#but you learn something new everyday
shockingshinx12-shinx · 2 months
So I went back and rewatched the shades of grey episode to look something up for a fic I'm working on and I literally never noticed in any of my previous rewatches that Danny ACTUALLY calls the dog "Cujo" JHKGDFGDHJG I seriously just thought that was the widely accepted fandom name for him (I mean, IK we're not given his ACTUAL name, I just had no idea that was an actual name that was said in the show by Danny himself), Kinda like How the name "red huntress" is the fandom name for Valerie, y'know???
Also I've been pronouncing it wrong in my head this whole time HGFDGFJHD I've been saying it like "Coo-hoh", as if the 'j' followed a spanish pronunciation
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ashironie · 6 months
the Usher foundation makes me so irrationally angry
there was an EASY joke there, never mind actual knowledge about America and how things like work
Ohio would not only be an easy joke, but also an easier place to get to. while Ohio isn’t the most centric state in america, it’s close enough to largely populated places (east coast, specifically north east and south east, although it is pretty far from california which also has large population density) but still is pretty centric so everyone use to driving places. also no one who knows anything about america would think “oh where should i go with my weird scary statement, oh i know Washington DC! The place that’s famous, not for historic american monuments and stuff, but for weird creepy ’only in ohio’ things!” (it’s in the goddamn name sims)
DC is in such a place that absolutely no one would just ‘stumble onto it’. DC isn’t a capital because it has a lot of people, it has a lot of people because it’s a capital. hell for a good amount of american history we were just like ‘ah, the capital, a very important thing that everything needs, where the fuck do we put it?’ like dude, watch hamilton sometime. Sure the eye and web would probably push people to going there, but it’s just so random you’d probably find someone going to the institute than the foundation.
i cannot say anything about London and England at large or Beijing and China at large, but i can tell you that DC is such an unintuitive place to put that thing. even before only in ohio jokes, Ohio has the third most hauntings in america (a sorta inaccurate comparison based off of everything in tma but it’s the best real world data i can pull), that comes after Texas, the largest state, and California, the largest extremely populated state. Wyoming has the most hauntings per 100k people, with 13.1, but Ohio still scores pretty high with 4 (second highest is South Dakota with 8.4, so don’t mind the difference too much)
i would also be fine with a less centurial, more populated state, maybe one on boarders for people in other countries just passing by
the eyes (followers) ultimate goal with these is to feed it, so to get as many statements as possible. and that isn’t possible with putting it in DC. While Virginia is the 6th most visited state, Maryland is 26th. with (no surprises) California being first and florida second. Ohio is 12th.
Hell, here’s my top places that i’d recommend putting the Usher Foundation; Ohio, California, or Wyoming. Notice how none of these places are DC or anywhere near it!
(citations: visitation; https://vividmaps.com/most-visited-us-states/amp/ hauntings (pretty basic info, nothing too great); https://www.forbes.com/sites/laurabegleybloom/2020/10/26/10-most-haunted-states-in-america-you-wont-believe-the-scariest/?sh=fce53a4670b4 hauntings (i really like this one it’s the best); https://www.axios.com/2022/10/31/haunted-places-america-screams-ghosts-halloween )
tldr; Putting the Usher Foundation in DC made no sense, petition to put it in Ohio on tmagp should be made (not by me because i’m lazy and have no clue how to make petitions)
actually here
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gogolizards · 2 years
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evil mean uncles make fun of me
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professorsta · 2 years
Spirited was heartfelt in a way I didn't expect. I've read A Christmas Carol before and seen the many adaptions as I'm sure all of you have too, but I loved how this one tied in the Old Scrooge with the New One. Clint meeting Present who is so similar to him yet so different, for the fact that the whole time Present seems as if he's looking at a horrific fun house mirror, while Clint is meeting maybe the only person who has deeply and intrinsically connected with him. Clint learns that Present knows what its like to be a cruel controlling money hungry leach who desperately fears that when he tries to make up for it, no matter what he does, he won't ever be able to rectify the pain he caused. And yet? Present still tries, and inevitably is able to convince Clint to as well. Wasn't really a Christmas Carol beats wise but it was a realistic answer to the question; what happens after the story is over? Does the mean old Scrooge become a good man indefinitely? Or does he realize that it's not about desperately grasping at the idea of what is good, but instead about embracing and excepting his past, present, and future so he can move forward with honesty and without shame? Realizing he had to choose everyday to not say Good Afternoon, even though he knows he'll fail sometimes, and try to give grace when he does. It's the age old question; Can a bad person be a better one if they try? The movies answers, yes, everyone can do a little good.
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ink--theory · 7 months
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you only get a handful of pearls if you complete the whole palette before the final boss 😭
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jrjeremy · 1 year
parental advisory
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wejustvibing · 10 months
hand him egot just for pretending to be in disbelief
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daily-europestuck · 3 months
Republic of Ancona Aradia
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Day 24: Republic Of Araconia
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artiststarme · 2 years
What If Steve Were To Leave Hawkins? Part 6
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5
Here's part 6! I'm kind of torn on what to do next. More angst or finally give them some happiness? Decisions, decisions. As always, thank you for reading and if you would like to be added to the tag list, let me know!
Eddie knew he had fucked things up with Steve. The dude had risked his life for him in the Upside Down and had looked damn good while doing it, half-naked and wearing Eddie’s own denim battle vest. It was enough to make any guy swoon. Eddie thought he was going to die down there for sure so he had spent his time flirting with Steve, invading his personal space, and generally just being overbearing. Why not? Then, completely out of character for him and against all odds, he survived his Spring Break from hell. Scarred and missing one nipple, but still. Alive.
He expected things to go back to normal after he was released from the hospital and had his name cleared. Normal being a DnD nerd, super-super-senior in high school, that never crossed paths with the King of Hawkins High. To his surprise, Steve “I’m not a king anymore, man” Harrington continued to seek him out and treated him like they had been friends forever. Then, Eddie decided to have a fucking crush on him, the straightest guy he knew. He had to create some distance between them because it would never be reciprocated and it would hurt too much for Steve to inevitably reject him. 
Then Steve left and Eddie realized that that hurt a lot more than his rejection ever would. Steve used to be everywhere. He would see him at the diner getting a burger, at the pool babysitting the kids, at Family Video on his long-ass shifts. Now, everywhere Eddie looked, he saw ghosts where Steve should be. 
He can’t blame Steve for leaving Hawkins. Hell, that’s been Eddie’s plan since he got here. No, he blames himself for pushing him away. And it’s not just him. They might not be saying it but he can tell the rest of the Party blame him as well. He can see Nancy looking at him accusingly from the corner of his eye when she thinks he isn’t looking. He can see Robin looking at him in annoyed pity whenever he enters the room. Most of all, he can see the kids’ faces darken when he has the gall to be around them after forcing their favorite babysitter out of town. 
Getting the call from Steve at the asscrack of dawn was a blessing really. Had he just fallen asleep after a long battle with his trauma-induced insomnia? Yes. Was he initially pissed and planning the murder of whomever dared to call him outside of normal-functioning hours? Also yes. But it was Steve! And god was he happy to hear from him. He wasn’t dead in a ditch somewhere but instead seemingly thriving wherever the fuck he had run off to. The charming bastard even managed to get a job and a new place to live in less than a week. The conversation was stilted and awkward in a way that Eddie didn’t appreciate and hadn’t experienced with Steve since their first rendezvous in Rick’s boathouse but Eddie wouldn’t complain. He’s surprised Steve didn’t though after he ranted about DnD for the better part of an hour. But he didn’t. Instead, he agreed to call again later the very same day. And you better believe, Eddie was going to stare at the phone until he did. 
The kids didn’t know what was going on with Eddie. Henderson had gotten a call from him at 9 AM in which he reneged on his agreement to act as chauffeur to the pool. Unbeknownst to him and the other kids, Eddie wanted to be home to get the call from Steve. They hadn’t specified a time the night prior so he wanted to be available to take the call all day and he couldn’t bring himself to take the chance of missing it. The whole day, he lounged around the kitchen and living room of the new trailer just waiting for the call. Wayne came and went, sending his nephew strange looks as the TV played in the background of Eddie’s focus fixated on the phone. 
It was at half past 6 in the evening that he received the call and he answered on the second ring. “Hello?”
“Hey man, it’s Steve. I’m sorry for calling so late last night. I just… you know.”
“Yeah,” Eddie sighed. “I’m glad you called though. It was nice to hear from you.”
Steve nodded and twisted his lips awkwardly, “how are things in Hawkins?” 
“They’re alright. Robin has a shift at Family Video and the kids went to the pool, I think. How are things where you are?” Eddie asked tentatively, he didn’t want to anger Steve about asking for his location but he didn’t know quite what to say. 
“They’re okay. Betty came this morning to drop off juice and soup. She gave me the day off so I took the day to catch up on sleep. I’m fine now.” Steve answered hesitantly as if he was unsure of how much to share with Eddie. 
“You sound better today,” Eddie licked his lips as he thought of something, anything, else to say to keep Steve on the phone. “You like it there, wherever you are? You’re happy?”
Steve hummed, “I think I could be. I miss the kids and Robin but I wasn’t really seeing anyone back in Hawkins. My mom said you guys went to the house?”
Eddie’s eyes squinted as Steve’s words registered. His mom told him that they’d stopped by? She knew where he was, that conniving bit-, “Yeah. Dustin and I stopped by and that’s when we realized you weren’t there. Your dad told us to get off his property. I don’t mean to offend you Stevie, but your dad is kind of a dick.”
Steve belted out a startled laugh as though he had expected Eddie to say anything besides that. After a moment of laughter he said, “Well, his name is Richard so I guess it fits.”
That sent Eddie into hysterics. With the ice broken, they continued an upbeat conversation for just over two hours. They spoke of the kids, shitty parents, the worst kinds of coffee to make at the shop, and the sweltering weather they were having. It left Eddie feeling assured and sanguine. But deep down, he was filled with a bittersweet sadness. He was happy that Steve was finally enjoying himself and working a job that he loved. At the same time though, the Party was still trying to find him and convince him to come back home. That outcome was looking more and more bleak. 
But having some contact with Steve was better than none at all and this conversation had gone better than Eddie had ever imagined. So, when Steve tried to end the call, Eddie panicked a little bit. 
“Eddie? I have to go, I’m working the opening shift for the coffee shop tomorrow so I have to wake up early.”
“Wait, Steve! Can you please call me again? It was uh- it was nice talking to you today. I’d really like to do it again.”
He felt Steve hesitate through the phone. “Um, yeah I guess I can call after my shift tomorrow. Are you sure you want me to keep bothering you?”
Eddie’s heart chipped away a little bit more at his words. “Stevie, you’re not bothering me. I like talking to you. You’re not a bother.”
Steve thought about it before he hummed. Eddie heard him breathe in a deep breath and answer, “Then yeah, I can call around 3 tomorrow?”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way, big boy. Talk to you tomorrow.”
Steve laughed a bit before saying goodnight. Eddie placed the phone back on its cradle and let a small, saccharine smile overtake his face. He was going to talk to Steve again tomorrow. Hell yeah!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20: Epilogue
Taglist:@nickavalens@conversesweetheart@themostunoriginalpersonever@swimmingbirdrunningrock@eddiethegreatteddybear @call-me-big-eyes @cornwallisandkerley @moonshadows-13 @glittergluekintsugi @cpidcupk @doubleb11 @mentalcyborg @amoris-no-smut-allowed @purple-lemonade @labels-are-for-the-weak @thebrazilianatheist @rajumat @livelaughlexa @5ammi90 @colorful565 @marvelousforlife @chaoticcoffeequeen @gregre369 @suddenlyinlove@thegreatmistake @stillfullofshit @nburkhardt @batxsignalsx @newunknowns @thosemessyvibes @tailsfromthecrypt@luciana-rowan @bird-with-pencils @adaed5 @lolawon @flustratedcas @iwillfindmyneverland @messrs-weasley @skoomy-doompy @yearningagain @darkwitchoferie @forest-fogg @bitchysunflower @stardust-era@newtstabber@bobatrash-queen @notjasontxdd @ohlook-afrog @00biscuit @grtwdsmwhr @oxidantdreamboat @the-witch-forever-lives @estrellami-1 @whatthemeepever @a-simple-gaywitch
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freensrcha · 2 years
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And with me? Do you feel comfortable?
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basslinegrave · 2 months
TIL the viceroy is a monarch mimic butterfly *falls to my knees*
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ramblinseahorsey · 7 months
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saintadeline · 14 days
so yesterday I accidentally found out that if you leave your character idling in the sitting emote for a while you start slowly drifting backwards (or at least thats what i'm assuming the issue is) ...? this was taken over one hour and then sped up
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khaopybara · 4 months
So, I'm probably completely wrong, but maybe not:
With your recent gif set where First says yesterday he was 0 and today he is 1, in some area's in Asia (mainly china i think) 0 and 1 have gay sex connotations. 0 being the submissive and 1 being the dominant.
So if I'm right, and FirstKhao know of this slang, it could have been First saying "yesterday i was the bottom, but today i'm going to be the top"
this made me chuckle a little for a bit. anon, i had no idea that was the case, and it's not on the gifset, but soon after going "yesterday i was zero, today i'm number one", khaotung says something like "aww this is the line" to which i had no context for whatsoever so i didn't put it in bc it didn't make sense (and it also took up space, but that's gifmaking problems).
now, we'll never know if fk knows the connotations that zeros and ones hold, but given the fact that first was indeed a lot flirtier and bolder on that second day, i wouldn't discount it.
my line of thought with these boys is that the chances are minimal but they are never zero.
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also nate:
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merryandrewsart · 7 months
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Oil painting on 30×60 canvas.
A painting of Homelander 💙🤍❤
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