#but work and shit has me s t r a p ed for t i m e
just-a-mod · 2 years
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can't believe im being slandered like this in my own ask box
from a meme i reblogged
how dare /in humor
@sparklehoard @xhrystal-vampire
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Lmao np <33 I always enjoy drawing Yandere's as pathetic lil meow meows hehe (funfact: I actually drew Rory first but after I finished his lineart I was like, wait shit I don't have a full color reference- and then I hyperfocused on drawing jay instead lol)
Also, you 🤝 me: jayce + jack o' lanterns = stonks ✅ ✅ ✅
Also also, ngl if Darling were self-aware she'd def hate me, because I always try to speedrun the Bad ending first lmaooo
Also^3, every time I hear baggy pants, I can't help but remember the boys I went to school with a few years ago, who wore the most ugly, most a t r o c i o u s pairs of baggy pants I have ever seen 💀💀
For Reference: https://imgur.com/a/fZsHsF7
This is what I'm talking about^^ like pls,, just sTO P-
About the blue reference, the paragraph I meant was the one about how I only liked EJ so much because of his BLUE mask 😔 young me truly set the bar too low (maybe it's because of him that I'm attracted to most fictional mad scientists/doctors with no morals now, damn this bastard 😒)
Oh, and the OG mikey myers Movie is the 1978 one! ^^
And finally about the Christian Gang /hj (every holiday Yandere of yours has/used to have strong Christian influences but these three are still considered extra Christian to me so I'm just gonna start calling em that lolololol)
Gonna be honest, when you revealed that one of them was gonna be Christmas, I immediately headcanoned him as just some guy in Christmas elf costume- thank god that's not the case though (I say, even though I know damn well that I'm still gonna draw him in that costume the nanosecond you drop a ref for him, because he's a lil skrimblo who needs to get a reality check via me shitposting him into humility)
Also ofc the twins are ginger 😒🙄 /derogatory /j okay but fr, whenever I see a fictional ginger online I'm like ....Ed Sheeran??? 😱😱 (coughcoughchildecough)
-Ren'py anon
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He only wears shades outside lol
Eh, I mean, its always fun to get the bad ending first though. Just to see then get all angry and violent 😍 good shit tbh
MC would def hate you, but I feel like it would take a bit to get the bad bad ending yk? I don't have the obvious, good/neutral/bad choices most of the time (although there are some choices that will obviously lead to negative consequences lol)
Though they can look good if done right, those boys at school were definitely not doing it right 💀
Now I understand the blue reference! Ugh how did I MISS IT SO BAD 😭 gosh you were going crazy abt him and the color blueeeeee
I understand how that all kick started ur obsession with fucked up men. We are one in the same 😎
Hehehe thank you for the confirmation! I will be watching Myers stand there menacingly as I look up fics of him 😍
It's so funny that you call them the Christan gang, but it's not gonna have all the significant original values and whatnot. It's just a global holiday thingy that everybody does regardless of religious background (Though I'm glad you still see their origins and acknowledge their important purpose to many other people!)
It would be very funny to see him as an elf that works at the mall as a side 😇 He needs it anyway
Typical gingers 🙄 so sensitive dude
Childe is one of the only gingers I can tolerate. If these two didnt have a life and played Genshin, they would favor Childe so much.
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
BNHA AU Ideas: True Might
Also on AO3! 
TL;DR:  Powers don't make the hero - passion does. Luckily for Izuku and Toshinori, this is something the quirkless have in droves.
AKA: All Might is a quirkless vigilante, One for All isn't a quirk that exists and 1A gets a whole 3-week buffer before villain's start kicking their face in as opposed to the 3 days of canon.
Basically: Quirkless!Vigilante!All Might and Quirkless!Successor!(gen ed) UA Student!Midoriya. It’s a riot.
Yagi is stupid strong, his only form in this AU is basically Muscle Form from canon, but he’s a little less ridiculously cut. Not quite chubby, but huggable. This is mostly because he A, isn’t a celebrity that needs to have a marketable image and B, he really likes carbs.
He’s not exactly a vigilante by choice, in his day and age quirkless kids weren’t permitted to apply to UA, either gen ed or heroics. When Nezu got the job, that all changed, but it was a solid decade too late for Yagi.
He’s admittedly a little bitter about it, but he refuses to do anything but his best. He might be a little snippier with Pros than he really needs to be but oh well.
Katsuki and Izuku are utterly enamoured with this crazy vigilante that just doesn’t lose, refuses to back down from a fight even when he’s outmatched, and somehow coming out victorious anyway, rescuing everyone. They have a tense relationship, but often find time to get together and just ramble about how cool All Might is, share theories and dissect his fights. It’s not uncommon for Katsuki to have been hurling abuse at Izuku during class, only to show up at his house after school with a backpack full of snacks and a notebook full of questions.
Izuku knows most of what Katsuki does is to keep his status in the school. If he showed pity to a dumb quirkless runt he’d be painted with the same brush. This doesn’t make what Katsuki has done right! Only Izuku doesn’t blame him because he’s way too forgiving.
Izuku is the smartest person Katsuki knows and vice versa – they are each other’s measuring stick. Katsuki shows Izuku bravery, Izuku shows Katsuki determination.
Episode 1 goes as it does but you see a real flash of regret when Katsuki tells Izuku to jump off a roof because they are kinda-sorta friends. Izuku looks so betrayed. We meet the slime villain like before, All Might saves Izuku and 100% doesn’t expect the kid to fanboy about him and ask for two autographs – one made out to a “Kacchan”.
“Can someone quirkless be a hero?” “The whole world will be against you. Most places won't even give you a shot – no matter how good you are. You’re better off picking something else.”
Izuku is crushed but he does understand. All Might leaves and Izuku trails off kinda hopelessly. He follows the sounds of explosions without meaning to.
It’s Katsuki! He’s dying! Like usual at this point lmao. Izuku rushes in much like canon, All Might shows up, pulls Katsuki free and slams a dumpster on the slime villains head before making a speedy getaway. The police rip into Izuku but Katsuki actually defends him. “You were doing fuck all while I fucking died – don’t knock the only asshole who tried.” Izuku quietly slips him the autograph before running off the scene. Katsuki cries because Izuku got that for him even after he was such a fucking bastard that day? He can’t bring himself to be a dick to Izuku again, even only for show.
All Might finds Izuku and he's like “Sorry I was an ass I was being a dick because I had low self-esteem – I’m quirkless. If you’ll have me I’ll make you into the best hero the world had ever seen
Izuku, obviously, says yes please!
Also, hypermobile Izuku with joint braces as support gear because just let me project please my arms are killing me ( I wrote this a while ago and yes. My arms are still killing me - yes even now). He gets them after All Might sees him miss a dodge because his ankles rolled beneath him. They support his joints beyond the normal range of strength, letting him do some crazy pivots and handsprings, making it easy to support all his weight on a single-arm with very little strain. They can also lock in place, lessening muscle fatigue if he needs to hold onto something for ages and preventing injury if he’s pushing against something. Produced by David and Melissa Shield and imported through Nighteye Heroics.
Is support gear illegal for civilians to own? Yes! But medical equipment isn’t so if you can just convince people its medical not support you can get away with a lot.
Yagi has no weapons himself, other than the random shit he picks up and swings at people, and has little support gear other than a communicator, panic button, and a whole lot of zip-ties.
Izuku should probably have weapons but I’m struggling to think of anything other than war fans because how cool would that look? Because Shonen they would also have the ability to create powerful downdrafts that would give a boost to a jump or dodge.
Probably doesn’t get them until later and needs to train with them.
In this AU, One for All isn’t a quirk. Rather, it’s a role, passed from quirkless person to quirkless person, the only people who can’t be hard countered by All for One. They tend to be vigilantes, crime lords or hero managers, doing their part to foil as much of All for One’s plans as they can, through whatever means necessary.
It’s a role with a pretty high fatality rate.
No one knows All Might is quirkless other than those close to him, they instead think he has a strength quirk. He’s the most prolific vigilante in Japan and is almost as much of a household name as canon All Might. More divisive though, with most people decrying his vigilante status when he could ‘easily make a respectable hero’. He’s also pretty brutal with his takedowns of some villains, leading a lot of people to call him an unregulated brute. Still more call him a villain which, legally he would be - were he using a quirk.
Nighteye is his contact in the heroics industry, gives him loads of inside info that’s typically not something he should be passing on. He’s still close with David Shield. Nighteye imports any costume parts he needs from David and leaves them at various pickup points for Yagi.
He went to college with David in America after Nana died; America having a quirk blind admission process helped - but he’d have gotten shit talked a lot if people didn’t just assume he had a strength quirk. Dude was and is crazy big.
David was one of the only people that knew he was quirkless
OH FOR FUN; Nighteye was also going to this American college and that’s where he met All Might. The three of them became the world’s strangest group of friends and may have lowkey done some slightly illegal vigilante work around the campus and surrounding town. They had a reputation for getting no sleep ever and being the most mismatched set of people
Secretly Smart Jock, Business Man with a Touch of E-boy, Science Hipster. They all tumbled into class together with varying levels of alive-ness. Nighteye and David were very much not morning people.
UA! It’s a ride. Izuku fails the practical but he’s not shocked – he was prepared for this.
He actually got like 30 hero points? But they refused to admit him on hero points alone due to his ‘deficiencies’. They don’t exactly tell Izuku this but Aizawa was there and he was furious.
Gets into 1C with Shinsou, Shinsou fuckin hates him on sight for reasons best known to him (It’s bc he was so god damned cheerful he just – assumed Izuku had a quirk. I love Shinsou but he’s more than a little judgemental). Izuku is like smiling through the pain because he just wanted to make a friend his age – Katsuki barely counts.
He sits with him at lunch and makes friends-ish with the hero kids who dragged Katsuki along, meets Ochaco again. She’s upset he didn’t get in – especially after he tells her he apparently got 30 points. The whole table gets mad on his behalf and hes embarrassed and happy.
Like day 2 he’s leaving gym and someone is like “Oh LMAO it’s Deku – he was in the year below me at Aldera. Only fuckin quirkless kid in the whole school; can’t believe he got into UA.” He turns to Izuku. “Who’s dick did you suck to get in you - ?” And Shinsou just decks him. He grabs Izuku – who is super confused fyi – and s p r i n t s. They have to stop after a while because hes having a panic attack and Shinsou doesn’t know what the fuck to do and he’s mad and upset and the sunshine boy is sobbing –
Aizawa shows up, having seen the (end of the) altercation and is ready to expel some gen ed kids he can’t legally expel – until he sees the two kids from the entrance exam he was interested in – including the quirkless kid who should have gotten in. Well he’s much more willing to hear them out.
100% requests expulsion on those 2 2E kids because that’s Discrimination and they should know better as second years. Nezu grants it because those 2 were di ck s
No USJ because no All Might – stuff like that will come,,, later : )
Sports Fest! Izuku and Shinsou kick ass, Aizawa is Watching. All Might may have gotten in as a crowd member with Nighteye and a visiting David and Melissa and they are cheering on their sun son. Also, Nighteye is going to go cheer on Mirio so he just got a pass to attend all 3 days of the sports festival. He’s just buying snacks on the second day because he’s never talked to one of the second years in his life.
Shinsou and Izuku make it to the tournament. Izuku has been training pretty seriously with All Might for a while now and hes a very good fighty boy. Makes it to the 3rd round of the tournament where he loses to Iida. Shinsou makes it second where he loses to Katsuki. Izuku is like “Iida might you be Ingenium’s brother or something?” “Yes, I am!” “OH MY GOD I LOVE INGENIUM ISN’T HE THE COOLEST” “YES MY BROTHER IS AMAZING” Shinsou is just watching while faintly amused.
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incarnateirony · 5 years
My frustration with fandom never really ends. SPN is now more alchemical in it’s structure than Full Metal Alchemist, but because it’s not literally titled that or ELI5′ed to the crowd as specifically that, while even using direct quotes from major books in the study, people handwave it away *still*, to this *day*, or act like they’re being giving saying “I guess they might nod to it sometimes”. S 4-5 wasn't titled Full Emo Christian but everyone figured it out. That’s about the equivalent of saying S4-5 “nodded to the bible sometimes”. Honestly worse. Back then it wasn’t related bible verse titles or full cinematic color work and framing and yet here I am, hearing people say things like “I mean I guess if we got there,” like no, guys, we’re already there, we’ve been there for years. That’s like being halfway through S5 and acting generous saying “I mean I guess if they started using the bible I could see it happening” like guys-- guys-- GUYS.
It’s one thing to not UNDERSTAND it all because it’s so niche. That’s what asking questions and study and meta is for. It’s another to just keep walling it off and refusing to even think of it. Hell even if you don’t want to engage the alchemical stuff consciously, even that’s fine, but the passive aggression of dismissal is e x h a u s t i n g
I’ve even been called dogmatic for pointing this out. So in season 4-5, if literally nobody knew what Christianity was except you because IDK, AU where everybody’s been gargling Zeus for thousands of years instead, the One Random Person  -- you knew about all the related biblical, apocryphal and other texts and kept trying to point out the Whore of Babylon, and angels, and seals, and Lucifer, and revelations, and orders of operations in the text -- and people kept going “MEH SEEMS FAKE” without actually trying to get it how fucking absurd would it seem? Or when someone goes “NO” and throws down their collective textbooks about literally everything happening in the show, and you sit here literally trying to explain why the show is working the way it is and how the Book of Revelations is applicable -- is that dogmatic, or simply aware and studied in a topic? 
I mean, someone could say angels are a totally made up thing for TV and had no foundation, or someone can explain to the reader where these things come from. Now, if the person does not get knocked off their viewpoint, because they can point out all the bible verses quoted or story-enacted, and point out that it is literally the plot, are they being dogmatic or are they just being based about wtf the story is using as its inspiration/playbook?
I really don’t know where I’m going with this post beyond venting, because I’m exhausted of enduring microaggressions over this kind of thing just because people don’t WANT to-- I dunno. It varies person to person. Conflicts with what they want out of the show? Just don’t understand it and have zero reason to pursue it? Hell the latter is fine unless you turn around and slap at someone over it. 
The question is, is it truly dogmatic to just get outright annoyed at the passive aggressive mentality and deletion of alternative traditions per convenience when you literally won’t get budged off of the source text, or is this something fandom really needs to think about a little more? There’s people to defend others for their queer lens, their poc lens, their gender lens, whatever. Imagine if you had not a single soul defending you for, say, seeing Destiel, even, to make it simple for the average reader. No queer lens defense. “But it’s queer stuff not religion!” and yeah. And some of us have followed paths of whatever sort before we even admitted to ourselves we were queer and the stuff is JUST as attached to your mental lens and identity as anything else. Come on y’all. Be more mindful, and more open. You don’t have to pursue a path but it’d be great if I could stop leaving group chats because I’m tired of getting slapped at and diminished because it’s not the one Western Approved Religion being used, and instead I’m enjoying thoughtful use of a niche philosophy I’ve spent my life on. 
Don’t understand it? Cool, fine, awesome. Nobody’s saying you have to. Shit on it because you don’t want to understand it, or act generous in denial of dismissing the core elements entirely but going like “if it happened”, miss me with that. Again, to put this in public perception, what about people going “I don’t see anything at all whatsoever with Dean and Cas being a unit but I guess if they went there it’d be fine” here in season fucking 15. And there being. ZERO PEOPLE. ZERO SAFE SPACES. Where you can avoid being slapped at, and then, IDK, get accused of Gay Agenda when you’re pointing out “But 15.03 and 15.09 and like the entire history since S9???” -- seems pretty stupid, doesn’t it. If not outright assholish, even if it’s not consciously being an asshole.
Every time you hear that shit about Destiel you get annoyed, right? You probably hear it about once a month or every few months? Try like, almost daily on something else important to you, with zero defenders, zero safe spaces, and zero thought about why you’re investing yourself in something impacting and deeply seated in you. There is no hermeticist group chat. There’s in fact three hermetic and hermetic-adjacent people to hide in our corner together trying to enjoy this. Four if you count the one approaching it from an angle of academia which, not to be offensive, but from the inside over here I can see all of the weirdly angled trajectories that don’t actually sit right in the usage of it but bless them for trying. The difference between knowledge and understanding, if you will. Five if you count my Jewish friend that intrinsically understands about half of what I talk about because of the overlap with Qabbalah. That’s it. That’s what we have. And I don’t think people really understand how toxic and destructive to enjoyment it is to catch it from everywhere.
Like has it occurred to the “MEH”ers that I literally built an entire spec series based on this structural theology use in plot last year that not only came true, but continues to, to the point I’m now remastering the videos with new content to make new spec moving forward, or--
Like c’mon y’all. I’m not a magic 8ball, I just know the goddamn source text for reasons that would be REALLY great if people stop using passive aggressive language to dismiss. Engage it, don’t engage it; understand it, don’t understand it. That’s fine. It’s the slapback and phrasing of rejection that’s the issue I deal with often.
I’m now at a point where I’m hanging in Daf Yomi servers and niche holes in the wall in fandom just to avoid this shit and it’s just P E R S I S T E N T.
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theyaskedmeto · 4 years
i was tagged by @klainetrashnumberone (thank you!!!)
rules : spell your url with song titles and tag 10 people.
Tomorrow never came by lana del rey
Happy by pharrel williams
Everyday from hsm 2 (i fucking LOVE high school musical)
Yayo by lana del rey
Apricot princess by rex orange county
Somewhere only we know from glee bc i can’t remember who its actually by
Kiwi by harry styles
Everything has changed by taylor swift and ed sheeran
Daydream believer from glee :,(( this makes me cry because klaine’s last song
Me by taylor swift
Ever since new york by harry styles
Television/so far so good by rex orange county
Only angel by harry styles
(i have discovered that literally no pop songs begin with e the FUCK)
quarantine asks
where are you isolated ??
at home with my family :)
what are you currently reading or watching ??
reading - ATOG by rainjoy, and kind of reading love, secret santa by S.A domingo but not really bc its a real book and i’m addicted to reading fanfics oops
watching - glee (even though its finished i’ll always go back to it), rewatching arrested development, started briefly watching never have i ever but need to finish it tbh
if you can go outside, what do you like to do during this time ??
honestly??? the same thing LMAO... or going to the cinema... i miss the cinema so much tbh (that sounds like a gcse languages exam lmao but honestly i’m a more introverted person) 
any fascinating concept you’re studying ??
fucking... working out how to conjure up the motivation to go on a walk????? or actually do any for a levels????? studying the best way to sit on my bed for hours??? bitch i am literally doing n o t h i n g... although i did make cake pops a few days ago and they were sexy,,,, also writing oneshots lmao i guess that’s educational... kinda????? 
what kind of acts of creativity / forms of art are you currently doing ??
1. baking a shit tone of cake (ngl i’m pretty good at cake decorating not to blow my own trumpet)
2. writing fics (and then trying to cover the fact i’m actually doing work instead of writing klaine fanfiction) 
3. i painted...once during this lockdown
4. sitting on my bed and reading fics... this is actually good though i guess?
5. singing DROMP like rachel berry (and failing... i mean i can sing but not like that LOL)
a song that resonates with your state of mind at the moment ??
fine line by harry styles
favourite impulsive / “bad” coping techniques ??
reading fluffy klaine oneshots instead of doing work so i can live vicariously through a fake couple’s love life, eating a shit ton of crisps, making milkshakes
favourite healthy / “good” coping techniques ??
hanging out with my cat zeppelin, reading fics as well (i mean its bad but its also good amirite), baking more cake
rules: bold everything that applies to you & tag some people you’d like to get to know better.
I’m over 5′5″. I wear glasses / contacts. I have blonde hair. I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing. I have one or more piercings I have at least one tattoo. I have blue / green eyes. I have dyed or highlighted my hair. I have gotten plastic surgery. I have or had braces. I sunburn easily. I have freckles. I paint my nails. I typically wear makeup. I don’t often smile(not in public places). I am pleased with how I look. I prefer nike to adidas. I wear baseball hats backwards.
I play a sport. I can play an instrument. I am artistic. I know more than one language. I have won a trophy in some sort of competition. I can cook or bake without a recipe. I know how to swim. I enjoy writing. I can do origami. I prefer movies to tv shows. I can execute a perfect somersault. I enjoy singing. I could survive in the wild on my own. I have read a new book series this year. I enjoy spending time with friends. I travel during school or work breaks. I can do a handstand.
I am in a relationship. I have been single for over a year. I have a crush. I have a best friend I have known for ten years. my parents are together. I have dated my best friend. I am adopted. my crush has confessed to me. I have a long distance relationship. I am an only child. I give advice to my friends. I have made an online friend. I met up with someone I have met online
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell. I have watched the sunrise. I enjoy rainy days. I have slept under the stars. I meditate outside. the sound of chirping calms me. I enjoy the smell of the beach. I know what snow tastes like. I listen to music to fall asleep. I enjoy thunderstorms. I enjoy cloud watching. I have attended a bonfire. I pay close attention to colors. I find mystery in the ocean. I enjoy hiking on nature paths. autumn is my favorite season. (oh damn i am SO aesthetic)
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle. I am the mom friend. I live by a certain quote. I like the smell of sharpies. I am involved in extracurricular activities. I enjoy mexican food. I can drive a stick-shift. I believe in true love. I make up scenarios to fall asleep. I sing in the shower. I wish I lived in a video game. I have a canopy above my bed. I am multiracial. I am a redhead. I own at least three dogs.
tags: (sorry if you’ve already done this!!) @blurglesmurfklaine @dreamlandhummel @klaineownsmysoul @yas5416 @bowie-boy
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flintsjohn · 6 years
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LGBT+ BOOKS REC - part 1: Fiction
Alright so this is my very first book rec masterpost and I tried to fit all the information I can remember. I’ve started reading books with lgbt+ themes mainly in the last year and have found many of the titles in other recs so I’m sure that a lot of the books here are not new to anyone, but I’d like to share anyway! In bold are my personal favourites, and the authors with the * are (as far as I know) actually lgbt. If you’d like a peek of what’s on my tbr list here’s my goodreads! If you have more titles to share or recommend I’d love to hear about them! 
Aciman, A. – Call Me by Your Name (adult, m/m, contemporary)
bi mains
cw: underage relationship, cheating
Albertalli, B. / *Silvera, A. – What If It’s Us (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay mains
meet cute but a kinda bittersweet ending (bc Adam Silvera tbh)
Albertalli, B. – Simon Vs. The Homosapiens Agenda (ya, m/m, contemporary)
gay main, gay/black/jewish love interest, poc
simon is the definition of disaster gay and i love him
cw: homophobia, outing, blackmail
Albertalli, B. – Leah on the Offbeat (ya, f/f, contemporary) 
bi main, bi and black love interest
is part of the svtha ‘verse so the characters are the same!!
*Alire Sáenz, B. – Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay mains, both latinos
a sequel is in the works!!
cw: homophobia
*Baldwin, J. – Giovanni’s Room (adult, m/m)
gay main
cw: internalized homophobia, homophobia, misogyny
Bardugo, L. – Six of Crows duology (ya, fantasy) 
there’s a m/m relationship in the second book (gay and bi mains) and a gay side char (also basically everyone can be read as non-straight)
there’s also a LOT of diversity as in poc and disabled people so!! 
cw: ableism, violence, death
Barry, S. – Days Without End (adult, m/m, historical) 
alright so i,,, loved this book but also it was fucking hard to read because it’s basically written how irish people speak english?? so it’s not the easiest thing to read but it’s good!!!
cw: war, death, racism
*Danforth, E. – The Miseducation of Cameron Post (ya, f/f, contemporary) 
lesbian main, lgbt minor chars, poc 
cw: homophobia, conversion therapy, self-harm
*Forster, E. M. – Maurice (adult, m/m, historical)
this is an absolute classic and i love this gay ass book
Goslee, S.J. – Whatever (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
bi main and gay love interest 
cw: internalized homophobia, (brief) homophobia
Gregorio, I.W. – None of the Above (ya, f/m, contemporary) 
intersex main 
cw: homophobia, transphobia, depression
*Isherwood, C. – A Single Man (adult, m/m)
gay main
i found this a little hard to read bc i’m not usually one for highly introspective writing, but i’m still glad i read it!
Jenkins Reid, T. – The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo (adult, f/f and f/m, historical) 
bi latina main, lesbian love interest, gay minor char 
i started this book thinking it would be dumb and by the end i was crying my eyes out 
cw: homophobia, death, abusive relationship, cheating
*LaCour, N. – Everything Leads to You (ya, f/f, contemporary)
lesbian main
if i have to be honest i found this a little underwhelming considering all the praise i heard, but it’s still very cute!!
Lee, M. – The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue (ya, m/m, historical) 
bi main, gay and biracial minor char 
this book is SO much fun honestly!!!
badass female character who’s the main in the sequel!!
cw: homopbhia, racism, child abuse, epilepsy
*Levithan, D. – Two Boys Kissing (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay and trans chars (it’s many different little stories that are somehow all connected)
*Levithan, D. – Boy Meets Boy (ya, m/m, contemporary)
gay main and minor chars, trans minor char
cw: homophobia, transphobia
Miller, M. – The Song of Achilles (adult, m/m, historical) 
listen i know yall know about this already but still,, probably one of my favourites ever.
cw: death
*Mitchell, S. (ed.) – All Out (ya, various, anthology) 
short stories, own-voices, various sexual/gender identities and genres
i loved every single one of these??? 
Nelson, J. – I’ll Give You the Sun (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay main (alternating pov)
this was so cute even though the character’s sexuality/relationship isn’t exactly central to the story!
*Ness, P. – Release (ya, m/m, contemporary/magical realism) 
gay main (adam is an icon and i love him)
this goes for every patrick ness book i ever read: i found it hard to follow the plot sometimes bc there are usually two different storylines going on at once and i can’t really connect them, but he has a way of writing characters that just sticks with me
cw: homophobia, sexual harassment
*Ness, P. – More Than This (ya, m/m, sci-fi) 
gay main 
cw: suicide, death, homophobia, outing
Ngan, N. - Girls of Paper and Fire (ya, f/f, fantasy)
lesbian main and love interest
the world is based on asian mythology/folklore!!
author’s working on the sequel!
cw: sex work, rape, slavery
Proulx, A. – Brokeback Mountain (adult, m/m, historical) 
short story
i saw the movie like a million times and i was still not ready for this 
cw: death, homophobia
*Renault, M. – The Last of the Wine (adult, m/m, historical) 
ancient greece setting!!! 
from what i gather this is not the gayest book you could possibly read by mary renault but it’s so good 
cw: death, violence, age difference
Rio, M. L. – If We Were Villains (adult, m/m, contemporary) 
3 gay/bi mains 
think the secret history but gayer and with shakespeare
i’m honestly still crying over this and the last few pages in particular killed me
cw: death, mentions of suicide, violence
*Russo, M. – If I Were Your Girl (ya, f/m, contemporary) 
trans main and bi minor char 
cw: suicide attempt, depression, transphobia, misgendering, rape attempt/mention, bullying, outing
Sharpe, T. – Far From You (ya, f/f, contemporary) 
bi main (lesbian love interest, she’s already dead when the story begins but it goes back and forth with flashbacks) 
cw: death, depression
*Silvera, A. – They Both Die at the End (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay and bi mains 
this goes for every single adam silvera book: i love them but i absolutely hate them bc they tear me apart every time
cw: death (duh)
*Silvera, A. – More Happy Than Not (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay main
cw: amnesia, suicide/suicide attempt, internalized homophobia
*Silvera, A. – History is All You Left Me (ya, m/m, contemporary) 
gay main and minor chars 
cw: death, depression, adhd, cheating
Soria, D. – Beneath the Citadel (ya, m/m, fantasy) 
bi, gay, ace mains (most are also poc) 
holy shit this was so good and i kinda,,, didnt expect it bc i had initially only picked it up bc of the cover (which is stunning btw)
cw: death, panic attacks.
*Talley, R. – Lies We Tell Ourselves (ya, f/f, historical) 
lesbian mains 
this was not an easy read by any means but by the end i think it was really worth it!!
cw: racism, homophobia
*Waters, S. – Tipping the Velvet (adult, f/f, historical fiction) 
lesbian mains
cw: homophobia, prostitution
(i only read this one by sarah waters so far but all her books are gay so be sure to check the others as well lol)
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moolovesyou · 6 years
Together | Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader
 A/N: I am e x p a n d i n g to all the characters I might do one for bill next. who knows
Plot: You’re Stanley’s fraternal twin, and even though he is older than you by just a couple of minutes, you still have to watch over him like a hawk. Or so you parents make you. And with that, you have grown very accustomed to the Loser’s Club. But Eddie always gets embarrassed around you, and only Bill and Richie know.
Genre: i feel like I’m using this wrong but screw it ehwiuaig- fluff.
Word Count: 1,575 words
POV: Third-Person
TW: s w e a r i n g.  offensive comments from the bronies bowers’s gang
“There is a church full of Jews. And Stan has to take this super Jew-y test.” Eddie explains, as him and Richie and Stan exit their last class of the year. Y/N and Stan were still in their shared class, due to their bitchy teacher.
“But h-how does it w-work?” Bill asked, slightly confused.
“They slice the tip of his dick off.” Eddie waved his hands in the air.
“But then you’ll have nothing left!” Richie complained.
“It is true.” Eddie shrugged, as they passed by Stan and your’s class. The two of you were finally let out of your classes, spotting the three.
“Wait!” You yelled.
“You guys!” Stan called after them too. You two caught up with them.
“Hey guys.” You, being the polite twin out of the pair, greeted the boys. Richie and Bill smiling in response, and Eddie turning red and muttering a small ‘Hello.’
“Hey, Stan, what happens at the bar Mitzvah anyways?” Richie put his arm around Stan and you, making Eddie turn a different shade of red; but from anger.
“Ed suh-says you slice the tip of the d-d-d-dick off.” Billy uttered, causing you to giggle and Stan to look at the boys with a ‘Really?’ face.
“Yeah! Rabbi’s gonna pull down your pants and yell: ‘Where’s the beef?’!” Richie joked, causing some of you guys to chuckle slightly.
Stanley sighed in annoyance. “AT the Bar Mitzvah, I read from the Torah and then I make a speech. And suddenly, I-I become a man.” His voice cracked.
 Richie snorted and pushed up his glasses. “There’s more funner ways to become a man.” 
“Don’t you mean, ‘More fun ways.’?” You corrected him.
“Shit.” Richie muttered, as the four of you walked by the Bowers’s gang. Patrick stared at you with a creepy smile, making you slightly uncomfortable. Eddie saw this and walked over next to you, standing in front of your view.
 You smiled at him. “Thanks.” You uttered, Eddie only nodding and blushing slightly. Richie saw this and nudged him, winking at him. Eddie smacked him in the shoulder, visibly annoyed.
 “Do you think they’ll sign my yearbook?” He grinned. “‘Dear Richie, sorry taking a hot, steaming dump in your backpack last month. Have a good summer!’“ He quoted. Greta angrily stormed past you, bumping shoulders harshly.
“Fucking bitch...” You muttered, Eddie nodding to what you said. “Wait, did he really do that?” Your expression contorted into disgust. Richie just nodded.
The four of you finally exited the school doors, swimming through the ocean of students. Currently, you all were dumping your school supplies away.
“Guys, you’re wasting what you could use next year. And maybe some of those textbooks could be useful.” You warned them, Stan and Richie already dropping theirs in the garbage. 
 Eddie stopped from throwing his away, slinging his bag back on. “Yeah-Yes, she’s right.” He agreed, smiling at you as if he was praising you.
“Oh shut it, Eds. You’re only saying that becaus-” Richie started, but was cut off by Bill scolding him and Eddie’s panicked state. Stan and you just looked confused.
“So, what do you guys want to do tomorrow?” Eddie questioned.
“Start my training.” Richie responded.
“What training?” You asked, slightly confused in what this kid could be ‘training’ for.
“Street fighter.” He responded, smirking proudly.
“Is that how you want to spend your summer? Inside of an arcade?” Eddie looked at him weirdly.
Richie sighed. “Beats spending it inside your mother, oh!” He held up his hand to Stan for a high five, Stan just shaking his head and putting it down. You patted Eddie’s shoulder, assuring him Richie is just being Richie. He smiled, blushing INTENSELY because of the contact.
You really seem to make Eddie blush a lot.
“What if we go to the quarry?” Stan piped in, you agreeing with him. It wasn’t so bad, it was summer either way.
“Guys, w-we have to go to the b-b-barrens.” Bill reminded them, making some uncomfortable tension fall upon them. It’s been like that ever since Georgie disappeared. 
“You’re right..” You agreed. Georgie was a nice kid, so you had some hope a long with Bill to find him. But Stan always tried to convince you that he was gone and you’re only giving false hope to Bill.
“Betty Ripsom’s mom...” Stan pointed, making you put his hand down since he wasn’t supposed to point at random people. He just shrugged.
“Does she really expect to see her coming out of the school?” Eddie looked at the poor mother with sorrowful eyes.
“I don’t know...” You muttered in response.
Richie scoffed. “As if Betty Ripsom’s been hiding in Home EC for the last few weeks.”
“Do you think they’ll find her?” You looked at the boys, searching their faces for any sign of hope. At least some one else had to believe she was out there.
“Sure,” Richie adjusted his glasses. “In a ditch, all decomposed covered in worms and maggots. Smelling like Eddie’s mom’s underwear.” Stan rolled his eyes at Richie.
“Shut up! Gross...” Eddie muttered.
“S-She’s not dead,” Bill corrected him. “She’s m-m-missing.” I nodded along.
“Sorry Bill, she’s missing.” He started walking forwards, you and the others following. “You know, the barrens aren’t that bad. Who doesn’t like splashing around in shitty water.”
 Patrick walked up behind you four, grabbing you buy the hips and lifting you up. “Hey, toots!” You yelped at the sudden contact, squirming in his grip.
“Let me go.” You muttered, not really helping the situation.
“Let her go, cock-stetter!” Eddie complained, stepping up for you. Then Belch came along, burping in his face, causing Eddie to gag and step back. 
“We’ll take her, thank you!” Patrick walked with you still in his grip, behind Henry and Belch. 
“You s-s-suck, Bowers!” Billy yelled after him, he wasn’t going to ACTUALLY let them take you.
“Yeah!” Eddie agreed. Richie snorted again slightly at Eddie’s attempt to seem macho.
“Did you s-s-s-say something?” Henry mocked. “B-B-Billy?” He smirked.
“Ride’s over, Denbrough.” Henry licked his hand, rubbing it on Bill’s face. “For you and your faggot friends.” He walked off, ordering Patrick to let you go.
“Here’s the, desperate slut.” Patrick harshly dropped you in front of them, your back hitting the dirt with a loud ‘Thud’. “Keep her while you can.” He snickered.
“I wish they’d go missing...” Richie spoke, glaring at the gang getting in their ride. Stan asked multiple times if you were alright.
Eddie grabbed your arm, pulling you up. “He’s probably the one doing it.”
You thanked him. “Are you hurt?” Eddie questioned.
“Kind of, when Patrick dropped me I landed on some sharp rocks.” You shrugged, flinching at the stinging pain in your back. Stanley complained how you didn’t respond to him, but to Eddie you did. Bill explained to Stan about it, and before he could protest; Richie put his hand over his mouth.
“Dr. K can help you!” Richie butted in. “He’s a great doctor, and can be a great husband too.” He raised his eyebrows, winking.
“We’ll t-t-take your b-bike!” Bill joined in, smiling. 
“But I need it to ride to his house?” You tilted your head.
“You can walk with me, it isn’t too far!” Eddie caught along, smiling eagerly. You shrugged and agreed, completely oblivious. 
“Okay, I need you to sneak in through my window. Alright?” Eddie nodded.
“Just so you know, I’m not a parkour master.” You spoke, as you walked over to his window. “And it doesn’t help when I have cuts in my back..”
“I’ll put down something you can climb up with!” He whisper-yelled, as he started walking into his house. 
 It took a while, until his window opened and out popped a wild Eddie. He dropped down a rope, making you look at him suspiciously.
“Why do you just have a rope lying around?”
“Just forget it and climb up here, please?” He answered. You nodded and got a grip of the rope, climbing up quickly. At the top, Eddie held out his hand.
“Why thank you, Sir Eds.” You grinned, as you held onto his hand tightly, climbing in. He chuckled.
“I’ll be right back with the supplies.” You nodded. You decided to pull up the back of your shirt, since that was where the scratches and cuts were. 
“Al-RIGHTY!” His voice cracked. That concerned you, so you looked back. His face completely red. You rolled your eyes.
“Come on, Eds. It hurts.” You hissed in pain. He nodded, walking closer. 
“It might hurt a bit, and if it does just hold my hand.” He held out his hand, making you instantly hold it. “I haven’t even started..”
“I know.” You responded, you blushing now too. 
Every so often, you flinched and tightened your grip on his hand. But at the end you felt better. You pulled your shirt down. 
“Thanks.” You mumbled.
“No problem!” Eddie smiled confidently. The both of you stared at each other for a while, not noticing how the two of you were also slightly leaning in. You only noticed when your faces were a couple centimeters away.
“Ah- we should go.” You giggled.
“Yeah, they-uh- need us.” He scratched the back of his head, chuckling too. 
 You climbed out of his window, waiting outside his porch. He walked out, the same grin still on his face. He grabbed onto your hand, the both of you marching towards the barrens.
that felt long. i hated it. but I loved the idea of it. and i feel like this isn’t original.
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floralreddie · 7 years
richie eating you out p l e a s e. like a reaaal nice make out and loads of hickeys and bite marks and hair pulling and ass grabbing and just.. the full package of hormonal teenagers with pent up sexual frustration. losers notice the both of you with hickeys and marks and are just like “god damn what the hell happened to you guys?” and loads of teasing from them. idk i just love this so much. please and thanks heaps you can add anything you’d like. thank you dearie xx
I haven’t checked spelling so soz. the reader and Richie are eighteen in this, I simply can’t write them any younger so I’m using my own hc of what I imagine early 20′s/late teens Richie to look like. sick request tho babe, here you go! xx
warnings: swearing, nsfw as hell
forever taglist: @pearltheartist@mikoalabearwrites @arielgirly @trashmouth-smashmouth@mzcescapie@somenates27@reddiesballoons@cawcawhawkeye@richietoaster@sassy-molassy@fuckin-richie@zerealromaniangurl@notagoodplace4gods @itsway-past-mybedtime@homohayls @reddiefic@trashmouth-tozier69@temptedtozier@bitchardtozier@virgo-green @reddietofall @gczebos@tozierkasqbrak @temptedtozier @zerealromaniangurl @anniewdoodles@reddiefic @wyattsnoodles  @deux-mille-deux  @eds-trashmouth @thecastlebyers  @r-richie @erinn-l
You’re not quite sure how it happens.
You have, for as long as you can remember, been utterly besotted with one of your best friends, Richie Tozier. The both of you were two of eight, members of the self-named Losers Club that formed when you were just thirteen.
You can’t really remember how it formed. Something to do with the child murders. Something to do with Henry Bowers. Something to do with a bond between you all that could never be broken.
You had spent years pining after him. For a short while, your crush has been solely on Bill, with his confident attitude and bright blue eyes. You were always part of the gang. You, Bill, Stan, Eddie and Richie. Then Bev came along, took Bill’s attention, and you got on with life. You all went through some shit (but what was it, why can’t you remember?), and so came Mike and Ben, too.
That was that. You got older. You started looking at how Richie grew, all gangly and geeky and messy and just fucking ridiculous, but for some reason that was enough for you. He let his hair grown into a curly mess, wore his patterned shirts more than necessary, and shoved an 8mm tunnel through his ear. 
He lost his virginity when he was sixteen, and came to school bragging about it the next day. Bev had taken you to the girls bathroom and petted your hair as you spluttered angrily and bitterly about his escapades.
That following weekend, you lost yours to some guy in the grade above who as a Quarterback and used to bully Eddie and Ben back in the day. You made special sure that Richie saw you walk into the bedroom with the boy at the house party you were all at. 
You drunkenly cried in Stan’s car afterwards as the boy drove you home and tucked you into bed.
You and Richie didn’t talk for a week.
The next weekend, he slept with a boy in your English class (you heard it was in the back of said boys car near the Quarry) and came out as bisexual.
You made out with Bev and realised the same, just as Bev realised with a red lipstick stained mouth as the two of you sat at the Quarry that, ‘Oh, shit, I think I’m a lesbian’. The two of you had fallen about laughing afterwards.
Neither of you told the Losers how she came to this realisation.
You’re eighteen now, all of you. Bev has a girlfriend. Mike is dating some girl who lives near his farm. Bill and Stan have been dating for six months (fucking finally). Eddie came out as gay when you were all just fourteen, and had made it abundantly clear that he was not going near any of the guys in Derry. ‘New York,’ he sniped. ‘Is where I plan to find someone’.
You’re not quite sure how it happens, but you know it happens at your house.
You’re all there, all of the Losers, and you’re watching some shitty horror film from the early seventies. You’re squished between Mike and Richie, whilst the others spread themselves over the other couches.
Your mom, your only parent, was away for the weekend with her new squeeze, whoever that was.
Eddie sighs at a particularly needlessly gory scene, as Bev snickers and nudges the wincing Ben in the side. Stan and Bill, both quite bored with the movie, keep glancing at the clock. Mike had already nodded off. He usually did that, only because he spent most of his Saturday day time working at the farm.
And you…you were staring at the screen with a red face because Richie had been drumming his fingers lazily against your upper thigh for the past fifteen minutes.
You were well aware there had always been something there; something heated and more that friendship slotted between the two of you. You had seen Richie look at you with long glances and teasing winks. You did not, though, know if he felt quite the same for you as you did for him.
Finally, you glance up at him, a quiet glare on your face, only to snort when you catch him throw you the side-eye from behind his thick rimmed glasses.He smirks. You roll your eyes.
He moves his hand higher and you jolt.
Never, ever had he done this before. You had kissed for dares when you were younger and spin the bottle was still a thing. You had flirted and grown with him through awkward years and horrible crushes. He had never, though, pulled the moves on you that you were sure he had pulled on so many before you.
That thought alone makes you cringe.
Suddenly, his finger flatten against your jeans, and long and pale digits spread about the top of your thigh in the dimly lit room. With a slight shift of his long form against the sofa and a kick of his long, spread legs out in front of him, he gives your thigh a quick squeeze.
When you gasp, he smirks when Bill shoots you a concerned look.
‘Sorry,’ you cough, shifting as Richie snatches his hand away.
It is that moment the phone rings, and you nearly trip over Stan’s legs in your haste to vacate the living room. It’s your mom, as it turns out, making sure you lock the door before you go to sleep, and warning you that she won’t be home until Monday. You nod, standing barefoot in the kitchen and staring at the shut door where your friends sit beyond, and listening sparingly to what she’s saying.
The moment you hang up, Richie opens the door and slides into the brightly lit kitchen, his eyes dark and the sleeves of his ratty jumper falling about his hands.
‘What the fuck was that?’ you ask him, brow cocked and arms crossed. ‘You fucking weirdo’.
He snorts and rubs his nose, a flash of a smile sliding across his freckled face. ‘Shit, dude, harsh much?’ he scoffs, padding barefoot across the kitchen to reach you. He stands a foot and a half taller than you, and as his curls fall across his face and his acne scarred skin glints in the harsh light, you think for the millionth time of how fucking hot Richie was.
‘Um, harassing me is-’ He laughs, and you have to join in. ‘Why did you follow me in here, anyway?’ Your heart feels like it’s about to fall out of your butt. He stares down at you, eyes dark and hooded and teeth gnawing at his bottom lip.
He sighs. ‘I’m shit at this, dude. You know that’. Your heart thuds because, holy shit, what the fuck was happening? Richie scratches the back of his head and sighs, before shooting a quick glance at the entrance to the living room. 
He stares at you. You stare at him.
You cock a brow. ‘I won’t be another notch on your freaking bed-post, Tozier,’ you mutter, cheeks glowing. 
He scoffs. ‘I’ve slept with like four people!’
‘Whatever-’ He kisses you then, and your teeth knock together and his front teeth catch on your bottom lip and your noses knock, but heat pools so quickly into your stomach that you’re almost embarrassed at how long you have been dreaming of this moment.
It’s as if a switch goes off, because there isn’t a moment when the both of you kiss slowly. The moment his mouth is on yours, and yours on his, your looping your arms about his neck and pressing yourself against him in every way possible as Richie backs you up against the kitchen counter, his kisses quick and wet.
Fuck. Fuck. You’ve wanted this forever. 
His hands find the hem of your shirts, and they flatten against the skin there between your jeans and your t-shirt. You push against him, kissing quickly and kissing hard.
‘Fuck, Richie…’ you moan with a laugh. ‘Holy shit, I’ve been wanting to kiss you like this for fucking ever, dude’.
He pulls away, grins, and droops his head to kiss you neck. ‘Same here, sweets’.
You’re not quite sure how it happens, but suddenly you’re sitting on the counter and he’s pressed between your legs, and you trying hard as fuck to slide your groin against his because you are horny as hell. He kisses your jaw and your cheeks and bites hard against your neck; so hard that you yelp and smack his back and says sorry about a billion times.
You don’t even remember that the others are in the other room. All you care about is Richie’s skin, Richie’s lips, and Richie’s hard-on pressed against your inner thigh. He grabs your ass and yanks you against him, groaning into your ear as you both grind against each other, and the noise you make is fucking unholy.
‘I’ve…’ he pulls away, glasses askew, and licks his swollen lips. You stare breathlessly back, a big ball of hormones and horniness. ‘I’ve always wanted to go down on you, Y/N…do a dude a favour?’
You pretty much fucking shove his head down there.
He pulls down your jeans to your ankles in no time, before slipping his fingers underneath your rainbow printed underwear and finding a rhythm for you. As you stare up at him, his glasses fog up and his pale arm moves as he curls his fingers against you, finding what you like. He looks with hooded eyes down at you, mouth half open and chest heaving.
‘Fuck!’ you hiss, grabbing his hand and holding it. ‘Holy shit. Yeah. That’.
He grins, ducks, and kisses you again. Then he’s kissing your jaw, your collarbone, your clothes stomach, before planting a wet kiss to your core and you have to fucking slap a hand over your mouth to stop from moaning.
All in all, Richie Tozier is fucking good at going down on someone.
He kisses and bites your inner thighs, mouth hot and wet between your legs. You curl your fingers through his curls, knees pressed tightly against the side of his head as pleasure coils and coils inside of you, and wonder how to fucking God someone as clumsy as Richie was able to do something hardly any fucking guy could do with such skill.
He sucks and you turn to mush, hand falling onto his shoulder to support yourself. He licks a long strip and you all but choke on your tongue. 
When you mutter, quietly, ‘Fuck, Rich, I’m gonna cum,’ he surges to his feet and replaces his mouth with his fingers, working you with what he remembered you liked down there and smashing his mouth against yours as moan in surprise. He rubs at your before slipping two fingers in and curling and-
You don’t really remember finishing, but when you come to his mouth is pressed against yours and he’s swallowing your groans. What you taste, you assume, is yourself.
When you push him away, he blinking lazily at you and your red as a fucking lobster as you stare back at him, you knickers and jeans at your ankles and your neck aching with bite marks.
‘Do you wanna be my girlfriend?’ he blurts out suddenly. Ah, you think. There’s the Rich I know. 
You snort and stumble to yank up your jeans and plop onto the cold ground. Your legs are shaky, and you can’t quite believe he made you freaking cum. You had done stuff with only three people before him, and no one had come close.
You kiss his cheek and say, ‘Of course, dumb ass’.
He grins. ‘Awesome!’
You glance down. ‘Do you want me to…?’
‘Er…no…that sorted itself out’. He winks, blushes, and shrugs when you gape and snort. ‘What? Take it as a compliment, sweets’.
‘Oh, fuck,’ you groan, suddenly remembering the Losers. ‘The others. I need the fucking bathroom, but we have to go upstairs and-’
‘And past them’. He shrugs. ‘Oh, well. I’ve walked in on Stan and Billiam more times than I can count. C’mon’. He grabs your hand and drags you with wobbly legs through the kitchen door before you can even say no. You blush red when everyone turns to look at you, the credits rolling on the screen.
Mike, now half-awake and bleary-eyed, looks over the back of the sofa and squints. ‘God damn, what the Hell happened to you guys?’
Bev, standing with her arms crossed, snorts at the two of you. Stan and Bill, who apparently left, are eerily absent. Eddie stares the both of you with disdain. Ben stares at the ceiling with pink ears. ‘Anyone with freaking ears could say what they were doing in there, Mike,’ she scoffs. ‘Go on. Clean up. We’ll be waiting’.
With that, she plops onto the couch and ejects the VHS from the player. You look to Richie, who pushes his glasses up his nose and shrugs, and grin guilty. Nudging him, you start to walk toward your staircase.
‘Oh, and well done for finally acting upon the sexual tension! It’s been driving us nuts for years!’
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justadadonthenet · 7 years
dude imagine the loser’s club as mutants from xavier’s school
(All under cut)
Rich: he’d so be quicksilver, look at Evan Peters’ quicksilver and tell me that isn’t richie,,,he’d have shitty silver curls that’d look ridiculous and would wear band tees and converse that would constantly be replaced cause he has adhd and s p r i n t s without realizing it. Whenever he gets excited all his movements are sped up and eds has to constantly remind him to slow down. He’s always late to everything (somehow) but he’s the smartest in the class. He loves it when wade visits the school and likes messing with him
Bill: so bill has this insane ability to remember every detail occurring in his surroundings and is able to transmit information to other people by touching them. It’s fucking amazing. Because of his memory he can tell such amazing stories and remember those he has read. The younger kids at school always gather around him while he tells them. He can bring forth certain memories in other people and uses this to his advantage in combat as well as helping the kids understand the stories better.
Stan: he has fucking wings okay he is Angel, except his wings are like a barn owl. Usually he can’t sleep at night, and just stays up playing with bill’s hair while he sleeps. He takes a bunch of naps during the day (bill just shares his memory of the lecture with him when this happens). He barely weighs anything but is strong as all hell
Bev: she has pyrokinetic abilities that were super hard to control when she was younger, her dad would scream at her for accidentally burning things, and the more worked up she got the harder it was to control. One night she couldn’t take it anymore and got so angry she almost burned her house down. Xavier found her after hearing about a pyromaniac child in Maine
Eddie: has self healing abilities and, after lots of practice, learned to heal others. Richie always gets blisters from so much running and Eddie just shakes his head and fixes him up every day. He also helps bev stay calm by regulating her body heat, and he and richie always have to help her to calm down (eddie won’t get hurt, and richie thinks he’s helping by fanning her at the speed of sound). He’s impossible to hurt in combat because as soon as anything painful is inflicted it disappears. Only downside to this dude is that he’s 5’3” (also kind of helps, because nobody expects this kid to actually fight them)
Mike: can turn into any animal he can think of, and can communicate with them even when he’s not in the same form as them. He has a specific mark that appears on all his transformation, making it easier for the losers to distinguish between him and an actual animal. He loves trying to race richie as a cheetah, and racing Stanley as an eagle.
Ben: Ben can read emotions and, to an extent, alter them. He has to be making contact with the person (It helps immensely with bev, but he can’t help her until she’s not on fire.) after Bev got especially worked up one day, Ben realized that the closer he was to someone (emotionally) the further away (physically) he could be to influence their emotions
-I’m sorry richie does literally everything Evan Peters quicksilver does, except he has the same mouth as wade Wilson
-bill adores Stan’s wings so much cause they’re so soft and beautiful. In the light they’re almost golden, and (in bill’s opinion) they match Stanley’s hair amazingly
-sometimes stan runs up to him, grabs bill around the waist, and takes off. Bill SCREAMS the first time he does it, but now it’s a regular thing.
-rich think it’s stupid that they’re allowed to be cute and tries to do a similar thing to Eds
-eddie nearly has an asthma attack, and he doesn’t even have asthma
-“god Eds you’re no fun” “richie who the fuck wants to be held by you running 120 miles per hour?!” “Aw cmon I was faster than that wasn’t I?”
-richie can’t listen to any music that’s even remotely slow, it’s too boring
-he tries to rap. It’s terrible
-sometimes stan perfectly times a landing, just so he can swoop richie up while he’s being a pest
-richie SHRIEKS
-the teachers don’t know what to do with these kids
-colossus hates richie more than he hates wade
-negasonic also hates richie (but also loves him and is his friend because that kid has a good taste in music and it’s fun to try to blast richie before he realizes what’s happening)
-wade would adore the losers so much
-“look, you sexy Russian metal motherfucker, these are my sons” “wade, no” “I mean they have such resemblance. They’re both gay, one can heal and one knows bad words”
-“dad?! You’re back?!” “Richie stop”
-wade is the only one willing to babysit all of them (and he loves it)
-“holy shit! You can fucking become fire! How hot can you get?! Burn my fucking arm off!”
-he somehow also HELPS Bev control her anger/abilities
-“Hey eddie, can you fix this ballsack of a face for me?”
“Nobody could do that”
*sheds single tear*
“That burn is worse than anything Molly ringwald could’ve given me”
Bev, from down the hall: “WANNA BET ON IT WILSON”
-“I thought you were me AND richies dad? That just makes this incestuous. I’d be dating my brother” “you’re right...I have to disown one of you”
-richie, appearing in the room: “DADDY NO”
-wade adopts richie. No literally. He adopts him. He hates how richies parents treated him, and somehow adopts him (richie may have ran away from home, and may have figured out how to remove his records from all government data bases)
-“Hey Logan now I have a kid too, but mines cooler”
-laura: *runs at richie, screaming*
Richie: *SCREECHES and climbs up wade*
-laura kind of takes a liking to richie after realizing he’s terrified of her
-she loves sneaking up on him, and he basically turns into her big brother. He knows when to mess around and when to be serious, and is super soft with her
-Logan tried to keep her away from that kid, but she would have one of her legendary tantrums
-richie learned some Spanish cause he was the only one who could process her ramblings fast enough
-“wow they’re like brother and sister. Maybe we should elope”
-negasonic gets all soft with Laura and she speaks to her in Spanish and makes sure her thoughts are heard
-wade gets a lil more serious after being with the kids.
-Stanley acts like he hates him cause cmon it’s like having a Richie you can’t physically injure
-but the conversations they have when wade is being sincere help stan so much
-tries to shield mike from the world and barely swears around him
-richie: “shit”
-wade helps all of the kids at Xavier’s with sexuality and understanding it (and is unnaturally serious for the most part)
-“the guest sex Ed teacher is our very own wade Wilson!” “It’s Deadpool, and I’m not an x-man, so you can shut that ‘very own’ shit down”
-petey parsley gets transferred to Xavier’s
-richie loves this kid and tries to befriend him as soon as he arrives
-“holy SHIT you’ve met tony stark?!” “Dude I work for him” “HOLY FUCK HE WORKS FOR IRON MAN EDDIE”
-richie just sprints into a wall cause peter doesn’t hit him in time
-“eddie I think I broke my dick...and my face...will you still love me if I look like wade?”
-Bev uses the tip of her pinky to light her cigarettes, she holds them like she’s going to take a drag but sticks her pinky up and lights it while bringing it toward her mouth and richie LOSES HIS SHIT OVER IT
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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themanicgalaxy · 4 years
SPN 4X3 In The Beginning
cat i can barely type and I want my ramen pls get off
gRipPed yoU TigHT iS SO FUNNY
ooo Sam is spoopifying
WhAt aRe You DrEaminG aBout
you have to stop it ok bye CAS COMMUNICATION 
oho he’s in the past, nice build up(I read the episode description)
ah he’s in lawrence
...is this his dad??
ah he puts it together because of the references
at least Dean’s wearing something that’s...kinda normal
ah the Stares because none of you fuckers can talk to each other normally
Hi! You have to Stop It!
*is cryptic then leaves* Dean oh my GOD
did he steal a car
ok Dean objectifying his mom was Bad, but “I’m going to hell...again” WAS FUCKING HILARIOUS
ah Dean’s dad was a mechanic I get it now the fanfic makes sense
~we’re practically family~ OH MY G O D 
Deanna and Samuel ahaha YOU CAN HEAR THE GEARS TURNING
He handles things very well
“john winchester mixing it up with spirits, can you imagine” BAHAHAHA
Dean it’s the 70s no one has the internet
at least Dean gets to tease his grandpa that’s nice
fucking Demon Deal
hey is this gonna get you to see Bela isn’t evil, is IT I MISS BELA
ah and the close up to Mary
the colt as a bedtime story is NEAT
My dAd cOUlD sEe tHe FutUre
ah he’s trying to stop before it kills his mom listen I feel happy that I figured a plot point
ah i see the bowlegs now
oh no, he’s sweet, everything a hunter isn’t
“the worst thing is my children get raised into this like I was” HeY I HATE THIS F U C K I N G SHOW
Cas just shows up I love him
AH and placing this after the “can’t save” OH WAIT NO 
I hope he learns to let go of selfish dreams and not everything you love dies KrIPKE IF IT’S THE SECOND ONE I SWEAR
“she wants to hunt, she doesn’t want to-” I fucking love that it’s so funny
ah he’s going after the kids
Dammit Dean take a compliment 
Dean if you’re gonna try to say who you are
Oh my god
so AZAZEL caught her scent, and that’s the night she ran oh FUCK
it’s nice that his grandfather believed him? 
“I’m your grandfather” PFFT
damn I miss Azazel he was fun
ok the sniff thing is WEIRD WHY
“that means it all worked out” ugh
“i just want their children” no 
master race I  HATE IT HERE
....azazel possessing Samuel and objectifying Mary is....WELL IT WAS A C H O I C E 
mmm yummy demon blood
“I’m still gonna kill you” heh
“I’m the one that kills you” IS SO G O O D
...and Mary trades her life for John THIS FUCKING FAMILY
I...forgot...about the...kiss
Kripke I am begging you to get therapy
at least Mary asks for what
“as long as I’m not interrupted” I H A T E IT HERE
oh great John’s alive
And Cas shows up to spirit Dean away noooo
ah yikes and now Mary’s got no family left
what’s the lesson gonna be what’s the lesson kripke
“you couldn’t have stopped it” Cas your bedside manner sucks
all roads lead to the same destination
so they don’t know his endgame, Sam is missing, 
AH RIGHT he left
stop your brother, or we will RIGHT BECAUSE SAM IS THE ONLY ONE TO MAKE IT
wrap up:
1. Ok listen. The fact that “it’s all set in stone...” I know that’s gonna get overlooked at some point but GOD AM I P I S S ED AT “well everything sucks and no matter how hard you try, your entire family will die” I thought they were building into a tale of selflessness what the hELL IS GOING ON. I mean, I might disagree with the message but it has to be said:
2. This is a really fucking effective tragedy. Like going to the past, knowing how this is ending up, heightens your emotions with Dean’s. Like Mary and her Fam is introduced as cool and fun, and the concept is so good that even if you don’t much care for her, you want Dean to succeed and just...take every single gut punch that comes your way. God DAMN that hurt.
3. Listen Cas is a cryptic bastard(which is funny, but altogether I’m kinda neutral), but at the very least he does one thing very well: fucking jettison the plot forward in interesting ways. It’s SO refreshing to see the other side, to see what’s going on, like. It’s so interesting to finally have some oversight, or some big picture. Like these last few episodes have been, at the very least, interesting as hell.
4. God damn it I liked the comedic stuff when it was. Hunter Family is such a fun dynamic. FUCKING TRAGEDY
5. That kiss thing was WEIRD as S H I T though. Look Kripke if you have an Oedipus complex, or a reverse one, please let me know, that was just Uncomfortable. That scene with “I’m the one that kills you?” oho
6. I think overall, the setup/message with Cas was a bit clunky, but the actual story itself had emotional beats for DAYS and it just. God fuck, it made me feel things. I hate it here
tally ho
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goodfortune-au · 4 years
Good Fortune (Soulmate AU) Chapter 7: Halloween
October was winding to a close, with only a couple days remaining until Halloween. With all that had been going on, Angel hadn’t a lot of time nor the enthusiasm to get riled up like in years past for what was surely her favorite holiday, but she still planned to dress up nonetheless. She had plans, too. Nothing too extravagant; she simply planned to take the Losers out trick-or-treating, participate in the festivities as an full-fledged adult rather than a carefree child on a quest for free candy. The Losers spoke of their respective costume choices with glee; Richie naturally chose to play Ryu from Street Fighter, Stan put together an elaborate costume and planned to go as one of his favorite birds, one he'd read about called the European Bee-Eater, and Eddie was going as a Pierrot. Bill, who’d been goaded into coming along at the last second, was attending as a simple sheet ghost.
Angel even had an ensemble of her own to wear, though it had admittedly been recycled from Halloween’s past. A character from one of her favorite movies, one she paid tribute to in one of the posters decorating the walls of her living room, she planned to play the despicable Alexander Delarge from A Clockwork Orange. She had it all; the white dress shirt, carpenter pants and suspenders, the cane, the codpiece, and of course the characteristic black bowler. She enjoyed the look immensely, found it simply outrageous and certainly iconic, and she didn’t mind using it again for this year’s celebrations. She spends the last couple days of the month lazily tracking down all the pieces and then the 31st arrives, quickly dissolving from daylight into dusk.
Let’s have a party
There’s a full moon in the sky
It’s the hour of the wolf
And I don’t wanna die~
Oingo Boingo is playing on her stereo, perfect Halloween music that fills the room and besets it with a truly festive energy. It’s No One Lives Forever, her favorite track off Dead Man’s Party, an album she felt perfectly encapsulated the spirit of the holiday. Just as she’s putting the final touches on her costume, affixing the single pair of false eyelashes to her right eye, she hears a shower of knocks at her front door. Her hair is in a loose ponytail, tucked up into itself to mimic Alex’s almost bob-like hairstyle, and she laces up her Doc Martens to complete the stark and unnerving look. She answers the door and the Losers come parading in, all donning their costumes proudly. She looks them over with exaggerated enthusiasm, and compliments them all on their ensembles. Eddie’s costume was her favorite. And all the while, the music on her stereo warbles along, fast-paced and electric.
I'm so happy
Dancing while the grim reaper
Cuts cuts cuts
Well you can't get me
“Wow guys, not bad! Bill? Simple but iconic. You too Eds, you nailed the facepaint. And Stan? Lovin’ the bird look, it suits you.”
“Thaaaaank you.” Stan says pleasantly, standing up straight and beaming. His plumage is beautiful. "I spent months on it, had to get it just right."
“Well, it came out f*ckin’ fantastic.” She gives him a winning thumbs up.
“What about me?” Richie pipes up from the back. His gi hangs loosely about his chest, and the costume overall looks about two sizes too big. He has a long red tie knotted about his head to mimic Ryu's distinctive headband.
“Hmm… Size it a little better next time Rich, your t*ts are hangin’ out.” She says, half-serious. “Also, are those boxing gloves?”
“Hey, gimme a break. The thrift store didn’t have sh*t.” He says, trying and failing to snag a Reeses from the candy bowl sitting on the coffee table.
There’s giggles from the peanut gallery.
“What about you?” Ed asks, looking her over.
“Yeah, w-what are you s-s-supposed to be?” Bill asks from underneath the sheet.
“A fashion disaster, apparently.” Richie snorts. He’s taken off one of his gloves to get to the candy. “And what’s with the jock strap?”
“Shut up Richie.”
She’s unsure of how to answer the question, scratching her head nervously. “Oh, uh… A character from a movie you definitely … Shouldn’t watch. Not uh… Not until you’re at least sixteen.” Truth be told, she was about their age when she first saw it, but the kids didn’t need to know that.
“I’ve actually seen it.” Richie admits casually, popping the candy into his mouth. “Snuck it out of my parents’ collection one night. The shit is wild.” Then he clears his throat and slips into one of his voices. He mimics Alex’s manner of speaking in perfect nadsat as he slings an arm around Stan’s shoulder, which Stan promptly pushes off. Richie seems unphased. “Welly welly well my droogs, are we ready to have a flip horrorshow time this evening? Time’s a wastin’, o my brothers, let’s get to the streets and crast around the ol' neighborhoods before the night is done, right right?”
Angel stares at him for a moment. “I don’t like that.” She says blankly.
“No one does.” Eddie adds disdainfully. He truly looks a picture-perfect Pierrot at this moment.
“Pshhhh, you guys are no fun.” Richie sighs, shaking his candy bucket at them with a flippant wave of his hand.
“He is right, though.” Angel says, looking at the clock overhead. “It’s getting late, and we only have so much time to make the rounds.” She opens the door and waves them out. “Let’s go, kiddos, after you.”
They go walking out in a single file line and she closes the door behind her. “Alright, let’s make our way down Witcham, shall we? I say we start from the bottom and work our way up and around.” She says, gesturing with her cane.
The night is alive with true Halloween spirit. The moment they step outside, they can feel the biting chill of the air sweeping through them. The streets are filled with questing children all on the prowl for the same common goal, with parents tagging along in mostly halfhearted reluctance. She swings her cane as she walks and leads the way for the Losers, acting as a pied piper of sorts to guide them through the organized chaos of the adolescent-populated thoroughfares. They begin with the house adjacent to Angel’s, and cross over to the house across the street afterward. Angel hangs back as the kids saunter up to the front doors to collect their candy, and the kids rejoin her after accomplishing their end.
“Well, what’d you guys get?” She asks nonchalantly, leaning up against a tree.
“I got a Blow Pop.” says Eds.
“B-B-Butterfinger.” says Bill.
“Two Twizzlers.” says Stan.
“I got shafted.” says Richie.
Angel gives him a look. “What does that mean?”
“Butterscotch.” He says, looking appalled.
She laughs with a shrug. “Better than nothin’, bud.”
“I’d rather have nothing.” He says defiantly.
“Alright, then give it.”
They continue on, and gradually make their way through the neighborhood. They collectively start to amass a modest amount of candy, and Angel even finds herself collecting a few pieces here and there at the insistence of a few benevolent parents (including one of her personal favorites, the grape-flavored Tootsie Pop). There’s even a few among them that recognize her costume. Some are amused, others are less so. She found it par for the course; the town was routinely uptight when it came to just about anything she liked. Still, she takes it in stride, and starts to find herself in genuine good spirits. Things had been hard as of late, and it was nice to have another occasion to celebrate that gave her much-needed respite from her troubles. It went without saying, too, but the presence of the Losers always put a smile on her face. Cheesy as it was, they were practically a ray of sunshine in the otherwise moody and fickle storm that was her life. They didn’t always have time to visit, but when they did, it made for good times. She tried her best to cherish that and not take it for granted.
After having sojourned as far down the street as they reasonably could, the party makes a 180 pivot once they can start to see the Hanlon farms off in the distance, and then they slowly but surely make their way back past Angel’s house where they had started. The night is still young but the sky is as black as coal, the moon luminescent as the dozens of flashlights brandished by costumed children scurrying about the pavement. Their chatter and glee makes for pleasant background noise as the Losers collectively journey through Witcham toward Up-Mile-Hill, their pillowcases and buckets rustling with increasing bounty after each and every house. They stop off at a few more doors and then take a moment outside of Bill’s house to assess their current stashes.
“...Two, four, five… God I’ve got six f*cking butterscotches.”
“Heh heh, the old ladies must love ya.” Eddie snickers. He peels the wrapper off a KitKat and methodically breaks off one half to eat. Richie smacks the other half into the dirt with his boxing glove.
“Hey are you f*cking serious?” Eddie exclaims, gesturing to the fallen KitKat in patent dismay.
“That’s the toll.” Richie shrugs. His gi is so baggy it almost slips off his shoulder. “You make fun of me you lose your candy. You’re just lucky it wasn’t anything good.”
“You got something against KitKats, a*shole?” Eddie snaps back venomously.
“Okay, okay, break it up you two.” Angel says from behind a chick tract. She flips to the end of the little booklet and tosses it into the dirt. “The Gay Blade,” it’s called. She crushes it beneath her boot heel.
“S-S-Sorry I’m late, g-guys.” Bill says from underneath his sheet. “T-Thanks for waiting up.”
“Late?” Stan asks. “Late from where?”
“I h-had some trouble cutting the h-holes in the right p-p-places. Went through t-t-two old sheets before I got it.” He laughs.
“Oh. I thought--”
“And what the hell is your costume, anyway, huh? It’s giving me the creeps!”
“Mimes scare you, Richie? What are you, like, five?”
“Weren’t you here with us before?” Stan is puzzled.
“H-huh? No, I don’t… T-Think so?”
“Then, who was--”
“GUYS!” Angel roars. They all stop. “Quit fighting or I’m gonna knock both your heads together. Eds- I’ve got an extra KitKat. Richie- quit whinging about your butterscotches.”
“Shut it!”
“We’ve still got a lot of ground to cover, so if you guys don’t want to waste the night I say we get going.” She sighs.
“Fine, but keep this painted creep away from me.” Richie snipes, scooting away from Eddie. He immediately starts picking at Stan’s plumage. “Looks like it’s you and me tonight, Stan the man. The dynamic duo.”
Stan smacks his hand away. “Absolutely not. And don’t touch my plumage.” Stan glances at Bill again. “Angel--”
“Come on, we’re burning moonlight.”
“Fine, fine.”
He tries to just forget it.
The party of Losers makes their way past Derry Elementary as they stroll down Costello Avenue, hitting as many houses as they can along the way. There’s even more people on the streets than before and the traffic seems to be increasing as time wears on. By now everyone has gathered a decent amount of candy, weighty to the point of having to be slung over shoulders and lugged around like dense sacks of potatoes. Their feet are growing tired but still they trudge on, determined to make the most of the holiday and squeeze as much productivity out of the night as possible. Angel finds her mind wandering with her stride, and as she continues she starts to contemplate the presence of her guardian angel. She wondered if they were watching over her that night, wondered if she might find another gift, waiting for her in some crack or crevice ready to be found and picked up for her growing collection. She hadn’t told the Losers about this so-called guardian of hers; she thought it to be a thing best kept private. It was better savored that way, and felt like a delicious little secret only she was privy to. She simply enjoyed the imagined security in silence, the feeling that she was special to something, special enough to look out for and leave little trifles to keep her faith and interest. It was nice, it was thrilling in a sense. She had no idea of the identity of this thing, but she appreciated it nonetheless, so taken with the nice gestures that she was blind to any perceived ulterior motives.
“That makes ten f*cking butterscotches.” Richie says, swiping through his candy in frustration. “It’s like I’m a magnet for them or some shit.”
“Yeah but I’m s-sure you’ve got a lot of other stuff t-t-too.” Bill says, trying to offer a bit of positivity.
“Yeah, look on the bright side, kiddo.” Angel chimes in. “Could be candy corn, or… God forbid, black licorice.”
They all shudder with disgust.
“Still.” Richie says, rustling through his bucket again. “If I get another one I’m gonna f*ckin’ lose it.”
He picks one out and examines it with distaste, then chucks it over his shoulder. There’s a snarl from behind him as it clacks against the sidewalk, and Ed’s eyes widen into saucers as he preemptively steps back, hiding behind Angel.
“Uh oh.”
Richie hesitates, then turns around. Henry Bowers and his gang of thugs, Belch Huggins, Victor Criss, and Patrick Hockstetter are standing in a group on the sidewalk, and the butterscotch had just so happened to bounce off the back of Henry’s head. He gulps.
“Which one of you f*cking twerps threw that?” He asks, turning around. His voice is low and dangerous.
“No one. It was Eddie.” Richie blurts out.
“Dude!” Eddie squeaks angrily from behind Angel’s pant leg. Henry seems unphased as Richie backs away.
The group begins to congregate around the Losers, with Henry advancing slowly on Richie like a slithering snake cornering a helpless mouse.
“I’m gonna gut you like a f*cking fish, Tozier.” He growls, leaning down to look at him. His eyes glint meanly in the darkness and Richie shrinks ever so slightly.
“Hey, that’s enough Bowers.” It's Angel, coming in between the two of them. “Back the f*ck off or I’m calling your dad over. I’m sure he’d be none too happy to find your little punk ass threatening a bunch of little kids.”
Henry stares at her for a moment in silence, then pops his neck and steps back a pace or two. “...Fine. You kids are f*cking spineless, you know that? Always hiding behind big sister.” He mocks. He gives a fleeting look to his goons and gestures with an upward nod of his head. They uncross their arms.
“Come on, guys.” He says angrily. They start to leave. Belch elbows past Angel harshly, but not before whispering something nasty into her ear on his way through. She freezes and glares at him in disgust, watching as they all fade into the crowd in front of them.
“Let’s go.” Angel says darkly.
The kids hesitate, then all agree after an uncomfortable silence. They try to forget it all as they continue on.
Angel is stony-faced and silent for a time, keeping her lips pursed in dismay as she leads the kids forward through the neighborhood. She plays with the pearl heart around her neck, rolling her thumb over the smooth polished surface slowly and methodically while she thinks. She’s angry about them, and she’s upset with herself for it. They were just a few shitty kids, she shouldn’t let their bad attitudes interfere with her night and spoil everything for her. She’s the adult, she’s supposed to be better than this. The kids are quiet, sensing the tension, and not even Richie breaks the silence to keep bickering with Eddie or crack lame jokes. She tries so hard just to let it go, but she’s stewing in silent resentment now. She got so sick of hearing things like that. She’d grown up being called those things, before she even knew the first thing about what they meant or the malice behind them. It didn’t matter if it was true or not, it was… The cruelty and the intolerance behind the words. She hated herself for being so easily rattled, but she couldn’t help it. It’s the way she’s always been.
“Are you… Okay, Angel?” Eds asks carefully, looking up at her.
She pauses, then sighs. “...Yeah. Yeah, I am. Don’t worry guys, I’m okay. Just… Sh*tty kids is all.”
“No need to explain.” Richie says with an uncharacteristic solemnity. “Bowers is just a jerkass. I swear, kid looks for reasons to be mad.”
“Yeah.” she says quietly. “They all do.”
“ I’m still mad you tried to blame me for throwing that f*ckin’ butterscotch.” Eddie says, glaring at Richie from the other side of Angel.
“The dude was sweatin’ me, it just came out!” Richie exclaims, excuses at the ready. “I guarantee you’d do the same damn thing in my position.’
“No, because unlike you I have a sense of honor.”
“Alright you two.” Angel sighs. “We should keep going, yeah? Still plenty of houses to hit.”
“Actually,” Stan pipes up. All eyes fall on him. “O-Oh. Well, I was just gonna say… My house is just down the block a little, and I kind of need to go to the bathroom.”
“Oh, well that’s no problem.” Angel says casually. “Go right ahead, we could all use a break anyway.”
He’s silent. “Well, uh… It’s kind of an elaborate costume…”
“Jesus, Birdman, are you really telling me you can’t get in and out of that thing by yourself?” Richie asks incredulously. “What, did your mom help you put it on?”
“Cool it, Rich.” Angel says tiredly.
“That’s irrelevant.” Stan says delicately. “Point is, I need someone to come with just in case I… You know… Last thing I need is a wardrobe malfunction.”
“Eds, go with Stan and help him with his costume please. And be quick.”
“You got it, Anj.”
Angel climbs onto the branch of a low-hanging tree so as to rest her feet and takes a great big heaving sigh as she watches them disappear from her peripherals. Richie and Bill hang back in silence for a time before Richie starts needling Bill with questions about his costume to pass the time. Angel doesn’t participate, finding that the exhaustion of being socially present was starting to weigh on her just the slightest bit now. She cranes her neck up to look at the sky and gets lost in the stars as she swings her feet. They’re so bright from so far, distant and almost vaguely familiar in their golden splendor; lighthouses that beckon brilliantly from lightyears away, from a place so far-flung she could hardly even fathom it and her mind wanders, hopping seamlessly from one constellation into another. She’s lost in fleeting thought about all the complicated little details of her life, from far off memories of years past to old fights she had with loved ones; problems she’s had and forks in the road she’s had to face before eventually arriving here at this present moment in time. Some part of her briefly wonders whether or not her life was building towards anything at all, and whether or not everything that happened to her was all for a reason or simply cruel twists of fate. She suspected it to be the latter.
Still, she couldn’t deny that she seemed exceptionally lucky, especially for an outcast. People… Like her, they didn’t tend to last very long in a place like Derry. She’s surprised she was able to make it this far to begin with, really. Though the 80’s were a modern and revolutionary time to be living in, places like Derry were less subversive. It was such a small town in such a rural place that things at times seemed a little backwards. If you weren’t a specific kind of way, if you didn’t conform to certain standards, you made yourself the target of many. People in this town could be downright nasty and she knew it. It didn’t stop her from being a relatively brazen girl, however. Growing up, she reveled in being weird, in being the oddball. She had a quirky, offbeat sense of humor, she listened to strange music, she drew creepy things no one liked to look at and she dressed like a clown, all bright and offbeat and mismatched. People tried to beat that out of her, and to some extent they definitely succeeded, but Angel was lucky that was all she got. For her own reckless daring she should be dead somewhere, the victim of some lowly scumbag that had crawled out of the dregs below to take their anger out on someone the town surely wouldn’t miss. She shouldn’t have lasted her entire childhood, and that was to say nothing about all the rumors. Those kinds of rumors were exceptionally dangerous in a place like this and still she managed to survive. It was remarkable to say the least.
Was she actually a lucky girl? Hard to say. She’d been the unlucky contestant of quite a few dicey situations over the years, situations that left nics and scratches and mental scars, things that kept her up at night when all that was left to do was think, but she still came out of all of it alive and well in the end. It was hard to ignore such a notable lifelong track record, and although it would have been easy to chalk it all up to good fortune, she knew that things simply weren’t that easy in Derry. With all of the town’s history, with all of the strange happenings and the presence of things unknown beyond anyone’s understanding, good fortune seemed too convenient of an excuse. She wondered, in the end, if she had anything to do with it all, if her fate was somehow tied to this town and all of its intricacies. Maybe the manifestation of her guardian angel wasn’t just a strange development but, in fact, a stepping stone to something she couldn’t yet understand.
She wanted to believe it, but the mere thought of it was making her more tired than before and, in a sense, melancholic for reasons she couldn’t properly justify. She was also starting to worry. It’d been an awfully long time since the kids left, and as time went on she couldn’t stop herself from starting to think dreadful things. For the sake of coping, her mind jumps from these heavy topics into things of less weight. Happy thoughts, she tries to think. Yes, she was looking forward to November. She was looking forward to the holidays to come. She was looking forward to the change of seasons, the segue of gorgeous autumn into breaktaking winter, the way that the trees would shed their foliage completely to welcome the blankets of virgin snow descending from the sky. Derry was positively resplendent in the wintertime, and the sight of snowcapped pines dotting across the land alongside festive lights, garland, tinsel, and other colorful decorations brought the town much-needed vivacity and cheer in perpetually grim times. She couldn’t wait for it.
Despite the excitement of the night, she couldn’t wait to go home either. Couldn’t wait to go home, say a goodnight to the kids and to her precious cat, peel off her costume and crawl into her warm bed where she’d take much-needed relief from it all. Couldn’t wait for the next day, when she would have the house to herself again, when she could turn on the TV and spend the hours searching for things to watch and keep her fickle attention span. She couldn’t wait to drown her troubles in junk food, a nasty habit she did well to keep to herself, and forget all her problems for as long as she possibly could. She couldn’t wait for the Derry Children’s Hour, and she couldn’t wait to see him. She couldn’t wait for the night to come again, where she’d fall asleep all over again and have that dream. The dream that would sometimes play out exactly as it had the night before, or the dream that would go just a little bit further, teasing at something that made her wake every morning with a blush staining her cheeks.
It was not unlike Angel to develop crushes on fictional characters or people on the TV, she’d grown up doing it her entire life. It was one of her most ingrained coping mechanisms, a way to deal with how exceedingly lonely she had always felt. Usually these things, these fixations lasted for about a couple weeks to maybe a month or two at most, and then they would fade to give way for the next one. Some were intense and lasted short amounts of time, others were more subdued and lasted longer. It simply depended on who it was and how much they struck her fancy. This one struck her fancy an awful lot if she were honest. Clowns were admittedly something of a weakness for her. She couldn’t exactly explain it, but her fascination with them didn’t just stop at the way they dressed or the way they acted. There was something else there too. She thinks about him, his bright blue eyes, the way they turned to gold in her fantasies and her stomach flutters with something delightful. And when she lets her gaze fall back down on the crowds of people trekking by, she almost thinks she catches a glimpse of him among the horde and a vision of his form paints itself in her mind, coifs of beautiful wildfire bouncing ever so slightly with each step, pleats of silver silk complimented by the reflecting moonlight overhead. Before she can let her mind wander on him too long, however, her attention is called by the sight of Eddie, who comes running up from the crowd wearing panic on his painted face. His makeup is smudged and he appears a little disheveled.
“Angel, Angel!” He calls frantically. He’s out of breath, and he pulls his inhaler from a specially sewn pocket on his suit. After taking two long indulgent puffs, he puts it back with shaking hands.
She jumps down from the tree, unease striking her veins. “What’s going on Eds? Where’s Stan?”
He’s still catching his breath, but he wheezes out the answer. “Its-- It’s Bowers.” He gasps. “Him and his gang caught us in the alley by Secondhand Rose.”
“Are you o-okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, Patrick almost chased me down but I got away. I tried to go back for Stan after but I couldn’t find any of them when I did. I think maybe they took him somewhere else.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Okay well--” Angel says, picking up her cane again, which was resting idly against the trunk of the tree. “We can’t waste any time. We’ll drop by Secondhand Rose first just to make sure he's not there, and then we’ll start scouting Up-Mile-Hill. Come on, guys.”
No time to think about the clown now. Her mind is consumed now in the search for Stan, overcome with worry and concern that she cannot assuage with thoughts of a best case scenario, because best case scenarios simply didn’t exist with Angel. It was easier simply to assume the worst so that she wouldn’t take a single better outcome for granted, and right now, she assumed the worst in the vain hopes that she would end up being wrong. The Bowers gang was a violent bunch, and she feared what they might do if left alone with a defenseless child for too long. Stan was also a fairly delicate kid, and besides Eddie was least liable to stick up for himself in dire situations such as these. She tries not to think of it too much, keeping her mind solely on the task at hand. The remaining Losers are calling out for him as they search the streets, and she joins their efforts with a strong, loud call into the darkness.
“Stan, Stan!” They all keep shouting endlessly, but their voices are simply not enough to locate the whereabouts of their lost friend. Their best efforts are only met with silence among the chatter, and no one around pays heed to their dilemma, purely oblivious to their desperation and almost mindless in their dogging pace. Checking the alley of Secondhand Rose proves fruitless and futile, and after reaching that dead end they take their investigation elsewhere. Up-Mile-Hill is saturated with an almost obscene amount of people in costume and as time goes on the masses start to blend into one another, a mosaic of cheap, gaudy material, masks and outrageous makeup. Devils, witches, skeletons, and ghosts litter the streets among other more creative getups, and Angel finds herself thankful in this moment that Stan was wearing something fairly distinct; it made him easier to draw out of the crowd. If she could ever find him, that is. She continues her surveyance of the path ahead of her, searching like a watchful eagle over empty valleys and canyons, eyes trained on a certain and specific target. Her eyes scan restlessly over them all, raking over endless bobbing waves of people wandering aimlessly towards god-knows-what and she thinks she sees a clue on the ground, an iridescent feather distinctive of Stan’s flashy ensemble.
But then-
“Bill!” She hears Eddie scream.
She turns back, bringing their pace to a grinding halt. The crowd moves around them, unfazed.
“Wha- What about Bill? Where is he?” she asks breathlessly.
“I don’t know!” Richie says frantically. “He was right behind us and then when we looked back he was just gone! We lost him!”
“Jesus f*cking-- Okay, okay.” She takes a deep breath, eyes closed tight as she thinks. When she opens her eyes and surveys the crowd again, it's almost as though there’s five times as many ghosts as before. It gives her a headache just looking at them all. “We can’t stop looking for Stan, just-- Just keep a lookout for Bill too.”
“But there’s a f*ckton of kids dressed just like him! How are we supposed to find him in this sea of ghosts? It’s like the goddamn River Styx out here!” Richie exclaims.
“There’s nothing else we can do, Richie! We’ll find them both eventually, just trust me, okay? Come on!”
They start moving again, and she’s even more terrified than before. That ever-familiar fear and mortification frosts over her heart, and it takes everything she’s got not to have a panic attack right there on the sidewalk. She needed to stay strong for the kids, she knew that, so she trudges on, swallowing the dread forming hard lumps in her throat and ignoring the knots twisting and churning in her stomach, different than the pleasant ones from before. Now more than anything she wishes for her guardian angel, wanting to feel their presence simply for the sake of comfort and security in these uncertain circumstances and disheartened that she couldn’t find a single trace of them. As she kept collecting the gifts she started eventually becoming in tune to a certain feeling, an aura that manifested itself in powerful warm gusts of wind or insectile chatter that seemed to come through her from all directions. Strange exhalations of something cosmically different, brief demonstrations that something was definitely watching over her, presumably speaking to her in the only way it could. As much as she longed to feel that aura now, however, there was simply nothing to console her, leaving her alone to navigate this difficult terrain on her own.
“Stan!” She continues calling out. But there’s still nothing.
She keeps scanning the crowd. Her eyes don’t stop for even a second, trying to find the bright and colorful plumage of his intricate costume amidst the comparably dark, bland tones of the others blending into one another. There seem to be more people than before. With each passing moment the numbers only increase, and now Angel can’t even see the path in front of her. Another category of overdone costumes seems to have entered the fold, a swarm of zombies and walking corpses ambling alongside her now as she conducts her frantic investigation. It’s getting tight and claustrophobic, she’s elbowing and shouldering past countless people, hoping in vain that Eddie and Richie can keep the pace behind her, knowing that she truly couldn’t afford to lose any more of them. She doesn’t have the time to look back and check, but the presence of their voices is enough to reassure her. There’s so many people she can hardly believe it, more people than she saw at the concert some weeks back, and surely more people than reasonably existed in Derry. She can’t question it, doesn’t have the energy to, so she just keeps searching, calling. The pace of the crowd is relentless and unstoppable now like droves of stampeding wildebeests, and she fears they might get trampled if they stop for even a second. She’s moving, searching, calling and then she’s interrupted; her eyes fall on something in front of her that makes her heart skip a beat in her chest.
It’s him, moving along with the horde, far ahead of her but still very much recognizable. She can hardly believe her eyes, and he doesn’t disappear when she blinks in confusion. In her panic-riddled mind she briefly wonders if its really him or simply a person imitating him, and she comes to the quick and hopeful conclusion that it must be the former, as she saw no reason anyone in this town would want to dress up as a character on a bizarre local access show of all things. Something strange overcomes her and her pace quickens; she can hardly think as she pushes past more people, becoming consumed now in the throes of a different chase. Her feet feel numb and she can’t control herself. She keeps her eyes on him, his tall figure distinct among the bobbing throngs of people shorter in stature, and she can hardly hear the calls of the children behind her.
“Angel! Angel!” Ed and Richie are yelling desperately. They sound far away, almost as though they had floated off, light as balloons and skyward-bound. She shuffles forward, static in her ears as she leaves them behind. “Where are you going?! Angel!!”
She’s swallowed by a strange desire, something she can’t muster the power to break from; not here, not now. She’s almost hypnotized, taken by an urge she doesn’t understand, but she knows she has to get to him. She doesn’t even know what she’ll do when she does; what she’ll say, how she’ll explain herself. She simply continues thoughtlessly, her canter almost quickening into a run, as much of a sprint as the current surroundings would allow her. It’s almost like a sickness, intense and vivid and overwhelming, heat settling over her temples as she pushes closer towards him.
And then he stops for a second, the crowd moving around him like currents of the red sea parting for the will of god through Moses’ staff. He stops, he turns, and he looks through her with a piercing stare. His eyes are highbeams of golden headlights in the dark of an unlit road.
She becomes dizzy, she loses all concentration. Everything is blurry, she can’t see straight. The static in her ears becomes deafening, almost like there’s a chorus of screams fighting to break free from her veins. There’s something mad roiling furiously through her blood now. Her eyes glaze over for a long moment before she snaps out of it, and she finds him gone from the crowd, almost as though he were never there in the first place. And then as she sobers, it all comes flooding back. Oh. Oh god. The children. She looks around her, but Eddie and Richie are gone now. She’s alone in the crowd. She’s alone, and she’s managed to lose all four of them.
Angry tears brim in her eyes as she immediately breaks from Up-Mile-Hill back onto Costello Avenue, quick and nimble on tired feet, her pulse thrumming in her aching temples as she continues her search more frantically than before. She longed to be at home resting after such a long night but she knew it wouldn’t end until she found them. It was hard, but she knew she had to take responsibility for all of this and see it through. She was just so worried for them. She spends eternal minutes scanning over the comparably empty road, interrupted only by the occasional passing streetcar, shivering in her costume and almost wishing for the feverish warmth of the previous chase to take her again. The feelings of self-hatred are starting to work their way through her blood again, blaming herself for all of it as she carries on. They were all lost and it was all her fault. If she’d just kept everyone in one piece, if she hadn’t gone chasing after the stupid clown, this wouldn’t have happened in the first place. This wouldn’t have happened in the first place.
She crosses from Costello Avenue onto Canal Street, and from there she starts to trek across Bassey Park towards the Kissing Bridge. She knew the Bowers Gang liked to hang out there on occasion, and there was the vague possibility they’d taken Stan there. Yes. Yes, it might be a better idea to search for one kid first and move on from there. She could at least take comfort in the fact that the others were simply lost in the crowd on Up-Mile-Hill, and they had a better chance of being safe while she tried to track down Stan. She hoped anyway. The Kissing Bridge comes up on the horizon and she stops for a moment. She slides her hands down the length of her cane until she reaches the bottom, and unscrews a compartment on the end until a hidden flashlight pops out. She turns it on and keeps going, shining it on the path in front of her until she reaches the bridge. She flashes it momentarily at all the names on the bridge, down at the Kenduskeag across the way, then scans it over the tunnel ahead of her. She listens for noises, any noises, anything that might give them away if they were anywhere nearby. So far, there’s nothing. She waits, and waits, but still there’s nothing.
She feels the tears come welling up in her eyes again and she stuffs the flashlight into her pocket in frustration. She leans out over the bridge, elbows propped on the white wood, and starts sobbing as she lets her face sink into her hands. Her cries echo in the emptiness of the surrounding nature, mocking her panic and her fear as the silent moon looks on indifferently from above. She indulges in this dejection for some time, unable to do little else than use this time to collect herself through her misery. She closes her eyes and lets her tears drop from her face into the foliage of the downward sloping hill below. She groans and buries her face in her hands again, but jerks up in alert when she hears rustling in a nearby underbrush. She whips her flashlight out again, cautiously searching with its beam of light to discern what she had heard, but she gets the wind knocked out of her as something rams into her from the side and slams her to the ground.
When she hits the ground her vision blurs, and she gasps desperately for breath as she waits for her vision to return. Something hits her in the ribs again and she sputters, coughing out a shriek as she rolls over and curls into a fetal position, trying to shield herself from her assailant. Another blow, this time aimed at her back and she cries out, further pushed into the wood of the Kissing Bridge. Her forehead scrapes against the pavement and she can see her blood smeared against the ground, black in the dim moonlight. She squeezes her eyes shut, almost hoping that that perpetrator might stop eventually if she just laid there and took it. She wheezes in agony, trying to catch her breath, but she’s suddenly jerked upward by her shirt and slammed against the bridge. She coughs again, blood and drool trickling down her lip, shaking as she faces her attacker.
It’s Patrick Hockstetter. He’s alone, and he wears a look of smug content on his face. Smug content and just the slightest hint of resentment.
“Nice to see you again.” He sneers.
She gasps, still short of breath, unable to react immediately. She straightens her back in his hold and winces at the aching pain in her bones.
“Patrick Hockstetter.” She groans. “I knew one of you slimy fucks was hiding around here.”
He punches her in the ribs and she cries out again, losing her breath as he looms over her. He’s pressing her backward into the bridge like he intends to push her over the edge, but he still holds her there, clearly enjoying her discomfort.
“I’d shut my mouth if I were you, you stupid meddling b*tch.” He says with venom in his tone.
“F*ck...You.” She growls, and he hits her again, this time across the face.
She coughs and sputters, and then she looks up to glower at him.
“What… The f*ck...Did you do to Stan..?” She asks darkly, swallowing back the taste of rust.
“You mean that kid in the lame little bird costume?” He asks. He leans in, and she can smell the revolting stench of alcohol on his warm breath. “...We beat the everloving piss out of him.”
She lunges forward, roaring in rage but he’s too quick. He punches her in the ribs once more and laughs when she lets out a pained howl, crumpling over as she tries in vain to protect herself. He keeps a tight grip on the front of her shirt, and a spike of fear shoots through her veins when she can hear a click from outside her peripherals.
He raises a switchblade to her throat, slowly pressing the sharpened metal against her throat, savoring the way she squirms.
“You’re a f*cking freak, you know that?” He sneers. “Grown woman friends with a bunch of lame ass little kids, f*cking lifeless weirdo. No wonder you hang around with those f*cking losers, you’re no different than they are. ”
“Better than hanging around a bunch of limp-dicked nobodies who get their rocks off threatening women and children.” She whispers with hatred in her voice. Despite her fear, she can’t stop herself from taunting him even in the face of danger.
He presses the blade against her throat harder now as he pushes her back against the bridge.
“Shut up, b*tch, or I’ll slit your f*cking throat right now. I’ll let you bleed out right here on the ground.”
He looks around her and down into the underbrush below. He looks thoughtful for a second, and then an evil grin spreads across his face.
“Or… I’ll throw you over this f*cking bridge. How about it, bitch? Maybe you’ll break your neck from the fall.”
He inches her back even more until half her body is dangling back over the wood, and she’s struggling against him.
“Yeah, yeah I think that’s a pretty good idea. I think this town would be better off without you anyway. Just one less of you making us all look bad.” He says.. He notices the pendant around her neck and smirks. “Hmm, won’t be needing this anymore, will we?” He yanks it from her neck and throws it to the side, delighted at the way she cries out in dismay when it clacks against the ground and skids out of sight into a nearby bush.
"Well, it was nice knowing ya…"
He leans forward to whisper in her ear.
So long dyke.
And then he pushes her over the edge.
She screams out as she falls and then she hits the ground. There’s a sickening crunch upon her impact and gravity sends her tumbling painfully down the underbrush. She’s lost her breath completely and she gasps for air, gulping it down into her lungs desperately as she plunges toward the bottom of the hill. She’s got scratches on her face from stray branches and she’s covered in dust and leaves as she lays there helpless, immobilized in the dirt. The pressure against her ribs is unbearable and it takes all of her strength to roll from her side onto her back. Her bowler is gone, having gotten lost when she was pitched over the side. She can’t muster the energy or the strength to get up, time has slowed to a crawl as she passes the minutes fighting to stay conscious. She can see the black starting to take over and she tries her best to combat it, but she knows it's only a matter of time before she passes out. She coughs into the cold air, and each cough sends a sharp pain stabbing against her insides, sends fresh tears in her bloodshot eyes, which brim over the surface and trickle warmly down the side of her feverish cheek. She’s almost gone when she hears laughing overhead. Laughter, self-indulgent despicable cackling which turns into a blood curdling shriek out of nowhere. She thinks she’s hallucinating the rumbling snarls and the wet, ripping sounds, the chewing, so vivid in her ears like surround sound in a movie theater, the stench of death rolling over the cold air like a carrion perfume. It’s a maddening assault to the senses, one she can’t muster the energy to question or justify as she lies there like a captive audience. Then, just as quickly as it came, there’s simply an eerie silence now where there was once a disorienting cacophony of screams and tears and she can’t stave it off anymore, the pain and the exhaustion. After a few more moments of vainly trying to fight it, her sight eventually goes to black.
Silence, silence, silence and sleep. And then…
“Angel…” A voice calls to her. “Angel…”
She’s still out like a light, but she can still hear it, the sound of someone familiar. The voice is sweet and soft and lilting, almost like a lullaby. Almost like… No, it couldn’t be.
But when her eyes flutter open ever so slightly, she can see something reaching towards her from above, a blackened figure she can’t quite make out in her haze. The figure appears tall and looming; it reaches its hand down towards her and she wants to grab it, but she just doesn’t have the strength. Her sight is returning and the stars above her are so vividly blinding even in her haze; they stare down at her from above, bold but kind as she comes out of her trauma-induced stupor. This moment is so vaguely familiar to her, almost like deja vu; it's as though she’s reliving that night at the Terrace, with the mysterious benefactor that had saved her from getting very nearly trampled. She wants to reach… She tries so hard, but the pain is too much and she falls back again, thudding against the ground. The shadow looms closer still.
“Angel…? Angel!”
The world slowly returns to her weary eyes, and when she comes to all she can see is the kids standing over her.
“Holy sh*t, are you okay?”
They’re all crowded around her in worry, looking over her in concern, crouched to examine her beaten condition. The stars are merely a backdrop now.
“Oh I’m fine…” She says weakly, letting tears of relief well in her eyes. “Just… Slipped and fell. Clumsy me, right?”
She laughs bitterly and then sucks in air through her teeth with a gasp. She groans.
“Nah, I… I went looking for you guys and… Ran into Hockstetter. He beat a raincheck into my stomach and t-threw me over the Kissing Bridge.”
“ F*ck man.”
“They got you too, huh?” Stan says, his voice feeble and frail. She takes a closer look at him, standing above her. He’s all disheveled and bruised and his costume is ripped to shreds. Eddie and Richie have him with an arm around each of their necks, propping him up.
“Awh, Stan, your costume…” She says, genuinely heartbroken. She coughs again.
“It’s… Okay. Definitely could’ve been worse.” He assures her. She can see the pain on his face.
“How’d… F*ck… How’d you guys… Find each other again?” She asks, trying to sit up but only making it about halfway.
“Well, Richie and I stuck together in the crowd after we lost you.” Ed explains. “We only managed to find Bill near the library because he took his costume off, and the three of us went down Up-Mile-Hill again to look for Stan after that.”
“We found him in the alley next to Tracker Brothers, said the Bowers Gang split up and left him to look for us after they were done beating the snot out of him.” Richie adds. “They didn’t find us, thank f*ck, but it looks like they found you. Well, one of them anyway.”
‘A-Anyways…” Bill speaks up. “We heard you s-s-scream… From across the Barrens, so we hurried over as f-fast as we c-could. Couldn’t find you on the b-bridge, but then s-suh-Stan spotted you down here near the canal.”
“Sorry we got here so late.” Eds says apologetically.
“Don’t worry about it.” She says, trying to sit up again. She winces. “I just… Think I’ve had enough for one night, and I'm sure… God… All the rest of you have too. Think we should probably find some way to get me home that doesn’t involve a stretcher.”
“We could all try to help get you up the hill, but what about Stan?” Eds asks, glancing at him from the side.
“I’ll be fine.” He says. He steadies himself before removing his arms from Ed and Richie’s shoulders. “I’m sore but nothing seems broken. She’s definitely in worse condition than me anyway.”
“...Thanks Stan.” She sighs with gratitude.
"Don't mention it." He smiles.
“Alright so… Are we doing this?”
“Yeah.” Angel agrees weakly. “Let’s give it a shot.”
Ed and Richie both pull on her arms and Bill supports her back as she struggles to get up. She hisses in pain as she scoots forward on the ground, and then she finds her legs, moving forward onto her knees so she can stand. She gasps as she gets up, and all four of them immediately move to keep her upright. She straightens her back and takes a deep breath in through her nose, breathing out through her mouth as she takes her first step forward. It gets harder as they reach the steep incline leading up towards the road, but against all odds they make their way back up. The walk home is long and painful despite the shortcuts they take but thankfully the crowds have all but dissipated completely at this point. Halloween seems to officially have come to an end and the streets are deathly silent now.
The second they come through Angel’s front door they waste no time in getting her to the couch. They lay her down on the cushions and she immediately sinks into the soft gingham, wincing and groaning in pain. Bill takes one of the pillows laying decoratively on one end and uses it to prop her head up. Richie and Ed help get her situated while Stan sinks down tiredly onto the floor next to one arm of the couch.
“You think anything is broken?” Ed asks worriedly. “Because, I can call 911. In fact, I think we probably should just to be safe.” He’s already walking towards the phone.
“No no, Eds, that’s okay. Don’t worry, I think I’m good. I think maybe my ribs are bruised, but I don’t think I broke anything.”
He puts the phone back on the hook. “You sure?”
“Quite sure. Promise promise.”
“Well… Alright. Either way, we should try to get the other stuff patched up.” Ed says, immediately striding over to his backpack now. “Luckily, I came prepared. My mom always makes me carry a first-aid kit around.”
“Nerd.” Richie mutters under his breath.
Eddie makes quick work of Angel’s wounds, disinfecting them with alcohol and applying bandages to all her cuts. Then once he’s done, he admires his handiwork.
“There. Not quite good as new, but I’m sure you’ll be better in a couple days.”
“Thanks Eds.” She says gratefully. Eddie has already gotten to work patching up Stan too.
“What now, though?” Richie asks. “Do we just… Go home? I was hoping to trade candy.”
“Dude, she’s dying.”
“I’m not dying.” She insists thinly from the couch. “If you guys wanna trade candy, then by all means. I owe you for getting me home tonight.”
“Are you s-s-sure, Angel? We don’t want to make things any h-harder on you.”
“Nah,” she says with a wave of her hand. “I don’t mind. Trade candy, watch a few movies, have some fun. Forgive me if I don’t join you, though, need some sleep after all this sh*t. Do your parents know you’re spending the night?”
“We can spend the night?” Richie asks, perking up.
“Sure. I don’t want you kids walking home alone after what happened tonight, too risky. And I’m not in any shape to take any of you back, either, so I don’t mind.”
“Well, n-none of us really c-cuh-cleared it with our parents…” Bill admits.
“...Maybe you can call them up in the morning.” Stan suggests, his voice muffled from between his hands. “Tell them we were too tired to walk home after we got done trick or treating. They know we’re with you, and we’ve slept over before.”
“Works for me.” Angel shrugs. “Well, I’m heading off to bed, you guys know the drill. Out before 6:30 and fold the blankets before you leave.”
“You got it, boss.” Richie salutes.
“Thanks Angel.”
She stops in the doorway of her room. “Thank you.” She says with a genuine smile and a wince. She shuts her bedroom door behind her.
Mayor Jello is already asleep on the bed. Time seems surreal as she gets undressed, peeling off all the layers to her costume and shucking them carelessly off to the side as she tiredly scans the walls of her room in vacant thought. Her eyes travel all over her various keepsakes and eventually make their way over to her open closet. Dozens of painted ceramic clowns stare at her innocently from the shelf as she removes her clothes and in the silent emptiness of it all, she blushes. She pops a couple painkillers, washing it down with a hearty swig of water at her bedside table, then carefully crawls into bed with a long and hedonistic sigh. She can hear the chatter and uproarious laughter of the children just down the hall and it makes her smile.
Nestling into the blanket, she lets her mind wander as she lays her head down into the plush of her cotton pillow, reflecting over all that had happened tonight with a kind of wistfully retrospective lens. She couldn’t deny that it was most certainly a very eventful holiday, more than she quite frankly could have bargained for. She’s just beyond relieved that she and the children all managed to end up together in one piece again. She’s worried for Stan’s condition, and quite frankly, worried what his parents might say when they learn of it, but she pushes those worries away for now, instead letting her mind wander toward Pennywise again. It was strange, what had happened earlier that night. She was almost sure she saw him in that crowd, but even stranger still was her reaction to seeing him in the first place. The urge to approach him had overcome her like a mad fever, and it had been an urge so powerful it separated her from the children. All she could do in that moment was try to reach him, like she was a moth fluttering desperately towards the warmth of faraway flame. And then, once he had gone, she had been so cold again. It was like he was a vision, a mirage so vivid and tangible but a mirage all the same, dissipating into nothing as she drew ever closer. Just a vision, a fantasy, a dream.
Her thoughts bring her into peaceful slumber, and from there she meanders into the all-too-familiar setup again, the same telltale scenario she’d encountered dozens of times by now. Waking up in the morning, getting ready for work… The feeling of loneliness and desolation stewing within the town, the clacking of her heels against the sidewalk the only instrument playing in an otherwise empty orchestra as she makes her way to the library. Working her shift, ignoring the cold shivers that roll down her back, the way the emptiness made her feel small and vulnerable… And the way that things always shifted, when she hears the whispers for the first time. How she follows the voice, and the way warmth seeps back into her bones with every step, like she’s simply a corpse rediscovering life. The feelings that bubble up inside her when she sees him for the first time, there in a place far below the town, standing there like he’s been waiting thousands of years just for her.
He faces away from her for a time, and when the silence becomes too much she always finds inexplicable strength in her voice. She calls to him.
He slowly faces her now, his eyes glowing warmly in the darkness. They’re not mean or intimidating, only warm, like two golden tears shed from the sun, like glimmering, shimmering stars. She does not shrink back from his blinding stare even as it numbs her, even as it makes her blood scream out for something unknown and fills her with shrieking, seething insanity. He doesn’t answer with his words but the way he holds out his hand fills her with purpose; she trudges forward on deadened feet, closing the gap between them slowly but surely. And usually, that’s where the dream would almost always end. Sometimes she would hear a delicious whisper in her ear as she drew closer, might even feel the sensation of hands ghosting lightly over her exposed skin, but she would always wake before anything really happened, before he got a chance to truly touch her. It always frustrated her to no end.
“Angel…” She can hear the smile in his voice. There he stands, waiting for her to come. But then, but then… He takes a step forward himself, keeping his arm outstretched as he moves, her heart skipping a beat in her chest as he does so. This was… This was new. She resists the powerful urge to run towards him now, forcing herself to keep the same slow and composed pace from before as she keeps going. He continues in his own fashion, his eyes rooted on her, his suit jingling ever so slightly with each step and all she can think about is how desperate she is to feel it in her fingers. The thought is so deliciously sublime that each step gets lighter and lighter, and then eventually she leaves the ground completely. She starts to float in the cold air, starts to float away from him, and her dismay only sends her higher, higher and further away from his reach.
“P-Pennywise!” She cries out. She tries to swim down towards him to no avail, the current of the air is simply too strong. He doesn’t speak as he stares at her from below, but his voice is there in her mind regardless.
“I’ll always protect you, my sweet.”
Her eyes flutter open. It’s morning, she can tell by the light that shines through the curtains and the way the birds chirp from the trees outside. 7:27 , the clock at her bedside reads. Reality returns to her waking mind as she wiggles her toes underneath the warmth of the comforter, and as she adjusts her head on her pillow she can feel something odd laying underneath it. Another gift, maybe? As she sits up and regards it with wary eyes, she feels almost like a child unearthing spoils from a late night visit from the tooth fairy, and when she removes it she can’t stop the breath from hitching in her throat, a smile spreading across her face at the discovery.
It’s her pearl heart pendant, and beside it, a grape-flavored Tootsie Pop.
She walks out into the chilly living room, nothing on save for the necklace and a t-shirt. The living room is bare now, all sign of the Losers gone as she surveys the surroundings with tired eyes and steps towards the couch. Unwrapping the Tootsie Pop, she slides it in her mouth as she sits down, turning on the TV with a sigh. The local news is on, and the sight of the headline makes her heart sink with dread.
Patrick Hockstetter was declared missing.
0 notes
wyttolff · 7 years
Drive-In Saturday
Hi guys! Thank you so much for 700 followers, so I’ve been working on a little fanfic for you all. I hope you enjoy, there will be more to come! Sorry it’s so long. Ship: Stenbrough (mention of Reddie) Word Count: 3004
Stan loved his new job. He had figured a 16 year old boy ought to have a job and stop relying on his parents for everything, so in the late summer, right before starting his junior year, he applied to the old record shop downtown, Archie’s All Time Hits. To Stan’s surprise he was accepted after only a few days since applying and was eager to start. He’d been working a little over a month now and was still just as happy to be there as he was the first day he started. He loved being surrounded by the poster covered walls, with rows of stands filled with any music one’s heart desired. He loved the perfect stream of sunlight that shone through the glass windows across the bins of vinyls each day just before 5 o'clock. He loved the kind people that visited each day and how amazing it felt when someone asked him for advice on what to listen to. He could talk for hours on his favorite albums and recommend the most perfect music for anyone he met. Archie loved having Stan around because he had finally found a young soul that liked and appreciated the music just as much as him. He quickly took Stan under his wing and Stan grew to enjoy music more than he had already thought. One warm October Saturday afternoon, Stan rode his bike to work as he often did. The leaves crunched beneath the wheels as the wind rustled through his soft brown curls. Six Different Ways by The Cure played from his mixtape through the headphones of his Walkman that was clipped onto his jeans. The song reminded him of the Losers. He missed them a lot. With the amount of time he had been working lately, he couldn’t spend as much time as he wanted to with his best friends. He still spent the free time he had with them but often it was difficult to juggle all of his responsibilities and seeing his friends. Bill was the only one that Stan saw much more often than the others. Stan often rode to his house after work to do homework or even just see him. Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy played as Stanley arrived at the record shop, thinking of Bill as he parked his bike. Stan slid the headphones down off his ears as he walked through the door. “Hey Archie,” he said as he headed towards the back room to put his backpack down. Archie nodded his way while looking up from a bin he was reorganizing. He walked back to the front just as a customer arrived which he gladly went to assist. Stan went about his usual responsibilities for the next few hours; helping customers, organizing bins, and bringing out the new vinyls to the front. The shop closed at 5 on Saturdays and Archie had already left, leaving Stan to finish out the day. The shop had been quiet most of the day with only a few customers coming in to browse.  At around 4:30, the store finally received some customers. Stan was crouching on the ground organizing a bin of Beatles vinyls while humming Alphaville’s Forever Young that was playing from the record player in the back, when he heard the little bell above the door ring. “Good afternoon, i’ll be right with you,” Stan said finishing up the bin. “Stan the fucking man, what a place this is.” Stan whipped around to see Richie walk through the door with the remaining five losers following close behind. “Guys what are you doing here? I thought you were all going to the movies?” Stan said walking over to greet them. “We’ve been missing our favorite curly haired friend while he’s been working hard,” Bev said to which she received a taunting “Hey!” from Richie as he pointed to his mess of black curls atop his head. “You guys are the best,” Stan beams. All the losers disperse through the rows looking for vinyls for themselves. Bev heads towards a Stevie Nicks bin but is distracted when she notices a stray New Kids On The Block record that she teasingly calls Ben over to show and Mike follows to join in the jokes. Richie pulls Eddie’s hand towards the back bins full of bands such as The Cure, Joy Division, and Queen. “Richie! I wanna look at the people I like,” Eddie whines. “Eds, I love you and all but I can’t deal with anymore discussion on The Yo-Yos or Wo-Hos, or No-Nos or whatever their damn names are, I need some actual good music” Richie pleads, receiving a serious eye roll from Eddie. “Its the Go-Gos,” Eddie says annoyed. “And don’t call me that! I only wanted to look at The Smiths anyways,” he pouts. “Well shit, Eds, you know they’re my favorite,” Richie beams down at Eddie as he throws his arm around his shoulder, squeezing him tight, then dragging him along. Stan stands back, watching his friends enjoy themselves talking about the music he too is so passionate about. As he looks around he notices one loser off on their own, Bill. He stops a moment and just admires Bill. The way his hands glide over the cover of the records package, as his gleaming eyes follow over the old Elton John record he’d found. The ray of sun that Stan loved so much falling perfectly on Bills cheek, giving him an ethereal glow. As Bill went to brush the single strand of dark hair that had fallen over his eye, he looked up to meet the dark eyes of Stan watching him. A slight rush of heat filled Stans cheeks as he was caught, but he simply smiled at the boy and made his way over to him. “Elton John?” Stan asks as he approaches. “I-I was just l-looking,” Bill stammers with a small laugh and a gleam in his eyes that was familiar to Stanley. As Bill goes to set the vinyl back where it goes, he accidentally knocks a few onto the ground. “S-shit, im sorry.” “Don’t worry about it,” Stan says as they both reach down to pick up the fallen records. Reaching for one of the albums, his hand falls upon Bills as he reaches for the same one. They both look up to see the others eyes right in front of theirs. They stay there a moment before Stan breaks the stare and coughs a bit, letting go of the album. Both boys cheeks fill with a slight red as Bill stands up first. As Stan picks up the last of the vinyls and sets them back where they belong, he spots an Aladdin Sane album. His eyes light up as he quickly grabs it, it’s his favorite. He eyes the album in his hand a moment before turning to Bill. “Hey, uh, have you ever heard of David Bowie?” Stan mumbles. “H-have I heard of h-him? He’s m-my favorite,” Bill says as his eyes light up in a way similar to how Stans did when first eyeing the album. Stan smiles down at the album, the album he listened to when Bill popped into his head. The album he listened to when he was riding home from Bill’s house after an afternoon of movie watching. The album he listened to when he couldn’t sleep at night and needed happy thoughts. “Stan?” Bill asks, breaking him from his daydreams. “Oh, uh, sorry about that, I was just, thinking about, uh..” he stumbles. Stan has never blushed so many times in such a short amount of time. “T-these love songs make y-you t-think of someone, S-Stanley boy?” Bill teased while patting Stan’s shoulder. Stans blush deepened even more. If only Bill knew. Bill stood there smiling at Stan with that sparkling white smile that made Stan melt. “They make me think of Eddie’s mom, Billy Boy,” Richie interjects as him and Eddie walk by on their way to the next aisle. “Richie what the hell?” Stan yells after him as he watches the two boys run down another aisle, hand in hand. Eddie playfully hits Richies shoulder and rolls his eyes right before Richie leans down to kiss Eddie on the forehead and he instantly perks up again. God, did Stan want something like that. Richie and Eddie were so open with how much they loved each other, why couldn’t him and Bill be like that? But Stan knew why, Bill didn’t love him like that. At least he didn’t think he did. “I-I can’t stand him,” Bill laughs. “I don’t e-even r-remember what we were s-saying.” Thank God. Stan thought to himself. Richie may be an annoying asshole, but at least he just saved him from that awkward conversation. How could he tell Bill that he’s the one he thinks about when he listens to those dumb love songs. He quickly thought of how to reply without reminding Bill of his teasing question. “You were just about to tell me your favorite song from this album,” he said, gesturing towards the vinyl in hand. The approach was slightly flirty but subtle enough he hoped Bill wouldn’t think twice about it. Thankfully, he didn’t. “Oh y-yeah. I really l-like Drive-In Saturday, a-and The P-Prettiest Star,” he answered. “It’s s-so hard to pick a-a favorite t-though, I l-love everything B-Bowie sings.” “How did I never know this? We both love Bowie and somehow we never knew about it,” Stan joked. “I think I have an idea.” Stan grabbed Bill’s hand before he had a chance to even give a reply. He led Bill through the aisles of bins, stopping at one to grab a pile with his left hand, and continuing dragging him towards the back. Stan leads Bill into the small employees room in the back of the shop. There’s a small couch in the corner where Archie takes his midday naps, a coffee table by the window with a single chair, and a record player laying on the floor with Stan’s backpack dumped out and his records surrounding it. Stan’s Alphaville vinyl still sat under the needle- he hadn’t had time to flip it since he was distracted by his visitors. “I guess I could give you a Archies Insider experience,” Stan jokes as he sets the records down on the coffee table and then gestures towards the room with his now open hand. He hadn’t realized they were still holding hands but he wasn’t going to be the one to pull away. Bill continued to hold his hand as he looked around the small room then led Stan towards the record player on the ground. He let go of his hand as he bent down. “Are t-these all y-yours?” Bill asks, picking up the scattered albums and looking over each carefully. “Uh, yeah,” he replied. Bill continues to take all the vinyls in. He picks the needle up off of the now still Alphaville record and puts it back to the beginning and listens to the first few notes of Forever Young as it restarts. He closes his eyes, taking in the tune, and when he reopens his eyes, he looks up at Stan and starts jokingly singing along. “Let’s dance in style, let’s dance for a while,” he starts. Stan bursts out laughing but can’t help and stare at the boy sitting on the ground making the cutest fool of himself. “Heaven can wait we’re only watching the skies” he continues as he stands up. Bill grabs Stans hands and begins swaying around him while continuing to belt the song. “Wow I can’t believe I get an exclusive private show from Alphaville themselves!” Stan teases. Bill stops his singing and plops on the couch. “A-are you s-surprised? Your b-best friend is s-secretly f-famous!” he jokes back. Bill was out of breath from his performance, singing and hopping around the room was hard work. While he caught his breath, Stan took the vinyl off the record player and dug through the pile he had brought in with him. He pulls out the Aladdin Sane album they talked about before, placed it on the deck, and lowered the needle onto the record. Drive-In Saturday began playing quietly through the players speakers. “M-My favorite,” Bill practically whispered. He was still slouched on the couch, closing his eyes once more, but this time he kept them closed. He hummed along to the tune as he swayed his head back and forth to the beat. Stan stared for a while, not on purpose, but because he couldn’t take his eyes off the peaceful boy. He’d never seen Bill so relaxed, and he seemed so into the music filling the room. Stan was still staring in awe when Bill opened his eyes. For a moment Stan thought Bill would be weirded out or confused, but he just smiled at Stan and motioned to the spot on the couch next to him. Stan rose from his spot on the ground where he was sitting and hesitantly made his way towards the couch. Bill sat up enough for him to sit next to him and curled his feet up towards himself. “So you r-really like w-working here don’t y-you?” Bill asked. “Of course. I love being able to work somewhere where it doesn’t feel like I’m actually working. I love being surrounded by all the music and I’ve learned so much from Archie, I’m so thankful,” Stan starts and he didn’t finish there. He kept rambling on about the new artists he had found, and the people he meets. He mentions the story about the old woman who came in a few days ago and talked for a whole hour with him. He talked about the young girl he helped find a present for her mothers birthday. And he talked about the young boy who came in and said he wanted to be just like him and gushed over the Walkman clipped to Stans jeans. Bill just sat and listened. He loved listening to Stan talk and watching his dark eyes twinkle with excitement while his soft brown curls bopped up and down with each slight movement. He was put into a place of peace as he watched Stan talk about something he was so passionate about. The soft melodies of David Bowie still played in the back, adding to Bills sense of happiness. “I just talked about myself for way too long,” Stan finally laughed. “I didn’t even notice how long it was until that vinyl went quiet. I’m so sorry.” “N-No, t-that’s okay, I l-like just l-listening,” Bill replied. Stan got up to flip the record but as he walked over, he noticed the clock on the wall. “Oh my God. It’s almost 6 o’clock. The shop closes at 5, where’s everyone else,” Stan rushes through the curtain separating the back room from the main store with Bill following closely behind. They enter the shop and notice everyone was gone. “Well that’s weird, they’re gone and didn’t even mind to tell us” “Do you n-need help c-closing up?” Bill asked as he walked to the front of the counter where Stan went behind the counter to lock the register. “Wait S-Stan, look w-what I f-found.” “What is it?” he asked, looking up from the register. “To Stan the Man and B-Billy Boy,” he began, reading from the piece of paper that had been laying on the counter. “Bills singing w-was so bad we had to l-leave immediately because E-Eddies ears began to b-bleed. Signed Trashmouth and the L-Losers” “What the hell, he’s a little ass,” Stan laughed as he grabbed the paper from Bills hands. He flipped over the sheet of paper and noticed more scribbled on the back. “Richies a dick, you two have fun, we went to see that movie. Don’t have too much fun though, who knows whats happening back behind the curtain. Signed Bev with a half-assed winky face next to it?” “They’re s-so w-weird,” Bill laughed. “I don’t k-know what they’re e-expecting us t-to do.” “Yeah, what the hell, maybe we can catch that movie though?” Stan said. “Only i-if we h-have a bike r-race on the w-way there,” he jokes back. Stan runs to the back to grab his bag and locks the door of the shop on the way out. Both boys rush to their bikes and start pedaling towards the Aladdin in the center of the town. “I don’t know how you expect to win this race on that grandma bike,” Stan yelled to Bill as he sped past him on one of the turns. Bill started speeding up and caught up to Stan just in time. The boys jokingly trash talked each other as they sped through the streets of Derry. “See I told you she couldn’t win,” Stan yelled back as the Aladdin came into view. Bill sped up right as he said and finished before him. “Or maybe she can win…How do you always do that?” “Gotta put some f-faith in good ol S-Silver,” Bill chuckled. The boys both hopped off their bikes and walked towards the front of the Aladdin. “H-Hey S-Stan?” Bill said softly, looking down at the ground as he spoke. “Yeah Bill?” he answered? Bill kept his eyes down as if he was nervous of what he had to say. Stan stood there patiently, worried of what Bill might have to say to him. Was he mad? Did he know Stan liked him? Was their friendship ruined? Just as Stan was caught in worry, Bill looked up into Stan’s eyes and quickly leaned in and kissed Stan on the lips. “Uh-I-ya-um,” Stan stuttered, not knowing what to say. “Hey, I-I’m the one w-with the s-stutter h-here, I’m sorry I-” Stan cut him off as he leaned in for one more kiss. “Don’t be,” Stan said as he pulled away, grabbing his hand to lead him into the Aladdin where their friends awaited
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snarknsass · 7 years
A - Z
Tagged by @maverlok. H'okay. So. Already gonna be breaking the whole 'tag 10 blogs below' but whatever. X.x
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A - Age: 2 years away from my original planned age to start a family which has been delayed because LIFE
B - Birthplace: The frozen north, eh?
C - Current time: Honestly? Hot cocoa and a bath time. I'm bloody cold.
D - Drink you last had: *sigh* water, like a good little girl
E - Easiest person to talk to:  The characters in my head. Okay, okay, I'll play nice. Erm...gimme a minute.
F - Favorite song: I...uh... I like a shit tonne of music. If I had to pick one and only one though...maybe "Breaking the Habit" by Linkin Park.
G - Grossest memory:  Coming across a half rotted carcass of a deer during a summer camp years back. The flies were Everywhere and- *heaves*
H - Horror yes or horror no: Get that shit away from me! I still have nightmares from movies I watched over a decade ago!
I - In love?: I mean I hope so. I am newly married to my S.O. That's the easiest person to talk to!
J - Jealous of people?: I’mma be a goody two shoes here and say no. Slightly envious of those who have more/are in better shape, but I'm willing to work for it to get it.
L - Love at first sight or should i walk by again?: That's actually kind of what happened with my S.O. so...no, really I mean it. Granted if you exclude the 4 times our lives crossed paths before that we never interacted...
M - Middle name: I actually have two, so I'm saying two: Insane Weirdo
N - Number of siblings: Only child. WOOT. Legit I desperately wanted an older brother growing up. Yes I said older.
O - One wish: For there to be magic. I am in need of a potion that lets me switch back and forth between long hair to my waist and spikeably short every month. Also portals. To other realms. Namely so I can try to kidnap my favourite deadly assassin and turn him legit pocket sized and then keep him as my personal cheerleader. And feed him skittles and starbursts when he's good and stick him with the dragon figurine when he's bad.
...or you know, eradication of all disease and illnesses.
P - Person you called last: Poppa. (Grandfather)
Q - Question you are always asked:  "So when's the baby?" Shit, I dunno! How about when we own our own place?!
R - Reason to smile: Fantastic friends, roleplay shenanigans, fanworks of favourite characters, and my S.O. being a goofy sweetheart.
S - Song you sang last:  Uh. What was the name of that song on the radio? Oh Yeah! "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran
T - Time you woke up: 7:30am because I apparently forgot to shut off my gd alarm.
U - Underwear colour: ...it's Sunday. It's pajama day.
V - Vacation destination: Would love to go back to Hawaii again. Planning the honeymoon to be in Japan currently tho.
W - Worst habit: Procrastinating. It is the bane of my existence.
X - X-rays:  Last one done?? Uh. My shins. Suspected shin splints that hurt like a mofo and wouldn't go away so checked for a fracture. I mean that I kept running on them and delayed getting diagnosed until I literally couldn't walk probably didn't help..
Y - Your favorite food: Chicken fettuccine alfredo, but I am extremely picky about the taste and consistency of the sauce.
Z - Zodiac sign:  Taurus.
Tagging: @sno4wy, and @jarlaxlebaenre and @artemis-entreri I want to see Artemis and Jarlaxle answer...please??...uh. Yeah. Okay. *runs*
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dying-tragedy-blog · 7 years
Modern au six of crows
Just some hcs about the dregs gang in modern times I guess
Kaz Brekker -black coffee -lock pick -honestly like the rest of them will Come in and he’ll already be inside -I’ve been waiting for you -magician -pick pockets his “allies” all the time -gloves? Yes -has a slight fear of touch -it used to be really bad but he’s Overcoming it -cane? Yes -he fell out of a tree when he was little and broke his leg so he uses his cane -plus It’s fun to hit people with - has the dregs tattoo because he loves crows and he’s an extra little shit who’s an edgelord -he’s in fights like all the time -they don’t call him dirtyhands for Nothing -so smart -has social media but only posts cryptic aesthetic shots or out of context remarks -uses his talent for evil mostly -his teachers still love him tho???? -very fascinated in psychology -and business - b o o k s -mostly crime but he’s such a closet Nerd. -you can pry Harry Potter from his Cold dead hands -hacker -loves the stars -and the moon -and Inej -has to put up with the constant -points to random crow -kaz it’s u -actually the originator of #getbrekked -will never admit it -all started when Jesper pranked him -covered every inch of his room with post stick notes. It blew up on YouTube -well the is kaz Fucking brekker -was he going to stand for that -no. -so he sets up his own YouTube account -films his first video -his revenge -he tinfoils all of jespers room. Even the socks. -the video blows up he gets tons of subscribers and his revenge -but most important from this one comment. From one account that has never been active since the tag -#getbrekked -was born. Inej Ghafa -ultimate secret keeper -knows everything tbh -the one who can just turn up out of nowhere?? -where did you come from -this place called outside -instagram queen -it’s usually loads of aesthetic shots and sunrises but every now and again there’ll be a video of her shouting parkour and chasing after a squirrel -loves to dance -jackets -hats -earrings -the best at hide and seek -only uses Snapchat for blackmail -Kaz?? Sleeping??? S n a p -keeps a photo book you can fite me on this -poems -cats -her parents took her to the circus when she was little and she fell in love with the tightrope and the acrobats -so she became great at it -really good -sometimes she does it to scare kaz -he pretends it doesn’t work but sometimes he’s so freaked out Like how are you bending your body like that??? Wtf???? -doesn’t swear -the original fricketyfrack -interested in culture history language and photography -aspiring poet -social justice - plans to start a movement when she’s old enough -tea over coffee -marshmallows
Nina Zenik -one word: queen - her and Matthias are everyone’s otp - social justice in high heels - every social media - YouTube? You bet ya - fashion hauls make up tutorials and The ever growing list of videos Featuring Matthias - likes indie music would die for Ed Sheeran - really interested in languages and fashion - she wants amazing designs to stay the same in plus sized clothes -high heels - cannot cook - at all - blew up a microwave trying to Warm up leftovers - hot chocolate and blankets - binge watching tv -somehow knows everyone??? - hey Nina - hey zoya - who’s she - oh just somebody - smart but will never revise - why revise when I can eat - grades Nina - waffles matty - red - once tried to start a band - can speak three languages Jesper Fahey - ADHD? I’m gonna say ADHD - danced but doesn’t do it seriously - mostly does it to embarrass Wylan - Jesper please - what? My hips don’t like wy - listens to shakira - huge gamer - debates - politics - he’s smart but he never tries. Prefers to argue about homework then do it - finger guns - with sound affects - 80s music - and you better believe that he once entered the classroom singing all star - constantly flirting with Wylan - freakishly good aim - hey kaz, do you bet I can throw this pencil in ninas bun from here - do it - worst and best taste in fashion simultaneously - one day it’s great. Shorts and t shirts, hats and then the next it’s lime green checkered pants. - red cowboy boots - farmer sayings - loves it when Kaz gets them - p r a n k s t e r - youtube Chanel is literally just pranks but he has so many subscribers - always puts things on the highest shelf Wylan van Eck - Wylan van sunshine or Wylan van rekt there’s no In between. - usually quite sweet and innocent but every one Knows he’s anything but. Eveynow and again these comments just slip out like - yeah that’s not the only thing Kaz wishes he could be doing - r u n - was bullied pretty bad for his dyslexia but now he just doesn’t really care??? - I’ll just draw my bullied drowning - a r t I s t - his art teacher adores him - only has tumblr to post his art work - really big on tumblr - dog person - massive nerd - superheroes?? Sign me up - amazing at chemistry and maths - puns - so many puns - you think you can beat me at mariokart? I was a lonely kid with no friends and too much free time. You will never beat me at Mario kart - fuck - watch your fucking language Wylan - sweaters - always covered in ink??? Kuwei yul bo - the odd one - he’s always there but he’s always not - the child of the group - he’s basically the weird thought you have at 4 am - not innocent - not at all - he kinda just sits back and observes - but that means he knows everything - he and Inej share so many looks - he’s a nerd in every imaginable level - him and Wylan fight over things all the time but they’re bros - has memorised the entire periodic table song - somehow has kissed more people than both Nina and Jesper - it’s 3 am and there’s a murmuring voice in the darkness - this is the periodic table nobl- - shut u p - chemistry and physics - can actually cook - rly close to matty and Nina - that one kid who purposely makes things explode - fire? FIRE - rlly bad at comebacks sometimes he just walks away
Matthias helvar - sports fan - all sports - doesn’t actually play them that much? He mostly just hits the gym - long hair - very philosophical - the mum friend - when I’m the voice of reason you know something’s wrong - can cook really well - always baking for Nina - gives the best piggybacks - everything looks so high from up here - Wylan loves it - tattoos - so many deep meaningful - he can’t go a day without saying they’re all horrible - he’s always searching for the truth - can tolerate really cold temperatures - plants - the sea - stands up for what he thinks is right - is actually how he met the crows - he was beating up some kids who were mocking someone with dyslexia - so he bears them up and when he rounds the corner guess who’s there - Kaz Fucking brekker - and so the induction starts
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ethrcal-blog · 7 years
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heyooo i’m manu and i’m 18 and imma be real honest with you guys all my characters are trash and they are all true honest messes but i premisse to do better in the future so i think that should count for something. this post got long af bc i have 0 self control, and after i started talking about them i just wanted to lay out all the important info about them, buuuuuut if you are reading this we should highkey plot (i got some possible connections here but like if you come to me we can talk about something different or something more specific to your character ja feel?). fair warning tho there is some triggering content on my chars backstories so i put triggers related to the character before their facts.
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JOÃO VICENTE DE CASTRO, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met william rafael carvalho da fonseca yet ? the thirty one year old is known for being both enthusiastic and creative, but also very confrontational and reckless. born in são paulo, brazil, liam now lives in southwark, as a reporter.
tw: emotional abuse, substance abuse
R A N D O M   F A C T S + H I S T O R Y ; ;
hates figures of authority
liam does shit just because he thinks it’s funny to aggravate people
he will fight anyone and anything at anytime
besides that tho he is really fun guy and most of the time he’ll just try to be nice and have fun with people and make jokes.
he is the kind of person that takes jokes way too far
would 100% fill your house with balloons for a prank
can play the guitar really well but only really plays wonderwall cause he knows people hate it
his family is really rich. he works and he does his own thing totally unrelated to the family business but he highkey lives knowing that if he ever needs anything he can just call up his parents and it will get done.
he lives in an apartment that his mother bought him as a birthday gift.
his father is from brazil and his mother is from london.
he has two younger siblings a sister and a brother
he was born in brazil. when he was younger his parents were married and he stayed around there for most of his younger life
his father wasn’t the best person to be around tho he was really demanding and he was constantly belittling and putting him down bc liam failed to live up to his expectations. 
liam’s mother never really did anything when his father was around but she would sometimes come to his aid after the damaged had already been done and give him stuff as if that could solve the whole issue.
his parents got divorced when he was fifteen. his mother moved back to the uk but stayed in brazil with his siblings.
after that he would go back and forth between brazil and the uk to spend time with his parents but he finished high school still in brazil.
his father wanted him to take over the family business and be someone liam most definitely wasn’t. liam still tried and he went to college for a few months but one day he got home drunk and his father started screaming @ him about how terrible of son he was so he was pretty much done. the next morning he packed up his stuff and moved in with a friend until his mother bought him a ticket to fly to the uk
after that he moved to london and he’s been in london ever since.
he pretty much went to college to become a journalist just to spite his father
he drinks way too much but he also smokes weed and he does cocaine sometimes
he legitimately cannot stand being bored or staying still for a while so he’ll figure something to entertain himself at all times even if it is extremely dangerous or downright stupid
he doesn’t have that great of a self-steem. lots of the stuff his father said still resonates with him and even tho liam avoids thinking about it most of the time he still feels bad for not becoming who his father wanted him to be, and not taking over the family business
P L A Y L I S T ;;
g-eazy - sober ft. charlie puth
g-eazy & halsey - him & I
the weeknd - dark times ft. ed sheeran
blackbear - idfc
blackbear - do re mi
post malone - rockstar ft. 21 savage
eden - drugs
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His siblings bc i’m out here for the family drama honestly. maybe one of his siblings took over the family business and that could aspire some drama bc it could been sort of like a betrayal? or maybe something happened in brazil and they moved to london to stay with him for a while bc reasons and liam thinks he has to be the responsible bigger brother but he is him so that is a problem.
one ex bc why not? and maybe it all ended really terribly bc they were always worried about the kind of stuff he was going to pull next in order to entertain himself. maybe he did something really stupid that put his life in danger and that was how it all ended
maybe someone who goes along with all of his stuff and they both have fun and do stupid shit together but maybe idk they just keep raising the stakes and it’s the type of thing that (if no one stops them or none of them stop to be the voice of reason) they’ll end up in las vegas getting married bc they had a bet that the other wouldn’t get married with a stranger
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FRANÇOIS ARNAUD, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met octavianus bruno gentille yet? the thirty five year old is known for being both loyal and optimistic, but also very unfocused and self indulgent. born in venice, bruno now lives in westminster, as a art history college professor.
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his name is octavianus but he legit thinks that is the dumbest name in the face of existence so he’ll usually go by bruno, his middle name. the only people who know his actual name are his family or people who have seen his id. if you want to annoy him just call him ‘octavianus bruno’ and watch him go from 0 to 100 real quick
legit the best out of all my children which doesn’t say much but still
he loves the idea of love, and the idea of falling head over hills and not really thinking straight only thinking about the other person. and he thinks romantic love is the most important thing someone can have in their life.
he gets himself to fall in love with people and then jumps head first into things, and he turns thing that could be really easy and make it complicated.
he is super loyal to his friends.
he would take a bullet for any of his friends
but he is legit very self involved and self focused he thinks of himself as this great person who is out to help others but he won’t take advice from anyone and he is solely focused on his romantic life + his feelings
besides that tho he is honestly trying which is more than you can say for any of my muses
he is really optimistic and revolutionary and thinks people are supposed to protest and fight for what they think is right and then they’ll turn the world into a better place.
he thinks that if you talk it out you can solve any problem
will not fight anyone tho no matter the circumstances
he is really a huge pacifist who thinks peaceful protest is the best way to get people’s attention
he wants everyone in the world to be happy and have equal opportunities and for everything to be great
he loves art more than anything else
he is the kind of person that starts five projects at the same time and ends up not finishing any of them.
the kind of dude you’ll ask ‘what’s your opinion on cookies?’ and he’ll legit talk for an hour if you don’t stop him.
bruno was born in october 15, 1982 in Venice, Italy.
his father was originally italian, his mother from london.
he spent his early childhood with both his parents in italy, but when he turned five, his parents got divorced and he moved back to the uk. with his mother.
his father stayed back in italy.
he used to come by and visit every so often. once a year his mother sent him spent winter break or summer vacation with his father in italy.
his father used to tell him stories about how he loved his mother and about how ‘he would give her the world if he had been given a chance’ and that created an idea in bruno’s mind about how there are soulmates and perfect relationships out there and now he is constantly chasing it 
but since no relationship is ever perfect his relationships will usually end bc of that
he is really extra about everything honestly especially love
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dive - ed sheeran
all i ask - adele
coaster - khalid
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Maybe an ex that he wronged, someone that love him or they loved each other but it all ended bc bruno has no idea what a real relationship is and he can’t be an adult about his relationships.
Imma be real shitty for a second here but maybe some teacher student type of thing because if this asshole would romanticize something it would be some type of star crossed love relationship
maybe some nice and pure platonic relationship maybe like someone he is teaching art to or just someone who admires art and he is trying to be a good person and he is out there giving them advice and helping them out without asking for anything in return and maybe this person can call him out of his bullshit and they can have some sort of sibling relationship
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JEFFREY DEAN MORGAN, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met michael john baxter yet ? the forty five year old is known for being both caring and charismatic, but also very unfaithful and selfish. born in london, mike now lives in southwark, as a coffee shop owner.
tw: cheating
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michael sucks honestly 10/10 would not recommend but i love trash so here we are
he is irredeemable, don’t @ me
swear way too much
he wears leather jackets because he thinks he is cool
he is an idiot honestly
he thinks he is funny and he laughs at his own jokes
mostly only really cares about himself and it’s not that he is trying to be an asshole or anything but he’ll legit do shit and after he already shit the bad he’ll be like ‘oh riight that was bad’
he is an asshole but lowkey does not want to be one
he was married for many years and he and his wife had a daughter and things were all fine and dandy but this asshole has no self control and he cheated on his wife a few times,,, she found out and they tried to make things work for a while but he did again and then she throw him out
he lowkey hates himself for destroying his marriage but he isn’t really doing anything to be a better person so here we are
his family used to be very poor and he worked his ass off for everything he’s ever had and he is really really proud of that
he put himself through college by working two jobs and legit the only thing he can commit to are his professional aspirations.
after college he started working for other people even tho that wasn’t really why he went to business school and he saved every single dime until he was able to open up his own business
he started his career opening up night clubs and he had three pretty successful ones when his marriage fell apart
he is really charismatic tho and he’s always trying to make people laugh and trying to entertain people. he legit finds joy and making others happy and excited and that was why he excelled at his business bc he just was constantly making sure the place he was running was a place he would love to go, and a place he knew people legit have fun in.
after his marriage fell apart tho he sold all off them and tried to retire for a while and try to work on being a better person
he couldn’t stand not having a job and not working tho so he opened up a small coffee shop bc it was supposed to be something small he knew he could handle without working as much as he used to
he can be either really chill and sit down and talk about life and give you legit good advice that he totally wouldn’t follow if he was in the same situation or really wild and be the type of person that goes ‘do you wanna break something?’ depending on who’s with him.
he’ll literally go along with any idea you have.
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ain’t no rest for the wicked - cage the elephant
animals - cage the elephant
hate to say i told you so - the hives
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his daughter cause legit i would love to play out this dynamics and see where we could take it? like it could be interesting bc he loves her, but the cheating could have affected the girl and the girl’s life in some way? or maybe it affected how she sees him and it could be some broken relationship or idk angst honestly whatever you have in mind
his ex-wife and idk my fella it could be like some one sided sort of thing where he stills loves her but he is still him aka an asshole? maybe she loves him too but she knows being with him is Not Great? imagine them trying to get back together but how can you trust someone after that type of thing and he is Legit Trying but it doesn’t seem to matter anymore? Imagine arguments and loving someone who is terrible, and throwing blame back and forth ( i put an ex connection in literally every character so far fjaslfj i’m sorry )
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JAKE GYLLENHAAL, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met thomas edmund faraday yet? the thirty six year old is known for being both honest and warmhearted, but also very demanding and proud. born in london, thomas now lives in kensington and chelsea, as a theoretical physicist and college professor.
tw: child neglect, drunk driving, death,
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he was born in a super rich family extremely loaded for generations type of thing
doesn’t know the real value of stuff honestly you could tell him that a cartoon of milk costs 50 bucks and he would believe you.
a heart of gold but also the type of asshole that will argue with you for hours (even if you are done with the argument) just to convince you you are wrong and he is right
honestly stale cinnamon roll been in this world too long too cynical
he went to a boarding private school when he was young, his parents honestly could not give less of shit about him. they were both really young and rich and wanted to enjoy life, so they would often ship thomas off to whatever they could find eg,: boarding school, summer camp, whatever kind of different program they would find
it wasn’t that they didn’t love him, but he would often get in the way of their plans. and they really just weren’t the best parents in town
thomas grew up always dreaming about having a real loving family like the ones in sitcoms and movies and that was his dream for most of his life
he was also highkey biggest nerd in the face of earth who loved star wars and star trek especially star trek because he fell in love with star trek the next generation and science fiction. 
that was when he discovered his love for science.
he went to college and that when he met his wife and thomas was well on his way to make his dream come true
he and his wife got married, had a son, moved to his family’s house in kensington and chelsea and things were great and beautiful
things continued to advance in his career, thomas managed to work with what he wanted.
expect one day his wife and his son were both going back home after she’d picked him up from middle school and a drunk driver hit their car. 
both his wife and his son died in a car accident and he highkey hasn’t been able to actually connect with anyone ever since. 
he threw himself in his job after that and focused solely on his career
knows his family is gone but would never consider moving on bc that for him would be the same as forgetting them
highkey just wants love and a family and someone to care for that cares about him but is too terrified to put himself out there to loose the people he loves again.
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white lie - the lumineers
little lion man - mumfords & sons
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something pure and fine where they slowly build trust and everything is fine?? no angst just love. this is lazy i know but love~ that’s all i want for him
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JON BERNTHAL, CIS MALE, HE/HIM — have you met matthew nathaniel decker yet? the forty one year old is known for being both determined and caring, but also very sttuborn and blunt. born in austin, texas, matteo now lives in tower hamlets, as a criminal.
tw: war, death mention, violence
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the king of grumpiness honestly
annoyed 24/7
i know this meme is dead but honestly ‘looks like could kill you and could actually kill you’
once you are his friend he’ll protect you and love you and respect you
but also grunts about not functioning properly before a cup of black coffee
doesn’t know how to talk to people and be a nice enough human being and he’ll just say the shit that goes through his mind without realizing that he might sound rude.
he was born in a highkey patriotic family in austin texas
the army part of his backstory is pretty similar to frank castle’s in the comics ‘born’ which is also kinda like the punisher’s series but better bc i am petty and i don’t like the show
the first thing he did after turning eighteen was enlist himself in the army.
at first it was about doing his duty as an american and about fighting for the freedom of everybody around him 
and then he just kept going back again and again bc he had become a soldier and he didn’t know what else he could do besides that
after that it was more about doing the only thing he thought he could do
cut to many years later and he became a coronel in the army
in one of the missions tho lots of shit happened most of friends died, he hadn’t believe in the war he had been fighting for a while but this time he had seen enough
i legit love writing about his time in the army so if you feel like reading extra shit for no reason here some links to old drabbles i wrote (x), (x). it’s the same info you got here but a little more in depth to specific moments
after that matteo went back home to the us but he couldn’t quite land a job for a long time. he knew how to follow orders but he was terrible at dealing with people and his formal education had pretty much stopped at the age of eighteen. 
he tried for a while to get a formal job but none of them ever lasted long until one day one guy he knew from the army got him a gig as a guy’s bodyguard, unbeknownst to him he was protecting some very important guy from a gang
it took him a while to realize it, but after that, he continued to do it, bc he needed the money, 
after a while matteo didn’t even mind that the money was dirty anymore
the guy started asking him to get some stuff done. sometimes beating up some people, sometimes scaring people. he used to say it was fine bc he was never really doing anything to anyone that didn’t deserve
until one the guy asked him to kill someone, that was pretty much the line for matteo. that day he acted as if he was going to get it done, and he stole some lots of the guy’s money ( at least the portion he had access to in his office ) and matt ran off to the uk to run away from all of that.
he’s been living around london now and he deals drugs every so often
and he isn’t really feeling That Great about who he is right now and he legit regrets most of life choices but he feels like there is nothing he can do at this point
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beat the devil’s tattoo - black rebel motorcycle club
arsonist’s lullabye - hozier
god’s gonna cut you down - johnny cash
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mAYbe high school a sweetheart or high school friend? someone who knew him before he became who he is today (someone who knew him for being nice and fun and a pretty chill kid who just wanted to protect his country) and like this person could remind him of who he was and who he wants to be and he could also remind them of the past and it could be cute but also maybe angst idk
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hanasaku-shijin · 7 years
ep20 liveblog
my god im shook and i havent even stARTED YET
gg wingman
diana ur gonna have some regrets lemme tell u rIIGT NOW
im gonna throw up im so ANXIOUS AND EXCITED WHAT THE FUCK
okay but like andrew and his dad LEFT last episode i thought so like why is he still here
oh nooo diana is going in alone alrEADY
I love the planet stuff now with all the astrology ajksdhfdks
holy shIT 
good hint early on trigger
alone with andrew but thinking about diana
oh my god
look at akko
w h a t
a time
when she couldnt use magic
at a l l
holy fuck
(thank god they are using andrew to give diana backstory since she wont open up about herself)
oh my godddddddddddd
this iS LIKE
oh hi bitch cousins
only akko
yet another custom akko must break haha
holy shit mouse was the WRONG CHOICE THIS TIME AKKO
oh hey she did a bird
holy shit
I M 
of course they didnt let us see that damn u trigger
 A K K O
let akko fly you there on her back as a dragon or something
holy shit 
finally they are ALONE TOGETHERRRR
diana’s ancestors healing people on both sides of the war
even if her aunt fucks her over diana would help her anyway
The Cavendishes were all healers
but they couldnt
that’s why she’s so adamant about this kind of magic
ohhh my god she’s telling her about her MOM 
diana is about to cRY
no why are we going back to andrew
oh grEAT a reason for him to go back AGAIN and find akko uHHhGH
literally wouldve been a 100% perfect ep without that tidbit there...
is it posisble to be in love with an episode because
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