#but yeah I hope you all like my silly little au and silly little design
tmos-time · 3 days
hello hello hello!!! It has been. Quite a while! I hope your year is going well and that your pride month has had a wonderful start! Or at the very least hasn't been bad :D May I have a headcanon in these trying times :? Perhaps one pertaining to an au? Or whatever's been on your mind lately
aw hey!!! hope your year has been going well too!! i have decided to give you my erisol understuck au proof of concept thoughts LOL
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i have rotated this damn mini au in my head so many times. the comedy to be found in eridan being mettaton AND the royal scientist (and half-assedly pretending not to be) at the same time while sollux is stuck being an assistant/maintenance worker/public-facing royal scientist is so silly to me <3 anyways heres key notes on the au under a read more lol
eridan immediately shows off his walking around form to MSPA reader (who is obviously the best choice to be in the frisk role in an undertale au lets be real here) BEFORE the trivia show. sollux is also way more subtle about giving the right answers away, but still fucks up by pointing out a trick question, leading to the crush question
eridan's answers for "who does sol have a crush on" are aradia, feferi, karkat, and equius. this leads to bickering, mainly spurred by sollux being dumbfounded that eridan would put equius as an option out of all fourth options. MSPA reader, after listening to them yapping at each other for long enough, can get the option to pick eridan over the other options instead, leading to eridan flusteredly turning back to his little flying box form and comically floating away into the rafters. otherwise, the trivia battle ends on eridan trying to make fun of sollux and sollux complaining that everyone around him is stupid and cant read emotions lol
the rest of the hotland route is pretty unplanned; sollux probably minds his business, doesnt add you to his social media, and is blunt when having to direct you through the puzzles. he has no issues about being liked like alphys does hes is Just There he is Chilling. if you pick eridan in the trivia battle theres bonus dialogue sollux brings up about eridan + they probably get a "yeah i give a shit about you i guess, whatever, shut up" level of a confession scene after eridan's battle lol
not getting into all the ELABORATE thoughts i have on how the geno route would go but listen. look at the design i gave eridan. you know hes going down in one hit with a well placed shattering of the glass stomach as a homage to his canon death LOL
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nympippi · 1 year
Vance Hopper post revival!
This bombastic loud little man is 14 1/2 years old, he likes hockey, pinball, rock n’ roll, and peanut butter “Koogle”.
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I wanted to try and set established designs for the ghost boys after being brought back because I think after having to go through what they did they’d obviously not come back the same in my opinion.
I think post revival Vance would probably take his trauma and turn to smoking, and getting into more fights to try and help his pent anger.
I definitely think he would have a meltdown and cut his hair to gain a sense of control in his life because I think the Grabber grabbed his hair during his time in the basement, and him cutting his hair is a way to take back that control.
I think Vance would have control issues, both before and after dying because of home issues and other things in his life.
I also tried to lean more into the “Billy Hargrove look” because I think it’s cool and I also tried to add more playing card motifs in his design by adding a club necklace and a spade badge on his sleeve.
More ghost boys will come after Vance, I just wanted to show y’all my perspective on the au and how he would look in it ^^
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happi-tree · 7 months
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⚔️👑 shield and scepter 👑⚔️
Howdy, y'all! So my wonderful mutual @raemeh did this really cool fanart of my royalty Swiftli au (the fic for which can be found here), and I had some little design ideas about them in my wips, so I thought I'd post the two of them here! Thank you so much to everyone who's enjoyed it <333
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daisynik7 · 9 months
OMG I love your party idea it's so cool!! how about "slow down baby" by Christina Aguilar for Eren Yeager 💓💓 one of my favs
Slow Down Baby
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Slow down baby and don't act crazy, don't you know you can look all you want but you just can't touch
Pairing: Eren Jaeger x f!reader
Word Count: ~2.4k
cw: modern-day au, mutual masturbation, voyeurism, implications of cheating, cheating, sex toy use (vibrator), dirty talk, pet names (good girl, princess)
Summary: Your boyfriend Jean is working late again, and you can’t help but be suspicious that there’s something nefarious happening behind your back. Pent up from not seeing him this whole week, you take this alone time to treat yourself to some much-needed self-care. 
Eren Jaeger knows that his friend is cheating on you, and he hates it. You don’t deserve it, not one bit. When Jean asks him to do a favor to try to cover up his infidelity, Eren seriously considers telling you the truth, ultimately deciding against it because of “bro code”. But what happens when he walks in on you taking all your sexual frustrations out on a little toy? Can he really keep his mouth shut?
Author’s Note: Thank you for this request @shepnicolo! Love me some Xtina, great song for the y2k karaoke party! This was a fun one for me, so I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Likes, reblogs, and/or comments are always appreciated, thank you for reading everyone! MDNI banner designed by @/cafekitsune. Header image from Pinterest.
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“Hey babe. Sorry, but I’m going to be at work late again tonight.” It’s already past nine in the evening when Jean calls you, informing you of this last-minute change of plans.
“Again?” He’s had overtime every day since last week. He’s also been leaving early in the mornings so by the time you wake up, he’s gone. It feels like you’ve barely seen him at all. “How about dinner?”
“Yeah, yeah. I already ate.” There’s shuffling in the background. And maybe it’s just your paranoia, but you swear you hear a woman giggling quietly beside him.
You swallow hard, asking, “Is someone with you?”
“Huh?” His tone shifts, as if you’re asking the most ridiculous question. “What do you mean?”
Immediately regretting it, you rephrase, not wanting to sound accusatory. “I was just wondering if anyone else is working overtime with you. That’s all. Didn’t want you to be lonely there.” The last statement is a lie; you sincerely hope he’s alone and not doing what you’re suspicious of.
He clears his throat nervously. “Oh. Well, yeah, there are a few people here with me, so you have nothing to worry about.” 
Too late for that, you think, listening carefully for any more clues. When you can’t hear anything else, you sigh into the phone. “Okay, sweetie. I’ll see you later then.” You wait for him to respond, but he doesn’t. Quickly, you add, “I love you – ” 
He hangs up before you can get it out completely. 
Jean had been pulling away from you for a while now. It didn’t just start with the overtime. It began over a month ago, when you noticed how glued to the phone he was while the two of you watched TV together. When you asked who he was texting, he answered, “It’s my new coworker. She’s asking some questions about work.” At the time, it didn’t raise any alarms in your head, so you dropped it. Every day, he was immersed to the screen, sometimes excusing himself to take a call outside on your balcony. You resisted every urge, every temptation to eavesdrop on his conversations, look through his text messages, interrogate him further. 
You continue to give him the benefit of the doubt. There’s no way Jean would ever cheat on you. While you haven’t been together for that long, you like to think that you know him well enough to be sure he’s a faithful boyfriend. You don’t even have proof of his infidelity. It would be unfair to accuse him of such atrocities over some silly speculation, right?
Since he’s been in the office late this entire week, the two of you haven’t had sex in what seems like forever. Pent up and frustrated, you take this time to care for yourself, since Jean’s not around to do it. It starts with a serving of your favorite dessert, then a warm bath, soothing the tense muscles in your body. You surround yourself in a comfy robe, brushing your teeth with the full intention of falling asleep as soon as you do the one thing you need to make yourself feel better tonight. 
With all the lights off, except for the dim glow of the lampshade on the nightstand, you snuggle into your bed, untying the robe so it’s splayed beneath you. Inside the drawer, you retrieve your favorite vibrator and a small bottle of lube, pouring a tiny bead on the tip. Spreading your legs wide, you smear it on yourself. Using your free hand, you navigate to your favorite dirty audio, playing it out loud. 
Eren hates this. Absolutely hates it. 
He’s driving towards your apartment with a set of keys in his pocket and a bouquet of roses sitting in the passenger seat. All because your friend is a piece of shit. 
Eren’s known for a while now that Jean is cheating on you. It started with a not-so-subtle comment in the group chat. My new coworker is fucking hot. That alone disgusted him. Connie, of course, laughed it off. Armin didn’t say anything, probably unsure how to respond at such a statement. It only went downhill from there. 
She’s got the best body omg.
 I’m in trouble now.
This is bad guys lol. 
Don’t tell the girls okay? 
Jean has always rubbed Eren the wrong way, ever since they were kids. But at least he respected him. Now, not so much. Not at all, actually. You don’t deserve this, not one bit. No one does, but especially you. And maybe the reason he can’t completely berate Jean is because Eren’s harboring a secret of his own: He’s head-over-heels for you. 
Of course, he’s never acted on it. Bro code, right? Thou shall not hook up with another bro’s girl, or whatever the unofficial rule is. But what if said bro is acting like a total asshole? And what if this bro would treat you the way you deserve and more? Then what?
It’s because of this stupid code that he finds himself in the most ridiculous, aggravating situation. Earlier in the night, Jean texted the group chat. SOS SOS SOS. Armin and Connie were both busy, so didn’t respond, leaving Eren to answer the cry for help.
Jean explains it quickly through the phone, voice all panicky and guilty. “Dude, I need you to do me the hugest favor right now. I would you owe big time if you could help me out.” Basically, he needs Eren to buy a big bouquet of roses and deliver them to your apartment, where you can see them first thing in the morning. 
“Why?” he asks, irritated by this request.
“I think she’s suspicious. So I need to do something to throw her off the scent,” he explains. Eren can already see the cocky, shit-eating grin on his face. Why is he friends with this douchebag? And why did he agree to do this? He’s complicit in this mess now, not only for keeping his friend’s infidelity a secret, but for helping him continue it. He wants so badly to tell you the truth so you can escape this relationship. At the same time, he’s supposed to have his friend’s back no matter what, even if he is being a massive prick. 
So, he decides to help his buddy out, no matter how much it’s killing him. He meets Jean at an unknown address, most likely his side chick’s place. “Dude, seriously. I owe you one,” he says, patting him on the shoulder.
Eren nods silently, not wanting to speak in case he lets his true feelings slip. Jean hands him the spare keys to your apartment. “Just sneak in and set the flowers on the kitchen counter. She won’t suspect a thing.” It takes all of Eren’s willpower not to punch him in the face, so he quickly turns around to get into his car and drive off. 
It’s almost midnight by the time he arrives to your apartment. Surely, you’re asleep by now, still completely unaware that your bastard boyfriend is cheating on you. Still, he shouldn’t meddle in your relationship, even though he wants what’s best for you, which is not Jean.
He unlocks the door quietly, tip-toeing into the kitchen to set the flowers down, as instructed. He notices your bedroom door is ajar, a faint streak of light coming from the inside, and the undeniable sounds of a man growling expletives like, Come for me, slut. Yeah, give it all to me.
His eyes widen, surprised that you’re still awake, even more so that you’re listening to something like this. Curiosity gets the best of him; he stealthily makes his way beside your door, peering through the tiny opening to get a glimpse of you. 
You’re laid out on the bed, bare and exposed, gripping a vibrator to your pussy. The sight alone is enough to put him into a frenzy. Hearing your soft whimpers from your mouth along with the electric buzz from the toy fluttering on your clit sends him into a trance that he can’t snap out of. Before he can think logically, he’s pushing against the door, making his presence known. 
“Eren!” You sit up in bed, flinging the toy off to the side, covering yourself with your robe. “What are you doing here?”
He stands before you, a crazed look in his eyes, an obvious bulge protruding from his pants. He stutters, “I’m sorry.”
“What are you doing here?” you repeat, glaring at him. 
His mouth is agape, unable to get the words out. You’re losing patience, watching him struggle to explain why he’s here, inside your home, watching you masturbate. You grab your phone, making sure to exit out of whatever filthy audio that’s still playing, fingers ready to dial your boyfriend’s number when he blurts out, “Jean is cheating on you.”
You freeze on the spot, heart sinking from having your worst fear confirmed. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, staring down at his feet. “I’m so sorry.”
There are no tears in your eyes, surprisingly. Instead, your throat is heavy with emotion as you repeat for a third time, “So, what are you doing here?”
Still avoiding your gaze, he answers, “Jean thought you were catching on to him, so he asked me to bring you flowers to throw you off.” 
You can’t help but laugh, shaking your head. “Unbelievable.” Crossing your arms over your chest, you ask, “How long have you known about it?”
“A few weeks.” He looks up at you, saying your name this time. “I’m sorry you had to find out like this.”
After a deep breath, you sigh, relaxing against the headboard. “I’m sorry you’re involved in it.” You smile at him. “And I’m sorry you had to see me…you know.” Embarrassment catches up to you, heat rushing into your cheeks, aware that you’ve just been caught touching yourself with your vibrator, which is still in plain view beside you. 
He steps forward, inching closer towards the end of the bed. “Don’t apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong. Jean is a fucking asshole. You don’t deserve this.”
“What do I deserve, Eren?” You peer at him, tears welling in your eyes now, desperate for any ounce of comfort he can give to you in this moment. 
He sits near you on the edge of the bed, keeping his distance. “You deserve to be loved by someone who’s always going to treat you right. Someone who’s going to love you from head to toe.” 
“Someone like you?”
A gentle smile forms on his face. “Yeah. Someone like me.”
No matter how badly you want to close the distance between you, want to feel the love he says he can give to you, guilt holds you back. Sensing your hesitation, he scooches nearer. “Let me help you. Tell me what you want.”
Eren has always been sweet to you. Too sweet, in fact. You’ve always gotten the sense that he cares more for you than he lets on. And maybe it’s because you’re hurt right now, fragile, heartbroken, even a little scornful towards Jean. Whatever it is, it makes you realize you’ve been too busy with the wrong man to notice the right one has been here all along. However, two wrongs don’t make a right. Even with the confirmation of Jean’s adulterous behavior, you’re still his girlfriend until you officially end it, which will be soon. 
In the meantime, you manage to come up with something you can do to take advantage of this moment. 
You let go of your robe, letting it fall to your sides, displaying your nude body to him, arousal wet between your legs from earlier. He watches you carefully, cock straining against his sweatpants, breathing heavily.
“I’m not a cheater like Jean,” you mutter, spreading yourself wider, showing off your glistening cunt.
“I know you’re not,” he whispers, scooting forward, hand drifting to his lap.
Reaching for your vibrator, maintaining your gaze on him, you say, “I’m a good girl.” 
He swallows hard, palming his erection through the fabric. “Fuck. You’re a good girl. Such a good girl.”
“You can look, but you can’t touch. Understand?” Your finger hovers over the button, tip pressed to your throbbing clit.  
He nods erratically, licking his lips. “Yes.”
“Good,” you smirk, turning the toy on, ready to give him a show. “Tell me all the things you want to do to me.”
He shoves his boxers down, cock sprung stiff against his abdomen, the slit shiny with precum, veins bulging on his shaft. It’s the prettiest cock you’ve ever seen, better than what’s-his-face by a longshot, though you might be biased now, given the circumstances. Eren wraps his fist around it, jerking himself off while he watches you tease the tip on your swollen bud. “I want to fuck you into this mattress,” he moans. “Pound this pussy until we break the bed.”
“Yeah?” you purr, pressing the fluttering tip deeper into your clit. “What else?”
“Want to bounce you on this cock, watch you cream all over me,” he huffs, stroking himself faster. “God, this is hot. So fucking hot.”
Pleasure ripples through your body, toes curled from the sensation, so close to your climax with his soothing voice spitting his nasty fantasies at you. “I wish you could fuck me right now,” you confess, limbs quivering from ecstasy, pussy fluttering around nothing, aching to be filled. 
“Me too, princess. Me too. But you’re a good girl. And good girls don’t cheat.” He readjusts himself onto the bed, kneeling in front of you, stroking his hard dick. “I can give you this cum, though. That’s not cheating, right?”
You blindly agree with him, approaching your climax. “Yeah, give it to me. Give it to me, Eren.”
He swears loudly, shooting his load onto you, spilling over your clit, dripping down your pussy. “Fuck,” he groans, marveling at how pretty you look covered in his seed. 
You smile at him, relaxing against your pillows, dipping the tip of your vibrator in his mess. His mouth hangs open, eyes half lidded, watching as you stuff it inside your cunt. 
“Holy fuck,” he whispers, stroking his cock again, eyes fixated on your pussy. 
Do technicalities even matter anymore? All you know is that you want to be loved from head to toe by Eren Jaeger. You set aside the toy, sitting up to close the gap between you, pressing your lips to his. He hesitates before deepening the kiss, tongue slipping inside your mouth, sloppy and eager for more.
When you break apart to catch your breaths, he leans his forehead against yours, whispering, “Are you going to be a bad girl now and take this cock?”
Grinning, you nod, pulling him in for another kiss. 
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zeezu-ix · 9 months
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if sonic boom wont give me the rest of team dark then i'll do it myself!!!!!!!
lately ive been thinking about how boom would implement all the characters that weren't included in the show and UGRHHHH.. THEY'VE BEEN ROTTING MY MIND. especially team dark they'd be sooo silly and rouge would tease shadow to death i think.
for rouge i literally smashed together all of her outfits (her usual one, heroes and a teeeeny bit of the elite agent one) but she's solely a treasure hunter!! Maybe an ex agent but she definitely isn't working for anybody at the moment (i like to think sticks is onto her and how she's totally a government spy)
omega!!!!!! since shadow was never taken and sealed away by eggman in boom i felt like omega's reasons for going against his own creator had to be WAY more geared towards him feeling like he's being held back and disregarded despite his capabilities. like maybe he was used for chores or something stupid despite looking and being built like an absolute tank (eggman just got carried away designing him) and he decided what the fuck!! i dont want to do this for you anymore!! honestly his story is still a huge work in progress so URGHH (also BOO blue eyed omega). i really REALLY tried to make him resemble boom eggman's robots so hope that worked
BUT YEAH!! they both definitely need a little more work done on them (still have zero clue on rouge's colour pallete). ALSO, with this au (au????? im gonna call it an au) i really want to keep the light-hearted and overall really stupid atmosphere of the show, like as much as i am a sucker for angst i seriously have NO clue how the hell im gonna deal with shadow's past. i also have some ideas for silver, espio and charmy too so might design them if i get the time!!! then again i always start these things then do ONE post and never come back to it (sooo guilty of this)
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solarwonux · 1 year
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Business Proposal || knj (3/?)
pairing: namjoon x f!reader || ex friends to lovers!au friends to lovers!au
Genre: fluff, angst, smut, slow burn, fwb!au, non idol!au, unrequited love
Warnings: slow burn, angst, namjoon is pretty much not the nicest dude lol (will add more as it progresses), kinda sugar daddy au but not really. It will make sense I promise.
Rating: mature, 18+
w.c: 6.5k
Synopsis: Namjoon is living on borrowed time, and it’s time to cash in. His father is months from taking his last breathe and his life long dream is to watch his oldest son say “I do.”
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a/n: Kind off a filler chapter, but also let the drama commence we are literally just getting started haha. Again, I’m going to be pretty busy for the next month so I don’t know when I’ll upload another part. But I hope you like this one and as always lmk your thoughts. Thank you.xx
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The knot in your throat is hard to ignore as you put away your belongings in cardboard boxes. The tiny apartment that served as your home is looking more barren with the more things you take down and pack. Jungkook always made fun of you for giving meaning to silly things and getting attached to them. He calls you a hoarder and maybe he is correct about you hoarding shit you don’t ever need, but you call yourself a collector.
Why else would you have twenty different pots and pans in different colors. Plates and bowls in different shapes, sizes and designs. And you don’t even want to think about all the mugs you’ve accumulated over the years. Or the little trinkets that are carefully scattered all over your apartment with purpose. Or the tiny shelves with miscellaneous pictures of different moments in your life. Your clothes are a different story you haven’t even made a dent in the pile sitting on top of your bed, and you’ve already packed two full suitcases.
You’re grateful for Jungkook, and that he’s here just looking at you with judgment instead of voicing his negative opinions about you not being able to let go of shit. Though, he keeps reminding you that most of your things might be put in storage anyway. Namjoon is very particular and according to Jungkook nothing cute or with colors other than indigo, black, white and beige exist in his apartment.
“What about this?” Jungkook holds out a tiny black rabbit figurine in between his thumb and forefinger. You got it at a street market a few years ago because you believed it would bring you good luck. Though, you aren’t sure where that luck has gone because you certainly have none of it right now.
“I’m keeping it.” You hold out your hand and he places it, in the middle of your palm rolling his eyes.  
“You’re going to have to get rid of something Bunny.” He says as his hands fall down by his sides in defeat. “My brother’s not going to let you keep any of this.” He signals to the many boxes you have already packed.
You shrug, folding up the last of your winter sweaters and placing them neatly in the box in front of you. “But I can still decorate my room how I want so I don’t care, plus I already got rid of some kitchenware.”
Jungkook sighs, “Yeah after I literally fought with you for an hour. And you still have so much of it, I don’t know how you expect Namjoon to agree to keeping an air fryer, a coffee machine, purple pans, that weird pot that kinda looks like a toy, and a hot pink blender. Don’t even get me started on the weird heart shaped bowls or that one plate that looks like cheese or the twenty five mugs you kept.” He lists with his fingers before running a hand through his hair. “I’m telling you he’s as minimalist as the word suggests.”
“Kookie, they're so cute I can’t get rid of them.” You argue, “plus they mean a lot to me.” You close the box in front of you and tape it shut. Last night you decided that all your winter stuff will be going into the storage unit in Namjoon’s apartment building. If what Jungkook says it’s true and that his brother literally has nothing. Then you can only assume so does his storage unit. Plus he’s already offered it to you.  
“They’re ceramic.”
“So, I got them all for a different purpose in different moments of my life therefore they mean a lot to me.” You say sternly and stand up.
“Whatever you say.” He puts his hands up in defeat and turns around to the shelf he had been working on taking down. “Honestly now I’m kinda glad you are going to be living with Joon, seeing him irritated is amusing.”
You roll your eyes moving to the pile on your bed. Putting away your summer clothes is next on your to-do list.
“Why do you have so many clothes anyway?” Jungkook whispers from behind you, making you groan, throwing the pale yellow shirt you have picked up in his direction.
“Why are you being so annoying today?”
Jungkook slyly smiles. It only irritates you more. He may be a full year older than you but sometimes he could be more annoying than your actual younger brother. “You can’t answer a question with a question.” He bites back, picking up a skimpy baby blue lace cheekster. “You’re going to wear this in front of my brother?” He cringes holding it out as if it were the plague.
The embarrassment is evident on your face as you snatch it away and throw it somewhere behind you. “If you’re not going to be of help, get out.” You spit out, avoiding his eyes as he bends over in laughter.
You let out an annoyed sigh, picking up an oversized blue button down and folding it. “
“I’m just fucking with you Bunny. You can wear whatever you want in front of my brother. Just give me a heads up before I walk in on the two of you–you know.” He gestures inappropriately with his hand, earning a glare from you, which only makes him laugh again.
“No I do not know because whatever you’re insinuating will never happen.”
“That’s what you say now.” He accuses, squinting his eyes in suspicion.
You pick up a lavender blouse with white flowers on it and throw it in his direction. “Make yourself useful and start folding.”
Jungkook smiles widely, throwing your blouse over your shoulder. He reaches out and pinches your cheek. You swat his hand away forcefully. He winks at you before saying, “You make it so easy to fuck with you, Bunny.” He starts folding your shirt and adds, “I thought I taught you better, where’s your back bone?”
“Keep talking and I’ll show you how well I remember all those self defense moves you taught me years ago.”
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The pizza arrived at exactly ten. The movers had arrived an hour earlier, taking your bed, lounge chair, desk, kitchen table, kitchenware and old decorations. Everything else you had like your clothes and small miscellaneous things were in boxes waiting to be loaded into Jungkook’s car. Your old couch was on the curb waiting to be picked up by the donation trucks.
Now, you and Jungkook were sitting in your living room–old living room–with a Hawaiian pizza and two large beers in between the two of you. Your brother and his wife left as soon as the movers did. So, it was just a lonely last dinner in your apartment with Jungkook.
“You can always just move in with me.” Jungkook speaks up taking a big swing from his beer can. “I have like three spare mattresses and Bam recently learned to not get up on the couch without permission.” He mapped out, picking up another slice of pizza.
You throw the pineapple slice you have picked off into the box. As much as you had fought the shaggy haired man against his decision even bringing up your pineapple allergy. You had lost the very intense game of rock, paper scissors twenty minutes earlier.
“No thank you. I’d rather not be subjected to your 4am drunk karaoke sessions. Or wake up to you moaning in the kitchen because of food you’ve made.” You shrug, biting into your pizza slice. “Plus you bring too many people home with you and I enjoy my sleep.”
“I don’t do that anymore.” He shrugs, throwing the crust of the pizza into the box and grabbing another slice. It’s blasphemous how he loves pineapple on pizza–no hate to pineapple on pizza lovers, if you didn’t have a deadly pineapple allergy you’re sure you would love it–but he hates the best part of a pizza. Which is by far the crust.
“Which part?” You tilt your head to the side.
“Bringing people home. I stopped doing that years ago, Bunny, keep up.” He rolls his eyes, biting into his pizza and groaning as if it’s the most delicious thing ever.
You cringe. “This is what I mean. Why do you make everything sound so sexual?”
He swallows, “Why do you take everything so sexual?” He fights back, raising a knowing eyebrow at you.
“You can’t answer a question with a question.”
“You can’t answer my question by repeating my statement from earlier.”
You shake your head, grabbing his abandoned crust. “I take back everything I just said. This is the real reason as to why I can’t live with you.” You bite into it, smiling in delight.
“Cause’ I’m irresistible.” He winks.
“No, because you’re so annoying. I will never see a moment of peace.”
Jungkook laughs, throwing another perfectly edible crust into the box and grabbing another slice. “But you love me, right Bunny?”
You shake your head, swallowing and taking a swing from your beer. “Sadly, I do.”
Jungkook smiles, throwing you a thumbs up and a cheeky wink. You laugh, shaking your head in disbelief.
After a moment you look around your empty apartment, remembering how everything was perfectly laid out. The tiny frames of pictures of you, your family and your friends that used to decorate your walls. The abstract art piece that was hung on the wall behind your couch. Taehyung had gifted it to you after he disappeared for a few weeks in a crazy burst of inspiration. He said the bright colors reminded him of you, because somehow you always made him feel a little brighter no matter what.
You recall the little figurines that were placed on your useless tv unit because in the seven years that you lived in this apartment you never once bought a tv. They were miscellaneous things that were as useless as the unit but they meant a lot to you. Each one was handpicked by you for a purpose. The rabbit you had bought at a Lunar New Year market years ago. The ceramic watercolor-esque jewelry dish, you had found at a flea market. It was home to your crystals and not your actual jewelry, with the exception of your dad’s class ring that you had borrowed and never gave back.
Everything felt empty, even your fridge. It used to be decorated with magnets from places you had visited over the years. It had to-do lists and many sticky notes with affirmations written in ink splattered handwriting.
The night you first moved into the apartment it was hell. It was your first time living alone and every little sound sent a wave of panic through you. You had to call Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook to sleep over because you wholeheartedly believed someone would break in. Eventually things got simpler and you made your spaces yours. You never thought you’d grow attached to such a place, but you spent many nights dancing with just your string lights on. Singing at the top of your lungs. And crying because you missed your parents and brother. It was your home and even though your lease was up soon. It felt strange to not renew it again.
It almost felt like you were leaving a piece of yourself behind. A piece you never knew you had discovered until now.
“Bunny, don’t cry.” Jungkook coos beside you. The pizza is long forgotten, the box thrown haphazardly to the side as he brings you into his arms. “I know it’s hard but if we are being honest here you were outgrowing this place.”
You sniff, placing your head on top of his shoulder. “I would’ve made more room.”
Jungkook chuckles, carding his hand down your back, sending shivers up your spine. “You would’ve become a crazy hoarder. There was barely any space with all the shit you had.”
“That’s mean.” You shove him lightly. After a while of silence you speak up again. “This was my home Jungkook. I knew that I was eventually going to move out but I thought it would be because I was getting married.”
“You are getting married.” He deadpans, making you shove him even harder. He laughs.
“This doesn’t count, you know it’s not real.”
Jungkook waves you off, cradling his stomach as he bends over laughing, making you roll your eyes. “I was just trying to lighten up the mood. You know you’re always welcome at my place.” He wraps his arms around your shoulders and brings you close again. “And I know things are rocky between you tweedle dee and tweedle dum. But Jimin and Taehyung will always have your back too.”
You sigh at the mention of Jimin’s name. It’s been two weeks since you last spoke to him and Taehyung. They have been ignoring your calls and texts. You’ve even thought about emailing them, but you’re well aware that neither of them have opened up their emails since college. You just hope that one day–soon–they’ll let you explain everything to them.
“I really hope so, Kookie.
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Namjoon has been pacing in his living room since he woke up at four in the morning. He’s only had about four hours of sleep since he spent his entire afternoon and night clearing out his guest bedroom. It used to be his study, but he never once used it to do his work. The creaky old desk he got at a vintage shop a couple years ago was more of a showpiece. He had no issue parting ways with it. That was the easy part then came the bookshelf he once thought of using as a way to display his favorite artist books. But his research kept him occupied and he never once got around to it.
Parting ways with his books was something he never once thought he would have difficulty with. He made three piles; keep, maybe keep, give away. Everytime he put a book in the give away pile he would move it to the maybe pile and eventually the keep pile. It went on like this until midnight when he decided to abandon the task and go  to sleep. He didn’t expect his thoughts to wake him up at four in the morning. They were racing like they had some sort of urgency. And now he was wide awake in his living room with the same three piles, one overflowing more than the others.
If he had more space in his book shelves in the living room he would have no problem, but those shelves were also ones he needed to sort out. Not to mention the huge stack of to be read books occupying the space between his couch and favorite chair.
He doesn’t know how he let things get so out of hand. Though, everything seemed like a mess in his brain. Especially at this time at night. He knows if anything changed about where things were placed he would have a mental breakdown trying to look for something.
It's how things worked in his brain. It’s also probably the reason why he was unable to sleep. Now, because of his wild idea to have you move in with him. He knows things will change around his house. Apart from his vast collection of art, books and his plants, everything else in his apartment lacked any soul and emotion. He used to love coming home when he first moved in years ago, but slowly the light started to get sucked out of his place.
Subconsciously he knows that’s why he asked you to move in with him in the first place. It wasn’t his mom visiting unexpectedly or that carpooling to work would save him gas and his carbon footprint. It was because he missed coming home to something that had life.
That’s something he will never get himself to admit. Not outloud and especially not to himself. And now you’re set to arrive in fifteen minutes. He still hasn’t finished sorting out his books or done a very good job at pushing away that agonizing thought or the excitement and nerves. He’s been keeping himself occupied for hours but all he has done is wonder.
What do you look like when you go to sleep?
What do you look like when you wake up?
Do you still sleep with numerous stuffed animals?
Will you secretly place your little trinkets around his home without him noticing?
Do you eat breakfast or just have coffee?
Will you like having him around?
They’ve been moving so fast that he can’t grasp onto one. The second he brushes one off another one comes to the surface and it’s driving him insane. Sure, he doesn’t feel anything for you. Not then and certainly not now, but he is looking forward to getting to know you better. What makes you laugh and what makes you tick? Are you a stay at home person on the weekend? Or do you go out with your friends to catch up? Do you bring work home like he does? Or do you leave it all in the office and relax for the rest of the evening?
Again, these are thoughts he will never let himself admit out loud, but he has them and he just hopes they go away the second you ring his doorbell.
As if on cue, the chime brings him out of his daze. He puts down the current book he was holding–The Secret History by Donna Tartt. It’s the book you gave him for his birthday back then. You had read it about five times before giving it to him saying he would “absolutely love it.” Since then he’s read it numerous times. The paperback is fading a little bit; he's tried to get rid of it for years but for some reason he can never seem to get himself to do so.
He puts it in the keep pile and stands up. Rubbing his sweaty palms on his black cotton shorts, as he makes his way to the front door. He’s already had five cups of coffee but suddenly he feels the fatigue wash over him as soon as he puts his hand on his doorknob.
Namjoon takes a deep breath, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose and opens the door, revealing a very casual looking you. You’re wearing gray sweatpants, a black tank top with a white knitted cover up. Jungkook and his signature black on black outfit stands by your side.
This is the moment he realizes that a new chapter of his book is about to commence.
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Whoever told Namjoon that living on the top floor of the highest building in the world–note exaggeration–should be held responsible for the back ache you’re surely going to be dealing with at night.
It’s taken about ten trips for you, Jungkook, Namjoon and the movers to get all of your stuff inside of Namjoon’s home. It also doesn’t help that the owner of the very bland looking home keeps barking orders to not scratch the floors and watch for the art hanging on his walls. Understandable, but he could at least be a bit nicer. After all it’s his fault you’re in this mess in the first place.
“How can someone have so much shit?” Namjoon seethes as he places your last box in his living room. It’s not even an organized mess anymore. It’s downright a mess and he is close to losing it.
Jungkook laughs, taking a well deserved break on his couch, feet on top of his black coffee table. “You should’ve seen all the shit she didn’t keep.” He says, stretching his arms up and overhead. “This isn’t even half of it. You should be thanking me for convincing her to give away all the shit she didn’t need or use and she still kept some of it.”
“Hey,” you give Jungkook a pointed stare. “Everything has its purpose, sooner or later I was going to use them.”
“You didn’t need fifty different mugs. You literally only ever used the same five. And you didn’t need all those little ceramic figurines that absolutely served no purpose.” Jungkook argues, crossing his arms in front of him. He hasn’t slept and he has you to thank because all you did during the night while you stayed at his house was pace back and forth and clean his already clean apartment.
He understands that you were nervous but you could’ve been a little quieter or you could’ve let him sleep. Instead, you woke him up to keep you company while you rambled on and on and on about how this was a horrible idea. But what was he supposed to say? Everything he wanted to tell you, he had already said. In order to avoid sounding like a broken record he just listened to you rant while moving in and out of consciousness.
“Please tell me you didn’t bring fifty mugs to my house.” Namjoon says, scrunching his eyebrows and putting his hands on his hips. You sit on the floor in front of a box labeled kitchen and open it up.
“No, just twenty five of them.”
Namjoon sighs, running a hand through his hair. This was already starting out on a bad note. He only has one mug for his coffee and it’s been very useful since he’s moved in. He forgets that even though he’s a minimalist in some ways. You’re a maximist. Your bedroom back home was proof enough.
Your desk was always filled with crap and numerous journals. Your walls had different kinds of posters and tiny strips of pictures you had taken with your friends on a night out in whatever photobooth you could find. He doesn’t want to even get into the stuffed animals or the twenty different pillows you kept on your bed when you only slept with one.
He supposes some things just never change.
“We don’t need twenty five different mugs, or–” He looks into the box he had set on the kitchen counter and sighs, “--six different pans.” He brings out a white and purple one and another one the same color just slightly bigger. Your colorful aura is already clashing with his monochrome one. He has no idea if they will mix well.
“Believe me, you say that now, but I can guarantee you that one day you’re going to be searching for a specific pan while cooking and you’re going to thank me for keeping these.” The words spill out of your mouth with confidence and he can’t help but roll his eyes. Out of spite he will do everything in his power to make sure that day never comes.
Jungkook stands up and claps his hands in front of him. “Alright idiots, I have a date in like two hours, so we either get your bed built Bunny or you sleep on this lovely couch.” He interrupts in pointing to Namjoon’s not so comfy looking couch.
You stand up, trying to keep your mouth from going agape, this was certainly a huge surprise. Jungkook simply didn’t date. “With who?” You walk to him with your hands on your hips. Namjoon and your mugs have been completely forgotten.
“With my bed.” He winks and you groan. You knew it was too good to be true. “Now, come on, I don't understand why you picked the most complicated bed frame to build. There are more screws than anything I’ve ever gotten from IKEA and as simple as they try to make the instructions it still takes me five hours to build one shelf.” He walks past you and into the hallway leading up to rooms.
“They are easy to understand, you're just an idiot.” Namjoon speaks up, and you bite your lip to keep yourself from laughing. This is how things were back then, clowning on Jungkook together. They were simple before feelings were involved, and you only wonder that if you kept your mouth shut would things still be that way.
Except you know that deep down they wouldn’t because neither of you would be in this situation. You can’t decide if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. Whatever the answer to that is, you don’t want to find out, even more so now.
You ignore Namjoon’s comment and follow in Jungkook’s footsteps. The last thing you want is for him to break your beloved bedframe and you end up on Namjoon’s couch until you can afford to buy a new one. It’s this moment in particular that you miss Taehyung and Jimin the most. (Though, since falling out everything made you miss them.)  It took them a full hour to assemble it together with minimal complaints. You know it would’ve taken them nothing to take it apart, but now you will never know.
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Jungkook stayed true to his word and left one hour later than when he said he would. It took him and Namjoon fighting a couple of times for your bed frame to finally be complete. And during his final hour before he left on his date. He helped you move the rest of your furniture into the room, including your precious desk, armchair and the numerous boxes of clothes books and decorations you had packed.  
During this time, Namjoon had barely spoken to you, except for the occasional “pass me the (insert name of tool,)” he directed towards you. Then he disappeared into the kitchen while you instructed Jungkook on where to place your belongings. Now, the filter was gone and you were left alone in a hollowed out house with its equally hollowed out owner.
You were keeping yourself occupied with hanging up your clothes when you heard a crash followed by a curse of pain coming from the kitchen. On instinct you ran out to find Namjoon holding his foot, mumbling profanities.
You swallow, placing your hands inside the pocket of your sweatpants. “Are you okay?”
Namjoon looks up, eyes full of water as he quickly releases his foot and clears his throat. “Umm, yeah, I just dropped one of your pots on my foot.” He brushes off, proceeding to pick up the pot Jungkook claims looks like a toy and places it on the counter. “I hope you don’t mind that I started to unpack the kitchen stuff. All the boxes were kind of driving me a little crazy.” He scratches the back of his neck, then points to the empty stack of boxes by the couch.
You shake your head. “Just show me where everything is so I don’t go crazy looking for shit tomorrow morning.” You say, walking towards the kitchen and stopping once you get to the other side of the counter.
He nods, and proceeds to move around. “Mugs and cups go here.” He opens the cabinet above the stove, showing you how neatly he arranged your colorful array of mugs by color and size. “The plates are here.” He moves over one cabinet and opens it, revealing three wooden racks full of your plates and his plates. “And I put the bowls up there. I know it's hard to reach but we can get a step stool or something.” He shrugs and then moves around the counter standing beside you. “You didn’t have a lot of utensils but the ones I found I put in here.” He opens up a drawer, and as expected everything was organized as neatly as possible in one of those kitchen drawer organizers. Forks, spoons, knives and chopsticks had their own compartment. You took note as you didn’t want to mess anything up.
If you were going to be living with him until further notice. Stepping on his toes and messing with his organization was something you didn’t intend on doing.
“I was just getting started on putting the pots and pans away, also I don’t know where to put your knife set since I already have one.” He says pointing to the box containing your pastel colored set of knives. Maybe you should’ve listened to Jungkook when he said you actually didn’t need them. They were just too cute to let go.
“That’s fine.” You wave your hand, discreetly taking two steps away from him. “Do you want any help?”
Namjoon pauses for a moment after he closes the drawer. He looks at the marble countertop in front of him in thought and then you. His gaze is hardened and unreadable. A look you’ve come to familiarize yourself with in the past few days that you’ve had to spend with him. It’s one he uses when the two of you are alone. You won’t lie, it annoys you a little.
“No, that’s okay. I was just going to put them in the cabinet next to the sink.” He speaks up before rounding the corner and standing in his original spot. You nod and take a step back.
“I guess I’ll be in my room unpacking. Don’t continue dropping things on your foot.” Your attempt at a joke goes ignored as he gives you a deadpan look before focusing his attention on the pot in front of him.
It’s strange how he hasn’t continued to complain about you having so much stuff. Or how he hasn’t declined anything you brought with you. He’s simply accepted it and is finding space for it. The complete opposite of what you imagined he would do. Once again he’s rendered you speechless and  you have no idea if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.
“I’ll try not to.”
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It’s around two in the morning when you finally leave your new room. Namjoon’s living room–well you suppose it is now your living room too–is vacant. You let out a sigh of relief. The only reason why you left your room in the first place was because your stomach was growling and you couldn’t sleep.
You aren’t sure if Namjoon is asleep or if he’s in his room avoiding you all together. Could he really be just as childish as you? You want to believe the answer to that question is a big fat yes. But then again that’s only because you want to make yourself feel like you're not the only coward now living in this house.  
Still, he didn’t come seeking you after he briefly showed you around the kitchen. So, maybe you aren’t the only one who just doesn’t know what to say to the other person. How do you simply start a conversation without bringing up your past together?
There are so many things left unsaid. So many things that happened that night that have haunted you for years. So many things that broke down your character as everything unfolded right before your eyes. A part of you blames him for what ended up happening. Though, that’s only because it was easier to blame him than to blame yourself.
Even if your therapist and Jimin and Jungkook told you that nothing was your fault. It still felt like it was, especially because you only wanted to piss off Namjoon more than you already had. Maybe then he would finally have a reason to hate you, but again, he’s never really known what happened apart from your fight.
Nor, do you think you can tell him. In fear that he would look at you differently and put the blame on you. Just like you have done for years.
“You couldn’t sleep either?” Namjoon’s voice sounds from behind you, making you jump. You turn around meeting his piercing eyes as he makes his way into his kitchen.
“Nope, it’s a new space so everything feels weird.” You shrug, taking a seat on one of the island stools. “And I’m hungry.” You add, thinking it will somehow help your already valid reason.
Namjoon nods before opening his fridge. “I ordered chicken earlier, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted some or wanted me to bother you, but I saved you some.” He takes out the box and places it on the counter, moving around expertly before taking out one of your pans. See you knew they would come in handy. “I’ll heat it up for you.” He places it on the stove and turns the dial to a medium heat.
Your eyes grow wide as you start to get up. “You don’t have to, I can do it myself.”
Namjoon doesn’t have to face you, for you to know he’s rolled his eyes at your comment. “I don’t, but it gives me something to do. I’m not tired.” He shrugs, hovering his hand over the middle of the pan, to check if it was hot. Once he deems it hot enough he reaches over and grabs the leftover box of the chicken, dumping the sweet and sour delights into the pan.
You choose not to reply to him and instead look around. There were only a few boxes left for you to unpack, most of them being miscellaneous decoration pieces you had collected over the years. You know that as much as Namjoon didn’t mind having your kitchen ware mingle with his. You knew he wasn’t going to let you mess around with his minimalist aesthetic. Maybe you would just have to slowly find space for them. But maybe it was best that you didn’t. A couple of days ago he made it pretty clear that you weren’t something permanent in his life. So, why pretend like you were?
“Mom wanted us to go to brunch tomorrow, but I told her no. I figured you wanted to finish settling down before work on Monday.” Namjoon speaks up over the sizzling sound of the chicken.
Your head snaps to face him. “You didn’t have to do that, I could’ve finished unpacking over the week.”
Namjoon looks over at you and shakes his head. Before you can snap at him for whatever reason he speaks up. “You told me to keep in mind that you are your own person and that I can’t keep making decisions for you, and when I consider how you may feel about living things unfinished you tell me that I could’ve done the opposite of what you asked.” He reaches over and turns off the knob and turns to face you. “I don’t understand you.”
The audacity he has to spring up a decision he made like it was for your betterment is impalpable. Somehow him being somewhat considerate and listening to you, but at the same time not listening to you makes you want to scream. Instead, you close your eyes, feeling your appetite run away from you. “Yet, you just did exactly that.”
Namjoon tilts his head in confusion, taking the pan off the stove and bringing it over to where you’re sitting. “How? I did exactly what you wanted me to do. I told her no because I knew you would be tired after a whole day of moving.” He places down a heat mat and puts the pan over it.
You shake your head in disbelief. “No, you decided for me. You didn’t tell me your mother invited us over for brunch and instead told her we couldn’t go because I was going to be too tired when you don’t even know that.” You eye him as he takes out a pair of chopsticks. He stops once the words you’ve said sink in and glares at you.
“I don’t know what you want me to do? I agreed to meet you in the middle, I even agreed to your ridiculous list of demands and when I do, you say that that’s not what you wanted.” He places the chopsticks in front of you and scoffs.
You cross your arms in front of you. “But you didn’t meet me in the middle. Meeting me in the middle would be telling me that your mom invited us over and then hearing what I had to say about it. But instead you decided for me, you’re still not understanding.”
Namjoon groans, running a frustrated hand through his already messy bedhead. “Then please spell it out for me because I’m trying but you always have to fucking complicate things.”
“I’m not the one complicating things here. It’s simple, you only have to tell me things and then I’ll decide what I want or don’t want.”
Namjoon signs leaning his forearms on his marble counter, his arm veins popping out as he grips edge trying to regulate his anger. “This is exactly why?”
“Why what?” You push yourself off the chair, leaving your untouched chicken as you push in the stool.
“Why I would never marry you. You look too much into things and when someone calls you out on it you blame them. You’re just too difficult to deal with.” He says through clenched teeth.
You dig your nails into the palms of your hand. He has the nerve to throw one of your biggest insecurities back at you. It’s the reason why all of your past serious relationships have ended. Apart from the fact that they’ve always gotten bored and found someone new. It’s also the reason why your childhood best friends aren’t talking to you. You’re too much to deal with. So, why are you here in the first place?
“Then why did you come up with this whole elaborate plan?” Your voice is just above a whisper as you angrily keep yourself as composed as possible.
Namjoon pushes himself off the counter and stalks over to you. “I already told you because it’s not permanent. Trust me if my father had more time you wouldn’t be standing here.” He spits out and stops in front of you. “You’re not someone worthy of spending a life with.”
Your breath gets caught in the back of your throat as you blink back tears. This shouldn’t be affecting you as much as it is.  Especially because it’s something he’s hinted at since he first proposed the plan to you. But for some reason it does, especially his last comment. He knows that one of your biggest dreams is to get married and start a family. He also knows that all your previous partners have left you for the same reason. And he also knows that it will hurt you if he keeps repeating it. Almost as if he believes that you don’t understand how serious he is about keeping you as a temporary placement in his life.
Back then you would’ve yelled and cried. Yet, that girl was broken down and replaced as quickly as it took him to leave you and all the memories you shared together behind. So, you stand your ground, burning holes into his dragon like eyes and say, “Trust me when I say that you’re the person I hate the most in this world. That I might be difficult but you’re impossible. Your head is so big that you can’t see that the reason why you can’t seem to keep anyone around is because you push them away thinking you’re better than everyone else. It’s the reason why you might keep the money from your dad’s will but also the reason why you will end up alone.”
When you finish you can tell he’s taken your words to heart, that much you know from the fire burning behind his perfect brown eyes. Instead of responding he does the one thing you never expected him to do.
He kisses you.
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a/n: lol I’m sorry. 
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sunseed-leaf · 24 days
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art dump timeee
lots of pokemon stuff i hope you like it :) this is a looooooooooong post
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Originally these were just design mashups, at least, that was the plan for my "redesigns"... but it really made me realize how little they change Red throughout the generations. hence why he looks VERY similar to his canon design, i just added some things i guess. for Blue i could go absolutely ham with things i wanted in his design since there's so much to choose from. the fang idea comes from my friend. also, these are pretty much used for an AU based off of the RG project romhack by @shima-draws (i hope tagging is okay aaa) bc i played it with my friend and we really liked it and it converted him into a pokemon fan and namelessshipper :) In the end we made our own AU based off of it because other characters got thrown into it. we're continuing the timeline in soul silver :p
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Here's a design for Leaf, she's Red's sister in my headcanon, i again went for the design mashup thing so that's why she looks like a mashup of Green and Leaf. i don't have much to say here....
Then there's some designs i can't show but it's for the reason that they are just human + trainer versions of sonic exes (not joking, i wish i was. my friend dragged them into our mini-roleplays, only two and they were Red's traveling companions and later Kris's too.)
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Then here's a redesign inspired by other Daisy designs. dunno why but i just wanted her to be pink....
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even more eepies....
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then i made some silly redesigns/design mashups for Ash and Gary
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And drew Red and Blue in alola. married dudes -w- Just in general my headcanon is that Red collects keychains, he probably has boxes worth of keychains and puts different ones on his bag every day, he even did this as a child he just didn't stop even into adulthood. Still a kid at heart with his silly keychains more headcanon rambles: Blue hates the cold but loves the warmth and Red loves the cold and hates the warmth. please put him into a freezer he can't handle the heat of alola- also yeah i know i messed up the number on Red's shirt, i learned how to draw 96 after this, i promise
And now we get to Pokemon Soul Crystal,,, which is just pokemon soul silver but with a patch that makes Lyra into Kris lol
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Here she is!! i tried incorporating some bits from Lyra and her comfy outfit is based off of Gold i swear i love Kris's design in canon, the hair is a lil funky tho so i made the pigtails a bit shorter and poofier
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then we got Silver here... again not much change, i love his design, i just wanted to add some moon details bc why not
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I'll batch these together! here's some redesigns for the OG trio for Soul Crystal
Blue is supposed to look like he's been crying (sorry Blue :C) Red just makes me think of pokepastas im sorry, once he gets off mt. silver he'll get a haircut. Leaf is just. i dunno, i don't really know how to characterize her... she cares a lot about people but she's kinda bitchy about it. tough love i guess.. I think after soul crystal is over i'll get working on an continuation of that that isn't tied to a game where she gets more of an important role so i can work on her character. Blue is wearing lots of reds/warmer tones cause why not and Red is supposed to wear lots of blues/colder tones to give a little bit of a connection i guess.
Now, here's the final drawing before i show shitpost stuff, this was drawn with a drawing tablet rather than a mouse like usual
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lines are a little funky but i like how this looks, i just need a bit more practice, i'm rusty on drawing with a pen
and now, shitpost:
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i love Cinder the Typhlosion,,,, he's so cute
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i know this is at the top of the post but i wanna put this here again and credit the idea for this: here.
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that's all, goob bye i'll go back into hibernation
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cali-kabi · 10 months
Who's your favorite character(s) to draw? Do you have any headcanons regarding the meta-knights in your AU? :o
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~ Ooo I have alot of favs i draw xD I’ll tell ya my top 5 :) Meta Knight, Galacta Knight, Sword Knight, Magolor, and Tiff their all so much fun to draw i really like drawing my own designs of them <3🌸✨~ yes I do have some headcanons regarding the Meta-Knights <3 Blade and Mace Knight are the oldest of all the knights. Axe and Sword are both the youngest knights that leaves Trident knight in the middle :D Meta and Sailor Dee created Javelin Knight together ^^ so yeah in the Kirby anime Sword and Blade live in Castle Dedede with Meta Knight, and the other meta-knights live in the battleship halberd they secretly build under the castle for several years xD before they lived in the Halberd Sir Meta Knight told them to go live near the Orange Ocean Beach House he built for them. To avoid suspicion of Dedede, Esgargoon, and Customer Service/Nightmare. Meta Knight does go to his orange ocean beach house often to see his crew and Captain Vul as well ;w; well actually they live in the Beach House and in the Halberd so that’s two homes for them :) No one in the castle is suspicious of Sailor Dee cuz he’s just a little wanya dee <3 The little wanya comes in the castle very often to see Metadad <3🧡When Nightmare was defeated for good, his crew now can finally go into castle (with no Nightmare watching them) Dedede/Escargoon both have no clue of what they are up to with Meta Knight xD maybe some training or some silly knight shenanigans >w< when Sword Knight got his water magic, his friend Axe Knight was there to see it happen :D along with Tiff and Taranza as well :)💫✨here have some watercolor drawings of the Meta-Knights <3💫✨🧡I hope you like them @miniiieevee :)💫✨
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beezonia · 2 months
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A maybe kagami design for the miraculous mons au!
This is also dedicated to @ninadove because 1. Ik she loves gami.
Also it’s a thank you for continuing to support my silly au and the ideas that stem from it!
Notes -
Honestly I was thinking about Marnie from swsh when I drew this so yeah
Fashion is one way Kagami gets to rebel against her mother before she meets the gang
So she’s all about pushing boundaries of what’s deemed right
She also wants to be a pokèmon ranger! Kagami is all about protecting those in needs
Sharp angles and patterns
Big chunky boots because we know she’d rock those for sure!
Little flower charm holds her garchompite
Added a little beret because I thought it went pretty well with gami herself!
Hope you guys like!
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marbarmars-arts · 1 year
So...I MAY have been collecting Fawfuls like pokemon cards <3
(and what the heck do I mean by that exactly??) WELL in a discord GC my friend Parmy suggested we’d imitate each other’s art styles as like a collab of sorts? Well...I kinda took that a step further heheh ^^
(And fun fact...this was supposed to be something I was gonna do for AU day of Fawful month too, but that idea got cut due to time)
So may I present...the different Fawfuls I drew!! For my friends/cool acquaintances!
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So the one who led up to this in the first place, Fawful from @parmsnik AU!! He is dating/eventually marrying Naspi depending on where you’re at in the AU haha! Your way of drawing Fawful seems to change a little bit each time you draw him, so I tried to my best to guestimate a consistent looking Fawf! Very cute!
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Up next is Fawful from @the-spacewaffle AU!! Yippee Ronnie’s AU! Thanks for being my friend for so long,,to talk about Fawful and all that stuff y’know? I’ll be cheering you on to complete the story qwq your Fawful is always so nice to my OCs when we crossover khskdjh also...pet the Reddo!
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Eee yay now it’s @snuffydoo Fawful and his AU title I totally made up on the spot! I know you don’t really have a name for that kind of thing and it doesn’t have to be canon but I hope you think it’s cute anyways haha! I had a lot of fun drawing this one!! It’s so stylized! AND IT HAS DIMMY (I enjoy your Dimmy artstyle sm) but I don’t draw Spamton very often kjhskgh
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Here’s @federthenotsogreat Fawful AU of sunshine goodness~! HE RETURNITH (and since I couldn’t think of another character to feature with your AU...not knowing if Cackletta is there or not jhgskg I gave him a cute little swirly sun!) I admire the fact his outfit is mostly YELLOW and also blue those are cool colors OH AND THAT LEG TOO, also super cool :)
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The smol and cute @omgtheywereroomates Fawf! Your ask blog is so neat! I know I don’t ask too many questions there but I just,,,the cartoony fluffy hair?? Love that, and also thank you for your support and the super cool ship as well ^^ 
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Heheee yeah hey it’s @cammiluna Fawful from Immortal Fool! Before you say anything YES I’m aware he’s got the new design since it’s near the end of the comic, you released the page that featured said new design while I was already working on this drawing xD So whoops! I just wanted to give appreciation to your comic series that you continued despite everything, and well...I know I haven’t shown much progress on it, I also want to make a comic series...so you’ve inspired me a lil :D
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Deep down here there’s a little AU by @aliencatwafers which features Fawful in the sewers! With the little baby bros!! You’re a very insightful and inspiring writer with plenty of neat headcanons and ideas for the bean! Ik you mostly draw in pencil but I took the colors from your submissions to Fawful month this year and used em here! Hope it looks cool!
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This little gremlin here with the two moms is Fawful from @bean-n-shroob ask blog! He looks very silly and unhinged (in a good way) and I hope he’s having a good time since after BIS! I love how round your designs are and Fawf is no exception :D
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Last but not least is this VERY soft Fawful from @localdealmaker​ and their AU, whose title I made up too (again doesn’t need to be canon or anything if you don’t want it to be, I just wanted to give every drawing a cute name ^^) I think yours was the most complicated to draw for me but I love how he looks, so squish!! Kaboo is cute too!
WHEW THAT WAS A LOT OF TYPING KSJHKGH but yeah I hope you guys have enjoyed this...I might make another part someday full of more Fawful designs from friends but I AM A LITTLE BURNT OUT...doesn’t mean I didn’t have fun tho!
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danidrabbles · 2 years
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Notes: I wrote this little piece for @nobodys-baby-now​‘s birthday! Vee, I thought it was only fair since you gave me your first ever finished Adrian fic for my birthday, I’d return the favour with my first ever finished Adrian fic for yours!
I won’t make it to sappy for reasons known to you and me, but: You’re an incredible friend and I am so happy to know you. Thank you for being there, for making me laugh, for coming up with AUs with me and for teaching me to love idiots-to-lovers even more than I already did. I hope you recognize some elements from this, and I really hope like this, happy birthday 🥳💖🧜‍♂️!
Pairing Adrian Chase/Vigilante x f!reader
Rating: T, I suppose (But my blog is very 18+, so no minors!)
Word count: 2.4k
Warnings: female reader + female pronouns, fluff, a sprinkle of angst, food mentions, bets (because they’re my brand), I’ve not watched Peacemaker in a bit so maybe OOC Adrian?... I’d say that’s it! Please let me know if I missed something!
It’s when you’re keeping watch during a mission that you notice it.
The poster is about the same size as you, with a large Ferris wheel at the centre, and at the credit of some underpaid graphic design employee, the smaller attractions and happy customers are photoshopped around it. With its size, bright colours and silly fonts, it’s all but screaming, ‘Notice me! Notice me!’ at you from across the street
A carnival is coming to Evergreen and is staying for a whooping two months.
The sight of the poster makes your stomach turn and your imagination run amok.
Perfect families enjoying an evening out.
Friends laughing and sharing cotton candy.
Dates holding hands and kissing atop the Ferris wheel.
It isn’t disgust, but certain jealousy that the images evoke – none of these things had really been a part of your life.
But it’s the last one in particular that gets you.
It’s not that you’re unsuccessful in the dating department. It’s just that the older you get, the more you realize people are only interested in one thing. People don’t often date you with the intention of getting to know you, or discovering if it is worth building something with you, it’s always about the physical – actually, thinking about it as you are, you can’t remember the last time someone even offered—
“I’ll take you.”
Adrian’s sudden appearance next to you nearly makes you jump.
“What?” you say highly, your voice letting on a lot more than you want it to when you whip your head around to look at him.
“The carnival,” he says. “You want to go, right? Someone who looks at a poster like that for a quick second just wants to know what it says, but you’re starring. Leads me to conclude you want to go.”
Briefly, as you stare at the red visor to try and read his expression, you wonder if you had been talking out loud earlier, with the way he’s apparently reading your mind right now. As a result, the sound you make in reply is non-committal; better to keep it in the middle. You don’t know exactly what he means with, “I’ll take you,” and the last thing you need is an awkward conversation about it during a mission.
To that, Adrian just nods, before adding, “I’m sorry I scared you.”
“You didn’t,” you scoff, willing the embarrassment that starts to flower up your body away.
“Yeah, right,” Adrian says, and you don’t have to try to read his expression this time, you know he’s twisting it into a sceptical look. “You almost jumped.”
“Shut up.”
 The next couple weeks at work are incredibly hectic, which can be expected when one’s job is saving the world. There are stake-outs, dangerous infiltrations, long rides home in the van – and you’re on one of those rides now.
The late afternoon sun colours everyone’s exhausted but satiated faces in orange hues. Next to you, Adrian shuffles in place uncomfortably, hands placed at his sides to crack his back. He heaves a sigh of relief afterwards, at which point he decides to say, “We should go to the carnival tonight.”
His comment throws you off, and it’s not just because of the moment, it’s about him suggesting this at all. After weeks, you were sure Adrian had forgotten all about his offer, and even though you hate to admit it, it had made you upset. And now, just when you’re starting to get over your disappointment, he re-ignites your hope embarrassingly fast.
“I’m going to pick you up at eight,” he says.
His determination makes your lips curl into a small smile, but you’re not going to fold that easily. “Bold of you to assume that I don’t already have plans,” you say, faux-nonchalantly.
Adrian’s face turns to you so quick that you’re sure he’s hitting Emilia in the head with the back of his mask. “Are you going with someone else?”
It’s then that you remember that even the smallest drop of fake-nonchalance is enough for Adrian to believe it. “I’m just fucking with you,” you assure him after turning to face him. “I don’t have plans tonight.”
“Pfff, yeah, I totally knew that,” he says with a scoff, adjusting in place again and doing a terrible job of masking his relief. His visor stays on you for a bit longer, almost as if he’s waiting for something else.
“And I’m not going to the carnival with someone else,” you add.
“Okay, cool,” Adrian says, voice cheerful. He leaps to his feet just as the van comes to a stop outside of Henenlotter Video. “So, tonight, at eight?”
“See you at eight.”
As Adrian jumps from the back of the van and disappears to find his car, you swear you hear him say, “It’s a date.”
Despite your best efforts, you can’t push down the warm, fuzzy feeling that leaves you with.
Adrian, punctual as he is, parks his Sebring in front of the motel most of your team is staying in exactly at eight. After you get in, you notice the plain clothes he’s wearing are a sweater-and-jeans combination you’ve see him in before. His circle-framed glasses are perched on his nose, sliding down slightly, but quickly pushed in place again when he turns onto the street.
The carnival, it turns out, is close; close enough to have walked if you really wanted. When you raise this point with Adrian, he just scoffs, and murmurs something about dates picking you up being the first rule of going on dates, before he steps out of the car after parking on the overcrowded parking lot.
You’re quick to follow, and when you round the corner off the lot and into the carnival, it’s immediately clear Evergreen takes their carnivals seriously. It’s packed, bright lights flicker and change colour, there’s sounds coming from everywhere, and you stay plastered to Adrian side as he leads you through the crowd.
You notice fairly early into the evening that Adrian knows the carnival like the back of his hands. He knows where to get tickets quickly, where to get the best cotton candy, knows which machines have the highest success rate and he even shows you an arcade machine where he has the high score. It’s unexpectedly enjoyable to see Adrian so in his element outside of work, and the way his eyes light up when you ask him questions makes you beam in return.
When he’s in the middle of showing you a pinball machine, something you know how to use but you let him show you anyway, there’s something that catches Adrian’s eye that gives him pause. You follow his line of sight, and see a Shoot A Duck stand. A large man shows one of his customers how to use the gun, and just as he does, he gets tapped on the shoulder by a bald man. They exchange words and the bald man takes the large man’s place in the stand.
“This is our chance,” Adrian says when the large man disappears behind a curtain.
“What?” you ask confused, keeping an eye on your game as you do.
“I’ll explain later,” Adrian assures you. “Come on, this will be fun, I promise.”
The eagerness in his voice is hard to miss, and it makes you curious as to what ‘chance’ Adrian is talking about, so you leave your game behind. After a short walk and a five minute wait at the Shoot A Duck stand, you get your answer.
“You have thirty seconds, you can play for three, five or ten ducks,” the bald man explains when Adrian approaches the counter. “Which do you want?”
Adrian’s eyes sparkle with mischief when he looks at you, before turning back and replying, “I’ll shoot thirty, and then she gets to pick whatever she wants,” he replies, nodding at the prizes surrounding the ducks.
You bring a hand up to your face to hide your smile, immediately catching on to his plan.
Adrian can hit those thirty ducks with his eyes closed.
“You can play for three, five or ten ducks,” the man presses. “Or you can go.”
“Fine.” Adrian reaches for something in his pocket, then smashes a 100 dollar bill onto the counter, “I’ll add this, too. You win, you can keep this and my tickets. I win, she gets to pick whatever she wants.”
The man looks Adrian up and down and grins, Adrian’s smaller build clearly reason to count himself a rich man, and he agrees to the terms, then hands over the gun. “Good luck, little friend,” he says.
Adrian brings the gun up to his face, lining the sight on top up with his eye. It dawnes on you then that you get to see Adrian like you never get to see him – in Vigilante mode without his mask on. His expression is serious, concentrated, his stance is perfect… and then the man tells him it’s his time.
It’s over in a flash – thirty perfect shots, an extra one for good measure.
The man’s expression – open-mouthed, cheeks flushed, brows furrowed – is the biggest win of all.
Adrian takes his 100 dollar bill back from the counter, then turns to face you, beaming with pride. “So, what do you want?”
You bite your lip with a smile, before pointing towards a medium sized stuffed animal in the form of a bat. The bald man turns to retrieve Adrian’s winnings, then hands it over with some mellow words of congratulations.
The mood turns quick when the curtain at the back of the stand swings open, and the large man emerges.
“Adrian?!” he shouts, his voice like thunder. “I told you not to come back here!”
“Sorry, Casper. “Adrian blindly presses his prize to your chest, keeping eye contact with the large man as he backs away. Then, he takes your free hand and pulls you with him to make a run for it and disappear into the crowd. “No takebacks!” he shouts over his shoulder.
When the crowd clears and there’s more room to run, you zoom after your partner for the evening, clutching your prize close, until eventually you turn a corner where you can hide in case Casper follows after you. With a shared laugh, you catch your breaths, and you can’t help but voice your excitement.
“That was amazing,” you pant. “You were amazing; you should tell Chris about that tomorrow.”
“It was pretty great,” Adrian agrees, your compliments only adding to his flushed state.
You scan your surroundings as Adrian cleans his fogged up glasses, and realize you’ve ended up right next to the Ferris wheel.
“I want some more excitement,” you say, offering Adrian your outstretched hand. “Let’s get on there.”
From up here, you have a perfect outlook on the city.
“Didn’t think I’d ever say it, but Evergreen actually looks kind of pretty like this,” you say, referring to all the lights that are visible all the way to the horizon. 
“That’s only because crime is so hard to see from up here,” Adrian replies tightly.
You whip your head back to him to offer him a witty retort, but when you do you find Adrian isn’t looking at the view. His head is bent down towards the floor of the cart, and as the carnival lights reflect in his glasses, you get brief glimpses at his narrowed eyes.
“Oh, my god,” you say, leaning back in your seat. “You’re afraid of heights.”
“No, I’m not!” Adrian says immediately, head still pointed down.
Your banter is suddenly interrupted when the Ferris wheel comes to a halt, making your cart sway back and forth. Adrian lets out a soft yelp, soft enough to have gone unnoticed had you not been paying attention to him, but loud enough to realize he really is afraid and that your time of teasing is over for now.
You scoot forward, your knees pressed up against his, and you close your hands over his balled fists. “Look at me,” you say softly, brushing your thumbs over his skin. “It’ll be just me, it’s so you can focus on something.”
It takes a second, and then you watch as Adrian lifts his head slowly, before opening his eyes at the same pace until they can meet yours. The change in him is instant; his shoulders drop, he lets out a deep breath and his balled fists uncurl until he can press his palms against his jeans.
“How’s that?” you ask.
“Distracting,” he offers up immediately.
The laugh you let out is stifled by the realization that it’s also distracting for you, and suddenly it’s silent between you, the carnival music but a cheery soundtrack at the very back of the moment you’re having together.
“Do you need more distraction?” The question leaves you before you even realized you were going to speak, and it might have made you overthink your entire evening had Adrian not all but jumped on the opportunity you were offering up with an eager,
He’s already leaning in, and it makes you smile into the kiss that follows when you do the same. It’s soft, and chaste, and for reasons you’re not currently capable of examining, it makes your stomach flip when he doesn’t deepen the kiss. Instead, his hands fly up to your face to hold you, to brush his nose against yours and give you another quick peck.
Somewhere along the way, when you were clearly too involved in your shared moment to notice it, the Ferris wheel had started moving again, and when the usher opens your cart at the very bottom of the wheel to let the both of you out, you lead with your hand holding Adrian’s.
It’s approaching midnight when Adrian finishes explaining how his recent fear of heights came to be (falling out of a tree with a butterfly strapped to his back) and you’re making your way to the parking lot. The day had been long, full, and tiresome, and as a result you’re exhausted, but you don’t want it to end. You’re almost embarrassed to admit that the whole evening, including this very moment, feels a bit dream-like, because it’s unlike anything you ever experienced before.
“Did you have a good night?” Adrian asks, steering you both to his car.
You steal a glance at your intertwined fingers, reminding yourself this moment is very real, before looking up at Adrian. You find him looking expectant, lips pursed in anticipation of your verdict.
With a nod and a smile, you tell him, “You have no idea.”
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your-local-uwu-artist · 11 months
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mysterion design >:D
notes under the cut
-i'm imagining for this au everyone's middle school aged, so still like, kids, just a bit older
-ignore the fact that i fucked up the colors on all the text i SHOULD have had the colors shift between lines it helps legibility but i didn't fsr??? i'll figure that out in later art dw
-GOD THESE COLORS TOOK FOREVER the og colors are SUPER desaturated and also more on the pink side of purple but I prefer to use saturated colors and wanted to go more towards the blue side of purple (than the colors are closer to complimentary colors between mysterion and kenny)
-ended up going with a very soft look (rounded edges and ovals and softer lines) i was thinkng off of the batman inspo actually and thinking about that scene in the lego batman movie where the brick notes batmans design isn't very hero looking, i mean it is by western standards but like when i think of a good hero and symbol of justice and hope i think of twintaild magical girls with ultra frilly skirts and cute mascots and sparkles and stars everywhere but like.. i'm biased.... anyway I chose the softer lines to make him feel softer and instead relied any edgy vibes on the colors and body language rather than the shapes (i mean i still used triangles but yeah)
-I ended up not going with brown boots cause i didn't want to have to tie in another color, and i had the epic idea of the little question mark symbols on the soles of the shoes and the m logo on the ... toungue i think it's called?
-so I originally wasn't gonna show his hair but I thought it would help to balance the colors more as the white shorts felt too bright
-i didn't plan to post this or else i would've tried to better phrase all the writing lmao
-i went with rounded feet to make him feel like, floaty?
-one smaller challenge was keeping a short stature for kenny while still making him look like, menancing and powerful, another reason why i went with the graceful floaty feet, I also had the shorts flair out with that triangle shape like they do to emphasize and blend together the general shape of the body
-miiight have accidentally made him more androgynous~ my ass spent years studying and learning how to make characters appear masculine than said 'yeah no thankyou everyone is going to be at least a LITTLE bit pretty <3'
-ah look how nice and not over crowded the doodles are... yeah say goodbye to empty space cause Cartman/theCoon's completely lacks it. I like drawing fluffy animal ears and found the need to label all the drawings "furry" or "menance" so yeah
-i'm that one bitch that says fuck canon even canon doesn't give a shit bout canon so why should i? and never draws kenny with blue eyes, always either light brown or preferrable purple. mostly cause i feel blue + blonde is too basic and I find that the purple makes for a nicer contrast and overall pallete. Cause brown kinda just blends in, cause then his entire color scheme is all within the same hue range, but purple sticks out better + leaning into the magenta side of it looks great with orange
-petition for the southpark fan wiki to acknowledge how fuckign similar Mysterion and the mysterious mare do well are
-funfacts!! considered having the buckles be silver instead of gold (changed to balance with the blonde hair and tie back in the orange/yellow hues) considered having the inside of the cape be a lighter shade of purple either pulling in more pink or blue tinted shades, changed cause it made the overall color scheme to bright
-in case you were wondering 90% of my art has the same stupid level of thought put into it as posts i do add notes onto, I just figured most people don't want a ramble about shape launguage and colors on their silly blorbo fanart posts lmao. but if you find any of this interesting or heck if you ever have a ramble about your own art my inbox is always open~ i love getting to discuss drawing :D
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procrasti-pastel · 4 months
《 Lineup Redraw: 1 》
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》 HEY BUNBABES!! LONG TIME NO POST!! I was busy with college and had little to no ideas on what to draw so lol, to fill this place with something new, here's a finished lineup I did just today (that's a redraw)! The other previous redraws I'll show under the cut.
》 It's a bit nostalgic to see how far my style had evolved over the 4 years these sillies had existed in my life. I do think 2022 is where I peaked face-shape wise but everything else? Yeah this update is better off without the mess.
But anyway, yall can finally see everyones' updated designs! Some you're not familiar with, some you might be familiar with, some you already know. To give a brief rundown of who's who for those who don't rlly know much about the others to get acquainted about them:
• Violet - the mute main protagonist, of which the story follows her journey across Soleil, Terminokratia, & Lune.
• Avili - a secondary antagonist, royal assistant to Khalom.
• Riku - part of the main cast, a seamstress & former Beast huntress that helps to guide Violet across Lune.
• Ansel - the first wild card, a mysterious jack-of-all-trades residing in Khaloms' court (though primarily works as a painter & a jester)
• Torah - a supporting side character, adoptive mother to Sigurd & head matron of the Soleil castle staff.
• Cigydd - the second wild card, antagonist, a mysterious bounty hunter looking to collect what he is paid to do.
• Tromós - part of the main cast, adoptive father to Riku, & a former sergeant of his Kingdoms' royal guard, now a Beast hunter.
• Sigurd - part of the main cast, head/captain of the royal guard of Soleil, helping to keep Violet safe from whatever danger may face her & her group in Lune.
》 ... aaand that sums up most of the cast. When I am able I'll do the remaining part of the lineup which is the brothers, Mother, and probably include my bsf's two ocs that are HEAVILY involved in this story. But who knows :3 schedules, time, & procrastination, will tell.
》 Hope ya'll like this small slither of content!
• Art, AU, Characters ⓒ @procrasti-pastel !
[ Please do not repost my works on here or on any site. Thank you. ]
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queen0fm0nsterz · 6 months
I saw you post about Seafarers, but to me, your finest work will always be Fifteen Notes to You, reread all of it the other day and... yeah, it still hits like a fucking bullet train.
I genuinely don't think it's possible to capture Mono's descent into insanity better than you did here. It reminds me a little of The Last Weekend from the anthology Inside no.9, in that, you know, both from the story itself and the context it exists in, that it won't have a happy ending, but the humanization of the characters just forces you to cling to hope that something will go right. But that rarely, if ever, happens in The Nowhere.
FNTY... Now THAT'S a name I haven't heard in years...
Thank you so much!!!! I'm super grateful to see folks still enjoy my old stories :)it seems to be the general consensus even among my friends that FNTY is the best complete fic I've put out. Reading thru the comments, I remember one of a person who told me that it made them cry - and the comment made ME cry LMAOOOOOOO😭
I'm very proud of it myself as it was not only my first published fic, but my first multichaptered fic I ever completed as well. Though I am a slow writer (SEAFARERS CHAPTER 5 IS IN THE WORKS😭), for FNTY it was never because I had excessive trouble figuring out what to put on paper - especially never when in regards to the letters themselves. The most troubling parts were the in betweens, funnily enough.
Mono and Thin Man come very naturally to me when writing. I think it may be because I tend to interpret them as having very big feelings... like myself, I guess. And since the story itself is short, I suppose that I managed to make the thing itself feel like there are many big feelings in a tiny box. I will admit I got emotional myself a couple of times... then went on to edit like nothing was wrong LMAOOOO like this is how I looked writing and then editing vvv
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For Seafarers, the emotional payoff has yet to come, and it will be different -- considering we have World's Most Emotionally Constipated Woman and Our Strongest Soldier (the PTSD has yet to hit because she's still actively experiencing the horrors) as the protagonists this time.
Six and the Lady are both considerably harder to write for me. I had my chance to write the Big Feeler at the very beginning because the stakes there were skyrocketing from the getgo, but now things have gotten considerably more... silent. The feelings are there but they're all kept in. OUGHHHHHHHHH
I also can't wait to introduce more stuff; I've been writing down concepts for shadow magic and powers, how the Maw works, the various things the Lady of the Maw has to look after to keep it afloat... and the Ladies. Look, I'll say that I'm really happy with what I'm doing with Teapot and Rascal. And with Teapot in general. I really like the characterization I pulled out of my ass LMAOOOOOO and the DESIGN... ok so I'm willing to share a couple of the Teapot's I've doodled
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(She's genuinely very silly [read: sick in the head]... i gave all the Ladies some nice additional details because. Ik the point is that they all look very similar but I love designing outfits fuck it this is MY au i do what I want)
So right now I have a suspicion that Seafarers will hit better when it's finished and can be read from beginning to end. Since it's longer (I plan it to be... around 15 chapters? A bit longer if the events require it to be.), there will be more time to let the stuff brew until it reaches its climax as intended.
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plushii-gutz · 10 months
My brain is being weird and this is just a collection of random stuff tbh, mostly rambling
I love it when my body decides to be scared for no reason and starts making me all shaky/twitchy over things that have been resolved already and I get scared of NOTHING to the point where I nearly VOMIT
Yall don't need to worry, btw. I'm typically able to ground myself and calm down. It's just annoying how often it's been happening recently. I blame school
Also unrelated (somewhat) but I've been feeling weird about Fallen Stars as well.
I wanna keep writing it. It's really fun to do such, but I feel,, off about it in a way I can't really explain.
It genuinely isn't that good of a story. I'm not saying this for pity or to be mean to myself, but I genuinely know it isn't too great of a story.
Everything after part 13 is extremely inconsistent, and the sudden shift of Glaishur coming back to life was (seemingly) out of nowhere as well. I love having him back! I love writing him! he's literally my favorite! But from a storyteller point of view, anything past part 13 is insane. This doesn't mean that *I* don't like it, though - I do! But I know like.. ACTUAL writers would see it as random and out of nowhere. (Also, Bear, if you read this, IM NOT UPSET OR ANYTHING/SRS - IM LOWKEY STILL PROUD OF YOUR GOD ARC, IT WAS AMAZING ^^)
But yeah, I feel weird about it. Love it! But it's on pause for a while. I have something planned, though
RnR was made solely for fun and to experiment with character dynamics and world building, but it has almost no reason to exist other than let people know "Oh yeah, these goobers are around" and to indulge in silliness. It's like the sequel that wasn't REALLY needed, but the lore is fun to play around with. It's like how you get [big movie title], and the movie pops off, so the people behind it are like [big movie title](the series)™️
I'm thinking of making individual random little stories that are just the weird antics the characters get into that aren't in any particular order.
Fallen Stars in unrealistic in the sense of characters bettering themselves. It can happen irl, yeah, but it's extremely, EXTREMELY rare. Fallen Stars is how I wish people would actually work on it
I'm not a professional writer - I'm far from that. I'm just here to boogie and have fun, and there's no reason to pressure myself, but that's not gonna stop me from such.
I need to find another platform to post my stories on, but I'm not entirely sure where tbh. I do plan to continue posting the story here, but I wanna move it somewhere else as well
Also like,,,guys,,,,I don't own the Celestials,,, people can make stories with them. They aren't MY characters - just my personal interpretation of them. Someone writing a story with the Celestials isn't copying me! THEY!!! ARENT MINE!!! (so long as they don't literally rewrite Fallen Stars, lmao)
I'm thinking of giving every character their own little detail to differentiate them from the canon monsters a tad bit, so like. A drawing of Galvana ≠ FS Galvana. Attmoz and Glaishur already have this, Loodvigg's face/skull thing had a crack in it (yeah, that's canon now), Furnoss's design in general has been altered a bit.
I might try and write this idea out more in the future AU, which I plan on working on once RnR finds a stopping point.
You guys should watch ASMRplayroom. I love that channel - I hate asmr but that channel does it right auuaususuaus oh my god it's almost midnight
I know I'm not the only person, but I think it's weird how I can sit down and write and build worlds for hours on end but I. Can't read. Full of adhd.
I'm just some chick who likes plushies on the internet who writes sad stuff just to be sad sometimes. I'm gonna hope I don't regret it
Also I love Pereskia
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thatonetrashyguy · 4 months
So yeah me and my friend made this Trolls au, and so far we only have poppy and were in the middle of another which is the only thing ill say.
But anyway the first one we started this au off with is poppy! My friend made the actual trolls designs and drawings and i draw the animals in this au!
Anyway heres a drawing of the only character we have done so far!
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Honestly i know im a little bias with what I say but so far I'm truly loving the designs that we have made so far!
And we would really love for you all to help us out with characters, because we have been having a little bit of a hard time choosing between all the characters! So that would really help us out!
Anyway here are some of the before products that he had before we settled on the actual troll color design of poppy!
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Yes they look exactly the same besides the hair but thats the only thing that i was asked to change!
Im absolutely in love with the changes my frend made, Its just adorable im so happy they found something to do with the leg warmers, I had no idea what to do for it!
But yeah! I hope you like out au and if you have any ideas of a character you want us to do just ask!
Anyway i hope yall have a wonderful and amazing day, night, or evening!
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