#but yanno. wishful thinking and all that.
silverskye13 · 7 months
I wanna do NaNo this year, I say as my brain actively liquefies and pours out my ears
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ghostfires · 1 year
jake sully being a dadcore
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finefiddleheaded · 11 months
If you told me as a teen that in the year 2023 I'd be hosting an embroidery party, HYPED to see the Barbie movie, and having a wardrobe made up of 70-80% skirts I would've been horrified
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Almost named that once.
Christ was offered instead
Dad needed to be extended
Address of honor
Dead to the world
Dreaded by the Jew
You're the hottest dream your wettest night unicorn
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thepearlprincess · 5 months
going onto day 3. these are the longest days of my life but i did eat a lunchable and slept for 6 hours until i woke up feeling sick and crying again. i cant even take care of myself. it almost feels like a punishment i deserve despite not doing anything wrong
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today I finally shared a few lines from one of the many poems I’ve marked in one of many poetry books I’ve bought. I’ve been meaning to do that and I even made a whole blog for it but I just .-. haven’t. I don’t want to do much but I’m always doing shit I don’t want to be doing. so today I decided to say fuck my to-do list & I only did things I wanted to do (for the most part, anyways). and yeah, I needed it.
[on all of my poetry books] I’ve had to stay away from the ouchy ones cause they make me wanna die a little more sad. so they’re shelved for now & I’m sitting with a few that are more hopeful and positive cause lord knows I need more of that shit rn. (thank you @AprilGreen cause Bloom for Yourself has been lovely to read through)
I still feel like shit but at least they’re marked for when I’m ready to //feel// the happy / positive ones :}
#just looking out for future me yanno#when I drag myself out of this pit of dispair and misery and dissociation#I’ll have all these nice things waiting for me#// I have so much to do but I’ve finally burnt myself out cause I did too much too consistently#trying to avoid time to sit and drown in my feelings#but it’s making me frustrated and irritable and snappy#or dissociated#or all of the above. everything all at once#so anyways. today I watched aot and refused to respond to anyone#and I made tea even tho I didn’t want to (it was yummy btw)#and I’m with two very good dogs until Sunday which is v nice#I wish I could sleep .-.#personal#shitposting to the vOiD#nobody cares go to bed#I used to message my best friend when I posted things anywhere on social media & had no one looking at it#like stuff I wanted to share that no one saw#and I’d ask her to go like my post and she would and I’d feel nice for the 1 heart & knew it was my friend I loved#but we don’t talk anymore. so sometimes I think about that when I post stuff and yeah it blows#I always find things I want to send to them both. my ex and my ex best friend .-.#it’s hard and v saddening to not have people you love in your life anymore#especially when everything reminds you of them#like…if it’s not one it’s the other. and I wish I could let it go#or that the reminders were not so constant#…in my head this was all very logical and flowed and then I read it all as tags and i sound like a squirrely nutjob#my brain is a mess#so sorry about alllll of that lol
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disappearingcigarette · 7 months
yeah shit is gonna be rocky I think with the friend I’m staying with
#like I had breakfast and I said maybe too jokingly that I felt like I was gonna throw up#and she was just like bookin it to this place she wanted to show me#and I’m yanno. don’t know at all where I’m going and I’m just following her as best as I can#and she turns left and like a person on a scooter came really close to her and ik that was more what she was upset at#but then she was like#giving me attitude like. we’re going over *here* it’s this way I made a *left*#and I’m like yeah dude I don’t know where I’m going#I honestly wish I got along with her better but honestly idk like I’ve had more issues with her than most of my friends#and I want our friendship to work and I think it does from afar or like smaller amounts of time together#but we’re gonna be together for two weekssss#and I’m also very thankful that she’s letting me stay here and this is my first time abroad but idk#I wish that she’s be a bit more conscientious of me but also I am an adult so I shouldn’t need a baby sitter#she’s kind but not nice I suppose which is probably better overall as someone that I need to interact with#I’m also not like cut up about this but I am. worried for how we’re gonna get along throughout the trip#and that’s more why I want to go out to bars with other people around bc tbh I’m not really a bar girlie and clubbing scares me#and she’s into that stuff way more than I am#I think tonight I’m gonna be like hey. we both stayed up super late last night. you don’t have money. I have a meeting at 11pm.#maybe we shouldn’t go out tonight???#alternatively I also feel bad bc she’s had a really hard life and I know that she’s infinitely way more deserving of good things than I am#which is maybe not the mindset to have but it’s the only way I can articulate it#and I know this is also such a stupid first world problem to have to be like ughhh my friend that enjoys my company wants me to visit herrr#first in Italy for two weeks and then whatever country she lives in next year and the year after that#with increasing amounts of time away from home#maybe I’m just learning that traveling internationally is not something i really want to do#and maybe I’m lazy for that bc airports aren’t that bad it’s just the flight and all of the time that I dislike#my legs were so swollen when I landed it was a bit concerning#anyway. I don’t know necessarily if I want to or can really afford to go to Japan or South Korea next year and New Zealand the year after#and that could also be that I’m using my money in a different way#bc I could feasibly go if I still have the same job in two years#and that’s a whole other thing to talk about my relationship with money but anyway.
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cherrysnax · 1 year
yadda yadda I dug my own grave yadda yadda now I gotta eat it or whateva the proverb said
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honeysunchild · 2 years
Wow parents ruin fucking everything don't they
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bettysupremacy · 5 months
HI oh my goodness i just flashed through ur entire page (its LOVELY writing) and i desperately need more!! I noticed the lack of Remus request so here i am B)
OKAY could I request plot for before remus and the reader are together? Like how they came to be ^^ mm maybe like "coincidentally" him running into her at her favorite bookstore or coffee shop (ITS CLICHE IM SORRY BUT I LOVE THESE LOCATIONS) until he finally asks her on a date !! (and maybe his friends spying on him just becuase hehe)
thank uu
HELLO I appreciate the support and there definitely is a lack of Remus. It’s cliche BUT CUTE! thank you for the request babe!!
“But I can’t just.. talk to her.”
“Why not?” James deflates. “Girls love that!”
They sit at a tiny table, in a tiny bookshop, in an even tinier cafe built in. The air crackles with cedar wood and vanilla, swirling around his hazy mind. It’s cozy and intimate but he has no place to put his legs, he sits awkwardly, leg bouncing anxiously. It accidentally hits the table. Sirius flinches from his mug.
“I’ll scare her.”
“Well then,” Sirius stirs his coffee. “don’t be weird.”
They came to study- or rather Remus came to study and his shadows came along. It’d been fine at first, computer out, a quiet Sirius. But Sirius has never had the patience to play quiet for long, especially when James is near.
“Maybe I’ll just leave it..” Remus murmurs.
Two voices shout at him. “No!”
Remus flinches mouthing sorry to the people around him. Sorry students he’d burdened with his rowdy friends. Hands to a sticky table, he pushes up. “M’Kay, I’m going.”
His feet feel heavy. He wants to do this, he wants your number, but god he doesn’t want to do this. Rejection is enough, but rejection in front of his two best friends? Looking back at his table, James encourages him. Two thumbs up and a hopeful face.
“Oh, shit!”
He’s crashed into you.
“Oh,” you startle, stumbling.
James and Sirius sink into their seats behind you. “Wow.”
Remus stabilizes you. “M’so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he cuts you off.
“No seriously, shit, I’m sorry.”
You laugh, high and sweet. “I’m fine. At least there wasn’t coffee.”
“Has that happened?”
“Yes,” you breathe a laugh, dusting off your pants nervously. “before an interview.”
“That’s awful.” He’s genuine.
“It was kinda,” you ease. “they weren’t nearly as nice or attractive as you.”
He swallows. He thinks your pretty, very pretty. His eyes catch on your lips, your eyelashes. That’s a weird thing to notice, right? Eyelashes? He’s usually smoother than this, he wishes he was smoother than this. He’s embarrassed.
You flatten over his doubts like you can read his mind. “I’m clumsy, we can say this was my fault.”
You shrug. “It’s not far from the truth.”
“Not very chivalrous of me.” He laughs a little.
“It’s okay,” you’re comforting, he likes that. “Did you need something over here?”
He scratches his neck, speaking before he can himself.
“Do you wanna,” he doesn’t know what to say. He started the sentence and backed out too late, but you stand there with patient eyes. He swallows a whine. “I’m usually a lot smoother than this, yanno?”
You laugh unabashed. “It’s okay.”
“Falling on you like a building threw me off, I’m sorry.”
“Let’s start over?” You ask. “What’s your name?”
“Remus.” He sounds a little more confident. “I was over there,” he points to James and Sirius who wave. “and I thought you were pretty, would you wanna get drinks sometime?”
You hold back a laugh at the formality of it all. “Yes, do you have a cell?”
“Yes.” He breathes, pulling out his small phone decidedly. He doesn’t rarely use it, ‘cept for plans. Skipping past texts from James, Sirius, Lily.. etc, he opens the little contacts icon. He doesn’t ignore them purposely, he just prefers to call.
“Here,” you smile, taking the phone from him gently. “this is where you can reach me if you want to buy me another cookie.”
He looks down, he hadn’t noticed the fallen treat.
“Don’t” you start firmly with an easy smile. “say sorry.”
He laughs, holding back another sorry. “I’m free tomorrow.”
“Perfect.” you reach down to point at the pen in his pocket. “Can I see that?”
He nods, pulling out the pen for you. It’d been abandoned at the same time he’d realized studying was no hope. His fingers brush against yours as he gives it to you, but you don’t let his hand far. Gently grabbing it, you look up at his confused eyebrows for a confirmation. A gentle can I?
“Oh,” he breathes, nodding. “go ahead.”
You take the pen to his skin and work the ballpoint over the rough surface. The ink bleeds into him as you write the address. You notice his scars, jagged deep tissue, and ignore them. His ears heat up. “Really good drinks here,” you explain “and next to a bakery.”
A laugh stumbles out of his lips before he can stop it and you look up to grin. “Noted.”
Letting his hand go, you watch him bring the scribble up to his eyes to read it. It’s messy but he thinks that has something to do with his scars rather than you.
“Time?” Remus asks, and you grab his hand again, writing a messy 8PM under your other ink marks. “I’ll uh see you there.”
He turns to walk, almost immediately turning back and grabbing your arm quickly. “Wait, what’s your name.”
“I know.” You laugh.
He knows you’re not laughing at him, but he cringes anyway as he walks back, heavy with embarrassment, triumphant with the thrill of a date. the boys pat his back when he sits down.
“Poor thing.” Sirius consoles.
James scoffs. “He got the date!”
“But still,” Sirius sulks. “that was embarrassing.”
Remus glares. “Thanks.”
“Well go on,” James starts. “show us the writing.”
Remus sticks out his hand for the boys to see. They hum mildly, looking at him with approval. “Nice bar.” Sirius nods.
“Next to a bakery.” James affirms.
“I, uh,” Remus scratches the back of his neck. “made her drop her cookie.”
“You dickhead.” Sirius laughs.
“I didn’t mean to!”
He slumps in his chair as James hits Sirius. They argue, petulantly and boyish, and Remus looks away. You stand at the register buying a book he doesn’t remember you holding when he’d knocked into you. Smiling at the cashier you grab your change and the bag of goods you bought. He feels weird watching. This has got to be weird, right? But as you walk out, you glance to him, lifting your hand up to your ear during the doorbell chime.
Call me.
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sgdlr-asdfghjkl · 4 months
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I don't understand timezones, so I'm posting these early, hoping it'll reach you all in time :> Feel free to use them~
I wanted to draw something cute for LC fandom 💙🧡❤ When I joined here s2 was airing and it was the most fun experience of watching a show I ever had. My life isn't very happy, so having a place to just not think about it for a while is really nice. So like... thank you shiguang nation link clickers for being so welcoming and funny and multitalented and gay af and brainrotted and smart and silly an- you get it 🤝💖 thanks for making me feel less isolated 💪
'Fun' fact: while re-reading Xiaoshi's card, the pun made me tear up. They are so in love my goD, I wish that were me.
Hc about the last one: I like to think they went on an overseas trip to get married. So it's about that~ And Cheng Xiaoshi was so nervous he gave Lu Guang the pointing finger. LG finds it adorable and tells CXS to just leave it here. And that's why CXS wears a ring in s2 (why not in s1? idk maybe it comforts him, yanno after s1 ending >>)
Happy Valentines Day (✿◡‿◡)
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tteokdoroki · 1 year
no cus isagi being slightly crazy and saying the most absurd things to the men who approach you is like weirdly attractive…
૮ ͈>◡< ͈ა warnings — please read + mdni ! characters aged up to 20s, suggestive, sleazy men, manipulation kinda, threats of violence LMAOO, possessive + pro player!isagi, fem!reader.
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god,, it’s so fucking hot…
the idea of isagi always protectively looming over you, always around and a little too close when a guy approaches you. you think it’s normal, that he’s just looking out for you because men can be assholes or gross but really he’s just as outlandish as all the rest — perhaps worse and it’s just never been directed at you.
you’ll be out in public, making googly eyes at a guy who’s ordered the same coffee as you, swearing on your life that you feel some sort of connection like it’s a meet cute or something. but isagi is possessive, telling you he’ll watch your stuff with his sweet smile and big innocent blue eyes when you head to the bathroom one moment and in the next he’s damn near snarling at the guy, saying stuff like “you look at her like that again, and i’ll shove this coffee so far down your throat that you’ll never know what it’s like to breathe again.” he’s so unwell, so unhinged but he can’t stand the thought of someone else having you the way he does.
when you’re out clubbing or celebrating a win with the blue lock team — they’re all probably teasing isagi about keeping an eye on you, wondering who he’ll stop you from going home with tonight and placing their bets on the poor soul that dares to touch you. and it’s not that isagi blames anyone, you’re beautiful and enchanting and the sway of your hips under colourful flashing lights is enough to make a man weak in the knees.
but he still has this innate need to shield you from other guys because you don’t know what they’re like and you need him to protect you. “your hands are a little too low, don’t you think?” isagi all but smiles after sneaking up on the guy you’re dancing with — nausea bubbling in the pit of his stomach from watching you grind on one another. “they fall an inch lower ‘nd i might have to rip them off, yeah?” he breathes out the threats like they’re air, and smiles like he’s said nothing wrong.
and when the poor guy slips away from you out of fear, isagi is quick to replace his warmth behind you. “you probably don’t wanna dance with dudes like that, they’re good for nothing, yanno?” he says softly when you spin around, soothing the flame of disappointment that licks at your heart. but you trust him, isagi has never lead you astray and has done all he can to protect your beating heart — he’s always been a little too good to you. “i don’t want you to get hurt.”
it’s fascinating how charming and kind isagi is around you, but when it comes to the men that show up to your doorstep with roses and good intentions — he becomes off putting, unpleasant and scary. he wouldn’t be able to count on one hand how many potential dates he’s had to tell to “fuck off.” or “back off.” before he threatens them with a whirlwind of pain and hospital bills.
though, all of it is worth it, for the way you curl into him and offer yoichi up the pieces of your precious broken heart, stroking his ego without even knowing ( you drunkenly tell him “i wish you would date me ‘ichi, you’re a good guy…” ). and he is, he’s good for you, perfect even — but nice guys don’t take advantage of girls that cry their hearts out.
he’ll wait a few more days to make you his, only then will all of isagi’s efforts have paid off.
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chosclub · 3 months
After Last Night, 𝟏
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PAIRING — choso ° f!reader GENRE — one night stand au!smut WORD COUNT — 6.1k (side eye) WARNINGS — cunnilingus (f!reader receiving) º penetration º 18+ smut! CONSPECTUS — After spending too long mulling over a breakup, you decide to join your friends to the bar they frequent, hoping for a new beginning and the guitar-playing, angel-voiced singer looks like a good contender. PARTS º 𝟷 º 𝟸 (coming soon)
A/N: If you were thinking to yourself:
"Damn, I wish I had a soundtrack-like playlist to listen to as I read",
We might intergalactically connected
It’s right here
Listen in order (obviously)
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According to the multiverse theory, there are infinite amounts of you, they all diverge upon different branches made up of decisions and indecisions. But out of infinity, there exist two current versions of you that are living simultaneously at almost midnight. One is curled up in bed, luminated only by your lamp, blurry light like a warm blanket as you scroll on your phone, eyes brimming with exhaustion. The other is squished between dancing, drunk bodies, in a dress slowly riding up your thighs, sticky, sweaty and exhausted. If your fate lay in your hands like a magic orb, every decision only decided by you, the beholder, you’d pick the first reality; To be half-asleep, in bed, alone but in good company. However, it’s been months since you got dumped and–
“I just thought to myself, fuck it yanno? Life’s too short to care about some man!” You shout over the blaring music to Maki, who seems to be completely in her own world, eyes shut, face jungled by her hair as her head sways side to side.
“Yeah! Fuck men!” To your surprise she shouts back, reaching out her drink to clash against yours and chug in solidarity. A cacophony of voices from your friends join in, shouting the same. Can’t count how many of these moments have happened up to this point, some with complete strangers, most with the girls who dragged you out in the first place. The burning that initially rested in the back of your throat is no longer there, replaced by the insatiable desire for more – more drinks, more dancing, louder music, more excitement – fast forwarding through a movie and trying to fit in as much as possible. 
This rush of adrenaline has taken over you like a quenched beast, thirsty for more energy in any form it can latch on to, you decide to take a lesson from Maki’s book, closing your eyes, trying to absorb the music into your fingertips and arteries. Granted it’s been…a while since you’ve gotten to have a night like this, relationships sneakily take it out of you, it’s apparent your tolerance has depleted and the expectations for a Friday-night-out for everyone is your wannabe-alcohol-blackout-bender. 
The bar your friends frequent is a small one but always lively, the building feels like it’s going to spill over with the amount of people that fill up the dance floor, the bar, the patio. Moreover, Nobara offhandedly mentioned a hottie (her words) that plays with his band every weekend. 
There’s a newfound feeling, a thought that screams within you to disregard the fear of what could happen next — you have no one to answer to, no man in the corner telling you your dress is too short, no policing on what fun you could have. It’s an epiphany, only amplified by the alcohol that takes over your whole body, swaying your hips more deliberately, leaning comfortably into the air, lifting you and everyone else up until the entire dance floor floats. 
In an instant, the bubble is poked, atoms popped and disintegrated into the air; you have the ball and a football player just hungrily tackled you for it. Except you’re at a bar and a tall shadow of a being just bumped into your shoulder with a rushed force like you were the gate blocking his way through.
His hands hover over your shoulders as he floats through behind your back. “Shit! I'm so sorry!” He’s stopped to, presumably, only check if your brain is still intact inside your skull before he sets to rush through the rest of the crowd. The linger feels like an eternity to you, two paradoxes standing still among the dancing crowd that elevates around them. He’s almost made it to the stage when you come back down to Earth, leaving you standing still, without words. Another you would’ve cussed him out, grabbed him by the collar of his white shirt and brought him close to your nose to spill threats straight into his nostrils, this you only stares as he maneuvers from behind everyone, spilling an occasional excuse me you can only decipher from the movement of his lips.  
You watch as he props his foot onto the edge of the stage, a leap he climbs over with ease. He props his guitar over his shoulder, resting his hand on the strings. He stands over the crowd like a giant, the murky clouds drifting at his shoulders, he stares intently down at the people that seldom notice his band’s presence, sans one. The lights are dancing along his frame, pink purple blues illuminating his visage. His hair is split in two spiky buns, only a few strands that frame his face, his eyes dark with seriousness, a stripe the color of his eyes tattooed across his nose. 
The music drifts, dragging a series of groans, cheers, boos with it as he enters the indigo lights. 
He stands alone, adjusting his guitar and stepping closer to the mic. The lights dim a cool blue, leaving him as the center of attention, the focus. 
He steps on one of the pedals by his feet and begins to play a riff on his guitar. It’s a slow intro, already having captivated the audience, who have begun swaying to the entrancing melody.
He’s closed his eyes at this point, dipping his head down causing the loose strands to stand still on the tip of his nose and cheeks. His chest rises slowly in preparation, he leans closer to the mic, lips just grazing the metal grid of the mic head. He joins the melody and God, his voice is fucking angelic. He’s entered his own world now, paying no mind to the captivated crowd at his feet. His voice is raspy but strong, he’s singing as if the next verse is his last, the grate of his throat transforming the cringy 90s song he covers into an emotional ballad. You remember the melody, blasting from your older brother’s CD player, chorus bleeding from his room into yours until you banged a fist against the shared wall, signal for him to turn the volume down.
Your friends emerge from the rest of the crowd behind you to join the statue they left behind, watching, gazing at the dark-haired, angel-voiced performer. 
“No fucking way, is this Boyz II Men?” Nobara calls, propping her elbow on your shoulder like a pigeon landing on a limestone sculpture. 
“Yeah,” is the only word you can muster. 
She nods, “I’m into it.” The rest of you nod in unison like ogling robots, all at the command of the singer. Everything else sounded blurry, except for his voice. He’s reached the chorus, belting the notes, occasionally letting the audience peak at his irises, flooded in the iridescent indigo light. 
“I used to hate this song but–” A sentence left unfinished, floating with the air particles because whatever you say is no match for his melody and the way it has enchanted the crowd. 
The song concludes, the crowd enveloping him in cheers as his other band mates emerge from the crowd, picking up their respective instruments and talking amongst one another. Maybe it is the wow-factor of the band or maybe they are from outer space but you notice their uniquely styled hair; The bassist looks like a sea urchin, hairspray-locked spikes peeking out from his head of hair, the one with a mint-green detailed guitar next to him, pastel pink hair washed out by the dazzling white spotlight. The main act, the lead, listening to the two conclude a quick soundcheck, two buns lazily hanging on his head, the strands of hair slowly being picked up by the soft breeze of the ceiling fans and being dropped back on his forehead. 
The bassist begins striking a weighty, groovy riff and like a stack of dominoes, the background track and the guitarist follow lead. The pink haired boy inches his foot to his pedal board, tapping one slightly and his guitar begins to sound gritty; It’s a beat you can’t help but bop your head to. The lead singer’s voice has also taken a new approach from the ballad-singing, emotional sound before. This time, he’s closer to the mic, head dipping down so his irises glare forward and his voice swings in a way you’ve never heard before, left fingers carefully changing chords. His confidence and slight smirk drive a stake through your chest, heart pumping blood to get any other body part other than your head to move. His ability to soften his voice in falsetto for the pre-chorus leaves you captivated because holy shit he’s good. And holy shit are the three of them coordinated. 
The pink haired guitarist quickly taps a different pedal on his board, the bassist immediately playing a different riff, one heavier, more viscous. The slow riffs from the mint-green guitar send the crowd slowly swinging, bopping their heads. The singer adapts as well, grabbing the mic stand with one hand; You can’t tell if the wavelengths traveling from the bass guitar to you are affecting gravity itself, if the three of them smoothly transitioning to the slower part of the song, or if standing for so long has made you light-headed, but you’d bet the triple digits in your savings account that the raven haired, two spike buns singer glanced into your eyes. 
You exhale at the slight exchange, two stars orbiting a galaxy and only for a nanosecond meeting at a conjunction; When you blink, his eyes are closed as the other two band members begin singing the background vocals, leaving the lead to show off more of his falsetto.
The alcohol that was streaming through your veins has died down, only leaving behind heavy eyelids and a fuzzy view of everyone dancing. You and your friends linger around the bar, your elbow propped up on the wood, your only crutch to stay awake. The people have begun to fizzle out, the band playing earlier taking a break, the speakers booming with 2010s R&B. 
You wish you would’ve seen him approaching, like an entity identifiable by their silhouette, the shadow growing bigger and bigger behind you. 
“Hi,” he begins and before you can turn around to acknowledge the greeting, he continues, “I’m really sorry about bumping into you earlier.” 
It is then you turn your head from the rest of the conversation, catching a glimpse of the girls as they stare as if they’ve seen a being and are too scared to tell you that it’s about to devour you first. 
Now that he’s closer, he’s taller. 
“It’s fine,” you shrug, smiling, “I mean surely you could’ve navigated a crowded venue better but who’s to say?”
He has the same gaze from earlier, iridescent eyes unafraid to maintain eye-contact. He smiles and purses his lips to the side as a terrible cover up for his smirk. 
“Settle it with me and let me buy you a drink then.” 
You try to play it cool, but you’ve already used up all the shrugs and he’s already leaned his elbow against the bar, cocking his head to the side; He’s made himself comfortable because he already knows the answer. The other girls have already left, you see Nobara’s amber hair from your peripheral standing outside with Maki and Mai. 
All the confidence and allure you can convey to him, trying your hardest to mirror him – “Sure.” 
He turns to face the drinks, the only time you can look at him meticulously without him noticing. You stare at the tendons on his neck, his white shirt that hangs loosely on his form as he leans closer to the bar to get a bartender’s attention. Your gaze makes its way down, defined muscles outlining the shape of his arm, he rests his left on the bar and his right he holds by his face, a soft wave to catch the eye of the bartender who has his back turned to the both of you. You don’t dare look down further. He turns his head to you just in time before your eyes can make it past his waistline.
You blink at the bartender who stares expectantly back at you – An unsuspecting passer-by that watched you gawk at the spiked-bun singer. 
“A vodka cranberry, please,” 80% cranberry, you wish to add because you want to spare tomorrow-you the turmoil, she’s dealing with enough from the sleep-deprivation as it is. The bartender glances back at him, asking if he’s starting a tab or closing it off. He drives the inside of his cheek between his teeth before requesting to close it. 
Once the bartender has turned, tending to more drinks and drunken orders, the raven haired boy turns to you, leaning temple against his palm.
“I love your drink of choice –” He tips his head forward slightly, pausing for you to fill in the blank.
“I love your drink of choice, ____”
“What did you get?” You pause as well, waiting for him to give a part of himself, an equal trade so that even if every memory from tonight diminishes tomorrow, each other’s names will remain. 
“Choso,” He reaches the arm he was balancing his temple on to shake your hand, you giggle at the sudden formality and he smiles expectantly, like he knew that’s the reaction the gesture would ensue, “A whiskey neat.” 
“Oh, simple, I like it.” 
The bartender comes back with the two drinks,  one a radiant rouge, the other a brooding umber. He leaves the checkbook for Choso to fill out and departs once again.
You take a sip of your drink, the bitter taste of vodka hitting your bottom lip; As if by telekinesis, the bartender had taken the ratio you thought of and flipped completely.
You exhale a biting breath. “Damn, that’s so strong.” 
“You don’t like it?” Choso looks at you as he takes a sip of his drink, lips tipping the edge of the glass back. You can’t help but stare, wishing you were the drink. He swallows a sip back without even wincing. 
“Not how I’d make it, I guess.”
He raises his brows, “You bartend?”
“Yeah, a few blocks down.” You nod, “I guess on my days off, I come to spend money here instead of getting the drinks for free at my own workplace.” 
He smiles, “Makes me feel fateful you chose tonight to blow your money on a 200% markup.”
You shrug, “of course, anytime.” 
— ☆
The cold fall air is nipping so late at night, you try your best not to stumble over the cobble, shamelessly hanging on to Choso’s arm as he tries not to stumble over you dragging his body down. It’s nearing 1 a.m. and the music booming from the bar suddenly turns off, drunken bodies shuffling out and trying to figure out where to venture to next.
“Who lives closer?” You suggest. You glance up, expectant, and although you reach his shoulder, it still feels like Choso towers over you. He turns his head slightly towards you, but the eyes are what lock in with yours, waterlines lifting as he smirks. 
“What’re you trying to whore me out? We just met!” He exclaims. Panic almost rushes to your chest before he quickly chuckles, “Fuck dude, I’m totally kidding, I’m sorry. My apartment’s nearby if you’re willing to walk a bit.” 
You exhale, nodding because he seized all your words from you. 
The night envelops you both in her dark embrace, mid-October wind pulling your coat back as you use your hand to cover any part of your face you can keep warm. You and Choso try not to stumble and you try not to turn and look at him as he walks, his eyes focused straight ahead, jaw lightly clenched trying to bear against the wind. His hair flowing behind him exposes part of his face you hadn’t seen yet, soft pale skin, he looks different, his tattoo more in view despite the color of it partly blending with the night sky. 
His apartment is a few blocks away from the bar, a duplex he says he shares with his bandmates, Yuji and Megumi. The road is quiet, streets lined with cars and the glowing of streetlights is the only warmth you two can seek out in the cold. From the outside, the duplex is brick-lined, bay-windows on the first floor that overlook the street; You can see a warm light radiating from a lamp left on inside. 
You reach the top of the steps, Choso unhooking his arm from your hold and fishing through his jacket. The keys jingle as he inserts one and opens the door, allowing you to enter first into the warmth. The living room is eccentric, a long lamp reaching over the couch, orbs that illuminate the room hanging from the metal. The couch is caramel colored leather, lined with pillows on each side, matching the side chair and the walnut wood of the table. A fireplace faces the couch and everywhere, everywhere, on the floor, on the bookshelves, propped against the coffee table, are vinyl records, they line the player, they cover the table.
“Wow,” You exhale a breath, face vibrating with warmth, “this is an insanely nice place.”
“I know, right? We’ve been renting it for a while, got extremely lucky.” Choso floats in behind, hanging his jacket on the coat hanger and heads for the kitchen. “You want anything?”
You turn to face him and the kitchen, a large bar counter lined with stools and next to it, a dining table. These guys really like lamps, you think to yourself, eyes glancing at a small lamp on the corner of the counter. “Water, please.”
Choso nods and you both turn in sync, him towards the cabinets and you to your left to look at the bar cart that’s placed in between the living room and the walkway to the kitchen. You gander at the alcohol, accessories, and the fancy, when-the-guests-are-here glasses. When Choso approaches from around the counter, he asks, “just water?” 
“My liver’s going to give out by tomorrow,” you cringe at the thought, tomorrow-you hungover, tired, and miserable. “But you do have all the ingredients for a mojito, and it is one of my favorite drinks.”
“Can I watch you make it?” You look at him and there it is again; his intense gaze, looking straight at you as if there was nothing else in the world that could keep you out of his sight. All you can do is nod. 
You grab the muddler, container of mint leaves, and rum; Choso reaches from behind you to grab the syrup and you both set the ingredients on the counter. He opens the fridge, grabbing ice and a container of cut strawberries. 
“Could these work?” He holds the container up.
You shrug, “haven’t tried that before.” 
You add the leaves to a tall glass as he grabs a cutting board and begins to cube the strawberries. You’re side by side working in sync but you can’t help but glance at the way his veins protrude from his forearm even when he’s relaxed, how muscular his arms look, the overhead lighting shading in the valleys of his forearm, making the muscle bulge in the light. Your chest tightens watching him glide the knife across the stem of a strawberry, angling the knife to cut the fruit into smaller pieces. Unlike him, you’ve been enjoying the secret glances you get at him rather than the blazing eye-contact. It’s a game you’re unsure he would participate in, an act you don’t want him to catch you in, a secret between you and yourself; In this moment the only person that gets to secretly admire the valleys of his muscles is you. 
Frankly, staring at Choso had already built up a demand of sexual frustration that you are taking out on the mint, extracting every last drop that you don’t notice when he slides the cutting board full of glistening, cubed strawberries towards you. You hope he doesn’t notice how much you’re torturing the mint, the creased leaves sticking to the glass. But you also hope he does.
He announces he’ll be back, departing from the counter and disappearing to the living room. You don’t want to turn back to follow him with your eyes, the desire bubbling inside you like a geyser. Instead, you can hear him shuffling, stop, then hear a record crackle as he lowers the needle. 
He’s back at your side, watching you intently split the batch of strawberries in two, adding them to their respective glasses, and smashing them as well. You can feel his quiet stare on your shoulder as the record begins to play. You almost laugh when the music floods the room; He’s queued slow songs, full of bass that have your body vibrating trying not to bop your head or move your body. The room is filled with honey, it radiates from the soft yellow lighting, it flows from the record player and sticks to every corner and has begun flooding to the ceiling until everything is tinted yellow. 
After adding ice, you reach for the double-sided jigger he pulled from one of the drawers, measuring the simple syrup on one side, pouring into the glass, and rum on the other side. 
“Oh, fuck, almost forgot,” he states, startling you in your state of thought about his body. He opens the fridge again, grabbing a lime and a half-consumed bottle of club soda. He slices the lime between his hands, handing one half to you to squeeze the juice out of. Your knuckles turn white at the intensity of the squeeze, all the frustration from his gaze, his confidence, his voice, traveling to your forearm. He hands you the other half for the second glass and then the chilled soda. After pouring, you give both the glasses a stir, sliding one towards him. 
He doesn’t waste time tipping the glass back and taking a sip. You have to divert your eyes to the dishwasher to not stare at the way his collar bones come into view and the way the tendons on his neck project. 
He exhales a quiet breath. “____, this is so fucking good,” he says, making your eyes switch back to him as the edge of your glass is steady on your lip, not quite ready to tip over. “I saw you pour in the rum but I can barely taste it.” Dangerous, he adds, grinning. God he’s almost making your eyelid twitch. 
You finally swallow back a sip. 
“I’m glad you like it.” You smile, amidst the warmth, the music, the soft lightening, his compliment striked out, making your cheeks warm; You have to look down out of even more embarrassment that he noticed a compliment so simple made you blush. 
Maybe the pent up nervousness has affected your depth perception because when you look back up, you swear he’s hovered closer. He holds the glass to his lips again, slowly indulging another gulp and staring directly into your retinas. His gaze is so fierce you can’t help but stare right back; His tattoo is in full view when he sets the glass back down, empty, the well of it rouge with strawberry nectar. The music that’s continued to play isn’t helping either, the way he has his arm extended on the counter, biceps stretched, isn’t helping at all. The record spins. The song that plays intros with a guitar solo which leads you back to him, thinking of his fingers strumming each individual string under the iridescent lights.
There’s a soft crackle as the record halts. It catches you off guard, eyes deflecting as you watch the needle automatically lift and levitate back to its place. 
From your peripheral, Choso hangs his head down before sliding his hand off the counter and turning to flip the record over. You chug back the rest of your drink quickly, head dipping forward again to admire his back and the way his white shirt hangs from his shoulders to his waist. You watch him take each side of the record in his palms and give it a flip. Then pick the needle between his fingers and hover it over the record. Then pause. Then turn. Then all of the sudden, he’s walking at a quicker pace, wider strides, back to you. You catch a last glimpse of his dark irises before he’s grabbed the side of your face and enveloped your lips in his. His lips are soft, cold from the ice, bitter from the alcohol, but tender nonetheless. His right hand travels underneath your coat to your hip, pulling your body forward by the flesh. He lightly sucks on your bottom lip before pulling away. Eyes blown out like supernovas, breathless, he says, 
“I had to kiss you,” the words spill from his lips in a rush like he was going to die if he didn’t get to taste your lips. 
You’re still both attached at the hip, a branch splitting in two, his breath reaching the tip of your nose, his eyes gazing into yours in expectancy. You lean forward once more and take his lips in yours again – If the universe were to collapse in on itself, what a way to go making out with Choso. This time, he kisses with fervor. His hand leaves your cheek to slide to the back of your neck and gently tangle his fingers in a handful of your hair. His tongue prods at your lips, pushing against the flesh to meet yours. The sensation of his tongue simultaneous with the way he drives your lip between his teeth has you letting out a whine into his mouth. At this, Choso’s nails dig into the flesh of your hip. 
Fuck, he softly groans, beginning to walk backwards and dragging you with him – you willingly follow like he’s holding you by the leash. You can’t let go of his lips the same way he can’t let go of his hands from your body; The feeling of him so close has sparked the fuse that’s slowly begun to inch closer and closer to the dynamite. The way he holds you steadily as you almost trip over his feet fills your chest with warmth, filling every crevice with color and making you lightheaded. You’ve wandered into a bedroom, his, unable to let go of each other and almost tumble in front of the bed. You slip your shoes off using your opposite ankle, detaching your lips from Choso’s to take a breath. He’s breathing loudly, his chest rising with every inhale, the hair on top of his head inflating and deflating when he exhales. 
“Kiss me again,” he breathes, waiting. And you do. He’s kissing you passionately, jaw wider, unafraid. His tongue slides on yours in passing as he slips his on the soft and slick side of your bottom lip. Your hands begin to stray over each other’s bodies and he pulls you close again. The tip of his hardening cock prods your groin shamelessly. He spins you both, your back now facing the bed; He lets his hands wander down from your neck to the zipper of your dress, dragging the fastener down the metal teeth agonizingly slow. Your dress loosens when the zipper reaches the end and he slides the fabric from your shoulders. You’re standing before him, almost naked, vulnerable. He’s staring and you have to look away, knowing the heat that flows through your temples isn’t because of the mojito. He backs you slowly onto the mattress, the lamp on the bedside table is a low light, the equivalent of a candle or the shade of moonlight when it’s a full moon, enough to keep the shadows of your bodies hidden but enough to appreciate what you can see and feel of Choso. With your distraction of the amount of lighting in the room, Choso has already lifted his shirt from his shoulders and hovers over you. His pale torso is wide, you can see the scales of his side abs, the shadows of his abdomen contrasted by the light. His right bicep is by your ear now and he leans down to meet your lips again. 
Your hands reach the stretch of his sweatpants, sliding your thumbs underneath the band and the rest of your fingers slide the pants down his thighs, he has to wiggle his leg to toss the fabric on the floor, making you laugh. He smiles. 
Choso brings his chest close to yours, reaching his hands underneath your back to unclasp your bra. It feels freeing when he takes the garment and tosses it to the side of you and begins to pepper kisses onto your neck. You’ve both fully committed now, there was no room for pointless mind reading; When he reaches your collarbone and sucks on the skin, you think you’d be stupid not to understand his feelings. He’s wandering down further, confident as he delves deeper into the anatomy of your body. He kisses the valley between your breasts, settling on a particular spot to leave a deep purple mark. He takes one of your tits in his mouth, licking the soft and sensitive skin around the nipple and suckling on the bud. The feeling leaves you whimpering, taking a handful of his hair and pushing him closer to your skin, trying to burrow him inside you forever. 
He doesn’t succumb to your pressure, traveling down the valley of your stomach to your underwear, he slides his palms up your thighs and slides the panties off. Without wasting any time, his mouth is on your core, licking whatever nectar has begun to seep out. A hot summer’s day and he divulges on an overripe apricot, sinking his tongue against the slit, sucking every drop of the juice out. You moan, the wonderful feeling is heat to your core, you can feel his cock harden against the flesh of your thigh. Yet, he keeps going, grabbing your leg to make sure it stays open for him. A part of you wonders if he’s even breathing, his mouth busy on the flesh of your cunt and his nose reaching your clit, you wonder if he’s too focused on your pleasure to breathe. His tongue peeks inside your walls, then retrieving to lick up your slit and repeating. You’re on the cusp of an orgasm, muscles clenching, when he takes his middle finger, sliding it in the soft flesh. His hands are cold, they cool you down like melting ice cubes when he touches you. The feeling of his tongue and finger is overwhelming but you don’t want it to cease. You feel an orgasm coming on, afraid if he adds another digit, you’ll combust like the death of a thousand stars. He looks up the hill of your body, watching the tendons on your neck stretch as you lean your head back against the covers, your stomach heaving up and down. Without a sense of control, he moans into you watching you relish every moment. He slips a second finger, a silence in the room between your soft whimpers all you can hear is a gush. He picks up his pace slightly, leaving you melting into the bed. Breathless and whimpering, your orgasm flows through you like thrashing waves kissing the shore. 
Every muscle in your body contracts and relaxes, you feel Choso plant soft kisses on your inner thighs. His lips are soft, relaxing you and bringing you back down to Earth. He floats back up to you, looking into your eyes, you can barely open them to look at him properly. He hovers over your lips, kissing them, softly sliding his tongue to yours, you can feel the moisture on his chin and practically taste yourself on his lips. 
You’re eager to continue, relish in his pleasure like he relished in yours. You don’t want the night to end, to conjunct at one point and diverge from each other forever. You’re trying to signal to Choso that you can continue, trying to kiss him harder, tougher. You reach your hand down to his briefs, the soft fabric slightly wet with pre-cum. He smiles into your teeth in response,
“You want to keep going?” He asks. You nod, licking his bottom lip. He begins to lift himself off of you, leaning over to his bedside to try and scavenge a box of condoms. 
You reach for his shoulder, “I got an implant,” smiling almost encouragingly. He laughs, it’s short but it sounds heavenly, a complete contrast from the brazen persona you’ve gotten to know tonight. He slides his briefs down his legs. He leans closer to the side of your head, driving your earlobe between his teeth. You take his divergence from your face to grab a hold of his cock and guide it to your entrance. 
The feeling of your orgasm is still remnant, overwhelming as Choso’s dick fills your walls but your desire to continue overrides any discomfort you have. He groans softly against the nape of your neck, dragging his hand to your hair and gently grasping a handful. You feel so good, he whines, his whimper a low and deep moan, sexy, leading you to close your eyes and drive your hips further against his. 
With each thrust, the movement between his push and yours makes a slush sound, sap spilling against him, it’s almost embarrassing, almost, because you swear it makes Choso’s cock even harder in you. 
Choso fucks you slow but hard. Venus observa. He feels so captured by your cunt, that he’s lost all other motor functions, his lips lazily and sloppily kiss and lick your neck, your face, your ear, he’s lost complete control, shamelessly groaning against your cheek. The sounds that come out of his throat only drive you closer and closer to your release. You whine and moan against his ear, his cock burrowed in you in perfect fit, your hands stray to his shoulders, then back, digging your nails in as he drives into you deeper. He reaches one of his hands down your stomach, pressing a finger against your clit and stimulating the area in rhythm with his thrusts. You clench your muscles against him in preparation for your orgasm, Fuck, he draws out the word, groaning at the feeling of your folds tightening against his dick. You orgasm almost simultaneously, you first, arching against him and yelping an ah! at the intensity. The air is popping like bright stars, you salivate at the feeling of spilling on his cock. Choso follows you, coming in you, adding to the complete mess he’s made. 
He stays on top of you, his skin warm against yours, until you feel him inhale and slide off your stomach. You open your eyes, retinas embracing the warm light; when you turn to face Choso, his eyes are closed, the light pours on him like golden nectar. 
“Don’t worry, I’m not asleep,” he smiles, breathing slowly and softly. You think for a moment, eyes drifting to his torso, tattoos etched at his ribcage and abs. 
“When’s the last time you had sex before this?”
He scrunches his nose, trying hard not to laugh. “Actually, I am asleep.” 
You chuckle breathlessly, “I’m only wondering, I promise. It’s been six months for me.”
“Ooh, close enough. Almost a year.” 
Your eyes widen slightly, trying to remain inconspicuous to the surprise. No offense to Choso, on the contrary, you think someone so attractive would have a line out the door. 
He opens his eyes, indigo retinas flooding with light and you can tell by the slow blinks, the way his eyes are almost squinting that he’s tired. “Have you ever been to the small restaurant on Second street, a couple blocks down? They have a great breakfast.” 
“I don’t think so, no.”
“We should go.” He pauses, awaiting a reaction, “Tomorrow.”
“Tomorrow,” you smile, Choso’s fatigue drifting to you. 
He leans and hovers over you, clicking the lamp switch off and dragging his blankets over the two of you. Even with the light turned off, you can see the silhouette of his body, covered by the blankets, scooting closer to your warmth. You’re staring at the moon reflecting out the window, hearing Choso’s breathing slow, too tired to think a single thought. 
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wc-confessions · 1 month
i think it’d be cool if they implemented leader meetings. like, the clans gather every moon of course and the medicine cats meet every half moon. but i feel like the leaders should have an opportunity to speak to eachother somewhat regularly under a truce. like, clan relations could be so much improved yanno? and it’d be so fascinating to further explore the dynamics between the leaders as well through this.
i feel like having the leaders meet once a season to have a private meeting with just the four/five of them would be really interesting to see.
having their meeting only take place once a season makes sense to me too, it wouldn’t encourage too much friendship between leaders because the meetings would happen too infrequently but it would allow for some closeness/understanding that could be really beneficial to all clans. they could each go accompanied by one or two guards who have to stay posted a certain distance away - ensuring the leaders don’t get ambushed but still allowing for as much privacy as possible.
this would also allow for tensions to ease during their discussions - at gatherings they have to put on a certain face for the benefit of looking strong in front of the other clans, but with some privacy that might change.
i wish we would see something like this become a thing in the future!
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slaymybreathaway · 11 months
All I Wanted - Roderick Heffely x Reader
Warnings: none
Word Count: 742
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"Y/n come over," Rodrick said through the phone, his room was in the attic of the house so he didn't really have to whisper.
"Why? What's up?" y/n said as she sat on her at her desk, putting on eyeliner just for fun. Her room was in the attic, too.
"Don't you wanna see Greg's face when I trick him into thinking it's the first day of school?" he said. Y/n could sense his smirk through the phone.
"Yanno, I would love too but I just got into bed. Damn," she lied.
The girl could hear footsteps coming from the other side of the phone and then the sound of curtains opening. "Liar. You're a bad girlfriend," Rodrick said.
Y/n winced in defeat as she walked over to the window. She could see straight across, to the Heffley's house. Rodrick stood waving through the top window.
"I'm not your girlfriend, Rod," Y/n said with no expression.
The L/n's moved in last year and it wasn't long before the Oldest Heffely brother made his feelings for the Oldest l/n sister very clear.
Y/n made an effort to show little to none romantic intrest in the boy but somehow, he just wouldn't back off.
"If, I come over will you stop telling everyone that I'm your girlfriend?"
Y/n crossed her arms. She could see Rodricks's visible disappointment through the window.
"Alright, fine," he sighed.
Y/n hung up the phone and put on her shoes. She crept down the stairs slowly, trying not to wake her family.
When she got halfway down the stairs she heard a little voice. "Y-y/n," her little sister, Janie, spoke while rubbing her eyes tiredly.
Y/n walked up the stairs and picked up the three year old. The little girl clung to her like a koala. "Come on honey, let's go back to sleep. I'll buy you some ice-cream tomorrow afternoon. Does that sound good?"
Janie nodded, sleepily. The second her head hit the pillow, she started to snore.
"Phew," y/n whispered as she returned to her original mission.
She made it out of the house with no further obstacles and as he walked next door, she could she Rodrick standing at the porch.
"What took you so long?" he whispered.
"Little sister caught me. I bribed her with ice-cream," she whispered back and walked through the front door.
They walked up two sets of stairs to rodricks room that was... Surprisingly clean. "It's not a pigstye in here," y/n crossed her arms.
Rodrick raised an eyebrow. "Why would you think my room would be messy?" he asked.
Y/n walked to the bed. "I can see more from my window than you think," she shrugged.
They sat on his bed, talking for a while. Rodrick was showing y/n his ideas for new Loaded Diaper songs.
"Yeah and there's this one. Which I really like but it's a duet and none of the other guys would like this kind of song so I might just keep that one for myself," he explained.
Y/n looked at him confusedly. "So you are able to tell everyone that I'm your girlfriend but you can't even ask me to duet a song with you?"
He looked over at her "Wait, you can sing?"
Y/n giggled and nodded.
"Alright cool. We have practice here every Friday after school so just come by," Rodrick smiled.
In that moment, y/n forgot what she had against the black haired boy.
An hour had passed and they were still in the same place, only this time, they were listening to music off Rodrick's ipod through his earphones. Each of them had one earbud in.
'All I Wanted' by Paramore started playing. Rodrick cringed, its the most 'girly' song on his playlist. He looked over at y/n to see her opinions on it when he had realised that she had fallen asleep.
He had really grown to like this girl but the only way he knew how to show his emotions was to be painfully obvious. He wished that he worked differently but hey, would it have led to her in his bedroom?
Rodrick lay down beside y/n , putting his arm around her waist just as the chorus of the song kicked in.
All I wanted was you
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milleneumfulcrum · 7 months
Cities In Dust
written with the consultation of our queen @sanzosin <3 to whom i must apologise to because this took FOREVER to write thanks to work and class
this work is cross-posted on A03 as usual
Pairing | Handsome Jack x Nisha Kadam
Word Count | 3,353
Warnings | slightly NSFW, also jack and nisha are just like That
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Nisha remembered the way the train had blown in, dusting umber hair across her eyes. It was no ordinary cargo transport, built instead to hold people, not Eridium. The Hyperion livery indicated this particular person must be special indeed. 
Jack came with all the fanfare and splendor he demanded, followed by what she deemed as an unnecessary number of Loaders. Did he think she'd let something happen to him- in her town of all places? Nisha rolled her eyes, twin spheres of molten gold. 
"Heya, pumpkin," Jack grinned, enunciating each syllable. "Didja get my gift?"
The gift in question had been delivered early, around the time Nisha roused from bed. Jack was a frivolous bastard, and she'd expected another piss-yellow brassiere, or perhaps another ridiculous Hyperion rifle. Her surprise had been an uncomfortable blow when she opened it to find deep purple silk instead, a two-piece set that flattered her tanned skin. Damn.
"You didn't tell me you were coming," Nisha snipped, ignoring Jack's query. His smirk didn't falter; bastard probably knew she was wearing his gift underneath.
"Oh, I was in the area, and, well, yanno..." He waved his hands impatiently, stepping down from the platform languidly. "Thought I'd pick you up for our date tonight."
Make that a presumptuous bastard.
"That's not how you ask, cowboy." Nisha's gaze was sharp. "That doesn't work-"
"Nish," Jack cut her off, and that alone should've made her furious... but there was something indecipherable in his eyes, even through the lifelike mask, that intrigued her. "Come back with me tonight." He paused, looking troubled that he even had to ask. "I, ah, wanna see what it looks like on you."
He'd been strange ever since Angel died. The Jack she knew never would've stepped foot in her dusty town without good reason; now, here he was, albeit surrounded by monstrous-looking robots, demanding her presence. 
The Nisha she knew would've told him to stuff it. 
Instead, she glanced up at him in a gust of wind, raising her right arm to block the sun. The light flashed off her armguard- Hyperion yellow.
Jack seemed to understand he'd succeeded, and Nisha resented the flash of surprise that crossed his eyes as she stepped up onto the platform. Her fingers found his wrist, nails digging into the flesh she'd claimed. He winced; a small victory.
"You'd better make it worth my while," Nisha hissed, her voice low. Her defense was venom. 
She needn't have threatened. As soon as they'd breached his grandiose quarters on Helios, Jack had been wild, pulsing with need beneath her. The marks down her arms- scratches, as he'd gripped at her- were made by a man possessed.
"Nish," Jack panted, letting out a low groan. She'd pinned him to the mattress, her fingers twining cruelly around his throat. "I wish you'd stay here. You could- friggin' hell- be my sexy secretary."
Her hold tightened, and he retaliated by bruising her hips in his grip. Nisha's eyes were shards of yellow gold, her lipstick smeared just at the edge of her mouth. 
"Secretary? Don't insult me."
She'd woken up pleasantly sore in his silken sheets. Sore and alone, wrapped in Jack's dingy yellow sweater. 
Nisha scrubbed at her eyes with a faded sleeve, her other hand inching across the mattress to Jack's side. She found the pillows cold, swearing under her breath. He should not have the capability to leave like that- not without waking her. But he couldn't be far. 
A silver-blue glow outlined the door. Nisha's feet carried her over the marble flooring; without her boots and chains, she was silent beneath the white noise of Helios. Jack didn't notice as she swept into his office, hidden in the shadows. His face was lit with the same pale blue light, and she was almost offended to see his mask had been slotted back into place. Whatever he was staring at so intently required two working eyes, apparently. 
"Well, sorry I bored you," Nisha declared flatly. Jack startled so hard that his wrist banged on the underside of the desk. 
"Nisha," He began, but she cut him off with a piercing look. Something tugged her gaze to his screens- a flash of familiarity, dust kicked up in the night- and she froze.
Death-Row Refinery, the camera feed read. Nisha barely recognized the smoldering ruins. 
"Jack," She began. Her voice was dangerously low. "What happened in Lynchwood?"
If he answered, she wasn't coherent enough to listen. This wasn't the work of just any bandit; this smoking husk was the product of those ludicrous Vault Hunters, no doubt seeking revenge for Roland's death and Lilith's capture. And Jack- somehow he'd known. Somehow, he'd lured her away to the oppressive security of his space station, like she was some fragile little woman. 
Nisha saw red. 
Her open palm cracked across Jack's synthetic mask. The contact smarted, much more so than if it had been his real skin, but she was too far gone to notice. This was betrayal. 
"You-" Nisha struggled for words. "-you skag fucking bastard! I oughta kill you!"
Jack's expression was unreadable, and that made her blood turn to steam. How dare he refuse to even flinch before her? How dare he-
"We are going down there," Nisha spat through gritted teeth. "Right now. And you'd better hope those Vault Hunters are still there, because if they aren't- well, someone is dying tonight."
Jack didn't resist when she hauled him to his feet. A little, "Hunh," escaped his lips, but he was otherwise silent as Nisha dressed in a fury. She was electric, like a storm, and they touched down in Lynchwood with the force of a typhoon. The Vault Hunters were long gone, leaving a trail of broken yellow bots in their wake. 
"Cowards," Nisha muttered. Jack looked strange like this, a rifle slung over his shoulder, barely illuminated in the pale dawn. The rest of the town was mostly untouched, but she could smell the smoke from the refinery. The air was thick with it.
There was a body outside of the station; Nisha recognized it as Winger immediately, with his ridiculously oversized coat. She hardly spared him a glance as she stepped inside, whistling low under her breath. Destruction reared its ugly face again.
"They were looking for me," Nisha remarked, turning to face Jack. Her initial eruption of anger had cooled, leaving behind an icy middle ground between respect for the Vault Hunters' boldness and contempt for her boyfriend's antics. "Maybe I can lure 'em back. Finish the job."
Jack twitched.
Nisha emerged from the station in a blaze of gold. The sun was rising, filtered through hazy smoke. She didn't need to follow the ashy trail to find the source; Death-Row Refinery looked like it had been carved open in one grand explosion, perhaps with the help of a maniac like Torgue. It was no doubt a last-ditch attempt by the Vault Hunters to stem the flow of Eridium to Hyperion- they couldn't have known just how close Jack was to charging the key. How Lilith was stronger than Angel had ever been. 
"If I was here, none of this would've happened," Nisha hissed, rounding on Jack. He hadn't said a word since they'd landed, his mask an untouched mantra of stony silence. "My town is a smoking fucking husk, and your biggest producer of Eridium is outta commission. No, screw your refinery. God, if those ratches took the shit from my fucking room- I left my sniper here, Jack. Armor-piercing Jakobs! Do you know how long it took me to-"
"The gun doesn't fucking matter, Nisha!"
Jack was wild, more so than she had ever seen before. He met her pace for pace until his palms were on her shoulders, shaking her like she was the idiot. 
"Look at this town," He snarled, pointing one long finger at the destruction behind them. "Look at it, Nish! Look what they did. You'd be just another fucking body in the dust- and I told you, when you join Hyperion- no, no, no- when you join me, there's no way out. No fucking quitting."
His grip was bruising; Nisha was mesmerized.
"Do you see how many Loaders I sent down here?" Jack continued, frenzied. Nisha looked at him like he was rabid. "They're all scrap now, and I- and I had- I actually had time to prepare for this, Nisha- not like- like-"
His voice broke, stuttering to a ghastly halt. Nisha went rigid in the silence that stretched between, her expression thunderous. She didn't know how to temper her storm to a drizzle- not even now. 
"I can take care of myself," Nisha sizzled, like lightning. She couldn't quite bring herself to shake Jack's hands off her shoulders, even when his grip turned bruising. "I don't need a hero- if you're gonna... gonna be like this, you can fuck right off back to Helios."
She wrenched him off then, stepping back in the dust. His eyes flashed with something indescribable, but Nisha didn't stick around to decipher it, turning on her heel. Her boots clicked against rock and rubble, then concrete as she approached the main strip. She could hear footsteps behind her- Jack's footsteps- but didn't so much as glance back. 
Nisha's place was in a quiet corner of town, blended in with the half-abandoned ramshackle structures. She'd wanted it over the sheriff's station, when the town was first sanctioned in her name, but Jack had convinced her otherwise. It was too obvious- too easy. Reluctantly, Nisha had agreed to an unassuming building on the outskirts of town, one that ensured privacy- and a long walk to work. 
Inside, Jack had spared no expense. Hyperion technology was built into every corner, complete with sleek flooring and furniture. It was completely untouched, and when she vaulted up the stairs, entering her bedroom, her sniper was exactly where she'd left it. Only then did she turn, finding Jack lingering in the doorway. He should've looked smug- his precautions had worked, after all. His countenance was haunted instead.
Nisha moved to fidget with her hat, unsure of what to say, when she caught a glimpse of her Hyperion-yellow armguard again. Another plate of armor encased her right boot, all the way down to the heel. Even her damn badge was Hyperion; almost gold, with a little white stripe down the bottom. 
"Well," She began uncertainly. This had never been her expertise. "They didn't get my gun."
A choked noise escaped Jack's lips, half laugh and half whine. He jerked forwards and they both went tumbling down into her sheets, her fingers winding through his hair as Jack's hands found her waist. She didn't stop him as he buried his face in the hollow where her throat and shoulders met, shivering in satisfaction as his teeth scraped her skin.
"Nish," Jack shuddered. 
She tugged on his hair in response. "That all you got, cowboy?"
Her hands fell from his crown to cradle his jaw for a moment, then Nisha was slipping the coat from Jack's shoulders. His watch clattered to the floor as she dipped her fingers underneath his annoying yellow sweater; they'd both dressed in a hurry, forgoing layers for time. 
"This doesn't mean you're forgiven, you know," Nisha hissed, the hand in his hair slipping low, her fingers resting on the back of his neck. Jack muttered something unintelligible into her breasts, fighting with the hem of her shirt as she hooked her heels into his shoes and pulled them off. "You don't deserve-"
"Nisha," Jack whined, and the last of her resolve crumbled. She threw a leg over his side, hooking Jack's body to hers, and flipped his back into the mattress. Nisha followed quickly, straddling his hips as her hands slipped under that damned yellow sweater. His skin was burning beneath her calloused fingertips, as she traced every ridge and scar with practiced, blind expertise. Jack moaned, long and low, only coming to a stuttering halt when Nisha thumbed the edge of his mask.
"Off," She ordered. It came off with a soft click, guided to the sanctity of her nightstand by Jack's broad fingers. Nisha didn't waste a moment, pressing rough, bruising kisses from his neck to the corner of his lips. She was softer as she brushed over his scar, tracing the edges of Jack's roughened skin. "They're gonna die, babe. Screaming."
Nisha never claimed to be good with words- this being no exception. But... Jack's hips bucked upwards in response, another strangled noise escaping his throat, and she felt emboldened enough to continue. 
"They're not getting off without learning who the boss around here is," She hissed. Her pretty speech was starting to get to her almost as much as it was striking Jack; her hands ached for her whip, just to strangle each and every one of those bastards who dared oppose Jack. If they hadn't needed Lilith so much, Nisha maintained a long list of things to try- a list she'd been compiling since Elpis. She settled for grabbing a fistful of Jack's hair and tugging, relishing in the long, low groan of pleasure it ripped from him.
"Fuck, Nish," Jack huffed, squirming against her as she forced his head back. "Watch it, will ya?"
Nisha ducked low in one smooth movement, like a creature of the water, and sank her teeth into Jack's exposed throat. It wasn't hard enough to draw blood, but when she pulled back, a perfect little indented oval remained. Jack was quick to tear her shirt off, then, and the rest of their clothes vanished in a tangle of limbs. Her nails dragged along his exposed chest, leaving little red trails parallel to his faded scars.
"I don't care how- god, fuck- how pissed you are," Jack snarled. His fingers gripped her caramel hips with enough force to bruise. "I'm not letting your overconfidence kill you. I told you, there's no w-way out once you're in."
Nisha's eyes flashed molten gold, like she could scorch him with her gaze alone. 
"Can't stop playing the hero, can you?" She sighed, flicking her hair over her shoulder. "Someone ought to humble you."
But in the back of her mind, where rational thought was often crammed away, Nisha knew Jack was right. The Loaders he'd thrown at the Vault Hunters could've leveled a city, and still, they managed to burn him where it hurt most- his daughter. And while the Lawbringer wasn't one to just keel over and die... well, she didn't want to think about that now. Her mouth had found Jack's inner thigh, her breath hot on his skin. His earlier grandeur was fading fast.
"You'd miss me, wouldn't you," Nisha sighed, lips parted. Jack's fingers were in her hair again, tugging rather weakly. "You make such a big show of protecting what's yours or some bullshit, but you're just selfish."
"M'not selfish," Jack whined. "Can't you just thank me for saving your frigging life?"
"Aren't I?"
She thanked him in the only way she knew how, her fingers trailing uninterrupted down the long length of his wiry chest. When her hands met his waist, Nisha hoisted herself back up, ignoring the way Jack's lips twisted into a scowling pout. His noise of protest quickly dissolved into a stuttering moan as she fit her hips to his, feeling strangely merciful. For once, Nisha didn't want to draw this out. 
Jack released a slew of curses when she finally started to move, his fingers finding an iron grip on her waist. There were little words between them, no barbs of playful spite or authority as Nisha splayed her fingers over his chest, his skin searing beneath her touch. She bent low again, her lips trailing the length of his throat as she sucked and bit bruises down his collarbone. It didn't take long for Jack's rhythm to falter, his hips thrusting erratically.
"Nish," He uttered, his voice breaking roughly. "Nish, I'm so fucking close, I... shiiiiiiit, Nisha-"
He might as well have wiped her mind clean, then, in that moment. Lynchwood, the Vault Hunters, her golden star- it all melted away as Jack pleaded for release below her scar-crossed thighs. She'd be a fool to think she could control the world around her, but Jack? He was hers, even if he didn't understand. 
Wordlessly, Nisha egged him on, her nails digging in and scraping parallel to Jack's faded scars. She was bent still, almost flattened against him as she sucked another dark bruise in the hollow where his throat and shoulders met. This was where she wanted to be. This was her domain- her territory.
And... Jack was waiting for her. His hips had gone rigid, his eye burning with the cold blue fire of restraint. He thought this was a punishment.
"Jack," Nisha almost laughed, her breath soft as a whisper of wind through thick green boughs. "Jack, move."
The moan that escaped Jack's lips was inhuman. His hips stuttered back to life like some ancient machine, so weary and broken that it barely remembered how to chug forward. She could barely hold him down as he bucked up once, twice, and then-
Jack's body went limp against her deep silken sheets, his eyes nearly rolling back into his head. Nisha could feel the snapping of the coil, the breaking of the wire, as he finally released. Jack was quiet for a long moment, longer than she'd ever seen, as she wound her slender arms around his torso and eased herself down to his side. His chest rose and fell with sharp, rapid breaths, but he welcomed her into his arms, closing his eyes as his nose met her warm skin.
"Hey," Nisha uttered after a long moment, surprising herself with the softness of her voice. "You falling asleep, cowboy? We have to get goin'."
Jack's good eye fluttered open blearily.
With a stifled laugh, Nisha brought her hand to his forehead, combing back his sex-wild hair. His forehead was damp with sweat, and she imagined she was probably in a similar state. 
"I mean, Jack," She began, sucking a whistling breath in through her teeth. "Let's get the hell out of this wreck. I got what I came for-" Nisha motioned to the discarded sniper. "-and the rest can go to hell, for all I care. Those fucking Vault Hunters aren't even worth the trouble, really. It'll be much more fun to see your Warrior beat them to a bloody pulp- maybe we can make them watch as I sweep Sanctuary first. That lawless dump could use me."
She glanced down as she finished, her nose scrunching in contempt, only to meet Jack's reverent gaze. He looked at Nisha like he was seeing her for the first time all over again, his cheeks flushed and his lips parted. 
"You-" His voice broke, hoarse from their earlier exertion. "-you wanna go back to Helios?" 
Nisha merely shrugged.
A myriad of emotions flickered over Jack's scarred face, and for a moment, he looked lost. Nisha nearly backpedaled at the sight- and then his countenance exploded in a surge of charismatic confidence. His lips twisted into a sharp smirk, the fingers that had been limp at her waist suddenly alive and bruising again. Jack's gaze was nearly manic in his passion, and his mouth crashed against hers in a devouring, possessive kiss. Nisha barely had time to battle for dominance before he had pulled away, breathless and grinning. There was something wildly unstable buried in Jack's expression, and Nisha found herself tingling with molten excitement.
"We're going to wipe those bandit bastards off the face of Pandora," He hissed, his voice dangerously low. If it wasn't for the wild grin on his lips, she'd think he was seething. "I told ya, Nish. And we're gonna do it together."
She didn't respond. There was no need to reaffirm her pledge, to sink her loyalty in like the driving of a stake. For once, Jack had unquestionable loyalty. 
Nisha grabbed his mask, turning it in her fingers, and clicked it back into place.
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