#but with Sarada it was just a natural thing from the start
atqh16 · 2 years
I love how much Sarada just basically loves and respects Naruto as a person. Like it was programmed into Sasuke’s genes and he unknowingly passed it on to his child and it got triggered in Sarada just by Naruto being the kind, loving, empathetic person that he is. Sasuke is looking at his kid who’s practically fawning over Naruto and he’s like “same kiddo”. I will carry this fact into every version of them that I write. Just Sarada basically just gushing about how awesome Naruto is after every interaction they have and while Sasuke is a bit emotionally stunted and unsure of how to be a father this is one similarity he has with child that he can absolutely use to bond over with her.
Sasuke should just spend his quality time with his daughter just talking about Naruto over custard taiyaki and she’d be in bliss.
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watermelonsloth · 10 months
Boruto Shipping Opinions
I’m gonna put a brief aside here to say two quick things to keep in mind before reading:
I am not going to go into great detail or analysis here because I’m holding off on that until the manga wraps up.
I am caught up with the manga, I am not caught up with the anime. I have watched up until the arc the new team 7 infiltrate a prison, the second chunin exams, and whatever clips/moments I’ve stumbled upon being discussed. I am not an avid fan, I do not know all the ins and outs of character dynamics, and I don’t even keep up with that part of the fandom. I have no horse in this race.
I don’t like this ship, and I don’t know if that’s an unpopular opinion. I’ll try to avoid saying “they have sibling vibes” or “they’re just friends” because, coming from someone who has used that excuse in the past, it is very difficult to explain/defend argument. So much so that now it just comes across as cheap to me.
I will, however, say that I don’t like it for the same reason I don’t like NejiTen. It comes across as “he was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it anymore obvious?” It feels like it stems from the idea that boys and girls can’t just be friends. If the dynamic was introduced with an edge of romance (like how Naruto and Sakura’s dynamic was introduced with Naruto having a crush on her), maybe it would be a different story. But as of right now, it feels like the fandom reading into something that doesn‘t need to be read into.
I hate to say this, but I’m guessing this ship stemmed from SasuSaku fans reading them as “next gen SasuSaku”. Look, everyone can ship whatever they want or choose to refrain from shipping, but I’m sick of the fandom projecting old ships on new dynamics. I have seen BoruSara compared to SNS, NaruSaku, and SasuSaku (for some reason). I have seen BoruSumi compared to NaruHina. I have seen MitsuSara compared to SasuSaku and SuiKarin. I have seen KawaSara compared to SasuSaku. Every single time I thought to myself, “The manga starts with Boruto asserting that he’s not his dad and this isn’t his dad’s story.” I get that comparisons will naturally arise since it’s a sequel series, but these kids are not carbon copies of their parents and they don’t have the same dynamics their parents did.
Now that my rant is out of the way, I think a hypothetical child between them having black hair with pink highlights would be cute and that’s about it.
I wish these two had more of a dynamic. Both characters have interactions with Boruto and clear dynamics with him, but they don’t really have much going on with each other. They both have recognizable personalities, but they mellow each other out whenever they interact and it makes them boring (I’m guessing Ikemoto isn’t interested in them together). They also only tend to talk to each other about Boruto (at least in the manga). Say what you want about them, but at least Sasuke and Sakura had a dynamic.
Anyways, funny ha ha, Orochimaru gets an Uchiha in the way they least expected.
Gayer than any of the Naruto dynamics and that is saying something. However, I struggle to like the ship because I’m just so confused.
First, why does Boruto have so many lancer/foil/rival characters. Kawaki, Sarada, and Mitsuki all act as lancers. I get that writing doesn’t have to be formulaic, but they aren’t even all lancers to each other, having dynamics that bounce off of each other, they’re just lancers to Boruto. At least for me, it’s already gotten really boring and ends in the three’s dynamics with each other falling flat.
Second, the sun and moon symbolism makes no sense to me as a writing decision. The obvious problem is that it’s redundant; it’s already been used for multiple Naruto dynamics. The less obvious problem is that it contradicts Mitsuki’s manga introduction. Mitsuki was introduced as the middle between Boruto and Sarada’s two extremes, taking up a role similar to Sakura’s in the og team 7. If he’s supposed to be the moon to Boruto’s sun, why is he introduced to us as the earth? The admittedly more minor problem that distracts me is that Orochimaru was the one that Mitsuki down this road. Why? Orochimaru wasn’t redeemed by Naruto and has never shown interest in him or this philosophy before now. My best guess is that they’re fascinated by Naruto’s affect on Sasuke, but that still leaves me with questions.
It makes me think that the writer didn’t have any ideas when they introduced these two.
I don’t like how the fandom is making another love square, but I doubt there’s anything I can do to stop them.
This ship is boring because Sumire is boring. That one anime arc made her interesting, but it’s referenced and relevant so rarely that she goes back to being boring. I’d like this more if the story let Sumire be morally gray or treated her like a redeemed villain more. As of right now, I think the only leg the ship has to stand on is writing tropes and I do not care.
This ship feels like the product of the same people who ship SasuHina/SasuIno/SasuKarin/KibaHina out of spite. My last post/reblog went into why this happens but the short of it is that it’s easier to ship something in peace if the biggest “threats” to it are paired together. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I have a feeling most KawaSumi shippers also ship BoruSara.
Please… just stop. If not for yourself, then for me. I’m already barely coping with how popular NejiHina is. Why have I seen this as much as I have??? This feels like a personal attack on my sanity. They’re siblings.
This is the section for all the ships I have little/no opinions on. I think MitsuCho is too boring for how popular it is, I think ChoSara should be more popular, I’m disturbed by all of the Eida x next gen ships because she looks and acts like an adult (at least how adults are portrayed in Boruto), and I’m surprised Code x Eida isn’t more popular, but I also think that Code has gotten the Kabuto treatment and isn’t very popular in the fandom.
The ships I haven’t mentioned I either have so little fucks to give or so little information on that I have ZERO thoughts about.
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rantahead · 9 months
I’ve seen a lot of people saying NaruSaku would’ve been a better endgame ship and would’ve lived up to Kushina’s words about finding someone like her and that their kids would’ve been stronger, and these are the same people who ship BoruSara, but, like, you wouldn’t have Boruto and Sarada if it wasn’t for NaruHina and SasuSaku.
NaruSaku wouldn't be a good couple and their kids wouldn't even rival NaruHina's kids' strength. here's why:
Sakura's kids are always weak (yes, I'm starting with this first so I can get it out of the way):
the only thing Sakura can really pass on is her strength, as we see Sarada using it quite often. But her chakra control and Medical Ninjutsu can't, which makes Sarada look pathetic in eyes of some fans for not being able to achieve Medical Ninjutsu even tho her mom's one of the greatest (at this point, Wasabi or Mitsuki might unlock the Byakugo Seal because they're the best at it) Sakura has no Kekkei Genkai and we've never seen her use Ninjutsu (I know she has the chakra natures for it, but never actually uses it). so she can't really pass on something that she doesn't have or never uses.
2. Kushina's words:
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Kushina's words were never about finding someone like her (personality wise), but like her (deep down).
people say Hinata wasn't fit to be with Naruto 'cause she wasn't like Kushina, but those people were thinking personality wise.
in reality, Sakura was the first person to come his way, because he only liked her because she was cute. she was literally introduced that way.
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Kushina never wanted Naruto to marry someone who has the same personality as her, but someone who is like her. literally, all Sakura and Kushina have in common is their hair colors are different from normal shinobis, they were picked on for their insecurities, and they're hot-headed. Hinata, however, has many similarities.
they both care about Naruto
they've protected him with their lives
Hinata was the first person to believe in him after his parents
Hinata was willing to give her own life for Naruto's safety, TWICE, as Kushina did.
Hinata helped him when he needed it the most as did Kushina when he met her for the first time
now we move onto way the ship wouldn’t work itself:
Naruto questioned when Sakura called herself beautiful:
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here, Naruto questions Sakura when she calls herself "lovely ninja maiden". if he was so smitten with her, you think he'd question her nickname and not her teaching? yeah, I think so. even if he loved her SO MUCH, he wouldn't questioned, he'd agree.
2. Naruto has never complimented Sakura as a lover should:
in Naruto, not once has Naruto complimented Sakura's appearance. Inari, who barely got to know her and only got to know her for one arc, complimented her as soon as he saw her, yet why not Naruto...? only once he has, but that's when he introduced Sakura. even after their reunion, he said she looked exactly the same.
heck, he even claimed that Haku, a BOY, looked cuter than Sakura.
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3. Sakura hits Naruto too much:
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Sakura hits Naruto too much. if they had of gotten married, it would be an abusive one (Sakura abusing Naruto). I understand she cares about him and he cares about her, I really do, but there's still A LOT more panels of her hitting him more than her caring about him. but there's a limit of pics a post, and I have much more to add and I don't want Sakura hitting Naruto to take up all the pic space. and not to mention, there's still the anime fillers. I understand that it's supposed to be comic relief, yet there's no need to go that hard. she leaves bruises or bumps on the places she hits, whereas everyone else don't even leave a mark. I understand that it could be because of her being a Medical Ninja and her strength is more than a normal humans, yet she does it too hard, KNOWING it's gonna leave a bump. even Tsunade (who has only hit him at least once) has not left a mark on Naruto and her strength is GREATER than Sakura's. that just shows that she hits him too hard.
and even if they got married, it'll still be an abusive relationship because Sakura hasn't stopped hitting Naruto, even through timeskip. her kids, too, would suffer the abuse of their mother and fear for their lives.
4. they don’t understand each other on a deeper level:
now, Naruto married Hinata because they understand each other on a deeper level than anyone else (other than Shikamaru). she understands his pain and loneliness.
he never understood Sakura's pain and she never made an effort to understand his.
you may argue that because she was his teammate, she'd understand him the most because they went through Hell together. but the only people who understand Naruto on a deep deep level is Hinata and Shikamaru. not even Sasuke and Gaara (the ones confirmed to be his closest friends other than Shikamaru).
5. Naruto doesn’t except Sakura’s crush on Sasuke in part 1:
in original Naruto, Naruto tried everything to make sure Sakura falls out of love with Sasuke and in love with him. he never got to understand why she loves him or never really understood why he himself loved her. he even tried making her think Sasuke was a jerk by transforming into him.
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I feel like if he had of ended up with Sakura and never realized his feelings for Hinata, it would be a loveless marriage and Naruto would've turned out as a spoiled brat, because he "won" his childhood lover.
6. The confession:
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finally, the infamous confession that ruined Sakura for most of the fandom. honestly, I didn't think the Sakura hate could get any worst, yet this is just... it ruined Sakura for me.
like, Sakura seems okay with playing with Naruto's feelings. she KNOWS he likes her, Sai even confirmed it with BOTH him and her, yet she's reallly okay with hurting him and playing him for the fool?
not to mention, she KNEW about Hinata's feelings ever since the Pain arc, probably even before that because she's told Naruto that Hinata had been watching him all the way back in part 1, so she probably knew from there. was she really okay with playing with her boy best friend's feelings and betraying one of her best friends? she didn't even bother to check with Hinata about it. if Naruto had of said yes, do you think she would've had the nerve to walk in front of Hinata on Naruto's arm? no.
I don't think Hinata even knows of it. goes to show how little it meant to both Naruto and Sakura since they never bothered to mention it to Naruto's own WIFE.
but yeah, Naruto's head over heels in love with Sakura that he is totally in a loveless marriage with someone he finds weird because the girl he really loved is in a different marriage.
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keithisbae1 · 8 months
The Mershark & Mermaid - Part 7
⚠️⚠️Warning: ⚠️⚠️ Implied some dark themes
Sakura waited impatiently at her daughter's secret hiding spot, it was only for the night.
One night!
He promised to bring her back safely. Okay so technically speaking they didn't say when she would be brought back, but Sakura hoped Sasuke would understand that she wanted Sarada back as soon as possible. If he could bring her back safely home now well... maybe she'll consider letting him see Sarada more often.
Just then, the mermaid could see Sasuke's figure from afar but her heart leapt not seeing a smaller one by his side.
Please don't say...
"Where is she?"
"I... I lost her."
~Previously~ For the next few hours Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo entertained the young sharkling. They were playing hide and seek all the while Sasuke was trying to figure out what to do. She couldn't hunt and eat fish and was way too friendly to complete strangers. How is he supposed to protect her here? "She's still young." Jugo tried to comfort the mershark. "At her age, I was given to the sharks to feed on." "You aren't like the rest of your family and neither is she, you can't expect her to pick up on things so quickly." He knew that, Sasuke didn't expect a miracle and that it would take time before Sarada's shark instincts to kick in, but he started to wonder if that was even possible. Can half a mershark and mermaid even have the same instinct as a normal shark? "Maybe that's not such a good thing. If I were like my parents, I wouldn't have gone anywhere near Sakura and then we wouldn't be in this mess." There was nothing wrong with what he said, if he was a normal mershark everything would be fine. There would be no Sakura and no Sarada and he could get on with his life like usual... yet the thought made his stomach churn. "But you don't regret a thing do you?" Sasuke was surprised at Jugo's statement considering how the three of them were beforehand when the whole situation came out. "I can't say I understand what you feel for the mermaid is natural. I can't think of them as anything but prey however I can see how fondly you care about your daughter and as much as you try to deny it you are still in love with that Sakura maid no? You wouldn't go so far as to protect her if that was the case." "Your right." 
"But it's not like anything can happen. Like you said it's not natural, so where does that leave us now?" "I don't have all the answers but you'll figure out something. Doesn't Uchiha Sasuke always get what he wants?" "If I didn't know any better I would say you're encouraging me to pursue a relationship with Sakura." "I didn't say that necessarily. But if it makes you happy, we'll support you. You know Suigetsu and Karin will too." "Mr Jugo, you aren't hiding. That's not how you play the game." Sarada popped out of nowhere dragging Jugo along. "My apologies Sarada and I told you to call me Jugo only." He then turned back to look at Sasuke. "Just think about what I said." It was quite surprising how honest he was and all things considering Jugo was certainly not someone he'd imagined would tell him to go after Sakura. If only it was that simple. "Papa do you want to play too?" "Ah, I'm coming."
“Papa…” Sarada swam into his room poking him. It was late and chances were Sasuke was fast asleep but she was scared, the cave was so big that she almost got lost on the way, the fact it was deep underwater too. It didn’t bother her during the day but now Sarada kept seeing things. Shadows of monsters her imagination made up, although given whereabouts they were probably didn’t help the little one. “Papa.” Sarada prodded him again and he groaned slowly opening his eyes. What time was it? Shouldn’t she be tired after today? 
“Can I sleep with you?” She asked, big eyes pleading. His first instinct was to say no, she was a shark and sharks don’t sleep with their parents. Yes even sharklings, because what type of predator would they be if they were coddled as such? 
“I want to sleep with you and Mama!” A sharkling Sasuke asked, tears brimming his eyes. He knew his father would say no but was hoping under the circumstances he would be given permission. “Absolutely not!” “But-” “Do I have to repeat myself?” “I keep dreaming about the shark who almost ate me!” He yelled out afraid, he needed some reassurance. To know that someone was there and he was safe. That his parents would protect him from the other mersharks. “And whose fault is that? The strong kill the weak, are you weak Sasuke?” 
The word weak kept echoing in his mind, he wanted to be strong. “Itachi wasn’t like this.” “Fugaku…” Ah yes, his beloved older brother who could do no wrong. Sasuke tried hard to be like him but no matter what he was never good enough in comparison. 
“Maybe we should consider it.” “No!” Mikoto looked at her husband with horror. “He's too weak dear, this is the only option.” “Fugaku no, you know how I feel about this.” “We've gone through it.” “Exactly, and I refuse to let my own baby go through such a thing.” 
“What are you talking about?” Sasuke looked at his two parents confused. “It's a way to help you get stronger, you want that don't you Sasuke?” “Don't try and sugar-coat it, you're leaving him out there defenceless for other mersharks to eat him.” 
What? His parents were.... were going to leave him out there alone? “It's common for sharklings in the Uchiha clan. If they're considered prey to other sharks, fighting for their life is the only way to get them stronger. You want that don't you Sasuke?” 
Did he want that? “Sweetie, you don't have to do any-” “Yes...” Maybe this way he could finally get as strong as Itachi and finally make his father proud.
“The cave is really big and scares me; Mama lets me sleep with her sometimes.” Sarada brought him back to the present. “Sure,” but Sasuke wasn’t like his father. There was no way he nor his family would accept her into the clan so why should he coldly treat her as one of them? 
Sarada beamed and tucked herself underneath his arm snuggling close to him. It didn’t take long for her to drift to sleep letting out little snores. Maybe Sakura was right, his life wasn’t for Sarada yet neither was Sakura's. 
“But I don’t want to go home yet!” Sarada pouted swimming next to him. She wanted to play more with Suigetsu, Karin and Jugo and maybe see more of Papa’s friends. “Now Sarada we promised your mother, besides you still need to properly apologise to her remember?”
“Hmph!” Sarada huffed and went swimming ahead annoyed, it wasn’t her fault that Mama was angry at him. HE needed to make it up to her, once again Papa was being nothing but a hipocrit. Until she heard the wailings of someone in distress. She crept over behind a rock and saw a mermaid and merman surrounded by mersharks. Should they go over there and help? No, she should get her Papa to help, surely he’ll do something. “Papa-” Sarada was surprised to see him already behind her. He barely looked at the scene before taking her claw and leading her away. “Keep swimming!” He told her. “But- but we have to help them! They have a child, we can’t leave them.” Although the merboy and her weren’t friends Sarada recognised them well enough. He didn’t have any siblings so he would be left alone unless… what if they had them him too? “This is important!” “Sarada!” She flinched at his harsh but hushed tone. They couldn’t risk getting caught. “I can get involved.” “Why? You're stronger than them, just tell them not to do any bad stuff!” 
“It’s not as simple as that. Your mother and her friends are the only ones who are safe because of me. Everyone else… has nothing to do with me.” “I don’t understand…” What was he trying to say? “They were the ones who came into shark territory. They knew what they were doing and the risks, it can’t be helped.” So… there was nothing he could do? Sarada looked down. “What’s going to happen to them?” “…” “Papa!” “Ah, Sasuke my boy.” Sarada immediately retreated hiding behind Sasuke's back. “Orochimaru.” “Talking to yourself?” “Yes.”
“Hmm, how unlike you.” The Uchiha tsked, knowing Orchimaru this can't be good. “What do you want?” When Sarada decided to peek out her heart stopped beating. He was almost as big as Papa and was it her or did he look slightly different than usual mersharks? More like a snake than an actual shark, not that knew what a snake was. He just looked... odd compared to Sasuke and his friends. His tail was darkish grey whilst his scales were pale white. She wanted nothing more than to swim away. “You seem a bit distracted.” 
“Because I have better things to do than talking to you right now.” And he needed to figure a way to get Sarada out of here. “Oh? Well be my guest and leave, nothing’s stopping you.” “And have you follow me? I don’t think so.” Buy some time, buy some time.
“Suspicious as always.” With Sasuke preoccupied in thought, Sarada slipped behind a rock not far from him and swam below until she felt safe enough to swim away. Anything to get away from that creepy shark, she'll make her own way home. It couldn't be that hard.
On second thought, it was hard. Very hard because now Sarada had no idea where she was. The sharkling kept swimming around. “Maybe this way-” She bumped into something hard hitting her head. “Ow! Hey, watch it!” Boruto rubbed his sore head but then his eyes brightened realising who it was. “Oh hey, it’s you!” Another mershark? “Please don’t eat me…” Sarada whimpered backing away confusing the young shark. “Uh… what? I can’t eat you, I’m too small.” “I’m Boruto. Your Uncle Sasuke’s daughter right?” “Yeah? You know Papa?” 
“Oh, he’s my Uncle!” “Really?” “Well, not by blood.” “He’s my Dad’s best friend.” 
“Ooooh, yeah like Mama and Aunty Ino.” Sarada grinned feeling slightly easy, he didn’t seem so bad. And he looked about her age, maybe they could be friends? But now how would she get back to Mama? 
“You lost her? What do you mean you lost your own daughter?” “She must have freaked out when Orochimaru showed up, she was behind me I swear but I couldn't risk him finding out.” “I knew I shouldn’t have left her with you. What if something happened? She must be so scared! You promised me Sasuke, you promised!” Sakura began panicking, she didn't blame Sarada for swimming away. She must have been so scared but now her baby was by herself. “And I’ll find her, I will. I won't let anyone touch her but you need to calm down.” He reached out grabbing hold of her arms to steady the mermaid, cupping her face to look at him. “Breathe Sakura. In and out.” She nodded, taking a deep breath before breathing. Panicking wouldn't do any good. Sarada needed them both. 
It had been so long since she felt his touch and yet being so close brought back painful memories. “I'll bring her back here.” Sasuke was the first to break contact. “I’m coming too.” “No way!” 
“She is MY daughter, I don't care what it takes. You are taking me with you.” And with that, she flicked her tail swimming past him. He forgot how stubborn she could be. Fuck! Everything was going wrong today.
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narhinafan · 1 year
If borusara became canon, then I'm 100% dropping the manga like the plot is way too slow for a monthly manga and sarada getting bias treatment by kishi for being sasuke's daughter and honestly stealing other characters spotlight.
Was waiting for mitsuki action in ch2 but got sarada cover with her being useless all the chapter.
Borusumi seems natural and sumire is following kishimoto's previous heroines pattern like sad backstory, getting good treatment and caring by mc's and also parallels minakushi and naruhina.
Sarada is only just a shipbait by the fandoms and fr she ruined sasuke's legacy.
I know what you mean I just can't see where the plot is going with Sarada. Like in Naruto Sasuke was always the rival and the plot was working up towards a final battle with them. He was always the avenger and relevant to the plot I don't get that from Sarada she is just there.
Mitsuki we know is likely to play a good part he was secretly the strongest genin and in part 2 he seems darker, but is questioning Kawaki being his sun. To me it is likely leading to a fight between Mitsuki and Boruto where he will start having doubts about Kawaki and likely chose to help Boruto in the end. If the manga goes down a darker route we also have the self sacrifice option where he goes all out with sage transformation.
Sarada though nothing, I can't imagine anything relevant to the plot even though she wasn't affected by Eida she didn't play it smart hiding and trying to set things in the shadows she just kept announcing what happened making herself look crazy to everyone else and making them guarded. Compared to Sumire who has been shown to use her head and be smart I feel if Sarada didn't act like she did Sumire would have pretended to be under omnipotence and take advantage of no one realising the truth to help Boruto when it matters.
I can't see where she is going even with MS I don't see her having any relevant fights on the level that Sasuke did. Even if she does all I can see is her slowly going blind till she becomes even more useless then she already is.
The only possible option would be her to fight Eida, but Eida hasn't been shown to be a fighter yet and if it does happen it will likely be Sumire and her teaming up.
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adelalovesmadara · 2 years
what do you think sasuke feels about his loveless marriage ?
I think Sasuke is simply disinterested and he just doesn't think about it or he just thinks of it as a transactional thing where he's like: "Wife, I give you this child that you forced out off me so that you'd have no choice but to cease this senseless pursuit you've persistently started since we were in the Academy. You'd never change and I have a natural aversion to your existence so kindly go back to where you belong and raise the child yourself so that I can regain my inner peace... P.S. You can even stole my clan symbol and my name from me because I'm still myself even without them and I don't want to be seen wearing the same symbol as you... Sorry, wife". 🤡🤧
Honestly wouldn't be surprised if Sasuke had just naturally forgotten that he was *married* until Sarada appeared in front of him: "Oh wait, I have a child... and a wife... Hmm. No matter. Anyway, my meeting with Naruto is unfortunately postponed because I can't share my mission details with these kids around."😅
And if Naruto asks what he feels about his loveless marriage though... "I didn't marry my wife with love as a basis. We don't even have a relationship. I couldn't even respect her as a person. I've tried but it's a futile task. Honestly the 'marriage' is just me adding her and Sarada's name into my family register so that I wouldn't have the urge to sue her for using my clan name and symbol without my full consent."
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Boruto's illness by NinJarX
Anime » Naruto Rated: K, English, Romance & Family, [Boruto U., Sumire S.], Words: 2k+, Favs: 39, Follows: 26, Published: Aug 30, 2017
Hello everyone here and welcome to another story by me. This is a little one shot to bridge the time to the next chapter of "My path towards a better future" without any relevance to said story. Boruto is ill and stays home for the current day. You'll see how things are turning out. Enjoy.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto/Boruo
Uzumaki household:
It was early in the morning. Hinata just woke up, seeing that Naruto wasn't in the bed.
"So he is already out huh? He seems to be really busy in the last few days".
She put on her clothes and walks out of the room and down the stairway. She began to prepare breakfast for Boruto and Himawari.
"Borutoooo, Himawariiiiii", Hinata shouted out to wake both of them up.
It was ment to be a typical morning in the Uzumaki household. Naruto was mostly already out, Boruto preparing for the academy and Himawari helping Hinata out in the household, but this time it was different.
"Good morning mom", Himawari said to her mother.
"Good morning Himawari", said Hinata back. "Where's your brother?".
"Onii-chan is still sleeping. I entered his room and still saw him lying on his bed. But his face was red like a tomato", Himawari told her mother.
"Ehhh. What?". Hinata was suprised by her answer, now walking up the stairway to his room. She opened the door and he was indeed lying on his bed.
"Boruto, wake up", Hinata said to the sleeping Boruto. He woke up from his mother's shaking.
"M-Mom", Boruto said to her with a weak tone. "I-I think I have a fever".
Hinata lied her hand on his forehead. It was pretty warm and it seems like he indeed have a fever.
"Boruto, you're staying home for today. Don't leave your bed for the rest of the day. I am calling a doctor for you to be sure it isn't something worse".
"Does Onii-chan not feel good?", Himawari asked her mother.
"Himawari, please look out for him as I call a doctor for him", she said to her daughter.
"Ok mom you can leave it to me", Himawari answered proud.
'That's going to be a hell of a boring day', Boruto thought, coughing.
Konoha academy:
"Nara Shikadai".
"Yamanaka Inojin".
"Uzumaki Boruto".
"Uzumaki Boruto?"
There was no response.
"Seems like he is missing today", Inojin said to Shino.
"Well then I hope it's not because of his lack of motivation to go to the academy", Shino told the class.
'I hope Boruto-kun is alright', Sumire, a girl with purple hair and uniform thought.
"I wouldn't be suprised if he actually skipped class to do some stupid things", Chocho said to her friend, sitting next to her.
"Well knowing him I think that wouldn't suprise me", Sarada said back to Chocho.
"D-Do you think that Boruto-kun would really do something like that?", Sumire asked them.
"I know him since my childhood. Something like that would fit his nature", Sarada answered her.
"Yeah, Boruto is still a bratty child", Chocho said".
"Please listen boys and girls. We are starting with today", Shino told his students.
Later in the Uzumaki household:
It was already 12 P.M as the doctor arrived and checked Boruto.
"It seems to be some serious illness. He's out for about two days and needs to stay on his bed", the doctor said to Hinata and Boruto.
"Oh come on it's not that bad", Boruto argued weakly.
"Boruto, do what the doctor says to you", Hinata said to him with a serious tone.
"Oh mom".
"No unhealthy food. Only soup and water for the next few days", the doctor said. "With that, he should regenerate in short time".
With that, the doctor left the household.
"You stay here. I am going to call the academy that you're going to miss for another day", Hinata said to him, now grabbing the phone.
Konoha academy:
Shino was writing something on the blackboard and suddenly his phone rang.
"Sorry for the interruption", he said as he left the class room.
"Shino sensei is weird. Trying to play the strict teacher but leaving the room for every phone call he gets", Chocho said, annoyed.
"Well he sure have some reasons", Sumire tried to defending him.
"Oh come on. He is doing that every day", Chocho talked back to her.
"I am bored the most time he is trying to teach us something, so I won't mind those little breaks", Sarada said to them.
After a short time, Shino entered the room, ready to announce something
"I got a call from Boruto's mother. He won't be participating for the next two days due to an illness", Shino said to the class
'Boruto-kun is ill? Oh no', Sumire thought, as she was worried about him.
"At least he did nothing stupid until now", Sarada told to Chocho
"Yes but I think that will change soon", Chocho told back to her.
"There's no more time left to start another subject. Homework is exercise 4 on page 12. You can go", Shino told to his students.
With that the most kids ran out, screaming. Just as Sumire was about to go, he was stopped by Shino.
"Sumire, as the class rep please go and visit Boruto and bring him the necessary papers to catch up and to do the homework", Shino said to her.
"E-Eh, it's a honor to do that", Sumire said to him.
'I am going to visit Boruto!', Sumire thought. She was shy when it was to talk with people, especially if those people are boys and that one boy was saving her not too long ago.
She left the class room. On her way to Boruto's home.
Uzumaki household:
"Boruto. I am out to buy you some medicine", Hinata shouted from downstairs.
"O-Ok mom", Boruto shouted, immidiately coughing afterwards.
"Himawari, please take care of him until I am back", Hinata told her.
"Ok mom".
Hinata left the house. She was on her way to the next pharmacy, which takes a while to walk there.
"Himawari, can you bring me a bottle of water", Boruto asked, still lying on the bed.
"Of course Onii-chan".
Himawari ran down the stairs, but when she arrived in the kitchen, the door rang.
"Is mom already back?", Himawari asked herself, as she opened the door.
There was a girl with purple hair standing in front of her.
"I-Is Boruto here?", the girl asked. "I am a class mate of him and I want to bring him some stuff to study".
"Yes, but he's ill. He lies on his bed upstairs", Himawari told her. "Come in so you can personally give him that".
"E-Eh o-ok", the girl stuttered, entering the house and walking upstairs.
She now entered his room and found Boruto watching some TV,
"Himawari, where's the ww-what! Sumire!" Boruto shouted.
"E-Ehhh h-hello Boruto-kun", Sumire stuttered.
"W-What a-are you doing here?", Boruto asked her with a suprising face.
"W-Well Shino sensei told me to bring you some study material. H-Here", she said to him, handing him some papers.
"Oh man Shino is even annoying me when I am ill". Boruto told to himself, annoyed.
"E-Ehm I g-go", Sumire said, trying to leave.
"H-Hey Sumire! Wait!", Boruto said to her. "C-Can you help me with that?"
"S-Sure, but w-why do you suddenly want to study stuff?", she asked him.
"Because I am pretty bored, so it's better than lying on the bed the whole day".
"Is this one of your friends?", Himawari asked Boruto after entering the room.
"Y-Yes Himawari. This is Sumire. She's the class representive of our class", Boruto introduced her to Sumire.
"H-Hello Himawari", Sumire greeted her
"You're Onii-chans girlfriend?".
"N-No", Sumire answered, blushing a bit.
"Ok do you want to play with me and Onii-chan", Himawari asked.
"Himawari, I need to study with her. Later ok?", Boruto answered.
"O-Ok, no problem".
With that, she left the room, running to her own one. Sumire showed Boruto some tips and tricks to solve the tasks. She was very intelligent and friendly to him.
"That's amazing. Thank you Sumire to help me with that. I am a total loser when it comes to Genjutsu in theory", Boruto said to her.
"N-No problem".
"I am back", shouted Hinata as he entered the house after unlocking the door.
"Mom, we have a visitor", Himawari ran down the stairway.
"Who could it be?", Hinata asked herself, walking to the kitchen first.
She quickly stored the food she bought in the fridge while leaving the medicine for Boruto on the table. Just then she heard multiple persons walking down the stairway. She walked to the entrance and saw a new face in front of her. Borutotalked to her:
"Mom, this is a good friend of mine"
"Hello, my name is Sumire Kakei. I brought Boruto some study material since he wasn't at school today and helped him a bit"
"It's nice to meet you Sumire", Hinata said to her. "Thank you for helping my little Boruto out".
"No problem. It was pretty fun to teach someone on my own", Sumire said to her with a smile.
"You seem to be pretty intelligent and friendly. Can you keep an eye on Boruto?", Hinata asked.
"M-Mom! Stop!", Boruto shouted, embarassed.
"Onii-chan is really shy", Himawari grinned towards Sumire. "Do you want to play something with me now?".
"You can stay for dinner if you want", Hinata told Sumire.
"Thank you Mrs. Uzumaki".
"You're welcome", Hinata told her. "Boruto please don't run around and lay ton the sofa until I am ready with dinner".
"Yeah yeah whatever", Boruto answered, annoyed.
"Come up with me Sumire", Himawari told her. "I am going to show you my room".
With that Himawari dragged her up, showing her all her toys. Both had a lot of fun. Himawari was proud to show off her collection of dolls and Sumire liked to learn more about the Uzumaki. Only Boruto was bored to death laying around. The time flew and the last member of the Uzumaki household just arrived.
"I am home", Naruto shouted.
"Welcome home honey", Hinata said to him, kissing him afterwards.
"That smells great. I am really hungry".
"Honey, we have a visitor", Hinata said
"Oh really? Who is it?".
"Daaaad!", Himawari ran down to greet her father. "Look who is here".
With that, Sumire also walked down the stairs, now looking at the Hokage in front of her.
"H-Hello, I am Sumire", she said in a shy tone.
"Oh you're that girl. It's nice to meet you personally. I am the Hokage, but you can call me Naruto".
"It's a honor to meet you. My parents told me about you in the past", Sumire said to him.
"I am sorry for what happened to you, but now everything is fine. I am glad Boruto helped you back then".
"Thank you very much Hokage Naruto", Sumire said to him.
Naruto walked to the living room and found Boruto laying on the sofa.
"Hello Boruto. How was your day?"
"Really really crappy", Boruto said. "Well actually not that crappy at all". Boruto thought about Sumire visiting him.
"Is this your girlfriend or why is she actually here?", Naruto asked
"N-NO she is the class rep and delivered me some school stuff", Boruto answered, slightly blushing
"That was a joke Boruto", Naruto grinned.
"Dinner is ready!", Hinata shouted
Everyone walked to the kitchen, where the table was already ready.
"Can you sit between me big sister?", Himawari asked Sumire
"B-Big sister?", Sumire asked, suprised
"Well you're the first girl that played with me. And I want a sister, who plays with me all the time", Himawari said to her
"Ok I am your big sister then. You got that little sister?", Sumire said to Himawari with a smile on her face.
"Yippie", Himawari shouted happy.
"Good appetite everyone", Naruto said to them before he started eating.
"Good appetite".
They started eating and Hinata began to ask some questions to Sumire.
"So where do you live?"
"Ehhh, I am an orphan. The village spended me an apartment near the borders where I live in. It's pretty old, but I like my home".
"If you want I can pull some strings for you to get a brand new apartment more close to the academy", Naruto said to her
"No it isn't necessary. I am happy with what I have".
"Well then...I heard you're pretty good at the academy. You was the class best this year", Naruto said.
"Yeah. My father trained me the whole time when I was younger".
"I've watched you and Boruto training with Shino sensei a week ago. You was pretty amazing"
"T-Thank you", Sumire said
"Big sis is really strong huh?", Himawari talked. "Can you please train me to become as good as you big sis?".
"E-Eh...of c-course, but I am not sure I am that type to be a teacher".
"That's not true!", Boruto said. "You was amazing when you helped me earlier".
"Please big sis", Himawari beged her.
"O-Ok", Sumire gave up.
After a half hour they finished with the dinner.
"Thank you for the dinner", Sumire said to the Uzumaki's. "Can I help you washing the dishes Mrs. Uzumaki".
"That would be nice. Thank you", Hinata told her.
They began to clear the table and Sumire started to help Hinata out in the household.
"You like that girl or Boruto?", Naruto asked his son.
"Yeah I like her really much, but not loving her if it was what you really wanted to ask"
After some time, Himawari joined Hinata and Sumire to clean the household. It took some time and it was already dark outside. Sumire was ready to leave the Uzumaki's.
"Thank you for the evening. I hope you'll get well very soon Boruto-kun", Sumire smiled towards him.
"Thank you for bringing me the school stuff", Boruto thanked back.
"I probably have to visit you again tomorrow. I'll help you out with the work, so don't worry".
"You're welcome", Boruto and his family said to Sumire.
"Ok good night", Sumire said, now leaving them.
'It seems like the next few days won't be that bad', Boruto thought.
'I have to help Boruto-kun as good as possible', Sumire thought while walking back to her home
Boruto closes the door and just as he started walking to his bed, his mother called him.
"Boruto come here. You need to take your medicine", Hinata called.
'I just hate being ill'.
That was it for the one-shot. I may release a sequel to this but right now I want to focus on my main project being "My path towards a better future". Sorry for you guys waiting for the next chapter, but the next few weeks are going to be difficult for me. I am going to release the next chapter in the next five-six days. After that I am on vacation for a week. I hope that doesn't bother you that much.
As always please review and have a nice day.
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Sparrow, after reading your post about anti SS I have a doubt Could it be Sarada an experiment child? I mean Sasuke who doesn't give a shit about her or Sakura. Does Naruto knows about it?
Kishimoto definitely created the suspicion among the readers that Sarada might have been conceived Artificially...
It all started from this panel...
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Look at Shizune's regretful and hesitant face when asked about Sarada's birth history... I mean, why in the hell everyone pulls up this regretful face around this Girl????
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Then this Visual symbolism of equating Shin and Sarada... Both wears Uchiha Clan crests, one already has Sharingan... And the other will eventually awaken it in the upcoming chapters...
But are they truly a descendant of Uchiha?????
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Then this entire panel... Intentionally including Sarada when Kakashi was speculating about when that Shin is an Uchiha or not...
"So if he had the Sharingan... That's only mean .... though very unlikely... That he's a descendant of the Uchiha or he's another one of Orochimaru's experiments.."
Am implication or this author's way of planting a seed of doubt that whether Sarada was the true descendant or an experimental kid???
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"Connections aren't built by time and blood, Are they??? There are stronger things than those!!! Thoughts/Feelings. That's all you need"
And finally we get the conclusion that, "Whether you are experimental or natural born... It's doesn't matter. Feelings/Love is all that matters"
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Look at Sakura's word choice... "Damnit! You're my child.. No doubt about it."
I wonder why can't she say 'You're our kid'???
But look at Naruto's hilarious face... LOLOL. I can't even figure out what he was thinking here....
As for whether Naruto knew about it....
I don't think he cared about Sasuke's personal life with Sakura... or what he was doing with her...
Which is evident by this panel...
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"Rather than me saying it... I think it would be better for Sarada to explain"
So, Naruto truly didn't know whether Sasuke was visiting his family or not. He simply don't care about that.
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And then this curious and suspicious face when Sasuke was associated with another woman. LOLOLOL. (It explains why Naruto was always coming inbetween Sasuke and Sakura during their Academy days).
And yet after knowing that Sarada and Karin's DNA got matched up... Naruto didn't go off to convince Sarada that Sakura & Sasuke were her true parents or something... He simply ignored that part and started to convince her about Bloodless Bonds.
So, Again... He simply don't care about Sarada's birth here. Or he didn't bother to know.
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Naruto was not at all needed here in this panel... And yet he was inserted here... only to give off this knowing 'Bitch!! puhhh-lease!!!' face.
So, I think... whenever N and S meet each other... They will never talk about their dysfunctional family... That explains why Sasuke don't even know about Boruto's name until he met him.
I think the purpose of this whole drama was that the Author wanted to instill that Doubt about Sarada's Birth (SS relationship in extension) inside readers mind for 6 chapters... With Shin clones wearing those Uchiha clan crest just like Sakura & Sarada.... With Sasuke can't able to identify his own kid's face... Ooops!!!! And then only for the Author to finally say, 'Never mind!!! I just joked. It's all just nothing'.
So, I feel there's nothing more than this to it. Sarada is indeed a child born to Sasuke and Sakura. But if she ended up as an Artificial kid in the future plotline (Which I doubt very much), I wouldn't be surprised though.
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They're calm when they're with each other: What makes their bond so special is that we never see the two of them fight,ever.
They read each other's thoughts: It is undeniable that the new team 7 members share this quality with each other,but mitsusara is even more obvious as seen multiple throughout series. Sarada senses if mitsuki's down quicker than anyone else and mitsuki is the first to tell the change in sarada's mood.
They share same life goal:While sarada wants to become hokage and mitsuki doesn't,he still tries to catch up to her and stand by her side,intending to do what a hokage does which is protect their people.
They have extreme empathy for each other: Mitsuki and sarada are able to understand each other's feelings and or share them with each other.
They respect each other:It seems impossible to see these two babies talk to each other using curses,swears or fighting each other. They are always polite and acknowledge each other as equals.
They agree about important things:It is very rare to see sarada and mitsuki disagree about anything because the two of them are wise and collected individuals.
They balance each other out:Mitsuki is able to maintain his calm under pressure and will calm sarada when she can't cool off. Sarada too can be friendlier compared to mitsuki, who is wary of strangers.
They challenge each other:Sarada wants to improve and perfect herself,and she wants mitsuki to do the same thing. Mitsuki's response is a gentle nod and will make sure to not lose a bet against her.
They are always there for each other:Is there even a need to explain it?
They are each other's biggest fans: While sarada's fangirl side is hidden,mitsuki is indeed the biggest sarada fanboy you can ever find. He'll tell sarada "You're amazing." "You're very smart." "You're pretty strong." with a straight face(or with a cute grin on his face) or to anyone else.
They love to be around each other:You can start watching the series from episode one/ read the manga from chapter one,and then just wake up to reality and ask yourself:"what the hell is up with this two brats?!" Boruto leaves,then we saw sarada and mitsuki take a walk with each other. Sarada is injured?Mitsuki says oh yeah,and decided to keep an eye on sarada. Mitsuki is sick?sarada would take care of him. They like each other alot and they don't need to say it at all. It's just them wanting to be with each other,without trying to hide their true nature. How many times you've seen sarada with mitsuki,when two of them were alone on same screen compared to other characters?It is beyond unfair to compare mitsusara with any other ships because anime producers are secretly shipping these two and portray hundreds if mitsusara scenes(boruto,the shows's protagonist has never had that much scenes with any female or male character to be honest),hell even kishimoto himself used parallels for mitsuki and sarada.
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We all know that the romance in Naruto is trash and Kishimoto himself admitted to not knowing how to write female characters and getting embarrassed by romantic scenes…so let’s fix that shit
Part 2: SasuSaku
Okay so I’m gonna be going more in depth and talking about Sakura’s characterization, as well as the family dynamic between Sasuke Sakura and Sarada.
I didn’t do that for naruhina because I honestly truly could not give less of a fuck about boruto and himawari. They’re both gifted ninja children with little to no family struggles. “Meeeeh my dads the hokage blehhhhhh poor meeeee” stfu nobody feels sorry for you
- Sasusaku in a nutshell
- Sakura: you’re so hot my teen hormones are making me think I’m in love with you!!!
- Sasuke:….y’all hear sumn?
- *fifteen years and a forehead poke later* Sakura: lol where’s my husband
- Lmfao I’m just kidding I am actually the HUGEST sasusaku shipper and I just FUCKING WISH kishimoto hired someone who could do romance or knew about women or something so not only Sakura could flourish but also the rest of the female characters who were mostly depicted as harmful female stereotypes: weak, overly emotional, superficial, do everything for boy
- I think that him saying he wanted Sakura to be a fan favorite but then made her such an asshole and so annoying at the beginning is like….what
- AND I GET IT kids with both parents d o n o t understand that not having both parents growing up doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a basket case (says me, the child of an only parent who was constantly pitied for it but is doing a lot more with my life than any of my friends who had both parents Lmfao)
- But why did he make her so…. “LOL NARUTO IS SOOOO FUCKING STUPID WHAT A LOSER FOR BEING AN ORPHAN” what the fuck who would actually have that attitude toward someone like that
- Her parents, though we don’t see much of them, seem like decent people? I’d like to think they wouldn’t raise such a judgmental kid
- I’ll fix that in the second half dw
- Okay also w h a t t h e f u c k I n g f u c k
- I hate that Ino and Sakura’s friendship was ruined by a boy, and that their rivalry was mostly about Sasuke…
- Kishimoto-sensei come on dude I love you but w h y
- I’ll admit girls do have a competitive nature with each other a lot
- Most girls are in competition because of things like?? Low-self esteem and big egos, which young kids of all gender and gender identities have lmfao
- In my experience it’s rare that a boy is what breaks up a friendship (unless one friend “stole” the others boyfriend in which case that guy didn’t want to be with you anyway sister get over it)
- Also can we just talk about how in Shippuden every time sakura is like “I GOT THIS!” “ILL GET EM!” She gets fuckin destroyed
- So much for Sakura getting so much stronger during the blank period ???? What the fuck
- Sakura IS powerful and I wish she would’ve been given as much power as naruto and Sasuke on some level so she could hold her own against them like what the hell
- I’m jumping around a lot but first of all: fuck Sakura’s fake confession to naruto that was so immature and unnecessary and she is way too smart for that wtf
- Also fuck Sakura becoming a sub and offering to join Sasuke when she went to kill him
- We’re fixing all this fuckin shit
- Also pls the anime did sasusaku so dirty
- They took out all of sasukes blushes from the manga
- In the manga Sasuke blushed many times around/at the mention of Sakura
- btw let’s just take out all of Sakura’s fucking confessions just stop sis you’re embarrassing yourself we’re gonna rewrite this shit for you in a way that respects you okay
- Sarada looks nothing like Sakura and I’m pressed
- I’m tilted
- SHE LITERALLY LOOKS LIKE KARIN BRO HAVE YOU SEEN HER? Similar hairstyle, same glasses, honestly same face (it’s a cartoon they all look the same FUCK YOU she looks like Karin and you know exactly what I mean)
- They couldn’t have given her Sakura’s hair color or style??? At the least???? Or just different fucking glasses Jesus
- I hated that entire “is Karin my real mom” dilemma cry me a river
- Pls they could’ve created so many other conflicts that would’ve been way better
- Suigetsu is a fucking moron and ofc he would believe Sasuke and Karin got it on bc he has the IQ of a pistachio
- There was just…they could’ve reintroduced those characters in such a better way
- Also I’d like to see Sakura interact with Jugo, Suigetsu, and Karin. Just Sakura interacting with and being friends with sasukes friends would help paint their relationship dynamic better
- And can we get into sasukes thoughts other than when we’re shown his itachi and massacre flashbacks for the 10847382th time
- Like during one of Sakura’s confessions maybe a sad look and a flash of team 7 in his mind bc he’s reminded of his bonds and how much he enjoyed his time just being a normal kid
- I’m gonna need more than an “I’m sorry for everything” and a forehead poke
- Sorry chief
- The least you can do is give us a fucking episode showing how their romance happened?
- That would be fucking hilarious
- Bc Sasuke clearly knows jack shit about romance, even now when they’re married with a kid
- “Sasuke…do you wanna date me?” “Why would I hit you with dates? Those have pits. Are you a masochist?” “What?” “What? I gotta go…help naruto with something…bye”
- Like lmfao
- Okay I think I’m good on the first half let’s move on to fixing shit
- Yes I’ve known people of all genders that are interested in dating very young, but not to the extent that is shown in Naruto with literally all the characters obsessed with Sasuke
- So we’re not gonna do that “fangirl pack follows Sasuke around” thing.
- I liked that Ino was the one who gave Sakura confidence and helped her believe in herself, so we’re keeping that
- But let’s not make Sakura become an Ino clone because pls they were so fucking SIMILAR in the first part
- And Sakura is not mean to Naruto just bc she likes Sasuke, let’s change that. Maybe Sakura was annoyed and felt like Naruto was deliberately trying to get in the way (which he was, and she did express these feelings) so how about she cONFRONT HIM
- just ducking ask him you pussy “why are you trying to get in the way of me building a friendship with sasuke”
- Communication! Healthy friendships! Y’all: You’re asking too much of 12 year olds
- Let’s have Sakura be less….like that.
- ANYWAY I think the subtle way that Sakura and Sasukes friendship developed was actually good, I don’t have many complaints there.
- Now when we get to him leaving the village….NO CONFESSIONS. Sakura will still ask him why he has to go, but instead of being stupid and saying “IM 12 AND IM IN LOVE WITH YOU BLEH YOUR PARENTS BEING MURDERED IS THE SAME FEELING I HAVE WHEN YOURE NOT HERE” don’t even go there dude
- Instead she will think to herself how her feelings for sasuke have grown from infatuation into truly caring for him. Maybe she even mentions that he’s different from what people think he is, try to remind him that she and Naruto and Kakashi are a team and like family.
- Ofc everything else would be the same but I think that if she had made points that way, him thanking her would hit harder
- NO asking Naruto to “bring sasuke back to me” he’s not yours dude wtf
- Instead Sakura would NOT CRY but still be upset and wish Naruto and the others farewell. She would still recognize her own shortcomings and train rly hard during the blank period.
- Now let’s skip ahead okay so can Sakura not get her ass beat so much in the second part like fucking really come on
- She will do damage to fuckin sasori and not rely 95% on granny chiho
- Also? Why the hell did she try to stop sasuke with her fist during their first reunion? Jesus
- So I think sasukes behavior should remain pretty much the same, it fits his tortured traumatized characterization.
- Now Sakura, I think she should have been way less dramatic about everything. No confessions to Naruto, having an actual good plan to kill sasuke other than with a poisoned kunai
- I’d like to think Sakura would be pretty powerful by now and could hold her own against sasuke. When he asked her to kill Karin to prove her loyalty, she should’ve known he was tricking her and just fucking went at him. Kakashi and Naruto would’ve intervened either way but now Sakura is using her abilities instead of almost getting killed by sasuke TWICE without even fighting back.
- I think Sakura shouldn’t have confronted Naruto at all before going to kill sasuke tbh
- Now onto to the war, I think by now Sakura did realize that Sasuke was fucked up, much too fucked up to return her feelings but I think she did love him at this point, if nothing just wanting to save him from himself, so I think that’s on par
- The real oh fuck comes during the war when they went at Kaguya
- 100% keep the sasuke teleporting using sakuras jacket and then catching her before she passes out from low chakra that shit was nice and he just kept holding her too and that eye contact BITCH
- The way I’ve written this rewrite so far, I do think the last confession was appropriate. One for the whole show is good.
- Because this would be her first verbal confession it would be more dramatic in a good way and more impactful.
- Everything else would play out the same
- But when sasuke leaves to atone for his sins or whatever I’d like to see a private conversation between him and Sakura where he truly does apologize and maybe even spice it up, have him tell her to find someone that deserves her love
- It’ll leave her thinking and he still gives her the forehead poke and tells her to take care
- And they still get together and all that but I wanna see howwwwww
- I think that whole thing of Sarada not recognizing her own father is pretty FUCKED UP and I know it creates conflict and all that and sasukes character whatever okay fine keep it whatever
- But Fuck that stupid mother Karin arc
- And show more sasusaku interactions
- Sasuke hangs out with Naruto more than his own wife man is it that hard to think Sasuke can be around more now
- I do really like how Sasuke and Sakura are both rly involved with Saradas training. Overall they’re a cute family. WHy tf does Kakashi give Sasuke parenting advice from Makeout Paradise tho like wtf MAJOR CREEPY also Kawaki and Sarada p cute together idk
- I’m tired I’m gonna take a nap peace
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connectedfeelings · 3 years
I’ve noticed that there are more modern sasusaku fanfics rather than canon-universe, so do you have fav naruto-universe sasusaku fanfic?
I think ever since the manga and anime ended, more people have been writing aus rather than in universe fics, but you'll still see those every now and then.
I do have a list of a few fave canonverse ones, most being blank period fics, but I do have a few fave canonverse aus.
Blank Period:
home is where the heart is by DeepPoeticGirl
/SasuSaku./ And with every moment together, they get just a little closer, a little more comfortable with each other. Fall a little more in love. Post-war. Pre-epilogue.
Touch by GreyCatsidhe
After the war, Sakura suggests a new therapy to help Sasuke heal and get better sleep. The recovering Uchiha is uncomfortable with the implications of the healing and what the fluttering in his stomach means. Cannonverse, after the war, pre-Gaiden.
Heat by LadyOtori
Sasuke's temperature has always run higher than most, and Sakura has always, always burned for him. Moments of heat, spent together in the time after his return. [SasuSaku] [Blank Period] [Team 7 Friendship] [Slow Burn / Eventual Smut]
In Times of Peace by SouthSideStory
The war is over, and like Konoha, Team 7 has rebuilt itself from the ground up. Everything has changed, but Sasuke and Sakura remain much the same. Eleven years, she thinks, is a long time to be in love. SasuSaku.
Ten Signs You're in Love by levi-nii-san
"You know, if I really allowed myself to love you, it would be such a burden to you." For a moment, Sakura considered punching him out right there. He honestly wasn't sure how much longer he could keep this going. Maybe if she wasn't so perfect, he wouldn't fall in love with her this hard. [SasuSaku] Post-699; Blank Period.
Home by Crimson Falcons
Post-war. Because retribution and redemption go hand in hand- in which Uchiha Sasuke understands what made him fall in love with his wife.
Canonverse AU:
An Inch of Gold by KuriQuinn
Team 7 is sent on a mission to investigate a disturbance outside of the village, where they encounter an unconscious girl in a crater. The mysterious Sarada insists she's a shinobi from the Hidden Leaf trying to rescue her teammates. When the team discovers she possesses a Sharingan, things become even more unbelievable. [Part of the Legacy of Fire Series]
A Twist in Time by wolf08
With Konoha on the verge of destruction, Sakura is sent on a last-resort mission to save her world by travelling to the past. Join her in coping with her old body's shortcomings, testing the natural laws of time, falling in love all over again, and rediscovering who she is. Time-travel. SasuSaku. REAL publication date: Jan 2015
The Last Will and Testament of Uzumaki Naruto by BlushingLotus
Naively manipulated into believing his death may be imminent, Naruto starts to enforce his will while he's still alive… much to Sasuke and Sakura's dismay. Slightly AU since Sasuke has returned. Rated for language and lemon SasuSaku
Color Theory by BlueGreenApples
Canon. SasuSaku. Red was the color of passion, womanhood. Pink was the shade of little girls and delicate things. Next to Karin, Sakura felt like a washed-out imitation.
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fireworksoffashion · 2 years
I started watching Naruto when I was 12. I'm now 27. During my first year of watching, I started to enjoy Naruto and Sasuke's relationship. At the time, I didn't even know what shipping was.
I loved and loved their relationship more and more, in 2014 Naruto ended; however, until now, I have not been freed from their legendary love. But as an adult, this torments me even more, they didn’t receive the solvent, and it ended in disappointment and omissions. I really see their relationship as love, extremely romantic, sincere, pure, delicate, can't live without you kind of love. The best love story I have ever seen or read. NaruSasu is the best love story. And as an adult, I somehow understand why Kishimoto didn't openly let them be with each other in the manga. Thinking it was inappropriate for the age group. But he wrote and developed their love purposefully. Could he stand his ground and finish with the open ending? I think the money didn't let him do it. Naruto is one of the most popular anime. So they needed a sequel. And when I try to decide on it: it's just sad. I don't consider anything rather than Kishimoto draw canon, anything, so the only canon boruto material is Gaiden, anything related to Ikemoto is non-canon as it has nothing to do with Kishimoto, and only the original author can develop his characters.
So, thinking about Naruto and Sasuke's relationship in the boruto era, when Kishimoto made it clear that Sasuke and Sakura were not married, Sasuke is not interested in either Sakura or Sarada. Which makes the whole story of Sasuke from the very beginning till now so sad. He lives alone, outside of the village, and only interacts with Naruto. He does what Naruto wants (or thinks Naruto wants him to work for the village and protect Konoha). IMHO, he only does it for Naruto.
I think if it was for an 18+ audience, Kishimoto would more directly hint or show that Sasuke has a full relationship with Naruto (romantic, sexual). And looking from Sasuke's point of view, live alone, wait to meet Naruto and have him for a while, and then let him go to his work and family, until their next meeting. I think it's in his nature to think that he doesn't deserve Naruto and can't make things difficult for him, so the best thing he can do is just be there for Naruto, even if it's not enough for himself.
When it comes to Naruto, having a family and romance with Sasuke is completely out of character. At least Naruto, pictured from 1999 to 2014, was too sincere, pure and a good of a person to do something like that. I mean, he won't just do Sasuke once in a while and come home. Just because Naruto could never treat him like some kind of secret that should be hidden. I only see this situation when Sasuke left the village, when Naruto gave him his headband, Naruto was so heartbroken that he agreed to any relationship just to minimize his feelings for Sasuke. But he fails and when Sasuke returns Naruto allows himself to open up to Sasuke and this time Sasuke doesn't have the strength to push him away. And Sasuke thinks that taking Naruto away from his position as Hokage, away from his children, would be a terrible thing to do to Naruto, so he just lets Naruto in once in a while when it hurts too much.
And Naruto agrees to this relationship because Sasuke only allows this much, but only if Sasuke openly asks Naruto to drop everything and go with him Naruto would do it. And Sasuke doesn't give himself the right to complicate and intervene in Naruto's life like that.
So I strongly believe that Kishimoto has one unfinished business and when he understands how he will finally let them openly be happy with each other. Because their love is still alive and needs justice.
I just needed to figure out how their relationship worked during the Boruto era, and that's the only explanation I could have.
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migila · 2 years
Fic time! Boruto time! ...Without Boruto himself
Spoiler warning: Spoilers up to Boruto episode 248
For a Greater Cause
Buntan stares at the corpse at her feet, still bleeding out despite the man having died already. This was it; it was done. She’d gotten her revenge. What was getting one’s revenge supposed to feel like? Once she got her revenge for Kagura, whatever it made her feel had been overshadowed by her grief over Hebiichigo’s death, but now, while there had been injuries, there had been no deaths on her side. The only one who died today was Shizuma, and yet she felt nothing. Just… empty. She wasn’t glad, but by no means was she sad, either.
Wanting something else to think about, or more like just something to think about, she looks at the person who had helped her with her hunt from the corner of her eye. A chuunin from Konoha, Metal Lee of Team 5. He had joined her, with the Hokage’s permission, in her hunt a few weeks back when she’d finally gotten a reliable lead on where to find her target. Shizuma had caused no trouble to Konoha aside from that one time on Sarada’s class’s field trip years ago as far as she knew, so it was odd for the Hokage to send someone to help. That was enough to tell Buntan that it hadn’t been the man’s own idea; Metal must’ve requested this. Why, she was not sure, but she was grateful for the help; she wasn’t sure if she could’ve done this alone.
“Why did you come to help me?” she should be saying thank you instead of questioning his motives, but the doubt and need for answers comes far more naturally to her.
Metal, having also stared at the body until now, looks up to her.
“If Miss Hebiichigo was still here, she would’ve lent you a hand. But she’s not, and that’s because I couldn’t protect her.”
Ah, so he was still stuck on that, blaming himself of the girl’s untimely death. It’s not like he was entirely wrong, but if he was to blame, then so was she. They’d both been there, so they’d both failed to protect her.
“It wasn’t your fault” Buntan says “Not any more than it was the fault of the rest of us. We were there too, I was there, yet I let her die. We all let her die.”
Needless to say, comforting people wasn’t her strong point. Metal says nothing, and they stand there for a long while until he starts to move the body in front of them. She doesn’t need to ask; she can tell he’s preparing for a burial. She’s not all that sure that Shizuma deserves one, but doesn’t say it, and joins the man.
Once they’re done, Buntan feels ready to go home and leave this all behind; it was over. However, seeing Metal stare at the grave in silence keeps her from voicing her desire to leave. She senses he’s not done with whatever he came here to do, something aside from just helping her.
“Can I burden you with a secret?” he asks all of sudden. Buntan is surprised by the sudden question, but doesn’t think much of it, even though calling it a burden strongly implies that it isn’t something happy. And she owes him, though even if she didn’t, she would’ve probably still given the same answer: “Sure.”
“I’m leaving Konoha” he says, lifting his gaze from the grave, his intense, pitch-black eyes meeting her own “I’m going rogue.”
What had Buntan been expecting him to say? It certainly hadn’t been that, that much she knew.
“Rogue? Why?” and why was he telling it to her? Did he think she wouldn’t try stopping him? Not that he was wrong, and she wouldn’t rat him out, either. Not her village, not her problem, but she did have the urge to know why he’d make such a decision.
“Do you know why Miss Hebiichigo became a shinobi?” he asks.
“…I asked her about it once. Her answer was “because I’m good at killing.”” at the time, Buntan had been sure there was more to it, but she hadn’t asked. Should she have? She was starting to feel like Metal knew something she didn’t.
“Yes, that’s right. She followed the shinobi who’d praised her for her ability to kill after she’d accidentally killed a runaway shinobi. That was the first, and for a long time only, thing she had been praised for.”
Buntan hadn’t known that. She didn’t know much of Hebiichigo’s life before they met, other than it hadn’t been an easy one, and even that she only knew by observing her, not because of something the girl herself had told. But for one reason or the other, she’d told Metal.
“She became a shinobi and honed her skill to kill because she thought it was the only thing, she was good for, because no one gave her a chance to think otherwise, to try something else. There are lots of people like her out there, and I want to help them. For her sake; no one deserves a fate like hers, dying without getting to try out other paths in her life, without really even getting to see that they were there!”
She could understand what he was saying, or at least she thought she could, and she respected his desire to help complete strangers, even though that was anything but her style, yet it didn’t answer the most important question.
“But why go rogue? Wouldn’t it be easier to help others as a shinobi? You would have your team and your friends to help you, and you wouldn’t have to worry about being hunted down for being a rogue ninja.”
“I would if I could; I already tried” Metal says, visibly deflating as the light leaves his eyes. He looks away “I talked about this with Denki and Iwabe. They understood, and we brought this up to our teacher and even the Hokage. They said they understood what we meant, but that it was important to have strong new shinobi available for the village’s sake, so encouraging everyone with talent to become shinobi was necessary. And that even though we do that, no one’s forced to become shinobi. And I’m sure that’s true for those of us born in the village, those privileged enough to have choices in front of us right from the start, but what about the ones with talent who have nothing, the ones like Hebiichigo? They’ll take the chance when given one, and no one bothers to let them think of other paths in life. That’s what I want to change. I want to give people like that a chance to decide for themselves, before any village can get their hands on them and make them think being a shinobi is the only choice they have!”
Buntan stares. She had not expected such a passionate speech. But how was Metal planning on doing it all?
“At first, I thought that I could still do things on my own and with my team, help people from outside the village that are recruited, but others caught up to it soon and told us to stop. We were just telling people there were other options for them, too, yet we weren’t allowed to do that. Who would’ve it harmed if one or two people occasionally chose differently?! It’s about their lives!”
The sharp toothed woman couldn’t agree more, but was the situation really as bad as Metal made it seem? The Seventh Hokage was known for his soft heart; wouldn’t he back Metal up in this? She voiced her thoughts, but the boy shook his head furiously.
“The Hokage himself told us to stop; that’s why Iwabe and Denki quit. I know that he has to do what he sees as the best for the village, but I can’t think like that, I can’t stop thinking about the individual people who might be able to make themselves better lives if they just got the chance!”
So, the Hokage was no longer as soft as in the stories. Had his age and the world caught up to him, getting rid of his naivety? Or had the stories ever been true in the first place? Buntan didn’t know, and probably never would.
“Well, the Hokage isn’t naïve. That’s good, considering that he has a lot of people to lead. But you are. How do you plan to find such people? And to avoid those chasing you?  How will you get money to live? Do you have any plan on how to go about this?”
Metal gives her a heated glare, but while the boy knows how to give a convincing speech, he lacks the ability to intimidate.
“Of course, I have plans!” he defends “I’ll leave while pretending to go on a vacation, so I’ll have a head start! After I don’t come back in time, it’ll still take a while for them to understand that I left on purpose! I have savings; I’ll get by with those for a while, and I can do small jobs here and there. If I keep low profile, it’ll make it difficult for anyone to find me. I’ll- “
Metal rambled on, and while there were a lot of risks and what ifs, Buntan was pleasantly surprised about how well he had thought things out.
“And what if I go rat you out to the Mizukage right now? He’d report it all to the Hokage. What would you do then?” she asks while he’s midsentence and Metal stops talking. But to her surprise, he doesn’t seem worried.
“You won’t; that’s not what you’re like” he says, sure of himself “That’s why I chose you.”
Well, he wasn’t wrong. Buntan was a lot of things, not all of them good, but she wasn’t a snitch. She wouldn’t rat out a friend.
“Why did you tell me all this in the first place?” a thought occurs to her “Is this why you helped me to get my revenge? To make me feel indebted to you so that I would follow you?”
“What? No!” Metal looks absolutely mortified by the idea. It’s not like Buntan had seriously considered it in the first place, but with how genuinely he denies it, what little doubt she did have leaves, too. But he had to have some reason “I could never expect that out of you or anyone else! I just… needed to…”
He trails off, and Buntan recalls where this conversation started from.
“Can I burden you with a secret?”
“You wanted someone to know the truth” she says. Metal nods, visibly relieved, but also embarrassed if the pink hue on his cheeks was anything to go by “You wanted someone to know that you aren’t doing this out of selfishness or some greed. You wanted there to be someone who didn’t judge you, but you needed it to be someone who wouldn’t try to stop you.”
“Yes, exactly!” Metal confirms, but his smile leaves as soon as it came “But I now realize that it was a bad idea; it’s unfair to push a burden like this on someone. I’m sor-“
“Don’t” Buntan cuts him off fast, and Metal snaps his jaw shut “Don’t say you’re sorry, I… I’m glad you told me, that you trusted me.”
And she wasn’t going to spit on that trust, even though she felt like she really should, for Metal’s own sake. Not that she’d actually go and tell the Mizukage, but maybe Boruto or Sarada… if only Kagura was still alive, she’d definitely tell him.
“But are you sure you want to do this? Kyohõ and I got off as easily as we did due to Kagura’s insistence, our young age and the fact that our actions were limited to Kirigakure and the Land of Water. You might have friends in high places, but you aren’t a child anymore, and if you really want to avoid being caught, you’ll have to leave the Land of Fire. If you do this, there’ll be no going back.”
“I know. It’s not like this is some sudden impulse, most certainly not. I thought of it long and hard before coming to this decision. I have to do this.”
They stared in to each other’s eyes, and the always so earnest boy’s, or more like a man’s, really, gaze didn’t waver. His mind was set.
“…Visit Kagura and Hebiichigo when you start” Buntan settled on saying “You might not have a safe chance to do so for a long time afterwards.”
“Right! I will!” Metal says, and even while she doesn’t know him very well, even Buntan can tell he’s relieved she’s not trying to talk him out of it. He’s like an open book, which makes her wonder if his friends and family will eventually notice that something’s wrong and stop him. She’s not sure if she should hope for that to happen or not.
 In the end, it only takes three weeks for Metal to arrive at the graves of their friends. Buntan’s on a lookout high up in the tree when he does so. He doesn’t notice her, causing the woman to scoff. It’s not like she was in plain sight, but if he was going rogue, he’d need to learn to pay attention to his surroundings at all ti-
“Did you come to see me off, Miss Buntan?”
She blinks, surprised. So, he had noticed her, simply not acknowledging her presence until now. She supposes she didn’t give him enough credit. She jumps down, landing directly behind him.
“I came to see if you could really pull this off. No one suspected anything?” she asks. She hadn’t thought he’d change his mind, but she had been sure that someone, probably Boruto, would notice something being wrong and would confront him about it.
Metal turns to face her.
“They seemed to notice that something was wrong, but I just claimed to be a little tired. Taking some time off fit well with that, too. And I made sure I wasn’t followed, many times, so there is no need to worry about that.”
With that, he picks up the bag at his feet.
“I wish you well from now on. To Kyohõ too, of course. But now, I must be on my way.”
Buntan smirks. That was her cue.
“Great” she says, walking over to the tree and taking her own bag from where it’s hidden from sight just right “Let’s go, then.”
Metal stares. Blinks, then stares some more, before what she said sinks in.
“What? No no, I never asked you to come along, I told you that didn’t I?” he panics, waving his arms around “I only told you because- I mean- “
“I know” Buntan assures, closing the distance between them to put a hand on his shoulder “I know you didn’t. This is my own choice. This is what I want to do. After Shizuma died, I didn’t feel any sense of relief or happiness, I just felt empty. I had no idea what to do. But now I do; you gave me something to feel about again.”
“But going rogue- didn’t you work so hard back then so that you wouldn’t be chased down? All the work that Kagura put in to getting you your freedom- “
“Has been put to good use during these few years, but it’s time to let go” she interrupts him yet again “Following the orders of someone sitting safe in his office while subordinates risk their lives isn’t for me, anyway.”
“Then what about Kyohõ? If you leave, then his whole team- “
Buntan interrupts him by putting two fingers in to her mouth and whistling, shutting him up. Only a few seconds later, Kyohõ walks up to them with a bag thrown over his shoulder.
“He’s coming too”
“What? But-?”
“I can’t leave Buntan alone, and I want to help people like Hebiichigo, too” this time it’s Kyohõ who interrupts the soon to be rogue ninja’s speech “I want to do this.”
“We had a long talk about this, and we’re not changing our minds” Buntan smirks “You’re stuck with us.”
Metal stares at them. Buntan is prepared to argue some more if he still tries to change their minds, but it turns out to be unnecessary.
“Alright, I’ll be counting on you, then” he bows deep, dramatical as usual “Thank you for joining me!”
“Yeah yeah, whatever” Buntan says, still not used to his overflowing honesty despite having known him for years. No wonder Hebiichigo always found it awkward “One question, though.”
“What’s with the clothes?” she can’t help but ask. This was the first time ever that she saw Metal wearing something else than a ridiculous green jumpsuit. He was still in a similar outfit, but this time it was black.
“Ah, this? I couldn’t possibly dishonor the Great Green Beasts of Konoha by wearing the usual when I go rogue. Leaving Konoha means leaving behind that, too.”
She recalled him defending the ridiculous garment heatedly when it had been made fun of, and he’d worn it so much; it was obviously important to him. He had made sacrifices for this, unlike her or Kyohõ; after all, they had nothing to sacrifice. Many people in this world had nothing to sacrifice, aside from their lives.
It was people like that that they were setting out to help.
“Kagura must be rolling in his grave by now, but let’s do this” Buntan says, holding her fist out “For Hebiichigo, and for those like her.”
“For Hebiichigo” the two chorus as their fists hit hers.
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faeerrie · 2 years
Akihiko Uchiha
Eldest child of Sakura and Sasuke Uchiha, Akihiko is Sarada's older brother. Currently the age of 16 and considered a genius like his long-gone uncle, he is undergoing ANBU training.
While Akihiko inherited his father's Sharingan and fire chakra nature, he physically took after his mother with his bright mint-green eyes and rose-colored hair.
Also like his mother, he's proven to be quite adept at chakra control and medical ninjutsu. However, from a young age, to live up to the Uchiha heir title, he felt internally pressured to be more than just "support", and intensively trained in offensive abilities, becoming a master of the Uchiha fireball Justus that are passed down as well as incredibly skilled with his weapon of choice, the kusarigama. Akihiko's ability to provide both support and incredible offense, as well as his Sharingan and calm, strategic demeanor, is what led to ANBU recruiting him from such a young age.
Despite being called a genius and being compared to Itachi, Akihiko feels inadequate compared to the Uchiha legacy he has to live up to, and worries he isn't meant to be the next clan-head. There's no doubt that he certainly doesn't fit the Uchiha "aesthetic", with his physical features. Another oddity is when he activates his Sharingan, instead of the expected red, the tomoe simply appear over his natural green irises. Despite his parents doing research and determining that there was nothing "wrong" with his Sharingan other than the color, he can't help but feel as if they are "defective".
Besides his insecurities, Akihiko is a fun person to be around and makes friends easily! He might appear quiet and dismissive at first, but that's because he's just trying to figure you out. Once you become friends with him, he can be goofy and outgoing. His friends and family mean everything to him, more than his own life. This can, unfortunately, lead to him doing some reckless things out of anger if someone he loves is in danger or injured.
To him, betraying or abandoning those you love is one of the worst things you can do. This makes him ashamed of his father's past actions, even if he did eventually come to his senses. He has admitted that if he were in Naruto's shoes, he doesn't know if he would be able to forgive him as easily as he did.
If he can ever get past his insecurities, Akihiko aspires to be the best Uchiha clan leader there ever was. He wants to end the "Curse of Hatred" and start a new legacy of selflessness and love while retaining the high standards in Shinobi and better-ing relations with the village and other clans.
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enixamyram · 3 years
My Ranking Of Naruto's Next Gen Characters
1. Shinki - I immediately had a soft spot for Shinki because he's Gaara's son and because I'm a sucker for adopted relationships. But since then I really do like him as his own character. The more I see of him the more interested I am. I really hope they do some kind of arc about his past and where he came from and I hope it lives up to the anticipation I have built waiting for it.
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2. Himawari - A totally cutie, she's just such a sweet and fun character, the exact kind of thing I like most about this series. I also enjoy the fact that she's a natural with her byakugan and she's definitely one of those who I can't wait to see what she'll be like as she grows older. I hope she'll become a strong Shinobi but without losing her sweet soft hearted side.
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3. Wasabi - Honestly I love any character that has some kind of cat-like affinity and Wasabi is no exception. That said, like Shinki, this may have been what drew me in at first but the more I see of her, the more I enjoy in general. Her being an original character also helps and even if she doesn't have a big story of her own, I enjoy the little ones all the same.
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4. Sarada - Proof not all my favourites are bias because of their parents! I do not enjoy Sasuke or Sakura's characters at all, but Sarada is really growing on me! I find her quite entertaining, as someone who works hard to become strong rather than just being a natural, and even if Hokage is a pretty cliché goal at this point, it's still nice to see a female character with a desire that has nothing to do with a cute boy in her class.
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5. Yodo - This ones a bit of a cheat because we really don't know that much about her. But from what we do know, I really adore her. I love her design and there are really nice little moments for her. I like that she seems to be the friendliest of the Team Shinki group, being the only one to really talk to others in a easy going way.
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6. Araya - Again, another slight cheat for similar reasons but I have a soft spot for Suna characters. That and I find it sweet that Araya suffers from anxiety and leans on his friends (like Shinki) in order to stay calm and focus on the fight.
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5. Inojin - And we're back to my usual bias because let's face it, a lot of my love for Inojin is that he's Ino's son, haha! Still, I wouldn't like a character for that reason alone and I do find Inojin to be entertaining. He has some really nice episodes and I don't believe anyone who wasn't at least a little moved by Akkun's death!
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8. Sumire - She started off a pretty typical background character that I had no feelings for. She was the kind that was just there. Then they gave her an interesting backstory and villain arc and she definitely grew on me. I feel like there's room to develop her more but as she is, she's still fun to watch.
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9. Metal - While his design is one of the most unoriginal (it's not even funny how much of an obvious clone he is of his dad), I actually really like that he has an opposite personality to him. I wouldn't mind seeing him build more as his own character but the parts we have seen have been interesting and I feel genuine sympathy for the poor kid a lot of the time.
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10. Shikadai - He's just behind Metal in most unoriginal design. And that wouldn't actually bother me too much but he's got too much of his fathers personality as well. While I don't hate the character, I have no interest in him either since it's clear the show is just copying Shikamaru in most ways. Maybe if the series does something big and different to surprise the audience with him then he could earn a higher place but at the moment my biggest interest in him is that he's related to Gaara and Shinki.
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11. Boruto - While he definitely has a lot of negative traits, I don't dislike him all that much. Even if I don't agree, I can understand why he feels and acts the way he does. Most of my dislike is an entirely personal issue. I just don't enjoy his random devotion to Sasuke (and not just because I dislike Sasuke) and I just generally do not find him to be an eye catching main character. I'd much rather watch the other characters.
12. Chocho - Again, not necessarily a bad character. I like her design and I enjoy some moments of her. But I'm also very much put off by her personality. I just don't like those kind of girls so every time Chocho get's into one of her big headed speeches, I need to skip and move on. That being said, I still like her friendship with Sarada and enjoy watching her fight at the same time.
13. Iwabee - An interesting enough character, but simply not one I'm interested in. This is a funny one because by all means there is nothing at all wrong with him, but I still just don't care for him either way. The only scenes of his I really enjoy also involve characters I'm much more interested in.
13. Namida - I've conflicting feelings about this young girl. I actually liked that episode where she took a seemingly useless and problematic power (her crying/scream) and showed she can turn it into a powerful weapon with training. It was a really good episode and I adore her relationship with Wasabi. However apart from those two particular things, nothing else about her stands out and she's not really interested me any more than that.
14. Denki - Honestly the most boring original character. He's not necessarily that bad, but he's kind of a cliché in my eyes and I just don't find anything about him interesting at all. And it's not like Iwabee who I can live with or without, but rather I skip his scenes altogether.
15. Mitsuki - I just don't like him. Not only does he act just like Sai (without even the excuse of being related to Sai) but I've never liked the character who idolizes another this much. I especially do not like it when I feel the series doesn't even give a good enough reason for them to idolize them. Maybe if they had built the friendship between Mitsuki and Boruto, I might feel different but as it is, I generally roll my eyes whenever he's on screen.
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authorred · 3 years
Boruto headcanons minor gore of Iwabes regrets of making Sarada's older brother of sixteen years old fight him because Sarada warned him constantly that it would NOT be a good idea as firstly you had Sakuras monster strength and you had the fully developed sharingan and you could potentially kill him if you could as you were glaring at him for calling you a weakling..after breaking his leg 🦵 so easily with just a hand . You were not in a good mood recently and Iwabe and Boruto fell victim to your anger. You weren't that cruel though and basically healed Iwabes leg afterwards...and Saradas reaction to what you did and done afterwards.
I'll admit, there's no gore in here, because I couldn't find a place where it would fit properly and not seemed forced
Even still, I hope you enjoy them :DDDD
Warning(s): None
- As Sarada's older brother, you were already pretty attuned to your fighting abilities and jutsu, though since the village was in a time of peace, you never had to use them much
- You still trained when you could, where you could, with who you could
- You would often pick up Sarada from the academy and came to know some of her classmates, one of which was Iwabe. An arrogant, two-time test taker.
- Out of all of them, he was the loudest talker and quick to jump into things reminded you of a certain blond
- Since Sarada is at the top of the academy next to Boruto, they only expected you to be strong like her too. You're her older brother, they secretly expected you to be better
- People lowkey idolized you since you're the older brother of one of the best students. Iwabe found that stupid, as they've never seen you fight
- He took it has far as to call you weak both to your face and behind your back, to which Sarada snitched on him when she got home
- At first, you didn't care. It made sense since no one besides Sarada and Sakura have seen you fight before
- It really started to get on your nerves when Iwabe was showboating himself, talking about how even he, an academy student, could beat a 16-year-old Jonin-level ninja (according to rumors)
- Sarada was quick to warn Iwabe of his arrogance and that you gained your mother's massive strength (naturally, as opposed to chakra-controlled strength)
- He brushed off her concern, basically stating that proof isn't valid with words, but with actions
- The next time you went to meet Sarada at the end of academy, Iwabe was there, waiting for you
- Most of the students knew Iwabe would directly challenge you and wanted to witness him getting his ass handed to him
- He prefaced his declaration by saying he was willing to be proved wrong, but he knew he wouldn't be
- You were already in an annoyed mood by just the sight of him, let alone whatever words came out of his stupid face
- As soon as he tried to attack you, you just punched him all the way to the top floor of the academy.
- Utter silence followed and the students expected Iwabe to stay down, but when he came flying out of the hole you put him in, they all mentally prayed for him
- Iwabe used his staff to create a ramp of earth to help him back to the ground and run back to you. He was pissed off that you managed to better him
- His attacks were pretty straightforward, so it wasn't that hard to evade them
- When you two got close enough, you easily disarmed him, turning it into a battle of taijutsu
- The longer you sparred with him, the more annoyed you got. No matter how many times you punched him into the ground, he just popped right back up
- You decided to end the fight swiftly and decisively
- The next time Iwabe sent a kick to your face; you grabbed his lower leg and proceeded to snap his bones with just your grip
- Before he could utter a sound, you threw him into the ground, to which he bounced off of it from sheer force
- The students watched Iwabe writhe on the ground in pain, clutching his leg
- Boruto thought breaking his leg was too far, but when he tried to argue with you, you only flashed your Sharingan at him
- That managed to subdue him into silence
- You walked over to Iwabe and when he tried to scoot away from you, you just told him to shut up and let you heal him
- Healing his leg didn't take that long--having the Leaf's best healer as a mother served as a great advantage
- At home, Sarada didn't say much regarding what you did and how you went about doing it
- Your irritation/annoyance had sizzled down by then, but you still apologized for creating a scene
- Sarada just told you it was fine. Iwabe was a loudmouth and got what was coming to him. She warned him several times of your strength, but he continued to push
- Iwabe, on the other hand, was still limping. Even though you healed the broken bone, there was still pain
- The mf was fr eating his words
- He despised people staring at him while he limped pathetically to his house
- When he got home, he just went up to his bedroom and stayed in there
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