#I think it’s that thing where as an uchiha she has a lot of emotion in her
atqh16 · 2 years
I love how much Sarada just basically loves and respects Naruto as a person. Like it was programmed into Sasuke’s genes and he unknowingly passed it on to his child and it got triggered in Sarada just by Naruto being the kind, loving, empathetic person that he is. Sasuke is looking at his kid who’s practically fawning over Naruto and he’s like “same kiddo”. I will carry this fact into every version of them that I write. Just Sarada basically just gushing about how awesome Naruto is after every interaction they have and while Sasuke is a bit emotionally stunted and unsure of how to be a father this is one similarity he has with child that he can absolutely use to bond over with her.
Sasuke should just spend his quality time with his daughter just talking about Naruto over custard taiyaki and she’d be in bliss.
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belit0 · 1 year
They broke up a few weeks ago, but one day, Y/N calls him drunk at 3 a.m., to tell him she loves him so much and she misses him everyday. What would be their reaction?
When i say u don't want to have Indra against u........
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- "Fuck you." Half asleep and proceeds to hang up. It will take a lot more than a drunken call to move his heart again. (Y/N) was his first relationship after years of emotional blockage, he won't open up so simply again, and if she wants him back, she'll have to try harder.
- "We should talk about it in the morning." He knows that a drunken call has a lot of real feelings in the middle, but also that the person making it is out of their mind and not thinking clearly. He prefers to wait until (Y/N) is sober, and if she wants to call him back, she will, but he won't pick up the phone to call her.
- "Where are you? I'll go get you." This Uchiha has a habit of not knowing how to say what's happening inside him, and instead of talking about it, he prefers to show it with actions. Going to look for her and taking her home is his way of exposing that he cares, that he still feels things, and how that call brought his soul back to his body in some sense.
- "Are you all right? Who are you with? Do you need help?" All his questions come from deep in his heart, for he still cares about her, still loves her. Obito can't go back to sleep after that call, and after making sure she is safe, he sends her a message asking "did you really mean what you said?".
- "I love you too." Is all he answers, as he hears (Y/N)'s soft cries on the other end of the phone. He immediately communicates with one of her friends, and after locating her whereabouts, he goes to pick her up and takes her home, hoping her hangover will pass by the next day to clarify a few things.
- Silence on the other end of the line. Itachi listens, but doesn't know what to say or how to react, unable to answer anything from the whole monologue (Y/N) produces because of the alcohol. He doesn't want to believe words affected by a substance, and prefers to ignore the incident. If she calls him back and she's fine, they'll talk about it.
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thottyimagines · 11 months
hello! My English is not very good but I really want to contact you
I really love, love, love your way of thinking about the Naruto universe, I really feel true joy and emotion for the realistic and charismatic sense of your writing, I feel that you are an author almost in existence for my taste :D
If you don't mind, I want to profess from time to time my eternal love for Shisui with my basic English. I love him and I really have affection for him, I would like to be a person for whom I can give him a space where he can be himself, cry, be happy, I think I would love him as a person for his being and have an interest in making me close to him and honestly know about him, give him my support and love him, comunicattion and love.
So, I don't know if you could do some Shisui headcanons with a girl who has an open and truly sincere crush on him, a little silly but very sincere, she's a little shy but brave enough to talk to him and ask about him, which in she truly wants to be patient and love him, support him, admire him, give him affection and have his affection in return, be close to him even if it's just as friends... even if she likes him as a man, she simply loves him and is in love with him. Also, if it's not too much, even if she loves him, what kind of girl do you think he would like?
I'm sorry if it's a bit strange, I wish I could send more things about him, because I love the little things you've written about him.
I'm sorry if I was a little strange with my love for him, I hope to send some other requirements but slowly to not overwhelm you! I have a lot to ask about him :)
thank you for dedicating yourself to writing
I can't tell you how many times I read this over, your message was so sweet! I'm so very glad that you enjoy my writing so much.
But to get to the Shisui of it all:
I don't think he'd know what to do with a girl who cared for him so openly and selflessly. At least, not at first. Shisui has a very clear, defined role in his life, and it is to use his insane capabilities to further the glory of Konoha and the Uchiha clan. He is a shinobi, a protector, a clown for the sake of his cousin, and a very dangerous man. What on earth has he done to earn this guileless affection?
He'd likely assume it's some sort of ploy for...a very long time. If you're tenacious enough, he could begin to entertain it. He could even begin to trust and rely on it, to an extent. I imagine it would become a reprieve of sorts, where he gets to just be Shisui, sans responsibility. It'd be very special to him, and something he'd keep intensely private, I imagine.
For what kind of girl Shisui would like ideally, I'm not so sure. He's so used to being the most capable one in the room and the onus of protection therefore falls on him; he might be a bit relieved if he had someone who could solidly take care of herself. Then again, being that capable means she's a shinobi in her own right and sent out on missions without him, which is a whole different stressor. But a civilian, while safe within the village walls, is completely helpless to the whims of the shinobi who are also within the village walls.
Ultimately, I think he'd like someone who can love and accept him and, at the least, keep up. She doesn't need to be at his level, but let him not be fretting after her in the dust. It'd be nice if he could learn to trust her and she could prove to have earned it, too.
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sneezemonster15 · 2 years
why do u think sasuke apologized to sakura at the end? it's not like she apologized to him after all that she's done... he shouldn't have
I couldn't agree more anon. He shouldn't have, Sakura didn't deserve an apology from him.
My sense is that he did it because of Naruto. Don't get me wrong. Naruto didn't force him to do it or anything. But after chapter 698, Sasuke came over to Naruto's side and committed to adapt to a new life where he pledged to assist Naruto to reach his objective of uniting the shinobi world, and he wouldn't make Naruto's life unnecessarily difficult.
It's not that black and white, it's a little more nuanced. Naruto always urged Sasuke to treat Sakura and Kakashi better, because Sasuke was so irreverent towards Kakashi and contemptuous towards Sakura.
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After Sasuke learns about the truth of Uchiha massacre, he sees Kakashi's very evident hypocrisy and gives him a good dressing down in the kage arc. Which I really enjoyed btw. Sasuke just hits the pressure points, that's one of the things I like about him. He says very valid shit that others either dont see or are unwilling to see. Naruto is led by the light side, Sasuke is led by the dark side of their world, which is why they work well together, evidenced by their symbolism, the yin and yang, perfectly balanced and attuned to each other.
Anyway, Sasuke attempts to kill both Kakashi and Sakura in kage arc and it becomes very clear that he doesn't owe Kakashi or Sakura any consideration. Kakashi who conveniently uses Sasuke's clan's Sharingan to further his own interests or objectives and then has the audacity to lecture Sasuke about things, the enormity of which he doesn't even begin to comprehend and Sakura for the more obvious reasons, her egotism, narcissism and self absorption to the exclusion of everything else.
Sasuke doesn't give a fuck about team seven in Shippuden. But he tries to remain tactful as much as he can. In the war arc, where you see team seven gathered again, Kakashi tries to find about Sasuke's intentions and Sasuke meaningfully remains quiet. He doesn't want to be distracted from the battle, he who is so anal (no pun intended) about keeping an eye on the enemy, and he doesn't consider Kakashi or Sakura significant enough to satisfy their queries. And I like him a lot for that. :)
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All he has to say about team seven's teamwork is a succinct and insouciant 'hmph'. Lol.
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He really cannot give a fuck. And Naruto is trying to be the peacekeeper. So he chides Sasuke, like a mum, to behave. Lol. I find it cute.
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Sasuke would grudgingly relent and answer Naruto but he still won't really address Kakashi or Sakura.
Naruto mum - Sasuke, did you say thank you to Obito and Sakura properly?
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Sasuke - ......focus on the enemy Naruto (dobe!).
I mean c'mon, they are in the middle of a war and Naruto is trying to correct Sasuke's manners, lol. In a good humored way, of course, but it's very funny. Naruto was obviously very happy and relieved to see Sasuke was unharmed and brought back to the current dimension safely. Sasuke does tell Naruto point blank that for him, Naruto is the only priority because he has the seal and the rest of the players are pretty irrelevant. Naruto agrees but Naruto can't help his nature, ie, protecting people he cares for and urges Sasuke to understand since there was a time when Sasuke did the same for Naruto.
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So at the end of vote 2, when Sasuke apologizes to Sakura, as compared to how other apologies went, like Obito to Naruto and Kakashi, or Itachi to Sasuke, or even Kushina to Naruto, so eloquent and emotional, Sasuke's apology is trademark tokenism, like seriously it has five words in total in it, lol. Sasuke's apology is not even specific, it's deliberately blithely vague, and immediately after his attention latches back onto Naruto.
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And truth is, neither Sakura nor Kakashi were condemned in the narrative for their ways of thinking. Kakashi, with his well established faulty perception goes on to believe that everything has gone back to the way it was before, and Sakura, having not changed or learnt at all, acts like she deserved the apology so damn much, like it was due for so long and she is only getting it now. As if it really was Sasuke's fault and not hers. Lol. Some nerve.
But the point is, Kishi could not have made Sasuke ask for it, because harking back on it would have meant revisiting/rehashing the issue all over again, which would have given the impression that Sasuke wasn't over his bitterness and resentment, which would go against the climax where Sasuke just got his resolution. Ideally, this condemnation should have come from Naruto. Naruto should have held Sakura and Kakashi accountable for their third grade treatment of Sasuke. Which is one of the reasons why I hate the ending. Well, first of all, I don't think Sasuke should have been written to completely give over his ambition to adopt Naruto's but Kishi had to finally 'resolve' (I use the term with a pinch, nay, a fistful of salt) the problems of the current shinobi world, even if he had to do it forcefully while breaking storytelling rules, so as to move over to the upcoming plotline, Boruto ie, which had to do with aliens and shit as the shinobi world in it is sans shinobi problems, as Naruto has erased them. That and he couldn't have brought about any more discussions on issues that were related to democratic dissent or more nuanced ethical dwellings on the individual vs collective. It's not for SJ. Kishi did his best to imbue the narrative with it anyway, giving Sasuke the revolutionary, the role of anti hero, and painstakingly making his character narratively equal to Naruto's, under the aegis of SJ. But he could not have taken it any further. Sasuke's story itself was the allegory. But well, SJ celebrates Japanese sensibilities and so it would not have been possible. And Kishi had already fought quite a few battles for his manga. Revisiting certain things would have potentially opened a can of worms for him. Kishi got away with a lot to begin with. It was also important for Kishi to portray Sakura, as per her consistently written character as a self absorbed and self important wench who only cares about her own ego and needs and not Sasuke's, but wants Sasuke as her trophy anyway. It was necessary for them to be put together for the sake of Boruto (to sire Sarada), and with a person like Sakura, Sasuke could get away with not being emotionally attached at all, giving her meager and so obviously half hearted scraps and yet, she would rejoice in them. She is shallow like that. Heh. So this apology, and Sakura's reaction to it, is yet another indication that Sakura is so addicted to Sasuke that she would happily ignore and dismiss Sasuke's honest feelings for her as long as she finally gets to marry an unwilling and unloving Sasuke.
Anyway, apart from that, it obviously makes Naruto happy to see Sasuke adjusting to new circumstances and from how it looks, apologizing to Sakura doesn't make much of a difference to Sasuke because Naruto just confessed his love to him. Sasuke doesn't feel alone anymore, look how much lighter and relaxed he looks with Naruto, watching Naruto smiling and laughing, visibly relaxed. The rest of the people, including Sakura, don't matter half as much to him, which is proven by him flicking Sakura's forehead later, a certified Itachi move repurposed for her, signifying deliberate distancing and obfuscation/lies.
He also knows that Naruto tries to avoid conflict as much as he can and when he needs to confront, he tries to deal with things with as much empathy and genuine consideration he can garner. So Sasuke doesn't want to make it any more challenging for Naruto, who is leading the gargantuan task of bringing all the shinobi nations together. Sasuke's job is now to assist him in his objective and make it easier. Sasuke has already clearly been shown to hide information from Naruto so as not to cause him any worry, like he did when he made Sakura promise not to tell Naruto about the curse mark. Sasuke is wholeheartedly devoted to Naruto and he takes his position as Naruto's best friend, work partner, soulmate (implied), shadow hokage etc very seriously. So he would take on things himself and endure them, because he knows if Naruto knew, he will not sit quietly. He would go one step ahead and demand to share Sasuke's burden, he would not allow Sasuke to be alone or hurting, he would make it his life's mission to relieve Sasuke, just the way he did. That's just how they are.
Which is why the ending really hurts. Sigh.
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Worth The Risk: Chapter 12
Mature Content Warning!
Sakura cried freely for a long time, relieved she no longer had to hide it. Sasuke didn't say a word and just held her there while falling asleep.
The thing that had her so shaken up was a text message. When the woman moved to Oto, she changed her number in hopes no one from Konoha would be able to contact her. It seemed successful until her ex's name crossed the screen with the message, 'I love you,' and nothing else. It was like someone had thrown her into a bathtub full of icy water and held her down so she couldn't come up for air.
'What does it mean? Did he send it because he's found me, or is he just trying to scare me? But how did he get my new number? No one from back home has it. Not even Hinata!'
Hinata Hyuuga is the only one Sakura considered a friend, though they weren't all that close. It's just that she knows the softspoken woman doesn't have the heart to befriend someone with bad intentions.
The Haruno girl's fingers clenched handfuls of Sasuke's shirt more tightly than before, inching closer still and silently begging the comforting warmth he offered to chase away her anxious terror. It definitely helped.
In the morning, the Uchiha man surprised her by forcing her to ride to school in his car, which she'd refused since moving into the Akatsuki house. Now that they're getting along better, she wasn't as inclined to continue denying the favor. That doesn't mean that everything's fine between them, though.
'He still hasn't said a word about the fact that he's a fucking gangster, much less that he knowingly tricked me into becoming involved with multiple dangerous people. I've been surrounded by criminals for weeks without knowing it. He must see me as the biggest idiot in the world.'
She glared at her lap as the man in question drove turned into the college's student parking lot, 'And what was I thinking, letting him kiss me and hanging out with him all day yesterday like we're best friends?'
Needless to say, Sakura was back to being pissed off and scared because the heat of the moment had passed, and her mind had cleared. Now, the woman was even more uncomfortable because Sasuke thought she was over it when, in reality, she'd been too swept up in overwhelming emotions and the drama that'd occurred.
"Are you gonna sit there all damn day? C'mon."
Sasuke was an asshole a lot of the time, but especially in the morning. Frowning silently, Sakura got out of the car and pointedly ignored him as she walked toward the entrance. He didn't say anything. Hell, he might not have even followed her. She wasn't sure because she didn't look back to check.
"Good morning, Sakura! Fancy meeting you so early in the morning," Mr. Hatake's familiar voice met her ears, making her face pale as she recalled drunkenly flirting with the college professor.
'Oh great. He probably thinks I have some perverted student and teacher fantasy kink now. Should I apologize or just act like it never happened? I'll wait to see what he does.'
Sakura turned to offer a sheepish grin to the white-haired man, "Good morning, Sir. How are you?"
He grinned from behind his mask, tilting his head as the pair ambled through the crowded entry hall, "Better than you, I assume, since you weren't here yesterday. Did Saturday's party prove too draining?"
Blushing and humiliated since he didn't beat around the bush in the slightest, Sakura brought a palm to her forehead and groaned, "Can we pretend that night never happened? I'm so embarrassed."
Mr. Hatake chuckled warmly and lowered the volume of his voice as he said, "Why? I thought you were quite charming. There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I was simply worried you'd gone overboard and become sick. It's a relief to see you looking normal today."
Before she could respond, he nodded toward the same cafe where they'd had coffee together last week, "Coffee? We don't have time to sit and chat, but I'll buy."
Sakura nodded, falling into step at his side, "Shouldn't I buy this time, since you did before?"
They got in line, and the teacher nodded, "Very well, but only if you agree it's my turn next."
It wasn't necessarily scary that her, albeit handsome, older professor was borderline flirting with her, but it was very uncomfortable. She wondered if maybe he was teasing her on purpose to see how flustered she'd get. The woman would feel better if so because that'd mean he wasn't being serious. After getting their coffee, the pair headed for the lecture hall.
Kakashi said, "I was wondering, by the way. Where are you from originally?"
'Oh, no. Should I lie? What if he asks me questions about where I say I'm from, and I don't know how to respond? If I tell the truth, though, what if…? It couldn't hurt to be honest about at least this much.'
"Konoha," she also offered, just in case his next question was the reason for relocating, "I have a cousin who lives here."
"I thought your accent was familiar! I'm friends with many of the professors at Konoha University. Perhaps you met some of them?"
'Shit! I didn't expect him to say that!' "Oh, uh, no. I didn't attend K.U. Sorry!"
They arrived at their destination then, and the woman took the opportunity to excuse herself from the dangerous conversation and find a seat. The entire lesson, Sakura felt like eyes were on her, but she couldn't tell if it was just anxiety. The class after that, the same thing happened. By the end of the school day, she was convinced she was being followed.
The fear was so intense that when she realized Sasuke wasn't at his car yet, she couldn't find it in herself to wait around for him to arrive. No, she began walking home, peeking around each corner and constantly looking over her shoulder to verify that no one was there.
Maybe ten minutes after leaving the school, her phone went off in her pocket, drawing a small squeak of surprise from the poor girl. Sasuke's name crossed the screen, and she clicked the green icon to accept the call, only to hear something rustling behind her.
"Where the hell are you? I've got shit to do today, so hurry up."
When Sakura turned to inspect the sound's source, nothing was there, so she faced forward again, only for the sound to repeat itself. In an absolute panic, she hissed into the phone, "I can't talk right now," and hung up. Then, she pulled her pocketknife out of her coat pocket and held it tightly while walking more briskly.
'Is it him? Has he really found me? I won't let him get the jump on me.'
Once Sakura was within a block of the Akatsuki house, she realized that she'd lead the follower right to her home if she was being tailed. Even if it wasn't her ex, a stalker knowing her address would be bad, so she walked right past the giant house, pointedly not looking its way, just in case.
'What should I do? Do I call Sasuke and tell him what's going on? What if they overhear? What if there's no one, and I'm just being paranoid? He'll never let me live this down. He might not believe me in the future if there actually is trouble, too.'
So, the Haruno woman tried calling Ino and then Karin, only for both of them to be unable to answer because they were at work. If it wasn't for last night's text message, she'd just go home and tell Sasuke about it, but it was too risky now. She trembled but could only keep her head down and her feet moving.
Time passed until the sun had set, and the woman had no choice but to take a break because her legs felt like jelly from moving for over an hour straight. Stepping into a convenience store, she looked around one last time before facing forward. She bought a bottle of water but hesitated to leave after that.
'What if someone is really out there waiting? What if they have a car and they kidnap me?'
"Ma'am, are you alright?"
Sakura jumped, grinning tensely at the gangly checkout boy and quickly lying, "O-Oh, uh, I forgot to buy something. Sorry." The woman went back down one of the aisles, only to crouch and pretend to be browsing for something to eat, but in reality, she was blinking back tears and barely managing not to have a panic attack.
Suddenly, the doors to the store opened again, the employee up front greeting whoever entered as they had her. Only when footsteps could be heard coming her way did she realize someone might be coming in to get her since she didn't go outside.
'It's too late to run now. They're close enough to catch me.'
Sakura gritted her teeth, squeezing her eyes closed as she prepared for whatever was about to happen, only to gasp when Itachi's voice met her ears, "Sakura? What're you doing here? Everyone's been looking for you."
The woman shakily rose to her full height, bursting into relieved tears when she turned around and saw the handsome man's concerned expression.
He grabbed her hands, looking over her appearance more attentively, "What's wrong? Are you hurt? Why didn't you come home?"
She could only shake her head, thinking, 'All I ever do is cry and run away. I don't think a day has passed in over a year that I haven't burst into tears over something,' she wiped at her eyes, allowing him to hold her hand as he guided her out of the store and to his car, where Tobi was waiting in the passenger seat.
The dark-haired Uchiha cousin tried to talk to her, but she just glanced around outside the vehicle's windows to check for anything suspicious while Itachi went back inside to buy whatever he'd initially come for.
All the while, she thought, 'Why am I even running anymore? I hate myself as it is. I should've just let him kill me.'
"Hey, we found her. I'll bring her home soon," Itachi's voice was music to Sasuke's ears.
He sighed, irritated because Sakura was obviously uninjured, or his brother would've said something about it first, "What's her problem?"
There was a pause before a response finally came, "I don't know. She's crying too hard to talk, but she doesn't have a mark on her. If you ask me, it looks like something spooked her, and she ran."
Earlier, when the Uchiha man called her, he could tell something was up by the tone of her voice, not to mention that she hung up on him. Since she was seen by so many people at the party on Saturday, everyone's initial thought was that someone nabbed her off the street for one of many possible reasons, each worse than the next.
'What's her fucking deal? The least she could do was send a text. God, she's annoying.'
The man was angry before all this, too, because she gave him the cold shoulder this morning, only to get all chummy with that white-haired teacher she'd been all over at the party. Sasuke swallowed his pride a dozen times over in order to get this close to Sakura, and now, after all that effort, it seemed she still wasn't focused solely on him.
'Who does she think she is? She told me to stay away from other women, yet she's all over that guy, and he's old as fuck, too.'
Sasuke's an extraordinarily possessive and jealous man and has been for as long as he can remember. As a child, he refused to share toys or school supplies. Though Sakura's a human and not an item, the same mindset applies to this situation.
He was set on going off on the woman when she got home, but his complaints evaporated upon seeing how drained she was upon arriving. She quietly apologized before going upstairs, leaving me to look at Tobi and Itachi for answers. They both shrugged, the former saying, "I think she was being followed. She kept looking around like she expected to see someone tailing us."
Itachi nodded, "I did check before coming here. Nothing seemed suspicious, but Sakura wouldn't act like this without a solid reason, right?"
Sighing, Sasuke ran a hand through his hair and glanced at the hallway she'd disappeared to, "Fuck, I don't know. One second she's fine, and the next she's…this," he paused before shaking his head and walking that way with a hand raised in a lazy wave, "Send someone out to watch the place tonight."
Upon arriving upstairs, he realized the woman was sitting on the edge of his bed with a pillow in her arms as she stared ahead with glazed-over eyes. He shut the door behind him and leaned against the desk, "So?"
"I thought I was being followed, and I didn't want to lead them here, so I just kept walking," her voice was tired and monotone.
Sasuke scoffed, "Okay, and why didn't you tell anyone? Yahiko was about to send search parties to look for your body, you idiot."
She shrugged, saying nothing.
'...Something's off about her tonight. Did something actually happen that she's not telling me?' Usually, Sakura would bite back at him for calling her an idiot, no matter the severity of the situation.
For the next two days, Sakura was simultaneously on edge because that I'm-being-watched feeling refused to falter and felt numb to anything and everything. Receiving that text really messed her up. It was on Thursday night that Sasuke apparently had had enough. Just as she was about to go to bed, he entered the room and closed the door behind him.
'What's he doing? Is he mad I haven't slept in his room or talked to him? I have other things to worry about right now.'
"I'm at my fuckin' limit, Sakura. What the hell is wrong with you?"
The woman sat on the edge of the bed and glared at him with a frown but said nothing because she didn't know what to say. During school on Tuesday, she'd gone over what she'd like to yell at him when they inevitably talk about the fact that he works for Akatsuki, and, subsequently, so does she, but that was before the whole stalker issue.
'I already told him I think I'm being followed. There's nothing else that he needs to know.'
Dark eyes were alight with emotion, most of which were on the angry side, "I can't fix anything if you don't tell me the damn problem, so spit it out. Is it because you still think someone's following you around? I already told you that's not true. We've had guys keeping an eye on things."
Sakura bluntly said, "I don't care if I'm being followed anymore."
Over the past few days, her psyche had fallen further into a depressive slump. All she wanted to do was cry, which pissed her off even more because that's all she's been doing all this time.
"...Okay, then what…?" Sasuke was visibly confused by her uncharacteristic demeanor. It was surprising it took this long for him to say something.
'His patience has definitely improved since we first met. Good for him.'
The woman stood, uncrossing her arms and meeting his gaze, "Listen, I just…I don't care."
Understanding met the Uchiha's eyes before they narrowed, his voice lowering, "Since when do you not care? All you've done since I've met you is care too much about every little fucking thing."
She shook her head, mumbling, "And look where that's gotten me."
A long silence passed between the pair before Sasuke's voice took on an undeniable threatening tone, his glare smoldering, "Whatever funk you're in is annoying as hell. What's it gonna take for you to knock it off?"
Sakura rolled her eyes, turning to prepare to get into bed again, "Good night, Sasuke." Apparently, the man didn't like that because he grabbed her arm and forced her to face him again. A flare of fear came over the woman, but she swallowed it quickly, "Let go."
His brow furrowed, and he hissed, "God damn it," before roughly grabbing her jaw and kissing her. On instinct, the woman's hands jumped to his shirt, holding it loosely as his free hand snaked around to the small of her back, pulling her closer and preventing escape. Only when the man forced his tongue past her teeth did Sakura realize what he was doing.
'He's pushing me until I get pissed off or scared enough to fight him.'
She still didn't care, so she kissed him back calmly, very much not matching his irritated energy. The next thing Sakura knew, he reached behind them to absently search for the lightswitch before finding it, turning the lights off, and returning his hand to her jaw, only for it to slide back into her hair, where he tugged enough for it to sting, but not enough to truly hurt.
Her head fell back with a soft gasp, and Sasuke hungrily kissed her neck, whispering into her skin, "I won't stop."
Amidst the heated makeout session, the man rid himself of his shirt. Then, he tugged hers off, too. The pair fell onto the bed, him forcing himself between her legs so he could press against her. A spark of panic met Sakura's chest, and she tore her lips from his to stop further reactions.
Sasuke dipped to kiss her collarbone, hands dancing down to maneuver her pajama pants down her legs and off, tossing them away carelessly before coming down again. Large hands with calloused, long fingers greedily felt every inch of bare skin. The sensation was as pleasurable as it was scary.
'Wait…this is scary. This is exactly what he wanted, that prick.' That said, Sakura wasn't anywhere as nervous as she thought she'd be.
Her focus snapped when the man's voice met her ears again, hot breath dusting against the moist skin of her shoulder, "I'll fuckin' do it, Sakura. I'm serious."
For some reason, even though Sasuke had succeeded in getting her out of her numb funk by pushing her past her sober limits, the pink-haired woman didn't want him to stop.
The eager touches of his skin to hers and the rushed press of his lips made a heat pool between her legs that'd become a sensation she affiliated with terror because her ex-boyfriend had turned something as natural and cathartic as sex into an act solely used to show dominance. Sakura could mask her fear until then because she began to tremble, recalling the last few times she'd gone through with the act, whether by her own will or not.
The Uchiha man made a low sound deep in his chest, obviously having noticed, but he didn't stop, just like he said he wouldn't. No, he slid his tongue into her mouth, kissing her passionately while running a hand down the front of her body until it met the hem of her underwear.
Sakura's eyes squeezed closed more tightly when his fingers slid beneath the cloth to touch her intimately. He quickly found the sensitive bundle of nerves between her legs, toying with and teasing her. She felt like a puppet on strings, the way he expertly made sharp bursts of lightning-hot pleasure shoot through her lower regions.
'Oh, fuck. What am I even doing? Why am I letting him touch me like this? It feels way too good. …I don't want him to stop.'
The point came that she could no longer keep her breathing steady, and an exasperated moan was muffled between their tongues as she finally gave in to the man's relentless technique. This entire time, she'd been keeping the responses to a minimum and showing no excitement, but now she's only reacting to the feelings and urges. Her back arched, and her head fell back.
Half-lidded green eyes met dark ones when Sasuke let the kiss end. He continued searching her face and quietly said, "I'll make it good. Don't stop me."
'He said it like a command, but really, he's asking if it's okay to keep going now that I'm back in my right mind.' Sakura nodded with a blush steadily rising to her cheeks.
The man's gaze was intense and unrelenting, as though he refused to miss a second. The fingers beneath her underwear disappeared because he reached beneath her to unhook her bra, tossing it aside once removed. Then, he sat back on his knees and slid her panties down her legs until Sakura lay naked with her legs bent over his hips.
She was able to hold his gaze for a moment but quickly buckled and covered her face with both hands. It was expected that Sasuke would either tease her or tear her hands away, but he did neither. Instead, he came down to kiss between her breasts, fondling her chest appreciatively before moving lower. His lips dusted against her stomach and lower abdomen before a wet and wild heat erupted between Sakura's legs.
Her hands immediately shot down to grip handfuls of the sheet, her back arching as she hissed, "A-Ah, not so-!" 'He wasn't lying. This is incredible. Has it ever felt this good? I don't think so. Jesus, fuck, he'll kill me.'
Sasuke wasn't wasting time teasing or edging the woman. He was determined to throw her recklessly over the edge as quickly as possible like it was his life's mission or something. Soon, Sakura was millimeters away from climax and began to panic because it'd been a long time since it happened, which scared her.
Tears in her eyes, she whispered, "S-Sasuke! Sasuke, stop, or I'll-!" It was too late. All the air left the woman's lungs, her insides shaking like an earthquake. Just as quickly as she'd gone silent did she gasp, an embarrassing and breathy moan escaping her mouth as her back further arched off the bed.
When it passed, she panted for breath, tears running down the sides of her face to drip into her hair and eyes wide with shock. 'It was good. It was better than good, and we didn't even have sex.'
More than Sakura was impressed with Sasuke's skills, she was surprised she made it through the experience without having a panic attack. Maybe she felt grateful to him for helping her overcome one of her fears, or perhaps she was simply caught up in the mood again, something becoming more typical for the pair, but when Sasuke climbed over her, pressing chaste kisses up her body until they met her neck, she reached down and fumbled to unbuckle his belt.
He paused, but only momentarily, before returning to what he was doing.
Sakura's skin glistened with a thin sheen of sweat as she unzipped and unbuttoned his pants to slide a hand beneath the cloth and feel the hardened length begging to be released completely. 'It feels big….'
Slowly, the woman rolled over on top of him, switching their positions so she could sit between his legs, lower his pants enough to pull his sex free, and come forward to slide it into her mouth. The man watched her with an arm behind his head, the other hand keeping long strands of pink hair out of her face, and a hyper-focused expression. Sakura's face remained warm, only getting hotter, as she met his eye only to avert her gaze bashfully while continuing the sexual favor.
"Look at me." Sasuke's firm voice stunned the woman enough to follow the order, and when their eyes met, he said, "Don't look away," in the same tone.
'What the hell has gotten into her?!'
Sasuke's teeth gritted as he watched Sakura's bashful face turn one darker shade of red after another. Upon kissing her, he expected to be shoved away before they reached this point. Not only did she let him touch and taste her, but now she's returning the favor, and quite skillfully if he dared say so himself.
'She looks shy, but her mouth doesn't feel that way. Is it because I haven't had this done in a few weeks, or is she actually this good?' The man's muscles flexed as he got closer and closer to losing his composure, the fingers in her soft hair tightening as he guided the speed to increase, 'Damn it, this is dangerous.'
To communicate that he was close, Sasuke released her entirely. His dark eyes narrowed as hers widened with realization. Tears welled in them, and he realized she didn't know what to do.
"You don't have to swallow it," he said quietly, his voice strained as he clung to his self-control for as long as possible.
Sakura nodded, her brow furrowing. At the very last moment, she slid him out of her mouth and lowered her gaze to his cock as she adjusted her position so the white, cloudy substance splattered over her chest instead.
For a very long pause, the pair stared at one another with surprised expressions. Neither expected this to happen; that was a fact. Since his blood had begun to flow back into his brain rather than his manhood, Sasuke began to feel a little guilty. The pink-haired woman sat up, looking down at her chest in the dark room.
Still, he watched appreciatively, 'That's a sight for sore eyes.' A gorgeous woman sitting naked between his legs after giving him a blowjob was satisfying, 'She doesn't look all pure and innocent anymore.'
Wavy pink hair flowed around her shoulders and down her back. The blush on her face was visible even though there was very little light, as was the glisten of the substance he'd given to her chest. The woman was slender and covered in scars. Sasuke thought she looked gorgeous. Her curves were humble but elegant and pretty. She was the picture of femininity in his eyes.
"I-I, um…."
Upon hearing her shaky voice, he snapped out of his daze, sitting up and hesitantly lifting a hand. When Sakura didn't shy away, he gently brushed her hair behind her ear, "If you're pissed, I completely get it. Just hit me and tell me to leave if you want."
The woman's brow furrowed, but she shook her head, averting her gaze to his chest, "I would've told you no if I didn't want it," she closed her eyes, covering them with one hand, "I'm just…. I've only ever done this with one other person, so I probably didn't do that well. I'm really embarrassed."
Sasuke's eyes widened in surprise, his mouth opening slightly as he took in her words, 'What? One other person? That can't be true! Someone who looks like her had to have had men lining up!'
"You're probably used to more experienced and confident women. I'm sorry-" "Shut up," he cut her off. She slowly dropped her hand, meeting his eye nervously. He shook his head, glaring, "Don't be an idiot. If I didn't like it, I would've said something, so don't say some shit like that again, got it?"
Sakura quickly nodded, obviously taken aback by his irritation. He shook his head, nodding toward the abandoned clothes on the floor, "Go wipe that off so we can go to sleep." Again, she nodded, this time climbing off the bed to do as requested. Sasuke watched her slim figure with warmth in his chest, a smirk tugging at his lips.
Sighing, he fell back against the pillows with glazed-over eyes directed at the ceiling, 'That was fucking magnificent.'
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tsukuyomii45 · 11 months
ObiKonan. Tell me how they would meet and get together if Obito returned to Konoha after Rin died and went back to the clan. You don't have to go into detail on how that would work plot wise...like about Madara, Zetsu, etc. I'm curious about them. He's going to be with someone not from the clan. Will they even last?
I honestly envisioned this AU working out in one type of way: in which Obito would've been the Hokage, or the right-hand of the Hokage, while Konan is the ambassador of Amegakure (Nagato would be in charge, Yahiko would've been long gone, etc.)
They would surely meet by chance - either in a summit with the minor hidden villages, or in a meeting between one another in order for both villages to establish diplomatic ties, a peace treaty, and a trading agreement.
So they would have to meet up more often and maintain contact directly, which means that they would get to know each other further beyond their professional relationship.
Konan would learn that he too, is an orphan despite being from the elite Uchiha clan. She'd learn that he too, lost someone dear to him - one whom he loved so dearly because of the world's cruelty, and has not known any other type of love since.
These similarities allows their bond to grow, and they would build an emotional connection with each other - that connection would in turn build the thrill of being with someone so new and so unique. One thing that honestly tugs them closer is how they both have a vision for a peaceful world and how they're working hard to make that happen, even if it means dealing with a lot of shitty political affairs.
Of course, this newfound, strange friendship Obito built with the one who is known as "Lady Angel" in Amegakure, a powerful S-rank ninja who is also stunningly beautiful would end up developing into a romance between them - a romance that felt so strange, so new, so wrong yet so right - because he was from an elite clan, and she had to grow up fending for herself.
Now the thing with the Uchiha Clan, they're not against it if a man marries someone that is outside of their clan - unfortunately, it is different when an Uchiha female marries someone from outside the clan (see Izumi Uchiha's parents). So there wouldn't be much resistance, but there will certainly be a lot of wariness in terms of bringing an "outsider" into the family.
But Obito was never the type to care about what the clan thinks of him - they never cared when he struggled and they called him the black sheep of the Uchiha Clan when he was merely a young boy with average skills. He can easily resist any objections to their relationship - and that's more than enough for Konan.
Would they last? It depends - is Konan willing to live in Konoha while maintaining her occupation as an ambassador of Amegakure (just like Temari)? I'd think she will. They can last, yes - because they technically cannot get enough of each other; they're two strangers, almost from two different realms, and yet they've come to understand each other in a way where they ended up needing one another by their side; without fearing that they would lose each other to the cruelty of the world.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Yandere team minato
It sometimes just breaks my heart whilst thinking about what would have been if nothing would have ever happened to this team. Minato is a platonic Yandere in here!
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, stalking, manipulation, delusions, paranoia, threatening, blackmailing, violence, mentions of death, killing
Yandere Team Minato
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📖🔥🟪⚡️To clarify things a bit, this is an AU where Rin and Kakashi managed to save Obito just in time, though one eye of his now belongs to Kakashi. And those two also managed to save Rin and obviously Minato and Kushina are still alive as well. Basic knowledge would also be that the darling themselves was together with those three as a student in the Academy, probably someone they were really close too. At the very least I can picture them being really close with Rin and since Obito often hangs around Rin, he became most likely over time a good friend of them as well.
📖🔥🟪⚡️So Rin and Obito are the ones who fall in love at first with their darling. Despite being assigned to different teams, both make an effort to still keep in contact and meet up whenever they have the time. This is how Kakashi ends up tagging along somehow as well and is “forcefully” pushed to become a good acquaintance of yours. He most likely remembers the darling from back when they were still classmates, but he might have just never shared such a close bond with them like Rin and Obito did. Not like he doesn’t get his ears talked off due to Obito, who simply can’t shut up about them. Rin is a bit better, but she talks quite often about you as well and once those two start a conversation about you, it’ll go on for a while.
📖🔥🟪⚡️If we had to pinpoint it down whether it was Obito or Rin who grew romantic interest, I’d say that it is probably Rin since Obito was very much attached to the girl back in the days, he still is though. Noticed that she liked you back then and for that really envied you and was jealous of you, pretending to not like you. But for Rin’s sake he got along since he didn’t want to upset her. You might just be in for supporting him and acknowledging him as well which ends up flattering him a lot. Kind of in denial when he first realized that he had started growing emotions for you as well since he is a loyal guy and felt like he would betray Rin like this.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Just imagine that Rin might have noticed way back then that she wasn’t the only one in love with the darling since Obito just happened to be very obvious. She wasn’t really angry though, more a bit surprised. But she might have just seen this somewhat coming with how supportive and kind the darling is to the Uchiha and constantly cheers him up. She’s also the one to approach Obito about this and it’s going to be awkward for the poor guy who doesn’t know what to do. But luckily Rin takes charge and offers to share since she doesn’t wish to lose her friendship with Obito because of a love fight. You would be so upset over it too since you see them as really good friends as well. That’s how those two start working as a team and Obito is glad about this solution.
📖🔥🟪⚡️No way Kakashi and Minato won’t notice what is going on behind the curtains. Rin is the better on in hiding it, but Obito can’t quite do that. He is clingy, obsessive, very delusional and after the incident where he was nearly crushed he just happens to grow more possessive, protective and paranoid. Rin isn’t quite like that, though she has her more obsessive and somewhat lovesick moments as well. A worried sensei and slightly weirded out fellow teammate is the result of this.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Kakashi has a more cold impression on the darling since he surely met them during the time where he was living strictly after the rules of the shinobi. Honestly just thinks that the whole infatuation thing is ridiculous and keeps Rin and especially Obito from concentrating properly. Didn’t really like you for this all either, especially if you remained obvious. It ended in Obito being about to fight him more than just once and Rin and Minato both had to interfere every single time. Rin isn’t happy with the way Kakashi clearly shows his dislike for you either, she’s sad and upset and tries to talk with him about it on numerous occasions. Even Minato feels like his students cold and harsh behavior around you and the way he tends to talk like you keep his teammates from doing their work are too much.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Apologizes later on after he has found to his old ideals and rules again and starts becoming friends with you as well. Rin is happy about this new development after she was worried him and the darling would never be on good terms. Obito…you probably know how he is. I mean, he felt like beating Kakashi up for being so mean to you in the past so now that this has stopped he is of course happy as well. But seeing the jonin growing so close to you isn’t something he wants to see and after nearly having lost his life, he has grown to be more paranoid and easily jealous. So he starts throwing hands on numerous and ridiculous situations.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Kakashi needs the longest to gain feelings, but I would say that watching his friends and hearing both of them talking so highly about you plays a huge part in his obsession. Thanks to them he just comes to notice a lot of good and really adorable traits the s/o possesses and he actually feels like he owes them quite a bit for having been so rude to them in the past so he grows to be more protective additional to the pain of having lost his dad. Kakashi is quite aware so he knows that his feelings are not normal just as much as he knows Rin’s and Obito’s aren’t either. Also has picked up through observation that both of them seem to share and he does not wish to distance himself from them after all they have went through. He’ll have to confess eventually as well before Rin, quite the smart girl herself, picks up the signs as well.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Obito Uchiha does not approve of this and neven if Rin holds him physically back, he’ll most likely shout his head off at first and curse Kakashi. He gets better along with him now and views him as a friend, but sharing the darling with him now as well is still something completely different. He knows that the s/o is one of the loveliest people on this planet, but why him?! Doesn’t want to admit it, but he fears you’ll fall hard for the charm of the copy ninja since he knows Kakashi is a very cool guy. A bit unexpected for Rin as well, but just like all those years back with Obito, she doesn’t want to break the bond all of them share and so the idea of sharing is brought up once again. Exactly what Kakashi wanted to suggest as well, even if he is more possessive as well. Obito is more dense, but with enough convincing from Rin’s and Kakashi’s side, he’ll eventually agree begrudgingly.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Minato might just start seeing the darling at one point like a precious student of his own since they tag incredibly often along with his pupils and at one point he just starts teaching them as well. He’s somewhat warily over the situation they’re in, though he at least has come to realize that Rin is the one to make sure the boys don’t act out of line. His students at least seem to be happy with you after all they have went through and he starts talking to you at one point as well very often. Gets tainted at one point due to the others feelings a bit as well, though more in a older brotherly or teacher-fashioned way. In comparison to Rin, Kakashi and Obito, he doesn’t spend that much time with you, but he is watching the one or another way over you. He entrusts his students to protect you.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Rin is, as mentioned, really just the peacemaker between the grey-haired man and the black-haired man. Those two often just bicker over such petty things and whether Obito’s unbelievable jealousy including everything above and under the sky or Kakashi’s snarky remarks meant to annoy the Uchiha are to blame doesn’t matter. Both will get in either case a thorough scolding from her. Let’s just say from those three she puts in the most effort to guarantee that things stay normal, meaning no kidnapping and murdering and she is also the one who will handle the whole “we-all-are-in-love-with-you” speech, though Kakashi and Obito interrupt her to add something of their own as well. Hearing it from Obito and Rin might not even surprise the s/o, but Kakashi might come as a bit of a shock.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Rin gives the darling even time to think this through, hoping for the best. Kakashi and Obito are not quite that patient and Obito fears a rejection the most, Kakashi has his initial doubts as well. Rin tries to see things from the more bright side though and hopefully nothing goes wrong. Because Rin won’t be able to hold her teammates back from using sabotage and blackmailing.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Funnily we have a bit from everything in here. Obito as the heavenly delusional Yandere who justifies every action for your safety, Kakashi who is aware yet will kill if someone is considered in his eye a threat and Rin who is semi-aware. She somewhat refuses to believe that her feelings could ever harm the s/o yet she is the most harmless one. And Minato, who mostly watches from the back and guarantees that you don’t get pushed into a tight spot with those three. He’s probably also be up to help his team pushing the darling a bit more into their direction if they should hesitate and make sure no one finds out about his team nor him. If it would be needed, he’ll also lend a hand in finding a solution how to keep this relationship a secret at first, though I imagine Kakashi, Rin and Obito coming up with a temporary solution of their own.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Yes, this relationship will be kept a secret at first until a good plan has been made up so no one will have too disapproving reactions. Seeing all four of you together is not a strange thing anymore and quite honestly, there are villagers who have at least picked up on Obito’s and Rin’s romantic feelings and with Kakashi there might just be already rumors. So it is for anyone just a question who will be it in the end, though most can’t and won’t imagine those three ever breaking apart because of their love for you.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Poor Rin has her hands sometimes really full whenever she catches Obito and Kakashi bonding over their pervy side or having to play the bridge between them once again when they’re about to throw hands over something. Quite honestly, those two constantly get on the nerves of each other in one way or another since they get jealous of each other. They do it on purpose though, Obito just smothering the s/o whilst Kakashi has to do something else or Kakashi letting his possessive touches roam over the darling’s body whilst Obito is watching. Rin strangely never seems to attract jealousy that much nor does she get jealous either, she’ll just let out an exhausted sigh whenever she sees it. Rin is just the most innocent out of the whole team, likes cute and nice dates and checks a lot on whether the s/o is comfortable or not.
📖🔥🟪⚡️Messing with their darling is a bad idea because with Obito, Kakashi and even the Hokage himself stepping in if needed the opponent is in for personal hell. Rin isn’t someone who is really violent and as someone duty medic knowledge if it would come down to it, she’d always choose attending to your wounds and pain instead of fighting. She wouldn’t even really get the chance with those two overprotective men on her team. Because they’re fast to avenge their darling. It’s thanks to Rin that the body count is at least under control.
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momo-ceros · 3 years
breeding headcanons || itachi; sasuke; neji; hinata x reader
summary: the breeding kink of the uchihas and hyuugas is hereditary.
tags: nsfw, breeding kink, impregnation/pregnancy talk
author’s note: this is for @historicfailure​, an absolute angel keeping me alive with all the content she provides. she deserves all the love and support in the world, so pspsps take your kinky treat.
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pretty twink boy looking all pretty like that
god I wanna wreck him
Itachi is an emotional mess
he literally killed his entire clan, it leaves an impact on how he thinks about having a family afterwards
before the massacre, he yearned for a family of his own
I think Itachi, if given the chance and opportunity would have wanted nothing more than to be a househusband taking care of the clan and his and his SO’s kids
despite him pushing his desires down when he annihilates his clan, he is still and Uchiha, which means his desire to produce offspring are through the roof
I imagine his SO would either have to be someone (non-Uchiha) that he knew from his childhood or a rather persistent Akatsuki member more than willing to break through his tough walls
Underneath it all, Itachi is a broken man, any semblance of domesticity has this man yearning
so if his SO tells him they wish to start a family, he is elated and conflicted
he would want nothing more than to start a family with the person he loves most, but does he deserve a happy ending despite everything he has done? It is up to his SO to reassure him
“Itachi”, you whispered, your hand resting on his cheeks, affectionally rubbing circles on his cheek, “let yourself go, my beloved. I am here.”
Itachi shuddered as he felt your legs circling around his waist, pushing his throbbing cock deeper inside of you to the point where the two of you were pressed together as close as possible, leaving no room. 
Your hand moved from his cheek to let your arms circle around his neck as you kissed him deeply, a rock of your hips beckoning him to start moving. His pace was slow at first, almost uncertain, holding back as much as he as he was capable of doing, but you could feel his restraint slipping.
“Come on Itachi”, you drawled out, pulling his head down to rest on your shoulder, “Make love to me. Let our affections for one another bear fruit.”
Itachi knew what you were insinuating, the two of you had talked about starting a family sometime, and apparently you had decided that now would be a good time. The young Uchiha let out a strangle noise as thoughts of you round and pregnant with his child, his offspring filled his mind, clouding his mind in the process.
His Sharingan activated subconsciously as his thrusts began to become more erratic, firmly grasping you close. A moment burned into his memory, the very moment that you gave him what he had always desired most: a family.
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pretty bitch boy
he has a lot of emotional issues
like a lot
I truly believe that Sasuke could only fall for someone he knew for a long time, possibly since childhood, because he would have a very hard time opening up to someone afterwards
being the last Uchiha also puts additional strain on him
he certainly feels pressured to reproduce but at the same time, with how cursed he believes his bloodline is, he doesn't know if it is the responsible thing
don’t get him wrong, he wants to start a family with his SO more than anything else, its the one thing he truly desires, but the fear overwhelms him
Needs many talks and work on his issues but when him and his SO have finally reached the point where he feels comfortable and confident enough? Yeah his SO ain’t leaving the bed for a few weeks, give or take
He wants to rebuild the Uchiha clan, and the repopulation progress plays a huge part in that, so his SO better prepare for that
him being the last Uchiha and having the natural born breeding kink just sends his instincts into overdrive
Sasuke’s pacing was a weird mixture between desperately rough and abashedly adoring. It was as if his brain couldn’t decide whether or not he wanted to take his time with you, savor you to the fullest extent, or give into his primal urges to breed you, fill you with his sperm so that the Uchiha may rise again.
He had known early on that one day you would parent children with him, that you would make him a father, though back then, he certainly didn’t didn’t think about the actual progress of making a child that still set his cheeks ablaze, no matter how often you two engaged in such rambunctious behavior.
You clawed against his back, biting into his neck, leaving red bruises all over his pale skin as he dove into you as deep as he could, the grip on your hips certainly carrying marks latter as well.
“You know, Naruto already has his first kid on the way”, you teased between pants, “Can’t have him beat you, huh? Come on, show me you are not just all empty words Uchiha.”
Your teasing only spurred him on as his effort doubled, his thrust becoming sloppier with every snap of his hips. 
He let out a loud groan as he came, emptying himself inside of you, filling you up to the brim as he held your close, inhaling your scent and enjoying the calming effect that it had on him.
“I love you Sasuke”, you murmured, his head resting on your chest, that was heaving in exhaustion, “Let’s get a bunch of Uchiha hell spawns and raise them well.”
You could only feel a soft nod against your chest as Sasuke drifted to sleep. You smiled. You loved your family already.
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acts like a blushing virgin boy no matter what
repressed and sexually frustrated, not to mention easily embarrassed 
has literally day dreams about having a family with his SO
never voices out his thoughts in fears of reactions
but he totally woke up with a boner a few times having dreamt about fucking a child into his SO
also got some self-esteem issues stemming from his sense of self worth being overridden by the future he was expected to lead
dependent on his SO taking initiative 
drinks people respect juice and doesn’t want to be a bother, also feels like a lot of the fantasies he has are inappropriate 
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at the flustering mess of a husband underneath you.
“Stop avoiding my gaze Neji and just look at me. It’s not the first time you have seen me naked.”
“The context differs greatly. Not to mention that pose...”, Neji retired and covered his eyes, which didn’t do a lot due to his Byakugan. The veins around his eyes pulsated as he tried to keep them in control through his excitement, but was failing rather miserably. 
You sighed as you continued to lower yourself onto Neji’s hardened cock, your hands pushing him down further onto the bed, effectively trapping from fleeing like a startled deer.
“Neji”, you huffed annoyedly as you began to move your hips, “Neji my dear we talked about this. We both want a family, we are both ready to have one, we both have the time to care for one now I only need you to get your pretty head into this and fuck a child into me, understood?”
Neji cringed at your crude words, his blush worsening as he nodded tentatively, his hands shyly resting against your hips in a soft manner to give you some support as you slowly rode him.
A delicate play between edging him through his orgasms and coaxing them out of him began, By the end of it, you were full and satisfied and Neji was on the brink of collapsing from exhaustion, but happy nonetheless.
“Can’t wait to do this again for our second child don’t you think?”, you asked nonchalantly and Neji’s cheeks flushed, even in his tired state. This was far from the last time the two of you would have done something like this.
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let’s face the truth and make one thing very clear
Hyuuga Hinata was born to be a MILF and you cannot convince me otherwise
the woman, the myth the MILF
her maternal instincts are through the roof
she practically radiates a motherly aura soothing everything and everyone
she is easily embarrassed no doubt, but her sexual appetite is quite large
won’t tell her SO directly that she wants to start having kids, but would drop subtle hints like commenting on baby clothes
she gets super eager when her SO agreed and gets caught up in baby fever
Your wife was insatiable and you loved every second of it. Her stark naked form was pressed against your body as you pounded into her, watching in satisfaction as she threw her head back and moaned, giving you access to mark her throat.
“You have been wanting this, haven’t you? Is it because of Mirai? Do you want something like that too?”, you asked, accenting every word with a sharp thrust.
Hinata nodded weakly, admitting to her own desires, something she would feel embarrassed by later, but it did not concern her at the moment, for she was far too busy drowning in pleasure under the stimulation she received through you.
Your fingers delicately wandered along her curves, over her wide hips to the subtle fat of her stomach, briefly resting at her big chest before cupping her cheeks and pulling her into a kiss.
“Please”, Hinata breathed out between kisses, “I love you. So can we...?”
She grew a little bashful, squinting her eyes shut as she tried to gather up the courage she was lacking at the moment. 
You smiled. “I love you too. If that is what you want”, you drawled out as you felt your release approaching, “I am more than happy to make us parents.”
Your fingers interlocked with hers as the two of you finished in unison for the first, but certainly not last time of the night.
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Chapter Eight: Family Dinner (Pranks/Dad Jokes)
Bruce Wayne was not an emotional man. In fact, his emotional capability had once been compared to that of a teaspoon. He had emotions, obviously, but he didn’t express them. Or rather, he wasn’t sure how to express them. But staring down at the photo album in front of him, it was almost painful having no way to express his emotions. It was the most thoughtful gift he had ever received, and it was one that he would treasure forever. He didn’t have baby pictures of his other children. Dick’s were lost at some point while he was still with Haley’s Circus. Jason’s were lost when he had to live on the street. Tim...well, there were a few pictures of Tim. But they were all highly staged school pictures. And those didn’t start until kindergarten. And Damian….Talia wasn’t ever the type to be sentimental. Which meant there were no baby pictures of him either. But Marinette...her entire life had been catalogued. From sonograms, to her first Christmas and the first competition she won. Everything was laid out in order. Bruce turns back to the start of the book, prepared to close it, when an envelope catches his eye. He wasn’t focused on it when he first opened the book. He glances at Marinette and quirks an eyebrow. She frowns.
“Oh, that. Um, it’s the letter that Bridgette wrote to you. I haven’t actually read it, Maman said she hasn’t either. Your name was on the front and apparently she felt awkward opening a letter not addressed to her even with the situation and-” She stops talking, taking a deep breath before smiling. “Sorry. But, you can read it, if you want. I thought you might want to have it.”
“Thank you, Marinette.” He says, smiling slightly. He tries not to laugh when her face lights up seeing him smile. Note, try and show emotions more around Marinette, he thinks. Sitting back on his chair, he opens the envelope and stares down at the letter he should’ve received fourteen years ago.
Dear Bruce…
Marinette lets out a sigh of relief as Mr. Wayne sits to read the letter. Tugging Adrien over to her brothers and plopping down on the loveseat, she smiles.
“So Marinette, I noticed the last time you were here you had a sketchbook. Do you draw a lot?” Dick asks, eyeing the lack of space between her and Adrien. Marinette resists the urge to glare at her brother. Was he seriously plotting some way to get her and Adrien away from each other right now? After Mr. Wayne had invited him? Seriously?
“Well, kinda.” She answers, pulling out her mini sketchbook from her purse. “I actually design clothes. So I draw, but it’s mostly clothes. Sometimes I’ll sketch architecture or flowers or something for inspiration but..” She trails off, tentatively passing her sketchbook to Dick. She watches, bouncing her leg as the awkward silence stretches on while Dick looks at the sketchbook with Tim and Jason glancing over his shoulders. And Cass standing behind the couch was also looking at the sketches. Trying not to feel awkward the longer the silence stretches, Marinette jumps as Tim starts choking on his coffee. He jumps towards her and she yelps, leaping off the loveseat and to the side in order to avoid him.
“What the hell Replacement?” Jason huffs. Tim ignores him, staring at her with wide eyes.
“Holy shit, it’s you.” He says.
“Language, Master Tim. Dinner is ready.” Alfred says, popping out of nowhere.
“What do you mean it’s me?” Marinette asks, taking her sketchbook back and stuffing it back into her purse.
“You’re MDC!” Tim practically yells, waving his (not empty) coffee cup around, barely missing dumping it on her head.
“Um, yes?” She says, confused at his level of excitement.
“How are you not freaking out about this?” Tim asks, turning to Dick and Jason who were trying to get him to follow them to the dining room. Key word being trying.
“Am I supposed to?” Dick asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“Richard Grayson! As a fellow Jagged Stone fan you cannot tell me that you don’t recognize the name of his personal designer!” Tim yells. Dick’s eyes widen in realization, turning to Marinette with a shocked smile.
“Wait, that’s you? Marinette, that’s amazing! I knew your sketches were good, but wow. That’s just- wow!” Dick says, his entire face filled with pride. Marinette laughs awkwardly, her face heating up with all the attention. It was….a lot. But also nice.
“Yeah. I mean, I haven’t done an entire tour wardrobe yet, but I’m proud of the pieces that I have done.” She says.
“Terribly sorry, but it might be nice if we moved our conversations to the dining room.” Alfred says, a twinge of amusement clear on his face. Marinette glances over at Mr. Wayne who was still frozen, clutching the letter from her birth mother. She looks at Alfred and raises an eyebrow. He simply shakes his head and motions for her to go on. Sighing, she nods and follows her brothers (and Adrien, who was suddenly in an intense conversation with Tim about Jagged Stone) to the dining room. As they walk into the dining room, Marinette darts around Dick to snag the seat on the other side of Adrien. Tim sitting on one side of Adrien was fine. Adrien stuck between Tim and Dick? Not fine. She gives Dick a look, and he just smiles innocently before walking around and taking the seat across from Adrien. Should’ve seen that one coming. Once everyone is seated (besides Mr. Wayne, who had sent Alfred back in and instructed everyone to start without him) the conversations taper off, leaving the dining room in an awkward silence.
“Marinette, I have a very serious question for you.” Dick says, his smile telling her that the chances of it actually being a ‘very serious’ question are slim to none.
“Okay, sure.”
“Where do fruits go on vacation?” He asks, a wide grin stretching across his face. “Pear-is!” Marinette just blinks at him. That was almost as bad as-
“Oh my god! That was amazing!” Adrien cheers, laughing so hard he has to set his fork down. Oh god. There’s two of them.
“Really?” Dick asks, his face bright. Oh dear god please no.
“Oh yeah. That joke was pun-derful.” Adrien replies with a snort. Please god. Make it stop.
“I’m glad you think so. Everyone else seems a bit pun-sive.” Dick replies. That’s it. She’d willingly give Hawkmoth her Miraculous if it meant she could leave this dinner and the awful jokes happening. She’d even listen to her Papa’s jokes for an entire hour. As long as she could leave this cursed dinner. The sudden blaring from both her phone and Adrien’s makes her jump, and her eyes widen. Okay, no. She didn’t say the thing about the Miraculous out loud, so she doesn’t actually have to give it up, right? No, it’s fine. Taking it back won’t lead to anything crazy, right?
“Uh, I’m gonna run to the bathroom.” Marinette says, jumping up, frowning at Adrien as he jumps up with her.
“Me too!” He says. Marinette frowns. Way to make it obvious, Kitty.
“I’m fine, I can go to the bathroom by myself.” She insists, rushing off to the bathroom before Adrien can argue. She’d figure something out.
Dick raises an eyebrow at Adrien’s shocked face.
“Did you need to go to the bathroom? We have more than one bathroom.” He says, worried that maybe the kid’s shocked face wasn’t because of Marinette’s hasty departure and instead because he really needed the bathroom.
“Oh. Um. No, I’m fine. Apparently.” He mutters the last word, dropping down into his seat and staring at his plate. Dick could see the boy’s hands twitching towards his phone like he wanted to check it, but was afraid of being rude. He was about to tell him that it was okay to check his phone when a blue circle of light appeared over the table. An arm covered in red spandex with black spots sticks out of the light (portal) and grabs Adrien by the front of his shirt. Before anyone can stop the arm, Adrien is through the portal. Gone. Well shit.
“Where are Adrien and Marinette?” Bruce asks, walking into the room and frowning at the empty chairs. Well shit!
Tag list: @maribat-bdbwm @vixen-uchiha @stainedglassm @liquid-luck-00 @jayjayspixiepop @jjmjjktth @mizzy-pop @trippingovermyfeet @queenz-z @thepaceperson @iloontjeboontje @waiting247 @laurcad123 @toodaloo-kangaroo @ritacrow-blog @deathssilentapproach-blog @kittenmywaythrulife @nerd-nowandforever @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks @imarivers8
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ladykissingfish · 3 years
drunk Akatsuki hc? 🥺
Ask and ye shall receive! ((Sorry it took so long to get to/finish this. Also get the nagging feeling I did a post very similar to this before but 🤷🏽‍♀️ piss poor memory so))
Drinking with the Akatsuki
Takes a lot to get him drunk; his alcohol tolerance is pretty damn high. And when he does reach that point, he becomes … very unlike himself. Friendly, smiling, and extremely loose with his precious money. Kakuzu being drunk is the best time to ask him for an advance on your pay, or a personal loan. Another bonus: drunk Kakuzu is storytime Kakuzu. When he’s sober, the others don’t really like listening to his stories because they’re all boring as hell, and are usually centered around some point that he’s trying to nag everyone on. But drunk Kakuzu, well, he’ll tell you about brawls, dangerous stunts he pulled when he was a kid, sometimes even old lovers. He can keep the rest of the Akatsuki enraptured for hours with his intoxicated tales. The morning after a night of drinking is a different tale, though. He’ll remember loaning money to people and hunt them down to make sure that know they have to pay him back, and he’ll deny like crazy any story tidbits that the others bring up to him. Will also go through several pots of pure black coffee in an effort to de-hangover himself more quickly.
The Pein bodies don’t drink, but Nagato will, very rarely. Beer is his drink of choice, and he’ll opt for foreign rather than domestic. He’s not really the type to get full-on drunk (no matter what he’s the Leader and he carries himself as such), rather he’ll just get slightly tipsy. If he gets tipsy enough he’ll rant a bit to whoever’s closest about pain, and the unfairness of life, and anything else that would put a downer on happy drinkers’ moods. He always hopes that the alcohol will help him to sleep (he’s a horrible insomniac) but most times it just gives him a slight headache while leaving him wide-wake and dry-mouthed.
Nobody wants to be around this guy when he’s had too much to drink, because the normally violent Hidan becomes even more so after hitting the booze. He’ll be willing to take on any and everyone, from teenagers to old men. And being immortal doesn’t help matters any; he could literally get torn limb from limb and his mouth would still be taunting his opponents with “Is that the best ya got, bastard??” Drinking also brings out his creative side when it comes to his human sacrifices and Jashin rituals; he’ll think up new (and horrible) ways to torment and kill his victims. Is the type to finally, FINALLY just completely pass out after reaching his final tolerance point, and the others will (reluctantly) drag him to his room and put him in his bed. Not many are willing to do this, however, as most times before he passes out he’ll have stripped himself completely naked.
An emotional drunk. Gets sad and cries over practically anything. And it doesn’t take much to get him tanked, either; his tolerance level is embarrassingly low and he’ll be ready to sob after just a couple of glasses of wine. Tobi tries to avoid drinking when he can because he knows there’s a good chance of him dropping his persona and letting the others see Obito Uchiha. In fact this HAS happened a few times, where he’a taken off his mask and everything; fortunately for him the others were so gone that the next day they either didn’t remember, or believed that had just imagined the whole thing. Likes to soothe himself by slurring sad love songs at the top of lungs, joined most frequently by Deidara and Hidan. Will also drunkenly stuff his face with meats, which is a complete opposite from his sweet-loving sober self. He can throw down a dozen burgers when boozed up, the results of which will likely be in puddles all over the floor the next day. Will go to his bed and turn around in circles a bunch of times, like a dog, before finally going to sleep. “Tobi” will be the quietest he’s ever been the next day, as he fights a massive headachy hangover.
For being such a thin, delicate girl, Konan can hold her liquor right up there with the likes of Kakuzu and Kisame. One might never even know that she’s drunk to begin with; she walks perfectly straight, doesn’t slur her words, has almost perfect reflexes and normal mannerisms. One thing always gives her away, however; drunk Konan is hungry Konan. Under normal circumstances the little lady sticks to a healthy diet and isn’t one for over-indulging in anything. One shot or beer too many, and suddenly the gloves are off. Konan will make pizza, hotdogs, gigantic sundaes, cakes and pies … and devour almost all of it. She’ll share with the others if asked … but most times she’s eaten so much that there’s not much left to share. When she’s finally had her fill, she’ll go to bed … and wake up feeling sick as a dog the next morning. After the nausea passes, she’ll force herself to go for a long run or walk, no matter how much her head may be aching, in order to work off her excessive calorie intake.
Zetsu doesn’t drink, because alcohol interferes with his plant genetics, acting as literal poison to his system. But he enjoys being around the others when they’re drunk, to see the different types of personalities that emerge. Likes to hang around Hidan in particular, as the man’s sacrifices pick up significantly when he’s drunk, meaning Zetsu has more of a smorgasbord of leftovers to pick from
As a puppet, Sasori doesn’t drink. But when he was a human, it was a different story. He turned himself into a non-human at a very young age, much younger, of course, than would have been the legal drinking age. But his grandmother kept a variety of wines in their home, and when she was away, he liked to pour himself a glass. Always only a single glass; he was intelligent enough both to know that his grandmother would notice if any larger of a quantity was missing, and, already dabbling in making poisons at this point, he understood the concept of “tolerance” better than most. But the single glass was enough; it seemed to comfort him during those nights when he was missing his mother and father. The wine also served as a brain-opener for him, of sorts: it was over wine that he first got the idea of turning himself into a puppet.
Being young and so slender, and not having much experience with alcohol before joining the Akatsuki, the blonde is a bit of a light-weight when it comes to the hooch. He doesn’t really care for beers or ales (he compares the taste to “cat-piss”) and instead goes for the fruity mixed drinks that don’t SEEM that strong … until you’ve had about three or four, and they put you on your ass. Deidara becomes very lovey-dovey when drunk, and not just in a romantic sense. Alcohol makes everyone in the world his friend, and he’s suddenly interested in what others have to say about life and art. He’s even nice to Itachi, going so far as to hug him and tell him that he smells good, something that he will vehemently deny the next day. He’ll go to Sasori and cling to him and gush about how he appreciates his friendship and his guidance, until Sasori gets tired of him and tells him to go to sleep. Deidara can get to his room on his own, but once the door closes, he’s more likely to pass out on the floor than in his own bed. Also, if he didn’t think to tie up his long hair beforehand, he’ll be in for a nasty, messy surprise when he inevitably wakes up to vomit at some point.
Itachi isn’t one to ever let himself lose control of his senses, no matter the situation. Therefore, if he’s drinking with the others, he’ll stick to one or two beers or a single shot before cutting himself off for the evening. He plays much of a “mom” role in the group, making sure the others are okay, lending a shoulder to cry on for the emotional drunks, and, if they’re out somewhere, making sure everyone gets home safe and sound. On the rare, RARE occasions he drinks by himself, and lets go of his hesitation, he’s just as emotional a drinker as Tobi (which is quite possibly an Uchiha trait). He’ll cry into his pillow, he’ll sit and lament over the choices he’s made in life. Sometimes he’ll find and put on the saddest song or movie he can think of, just so he has something to get emotional over. Although this sounds bad, this is actually a helpful bit of therapy for him, as it allows him to release emotions that he normally keeps bottled up. He’ll end a night of solo drinking with a cup of tea, then go quietly to bed, sleeping like a rock until the sun comes up and things go back to normal.
Right up there with Kakuzu as being a guy that can hold his liquor like a champ. In fact his ability to do so has won him many drinking challenges at bars, as well as a formidable reputation as “one bad ass son of a bitch”. It also helps him confidence-wise; normally the half-shark is very reserved and keeps to himself, as he feels that his appearance is off-putting and scary to “normal” people. But alcohol loosens him up and gets him talking, and being bold, and many people find this switch in personality to be highly attractive. Ladies especially take notice of his smile, his eyes … and his muscles. He even scores several phone numbers from interested parties … but by the time he’s sober again, he never follows through with calling anyone. Also helps Itachi in that he keeps an eye on the others when they drink, to make sure that they’re safe.
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kusagrasskusa · 3 years
Yandere! Itachi X Reader Headcannons
The reader is precieved as a normal civilization rather than a ninja.
ALSO I learned how to do the "read more" thing on my phone and now I'm happy uvu- and to any friends that read this, I'm so sorry but I've never been so dedicated to a fandom in a long time lol. I might make a oneshot later for this, too, and I do, you should see a link under this paragraph somewhere.
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🖤 Itachi is a mature and collected person, so I'd think it'd be unlikely for him to just grow obsessed at once. Itachi would have to come across Y/N many times before releasing he's in love.
🖤 The way he'd meet Y/N would be when he'd be scouting an area for a particular enemy. He'd happen to come across her, who interacted with him a little but nothing interesting happened. Overtime, the two would see each other here and there, until eventually everyday.
🖤 When his enemy he was looking for had been eliminated, he said his goodbyes to Y/N before leaving. He expected to move on, but his mind would wonder back to her no matter how hard he tried.
🖤 Eventually, Itachi would see Y/N whenever he had free time. He'd make room in his day to spend hours together; they'd go out to eat, participate in festivals, talk, and more.
🖤 On Y/N's side, it didn't take long before she started to feel romantic interest. Afterall, Itachi was calm, collected, smart, strong, fun to be around, and seemed genuinely interested in her. She was definitely in love before he was.
🖤 Around the time Itachi would visit the Leaf Village to find Naruto, he strangely started to worry a lot about Y/N learning about who he was and fear him. He couldn't help but want to shield her from the truth, and if the people around them learned that the man Y/N was with was wanted, it would end bad for them.
🖤 Itachi was inevitably worrying a little too much about the possibility of her finding out. He went to see her and did his best to distract her from any gossip or drama whatsoever to ensure she'd never hear about the Akatsuki. His time spent with her increased from a few hours to half the day.
🖤 Itachi wouldn't ever want to kidnap or drag people into his life. He hates killing, he hates being "evil", he hates everything about his dark lifestyle. The decision to either abandon someone he began to care for or to take her away was a very hard one.
🖤 Itachi realized something in the process of thinking of a solution. He loved Y/N; he loved her to the point where the thought of her hating or fearing him scared him so badly. Even with Sasuke, the thought of him having him was terrifying but something he could live with.
🖤 It was releasing to learn about his own true feelings. He was desperately in love with Y/N, to the point where she was like air, or food, or water. Like in order to live, she had to be around.
🖤 As word spread about two strange people walking around Konoha and that Orochimaru took the last Uchiha, it was inevitable that Y/N would learn about the info. The next time she saw Itachi, she brought it up to him and expressed her discomfort in the fact that she could be among evil people.
🖤 He was scared. So scared that she would hate him for his lifestyle after finding out about who he really is. So that was it; his mind was made. He took Y/N away that night.
🖤 When word about the Akatsuki in Konoha, he received a lot more looks when he was in public than normal. He'd usually have a normal kimono on and have his hair in a different, though similar, style in order to appear normal. But he knew deep down in his heart that people are bound to start suspecting him of being an Akatsuki. And overhearing someone talk about an S class Uchiha member is what did it.
🖤 "You've been asking about where I live for a whole now. Would you like see my home?" Itachi asked. Y/N happily agreed to go, and sorta expected his home to be outside of her village. But the further she traveled, she grew a bit nervous and wanted to return home (as you would if you were led outside of your village into deep woods)
🖤 Itachi wasn't escorting Y/N alone. Of course, the Akatsuki is bound to learn about that girl Itachi insisted on bringing up in most of his little amounts of conversations. It was obvious he was obsessed with her, as much as he would try to hid it, but he just couldn't get her off his mind. So the night where he choose to bring her home, Kisame was watching the two frkm afar in case something happened.
🖤 Before that day, Itachi had mentioned that he wanted to protect Y/N. Over the three months Itachi spent with Y/N, he had plenty of time to talk about her enough to where the other members basically knew her.
🖤 Itachi actually got a few of the members (ex. Kisame, Deidara) were interested in Y/N as well. How could someone as "heartless" as Itachi Uchiha fall in love, and in such a dramatic way at that? They were sorta curious to see what was so special about her.
🖤 Anyway, you can imagine how Itachi convinced Y/N to go far enough into the woods to go to a small little cottage. Was it part of the Akatsuki hideout? No. Itachi would never trust the Akatsuki members with Y/N alone, and she needs her freedom to walk around a house.
🖤 The inside was sorta minimalistic, but not completely empty. To the far right was a kitchen was a small dining table with two chairs, and on the opposite side was two rooms. In one room was a single bed with a closet in it, and in the other room was a bathroom. Between the kitchen and two rooms was a small living room with a couch, coffee table, and more. There were bored games in a little dresser in the living room, along with a full bookshelf with books of all genres.
🖤 "Care for dinner?" Itachi had asked. He wanted to tell Y/N why she's there over a dinner he made and had prepared in advance. It turns out he was amazing at cooking.
🖤 It wasn't very easy, but Itachi managed to explain his feelings towards Y/N. Of course, Y/N happily excepted and was quick to hug and express her feelings towards him. He returned the hug and spoke about how he loved her very much, however he had so much more to say to her.
🖤 Justifyingly so, Y/N was frozen in shock when Itachi told his story. He killed everyone in his clan aside from his brother, the well-known Uchiha. How he fled his clan after committing the murders and joined an infamous group; The Akatsuki.
🖤 While displaying himself as calm, he was so overwhelmed and scared within his mind. He knew he'd have to tell her why she's staying at the house and why, from now one, she'll never leave. But he was smart enough to know she wouldn't simply except living here out of love. He would have to be a bit manipulative to keep Y/N.
🖤 Y/N was mortified and didn't notice the tears pouring out of her eyes. She fell desperately in love with a murderer. She felt so sick, so scared. She stood up, begging to go home so desperately, trembling over her own words. She was so scared for her life now, and what Itachi's intentions were. Truly, Itachi's heart broke at this.
🖤 "Y/N, darling," Itachi spoke, his words laced with love as she softly grabbed Y/N wrists and leaned close. "I had to take you away. I couldn't let them take you from me."
🖤 He was very delicate with Y/N as he calmed her down, as if she was glass. His heart ached at her pain, but he truly believed it was for the best. In a way it really was; people saw Y/N with the tall raven boy many times in public, and her parents and friends had met him too. Once they find out that boy is the Itachi, Y/N could be killed if they think she was aiding him.
🖤 Itachi did his best to show her around and make her feel comfortable. But no matter what he did, Y/N felt so broken, so empty, so confused. There's no way that sweet Itachi she loves is a killer. He has to be lying.
🖤 Over the course of a few days, Y/N learned to except the fact she's held at that small home. She tried to think on the good side; she could decorate it how she wants, has more freetime, can focus on her hobbies and learn to cook new things, and more! Even if she's never allowed to leave the house, Itachi let's her do basically anything around the home.
🖤 Y/N still loves him. As months go by of being alone for a few days without Itachi, some days with him for a little bit, and some full days with him, she still couldn't help but appreciate him just as much as before. No, she appreciates him more even. She just can't help but love him, and he loves her too.
🖤 Itachi felt much more relaxed around Y/N and tried to spend every second he could with her. He was so shameful of keeping her from her home, but it was for the best wasn't it?
🖤 Most of Itachi's emotions about keeping her was all because he lived her and never wanted to see her with anyone else. But he had always found an excuse as to why it's for the best that she's never with anyone else.
🖤 Kisame had met Y/N a few times. She was never comfortable with him however and was typically holding onto Itachi's sleeve, or leaning on him when he's around. However Kisame would be around when Itachi wasn't sometimes to keep watch.
🖤 As long as Itachi or Kisame was present, Y/N is allowed to go outside and visit close villages other than the one Y/N is from. She would be allowed to buy anything she wanted and could afford from these places, but she had to go home eventually.
🖤 At the end of the day, Y/N had quite a lot of freedom and eventually, she was happy. She was happy to be living with Itachi and was perfectly happy calling him her husband.
🖤 Itachi never wanted a marriage though. He was going blind and he planned to be murdered by his brother and he never dared to make her a young widow. When Izumi had died, he felt so distraught and he knew Y/N is bound to feel the same, but even worse if they got married.
🖤 When Itachi died, as said, Y/N was distraught. No, she was mortified. Absolutely mortified. Even if she was free, she had lost the last person she had a connection with. And she carried that sorrow to her grave.
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ao3-kintou · 2 years
hi kintou!! I'm a fan of homesick for a mountain's song and I'm also a fanfic writer so I'm suuuper curious about the fanfic writer ask! so honestly I wanna ask you everything lol but I'll calm down. I'm curious about questions 1, 11, 12, 13, 17, 18, 21, 29, 30, and 3, 4, 31 about homesick. lol that's a lot so feel free to answer as little or as much as you want!! I love your work, thanks for sharing <3
Hello! Thank you for sending me your asks and thank you for reading and enjoying my fics! This will be fun ((:
1. What’s your favorite character(s) to write for?
Sasuke Uchiha, still and maybe for forever. It's starting to become a close call with Lan Zhan/Wangji from mdzs though. I love their silence and their conflicted feelings. Writing them is like soothing a quiet pain.
11. How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc)
I would say... not plot driven. Slow. So much happens because nothing happens (or we realise so much has happened, because nothing happens). It's like quiet mornings for talking. Like making space, like a calm after a storm?
Also, somehow, uncontroled and messy (which i do not see as a bad thing per se, but bless @kemperrose for beta reading).
12. Who is your favorite author? 
It's Ali Smith! Her style is uncontroled, witty, engaged and completely unique. Don't ask me what her books are about, I won't know, but oh i love them so much. Also! I love Louise Gluck so much rn, especially her book Averno (I posted some Averno fragments earlier). Then for fanfic writers I mainly love @kinomiakai (:
13. When did you start writing fanfic? 
I started writing Naruto fanfiction when I was 13, which is 11 years ago! I started by writing/posting Shikamaru centric fics. I wrote snk for a while instead of Naruto though.
17. What fanfic tropes do you gravitate to writing for? 
This won't come as a surprise but: domestic fluff or hurt/comfort. I used to write so so many dumb Coffee shop au's and Farmfics as well hahaha.
18. Do you prefer editing as you write, or waiting until it’s finished? 
I can't edit while writing bc I will get stuck but when I want to continue writing (say, after writing 1k and falling asleep) I'll reread what I wrote the day before to get inspired and edit that part. I read all stories 1 more time before publishing them though.
21. Is there an idea you’ve always wanted to write, but haven’t yet?
Hmm.. not really? I have been thinking about writing a farmfic / small village fic that is more in a modern setting. I would love to write another multi chapter slow fic where they're just in nature. Maybe one where Sasuke rents Naruto's bnb cottage?
29. What part of the writing process do you enjoy the most? (Brainstorming, outlining, writing, editing, etc) 
Honestly, I brainstorm and outline very little. Literally answering something like question 21 is as much as I have before i sit down to write. So, the sitting down and doing the actual writing. I'm a very "go hard"/blunt writer. I sit down without having any idea what will come, and I write a lot of my fics in one sitting, starting at breakfast and forgetting to sleep in the evening.
I also love going through @kemperrose 's edits bc she's so funny and I make so many stupid little dutch mistakes (we've been working together since Your name, and what that really means, so for exactly a year now)
30. Do you write down all your ideas? What makes you decide to write one versus the other?
Nope! If I want to write a fic I just think of something and get started. Most of the time I also upload it even if it sucks a bit.
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from Homesick for a mountain's song story/chapter? 
Yes, I certainly do! My ultimate favourite scene is the ending scene of chapter 5, where they say sounds together. I think it's such a small scene (in it's energy) but the most powerful one.
I also love the scene where Kana hints that she thinks Naruto and Sasuke are in a relationship and that she accepts them/sasuke in chapter 3. When she says: ‘A lot of people become incapable of loving, because of what the world has done to them. It’s a blessing if you still can, even if it’s the last thing you get to keep.’  and ‘I just want you to know that we don’t mind. You and Naruto are always welcome with us. We’re not going to judge you, even if he starts living here permanently.’ 
4. Did you have any ideas that didn’t make the final cut of Homesick for a mountain's song? 
Hmm.. not really? I changed Sakura a bit while editing. She was a bit more rude to Sasuke in my first versions, bc I wanted to add it to what made Naruto felt conflicted, but I made her more calm eventually. I think that Kishimoto did his female characters dirty, and I don't want that in my fics. I only gave her the normal amount of guarded.
I ended up not writing the party where they "marry". Though i thought about it, I wanted to keep the ending small. The altar for their parents made it to the sequel, but I could say the same for that.
31. What was the development process of Homesick for a mountain's song like? 
Oh.. hmm.. so basically I wrote this story while I was at home with a burn-out, in my graduation year. I was the most broken version of myself when I started this story, and I honestly believed it saved me and me as a writer. I've always been good at enjoying small things and I've always been a calm person. Homesick gave me a place where I could show myself I still had that in me.
With that said... the proces was me getting up way too late, or way too early to watch the sun come up bc I couldn't sleep, and sitting down to write this. I had no plan. I just sat down and wrote. I think it was a distraction and it made me happy. I wanted to write 5 chapters at first, but since me and my readers got attached to the slow chapters it turned into 6 and then into 8.
I posted every chapter right after writing them, and the comments motivated me a lot, though i never expected to get so many. To write this fic, but also to try and write my final work. So... yeah... i think i lived with this story. I somehow ended up still graduating, and it was the same week when i uploaded chapter 8.
Replying to your other ask: know that we're together on that one! Ichiko Aoba makes me feel so nostalgic... or shall I say homesick haha, for nature, for this softness, for late converstations or quiet, for the small things in life. May you live softly! And of course you're always welcome to come find me.
Thank you so much for these questions and your kind words!
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createdbyinvisibles · 2 years
Alright, so as I was planning part two to my Rin bio, I kinda realized something examining the plot. After Sasuke leaves as a missing-nin he is officially no longer a leaf citizen, right? But what I think is weird is why are all the cultural pieces or scrolls of the Uchiha clan left alone? You think that would be the first thing the village would do now that no one was left to protest. Maybe they were afraid of Itachi and since they don't know if he died or not they left it alone just in case. But I don't know. The Uchiha compound is a lot of lands and as a powerful ninja clan that spans hundreds of years, they must have some priceless artifacts just like the ninja scrolls or stone tablets Obito mentions. And all Itachi wanted was for Sasuke to be safe. I guess you could argue that like the stone tablets any of the secret scrolls or artifacts are clan secrets that the village doesn't know about. But considering how they're a powerful clan with secrets that span hundreds of years, the hokages who all belong to their respective clans with their own secrets and are all around the same time frame. They would have to assume that like their own clan the Uchiha must have secrets too and try to investigate. Would it be that hard for a couple of hyugas to find the bunker under that one tatami mat? Or just have them scan over the area for anything hokey. 
 I mean if I were the Hokage and the Uchiha compound was just left a ghost town I'd take some things. I mean it's got to be fair game after Pein turns it to rubble, but it's just left as is and Sasuke comes back to sift through the rubble to find it. No one thought in the process of rebuilding the village to clear out the Uchiha compound and rebuild it into something for the community? They could turn it into a park or museum or more houses and to justify it they could just put a statue down to honor the old clan or like a plaque or name the street after them. Insulting and wrong as it is to steal or wipe away the past that way. I can't believe that the village would really have so much respect and honor that they would refuse to take free land and dead clan riches. This is the same village that got the very clan exterminated. Danzo took the eyeballs, why not take the riches too? You think he would have pushed for that. Tourism is hard, it might be nice to have a museum, Hokage mountain would only take three minutes to look at, and like a day to hike up. 
I guess technically speaking the reason might be that if the village took away the scrolls then Obito would have a harder time finding them or Sasuke couldn't readily summon the past Hokages, thus soft blocking the whole war arc. But I got to thinking what if the village did take the scrolls and with Rin in mind, as book carrier, she would have to be the one to file them. This means that Obito or Sasuke would have to go on a wild goose chase to figure out where the scrolls turned up, only to realize Rin had them the whole time 🤣 
So I got too some brain storming, mind my scattered thoughts but...
I don't think Sasuke would like it considering that Rin used to be unknowingly mean to him as a kid, (for those who didn't read the bio the short gist of it is that as a book carrier she, like Danzo and the village advisors involved knows the truth about Itachi. And she wants to warn Sasuke and prevent him from making the mistake of killing his brother but can't do it properly since she's honor-bound and conditioned as a book carrier to not leak any information no matter the cost. So she tries to convince him without telling him but being conditioned and trained in mental torture and emotional manipulation any well-meaning attempt she has to help him comes off as her breaking him down and what have you. Because she's just a sociopath without the anger issues (since her brother worked really hard to help her manage that) with good but warped intentions.) 
But now imagine how Sasuke must hate Rin at that moment, not only is she the lifeblood of the village but he wants her dead on principle. But she has in his eyes stolen Uchiha artifacts, she always gets into his head and makes him of all people feel weak when he's stronger than her. And she was right. His plan to kill Itachi had a lot of holes, he didn't know what he'd do after, and he never considered Itachi and his motives or the fact that the government put him to do it, (a fact Sasuke realizes that Rin must have known the whole time which is just another reason to be mad with her). If she didn't have those scrolls she'd be so dead because if she dies so will all the scrolls and Uchiha artifacts he wants back for himself. Not to mention that since she knew the truth about Itachi, I bet you there is like this little voice in his head wanting to know if she knew anything else about Itachi that he didn't know. Because if Obito knew the truth then anything is on the table by now. 
And while this whole realization is happening, the whole time she's just stalling until the anbu comes to save her and talking always so casually just as if she wasn't kidnapped or held hostage for information. Because she's been trained so well for this exact scenario, it's almost exciting. 
Rin: So, you've been gone a while
Sasuke: you could say that
Rin: did you find out anything important
Sasuke: you could say that
Rin: Now this is where I would have congratulated your foresight but considering the circumstances, I think it's your hindsight that I'll praise. 
Sasuke: just give me the scrolls
Rin: That was a joke, you could laugh at it, I'm trying very hard to be nice and good.
Sasuke: Give me a reason to keep you alive.
Rin: I think you would have killed me by now if I didn't have a good reason.
Sasuke: That- Yeah that checks out. Just give me the scrolls
Rin: Trust me I would have by now if I could
I think she'd laugh when she finds out about his plans to rule the world in his twisted image.
Rin: Do you know how to run an economy?
Sasuke: I can get to that later
Rin: do you know how to organize law enforcement and departments concerning health, food, and others of the like
Sasuke: I can also get to that later
Rin: Do you know how to tax people and calculate tax, organize trade and businesses, write speeches, provide a system for citizenship, write laws into order-
Sasuke: fear will keep them in line
Rin: fear needs a spreadsheet and I know for a fact the leaf education system hasn't taught you beyond an 800-word essay on ninja history. 
She says this all with a smile by the way, not a playful smile or even a sarcastic tone, since her smile is always the same slight turned-up blank line and her tone is non-offensive as Siri. And this probably makes Sasuke angrier because Rin really has a way to make a person feel dumb and she isn't even trying to make him feel that way. But considering how by this point she's been opening up to more emotions she may be trying to be nice but she definitely finds this all amusing. The sort of 'ah he's kind of stupid' vibe. 
But since we are in Shippuden and Rin has devolved a little, she is trying to make her best efforts to be better and have some more self-awareness than before. Because of that, she might even apologize to him, for how mean she used to be. Because even if she sounds mean this whole exchange she's really trying to be nice and helpful. 
I mean like I said she’s trained in hostage situations, to mentally break them down, so the fact that she's just giving him advice or poking holes in Sasuke's plan is probably her way to let him know she's sorry. But like I said everything she does is always a little warped even with the best intentions. But she is trying.
Rin: You know I just wanted to say sorry for how I treated you when I was little, I really thought I was doing a good thing, I mean to me fear and mental torture were the only way. I mean it's not like love is now either but manners is a close second, and what I did was rude and I am as sorry as I can be. On that side note, it seems to you that violence and that of the like is the only way but your manners are lacking. I suggest taking a couple of good manners classes, a leader must be well-rounded and right now you don't seem like Hokage material. 
Sasuke: What is Hokage material but the old corrupt who got  my clan destroyed
Rin: Yes but they have decorum, which means to have manners I wasn't sure if you knew. But I digress, with the way you are, I don't think you could even handle a seminar much less a speech or a meeting. There is a lot of work in politics I hope you know. And the leaf didn't even fully teach you algebra. 
The irony is that both Rin and Itachi are kinda in the same boat as far as being puppets of the village who sacrifice their lives for it to go, only that since Rin is a book carrier she carries more political weight while with Itachi it’s strength and blackmail. As well as different personalities but still there is kinda a parallel there and one that I don't think Sasuke would like very much.
Better yet, she's still probably a little bitter that Sakura still talks about him and lets him hear about it after she gets bored of trying to apologize to him. It even has her go back a little on her playing nice. Which she does later apologize for too. 
Rin: Sakura has talked an awful lot about you
Sasuke: Do you think I care, give me the scrolls
Rin: No and a part of me doesn't care much either but my pride is hurt. I thought that after you went rogue and tried to kill Naruto, herself, Kakashi, and the village she would have let you go, but even now that hasn't happened. It's been a long time, I've been considerably nice, and I'm not even her friend. The bar is too low and I can't seem to raise it. I don't even know how you manage, I match you in looks, I beat you in manners, personality, intelligence, I've known her as long as you have, I have the entire Kikumoto fortune. What do people find that is so special about you. My brother worked hard so that I wouldn't have any violent rage like all the other sociopahs, who always turn to a life of crime, but honestly, I am a little ticked off right now. It's not even about Sakura at this point, I just don't want to lose to you, that's just such a low to me. I have a title, I-
Sasuke: The scrolls, just give me the scrolls, I don't have to kill you to have you cooperate. 
Rin: I thought we went over this when I told you that I would have by now if I could. I know you most likely have what my brother refers to as trust issues but you really should take my word on this one, I have nothing to gain from this conversation and I could be a floating head but you still won’t have those scrolls and when I die you never will have them. 
I love my ocs and Rin is just fun, she’s my when I want to poke fails at the make believe village government oc. I don’t have a lot of characters who could be considered queens but she is one to me. (On this side note, anyone is always free to send an ask about her she has a lot of content. But I’ll try to post more headcanons for her)
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
I honestly agree with a lot of your opinions, and even when I don't, I think that your arguments are always well structure and respectful to other people.
But I have some questions (and I'm sorry if you have already answer them), (also sorry for some of my English, it's not my first language)
How do you feel about narusaku?
How do you feel about people changing certain aspects about Sakura to try to improve her character?
How would you improve Sakura?
How much do you think Sakura being a good character could affect the story?
What was the moment you really started to ship SNS? And what are you favorite moments?
(Sorry if there's ro many questions)
I honestly agree with a lot of your opinions, and even when I don't, I think that your arguments are always well structure and respectful to other people.
Aww!!!! Thank you, Anon. This made my day. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
I will start from my favourite question (The one in the last)
What was the moment you really started to ship SNS?
I never wore any shipping lens, Anon.
Literally, I started to ship SNS only after Episode 478 or Chapter 698. Before that, I always had these doubts in the back of my mind.
'Something seems to be very weird between these guys',
'Why are they behaving differently compared to other friends?',
'Why Sasuke is behaving totally different towards Naruto?',
'Why Sasuke agreed to honour Naruto's promise under the bridge, despite having no shred of affection towards his other former Team Members?',
'Why Naruto is so obsessed with Sasuke?',
'Why Sasuke felt Naruto's chakra in Konoha and bothered by it?',
'Why Sasuke is protecting Naruto like a precious treasure only to end up wanting to kill him?',
'Why Sasuke has this weird obsession that ONLY I CAN KILL NARUTO but not someone else?',
So, I had all these questions piling up one by one inside my mind as the series progressed and I can't simply jump into a conclusion because I don't know what Sasuke was thinking. I hate one-sided ship and I want reciprocation. So, I usually put all these questions on the back burner and started to focus on the story. Damn!!!, The story was equally captivating and emotionally daunting. When Sasuke finally confessed his feelings towards Naruto in Episode 478, I simply couldn't believe myself but ship them. Because, in no world, Friends would behave this way towards each other.
So, to answer your question, it's after Episode 478, I started to ship them. But if you want me to say when exactly I started to doubt their level of friendship??
It's this moment,
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Now you may think, 'Yeah, you saw two boys in a close proximity and decided to ship together. It's nothing strange'.
I have to say, Close proximity was the last thing, I felt from this scene. My reason was those heart breaking scenes that happened before which led to this specific moment.
I will make it as short as possible. I'll start with this
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God!! I wanted to punch Sasuke so badly when he said this with a deadpan expression. It looks like he was lying just to get power. I thought, 'Sasuke!!! What a lying piece of crap you are!! If you want to kill Naruto, Just do it. Why doing a fake confession? '.
It doesn't help as the fight progressed because Sasuke was really playing football with Naruto and when this happened,
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I was shell-shocked because, the Sasuke we saw so far is no more. It even confirmed my thoughts about the fake confession. Which sane person will ram Chidori through his Close Friend's body?.
After many blows were exchanged, I simply wished for one thing. Naruto should win and Sasuke should be stopped no matter what. When the final Rasengan vs Chidori happened, I couldn't understand what was going on inside that power ball. Naruto and Sasuke look at each other with pained expression and we see the younger version of them smiling at each other.
And then finally we see a knocked out Naruto with Sasuke standing and looking at him without any expression and was about to say, 'Naruto.... I' which was interrupted by rain and when Sasuke felt a stinging pain in his arms and falls down on his knees. He coughs up blood and then this iconic scene happens.
That scene conveyed many things
Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto but couldn't.
Sasuke meant what he said. Naruto is his closest friend, it’s not a lie.
Sasuke couldn't severe his ties completely with Naruto.
Sasuke's pain of saying 'Goodbye' is greater than the stinging pain in his arms.
Sasuke deliberately, I repeat deliberately and not accidentally, came close to look at Naruto's face and experiencing something that, we, audience don't know. 
So, you see, Anon. The emotional train wreck that led to this scene made me really doubt about their depth of feelings they had towards each other for the first time. That's when I thought, 'Something seems to be very weird between these guys, what is it?'
And what are you favorite (SNS) moments?
There are two moments which shows how Sasuke is playing an emotional battle within himself. 
1. Sasuke, Susanoo, Naruto, Minato
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This happens right after Sasuke said to Obito, “Not you.... The one who is going to sever the past is....me”.
In this moment, Sasuke can pretty much let Naruto to die, because nobody is trying to kill Naruto. Still, he saved him with a 3 layered protection. The best part is Sasuke acted quicker than Minato, the fastest shinobi, to protect Naruto. Surely Minato wouldn’t want to blow up near his Son, for whom he gave his life once. It’s just that Sasuke is extremely quicker at this moment. 
2. For some reason, My Sharingan deactivated on it’s own
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If only, Sasuke maintained his Sharingan, he could’ve traced Naruto’s movements and deflected his upper cut and would’ve successfully landed his Chidori through him. But he just couldn’t. 
Both these scenes happens in a span of a day but Sasuke’s emotions fluctuates a lot when it comes to killing Naruto, protecting Naruto, can’t kill Naruto. 
How much do you think Sakura being a good character could affect the story?
To be Honest Anon, Storywise ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
Yes, I agree with her amazing performance in Gaara retrieval Arc where she tagged along with Granny Chiyo and almost killed Sasori.
After that ????
She did nothing in the Sasuke Reunion Arc. It was all about Naruto vs Orochimaru, Yamato’s Wood style jutsu, Sai’s betrayal towards Orochimaru. Geez!!! I liked her attitude in this arc but totally spoiled when she was standing simply like a wooden doll when Sasuke was about to stab Naruto. It was Sai who blocked Sasuke.... I was like, ‘Girl!!!! You said you will save Sasuke for Naruto when he went into 4 tails mode. What happened now??? Why are you not stopping him???’
She was just making Food Pills in the Rasen Shuriken Arc.
She was basically climbing from one tree to another in the Sasuke killing Orochimaru to Sasuke joining Akatsuki Arc. Even Naruto’s role was very minimal in that arc except he met Kabuto, Dead soul of Jiraiya, Itachi, a split second meeting with Sasuke where he got Chidori’ed and fought with Tobi. 
She was just a spectator praying for Naruto in the Pain Arc. Yeah, she did healed few people and punched some monsters. But it just doesn’t matter. Even Konohamaru killed a Pain in that arc. 
She turned into an Asshole by making a fake confession towards Naruto and decided to kill Sasuke in the Kage Summit Arc. I think, this is where Kishi decided to shit on her mercilessly by making her into someone who was going to hurt both of her team mates mentally and physically. Basically Kishi transformed a clever medical Ninja who can find an antidote in a matter of hours to an asshole who believed Naruto did everything for her and even more of an idiot by planning to kill Sasuke with just a poisoned Kunai. Isn’t she the one who told Kakashi that Sasuke was given forbidden drugs to improve his strength after their Reunion??? Can’t she put 2+2 together to know Sasuke would be immune to poisons because of his days spent with Orochimaru??? Yeah, she did impacted the story. But it was not for her development. Sakura’s foolishness made Naruto and Sasuke to meet each other again and made a promise. So, you see, she was just a tool that pushes the narrative development of other characters, not her own. Her development took a big blow in this arc.
She was non-existent in the Naruto-Killer Bee Training Arc.
She was just healing people and punched some zetsu during Powerful Edo-Tensei Shinobis vs Allied Shinobi forces Arc. I expected her to have a special fight. But Nope. Even Ino, Shikamaru and Choji fought Asuma, Kakuzu and Kinkaku, Ginkaku brothers. 
She was non-existent in the Uchiha Madara vs 5 Kages mini arc
She was non-existent in Obito vs Naruto, Kakashi, Might Guy and Killer Bee mini arc.
She was non-existent in the Sasuke & Itachi vs Kabuto mini arc.
She was non-existent in the Edo Tensei’ed Hokages and Team Sasuke arc.
She was punching some Juubi Clones in the Official War Arc which will never make a difference to the story. At the same time, her character was transformed from an Asshole who hurted her teammates to an horny biasshhhh who wants only Sasuke’s D. She summoned Katsuyu and was healing soldiers. But there were an army of Medical Ninjas too. So her absence will not affect the story in a big way. She did Lip to Lip CPR for Naruto though. Again, that would never help Naruto in a major way unless he was helped by Obito by placing Bijuu inside him. Again, Kishi didn’t make her the sole saviour here. Instead, she was used as a medium to facilitate Obito’s transformation from a bad guy to good guy. Kishi made Obito as the Saviour here. 
She was useless and was not able to destroy Obito’s rinnegan in the Reincarnation of Indra and Ashura vs Rikkudou Sennin Madara arc.
She was useless in the Kaguya arc. [Sorry, that punch won’t make any difference because Kaguya must be stupid to not use her 360 degree vision to see Sakura from behind. With Naruto and Sasuke has already become a demi god at this point, her clown show is incomparable].
She was useless in the final Naruto vs Sasuke arc.
So, you tell me Anon. Did she make any impact to the story that served as a major twist?? 
The story revolved around Naruto and Sasuke. 
Itachi, Obito, Jiraiya, Madara, Hashirama and other Hokages were the game changers of this story. Meaning, their presence or death will change the story by a huuuuggge margin.
Tsunade, Orochimaru, Team Nagato, Kabuto helped our protagonists in a BIGGGG WAAYYYY.
Akatsuki were just amazing who gave us the sense of thrill as well as fun. 
Even Sakura being good will never impact the story because she had no dedicated arc written for her.
But, if she were written as a good character, my viewing experience would have improved in a relaxing way so much so that I don’t have to press my fast forward button whenever she appears and I wouldn’t be writing this post explaining why I hate her.
How would you improve Sakura?
Simple, By writing her similar to Rin Nohara.
No obsession but a simple love towards Sasuke.
No toxicity but caring friendship towards Naruto. 
That’s all.
How do you feel about people changing certain aspects about Sakura to try to improve her character?
Well, that means they would qualify as a fanfiction writers, aren’t they??.
Also, this inherently proves that she is a piss poor character and people wants to change certain aspects of her which they find annoying. But it will 100% end up being OOC. And I’m not into reading those OOC stuffs, Anon.
I always believe in accepting what the author has given rather than trying to fix their work. Because the author writes a character deliberately to make the readers feel what he intended in the first place. Kishi could write a redemption for even someone like Orochimaru towards the very end. Like, he literally made him to help Sasuke, not as a human predator, but as a former Master and an admirer. He wrote him to help Tsunade and other Kages. So in the end, Orochimaru was not hated like he was hated in part 1. If he can write something for Orochimaru, why not for Sakura??? 
You know how I can redeem Sakura in just 3 or 4 panels?
Let me tell you.
After that fake confession, Sakura could talk to Naruto,
“I am very Sorry, Naruto. I know you will never take things in your heart. But still I shouldn’t have used Love as a tool to make you not to do something. I was an Idiot to not realize how badly you want to save Sasuke. It wasn’t just for me. But it was for Sasuke and also for you, as his friend and also for us as Team 7. So, how about we go to Ichiraku, for a nice lunch??” 
While confessing Sasuke for the second time,
“It seems you still want to go on to that dark path, isn’t it?. I am not the most powerful ninja in this world and I know I can’t trade blows with you. But still.... if you try to hurt my friend, Naruto and my master, Tsunade. I will fight with all my strength to kill you..... Even though I love you”
I am pretty sure, if Sakura confessed something along these lines, everyone would have admired her and it shows her emotional maturity as a Kunoichi who wants to do something to this world as well as a person who is ready to kill someone she loved in order to protect the people she holds dear.
In chapter 699. Before saying Goodbye to Sasuke,
“I am very Sorry, Sasuke. I never really understood what was going on inside your heart. And, I always forced myself on you because of my selfishness. I really feel bad for those things. I never really became your friend in the first place. How about we say farewell as ‘a good friends’, before your redemption journey??” (Shakes hands.... End of Scene)
How is this???
Is it pleasant to read?? Of course, Yes.
I am pretty sure it wouldn’t take more than 4 or 5 panels. Kishi could’ve easily did something like this. Am pretty sure readers would’ve been satisfied. Her fans too. Even I would’ve forgiven her mistakes.
But Kishi didn’t and I am very sure it’s deliberate. Because, this very same Kishimoto could able to write Konan, Tsunade who acts with so much maturity without whining like a little girl.
Which shows Kishi clearly hates this character and never wanted to redeem her. 
So no matter how many people improve this character, it will never be believable.
How do you feel about narusaku?
Naruto always placed Sasuke as his priority, Anon. That’s always the case. So, apart from SNS, if you want me to say whether NaruSaku had any potential?
I would say, yes, NaruSaku had potential. I will not deny it. Naruto had some liking towards Sakura compared to the absolute indifference towards Hinata.
There are some moments Sakura genuinely cried for Naruto without anyone’s influence. I liked it. Say, the scene where she cried on hearing ‘A Jinchuriki without Bijuu will die” and with Yamato she told, “I can only do little things for Naruto”.
These are all coming from her own heart. No one instilled inside her.
[[[ That’s why I will not accept her realization of ‘Annoying, huh? So, this is how Naruto must have felt too. Maybe I should be a little nicer to him next time’ as genuine in Episode 3. Because she realized only after Sasuke roasted her. I want feelings to emerge subconsciously rather than instilled by someone. ]]]
Unlike the asshole Sakura she was in part 1, Sakura started out good in Shippuden. I was surprised with her development in Gaara Retrieval Arc and was not at all annoyed by her presence. (Except when she said she will save Naruto and Sasuke from Itachi.... Grrrrr.... Biashhhhh.... Do you know Itachi’s abilities first of all??? He can crush you like a meatball with his Susanoo)
I started to feel, ‘Wooow!!! She has improved a lot. Great!!!!’.
Even though, she was useless in Rasen Shuriken Arc, She still made an effort to make food pills for Naruto. She even hugged Naruto much to his surprise, before all the villagers and especially before, ahemmm Hinata after defeating Pain.
Despite all of these moments that had happened between them, I could only see them as a pair formed of mutual tragedies rather than mutual attraction, Anon. In their case, Losing Sasuke. I wasn’t 100% sure whether Sakura moved on from Sasuke or not. Because When Sakura was looking for Sasuke with Kakashi’s Tracking dogs, she was still in love with him. So Sakura fluctuates between her obsession with Sasuke and some genuine feelings towards Naruto. 
Kage summit Arc is where everything changed and finalized. Sakura was crying like an annoying shit when she heard that Sasuke joined Akatsuki and was wanted by Raikage. This clearly shows her obsession has flared up again and ‘Poof’ all the development she had with Naruto was thrown into drain. 
On top of it, the fake confession. Grrrrrr.......
Plus, Naruto officially closed the possibilities of this ship by saying, “Sasuke, I know the Truth of Itachi from a guy named Tobi. I don’t know whether it’s true or not. But whatever you’ve been doing so far (hunting Killer Bee, ruckus in Kage summit conference, trying to kill Sakura, Kakashi).... It’s all understandable”.
If Naruto truly, wholeheartedly, deeply loved Sakura, he wouldn’t have said something like, ‘It’s understandable why you tried to kill Sakura”. He should have beaten Sasuke into a pulp. Or atleast shown some intense anger. Instead, Naruto was talking to Sasuke and making promise by saying ‘We will die together’. It’s like Sakura playing cupid for Sasuke and Naruto.
Naruto was okay with someone trying to kill Sakura whereas he was not okay with someone trying to kill Sasuke and even went to the extent of hyperventilating. This is why I feel any other ships are incomparable with SNS. 
After that Sakura started to behave rabidly towards Sasuke in the War arc which I can’t help but feel disgusting. So, anything she did for Naruto in the War Arc was overshadowed by her crazy obsession towards Sasuke. That’s why her CPR doesn’t matter, Sakura healing Naruto doesn’t matter. [Naruto has his own regenerative abilities, so whatever she does will not matter much for him]
So, NaruSaku was closed officially by Naruto and Sakura. It couldn’t sail because of the presence of Sasuke. 
At the end, I felt like Sakura used Naruto for getting her man back ready for romance rather than a killer mode Sasuke. I couldn’t feel the friendship they once had or any familiarity. 
I just hate people who don’t value friendships, anon. Sakura was not even a good friend, first of all. Yeah she had her friendly moments here and there. But, at the end of the series, she was not. A war has just ended, many people lost their lives, her supposed ‘best friend’ Ino lost her father. Why can’t she help her out emotionally? Why can’t she do some fucking good stuffs for this Shinobi world like her other teammates?? Instead, what she did was ‘let’s go and persuade Sasuke-kun to lend me some D by going along with his journey. Because I am so horny’. 
It not how you were in the beginning, It’s how you ended up being. She started this series as a worst friend and she ended up as a worst human being for me. How can I ship such a person with Naruto????
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
Hello tsukuyomii45, I’m a huge fan of your stories and artwork.
I have this idea for an Obito AU. It’s based off of you and deathsend’s post about your guy’s headcanons of Rin surviving and Obito still becoming the masked man. But in my AU, instead of Obito continuing Madara’s plan, he abandons the plan after finding out Rin is still alive.
My AU is called The Uchiha Ghost.
Basically Rin survives Kakashi’s Chidori, and Obito thinks she’s dead. On the night of Naruto’s birth, Obito plans on taking the three tails and nine tails, and destroying the leaf. Thing didn’t go according to plan. That’s when Obito finds out that Rin is still alive. Obito escapes to kamui dimension and has a mental breakdown. Obito abandons Madera’s plan and goes AWOL.
He doesn’t return to the Village out of shame and guilt for what he almost did. Fear of getting attached to his friends again, and a little resentment towards the members of Team Minato.
For the next 2 years, Obito, now under the alias Tobi, would hunt down rouge shinobi. Tobi would basically become a ghost story in the ninja world. Some say the grimm reaper of the Uchiha who takes you to hell. Others say he’s the ghost of Madara who wants revenge from beyond the grave.
Eventually Tobi is discovered by Kakashi, Minato, and Rin. They have a fight where Tobi has the upper hand on them. But Tobi surrenders to prove to that he is not a threat to them or the hidden leaf village. Tobi is brought back to the village with his only condition being that his mask stays on.
After days in a cell with constant supervision from the anbu. Minato decides that they should have Tobi as an ally to the village because of his special skills of passing through stuff and teleporting. Tobi would gather information from other villages for the leaf, meanwhile being constantly watched by Rin and Kakashi just in case if Tobi tries to attack the leaf again.
That is what I got so far. What do you think?
Hello! Thank you so much! :3
Also, I love your idea a lot. I like the mystery and curiosity this version adds when Obito demands that he keeps the mask on and would rather not be known that he is still alive.
I enjoy the image of him suppressing his overwhelming emotions as he roams around the village, or when Rin gets near him.
I imagine that in your version, he'd be found nostalgically looking at his old house in the Uchiha District, recalling the times Kakashi would find him kissing the team photo.
Safe to say that I approve of this. :)
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Kisame x reader x Itachi? I feel they both team up and if like someone put there darling on jeopardy they would be very overprotective! What would happen if she got bad enough injured like there legs or arm?
I was pretty excited to write this. This is actually my first time writing about Kisangani because he was requested.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, manipulation, kidnapping, threatening, blackmailing, sadistic behavior, killing, death, abuse
Kisame and Itachi sharing a darling
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🦈🍡I actually see both of them entrusting the safety of their darling to each other if worse comes to worse since they’re partners and pretty much the only persons they could ask for help. So you could be either Kisame’s darling at first or Itachi’s darling. I see the chances that Itachi might be more willing to ask Kisame for help since he focuses a lot on his darling’s well-being, he dedicates much effort into it. Kisame is more on the possessive side and doesn’t really like the thought of asking Itachi for help, but on the long run he ultimately wants his darling to be safe as well.
🦈🍡No matter who’s darling you were first, both of them will have a hard time accepting it. If you would be Itachi’s darling, the Uchiha would be silently enraged and extremely tense, knowing that Kisame tends to be a bit more sadistic and he doesn’t want his darling hurt. Kisame would be much more furious on the outside than Itachi and might just start picking a fight with the Uchiha. In a bad case scenario he might also turn his ire out on you.
🦈🍡You’re somewhat stuck in a very unpleasant situation with two highly dangerous men. No one of them is willing to share for quite some time, making it hard for you to deal with those two. They suddenly don’t get semi-peacefully along as they used to do. Itachi is just worried for you, especially when seeing how Kisame downright terrifies you and even hurts you and Kisame feels deep down scared that you will end up preferring Itachi since he’s the “better” guy in here.
🦈🍡But at one point the both of them will feel a bit exhausted from this constant game of who gets you for himself. Not only that, but both of them are also aware of the toll this can have on you. Itachi would be most likely the one who would consider this choice at first and at one point being the idea up, sounding somewhat bitter, but it’s best to do. He doesn’t want to put any more trauma on you than both of them already have and tearing each other apart doesn’t seem like a good thing to do. Kisame would be more dubious about this, but if the darling starts carefully trying to convince him, he might agree.
🦈🍡Despite a rather hard and more tense and hostile atmosphere I feel like after Konan and Pein they would make the best duo in the Akatsuki. Because they actually respect each other and might just see each other as something akin to friends. They’re pretty compatible and work rather good together. There are of course certain things along the road that are rather bumpy, one of them being Kisame’s sadism and insecurities. He just likes scaring and hurting his darling and now that the handsome and gentle Uchiha came into the picture, there is this fear of him that you’ll end up abandoning him for Itachi. And at first he doesn’t really know how to act and talk with you about it and ends up terrifying you, in a twisted desperate way.
🦈🍡And Itachi will catch onto this, he is not dumb. He understands where Kisame is coming from in a very small way, but is also against the idea of the man hurting and scaring you to get what he wants. He acts always cold when he sees it, but would also like to avoid a fight, especially in front of you since there’s the danger you might get hurt. The problem is most likely that Kisame and you don’t communicate with each other. Him because he doesn’t know how to express his emotions properly and you because you’re too frightened. It forces Itachi into a position where he has to play the bridge maker in order to solve the problem.
🦈🍡Kisame is the more cruel one, but also the more love-starved guy which can be used to turn the tables around a bit. Because once his darling starts giving him affection and love, he will turn softer and his soft spot can be carefully, but steadily, be explored and used. It’s what Itachi knows as well and he tries to make Kisame and you understand the problem of the other.
🦈🍡I feel like no matter how much both of them may try to keep you a secret from the Akatsuki, one day someone will find out due to the rumors flying around. There might be certain people who would be curious about the darling which will end in Kisame being far more aggressive than Itachi, who has to hold the man back. They don’t trust the Akatsuki members with you which is why they won’t let you meet them unless a certain situation happens. Pain most likely doesn’t care as long as the teamwork and the missions aren’t affected or else you’ll have to disappear.
🍡🦈In general both of them make sure that you won’t get in danger, especially since people might at one point know that you’re really important for both of them which makes people want to hunt you down, either for the money or to get revenge. Kisame and Itachi are aware of this and since missions of them can sometimes take really long, they will feel not safe to let you all alone when knowing a mission can last a few weeks. Sure, they keep you in an isolated and safe place, but your safety isn’t guaranteed despite all of that. Bad thing is that if someone would find you and you wouldn’t be able to escape, they won’t be there for your rescue.
🦈🍡It leads them after a lot of thinking and discussing to taking you with them as soon as they expect a certain time limit will be crossed over in a mission. They would of course search for a more safe place for you to stay whilst they do what they have to do.
🦈🍡They’re definitely an overprotective duo to have and Kisame is a naturally more violent person than Itachi is which is why more people die on his account than on Itachi’s. Whilst Itachi reasons a bit with people, Kisame doesn’t and just slaughters someone as soon as he’s pissed off which happens rather fast and he’s brutal with it as well. Itachi has to be provoked enough, but as soon as he’s triggered he becomes rather vicious with his enemies as well.
🦈🍡And hurting the darling is something that sets most Yandere off, these two are no exception. Whilst both of them will be ireful, the way they do is different. Kisame is more impulsive and just sees straight red when witnessing such a thing, it leads him to breaking out in a killer mode which is the worst thing someone can do. Itachi is more of a cold madness type and is still able to think more clearly than Kisame is who will go on a rampage. Feel like Itachi would focus more on getting you out of the place and attend to your wounds whilst letting Kisame unleash his full wrath.
🦈🍡Small injuries aren’t enough to make them go into full panic mode, though Kisame and Itachi will still let their ire out on who did it. But if it’s something serious that might just endanger your life, both of them become a bit paranoid.
🦈🍡Feel like the darling might actually be another member of the Akatsuki and will end up as an additional member in their team which would both of them fall for them around the same time since spending so much time with the s/o. In this case things would turn out a bit differently since being an Akatsuki member implies that you can take care of yourself just fine and both of them would end up respecting your powers. Kisame would still be at the beginning more sadistic and rude, maybe because you can and will put up a fight, but Itachi will eventually end up reasoning with him and you helping him doing so would definitely help.
🦈🍡In that scenario there is a higher risk of you getting hurt since you’re always accompanying them on highly dangerous missions and take part in them as well. It’s not like they don’t worry, but in the end both of them would end up being sane enough to know you’re strong, though Kisame might be a bit more on edge. The least they might do is training with you in which especially Itachi would make sure to point out your weak spots and what you could work on to become a good all-rounder.
🦈🍡If you should get seriously hurt in that case, they would become afterwards a bit more reluctant to let you fight directly in battles, Kisame more than Itachi, and it might lead them to temporarily forbidding you to go on missions, at least until you’re fully recovered again.
🦈🍡So both of them make actually quite the good combo together and Kisame will become a better Yandere to deal with due to Itachi’s help to reason with him. It’s most likely due to the fact that they don’t hate or don’t care about each other like some of the other members. They have something like friendship and respect each other. Feel like Kisame might end up letting Itachi make a lot of decisions since he respects his wise and intelligent personality and knows that Itachi tends to think in a long shot term.
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