#but yeah these are some highlights from the things I've watched recently
autisticandroids · 23 days
free space: medium-sized destiel
so in my reclists for @spnficrecfest i haven't been including many fics that are very "big destiel."
this is partly because i've been trying to keep the kudos count lower (though obviously this hasn't been absolute), and also because i actively did not include any "post empty destiel fix it" type fics in the dabb era reclist because they're kind of a genre unto themselves. nor have i intentionally made space in other reclists for fics that have a particular destiel romance novel vibe. obviously there's some, but those tend to dominate reclists, and i wanted to highlight smaller fics.
so this is my "big destiel" reclist, except i still did not include anything that had >2k kudos, because those are generally speaking pretty well known already.
some of these fics are small and just have the big destiel vibes, but a lot of them are more in the 1k kudos range than the hundred kudos range, on account of being big, or medium-sized, destiel.
in order of word count:
ain't that the worst thing you ever heard? by everytuesday, 1k
a couple of takes on the confession scene. very special to me.
rot and grace by extemporaneous, 3k, violence warning
cas watches dean murder the world. corruption kink.
some dying star looks dull in the light by sp8ce, 4k
heaven angst with a happy ending, post-empty.
one step closer by rhinestoneangels, 4k
an empty rescue. i love the empty geography in this one.
i didn't feel it on the first day, and now i got it in the worst way by wintertree, 6k
meg pov on a post-widower arc destiel.
the doorway to a thousand churches by sonatine, 6k
cas and the deans from goodbye stranger.
if you try sometimes, well you just might find by jenthesweetie, 9k
cas pov on dean's wants.
godot ain't got nothing on me and my baby by ilovehowyouletmefall, 10k
post empty, cas became death. the only way dean could see him is by dying.
before and after breakfast by spocklee, 10k
a silly little case where cas and dean realize how they see each other.
solitudes by ilovehowyouletmefall, 21k
cas sees dean see cas die. a wonderful little melodrama. i actually really liked how it handled dean's alcoholism (not really as something to be solved but just as a... reality to be dealt with) and i'm OBSESSED with the director's commentary. if this had been published in 2021 instead of 2023, every heller would have read it three times over.
powerless in dreams by calicoyak, 24k
a post-empty fic. i really liked some of the cas stuff in this one.
between a rock and a hard place by amidsizefrog, 24k
dean's dick doesn't work. also cas is dead. maybe the two are related.
every single thing by thestoryinsideme, 37k
a charming and goofy season nine fic. dean is a shitty little man in a very canonical way that is also deeply sweet and adorable.
a light above descending by hedderstheowl, 38k
a mark of cain fic with chefkiss angel stuff. a recent favorite of mine. really put this author on the map for me.
with understanding by apokteino, 427k, chose not to warn and noncon warning
yeah it's with understanding. you've heard of it. go read it now chop chop.
and if your wondering which fics (that you've probably read) got the axe for having too many kudos: it was on labor, the bee movie fic, time has come today, and r/supernatural. that's my taste. if you were curious.
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genshin-obsessed · 1 year
Could I request fluff in a School AU where Zhongli is reader's senpai and she confesses to him on his graduation day in front of the whole school?
Howdy! This seems... so cute! Like recently, I've been watching a lot of slices of life anime and like... CUTEEE ^w^ honestly, this was meant to be a lot shorter but somehow... I accidentally typed too much. Because of this, it's rushed at the end but that's because I needed to finish it ;w; also, yes i am your best friend, didn't you know?
Character: Zhongli Word count: 4009 this really got out of hand Extra: School AU; I used Tartaglia's real name (Ajax); and it's a bit long! Don't mind!
warning: descriptive panic attack in the beginning so please proceed with caution.
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Your hands were actually cold from how scared you were. They were shaking slightly, your heart was pounding in your chest, practically ready to burst out. Your vision was slightly blurry, sending you into a blind panic.
You couldn't breathe- you were sure you were going to die. Your back hit the cold wall but you could barely feel it as you slid down, hitting the ground below you. Your hands slammed against your chest, curling around the shirt of your uniform as you begged your body to just... breathe. Why couldn't you breathe? What the hell was happening? Y-you didn't want to die! Not now! You were too young!
The constricting feeling got stronger and it felt like you weren't ever going to be able to breathe. You closed your eyes to avoid seeing how everything was slowly caving in on you. You didn't want to see it.
"Hey, hey..." you felt hands touch your shoulders, but you barely registered them. They felt as light as feathers. In seconds, you felt your hair be pushed out of your face and so you tried to open your eyes. You could make out a face- barely. It was a boy, he seemed worried. "I'm going to help you stand, ok?" You just nodded, feeling the tears pouring down your cheeks. Your heart beat was so uncomfortably loud in your ears, it hurt.
After a few moments... you felt a cool breeze on your cheeks and the tightness in your chest began to loosen. The walls that had been caving in around you stopped and were just gone. You slowly opened your eyes and looked around- you were outside.
"Breathe with me." The boy said, sitting in front of you. He breathed in for four counts, held for seven counts, and breathed out for eight. At first, you couldn't follow too well, but he didn't seem bothered. He just breathed in and out repeatedly until you finally felt yourself calm down. Your face was tingling and you hated it- it felt so gross.
"There you go." He said with a smile as he pulled all your hair back and up, to free your neck. "Feel better?" You slowly nodded, sniffling as his face finally came into view. He was... cute. He had dark brown hair, with orange highlights, fair-toned skin, and orange eyes.
"Y-yes... th-thank you." You murmured, looking down. He brought you outside. That's what you were originally trying to do, but your panic attack hit so fast, you couldn't even make it to the doors. But he knew and he brought you out there.
"It's not a problem. Are you doing ok? Do you need anything?" He asked as he held out a water bottle to you. "Sorry, I drank some earlier but you should really hydrate after all that."
"Um... o-ok..." you said, shakily taking the water and opening the top. It seemed like he had just bought the water, seeing as how it was almost full and still cold. You brought the bottle to your lips and began to drink.
"Slow sips, don't rush it." He reminded as he readjusted your hair before using a hair tie on his wrist to tie it up.
"You just... have a hair tie on your wrist?" You asked, seeing the indentation of it on his hand.
"Yeah, I'm friends with these girls who always need one but never bring one. So, I started doing it. Silly, I know, but it can be handy for other things. And I'm glad I had it, seeing as how it helped you." His smile was so radiant even though it was a calm one. "Here." He reached into his pocket and took out a handkerchief, slowly dabbing your face.
"You didn't have to help me." You said quietly, mainly to yourself but he heard it as well.
"I suppose I didn't have to, but it would've felt wrong not to. Who just watches someone have a panic attack and walks away?" He said with a smile as he finished up, before fanning your face a little. Your cheeks were still pretty red, but that wasn't surprising.
"... (y/n)..." you murmured, making him tilt his head.
"What was that?"
"Oh, my name. It's (y/n)." His eyes widened a little before a smile spread on his lips.
"It's very nice to meet you, (y/n). My name is Zhongli. I hope we can be good friends."
That was the day you fell for your upperclassman named Zhongli. He was a really sweet guy, super popular, thoughtful, and always prepared. Since that day, every time Zhongli saw you, he walked over, happily greeted you and asked how you were feeling that day. At first, you would awkwardly reply, but then you got used to it. Sometimes, you'd see him walking with his friends and he'd stop to come say hi to you before classes. You two didn't live near each other, but he still made an effort to walk with you as far as he could. Every now and then, he'd show up to your class before it started and give you a snack, whether it be candy, a drink, maybe something healthier.
Honestly, it was no surprise you eventually fell in love with him. You two talked all the time and he was just so perfect. He took care of you without even realizing it! Some days you'd forget breakfast and that would be the day he stopped by to give you an apple because he brought an extra or something. His kindness knew no bounds.
Your friends teased you all the time about it. The cutie upperclassman who’s always hanging around you, giving you food, drinks, helping you with homework and everything else. Let's not forget the way you'd respond. Your cheeks would turn bright red, you'd look away awkwardly, barely being able to stutter out a thank you. Zhongli was really attractive and a lot of girls liked him- even some guys. So you being added to that list was inevitable.
"It's because he didn't study." Xiao recalled, rolling his eyes as a dejected Ajax followed him and Zhongli.
"No way! I stayed up all night to study!" The orange-haired boy responded with a pout as he glared at his shorter classmate. 
"Cramming everything the night before a test almost never works, you should've known that." Zhongli said with a smile as he looked over at the two.
"I heard you never study." Ei added as she looked up at Zhongli, who's eyes widened.
"Who said that? I study all the time."
"Uh, taking notes and rereading them that day and never touching them again isn't exactly studying." Xiao stated as he looked up at Zhongli.
"Yeah, you're like superhuman dude." Ajax said with wide eyes. "You always get the best grades- especially in history- and all the teachers love you, man!"
"That's because he doesn't talk in class 24/7." Ei shot with an eye roll, to which Ajax's eyes widened.
"I don't talk 24/7! I just happen to always have important things to say." The group went on their way as they kept chatting when Zhongli spotted you out of the corner of his eye. A small smile appeared on his face and he stopped, making his group stop too.
"I'll catch up with you guys in a bit."
"Ahh, it's that little cutie you talk to all the time." Ajax said as he threw his arm around Xiao's shoulders and leaned forward a bit. You were talking with your friend, Pocket, giggling about something. Zhongli's smile softened and he nodded.
"They are cute, aren't they?" For a moment, his eyes were locked on you and only you. The entire world vanished for a moment as he heard your sweet laughter ring in his ears. 
"You should introduce me- OW!" Ajax exclaimed when Xiao's hand slapped his face. "What the hell, dude?"
"Stop looking at those two. (y/n) is out of your league and that other girl wouldn't be interested in you even if you were the last man on earth." Xiao replied coldly, crossing his arms.
"That's- you don't know that! What? Is the other one more your type?"
"No way," Ei replied without missing a beat. "Neither of you are her type. I know her, she's a good friend of (y/n)'s. We share a class together."
"She's an upperclassman? How come we haven't seen her?" Ajax asked, making Ei shake her head.
"She's got an advanced class. Those classes that count as college credits." Ei explained as she placed her hand on Zhongli's back and pushed him forward a little, causing him to break out of his trance. "Go talk to them. We'll go on ahead." She began to walk ahead, urging Xiao and Ajax to go as well.
"Ah, cutie incoming." Your friend Pocket said as she looked at Zhongli and waved. "Good afternoon."
"Hello. I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Zhongli said, making you and Pocket shake your heads.
"I was just leaving actually!" Pocket said as she waved before turning and walking away quickly. You rolled your eyes a little playfully before turning to your crush.
"What's up, Zhongli?"
"Nothing much, I just saw you and wanted to say hi. How are you feeling today?" You smiled at the usual question and nodded.
"Good, actually. I did really well on my test I took yesterday, so that definitely made me happy!"
"Oh, congratulations! Not that I'm surprised, you're pretty smart." He said, patting your head. Your cheeks flushed red and you looked away shyly.
"I-it's just because you helped me study." 
"Yeah, but it's your own little brain's doing for keeping all that information together until you could take your test. You should give yourself more credit." He said as he poked your forehead.
Your heart was pounding in your chest from just that little interaction and you suddenly had the urge to confess. What if you just... blurted it out now? Said it, asked him out, see what would happen? No, no way! What the hell were you thinking? He wouldn't feel the same. Zhongli was friendly with everyone. That didn't mean you were special. Slowly, all that excitement just vanished and you felt a coldness settle in your heart.
The two of you made light conversation as Zhongli walked you back to your class before you parted ways. Throughout the day, you couldn't help that small bit of sadness that followed you at the thought of Zhongli not liking you back.
APPARENTLY, it was so bad, your friend had to take action. Sure, maybe you couldn't confess to Zhongli, but why not just see what he thought.
Pocket waited outside of Zhongli's class, planning on what she wanted to say. Maybe her approach was going to be aggressive, but she needed to get answers now so she could finally push you to confess!
Finally, all the students began to file out of the class and Pocket patiently waited and waited until Zhongli walked out with Ei and Ajax. She immediately called out to Zhongli, making him stop.
"Oh, hello. You're (y/n)'s friend, yes?"
"Yep, that's me. Don't mind me being a little forward, but do you like (y/n)?" Ajax and Ei's eyes widened as they didn't expect you to be that forward.
"Um... they're a good friend of mine, so of course I do." Zhongli replied as he turned to face her.
"I meant like romantically. Do you like (y/n) romantically?" Zhongli fell silent as he gazed at the short girl in front of him.
"Why... do you want to know?" Now the empty halls were uncomfortably silent as Pocket practically stared down Zhongli while Ei and Ajax watched quietly.
"It's a simple question. I'd like for you to answer it." Pocket pressed, placing a hand on her hip. Ei was a little... confused. Pocket was never like this, she was actually quite the shy and kind girl. Not whatever the hell this was. She looked over at Ajax, only to see his eyes glimmering, making her jab his side.
"What if I don't want to?" Zhongli replied, a look of seriousness falling upon his piercing orange eyes. Pocket began to walk toward him and stopped when she was just a foot away from him. There was a significant height difference, but she didn't seem bothered at all.
"Just making sure you won't get in my way." Now Zhongli was confused, that's the last thing he expected out of her.
"I like (y/n) and I wanted to make sure you won't be getting in my way." She replied with a shrug. "Good to know." As Pocket began to walk past him, Zhongli grabbed her arm and stopped him, staring down at her.
"Yeah, I do. You can like them all you want, but I won't take that lying down." 
"Oh? Aren't you graduating in a week or something?" Pocket shot back, making Zhongli's hand tighten around her arm for a moment. He didn't say anything, but Pocket got what she wanted right there. Once he let go, she kept walking, briefly looking at Ei and sending her a wink. 
Ei's eyes widened as all three of them watched Pocket walk away before she looked at Ajax, beside her, then Zhongli, who seemed... upset. 
"Woah! I didn't think she was capable of that!" Ajax said, making Zhongli roll his eyes.
"I think... it was a ruse." Ei said slowly, looking at Zhongli. "She likes this one guy, I heard her talking about him, he's in our class. That one guy, with the red hair." 
"There's a lot of guys with red hair, that doesn't help at all." Ei rolled her eyes at his words and sighed.
"Diluc- that guy. Quiet, smart, rich, has that annoying brother." Oh, that guy.
Well, she can like two people at the same time." Ajax replied, making Ei look at him, unconvinced.
"She'd ask (y/n) out but not that guy?" Ajax just shrugged as both of them looked over at Zhongli. "You ok?"
"Fine. Come on." Zhongli said with a dismissive sigh as he began walking in the same direction they were previously headed. So many thoughts weighed heavily on his mind after that simple interaction and he wondered if there was any truth to Ei's words. Was she... messing with him? Was it an attempt to get him to admit he did like you? Well, she did it- she figured it out. Now here he was, a bit of a mess wondering if he should just outright tell you. 
"You should just ask him out!" Pocket said as she rushed after you on your way home.
"No way! What if he says no? Do you know how embarrassing that would be? Besides, he's friendly with everyone. He hasn't exactly given me any reason to believe I'm special." You replied as you rubbed her face.
"You'll never know unless you try." Your friend explained, but you were adamant. "Come on, (y/n), are you really ok with never trying? What if he does like you?" You abruptly came to a halt, your eyes widening.
What if... Zhongli felt the same way? That would make you so happy. Being able to hold hands with him, hug him, spend a lot more time with him... kisses- ah! it was too much!
You slowly lowered yourself to the ground, covering your red face, hearing Pocket yell behind you.
"What the hell? Are you ok?!" She bent down beside you and pushed your head back, making you lower your hands. Your face was bright red and it made her laugh. "Oooh! so you're thinking of dating him~" you smacked her arm, which just increased her laughter. "Sorry, sorry, but that should be motivation. What if you could have him? Doesn't that make you want to try?"
It did... it really did.
The week following was extremely busy for Zhongli and all the graduates because... graduation was coming up. They had entrance exams, college admissions, homework, and finals all coming up together. Zhongli and the other upperclassmen were drowning under the pressure.
You were able to find a moment in which you gave him a small handmade chocolate to help with all the upcoming stress. Not only that, but you intended to confess. Thing was... when it came time, all you could do was hold out the chocolate and wish him luck with the entrance exams. He smiled brightly, thank you, and ruffle your hair as he left. You were disappointed, that was your best chance... and you flaked! But that smile was all worth it. You could see some of that tiredness lift when you gave him your gift. 
"I'm... rooting for you, Zhongli." You whispered to yourself as you watched his figure disappear down the halls.
"This is your last chance." Pocket said as she grabbed your arm, making you stop and look at her. "He will leave after this, don't do it, (y/n). Don't miss your opportunity. You frowned as you met her eyes before looking away and shaking your head. No, no way! You couldn't do it.
"What makes you think I can do it now? In front of the entire school? I couldn't tell him in the hallway a week ago." You said, dejected and feeling the overwhelming sadness coming back. No way, you'd just have to wait till after. 
Pocket opened her mouth to speak, but that's when the ceremony began. Unfortunately, you two wouldn't have much time to talk so you quickly made your way to your seats.
The graduating class was quite large, actually, so finding Zhongli wasn't easy. But you kept your eyes peeled, and of course, your friends ended up spotting him first.
The ceremony was quite long, almost hitting the two hour mark. The last and final bit was the walk across the stage. Your eyes were locked on Zhongli the entire time, watching as he smiled and waved at his family and friends. You might've been too far away, but you did notice his golden-orange eyes searching the crowd. So, you did what you thought might help and stuck out your arm and waved.
You watched his face light up and he waved back excitedly as if he'd been waiting to spot you. Just that simple act made your heart flutter. As the ceremony progressed, Pocket's words kept ringing in your head. What if you did just confess to him? Take your chance? The more you thought about it, you felt the fear creeping into your mind. What if he rejected you- and he most likely would.
You frowned and turned to Pocket, but she shook her head, being able to read your thoughts as they were so clearly written on your face.
"Look, I would never push you into a situation that would end in failure. Especially not right now. Trust me." She said and the look she had in her eyes... it instantly put your nerves to ease.
"Ok, I trust you." 
The ceremony flew by, mainly because you were still slightly anxious and it felt as if time was moving so fast. It's not like you didn't want to confess and Pocket's added confidence did help comfort you, but not 100%. 
"There," Pocket said as she dragged you by the arm and pointed to where Zhongli was. He was smiling as he talked to some of his friends, probably elated to finally be graduating. "Ok. I believe in you! Go confess." Pocket said in a slightly loud whisper as she nudged you forward.
You steeled your courage and took a deep breath before slowly walking to Zhongli. He smiled as he saw you, waving to you immediately.
"Ah, (y/n)! Thank you for coming." He said with a smile as his friends turned to smile at you as well.
"We saw you and your friend, you two were really loud." Ei said with a chuckle, referring to your applause when Zhongli walked across the stage. You felt your cheeks flush red and looked away.
"Oh, yeah... sorry about that."
"No way!" Ajax said with a laugh as he leaned toward you, "if only you were that loud when I walked across the stage."
Zhongli and Ei quickly pulled the pouty boy away from you as Zhongli stepped towards you, quickly sending a message to his friends that he wanted to speak with you. They just stepped a few feet away to continue their conversation. 
"Are you ok? You look nervous." Zhongli murmured, noting the slight discomfort in your gaze.
"Um, yeah, I just have..." you paused and took another deep breath. "Ok, so you've been a very close friend of mine since the day you helped me out with my panic attack. You've always been there for me, you're always looking out for me, and you're like... you've never left me alone. You don't let me feel alone either." As you spoke, you found the words coming to you easily. You didn't notice it, but the group of graduates and their friends around you began to look towards you two. Zhongli noticed and his face flushed red, but he didn't say anything.
"That's because you're really important to me, (n/n)." He said softly, smiling down at you. You couldn't help but feel your heart flutter at the way he spoke your nickname.
"You're important to me too... a lot more than I realized. Zhongli, I really like you. Like a lot. I wanted to ask- and I hope this isn't a bad time- but will you be my boyfriend?" There was a silence that hung in the air for a moment and it sent a wave of panic through you.
Zhongli's eyes were wide, sure your speech sounded like it was going towards a confession- and it did- but he still didn't expect it. His eyes softened and he smiled, reaching out to touch your cheek.
"Ah, beat me to it." He chuckled, making your eyes widen. "But yes, I'd love to be your boyfriend." 
"Go Zhongli! Look at your red face!" Your eyes snapped to Zhongli's friend, Ajax, who was staring with the biggest smile. That's when it dawned on you that you just confessed in front of the entire graduating class of 200 students! AND their friends!
"Shut up, Ajax." Xiao said as he slapped a hand over Ajax's mouth, but it was too late. Zhongli's other friends were also cheering, either sending a remark or just letting out a whistle- in an attempt to tease their friend and it worked. Zhongli's face was bright red but he just laughed it off.
"Ah, thank you everyone." He said graciously as he wrapped his arm around you. "Don't worry, they're not making fun of you. They're just teasing me." Zhongli was popular, so it wasn't surprising most of the graduating class was fond of him.
You slowly hid yourself in his chest, covering your face. That felt so embarrassing and you slowly looked to the side to see Pocket... with her phone up. 
"Oh, yeah, I wanted to make early memories!" She said with a giggle, making Ajax's eyes widen.
"Shortie! Send me that!" He said, running over to her with his phone out, airdrop ready to go.
"Leave her alone-" Xiao yelled, running right after him. 
"I know it's in front of a lot of people, but... can I kiss you?" Zhongli asked with a slight smile. Most of the people around you were still watching you two, but they were engrossed in their conversations about how cute the confession was.
"Q-quick one." You said with a nod, making him take your face and lean in. The kiss was indeed short, but it was sweet and seemed like a... preview to what a much longer kiss would be like from him. 
Of course, Zhongli's friend didn't let that go either, letting out a loud "ooh", embarrassing both him and you.
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jehhskz · 29 days
Thanks for the tag twin @athforskz ❤️
Click here for the questions. Kindly asking for MDNI because there will be nsfw stuff!
I'm tagging @doitforbangchan / @moonchild9350 / @jeonginsleftcheek / @ssickmagnolia8 ❤️
1.Dumbest thing you believed as a new fan?
I was convinced that Han and the actress Shin Se-kyung were sibilings because in my mind they are pretty much twins, i even went to check on Google because i couldn't remember her name and not to confirm they aren't related 😅
2.Favorite duo/ship from this group?
Although hyunlix fics makes my heart warm, i don't ship any of them romantically. But friendship speaking, my favorite is hyunlix and hyunjin and innie, i love how they are with each other 💕
3.Favorite sub group within the whole group (for skz: favorite Racha)?
Danceracha, they altered my brain chemical forever
4.Favorite unreleased song?
Mic and brush and their solos from dominATE tour 🥹 can they hurry up and released it soon, please?
5. Favorite old song of theirs? Favorite song from their most recent project/album?
I love love love Case 143 but i'd say Lonely St too, for their new album i loved everything, but i'd say chk chk boom, because this song instantly puts me in a good mood
6.Has your bias/ bias line changed?
Hmmm, i met skz because of Felix, but even if we had a - weird start - Hyunjin caught my attention right away, and i remember watching the topline mv and thinking if i was dating Felix i'd have those - oh i wish it was you instead - feelings for Hyunjin (look at me being delulu when i didn't even know what delulu was 😵), so yeah i guess it's always been Hyunjin 👉🏻👈🏻
7.What about bias wreckers, have they changed?
I'm torn between Lino and Felix, but it has been like this for awhile, so i'd say it didn't change
8.Which member are you attracted to the most physically? Emotionally?
I think ot8's so hot, i'd feel luck 🤭 but i'd say physically Han, him dancing to lalalala in that cropped top lives rent free in my mind, Hyunjin too and i'm not saying this just because he showed his abs recently, this man fully dressed was already messing with my head, and emotionally i'd say Han or Hyunjin too because i feel like i'd be very safe with them and could just be me without having to worry about what to say or do
9.If you ever actually had the chance, who do you think you’d work out in a long-term relationship with (please remember the first rule of Kpop)?
What's the first rule of Kpop? Without a doubt, Hyunjin. Not to hype me up or anything, but i just know i'd know how to love him right ❤️
10.A favorite kink of yours and choose a member to fit that kink?
Ohhh tmi moment 🫣 i'm obsessed with men neck, it drives me insane and Hyunjin has the most beautiful neck 🤤 and fingers intertwined, it's like my thing, very intimate, very loving, feeling his beautiful hands connected with mine during our intimate moments would make my heart explode, also finish inside, very intimate ❤️
11.Favorite sluttiest choreography/move they’ve done?
Have you seen my bias dancing? That man's moves is really something else 🫣 to highlight some of him and the boys, i'd say danceracha during taste, Hyunjin's hall of fame, that move from thunderous, Changbin's poppin, and Chan and I.N's solo during dominATE, their JJAM dance, oooh and the iconic play with fire!!!
12.Most unhinged fic and oneshot or edit you have enjoyed of them?
Ohh i've got quite a long list 💕 i usually go for the romances, here's some of the favs:
Hyunjin - Deity by @doitforbangchan
Hyunjin - Three days with you @moonchild9350
Hyunjin - Teach me and Too much kitten? By @seungfl0wer
Hyunjin - Sweet Reunion by @jeonginsleftcheek
Hyunjin - TAGAM by @leeknowsallyoursecrets
Hyunlix - Losing my breathe for you by @ssickmagnolia8
SKZ - All bark and no bite by @doitforbangchan
Felix - Of Ex's and Oh's by @athforskz
Han - Weather the storm by @doitforbangchan
There's a lot more, but i think i'm not suppose to make this list too long (?), but it's basically all my babes masterlists: @athforskz, @doitforbangchan, @jeonginsleftcheek, @leeknowsallyoursecrets, @moonchild9350, @ssickmagnolia8 i'm obsessed with their writting ❤️
Edits: This // This // This // This
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aroaceacacia · 2 years
HI!!!! sorry if you've already posted about this before, but i'm aware you help maintain a vod archive - we're trying to do this for another server and were wondering if you had any tips for useful tools or ways to go about this? thanks and sorry for bothering !!
yes ok!!! here r my tips
1. Have some sort of location where all the VODs are accessible from, for people who may want to find them. For us, we have a spreadsheet, with dates & labels; this could also take the form of a YouTube playlist or an archive.org collection
2. Having only one way to download VODs probably wont be able to cover every scenario you encounter. Here's a list of a BUNCH of resources and tools, many of which you might never need, and most of which I've never heard of. In terms of programs to download VODs, I personally use a mixture of three: Twitch Downloader, 4k Video Downloader, and Twitch Recover. (I use Downloader to access most Twitch VODs, 4k for YouTube videos/streams - although it also does Twitch - and Twitch Recover for when a VOD has been recently deleted*.)
3. TWITCH DELETES VODS !!!! unless a vod is saved as a highlight, those suckers go KABLOOEY at a certain point! the exact amount of time will vary, depending on whether ur streamer is affiliate, partner, or not, so knowing your streamer's status is very helpful. I think non-affiliates and affiliates have a week, and then partners have 60 days. Note that Twitch Recover does not work on VODs older than 60 days, so this time limit is REALLY IMPORTANT.
4. If you're able to get in touch with your streamers in some way, that is really cool and epic! Not necessary at all, but sometimes it's nice being able to remind streamers theres a demand for an official VODs channel, or asking if they have any spare VODs lying around
5. HAVE FRIENDS TO DO THIS WITH !! you said "we" so I assume theres probably a team of some sort already, but division of labor is HUGELY helpful for VOD archiving, because those GB start adding up fast. (It's about 2.5 GB per 1 hour of video at 1080p quality, and generally you want the highest quality possible, so VODs can get pretty chunky.) Oh yeah I guess storage space is useful too. Remember to do spring cleaning also every now and then and make sure you dont delete anything that isnt already backed up elsewhere 👍 but yes. Teamwork. Communicating with the group about who will do what, being able to mobilize in a potential crisis, and making occasional public calls for additional hands on help are all super important, I've found.
6. YouTube is a copyright bitch! While it's better for watching vods back on, it will occasionally block a vod for copyright. YouTube is great, I upload all my MCC vods there unlisted, but I also recommend getting familiar with archive.org. archive is a little slower to upload but it won't hide a VOD worldwide because it had a copyrighted song or three in it. Having mirrors of uploads is a good tool for peace of mind - one of my friends has been on a kick of double mirroring VODs lately, even ones that will eventually be up on a VODs channel, but that's also a lot of uploading and slows him down
7. Being aware to at least some degree of the contents of what you're archiving is a good thing. Sometimes you need to censor out an accidental doxxing or worry about an IP leak, and I find it makes me feel more confident in my work if I know what I'm preserving. Like, I archive plenty of MCC POVs I havent necessarily watched, but they're all MCC, and I know what happens, and I sometimes hear details from other people - but a random server VOD from a guy I don't watch much of could contain anything. Sometimes I worry I've accidentally stuck deeply personal information into the internets biggest document repository. And maybe I have. But having some familiarity helps the peace of mind
8. Have fun with it and take pride in your work! You're helping to prevent something you love, the hard work of others, from becoming lost media! That's sooooo epic and sexy and cool of you, actually, and more people should do it - either on their own for their own personal purposes, or in the context of a larger project, like me and you
tl;dr its work but it boils down to communication, having the right tools, and having a team that is willing to adapt and cooperate in order to get stuff done! best of luck in your efforts
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darksiders-junkie · 1 year
Hello! This is probably the earliest I've ever stumbled across a blog! Welcome!
As for requests, if the four had any human contacts on earth (pre or post apocalypse/rebirth of humanity) what sort of person do you think they'd go to for human-related questions? Like Death finds a mortician who's got hold of demonic remains and they establish a rapport or something like that? Thoughts? Head cannons? (Sorry if this comes across as oddly phrased, I've only just recently gotten over my fear of sending asks 😅)
Thank you dearie! I welcome you to this dumpster of a profile as my first request🎉🎉
It was a little oddly phrased but I believe I understand what you're asking for! And don't be afraid I will away send a question if I am confused, and if you dont get back to me you can always send another ask and ill redo it for you! Enjoy your little headcanons!
He had absolutely no contacts before the early brought apocalypse or humanities resurrection. Only after humanity was brought back and steadily on their feet did he show interest in them.
His contacts are all names, no nicknames. First names and if they have them last names.
Including his siblings, War would only have 5 contacts.
The first non sibling being a human in the army. He stumbled upon them when saving them from stray demons who hadn't accepted the war was over.
As a thanks, the man forced offered to buy him a drink. War had a better time than he thought he would, and when the man offered his number so they could do this again, he actually agreed.
They now regularly meet up, even just to watch silly human television shows or movies.
War will ask him questions about human items.
W: What is this? *sends picture of make up pallete*
H: Make up.
W: What?
H: It's to highlight a humans best feature. It's pretty much to make humans pretty.
W: Why? Are they trying to seduce their enemies?
H: Yeah I don't have time to unwrap that.
His second contact, believe it or not, is a barista (the love interest). Just some girl that makes coffee at a little shop and passes out pastries (totally found due to first contact).
He'd come by often, mostly fascinated in how it all works. Learning to say please and thank you to her and even learn to tip her from other costumers that came by or his first human friend.
He got her number from intimidating a very, uncomfortably flirty customer to scurry out of the shop.
She offered it with a shy smile and blush and he swore his heart almost stopped. No one is every like that to or around him and it was odd.
He asks her more emotional questions about humans.
W: A man just shouted at me for ten minutes for no reason. Why would he do that?
H: Oh no! I'm sorry, that's extremely shitty of him :(( Sometimes people are just mean. What happened?
W: I was walking and my armor accidently scrapped against his car and he started yelling.
H: Oh honey, those are expensive. You should be careful around cars in the future okay?
W: Okay.
Death much like War had no contacts before the premature apocalypse or humans resurrection. He infact only has 1 contact that isnt his siblings (the love interest)
He had everyone under their names, just as War has. But once that human friend taught him a bit about it, he did add a "💀" at the end of her name.
It was pure coincidence meeting a mortician. He just happened to bump into her multiple times to the point she offered her number.
He accepted just so he could move on with his day without having any problems. Humans tend to create problems over menial things.
But of course she continued to be persistent, texting him constantly. He would have blocked her if he knew how, but instead he gives short 1 word responses in hopes she'd get bored.
However when she sent a picture of herself smiling with a piece sign, and a dead body whoms face was covered he became intrigued.
Only to find out she was a mortician. His intriguement hadn't died though, it's quite fascinating that a human who works with death daily, would coincidently bump into him by pure chance multiple times.
And as the relationship grew, he often found himself asking her questions about humans when he was dumbfounded.
D: Why are their so many options for soaps? Wouldn't one do the job for everyone?
Human: Well some people have allergies, and other people have sensitive skin and can't do fragrance in the soaps. And everyone likes different smells.
D: Understood.
And when she came across demonic, or even angelic corpses he'd often give her the answer when she was clueless. Even popping in to give her a hand if need be.
Oh you know he had contacts before the premature apocalypse. He's the most friendly of them all after all.
But of course those contacts became useless afterwards. Even when the humans came back, they weren't guaranteed their old numbers.
And so he had to make new ooman friends. And that he did.
His contacts are insane, honestly I couldn't even give you a number on how many he has. You wouldn't be able to tell who was who with all the crazy names he comes up with either.
However his favorite contacts are
"Goofy Ass🤡"
Whom you guessed it, is a clown. An entertainment for kids, who also happens to do magic tricks and face painting.
He managed to bump into them on their way to a kids party. Effectively scattering their things.
Strife of course helped, but not without picking fun at them for their getup.
They got all defensive and angry which only spurred on his amusement.
He continued following them around afterward, asking questions upon questions as to why they look so ridiculous. Even if they answer never changed.
They had to beg him to leave when they got to the party, and in exchange for his departure Strife snagged their number.
And while they were annoying at first, Strife quickly grew on them. Even finding it enduring to answer the most basic, common sense questions.
S: Why do they call it Jay walking? My name isn't Jay.
Okay that one was most certainly annoying to type out, especially when they know he has Google.
His second favorite is "Mixer 🥃" (the love interest)
Which I'm sure you can guess is his bartender.
After meeting her, he only went to that bar.
Really spurcing up his flirting game, and never giving up no matter how many times she turned him down.
Eventually he gave up and settled as just friends.
And boy is he glad, she'll often open the bar up just for him after hours so he can drink to his hearts content and chat with her all night long.
He'll ask her every question under the sun. Even ones her knows the answer to just to get a response.
S: What's a 'horse'
H: Stfu I know you own a horse it is 3am leave me be to sleep
S: I own a horse? Oooooohhhh you mean Mayhem? He's a horse?
H: Strife I stfg I will murder you
Fury: She also had no contacts before the premature apocalypse.
Aside from her siblings she has a few contacts, all of which have their name and a little emoji to help her remember if she's been on a mission for a long ass while and can barely see straight
The first was her nail tech "💅"
She was the first human she want to to help her with her nails. And when she blew up over something small the little human fought back and even yelled at her. That really peaked her interest.
She continued to go back because of it, and eventually got her number.
Number 1 bestie, talks shit and gossips with her over text.
Her questions for the nail tech mostly have to do with self care.
F: Do you think this will work on my hair?
H: Babe.. your hair is a mystery to me. Idk what will work and what won't 🤷‍♀️
Her next contact is actually a geeky, nerdy guy "🤓" (Love interest, you can fight me on it)
She bumped into him and made him drop all his things. She proceeded to yell at him, even though she was at fault and he just sit there and took it.
She.. almost felt bad for the scrawny little man.
She ended up calming quickly (think of the meme "I almost lost my cool there") and apologizing for her outburst with gritted teeth and a frown.
Apologizing is most certainly not her strong suit.
He brushed it off saying it was fine, and since she felt so bad for the scrawny little man, she carried his items to his, what was it, "D'N'D" session?
Well one thing lead to another and she was telling real stories about scary monsters and by the end he had scored her number.
She'll ask him questions about geek things
F: Its broken.
H: Uh no.. you have to turn it on.
F: And how am I supposed to do that?
H: There's a little button on the pc.
F: There are a ton of buttons. Is it this? *sends picture*
H: That isn't a- You know what? I'll be there shortly. Just don't touch anything before you break it.
Posted: July 9th, 2023
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stitching-in-time · 8 days
Voyager rewatch s5 ep3: Extreme Risk
I guess it's time to feel personally attacked by relatable content! I didn't like this one as a kid, but as an adult, my opinion has flipped, because boy does it hit close to home. (Content warning, just in case anyone hasn't seen this one- this ep is about depression and self harm.)
I appreciate them actually following through on something traumatic happening in a previous episode- finding out all your friends died and the cause you were fighting for is lost is a pretty big deal, and B'Elanna was obviously very upset by it, as anyone would be. Having it be something that set her off down a depressive spiral that she kept from everyone else for months is unfortunately all too real.
When I was a kid, I hadn't processed my trauma enough to understand this one yet, but watching it the whole way through as an adult, it's just a lot of uncomfortable recognition of things that I've experienced myself. Obviously not doing extreme sports or fighting Cardassians on a holodeck, but just letting yourself spiral into a dark place where you do self destructive things because it's a pain you can control, until you can't, because it becomes it's own kind of addiction. Everything B'Elanna says here is just... yeah. The not being able to trust that anyone or anything good will stay, that every time you start to feel safe, something bad happens so you withdraw from people even more, keeping it all to yourself because you're sure no one else will understand or care- it's the whole 'I had a traumatic childhood' package. But the lesson she learns here is the hardest one to admit to for anyone in that situation-that you have to talk to people about it.
I've felt like Chakotay and B'Elanna's friendship got lost a bit last season, but they did a great job highlighting it here. Chakotay's compassionate listening and reassurance without judgement was A+ good friend stuff. Tough love that's still kind is a line that's hard to walk in real life, and goodness knows Voyager's writers have screwed it up a lot, but they did good here. I've criticized the meanness of the crew's interactions a lot lately, but everyone did what they were supposed to do here. They all did their best to be reach out to her and be sensitive to her, and while she still wasn't ready to talk about it without it being dragged out of her, just being open to listening provides a framework that makes it easier for people who are reluctant to reach out to do it in the future, before things get so bad. That's what builds the trust they need to feel safe, and I'm honestly grateful that they remembered that these characters actually all love each other a lot, and showed them acting like it. Considering some of the garbage we've waded through recently, I'm surprised that they pulled this one off with such sensitivity and insight. Especially back in the 90s, when talking about mental health wasn't anywhere near as mainstream as it is now, this was pretty ahead of it's time. Showing that even someone who's highly intelligent and capable and seems to have it all can still experience depression and engage in self harm is still pretty progressive actually. I appreciated that they didn't just neatly say she's magically better at the end either, but acknowledged that talking to people about it, and forcing yourself to go back to where you're needed and valued, and reengaing with what you do best, with support from the people around you, is the first step in the process.
I can't even do a proper plot analysis because I'm kind of up in my feels over this one. It was notable for being the first appearance of the Delta Flyer, which was first suggested in the previous episode, but mostly, this one just hits all the bullseyes for depressed bitches who need to let themselves reach out to people and trust them and accept love from them.
Tl;dr: A surprisingly realistic look at depression and self harm, and how connecting with people who care about you and talking about it paves a way through it. An important episode that's relatable for a lot of people, and gives an uncomfortable subject the weight and respect it deserves.
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saysike-skedoodles · 3 months
Tumblr media
ALL NEW TO CARTOON NETWORK, 'TOO MANY MISADVENTURES'. Join Bex, Silly and Stacy as they travel through different realms and get into many (mis)adventures along the way. From meeting spooky characters like Smiler to evil rulers like Queen Creampuff. There's so much to see for what these 3 get up to! Catch 'Too Many Misadventures' everyday on Cartoon Network from 7pm EST.
This is out of nowhere for TMM stuff, but here is the trio done up in a sorta "90s Cartoon Network" style! I put that in quotations since there wasn't an exact style present on Cartoon Network during this time. So I kind of went with a mix and match of some present traits and applied it to how the trio would look. My main 2 sources of inspiration/style references came from Dexter's Laboratory and The Powerpuff Girls. I wanted to look for styles that would fit with TMM if made as a show in the 90s. I think The Powerpuff Girls played a bigger role in influencing the trio's 90s look. Which I'm not complaining, I've been watching that show recently and it's TOO GOOD. I don't watch as much superhero like shows/movies (I've only seen The Suicide Squad (2021) ). They're just not up my alley and that's fine with me. But I've been LOVING The Powerpuff Girls. Am I using this post as an excuse to gush on about The Powerpuff Girls? Yes and I don't care HA. This show is great man, the animation, the action, the VOICE ACTING. THE VOICE ACTING OH MY DAYS IT'S TOO GOOD. The highlights to me are definitely Bubbles, Mojo Jojo, Him and the Narrator. But everyone does a fantastic job. ALSO TOM KENNY IS IN THIS SHOW???? He's one of my favourite voice actors so I was surprised to hear his voice in episodes. ANYWAYS YEAH, I also couldn't stop getting Bex, Silly and Stacy vibes from Blossom, Buttercup and Bubbles, I think it's obvious who I saw as who. ANYWAYS. Yeah The Powerpuff Girls is a great show. I'm on about the 90s one- not the reboot. We don't talk about... that.
Also I wanna quickly thank @/TheNexusOnDA for the background and CN logo! He made a Cartoon Network Powerhouse package which included backgrounds, fonts and CN's logo. I don't usually like to use backgrounds since I'm trying my hand at getting better at drawing them anyways. But I just couldn't resist using this package to my advantage (hey, that kinda rhymed). Just to make things seem more authentic if ya get me.
Deviantart Tumblr Art Tumblr Youtube TMM Official Tumblr Newgrounds --- [all content I post is automatically 13+ if not stated in the title or the content itself]
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xian1na · 1 year
buncha words bout some spring animes #5
Now that I'm a Serious and Employed Person I appreciate series like Skip and Loafer or SpyFam even more. There's nothing better than coming back home and relaxing with some cute and funny anime. It may well be that if I rewatched some older series which I'd dropped or skipped altogether because they seemed boring, I would actually like them much more now. Well, for now let's stick to spring shows. Enjoy!
The Witch from Mercury (season 2, ep. 1-3) - one more week and I'll finally catch up to GWitch. These first three episodes were a real rollercoaster - we started with a pretty chill one, just reestablishing the characters and plot for the second cour. AND THEN! Episode two was wild. I gotta say, what's really amazing about the writing in this series is how it keeps introducing asshole characters, only to make you feel sorry for them after just a couple of episodes. And it actually works, I really care about these guys. I want to believe they're going to be alright... I don't know how dark Gundam endings usually are, but I get a feeling it's better to expect the worst and get a nice surprise, instead of the other way around.
Oshi no Ko (ep. 6) - yeah, yeah, I've watched another one. I planned to give it one last chance before dropping it but then Oshi no Ko had the gall to drop the best episode since the prologue. I still have some issues with it but I think it did a great job characterising Akane (and Yuki, too), making her relatable and sympathetic. What helped a lot was that Aqua was barely present in this one. You know what guys, I don't think I like Aqua very much. Which is a shame, because acting and film stuff in this series interests me more than idol stuff. Methinks I should look for some anime/manga about acting.
Skip and Loafer (ep. 7) - The highlight of this episode was seeing the drama club pres guy actually doing something decent for a change. And of course we have a brand new character introduced in the last minutes of the episode. I guess she's either Shima's family or one of the people he met when he was an actor. I wonder how will this plot develop and how will this person be neutralised by Mitsumi. Or hey, maybe she won't be! There are some people with whom you just don't get along, and I don't see that a lot in anime, I don't think.
Heavenly Delusion (ep. 6-7) - We got less school and more Maru and Kiruko's adventures, I'm definitely fine with that. Episode 6 had some great jokes, faces and cuts of animation, and episode 7 on the other hand got really disturbing towards the end. I like how this series treats the characters' sexuality (so far) - I mean, they're kids, they're figuring things out, and it's presented with honesty you don't often see. These episodes were also a bit thinner on plot elements and mysteries, but I liked that. I guess it could be a breather before what comes next.
Hell's Paradise (ep. 7) - Last week I speculated, that something major was going to happen this episode. That... turned out to be wrong, more or less. We now know a little bit more about the island and the elixir of life, but the majority of the episode was devoted to lighter character moments. So now I don't even know what I should expect next week. To be honest Jigokuraku is also close to falling off my watchlist but I'll give it one more chance.
Insomniacs after school (ep. 4-6) - Aaaand I caught up to Insomniacs. I think it's growing on me - the side characters were nicely fleshed out in the recent episodes and the relationship between the two leads is cute (not my top ship of the season, but they're nice kids!). Am I really going to watch another romance series this season? I almost never watch them!
I skipped Yamada-kun this week, but I'm definitely coming back to it next time. And finally:
Spy x Family (ep. 10-12) - Ok, two things: 1) Bill Watkins (6) was even better than whatever I was picturing before watching the episode and the whole game of dodgeball was a riot. 2) And then episode 11 had some brilliant Anya Starlight Anya moments. I can't wait to see the pupper. Thankfully I don't have to wait three months, I can jump right in the second cour. Episode 12 was kind of a weak follow-up to the two preceding episodes and a weird finale to the whole season, but the penguins were cute. So really, it's impossible to say if it was good or bad.
And that's it from me! Thanks so much for reading, have a great week and see you next Saturday!
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omegatheunknown · 9 months
Top 10 of 2023 -- Theatrical Releases
Started using letterboxd as a journal two years ago, mostly so I could remember just how recently I'd watched Big Trouble in Little China or Hot Fuzz, but also to hit 'em with of the moment reviews and ratings fresh from the theatre. Which is to say, I'm a little nervous to see what'll come up at the top, but let's take a trip.
10- The Boogeyman (**1/2) - Technically in theatres for a week or two. Buried otherwise, a low stakes King adaptation/remake/reboot that makes the list so I don't have to say anything about AntMan, Elemental, Renfield, or, god forbid, Mario. Effective horror, kind of a neat creature at the center of it, pleasantly surprised that I didn't hate it.
9- Asteroid City (***) - Did lead to a minor personal epiphany, so not all bad. The amount of meta-fictional artifice (lest we for a second want to empathize or consider Wes' paper doll characters in his paper doll theatre as being recognizably human) has gone well-beyond the 'as Royal Tenenbaum' and 'let me tell you about my boat,' past the authorial frame of the Grand Budapest and as of The French Dispatch, Mssr Anderson is now almost entirely preoccupied with stories within stories and it is actually very annoying. (The minor epiphany is that I have also been doing this, as metafiction delights me too, Wes, but why should anyone else care?) Anyway, highlight here is the usual meticulous design, the ridiculous stop-motion sequence, some crackerjack dialogue (muted because now every character has the same blunted affect and without subtitles I sorta glazed over in parts) and these movies remain quite funny.
8- Barbie (***1/2) - Watched a lot of pablum this year, most of it with very naked corporate ambition. Barbie's central trick is to critique itself and the very cynical context in which it critiques itself and hopefully contain within it the entire discourse (good luck to you.) Wish I hadn't had to listen to people earnestly tell me how brilliant and resonant certain 'pause for applause' moments were, but the humour may well stand the test of time, and people were rightly hyped on Ryan Gosling's over-delivery on what once was seen as an unlikely bit of casting.
7- Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 (***1/2) - Not too proud to admit I was, in 2023, still kind of excited to see this one (1) marvel movie. Crisp Rat aside, the Guardians deliver best on the comic-to-screen vibe and rarely seem embarrassed with their source, leading to the intense emotional journey of a CGI mutant raccoon bounty hunter reckoning with his maker, no winking involved. Rocket Raccoon is my fucking guy, anyway, no more of these, please and thanks.
6- Dungeons and Dragons, Honor Among Thieves (***1/2) - Yeah, okay, more popcorn flick pablum. Hasbro hoping to further capitalize on the pop culture rise of and monetize and micro-transaction-atize and thereby enshitiffy one of my dearest hobbies (I am diversifying away from D&D TM) looming large in the background here, given the whole OGL blowback it was briefly reasonable large portions of diehards might boycott this thing. Anyway, saw it, liked it, succeeded wildly in the goal of effectively conveying what it's actually like to play a fantasy ttrpg, all the weird in-jokes, wild variations in tone, hand-waving and quirks of 'the rules' there for snorts of recognition. Cannot imagine this was much fun for non-players, but maybe.
5- Across the Spider-Verse (****) - Extremely hyped, but hopefully not the zenith of the trilogy, a lot is riding on part 3, which is thankfully due, uhhh, sometime next year? Dragged out its ending laying more groundwork, but before then, another ceiling breaking exercise in contemporary animation, an almost non-stop kinetic kaleidoscope of visual creativity that augurs well for animation's continued evolution.
4- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Mutant Mayhem (****) - Speaking of. Now, I've loved the Turtles since I was 4 years old, so my personal belief has always been, even though I love the 1990 rubber-suited cash grab, that the central premise is something that in the right hands can actually be objectively good, as opposed to personally delightful to me. This is that movie, the good Ninja Turtles movie. 'Teenage' -- to the point of being endearingly, obnoxiously immature, 'Mutant' -- to the point that the world around them is just as grody and fucked up looking as they are, 'Ninja' -- with sly handheld camera angles and satisfyingly fluid motion to rival Spiderverse, and uh, 'Turtles' -- they sure fucking are. I loved this. Jackie Chan forever.More, please.
3- Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (****) - Exceedingly Quebecois take on the contemporary hipster vampire movie, Can-con for my list. Canadian Indies in 2023 are strikingly similar to American Indies from 2008, if that at all recommends. Ranks high for efficient self-contained everything, very charming, funny, just bizarre enough.
2- The Boy and the Heron (****1/2) - Easy to feel like this is a Ghibli greatest hits compilation, easier to remember that's what we all kinda want-- cute and unsettling creatures, delicious looking food, spirit worlds, quiet moments of reflection, arcane rules for how any and everything works... yet also maybe the truest return to the titanic achievements of Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away (especially.) Story forms a suitably esoteric thesis about grief and creation and, ultimately, endings. I think Miyazaki might actually be done this time.
1- Godzilla Minus One (*****) - An entirely different movie than Shin Godzilla, very possibly even better. It's tense (Godzilla hasn't felt creepy like this for a while.) It's emotional (rivals Godzilla vs Biollante in its human story.) It's very naked in its message (ah, the guilt.) The action is superb. I do not know where Godzilla goes from here. (Mothra!)
(Haven’t seen: Poor Things, Bottoms, Napoleon, the Killer, a bunch of other crap.)
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healen · 11 months
9 people you'd like to get to know better
tagged by @thatonecotton - thank you! this is so fun, takes me back to the days of prolific asks and tag memes!! i loved reading your answers 💕
Three ships:
vash/meryl (trigun): i watched this for the first time this year (@bbunbbi's excitement about it got me!), both the 98 anime and stampede! going in knowing a friend really likes two characters together is always influential, but there's something really special about these two - vash with his outward personality and inward baggage? meryl who thinks he's one thing and learns he's another and stays with him through thick and thin? good stuff!
kogami/akane (psycho pass): it's been EONS since i last watched this but i've been reminiscing with friends recently! iirc i watched the first two seasons of the anime and the first movie, and the highlight for me was always these two...akane the bright-eyed new inspector, kogami who used to be in her position but is now basically like, a dog on her leash? the way he's like, steady, willing, and calm to be just that? the way akane grows through real experience and is a bit hardened, but still stays herself...they go through a lot side-by-side and i think about them fondly!!
frederick/robin (fire emblem: awakening): lol okay piggy-backing on cotton's answer but!! i could name HEAPS of fire emblem ships i love, but these two have really been on my mind lately! frederick the wary will always have my heart lol but the way, re: robin, he goes from distrust to falling in love...but robin is actually (unknowingly) exactly what he was afraid of at the start?? there's romance there's humour there's tragedy....read cotton's work lol and you'll know what i'm talkin about!!!
First ever ship: hmmm i'm not sure if i remember! oh gosh actually i do recall liking amu/ikuto from shugo chara, which was the first anime i really like, properly watched all the way through when i was younger lol!! anne of green gables is something i grew up with too and anne and gilbert have always been the peak of romance for me!
Last song: the returner by allison russell! heard it on the radio the other day and i keep coming back to it!
Currently reading: i have a few things i'm currently reading - i start a lot of books that i get too busy to finish in the time i have them from the library, but i'm gonna get back to these ones eventually:
rooted by lyanda lynn haupt
a brief history of pakistan by james wynbrandt
women who run with the wolves by clarissa pinkola estés
i've also been chipping away at the novelizations for attack of the clones and revenge of the sith (a re-read!)
Currently watching: i don't really watch shows all that often...gosh...yeah i don't really know! the last thing might've been...like, just the scenes with anakin in them from the ahsoka series lol
Currently consuming: just water atm! i always forget to drink as much as i should!
Currently craving: samyang buldak noodles, always 😭 but lately i've been wanting to go eat some tteokbokki, it's been a while!
tagging @breserker, @ghosttbeef, @tofucasserole, @birdblacksocialclub, @rosemochi, @bbunbbi, @s4wdust, @darksign, @darrthvadr, @varethinsilico, @runicmagitek - (i know that's more than 9...let me live!) no pressure at all! and if anyone else sees this and wants to do it, say i tagged you!
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sunnysssol · 2 years
Tag Game To Better Know You! Send this to people you’d like to know better!
Tagged by three different people AHWJFIDJ @gremlins-hotel , @fumblingmusings and @modernday-jay !!! Thank you guys for the tag! 💖 Sorry it took me a while to get to it 😭 depression on top of hell week is a different kind of beast. Anyway! Onwards!!
What book are you currently reading?
☆ I haven't read much books at all this year, but I really wanna pick up Dune again! I got halfway through Dune Messiah in 2020 and it's been forever 😭 My reading list is ever expanding, I just really need to find time and motivation 🥲
What’s your favorite movie that you saw in theatres this year?
☆ I have not gone to the theaters at all this year! I've been out and about but yeah. All the movies I watched this year were watched from the comfort of my own bedroom. But as for my favorite movie this year, it's either "Pearl" by Ti West or "Everything, Everywhere, All At Once" by Daniel Kwan and Daniel Scheinert. I liked Pearl better than X just because... Idk, I think I was more disturbed by the emotional drama than the actual story LOL and as for EEAAO, that one is a classic I feel like I've seen at least five mutuals rave about it JDJCJ and it's well deserved! I wanted to watch it with family but I kept chickening out– it hits a little too close to home I think 🥲 then there's Incantation too, that movie had some really unsettling imagery and I got really invested into the story of the main character trying her absolute hardest to save her daughter against the powers of a hostile otherworldly being. It's really neat!
What do you usually wear?
☆ I live in a tropical country, so it's the shirt-shorts-flip flops combo usually LOL although once in a while I'll switch it up and wear pajama pants :p
How tall are you?
☆ I'm 5'3", or 160 cm !!!
What’s your Star Sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
☆ Cancer! Not sure about any celebrities, but I do share my birthday with the debut of the Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit in 1989 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and I thought that was cool LOL
Do you go by your name or a nick-name?
☆ I go by Sol, which is more of a pseudonym than a nickname. But I also use Marie, which *is* a shorter version of my real name and also, I have used "Peppa" very recently because my profile pictures when I was in the middle of my "join as many discord servers as possible" phase was Peppa Pig and it stuck 😭
Did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
☆ Not yet, but i'm getting there! Getting that education and whatnot 🤓
Are you in a relationship? If not, who is your crush if you have one?
☆ I am deeply in love with one Alfred F. Jones ☝
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at?
☆ I'm good at everything but also bad at everything 💖 I hope that helps!
Dogs or cats?
☆ I can't choose 😭 they are both so important to me actually
What’s something you would like to create content for?
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
☆ The Walking Dead!!! But also, perhaps cartoons because I've been watching Adventure Time and Bluey 🗿
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
☆ Not to be a downer but this year as a whole sucked LOL some significant highlights in the lows of course (e.g. meeting my besties, getting back into an old beloved fandom, etc), but I just really thought things would be different by now. Guess not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
What’s a hidden talent of yours?
☆ All talents are hidden if you're anxious enough 😏 (it's lying. for some reason people always believe me 😭 I only use it for stupid shit too so HEJFJD)
Are you religious?
☆ Religion interests me, if not for the historical and cultural impact then maybe for the art that is created because of it! My religious background is Roman Catholicism, born and raised and all that, but my family stopped going to church a while back and we haven't gone back since unless it was for a wedding or a baptism. Do I believe in the Christian God? Not really... I do believe there is a higher power out there, if that makes sense. I just don't subscribe to the ideas of any religion. I guess this makes me agnostic.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment?
☆ 600 million dollars in my bank account 💅
Tagging @myrddin-wylt , @daisy-dumpling , @majormeilani , @j0succ and whoever else wants to do it!! 💖 and if I tagged you there's no pressure to do this !! Jdjfjfjf 💖💖💖
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rockinlibrarian · 1 year
9 people tag game
Tagged by @e-louise-bates, who tagged only me (and no, I don't believe I've done this one, recently at least), so I'm assuming the "9 People" in the title isn't NECESSARILY how many people I have to tag.
last song: All I've been hearing for the past two hours is the background music to Splatoon, which my son is playing on the big tv in this room. Last song I actually listened to? I think it was Led Zeppelin. Yeah, when I turned my car off I left auxiliary on for a bit, as one does, and it was some Zeppelin-- "Whole Lotta Love," that was it.
last movie: Honestly, I am not sure when I last watched a movie? Possibly not since Arsenic and Old Lace at New Years. I just don't get around to it! Also, Splatoon is always running on the big tv.
currently watching: Okay, I almost thought of this as a movie, but I have been watching a TV show the past week or so! Muppets Mayhem, which is only 10 half-hour episodes long but I've still only watched 7, that's how much I'm not watching ANYTHING lately. Okay, I am unable to tell if it is objectively good to the average person-- I think it's mixed, some very good stuff, some eh-- because it is basically a made-for-me show (it got shuttled to the top of my watch list when a friend-- an online friend I've never met in real life even-- specifically tagged me on Facebook after she watched it because she thought of me the whole time). I have said, for the record, that The Electric Mayhem is my favorite fictional band. They genuinely do rock. And the music (and the music nerd references) is the highlight of the show. And the Get Back-themed episode was indeed an absolute delight.
currently reading: Kids and I are towards the middle of the end of The Sun and the Star, Mark Oshiro's Riordanverse book about Nico and Will in the Underworld, which isn't quite as delightful as Riordan's originals in voice, but still has some good stuff in it. I've also brought home Nowhere Boy by Katherine Marsh, which I am considering sampling for the older group at Summer Quest this week. Hence bringing it home to actually read those chapters before reading it to them. I also left off in the middle of a multichapter fanfic last night, something Umbrella Academy of course because I'm still only in the S's in my alphabetical by author browse-through. It's "the desperation murmur of a heartbeat" by slytherincosette-- good enough for me to keep reading beyond the first chapter (or even the first paragraph) at least. Haven't finished it yet.
last thing researched for writing purposes: Huh. Well, that depends on your definition of all those words, I suppose. I think, using the broadest definitions, the last thing I researched for my writing was synonyms for "flawless"-- I was looking for the word "foolproof" but couldn't think of it, so I put "flawless" in Thesaurus.com and browsed until I spotted it. Yay, thesaurus! And for this particular fic I also have looked up the transcripts to The Wizard of Oz (which is the AU) and various episodes of Legion (which it is a fanfic of), if THAT counts as research. I am looking at my google search history now but I don't think any of this was used for writing. A few minutes ago I looked up how many inches are 143 centimeters which I THINK was for some ART that @sunnymarbles was drawing, but that's drawing, not writing, and also not mine. I have researched various snack recipes from around the world so as to write up some handouts for Summer Quest, which was technically writing, and mine. Honestly the only research session for fictional-not-educational writing purposes that really stands out in my memory was the day (2 1/2 years ago) I spent researching electric guitars just so I could say what Marty McFly's dream guitar would have been in 1980, for one sentence in a less-than-900-word fanfic. But I learned a lot of interesting things about electric guitars, so there.
Who the heck should I tag. I usually tag Louise, but she got me first. @stephsageek, @alihahdnaid, @sharkneto, @rebel-by-default, @littlerit, @steeple-sinderby --those are the first I-know-are-writers in my notifications (not counting Louise) before the scrolldown makes me click "see more." There's also @dannypageoflight who draws more than he writes but who knows, maybe he's done some research for writing purposes lately. That's seven. And two more people! Have fun, two more people! @sunnymarbles! You were already technically tagged in this, and I already told everyone what you're reading and also probably what you're listening to right now because you are also in the room with Splatoon (can't tell if you have earbuds in) and also that I looked up the last thing you wanted to research half an hour ago or whenever it was! And you don't write! But you can also do this if you really wanted to!
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theghostpinesmusic · 2 months
Well, somehow I've been writing about Goose jams since Euro tour '23 and I haven't done a write-up on "Borne" yet. Guess it's time to fix that.
"Borne" has become a huge jam vehicle for the band since Cotter joined, and for a minute I thought maybe that's why I hadn't gotten to any versions yet, that maybe it just wasn't a song that was getting jammed out that often before this past spring. Then I smacked myself in the head and howled in rage at my own stupidity (not really) when I realized that there are tons of classic takes on "Borne" from the Ben Era (TM). To name a few of my favorites:
2/5/22: Second-ever version. I was there for this one, and it featured an absolutely beautiful guitar-loop-based jam out of the song that has since, unfortunately, gone the way of the dodo. That was followed up by a great take on the "2001"-ish funk jam that the song proper still segues into sometimes to this day.
8/17/22: I was there for this nearly thirty-minute take, too. It was multifaceted and weird. I should probably write a thing about it someday, especially since I just revisited the video of this show recently for fun.
3/9/23, 3/25/23, and 4/13/23: These are the only three "double time" versions of the song to date, and every single one led into a fantastic long jam. Bring it back, guys!
4/25/23: I was also there for this version, which is maybe my favorite Goose jam I've seen in person from maybe my favorite Goose show I've seen in person. Insanely patient, textural jam with an incredible light display to boot. Love it, and should also write a thing about it sometime.
There's also a hell of a version from the early Cotter Era (TM) "Chateau Sessions" that I absolutely love. I wrote about the "Chateau Jam" from these sessions awhile back, but honestly I think the "Borne" is even better and can't really recall now why I chose the other as my subject. Ah well.
So, yeah. In "short," "Borne" has a long history as a jam vehicle that has only grown in 2024. This thirty-minute version comes from the 2024 summer tour opener (and Cotter's first "real" tour with the band). Now, I've been doing my usual summer stuff, which means I've spent a lot of the last two months sleeping on the ground, wandering the forest, and (weirdly) riding on a huge boat, so I've only made it through about eight of the summer tour's twenty shows so far, but I'm happy to report that Goose continues to Destroy Space And Time in 2024. Perhaps even more so now with the addition of Cotter. It's funny to think now that we were all worried about that for awhile there.
I'll work my way through the tour as I watched it over time here, but for now, as I said, this "Borne" comes from the tour opener, which was, well, a real statement. I try to shy away from ranking shows against each other, to keep that thief, Comparison, away from my Joy, but holy hell if this 6/4 show was better than any tour opener with a new drummer has any right to be.
The "Borne" (which I'll get to shortly) is definitely the highlight here, but I've felt like the flow of the band's sets have really improved lately, maybe not because of Cotter, but from 2023 to 2024 for sure. That shows up immediately here as the first set opens with a monster, unfinished take on "All I Need" that segues into an unfinished "Time To Flee," then back into the ending of "All I Need," and then back into the ending of "Time To Flee." That's some Phish-style shit right there, friends. There's a little breather with "Mr. Action" and THEN THE "BORNE" COMES.
But not to be (completely) outdone, the second set opens with a wild "Yeti" > "Slow Ready" -> "Mas Que Nada" sequence where all three songs leave their boundaries and explore some kind of Type 2 space. It closes with one of my favorite recent takes on "Empress Of Organos," which ventures into an 8-bit NES-sounding jam for a few minutes before resolving. And I'll take a cover of David Gray's "Please Forgive Me" for an encore any day (except 12/31/22, which'll do you one better).
But yes. The "Borne." Sitting in the middle of this statement of a show like a tentpole. Shall we?
Well, the one thing I forgot to mention in my obnoxiously long run-down of "Borne" above is that it's just a great ballad/rock song even without the jam(s) at the end. So you can spend the first few minutes of this video just enjoying some quality songwriting. Oh, and also Jeff on a second guitar, which allows for a slightly different arrangement than during the Ben Era (TM) because we don't need three guitars and thus end up with Peter on piano/keys. I've always loved this song since Dripfield, but adding the piano in there gives it a bit more emotional umph, in my opinion. Especially during the breakdown at the end of the song and the initial outro jam, which starts at 4:40.
This bit actually takes awhile to build momentum...it almost feels like the new arrangement isn't something the band is quite used to yet? Regardless, by 7:30 or so, Rick has found his groove, shredding on the song's outro melody to bring the Type 1 jamming to a proper conclusion. After a brief pause, Cotter brings the drums back in at 8:27, Jeff switches back over to percussion, and with a wash of synth, we're in that "2001"-ish space I mentioned earlier.
I love the feel of this jam. While it's not exactly revolutionary melodically, Trevor's bass tone, Rick's subtle guitar loop, and Peter's Vibe blend together in a wonderful way. Not to mention the jazzy feel added by Cotter and Jeff.
Eventually Peter takes the lead, and lays down a great Vibe solo.
At 13:43, Rick takes over with a switch to a grungier tone, though the rest of the band stays firmly in Deodato-ish territory.
I had some doubts about the frankly sort of weirdly-shaped light rig at the beginning of the Cap run back in April, but it's moments like 15:15 that put those concerns to rest pretty quickly.
Rick continues to solo for a bit, and while he does I feel compelled to point out (maybe for the first time, but certainly not for the last time) how much of a difference it makes to have Trevor turned up in the mix. He adds so much to the band's sound in general, but especially during these "solo" moments that aren't really a solo in a strict sense...partially because everyone else in the band is always painting around the edges rather than just holding down the musical foundation. Trevor does this as well if not better than anyone else in the band, and often you just...can't hear him at all?
So, yeah, keep Trevor turned up.
Up to the 19:00 mark, this has been a solid jam, but it's also been pretty straightforward: outro jam based on the "Borne" chords, "2001"-ish Peter solo, then a "2001"-ish Rick solo. Again, quality playing, but so far this could be any version of "Borne," really.
The bottom drops out at 19:00, though, and things get more interesting. Initially, the combination of Trevor and Cotter take over, with Peter's synth effects dropping into and out of the space all willy-nilly. Peter moves to the clav at 20:10, to the obvious approval of the audience, then Cotter and Jeff's overlapping beats form a foundation for all kinds of weird noises that all three of the band's melody players get in on.
Patient and weird at the same time. That's that 2024 Goose stuff.
For as much as I absolutely love Rick's guitar playing (obviously), so many of my favorite Goose jam spaces involve him just leaning over his looper and not strictly "playing" the guitar at all. This one's no exception.
I've complained a few times before about how during these long jams sometimes Pete has a tendency to lock onto one figure or idea on the keys and play it until well after I'm sick of hearing it. He's gotten better about not doing that this year, and a great example is here: at 23:00, just as I was about to type something about his playing being too repetitive, he switches things up, which in turn brings Rick back to playing his guitar directly, with a "classic" 2021-2022 octave-shifted Rick tone.
The band slowly but surely fleshes out the jam's sound for the next few minutes, thanks in no small part to Cotter's versatility on the drum kit. By 26:30, we've almost left the previous space behind entirely, except for Trevor's bass tone. It's a really neat transition into some really propellant major-key funk, and Rick takes over again here, though it's worth noting that everyone else is helping with the build.
Rainbow lights ftw!
I think it's safe to say that whatever trepidation the band might have been feeling at the beginning of this jam is gone by the: there's a great, guitar-led peak and a quick return after to the funky/bluesy theme and then...that's all for the 6/4 "Borne"!
Lots more Goose stuff from the first half of the tour coming soon, provided I have the time to sit down and write more...
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hazelplaysgames · 3 months
all right, enough talking that calling it an essay is reasonable attempt number... 4? i wasn't counting. i keep trying to talk about Nikke all seriously and transactional like i'm good at, but nothing about the situation warrants being THAT serious. i've been playing it for two months, since Feb- it's June.
mid-March? amazing how it's been both earlier and later than i thought.
i got into it then, and i'm just giving it a little send off because A) my phones storage is full, and B) i enjoyed it! i had fun! well, like i said, essay, here's the Keep Reading.
good place to start, why i got into it:
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this angel, Rem from Re:Zero. it's certainly due to how timing worked out, sure. there was a, wassit called, crossover? crossover event with Re:Zero at the end of March, and the few weeks before then, i was just watching anime clips. never seen a full episode of this anime, but i figured, if i could download it, then i could give pulling her a shot, and if i didn't, i could just. pass, i guess. i adore this girl, i can only hope she gets a happy ending.
so about that third clip i watched...
tragedy aside... eh, trying to touch on the stories a bit, the pacing at which one can watch all that in-game is based largely on how many battles are cleared. i can't avoid the Blue Archive comparison here, which doesn't have a battle for practically every story beat. sure, it makes enough sense, the story fields in Nikke take place in hostile territory the whole time, but then the side stories ALSO do the same thing without scouring a battlefield? it adds up.
oh, the pity pull system is pretty neat, actually: you'll always get to keep those points, and if you pull the promoted girl on one banner, you can use that spark to get a different character on a later banner. there's a general pull system as well, and the pity points there gives out... lets call them limit breakers, which are great in the long run, yeah.
there's also the social point banner system. you can make 30 friends, so you can get 30 points a day, and the social point pull system is rigged completely against you, and is only good for this repeat pull currency. at least it counts for pulling, so you can shamelessly use it if some quest or another asks you to do like, 20 in a week or whatever. i speak harshly about it, but having a low-cost way to make pulls feels pretty nice to just have, in the grand scheme of everything. getting lucky on there does feel pretty cool, it's how i got Blanc last Sunday!
actually these are vertical pics, i won't give more one offs, those are so freaking long on their own.
ah, how much do i really need to talk about all that, lets hit the highlights: the hardest one for me to share is absolutely gonna be the music. Angel's Cry, The Red Hood, Hold You Tight, Our Hometown, these are all just one event that focuses on a character that loves her music! i'm a sucker when it comes to music. EEEEEEEEE-ntertainment is a fun one, with Mustang taking the trophy as best human in the plot. maybe Lovely Lonely Cat will hit an itch for someone?
the devs made a recent push to canonize the commander, the once non-faced entity you play as, as a guy, and then they also gave him a face. it affected me a bit less than i thought it would. maybe because i played for a bit beforehand and didn't actually care to notice any already present signs? also, the early game never confirms one way or the other, so that helped me ignore it a bit. weird blind spot in me pushing through that issue, i guess.
to continue that point a bit, they made one of his key traits being too caring to hurt anyone directly, and i think that was definitely the right call. it's unreasonable to read all facets of the story on ones own, i'm no stranger to the story as posted on the tube, and it just helps define a moment so early on as to what couldn't be done.
oh, and the girls themselves- all of them have something that sets them apart, like. i mean, yeah, i hope so, and i've found them all more memorable than unmemorable. as a gacha game, it does have the trap that the most common pulls have no. like, character weight to them? it does help set the standard of what the companies who make Nikkes aim for. but anyone who is more common than, eh, common, has some side story, some amount of personality next to them. and it's, i just, i can't remember all of them, i don't even have all of them! i don't think i've actually referenced any of them here since i started playing, and it'd be so EASY with Neon: FIREPOWER!
i... am not about to play Aijou Rentarou and list off something i like about all the ones i've seen so far. oh, but i am tempted. i've already got how many paragraphs in? we can go ten more, right? maybe if i actually wanted to push this off another few days... as much as i want to do it anyways, i should've prioritized getting the affection stories in along the way. maybe a day after i can go back... ach, and i'll be greeted to Our Hometown, that may make me tear up a li'l.
there was a popularity contest when i started playing, so in following that, i'll give myself naming 5.
i feel in my gut of guts that i gotta start with Anis. she'd rather take it easy, but she cares a lot, and her sass is great going through the story. there's a bit in plot point i haven't played too where she barks at someone, claiming she's just trying to speak their government lapdog. she's great.
Alice! i adore her, actually, she's cute and has this Alice in Wonderland theme about her. she's cute and sweet and so happy-go-lucky she ends up annoying antagonists. if you recall how i said i liked Kokoro the most from Bang Dream!, then it shouldn't be surprised i like these rays of sunshine. her affection story made me tear up a fair bit.
Frima is kind of the "here for being first" pick, but. i guess that matters a lot more than i thought in my biased mind. and i can appreciate someone wanting a put so little effort into being awake, they're speech pattern turns completely spartan.
as a pick for someone i DON'T have, there's Milk, who i have still seen around. she's a short fighter, and she's been coming up in events often lately, so i ended up liking her despite the fact that i do not have her.
eh, fifth pick... i'm leaning Kilo! her recent featuring in Last Kingdom was amazing, and i can completely understand where she's coming from. she also pilots a giant robot called T.A.L.O.S., so that's awesome.
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i like a smile in the a, but i can NOT get over some of the faces some of them can make! i love it when faces get stylized when someone gets called out and they just have no argument to be made against it. Crown and Naga have two of my favourite, but if i don't think about screenshotting them in the moment, uh... i don't think i'm gonna find them for now.
i still wanna mention more of them specifically, by name, with some detail in voiceline or something. stopping there feels like it's more of a challenge than i expected. can't help but laugh at myself for that.
but in a general sense, i recruited a lot of Snipers. like, i''m guessing a third? checkin'... 13/22, actually. just over half of all the snipers out now. also, i got a fair amount of girls who're considered meta. Liter is like, the best one i don't have, and she's a buffer. i got Red Hood, who's considered, hands down, the best one available.
also, like, there's how Nikkes are created. it's not really up-front, but the process is implied. in a hard numbers answer, i don't feel like it makes sense why there's only girls to the Nikke forces, and i don't think the devs care about that. it does answer why the Nikkes have a concept of aging, i suppose. there's some horrifying implications when i consider Rei being a Nikke, though. careful about looking under the hood, i suppose.
i think i hit every topic i wanted too. i had fun in these three months, and i wouldn't have given it a chance without Rem. hopefully i don't lose the save data, because it's a good file.
oh right, a recent event involved bunny suits. i guess this year ended up being the bunny birthday!
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 3 months
068 of 2024
The Yellow Survey 💛
by joybucket
1. Name three things you like that are yellow. Lemons, ducklings, honey.
2. When was the last time you rode on a school bus? 🚌 Probably 15 years ago or even longer, but our school buses aren't yellow. They are white. :P
3. When you were younger, did you ever ride the bus to school? 🚌 Yeah, to secondary school. To primary school, I was taking the tram.
4. Would you say you are a generally optimistic person, or are you more of a pessimist? Definitely optimistic. I always see things as an opportunity, too.
5. Which of these names do you like best for a girl: Sunny, Joy, Summer, October, or Autumn? Joy and Autumn.
6. Are you wearing anything yellow right now, and if so, what? One of my bracelets has yellow in it, it's an autism bracelet.
8. When was the last time you made yourself some macaroni and cheese? I don't like macaroni and cheese. I tried it once and no, thanks. :P
9. Would you rather drink fresh-squeezed lemonade, a banana smoothie, or 7-Up? Lemonade.
11. What are three things that make you happy? My cat and cats in general, the beauty of nature, trains.
12. Which one of these words would you say describes you best: optimistic, childlike, childish, flirty, or bright 💡? Optimistic and childish at times, because I still have a sense of humour of a 12 years old boy. :P
13. How many times have you gotten stung by a bee in your lifetime? 🐝 Maybe once or twice, but I've been stung by a wasp more times. And I'm allergic to them.
14. Which of these cartoon characters do you like the most: SpongeBob SquarePants, The Simpsons, Bananas in Pajamas, Pluto (Goofy's dog), or Tweety Bird? Pluto and the Simpsons.
15. List three things you can see in the room right now that are yellow. A highlighter (I prefer using yellow ones, I don't know, the shade is just awesome), grocery bag from Jumbo, box of cookies.
16. Would you rather eat a slice of lemon meringue pie, banana pudding, or a cheese danish? Cheese danish. I didn't know it was called that way, though :D
17. What is your favorite type of cheese? 🧀 Young gouda and mozzarella, in recent years I also got to like emmental.
18. Are you a natural blonde? 👱‍♀️ No, I'm not. I wish I was, though.
19. Have you ever dyed your hair blonde? 👱‍♀️ No, it wouldn't work on my hair without bleaching :(
20. Name three people you know who have natural light blonde hair. My sister, our friend Peggy (her hair is really amazing), and my ex.
21. Is there a hair color you like better than blonde, and if so, what is it? Yeah, red. More like that copper shade.
22. Did you see the April 2024 solar eclipse? No, it was passing through the US :( all I could do was watching a livestream on YouTube.
23. Which of these careers do you think you would enjoy the most: motivational speaker, lifeguard, circus clown 🤡, surfer 🏄, or photographer? Photographer, definitely. It was a really easy choice. :D
24. Have you ever had a yellow lab for a pet? No, but I had a yellowish-beige dog before.
25. Do you like to eat corn on the cob? 🌽 Never tried it.
26. Which of these types of soup do you like best: corn chowder, cheesy broccoli, cheesy potato, or butternut squash? Cheesy broccoli, yum.
27. What is your favorite way to eat eggs? 🍳 Hard-boiled or scrambled.
28. Would you rather visit Spain 🇪🇸, Zimbabwe 🇿🇼, or Venezuela 🇻🇪? Spain, it's been my dream.
29. What are three of your favorite McDonald's menu items? 🍔🍟 Nuggets with barbecue sauce, Filet-O-Fish, and McMuffins (sadly not available in my country, I have to go to France for that :()
30. What are three things you dislike that are yellow? Bananas, mango, dandelions (I'm allergic to them).
31. What is your favorite shade of yellow? Neon yellow (I love neon colours, oh my), cream, lemon, chartreuse yellow.
32. What is your least favorite shade of yellow? That old gold/mustard shade or whatever. Looks like diarrhea to me.
33. What is your favorite way to eat pineapple? 🍍 I don't like pineapples.
34. List three things that you think taste better with butter. 🧈 Potatoes, bread, anything fried on butter (better than oil, in my opinion).
35. Which of these cartoon characters do you like best: Big Bird, Flounder, Charlie Brown, Woodstock, or Donald Duck? Donald Duck.
36. Do you own a pair of rain boots, and if so, what do they look like? No, I don't. Maybe I should, given my country's reputation as very rainy :P
37. Have you ever had a sunflower garden in your yard? 🌻 I had sunflowers in the garden when I was a child. They were cute.
38. Do you prefer dandelions, daffodils, marigolds, daisies, or sunflowers? Daffodils, I have some sentiment to them.
39. How many rubber ducks do you own? None. :P
40. Name someone you know who doesn't like cheese. There was someone I think, but I don't remember right now.
41. Which of these things would you prefer to dress up as for Halloween: a bumblebee 🐝 , Princess Belle, an emoji 😃, candy corn, or Big Bird? I don't celebrate Halloween, so problem solved :P maybe a bumblebee, though.
42. What was the last thing you ate that was yellow? Lemon candy for my throat. And fries before that :P
43. What was the last thing you drank what was yellow? Some kind of fruit juice.
44. Do you own a yellow sweater? No, I don't.
46. When was the last time you ate banana bread? Never, but I ate banana pancakes and they were strangely good, even though I don't like bananas.
47. What are three things you like about the sun? ☀️ It's warm, it shines when there's no clouds in the sky, and it's always nice to see the sun in this rainy country.
48. Do you know anyone who is colorblind and can't see the color yellow? No, I don't.
49. When was the last time you used a highlighter marker to highlight something? Yesterday, for marking the packing list, and today at work, to mark the missing parts for my team leader.
50. What are three things you like that are yellow that haven't already been mentioned? Fries, yellow tulips, yellow curry.
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👻 helloooo, happy friday, the 13th fellow witch!!! :) 👻
I think the basic ones are so cute too though, and mine are very basic too for now. I'm hoping to have more free time so I can dedicate myself to it a little more. OMG, yes, I'm also a big fan of their bracelets!!!!! heart eyes for both of them!! 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
yes, I think it'll be!!! I have to find the time and the will to do them! hehe I've been so exhausted lately it's been hard doing anything. yeah... i could go somewhere else, but I'll wait! ^^ YES, I'M SO EXCITED ELIZABETH, IT'S MY FIRST TAYLOR CONCERT! :')
ooooh, I hope you're all having fun watching the concert movie!!!!! 🤍
aaaah, that's tough, but it must also be so nice living somewhere like that! I sometimes feel so claustrophobic in the city.
oh, I'm also crazy obsessed in love with twilight, still to this day. hehehe I'm glad you also understand that! awww long live is the cutest song to ever exist!
It does!!! There's no one else who can write anything remotely similar to hers and I think that is so incredible!!! We see so many songs that are so similar in so many different way nowadays everywhere, but there isn't really any that can be mistaken for hers. She's such a genius, a whole genre, so unique!!
Having siblings can be a challenge, but it's also so wonderful!
oh, that's amazing!!! wow I saw your pic of her and she's the cutest dog!!!! It makes me so happy you did that. hehe I can relate, my cat would also eat all the cat food in the house in one sitting if i allowed it. :p
I'll give it a listen, I've heard some beabadoobee songs and I really enjoyed them. ah, I've also been very much obsessively listening to that Olivia song!
Have a wonderful weekend!
hiiiiiiiiii!! happy Friday the 13th 🔮 to my fellow witch!! :))
I just don’t have a lot of time for more intricate ones, but let me tell you, if I could work from home, I would definitely make cooler ones! Mine are all pretty much just pony beads and alphabet beads 😂😂 right like their talent like????? I’m constantly in awe of coco and jen’s talent in making bracelets 🤍
IT’LL BE YOUR FIRST?? omg you are going to have the BEST TIME!!!! Taylor has gone above and beyond with the eras tour and I’m so excited you’ll get to see it for your first Taylor show! I love that you’ll get to see her go through the eras (well except debut but we aren’t gonna talk about that one 🙃) rather than just having highlights of certain songs on a tour that’s focused on an album.
our showing isn’t until 7:30 PDT but I’m super excited bc we’re all gonna get ready together! I actually ended up driving about 4 hours to see the movie with my friends (I recently moved for my job and used to live like 20 minutes away from them lol) so I’m tired but pumped at the same time!
It is but I actually went from a big city to a more rural area back in August! I lived south of Portland for the last 7 years but moved back to the town my family lives in because I got a better job than what I had previously. I will say one perk about the small town is that it has the BEST taco truck ever so I can’t complain much! Yeah being back in the city I used to be in has been wild because I’ve forgotten how busy it gets and how bad traffic can be!
SAME! I recently saw where someone has been making the twilight saga but with muppets and let me tell you, it was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time!! Long Live is such a sweet song and I legit cried when Taylor played it at my eras tour show!
yes!!! Taylor has cultivated her sound over the years and turned it into something that is so uniquely her! She also has been working with a lot of the same people over the years so it just makes it all sound so much more consistent (like Jack, Liz Rose and more recently Aaron Dessner)!
It can be! Sometimes it’s wild because my older brother and I can get mistaken for a couple (even though he’s very openly gay) and it’s always so funny when people realize we’re siblings! Mind you this happened recently too at our favourite taco truck 😂😂
she’s the absolute sweetest girl in the whole world and I’m so lucky to be her mom! Oh let me tell you, Kayla cannot be left alone around food sometimes. Once I was eating chicken nuggets and she straight up took one from my plate when I wasn’t paying attention. She has also stolen fries out of my hand when I wasn’t looking. The joys of having a rescue who was a street dog 😂 Winnie is much more well behaved in that sense but she’s definitely a talker! She’s half Siamese and loves to just talk at anyone who’ll listen to her!
I love Bea! She has this amazing sound and I really love her voice (I’m also just a damn sucker for anything that sounds like her music)! Plus she’s someone that Taylor likes as well, since she opened for the eras tour for like 12 shows, and taylor dedicated our song to Bea at her first opening show!
I LOVE GUTS SO MUCH LIKE ITS UNREAL!!!! I love sour but I feel like you could really feel the teenage angst in guts (which is my favvvvvvvv). I’m such a sucker for any music that sounds remotely like paramore - which Olivia does sound like!
I Hope you have the loveliest of weekends and I can’t wait to talk to you more soon! 🤍🤍🤍
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