#but yeah pls give these dorks some love. some of them deserve it
dxsole · 7 months
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Like this post and I'll reach out to plot a ship with you! :3 ALL types of ships are up for grabs (romantic, fwb, found family, childhood rivals, hateship, ride-or-die friendships, co-workers to friends to lovers, unrequited love, toxic relationships, etc.)! Please specify muse (if you don't, no biggie, I'm gonna IM you anyway :3). ❤️
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superhero--imagines · 4 years
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Part 1 Here! / Part 2 Here! / Part 3 Here! / Part 4 Here! / Part 5 Here! / Part 6 Here! / Part 7 Here! / Part 8 Here! / Part 9 Here! / Part 10 Here! / Part 11 Here! / Part 12 Here! / Part 13 Here! / Part 14 Here! / Part 15 Here! / Part 16 Here! / < This is Part 17!>
Donate to Move to Higher Ground HERE!
Song for this Chapter - (X)
A/N: Soooo I might not update Saturday this week because I’ve been pretty slammed at work this week. If anyone would like to Beta read the next two parts of this series (Especially if you’re BIPOC) pls DM me. The next part I’m not so concerned about, but the part after. (Also need Beta readers for my original pieces!) 
* Your legs dangle beneath you as you continuously bump your head against the tree trunk hoping the contact will knock some sense into you
* It doesn’t even hurt, barley a tickle.
* You decided that the safest, and least embarrassing, place for you right now was up a 100 foot tall tree.
* You came here for some peace and quiet, to get away from everyone and sort out your thoughts
* Not that it matters since half the coven has been up here to talk to you
* Carlisle came first, though you’re betting he pulled the “dad” card so he could go first.
* “Lovely view.”
* “Hmm” you mumble
* He lets out a deep sigh, and you hate yourself for not making this easier for him.
* “So I heard that you and Edward had a .... romantic encounter.”
* You laugh
* “A romantic encounter,” you repeat, you look at Carlisle who mirrors your smile.
* “Edward does that too” He mumbles. Carlisle doesn’t miss the way you stiffen at the mention of his name.
* A long, deep sigh escapes him
* “I just want you to know that it’s fine,” He’s sitting far away from you on the branch, partially because of your powers and partially because he understands you want space.
* “You’re two healthy vampires and I understand you have needs-“
* “Oh my god Carlisle please don’t tell me you’re giving me “the talk” right now on a tree branch” you’re mortified but you’re laughing
* “I just want you to know that however you choose to proceed, I love and support you.”
* And then Carlisle does something he hasn’t done in a decade,
* he inches closer, breaking into your personal bubble and gives you a kiss on the forehead and a pat on your shoulder
* You smile after he leaps down and runs back to the house
* He hasn’t done something like that since he found you in Volterra, newly turned and asking to die.
* Truly a compassionate man.
* Rosalie’s the next one, she actually calls your attention from the ground
* “I brought you some blood in case you’re hungry” she shouts, holding up a thermos with what you assume is blood.
* You sigh, it looks like you won’t be getting much space
* She leaves just as much space as Carlisle when she sits by you on the branch
* “Nice view up here huh?” She even cups a hand over her eyes to see further
* This family and small talk
* “Do you want to talk about it?” She finally asks after a long moment of silence.
* You shake your head
* “Not really” she nods, lacing her fingers together on her lap. There’s another long moment of silence
* “Does everyone know?” She raises an eyebrow and you clarify 
*“That Edward felt that way I mean.”
* Rosalie gives you a smirk that basically says, ‘I thought you didn’t want to talk about it’, but she doesn’t tease you any further. 
*She lets out a long sigh and looks down to her hands
* “Remember that time you came to our house for the first time to play monopoly?” 
*You nod. 
*“Most of us pieced it together back then”
* You sigh, all the way since back then?
* It’s been over a decade.
* “Mostly because we usually don’t have board game nights, and Edward asked if we could so he could have an excuse to bring you over”
* That dork. 
*You can’t help but smile.
* Of course Edward saw how lonely you were in that house and decided to find an excuse to get you five other friends.
* Another long moment of silence passes
* “Look I- I know Edward is my brother and I would be thrilled if you guys got together-“ 
*she places her hand on top of yours.
* “But I want you to know that I love you, and if you decide that’s not what you want, then that’s okay.”
* Her eyes are so kind, she gives you a gentle smile.
* “No matter what you decide, I’ll still love you, you’re still my best friend-my (sister/brother).”
* You feel your eyes sting and you nod, you give her a weak smile and she sighs wrapping you in a hug.
* “I’ll come back later with more blood” she caresses your face before jumping down, running back to the house
* As soon as she’s out of sight you feel your branch bend down
* “Great view, you see any bears yet?” Emmett asks and you sigh, swirling the cap of your thermos off
* “Care for a drink Emmett?”
* “Well don’t mind if I do”
* Out of all of them, you think you like Emmett’s interaction the best
* He doesn’t talk about Edward, just makes conversation with you like nothing is wrong, like you’re staying up this tree like a stranded cat because it’s fun
* “I heard you kissed a bunch of people at the party” you groan and put your face in your hands
* “I was drinking, I guess I drank too much, and made some questionable decision.”
* He grins and pats your shoulder
* “It’s not that big of a deal, we’ve all been there. Besides I thought it was pretty bad ass.”
* You smile, of course he would.
* Emmett doesn’t sit far away from you like the others, he sits beside you and swings his arm over your shoulder bringing you into a hug.
* “Don’t stress out about things too much up here, and when you’re ready don’t be embarrassed to come home.” He plants a kiss in your hair before swooping down
* That’s your big brother for you
* It’s not more than ten minutes until you feel the branch away again
* “Oh my god, can’t I have just a minute-“ the words die in your throat when you turn to see who’s sitting next to you.
* “Oh, hey Edward.”
* He’s sitting just as far as Carlisle and Rosalie were, if not further, he offers you a brief smile.
* A long moment of silence fills the air and you gulp
* “It’s a real nice view huh?” You say,
* oh geez now you’re the one talking about the view
* “Yeah it’s beautiful.” Edward’s not looking at the view, he’s looking at you, and the implication makes you even more flustered than you are.
* You watch Edward, he’s so happy he’s glowing. Every few seconds a smile will creep onto his face only for him to force it into a frown, only for it to twitch back into a smile again. 
* You laugh.
* “You’re doing that thing where you can’t hide how happy you are.” 
* Edward openly grins once you say that.
* “You’re happy too, I can feel it all the way from here.” He says holding a hand out.
* Ah your powers are leaking through
* Looks Rosalie and Carlisle just wanted to look serious when they were here
* “Of course I’m happy” 
* He told you he loved you, how could you not be happy?
* He basically confirmed your wildest wishes and hopes.
* This is the happiest you’ve ever been
* “I don’t understand why you’re sitting up here honestly,” he shakes his head boyish smile curling onto his face as his eyes stay focused on the horizon. “I know you feel the same way as I do”
* He’s right, you do feel the same as him.
* Maybe for just as long as he has, you’ve just been holding yourself back because you thought he would never have those feelings for you
* Because you’re not the one who’s going to make him the happiest he could possibly be
* “Look Edward, I think you could do so much-“
* “Is this about Bella?” He interrupts, a bitter laugh when you remain silent. “Why do you think I would ever love her?”
* “The way you look at her-“
* “I don’t get that either, you talked about that last night too, I’m not sure what you’re seeing but the look I give her is of minimal tolerance.”
* ...
* Wait
* What
* “Oh cut the crap Edward, I saw the way you guys looked at each other on the stairway”
* “What stairway?” 
*Is he trying to play dumb? Because honestly- you’re a little convinced with that confused puppy look he’s giving you
* “At Conner’s party, you guys were talking at the stairwell, you looked at her like she was telling you all of the universe’s secrets.”
* He looks embarrassed, a hand tangling in his hair. 
* “Um- about that-”
* You caught the criminal red handed. He might like you, but he likes her too doesn’t he. Well he’s probably entranced by that scent of hers, no doubt he’ll forget all about you-
* “We were talking about you.” 
* ....
* (Y/N). Exe is broken
*  “While you were gone, we both came to an agreement to set our differences aside for you-”
* Why would they go that far for you, it’s not like you care-
* You remember the vitamins
* Going out of your way to include her in things, 
* Driving her home even when any normal person would have just ignored the whole thing
* Oh my god, you’re Bella’s best friend
* And even worse, everyone probably thinks she’s your best friend too. 
* (Y/N). Exe is broken
* “Don’t misunderstand for a second, I still find her absolutely repulsive, and whatever haze she’s got over the school is absolutely perplexing-”
* “But what about the carnation?” you interrupt.
* She’s the only one he bought a carnation for.
* “What carnation?”
* “The carnation you bought her on Valentine’s Day!” 
* Sure one carnation isn’t anything compared to the bouquet he bought you, but it had to mean something
* “I didn’t buy anyone any carnations.” He tells you, his eyebrows threading together
* Oh f*ck
* f*ck *f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck *f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck *f*ck f*ck f*ck f*ck
* You bought Bella that carnation.
* You bought all of your friends carnations, light red ones for friendship
* “Were you jealous because you thought I bought her flowers and not you?” 
*A mischievous grin arch’s onto his mouth and you hide your face in your hands 
*“You were, weren’t you? That’s adorable.”
* The criminal is teasing you, only this time you can’t complain because it’s rightly deserved
* “But- then what were you talking at the lockers about?”
* Edward’s face pinches into a look of disgust.
* “She came by to rub in my face how you had given us both the same colored carnations”
* “Wait-Bella knows you felt this way about me?”
* He laughs
* “(Y/N/N), I’m pretty sure everyone knows I love you.”
* Everyone but you apparently
* Was it really all in your head?
* Edward has loved you this entire time and you just...never noticed?
* “Honestly, I love you (Y/N), but sometimes you get fixated on these ideas for no logical reason-“
* Oh there’s a logical reason alright
* “-like what possible reason could there be for me to love a human like Bella? It’s just comple-“
* “Because you’re supposed to Edward!” 
* It’s the straw that finally broke the camels back.
* You tell him everything, about everything that happened in the books.
* Him falling in love with Bella, killing James, leaving her in new moon, the werewolves, the newborn army led by Victoria, their marriage and Bella’s pregnancy
* You frame it like you had a prophetic dream the night you turned, which is probably the closest way you can explain what happened without looking insane.
* Not that Edward would mind, he would probably get the best recommendation from Carlisle for a mental health institute and happily visit you three times a week with flowers and other gifts. 
* You both sit in silence after you finish telling him everything, the only sound the gentle whistle of the wind.
* “So what?”
* He asks, shrugging his shoulders and looking at you like you just told him a tv show he doesn’t like is getting cancelled
* You scoff in disbelief
* “ So what? Edward she’s your soul mate!”
* “You’re my soul mate” he says plainly, he’s inched closer to you this entire time, and now his thigh is only a flew inches away from your own.
* You feel embarrassed at his words, how can he say that so easily? 
*You’re still not even sure soul mates exist.
* Noticing you embarrassment he places his hand on top of yours, intertwining your fingers
* The contact makes butterflies erupt in your stomach.
* “I understand that you think that story is the one I want,” he says it slowly. 
* “But there’s already so many thing that are different.”
* He’s right things have changed, you know that.
* “Besides I don’t think I’m the one Bella has a crush on” he gives you a meaningful look and your eyebrows thread together.
* Wait what’s that supposed to mean
* “This world is different than the one you saw.” He squeezes your hand, and you sigh, 
* It’s different because of you.
* He should have had all those things. If it weren’t for you he would have had all those things
* “Edward she can give you a baby, a real baby that’s yours!”
* There’s only one common thread for all the vampires you’ve seen that still hunger for their humanity
* They all want a child.
* What Edward is getting, it’s a miracle. A Hail Mary. The odds of something like this happening are one in one billion at best.
* He gets to have a baby, and the woman he loves. It’s a win-win.
* He sighs and squeezes your hand.
* “But I don’t want that.” He says it so bluntly, like it’s the simplest thing on earth. 
*Your brain stops working.
* Well that can’t be right
* “We’ve never talked about it, but I’ve never wanted children, not even when I was a boy and still human.”
* Wait Edward doesn’t want kids? 
* Your head snaps up to meet his eyes
* “I think to want to bring children into the world you have to be at peace with the world and with yourself. And I’ve never been able to have either of those things.” He shrugs, his legs swinging under him.
* “What you saw- I was probably just going along with whatever Bella wanted, but I don’t think I would genuinely want to raise a child in this world, especially not when I look like I’m seventeen for the rest of my life”
* That makes sense. 
*Edward’s always been sensitive about his age. He looks older than 17, probably because of the venom. 
*But he’s the youngest of all his siblings, you know deep down he can handle the vampirism,
* But he can’t handle being a child for all of eternity.
* “But even if I did want kids, I want an eternity with you even more.”
* He squeezes your hand and you squeeze back, gulping the burning in your throat
* Whether it’s from thirst or the overwhelming emotions you’re not sure
* “Okay.” You finally say after several long moment of silence 
* “Okay, you’ll be mine for eternity or...” 
* You slap him lightly on the chest and he barks laughing
* “Okay...we can... date.” You say it haltingly, carefully even.
* “Like humans” you add for good measure
* You expect a bit of protest from Edward, he’s been waiting for you for over a decade now, you can’t think of a man alive who would be alright with just dating.
* But Edward smiles like you just agreed to marry him. He puts a hand on your face, and caresses your cheek with his thumb.
* “Alright, we’ll date like humans do.”
* You’re still a little worried but you find yourself smiling when Edward presses his forehead against your own. 
* His lips meeting yours.
* “(Y/N) and Edward sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.” You tease when he pulls away and he laughs again
* “You’re the worst you know that?”
* “Yet you still love me,” you tease “you loooooove me, you waanaaaa spend eeeeternity with meeee.” You sing and he laughs.
* “Suddenly I’m regretting my decision to court you.” 
* You sit in silence for a second, enjoying his scent. 
* It feels safe here
* It feels like home
* “Are you ready to go inside?”
* You should, you feel a lot better now, but-
* You groan and bury your face in his shoulder.
* “It’s going to be so embarrassing, everyone’s going to know what happened and Emmett is never going to stop with the sex jokes”
* Edward just grins, he can’t believe after waiting for so long, you’re his now.
* It feels like a dream
* You’re right though, it’s is going to be super embarrassing going back home after this.
* He gets why you chose to wait it out in a tree
* “Yeah, let’s stay out here for a while longer.” He says wrapping his arms around you.
* Rosalie is peering out the window with gold opera glasses to her hand
* “Oh! He leaned in closer! I think he’s holding their hand”
* Alice groans beside her
* “No they’re just talking, they’re going to be doing that a lot”
* “What else do you see Alice?” Jasper asks from behind her, watching the tree you and Edward are sitting on intently
* “I’m not sure...it’s all changing really fast, in one they make up and go back to being friends,”
* Emmett groans from behind her, he can’t handle anymore yearning or weird sex talks with his brother
* “In another they push Edward of the branch and say: “oh why don’t you just go back to Bella you human lover””
* Rosalie shudders, well that’s not good
* Honestly she should have just told you Bella and Edward had come to an agreement to be civil around one another for your benefit while you were gone
* They basically bonded over how much they like you
* The carnation was probably just a sign of that truce, if it was even from him
* She’s got a feeling it was probably from you and you just forgot, but she didn’t want to embarrass you 
* Besides she figured it might be the final push you need to admit your feelings to him
* “They’re kissing! You guys they’re kissing!” Alice shrieks, and all of them turn their attention back to you
* Ah so you are
* “And so end the brooding chronicles” Jasper whispers and Rosalie hides a laugh
* “I would call them the yearning chronicles” Alice adds
* “Have you considered that maybe the reason they’re out there is because they want privacy?” Carlisle says without looking up from his open newspaper.
* The four of them shuffle awkwardly before walking away from the large window
* “You too Esme” Carlisle says
* Esme sighs, tucking her black opera glasses into her apron
* “Don’t blame me when we don’t have anything to say at the wedding when it comes time for a toast” she mumbles, walking back to the kitchen to finish her cookies
* “A wedding?”
* Queue Carlisle half sobbing half wheezing into his newspaper
* “Not one, but two kids leaving the family?”
Tags:  @moonlights27​ @thebluetint​ @the100thtwilight​ @awesomebooklover17​ @oneofthepotterheads​ @smileygirl08​ @imdoingathingmom​ @iconicgguk​ @yrawn​ @alyciaswhore​ @little-horror-show​ @wicked-watering-can​ @lazydreamers​ @ xxxmuxxx @ideas-for-you-to-adopt​​​ @poisoinedhope @maryleigh8796​​ @moose-squirrel-asstiel​​ @hotmessgoodness​ @jaimewho​ @corabmarie​ @what-am-i-doing10​ @alluring-venus​ @imdoingathingmom @anotheryooniverse​ @im-tired-not-sleepy​ @emmettcullenisahimbo​ @my-super-musical-life​ @smolvampiregirl​ @it-was-all-a-beautiful-dream​ @mihikaahujaaa​
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kakakakashi · 4 years
Darling!! I just really want to say thank you for ALL your UCHIHA hcs!! They’re absolutely delicious!! Anyway I know your super busy but if you have time may I prettyyyyy pls maketh a small request for kinktober?? A pregnant sex hc with all our fav uchihas? I just can’t get enough of your Uchiha breeding kink TM 😂 I love your work! Stay Cherrylicious! ❤️🍒
You are cherrylicious, fam! 🍒 Lol, thanks. My hcs aren’t delicious, though. The Uchiha are… At least Shisui is. The further I get in with the story, the more I’ll be able to add. Personally, I’m not doing kinktober just because I’ve got too much on my plate rn, but lbr, I never need an excuse to be nasty. I’m just gonna be gross 365 days a year. My kinkiness isn’t limited to a month. You can’t get enough? Lol, neither can they. Motherfuckin Uchiha. Anyway…
*NSFW under the cut*
This man gets so soft for you when he sees you doing domestic shit when you’re pregnant, and he just remembers how much he adores you.
You’re doing something as simple as drying the dishes while he washes, and as soon as the two of you are done, he just kisses you so sweetly and passionately.
You can’t deny him kisses when he looks at you like you hung the stars in the sky.
Do you start it? Does he start it? Nobody knows.
You’re already being carried to the bedroom, so he can make slow, sweet love to you.  
He literally worships you, paying extra attention to your bump because he can’t believe that you’ve got his kid in there.
He plays with your breasts a lot too, and it feels so good.
Will insist that you lay back and let him take care of you.
Believe me, you will not lift a finger. This dork is not having it. Like, you’re already doing so much for him, he just wants to make you feel so good.
He’ll eat you out until you’ve come at least twice just from his tongue and fingers before he even thinks about putting his dick in you.
And he takes it slow, like I said. He just wants to pamper you.
He makes sure you’re in the most comfortable position possible while he’s languidly thrusting in and out of you.
It’s all very soothing and relaxing.
When you come the third time, it rolls over you in slow, undulating waves, and he works you through it with fluid motions that have your body feeling like you’re floating.
After you come down, he’s on the verge of following you, your walls spasming and contracting around him and encouraging his hips to stutter while he moans, and his eyes roll back.
You’re both fuckin spent, and your entire body’s tingly.
Itachi just gently kissed everywhere across your skin while you stay connected for a bit, just cherishing each other.
Ugh, it’s so soft and good. It’s like your underwater.
He’s not necessarily actively interested in pregnant sex in my opinion.
Like, you’re already pregnant. His job is done. He’s gonna go fight Hashirama until you have the kid.
Then, he’ll fuck another one into you.
So, if you want it, you’re gonna have to seduce him.
Given, it’s not that hard. Just get him jealous or just sit on his lap while he’s reading and start grinding on him.
He’ll eventually put down whatever he was reading.  
He’ll also definitely make you get off on his thigh before he fucks you.
He’ll also make you take off all your clothes while he’s still completely clothed.
He likes the look of your bump while you pleasure yourself on his thigh.
He’s just going to watch you while you take what you need because you’re so desperate for him.
Like, you’ve already got his baby inside you, and it’s still not enough for you?
Then he’s gonna make you ride him right there on the couch.
He’ll make you beg for it first, though.
Your legs will be exhausted, but it’ll totally be worth it.
He’s going to allow you to control the pace for once just because he doesn’t want to hurt the baby.
He basically just sits and makes you do all the work for once.
And once he’s done, he’ll carry you to your bed and clean you up because you’re carrying an Uchiha, and you deserve to be taken care of for that, no matter how rough around the edges he is.  
Pregnancy hormones are a bitch sometimes.
And let me tell you, you are so fucking horny, and he’s not even close to complaining.
There’s this one comedian who did a show about having a kid… and I just can’t get it out of my head rn because I feel like there’s this one part… that’s just… the epitome of being pregnant with Obito’s kid, but anyway.
“It’s like having sex with Space Mountain!”
If you know what this is from, let’s be friends.
So literally, anytime you’re feeling horny, just go for it.
It’s so good for him, like… he didn’t have a pregnancy kink until you got pregnant because the sex is just that fucking good.
Just, all the magical contractions and positions and shit.
And every time, you’re blowing his mind, and he’s blowing yours.
It’s very sloppy and hot, but he still tries his best to be gentle with you.
He loves experimenting with positions, and he definitely wants to incorporate some of them into your sex life after the pregnancy
He will literally do anything you ask. You make the rules in the bedroom when you’re pregnant. The only thing he won’t do is something that could potentially harm you or the baby.
He loves how your tits get bigger, and he loves to play with them when you guys fuck.
Lots of nipple play. Oops.
He always kisses your belly after when he gets all soft and cuddly. He’ll also talk to the baby while you’re lying down together.
He can’t wait for you to give birth, so he can put another one in you. Like, he’s counting down the days until your due date because he wants to restore his clan have a big family, okay?
Nobody dies here.
But like… sometimes, he just sees you, and his brain goes to his dick.
The man has no self-control in all honesty. Like… *gestures to the entirety of Naruto*
Anyway, he’s like “the love of my life carrying my child must not be touched by anyone,” but then his dick gets hard, and he’s like “... except me... to please them.”
So, he’s gonna give you that slow broody sex that he’s too into because the boy is Dramatique™ .
And I mean, are you really complaining when he’s fucking you nice and slow, letting you really feel everything in your overly sensitive state?
The answer is no.
He’s another one that will do his best to make you comfortable before he starts, but he does it quietly.
And as he gets closer, his pace picks up until it’s more moderate than slow.
And he’s gonna tell you that he can’t wait for you to have your baby so he can knock you up again.
Especially because it’s so good.
And you cum pulling his hair and crying his name.
He’s just living for it all, and the breeding kink comes out, and he’s just kind of a mess.
Sasuke is another one that will be like “You’re already pregnant with my child, and you’re still begging me to cum in you?”
He will, though.
And he’ll take whatever pours out on his fingers to push it back inside you.
Nasty motherfucker gets turned on when you wear tighter clothes, and he sees your bump bulging underneath.
He’s like “Yeah, I did that. I put that baby in there.”
Omg, god forbid you wear something that makes the bump peek out.
He also kind of wants to make you feel really good because he knows your body is going through a lot making a whole other person.
He’ll insist you sit on his face even more than usual.
With all the contractions and sensitivity, the man’s gonna fuck you every chance he gets.
He also thinks your pregnancy glow is really sexy.
Like, if you’re even the slightest bit horny, he’s got you on your back on the nearest surface.
He just really wants to please you all the time because you’re carrying his baby. Like… he just thinks the sun shines out your ass.
On days where you’re both off, he always tries to convince you to just stay home all day.
He just wants to snuggle and talk and make love all day because he wants you to be pampered in your state.
Some days you let him, and you just take your time with each other.
He’ll make you sit on his face, and when you try to return the favor, he just stops you because “don’t worry about it. We have all day, love.”
And the whole day is just bathed in this ethereal golden glow while he draws countless moans and sighs out of you.
He’s also gonna kiss everywhere on your body, especially your bump.
He knows that body insecurities can come with pregnancy, but he wants to quiet those fears before they even have the chance to develop.
It’s literally all about you. It’s so fucking sweet, and this dork is just wonderful.
OMG, but your kid 100% has his lil dimples. K thx byee.
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yoichichi · 4 years
Modern!au Jean Best Friend Headcannons
Modern!au Jean Kirschtein x bestfriend!reader
a/n: i want to be bestie’s with Jean so bad! I jus couldn’t stop thinking about it so please enjoy some headcannon’s of what I think it’d be like to be buddies with Jean! I might make a part 2 someday to add onto these cause I have so much more to say but I had to stop myself before I wrote a full fledged essay sdkjalkfjbajfb, let me know if you guys are interested! Or if you jus wanna come in my inbox and talk with me about Jean Kirstein, I’m always free to do that. Anyways, enjoy!
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gif not mine, credit to owner
Ok, I had a dream about Jean being my bestie and I have not stopped thinking about it since then LMAO
Ok, so for starter’s, I truly believe he would be such a good friend like the type to be listening to you in a group conversation and encouraging you to go on when you feel like no one is paying attention
“I’m listening :)”
Or the type to stop next to you while you tie your shoe and wait and just keeps talking to you
VERY much big brother energy, like I feel like he’d have that sincerity that bestie Armin would have but he’d be a little more of the type to always be looking out for you and being a tad overprotective at times, but more on that later back to attentive Jean :)
This man is SO attentive it’s unreal
Bad day? Yeah he could tell before you mentioned it and he’s buying you your favorite snack and driving you around until you talk about it constantly giving you the 👀😗 look
Feeling lonely? You never get the chance
This man is CONSTANTLY blowing up your phone with notifications from snapchat, instagram, tiktok, and facebook messenger if he’s feeling particularly clingy - it’s usually just some strange sticker of a fucking koala or somethin like “hi :)”
You guys don’t have “streaks” but you still have a streak from how often he’s snapchatting you
Most of the time it’s just a video of his face where he slowly zooms in cause he’s bored in class - the amont of snapchat’s you got from him where you can hear is Econ professor lecturing in the background is in the hundred’s at this point
The other times it’s usually Connie and Eren acting like absolute idiot’s while him and Armin are behind the camera like 😐 - they usually end with Armin sighing and stopping them from doing something probably a little illegal
Ok you have a groupchat for studying purposes with all your buddies but if it’s specifically Jean messaging you it’s most likely cause Eren said something stupid and Jean needs someone to laugh with him (yes, you, Jean, Sasha, and Connie do have a separate groupchat where you bully Eren - but it’s with love so it’s ok)
This man will send you a whole FYP but won’t let you open any of them until he’s with you, then y’all scroll through them together on one of your phones
the type to look at you when you’re on a tiktok he sent you that he thought was really funny to see your reaction
Sends you SO many “challenge” tiktoks that he’s adamant on doing with you
You know the one where someone puts their arm in between the other person’s legs and tries to lift them? He was persistent with that one
“I’m literally jacked c’mon you’ll be fine, I just want to know if I can do it. I mean I know I can, but, like, you know? Just c’mon.”
Yes you gave in, no you didn’t fall, yes Jean wouldn’t shut up about how “yolked” he was for the next 15 minutes
If you guys posted it people are definitely asking if you’re a couple and he just replies to every single one with “no” HE SEEMS SO INTENSE PLS
Ok you’re his best friend? Then you’re definitely close with his family. Like, two holidays every year type close.
You learned to drive when he did cause you’re his bestie and you guys should totally learn together (he was nervous and needed support ok)
While I don’t necessarily see him as someone who would playfully bully too much, he is a fighter LMAO
And I’m talking like fucked up sibling fighting
It always starts off “fun” it’s totally a little passive aggressive and then someone smacks a little too hard or throws an elbow that wasn’t needed and next thing you know someone’s in a headlock
If he has you in a headlock he WILL try to tickle you until you borderline piss yourself - until he realizes said piss would get on him and then he’ll let you go like 😎 yeah. I won
If you have him in a headlock PLS take a snapchat if you can and send it to Mikasa
He will pout for like 10 minutes and then get over it when she replies with a black screen and “lol what a dork”
Once you guys are done fighting - cause SOMEONE takes it too far - you just go on your phones until someone peeks over and you’re both like lol hi :),,, are you hungry? I think I still have some pizza rolls :)
Endless hoodie supply from all the sleepovers and the following cold mornings
He is always buying new ones cause he just feels wrong asking for them back? Like, is that his brand new nike hoodie? Yes.
BUT you’re wearing it and clearly you need it if you didn’t bring a hoodie so fine, you can have it, he’ll just buy another one he’s a little bit of a rich boy it’s ok
Although he is wondering where tf his other 6 hoodies you stole went
Late night study sessions in your dorm buildings lounge area - it’s almost embarrassing how often an RA is waking the two of you up to go to your rooms instead of sleeping on the couch and floor
Jean ALWAYS brings an extra water bottle for you in case you forgot one
You’ve definitely stolen your fair share of notes from him - they’re just so easy to understand!
They’re not exactly pretty but they’re just naturally organized into subsections and all the keywords are underlined with a little definition in the margin - if he’s feeling a little spicy he might even add a glossary at the end of his notes asjnffna;irje
Sometime’s he gets too nervous to ask for a girls number and then when you convince him to do it he’s all stuttering and stumbling over his words but he still gets it and he’s convinced it’s ‘cause you’re his lucky charm - really it’s just cute to see Jean all huffy and his ears getting all red while he says some stupid pick up line that he’s immediately apologizing for and now he’s rambling and - oh the girl is shoving something into his hand
“Y/n!! Look!! I got her number!”
Yeah, see Jean acting all cocky for the rest of the day like he got it cause he was smooth and NOT cause he was an adorable flustered mess
He does not like giving out your number if anyone asks him LMAO
He’s just like ,,,,, and why couldn’t you ask them yourself? He just hates it LMAO cause you’re great and if this idiot can’t ask you yourself then they don’t deserve you, they should be CONFIDENT in his mind
BUT he does make it mandatory you tell him everything there is to know about ANY current crush, love interest, fling, anything
Not just cause he likes the gossip but cause he feels like he has to approve - there’s the big bro energy we were talking about
PLS his favorite thing is to play games with Eren and you and whoever else cause you two will always gang up on Eren and he gets so mad and Jean finds it HILARIOUS
The three of you and Connie were all in the same Minecraft server once and you and Jean just could NOT stop making your dog’s attack Eren and blowing up his house
He was getting so heated and Jean and Connie were laughing so hard it sounded like their mics were blown
Eren had to pull his headset off and step away so he could take a 5-minute break cause he just couldn’t handle it - especially with the three of you dying at how mad he got
Let Eren spell something wrong in the group chat on Instagram or mispronounce a word,,, Jean is on him SO fast and you’re there right behind him - it’s becoming Jean’s favorite hobby and sometimes he says it’s his favorite part of being your best friend LMAO
Ahhhh!! Bestie Jean, hand him over please 🤲🏼🤲🏼‼️‼️ i jus wanna bully eren with him so bad 😭 let me know what you guys think!! Or just come to chat :) love you guys!! And let me know if you’d like to be added to my taglist!
taglist: @plutowrites
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desidarling123 · 3 years
Reviewing the Grishaverse Couples (Canon and Non-Canon/Alternate Universe) just because I can, here we go:
These are not based *strictly* on the books, but rather the Netflix show, which appears to have spawned ✨all the ships✨ as of late.
DISLAIMER: I don't hate any ships! And I won't tolerate any slander. Creativity is the core to all fandoms, and that's what shipping (canon or otherwise) is ultimately all about. Cool? Cool.
Darkling/Alina aka DARKLINA: What I came for TBH, though not necessarily what kept me watching through the end (damn you, episode 5! you got me so confused! ahhh but also corruption arc for Alina? hmmmm) Jessie and Ben have chemistry in spades, and Ben emotes well for an ancient asshat. These two have great fic potential.
Mal/Alina aka MALINA: Sweet! A little boring to me initially tbh, but much better on rewatch. They are each other's safe haven, and there's something really lovely about that. I like them together.
Full disclosure: I came for Darklina, but stayed for Kanej. And, at this rate, will happily suffer countless seasons where the most they do is maybe hold hands but also Netflix please let them heal their trauma together and kiss at least once for my poor shipper heart PLEASE
Nina/Matthias aka HELNIK: They're cute. Almost a little too on-the-nose with the tropes for me, personally, but the actors make it work.
Jesper/Stable Boy: Honestly? Good for Jesper. The only person on the show who actually managed to get laid onscreen. He deserves it.
Genya/David: Also very cute, though they don't necessarily occupy much brain space. I like that David is this awkward little dork but he's just. So good for Genya. It's very pure and she really needs that.
Darkling/Zoya: Zoya, baby, you deserve better. That said, I wish the show had explored their backstory a bit more. These two would clearly put the T in toxic (Aleksander largely being the one to blame here, of course).
Ivan/Feydor: As someone else put it, these two can be summarized simply by -- be gay and do crimes. They're real cute. If only they weren't Team Darkling.
AKA time for some ✨multishipper controversy✨
Darkling/Inej aka DARKEJ: I am extremely biased since I've written for them, but honestly? I would like to convert you all. This pairing has POTENTIAL. The sinner and the saint, the immortal and the ordinary. Also they both have this elegant, shadowy grace to them. Bonus points? Kaz getting a whiff of this nonsense and meticulously planning how to cut up Aleksander into a million tiny little pieces lol.
Darkling/Kaz aka DARKAZ: Sexy. So so sexy. Not in a physical sense (for obvious reasons' on Kaz' end, unless you go AU with that aspect, too) but more a battle of brains. Would inevitably end with Kaz slitting the Darkling's throat, somehow as he should, lmao.
Kaz/Alina aka KAZALINA: I didn't understand this, initially. They barely interacted and Kaz seemed more the type to drag Alina by the kefta than woo her. However, I saw a bunch of people on TikTok attacking someone who made a fantastic AU video edit, (and by a bunch I mean at least two attack videos amassing 10K+ likes total) -- so now I ship it purely out of spite, LOL. It only works in an AU where Inej doesn't exist or Kanej is somehow still endgame, but you know what? The saint and the nonbeliever has some potential. I dig it.
Kaz/Jesper aka KESPER: There's some basis for it in the books. I do prefer them as friends (and come on! Wylan!) but again, I get it.
Jesper/Inej: I... want whatever y'all are smoking bc it must be AMAZING (I kid, I kid). While I can't fully claim to understand it, I love both characters, want nothing but the best for them, and am not entirely opposed to it given the right premise. And Jesper did say he'd kill a man for Inej pretty much without hesitation...
Kaz/Jesper/Inej: OT3 vibes. I haven't read anything with these three just yet but I think, done right, it could be absolutely perfect.
Inej/Alina: I feel like Inej's piety would actually get in the way of a true relationship but I think it's cute as a one-sided crush, Inej on Alina.
Mal/Inej: This one is probably the most random of the Inej ships, but I'm team "Give Inej All The Love" so I'll let this one slide. Also, Amita and Archie low-key have crazy chemistry off-set so again. I get it.
Mal/Kaz: ... does this even exist? Lol I think Mal would definitely drive Kaz up the goddamn wall
Mal/Darkling: Objectively hilarious to me on several counts LMAO (that fight scene at the end of episode 8 PLS). BUT there's a fine line between love and hate... maybe it's not Alina they were after but each other all along
Alina/Genya: Again, god-tier. Also, makes Genya's later betrayal of Alina extra tasty in my opinion. So yeah, add in a dash of heartbreak why not?!?
Alina/Zoya: Enemies to lovers excellence. Though Zoya clearly has some internalized self-hatred to work through (baby WHAT was that half-breed comment?), I don't hate it. Maybe some day...
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vagrantblvrd · 3 years
Okay, so I can’t stop thinking about the AU where Jaskier somehow ends up working in a Geek Squad-esque department and has to deal with these witchers who bring in mangled/otherwise destroyed phones and the whatnot AU?
Like, the witchers aren’t completely technologically impaired right because the thing about living through who knows how many innovations and whatnot over the years but they really don’t make stuff the way they used to.
(Jaskier maybe sit through a semi-rant on the subject a time or two while processing whatnot for the witchers who have brought him yet another mangled bit of tech orth a fair bit of money and did he know they used to make them of sturdier stuff???)
Geralt is Geralt, all hm’s and hm’s and usually :( although there have been moments of >:( and an especially rare :| which is the closest to the teeny tiny smile Jaskier gets on a good day or when he says something that amuses Geralt enough to visibly show it. (An actual :) is something to be treasured for days afterward and gets Jaskier gentle ribbing from his co-workers because his relationship with the witchers and Geralt in particular is high entertainment for them, but yes.)
Lambert is a delightful asshole who came in all >:(((((((((( after Geralt mentioned there was a new face in the Geek Squad-esque group, one who got him a new phone in spite of the most recently mangled one being out of warranty and suchlike. Didn’t even ask why it smelled of swamp water and may or may not have had bits of swamp...gunk in its insides and anyway.
Jaskier clearly made an impression on Geralt and he’s like but why, though, and comes in intending to be That Customer - and indeed is through the entire ordeal.
Makes Jaskier go over the fine print in the warranty and whatnot when he brings in some horribly mangled bit of shiny tech - a tablet or some such that clearly cannot be saved and is just barely under warranty. A day later and he’d be out of luck, right?
And while it’s covered by the warranty it’s also just old enough the store doesn’t carry it anymore - been discontinued or whatever - which should be fine, right? Jaskier can set Lambert up with the newest model or other equivalent and everything should be fine, but no, no.
Lambert gets this glint in his eye and is like, oh, I’m not going to make things that easy for you, buddy, and goes off on this...whatever about how he liked the version he had - doesn’t want or need the added features on the new one even though they actually are pretty nice, just because he can.
And of course he came in on one of the days Jaskier’s usual supervisor is off and the one who’s had it out for Jaskier since day one is working. Positive Jaskier has done nothing to deserve being moved from overnight stocker to Geek Squad-esque team member and looking for the smallest reason to get him fired. (Or at least kicked back to overnight stocker and then fired for some other reason no one can call them on.)
This supervisor who is hovering, just waiting for Jaskier’s Retail Voice and whatnot to slip so they can pounce and Lambert might not know the details about it all, but it’s pretty damn obvious the supervisor doesn’t like Jaskier.
So he’s like, “Okay, but...” whenever Jaskier brings up a new avenue of convincing the asshole to just say he’ll take the new tablet and gtfo already, pls you asshole, pleasant smile on his face and gritting his teeth the whole time.
Just as the supervisor has had enough of watching Jaskier dealing with this stubborn customer and clearly failing to meet their needs, Lambert is like “Well, I really did like my old tablet, but I suppose this one you’ve been trying to sell me on for nearly half an hour will be adequate, probably,” like Jaskier’s got him at gunpoint or something.
Jaskier is like oh, excellent, sir, what a wonderful choice sir, you are totally my favorite customer sir!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD while also being like >:(((((((((((((((((( to Lamert’s clear amusement and whatnot.
After the deal is done and the bastard’s on his way out, Jaskier is like !!! when he sees Lambert stop in front of the assole!supervisor sure he’s going to complain about Jaskier. To his surprise though, Lambert’s just, all “Oh, he was so helpful! Answered all my questions!” and so on and both Jaskier and the asshole!supervisor are taken aback because that was not what they were expecting?
And then Lambert’s like “I only want to deal with him when I come in here,” to which Jaskier is ah, okay because he gets Lambert’s game now, and the supervisor is just okay, well, I have no control over that unless you come in on days he’s working, but you can bet I’mm make sure it happens if you do, haha.
Which more or less seals Jaskier’s fate on that angle, and absolutely what Lambert intended, and anyway, asshole.
Later on, after they’ve had enough such encounters that Lambert isn’t suspicious of this oddly helpful person at the store where they buy most of their consumer electronics he’s like, >:DDDDDDDDDDDDDD when he comes in nd Jaskier’s like >:(((((((((((((((((((( if you really wanted to help me out here with the asshole!supervisor you’d buy an extended warranty or whatever and Lambert rolls his eyes and scoffs because those are scams and he’s not an idiot, and anyway, he knows Jaskier doesn’ really want to shank him out back behind the store with a rusty knife the way he threatened one time because Lambert is a delight, okay, an utter delight.
Jaskier side-eyes him so hard for that and is like, oh????? So then Lambert won’t mind meeting him out back on his break? Asking for a friend, you know, no other reason. Strangely, Lambert does not.
(Mostly because of that time Geralt fondly told the others about Jaskier shanking a monster out back by the store’s loading dock when Geralt was a little bit bleeding out and in a bad spot and anyway, yeah, no, thanks, Lambert wasn’t born yesterday okay.)
But you know who is an actual delight that Jaskier loves to see come into the store?
Aside from Geralt???
The man is sweet and polite and holds actual conversations (not a slight against Geralt by any means, it’s just. Sometimes it’s nice to talk to someone at work who isn’t a coworker or a horrible customer and so on) and otherwise doesn’t give Jaskier headaches.
(Though there was the one night after closing and rare time when the store would be clsoed the next day for a holiday or whatever so no night crew coming in. Jaskier was trying to get his car to start when Eskel showed up all bloody and half-dead and Jaskier was closest. Also his phone was broken and no way to contact Geralt or anyone else and how was Jaskier at first aid, asking for a friend and all.)
Jaskier’s favorite encounter with Eskel at work is when he calls Jaskier asking if he can help with a tech issue. Mangled laptop and files he wants to get off the harddrive you know, but ~sensitive file that have to do with the witchers and their work.
They all pretend Jaskier knows absolutely nothing about any of it, even though he’s patched all of them up at some point or they’ve saved his life from some monster or other and there really shouldn’t be any pretense about it all?
It’s one of those days where work is slow and the other Geek Squad-esque people are out on house calls and won’t be back for a few hours or called out sick or whatever.
And this, okay, this is something Jaskier convinced one of them to teach him or he taught himself through Google and YouTube and anyway, he can do the file transfer magic stuff for Eskel, no problem.
Tells him as such and to come by before anyone gets back from the calls so he can handle it himself without anyone looking on and all, so he does, right?
Jaskier lets Eskel in the back room with him while he works, and they have a nice little chat and catch up on what’s new in their lives and all that.
Jaskier is like oh, ew, gross because some of the files he salvages for Eskel are photo documentations of past hunts - for science!!1! - but also ooh, what was that hunt like???
(Accidentally clicks on some or some other reason for him seeing what the files are or just file names and anyway, shhhh, let me have this.)
Because curiosity and also songs and Geralt enjoys being difficult on purpose and Jaskier’s never sure how much Lambert tells him is complete bullshit, and anyway. Eskel’s the nice one. Usually.
Also, though, also.
There are so many photos of Geralt and Lambert, Vesemir and Ciri and certain sorceresses and suchlike, and it’s adorable and sweet and wholly expected?
To Jaskier’s forever joy and delight there are at least two entire album’s worth of freaking goat pictures.
(Well, okay, goat and horse and whatever other animals these withcers have in their lives and so on.)
It’s adorable as hell and Jaskier makes these little squeaky noises of pure awww at the sight of them, okay, because Lil Bleater and whatever little terrors Eskel has known and clearly adores.
He’s like staring straight ahead and all everything’s fine and normal and whatnot while Jaskier is like omg and she’s so cute and omg Eskel, omg.)
Withcers may not be able to blush or whatever, but you can sure as hell bet he would have been blushing up a damned storm if he could and Jaskier also knows that and is just.
Charmed, okay, he is utterly charmed by this big soft dork and swears he won’t tell anyone even though the people who matter obviously know as well, and anyway, anyway, he gets this soft little smile for it and his heart is like oh, oh no, because Jaskier’s kind of gone on these idiot witchers okay.
(After the discovery of the goat pictures Eskel starts sending new ones to Jaskier who always gets that look people get when presented with adorable pictures of animals and this warm squishy feeling because oh, oh no, indeed and anyway, yes, because idk what pairings/ships i even want this to be anymore but just soft feelings all over the place even with Lambert, the bastard. XD)
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hajimine · 4 years
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— to the lovely moots & followers who i talk to quite often (or pretty much everyday), this one’s for you.
thank u for being in my life, you made my 2020 so so much better. i’m so grateful october lex decided to make a tumblr acc 🥲
i’ll try my best to keep it kinda short 🥲👍
in alphabetical order:
@4fterh0urs — my omega phoebe 😩‼️ ily so much bc you’re both extremely stupid n extremely smart at the same time. u mean so much to me and i love talking to u even if u call me such weird as nicknames every damn day 😃 you’re so sexy n hella intimidating smfh idk how i was able to make u my bitch (JK PLS DONT KILL MEE) anyways, thanks for being a real one bae + you’re the person i block the most, so you’re special ig 😹👍 ily you’re actually such a sap but u pretend to be all tough heh <33
@archivednikes — my solar system, my wh*re (lovingly) hi bae 😣 ok yk how much i love u but. im gonna tell u again: ILYSM!! OKAY??? please know that you’re such an amazing human being and you’re SO incredibly talented. god i love u so much please take care of yourself baby, you’re always so kind to other people and i hope you can do the same to yourself. once again, i am so fucking glad you decided to slide into my inbox that day, because now i look forward to talking to you every single morning. insert grabby hands ilysm <33
@boosyboo9206 — onyx hi babes! i’m so so grateful for you omg u dont even know it. you always manage to cheer me up with your antics and you’re always here to support me 🥺 whenever i’m down you somehow aways manage to make me feel a lil better. i love talking to u whether it’s about sth as mundane as the weather or even your obsession with the word peepers. thank you for being you, please take care of yourself and stop sleeping so damn late. ilysm <33
@ch4jime — chloe bae!! 😁 hi omg ilysm you’re so cute and cool and nice urghh thanks for always checking up on me! i love love seeing you in my asks, you’re such a lovely person to be around. i seriously need to be better at dropping in other people’s inbox, so just know that i’ll work on hanging out on your blog more often this year bc ily! i wish u all the best and please never stop being you baby mwah <33
@fairyoomi — hi bae 😣😣 how are u?? i know we don’t talk much anymore, and that’s okie, but i still wanna write u this lil note because i’m so thankful i met you here on tumblr. you’re an amazing writer and u were so sweet to me even when i was a teeny blog who didn’t know anyone. i admire u a lot, yknow? thanks for being such a friendly and welcoming person, ily <33
@gu3to — mochi bestieo 🙀 idk if you’ll even see this smh so i’m just gonna text u after this (if i don’t forget to rip) okay so. hello?! you’re so mf cool and you’re a trendsetter 🤩 yes yes im fueling your god complex it’s bc ily smh. you’re so dumb i wanna choke u sometimes but i won’t bc i’m also just as dumb 😁 pls stop disappearing from the face of the Earth okay ilysm you always keep it real and i know i can always count on u to listen to uh... my shit. okay so when are we gonna make out? 🤨 oki bye <33
@hoekageyama — wifey!! maddie baby urghh yk how much i love you, you’re one of my earliest moots im pretty sure? and aaaaa i’m so so glad i decided to be weird as hell and slide into your asks that day (pancreas. sighs. iconic.) you’re my numero uno whenever i wanna bark about hot 2d boys and what i’d let em do to me coughs err yea hehe. please take care of yourself baby you’re such a sweet and kind and loving person and i’m so glad to have you in my life. smh we text each other lovey dovey texts anyway but i still wanna do this for u 😋 ilysm!!! <33
@honeyskawa — lani baby hi! i know you haven’t been super active lately, but i just wanna tell u that i appreciate u so so much!! you honestly made my goddamn week when u sent me that ask about how i inspired you bc what the heck?? never in my life have i expected to have such an impact on someone. you’re a wonderful writer honestly. i love u so much and i hope everything’s going well baby, i’m excited talk to u more whenever you decide to be active on tumblr again <33
@jougogo — kaybae hi!!! you haven’t been on tumblr much lately but hi sexc it’s me lex lol i’ve moved accs hehe 😎 i hope u see this whenever u get your phone back cries. you’re such an amazing person to be around, always so cheerful and friendly, you exude so much positive vibes and ilysm. you always manage to lift up the mood with your sexc self and i admire u for that. you’re so incredibly chaotic and fun to be around ahrgehxhh i appreciate u sm and i hope you’re taking care of yourself bby ily <33
@kemochie — my waluigi, my favorite f*rry, hi 😝 urghhh god we just started talking everyday pretty recently but god. you’re so funny??? and i love bullying u bc u give me so much material to bully u with (ok jkjk i love u that’s why i bully u smh) also, you’re so incredibly supportive and u were actually the one who pushed me to finally post that atsumu fic, even tho stupid me accidentally deleted it LMAOBSBD anw, u bring sm joy in my life, so thank u for that. we’re a small lil filf and you’re the milf to my dilf LMAO ilysm mwah!! <33
@kenmaki — gabbae! virgo bestie!! hi hi !! you’re such a talented person and you’re an amazing writer, and i hope one day u can get past your insecurities and see yourself as the wonderful person u truly are. i love how we were able to relate to each from how similar virgos think + our initial conversation of dick measurements and such will forever be seared into my memory. and congrats on getting a daily railing on the dash HSBDH i don’t look at em i promise lol 🤩🤩 jdbdhdh ilysm bby <33
@miyams — ren sweet babie hi! you’re so incredibly talented please don’t listen to stupid hate anons. i’ll stab them with a serrated knife if i have to 😠🔪 you’re so flippin cute and sweet i love talking to you, and i love love love whenever u come by my inbox to say hi. i hope we can talk even more in 2021, my dms and asks are always open for u bby (even though i suck at replying right away, sorry abt that huhu) i love u sm baby please take care of yourself <33
@miyasangel — ardie bae 😜 hi sexc!! i still cant believe we talk like everyday now lmaoo i used to think you’re so freaking cool (i still do) and now i’m friends w u whattaheck 🥲 you’re such an amazing writer wtf. i hate that we had to start our friendship on such a sour note (ehem discord ehem) but i’m really glad it brought us closer together. ily cockarden i’ll be sure to bully u even more HAHAGS IM JK makes out w u so hard bc you’re so damn hot ily 😣‼️ <33
@owlywrites — owly baby hello! ily so so much and you’re so talented, you deserve so much recognition. i hope i can read more of your fics soon bc they’re so well written ugh 😣 thanks for always checking up on me and always being so incredibly sweet. i love u so so muchhh huhu i wanna give u the biggest hug in the world :( please take care of yourself and never stop being your genuine self kith kith <33
@rilacry — milfy gorlillola 😜😜‼️ hi sexc. omfg i was so intimidated by u wtf (and i still kinda am smh) bc you’re so cool?? and your writing n carrd making skills are amazing as hell wtf. u just exude BDE bc you’re hella hot AND bc u wanna peg everyone. anyways,, i’m glad we got closer recently, even if it was out of really wack circumstances. ily bae pls stop sticking your memojis everywhere mwah <33
@rintaroll — my kue tete ☹️☹️ ilysm smh bye i can’t believe we’re close now wtf you’ve always been so cool and sexc 😩‼️ oh god i rmb when u were still on your old acc and u seemed so out of reach and i was a lil intimidated ANDBDJD SHHH but yea now ik you’re just a big h word dork and i love u for that 😣 i wish u all the best for your singing career bby you’re such a talented writer AND singer wtf. also you’re so pretty???? wtf how rude 😠 JKJK HAHHSBD ilysm kithes u so hard <33
@tetsoleil — geegee!! hi baby 😣 thanks for being such a sweet human being ily! it’s been a while since we actually talked yeah? but i still want u to know that i love u a lot and i appreciate u so much. i’m so so grateful you’re in my life because you’re such a joy to be around. you’re an amazing writer bby and i hope you get the recognition u deserve. i’m always here for u if u need anything. ilysm bby <33
@velvetfireworks — rachie bae 🤩 my bakso goreng, my golden kiwi!!! ily!! hehe im so glad i decided to slide in your dms when u asked me if i was indo. but ahhhh you’re ao sweet and cute and supportive ilysm. an amaaazing writer and i admire your work so much, but i think you’ve heard me say that multiple times before. i’m so glad we became closer recently through our love for greasy food and wonky lil faces 👁💋👁 kith kith ilysm <33
@yato-o — yato baby hi!! urgh honestly i appreciate u so so much?? i feel so lucky to be able to get to know you. i don’t even remember how we met but ahhh thank u for always stopping by and have a chat with me even though i know you’re a busy person. please take care of yourself and get some rest whenever u need to! don’t feel pressured to come on here if you’re tired baby, im so grateful to have u in my life, i luv youu <33
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kisses, lex
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Greetings once again! So, I dont have my traductor with me right now, but I also dont associate other languaje with him, so I guess we'll stick to english :)
Some extra things before: You are reading Ari and Dante!! I think is one of my favorite books ever!! I hope you will enjoy it💚 Also, the beach looks gorgeous!! Good for you I say 😌 and I finally watched Encanto and I loved it!!! "We dont talk about Bruno" must be one of my fav songs 10/10. Oh, and also Max and Raziel are best bros already😂
Ok, now we can go into the chapter...
I'm so in love with Lexi...
“Raziel is not going to be pleased,” Magnus smiled. “What is he going to do?” Alec asked. “Ban me?” (I ABSOLUTELY EXPECTED SOME PUN ABOUT THIS😂😂)
They'll return to Idris omg
Yup, he is going to retire..
Jdibdijejjdkd they need to stop being so flirty and cheesy <33
"You are so beautiful that sometimes I have to look away.” Bro, its 1 a.m and I'm trying not to scream, they cant say this shit!!!
Alec having to remind himself to breath kdksjdksk I LOVE THEM💙💙
*snort* Idiots un love
I bet Max is in the kitchen. The best contraceptive are always the kids😂
Magnus, your son-in-law is listening...
Ok, tho I recognize that the best way to win your father-in-law isnt seeing him in underwear, Alec has to admit he loves him ;)
Can he get any more soft???
I'm trying not to laugh but wtf Magnus??😂 (its not a lie tho👀)
The are lots of cute💙💙
“Wait a second,” Alec said slowly. “Maybe it’s not a bad idea.” Omg I coudnt cover a slight laugh. Did my parents heard me?? I'm in danger :)
Uh,” David said awkwardly. “I think he is still in his room…with the Inquisitor.” (OMG OMG OMG I'M DYING😂😂)
He is living to the family motto and we are proud😌😌
He definetly got laid... I cant lmaoo
This is killing me please jdkbdkdndkd
“I don’t kiss and tell, baby bat,” Rafael winked at his brother.
“Say that to the gigantic hickey on your collarbone,” Max sniffed.
“Aw. Are you jealous?” Rafael asked with a wicked grin. “David, my brother wants some hickeys of his own.”
“Please don’t drag me into this,” David held up the spatula.
“Yeah. Leave him alone. He is very good at giving hickeys.”
Reading this at 1 a.m has got to be one of the worst decisions ever cause I'm dying of laugh while trying not to make a sound 😂😂 Your honor I fucking love them jdjdkdne
Alec be like: I say no, but my husband says yes smh
They wont let go that he passed put😂 I mean, neither would I...
They are all dorks
I'm between wanting to know like Magnus, and at the same time dont like Alec...
Anjali!!! Jdbdkdkekdkkd omg
Rafael calling her "amor" is everything that is right in my life💙💙💙
This family>>>>>>>>>
Anjali and David being like "What did I get into?" for 0.5 seconds
I'm not sure I want to know what he whispered... Who am I kidding?? Of course I want to know!!
“I was dead for like three days!” Casual family discussions...
I knew it!! He is going to retire!!!
Same Max, same... He is peak Consul material
We should definetly normalize dying for Magnus Bane
This. This scene is fucking perfect. I love it so frickinh much ndhsksnjsjs
I love Anjali so much.💙💙Also she's never letting go the fact that Diego dated Zara😂
"Well, at least, she wasn’t a prince of hell" The bar is extremily low here...
I'm love him giving advice to David <33
YESS. My boy deserves a break!!
I just thought of Rafael in Consul robes and IS IT HOT IN HERE SUDENLY???
"So, no. I don’t regret that. But I do regret how I explained myself to you.” wow. I love this. He's so damm right
Yesss. I needed this apologie!!! 💙💙
A dick move indeed
“Well, grandpa was part of the Circle,” Alec pointed out. “So, he kinda asked for it, really.” (cant say he's wrong)
Anjali and Rafe are going to build something amazing together
Max is so relatable. Also, I want those cards.
Yup. They need to figure their shit out please!!
Covering a serious situation with jokes is now both Magnus and Alec thing smh...
He has come so far from that really...
Alec calling them "his babies" and "his boys" feels so great
"Growth isn’t linear. It’ll be the same for you. Whatever your struggles are, you won’t always be on top of it.” My man is so wise and I love they are figuring all of this out!!
Ok, Max got a point and Magnus will definetly go back to him
Rafael will always keep fighting and I'm so proud of him
What?” Alec mouthed.
“I love you,” Magnus mouthed back.
Alec smiled at this husband.
“Stop with the non-verbal flirting,” Max said. “It’s like you have never seen each other before.”
“At least neither of us is passing out,” Alec teased.
He is going to let that go, will he?? The blackmail is now mutual 😂😂
Alec calling Magnus home cures my anxiety, clears my skin, fixes everything thats wrong with me-
How many "I love Lexi" am I allowed per chapter?
All the changes jdjkdkdndld!!! I'm gonna cry😭And he did that!! 💙💙
He. Is. Proud. Of. Alec. Jwhekdbw Imma head out...
Rafael can sew?? Fuck, he is soo sexy
A great summary of this rollercoaster
Yesss. Alec thanking them for saving them is my will to wake up everyday
Just realized that Jace and Clary raised the kids who killed two princes of hell and that is so sexy of them
Magnus IS a prince💙💙
Oh, so Max did tell them..
Fuck yeah, he is not just a warlock and better watch out Kingsley!!
As always, Emma is my spirit. Good for him!!!
Divya!! Fuck yess. I also love her jdhdbjd
For fucks sake not Kingsley again!!!
Fuck fuck fuck fuck... I hate him
"If had to choose between her and the Clave, I won’t hesitate to do it again.” Ok, that was really a stupid thing to say... I guess love belongs among fools...
Ok but "Let him fight. He is good at it. Let him fight." and "Fight, my baby. Fight. We are here for you." Fuck it. I'm emo🥺🥺🥺
Lexi is speaking the truth😌 Raziel is totally chill (he is really stupid but anyway)
The way he is going to be such a great lider..
Free Wi-Fi!! Sign me tf up!!
"The Consul. His son. A Lightwood-Bane." 🥺🥺 fuck, I drop my phone for celebrating.. Its now 2 a.m but Idk if they are still awake...
Downwolders and shadowhunters alike celebrating is the future I need to see💙
Clace and Sizzy are amazing😂💙
They are so wise and sexy ngl...
Because that’s how his heart worked. It beat according to Magnus’ name.
Cause that’s how his world worked. It began and ended with Magnus.
He cant be thinking all this poetry and expect me not to cry😭😭
Shit, he will lead in Selena's trial... It will be ok (I hope)
“I’m done, baby. No more Consul Lightwood-Bane,” Alec whispered. “I just want to be your Alexander for whatever time I have left.”
Magnus looked up at that and Alec saw entire galaxies inside those golden-green eyes.
Dude. Bro. This. Wow. I have no words for them.
"He led the two of them into a new future. A future that belonged to Alexander and his Magnus" I- first of all I'm crying, but good tears. God, this was so wholesome. It just-The fluff and that family and wow. I'm love them so much and I'm always amazed by your writing. I love it so much💙💙
Bye!! Keep enjoying the beach!!!
P.s: I read this at 1 a.m but I'm asking at 11 a.m cause my phone died 😂
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Also, I don't know why, but I love it when y'all read lbaf after midnight. Something so soft about it 💙
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aylinaliens · 4 years
May I perhaps ask if you could write something about RamKing‘s first kiss?
thank you so much for sending in this prompt, it gave me an excuse to continue my soft!ramking agenda. i just really love these characters and had a lot of fun writing this. you can also read it on ao3
summary:  He knew that he should reassure Ram, tell him that he deserved the whole entire world, but that’s unfortunately not what he did. “I think I’m in love with the sound of your voice.” King whispered. “Is that weird.” Ram didn’t reply—at least not verbally. He just leaned forward and pressed his lips to King’s forehead. King liked to think that was Ram talk for yes it is, but am I too. Or it was Ram talk for you are the weirdest person I have ever met, here’s a pity kiss. He hoped it was the first one.
just kiss me slow, your heart is all i own (ram/king)
This was definitely not how King envisioned his first kiss with Ram. He was fully planning on taking his sweet time leaning in while maintaining eye contact. Maybe he would hold Ram by his face and place the softest kiss on his lips. Either way he wanted it to be slow and deliberate so that if Ram changed his mind he had enough time to pull back. But rather than doing that he ended up shoving Ram against his door as he fisted both hands in his hair. He practically yanked the poor boy flush against his body and…
...ended up roughly slamming his forehead against Ram's in his haste to kiss him. It was mortifying on so many levels and through a haze of pain he could hear Ram laughing. He was laughing. Any other time it would be like music to King's ears but now it was only a painful reminder of how idiotic he was. How the hell did he manage to miss his lips? Sure, he was incredibly drunk so his spatial awareness was a bit off but that was no excuse for whatever that was. 
This was the opposite of sweet and gentle; it was needy and messy. But it was all Ram's fault. He was the one who dragged him from that bar and let his feelings slip out. Rather than typing them out on his phone he spoke them: I like you. Those three words now had King dragging Ram by his wrist back to his apartment. To talk. He swore it was to talk and King finally, thankfully, admitted his feelings too. Just as Ram was about to open the door and leave (because both were too drunk and needed time to process everything) King's phone buzzed in his pocket.
Cool Boy:
You can kiss me goodnight
Cool Boy:
If you want
God, King really did. So he shoved Ram against the door more rougher than he originally intended. He was simply too intoxicated on both alcohol and happiness that he ended up misjudging the distance.
Groaning in pain and embarrassment, King let his head fall on his boyfriend's shoulder (he couldn't believe he was allowed to call him that) and wished he could disappear. "You can break up with me if you want." His voice was muffled by the fabric of Ram’s shirt. Perhaps Ram should considering he couldn't even kiss him properly. Out of all his friends he was known as the smooth one yet he managed to royally fuck up their first kiss. Damn alcohol. Damn the fact that Ram was slowly turning him to a bigger dork than he already was. 
King wasn't expecting a reply so when Ram spoke he was genuinely surprised. "I don't want to." It was enough to make King lift his head but once he did he felt bad. There was a faint red mark on King's forehead from where they connected and unconsciously he brought his hand up to touch it. Ram winced at first before leaning into the touch, back to his usual silent self. It was who King fell for right? The silent boy with those sad expressive eyes. The boy who was just as weird as King was. Cool Boy. His Cool Boy. Yeah, the alcohol was definitely making him a tad bit over emotional right now. 
He buried his face into Ram’s shoulder again, letting his hand drop back to his side. Stupid. He was stupid. He didn’t deserve someone like Ram. Someone who would still look at you like you hung the goddamn moon after they head-butted you. Apparently his inhibitions were a lot looser than he thought because he ended up saying all that out loud, complete with a hiccup at the end.
Warm hands were suddenly on either side of King’s face, slowly guiding him away from his hiding place. Once they were eye level King tried to look away but Ram was not having it. His hold was firm enough that King had no choice but to look at Ram. He knew that Ram would let him go at the first sign of discomfort—but he wasn’t. No, he was just embarrassed and nervous. Also feeling just a tad bit pathetic. He thought he would love being able to stare into Ram’s eyes like this but it was intimidating. So damn intimidating. His gaze was a mixture of many things—fondness, amusement, heat, sadness, and even shyness. King should look away (King never wanted to look away). Ram’s fingers began to softly stroke King’s cheekbones, lips turned up in the smallest of smiles. “You’re not stupid.” He whispered. “I don’t think I deserve you.” 
He knew that he should reassure Ram, tell him that he deserved the whole entire world, but that’s unfortunately not what he did. “I think I’m in love with the sound of your voice.” King whispered. “Is that weird.” Ram didn’t reply—at least not verbally. He just leaned forward and pressed his lips to King’s forehead. King liked to think that was Ram talk for yes it is, but am I too. Or it was Ram talk for you are the weirdest person I have ever met, here’s a pity kiss. He hoped it was the first one.
Ram leaned back, still gently caressing King’s face again. He did this for what seemed like hours (when in reality it was only a minute) before opening his mouth to speak. “Redo?” It took King a good long moment to process those words. Oh. He was both flabbergasted over the fact that Ram spoke and the fact that he could be so bold. In reply King just rapidly shook his head, causing Ram to lose his hold on King’s face. As much as King wanted to be the one to initiate their first kiss he decided against it. Who knows what else he’ll end up messing up. The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was Ram frowning. He waited. Waited some more. Fidgeting nervously. Puckered up his lips as a way to say c’mon cool boy, right here. After nearly two minutes of doing this, King was about to open his eyes but froze when he felt pressure on his face. Not on his lip but the tip of his nose. His eyes fluttered open to see Ram only centimeters away. This was not what he had in mind when Ram said a redo but...he wasn’t complaining. He felt his heart swell with what could only be described as adoration, feeling a pit in the bottom of his stomach. How could that—not even a proper kiss—leave King feeling as if he was on top of the world? Part of King knew that if he wasn’t this intoxicated he wouldn’t be this mushy, nor would he be this desperate. Actually, he probably would considering the depth of his feelings. The alcohol just brought those feelings to the forefront of his mind rather than attempting to keep them at bay.
“W-what was that for?” Ram didn’t reply (he wasn’t surprised) and instead reached down between them to gently pick up one of King’s wrist. He rubbed his thumb on the underside of, deep in thought. Before King could question what was happening Ram tightened his hold and began to drag him. Toward his bedroom. Confusion and panic shot through him. “Wait,” King yelped, “Cool Boy what are you doing?” 
Just as they were about to reach his bedroom door Ram stopped in his tracks and turned around to give King an incredulous look. “Bed.” As if that answered the question rather than create twenty more. How the hell was King supposed to get a moment of sleep with Ram here? 
King did end up sleeping that night. Not even ten minutes after Ram dragged him to his bed, turning down the bed sheets. All King could do was stare like an idiot as he watched Ram pull the curtains tight, mind running a million miles a minute. After he was satisfied with the state of King’s bedroom he once again took hold of his wrist and dragged him toward the dresser that was at the far corner of the room. He might still be shell shocked from the fact that his boyfriend was in his room and going to sleep in the same bed as him but he had enough brain cells to understand what Ram wanted when he pointed. Clothes. He hastily grabbed two sets of pajamas for them hoping that they would fit Ram.
King was going to be a good person and let Ram change first (actually he was going to go around his room and clean up the various piles of clothes he had strewn on his floor) but turns out Ram was incredibly stubborn. Rather than tugging his wrist, Ram gently took hold of one of King’s hands and pulled him toward the bathroom. This was definitely a new feeling—one that he could get used to. Ram’s hands were rough but his hold was gentle. Too gentle King thought to himself. He gave it a squeeze hoping that it conveyed what he was too scared to say out loud. Thank you. I like you.
After they were both changed King settled into his bed. He tried to scoot over a far as he possibly could so that Ram would have enough room. Except after Ram turned off the lights he did not lay down in the bed. No, instead he made himself comfortable in the chair that was adjacent to the bed. He couldn’t help but send the other boy a quizzical look but all he got in reply was a look that seemed to say I’m not changing my mind. As bad as he felt for making him sleep on that tiny chair he knew that Ram was probably doing this for his own sake rather than for King’s. The last thing he ever wanted was to make Ram uncomfortable so after handing him a spare blanket King laid back on his pillows. He was asleep in less than a minute. 
King was expecting the morning after to be laden with awkward silence—but surprisingly it wasn’t. Ram was still silent but King made sure to make up for it. After eating breakfast King shyly began to pull Ram around to show him his different plants. At first he felt bad, assuming that he was boring the other boy to death, but he quickly got over that fear once he received a series of texts.
Cool Boy:
You can keep on talking.
Cool Boy:
I’m listening.
Cool Boy:
I want to hear about this. 
That was all the encouragement King needed before launching into a discussion over how important humidity was to successfully keep alive a Calathea Lancifolia or the correct type of soil you should buy to grow a Peperomia Ferreyrae. He could have gone on for hours if it wasn’t for Ram sending him an apologetic look before nodding toward the door. King couldn’t find it in himself to be upset and sent the younger boy a smile. “It’s okay. Thanks for last night. I’ll see you later.” Ram nodded once more before slipping on his shoes and gathering up his things. Ram sent one last glance at King before letting himself out, leaving King alone.
After he was one hundred percent sure Ram was gone he let out a groan before dragging a hand through his hair, grimacing in disgust at how sticky it felt. He was just about to walk to his bathroom for a much needed shower when his phone started to vibrate in his pocket. He paused in the hallway and slipped it out, mouth going impossibly dry as he read the message not one but three times. Was it possible that he still had some alcohol left in his system? There had to be right? The message Ram just sent him sounded too good to be true.
Cool Boy:
Can I kiss you? 
He wasn’t sure how long he stood there in shock but he quickly began to move with a purpose when he heard a soft tap on his door. He yanked it open with more force than he needed to find Ram standing in the doorway, beet red. His eyes were wide and King could faintly make out the fact that his hands were trembling. “Yes.” That was all that King could whisper. It came out breathless but he didn’t care—screw his self preservation he needed to show Ram just how much this had an effect on him too. 
Ram didn’t bother to ask twice before reaching over to cradle King’s face in his head. Both seemed to take a deep breathe before leaning in to meet each other halfway. The kiss was soft and slow, so agonizingly soft and slow that if King didn’t grip the other boy's jacket his knees would surely give out from under him. If he felt like he was going to pass out from a simple peck how the hell would he be able to handle doing anything else? 
Ram pulled away after a few seconds when he realized the other didn’t kiss back and King felt a wave of panic shoot through him. There was a brief look of hurt that flashed in his eyes, hands a trembling mess. King could feel Ram start to loosen his hold on his face and knew that he just messed this whole thing up. Again. Before Ram could drop his hands King stopped him. He pressed his hands against Ram’s own before gently rubbing his thumb over his knuckles. He began to lean in, making sure to keep eye contact in case the other changed his mind, but he never did. 
King pressed his lips to Ram’a gently, cautiously. It was similar to how Ram kissed him moments before and he did that for a reason. King wanted Ram to know that he wanted this but he was too wrapped up in his own thoughts the first time. After a few moments of this he felt a sigh against his lips as Ram began to kiss back. Over and over again they kissed, every time one would lean back the other would just capture it in another kiss. It wasn’t heated—not in the typical way you see in movies or read about in books—but damn King was on cloud nine. Ram seemed to be feeling the same because he kept on sighing against King’s lips. This was now his new favorite sound. After a minute or two of lazily kissing (because they had all the time in the world) they broke apart out of breath. Somehow Ram’s face was even more red than it was before and King felt a thrill inside him to know that he was the cause of that. He was sure he looked just as flustered and wanted to desperately run a hand through his hair. It was his nervous tick that he only seemed to do when he was in the vicinity of a certain tattooed covered boy. He forced himself not to do it because that would mean letting go of Ram’s hands so instead he just let his forehead fall against his boyfriends. He had a million things he wanted to say but it seems like that little make out session left him incapable of forming a coherent sentence. “Woah, Cool Boy.” 
Ram laughed and King added it to his list of favorite sounds. Apparently all of his favorite sounds were related to Ram—because of course they would be. King began to laugh too, secretly glad that Ram didn’t speak. He did however lean forward and press a soft peck to the bridge of his nose—this time King was sure that it was Ram talk for woah is right. 
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kyaruun · 4 years
I just have so many feels for my band kids today so I’ll just. Talk a bit. About them,,,
Three dumbasses having fun together: the (rock) band under the cut
Yuu, guitar, for some reason the leader? The glue that managed to get the other two dumbasses to join his group project. Golden Retriever energy. Trying his best all the time pls pat his head and tell him he’s a good boy. Softest vampire in your area, 11/10, boyfriend material. Lowest self-steem out of the bunch but he’s trying. Charismatic dumbass who deserves all the loving AND MY SON MY RAY OF SUNSHINE MY BABYYYYYY.
Chris, bass, vocals from time to time. Got in here bc he enjoyed being with Yuu, decided to stick bc messing with Jiro gives him the serotonin ™ . Actually can’t play too much but is trying to improve himself everyday. Plant gay boy. The most chaotic but also the oldest. Extremely popular for some reason? Hot vampire with a great fashion sense. Teasing is his life.
Jiro, drums. D O G. Werewolf. Yeah that’s all you need to know from him. Super hot headed, will snap at the slightest but end up feeling bad afterwards. Can’t apologize for his life. Angery doggo who needs some headpats. Youngest son in his family, his older sister teases the hell out of him and now Chris does too please give him a  b r e a k. Surprisingly skilled at music, takes playing super seriously.
It’s just,,, idk I love these dorks?? I could talk abt them for ages:
Chris teasing Jiro, Jiro actively trying to kill Chris, Yuu checking his phone with the most bored expression like here we go again. He’ll step into at the very last second to avoid a killing but only after he’s done with his game asdfghjkl
Yuu being the youngest (17) and accidentally getting himself a protection squad composed of a snarky vampire and an aggresive werewolf,,, they’re a family now. Yuu is: confused but happy.
Just. Bros being bros. Chilling together, rehearsing together, going out together. They have a monthly assembly where they complain about their families and siblings. They have an award for the shittiest sibling of the month and it’s really at odds
They give me soft chocobros and given vibes and I’m here for it tbh I mean none of them are straight sooooooo
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so, @queencurlycrown suggested that I sit down and watch the 2019 movie all the way through while typing out my thoughts about it, and I thought that was an absolutely BRILLIANT idea (she’s a genius, so I shouldn’t be surprised).
So please, enjoy my (very long) ramblings!
- I love how echo-ey the music is. It’s not as strong or intense, but it gets the job done, and gets me excited for the movie.
- Cat shadows are kind of creepy, not gonna lie
- The music getting so intense as soon as Victoria is thrown just gives me chills, honestly. Also, can I fight an old lady? Because I want to fight an old lady.
- I kind of like how all the cats immediately surround the bag as soon as the old lady leaves oH HI CASSANDRA I LOVE YOU QUEEN ...where was I? CORI MY SON I LOVE YOU
- All of them surrounding Victoria and circling her is super intense and wonderful and UGH YAY MUNKU HELP YOUR GIRLFRIEND
Jellicle Songs:
- Hi, I’m in love with Robbie Fairchild
- All of them popping out of random places just makes me feel so immersed in their world and I love it. Also, is Alonzo the one who sings “can you say of your bite that it’s worse than your bark?”
- Jfc Cori stop flirting with Victoria and give mISTO HIS HAT BACK also you’re an absolute dumbass and I absolutely adore you, you little baby boy
- Misto adjusting his hat with his tail? I’m in love. But also, the way that the music picks up makes it such a bop, and it really starts to get you into the movie.
- Gosh, Tantomile, how do you keep track of the braincell? Because Cori most definitely does not have it.
- Misto, you absolute fucking DORK that face during “Were you Whittington’s friend” GETS ME and Cassandra is just so unimpressed. They have such sibling energy.
- Syllabub, honey, please get out of the toilet.
- Okay, I’m honestly getting sibling vibes from Plato, Socrates, and Coricopat, so that’s my new headcanon for those three, plus Tantomile. Plato and Socrates are Cori and Tanto’s big brothers.
- Gosh, if any Munkustrap smiled at me like that I’d follow him into an alley too.
-  Cori, your HIPS. And, going off of the choreography, I actually really enjoy it? It’s very modern, and while it’s nothing like the Broadway choreo, I think it definitely gives the movie its own feel while still staying true to the original vibes.
- Gosh, I love how the sign changes from Moriarty to Macavity. Also, please Mr. Macavity sir. Keep your coat and hat on. You look much better.
-  Ugh, I love all the looks that Munku and Victoria share. And how he’s guiding her around and keeping her close? Excuse me while I cry.
- WHO SAYS “ORATORICAL CATS” BECAUSE I LOVE HIM? Also, Misto, pls, calm down. I know you’re already in love, but you’ve just met the queen. JERRIE PUT THAT BOX DOWN
- CORI JUMPED ONTO PLATO/SOCRATES’ BACK THEY’RE BROTHERS OKAY?? (sorry, this entire one song turned into “liv’s in love with coricopat”)
- “a-and magical cats!” oh sweetheart...
- Francesca’s dancing is just stunning. She did an amazing job as Victoria, and I will fight for her honor.
- OOF the way it just trails off just as Victoria’s getting into the song and how everyone runs off and she’s just standing there confused. It’s perfection.
- Macavity with the hat and coat is just so much better than nakey Macavity. But the way he obviously tries to hypnotize Victoria is so well-done. 
Naming of Cats/Victoria’s Dance:
- Cassandra and Demeter are girlfriends. I don’t make the rules.
- Still not 100% on their characters and their reactions to Victoria, but I do appreciate some protective ladies. Them hissing at Misto gives me more “We don’t know her, so you can’t talk to her just yet, so let the big sisters do the talking” vibes.
- Hi, I love Robbie Fairchild
- The different cats saying the different names, the setting being a graveyard, the very faint soundtrack in the back, it’s all just so creepy and I love it.
- I still hate that they skipped talking about the second part of the First Name, and the Second Name. It still doesn’t make sense, and I wish they had kept it because MUNKU DESERVES TO SAY HIS NAME DAMMIT (it would also give cats like Plato, Jelly, Cori and Demeter a chance to introduce themselves as well)
- HOOO BOY THAT TENSION BETWEEN MUNKU AND VICTORIA WOW THEY’RE ALREADY IN LOVE (also I’m just picturing Misto freaking out about the pretty cats)
- It’s almost as if Munku is teaching Victoria how to truly feel like a Jellicle/dance, as if she’s never danced before.
Invitation to the Jellicle Ball:
- oh... oh my poor anxious boy... (laurie I love you)
- Misto: *is anxious* JUGGLING TIME BABEY
- Munkustrap be like: *internally panicking at how adorable Misto is*
- Munku you smooth bastard. He lifts Tori so easily.
- The expressions, and the CGI of the ears and tails just makes everything 10 times better.
The Gumbie Cat:
- Oh... oh god here we go.
- Robbie’s voice is angelic, I love him, and he’s the only good part of this entire cursed scene.
- I hate Rebeldots. I’m sorry, but I do. I don’t enjoy anything about her. It’s just... awful. WHY THE CROTCH SCRATCHING??? JUST STOP PLEASE
- Munku leaning over the rocking chair with his arms crossed? Baby boy...
- These expressions are absolute gold, though. Everyone is absolutely terrified and confused. 
- Plato and Socrates are helpful boys, and are just happy to be there.
- Misto helping out the cockroaches? Also baby boy...
The Rum Tum Tugger:
- MY BOY I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!! I really love Derulo Tugger and the rebellious teen-vibes he gives off. 
- Munkustrap just. adopting all the cockroaches. I can’t with him sometimes. He’s just such a dad to everybody.
- I can’t believe I didn’t realize that Misto and Tugger are ex-boyfriends when I first watched this movie. It’s so obvious now.
- Plato, Socrates, and Tugger are BFFs. They even have matching necklaces. Someone come and collect these dorks please because oh my god I love them. 
- Rebeldots, please take your nasty “funny” comments and leave. They’re so uncalled for, and it really makes the scene kind of uncomfortable. Especially when she LOOKS DOWN AT MUNKU. But his expressions are the best part, so that’s all I pay attention to. 
- Ugh, I really love Jason’s voice during this whole song. This entire song just made me fall in love with him as Tugger, and his dancing and just how he portrays Tugger is amazing. 
- Wow, I love Cassandra. So much. I would die for her. 
- The way he sings “Victoria”? AMAZING (but that whole foot thing is just kind of weird so yeah)
- I know people have their feelings about his accent, but I find it totally adorable and I think he does a really good job of maintaining it throughout the song, except for a few moments. 
- Misto is ready to magic the hell out of Tugger at the end. Pls leave your ex-boyfriend alone and figure out your feelings, sweetie, before you do anything rash.
Grizabella the Glamour Cat:
- I really feel like Grizabella is Cassandra’s mother. That’s honestly the feeling I get, or she has to be a sister of some sort. The contempt that Cassandra sings with is just too intense. 
- Okay, unpopular opinion time: I wasn’t completely blown away by Jennifer as Grizabella. She was really good, but I just didn’t get the “wow” factor that I got from watching Elaine for the first time, or hearing Mamie singing “Memory” for the first time. I feel the same way about her Grizabella that I felt about Leona’s Grizabella. She’s good, but now insanely good.
- Demeter is protective of her girlfriend and stands with her against her mother/sister. 
- Plato/Socrates (I’m still not sure which one is which) standing in front of Victoria just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. They’re already so protective of her!!
- Why did we need another plothole about Grizabella’s past with Macavity? We didn’t need that!!
Bustopher Jones:
- Oh god, here we go again.
- Listen, I don’t hate Bustopher Corden’s voice. He has a good voice, I just really don’t enjoy his portrayal of Bustopher. He’s just a fat joke like Rebeldots, and I hate that. 
- Plato and Socrates have giant hats on, and they’re just sweet baby boys, okay?
- Cori!!! I love you!!! You’re so curious!!
- Misto’s so enamored with Tori. Honey, just tone it down a tiny bit, please.
- The entire “jumping onto the piece of wood” part is kind of cringey. The “gather up a few more of the... cats” line seems like it was a blooper/mistake they left in, because it almost seems like he forgot his line for a moment and they just didn’t catch it before sending the movie out. 
- Munku: *has his arms around Misto to help lift Bustopher* “don’tpanicdon’tpanicdon’tpanic”
- Mistoffelees, feeling Munku’s arms around him: “fuckfuckfuckfuck he’s really strong someone help pls”
- Demeter during this song is me. Confused, a little disgusted, and would rather be with Tugger and Cassandra during the song. 
- Just saying, Bustopher Jones would NEVER dig through trash. He’s a high-society cat, and only eats the best. 
Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer:
- Hoooo boy those accents. And the music in the background just is everything.
- Jerrie, you’re an absolute devil, and I’d die for you. Teazer, you’re just an angel and a cheeky sweetheart.
- I do love this version. I think it’s really cool, it has a really fun sound to it, and I’m glad that they went back to the original London recording. I do prefer the Broadway version, though, but I’m not angry at this version. It’s really cool, and the feel of the song gives you old-time crime-heist vibes. 
- Jerrie being gentler with Teazer than he is with Tori? What a good brother. 
- This song is basically just “Which twin can seduce the pretty cat the fastest”
- “Hello police officer! Bought these for her myself.” “You did what?” “Wait-” YOU HIMBO JERRIE I LOVE YOU
-  2019 Jerrie and Teazer are very chaotic, and a bit darker than the other twins we know, but I really do love their portrayals in this movie.
- Oh... oh no... I’m having flashbacks to my short. Now I’m crying over Misto again. Why did I kill Misto? (because I can, that’s why)
- Growltiger’s just kind of meh, and I guess he’s kind of a cool addition, but it’s just eh.
- Misto covering for Victoria when they get to the theater just makes me so soft, and Munku’s just kind in awe but also just like “what is happening with the pretty cats?”
Old Deuteronomy:
- Munku is such a sweet boy and he’s just the best son!! He loves his mom!!
- CORI YOU’RE AN ANGEL (this has also just turned into “liv is looking for any appearance by Cori”)
- I love this song just for the interactions that they all have with each other and with Old D. The way that they all look so happy and excited to see her is just so cute!!
- I think Judi Dench is a fine Old Deuteronomy, but part of me thinks that the main reason she was brought in for the movie is because she never got her shot to be in Cats, as she had the injury that then caused Elaine Paige to be brought in, so when they were trying to figure out the cast, she was probably one of the first ones to pop into their heads. (nothing against her or her portrayal of Old D. Just a thought.)
The Jellicle Ball:
- Skimble and Munku helping Old D into the theater is probably the sweetest thing ever. They’re Very Responsible Boys who Respect everyone.
- I love Gus very much.
- “Jellicles jump like a jumping jack” their little hop!!! What a mom and son!!
- I do like the chanting that they all do, but there’s just something about everyone having their moment, and their own delivery of a line that’s just so great about this scene on stage, and that’s really something I wish they had kept in the movie. 
- I actually really like the idea that their dancing is influenced by the moon. The way they all react to the moonlight, and how Victoria is at first confused as to why she’s also reacting how they are before accepting it and dancing with them just shows how important this night is to them. It also goes with the title of Act 1, “When Cats are Maddened by the Midnight Dance”, and this scene definitely makes you feel like they’re all just being controlled by the moon. Also, Grizabella dancing along with them in the corner is absolutely heartbreaking.
- Skimble... and Munku... they’re husbands... they’re doing a mating dance... fight me...
- The way that Grizabella kind of perks up curiously during the couples portion of the dance makes me think that she probably raised Mistoffelees, at least for a little bit. He arrived at the theater young, and Grizabella already had Cassandra, so she raised the two of them together, so she’s now seeing her boy dancing with a pretty queen and now I’m sad over Grizabella again.
- I can’t remember who made the post about this Ball being Cori’s first, but I absolutely see it now, because everyone’s so excited and happy to just watch him dance, and he’s so hopeful, and Old D’s just so proud of him, and oh my god my heart can’t take this I love him. 
- PROTECTOR CASS AND PROTECTOR DEMETER!!!! ALSO Protectors Plato and Socrates who won’t let anyone interrupt their little brother’s dance!!!
- I love Les Twins as Plato and Socrates, and their dancing is absolutely insane. 
- You can definitely tell that, during Victoria’s solo, Francesca had pointe shoes on, but they did a good job at blending everything together and not making it seem jarring or out of place!
- Again, the whole thing about them being controlled by the moon to an extent is really interesting, and I love how they played that part of being so overcome by the moon’s power that they just can’t help themselves. 
- I really love that they incorporated the Victoria lift from the stage production into the movie.
- I also really like that Victoria gets very overwhelmed and needs to step back from everything. Because everyone else knows what’s happening. They understand. This is her first night as a Jellicle, so everything is new and unfamiliar to her. of course, the strange power of the moon would scare her slightly. 
- I do like how Jennifer sings “Memory”, but I just wish that she would hold out the notes for longer. It’s very choppy, and you don’t really get to immerse yourself into the emotion like you can with Elaine or Mamie’s version. 
- She does an excellent job at conveying the feeling of pain and longing that Grizabella has, as well as the pride that comes back for just a few moments at points in the song. 
- I also really like her appearance, but at the same time, I think she looks too clean. On stage, Grizabella is haggard, torn, and scarred. Her fur is matted, she’s limping, and her makeup is smeared around. Jennifer’s Grizabella looks too clean to have been on the streets and abandoned for a while. 
Beautiful Ghosts/Moments of Happiness:
- “Beautiful Ghosts” is a lovely song. It really is. it’s actually one of my favorites, but it just does not fit in with the movie at all. But something that I’ve actually just realized while watching this is that this song represents Victoria. It doesn’t fit in with the rest of the music, just like Victoria feels she doesn’t fit in with the rest of the Jellicles.
- But ignoring symbolism and all that stuff, I really don’t think this song works. As beautiful as it is, I just feel like it puts the brakes on and slows the movie. Especially with the stark contrast in style. 
- Judi Dench is a wonderful Old Deuteronomy. The confusion, but slight acceptance on her face really shows how much she wants to help Grizabella, but she can’t. 
Gus the Theater Cat:
- I love how Misto fanboys over Gus. He’s just so excited to meet his idol, and Gus just smiles and indulges him. I love how MIsto kind of copies Gus’ good luck motions. He’s just such a sweetheart. 
- There is some kind of history between Gus and Old D. The looks that they give each other are... something else. 
- The trio of kittens looks so ashamed and sad and I just want to snuggle the three of them because they deserve all the love in the world. 
- Misto being very helpful during the song is adorable, and he just wants to do his best!!
- Ian McKellan is an icon and he must be protected. 
Skimbleshanks the Railway Cat:
- “Hey Liv, do you ship skimblestraps or mistoriastraps?” “Yes”
- Munku loves his husband!!!!
- *shoves jerrie and teazer away* “move, fours, an eleven is arriving soon”
- I LOVE the excitement in this number. You can just feel how much fun everyone is having, and I sweat, every time I listen to this or watch it, I can’t stop smiling. 
- Skimble, we get it, you’re a smooth, suave boy.
- TAPPING!!! The entire beginning portion of the tap sequence is just so satisfying, and as he picks it up and it gets faster, I’m just in absolute awe of Steve McRae. 
- Plato and Socrates are really just happy to be included and I love them. 
- Munku and Skimble doing their little toe tap makes me very soft and I love those boys. 
- Steve McRae doing the spin by himself while being lifted into the air? Iconic.
- Okay, Taylor Swift as Bomba was really underwhelming. I knew going in that it wasn’t going to be the same, but I really just did not enjoy her Bomba at all. It’s more helpful to see her as a different character, especially since they never say her name, but still, it’s just a bit annoying that they changed her character so much.
- As Bomba’s coming down, Tugger has his hand on Munkustrap’s back while they’re all looking up. Just something I thought I’d point out. 
- I will say, the entire catnip sequence is really something else to watch. Especially Munku with a martini glass.
- Bomba and Teazer are girlfriends. That’s what I’m getting, and that’s what I’m sticking with. 
- I really don’t like the whole “henchcat Bomba” storyline, but I guess it works in some way?
- “We didn’t know he was gonna take Old Deut!” NO you’re not supposed to be baby! Also, GO PROTECTIVE ALONZO!!!! GOOD BOY!!!
- I do miss the Macavity/Munkustrap fight, absolutely, but I really love Skimble just. aggressively tap-dancing to take down Growltiger. 
Mr. Mistoffelees:
- I really have mixed feelings about this entire song. On one hand, I like Munkustrap singing to Misto, and everyone encouraging him, but on the other hand, I really don’t like the very uncertain and awkward Misto. However, he’s still baby, so that’s all that matters.
- Munku: “how do I make this cat fall in love with me” *gently tilts the chin of every cat he meets* “perfect”
- I love Robbie’s sweet, angelic voice so much. 
- Munku’s very confused expression throughout the song is just absolutely hilarious for some reason, and I love how done Cass looks the entire time. 
- The small moments with Tugger watching, and Tugger singing int he background just makes me really happy, and again gives off the energy that Misto and Tugger are ex-boyfriends. 
- But I really love the little Mistoria moment at the very end, when they’re dancing together. It’s just so sweet. 
- This version of the song definitely has not grown on me, and I definitely don’t enjoy it as much as the other songs, but it’s still pretty fun to listen to. 
- Skimble snuggling Gus. That’s all that matters.
Memory (Reprise)/Beautiful Ghosts (Reprise):
- I definitely enjoy the second version more than the first, but it still doesn’t have that same impact. She does an amazing job, but there’s just something about her version of the song that I just can't connect with it as much. 
- Munku crying is NOT okay and he needs a cuddle immediately. 
- I think it’s the fact that Grizabella didn’t approach the Jellicles that gets me. It was Victoria who brought Grizabella in, Victoria who told Grizabella to sing. It kind of wasn’t really Grizabella’s choice to compete. 
- She doesn’t hold the notes out for very long, just like with the first version, so that definitely takes something away from the performance of the song. 
- I do love how she sings lines, like “I must think of a new life”. I made a post about this, but she just spits those words out, and you can feel her anger and feel how tired and done she is with everything.
- The “touch me” line was really powerful, though, and I definitely got chills at that part. 
- The look that Grizabellla gives Cass right before the song ends, in that small pause, really hints that they have some kind of connection, and I really get the feeling that Grizabella is Cass’ mother. 
- I really don’t like that there was a reprise of “Beautiful Ghosts”. I think they should have just let Grizabella have her final big moment, and they really didn’t need that reprise. It was unnecessary and took away from the impact of “Memory”.
Journey to the Heaviside Layer/Ad-dressing of Cats:
- Of course, we all know the massive plothole with what happened to the other contestants, so I’m not even going to get into that. 
- Misto lighting the candles and just being a confident boy with his magic. I’m so proud of my anxious baby boy. 
- I really love the setup of the final shot at the end of “Journey to the Heaviside Layer”, how there’s the chorus cats on the street level, the named/recognizable/secondary cats on the pedestal, and then the four main cats sitting on top of the lion. 
- The two of them running off together right at the end, and being just so playful with each other... angels...
- Victoria and Old D having their sweet little moment together while watching Grizabella go to the Heaviside Layer is a really sweet scene, and I think a really good end to the movie. 
alright, there you have it! my 1:30 am ramblings and thoughts about the 2019 movie, bring it back around once again!!
I’ve been wanting to do a more in-depth look at my own thoughts about it since it came out, but I haven’t had the chance, but @queencurlycrown and I were talking, and she mentioned this idea to me, and I knew I had to do it. 
so yeah!!
i will have some sleep now because it is late
20 notes · View notes
hoodie-lover · 4 years
My Multiverse Ask Event #7
Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th
KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th
Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd, 33rd
KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - 34th, 35th, 36th, 37th, 38th, 39th, 40th
Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - 41st, 42nd, 43rd, 44th, 45th
KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - 46th, 47th
Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - 48th, 49th, 50th, 51st, 52nd
KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - 53rd, 54th, 55th, 56th, 57th
Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - 58th, 59th, 60th, 61st, 62nd
KikiTheSapphireKitsune - Archive of Our Own - 63rd, 64th
Megalovaniaintensifies - Archive of Our Own - 65th, 66th
“frisk i hate you so much how dare you call tem an abomination”
“I will call Tem what I damn well please.” Frisk said as they were thrown into the wall by a stream of blue strings, and only then did they see who was standing before them. 
“So who are you? I know you’re a Sans, but do you have a nickname?” Frisk said, getting up as the grating of bones could be heard as they walked up and tried to attack, but failed miserably. 
“Call me Error. The Destroyer of Worlds.” Error said, his eyes gleaming with pure madness and insanity. All watching flinched, it was a look they were all too familiar with.
“sans has there been a timeline where frisk spared you and you didn't dunk frisk”
“Nope. I love dunking them, it’s always so satisfying.” Classic said, smiling to himself.  
“also chara supposing you were brought back would you be able to use magic like storyshift chara”
"̸̡̞̫̦͖̽I̸̡̞͈̰̟̫̖̻͆̉͌̎̎͛̽ ̶̠̙̟̩̳̅̀̇̚h̸̛͙̕͝a̶͕̗̞̦̻̱͗̈̇̄͆͗̍̎̚v̶͙̗̦̹̯̦̌̔ę̷̤͔̗̰̫̪̅̀̽͜͜ ̸̡̛̦̙̥̗̳͋̈́͑̅͛͋̚n̸̠̭̥̻̘͇͐̆̓ō̵̡̦̮̥̱͍̼͊͒̍̌ ̷̢͎͚̝͔̈́̿̃̍i̵̹͕͇̝̤͕̥̘̭͆́d̶͉̩̈́̐̉͑̇̂e̷̠̰͖̖̭̯̩̽̓͑̾̒̇̒͑̕à̶̛͖̝̠͎͈̀̈́͗͋ ̶̺̻̘̖̼̿̽̓w̶̧̢̭̹̝͕̖͈̔͠h̴͕̥̆ǫ̶̘͚̘̯̈́̽̎̉͗̚ ̶̞͔̲̦̉̓̿̍̇̃͊̎t̵̬̪̩̼͍̊͆̓͂̌̇͝͝ḧ̷̢̠̙̳́͒̽̈̽́̃̽͝a̶̛̮̫͔͕̱͐̌̋̅͊̍̀̕͜ţ̴͙̫̥͉̞͖͛̍̔̚͜ ̴̛̖̮̟̪͓̯̬̬̌̔̇̉i̵̢̨̙̠̟̔̅̿̾̈́s̴̱̲͙͈̗̬̤͆͠,̵̰̠̬̯͓̟̋̄̇̓̉̑ ̵̩̖͎̥͎̼̙͌̃b̷̢͇̝̮͕͕͔̜̆́̍̍̔͌͑͆u̵̙̱̻͙̙͛̐̍́̾͛ṭ̵̛͆̔̄̂̔̆́̕ ̷̧̠̱̬̼̓̍̃̀̀͠I̴̧̻̺̰̝͈̋̔͆̋̔̓̈́͋'̸̘̲͉̤͍͉̣͉̑̓͘͜m̵̢̩̼̮͕̳͈̓ ̷̣̀̉̃͠n̶̼̰̤̈́͐̒̊̈̓͗̇͜ǒ̴̝̮͚̖̊̋̍t̷̟̯̹͈̟̋͊ ̴̧̩̱̻̘̀s̷̱̋͛͛̽͗͘ū̷̙̋̄̔̕r̴̛̟͙̻͎̙̫̗̪͛̑͆̐̈́͠ẽ̴͕̘̰̲́͌̀̾̏͘̚.̵̯̘̩̪͖͍́̈́͜ ̷̜͙̤̪̿̕I̸̗͍̓̔̓̉̊̇̂͝ ̸̧͚͖̭͈̟̏͛̽̀̑̈́͝͠ͅẗ̷̨̜͓͎̘͇̪̼̑͗͑̎͊͜͠h̷̩̙̯̅̒͆̀î̴̞̪͊n̴̡̛͖͕̻̖̳͍̍̓̑́̐͠ǩ̵̨͇͓̼̖̺̳͉̗̇̚ ̵̢̢̡̹̟͍̟͋͗̚i̷̧̛̪̦͔̭͕͔̰͓t̶̳̹̅̊̎̿͝ ̸̳̄̾͛̈́̐̑̿͊w̷̮͔̭̜̾̈́̇̈́̓̍̃ơ̴̘̯̹͚͑́̉͒͊̊̈́̊ů̶͖̦̘͇̙̼̮̐l̵̫̔̿̀͒͆͗͆̉͠ď̷̨͇̗̝̬͔̩̈͆̅̄͐̚ ̶̛̜̉͊̊̈́́͜d̶͕̙͒̄́̓͋̍͆̃e̴̫̜̻̳̻̺̗͌̾́͒̾́ṗ̸̢̤̜͇̋̑̏͂̑͝ḛ̶̢͖̂͆̉͆̚n̷̯̰͈̿́͂̐̓̇̓́͠d̵̟̝̠̞̾́ ̶̒̃̏͒͗̐̚͜o̸̧̩̩̟͈͔͇̖̽ͅn̷̡̤̗͔͗͘ ̶̢̡̧͈̞͙̹̱̣̿h̷̖̳̅̿̄̀ö̸̹̥͚̪́̂̓̂͛̒̈͝w̸͇͍̠͍͇̪̳͛͂̓̉̓͒ ̶͙̹̎̒̇̎̍̚͝I̸̡͈̯͍̖̽͘'̷̺̝͇͖͊̆̍̏͗͗̔̍m̸̪͓̂̀̇̇͌̏͑̂ͅ ̷̧̳͇̻͌͋͑̇̑̎b̴̢͖̥̮̩͉̝͇́͌͌r̸̼̋͠o̶̧͖̜̙͕̬̯̼͆̊͋̄̏͆̈́̈́u̵̮̔̐̆͠ͅg̶̞̲̖͙̼̘͇͕̹͋̎̓̊̄̾̄̆͊h̷̯͕̏̂t̴͚̙̘̦͔̳̰̋ ̴̢̛͈̙̥̈͗̐̍̚͘̚b̵̩̲̖̭̥͎͖̪͍̍̓͆̎͆̓̚͠a̷̱̤̟͋̊̉̀͗̈́͝ç̵̘̥͉̞͓̲̺̆k̶̛̭̼͙̦̝̼̪͎̅̂͌̀͑̊̕͝.̷̙̙̼̱̥̩͂͌͛"̷̬̬͓̗̼̄̊ 
Chara said, sitting criss cross in the ground as they watched Frisk desperately try to dodge the strings the clearly bored Destroyer sent after them. 
“chara what do you think of tem pls dont tell me you agree with frisk”
"̴̛͓͓̲̣͂̍̍̉̕Ţ̴̪͕̗̺̹̠̭̜̋̈́͆e̸̹̟̥̙͙̥̘̻͒̇̿͛͂̏̈́̕͝m̷̯̤̈́̒̒͐̅̅̃̉ ̸̾͗̄̂̉̇͌͆ͅį̶̱̩̜͉͕̽̉͋͂̽̇͐̉̃s̷̥͍̞͚̑͐͛͜͠ ̶̣͈͋̎̇̀͐̊̃̋̅r̸̨̲̥̜̫͐̓͗͒ȩ̴͖͕͑̀͜͝ả̴̲̃̃̽̀́̃l̸̪̙̋̈͋̆l̵̪̻̭̫̀͊̿̅y̸̱͉͊̾́ ̸̟̗̾̋c̶̦̖͋̓̾͝ǘ̸̼̇̎̾̆͝͝t̸̹̿̍͂ë̶̛̹̙̹̩́̉̈́̔̑̌̈́!̴̯̠̍̆̉̚͝͠ ̶̻̻̔̈́̕I̴̟̿̈́̾̿̿̓͆͌͒ ̷̡̹̭̳̦͙̅͛̽̎̂̂̓̓͠l̸̩̤̪͓̫̯̖̦͙̑̃̀̏́̿ǫ̴̪̤̣̜̱̗͓̿́̈̏̚̚͝v̸̢̇e̶̖̦̓͛̀͑̚͠͠ ̸̛͓̳͍̤̾t̶̛͕̿̅̔́͆̆͝h̷͙͈͉̓̔̿̋͛̏͐͘ͅë̶̛̩́͒̀͜m̷̢̜̦͕̭̏̈́͝͠,̶̥̲͕̑̐͊̎ ̷̏͊̈́̽̍̊̈́͜Ì̵͕̭͙̾͋̍̇͝͠ ̷̨̻̭̯̈r̸̹̤̞̘̥̺͎̒͒͑́́̐e̸̡̨͙̳͎͖̙̝̪̍̓̉̇̇͊̄̉͝a̶̛̰̱͕̯̺͓̟̤̽̍͐̐̑̿̕l̴̺͙̿͆̾̒͒l̴͇̱̩̠̀̎͊̽̃y̶̞̭̝̩̼̯̤̗͌ ̶͔͋̅́̌͗̋̀͑w̷̛̛͔͇̼̱͉̰̟͌̂̅͛̋̕͜͜ȁ̴̘̦̣̟͚̱n̴͚̂̒́̊̒͌̽͘͠t̵̨͉̖̯͉̘̹̘̿͊̓̕͝ ̸̛͖̣̥̐̈́͂̊̒ṯ̴͚̙͇̰͈̔̐o̶̡̝͍͆̀̿͂͌̈́ ̶̛͍̹̙̬̼̖̓͆̄c̴̛̝̍̈́̇͘͝ư̷̙͙̈̓̍͜d̴̢̛̠̼̃̐̍͒͗̓̈̚d̶̢̛̙̰̮̓̔͋̎̅͜l̸̥͆̑͑̈͗̕e̵͍̒́͑̌͛̌̓͘͝ ̶̋̐͜͝t̶̨̲̬͚̂͆͒h̷̛̘͖̞̔̓̽̾̓̕͝ḛ̷͚͎̣̱͔͎̓͒̚m̸̧̘̦̤̣̥̜̙͐́̉͑̿̌̒.̶̛͕̭̣͚͕̥͆̄̈́͑͠͝"̴̡̱͑̒͝ 
She said, hugging herself as she smiled and her cheeks became a deeper pink color.
“Okay so this was hard to get through the glitches but here goes nothing guys. Chara wants me to give her family a message. She said "Tell them I'm sorry. That I'm sorry for everything and I love them more than anything. They're still my family and I love them so much. Tell Flowey I'm so sorry, and tell Mom that I love her and her pie, and tell Dad that I'm so sorry for poisoning him with the flowers. I would've stopped this if I could." Oh Chara, you are just a scared little girl, you poor little sweetie. Well umm if you guys want to ask her anything I am game. I'll do my best to read through the glitches.”
“Chara, tell her we love and forgive her. We’d love to see her again, she will always be apart of our family.” Toriel said, her face determined. 
“I told her that it was ok. I agree with Toriel, please, do tell her that.” Asgore said, holding Toriel close to him. 
“They better be sorry. Are they ok? They can’t be doing well considering what they went through.” Flowey grumbled, his face softening as he remembered her. 
Hmm Red, Stretch uhh you guys may want to handle the Black situation now. The trying to sabotage Red's reputation would hurt the little blueberry and red enough, but he is planning to purposely put Blue in danger so he can "Save him" uhh that sounds a touch yandere to me and is not a laughing matter.
“Honestly I like Red and either Blueberry or Classic. He needs someone nice after that mess he grew up in and those 2 seem like the most likely to help him come out of his shell and be himself.”
“Oh yeah, it was hard to relax and trust these dorks at first, especially Ink, and I wish I kept my guard up. But the good ones here are amazing.” Red said, looking at Blue longingly. 
“Frisk, you don't deserve the power you have. You have proven that much, I hope you suffer 10 fold what you made them go through.”
“And I hope you get to feel my knife running through your chest.” Frisk growled as they felt their arm snap in half as it got tangled in Error’s spider web.
“Frisk you say you think you can handle the other skeletons, let me tell you that is wrong. If you get out then I assure you Nightmare and the others will teach you the meaning of his name.”
“‘Nightmare’, sounds like a challenge, for once.” Frisk announced, trying to attack Error once more but ended up having a shattered soul as Error swapped with Horror, who was giggling with eagerness as he clutched his axe. 
“ Oh so Sci, I am serious about finding a way to help Chara. Come on you brilliant skeleton you, you gotta have some ideas!”
“I was actually working on that, it was a side project I purposed for the versions of the kid we knew were innocent, but something sidetracked me. And it was the best thing to ever happen to me.” Sci said, as he cuddled Alt, who was sleeping like a kitten and almost purring.
“Hey Chara, you deserve better. You are a good kid. I would like to offer you a hug?”
"̷̬̳̮̬̄͂́̐͗͂͆̎I̷̡̖͕͍͎̜̟̝͓͂́'̸͔́́̀ͅm̸̢͍̫̲͙̿ͅ ̸̛̞͎͆̌̋̾̉̃̕͠n̴̡̛͖̬̥̗̞̟̈́͒̃̎̈́͘͝ö̷̧̲̮̖̦͍̼́͂̓̿̓̀͗͂͘t̵̡͚͎̬̞̼͎͋́̾̓̓̈́̕͝ ̶̡̯͎̖͚̠͑̈́̒͗̓͐̐̕s̶̺̰͈̭̊̉̉͌͑̀ͅu̵͚̞̥͇̖̜̮͔͋r̷̯̭͉̰͓̝̗͐̽̐͜͜ë̸̮̹̘͇́̎̃̿́̌ ̷̬̼̈́̓̽̓̃̿͠ẙ̶̮͕̗͙͚͑̾̈́ớ̶̯͇͎̙͍͖̠̈́u̴̠͒̊̌͒̑̒̄ ̶̦̻̙͇̣͈̥͋c̸̨̭͎͙̜̼͔̽́̆̾̐͐͜͝ắ̷̲̗͈͗̆̉̚n̶̢̨̳̘̝̜̘͚̞͂́͑͗̀ ̵̪̪̈́̽h̴̨͚̮̗̳̿̇u̴͍̦͖͚̣͔̰̿̈́̃̕ġ̶̬͆̇ ̴̧͔͈͉̗̰̱̟̫̾ḿ̴̗̼̣̱̯̗͓̦͕̓͂̓̀͘̚͝ě̷̝̹̥͐͊͑͝,̷̢̡̢̳͉͓̦̀͑̊̈́̆͜ ̴̺̹̹͐͋̈́ͅI̵̢͚̹͇̮̦̗͔̬̊̀͆̇͠'̸̭̭̦̫̓̅̆̓̒͘m̴̹͗͊̾̈̐ ̷̧̙̖̰̤̙͐̈̀͗̕͘͜ͅn̵̲̈́̋̇́͝ȯ̸̦̟͉̓̃͑͑͗͘t̷̰̦̘̫̭̯̬̍̈̌̄̅͜ ̷̨̥̗̖̀͠s̴̰̟̩̑̍̈́̅͑̕͝ọ̸̲̜̮̟̓̆̃́̓̂͊̇͝ḻ̴̢̱͇͉̄͗͝͝ȋ̷̮̭̺̙̖̘d̸͎̋̉̑̽̌͝͠.̶̢̯͈̬̣̓͑̈̂̄͝͝ ̸̧̜̘̜͋̈́B̵̘͉͖͓̩͚̳͖̿̄̈̆̽̏̍̀u̵̝͑̄͑͝t̷͇̘͓͒̏̿́͋̌͜͠ ̶̢̭̫̓͆Į̷̨̡͕̱̗̤̳́͒̋̓̌̚'̷̼͔̻͈͠ḑ̴̪̗̜̻̹̬́̎͊͘͝ ̷̛̬̱͖̏̽̽́̽̚ͅl̶̛̝̜̪̰͉̱̘̐͆̋̐ơ̵̢͙͈̘̬͚̗͚͑̔̾́̍̎͒̚v̷̭̙̣̲͕̠̦͖̇́̈e̶̢̢͓̼̟̫̫͑͐͜ ̷̜͙̣̦̗̱̗͇̏̋̑̄́͝ḁ̴̡̜̀͐̉͝ ̶͓͇̲̮̜̖͈͊̾̑́̌͂̄ͅh̷̡̢̻̹̩̺́̓̐́͜u̴̻͉̐͂͌̊̀͜ġ̷̥̗̰̞̻̩,̸̛̹̜̰̳͊̓̉̈́͜͝ ̶̡̮̤̋̾I̸̜̘̜̪͋͐͒̂̕͝ͅ ̴̡̛̗̲̗͔̟̜̇̿͑͐̎̈́͝h̵̫͈̤̫͑a̴̖̦͉͖̰̿̌̆̓͘v̵̦̣̗͎͖͔͓̦͊͒̆̀̊̓̕ȩ̷̛̦̬̲̑̒͆̒̆͊͛͠ṇ̶̩̰͓̄̈́'̶̡̭̩̹͖̯̫̤̜̂͐̃̈t̴̡͍̖̯͈̾̒̾͑̎ ̵̗̲̩̗̒̌̾̀̅h̸̺̩̻̯̠̫̟́͂̎̆̏̏͐̀a̷̯̠͔̺̣̖̘͐̃̏̀̈ḏ̴̭͉̞̙͈̓͝ ̸̢̡͇͎̳͕̞͚̈͐̃̋͒̄͝o̸̺̙͆̅̍̃̆̒̀̕͝ṉ̶̡̧͙̭̯̹͎̈́̃̃͋̋͠͝ë̴̥̮͚̯̥́ ̷͈͎̗̪̦͎̱̀͊͒̈̉̃̒̽͗ḯ̴̞͈̪̮͘n̷̢͓͈̝͇͚͍̬̝̐̽̓̈́ ̵͖̻͍͚̻̥͋͛̕͝͠͠ḷ̸̤͕̺͛̆̄̆̓̏͌͘i̵̧̤͚͗͊ţ̷̢̖̙͚͇̩̪͊̌̊͠e̸̢̼̯͎̿̀̒̊̉ȓ̷̳͕̉͆̏͑ả̵͖̦͇͉̗ľ̴̨̨̛̘͇̠̟͍̮̭̓̅͘͝l̴̠͈̳̗͖̠̯̏̂̔̀̆̊͝y̷̖̩̥̭̿̀͛̌̚͠ͅ ̷̡̹̲̙̗̍̽͊̍̃̊̑̊͜d̸̨̯̯͓͌͘ḝ̵̝͇̤̟̙͎̫̔c̸̡̛̥͖̹̍̇͊̾͆a̷̲͖̒ͅd̴̨̧͙̩̙̘̞͙̲͐̀͘e̴̳̬̯̞̣̓̊̀̈͐s̸̞̯̮̫̫̓̅̔̉̀̎̚̕͝.̸̜͈̪̝̺̺͆̍̂̀̅͊̔̓̕"̸̹̜̖̺̉̅́
Chara had a few tears in their eyes as they felt a feeling. Then they realized they were being hugged, and they began to sob as they tried to hold the invisible being. 
“Hey here is a question, we got guns from the Mob universes ready for this brat? They deserve your worst guys. They have lost the rights to mercy.”
“While I aprictae the offer, we don’t need guns. This kid needs a slow and painful death, and I’ve been having a, craving, per say.” Horror said, chuckling as the kid looked truly afraid for the first time that day. 
“Frisk, you overgrown hairy potato, I am done trying to talk you down. Pfft you think you are special? You think you are anything? You were made to be an empty space with no personality of your own so the player could easily put themselves in your place. If this is what you are like I am glad you have no lines in the game, you don't deserve them. What is even the point of you? (whispers to Paps) how is that for a distraction?”
“Whatever, you will be next.” Frisk said, right as they had to face Horror in hand to hand combat and were nearly sliced in half. 
“That was a good distraction! Good on you human! At least I assume you are human.” Papyrus said, shrugging. 
“So Alt Killer, you doing okay now that your Nightmare can't hurt you? and what about what happened to Horror? how did you guys handle that?”
“I’m doing a lot better, Alt’s been nice to me, and so has everyone else. I’m so glad to have people I can rely on to not abuse me for once. My Horror was the only one who bothered to treat my wounds, I didn’t talk or leave my room unless I was needed, that lasted until Alt came back and saved me.” He said, smiling as he rested in a small house he was provided. It was in Alt’s Doodlesphere as he had no other idea as to where to put it and trusted Killer. 
“Is annoying Dog helping? Come on puppy!”
The annoying dog yipped as it chewed on the mysterious artifact and wagged it’s tail as Frisk nearly got decapitated, or de-limbed several times and even moved Frisk closer to the bloody blade. 
“Oh boy I can't believe I am gonna do this. Gaster if you can talk to me I can try to uhh translate the WingDings. Any ideas from you to make things go smoother? Come on Doc let me atleast try.”
“☟☜☹☹⚐ 👍☟✋☹👎📬 ❄☟⚐🕆☝☟ ✡⚐🕆 💣✌✡ ☠⚐❄ 👌☜ ✌ 👍☟✋☹👎📪 ☞⚐☼☝✋✞☜ 💣☜📪 ✋ ☟✌✞☜ ☠⚐❄ ❄✌☹😐☜👎 ❄⚐ 💧⚐💣☜⚐☠☜ ✋☠ ✌ ✞☜☼✡ ☹⚐☠☝ ❄✋💣☜📬 ✋ 👎⚐ ☠⚐❄ 😐☠⚐🕈 ☟⚐🕈 ✡⚐🕆 ☹☜✌☼☠☜👎 ⚐☞ 💣✡ ☜✠✋💧❄☜☠👍☜📪 👌🕆❄ ✋ ✌💣 ☝☹✌👎 ✡⚐🕆 👎☜👍✋👎☜👎 ❄⚐ ❄✌☹😐 ❄⚐ 💣☜📬” Gaster said, smiling as he nearly melted into a puddle of goo in his grey space. 
“✌💧 ☞⚐☼ 🕈☟✌❄ ✋💧 ☝⚐✋☠☝ ⚐☠📪 ✋ 💧✌👎☹✡ 👍✌☠☠⚐❄ ❄☟✋☠😐 ⚐☞ ✌☠✡❄☟✋☠☝📪 💣✡ 💧⚐🕆☹ 🕈✌💧 ☹⚐☠☝ 💧☟✌❄❄☜☼☜👎📪 ✌☠👎 💣✡ 💣✋☠👎 ☞⚐☹☹⚐🕈☜👎📬 ☟⚐🕈☜✞☜☼📪 ✋ 👍✌☠ ❄☜☹☹ ✡⚐🕆 💣✌☠✡ ❄☟✋☠☝💧 ☼☜☹✌❄✋☠☝ ❄⚐ 💧⚐💣☜ ⚐☞ 💧✌☠💧🕯 💣⚐☼☜ 🏱☜☼💧⚐☠✌☹ 💧☜👍☼☜❄💧 ✋ 💧✌🕈 ✌☠👎 ☟☜ 💧☟✌☼☜👎 🕈✋❄☟ 💣☜📬 🕈☜ 🕈☜☼☜ 👍⚐🕈⚐☼😐☜☼💧 ✌☞❄☜☼ ✌☹☹📬” Gaster smiled as he snickered at some very hilarious memories and his several inches thick blackmail folder he had on his coworkers, bosses, and employees. 
“Hey uhh Error was what I said to Frisk too mean, I mean they don't deserve mercy but did I go too far?”
“Nope. You did wonderful.” Error said, smiling. 
“Here is a song for the Fell brothers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XaRcYnIk-Y “
“Nice. That’s going on a playlist.” Red said, winking. 
“Flowey, if there is a way to save Chara whose side will you be on?”
“Chara of course! I only helped Frisk kill everyone because I thought they were Chara at first.” Flowey scoffed, rolling his eyes as he felt the judging eyes of everyone burrowing down into him. 
“Ok I gotta know, how did you guys deal with the YandereBerry and who did they try to kidnap?”
“He tried to replace Blue. It was not pretty.” Stretch said, shivering at the memory.
“It was actually because of that horrific abomination of a monster that Red even confessed to me in the first place.” Blue said, not dropping his smile as he denounced the one creation Ink regretted making. 
“Y-yeah. Heck, Nightmare even chipped in to help us, though he later had to clarify that it was him, but we assumed it was him. Though we don’t know if Ink was making him, Nightmare said that considering what he saw, he would have helped.” Red said, looking away from Blue’s increased glitching. 
“Error if you think Yandere Ink is bad you do NOT want to meet the Fallen Star Sanses. They are all Yandere versions of Blueberry, Dream, and Ink. They are creepy and Nightmare should run if he sees a Yandere version of his brother, run like your soul depends on it cause it kinda does.”
“Sounds like an emergency. A yandere Dream, that sounds like something out of a horror movie, seriously, I’m glad Ink didn’t use that against us.” Error said, horrified.
“I would run from that no matter what. That is a contradiction of values.” Nightmare said watching some creators get out sketch pads and pencils. 
“NO!” He screamed before he was locked in a cage and watched as Maxie, Jana, Zack, Jack, and Beatrice discussed what would happen. 
“Don’t worry Nightmare, we won’t bring this to life. I’ll make sure of this.” Zack promised, and Nightmare growled as he tried to slip in between the bars, sadly they were too small.  
“You know Outer, I never got your opinion on you and Error. You have to admit he is a little cutie.”
“He is. Though everyone says he is cute, but in more of a fluffy bunny way than in the way you’re implying. When he isn’t reminding us of his title.” Outer said, shrugging. 
“So here is the thing I am worried about, how sure are we Ink is gone forever? He umm has a habit of coming back in most multiverses.”
“We can only hope Ink’s only gone forever.” Dream said, clutching his arms as he sat down, dar away from everyone else as he took a breather.
“What if Frisk somehow brings Ink back if he gets in the doodle sphere? Guys I am worried!”
“Then we have to make sure Frisk doesn’t get in. Though I can’t see how they’d bring him back.” Dream said, clutching his head as he laughed with a few tears escaping. 
“Fresh, are you worried about your new brothers fighting Frisk?”
“A little. Though they’re rad, they can handle any unfresh person out there.” Fresh said, smiling. 
“Hey Sans, if you don't agree to speak to a therapist, or at least your brother, I will keep finding songs that bring attention to your issues. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZFbHz5gb8Q”
“Well, I can actually see one and make progress when the kid is dead. And I made a promise to Dream to seek professional help one day.” Classic said, sighing as he slid down the side of the pillar he hid behind. 
“So glitter prank, we should also booby trap the shower so he can't wash off what he gets on him, I am thinking food coloring in the shower head. stain his bones.”
“Wow, you really live up to that Creator label. When the Red, Blue, and Black love triangle is over, we’re doing that. I do not want to pick sides.” Dream laughed, laying on the couch as he took a few deep breathed and rubbed his temples. 
“Black, I gotta know, why Blueberry? I mean he is already taken and he is happy, there are so many others you could go for, and I don't think you're gonna have many friends if you hurt Red and word gets out. Be it physically or otherwise. Why not just move on and find someone who is available? Let Blueberry and Red be happy.”
“Why not? He’d be happier with me.” Black said, grumbling. 
“classic when you dunk frisk you make a undodgeable attack supposing frisk managed to get to the first save point could you make a version of the get dunked attack so when the spawn they die”
“Half the fun is in the beatdown. As any of these guys can tell you.” Classic said, chuckling. 
“undyne can you teach me how to cook”
“Heck yeah! Come ‘ere punk!” Undyne said, as Alphsy laughed as her girlfriend.
“so will annoying dog allow you guys to drain frisk i don't think the dog will like that”
The annoying dog wagged its tail as Frisk was finally decapitated by Horror after withstanding several brutal injuries.
“so sans for the first time you can get to and stay on the surface aren't you excited ps tell me if i'm wrong but your issues come from frisk resetting when you get to the surface right”
“I am so excited, and nervous, I’ve never actually met another human besides Frisk that’s from this universe, funny to think that the template for the most powerful beings in all the multiverse is so isolated.” Classic said, sighing in relief as he felt another load go by.  
“annoying dog there are a ton of bones in undyne's cupboard just take them out of the wrapper and papyrus won't know so he won't harass you”
The dog barked in annoyance at the request, as if the prospect of not annoying Papyrus was not an option. 
“Classic, you know you are extremely loved. Not just by your friends and family but by the fandom, for so many reasons. I know some of the stories people write are uhh scarring but to be honest having this community has saved a lot of people from themselves. How do you feel knowing you give people hope after they thought there was nothing left to hope for? I just want you to know you are loved and valued, so take care of yourself.”
“I will, thanks.” Classic said dozing off. 
“Chara, if you could take Frisk's place somehow and rejoin your family, would you?”
"̷̠̝̲̅Ĩ̵̻̲͎̽̃̀̃̕n̵̥̼̱̳̯̔̀̀͊ ̶̲̩͋̋͘̚ȧ̸̠̱͉̉̈́̓͊͗ ̶̛̭̠̱̫̟̫͛̐̿h̵͈͉̺̀̈͐͑͘e̸̖̝͓͚͚̬͋̂̀͐͌̈ă̴̟̥͎̼͊̃̃͊̓r̷͉̤̯̭̽̊̕t̵̫̥̰̟͛͜b̶̩͕͉̗̩̭̉̌̅̈͛̓è̵̻͈̟̩̝͍ȃ̸͉͓̜͓͋́̾t̴̯̺͓̠̰̋̄͘͝͝!̴̜͎̂͜ ̷̯̓̽̎I̴̹͚͈̻͆̈́̈́ ̵̟͈͎͇̘͙́̓̏̈́̅͠ẅ̷́ͅa̴̛̞͊̈́̏̀̍n̶̯̹̪̫̻͙̈t̵̗͎̃͗ ̴͔̄̚͠t̷̡͉̹̺̦̾̋o̶̹̩͗͐̄͗͆͠ ̶͈̕b̴̢̆̕͝e̵͓̯͂̃̍ ̴̮̺͙̬̔̈́͝ẘ̸͕̭͍̻̑̕i̸̘̟̣͆̈́̍t̷̖͍͎͂͊ͅḫ̶̾ ̴͖̀̄̾́t̵͕̲̻̦͋̏̈́͌́̿ĥ̸̲̺̈́̄̉̕͝è̷̬m̵̨̳͈̅͜,̵͈̋̈́̉̋̍̍ ̸̡͖̳̟̹̔́Ḯ̵̧̬̜̗̻͕͗͆͆̀͝ ̸̻̟̺̻̫̭͑̚w̸̡͈̳͚̲͠a̷̖͚̳̔̈͘͜ͅǹ̶̼̣̱͝t̸̰͎̠̥̪̽̀ͅ ̵̮͚̞̠̊t̸̠̍̀͑ö̵̩̹͖̯̯́́̊̎ ̴͉̈́̓͒̌̾h̴̡̛̭̋͗͛͝u̶̧̜͉̭͓̞͐̂̐̄̓̽g̶͈̔͂̂ ̶̳̟̱͈̍̔̑̓͊t̸̤̾̈́̚h̴̢̭͉̠͎͖̀́̈́͆͠e̵̹̙͂̓̅́̏m̵̜̥͇͑͌̎͐ͅ,̸̡͎̐̓̋ͅ ̸̛̯ṕ̶̣̮͚̗̜l̷̮͖̐̃̄a̴͎͛̀̎͋̾y̵̥͛̀͛ ̵̫̠̜͐̈́̈̄ͅw̵̢̠͍̯̉̎̚͠i̶̜͓̓̓t̴̹͍̰̫̒̂̈́̄͑́ḫ̷̛̆ ̴̝͚̤̄̏͐̀̏̚t̶̥̦̭̩̏͊͂͝ḣ̷̢̡̖̘̹͔̋̅̊ë̸̩̹́̍͌̽m̸̼̅͆̽,̶̟̀ ̶̠͉̗̜̀̏͐I̸̓̑ͅ ̷̰̳͉͇́͆͊̓l̷̦̬̓̈̄̿̚͜ơ̷̠̭͇̼̠v̵̟͎͑̄̒e̷̝̼̪͓̒̈ͅ ̴͖̎́͒̔͘t̶͎̪̎̚h̸͙̝̲̘̙́ͅě̶̱̥͎̽͛̀͝m̸͍̀̃̍͋͘ ̵̟̼̲͖̍͋̓̕m̶͖̰͈̼̈́o̷̞̞̲͊̿͋͜r̵͓̣̥͍͗̽́e̸̡̛̹̹͔ ̷̙͚̤͍̖̐̀͘t̸͖͙͚͐̈̍h̵̛̳̙̘͐̑̋̽͂ǎ̸̻͠n̴̜̒͗̎̑ ̵̧̛͓̯â̵̘͉̗͇͉̫͂̕̕ň̶͖͆̊̊͘y̶̟̯̼͊̊̚͠t̵̛͍̼͂̉͐ḫ̸̝̺̘̲́̾̊̆͝ḯ̸̫̈́̈̎̌͠n̷͇̦͇̾͌͆̎̀͝g̶̨̜͕̤̗͎̋̉̎̐̐̽!̶̢̡͙̼̖̩͊̈́̔͝͝ ̶̪̅̾̅̔̌̀Ȉ̶̖͔̈ ̴̥̑w̸̹̣̮͕̯̄͑̉̈͊͘å̸̡̨̺̯̆n̶̛̻̍̑̀t̸̡̳̲͝͝ ̷͔̠̔̄͂t̷͇̫̬̎́̐̔͋̕͜o̸͎̯̭̜̯̰͋ ̸̺̼̯̄̔̋͠b̷̥̠͕͂ͅȩ̸̲͚̪̯̿ͅ ̶̩̟̃̆̄̋͜t̵̼͒͘ͅĥ̴͈̹͔͙̗̗͘͝͝ȩ̴̙͈̊̈́̔ ̷̨̨̝̘͖̾͂͑͠p̷͚̝̽̂̏r̴̩̺̤̒͆í̸̺̋ñ̸̮̙c̴̼͓͐̇́̏̓͠ͅé̶̦͔͓̮͇͎͛̅͆s̵̳̞̏̿̅̂s̸͇͋̔ ̵̡̫̤̋̈̀͘͜m̸͙̣͇̹̞̓̾͜͠o̸͕̗̽̎̋̉͘͜͝ṅ̴̝̲̠s̸͍̑̈́̈̇̀͝ť̵͙͙̖̗͑͌͑̆ͅé̵̦͇̒̄r̴̨̺̬̤̥͍̀͐k̷̫͇͖̐̎̈́̍i̷͓͙̣̍̑͑̊́͠n̵̗̳͇͓̓͒͆̓d̵̘̥͍͍͉͚̾̈̍̀͘̕ ̶͎̬̤̱̜͆̾̔̔̀̕d̸̰̔̽͌́̌͝ê̴̻̖͌̚s̸̨̥͈͕͖̥͆e̷͕̪̞͂͐̀̿̆̈́r̸̠͓͖̦̱̈͆̏̈́̕v̸͕̰̫͉̞̾́̽e̸̟͙̯̳̜̊͋͂ṡ̵͉͔̀̃̽̑!̷̯͇̲͖̞̅̂̇͂̚"̵̬̇̔̅̄
Chara screamed it at the top of their lungs, holding their fists as they felt a trickle of determination flow through them, and their feet touched the ground for a brief moment, as if her body tried to become solid again. 
“Is Red's brother gonna help with the Black issue? It is kinda an insult to his family name that Black thinks he can butt in a steal from his brother.”
“He’s not involved in any shenanigans, though I’m pretty sure he’d defend my honor to the death. He’s a good bro like that.” Red said, laughing. 
“Any new universes you guys really like?”
“Well, Red liked Swap!Lust, and it took us a while to identify the difference between the two swaps. It was humiliating.” Dream said, sighing. 
“I however, am a fan of Littletale. Took them long enough to make it, I had seen so many notes on what the AU would be like and I’m so glad it’s here. They are all so cute.” Dream said, giggling. 
“Littleswap. I love seeing a baby version of my bro. He may have raised me, but I do like seeing a baby him.” Stretch said and Blue stuck his tongue out. 
“So is anyone ready to record the Black vs Red fight? I mean I am sure Blue will stop it before anyone gets too badly hurt.”
“We’re waiting for Black to make his move. Once he does, we’ll pounce.” Red said, “And that’s why it has to be quick, I want to bash his skull in real good.” Red said and Stretch rolled his eyes as he snickered. 
Blue, contrary to popular belief, heard everything. And he planned to crash their revenge party with a plan of his own. And it was going to be a Nightmare for all involved, except him of course.  
“So Frisk, had enough? you should reset and try something else. You can't beat THIS. Little demon.”
“I can beat anything.” Frisk said, staring down Killer, causing them to laugh. 
“Well, here to help me kill some more? You’re so cute.” Frisk said, and Killer returned the laugh, only more empty and sadistic. 
“I’m done with you. You’ll die three more times.” Killer said, launching a blaster at the child. 
“Error, you figured it out! I knew you would. No censoring can stop you!”
“Indeed.” Error said, enjoying the sounds of Frisk’s distress.
“sanses tell me if there is anything i can do to help you kill the demon child no one gets away with bullying tem”
“We appreciate the help, but we got this.” Classic said.
“chara which type of chocolate do you like more milk chocolate or dark chocolate?”
Ì̷̡̛̺̱̙̹̥͜͜ͅ ̷̨̘̻͖̜͍̦̠̉̌̑̔͌̓̈̃͠l̴̫͙̈́̈́̇͝o̶̢̹̖͝v̸͈̙̟͚̹͒̑͆̎ȇ̵͇̮̼̣͙̱̓́͆́͌ ̷̥̒̽̒̆͆a̶̞̱̦̗̱̱̽́̏̇͋̀͗͜͝͠l̶̬͇̑͊̈́̋̀͊̈́̓l̷̘͐́̕ ̷̨͋͂̈̀̒͛̆̾̕c̶̢̮̣̼̩̮̩̥͍̈́͛̓̌́̂̆h̸̯̯̔͝ò̵͖̀c̴��̙͌̈́ö̶̢͇̮̞̝̻̙̱͕́̍͗͘l̵̙̦͓̮̺̓ą̵̜͖̜̯̺̭̦̎̆͋̓̀̚ͅt̵̹̮̩̗̩͕̘̎̏͝ͅe̴̡̡̖̽̄̋!̴̝̫͚͕̏́̓̐̒͝͠͝͝ ̵͎̙̪̤͇̮̪͌ͅE̶̛̤̗̪̤͖̥͔͊̈͛͊͌̓s̵̨̳̫͚̺̒̑͒̀̇̓͂̚͝p̸̙͈̬̫͉̌͒͆̍̂͘͝è̴͕̯͎̀͐̍̄c̶͖͇̽̄̂̃̀̓̀̚̚į̵̰̲͕̪͍̰̤͊̈͝ͅa̶̧̹̠͈͙̺̋̐̑̅̅ͅl̷͉͝l̴̛̰̦̥̅̄̈́́̉͊͋̓y̷͎̗͕̏̃̽͠ ̶͈̹̱̳̲̈́̈̅͒͑̽͠͝w̸̙̻̬̩̪͙͓̭͑́̀̉́͆i̵̬̩̫͎͇͖͔̜̠̓̾̒͊̓͌̕̚͠ţ̵̛̼̤̦͇̻̠̙̄̌̈́͋̀̀͘h̷͖̗̮͕̤̗̥͚̮͘ ̶͖̟̠̥̼̠̳̏͂͆̍̂̄͠c̸̝̜̠̲̰̦̣͍͈̐͊̍a̸̞̞̮̱̬̲̥̋̓̏͆͜͝͠ͅr̴̫̣̟͔̈͊̌͜a̸̛̼̬̤̅̈̃̐̄̂͛̕m̸̧̝̣͓̺͕̠̗͗̍̏̓̀̈̾e̴͚͓̘̼͌̑̈́͐̎l̸̬̞͆ ̷͚̖͈̳̠̀̎͐̍̇͘̚ä̶̛͇́͗́̌̎n̴͉̆̽̑͜d̴̨̨̬̱̺̺̖̾̀̈́̒͐̈́ ̵̻̬͚̘͔̝͈͌͆̎̓̌p̵̛͚e̷̥̤̬͛̒â̵͚̪̽͗n̸̙̽̽̀̀u̸͍̣̘̰̤͇͉̤̖͋͑t̵̳̲̜͊̍̈̒͑̽͝ ̶̢͎̹̼͍̇͂̓̋͗̋̚b̵̖̥̫̜̖̳̱͌̈͆̓ͅu̴̠͚͍̞͙̥͂͑̎͌̿͠t̴̩̯̩̞͌̅͋̚t̷̨̛̜̳͎̑͌̊͒̈́̅ë̴̢̤̰͈́͐̄̎̾͐́r̴̛̰̼̫͕͕̦̩̙̟̓̉̍́͆͐͝.̵̜̩̮̆̑̋̓͠͝ͅ"̵̧̹̺͔̘͇͍̙̓̀̓̕͘
Chara said, licking their lips as their mouth watered slightly. 
“guys you need to get rid of floweys determination or he will be able to save and reset when frisk loses their determination”
“I lost the button for good. There are a few days between Frisk falling down and the beginning of the timeline, and I can’t save, load, or anything. Only with the use of the six souls can I hope to get that back and I do not want to go through the consequences of doing that. Nightmare is scary.” Flowey said, sighing. 
“what will you do with frisk when they dont have anymore dt? are you gonna kill him”
“Yep. If that doesn’t kill them, we will.” Sci said, his face grim. 
“Error, can you teach me how to make a plush?”
“Absolutely! I actually teach sewing classes every now and then.” Error said, 
“Hey Frisk, if you are feeling so big why don't you try to come kill me? oh you can't? too bad, looks like you just get to listen to me till you lose, and believe me you will lose. You're not as special as you think? Poor frustrated little murderer, so sorry if I don't feel any pity.”
“Just you wait and see, I will kill you. I am a god.” Frisk spat, throwing their knife and landing it in Killer’s arm, the blade sticking out of the other side. 
“You know a lot of people like to think of Geno, Error, and Fresh as brothers. They do have the same original creator and in a sense Error and Geno kinda are related very closely. So what do you guys think of this?”
“Not surprised. I actually like that, Fresh is pretty cool and Error is fun.” Geno said, watching the fight and getting ready to fight himself. He was rusty, but he could easily kill that brat. 
“sanses you're not gonna kill flowey are you?”
“If we don’t have to, we won’t.” Sci said, smiling kindly.  
“Chara what do you think of the skelebros?”
“̴̛̟̈́̈́̏̾́̔T̷̺̣͇͓͚̒̿̓̊͠h̵͖͠è̸̡̨̜̹̗̤̮̳̿́̆y̷̢̬͕̞̜̩͇͝’̸̥̻̦͕̞́̾̀́̕ŗ̸̹͉͚̝̈́̈́́͘͜͝è̶̢͉̑͂̌̔̑͠͝͠ ̴͓̋̆̂̏̾͆̈́̇s̷̟̘̝͊ö̴͍̝͈̙͖͎̝̭̪́̔̌̑̚͘̕ ̸̤͆̚n̴̙͙̜͍͔̗̈́̎i̴͍͓̟͑̊̇̓͂c̷̢̨̡͙̮̪̔ë̴̛̞̭̤̥̤̩̄̆̽͒͐ ̷̛̤͖͑̉͗̿͐͌̒a̸̛̤̤̹͙͒̃̉͋͠ņ̵̞̩̦̠̚͘d̷̨̥͓̘̫̘̙͕̟͒͝ ̸̫̙̫͙͇͗̈́͐̄̿́̑͆̕f̴̧̨̥̞́̍ͅu̵̡̘͓̯͍̮̻̟̐̎̐̀͆̍ṅ̵̢̛̠̱̯̹̫͊͋̋̈́͘͝ṇ̵̣͙̞̱̜̻̾͑͂̃͋̋̕ͅý̸̤̯̳̦̙̩͈̯̗͗̀̄̈́̓̽͝.̷̡̧̅̌ ̵̥̮̜͌Ï̴̛̮̙̫̼̎̌̕ ̶̛̩̻́̋͘͝r̷͕͍͋̅̋̍́̉͗͘̚e̶͕͙͙͒̒̂̈́̆͂̅̇͗à̶̧̛̻̮̝͖̞̈́̅͘͜͝l̴̺̬͇͉̓̈́̔͛͠l̵͔̙̝̮̫͍͙̥̖̔̒̈̿͒̔̂̚ý̷̺̺̟̤̩͗͌ ̶̜͓̳̉̍̋͌̽̕ȟ̵̛̻̼̈́͂̇̔̒̚o̷̧̢̼̭̭̮̟̠͐̂̇͆͑́͠p̸̹̩͍͚̫̯̬̓͐̑̍e̷̙͕͕̻͔͖͝ ̵̧̨͙͚͎̤̤̺̏̇̄̾̄͋͝ͅI̸̢̛̗̖͖̫̋̄́̿̚̚͝ ̷̨̥͈̅̅̈́́g̸̡̡̯̻̞̍̎̐ȩ̸̦͋̒̅ť̸̨̧͔̤͇̪͝ ̷̨̛̮͍͔̼͓̓̑̀̀̉ͅt̴̳͚͂̎o̸̡͈̫̼͌͋͠ ̵̖̹̞͙̪̐b̴̪̹̋̊̀̅̌̿͝e̸̡̡͈̝̰̺̩̲̥͆̽̒̿̌͒͋f̵͎̣͗́̔̔̆͆̆̕r̵̮͖͉̟̔̌̆̃ǐ̶̭̤͉̦̼̟͌͘ẹ̴̭̥̟̖̰̘̤̓͛͋̆̇͑̈́̇ņ̶͖̱̗̝̔̈́̑̏ḓ̴̡̨̱̯̬͒̾̊ ̸͍̝̫͍̄t̴̤̞̜͚̫̿̐͜h̶̨̼̗̭̦̠̩̐̍͊̀e̵̲̪͌̾̎̾̍͠m̸̟̥̂.̷̞̞̞̘̅̅͠”̷̠̯͙̠̯̹̉͗̒̈́̂̈́̈́͜͜ ̶̬̉͌̃̃̅̄͘
Chara said, content to watch Frisk receive a similar injury to Killer. In the exact same spot.
“to the sanses which one of you will be lucky enough to kill a human”
“Not sure. Depends on what happens.” Classic said. 
“chara in the post genocide pacifist ending frisk looks like you after toriel leaves the room and then everyone died what's the explanation”
“̸̧̡̛̣̦̜̬̘̰̼̬͔͒̓͊̀̽̔̋͌͠Ņ̷̧̛̬͙͉̻̱͍̭̫͓̩̮̞͈̞̒̊̑̈̎̍̓͌̚ͅo̸̡̨̡̮̠̪͍̫̜̱͋̆̈́̇́̐̍́͂̕͘͝ ̵̡͍͈͚͂̐̆̌̒̀͑̀̇̇͆͜͝o̵̲͉͔̤̰̭͚̞̖͌̄͛̅́̾ṅ̸̘̭̣̤͇̣̌̇͆͗̽̈̃́͝ẽ̵̡̡̛͙̳͚̗̼̠̜͎̦̠̹͙̫̞̟̥̔́̓͑̂̓͗͂̕͘͝ ̸̪͓̙͖̘̜̟̲̟͉̣͚͇͙̞̭̰͚̆̇́̿͛̔̑͂̈͌̏́̌͂̚̕̕d̸̢̛̜̜͙̖̪̟͎̙͉̦̬̙̥̼̳̠̟̄̏͆͝į̴̢͉̖̮͉̖͙̙̻̭̜̗̮̙̮̜͛͐̊̽̓̊̎͆̔͊́͑͊̅̆ę̸͓̺̝͔͇̫̜͖͓̼̺̳̲̩̟͈͙̻̝͊̃͋͒͛͘d̶̢̪̦̫̬̲̬͎̅́͛͆̏͋͂̊͋͒͛̅̂̕̚.̸̢̨̧̨̺̪͓̖̘͍̦̗̫̟̖͇͍̗͎͊̉͌͋̐̅̈́̾̀̑̔͌͒̊͐͘̕͝͠͝ͅ ̸̨̢̠̥̣̖̲͕̙̂̽̏̒͘I̵̡̢̢̼̼͔̻͖͕̘̭̘͙̮̬̫͈̐́̒̄́̏̕ ̷̧͔̯͍̖̞̮̱̗́͐͆̊̓̏͠j̶̢̧̰̘͓̬̯̲̙̩̳͔̲͇̟̲̹̬̩̝͒̈̊̈́͝ư̵̧̢̡͈͖͖͙̼̞͔̟̫̯̦̊́̄̃͋̃͝s̷̡̛̮̖̱̼̜̗̭̻̲̫͌́͋̈́̀̒̉̂̿̚͜ţ̶̛̱͈̭̮̳̽̽͗́̎͆̈́͊̀̀͛͘ ̷̢̗͇̹̞͖̱̞̳̻̻͓̺̘͍͇̳̭͓̊̍̓̉̔́̈́̎̀̅͐͐͠͝w̸̡̧͉̹̠͉͂͐͆̃̎͐͒̏͜ą̷̨̛͍͎̤̥̟̺̻͔͇̻̋̍̎̋̓̑͝n̶̩̩̣̬̫̒̔̂̅̊̐̀͌̏̉̔́̆́̕͠ṱ̸̙͍͙̯̟̊̃͌́ͅę̶̧̢̢̣̗̖̼͉̬̘̖̣̬̣̙͖̽̅̎̾͒̋̃́̎̊̀́͋͝d̴̡̟̖͙̗̓̔̒̉̌̏̉͒̔̀́͑́̈́̓̓̈́̈́͊ ̵̧̡̛͉̹̼̳̹̜̭̗̠̗̺̑̈́͑̔̒̿̏̃̇́̋̊̇̉̾͒̚͝ͅẗ̶̨͔͚̣̞͍̥̯͖̹̗̘̰̪̰͕͈́ͅo̷̢̞̣̗͔̩̱̻͖͇̲͂̔̀̾̿̋̏͌̆̈̐̑̚ ̶̧̛̺̻̹̲̟̝̹̹̓̇̓͊̄͋͗̿͐͑͛̉́̃̕̕ͅs̷͚̠̲̬̹̰̪̙̹̝͎͔̣̹͇̾̈̇̄̐́̌͒͊̉͌͂̃̽̕͜͝͠͠ͅç̷̤̠͚̞̤̫̭͈͉͊̈́͊̑́͒̽̉͌͛̈̑̃͌̂̋͛a̴̼̐̐̾̎̔͘r̴͕͛̅̅̅͆̒ê̷̡̬͙̺̯͑͛͊͛̎̾ ̸̣̆͊̓́̅̆͌́̊̆̉́̑̚͝͝F̷̩̞̻͈̪͖͊͛͛r̶̨̝̣̟̉̀́̂͋̓̓̀̉̄̽͛͗͊̑͌͗ĩ̴̪̖̌s̵͙̦̟̰̞̱̝̜̘̙̝͇̽̾̃́͆̌̔̈́̔̌̑͂̈́́̓͝k̵̡̢̺͍͇͔̟̹̺̤̭̠͉̱͓͊͌̋͜.̶͔͇̯͉̯̘̣͈͑̋͌̍̎͛̔͘̚ ̴̨̧̜͚͖͔̝̖̠̟͖͈̆̌͌̆̇̈́̌̽͋̅̑͜͠M̴̨̛͔̩̘̭͌̔̈́̀̅̈͒̎͂̽̀̆̋̎̐̇͘͝͝ͅã̶̙͇͂̈́̔̎̇̅͠ḱ̶̗̲͈̦̩͚̹̦̠͒̽̿̀̿̈̐͌͝͠͠ͅē̶̥̳͉̼̩̓́̄̏̆͊̍͂̇͋́̕͘͝ ̴̨̢̝̯̮͕̰̼̦̾̓͋̀̿̈́͑͝t̴͖̠̊̐̋͛͒͐͑̈́̽͊̃̈́̋̌̊̌͝h̸̛̰̞̀̈́̉̔̽̑̽̅́̀̔͗͌͋̕͘͜͠͝ȩ̶̝̬̪͈̙͕̺̹͇̹͂̃̄̇̈̄̒̄͋̀̕͜ͅͅṁ̸̨̝̣̬͈̦̬̠̪͖̗̞̭͑̄͒͌͠ ̶̡̲̟͙̝̬̭̌̉r̶̼̟͍̦̭̭̱̀̓̈́̏͋̈́e̶̺͎͙̬̱̋̉̆̈́͒̈́̐̔̒͜m̵̨̦̫̟̗͔͍͇̗̠̋̂̆ę̷̹̝̫̝̝̬̲̣͇̦̯̫̦͉̀̍̌̅̔̑̌͜͝m̵̡̩̟̗̠̯͎͚̆̈́̀̇͒͒̍̽̔́̾̎̓͜b̴͔̤͕̩̼͖̬̙̟͉̘̭̒̾͌̅͐̆̑̊e̵̢̢͉̣̙͎̳̖̟̣̻̦͍̟̠̝̠͓̲͐͋ͅr̶̢̝͔̥̠̩̪͖̿͗͌͆̌͂̿̑́͑̐̈͛͘͝͝ͅ ̷̛̙̫͍̺͈͍͂͒̽̈́́͌̉̔͛͂̓̈́̔͘͝w̷̬̙̳̱̪̰͎̥͕̯͈͊̄̏̊͠͝h̵̟̮̠̪͓͙̲͈̦̗̭̗̭͈͑̽̔͐̏͜ą̶̧̧͎̟͔͈̙͈͍͌̅̚͝ẗ̶̘̩̖̦̳̼͖̱̩̖͉̍́͋̚ ̶̨̪̳̞͔̟̭̪͕̽͐͋t̷̢̗̦̙̟̗̹̗̮͈͔̹̤̬͙͙̼̹̑̄̑̉̉̍͋͑̃̆̇̑̓̅̓̽͗̇̑͝ͅh̷͔̮̞͙̄͆͋̋̂̓͂̄̇̏̏̽̇e̵͔͒y̴̧̬͎̗̻͕̳͎̮̻̙̰̞̖̌ͅ'̵̧̨̹̯̝͎̳͓̇̄̑̀̉̀̐͊͠v̵̦͉͔͚͑̈́̓̀̐̓̓͆̅̊͗̍͛̌͌̕͝ͅe̴͎̦̽̒́̀̂͋̓̕̕ ̷̰͉͈͔̼̣͎̟͖͈̺͊͜͠d̵̢͇̠̝̖̮̞̼̥̟͍̬̥͔͉̯̳͖̤͋͜ọ̴̭̘͍͈̥̣̫̫̭͎̱͇̪̺͚͈̻̈̚͜n̴̢͇͕̻̲̰͙̰͓̫̰̩͈̹͇̞͍̊̉ͅē̵̛̤̿͗̂̀̍̋̈́͂͘ͅ ̴̜̹̜̓̐̿̀̎̌͒̇͒̀̃̅͊͛͂̿̅̒̚͝t̷̛͓̟̲̥͕̲̭͍͂̏̄̓̓̓̏̓͒́̔̃͘͝͝o̴̪̺̮̺̜͕͕͒́͂́̊̈̂̽́̋̔̀̋̇͊͂̄́͘ ̷̢̛̩̟̗͚̞͈̹̩͙̍̉͗̔͗e̶̤͎͛̓͆̓́͒̏̈́̈́̀͋͊͛͒̈́͌͠v̶̩̗̖͕̇͊̽̉̿̑́̔̆̚̚̚ę̶̢̳͕̱̩͉̠̹̩̰͓̩̫̫̬͇͕̩͐̉̉̎̒r̵̰̅̒͛̌̐̕͠ẏ̷̝͚̮̩͖͔͚͚̳͚̩͉̹̟̪͔̓o̸̢̦͋̔̅̃͑͆̐͂̐̌͆̎̍͋̈́̕ǹ̴̨̝͔͂́̈́͘͝ȩ̶̢̧̛̪̭̤̪͈̝̠̹͎̳͎̘͓̲̱̣̣̔̾̍̋͑̒͋͑̿̎̄͛̊̾͠͠ ̶̢̢̧̛͔̪͍̌̇̽̾̒͛͆͋̔̂͑́͋̕͠I̸̡̡̘̭͕̭̾͌̚͜ ̸̛̠̞̳͉̦͉̥̦̀́͆́͋̈́̀̈́͛̽̿͘̕̕̕͠͝͝l̶̢̗̼̜̦̖̬͇͚̪͖͐̀̊̓͗́̀̅̎̓̂̔̀̕͘͜ó̶̢̨̞̣̹̥̰̠̺͇͍̈́̋̃̅̌̊̅͋͐̚͝ͅv̸̛̤̞͓̊͊̌͋͌͂̓̅͠e̵̢̧̨̧͖̮̙͓̪͚͇̫̲̩͉͚̠͑̈́͛̍̓̃͝͠.̵̢͚̝̥͎̼̣͖͎̣̹̫̺̩̬̳̯̉̈̓͌̂̓͊̏̒̎”̵̡̛̜̪̩̖̱̭͙̯̊̂͛̽̽͂̀͝͝ ̷̡̢̢̼̲̦͍͉̲͖̞̺̰͙̜͔̪̝̣͖̂͑̚͘
Chara spat, eyes glowing a dark red as dark red sparks flew off their body, it was slowly growing less transparent, though it regressed quickly when Chara calmed down. 
“classic sans about how often do you get the hackers ending”
“Once. It was incredible to see their face next time around.” Classic said, grinning. 
“Hey Blue, how do you feel about the whole thing that happened with Ink? Are you ok now? I support you fully!”
“I’m doing a lot better, I have bad days, five years is nothing to trauma. But I have an amazing support system and did seek professional help, so I’m doing great!” Blue said, he looked like he wanted to say something, but stopped himself as he looked down in shame.
“Nightmare, do you guys have a plan incase Ink DOES return somehow? Never hurts to have a backup plan.”
“We managed to remove the piece of code Ink uses to control us. So if he does come back, he’d need to make a new army. And thanks to the Creators, we managed to get it done on a multiversal level, so people that don’t know won’t be brought in against their will.” Nightmare said, “So I’d say that’s the best thing we can do.”
“Reaper do you remember when Ink brainwashed you to be a toddler and made you do embarrassing stuff? Thoughts?”
“Nope. And I could and lived without that information.” Reaper said, curling up into a ball.
“Also I took a look back at what happened in the story, with Ink I mean. Something happened to change him, he watched the multiverse deteriorate once. Lost his memories, gave into despair and forgot everything. Walked alone for who knows how long while something else built up inside. I think there was even more to the Ink issue than anyone first thought, I don't know though. Something about it still doesn't sit right with me.”
“The Creators filled us in on what happened.” Alt said, “I can’t help but feel a tiny bit sorry for him. He lost everything and became a monster. And you know what context I’m using.” Alt said, sighing. 
“But the past is in the past. He ripped his soul to shreds, heck, I even looked for them while he waited to kill Ink. But I couldn’t find them, though we do know he remembered the old multiverse.” Dream said, looking at Alt who had walked in the room he was in. 
“Oh yeah, and I feel the need to remind Reaper that he is also adorable!”
“I am the incarnation of death. The embodiment of the act of dying! I am not adorable, baka!” Death said, grumbling before he realized what he said. 
“flowey your a jerk why don't you let people have a perfect happy ending in their first run”
“Because I’m a jerk.”
“frisk can you tell me what you think of true lab?”
“Creepy.” Frisk said, a knife lodging itself in their throat as they collapsed. 
“You’re not the only one who can throw.” Killer said, flipping the kid’s corpse off. 
“sans can you help me make a trash tornado like the one in your room”
“Sure. You just snap your fingers and make a tornado.” Classic said, winking.
“sans are you ness?”
“Yes, I am a ness. But I thought it was obvious. All Sanses are a mess.” Classic said, and Papyrus groans could be heard. 
“sans i imagine it must be really hard to treat frisk like a good person when they are doing a pacifist path when you know their sins”
“It is so hard. Just glad I don’t have to deal with them any longer.” Classic said.
“Outer what do you think of Error's love for your AU? He likes it a lot, in case you didn't now.”
“A lot of people do. So it’s not unusual. Why’d you ask?” Outer said, grinning like a cheshire cat. 
“Hey Geno, Reaper. you guys are shipped a lot too.”
“Do not remind me.” Geno said, “I had to cut contact with the creators because of that.” 
“I’ve been trying to get to him, but everyone keeps finding ways to keep me away from him.” Reaper said, pouting. 
“papyrus why did you think toriel was asgore's clone?”
“I had never seen her before. What was I supposed to think?” Papyrus said, and Toriel laughed. 
“alphys I think mew mew kissy cutie 2 is better than the first one”
“HOW?! It completely ruins the characters and destroys the world building! How?!” Alphys said and Undyne chuckled as her girlfriend.
Next - Pending
Also rules have changed! Check the Rules
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kariachi · 5 years
Okay, we’re gonna see how much liveblogging I can get done today. We’re still in full Kevin mode, and we’re starting the day with Heads of the Family. I have minimal idea what to expect, but I love Kevin and I love the Bugg Brothers, so it can’t be bad.
My love for this show’s music selection continues.
Oh good lords, these people take family reunions seriously. There’s a fucking banner. You can see more people in this frame then there was at my last family reunion in it’s entirety. And that was everybody from this farming family that still lived in the northeast within six generations of relation. Not kidding.I know nix and I play with there being too many fucking Joneses but goddamn there are canonically too many fucking Tennysons!
Just, goddamn.
...Last year Ben and Gwen had a burping contest where Ben won by so much a fucking gazebo collapsed on them and several relatives. I’m not surprised, just concerned
And Aunt Kathy damn near banned them from future reunions. Honestly I can’t blame her. Made Max give her a month’s worth of foot massages to re-earn the right to attend.
They’re bringing the deviled eggs.
That is, a sad amount of deviled eggs for the number of people here.
Nobody is happy to see Ben, which, given last year, not surprising.
...yep, that’s a level of offhand rudeness you only get from relatives.
Honestly I gotta write a fic involving family reunions, that’s shit’s gotta be confusing for an Erinaen like Argit.
(probably Great) Aunt Kathy likes bacon in her deviled eggs. The presence of them was likely planned ahead.
There’s a Sweden branch of the Tennyson family. The representatives shown are Sven and Len. I’m horribly amused. Also Max apparently can’t tell which is which.
...Somebody just showed up given a headcount of nearly 600. What is wrong with these people?!
The headcounter’s name is Alfred. He has pumpkin pie. This earns him a point.
He’s Max’s second cousin. This is a relation I can accept as a family reunion.
Somebody is showing off Max’s baby pictures. Making him out to have been a worse-looking teen than he was though. Doesn’t look good, but I was expecting worse from the characters’ reactions.
Also this is apparently Grandma Rita, which given it’s Max saying that I have to assume she’s either his mother or his grandmother, so Ben & Gwen’s great-grandma or great-great-grandma. Probably great-grandma. Either that, or she’s aged real well, or she and Max’s mom had kids real young.
“I’m gonna get some deviled eggs“ Ben says before being stopped by the realization that there, by the food, is his archest of nemesises, Kevin. Who, given there’s nearly 600 people here, may actually belong. I mean statistically, with this many people just attending the reunion, nonetheless in the family, there’s acceptable odds he’s a cousin of some bent.
Also my son, dual-wielding fried chicken
Gwen, concerned Kevin might be related to them. Max, concerned Ben’s going to do something that gets them banned from the family reunion.
“Don’t do anything rash“ like Ben has ever done something not-rash ever in his life
Boys please. I know you’re both disasters but, for five minutes pretend to have something resembling chill.
Ben: *totally down to kick Kevin’s ass for daring to eat a food* Kevin: *certain he won’t because they’re surrounded by innocent relatives* Ben: *does not care one iota* Gwen: *about to have an aneurysm because holy shit is her cousin trying to get them disowned*
I have to admit, I do enjoy the addition of episodes where Kevin is just existing and it’s Ben who’s starting shit? Having a wide range of hows with regards to the boys getting into fights makes sure that we get some real character depth out of both of them, as well as making sure the episodes don’t get samey and that they can always do something new. They aren’t pigeon-holing themselves.
The boys have left to a less target-rich environment and are now fighting because, again, how dare Kevin come to a Tennyson family reunion and eat the food. And we still don’t have any real evidence he doesn’t belong. I mean he makes that ‘where you got all your weird’ comment, but it’s Kevin, if they were twins he’d say that just to rile Ben up.
Me thinks these boys should’ve gone out a little further. Attract less attention.
...Ben knocks Kevin clear across the fairgrounds, jumps into a dumpster to stay out of sight until he comes back for round 2, finds the Bugg Brothers. Of course.
Ben is just having A Day.
A particle decimator. Okay, cool, but why you guys hiding in a dumpster?
It’s a shrinking ray. The plan is to use it to destabilize the national economy, undermine the government, disrupt social order, and wreak havoc among the entire world population. I feel like Maurice needs to start thinking smaller.
And lo, they were using the wrong device and accidentally switched Heatblast and Maurice’s heads. I’m shocked.
This is gonna be a weird episode from here out isn’t it
Kevin, gonna kick somebody’s ass even if he’s not sure what the fuck is going on
Kevin, rolling with the head swapping thing. Though honestly with some of the shit he’s been through this probably don’t seem too bad
I do like how Maurice made a head-swapping helmet and yet he and Sidney have not swapped heads, despite, well, everything.
Ah, this is presumably the device that swapped their heads in the first place. Cool cool.
My son
So clarify, he’s outnumbered, his head in on the wrong body, and the Maurice and Sidney are looming. He shows no signs of concern, or lack of confidence he can handle the situation. He still gets divetackled, but hey
And he’s not doing bad, given he’s wrestling against two guys his size.
And Ben has the helmet
“You need to fix us!“ And how, pray tell, do you expect your cousin to do that, Benjamin?
Welp, Gwen and Max got their heads swapped now.
And the watches timed out, meaning how Maurice and Sidney are basically helpless until shit times back in.
Welp, Maurice and Kevin swapped. So now Kevin’s head is on Ben’s body and Maurice is on Sidney’s. Meanwhile Ben’s head is still on Maurice’s body, Max’s on Gwen’s, and Gwen’s on Max’s.
This play-by-play brought to you by Fanta. Thirsty? Get a fanta.
And now Ben’s head is on a squirrel body. And a squirrel head on Maurice’s.
“Gotta fix this before I get infected with this dork’s genes“ Kevin pls.
Okay, Maurice is whole again, but now there’s a squirrel using Sidney’s body
Wow, Maurice, maybe you should’ve hedged your bets on whether you wanted to leave the helmet in the care of an 11-yo or a fucking squirrel.
And lo, now Maurice is back on Ben’s body and Kevin is on Maurice’s.
And I’m not even gonna give a play-by-play of these last several switches, just assume everything happened including the rise and fall of the roman empire
Kevin is fucking done. Also he and Ben are on each other’s bodies now.
Oooo, I was wondering if this episode came before or after Kev joined up with the Forever Nerd, turns out it’s after. Also this phone doesn’t have the spikes.
Oh gods and Ben is answering the damn phone.
FN: Kevin where are you? Me: Kevin is dead. Yeah, horrible accident involving a sprinkler system, a can of soda, and a mountain lion. Just awful. So, ya know, you may as well just lose this number-
Oh fuck
Oh gods damn
Okay so Ben imitates Kevin and claims he’s hanging out with his family (which, kudos Ben for trying to cover for him, your sweet child) and the Forever Nerd fucking- The quote-
“Family? *scoffs* That’s a laugh. You have noone. Without me, you’re all alone, remember? Now stop playing around and report back here at once.”
I’m gonna kill him, y’all. I’m gonna kill him and then wrap Kevin in a blanket and feed him cookies and cocoa until he pops.
Even Ben’s like ‘wait, no family?’ Which, given this clearly takes place after Introducing Kevin 11, what is going on in Kev’s life and what did Ben think was going on in Kev’s life?
Also Ben theorizing that maybe that’s why Kev crashed his family reunion, just to be part of one, and gods preserve me that’s a painful thought.
Kevin, critiquing the Bugg Brother’s evil plot.
Ben: If you want your body back you just need to blast me- Kevin: *blasts him*
Maurice and Sidney have been getting on so well this episode, it warms the heart. And makes sense in an episode involving a family reunion and the official reveal that Kevin has jackshit in the way of familial relations. Now to find if this is because he dropped them for being shit, because he’s actually an orphan, or he’s been taken from his family because they were shit.
Rath trying to be friendly and welcoming towards Kevin.
Kevin, just walking away from that shit.
And Max and the squirrel are still mixed up, and continue to be as the family flees the event.
9/11 solely due to Kevin things. My son deserves better.
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pilferingapples · 6 years
Domestic aspects of the revolution?? Pls explain this seems interesting
Oh geez let’s see if I can keep this brief and readable!   I ABSOLUTELY DID NOT, surprising nobody(also I *know* there are other people with comments to make on this around, maybe someone will add on?)!!  Bear with me, Nonny, I swear I work my way around back to Joly by the end!  Prepare for XTREEEEME simplifications of incredibly complex social issues of the day! 
Also, Content Warning for Discussion of Intensely And Somewhat Bizarrely Binarily Gendered Concepts, Because Society. 
Anyway it’s commonly noticed (among fancademia, academia pays not a lick of attention to this stuff that I’ve found) that the Amis in their intro have a bit of a sliding scale of, well, Various Concepts really,  from Enjolras at one end to Grantaire at the other. And one of the very obvious concepts is “The Domestic” as thought at the time would have it–that would include women, romance, family, home life, housekeeping–all the things that could also be summed up as “Women’s Sphere”, you know? 
And on the other end was The Political– public life, politics in the sense of Actual Government Action, military Whatever, Economics-with-a-Capital E, The Patriarchy, etc. Manly! 
And obviously these things have a lot of overlap! But they were  seen as Spheres and being Complementary rather than, IDK, Inherently Unified. 
Also, as suggested above, suuuuuuper  gendered. Like whoa  gendered. I’m not getting into this and the evolving concept of gender roles in the 19C the way it deserves because that would take semesters of lectures and essays I am not remotely qualified to write but like. Consider it noted, right?
This concept of Domestic  is exactly what Enjolras rejects. Hugo goes to some length to make it clear that this is what Enjolras rejects. That’s what the whole thing about him not being moved by the bare breast of Evadne and thinking flowers are only good to hide swords and giving the Abyssal Glare to women who try to flirt with him is about–he rejects the importance of Family Life, Women, Romance, etc etc.* Enjolras, when introduced, is 100 percent About The Manly Political Aspect of the Revolution and of the Republic.
On the other end of the list, Grantaire cares about nothing at all in the Manly Political Sphere. “He loves the girls and he loves good wine”, but really  what he loves is personal, domestic -type connections. He doesn’t care a single damn about the government or abstract social theory or social ideals or any of it.  He loves Enjolras, he loves his friends, his knowledge of Paris is entirely framed in personal, home-comfortish ways— he knows the best places for dancing, dating, dinner . (Grantaire being the internally incoherent disaster man he is, he starts his arc unwilling to admit even to loving his friends, because even that  is too much commitment for him. But the narrator is tattling on him from the get-go.)
Obviously the idea that these things are complete separate or  genuinely separable is absurd. But that’s the social concept Hugo is dealing with in this regard!
–Also obviously, there is a certain Secret Sneaky Crossover Link here and it’s Friendship, but Friendship And The Amis is like. A Mini-novelette length essay if I ever have the focus. I’m not good at focus, as we’re seeing! 
ANYWAY!  From Enjolras to Grantaire the Amis generally take up an increasing weight of “domestic”associations. Combeferre and Jehan are, like Enjolras, very much about Ideas and Ideals  and Politics and Philosophy, though their philosophy is increasingly more concerned with those domestic aspects of society (women, families, children, feelings ).  Feuilly, Courfeyrac, and Bahorel are very much About the Manly Man World of politics–they’re all Actiony and Political and even Combative, tied to Politics and Work and Socializing in a Very Activist Way. But Feuilly gets more family-linked language in his intro than Enjolras or Combeferre do, and Feuilly’s family is dead.  Courfeyrac rejects an aspect of his family identity, but we hear about it!  
Bahorel, coming after the Balancing Point that Courfeyrac represents, is explicitly linked not just to concepts  of family , but in a happy relationship to his own Actual Family, and their history– and he personally   holds this up as part of his identity, too. (We also hear more specifics about Bahorel’s fashion choices in just his intro  than we do about Enjolras or Combeferre’s or Feuilly’s in ever–  another Domestic, Personal signifier.) After Bahorel, things take a massive  turn for the Personal and Domestic in Intro-land. Bossuet gets a whole story about his family background,and  dating stories,  and ..well, and Joly   (who in his turn gets all his science being directed into personal concerns and home treatments and furniture arranging , like…this is a very homey couple of revolutionaries here) Bossuet and Joly are explicitly, practically linked at the start, and then again repeatedly and at length in other passages in the novel. They have separate characters, but a major part of both those characters is this..well..pair-bond.  Between two people who live, eat, and sleep together.  Super domestic!  AND NOW the “of the Revolution” part!
In Preliminary Gayeties–well, a lot happens. And it’s all, again, domestic as hell.  They eat, they drink, they support a friend in a very (specifically!) not political way.  And in this chapter with a title that echoes the chapter title of children being raised at the convent –seriously the domestic coding is intense –  their personal bond is not only stressed again, it’s pretty much established as key to their function as political actors.  “They are what the subordinate monks are called, BINI”–  the bini  were, as established, monks who were supposed to go out into the world paired, to support and aid each other in  carrying out their Divine Mission.  In this case the Divine Mission is trying to bring about the Republic–and in this chapter we specifically see them doing their double-act as part of leading a friend back to the cause (who keeps Grantaire where the barricade is? Who’s Grantaire quoting with “J’en suis”?  Yeah.) , relying on personal connection and simple, domestic  comforts to work. 
And to those who will say “oh come on, they’re just a couple of dorks hanging out”– yeah. They are. That’s kind of the Point. 
Because that’s the thing,–there’s no way to completely separate the Political and the Personal , the Public and the Domestic.  Any modern reader has probably heard “The Personal is Political” to the point of it wearing flat, but, well, it is . And the political is personal, too– if someone’s mother can be The Republic, if they can take Humanity and Justice for their mother and father, then they can make their friends their republic, too; they can seek justice and progress and societal balance through personal connections and friendship and just being kind. And in fact people kinda have to; the systemic plays out on the personal level, after all. A major part of Enjolras’ character arc is getting to the point where he can embrace that personal domestic aspect and understand its importance to the (per Hugo) Divine Ideal.  But Joly and Bossuet are already there; it’s what they are. 
There’s too many things to mention about the Gender Role stuff and I’m doing synthesis more than specific quotes, but: start with Socialism’s Muse by Naomi J Andrews and follow the bibliography from there if you’re really wanting to get into it.  
For the Bini stuff, please look at @barricadeur‘s excellent posts on the topic; I’m particularly referencing this one, which has a bucket o’sources on The Importance of the Buddy System in Catholic Thought, including Francis of Assisi, Thomas Aquinas, and , you know, the Gospel. 
* this should not  be taken as me arguing that he isn’t in any way queer coded; I think he is, it’s just in a very era-specific way and I don’t think this  is really where it comes in. But that’s definitely an even longer post. 
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vaguely-concerned · 6 years
empire of ivory here we go!
previous temeraire let’s read here
- um excuuuuse me I have waited two books for us to come back home to britain to see everyone again and now everything is awful and shitty and scary and my fave is leaving and nothing’s how it should be??? no??? this is unfair??????
- tharkay NO please don’t go everything provably goes to hell whenever you leave D:D:D:
(to be fair to him I guess it’s understandable to want some time alone to process the absolute outrageous bullshit he just pulled for a guy he’s known for like four months)
he used his page time well tho; instantly convincing roland of his worth and making her laugh... giving laurence his cup of tea b/c he looked like he needed it more... telling laurence that he’s leaving because he promised to do that much at least... truly the best boy, off to fetch more dragons apparently because it wasn’t quite crazy enough the first time
- god I love jane roland, I’m so glad my two faves got along instantly, between them they could... maybe protect laurence from himself? at least a little??? I can but dream
- I think this is the most emotionally invested I’ve been in a piece of media since that time I spent a few months completely incoherent over uncharted, and naughty dog very kindly held my heart in their hands and chose to be gentle with it in the end but I am not so sure that is how it’s going to be for this series and I am Not Prepared for the suffering
- I love whenever laurence thinks uncomfortably about one of the various and sundry atrocities committed by the government he’s still pledged all his loyalty to. yes william maybe the british empire... is in fact not good and has enough blood on their hands to dye the ocean red. I can’t wait until he connects the dots here (and presumably has a pretty intense crisis if faith about it because it seems like one of the loadbearing structures of his character... actually no wait I’m not ready to see this D:D:D:)
- the little details like the fact that he just calls bb!roland ‘emily’ and harcourt becomes ‘catherine’ so easily in his narration now are so so sweet  
- lord allendale is one of those dudes who have good politics but is a shitheel to his family and I want to smack him
laurence being the mortified poster boy of this party, though? priceless, imagine coming up with a protagonist this effortlessly involuntarily hilarious, it’s the mark of true genius
- I don’t usually quibble over things like this, but I think the edit for this fourth book specifically is a bit lacking? I’ve come across a lot of mistakes even my dumb ass can pick up on already, and I’m only a hundred pages or so in
- caught between crying and cackling at this part b/c like laurence I’m  d e v a s t a t e d  at the thought of temeraire getting sick but also temeraire is just like cheerfully getting laid the whole time
also how did none of the aviators think to give laurence The Talk about giving his dragon The Talk, you all know what he’s like
- oh thank god
- I have spent half of today crying about dragons coughing, how are you this fine evening good reader
- btw this series fills a hole in my soul left by jkr giving me all those tantalizing hints of different types of dragons in ‘fantastic beasts’ and never following up on it
- tharkay may not be here but laurence just mentioned him like once in his narration so let’s take the excuse to reminisce about the good old days (when tharkay was here)... remember that time when the one of his own jokes he laughed openly at was about lawyers and laurence frankly should have responded better b/c it was kind of funny and sadly temeraire doesn’t have the worldly experience to know it yet.... aaah precious, he truly is a sardonic blessing to my heart and deserves the world
okay back to our regularly scheduled content   
- riley why u gotta b such a bitch about this
(I love how laurence is constantly doubting himself over this tho, as if he’s done something wrong in this situation... like honey baby if there’s one thing worth breaking a friendship over it’s probably them being cool with slavery lol. it shows how much laurence has grown, considering that this disagreement has always existed between them but he used to be willing to just overlook it... I’m so proud of you laurence)
also lol @ berkely coming in to tell them everyone can hear them, I have a desperately soft spot for him and maximus. just the image of both of them turning to him ‘united in appalled indignation’ like ‘excuse you???’ and him giving exactly zero fucks... *chef kiss emoji*
- most important information revealed in this book: a) dragons are not widely considered to have committed original sin, thank you reverend erasmus and b) laurence has taken time out of his day at some point to worry about it b/c he’s a dork
(this is the sort of world building I am hopelessly weak to lol)
- gong su tricking temeraire into eating in the most melodramatic way possible... god bless you chef
- fkjhsadkjfhsdkjalhfaskjldhf laurence judging chenery for what he’s wearing while going out into the jungle in full uniform hat included himself... I caaaaan’t
- demane has only appeared on three pages so far but if anything happens to him I’ll kill everyone in this book and then myself
- ‘average dragon speaks one million languages’ factoid actualy statistical error. Temeraire Linguist Georg, who wants a pavilion thank you very much & learns over 10,000 languages each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted <3<3<3
(I love that temeraire is like... a nerd dragon with a hopelessly jock captain)
- laurence effortlessly rating the relative hotness of the other male aviators to try to suss out who harcourt has slept with fjsaldfhsdkljafh do you ever hear yourself think william
like this is the thing about him it’s so easy to headcanon him as bi b/c he can be so mindbogglingly oblivious it’s entirely possible he literally wouldn’t even have noticed until someone smacked him over the head with it
- see I’m very happy they found the cure but I don’t fucking trust it b/c the pattern of these books tends to be to give you one moment of ‘oh phew everything is going to be okay’ about 2/3 into the story and THEN everything goes to hell and fifty pages later laurence is dissociating and napoleon has conquered prussia 
temeraire is never going to let laurence go anywhere without him again and rightly so
- hasn’t mrs erasmus been through enough. can’t she just be allowed to chill 
- this is really cool world building but I’m too stressed out to appreciate it
really enjoy the description of architecture tho this sounds so awesome
- sfahdfklsahdfksjda laurence making sure his clothes are as washed and presentable as possible... I can’t with you you beautiful idiot
- ...well I mean if anyone has a freudian excuse for being kind of dickish I guess it would be these guys? it’s actually pretty chill of them to only flog one of them (laurence, because he just can’t play it any way but stupid lawful good at every turn) and not just killing them all I guess, they kept them fed and stuff
- oh thank god
- temeraire you are the most darling dragon boy and I love you
I was really really worried for a moment there that the reference to the Colosseum was a not-so-subtle hint they would have to gladiator fight to the death but thankfully they were basically just calling in a parliament
- aw okay finally something good for mrs erasmus I will take it
- laurence you useless fool of a narrator is demane okay?? 
- god roland is just so cool naomi novik really gave us a jovial butch silver fox aviator lady huh... she did that for us and I for one am full of gratitude
- oh thank GOD (hm I sense a running theme here lol) the kid is going to be okay I can breathe again
- iskierka the pirate captain + temeraire’s reaction... perfect
- ;____________; I would lay down my life for temeraire and also that’s a gutpunch of a moodswing... the perfect hilarity of ‘that is an ugly hill’ immediately followed by That... jesus
- awww every time volly shows up again is a joy (temrer!!!)
- laurence... laurence you need to stop asking people to marry you because you never actually really fucking mean it!!!!! have you learned nothing about yourself since book 1, trust your goddamn instincts for once in your life you and roland have been doing perfectly okay thus far as like... affectionate fuckbuddies right? 
(her reaction was priceless tho god bless)
- aaaah there we go the british government is looking more like itself... welcome to the world of realpolitik laurence I’m really sorry :(
- “It is only dragons, you know” JANE ROLAND WTF DID YOU JUST SAY
- “This government is not of my party; my king is ill and mad; but still I am his subject. You have sworn no oath, but I have.” He paused. “I have given my word.”
:) this is... fine
(like. I know this is necessary character growth and he’s basically been a waste of a good man in service to a government like this the whole time and the writing’s been on the wall since book 1 but I don’t want this to be happening to hiiiiim)
- tfw... ur dragon boi is so good... that being anything less than good for him in turn is unthinkable...................... b o i
- ...jane doesn’t really know him very well if she didn’t see this coming from a mile off tho does she
I mean I guess she has other stuff to think about but this shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone
- remember when he thought the entire corps was weird and now he’s finally at home there... and has to leave it behind :):):) super extra fine is what this is
- yeah okay laurence definitely has a crush on ol’ bonaparte noting that down lol he’s all but blushing after that kiss on the cheek 
also... if you just overlook the dictator thing for a moment is napoleon wrong about what he’s saying tho. (no and not even laurence is prepared to say so he’s just going to go back there and get murdered anyway b/c idk lawful good is dumb as fuck sometimes I guess)
It’s really cool how the author shows that napoleon has a better handle on laurence’s psychology after barely meeting him than a lot of people he’s known for years now, though, really adds to his menace and appeal as a character
- wow uh that’s one way to end a book... it’s actually tipped over from tragedy into a strange sort of hilarity for me now: he literally got sued out of his life’s earnings for being a decent human being, committed treason for the same reason and is about to be hanged for thinking genocide might have been a step too far -- in the span of thirty pages. I believe ‘that escalated quickly’ is not too much of an exaggeration here
 - I think this one might be my least favorite so far? not that I disliked it, it’s just the one that’s hit the worst by the fact that there’s not always that much time spent with the cultures central to the book; tswana seems really interesting but because of the way the plot played out and our limited perspective though laurence it just didn’t work for me? the cool shit comes in sipho’s book at the end, like how thoroughly they kicked the europeans out of the coast of africa, which is very cathartic (I will say that most of the second book being set on the ship and then only a sliver of it is actually in china annoyed me too haha) 
I have the distinct feeling this book is setting up for some Misery and breaking of the pattern a bit in the next one though, which will be interesting! ONWARDS TO MORE PAIN AND LAURENCE IS ALREADY PASSIVELY SUICIDAL FROM THE OUTSET SO LIKE... I’M SURE THIS WILL BE REAL FUN :)
maybe my boy will be back tho? silver linings silver linings clinging to some silver linings
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merlinthoughts · 6 years
Season 1 Episode 5 - Lancelot<3
- he’s one of my fav characters u guys don't even KNOW
- like yah okay, i've only seen hiM FOR ONE EPISODE
- but he’s the light of my life
- and he may not even come back but he looks like a character that would come back especially if the fucking ep is named after him
-  oh damn, i sure hope he does
- and goes into arthurs posse of knights or whatever, replacing val
- or what valerie was gonna be
- idek, lets get to it bc i could go on for days just picturing lance as a main character while continuously expressing my love for him
- tumblrs trynna urge me to go with them nasty thoughts
- you wish tumblr
- you WISH you can ban me
- u can't live without sucking dick >:(
- wow slow down shev... wow okay sorry. christianism. i forgot
- it got the best of me
- back to the episode!
- omg it's buckbeak why he making a cameo in merlin??
- my inner potterhead(uwu) is coming out i hate this
- bet you can't guess which house i'm in ;)
- it's fucking slytherin, it's literally so obvious
- hissshiss motherfuckers
- ew guys
- this is so hard to type considering my fucking ‘-’ button (called a dash for u furries who only see a face) is broken and i have to literally smash it to make it work, so i'm just insanely typing up the next dash by screaming at my keyboard that i can't fucking fix
- and i have so many dasHES TO DO!
- that made no sense bc yall aren't living in my socks at the moment
- fuck it copy paste, my best friend, you always come when the time is needed
- lowkey looked like that guy from the 100 though
- but better
- nothing against baloney of course
- lancelot literally just introduced himself, the camera panned in onto his chest, then he proceeded to faint or some shit with the camera still zoomed on his chest, and merlin reached up to grab his shirt, probably to yank it the fuck off and the opening credits rolled up. wtf was that scene.
- it's not supposed to be a zoom in of his chest lmao, my hoe ass thought we had a little fanservice for a second, but there's a big mushroom-looking blood stain on his shirt which i guess is supposed to mean he's fucking dead so it's not all that confusing anymore
- when was he stabbed tho?
- whatever. shit always goes down in BBC that's often unexplainable.
- “it had claws, wings…” arthur stops his sentence melodramatically while uther looks terrified. “and.. what?” WHAT UTHER?? WHAT DO YOU EXPECT?? YOU THINK ARTHURS  GONNA BE LIKE “FANGS, STEVE BUSCEMI'S EYEBALLS, DANNY DEVITO’S HAIRLINE, TALKS LIKE JOHN MULANEY?? I JUST TOLD YOU WHAT I SAW, NOT WHAT I IMAGINED. FATHER”
- but no… livestock apparently
- that’s what uthers shocked by
- not that theres a fucking griffin living in his world
- wait theres magic, means theres magic creatures doy
- but still, even if we all had magic here, i think it would be a little shocking seeing a griffin come for buckingham palace randomly
- or i guess if youre reading this and are in america, in the white house
- oh and it took only people apparently
- i guess that’s a little more severe but i stand uncorrected
- they be having a wild time in the hippogriff’s house ;)
- honestly sounds like a fucked up hogawart house
- here we have slytherin, hufflepuff, ravenclaw and... *looks at smudged writing on hand* hippogriff
- okay, who tf has a dream of coming to camelot when it's the most feared place, with banned magic and an asshole king with his hot bitchy son and a sorcerer who just brings chaos to the land
- well i mean, me 
- bc of the hot bitchy son but whatever
- camelot? more like cameNOT
- arthur calls himself the ultimate killing machine like the edge lord he is
- knee to the nose and all wtf man
- this is probably foreshadowing smth with the “only noble blood can swoosh like a knight” thing, like somethings gonna happen and poor people are gonna revolt and uthers gonna be like “GEEZ fine, okay, no nobles can become a knight”
- merlins such a shit stirer, telling lance he can be a knight and telling him arthur would love him when we really know whats gonna happen bc of that rule
- and here’s gaius like uhh u liar wtf, crushing lance’s dreams while merlins just like wtf gaius, live in the moment, we can do anything, this is OUR show
- literally their such good friends and have known each other for a solid 10 minutes only
- i'm not that big into beards but id love to rub my face on lance’s
- haha little fault there, or like a minor inconvenience which isn’t important but i like to pretend to be smart: middle ages or well the show’s era was more in “AD” (476-ish is the start of middle ages, while the arthurian legend is supposed to happen in the 5/6th century so yeah, technically 400/500 AD), and homework supposedly only started up in 1095 so BOOM BBC GOTCHA
- no, merlin’s not gonna perform magic right in front of the librarian
- does he not know the wrath of librarians???
- our librarian at school literally kicked everyone out of the library once for the whole semester because there was an apple core on the bookshelf. this was during exam week. do u know how much i wanted to kill the person who didn't admit to their mistakes and let everyone suffer. WE COULDN'T ENTER TO EVEN STUDY
- gwen and lancelot are my favourite thing, i literally want them to be together by the next episode
- or the next one with lance
- !!!! the only heto ship on this show i actually adore !!!!!!
- i mean i only love two things: merthur and glance
- idek what gwen and lance’s ship name is so its now glance
- merlin would be the best wingman for them by being gwens bestie
- “you can start by cleaning out the stables” *lance looks to merlin while merlin gives him the biggest smile and thumbs up* this fuckING DORK
- harry potter au where everything is the same but that grim reaper looking human creature in the prisoner of azkaban executing buckbeak is actually lancelot in the future 
- for symbolism purpose, not saying lance is like an animal killer but yknow
- same thing with the griffin yknow
- the two prettiest dudes in my world fighting against one another while sweat is glistening down their forheads is my new favourite aesthetic
- oh wait no, people having been attacked by buckbeak have come
- netflix fucked up by subbing arthur as “orther” and i never laughed so hard
- don’t make me fucking laugh when there’s an ambush, netflix, this is not christian
- annd arthur’s pride is gone, and he goes up to chop lance’s fucking head off
- i'm so proud of my bb like genuinely so proud, lance deserves so much and here is is!! a knight!!
- the three lomls in one room?? seriously bbc?? you really doing that to me?? for once im actually impressed and happy
- he's gonna get caught, i mean i KNOW that, but like it's still stressing out
- ewewewewewewewewewew
- arthur called morgana “isn't she so beautiful??” with a lovey dovey face pls don't lead this to that stepsibling porn bullshit i'm going to fucking puke
- i hated that shadowhunter bullshit like they seriously going to hit me with the indirect incest?? i was so done. i hated jace and clary, idc if theyre like the most popular couple, like wheres my raphael lovers at bc that's a boy i can enjoy
- “so if you could choose one... lance or arthur?” merlin subtly asks gwen like he doesn't have an answer himself
- it would have been so perfect geez, gwen and lance, merlin and arthur, myself and morgana
- i really wanna know what lance, merlin and arthur look like drunk bc that's a hell of a hangover they got the next morning and they probably cut out most of the soiree so like what did they do?? was there any drunk dancing and flirting??? bc i literally want to see that happen
- ik it's a bad thing but those drunk tropes where someone confesses their love to the person they like while under the influence is my favourite thing bc it's both hilarious, genuine and the other person often helps them to their feet and gets them to a safer place to rest and that's fricken adorable guys!
- not the drinking obviously, thats like a thing you can enjoy if you want but ya girl does not like drinking. or, well, she likes drinking with a limit. you can tell who likes to be the designated driver lmao. people here be drinking flat out whiskey and i tried it once and it burned by fucking throat
- merlin fucked up
- and this is technically his fault
- hungover and caught this won't bode well
- “not worthy of a knighthood”
- hey so how do you retract a knighthood?
- do you like reverse the shoulder tapping
- like if you're christian, bc you know, we, as a christian group on this tumblr site, should already know about it... but when we do that cross thing on our shoulders, it means like a direct call with god or some shit. and if we do it the opposite direction it's considered the antichrist so is it the same for knighthood?
- okay with christianity it's tapping the head the stomach, shoulder then shoulder, right? but the reverse is the anti cross like shoulder to shoulder, stomach and head. but… what if it were tapping the stomach, crotch, hip to hip? it would make sense right??? since the cross is upside down… it would lead to the dick and not the head. THAT'S WHY IT'S AN UPSIDE DOWN CROSS. BC YOU AINT SUPPOSED TO GRAB THEM BALLS UNTIL MARRIAGE!!! I SEE OMG I SEE YOU JESUS, TRYNNA HIDE UR FLOURISHING SEXUALITY
- omg guys, don't grab ur fucking balls in this blog post, it's considered the antichrist
- “you never will be” lmao he's gonna come back, he's lancelot, that's a main in the og legend
-  how pissed will lance be with merlin
- i hope big time bc like... angry lance *dries off sweat with hands*
- aw damn lance isn't mad he's like “this is my punishment. mine to bare, mine to bare alone. stop blaming urself. i put this on me” this fucking goof is making me swoon once fucking more
- he's a real goat x3
- buckbeak can literally fuck shit up in the air, camelot has nothing on him
- oh wait he aint, just a few of his knights
- imagine being an extra and playing as one of those knights. having to fight next to bradley james, and have him look at you when someones doing something stupid like you can mentally agree with him and then pretend to die on camera. that would be my dream. make-a-wish better do me some good when i get diseased that will prob be named after me
- hoephagus
- stupidolis
- nah thats stupid
- ;)
- i now understand mulans will to pretend to be a guy and join the army bc i would literally do that if i could stay with arthur fucking pendragon
-  aw it's called a griffin not a hippogriff
- i'm saddened
- harry potter has taught me WRONG
- this looks to be the climax where merlins like “fine guys, geez, i'll kill the griffin bc i'm magic!! wow!!! but arthur obviously knew, and i thought gwen was gonna know but she shocked me even more when she didn’t like fucking hell everyones oblivious. but since you can only kill buckbeak with magic, sigh, i'm exposing myself ig” even if it's like halfway through season 1 with 5 seasons altogether, this looks to be the right time
- this really sounds to be what we are waiting for, what kilgarah said about the destiny merlin will have
- wheres the dickwad gone lmao like was the actor busy the last few episodes or what?
- how is the “arthurs pretty gay” theory not popped up more times on here
- like we all know merthurs pretty great and all
- but CANON wise arthur seems super gay to me
- like he just told lance to get up his ass because “i need… uhh... camelot needs” like he was just about to say he needs lance in his life
- have you not seen the glances??
- fucking hell
- arthur slowly comes closer to lance pretending to talk about what he knows about the creature
- lance also coming closer to ask if he truly believes that, with a raised eyebrow
- thought this shit was only in books and fanfics
- but no guys, we got a gay eyebrow raise
- bc we all know only the gays are capable of eyebrow raises
- fucking hell this is gay i cant even explain it
- like its subtly gay, but out of context youd think this is something out of a fansite
- and merlins not even in this scene
- “take the horse and never return to this place” OKAY NO FIRST OF ALL SECOND OF ALL FUCK OFF LMAO THIS ISNT GAY ANYMORE
- i mean he’s doing it out of the goodness of his heart, saving him from prison and all but lance wants to like…  be a good man and you aint letting him do that
- fucking kiss you fucking bafoon
- merlin looks so dumb holding his dagger as if he doesn’t know what to do with it but i love that for me
- bafoons, all of them
- big bouncing bucking bafoons
- arthur looks so scared i've never been so in love and want to PROTECT
- omg for all merlin and lance know, that scream was arthur fucking dying- OMG IT WAS ARTHUR
- nvm he's alive but like yall not think to check for some arterial wounds bc he could be alive now, but in 5 mins he could legit not make it
- slow music means death
- lancelot you were the best husband i've ever had, rip
- i would be crying more if i didn’t know what happened, but since i already spoiled myself on the first season by watching this about a year ago, i'm not that sad but its still getting to me slightly
- hahahaha so happy everyones okayyy
- arthur looks so happy for lance literally crack ship right there
- why does nobody talk about this wyd
- and here’s arthur defending lance’s honour
- but uthers being a bitch
- omg that transition from lance being told to wait outside, the camera following him out of the room and the doors slamming behind him just in time to hear uther yell at arthur from next door is what gives me chills
- uther better fucking accept lance
- “the law is the law” yeah but the law also says to stop being a stuck-up bitch, uther
- literally lance is the only fucking person to not see through merlins blatant magic tricks
- like he saw that shit, called it out and was not like “oh what its a trick of the wind, surely”
- and he's not fazed at all, u see merlin it aint that bad to tell some people
- the only thing he is worrying about is the credit he says he doesn’t deserve bc merlin killed the griffin and not him
- see how fucking great my husband is, guys
- he better not be like “sucks to suck, i lied again! it aint me, chief” to uther and arthur
- he better fucking come back soon >:(
- seasonal guest star at least
- main characters, big bonus
- we barely saw morgana this episode and i'm not okay with that, but at the same time it was more lance-centric so i'm aight actually. we got all the time in the world for my baby girl, but lance :’( good luck man
- literally everyone is so gay for lance
- gwens into him for sure, and i love that the most (guess thats not gay but whatever, beggars can't be choosers)
- arthur has a little crush ngl
- and merlins full out in love with him
- not to mention MY FUCKING SELF
- i mean, i won't deny that he’s literally perfect in every way and i've only known him for one episode, but i agree whole heatedly with these crushes
- “till next time, sir lancelot” merlin whispers with a smile
- yeah that's me right there
- greeting us all with the news on being cast full-time for the show, being the best guard around and a lover boy to all
- guys i feel like i'm on aphrodisiacs but instead of desire for sex, it's love for lancelot
- send help
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