#but ye this gives both them and you guys a bit of answers... sorta
lovebugism · 4 months
Hi!! I an so obsessed with your writing and characterization. Congrats on one year!! Can i request something for Steve?
Prompt:”i didnt realise we still weren't..."
Where someone asks reader and Steve how long theyve been together, Steve thinks theyd been dating this whole time, reader is confused cause Steve never asked her! Best friends to lovers and theyre both a little clueless. Thank you!!
i changed up the prompt a bit but i hope you like it :D — jim and joyce force you and steve to have an important talk about your relationship (established relationship-ish, also best friends to lovers-ish, fluff, 0.9k)
“Does it feel any better now?” Steve asks, cuddled next to you on the porch swing outside the Byers’ home. He’s been wearing the same worried glint in his honey eyes since the sun went down — when he tried to give you a piggyback ride and then slipped in the mud. He broke your fall for the most part, but your ankle got caught underneath him.
You nod, then grimace when you try to twist your foot. “Sorta…” you shrug.
“Have I said I’m sorry yet?” he jokes with a scrunch to the bridge of his chiseled nose.
“Only a billion times.”
“Well, I’m gonna make it a billion and one now. ‘Cause I’m sorry.”
“I’ve already said it’s okay,” you assure with a giggle, leaning over to knock your shoulder against his. “It doesn’t even feel that bad anymore. I swear.”
“I’ll kiss it better when we get home,” he offers, just to make you get all shy. His soft smirk widens to a fuller beam when his ploy works. “I mean, you are staying over tonight, right?”
“Of course,” you shrug. “How else are you gonna kiss my sprained ankle better?”
He leans in for a kiss. The tip of his nose just barely grazes the side of yours when the screen door shrieks open. The Talking Heads playing from inside grows suddenly louder, then muffles again when the door shuts. Jim and Joyce stumble out together — eyes glassy and cheeks flushed, obviously not totally sober.
The woman pops a cigarette between her pink lips. Hopper lights it for her. “You know… I’ve already booked the reservation for Enzo’s,” he tells her lowly. His back faces the two of you, totally unaware of your presence and blocking any view of you.
“Oh,” she hums sarcastically, blowing smoke from her lungs. “Is that right?”
“Yep. So either I sit there all alone with my chee-anty, or you come and keep me company,” Jim lilts in a quiet, honeyed tone. “And if that doesn’t sound like a good time, then maybe the bottomless breadsticks will win you over.”
Steve leans against your shoulder. His mouth rests outside your ear. “Do you think they know we’re out here?” he asks.
You raise a silent hand with a pointed finger, shushing him without saying a word.
Joyce giggles like a teenage girl. “Look. I don’t even know if I like you,” she teases.
“But you’re thinking about it, right?” Hopper wonders, with all the hope of a schoolboy asking out a girl way out of his league. “‘Cause you should.”
Steve shifts. The porch swing squeaks. Both parents turn to face you, features softly agape. Jim blinks once. “You guys been sittin’ there the whole time?” he asks in a strangled voice.
“Enough to hear you groveling,” you answer.
“Alright…” he grumbles half-heartedly.
“The bottomless breadsticks are actually pretty good, Joyce,” Steve chirps obliviously, smiling wide and flitting his eyes between the two standing across the porch. “But, you know, if she doesn’t wanna go with you, Chief, I’m always available—”
“Okay, let’s go around back,” Hop announces, guiding Joyce down the steps with a hand curled gently around her elbow. The woman giggles when you whistle suggestively at them. Jim shouts at you over his shoulder. “Watch it! And ice that ankle when you get home!”
“Yes, sir.”
“And Harrington, don’t let her walk on it,” the man sighs, already exasperated. “Be a gentleman, alright? Give your girl a day’s bed rest, dote on her or whatever—”
“Oh, we’re not— I’m not his girlfriend,” you correct with a forced laugh.
Your words seem to take Steve by surprise. He flashes you a look, scruff features swirled with confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“We’re not dating, Steve.”
He scoffs an awkward laugh, brows pinching. “You’re joking, right?”
“Well, this is awkward,” Jim mumbles, grateful he’s not the butt of the joke for once.
Joyce slaps his arm. “Hop.”
“We’re gonna go,” the man announces, heading towards the backyard. “Have fun with… this.”
Steve waits until they’re gone to face you fully. He turns on the swing until his knee brushes the outside of your own. The hurt puppy expression on his face hasn’t quite ebbed. “You don’t think we’re dating?”
“You do?” you retort.
“Yes!” Steve shouts, talking wildly with his hands. “Our first date was at Enzo’s! I brought you flowers and everything!”
“You never asked me to be your girlfriend, Steve—”
“I thought it was implied!”
“—I thought you didn’t wanna be, like, official with me or something!”
Steve goes suddenly silent. His chest starts to ache like there’s a fire rising behind his ribcage. He swallows hard. “Have you been… Have you been seeing other people?”
“No!” you answer instantly, face twisted in abhorrence of the thought. “Of course not!”
“Okay. Good,” he nods, raking a hand through his wild hair and settling again. “‘Cause I haven’t either, so… We’ve basically been dating this whole time.”
You meet his smile with a playful glower. “You still shouldn’t asked me, though.”
“Well, I’m asking you now,” he announces and wraps an arm around your shoulder. He leans in until you can smell the birthday cake and soda on his breath. You don’t notice until now that your lipstick is smeared on his mouth. “Do you wanna be girlfriend-boyfriend with me?”
You purse your lips to the side with a playful hum. “Mm. I’ll think about it.”
“Oh, c’mon!”
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loveemii · 2 months
𝑾𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝑶𝒖𝒓𝒂𝒏 𝑯𝒐𝒔𝒕 𝑪𝒍𝒖𝒃!
༻𝐻𝑜𝑠𝑡 𝐻𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑐𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑛𝑠༺ | please excuse any mistakes |
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𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑃𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑙𝑦 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝑇𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑖 𝑆𝑢𝑜ℎ
- Tamaki had always thought you were gorgeous, for a commoner
- You and him were in the same class together, he sat behind you, occasionally passing notes to get some answers he missed
- Overtime you two would just pass notes to talk, and that turned into walking out of class together; then to class together
- Eventually you and Tamaki began to date, but it had to be kept a secret ofc; if word got out that the prince of the school was dating someone in the school, it could end badly
(by badly i mean everyone will think you’re with him for fame)
- Secretly dating Tamaki means sneaking out of class and making out in the club room
- Or hanging out in the hedge maze until the school bell rang for the second time
+ spicy
- Sometimes when you two would sneak out of class to make out, it would get pretty heated
(meaning he’d occasionally run a hand under your bra, sometimes down your uniform skirt)
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑜𝑙 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝐾𝑦𝑜𝑦𝑎 𝑂𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑖
- Kyoya had been doing his research on you for sometime now, noting down your likes and dislikes, etc
- When he finally approached you it was after school in the garden where you normally read; he gave you a single white rose he found
- You two actual had a lot in common, like blood type; books and food tastes. He asked you on a date at your favorite restaurant
(which so happens to be his favorite restaurant too)
- On the date you two would read each other, profile each other; he’d even go as far as saying that you’ve liked him for a while now; and he wasn’t wrong
- After the date he’d call a limo to pick you two up, driving to your house first he walked you up to the front door and kissed your hand
- Making sure you went inside safely he’d wave you off from the car as he noticed you staring from a window; you waved back, he left you with a slight smile
+ spicy
- Dating Kyoya Ootori means having large areas to hang out alone together; mostly his family’s private beach or water park
(to make out ofc, and occasionally he’d go down on you)
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑜𝑦 𝐿𝑜𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑎 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝑀𝑖𝑡𝑠𝑢𝑘𝑢𝑛𝑖 𝐻𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑎 “𝐻𝑜𝑛𝑒𝑦“
- This was always one sided, thus Honey reminded you of your younger brother
- Every time he’d ask if you’d wanna eat sweets with him, you’d say yes; but he’d always bring up his romantic feelings towards you; which sorta ruined your appetite
- Don’t get him wrong he means well, but the fact that he is 17 and loves the same things as your younger brother a bit much
(no offense ofc but it could be weird if you dated him)
- He’d constantly give you bouquets of your favorite flowers though, and whenever he needed help in a class you’d help him
- Not to mention if anyone tried to physically hurt you, he’d be there to fight for you
- And anyways you two had sweets without him bring up his feelings again
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑡𝑜𝑖𝑐 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑎𝑠ℎ𝑖 𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑜𝑧𝑢𝑘𝑎 “𝑀𝑜𝑟𝑖“
- Morinozuka was never the talkative type of guy, he’s always quiet unless he is spoken to
(which he almost always nods or makes a reassuring sound that indicates he understands)
- He needed a tutor for a specific class and you were a voluntary student; sessions began after school in the library; you brought him tea on the first day
- Quickly Mori grew romantic feelings towards you but never knew how to express them; when he did it was quick and simple he simply spoke “I like you.” and left you to do the rest
- But when you two began dating, he’d talk a little more; asking how your day went or if you wanted to hang out
- Things in the relationship moved fast, but not too fast; although the both of you kissed on rare occasions you and him would get really shy over small things like eating in front of each other
- That quickly went away though and you two became more and more comfortable ever since Mori dropped condiments on his uniform, and how you fell out of your chair one time in class
+ spicy
- The closer you and Mori grew he’d become more confident like pinning you down by your wrists anytime you two made out
(and on some occasions he’d find his fingers inside you)
𝑂𝑛𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑡ℎ𝑒 “𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙“ 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒𝑠: 𝐾𝑎𝑜𝑟𝑢 𝐻𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑛
- Kaoru Hitachiin quickly knew he had feelings for you (his classmate) and unlike his twin brother he acknowledges it
- He’s a host so ofc he began to gift you followers before school, and even started to walk to school with you instead of taking his limo
- The more you got to know him the more your tiny crush grew; and when you two began to date he’d gift you even more gifts
(or surprises like going out for ice cream after school)
- When the two of you did go out; it was usually somewhere small in town like an ice cream shop or a restaurant you really liked there
- But when he took you shopping there wasn’t a budget he’d always tell you to get what you want, but ofc like the good girlfriend you are, you got stuff that was at a good price and never went over $100
- At school he didn’t really care if anyone saw you two together, as long as you two were happy that is all that matters to him
+ spicy
- Sometimes when the two of you were alone in the club room he’d go down on you on the couch
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑜𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑟 “𝐿𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝐷𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙“ 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝐻𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑟𝑢 𝐻𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑛
- Unlike his twin brother, Hikaru is very bold in a relationship; he never told you how he felt because he was always in denial to himself
- So ofc it forced you to make the first move, and surprisingly he wasn’t too scared of the romance he had felt with you, and once he was more comfortable with himself he was all out
- Buying you dresses or cute clothes he knew you’d like, he’s a gift giver
(something he shares with his brother)
- And also he is a HUGE fan of pda, it’s his thing; either putting an arm around you in school or a kiss on the forehead as you walked into your class
- Also holding hands is an absolute MUST for him, he at least has to be touching you at all times in some kind of way
- Like holding your hand under a table or squeezing your pinky, or even having a hand on your thigh
+ spicy
- Speaking of thighs, he loves to give you hickeys on them; and in between them
𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙 𝑇𝑦𝑝𝑒: 𝐻𝑎𝑟𝑢ℎ𝑖 𝐹𝑢𝑗𝑖𝑜𝑘𝑎 (“𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑎𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑎𝑙?“)
- Haruhi didn’t completely know she had feelings for you, but she knew you were special to her
- So (like with Hikaru) you had to make the first move, and you explained to her that she feels the same way; you’ve always noticed the way she’s look at you
- The first week of dating Haruhi was hesitant to touch you, she thought it might make you uncomfortable but she got some reassurance when you first held her hand at school
- Ofc a few people were angry that you and Haruhi were together but you two didn’t care, in fact the both of you would make it even more known
(not to the extent though)
- Small things like kisses on cheeks, or leaning on each other in the garden as you read a book or while she studied
- And definitely laughing at people who would talk abt how annoying you two would be by making it public
+ spicy
- Haruhi isn’t really the type to do anything spicy or freaky but she’d have these thoughts that made her feel a little guilty and whenever you asked her what she’d be thnking abt she’d be so quick to say nothing and blush
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cherrybeartoast · 5 months
my japanese kpop-stan mother gives kpop idols roles in her life (if she knew them) - SKZ, BTS, TXT and ENHYPEN
tagging @thevampywolf since she loves my mother and her iconic content (and my mum loves her too, they're like the same person at times welp)
my mum and dad are currently beefing about seungmin and jeongin bc both of them like to annoy each other so vote here on opinions and to hear the full story since it's fun
chris - "my client." (for context, she's a psychologist, and she likes to assess kpop idols for fun)
minho - "he would have been my boyfriend, but i wouldn't marry him, because we're too similar, and we'd have too many cats and be a bit crazy."
changbin - "my workout buddy." (they're both gym rats)
hyunjin - "a popular boy in high school that i did a group assignment with."
jisung - "my best friend." (she thinks he's funny)
felix - "i probably would've had a crush on him when i was junior high school."
seungmin - "a guy i hated in high school." (mum's very minho coded, and so she'd probably beef with him the way minho does, so sorta affectionately)
jeongin - "my son in law." (she wants me to marry him, like she straight up told me she won't let me marry any other boy.)
yeonjun - "the nephew of a twin i didn't know i had." (she's getting a little too creative with these and this one made me snort)
soobin - "son in law."
beomgyu - "my best friend." (i'm actually scared of the chaos that would ensue)
taehyun - "school captain that i hated." (she actually loves taehyun and seungmin, but she thinks she wouldn't get on with them when she was young since she was very sassy and probably would clash personalities or get annoyed lmao)
huening kai - "my son." (he's her child in her opinion, and he reminds her of my little brother so she sees him as a son)
heeseung - "he would've been my boyfriend in high school." (duolingo has another person to battle here, although she says she wouldn't marry him or minho, because she's already married to my dad, which is cute lmao)
jay - "classmate in uni."
jake - "my neighbour's son who i didn't hang out with much." (i swear she's thought about these answers before sjgdhs)
sunghoon - "classmate."
sunoo - "my little brother." (this was cute, she has a very soft spot for him and i can see her protecting him and also fighting with him since they're both sassy)
jungwon - "a kid i made cry in primary school." (i'm literally WHEEZING)
niki - "my son." (he's a japanese boy, so of course he's close to her heart.)
jin - "the rich neighbour's son i hated." (the way she's beefing with so many idols i'm CRYING)
yoongi - "my friend in high school." (they'd get along well, i can see that)
namjoon - "a weird guy in my university class who liked making friends and tried to talk to me too much." (THE DETAIL HELP)
hoseok - "my best friend." (she once dreamt about him working in a theme park as one of those dress up characters lmao. him, gyu and hannie and her would be a chaotic and unstoppable team)
jimin - "my gay friend." (i asked her why she thought this, and she said he reminds her of me, and since i'm bi, she just decided that was the defining factor)
taehyung - "my brother." (she loves him, his music and his dog, he's her bias and i think he belongs in the 'has a soft spot for' category with jeongin, sunoo, huening kai, soobin and niki)
jungkook - "a kid who had a crush on me in junior high school." (i asked her if she liked him back, and she said even if she did, she would avoid him, since he'd be annoying. i think her reference for this was the seven music video and since then her view's been tainted)
my mother is such an icon for this welp, she was just like "you know let me give skz roles in my life," and then it turned into this
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stardustizuku · 8 months
sorry for using your inbox as a confessional im too scared to post in a tag where everyone knows each other. anyway the thing i think is most interesting about wilfried is how sylvester is characterized by his treatment of his failson. bc like the obvious answer after the ivory tower incident and at like eight other points in the story was to demote wilfried to an archnoble or to put him in the temple. bonifatius should have served as sylvester's very obvious example that like. an archducal family member can thrive and be better off if they're not forced into archducal competition beyond doing the training just in case everyone else dies. and ferdinand should have shown him that sometimes being put in the temple or otherwise demoted is better than being a target in noble society. especially once rozemyne shows up and hes repeatedly shown the ways the temple is improving and the importance of it to the duchy's functioning. and yet even in his conversation with bonifatius in i think book 5 hes so against it he would rather disown rozemyne. which you could interpret as him thinking that even if he understands all that that noble society will continue to target wilfried but it also implies that on some level sylvester did and maybe still does think that bonifatius and ferdinand have reached "bad ends", despite caring deeply for them and intellectually understanding that they are better off not being the aub. bc it's not like wilfried is completely incompetent, he's just terrible at politics. he's a skilled warrior and when he's not being coddled he's fully capable of buckling down and getting work done. but even though sylvester has been told exactly that by several people, after sylvester finally gives up on having wilfried be the unambiguous heir he's still very clearly trying to leave the path open for him when wilfried has obviously and repeatedly been shown to not have a talent or even really a desire for the position outside of not wanting to be a target and charlotte has been here the whole time. honestly sylvester's basically only done harm by reinforcing that him losing the seat WOULD be a bad thing instead of trying to improve conditions for non-candidate archducal family members if he's so worried about the fate of failsons. like idk i just think its interesting especially in light of the most recent chapter that sylvester certainly cares for rozemyne and doesn't want her to be forced into a position she doesn't want, but, like, he is still a noble, it's just that rozemyne is frequently sheltered from that fact because his interests and hers so frequently overlap. sylvester being a good guy who is still very much a noble is actually my favorite thing about him, way too often in isekai stories you get a prankster noble whose carelessness is played off as cute or funny even when it would have extremely real consequences, so having sylvester be a dude who clearly means well but is in no way immune from reinforcing systemic injustice even in his own family is very interesting. although i get why myne doesn't really clash with him over it, i do sometimes wish they kept the somewhat adversarial relationship they had in early aob and i hope that charlotte gets to conflict with sylvester more
Hi! Thank you for sharing! I was a bit busy and didn't notice the ask, but you make a great point.
Sylvester is a very well meaning guy, who sometimes (in an effort to avoid his children suffering) can be blindsided and ignore the truth.
In his case, regarding Rozemyne and Wilfred, he ignores them both in regards to what they want/need, in favor to what he believes they need.
Yes, he would rather Wilfred be the next aub and sorta of forces the position on him. But he also forces the idea of Rozemyne as his second hand, then wife, on her. He's genuinely trying to help, but he gets blinded by his own past. For a very, very long time he saw himself in Wilfred, and Ferdinand in Rozemyne.
But, even when Wilfred explicitly said he did not want it - the reason why Sylvester didn't accept him relinquishing the position was actually Rozemyne herself.
I can assume it was a huge blow, since granting Wilfred his wish would mean making Rozemyne (a commoner) into an Aub and he couldn't bring himself to do that, for various reasons. He knows Ferdinand would not allow it, it would cause problems with Florencia, and more importantly: Rozemyne herself would hate it. Sylvester actually does care for Rozemyne, in the few ways he can allow himself to care.
He knows that Rozemyne wants nothing to do with politics. She wants to make books and hang out in the temple and with commoners. At that point, keeping them together was not to give Wilfred "what he wanted", but to KEEP Rozemyne and give her what she wanted (and what he duchy needed).
Sylvester is truly a unique interesting case, because he's well-meaning, but messes up sometimes. No one can be sure if his actions are 100% correct, or if it was the best option. But nevertheless, he does try to clean up after the messes he causes, and protect his people.
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goodboyaudios · 26 days
Hi GB, First congratulations on your graduation!!! Second I have a some questions I keep thinking about relating to the Fourseen and Pandora that maybe you could answer.
What’s the story between Ulysses/Odysseus and Tyr/Hades, like how did they personally meet? Were they introduced by someone like how Odin introduced Fenrir and Pandora?
How long did it take before Odin trusted Tyr/Hades, did he earn his trust somehow?
Since the recent Birds of Valhalla vid seems to sorta relate with Ulysses/Odysseus and the Odyssey, is the series itself taking place like before, after or in between the events of the Fourseen, Pandora and the Seduced by an Eldritch vid?
How did Tyr/Hades start developing a bond with Pandora? Did it just happen overtime with the events that occurred, was it because of their personality or was it something special?
Is Tyr/Hades kinda of flirtatious in a way? Cause his personality kinda shows that he is.
Is Tyr/Hades technically also like a father figure to Fenrir and Odin since he did bring Fenrir back from the dead and try’s but fails to keep Odin out of trouble?
How does Pandora feel about Tyr/Hades? Do they see him as a father figure to them and does he realize they feel this way? And how does Odin feel about Tyr/Hades as well?
Is Ulysses/Odysseus truly brown-nosing when it comes to Tyr/Hades like Odin said?
How was Tyr/Hades able to turn into Fenrir and put him to sleep in the Earth path when he said magic doesn’t exist?
How did Odin become leader of the time guild in the Eldritch vid?
In the future of Pandora, will Pandora and Hermes become good friends or something? Right now they just seem like office employees.
Whoo! This is a big one! First of all, thank you! It's not a major degree from a prestigious college or anything, but I'm glad it's something I can say I did! Now, let's see to your questions!
Hades was a little bit of an explorer along with Zeus and Poseidon initially. He travelled to Eslteheim, Odin's world, and Ulysses, Ulysses' world. (Yes I know they're the same name) He met both cultures and made a name for himself in both places. Being called Tyr on Estleheim and Lord Jupiter on Ulysses. Ulysses met Hades on his home planet at a time where Ulysses had made contact with the world's emperor, Ellius. It was he who passed these names such as Jupiter onto the giants. And he told his champion, Ulysses, to respect them as a result.
Hades met Odin and Freya after Odin had heard his father had met him and given him the name, Tyr. Odin wanted to meet this guy because he was curious and Freya wanted to know if he posed a threat to Estleheim. Tyr appeased Odin by giving him the one thing he loves more than anything, knowledge. And he appeased Freya by showing her honesty in his actions.
I can't talk much on the position of BoV right now for reasons that will be made obvious in the coming episodes, but I can tell you that the Eldritch video takes place MILLIONS of years in the future.
Hades felt a personal connection to Pandora when he made their body and helped them to develop their form. It just happened naturally according to the laws of the universe, much to the interest of Hades.
I like to think of his energy as "Male Mommy" energy. As cursed as that is, now you know.
Technically, yes, you could say that. Although I see him as a ride or die friend for Odin.
Pandora has felt a safety from Hades that they can't say they have ever felt. They would gladly die for Hades. Odin tries to make himself an equal to Hades. His thirst for knowledge unknowingly holds him back from being as mature as him.
Ulysses is doing it out of respect for his own emperor, but also because he recognizes how much wisdom and power Hades has as well as ALL the giants.
It's all coded into him by Hades. Essentially, when it comes to Fenrir, Hades has admin powers over his actual life.
That's a plot point I can't reveal yet. You're more than welcome to come up with theories until it's revealed~
Mayhaps? I can't speak about the future of the series.
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 9 months
Hey, I’ll send in a Milgram related ask too! To drum up some Shidou intrigue, what do you think about the theory that Shidou decided to steal organs from his kid to give to his wife?
If you aren’t aware, it mostly stems from the scene at 1:48 of Triage when he hands his son one of the fruit tags. The idea would be that if both the kid and the wife were in a vegetative state, Shidou decided it was worth it to kill his kid for sure in order to have a higher chance of saving his wife (matching genetic structures and all that).
Given that I’m not even certain it’s scientifically possible, I’m on the fence, but I’d love to hear if you had any input on it!
(Damn, this blog really is 90% asks huh. Well I do enjoy answering them so)
Hey! It's an interesting idea, especially considering the guy is paired with Mahiru, but I'm not sure it works all that well. I'l give my reasoning for that conclusion and then I accidentally made a theory about what the scientific purposes of Shidou's work were oops.
CW: Murder, organ harvesting, human experimentation.
For one, it really seems like Shidou loved all his family, not just his lover.
(T1) Q3: Is there anything you treasure?
S: Family.
Family, not romantic love.
(T2) Q10: Do you like children?
S: Of course.
This one's a bit vaguer, but still.
But the main thing which makes this theory extremely unlikely in my eyes is this:
(T1) Q14: If you could bring someone back to life, who would you choose?
S: I can't choose anyone.
Since we know there are people he'd like to bring back, the idea that Shidou can't choose who to bring back to life implies he has multiple people he would want to save from death. The issue there is that taking organs from his child/children would very directly mean he chose his wife over him/them, which is inconsistent with this answer, and his general attitude towards everyone in his family.
If you want my interpretation of that scene, well, let's look at the line said as Shidou hands his kid the tag.
Those cards of promise I discarded They were retribution for my incessant taking
Note that "cards of promise" might refer to the death tags. The "promise" would be that Shidou keeps the braindead people alive, and he discarded the cards because he killed a bunch of people without worrying too much about it. But now he's getting the "cards of promise" as retribution, because his own family has met a similar fate to the one of the people he killed. The first line makes it a bit more clear.
Those cards of promise I discarded Were they retribution for my incessant taking In that case, I should have been the one That’s the correct answer, but then why
So he feels he should have been the one to die.
That does sorta make it sound like, by giving his kid the "card of promise", he's killing the child, but I actually think it's the other way around. Note that the card first falls from the air, then Shidou hands it to the kid, sorta implying it's someone elses. If you look at Throw Down, the death tag of his wife seems to come directly from her, it doesn't just fall from the air.
(And yes, that is his wife. Even beyond what the flower figure looks like, the death tag has XY crossed out while XX is left alone. Since all death tags have both sets, it can be assumed the corpse at the end of Throw Down is meant to be a woman by sex because chromosomes)
Thus, I think what this scene might be trying to show is that Shidou wasn't taking organs just for his wife, but for his children too.
Or maybe child.
This is the obligatory part of my posts where I go insane. The kid is still alive and standing in the scene, so what this could imply is that Shidou began killing for this child before the pressumed accident.
This is where I bring in the fact that Shidou claimed in his 2nd VD that he also took organs for scientific purposes, and from his Voice Reveal jumbled quote, it seems to have happened before shit went down.
Shidou: [Cackling] Not dead... Yeah, she's definitely not dead... I finally understand the value of what I've been robbing people of...
So he's been robbing people of their braindead family members before his wife became braindead herself.
So, here's what I think. Shidou's child, the one from this scene, had some sort of illness of some kind, and Shidou began experimenting with organ harvesting to see if he could cure it. Don't ask me what the hell he was actually planning to do, but that's the idea. The whole science side of this storyline feels to me like it isn't meant to be 100% accurate to reality, but that's just my opinion.
This could also explain why his Voice Reveal thingy only mentions a she (or a name of three letters I guess, seeing as it's all blacked out, but you know), and why we only see her in Throw Down, without having him kill the child to explain the Triage scene in question. It's possible both his children died instantly in whatever accident they got into, but his wife survived in a vegetative state. And in that moment, Shidou began trying to use what he learnt from his experimentation to save her by harvesting more organs.
I think this works decently enough, even if like you said, the actual science is questionable at best. I mean, it clearly didn't work, so.
Is this something? I feel I'd be more confident if I could scan the damn QR code in the death tag of that scene, but I assume it just takes you to the Judge page like the ones from Backdraft.
Anyways, hope that answered your question! Take care!
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blueikeproductions · 10 months
So another EarthSpark thing that came to my attention was Ratchet and Drift were pitched into being in EarthSpark.
They were pitched as having trying to look at the Cyber Sleeves the kids had, with Ratchet and Drift having scientific and philosophical thoughts on what they are despite not having a solid answer.
Also neat.
They were also pitched as being married.
Not neat.
This stranglehold IDW has over Transformers needs to end yesterday. I liked IDW, but it’s clear Hasbro wasn’t feeling it anymore, and the attempt at a reboot didn’t help. Not to mention, toys made with the IDW cast in mind don’t appear to sell well. Tarn appears to be the exception, because it’s Tarn, and he’s awesome, but I’ve also never personally seen him in person in stores. Fellow comics original Jhiaxus yes however, so take that as you will. It’s also why so many people were surprised two nobody IDW2 robots, an Autobot and an Acenticon, were getting toys. Even hard core fans have no idea who they are or much desire for these two, and I say that with my open fondness for Autobot Scrounge.
The couplings in IDW always felt kinda forced… I’ve often viewed them as crack ships, some working slightly better than others. I thought Chromedome and Rewind was handled the best, and I’d be very open to seeing them in EarthSpark as (one of) the gay couple(s) in the show.
Drift and Ratchet being a couple comes kind of out of nowhere. I get there was this opposites attract thing going on with an atheist and religious guy, but the joke got old quickly. Besides some implications Drift and Rodimus were more of a thing, age differences are a sticky point for me. A lot of the main couples amounted to twenty something kid hooking up with grandpa or grandma. I know age is more of a suggestion in TFs, but it always bothered me. Tailgate Cyclonus also fall into this for me, but I also preferred their dynamic being a plucky son and stand offish father learning to care for each other. The moment it became romantic I lost interest and felt kinda creeped out T’be honest. Same with Drift and Ratchet. Ratchet’s said to be super old, not quite Kup or Alpha Trion old, but he’s up there. Drift in comparison is about Hot Rod’s age, and met Ratchet at a clinic on Cybertron when Ratchet was already older than dirt… The two being a crusty grandpa who loved his grandson but doesn’t quite get his interests was a dynamic I liked.
I just think there’s better options romantically for Drift and Ratchet. Closer in age too. I imagine in the interest of fairness the EarthSpark versions would be closer in age. RiD15 Drift, to me at least, seemed a bit older than Bumblebee and was more of a stern but well meaning uncle/father to Sideswipe, Jetstorm and Slipstream. Prime Ratchet felt married to his job meanwhile…
Admittedly I’m surprised Drift was entertained at all. A lot of the IDW original characters seem to have been benched in media for the time being, and Drift’s role in Cyberverse was lauded as the most idiotic thing the show did for both supporters and detractors that even the writers regret using him that way. It kinda feels like that particular instant sorta sullied the character for some frankly…
If we do get Ratchet back in particular, since we have Steve Blum reprising Starscream, I say let’s get Jeffery Combs to reprise Ratchet. Drift I’m not sure. It’s easy for me to say Eric Bauza should return, but maybe there’s a better alternative for a potential EarthSpark Drift.
I don’t think you can really do the proposed plot anymore since that ship has sailed, but there’s a role for Ratchet and Drift, just not as a couple. Ideally, just make a new couple. Gears having a boyfriend would be funny, someone who can see through his sourball antics, or give Pipes an aquatic mode boyfriend he was wanting. -checks- Hmm I dunno have it be Pipes and Waverider, that could be fun.
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forest-falcon · 11 months
WIP Wednesday
Given that Virgil is into music and art, I thought, why not writing? I have a fair bit more written for this fic but I'm still tweaking it. Anyway, a bit of FishTank for WIP Wednesday!
Night Shift 
An alarm sounded and Gordon Tracy woke, ready for duty. Thankfully, it wasn't the piercing IR alert designed to wake even the likes of Virgil; so he stretched, kicked off his covers, then lay back, allowing himself a moment or two to appreciate his diverse collection of tropical fish, despite the ungodly hour. Most of his diurnal species had chosen to tuck themselves away into various crevices within the coral. He envied their option to rest as he forced himself out of bed and grabbed the nearest clothes to hand. 
The aquanaut followed his feet towards the comms room; his brain slow to shake the dregs of sleep. A warm breeze greeted him as he entered. 
Damn, does Scott never sleep?  
He looked to his Father's desk, but found it empty so scanned the balcony and spotted Virgil scribbling away. Grabbing a bowl of cereal, he headed over to join the brother who should have long been in bed. 
"What are you drawing?"
"Not drawing. Writing...well, trying to." 
Gordon attempted to read the room...balcony. Virgil didn't seem to mind his intrusion, so he perched on the neighbouring lounger and took another bite of his cereal.
"I thought you were an artist?"
"Can't I be both?" 
Virgil's baritone was mumbled out from around a pencil held between his lips. If Grandma could see them now, she'd clout the pair of them.
"Besides, I wouldn't really call myself an artist. I dabble..." His older brother shrugged.
"Don't you sell your art to studios for like four figures?"
"Sometimes five."
"Wow, imposter syndrome much?"
Virgil snorted.
"Who made you my therapist?"
"Just calling it as I see it bro. You should give yourself more credit."
He was rewarded with one of his brother's heartwarming smiles.
Virgil returned to silently re-reading one of his pages for possibly the fifth time in as many minutes. The paper was littered with arrows leading to hastily scribbled notes and no shortage of question marks. The engineer made a couple of sharp intakes of breath, as if calculating possible additions to his plot, before letting out a long exhale in defeat. The dog-eared journal, discarded in disgust, fell open at the floor. Gordon was quick to scoop it up.
"Don't!" A wall of muscle scrambled off the chair.
It was a weird combination to see something so big and powerful so...vulnerable? His brother gave the impression of a startled horse ready to turn and bolt.
"Aren't stories meant to be read?"
"It's not finished yet."
"I don't mind."
"Yeah but I'm not sure I want anyone I know reading it."
"Why, is it about us?"
"Then why?"
Gordon wasn't entirely sure why he was pushing his brother on this. Virgil's art was exquisite, so a part of him was genuinely curious to know what new masterpiece his brother had created. Another part of him almost felt the need for his brother to trust him. They put their lives in each other's hands on a regular basis. Why would Virgil not trust him with this?
"I...don't know." The engineer in Virgil always liked to give people a proper answer to any queries, but his brain denied him any real reason not to share his work, maybe other than the quiet fear of being judged. But Gordon wasn't like that. His brother had an arsenal of practical jokes, but they were matched by just as many compliments.
"Isn't your art 'n' music the same sorta thing though?"
"Yes. No. I don't know."
A shrug.
"Somehow, it doesn't feel the same. I can't explain why. I guess...I'm new to writing. I'm used to you guys hearing me play."
Gordon smiled. Trust had to be earned and he had no intention of pressuring his wingman to dive beyond his comfort zone.
"Fair enough. I won't pry. You have your secrets and I have mine."
"What secrets?"
Truth be told, he didn't have any, but it was fun to keep his brother guessing, so he gave an impish grin, and wiggled his eyebrows for good measure. "Wouldn't you like to know?" 
"Fine." Virgil shrugged with a smile.
Gordon shoveled another spoonful. "Doesn't look like much fun though. Looks like you've more variables to solve in that little journal of yours than Brains tackles in his lab."
"Meh, the characters keep taking charge of the story and it derails my plot."
"They're. Not. Real." He whispered emphatically.
"That's what I keep telling them."
"Dude..." Gordon shook his head with mock disbelief.
Virgil ignored him, but continued to erode the end of his pencil with his teeth. 
"You know you'll be blaming Brains for how those look in a few days. Why don't you take a break? Sleep. You'll be fresher in the morning."
"Can't sleep."
"All of it."
There was a pause.
Virgil's shoulders slumped, his eyebrows knitting in a way that darkened his already silhouetted features. "It's never... about the one bad rescue though, is it? ...They're just the catalyst to unleash the rest of the sh*tty iceberg we keep trying to bury below the surface." 
"Just as well you have the most talented and by far the most handsome aquanaut here to come 'n' pick you up! I'll have you know that navigating treacherous seas is kinda my speciality."
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sunnyie-eve · 1 month
24 | Guardians
Series: Indispensable | Teen Wolf
Paring: (Stiles Stilinski x OFC Martin)
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: None
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Stiles smacks Derek over and over but before going punch him, he wakes up so Stiles tells him everything that has happened. Derek leaves to go get his sister while Stiles and Julia stay back to hold off the cops.
"You should have gone with Derek." Stiles says as the two of them sit alone in the front lobby.
"And leave you? No, thank you."
"Why stay with me?" He looks at her playing with a strand of her hair so she stops to look at him.
"Because I want to be with you and you need someone by your side. Your dad was taken and your best friend left... but I'm still here for you." She tears up a bit, "Stiles, you're the first person in my life, besides from Lydia, I really care about."
"Julia," Stiles moves closer to her but stop as they both look at the door to see the FBI. "Oh, just perfect." Stiles sighs.
"Who's that?" Julia asks as the man walks over to them since it was clear Stiles didn't like him.
"A Stilinski at the center of this whole mess. What a shocker. Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?"
"Stiles without sarcasm isn't a thing." Julia looks up at the man to read his badge, "McCall..."
"And you are?" He asks her.
"Julia Martin." She answers him.
"Where's your dad, and why's no one been able to contact him?" He ignores Julia to ask Stiles.
"I don't know. I haven't seen him in hours." Stiles tells him.
"Is he drinking again?"
"What do you mean, again? He never had to stop." Stiles tells him and Julia was getting pissed with Scott's dad.
"But he did have to slow down. Is he drinking like he used to?"
"All right, how about this? Next time I see him. I'll give him a field sobriety test, okay? We'll do the alphabet start with F end with U." Stiles says causing him to smile.
"How about you just tell me what the hell happened here?"
"We do you know what happened here because we were stuck in the elevators the whole time." Julia speaks up.
"Y'all aren't the ones who put the name on the doors?"
"What name?" They ask at the same time confused so he tells the Argent was written on the door.
Once they were good to go, Stiles and Julia go to the Argent's to tell them that their name was written on the door. Allison says it's no coincidence that Blake took Scott's mother and Stiles' father. Allison suspects that Ms. Morrell is behind the warning saying the guidance counselor knows a lot more about what's happening and might be trying to help. Stiles says they need to hurry since the lunar eclipse is two freaking nights away and that his father could already be dead. Chris disagrees. He says it seems Jennifer is moving pieces into place. Allison points out that Chris is one of those pieces. He says they won't wait around to see her next move. He takes out the map of the telluric currents.
Stiles is dejected saying that going after her will likely mean Chris gets taken. Chris says he's different because he's carrying a .45 caliber pistol. He says Jennifer has shown that she can heal from a shot to the leg and slashes to her face but wonders how she would do with half her skull blown off. Chris suggests the placement of the sacrifices has to do with the strength of the telluric currents in those spots. He points out the school, the animal clinic and the bank on the map. Supposing that Jennifer might return to a spot if she failed to complete a sacrifice there the first time, they settle on the bank as a logical starting point.
"What if we use Lydia and you?" Allison looks at Julia.
"Lydia and Julia? What can they do?" Chris asks lost.
"They sorta have a talent at finding bodies without looking for them." Stiles tells him so Chris looks at Julia.
"What are y'all? Psychic?"
"No, we're Banshees." Julia corrects him.
As time passes both Allison and her father bring out all their weapons, "I thought you guys were retired." Stiles says looking at everything.
"Retired yes, defenseless, no." Chris tells Stiles to keep his phone on so that if Scott calls they can tell him right away. Stiles says he thinks that is unlikely and Chris says Scott is only doing what he thinks is right.
"I can't shoot a gun or use a crossbow. But... Well, I'm- I'm getting pretty good with these." Isaac arrives showing his claws.
While Isaac and Allison stay with her father, Stiles and Julia go to Lydia and catch her up on everything. She couldn't believe Scott would willingly join the Alpha Pack but Stiles says the look on Scott's face at the time suggests his choice was real.
"I get that Julia and I are human Geiger counter for death but I don't know how to turn it on or off yet." Lydia looks at Stiles.
"I still don't know how to do it and I've been a Banshee a lot longer." Julia takes a seat.
"Jennifer seemed surprised that I was a Banshee, so why did she try to kill me?" Lydia asks confused.
"We need to find out why. What do you know that I don't?" Julia asks her before the three head to school.
At school, Lydia was frustrated that Aiden wasn't texting her back. Isaac ends up texting Stiles about Allison's dad. The news ends up sending Stiles into a panic attack which Julia notices immediately.
"Stiles, what is it?" Lydia asks him.
"He's having a panic attack." Julia takes his hand leading him down the hall to the locker room where it there wasn't anyone but them and Lydia.
"Hey, hey, breathe. Try to breathe. Focus on me, look at me." Julia grabs his hands forcing him to look at her, "Remember when you helped me with mine at Scott's house?" Julia smiles a bit but it wasn't helping him so she wraps her arms around him hoping a hug would work like it did for her then.
"I can't stop, Julia." His voice cracks so she moves back cupping his face so he would look into her eyes.
"Look at me. You can. I know you can." She smiles before leaning in to kiss him gently till he was clam again.
As she pulled back slowly they just stared at each other completely forgetting Lydia was just standing on the side watching them.
"How'd you know that would work?" He asks her taken back.
"I read once when I used to have mine that holding your breath could stop one." She smiles with tears in her eyes, "I didn't know how to get you to hold yours so I kissed you hoping it would work."
"I held my breath?" He keeps his eyes locked with hers.
"You did." She nods her head wiping her tears away.
Stiles tears up again, "Thank you." He pulls her into a tight hug, "I'm lucky you're smart." He makes her laugh.
"If she was really smart she would tell you to sign up for a few sessions with the guidance counselor." Lydia speaks up finally so the two pull out of their hug.
"Morrell." Stiles says so him and Julia get up from the floor and the three rush out to go see her.
They rush into the Guidance Office to find Danielle waiting for Ms. Morrell. She says Stiles and Lydia will have to wait because she's got some serious issues to work on. Danielle says she's been waiting for 20 minutes for the counselor and points out that it's weird because Morrell is never late. Lydia agrees, saying she was seeing the councilor at the beginning of the semester. Stiles concludes she is not late, she is missing.
Stiles says he wants to know what Morrell knows and starts to search through her desk. There are two framed photos, both of young children, on the desk. Stiles comes up with Lydia's file and finds a number of drawings of the same tree. It is the same exact tree over and over again on several pages.
"Wait, I basically draw the same thing but upside." Julia pulls out her notebook and flips through her pages to show basically the same thing.
"Okay; you can have my session. You girls got bigger issues." Danielle leaves them.
"What is this?" Lydia asks scared.
"Stiles, the last one I drew..." She shows him she went into detail about what's under the roots, "It's the root cellar."
"That's where they are." Stiles looks at her.
The three rush off to find the Nemeton but Stiles is called by the McCall. Stiles sends Lydia and Julia to Derek since both he and Peter have been to the root cellar before.
Arrives at Derek's loft and there is an awkward moment when Lydia sees Peter for the first time since she brought him back from the dead, "Derek, we have visitors." Peter calls out.
"We know where the parents are. Jennifer has them in the root cellar. If I remember correctly, you've both been there." Julia enters the loft.
"Yes, but we don't know where it is. Talia- Derek's mother and my older sister, decided that she didn't ever want us going back. She knew how dangerous it was and took the memory of its location from us." Peter tells the girls.
"Then how are we supposed to find it?" Lydia asks him.
Stiles, Julia, Lydia, Allison and Isaac join Deaton at the Animal Clinic as they try to work out how to find the Nemeton. Stiles believes it must be on a telluric current or at the convergence of the currents. Allison says Gerard claims he can't remember the location although he and Chris had been there once before. Deaton says there might be a way to do it but that it is dangerous and that they'll need Scott.
At the animal clinic, three large tubs filled with ice water and mistletoe are waiting. Deaton asks if Scott Stiles and Allison have brought something personal that belongs to their parents. Stiles had his father's badge. Allison had a silver bullet made by her father. Scott had a Timex watch. He said it was given to his mother by his father and that Melissa jokes it was the only thing about the marriage that worked.
Deaton explains that the three will serve as surrogate sacrifices for their parents. The plan means the three friends will be dead for a few seconds before Deaton brings them back. Their deaths will supercharge the Nemeton and that will attract supernatural creatures to Beacon Hills. Deaton also says dying will take a personal toll on the trio. They will be left with a permanent darkness around their hearts.
"Each of us will hold you down until you're essentially... Well, dead. But it's not just someone to hold you under. It needs to be someone who can pull you back. Someone that has a strong connection to you. A kind of emotional tether." Deaton tells the three, "Lydia, you're with Allison and Isaac you'll stand next to her. I'm with Scott, and Julia is with Stiles." He adds.
"Really?" Julia asks surprised Lydia didn't get him and Isaac wasn't with Allison since she could tell they were sorta liking each other.
"Yes," He says making Stiles and Julia to look at each other.
They each slip in the tubs. Through shivers and chattering teeth, Stiles informs them that Scott's father is in town. Each of their tethers reach out and push them under the water.
Hours pass and the three were still in the tubs while the other four waited patiently, "Deaton..." Julia walks over to him as he was in the front, "Why did you pair me with Stiles and not my sister?" She asks him.
He gives her a look, "Are you seriously asking me why?"
"Well, yeah. You said someone that has a strong connection to them. An emotional tether... Who better for Stiles then Lydia? He's been in love with her since the third grade. I'm still a recently new friend to him. It's been only like a year..."
"But to the two of you it doesn't feel like just a year. Believe it or not, you're the perfect person to pull him back. Y'all's connection is almost stronger than his and Scotts." Deaton walks away leaving her alone.
Julia takes a seat on counter before rubbing her temples mumbling to herself, "You have feelings for Stiles don't you?" Isaac joins her side.
"I don't know the answer to that question anymore, honestly." She turns her head to look at him, "In the past, I would've laugh and said no and meant it. Now, if I do that... I don't know if I'm lying or telling the truth." She laughs at herself, "I shouldn't though."
"Why not? I like Allison when I shouldn't."
"Because when I fully admit I have feeling for him it will just kill me. Isaac, I'm never gonna be his pick as long as Lydia exists. He's been in love with her since the third grade." Julia tears up.
"What he has is a one sided love, and that isn't real love. Love is a bond shared between people, Julia. Lydia doesn't love him since he's just a friend." Isaac tells her.
"When did you become a love expert?" Julia laughs at him.
"I'm not, I'm just stating the obvious. I have my friends back." He pulls her into his side.
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avillicit · 1 year
literally begging you to tell me where you got your eggs and all the other birthing stuff 🥺
alright, feeling a bit better, so let's see if i can answer this! if you don't mind, i'm gonna go into a fair amount of detail, bc i get this question a lot in dms, and i'd like to have it somewhere public.
so, assuming you've never done birth play before, we need to talk about safety before getting into toy selection. a few points:
lube is PARAMOUNT. while, yes, applying too much can make it too easy for the toy to slide out of you, applying too little (or, gods forbid, not using ANY) can lead to discomfort, chafing, tearing, and bleeding--potentially putting your pussy out of commission for weeks. this is especially a concern for trans guys on testosterone, or anyone else with vaginal atrophy. i've torn before, and it suuuuucks.
do NOT use the same toy for vaginal and anal use. don't share toys with a partner, either, unless you put a condom on it.
eggs are not safe for anal use, nor is any other toy without a flared base or a retrieval cord.
if anything feels wrong, or off, you stop. if you bleed, you stop. if it hurts in a way that's too much for you, or isn't normal, you stop.
if you run into any issues, consult a gynecologist. (while i don't condone lying to your doctor, if you're truly too embarrassed to say exactly what you've been doing, saying you were using ben wa balls or a similar kegel... thingy, or simply having rough sex, is a bit less embarrassing than explaining a birth kink.)
good breeding sluts take care of themselves.
now that that's out of the way...
for birthing, i use two different kinds of toys--eggs and inflatables. you may end up preferring one over the other, or you might switch between them as the mood strikes, like me. they offer a pretty different experience, imo, so consider what you're looking for when choosing a toy. do you want to feel yourself stretching around a huge "head", or would you rather birth something smaller over and over? do you want to feel it close to your entrance, threatening to slip out with one wrong move, or would you rather it start nestled against your cervix, so you have to struggle to push it out? do you want to move around while you labor? do you want to feel the pain slowly growing worse and worse, from a barely-perceptible pressure to an all-encompassing ache that has you desperate to push?
...um. that sorta got away from me. anyway.
so, eggs! these are the eggs i use most often, from fantasticocks. with a bit of coaxing, you can get both in at once--i feel amazingly full with both stuffed inside me. they can also slip deep in the vaginal canal, which can make it a real struggle to birth them, perfect for when you want to push until you're exhausted. eggs will also allow you to move around pretty easily while you labor, as there's no pump dangling between your legs to worry about. i've gone for short walks with them inside me, and by the end, i'm usually fighting not to squat down and push them out in the street.
however, the fact that they aren't attached to anything can make emergency retrieval a bit difficult--once they're inside you, you have to push them out. i personally find that pretty hot at times, but for someone who's never done birth play before, it can be scary! in addition, i haven't really found an egg that will give me a satisfying stretch when it crowns. aside from my organotoys egg, which i've never actually managed to fit inside me, they're just a bit too small to be much of a challenge once they're crowning.
as for inflatables, this lovehoney plug is what i usually use. (i have a plug from the unfortunately-named utimi, similar to this, but the specific model i have appears to no longer be on their website.) the major benefit of an inflatable toy is that you can insert it when it's deflated and then pump it up until it's massive, allowing for a really nice stretch when you push it out. i cannot overstate how much i love the feeling of it, my cunt straining around the plug, just like it would strain around a real baby's head. i also like to pump it up niiiiice and slow, to simulate the feeling of contractions getting worse over time, when i'm in the mood for a longer labor.
there are a few drawbacks for the inflatable, though. for one thing, mine broke after a year, maybe two years of use? the balloon is all warped somehow, so it no longer provides a good stretch. i really need to order a new one. plus, while you can get it kinda deep due to the fact that the balloon portion lacks a flare at the base, it still feels shallower than my eggs, somehow? i dunno. and the fact that the pump is permanently attached makes just changing positions awkward, let alone actually moving around.
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cabinofimagines · 1 year
Holi-days ten; Leo Valdez vs your ghost of relationship past
A/N: Personally my family doesn’t compare me to other people but bOY are they obsessed with love lives -Danny
Pairing: PLATONIC Leo Valdez x gn!reader 
Words: 2,017 (Yes I still love Leo more than the rest I won’t apologize)
Warnings: Fake dating. I’ll try to make the interactions as platonic as possible. He’s committed to the bit.
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“I’m begging you, do not answer more than what the question needs,” you begged Leo while getting closer to your parent’s house. “Otherwise we’ll be tripping in lies.”
“Stop underestimating my talents,” he scoffed. “I can keep up with the lie, it’s you who worries me, you’re a shitty liar under pressure.”
“I am not!”
“Not with our friends, but everyone folds in front of their parents. It’s okay though, I don’t know any of these people so I can lie, I just need you to tell me who your ex is so I don’t fuck up.”
“Name’s Gil, you’ll know who it is as soon as we enter, it’s like a children-magnet, puppy-charmer.”
Leo gave you a confused look. “That tells me nothing.”
“Trust me,” your gaze darkened. “You’ll know.”
Leo knocked on the door because your hands were full with presents and food for the party, when the door opened it was your uncle who welcomed you in.
“Y/N/N!” He smiled, but before you could even step in, his eyes landed on Leo and his entire face lit up at the sight of a new character. “You brought someone!”
“Hi, I’m Leo,” your friend reached for the older man’s hand. Was it your imagination, or was his voice slightly deeper than moments before? “I’m Y/N’s boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend!” Your uncle pulled Leo in, leaving you at the door, ignored and struggling to carry everything you’d brought with you. “Everyone, Y/N’s here with a boyfriend!”
Several voices came from the living room, the first people to show up were your cousins and aunts. Your youngest cousin squealed in excitement and beamed at Leo as if he were a guy straight out of her favorite novels.
He was wrapped in a conversation with your cousins, and since they were the least annoying of the whole group, you decided he was safe at the moment, and you made your way to the kitchen.
“Hi..?” Your parent welcomed you in with open arms, smiling at you like it’d been years since your last reunion. Sometimes it felt like that. 
“Y/N! Let me give you a hand...”
As you both placed everything you were carrying on the large table, your parent glanced at you with a little grin. 
“Did I hear right? You brought a boyfriend?”
“Yeah,” you smiled, hoping it looked confident. “He’s in the living room, do you wanna meet him?”
“Sure, but just so you know,” you walked out of the kitchen together, lowering your voices. “Gil’s in the living room too, so this is gonna be a little awkward.”
You tried to keep your smile on your face, Gil was about to go down. “It’s okay, we’re all grown-ups, right?”
Although you weren’t feeling that grown right now, you were back in your teens desperately trying to get Gil to look your way, even if this time around it was for completely opposite reasons.
You didn’t understand why things had gone down the way they did, I mean, Gil was the stranger in this situation, and yet your family had always fawned over your friend. You’ve met in middle school, way before you’d fully submerged into the demigod life, so you could say back then you were the same. 
Then you started to grown, and you started to like each other a bit too much, and suddenly Gil was your first kiss, your first prom date, and then in college you sorta fell out of love, mostly because you were never around (demigods are never when you most need them and always where they least should be) and you broke up, but at first it was okay.
Sure, you’ve always been a little annoyed during the relationship because everyone was always pointing out how little you were there and how Gil was always doing everything for you and then some. How Gil was amazing at handling school, work, and your relationship. Then you broke up, and it just got worse, because now Gil was in a relationship with your whole family, and you were perpetually third-wheeling.
“Y/N, there you are!” Leo showed up at the living room’s entrance, finding your hand and intertwining your fingers. “Is this..?”
“This is my parent, Y/P/N,” you gracefully pulled Leo closer. “This is my boyfriend, Leo Valdez, he’s from my summer job.”
Your parent knew well what your summer job was, but you would call it that way when the rest of the family was present to avoid awkward conversations as to why on earth were you still going to your childhood summer camp.
“Nice to meet you, Leo,” they shook hands briefly, but something in your parent’s eyes gave you the icky feeling that the lies weren’t that solid.
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When Gil and Leo first interacted there was nothing dramatic to it, Leo was surprisingly casual and natural, so was Gil. However, you could notice the little things and you were living for them.
At some point while talking about jobs and what not, your aunt mentioned Gil’s newest promotion and pointed out that your job seemed to be a little harder than your ex’s, considering how long it was taking you to move up.
Leo was quick to intervene.
“Oh, that’s gotta be my fault,” he sighed, “I have this charity organization that travels across the country and Y/N helps me from time to time, so they have to work from home often— of course it’s an advantage that Y/N’s friends with the boss, and we can always tell her about our trips so she can give Y/N the week.”
“I keep telling Leo he’s got no fault in this, I’m happy to help,” you smiled big, delighted with his performance. “But yeah, my boss was Leo’s teacher in college and she holds him in great esteem, I’m lucky he’s such a man of the people.”
Gil glanced at you briefly from across the table, but you pretended not to notice.
“So auntie,” you continued. “What about your son? Is he graduating High school at last?”
Leo choked on his drink, but he managed to turn away before your aunt could notice.
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“No way.”
“I swear.”
“No, there’s no way you’re the one who designed that new rollercoaster at the San Francisco fair— that thing’s amazing!”
“For a change it’s the first attraction where I don’t feel like it’s so terribly built I could die at any moment.”
“That’s cause I’m good at my job,” Leo said proudly. “No but seriously, that’s something I made with my mom, she’s crazy good at building that kind of structures, and my little sister’s a fan of rollercoasters, so...”
You locked eyes with Leo and winked at him, he had all of your cousins wrapped around his pinky, and your aunts were slowly melting at his apparently selfness nature, he had tons of stories from his time helping the youths and then some more about this camp where he counseled the little kids.
Only the uncles were a little unimpressed, but you had the feeling it was closer to jealousy, Leo was really checking all the boxes of a model citizen and your uncles... were, most of them always left things to be desired.
As for Gil... Gil seemed to be enjoying Leo almost as much as everyone else, and you weren’t sure of how to feel about that. If you were honest, however, this whole rivalry thing you had going on... it was pretty much just you, fighting against the made-up expectations you felt you had to cover.
Talking about the devil, Gil finally got up and approached you, smiling from ear to ear.
“Leo’s fantastic.”
“I know, right?” You beamed. “Can’t believe he agreed to come— I mean, that he had time to visit.”
Gil looked at you funnily, but if something sounded wrong about your story, it was never brought up.
“You know, I’ve been worried about you.”
You frowned. “What?”
“Yeah I mean, your family is amazing, but I don’t know... ever since we started college— god, even before college, at some point you just... grew distant. It felt like there was something keeping you, and I thought that breaking up was the best idea...”
“I broke up with you,” you said defensively.
“Yeah, well I let it happen,” Gil brushed it off. “But you didn’t get better, and I felt awful cause I thought I’d left you alone to deal with whatever it was you were dealing, but I was wrong...”
Gil turned and nodded at Leo with a warm smile.
“I’m glad to see you’ve been in good hands.”
Leo looked way too comfortable with your family, but looking at him made you think of everyone else. Gil couldn’t understand, would never understand why you’d left everyone out of your life— but your camp friends understood. 
They knew you better than anyone ever could, they were willing to travel and disregard their own holiday plans only to back you up against the worst enemy of all: blood relatives.
 You smiled at the thought, nodding a little. “Yeah, I’m quite lucky, aren’t I?”
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“Hi again,” Leo nudged your arm. “Been a long night, right?”
“Could’ve been worse, honestly,” you sighed, returning the nudge. “Thank you for coming, you really didn’t have to. I could’ve just lied.”
“Yeah but I wanted to come, to be honest is like good practice for when I actually meet my actual partner’s family. What reminds me... what are you gonna say to them if they ask about me again?”
You snorted. “What makes you think I’m letting you go so quickly? I hope you’re ready for the long run, cause we have a fake wedding to plan.”
Leo laughed. “How about just marrying for real? If I die you get my life insurance and if you die I get yours!”
“If we’re both single by thirty we marry?” You joked.
“Yes!” He put an arm around your shoulders. “See? Great minds think alike.”
You snorted, elbowing him playfully. “I talked to Gil a while ago.”
Leo’s mouth fell open, he got a little too excited. “Don’t tell me Gil tried to get you back?!”
“No no,” you rolled your eyes. “Don’t be like that, is not that kind of gossip.”
“Ah damn, I was so ready to make a scene,” Leo sighed. “What did you talk about, then?”
You briefly told him the whole story, and at the end Leo tilted his head, a funny look in his eyes.
“Huh. Yeah, that sounds about right.”
“Well, dating mortals is not easy,” Leo shrugged. “Especially if you’re not willing to tell them the truth. I guess that from outside, it does look like we’re just a bunch of depressed and secretive people. Gil’s right, none of them can really help you out with your olympic struggles, but you have us for that, so it’s okay.”
“So... you’re saying I’ll die alone?”
Around you, everyone started the countdown to the New Year, Leo grabbed two drinks and handed you one of them.
“C’mon, Y/N L/N won’t die alone. You’re too cool for that. And if everything else fails, you have me to play your handsome fiance for the next...” he squinted, “two years? You better get to work, otherwise you’ll be stuck with me forever.”
“I could say the same to you,” you grinned.
“FIVE... FOUR... THREE...”
“Meh, could be worse, honestly,” he admitted, putting an arm around your shoulders to pull you closer. He’d noticed your aunties were watching the two of you from afar.
“TWO... ONE!”
Fireworks could be heard in the distance, the “Happy new year!” choir came from all over the house, hugs were exchanged around you, and Leo planted a loud and dramatic kiss on your cheek.
“Happy New year, baby,” he said out loud in the cheesiest voice he could muster.
You cringed, but luckily enough managed to do most of the suffering on the inside.
“Happy New Year... babe.”
Leo laughed, ruffling your hair and kissing your cheek once more, for your grandma’s sake.
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
Then there’s what everyone else thinks is happening. Let’s start with Sam. He thinks it’s just an exercise to see how his heir think. A way to be pushed to pick an heir or an idea from Techno to help him make up his mind. Tomys comes out the best. Sam probably doesn’t notice that Phil set it up this way. Both of them are narrative foils or like parallels. Both in Stubbornness in listening to other people (Phil and Wilbur respectively). Probably also in personality. Idk I get the feeling that Sam is very fond of Tomys because the kid remind him of his younger self, aka he’s a vague idea of what the kid Sam never had could have been like.
Anyway, depending on how much Techno knows about his students (and he definitely knows about Niki) it!s set up to make the other two look bad. Tomys then looks good. Sam now feels like his decision to bring in a new potential heir has been justified and might stop pushing back against Phil as much. Similarly, now that Tomys is proven to be a decent option and a more favourable future for Wilbur, Phil can start sorta pushing that by manipulating Sam via playing into his ego and how good of a decision it was.
Niki and Quackity might think Wilbur had something to do with it since, at first, it seems like the perfect opportunity to show off their skills while Tomys makes a fool out of himself. Wilbur is there and this is literally what they talked about at the meeting and what Schlatt tried to goat him into.
But then both Quackity and Niki “mess up” (by Phil’s standards) and Tomys comes up out well. While this doesn’t incriminated Wilbur perce. It does make him look like he knew about it and didn’t warn them before hand (even though they might be away he had no option to do so. Either way, everyone always seems to assume he knows everything, which makes it interesting when he doesn’t and I can’t wait to see that play out more. Wilbur not knowing about something while his friends accuse him of doing would be very good angst.
Anyway, I wonder if Niki thinks he knew and is lying / keeping things from her again. [Across the table, Niki’s expression darkened. Wilbur didn’t notice it.] I’m eyeing this. There’s a lot of reasons for he being upset. It probably has to do with Sam smiling at Tomys which proves the kid ‘won’. It’s not necessarily directed at Wilbur, but it probably,y still has consequences for him. She does still look to him to try and see how badly she messed up. She assumes he knows.
sam definitely has a soft spot for tomys. it's partly because he's the youngest and sam gives him a lot of leeway for his behavior as a result. he's also older now than he was when niki and quackity were children at the palace (not by much but yknow), and in my mind sam's the kind of guy who gets nicer and more fond of kids the older he gets. and like you pointed out, he sees some of himself in tommy, whereas he never saw much of himself in niki or quackity.
like I said in the previous ask, it wasn't necessarily designed to make quackity and niki look bad but rather just compare the three of them side by side. but then phil was able to take advantage of the answers and twist them to make tommy look like the best option out of the three of them.
while the whole situation definitely doesn't make wilbur look good, I think in this scenario both niki and quackity recognize wilbur probably would've warned them if he had the opportunity. it's not a strict test per se, and yes it looks bad but it's not a huge huge deal. and I will say, niki's darkening expression was not directed at wilbur.
I like where your head is at though!! I love seeing you analyze all the minute bits of these interactions it's so fun for me
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cuppimagines · 5 months
A Jolly Odd Christmas, 004- The Ram
Merry Christmas! This wasn't the chapter I wanted to premiere on December 25th, but I still hope you guys are ready for this series to come to an end a few days from now! This chapter is less nsfw than the last one, but there will be something to make up for that in the final chapter! Hope you had a very great Christmas, and I hope you enjoy!
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“Mr. Claus!!! Mr. Claus!!!” Clack was waving his hands around, with you on top of his shoulders to get his attention. Not hard, not only were both him and Ruffle important guard figures, but they easily towered over all the other elves. You seemed a bit embarrassed, meeting the actual Santa that you figured was just fake all this time, and you weren’t sure what to do once he started approaching, gently nudging the crowd out the way.
For his age, Mr. Claus was extremely handsome. The way his beard perfectly framed his face, the very sleek well dressed way he presented himself. He both seemed extremely approachable yet extremely high class. 
“What are two guards doing out here, having a little break yeah?” Mr. Claus asked. 
“Hello sir! Sorta kinda,” Ruffle answered. “We’re so glad we ran into you. I dunno if the folks back at the factory gave you the news, but we have a bit of an issue that only you could help with.” He pointed up to you, who at this moment, was an elf with that hat on. 
“Is it okay if we talk somewhere private?” Clack asked. Mr. Claus looked at the crowd, and then back to the two guards with a nod.
“I’ll clear them out for you, sir,” Ruffle gave him a salute, before going back to work bot mode, face seeming a bit more stern as he gently ushered the elves away from Mr. Claus. 
“Everyone clear the way, give him some space,” he demanded of the crowd, and to that, they dispersed away from you all. Clack put you down, right in front of Mr. Claus. Oh wow…even at your current height, you could tell, this was a tall, tall man. You backed up a little, just so you could look him in the eye and you were actually…maybe just a little bit intimidating seeing him in the flesh.
“Oh you seem scared, don’t be buddy, I won’t bite,” Mr. Claus chuckled, leaning down to get a better look at you. “Now who is this one, boys?”
“Well sir, this is the uh…” Clack leaned in close to Mr. Claus to whisper in his ear. “This is the human that came here…we dunno how they did, but you’re the only person with the power to take them back…so we were going to your home to request that.” Mr. Claus raised an eyebrow, looking down at you incredulously.
“Doesn’t look too much like a human, too short, ears too pointy…”
“It’s the hat, it keeps them an elf,” Ruffle said, patting the top of your head. “Trust us, we came directly from the main office, and Mr. Cedar wouldn’t bother you with matters up there unless they were serious.”
“Please, it’s a pretty decent ways away from Christmas, people are probably worried sick about me,” you pleaded. “I wanna go home, I don’t want the people I love to be worried about me around the holidays.” Mr. Claus sighed, a soft smile appearing on his face, and he knelt down to get closer to your height. 
“Alrighty then, I have just what you need, we can’t have that after all,” he smiled. “I was just having a leisurely walk out there, so I can’t exactly get you back home quick, least not with a little bit of…” he snapped his fingers, and a lovely swirl of red and white appeared starting at his feet, before blowing slowly up his body and poofing away.
“Magical assistance.” He could see the sparkle in your eyes at that rather minor show of magic, and that made the old man’s grin even wider and sweeter. 
“You boys did a great job, I’ll take it from here, you go back to the factory, things are busy back there after all.”
“Yes sir!!” Clack and Ruffle both said in unison. “Buh bye! Good luck going back home!” Clack gave your head a pay, followed by Ruffle, and you couldn’t help but smile and blush. They were good fellas, pleasant if a little bit quirky. They both waved goodbye at you as they went back in the sled, and with that, you saw them vanish off into the city streets. While you waved a final goodbye once they vanished, you felt Mr. Claus’s large, warm arm wrap around your shoulders. You nearly jumped out of your skin, flinching in surprise, which only got a chuckle out of him.
“I hope you’ve been treated well so far,” he said. “I know these are less than ideal circumstances, but I’m nothing if not helpful.” Mr. Claus gently patted the small of your back to guide you down the block. 
“Tell me, how did you end up here in the first place?”
“Me?” you looked up at him. “From what Mr. Cedar told me, someone's wishlist, well actually, my boyfriend’s wishlist, sent me here. Since they can’t exactly clone a person, I guess some sorta glitchy Christmas magic brought me here. I dunno, but long story short, I dunno why my ex would even want me back, and I wanna go home.”
“This ex…why did he break up with you?”
“It’s…weird to be honest. He just said he didn’t feel very dominant in the relationship and wanted that feeling, and so he moved on to another person a month after we broke up. I’m not exactly broken up about it anymore, but I didn’t realize he was. It’s been a while…”
“Quite the reason, but I would be broken up too if I left someone as cute as you were.” You were in a bit of disbelief of what you just heard. Being called cute by Mr. Claus of all people…
“You think I’m…” you were so focused on talking your feelings out that you didn’t realize where you were. The lights of the city were a bit further away, and the two of you seemed to be walking through a park path, following stones that got smaller and more scattered, further away from many folks. 
“Is this really the path back? You told me you were going to uh…” you waved your fingers. “Magic us back to your place.”
“Oh I am…I most certainly am…” Mr. Claus chuckled. A less warm chuckle than before. Something more sinister. You felt something off about that…your eyebrow furrowed and you backed up away from Mr. Claus. 
“Um…sir…” you muttered. “Let’s take a path through the main city instead…I’d feel more comfortable like that…”
“No no no, This is the quickest way back,” Mr. Claus grabbed your hat, taking it off your head. At that, you poofed back to your normal size, and you saw the grin on Mr. Claus’s face widened even more with glee.
“Oh perfect…quite perfect…” he purred. Something definitely felt off now, and you immediately took off into a sprint. Before you could even go very far, you were tripped, falling flat on your face in the snow, and being dragged back by some twisted gnarled black vine. 
“I worked too bloody hard to bring you here just to run away again!” Mr. Claus’s voice sounded…much, much different. A more gravelly, deep cockney accent. “Since those idiots couldn’t get you back to me, I have no choice but to take you myself!” While trying to claw your way out of the grip of the vine, you saw a rock drag past you. Quickly, you grabbed it before it got too far away from your grasp, and with that, chucked the rock dead center at “Mr. Claus's” nose. You glanced up at him, and along with some blood, it was like a layer of makeup was peeled off, revealing ash gray skin underneath.
“Oh honey…” with a firm YANK, you were forced right up to this man, and lifted up by your shirt collar. “Naughty naughty naughty, throwing that stone at me! Think that’s about 3, maybe 4 whacks when we get back home!” As you struggled to get out of his grip, you saw the disguise that was Mr. Claus slowly fade away. He grew a foot in height, his skin completely turning gray, and long, goat-like horns sprouting from his head. The very sleek suit faded, instead there was an unkempt tank top, sweats, a gnarled looking straw basket, and a black fur coat that looked fancier than anything he was wearing. He was also incredibly hairy, with coarse black body hair all on his arms and poking out from his massive, burly chest. The large belly faded, and muscle only grew larger and more defined, leaving the physique of a bodybuilder, and the frightening yellow-eyed gaze of a demon. You glared at him in pure terror, and the more you saw of him the more you tried to struggle away, but he had a tough grip on you. 
“K…Krampus…?” you meekly whispered
“Oh, so you do recognize me~!” the large man purred. “I thought that old man had scrubbed everything about me from the public eye, but I guess not. You’re coming with me!” Hearing that, you tried your best to kick and thrash out of his powerful grip, and you even managed to land a firm kick right at the center of his chest, but that barely even made him flinch. All that got out of him was an amused chuckle. 
“No use trying to get free, I may be rusty, but I’ve been doing this sorta shit since the black plague was still a hot topic,” Krampus, like you weighed nothing, tossed you over his shoulder, and with an impressive precision, you landed in the basket. You thought you had a chance to crawl out, but the basket snapped shut, and try as you might, banging on what seemed to just be plain delicate straw did absolutely nothing. 
“No…no no no!!!” You cried out, continuing to bang and thrash to get out the basket. Great, this is the third time you were forced into a container, and this really might be your last time. You were so close…this was your chance to go back home, but now you weren’t sure if you’d ever be heard from again…! It seemed to be a weird hammerspace, you couldn’t hear anything or feel any movement, so you weren’t sure where you were going, so after several long, frustrating minutes of beating and thrashing at the basket, all you could do was eventually just…slump into the basket. And you could feel tears welling up in your eyes, struggling did nothing, pleading to be let go did nothing, so all you could really do now was just…cry. 
You weren’t sure how long it was, but as you burst into tears, suddenly the basket opened up, and you were yanked by your collar out of the basket. Krampus had pulled you out, an excited and happy grin on his face, but his expression immediately dropped when he saw you sobbing and hiccuping. You didn’t expect this but…he seemed nervous seeing you cry.
“Ah shit…I didn’t think this far…” he let go of you, and once he did, you grabbed him by the horns, drawing a fist back to punch him RIGHT in the nose, where you saw you scarred him. It didn’t seem to hurt him, but it caught him off guard, and he covered his face in shock.
“Let me go!! Let me out of this fuckin place right now!!” you yelled at him, pulling yourself out the straw basket. Krampus heard that, and the sympathy was replaced with rage as he went and grabbed you, tackling you to the ground with ease given his size.
“Absolutely fuckin not!! It took a lotta work to get you here!!” he roared. “If I let you go I can’t ever fuckin do this again!!” 
“I don’t wanna die here! I have people who love me, I don’t wanna be eaten!!” you yelled, thrashing and trying to grab onto anything you could to pull yourself out from under him. Krampus grabbed your wrists, pinning them to your side and looking down at you. He seemed exhausted, miffed, and you could feel him become damp with sweat. 
“I’m not gonna fucking eat you!! I ain’t killing ya!” he grunted. “I gave the specific request that you were sent to me alive and unharmed!!” You stopped struggling, and paused. You were baffled, looking back up at him with an expression of pure befuddlement. 
“Wha- well, why am I here?” you asked. “And can you get off of me?”
“Will you run or try to hit me if I do?”
“No, I will not, I promise.” Krampus looked a bit doubtful, but nonetheless, slowly let off of you. Looking around, you took the brief time to examine the room you were in. It was a smoking room…sort of. It looked…nicer than you had thought it would. Albeit, the couch nearby was covered with claw marks, and the coffee table had a few too many empty bottles of booze strewn about, but it was still a lot nicer than expected. 
“Now then…” you took a deep breath. “Tell me why you brought me here. Actually…tell me how you brought me here too!”
“That’s a lotta shit that’s gonna take a while for ya to hear, but if you want the short version-”
“I don’t.”
“-Is that…I miss humans, frankly, problem is to even interact with another human means I gotta agree with that stuffy old fuck’s new rules, and I refuse to just give out fuckin coal for the rest of my miserable existance.”
“Don’t you eat people?” you stood up, moving to sit on the couch. “Those two guys that almost kidnapped me were talking about seeing how I taste or some shit like that.”
“Yeah yeah, but I paid em so they WOULDN’T, those boys aunty would have you boiling in the cauldron before you even screamed, she’s quite the lady,” Krampus went to check one of the bottles on the coffee table, to see if any bottle had at least some liquid in it. 
“Alright then, you miss humans, big whoop, why am I here then?” you scooted away from Krampus once he sat down on the couch.
“I’m lonely, yes I am the boss of an entire gang of yuletide freaks like myself, but…” he took a sip of rum. “I wanted someone who wasn’t used to this life. Someone new who was impressed with the magic of this realm, cause frankly it has gotten boring around here in the past couple hundred years, and I miss a lotta the weirdness of Earth. I miss how cute humans were, cause I don’t just EAT people.” Krampus put the bottle down, leaning back on the couch and reaching his arm across it. 
“I remember all those fancy lil parades, being able to blend in amongst the folks in costumes who would scare people for fun, give me booze and meat, and hell, I remember a dame or two coming up to me all starry eyed and bubbly asking me for a night behind her father’s shed. Heh…the sex was always good…” He looked down at you, a coy grin on his face, and you just scowled and looked the other way.
“So what, I’m here just to help you remember the good ole days?” you asked. “I’m not some stray cat you found on the side of the road starving and sick. Did you really expect me to just be okay with abandoning everything I have back on earth just to what? Be your arm candy? No!” You were raising your voice, probably a mistake, but you didn’t care at this point. You were mad! This was all this guy’s fault after all!
“Oh c'mon baby, I’m not as big as ole Saint Nick over there, but I can show you a pretty decent life of luxury! We got some good stuff ‘round here after all! Way more exciting than that stuffy ole capital city!”
“I said NO!” you stood up, turning your back to Krampus. “I don’t wanna date you I don’t wanna be here I don’t wanna even look at you!” Krampus rubbed his temples, but let out a deep breath.
“Okay…I’ll play nice, I’ll play nice I promise,” he said. “The night’s still young…I still have a chance at this…” Krampus began to pace the room, and you just sighed and rolled your eyes. 
“Your patience is pretty short for a guy whose time I shouldn’t even bother to entertain,” you snapped. “This is ridiculous, just take me back-”
“You are NOT going back,” Krampus growled, approaching you with a snarl on his face. “If you do, that old fuck will find out and take you back! And then I’ll be in deeper shit than I have been the past…I don’t fucking know how long!” You looked curious at that. You sensed from what Jack said prior, something was up. And you were almost curious. Maybe if you got to the bottom of this, there was a slim, slim chance Krampus would let you go and you could head home. 
“Could you explain this so-called…deeper shit?” you asked. Krampus’s expression softened, and he let out an exhausted sigh. 
“Oh god…where do I even start? This’ll be a long story, so how about I ask for some refreshments while you’re here?” You just nodded with a shrug, and Krampus went to grab an old rotary phone nearby. He dialed a number, sitting there tapping his foot and waiting for a response. 
“Hey…my uh, my ‘guest’ is here, could you get me some things? Guess the usual is good for now, don’t keep me waiting, all that fuckin magic starved me, I’m practically skin and bones over here! Alrighty…see ya.” He hung up, turning to you with his clawed hands clasped together.
“While we wait, I can give a lil preamble,” he said. “I haven’t had a new face to complain about this in so long, maybe it’ll help let out a few more…frustrations.” Krampus sat back down on the sofa, and you reluctantly joined him. Alright, now that you were hearing him out, he seemed a bit softer. That was good…
“At the end of the day, we’re all just spirits of the winter and cold, what you humans might call fae even,” he started. “Play some of our little games, and if you don’t comply or fuck up, we take something of yours, but if you succeed, we give you something in return. In this case, or in the cases you’ve probably heard of, good behavior around the winter time rewards you with little gifts. Nothing big or fancy like the kids these days are getting. Usually it was dried fruit, a doll, some cream, maybe a scarf or two if they were good enough. Kiddies were happier with that stuff back then than now. I know for a fact if you were a kid and got a scarf, you’d be a grumpy little sunovabitch for the rest of that year.”
“I mean uh, not rea-”
“Don’t try to lie to me to look humble, baby, kids can be spoiled. Anyhow…” Krampus pulled out a cigar, grabbing a lighter from the messy coffee table to light it. 
“Lotta us made a name for ourselves. Ever heard of the Yule Lads? The Yule Cat? Hans Trapp?”
“Can’t really…say I have…”
“I mean, yeah that’s fair, you wouldn’t know our names unless you’re from the places we were a lot more popular in. And even then, in those places for most, we’re simply a fairytale, nothing like the Titans we once were. Back then we could freely hop between this realm and earth whenever we pleased…but to be honest, we greatly preferred coming around when the weather was cold in parts of the world. And ole Saint Nick wasn’t the boss he was today, he was just like us…just as much as a tricky, prank pullin’ sheep stealing motherfucker like the rest of us, if a li nicer…” There was a knock at the door, and Krampus waved his free hand over at it.
“Eh…come on in!” he called out. Coming in was an elf, just like many of the other elves you’ve seen in the city prior. This one just wasn’t dressed in the bright colorful reds, greens, and whites of the others, and he certainly didn’t look like one of those two weird dwarves who took you. He was wheeling in a tray of food…mostly two big plates of very rare steak, and a bottle of whiskey, as well as a glass of water.
“Here ya are boss,” the elf said, making room on the coffee table to place it all there. You looked down at the meal, nervous to even eat it while the elf left with the cart and empty booze bottles.
“Uh…what type of meat is this…?” you asked.
“Elk, what do you think, I go around eating just whatever type of meat?” Krampus stabbed through the entire steak and started tearing at it like a hyena tearing apart meat. 
“You do eat kid-”
“DID eat kids. Haven’t had one in a couple hundred years. And to be frank after that long without one I dunno if I’ll even go back. Too much hassle, which is how all this shirt started to begin with.”
“Yeah, that’s what I wanted to ask,” you took a sip of water. “What changed all this? What was the ultimate falling out?”
“Well…to be honest…” Krampus swallowed the entire steak in a few bites, and that made you cringe a little bit. “He’s always kept it vague these years. But…” Krampus leaned back, sighing a bit.
“Something makes me think he lost something. Dunno what, but I remember seeing him one December, poor fella was grieving nonstop for some reason, and he never, ever told me why. To be honest, that kinda fuckin hurt…we’ve bee friends for god knows how long, and now all of a sudden he’s keeping secrets from me, and next thing I know, folks can’t ever return to earth except for ONE day of the ENTIRE year and only to give presents to a buncha spoiled saps who throw tantrums if they don’t get a third game console.” You didn’t want to…you really didn’t want to feel pity for this man, but he was being honest with you. He was being rather vulnerable around someone he, for the most part, just met in person. Seems this has been on his mind for a long…long time.
“Man, I’m sorry, dunno what to say to that..” you mumbled. “But I’m sure he has a good reason. Other than uh…eating people is bad, but still.”
“I don’t need advice, you’re not some therapist or some shit,” he said. “But I hate that jolly red and white bastard, even though I don’t want to…but he overstepped things. He grew more and more powerful, and he became more and more popular than all of us, and he took advantage of that shit, and everyone who didn’t agree to his fuckin rule has just been on the fringe growing bitter and shit.” You sat there in silence, listening to him vent. You tried not to let any sympathy bubble up inside you, but now it was starting to get harder.
“When’s the last time you uh…talked to him? Face to face?”
“Pfft! Like I’m gonna do that!” he raised his arms in the air. “He’s the asshole who did a complete 180 without telling anybody!! He should come to ME to apologize! I want that big bellied bastard to grovel at my goddamn feet! And then…!” He stood up from the couch, chest puffed out. “Ohhhh and then I’d only forgive that fucking idiot if he let me give him several fuckin lashings across that way too big ass of his!” His back was turned to you, and seeing what you saw at your height, that last comment forced you to cover up a chuckle.
“Something, something stones at glass houses…” you muttered. 
“What was that?” he turned around. 
“Nothing-! I mean uh…well…don’t you guys live a long time? Isn’t just avoiding talking about the issue going to make things worse?”
“He should do it first so I don’t hafta,” Krampus took a big, big swig straight from the bottle of whiskey. “Stupid bastard getting famous just because he gives a buncha snot nose brats lil toys…lotta them would be better off as meat pies and winter stew…” You felt like you were talking in circles with this guy. You wanted to talk him up a bit more, but you weren’t here to give him advice, you were here to soften the deal so that maybe, just maybe he could let his guard down and you could find some time to get out of here…you noticed how much he was drinking, he might have a pretty high alcohol tolerance, but he seemed like he loved his booze…so…
“Hey big guy, you seem tense,” you pat his bicep. Not overly friendly, but to make it seem like you were more casual. Oh wow, he actually had some pretty hard arms. “Could we get a few more drinks? I know when I have a rough day at work, a nice sip or two from the weird stuff in my cabinet helps.”
“Cheers to that,” Krampus took the bottle from his lips, with it being about half empty already. “I might get a few more bottles, I’ve been working hard all day to get you back here, I’ve earned it!” He went back over to the phone, dialing that same elf.
“Bring me up a buncha bottles of booze! Don’t matter what kind, I’m taking care of myself for the night to make up for those bozos fucking things up!”
“And- and I’ll tell ya what- I fuckin- I think Gryla, that bitch, she’s- she’s a shit cook!” Krampus had his head in your lap, and all you could do was sit there, waiting for your moment while you forced yourself to listen to this guy’s rants. Oh when would this end…
“Bitch doesn’t season things, it’s all meat and water…!” he slurred. “And she has the gall to say I- that I’m a shit guest! Be a better fuckin chef then! 13 nephews- or 12 I think…and none…and none of them say shit to her…” You listened to him slowly drift off. He looked out of it, and you watched Krampus’s eyelids flutter close. 
“Well maybe they like her…uh…” you heard some REAL deep snoring. That fast huh. Even though you watched him down several bottles, it was only now that Krampus was hammered enough to fall asleep. Oh thank goodness, finally! You very, very, agonizingly slowly pushed his head out of your lap, letting it gently and slowly fall down on the couch. Yes! Freed! Just to be extra sure, you grabbed Krampus’s fur coat, and once you put it on, it was so big that it covered most of your features. Oh god, it had a bit of a musky odor to it. This thing might’ve needed a cleaning to get this man’s scent out…
Every step you took was a very careful, delicate path to getting out of here. You weren’t sure just how light or heavy a sleeper Krampus was, but messing around with that would mean you didn’t have time to leave. And this was your only way out. The door squeaky as all hell when you opened it, so you only opened it enough to squeeze your body through, and you didn’t bother to close it before silently walking down the hall. 
The looks of the hallways, it seemed like the den of some seedy 1920s mobsters. Everything was sleek, dark, and even the occasional scratch on the walls or floor seemed pretty fitting for this place. Looks like this guy lived in a manor, but it was seemingly smaller than Jack’s. And looking down the staircase, you saw the door right down there. This was easier than you thought. You had thought you’d see a servant or two walking by cleaning up, but so far nothing! 
You had a hunch, that this might’ve been way too easy, but you didn’t want to stay here a second longer, and this time you wanted to find a way out of this place. You were certain people were looking for you anyway. You had gotten down the staircase, trying to make as little noise as possible while going down the creaky staircase. It was so close, the exit was getting so, so close…!
You  had your hand on the door handle, prying it open, ready to sprint out of there, but then…
“You thought it’d be that easy, huh?”
Oh no…oh wait, he was awake?! You didn’t wanna turn around, you just grabbed the handle and tried to run out of there, but just as you were outside in the cold, snowy night air, you bumped into Krampus, who had materialized right in front of you as you were trying to leave. He yanked his coat off you, putting it back on, and glaring down at you, angry despite the wide grin on his face. 
“I was patient with you for long enough…!” he snarled. “I thought I was giving you a deal…! A nice comfy place to live, I could satisfy you as much as you want, and I ain’t that bad looking. But no…you’re being ungrateful, and I don’t wanna have to appease you! So if you’re not gonna accept my offer!” He grabbed you, picking you up off the ground. This time, you barely even struggled, as you were outright terrified as Krampus lost his patience. 
“I’ll take you to the boys and make you into a perfect little meat pie…!” Krampus was ready to pull you back inside, but both of you noticed the bright lights of someone riding up to the mansion. The gates opened, but it seemed more like they were forced opened from the way they SLAMMED. You saw a sled, pulled by several reindeer, and a man walked out of it. Krampus forced you to hide behind him, looking rather nervous as you saw Saint Nicholas…the REAL one hopefully, walk down the path of the mansion, with a stern, cold expression on his face. He looked to you behind Krampus, then he looked to Krampus, who had a much more nervous, sheepish grin on his face.
“Come with me,” he said. “Both of you. We need to have a talk.”
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Chapter 6: Weekend Hangout
I watched them both head upstairs and smiled. Looks like Cragger confessed and Laval accepted. I thought to myself, I’ll give them time to tell me.. I yawned, It was around 7pm… still early for me. I decided to scroll through my phone although there wasn’t much to be honest. Until my phone pinged, it was a message from Akemi. I clicked on the notification.
Akemi: Sho want to come to the park with me and Asriel tomorrow? Around 12pm?
Sho: Ofc! I don’t have any plans tomorrow!
Akemi: Brilliant! I’m bringing some snacks so we don’t get hungry.
Sho: Alrighty! I don’t mind being the third wheel!
Akemi: Hahaha very funny. Anyway, cya tomorrow!
I laughed. And put my phone in my pocket, I heard the door open and saw Gaster there.
“How was school today Sho?” Gaster asked, closing the door.
“Eh it was fine. Had a movie night with Asriel,Laval and Cragger.” I answered standing up.
“That’s great! I’m guessing you got to know them?”
“Yes! I learnt they’re from this realm called Chima and they have these orb things that gives them a power up of sorts.” I turned to Gaster.
“Well…I see.” Gaster muttered, turning to me.
I walked up the stairs and headed to my room. I didn’t feel that tired so I went to my laptop and listened to music. I laid on my bed looking for something to listen to… I clicked on a random song and was greeted with Finley. Really, it’s the only song I like from them but I didn’t know what made me like this song, whether it was the drum beat or the lyrics I was unsure of. Unleash the power just slaps. I concluded clicking onto google. I put the term realms into the search bar and hit enter. Mostly dead searches, but something did catch my eye. The realms theory… I clicked the link and read through the page the theory maintained of the idea that there are separate realms, each with differing conditions. I continued looking for some sort of video and I found one. It showed a ghost and…Ninja falling through a similar blue portal described by Cragger on Thursday and exiting through a similar one. I sighed, Normally I would call this into doubt but the guy recording didn’t expect it to happen so it couldn’t seem staged.. And plus everything since Monday has thrown everything into question itself. I continued to read through the theory for who knows how long and decided to head to sleep. I turned my music off and laid my head on the pillows as my eyes grew heavy..
I woke up the next morning and checked the time, It’s 10am.. I’ll get ready at 11.. I got out of my bed and looked at my phone, nothing new. I headed downstairs and got a slice of toast and sat on the sofa where Laval was sitting talking to Gaster.
“Is Cragger still in bed?” I asked while munching down on the toast in front of me.
“Yeah, he just decided to have a ‘Lay-in’ this morning,” Laval said, confused. “I don’t know what that is but it’s gotta do with sleep.”
I laughed a tiny bit “Don’t worry about him. Anyways, wanna watch something?”
“Sure, what would be on?” Laval asked, looking at the TV with curiosity “Another horror film?”
“Hmm…” I looked at the tv. I wasn’t sure what would be on so I began to flick through channels “How about this? It’s about a kid that finds this note that can kill people and it’s sorta like a cat and mouse chase ordeal.”
“Sure!” Laval excitedly exclaimed “It sounds interesting!” For the next hour or so we both sat there and watched this show, soon it got to 11am and I headed upstairs to get ready. I threw on a black Jacket with blue Jeans. I also put my headphones on to listen to music. By 11:30am I headed back downstairs and Laval was still sitting looking at the TV with curiosity.
“Gaster, I'm going out!” I yelled as I opened the door.
“Where to?” He shouted back, coming to the door curiously.
“Just to the park with Akemi and Asriel.” I told him looking back.
“Well, have fun then. I’m guessing you’ll want money for food?” He asked, grabbing his wallet.
“It’s fine, Akemi’s bringing food.” I responded, turning for the door “Well cya!”
“Bye Sho.” Laval said looking back, he had sat crossed legged on the sofa at this point in time “I’ll tell Cragger you said bye.”
“Thanks.” I left the house and began walking down the street.
Soon I met Asriel and Akemi at the park. Akemi was holding a picnic basket and had a genuine smile on his face. Asriel had seemingly brought a blanket for us all to sit on.
“Sho!” Asriel yelled “Took ya long enough!”
“Sorry sorry..” I said looking at both of them “You know I like a good stroll on the weekend."
“Doesn’t matter, c'mon let's set it up!” Akemi commanded, soon we found the perfect spot to set up and eventually set up for our picnic. Akemi had packed an array of food which aligned with most of our taste buds. Akemi was an amazing chef, however that wasn’t where he put his aspirations. He wanted to be a detective and has worked tirelessly to make that dream a reality. “So how does the food taste?” He asked, looking at me and Asriel.
“Brilliant!” We both yelled “It’s one of the best things we’ve had in awhile!”
“Oh really?” Akemi turned to me “Well thank you Sho” Akemi turned to Asriel. “and Rei..”
“Rei?” I said, stunned, “That’s a new one. Almost sounds like a pet name.” I smirked. I've gotten better at identifying pet names. Thanks Laval and Cragger.
“Pet name?” Asriel asked “What’s that?”
“Asriel you're too pure for this world sometimes I swear” I slapped my hand on my head, Asriel can be a bit oblivious sometimes. To be honest I don’t blame him. I sighed “We need more days like this honestly! Just us three..”
“Yeah..” Akemi said proceeding to stand up “But nothing lasts forever I’m afraid..” Akemi was right. Nothing lasts forever.
Throughout the next hour we chatted and had fun, until I got a notification from my phone. I checked and it was a message from an unknown user. Usually these types of messages wouldn’t interest me, however the message itself did catch my eye.
Unknown: Is this the number of Sho Sato?
Sho: Yes? Who are you?
Unknown: I don’t have enough time, you need to go home now. I’m Unit C, I want to help them.
Sho: Them? Whose them?
Unknown: Just trust me! The ones that were dragged here are in danger! I'll explain more once you get home!
Sho: The ones that were…
Oh no….
I looked shocked… Laval and Cragger… They found them.
“We got to go.” I said, my feet were trembling as I stood up…
“Sho what’s wrong..” Asriel asked “What’s happened?”
“Asriel…They found them..” I started to run back to my house, Asriel and Akemi were behind me. The voices were drowned out by my own thoughts. I was worried… The first time I’ve felt relaxed in a LONG time and this happens?! I ran past the library, I believe Asriel was filling Akemi in on everything that had happened in the past week… Soon I got to Gaster’s house and the doors were eerily left wide open.. I ran inside to find everything totaled.. The living room, kitchen and everywhere was a complete mess.. Looks like there was a fight I thought to myself.. I turned to the sofa and saw Gaster sitting there being healed up by an unfamiliar man… He looked around twenty. He had blonde hair and was wearing an awfully familiar lab coat..
“Sho…your alright..” Gaster groaned trying to stand up.. I looked at his chest. Was he injured?! Soon Akemi and Asriel ran into the home and both were as shocked as I was..
“Gaster what…” I muttered, I couldn’t speak. What happened here..
“Mr Windings please save your energy” The man said continuing to heal Gaster “We haven’t formally met, but I’m Unit C. I work at the science lab near the school..” He turned to look at me.
“Then…why are you here?” I asked, I didn't want to believe it was true..
“My team… they raided the house looking for…them.. A lion and a crocodile. They injured your grandfather.. He tried to protect them..” He looked down regretfully “I’m so so sorry… ever since they got here… I’ve felt so much guilt..”.
I felt my throat tighten, They found Laval and Cragger?! Nonono… I looked at Asriel almost about to cry. I had failed them..
“Sho…” Asriel muttered “What do we do..” I couldn’t think straight, my head was in all sorts of feelings. I couldn’t speak, my throat was getting even more dry than before… I clenched my fist, no one was speaking although I could tell we all were thinking the same thing…
“Look I don’t know who these two are..” Akemi said, breaking the silence “Heck, I’ve only just learnt about them. But we aren’t going to give up.” Akemi turned to me “What do we do Sho? It’s your call, you’ve known them the longest out of all of us here.”
I stood there and thought for what felt like an eternity.. “Unit C… I can trust you right?” I turned to Unit C half expectantly.
“Yes Mr Sato. What Unit A has done is screwed up, I want to redeem myself in any way I can.” I turned away and continued thinking..
“Unit C how did you get them here?” I asked.
“There’s this machine, with enough power we were able to connect two coordinates in two different realms.” He turned to me “Why?”
“Because.” I said, walking in front of the damaged TV “We’re going to go save Laval and Cragger. And send them home.”
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Chapter 6… I have mixed feelings about this chapter. Mainly because of how short it feels again, my favourite aspect of this chapter is that it focuses more on the Halcyontale side of the crossover. It just that this chapter doesn’t do too much special in my opinion. It only exists to move the plot along. I didn’t even add any changes unlike the previous chapter, it’s just a part of the story that gets the plot moving and pushes Asriel more as one of the main characters.
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luvleley · 1 year
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part 10 - doyo’s frat party commences
warnings: heavy implications of sex (no actual smut tho)
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“What time do you call this?!” Doyoung shook his head violently as he wobbled towards me, clearly tipsy. I closed the front door behind me as the three remaining girls behind me pushed past to get first dibs on alcohol.
I twirled around on my heels to Doyoung standing in front of me with one of those cliche red plastic cups at hand and a closed-eyed smile painted across his face
“Well if it isn’t my favourite cousin!!” He cheered, his smile growing even bigger.
“Hello grandpa!” I smiled, giving him a side-hug. Doyoung is quick to accept my open arms and gives me a side hug, attempting not to spill his drink on me. “Shut up, I’m not a grandpa!” He laughed, hitting my arm playfully.
“Oh God I forgot, want a drink? I feel rude for not asking.” He asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “Uh- what have you got?” I say as he grabs a red solo cup, getting ready to pour me a drink.
“Your favourite…as requested” Doyoung smirked at me as he handed me the cup. We both made small talk before he averted his attention to a group of older guys. I looked around the room, and sighed before entering the kitchen where the rest of the girls were.
It had been maybe an hour and a half since I had arrived at yet another frat boy party, and I’d hate to admit it but I was feeling a bit tipsy. I told myself that I wouldn’t drink too much this time, that’s what my brain was telling me anyway…my heart was going in a completely different direction. Completely hammered. I was tipsy yet sane and sober enough to withhold a proper conversation. But I was getting to the drunk stage.
I observed the room a little, it was mostly filled with people either smothering each other with messy kisses or slouched either against the wall or on the sofa. I looked around the room some more and that’s when I saw him.
My boyfriend.
I had been staring at him for a few seconds, just sorta admiring him when his eyes locked with mine. He gave me a half sweet half cheeky smile and mouthed a ‘hi’. I smiled back and looked down to my cup. My fingers tapping the cup which made the beverage inside the cup ripple.
He then averted his gaze to Jisung and Renjun who were playing beer pong along with some randomers. I then noticed Doyoung walking up to Chenle with two shots of what I assumed to be vodka.
I watched as they both threw their heads back, gulping down their shot. “Hey! you!” I heard Doyoung holler, it was quite obvious he was utterly wasted. I walked over towards the two of them and Chenle’s arm found its way around my shoulder. “Hey! Keep your hands where I can see them!” I yelled jokingly, looking up at Chenle’s face..
Chenle just smirked, his eyes all glossy from the alcohol he had consumed. “How much have you had to drink, hm?” I asked, sitting him down on a random sofa. “Too much…” He mumbled, his words slightly trailing off. I just sighed. His head rested against my shoulder.
I was officially at the drunk stage and completely oblivious of what was really happening. “um…” Chenle whispered into my ear. “…Yes?”
“Could we-” Chenle burps in between his sentences. “Can we go somewhere quieter..?”
“You sure?” My voice was quiet but loud enough to be heard, “If you don’t mind-” He answered bluntly before attempting to stand up but rolling his head into my lap instead.
I nodded.
Io attempted to stand up and helped Chenle to his feet. After 5 minutes of stumbling up the stairs, the two of us ended up in a spare room.
“So have you calmed down yet?” I chuckled at him tiredly, spilling my drink all over the floor from my continuous laughing. Chenle had discarded his jacket on the floor, and discarded himself on the bed too.
I stumbled over and lay beside him. It almost didn’t feel real. I felt light on your feet, and the frame around me was all blurry, and fuzzy. If someone walked in on us right now would they get the wrong idea? Yes, but honestly that night we were far too drunk to even understand what was actually happening or even care.
“Not really,” He burped again, his hands wandering on my exposed thigh. I was slightly shocked but didn’t oppose it either. The two of us lay on the bed, music blaring out of the shitty speakers from downstairs.
I fluttered my eyes shut for one second and opened them again. I found my hands tangled in his fluffy hair; legs wrapped around his waist whilst his fingers rub circular patterns on the smooth skin underneath the hem of my skirt. “If you’re uncomfortable I can-”
“Chenle I-” I was definitely shocked to say the least but you didn’t mind what was happening.
I was vulnerable, we both were and I couldn’t control myself.
“I don’t mind-” I smiled as I ruffled his hair softly. Chenle looked up to me with a smug smirk painted across his face. He shifted his position and locked glances with mine.
He then closes his eyes and kisses up to my jaw and then the lips. His lips softly connected to mine.
“Gosh you’re so pretty…” His lips were soft like butter melting across my lips.
My cheeks blush a tinted peach colour, I felt weird in this situation. I never thought anyone would ever view me like this, but that changed completely when Chenle walked into my life.
Chenle roaming his hands above my thighs made my body burn with neediness, I needed to feel his touch and the desperation became unbearable. A smug chuckle left Chenle’s lips as he looked down at me with his deep and darkened, lustful eyes. The need for his soft touch lingered, and his needs increased massively.
He then placed his palm on my cheek and gently pressed his buttery lips against my lips again, only this time for longer. I look around the room, then I notice a jacket that Doyoung wears almost daily draped over the back of his desk chair.
“Uh- Lele?” He removed his lips from mine and made a sort of ‘hm’ sound.
“We are making out in Doyo’s room-”
“What’s your point?” He deadpans.
“He may walk in on his cousin getting dicked down, you moron!” I hit his chest playfully before letting out a giggly chuckle.
“Who said it would escalate to that?” He smirked, knowing full well what he was doing.
“You indicated it…”
“Did you lock the door?” He asked and I nodded. “Then let’s continue this-” The two of us giggle before continuing. His lips locked with mine as the two of us closed our eyes.
His palm falls down to my jaw, and he traces my softened jaw before leaning closer and leaving kisses all over my neck.
“Shall we-” The two of us giggle once again. We were a warm chaos, a warm chaos that bonded together and worked well.
“Zhong Chenle, since when were you this spontaneous?” I smirked slightly, looking down lustfully at his parted lips.
“Do you like that Baby?” I burst out laughing, playfully hitting his chest. “Baby?! Seriously?!”
“What? And you’re telling me you don’t like me calling you that?” His lips were parted as he looked down at me, his index finger tracing shapes on my bare shoulder.
“Fair point well made-” This was exciting for me, that night I felt like acting recklessly and so did Chenle.
Suddenly, Chenle rolls me under him, kissing me more violently and tangling his fingers in my slightly matted hair. I took the opportunity to wrap my arms around Chenle’s neck.
He let out a hitchy breath as my hands touched his bare neck. He gently lifted my shirt up and I felt his cold fingertips linger up my torso.
Suddenly there’s an obnoxious knock on the door that interrupts. Both of our heads perk up at the pounding on the door.
Chenle pulls himself up from the bed and I fix my skirt slightly. I stood up and pulled the door open to Doyoung sluggishly leaning against the wall, about to pass out at any given moment.
His eyes are glossy and slightly puffy.
“Jesus why are you gathered in my fucking room?” He says, scratching his head.
“Uhm-,” I rubbed the back of my neck and let out a yawn.
Suddenly Chenle pushed open the door further, to reveal himself. Doyoung looked Chenle up and down, his eyes instantly drawn to Chenle’s slightly unbuttoned shirt.
“We were just resting,” Chenle started.
“In MY bedroom? With the door locked? With my cousin?”
“Yes and what about it?”
“Whatever,” He rolled his eyes at Chenle’s snarky tone and walked into the bedroom, pushing past me.
I snorted.
“Just get out of my room.” He replied. “Make out in another room. I don't care, just don’t break anything,” He suggested, before shutting the door behind him.
“To..be..continued” Chenle whispered into my ear seductively as he suddenly came back into frame. A smirk became apparent on his lips. He took a long pause between the three words, making the butterflies in my tummy curdle.
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➖ Mature content, 18+ ➖ check the trigger tags each time ➖      
Chapter 31 - Beer & Licorice. Episode 1.
The 20th of August 2014
Andy: Sits and stares a bit at his phone, after ending his sms conversation with A, then suddenly smiles bright as he looks up at Congo, sitting across from him on the ground in Gaby and George's garden
Congo: Smiles softly at Andy What?
Andy: Smiles lovingly I just realized, today is a month since I chose you as my mate…
Congo: Smiles almost shyly as he looks to the ground, blushing softly on his cheeks
Daniel: Observes Congo, then jumps up from the ground, lighting a joint from his pocket OMG! You're fucking blushing! Do you have any idea how much hotter you are making yourself?! I can't stand you two any longer! Watching you kiss, cuddle, hear you two moan in the toilet stall… or in the bushes! Bites bottom lip hard I'm so fucking horny! You can't even imagine! I'm trying so hard to not whore around and show Sebastian (the guy he had a crush on back then, one of Sparkle's younger friends) I'm not as bad as I seem… He groans deeply but this is ridiculous! Moans and sinks back down in the grass, puffing the joint a few times before talking again I mean, I'm happy for you guys… very… but… takes a big drag of the joint you are fucking turning me on, to the extreme… it's getting really hard being around you two!
Congo; Chuckles warmly Pass me that joint will you?
Daniel: Looks a bit questioning at Congo, but then passes on the joint Doesn't this supposedly just make you like really super horny? Andy mentioned something about that in all of his constant bragging about you…
Congo: Takes a big drag and holds the smoke in while talking He brags about me?
Andy: Blushes slightly, chuckling a bit nervously
Daniel: Rolls eyes All the fucking time! Gives me a headache… or a dick ache!
Congo: Chuckles warmly, then pads his chest hard That makes me happy… all the way in here. Winks at Andy and takes another big drag of the joint Any good news from back home?
Andy: Gets a cheeky grin on his face I got a green light.
Daniel: Looks confused at both of them What?
Andy: Shakes head softly Nevermind…
Daniel: Pulls shoulders a bit Home… Andy?
Andy: Smiles warmly at Daniel Yes?
Daniel: Looks a bit hesitant at Congo, then turns to Andy again Where do you feel most at home… I mean, out of the whole world? I mean, you have sorta lived with Congo in periods… you have your own house… and your beach house… but there's also A's house, and now this place looks around the garden isn't it hard knowing where home is by now?
Andy: Blushes deeper red and picks a small twig from the ground he starts breaking into pieces and throwing at the ground That's really not difficult to answer. The place I feel most as my home, is Congo's house… but to break it down to it's very core… home is, wherever I am with him… smiles softly at Congo
Daniel: Sighs softly well aren't you just the perfect couple? Points tongue at them both honestly… I love you guys, and I'm so happy for you both… I think it's absolutely perfect that you two happened to be mates…. and I really hope and believe you will succeed in your journey. And I know both me and Evan will support you and help you the best way possible… you know you can trust him right? That he wont tell M (the girl he was dating at the time)… or anyone else for that matter?
Andy: Nods softly Of course… I trust him with my life!
Daniel: Wait… does Gaby know he's in the picture now as well? I mean… for protection?
Andy: Nods firmly Yeah, don't worry, she had a brief talk with him this morning… he's being kept safe…
Congo: Smiles warmly at both of them and puffs the joint, then passes it on to Andy
Andy: Looks at the joint hesitating
Congo: Gives a quick agreeing nod it's alright, I asked George nicely… he said it works as a nice painkiller winks cheekily at Andy (Andy back then was very troubled, and very aggressive. So he used to take his anger out on fighting, or hurting himself in multiple ways. So he often had bruises, broken bones or cuts)
Andy: Chuckles hoarse and takes a big drag of the joint Pain relief… true… but it also makes ME very horny smiles cheekily at Congo and gazes a bit pensive at Daniel, then takes another big drag, keeping the smoke in his lungs as he speaks so Daniel… you and Sebastian… are you two mates?
Daniel: Bursts out a vague chuckle Nah Andy, those things are still not for me… most of the time I just feel like… I don't know… a big baby that everyone keeps constantly correcting, telling me I can't do shit on my own pulls shoulders and for a brief moment looks rather sad in his eyes, then smiles softly plus, if you are having a hard time being monogamous and sitting still, how the hell do you think I would make it work? chuckles warmly
Andy: Chuckles sheepishly as he feels the joint kick in you are right… but also wrong takes another big drag you aren't a big baby… and I know lots of things you are good at… like playing drums, that's a given… I think you are very smart… funny… caring… you are a very loyal friend… and apparently an awesome personal stylist? He laughs warmly for a bit and takes another big drag, and passes the joint to Daniel No, seriously… I love what you did with Congo yesterday! Those outfits you picked out for him… not to mention, thanks for that kilt winks at Daniel and gently bites his own lip, sighing a bit from pain but those outfits… I love Congo's style as it is…and you really kept that, but still polished him a bit… man… moans softly thank you!
Daniel: Chuckles softly as he feels the joint start buzzing in his body it's alright…. I just thought, now when his soon to be wife is such a hot stud… he should stud up a bit himself… I mean, Congo… your body is waaaay too fucking epic to hide under way too big flannel shirts… looks up and down Congo with a hungry look, then takes a big drag of the joint and looks at Andy with a cheeky grin but you owe me points tongue
Andy: Smiles cheeky at Congo, then at Daniel and how do I repay you? slowly crawls closer to Daniel, licking his own lips to wet them, then presses them gently against Daniels lips, poking his lip with his tongue to make Daniel open his mouth, then he strongly sucks the air and smoke from Daniels lungs leaving him breathless
Daniel: Sinks backwards down into the grass, looking up at Andy with a confused look on his face
Andy: Lowers his head towards Daniels, slowly pressing his lips against Daniels, biting them gently to make Daniel open his mouth, and as he does, Andy slips his tongue into Daniels mouth, quickly fluttering his own tongue over Daniels, before quickly sucking hard, so hard that Daniel feels like all air is being sucked out of his lungs, but in a tickling out of body experience, not uncomfortable at all. Although it takes him by surprise and makes him cough a bit. Andy chuckles happily, sits back in the grass, and blows out a bit of smoke from Daniels lungs, then grabs the joint and passes it to Congo before crawling back to where he came from
Congo: Observes them both with a sheepish smile on his face well… that actually turned me on more than I thought it would…
Daniel: Stares at both of them with open mouth
Andy: Laughs uncontrollably and lets himself fall down on his back, continuing to laugh
Congo: Takes big drag from the joint and observes the confused Daniel are you alright over there?
Daniel: gets up quick and walks fast inside, and as he returns shortly after to the sight of a laughing Congo and laughing Andy he sits down and opens one of the beers from the cold six pack he dragged with him, chucking down about half of it while observing the two of them
Congo: slowly stops laughing and takes a drag of the joint before handing it to Andy now please, tell me… who's the best kisser of us quickly leans towards Daniel, grabbing his back head and pressing his lips against his as he slides his tongue into Daniels wet mouth, poking his tongue against Daniels a few times, but quickly understands Daniel is way too stunned to react, so he pulls back and returns to his seat, chuckling softly
Andy: Takes a big drag of the joint, looking at Daniel curiously ……so?
Daniel: Looks confused at both of them, then quickly chucks down the other half of the beer, opening a new one
Andy: Laughs loudly and takes another drag of the joint then passes the rest on to Daniel here… smoke the rest of this while you get back to your senses winks at him
Congo: chuckles warmly and grabs one of the beers, opening it and chucks down about half of it before grinning cheekily at Andy kiss him again… he tastes like beer and licorice*
Andy: Bites his lips softly and slowly, teasingly crawling closer to Daniel, leaning closer and closer, slowly pushing him back down to lay in the grass, as he leans down and sensually licks Daniels cuts from the fight the night before, on the side of his cheek, slowly licking towards his lips, fluttering his tongue over Daniels lips, sliding it between them and brushing it quickly over Daniels tongue, before quickly pulling back, grabbing one of the beers as he gets up and walks the few steps to sit back down on his spot, licking his mouth as he opens the beer, nodding softly at Congo you are right… I definitely get licorice as well smiles cheekily and it starts to make me hungry…
Congo: Nods at Daniel yeah me too… are you gonna smoke the rest of that one or?
Daniel: Quickly puts the joint to his mouth and takes 3 big drags, then kills the joint bud on the ground without sitting up at any point
Andy: Tilts head and observes Daniel are you okay Daniel?
Daniel: Imagines himself melt into the ground, starting to feel extremely hot in his body as sweat forms on his naked chest and forehead
Andy: Daniel?
Daniel: Sinks further and further into the grass
Andy: Laughs loudly Congo… he's completely spacing out… I guess we wont be able to fuck him tonight after all continues laughing as he rolls around on the ground
Congo: Chuckles deeply then leans over and pads Daniels cheek Daniel?
Daniel: Feels Congo is veeeery far away, and his lips only slightly parts as he moans out a half choked yes
Congo: Are you in there? Daniel… we want to fuck you…
Daniel: feels the sweat from his forehead run down his temples and he swallows hard
Congo: Tilts head and observes Daniels body's reaction man you are hard as a rock…. let me help you with that slowly unzips Daniels pants and smiles anticipating as Daniels hard dick bounces out of his pants my my… looks like I'm almost getting competition here? licks lips hungrily
Daniel: Starts getting back to reality but… wait…. points at Andy still rolling around the ground laughing I… he….
Congo: Smiles at Daniel warmly and plants a leg on both side of Daniels hips, grabbing his dick firmly and leads it behind Congos ass as he lowers himself to sit on Daniels upper groin area I… he… what? Listen… him and I talked about this today… we are both okay with it… the three of us together if you want to? He already got a green card from me, and a green card from A… not on me though, so technically it's only you and him, if you ever mention it somewhere public…. but don't spread it wherever you go, please… he's still very fragile, and I don't want him to get hurt in any way by this… so if you are up for it… I mean…. you wanted us both, right? Only one rule, Daniel… never let anyone know I'm here… and beside that… my ass is mine and Andy's… I only share it if I feel absolutely right about it…. so unless you hear me say I'm ready for you… don't try or even ask… alright? I'm very private in that region… not meaning you can't touch the cheeks…
Daniel: Swallows hard how about Marius?
Congo: That's why I tell you, I'm not here. It's very important you remember this fact. I'm already on a very slippery slope with Andy… so it's not like I'm not already cheating. But just keep in mind, A will make sure my life will be hell, or even over if he finds out… so do all of us the favor to keep it inside… I trust you… so does Andy…
Daniel: Nods sheepishly, then gazes at the still chuckling Andy You're sure he wants? Points at Andy
Congo: Grabs Daniels hand I'm sure he wants… but what do you want? Places Daniels hand on his stomach, slowly running it down to the bulge in his pants, pressing it firmly against it, rubbing himself a bit with Daniels hand
Daniel: Whimpers I want both of you so god damn much!
Congo: Nods and grins wide good…
Daniel: But he's completely spacing out now…
Congo: Leans forwards a bit, leaning on one of his palms, locking his other hand around Daniels dick don't worry, he will snap out of it soon enough… everything will be alright…
Daniel: Moans softly I'm so fucking horny…
Congo: Grins wide and tightens his grip as he starts slowly stroking Daniels dick I know… I feel you… you're pulsating… don't worry… you'll both give and take tonight….
Daniel: Bites lips hard promise me I wont be able to walk afterwards?
Congo: Grins even wider oh, I fucking promise you Daniel… leans down and licks a drop of sweat of Daniels throat, making Daniel moan deep and longing.
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