#but yeah yeah!
shkika · 1 year
I LOVE ALL THOSE POINTS I also never really knew about the terror area that's so cool wtf!!
Anyway I definitely agree with like everything I find it really silly about how moon, despite how soft-spoken she appears to be-, talks so bad about the ancients while five pebbles being the one on the meaner/blunt side speaks so highly of them I LOVE that the iterators are their own people like they have their own opinions rather than just being machines..they really feel like they have that biological aspect to them :]
Most of my musings are based around fp (i miiight be a little biased) but I love the thought of exploring even more in depth with his relationship with the ancients ...like the way he interacts with artificer?? The way he considers her to be one of his citizens is so silly (I wonder does he find a source of comfort in that??)
Like... I wonder how did he feel about the ancients all ascending, he seemed to admire many of them and he must have felt some sort of emptiness at that (STARING at the posts of ancient talking to him like siri) like especially with the cities on top of the iterators too, like i wonder wonder wonder what daily life was like for the ancients
Aghghgh adding on even more I wonder does he ever feel rage towards the ancients, like surely he must feel some way abandoned, like yes ascension is such a big thing for them but still like how EASY it was for them to just get up and leave him behind
ALSO THAT ECHO THAT YU FIND NEAR MOON THAT MENTIONS THE RANDOM GODS it must've been so nasty to hear yur literal parents talking so badly about you. Like it wasn't the iterators fault they couldn't find a solution and it wasn't their fault they lost themselves to time but the ancients still seem to blame that stuff on them
As for cycles that IS really silly I think like it seems at first just like death but it goes so much further in such a weird way, I love games with vague ass lore but AUGH GODD
For having like everything based around those cycles there really is such little information on them........maybe nobody really figured it out? That's unlikely though considering how everyone talks about them
I've just started really playing the game so I have yet to get into every little thing but I really enjoy the broadcasts u find as spearmaster I love the like conversations I love how much further it pushes the previous thing of iterators being their own things but I'm sure they had so many limits put on them too
It's also pretty late for me forgive me if this is really rambled but yuhyuh
moon is the kind of person whod smile passively agressively at you when she wants to strangle you and she has no mouth! so nobody ever noticed <3
I adore Pebbles attitude towards Artificer actually. It’s incredibly funny. She posesses an ID of a citizen and it’s attached to her. So like.. what is he supposed to do??? Yeah. she is one ig..
He even at some point tells you that he has absolutely no power to kill or kick you out (probably an ingrained taboo!) because of her id! which is why you can hit him with spears and rocks all you want and get him to yell at you. (did that for 30 mins <3).
My personal hc for him is that he wanted to kill this weird cat so bad. Wasn’t allowed to. and now shes his emotional comfort beastie (awful garbage dweller)!! shes part of his city, tending to it even. A citizen if you ask me! (the overseers literally give her ads i lost my shit at that). Ancients seem to share similarities with us!! They have campfires and festivals! (info from moon) They get copius amounts of ads, they have neat little shopping lists!!!
I think Pebbles is a deeply lonely little man who got stuck being Moon 2 (he was built to house her people in the first place) even though she doesnt even like them. Grew to like them himself and got then abandoned. I think the idea he feels deeply betrayed and hurt by the ancients leaving him really shows in the conversation with Suns. He can hardly believe all he was ever made to do is be.. uh.. some useless little bug. He wants to escape.
I also really enjoy thinking he loved the attention and loved feeling important. Them leaving was confirmation that he was not actually. (then we decided we’re gonna be the next sos actually). He also believed he had to go through everything alone. Pebs constantly asks to be left alone up until riv campaign. him acknowledging that maybe he doesnt have to be, so he probably got to share his last functional cycles with moon has me in tears!!
As for the echo!!! I can understand the anger partly. I’m pretty sure the karma gates and building complexes on the ground imply that not all ancients were fortunate enough to live on the back of an iterator. (Shaded citadel people did not!) That echo iirc was a worker I assume. Imagine wasting your entire life building a god that never even fulfilled their purpouse. They just crumbled on the ground you built them on!! Not to mention you had to suffer the rain if u lived on the surface (jeez Moons rain siren sounds horrifying btw!!!)
Hopefully cycle lore gets cleared up in rw 2 (cope)
Also also the logs for spearmaster are incredibly interesting and show that iterators are in fact very diverse little discord people that like gossip <3 and that nsh is horrifying i think <3
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tbh i think the funniest phenomena that's been happening in the last couple years is "youtuber, having gone too deep into the research hole, has been made an investigative journalist against their will"
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cafffine · 11 months
be pro-aging but wear sun screen. sun protection is not beauty industry propaganda it will save you. wear it. or else.
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temporalteardrop · 4 months
bass makes a dollar. i make a dime. that's why i think about lesbian sex on company time
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pocketss · 8 months
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mmm soob
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fellsoleander · 2 months
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[Image ID: A flow chart with two branches. The starting point reads "does this character have problems." One branch leads to "yes" then "make them worse," while the other branch leads to "no" then "give them some." End ID.]
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wynsvre · 6 months
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i <3 menial tasks. for srs.
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membraneshock · 1 year
rip to all the “fuckyeah___” blogs that carried our society at one point </3
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powpowhammer · 7 months
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faded blue house portrait hanging on the wall at the local urgentcare
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hauntingyourself · 7 months
Are people with large beds not afraid of a ghost crawling in with them? I would be
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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velinxi · 8 months
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Lord of the Rings fanart! I watched for the first time recently and loved it
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vimbry · 5 months
how is it 2024 next week. that's not even a real year that's a caption on an establishing shot in a sci-fi story.
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h0rsegirlpercy · 5 months
Percy age 12: And if the mission required someone to push me down a flight of stairs for it to succeed… you’d want someone who won’t hesitate when they do it
Percy age 17:
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edgebug · 1 month
the thing that sucks most about Joanne Rowling being a terf is that she is actively hurting real life trans people every day.
the second worst thing about joanne being a terf is that the Harry Potter intellectual property is So Much Larger than her. look at the credits for just one of the harry potter movies. every single one of those people put YEARS of time and effort and dare i say love into those films. think of all the people involved in theme park design and operation who put together the wizarding world park lands and detailed them so lovingly and fully
and yet even though the intellectual property of harry potter is so much larger than joanne, she's poisoned the whole well
i feel so. so immensely sorry for every person involved in the harry potter ip who isn't jkr. doubly sorry for every trans person involved. it's fucking sad
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drakenathan · 1 month
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