#but yea did not stop me watching house for even 2 seconds. and almost 10 years later my mom is still getting cancer treatment
opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
House MD, my beloved 🖤
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nathank77 · 1 month
10:45 a.m
Last night was the second night in a row where I had to double up on everything for sleeping pills.. it got to 12:35 a.m and I smoked weed cause I was fucking done and I did fall asleep...
I had one red bull in the morning, early, stopped caffeine consumption by 2 p.m. I didn't shower. I just watched TV and masterbated all day.
I mean I was stressed and am stressed about money but I dont understand. Do I have to go out every single day and sweat my ass off in the car just to fall asleep at night?
Tonight will be an all nighter assuming I can't sleep on the original dose of everything. I'll smoke weed only right before bed... then when the second dose would be coming assuming I don't fall asleep, I'll take everything except the xanax. I'll smoke more weed and if I'm not sleeping by 1 a.m I'm going to be a miserable sack of shit cause I'm going to keep myself awake until 8 p.m and then take the original dose and fall asleep... I'm not raising my tolerance. I'll take two nights of it but 3 nights are never going to be a thing.
I'm starting to think i have to leave the house or go in the attic everyday in order to sleep easily... it's fucking stupid bc I used to game all day everyday and only go shopping or run errands when I had to. Drink red Bulls, and eat whatever and fall asleep like a baby on my circadian rhythm. Then psychosis happened to me and everything changed.
Idk if it was the weed or the Xanax that finally knocked me out.
Tonight I'm 1000% smoking right before bed..... cause it does fucking help. At 12:35 a.m I had had the second doses all in me for a hour and I smoked weed I was gone in like 15 minutes.
Tomorrow and Wednesday I have appointments and shit both days. Dentist and bloodwork tomorrow, t shot and grocery shopping Wednesday so in theory I'll fall asleep bc I will be outside sweating in my hot box of a fucking car.
I want to go out now, go to bjs and cvs, I want to do my bloodwork, just to try fall asleep easily... but I already showered bc I didn't Saturday or Sunday cause I wanted a relaxing very low ocd weekend.....
And I don't fucking want to sweat, my car is a fucking hot box with the window sealed shut and the air conditioner hardly working. I already have to be sealed in the hot box tomorrow, Wednesday and Friday for new Hampshire....
I don't fucking want to sweat in the car just to almost ensure that I will fall asleep. I just want the weather to go to 40 degrees so my car isn't a torture chamber anymore and going out isn't horrible.
The weather is nice.... too bad my car will be 20 to 30 degrees hotter. It's fucking disgusting and makes me feel sick being sealed in without being able to open a window and then I step outside and it's 30 degrees cooler even on the 90 degree days!!!
There is a reason I've been being a homebody I'm sick of getting nasous sitting in my hot box. I just want the weather to go to 50-60 degrees the warmest so I can be comfortable again.
I can't afford an ac in my car. I can't afford a fucking motor in my windows. That's never happening, it's a luxury. So every summer I will melt and aviod going out more than once or twice a week.
Anyways I'm fucking pissed cause if my car wasn't a hot box I'd just run a few errands and I'm sure it would help me fall asleep easily tonight.
I'd rather not use weed but I mean I'd rather not have to pull an all nighter.
I'm not raising my tolerance. I refuse. If I don't sleep tonight, I'll sleep tomorrow it's whatever. If I don't sleep either nights I'll jump off a bridge.
I honestly just want to kill myself. I'm not allowed to drink red bull. Smoke weed. I'm not allowed to game. I'm not allowed to do anything if I want to sleep easily. Appearantly I have melt outside or in the attic and be fucking miserable and I can't have any enjoyment or relaxation.
I hate to say it but I'm a fucking homebody and I like relaxing and I don't want to fucking go out especially not in my fucking hot box.
So yea I'm anxious. I won't be raising my tolerance but if I can't sleep I guess I'm pulling an all nighter. And if I can't sleep the next night I'm committing suicide.
It's chill though I know my days are numbered and my quality of life will always be a zero. I can't even fix my ac in my car. I got to melt and I'm not getting a new bed. I can't even afford it on the new credit line, I'm too poor. Counting items in my house trying to control how much I buy and cutting things out.
I'm really done with being Alive. I obv have therapy twice today.... and that's stupid and then I won't have it any other days this week cause my life sucks and no one wants to work with me..
I'm sick of struggling to sleep. I'm sick of all of the things I enjoy being taken away from me bc the POS brain damaged mangled mess of neurons I have up in my brain isn't capable of sleeping easily if God forbid I enjoy a day with 1 red bull and I game or I watch TV.
Instead I must sweat in my hot box if I am to sleep.
I can't wait until it's black nothingness. This hallucination won't ever go away and life isn't worth living.
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9layerdevilfoodcake · 4 years
Some Of A Kind
Chapter 1: Virgin in the Chapel
(Michael Langdon x reader)
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Summary: When you accompany your friend to a black mass at the Church of Satan. You pick the wrong time and place to let him in on the fact that you’re a virgin, garnering the attention of the ‘chosen one’ himself.
Warnings: murder, mentions of drug use, poorly represented Satanism
Word count: 3,666 (that’s right)
It was a typical Wednesday night when you got a text from your friend Tyler.
‘So what do you say? Is tonight the night?’
He had been bugging you for weeks to come see a sacrifice at the satanic church. And since the first time he asked, the conversation always went the same way.
“I’m telling you, just one slice and then you can have whatever you want”
“You mean I can have powers beyond compare?”
“Yes” he answered back, in a hopeful tone. Clearly he hadn’t picked up on the sarcasm in your voice.
You couldn’t help but chuckle at the excitement in his voice.
“I’m sorry, you do whatever you want over there with your edgelords but I’m perfectly happy in my boring powerless existence”
“First of all we aren’t edgelords, we're satanists. We just see the world for what it is. A dreadful place full of selfish people.”
“Well I can’t say I argue with that”
“Exactly, so give in to being selfish, and start doing what you want. You work so hard, and for what a one bedroom apartment you can barely afford and bags under your eyes that are only getting bigger by the day?”
“Hey” you interrupt, slightly offended. Which only earns a laugh on his end.
“I’m just saying, you put in so much effort for no pay off, when you could do this one thing and have everything you deserve”
“What a cable package and a ‘skip the line’ pass at Disneyland?”
“I also get unlimited snacks!”
“Oh sorry how could I forget, well if one soul is all it takes to get a free waffle cone then what are we still doing here?!” You ask back, your tone full of mockery.
“Have you ever wondered why I can snort as much coke as I want and have never OD’d? Or why every girl I bring home is a certified 10?”
Actually you had, the two of you had met the year prior in a religious studies class when you were partnered to write a paper on whether morality was dependent on a god. He could barely get through a sentence without tripping over his words or looking away in embarrassment. It was sweet really, and by the end of the class you two had basically become best friends.
But about 2 months ago things started to change. There was almost always a girl leaving his house when you would come over.
You swore at least two of them you recognized from Victoria Secret runways.
One night you even saw a man leaving whose resemblance to Ryan Reynolds was suspiciously uncanny.
He got a new car without any explanation as to where he got the money, and he had so much coke in his living room you assumed he started dealing, before he told you it was just his stash for the weekend.
At first he was vague about everything, but eventually he told you the truth, or at least what you assumed was a version of it.
For his final project he wrote a research paper on the church of Satan.
You went with him to a couple of services when he was writing it, him being too nervous to go alone.
You both thought they seemed a little kooky, but relatively harmless.
Yet what you didn’t know was that he kept going back after the class ended and had gotten himself sworn in, and eventually given the honor of participating in a black mass.
Where he had sacrificed a school teacher in order to get these new “gifts”.
Now you weren’t naive enough to think he actually killed someone!
You were sure his new lifestyle was a part of some religious Ponzi scheme, and one day the debt collector would come calling.
You’ve watched enough documentaries to know better than to get involved with this.
But he is still your friend so you take it upon yourself to be supportive and let him have his moment, while simultaneously letting him know you’ll be here for him if the day comes that he gets excommunicated.
“I love you and I am so happy for all you’ve gotten, especially when you share it with me, but I’m good, really. I’ll let you know if I ever change my mind”
That dropped the subject for a while.
That is until a few days ago when you lost your job.
Well actually when your job was stolen from underneath you by your boss's son.
All it took was one night of bitching to your best friend for the talks of satanism to start up again.
So here you were bored on a Wednesday night actually considering his offer to watch a black mass.
He texted back after a few minutes of no response on your part
It’s not like he’s ever going to let up, you might as well go see what all the hubbub was about.
After he picked you up, you made your way to the church.
More precisely the back alley with a hidden door. Not at all unsettling.
And the rain pelting down on the robe he gave you just adds a nice ominese touch to what you're sure is going to be a long night.
Now inside you sit in a pew in the back. While the choir above you sings as the others file in.
They actually sound pretty good if you’re being honest. Maybe on your way out you’ll pick up the album you saw for sale in the lobby (for $6.66 no less).
You haven’t been sitting more than 10 minutes before the mass begins.
And in that time Tyler roughly explained what you were about to see.
You weren’t paying too much attention though. More enamored with the atmosphere.
It was a sea of red cloaks and black pentagrams. And the thunder outside appeared to clap along in sync with the crescendo or the choir.
This place seems vastly different from the shabby collection of misfits you encountered when you visited the first time. Who spent most of the service complaining and handed you a stale donut on your way out the door.
“...Y/n are your listening?!”
“Hmm Yea”
“Yea the guy’s gonna sacrifice some ‘innocent soul’ say a few hail satans and voilà he gets his hair back and starts getting laid again” you answer back, waving him off. You’re more interested in watching two Satanists in the front of the room give each other the “sign of the cross” gesture in reverse order.
“This is serious, the things you see might shock you but you can not react! If they think you’re some sort of threat to our secrets or even just afraid of them, it won’t end well. I’m kind of taking a risk by bringing you here”
That brings your attention back to your friend.
“So you hound me for weeks to come with you, but I’m not even allowed to be here?” You ask back, starting to wonder why you actually said yes to this.
“Well yea, I just really want you to see what I’ve seen, I want what’s best for you”
That was actually really sweet of him.
Now you felt a little bad for making fun of this so much.
That is until you see a man in the next row pull out a flask with “unholy water” written on it and rub it on his chest like Vick’s.
But before you get the chance to ask Tyler where he keeps his flask(which you're certain he has). The choir stops singing and the Priestess has the room's attention.
Everything goes as Tyler explains at first.
The “sacrifices” are brought in in their underwear. (They couldn’t even keep their clothes on, what does the devil give them a level up if the victims are humiliated before they die?) and tonight's chosen one, Phil, is about to take his position, before you hear a voice behind you.
You turn your head to see an older woman rushing in, but it’s not her that steals your focus it’s who walks in behind her.
He is quite possibly the most attractive person you have ever seen. With cheekbones that could slice butter and soft blonde hair falling around icy blue eyes.
She says his name is Michael and this honor belongs to him.
You look over to Tyler to see what’s going on. He didn’t explain what part of the performance this was, was this some sort of second act surprise?
You were expecting this night to follow like a church service, watching Phil take his vows and minimal audience participation. Now you wonder if this is all rehearsed, or if the Satanist’s are partial to improv?
But Tyler pays you no mind, he can’t take his eyes off the blonde either.
It’s not until the Priestess mentions the “mark of the beast” and that he is the chosen one, that you get why Tyler is looking at him like he’s some sort of god.
Because to him he is, this guy is supposed to be the Antichrist.
Tyler says nothing only glances in your direction when he sees you’re the only one still standing, before he pulls you down to your knee like everyone else.
The rest of the performance is really top notch.
The flickering of the lights was a nice touch, but you can’t help but feel a little uneasy wondering how they keep getting the thunder to time up with everything they do.
Plus the bodies of the sacrifices fell to the ground almost too well.
How did they manage to get their bodies to look that lifeless, and why did those cuts look so deep?
But you try not to focus too much on it as you walk to the ceremonial Wednesday night potluck.
After the Antichrist has dismissed his followers from fawning all over him, you sit with Tyler at the end of the table and dig into your lasagna.
“So does the antichrist part happen at every sacrifice or is this one special? Is it some Satanic holiday I wasn’t aware of?” You ask, breaking Tyler out of whatever trance he appears to be stuck in.
“I gotta say the dramatics were very entertaining, but if you really wanted to get me here all you had to do was tell me the guy who plays the Antichrist is really hot” you snicker under your breath.
“Play? Y/n your don’t understand he IS the Antichrist” he explains in a hushed voice before continuing
“That doesn’t happen every time, he really has come. This is the moment we’ve all been waiting for! Don’t you see?! I think it was fate you came here on this night!”
“Ha, why do you need a virgin to sacrifice or something?” You laugh and take another bite before you look over and see Tyler staring at you with wide eyes.
“You’re not serious are you?”
“Well yea, what’s the big deal, I didn’t realize you were so caught up on a social construct”
“I’m not, but you can’t say things like that around here” he looks around the room nervously and you follow his path of vision until your eyes land on Michael, who’s own gaze is locked on you.
There’s no way he heard you, you were across the room and you were whispering.
Still he continues to stare with eyes that speak only of intensity. No smile, no nod, no hint emotion whatsoever.
It’s only after you raise your brows and mouth a “What?” That he looks back down at his plate with a hint of a smile on his lips.
“Oh Satan, I think he heard you. You should go” Tyler’s tone becoming more erratic by the second.
“What?” You’re sure he's joking, but when he looks at you there is nothing but worry in his eyes.
Now you’re starting to get nervous, this is too far.
He actually thinks these people are going to do something?
He’s practically shaking with fear, and because of the man in the turtleneck? Who barely knows how to hold a spoon?
Okay you’ll play along for tonight, but tomorrow you are having a serious talk, he might need professional help.
“Alright let's go then” you huff out as you start to grab your belongings.
“I can’t just leave, especially since our savior is here, but I’ll make sure everything is good and you’re not followed or anything”
“Okay, is there some sort of satanic shuttle bus that can take me home? Or should I call an Uber? Does this place have an address or should I just send them an inverted cross?”
Still unamused by your inability to grasp the gravity of the situation, he just shakes his head and hands you his keys.
“Here just take my car, I’ll get a ride later, in fact stay at my house incase you’re followed”
He’s basically pushing you out of your seat and nodding to the door.
“Okay...bye I guess”
And with that you take off down the hall.
You know you’re supposed to go straight to the car. You’ve never seen Tyler look so serious in his life.
But when you walk past the chapel you can’t help but stop. You can still see the bodies up at the altar.
Why are they still there? Was there a trap door you missed and these were just doubles?
Or were these people so committed to the role and as crazy as your friend that they had to stay in the character of “dead sacrifice” all night?
Curiosity got the better of you, the car could wait, you had to see for yourself.
Closer inspection did nothing to stifle your suspicions.
It looked so real.
They weren’t breathing, so there was no way they were still the two actors, but you had never seen fake bodies look so real.
You're reminded of an anatomy class you took last semester.
Those cadavers looked suspiciously close to these.
Just colder and with less life left in their faces.
And there was so much blood, the iron was thick in the air.
But that couldn’t be true. Your friend wouldn’t kill someone would he?
He didn’t actually think they would kill you?
If you got a closer look, if you just swiped some of the “blood” with your pointer finger it would surely taste like corn syrup and not like…
“Are you afraid?”
You whip your head around, blood still staining your finger and beginning to drip onto the linoleum. To see Michael walking in the same way he had an hour earlier. Only this time without the cloak, but with some newly added confidence.
“They’re really dead aren’t they?” You know it’s true, but you still wait for his confirmation.
“Yes, that tends to happen when you slice someone’s throat” He acts as if this shouldn’t be a shock to you. It didn’t shock any of the other members of the congregation. Yet you know without him saying it, that he’s well aware you’re not like the others. That you don’t belong here.
“So you really sacrifice people, just to get stuff” you blurt out. Still trying to wrap your head around the fact that everything you witnessed tonight was real. Perhaps you shouldn’t have taken that last crescent roll you’d seen another satanist eyeing at dinner, you definitely have a curse coming your way. That is if you live through the night.
“Well not me” Michael says, pulling you out of your thoughts and back to the present.
“Oh of course, you’re the one they do it for”
“Well my father more specifically”
“Does that upset you?” You know you should be more careful about how you proceed with this conversation, but the words leave your mouth before your mind can stop them.
The question seems to catch him by surprise as he ruffles his brow, you’re not sure if it’s in anger or just shock at your brazenness. But he doesn’t answer. Just goes on to question you.
“Have you ever witnessed a murder before?”
“How did you feel watching it before your eyes?”
“Well I didn’t feel much, considering I thought it was all fake” That earns you a smile from him.
“And how do you feel now?”
“Really? Not scared?”
“No. Why should I be?” You’re really digging your own grave here. But your mouth seems to have a mind of its own.
“It seems your friend would say otherwise”
“Ah so you did hear.” You say, seeing his smile grow wider. “These aren't the days of the Old Testament, virginity doesn’t equally purity. Just ask sacrifice number one over there, with a body like that I doubt she was a virgin” you laugh, partially at your joke and partially out of sheer uncomfortableness. Michael doesn’t even spare the bodies a glance, eyes latched onto you, you go on to add
“I’m no saint. Despite my sexual history, or lack thereof”
“No, I’m sure you’re not” he emphasizes by swiping some of the liquid from your finger with his own, before taking it into his mouth. Making a show of it by closing his eyes as he releases it from his lips, slow as molasses. Smiling when he opens his eyes and sees you’re practically drooling.
Before his little show can go any further, you continue with your own questions.
“Have you killed people before?”
“How many?”
“You don’t have the time”
He’s looking at you waiting for your response. Waiting for the shock to subside and the shrieks of terror to take over.
Instead you just pause thinking everything over.
You should be scared, you know you should.
In one night you have watched two people die, found out your friend is a murderer, and that the Antichrist is not only NOT a myth, but is standing in front of you, conversing with you like he’s nothing more than your new neighbor.
Yet you search and search in your mind for any hint of fear and come up empty. All you feel is curiosity. You must be losing it too, you feel bad for judging Tyler so harshly. Maybe it’s his youthful face and the little outburst in the dining hall earlier, but Michael seems like more than simply the ‘incarnation of evil’. He seems so...human.
And more than anything he just seems confused and dare you say, lost.
“Do you like killing people? Or do you do it because it’s expected?”
“It depends”
“Would you like to kill me?”
Now it’s his turn to take pause, looking like he’s trying to decide if he’s “in the mood” to take your life.
“Not right now”
You can’t help but laugh at that (yea you’re definitely in shock). Soon enough he joins in too, and the mood feels lighter than it has all night. You might even say you feel comfortable.
That is until the laughter subsides and you meet his eyes. He’s now staring at you with the same intensity you’d met earlier at dinner.
It’s like he’s looking right through you, into your soul. You feel on display and more than anything afraid of what he might find.
“Stop that”
“Stop what?” He says with a playful tone and a tilt of his head.
“You’re..well..I don’t know what you’re doing but I don’t like it. You’re trying to get a read on me or something.”
He just smiles at that, because of course he does.
You know there is no avoiding playing into his hand. He wants to get a rise out of you, in one way or another.
“And what do yo-”
At the mention of your name you both turn to see Tyler standing in the doorway.
Antichrist or not, the look Michael gives him is enough to send a wave of fear up your spine.
He appears as though he’s about to snap his neck through just a look(and you're afraid to find out if he could).
Noticing his anger, Tyler stops and bows before Michael, apologizing incessantly for interrupting him.
You don’t miss the twitch of Michael’s lips. He’s clearly loving the effects he has on his followers.
You just roll your eyes at your friend.
“Calm down Tyler, get up”
He just let’s your words pass over him as if you hadn’t even spoken. If he hadn’t been the one to call your name a moment ago, you wouldn’t be sure he even knew you were in the room.
Every sense he had was aimed at Michael, and it was only when his precious dark lord gave him a nod that he got up and looked your way again.
“What are you doing? I thought you were going home?” He says through clenched teeth.
If he weren’t so worried about keeping you alive he would be pissed at you for not listening.
“I was. I am” you reassure him turning to Michael.
“It was a pleasure to meet you Michael, I’ll see myself out”
You are scurrying out of the room, grabbing a frozen Tyler and tugging him along with you, when Michael calls after you.
“No y/n, the pleasure was all mine.”
You’re at the end of the hall, and in the middle of Tyler’s scolding session, when you realize there is still blood on your finger.
It feels like it’s vibrating where Michael touched you, begging you to take notice.
Just wipe it on your jeans, you tell yourself.
Wait until you get to the car and find a napkin.
Do anything rational other than what you're thinking.
As you pass through the exit door, you cave and take a taste of the crimson on your finger.
Although you can’t see him, you know Michael is smiling. You can feel his smugness in the air around you and you're sure he knows what you just did.
This started out just as me wanting to make some jokes about Michael and the Satanists and has somehow turned into a multi-chapter fic. I still don’t really know where it’s going I’m just letting it take on a mind of it’s own. If it looks familiar it’s cuz it’s been on ao3 for a little bit now, so sorry it’s not a “new” new story! If you liked it that makes me very happy, and if not I hope it was at least entertaining! Either way thank you for reading!
(I wasn’t sure who wanted to be tagged just in my Xavier fic and who did in general so I didn’t add a tag list to this one)
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thenextchapter22 · 3 years
PART 2! Sleeping in the Devildom!
Description: Your first night was an easy sleep, but your second not so much...
or….adventures and cute stories with a reader/MC who carries stuffed animals around all over Devildom.
Pairing(s): NONE!
Word Count: 1,615
Link to my AO3: Click Here
Author’s Notes:  Okay so I was not expecting so many likes for this, but thank you very much to all those reading! :3 I hope you enjoy this chapter :)
Part One
Sleeping in your room while several demons slept in the same hallway was actually pretty easy the first night. You had passed out in the shockingly comfortable bed after dinner with the brothers (and wow was that a crazy time, you lived alone so you always ate alone and the banter was fun to watch, but the food was weird too) and snuggled close with your Panda stuffed animal Po, rubbing your cheek and nose in the ultra-soft plush tummy of the black and white bear that was about the size of a pillow. You even woke up with drool on her.
The first morning before school you had an eventful time meeting angels. Simeon was so pretty and kind, and Luke was hilarious with his huffing and puffing, but super energetic.
They didn’t seem to mind your stuffed animals, either, which was great. You said you stopped caring what people thought, but these were… immortal beings… so it was a little bit different than normal ‘people’.
Meeting the Angels
It was the morning of your first day at RAD and the room was full of demons, waiting for the new arrivals. You sat on the sofa between Belphie, who was falling asleep into his pillow, and Asmo, who was looking at himself in the mirror and fixing his eyeliner. Why, you weren’t sure. He looked gorgeous. You wore very little on your face, only a bit of liner and Chap Stick that was cherry flavored.
You held one of your oldest stuffed animals to your chest, trying to comfort yourself as best as you could. Meeting the Demons first was so shocking you didn’t realize how much it would have helped to have a soft or squishy friend in your arm until now.
Then, they strolled into the room. Lucifer stood to greet them, nodding his hellos, while you stared in awe. They gave off an aura that was so beautiful. Not a visible one, but it was like your soul was brighter, and your eyes were more open.
There were two of them, one was taller with dark hair, and the other shorter with blonde hair. Both wore white outfits, but had no wings which was sad. But you had only seen a few demonic forms so far—Lord Diavolo, Barbatos, his butler, and Lucifer, when you first came yesterday—so it wasn’t that surprising they would look human. It was probably easier to maneuver in hallways without huge wings or appendages like tails.
“And this is our newest human student.”
Oh, you were being introduced. You stood up and nodded your head, smiling a little shakily at them as Lucifer gestured to you. “It’s so nice to meet you!”
Simeon, the angel who seemed to know Lucifer after watching how they interacted, gave you a handshake that was elegant in the way he held your own hand like you were a princess or something. “A pleasure to meet you as well.”
The smaller one, named Luke, glanced up at you with a wide grin and said something of the same, but didn’t shake your hand. “You’re so pretty! And—oh, what is that? Is that a dog? You brought a dog to the Devildom?! Simeon, I want to bring a pet, pleeease?” He turned his eyes to the taller angel and begged.
Simeon chuckled. He pat Luke’s little head and the blonde haired angel huffed. “Celestial Pets would not survive here unfortunately. And I don’t think it’s a real dog, Luke.”
You shook your head. “Nope, it’s my stuffed animal. His name’s Fido. I know, super original, but I’ve had him since I was a kid.” You held him out for them to see. He was about 10 inches and was squeezable, and you felt he was perfect to take on your first day at RAD.
Simeon smiled kindly. “He’s lovely. Do you have others?”
Mammon spoke up from his place behind you on a separate piece of furniture. “Oh yea, loooads of ‘em. The entire bedroom is full, it’s insane.”
There was a smack, then a moan from the Greed Demon. “Shut up, Mammon, you insensitive prick,” Satan spoke up. “We’ve all got our collections.”
You were surprised Satan defended you but also happy about it. Knowing Mammon from the breakdown you had yesterday, he probably didn’t mean it to be insensitive, he just spoke before thinking.
“Well, then, I look forward to seeing more of your collection.”
Luke agreed. “Oh, me too! Do you have any with wings? Like a dove, or a peacock, or what about a flamingo!?”
And you all chatted for a bit, and you felt pretty excited for your first day. You were told you were going to meet one more person at RAD, and it had you giddy. Would they be just as kind? You hoped…
So yes, the first night was good, but after your first day at RAD—and that was a whole other story on craziness that included being overloaded with information on demon history and new math you would probably be terrible at, and also potions was a scary subject because you immediately thought of Harry Potter, and not to mention the many, many demons looking at you and probably wanting to either eat you or kill you—you just could not shut your eyes the second night.
It was past 11pm, the second day of school was tomorrow, and you had to get a good night’s sleep. It was obvious Lucifer demanded good grades from everyone. Sleep was an important part of that.
Maybe an almost midnight snack would help?
So you got up, put on a sweater over your long sleeved pajamas because it was pretty cold here at night, put your fuzzy pink slippers on, tucked Po under your arm, and went down the hallway as quiet as a mouse. You had a surprisingly good memory of places, and mazes were easy for you, and seeing as this house was a maze you found the kitchen quick.
You poured yourself a glass of milk—it looked like milk, and smelled like it, so you prayed it was milk—and sat on the barstool drinking it. Warm milk would be better, or tea, but you didn’t want to open cupboards and have anything bang or start the oven or stove, it looked way different from the ones at home.
There was a flickering of light in the corner of your eyes. You followed it to a room with books stacked high along the walls, and a couch and chairs around a fire going all by itself with brick towering above. Magic, perhaps, kept it burning.
The couch facing it directly was cozy looking so you sat on it, and sipped your milk staring into the hearth. Fire danced in your eyes and it hypnotized you. The warmth was great, and cascaded over your body like you were sunbathing. You liked the sun but heat without light was better, and this was perfect.
You found your eyes shutting and quickly placed Po beneath your head and yawned. Then you drifted into dreamland for a while, the heartbeat of the fire lulling you.
A soft touch on your body woke you up from slumber. The fire was blocked by a body, and your eyes opened and you glanced up to see Belphegor with his own black and white companion, his pillow, and noticed a blanket thrown over your body.
“The fire goes out at 4am, so you’ll get cold,” he said monotonously, then went to the next couch over and copied your position of laying on your side cuddled to your panda stuffie but him with his pillow instead, and you watched as he transformed in the blink of an eye. He was like a cow-hybrid, and had the tail just like one. He also had curled up horns, and you remember seeing those on other transformed demons. Was that a trait they all had?
His eyes glowed purple when he looked at you, mesmerizing like the fire but in a different sense. “Sleep, it’s late,” he said, curling his tail over himself like a small blanket.
And you did sleep, sort of instantly, too, the Sloth Demon following suit. It was probably one of the best nights of sleep you had in a long time.
“Aahhh~~ So cuuuteee!!”
The sound of photos being taken from a phone, and the squealing, woke you up. It felt too early, and you groaned, pressing your entire face into Po. “Uhhh, noo mom, please turn off the lights,” you begged.
A soft coo, then a poke to your cheek. “Aw, sweetie, it’s time to get up, although I hate to move you looking so darn adorable.”
You blinked away sleep and groaned, rolling your head back to see Asmodeus standing over you, dressed for the day in his uniform, and his D.D.D in hand, and still snapping pictures of you with it.
You covered your face with one hand. “No, stop,” you sleepily pleaded. “Too early, ‘m ugly.”
He shushed you and tapped your hand until it moved, and giggled when you cried as he took another picture. “You’re second to me in beauty, darling, don’t say such things! You and your cute little stuffed Panda bear, this is Devilgram worthy~”
There was a soft chuckle, and you shot your head over to see Belphie laughing at your face. “Beware, Asmo will post that almost instantly.”
“Already done!” the Lust avatar declared. “You’re famous, my dear~” he winked.
“You guys are so mean,” you pouted, shoving your face into Po. But little did they know, you were smiling the entire time.
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stripper-patrick · 4 years
Speak to me 🤫 Chris Evans
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Warnings: smut, language, daddy kink, straight up nastiness, choking, reverse cowgirl, spanking, dirty talk, silent treatment, dom!Chris, eating cat from da back, heel fetish, daddy kink
Tags: @rebellious-desires @mrsbanreswillseeyou @eclecticblkgirl
Relationship: Chris Evans x black plus sized reader
“Hello” Chris pulls out his iPhone answering the incoming call “hey Scott what’s up” I’m laying on the bed on my phone when I perk up hearing Chris say “yea I’m free” this bastard
“No the hell you aren’t” I sit up crossing my legs
“Yea that sounds great I’ll meet you there” he looks at me, my face is painted with anger and frustration. I’ve been trying to plan this dinner with him at this new restaurant called Yard House but they’ve been booked since they first opened. Now tonight when I finally get us a reservation he makes plans with his brother. He got me fucked up.
Chris hangs up and I turn my head waiting for an explanation “honey I’m sorry but it’s Scott”
“Are you deadass? I told you I couldn’t get ahold of this restaurant for weeks and the second I make us a reservation you go and agree to plans with your brother” I’m furious at the moment “you know what go head”
“Go” I yell. He sighs rubbing his eyes as I turn around going back on my phone. Chris leaves the room and I groan. I proceed to the shower turning it on rolling my eyes. The hot water runs down my back ultimately giving me time to think.
I’m woken up to the front door opening and shutting. I grab my phone seeing the picture of Chris flash on my lock screen and the time reads back 4am. I have 4 messages and 5 phone calls all from him. The door opens and I can see the tall figure moving around shimmying off his clothes.
“Hey babe” I roll my eyes turning on my stomach clutching the pillow. I hear a deep sigh come from Chris’ mouth “baby girl I’m sorry I know how important that dinner was to you” He slides in the bed next to me and his hand rests on my butt but I’m quick to move it “don’t touch me” I scoot closer to the edge closing my eyes hearing one last sigh before I drift to sleep.
The sun bleeds into the room brightening it up causing me to open my eyes. I get up and go to the bathroom doing my business and completing my morning facial routine. Washing my face, moisturizer, and toner. I walk out the bathroom and slip into some leggings, and a low cut crop top. I have a nail appointment today and I’m debating on making him pay just for fucking with me but I can’t allow myself to do that.
I step out of the room, the bright sun illuminating the hallway and I descend downstairs where I smell bacon and waffles cooking. I go into the kitchen crossing my arms watching him put strawberries in the batter. My favorite.
“Morning princess” I mumble sitting at the island and he sets a plate in front of me. His pretty blue eyes bore into mine just silently begging me to say something
“I’m sorry how many times do I have to say it?” He asks. I cut up my waffles and pour syrup on them without even glancing his way. I know this is torturing him. To go from talking and laughing one day to not speaking at all is destroying him especially when we live in the same household. I take a bite of the warm breakfast almost moaning at the taste. Damn he put his foot in these. “Why are you all dressed up?”
“Nails” I huff
“Ah I’m going with you”
“No you’re not”
“I am and I’m paying for them and while we’re at it we can go to the mall” I roll my eyes and he smirks sitting next to me digging into his plate “what will it take for you to speak to me baby doll. I’ll do anything” a smirk appears on my lips but I keep quiet.
“You know what fine” the rest of the breakfast is filled with silence and he takes my plate cleaning it.
I sit on the couch flipping through channels as Chris disappears upstairs. Finally some peace and quiet. The tv gets boring so I turn it off and go on my phone. After about 20 minutes of scrolling I look at the time seeing I should bust a move if I wanna make it to the nail salon on time.
I stand up and walk to the door leaving. I get into my car turning on the air immediately. Chris jogs out and opens the driver door “what are you doing?” I question
“Get out”
“I don’t have time for this I’m gonna be late then I have to pay a late fee”
“Get. Out” I huff taking off my seatbelt and getting out the car. Chris gets in the drivers seat and nudges too the passenger seat “you aren’t going with me”
“Y/N I won’t tell you again” his deep voice sends a heartbeat to my core but I can’t fold like this. I groan stomping to the passenger side. He gets out opening the door for me and I swing my legs inside as he shuts it. Chris gets back in the drivers seat and putting his seatbelt on before pulling off.
After getting my NAILS done we ended up at the mall but I still haven’t said one word to him. I’ve kept to myself and haven’t touched him or even looked his way. This may seem extensive but he needs to understand that I deserve some time with him as well. “Babydoll lets go in here” swinging his bags in his hand he takes me in the Louis Vuitton store. I set my eyes on this beautiful bag and I see some shoes I adore.
“I’m gonna step out real fast here” he hands me his credit card and I snatch it. I’ll teach his ass a lesson. I grab the bag and the shoes in my size taking them to the register. I use his card to pay for the stuff then head across the way to Prada where I find another gorgeous purse. I grab that but I don’t see anything else I want so I just check that out. The next store I walk to is Dior where I see some cute blue and orange slides and a beautiful gold necklace. The problem is it’s 2,000 dollars and I’ve already spent at least a grand. I think about Chris and he would be somewhat upset but I’m upset at the moment so he’ll be fine.
I grab the necklace and shoes taking them to the register. I use his card and the transaction completes. The woman hands me my bags and I smile thanking her. I walk out of the store and see Chris coming back. Poker face is on.
“I got a call from the bank saying my card was nearly shut off because they thought someone stole it. You spent about 10 grand”
“Oops” I stand up and he takes all my bags from me.
“It’s time to go let’s go” I stand my ground folding my arms again
“I wanna keep shopping”
“Any other day would’ve been a smooth yes, anything to get you to talk to me but today is not the day. Let’s. Go” he says sternly
“No” Chris adjusts the bags on his arms and grabs me by my arm pulling me along outside. I let my arm go once we get in the car. He sets the bags in the trunk and I get in.
We get home and I walk through the double doors. He sets the bags in the living room and I go upstairs not allowing another word to be said. I strip down bare and get under the navy blue fitted sheets and comforter taking a deep breath before I feel myself drift to sleep.
I hear feet shuffling into the room and I see Chris dressed in a fitted black button, dark jeans, and Stacey Adams paired with a gold bracelet and a watch on his wrist. I notice he decorated my choker.
“princess” I’m still mad at him for last night and haven’t talked to him the whole day. I groan pushing my arms above my head stretching my limbs before swinging my legs off the bed letting them dangle. “Y/N get dressed and ready” he speaks again this time more stern. I’ll admit it turned me on. I stare at him and huff “Do you really wanna test my patience darling? Get dressed now”
“I’m not going anywhere with you” I cross my arms in a fit of rage breaking my silent streak and turn away from him. Chris wraps his hand around the back of my neck with a smirk. A smile spreads across my face “did it sound like I was asking? I’ve had enough of your bratty ass today”
I roll my eyes earning a slap to my ass “don’t roll your eyes at me just do as I say” I go into the closet figuring out what to wear. The wet spot in my panties has me tempted to take them off and go commando today in the warm autumn air. Temptation gets the best of me and I pull them off grabbing a short DRESS and some HEELS. I grab a jacket just in case it’s cold wherever we’re going. “Christopher where are we going”
“Don’t worry about it” he looks up at me and his jaw drops when he sees my dress. I sit at my vanity and start on a simple makeup look not really wanting to get too much into it tonight. I keep my curls the way they are as I finish everything.
“Mhmm” I follow Chris hearing him sigh. I walk downstairs and he extends his arm helping me downstairs. I walk past him into the car in the passenger seat where I just sit. At this point I’m completely over the situation but he needs to learn his lesson. Chris gets in and starts the car and I look at him “where are we going”
He ignores me and I roll my eyes huffing. He sets his hand on my thigh and I leave it there. His hand creeps higher but that’s when I stop him “if you think you can get any of this tonight you got me fucked up”
“We’ll see about that”
Chris makes a right and I see the restaurant. I’m very confused as to why we’re here. He pulls into a parking spot and gets out. Chris opens the door for me and at this point I’m curious as to what he’s got going on. I see a long ass line of people waiting outside.
“I’m not interested in waiting in line”
“That’s a good thing you don’t have to” he shuts and locks the car door walking up with me. We walk through the doors and immediately the host recognizes him “Mr. Evans right this way��
We walk through the crowd of people into our own little section with a dim light and a table for 2. “How did you do this?”
“I bought it. Now can you stop being mad at me it’s torturing”
“Maybe” he pulls out my chair for me and I sit watching him the seat in front of me.
“I’m sorry babydoll I was inconsiderate to how much effort you put into getting us a reservation” he says
“Truth he told I stopped being mad after I ran up your card but I kept my poker face”
“Well you’re pretty damn good at it” the waitress comes over and is star struck at the Chris Evans sitting right in front of her.
“Hello my name is Tiara what can I get you guys started off with?”
“Lemme get a coors and” he looks at me “a white wine?” I nod and she writes it down flashing him a big smile before leaving to put in our drinks. “Clearly you have a fan”
“I see but she’s not important right now. You are and if you think you can pull some shit on me like that again you’ve clearly got me fucked up”
“Oohhh the spicy white is coming out. I like it” the waitress comes back with our drinks and we order the food.
We’ve finished dinner and Chris pays the bill. The waitress is standing there and I’ve noticed her shirt is undone a little more than usual as in I can see her purple lace bra and I know Chris can see it too.
He fishes out a 20 from his pocket handing it to her and I watch her slip it in her bra. My jaw drops as she winks at him completely stepping over boundaries.
“Excuse me” she averts her attention to me and I’m start to shake. That’s how mad I am. “Try that shit again with my man and I promise you’ll be missing a couple teeth and a job”
Her eyes go wide and she leaves without saying anything else. Chris has his bottom lip tucked in between his perfect teeth with a smirk pulled against his lips.
“You’re so sexy when you’re mad”
“Yea whatever” I shake my head
“Do me a favor” I listen waiting for his request “take off your panties”
“It’s funny that you think I’m wearing any” his blue eyes turn dark as he nods
“That ass is mine” he laughs. The waitress comes back with a small white cake. Nothing special written on it or anything. I spin it around trying to find something then I look at Chris who had a cheeky smile on his face.
“Cut into it” I grab a knife and cut into the cake revealing a blue matte box. I look at him and grab the box opening it. I see a beautiful ring and engraved inside of the box is: ‘Will You Marry Me?’ A flood of emotions drowns me and now I’m sitting here crying.
“Stop playing Christopher” I say
“Y/N I want you to make me the happiest man alive” he takes the ring and slides it on my finger
“Is this why you left me today?” He nods smiling
“I can’t see myself without you” he whispers “so what do you say?”
“Yes yes yes a thousand times yes” I hug him and he holds me tight as more tears fall. I give him a nice kiss and he smiles holding me closer.
As soon as we hit the front door Chris’ hands are all over me. I open the door and he shuts it sliding my dress off my body to reveal I’m completely naked just as I said. I go to take off my heels but he stops me “leave them”
Chris picks me up with ease and something in the moment just told me to let him pick me up. In the year and a half we’ve been together I’ve never let him pick me up because of my size but tonight is different.
He takes me upstairs to our shared bedroom where he lays me down “I’m going to ruin you for what you put me through today”
I smile and he turns me around face down ass up “clearly you’re enjoying it more than I thought” he collects my wetness on the tip of his finger trailing it up to my clit rubbing torturously slow. I feel his large hands part my ass and his beard scratches me. I drop my face into the mattress feeling his tongue work inside of me while his fingers massage my clit. My arms stretch back and I pull on my heels holding my legs up and arching my back more. I hear Chris moan at my current position. I don’t know how much loner I can do this position cause I’m a big bitch and this shit hurts.
He stops eating me out and I hear his pants unzip then drop “keep that position baby doll” He pumps his dick and I feel his head push inside of me with ease. He fits the rest of his cock inside of me and replaces my hands on my heels with his. My hands extend above my head as he starts pounding me out making my body rock back and forth. My hands have a mind of their own gripping the sheets.
“You like that you little slut?” He spanks me and I cry out biting my lip “you’ve been such a bad girl” he keeps a tight grip on my hips holding me in place. I couldn’t run even if I really wanted to.
“Fuck daddy it’s too much” he chuckles maniacally
“Nah you keep playing with me” Chris pushes my back into a crazy arch pushing a little more of his weight on my butt. He continues pounding on me until my body is seizing and I’m crying out his name.
“That’s it you’re gonna be a mess by the time I’m finished with you” he moans still thrusting in me. He stops and pulls out leaving me empty and my cum dripping on my thighs.
“Ride me reverse” he lays next to me placing his hands behind his head and I grab his dick and swing my legs over his thick body. I guide him inside of me placing my hands on his calves bouncing my ass.
“Fuck” I moan. He smacks my behind and keeps a firm grip on my hips guiding me harder and faster. Chris wastes no time taking control pounding into me from below. His balls are slapping against my ass while he holds my wailing arms behind me keeping them steady. My jaw drops as he growls in an animalistic form. My breasts bounce as he continues torturing me.
“You’ve been a bad girl babydoll and I don’t appreciate it” he moans. I can see his piercing blue eyes through my hazy vision. I’m still sensitive from my last orgasm so I’m close already.
“Fuck daddy you’re gonna make me cum” I scream. My legs press together not sure whether to try to get away or sink further onto him.
He keeps going and just as I’m about to release Chris stops pumping altogether. He lifts me up putting me back on my hands and knees.
Chris enters me again but this time he grabs my hair pulls my back against his chest. Once he has me where he wants me, he envelops his hand around my throat squeezing the sides constricting air. He wraps his free arm around my breasts as he starts his fast rhythmic thrusting again. His moans are prominent in my ear as his hand on my breasts drop to my clit.
At this point I’m seeing stars and my moans are uncontrollable. My body trembles from being rocked into with each powerful thrust. My shaky hands hold onto his wrist leading to my clit as he kisses my cheek, shoulder, and neck. “You look like such a pretty slut taking my dick like this”
“Cum in me please” I beg. He lets go of my throat and grabs his belt nearby tying it around my hands. My hands are bound behind my back as he uses my arms to hold me as I’m leaned forward taking his dick.
“Cum with me Y/N I feel how close you are babydoll” he was right. I’m right on the edge when he gives me a good slap to my behind making my legs clamp together shaking tremendously. His name is all that I can call out making me see stars. “That’s my good girl oh shit” he lets out a string of curses and I feel my walls being painted in his children as he continues assaulting me in the best way possible.
Our juices collect around the base of his dick dripping on the sheets. As I drop my head completely spun. Chris extracts every drop inside of me before pulling out. He lays beside me with a smirk on his face pulling his belt off my hands “where the fuck did you learn how to tie me up with a belt”
“You’d be surprised what the Internet can teach you” he says “please don’t ignore me again” he lays on my bare chest
“Well don’t do any stupid shit again” I smile taking my fingers through his hair
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crushzone · 4 years
relationship hcs for akiteru 🥺🥺🥺
Hi yes yes YESSS! More love for Akiteru, here we go! 💕
Being in a Relationship with Akiteru Tsukishima 🥰
Let me start off by saying this: if you ever find yourself in a relationship with him, then congratulations, you have very great taste and a wonderful boyfriend. 😘
How it all began:
You met Akiteru at your university. As someone who greatly values academic and genuinely enjoys going to classes, you always wake up a little earlier than you had to, just so you can get a head start. Little did you know that you’d run into the cutest fellow early bird on the first day of your second year.
As expected, the building is peaceful, so quiet, as the only sound are echos from your shoes. But to your surprise, you come across a silhouette of a tall male, sitting with his back to you, in front of the massive window that overlooks the empty university.
When your footsteps come to a stop, he turns to you, lowering the book that he’s holding on to his lap. “Are you here for World War 2 in Cinema?” He asks with a smile.
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His smile widens when you respond with a nod, turning around to fully face you with an arm outstretched. “My name is Tsukishima Akiteru! But you can call me Akiteru.”
You walk up to him and shakes his warm hand, as you can’t help but be infected by his genuine smile and warm demeanor.
Also noting how calloused his palms are. Hmm, what could’ve caused that 🤔
From that day on, you two would come to class even earlier; from 10 minutes, to 15, even up to 20, just so you can chit chat.
He’d bring whatever he thought was cool to show you before class too. For instance, he’s gone thrift shopping with his other friends once, and came across a children dinosaur book. It made him very nostalgic as it reminded him of Kei, but he’s also way too excited to share it with you, so he bought it on the whim.
His friends totally gave him a weird look, but they’re like: ok, yea, Akiteru’s just being hella nerdy. The usual.
You would also bring cool things to share with him before class as well, and it makes him really happy when you do.
He’d come home everyday, since the day he’d met you, with a fuzzy feeling in his chest. So he likes to snuggle his side pillow with his warm cheeks squished to it with eyes closed, day dreaming about you.
In a way, you remind him a lot of younger Kei; when he’d have someone to share his interests and passion with. However, he’s well aware that you are not his brother and that his excitement to see you every morning is way too intense for it to be something that’s just platonic.
Is also a very observant person; if you’ve gotten a haircut, re-painted your nails, or is wearing something new, he will instantly compliment you on that. And the bizarre thing is that he’s not even trying to suck up to you, it’s actually how he felt and his eyes automatically notice new things about you, even if they may be subtle.
He’s usually the one asking a lot of questions; he wants to know more about you, where you’re from, your family, your passion, hobbies.
So you were pretty surprised when you found out he’s on Kaji Wild Dogs Volleyball team. You didn’t even know what a Wing Spiker or anything is because you were never really a big sports fan.
When you frankly told him that you do not know much about sports, but is still fruitlessly trying to come up with questions, just so he can talk about his passion some more, he just laugh, a wholesome grin on his cute freaking face. 😩
“It’s okay, Y/n-san, It means a lot to me that you’re trying to understand the sport that’s meant so much to me, but that doesn’t mean you have to force yourself to speak about it for my sake. I have other passions too, and I’d rather speak about what makes the both of us happy.”
Ughh, like how are you so observant!! It’s the big brother intuition, I tell ya. Since Kei barely communicates with him verbally, he’s gotten really good at observing micro-signs.
Which MEANSSS that this man KNOWSSSS you are into him and that he’s got a chance. Oh yea, he knows bby, and he may or may not have denied it for a day, before he’s like, nah dude, I like them too, so I’m going to go for it.
Your name keeps popping up in conversation with his friends, even without his awareness. BUT if there is ever a chance for him to promote you in a conversation, he will not hesitate, and totally go all out.
He is addicted to your smile, and he wants you to keep doing whatever makes you happy.
Will go out of his ways to support your hobbies; e.g. staying up late at night to brainstorm paper ideas with you, and he’s not even in the class your paper’s for.
Speaking of assignments, you guys are the POWER STUDY BUDDY. Like wow, you know those times when you meet up with your friends for a study sesh, but it turns into a distracting mess. No no, not with you two smarties.
There’s this mutual unspoken agreement, the moment he’s asked you to study with him at the library during mid-terms. You’ll be chit chatting about anything in the world on your way to the lib, but the moment you’ve found your work desk, you’re both completely silent as your eyes skim through the pages of your textbook, while his hands scribble like flaming wheels on his notebook.
The only time one of you would speak is when you’re hungry, and you want to stop by the library’s cafe. He will always ask you if you want anything, even if you already have your sandwich in front of you.
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And even if you’ve said no, he’ll still buy something extra for you anyway, cuz he knows it’s going to be a late night at the library.
Knows your class schedule by memory, will always walk or offer to drive you home. And he’ll always make sure you actually enter your apartment before leaving.
On days when he cannot be there to drive you home because of practice, he can’t relax until you send him a photo of your cat at home or something haha.
He’s basically your main ride for almost anything, including groceries. He just enjoys spending time with you in general, it doesn’t have to be anything grand, just as long as you are with him, something as dreadful as waiting at the DMV no longer sounds as bad. 
There was never really a distinct moment of when your first date was, because your relationship started off with a very stable friendship of shared interests.
It’s likely that he’ll confess his feelings for you even before he’s officially asked you on a date, because you are so comfortable with each other’s presence. And you’re cool with that, you’ve always wanted a relationship with an S/O who’e like a best friend anyway.
When he confessed, he did it at least expected moments. It was when you were on your way back from grocery shopping together, you noticed a cheesy-looking Halloween shop, so you asked him if he’d be down. You didn’t even have to beg, he’s already turning his car around.
Can I also add that he’s a very smooth and calm driver?
You’ll be trying on the goofiest looking costume, and he cannot help but smile at how perfect you are to him. Then it slips.
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You: Look at me, I’m a cat meow meow. Akiteru: *laughs* Wow, what an accurate imitation. You: I know right? I’m not as cute as my cat though. Akiteru: You are very cute to me. 😳
Wow okay, but was that like platonic cute, or romantic cute. You know? Sometimes, people are vague, what can I say. But not Akiteru.
Akiteru: and I meant it. I like you a lot, Y/n-san. He confesses, looking at you with a smile. Like how are you going to say no to that.
Earlier stages:
Congratulations, Akiteru is now your boyfriend. ✨
A lot of the things that had been mentioned above still remains: he’s still just as attentive and observant as he had been from the start.
He has a list on his phone, of all the things you would eye when you go window shopping, the food you crave when you are extra broke that month, and the different things that make you smile so widely, he could’ve sworn your cheeks were about to explode.
He may not be the richest person in the world, but he will go out of his way to bring your cravings/wishes to fruition. For instance, you were craving some vegetarian Ethiopian food, but it was way too pricy for you to splurge, and you can’t decide on just one. Akiteru will go out of his ways to gather all ingredients, and cook everything from scratch, just so you can experience it as identically to the original thing you had craved for.
You also like to cook together a lot, and he’s pretty great in the kitchen. Loves chopping things for you, especially onions, because he hates the way it makes you tear up. 🥺
Calls you pet names that are inspired by all the children books and anime he’d read and watch with Kei, such as “Olive Baby (Olive Oyl from Popeye the Sailor), Dokin-chan~ (From Go! Anpanman), and Lil Tweety (Warner Bros.) ”
He will just text you with “Cuddle Bug? 🐞” and that’s just code for “I want you to spoil me with cuddles right now.”
It’ll usually happen randomly, but you’ve been noticing him doing that a lot after you’ve had a long day at work or after studying. You often wonder if Cuddle Bug was actually meant to be for him, or if it’s because you looked like you needed one. Regardless, you are grateful.
You can never say no to his cuddle requests because he gives some of the best ones you’ve ever experienced.
His favorite cuddle position is when you are laying on his chest, as he bring both arms to wrap around your shoulders, tucking his nose to your hair as he ingrains the memory of your scent to his mind. The feeling of your warm hand on the dip of his broad chest, makes his heart beat a little faster, as he relishes in your presence.
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But on days when you know he needs Cuddle Bug most, are when he’d return to university housing after his visit home.
On those days, he will be the one to lay on your nape, face down, as his long arms wrap around your waist, and underneath the curve of your back. Automatically, your fingers find its way to his honey hued hair, running it through his soft strands, massaging his scalp, as you occasionally brush his temple with your thumb.
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You could’ve sworn he purrs like a cat whenever you do.
When you ask him how his visit home went, he always assures that it went well, but you wonder if that was the entire truth.
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He always seems a little silent after his visits, not being as playful about his teasings, and his smiles being a little less energetic than what you’re used to. 
You were so concerned, you even asked some of his volleyball friends, and all they know was that Akiteru’s brother gives him a hard time, sometimes.
Strange, because Akiteru had only ever said great things about his brother to you: how Kei is a regular player in the team, and that he is killing the game at his blocks. Whenever he talks about his younger brother, his eyes sparkle and his voice booms proudly.
Knowing him, you decide to leave it at that, and not pry further into it. If he wants to tell you, he’ll tell you himself.
He’ll include you in all of his social events, as long as he’s allowed to, and likes to bring you with him whenever his friends want to hangout.
You felt a little bad, because you didn’t want to take away his guy time, but his friends genuinely enjoy your company. They even ask him how you’re doing sometimes, and for him to say hi for them.
Long term:
Okay, so when I say long term, I mean that it’s past the honeymoon phase.
At this point, you guys know each other so well, like it’s the back of your hands.
You also live together now, in a two bedroom apartment, where you turned one of the bedrooms into both your study rooms.
A very adventurous couple: would go hiking and camping all the time. But he’s also kind of a big introvert, so he’s totally down for chill movie nights at home.
And when you watch movies at home, you both SPRAWL out ALLLL over the couch, doesn’t even matter if you are short or tall, you both will take up every inch of the couch.
He’ll occasionally surprise you with some spontaneous dinner dates at home too, because he knows how badly you wish your cat could join you for all the dates you’ve gone to.
On those spontaneous dinner dates, you’ll come home and he’ll greet you in some nice button ups, 3 buttons undone, black trousers, and black dress shoes. When he draws you in a hug, you can smell the faintest cologne on his neck: a mix of caramel, and something subtly spicy but refreshing.
You also understand volleyball a little better now, and is always there to cheer for him to the fullest extent of your lungs, jumping up and down in excitement every time he score.
Whenever he’s feeling a little too exhausted than he intends to, all he needs is to look over at you, and just like that, he’s instantly recharged as he jumps up and down to your wave with a peace sign.
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Is also not a clingy boyfriend at all, he trusts and respects you, and you are both very independent with your own set of interests. He’s totally fine not seeing you ALL the time during the day, but you ALWAYS make dinner together a thing (or if not, at least you’ll spend one of your meals together.)
He may not be the best at communication, such as when something’s bothering him, but that is just his way of protecting you of his burden.
And being around Mr.Perceptive, had taught you to be one as well. You pick up on subtle micro-signs, such as when he would count the grains of his rice with chopsticks, before pulling one grain to his lips at a time. You KNOW something bothersome is plaguing his mind when he plays with food.
He opens up to you about his past mistakes and the reason why Kei no longer talks to him very much. He’s very bothered by the way his little brother holes up in his own room when he visits, it makes him feel like a phantom, a walking failure that just occupies his parent’s home.
And every time his facade shatters, you instantly pull him into a hug, just the same way he’s always liked, his long limbs on top of yours, with your digits entangled in his hair.
You got him to work on his communication, clearly expressing the importance of it to you. And though he struggles sometimes, he’s still doing his best to improve.
Is a very clean person, kind of obsessed with keeping the kitchen clean; he cannot enjoy dinner until everything is in place.
Not that uptight about it though, there will be days when he lets it slip. But then he’ll be right back at it, after you’ve gone upstairs to prepare for bed: quickly washing the dishes and wiping everything down.
If that is not some husband energy then I do not know what is. 😩🥰
You jokingly told him how sexy he is, whenever he does home chores, and it’s now become an inside joke. Every time one of you wipes down the counter or puts the dishes away, you’ll turn to each other and wiggle your brows suggestively, before bursting into laughters.
At this point, if you were never good at teasing, you bet you’ve improved significantly just from dating him.
You’ll really worry when Akiteru gets home late from practice, so sometimes, you’ll stop by with his dinner to find that he is alone in the gym, just practicing his spikes.
When that happens, he’ll sit outside to eat with you, stargazing. Then he’ll return to the gym to lock it up,
But on days, when you’d stop by to say hi at the gym, in the morning, his team would great you very warmly. They’re pretty much your family now, and you like to host them at your apartment for potlucks.
Now, every time Akiteru visits home, he’ll bring you with him.
His mother LOVES you, she finds you to be one of the loveliest person she’s ever met, and keeps thanking you for taking such great care of her son.
With you there with him, he no longer feels lost when he’s home, he’s got you! And anytime he gets to see Kei for dinner, he’s just grateful.
Speaking of Kei, he suppose he does not mind you. You share a lot of similar interests with him — well, that would make a lot of sense because you and Akiteru does too, and that man had such a big influence through Kei’s adolescence.
Sometimes, Kei will chill with you and Akiteru at the balcony, your favorite music playing softly in the background as Kei watches his brother practice. You can’t help but smile, when you see that the brothers are slowly reconstructing their relationship.
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Kei totally hates how you and Akiteru cheers so loudly at his matches though. Now he has to deal with another person embarrassing him at the stadium lol. (Though he is low key happy you both do 🤭)  
You spoil Akiteru with head massages every night, without fail. And in return, he gives you foot rubs every morning. 
Here’s how it usually goes: You’ll give him a head massage for a good minute, before patting his head, leaning down to gently pucker your lips against his forehead. Then he’d lift his chin with eyes closed, and that is when you’d give him three gentle pecks on the lips before crawling under the covers beside him. “Thank you”, he’d breath gratefully with a content smile, eyes still closed.
You no longer cuddle every night, especially during the hot summer, but you will link your middle and ring fingers as you both drift to sleep, bodies facing each other in a fetal position. 🥺
And on days when he’d wake up before you, he’ll spend a minute studying your adorable sleeping face with a smile. He wants to protect you from the world, to keep you safe in his arms as you both grow stronger together as individuals.
He has no idea how he’s ended up with you, but he thanks the sky every day for granting him your existence. He loves you so much, way more than he could ever put to words. With a gentle kiss to your forehead, you stir awake to see his warm smile, you’ve grown so accustomed to.
“Good morning, y/n-san. I love you, my lil Tweety.” 😘
Taglist (open): @shhhlikeme @ceo-of-daichi @karasu-hoes @super-noya @nonexistent-social-life
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riofann · 4 years
Rio Random 3
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TW: Alcoholism
Part 1    Part 2 
You don’t hear from him for the next month or so. He doesn’t pay you any visits, no calls or texts. Nothing radio silence on his end. You contemplated calling him but what would that do? Nothing! Nothing he could say or do would make you feel any better at the moment. Plus you couldn’t just go back to him with open arms even though you wanted to. There were many levels of betrayal here and a simple I’m sorry wouldn't fix things, it couldn’t.
You were woken up from your sleep on the couch, typical for you these days. You were too afraid to sleep in your bedroom afraid that anything could happen and you being in the back of the house away from the door and windows didn’t make you feel safe. You hear the knock again before sitting up. Slowly you walk down the steps, when you look through the peephole you see Mick getting ready to break in before you open the door. 
"Hey" you say using the door for support
Rio steps into your house before speaking, irritation laced in his tone “What were you doing we were knocking for a long time"
“I was asleep, you could just break in like normal.” Mick steps in after Rio “Hi Mick” 
With a head nod Mick says “Sup”
You close the door and lean your head on it. You were still sozzled. Another thing you picked up after the great revelation. You would drink yourself to sleep every night. 
“You aiight?” Rio asks leaning to the side to look at you “Hmm!” You perk up. For a second you had forgotten he was there, you walk past him, Coconut your dog runs over to Mick who in turn gives her all the pets she wants as they retreat down to the bottom half of your home. You quickly rush over to where you were sleeping and grab the tumbler and drink the remaining liquor before rushing to wash it. Rio doesn't say anything but watches you. 
“Want something to drink?”  You turn to face him, doing your best to not look as drunk as you felt before he can answer you, grab a glass and make the infamous Bourbon on the rocks. “HEY MICK!” “YO!”  you hear him rush up the steps
“If you want food or drinks help yourself,” 
“Cool cool” he retreats back downstairs to watch the game. “Come on Coconut!” You smile
It was cute seeing him with Coconut, a Samoyed, who looked like a teddy bear had come to life with Mick of all people. 
“I was gonna say tequila”
Tequila is your favorite liquor 
You roll your eyes “Please you know you love bourbon it's your girlfriend's favorite drink”
Without speaking he stares at you making you nervous, thinking that he knew you were drunk. You quickly make conversation "to what do i owe this visit?”
“Came to check on you see how you doing, you haven't texted or called”
“You haven't done the same either” you counter
“I am a busy man”
“I have a target on my back”
He looks at you before speaking “We both do”
“Fair enough, we can both do better let's just leave it at that”
He nods in agreement “Just came to check on you”
You look at the clock on the oven “At 1:00AM”
“No better time than the present” he says flashing his infamous smile 
You nod, “I guess” your anxiety was starting to get the best of you again. You were able to pretend so long as he wasn’t around but now it was becoming more difficult by the second. 
“You aiight?” he says as he notices you taking lots of deep breaths “Yea i just need to lay down”
You walk towards the bedroom without even looking back at him, you assume that he planned to spend the night. You hear him walking behind you and you become more panicked. You rush into the bathroom before he reaches the bedroom. 
“Thought you said you were sleeping” he comments noticing your bed was made up 
“Yea on the couch!” you answer from the bathroom
He takes a seat on his side and starts to undress himself getting comfortable in nothing but boxer briefs
You sit on the toilet and do your best to calm down. You reach for the flask in the vanity drawer and  take a few gulps before you put it back in its hiding spot, a few more breathing techniques and you feel calm enough to walk out. He watches you as you walkover to your side of the king sized bed. He always hated it. It was entirely too big for two people let alone one person. 
You avoid all eye contact. If you thought you looked drunk he would definitely pick up on that. 
When you lay your head on the pillow the room feels like it's spinning before the feeling slowly subsides and you feel yourself falling asleep.
“Hmm?” you hum
“I came to talk to you” normally you would be alert and waiting for him to talk but this time you’re avoiding any type of conversation 
You sigh “Your timing is impeccable!” 
He chuckles he missed you. He missed having to deal with a grumpy you, who didn’t get enough sleep, missed how you were so picky over ice cream, missed how you smelled, how your skin felt under his finger tips, missed your sarcastic mouth that always irritated him
You sit up and move closer to him grabbing a pillow to put on your knees so you could lay your head on it. “Okay i'm listening”
He says nothing but looks at you, 
“My name is Christopher”
For a second you want to thwack him with the pillow. Is this why he came over to tell you his name?! 
When you look up at him there’s a look of vulnerability behind his eyes. You get the sense that he was being truthful
“Okay what do you want me to call you then? Christopher or Rio?” He smiles lazily, he was expecting you to roll your eyes and fuss at him “whatever you want mama” he reaches over and rubs your leg
“I like Rio, maybe i’ll call you Christopher when i'm mad at you”
He chuckles “fair enough,” he clears his throat. “My name is Christopher, people know me as Rio. I am a divorcee to a lady named Rhea and we have a son together named Marcus.” 
You smile at him “nice to meet you Christopher”
“I’m single by the way so you know”
“Why are you doing all of this?”
“I don’t know how things like this go, I’ve never “dated” girls it was always we vibe together cool we together. I’m trying something different, you don't like it?”  You shrug “No its just odd......”
“I meant it when i said i cared about you, Beth and I are a thing of the past only business”
“What did you do break up with her yesterday?”
“More like a month ago” 
“How did she take it?”
“How most women do? Cry got mad at me typical shit”
You nodded “okayyy”
“Im serious Y/N I want to be with you,” 
You didn’t respond but laid down next to him, when you woke up in the morning he was gone. You sigh in relief. You didn’t want to discuss him wanting to be with you in greater detail. As far as you were concerned words meant nothing when it came to him. He always spoke with his actions. Nothing changed besides him revealing his name to you. He was back to being the mysterious person in your life. I guess since he told you the truth there was no need to pretend anymore. No late night calls asking how you were no more frequent pop ups. 
The next time he does show up, he’s nothing but irritated. Standing outside your door for almost 10 minutes knocking, just to break in. When he finally locates you on the couch there's a bottle of tequila beside you, cap half screwed on even Coconut’s excited yipping doesn’t wake you up. 
“Do me a favor find every liquor bottle you can in here and get rid of it” 
Mick nods in agreement before he returns to petting Coconut
You wake up the next morning in bed wondering how you got there the last thing you remember watching was Scandal before blacking out. You hear commotion near your kitchen area, you get scared but hear Rio’s deep voice and relax a bit. You get up and ready to go to work before walking out of the room. 
Without thinking about him you look in the cabinet that housed all the liquor
“It’s not there”
He scared you, you had forgotten he was there, you take a few deep breaths before turning around to face him 
“Where is it?”
“Don’t worry about it”
“Why you drinkin’?” 
“Why not? As far as we are concerned there’s still drugs in my house right?”
He ran his hand down his chin “I told you I’m taking care of it”
“What does that even mean? You don’t text or call nothing just show up out of nowhere whenever you feel like it. What is the definition of taking care of it, if drugs are still being funneled into my house. You don’t  want me drink? When I can smell her perfume around the house after I come home from work? You don’t want me to drink? When I can see a trail of dirt going down or up the steps? At any given moment I could be ambushed by the feds or your enemies.... But you’re taking care of it?! Right? You tell me if you were me and someone kept telling you I’m taking care of it would you believe them?” He remained silent for what felt like an eternity “It's complicated”
“Then uncomplicate it!”
“So what you gon drink yourself to death?”
“YES!.....I mean NO!..... But you can’t possibly think that i am going to deal with all of this by myself without you there and a sober mind”
“Need to grow tough skin, if you wanna stick around” 
“I didn’t ask for this! All I wanted was a boyfriend not someone who is supposedly plotting my demise and telling me don’t worry about it” 
Offended he speaks before he can stop himself “And I ain’t ask to be with no drunk either”
You paused for a while and walked away. Rushing into your bathroom your hands shaking from being extremely pissed and needing that drink in the morning to take the edge off. You quickly locate the flasks in your room thankful he had yet to find those.Once the liquid poison settled in your stomach. You quickly gather the remaining flasks and stuff them in your purse before rushing out the door. You could feel his eyes on you as you left the house. 
When you return home your heart sinks to see his G Wagon sitting in the driveway. Carefully you put the flasks in your purse. You were hoping he didn't make someone follow you because your flasks were now full to the brim with alcohol. 
You open the door and Coconut runs towards you barking and hopping on you. “Hi girl, how are you? Were you good today?” You bend down and pet her, tears coming to your eyes as you realize just how much you had been neglecting her lately, “I promise i’ll make it up to you” you whisper as you continue to pet her. When you stand up you see Rio standing in your line of vision. You walk up the steps to see Mick sitting on the couch watching sports. You wave at him and take the corner towards your room. You had a short window to hide the flasks before Rio would come in. 
When you step into the kitchen you don’t see Mick on the couch instead its Rio sitting by the kitchen counter. You move slowly as you feel the alcohol racing through your veins. You pour water in your tumbler and pull out the bowl of fruit salad that you had made early in the week. 
“Not gon eat?”
It hadn’t even occurred to you that Rio actually cooked until you set eyes on the stove which had multiple pots with simmering food
“Not hungry”
“Late today” he comments 
“Where were you?”  
You look at him wondering if he was just baiting you or he actually had no idea where you were
“Hello” he brings your attention back to him “Where did you go after work?” “I thought you knew” hinting to him possibly trailing you 
“What you talking bout?”
You knew this question was coming so you pulled out the pamphlet of AA which ironically was signed by the organizer. You place it in front of him. “We can’t have your reputation destroyed can we?” you spew out venom, almost like you were looking for another argument. Which you weren’t you just wanted him to hurt as much as you were. 
He  ran a hand down his face and looked up at you, however you weren't standing in the same spot you were walking back to the room. He wanted to apologize. He didn't mean what he said, well he did but he didn't mean for it to come out as harsh as it did. 
The next day was Saturday and he knew your routine to go to brunch with either your Aunt Brenda  and/or your best friend Mia. He was going to propose taking you out maybe to lighten the mood, get you out of the house so you don’t obsess over things that he was actively trying to fix. Soon after he sits down to drink his water he hears you up and an hour later the clicking of your heels on the wooden floor. 
“Going to brunch” is all you say before you begin to walk down the steps
“Think you can cancel?”
You stop and turn and look at him “Why?”
He shrugs “I wanted to take you out for brunch”
“Okay you can just join us” you offer
“Nah i just wanted it to be me and you” he is now standing in front of you and moves the hair out of your face
You nod in agreement and look down to begin texting.Aunt Brenda and  Mia could keep themselves busy anyway
“Ready?” He asked with a smile on his face  
“Yea!” you answer you walk past him and down the steps
The car ride is silent until you arrive downtown and park a street over. You let him lead the way which brings you to one of your favorite brunch spots a chic french restaurant. He remembered you talking about it and how much you wanted to come back but you and the girls were busy exploring other places. 
When you arrive you get seated, you look down at the menu before looking up at him. You kinda knew what you wanted, you had made your mind up the last time you were there what you would get next. When the waiter arrives he greets in french and you respond
“Bonjour comment-allez vous? (good morning, how are you?)” “Qu’est-ce que vous voulez boire? (what would you like to drink?)”
“De l'eau s'il vous plait (water please)” you turn to Rio. “Rio what would you like to drink?” He smirks before answering “Water”
The waiter then proceeds to tell you about the house specials for today before leaving to get your drinks
“I didn't know you spoke french”
“Yea, Krystal knew that, I guess your girlfriend forgot to mention that”
He had to admit he was lazy in his research about you, trusting Beth would tell him all about you. 
The waiter quickly returned with the water. You two were not ready so you ask for more time. 
He sighed before taking a sip of his water, You had reverted your attention back to the menu. He was really trying hard at this boyfriend thing. Majority of his ex girls were attached in some form or another to his business so it was easier to sit and talk about plans and things that needed to be fixed, than actually have a conversation. However Beth ‘Krystal’ was the last one, he was faced with the realization that someway or another that being part of the business never really made the relationship stronger in fact it made the bulk of it which he realized was not good for anyone involved.
“What are you gonna get?” he asked breaking the silence, he also hated how you could just be silent, he would rather you make small talk like Beth, whether it be joyous or filled with hate
“Im debating” 
“Pancakes with omelette or the french toast” you looked up at him 
“Hmm” he held his infamous smile on his face the one that always made you weak to your knees
“Eggs Benedict”
You smile at him “good” 
Before your food comes you two try at the small talk thing, out of nowhere you hear her voice
“Hi you two!”
You both look up at her it seemed like she came out of nowhere
You feel nauseous, the smell of her perfume now made you sick. “Hi how are you?”
“Having a little brunch?”
“Mind if i sit”
You look at Rio and before he can answer you say “Sure!” 
He gives you a look both you and Beth can read
“Here I’ll move over”  you offer as you move to the middle seat
The waiter rushes over and gets her order before any conversation takes place
“You didn't tell me our girl could speak french” “I didn’t? Must have skipped my mind”
“How are the kids Krys?” you ask
“They are good.” She says curtly before turning her attention to Rio “So uh the cookies you wanted me to bake are ready”
“I told you i didn't need them anymore” 
“But i took time off to do so can’t you just come by and pick them up?”
“I’ll send Mick” 
You sit back and observe her behavior. She had done herself up slightly more than usual, her cleavage was showing and she was accentuating it every chance she got. They continue to talk in code and it was  becoming irritating to you because you were sitting there eating your food while they could be discussing the situation in your home without you knowing. At this point you had to assume the worst. 
“Maybe you two need a bathroom break,” you interject both of their head whipped around to look at you, both looked bewildered
“Why would you say that?” Rio asked 
You shrug “it seems like there's a lot you two want to talk about clearly not in front of me” 
Rio smirked before answering
Quickly, Beth answered “Actually we could” “Nah we good, Krystal was just leaving.” He flashes her warning look before she quickly excuses herself. 
He can tell that your mood has turned sour and chucks the date as a fail. When you return to your home he speaks before you exit the car “I didn’t know” “I know Christopher,  gotta grow tough skin right?” He sighs before following you inside.
As always tell me what you think. 
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seventeen and strung out on confusion; chapter 4/4
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Warnings: mentions of homophobia, swearing
Alex coming out to Julie! I’ve been daydreaming about this chapter since I started the fic because dammit I need some Julie in here. okay. I hope you like it!
August (?) 2020
Alex would’ve liked to say that he thought it couldn’t get weirder than dying, becoming a ghost, being seen by Julie -and by association… everyone-. But anxiety does this fun little thing where it makes you run over and nitpick at every possible and impossible scenario until you’ve sent yourself into an endless spiral of possibilities and what if’s and suddenly you’ve been pacing for 2 hours and your mouth is dry from all the rambling you’ve done. So Alex knew it could get weirder, and he had a very long list of exactly how it could get weirder; a list which Luke and Reggie had heard about a dozen too many times. However, being chased down by an evil soul-stealing ghost in sparkly capes with their only hope for being saved being Alex’s not-boyfriend hijacking a bus to get them the gig at the Orpheum that would hopefully make them cross over? That was not on his list.
And y’know what else was not on his list for whatever reason? Coming out to Julie. Because apparently, his brain had skipped over the fact that she didn’t know until it was looming before him and screaming in his face: She doesn’t know you’re gay?! Why didn’t you tell her?! She’s gonna kick you out of the garage and laugh when Caleb steals your soul!!!! Right, it’d probably be good to explain exactly why Alex was being sent into this particular panic.
“So-” Luke leaned forward, grinning. “Willie’s gonna hijack the opening band’s bus, so that-”
“Wait a minute, back up.” Julie waved her hands, interrupting him. “Who’s Willie?”
“Oh!” Reggie piped up. “Willie is Alex’s ghost boyf-”
“Alex’s ghost friend.” Luke slapped a hand over Reggie’s mouth, eyes wide. He jerked his head in Alex’s direction, who was sitting frozen on the couch beside Reggie, and then plastered a grin on his face to look back at Julie.
Reggie nodded, realization taking hold, and mouthed a quick sorry at Alex. Alex blinked himself out of his reverie and smiled shakily back. This was fine. Julie was looking at the three boys skeptically and he was sure that she was getting ready to push and prod until Alex broke and-
“Okay, so Alex’s ghost… friend is gonna hijack the other band’s bus,” Julie gave a tight-lipped smile. “And then what?”
Alex blinked. He dug his nails into his palms, waiting for Julie to say something about Reggie’s slip up, but nothing came and the conversation continued, Luke reciting the plan until it fully sunk in, and Julie nodding along like nothing had happened. Okay.  
Everyone began to file out of the studio, but Alex had been too lost in his thoughts to know why or where they were going. He leaned back on the couch and exhaled shakily, shutting his eyes tight.
It’s not like he had never wondered if the future was more accepting. Of course he had. But he hadn’t quite begun to process that it was an actual possibility. Back home… or 25 years ago, Alex corrected himself, coming out meant alienating yourself from half the people you care about and most of the ones you don’t. Alex’s parents hated him, his grandparents had never been allowed to even know, and for all he knew, Angie had been brainwashed to believe that he was a monster. And that’s not to mention the dirty looks and slurs tossed at him by anyone who even had an inkling that he was gay. So it was difficult to imagine that things had gotten better in 25 years, and that he could tell Julie and have her not bat an eye. Because Luke, Reggie, and Bobby had accepted him unconditionally, but that was rare. Most of the people he’d come out to either hated him, asked him a slew of inappropriate questions, or couldn’t look at him without pity overriding their features.
Alex’s head snapped up, turning to face Julie, who was standing in the entrance of the studio looking at him pitifully. Of course. Ok, he could deal with this. It was better than being kicked out. Fine.
“Yea?” Alex finally stammered, swallowing past the dryness in his throat.. “I just came to get my laptop, we’re gonna watch Netflix,” she hesitated. “Are you alright? You kinda zoned out the last 10 minutes of that conversation. And you were looking at the floor like it was gonna bite you.”
Alex chuckled weakly at the last comment. “Yeah, no, I’m fine.” He smiled up at her to prove his alleged fine-ness. Julie raised an eyebrow.
“Ok, you are not fine.” Julie sat down beside him.
“Julie… I’m okay, go watch your netflakes.”
“First of all, it’s Netflix. Also, when I said we I meant all four of us. I’m not gonna watch tv with those idiots while you sit alone in the studio spiraling.” Julie scooted closer to him, her eyebrows knitted in worry. She sighed softly before clasping her hands together in her lap and staring downwards. “I know… I know this sucks. This whole thing sucks so much. But we should enjoy the time we have. And yes that’s hypocritical of me considering I holed up in my room alone when I found out. But-” -she nudged Alex and laughed softly- “I’m not gonna let you sit here moping while Luke makes me watch Back to the Future.”
Alex smiled bittersweetly. He was sure his heart could be heard a hundred miles away and fuck why were his palms so sweaty? He began fiddling with the strap of his fannypack. Julie raised her eyebrows. Of course she already knew all his nervous ticks. Because Julie knows everything; he was starting to think that Reggie wasn’t so far off with the witch thing because no one should ever be that good at reading people.
“That’s not what’s bothering me,” Alex admitted, his voice quivering. He was really gonna do this. Fuck, ok then.
Julie nodded, allowing him to continue.
“It’s about, uh…” He closed his eyes and exhaled, counting as he did. “It’s about what Reggie said, kind of.” He looked over, assessing Julie’s reaction. She gave him an encouraging smile.
Alex clenched his fists to try and stop them from trembling. “I-” Come on Alex, you can’t turn back now, just get it over with. “I’m gay.” He almost poofed out right then and there. He felt completely frozen, and if being ghost didn’t already make him feel floaty and not feel, this certainly did. He was milliseconds from leaving when Julie launched herself forward, wrapping her arms around Alex
“Thank you for telling me, Alex. Thank you for trusting me,” she murmured into his hoodie. When she pulled away, they were both smiling and Alex felt a weight lift off his shoulders that he hadn’t even noticed had been hanging around since he appeared in the garage.
“Well, I guess now’s a good a time as any,” Julie said, taking a deep breath.
“A good time for…”
“I’m bisexual.” Julie smiled brightly and let out a breath.
“Oh,” Alex’s brow furrowed for a moment, but perked up just as swiftly. “That’s the one with the pink purple and blue!” He said proudly. “Willie told me.” The last part was laced with a pink blush that Julie thankfully chose to ignore.
“Yeah!” Julie grinned. She gave him a high five and laughed.
“Thank you for telling me Jules,” Alex said, repeating what she’d just told him.
Julie nodded and squeezed his hand. She stood up, pulling Alex up with her.
“Aw, c’mon I was comfy,” Alex whined.
Julie gave him a stern look. “Alex, if we sat for even 10 seconds longer, Luke would come barging in convinced I was dead and you like, fainted from a panic attack or something.”
“Yea, he would,” Alex sighed reluctantly. “Your punishment for making me stand up is listening to Luke pause Back to the Future every 5 seconds to tell us all his theories that we’ve heard a hundred times.”
“But I haven’t heard them,” Julie pouted, a smile breaking through her expression as she pulled the studio doors open and began walking towards the house.
“No. No, do not say that when he’s in the room, you’ll only encourage him.”
A beat of silence passed, but not an uncomfortable one, Alex noted.
“So… you wanna tell me about this ghost boyfriend of yours?” Julie teased, wiggling her eyebrows and giggling.
Alex flushed crimson. “He is not my boyfriend!”
Aaaand we’re done. I need to stop writing multichapter things because I suck at them askajshdsk. I hope that you liked this fic though! Feedback is highly appreciated.
Taglist: @stars-soph @thatsmyverb
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wecryoverduckshere · 4 years
I’m like literally sobbing the finale is so good I’m about to watch it again and I just finished it.
DAD!!! (It was even better that I thought it would be I don’t know if I’ll ever get back from this)
It is a very long ep so I don’t know if I can give all my thoughts but I can put a few!!
1. Funzo’s has some creepy animatronics. Also Blue Sebastian the crab
2. Gyro and Boyd are going to kill me with cuteness
3. Manny has no right to be so amazing (jk yea he does)
4. Lena helps her sis win with magic (poor Dewey 🤣)
5. I love Jane
6. Scroogey really is good and ha your words in Last Crash of the Sunchaser can’t hurt me anymore (not really that episode breaks me every time he says “You are not family”)
8. Gladstone is makin bank$$$
9. Glad to see Della is also bad at ski ball 🤣🤣
10. Daisy is good and Donald loves her imma cry
11. Della almost kills Daisy about two seconds after she was praising her 🤣🤣
12. Feathry you dummy shut yo dang mouth (I also love Feathry)
13. Feathry saying “just the two of you” makes me think of the song “just the two of us and now I can’t get it out of my head.
14.awe awkward family drama (at this point I was basically sobbing over two things, the show is over and Donald deserves his time but awe Della just got him back)
15.Good lord I’m only like a minute into the episode I need to calm down (maybe I’ll just “Dew” a few different posts) ha I’m hilarious clearly
16. Yes Fenton we been knew. Also we love drake and Lp being supportive friends. Also Lp was scarily close
17. “Absentee avenger” Gizmoduck. Gotta write the full name
18. Lp really wanted the cake
19. “Aweee I missed your Scroogian alliterations.” How does Tennent say all them words?!?
20. MORE PEPPER. She’s so perfect. Even if she is technically a bad guy. Love that she’s main crew.
21. Jose and Panchito are perfect they should be in every show made from here on out because I said so
22. “No maniacal laughter”
23. Gizmo calling DW “Wingy” made me cry during the table read and then again in the ep
24. I’m sorry this is really long but I’m still going (I’ll try to condense my thoughts)
25. Petty Della cracks me up for some reason
26. Me too Lp, or maybe I just need to work out more
27. Dad Donald has a large space in my heart
28. Lena’s very cool magic powers are cooler than Gyro (I’m sorry I love Gyro) also for a mad scientist he’s really not up to the technology 🤣
29. I thought May and June were Webby clones a while ago but I didn’t even think about what Webby was. Plot twist bout made me cry. Who am I kidding I was already crying
30. Awe Beakly really does just want to keep Webby safe
31. Even if that includes some lies
32. It’s the finale of Ottoman Empire too. I’m crying about two shows for some reason.
33. Lp draws good boxes
34. Evil scientist Gyro
35. Huey almost dies from Beakly’s death stare after he calls her Bentina
36. Scrooge has a long history of beakly being mad at him and that makes me laugh
38. I paused and looked at that board for so long. Did Webby steal that locket picture of Goldie from Scrooge? Who are the people Webby thought were her parents? Lena was very ready to fight when June was cutting the strings.
39. Della opens up and made me cry more. “Daisy’s my adventure” also made me cry. And “is it 1996” cracked me up
40. HE GOT THE ORIGINAL DONALD OUTFIT. (And Della calls him cheap😂😂)
41. Webby is still a very bad liar
42. Awe Webby is so trusting and I love her.
43. Scrooge sprang for a new tea bag just to get answers and then gets knocked out. He’s got a lot going on in like a day.
44. Beakly loves her house plant
45. Did Beakly find out Webby was Scrooge’s after she saved her or did she just know the basics?
I’m only about 20 minutes in so I’m gonna stop here for now because this is probably super boring but I like putting my random thoughts down so there. I hope this was at least a little interesting. I’m gonna make another post of some drawings later (maybe) that I did while waiting to be able to watch the finale. And maybe tomorrow I’ll do another part of this and just do it in groups. idk though it depends. 💖💖
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hiimsociallyawkward · 4 years
Dear Lara Jean,
HI. so i watched TATBILB: A&F a few weeks ago, and I have some words. Before I begin, i'd like to preface that i'm literally 17 and have no film experience, and that I've read this book once maybe 4 years ago but here it is.
ps. if you haven't gotten it already: there will be spoilers. Heavy spoilers.
first of all, i'm sorry but i really didn't like the little edit things. Maybe I've reached that point in my life where I don't f with that anymore. Like when theres a drawn house and it slowly fades so it's real life?? no thanks
the music choice... I honestly didn't have that big of a problem with it, but my korean friend kept going "wtf is this music choice" so i'm quoting her on that.
the filming and editing. well maybe it's just me but I didn't really like it. yk when you're watching a youtuber and they do those zoom in things and it's sort of fast and funny? I think there were a few times the movie did that and i didn't like it.
literally, lara jean looking directly into the camera?? it feels like it's breaking the 4th wall and maybe they're doing it to be edgy but no thanks i didn't like that either.
WHY???? Her breaking the 4th wall added NOTHING to the movie. It just took me out of the experience. I especially didn’t like it when they did it in PS I still love you when they temporarily broke up.
in the book, LJ was waitlisted from UNC, rejected from UVA, and accepted to W&M. I’m sure you can find like 40 people at our school who can relate to this situation. I doubt 40 people in our school can relate to being rejected from Stanford BUT accepted to NYU. dear writers, please give teens across the nation (your target audience) realistic expectations for college admissions.
this is literally the idea that television and movies have in making it super easy to get into ivy leauges. as if some in state college isn't up to society's standards of where or where not it's ok to go to college. it's when gabriella montez goes to stanford, troy goes to berkely, ryan evan goes to julliard, teddy duncan goes to yale, cody martin is accepted to princeton, HANNAH MONTANA does to stanford.
and lara jean wants to study english lit. she never says “i want to go to stanford because of their great english lit program”. it’s only “i want to go to stanford because my boyfriend is going and i have no other life outside of him
fine. make your characters seem awesome by making them go to awesome colleges. but still. this is upseting.
you know how awesome it is to hear UVA, the college I've always wanted to go to, in a published book? and for them to just rip it away- espeically when UVA is so attainable?? Yea yea movie directors, i get it, UVA isn't good enough for you. whatever.
They had AT LEAST 5 MONTAGES. 5. FIVE. WHO NEEDS THAT MANY MONTAGES. To quote my friend "the movie is all montage and 30 mins of plot" AND I CAN'T FIND IT IN MYSELF TO DISAGREE WITH HER.
AND THE DANCES. I REALLY DIDN’T NEED TO SEE NOAH CENTINEO DO WHATEVER HE CALLS “DANCING” IN 2 MONTAGES. I know everyone fell in love with noah in the first movie, but i’m pretty sure everyone fell out of love with him in this one.
again, i know nothing about movies, but 5 montages?? it seems like you're just filling space and trying to make everything seem ✨awesome✨ and ✨amazing✨. SURE. everything might be awesome and amazing, but this movie was 1 HR AND 55 MINS. and you decided to add 1 HR of montages? WHy. AND. one of them was in slowmo. i can't
THEY HAD VOICE OVERS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE MOVIE. sure. 1 at the begin and 1 at the end, I think that's cute. BUT THE WHOLE MOVIE?? WHY. like bruh- have a focus.
literally did anyone read the freaking book? Remember how- in the book right? Margot was actually really not ok with Trina bc she's sort of replacing their mom? and Margot is rlly not ok with it but gets over it?? see how that was summarized in like 5 seconds in the movie? Oh i'm sorry you used all your time for the movie making STUPID MONTAGES but can we get some actually emotionally beats next time?? thanks.
ok this is a big problem i have with the movie. in the 3rd book, peter tries to have a relationship with his dad who ran away from him years ago. He struggles with that relationship the whole book. This is good stuff. people can relate to this. the scene in the diner where peter “confronts” his dad was CRINGEY. It could be noah’s acting but i couldn’t take him seriously. AND HE FORGIVES HIS DAD AFTER 30 SECONDS. the movie tries to include these smaller storylines but can’t because of the time limit. i’m no screenwriter, but i’m sure there could have been a way to subtly move that plot line during the entire movie rather than that one conversation in the diner
and in the book, peter has to train for lacrosse so he has to eat healthy which stresses him out. i specifically remember him getting mad at someone (maybe it was john ambrose, i don’t remember fully) for EATING HIS CARROTS. this just shows that peter has a life too. he has to worry about lacrosse along with losing lj. but no, the movie makes him look like the perfect boyfriend who has no other worries in life except for the girl in front of him
remember how- in the book (right?? bc they had a book to go off of???) Stormy was a part of the 3rd book? like a BIG part?? They LITEALLY just used her as John Ambrose's grandmother (WHICH IM PRETTY SURE THEY DIDN'T EVEN DO IN THE MOVIES). literally, stormy and john ambrose were throw away characters in the second movie and i am infurriated. BUT ALSO I LOVE JOHN AMBROSE HOW COULD THEY DO THIS TO HIM??
and remember, how in the book, how the dog's name is "Jamie Fox-Pickle" and they changed it to HENRY??? where is the flavor. what was the reason. SERIOUSLY.
ok those are my biggest book grievances I think. but lemme just say, they NEVER went to NEW YORK. They literally wrote that in for the purposes of NYU. in the book, Chris and Lara Jean DRIVE to UNC because that's ATTAINABLE. BC THEY'RE STATE UNIVERSITIES. ANYWAYS
LJ’s and Chris’s spontaneous trip to unc showed their friendship in a good way. I never really liked chris as a friend to lj but during the trip, they are besties and it shows. the movie tries to do that in ny but peter is also in ny for some reason. she should have fell in love with ny WITHOUT peter at her side nagging her to sneak out and go on a date. she should have spent more time with chris rather than thinking about peter while she was watching the band.
the scene where Lara Jean is in New York and at the party and she sees the band? To all the boys I've loved before: Always and forever?? more like To all the boys I've loved before: gay awakening time.
when they moved the pink couch to the subway? WHy? They wanted snazzy pics.
this is different from what was in the book (for the 100th time). In the book, they don’t do it and it shows that you can be in a high school relationship without being physical. I strongly appreciate that message. This darn movie had to have her lose her v card. WHY. IT ADDED NOTHING TO THEIR RELATIONSHIP. THE YEARBOOK SIGNING WAS SYMBOLIC ENOUGH
the montage where it's a montage of all of lara jean's and peter's cute moments?? ok fine. that was cute. but they literally just took scenes from past movies. imagine the impact if we like hidden moments from their relationships. maybe they're laughing in the car together. maybe they're watching they sunset. maybe peter is looking at her lovingly while she sleeps. WHAT IF. it WASN'T a montage of all the "bigger" moments of their relationship, and we got to see them just exist.
Some redeemable qualities
while i didn't like most of the songs, "like me better" by lauv will always be loved. especially since it's a call back from the first movie?? I can ftw
WHY WASN’T “LIKE ME BETTER” THEIR SONG???? I really thought it was a good song to be their song and they referenced it in the beginning. No offense to the “beginning middle and end” people, but i felt no attachment to that song.
they customized her phone. it looked like it was a 7 (idk rlly, i don't know crap abt iphones) but they customized it. Granted, I KNOW lara jean would be the one with the aesthetic background with color coded folder, but still- they did give her relevant apps. some to note include; tiktok, spotify, instagram, netflix, notes, messages, facetime, maps, whatsapp and the STANFORD APP?? whatever- i'm chill.
they did make lara jean make choices so that was good.
the prom ask?? That was cute. with the pancakes??
at the end when Peter played the song even though earlier he didn't like it?? I liked that. i liked that a lot. ok fine i more than liked that a lot. There are multiple texts where my friends are screaming at each other. In fact, 26 separate messages.
chris in general. granted, she was more present in the books, but i'll take what i can get.
some notable quotes by her, the queen
"I'm dead inside"
not wanting to do a gigantic walk down from the stairs and asking the boys not to turn around
peter said he liked lara jean's forehead kisses and that reminded me of emma chamberlain so that's a positive only bc of emma
I remembered that they were the class of 2021, and I'M class of 2021 and it just hit for a second.
my friend cried over their graduation but i felt nothing bc we're literally living in a pandemic and chances of me getting a real graduation?? we'll see
again, these are all just my opinion. my friend doesn't like the movie bc she says she's sad and bitter and seeing these cute couples makes her feel lonely but i'm just diappointed. the books were GOOD. they were gold.
there was so much they could’ve done with the movies, and i just feel like they didn’t deliver on anything. Jenny Han, i’m sorry. The movie overall, ik someone who cried about it and someone else who gave it 7/10. props for them but jeez i just wish for more.
ok but that’s the show folk. i mean, obviously everything i said was opinion and literally don’t listen to anything i’ve said. BUT. feel free to add what you hated or loved abt the movie too. thanks. i love you guys. “always and forever” :,)
p.s- omg not them ripping off taylor swift. jk jk. ok bye
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fandomscombine · 4 years
TUA Series Part 3: Luther
The Hargreeves Kerfuffle Part 3: Luther 
The Hargreeves siblings x Hargreeves!Reader (Familial Relationship) 
BG: The Reader is Number Eight. It follows how you fit into the structure of Season 1 and the family dynamic of the siblings.  
This part follows and plays around with the scene when Five had just reappeared and all the sibling are in the kitchen in S1.
I have mashed up the information and some events from both the comics and the tv series. 
The series will consist of 10 parts. Where the reader would have a focused interaction with each sibling. (Eg. After this part, it would be Luther x Reader, then Diego x Reader and so on! –Yes Ben is included) 
WC: 1028
Contains: The Hargreeves being a mess. Luther being a piece of shit.
READ: [PART 1]   [PART 2] [PART 4]
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Five isn’t willing to answer any of your and siblings’ questions until he had something to eat. Which lead to the 7 of you following him into the kitchen.  You were all huddled around the end of the table watching silently as Five gathers for food, blipping in and out of the room.
No one dared to break the moment, still shocked and processing that Five, looking a tad older than you last saw him at 10 years old, but a young looking Five nonetheless, is here right now. Still not exactly believing.
‘What’s the date? The exact date.’ Five asks.
‘The 24th’ says Allison behind you.
‘Of what?’
Allison’s brows scrunches together but replies regardless. ‘March.’
‘Good.’ Five nods and continues adding marshmallow to his peanut butter sandwich, as if his question was totally normal.
‘So…’ Luther clears his throat, voicing out the question brewing in everyone’s mind. ‘Are we gonna talk about what just happened? It’s been 17 years.’
Five huffs, ‘It’s been a lot longer than that.’ Bliping out again, this time in the pantry, no doubt looking for coffee.
Causing Luther to almost jump out of his chair ‘I haven’t missed that.’
‘Where’d you go?’ Diego asks, moving the conversation back on track.
‘The future.’ Five mentions matter of factly.  ‘It’s shit, by the way.’
‘Called it!’ Klaus whispered. You pushed Klaus’ head away, eager to not miss out on anything.
‘I should’ve listened to the old man. You know, jumping through space is one thing, jumping through time is a toss of the dice.’ Five mutters, though more to himself.  The tension in the room is so tense, that even if a needle were to drop, you would still hear it.
Unfortunately for you, you did.
‘get out of the way y/n! i don’t want to see your face anymore.’
Five’s final words came rushing back and so did the pain. It’s been years since the incident, and you’ve convinced yourself that you had made peace with it. But seeing Five back here, in the present, stuck in his teenage self.
Shaking your head, you tried to clear your mind. NO Y/N NO! He hurt you when he left. You shouldn’t fell guilty for him disappearing, it was his choice, his action to do what he did. Taking a couple of deep breaths, you attempted to discreetly brush away the water from your eyes. Which of course, the ever protective, Mr. Hero Complex noticed.
‘heyyy it’s okay.’ Diego whispers, wrapping you into a warm side hug.
‘Thank you Diegs.’  Leaning your head into his shoulder.
‘Wait, how did you get back?’ utters Vanya.
‘In the end, I had to project my consciousness forward into a suspended quantum state version of myself that exists across every possible instance of time.’
‘That makes no sense’ said Diego.
Five couldn’t help but roll his eyes. ‘Well, it would if you were smarter.’
Diego abruptly stands, ready to fight Five- Luther holds him back. ‘How long were you there?’
’45 years.’ That finally made Diego to stop resisting Luther’s grip.  Five smiles into his coffee, noticing everyone’s startled face, he shrugs ‘ Give or take.’
Luther tilts his head, perplexed ‘So what are you saying? You’re 58?’
‘No, my consciousness is 58.’ Five points to his brain, then stands. ‘Apparently, my body is now 13 again.’ To drive the pint home, he flings his arms.  The oversized suit jacket falling to his elbows.
Vanya looks to the rest of you, hoping to see to anyone else understands. ‘Wait, how does that even work?’
‘Delores kept saying the equations were off. Eh. Bet shes laughing now’ Five murmurs, for a second lost in thought. ‘So, heart failure huh.’
‘Yeah. That’s what the doctor-’ Responded Diego.
‘No.’ said Luther firmly.
‘Yes, Luther. Dad died of heart failure whether you believe it or not.’ You interjected. ‘How many times do I have to tell you this, there is no foul play.’
‘Oh yea? Then why is dad’s monocle missing? When we all know that he keeps it with him at all times?? Huh?’ By Luther is rising off his seat.
‘Luther calm down.’ Warned Allison but he brushes her off.
‘Humor me this y/n. Why were you here the day dad died?’ He was now jabbing a finger at you ‘More specifically, HOURS BEFORE HE DIED. CONVENIENTLY PRESENT IN THE SCENE OF THE CRIME.’
Before you could reply, Vanya beat you to it. ‘Are you daft Luther? Did you forget that y/n can SEE INTO THE FUTURE?’
‘I didn’t. But as I recall, you vowed t never step foot into this house ever again and cut all ties! YOU ALL LEFT! YOU LEFT ME BEHIND!’
At this statement, Diego let out laugh. ‘Left you behind? LEFT YOU BEHIND? We were all gonna leave this depressing piece of crap for a healthier life, you were part of it, Luther.’ Staring straight into his eyes. ‘BUT YOU ARE THE ONE THAT RATTED US OUT AND CHOSE TO STAY! SO, DON’T YOU DARE TURN THIS ON US.’
‘Heck yes you all vowed to not come back, but you did- because Dad had died. But don’t you think it’s suspicious that she would come here on her own accord early? Who knows what they could have talked about in his final hours?? She was even the one to inform us! Not mom, not pogo. Her.’ Not daring to break the stare down, Luther called out ‘There is only one way to know the truth…. Allision.’
‘NO, Luther! I am not doing that to my own sister, not after Claire.’
‘FINE, GUESS I HAD TO FIND PROOF THE OLD-FASHIONED WAY.’ With that, Luther turns his back on his siblings.
He pauses next to you and threatens. ‘I swear y/n, I will find out what you did and I would get Allision to Rumour the truth out of you, soon or later.’ On his way out, he had ripped the door out of its hinges.
‘Hmm” Five clicks tongue ‘Nice to see nothing’s changed.’
‘Uh that’s it?’ Allision crosses her arms. ‘That’s all you have to say?’
‘What else is there to say? The circle of Life.’
READ: [PART 1]   [PART 2] [PART 4]
Taglist [All]: @gruffle1
Taglist [TUA]:@herecomesthesun1969 @alabaster1223 @ultraviolet-m @winterierwriter @lordofthunderthr @grapesauze @xbarrjallenx @white-wolf-buckaroo @yoheyyosup @infinitystones2018 @94seun @buckynatlarry @thegirlwholikestomanythings @just-some-stars @97yrm @2cuteforyourlies @e-bendy @criminallyhamilton @aqarath @change-the-world-someday @sambucky8 @spankin-soda @big-galaxy-chaos @neenieweenie 
@okimreadynow​ @weird-pale-blonde-person​ @thebloodrobin​ @vicassa​
Feel free to tell me to you want to be tagged for the series or for all/any other of my fics.
Would love to hear your opinion on the series so far too!
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chaos-writes · 4 years
Billy Loomis and Stu Macher: Ghost in the Flesh
Warning: 14+ Swearing. Gore. Word count: 1,688
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No party was as good as the ones hosted by Stu Macher. An 18 year old Rich Bitch senior, whose parents decided they could trust him with the house while they went on vacation somewhere in the Bahamas. He was also a piece of eye candy, along with his buddy, the ‘Definition-of-Teen-Angst’ Billy Loomis. He's that one ride or die friend of the school. You see, these guys are popular. While they may not be the jock d-bags of the highschool superiority complex, they are known around here for being party animals. Stu is also the goofiest in the school, the class comedian, if you will.
Me? I’m just… there. Look, Stu is throwing a massive party tonight. I’m not gonna flirt or anything. I just wanna get some beer and bounce. No biggie. In’n’out.
Okay, I'm a little freaked out. I don't wanna bump into a dude named Randy Meeks, a guy who's built like a weasel and acts like one too. He's a horror movie fanatic who acts like school is an actual movie, well, a horror movie. I really have nothing against him, he's a good dude, but still. I'd rather not talk to him.
The whole school day I spent pondering about the party. I found myself daydreaming about Bill- err… watching the movie at the party. Casey and I couldn't stop talking about it. We’re best friends, so we do a lot together.
I rented out the Robin movie and skedaddle. Randy was screaming and I wanted none of that. I go home and put the movie on the counter. "Mom? Hey, I brought a movie home! I know you'll love it!"
School is over for the weekend and I head to the video store on my walk home. Randy is stocking shelves as usual. I look at the comedy section; ooh, my family will love this one! It's a Robin Williams movie! And there he is, Party Man himself. Stu Macher, picking on weasel dude. I see Billy, talking to a group of girls who swoon at his slightest movement (ewww).
It was getting closer to 8. I watched that movie with my parents and ate. I did my homework, cleaned my room, and showered. I set out for the 10-minute walk to Stu's house. Instead, I got a phone call. "Hey, it's Billy. Do you need a ride here?" Right, I gave him my number to help study.
"Well, the house is just a 10 minute walk away-"
"Why don't you just let me pick you up? Shorten that time."
"Uhm, ok then. You need my address?"
"N-... yea, I do."
A few minutes later, I see the car of one of the most popular guys at school pull up in front of my house. Gee, that was fast. "Hey, mom? I'm gonna hang out with my buddies tonight. I'll call you before I leave for home."
I'm in his car. I'm in his car. I'm in his car. Oh my god. Ok, he's cute. But I can't freak out like this. "You- ah, ok there?" He says. "O- oh, yea, I'm sorry, just zoned out." I stammer. His car smells like cologne and it's very clean. And he's right next to me. Billy Loomis. Sitting in his car. Next to a loser.
“Hey, you know Stu and I are close, right?” Billy said. “Of course I do! You guys are double trouble!” I giggled. He laughs. God, that laugh. It was so melodic, so… perfect. “Well, we’ve been thinking about getting closer with you. Y’know, we’re not very close. We wish that was different. You’re very kind, and you have such a great personality.” He admitted. I stare blankly for a second. Hey, did he take a back road? “I like that idea,” I said. He looked at me with those gorgeous brown eyes. “Yeah?” 
I nodded and smiled. I can’t believe this! He smiles and giggles lightly to himself. A solid minute went by in silence before we pulled into his driveway. We got there early so we waited in the car a bit. “Hey, that ride took as long as the walk would've taken,” “well, i wanted to have enough time to talk to you,” He says. 
“That’s okay, I like long car rides anyways.” I said.
I walked with Billy into Stu's front door. Wow, this place is, just, beautiful. Stu walks right past me, straight to Billy. They start quietly talking together, Billy tosses a glance at me and Stu looks and smiles at me, I had no choice but to smile back. I was a guest in his house after all; you're supposed to be polite to your hosts.
It made me nervous. Really nervous. I wasn't thinking at all. I walked into the kitchen to cool down, that was really weird. Stu walked over to me after the two were done talking. He was actually really nice to me and we had a really fun conversation about aliens and whether or not they’re real. He did impressions of what he thought they would look like. He's such a goofball.
He handed me a beer and sat me down on the couch, right next to him. Wow, he is tall sitting next to me. I took a swig and decided you know what? I can stay for more than a beer. It's all good. I’m not big into horror movies and Stu knew this, so he explained all the lore behind Halloween while we were watching it. 
I think one of the boys said something to Randy, because he hasn't even looked at me, not once, the whole night. Not even during his little ramble about the "rules" about being in a horror movie, or whatever.
During the movie, Stu noticed that I was cold. He told me I could go upstairs to grab his sweater. So, I head upstairs very cautiously, looking for the sweater. He said his room, right? 
I then feel swift footsteps behind me and an arm wrap around my throat. Shit! I'm in a blood choke! I couldn't get out. Everything just faded. 
I woke up in Stu's bed, I must've been out for hours. I stumble and try to fight myself awake. I feel so weak. I stumble down the stairs and begin shaking at the sight.
The whole house was a bloodbath. Randy was tied up and soaked in blood, dead. Sydney was dead. 
Casey, oh God, Casey, mutilated beyond recognition and hanging from a tree outside the house. I can’t breathe. I can’t imagine how scared she was. Did she call for help? Could I have saved her?
The only people left were me, Billy, and Stu. They were soaked in blood and covered in stab wounds.
The police were on their way. I tried my best to help Stu, he was practically mutilated. I put pressure on his wounds and moved on to Billy. He wasn't as bad but he was losing a lot of blood.
I don't know why the killer didn't finish me off after I was unconscious.
The wait at the hospital was long. There were police officers and social workers and doctors talking to me, asking weird questions, and it was all happening so fast and I was so scared. I couldn't think, my head felt like it was splitting open. Casey, what did they do to you? Oh God, I’m so sorry.
The boys were in emergency surgery. A nurse came into the waiting room. "Hey, the boys are out of surgery. You can go and visit them, although it would be a while before they wake up."
I get into the hospital room and there they are. A shared hospital room with 2 empty beds opposite of 2 occupied beds. They're both asleep, hooked up to oxygen, connected to wires and tubes of all sorts. It was almost as scary as seeing them drenched in blood back at that party. Well, massacre.
I drag a chair in between the beds, pull the dividing curtain back farther, and wait. I sit and think about the party, how Stu was so tall sitting next to me on his couch, how Billy just... offered me a ride. The ride itself. It seems a little insane but do they... have feelings for me?
After I moved to the woodsboro district, both boys broke up with their girlfriends within a week from each other. It kinda sucks because I liked Sidney and Tatum, and now they want nothing to do with me-
"Hmmm...?" Stu slowly opened his eyes and lifted his head. "I had no idea you'd be here." He said in a tired, raspy voice.
"Hi, Stu. I just wanted to check up on you boys. You guys were really badly hurt. I feel awful, I could've done more to help."
"Honey, it's okay. Besides, imagine how badass these scars are gonna look when they heal over!"
"You big goof!" I giggled. Billy stirred in his bed. He lifted his head, rubbed his eyes, and groaned. "Hey, how did it go ove-" he stopped mid sentence. Both he and Stu shared looks of horror between me and themselves.
Why are they acting so strange?
Oh no.
Oh God.
I felt my heart stop in my chest. They didn’t. They couldn’t have. Casey… 
“You… you were the killers?” I said in a soft, shaky voice. Billy smoothed his voice, “Now what makes you think we were the killers?”
“The… the phone call, the conversation at the front door, the… oh God, Casey!” I broke into sobs. I couldn't help it. They killed my best friend! 
“Hey, it’s not like that. We never meant to hurt you…” Stu pleaded. 
Billy’s expression turned from amusement to horror as he watched tears slip down my cheeks. Both were silent as they leaned in from their beds and wrapped their arms around me. “How can we make it up to you, beautiful?” Billy asked.
Silence fell over what seemed like the whole world.
“Stay with me. That’s the least you can do.”
 “Of course, sweetness.” Billy said.
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Next-Door Neighbours : Chapter Fourteen
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A Liam Fanfic, A Niall Fanfic, MA Rating
New neighbours, new drama. Sometimes what you need is the last thing you’re looking for.
1- This fic is written by Julie ( @paynesqueen​ ) & Livia ( @horansqueen​ ) 2- Julie will write the odd chapters and Livia the even chapters 3- This fic will have romance, drama and smut.
Chapter Fourteen by Livia (horansqueen)
Olivia never thought Louis was a romantic guy but somehow, he was showing parts of himself that she didn't know. Ever since he had said out loud the three little words to her, he seemed to feel even more at ease around her and she couldn't lie and pretend she didn't like it. In fact, it was refreshing to see him under a different light and she enjoyed it.
"Why are you staring at me?" Louis asked, the left corner of his lips moving up in an amused smile before he glanced at her.
"Because you're hot, that's why."
He chuckled and rolled his eyes but a small smile still appeared on his lips. He wouldn't admit it but he liked it. He liked the way she looked at him and surprised himself to hope it was because of growing feelings. She didn't have to love him the way he loved her, at least not yet. He would be content with anything that was more than friendship and lust.
"Alright," he replied, putting his phone back in his pocket. "Let's stop being lazy and actually do something today."
Her eyebrows raised and she brought her shoulders up before pulling on the sleeves of her sweatshirt to hide her hands. She had planned a lazy weekend and she never thought Louis could propose anything else than fuck, sleep, eat and watch netflix.
"Let's go for a swim." he just added, throwing his hands up in the air as she held her breath.
"I mean I... didn't bring a swim suit."
His face changed into confusion before he started laughing as she remained motionless.
"You're coming to spend the weekend to a lodge with me and you don't bring a swinsuit?" he asked, laughing again and making her raise her nose up in a grimace. "Are you serious?"
"Don't laugh at me."
She got up from the comfortable couch and his eyes dropped to her legs before moving back to her eyes before his lips curled even more. She tilted her chin up and slowly, he brought his hands on her cheeks to cup her face, bending down until their lips were almost touching. She felt her heart skip a beat and once again held her breath.
"You can swim naked yea?" he asked in a whisper, a smirk drawing itself slowly on his lips. "Nothing I haven't seen already."
She laughed and took a step back, moving away from his embrace and licking her lips. There was something in the way Louis wanted her that made her want to say yes to everything he proposed, but she still managed to shake her head with a chuckle.
"No way," she replied with a louder laugh, making him send her a sad look with puppy eyes. "But I guess I could swim in my bra and panties."
His lips curled back up as a victory smile appeared on his face, making her laugh even more. "Perfect. Follow me."
She frowned but quickly put her flip flops on and followed him outside. She let him grab her hand as his warm fingers firmly held hers. He lead the way on the small trails and stopped in front of a small lake. The place was desert and she looked around to see if anyone was near but when her eyes met Louis' again, he sent her a smile.
"Don't worry, no one's gonna see you half-naked." he chuckled. "I mean, except me."
Olivia rolled her eyes but couldn't stop a smile to appear on her lips. She liked the attention he gave her and she secretly hoped he would never stop. She took her hoodie off and shook her head a bit before pulling on her hair but when she looked back at her best friend, he was taking off his shirt and she held her breath. So yea, Louis was gorgeous, and she let her eyes wander a bit on his chest before she heard him chuckle.
"Got a problem, love?"
Her smile got bigger and she shook her head before taking a few steps closer. "No, this is perfect."
She stood in front of him and he glanced down before she quickly put both her hands to hide her breasts. He looked back up and smirked, pulling down his pants and leaving them on the ground, and after they stared at each other for a few more seconds, he raised his eyebrows and turned around, quickly throwing himself in the water.
She hesitated as she watched him move his head underwater and when he emerged, he made a swift head movement to move his wet hair on the side of his head. Why did it look like a stupid romantic movie scene? He turned her way as she walked slowly inside the water and her heart skipped a beat at his sight. Was that how it felt to have feelings for someone? Was that how it felt to love someone? She hadn't loved many people in her life, and perhaps, the way her heart seemed to beat in an unsteady way may only be lust... right?
"Come here, love."
She smiled and moved closer, feeling his arms slip slowly around her waist. He looked down at her and his lips curled into a fond smile. She held her breath, hoping her heart would stop beating so hard but when Louis bent down more, she started nibbling on her bottom lip.
She liked it. She liked how he smelled, she liked the way he was looking at her, she liked the warmth of his arms around her, and somehow, it suddenly scared her. She didn't want to go on a date with Niall because she was scared of the feelings she could develop for him and there she was, with her best friend, doing cheesy and romantic activities that could also lead to feelings.
Quickly, she moved around and pushed water his way, wetting him even more. It made her laugh loudly and he chuckled before to do the same. They started a war and after a few minutes, she rushed out of the water and he followed her.
"So, no more kisses?" he asked, raising his eyebrows as a small smile appeared on his lips.
She smiled back but just licked her lips and shook her head.  When it was sex, she could definitely handle it, but the more she thought about it, the more she realized that maybe the feelings she had for Louis were not just sexual or friendly : maybe there was more to their relationship, and she was not so sure on how to handle it. They had shared kisses that were more emotional than lustful in the past days and it was starting to feel like something more. It was getting serious.
"I'll think about it." she just replied, her smile growing slightly.
He stared at her for a few seconds and passed his hand in his wet hair to push it back, making her heart twist again in her chest.  Okay, this clearly was not just friendship.
She couldn't stop thinking about how easy it was with Louis and how happy she felt despite the fact that the whole 'love' thing was making her nervous. They were both laying down in the hammock on the porch of the house as the rain was pouring down. The air was cool and even if they were protected from the rain by the roof, they could both feel some drops hitting their skin from time to time.
It was silent and weirdly, neither of them were even checking their phones. They were just enjoying the silence as they cuddled. As long as he didn't kiss her, it would be okay, or so she thought, but it was mostly something she was trying to make herself believe. He was laying on his back with one of his hands under his head and his elbow up while she was laying on her side, her hand resting on his chest. There was something soothing about the whole picture and she felt her eyes flutter. She focused on his other hand, rubbing very gently and slowly her back, and when he let out a small sigh, she looked up at him. He moved his head down to look into her eyes and she swallowed hard. He was so close and he could definitely kiss her, but he didn't, and the fact that he respected her wish made him even hotter in her eyes.
"Want a beer?"
She nodded, knowing that even if she said no, he'd still get up to get one for himself. Anyway, it was better for her that he moved away, just so she could see clearly for at least a few minutes.
He left and she sat as the hammock rocked her gently and she finally grabbed her phone, clicking on Niall's name and biting her bottom lip. He hadn't messaged her but at the same time, he knew where she was and he had asked her to message him. He probably just didn't want to bother her, right?
Without really thinking about it, she started typing quickly something and hit 'send' before she could hesitate or change her mind.
'I'm thinking of you'
And she was. She was having a nice time with Louis, but she couldn't help Niall from popping up in her mind from time to time. It didn't mean she was not happy to spend time with her best friend because she was, but thinking about Niall was something she couldn't seem to stop.
'Thinking of you too, petal.'
She held her breath as her eyes roamed on the words he had written. Why did it make her heart beat so fast? After all, it was just a short text message from a guy she had known for a few weeks. It shouldn't make her feel like that.
"What is making you smile so big?"
Olivia jumped slightly, looking up at Louis, and suddenly, she felt extremely guilty. She didn't want to tell him the truth but at the same time, there was no way she was going to lie to him. She didn't have to wait too long : Louis' face changed and the sadness she could read in his eyes made her tear up.
"Niall, okay." he just let out.
It was not even a question, and Olivia reached for his hand pulling on it to bring him back to the hammock. He shook his head a bit but didn't move away and she finally got up, placing herself in front of him.
"Let's put our phones in the bedroom, yea?" she proposed in a very soft voice, raising her eyebrows. "We need some 'you and me' time, what do you say?"
The right corner of his lips raised up in a sad smile and he nodded before following her inside. They put their phones in the room and for some reason, he closed the door when he got out, hoping it would take her mind off of the other man competing for her heart. It was unfair that Niall seemed to disturb their alone time even if he was so far away, but when Louis walked back in the kitchen, he just leaned against the wall and watched her as she was holding herself on the counter, shuffling cards and sending him a small smile.
This time, he smiled sincerely and pushed himself off the wall before walking towards her slowly, his hands in his pockets. She looked up and licked her lips when he stood right in front of her and after a few seconds, he placed his hands on each side of her, holding himself on the counter too and bent down, his smile turning into a smirk.
"You think you can bluff me?"
Her eyes roamed on his face and her heart skipped a beat. She just wanted him to kiss her but she remained motionless.
"I can try."
"Strip Poker?" he proposed after about a minute of silence.
"No." she giggled, raising her nose up. "But we can drink shots when we lose."
He chuckled and smirked more. "I guess that's the second best idea I heard tonight."
"It comes in second place after the idea I had to leave the phones in the room?" she asked, raising her eyebrows and chuckling when he grimaced.
"Okay, third best idea I heard. Strip poker was still better."
"I didn't say we wouldn't fuck."
He bent down even more and her eyes fluttered when his lips brushed against her. He smelled good and she anticipated the kiss but instead, he just whispered.
They took a bottle of vodka and put it on the table along with shot glasses and finally sat in front of each other. After the fourth game, they had both drank a bit more than intended and when she heard his voice, she gripped her cards harder.
"We should be together, I deeply believe that." she could hear emotions in his voice and he swallowed hard. "But I'm not gonna force you. I'm never gonna force you to pick me. It's just... so easy when we're together, Liv. Don't you think?"
She started thinking that maybe, she should have agreed to the strip poker idea instead but she knew they'd have to address the feelings they both had at some point, and she was also aware that it was probably not easy for him to wait.
"It is, Lou." she admitted. "I know you feel so powerless right now. I know it's hard to believe but that's how I feel too."
He scoffed without looking at her and she put her cards on the table before getting up and walking to him. It took a while but he finally looked up at her and she made a quick head movement, inciting him to get up too. He did and quickly, she brought her hands to his shirt, gripping it gently and tilting her chin up. He stared at her, feeling something stir in his stomach, and he wondered if it was because of the love he felt for her, or simply because of the alcohol running in his veins.
"You have all the power." he breathed so low it took her a few seconds to understand his words. "You have everything."
He was not normally the kind of guy to open up but when it came to her, he wanted to share everything he thought and felt. He had failed many relationships by keeping secrets and holding his tongue about the important things. He certainly was not going to do it again, especially not with Olivia. He was not going to risk it. If this relationship didn't work, it wouldn't be because of something he didn't do.
"I'm sorry I'm making this so hard on you." she simply replied just as low.
She got on her tiptoes and brought her mouth against his. He answered her kiss for a few seconds before pulling away and sending her an amused smile.
"Wanna play a game?" he just proposed randomly, making her frown.
"What kind of game?"
"Hide and seek." he let out, making her frown and chuckle. "Outside. In the dark."
Her frown turned into a smile and she just bit her bottom lip, suddenly excited by the idea. "Alright. I'm in."
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horansqueen · 4 years
You & Me : chapter 27
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -4.3k - 4.6k -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
- notes: fluff and smut. best combo yea? (gifs are horancover’s and i used 2 of them sooo thought id mention that!)
if you want to be on the list of blogs i notify when this is updated, just message me :)
requests! : 2 requests! i love you for those i love them both so much!
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Chapter 27 : His chapter
She looked fantastic. The dress fell to her knees, tight around the waist but baggy as it fell down, sort of like a closed flower, and dyed of different pastel colors except for the top around her chest, pressing her boobs together in a white bustier.
"I look ridiculous." she whined, turning around in front of my mirror to see what it looked like from behind. "It looks like I have big tits when I seriously have none. It's also quite uncomfortable I mean, my boobs are practically on my neck!"
"Uhm, 'ridiculous' is not the word I would have chosen." I pointed out, staring at her reflection. "But if it reassures you I think your tits look amazing."
She groaned and hit my arm friendly, making me laugh.
"I hate my arms. I hate my belly. Fuck this body!" she let out as I moved closer.
"I gladly will." I just said, slipping my arms around her waist from behind and kissing her neck, letting my hands run on her stomach before it reached her boobs. "Should I do it right now or-"
"Niall, please, I look horrible."
I moved back up but remained behind her, looking at her in the mirror with a serious face. I thought she felt better about who she was and what she looked like but it seemed like she was having a short moment of relapse and it made me sadder than she probably thought.
"You've got the prettiest face in the world, and when you smile, I swear it makes my heart beat faster."
"I have crooked teeth, Niall."
"Hush. Let me talk." I quickly said. She rolled her eyes but I noticed a small smile playing on her lips.  "I love your eyes and how they literally fucking sparkle when you laugh. I love you ears and how cute they are, and your neck, too because you always get goosebumps when I run my lips on it. I love your hair and how it falls on your back, and I love when you play with a lock at the front all the time, twisting it because you're nervous or embarrassed."
Her smile turned into a fond one and she pressed her lips together.
"Oh and your lips. They're thin, even when you pout, and I always want to kiss them, bite them or suck on them. I know you think bigger lips are sexier but your lips? They know how to suck on my tongue so well when we kiss, they're perfect. I love how fair your skin is, and how you can't tan for shit. I know those veins we can see so clearly really bother you but I love them." I smiled and she laughed. "I love your breasts and how they fit perfectly in my hands, and that tummy that you seem to hate so much?" I let my hand reach her stomach and she sucked it in again. "There's no reason for you to do that." I waited and she finally breathed out. "Thank you." I whispered, pulling her closer to me. "I fucking love your belly. And all your stretch marks. And all your moles. Anything you seem to think is an imperfection makes you perfect."
She smiled a bit but looked down and I could swear I saw her roll her eyes. I slipped my other arm around her and grabbed her dress gently, pulling it up. I knew she wanted to stop me but she was curious about what I was doing and instead, she held her breath.
"I love your thighs." I just let out as she grimaced, pulling her dress down again and sighing.
"I don't. I hate them. And my hips, too."
I ran my hands on her waist and to her hips and sent her a smile. "Do you know how much you glow, Olivia? Yea, you gained weight, and you look incredible. You looked good then, you look good now, and you're so hard on yourself sometimes. If only I could make you see yourself through my eyes."
She stared at me with a serious face through the mirror for a few seconds, her lips parted, and I stared right back, holding her against me.
"What are you gonna do in a few years, Niall, when you'll be stuck making love to this body instead of shagging a tight and skinny one?"
"Tell myself I'm the luckiest man in the world." I whispered close to her ear before she closed her eyes. "I love you."
Quickly, she turned around and wrapped her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine tighter around her. Her lips found mine quickly and the way she kissed me was deep and intense... so intense that I felt my whole body throb. I brought my hand to the back of her dress and moved the zipper down. I thought she'd push me away but she let me and quickly, I ran my lips on her neck and shoulder, making her whimper. I was almost to her left breast when her phone started ringing. I groaned a bit when I realized it was one of my songs and moved back to look in her eyes.
"Mirrors?" I asked with a frown, not really sure why she had picked this song specifically.
"Mmhm," she nodded slowly. "It's a song that really helped me through my depression."
I brought my hands to cup her face and kissed her again as we both heard my voice in the background. It felt a bit weird but when her phone stopped ringing, mine started immediately after. I groaned and pulled away, checking the caller and sighing.
"It's Louis." I just informed before picking up. "Hey mate, what's wrong?"
"What's wrong? I've called your girlfriend and she's not answering! We're waiting for both of you!" I heard him honk from outside my house and saw Liv zipping her dress back next to me.
"She's not my girlfriend, Louis, and you know it."
"Who cares? It's just a matter of time, but anyway, that's not the problem. The problem is we'll be late so you both dress back quickly and hurry the fuck up!"
Without giving me time to answer, he hung up and I chuckled, rolling my eyes. I turned to Olivia and she tilted her head, her eyes running on me and making me frown, a smile still on my lips.
"I was so focused on how bad I looked to notice how fucking good you look." she pointed out. "It's a shame. You make me want to masturbate."
I let out a laugh, shutting my eyes tight and bringing my hand over them. I was going to answer something when Louis honked again and we both jumped slightly.
"Come on, let's go."
Without thinking, I stretched my arm and she looked at my hand that was clearly waiting for her. She bit her bottom lip but I still saw a small smile on her lips. Quickly, I brought my hand back and shook my head, closing my eyes for a second.
"I'm sorry."
I felt her fingers grab mine and she got on her tiptoe to kiss me and squeezed my hand. I smiled against her lips and she took a few steps back, sending me a big smile and walking backwards until her fingers slipped out of mine.
"He's gonna be pissed." she explained with a chuckle as I followed her outside.
"Fuck you two are looking good!" Louis exclaimed making her laugh as we sat in the back seat. "Who picked that dress for you, Liv? You look stunning!"
Olivia rolled her eyes with a smile. "Your girlfriend, Louis."
"Damn right she did, you look like a queen." he replied, turning to Eleanor and sending her a large smile. "You're the most amazing woman in the world." he added in a lower tone, making El laugh as she kissed him. "And the most beautiful, too."
"Gee thanks, Louis." Liv joked with a laugh. "At least you didn't say 'in this car'!"
"I could have as well! Because technically-"
"Shut up!" she laughed again.
"Hey, you've got your own prince charming today, you don't need me!"
My lips curled slightly and I turned again to look at her, noticing she was doing the same. Her gaze was soft and fond and it made me smile even more.
"Oh god, they're literally eye fucking on the backseat." I heard Louis whine, making Eleanor laugh.
"Why don't you drive and leave us alone, Louis?" I proposed, my eyes glued to Liv.
"Yea alright I'll leave you both at a bus stop, that's what I'll do!"
I felt Liv's fingers reach mind on the bench and smiled more as I gripped two of them, intertwining them with mine. It would be tough to stay away from her and it got even worse when we got there.  I watched the whole ceremony while glancing at Olivia, wondering how she felt and if she was thinking about Dylan. I knew it was still tough for her and it would be for a while, but the way she seemed happier and less nervous now that they were not together anymore made me feel good in a way it shouldn't. I was not happy that she had to go through a break-up, but I was happy that it didn't affect her the way it could have, and I knew her well enough to be sure of what I saw. She was glowing, and it was even more obvious now that she was single.
The party was in a hotel and everyone was dancing. As the night went by, I couldn't help but notice that she was getting tipsy and when a slow song came on, I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer and away from Louis. I was still a bit jealous of what they had and although I tried not to compare my relationship with her to the relation she had with him, it was not easy.
Her eyes softened as soon as they met mine and something twisted in my stomach. It was tough to keep that jealous alive when she looked at me like that and I pulled her a bit closer, looking down at her.
"Can I have this dance?"
She chuckled low but tilted her head before sighing low.
"You can have all the dances, Niall, you know that right?"
I didn't. I was not sure where we stood, and I was not sure if she knew either. We were both just going with the flow, one day at a time, and although it was normally something I liked, I couldn't hide that this time, it made me a bit anxious. I didn't know if we would ever get back together, and I didn't know what I'd do if we didn't. Of course, I know pain ends up being less intense with time, but I really felt like we were meant to be and if after so long without her, I never really stopped thinking about her, I feel like I never would.
I didn't want to pressure her, though, and there was no way I would mention it or push her to decide. If she needed time, I'd give her time, but there was still this constant fear inside me that I had fucked this up so bad over a year ago and that it would never come back.
I kept my mouth shut and pulled her closer as she brought her arms around my neck and I recognized the song that was playing. It was one of the few english songs I remember hearing in her house when we were kids. Most of the time, her mother listened to french singers but Bon Jovi had been a big part of her childhood and I heard her chuckle low in my hear.
"I love this song." she whispered, making me smile.
From hearing it so often at her place, I knew it almost by heart, and it was honestly a miracle I still remembered the lyrics after all these years. I moved the side of my head against her and heard her let out a short whimper and I couldn't help but whisper all the words I could remember to her.
"This Romeo is bleeding But you can't see his blood It's nothing but some feelings That this old dog kicked up
It's been raining since you left me Now I'm drowning in the flood You see I've always been a fighter But without you I give up
Now I can't sing a love song Like the way it's meant to be Well, I guess I'm not that good anymore But, baby, that's just me"
Her grip tighten slightly around my neck and I moved closer, brushing my lips against her ear to make sure she heard the chorus as I sang it in a murmur.
"And I will love you, baby, always And I'll be there forever and a day, always I'll be there 'til the stars don't shine 'Til the heavens burst and the words don't rhyme And I know when I die, You'll be on my mind And I'll love you always."
I held her closer and shut my eyes tight just to feel her body against mine. I knew we were surrounded by people but it felt like I was alone with her, and I never felt like that with anyone else.
"Now your pictures that you left behind Are just memories of a different life Some that made us laugh, some that made us cry One that made you have to say goodbye What I'd give to run my fingers through your hair To touch your lips, to hold you near When you say your prayers, try to understand I've made mistakes, I'm just a man
When he holds you close, when he pulls you near When he says the words you've been needing to hear I'll wish I was him 'cause those words are mine To say to you 'til the end of time"
Her fingers played with my hair and I closed my eyes, swallowing hard before the bridge. It was one thing to sing to her a song that I had written and it felt completely different to sing someone else's words, even if they seemed to fit so well with the feelings inside me.
"If you told me to cry for you I could If you told me to die for you I would Take a look at my face There's no price I won't pay To say these words to you"
She moved away as music kept playing and looked in my eyes. I could swear she was tearing up and somehow, I really wanted to kiss her. It took me all my strength not to as I tried to remember we were not alone even if it really felt like we were. I still stared in her eyes as he started singing again and I kept singing with him, bringing my forehead against hers but keeping my eyes open this time.
"Well, there ain't no luck In these loaded dice But, baby, if you give me just one more try We can pack up our old dreams and our old lives We'll find a place where the sun still shines"
I watched her press her lips together and I knew she was trying not to cry. I couldn't believe how deep I felt these words and somehow, I knew she felt them too. The chorus started again but I just pulled her closer to me, feeling my heartbeats accelerate as her lips came close to mine but I just moved my head up and kissed her forehead, pulling her closer until the music changed. The moment still felt intense and real even if everyone was now dancing on a pop song, throwing themselves around. Olivia was just looking at me, motionless, after she took a step back and after a few seconds, she tilted her head and raised her eyebrows. She turned around and left and I dived my hands in my pockets, looking around me to see if anyone was watching us and when I realize everyone was busy and drunk, I quickly followed her out of the room. She reached the bathroom hall and when I turned the corner, she grabbed my shirt, pulling me closer and getting on her tiptoes to kiss me. I felt her cold fingers slip accidentally through the buttons and reach my skin as I deepened the kiss, pushing her harder against the wall.
"Fuck, I love you." she whispered, allowing her mouth to leave mine only for a second.
"I love you more." I murmured, smiling against her mouth as she chuckled. "You're coming at my place after the party, aren't you?"
"Just to be sure I see you with this suit on for a few more minutes." she half-joked, making me laugh again.
I felt her teeth on my upper lip and she bit it a bit hard, making me groan.
"Are you trying to eat me up?" I laughed a bit, making her whimper again. "Watch it."
"Can't I?" she chuckled too before getting more serious. "Tell me you meant it."
I felt her hand reach between my legs and I groaned, moving my hips against her hand without thinking. "Every word."
I felt her grab the outline of my dick to stroke it and I let out a short moan.
"We can't do that here."
"Mm, I know, I just really wanted to touch you." she mentioned in an innocent voice before sucking on my bottom lip.
"Now I have to go to the bathroom and wait a few minutes to cool down." I complained, making her laugh again.
"I'll wait for you on the dance floor, then."
With a big smile, she pulled away and licked her lips, moving past me and walking back to the party, turning to me mid-way and sending me a satisfied smile. I shook my head and chuckled, leaning my forehead against the wall and waiting until I was good to go back. When I got there, she was dancing with Louis and he was making her twirl around as she laughed. I stared at them for a few seconds and finally sighed, noticing Eleanor sitting a bit further and typing something on her phone. I walked up and sat next to her, catching her attention. She put her phone on the table and reached for my upper arm, squeezing it tightly for a few seconds.
"You alright?"
I nodded and glanced at Olivia and Louis as he pulled on her arms and took her in a hug, swaying her from left to right and making her laugh even more.
"Yea, i'm good."
"Not jealous because of them, are you?"
The left corner of my upper lip moved in a grimace and it made El start laughing.
"I've never known you to be so insecure!" she admitted, laughing some more.
"It's just.. do you see how close they are? I mean you know... you know they actually..."
The words got stuck in my throat and I sighed, shaking my head and closing my eyes. It was ridiculous, I knew it, but at the same time, I couldn't shake this feeling.
"Oh yea, I know they had sex a few times." she nodded and finally shrugged. "I don't like it but at the same time I haven't been that virtuous when Louis and I were broken up either. I was a bit scared at first, too. Sort of like you. But seriously, look at them."
Reluctantly, I turned around to look at them again. Olivia had thrown her head back and was laughing so hard I couldn't stop myself from smiling a bit.
"They're just friends. Close friends, but nothing romantic. They would be together by now if they had these kind of feelings for each other don't you think? Besides, they've been through a lot together." she kept explaining, shrugging as I looked back at her. "That formed a bond that we can't understand, and it's okay. Everyone should have someone to talk to when something goes wrong, or when they're feeling like shit. I have someone, too."
"I thought that person could be me, not Louis." I admitted in a mutter, making Eleanor's lips curl.
"What if it's something about you?"
"Especially if it's something about me! I argued, leaning against the chair.
"I'm not saying she'll go to Louis to solve the problems she may have with you, but we all need a friend that we can trust."
I sighed and turned again to Olivia and Louis. He was throwing some fucking confetti at her, blowing on his hand as they all ended in her hair and in her dress, falling in her cleavage. I groaned again and crossed my arms on my chest. I knew Eleanor was right but I couldn't help and think that if I hadn't broken up with Olivia, I would still be her best friend, and that thought bothered me more than I wanted to pretend.
"You'll get used to it." El added. "The sooner the better. Don't ask her to choose."
My traits softened and I sent her a small smile. "I'd never do that."
I turned to Olivia quickly as she motioned for me to join her and I excused myself but noticed Eleanor had got up too. I reached for Liv's hands and made her turn around as she laughed, her chin up, and it made me smile. I knew she was getting a bit drunk but I loved seeing her so happy and I just decided to dance with her until I turned around and noticed Louis filming us.
"Tommo!" I said, moving my hand in front of his phone. "Stop filming!"
Olivia moved her face close to the camera and moved her hand to say 'hello' and Louis laughed, turning the phone my way.
"Say Hello to all your fans, Niall, I'm going to put this video on instagram and make you famous!"
"Fuck off!" I just said before laughing and he stopped filming just in time to miss the middle finger I showed him, making Olivia laugh a bit again.
We danced for about half an hour until I realized we were some of the only people left. I pulled Olivia closer and she sent me a soft smile.
"Are you ready to leave?" I asked in a low tone as she quickly nodded.
We said our goodbyes and I quickly called a cab before we walked outside. She grabbed my fingers and squeezed them for a second before letting go of my hand again and it made me chuckle silently. I loved how she needed to show me affection even if she was not supposed to touch me but I didn't mention it, scared that she'd stop. She grabbed her phone as we were outside and quickly sent a text message, making me frown.
"Just telling Louis not to drive." she explained as the cab arrived.
We sat in the backseat and I took my jacket off right before her lips cashed against mine. I laughed and pulled away, giving my address to the driver and turned back to her. I stared in her eyes for a few seconds as she leaned her head on the back of the seat and moved closer to press my mouth against hers again. I grabbed my jacket and placed it over her lap, making her frown and making me smirk.
"Don't move, okay?" I whispered. "And not a sound."
I ran my hand on her thigh under my jacket, my fingers brushing the inside of it, moving her dress up as she spread her knees apart more. Her eyes got bigger and I knew she was holding her breath. It made me chuckle and I brushed my fingers over her panties, making her whole body tense.
"Relax." I breathed out, my lips moving against her parted ones. "I've got ya."
With two of my fingers, I pushed her panties aside and her eyes closed. My fingertips rubbed gently on her clit and I started leaving kisses on her lips and chin. I laughed again when she let out a short whimper and licked my lips.
"Not a sound, remember?" I asked low, amused by how turned on she was. I slipped two fingers inside her and grabbed her bottom lip between mine, nibbling on it for a few seconds and I felt her thigh press against mine as she spread her legs more again. "You like that?"
She nodded quickly and I started rubbing my thumb on her clit as I moved my fingers in and out of her slowly. I just hoped the driver was not glancing too often in his mirror and I tried to place my body closer to Olivia's so he could only see my back.
"You feel so good." I whispered. "I wish I could feel me cock inside ya right now."
I felt her hand move around my head and grip my hair tight as I pushed my fingers knuckle deep, curling them slightly. I felt her tense more and kissed her deeply, rubbing my thumb a bit faster on her clit. I could feel how wet she was and my thumb flicked so well on her swollen clit that I could feel when she was about to cum.
"Oh my god Niall." she murmured, gripping my hair tighter from the roots and shutting her eyes tight. "I'm gonna cum."
I kept the rhythm of my fingers as she shook against me, biting her bottom lip so hard to make sure she wouldn't make a sound that I thought she was going to bleed.
"Oh my fucking god." she let out in a mix of a whimper and a whisper as I took my fingers out, sending her a smirk. "Can't believe you did that."
I raised my eyebrows, smirking more and bringing my fingers to my lips,  sucking on them for a few seconds. Her face changed and her eyes got bigger, making me laugh louder than intended.
"What?" I asked with an amused smile. "Jealous?"
I bend down to her to kiss her again and this time, she did it slow and I lost my smile. It always felt so good when we kissed and I never wanted it to end. The car stopped but she kept kissing me and I didn't want to pull away.
"Okay kids, get out."
Olivia laughed and I finally pulled back before I grabbed money from my pocket, handing the driver way more than I owed him if only for the trouble we gave him and what he had to witness. I got out of the car and helped her too and we just stood there, in front of my house, side by side, for a few minutes.
"That was a nice wedding." I just said, glancing at her with a smirk.
"Mmhm, yea." she agreed, nodding. "I didn't want to go at first but I'm glad you asked me to be your date."
"Yea and you know, our wedding will be very different." I pointed out with a shrug. "Just you, me, and Elvis in a small chapel."
She frowned and turned to me with a surprised expression, making me laugh more.
"Say what?"
I ignored her question and held my hand out to her. "Come on, let's go to bed."
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xuxibelle · 5 years
Blind Texts
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader
Word count: 2,393
Warnings: fluff
Requested: No. Forgive me if this is terrible... first time writing for him
Summary: You agree to let Tom set you up with a work friend… the catch is, you have to text for a while before you know who it is… The blind dates he’s sent you on before have been horrible… Will this be different?
Being friends with Tom Holland wasn’t easy… Sure you loved him like he was your brother because you had been friends for so long, Harrison as well, but sometimes he just… didn’t think, or he thought too much. The conversation you were having right now was a thinking too much conversation, and it was one you’d had before with him, multiple times.
“No, Tom, I won’t do it,” you tell him exasperated as you lean your head back against your couch.
“Y/N, please… just listen to me,” Tom begs you.
“Why should I?” you ask as your voice raises just a little.
“Because I’m your best friend,” Tom says without hesitation.
“Yea, but the last few times you’ve tried to set me up with someone, it has turned out horribly…” you remind him.
“I know that, and I’ve apologized profusely for that, but this guy is different. I can promise you that! I know this guy very well, more so than the others,” Tom explains.
“How do I know you’re not just telling me this?” you ask him.
“I’ve worked with him,” he tells you.
“So he’s an actor?” you ask. Tom nods in confirmation. “Anyone I would know?”
“Yes, and for that reason, when I set you up I think it would be best if you text first without knowing who he is so that you both get a feel for each other,” Tom  tells you. “That way ideas don’t get in anyone’s heads, yea?”
“That’s a good idea and all but I still say no,” you laugh at him when you hear him groan halfway through your sentence.
“What is it gonna take for you to agree to talk to this guy?” Tom asks you in desperation.
“A miracle,” you say as you stand up and walk to the kitchen to make some popcorn before you start the movie you, Tom, and Harrison were supposed to be watching. Tom pulls out his phone when you are out of sight and texts Harrison.
Tom: Where are you? I need help!!
Haz: Almost there. 2 minutes
Tom breathes a sigh of relief as he pockets his phone just before you walk back in the room.
“That was Haz. Said he was almost here,” Tom tells you as you resume your spot on the couch.
“Good. What movie is he bringing again?” you ask him.
“Uhm, something called The Covenant? I don’t know, honestly. Haz is bringing it. He said Charlotte said you needed to watch it,” Tom explained as you nodded your head. Just as you pulled your feet up on the couch, Harrison walked through the door.
“Sorry, sorry! Charlotte wouldn’t stop talking about this movie. Kept telling me to make sure to tell you that you ‘needed’ to watch this movie,” Harrison laughs as he walks into the living room and finds a seat.
“Did she say why exactly?” you ask Harrison as Tom reaches for his beer on the table in front of him and takes a drink.
“She specifically said because of Steven Strait, Taylor Kitsch, and Sebastian Stan,” Harrison told you with a laugh as Tom nearly choked on his beer.
“So girl stuff basically. You okay over there?” you ask as you look over at Tom.
“Yea,” he chokes out. “I’m good. Just went down the wrong way,” he says as he looks over at Harrison who just shrugs his shoulders. “Anyway, before we start the movie, Haz tell Y/N she should talk to this guy I was telling you about.”
“Which one is this now?” Harrison asks him.
“The one I work with,” Tom glares at him. “You forgot I told you, didn’t you?”
“Yea… I think I did,” Harrison laughs. Tom stands up and motions for Harrison to follow him as he walks out of ear shot from you. You can see them talking back and forth and then you see Harrison laugh before they walk back over and sit down. “Yes, Y/N… I agree with Tom. You should talk to this guy. You would like this one.”
“You’re just saying that cause he told you to tell me that,” you tell him.
“No,” Harrison shakes his head at you. “I wouldn’t do that to you. I promise you. I know this guy as well. I’ve met him. He’s super nice. Trust me if you don’t trust Tom enough,” Harrison laughs as he glances over at Tom who is glaring at him once again. You take a breath and let it out slow as you look between the two, thinking over what they both said.
“And you think his idea of texting without knowing who he is first is a good idea,” you ask Harrison.
“I do. I think that way you’ll be able to see how well you go together or not without any preconceived notions being in your head about who he is or how he is supposed to act or what you’ve heard about him. You get what I’m saying?” Harrison explains as you nod your head in understanding. “So, what do you think?”
“Okay… I guess I’ll give it a shot,” you say with a sigh as Tom jumps up out of his seat with a shout.
“Yes!!” Tom yells making you and Harrison laugh. “You won’t regret this, I promise.”
“Well, if I do, you know who I’m blaming,” you say as you look at Tom and laugh. “So how do we do this?”
“I’ll text him in a minute and let him know and then he’ll text you,” Tom explains.
“Okay that works. But since I can’t know who he is, what do I call him?” you ask.
“We’ll let him decide that?” Tom suggests.
“Good enough for me,” you tell him as he pulls his phone from his pocket and begins a new message. You feel your stomach turn to knots as you watch Tom type and hit the send button.
“Okay, message sent,” Tom smiles at you. “Let’s watch this movie that Charlotte sent.”
“You’re not gonna tell me what you said?” you asked curiously.
“Just that you said you’d talk to him and I sent your number,” Tom told you.
“Oh…” you said dejectedly. “Ok…”
“Breathe, Y/N,” Harrison laughed as he stood up to put the movie in. “You’ll be okay.” About 20 minutes into the movie your phone vibrates on the couch between you and Tom causing the both of you to look at it. You saw it was a text message from an unknown number and it made your stomach do a flip. You just stared at it.
“Aren’t you gonna get that?” Tom half laughed at your expression.
“Yea, Okay…” you said quietly as Harrison and Tom looked at each other. You nervously picked up your phone and opened the message.
Unknown Number: Hi, I’m Tom’s friend.
Y/N: Hello
“Really, Y/N? Just Hello?” Tom scoffed at you.
“What the hell else am I supposed to say? I don’t know the guy,” you argued.
Unknown Number: What are you up to tonight?
Y/N: It’s movie night with Tom & Harrison lol you?
Unknown Number: Same, but by myself. What are you watching?
Y/N: Some movie Harrison’s sister said I needed to watch called The Covenant. Heard of it? What are you watching?
Unknown Number: Yea, I know it. Terrible movie… I’m having a Harry Potter marathon because I can’t sleep
Y/N: well that’s no fun… but Harry Potter is great
Y/N: hey… since we’re doing the “keep your identity secret for now” thing, (which I don’t mind at all) what am I supposed to call you? I need something to save your number so it doesn’t keep coming up as unknown lol
Unknown Number: lol call me B for now
Y/N: B? Ok… B it is. I’m Y/N in case goofball didn’t already tell you.
B: He did, but that’s ok. It’s nice to hear it from you
You texted back and forth most of the night as Tom and Harrison exchanged glances every now and then.
“So, how is it going?” Tom asks nervously as he and Harrison stand up to leave for the night.
“He seems nice… so far,” you say cautiously. “We’ll see how it goes,” you say with a smile.
“Good,” Harrison smiles as he hugs you goodbye. “You’ll like him.” You continue texting “B” for at least another hour before he says he thinks he’s finally sleepy enough to go to sleep, so that’s what you both decide to do.
B: Goodnight Beautiful
Y/N: Goodni… wait… how do you know if I’m beautiful??
B: Tom might have shown me…
Y/N: well that’s just not fair…
B: lol in all fairness, it was before he was trying to set us up.
Y/N: mhm sure
B: ok lol believe what you want
Y/N: I know how Tom is…. He can’t keep secrets… except for who you are… so far he has kept that
B: Cause he knows lol
Y/N: knows?
B: yea lol just ask him
Y/N: ok lol anyway we got sidetracked again. We were trying to say goodnight…
B: right lol let’s try that again… Goodnight Beautiful
Y/N: ….goodnight
You text back and forth over the next couple weeks when he tells you he’s going to be in England soon. You feel the butterflies erupt in your stomach. You suddenly became very self-conscious and unsure of everything. You were beginning to panic a little and decided to text Harrison.
Y/N: Haz…
Haz: Y/N… you ok?
Y/N: not sure?
Haz: what’s wrong? Do I need to come over?
Y/N: he said he’s gonna be in England soon…
Haz: and…..?
Y/N: ….idk. I’m kind of… second guessing things, I guess
Haz: Breathe, Y/N, don’t be nervous. No reason to be. You’ve talked to this guy for a while. You’ve seen how nice he is, like we’ve said. He’s the same in person
Haz: Y/N… you still breathing? Lol
Y/N: yea… just ...scared
Haz: it’s ok. Just take a breath, if he asks to meet, take a breath, set it up, and I’ll be with you all day that day to keep you calm, yea?
Y/N: promise?
Haz: swear
Y/N: thank you
Haz: of course, love
Harrison was right, when you got back to the message with “B,” after a few more messages, he asked to meet.
B: Since we’ve been talking for a few weeks and I’ll be over there soon, what do you say I take you out when I get there so we can meet?
Y/N: Yea, sounds good :)
You listened to Harrison and set it up like he said to even though it made you nervous as hell to do it.
B: Great! I’ll make the plans and I’ll pick you up around 5?
Y/N: perfect!
B: I look forward to it ;)
You text Harrison and let him know the plans and he reassures you that everything will be fine and that he will be there to help you. Most of the days between fly by and before you know it, it’s the day you’re supposed to meet. Harrison showed up at your house at 10 that morning to be sure you didn’t work yourself up all day because he knows how your nerves can get when you overthink things. You hang out most of the day until it’s time for you to get ready, then you do your normal routine of showering before doing your hair and makeup.
“Do you know where you’re going?” Harrison asks you as you walk back into your bedroom to see him sitting at the head of your bed, leaning against the wall.
“Comfortable much?” you say as you quirk an eyebrow at him making him laugh.
“Shut it. You know you do the same at mine,” he laughs.
“No, I don’t know where we’re going. The only thing he would say was to not dress fancy, keep it casual,” you told him.
“So what were you thinking?” he asked.
“No idea,” you say as you look at your closet. “Any ideas?”
“What about that light blue dress?” Harrison suggested.
“Which?” you ask.
“The one that you wore to Charlotte’s party a couple months ago… it was strapless,” Harrison tried to explain as you looked through your closet. You pulled out a dress and turned around to face him. “Yes, that one.”
“You think that’s casual enough?” you ask.
“Yea, why not? It’s basically a sundress, just without straps,” Harrison explains.
“True,” you say. You walk back to your bathroom and slip the dress over your head before you walk back out.
“Perfect,” Harrison smiles at you as you wring your hands in front of you. “Breathe, Y/N.”
“I am…” you say quietly. You and Harrison walk into the living room and sit where he tries to help you calm your nerves for a bit.
“Okay, I’m going to leave cause I’m not sure how early he’ll be and I don’t want to be here when he gets here, don’t want to ruin anything or whatever. You’ll be great, I promise,” Harrison tells you as he wraps you in a tight hug and presses a kiss to your forehead. “Keep your phone with you and if you absolutely need me, I’ll be there, but I know you won’t” he tells you with a wink. You watch as he walks out the door and you sit back down on the couch. Half an hour til he said he would be there… You had texted him your address earlier that morning and he had texted back saying that his hotel was only 15 minutes from you, that made you more nervous, knowing he was that close to you now. You knew you liked this guy from how you two have talked over the past few weeks, how well you get along. You knew he liked you because he was still talking to you and he already knew what you looked like apparently, but you were still nervous. So nervous that you nearly jumped off the couch when you heard the knock on the door. You stand and slowly walk towards the door as you take a deep breath and let it out slow.
“Who is it?” you call out.
“B?” he laughs making you smile. Turning the handle, you open the door and see a man standing there you absolutely never expected.
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@nerdraging4point0 /  @bringmethehorizonandpizza​  /  @sunshine112  /  @summernykole  /  @empressdreams / @justasmisunderstoodasloki / @bisexual-sk8r /  @devildisguiseasangel​ / @fanficparker
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dianapana · 5 years
SH Day 10- Historical Romance
Well would you look at that...i am alive after all. Sorry for the long wait and for lowkey being like...a month late. I got home a few days ago but i wasn’t in the mood to write all that much and tbh this prompt didn’t inspire me all that much but i didn’t want to skip a day so yea...i will be posting everything (hopefully)
Anyway! I hope everyone had an amazing SH 2019 Month!!! And again sorry for the delay...Enjoy, Love Dia~~~
Clans - Part 1
They say that tragedy is for royalty and that comedy is for the common people. They say that the “common folks” can’t grasp the depth of the anguish that all these tragic plays show. If you ask me that’s a pretty bad deal for us royalties, especially when we are young. The kids belonging to the bourgeoisie’s class sit down on dirt, watch and laugh as actors trip and tell jokes, while I was forced from a young age into stiff dresses, I was thought t only sit on half a chair with my spine so straight that it feels like it will snap in two and watch as the actors cry and kill each other, as they lie and their lives fall apart. I know that this is a whiny complaint, one that hardly matters, but as I'm looking out the carriage onto the street and see a kid’s theater, I can’t help but be envious, even now at almost 19 years old I want to sit between the small children and laugh with them as one of the actors falls and rips his pants.  
“Hinata” Neji’s voice was stern and he was looking at me with a pleading face. He wanted me to cut it out, to stop looking longing towards something that is less than proper. I know he means well; God only knows what would have happened had father seen me, or even worse, grandfather. Closing my eyes, I try to conjure up a memory of grandfather which wasn’t unpleasant, but nothing came to mind. The older man inspired only fear and fury in me, and I hated how I could never look him in the eye anymore, scared of what I'll see when his ice-cold gaze was fixed on me.  
We were on the way to a family whose name I couldn’t remember, to do and discuss something I didn’t care about. I wish father had went alone, but he snapped at me when I proposed that, he argued that we must appear as a united and loving family. At least he was honest and didn’t lie saying he wanted out company on this long journey. Hanabi was next to me trying her headrest not to fall asleep since that would be un-lady-like. I closed my eyes and mourned her innocence. If father and grandfather stole my childhood, they murdered Hanabi’s in cold blood. One summer day my little sister was running around the Clan House in her small toddler bare feet and the next her eyes were cold and unwelcoming. I do not know what had happened in those hours, Hanabi never shared but it was such a brutal change.  
I look at my older cousin and try to picture him as a care-free child. When we were finally allowed to spend time together Neji was already calloused I wasn’t given the opportunity to know him before they broke his spirit.  
“We are almost there” my grandfather said in a low voice right before we came to a stop, I saw Neji look towards him and nod but I did not acknowledge him. I look out the window and see that we are no longer in the village, the scenery changed to a forest. There is a paved road that led right to the front gate of a house just as big and stoic as the Hyuuga House. I saw the sign of a clan large and proud above the door but I had never bothered to learn which sign belonged to which clan, nor did father bother to teach me. I can only imagine his utter disappointment when his first born was a girl and then his second born followed and it was also a girl. Mother died when Hanabi was young not giving father any son-heirs. That issue was very discussed for a long time in our clan. I heard talk about how Neji should have been the heir, I've heard talk about how both me and Hana would be married, and Dad wouldn’t step down until one of us had a son and he was old enough to lead.  I don’t know about Hana but I never wanted to be the head clan. I just want freedom.
We stop again, but this time we’ve reached the house. I get out of the carriage the last. I'm in no hurry to be here, once more I wish dad had left alone, when he is away, I like going to the village and just pretend I'm one of them.  
“Welcome” says a man in his late 40s. I assume he is the leader. Next to him is a beautiful woman, probably his wife. My father greeted them back as did my grandfather. “These are my beautiful daughters Hinata and Hanabi, and my nephew Neji, a fine young man” father says and gestures to eac of us. I know this dance, he says our name and we bow, this is easy and safe.  
“The guests seem to have arrived” Itachi says but neither of us makes any move to go and introduce ourselves. This is the 5th family to come visit us in the past 2 weeks. It's exhausting to meet so many new people and to constantly pretend like you care what they have to say. Especially since most families that came had one reason only, to present their daughter or daughters if they had more than one, in hopes that Itachi would take a liking to them.  
We are both laying on our back on the porch, my eyes are closed but I believe that Itachi is looking at the sky. Sooner or later dad will call for Itachi or both of us, sooner or later we’ll be forced to talk pleasantries with some strangers. The parents are the ones that want the marriage for title and prestige, while the girls were ok with it because Itachi was known as the ‘most eligible bachelor’ and they wanted to be the ones to catch his eye. While here the girls flutter their lashes and act as sexy and desirable as they could yet Itachi never finds any of them interesting. The guest have arrived for quite a while and dad hasn’t called for us yet which is weird, usually dad pushes the girls toward Itachi as fast as he can. Maybe this meeting is different. Just as I think that two girls take the corner. Itachi and I look at each other,I give him a ‘here we go again’ eye roll and he simply smiles.  
“Hello ladies” Itachi is the first to speak and he gets up. The older girl flinched when Itachi spoke. She was smiling at her sister but now, looking at me and my brother her smile fell. The younger one bows and when she sees that her sister isn’t doing the same she touches her shoulder. The older sister bows too but I see her jaw is clenched and she seems to be in a foul mood now.  
“My name is Itachi and this is my younger brother Sasuke” Itachi says and we both bow. “What brings you lovely ladies here?” My brother is a very good actor and he excels in small talk.  
“Our father has a meeting with yours. We simply tagged along, we didn’t want to be alone home without father. Whenever he is gone we miss him dearly” The younger girl says with a smile on her face that looked anything but genuine. Her sister scoffed and turned around while her sister was talking. “My name is Hanabi and this is my older sister Hinata.” Hanabi makes a show of looking at our house before turning back to us and saying “You have such a lovely house” I look at Itachi and he smiles at them, he I amused and to be honest I am too.  
“How was the trip here?” Itachi asks.  
“It was marvelous. You have such a beautiful village nearby. I asked dad to stop so we could take a look around. And as soon as the village ended this beautiful forest started! I was so surprised; I haven’t seen so many lush trees in my life.” Hanabi talks with great theatrics, if I didn’t know she was lying I might have believed her.  
“What about you Hinata? Did you like the village, do you like the trees?” Itachi furthered asks. I get the impression he wants to get the older one to talk as well, she hasn’t said a word yet, hasn’t looked at us.  
Her head turns, she looks at Itachi and then at me and for a moment I think she’ll ignore us. But she sighs, closes her eyes and when she opens them ack up it’s like she’s a different person, her smile looks genuine, her posture changes to a more welcoming one. “It was lovely. I enjoyed the kid's theater very much. And this forest seems perfect for an evening stroll. I do hope you’ll accompany me so I wouldn’t get lost” her voice is gentle, and you couldn’t be able to she was annoyed just a moment before.  
Before Itachi could reply a man took the corner as well, he appears to be Itachi’s age, maybe a year or two younger. When his eyes land on me and Itachi he plasters a fake smile on his face and bows but doesn't bother to tell us his name or greet us. He goes to Hinata and whispers something in her ear, I'm closely watching her, and I see her face falling. I see panic overtake her eyes as she turns to the man. His jaw is clenched, and his eyes are sad. The younger girl watches the interaction looking alarmed and confused.  
“I’m sorry Hinata” the man says and he puts his hand on her shoulder, squeezes it and leaves, like whatever he told her didn’t just ruin her life. And it occurs to me that maybe she didn’t know the reason why she’s here. Her eyes look at Itachi and then at me she looks scared and cornered.  
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