#but. at least i habe a lot
companionwolf · 2 years
starbound au's plot outline is 60 chs......
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stardustdiiving · 1 year
From the ship ask! What's a pairing most people seem to like in Genshin that you don't?
(ship asks prompt)
MAN OKAY I honestly could answer this with a good third of popular Genshin ships…but none of these are really solid dislikes, it’s just me feeling specific about how I like to see it executed & finding the way the fandom handles it is either unsatisfying, or generates an environment that kinda stresses me out NJDNCNC
To narrow it down to one I feel matches the question best I think I’m gonna go with Kokomi/Sara. It’s not really an active dislike or anything I promise I’m genuinely chilling. *insane person voice* but see I am just very stressed out with the in universe geo-politics happening in the background of this Genshin impact ship
I MEAN THAT IN A VERY SILLY WAY. but also I do have a genuine elaboration on what i mean which is like…how do I say this.
I really like Watasumi Island and find their existence + circumstances as a nation really interesting, especially regarding their dynamic with the Shogunate—it’s like the one part of inazuman politics that really catches my interest. But see the way I took the way the Shogunate + Watasumi dynamic was being written was specifically that Watasumi is/was suffering from colonization/imperialism at the hands of the Shogunate. I don’t see them as equal enemies on opposing sides of a conflict I’m just kind of like. Oh my god the Shogunate tries to control their primary food sources + military and after the war u see like, Gorou helping smuggle medicine and food supplies to treat their wounded war veterans bc the Shogunate is imposing high taxes on them they can’t afford to pay. The Raiden Shogun slaughtered their deity who was kind of backed into a corner on trying to secure vital resources for his people and to this day his corpse is just sitting on her territory getting ravaged and mined for weapons !! That’s crazy! I like thinking Abt that!
While I think Inazuma suffered from the writers dropping the ball with a lot of things I am generally happy this dynamic is explored/acknowledged repeatedly and Watasumi at least to me doesn’t feel like it’s constantly written in a really meanspirited and shitty way you know. Like, in the medicine supply smuggling thing i mentioned — that’s a route in Heizhou’s hangout that ends in a conclusion that something may have severely hurt the vitality of Watasumi’s land and it’s ability to provide, but that doesn’t mean they won’t survive or all hope is lost, because theres people within Watasumi who care and embody that hope and vitality within themselves and are working hard to build stability and provide for everyone. Like idk that’s really cool and I genuinely found it a really nice narrative that really makes me root for Watasumi
But then we get to Sara & Kokomi and ppl just do not talk about this dynamic between both nations at all from what I see, despite it being really relevant to the characters and in theory the appeal of the ship? And I jusurjfucn I guess it confuses me a lot bc I remember, most recently for example on the TCG event, I was so confused seeing everyone post about their interactions for days about how it was cute they were engaging in card matches together and Sara wanted to be friends…and then I played the event myself and we get this scene where Kokomi is standing off starring out at sea alone, and she talks about how she doesn’t like how she can’t see Watasumi from here, and how that was especially agonizing to experience during the war, and then gets caught up in her memories of the war and talks about how a lot of her people are still recovering from the trauma of it, and how she’s participating in this event bc she’s anxious about wanting to build good relations between the Shogunate and Watasumi so her nation doesn’t suffer more in the future AND IM JUST…MAN
Like I do think I can see Sara & Kokomi being friends, Sara’s character feels like it’s the concept of “individual with genuinely good morals working in an oppressive system doesnt stop the damage the system causes” kind of deal BUT IDK…I get fandom experiences can very anecdotal and I’m sure there are shippers who handle this aspect of the ship but when at large it just feels like it’s filed down to a vague enemies to lovers + contrasting aesthetic girlfriends ship I guess it def leans more towards being one I’m not really into. I think it doesn’t help it strikes the specific fandom pet peeve I have where I sometimes feel ppl water down a lot of wlw ships down to just being surface level cute and I am a lesbian who likes very nuanced and complicated character dynamic exploration so I’m personally just like. Yeah idk I guess this seems rlly widely accepted fanon wise but I don’t rlly click with it at all djjcnfj while I could be interested in this dynamic being explored, just if I were doing my own take on it ik adding romantic tones wouldnt feel super necessary to make it feel more interesting to me personally yk x__x
I just feel very excitable about a lot of genshin things and Watasumi vs Shogunate related things hits that mark of interest for me…definitely not implying the shippers r doing something wrong by making silly lighthearted posts and being less interested in types of analysis I enjoy but I guess that’s the most popular ship I feel the least interested in I can think of?
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
My addiction is decorating the one corner of my room, I'm so proud of it 😭 Though it's so annoying bcs I just wanna plaster my walls w art but the walls are not cooperative. Lmao so that's why my doorway is prime real estate and is covered wall to wall, I'm quite proud of that too
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munamania · 2 years
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rosepetalsthings · 2 years
I've also seen people include that 3rd woman who released dms as a 3rd victim and no, that's a 20 year old cc who he was flirting with and it was entirely inappropriate for her to leak dms in relation to this situation
Like he's allowed to flirt, it's not a crime, if you asked him to stop and he didn't, sure, talk about it but outside of that you have no business involving yourself. Nat did the same thing and it didn't make me think negatively of Dream but them. Dream's privacy has been so thoroughly violated at this point that people seem to think it's perfectly fine to leak any private moment had with him and it's crazy to me.
Oh yeah, I've seen people involve her too. I don't remember if they flirted or not but that situation regardless would have been perfectly okay because they were the same age. I don't think she's at all relevant as an example of any inappropriate behaviour.
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kinnikubustanut · 5 months
I'm not a huge unsleepinf city fan (I really fucking don't like how it talks about certain things wrt the American dream even when it's beinf critical of it, like brennan i like you're political views a lot but yeah genuinely pisses me off a little) nut god i reallt fucking feel for kugrashs finak scene, the sad old man we see wnsrhen him shouting at moses telling him hes a fucking rat
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narutomaki · 1 year
despite everything I'm really proud of the progress I've made with Halo
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solemntitty · 1 year
cleaning the kitchen sink before I go to bed is self care I keep telling myself, bc I know in the morning if the sink isn't clear it will take up RAM in my brain
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antarcticajoy · 2 years
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I've been getting paid to walk around 150 year old buildings we BALLIN
featuring this pretty hinge off a door I've been working on
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ocdhuacheng · 2 years
I’m seriously going to have a breakdown if my computer dies because of this
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she-toadmask · 2 years
I am spending
So much effort to transfer my tab monster from Chrome on Android to Firefox on Android
And there are already two things Chrome did that Firefox doesn't
I am going to scream
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changbinsboobs · 1 month
How are SKZ when they have a crush?
🎍For this reading i used the 3rd Eye Tarot Deck🎍
*The content of this post is for entertainment purposes only!
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Chan - 6 of Cups
He gets into daddy mode. He gets protective over his crush, but not in a possessive sense but rather he wants to provide for them and show them and even more, show himself, that he is a reliable partner. I believe this is a quality he admires and once crushing on someone he tries to embody it as much as possible, not so much to impress his crush, but to prove to himself that he is worthy. As we all probably know he has self worth issues and this is kind of his defence mechanism that keeps him from self sabotage. This is actually a good thing as i feel like this is a non-toxic defence, that really fulfills its purpose, leading him to not habe much problems in dating, at least when it comes to the initial stages. He views himself as a parent or provider figure and tries to teach his crush new things, care for their needs like buying them food, or taking them places they always wanted to go, having an open, enthusiastic ear for what his crushes interest or venting etc. If he can do those things he feels fulfilled and comfortable with having a crush.
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Lee Know - 3 of Cups, Queen of Swords
I see him being kinda stern and not letting on that he has a crush. Or maybe not entertaining his thoughts about it unless he decides to. Regardless of that, i believe his friends and close ones know, maybe even before he does. I believe his crush-having-state has a lot to do with his friends, like this side of him is mostly being fueled and kept alive through his friendships. For example he goes out and his friends start talking about their crushes and then ask him. Even if he doesn't give a confirmative answer they snuff the tea out and shoot him with questions until they take whatever information they want of him out😂. He doesn't seem to mind tho. Except for when theres drinking involved. Im getting the feeling that they might've been an accident when he spilled tooo much when drunk, and word somehow got out or someone wasn't careful and that has brought him some headaches in the past.
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Changbin - 4 of Wands, 3 of Wands
He's excited and calculative. If he's given over to the crush then he spends a lot of time in thoughts and preparation or daydreaming. I feel like as soon as he gets a crush he gets this intense need to confess. It bubbles up inside him and he just can't hold it in and has to let that person know. There's much else that comes with that (limiting beliefs, fear etc), but thats another reading for another time😅 That said i don't think he actually takes the action he thinks about and plans. Thats just all what he does - daydreaming about it. Creating beautiful, exciting, goosebumps inducing scenarios all day long and he feeds himself that, in replacement of the rush he actually craves from that person. He feels like someone with unclenchable thrust and at the same time someone that has an infinite fountain, but the tragic thing is, he can't drink from his own fountain. Theres a feeling of chronic sadness, even if the cards are actually very bright and uplifting. I notice that with his energy, its always kinda dark and stern and serious and it feels very deep and kinda scary, i believe it is like that for him too, he doesn't know his own depths and is afraid of them and that translates to a lot of areas in his life.
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Hyunjin - 4 of Cups
He can't set his heart on a decision. Its like he cant decide if he has a crush or not. I feel like he mixes his brain and his heart up a lot and theres this insecurity when it comes to matters that involve the heart, as its so prevalent that even if he wants to use his head, his heart gets in the way and he doesn't really know what to listen to and trust. I believe this leads to inaction or in mixed signals as he cant really find a balance or pick a path he wants to follow in pursuing or not pursuing a certain person. He pours lots of energy into such situations and often it leads him in exhausting himself significantly before there even is any connection between him and his crush. I believe this tendency of his might lead to bitterness regarding love and even maybe regarding his crushes, as after a while he blames them for not being "perfect enough" for him to set his mind. Its like "if you were this and that, i wouldn't have doubts and we could be together. Why cant you be like that?!" And then he gets mad for no reason, which shows up in his behavior, which provokes a reaction or change of mind in the other person too, which leads to Hyunjin having his thoughts confirmed, even if it doesn't really reflect the reality of the situation, because he is kinda blind to his own thoughts and behavior.
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Han - Ace of Pentacles, The Moon
He has 2 moods that keep switching each other. One's super optimistic where he thinks he can do anything, he can get that person, its easy, and its doable, he just has to try, yada yada yada. And then the other one is super depressed and pessimistic and he feels like no matter what he does he can never reach that person, they are out of his league, they can never like him, he can never keep a relationship, he can never be good enough for love and relationships, etc. Then he sinks in his thoughts and get pretty isolated for a while. Then when the isolation becomes too much he decides to show his nose out the door and slowly regains his confidence and gets this manic-like phase where he believes he can do anything and gets over excited.
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Felix - Ace of Wands, 4 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles
He'a a bit of a hidden lemon🌝 its very weird because theres no malicious intention behind it but theres lot of...masking? Theres lots of raging sexual energy and possesivness, i keep hearing "my ...(their name)" or "they're mine", without actually having any ground on making such assumptions. But its not malicious or of ill intent. Its giving me a bit of child vibes. Its lime a little kid, in the body (and needs) of an adult is having a crush on another adult. And again theres this raging sexual energy, im seeing a young wild horse running around with his mane being waved by the wind😂 anyways he masks all that with a pretty chill demeanor, not letting on his borderline obsessive inner feelings & thoughts. He may offer his help for a lot of things so he can be close to the person, and once again that child energy - its like sometimes he overdoes it and kind of suffocates the person or offers help for ridiculous things, like helping his crush brush his teeth or something of that sort. This might weird some people out, but he kinda has a very high bar of what he can get away with because he has such unthreatening energy.
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Seungmin - 9 of Swords
Im pretty surprised with that but i think he gets plagued with lots of worries for some reason. Maybe stuff that he thinks he has time for in terms of success, stability, time etc. but he realizes that he doesn't have as much as he thought, or enough for so and so. For example, he gets a crush, everything is nice and dandy and then BAM! he starts thinking about a potential future with that person and he realizes his current situation isn't ideal for building a serious relationship. He starts thinking about a house, a family, if he'll have enough time for her/them, about their parents, his job, his fans, the group and what not, and this kind of takes away the joy of the rush a crush gives. Another think im picking up on is that this current energy im reading might be heavily influenced by some recent situation that has caused him those worries and it kind of translates into this specific reading as well. So maybe if i had done it a year ago, or a year later the answer would have been completely different (because the influence of the event wouldn't be a factor.)
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I.N - Knight of Swords, King of Cups, Page of Cups
He's a straight to the point guy😂 i really enjoy reading for him cuz the energy shocks me every time. Struggles of the heart are something unknown to him. Maybe thats why Hyunjin seems to like him so much - it balances him out. Anyways, back on track! He knows when he likes someone, he's fine with it and he relatively quickly decides what to do and takes action, probably because his process is almost always the same. He would approach the person pretty quickly without taking it all much to heart. He seems very confident in himself, his feelings and his decisions when it comes to love and dating. Despite that i think he's someone that does enjoy to think about his crush and involves them often in his daily activities, meaning - he goes to a cafe and while looking at the menu he thinks about what his crush would enjoy drinking.
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ironunderstands · 3 months
How this singular Gold and Gears occurrence might change everything we know about Dr. Ratio 
…He might be thousands of years old, oh boy.
Ok, where to begin? Well probably with the occurrence that started it all:
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Mechanical City, “Cogito Hair Salon”- Intellgencia Guild 
This is where things get complicated.
You see, the Mechanical City is old as hell
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This took place around the time of the First Mechanical Emperor’s war, who created the machine empire, which included the Mechanical City, something which occurred soon after the Borderstar Trade War. 
Then, the Rupert 1 (the leader of this empire) sleeps, and this caused his empire to crumble, presumably the city alongside it:
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Which according to these Xianzhou records, happened at this time
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Then Polka Kakamond fought Rubert for a few more Amber Eras until she eventually succeeded in killing him, marking the end of the First Mechanical War.
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Which resulted in the collapse of its empire, and presumably, the Mechanical City alongside it, Nanook, the youngest aeon, also ascended during this time due to the mess of the Emperor’s War and the remnants of the swarm.
Now, for the sake of my sanity, and this first scenario, I am going to assume that the Mechanical City fell alongside Rubert I when their empire collapsed about years ago, as although it’s likely Rubert II could have revived it, as you will see, it’s not necessarily relevant to this discussion (there are actually only two possible paths this situation could lead to). 
If Amber Eras are on average this long
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And the current year we are in is
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Which is about this in Xianzhou years 
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Meaning that disaster in the Xianzhou happened around 3500 years ago (if Xianzhou years are the same length as Trailblaze ones, if they aren’t I’m not gonna think about that <3). Then, Polka Kakamond was alive around this time, and it took her several Amber Eras to finally kill Rubert, which I’m going to interpret several as ~5 and the length of these Amber Eras to be averaged out to be around 158 years long each, meaning Rubert died about 2700 years ago, give or take A LOT OF TIME because of the inconsistency of Amber Era lengths, the amount of Amber Eras, the fact that we don’t know when exactly Polka Kakamond decided to start trying to kill Rubert, or even when she was alive, etc. 
SO, when you put it all together Dr. Ratio must be at least 1000 years old if he were to be able to be alive during this period of time to attend the Mechanical City within this occurrence.
Which changes everything, because presumably Dr. Ratio is a normal human and he should not be that old.
Oh dear.
However, before I ponder the implications of THAT, let’s explore the other possibilities.
This never actually happened.
This is by far both the most boring and most likely one for a lot of reasons.
a) There is an occurrence that definitely takes place in the preset exactly like it 
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This is Mechanical City, Cogito Hair Salon: Genius Society 
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And based on its description, it was clearly put in here to help the trailblazer navigate the Simulated Universe through the Intra-Cognition function, and the 4 Genius Society members depicted (Ruan Mei, Herta, Stephen Lloyd and Screwllum) absolutely did not travel back in time for this to happen, rather they seem to habe implemented it themselves. 
Therefore, the occurrence with Dr. Ratio could be something similar: an event made up for the sake of navigating the Sim Uni, and not something that ever actually took place, I believe this and another solution I will introduce later are the most likely explanations for this situation.
b) The occurrence with Dr. Ratio is uh, weird 
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For lack of a better explanation in this, Dr. No5 is uh, tweaking. Meaning, the events taking place around him might not even be what’s happening in reality.
Or, the Trailblazer is in the Mechanical City, but Dr. No5 isn’t and the sim uni kinda just meshed the two together. 
What also complicates things is that it seems like after he killed himself, No5 turned into a mechanical spinning top, meaning the Anti-Organic equation might have been the cause of his death? And I’m not sure if it’s still active in modern times.
Either way, the sheer levels of delusion radiating off of Dr. No5 leave to believe this scene isn’t entirely real, however I don’t think this explanation is all good honestly, it’s just something I wished to point out before moving on.
That’s not our Dr. Ratio
Apparently in the original Chinese, the characters used to denote Dr. Ratio are different to the way he is typically referred to, meaning that whoever this Dr. Ratio is, it might not actually BE him.
Now, I know absolutely nothing about how Chinese works, but based off the discussions I’ve seen around this particular detail, I think the general consensus is that the Ratio in this is more of a surname, and our Dr. Ratio either named himself after/is a descendant of this one.
Which would be interesting, and would mean we (I) would now have to scour future updates for his mention, but for now I’ll leave this option at that because like I said, I don’t know how any dialect of Chinese works at all, much less the original used in the game.
If someone reading this does, I would really appreciate clarification/confirmation/your opinion on this, so thanks in advance.
Finally, for my favorite explanation (and the one I think is what really happened), that being:
The Mechanical City still exists, and Ratio is in fact, some dude with a normal lifespan.
Let me cook.
So, based on what I showed you earlier, it’s heavily implied that the Mechanical City fell with Rubert during the First Emperor’s War around 2000 ish years ago alongside him.
However, what if I told you that isn’t necessarily true:
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The IPC took it over.
Although this passage doesn’t mention the Mechanical City or even allude to it, it does mention thin how the IPC, with the aid of the Intellgencia Guild, began taking over areas across the universe, especially areas of inorganic life, following Nous’s prophecy, with the methodology of “Colonization Under the facade of development,” (the game straight up calls them colonizers LMAOOO).
Anyways, the IPC HATES inorganic life due to the Emperor’s Wars, and were about to pass an order to eradicate all inorganic life when Screwllum gained Nous’ approval and joined the Genius Society, and as we saw in the screenshot, they were, well, colonizing those areas and making it into their own.
So- who’s to say they didn’t do it to the Mechanical City? Why wouldn’t one of the most defining features of the Mechanical Empire now be under IPC control, even to this day?
Besides, inorganic life forms have no need for hair salons- they don’t have growing hair! But in a Mechanical City repurposed for people, yeah, a hair salon would make sense.
Thereofore, Ratio isn’t some thousand year old entity, rather he’s just in a location run by the IPC and Intellgencia Guild that happens to have thousands of years of history behind it.
Moreover, it just wouldn’t make sense for Ratio to be that old.
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He has plenty of media about him documenting his life, and based on how recent those media are and how this passage is worded, I’m led to believe that Ratio aged like a normal person, and his middle school years didn’t somehow last an exponential amount of time. 
Also, I feel like if he WAS that old we would have some actual clue pointing to it beyond a singular occurrence that would only ever point to that once you do all this digging.
Therefore, I conclude Ratio is not in fact immortal, and the IPC likely just colonized the Mechanical City, which is why it is still around today.
Finally, I sincerely hope you enjoy me going insane over this one stupid occurrence, and I would like to disclaim that I am no lore expert when it comes to the simulated universe, so if something I said in here was misinformation, please tell me! It seems as though Dr. Ratio is never beating the “just some guy” allegations lmao.
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notimetoparty · 5 months
Can I get an idea of how the plagued sillies habe their life cycle?
Like grub to pupa to full blown pest bozo
And its ok to make ocs right?? Id love to make a lil grub of my own..... I LOVE THIS AU RAAAA
i imagine they'd be grubs for a while. at least 2 years before they pupate... but they learn basic words/phrases and also get biiiig before they finally pupate. big fat grubbies. lots of biting too they are little teethers. they will absolutely fuck up anything they consider edible which is basically all the same stuff pest considers edible LOL especially wood (sorry mark you will get bit)
i don't think the pupation lasts too long. some months at most. but this is like. their most vulnerable bc they can't really get away if something goes after them. gotta protect those little things even more than normal
after that they're basically just normal toddlers! gotta raise them like you would any normal kid! just uh. you know. with an extra set of arms. and also a need to bite and eat everything. more so depending on the personality haha. especially since the few we're following for this au are hybrids (and, by extension, POOB'S kids), so they are a HANDFUL
ofc idk i'm not solid on all of this so take it with a grain of salt. also apparently canonically pest's mandibles shed like deer antlers so at a certain age they'd need to deal with that too which would probably make the poor kids panic the first time their fucking mandibles (the 'horns') fall off HEJDNDNDF
also yea that's fine have fun :] -flint
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velvetures · 1 year
May I RQ a reader who is trying to learn their language to help them feel more comfortable, but feels insecure due to them not really being fluent? They mispronounce and misuse the slangs in context, but hopes they can make the boys see the effort they are trying to go through for them.
Lessons In Miscommunication
A/N: Hi doll, I hope you don't mind me using König for this one. I've got a lot of experience with Spanish irl, but that's not super applicable here, haha. To anyone who's German... please forgive me. 🤍 Summary: You're on comms during a mission getting a small lesson in König's language while waiting for your next orders from HQ. Things get complicated, and there's a language and culture barrier that makes things... challenging. T/W: canonical warfare, cursing, non-fluent use of German, flirting, feelings, and some other stuff probably. Not proofread, as always.
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To put it simply, you didn't expect just how difficult it would be to learn a new language in your twenties. Sure the science spoke to the provable trouble you would have compared to a much younger version of yourself, but for all meaningful purposes, you really didn't think it would be this nuanced. And while Spanish, French, and other languages were of great importance, there wasn't anyone who could teach you those. The one person around was König, and he spoke German.
When you'd approached the topic nearly eight months ago, he'd been honestly shocked and surprised that you'd come to him in the first place and secondly that you thought he would be a good teacher. He was often thought of as reliable as a Colonel, but giving you suitable enough tutoring in German to be conversational was nothing short of uncharted territory for the pair of you. This made for very interesting moments in and outside of missions as well as a few times where it would've been better if you'd used an online app or something to keep from unintentionally embarrassing yourself.
Posted almost two miles away from the Colonel on a rocky outcropping overlooking a small encampment of a radical terrorist group, you laid on the hillside with a rifle and radio trying to pass the time between now and when you'd get the call to secure the site. The men and women down below were only one small stop-off point for a far larger caravan of armored trucks and a few tanks carrying supplies and weaponry toward the closest city of Almazra. It was a threat that couldn't come to fruition if the buildings and people still living there were to be left standing by the end of the week.
On the other end of the two-mile distance was König and a selected squad of men who were waiting just as impatiently as you were to not only get this mission over with but to get out of the damn desert heat. For security's sake, you knew you should be keeping the airways clear for any kind of information about the insurgent's movements, but König had insisted that this would be a perfect opportunity for you to get some practice in without losing focus of the task at hand. Your job at the moment was to keep eyes on the encampment through the lens of your sniper rifle and report anything that looked to be of importance.
König's definition of what was important could be easily debatable, yet it did ensure that you could make simple connections between real-world objects and the German words or phrases that matched. Whether or not the Colonel realized it or not, both of you had slightly gotten off the target of what you were supposed to be talking about and wandered into the more... personal aspects of things. Specifically just how bad you wanted to be home after nearly a full month away from American soil and your personal home.
"Ich habe für immer Fernweh," Your accent was certainly progressing, at least in the Colonel's mind, but he wasn't quite sure exactly what you meant by that.
"Was meinst du damit? Kannst du es dieses Mal auf Englisch sagen?"
His voice sounded a little confused and more than a tinge humored at the way you'd sounded so... formal. Even diplomatic to a degree. It was one of the more difficult parts of teaching you. Dialects, slang, and even simple English-to-German translations didn't always have a very direct or clear answer. Often it meant that you would say something with full intention and innocent honesty, and König would have to keep himself from chuckling. Most of the men he worked alongside didn't speak for one reason or another, so getting to hear at least one person -especially you- made the near and far miscommunication more than worth the effort.
Looking through your scope at a group of five sitting around a small fire, you sigh a bit, trying to think of how to explain yourself.
"I meant I'm feeling homesick," You mutter a little more quietly than necessary, almost as if saying it in English was broadcasting your secret while German somehow kept it from being found out. "What did you hear me say?"
König chuckled, his laugh vibrating in the speakers of your comm quite nicely. "You said you have wanderlust forever," You could hear him smiling from the other end. "It's okay, sometimes the words don't always mean exactly what you think they do. I had the same problem when I learned English." For a moment he paused, laughing softly again. "I still can't say Squirrel... properly."
"Vielleicht habe ich doch Lust auf etwas..." You mutter a bit frustrated and somewhat skarkily under your breath, making a small jab at wordplay not thinking that König could hear you over the radio or that he'd be more shocked to hear you say such a thing.
The radio stays silent for a long few minutes, almost tricking you into believing that you'd been safe in making your comment under your breath without any audible witnesses. Only on the other end, the Colonel was struggling between the actual meaning behind your words, the way it sounded so damn sexy... and how he was supposed to actually answer you without sounding too affected by something as simple as your voice.
"Se-Sergeant..." His voice sounded a little weak, much in the same way it did when he was in an uncomfortable social situation. "What did you just say?"
Instantly your body tensed up from fingers to toes and you felt a shock of heat roll through you. König heard you. Right away you assumed by the growl in his question that you were going to be in for some kind of punishment. Maybe even a good ass-chewing in front of the rest of the squad for saying something so easily considered lewd and totally unprofessional to utter in the presence of a superior officer. Your best bet was apologizing, and hoping he'd just let it go...
"I'm sorry, I was just frustrated and-"
His voice deepens over the radio, almost like he's got it pressed right up against his mouth. "Say it again." The command felt heavy in your stomach. "Now."
You repeated the phrase, staring through the lens of your scope with bated breath. waiting to hear what the Colonel would say in response. And the last thing you expected was to hear an almost pained sort of growling sound vibrating in your ears. It made you shiver and despite König being almost two miles away, it felt like he was breathing down your neck.
"Du klingst so hübsch, wenn du das sagst..." A noticeable static over the radio took your attention, but when it didn't get worse you had the mental capacity to translate what König said word by word until you had the full sentence running through your head.
The time between his praise and your response was nearly indistinguishable between seconds and years. Had it not been for you watching your targets moving in real-time through your scope, you would've thought the whole world had come to a stuttering halt in anticipation of your response. Yet it seemed that the world still had to do other important things which included bringing the key turning point of this mission right to your front door with the sudden sound of an approaching squad tailing the convoy of insurgents giving information and callouts for how to proceed forward. Of those, orders for König and his men to begin working down the side of the mountain to intercept the meeting of the convoy and the small ground sitting in tents around a high-burning fire.
"Ich werde später herausfinden, wie hübsch man klingen kann, wenn man schmutzige Dinge auf Deutsch sagt." The Colonel's voice growled lowly, almost threatening in a sense.
There was no telling what would happen after the mission ended and there wasn't a threat of being shot or failing to secure Almazra. What you could count on was König finding you and testing out his theory of all the things you could say in his language they may or may not have been provocative - on purpose or not. Something in your body shivered in delightful nervousness and anticipation of just how he planned on getting that kind of information out of you. A couple of ideas swirled in your mind, but the movement of the incoming convoy didn't allow you the luxury of daydreaming about your Colonel or how your mistaken words and German lessons had landed you here.
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crazyunsexycool · 1 year
My little love
Chapter 23
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x enhanced reader
Word count: 6.5k
Warnings: this is fluffy!! There is some angst with Henry remembering his time at hydra, Henry being a brave sweetie pie and facing his fears, Charlotte is a whole warning on her own,
A/N: here we are again with our favorite family! This chapter is kind of all over the place but in a good way. There is a guys and girls weekend. It ends with it being Steebie’s birthday and guess who is the most excited to celebrate her favorite person? That’s right our sweet Angel.
Series Masterlist
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“Are you going to do anything fun this weekend?”
“Mhm. Habe a seepover wit Olibia. An mama say we habe tea pawty.” Lottie informs her father.
He was sitting on the floor of the living room with his back against the couch. His head tilted back so that it was resting on Lottie’s lap and she could play with his hair. It was their new night time routine. Bucky looks up to find Lottie smiling down at him while her little fingers tangled themselves along his dark silky strands.
“Dada habe fun?”
“Lots of fun, doll. I’m gonna go fishing and then some more fishing and then some more fishing and then-”
“Dada.” Lottie giggled.
“What?” Bucky replied with a chuckle of his own.
“Dada funny.”
“He’s hilarious.” You call from the hallway as you put your phone away after having taken a picture of the two of them. “But it’s time for bed missy.”
“But mama am making dada pwetty.”
“I see that. You’re doing a great job, he looks very pretty. But if you go to sleep now you’ll be able to see Olivia tomorrow.”
Lottie gasped at this new bit of information before scrambling off the couch, almost kicking Bucky in the face while she did so. She’s already in her pajamas so all she has to do is pick out which book she wants for a bedtime story.
“I was getting the best head massage and you just had to ruin it.”
“Oh I’m sorry baby. I’ll make it up to you.”
“And how will you do that?” Bucky’s expression darkened and he gave you his most devilish, knee weakening grin.
You don’t answer, instead you take a step back and then another as you watch Bucky stand and start stalking toward you. With a giggle you start moving down the hallway but Bucky is right behind you. His intentions were clear but the sweet melodic voice of your sweet Angel stopped anything from happening. For the moment at least.
“Dada, this one.” She held up a book for him to read. Bucky stopped in his tracks and turned to look at her, his demeanor completely changed.
“I’ll be waiting.” You call out after checking in on an already sleeping Henry.
Bucky groaned as he watched you saunter away. The sway of your hips and the flirty wink you send over your shoulder drives him wild. He walked into Lottie’s room where she was already sitting in bed patiently waiting to be tucked in with the book in her hands. Bucky’s eyes soften as he takes in his little girl smiling happily at him. Surrounded by comfort and love and happiness. He couldn’t help but feel selfish as he thought about wanting more of this life with you. He wanted his exhaustion to come from chasing little versions of you and him around and not from hunting down and getting rid of hydra.
“Dada?” Lottie calls him as she holds the book out for him to take.
“Alright, let’s see what you picked for tonight.” Bucky tucks Lottie in and sits at the edge of the bed and opens the book to the first page.
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“You remember what I said right?”
“Yeah mama.” Lottie answered from her place on the counter. Her feet kicking in the air as she watches you fill a thermos with coffee. “Dada an bubba go fish wit gwandpa.”
“That right and they’re going to be gone all weekend so we get to have a girls weekend. Olivia and all of your aunties will be here soon.”
“Habe fun wit Olibia.”
“Yeah and uncle Clint’s daughter is going to be here too. Her name is Lila.”
“Habe seepover too?”
“We can ask her when she gets here.” You say as you clean up. The front door opens and you see a little head topped with light brown curls speeding in.
Both girls squeal in delight as they reunite. You quickly grab Lottie from her place on the counter before she jumps and set her down. They don’t waste another second as they embrace. Immediately they begin to talk about what they should do first before Charlotte takes Olivia’s hand and they run together into Charlotte’s room. As soon as they disappeared Molly, Sofia and your brothers walk in followed by Bucky and Henry.
“I think we’ve lost them already.” Molly says as she hugs you. “How have you been?”
“Good and you?”
“I’m ready for this weekend to get started.”
“There she is.” Luke said as he walked in and engulfed you in a hug of his own. Soon enough you were greeting and hugging the rest of the family.
“Where’s dad?”
“Tony stopped him, something about taking a jet?”
“Of course he’d rather take the jet.” You chuckle. “Coffee anyone?”
You get a chorus of yeses so you serve everyone a cup as you catch up.
Apparently it only took twenty minutes to convince Eddie to take the jet instead of separate cars. So now everyone was just outside the hanger as the guys packed their things in. They’d never admit it but you could see how giddy Eddie, Luke and Joshua were.
“Don’t worry kitten, I’ll keep an eye on them.” Your dad said as he stepped up to say goodbye.
“Good luck with that. They’re trouble when they get together.”
“You forget I was in the military. Wrangling in troublemakers was my job.”
You smile as you hug him. “We’ll talk when you come back?”
“Of course. But you have fun too.”
“Sure will.”
Eddie moves to say goodbye to everyone else. It’s like the rest of the team has adopted him as their dad. It’s sweet and you know that your dad loves it and the team appreciates him. You watch Steve scoop up both Lottie and Olivia to say his own goodbye but not before they talk his ear off with everything they’ve planned. It felt like a glimpse into the future and you could totally see Steve being a girl dad. He gives you a quick hug and heads for the jet.
“Alright sugar, are you sure you’ll be ok?” Bucky asks as he hugs you for what felt like the 100th time.
“Yes baby, I’ll be fine. Go have fun and relax. You’ll love the cabin and so will Henry.” You say with a smile before your eyes start roaming. “Where is Henry?”
“He’s with A.J., Cass and Cooper.”
As if on queue Henry runs to you and throws his arms around your waist.
“You ok sweet boy?”
“Why can’t you come with us?” He says as he looks up.
“Because I’m staying here to hang out with the girls and you get to go fishing like grandpa said. I promise we’ll make a trip just the four of us ok? But this will be fun and when you come back you can tell me everything you did.”
“Ok.” He hugs you tighter though, as if he doesn’t want to let go.
“Think of it this way, it’s your first official mission. You have to have fun and report back to me. Now if you don't like it your dad can call me and we can talk on the phone for a while and if you really really really don't like it, I can pick you up and bring you home. But you have to try to enjoy yourself first. Promise?”
He smiles at that. “I will, promise.” Henry let’s go and you see him run toward Lottie and Olivia. He hugs Olivia first and then Lottie. This is what had worried both you and Bucky; they seem to be taking the thought of separation well though. You can’t make out what they’re saying to each other other than Lottie assuring him he’ll have a good time as she touches her head. Meaning she had a vision about it. He reminds Lottie to take care of Alpine while he’s out.
“Alright we should get going if we want to avoid any traffic.” Bucky jokes.
“Ah yes, but I’m your dork.” He says before kissing you. “Have fun, sugar. But not too much fun without me.”
“Same goes for you.”
All the guys board the jet, leaving the women back at the compound. Once the jet has disappeared everyone starts to head back inside.
“Do you guys want to learn how to shoot a gun?” Nat asks Sofia and Molly.
“Shooting lessons from the widow herself? Sign me up.” Sofia says.
Molly looks over at Olivia as she thinks it over.
“Go. I’ll watch them. They already have a plan to watch Disney movies and dress up as their favorite princesses.”
“Really? You don’t mind?”
“Absolutely not. I’d like some time to get to know my niece better. Besides, Laura will be with me.” You motion to Laura, Clint’s wife. “I think the girls invited her daughter Lila.”
“Ok, thank you so much but I will watch the girls later so that you can do whatever you want to.”
“Have fun.”
You watch as Nat leads them to the gun range. Wanda and Sarah mention something about the pool and May tags along. It made you happy that Tony took Peter with him. He obviously admired the team although he hadn’t joined officially. He was young, he had time.
“Ready to get this show on the road?” Laura asked as she walked up beside you.
“I sure as hell am. Come on girls.”
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The girls had taken over the living room. Although Lila was almost four years older than Olivia and Lottie she still played along and sang her heart out to the movie that was playing. While they were busy with that, you and Laura were sitting at the dining room table. Each of you with a cup of coffee as you chatted away.
“Do you miss it?”
“Working for shield?” She asks and you nod.
“Honestly. I do sometimes but then I hear the kids playing and laughing and I wouldn’t trade that for the world. Why, are you thinking of retiring?”
“Maybe. I mean just the going on missions part. I do work in the medbay and I could probably train some of the recruits on medicine in the field. I just feel like my focus has shifted, you know?”
“Well I’ll tell you one thing. I might miss it from time to time but I don’t regret it. If I had to go back and do it over again, I would.”
“Thanks,” you smile. “I don’t think it will be any time soon but it’s good to know.”
The two of you talked a bit more over coffee. It was good to be able to express your concerns with someone that had been in a similar situation.
“It’s really quiet.” Laura said suddenly.
“Oh no, let me check that they haven’t disappeared into the compound. Lottie has a knack for running around.”
“Or worse they’re making a mess somewhere.”
You sigh when you walk into the living room. “Or worse they’re torturing the cat.” You call over your shoulder.
Laura walks up behind you. In the living room the three girls were trying to put bows on a very grumpy looking Alpine.
“Charlotte, Al doesn’t like bows in her fur.”
“But make pwetty mama.”
“But she’s sad, sweet Angel. Why don’t you give each other makeovers instead?”
“Kay.” She says before running into her room to get her makeup kit.
Both you and Laura fell victim into what ended up being a whole salon. Lila was on nail duty, Olivia had hair and Lottie of course had makeup.
Fortunately the rest of the weekend would be a lot more relaxed. Tony had set up times for massages and facials and anything else you could have wanted. You made sure to take plenty of pictures of the girls together. Especially taking pictures of Charlotte in her little pink bathrobe sitting back and relaxing with a face mask on. Her eyes were closed but her little foot tapped along to the music that was being played. You promptly sent them to Bucky.
Everyone enjoyed the small break in their routine. There was a karaoke and game night. You had a movie night in the pool room, where everyone lounged in a floatie and watched a mix of shows and movies. It was a nice easy weekend and you enjoyed every minute with your sweet Angel.
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“This place is great.” Steve said as he walked out of the jet. The cabin is a lot bigger than expected, which makes sense or else Eddie wouldn’t have invited everyone.
“It’s been in the family for generations. We’ve even added rooms to it to fit everyone over the years.”
“Yeah, we used to come up here for vacations every summer. Aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents.” Luke says. He walks past Steve and right to the front door.
Eddie and Joshua head inside with Eddie ushering everyone in.
“Alright, I think we should start with everyone picking rooms. Mine is up stairs at the end of the hall. Josh and Luke will share a room and I think the boys can share the kids room since it has bunk beds. Everyone else go figure it out.” Eddie says as he stands at the bottom of the stairs.
All the guys do as they’re told. Bucky, Clint and Sam usher the boys into the room Luke pointed out and helped them settle which bed they’d be using. Henry, though felt a little unsure about the arrangement and held on to Bucky’s hand.
“What’s wrong bub?” Bucky took a knee to be at eye level with his son.
“I don’t like it.”
“Why don’t you like it? Is it because it’s a new place or because of the beds?”
“The beds.” Henry looks back in the room and shivers as memories come back. “The bad men used to have beds like that and they kept us in there all the time.”
Bucky remembered the pictures he saw of Henry and other prisoners of hydra of all ages being kept in rooms with bunk beds. Too many people in such a small space.
“Ok, so how about we find a room with a big bed and you can sleep with me instead?”
“Will they get mad if I don’t sleep here?”
“No, you can still play here and we’ll spend most of our time at the lake anyways. They’ll be too tired to notice.”
“Ok.” Henry nods.
“Hey, why don’t you take Y/N’s room?” Luke said from the door of his own room. “It’s that one.” He points over his shoulder to a door with a sign that says do not enter on it.
Bucky and Henry walk down the hall and open the door. It was like walking back into the past, your past specifically. It was obvious you hadn’t been here in a while. The room’s decor was meant for a teenage version of yourself. It was pink and frilly and there were too many posters of bands and actors on the walls. Was it normal for Bucky to feel jealous of a poster? Probably not but it wasn’t going to stop him. He took out his phone and told Henry to step inside so that he could take a picture and send it to you.
Bucky: Guess where we’ll be sleeping…
Sugar: oh my sweet boy!!!! I miss him so much already… also don’t let Steve see my room!
Bucky: Too late…
Bucky proceeds to send a video of Steve laughing as he looks around the room and pokes fun at your things. He holds up an old stuffed animal that has seen better days. Then he starts to goof off with some old accessories that were still on the dresser.
Sugar: I kicked his ass once, I can do it again.
Bucky: he stopped laughing. I might have to start threatening him with that myself. I’ll keep you updated. Love you. Give Lottie kisses for me, miss my doll!
Sugar: love you too, give Henry kisses for me!
Bucky puts his phone away and unpacks his and Henry’s things for the long weekend. He can’t help but smile the longer he spends in your room. He begins to think about spending some time away from the compound and missions and problems. Just you, him and the kids and Alpine of course. A family vacation. It spirals from there, Bucky starts dreaming about school plays and Christmas and all the memories he wants to make. All good memories to replace the bad ones.
“Daddy?” Henry calls from the door.
“Yeah bubs?”
“Can we go outside now?”
“Yeah. Let’s go see what everyone is up to.” Bucky walks out of your room and follows Henry downstairs.
Everyone is sitting around on the large sectional sofa. Henry joins the boys after A.J. calls him over to play with the Lego sets they found.
“So what’s first?” Tony being the one that always needs to be doing something asks.
“You’re good with machines right?”
“I’d hope so or else those suits I use are made by someone else.”
“I need your help.” Eddie gets up from his recliner. “We have these golf carts and 4-wheelers we normally use to get around the property but they’ve been giving me some trouble. Think you can take a look at ‘em?” He says as he leads Tony to a stand alone garage.
“I’ll have them up and running in no time.”
“Good. Knock yourself out, kid.” Eddie walks out and heads back towards the house. “One troublemaker down.” He mutters to himself.
“What do you mean you’ve never watched Star Wars?” Eddie looked at Henry in disbelief.
“I think mama has it on a list but we haven’t watched it yet.”
“That is unacceptable and I’ll be talking to your mom about it.” Eddie gets up from his recliner and moves towards the tv. “No grandson of mine is going to walk around without having watched the Star Wars movies.” He sets out to play the first movie.
Henry giggles as he takes a seat on the couch. The conversation had gotten the attention of the others, who were just outside on the porch.
“Oh boy, now we’re talking.” Luke says as he takes a seat. Slowly but surely everyone finds somewhere to sit.
“If you’re going to be part of this family,” Eddie turns around and looks at each and everyone of them. “Star Wars are a must watch on every trip to the cabin, no exceptions.”
So everyone settles into the couch and into this new tradition. A silent agreement forms amongst the team. Eddie is the group dad and must be protected at all costs.
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Everyone is up early the next day. Anything and everything that might be needed while out on the lake is packed and the men are off for their first day out. The team is surprised to see Eddie has a boat, they thought they’d be fishing from a dock. Eddie laughed at that before setting off. It was the middle of summer though and the lake was busier than usual. It didn’t stop the team from having a good time though.
The fishing was ignored since there were too many people swimming and partying and scaring off the fish. With swim trunks ready almost everyone jumped into the water. Henry overlooked the water as everyone jumped in, even Cass, A.J. and Cooper. Bucky swam up to where Henry was standing and looked up at him.
“Hey bubs, everything ok?”
“I don’t want to jump in.” He says softly. The truth was that he was afraid of lakes.
That’s where hydra ‘taught’ him how to swim. They would grab him from his cell in the middle of a cold night, put him on a boat and throw him overboard and expect him to swim back to shore. He was four.
“It’s ok if you don’t want to jump in. We can hang out right there. I’ll be up in a second.”
“I’ll stay with him.” Eddie said from his seat. “C’mere Henry.” He patted the seat beside him and Henry sat down. “Are you scared of swimming or the lake?”
“The lake. The bad men, they used to throw me in it at night and I had to swim back or I’d get punished.”
Eddie inhales a sharp breath. He knew about Henry’s past, you had spoken to him about it on one of your late night calls. By now Bucky was sitting on the back of the boat, legs hanging over the side and toward the water.
“That is scary. I don’t think I could have ever done that.”
“Really?” Henry looks at him with wide eyes. “But mama says you’re really brave.”
“I try to be but even brave people have things that scare them. But you know how you become brave?”
Henry shook his head.
“I bet your dad knows.” Eddie and Henry look at Bucky.
“When you have the opportunity to face your fear you have to try. And just by trying you become braver and then one day you’re not scared of it anymore.”
Henry bit his bottom lip as he thought about what his dad had said.
“Do I have to do it alone?”
“Nope. That’s why having a family is so great, they can be there to hold your hand.” Eddie answers.
Henry looked out toward the water and back at his grandpa. “Will you jump with me?”
“Sure thing kid.”
“I want daddy to jump with me too.”
“What do you say Bucky?” Eddie looked over to bucky.
“I say let’s do it.”
Bucky wiped away the water that was getting into his eyes before looking over at Eddie and Henry.
“Alright, let’s do this bubs.” Bucky smiles and nods. “How about we have uncle Steve close by just in case you need help?”
“Ok.” Henry stands by the side of the boat. He looks over the edge and into the water, he frowns but takes a deep breath. Henry doesn’t have an issue with swimming, he just prefers to be able to see the bottom. That’s why he likes pools. “Just gotta be brave.” He whispers to himself.
Bucky had called Steve over and then everyone was looking over and cheering Henry on. Eddie stands on Henry’s right side and Bucky on his left. They both take Henry’s hands. The boat bobs up and down as the three of them shift around causing a ripple effect in the water.
“Are you ready bubs?”
Henry looks at the water again and then up at Bucky. With another deep breath he nods.
“Ok bubs, ready 1… 2…3… jump.” Bucky says and all three of them jump into the water.
Underwater, Henry panics for a moment and kicks wildly before he’s pulled above. Bucky is holding him close and wiping away water from his face. There’s cheering around him. As Henry blinks and looks around he sees Steve, Sam and the others.
“How did that feel?” Eddie asks as he bobs around the water.
“Scary. But I was brave. Are you proud daddy?”
“Oh I’m so proud of you. You’re the bravest kid I know bubs. You should be proud of yourself too.”
Henry smiles and wraps his arms around Bucky’s neck. Bucky kisses Henry’s temple and mouths a ‘thank you’ to Eddie.
“Come on Henry, let’s race.” Steve says.
“Can I go?”
“Of course you can. Go kick his butt too.”
Henry giggles as he swims off in Steve’s direction. The rest of the day is spent either hanging out on the boat or swimming. Henry jumps into the water a few more times, each time is a little less scary but he still holds on to someone’s hand. First it’s Steve, then Sam, followed by Tony, who didn’t want to be in the water but one look from Eddie and he agreed. He wouldn’t say it but he was glad to be able to relax like this. Henry even jumped with Luke and Joshua and then with Cass, A.J. and Cooper. But his final jump was him alone.
By the time they got back to the cabin they were all exhausted. After showers and a quick dinner everyone was asleep in their beds. Henry even opted to sleep in one of the bunkbeds.
During the whole weekend he tested some limits. He still struggled with certain things but it was understandable. Before if he cried no one would comfort him but now he has a whole lot of people that would line up just for the chance to do so. Henry slept easier that night, there were no nightmares or waking up in cold sweats and tears, just exhaustion and pure joy.
The next few days they did manage to go fishing. Sam was in his element as he helped some of the others. There were late nights around the bond fire and even a lightsaber fight. That prompted Tony to start working on actual lightsabers even when everyone shut him down.
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The guys were set to return today. It was going to be a great day because it just so happened to be the 4th of July. Upon learning that the 4th was also Steve’s birthday, Lottie lost her mind. She was so excited to celebrate her favorite person’s birthday and wear the outfit that you had bought for her. It was a dress in the same shade of blue as Steve’s original suit from the 40’s. The skirt was layered tulle with red trim. On her chest was the iconic white star and she even had a utility belt. It was full of candy. The look was complete with a plastic shield, fingerless gloves, two high pigtails adorned with red bows, white star shaped sunglasses and her little combat boots.
So while waiting for the jet to land you held Lottie’s hand. She was bouncing in place causing the ruffled skirt of her dress to bounce. Next to her was Olivia, who was dressed in something similar at Lottie’s request. When the jet finally touched ground and the ramp was lowered Lottie was practically vibrating. You expected some sweet reunion between your sweet Angel and her favorite person. What you didn’t expect was that she would attack him, playfully of course. More importantly it was caught on video
The minute she saw Steve she started running and threw the shield like a frisbee, hitting Steve square in the chest. He was absolutely taken aback since he wasn’t paying attention. He first saw the small shield on the floor by his feet and then he heard Charlotte’s laughter as she ran towards him. Steve’s face almost split in half with the huge grin he sported. He dropped to his knees and opened his arms. Still when Charlotte jumped she knocked him back on to his ass. Her laughter was infectious and soon Steve was laughing too.
“Happy buwtday Steebie.” Charlotte said as she hugged him tightly.
“Thank you sweetheart. You look beautiful in your pretty dress.”
“Tank you.” She said before she looked up and saw Bucky walking down the ramp. “DADA!” Leaving Steve completely forgotten Charlotte ran toward her father who also welcomed her with open arms. “Miss you dada.”
“I missed you too, doll. But what are you wearing?”
“Am Captain dada, wike Steebie.”
“Oh this is your uniform. Well you’re the prettiest Captain America I’ve ever seen.”
Charlotte blushes and hides her face in the crook of her neck as she says a little ‘tank you’.
“Mama.” Henry says as he runs past his dad and practically tackles you to the floor. “I missed you so much.”
“My sweet boy I missed you too.” You kissed the top of his head repeatedly while smoothing out his hair. “But did you have fun?”
“So much fun. I have to tell you everything.”
“I can’t wait to hear everything.” You smile before looking up at Bucky.
He looked completely relaxed. It was different from when he relaxed at home. Sometimes he still had a bit of tension in his shoulders but now he looked like a completely different man. You loved it.
“Hi Sugar.” He whispered against your lips before kissing you. “I’ve missed you.”
“I missed you more baby.”
“What about me? Did no one miss me?” Steve says as he walks up to you.
“Charlotte did. Me? Not so much.”
“You’re so mean. Why did we ever become friends?”
“Because you needed someone to teach you about technology.” You say as you hug him. “Happy Birthday Steve. Now come on we made your favorite for lunch. Just the family.” You loop an arm around his and take Henry’s hand as you lead them to the shared dining room.
Catching up over lunch had been great. Now you sat in one of the shared living rooms with everyone. Henry sat at your side as he told you about what he did.
“We watched the Star Wars movies. My favorite is Obi-Wan Kanobi. Oh and we got to play with lightsabers and uncle Tony said he was going to make us real ones.” Henry explained to you excitedly as he played with Alpine. You’d never seen him more animated and it made you smile.
“He did?” You asked. It looked over to Tony who wouldn’t meet your eye. “Well I hope he makes me one too.”
“Grandpa and Uncle Sam taught me how to fish. I caught a fish this big mama.” He held his hands a few inches apart. “Uncle Sam said we can go down to his house and do more fishing too. Can we go? Did you know he has his own boat too?”
“I didn’t know he had a boat. But we can plan a trip to go down.”
“Hey Henry,” Cass came up to him. “We were gonna go play outside. Want to come with us?”
Henry looked at you unsure of what to do. You grabbed Alpine from him. “Go have fun. Remember to not go farther than the playground.”
They left after saying a quick ok. You smiled and turned your attention to the couch next to yours where both Bucky and Steve were sitting and listening to Lottie.
“Make A-pine pwetty wit bows. An habe moobie night and go swim too. An uncle Tony gabe toys. Oh mama habe pictuwes. Dada an Steebie habe fun?” She was talking their ears off and they made sure to pay attention.
“Lots of fun but it sounds like you had more fun than us.”
“No habe mowe fun. Missed you.” She leans first into Steve for a hug and then into Bucky. “But is Steebie’s buwtday, can habe fun now.”
“You know what, doll? You are absolutely right. We can have even more fun now since it’s Steve’s birthday. Why don’t we go see if the party is getting started?”
Lottie cheered as she stood up on the couch and hugged Steve again.
“What party?” Steve asked while looking from Bucky to you and then at Tony when the realization hit him. “I thought we agreed on no party for my birthday.”
“I’m not celebrating you, I’m celebrating America. Also it’s Henry and Charlotte’s first time celebrating the 4th of July.” Tony defended, knowing Steve wouldn’t take any experiences away from the kids.
“Yeah Steve, the fourth isn’t just about you.” You added with a smirk. “Let my babies experience this holiday. Besides, Bucky and I have a special gift for you.”
Everyone else started heading outside while Bucky moved to stand with you.
“So Y/N and I have talked about this although it was really a no brainer.” Bucky started.
“And we would like for you to officially be Henry and Charlotte’s godfather.”
“Really?” He looked at you like an excited puppy.
“Of course, we know that you love those kids as if they were your own and they love you too. There’s no one we would trust more with our kids than you.” You say with a smile.
“Other than the whole team.”
“Bucky.” You elbow him but chuckle.
“I would love to.”
Steve stands and scoops Lottie up in his arms. He gives Bucky a hug and then he hugs you.
“It’s the best present ever.”
“Habe pwesent too.”
“You have a present for me, sweetheart?” Steve looks at Charlotte who nods before wiggling out of his hold in order to go get said gift.
“She worked very hard on it over the weekend.”
Steve smiled as the three of you started walking in the same direction Lottie left. You loop your arm around his and smile up at him.
Like always Tony went all out for the celebration. The night was buzzing with excitement as music played. People busied themselves with all kinds of entertainment until it was time for the Stark fireworks spectacle. But the most interesting conversation was about to happen at the edge of it all. On one of the benches was Eddie, just watching as his kids and grandkids ran around and spent time together. Bucky approached him and took the empty seat beside him.
“How are you doing Ed?”
“Good. A bit tired is all.”
Bucky nodded in understanding. For a few minutes they sat in silence, both of them appreciating the lack of conversation. But Bucky was a man on a mission and he needed to talk with Eddie.
“I need to talk to you about something, Ed.”
Your dad turned his head slightly to look at Bucky. Half of his face was lit up by the lanterns that decorated the area. Instead of finding a century old soldier, Eddie saw a nervous young man with hope in his eyes.
“Go on then. I’ve told you before I’m here for whatever you need.”
“I want to ask Y/N to marry me but I'd like your blessing.”
“Buck this isn’t the 1930’s, you don’t need my permission. We both know that she’s a grown woman and she’ll do what she wants.” Ed says as he looks back to find you in the crowd.
“I’m not asking for your permission. I’m asking for your blessing. You are the most important man in her life and I don’t want to ask her without talking to you first. I know this is important to her.”
“I’m not the most important, at least not anymore and neither are you.” Eddie looked back at Bucky. “He is.” He said as he nodded toward the crowd.
Bucky turned his head and watched as you ran around happily with Henry. Even in the distance he swore he could hear your laughter as you brought Henry in for a hug after pulling a prank on Steve. His chest swelled with both love and pride that he got to call you his.
“That right there.” Eddie pointed at Bucky’s face. He had a goofy grin as he was watching you and a lightness about him that wasn’t seen when he was away from you or his kids. “That’s why I’ll give you my blessing. You look like an idiot when you look at her and I’ve never doubted your love for my girl. Truth is you’ve made her happier than I’ve ever seen her. You’ve given me a version of my daughter that I’ve never seen before and I’d be an idiot to be against that. You’ve also given me two amazing grandkids. There’s no way in hell I’d miss out on watching them grow up.”
Bucky offered Eddie his hand and the latter shook it.
“You’re a good man Bucky and you deserve good things too. But as father of the future bride you have to know that I’m also an expert marksman. So try some shit with my girl and you’ll never see it coming.”
“If I ever did anything to hurt her or break her heart, I’ll make sure to stand perfectly still.”
Both men nod in agreement just as you walked up to them and took the empty seat between them. You leaned into Bucky but faced your dad.
“We haven’t had a chance to talk.” You told him.
“There’s not much to talk about, Kitten.”
“I’m ok, the lawyer is handling everything and I haven’t spoken to her since the day at the party.” He waves your concerns away. “When I got home the next day her things were gone. She probably went to stay with her sister.”
“Is there anything you need? Anything I can help with?”
“Not at the moment but I promise I’ll let you know.”
You leaned over and rested your head on his shoulder. Eddie leans down and places a kiss on your forehead.
“You don’t have to worry about me kid. I’ll be just fine.”
“Well I’m still going to worry. You promise you’ll call?” You look up at him through your lashes.
“I promise.”
You sit up and nod even though part of you knows he probably won’t call.
“Daddy it’s time for the fireworks.” Henry calls out.
“I’ll go get the headphones for them.”
“Meet you by the stage.” You tell Bucky as you walk arm in arm with Eddie. On the way you take Henry’s hand and find Charlotte sitting on Steve’s shoulders.
Bucky is next to you in a flash with some noise canceling headphones for both the kids. As the show starts Henry flinches the first few times a firework goes off but eventually is mesmerized by the display of colors.
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Eventually the fireworks ended. A birthday cake was brought out for America and not Steve. Although Tony did tell him to blow out the candles.
It was a perfect ending to a great weekend. In his arms, Bucky held a sleeping Charlotte and you held a sleepy Henry. They tended to get clingy when they were tired but neither of you minded. Instead you appreciated every moment because you knew that one day they wouldn’t need you to tuck them in anymore.
After getting the kids in bed you and Bucky made your way to your room. After a quick shower and changing into clean pajamas both you and Bucky collapse on the bed. He holds you close and kisses the top of your head.
“I missed you. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to sleep away from you for more than a day.” You mutter unto his chest.
“Me either. I was thinking that we should maybe plan a weekend away with just the kids.”
“Yeah, that would be great. We could go up to the cabin or plan something else, something fun. I know dad wouldn’t care if we used the cabin but I’ll look into other ideas.” You ramble on as you relax into him even more.
Bucky smiles as he begins to make plans of his own. The first thing he’ll do is go shop for a ring. Then he’ll have to decide where he’ll propose but most importantly he knows he wants to involve the kids. He knows you’ll love that. You’d probably lose your mind if you saw him and Henry in a suit and tie and of course Charlotte in a dress.
Bucky can feel it deep in his bones. This will be the true start of the rest of his life and he smiles as he finally falls asleep.
Ch 24
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