#but you can't edit polls 😂
yousaytomato · 8 months
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goldenpinof · 3 months
Why do you think dnp’s views have dropped so much lately? Its odd because the fandom is actually relatively alive atm
i'm not really good at analysing such things. not enough data, i guess.
i think the core phandom is alive (although, could be more alive, imo). but not everyone came back, and those who did... i feel like half of them looked at things for a month or two, and left again. we're not even on 2018 level, there's a lack of engagement within the phandom, and i don't think we will ever come back to at least 2018. there were changes made, in dnpg content. and i'm not sure if people like it, or are interested in it. i'm not talking about gay stuff, btw.
also, phandom grew up. it's hard to keep up with so much content. people have job, families, other hobbies. we kinda had to find other hobbies during the hiatus, you know. October-December were fun and, dare i say, nostalgic. spooky week and gamingmas — that's what we knew before the hiatus. there was some interest in "how is it now, 5 years later?" but after that... idk, i have my thoughts on why people aren't watching dnpg videos immediately, or why they are skipping some altogether. but i can't say that what i think is based on something solid. not enough data. and making polls, asking if people watch every video, how long it takes to watch a new video, do they participate in the phandom, etc. — i feel like tumblr isn't the right place because those who are the target audience for these questions aren't actually here 😂
anyway. my main point is. the core phandom is here, casual viewers stopped showing up, youtube algorithm doesn't bring new people at all (unless it's the actual gameplay like Poppy and It Takes Two, or generally popular video topics like TikTok compilations or react videos). dnpg clickbait titles work 50/50. i feel like, even the outsiders know what titles are clickbait and what aren't. to be fucking real with you, i think "Dan and Phil are BROTHERS?" is hilarious. i'd click on the video exactly because it's clickbaity and because i want to hear commentary on that. the lore is so deep, it's fucking exciting. but, do others find it the same as i do? do casual viewers even know? like, if not, then this title is just a game ad. and the video is so poorly edited that returning to it would be painful. speaking of ads. people might be tired of them. and if they see that the video is clearly an ad (Dragon City or Brothers) they don't even click on it. people seem also tired of the sims, which is interesting to me. is it because the wedding is done, so now it's boring? idk.
i'd love to see the stats on the TikTok video. it's so different from everything else. like, it's the least dnpg video ever. it's literally the ap video, but it performed better not only because of the algorithm but also because it's on dnpg. i wonder if it made anyone subscribe to dnpg. every time i go to the channel, i see this video and i'm like, "wow! you really are here, with almost 500k views, something that even 2024 sims videos can't get. good for you, mf."
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thelazyhermits · 10 months
Yes, that's right, folks. I've made another poll since I apparently like making them too much 😂
I just got to thinking about the second tsum event which I intend to write a fic about once it reaches the ENG server, and I wanted to get some input from my readers.
Unlike the other polls, you can select multiple options when you vote on this poll because I want to see how popular each of the options are. I can't promise that I'll make use of all the options that get a lot of votes, but I will heavily consider the results of this poll when I eventually make the fic.
Edit: Another idea I had was Azul’s tsum being smitten with Yuu and it’s always trying to spend time with her while Azul does his best to foil all its attempts so it’s possible for his tsum to be smitten but another tsum is Yuu’s constant companion. I might go that route depending on the total vote count for each option.
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undercoverpena · 4 months
Baaaabeeee!!! Hi, hello, hola.. 🥰
I started to write the answer in the comments on your Thursday poll post but it was getting too long, so I thought it was betterto write to you here.. 😆
Ok… listen…
Everyone thinks that Frankie is fussy and pedantic when playing Trivial Pursuit. Because he is the type who, in order to take the point and consequently make his opponent lose it, is able of stopping the game and starting a discussion on how the question is not asked correctly or on how the answer shown on the card is open to interpretation and therefore your answer is not really correct…
But in reality he's just a little shit who likes to tease people... 😆
And in you, surprisingly, finds an ally as you are exactly the same as him. 😅
Of course, the first time you played against each other, since you were unaware of this commonality, there were moments of tension that were then resolved very well in the bedroom (not that you need further excuses to have a fiery sex session..😂😂)
Fast forward to a night at Will's house where all guys are present with their significant others. Will's new girlfriend, unaware that board games are banned for the aforementioned reason, brings a new edition of Trivial and insists on playing in pairs.
Everything more or less goes smoothly, until a heated discussion between Frankie and Santi over a question regarding the name of Colombia’s capital ends in complete chaos.
“It's fuckin' Bogota, Frankie..”
“Is it not.. is Bogota D.C.”
“You can use both of the names!! There are both names on the damn card!”
“No, you can't use both… And the answer shows both names, yes, but you are interpreting the answer wrongly or rather you are doing it in your favor..”
“Fish.. it’s been 10minutes now. For the love of God, can we just fuckin’ move on?!” Ben whines
“As soon as you remove that triangle from Santi's scoring-token, since he got the answer wrong…” you say
Will sights deep and read
“Bogota D.C. colloquially called Bogota”
“Here..” Santi looks at you two “Both names!”
“The key word here is “colloquially”, cabrón!” Frankie replies “Is your name Pope since we colloquially call you that?!??”
You grin devilishly when everyone around the table seems to agree with Frankie…
Santi looks around him, bewildered
While the others try to calm down Santi and yet another argument begins, you lean on Frankie…
“God, you are so hot when you rile people up with semantics..” you whispers in his ear before kissing him on the cheek
He winks at you with a grin before turning around to continue to be the sexiest troublemaker ever…
Oh my… it’s too damn long.. 🫢 Sorry.. 😬 (and for sure is filled with grammar mistakes.. sorry again.. 🤦‍♀️
Just wanted to share it with you… 😘🥰😘
Okayloveyoubyeeeeeee…. ✨💖✨
i love menace frankie, purposefully being pedantic but also determined to get that block of cheese. but also, i love that he likely knows how much it gets to you when he does it, so he does it more, just so when the two of you ARE finally alone, he can
bury himself inside of you and make you scream. because that man is a giver.
he's also rarely wrong, very good at general knowledge, but he is VERY much a giver.
we stan him.
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m4g0rtz · 9 months
Pick My Polish: Great Lakes Lacquer Edition
I just realized it's been SO LONG since I've done one of these! Please vote! I really can't decide which one to do! 😂 Here are the amazing choices, all from Great Lakes Lacquer:
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Great Lakes Lacquer makes some of THE prettiest opaque shimmers you can find so you really can't go wrong with any of these. I will leave this poll open for one day, paint my nails with the winner tomorrow and post the pictures the day after tomorrow. Thanks for your help! 😁
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gardengobbo · 2 months
April 30th 2024
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Not much of a garden update here, but I assure you there has actually been some progress. So here's a photo of one of my dove frens I took one the 28th.
Keep readin' if you wanna hear me blab on about the video posts and ADHD. You've been warned, it's long 😂
So I've been enjoying doing the video-style posts instead of typing 90 paragraphs of nonsense, but I don't want to keep recording with my phone since the videos take up a bunch of space. (As well as me having to take off my dirt-coated gardening gloves every time I want to record.) I could just delete the clips after editing into one video, or just all of them after uploading, but I prefer having things backed up instead of just uploaded online.
I know I could back them up to my computer too, but part of the reason I enjoy the quick clips of nonsense slapped together with minimal editing is because it's simple and I can do it all on my phone. Either plugging it into my computer or even uploading them to Google Drive on my phone then downloading them onto the computer adds extra steps.
Extra steps that seem inconsequential, but something I know about myself is I'm very all or nothing. It's very hard for me to only do half of a thing. In this example that'd be editing the videos together and then hitting the block that I've finished that part and uploaded, but now I need to plug in my phone to the computer to transfer the video files. Or if I back them up to drive, it only has so much space before it yells at me to upgrade lol
Drive seems like the most logical option though as it would give me the freedom to at least have more time before I have to download the backups, however I know for a fact that when that point comes I won't record any more videos even if I want to because I need the space to back them up, but I dont want to sit down on the computer to download the Drive backups because I'm doing other things and will get distracted if I do.
This is a struggle for me in a lot of aspects, can't do Z because I need to do X but I can't do X until I do Y, and I need to finish ABC before I can do Y, but all I really want to finish is Z. And worse is that most times to do Z, there isn't any need for the other stuff. It's just me wanting Z done in a certain way that to do it that certain way, it requires all those other steps. This happens in the garden a lot too, so this rant is kinda still relevant 😅
Thankfully all of that hasn't caused an issue with me just not doing garden things because I want to record it, because trust me when I say that's happened a lot in the past too. (That being me wanting to make a little video of something but not being able to figure out how I want to set up the cameras so I don't do the craft or whatever because I want to record it so it just never happens but sticks in my brain as the thing I want to do but can't till I figure the recording process out.) Depression is the reason why I haven't been gardening 🤣
All this to say I have like, 2 days worth of clips I want to edit into a post to show the progress so far. One day is clips on my phone, the other I recorded with a little action camera and I'm not sure how that's turned out yet since that requires me to upload to the computer to see better. (See computer related snag above as to why thats not done!) Today I might go even further and just bring out my small digital camera I got years ago to do vlogs with, that I never vlogged with.
Which leads me to my last point, and Ima make a poll for thoughts on the idea after this post cause I know this is a lot to read and most folks won't care, and that's fine! I think maybe I will use that camera for vlogging finally. I'd have to learn how to use an actual video editing software, and it'd have to be lightweight cause my once-top-of-the-line-parts-now-10-years-outofdate computer struggles hard to play Helldivers 2 right now, I can't imagine trying to run something like Premier Pro. But to be honest all I want to do is add auto-captions like Ive already done previously so I'm sure I can fine some free or cheap program to do so. I'm just not sure if like, amateur gardening vlog style videos where I mutter to myself as I pour dirt is really a genre of content lmfao. And if it is, it's probs better off on here or tiktok but I'm going insane trying to not film landscape everytime I go to record something.
So like, I dunno, I guess youtube? I can probs figure out how to sorta make it acceptable for portrait orientation viewing after the fact? I have no idea but if there's a gap in video updates for today, that's why 🤣
Alright that's all for now. I gotta get up, get sunscreen'd, and get out there! As long as it's not raining still... it was last night 😅
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ramonag-if · 10 months
I'm not sure if you consider requests at all but would it be possible to include a specific question for Salyra? The big thing for my MC about her leaving, is that she said she left the MC for their safety but then went on to have another family that she didn't feel the need to abandon.
I won't say no to requests! I can't promise that every variation and choice will be included because it would mean an endless amount of choices and variations and I'm barely holding my sanity together with all the scenes to write 😂 That said, I will be revisiting Salyra's scenes and adding a lot more choices and variations when I start edits. For now, the demo is a very bare-bones version that's lacking choices because I'd rather have a full draft complete first before I refine the scenes. Once I'm at that stage, I will be putting out some polls etc for extra scenes and choices players would like to see the most and I'll be doing a more in-depth beta testing so my testers will also be able to help with that 😊
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femslashhistorian · 4 months
Hope you all had a god start of the new year! Still no time / energy for a new proper rec. But time for a quick social media review.
A few years ago I happy used twitter and tumblr in parallel and they served different (fandom) needs for me.
And now?
My (very subjective and not scientific)  social media platform review, early 2024. From worst (for me) to best.
Twitter: Dead to me. I never log on anymore. I should probably delete my profile (some day).
Facebook: God no. Never used it for fandom, last used ca 10 years ago.
Pillowfort: I hold no hope anymore. Have not used it actively for a while.  Right now for me only the place some artists use to publish art they can't publish on tumblr.
Mastodon: I loved  the idea but not working well for me so far. Some good apps but generally a bit clunky to use. Few people to follow for me. I have not completely lost hope, but I am skeptical for my fandom needs.
Bluesky: The new shiny. Not sure yet what I'll do there, but I have some hope. After the first 15 minutes I have found a lot of people I follow on tumblr. And I found some artists what I used to follow on twitter. This looks like a really decent twitter replacement. And apparently also a place some artists use to publish art they can't publish on tumblr 😲.
Tumblr: Home, I guess (please Tumblr, don't fuck it up).
Never used (not my cup of tea): Discord, Instagram, Threads, Telegram (is telegram a thing for fandom?)
And hey, why not make a poll? I am curious.
Edit and re-launched (twice 😭), I forgot Threads (which gives an indication how much I use it 😂 )
Feel free to add comments e.g. for 'something else'
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corrodedseraphine · 1 year
next chapter of playlist is readyyyy so it's time for oneshot poll
I give you the titles with the main character and based on the titles you can pick the one you like the most and then I will write the most-voted title. All of them are pretty fluffy sometimes a little bit angsty romances.
🌺 Link to the second part will be in the reblogs because I can't edit the post with poll in it. 🌺
tagging people who might be interested: @i-me-mine (you are my people Tami 😂💛)
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the-neverseen · 2 years
💖 KOTLC Book 9: Stellarlune Barnes & Nobel Virtual Tour Notes 💖
Shannon was wearing an elephant finger puppet that she bought at a portland airport on her way home that reminded her of Ella! ♥
She knew she wanted at least 10 books right from the start. She knew that writing about the rebellions and all the reasons they came to be, along with all the details about them, would take a long time to really flesh them out well.
After book 5 the series was popular enough that they basically said they would give her as many books as it –reasonably–  takes to finish the series!
Dialogue is one of her strong points due to her screenwriting background in college.
When Sophie had to leave and only got to take one thing, she choose Ella because it’s what Shannon herself would take. 🥺
One moment she wrote in Stellarlune has been in the works since 2008! She was going to add it earlier, but the time wasn’t right yet. 😮
She’s on the downhill part of writing the series, working hard to wrap up all the storylines that have happened throughout the books.
She doesn’t really outline so she had an editor help make one for books 8, 9 and 10 so that she could wrap everything up as smoothly as possible to make everyone happy.
If she needs to make book 10 into two parts then she will do so! ("I might have to walk back the "only one more book!" thing, oops!")
The Movie is still happening, just slowly as they are in the very early stages of making it. She mentioned that it could even turn into a tv show??
There was a zoom poll (Shannon's answers are in bold) sci-fi/fantasy, banshee/imp, elven desserts/gnome veggies, talentless/pyrotechnic, and throwing stars/sword (she said she has too bad of an aim for throwing stars lol)
Her writing advice this year is about finding your style and what you like and don’t like. She reads books she doesn’t like so that she can find the weaker points in her writing. Likewise, find inspiration in books that you love!
Her favorite things to write are humor and dialogue, and it’s why there is a lot of each in the keeper series!
From the Q&A:
Q: Will we ever get to see what The Great Gulon Incident was?
A: “Not in one of the books. It will be in a short story eventually.” She also hinted at an entire short story book. (She said since it has been a running topic throughout the series, she’s not sure how to write it in a way that wouldn’t feel underwhelming. “Sophie would just be like “...Okay.””)
Q: Did you know Fitzroy Avery Vacker rhymes with Ritz Savory Cracker when you named him? “Please tell me yes. Please I need to know”
A: Shannon, “No, I really didn’t.” James, “You should just say yes, I would.” 😂
Q: Are you working on any new stories yet?
A: She doesn’t have time to flesh any out until she’s done with Keeper, but she has a notebook full of shiny new story ideas.
Q: Team Sofitz or Team Sokeefe?
A: They talked about love triangles and how it’s something that whole swaths of fans get very dedicated about, and can shape how you write your series. How it turns into trying to appease fans instead of what the characters would want. Talked about Susan Collins’ experience with it as well.
Shannon said she always wants her characters to make the choices that seem right to them in the moment, so she is solidly team Sophie for now. “Maybe Sophie will say I don’t want any of you! Basically, I’m team Sophie.” (TEAM SOPHIE FOR THE WIN) James said he's still team Dex lol
Elephant finger puppets sightings @ 6:20, 6:26, 6:35, 6:50, 6:52, 6:54, 6:58pm 🐘
Shannon and James' friendship was really sweet, and the event never had an awkward moment or silence! (Both of their first books came out on the same day, and he read the email he sent her that day!)
Emoji reactions constantly scrolled during the event, we sent many waves of hearts, one of "O" faces, and hands waving until they ended the zoom call!
Overall the event was a lot of fun, and went really smoothly!! Can't wait to get my hands on that lovely B&N edition!
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sailorsally · 1 year
"You’re my canary" You forget this 😂
True!!!! A lot has happened yesterday and my brain cannot keep up hehe. Sadly can't edit the poll anymore :(
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I feel like a complete and utter asshole doing this but... I'm sorry but Manhattan isn't a state. It's a part of New York City, which is in New York State.
ASDFGHJk, it's okay nonny! Thank you for correcting me!!! I have never lived in the US, that's why I asked for help! And now that you mention it, I am facepalming myself so hard because I was wondering if I should add Manhattan when I was doing the poll. 😂
I was looking at a map of the US and just mindlessly trying to fill in everything written there.
Too bad I can't edit it tho 😭
But thanks again!
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Did that anon really just try to
“Um actually real Fans would know-“
Like sir or madam, please take that toxic fan attitude into the dumpster where it belongs because in this house we make silly lil asks and polls about which Taylor swift or Lana song each character is.
Roman is def “young and beautiful” and “style”
Anyway I personally think Kendall is a swifte girl who has like all the exclusive vinyls.
Logan listens to 1989 the most thought
And to that ‘um actually your not a real fan unless you know who’s brothers uncles, dad sons boyfriends mother Kendall met once in that passing story he told’ anon. Just let’s rethink on our toxic fandom mentality okay. Okay.
I guess so 😂 I didn't mean to start anything, I just love those artists, I see succession edits with those songs, and it's funny to imagine them listening to it! Let's face it, Kendall is definitely the simmering sapphire from family jewels by Marina. I can definitely see him as a swiftie!!! Wearing his sunglasses when he's feeling ✨️dramatic✨️!!! Roman is so young and beautiful lmfao!!! I can't help it I love Logan loving Taylor. She is his number one artist idc!!! Some of the tags are so upset! It's just fun my loves, something stupid and silly to laugh at, that's all! None of that toxic fandom stuff should be going on! Xoxoxo💜💜💜
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chaotic-plotter · 1 year
@dreamerinsilico <3 sent me a lot of emojis and i'm going to answer them all. from this ask meme
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
is it cheating to say "any of them"? 😂
i haven't written all that many so there's not a lot to choose from. we'll go with "a lighthouse five hundred yards down". at the time, i never planned on writing it, but the idea hit me like a damn anvil one really stupid humid day in summer 2021 and i was haunted until i finally wrote it.
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
the kind where people either tell me why something struck them or where they dive into language/images/etc. mostly because that's what i like to do when i read something (dive into language, images, etc) and also because, even though it's a super limited dataset, fic is the only place i can get random reader feedback (not writer feedback, i have critique partners). i come from throwing myself against (....and sliding on down) the glass hill of trad pub and had never actually gotten any kind of feedback/response from people who didn't know me or my writing before and it was really useful to see what people responded to, if they liked my style, etc.
💘Is there any posted fic you want to rework/re-edit/re-write?
funny enough.....yes? and also funny enough, i sort of get to? in a sense?
i started my long post-fall fic right after my first rewatch back in 2021 and i planned out the whole thing (yes it's still taking me 800 years to finish it, i apologize). but in reality, i sort of have a different outlook on will and hannibal post-s3 than i did at the time. and i'm really going to be rethinking the back half of that fic as i work towards finishing it.
so, essentially, yes, i wish i could rework those first 6 chapters (especially the first 2, wrt to writing style and tone especially!) to better fit whatever pivot i'm going to do in the last 4. i wouldn't change any of will's internal arc, i'm still happy with that, but there's plot stuff that i would.
🕯️was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn't think it would take you?
not one that anyone can read, but i tried, thinking it would be darkly funny and maybe a good time (why i thought this is a mystery) to write about will post sex with margot. but writing about it in a "will has had sex that was Not Enjoyable but hey it was Sex With a Real Human Person and is reminded of his profound loneliness and has a little cry in the bathtub about it" way.
.......yeah i legitimately made myself upset with that one and had to stop. maybe i'll circle back around to it when i'm not so profoundly lonely.
🪄what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you've finished a fic?
i don't have any writing aftercare 😛 i probably should though
mostly i just take a couple of days off from writing after i finish something. idk, does checking your email hoping someone comments count as aftercare? i'm afraid i'm a terrible obsessive and putting things down is not my greatest skill, even if i am exhausted and glad to be done with actively working on them.
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
hmmmmmm. well.
the next wip i actually have on the docket is a s1 nudist will au. i'm excited to jump back into hannibal's headspace after being outside of it for so long. he's absolutely insufferable and i can't wait to go full goose menace on everyone in the story (until it turns back on me and he never shuts up 😛)
and then, well, i've got another one-shot challenge after that, which is all about stretching muscles i rarely stretch 😏. i'm still deciding if i want to run a poll about it or if it should be a complete surprise
send me more asks if you like! i love these emoji meme post things
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dinawrites · 2 years
Hi! ☺️
First of all, I want to say that I hope these asks don't demotivate you. Nothing came up during my brief research on Joel Kinnaman, either, at least not when I googled the actor after reading your story and no one has the time to research every faceclaim in great detail. This is, first and foremost, a hobby that should spark joy and only very few people expect a thorough background check, that is just not feasible.
I also agree with you that while actors like Johnny Depp of Amber Heard are burnt ground for faceclaims, simply because of the association, generally, a faceclaim uses only the physical appearance of an actor, usually even an actor in a role, and says nothing about the author's idea of said actor's character -- especially because usually, they have none.
I do also think there are more respectful ways to let you know your faceclaim has a history of rape allegations. So while of course it is good to let an author know about a potentially problematic faceclaim, generalised accusations and snippy allegations do not help.
As for your recasting choices, I think Sebastian Stan best represents the slightly rugged and but good-natured and protective adventurer and treasure hunter.
I listed a few other possible faceclaims from action TV shows, so I hope they have the right look for edits:
Michael Landes (Hooten and the Lady)
Ricky Whittle (American Gods)
Brett Dalton (S.H.I.E.L.D)
Jeff Ward (S.H.I.E.L.D)
Henry Simmons (S.H.I.E.L.D)
Nick Blood (S.H.I.E.L.D)
Jon Bernthal (Punisher)
Don't worry! The Tourists is still underway. I'm just taking a moment, but the next scene will be published soon.
I also have so many actors cast, from Westwood to The Corpsemen, and I really thought the initial ask had been about Dominique (on my OC account, @decennia) who is in need of a major character renovation.
It is also not a subject matter I particularly enjoy revisiting, so I wasn't about to go through every actor and search allegations. That's the word of the moment, though, isn't it? Allegations. Alleged. We won't know without a shadow of a doubt until the whole entire truth is out.
It really was about the appearance, if I'm being honest. This character was based off of softer versions of Rick Flag and Takeshi Kovacs. That's all. Joel Kinnaman is not those people. He just portrays them, and those portrayals are the influences that contributed to the creation of Elijah Pierce.
Still, I do not want to be associated with this subject matter any more, even if I'm still awaiting the trial. I won't stand for my name being dragged through the mud like this, or my integrity called into question.
For the recast, I've also started learning more towards Sebastian Stan, actually. Robert Pattinson (who has been winning in the polls as of now) is, in theory, perfect, aside from the major fact that he's a bit too... pretty (?) to be Elijah. He's too refined, doesn't menace enough. I have a hard time believing that Malcolm would fear his rage, aside from his portrayal of Batman. But I can't very well have Elijah running around in a bat costume in The Tourists, can I? 😂
As I have been writing The Tourists very much with Kinnaman in mind (in appearance), it's hard to extricate the two for the time being. It'll likely change as I adjust more to the idea of someone else being Elijah, though.
Ricky Whittle is also an incredible contender! Thank you so much.
And thank you for being so kind and wonderful. I very much love and appreciate you 💕
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