#but with this you get more of a vibe for them
ariaste · 3 days
So listen i have this book coming out in uhhh 10 days and I am Worried about it, because it is a Comedy, and comedy is really hard to market (why????? it's funny pirates, what's not to like??) even when it is, yanno, normal mainstream comedy.
It is even worse when it is Unhinged Comedy That's Mostly Going To Be Funny To People On Tumblr. (For example, the main character being a supreme gremlin made of 90% memes by weight (examples: carries around a bag that is never called anything but his "little rucksack"; has a near-verbatim "stick me legy out real far" moment; talks about his metaphorical "orphan gruel bowl" which is a direct reference to that one Oliver Twist gif) because those are funny to me personally.) Unhinged Tumblr Comedy is difficult because tumblr is not a platform where it is easy to market things to people, because we are generally violently anti-capitalist and LOATHE advertisements and reflexively resist being marketed to for most anything. I LOVE that about this website. Except for right now, because I have bills to pay and a cat to feed. So look, fellow tumblr gremlins, I am just trying to say that if your personal brand of comedy is laughing at the kind of jokes that could only be produced on this hell website, and:
you like pirates
you're queer and want to read more books by queer authors
you want your fictional queer characters to be a hell of a lot more Messy and Unhinged than they often are depicted as being
you're interested in seeing a love triangle (M/M/NB) that resolves into polyamory
you want books where the hottest character gets to makes Passionate Speeches about rebelling against oppressive institutional regimes like governments and organized religions
you believe that capitalism is the most oppressive institutional regime of them all
you think it's fun when two characters have been in a 15-year-long relationship where the vibes have been "We're Newly Divorced" nearly since day one
you believe that All Cops Are Bastards and want to know what to do when you get pulled over by the boat cops
you think the Great British Bake-Off would be improved with weaponry, ritualized bribery/coercion of judges, and elaborate shit-talk
then this book might be for you. Beneath the wall-to-wall hijinks, it is political and it is righteously angry and it is the funniest thing I have ever written (which is saying something, because I have written some funny shit). It's called RUNNING CLOSE TO THE WIND. Here's a picture of it.
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If all that sounds cool, you can read a review of it here and the first chapter of it here to see if it as funny as I am claiming it is, and then if you think that it is, you can preorder it here. It comes out on June 11! Ten days from now!
Thank you for letting me market to you for a minute. Signal boosting would be very much appreciated.
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jo-com · 3 days
⋆。𖦹°⭒˚。⋆ ➛ Eye Catching
F1 Drivers x Toto Wolf’s daughter
Summary: The only time you go to your dads and you already got the attention of the drivers.
Genre: SMAU
Fc: Various face claim, found the pics on pinterest
Note: grammatical errors and not proofread
───── ─ ೀ⋆。🌷─ ───────
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Charle_Leclerc just started following you
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Yn.wolf just posted!
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Liked by urbff, landonorris, Carlossainz55 and 978,409 others
Yn.wolf thanks for following lil ol me💋
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Charles_Leclerc are you perhaps single?
Yn.wolf hmm idk🤔 ask dad
Lewishamilton @Charles_Leclerc let a real man handle this
User2 The fact that all of them wants her
User4 waiting for @Lewishamilton shot
User5 honestly same
Yn.wolf same😐
Landonorris Hi👋🏻
Toto_wolf uhm no
Landonorris I ONLY SAID HI
Toto_wolf you shouldn’t even be here right now at my DAUGHTERS post
User6 oohhh emphasis on the daughter huh
Carlossainz55 just saw toto’s comment, i’ll sit this one out
Toto_wolf best idea you ever had
User8 this is getting way out of hand😭
Yn.wolf couldn’t agree more
User9 y/n’s vibe is just so 😫👌🏻
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Liked by Oscarpiastri, Landonorris, Charle_leclerc and 4,589 others
Urbff wow 2 flowers in one day, you must be rich!
Tagged; @Yn.wolf
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Toto_wolf tell me who.
Urbff even idk sir😭
Carlossainz55 hope you love it señora💞
Yn.wolf i do in fact my kind sir, gracias💕
Maxverstappen1 did you like mine?
Yn.wolf they were also lovely!
Maxverstappen1 thanks, took me an hour to pick the right one
Landonorris On my way to send flowers
Charles_Leclerc (2)
Toto_wolf i am blocking the mail service as we speak
Lewishamilton I haven’t even sent mine yet!
Toto_wolf dear god🤦🏻‍♂️
Comments have been limited!
Yn.wolf just posted a story!
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Carlossainz55 my world😍😚
Yn.wolf 🤭🤭
Carlossainz55 i just love how, they think that they have a shot with you
Lewishamilton can i get another shot?
Maxverstappen1 my cats said hi
Charle_leclerc that book seems heavy, want me to hold your hands?
Charles_leclerc book*
Landonorris i love you
Landonorris damn i mean the view, you got me crazy for a moment there
Short but hope you like it though💞
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ssunsationn · 2 days
Final Spouse’s Energy If You Met Them Now (+ how they would be like dating you) - Current ⏳
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Left to right. Choose the photo that you can’t get your eyes off of.
Where are they now? How are they doing? How would things be like if they were in my life now? May include some SUGGESTIVE comments, but is still very much SFW. I may have gotten carried away with this.
Note: This is your future spouse’s CURRENT energy, which may be prone to change within the next couple of years (ex: more maturity, better developed skills/assets, etc.) But if you were to meet your future spouse now, this is how their energy would look like.
DO BEFORE PICKING: Clear your mind. Close your eyes, inhale deeply, fill up your chest to the fullest, feel the air brush against the ridges of your nose. Breathe out.
Pile 1. “Hey. Hi, I guess?”
• very chill atm, very content with life. Goes with what life delivers to them (that’s pretty cute ngl)
• chill buuuut can be too chill to a fault. Not nonchalant but rather an innocent, “oh I didn’t know you were bothered by that *scratches head awkwardly* — think: Fred liu type of energy
• handles conflict calmly (they might be freaking out inside tho)
• likable and friendly person. Gets along with others well, tho they don’t seem too close with. They have only a handful of close friends, and it’s slightly difficult them to see people outside of that circle as close — selective with who they consider friends. If you got in a conflict with this person’s friends, it would def hurt your person a lot. Ofc they would want to hear both sides out with an unbiased view. (they won’t side with you just bc you’re dating btw, but they’ll let you know as gently as possible)
• doesn’t really have the capacity to yell at people. They’re pretty reserved or have solid emotional control
• definitely could be a loner. LOVES late night walks in the breeze, just the two of you, holding hands or talking or doing wtv- they really don’t care what it is bc it’s with you. I keep seeing this play out in my head tho, where a person with a grey hoodie, hood-on, hands in pockets, walks by your place at night and pretends they dropped something or makes some sort of excuse to see you even for a few minutes. ^^This is when they like the person tho- not actually dating (yet). They will take the chance to either invite you to walk with them (with or without excuse) or hope that you invite yourself lmfao 😂. OR they’ll lean on your doorframe and ask how you are, have a little chat, and every time you think of an answer or your eyes drift away while thinking, they’ll take the chance to check you out (not body, but facial features.) No thoughts in their mind, just how your face just…makes sense(?) to them? 😂😂 Pile 1, like, their eyes will trace the lines, curves, and dips of your face. If you have horrendous eye bags or dark circles, they’ll think it compliments your face somehow. Like you just “make sense” is what I’m hearing. The vibe I’m feeling is that they’re in stage 0 of this potential relationship—like they’re trying to figure out if they just like being around you or if they’ve actually grown romantic feelings for you. In this moment, they’re possibly at that point of figuring out that they DO have feelings for you and this little moment confirms it (altho they’ll push it back until they get home.) >>> (***little note here: they won’t mast*rbate thinking abt you yet and prob for a few weeks to months, bc this is still too early on for them, esp when they’ve just started to like you. It’s more of a respect thing for them- and ESPECIALLY if they haven’t gotten any signs that you like them back. After a couple of months (still not dating you), you could pop into a few of their fantasies tho, but only for a very brief flash. But again, the restriction is there IF yall aren’t tgt yet.)
• can be naive, and probably lets people walk over them too much/has too many open windows for others to take advantage of them. They have to learn to set boundaries properly and stand up for themselves. They will defend the people they love tho. They just let it go when it comes to themselves
• good natured, clean, and has good hygiene. You won’t see pube hairs (or hair in general) in their shower drain. They don’t mind cleaning it either- could honestly clean the house w no problem. It’s therapeutic for em
• pretty responsible person. Won’t argue if you tell them to clean smth or do the dishes. They’ll just do it
• amazing listener, willing to compromise/give you time. Will apologize even if they’re not in the wrong
• they don’t care abt your financial status as long as you’re responsible with money/show maturity over it
• perceptive of other’s emotions to an extent, and especially when dating you, they will pay attention to yours and your reaction to different things. If you look like you’re goin thru smth, they’ll ask right away. The concern on their face is unmistakable
• dresses up helllla nice for a date. Sometimes, subtly sexy and not even on purpose. BUT, there’ll be times where they’ll be in the mirror like “hm, looks kinda see-thru and kinda sexy…I’ll wear it since I know [y/n] will like it.” But they don’t expect you to jump them that night or anything. May hint at it and tease you thru out date night. (The “innocent” gaslighting might be goin crazy tho)
• forgives easily but they’d rather take the hurt than be mean to you
• extremely loyal. Absolutely no interest in anyone else aside from their partner. I don’t think they have the energy for anyone more than you either hahaha
• turns down their friends to hang out with you
• has a lot to say/wants to be heard but sometimes gets self conscious of speaking (as if they’ve said too much) even tho they’ve said the least in the room
• tall or there’s a height difference between you two
Points of Interest: Fred liu’s energy is soooo apparent- he’s not going away lmfao HELP, possible MBTIs: infj, enfj, awkward silence, bad jokes when trying to go off of your joke (like realllly bad- they should stick to the simple ones like ikea puns), nerdy, very put together but allows moments of mistakes, mentally stable, a bit boring, will walk your dog with no extra charge, gets your coffee every morning (if you drink it), remembers the little details, might be a bit vanilla in bed, arms around your waist, cares abt the romantic and friendship aspects more than the sexual relief, smiles more when you’re around, observant as HELL, remembers to pick up your meds, remembers important dates and times, very considerate and kind, simple watch, humble, “how about we make that one thing you like?”, homebody, doesn’t overdress (sometimes underdresses tho), very gentle and good hearted, learns your language to bond with you more, a total romantic and daydreamer, bro gets talkative in their mindddd (the scenario above prob came from them but shhh)
Pile 2. “I like the way you laugh. Eheheheh.” - Justin Bieber Interview
• a whole ass clown. Nah I mean “make you laugh until you die” kind of clown. Won’t stop even if you’re dying and gasping for air. LOVES to hear you laugh. They somehow have an intensive arsenal of jokes and will adjust depending on people’s humor- and they’re very good at this
• extroverted and TALKATIVE. Will go to Yapville and come back. Will share a lot with you and expects your feedback. Doesn’t matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert, they wanna hear your thoughts and opinions
• also they may have good leadership skills and are witty. The only issue with this is that they might be too agreeable sometimes- they want what’s ultimately best for everyone involved. The agreeableness thing is a 50/50 thing tho and applies to only some people in this pile, while the others’ future spouses will make better decisions and more sound judgments depending on the situation and what kind of person they are.
• they also don’t like to correct people’s wrongs, but rather show people how to do something. Some fs in this pile tho, can’t call people (you included) out on bs or mistakes. This may be an issue (since they might value harmony so much). This isn’t the best trait to have if you’re thinking abt kids in the future
• also if you have a dumb ass idea, they’ll hype it up and won’t think it’s dumb at all. They’ll be very supportive. Won’t ever make you feel crazy, unless you crack a joke more unhinged than they ever have/or you ever have. Maybe you’re not the type to until you meet them
• I will say, I don’t think they’re that much taller than you
• they’re so unserious sometimes that you can’t believe they’re as responsible as they are.
• somehow always knows the best places to go for a date or if you guys have extra time
• also don’t be surprised if it’s your birthday and they tell the restaurant staff to bring out the whole cake and candles, even mariachi band- be prepared that shit’s kinda crazy 😂 If you don’t like attention in general, I can’t save you in this relationship lmfaoooo
• they’re also pretty optimistic and prepared for emergencies. The type to track your period if you have em lmfao- *they get the notif on their phone* “oh you’re starting your period next week. Sweet.” “How’d you know that?” You ask, and they’ll say casually “Cuz I got the app.” *flashes you their screen w/ app open* and will browse it some more.
• these people are kinda crazy bc if they’re a parent in the future, they’ll bring a whole colossal ass backpack to an amusement park while carrying your kid. They don’t even care if it makes them look weird
• they probably have a weird feature(s) on their face or body that you love. You think it’s charming on them and while society might consider it weird or not conventionally attractive, they’ve figured out how to make it work
• doesn’t really struggle with jealousy. If anything, their form of jealousy is making you laugh even harder or doing something ridiculous to get your attention back on them and off the other person
• ^ they really do like your attention. They also love when you share things you’ve learned with them or you get them involved/inform them in on something you’ve been working on, reading, studying, watching, whatever it is, they’ll be interested. They’ll watch that dumb reality tv show you’re watching. You could even catch them up with some gossip/drama and they’d be invested af
• tbh im not feeling that they’ll ever be bored with you, regardless if you can keep up with their energy or not, because they’ll make you keep up 😭
• one sad bit I have to mention is that they probably have gone through something in the past where they weren’t on guard so they lost the person/opportunity. [I’ll keep this vague. The person doesn’t want me to dwell on it too much. They don’t want you to be fixed on negative things.] This event has stuck with them ever since and they feel that they can’t afford to make that mistake again. If you acknowledge their efforts in a serious conversation or just a random totally unrelated moment, they’ll very much appreciate that. More than you know.
Points of Interest: Getting a whole enfj vibe in here (healthy AND unhealthy enfjs), possibly enfp, entp, esfj, estp, esfp, surprise birthday parties, *dramatic gasping*, maybe likes drinking tea or making tea (esp one that’s pale-yellow colored- idk the name) and drinking it at night(???) speaking of which, night owl, flexible, will make time for you, “it’s okay! I got it!”, confident, on top of things, “sleep is for the weak” says while eye twitches, switch/versatile in bed—does not mind trying new things (they don’t even care how good or bad you are in bed. If they wanna spice it up, they will take the reigns if you don’t, with no problem), will try their best at anything and everything, the responsible class clown, loves board games, masculine and feminine energy is balanced well, probably a masochist bc they like to stress themselves out with all sorts of duties and responsibilities, very good at adapting, open to new cultures/living in countries completely different from them- weirdly, I’m seeing an Australian guy exploring the wild (…maybe that sort of thing excites them), “if you move, I move. No exceptions”, best parent award, “positions” by Ariana grande
Pile 3. “Hm.”
• in a bit of a stump. Probably has a part time job or multiple to support themselves on their own, but it’s better than being in their last situation.
• introvert. MAJOR introvert.
• minimalist
• straightforward, doesn’t beat around the bush
• not getting the vibe that they’re dating atm — single energy, but not really bothered by it
• would have a pet (eh, maybe) if they could afford to, since they neither have the time nor resources
• they would prob turn you down the first time you ask them out OR they ask you out but in a timid/unconventional/at a later period. I don’t think they have too much dating experience either (and I thought Pile 1 was a loner)
• tsundere type of energy
• the type to say they don’t want kids but when y’all get together, they start thinking abt it a lot, and may hint at it
• good at saving up money, bc they don’t really spend on much. but will work hard to buy you something expensive if they don’t think their efforts for you are enough OR if they don’t think they’re enough for you in general
• doesn’t care what other people think. Could care less if you don’t look your best on some days, have some break outs here and there or a lip filler gone horrendously wrong — if they love you, they LOVE you fr (…should prob sue that doc tho...)
• (expanding on the last point) generally, they don’t care what others think. HOWEVER !!! when you guys start dating, one or both of you (but especially on their side) will struggle with self-esteem issues. Be careful with this, because they will fall for you DEEPLY and literally can’t get out of it —> you’ve shown that you love them unconditionally, regardless of anything, and will be there for them no matter what. Pile 3, you’re pretty soft energy- I get burrito blanket/animal onesie type feels. Back to my point, if you’re not reassuring enough or emotionally available for this person when they open up, it could turn into a toxic relationship where you fall out of love first OR you get trapped in the cycle and now both of yall are depressed af.
• they don’t fall for people easily, like at all, so the obsession will be amplified by a million fold if they ever lose you. The idea of that crushes them and could take a huge mental health toll. It seems they could have leftover resentment from childhood (be it school, family, friends…). If they open up to you, that’s an honor. (At this point, they probably even trust you with their life, don’t tell anyone the info)
• In the worst case possible, you could get someone like this but feel an uneasy weird feeling around them. I’d advise you to keep you distance cuz that ain’t yo person. Obsession can get really bad with this group’s fs. Like real down bad bad. Like put a gps on your car bad. If you meet a person this creepy, don’t stick around in their life and definitely don’t have them stick around in yours. Chances are, this is a karmic person and they’ve come into your life as a reflection of your own insecurities or obsessive tendencies.
• VERY SMART. Can be calculative to protect themselves and those they love
• on the bright side, a well developed pile 3 future spouse enjoys solitude and has managed trauma very well. Tho they might seem socially inept, they’re prob just blunt and honest. They will tell you like it is. Will literally do anything for you, uncharacteristic, even if they look like an idiot on the street
• prefers more intimate settings alone or with you. With another friend? ehh…they prob won’t go
• will only go out if you go out, bc it’s you
• either secretly freaky in the sheets or inexperienced
• jealous easily and is very possessive. They don’t have too many people around them they deem trustworthy so this reaction is to be expected
• this person handles aggressive or violent behavior well. It doesn’t freak them out. (Also right now at 3:01 pm where I’m at, their energy is very hesitant to give out the reason why so perhaps when you meet them and gain their trust, they will tell you.) {P.s I’m asking them very specific and personal questions on the side rn and the silence speaks volumes. I won’t pry any further but they ask that you have some empathy, since they’re not sure how you’d see them.}
• another p.s.: 3:09 pm I think I’ve exposed too much here. There was a strong resistance at the end since it’s so vulnerable and close to their core that it freaks them out to be outed for strangers to see and read about. I won’t say anymore about their past. I’ve also become more careful of my wording - but I will say this for their sake. There is a strong desire to change in this person tho so being someone who brings positive influence into their lives. Someone who can prove that there are still good people in the world.
Points of Interest: istp, intp, entj, intj, istj, either good memory or doesn’t care to rmr (no in between. It varies from person to person, their values and where the info is coming from), notices every little detail, doesn’t care about your flaws, desensitized if you have breakdowns, unexpectedly a good comfort person. Again, a lot of resistance and hesitation, so I won’t say any more abt them. Ooh, ominous. Also, do you struggle with gut issues? Or smth diet related? Could be a whack diet. Okay, I had to go back and delete an important piece of info I put in initially but there’s a lot of disapproval over it. I will throw a small hint out since they’re allowing me to; it’s related to growing up. They don’t want me to be specific abt the period of when but that’s what you get just as a preface. I can tell they want to tell someone about it though. There’s just no one they trust. Also, rmr I said they don’t care abt what others think? Apparently, they care strongly abt what YOU think. It almost feels regretful? Embarrassing? To admit/write this. Thanks pile 3. That’s all you’re getting out of me today.
*Teddy Note: Teddy here!! I hope your day is going smoothly wherever you’re at! We’re back again with another reading and this time, it was a bit heavier to take in. I mean, this is future spouse we’re talking about so there’s definitely going to be a handful. I have to mention briefly, this is the first time I’ve ever felt a clear shiver against my body when doing a reading. Like a full on force that left me blinking like “wtf just happened…” Especially for a certain pile, who doesn’t want me putting them in the light too much. I saw someone with so much guilt on their face, but they looked so…small? Innocent? Youthful? As if they hadn’t done anything wrong in their life, it’s just that people looked at them…not wrong, but differently? It’s uncomfortable to find the word even after finishing the reading but “differently” undermines their experience and what they’ve been through. But they also don’t want to use a more negative word to describe it either so I’ll leave it there. Thank you for reading!! Remember, take what resonates, leave what doesn’t. I would appreciate any constructive feedback and if you guys reblogged with what pile you chose. It helps a practicing reader like me learn to be more accurate and aligned! Until the next reading, Teddy outttt 😎😎
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maplesyrupsainz · 2 days
˖⁺。˚⋆˙feels like | PG10˖⁺。˚⋆˙
pairing: pierre gasly x leclerc!singer!reader (she/her) x kika gomes
genre: social media au, polyamory
warnings: polyamory
summary: in which you meet the loves of ur life in the form of ur brother's best friend and his girlfriend
a/n: u've all been begging for this pairing HAHAH im finally delivering 🙏
request!!!: charles little sister and she doesn't really go to his races that often because she's a singer but she finally does and she hangs with kika & gets a crush on her & meets pierre & develops feelings for him too so then they finally get together and try to drop subtle hints but everyone just thinks they r good friends
my masterlist
fc: gracie abrams
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liked by arthur_leclerc, user41, and others
ynupdates y/n seen today outside the airport in florence, italy !!
tagged: yourusername
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user1 hi arthur in the likes lol
user2 her biggest fan
user3 is she going to imola????
user4 omg 👀
user5 Y/N AT A RACE??!!
user6 omg i hope she's finally coming to a race we barely ever see her there
user7 i miss her
user8 welcome back to f1 y/n 😻
user9 why does she never go to races omgg
user10 she goes to most big ones imo but she's busy with her own career
user11 y/n and charles content i beg
user12 nah y/n and the other drivers content plsss 🙏
yourusername posted a story
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liked by charles_leclerc, alexandrasaintmleux, and others
user13 awwwwww omg
user14 so cute
charles_leclerc hanging out with my girlfriend before you even see me? okay!
yourusername get over it
user15 are u coming to imola 🙈
user16 see u at the race y/n 👀
alexandrasaintmleux my fav leclerc 😘
liked by yourusername
user17 imola imola imola
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername posted a story
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liked by francisca.cgomes, arthur_leclerc, and others
user18 omggg is that kika
user19 kikayn the duo i didnt know i needed
charles_leclerc y/n please
yourusername im coming im coming
user20 this duo actually makes so much sense
user21 i love women
user22 need her to meet pierre i just know they'd get along they all got the same vibes
user23 im gay
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liked by user18, user31, user4, and others
f1wagupdates pierre gasly and girlfriend kika gomes have been seen multiple times over the past few weeks with ‘i miss you, im sorry’ singer & sister of charles leclerc, y/n leclerc. they appear to have become good friends since their alleged first meeting in imola, but sources report some suggestive interactions including all three of them.
tagged: pierregasly, francisca.cgomes, yourusername
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user26 suggestive interactions...????
user27 omg obsessed with this trio lol
user28 the friendship we never knew we needed 😻
user29 what suggestive interactions lol it's TOO VAGUE!!! give us more
user30 i bet charles loves this 😂
user31 the first piccccc omg y/n and kika cuddling and pierre is just there
user32 y/n and kika tgthr is just so cunty
user33 someone ask charles what he thinks 😂
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liked by yourusername, arthur_leclerc, and others
francisca.cgomes 🌷 lil dump
tagged: pierregasly, yourusername
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user34 OMG hellooo y/n
user35 the last pic hahah so cuntyyy
user36 ugh OBSESSED with this trio
user37 i wish i was them
landonorris ugh set me up with y/n please kika
francisca.cgomes now why the hell would i do that
pierregasly not happening, sorry lando
landonorris ??? wtf why not
francisca.cgomes she's OURS
yourusername 😂😂
user38 sus
user39 ???? what is going awnnn
yourusername awww pierre in his lil suit 👔
pierregasly awww y/n with her lil lollypop 🍭
francisca.cgomes 🙄
user41 what is even happening lol
yourusername posted a story
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liked by francisca.cgomes, charles_leclerc, and others
charles_leclerc y/n
yourusername hi charlie
charles_leclerc maman misses you
yourusername is that code for u & arthur miss me 🤨
charles_leclerc perhaps...
yourusername lol i'll come visit home soon
francisca.cgomes leak it to me
yourusername 🤫 all in good time!
pierregasly about me?
yourusername in ur dreams
pierregasly 👀
user42 OMG
user43 new music new music new music
twitter ->
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instagram ->
yourusername 📍 monaco
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liked by pierregasly, francisca.cgomes, and others
yourusername & i would do whatever u wanted
tagged: francisca.cgomes, pierregasly
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user44 urmmm is that lyrics
user45 yea omg look at the notebook she's holding up
user46 this is what it feels like????
user47 drop the song
user48 love this friendship
francisca.cgomes love you gorgeous
yourusername love you sm
charles_leclerc ❤️
liked by yourusername
user49 ???
pierregasly met you at the right time
yourusername 👀
user50 ok what's going on
user51 ????
user52 wot
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liked by charles_leclerc, francisca.cgomes, and others
yourusername jus dropped my new song ‘feels like’. the girls that get it, get it... thank u for ur unwavering support always 🫶
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user53 who else here is a girl that (finally) gets it
liked by yourusername
user54 get what😭😭😭
user56 the hard hard launch i never knew i needed
charles_leclerc ❤️
yourusername love you
arthur_leclerc ❤️
yourusername ❤️ my biggest fan
arthur_leclerc always
user57 oh i love them sm
user58 i would do whatever you wanted we dont have to leave the apartment 😭
francisca.cgomes mon cœur 💓
yourusername oh i love you
francisca.cgomes 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
user60 best girls omg
pierregasly world's sexiest leclerc!
yourusername i hold this title loudly & proudly
charles_leclerc 🙄
user61 😂 pierre is so real for this
user62 oh the song is soso beautiful
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liked by yourusername, francisca.cgomes, and others
pierregasly livin in a movie i've watched and...
tagged: yourusername, francisca.cgomes
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user64 omggg
user65 this is a true love story frrr
charles_leclerc photo creds for the last pic!!
pierregasly ofc charles 😘
charles_leclerc dont flirt with me too
yourusername 😂😂 have a day off!
arthur_leclerc ily guys
francisca.cgomes oh hello fav leclerc brother
arthur_leclerc 😀
yourusername ily art
charles_leclerc 🙄
yourusername i met u both at the right time 😭
francisca.cgomes thank u imola paddock 🤩🤩🤩
pierregasly our place 🙏🙏🙏🙏
user67 omg.. OBSESSED!!!
566 notes · View notes
my most underrated Kataang take is, I think, the inclusion of Katara's epiphany in The Fortune Teller at all. We've talked ourselves hoarse about how it's the clear turning point in how she consciously thinks of Aang (I will always mandate that she was just unknowingly down bad since the pilot because Look at her behaviour dear god) and how it's important that she has this epiphany even after knowing Aunt Wu's predictions 'aren't real' or necessarily set in stone.
What I want to talk about is why I think it's important that THIS is the moment she sees Aang in a new light amid his previous attempts to have her think of him 'differently' than she did at the beginning of the episode.
When Aang is being sweet to her (making her a woven accidental-betrothal necklace that she happily accepts), Katara is appreciative and responsive, but still says "he's just a good friend, a sweet little guy, just like Momo".
When Aang tries to flirt with her under Sokka's aloof guise, it falls flat. When he tries to get her attention in general (and when having parallels with Meng), it likewise doesn't work.
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Finally, he tries the flower but it falls into the lava (symoblism, anyone?) and they have bigger things to deal with, like making sure the town isn't completely wiped out by the volcano. It's also worth noting that after Aang's conversation with Meng:
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He never actively tries pursuing or wooing Katara in the same way. He's still kind towards and supportive toward her, of course. He, at some point (probably after the 2nd cheek or third cheek kiss) eventually starts to think (understandably) that Katara has feelings for him. But as of The Fortune Teller, he's stopped trying to have her see him in a new light or do a big romantic gesture.
And that's exactly when she does, consciously, fall for him.
Not when he's trying to woo her in failed, false personas, not when he's being his sweet romantic self, but when he's being the most himself all episode: Aang, "the bravest person [she] knows, who's done nothing but help people and save lives" since she met him (1x12).
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He's not paying attention, he's not trying to impress her. He's just being a good, determined Avatar. A good, helpful person. A powerful bender, completely in control of himself and his element. Being himself.
Her Aang.
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71 notes · View notes
bucks-babe · 2 days
Fuckboy!Bucky NSFW Alphabet
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: This is for Bucky from this fic. Thanks to the amazing @buckys-wintersoldier for reading through this mess and making comments; however, any and all mistakes are mine and mine alone.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Loverboy will take care of you after. He has no problem pounding into you like you’re a toy, contorting your body every which way, he loves it just as much as you do. He knows that he can be rough with you at times, not that you weren’t okay with it, but he tends to feel a bit bad after. 
He won’t let you move a muscle, doting on you hand and foot. You need to go to the bathroom, he’s carrying you the whole way, and don’t even think about getting up on your own. Water? He’s running to the kitchen and grabbing you ice cold water without hesitation. Cuddles? Sweets, you don’t even have to ask for them. Now that Loverboy has experienced what aftercare is, it’s become one of his favorite parts of sex. He lives to be able to take care of you, show you how much he loves you. 
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Before he met you he would’ve said his cock, but his little gremlin of a girlfriend goes feral over his hands, desperate for them to be on you in some way. Driving? His hand better be on your thigh, rubbing your silky skin. Walking together? He better have his hand in yours or wrapped around you. Sleeping? Oh, he has to be touching you, holding you. You go crazy over the veins in his hands, drenched just from the sight of them, begging for him to fingerfuck you, make you cum all over them and have him gag you with your own cum.
His favorite body part of yours? - Your eyes. He loves to make you look at him while he fucks you stupid, struggling to keep your eyes open, let alone focused on him. He swears that he could cum just from how sexy it is to look into your eyes while you cum, seeing them roll into the back of your head, only the whites visible.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He loves to mark you with his cum, claiming you as his. He loves a good facial, cum on your tits and ass, that’s all well and good, but what he really craves is seeing himself leak out of your cunt. It took him so long to muster up the courage to get tested for STDs and now that he did, he has been fucking you raw every chance he can get. And he’ll be damned if all of his load doesn’t go inside your perfect cunt, fucking it back into you with his fingers until you pull away, too sensitive to continue. But he’ll still gather up the remnants and share them with you in a heated kiss after.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Bucky wants to fuck you with his balls, have them nestled in your ass while a fleshlight chokes his dick. He wants to drive you crazy, having you on your stomach laying prone, only able to hear his moans and the squelching of the toy sliding up and down his cock. He wants to hear you beg for him to fuck you, wants you to feel his sac clench and tighten before he pours his load into the toy, having you slurp it out afterwards.
He wants you to peg him while he fucks into the toy, letting your thrusts push him in. Maybe with a vibe on his sac, experiencing as much pleasure as possible, have you keep going until he taps out, not able to cum anymore. He’s going to ask you, and soon because he needs it.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
While Bucky has slept with a lot of girls, his knowledge of how to pleasure a woman was limited. He would leave it up to his partner to take care of herself, sometimes even leaving before she finished. The first time he had sex with you, you set him straight, not letting him continue to make mistakes when it came to your pleasure.
You weren’t going to fake pleasure for any man, not even Bucky, so he learned pretty fast what made you tick. And for the first time he cared more about his partner’s pleasure than his own. So your loverboy is more than capable of rendering you boneless and cockdrunk.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
It’s a toss up with Loverboy. Sometimes he wants you face down ass up, pounding into you, watching the way your flesh jiggles with every thrust.
“Oh fuck, sweets. Pussy’s so fucking tight, choking my cock. Wish you could see this pretty ass bouncing, sexiest woman ever, sweets.” With each thrust Bucky almost whimpers, desperately trying to last, not wanting to give up his view. He can’t help it, you truly are the sexiest woman on the planet. He doesn’t know how he ever found another woman attractive when you’re on his bed like this, taking everything he has to offer.
Rough hands grab your hips, pulling you back harder against him, hitting your g-spot every time he bottoms out. His hands slapping your soft flesh, moaning with each jiggle. More than once you’ve lost the ability to sit properly for a few days with the amount of spanks he gives you, not that you would have it any other way.
As much as he loves to watch your body, he loves to see your face even more. Sex had never been an intimate moment for him. Pounding, getting his release, rinse, repeat. But Loverboy is absolutely smitten by you.
“Good girl, let me see that pretty face when I slide into you.”
“Most beautiful woman.”
“Never gonna get tired of watching you take me.”
He craves to have every inch of his body pressed against yours, feeling more than lust.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Loverboy can be goofy, more often than not at least one of you giggles before, during or after. He still doesn’t understand why, but you love to see him swing his cock in circles, biting your lip and clenching your thighs together. He’s almost never 100% serious during sex, loving the intimacy of being so comfortable together.
“C’mon Loverboy, just once? Why are you being mean to me? Let me talk to him. He wouldn’t treat me like this.”
“Sweets, are you really going to make me do this every time?”
“He likes it, Buck.”
“Can you please not talk about my dick like it’s another man when I’m about to fuck you?”
You both stare at each other for a few seconds, neither of you saying a word, silently challenging each other before Bucky relents and circles his hips. “Thank you, Loverboy. Was that so hard?”
He stops his movements, arms by his side, not saying a word before you burst into laughter. “Loverboy, you look like that emoji of the guy standing still.”
He joins in after a few moments, not able to suppress his laughter any more. “Alright, sweets, but you won’t be laughing in a minute.”
Bucky also can’t help but giggle when your body makes certain sounds.
You groan as Bucky flips you over, raising your hips. You bury your head into the pillows as soon as you hear it, the sound of air escaping you. The change in positions always betraying you.
Bucky’s moans mix with his light laughter, he’s still a man after all, and any sound that resembles a fart will always make him laugh, no matter how hard or horny he is. “Sweets, you better get back here. Don’t you take my pretty girl away from me.”
You flip yourself back down on the bed. “You can have her but it has to be like this.”
“Sweets-” You cut him off with a glare.
“Don’t laugh at me, it’s your fault.” Bucky falls on you, a sweet smile gracing his lips.
“Not laughing at you, sweets, but it was kind of funny.”
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He keeps himself trimmed, usually using a pair of hair scissors to keep his bush tamed. He hates having a full bush, it feels weird when he wears underwear. He uses an electric razor every so often when he feels like going bald, but he doesn’t do that too often. The one time he saw you wince when he was fucking you because his hair poked your clit just wrong, he vowed to shave and keep his hair short. You told him it wasn’t necessary but he did it anyway. 
And of course you asked to watch him shave. It wasn’t your fault you’ve never seen how a man shaves his cock and balls.
“So, like how does that work?” Bucky gives you an incredulous look. “Shaving. It seems difficult. How do you not cut yourself?”
Bucky sighs, he should be used to this by now, his girlfriend being obsessed with his cock, and not just because you always want to fuck him, but because you want to know how it works. Can I hold him while you pee? Can you swing him around? Can I hold him when we cuddle? I want to watch him get hard. Can I keep him in my mouth while you work?
Bucky doesn’t mind the last one, he would be insane to say no to having his cock in your mouth. In the end, he lets you come into the bathroom while he shaves. “Sweets, don’t look at me like that, gonna make me hard.”
“I’m not looking any type of way. I’m just interested.” He runs the razor through his hair, delicately grabbing his soft cock, pulling it away from where he shaves next. “Woah, so you just move him around?”
“Well, how else would you shave the hair there, sweets?” He lets out a chuckle before focusing on his task again. 
“So you don’t get hard touching your dick so much?” Bucky laughs, almost nicking himself.
“What do you think I do when I take a shower? You get used to it.”
“You always get hard when I hold him.” He has to turn the razor off, doubling over with laughter. 
“That’s different, sweets.” He goes back to shaving, now focusing on his balls, pulling the skin tight.
“That’s fucking cool and kind of hot. You know, you playing with your balls.”
Bucky’s cock twitches at your words. “You’re never watching me shave again.”
On you however, he couldn’t give less of a damn what you do with your pubic hair. If you shave, that’s fine, he gets to feel your silky skin under his fingers. Loverboy would gladly put your lotion on you, making sure you don’t get razor burn. Of course, it’s because he has to make sure his pretty girl is taken care of, not because he wants to touch your pussy, no, he would never. He doesn’t mind the prickly hair as it grows back, one time he had the nerve to say that it was exfoliating his face for the day when eating you out. That got him a whack to the head.
If you wax, he’s going to do the same thing, treating your pussy like she was injured, doting on her hand and foot. 
“How is my pretty girl? I know, I can’t believe she would do this to you, to us.”
Sometimes he tilts his head so his ear is next to your bare cunt. “What’s that? She hurt you, ripped out all your pretty curls? Don’t worry, I’ll show her what happens when she treats you like this.”
Full bush, oh he couldn’t care less. The coarse curls don’t slow him down at all. He’ll still devour you like his last meal. So what if he may have to spit out a few hairs after, it’s worth it.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
When he isn’t about to lose his mind, he’s very intimate, holding you close, looking into your eyes as his cock slides in and out. He loves the intimacy, the vulnerability of letting himself go. It doesn’t have to be soft and slow for him, he could be railing you into next week but his calloused hands running up and down your thighs, soft kisses to your face, praise, all of it, but you could still feel his unconditional love for you.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Bucky doesn’t jack off too much. He was shocked to find out that you’re just as insatiable as he is, constantly fiending for his dick. He will masturbate when you don’t want to have sex, sleeping, or just not with him. Just thinking about you makes him hard as a rock and he can’t ignore it. He was apprehensive at first when you brought up the idea of mutual masturbation, not understanding why he would jack off when you were right there, ready and willing.
“Sweets, please come here. I need to be in that perfect pussy.” You just shook your head scooting to the end of the bed where you’ve already placed pillows for you to rest on.
“It’ll be hot, promise.” You started first, dragging your vibrator through your slick, using it to rub your clit in small circles. “I’m waiting, Loverboy.”
You knock Bucky out of his trance, eyes shooting back up to look at you before dropping to the fleshlight you found in his bedside drawer. He tries to ignore the aching in his core, but it just gets tighter and tighter as your soft moans fill the room. Bucky would give anything to be the one pleasuring you right now, but that’s not what you want.
Picking up the toy, Bucky groans at the sight before him, fake pussy leaking with lube and some of your slick, having rubbed it against your slick cunt first. He can’t remember the last time he used it, but he’s sure that it used to feel much better than it does now and he’s positive it’s because your pussy ruined him.
“Fuck, sweets, please, need you. Doesn’t feel as good. S’not you. You’re warm, and tight, and fuck, the way you clench around me. Oh shit.” Even though it’s not nearly as good, it still has him moaning, the toy wrapping around his thick cock better than his hand ever could.
He starts to fuck his toy faster, trying to finish at the same time as you, and he gets why you find this so hot. The sight of his girl pleasuring herself, giving him a full view of your body, has his mind reeling. And when he cums and you stick your tongue as deep as it can go into the toy, Bucky knows that he’s going to do it again with you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Loverboy is kinky and he’s not afraid to admit it. Daddy kink, breath play, light BDSM, slight voyeurism/exhibitionism, degradation, praise, role play, mutual masturbation, spit kink, spanking, the list goes on. He’s down to try almost anything you want. He’s thinking about trying something you brought up, fucking you like a sex toy, using whatever hole he wants, with explicit consent of course. You want him to fuck you however he wants while watching porn or one of your videos, treating you like an inanimate object.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Bucky’s favorite place to fuck you is the bedroom. It gives him the most privacy and he can take as much time as he wants with you. Alongside that, car sex, shower sex, over the desk, against the wall, the movie theater, class, and you won’t ever forget the time he decided to fuck you with all of your friends right next to you.
“Can’t fucking wait anymore. Cock is about to explode.” The whisper sends pulses of arousal to your already soaked core. You want it just as bad as he does, thinking that the movie night at Sam’s would have been much shorter, but of course the loud mouth had to keep pausing the movie to interject, swiftly causing an outburst between him and Steve.
“Slip it in, Loverboy, else I’m going to leave a wet spot on both of our pants.” Bucky buries his head in the crook of your neck, glad that you were in the corner of the room, no lights shining on the two of you.
Bucky meets no resistance at the first slide of his hips, pushing your shorts and underwear down. His hand shoots up to cover your mouth to stop the wanton moan about to leave, both of you being so horny for so long.
He keeps an eye out for anyone looking over, getting more and more bold with each small jerk of his hips. His right hand comes down to rub your clit, left helping you grind against him, juices soaking his sweatpants. 
“Sweets, cock feels like it’s about to burst, gonna be so much fucking cum, gonna make a mess.” You whimper when his cockhead hits your sweetspot, ready to fall off the edge with him. “Just a little more, sweets, yeah, give me that, FUCK, keep touching my balls, feel how much cum is in there for you?”
Biting down on your shoulder, Bucky’s cock bursts, filling you up with rope after rope of his spend, your cunt milking every drop out with your own orgasm. 
“I can’t believe yall really just fucked on my couch.” 
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Sweets, you. You get him going. You could breathe in his direction and his cock will point the same way. It doesn’t take much at all. At first you thought that it was because he was used to having sex all the time and then you made him wait for so long before sleeping with him. But no. It’s just Bucky and how much he’s obsessed with you.
Over the next few months, Bucky’s appetite for you never wavered and you aren’t mad about it at all. If you want to do a little something special for him, you’ll wear a sexy pair of lingerie but for some reason, that you still can’t wrap your head around, he loves when you wear nightgowns the most. 
If you walk past him in a nightgown, you’re going to end up on the next available surface with it pulled up enough for him to see your cunt swallow his thick length.  
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Threesomes - He doesn’t want to share you with anyone else, or have anyone else. You’re more than enough for him
CNC - Bucky wants explicit consent every time. If he even senses for a second that you are uncomfortable or hesitant, he’s checking in and making sure you’re still okay to go. Same goes for any sex act. If you don’t give him a clear answer then everything stops, no questions asked
Face slapping - He loves to slap your ass, cunt, and thighs, but he doesn’t want to hit you in the face. He’s never been a violent man, maybe a little rough during sex, but never striking a woman anywhere near her face. Maybe a slap or two to her tits, but never any higher. You asked him to slap your face before and his cock went almost completely soft instantly, hating the idea of hurting you, even when you were asking for it. You both talked about it and agreed that it wasn’t something that he was comfortable with and you two wouldn’t do it
Cheating role play - Bucky wants to leave his reputation behind, not relive it
DD/LG - He likes to be called daddy, but he likes to keep that in the bedroom only and not treat you like a little girl
Impact play - The only thing that he’ll hit you with is his hands and belt, never anything like a whip or flogger
Anything that you’re not comfortable with - If he wants to try something and you don’t seem completely comfortable with, you’ll talk it through. When trying something new, Bucky will always talk with you about it first, and if you want to try it, he’ll go slow and talk you through what he’s going to do. If you like it then eventually he’ll relax and lose himself in the pleasure with you, but if you want to stop at any point, you don’t have to try it again
Certain nicknames turn him off as well, pretty much everything that has little in the name. He doesn’t want to think of you as a child. Little one is probably his least favorite
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Once he got a taste of your cunt, Bucky was hooked. He could stay between your legs for hours, eating you out while you worked on assignments, watched TV, read a book, or tried to at least, the presence of his tongue and fingers taking away your ability to focus on anything.
As much as he loved to eat you out, he loved blowjobs. The sloppier the better. It was addicting to see your puffy cheeks lined with tears, spit down your chin to your tits. You always let him fuck your face when he wanted to. He would let you take control most of the time, but when he was needy, he fucked your face like a sex toy. The sounds of your gags and gurgles were so fucking sexy. 
If he is needy, then he prefers to receive, but any other time, he enjoys both the same.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Depending on his mood, he can go from slow to passionate, or just fast and rough off the bat. He always tries to take his time, drawing out both of your pleasure, but once he slides into your tight cunt, all bets are off and his hips take on a mind of their own, clapping against yours, grinding every time be bottoms out. Sometimes he likes it fast and rough, plowing into you, giving you no time to adjust, taking out his frustrations on you.
You love when he gets like that, protective and possessive, but never in a way that turns you off. He knows that you’re your own person and can handle yourself, but you shouldn’t have to deal with sleazy men trying to put their nasty paws on you. On those days he’ll fuck you until you both are too spent to get up, covered in your mixed cum, laying in the wet sheets, neither having enough energy to get up and change them.
Those days he gives you the best aftercare. Not that he ever slacks off, but something about him fucking you like an animal and then treating you like precious china after has your heart clenching and love seeping through your pores.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He used to be big on quickies, more of a wham, bam, thank you ma’am kind of guy. But now? He doesn’t like them as much. Of course he still likes them, he would be crazy to deny you sex at all. He likes to take his time with you, drawing out both of your pleasure. He also knows how you get after sex, soft and vulnerable, needing to be taken care of, and he can’t properly do that when you’re both in a time crunch. He does what he can though, making sure you enjoyed it and keeping you close to him, making sure you know how much he loves you and how good you did for him.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Bucky is a risk taker, through and through. If you’re down to try something, 9 times out of 10 he’s game. He’s fucked you in class before, slowly rubbing his cock through your folds, tip rubbing against your clit. He had to bite your shoulder to stop the moans leaving him. He loves to fuck you in public, not in the open where everyone can see, but hidden enough that there’s a chance someone could walk in. 
He would never let anyone see you in a compromising position though. But fucking in a closet, corner of the library, bathroom stall? He’s down. 
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
He can go for multiple rounds, give him a few minutes and he’s ready to go again. Bucky’s young and in his prime, he has no problem going again and again. Some days he cums fast, not able to hold out when you're so wet and warm around him. Most of the time he can last 15-20 minutes if he tries. But he will always make sure you cum first.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Bucky has a fleshlight. He didn't have to use it very often, always finding someone to give him his release, only using it when he was in his dorm late at night, too lazy to have real sex. But now he uses it more often, whether because you were away and the thoughts of your perfect body were too much to handle or because you wanted to watch him fuck himself with it while you touched your pussy. He thoroughly enjoys the toy, even though it has nothing on your cunt, it still feels much better than his own hand.
He loves to use toys on you, watching your eyes roll back as he pushes your vibrator harder against your clit, seeing how many times he could make you cum before you had to tap out. He’s never going to forget the first time you placed it under his sac and then rode him, not stopping when he came, continuing to bounce and grind until he had no more cum to offer. 
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Loverboy loves to tease you, making you beg for his cock. He’ll purposefully avoid touching your cunt for as long as possible. Licking your neck, trailing kisses down your chest, biting and sucking your tits, but never touching your nipples. He enjoys seeing you get more and more desperate, hips searching for any type of friction. And when he can stop himself from devouring your cunt, he’ll suck hickies on your inner thigh, littering it with bruises. And just when you think he’s going to lick your cunt, he’ll give the same treatment to your other thigh.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Oh, he’s loud. The first thrust has him groaning, deep and long. He’s never been one to make much noise during sex, dirty talk and small grunts when he was close to finishing, but with you, he can’t help but whine, moan, groan, whimper, all of it, you just feel too good. At first, he tries to keep it down, but with each thrust, he loses himself more and more, not able to hide his pleasure.
“Sweets, so fucking good, fuck.” He hides his face in the crook of your neck, the vibrations of his moans tickling you.
“Fuck, you’re so perfect, pussy’s choking me. Feels so fucking good.” His voice gets higher in pitch, almost as if he was close to tears, hips picking up speed.
With each thrust he moans and grunts, cock feeling like it’s going to burst at any time. “Please, sweets, oh god, can’t help it, need you to cum for me, not gonna last, please.” He will beg for you to cum, he needs you to cum first.
When his whines come, you know he’s close to cumming, doing everything he can to hold it, not wanting it to end already, but he can’t help it.
“Fuck, sweets, thank you, thank you, cumming all over my cock. Ready, sweets? Gonna fill you up, want it so bad.” Mouth open, eyes rolling back, Bucky moans and he moans loud as spurts of his cum fill your pussy.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Bucky would “accidentially” leak your sex tape. And by that he means that you both were in on it, but definitely acted like you had no clue it was out there. Bucky was fed up with the dirty looks and comments you would get, just because you were dating him. Of course, he loved it when you told them off, it was one of the first things he was attracted to - your fire. 
Bucky brought the idea up, he was going to fuck you, film it, and it would mysteriously end up on his social media. You were hesitant at first, but Bucky assured you that there was no pressure to do anything, and he would respect your boundaries.
You thought about it for a few days, eventually agreeing, but you would be wearing a shirt and the camera would only show your face. Bucky insisted that he picks out your shirt, his red henley and propped the camera up so that both of your faces were in view.
It was full of passion, kissing, staring into each other’s eyes, praise, moans, the whole nine. Near the end, you were practically sobbing with pleasure, not even remembering that it was being filmed. “There you go, sweets, look at the camera, want to see your face when you cum.”
With one hand he grabs your chin and faces the camera. “Look at you, so fucking perfect, makes my cock so fucking hard, come on sweet girl, cum for me, know you’re so close.” That’s all it takes for a wail to rip from your throat, squirting on his cock, soaking the bed and covers.
“Love you so much, sweets. So fucking good for me, can’t get enough of you, won’t ever stop loving you.” In your dazed state, you barely heard him calling out your name. Not your nickname, your real name as he filled you with his cum.
The next few days on campus were eventful to say the least.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
For starters, Loverboy is uncut. His foreskin partially covering the tip of his pink cockhead. He’s around 6.5 inches but he’s THICK. The first time you saw his cock you weren’t sure you were going to be able to fit him inside of you. You couldn’t fit your hand around him, fingers not meeting. Thick veins surround his cock, begging to be traced with your tongue.
Bucky always had large balls, but he didn’t realize how big they were until you commented on them, shocked at their size. You’ve never seen a prettier sack in your entire life, heavy and full, yet the skin was tight, leaving it smooth. They hung down, the weight of them too much to keep them close to his body, making his cock look much smaller when soft.
You’re obsessed with the way they swing when he fucks into you, feeling them slap against your skin, making vulgar sounds every time. 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Bucky can go as much as you want. He is perpetually hard for you. If you wanted to, he would go all day every day. That man is whipped and can’t get enough of you.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
He can fall asleep after pretty quickly, but he always makes sure that you are taken care of first. He usually feels a huge burst of energy after, able to continue with his day with no problem. If you pull multiple orgasms out of him, then he gets tired, ready to cuddle you in his arms and sleep. It takes a lot to make his cock tired; however, he’s always ready to give you more.
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i-yap · 3 days
Can I ask for maybe a series on the batboys love languages? Them being down bad simps is so funny and cute
So i think all batboys sort of use all love languages, but in varying levels
Dick Grayson
 words of affirmation,- very direct and upfront with words, confident and very charming. Even him being vulgar is like charming . Its almost like practiced ease but its so personalized that it works. It is a little basic though. Likes it a lot when you do it too. appreciate that beautiful wonder boy please.
quality time,- He tries so hard but with his responsibilities its tough. He craves getting adventures or doing some activity together but after a really long time apart he just wants to cuddle with you in a park or hill and talk.
physical touch,- yes. no hesitation yes. he loves it , knows just how to use it. Its like he can read your mind because he knows exactly what you want and when you want it. prefers giving over receiving .
acts of service- also big yes. Since he cant give enough quality time, what is one strong way he can show how much he loves you. also very caretaker vibes..like a mother hen. Wants to tie your scarf, wash your hair, tie your shoelace to something like staying up making you food and giving you stress release hugs during exam time. "why would you want to do something when I can do it for you babe" . Will die if you do even the littlest thing gushing and telling you just how much he appreciates it.
receiving gifts- Second Best gift giver , its like a perfect mix of expensive and personal and he just loves spending on you. but prefers spending on memories more than materialistic stuff . Will cherish your gifts forever and very vocal about it.
Jason todd
 words of affirmation,- sucks at it, but he will quote you book lines when the mood is vulnerable and quiet in the night and he is really in his safe space. Which is unique and very personal . Also very vulgar and straight up in dirty talk. Will blush-glitch-brush off any sweet thing you say to him.
quality time- yes. like yes all the time just stick your skin to him will not leave you side. wants to be with you alone forever doing nothing at all just loving and its literally to an obsessive level
physical touch- made a separate post on this in detail
acts of service- its very subtle, he will never tell you about . may even deny doing it and for a while you probably thought it was a ghost. If you do anything for him, will just stare but inside his head its like an explosion...like imagines a loud screaming todd running around
receiving gifts-very sweet personal gifts . lowkey sucks at giving gifts on special occasion but gives awesome random gifts. Give him anything and its him malfunctioning ...like you saw him actually stutter 9times in a row" uh-wha-for me-why-uh-th-than-thanks-i mean- i-uh-i-uh-yea bye"
ill do a part2 with bruce and tim
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riddlesb1tch · 3 days
Loved You First
Azriel x reader
summary: reader and Azriel are in love with each other but too afraid to admit it. What happens when reader gets asked out on a date and is seemingly very interested in the guy?
Loosely inspired by "Loved You First" by One Direction
warnings: this is so fluffy its borderline cheesy. Actually no, it is cheesy. Enjoy the cheese my loves!
a/n: the results from the poll are in!!! and Azriel very obviously won lol so here is a fic that has been in my drafts for like a year and I haven't had the motivation to finish.
Had my chances,
Could've been where he is standing
That's what hurts the most, 
Girl I came so close,
But now you’ll never know, 
Baby, I loved you first 
Ever since you joined the IC a decade ago, you and the spymaster have been close. Rhysand had walked into a coffee shop one day where he found you, sipping on your coffee while lost in a book on the history of Prythian. Rhys had taken a liking to you after a lengthy conversation about the inaccuracies both of you had spotted. He invited you to dinner with the inner circle where you met the infamous Shadowsinger. 
The first time you met, a hum or two of acknowledgement is all you got from him. You felt like he hated you after that first meeting but the rest of the IC had taken a liking to you which led to you being invited to many more dinners. Eventually, he started speaking to you like you weren’t his enemy but was still closed off, keeping the conversation about you and providing as little information about himself as possible. Initially, you weren’t too fond of the spymaster due to his closed-off nature and the vibe you got that he didn't particularly enjoy your company, but everyone in the IC spoke fondly of him and he wouldn’t have been friends with all the kind people in the inner circle if he wasn’t nice himself. Then, you realized soon that he had built up many walls around his heart to prevent himself from getting hurt.  So, you decided to give him a fair chance and struck up a conversation at one of the dinners about a book both of you had read called ‘The Name of the Rose’. It was a safe territory that got him to be surprisingly chatty with you. Suddenly, his whole demeanour changed. He turned his body towards you, asking you questions about your theories while you were reading, proposing his own. The moment you saw his eyes light up when you two agreed on who the culprit should have been, you knew this male was the most precious being you had met.
Since that dinner, you and Azriel were like two peas in a pod, always together, relentlessly teasing each other, chatting amongst yourselves which led to infinite inside jokes. During the inner circle dinners when everyone would be talking about their weeks, random gossip from here and there, and sharing stories, you and Azriel would be sitting together, commenting on the conversations happening around you in the other’s ear and laughing to yourselves. 
Rhysand often said you two were like little kids. 
Both of you often got teased by the other's name by the rest of the IC. According to them, you two should have started dating the moment you met. Feyre even said you two reminded her a bit of Cassian and Nesta with the way you disliked each other during your first few meetings but quickly became inseparable. 
And in a way, they weren’t wrong. 
When your chemistry was that good, you couldn’t help but fall for the spymaster. He was always there for you when you needed him, and you were the first person he let himself be truly vulnerable with, always coming to you after a mission gone wrong. You saw a side of him that no one had seen before: the childish, playful side that took every opportunity to make you laugh, to snatch up the last piece of cake or candy, a side that played pranks on you, a side that loved to laugh wholeheartedly. It was his genuine smile, the boisterous laughter that you loved the most, and did everything in your power to hear it as often as you could. 
The only problem that seemed to be standing in the way of you confessing was that he didn’t seem interested in you. Little things he would do made you think he viewed you as nothing but a friend, such as ruffling your hair, his incessant teasing about how no one would want to date you, and the fact that he never said anything to you about it. You knew the spymaster wasn’t exactly a talking about his feelings kind of person, but then he wasn’t afraid to confess kind of person either, which left you confused and sad that he didn’t reciprocate your love. 
Recently, at a coffee shop, you had been asked out by a fine gentleman who had struck up a conversation with you. He complimented your features, telling you how he loved your hair, and soon, asked you on a date. 
Since the thing with Azriel was never going to happen, you didn't see a reason to turn down the very handsome male who was interested in you. 
“Awesome! There's this restaurant near the rainbow ‘Velarian’, ever heard of it?” he asked. 
You nodded with a shy smile. 
“Perfect! I will pick you up tomorrow at 7 pm, milady.” He gallantly bowed, taking your hand in his and kissing your knuckles, making you blush. 
“Will do,” you replied. 
The male left after getting his coffee, throwing a wink your way before taking his exit. 
“Y/n, what’s taking you so long?” Azriel stalked into the shop, seeing you standing there staring at the door and smiling like an idiot. A smile of amusement took over his features. 
“What are you smiling about?” he asked. 
“I just got asked on a date!” you replied cheerfully, snapping out of your daze and clapping your hands together. 
His whole world went silent. It had finally happened, the moment he had been dreading: someone was going to come in and take you away from him and he wouldn’t be able to do anything about it because he was too afraid to tell you how he felt. And how could he when you seemed so excited at the prospect of getting asked out? He mentally chastised himself for not going inside with you so he could chase away the male as he’d done countless times before. He could not stand the idea of you dating someone else so he did something he shouldn’t have and threatened any male enamoured by your presence from getting close to you. But when you had that smile on your face when you looked more excited than you had in a while, how could Azriel ruin that by telling you the truth about his feelings? 
So, he conjured that playful lilt back into his voice despite his heart rejecting the playfulness and furrowed his brows. “Hold on, someone actually wants to date you? Like without getting paid for it?” he said in a surprised tone. 
You punched his shoulder hard, making Azriel laugh out loud. 
“You’re an asshole, you know that?” you said with a frown. 
Azriel nodded. “You’ve told me a few times,” he stated. 
“And yet you can't seem to understand it.”  
Understandably so, Mor was very excited when you told her you got asked out on a date and you both set to figuring out your hair, makeup, and outfit for the night. 
“So what's his name?” Mor asked while she put up your hair in different ways, trying to figure out what looked good. 
You blushed slightly, looking at Mor in the mirror. “His name is Damien,” you said in an almost whisper. 
It killed Azriel that this other was able to make you blush like that when it was his right to bring that colour to your cheeks. 
“Oh my, look at the blush!” Mor teased. “I don’t even think I need to put any blush on you if this is how pink you get from just his name!” 
Mor laughed out loud and you hid your face in your hands in embarrassment. 
“Mor, stop,” you chastised, and both of you erupted in giggles.
Azriel watched as the two of you chattered excitedly, wanting to but not having the guts to ask you to not go on the date. So he did the only thing he could and watched you go on a date with a male you met in the coffee shop. 
You looked stunning in a little black dress with spaghetti straps and a wide neck, displaying the beautiful necklace you wore with a reflection of the Velaris night sky captured into a little globe. Your hair was hanging in loose waves down your back and framing your beautiful features, and a beautiful diamond bracelet adorning your wrist that matched the sparkle of the necklace perfectly. Your eyes were lined with kohl and shining bright with excitement as Azriel took you, his heart breaking the brighter your smile got. 
“Wow, Y/n, who knew you could look like a female,” Azriel teased, making you roll your eyes and slightly chuckle. He smiled, moving closer to you with his hands in his pockets. “Good luck on your date, n/n. Have fun.” He moved his hand to ruffle your hair but you ducked, stopping him mid-movement. 
“Please don’t, I spent hours on this hair and I can’t have anything ruin it,” you grimaced. 
“Of course, my bad,” Azriel replied, stepping away from you. 
A gentle rapping sounded on the door and you turned to your friends one last time for a check. They shot you thumbs up before you opened the door and greeted the very attractive male. 
“Ready to go?” Azriel heard his rich, deep voice, feeling a pang of jealousy shoot through his chest. 
You smiled, stepping down carefully and closing the door behind you.
You didn't return till the next morning, hair messed up, heels in your hands, and his scent all over you. 
“So I guess the date went well?” Mor smirked, sipping her coffee as she eyed you walking in. 
You smiled sheepishly before slipping off to your room for a bath and some much-needed rest. 
The next few days, Azriel had been extra broody and everyone was confused about why. He wouldn't talk to even you and mostly kept to himself. 
“Y/n, I think you need to talk to Az,” Cassian said while leaning against the kitchen counter. 
“Why?” you asked with your brows furrowed, continuing to butter the bread. 
“He's been…moody these past few days. Like more so than usual, and it's worrying all of us. He won't talk to us, barely looks us in the eye, and he’s been training non-stop. I don't think the training dummies can take much more of this,” he joked, trying to lighten the atmosphere but you could hear the worry in his voice. 
You huffed in amusement before turning to Cassian and nodding. “I will speak to him today. Thank you for telling me.” 
You made another sandwich for Azriel and plated both of them before heading up to his room. The room was shrouded in darkness meaning the Shadowsinger was upset about something, and that concerned you because he didn't come to you this time about whatever was bothering him. 
“Az?” you called out into the darkness. When you didn't get a response, you slowly tracked your way to the bed, estimating from memory how far it would be and avoiding obstacles on the way. 
You set the plates of food down on the bed when you found it, feeling around for Azriel whom you felt sitting with his legs outstretched, leaning against the headboard. Your hand came in contact with his shoulder first and you rested your palm there gently, stroking it soothingly. 
“You okay, Az?” you asked. 
A grunt of acknowledgement was the only response you got. 
“Hey, what's wrong?” you asked, carefully sitting down on the bed next to his legs. “Talk to me.” You took his hands in yours, squeezing to tell him you were there for him. Slowly, the shadows receded from around the room, once again cloaking the room with light and letting you get a view of the spymaster. 
Azriel looked horrible with tired bags and messy hair. His eyes were red as if he had been crying and his shoulders slumped from exhaustion. You reached a hand up to gently stroke his cheek. His eyes lifted to yours and you could see the pain in them. Your heart broke to see him like this and wanted to do everything in your power to take the pain away. 
“What's wrong, Azzy?” you asked softly. 
He opened his mouth to tell you but stopped himself and shook his head. “I can’t tell you.” 
You slightly laughed at that. “Come on, Az, we’re not kids. You can tell me and we can have a mature, adult conversation about it.”
Azriel sighed, dropping your hands and getting up from the bed. 
“You won’t understand, Y/n,” he said and you heard agitation in his voice. 
You turned to where he was standing, your feet firmly planted on the ground and hands fisting the bedsheets at your sides. 
“Then make me understand, Az,” you said softly. “Something has got to be very wrong because you haven’t spoken to me in days, you haven’t spoken to the rest of the family, you’re training yourself to death, barely eating, barely sleeping. I mean, is all that worth it when you can talk to me and we can work it out?” you questioned. 
“It's worth it if it means you’re happy,” Azriel said so softly you barely heard it. 
“You’re miserable, Az,” you said, getting up from the bed and walking up to him. You reached for his hands, giving them a firm squeeze. “I can never be happy knowing something is bothering you. Please tell me.” 
Azriel looked at your concerned face, at your hands holding his, and the feeling of rightness in his chest. Maybe it was reckless, maybe he’d been building up to this moment for a long time, but his chest physically hurt from holding onto what he desperately wanted to say. 
“I love you,” he blurted. 
Your face went slack and his heart stopped. 
“W-what?” you gaped. 
Your grip on his hands loosened, eyes looking up at him in utter disbelief. 
But Azriel was not going to take that back. He’d said it and it felt fucking incredible to be able to admit it. 
“I love you,” he repeated. 
“Really?” you asked, your voice barely above a whisper. 
“I’ve been in love with you since we talked about ‘The Name of the Rose’,” he admitted. “And it's not right that you’re with whats-his-name now because, Y/n, I loved you first. I have always loved you and I cannot hold it in any longer.” 
Tears collected in your eyes from his monologue. 
“I love you too, Az,” you said. 
It was like he could breathe again. Hearing you say those words to him was the utmost bliss he had ever experienced and Azriel did not want this moment to end. He now stood as stunned as you had been when he’d said that to you. 
“R-really?” he stuttered out. 
You laughed, grip tightening on his hands once again. Nodding, you replied, “Ever since the day you let me hear your laugh and see your smile I’ve been in love, Az,” you admitted. 
Not wasting any more time, Azriel smashed his lips on yours, pulling you closer by the waist. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled him down, running your fingers through his hair. 
You both pulled away, panting but grinning all the same. Azriel rested his forehead on yours and took a moment to just breathe you in. Then, he pulled away and asked, “What about whats-his-name?” 
“Oh, the date went horrible. I hated him. Literally one of the most pretentious and presumptuous males I’ve ever met. At the end of the night he asked when our second date was and I said ‘Never. And just in this universe. There is not a single parallel and/or alternate universe where I would consent to see your face again’, then left,” you stated proudly.
Azriel laughed out loud at this. 
“Damn, my little heartbreaker,” he said and kissed you again. “Wait then why did you come home the next morning with hair all messy and heels in your hands?” he asked. 
“Oh after the date, I saw one of my friends coming out of the restaurant and I hadn’t seen her in a while so we spent the entire night walking and talking along the Sidra,” you chuckled. 
Azriel gaped at you. 
“You mean to tell me that I brooded for nothing?” he exclaimed. 
You pursed your lips and nodded. “Yeah. take this as a sign to work on your communication skills.” 
Azriel laughed, making you laugh along with him before he pulled you into another kiss. 
From behind you, you heard a loud whistle then cheering followed. Your entire family stood in the doorway of Azriel’s room, watching the two of you in each other’s arms. 
“Finally!” Mor clapped her hands together. 
“Both of you were insufferable moping about each other,” Cassian said and both of you held up the finger for him. 
Everyone laughed at that and you and Azriel hugged tightly.
tags: @thelov3lybookworm @sarawritestories @berryzxx @milswrites @lilah-asteria
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Alastor - [ CATCH IT ON CAMERA ]
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This was originally a silly little fluff piece that turned into….well, this. I hope you all got the vibe from the song cause it doesn't get more straightforward than that…
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Taking a polaroid picture with Alastor!!
That was the goal when you stroll into his room with the brightest smile as he sits reading alone late one night.
Your lover doesn't initially suspect what you're up to.
He’s very content with reading as you go about your antics as quietly as possible.
Alastor was perfectly unbothered by your presence at first, used to your soft giggles filling the room and quietly enjoying the jovial aura you emit.
It's only when he hears a distinct ‘click’ of a camera that he stiffens in his seat.
The sharp and quiet sound caused his ears to twitch, claws digging into the leather cover of the book he held, and his red eyes peered over the edge to see the source of the interruption.
You peer back up at him, smiling softly from your spot on the carpeted floor.
The tiny polaroid camera in your dainty hands holds his attention, probably combusting into flames in another universe by the look on his face, but you grasp it tight in hopes it'll stay intact.
“What's that infernal thing doing here?” he snarls quietly, attempting to stay calm as your eyes soften on him, silently begging the stag to be kind.
Though his patience is thin, he withholds his hateful rant about technology to hear you out.
“A little imp sold it to me, and I just couldn't say no, Allie! It takes wonderful pictures too and…and I've always wanted one..” your voice trembled a little, afraid he'd outright scold you.
Alastor seriously considered doing so until he spotted the array of Polaroid prints you'd already taken and left to dry on the carpet.
You had some of yourself. Posing freely in each one, and every frame he laid his eyes on was strangely adorable, with a few mildly scandalous, in his opinion.
Alastor then caught sight of the few you'd taken of him, all off-guard shots, clearly taken at a distance as if not to disturb him.
Those, in particular, had your lipstick print on them, tender kisses you'd placed there as a silly add-on of affection for him, and his tail twitched in amusement at the minuscule detail.
“Let me see it, darling,” he held a clawed hand out, book now resting in his lap, and his posture more relaxed than a moment ago.
Hesitant at first, you hand him the camera, silently hoping he'd refrain from destroying it. You are pleasantly surprised when he shows no indication of doing so.
Alastor inspected the device thoroughly, eyes narrowed as he searched for any signs of the Vees’ technology, but there was no evidence of their tampering whenever he looked.
He still took the precaution of asking you directly, “It's not one of their devices, is it?”
You shift to sit on your knees, not having to ask who he's referring to, “No. Not that I know of…” you answer truthfully.
Alastor hums, seeing no trace of deceit in your expression and having no reason not to believe you; he hands the camera back.
You take it with a gracious smile, absolutely over the moon that he let you have it back, “You may keep it… but any picture you take is only shown to me. Have I made myself clear, dear?”
You nod eagerly, happy to have the camera back and not bothered by his stipulation.
”Okay, Allie!” You chirp, contently fiddling with it again, giggling as you take more silly pictures of yourself.
Alastor watches as you do, following your body as you roll around the floor leisurely, posing provocatively here and there.
It almost annoys him how good you look, acting childish and carefree, barely trying to keep his attention, and moderately unaware of how badly he wanted yours.
The book in his lap was no longer enjoyable, lacking the entertainment you provided, and his focus was permanently on you.
If only you'd put that dammed camera down….
Alastor narrowed his eyes, smile tightening as you rolled onto your back to take a particularly racey photograph of yourself, sporting a rather lewd expression he'd only seen you make amid pleasure he induced.
His eye twitched as you snapped the picture, unable to look away as you stuck your tongue out and winked seductively, tilting your head to get a better angle and inadvertently directing your face towards him.
The stag grunted an obscenity as you eyed him innocently from below, head cocking to the side in curiosity as to why he seemed so stiff.
“Am I bothering you?” Your gaze softens, twinges of shyness seething in at the thought of annoying the overlord, and you braced yourself for him to answer with a curt ‘yes.’
That answer never came.
Alastor remained silent, staring intently at you before reaching a hand out to caress one side of your face.
His touch was cold, a chilled contrast to the heat rising on your cheeks as his claws trailed down your skin, stopping once he reached the curve of your jaw.
Your lips slightly opened, a soft gasp escaping them as his sharp nails ghosted over you. He gripped your chin and chuckled as your instinct to relax in his hold kicked in.
“You're not bothering me at all, dear. I have a request in mind. That's all.” he lowered his voice, unconsciously lessening its static as you hummed quietly in response.
Your eyes fluttered closed, face nuzzling into his palm as you rolled to lay on your front, leaving the camera on the floor near your waist. Your feet kicked up, lace stocking-clad legs lazily swinging as he cupped your face gently, careful not to scratch your soft skin with his claws.
For a brutal overlord to be so tender was unfathomable to most, but you counted yourself lucky to have encountered one.
You basked in his touch for a moment, slowly lifting your gaze to his heavily clouded one, “Is it somethin’ I can help with, Allie?” you asked him quietly, giving a small smile as he scratched his nails under your chin affectionately.
Alastor chuckled, seeing your blush intensify at his gesture, a reaction he'd yet to tire of bringing out of you.
“Yes, you can help, but you'll have to promise to keep it a secret between us, little one. Can you do that?”
His deliberate cooing made your heart melt, every bone in your body buzzing with delight as he coaxed you into secrecy.
“Okay…I won't tell a soul. I promise..” you nearly whine, dying of anticipation and needing much more physical touch than he was giving you now.
“Come to me then, darling,” he barely finishes the command before you slide onto his lap with a giddy smile.
You settle down on him comfortably, straddling his lower half and unafraid to relax against his chest.
Alastor grunts as your body meets his, momentarily distracted by the pressure you impose on his hardening cock, but quickly averts his attention back to his previous train of thought as you tug at the lapels of his pristine overcoat impatiently.
You pout while he raises a brow at you, clearly unamused by your bratty gesture, “I wanna know now…” your expression turns sour, a dramatic showcase he can't help but laugh at before snapping his fingers to conjure the item you left on the floor.
“I'd like to take a picture with you, dear,” he explains causally, and you blank at the statement, having to process the bizarre concept of the Radio Demon of all beings wanting to associate himself with a camera…
Willingly at that…
“R-really,” you squeak out, confused but gradually excited by the prospect.
Alastor peered at the camera in his hand, pricking the newly printed photo you took a moment ago from the bottom slot, holding the picture up to admire its details.
You blushed seeing him study your downright slutty behavior taken in one snapshot.
Though you were a little embarrassed, he seemed amused rather than disgusted.
“I'd like to recapture you making this exact face. You wouldn't mind posing like that for me again, right little doe?”
He articulates the demand as a light-hearted question, fixed grin shifting to a closed smile as he hummed lowly at your timid nod of agreement seconds later.
Your silent compliance isn't enough for the stag, his hips rutting up into you forcefully to prompt a verbal answer, and you give it through a trembling moan.
“N-no, I don't mind at all…”
The pitch in your voice rises, shocks of pleasure igniting in your core from the feeling of his prominent hard-on brushing against your clothed slit.
An immediate patch of your slick forms on the thin fabric that keeps your mound hidden.
Alastor snakes an arm around your waist, holding you close with a toothy grin reappearing on his face, sharp teeth grazing your ear as he whispers into it.
“You’ll put on a show for me, yes?” you nod quickly, unable to help yourself from grinding down on him for more friction,
“Yes..” you purr, helpless as ever, when a deep laughter thunders in his chest at your reflexive response.
“Then smile, my dear! I don't want to miss a single second of your darling reactions..” he held you still as his free hand lifted the camera, capturing the split second his head shifted downward, finding the most sensitive area on your neck and marking it with ease.
You shivered against him, feeling the smirk on his lips as the crisp click of the camera’s flash going off mixed with your startled moan.
He‘d certainly have a grand time with you and your new little trinket.
And you'd accomplished much more than achieving your goal of getting one picture with him…
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Sometimes, I think I'm incapable of writing fluff. It's almost a curse at this point…
The song in this edit used to annoy the shit out of me but ill let it slide this ONE time cause its Alastor…. Credits to creator ❤️
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fushigurro · 2 days
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𝗦𝗔𝗧𝗢𝗥𝗨 𝗚𝗢𝗝𝗢 𝗫 𝗚𝗡!𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗𝗘𝗥. ⌇ sfw, but minors dni (nsfw future chapters likely) / an interpretation of "came back wrong" gojo (he's not necessarily wrong, just different) / yandere!gojo vibes / disabled-coded gojo with reader acting as caretaker; it's essentially a learning curve for everybody involved / some dubcon physical affection moments, but nothing serious / 3.4k words
well... we have made it to a second chapter!! this overall idea just really resonated with me, and after learning how it affected others as well, i just knew i had to do my best to keep it going. this is the first ever "part 2" of anything i've ever written, so i beg for just a shred of mercy! i'm trying my best, and thank you to everyone who has said kind things about this story so far. i hope you enjoy <3
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The autumn air is brisk and a little volatile, but you feel blessed to have it whirl past your skin—even more blessed to watch Satoru’s flesh prickle at the sensation. Alive.
You had done your best to rummage through the expanse of his closet to find a suitable coat for him to wear—one that would cut the chill of an afternoon breeze when it inevitably brushed across his body. November could be unforgiving, promising winter. You wondered how cold death must’ve felt.
“Satoru, where are your shoes?” You inquired, voice muffled in his closet as you sifted through garments, multitasking in an attempt to compose an outfit for him.
He sat at the edge of his bed, eyes fixed on your movements as they often were, mind turning at your question for a moment. He stood then, paced towards the shoe rack that stood outside the closet door, and reached gently for one of your busied hands. Satoru points your fingers towards the collection of shoes.
You paused your movements, eyes curious as they followed his guidance before landing upon their intended target. “Oh, that’s right,” you said with a small shake of your head, bearing a self-defeating smile and feeling rather silly for your oversight. 
It was a challenge to become acquainted with someone else’s home amidst everything else, responsibilities stacking upon responsibilities. However, Satoru continued to prove that he could recall more than you initially thought, that he could act as your guiding light when called upon. A little ironic, you think. A little pathetic, too? No, you are human, after all. Just as he is.
He smiled in return. You swore there was even a hint of a familiar light-hearted, teasing glimmer in his eye, unless you were seeing things.
(You weren’t.)
For once, you are grateful for the rather serene nature of the school’s grounds as you stroll across them side-by-side with him, much like in days from a not-so-distant past. The remaining leaves on the trees dressing the mountains rustle with the wind, colored by the touch of death but still beautiful all the same, just like something else you know.
“We can always go back if it gets too cold,” you say as a reminder to Satoru of his agency, his home on campus easy to circle back to should you take the notion. You fear he might choose to freeze himself into another early grave if that’s what you wished, and you can’t fathom the idea of making him suffer simply because he thinks it pleases you to do so. Your happiness is somehow his, and although this is a new quality you have yet to decipher, there’s still something about it that strikes you as indulgent and rather characteristic of a gluttonous Satoru Gojo.
He doesn’t respond, gaze flitting across his surroundings as he walks, nerve endings and six eyes absorbing a litany of information. A silent Satoru used to be a rare occurrence but is now the default, the air somehow punctured by the lack of his voice riding along it. However, his presence is still stark, his being brimming with energy as if to make up for the words he can no longer speak. 
Unbeknownst to you, he communicates with you not only with his physical body, but with his feelings, too—waves of energy that he projects outward on instinct, hoping you’ll have the means to grasp what he is trying to say even if he isn’t always sure what it is. It has been rather unsynchronized and sloppy thus far, but with each day that passes, your ability to hear him grows.
You can hear him now even with the only sounds being the breeze rushing in your ears and leaves crunching beneath the soles of shoes. There is something somber about him, more than usual, mixed with that same sense of being lost in a world that feels brand new. 
All of it is familiar to Satoru on a physical level—the paths, the buildings, the foliage—but what prickles his mind is attempting to piece together the myriad of strange feelings that arise as he is faced with more and more reminders of a past that he can’t fully recall. 
It’s as though the memories are trying to surface but can’t quite fuse into something tangible, something concrete, like when you feel a word forming just at the tip of your tongue but it never arrives. He can sense them deeply in his body, almost experience a brief image flashing like lightning through his mind before it disappears. Satoru’s frustration is palpable, and he reaches for your hand.
Icy-cold fingers nipped by autumn intertwine with yours, tethering him in place as his fractured mind aches with the burden of obscurity. His physical affection is new to you, but you allow it—welcome it, even. As much as the earnest displays contrast with his previous tiptoeing around connection, it is yet another thing you can’t bear to turn down, not after everything that’s happened. 
You hope it isn’t simply guilt of all things compelling you to accommodate him, but wouldn’t it be equally bad to do it for selfish reasons? Could one misconstrue it as taking advantage, of feeding off his need to satisfy some part of you that had always wanted him?
The various implications make your head swim with conflict, so you force yourself to shut them down for the time being. Satoru is only holding your hand, nothing more, at least for the moment. There had of course been instances of his lips pecking against your own, wandering down to your neck, his hand settling on your waist as if to draw you closer… but you’d always managed to divert his attention in one way or another, severing the connection before either of you could become too engrossed in it. He never seemed overly perturbed to shift direction, but you couldn’t help but wonder just how long his patience might last, and if you’d be able to figure out what you even were to him before then.
Needless to say, nothing could have ever prepared you for something like this. What drives you forward more than anything is your contentment with the fact that he’s here walking the earth with you, as whole as he can be after having been stolen from the arms of death. And despite the abundance of challenges, part of you can’t help but feel special for being chosen to face them.
When your feet bring you near the school’s entrance, gates opening way for a path down the mountain, Satoru stops dead in his tracks, alert like an animal that’s suddenly caught a scent. His grip on your hand tightens, heart plummeting into his stomach as something takes hold of him, something he likely couldn’t put into words even if he had the ability to speak.
You turn to check over him with your gaze, concern etched upon your features at the immediate change of pace. “Satoru…?” you call softly, yearning for a chance to be able to peek into his mind. All you can do is feel the chill of his demeanor.
His name drifting upon your voice earns a split second of his attention, but he is, for once, captivated by something else.
Pierced gut. Blocked throat. Summer sun and the sounds of buzzing.
It’s a memory that lives in his body but not his conscious mind, an instinct telling him to heed the surroundings for a threat that once was. He relives it with a rapid heartbeat, knows it bears importance, but he can only recall shreds of information that don’t merge together to form a full picture. He simmers in mounting frustration.
Black hair. Sharp eyes. Boiling blood—the brink of death.
Satoru turns on a dime and faces a figure in the distance, on guard and brimming with a sort of defensiveness you’d never quite seen before, at least not coming from him. Muscles rigid, he squeezes your upper arm as if to warn you, to keep you close, his extraordinary senses absorbing information quicker than you can even pivot to see what it is he’s looking at.
From around the corner of a building emerges Megumi, clad in warm clothes and a mellow disposition. His distinctly unruly hair makes it easy to identify him even from where he appears down the path, hands in his pockets as he strolls towards you upon recognition. 
Satoru’s mind runs through calculations as the young student approaches, attempting to distinguish and fill gaps and create something he can take hold of as a semblance of fact.
Black hair. Sharp eyes. Something… different? 
Megumi’s cursed energy burns in a recognizable way, striking Satoru as peculiar as he instinctively studies it with the six eyes. But it makes sense to him—it’s familiar, even if he struggles to trust it in full. This is someone he hasn’t met since his awakening, but someone his eyes have certainly seen before.
You can sense the fear radiating off Satoru’s being and into yours, the presence of someone other than you agitating his already troubled state. You must act.
“Look, it’s Megumi,” you say softly with an encouraging smile, encasing his hand with your palm and hoping that your pleasant reaction takes the edge off. Satoru is reluctant to avert his gaze, but does so anyway, blue darting in your direction to witness the happiness written in your features. You appear to trust this person, and he trusts you, so despite the pounding in his chest, the sorcerer relaxes his grip.
You guide Satoru to take a few steps forward with you to meet Megumi as he draws nearer, a tired but welcoming smile turning your lips upward to greet him. It’s nice to see the boy alive and well in the aftermath of his own debacle—or at least as well as someone could possibly be. You wish there had been something more you could’ve done to help him recover, but it was known to many that you happened to have your hands full at the moment. Hopefully he will understand.
“Hey,” Megumi utters quietly, eyes scanning over your face and then his teacher’s, trying to briefly assess your individual states.
“Hi, Megumi,” you respond, appraising him yourself. He seems to be all in one piece, which you had been informed of, but had yet to see yourself. It’s nice to have visual confirmation. “How are you?”
“Fine,” he replies quickly, flatly, minimizing himself as usual. His voice is more sincere when inquiring about your wellbeing. “And you?”
You grin, finding a way to sum up your experience without overwhelming him. “Hanging in there,” you muse with a breathy chuckle. There’s no use in worrying him with all the details of Gojo’s current condition and how it has subsequently flipped your world upside down, but Megumi is shrewd, and you’re sure he can come to some sort of conclusion, especially when briefed by the others who have eyes on the situation.
Megumi awkwardly rubs at the back of his neck, skirting around vulnerability and concern as his next question arises. “Gojo-sensei… how are you doing?”
Satoru has been silent all the while, of course, but sorting through every detail while you and his former student exchange pleasantries. Neurons fire, rewiring frazzled connections, giving him a glimpse at how this boy is not the same as the one he bears a resemblance to.
Megumi isn’t sure what sort of response to expect; in fact, he feels silly for expecting one at all, posing a question that he’s fairly certain can’t be answered directly. But how else was he meant to conduct himself in such an interaction, to show that he cares? To speak as if Gojo weren’t even there would feel like even more of an insult.
You’re caught in the middle, watching Satoru’s face and seeing the gears turning in his head. “I think we’re all just… learning how to adjust to things, y’know?” you reply with a rather vacant smile, turning back to Megumi who understands your subtext with ease. Rather than speak for Satoru, you’ve made a blanket statement to provide just the slightest bit of feedback, and Megumi is well aware.
The student nods his head with a short hum of acknowledgment, doing his best to see his mentor in this new light—one he never thought would be possible, not when it came to someone who had always claimed to be so strong. But at least there is a light at all.
The wind tosses leaves around between the three of you, filling the silence with its quiet whispers. You wish there was more to be said. You wish you had a solid grasp of how well Satoru really was doing.
“I think Ieiri said she wanted to see you soon,” Megumi states, acting as a courier, trying to fill the space with words.
You nod. “Yeah, we’ve been in touch. We’re actually meant to meet up with her tomorrow.” 
Shoko, while expectedly rather removed, had been one of your primary contacts and supports thus far, apart from Ijichi who shouldered the burden of several essential tasks you hadn’t been able to complete on your own. You felt guilty for sending him out for groceries and back to your apartment for extra sets of clothes, but how else would you manage to make it by? Leaving Satoru alone or in the care of someone else wasn’t currently an option, and taking him outside the school grounds didn’t sound like an optimal idea either at the present moment. So you had to make do in the meantime, and you were truly grateful for the help, but you couldn’t help but hope that things would eventually fall into place. Maybe Shoko would have answers.
“That’s good,” Megumi replies with a sparkle of hope in his tone, then reluctantly adds, “and, uh… just let me know if I can do anything to help, okay?”
You respond to his gesture with a warm smile. “Thank you, Megumi. That’s very kind.” You don’t have immediate plans for taking the young man up on his offer, but you appreciate the sentiment regardless. He deserves to rest and seek peace, not fight any more battles for the sake of others.
A twinge of pink colors the apples of Megumi’s cheeks, and he recedes into the scarf wrapped around his neck, unused to accepting grace from others without feeling inclined to quarrel about it. He is at a loss for words, somewhat eager to make his escape before the vulnerability has the chance to further consume his dignity. You take that as something of a cue.
“Well, we—” you start, preparing to make a closing statement and depart, before being interrupted by a sudden movement to your left—Satoru, breaking free from his fixed state to perform a familiar gesture.
As if finally making a connection, he grins and mimics the Ten Shadows hand configuration for summoning the Divine Dogs, clapping his palms together and examining Megumi’s reaction with ardor. The student is startled out of his mild embarrassment, somewhat baffled by the sudden communication attempt and the implication that his mentor perhaps actually remembers who he is. It’s a pleasant surprise to you both, and a moment or two is required for it to sink in.
Your face lights up with glee, heart warmed by the simple action in a way that’s difficult to express. Megumi appears to be in a similar boat—taken aback, but ultimately stricken with joy.
A modest smile creeps upon Megumi’s lips as he softly mirrors the motion with his own hands, acknowledging Gojo’s revelation. “Yeah…” he says, voice faint but pleased. “Divine Dogs.”
Every brief glimpse into Satoru’s thoughts feels like a blessing, and this is certainly no exception. It’s refreshing to watch him have a moment of sincere connection with someone other than yourself, and it leaves you glowing with hope for the future as you bid Megumi farewell and make your way back home.
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“Head back, Satoru.”
Water splashes into the bathtub as Satoru cranes his neck to peer up at the ceiling as per your request, a cup full of liquid streaming over his hair and carrying shampoo suds along with it.
After returning from your walk, you’d prepared something for dinner and eventually urged Satoru into the tub for a bath before bed—yet another activity that seemed to get a little easier every time you did it.
Figuring out how to get him to bathe had initially been quite the challenge, but you had managed to devise a method that had gotten the job done quite well thus far. He might’ve looked rather awkward sitting cramped in the shallow bath with a pair of swimming trunks on while you rinsed him with an old plastic cup you’d excavated from a cabinet, but it was the most effective way to get him clean and preserve both your dignities while doing it. Though you were the only one who seemed to be concerned with such things.
Satoru blinks when a few soapy droplets backslide into one of his eyes, causing him to squint, scrunch, and rub it with his fingers until the uncomfortable sensation eases. He looks at you, almost as if to say, “Hey! That burns!”
You chuckle and shake your head with a playful roll of your eyes. “That’s why you’re supposed to close your eyes, goober.”
He wants to submerge in a pout, but your playfulness rids him of the inclination. Satoru instead shifts his focus to the beauty of your frame perched upon the edge of the tub, a beacon of divinity as you cleanse him with care and devotion. He takes the notion to express an inkling of gratitude by leaning forward and placing a kiss against your lips, lukewarm water rippling around him as it gradually cools.
You’re somewhat stiff and unresponsive, the sudden gesture catching you by surprise as it usually does, but you don’t chastise him for it; in fact, it takes a certain level of concentration for you to avoid letting your thoughts linger on his current state: hair slicked back; flesh exposed and glistening with droplets of water; lips warm, wet, and eager for reciprocation…
Your mouth receives his but does not encourage him for more than a split second, pulling back gently from his advance until you can see Satoru shiver as the water chills his body. His eyes are glued to your face, waiting for a reaction as you prepare to make one more pass over his hair with the cup to see that he is fully rinsed, this time using your hand to shield his eyes from any backflow (and from your expression, which is surely indicative of your now rapid heartbeat).
The action is enough to distract him for the moment, but Satoru is still on edge, teeming with infatuation and need. He is unsatisfied with your response—or lack thereof—and is frustrated with his inability to express it, but your hands carefully wiping drops of water from his face act as a temporary soothing agent.
“Alright, let’s get dried off and ready for bed,” you say, standing to fetch his towel from the rack and bring it back to him before reaching down to trigger the tub to drain. “We’re going to talk to Shoko tomorrow.”
Satoru is less concerned with the meaning of your words than he is with how lovely you sound while saying them. He is once again caught in your spell, entranced by the need to be closer but settling for the scraps that you give him—for now.
You aren’t convinced of his comprehension of what you say, but nevertheless, you use the sweetened tone to deflect from the overwhelm of watching him stand and observe your every move as you help to dry his chiseled body. Satoru is tall and looming, scarred in the midriff, but compliant with your ministrations; however, his easygoing nature doesn’t keep your hands from wanting to shake against the towel that repeatedly caresses his physical beauty. You wish you could torch every thought in your mind, switch your brain off to preserve the strength and sanity that remains. 
You aren’t sure how long you’ll be able to remain steadfast and maintain this cycle of “temporaries” until something eventually changes. And what if it never does?
You suppose the only thing you can do for now is try your best and wait and see what the future holds. It certainly can’t be any worse than what you’ve already been through, especially now that Satoru is by your side once more. That is something you’ve realized you wouldn’t trade for anything.
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ninjacat49 · 3 days
Ok so I’m gonna go through this scene cause some people need it but also cause I really love it so here we go:
Tommy asks if Bobby is okay, and Buck gives him an update (a positive one thank goodness)
Tommy makes a joke about how the 118 should have their own dedicated wing at the hospital (which is so true of him to say), but it’s obvious Buck is not feeling it
Tommy notices, and asks if Bucks okay, in which Buck opens up about how Bobby is more of a dad to him than his own father
This leads to Tommy opening up about his own dad (Tommy lore!!!) and how Gerrard was not an improvement whatsoever (obviously) (also that’s really depressing. Buck you better cuddle with this man rn)
Then Buck starts the iconic part of the conversation, “So maybe we both have daddy issues.” If you’ve paid attention to Buck at all during this show, it’s very obvious that by the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes/face that he’s flirting
And of course we all know the rest, with Tommy returning Bucks flirty energy - “I don’t.” “But you think I do?” “God, I hope so.” Which first of all, Tommy’s voice for the “god, I hope so” has me going insane and if I was Buck I would’ve passed out, and second of all, Buck’s “but you think I do” is very much him still being flirty and trying to get a reaction from Tommy (and he succeeds)
And that’s the end of the scene, where Buck and Tommy are both pleased with the direction their conversation went
For such a short scene, I love how much we got out of them. And for such a short scene, it’s insane how much backlash it’s getting by certain people. Somehow people are saying that Tommy made the conversation sexual right after Buck was vulnerable about his dad, and how that’s messed up, but that’s literally not what happened? If anything, BUCK is the one that made the conversation sexual after Tommy was vulnerable. And you know what? That’s completely okay, because they’re grown adults and have the capability of changing the vibe of a conversation. If Tommy didn’t like the direction Buck was going, he would have stopped it from going further. But he didn’t. Because again, they’re two grown men. Dang I didn’t really mean to go on a rant, but I’m so tired of the horrible takes of this scene. I’m glad that all the people I’m following are also loving this scene and Tommy and bucktommy (though I guess kinkley works better now huh)
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shaunashipman · 3 days
what gets me is that date scene was a literally under a minute long which isn’t a whole loft of time exactly of dissect the inner workings of their daddy issues. the minute they had, they used it to its full potential because we had:
- buck and tommy being casually domestic together on their date night in, which while nice, wasn’t like a super fancy thing and shows that this is probably a common occurrence for them. (especially when you see episode 9 and Bobby’s mention of buck going to visit tommy after the shift)
- buck telling tommy about his day, tommy making a joke about the dedicated hospital wing but recognizes that buck is not okay so he ASKS him pointedly how HE is
- buck shares the close relationship he has with bobby and this seems to be the first time they’re delving into that and so of course tommy wants to understand better, hence why he says “your dads alive”, buck replies exactly and tommy gets an understanding buck doesn’t have a great relationship with his father (also I have to add buck sharing how he sees bobby as a father with tommy is a big deal esp considering the buck bobby scene last episode where bobby tells buck tommys good for him soooo)
- tommy then shares his OWN experience after that, bounces off of what buck says to add to the conversation and open up to his boyfriend about his own past so he can get to know him better too. it was a moment where they were both vulnerable (the Gerard mention in particular i 100% believe is to set up an arc with tommy in season 8)
Now at this point there isn’t a whole lot of time left in the scene like maybe 20-25 seconds? they can exactly like I said sit there and examine and analyze their childhoods and their fathers so the tone switches to a more light hearted vibe because it would be weird to end it on a heavy note AND simultaneously it gives us more insight into their relationship
- buck suggestively says the daddy issues line which again, how anyone interpreted that as him wanting to continue a serious discussion is beyond me when again, the scene has hardly any time remaining
- tommy picks up the vibe he’s putting down and tells him he doesn’t have them (he clearly does have daddy issues so again, we know this isn’t about the actual trauma but about sex and what they both like/dislike )
- buck once again responds suggestively with the “you think I do”
- and then tommy with his infamous “God I hope so” - leaving buck giddy and smiling because he got exactly what he wanted
tdlr; We got domestic bucktommy, tommy backstory, both of them being vulnerable with each other, Tommy recognising he was not a good person in the past under Gerard, a set up for a tommy storyline with Gerard in some way for seaosn 8, bucktommy flirting, bucktommy matching each others freak and both very much enjoying it, bucktommy showing they can read each others moods like??? all for his in a scene that was under a minute
that scene was such a masterclass of Show Don't Tell. they had 55 seconds to get across how they're doing and where they are in the relationship and they did it. we can see that they're comfortable with each other; that they're okay with opening up about vulnerable topics but haven't had in-depth conversations on some, like buck and his parents; we can even see some of how they communicate, with tommy relating to buck's admission with similar thoughts of his own father and father-figure (something we've seen tommy do before, and is a lovely subtle showing of his personality); and then we get confirmation that yes, these two have fucked already, and are clearly compatible in that department too.
plus another sprinkle of foreshadowing with gerrard.
in 55 seconds.
that is called economy of time/space/whatever the rule is i can't remember rn. the show doesn't always get it, but when they do it is golden
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crepezinhos · 2 days
3sum w/ kazuha and wanderer where kazuha has to constantly scold wanderer for degrading you😭
Fortune’s Fool
(REQUEST #2: Kazuha + Wanderer Smut)
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POV: The request ☝️
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— Somnophilia does NOT happen even if it might look like it.
— Reader uses SHE/HER pronouns.
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As a wanderer from Fontaine, you’ve made many friends and acquaintances throughout your life. In one of your many trips to Inazuma, you met this very talented wanderer and poet called Kaedehara Kazuha who gave you plenty inspiration and the vibe that you needed in your life. In one of your few trips to Sumeru, you met this other wanderer who called himself Wanderer for some reason and was very complex. He was rude, cold, sometimes mean and very proud of himself, but that didn’t make you unable to develop a friendship with him. After all, in Tevyat, one of the few global-wide traditions is that wanderers don’t attack other wanderers. After all, all wanderers aren’t common and all of them want the same thing, peace and pleasure. So, to make the tradition even better and realer, when there’s an encounter of wanderers, it’s common that they’ll celebrate it and use the opportunity to talk about their recent experiences around the world.
And that’s exactly what you’re doing right now in an isolated bar in Liyue. You had the great luck of spotting the one and only, Kaedehara Kazuha, meditating in a tall, yellow tree, a man popular around Tevyat for being the only human who managed to hold the Musou no Hitotachi alone.
“It was all thanks to my old friend’s vision. Otherwise, I don’t believe I would’ve done it.” He said, taking another sip of his wine.
“Still, that is one great story, Kazuha! It must’ve been a great source of inspiration to your Haikus.” You implied, genuinely impressed at his deed.
“Incredibly, it was not. The only thing I wrote related to that moment was about the fact that the second vision I had with me awakened although its owner has ceased years ago. I don’t want to sound weird but it felt like… his spirit did it. Like it has been watching me ever since my arrival…” Kazuha shared his thoughts, making you take a sip of your wine this time.
“No, no, I totally understand, I also believe that some souls have the strength to live even after the death of their body.” You reassured Kazuha.
But unfortunately, the conversation was cut off due to your attention being dragged by the sound of the bar’s doorbell, signing someone had entered the bar.
The first thing you noticed when you were turning around was the person’s very long hat. Then you realized the person��s short, dark purple hair and the white and blue pattern of their clothes.
It was the nameless Inazuman wanderer you met in Sumeru.
“Hey! Big hat guy!” You called him out, instantly dragging his eyes to you. “Come here!” You said, tapping in the chair right next to you.
He stared at you back for some seconds but didn’t reply, walking to the bar’s counter afterward like you weren’t there.
“Who is he?” Kazuha asked, taking a sip of his wine in a slight suspicion and making you pay attention to him again.
“He’s a wanderer from Inazuma.” You explained.
“Inazuma? That’s weird, he gives me chills even tho I’ve never seen him in my life.” Kazuha said, getting a little more suspicious.
“Yeah, because he lives in Sumeru! Don’t worry, Kazuha, he isn’t dangerous!” You defended Wanderer, turning to him again afterwards. “Hey, c’mon big hat guy!” You screamed but he ignored you again, not even staring at you this time.
“I believe he had a rough day, Y/N, let him go.” He suggested, tapping your resting hand in the table to bring your attention back to him again.
“Well then… where were we?” You asked, finally giving up and fully tuning your body back to Kazuha.
“We were talking about souls and spi—”
Your whole body flinched at hearing a sudden bang in the table coming right from your right side, almost making you jump off your seat unlike Kazuha who didn’t get scared at all. You immediately looked to your right and you met Wanderer and a fat wine cup in his hands.
“Why so scared?” He asked, sitting down at the chair you were previously tapping and staring at your scared face with a mocking smirk.
“To be fair, things get extra emotional for people when they’re drinking.” Kazuha answered for you, scolding Wanderer.
After all, even if Kazuha was also drinking, he had the vision of the bar’s entrance, which means that he witnessed Wanderer’s approach and that he could’ve warned you of it.
Your soul finally came back to your body.
“Yeah, that was super unnecessary!” You screamed.
“Don’t worry, it won’t happen again, I don’t want to drink a lot tonight.” He said, taking a sip of his drink.
“Me neither.” Kazuha said, taking a sip of his wine.
“I guess me neither too…” You said, still a little angry at Wanderer.
“And then he stared at it for like 10 seconds… hic, and still couldn’t realize Ms. Hina was a parody of himself!” Kazuha finished the story, making you both burst in laugh like hyenas, punching the table with your empty cups and fists.
You two were cackling like that for the unfunniest or most random things you could think of. Your belly was hurting so much from the excessive laughs that you decided to rest your head in the table, trying to curl your body and ease your pain. But then your nose begun to hurt from the friction of it against the table, so you turned your head to your right and noticed Wanderer caressing his forehead aggressively, like he was stressed at something.
“What’s wrong, hic, Hat Guy?” You asked, getting up again just to lay your head in his shoulder.
“I don’t feel so good…” He explained, ignoring your nosy head.
“Are you gonna to throw up?” Kazuha asked, also taking it in funny way like you.
“Maybe, if she keeps moving me around.” He said, trying to push you away from his shoulder without moving too much of his own body.
“Oh, c’mon, don’t be so negative..!” You said, throwing yourself again just to hug his two shoulders very tight.
“H-Hey!” He screamed, trying to get you off him in way more panic than before.
“Hey, Wanderer guy, you said you were a puppet, didn’t you?” Kazuha asked, ignoring the situation you were putting him in.
“Yes, I am!” He screamed again.
“Do you have a dick?” He asked, making you and Kazuha cackle like hyenas again.
“W-What?! Why the heck do you wanna know if I have one or not?!” He asked, absolutely mad at the both of you for laughing at such an intimate question.
“I’m just curious… what about drugs? Can you smoke weed as much as wish to?” He asked again, making you and him just giggle more.
Wanderer didn’t even bother answering and fought you off for some seconds, but out of nowhere, he stopped it all and begun staring at a wall, absolutely paralyzed in realization.
“Y/N, get off.” He demanded.
“I don’t really feel like getting—” You tried joking one more time.
“Y/N, I’m gonna throw up and I will not stop myself if I do it on you. ” He confessed, making you instantly weaken your grip in him.
“Are you o—” You tried asking but as soon as Wanderer felt his shoulders become free, he immediately jumped off his chair and ran towards the hall with the “Bathrooms” sign as fast as light. You decided to follow right afterwards even if you weren’t allowed to go into the man’s bathroom.
“Hey, guys, don’t leave me here!” Kazuha screamed, not getting up from his chair.
When you got inside the bathroom, you stopped to look for where he went and met his two feet standing in the farthest stall of bathroom. As soon as you noticed that, you ran towards his direction again and banged the stall’s door sometimes, trying to get in.
“Wanderer?! Are you ok in there?!” You asked, trying your best to hear him through the door but no sound was emitted rather than him breathing.
“I-I don’t know… I don’t know whether it wants to come out or not…” He answered with a whiny voice.
“I mean… you’re a puppet, I wouldn’t expect my body to react like a human’s if I was a puppet.” Kazuha showed up behind you out of nowhere, which made you jump in fear again and let go of the stall’s door.
“K-Kazuha?! Oh my god, don’t do that again!” You screamed at Kazuha angrily, looking back to meet him acting as calm as ever, unlike the situation.
But in that moment of distraction, the door opened, and there was Wanderer standing very embarrassed.
“I’m fine.” He said, pulling his hat down to cover his face.
“Oh, thank goodness..!” You said very cutely like you hadn’t just screamed at Kazuha and threw yourself at him again.
“H-Hey, don’t throw yourself at me, I’m still a little nauseous!” He complained, trying to push you away but suddenly, you felt Kazuha’s hands lay on your shoulders not so nicely.
“Party in the stall!” Kazuha screamed, pushing the both of you inside the stall, making you and Wanderer barely fall in the toilet if he hadn’t put his hands on the walls.
And meanwhile you and Wanderer got up, you heard a click from the door. As soon as you were finally standing up, you looked behind and noticed that Kazuha had locked the door with a silly smile in his cute face.
All that you remembered was Wanderer and Kazuha switching places because he wanted to get out, but both of you pulled him back in. Than you forgot what happened between Kazuha locking the door and the current moment, which made you just more and more confused, because you wanted to know how did you allow yourself to be sandwiched by both of them, making out with you. But it didn’t really matter anymore, they were too good for you to not pay attention in them. Kazuha was behind you now, kissing and sucking your neck as his hands slipped through your shirt and bra, squeezing your breasts gently. And Wanderer was in front of you now, smashing both your heads and lips together with one of his hands squeezing your hair, while his other hands slipped through your underwear and masturbated your clit using two of his cold fingers.
Your brain was barely functioning but you wouldn’t deny that what you were doing with those boys gave you a tremendous amount of pleasure. Two men willing to sacrifice the privacy and art of sex just because they couldn’t wait to fuck you.
Happens that your mouth was the best spot for you to breathe, which was currently being taken by Wanderer’s tongue. He was smirking, loving the power he had over you compared to Kazuha, playing with your clit in ways that made you flinch and screech in agony.
“A-Ah~! Wanderer, wai—!” You screamed when Wanderer suddenly inserted the same two fingers inside you with no kind of warning at all.
But Wanderer ignored you and instantly pulled your mouth back to his. The amount of shock and pleasure from it made your back arch, making it harder and harder for both men to adjust their positions.
“Fucking stand up, I’m not gonna hold you if you fall.” He demanded, stopping the kiss for a quick moment unlike his fingers.
“Hey… let’s be fair to Y/N and us… we’re standing up on a tight place..!” Kazuha scolded with a very gentle voice thanks to amount of alcohol he drunk.
Wanderer leaned up and stepped backwards a few times, letting his hands off you go as started to analyze the situation while licking off his soggy fingers.
“Hummm…” He thought for some seconds while Kazuha still played with your body. “Kazuha, hold her and sit down.” He demanded.
You couldn’t even tell if Kazuha understood how or why but he still obeyed. So he moved both his hands to your shoulders and sat down at the toilet, pulling you down too to sit on top of his lap.
“W-What are you going to do..?” You asked to Wanderer, using some of the energy you managed to regain in that small break.
“Sex!” Kazuha answered for Wanderer very happily, with a cutesy, smiley face.
Yeah, he had no remaining consciousness at all.
But your eyes were more focused on Wanderer slowly undoing his pants with a growing smirk in his face.
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Surprised at seeing a puppet with a dick?” He asked mockingly, stepping the closest he could to you, your mouths centimeters away from each other.
“So you do have a dick…” Kazuha commented.
“Shut up.” He demanded with an angry voice, looking at Kazuha in distraction before looking back at you with that mean smirk. “Come on, I know you want this… you just gotta say it! I know your brain is still working unlike his…” He provoked.
“Hey, I do have a brain..! Here~.” Kazuha defende himself, pulling you closer to him as he used his knees to spread your legs apart.
Wanderer’s grin widened as he admired the awkward position you were in, sitting on top of a man’s lap with your legs spread by his legs… and Wanderer knew that Kazuha would definitely use his hands during it.
“May I, Y/N?” He whispered in your ear very teasingly, making you throw your head aside in embarrassment.
And finally, you nodded weakly, allowing him to finally push all of him inside you. You were about to scream in shock, but Kazuha was quick to identify it and silenced your mouth using one of his hands.
“Shhhh… we don’t want no one to hear us, do we?” Kazuha whispered in your ear and Wanderer finally begun moving in and out of you after also having his moment of pleasure from entering inside you.
Your brain was only functioning to receive the pleasure that Wanderer gave you, even if he was barely starting, and grip on Kazuha’s arm covering your mouth for dear life. Alcohol really messes with the human mind… maybe you shouldn’t have drunk that much alcohol… or maybe you should’ve. Kazuha’s hands immediately begun roaming around your chest as soon as he saw you relax, trying his best to make you feel even more pleasure. He basically just copied what he was previously doing, but better, even if it was only with a single hand, pinching your nipples and touching spots he knew were sensitive and sucking your neck with his mouth passionately.
It was absolute ecstasy.
Wanderer wasn’t going fast yet, he was more focused on finding the perfect spot and angle to thrust you before driving you insane, but that was going to be very complicated in that place. So his hands were absolutely crushing your hips to keep you in that same rough spot at all costs. It was definitely going to mark them if he kept holding you like that for the rest of I.
“Fucking useless slut…” He let out his stress as he realized he wasn’t managing to perfect his thrusts the way he wanted to.
“Hey… let’s not make this even harder for her… she’s doing the best she could for a woman having sex with two men in a bathroom stall.” Kazuha scolded, stopping his massage in your neck for a brief moment.
“Correction, she’s being relentlessly bred like a dog and she loves it.” Wanderer mocked again, staring right at your teary eyes.
“A beautiful one…” Kazuha tried to make it sound like a compliment, kissing your cheek from behind cutely.
“You know that you and your little praises are not making her feel better than I, right? I can feel her pussy clenching when I degraded her~...” He teased, making you throw your head aside in embarrassment of being stared right on the eye by him while he fucked you with hunger.
But Kazuha only saw that as an opportunity to launch his head further in your neck.
“Well… I don’t think she’d show me her neck like this if I was so insignificant.” He mocked Wanderer, who just stared at him very violently.
In that moment of slight relaxation, you used one of your arms to reach Kazuha’s head and caress it to keep him stimulating you, making Wanderer’s ego slightly hurt.
But before you could have a minute of strength and consciousness, you suddenly felt Kazuha’s hand in your boob slkde all the way down to your belly, than your underwear, than your clit, scissoring it according to Wanderer’s thrusts. Or at least trying to…
You felt your entire body flinch and melt in Kazuha’s lap as every single part of your body that could possibly make you feel pleasure was being toyed. You couldn’t tell who was giving you more pleasure and that just made you get more and more lost in it meanwhile they got more and more competitive for dominance. Kazuha was absolutely making you agonize and flinch with his tortuous, little, teasing touches, and Wanderer was absolutely numbing your mind, trying his best to make sure that he was the main one there. He was the reason why Kazuha had to cover your mouth in the first place but you still clearly hear each slap of Wanderer’s skin against your hips and the puffy, soggy sounds coming out of your pussy.
“Fucking Christ… can you fucking take your dick off my way?!” Wanderer screamed at Kazuha, stopping his thrusts inside you for a moment and making Kazuha stop sucking your neck like a meal too.
You had noticed it ever since you sat on his lap but Kazuha was growing harder and harder with every second. His pants and your weight got in the way for most of the process but now you and Wanderer could clearly see and feel his tip beginning to rub and cover your pussy, which was what made Wanderer angry and stop.
“It’s not my fault I’m not the lucky one…” He defended himself with an embarrassed face.
Finally, you had a moment to breathe and process all the information while they discussed.
“I’m not gonna let you finish her off now that I already got inside her.” He assured, putting his hands on your hips again to make sure Kazuha wasn’t going to do anything to you.
“Well then, what will we do?” He asked, making Wanderer instantly create an idea.
You could see his eyelids popping up like the lightbulb on his brain has just been lit.
But Wanderer took advantage of your distraction and pulled you off Kazuha’s lap for a quick moment just to spin you around and push you back to him. The impact of it made your head fall very close to his clothed erection.
“Make the bitch suck you.” Wanderer ordered, gently squeezing your ass in anticipation.
“Hey, she’s not a bitch…” Kazuha scolded with his gentle voice, caressing your head gently.
“Of course she is! She’s such a horny and cock-hungry whore that’s she’s willing to take two at the same time… am I wrong, Y/N?” He mocked, leaning closer to you just to grip on your chin and force eye contact with you.
“I believe we are also sacrificing the sake of privacy and art of sex due to a snowballed lust, aren’t we? We are also pussy-hungry whores with sadistic kinks according to your logic, but I’d rather call this the peak of humanity.” Kazuha scolded artistically.
Even tho it was pretty much a huge turn-off to you and Wanderer…
“Can you just… shut the fuck up and let me fuck her?” He asked, still trying to understand what Kazuha said.
“Alright, whore… I promise it will be quick, Y/N.” Kazuha whispered in your ear, caressing your cheeks with a thumb and forcing eye contact as he undid his pants with his other hand.
And Wanderer finally begun thrusting you. Now that he had full control of your hips with no sort of intervention from Kazuha, he was absolutely destroying your few, remaining dignity.
Completely numbed and hypnotized by the Wanderer’s vicious thrusts, you shoved your warm, breathy mouth inside Kazuha’s cock with his hands’ assistance, sacrificing your best canal to breathe.
“Oh God…” Kazuha groaned, gently laying a hand on top of your head.
He was absolutely relaxed in his seat, letting you suck in your tortuous rhythm. The hand he laid on your head did nothing but caress it. He was so gentle he even praised you even if sometimes you couldn’t even find the strength to keep your head going up and down in his dick.
“You have no idea how good this is…” Kazuha complimented, looking at Wanderer.
“You’re just drunk, she’s barely moving her head… Plus, don’t compare a mouth to a fucking pussy, it’s definitely way better in here.” He mocked between slight hisses.
“No, no… she’s warming my cock passionately and I love it.” He defended you again, hugging your head with better strength to assure you.
“Well then… you’re losing the fun.” He finished, and you suddenly felt a hard slap hit one of your buttocks, making you arch your back and separate your mouth to Kazuha’s cock in shock of it.
Kazuha held your face in place, worried about how you felt, but all you did was moan like crazy to Wanderer’s domination in you.
“See? She loves it! Who would’ve guessed that the Great Swordswoman from Fontaine was a hidden masochist?!” Wanderer mocked, squeezing and caressing the same ass cheek he slapped.
“You should not mock people for a kink you’d rather have than not have in sex… after all, not many women like sadistic guys.” Kazuha scolded again, leaning closer to your head to whisper something in your ear. “Don’t listen to him, Y/N… you’re doing amazing… but I really need you to suck me…” He asked, gently pushing your head back to his cock after you nodded in allowance.
As long as Wanderer’s unstoppable sadistic streak was turning you on more and more, Kazuha’s praises contrasting Wanderer’s degradations was absolute music to your ears. You could feel yourself getting tighter and tighter, closer and closer to climax whenever anything related to you came out their mouths, creating a paradox of having your dignity destroyed and recovered over and over again.
“I’m going to take her to a hotel and take care of her, go home.” You could hear Wanderer’s voice speaking above of you.
You don’t know where you are, nor what time it is, but you could feel your body being held by something in the air.
“Can I take her or come with you? I really want to spend more time with her…” You heard Kazuha’s voice slightly echoing in your ears, but you couldn’t see him.
He still sounded drunk. He actually sounded even more drunk.
“Fuck no, you can barely stand up and I don’t want another man sleeping on my bed! Especially one that I don’t know!” Wanderer screamed.
Did you really pass out?
“I mean… you’ve seen my dick and I’ve seen yours too! There isn’t anything to hide anymore!” He said, as excited as a kid.
Kazuha was really another man when he was drunk, wasn’t he?
“Of course there is! And, it’s her decision rather she wants to see us again or not. We literally just fucked her brains out in a bathroom stall, I would never want to see us again if I was her.”
And maybe he’s right.
“Oh-ho? Now you’re being protective of her? You’re the reason why she’s asleep in the first place!” Kazuha mocked.
Is he? You still have a slight fragment of the memory of the orgasm Wanderer brought you to have… right before your eyes closed and your head bonked in Kazuha’s lap.
“Shut up!” He demanded, pulling his hat down to cover his face but that just helped you to see him better, his cheeks were going pink.
After all, he was carrying you in his arms.
“Go, take her home. I’ll clean up the mess we made.” Kazuha said to Wanderer, and he finally started started walking with you in his arms.
What the fuck did just happen?
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7ndipity · 12 hours
Things That Remind Them Of You
Ot7 x Reader
Summary: The things that remind the members of you while on tour and make them call you up to tell you about it.
Warnings: none
A/N: Thanks to the lovely anon for this request! I hope you like it!
Jin: A little cliche for him, but food. He’s always wishing he could take you to the different restaurants he gets to visit while traveling. Another is whenever he catches the scent of something that reminds him of your perfume. One whiff and he’s suddenly aware how long it’s been since he last spoke to you, whether it’s been five hours or five minutes, he doesn’t care, he has to hear your voice again.
Yoongi: For Yoongi, what reminds him of you is almost always music. Your favorite song, a song you hate, the song you once sang so badly at karaoke that he cried laughing, even songs that don’t seem to have any connection to you but just give the right vibe, each one has him reaching for his phone. You like to tease him that every song seems to remind him of you, and he chooses not to admit you’re right.
Hobi: It’s the taste of his morning coffee. He’s so used to hearing your voice first thing in the morning, still slightly groggy from sleep, sharing your plans for the day with him over your drinks of choice. He has to call you, he has to share at least this little bit of his day with you, otherwise everything just feels off for the rest of the day, like he’s missing something.
Namjoon: Similar to Yoongi, Joons’ world is so immersed in music, so he tends to find himself calling you after shows or rehearsals, when his mind starts flicking through memories connected to certain songs. Some of them are heavier, others make him smile in spite of himself, like the one he wrote after your first night together when he realized you were the one.
Jimin: It’s not necessarily something specific that reminds him of you, but more so certain times when it’s quiet, his mind immediately goes to you. Peace reminds him of you, of the sleepy late night conversations before you both fall asleep. He finds himself calling you in those moments to hear your voice, otherwise the quiet just feels wrong.
Taehyung: It’s whenever he sees other couples, especially when he’s out sightseeing. He always wishes that you could be with him while he’s away on tour, but seeing other couples sharing special moments together makes him realize just how much he misses you all over again. He calls you up immediately, telling you all about what he’s up to and asking your thoughts on it, making it feel more like you’re there with him.
Jungkook: For Jungkook, it’s the most random things. One of the members did something funny? He has to text you about it immediately. He saw a cute dog while out to lunch? He’s sending you a pic. At the end of the day, he still tells you about these things all over again when he calls before bed, but you don’t mind. Sharing the little highlights of each other's days makes the distance between you feel the littlest bit smaller.
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @dfqcsqueen @mother2monsters @comingupwithacoolnameishard @universal-travel-er @bo0o0o0ooo @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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Do you have any headcannons for the paradise lost gang? I'm dying for more of my healers.
Paradise Lost is my favorite set of character, of course I have hcs about them. My beloved disfunctional sitcom family that's somehow a hospital <3
Paradise Lost hcs
Everyone in Paradise Lost is on something. There's no way Morax can be so chill without some weed in his system
The only Paradise Lost citizen that graduated high-school was Bathin and he left
Lucifer was born in his 30s, he was born with a doctorate in every major
Becoming a citizen in Paradise Lost is almost impossible. Both Lucifer and Gamigin need to give you a vibe check and you have to learn healing magic.
Since Paradise Lost was founded after Lilith's disapearance, there are no native Paradise Lost citizens, the closest being Gamigin and Jjok
During Sundays where nobody in Paradise Lost works, each of the nobles has to come up with a fun family activity.
Be it board-games, movie marathons, walks through the forest, anything, they have to all do it together during Sunday
Lucifer has a picture of God or Jesus in every room of his castle because he is a true Orthodox Christian
Even though Lucifer has his own room in his own castle, he preferes sleeping in Gamigin's bed with him. He likes cuddling with the young dragon
Marbas is allowed untied whenever he's not dealing with patients, but he sometimes keeps the restraints on even when he's off duty
Lucifer sees everyone else as being beneath him, but he cares for them like they were children or pets
Lucifer never goes to meetings with the other kings because he doesn't like how often they happen and how little is actually done with them.
Morax has a facebook account where he posts low quality edits of him and the other people in Paradise Lost. They always get one like and it's from Lucifer.
Marbas has a brick phone because it's the only one he can't break with his bare hands. He sometimes calls his 'friends' from other regions with it, but he has no phone attiquit. He would call someone and just ask them for stuff with no hello, no small talk, no nothing
Buer is the best with phones in the whole country. He also didn't pass 5th grade tech lessons about how to make a folder on Windows. He has what used to be the latest phone model when he left Tartaros, but he only uses it to call patients.
Gamigin doesn't have a phone and Lucifer prohibited him from touching the internet. But Lucifer does give Gamigin his phone to play on during breaks or stuff
Lucifer has a fancy phone that he only uses to like Morax's posts on facebook and ignore the mail the kings give him
Depending on the type of meeting and the availability of his staff he will either take Gamigin or Morax with him during diplomatic travels.
He takes Gamigin most of the time, but if the subject is mainly about the atrocities of war he brings Morax. Morax is an airhead with no self preservation, he's used to seing people dying left and right in gruesome manners, but Lucifer would prefere to protect Gamigin from the sort of trauma
Everyone in Paradise Lost is devoted to Lucifer, but Gamigin fluctuates between "wow, he's so cool, I need to impress him" and "my king can beat your king in a fist fight"
Gamigin's also the noble that Lucifer spoils the most. He lets Gamigin do basicly what he wants around the country and he even lets him touch his angelic body.
Whenever there's a long ride from Paradise Lost to a different country, Lucifer sits Gamigin on his lap and let's him sleep there. If anyone speaks louder than a whisper, Lucifer will glare them down.
Gamigin is the favorite kid and by a lot
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It's bordering on platonic yandere, but we'll keep it light for this post (unless you want some darker stuff, feel free to ask 👀)
I've said this before and I'll say it again: there is no official uniform in Paradise Lost, Marbas just hates Buer in particular (and he wants to rip the clothes off him)
Lucifer has a photo album of all the memories he had with his brothers. There are some photos with Gabriel, Michael and Raphael in there as well
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nighttimeclassics · 2 days
so im just thinking about the Orpheus and Eurydice metaphor in Dead Boy Detectives again...
so i really cant get over the symbolism in the show's comparison between Edwin and Charles and Orpheus and Eurydice. I'm sure someone else more succinct than me has already talked about it but man i just have to because as a classicist it has been consuming my brain since it happened... this is going to be a shitty ramble, but we vibe
so in the show, it is Edwin who first realises his feelings for Charles, and is the first to to truthful about them. Given that, in most translations of the tale of Orpheus and Eurydice, Orpheus' devotion to his wife is seen as the "stronger love" between the pair. highlighted in later adaptations such as Hadestown, as Eurydice makes the active choice to go to the underworld and leave her husband rather than their wedding being overshadowed by issues "worse than any omens". therefore, Edwin could initially be seen as the Orpheus parallel. particularly when you consider that Edwin 'guided Charles from the darkness' when he was dying of hypothermia with the lantern
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however, unsurprisingly, given that is it Edwin who escaped from Hell, and is returned to it, Charles appears as the Orpheus parallel, with Edwin being his Eurydice. this is obviously then made super explicit in the show with it being Charles rescuing/ leading Edwin out of Hell. but even then it is not that simple
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In Ovid's Metamorphoses, when pleading with Hades and Persephone, Orpheus states "my wife is the cause of my journey. A viper [...] robbed her of her best years. I longed to be able to accept it, and I do not say I have not tried: Love won." and obviously at the core of both of these relationships, is a deep deep love between them, regardless of how that manifests. Something i think is a massive parallel that i haven't seen anyone talk about yet is the willingness to remain in the Underworld/Hell for their respective partners.
going back to Metamorphoses, when Orpheus is requesting Eurydice's return to the mortal world, he gives Hades and Persephone an alternative solution of sorts. he says "if the fates refuse my wife this kindness [of returning to life], I am determined not to return {to the mortal realm]: you can delight in both our deaths." now is this not effectively the same thing Charles says to the Night Nurse when bargaining with her to open a door to Hell??? Charles says "then open up a door and I'll go get him, then we're stuck in Hell and you know where we are, or, I bring him back and we're all yours. It's a win-win." tell me that these aren't the same. you cant.
But i do think the most interesting parallel is when Charles and Edwin are running up the spiral staircase. i am not mentioning the times when escaping Hell, Edwin overtook Charles running, because let's be honest, we all know he is the faster sprinter of the two given the 70 years he spent practising. so I am disregarding that. but what I do find fascinating is this - and why I said it was more complicated earlier; in the metamorphoses Orpheus is obviously given the stipulation that he must not look at Eurydice when guiding her out of the underworld, or the agreement "would be null and void". and its here that we see another reversal. during the majority of the run up the staircase, Charles is behind Edwin, because like we have established, he's speedy. but in this key moment, Charles takes the lead in their escape, walking in front of Edwin whilst making it clear that they need to keep moving. just like in the tale, Charles, fulfilling Orpheus' role, "Afraid [they] was no longer there, and eager to see [them], the lover turned his eyes", turns to look back at Edwin, delivering the ridiculously romantic, 'sorry, no version of this where I didn't come get you is there?'. however, after this he refocuses on continuing up the staircase, which is where Edwin steps in:
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as you can see in the gif, currently, Edwin is in, what I'm going to call the 'Eurydice position', following the lover out of the afterlife. and it is Edwin, as Eurydice, who basically chooses to condemn himself to the underworld/ hell, allowing the demon to catch up with them just to 'see [his] lover' and ensure Charles knows that '[he] had been loved'. t
im just going to put the section where Orpheus looks back at Eurydice in here because I think its all relevant:
"Afraid she was no longer there, and eager to see her, the lover turned his eyes. In an instant she dropped back, and he, unhappy man, stretching out his arms to hold her and be held, clutched at nothing but the receding air. Dying a second time, now, there was no complaint to her husband (what, then, could she complain of, except that she had been loved?). She spoke a last ‘farewell’ that, now, scarcely reached his ears, and turned again towards that same place"
by forcing Charles to turn around and face him, Edwin is fulfilling the roles of both Eurydice and Orpheus. in this instance, he is the one 'stretching out his arms' to hold Charles, but he is also the one that could be sent/ dragged back to the afterlife for this, but he just had to make sure Charles was aware of his feelings for him, to know that he was 'loved'. and I think Edwin was potentially prepared to return to the Doll House, or at least believed he would be able to find it more bearable knowing that he had been able to bear his soul to Charles, eve if that meant Charles couldn't come back again and try to rescue him for a second time, which Orpheus tried to do in the Metamorphoses, "Orpheus wished and prayed, in vain, to cross the Styx again, but the ferryman fended him off" and I feel like we all know Charles would have also kept trying if he lost Edwin again.
i guess, what im trying to say, in the most long-winded way, is that Charles and Edwin don't fill binary roles of one of them being Orpheus and the other being Eurydice, they are both of those things to one another throughout the show and I think that's really beautiful and I have to give massive credit to whoever did episode seven because I really feel like they did their homework. even after all the ramble I have written I still feel like I haven't fully made the point I was trying to make, but I definitely got some of the way there I think
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