#but when the final piece was done everyone just disappeared
fairstival · 1 year
I saw you mentioned you’ve been working on an au? Is there a master post?
Its @everlastingorbit and is what prompted the vent mostly. It's still very early in development (started like a 2 months ago total). I started writing chapter one tonight and finished my first ever work last week i think?
That's here
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rebelspykatie · 1 year
Soulmate AU Part Two
Part One | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five
Steve doesn’t come to school for a week. Rumors are swirling around about why he suddenly disappeared after he turned 18, people speculating that it’s not Nancy to wildly inaccurate tales about Steve being linked to someone like old Mrs. Click. Nancy shuts down, telling people it’s none of their business but everyone still finds out they broke up.
When he finally comes back to school, Eddie almost can’t stand to see it. His eyes are sunken in, hollowed out with dark circles. The normal golden glow to his skin is gone, leaving a sickly hue and an aura of fuck off attitude. People keep their distance like he has the plague. This just feeds into the rumors that something horrible must’ve happened, especially since Steve has a cuff wrapped around his arm, hiding the name from prying eyes.
Eddie doesn’t engage with the gossip, even when the guys from Corroded Coffin try to shit talk Steve around him. Gareth suspects something but he hasn’t put the pieces together on how Eddie covered up his arm on his birthday and hasn’t let them see his wrist since that day, and how he’s suspiciously quiet in the face of the biggest jock in school having a hard time with whatever news he received. No one thinks anything of it because they were spaced so far apart. Everyone thinks Eddie is sympathizing with Steve’s situation. Instead he’s watching Steve’s life fall apart and it’s all his fault.
Steve can feel Eddie watching him, following him in the corridors, quietly staring at him while the gossip around them grows louder. He doesn’t understand why Eddie hasn’t said a word to him, not when he found out, not for an entire year, and definitely not now, when they both know what the other has written on their wrist. Maybe he’s waiting to see if Steve is going to lose his shit over it. Finally snap and tell everyone to fuck off because his soulmate is the freak and even he doesn’t want Steve.
When Steve was younger, he dreamed of his soulmate, held the imaginary person close when things got hard or when he felt like true love couldn’t possibly be real when the universe paired up people like his parents. But maybe Harringtons weren’t destined for happiness.
Eddie deserves someone better, someone he could love, who understands his interests, not some privileged spoiled rich boy whose idea of romance is flowers and sweet diner dates. Eddie would probably scoff in his face if Steve asked him to go on a date. He can hear the condescending laugh he’d receive if he showed up at Eddie’s trailer with flowers.
But fate, it seems, isn’t done with them. They keep running into each other. It’s inevitable, like clockwork, they’ll be standing at opposite ends of the hallway staring at each other, both too choked up to say anything, brushing past each other without a word. They end up at the nurses office at the same time, staring at the ground to avoid looking at each other until one of them gets called back for help. Steve’s picking up the Mayfield girl while Eddie’s outside smoking and Eddie nearly inhales the blunt when they make eye contact.
It all comes to a head one night, when Steve’s car won’t start and he’s stuck working on it in the parking lot after school. It happens to be on the same night as hellfire, Eddie the last one out of the drama club room, freezing at the edge of the parking lot when he spots Steve.
Part Three 
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lostwords-found · 2 months
So that last post by Alesis Newman, the one that was locked by "BetterTheNew", was dated January 3 2018. Eight months before her previous post.
The police files on Dr Samuel Webber were dated April 3 2009. Eight months before the date in his journal.
Dr Samuel Webber murdered his ex and then was turned into a tree. We don't know what happened to Alesis Newman's ex before she turned herself into some kind of coral creature, but she was taking bereavement leave at the end. Out of death, something is trying to be born. Or reborn...
...Oh yeah, and let's not even go near this other (lonely, eye-encrusted) rabbithole, let alone down it:
Norris read Dr. Webber's case, about a man who murdered his lover rather than lose her and then was trapped alone in a walled garden, in denial about what he had done and eternally haunted by her voice, with only a small piece of himself remaining aware and perpetually terrified but unable to voice its fear. Cool! Yeah. That's definitely... that's definitely not significant or deeply upsetting in any way.
But Chester... Chester read Alesis Newman's case, about a woman who intentionally destroyed herself in the wake of a lover whom she saw as trying to change her into the person he wanted her to be--and replaced herself with something new and inhuman. Something that has her eyes.
And by post 13, using her paralysis computer, Alesis is writing with her eyes. So is that actually her writing? If it's not, when in that sequence of posts did it stop being her? What does "no longer her" actually mean in this context? Certainly, she's becoming something that the Alesis of eight months earlier, the Alesis of the immediately-deleted fourteenth post, would no longer identify with--if some part of her still existed.
Cool. Yeah. That's definitely not significant... or deeply upsetting... in any way.
OK but I said let's not go down that rabbithole, so let's forget I just said any of that and go back to talking about the post dates, yeah?
So, sometimes some of these cases have some interesting correspondences with TMA statements, so there might be something there. Alesis started that thread, opening up to everyone about her journey to creating a better her, on June 20, 2018. I wonder if there were any TMA statements dated June of 2018?
Case #0181206 (June 12, 2018)
Statement of unknown bystander regarding an encounter with The Archivist.
Okay, well, that's... interesting, but not necessarily meaningful. Let's try this: the last date in her transformation/replacement, the last point where maybe there was still something left of the original "her," was September 3, 2018. Anything interesting happen in TMA in September of 2018?
Case #0182509-A (September 25, 2018)
Original recording of events leading to the disappearances of Jonathan Sims, Martin Blackwood, Alice Tonner and Peter Lukas.
...Ah. Ha. Um. Well, that could also be an interesting coincidence. What about that deleted 14th post that was somehow eight months earlier, back in January? The one with an Alesis who still tried to cry out against the thing she was becoming?
There's nothing in January, but... oh... right.
Case #0170908 (August 7, 2017 )
Statement of Elias Bouchard, regarding the dreams of Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, currently unresponsive.
Case #0181502 (February 15, 2018)
Statement of Oliver Banks, regarding his dreams and trying to run away. Statement given directly to Jonathan Sims, Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, currently unresponsive.
...January of 2018, Jonathan Sims was in a coma. September of 2018, the Archivist received the final mark that would enable Jonah's ritual.
January through September of 2018 in the world of Protocol, something was trying to be born into a physical form, replacing Alesis Newman.
Cool, I say through gritted teeth. Yeah. That's definitely not significant, or deeply upsetting, in. any. way.
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dickgraysonass · 2 months
Shatter me in pieces.
Batfam x neglected reader. Part 2
Warning: neglect
Summary: what went wrong and when did it get this bad.
( forgive me if its cringe and the mistakes it might have and also im sososo sorry if the time line doesnt make sense but just imagine it does )
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The first time you realized that you had became invisible in the eyes of everyone was actually surprisingly at a gala. Dick was 18 or so , jason was around 15 and you about 12 or 13( close to the same age as Tim) .
The gala was supposed to be for a promotion and advertisement . It was one of those important galas , where batman had to take a rest for the night. you cant even remember what it was really for but it got swarmed by the paparazzi as soon as they got wind that both of the adopted Wayne sons would be their making it their first public appearance together , something that the tabloids would eat up.
It wasn’t your first gala or public appearance but you still tried to look your best , wearing a stunning black dress that shimmered because of all the sparkles you so longingly begged bruce to get you.
Matching with bruce and your brothers which all had matching black suits with a red ross on the left breast pocket . you added a red ross perfectly place behind between your ears with the help of Alfred. Before you guys left for the gala bruce told all of you to enjoy the night and to be on your behavior .
when guys arrive you were swarmed by the flashing lights and clicks of the greedy cameras, well at least they were. You on the other hand were being pushed and accidentally shoving you out of the way, the only thing holding you in place was the lessening hand on dick but it didn’t take long before your hand broke off, sweeping you into the sea of paparazzi. The only one to notice your disappearance was dick and he couldn’t really do much because of all the eyes on him. You also couldn’t try and squeeze your way back in with them so sat idly on the side eating some food while you waited for them to be done. You didn’t think about it too much at the time but your heart ached for some reason. Each bite you took brung you closer to tears but you couldn’t cry even when most of the attention was focused towards them . Not right now. Not when the very few eyes that were on you looked at you with something you couldn’t really explain. It was like A mix of pity and mockery.
As your eyes swelled up with tears and your finally broke you couldn’t take it anymore . you ran out onto the streets of Gotham before anyone could see you cry . Luckly the people outside were too busy with their own life to notice a little kid running out of a giant building in tears . You ran until you reached the nearest alleyway scouring deep into the alley . finally relaxing you sat down on the dirty floor covered in dirt and other stuff , your legs collapse, giving your already flowing tears to spill faster and more intensely. It was nice to let tour feeling out for bit , not letting the expectations of being a Wayne hold you down.
At that moment you felt helpless , kind of scared , angry and disappointed. You didn’t know if the disappointment and anger was directed toward your father and your brothers or yourself. You felt angry because he left you alone , anger toward the paparazzi , your dad and anger towards dick for not holding your hand tighter. Maybe , just maybe if he had held your hand a bit tighter you wouldn’t be here, on the dangerous streets of Gotham on the dirty floor crying like a stray waiting for a miracle to happen and to get adopted. But you couldn’t stay angry at them , it wasn’t their fault the paparazzi pushed you away , its not their fault you are here in an alley all alone and crying .
Its not their fault , its yours , all yours.
It was pointless to wish( just look how it turned out for you, both in adoption and wishing).
You sat there for a few minutes with no plan of getting up anytime soon . You just listen to the rumbling of faraway engine and the busy life of padestrians as they walk by never noticing you huddled at the very end of the alleyway. It was oddly soothing and relaxing in a way.
You don’t know for how you sat the there or what you where even still doing there. Maybe you wished for one of your brothers to notice you were gone from the crowd of riches and snobs and come looking for you.
Holding on to the little bit of hope you had you stayed for a bit longer waiting for their footsteps offerone of them to call out your name. Your head had been between tour legs so when you heard footsteps you couldn’t see who had come but you had hoped it was them intil you released that the footsteps came from the dead end of the alley and not from the entrance of it. Too scared to look up you tried staying as still as you as if trying to magically blend into the background , shutting your eyes as if that would hell. Your breath became raged and unstable. You had always known that Gotham was never the safest place to be especially at night and alone and you knew that on your own you could never fight them you had seen the injuries and havoc they have caused, shown by your brothers and father with their daily bruses and cuts . This was definitely a time where you wished to be as good as jason in combat or as good as dick in acrobatics to escape from here. the person was now right infront of you, and curiously you peak your eyes open to find a pair of shoes in front of you. You tried to quickly figure out who they belonged to to be able to make the best decision of how to escape the situation till you were interrupted by their voice. You quickly looked to find……..
Part 3
Again im so sorry if the timeline doesn’t make if you guys have any idea on how old they actually have by this time pls tell( its a flashback)
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stealingyourbones · 10 months
Submitted Prompts #144
*shakes a bag of bird skulls I found in the woodsI and places it on your desk like it's a bag of gold*
I had an idea:
What if the Fenton parents are, in fact very competent Hunters, but they love their children more than their work?
Say the first shot Maddie ever fired at Phanton actually lands, and the scream he makes sounds too much like Danny's voice, to a point even with any ghostly distortion, his own still recognizes the voice.
I can see her pulling Jack to the side, making a ruckus about how the "darn ghost got away just as her blaster ran out of juice". Mostly as a way to get Danny her darling son to leave and go somewhere safe, while his parents have a whole breakdown in the GAV about their dead son.
And so begins the stealthy studies on how Phantom's "human disguise" works, the Revelation of Horrible Truth, keeping tabs on Danny's growth and revising their whole attitude on Ghosts to account for the fact that Danny himself is, at least in some part, a Ghost himself, but all he's done is live his life (and be the little hero Mom always said he'd grow up to be).
Jazz stumbles across his secret and is immediately pulled aside to join the secret "Protect the Baby Ghost" family group chat.
"And what about all the times they shot at him in canon" I hear you ask?
They're damn good shots, but while Maddie can train herself to aim just so that the shot misses just enough it looks like Phantom dodged it, Jack has the Fenton Bazooka outfitted with a tracking HUD that purposely fails to hit everyone's favorite Ghost Boy.
Danny picks up on that, but not on the fact that They Know.
And so begins the single most convoluted training arc ever.
Next time Skulker's in town, Phantom has become untouchable. Not a single shot or electrified net reaches it's target.
(The electrified weapons in particular send the Fentons into a rage when Sam and Tucker finally can't keep hiding it, and come clean about what happened, since the Fentons have proven themselves to be trustworthy)
When Red Huntress comes about, and Valerie Grey becomes barely a distant acquaintance after having only just now started becoming more than a friend, and with the GIW sniffing about, Maddie and Jack pull Danny to sit between them and finally tell him they know, and they want to prove that they'll love him just as much as before, whether Human or Ghost.
Danny breaks down in the safety of his family's love, and takes some time off as Phantom to help his parents establish a proper line of communication with the Ancients, considering they've kinda adopted themselves into the roles of Aunts and Uncles towards their little Ghostling.
Which is a good thing, because in Phantom's absence the GIW make a giant spectacle of destroying several houses while chasing some blob ghosts. They're chased out of town by brick, stone and metal bat.
Next time Red Huntress actually manages to hurt Danny, the Fentons pack up and leave. The Portal can be transported somewhere else. It can be rebuilt.
Their baby boy can't be rebuilt, no matter how much he likes to be a little shit and ignore Reality to quote Shakespeare at his own head (thank you Mr Lancer, for not giving up on him) or "give them a hand".
As Fenton takes the last tour of Amity, Phantom disappears. The Protal has been left seemingly unguarded.
The Ghosts decide to have one last hurrah in Anity Park before Danny closes the Portal, as per their deal. They won't hurt anyone, just cause chaos, but in return Phantom won't stop them. It's not like poor Red has the energy to chase them down, now that she's been "upgraded" into Amity's sole defender (the one time Lancer compares her new lack of sleep to Danny's, horrifying pieces start lining up too well in her mind)
The Fentons move out. Into a quiet farm neighbouring the land that belongs to the delightful couple that are the Kents, and their darling son, little Clark, who stares at Danny mildly horrified whenever he comes by to babysit, or help out with fixing the stubborn tractor. One day under Danny's clever hands, and Jonathan Kent's eagle-eyed gaze, and that damned tractor has never worked so well before. The boy's alright in the old man's eyes, and he makes sure they kid knows it.
After quiet rooftop admissions of one small boy's growing powers (I know Adult Clark is a brick house of a man, but what if he was a little twig while young) and the reveal of Something More Than Human from his honorary older brother, the course of Time sets into it's best version, and an Old Clock smiles, as Superman rises, only to be scolded by Spectre for recklessness.
(Dunno how well it came across, but I'm envisioning Valerie's feelings towards Danny to go from bitter resignation because she " had to" push him away, to horrified despair when the truth starts falling into place. He's her "the one that got away". And it's not like she gave him much of a reason to trust her with his secrets.
Maybe older and wiser Red Huntress gets invited to the Justice League, and has to deal with not just Fenton, but also Phantom flirting with her, after a good long conversation on how dumb they both were as kids, and a mutual vow of "I think I can do better now, and I want to prove it to you")
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hughiecampbelle · 2 months
The Boys Preference: Sacrificing Yourself
Requested: Could we have the characters reacting to reader on a mission and they do that thing like, "You go ahead, I'll catch up!" when actually they plan on sacrificing themselves to the job can get done? - anon
A/N: THIS IS SO ANGSTY I LOVE THIS REQUEST!!! My love, thank you for requesting!!! I feel like that elmo meme where he's surrounded by fire lol. I hope you like it my love!!!! Feedback is always appreciated!!! 💜💜💜
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Butcher knew what you were doing. You urged him to run, to leave, and it hit him. He tried to talk to you, to stop you, but you pushed him, ordered him away. The look in your eyes told him everything. You knew exactly what you were doing. You weren't naive or stupid. You knew you weren't going to make it out of this. You're begging him now. Please, Butcher, go! He knows there's no stopping you. You've made up your mind. So, he does as ordered. And when they hear gunshots, one after the other, until there is an eerie silence, he walks away. Disappears. No one hears from him for weeks. He goes over that day incessantly. Was there really no talking you out of it? You seemed so sure, so tired. Did he take the cowards way out? No one blames him, but he definitely blames himself. He doesn't go to the funeral. He can't bear to look at any of your friends. They'll wanna know what happened. How could he explain it? How could he tell them he knew what you were doing and still let it happen? If it was him, he wouldn't have wanted anyone to talk him out of it.
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Hughie can't breathe. You let go of his hand. He thought you were right behind him. Everyone did. But when he turned back, when he called your name, you were still inside. The building was burning, engulfed in flames. Everyone grabbed at him, telling him it would be stupid to go back in, that it was too late. Your supe abilities had started the fire, but if you wanted to stop them, if you wanted to put an end to this fight, then you had to (quite literally) blow the place up. Blow yourself up. Hughie gets away, but it's too late. It happens slowly. The sounds. The building collapses. Hughie bent over, panicking, gasping for air. There's still a chance, he says through ragged breathing, but The Boys share a knowing look. There isn't. Everyone inside was dead. You saved them, but at what cost? He beats himself up about it every day going forward. He still can't believe it. He should have grabbed your hand, he should have known.
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Annie blames herself. She should have known. She should have realized. She should have stopped you. You weren't a Supe, you were just selfless. You knew you wouldn't have made it out. Annie could have. She could have if her powers were working. Its her fault. If she could have stopped them, then you wouldn't have done this, you wouldn't have sacrificed yourself. She should have been taking care of you, protecting you, not the other way around. Wasn't that her Jon? Wasn't that the only thing she ever wanted to do? Help people. Take care of them. Take care of you. If you're not safe with her, who is? When she realizes what you've done, it's too late. Hughie and Kimiko try to talk to her, reminding her that there's no way anyone could have known about your plan, but she doesn't want to hear it. She doesn't want to feel better. She wants you back.
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M.M. is angry. He didn't know what you were planning. He didn't know the last time he saw you would be the last. You disappeared inside, turned off your ear piece, turned off your phone, and never turned back. He yelled and screamed and begged for you to answer him, but it was too late. By the time he went in alongside The Boys, when it was finally safe to do so, you were dead. So was everyone in the building. He was wary of you at first, being a Supe and all, but he warmed up to you. He cared about you. It wasn't supposed to end like this. It wasn't supposed to end at all. He was angry. At himself for not being able to stop you, for not realizing, but also at you. You'd been so used to relying on yourself. You had a team now. You had Marvin and friends and colleagues to rely on. You didn't have to sacrifice yourself. You didn't have to do this. There was another way. There always was.
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Frenchie can't believe it. He knows you didn't come out. He knows everyone inside is dead. And yet, he can't wrap his head around the idea that you're gone. You sacrificed yourself like that. Like it meant nothing. There's a funeral and The Boys are all mourning in their own way, but he's stuck in denial. He waits for you to come bursting through the door, looking for Butcher to yell at or signing with Kimiko. He watches your desk collect dust, wondering why you haven't been around to clean it. They try to talk to him, about you, but gets so hung up on the fact that they're saying everything in past tense, he can't bear to listen. You were right behind him. You were running together, escaping, but when he got out you were nowhere to he found. He tried to go back in, but it was too dangerous. He cursed himself. He still does. There must have been something he could've done to stop you. There must've been something he missed in your last interaction together.
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Kimiko doesn't understand. She can't wrap her head around it. She tried to stop you, to scream, but it was too late. You were trying to distract Homelander, letting your friends get away safely. It was a death sentence. And yet, you stepped up and challenged him. He hated you the most. He'd never back down from a fight with you. Frenchie grabbed her and pulled her away. She could have fought back. Why didn't she fight back? By the time everyone is out and far enough away, Homelander gets bored and uses his lasers to slice through you slowly, agonizingly. You spend the seconds you have left grateful. Kimiko and The Boys got away. They're safe now. That's what really mattered. Kimiko shuts down. She's angry and hurt and can't bear to be around anyone who tries to make her feel better. She isolates herself, spending time in your apartment, around your things, waiting for you to come home. You don't. You can't. You never will.
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freyito · 8 months
"ɴɪᴄᴇ ᴘɪʟʟᴏᴡꜱ" || ᴊᴏʜɴɴʏ ᴄᴀɢᴇ & ᴋᴇɴꜱʜɪ ᴛᴀᴋᴀʜᴀꜱʜɪ
✧ a/n: can't believe my first piece of 2024 is a part 2 to this booby fic... but goddamn i need my head in kenshis boobies rn. it'd make everything better...
🗒 cw: gn reader cause everyone can have boobs, bonus points!, not proofread
✎ wc: 750
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⎯ Johnny Cage
Good GOD does Johnny love burying his face in your chest any time he can. He mainly does it when he's had a bad day. It's a great way to destress, he says. He promises there's nothing more to it. And he's right.
Sure, Johnny can be provocative and that charm doesn't exactly disappear. But seriously, this is like way too comforting for him. The stress of directing, making something worth it, it all dissolves when he's face first in your chest.
And he talks. He talks and talks. Will not stop yapping. His entire day, whatever he's done, something about movies. Every word muffled because he refuses to leave, or even lift his head off your chest.
So, when you return home after a particularly bad day, you decided to try Johnny's method of destressing. Johnny's on the couch, watching The Princess Bride for like the 27th time. It's the perfect time to strike. And strike you do.
Before he can properly welcome you home, your face is pressed between his tits within seconds. Sweet, sweet heaven. You understand now. You understand everything. Your stress dissipates, tensions of the day gone, immediately.
You can barley hear Johnny giggling and joking, you're too caught up in a euphoric daze. You only lift your head when it feels like you can't breathe. Johnny stares down at you with the biggest knowing grin ever. He's not gonna make fun of you, even with that hint of mischief in his eyes.
⎯ Kenshi Takahashi
Kenshi is disciplined, he likes to think. So he doesn't he really even think about burying his face in your chest. On top of that, he's pretty busy. The OIA, the Taira, the Yakuza... it's a lot. You don't seem him at home much.
However, in those rare moments he gets with you, some time's he'll lay his head on your stomach or your thighs. He enjoys the kind of connection, some sort of contact after a hard day of work. It grounds him.
But oh, come on. We've seen how big this guy is. Massive tits. C'mon. It takes you a while to build up the courage to go for it. But when he's wearing tank tops, compression shirts, etc... it's so hard to restrain yourself.
Kenshi KNOWS. Sometimes he does it on purpose. But when you start stalking him, keeping your distance, plotting... he wonders what's gotten into you. He makes it a game, kind of. But you're winning. As hard as he's trying to keep up with you.
You find the perfect time to execute your plan. You two are cuddled up late into the night, savoring the rare moment of touch. Without warning, you seize your chance. You roll over onto his chest, head first into those big naturals. Silence cascades over the both of you. Oh, it's even better than you imagined it. Soft... warm... inviting... it's a shame he keeps them hidden. Kenshi doesn't know how to react. Eventually, after several minutes of agonizing silence (and pure bliss between this guys pillows), he finally wraps his arms around you and even pulls you a bit closer.
⎯ Hanzo Hasashi
Hanzo also considers himself controlled. He's above acts like that. Or so he thinks. He won't outright plank into your chest, but when there's downtime, he quite enjoys laying on your chest, with your arms around him. Reading a book or something. That's just the way he likes to wind down.
We've all seen the side-boobage on this man though. Untapped market right there. It'd be a shame NOT to put your head between those pecs. Like, it'd be a sin not to.
One night, during some much needed time alone, you find yourself wrapped up in Hanzo's arms. It's a quiet night, he's finding it hard to fight off sleep. He's been busy, and it's been a hell of a week for him.
His defenses are down, so you take up the opportunity. Awkwardly, you wiggle in his arms, flipping from your back to your face. What awaits you is reminiscent of the gates of heaven. God, you could live like this.
Hanzo's mind is fried, so he doesn't quite understand. To him, you feel more like a weighted blanket. Which ends up making it even harder to stay awake. He's trying to savor every moment with you, but sleep is quickly catching up with him. Waking up to you still resting your head on his pecs however... part of him is glad he was too tired to understand.
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© freyito, 2024 | masterlist | queue | kofi DO NOT REPOST AS YOUR OWN OR USE FOR AI/AI CHATBOTS.
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rrriiight i was thinking of a hualian x reader thing. the reader is a bit cold and apathetic but caring of two certain people and had been all the way through with hualian like for example, had served xie lian when he was still a prince or helped hong er from time to time. but somehow they just vanished and never came back.
surprise surprise, whilst hualian and some other gods were on a mission, they got attacked let’s say (or were in danger) and guess who came to save them? reader! and thats when it clicks for hualian. that was you. you weren’t gone. so- they never let you get away ever again.
just an idea that came to mind :D
In the Back of Your Mind
Hua Cheng x gn!reader x Xie Lian
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I'm so sorry it took so long! I try to put my life updates in my bio, but I've been very busy moving houses! So I'm rlly sorry and I hope this is good!
I didn't know if you wanted reader to be a ghost or a god but I made them a ghost
Because gods don't usually disappear for like ever? Idk uhm if you don't like that just tell me and I'll edit it!
Made up a scenario that puts Xie Lian and Hua Cheng at a disadvantage
Ignore grammar mistakes
Slight OOC!!!
Made up details about reader and their life
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng are very happy with their relationship and their life
But something's missing
Someone's missing
They haven't seen you in a very, very long time
It's been centuries actually and you still haven't shown up
But they haven't forgotten you, even though you've been missing or maybe even dead they still think about you in the back of their head.
Xie Lian misses you dearly
You had served Xie Lian during XianLe and had always been by his side.
You took your job seriously and it was your first priority to keep Xie Lian happy
You served him well and fought for him too
Your loyalty to Xie Lian was deep and everyone could see it
Everyone knew you loved him besides Xie Lian of course.
Because it was obvious! You wouldn't utter a word to anyone else
Your presence was a cold force to anyone besides Xie Lian
You were always quick to create space with anyone who came near him too.
It seemed like you couldn't care less for anyone else's problems but Xie Lian's.
Not that it mattered to you, as long as you could stay by his side it didn't matter what you were
Whether you were his servant or guard, whether you were next to him or below him, whether he used you as a step or tool.
You never minded, you'd do anything for him even if he wouldn't do those things.
You stayed by his side when Mu Qing and Feng Xin disappeare
You stayed when his palace fell
When his parents died
When Xie Lian started on a bad path
When he turned meaner, rougher, and angrier so that he wouldn't be hurt by the world again
When he grieved because he had been done wrong
You stayed with Xie Lian for as long as you could, and you loved him deeply every second of it.
But then someone took you from Xie Lian.
You never came back
Hua Cheng misses you just as dearly.
You took care of Xie Lian so well and then you just disappeared
When Hong er as caught by Xie Lian obviously he couldn't take care of Hong er by himself
But when Xie Lian was busy, everyone else was too disgusted to touch him
And Hong er didn't want to be in anyone else's arms either
You were different though, even though you were a servant like Mu Qing and Feng Xin you reacted differently
You held Hong er gently, as if the mongrel child would fall to pieces in your arms
You wouldn't let anyone touch him or try to kick him out of the palace
Always quick, you would settle a cold glare on someone if they tried to pull Hong er from your arms
Taking care of Hong er was just as serious as taking care of Xie Lian to you
You spent a lot of time with His Cheng like that
So after Hua Cheng's first death he searched and searched and searched
He never found the two of you
When Hua Cheng had finally found Xie Lian he was so excited to finally see you both again!
Even though he doesn't want to reveal his secret just yet, he hopes the two of you won't find him disgusting for his actions
But. . . You weren't there.
Don't get him wrong Hua Cheng is very happy to see one of the loves of his life after searching so long but you have never left Xie Lian's side so where are you?
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng continued their relationship and their story without you
Which was unfortunate but what could they do?
They had both tried to search for you and found you no where
Things are always changing though
It was just another mission, and it should've been quick and easy. Especially since Xie Lian and Hua Cheng tagged along. Hua Cheng was only here for Xie Lian though, no one else. The mission didn't go smoothly though.
Missions rarely go smoothly when you're in the dark woods, with lots of monsters, and a heavy fog covers the forest. Not smooth at all when lower gods are bickering with Hua Cheng and Xie Lian.
They all got lost and wherever they ended up in these dark woods, had a block on the arrays. Xie Lian can't call for help or reach the heavens and neither can the other gods. What's worse! Powers are blocked too! It's like they've all stumbled upon an area of complete silence as if they were muted.
So even Hua Cheng is struggling a little bit right? Can't break the blocking energy source if you can't find it! Of course the gods all split up, leaving Xie Lian and Hua Cheng alone. It doesn't matter to Hua Cheng if his powers have been weakened or not he'll still do everything he can to protect Xie Lian from the monsters in the woods.
The more time Xie Lian and Hua Cheng stand around in the fog the more things they see. The deeper they go, the thicker the fog gets. And the thick the fog gets the more people they start to see the more things they start to see. It's not a good thing though, it's all illusions and they figured that out quickly when Hua Cheng swipes at a humanoid figure that looks just like Xie Lian.
Xie Lian doesn't have the time to solve the problem because him and Hua Cheng have a big possibility of being hurt right now. E-ming and rouye refuse to move. Hua Cheng will happily use his body and hands to defend Xie Lian if he has to though. Xie Lian says that's silly and chooses to run, dragging Hua Cheng along with him. The foggy ghosts only chase, and it's hard to run in such thick fog.
In fact the fog is so thick that eventually after running so long the ghosts give up on running after them. Xie Lian thought they were safe now but when he looks back Hua Cheng is gone.
Xie Lian shouts for him and tries to look around but the more he looks around the fog the more humanoid figures he sees. they're just. . . Fog. If Xie Lian could see Hua Cheng right now and he still wouldn't know if it was the real one.
The fog is dangerous, creating illusions of people Xie Lian already knows or things from his past, trying to trick him. He's only more lost and he doesn't know how to get out of this mess. It's actually very stressful, how does the fog know all these things, how is it forming the people he used to know and love?
Hua Cheng is in the same predicament. He wanders around the fog and at one point he thought he found Xie Lian again but when his hand wrapped around Xie Lian's arm, the figure turned in vapor. They're both lost. They're both being surrounded by crowds of foggy figures.
Just before the foggy figures are able to touch them the fog disperses though. A loud screech Is heard in the air, a sudden cold breeze blowing past Xie Lian and Hua Cheng, then the fog settles down. It turns out they weren't that far from each other at all and Xie Lian has never run into Hua Cheng's arms faster.
When they both see a foggy figure again they get nervous. One, because the fog has dispersed so they thought they were safe now. Two, it looks like you. Xie Lian already hates the fog he's already seen awful things but he doesn't want to see you like this. Not the fake you.
He can't help but tear up when 'you' try to urge him to come forward, but with the fog gone so is the blocked energy. Xie Lian shoots rouye out, trying to make the awful sight go away by rouye wraps around a surprisingly very sturdy wrist. You grip on rouye and pull Xie Lian forward a little, uttering a small "Dianxia, Hong er"
They know it's you, even though it seems so unbelievable. Xie Lian is literally jumping on you and knocking you to the ground. Hua Cheng manages to act a little more suave but he'd be a liar to say he isn't astonished. It's just a big pile of tears, embraces, and "I love you's".
Xie Lian and Hua Cheng waste no time bringing you home, they cling on to you desperately. Even if you just want to explore Paradise Manor it doesn't matter, both of them are at your side. They absolutely refuse to let you go. As if they're scared, if they look away you'll vanish again. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng just won't let that happen! They love you very much and they've missed out many years of loving and caring for you. They plan to repay all the missed affections
Uhhhh here it is! I hope it's good 🤔 honestly I feel a little eh about this but let me know what y'all think 🖤I don't know if this is exactly what you were imagining anon but if it wasn't this make another submission in like deeper, exact details and I'll try again okay!
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jennystudios-blog · 4 months
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Bat fam x batsis
Chapter #1
It was a cold snowy night in Gotham City and the batfamily were on patrol in different parts of the city and Nightwing and Jason just got finished beating up some of the Riddler's goons and was reporting back to Oracle , when nightwing heard a strange sound and went to investigate as he got closer he realized the strange sound was a baby crying as he got closer it heard it getting louder anf then he stopped in a alley. Inside the alley there was a big box and when he opened the box. Nightwing found a bundle of blankets and peaks in the blankets to see a crying baby and a note and a locket he heard the note:
"Please take care of my baby I can keep her safe please keep her safe for me please
I'm sorry I had to leave my little owlette be safe I love you and I will always love you I hope one day we will meet again in the future ~ mama owl"
Nightwing picked up the baby, the note and the locket and went to find Jason and called Oracle and lets her know they are heading back to the cave with another person
(Time skip)
Back at the cave everyone was in the cave before Nightwing and Jason got back. Jason went to stand to the side and Nightwing walked over to the others
Damien: Grayson where is the other person why are you bringing random people to the bat cave
Everyone started lecturing dick and Jason when they heard cooing and they realized Dick was holding a bundle of blankets.
Batman got up from his chair and walked over to see what dick was holding and moved a piece of the blanket that was covering the baby's face and he realized it was a baby.
Bruce: dick why do you have a baby
Dick: she was in a box in an alley abandoned in the snow, she came with a note and a locket
Bruce took the note and the locket and looked up the people in the locket it was a woman and a man holding a babygirl with a owl stuffed animal in her little hands smiling a adorable baby smile. When he ran a facial scan he found out that the father was a firefighter but died when the joker blow up the hospital and the mother it looked up she disappeared from the face of the earth she is no where to be found but they did find the baby's birth certificate:
First Name:y/f/n
Middle name:y/m/n
Last name:y/l/n
Father:Markus thorne
Mother: Cassidy newman
Weight:7 pound (3.2 kg)
Race: mexican
Gender: female
Birth place: Gotham general hospital
Time:01:31 am
When Bruce was done reading and looks over at the baby who was babbling nonsense so he thought the baby should probably be around 12 months old. Bruce didn't want the baby to go though the system since it was pretty bad so Bruce decided to adopt the child. Bruce quickly send the adoption agency a adoption form filled with his signature and send it to them minutes later the agency finalized the form and send congrats to Bruce for the kid.
Hey i hope you liked it I might suck and I'm sorry if it does but I have been reading a few batfam x toddler reader and etc and I really wanted to make my own
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chvoswxtch · 1 year
all i need is you
pairing: matt murdock x fem!reader
summary: following the morning after matt's run in with elektra, you have a lot of decisions to make about your future together.
warnings: swearing, angst, explicit sexual content (minors pls dni), mentions of pregnancy
word count: 8.2k
a/n: y'all have been requesting a sequel to please don't be mad for almost 6 months now, & I apologize it's coming so late. there were a lot of things y'all wanted to see happen in the sequel, & I took all of that feedback to heart & incorporated as much as I could in a way that made sense to me. i've been working on this for months, & it was really important to me to create something you guys would really love & be happy with. thank you to everyone that even wanted a sequel, & for being so patient. as always, feedback is welcomed/appreciated!
[part one]
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It was almost crazy to think that just over a year ago, you thought your relationship with Matt Murdock was over for good. 
When you had awoken that following morning by his side, head clear of the rage and lust induced haze you had been captured in, all that was lingering was a heart heavy with hurt and stinging with betrayal. You had silently collected all of your belongings, pressed one last kiss to Matt’s lips, and granted his peaceful sleeping form one final glance before leaving your spare key on his entry table and disappearing into the twilight. 
All of his words still echoed in the back of your mind, but so did his actions. The promise of marriage was eclipsed by the cherry lip stain on his collar. The prospect of a family was diluted by the scent of an expensive perfume that didn’t belong to you. The vow of faith and love was broken by yet another lie. 
You loved Matt, more than you had ever loved anyone, and more than you ever thought you could love another person. You knew deep down that he was a good man. You tried to believe that he would never intentionally hurt you. But it had gotten to the point where you couldn’t ignore the ache he left in your chest. 
You needed time to try to forgive him. You weren’t even sure if you could forgive him at all. The cut he’d made ran deep, and you couldn’t decide if it was because he’d made it with her blade, or if it was simply his own that had been slicing away at the same spot over and over and over. Regardless, you needed time. Time away from him; to heal, to think, to decide. 
But Matt Murdock had never been a man of patience.
For two endless weeks your phone constantly lit up with his name, filling up with messages containing apologies and desperate pleas. You started arriving early to work and left later than usual to throw him off your schedule. You had the receptionist bypass all his calls and made security aware that he was not welcome in your office. You ignored all the usual spots that he knew you frequented, and especially the ones you went to together. For the first time in over a year, you locked all your windows to ensure he couldn’t slip through in the middle of the night. You blasted music through your headphones so you didn’t have to hear the pain in his voice as he called out your name, fist banging away at your front door so hard you were certain he was going to actually break it down. 
It was torture. Even though he had been the one to wrong you, a piece of you felt guilty. You could hear the terror and remorse in his voice when he stood outside your door, begging for forgiveness, chanting your name over and over as if you were the deity he worshiped and needed absolution from. It left a bitter taste in your mouth to be yet another person to turn your back on him, but through the wave of your sadness came the tide of anger, reminding you that he had done this. He had forced your hand. He made a choice, and you had to make yours. 
The guilt from also having to ignore Karen and Foggy weighed heavily on your chest. They knew what had happened. You had just as many sympathetic voicemails and unanswered texts from them asking if you were okay, and if you wanted to talk. You hated not being able to lean on them when you were at your most vulnerable. They were your family just as much as Matt was, but you couldn’t talk to them or be around them. They just reminded you of him. A huge part of you resented him for that, for making you feel like you couldn’t go to the two other people you loved most in this world for comfort because of what he did. You had spent the past few years building your entire life around Matt, and he had selfishly sent it crashing to the ground, leaving you completely isolated beneath the debris.
For two long weeks, you felt trapped beneath a heavy blanket of depression you couldn’t seem to find your way out from. 
And then she happened. 
How Elektra had managed to break into your apartment when Matt couldn’t, you weren’t sure, but the day you came home to find her in your living room with a bag of your things packed by her feet, you were stunned silent.
“I need you to come with me.”
“What? Why?”
“Because Matthew is an idiot and he’s put you in danger. We need to go. Now.”
She didn’t even give you a chance to hesitate, gripping your overnight bag into one hand, and forcing you out your door with the other. The ding of the elevator dropping you to the lobby seemed to wake you out of whatever trance she had put you in, and you stared at her in confusion as you stood firmly outside the metal doors.
“I don’t understand. What are you doing here? Where are we going?”
“I’ll explain when we get there. We need to move.”
“I don’t-“
“Listen. You don’t know me. You’ve got no reason to trust me. But right now, I am trying to save your life. So if you’ll please-“
Elektra paused for a moment as she looked at you. The annoyance on her perfect features vanished slowly, taking in the pain and confusion that were clearly plastered on yours. 
“Because you’re important to Matthew, which means you’re important to me.”
Elektra filled you in on everything the moment she had secured you away in a penthouse uptown that was registered under an alias. What she and Matt thought were the Yakuza had ended up being a much older and sinister organization called The Hand. They were into some freaky cult shit that you didn’t quite understand, but you got the gist that they were powerful, and extremely dangerous. They were also everywhere. They had tracked her and Matt, and a man named Stick that had trained the two of them, back to Matt’s apartment the night after the gala. They had been tracking him ever since, and because he had continuously been going to your office and apartment, they knew all about you. 
She even told you the truth about how she had met Matt, and how it had all been a set up by Stick to bring him back to their side; to fight the war that he had been warning them both about. 
“I don’t know what Matthew has told you about me. Probably nothing good. But I need you to know…I did love him. That’s why I left. I realized…he wasn’t like us. He would never be like us. He was too…good. He didn’t belong with Stick and I. I didn’t want to be the one to put that light out inside of him. I didn’t want anyone to. I didn’t mean to cause any trouble between the two of you the night of the gala. I wasn’t aware that he hadn’t told you that I was in town, or what we were doing. I swear I was only trying to protect him.”
There was a glimmer of regret dancing along Elektra’s waterline, and you could see her own pain shadowing the faint smile on her lips. 
“You weren’t the one that lied to me.”
Elektra blew out a breath as she took a seat in front of you, dragging her teeth along her bottom lip as she nodded.
“Matthew always has pure intentions. I know that. But for someone who is incredibly intelligent, he’s also a complete dumbass. He tries so hard to do the right thing…but he doesn’t stop to think about if he’s doing it the right way. Look I don’t…I don’t know anything about the two of you, and I’m not telling you what to do, but I can tell you that he is absolutely in love with you.”
“So…you didn’t come back to New York for him?”
“For his help, yes. To rekindle whatever we had, no. But for the record, even if I had, I wouldn’t have stood a chance in Heaven or Hell against you.”
There was something oddly comforting about Elektra’s words and the timid smile on her lips. It eased some of the tension pent up in your body, and you felt a little lighter as you let a deep exhale out through your parted lips. Nibbling on your bottom lip, you glanced over at her as you anxiously twisted a ring around your index finger.
“I…thank you. You…you didn’t have to…do all of this. I hate to even ask anything of you when you’re already doing so much for me but…can you just…not tell Matt I’m here? I’m not ready to talk to him yet.”
Elektra flashed you a pitiful smile as she gave a slight nod of her head.
“Of course. It’ll be our little secret.”
It only took Matt three days to figure out that Elektra had been hiding you, and as he burst through the front door of her penthouse, he was absolutely incandescent. 
“You have got to be fucking kidding me. You’ll have a sleepover with her, but you won’t talk to me?”
“Watch your tone, Matthew.”
Elektra glared over at Matt, tightening her grip on the knife in her hand that was hovering over a cutting board filled with various ingredients. 
Matt furiously tore off his glasses as he angrily pointed his finger in her direction, the top of his lip curling up into a menacing snarl.
“I don’t want to hear shit from you after you-“
“I protected her because you led the Hand right to her. You’re fucking welcome by the way.”
Elektra let out a deep angry exhale as she turned to face you with a sour pout on her lips. She gestured her head in Matt’s direction with a quirk of her brow.
“I can get rid of him if you’d like.”
“Excuse me?”
“I wasn’t speaking to you, Matthew.”
Sighing heavily as you let go of the whisk in your hand, you pushed the large bowl of batter forward on the kitchen island and wiped your hands off on a small towel. Rubbing your hands over your tired eyes, you waved your hand dismissively towards Elektra.
“It’s…it’s fine, Ellie. I’ll deal with him.”
Elektra eyed you for a moment before shooting another glare in Matt’s direction. She dropped the knife onto the cutting board, wiping her hands off on the same towel before clasping them together loudly.
“Right, well, I’ll leave the knife out just in case. Remember the three main areas I taught you to stab. I’ll be upstairs if you need me.”
After you watched Elektra disappear upstairs into her bedroom, you turned around to face Matt. His eyes were absolutely wild with rage and his face was morphed into complete disbelief as he blanched at you.
“Ellie? Since when the hell is she Ellie?”
“Since she’s the only one around here that tells me the truth about what the fuck is going on.”
Matt clenched his fists at his sides as he stared blankly over at you, and you watched as a muscle feathered in his jaw. 
“What did she tell you?”
“Everything you didn’t.”
You could practically feel the anger radiating off of him in waves, but you had more of a right to be pissed off than he did. Matt shoved his hand into his pocket, producing a shiny silver object that he held out in front of him between his thumb and index finger.
“What is this?”
Crossing your arms over your chest, you arched one of your brows as you looked at him.
“A key.”
Your key. 
Matt’s nostrils flared as he clenched his jaw, quickly crossing the distance between you to stand directly in front of you.
“Don’t get smart with me. Do you have any idea how it felt to wake up that next morning and you were gone? All of you, your things, everything gone? And to find this on the table? Not even-“
“I’d imagine it was as shitty as you coming home covered in red lipstick and smelling like your ex lover's perfume. Or as shitty as finding out you lied about where you were and who you were with, and that you kissed her and lied about that too.”
Matt ran his hand through his hair quickly in annoyance before dragging it roughly down his jaw, shaking his head as he flung his arms up in the air with frustration.
“Goddamnit Y/N, we talked about that! We worked through it. Then you just…disappeared and ignored me for weeks. You won’t return any of my calls, you won’t open the door, I can’t even-“
“We didn’t talk about anything, Matt! You kept trying to justify your actions and completely ignored how I was feeling. We didn’t work through anything. You manipulated me and we fucked. That is not working through it.”
Matt sighed with exasperation as he stared at you incredulously. 
“I did not manipulate you. Fuck, I told you that I wanted to marry you and have a family witn you-“
“In the middle of sex, Matthew! I don’t know if you even meant that, or if it was a heat of the moment thing. And don’t you dare say you didn’t manipulate me. You took advantage of the fact that I was frustrated and that you hadn’t touched me in weeks. You knew I would give into you. How do you think that makes me feel? That you completely ignored my feelings, manipulated me into sex for forgiveness, and filled my head with all those promises knowing that our relationship was in a bad spot. I can’t trust a word that you say because you can’t seem to stop lying to me.”
Matt’s anger evaporated the second he tasted the salt of your tears in the air. He hung his head between his shoulders in shame, shifting his weight from one foot to the other as the severity of your words nestled in the silence. Letting out a soft sigh, Matt’s tongue darted out to quickly wet his lips.
“You’re right.”
His hazel eyes were more clear without the cloud of vexation, and you could see the way they glistened with regret. Matt’s plump lips fell into a frown, and guilt seemed to tug the rest of his features down like gravity.
“I’m sorry. I swore to you that I wouldn’t lie after I told you the truth about me. I broke my promise to you, I betrayed your trust, and I disrespected our relationship. I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I never, ever meant to hurt you. I didn’t want you to get mad that I was working with Elektra. I didn’t think…I wasn’t thinking. I wasn’t considering your feelings. I shouldn’t have kissed her. I could’ve come up with another diversion. All of this could’ve been avoided if…if I had just told you the truth.”
Matt let out a shaky breath as his blank eyes glanced upwards, closing for a moment as he clenched his fists by his sides. A stray tear slipped past his lashes when he opened his eyes again, slowly lowering himself onto his knees before you as he reached for one of your hands to hold.
“I have been…absolutely fucking miserable these past few weeks, and that’s my own fault. I know that. I have hated not getting to feel your touch, or hear your voice, or be able to tell you how much I love you. I am so fucking sorry if I ever made you question how I feel about you, but Y/N I meant every word that night. You are the love of my life. You do belong with me. I do want to marry you and start a family. I swear to God, I will do whatever it takes to earn your trust back and your forgiveness. Just tell me what I have to do sweetheart, and I’ll do it.”
It broke your heart to see Matt look so distraught. It stung even more than he was on his knees begging for forgiveness instead of asking you to spend the rest of your lives together, but there was an undeniable conviction in his voice. It soothed the pang in your chest slightly to finally hear him acknowledge his fuck up, and apologize for it instead of getting defensive. Elektra had melted away the insecurity you had felt with her confession, and the frightened look that shattered Matt’s face showed you just how scared he was to lose you.
There was still a lot of work to be done on your relationship. It wasn’t going to be fixed overnight, and Matt was going to have to put in a lot of effort to earn your trust back, and prove to you just how much your relationship mattered to him. But you were in love with him, and you knew there was no one else for you but him.
“You can start by taking care of this…”Hand” shit. I’m not loving the fact that I’m being hunted by zombie ninjas because of my idiot boyfriend.”
Matt’s ears instantly perked up, and a lopsided hopeful grin stretched across his lips.
“I’m still your boyfriend?”
“For now. You’re dangerously close to being replaced by Elektra, though. She’s always bluntly honest, and her bed is way nicer.”
You never in a million years thought that your boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend would fight just as hard as he would to keep you safe, but Elektra had. She protected you from The Hand just as fiercely as Matt did, nearly giving her life for you both, and now she was securing the last button on the back of your wedding dress and staring at you in the mirror with a knowing smirk. 
The morning you slipped out of Matt’s apartment heartbroken and desolate seemed like a lifetime ago as you prepared yourself to meet him at the altar in just under an hour. 
“What’s on your mind, little dove? Got cold feet?”
Elektra quirked one of her dark brows as she stared at your reflection with her signature smirk. Karen had left the two of you alone to go check on Matt and Foggy, and she was helping you with your finishing touches. 
After helping save New York, Elektra had stuck around, and to both of your surprises, and certainly to Matt’s, you two had become very close. The more you got to know the more vulnerable side of her, the more you felt for her. She wasn’t the villain that everyone had painted her out to be. She had been a scared little girl, manipulated with a promise of something resembling a family, only to be broken down and molded into something to orchestrate death and destruction instead. It wasn’t unlike what Stick had done to Matt. As a matter of fact, it was worse. 
“If I said yes?”
Elektra hummed quietly as she moved your hair off your shoulder, leaning in to rest her chin on it as she wrapped you up in a hug from behind with a grin on her lips. 
“Ever been to Paris this time of year? It’s beautiful. We could be at a private air strip before anyone even knew what happened. Matthew is fast, but he can’t outrun a Maserati.”
A grin broke out across your lips as you giggled, squeezing onto Elektra’s arms when she winked. You had never been more sure of anything in your life than you were sure that you wanted to spend the rest of your life with Matt Murdock. Both of you knew that. But you also both knew he was eavesdropping just on the other side of the church, and it was incredibly easy to rile him up.
As if on cue, Foggy suddenly burst through the door and pointed a finger at Elektra with an expression of pure irritation on his face. 
“Whatever you’re telling her, knock it off. You’re scaring the shit out of him, and he’s already convinced enough as it is that she's not gonna walk down that aisle.”
“Oh relax, Franklin. Girls got to have their fun, yeah? Besides, I thought they called him the man without fear.” 
Foggy rolled his eyes as he shut the door behind him, walking over to shoo Elektra away as he stood behind you and adjusted your veil down your back.
“Yeah, until it comes to her. Go head to head with the Punisher who's notorious for using automatic weapons with sticks? Sure. Take on a weird cult of ninjas that can’t die and like to use really sharp swords also only with sticks? Why not. Fuck it, let’s use every goddamn tall building in Hell’s Kitchen for parkour practice. But ask the woman I’m ridiculously in love with to marry me and put up with my shit for the rest of our lives? That’s where the devil seems to tuck his tail between his legs.”
Matt had been an absolute nervous wreck the night he proposed to you. He had brought you to the same restaurant that he had taken you to for dinner on your first date, and was fidgety the whole time. Every time you asked if he was okay, he swore up and down that he was, and you figured there was just something overwhelming one or several of his senses. But then you noticed that despite it being mid November, he was sweating as you walked hand in hand through Central Park, and his hand kept nearly slipping from yours. Finally, you stopped and turned to face him, placing your hand on his chest to steady him.
“Okay, what’s going on with you?”
“N-Nothing, I’m fine. Let’s keep-”
“No, you aren’t. You’ve been acting strange all night. You’ve been anxious and fidgety, and now you’re sweating.”
“It’s hot-”
“It’s November, Matthew.”
Matt’s lips parted slightly as he went to protest, but nothing came out. He was usually good at coming up with excuses on the spot, but whatever was going on with him had seemed to completely take over his mind. A soft sigh slipped past your lips as he averted his gaze to the ground, watching as he clenched his fist by his side. You took a step forward to place your hands gently on his cheeks to cradle his face.
“Matty, please talk to me. Is something wrong?”
“No, no nothing…nothing is wrong.”
“Then what is going on? What’s got you so worked up?”
“I’m not worked up-”
Matt let out a sigh of defeat hearing the tone in your voice, his tongue darting out to quickly wet his lips as he attempted to flash you a reassuring smile.
“Can we just keep walking please? There’s something I wanna show you.”
There was evident excitement in Matt’s voice, but it didn’t resonate with you. The way he kept dodging your questions was beginning to put you in a sour mood, conjuring up a bitter taste of realization that he was on the cusp of breaking an oath he had sworn to keep. Dropping your hands quickly from his face, you shook your head in frustration as you turned around swiftly to walk ahead without him.
“You promised me you wouldn’t do this anymore.”
You only made it two steps forward before Matt blurted out a confession laced with full blown panic.
“I’m in love with you.”
Immediately pausing, you turned around to look at him in complete confusion.
“I know that, Matt.”
Matt let out a heavy exhale as he rushed forward and took your hand into his, scrunching up his nose as he shook his head quickly.
“No, I…I mean…that I’m…fuck, this isn’t going right.”
Matt pinched the bridge of his nose as his lips pursed into a frown, and you eyed him curiously as you gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
“What isn’t going right? What are you talking about?”
“Will you just…come with me? Please? I really need to show you something.”
Matt’s face was twisted in what looked like agony, and the desperation in his voice made you nervous. You didn’t think you had ever seen him look so…terrified, not even that night at Elektra’s when he thought you were going to leave him for good. You allowed Matt to guide you further through the park, venturing off down a path only he seemed to know, and stopping once you reached a gate that was covered in ivy. He pulled a key from his pocket to unlock it, and pushed it open with a slight creak, gesturing for you to enter first with a timid smile.
A shocked gasp flew past your lips as you stepped inside. It was an isolated garden, completely closed in by ivy covered walls, lit up only with various strings of white twinkle lights and the glow of the moon. To your delight, there were several plants and flowers in full bloom, and the whole scene looked like a vibrant painting you would hang on your wall. 
“I hear this place is beautiful.”
Turning around to face Matt, you noticed that he had taken off his glasses, and was apprehensively turning them over in his hands over and over. The timid smile was still plastered on his lips, but his eyes were nearly blown open with distress.
“I…it’s…I don’t even know how to describe it. How…how did you find this?”
“Karen did. It’s technically private property owned by the city, but Brett owed me a favor.”
The puzzlement on your face only grew as you stared at Matt, a soft laugh leaving your lips as you gestured around.
“Is this why you’ve been acting so weird? You didn’t think I’d like the surprise?”
Matt’s eyes darted back and forth blankly as he dragged his teeth along his bottom lip, swallowing thickly as he placed his glasses into his jacket pocket and took a few cautious steps forward.
“I…I hoped that you’d like it.”
“Matty, I love it. It’s so beautiful. But you didn’t have to be so nervous to show me this. You could’ve taken me to a random alley and I still would’ve loved it.”
Matt let out a breathless laugh as he shook his head, clicking his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he smiled softly.
“Then it wouldn’t have been special.”
A furrow formed between your brows as you looked at him, trying to decipher all the cryptic pieces he was laying in front of you.
“What wouldn’t have?”
Matt was silent for a moment as he fixed his gaze on your face, tilting his head to the side ever so slightly as he studied you. Finally letting out a deep breath, he reached out to take one of your hands, brushing his thumb delicately over your knuckles as a slow smile spread over his lips.
“I told you, I’m in love with you.”
“And I’m in love with you, Matty.”
Matt took a step closer as he brought his other hand up to cradle your face, a tender smile on his lips as he rubbed his thumb soothingly over your cheek. You couldn’t tell if it was the reflection of the lights in his eyes, but they looked glossy, almost as if he was about to cry, and it made you squeeze onto his hand tighter.
“You…are the first person that has ever truly understood me. The first that’s ever accepted and loved both sides of me. You’ve never shied away from one, or favored the other, or asked me to choose. You haven’t given up on me, even when I’ve given you plenty of reasons to. You are the best part of my day. I can’t tell you how…how happy it makes me to know that when I come home at night, you’re there waiting for me. And no matter what kind of day I’ve had, or how rough of a night it was, it…it doesn’t matter, because you’re there. You give me a reason to make it home. I can’t tell you how much I love that I get to fall asleep holding you and listening to your heartbeat, and start every day hearing your voice and kissing your lips. I have never felt as…happy…and light as I do with you. I want to spend the rest of my life feeling this way. I want to spend the rest of my life ending every night with you and starting every morning with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. So-”
Matt let out a shaky breath as he slowly dropped his hand from your face and tightly held onto your hand. You were already in tears from Matt’s words before, but the moment he dropped down onto one knee before you, the floodgates opened and a choked sob caught in your throat as your other hand flew up to cover your mouth.
“Y/N Y/L/N, will you marry me?”
“Oh my God, Matty…yes…yes!”
Matt blew out a shaky breath of relief as he closed his eyes for a moment, the tension in his shoulders evaporating right in front of your eyes as he let his head drop. You couldn’t help but laugh as you stared down at him in perplexity.
“Did you think I was going to say no?”
Matt rubbed his hand down his face to wipe away his own tears, letting out another breathless laugh and sniffling as he looked up at you with a goofy grin on his lips.
“Figured I had a fifty-fifty shot.”
Lips splitting into the biggest smile you had ever seen, Matt quickly rose to his feet and grabbed your face, capturing your mouth in a deep kiss as you gripped onto his jacket to hold him close. All of a sudden he quickly pulled away and shoved his hand down into his pocket.
“Oh shit, uh…sorry…I…here.”
Matt laughed nervously as he pulled a small velvet black box out of his pocket, opening it to reveal the ring inside. Your mouth fell open as a gasp escaped, and you gripped onto Matt’s forearm as fresh tears welled in your eyes.
“Do…do you like it?”
“I…I love it. It’s…it’s perfect. How did you-”
“I had some help.”
Glancing up at Matt through your teary eyes, you watched as a bashful smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Pulling the ring from the box, Matt gently grabbed onto your wrist with a shaky hand, and carefully slipped the ring onto your finger. It fit absolutely perfectly, and you stared down at it in awe as it dazzled beneath the lights. You were overwhelmed with so many emotions, and you didn’t know what to do other than grab Matt’s face and pull him down for a searing kiss. 
The two of you gripped onto each other as if you were afraid the other might disappear if you loosened your grasp even the slightest. You were a flurry of lips and teeth, trying to devour the other’s desire, consuming the taste of happiness together. Matt laid you down in the soft grass of the garden floor and made love to you right there, intertwining his hand with yours that wore the symbol of his love and promise to you.
A burst of laughter ripped through your chest at that memory of Matt’s nervousness as you covered your mouth, staring at Foggy knowingly in the reflection of the mirror. Elektra’s mouth split into a huge grin as she rolled her eyes, pressing a quick kiss to your temple and giving Foggy’s shoulder a squeeze on her way to the door.
“Alright, alright. Let me go do damage control. I’ll see you both out there. Oh, and Y/N, darling?”
You turned your head to look over at her as she paused in the doorway.
A warm smile tugged at the corners of Elektra’s mouth as she stared over at you, leaning her head briefly against the door. 
“You are the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen.”
You pursed your lips slightly as your face twisted up faintly into an expression of gratitude, returning her smile with one of your own.
“Thank you, Ellie.”
Elektra flashed you a quick wink, closing the door behind her to leave you alone with Foggy.
“She’s right, you know. You do look beautiful.”
A smirk tugged at the corner of your mouth as you looked at Foggy in the mirror, arching one of your brows quizzically.
“Did you just agree with her?”
“That stays between us. This is a one time thing.”
Laughing softly, you turned around to pull Foggy into a tight hug, sighing in relaxation as his arms came around you to hold you securely to his chest. There didn’t seem to be anything that a hug from Foggy Nelson couldn’t fix. All of the pent up nerves seemed to dissipate from the warmth of his embrace, and you suddenly felt a million times lighter.
“Thank you.”
“You don’t have anything to thank me for.”
“I have everything to thank you for.”
“Well in that case, I think Foggy would be a great name for your future kid.”
A deep laugh rumbled in his chest as you giggled, pulling back slightly to peer up at him with a grin.
“I’ll put in a good word.”
After Foggy left you alone to go rejoin Matt and the others, you stared at your reflection in the mirror, smoothing your hands over your dress for the millionth time. A part of you was still in disbelief that today was the day you were marrying your best friend. Matt had sworn to not take the second chance you had given him for granted, and had been treating it as if it were sacred. He opened up to you about everything now, even the rough nights that plagued his thoughts, and the horrors he desperately wanted to protect you from. There wasn’t a single thought or emotion he hid anymore, and he’d even gotten better about finding balance between each of his lives. That wasn’t to say that you both didn’t struggle from time to time still, but your relationship was the healthiest it had ever been.
A knock against the door tore you from your thoughts, and a smile quickly spread across your lips at the sight of the figure leaning against the doorway.
“Hey big guy.”
Frank’s mouth split into a grin as he looked at you, giving a slight nod of his head in your direction.
“Hey darlin’.”
Turning away from the mirror to face him fully, you swallowed thickly as you smoothed your trembling hands down the sides of your dress and gestured to it.
“I look okay?”
Frank cocked his head to the side as he smirked, taking you in with his eyes as he took a few steps forward to stand in front of you.
“You kiddin’? You’re gonna knock Red on his ass.”
You didn’t hardly have any family outside of the chosen one you had made with Matt, Foggy, Karen, Elektra, and Frank. When you’d let it slip to him that you would be walking down the aisle alone, Frank instantly offered to be the one to walk you. He confessed that it would probably be the closest he would ever get to walking his own daughter down the aisle, and you graciously accepted without hesitation. 
A smirk curled at the corner of your mouth as you let your eyes wander over his large figure, finally meeting his deep brown curious eyes.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so…”
“Dressed up, yeah yeah. Don’t get used to it.”
“I was gonna say not covered in blood.”
Frank let out a deep chuckle as he shook his head slowly, looking down at you with a dazzling grin on his lips.
“Figured I could behave for a few days so I didn’t mess up your pretty dress, yeah?”
“How generous of you.”
As the processional music started to play, the nerves you felt earlier returned full force, and you gripped onto Frank’s arm tightly as the reality of the situation started to sink in. This was actually happening. Matt was waiting for you on the other side of these doors, and in just a few moments, he would finally be your husband. Tears started to form in the corners of your eyes as your emotions started to catch up with you, thinking about everything the two of you had gone through together, and how it had all led up to this moment. Frank’s lips brushed against your cheek as he bent down to whisper into your ear.
“You say the word, and I’ll get you outta here. No questions asked, yeah?”
Gripping a little tighter onto his arm, you leaned into Frank’s embrace as a shaky breath left your lips.
“Where would we go?”
“Wherever you want, darlin’. I could hide you places even he couldn’t find.”
You swore you heard Matt groan loudly on the other side of the door, and you couldn’t help but giggle as you dipped your head back to look up at Frank. Taking a deep breath in, you exhaled slowly through your parted lips and nodded with a soft smile.
“I’m ready.”
Frank gave a slight nod as he leaned in to kiss your forehead, dropping his left eye in a wink as he smiled.
“Yeah, sweetheart?”
“Don’t let me fall, please.”
Frank wrapped his right arm tightly around your waist, holding onto your hand with his left one as he squeezed it gently.
»»———  ———««
“As absolutely beautiful as you are in this dress, it’s time for it to come off.”
“You don’t wanna leave it on?”
“I’d love to, sweetheart, but it’s kind of in my way. Besides, it’s so pretty, I’d hate to ruin it with all the things I wanna do to you, Mrs. Murdock.”
A soft gasp left your lips as Matt gently sucked on that sensitive spot on your neck below your ear, and you could feel him grin against your skin when your heart skipped. He had taken every opportunity throughout the evening to call you that, or refer to you as his wife. Every time it hit your ears, a buzz of serotonin flooded your bloodstream and left you hazy.
“And what, exactly, is it that you wanna do to me, Mr. Murdock?”
Matt’s fingertips brushed lightly along the exposed skin of your bare back, causing a shudder to course through you while his nimble fingers delicately tugged the zipper of your dress agonizingly slow down your back. His stubble tickled against your cheek as he nuzzled your jaw, inhaling your scent deeply while leaving open mouthed kisses down the column of your neck.
“Fuck a baby into you.”
Gripping tightly onto his suit jacket, you were suddenly taken back to that night over a year ago when he’d first made that promise, and his words from that night flowed through your ears. 
I’m gonna marry you someday, Y/N.
I will put a ring on your finger tomorrow. 
I will put a baby in you tonight.
A fresh wave of mixed emotions glossed over your eyes, and Matt slowly pulled back to stare blankly down at your face with an expression of concern as he cradled your face in his hand.
“What is it, angel?”
“Nothing. It’s nothing.”
Matt tilted his head to the side slightly as his honey hazel eyes gazed down at you, tongue darting out to quickly wet his lips before they pulled into a timid smile.
“Was it the wedding you always wanted?”
Bringing your own hand up to cup Matt’s jaw, you pulled him in closer to touch your foreheads together as you whispered softly.
“Of course it was, Matty. You were the groom.”
Matt had been continuously asking you the same question all night, wanting to make sure you were absolutely happy with the biggest day of your lives. Honestly, it had been perfect. Karen had taken over as your unofficial wedding planner, and between her, Marci, and Elektra, you’d hardly had to lift a finger. Getting married in a church wasn’t a huge deal for you since you weren’t religious, but you knew how much it meant to Matt, and you offered to marry him in his church where his parents would’ve married. It was small and intimate, exactly what you both wanted.
The second you stepped through the open doors with Frank, Matt immediately started to cry. You were only a second behind him as soon as you saw him, the two of you gripping onto each other’s hands as Father Lantom led the ceremony, bringing everyone in attendance to tears as you exchanged your heartfelt vows. Matt had captured your lips in a deep kiss as soon as Father Lantom uttered his name, and he lightly smacked him over the back of the head with his bible to remind him that he was in church when the kiss started getting a little too heated for the house of God. Maggie had simply laughed, reminding Father Lantom that Matthew was indeed Jack Murdock’s son.
The reception was held at Josie’s where you had first met Matt over two years ago, courtesy of Karen. Foggy had drunkenly climbed onto the bar to deliver his best man speech which only drew further tears out of everyone from laughter by telling the most embarrassing story he could conjure about Matt from college, and also from the passionate gratitude he showered you in for making his best friend the happiest he had ever seen him.
Matt told me once he thought you were an angel created by God himself, and sent down from Heaven just for him, exactly when he needed you. I believe that’s true. There’s no other explanation for how perfect you are for him. Thank you for bringing my brother the happiness he’s always deserved. I love you both.
Karen could hardly contain her own tears as she spoke fondly about you and Matt, bringing even Frank and Jessica to tears with her sweet words.
I knew the night you met Matt that you loved him. I could see it in your eyes. Thank you for loving him the way that you do. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me as your best friend for you to end up with someone like Matt. Because I know he will take care of you, and protect you, and love you with everything he’s got, and I know you’ll do the same for him. I’m just so happy my two favorite people found each other.
“Today was the happiest day of my life. A day I never honestly thought would come, but I’m so happy it did, and I’m so happy it was with you. I wouldn’t change anything about it. I mean…apart from everyone offering to help you runaway, but.”
A loud laugh slipped past your ears at the annoyed look on Matt’s face, countered by the smirk that was threatening to spill across his lips. You gently squeezed his cheeks to purse his lips into a pout, leaning in to kiss them softly.
“You know they were joking.”
“No, Frank and Elektra were serious. They were actually gonna smuggle you out.”
Giggling softly, you shook your head as you leaned in to press your lips against Matt’s softly once more.
“Well I didn’t run, did I?”
Matt let out a deep exhale through his nose, shaking his head slowly as he pressed his forehead against yours.
“No. Still not sure why you didn’t.”
“There was cake.”
Matt rolled his eyes as he pushed himself up above you, and you giggled uncontrollably as you grabbed onto his tie to pull him back down towards you.
“I’m kidding! You know someone has to keep the Devil in line.”
Matt clicked his tongue against his cheek, narrowing his eyes slightly as he cocked his head to the side and stared down at you with a light smirk.
“That the only reason, then? Because you’re the only one that can?”
“I can think of a few more. Now, I thought you were helping me out of this dress?”
“I was.”
“Then be a good husband, Matthew, and help your wife.”
Matt’s eyes darkened considerably at the sultry tone of your voice, and a devilish grin took over his mouth as your beloved dimples settled in his inner cheeks. He was careful as he slipped the silk gown down your body, laying it carefully over the dresser before attacking your body with kisses once again. You frantically clawed at his jacket and dress shirt, blindly making quick work of his belt, already panting just from the idea of having your husband inside of you. There seemed to be a silent understanding between the two of you that neither of you had the patience for foreplay tonight, and all you both wanted in that moment was to be absolutely consumed by one another. 
As Matt settled between your spread thighs, a wash of nerves made you shiver, and you found yourself placing your shaky palm on his chest over his heart to get his attention.
“Matty…did you…are we…you really want a baby with me? Right now?”
Matt tilted his head in confusion as he let his eyes blankly wander over you, placing his palm flat on the pillow by your head as he leaned in closer towards you. You and Matt had been talking more seriously about starting a family after you got engaged, and you stopped taking birth control a few months before the wedding to make sure it was fully out of your system for when you two were ready to actually start trying.
“Of course I do. Why? Did you change your mind?”
“No! No no, it’s not that. I just…you aren’t going to miss it? I mean…the city means so much to you, Matty, and-”
“Hey, you mean the most to me. You’re the love of my life, sweetheart.”
You wrapped your fingers around Matt’s wrist as he held your face, nibbling at your bottom lip as you let out a shaky breath.
“I know, baby. I just…I know how much you need that part of yourself-”
“Not anymore. All I need is you. I’m still protecting the city, and the people in it, everyday. I’m still helping people. But New York doesn’t really need Daredevil anymore. It has people to protect it, like Luke and Jessica. And Colleen, Danny, even Frank and Elektra. You need me. And the one thing I care more about protecting and keeping safe is you, and our family.”
“I just don’t want you to wake up one day and regret hanging up the suit, or feel any kind of resentment-”
“Sweetheart, listen to me. I could never regret anything with you. How could I feel even an ounce of resentment when you’re offering to give me the greatest gift in the world that I’ll never be able to repay you for, hm?”
Matt carefully wiped a stray tear away from your eye as you reached up to gently grab onto the back of his neck, pulling him down so that his chest was flush to yours as you whispered softly.
“I just want to make you happy, Matty.”
“You do, angel. Everyday. You are my happiness. Now, can I please make love to my wife?”
Matt took his time as he entered you, peppering kisses on every inch of your body he could find, moving his hips lazily as he fucked into you slowly to ensure you both felt everything. Interlacing your fingers together, he held your hands above your head and squeezed them tightly, repeatedly whispering into your ear how much he loved you, how beautiful and perfect you were for him, and how badly he wanted you to give him a baby. Matt pulled your legs tightly around his waist, angling your hips to reach the most delicious depths within you, spilling his seed into the deepest layer of your garden to plant the foundation for the family you both so desperately wanted together. 
Neither of you could get enough, and Matt fucked you sweetly and slowly several more times into the early hours of the night until your bodies simply couldn’t take anymore. He refused to withdraw himself from you, keeping his soft cock nestled within you, preventing any ounce of your future he had emptied into you from slipping out as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. Matt placed his palm over your lower belly, absentmindedly stroking his thumb in slow circles over the first home your child would have.
“I love you so much, angel.”
“I love you so much, Matty.”
Matt was here. Matt loved you. Matt was yours.
tags: @yarrystyleeza @little-miss-dilf-lover @neverlandcity @charmedkim @queenofthenoobs @stilldreaming666 @messymissy @dark-academia-slut @strawberry1042 @thychuvaluswife
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sunnytheopossum · 5 months
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It’s finally finished! And you know what, I’m not too upset about the way it turned out! I was honestly so worried about how it was looking the entire time, and I definitely don’t think it’s perfect, but considering my current abilities as an artist, I like it!
Now that this is done though, I’m going to take the opportunity to share some of my totheark headcanons (also real quick, I use they/he pronouns for Seth jsyk) >:3
•Seth is the founding member of totheark. He started following Alex not long after he tried to kill Seth and had his whole “everyone is gone” speech, and then later created totheark after seeing Jay’s uploads in an attempt to expose Alex for what he had done to everyone.
•When Alex attacked Seth, they became paralyzed from the neck down and disappeared for months (leading Alex to believe that he had killed them, which he did not). Seth recovered eventually, but now requires a cane to walk as his lower legs never regained full functionality.
•Seth grew up catholic, and still considers himself Christian. This is the main reason behind all the biblical metaphors in totheark, but also because Brian thought it made them sound more intimidating, which is… not actually what Seth was originally going for (he sorta saw totheark as a savior symbol in contrast to The Operator and Alex), but they decided to roll with it.
•Seth was totheark’s editor, cameraman, and the one who’s best at info gathering, Brian was the strategist and the one coming up with the majority of the puzzles, and Tim was the feral attack dog they had to leash up outside to stop him from attacking people wearing glasses and stripped hoodies on the streets.
•Including the main three, there is actually a fourth totheark member: Seth’s dog, Bones (who acts as emotional support).
•Neither of the other totheark members know what happened to Seth; he just disappeared one day at some point during season 3 of MH.
•Many totheark videos (especially near the end) were not actually intended for Jay, but for the other totheark members, who were not in contact much otherwise. They came up with cyphers to decode each other’s puzzles while out in the field and pass information back and forth in a way that might also waste some of Alex’s time.
•The secondary purpose of totheark outside of exposing Alex and helping Jay was to research The Operator; find out how it worked, how it affected others, and most importantly, how to kill it.
•Creating things involving The Operator in ANY way (drawing, creating videos, writing, spray painting or carving into walls, or even just taking notes on the dang thing) is a symptom of The Operator sickness. It’s completely compulsive and cannot be stopped, but the person in question usually doesn’t realize that. Totheark’s videos were a direct product of this, and it kept all three of them in the clutches of The Operator even if they weren’t directly around it as much as Jay or Alex, at least in the beginning.
•Early on, when they had days off, the three used to hang out in Seth’s apartment and binge the entirety of One Piece together to destress. They never finished it.
211 notes · View notes
twit-ter-pa-ted · 1 year
Yes, Ma'am. - Part Two
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pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x afab!Reader
warnings: flirting & poor description of food, i think
overview: You find out why Sanji is known to be the best chef in the East Blue. The Straw Hat reveals his intentions.
a/n: this is turning into a full blown series😭 thank you for the support on the first part, i was so shocked and i am so immensely grateful for everyone who read and enjoyed it. i love you all!
part one — final part
Sanji had barely taken a step into the kitchen when Patty began reprimanding him on how Zeff had kicked him out of the kitchen for the day, but it didn't stop him from grabbing a pan and starting his work.
You waited patiently after watching Sanji disappear into the kitchen. As you waited for your food, your eyes darted to the party you had been dismissing since you first noticed them. You were busy flirting, after all.
The Straw Hat, the Long-nose, the Redhead, and the Pirate Hunter. Their complimentary bread disappeared within seconds of it being placed on their table, courtesy of the straw hat, which led to the long-nose whining about how he didn't get a chance to taste the bread.
Dish after dish arrived at their table as you recalled hearing the straw hat order every dish on the menu, and you couldn't help but wonder how the nameless pirate would pay for it.
In the middle of watching the Straw Hat, whose name, you learned, was Luffy, you noticed Sanji returning to your table.
He set down a plate in front of you as well as a glass of strawberry milkshake.
"Somethin' I've been working on – sauteed True Bluefin over a sweet soy glaze, sided with seared asparagus," he descripted as he set down utensils and motioned at the plate. Then he motioned at the milkshake. At a glance, you could see that it had been done the way you requested it be. It even had a pink and white striped straw to match.
"Strawberry milkshake with a thin coat of strawberry syrup, no seeds, fine whipped cream made by yours truly," he playfully bowed, "and a strawberry to top off a drink as sweet as you."
You smiled as he winked. "Thank you, Sanji."
He refused your utterance of gratitude. "Please, I find it a privilege to have been able to cook for a beauty such as yourself."
He seemed to have no plans to leave, instead waiting to see your reaction, so you began to cut into the fish, your eyes never leaving his as you brought the piece to your lips using the fork.
A burst of flavor overwhelmed your taste buds the moment you took the piece into your mouth. Your usually insouciant temperament slipped for just a moment as your eyes widened.
"It’s good," you managed to say as if it weren’t the best thing you had ever tasted in your entire life.
"Yeah?" He smirked. He knew you were masking your amusement, it was evident on your face that you were. He drank in your expression as you attempted to keep your cool.
You nodded. "It's nothing like anything I've had before," you admitted.
"Thank you, love."
You moved onto the drink. As you went to grab it, Sanji spoke.
"I realized I never got your name," he declared. You paused, simply holding the drink in your hand now.
"Will you be needing it?" You questioned while playing with the fountain glass. His flirty persona faltered with confusion as your tone seemed to have an implication.
"I saw you flirting with the redhead earlier, did you make sure her water came from heaven itself?" You jested, hearing even her crewmates teasing her about the interaction.
He smirked as he was ready to tease, "Are you jealous?"
You only shrugged. "I'm just stating what I observed, darling." Lifting the straw to your lips, your eyes never left his as you took a sip.
You were more of a whiskey on the rocks kind of person, but you had to admit – the strawberry milkshake was far better than good. You couldn’t understand how something so simple could taste so heavenly. There were, in fact, no seeds, and the taste was just the right amount of sweetness that you were looking for, even if you hadn’t mentioned a specific level of sweetness for it.
You think you'd never be able to find words to describe it, just as you had run short of words for the sauteed True Bluefin. "It’s good," oh, please. The two of you knew that you felt you never knew what real food tasted like until you had tried Sanji's cooking – tested out his skills in the kitchen.
You couldn’t help but laugh at the drink. It was so delectable that it was almost painful.
"I like you, Sanji," You confessed before beginning to cut into the fish in your plate again. "I enjoyed our exchange. I certainly enjoy the dish and drink you've made for me." Sanji opened his mouth to reply when someone shouted from the kitchen area.
"Oi, Sanji! You’re here to cater, not to flirt!" Sanji evidently clenched his jaw.
"Just get back to cooking, Patty!" He turned to you again, his jaw now unclenched and his eyes thinning as he smiled.
You rarely told anyone your name. In your line of business, it didn't really matter who you were or how much they knew about you. It was all in the matter of how cheap or expensive your product was, and how hard you were willing to fight for its worth (and your life).
You told him your name. Just your first name – nothing more, nothing less. It led to less hurt that way, if you knew the least you could about each other.
He repeated your name as if to test how it rolled off his tongue, his tone velvety as he spoke.
"Likewise." He moved slightly, indicating that he was now leaving you to eat your lunch.
"But I do mean every word I say. It's nothing I've said to anyone before is all I'll say, I suppose it's up to you to believe that or not. I do hope you consider coming back here despite how shitty it is." You couldn’t help but chuckle as he deprecated the restaurant he worked at. "I'll be willing to cook you up another meal, if you’re up for it."
You pretended to think about it, but you were already dead set on your answer – "Sure, why not?"
Sanji's smile grew as he began to depart from your table, his eyes never leaving yours until he had to take another table's orders.
"That's the broker pirate hunter?" The straw hat declared with his eyes on you. You whipped your head to face them with a puzzled look.
The redhead's eyes widened. "Hey, not so loud!" She turned to you to find that you were already looking in their direction.
"Not a broker, not a pirate hunter!" You corrected irritably.
"See? I told you." The long-nose attempted to mutter as he lightly smacked the straw hat's shoulder.
"Hey, are you the nameless, bounty-less pirates that defeated Axe-Hand Morgan?"
"Woah, woah. You did – you did what?" The long-nose's eyes had widened. He seemed to be unaware of the gang of pirates he had joined.
"Nameless?" The straw hat echoed. He then stood to approach your table. He held out his sauce covered hand which you only looked at. He retracted his hand when you made no move to grab it.
"My name is Monkey D. Luffy. I'm going to be King of the Pirates!" Your eyes widened at his proclamation, your eyes returning to look into his.
Unlike what you expected from countless others who had declared themselves to soon be King of the Pirates, this Luffy character seemed to have something else other than pure determination glimmering in his eyes. It almost had you believing that he was going to be King of the Pirates.
"So just you wait," he then said your name as if you were close friends, "I'll get my first bounty soon."
He couldn't have been that much younger than you. And yet, something about him made you decide to give him the benefit of the doubt.
"That's my crew, by the way." He pointed at his booth. "That's Zoro, Nami, and Usopp."
"Not in your crew," Nami denied.
"Don't introduce us to the pirate hunter, Luffy!" Usopp scolded him.
"What's up?" Zoro calmly greeted.
"I'm not a pirate hunter. That's a pirate hunter," you corrected Usopp once again, pointing to Zoro.
"Not anymore," Zoro corrected you, too.
"Well, I can see that, given how you're in a pirate crew."
He only scoffed. "Uh-huh, nice to see you again, too."
Luffy seemed to be unaware of the tension between the two of you. He grinned as he came to a realization, "Oh, you know each other?"
"Yep." You and Zoro answered in unison, which caused you to glare at each other before looking away.
"Well?" Luffy questioned expectantly, slinging an arm around your shoulders. You looked at the hand on your shoulder and wondered if the boy had any respect for boundaries. You simply shook your head and decided to return to your meal.
"Oh, come on. Zoro!" He whined as he returned to their table.
* * * * * *
taglist: @inf4ntdeath @x-uno @miloonmetis @angeli-fucking-cat @zzbloody-animezz
thank you for your support! <3
(there will be one more part after this one)
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animehideout · 7 months
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Check out part 12 here
Gojo Satoru X Fem! Reader
warnings ⚠️: not proofread / abuse / SA just something vague not detailed.
a/n : I truly apologize for this late update, I was really unmotivated to rewrite it and I was struggling to find inspiration again, I'm sorry if this part didn't live up to your expectations but I read hope you like it though, I tried to make it longer but I ran out of ideas 🥹.
Music Suggestion 🎧
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Satoru stood tall, alone in the balcony, his gaze fixated on the sky, lost in the depth if his own thoughts. The weight of regret hung heavy upon his shoulders, a burden he could no longer bear.
His mind played your last fight that night on loop, making him hate himself even more. He remembered his harsh words, actions and disrespect towards you. Forcefully shutting his eyes to make those images and voices that's been haunting him go away.
Unwelcomed thoughts yet impossible to ignore. Blaming himself over and over again for what happened to you, torturing himself to madness.
"It's my fucking fault" he muttered,
In all that darkness, the image of your face in his mind was the only source of light. The delicate curve of your smile whenever you were around your students etched in his memory. He remembered the way you slept, features softened by the gentle embrace of your slumber, your passion for teaching and your daily excitement to show your students a new weapon and new technique.
You were a vision of peace amidst the chaos he was living. He realized then how life became emptier after your disappearance, the void your absence had left in every bit of his life. He realized how much he fell for you, he realized that hatred was deeply buried by the birth of his love for you.
With a heavy heart, he bowed his head, his eyes brimming with unshed tears. For three days, his eyes wide open, unable to sleep without you under the same roof as him, cuddling a piece of your clothing every single night to take into your scent, to pretend that you were there, next to him.
Clutching his fists, his knuckles turned white , whispering a plea for forgiveness, a forgiveness he might never receive.
"I'm sorry Y/n.."
. ..
"Y-yaga sensei?" said Gojo wiping his tears away,
"Can I join you?"
"Y-yeah sure"
"What's on your mind? Still blaming yourself?"
"Do I have anything else to do except blaming myself?"
"I'm sorry for your loss Satoru" said Principal Yaga apologetically,
"I didn't lose her, she's still out there, somewhere! I know it, I'm sure of it, I can feel it"
"Pain is eating you up Satoru, you know you should let go already–"
"Let go? Easier said than done. How can all of you let go so fast as if she never existed?" he said in annoyance
"The higher ups orders, to not distract the sorcerers' focus from their daily tasks"
"Bullshit, –"
"Satoru I understand your pain"
"No you don't, none of you does! I did this to her, I built the wall between both of us brick by brick till it collapsed on both of us, she got abducted by Toji and here I am suffering everyday.. I just wish I can turn back time and undo the damage I had done"
"Is this because of regret or something else?" asked Principal Yaga
Gojo looked down, not sure of what to say, mastering the courage he finally spoke,
"I– I love her, sensei! I love Y/n so much, I just hope it's not too late to realize this because I really want to fix everything–"
Yaga sensei looked at Gojo with a reassuring yet sad smile, deep down, everyone accepted that you died except Gojo., and he didn't want him to hang on fake hope.
"I know what you're about to say, but I won't let go, I won't give up even if the higher ups chain me down.... I thought she was a curse when we got married but I think I am her curse, I was her curse while she was my blessing–"
"I hope you're right Satoru, I hope she's still out there as you said, I hope you get a second chance to be a real family"
*In Mei Mei's room*
"Look at this" said Maki her eyebrows frowning in confusion,
"Who's that in the picture?" asked Nobara as confused as Maki,
Both of them examined the photograph, their eyes flickered between the picture and each other in silence. In the picture a woman smiled serenely as she cradled a baby in her embrace.
Maki shrugged equally perplexed,
"I have no idea, do you think it's a family member?"
Their senses were on high alert as they scanned every corner of her room for any sign of wrongdoing, something out of the ordinary. They found that picture tucked under her bed after they flipped the mattress while searching for anything suspicious.
"And this stack of money? Didn't know she's got all of this cash here" added Nobara.
"And this box as well"
Intrigued, they opened it. As they lifted the lid of the box, a firegun revealed itself, its metallic surface gleaming ominously in the dim light.
"A g-gun?" started Nobara as she looked at Maki in shock, "what would she use it for?"
"Definitely not hers, why would a sorcerer with a jujutsu technique depend on a gun" she pointed out.
"Good point, so if its not hers then to whom does it belong to?" asked Nobara
"There's only one way to figure it out, but now let's take the gun, the damn photograph and get out of here" said Maki as she put he mattress in its place again.
"GOJO-SENSEI" called Nobara out as she caught a glimpse of Gojo in the balcony "Sensei you need to see this"
"Hm? Nobara? Maki?"
"Gojo" said Maki as she saw Gojo with principal Yaga in the balcony "We found something–"
but before she could finish her sentence,
"Any news?" interrupted Mei Mei as she stepped in the balcony out of nowhere..
Maki and Nobara exchanged quick nervous glances, their eyes darting between each other as they attempt to maintain composure. Hiding what they took from her room behind their backs. Their expressions strain with the effort to appear nonchalant, but a subtle tension lingers in the air. Lips pressed into strained smiles,
"Nah nothing new" said Maki while Nobara nodded in agreement.
"Hm you sure about that? I thought I heard you said you found something, is it about Y/n? " asked Mei raising her eyebrows,
"What if we did? Is it really your concern?" exclaimed Maki offensively, only to get elbowed softly by Nobara,
"We found nothing important Mei Mei sensei, of course if we did we'd tell you" exclaimed Nobara, chuckling awkwardly.
"Oh alright then girls," she said luckily not giving too much important to the girls, then paused and drifted her gaze towards Gojo, "how are you holding up Gojo? I hope you're in the process of moving on" she added
Gojo's eyes burned holes in her soul, but he tried to remain calm,
"I'm fine"
"That's what all of us would like to hear, glad you let go" she said and then excused herself to go to her room,
Then moment she left, Maki ran towards Gojo and Yaga, showing them what they found,
"We found these–"
"WHERE THE HELL DID YOU GET THESE FROM?" snapped Gojo unexpectedly, his eyes widened as he snatched the gun and photograph form Maki's hands,
"Damn Satoru what's got into you, relax!" exclaimed Yaga-sensei,
"W-we.." stuttered Nobara
"How did you get these? they were well hidden"
"Well hidden under Mei Mei's bed?" asked Maki in confusion
"What? what did you just say?" said Gojo and Yaga in union
"We found these under Mei Mei's bed, the gun hidden in a box , tucked beside that photograph and a pile of cash, do you possibly know to whom it belongs?"
"These belong to Toji Zenin" said Satoru
Maki and Nobara froze in place, trying to process what Gojo just said,
"T-toji?" they said in disbelief,
"This gun was used by Toji to murder Riko Amanai, and these in the picture are Megumi and his mother–" explained Yaga sensei
"It can only be one thing" expressed Gojo through gritted teeth, "She must be behind it" he added and started walking away, thinking about confronting her,
"GOJO STOP!" yelled Yaga sensei, holding Gojo in place, "What's happened to your common sense? vanished?"
"We can't assume anything now sensei!" said Nobara
"So all of this isn't enough to assume that she's got some dirty work with Toji Zenin going on behind our backs?" said Gojo aggressively
"Okay you're right, it is suspicious but we need a plan! a proper plan, do you think she'll admit it if you confront her? she'll find a lie and you'll never find the truth, not out of her! We need to know more about her first" explained Maki
"Know what?" asked Gojo impatiently
"I mean, Toji has nothing right? not even a house, do you think if he'd take Y/n to a hotel room after abducting her? Mei Mei must have provided a place for him" she added
"So if we can't ask her, how would we know?" asked Nobara,
"We ask her best friend" Suggest Maki shrugging,
"Is it ringing?" asked Yaga sensei,
"Yeah shh it is" said Gojo waiting for her to pick up the phone, "–Oh hello" he said through the phone
"Gojo? Hi what's up calling me late at night, is everything okay?"
"Utahime, yeah everything is fine, we just need you here, if it's possible can you make here in one hour at least?"
"Well I can, but is it an emergency?"
"Um it's– it's about Mei Mei, we're preparing a party for her and we need your help"
"A party? It's not even her birthday yet–"
"It's for her service, it's a habit here in Jujutsu High to hold a party for a teacher to honor them, and this time it's Mei Mei, she did a lot for us and for the school, besides it's the higher ups orders so..."
"Oh the higher ups? sure then I'll be there in an hour"
"Don't tell Mei Mei that you're coming though, it must remain a surprise, now we don't wanna spoil it"
"So should be meet outside the school?"
"Sure yeah, you can come to my house?!"
"Oh alright then, I'll be there"
With that they hung up the phone,
"She'll be here in one hour, I hope we can get her to talk"
"I hope she's not part of Mei Mei's plan though" Said Nobara.
"Don't you think we must tell the others? Maybe we need some backup?" suggested Maki
"Yeah, but some of them need to stay here to keep an eye on Mei Mei" said principal Yaga
"Alright, I'll go and tell them then,"
*Time skip, at Gojo's house*
They sat there, Gojo, Nanami, Maki and Megumi waiting for Utahime's arrival.
"You've got a nice and big house" pointed Maki
"Yeah but never a happy house" mumbled Gojo to himself,
"Do you think she'll tell us more about her?" asked Megumi and suddenly the bell rang,
"I guess we'll find out now!" said Nanami,
"So Utahime, I hope you corporate!" started Gojo not wasting any precious second,
"Corporate? you make it sound like if we're discussing business, and not preparing for a surprise party! it's a p-party right?"
she chuckled nervously,
"Not really! you need to tell us more about Mei Mei, some information that we don't know about"
"wait? what?" she asked nervously
"Is she meeting someone? did she tell you about something?"
"Gojo wait! why are you asking about this? I mean she lives there in the school dorms as well, so I guess you know more than I do"
"I don't think so, she's you're best friend she must have told you something about her plan?" said Maki
"Plan? what plan?"
"Ah come on Utahime dont play dumb"
"No for real! what plan, I thought you had a plan with her , Gojo to push Y/n away!"
"What? NO. I'm talking about her dirty plan with Toji"
"Toji? wait what's going on?" she said truly confused
"STOP LYING AND ANSWER THE DAMN QUESTION, IF YOU'RE PART OF HER DIRTY GAME I'LL END BOTH OF YOU" exclaimed Gojo angrily, making Utahime step back, growing more and more impatient.
"Hey hey Gojo calm down, what's wrong with you? I understand you're frustrated but that's not the right way to find answers!" said Maki and the others nodded in agreement,
"Megumi please take him to the balcony while me and Maki handle this, he needs to calm down" suggest Nanami,
Megumi did as he said and took Gojo to get some fresh night air,
"Geez, you really developed anger issues, you were more laid back even in risky situations Gojo" started Megumi
"Not anymore, people change and I've changed"
"Y/n sensei is dear to all of us, so I am eager too to know where she is, and I truly understand how you feel"
"No Gumi, you don't, you don't understand because I'm not just sad, I'm feeling extremely guilty, because it's my damn fault"
"I'm feeling guilty too" said Megumi lowering his head,
"Hm? what for ? you're pretty close to Y/n and you're good friends not only a student and his teacher–"
"It's my father, he's the one who abducted her and only God knows what he's doing to her, I don't wanna even think about it. Is there any greater shame than this?" he said his voice cracking,
"Hey Megumi! look at me, your father's actions has nothing to do with you, he's the one who abducted her not you! you've always been nice and kind to Y/n. Sometimes family does things that we are ashamed of and completely in opposition of it but it doesn't mean we're like them just because we're related by blood, you are what you're truly in here" he said and pointed at Megumi's heart "And I know well what's in there Megumi! I raised you and I've seen you grow up to be a loyal, strong and kind hearted man! you're the complete opposite of your father so don't ever compare yourself to him again" said Gojo with a smile,
"If it's his fault, then why are you blaming yourself Gojo?"
"Because I'm the reason she left that night! I've said too many hurtful words, no one can handle to hear, no one deserves to hear but I was too agitated, too overwhelmed by my mixed feelings, trying to push her away from me over and over again–"
"Why? why'd you push her away from you? couldn't you have tried at least? maybe after what you've been through you were destined to finally find happiness with her! "
"My heart was a messy place to make it a comfortable place for her!"
"Was? so what changed now?"
"I want to try to make it comfortable for both of us, I want t-t to– nevermind! I have to find her, I have to make it up for her"
"I understand and we will find her, Y/n is strong I'm sure she's safe wherever she is" reassured Megumi, trying to lift Gojo's spirit again,
"So Utahime, we really need you to corporate so you better put that bestie thing with Mei Mei aside cuz this is a life or death matter!" begun Maki,
"Toji escaped and we think that Mei Mei had a hand in this" added Nanami
"No way! Why would Mei Mei do that? I mean you know what Toji had done to the Jujutsu world!"
"We know, but we know that when people are full of hate are full of unexpected things!"
"Nanami what's wrong? what happened?"
"It's Y/n! Toji abducted her, and we found Toji's gun under Mei Mei's bed, even though it was well hidden.. do you still think she's got nothing to do with that?"
Her eyes wide open in shock and disbelief, her mouth hanging open, sad expressions drawn on her face,
"W-what? I didn't know I swear to God! I've – I've never thought it will go that way, I've never thought she could fall this far" she expressed her feelings, her heart crushing, she's never expected her long time best friend would do or be part of such thing, to betray the Jujutsu community.
"That's why we need your help! You know how important Y/n is to our world! we can't lose her" said Nanami "So please if you know anything, any place she owns, any small details tell us, we really need to know"
With a deep breath, she started thinking, trying to remember if Mei Mei told her anything,
"I remember she bought a house! but that was weeks ago!!"
"A house?"
"Yeah, she said she might settle in Tokyo if things went well between her and Gojo–"
"She's truly delusion" interrupted Maki rolling her eyes,
"Where is this house?" asked Nanami
"I'll take you there" said Utahime determined to help.
Despite being best friends with Mei Mei, her morals were more important! she's too loyal to the Jujutsu World and committed to the greater good, she knows about the prophecy and she can't afford to witness another loss on the Jujutsu community part.
"I'll go and tell Gojo and Megumi then– maybe Y/n is there"
[ Kill her, and I'll bring your cash tomorrow when I see her lifeless body ]
Read Toji through the message that he received,
"See! I'm ordered to kill you now! How much trouble did you cause her for her to free me from the prison just to torture you and kill you" he said with a smirk
"F-fuck you and fuck her" you said through gritted teeth as you were thrown on the floor, your body hurting from the chains that were tied around your wrists and feet.
your lips and nose bleeding after hours of tortures,
"And you still got that attitude, after being beaten up? If I were you I wouldn't act so brave.."
"You'll never be me Toji! we're both considered inferior in the Jujutsu world but I learned how to be the real me and not what others want me to be, I didn't let others to order me around and kill people–"
"Are you trying to save yourself? and convince me to not kill you"
"no, I know I can't be saved, not just now but for a long time ago, but you know the funny thing is that we actually have something else in common beside being monkeys" you joked offensively trying to get on his nerves, you're going to die anyway so why'd you not offend him, you were tired if being stepped on so why not talk back.
"what?" he said in anticipation as he kneeled down,
"Both our families are disappointed in us, I disappointed my parents and you disappointed your son, Megumi, nice kid he's nothing like you–"
And you struck a sensitive nerve in him,
You started laughing when you saw his face dropped and his expressions changed, your stomach hurts whenever you laughed he probably had broken some of yours ribs.
The you paused,
"Do it Toji. Do what you were assigned for, no one will come to my rescue anyway, do it, kill me" you said in a serious tone,
"Change in plan, let me have my fun with you before I take the light out of your eyes"
"You still have time for fun? the dawn will break soon–"
"Oh I know princess, don't you worry about it, I know I can't delay the sunlight but I know how to make the night even more darker... and you were right, Megumi's probably disappointed in me but lemme tell you something–" he paused and leaned forward, his face a few inches away from yours "That's who I truly am, a beast that preys on the weak, and you are weak Y/n no matter how hard you try to come off as strong"
he said and he reached to take off your shirt,
Your heart beats quickened, you thought he'd torture you in another way, and not attempt to do something filthy to you,
"No -no! I'd rather die" you said trying your best to break free from his grasp, but his huge body got you pinned down,
"What? you're not a fan of big guys? or your pathetic ass is loyal to a husband who's never paid attention to your existence?" he said looking you deep in the eyes, his huge hands circling around your neck, posing pressure on it,
You couldn't deny the pain and disappointment you felt. You really hoped Gojo would appear and save you, you wished he cared for you. You couldn't deny that you wanted Gojo; your husband to be your first time and not with someone who would brutally kill you after taking what he wants.
You'd die even before he kills you.
"no don't " you whispered, loosing your voice as his grip around your neck tightened, making it hard to breathe.
All what you can feel is the weight of Toji's body being removed from on top of you.
Toji's body forcefully thrown on the ground, your blurry eyes trying to focus on the figure standing right in front of you, slowly approaching you,
"Damn baby what did he do to you?" he said softly, softly brushing his finger over your bleeding lip.
"S-satoru, y-you came!" you whispered, your vision darkening and ears ringing,
"Of course I'm here with you, Y/n! Y/N !!!!!no no Y/N WAKE UP" he yelled as he held you in his arms.
Your eyes slowly fluttered opened, your surroundings sharpening into details again, gulping with difficulty.
A serum attached to your vein,
"Sensei" said Yuji "Guys she's awake"
With that all of them circled around the bed you were laying on, their eyes look directly at you, greeting you with sincere smiles.
"How are you feeling?" asked Megumi.
You tried to leave the bed but they forced you to lay back. You looked around scanning the place, you were in the hospital, Shoko must have treated your wounds, everyone was there except your husband, Satoru.
Tag list ✨
@smolbeanzzz @khaleesihavilliard @tqd4455 @black-swan-blog27 @certainduckanchor @haitanibros0007 @goldenjoyboyy @lorako123 @kunikuzushisbeloved @saiyara05 @numblytemporary @soulofendlessbook @bookswillfindyouaway @sukunasleftkneecap @ryumurin @twitabread @f1uveryysblog @sleepyyammy @olivianyx @animechick555 @allofffmypeaches @inlovewithlondonn @tw0fvced @markleeisdabestdrug @blvckxb3vutii @bol0-de-morang0 @ghostfacefricker6969
223 notes · View notes
solecize · 6 months
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  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐅𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 | 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘. every summer on your grandpa's farm was real-life magic to your younger self, who left a piece of her heart in amber valley when the years went on and the town became nothing but a faint childhood memory. soon enough, you become rocked by his death and realize the dead end in your bustling city world. this leads to you making an abrupt decision. despite knowing nothing but designer purses and the corporate ladder, you uproot your entire life to take over your grandfather's old farm in the town you were desperately trying to remember - alongside a familiar face from your youth that permanently finds his way into your heart. 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: jungkook/reader 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒. inspired heavily by stardew valley, friends to lovers, childhood friends, cowboy jungkook, small town alternate universe, slice of life, grief, growing up, mutual pining, jungkook as a parental figure 𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓. 5.1k 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒. warnings for foul language, substance use (two characters get crossfaded), and sexually suggestive content (finally lol)
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part eight: the final stormㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ  ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ   previous. next. masterlist
“y/n, have you considered purchasing glasses?” 
  ironically, the question made you narrow your eyes at namjoon, who was mindlessly passing out glasses for the table. some of the boys stifled laughs and you wondered what that was about. you were catching them up on how jungkook has been helping you around the farm - albeit, not recently. every time things seemed to be all right, there was an almost kiss that was followed by someone taking distance. the first time, it was jungkook. now, it was you.
  “what are you talking about?” you asked, just as jungkook walked through the front doors of the saloon.
  it was a holiday, so everyone decided to take the day off and hoseok closed up the pub from the public. that left you and your friends to claim the saloon as your hangout spot for the night. unlike everyone else, you still had things to take care of, having got up early and tended to the livestock. even though you did cut your day short, finishing up by lunch-time, you were tired from the preceding seven day work week. it was about time you had a drink.
  jungkook gave a small wave to everyone and sat himself in between seokjin and jimin, across from you. “sorry, i’m late. i was dropping jiwon at mrs. oh’s and she forgot her ipad,” he said.
  “we haven’t sat down and drank in a while with all of us, it’s nice that we’re all here,” remarked namjoon, apparently brushing off your previous question.
  some time had passed since the everyone in the group was able to hang out together, the last time being movie night at taehyung’s house. therefore, some time had passed since things got weird between you and jungkook. you wouldn’t call the first incident during breakfast-dinner an “almost kiss,” since you weren’t even sure if jungkook wanted to kiss you or it was all in your head. as for the night of jiwon’s disappearance, that was definitely more of a kiss than the other, but you dismissed it as something done in the heat of a vulnerable moment. given the conflicting suggestions from those around you, you had decided to take it easy and let him have his distance.
  apparently, jungkook did not like that and you were about to learn this.
  you crinkled your nose at the shots being poured. “i haven’t played a drinking game in so long.”
  hoseok, who was doing the honours, shook his head. “it’s okay, you definitely won’t lose. jimin is a lightweight,” he grinned, but jimin didn’t look the slightest bit fazed.
  “i’m not embarrassed. getting drunk faster means i spend less money,” jimin countered, which you thought was actually a good point.
  beside you, taehyung slid over a shot glass closer to you, since hoseok was at the other end of the table. you thanked him casually, but you swore you noticed jungkook’s eyes trained on the interaction. you wanted to scoff, since this was exactly what he was encouraging with taehyung, despite the fact that he was the individual in your friend group that you talked the least to. that was the most baffling part.
  “y/n can definitely drink. you had, like, four bottles to yourself last week,” seokjin commented.
  that immediately got jungkook’s attention. “last week?” he asked, voice an octave too high to be dismissed as a casual question.
  “yeah,” answered taehyung. “a few of us got dinner last week. i think you said no one could watch jiwon.” 
  “why, would you have changed your mind if you knew y/n was going to be th - “ yoongi started, but was cut off by two sharp elbow jabs from both sides, courtesy of namjoon and seokjin.
  on the other hand, you only accepted the invite because they mentioned jungkook couldn’t make it. it was to the same tune of you leaving book club early when jungkook made the meeting thirty minutes late or you helping namjoon with preparations for the midsummer fair only during jungkook’s working hours. you also avoided the general store for any errands, leaving you with a broken mop that couldn’t be replaced because of you staying away from him. 
  when jungkook got up to take a phone call, jimin poked you. “jungkook told me he thinks you’re avoiding him.” his voice was low, leaving the conversation to only be heard between the two of you.
  “huh? oh, yeah, i am.”
  the way his mouth dropped made you want to laugh. “what? why?”
  “i need to sort myself out. he should also,” you answered, shrugging. it looked like jimin wanted to ask more, but jungkook returned and the talk ceased.
  yoongi brought playing cards and the eight of you began a random game, which he explained the rules for. although the bar was empty, save for your group, voices filled the establishment to the brim. music flowed in the background amidst the way conversation did and it only grew with the more soju being poured. you did make a mental note to find some female friends in town, though, having to chastise some of the boys for jokes that they could have been cancelled for. 
  eventually, you had quite a few drinks, despite never being on the losing end for any of the games, which would usually call for the player to do so. at some point, a glass of water magically appeared in front of you. you turned to see that it was who jungkook had gotten up from his seat, now putting the pitcher of water back behind the bar. 
  the conversation moved to talking about the midsummer festival, which only grew rowdy once drinks were poured.
  “i bet you fifty bucks that you won’t find a date.” it was yoongi who sung the dare to jimin, who immediately accepted the challenge. 
  namjoon sighed, as he dealt cards across the table. “or you guys can be productive members of society and help me out by running a booth.”
  “oh! what booth do you need help with?” seokjin asked, slowly and a little too rehearsed. you looked at him oddly, wondering why he was talking like that and why he was side-eying namjoon the whole time. 
  namjoon sighed deeply at seokjin, eyes wide like he was about to slap him. “the kissing booth,” he answered, through gritted teeth, and you could catch the boys snickering at the scene. 
  again, with a mischievous glint in his eye, yoongi spoke up. “oh? y/n, you should do it. everyone in town thinks you’re a beauty.”
  you opened your mouth to respond, but was interrupted.
  “yeah, if you want to get sick,” jungkook instantly cut in, out of nowhere. “do you know how many germs a kissing booth will spread? hyung, don’t you think it’s a bit irresponsible to hold one?” it was like he couldn’t stop talking, despite the fact that he’d been silent for the last little while and suddenly had a burst of passion about kissing booths.
  the debate continued on, as hoseok poured yet another round of shots for the eight of you. you only really listened on, mostly confused because this was the first you heard of this idea. while helping namjoon and mayor kim with the festival preparations, there was not a single mention of a kissing booth in the plans. you narrowed your eyes at namjoon, who gave you a random thumbs up under the table.
  meanwhile, jungkook had yet to directly interact with you since the night started. you could understand why and the more you had to drink, the more you wanted to clear the air without holding back. there had yet to be an opportunity, though.
  “i’m going out for a smoke,” announced jungkook after just under three hours passed. 
  the alcohol in your system spoke for you before you even realized. “i’ll come.” 
  “no, it’s bad for you,” jungkook shot back in a heartbeat, eyebrows raised at your response. “you don’t smoke.” he waved something cylindrical in his hand, shiny and metallic. you made it out to be a grinder.
  to your side, seokjin pouted. “but, we were winning the game!” the two of you claimed victory for the past three rounds in a row, partaking in a game for partners and the eight of you evening things out for teams. 
  your competitive side definitely came out during the drinking, even despite being under the influence. it maybe had something to do with the fact that jungkook immediately claimed taehyung as his partner earlier, nearly jumping out of his seat when he did so. when you asked him why he was so hasty, jungkook replied that it was because he was ready to beat you and taehyung was the best at the game after himself.
  “are you guys going to talk now? i’m tired of the tension,” yoongi pleaded, but was hushed by taehyung and wasn’t heard by either you or jungkook.
  taehyung cleared his throat. “it’s okay, i’ll be your partner, jin hyung.” he rubbed his temples, looking at you and jungkook. “you guys can join in the next round.”
  “i smoke,” you insisted to jungkook. this wasn’t entirely false, as it was something you gravitated towards in social settings only. with a few drinks in your system, this was a likely time for you to accept a joint, whether it was with jungkook or not.
  jungkook cocked an eyebrow at you. “fine. you can roll then,” he said, as if testing you.
  evidently, you ended up failing the test and jungkook finally found the one thing you weren’t good at.
  outside and through the back door of the saloon, you and jungkook were propped up on some large boulders. like it always was, the stars were out and twinkling in a mesmerizing fashion. in your tipsy state, they were way too bright. meanwhile, across from where you sat, jungkook was watching you struggle with the rolling papers in between your fingers. he snickered to himself, taking a sip of the beer that he brought with him.
  the blistering and sweltering of the summer air called for clothing that didn’t suffocate you, but you felt naked under jungkook’s gaze. you wore a mustard yellow tube top and men’s basketball shorts, a pair that you stole from your ex, while your hair was pulled back into a high ponytail. your legs swung back and forth, your feet not even close to touching the ground while sitting on the boulder, and you were wearing flip flops from the general store.
  “when i met you at the funeral again, you were wearing high heels and satin,” jungkook randomly commented, the alcohol failing to conceal his once over of your appearance. “even on your first day, you were wearing platforms.”
  you were certainly blushing from his stare, but the nightfall concealed the red of your bashfulness. “i guess the last two months changed me already.” you didn’t realize that jungkook remembered such details long after the fact.
  he took a swig from his bottle. “don’t get me wrong. i like you both ways,” jungkook offered and the redness on your cheeks spread to the rest of your face. 
  you didn’t want to push him and ask what he meant by that. he was certainly right, though, your time in amber valley was already drastically affecting you. yet, it was easy to miss, especially after you finally found the right tune to your routine. though your new life was hard work, you’d never felt so easygoing and waking up never felt like a chore. when your backyard was beautiful fields, sunflowers grew in front of your house and your best friends were your stubborn chickens, life was no longer one of stressful hustle.
  jungkook made you break away from your thoughts, speaking up again to cut the silence. “you know, anytime before i turn forty would be nice.”
  you furrowed your eyebrows and then realized he was gesturing to the papers and his grinder in your lap, remembering the task you had at hand. “oh, sorry. forgot what i was doing,” you responded.
  he chuckled and you nearly trembled when he hopped off his boulder, strolling towards you. before you knew it, jungkook stood right in front of you, so close you could bump head. he swiped the materials from your lap - just barely brushing his hands on your legs. this time, unlike the moment you shared at dinner, something told you that jungkook knew what he was doing because he looked immediately up at you when he did so. 
  when jungkook didn’t move, it was your turn to break the silence and admittedly, it took all your strength. “you’ve had a couple drinks. you want to smoke later?” you suggested, finding the bravery to look right back at him through your eyelashes. 
  he stuck out his bottom lip and shook his head, as if to say it was no big deal. instead of going back to his previous sitting space, jungkook leaned on the tree just a few feet away from you and set his bottle on your side. 
  “we have the day off, relax a bit,” he said breezily, raising the papers to his mouth and applied the tiniest bit of moisture from his lips. you recalled the way they looked in your recurring dreams and suddenly found the ground the most interesting thing in the world.
  you replied, “i am relaxed,” and took his bottle from beside you, taking a gulp. 
  you felt his eyes burning into you and as the alcohol went down your throat, the sensation felt less and less hot. instead, you were inclined to meet his eyes again and when you did, you saw that your suspicions were correct. jungkook was still looking right at you.
  the distraction pulled your attention away with what jungkook was fumbling around with in his hands and before your very eyes, he held up perfectly neat joint between his thumb and index. it took a grand total over less than two minutes.
  “done,” jungkook announced, as he began feeling his pockets for a lighter.
  you gaped. “that was insanely fast.”
  he snorted. “i shouldn’t have asked you. pretty girls have men rolling for them all the time, why am i surprised that you couldn’t do it?” it sounded like jungkook was teasing you, but his expression remained serious. 
  “jeon jungkook, you’ve been talking a lot tonight,” you voiced, mindlessly playing with your hair. 
  you weren’t sure if your words were ones of warning or encouragement, since the only thing you could focus on was how jungkook just called you pretty. meanwhile, it was hard to resist taking another sip of jungkook’s drink, hoping it would ease your heart rate. you did so, taking a larger gulp than before, and you noticed the way he frowned when watching you.
  “have i?” jungkook questioned, putting the joint between his lips and clicked his lighter, bringing it close to his face and letting the tip turn a deep orange. sterling smoke filled your surroundings, but he was clear as day. 
  you nodded slowly. “more than usual. and that’s with that big mouth of yours,” you added, hoping that cracking a joke would make you at ease.
  it didn’t. jungkook’s lips did tug into a smile, but you were more distracted with the way that he looked blowing out clouds of smoke - honestly, he was pretty. his lips were pretty and his heavy lids were pretty. the way he voice grew raspy as the night went on and more so when he smoked was pretty.
  you realized that you were staring now too and only realized when jungkook gently took his bottle away from your grip. he sighed, placing it on the ground to pick up later. 
  “and you haven’t talked much. that means you shouldn’t have more of this,” he asserted, even despite your whines of objection. “when your big mouth is quiet, that’s trouble. you have something on your mind?” 
  “then pass the joint,” you said, folding your arms across your chest. 
  jungkook immediately burst out laughing, which annoyed you. “absolutely not. you’re drunk and you couldn’t roll, so that means you don’t need to get high.”
  you pouted, which was extremely out of character for you and made jungkook laugh even more. “what? no.”
  “i’m the one who’s going to be walking you home safe, so i’d like to do it with a peace of mind, thanks,” he said, tilting his head slightly as he examined the state you were in. 
  it never occurred to you to ask any of the boys to make sure that you could get home safely and no one offered. you were confident that you could make it home just fine, but didn’t realize that jungkook had already made it his responsibility to look after you.
  “you know,” you began, “you used to always throw a fit when your mom asked you to walk me home.”
  that was one of your most vivid memories from your childhood in amber valley. even though jungkook was technically younger than you, it was his job to be by your side. it was one of the things that you got teased about back then, mostly by jimin in his devilish phase.
  “you used to get pissed off, but you walked me home every time. i feel like when i look back, i can remember so much of us just walking or riding our horses as kids. i don’t really remember where we were going or what we were up to - only you were always by my side.”
  jungkook looked down, kicking a rock. “safe to say i’ve never had a friend like you?” he hesitated.
  it seemed like every time someone uttered the “f” word, the tension thickened like molasses. it was like a rapid game of table tennis, the way the two of you bounced the word back and forth at each other, hoping the other person would finally give up. at this moment, you and jungkook both looked like you were ready to wave the white flag. 
  but, of course, you were both too competitive to lose. 
  shoving your feelings away, you hopped off the boulder and made steps towards jungkook. he instinctively straightened, no longer leaning on the tree when he watched you approach. instead, he peered down at you, a questioning look glimmering in his eyes. 
  “let me have some,” you demanded, pointing at his hand. “i didn’t come outside just to chat with you.”
  “oh, you didn’t?” jungkook countered, as if you were lying through your teeth and he knew it. “you didn’t come outside to be with me?”
  the words he spoke were sharp and challenged you. you weren’t even sure how to grasp them and by jungkook’s silence, neither did he. he paused for a moment, as if pondering his choices. your feet were planted in the ground, as it was your turn to stand inches away from him and used this to show you weren’t afraid of his challenge. 
  eventually, jungkook chuckled in disbelief. without moving, he brought the lighter to the joint once more, ensuring it was lit. he leaned back into the tree and you were about to object, thinking he was going to refuse your request again. then, instead of handing the joint to you, jungkook turned it around and used his other hand to pull you closer by the arm. you stumbled ahead, nearly chest to chest with jungkook.
  “here,” jungkook said and you were confused.
  he held the joint up, licking his lips and didn’t move. you realized he was holding it for you. jungkook even moved strands of hair from the front of your face and you knew he saw you shiver. as soon as you saw what he waa doing, without missing a beat, you leaned in ever so slightly and looked right up at him when you did. you closed your lips around the tip, the sensation filling your lungs, and he watched you intently. as you inhaled, you found yourself leaning even further into his touch, legs now touching.
  nobody moved when you finished and you coughed gently in the other direction after exhaling. he playfully patted your back, as you let it out. you took one more inhale and then, he brought it back to his own lips.
  “good girl,” he murmured and your mouth went dry, which was definitely not a result of the weed. 
  when you composed yourself, you were aware of how close you two were now standing to each other. it felt like another challenge, to see who would move first. neither of you lost, unlike last time. 
  “you’ve been avoiding me,” you finally blurted out, but jungkook didn’t seem to mind. in fact, his expression remained blank and unreadable, which was driving you crazy.
  jungkook responded, “you mean you’ve been avoiding me?” his voice was lower and neared a whisper of a volume.
  “i don’t know what you’re talking about.”
  “and i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he shot back, before sighing and looking down at his feet. “maybe i have been talking too much tonight, bunny.” his voice dialed back on intensity. 
  you raised an eyebrow at jungkook. “why, are you holding something back?” the substances in your body were directing you like a puppet, but it was all thoughts and feelings that you’d held captive in your mind for weeks, being released at once. 
  “you’re making this so difficult,” jungkook grunted, gently pushing you away now, but you didn’t move. “i’m not doing this while you’re drunk.”
  “doing what?” you pressed his statements further and stepped closer again. “i’m drunk, but i know what i’m doing.”
  jungkook gritted his teeth and instead of responding, he slowly bent down and picked the beer bottle up from the ground. swishing it around slightly, he finished the rest of the liquid in one gulp. you didn’t miss the way he didn’t step back, still at the same proximity and refused to be the first one to move. you also refused, for once. 
  though you didn't have much to smoke, the high was settling into your muscles and you felt heavier than usual. jungkook gave you a once over again and observed this. he pressed his lips together and came even closer, wrapping his large hand around your wrist.
  he carefully tugged you towards the back door. “come on. time to go.”
  jungkook pretended to not hear you. “let’s go, you need to sit down.” yet somehow, his tone was unconvincing and his grip lacked intention. it was as if really was he was holding something back. 
  “why did you tell me to ask taehyung out? are you a child?” you were relentless, commanding questions left and right. you even stared right at him, as the alcohol and weed washed away any anxiety pooling in your stomach.
  his jaw visibly clenched. “you’re always so stubborn, you know?” jungkook didn’t sound angry or exasperated, but more so amazed at the attitude you kept up like a brick wall. even he had trouble in your opposition. 
  “and don’t start with me about avoiding you, i was just taking a page out of the jeon jungkook handbook of communication,” you snapped, letting his question through in one ear and out the other.
  “oh, give me a break - “
  “no, now would be a great time to explain yourself,” you demanded.
  jungkook clenched his jaw, before taking another drag of his joint and promptly put it out against the tree. even though you felt nothing but frustration run through your veins, it was damning that he looked so good. you were used to his cheery attitude and playfulness, but something about seeing him so serious made your heart jump in different ways.
  he finally spoke, “i was trying to give you space at first because you have a lot going on. you’re running the farm all by yourself, you live alone - “
  “i’m a grown adult, jungkook! we aren’t kids anymore, you don’t have to protect me!” you cried, voice cracking slightly and when he didn’t answer, you continued. “why are you creating distance between us? do you know how happy i was to have you back in my life after so long?” 
  quietly, he replied, “i was, too.”
  “why are we ignoring what happened at the farmhouse? twice, actually?” you asked, exasperated. “is it because you have jiwon? or, am i imagining things and this is all in my head?”
  “stop asking a million questions a minute.”
  when jungkook’s voice dropped below a whisper, it snapped you back into the reality in front of you, where his face was inches away from yours.
  dreams of you kissing jungkook then flashed before your eyes. the haunting, yet sacchrine images that had been following you around for days clutched onto the confusing emotions that had been following you for the past month and a half. it was clearer now that the gap between the two of you drew smaller and smaller as the conversation went on. it was now at the point where your noses were nearly touching.
  “i tried to fight it, every time it got too close. but, last time - “
  “last time, you were vulnerable. it would have felt wrong if i. . . “ you trailed off, not daring to finish the sentence. the both of you knew what would have happened if you didn’t pull away during your last night together.
  when no one said anything or moved even an inch, jungkook spoke once more. his eyes fell to your lips and this time, he didn’t hide it. they remained fixated until he opened his mouth.
  “i dare you,” was all jungkook said.
  in your twenty five years of living, you never, ever, not once lost a dare to jeon jungkook. the dare in question needed no verbalization for the two of you to understand. the understanding was crystal clear - it was in the way jungkook’s grip on your wrist somehow turned into a gentle hold of your hand, in the way that he counted the amount of times you bit your lip and it was in the way that nobody wanted to move. the dare sounded playful aloud, but was sharp and impatient. 
  today was not the day you were going to lose for the first time. 
  closing the distance between your lips and jungkook’s felt like a slow motion reel, like the entire world braked its rotation just for the two of you. it was as if you could hear each flap of a butterfly’s wings and each leaf on the branches above you rustling in the sticky, summer breeze. there was very little space left between you and jungkook at this point, but the leap to meet his lips you took felt centuries long. 
  jungkook’s lips were as soft as they looked and his clasp in your hand never loosened, only accompanied by his other arm locking around your waist. you could’ve sworn you heard the clatter of the beer bottle drop against the dirt beneath your feet, but your ears were ringing too loud to be sure. he took you by the waist, enveloping you and pulling you as close as he could, deepening the kiss. 
  instantly, like being shocked by electricity, you brought your arms around jungkook’s neck and balanced yourself as high as you could on your tippy toes. you swiped your tongue against his lip piercing. the kiss was hungry and lacked any sense of patience. he moaned softly and his other arm finally dropped your hand, only to bring it around your waist to join the other. he lifted you slightly in your kiss, noticing that you struggled to meet his height, and you giggled into the kiss. 
  jungkook also laughed against your lips and you thought it was finally breaking the tension of the moment. you were proven wrong by yourself, your own body betraying you when you began running your fingers through the hair on the back of his head without even realizing it. jungkook moaned again, louder, at the sensation of you pulling at the strands and bit your bottom lip in response. 
  “shit, you sure you want to do that?” he warned against your lips, but you were distracted by the way his raspy voice lit all your sensations on fire and you slipped your tongue into the kiss.
  the two of you could have been lost in each other’s lips for hours - you wouldn’t be able to tell, completely lost. you stumbled briefly when jungkook led you to turn around and switch with your back against the tree, but he steadied you immediately and held most of your weight without breaking the kiss. he pressed you closer against the tree, now slowing down. 
  jungkook still had his arms around your body, protecting your bare back from the bark and from tripping before anything. now, though, the kiss was no longer hungry, but still intense as if the two of you continued to drown yourselves in each other’s touch. your lips moved against him slowly, savouring each second. this is when you truly lost track of time.
  nobody was going to pull away, even though you could hear jungkook’s phone going off with texts. the only thing that worked was the pattering of raindrops on your head. you ignored it at first and they lessened when jungkook put a hand above your head to protect you. except, the rain only intensified and the two of you needed to catch your breath.
  you swore your lips were tingling when you pulled away. jungkook barely moved, forehead to forehead to you. you met his eyes and despite the cold of the rain, his gaze warmed you. the two of you panted in unison, no words needed to say.
  “we keep finding ourselves in the rain,” jungkook managed to whisper in between breaths. 
  you jumped at the aggressive clap of thunder in the distance, the sky flashing for a moment. this was what snapped you out of your daze, unable to shake off the feeling of jungkook’s lips and body against your own. when you jumped, he wrapped his arms tighter against you, protectively. before you let him pull you away back indoors, there was one more thing you had to say.
  “i win.”
  the kiss you shared with jungkook was ingrained in your memory and there was no chance of you wiping it away, even if you had a few drinks that night. the kiss jolted you cold sober, more alert than you could ever be. the kiss was stretching your muscles after a long drive. it was what both of you had been holding back for the longest time and you didn’t even know it, until your fingers were tangled in his hair and his strong arms gripped your waist like his life depended on it.
𝐓𝐀𝐆 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓. @sstrongstyle @wobblewobble822 @taiwan0618 @seokout @firelcrds @xwniazx @shellyyy177 @myseokjinji
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wildflowerluver · 2 years
when we are together
aaron hotchner x fem!reader
5 times jack pushes you and aaron together and the one time it works
cw: reader gets injured, mutual pinning, jack also gets hurt (very minor), bau reader, she/her pronouns 
wc: 4.9k
1. carpool
you had first overheard hotch complaining about his car troubles to rossi.
everyone drove the same bureau issued suv. it was odd for one to have an issue and not the others. emily laughed and joked to the group about it being ‘old man troubles’ to which he rolled his eyes. 
“it’s going into the shop after work. standard maintenance.”
you finally butted in when hotch debated what rental car to get. 
“i can just pick you up tomorrow if you’d like. i drive in your direction anyway,” you offered. “save you the trouble.”
hotch raised an eyebrow. “are you sure? i have to get jack to school too.”
you waved your hand. “i’ll pick you both up at eight.”
true to your word, you pulled up to hotch’s apartment complex a few minutes early and shot him a quick text to let him know you were outside.
jack came barreling out first, hotch not far behind. his  backpack bounced as he ran and lunchbox hit against his leg. 
“hi y/n!” jack exclaimed as he climbed into the car. hotch greeted you with a quieter hello as he buckled jack’s seatbelt and circled the car to get in the passenger's seat.
you stayed quiet while driving, focusing instead on navigating. hotch had asked jack about his day ahead in an effort to make small talk. the young boy perked up and began rambling off about everything he would be doing at school. you were impressed with how much he seemed to enjoy learning.
it was only a few minutes before you were pulling up to jack’s school as per aaron’s directions. you quickly parked while aaron got out of his seat to help jack out of the car and get his backpack on.
before he exited though, you twisted around to say goodbye to jack and wish him a good day at school. 
he waved up at you with a toothy smile. 
“maybe you and dad could drive me to school together more often.”
you and aaron met each others eyes in a mutual agreement.
“i think that can definitely be arranged.”
2. work
it was rare that jessica couldn’t watch jack. her job and schedule allowed her to care for the young boy after school and when aaron was away on cases. 
today, however, she got swamped with a last minute series of meetings and was out of town for the day. she let aaron know as soon as possible but not quick enough for him to find another sitter.
that meant one thing, jack would have to spend the day at the bau.
aaron coached his son the entire drive over on the proper behavior. it was a paperwork day, thankfully, and he made sure jack knew that everyone on the team had a lot of work to get done. that meant no bothering them.
despite the warning, jack was practically bouncing the entire way up, more than excited he would get to spend an entire day with some of his favorite people on the planet.
members of the team greeted jack as he made his way around the bullpen. morgan even slipped him a lollipop he stole from garcia for the occasion. when hotch had begun to guide his son up towards the office, you offered to let jack sit with you.
hotch tilted his head. “are you sure?”
“i don’t have a ton of files to get done. he won’t be a bother.”
hotch brought a spare chair over to your desk. he thanked you again and disappeared into his office. you knew the young boy would need entertainment of some kind while he waited.
you took a spare piece of paper from your desk and a few pens. jack took them eagerly with a thank you and got to coloring right away.
it was far from a distraction. his scratching on paper served as white noise more than anything.
he seemed to finish after a few minutes, sliding it over to you for approval. you beamed when you saw the drawing. it was you, him, and hotch at what looked like the park. some of the scribbles were a little tough to decipher but you got the gist.
“wow jack!” you exclaimed. “i think we might have found your hidden talent!”
jack giggled, taking the picture back.
“wanna go show your dad?”
the boy was sliding off the chair and running up the steps towards his dad's office before you could stop him. while the offer was made, you were unsure if hotch was in a meeting. the door was already open, though, and jack headed in with ease.
“dad! dad! look what i made!” jack quickly exclaimed. hotch looked up from his file, expression softening as his son handed the picture.
you entered the office next, apologizing for jack’s sudden rogue behavior. hotch held his hand up, lips upturned in a small smile. 
he kept the photo framed on his wall.
3. career day
there were plenty of events at jack’s elementary school that were spread throughout the year.
he had an art show, a holiday concert, and even a mini science fair. aaron had done his best to make it to the ones he could, but there were times when work conflicted and he felt awful.
jack had another event, career day, in just a few days and the team had yet to be called in for a case.
this was a big deal for him. once aaron had told him he would be in attendance, jack seemed to work extra hard and checked every single morning to make sure his dad would still be there. typically, jessica would also attend with or without aaron but she was away on a work trip.
as happy as jack was that aaron would be there, all of the other kids in his class were bragging about both of their parents taking the day off.
haley wasn’t around anymore and his aunt was busy. 
jack asked his dad before he got out of the car for school. one of the aids had handed aaron a flier with a reminder for the event. in the back, jack piped up.
“can y/n come too?”
aaron glanced at his son through the mirror. he knew how important this event was for jack.
“sure, buddy. i can ask her today.”
jack’s career fair was that friday during your lunch break. the students would be dressing up as their future careers and even prepared a presentation for the parents who had come to see them. 
despite not being able to make it, jack had enlisted jessica’s help to make his outfit a total surprise. 
aaron and you had left a few minutes before your scheduled break to ensure enough time to make it to the school. you had to admit, hearing that jack wanted you at such a big event for him and being invited made you tear up. 
you quickly found seats in the auditorium. jack’s teacher had given a brief speech before releasing everyone to walk around the room.
jack was in the back corner. you and aaron both beamed when you say his career choice.
he was dressed in a suit, one of aaron’s ties around his neck though it was much too long for his body. he had a little bag beside him and an id clipped to his collar. he looked like aaron.
jack immediately ran into his dads legs, squeezing him tightly. you were next.
“hey buddy,” you greeted. “what did you dress up as?”
“i’m an fbi agent!” he exclaimed proudly. “i wanted to be like you and dad.”
you glanced at aaron who pressed his lips together. “you wanted to be like us?”
“yeah! i couldn’t be a superhero so i chose the real thing.”
both you and aaron collected jack in your arms at his words.
aaron stayed close to you and jack went through his entire presentation: what an fbi agent was, why he picked it, and how he can practice in his everyday life. it was adorable.
it was finally time for the career fair to end and jack had hugged you both again before running off with his class. you and aaron needed to get back to work too. aaron drove you two back to the bureau, leaving the radio on at a comfortable volume.
“thank you for coming with me. i know it meant a lot to jack.”
aaron was truly grateful. jack adored you and deep down, aaron always worried that his son would struggle with emotions and opening up after losing haley. but with you, he was the opposite.
you leaned over the center console to squeeze his hand. a small intimate gesture.
“of course. anything for either of you.”
4. emergency room
you loved watching over jack whenever you could. 
all of the team, minus you and morgan, had a conference out in wisconsin over the weekend. it wasn’t odd for certain members to not go, the bureau chose who they thought would discuss the content the best.
you volunteered to watch jack in aaron’s absence. 
you headed over to the hotchner residence immediately after work on friday. the rest of the team would be heading out that night for the conference on saturday and sunday.
jack was ecstatic that you were watching him. he even made a list of movies he wanted to watch and games he wanted to play.
of course you had been in aaron’s apartment before, but he still showed you around and pointed out where specific things for jack were. he stopped by his bedroom, motioning you to drop your bags. 
“you can sleep in here. i changed the sheets and all before you came but there’s also fresh linens in the hall closet.”
he had said it so casually you couldn’t help the blush that formed. you really hoped he didn’t notice.
you had to practically shove aaron out the door after the makeshift tour. he was running late for the airport but you could sense his nervousness about leaving jack. he finally kissed his son on the forehead and squeezed your shoulder. 
“good luck at your conference.” you giggled when he rolled his eyes, clearly not excited for it. “try and have some fun.”
“i doubt it.”
the weekend with jack went by smoothly. you did everything on his agenda and spent some time in the city too. it was honestly relaxing to be with the boy.
aaron had texted you before he had left wisconsin, sending the flight information and arrival time. you had responded with a simple ‘safe flight!’ and ventured into the kitchen to make jack dinner.
jack was bouncing around as you cooked. he missed his dad and was excited for him to get home. you warned him gently to be careful and he simply giggled before taking off around the apartment.
you thought all was good until you heard a loud crash and an instant cry.
after shutting the burner of the stove off, you wasted no time in running to find jack.
he was sitting on the floor on the hallway, the table knocked over and a picture frame scattered on the floor. your heart plummeted when you saw the blood on his forehead and hands.
you’ve had training for this. you’ve literally saved people's lives but seeing jack injured seemed to make you falter. 
you quickly took him in his arms and brought him into the kitchen, grabbing a towel to his cut. you needed to slow the bleeding before anything. you used your spare hand to wipe away jack’s tears.
“it’s gonna be okay, jackers. i promise.”
his verbal crying had subsided but the tears still flowed. your heart ached.
after a few moments, you removed the cloth and winced. he would definitely need stitches. “i’m gonna take you to get cleaned up, okay?” jack nodded.
you scooped him into your arms, quickly grabbing your phone and keys.
the drive to urgent care went by thankfully quickly. jack kept the cloth pressed to the cut and was taking it like a champ. you knew he would be okay but anxiety still nipped at your head.
doctors took jack back right away. you relayed what happened and that you were his babysitter. thankfully with aaron’s status at the bau, not much information was needed for you to write down.
when you went to follow them back to jack’s room, you were stopped. it was standard protocol for them to not let friends or family back while they operated. as much as you wanted to go and be with him, it simply wasn’t allowed.
you squeezed jack’s hand quickly, reassuring him that he would be okay. your eyes stayed on him until he was led out of sight.
you needed to call aaron.
the team was mingling about on the jet, all immersed in a game of poker while rossi slept somewhere else on the jet. hotch’s phone rang and he placed his cards down to pick it up.
hotch barely had time to answer with a hello before you were apologizing. 
“aaron i’m so so sorry,” you cried. 
“y/n what happened? where are you?”
“i’m at urgent care,” aaron’s heart fell at your words. “jack fell and cut his head. aaron i’m so sorry.”
you were crying again when you finished talking. he could tell you were trying to muffle your sobs with your hand.
“y/n,” aaron needed to calm you down before anything. “is jack okay?”
“yeah yeah. they took him back to get stitches but they said he was going to be okay. i’m sorry i was supposed to be taking care of him.”
“it’s okay. as long as jack is being taken care of, that's all that matters. i’m sure it was an accident.”
you’re already protesting his words. “but i-”
“y/n,” aaron’s voice is stern. “it’s okay. i’ll meet you at urgent care when we land. shouldn’t be more than thirty minutes.”
he was going easy on you and you knew it. 
the thirty minute wait seemed to go by agonizingly slow. a doctor had come into the waiting room and let you know that they were beginning the stitching. the cleaning had taken longer than intended.
you shut your eyes when someone sat down next to you. you knew it was him. you knew you should turn and talk to aaron but the guilt was all consuming.
he finally took the first words. “how’s jack?”
“he’s good. getting his stitches now. aaron i’m-”
“y/n, it’s okay, really. please don’t apologize again. accidents happen,” his words were gentle. you stayed quiet, knowing you would apologize again if you opened your mouth.
aaron’s hand moved to your knee, effectively stopping the anxious bouncing and squeezing to reassure you of his words. 
he kept his hand there until a doctor came out to which he stood up, professionalism seeping into his expression.
“you can go first,” you offered once the doctor had informed you that jack was ready to be seen. it felt dumb to have to vocally tell him to go.
aaron was having none of that. he reached down to take your hand in yours and hoist you to your feet, pulling you after him to jack’s room. aaron entered first, hugging his son tightly.
“hi jackers,” you greeted quietly after stepping into the room.
the young boy bit his lip as tears welled in his eyes. “i’m so sorry.”
aaron looked at his son. “what for buddy?”
“i was running when i wasn’t supposed to and i got hurt.”
you took a seat on the bed beside him, carefully wrapping an arm around his shoulder. he leaned into you as aaron occupied the other space beside him.
“it’s alright. i’m just glad you’re okay.”
5. hurts
there was always a risk when a friend, a lover, anyone close to you was in a potentially dangerous line of work.
you and aaron had gone through it a few times with him and foyet and various members of the team. you, however, hadn’t ever been directly put in danger.
that was until this case.
the unsub was profiled as a misogynistic, psychopathic serial killer whose signature involved overkill of women. every female in the immediate area was absolutely terrified. 
you didn’t think much of it at first, especially not when you, spencer, and emily had been sent to a suspect's house. the fear only set in when all traits of the suspect had pointed to him being the unsub and you were the one who got attacked first.
hotch nearly lost it when he found you unconscious and bloody. your face had been beaten, nose swollen and lip split. he dropped down beside you, taking your head in his hands and yelling your name in pure fear of losing you until j.j. had gotten the emt’s.
you thankfully didn’t stay in the hospital very long, just overnight. all of your wounds had gotten cleaned and stitched up but the doctor had diagnosed you with a pretty nasty concussion. you were just glad it was a local case so you didn’t have to wait to fly home.
hotch had insisted that he watched over you for at least the first night. there had been other volunteers but no one was going to argue with their boss. 
you had strict concussion protocol for the first night. you would need to stay up as late as you possibly could and once you fell asleep, someone would need to wake you up every few hours. it sounded exhausting.
if hotch had any issues with it, he didn’t voice them.
you were still pretty out of it on the drive home. aaron had loaded your bags in his car and kept a secure arm around your waist to help you in the passenger's seat. he even made sure to take the least bumpy route to his apartment.
you stayed leaning against the wall of his apartment hallway as aaron knocked before unlocking the door. jessica was greeting him right away, echoing that jack was in the kitchen eating dinner. the rest of their conversation was fuzzy. your head was pounding and it felt like too much to try and tune in and listen.
“y/n?” aaron’s voice was suddenly close.
you hum as you opened your eyes slowly. 
“let’s head in,” his hand fell to your shoulder as he led you inside. jessica must have left because you could only hear jack in the kitchen.
you collapsed on the couch. aaron went into the kitchen to greet his son and get you some medicine.
despite doctor’s orders, sleep was beginning to feel like a good idea. but as your eyes started to slip shut, you heard a patter against the floorboards.
“y/n?” jack’s voice was small. you knew he had never seen you like this. “are you okay?”
you sat up, patting the spot next to you for jack to climb up. “i’m alright, jackers. just got a little hurt.”
an idea seemed to pass over jack’s face and he lit up. “oh! i know how to help!”
you tilted your head to the side. sure jack was smart for his age but you didn’t know how he could help your injuries. 
jack smiled. “kisses! dad and aunt jess always say that kissing my hurts will make them feel better.”
you bit your lip. the young boy's heart made you tear up. “well i certainly want to feel better.”
jack clambered forward, placing a soft kiss to the cut on your forehead, the bruise on your cheek, and the brace on your wrist.
aaron opened his mouth, a warning for his son to be careful on the tip of his tongue. but when he saw you smile, he stopped.
“dad!” jack twisted around to face his father. “your turn!”
aaron shook his head. “sorry buddy, i think you got them all.”
jack shook his head, pointing towards your very split lip. “nuh uh. i made sure to leave one for you.”
aaron ruffled his son's hair. he wanted to defuse the brewing situation. as willing as he would be to kiss your injury, it was wrong, unprofessional. “her lip needs to heal. i can’t kiss it.”
“but y/n won’t feel better!” jack sounded clearly in distress. “please?”
both you and aaron knew jack’s stubbornness, something he got from his father.
“alright,” aaron’s voice was softer now.
he circled the couch to stand in front of you. jack babbled on about how he also had special spiderman bandaids in his room and he would even let you have one. aaron’s eyes met yours. it was a silent agreement between the two of you.
aaron ducked down to kiss the corner of your mouth, lips ghosting over the stitches. 
it was a surge of emotion but one that you knew he was only doing for jack. his lips left yours much faster than you would’ve liked.
“do you feel better?”
jack’s question broke you out of the trance you were in.
aaron had kissed you. indirectly, yes, but it was still a kiss.
“without a doubt.”
+1 movie night
you and aaron hadn’t discussed the night after the case. though in all honesty, you hadn’t stopped thinking about it. 
once you were cleared again for the field, cases seemed to pick up which left less than sufficient personal time for you and aaron. you missed him. 
you were the first one in the office friday morning. you had gotten there early to get a headstart on your paperwork in hopes that it meant not having to stay late.
aaron was in next. he usually gave you, or whoever else was in the bullpen, a nod and a quiet ‘good morning.’ today, he changed his route and circled around to your desk.
“are you busy tonight?”
you nearly sputtered out the coffee you were drinking out of pure unawareness of where this question was going to lead.
you shook your head. “assuming we don’t have a case, i’m not.”
“good,” aaron started. “jack wanted to have a movie night and he’s been dying to see you and i wanted to see if you wanted to come over?”
his voice seemed to go up an octave towards the end, as if to cushion the non-existent blow of the question. 
you beam. “i would love to.”
aaron’s eyes lift. it’s not a smile, those are rare even for you, but it’s close to it.
“perfect. does seven work?”
you nod.
“great, we’ll see you then.”
you hide your smile in the file you’re working on.
right as aaron had instructed, you showed up at aaron’s apartment right around seven. you knocked twice, stepping back to wait for the door to open. when it did, you weren’t met with your tall solemn boss, but the smaller hotchner.
“y/n!” jack exclaimed, surging forward to hug your waist. 
you giggled, hugging him back. “hi jack.”
aaron appeared behind his son, lips upturned at the sight of you two. “hi,” you greeted him. 
“come on in, it’s all set up.”
you let aaron take your bag. usually on nights like these, you and aaron stayed up much later than you expected and you crashed at his place instead of going home.
you took a seat at the edge of the couch, letting aaron decide the distance between you two. when he returned, he sat a few feet away. it wasn’t enough to be inferred as him clearly trying to make distance but it wasn’t close enough either.
jack had clambered into his dad’s lap, curling into his chest with just enough vision to still see the movie.
once he had settled, however, his head turned to where you still sat. he extended one of his hands, opening and closing his fists in a grabbing motion. he wanted you closer.
“i wanna lay with you too.”
“of course jackers.”
you smiled and scooted a little closer to aaron. you looked up at him cautiously. being close to jack meant being close to him too. aaron didn’t respond verbally. he lifted his arm from where it sat at his side to rest along the back of the couch. open invitation. 
you curled into aaron’s side, legs pressing against his. jack wasted no time in readjusting himself to be strung across the both of you. you could feel aaron’s eyes peer down on you but you didn’t meet his gaze. instead, you settled further into the couch and watched the screen.
as the final few scenes of the movie played, jack began yawning and rubbing his eyes. you knew it was his bedtime but would fight until the movie was over. you brought your hand to his back, running your fingers up and down to help soothe his tired state. 
when the end credit popped up, aaron leaned to shut off the tv. “alright buddy, let’s get you to bed. can you say goodnight to y/n?”
jack slid fully into your lap, arms interlocking around your neck to hug you.
“goodnight y/n. thank you for coming over.”
“goodnight jack,” you spoke, squeezing him a little tighter.
when you let go, the boy wasted no time in all but sprinting down the hall to pick out the bedtime story aaron would read.
“i’m going to get him ready for bed,” aaron started. “i shouldn’t be too long.”
you smiled up at him. “take your time.”
aaron too disappeared down the hall and you were left to your own devices. 
you knew he wanted you to wait in the living room but your overnight bag was discarded in his room and you really wanted to wash your face and get in more comfy clothing. 
you tried to be as quiet as possible as you walked down the hallway, fully intent on going into aaron’s room just to grab your bag. that was until you heard the conversation between aaron and jack. you stayed pressed against the wall next to the door.
guilt climbed in your chest at what you were doing but what the hotchner boys didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them.
“-don’t get it.” that was jack.
you could almost see aaron’s eyebrow quirk. “what don’t you get, buddy?”
“why aren’t you and y/n dating yet?”
you suck in a breath, cheeks turning rosy at the question. you absolutely knew you weren’t meant to hear it. the thought of turning away and completing your original task passes over but you want, need, to hear aaron’s response.
“i don’t think she likes me like that, bud.” 
“she does,” jack nearly giggles. “she talks about you a lot.”
you just got betrayed by a seven year old. 
aaron seems to change the conversation after that and that’s when you tune out, replaying aaron’s words over and over. i don’t think she likes me like that. does that mean he liked you too?
you’re so caught up in your thoughts that you don’t notice jack’s door open and aaron step out.
he sighed, not surprised in the slightest at seeing you waiting. “i know you heard all that.”
you stammer, trying poorly to come up with an excuse.
“come on,” aaron’s hand is strong as he guides you to his room. “he just got to bed, don’t want him waking up while we talk.” 
fear courses through you. you could lose your job over all this. dramatic reaction but still a possibility. above all, however, you could lose aaron personally. it was already a barrier you felt like you were pushing
“jack sometimes doesn’t think before he asks a question,” aaron starts. oh. “i’m sorry you had to hear that.
he was sorry?
“why are you sorry?” you’re trying to save yourself the potential heartbreak.  
aaron sighs.
“i’m your boss. it’s unprofessional to have feelings for my subordinate. you watch my son too, i don’t want you feeling like i’ve been taking advantage of you.”
you wanted to laugh. aaron was always overly professional with his words.
“i really like you aaron.”
he didn’t respond at first and for a moment you think your confession was a little too strong. but then his eyes meet yours and he smiles.
“can i kiss you? properly this time.”
you hummed. “please.”
aaron’s lips met yours tentatively. his hands cupped your cheeks effectively holding you to him. it was new, though not unwelcome.
you leaned up to loop your arms around his neck to pull him closer. 
aaron pulled away first and you whined, clearly upset at the sudden lack of contact. you had waited ages to kiss aaron and in no way did you expect for it to end so soon.
“relax baby,” aaron chuckled. your heart leaped at the pet name. “need to adjust.”
he sat down on the bed. arms snaked around your waist to pull you close to him.
“so you like me too?” the question slips out before you can think about it. 
aaron leans up to kiss the corner of your mouth, the same spot where your cut had turned into a scar. 
“i do.”
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
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Hobie takes you web swinging around the city
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Word count: 2.1k
Synopsis: Hobie has a little surprise for you after a hard day's work.
Tags: No use of Y/N, no specific physical description of the reader (reader is mentioned to wear jeans though) food mention, established relationship, Lovestruck Hobie, FLUFF
A/N: Have a fic in celebration of atsv finally releasing on digital! (we can finally see Hobie in HD ❤️) I actually hc Hobie's dimension not having phones yet, but for this fic let's just pretend lol.
My Masterlist
*I don't consent to having my work translated/ published on other platforms*
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You just got out of class, exhausted, you take off your lab coat, too tired to hang it properly, tossing it haphazardly inside your locker, the metal door closes loudly, rattling your tired bones. Thumping your head on the cold door, you sigh loudly, your stomach growling from hunger.
You can't wait to go home, and finally relax.
Grabbing your phone from your back pocket, you text Hobie– home in a bit, you done with your patrols?
You grab your backpack off the floor, walking towards the university's elevators, your eyes glued on your phone, waiting for his reply. Stepping inside, you listen to the hum of electricity, watching the three little dots appear on your phone.
As soon as the circles appeared, they disappeared from your screen. Guess he's not done yet. That's fine, as long as he comes home in one piece, and back in your arms, it'll be okay.
Putting your phone in your backpack, you step off the elevator, your eyes widen at the crowd gathered in the lobby, you quirk your eyebrow, what's going on? Did a villain attack again? Your mind goes back to Hobie, is he okay? Is this why he didn't answer? Your imagination runs wild, but before you panic, water from outside rushes inside the space, you're brought back to reality, people rush back trying to avoid the brown sludge.
You step back inside the elevator along with a few people, a couple of them you recognized from your class. The doors ding close, as one of the familiar faces presses the fifth floor. You're still confused, so you tap his shoulder, determined to get answers.
"Hey, what happened? Did a dam break or something?" You try to play off your anxiety.
"Nope, apparently it's been raining bloody hard, we've been stuck in that damn windowless lab for so long, we didn't notice" he murmurs out a swear, damning the city for the lack of proper drainage.
"Thanks, thought it was something horrible"
"Oh it is, the tube's closed, goddamnit, I'm missing my soap" the other passengers look at him, when he says the last part louder than he intended. He gets off the elevator early, too embarrassed to stay on.
You look at him apologetically, mouthing a thank you. Bringing out your phone you text Hobie– can't go home yet :( underground's flooded :((
The three dots appear again, but this time followed by a reply.
Go to the balcony, 7th floor, got a surprise.
You knit your eyebrows together, questioning his cryptic message. Nonetheless you press the button. When everyone gets off the elevator, leaving you inside, you smile to yourself, wondering what his surprise could be. Here's to hoping it's food.
It seems like an eternity before the elevator doors open to the seventh floor. You practically skipped over towards the double doors despite your exhaustion. Pushing the doors open, the late afternoon sun greets you, slowly setting in the horizon. Hobie or his 'surprise' is nowhere to be found.
You pause, noticing the puddles on the tiled floor, carefully walking towards the railing so you don't slip and fall flat on your face. Finally reaching the metal railing, you lean on it, inhaling and exhaling out, a cold breeze rushes past, fluttering your eyelashes in the wind.
For a second you forget your fatigue, you didn't hear Hobie's breathing behind you.
"Boo" he says it right in your ear.
"Fucker!" You jump back, the railing hitting the small small of your back, you hiss out.
"Shit, you okay?" Hobie asks in between laughs. He's hanging from his web upside down, the shiny spikes on his head gleaming in the sun, shining directly in your eye.
You grimace, shielding your eye from the light with your hand, your back throbs with a dull pain "is this your surprise? Wounding me?"
"Wounding you? That's a bit harsh, innit?" Hobie notices you're alone so it's safe to take off his mask, relieving your strained eye. He reaches towards you, "come 'ere, let me see if I blinded you" Hobie uses this as an excuse to hold your face in his hands.
He rubs small circles over your eyelid, your face heats up from the affection, Hobie's still hanging effortlessly upside down, "show off" you say softly.
He chuckles, pulling you closer to him, so close, your eyes cross together, as you're looking at his lips. Hobie finds the sight adorable, "let me kiss it better" he points at your eyes.
"Doctor's orders? I'm not a professional but I don't think–" you stop yourself when he places an unexpected quick kiss on the corner of your right eye.
He moves towards your left eye, smirking at your flustered expression, this time you're ready, closing your left eye so he could kiss it fully. You sigh, content.
"I think I missed one," Hobie tilts his head.
"I don't have a third eye"
"You sure? It's right–" he lifts your head up slightly, crushing his lips to yours, you smile into the kiss, Hobie tugs on your hair, earning a gasp from you, a ruse so he could kiss you deeply. You hold on to his back for stability, your legs wobbling in the cold breeze.
The unique position provides a new way for you to kiss him, mentally jotting it down so you could recreate it for another time, but in your current state, you forgot your train of thought the second it left your mind.
He pulls away for oxygen, cursing the need for humans to breathe, "here" Hobie stares at your smitten expression, he's sure he has the same look on his face.
You have no words, if this was his surprise, you're satisfied.
Hobie raises a pierced brow, tapping your forehead with his index finger "you still in there?"
You could only manage to nod, unable to form words "mmhm"
Hobie thinks you're goddamn adorable, you deserve another kiss just for that.
He pecks your lips with a loud smack, leaving a sheen on your lips. You wake up from your stupor, laughing.
Hobie finally drops down, gracefully landing on his feet, Accidentally splashing your jeans when he lands on a puddle.
"Ugh" you grimace, lifting your leg.
"It'll dry off in a minute" Hobie grabs your bag from your shoulder, placing it on his back. "Come on then" he reaches towards you.
At first you thought he just wanted a hug, but remembering your earlier predicament, you step back.
"Oh no way" you cross your arms "nope, I'm not doing that, can that flimsy web even carry us both?" You point at the web he left.
"That web is stronger than a steel cable"
You look at the white rope slightly swinging in the wind, it does not look like it's stronger than a steel cable.
You stare at Hobie "I'm not gonna let you fall" he crosses the small distance "never"
You look into his eyes, still apprehensive, you bounce on the balls of your feet, looking down at the flooded street below. You definitely don't want to trudge the mucky water, who knows what's floating in there.
"Alright fine, no funny business" you give up, looping your arms over his neck.
Hobie smiles victoriously, he grabs the back of your legs so you could wrap it around his waist. You yelp when he taps your arse, he laughs at your reaction.
You glare at him through your eyelashes. He places his mask back on.
"Right, no funny business" he mimics your voice. "You ready?"
"On second thought, maybe–"
Hobie doesn't let you finish your sentence, he jumps off the balcony quickly aiming his webs at a building. You feel your stomach drop, unable to scream, so you cling tighter, closing your eyes as the harsh wind whips at your thick jacket.
"I've got you, lovey" Hobie tries to reassure you. You can hear his web shooters thwip everytime a web releases from its compressed container.
"Shit, shit, shit!" You finally find your voice, screaming out, while Hobie drops down from a height, you feel motion sick.
Hobie finally finds a steady web slinging rhythm, enabling him to rub at your back, calming you a bit.
"You can open your eyes y'know"
"Nope, no thank you, I'm good" your eyes tightly shut.
"You sure? It's a gorgeous view, love" he softly says the last word, dripping with affection.
You exhale, trusting him, you bravely open your eyes "wow" gasping out, the sky is a brilliant orange, slowly transitioning into a marvelous pink shade, the high rise buildings fly past, its windows shining magnificently in the sunset. You can see the silhouette of you clutching onto Hobie's body like a tarsier on the buildings' many windows.
Hobie grins at your reaction, your eyes wide, it's like you're seeing a different side of the world. "Beautiful"
"You're right" you move your head to face him, finding Hobie staring right back at you.
Your cheeks heat up despite the cold bite of the wind, hiding your flustered expression on the crook of his neck. Hobie can feel your breath on his skin, leaving goosebumps.
He clears his throat (and thoughts) "almost there, hang on" Hobie hastens his web swinging, eager to show you his surprise.
You peek behind Hobie's neck, enjoying the passing scenery. "How do you not get motion sick?"
He laughs "A lot of practice"
Hobie finally reached his destination, his feet skids to a stop, holding you close- incase you fly off him.
He taps your back, telling you it's fine to finally get off. You try to stand, legs shaking from the adrenaline.
You hold on to his strong arm with a grip. You find yourself on top of Victoria tower, iconic London structures provide an unforgettable view. The London eye looming over the river thames, the iconic tower bridge on your left. Big Ben greets you with a chime of its clock.
"Holy shit" you're completely awestruck, you didn't even notice letting go of his arm.
He calls your name, trying to get your attention by tugging at your jacket.
"Hobie, is this–" he hands you a cup of tea. "What? Where?" You're confused, holding onto the steaming cup.
Hobie shakes the thermos in his hand, the contents sloshing inside, lid missing. "Figured you needed a drink" he says it so nonchalantly, like he didn't plan it (he definitely did)
You hold the lid turned cup in your hands, warming your palms.
"Is this your surprise?"
"Yeah, what? You thought it was the kiss, huh?" Hobie smirks, teasingly.
"Definitely not" you hide your lie behind the cup, slurping loudly.
A cold gust of wind blows towards you, your jacket sways in the wind, you regret wearing jeans now.
Hobie grabs your waist, scared that you might fall off the tower. "You alright?"
"Yeah, I saved my drink" you raise your cup, showing him none of the contents spilled out.
"Good, I would've bought that bread you like, but I figured the birds would get to it first" Hobie wraps his fingers in your belt loop, pulling you closer, warmth radiating off him. You lay your head on his shoulder, now that the adrenaline has faded away, you can feel the exhaustion coming back.
Hobie hugs you tightly, his knuckles massage your neck, the tight muscles relax in his hold "You feel better?"
You figured it out, why he's been doting on you, he probably noticed how tired you are these past few weeks and wanted to help you relax. Your heart swells tenfold, Hobie may not be good at telling you how much he loves you, but his actions make up for it.
You're eternally grateful, you don't know how it's possible but you love him even more, your heart overflowing with affection.
"Are you still with me?" He whispers, thinking you might've fallen asleep in his arms.
"Thank you" you look at him, cupping his jaw with your free hand, pecking his cold cheek "thank you" you say it softly this time.
"It's you, love, let me indulge you from time to time, yeah?"
"Only if you let me do the same for you"
"You already do" he lifts your chin closer to his lips.
"I love you" you whisper against his lips.
Hobie answers by sealing your lips with a kiss. A light drizzle of rain falls over you, you yelp when the cold water hits your skin.
Hobie clings to you tighter, ignoring the rain slowly getting heavier, soaking his suit and your jacket.
You pull away reluctantly, "we're gonna get sick!" You try to blink away the heavy droplets falling on your lashes.
"I'll take care of you" a sudden clap of thunder makes you jump, changing Hobie's plans "but yeah, we definitely should go"
Hobie gathers his things before he grabs your waist to carry you again. You instinctively wrap your legs on his waist, grinning widely, ready and happy to swing home.
"You ready?" he adjusts your arms.
"Yeah" you look at Hobie like he hung the stars in the sky.
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A/N: sorry if the geography is wrong lol. I couldn't resist not adding the iconic upside down kiss 🤭 thank you for reading! As always likes and reblogs are appreciated ❤️
*picture above is from pinterest*
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