends who live in Israel. I have cousins actively colonizing the West Bank as we speak, and no, the violence they are committing against the Palestinians they’re colonizing is not the equivalent to the violence Palestinians engage in trying to free themselves.
I am not saying all people in Israel deserve to die. I am aware a large portion of the Israeli population was born there. There are Israelis actively protesting what Israel is doing right now. I, ofc, don’t generally support targeting civilians with violence. But I refuse to condemn people experiencing apartheid and genocide for rising up violently and I do not respect you if you try to pretend the violence on both sides is equal.
With that said, I don’t support blaming Jewish people for what is happening. I see a lot of posts along the lines of “they need to stop this””what is wrong with them” etc referring to Jewish people and this is not okay. There’s around 2 billion Christians in the world, 1 billion Muslims, and only 16 million Jewish people. There are more Zionist Christians in the US than there are Jews in the world. The idea that the Jewish people are singularly responsible for what is happening in Palestine is just incorrect. This was never a Jewish vs Muslim or Jewish vs Arab fight. This is a white colonizer vs brown indigenous people fight. White Europeans and Americans colonizing her again.
Also, I know it’s hard to understand how people can look at these horrific images and still be Zionist. But keep in mind most of this horrific imagery aren’t making national news. Instead, people watching main stream news are getting bullshit stores like Palestinians are beheading Israeli babies. Not everyone spends lots of time on the computer and knows where to look for valid sources. Israel/US/UK propaganda also preys directly on Jewish intergenerational trauma. Don’t give up on people. I believe many people can be converted to the Palestinian cause if they are deprogrammed from western propaganda. If you are not Palestinian, your duty right now is to be trying to convert people to the cause, no matter how frustrating/angering/upsetting it is to deal with people not getting it. And to be protesting, boycotting, posting, etc as loudly as possible. There’s a big day of action in Washington DC this weekend, orgs traveling from all over to protest at the capital, go If you can!
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pettytiredandjewish · 2 months
It's bloodthirsty genocidal hypocrite "Jews" like you that give the rest of us a bad name. If literal Holocaust survivors are condemning Israel and you're not than you're no better than our ancestors' oppressors
Oh wow- my first openly antisemitic ask (that’s not anonymous) I’m so honored! I would usually be kind when putting ass hats like you in your place but I’m exhausted, now having my first mug of coffee, and I just got done with working a long ‘hell’ shift at work… you’re probably gonna regret poking the wolf and making this post 🙂
- I’m pretty sure other jews on this hell hole of a site have been telling fuckers like you to leave the holocaust survivors alone when it comes to the i/p conflict. Yes they have their own beliefs/opinions/thoughts on the I/p conflict-just like every Jew out there. So for the love of g-d stop bringing the holocaust survivors topic up. Cuz y’all know what? Everyone has their own different opinions/views/ thoughts about the I/p conflict. I’m not gonna talk more about this but if anyone wants to talk about it go for it.
-since you little ass hat decided to bring up the holocaust, let me just tell y’all something. If my great grandparents didn’t escape Germany, they would have been captured and k*lled. But they escaped, sadly my other relatives over there did not leave in time and was sent off to the camps and most of them were k*lled. To this day my mom’s side of the family is still dealing with the trauma that came afterwards.
-I’m assuming you’re an anti Zionist person or you’re masquerading as a Jew. Calling other jews bloodthirsty and genocidal is fucked up and super antisemitic. And the fact that you openly said that was not super smart of you. It makes you look like a fucking fool and an ass. Also saying that I’m no better than our ancestors oppressors? Not really original and that’s also fucked up. Honey let me tell you something- i come from a long line of survivors and fighters. My Israeli and Jewish ancestors/family survived so many horrible massacres/pogroms/displacements/and the Shoah. If they didn’t keep fighting and surviving, none of us would be here. I’m also Native American (not gonna tell you my tribes cuz it’s not your business) but my ancestors/family survived the trail of tears, being slaughtered by colonizers, and being kidnapped and sent to the boarding schools. We fought and survived. Are we still facing the trauma- yes. Trauma that hasn’t been properly handled can really fuck you up and it can be passed down to new generations. It causes so many issues and problems- especially if you ignore the trauma. I’ve seen things that no one should have to see or deal with…so don’t you ever say that I’m like my ancestors oppressors cuz I’ll tell y’all something- I’m making my ancestors oppressors roll in their graves for just being alive, while all my ancestors are cheering me on. Have fun when others call your ass out 🙂
- no you got it wrong. Every Jew has been affected by the i/p conflict in some way. It’s people like you (cuz i really don’t know if you’re Jewish- you claim to be but you’re words says otherwise) that is using this conflict to blame “Zionist” (which let’s be honest y’all- we all know that they use Zionist as a code word for Jews) for everything that’s been happening. Anti Zionist people will parade around and say that they’re the “good jews” and that they’re not the evil ones- it’s those “Zionists” other there that are the evil ones (This type of thinking is really fucked up). Y’all follow the pro Palestine crowd hoping that they won’t think that you’re the “bad guy” and will even participate in antisemitic shit: Harassing random jews in street or online, surrounding synagogues, college campus buildings or hospitals chanting genocidal slogans, etc…but honey let me tell ya something- most of the pro-pal people hates jews. It doesn’t matter if you’re anti Zionist or Zionist. They don’t see the difference. They will continue to blame us for everything. I hate to break it to ya but it’s the truth. We all have been warning y’all but you guys don’t listen.
I said what I said and if you don’t like it well I don’t give a flying fuck 🙂 (I have no more fucks to give)
Am yisrael chai! ✡️
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