#but you don't see these dweebs complaining about that
yvannahaleth · 11 months
Hello, i hope your having a fantastic day and i was wondering if i could request mukuro, miu, kaede getting jealous because they saw there S/O's ex talking to them and their S/O looked really uncomfortable, then their ex starts getting a little touchy- Sorry if this is too specific- you can just ignore the ask if you dont want to do it
Jealous! Mukuro Ikusaba, Jealous! Kaede Akamatsu, Jealous! Miu Iruma x Reader That Met Their Ex
SFW, Fluff, Mentions of violence
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Mukuro Ikusaba:
This girl is furious.
You could've notice it when a mutt isn't hovering over you, trying to caress your skin slowly
She thought she could have you for herself, since her Ultimate makes it easier for everyone to fuck off.
But it seems that a particular someone decides to ignore her wall she built to protect her beloved.
So, as usual, she did what she does whenever that jerkheads rebels; havoc.
Her kick arrived to your ex's stomach before you could react her coming this way. As she stepped their neck, she threatened them to simply fuck off.
You could notice how hard your ex was trying to breathe, trying to launch back to Mukuro and put her in her place. Well too bad for him, your girlfriend is not his match.
She's lucky her shoes have heels today, because if she doesn't, then she could not watch this terrified look of your ex. The heels are making it impossible for him to not come back with a hole in their neck when they're done with her.
Whether or not you object, you could not do anything.
This is what happens when someone is messing with you or hitting on you.
This is what happens when bastards like them don't know when to stop. To stop touching you like you're not the stars of Mukuro.
Why, she could've accepted your complaining when she's trying to finish someone off because they were flirting with you.
But when they don't respect you? Oh, fuck off.
She would never look at you like the way they look at you, yet some bastards like them dare to do that? How could they?
The nerves to even hope they will be alive and well after doing that to you.
Ah, she knew that love makes her crazy, but she never would've thought that love is going to make her broke someone's arm.
Your ex learned their lessons. Luckily, the people around you noticed what they did to you and said nothing when Mukuro punished them.
With your ex screaming and screeching, she turns her back, facing you with a smile. A sad smile, it seems.
"I'm sorry i was too late, butterfly."
Kaede Akamatsu:
Her heart dropped.
Not because of her being terrified.
Instead, it's because she saw your frustrated look. She watches as you furrowed your eyebrows, chuckles awkwardly, trying to get off that jerk. Yet that dweeb didn't notice how uncomfortable you are.
Which made her more angrier than ever.
Well, you clearly never really saw her getting angry before. She was never angry at you. Probably, when she's slightly annoyed, she will pout, making you chuckle at how her cheeks grow bigger.
Hence why, it startled you to see her being this mad.
She shoves them away, quickly throws her arms on you while checking on you, and glares at them. She didn't even say anything. She just quietly stares at your ex, expecting them to apologize and leave you two alone.
Yet, your ex seems want this to last longer.
They were rambling about it was never their intention to touch you, they just want to check on you, like she did.
The way they compared what they did to what she did, made her hands tightened on you more.
She could've plunge a punch on their face right now and everyone here could watch. But she has to be the bigger person, especially since she has to comfort you after what they had done.
So, without saying anything more, she pulls you away from them. You were trembling, not much, but enough for her to notice. Her gaze didn't leave yours.
When you both are alone, her lips parted,
"Sweetheart, my apologies for not doing anything. How about i buy you your favorite drink when we get home?"
Miu Iruma:
The second she spotted you, she rushes over you and grabs you into her arms, leaving your ex with no time to react.
With her arms over you, she caresses the part your ex had touched, trying to get off the sensation that they left. She's trying to make sure you know that the arms that is over you right now is hers. Miu Iruma's.
Checking on your safety is her first priority on the list.
And bitching over your ex is the second.
"What the actual FUCK did you just do?! You could've give them some warnings before actually touching them with your disgusting, bare hands!"
She is pissed and she will not hide it.
She will not hesitate to make a scene.
I mean, you are hers! Bold of them to assume you want them back when she's literally right here! You're happy with her, right? There's no way you will choose them over her, right? Well, she's the Ultimate Inventor, you don't want anyone else but her, definitely.
She'll literally gaslight, gatekeep, girlboss her way out of this. Gaslighting your ex that they're sooo insecure that they have to crawl back to you, gatekeep you, and be a girlboss; leaving them breathless.
As she leads you leaving them behind with her hand on your waist, she smiles proudly of herself.
"I did great, didn't i, hot stuff?"
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Just One Look
Series Masterlist
Warnings: dark elements but nothing too graphic in this one.
Please leave me some feedback either in a reblog or an ask! Likes are always appreciated as well. You know I love yall and hell yeah, you love Professor Steve.
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You sit against the wall, perched in a nest of textbooks, notes, and your laptop. Jensen's small bed has become HQ for your operation; cramming for final exams until your head splits.
You flutter back and forth, jotting down notes, scrolling through articles on the screen, furrowing your brow until your head hurts. You're encased in your fastidious fit as the door opens, barely breaking through the shell of your focus. It isn't until Jensen says your name that you manage to tear yourself away.
"Hey," you smile at him as the smell of caramel fills the room, two tall cups in a cardboard tray in his hand, "what's all this?"
"I told you. Recharge time," he grins, "and a few extra goodies."
He wiggles free one cup and hands it over, then takes one of the paper bags and sets in beside your laptop.
"Ugh, I'm gonna be so fat," you bemoan, not really bothered by the extra sugar.
"Me too," he sits on the edge of the bed, "so, how's it going? Are you an expert yet?"
"Shut up," you stick your tongue out, "you and your photographic memory."
"Hey, the lord blessed me in many ways," he winks before he takes a sip of his coffee.
"Oh my god, you're a dweeb."
"Well, I was talking about you," he smirks, "but also yes, there is a lot of Jensen to go around."
"Right," you roll your eyes and giggle, "stop trying to distract me."
"I'm not distracting you, I'm teasing you. The difference is that while you're sitting there trying to focus on English Lit or whatever dead guy you're reading about, you're fighting not to think about what's in my jeans--"
You grab your copy of Wuthering Heights and throw it at him. He deflects it as he stands, cackling as you feel your cheeks burning. He barely keeps from dribbling coffee down himself as he strikes a pose.
"So shirt on or off."
"Really! I don't have time for this, Jen."
"Ah, come on, we both know you're gonna ace this shit," he flexes his chest, giving it a look as he watches his tee strain, "and I mean... I'm into the whole bookworm thing you got going on right now."
"Stop!" You shout.
"Alright, alright," he relents, showing a palm as he takes another gulp, "I'll wait... I've waited this long."
"I'm sorry, Jake," you sit back and peel away the plastic tab on the lid, "I'm not meaning to... make you wait. It's just I've been so busy and tired and stressed and--"
"I'm not complaining. Waiting makes the heart grow fonder. That's Dickens, right?"
"I think it's a proverb but I don't know," you shrug, "still, it's not that I don't want to... do stuff it's... I'm... nervous."
He looks down and arches a brow, "heh, me too. I know I talk a big game but, yeah."
"Let's just let it happen whenever it does... oh, did I mention, I'm staying on campus for the holiday. Trip home is too expensive."
"Really? That's great."
"Great?" You wonder.
"Yeah, I didn't feel much like seeing my dad, anyway. He just likes to ask me why I didn't get a football scholarship. And the divorce is a bit intense."
"You don't have to stay for me--"
"Nah, really, you're giving me a solid excuse," he pulls up the rolling chair from his desk and sits, "and I mean, I can't think of a better way to enjoy my time off."
"Uh, yeah, awesome," you smile, pushing your shoulders up bashfully, "well, if I even make it through exams."
Your nerves swirl in your stomach. It's not just your usual pre-exam jitters, but the prospect of seeing Steve --Professor Rogers, after your last encounter. You keep your chin tucked down as you join the queue waiting outside the exam room, hugging your purse strap as you sway back and forth.
Rogers appears down the hall, greeting students by name, as he struts down to unlock the room and props the door open. You wait until a few others part from the wall to join the building wave of bodies shuffling inside. As you pass the professor, he sniffs, almost a tut, as if to deride you in particular.
You leave your bag along the front and find a seat along one of the curved rows. The professor waits for the clock to run out as he hands out the examinations, row by row, then starts the usual explanation of the rules, time limit, et cetera. You fidget in your seat, passing down the stack of papers for the next person to take one. You just want this to be done with.
As Professor Rogers calls for you to begin, you put your head down and flip the front page. You're ready. Your confidence in the material isn't undercut by the controversy. You won't let it.
Your hand hurts with the tightness of your endless scrawl. Short answer, then the big essay. The hall is silent and thick with the tension of students sighing and yawning over their finals.
You stop to think about your final argument and lift your head without thinking. You scrunch your brow and nose as you try to untangle the words in your head and your eyes meet Rogers'. You're shaken by the intensity of his stare. He doesn't move, he doesn't look away, his attention bores into you and has you cowering over the paper.
Fuck. He's definitely still upset. Well, so are you. He screwed you out of an income. You just hope you hear back from the tea shop about your resume. It's your last hope outside of commuting to the nearest McDonalds to sling burgers.
You shake it off, or try to. You finish the last portion of the essay but don't get up right away. You don't want to be the first to leave. You also don't want to walk up to Rogers alone.
So you wait, pretending to read over your booklet until you send a shadow rise from down the next row. You watch patiently. The first inspires a second and you get up, sidling down to the aisle to follow the trickle of students. You approach Rogers and hold out your booklet. He stares at it a moment before he takes it and flips to the first page, reading the first question.
He finally looks up as you start to back away, "good luck."
His words hang in the air and you flinch. The stone in his eyes crushes you. There's something in them, a promise, a threat. You back up and turn, fighting to stay calm as you reclaim your bag from against the wall.
At least it's over.
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kawaiijohn · 1 year
Danny tries to pawn the Ghost King position off on his classmates.
Idk what I was doing, and then suddenly it turned into wes/danny I'm so fucking sorry?
T rating I embarrassed myself fucking writing this bc it came out of nowhere girl (gn) HELP
"Hey Dash how about instead of you focusing on your homework you just start beating me up, just like old times! I sure miss being slammed into a locker."
Dash looks at Fenton, confused before scoffing.
"Even though I normally love wailing on you, Fenturd, coach needs me on my best behavior. State's next week and I'm one loser swirlie away from being suspended."
"I won't scream or anything, I promise! Whaddya say? You get to beat the snot out of me and I won't even complain! I'll even thank you for it." Danny responds, looking around nervously. "But I'm in a bit of a rush, so can you make it quick and do it, say, before six tonight?"
Danny gives the other boy the saddest, most punchable puppy dog eyes he possibly can.
Dash rolls his eyes seeing Fenton ham it up. The loser only does this for his birthday, so it's really weird having him request it four months in advance. Dash decides to ignore the request, only gently pushing the dweeb out of his way. "Beat it, Fentertainment Tonite- I know you don't have a life, but I do."
Danny curses as Dash disappears down the halls.
"I know you want to punch me. You wanna do it so bad." Danny eggs on another of the jocks- Travis, he thinks. "Remember that time I said you punch like my Grandma?"
His grandma taught both his mom and aunt how to fight, but Travis doesn't need to know that.
"Beat it, jackwipe!" Travis shoves Danny out of the way and continues down the hall.
"The one time I need to be shoved into a locker or punched, none of the jocks want to even look at me." Danny bemoans.
He's already struck out with Dash and Kwan- both of which need to stay as non violent as possible with administration lurking around this close to their big game. Paulina pretended he didn't exist, and Star laughed in his face. Something about 'she already kicked his ass months ago'. Which was true, but he was certain he's done something since then worth beating him up for.
"I can't ask Sam or Tuck, it's gotta be someone I hate." Danny pauses with a shudder. "But definitely not Vlad- he already has an ego the size of the Milky Way..."
Danny hears the bell ring and wipes his sweaty palms on his pants.
He has until six tonight to get his ass beat. He can do that, right?
Danny is downright panicked now.
Detention really put a damper on his plans. Being stuck in a sweltering classroom with Lancer and Wes only made him more nervous. It really didn't help that Lancer needed helping hands for some after school thing.
Danny only has one option, and he's glad it's one of his 'enemies'.
"Heyyyyyy Wes, what's happening tonight?" Danny slings his arm around the tall boy's shoulder, pulling him down to pipsqueak height. "Wasn't that round of detention just fun?"
Wes nearly growls and shoves Danny off of him. "Fenton! You're the reason I was even there in the first place! If it wasn't for you and your stupid ghost bullshit I would have gotten to class on time!"
"Yeah?" Danny asks, being as annoyingly positive as he possibly can. "Well it's good that there was two of us, or else Lancer wouldn't have let either of us out until well after six!"
Danny looks at the clock nervously- five fifty.
He has ten minutes.
"I don't find moving entire stacks of chairs halfway across the school fun, or even a fair punishment for being late twice in a week. So what if the crafting club has their expo tonight? They should be the ones moving furniture." Wes tries to overtake Danny in the hall but he can't outwalk the other boy.
"But we got to spend all day with each other! Isn't that just swell?" Danny pukes in his mouth a little. He's got a goalpost to reach in less than ten minutes, and my the Ancients he's gonna do it.
"Spending time with a chronic liar and freak of nature isn't really what I consider fun, Fenton."
"Yeah, but we really bonded, don't you think? Had some quality one-on-one without you being a creep outside my house."
Wes's face reddens. "HEY! That was one time, and I don't want to have the cops chase me again. Or your parents, who are worse somehow."
"See, we're bonding here!" Danny jogs alongside Wes, making sure to keep pace at just the right level of obnoxious. But we should really bond sometime in the next... eight minutes."
"God there it is again! What? Do you have important Phantom shit to do at six or something?" Wes rubs his temples. "You're being freakier than normal today and I'm gonna get to the bottom of it."
"There's nothing to get to the bottom of, I just have something to do later. Not Phantom or ghost related- something completely normal and human, yep."
"God you piss me the fuck off, Fenton." Wes crosses his arms and blocks the doorway out of the school. "And one of these days, I'm gonna get you to confess, and then it'll be all over."
"Yeah, that's nice and all, but like, wouldn't it just be so satisfying to, I dunno, take out all that pent up frustration on me?" Danny grins devilishly at the other boy. "Come on, I have such a punchable face! Aaaaand since you say I'm a ghost or whatever it won't actually hurt me, right?"
Danny gets right up into Wes's personal space and looks up at him with a shit-eating grin.
"Back off, Fenton." Wes backs himself against the lockers. He looks anywhere but Danny's face. "Personal space is a concept even stupid ghosts understand."
"Yeah, but if I'm a stupid ghost doesn't that make you wanna prove it? Can't you prove it by beating me up? You have a camera..." Danny reaches for the camera slung around Wes's shoulder and points it at his own face. "It'd be soooo easy."
Wes's face is currently doing its best impression of a tomato as he continues to ignore Danny.
"Please? I'm gonna start begging you to beat my ass soon if you don't acknowledge me, Wes."
"Back. Off. Fenton." Wes stares Danny right in the face. "Last chance."
Danny does the opposite and yanks Wes to stare him in the eyes. "You wanna punch me so bad it makes you look stupid, Weston." Danny chuckles and makes his eyes flash green. "Your face is sooooo red with rage- you wanna kick my ass, admit it!"
Danny barely gets a warning before Wes lunges and tackles him to the ground with a kiss.
Both boys gasp in surprise and Wes backs himself against the lockers with a loud bang.
They sit in silence, staring at each other in disbelief before Danny laughs.
"Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Sh-shut up! It's not my fault you're kind of..."
"Wait, have you been staring at me this whole time because you're crushing on me?" Danny laughs in disbelief as Wes turns even brighter red. "Is that how you 'accidentally' discovered my secret?"
"No!" Wes sputters out. "I don't sta-"
"Stalk me, yeah. Dude you follow me around with a camera to try and expose me. What sort of fruitloop shit are you pulling??"
"Well, if you weren't lying about being a human, then I wouldn't need to-"
"Yeah yeah, whatever." Danny doesn't know how to feel about it, really. Wes is kind of cute, and he's unhinged just like the rest of his friends. But he's also obsessed with exposing him, and kind of stalks him (to no success).
He spends a few moments before he glances at the clock again.
Two minutes left.
He can use this to his advantage, even if it's dirty and underhanded.
"Hey Wes. You really fucking suck at kissing." He eggs the other boy on. "Like, zero technique, all desperation!"
"Shut up!"
Wes starts crying a little. Danny only feels a little bad, but he really needs this to happen.
"What, even I've kissed people before and I'm a loser! Plus I bet you can't even man up and fight me like I want- you're such a little cuck boy, Weston! Always relying on other people to do the dirty work of beating my ass so you can gather your evidence like a little bitch in the dark."
"I said shut up!" Wes's face is bright red again- an angry embarrassment with tears streaming down his face.
But he still has to keep going, even if it feels gross to do this to someone who he kind of likes.
"Make me, Wesley." He spits.
It's a dirty brawl but it ends with a very red-faced Wes pinning a bruised and elated Danny to the ground. The latter feels awful about playing dirty with Wes's feelings, but it seems the other boy really needed to take out his rage on him.
"Sooooo, you admit you have complete victory in this fight, right Wes?" Danny smiles up from underneath the other boy.
Wes sputters, his face still bright red and tears running down his cheeks. "You're such a fucking little shit, Fenton."
"Thanks, I try!. But I need you to accept that I'm saying you have total victory in this fight."
Wes sighs and lets go of Danny's wrists and sits back against the lockers. "Yeah, sure. I beat your ass fair and square. Also do you know how weird it is to see you healing this fast? I swear I gave you a black eye."
"You did. I'm just a fast healer." Danny sits up and looks around. He feels... guilty. At least for only finding one person to do this to.
The clock strikes six.
"Also, I'm sorry I lied- you're not a bad kisser. I just needed you to beat my ass. Also sorry about what's about to happen." Danny rubs the back of his neck.
"Sorry about wha-" Wes is interrupted by a portal opening beside the two of them.
"Sorry for being impolite, we should assume." An Observant materializes out of the void beside him. "It's not polite for the crown prince to wait until the last minute to find a replacement, but since you have... bested Prince Phantom in combat, albeit not formal combat, the rules are the rules."
Wes glares at Danny who is doing his best trying to disappear without going ghost.
"Prince Phantom??" Wes spits at the other boy.
"Yep! Former Prince Phantom." Danny smirks. "And again, sorry, but they only gave me today until six to find a replacement. The whole King schtick isn't really my jam."
Wes stares at the other boy as more Observants spill from the hole in reality and bow to him.
"Hey! I'm not gonna bail on you or anything. You still need an advisor- I just really don't wanna deal with the formality shit. Hope you understand!"
Danny gives Wes a peace sign as he's escorted through the portal, pissed off, confused, and shell-shocked.
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shiresome · 1 year
i LOVE 5'7" kabal, him as that one tiktok (that i cant find 😭) where the guy is like "WHEN HAVE I EVER SAID I'M 6'2"? I'M PERUVIAN WE DON'T COME IN THAT SIZE"
also a firm supporter of dweeb kabal <3 i like to think he's a film buff (just imagine the heated conversations he and johnny would get into about movies hjkhfdfghjkhgf)
Kabal is MEANT to be 5'7. I know it in my heart. And him being a dweeb is REAL. He knows about technology and he gaslights Erron with it.
My favorite personal Black Dragon headcanon is that Kabal set Erron up with a Facebook account so he can scroll through hours and hours worth of horse pictures. It's like Cocomelon for him! He will occasionally stroll by and shove his phone in peoples' faces like "look at this horse. cool, ain't it?" and they have to pretend like they care.
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And you are RIGHT about Kabal being a film buff! He takes Tremor to the theatres and makes sure he gets to see every Cage movie that comes out, Kira and Kobra in tow. Kabal's a dickhead, but goddamnit, he is getting Tremor to Ninja Mime 3½ on time! That's his priority!
Whines and complains on movie night about it. "Do we have to watch the Ninja Priest prequel again? I already took you to see it in theatres. Twice." But he watches it through with Tremor anyway, cause he's actually invested. Kira and Kobra are on the floor watching really intensely, like it's the film of the decade. Erron is off to the side, standing with his hands behind his back, like a dad watching the news. Love them!
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boxblondiecoops · 1 year
You should write something about joe cooper and someone on his team! It would be such a cute idea since I saw your recent post lol 😭
- Saphari ★
Hello Saphari!!!
You're my first ask! I hope your doing amazing! Ok, I'm gonna warn you, my writing is chaotic as shit and probably scrambled as hell. I'm gonna start with bullet points and see where my brain takes us. Let's gooooooo~
It's gender neutral and mostly him having a crush but ya know.
Ok. So based off my obsession memory with how he acts around Jenna.............. He turns into a fucking golden retriever.
Same goes for when he's with you.
Like same big blue eyes, same dopey smile. Constantly jumping up to take care of stuff you need/want. He will even tie your shoes for you without you even so much as asking.
Oh, need some water during a sweltering practice? Here's a cold bottle, just for you. It even has your nicknames first initial on the cap with a lil heart with it. Or maybe your player number.
Need a snack because you forgot to eat before a game or something? Oh, lookie, he has your favorite! Actually, he has about eight of em, just in case you need more than one pick me up.
Listen, you guys have to hang out after the games and before the games and all the time.
If you don't wanna come over, he whines and complains to Remer all the time and every. single. time. Remer rolls his eyes so h a r d.
He curls up on the couch, watching his old game and hugging a pillow WISHING desperately it was you.
He's such a lonely guy, please go hold him. He'll gladly be the lil spoon, big spoon, the fucking fork, he doesn't care. He just needs you to hold him.
So naturally you've come over and hung out (more than once) and played some Nintendo and drank some beer if you like too, but he won't push it. He's just happy you're here.
In the house, he has a designated spot on the couch JUST for you. It's right next to his but no one else can sit there.......... Except maybe the dog. MAYBE.
If your allergic or even nervous of his dog, or even the cat for that matter, he'll move them to a seperate room and keep them in there when you hang out.
Although if your allergic he vacuums like the entire house before you come over, even doing the couch.
During games, he's the most supportive dweeb ever. He cheers, like, the loudest in the dug out if your psych out hits the way you practiced. He bounces around and claps.
If it doesn't, he pats you on the shoulder and tells you it was awesome and you guys can tweak it later.
He loves you in the uniform. He won't say it................ But like he stares at you so much. You're so pretty to him he just can't not look at you. He's smitten.
You are the ONLY person on the team allowed to score with La-Z-Boy. He trusts you so, so much with it.
Now imagine you got distracted, waiting your turn on the bench, your name gets called, saying your next up and he gives his prized ball a gentle throw to you and is just like
"Go kill it!" And he's blushing a little bit and almost giggles when you smile and jog off to the pitch.
He knows you won't pop it or fuck with it. It means the world to him and so do you so seeing you use it makes him blush and lean over the railing and just watch you.
Remer definitely fucking laughs at him tho... But also highly encourage him.
"My bestie is soooo in love!" *wipes fake tear*
If you pop a home run with his ball? He's on cloud fucking nine, jumping up and down.
Oh god, if you score the winning game, he rushes at you and picks you up, spinning you around and smiling up at you like you hung the moon and the stars and he just really fucking loves you.
He is constantly waving to you from the pitch if you aren't on the field. Like the straight arm lil wave
Please, can we talk about his eyes? He has the prettiest fucking blue eyes. He looks at you all the time like you personally crafted his favorite constellations or just handed him a signed baseball bat from Reggie Jackson himself.
Like come on. He's so fucking cute, I can't with him. Look!!! Look at him! ↷
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The tension.
The tension during practice?
Especially if the team isn't there and it's just the two of you???
HOLD ON THE CLICHE ASS "lemme stand behind you and, like, move you in the proper way" CLICHE SHIT PLEASE TELL ME YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
He has game for once!!!!
He stands behind you, hands on your waist, guiding you to stand directly across from the net. He makes sure your holding the ball right (basketballs are hard for me to hold- I have small hands) and even shows you the proper follow through.
And he's fully pressed against your back because I said so and he's so warm and big and everyone talks about how big Remer is but Coop is big too!!!!!
He smiles and gives you pointers on your stance and how to aim and shit- and he's such a sweetheart about it.
Like if you miss he claps and grabs the ball and is like "oh, good try! Let's do it again, but a little bit more like this-" and shows you how to do it and adjusts you to be right.
But he's genuinely so nice about his critiques and is so sweet and is painfully and obliviously so into you and stares at your lips a lot and-
Oh my god hold on
Y'all does he have like a "call me coach" thing???
You call him coach as a tease and he smiles and shakes his head and puts his hands on his hips.
.......... Call him that in front of the team and he gets majorly flustered.
I might need to write some suggestive shit on this topic later. This is like all I got for right now. I'm only thinking dirty shit uh-
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hupla222 · 4 months
Amethio Rant
This is a post that's been long overdue but I just didn't feel like writing until now, but I've seen a lot of posts about this character recently and I just want my opinions to be known.
Amethio is a trash character. He's the worst character in Horizons and I groan every single time he's on screen. I'd rather be watching literally anyone else on screen. Give me an episode entirely about Hamber any day over seeing this dweeb again.
But why don't I like him, you may ask. Simple. He's boring. He's the most boring, bland, milk-toast version of an overdone character type I've ever seen. I could see where his arc is going from the second he appeared in the trailers and I haven't been wrong so far. As such, I don't give a singular damn about what Amethio does. Boo. Get off screen so someone interesting can do something. He's just adiscount version of Zuko with none of the depth and flavor. Or would you prefer discount Hunter or Silver or Arven or Bede or Avery (Isle of Armor) or Paul (to some extent) or ...
You get the idea. He's just a bland nothing burger of a character that I just will never care for. Doesn't help this trope has been done to death. He doesn't even have like a fun personality to give this trope some life. He literally has nothing. Tell me three character traits with proof. No headcanons.
Now you may complain, aren't you that Sidian superfan? You don't have a leg to stand on. And to that I say, Sidian may not have much going for him now (because he hasn't gotten much screen time to himself) but I have no idea where his story is going. I don't know where his arc is leading up to and what his motivations are. And that's so crucial in getting me to care. I want to know more about him and I have fun thinking about where he could have came from. Not Amethio. I know where his story is going and I know his motivations from the very beginning. I swear, every Amethio fic I read is the exact same. Shows how boring this dude really is.
Oh, and I don't find him hot either. I'm definitely way too old for him. I'm no middle schooler.
But I'm well aware that I'm in the vast minority. Please do enlighten me about what you see in him but I just see nothing. Maybe he'll get better later but I seriously doubt it. Oh well. Amethio is only one small blip in an otherwise amazing series. Been loving this arc so much. Sidian gets to get some development (hopefully) and no Amethio to bore me.
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hxdrostorms · 8 months
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@eternalstarlights has sent: 🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve, 🌵 = a disliked canon character in my fandom,💐 = my favorite part about the fandom, 🌿 = my least favorite part about the fandom
Send me a symbol and I will tell you… [Accepting]
🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve
// Bc this has been happening across several blogs, not just here:
Reblog karma: If you have no plans of sending something back, then the least you should do is reblog them, from the source or look elsewhere in the posts' notes to reblog from.
I'm constantly going back in my prompts tag to delete old reblogs. BUT THERE ARE STILL, complete strangers who dig through it and reblog it from me. Like?????????? That has the same effect as a 'fuck you' in my DMs. It's 10x funnier, if it is one of those blogs with a long ass pinned/rules page. And they still had no qualms in doing this shit. It's not quirky, let me tell you that much.
Notice, I'm not complaining about not receiving asks whenever I reblog something. That's not an issue for me (mutuals/rp partners should only send stuff, when they genuinely feel like doing so, without any obligations). All I'm asking is to not make me feel like, I'm just a RP memes archive type of blog, that's only there to provide writing prompts & nothing else. I may not be the most active RPer, but none of my blogs are abandoned.
This has been a long running peeve I've been having to deal with, for YEARS. And it made a resurface as of lately.
🌵 = a disliked canon character in my fandom
// Hades & his spectres/Judges are overrated as fuck IMO LOL I say as a clown, bc I'm a classic golds dweeb fan. Clearly, I'm not in a position to say what is or isn't overrated.
Jokes aside. It may have been a result of the way I tried watching the classic series (by binge watching the entire thing). BUT when I got to the Hades arc, I got SO mad when I realized they brought back those drawn out battles. Like those were my least enjoyed bits of the early parts of the anime and the Sanctuary arc, meanwhile the Poseidon arc didn't have any of that (which is why I rate the Poseidon arc as my favorite one of the anime adaptation. 15 episodes with NO filler??? HELL YEAH.).
You can say I was already pretty burned, and should have slowed down with the final part of the series. But even then, I don't think that would have changed a thing about my general disinterest towards Hades' servants. Visually speaking to me, they are the messiest and most boring looking characters from the classic series (they only ever wear 1 color and look way too much like a toy, than some form of proper armor).
Rhadama.nthys is the biggest bitch in the club, to me he was the most insufferable. "He is the strongest*tm of all judges." *= only when Hades is straight up cheating and the story feels like unnecessarily drag things out. Reminder that Kanon killed him without any cloth equipped, and he went out the way HE chose to. He literally didn't even have to TRY.
My favorite part of the Hades arc was seeing Kanon wipe the floor, with everyone he crossed paths with. This feels 10x more satisfying, after reading the Destiny & Origins extra chapters.
💐 = my favorite part about the fandom
// I truly mean when I say, this is the chillest community I've been in a long time. Case in point: I haven't felt THIS artiscally inspired in YEARS. I've been doing so many works, I'm literally running an event in the main fandom. I've been brimming with inspiration to do so many things, that goes beyond the RPing aspect. And it has improved my general mental health SO much!
I'm forever thankful for getting into Sts LOL
🌿 = my least favorite part about the fandom
// If you exclusively speak English, you will suffer to find anything or anyone else from this fandom. Which isn't a problem for me at all but, I can see how frustrating or sad it must feel like, you can't get into a community due to a language barrier.
And the community itself isn't exactly the friendliest one towards gringos. Which I mean............ You can't blame us for feeling defensive, when literally every other fandom went down to shit, when things became very American-centered.
Not to start the whole Anti vs proship debate. BUT It is a fact that all antis (ppl who want to be cops/have no qualms with harrassing or policing others/etc.) I've come across are an American, who's way too enthralled in their lil bubble they call world. Then they have a breakdown bc as it turns out, the rest of the world isn't AT ALL like them. And there's genuine pushback/retaliation from the community, against these kinds of whiny bitchass mfers LOL.
Obviously, this doesn't mean the fandom is perfect nor it's an Utopia, where there isn't drama at all. BUT when compared to others, it feels a lot tamer in comparison. Unfortunately, it comes at the cost of coming off as a very closed off fandom, that's centered around overseas things for a change.
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talesfromthecrypts · 1 year
people saw a white boy with red hair, not even an actor. just a dude who’s the son of an actor and said that one please! like the blatant racism towards assad hidden under bullshit excuses needs to stop. some people don’t even draw assads version of armand, but have no problem putting the child version next to the show versions. white supremacy is really in so much that people really rather someone who can’t even fucking act play the character.
Oh yeah that's another problem I have with it. People absolutely going for looks over talent. And it happens all the time for everyone (people are so weird about eye color especially like calm down its not that serious) but its been especially bad with Armand which almost certainly comes down to the fact he isn't white. While he hasn't been full Armand mode for long, you can tell by his short screen time he is very much up to the task of taking on this challenging character.
People don't care if someone can't act because they are frankly not watching for quality they are watching to get Barbie dolls they can smash together. If the Barbie doll isn't the look they want they will complain. What truly makes me laugh is I'd argue besides hair color (and that is NOT a character trait you dweebs) Assad is much similar to the character in the books than say Antonio Banderas in the movie so many of these people are holding up (and I like the movie)!
Anyway Assad is great can't wait to see how he works the material.
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monsterhighalumni · 2 years
natm 4 thoughts/reaction
late to the game but you already know [major spoilers ahead]
i love how feral they allowed every character to get in this movie (ESPECIALLY sacajawea), them working together to gaslight gatekeep girlboss the night guards into leaving was (chef's kiss)
also love how this canon basically completely ignores the (terrible) ending of natm 3, love that larry's still involved with the museum, amazing, perfect, no notes
unpopular opinion, i love that nicky's a lil dweeb full of anxiety now. that feels more like the natural progression of his character than becoming a kind of jerk-y frat bro. OG!nicky doesn't make his own mixes and pre-records his sets, NATM4!nicky is a music nerd, loves vaporwave, and accidentally reinvents electro-swing. slay king
[sees the bisexual flag on nicky's notebook] [sonic voice] woah he's bisexual! i didn't know that!
larry is like. such a good dad here. good for him, he's much more supportive than he would've been in the originals. OG!larry probably would've insisted on shadowing him the first night and stood like two feet away making comments about how nicky should be doing things the whole night lmao i love him but this is true
I'M SO GLAD THAT THE EXHIBITS BRING UP THAT NICKY IS LIKE FAMILY AND WAS PRACTICALLY RAISED IN THE MUSEUM cause in the 3rd film nicky just. doesn't seem to care about them that much that boy just wants to LEAVE
i love joan i don't even care that much that she was shoehorned in, she's a lil unhinged and a badass and FINALLY wea has another female friend
laa die challenge. should've been eaten by the crocodile.
it would've been so cool and amazing to explore the basement and the archives and the idea that it's the "deep ocean", dark, fucked-up part of the museum is amazing. but it's also funny that they were just. fucking with nicky jfghfjh
kamenrah thinking nicky was larry giving big "rose quartz steven universe" vibes but also would've been funnier if he then proceeded to call him "nicky daley from daley devices" as a callback to natm 2
i feel like it diminishes the impact of not ahk not seeing his parents for 60+ years that sentient images of his dad, merenhakre are just. everywhere.
speaking of which, i don't even need to say it. everyone's already said it. ahk should've been in this movie and we all know it, but also he wasn't even acknowledged and no one bring him up?? not even kamenrah?? this makes me feel like there's a copyright or licensing issue going on here or SOMETHING cause damn
seth die challenge. stupid little jackal man
the epic highs (using the tablet like a musical instruments to unlock a tomb and playing the squares like chords) and lows (TIME TRAVEL WE'RE REALLY DOING THIS NOW HUH) of the tablet's canonical magic
hnnnnnnn i really dislike the time travel
i think my biggest problem with natm 4 is that the best part of the original movies was getting to explore the museums and meet all the fun new historical characters and the adventures were constrained by the environment therefore THEY SHOULD'VE STAYED AT THE MET
although it is SUPREMELY funny that not only do the met egyptian mummies know of kamenrah, they just decide to fuck off from the narrative cause they just don't want to deal with him JFKDHG
everyone is complaining about teddy's characterization idk man i actually thought that his main bit was pretty funny. of course he just talks about himself, he's mr. the museum
didn't love jed though maybe it was the new VA trying to sound like owen wilson, maybe he felt dumbed down, but the jedtavius moments were very good like everyone said they were
you ever see a couple so married and so divorced at the same time, i love them
overall i'm not mad with the new designs, i think they capture the energy of the original and cartoonify them well — the fight scenes were animated well too, i love that it was 2D and it was charming without FEELING explicitly low budget
yeah yeah i feel similarly that i didn't love the rehash of natm 2, the door, the summoning the minions of the underworld, etc — if it were up to me the movie's main conflict should've been kamenrah versus all the OTHER egyptian pharaohs and mummies at the met vying for power
overall it was cute and fun and i hope it converts into a tv series and also tumblr is way too mad about it for what it is. 6/10
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bewitchingbaker · 10 months
 ✵ {opinion then vs now ship meme <3 Jess/Andy}
Joe's Diner.
A rather retro space hidden within Arizona's neighborhoods. Opening at 11am and closing...whenever. Serving all manner of delicacies from breakfast, lunch dinner, and some mysterious fourth meal that no one ever ordered. Their waiters often having a high turn around time, ranging from local college students to some of their classmates (the local Goth's often offered extra coffee to the Luna's thanks to Jess's side business)
A perfect hangout spot for the clique of the Luna and Riley teens.
Jess Luna's head rested on her recently manicured fingers, soft brown hues staring at Andrew 'Andy' Riley.
For once, it was just the two of them. No Chris nor Beth in sight due to the two of them having a mass of assignments due. Though if you asked Chris, he'd flat out tell you he's giving them some space cause they're graduating soon. Plus, she promised he could keep their skateboard if he gave her time to 'make kissy faces at Andy'.
Her brother may have been quiet, but he could read her like a book. Jess Luna didn't fall for alot of people in the desert city, but that Andy had a charm about him. He shared her sense of humor and love for a younger sibling in a tough family. Being easy on the eyes helped alot too.
Their first impression of your muse:
"First impression?" she echoes. "Hmm, he looks like has a stick up his ass. What's his ass doing in a skate shop? Shouldn't he be with the other jocks? But then I saw you had a little lady clinging to you."
A small smile spreads across his face.
"He must be alright."
Current impression:   
"As of this moment, you're a sweet, mostly mature dweeb who I like spending alot of time with. Even if he complains about my little...side business with totally legal substances."
A pause.
"With his head up his ass."
Are they attracted to your muse?:  
A coy smile spreads across Jess's face, an inquisitive tilt of her head following. Those size 9 Vans mess with Andy's leg for a moment.
"Maybe," She hums. "I might think your hair is cute and you're pretty easy on the eyes. I don't exactly mind seeing you in your swimsuit, if anything it makes me glad you have that pool in this hot ass city."
Something they find frightening about your muse:
Her smile falters a bit, leaning in her seat. The older Luna takes a sip of her drink as she thinks of her answer. While she hsd her fair share of anger issues, it was nothing compared to Andy's anger at the Admiral. Understandable considering the old fucker's treatment of Beth.
"I wouldn't say it's frightening," Jess begins. "But you're anger is...concerning. I mean I get it cause I have my own issues with the Luna's, it just feels like it'd be hell to be on the other side of that anger. But I understand and trust I'll never be on that side."
Something they find adorable about your muse:  
"What don't I find adorable about you," Jess asks with a laugh. "I guesssss if I had to narrow it down to one thing. I'd say...your smile. When you make a good play or when you get to drive that cool car of yours, you get this bright smile."
She smiles as her foot messes with his, hands holding onto Andy's.
"Seriously, it's like you don't have any pressure on you for once."
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  
"Sacrifice? Like...in Left 4 Dead?"
Jess asks with an inquisitive tilt, feigning some confusion at the question before playfully smacking his hands. Another laugh escapes her lips before takes a sip of her drink.
"I would like to hope that we never end up in a moment like that. I don't have the capactiy for that like our siblings do." she sighs. She looks out the window for a moment, brown hues flashing purple for a brief second. "Chris always seemed brave...in moments like that."
A pause.
"But if it came to it, I guess. Knowing you though, you'd be pretty pissed if I tried to sacrifice myself."
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  
"...Riley, I would hope the past few years would give you a clear answer," Jess replies. "I'm not including the ones with Beth and Chris, maybe our trip to the water park and we...ya know."
She blushes as her hands gesture to the resteraunt.
"I mean like when me and you went to the movies. Or the time we saw them light the tree in downtown Sedona. I'm saying all this to say 'yeah I'd go on a date with you.'"
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
"Hmm," Jess ponders. An eternal second passes as she thinks about Andy. Sweet. Brave. Dumbass. But the older Riley was her dumbass. As much as Jess messed with Andy, she appreciated him in her life. Not just hers but Chris's. Really the Luna's lives.
Not a lot of boys would go along with a magic family dealing with tragedy.
She finally finds the words for Andy.
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: 
"No!" Jess replies instantly.
A sly smile spreads across her face.
"Unless you're into it." she laughs with another hand on his.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?:
Silence. For once, Jessica Luna is at a loss for words. She forgot how Andy had a way of leaving her flabbergasted. Such a simple question had her cheeks ablaze with a blush. Her eyes take a moment to stare at the eldest Riley sibling.
She smiles before laughing.
"Does this answer your question?"
With one swift movement, she presses her lips against his. Her hands resting on his cheeks for a moment. Getting lost on their kiss before finally breaking it to press another one against his nose.
"...Now are you paying for our last date as high schoolers?"
[ @brooklynislandgirl/@tarnishedhalo ]
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titleleaf · 1 year
🤲 What do YOU get out of writing?
For all I complain about the process being hard and wanting to get better at various aspects of the craft, I fucking love being able to take an idea out of my head and put it on the page and share it with my friends. I get a lot of pleasure out of being able to articulate an idea and writing (fan or original) fiction gives me the opportunity to explore things for myself that something else has suggested but not articulated to my satisfaction.
💎 Why is writing important to you?
If I don't give my favorite fictional dickheads traumatic sexual experiences, who will
💞 What's the most important part of a story for you? The plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language?
okay this is where I reveal what a dweeb I am... it's really about the figurative language and the mood a story can convey. This is probably most visible when I write something explicit -- I am so fine with drawing a dainty veil over the actual sucking and fucking if I can keep the emotions nice and foregrounded.
(Side note: Tumblr isn't letting me answer asks from my Inbox page or even see them, I can only answer asks from my notifs page, so if you've sent me a message in the past few weeks I s2g I saw it, I just didn't realize I could answer shit at all until literally now. I also can't reply to other people's posts any more, which tbh, feels bad!)
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violetfoxviolarose · 1 year
More N.E.R.D.S. Incorrect Quotes
What can I say, these dweebs have impeccable chemistry, canon and headcanon. They're too perfect. I'm picturing teen/college them saying this, btw.
No, I didn't make this procrastinating studying for my chemistry final, what are you talking about?
Anyway, enjoy!
Ruby: What is the one thing I told you not to do? Julio: Burn the house down. Ruby: And what did you do? Julio: I made dinner. Ruby: Julio: Ruby: Julio: And burnt the house down. ~~~~~~~ Jackson: Hello friends! The Squad: Jackson: You might be wondering why I’m taped to the ceiling ~~~~~~ Heathcliff: Go fuck yourself. Jackson: Come over here and fuck me yourself you coward! ~~~~~~ Matilda: If you don't stop talking, I'm going to jump out of that window. Jackson: ...We're on the ground floor. Matilda: I know but I want a dramatic exit. ~~~~~~ Jackson: Doctor = $140,000 a year, Furry artist on patreon = $160,000 a year. Julio: I think you’re lowballing the furry art amount tbh. Jackson: Sorry for the inaccuracies Doctor Yiff. Julio: No matter how I respond I don’t look well, well played. I walked into that. Matilda: Well, furry artists are typically more competent and courteous than your average doctor, so I can see that. Ruby: Did you legitimately just tell me that a person who draws wolf ass is more competent than a dude who spent 8+ years in university to give you a lung transplant? Matilda: Doctors are bullshit and furry artists perform an infinitely more valuable service to society compared to them. Ruby: You will die in 7 days. Duncan: It took doctors 10 years to diagnose what was wrong with me, some insisting I was faking it for attention, while a furry artist I knew said “Sounds like Crohn’s” after hearing me complain once and ended up being right. Duncan: Besides I can’t go to a doctor and ask them to draw Rouge the Bat wider than she is tall with tits to match, now can I? Matilda: You could if you weren’t a fucking coward. Heathcliff: This was like 50 consecutive punches to the face, what the fuck went on here. ~~~~~~ Matilda: How do you want your coffee? Julio: Black, like my soul. Matilda: Matilda: Julio, your soul is a latte. ~~~~~~ Heathcliff: Hi, who's this? Ruby changed all of my contacts to mythical creatures. Duncan: What's mine? Heathcliff: Dwarf. Duncan: SHE'S SO MEAN, I'M NOT THAT SHORT! Heathcliff: Oh, hey Duncan. Duncan: FUCK! ~~~~~~ Jackson: Do you mind if I slyly mention that you’re single? Heathcliff: Do not do that. Jackson: You won’t even notice! Ruby, entering: Jackson, you wanted to see me again? Jackson: Heathcliff's single Heathcliff: ~~~~~~ Matilda: No, this is not a mess. You know what I consider a mess? Duncan: Your life? Matilda: I- well yes, but- ~~~~~~ Duncan: You're ugly. Jackson: Tone indicator? Duncan: Oh I'm sorry! You're ugly. /srs ~~~~~~ Any of them, tbh: Dear Diary, my teen angst bullshit has a body count. ~~~~~~ Duncan: What's the signal when something goes wrong? Jackson: We yell, "oh shit" Ruby: ...That'll work ~~~~~~
Heathcliff: Are you the big spoon or the little spoon? Matilda: I'm a knife! Duncan, from across the room: She's the little spoon. ~~~~~~ Matilda, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs? Julio: It means like in hand-to-hand combat Matilda: Ohhhh- Duncan: Both of you get out of this kitchen. ~~~~~~ Heathcliff, with a headache: Advil me up, daddy Ruby: I will short out the language center of your brain if you say anything like that ever again. ~~~~~~ Matilda: Make her pussy wet not her eyes. Heathcliff: Make his dick hard not his life. Jackson: Break her bed not her heart. Julio: Play with her boobs not her feelings. Ruby: Get on his dick not his nerves. Duncan: Always salt your pasta when boiling it. ~~~~~~ Duncan: We call that a traumatic experience. Duncan, turning to Matilda: Not a "bruh moment". Duncan, turning to Jackson: Not "sadge". Duncan, turning to Julio: And DEFINITELY not an "oof LMAO". ~~~~~~ Jackson: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? Jackson: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me. ~~~~~~ Matilda: A butterfly! Hey, little guy, gal or nonbinary pal! Jackson: Can a butterfly be nonbinary? Matilda: I mean, maybe? I don't judge. Julio, staring dreamily out of the window: Ah, have you ever imagined having butterfly wings? Then- Ruby: Then it would be inconvenient as fuck. Your wings would smack every doorframe and your clothes would have to have holes in the back. Heathcliff: Also, your wings are paper thin, so even a six year old aiming a NERF gun at it would ... Yeah... Duncan: *sips coffee* According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a- Julio: No, nononono. You fuckers have already shattered my dream, you don't get the fucking privilege to make that reference. Jackson: Also, it's about a butterfly, not a bee... Why would you make that reference? Matilda: You clearly have not lived with him long enough.
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lynd3w · 2 years
I swear to god I don't wanna hear another subs only cunt complain about the patriarchy line from the dragon maid dub again. If you read a lot of older Manga, you end up having to read a fan-translation or two at some point and I just had to read, wimp, dweeb, freakzoid, and the r slur in a fucking juji ito book. You're seriously telling me that you think one of the masters of horror couldn't come up with a better word to describe a strange girl than "freakzoid?" And it doesn't stop there. The older you go back in touhou fanworks, the more you see slurs directed towards Hong Meiling. Most of the time Japanese creators would just call her China, which is incredibly racist. But some of the fan-translations will call her more us centric slurs for Chinese people. Every aspect of online anime or Manga interaction seems to have been birthed from the alt-right festering hate whole of 4 Chan, but none of you seem to give a shit about that. Hell there's still a huge fascist problem in the touhou community, and from what we've seen of vtubers the past few weeks, that and pedophilia seem to go hand in hand with the more popular ones. Yet that's never a problem. Fucking choke on my dick you absolute wastes of air
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mellifiedman · 1 year
Okay, I'm going to for-real take advantage of having unlimited characters again and tell you my very important thoughts on all the media I've consumed in the last month-ish. We're blogging! We love blogging, right?
Priory of the Orange Tree, Samantha Shannon: have you ever wished for a Guy Gavriel Kay novel that was way queerer, but also worse? Boy, have I got the book for you! It's clear that a lot of careful historical research went into this book, which I appreciate, but it doesn't make up for the fact that this book is an incredibly long exercise in writing multiple POVs that all kind of feel like the same boring, namby-pamby character, despite some surface-level angst (except for the scheming gay alchemist, who actually got to have some real moral conflict a few times). It's very clear early on that all of these little dweebs are going to make the most selfless and heroic choices possible at the end of the book, and they spend many hundreds and hundreds of pages riding a rail to just that conclusion. That being said, I can see this author writing an actual fantasy masterpiece in another 10 years, maybe?
The Luminous Dead, Caitlin Starling: this felt less like a real book and more like one of those extremely involved and gritty AU fanfics that people used to write for, like, Death Note. What if this couple you should hopefully already care a LOT about is in, uh...a cave? In space? A space cave? And they hate each other at first, but then they fall in love, and also only one of them is technically in the cave (the stronger one with the weirder hair color, still all according to anime plan [keikaku]). Also, it's psychological. The thing is, I don't actually care about these characters from a pre-existing media property, so I just thought this was an incoherent mess that didn't deliver on pretty much any count. If you want an actually good version of what this book was going for, just read a Patricia Highsmith novel with Alien on in the background or something.
Some Desperate Glory, Emily Tesh: man, this one slapped. You could definitely come up with some cringey booktok-style "what if Ender's Game was ~sapphic~" pitch for this one, but thankfully it's also just a really good, crunchy, humanist sci-fi book. Honestly, my main issue with this one is that I read it so obscenely quickly that I'm not sure I absorbed everything. There are some little flaws I could complain about if I really wanted to, but this book nails what I'm looking for in this contemporary crop of queerer, more diverse, etc etc genre fiction, which is that it's a good fucking book first, and not just an affirmation of my own personal laundry list of moral beliefs (which, hey! It totally is that, too!). Thank you @storywonker for the rec - you're at the top of the genre fiction friendship pile right now! Feel free to look down and grind your heel into the necks of those below you! It's what I would do.
Cradle series, Will Wight: these books are sooooo dumb. I've read ten of them and loved every second. Cradle 4 life!!
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ducknotinarow · 1 month
MM Raph - Family Meme; all that apply uwu
| Talking about family
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"Really right now? I'm on my way to practice." Raph states fixing them with a look of clear annoyance before rolling his eyes. "Look I know were like the talk of the school an' all but seriously you could have picked a better time to bug me. Fine let's just get this over with I guess."
TOTMNT gave me more on my Boi uwu
Send 👔 for my muse to talk about their father
"Dad? Well hes a giant rat that wears glasses and WORRIES way too much. He's getting better 'bout letting me and my brother just like live our lives and such. So thats cool. He's more cool than might think he tries a lot for us and ...maybe I could I dunno show I appreciate that more. Even when it comes to my anger he don't...give up on me when maybe he should."
Something I really love in MM/TOTMNT is that they do call Splinter Dad or refer to him as Dad and I feel it really shows. Splinter is just so damn patient with his sons. Raph seems to try his best to not take his anger out towards Splinter. Unlike past versions that could snap at or around Splinter. Raph tries to keep it more contained even having ways to work it out which ties in a lot to why he likes having excuses to work out his anger like fighting or wrestling even. When Splinter grounded the boys Raph was clearly upset but Splinter seems to hold some understanding to least see yeah my son is going to be upset which makes Raph not feel a need to burst out an over reaction just to be heard.
Raph dose listen to Splinter because of that and will even try to follow Splinters advice on how to go about his angry like mediating which seems to work but he's still very prone to exploding if ticked off enough and even then Splinter doesn't outright scold Raph since he can see him try. Which I feel shows a lot on why Raph has a good relationship with his Dad.
Send 🤜 for my muse to talk about (one of) their sibling(s)
"Eh my brothers are all just sort of dorks in their own ways. Mikey alway all hhhnn talk to the bad guys instead of beating them up, Leo's always being such a dweeb when it comes to the speeches and wanting to be the leader and then Don? Well he is the biggest nerd of them all always going on about anime and tech stuff jeez put a sock in it already." He grows quite for a moment.
"...I might complain 'bout them but..I dunno what I do with out my brothers either. I'm no good on my own but if I can't do enough to protect them?..I dunno I just really don't know."
Raph talks one way about his brothers but it's clear he loves them and cares about them a lot. MM Raph seems to be a bit more gentle towards the younger half his brothers well being out lashing out more towards Leo. Felt needed and not needed since he will still shift blame on Leo and even take out frustration towards him XD Yet you can see he really loves being around his brothers happy to play around and joke around with them really shows off the usual siblings being your first set of friends.
Of course, Raph is closest to his twin Donnie uwu cause I say so uwu
I like to headcannon that Raph actually likes some anime a few he's watched with Donnie he tends to be more interested in sports and Shonen anime being lame and not owning up to it of course because he can't say he likes anime thats for nerds like Donnie and Von not him he just happens to go into Don's tent when hes watching one of the few Anime he happens to like uwu Raph also has a habit of snagging thing for Donnie if he can recognize its from a show Donnie likes.
I also feel despite Donnie not being good with emotions and such Raph just likes being around Don the most and can easily be stated as being Raphs first best friend before he met Casey. If Raph feels he can't talk to Casey about something he usually goes to Donatello. He may not really talk though but more just hang around Donnie even if he's with Von Raph will hang in the same space. He just don't need to really talk when it comes to Donatello.
He didn't mention her but to be fair he don't know her too well at this point. But Raph dose already see Von as a sister as well mainly because of the whole homework thing Raph and Casey for sure beat up all the kids who took advantage of Donnie XD Hes just happy that Donatello has a real friend himself now even if he thinks Vons weird as all hell he still gives glares at kids who might speak about her badly.
Send 🎣 for my muse to talk about (one of) their aunt(s)/uncle(s)
"I mean I don't really have any but I do see Rockstead and Beepbop as my uncles? And I think they are cool they sort get how I feel when it comes to be angry all the time after all. I work part time with them here and there too as a way to earn some cash."
I just love Rocksteady and Beepbop XD So Raph having a chance to be close to them? I am all about it. I know they see the other mutants as cousins and all but some of them seem much older so I can see them coming across more like uncles/aunts. I can just see Raph palling around with the two of them when they do come around and even hyping them up. Of course, he loves his Dad and all but it's nice for him to have some adult figures in his life that are more in line with himself.
Send 🤛 for my muse to talk about (one of) their cousin(s)/niece(s)/nephew(s)
"Oh boy..I mean it's cool we got more family and the other mutants can be cool even but ugh there is just so many of them when they are over at the lair it just feels so packed and I can't go anywhere without bumping into anyone. I usually got and hang with Case but if I'm stuck home? Its...it's too much."
As someone who comes from a huge ass family and has often had many living situations where I was with a lot of family outside my own unit? yeah it can just become to much you love them and all of course but it sucks feeling you can't have any scrape of space to yourself.
Raph seems closer to Beepbop and Rocksteady of course, since they seem to share in his anger issues and being more rough and tough mutants of action like he is himself/ But he seems to be fine with the rest of his expansive family now as well. Likely sharing in the sentiment of enjoying not feeling alone as the only mutants in the city. So having like the best of both words in a sense so to speak. I feel Raph is gonna see them more as extended family though not too close to any one of them like Don and Wingnut or Mikey and Mondo but hes happy to see them he just isn't likely to hang out with them outside like tv or meals.
Send 🐾 for my muse to talk about (one of) their pet(s)
"....i might be a dad now?"
XD he really don't this is me joking but I mean why not let MM Raph have a pet turtle like 12 did?
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XD if I just let him have a pet turtle likely gonna name it in reference to wrestling since he is very into it. Or make it Spike xD
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m00nz-writes · 1 year
Smells Like Trouble - Blackened Angel chap. 8
Summary: After Benny makes a love potion, the potion has the opposite effect on Alyssa due to her existing feelings for Ethan.
The day was as boring as ever. Classes were boring and Alyssa found herself wanting nothing more than to lock herself in her room after school. She left the cafeteria with the other cheerleaders and found Ethan's behavior strange. It was as if he was suddenly too nervous to talk to her, and she couldn't quite figure out why. The other cheerleaders were talking about something while Alyssa just walked past them, staying in her own world until she felt someone grab her arm, startling her as she turned to see Benny and Ethan. Ethan looked nervous about something and Benny had that big smile on his face that he always had when he had a bad plan. She narrowed her eyes at him before he held up a bottle with a Dusk label on it.
"This, my dear devil hunting friend, is a gift for Erica." he said as she raised an eyebrow at him. "I was wondering if you'd be willing to try it and tell me if you think she'd like it."
"Why would you give Erica a gift? She hates you." Alyssa said before taking the bottle and inspecting it. She noticed that the label seemed to be on something else before Benny stopped her and smiled more nervously.
"You don't have to try it." Ethan assured her as she nodded and pushed the bottle back into Benny's hand.
"I'm not going to." she muttered irritably as Benny groaned and followed her down the hall.
"Come on, Lyss! Please, just one little spray to let me know Erica would like it!" he complained, while she just rolled her eyes and scoffed. "You're on the cheer squad with her! Just try it and then you can give it to her for me."
"No way, dweeb. You want to give Erica a present? Do it yourself." she hissed, pushing him away.
"Benny, don't bother her with this stuff." Ethan grabbed the spellcaster's arm as Alyssa turned to them.
"Whatever you're planning - which I know you are - keep me out of it!" she snapped, throwing her empty water bottle at him as he yelped and flailed his arms a little.
"I'm not planning anything!"
Alyssa sat in class, staring boredly out the window, her eyebrows furrowed as she thought about something. Her nose twitched a little as she caught the scent of... something. For whatever reason, it made her feel a little irritated as she looked around at the other girls and just shrugged it off before turning her attention to the teacher in front of her. She explained something about algebra that she just didn't understand, and whatever it was that irritated her seemed to finally fade away. She pursed her lips and sat back in her chair, her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at the blackboard in serious thought. She didn't understand a damn thing written on the board, which was typical since she was never really good at math.
When the class was over, Alyssa got up from her chair and walked out of the room with the rest of the students, noticing that many of the girls had just left the class. Her eyebrows furrowed as she began to put the pieces together, the same intense anger taking over as she realized that Benny was up to something. Whatever it was, he had every girl falling head over heels for him.
Alyssa pushed through the crowd in the hallway, stumbling a bit before she saw Benny and Ethan with Erica and Sarah. Her eye twitched as she stared at Sarah fawning over Ethan as if she had any real feelings for him and the anger began to bubble up more before she took a deep breath and managed to center herself. Whatever Benny had done wasn't supposed to affect her as much as it did everyone else, but seeing Maria so close to Ethan just made her snap.
"What the hell did you do?!" Alyssa yelled as she ran over to the boys, grabbing Benny's shirt as he panicked and stared down at her. He looked genuinely surprised that whatever he had done had no real effect on her... but it did. She was always mildly irritated by his presence, but this was a different kind of anger. This was the same anger she felt when she first transformed into her Devil Trigger.
"I-I didn't do anything!" Benny cried, shaking with fear as she pulled him closer and glared at him. Her eyes began to glow a faint red, panicking Benny even more as she was about to hit him when Erica grabbed her arm and pulled her away from the mage.
"You let him go!" Erica yelled before Alyssa punched her as hard as she could, knocking her back into the wall as Ethan and Benny both grabbed her arms and tried to hold her back. She screamed as she began the arduous process of transformation until JJ called Alyssa's name and ran over to the group. She began to calm down as she looked at his face, her primal rage slowly fading as she relaxed in the boy's arms.
"I'll take care of her." he said as he removed the hunter from the boys and helped her down the hall and away from the boys. He pulled her down an empty hallway and let go of her arm, looking back at her. "What the hell was that?"
"Me trying to kill Benny or the girls who are obsessed with him and Ethan?" she clarified, looking up at him as her head began to pound from being controlled by something.
"You. You're acting like a brainless animal."
"Benny made something earlier and tried to make me use it... but for whatever reason, it's messing with me now..." she explained as JJ frowned a little and sighed.
"I should have known this was Benny's doing... Mar's been ignoring me since third period. No matter what I do, she keeps talking about Ethan." he explained as Lyss sighed and crossed her arms.
"This is so fucked up, dude..." she murmured as he nodded in agreement.
"You keep your distance and I'll take care of everything else." he assured her as she nodded and sighed.
"I'm sorry you have to deal with this, Jamie."
The day was difficult as she tried to stay away from Ethan. He was one of her closest friends, and she was forced to keep her distance because every time she saw him, she got angry. She struggled throughout the day and found it much harder than she expected, especially since every girl was flirting with Ethan. It was embarrassing how much it irritated her since he wasn't even hers.
Alyssa started to make her way home for the day while everyone else was so focused on the boys, though she figured it was better than possibly better since it meant she wouldn't be doing anyone any harm... though as she made her way home on her bike, she decided to ride past Ethan's house even though she knew it was a bad idea. She looked over at the house as she rode down the street and saw the martial arts girls trying to attack the boys. Her anger at them had diminished considerably as she drove onto the lawn and between the boys and the girls, startling them all as she came to a stop in front of them.
"Back off." she hissed at the three as they glared at her.
"If anyone's gonna kill her, it's gonna be me!" one girl yelled before Lyss grabbed her weapon, ripping it from her hands and throwing it aside.
"Go Alyssa!" Benny shouted as she turned to face him, baring her teeth as her eyes flashed red and he immediately calmed down. The brunette tried to catch Alyssa off guard, swinging her gun at her head before the hybrid caught it and pulled her closer to headbutt her, knocking her out.
"Nobody's killing anybody!" Alyssa snapped before Sarah and Erica appeared. Alyssa stopped them from attacking the girls, struggling to keep the blonde at bay before she screamed and transformed into her Devil Trigger. She tossed the vampires aside as Benny and Ethan ran to the cage and climbed in, watching Alyssa as she fought off the girls and struggled with the anger that was finally fading. Lyss screamed as one of the girls hit her with a sledgehammer, knocking her down and causing her to revert to human form as she looked up at the girls trying to attack her. She held one of the girls back with her foot while she knocked the other down by pulling her legs out from under her.
"Why don't you just let us kill them?!" the remaining girl screamed before Alyssa groaned and lifted her off the ground with her telekenis, holding her in the air as she struggled and screamed in rage.
"This is between us and them, Alyssa!" Sarah yelled, charging the teen as she grabbed her arms and held her back. Sarah bared her fangs at her before biting down on Alyssa's arm, causing her to scream in pain and collapse to her knees as Ethan and Benny yelled at her. She winced as she managed to pull Sarah off of her, trying to ignore how bad the bite felt.
"Sarah, I don't want to hurt you!" she yelled as Erica ran to the cage and tried to grab the boys. Lyss looked back, her eyes wide, still struggling with the fledgling who grabbed her by the throat and lifted her up.
"Too bad. Because I really want to hurt you." she growled, throwing Lyss against the cage. The cage nearly toppled over as the boys screamed in fear and pressed themselves against the far wall of the cage while Alyssa struggled to push herself up. The bite seemed to take more out of her than the usual bite from a full-blooded vampire, though the wound had begun to heal and her body was rejecting the poison within. She glanced at Sarah and Erica as they tried to break through the cage before forcing herself up and slamming her body into both girls. She transformed again to hold them down as they struggled against her grip, screaming at her.
"You two are crazy!" she yelled back, holding them down as the potion began to wear off on all of them. Alyssa held them down until both girls calmed down and seemed more confused about what had happened and why Alyssa was holding them down. Lyss pulled away from them and returned to her human form with a sigh of relief.
"What just happened...?" Erica asked, her eyebrows furrowed as she and Sarah sat up.
"Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum used a love potion on us." Alyssa muttered, running her fingers through her hair as Erica stood up and tried to approach the cage before Lyss grabbed her arm and pulled her back, knocking her to the ground.
"Aren't you mad about this?!" Sarah hissed as Alyssa shrugged and looked at her.
"Ethan didn't want to use it on me." she said simply before looking back at the cage. She pushed herself up and walked over, seeing that the boys had long since fallen asleep. She sighed and sat down by the door, leaning against the bars as she closed her eyes, finally allowing herself to relax.
Alyssa went over the paperwork while Dante took a well-deserved nap after his last mission. Although she didn't want any fame or glory for being an agent at Devil May Cry, she had come to truly love working for the family business. Helping people and making decent money for the work she did made it all worthwhile.
Lyss looked up from the paperwork when the door opened and Ethan walked in alone. She pursed her lips and looked back down at the paperwork, sorting through it before the phone rang and she rolled her eyes. She picked up the old landline and pressed it to her ear, holding up a finger as Ethan finally stood in front of her.
"Devil May Cry." she said calmly as the potential customer on the other line explained the situation. "Alright, we'll send an agent over as soon as possible." she said before humming and hanging up. "Lady! We have a demon infestation near the old church!" she called before the woman left the kitchen and grabbed her supplies.
"On it." she winked at Alyssa before patting Ethan on the shoulder as she walked by. As soon as Lady left the office, Alyssa's gaze fixed on the seer in front of her and she pushed herself up.
"I know you're really mad..." he said before she grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer, planting a chaste kiss on his lips as his eyes widened in response. She pulled away and let go of his shirt, leaning against the table as she studied his face for a reaction. He maintained the shocked expression as he stood frozen, struggling to speak. "What...?"
"I kind of thought the love potion didn't work properly because I already have feelings for you, but I guess you and Benny are just too stupid to see that."
"To be fair, it was all Benny's idea." Ethan explained and she nodded, humming softly. "It was! I would have never done that to you! Benny dropped the bottle and it... went into the airway and just..." he trailed off and sighed. "I totally understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore..."
"Oh, cut the 'boo-hoo, poor me' crap," she hissed, narrowing her eyes at him. "I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at Benny." she clarified before walking around the desk to stand next to him. "Why don't we go on a real date? Just you, me, and some dinner." she shrugged as his face lit up before he nodded.
"Yeah! I'd like that."
"Good." she smiled slightly before leaning in to plant another soft kiss on his lips.
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