#but. some of them. i do not care for those ipad children!
livvyofthelake · 6 months
did i tell you that i accidentally volunteered to organize an easter egg hunt for my little cousins. i was for real just sitting there and next thing i knew it was my job to help two children (there’s also a baby but he’s so little he can’t even walk so that’s literally not my job) decorate eggs, and then i have to hide them. and then worse than that, remember where i hid them. and then supervise as they look. i know that’s not a lot but when i originally found out there were gonna be kids coming to easter this year the first thing i thought was awesome now i don’t have to do anything (the past theee years i have been the youngest person at easter and the egg hunt my aunt insists upon has been undergone by me and my dad. not kidding). anyway. so the doing nothing thing isn’t gonna happen
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luxlightly · 2 years
I don't know how to break it to you all but a bad parent will parent badly with books and a good parent will parent well with an iPad.
Ipads don't make the "ipad kid". What upsets you is a child who is being given something distracting and potentially obnoxious to those around them so that the parent doesn't have to deal with engaging with their child. And it's not new.
I grew up before the invention of the ipad and the complaints were the same. It was "tv kids" and "Gameboy kids". And it was book kids too, though people rarely complained about those kids because it didn't make noise and bother them personally so they no longer cared. Because the "it's for the good of the child!" argument dried up real fast as soon as it was something that didn't affect them.
A good parent who is engaging with their child's interests can do so with an iPad or television. A bad parent can say "take this and leave me alone" with a book or a toy. The problem is that some kids were raised by objects. By whatever kept them busy and entertained and away from their parents. Sure, there are parents who need to realize that's what they're doing and would benefit from changing their parenting style by limiting electronics use, but "if you give your kid an electronic toy, it means you're a bad parent" is not the same thing and largely misses the actual source of the problem.
Your arbitrary standards of what "good children" doing "good child activities" is as restricting.
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randombush3 · 6 months
(to get back to the main post)
carry on reading!!!
Bali is hot. Or at least, by your English standards, it is. 
The children enjoy the villa at the Ritz, less so the yoga you partake in when your best friends find out that it can mend broken hearts, and there are big TVs in the living rooms that the World Cup matches are broadcasted on. 
Your fingers remain bare, but no one knows about the ring in your suitcase anyway, so no one questions the absence of jewellery that used to adorn your hands. Or, at least, no one whose opinion you actually care about. 
Nico and Elena are happy to play and play and play, barely granting you their attention when you disrupt their endless hours in the pool or exploring the beautiful grounds of the hotel with the 24-hour childcare service. You had been reluctant to accept the help, but Gio was fine with her own daughter being stolen away, and they both called you ‘uptight and preoccupied, a sad, faded picture of how fun you used to be’ until you gave in. 
You let Alexia wonder about how her children are, attributing her lack of phone calls to her focus on chasing World Cup glory, blissfully ignorant to the fact that your friends have been micro-managing your interactions ever since they agreed they aren’t sure about letting you forgive the blonde just yet. That is not to say she doesn’t ever speak to them – Nico was gifted an iPad for Easter (a shoddy, shoddy excuse of an occasion to be given it, but you barely batted an eye as he tore open the packaging and thanked Auntie Anya profusely). He sort of understands how to FaceTime Alexia. They often happen when he is with what Alexia calls ‘the can’t-mother-too-busy-doing-drugs nanny’. 
You are lounging on the sunbeds, sweat pooling on your navel, music playing softly through the speaker Elena had begged you to bring. Though Moana pales in comparison to the days you’d attend concerts that weren’t your own, you are quite content to relax and zone out the lively songs and stare up at the brilliant, blue sky. 
Today is a bit different. You are two weeks into your holiday, with one remaining, and, today is the day you are finally going to open Alexia’s gift. 
You worked out what it was the moment she had given it, but, since you know that curiosity kills the cat, you have stopped yourself from opening it, not sure if you will cope with seeing a ring. What would this ring even be? A ‘sorry I fucked my best friend’? 
Elena hasn’t been included in the children’s entertainment plans for the morning; they have gone for a visit to a coral reef, accompanied by their babysitter and Anya (who you are beginning to think is enjoying their activities more than they are). Despite being relatively advanced for her age, some things fall short, such as her attention span. It doesn’t help that the sleeping issues Alexia had noticed are leaking into her time spent with you, too. 
“Mama,” comes a small whine, followed by a sniffle. Elena has been trying her best to copy you, lying underneath a towel for shade. You had hoped she’d finally fallen asleep, seeing as that didn’t happen last night. With her evidently still awake, you sit up, reaching out to run your hand through her damp hair, not quite dry from when she had enough energy to splash around in the pool. 
“Mama, tired.” 
“I’m not surprised. That’s what happens if you don’t sleep.” 
“Mama.” The petulance is a little glimpse into her teenage years, but then she begins to cry and your imagination falters at the sound. 
Elena, as far as toddlers go, is not the most emotional. She is generally well-behaved, if a little unresponsive at times, but she is quiet and introverted and happy to follow the leader, whoever that may be. She is a complete contrast to her brother, who basks in the attention he demands from those around him, loud about what he loves and hates, yearning to make friends with everything he sees. Elena, Elisabet Segura has told you, is just like Alexia, when she was that age. Controlled, reserved. (And your parents were quick to draw the similarities between you and your son.) 
Just like her mother, Elena is drawn to you. Just like his mother, Nico is drawn to Alexia. Opposites attract. 
It’s hard to ignore if you notice it. 
So, when Elena begins to cry, you are alarmed to see, in her eyes, the same fear that clouds hazel irises you know far too well. The tears glide down her cheeks in inherited patterns, and you try not to panic at how much she looks like Alexia – even if they do not share the same DNA. 
Part of you, the same part that suffered from postpartum depression and dulled your motherly instincts, wants nothing more than to run away from the crying toddler, horrified at the sight as you spiral and begin to imagine Alexia in her place, just as distraught as your daughter seems to be. And it’s weird and unsettling and you are so confused because Elena hasn’t cried like this since you told Alexia to leave. She continues, and even that night starts to seem minor in comparison to her meltdown right now. 
Elena does not sob, she does not scream, she does not shout and go bright red in the face earnestly. A developmental tantrum, sure, but never, ever like this. 
You have never seen this before, and you are at a loss for how to respond. Naturally, you draw her into your arms, holding her close and rocking her gently as she continues to wail. 
“Oh, my darling,” you stagger out, trying to forget your desire to join her, to break down with her. “Mama’s here, Lela. It’s okay.” The words feel inadequate and do nothing to soothe her, though your hands stroke her back as if to rub the comfort in, to absorb her anguish and bleed it out. You would do it, if you could. You’d take all of her pain away in an instant. 
In your mind, a whirlwind of thoughts swells up and disgorges bubbling, burning ideas into the pit of your stomach, none of them quite fitting as an explanation for her distress. Is she hurt? Is she missing Alexia? Or is it something deeper, something you’d overlooked? 
You can be selfish, you know that. Perhaps you have been too focused on getting over the destruction of your family that you have forgotten said family in the process?
Perhaps this has happened before! You were touring for a while.
As you hold her, helplessness washes over you, as though the pool you are right next to has grown thrice the size and is trying to drown you both. You wish Alexia were here all of a sudden. Alexia, gifted at soothing crying children and being a mother and managing a career and parenthood in a way that you have never quite managed. 
Alexia, who gave into your request for children and ended up besting you at it. 
Alexia, whom you still love and miss and hope, sometimes, will wake up beside you even if you know that it is wrong and pathetic and… God, do you really lack such self-respect that you’d take her back? Are you this useless that the crying child in your arms should be passed off to someone else because you can’t cope and you never will and you still smoke because you’re stressed and the last time you took drugs was far too recent to be called a good mother and Elena cries and cries and cries and…
You take a deep breath. 
“It’s okay,” you repeat, hating that you are lying to her. It’s not okay! None of it is okay. “Mama’s here, Lela, Mama’s here. You’re safe.” 
Your voice trembles, and she hears the weakness of your tone, unconvinced and uncomforted, failed by the woman who is supposed to guide her through all of her storms as steady as the sun’s movement each passing hour. Elena’s cries continue unabated, her small frame wracked with sobs as she clings to you, squeezing your skin tightly in a way that tells you that you are not enough. 
You, alone, are not enough for her. 
You can’t do this. 
With your arms holding her securely in place, you dip down slightly, grasping your phone from the tote bag it’s shaded in. It has been warmed by the sun anyway, but the heat of the screen as you press it to your ear is nothing in comparison to the burning in your chest, the fire her cries have ignited in a way that destroys everything in you. 
She continues to scream into your body as the dial tone buzzes and beeps three times, picked up on the fourth as if she has been counting the rings.
“Dime,” Alexia’s gruff voice huffs out, unimpressed that you have called her after refusing for the past month, seemingly always busy. Anya and Gio had given her excuses; you were busy talking to Leah, you were in a meeting, you didn’t want to speak to her. “Now is not a good time.” 
You only manage to breath out her name before she understands that something is seriously wrong. 
“Alexia, it’s Elena… she’s… she’s crying, she hasn’t stopped. Alexia, I-I don’t know what to do,” you admit, voice breaking. You know she will be able to hear the sobs coming from the toddler, her voice mighty and fierce despite how small she seems. “She hasn’t slept at all, and it just… happened. I can’t calm her down.” 
“Is she hurt?” 
“No, no,” you stutter, words tumbling out in a rush, “I don’t think so.” 
“What do you mean ‘hasn’t slept’? Not even a nap?” 
You shake your head, panicked. At Alexia’s lack of response, you remember that she is not here with you. You swallow your own sobs. “She’s been sharing a room with Nico and everything’s been fine, except, last night, she wouldn’t sleep. It was like she was terrified of it. She begged me to let her sleep with me, so I brought her into my bed and, I don’t know, it didn’t help. I tried to tire her out, read to her, sang to her, told her off, comforted her, but she wouldn’t and so I drifted off and she didn’t and we were relaxing today – it’s just us, today – and she started crying half an hour ago and hasn’t stopped.” 
As if on cue, Elena’s sobs grow louder, piercing through the phone line in a way that makes both you and Alexia feel sick. But Alexia has heard these before, and has kept them from you for a very good reason.
“She’s exhausted,” Alexia decides calmly. “She’ll cry herself to sleep.” 
“She doesn’t want to sleep!” you snap, frustrated. 
“She’s scared you are going to leave her. She usually… she usually cries for you, when she’s with me. I guess not seeing me has flipped it.” 
You pale. 
“Usually, Alexia?” 
You hear a sigh. “Do you want me to talk to her?” she asks, ignoring your horrified question. “Rub her back and keep touching her, so that she knows you’re there. I’ll… I’ll see if I can get her to calm down a bit so that you can – you need a breather, don’t you?” 
“My daughter is crying as though the world is about to end.” 
“Well, for her, it feels like it is. Put me on speaker.” 
You obey her instruction, reclining on the lounger so that Elena is now curled on top of you, wetting your chest with her tears. You place the phone near her head, both hands trying desperately to remind her that she is not alone. 
“Lela, petita, no estàs sola. Estoy aquí, y Mama también. Mai et deixarem.” 
Elena sniffles, surprised by the sound of Alexia’s voice. 
“That’s it, darling,” you encourage as the sobs are quickly replaced by resigned whimpering. Alexia continues to talk, hardly understandable as you let yourself succumb to your own emotions, your tears running down the sides of your face, hands still drawing circles on your daughter’s back. “That’s it,” you whisper. 
Alexia hangs up when she hears both of you breathing deeply, slowly, softly; fast asleep. 
She wipes the sweat from her brow, more exhausted from this than the gym session she had stepped out of. 
“What was that about?” Codi asks her curiously, taken in the blush in her captain’s cheeks, the slight dent in her lips from where she has bitten them. “Rather inappropriate to pick up a booty call when we’re this close,” she pinches her fingers together, “to the semis, no?” 
“Elena won’t sleep with her either,” Alexia says, if not because she needs to tell someone then because she relishes in the embarrassment that clouds Laia’s face as she hurries to take her comment back. 
“I thought you’d overcome it,” Laia replies sadly. “She was sleeping the whole night in her own bed, wasn’t she? That was only two months ago.” 
“She can’t deal with it, Codi.” Her sigh is a little more heartbroken than what is fitting for such a communal area, but Alexia does not care that her hunched shoulders have caught Irene’s attention, the defender well-acquainted with the signs of family issues. “She can’t deal with the back-and-forth. She is only three.”
“It has been a year,” comforts her friend. “Maybe she needs more time to adjust.” 
“Laia, you did not hear her. She cried like she was going to die, and I felt like I was going to die with her. You know how Y/n is with… You remember what it was like when Nico was a baby, when he wouldn’t stop crying. We were lucky that Elena didn’t have that, or that the doctors were more vigilant or whatever, but… I was keeping this from her for a reason.” 
Alexia doesn’t want to guilt you back to her. There is the slightest possibility that, if you were to know just how much Elena has been struggling while away from you, you would suffer through your heartbreak and pretend everything was fine, just to make her happy. Just to make their lives easier. 
But Alexia knows. Alexia knows you wake up every day and relive it again and again. She sees the repulsion in your eyes when you look at her – she saw it through the wine and the pleasure. 
She knows you smoke, she knows the rumours about the parties you go to are mostly true. She knows that the album is about her, and that the success didn’t taste sweet because it exploited your heartbreak. 
She knows that you don’t feel anything towards Leah Williamson, that you’re only trying to get her attention or fill her place. 
Alexia knows all of this, because you are a part of her. She knows how you feel like she knows where her right hand is, and, the worst part about that, is that she knows it is all entirely her fault. 
“Irene, where is Mateo?! Alexia needs her little person hugs!” shouts Laia, sympathy hidden by her teasing tone, which Alexia is very grateful for. “Get the nen, and get him now!” 
The unopened ring box travels with you to Australia. 
Spain’s failure to lose has led them to the World Cup Final, and while you are going to support your own country, Elena and Nico are dressed in ALEXIA jerseys, yellow and red stripes painted onto their chubby cheeks. 
You had found out, after the Elena incident, that your friends had been lying to Alexia for your peace of mind, or so they claimed. 
You don’t know how to tell Alexia that you called Leah before you left for Bali and told her that you couldn’t be with her. Or that Gio and Anya had been meddling, going as far as to calculatedly gift Nico an iPad in preparation for a summer of trying to save you from a broken heart. 
So… you send her a heads-up that you’ll be attending the final, wish her luck (but not too much, for the sake of the Lionesses), and ensure the children are down for naps so that they have energy to party late into the night regardless of the outcome. 
As a desperate, short-term solution while separate from Alexia, you had your manager seek out the best paediatrician in Bali and get a reasonable prescription for melatonin, just so that Elena can sleep. You plan to let Alexia focus on her tournament and bring up the issue when preseason starts, aware that drugging the child to sleep is definitely not the best option. 
With another hour of sleep in their systems, you have time to re-pack your suitcases, ready to leave the next day. 
And you are reminded of your unopened gift. 
Alexia had said to open it when you were home, but you reason that home is with your children, and home, due to your career, is often also in the hotel suites in foreign countries. 
You root through the piles of neatly-folded clothes, searching for the box you had buried at the bottom. Its velvet edges are soft under the wrapping paper and the box is sitting in the palm of your hand, naked now, before you realise what you are doing. 
The lid flicks open, and you prepare yourself to see something shiny, some insanely expensive diamond that certainly won’t fix all that she has done. 
But you brace for nothing, for inside the box lies only a slip of paper. 
A boarding pass from London Stansted to Barcelona-El Prat Airport, decorated in aged, black ink.
Scrawled on top of the flight details is something much more valuable than the entrance into First Class the paper allows. 
Eleven digits. 
Your old phone number. 
You remember this. 
It was the night you first kissed Alexia, or, rather, she kissed you. You’d been at some FC Barcelona event, and you’d gone outside because you had realised it might not have been acceptable for Alexia to hit on you in front of all those people, no matter how much she had wanted to. 
You’d smoked to get her attention, to get her to tell you off. To start a conversation. And you had loved her from the minute she kissed you, so tentative, so unsure. 
The boarding pass is sentimental, and you are amazed at the condition it is in, or even the fact that she still has it. 
You drop the box, plucking the paper from the slit it had been situated in, unfolding it, examining it with tears in your eyes. 
You turn it over in your palm, re-acquainting yourself with your memories from that evening. 
And you notice fresh, blue ink written on the back of the boarding pass. 
It’s Alexia’s handwriting, this time, though neater than usual, having clearly taken care to form her letters correctly. 
Can we start again? it says.
There is a drawing of three stick women, short dresses, high ponytails, too. One is circled, an arrow leaping out of the wobbly shape. That one is labelled with your name, and, underneath, ‘esta es mi favorita y me casaré con ella algún día’. 
Marta once told you, at the expense of her club captain, that that had been Alexia’s only comment about you back when they were all obsessed with your break-out girl group and could never talk about anything else. 
Twenty-nine-year-old Alexia Putellas knows that her mistakes have lost her many battles, but twenty-nine-year-old Alexia Putellas also knows that her love will win her the war. Because there you are, and nothing is worth fighting for more than you. 
(to get back to the main post)
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saturnznct · 2 years
your daughter gets her period | hrj
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➸ request from anon; heyy I know you arent talking requests, but if you ever get the time... could you do a fic where jinghua gets her period for the first time? Like her mom had already told her about what periods were, but only renjun is around when she gets them. Please take care and i love your works <3
➸ note; thank u anon for requesting! i hope you like this <3
baobei - treasure
➸ word count; 1316 words
➸ jinghua; aged 12
➸ warning(s); periods, blood
nct masterlist
⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆✦⋆ ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
‘You understand, baby?’
‘I think so,’ Jinghua, aged nine, mumbles, staring intently at the leaflet that she’d brought home from school.
‘It’s okay if you’re nervous or if you have any questions,’ you see her look of discomfit and uneasiness.
‘Wha… what should I do when it happens?’ she looks up at you, eyebrows furrowed.
‘If you’re at school, let your teacher know, but if you’re at home, come find me and I’ll make sure you’re all cleaned up and sorted, okay? It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.’
‘Okay, mum/mom. Thank you.’
‘You’re welcome, sweetheart. Let’s forget about it for now, okay?’
Three years later, Jinghua’s still waiting for it to come. A few of her friends have had theirs already, all excited and smug when revealing they had finally become a woman.
You were away for the weekend with friends when it happened to Jinghua. It was your first weekend away in so long, with Renjun watching over your teenage children.
‘Dad,’ Jinghua appears at the door to Renjun’s office, where he’s drawing away on his iPad. 
He looks up, locking his iPad, ‘hi Hua, are you alright?’
It had taken Jinghua a lot of will to approach her father. Once she’d noticed the blood, and managed to process her situation, she’d spent several minutes pacing in the bathroom, trying to muster the courage to go to Renjun.
‘Um,’ she can’t bring herself to make eye contact, ‘I don’t know what to do.’
‘Okay,’ Renjun moves from the chair to the couch, patting the space beside him.
‘Oh, I probably shouldn’t sit..’
‘What’s the matter, sweetheart?’
‘I-I would talk to mum/mom, but she’s not here,’ Jinghua starts, fidgeting with her fingers obsessively, ‘so I’m sorry..’
‘Don’t worry, you can talk to me about anything sweetie,’ Renjun reaches a hand out to still her hands.
‘Um, I think… I think I got my period.’
Renjun freezes for a few moments, and he tries his best to pretend like his entire life didn’t just flash before his eyes.
‘Okay..’ Renjun doesn’t even know what to ask, ‘do you know what to do?’
‘I don’t know what to do about the blood,’ she murmurs, ‘and.. I feel a little sick.’
‘You’re okay, I’m going to help you,’ Renjun stands up, mind running at a million miles an hour while he thinks of all the things he’s done to help you over the years.
Jinghua sits awkwardly on the edge of the bathtub while Renjun rifles through the bathroom cabinets, finally locating the baby wipes. 
‘Can you clean yourself off with these?’
‘Yeah, I think so,’ Jinghua takes the packet, ‘but I need some pads.’
‘I know, Hua, I’ll go and have a look in your mum/mom’s drawers, okay?’
Renjun walks into your bedroom swiftly, wrenching open your underwear drawer and pulling out a tampon box.
‘Hua, your mum/mom only has these?’
Jinghua’s eyes widen dramatically at the sight of tampax box.
‘I don’t.. I don’t know how to use those.. and I don’t- I don’t think I want to,’ she stammers, tears springing to her eyes.
‘O-okay sweetheart,’ his mind races, ‘um, will you be ok if you hang on a few minutes while I run to the shop? I’ll buy you some pads and some chocolate and then I’ll make you up a hot water bottle.’
‘Have a bath Hua, and when you get out I’ll be back, and we can sort you out, is that alright?’
Renjun’s heart aches at how shaken his little girl looks. She rubs her arm nervously, nodding her head, ‘okay, I will. Please don’t be long.’
‘I won’t, baobei,’ he holds her head while he kisses her forehead, an act that usually makes the girl cringe, but one that she welcomed today, ‘I’ll be as quick as I can.’
Renjun hurries over to the car, finding you in his contact list as quick as humanly possible and clicking the call button.
‘Hello Jun?’ You answer, ‘is everything okay?’
‘Not really,’ Renjun throws himself into the car, starting up the engine.
‘What’s the matter?’ you begin to worry, ‘do you need me to come home?’
‘I don’t think so, but, I don’t know what to do, Jinghua, she’s… she’s not my little girl anymore..’
‘Jun, what are you talking about? Are you sure everything’s okay?’
‘Oh, I should probably should have waited for her to tell you herself, but I just need advice, Jinghua just started her period.’
Your eyes widen, ‘really? Of course this happens while I’m away… is she alright?’
‘She’s a bit mortified that she’s had to tell me I think, I left her running a bath and I’m on my way to the store but I don’t have a clue what I should buy for her,’ Renjun pleads with you, ‘please help me.’
You laugh, amused at how out of his depth your husband sounds, ‘okay, just stay on the phone and I’ll tell you what pads to buy, and what else you’ll need.’
‘I’m just pulling into the store,’ Renjun parks up, speed walking inside.
‘Okay, so the pads, there should be two different kinds, one for normal and ones for nighttime.’
‘Yeah, I see those, but they all have different numbers on, how the hell do I know which ones-‘
‘Jun, it’s okay, those are just the sizes. Get her a two in the normal ones and three for the nighttime, get her a couple of each, those should last her the next two months or so.’
‘Okay, so the purple packet with the two on, and the dark blue packet with the three on,’ Renjun confirms aloud, throwing them into his basket, ‘ok, I’ve got them, what can I get her to make her feel better?’
‘Have a look around and see if you can find painkillers for period pain, they’l probably be in a pink box, with ibuprofen written somewhere on it.’
‘I think I got it,’ Renjun adds them to the basket.
‘Alright, now get her a couple of face-masks and quite a bit of chocolate,’ you add, ‘those will make her feel better.’
‘I think I have everything,’ Renjun heads to the self-checkout, ‘do I need to help her with the pads?’
’She should know how to use them, I showed her a while ago. Just make sure she has a heating pad for her stomach. Let her lay down for a while. Just please don’t make a huge fuss. Don’t tell the boys.’
‘Of course not,’ Renjun scans his card, ‘right, I’m heading back now, she asked me to be as quick as possible.’
‘Okay Junnie, look after her for me. I’ll pretend like I didn’t know.’
‘I promise I will,’ Renjun smiles softly, ‘thank you for this. I love you, I’ll see you in a couple of days.’
‘I love you too Renjun, I’ll talk to you later on.’
‘Bye, sweetheart,’ Renjun hangs up, hurrying back home to his other girl, thankful that the store is close to your home.
Jinghua is still soaking in the bath when Renjun returns. Renjun knocks softly on the bathroom door, letting her know of his arrival, before placing the contents of the shopping bag on her bed.
Jinghua comes down the stairs around a quarter of an hour later, hair damp and in a fresh set of pyjamas, clutching the bag of chocolates in her hand.
‘All sorted?’
‘Yeah,’ she nods quietly, still holding herself as though she’s embarrassed, ‘thank you, daddy.’
‘Please tell me if you need anything else,’ Renjun grabbed her hand, squeezing it lightly, ‘or if your hot water bottle goes cold.’
Jinghua smiles lightly, ‘I will.’
‘Love you, baobei,’ he kisses the side of her head, ‘I’m so glad you felt like you could come to me.’
‘Of course, dad,’ Jinghua pops a chocolate button in her mouth, before offering one to her father, ‘you’re the best.’
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genz420 · 5 months
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Cabin 11 Headcannons ✉️ 💵
Masterlist | Rules
Content: Cabin Headcannons
Warning: None
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With cabin 11 there will be two sections of headcannons. Some for the Hermes demigods and some for the unclaimed/ones without a cabin
Because those demigods are just as important as the ones with cabins 
And I never see headcanons for them
They like Converse over vans
Especially the high top converse 
I always see that people think that the Aphrodite Cabins is the richest 
But let's be real it's gonna be the Hades and Hermes cabin
Little Kleptomaniacs 
But as much as Hermes is a deadbeat, he gonna make sure his kids got bags
If the cabin had a song it would be Blue Ridge Mountains by the Fleet Foxes
How else did Luke get that yacht
Anything with Lin-Manuel Miranda is banned in the cabin
Even House MD or star wars: episode ix
They make the biggest “You mom” jokes, but the second you mention their dad
The worst cabin at meal times
Ipad kid vibes 
Like they need to be watching something while eating 
They tend to be the kind of person that can pick up any language very easily
If you are romantically involved with one of them, be ready to get love letters delivered to your cabin door
The best camp counsellors 
Also, I think that the cabin has two sets of counsellors.  One for the Hermes kids and one for the unclaimed/ones without a cabin
They have the most contraband 
Most of it doesn’t even get found during cabin inspections 
They care about the unclaimed kids the most 
Are closer with the children of non-Olympians the most
Because before the war, they were all cabin mates 
And even when they get their own cabin, they are still close 
Know the best route to get out of camp 
Definitely run an under-the-table business in the camp
If you need something from the mortal world, go to a Hermes camper and put in the request 
Will only take money from certain cabins 
Will never take money from minor demigods or demigods that are new to camp
If they were a dinosaurs then they would be the Dilophosaurus
Are the most compassionate demigods at camp
Unlike the Dionysus cabin, uno is not banned 
It should be 
But it’s not
Big gamblers 
In the mortal world: they are the type of kid that you see and wonder how they can be so carefree.  But deep down, they are carefree because they know that they can’t control what happens to them or have such big problems that being carefree is all they can do
Type of person to give their last dollar away to someone whom they deem more in need than them
Are all heavy sleepers 
Because when your cabin has the most foot traffic, you learn to shut it out 
Are amazing with the Pegasus
The cabin with the worst interior 
The kids that get beds often feel guilt for the new kids who have to sleep on the ground 
All they can do, though, is make sure that they are comfortable and have everything they need
I feel like they are the type of person to sleep with a stuffed animal even as they get older 
The Hermes is one of the closest cabins 
They view their cabin mates are siblings
Whether they have Hermes as a parent or not
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sunnydayroleplay · 11 months
Hiya Jack! How are u! I missed you so much! Where have you gone?
Jack speaking, and here are your reminders sunspot!~
- If you're 18- DNI, this is a NSFW post and so is the game it is based off of. This is an 18+ community.
- Those under 18 interacting not only jeopardizes your own safety and well being , it jeopardizes mine, and the creators of the games.
- (As well as moral/ethics.)
! Sunshine Insider Information !
This post includes:
-Jack speaking/ Jack POV.
-Fourth wall breaking potentially??
-Wholesome :D
Hey sunshine! I've been as dandy as a sunflower in the summer! I missed you all so very much.
I've been all sorts of places, but one of them I haven't been to in awhile is well... here! Although I haven't been present for a long while, thank you all! Reading all your sweet messages and comments really remind me lots as to why I do what I do!
I also particularly enjoy reading all your requests and seeing what you come up with! However there are some...hm.. what's the word... concerning requests, I'd like to also remind you some basic ground rules. Ain't nothin' wrong with being a rule follower! It's good to be a leader, but sometimes it's better to be a follower.
Now, number on- I... hold on-
(insert comical searching sounds for stuff in tiny ass bag)
(my bad)
(insert comical searching sounds for stuff in tiny a██ bag)
Better- Oh! Here we go!
Ahem, here's a few thing's and rules I wrote down! Take notes my sunrises and sunsets.
Sunny Day Roleplay Rules and Reminders!
1. Please read the pinned comment and look at my boundaries there.
I'm tired of the amount of people who continue to disrespect my wishes and are actually trying to threaten me. I know I'm not the best writer/blogger, or the most popular, but the amount of people who ask me beyond inappropriate questions or make continuous requests to the point I have to block and report is unreal. I don't mean to be rude, but please. This is the main reason I had to take a longer break than last in the first place. I can't get things out as soon as you send them. And I cannot reply back to messages as soon as you dm them. I have a personal life too, my life does not revolve around this account.
I cannot stress this enough, the amount of literal ELEMENTARY school children I see following me or dmming my other SDJ accounts is unreal. At this point I don't even care if you're 13-14 (I do, but listen and don't twist my words) but if you're 9-12 on the internet talking with absolute strangers about NSFW shit? You need to put the iPad down and please go to bed. It's painfully obvious and it makes me and albeit a shit ton of people uncomfortable. Please, just stop.
3. To that one group of people. You know who you are.
Stop spamming me photos of James Corden on my twitter while I'm at work or sleeping. Thank you-
What, Jack?
That amount of profanity is-
Have you seen what you partake in this account content wise?
Anywho, that's going to be all for today! Have a happy, healthy sunny day, and be sure to eat well and drink water. And remember sunspot, I'll always be here for you.
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kekeartzworld · 3 months
Sneaky Lil Peep For People Who Actually Care
This is a WIP from IbisPaint on my iPad
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It’s grown up/future designs of the gays
This is like 15 years into the future so they’re both in their early 30s by this point in time
What you may be able to notice right away is that Blossom’s allowed her hair to grow out a bit
I see Blossom taking after Miss Bloomie, becoming a chemistry teacher
It was a little more difficult to think of something for them
I recall how I’ve given Symphony a rather shy and anxious personality so I had this idea that it does come out of its shell more as it gets older and it becomes a guidance counselor at the school helping students who go through similar struggles that it remembered going through in its youth
Additionally, Symphony never gets rid of its cat Oreo
In fact, Oreo ends up becoming a therapy pet and she stays with her owner in the counselor’s office
I feel this goes too deep into spoilers for my plans with this
Symphony and Blossom do end up having children of their own in this future timeline
I will not spoil the kiddos backstory but I will say that they are twins and I’ve named them Melodii and Basil
Yes, one of the kids is named Basil… go ahead, Omori fans make your jokes
I think that’s as much insight as I want to give about this future timeline until I EVENTUALLY get it finished
This is NOT gonna be one of those projects that I get halfway done with and give up on because I think that this actually does make for some interesting, more in depth lore for these two
Anyway, that’s all!
I may try and get some sleep… it’s 3:30 AM at the time of typing this
Buh bye! =3
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miammey · 9 months
There is so much bad shit going on in the world, every day things get worse and no matter what people do nothing gets better
Humans are dumb and selfish and refuse to learn half the time, and a part of me is just sick of living in a world where I can’t scroll social media for five seconds without seeing some drama, or being reminded of the terrible stuff happening all around the world in which the only thing I can do to even try to help is spread the word, or I just get reminded of terrible people who exist and have hurt others
I hate this, people are stupid, the internet was a mistake. Being kind to each other is so much easier than being cruel and always gets better results, but even those in their adult years need to keep bitching and whining about things because they want something and them having that something hurts so many other people
I’m not above other humans, in fact I’d say I’m the bottom of the barrel when it comes to importance of people, but I am so disappointed that the human race never fucking learns because they never want to learn, they don’t want to try and be reasonable or charitable or even kind, and the younger generations are learning from that. They think that being an asshole is the best thing to do in certain situations because no one’s ever cared to try and teach them right from wrong, or how to properly communicate with people, mainly online. And even the generation too young to have their own social media is affected.
Everyone knows about iPad kids, and those children will grow up to be spoiled rotten because they’re used to getting what they want and I know they’ll refuse to do anything in terms of work. And then there’s the fact that younger and younger kids are getting those accounts, which exposes them to adults who want go hurt them, and also to conversations and drama that happens in adult conversations where they spout bullshit because they read half a post and jumped to conclusions because they never learned how to analyze texts because everyone older than them constantly talks about how much school sucks, so they don’t pay attention in class and just never learn how to properly handle arguments, and those kids will grow into lonely adults because they refuse to listen to anyone.
This is a cycle that will only get worse and worse because that is what we keep teaching our youth, that they can be as entitled as they want, that they don’t need to do anything and can sit online all day arguing with others and giving other kids their age death threats, developing every mental disorder in existence because being exposed to so much in such little time and at such a young age is traumatizing, and all of that being so normalized
Meanwhile, they look at the struggling adults of the world and all the shit happening that they cannot stop, and the best thing they can do is keep talking about it and hoping that the government figureheads old enough to have late-stage dementia but are still somehow in positions of power eventually die just so a slightly younger out of touch politician can take their place and continue this downward spiral
I want to stay positive, I try so hard to stay positive because I’ve had to talk multiple people out of thinking these exact same thoughts, but it’s as if everything keeps conspiring against the universe in order to make things worse for humanity, not just as a whole but also on an individual level
Humans are selfish, they’re stupid, rarely do seeds of good sprout from groups, and those sprouts of good are probably the only reason I’m alive right now
I enjoy seeing positive things come from people. I want to see stray animals getting rescued, I want to see people donate money to help someone afford a life-saving surgery, and to get personal I want to come home and hug my parents and kiss them on the cheek every day, I want to annoy my sibling while they play video games and pat them on the head, I want to hear my grandma call me her darling child, but at the same time I don’t want to live in a world where these happy little things are either rare or simply overlooked. I don’t want to live in a world where we as a species can’t go one day without something bad happening in every community. I don’t want to live in a world where people are selfish to the point where they do not care for the pain of others, and feel no guilt for telling their peers that they don’t deserve to live
I don’t think I’m the only one that thinks this way, and that just makes this a bigger problem
Living in this world is exhausting, and if it weren’t for those little things I would have given up on it a long, long time ago
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stormanbates · 2 years
Donnie's Tantrums
Holy crap, this took forever! I have autism, and so I had to ask my mom what I was like when I went to daycare and babysitters' houses and I copied those stories to fit Donnie, except for the picky eating part. I wasn't that much of a picky eater as a kid, I pretty much ate everything I was told, except for foods that were too smooth, or had a lot of spices, and I was a pretty plain eater. Now that I'm an adult and can cook for myself, I've expanded my tastes. Unfortunately the same cannot be said about my oldest nephew, who is FAMOUS for being our family's pickiest eater. He's got the same tastes that Donnie has in this chapter. Peanut butter sandwiches, oatmeal, chocolate, plain pasta, and fruit is all this kid eats. Enjoy the story!
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The Hidden City Daycare prides itself on making sure every toddler that visits their facility is safe, taught the value of friendship, and is taken care of well. Mrs. Calabash, head caretaker of the baby and toddler rooms, took great pride in making sure her room ran like a well oiled machine.
Donnie, even at 26 months, 1 week, 4 days, 7 hours, and 29 minutes old, loved efficiency.
Unless it interferes with his own interests.
The soft shelled turtle was on the spectrum, and had a very specific way of doing things and had to keep his routine on check.
And what happened if that didn't happen?
Donnie was usually a calm turtle, but when pushed, he wouldn't hesitate to bring the water works and throw himself on the floor in a tantrum. And when that happened, Mrs. Calabash would put him in a playpen adjacent to the play area so he could finish his tantrum, mainly to keep the other children from getting hurt from his thrashing body.
Donnie couldn't help it. He needed schedules. Routines kept him sane. And it didn't help that everyday Mrs. Calabash had something new for the kids she took care of.
In the short few months he had been going to daycare, he noticed different activities happening, such as a guest coming in to read a story to the infants, Mr. Kimpchi playing his guitar to soothe the little ones to sleep, or even Miss Yu bringing a new food for the tots to try during snack time.
But Mrs. Calabash would also do things out of order, and THAT would make Donnie lose his mind.
It just felt wrong when what he called "stacking block time" was switched with "music time".
Today was one of those days.
Donnie liked to start his day at daycare with some light reading. His twin, Leo, was more of a free spirit and wanted to play with his closest brother.
"Pway with me, Don!" Leo begged, tugging on his onesie.
Donnie retaliated by shoving his brother away, hating being touched. "No!" He yelled.
Leo pouted a bit, but decided to leave Donnie to do his boring stuff, and went to do something else.
Donnie picked a book on the shelf and began to read it. His brothers don't know it yet, but Donnie can read a little.
Splinter read to them every night and Donnie picked it up fast. He knew his ABCs and some simple words like "Dad", "Book", "Juice", "Bath", "iPad", and simple phrases like "I don't wanna take a nap", "I want the purple one", and most importantly "I don't like being touched!"
Donnie finished his book, and went to pick up the next one: a book about a little rabbit who dreamed of being in the Battle Nexus, when Mrs. Calabash stopped him.
"No, no, Donatello, we're going to read that book at storytime."
Donnie held onto the book that Mrs. Calabash tried to take from him, whining.
"We're about to switch play areas, why don't you play with the stacking blocks?"
That sent Donnie into a fit. The purple masked turtle immediately began to scream and threw himself forward, sobbing as he did.
Mrs. Calabash just rolled her 3 eyes before using a tentacle to pick up Donnie.
"Stop this behavior, or you go into time out. Which one will it be?"
Her choices made Donatello even more angry and he screamed louder.
"Very well." She said as she slithered towards the playpen. The dreaded playpen.
Donnie pouted. He didn't get it; throwing a fit always worked on Dad.
It was true. Splinter was a bit of a softie when it came to his autistic son. When he read up on the condition, he understood that tantrums were a way of children on the spectrum to express their feelings. Splinter couldn't stand his son's crying, so he usually just gave in to whatever Purple wanted.
But not a childcare veteran like Mrs. Calabash. She'd seen kids like Donnie come and go and this was how she ran things. No child, on the spectrum or not, was going to run her daycare.
So, Donnie was plopped into the playpen.
"You stay here until you calm down."
Before they were mutated, Donnie wasn't a good climber. And even after his mutation, he still wasn't good. The top of the playpen seemed as tall as a building compared to Raph's back, which Donnie crawled over often.
No matter how hard he tried, Donnie couldn't reach the top bars and landed on his behind every time.
Thank goodness for diapers being so thick, or else he would've landed on what Leo calls "the Nards". He did once during a tantrum at bathtime, and he never wanted to do that again; it was so painful.
Donnie kicked the bars, which made him cry again. Mrs. Calabash ignored him.
Donnie continued his tantrum until he eventually calmed down, reduced to whimpers.
"Well, Donatello, I think we're feeling a whole lot better now, aren't we?" A pinkish-purple tentacle lifted up the soft shell turtle and placed him onto the floor.
"Now go play."
Donnie obeyed.
He went to his second favorite activity: building.
The area where babies and toddlers gather around to build things with Legos was crowded, but Donnie managed to find a spot and started to pick up pieces.
Another issue with Donnie was that he hated being touched.
And toddlers and babies didn't understand boundaries.
When a 2 year old kitten yokai reached across Donnie's lap to reach for a brightly colored pink Lego piece, he freaked out and said one of his well-known sentences.
"I don't like being touched!"
And the purple masked turtle forgot about the rule about pushing.
Don't push.
The kitten fell on a small pile of legos and began crying, alerting Mrs. Calabash.
Immediately, a frog yokai child old enough to tattle told Mrs. Calabash what happened.
"Donnie pushed Selene!"
"She touching me!" Donnie argued.
"Donatello, we don't push. Tell her you're sorry."
Donnie, still reeling from the time out he received not even 3 minutes ago, obeyed.
"Sowry!" He said, quickly.
"It otay!" Selene said before toddling off.
"Story time! Whoever wants me to read to them, come to the carpet."
Donnie wanted a story, so he sat down with other children that wanted to hear a story. Other children who wanted to keep playing just kept playing, like Raph, who was playing with his teddy, and Leo, who was riding a tricycle around the room.
Mikey crawled towards his older brother and climbed into his lap. Donnie allowed it. Mikey was usually content during storytime.
As Mrs. Calabash read to the children, Donnie listened intently and Mikey suckled his fingers.
"And the Samarai Rabbit beat the Turducken, and cheers filled the Battle Nexus Arena, so the Rabbit felt at peace, knowing he won his first battle. And the Rabbit lived happily ever after. The end."
Mrs. Calabash noticed Donnie raise his hand. Though difficult to deal with at times, she knew he was curious, like a school aged child.
"Yes, Donnie?"
"Dat's not twue. The Rabbit didn't beat up the Turducken, Wou Jitsu did." The turtle said.
Mrs. Calabash sighed. "Donnie, this is a storybook, not a history book. And Lou Jitsu hasn't fought in the Battle Nexus in years, so you shouldn't take things so seriously."
Donnie pouted, then he decided to get up to do something else...
only to make Mikey tumble to the ground, where the orange masked baby turtle started to wail, more in shock than pain.
"I wanted him off my lap!" He argued.
Mrs. Calabash scooped up Donnie and Mikey in her tentacles.
"Your daddy will hear about this, young man. Off to the corner."
Mrs. Calabash once again, placed Donnie in the playpen, then left to comfort Mikey.
Donnie felt frustrated. This was the third time he had gotten in trouble and the second time he'd been to time out.
Daddy was not going to be happy.
A sudden uncomfortable feeling took Donnie from his thoughts and he looked down at his lower region. Disgust grew on his face in a grimace and he began to wail.
When Mrs. Calabash noticed he wouldn't stop crying, and that it wasn't his "I'm in time out" cry, but rather a cry that meant he needed something, she went to him.
Before she could ask what was wrong, she saw that he had unpopped the buttons on his onesie; a habit he did when he was wet. And just to be sure, she checked.
"Oh, my! Looks like somebody needs a dry diaper!" She said, feeling sympathy for the crying tot.
Donnie was given a book to flip through while Mrs. Calabash searched the diaper bag Splinter had given her that morning. Finding the appropriate items for cleaning up "Mister Soggy Pants" that was laying on her changing table was easy, and she got started.
Donnie was distracted by the flip book and paid no attention to her as she cleaned him up. He felt it was quite nice to not be cold and wet "down there".
"All done!" She said, closing the baby powder cap with one tentacle and buttoning up his onesie with another.
Donnie was put down and was allowed to play. He just played alone; it was better than getting in trouble for establishing boundaries.
But not long after, Mrs. Calabash placed him at the snack table. Donnie chose saltine crackers, flavorless juice and some fruit gummies for his snack.
"Nom noms?"
Donnie turned and saw Mikey, with his mouth open; a sign he was asking for a bite of his food.
Donnie gave him a fruit snack and Mikey was content.
Donnie's autism doesn't stop at social cues, it also involves food and sleep.
This snack was all Donnie ate at Daycare. At home, he ate only oatmeal in the morning, had his snack and lunch at daycare (where lunch was a packed plain peanut butter sandwich, 7 cheese crackers and a bottle of formula), and only one bite of whatever Splinter cooked for himself and the two older boys, followed by Donnie's usual dinner at home, which was usually plain macaroni or plain cheese pizza.
Mrs. Calabash prides herself on giving the children a variety of foods to eat at snack time, and plenty of picky eaters that are in her care found at least one thing they liked that wasn't part of their normal diet. But Donnie wasn't a normal child; he was a mutant and not a yokai, he was a breed of turtle that mostly ate meat and vegetation, and he was on the spectrum.
So, Donnie ate his crackers and juice and touched nothing else.
In his mind, not only were most of the things on the snack table inedible because of his condition's natural fear of the unknown, but he also believed they were contaminated by other children's germs.
Mrs. Calabash chalked it up to "we all have wins and we all have losses" and brushed it off. Sooner or later this mutant child will grow out of his pickiness.
After he ate his snack, Donnie walked to the napping area of the room and laid down next to Leo. Mikey laid across him and Leo like a turtle blanket and Raph was their pillow.
It took Donnie no time at all to fall asleep. He may have had trouble falling asleep at night, but naptime was breeze. Mrs. Calabash was happy for that.
"Oh, Donatello..." she said as she turned down the lights and allowed the children to sleep.
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teenageculturesdead · 2 years
Losing the Battle of "App-Diction"
Is it untrue that as young people today we spend more time on our phones scrolling our lives away, than we do actually being in the moment? Is it untrue that we are more likely to believe information we find via social media than we do via our own peers? And is it untrue that we care more about the state of our social feeds than our mental health?
The age of the internet is sick with addiction and it may be too late to find a cure.
We live in an age where there are children who cannot eat, sleep or play without having some sort of device to watch simultaneously — gaining them the well fitted nickname ‘iPad kids’. These same kids, who despite having lived their whole lives in the UK, now refer to there mother as mommy and believe that candy is the correct word for dessert. American accents spill out of these children’s mouths as soon as they learn to talk which is shortly followed by their mannerisms. Reality seems so distant to these children and it will hit them hard as soon as they reach secondary school. No longer is their idea of the ‘High School Musical’ school experience suitable as they come face to face with a contest of ‘who can be the biggest chav?’ and ‘how many fights do you think I can get into before lunch?’. Long gone are their hopes of breaking out into song mid lesson or their dreams of sharing school spirit with their piers. In their new reality they must adapt of be seen as an outcast, a wierdo, a freak, a loner and the list goes on.
Now that’s not to say the screen obsession stops here. No. In fact its the complete opposite. It only worsens. Now these preteens have discovered social media. The cruel world of likes and comments. The place where self acceptance goes to die. The place where these still naïve children lose their innocence.
That may sound dramatic but its only the beginning of the truth and I, myself can attest to that. When I look back on the last few years of my secondary school life, every single piece of drama or gossip can all be traced back to some sort of incident involving social media — and a lot of this is probably still public to this day. Any teen who was largely active on the internet in 2018 will remember the whole drama involving Annie Leblanc (now going by Jules Leblanc), Hayden Summerall and Mackenzie Ziegler. To put a long story short a video leaked of Mackenzie and Hayden kissing at his 13th birthday party whilst he was still dating Annie, this caused absolute uproar across social media as people came to Annie’s side to support her. Some die hard Hannie (Annie and Hayden’s ship name) fans took this to astronomical levels and a close friend of mine at the time was one of them.
‘@kenzie go kill yourself u snake u made Hannie break up’. This was a comment that my friend made publicly on a post that had nothing to do with the situation. A comment that they will forever regret. I remember vividly them getting pulled out of class by our pupil support teacher after word of the comment had spread. I remember that those closest to them tried to stick up for them. I was not one of these people. Through the whole situation all I could think was If they can so confidently say that to someone they doesn’t even know across the internet, what are they capable of saying to people they actually do in person. I just couldn't get my head round how they could say something so horrible to someone without even knowing the truth behind the story. It was YouTube gossip. I constantly thought about how they would have felt if Kenzie had listened to this comment and wondered if they would then have shown remorse. I have since rekindled my friendship with this person in the hopes they have grown up, but I must admit this will always create some sort of distance between us.
And that’s just one story, one person, one situation. Think of the amount of times young people are subject to stories just like this everyday. Think about a time in your life where social media has infected someone’s mind so terribly that it clouded their moral judgement.
I haven’t even touched on the dangers of not getting enough likes on your recent post or being left on delivered for hours on end even know you know that persons active. I don’t even know where to begin on the absolute fear that someone screenshotting a message has. In short there is far too many ill effecting dangers in something that is so prevalent in all of our daily lives for us to accept it. Yet we do.
Simple. We are sick. Addicted. Obsessed and insecure. We are teenagers and we are losing ourselves to the internet.
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onehoppymomma2 · 1 year
Can Technology Benefit Youthful Children's Education?
Like parents, all of us possess fought the struggle with our kids as they usually are absorbed into a cd or movie upon an iPad, tablet or even smartphone. We've have a better chance of best man attention of Jeff Cruise walking that red carpet compared to our kids. Thelarderbox.com
Today, it is really common for two-year-olds to be using iPads, elementary schoolers installed to video games, and additionally we all suffer (or live with) the task of prying ones own middle-schooler away from this computer long sufficient to eat a decent dinner…
Technology is in all places and its draw concerning kids is visible, but is solutions helping our kids study? Technology is becoming a lot more social, adaptive, in addition to customized, and as a result, it's really a fantastic teaching instrument. That stated, like parents, we need to determine boundaries.
Today, application is connecting young ones to online mastering communities, tracking youngsters' progress through classes and games, along with customizing each students' experience.
By the moment your child is in general school, they will perhaps well-versed in know-how.
Learning with Know-how at School Institutions are investing large numbers of in technology. Regardless if your child's class makes use of an interactive Smartboard, laptops, or one other device, here are some ways to make sure that concept is used effectively.
Kids love playing with technological know-how, from iPads to be able to digital cameras. What can early childhood students - and moms and dads, too - have to think about before passing kids these units?
Let's start from the outset: what is technology with early childhood? Concept can be as simple being camera, audio recorder, music player, TV, DVD MOVIE player, or more recently available technology like iPads, tablets, and touch screen phones used in child attention centers, classrooms, or simply at home.
More than once, We've had teachers enlighten me, "I usually do not do technology. inches I ask them in the event that they've ever obtained a digital photo of their total students, played accurate documentation, tape, or DVD AND BLU-RAY, or give teenagers headphones to listen to an account.
Teachers have at all times used technology. A difference is which now teachers choose really powerful applications like iPads together with iPhones in their very own and professional lifestyles.
Technology is just something. It shouldn't be included in classrooms or little one care centers simply because it's cool, nonetheless because teachers is capable of activities that sustain the healthy improvement of children.
Lecturers are using digital cameras -- a less cheesy technology than iPads - in certainly creative ways to take part children in grasping. That may be all they have.
At the same time, teachers must be able to integrate solutions into the classroom and child care centre as a social the law matter.
We cannot assume that all young children have technology in the house.
A lack of exposure might widen the a digital divide - which can be, the gap relating to those with and with no access to digital know-how - and constrain some children's faculty readiness and premature success.
Just as all of children need to learn how to deal with a book within early literacy, they should be be taught learn how to use technology, such as how to open this, how it works out, and how to look after it.
Experts fret that technology is actually bad for children.
One can find serious concerns around children spending too much effort in front of screens, mainly given the many window screens in children's existence.
Today, very young children can be sitting in front of TVs, using on iPads and additionally iPhones, and observing their parents acquire photos on a video camera, which has its own monitor.
There used to be solely the TV screen.
Which has been the screen you worried about and searched for 30 yrs.
We as a niche know a whole lot within the impact of TV SET on children's tendencies and learning, however , we know very little on the subject of all the new digital camera devices.
The National Academy of Pediatrics discourages screen time frame for children according to two years old, even so the NAEYC/Fred Rogers status statement takes a just a little different stance.
This says that concept and media really should be limited, but everything that matters most is normally how it is utilized.
What is the content?
Will it be being used in an purposive manner?
Is it developmentally appropriate?
As dad and mom, we need to be aware of your drawbacks of technological know-how and its impact on sight, vocabulary and real development. We will also be cognizant of the kids overall enhancement,
My advice to help teachers and dads and moms is to trust a instincts. You know your children and if you think they've been watching the show too long, turn it out of.
It's up to you and me, as parents, to note that your child's personal pc time is lessening or limiting friendships and playtime by means of other kids in addition to nudge them around new directions. To be able to encourage them to be psychologically active, to get in the garden and play.
It could be up to the person of legal age to understand the kid's personality and temperament and to figure out if your technology is one of the means the child chooses to help you interact with the world.
Concurrently, cut yourself a lot of slack.
We all know there presently exists better things to do along with children's time as opposed to to plop all of them in front of a TELLY, but we moreover know that child care and attention providers have to help make lunch, and families need time to go on a shower.
In conditions like that, it is the adult's job to make a technology time far more valuable and interactive by asking inquiries and connecting some child's virtual knowledge on the screen by using real-life experiences inside her world.
Figuring out with Technology at your home Whether you're issuing your child your good screen phone so that you can entertain them, and also it's your toddlers' preferred playtime can be on an iPad or even tablet, here are 8-10 ways to make sure your son or daughter's experiences with solutions are educational along with fun.
Focus on Working Engagement
Any time your baby is engaged using a screen, stop a business, or mute that commercials, and ask practicing questions. What was this character thinking? The reason why did the main persona do that? What are you willing to have done in that state of affairs?
Allow for Repetition Digital video disks and YouTube video lessons add an essential factor for young opinions which is repetition. Make it possible for your young child to watch after the same video again and again, and ask him just what he noticed right after each viewing.
Cause it to Tactile Unlike pc systems that require a rodent to manipulate objects to the screen, iPads, drugs and smartphones provide kids manipulate "physical" objects with their hands.
Practice Problem Fixing An emerging sounding games will coerce your child to solve complications as they play, perhaps building concentration together with analytical skills during this process; although the jury is out on this. You don't have clinical data of which supports the promotional message of application makers.
Encourage Design Use technology designed for creation, not just enjoyment. Have your child file a story on your ipod nano, or sing your song into a person's video game system. After that, create an entirely completely new sound using the playback options, slow down and additionally speed up their tone of voice and add various backgrounds and defeats until they've established something uniquely their own.
Show Him Learn how to Use It Many on-line games have different values and young children will possibly not know how to move up or simply change levels. When your child is caught up on one level that is definitely become too effortless, ask if they knows how to progress and help the dog if he would like more of a concern.
Ask Why If your main child is having an app or online game the "wrong" strategy, always pressing the wrong button, for example , inquire further why. It may be they can like hearing this noise the game will make when they get the concern wrong, or they could be stuck and simply cannot figure out which category of objects match amount four.
Focus on Participate in Young kids should be visiting and playing with know-how. This should be considered participate in, and not a concentrate on drilling skills.
Want Your Own Log-In Frequently , school programs have a parent log-in that could allow you to see your kid's progress. If aging, ask to see your reports that a mentor has access to. Subsequently, check his growth every few weeks. That's a great way for you along with your child to be on a single page about their particular progress.
Ask About Tutor Training Technology can be implemented in sessions without appropriate specialist development. If your infant's classroom is having a whole-class system, just like Clickers or a Interactive Smartboard, demand how it's found in class and what exactly training the tutor has had. "As a good parent, you want to find out if teachers look well trained and they are putting [new technologies] to be able to good use.
Discover Parent Resources Probably the greatest ways that technology could actually help your child is by way of helping you learn more about figuring out.
Computers, smartphones, in addition to tablets aren't running away, but by having a few tweaks along with consideration, you can make your son or daughter's technology-time productive, educative, and fun!
Let's not pretend. Most children will use a mouse, offered and close programs, and even search the on-line world by the time these are three years old.
Like have the cognitive capability, it's time to speak with your child about web safety.
Set clean guidelines and online world safety rules in what types of media tend to be acceptable and meticulously support and display your child's technology work with.
Tell your child not to ever share her company name, address, or important data online or upon social media.
Talk with your son or daughter about what to do if perhaps he comes across improper content (close a screen and inform you), and you need to have a high-quality online filter and reliability system in place.
Wrap it Up Enable your child understand that concept is just one of many resources for learning. Save educational games, go through books and habits research. When your toddler asks a query, conduct an Search on the internet to find the answer.
Prior to deciding to press the from button, consider the techniques you can maximize your kid's technology time from home and school.
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pirateofprose · 2 years
about the ipad kid post, also, learning patience is very important. kids have to learn that there are some places where you just can't do any fun things, and that's part of life. you know, you can't just do whatever you want anywhere.
my mom taught me patience when waiting in line and, granted, it was hell as a kid. but there was nothing i could do to make the bank line move faster, and so, i had to wait and those twenty minutes might as well had been two hours, but i learned
now my aunt never sits near her kids during family function and they get restless very quickly, they don't respect any space or any person and they get angry and irritated when they don't get what they want inmediately. and so, she gives them a phone or an ipad and she can be absolved of all responsability of entertaining the children she chose to have, yet doesn't take care of
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beeindaclouds · 3 years
What babysitting Children!DSMP is like
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Includes: Dream, Georgenotfound, Sapnap, Badboyhalo, Skeppy, Quackity, Karl Jacobs, Wilbur Soot, C!Philza, C!Technoblade, Nihachu, Eret, Punz, FoolishGamers
Requests are OPEN
❝ Dream ❞
Disregarding the now Dream
He's the shy kid that's scared of everything
He needs to be near you 24/7 or he will cry, especially during nap time
His favourite toy is probably any type of stuffed animals
If you take him on the playground he'll drag you with him, he ain't going on the slides alone
But other than that he's a very sweet kid who has a very big crush for his kind babysitter
❝ Georgenotfound ❞
He is chaotic
Has the most energy out of all of them
Loves to play tag and heroes and any type of game that involves running
But when he tires out he'll come crawling to you and ask to be cuddled
You know those kids that have the confidence of saying that they want to marry you? Yeah, that's him
The only other time where he's gentle, other than nap time, is when he is playing with pets; especially cats
❝ Sapnap ❞
He's an inbetweener
One moment he's all shy and blushy and the other he's high on sugar
I 100% think he has cute fluffy cheeks that you love to play with, and he'll just let you because he's being smuttered in love by the very pretty babysitter
Whenever you go at the park he'll run around collecting flowers and bringing them to you
He gets so shy around new kids and hides behind you legs whenever they are around
He'll sometimes peek from the side when he gets curious
❝ Badboyhalo ❞
He's the "older brother" of the kids
Always ready to help his friends and play with them
But with you it's a whole other story
He acts all childish and needy and cute
100% is that one boy who would play with the kitchen set and be made fun of from some other kids because it's "for girls"
He'll keep everything in and later come cry to you about it, he doesn't want to cry in front of the other kids that look up to him
And you of course reassure him that he can do whatever he wants and not care about those stupid comments
❝ Skeppy ❞
A menace istg
He's the chaotic one
Also the one who hurts himself the most
Because he is so reckless he'll usually run around making chaos and then fall right on his face
Has many plasters all around his body and you need to always have some in your pockets
The only time he calms down is when he sleeps, but even then he'll sometimes move and kick around a lot
❝ Quackity ❞
Hehe ipad kid hehe
He's the menace 2.0
Always teasing every other kid for fun
He loves car toys, so he'll zoom around with it while making car noises
But when you read him stories he's all calm and quiet and will actually hit anybody who tries to interrupt the moment
❝ Karl Jacobs ❞
You thought Dream was needy?
Hahahah, have you met baby Karl?
He is stuck to you like glue. If you can't pick him up he'll koala style grab onto your leg and you are obligated to walk around like that
Constantly wants attention from you and will actually start crying if he doesn't get it
The only way to distract him is with cartoons
He also loves to sleep in a sea of stuffed plushies
❝ Wilbur Soot ❞
...he ate sand as a kid, what do you expect-
He's the troublemaker of the group, constantly doing things that could get him hurt or even worse
He once tried to steal a cookie form your cookie jar but even with the chair he could not reach it, so he did the most "logical" thing and balanced a few boxes on the chair to be "taller"
Needless to say that he almost fell and seriously hurt himself
100% is the type to catch random insects
❝ C!Philza ❞
Phil matured a lot as an adult, but as a kid? HAH
You have a kid with wings to babysit, good luck
Especially after he learns how to fly, he'll be floating around the house and out of your reach just to mess with you
If you put on music he'll sit down to listen and dance to it, so hey you have a distraction :D
He can only sleep in a little nest of pillows and blankets, because he likes to be warm and cozy
❝ C!Technoblade ❞
Ok, Imagine with me, tiny piglin Techno in a boat :D
And he runs around with a box crown, a blanket cape and a toy sword that you made him
He's also the kid that promises to protect you at a very young age and then actually grows up to be your protector
Everytime you're wearing something gold he'll stare at it and then start playing with it
Also he has a tail, and it wags whenever he's happy, period.
❝ Nihachu ❞
She's the older sister of the group, the little girl who was never afraid of anything
I feel like she wasn't that girly at first but then she grew up into being a bit feminine
She's pretty mature for her age, she knows when to have fun and when to be calm
Loves when you cook stuff for her
You two play house so much that you are now platonically married
You have to braid her hair, she likes when you do it
❝ Eret ❞
I feel like they're the quiet one
They don't cause any chaos, always polite and kind to everyone, just loves to be left alone in they're little space
Really likes anything shiny, especially gems
So if you wear earrings or necklaces, any type of jewelry that is shiny, they will stare at it for hours
Glitter it's their favourite thing. Ever.
They're the kid that rarely smiles, and when they do it hits everybodys heart
❝ Punz ❞
He's a bit like Dream
Very shy and quiet
But he'll get comfortable, and when he does oh boy...
Sonic 2.0, just runs around everywhere
He's definitely the kid that picks on someone jokingly but if they start crying he'll feel bad and comfort them
❝ Foolish ❞
Adorable little kid
Does have a lot of energy tho, he's always high on sugar lol
Loves to play any sports that involves a ball
Also loves to get your attention, just cause
He likes to make flower crowns and then puts it on your head
But he has to put it on you or he will not be satisfied
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desertdollranch · 2 years
I’m in the mood to spill some tea tonight. So let me tell you all a story about an unwanted doll. 
So a few years back, my mom was working as a nanny for a family with two young children, a boy and a girl. The parents were pretty awful people who overworked her and paid her only half the local minimum wage, while constantly upgrading their lifestyle and clearly enjoying the fact that they were getting the cheapest childcare in town. But my mom liked the kids, so she overlooked all of the disadvantages.
When the little girl was three years old, my mom wanted to buy her an American Girl doll for Christmas. I warned her not to do it. The kid was way too young, and had no interest in dolls at that point. Not only that, but my mom’s Christmas gift from the parents had been.... a car wash. In July. She’d be spending nearly three days’ wage on a toy that wouldn’t be appreciated. I convinced her to instead get a $20 My Life As doll instead. Then she spent several weeks sewing up an entire wardrobe for the doll. 
No surprise that the little girl didn’t care about it. She never played with the doll, because that same Christmas she got an iPad and became extremely attached to that and only that. And when my mom was telling me this story a few years later, she said that when the girl turned eight, she decided she was “too old for dolls” and dumped the doll at the thrift store donation bin AND... AND.... she then THREW AWAY all the clothes that my mom had sewn for her. 
This broke my mom’s heart. She said she would have appreciated the clothes to be given back to her, or at least donated, or given to a friend. I told her I wasn’t surprised that those people again demonstrated that they had no sense of value, and not to waste extra effort on people that wouldn’t do the same for her.
What finally convinced her that maybe they weren’t good people?
They got a dog. 
It went exactly as you’d expect. These awful humans realized that having a dog involved some actual work and effort, and they quickly got tired of doing it. I don’t know what they were going to do with the dog, but somehow they convinced my mom (who wasn’t working for them then) to take the dog off their hands. She agreed, because even though she didn’t particularly want a dog, she couldn’t bear to see this poor animal locked in her crate 18 hours a day, ignored and cast off the way the gifted doll had been. So she took her in until she found her a forever home that would give her the attention she needed. 
Now my longtime followers might remember this picture I posted in early 2020:
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This sweet angelic Chihuahua is named Jodie, and here is the moment she decided that Kaya’s tepee was actually hers because it’s definitely dog-sized. 
Shortly after that I made that post, Jodie was introduced to my mom’s friends, a wealthy retired couple who were actively looking for a dog to pamper and adore. They were thrilled to adopt Jodie, and they’re still happy together more than two years later. You’ll never see a more perfect match. Jodie worships them, and they treat her like a baby princess. Her feet never touch the ground. She sleeps between them in bed, gets carried everywhere, and has all her meals hand-prepared. She loves to sit on her soft couch by the window and watch squirrels in the yard and people walking past with other dogs. This little lady is living exactly the life she aspired to have.
So. I guess this is a lesson in not laying down your life for people who wouldn’t ever consider doing the same for you. If they have no sense of value outside of themselves, nothing you do will change them. 
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Dad/Family headconons
Aizawa, Taishiro, Toshinori, Sir Nighteye, and Hawks
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Aizawa Shouta/Eraserhead
Despite him being that kind of nonchalant, I don’t give a shit about anything kind of person.....he’s a family guy
Loves kids
He just wants you to have a huge army of kids following alongside you hand in hand to visit him at work.
Looks forward to being able to relate to someone else with his quirk
Doesn’t care if they are all girls, all boys, a mixture of both, or even fostering or adopting, he’s for everything
Was kind of afraid to open up about that side of himself when you two got married, but you are all for it too
Feels that he can handle it with your help thanks to having some experience with dealing with his students
Is slapped in the face with shock when you two have your first 2 or 3 kids because infants are, you guessed it, nothing like teens who are all emotional about becoming a prohero
Guess he would be prepared for whenever they would get to their teenage years
Except for periods because he didn’t know anything about them but he’ll probably take the time to learn about it from you
Still happy over his growing army though
Still loves the chaos of it all, plus it’s good to have Aizawa to control their quirks when they start to develop
The chaos also reminds him of his own time in school with his few friends he had....they were always so vibrant and loud unlike him and he kind of envied it (secretly)
Yamada and Kayama (Present Mic and Midnight) loves to visit his little army and spoil them with toys and snacks even if Aizawa disapproved of it
You helped hand out the toys and snacks.....Aizawa could suck it up
Napping piles are normal in this household, so don’t be freaked when you see all of your children curled up or around Aizawa under a pillow fort in the living room.
It breaks his heart everytime though when his kids beg to take a stray cat home and he has to say no....but he’ll end up going back on patrol to feed it and then probably cave in and bring it home anyway
He’ll just shrug off his children’s accusations of him being a ‘hypocrite’ for saying no to their pleas earlier and say something like ‘Well I said you couldn’t do it, nothing about me though’
The tea parties are lit and he’ll crush anyone at a video game
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Taishiro Toyomistu/Fatgum
Really never thought about having his own kids until meeting Kirishima and Tamaki
Life was changed FOREVER since meeting them, now he would like to have his own family
It was kind of confusing to finally have the talk of having kids a couple of years into your marriage, but your views on having kids were changed too after meeting the two UA students
He let you on thinking just one or two kids were great, but you didn’t know if you should have been surprised that you were in the hospital room pushing out your 5th child
It was kind of funny to see Taishiro freaking out even if it was his 5th time next to you in labor
Your kids were so use to it they just sat out in the hallway doing their schoolwork or playing games on their iPads as Kirishima and Tamaki watched over them (your labor would always catch them while they were out on patrol)
I picture that all his kids are girls
He uses the excuse “just one more kid, maybe this time it’ll be a boy”, It’s NEVER a boy
I feel that he’s the dad to sneak home McDonald’s fries or ice cream to his kids despite you not liking it
Will take the blame when you catch one of your daughters munching on fries on the way back to her room (daughters will also try to take the blame, but how the heck could girls 13 and younger sneak out all the way to McDonalds)
He’ll also get all his daughters together to bake a cake and also decorate it. The creativity shown by his daughters will always amaze him.
He and his daughters would even clean up the kitchen together...mostly so that you wouldn’t get mad upon seeing the kitchen as a disaster
Gets way into watching Barbie’s Life in the Dream House and secretly really loves our queen Raquelle
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All Might/Toshinori Yagi
Just wants one little girl
To spoil her ROTTEN!
Seeing his friend David Sheild’s daughter Melissa grow up and look so happy always made him envious. Young Midoriya also played a huge role in his desire for at least one kid
One child was enough for the two of you and thankfully your first and only child was a girl
Gran Torino will also spoil her rotten along with Sir Nighteye
Will not be embarrassed to be caught sprawled out on the ground with your daughter playing with dolls
He’s actually quite proud of the fact that he doesn’t mind getting down and dirty when it comes to playing with ‘girly’ things with his young daughter unlike other dads
Loves to play Studio Ghibli movies for your daughter.....but Yagi is way more into it
I say this because Toshinori will try to hide his tears while watching My Neighbor Totoro as your daughter is fast asleep on his lap.
He will also sneak in a rated pg-13 hero movie from the United States in when your gone too....and then he’ll act surprise when your daughter would repeat the fowl language she heard in the movie
He would and WILL spend hours on YouTube to learn how to braid hair and put bows in and ribbons
He would bring her to work a lot too to see class 1A in action
Daughter will forever be his ‘baby’, so he HATES the thought of her starting to date and get married.
So when she admitted that the boy ‘Todoroki’ in his class was handsome while heading home one day from his work, he swore off boys....
He wasn’t surprised though, she was always managing to get Todoroki to hold her hand while Toshinori would have class 1A doing scenarios in teams and showing off her hair to him and asking if he noticed anything different.
Todoroki is a good sport, he held her hand and always complimented her hair...
Yeah she was mad at Toshinori and you made him unswear off boys, especially Todoroki
Brings your daughter to work just to brag about how he did her hair to EVERYONE
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Mirai Sasaki/Sir Nighteye
Eh....he didn’t want kids, never had the desire tbh
Though something about UA students’ charming personalities making these heroes want families. Mirio got him thinking one kid couldn’t be so bad
You were shocked when he asked to have a kid, but you agreed....after discussing it for awhile to make sure he wanted this
I picture him having one cute, little shy boy
Like the cute little boy with glasses who wears those cute shorts with a bug related shirt that just wants to search for roly-poly in the dirt and grass in the back yard
Very quiet and a bit shy around new people, but is literally the most polite little boy in the WORLD
Nighteye will use his quirk on his son when out looking for bugs to just see if he missed something in the grass or dirt, but that’s as far as he’ll use it
The reason why Nighteye thinks he’s so funny is because your son (and you of course along with mirio) are the only ones who laugh at his jokes, especially your son
Your son finds ANYTHING his dad says or does hilarious. His dad made a gasp of excitement along side his son upon finding a millipede? Instant laughter will follow
Those bouts of laughter from his son is the best feeling in the world to him
Tried to make your son an expert on All Might, but gave up when he came to his conclusion that your son just wasn’t into it.
It was kind of weird at first to find out his son was just simply NOT into heroes, but now he just loves the fact that his son likes what he likes and doesn’t let himself get swayed by others, even his own mom and dad
If you can’t make his little boy, his pride and joy, laugh? Sorry, but don’t talk to Nighteye or his son ever again
He will sit and listen to his little boy go on and on and on and ON about anything and never get bored (or show it). He will sit and listen intently about the cool facts about the bug he found or a plant.
He’d even listen to the longest explanation about a tiny little squiggle on a piece of paper that he drew on if it was being told by his little boy.
Will even put a meeting on hold just to answer a FaceTime from his son from your phone just to listen to him talk about a leaf he made a pressing of....and will sit there with the volume all the way up on his phone too so the others in the room can hear as well.
Will spend all night pinning bugs to a board to frame and label just for your son
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Keigo Takami/Hawks
He didn’t even want to date tbh
Though when he met you? The cliche ‘love at first sight’ happened and soon the two of you were married pretty quickly and boy was he a happy man
He didn’t really even want kids either. He just didn’t want to have kids and somehow they end up with a childhood like his that’s not the greatest or most normal, plus he was happy with the little domestic life with you.
But then IT happened. You know, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much and poof, a baby? Yeah....
He was TERRIFIED, but once your first child came into the world, a new sense of happiness sparked within him, like his own eyes opened for the first time to the world
This happened twice more, ending up with his happy family consisting of you, his two boys, and his little girl.
He’s the kind of dad to have his wallet FILLED with pictures of his kids and you. He will shamelessly show them off to fans while on patrol and also to Endeavor....even if he’s seen them a trillion times. Also his office is filled with framed pictures too
He also gets in trouble a lot along with his two boys for playing to rough and loudly within the house by you, especially for flying and being too competitive with video games and ANY activity he would take part in with them.
What can he say? His sons were like the best friends he was never able to have as a kid, he wanted to take in the beauties of having an energetic family
He doesn’t play favorites, but when it comes to his little girl? Sometimes he’ll catch a feeling of her feeling like she’s the odd one out when it comes to her two older brothers and he can relate to that feeling.
So he’ll set aside some dad and daughter time to do the things she likes, like read, color, and draw
He would even let her do his hair with tiny braids and color pieces of clip in hair and many butterfly clips. Keigo would also then wear it out proudly on patrol and check his reflection MULTIPLE times to make sure everything was in place.
He would then shout to the press and paparazzi that his daughter did his hair, showing it off in the process
When the picture would come out with the headliner ‘Hawks’ New Look Thanks to Daughter’ for the news the next day, the look of pride and awe on your daughters face upon looking at the front cover of the magazines and newspapers at the store you and his family would shop at would absolutely melt his heart melt
He’s the first one to pull back the covers to let his children climb in when scared by a thunderstorm or the spooky shadow in their room even if they may be getting ‘too old’ to be doing that...according to Endeavor however, so that information might be wrong
Bribes his kids not to tell you that he entered the house through the window and not the front door
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duckymcdoorknob · 2 years
Ok this may be offensive to some but it has to be said.
CW BELOW THE CUT: Mentions if p*rn, mentions of slurs, mentions of threats of vi*lence, mentions of gr**ming, mentions of b*llying.
Dear Governor DeSantis,
Fuck you.
Do you really think your little bill will work?
Are you truly that dense?
Welcome to the age of IPad kids and Mass Media. How many elementary schoolers do you know with IPads? Plenty im presuming. And how many of those kids have TikTok or Instagram or any other social media account?
Do you think that kids won’t learn about the LGBTQ+ community from there?
Sheltering a child does nothing but delay their exposure to the community.
Do you really think that kids don’t have an impact on each other?
I’ll say it again to get it through your brain.
Sheltering a child does nothing but delay their exposure to the community.
Peer influence is the most beneficial, but also most harmful, way for an adolescent to learn.
Studies have shown that adolescents are most influenced by the ones around them, especially in close proximity to their age.
That being said, how many children are going to listen to you?
Do you think that they’ll just magically be sheltered from the LGBTQ+ community until you think they’re old enough?
Since you assure that stopping the topic in school will ensure that kids are safe and sheltered…
I was six years old when I watched my first p*rno in the basement of my family home. Do you know who showed me it? My best friend, who was in third grade at the time.
I was seven years old when I made my first threat of vi*lence against a peer. I told him to shut his mouth before I shut it for him. Now, Mr. Governor, my parents are absolute saints and would never hurt a fly. They kept me from violent tv shows and only let me watch certain channels with safe programming. So, sir, where do you think I learned that threat from? The boys in my second grade class.
I was eight years old when I learned about the R slur and the N word. Now, my third grade history class didn’t teach me about it, my friends did. They whispered it in my ear and giggled as if it was some sort of contraband they were spreading.
I was asked to trade n*des at age twelve. Now, I didn’t know what these were, but I knew they were unsafe. I didn’t learn about them in an online safety class. No, I learned from my classmate, who had already had advantage taken of her through them.
I was gr**med on this app at age thirteen. A role play blog constantly messaged me and asked me what I looked like, so I sent them a fake photograph. They told me go pretty I looked and how they would love for me to meet them. Block and delete after that of course, but imagine if it was someone more naive…?
I was bullied relentlessly from age thirteen to fifteen. One person decided that they didn’t like me, so the rest of my classmates shouldn’t too. They made group chats for entire classes, where they would ridicule me for the smallest things. It didn’t stop until I was in high school.
I was sexually harassed by one of my peers at age fifteen. He made a comment about my butt, claiming that I “had a fat ass.” And that “it’s a shame i’m so fat though.”
I was offered a drink at age sixteen. Not by my parents, but from a peer, whom said I would be “such a fucking funny drunk.”
If you want to shelter kids from the “atrocity” of human sexuality and gender identities, shelter us from the shit that actually matters too.
I don’t care if kids learn about drag queens or gay families.
But God damn it, don’t let them be exposed to the shit I was.
If you’re going to enforce safety, give us the safety we truly deserve, not the safety you old farts think we need.
Learning about gay people is not unsafe.
Being exploited for another person’s sexual gain is unsafe.
Being offered gateway drugs is unsafe.
Being told slurs and their meanings is unsafe.
Being bullied to the point of hopelessness is unsafe
Being threatened by a classmate is unsafe.
Being exposed to the harmful world of p*rnogr*phy is unsafe.
The common thread in all of these?
None of these were exposed to us by our school systems, parents, or home lives.
They were brought upon us by our schoolmates…
Our teammates…
Our cast mates…
Our staff mates…
So, Mister Governor, sir.
What’s your next move?
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