#but. u know that might be like a legit security thing
tamagotchikgs · 1 month
finding norton on my laptop like,,, thats suspicious,,, thats weird,,,,
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nereidprinc3ss · 2 months
lowkey the hair brushing thing gets even more sinister when u realize (all based off my speculation btw) that physical touch is tbh dybmn couple love language … at least to each other maybe even spence more so than r cause he’s alwaysss touching her and u can just tell it brings a sense of calm and safety to reader too like his hands are always on her or he’s wrapped around her in some way and that’s one of the biggest ways he calms her down OMG HE SAID IT HIMSELF LIKE. EVEN IF HE DIDNT MEAN IT IN THIS CONTEXT IDC IM RUNNING WITH IT he was legit like “the only way i can get you to calm down/get out of your head is to touch you” in pt 4 and so him brushing her hair back is almost lulling her into a false sense of security before … all that … and also reader thinking too that like she knows it’s a trap but can’t help but want to melt before he says all that to her oh spencer ngl we’re gonna have to jump you …
this is real bc let me say one of my BUGGEST hcs for spencer is that his love language w a physical partner would be touch. ik it seems counterintuitive to his character but he IS a hugger like have you seen the way that man hugs???? i think when he really trusts and cares for someone that’s his love language
so that’s just another thing he’s throwing in her face but if we take a less sinister view of it he might be touching her in that scenario just to touch her because it still makes HIM feel better even if he’s about to be a cunt but if you really read into it you will see that his feelings are also hurt
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Ran (p2 of 2)
If you don’t remember… :
@tenjikusstuff: omg i never requested anyone i just don't know how request work...but like. ANYTHING with Ran makes my knees week. From the most angsty thing to the most fluff thoot sweet one. I just love him THAT much. And same gors for Hanma fucking Shuji. These beanpoles have my heart attached to strings.
So basically I saw an alphabet thing where people did every letter for something regarding a character? Idk if that makes sense lol but here’s where I got credit from; (sfw) (nsfw)
A - Aftercare This poor man. He switches from ruthless to being the most worrisome man in the world. You might doze off, but you will wake up to food and water and be wrapped up in a blanket while he lies cold behind you.
B - Bff Similar to how he is as a bf, I think he would worry 24/7. He knew you were a little oblivious at times and couldn't help but hope no one bothered you while he was away from you.
C - Cum (legit so awkward to write this cause its interesting to describe lol) He has a bit of a shitty diet so this reflects that lol. It's more clear than anything else and sticks to legit everything. Still enjoyable to take in LOL
D - Domestic (settling down) If you were ready, he would be too. He likes to cook, especially with you, and wouldn't mind taking on the house-husband role outside of work.
E - Experience Might seem like big shit but is probably truly learning with you, prove me wrong. He might have a club, see ladies, and get bitches all the time, but sex? No clue.
F - Favorite Position Cowgirl's helper is a yes along with leapfrog. I think just anything to where he could see your body react to him would be fine. These are only 2 out of many though.
G - Gentleness SO GENTLE. GENTLEMAN. If you have a headache and you're into brushing your hair to relieve stress, you bet he is going to do it for you. Have stuff in your hands? He's taking them and walking in the door, he doesn't care if it's heavy, he's taking them.
H - Hugs? It might weird him out at first, but if you do it enough, he will ask for them every day almost.
I - Intimacy Not romantic enough to have music playing or anything, but he might light your favorite candle and take a bath with you...
J - Jealousy If it's in one of his places, and he owns a lot, he will get mad and fire any employee that looks you up and down.
K - Kiss No brainer, sucker for kisses. And if you pull his hair slightly? He's gone, buckling, like legit crumbles.
L - Location (to do it) Private places like the bedroom, not into others watching in public if he doesn't know them. Ultimately your choice tbh.
M - Mornings (with them) You can't tell me he isn't the one man we wish to wake up to. Messy bedhead hair, raspy voice, does the stomach scratch thing that reveals the slightest below the belt... AH
N - No’s (turnoffs) When a person doesn't care for themselves and/or their s/o bugs Ran sm. Also just not being a good person. Like sure, he smokes some, yeah, but he's not rude to people or bothered if someone tries to make small talk if they haven't done anything?
O - Oral (giving, receive) Opposite of Hanma, better with the mouth than with the fingers. Legit almost chokes on air if you give it to him.
P - Patience Surprisingly patient. Wants shit done but can wait if it's necessary.
Q - Quickies Perfectly fine with them. Although it's normally just a name since he likes to take his time and it turns into an hour in the bathroom instead of a few minutes.
R - Risks He's risky all the time. Like mentioned above, a little clueless when it comes to the deed so you might need to explain the quote 'risk' before he goes at it.
S - Security Cares about you SO MUCH. Ran >>>> bodyguard
T - Toys? He has them. They're still in the packaging.
U - Ugly Habits He has a bad habit of forgetting things. Important things. It could be a simple meeting, or it could be a bigger thing like forgetting to eat.
V - Volume Loud af. Doesn't really care if someone hears, but you're equally as vocal so... guttural moans every time with praises.
W - Would they be whole without you? Absolutely not. He would beat himself up, even if it wasn't his fault you left him. If he left you, it would only ever be because it was for your safety.
X - X-ray Girthy and 5-6 inches. Cute little mushroom top :)
Y - Yearning Depends. If he has been tired for the past week due to work, begs you for a taste. Ordinarily, honestly could care less if it's not important to you either. If you ask, ofc he will. But won't outright be desperate like when he is tired.
Z - Zzz Sleep for so long. IDK WHY HE IS SO TIRED??? Maybe it's just a bad sleeping habit that became a habit, he will sleep in most days and be late to work.
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cherryo · 2 years
Heyyy! First time for a request. Was wondering if you could do a reader X Rise!tmnt (or any Tmnt <3) relationship and reader is caught simping for someone (like a character ex: aizawa from MHA or Sam from Spn (supernatural)) if requests are closed or u think this doesn’t have much the TMNT Bois can be jealous 💕💕💕
This is cute 🫣 I went with rise boys but might come back later with the 2012 boys 🫶
Rise!boys getting jealous over fictional crushes hc <33
Warnings: boys get jealous lol
Word count: 2.6k
He was just coming over to visit you and heard you giggling
He peaked around to see Jotaro Kujo on the screen
He thought it was cute, no harm in fangirling over characters
I mean he does it too
Although youre not totally off the hook, he teases you all the time about it
“If i stand like Jotaro did would you fangirl over me?”
Does the ‘ora ora’ and Jotaro’s other iconic phrases
I personally feel him and mikey are the most secure in their relationships, the only “insecurity” Raph has is his strength, but thats really just a worry
He loves that you still feel comfortable to admit you have small moments like that <333
You two were watching Inside Job, Brett came on the screen and you turned red and giggled a little
He looked at you wondering wtf you were doing and you just shrugged and said you thought he was cute
Was confused, if you have him why do you need to have crushes?
Why did you still fangirl over characters :((
Hes probably the most insecure, he canonly has a ‘cool guy’ facade so he’s probably not too into you fangirling
He gets over his little thing, it takes a second and you agree to stop making it so obvious, he doesnt want you to stop because he doesnt want to control you
He realizes that it’s normal and common and that he even has some celeb/chara crushes, even if he has you
Also teases you, hard lol but he loves you and if you liked the weird dude from inside job then he’s okay with it
He would fr get Bretts apron even if he doesnt bake/cook LMAO
Again him and raph are the most secure, so he legit doesnt care
Wouldnt tease you as much as his other brothers would, but he would still tease you
He would try to catch you watching it alone and would send you memes or posts on social media relating to said character/ celebs
Would definitely want to see the appeal, and he would def be open about his crushes <3
I think he would be much like leo, in a sense he doesn't understand why you need fictional characters to gush over when you have him
You definitely bring up Atomic Lass and he finally gets it, he knows how he acts when she's mentioned
At first though he would definitely say it's not the same, too stubborn to admit he was feeling jealous and was being hypocritical
Needs time and mostly doesnt want to hear about it
Slowly comes through though, he realizes that it's normal and wants to be able to talk to you about it
So if you go to comic con or another convention you'll both be taking photos of respective fictional crush cosplayers
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question for the Transient Theology Zine audience:
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i asked this to the folks over on instagram but lemme get your input
i’m having Difficulties setting up the function on the project site that will allow you all to preorder physical copies of the zine
so i had the idea to like. just do something a little unconvential when it comes to online small businesses. because i Do Not Want To Figure This Crap Out, i had the idea of just... creating a google form for people who want a physical copy where they put in their shipping address and specify how many copies they want, and then i've just got like a venmo/paypal/cashapp link or whatever for people to (optionally) send in a donation of like a couple bucks?
i had originally wanted to do a pay-what-you-can type thing anyway and again, Can't Fckn Figure It Out otherwise.
I know people might raise an eyebrow at the idea of putting their address into a google form though. obviously i would delete the form once the orders were shipped so i wouldn't have the information for longer than i needed it but still i get if there's some distrust surrounding that
but also like... then u guys could literally decide what u pay, if anything at all? yknow? pros and cons of this idea, pros and cons indeed.
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 years
i’m gonna make a master list for this lil series cause i am NOT doin all of em in one go, i’ll do 3 or 4 characters a post, and if u wanna see a character in the next post u could just like tell me SO YEA🫶🏽
alright, ponyboy i feel like is envy bc throughout the whole book you can see that he always compares things (for example he has a big thing for comparing looks) a huge example if this in the book is with sodas looks and his, he sees soda as moviestar handsome but when he talks about his looks he lowkey does put himself down quite a bit up up to the point where he legit doesn’t see that he’s actually quite attractive himself (as stated by johnny in the lot that one time and what mark said in twttin, pony canonically does not see himself as attractive) so i believe that bc pony compares himself w other ppl so much wishing he had this that and the third, he tends to put himself down in the process and he comes up w this version of himself nobody else rlly sees bc it’s honestly just all in his head due to all the comparisons he does, he sees things in black and white most of the time and thinks that if he doesn’t have it, it’s bad or somethin like that, so basically just bc he’s comparing and contrasting himself w other ppl it’s gonna lead to his downfall at some point bc he’s coming up w different versions of himself and essentially other people instead of seeing them for what they actually r bc of what he does when analyzing other ppl, so he’s the sin of envy
now with darry i feel like he’s pride, not exactly the typical version of pride, shit it might not even be the best word for him, but i still believe it’s pride. i say pride bc we all know that darry is seen as superman in the gang and he pretty much takes that role seriously as he is the oldest and essentially physically the strongest in the gang, so he sees himself as like the protector, especially after his parents died, he had a bunch of grieving ppl and ppl who r abused in their family homes to take under his wing, so he always felt like he had to put on this persona of being like closed off and “unshakeable” and it’s led him to just bottle up all his feelings so he would keep that wall of security up. now as we all know this pretty much leads him to close other people off and just not let ppl in and bottle up his emotions and we honestly kinda see the consequences of that, bc of all the stress he got over the few months we all know darry slapped pony out of anger (u could also say he was overwhelmed but like u still get the idea). so yea, because darry always put up this wall of strength to come off as like a protector bc that’s what the gang honestly sees him as in a way, this leads him to bottle up his emotions and while he’s he is a patient person eventually bc of all that he one day just breaks down and that leads to his essential downfall, putting him as the sin of pride.
on to sodapop curtis!!!!!!i think hes hes lust, now i do not think hes lustful however hes the closest to the idea we can get there w him soooo yea. but anyways with sodapop i personally feel like he always gets caught up in the idea of live that sometimes he just lost in it, hes pretty much a hopeless romantic and he’ll do anything for the other person (ofc he has limits and standards but mf u get what im sayin here) even if it means changing himself just a lil bit, but i specifically said that hes lust because of the way he acts when someone he desires just leaves him (yea im talkin about sandy LMAOOOOO) like think about it, he was ready to pretty much do anything for sandy, even wanted to marry her all at like 16, shit i think he even had a plan for it, showing that hes lowkey ready to do anything and everything for someone if he wants them enough, and what im saying especially goes for after sandy leaves, he goes in a fucking spiral and he honestly just doesnt know what to do w himself. soda is a social person and i feel like he depends on other ppl for his energy (this also helps w my headcanons for steve and soda l, but i wont go into it here, if u want me to do that i could do that on a whole other post) and mood and that leads him to being basically kinda like a ppl pleaser, and in doing all that he kinda loses himself, so like i said while he might not the thee best person for lust, he is right in their alley
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kittycowboy · 2 years
HIII hi im gonna say that i agree that i dont rlly think denji sounds like denji. like the immaturity in his voice doesnt rlly sound like its there, but its rough and im hoping the VA for the dub might turn out to be better or this VA can kind of develop more of a denjier sounding voice as the series progresses. though im not gonna lie when denji started talking i thought it was aki talking at first. i legit forgor what akis VA sounded like
makimas voice though i still imagine it to be slightly lower ive seen some comments and i think yea actually her voice being higher kind of makes sense because it kind of lulls denji into a sense of security and also it makes the plot twist of her being a devil more believable because she sounds higher than everyone else and like not as human if that makes sense (not saying that ppl with high voices arent human but u get what i mean)
for some reason i feel like i liked powers voice in the firsf trailer or smth more than this new one, i still kind of like powers voice but idk if it sounded like /right/ i just didnt rlly care this time
YEAH YEAH i was trying to think of what it was about his VA bcs I knee it sounded Off bur I didnt know How and thats exactly it- i didnt have a solid idea of his voice like I did the others but his VA didnt seem to capture the immaturity of the character well The scream at the very end of the trailer was p good tho i rlly liked that- I think the VA seems great at rlly loud scenes which works great for denji but the standard scenes fit less + as you said he'll prolly sound more "denji" as time goes on.(tho I havent seen the VAs other stuff bcs I dont tend to watch sub- I might check out some other voices hes done to get a better feel of him)
AND YEAH !!!! LITERALLY THAT i also feel like ppl tend to view Makima as the fandomized "ara ara~" woman and has her as the very ominous and all-encompassing character she is at the end, but in reality for most of the manga she is played to be a veey innocent, tho still powerful, character. Or maybe less so "innocent" and more "distant". Like,,,, She is Shown to be powerful and, obviously, dominating over other people/things and is very much so when she needs to be, ex. in hell, but she isnt Percieved as all-powerful by the characters if that makes sense honestly the more I think about her as a character the less her having a deeper voice makes sense. idk im explaining it rlly badly but.
OOOH i totally get that I feel like im solidly neutral on her voice rn- like I think it doesnt fit some aspects of her but at the same time its not Awful and Totally out of character yknow?
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Please today has been the worst day everrr. It snowed, but classes were still "in session" so I still had to get up and go, none of the people I actually like were there so I sat alone pretty much all day, the roads were slippery so I literally almost got into a wreck 😭 I missed out on my breakfast and lunch period, because again, went to my psych class, my boyfriend or whatever is mad that I say "huh" all the time?? 😭 Dawg, I'm just hoping, no PRAYING, that I can have a good time at home. I seriously feel like exploding rn, Axel please just throw me into the sun atp 😔 I had 3 different quizzes today, and I ran on 3 hours of sleep so Idk how tf that went 😞 PLEASE, ALSO I RAN OUT OF YK FEMININE PRODUCTS, BUT WHEN I WOKE UP IT LOOKED LIKE IT WAS OVER SO I WAS JUST LIKE "Yk what I'll just go pick some up after classes" LEGIT MY 3RD PERIOD I FIND OUT I WAS WRONG? Dude I can't 😭 But bag secured now?
Please the second I stepped into my lovely home the tears started building up 💔 It's mostly because my boyfriend legit told me everytime I say huh or what it makes him mad, cause I didn't know? He's all the time calling me stupid and idk how to feel about it, like ik its a joke, but I was constantly put down if I was incorrect about something growing up. I was taught that intelligence is one of the most important things for a person, so I try really hard to maintain it, but when he calls me dumb, or stupid, maybe even slow, sometimes implying it.. Just is completely insulting. Idk how to mention it without getting a negative reaction either. He called me uhm, just a word that I won't repeat, and I told him not to then he said "Are you seriously offended? Like why are you offended by it?" 😐 I love him to death, but I don't like when he calls me degrading names. I mean, he's constantly calling me a bitch and stuff, it's just borderline disrespectful. It'd be different if it was an obvious joke, or if it was just occasional, but no its all the time and it's difficult to tell it apart from seriousness. He even told me to not talk to him for the rest of the day today? Man I'm just dying. I feel like it's bringing out the hurt that I've been trying to get over, and it's just a lot 😩 Might nap though, or sleep? Idk idc 😭
(Venting session is actually insane 😒, don't pay attention to it)
OH BUT I STARTED TALKING TO THIS GIRL MORE TODAY!! She's genuinely so sweet and funny 😭 I love her omg, shes so relatable🤞😩 Might just have to make her my #1 pookie 🙄 Gonna eat some uhmmm, actually probably just gonna eat this ramen stuff cause yk, don't feel like cooking or anything 😔
bae… ur not gonna like what i have to say… so forgive me if i am overstepping but oh my GOD when i say dump that man i am so serious bc that behavior is diabolical n should not be excusable no matter how much u may love that man …
i am glad u made a friend!!! i hope ur ramen was good :3
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 5x23 the human factor (my nickname is the pigeonbomb episode bc they used to train pigeons to peck on screens to direct bombs where to go & pigeons were legit the smartest pattern recognition bomb pilot target homing things until AI came along)
Jim beckett? No not jim becks. Toy glider? Foreshadowing
WOAH IT JUST,, EXPLODES!?? (was that HIS car that exploded?)
Castle playing tanks & artillery fire from above? Yeah more foreshadowing. (hold on-- this man hes set up pyrotechnics in his living room... THE SPECIAL (inc practical) EFFECTS TEAM GOT TO DO THAT TOO RC: YES IT CAN ((I love his voice)) Remember when the suez canal got blocked? That was... something. "He uses the camera on the tank to watch her get dressed appreciatively." RC: Or less I love how he's just using the tank to watch her, & then she looks for him, hears the tank, & sees the tank just look up at her slowly shfdjksdhjksdfh it was so good (they had to cut in a different take of her throwing the cloth on the tank)
Castle can answer the phone for her sdjsdflksdfh
Guys in fancy outfits+helmets esposito's hair <3 & beckett's coat <3 I don't much like it but it is still really nice idk if that is how you secure a car tho... Ah yes the feds. Well if the feds have it covered then the feds have it covered. & if they find evidence, they might as well share it. What if they brought back jordan shaw? That would be fun guerrero I love the way esposito pronounces it JE: Trust me he's not gonn'a budge KB: Agent Guerrero! JE: *throws up hands in a shrug of defeat & exasperation*
Throw his line right back at him. Oh you're excused, that car is part of my murder investigation. We will arrest YOU for obstruction. You can have it once we are done with it & we will share with you our findings.
Ryan: *walks up from nowhere* this stinks
KB: Well, we don’t have a body, we don’t have a crime scene, and we don’t have any witnesses, but-- RC: At least we have each other. KB: We still have a homicide to solve. RC: And that.
Sus individual there staring at her. He's another agent probably. thought u said u didn't have witnesses Was the wallet there intentionally? blown half a block away? to let the cops learn abt it? Dale Tanner.
Nice. Good for him. Good on him! Like the catgirl who released the nofly list probs bc he was revealing crap that the government did, duh
That kid looks like a 30yo playing a 16yo but barely scraping 21. The less you know the better, that's true. Sean is right
Nice green tie on ryan. (stripey jacket cool too.) where's esposito tho?
The big boys XD they took his frickin site offline? Someone had better make sure it was on archive.org! This is SO a coverup
Esposito wearing a shirt I would wear bc it is too hot for a sweater but I need long sleeves to cover up, it is grey, like this is SO smth I would wear, but it is not smth I'd wear to church. Well /maybe/ to church. I like the way it is nice & down on the one side but it rides up on the other bc he has his badge & gun strapped there on his jeans. (also blue jeans? At least wear black jeans at work bro)
No ...But this traffic camera did
Love her hair this room is too dark tho the way ryan is standing & then when he goes to sit he places his hands there like that ooh.
This is why you don't threaten to kill someone she's right, his website was not for himself, it probably COST him tbh.
Ryan's hair is too short. Maybe if he loosened the tie & opened the very top button.
Where did they get a photo of that angle
Love the cgi XD this is great. Let me watch an audio commentary of this with the special effects/stunt crew. (it just clips thru the top of the car XD) UNMANNED aerial
Where did they get that pic?
Esposito, Ind Military Ryan *flicks paper* Esposito: Hmmm no (also "smoke a guy" is a great way to say kill someone) Becks: Well actually, according to the encycleopedia mlmklnjknmlkkmnj Esposito: Why do YOU TWO get to go? I thought I was ind military!
RC: What is going on here? Do you really think the military took him out? Me: absolutely. He was def posting damaging true information that nobody would actually care about KB: I don’t see how they could. Me: drone strike? Like the way he was killed? RC: Because they wouldn’t cross that line? Me: they would, & they have tho KB: Because in my experience huge bureaucracies don’t act with that kind of efficiency. Me: Ah. Indeed. She is so right when she says that. RC: Well that’s comforting. KB: No wild theories about the military industrial complex? RC: I just don’t want to believe my country could do something like this. Me: except they can, they have, & they do, & they will continue to [The elevator dings and opens.] KB: Me neither. Me: Well it makes sense to hear it coming from a pig ig
Lol the way they open the door Yes, an incident, the incident was a murder. Classified classified classified, not giving information, not denying too much of the information the cops already have (reminded me of "the cops already know everything about... me & ur mom! Up top!" I sometimed just remember that & I laugh every time)
Nothing was said here,,,??? don't bother. It's classified. My family: It's a matter of national security. In a "hello newman" tone dripping with distaste: Terrence Meyers. The blinds were open tho, that's smth, mum suggested it was on purpose
Castle & me: which, actually, is not so wild no way they hit it by mistake tho if it was a mistake then they still would send ppl in to cover up the fact that it was a mistake
KB: We’ve been played. They just met with us to find out where everything was and what we knew and then they grabbed all the evidence.
See? he did have a paying job. He needed to have a paying job he could drone away at (WAIT I DIDN'T EVEN MAKE THAT PUN PURPOSEFULLY) while doing his passion project on the side. Like my brother. Works at a hospital part time while doing art on the side. Or like me, I have a stupid line cooking job (at least I have a team) & I record audiobooks on the side (along with writing & gardening & chores & enjoying things like castle & fiddling oh & the occasional volunteer work)
Is omar a middle-eastern name? I feel like they would blame him for things if he is. ST: try "never" cops can lie to you. They could be saying "omar is in danger" but omar could be their suspect.
Btw omar was a FORMER student that colleagues recognized, they knew "he graduated, he should not still be here" & so they were able to tell ryan that. How lucky! (wait I think technically that is a question mark...) They were able to say, yes, someone was hanging around him, yes, I recognize him, yes, I can give you a name, no he is not a current student (if he was I would just think it was a student meeting a teacher), yes I remember his name from the past, no I indeed do not believe that he might have still been taking classes. & then ryan was able to find a girlfriend? & then talk to her? & she gave up information to the cops that her sweetheart did hush-hush work with a truth seeking anti government prof?
tell omar YOU'd like to meet? does sean know omar well enough then? Oh wait maybe it's bc omar knows that dale got murked & sean could tell him what's going on.
Becks "he couldn't make it" is not the right thing to say. Omar might think you're torturing him for information, omar might think sean is in danger & you're trying to protect him but he's still in danger, girl you should have said sean was safe
IT'S THE GUY lmao part-time IT guy bc apparently tanner can't put stuff up on his website but yk what tbh i understand the frustration with digital media
Gun is falling out of its holster huh silencer...
Robert Williams? That is such a james smith john doe daniel sullivan name
Beckett looks good in that purple shirt the interrogation room is too dark tho. It needs to be brighter in that room.
I like their back+forth, it's nice. it's good.
RW/S is silent when she enters the room. She moves slowly and sits on the other side of the table. Neither says anything for a long moment. KB: What’s your name? He shrugs. RW/S: Does it matter? It’s not like we’re going to get to know each other. KB: Who had Dale Tanner killed? (he’s silent) Were you a part of it? Or was your job just to clean up the mess? RW/S: You’re tenacious. I respect that. KB: Was Omar Dixon a part of the mess? RW/S: He went into hiding. By the way, how did you manage to draw him out? KB: I’ll be asking the questions. RW/S: You just won’t be getting the answers. KB: We’ll see. I can keep you for 24 hours and I fully intend to do so. RW/S: You have me for five more seconds. Use them well. They faceoff until there’s a knock at the door. Ryan sticks his head in but KB doesn’t move. KR: Beckett? You’ve got a phone call. RW/S: Time’s up. KB is stoic as she leaves the room. She’s not letting him win. Girl tell Ryan to hold the call, say you’ll be out in five minutes & then just sit there in silence against robert williams/stack for five minutes straight & then go answer the phone Also how is it almost exactly five seconds
mister attorney general? first of all is that how you address someone? second I'm glad she did NOT make him hold for five minutes the way she stands up tho
I wish they would open up the diaphragm just a little bit more, wait I just googled it my 9th grade phtography teacher misinformed me or maybe I just heard wrong that entire trimester. They need a smaller aperture for a greater depth of field. He took a step & was immediately blurry. It bugs me. Let more of the show be in focus please.
RW/Jared Stack: You are not supposed to RC: ,!,?
lmao of course he was under scrutiny by the FBI, DHS, pentagon, & the NYPD counterterrorism unit, the govt hates ppl like him
deniability? really? you're just admitting to being ready for a coverup? Ok here's the thing. Castle spews crazy theories but remember back in s1? he was smart af, he just broke down every little thing about beckett & regurgitated her own backstory to her, he is smart af
When they answer their phones it looks like they are on the homescreen lol
u can shut the blinds but uh the door is glass too. (so why have blinds?) Also if castle is here watching the feed why can't the other cops? the REAL cops?
Poor pilot, they lost control of the drone, they tried fixing it, they called comms & comms tried fixing it, then his drone got a target & then fired a missile & he was sitting there unable to make it stop. btw it is unmanned, isn't it? Where is the pilot & where is comms?
KR: Why is it so hard to believe? People hack in to banks all the time. The Pentagon, NASA. JE, insane: Yeah, but a drone? Maybe the pilot was just pretending he wasn’t flying. KB: No, no, you can’t fake that kind of panic. The voice actor who played the pilot: RC: *crazy theory* KR: *nodding in agreement, he's the real crazy one for believing castle's half-joking theories* JE: *disappointed in his partner* KB: *shares a look with esposito, amused by castle's spin*
I haven't felt the need to clip anything yet (except maybe "i'm even wearing a mask") but I might clip the sentient machine theory & the reactions of the detectives.
KR: So for all we know we’re looking for some 14 year old nerd with a computer? Me: That's highly likely JS: It’s not likely. Me: oh JS: Whoever did this had to know how to defeat the signal encryption and have the software to run the drone. Me: still sounds like a 14yo nerd.
In fact, I think I pointed to my brother around this scene during my family watch. He is actually 18, not 14, but to me he is still my baby brother. & I'm the 18yo, not him. I feel like I'm 18 & he's 14 & I feel like my older brother is also 18 but like an older 18. I feel like he's 18 & a half. maybe 19. maybe 20. But I'm 20. Gosh now I feel old. I can't say "I am a child" anymore, in fact I have been trying to break that habit for two years. I was at least still an adolescent until recently. This is messed up. Apparently people with neurodivergencies mature slower than ppl without, which makes sense, plus with divergencies that impact executive functions, the functions also improve more slowly. I probably do have the maturity of an 18yo & the executive functions of a 16yo. But at the same time I was apparently so mature that when I made friends (with a 40yo trans woman I thought was 30) she thought /I/ was 30. We're both trans & trans ppl have discovered the secret to eternal youth, or just ambiguous age as well as ambiguous gender. I mean, split the difference between her age & mine u get 30... I'm so glad I took an extra year of high school, it gave me time to still be a teenager, it gave me time to mature at my own pace.
Anyway yeah this has big kittygirl nofly list vibes
RC: Wow. And here I thought we all had bonded.
Wait his last name is legit warburg? "overcame" ocd by which you mean he was able to eliminate some symptoms & learned to manage the rest?
RC: Warburg. Sounds like a Bond villain, right? Petting his cat while forming a plan for world domination. And what is that plan, you ask? KB: Actually I didn’t ask. RC: Talking to the boys. (to rysposito) To create a drone army. JE: *runs his hand over his face like "ugh this man"* RC: A drone army that can think. That possesses awareness. KR: *face slowly lightens up in consideration* RC: And who better than the programming genius who designed their software to give them that spark of life? Me: the fourth law of robotics is if it turns evil u gotta make its eyes turn red
Yeah. Haven't you seen that tumblr post about the individual who was behind one third of wikipedia? He was a smart dude who wanted to put information out there & ppl said "wow he looks like what you'd expect for some guy sitting on his computer all day, putting information on a free site" like girl shut up about his appearance & besides he's a nerd not a model.
But you said he "overcame" his ocd
1984 but in 2014 or whenever this show was released. He is not wrong. We live in a surveillance state, at least I do up in canada & my fellows to the south do.
RC: He wasn’t building a drone army, he was preventing one from being built. I was pretty close. KB: If by close you mean opposite. Me: it was still close! He was still right about this guy having a specific far-end stance on a drone army, castle just got the side switched. What makes you think he killed dale? I still think that maybe tanner was killed by the government & warburg was RIGHT in the first place.
Unless the book collection was not one of his obsessions & he never had compulsions
I need to clip this once I won't wake up my family by turning the volume up enough to film. It is great. Also castle TOTALLY did not bail! (but the poor guy just destroyed it XD. Then again he's rich. In fact, the helicopter one broke that day when he had a broken knee. "survivors?") He was holding the bat hella weird tho & totally missed. I thought he was a new yorker, don't those folks like baseball? Why does he have a bat in his bedroom? Is it specifically a weapon?
Poor ryan! Beckett & castle are literally in bed! In fact, castle probably fell asleep & beckett got up & yoinked the radio toys! It is surely after midnight... well maybe 11pm. Maybe they want 9 whole hours of sleep (more likely to be 6 tho, adults need less sleep than teens, even tho adults still should get like 7.5h) & they are often awake by 6.30 making coffee (like that time they were awake but in pyjamas & they got a call & asked "who would be calling at 6.30 in the morning?") so they would need to be asleep by midnight. Ye. Ryan should go HOME.
Why does she answer with her name if she has him in caller ID & he knows who he is calling? maybe bc castle might answer? Love ryan's mug. but he should go home to bed now.
Are those the SAME books or...?
RC: Ah… that aroma. Old leather and moldering paper. It’s official. I love this place. Castle writer moments <3 Hey storm season is not a current book, babes, it is leftover stock! It has been years! I like this bookshop clerk dude. Mum totally thought he would recognize Castle. I think it would have been funny if castle were to grab a sharpie (obviously he has a marker on him at all times /gen) & write "wow, sad" on the clearance sign & then autograph it or smth.
Beckett's COAT! I love double breasted coats, this one is a Detective Coat with the colour, the double breast, it even has a tie around the waist, it looks so good on her, & then not rly detectivey but I like the neck of it too. It is a very tall neck with buttons on it, it is very wide, & it is just rly great, rly nice.
Ah, a bicycle. Nice. Oh wait mum was right! He IS looking at castle with suspicion! *castle picks up the book he wrote* (it's like that scene in Bolt or w/e the movie was called, where they are looking at Bolt like "I recognize you" & there is a truck advertising bolt's movies behind him, then the truck leaves, & another truck with a pic of the dog came by & left, & then a third even.)
Wait nvm castle picks up the book once beckett is on the phone. RC: Seriously? (implied: the clearance table? Really?) Martin: Yeah but it's a nice book RC: Thank you
farmland my beloved "pretend you don't see the sign" beckett opened up her jacket top! Looks great!
KB: Maybe Warburg is here. It is remote and secluded. RC: I just had a deeply disturbing thought. Me: That noone can hear you scream? KB: Much like most of your thoughts?
ugh I hate being deaf. they would DEF have gotten shot lol
She has an ankle gun!?! *castle just takes it* *castle also does not have a license to carry, though he is a good shot* *doesn't prep the gun at all, check that it's loaded, turn off the safety, or cock a bullet into the chamber*
(I could clip this tbh)
His marksmanship is fine! He shot the 10ring all three times in s1! & in s3e1 he shot someone WHO WAS STANDING RIGHT BEHIND HER so he MUST have good aim!
RC: Nothing can take that away from me. KB: These are blanks
"I am the cops"
Simon Warburg: Check out the quad. It’s my favorite. RC: Oh sweet! *touches it* SW: *turns it on for a sec to chop at castle's hand* RC: OW! SW: Payback for wrecking my drone
Oh. Just. said u killed him. But do you mean indirectly? Shy asks why, I think he took it to mean how. How? Well, this is how, I did this thing, then he did that thing, then Dale Tanner & I actually DID know each other, smth that y'all didn't know u just knew I could control drones & he was killed by a drone, then he died, & it is all my fault. I did not kill him directly but my actions led him to his death.
SW: Intelligence support said there were three high ranking Afghan militants in this car. It was the right make and model traveling at a high rate of speed, so the drone pilot was given the green light to strike. But then he saw those red dots on the trunk and he had a feeling. So he aborted the mission. There were no militants in that car; the red dots were roses because the young couple driving down that desert rode had just gotten married. That’s when I knew I could no longer be a part of the drone program. SW: Because the next generation of drones won’t have pilots. The new AI software will give drones decision making capability. They’ll assess the data and take lethal action all on their own. Although humans were p bad at it & pigeons were literally better than humans until computers came along. As soon as an accident happens ONCE, they will change the AI & it will not happen again. Or just keep training pigeons. SW: Those new drones would turn that car to ash without hesitation. That’s why, when lives are at stake, we need a man who sees roses. We need the human factor. & then he doesn't deny that he killed dale tanner.
SW: Note the user-friendly interface. I’m rather proud of it. I love him. ind ocd
Episode title
SW, finally communicating: Well I meant my software led to his death. But I didn’t do it.
Except that don't they need hardware too or smth? they can't just use software on any computer...
What is the difference between a flash drive & a usb?
"I'll get it" JE: Yo. How about I just talk, jackass? esposito looks awesome Turn off your phone maybe?
Ryan mesmerized by the tech lol. he so cute KR: Man, talk about big brother. JS: Wear sunglasses, let your bangs hang down over your forehead. It totally messes with the software. Wear heavy makeup. Paint random colored shapes all over your face. Wear a mask, hold cotton balls in your cheeks, do reverse contour with pixelated paints of makeup, change your eyebrows, wear one of those dangly chains that goes from your earring to your nose ring... Mess up your forehead, between your eyebrows, nose bridge, cheeks/undereyes, lips, & chin. An over-eye mask can bung up recognizing whose face, but the ai can still recognize that it IS a face. Wear a wedding veil. Although sunglasses & face masks don't work as well anymore in 2023
beirut, didn't that place blow up a few years ago? Dual citizenship, huh. How did you get him? Oh. He has connections Is that... polite or kind?
I totally thought he was going in there with her.
He's right. Omar: Because I like being alive, that’s why. Somebody put a bomb in his car. I had people chasing me. So the next question is: where is the dead drop?
Oof... I have been rooting for dale tanner for this entire time but I can see where this kid is coming from. These sacrifices that the common person has to make... it is not right. this kid is def a teen...
blurb for the book was worth a shot lol
Oh no a five years from now question maybe she DOES want to be there five years from now! Maybe she likes her job & doesn't feel the need to climb the ladder! Like that lady from tesco who puts on the reduced price for quick sale stickers & loves it! JS: I used to work homicide, too. Chicago. ‘til some guy tapped me on the shoulder. Today I’m that guy. autonomy? really? I've seen season six, this ain't how he pitches it. that "i'll be talking to you" is so,,, knowing
printers are already alive.
RC: Because with people, all decisions are personal. Hits a string RC: And where one person might see roses another may see the chance to move on from an old life and on to a new one. WAIT Does he know?
girl nothing is not a normal answer. Why not tell your lover "hey I got a job offer lmao, isn't that crazy? But I'm flattered ig." & then you have that conversation.
k I spent nearly 3 hours on one episode, that is twice as long as I allow myself & 4x as long as an episode. Yucky. Granted, I DID have the volume too low to listen while typing so I HAD to pause.
Thing is, I didn't even clip anything from it. I'll need to go back tmrw & clip it. & then I'll clip everything I want to from s3 bc it is due at the library & I didn't get many (if any) clips, then I'll make sure I got all my clips from s4 bc once I was done binge watching it I was informed that s5 was due in 3 days (it's been a week lol) so I binged it & got all my clips quick & I didn't listen to the audio commentaries. Now here's the thing. s3 is due after s5 tho so maybe I should listen to the audio commentaries now before giving back s5 & I can clip s3 after. I think I have the last half of the s4 episodes clipped tho so lucky me.
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
SFW Alphabet|| Megumi Fushiguro
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A/N: Uhhhh I’m back on my bullshit >:) it’s missing Fushiguro hours folks.
Word Count: 2050
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A: Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
(If you want some more in depth affection headcanons click here)
Fushiguro is someone who isn’t big on pda but makes up for it in private. In public, he’ll hold your hand but in private he’s laying i your lap while you massage his scalp. Basically, he’s a big softie that just represses his urge to cuddle until he’s alone with you.
B: Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Best friend Megumi is literally the president of the Y/N defense squad. If anyone has a problem with you, they have a problem with him. Of course, you have to rein him in sometimes and remind him you can fight your own battles, but just know he’s lookin out for you.
C: Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Fushiguro loves to cuddle, but he will repress the urge to do so for as long as possible. Because of that, he doesn’t let you go, preferring to cling to you throughout the night. His cuddles are always deceptively loose too. His arms give you just enough wiggle room but the second you try to get up, it’s like fighting two pythons.
D: Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
I don’t think he ever really planned on settling down, Megumi figured that he’d die long before he ever got the chance to settle down. Everyday is pretty much a new experience in terms of domesticity for him, he doesn’t have plans for the future, but as long as you’re with him, he’ll be happy.
E: Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he ever had to break up with someone, he’d probably ask for help on how to do so. The first person he’d ask (regrettably) would be Gojo who’d tell Megumi to just ghost the person. After asking around some more, he figured Kugisaki’s approach of getting it over with as bluntly as possible (although less mean) was the best option.
F: Fiance(e) (How would they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Megumi isn’t really the type for wedding ceremonies. He’s all about commitment (even though working up to marriage for him is longer than most) but he’s not a fan of being the center of attention, so a wedding ceremony/reception wouldn’t be his thing. If you wanted a ceremony, he’d be willing to compromise somewhat but otherwise, he’s perfectly fine with just going to the courthouse.
G: Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
He’s kind of rough around the edges. In private, he can be the sweetest, most tender soul, but in public he’ll put 7 yards of distance between you both if you try to hug him. Basically, he’s very shy, so anything that’ll draw too much attention is a no go (he isn’t opposed to linking pinkies though).
H: Hugs( Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?
At first Megumi really only hugged you when he was missing you, sad, or tired. Over time though, he got better at becoming more open with his affection and he’ll hug you whenever he feels the urge to. Despite that though, his hugs still have an undercurrent of desperation in them. He holds on just as tight each time like he’s afraid you’ll disappear.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word)
He’s operating on a very strict ‘If you don’t say it, I won’t’ policy and as such this man will not say a single thing to you unless prompted. He knows deep down that he loves you and that you set off butterflies in his stomach every time you smile, but he never really thought to verbalize that until you say ‘I love you’ first.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous)
Megumi doesn’t get jealous, he’s fought side by side with you and he knows you’re more than capable of fending off any unwanted suitors. Megumi put a lot of trust into you by already being in a relationship so to him, it makes no sense to be jealous over you. That all being said, he’s not above the occasional side eye if someone’s getting a little too buddy buddy.
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
On a normal day, his kisses are so natural, he’s so slow and the pressure is just enough to have you thinking you’ve got all the time in the world. In near death/ post-near death circumstances, he’s a little more feral. When he kisses you like that, it feels like it’s the end of the world and he’s trying to make the most of it.
L: Little ones (How are they around children)
Fushiguro isn’t good with kids that aren’t old enough to communicate. Older kids are fine with him, but guessing what a baby needs based on how loud it’s crying? Hard pass for him and he doesn’t even feel bad about it. The last time he had to watch a baby, he tried to leave one of his shikigami to watch it; long  story short, he had to explain to a cackling Gojo why his demon dogs wouldn’t let him leave to go to the bathroom.
M: Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Fushiguro are pretty rare. Most of the time you guys don’t really get to sleep in or even spend mornings together since most of the time there’s missions or trainings you’ll have to go to. When you do get the rare morning off, Fushiguro makes the most of it. He sleeps in and doesn’t wake up before 10 no matter what you try. When he does finally wake up, he loves cooking breakfast with you, he’s not the best cook, but he treasures the experience over anything.
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights with Megumi are also rare as most curses come out at night and that’s kinda your guys’ job. If all goes well though, you’ll both come back a little earlier and just go straight to sleep. If it’s a late night where the curse took more out of either of you than expected, yall usually stay up and talk and snack until one of you falls asleep or the sun comes up.
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It takes him an extremely long time to open up to you about his past. Not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he’s embarrassed and doesn’t want you to think less of him for it (especially during his problem child era). To be honest, you probably find out about certain things from other people. Once he’s cornered confronted, he’ll be completely (albeit a bit grudgingly) honest about it.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)
His anger is kind of weird, whereas before, he was a lot quicker to explode, bluntly telling off or even fighting whoever pissed him off, he’s changed. He tries his best to repress his emotions and as such, he comes off as patient, never expressing his true feelings/desires until pushed to the brink. 
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you?  Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s the king of remembering details you mention in passing. His love language is partially acts of service so for him, remembering details about you helps him later. Oh remember that one time you needed a pen/pencil but didn’t have one? Never again, this man has a section of his shadows dedicated solely to pencils because of you. Oh what’s that, you like this random song? Guess what just got added to the playlist he made for you. Basically, while he may not look like it, he’s actually a simp and so if he can make your life easier/ make you happy, it’s worth it.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
So Megumi is someone who doesn’t play video games but is really good at them for no reason. One day, you’re playing a game of smash bros. and he’s just kicking your ass, like it was sad. Needless to say, after his 4th win, he “accidently” pressed the wrong button and let you win. He thinks you don’t know he did this but when you won, you kissed him and completely flustered him, to the point that he couldn’t play for a solid 5 minutes. 
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they like to be protected?)
Despite knowing and trusting that you can defend yourself, he’s still super protective of you. You’re one of the few people that he cares about in the world and he’d give everything to see you safe and protected. As for how he’d like to be protected, knock some sense into him every once in a while. He has a habit of self sacrificing so if you want to protect him, remind him that you want to keep him alive as much as he wants to keep you alive.
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
On the outside, his dates are very simple. They usually consist of you and him either staying in or just hanging out at stores and the like. Every once in a while, he’ll try to take you somewhere special, like a cove he found or a festival. For most people, these may be simple dates, but Fushiguro puts so much effort into so may aspects of your dates that honestly, anything bigger would lose the personal touch your dates have.
U: Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs? (I’m gonna add arguments here because they aren’t on the prompt list I found))
One of his worst habits is his self-sacrificing tendencies. Even during a baseball game, he can’t help but sacrifice himself (especially if it means his friends/ you get to get the glory). With time though, he grows out of this and realizes it’s not selfish to want the best for yourself.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He’s giving “I woke up like this” and it’s... it’s something. One might think the style is intentional since obviously, the look could only be achieved with gel, and to an extent, it is intentional. He might use gel to spike it a little more but the man legit rolls out of bed and chooses to leave his hair up like that.
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
No, as much as he loves you, Fushiguro is an introvert. He needs time to just be by himself and unwind every once in a while, so he’s got no complaints if you leave him to his own devices or have to be gone for a long time.
X: (E)xes (Any previous relationship experience. How does that factor into your current relationship?)
Megumi has negative zero relationship experience. He’s never found someone that was worth the risk/ worth opening up to, hell, he just barely got friends when he entered high school. Because of this, every part of your relationship is like navigating uncharted waters.
Y: Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner)
He’s less someone to dislike a specific thing/ personality trait, and more someone who doesn’t like different people for different reasons, ex. Todo and Mai. If he had to pick a single trait, it’d probably have to be hypocriticism.
Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He is someone who will fall asleep spread eagle one night and the next be huddled into a tiny little section of the bed. Mercy on you if you try to cuddle because now you’re wrapped up into his unconscious acrobatic routine.
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darthkruge · 3 years
How do you think Anakin would react to someone tripping the reader up/purposely bumping into them?
I would turn off anon but I’m too shy 😌
Okay so first off, if it happened when he was walking with you, they’d need to do it like super intentionally. Bc I really think that if you’re dating Anakin, he’s always gotta have you close. When you walk together, he’s the kind of guy to always be touching you, somehow.
It’d have to be a bit discreet touching y’know bc Jedi code and secret relationships and all that shit. But like an arm around your shoulder, holding your hand, just being close and occasionally brushing his arm up against yours, or that thing where he puts his hand on the small of your back and guides you?! That is his (and my) sHIT
So if someone comes up and hits into you, he has those fast reflexes and instinctively just steadies you right away. If he senses you starting to fall, Anakin’s arms are around you in a second. And then he’s looking in your eyes all concerned bc wtf just happened and it happened so fast so you’re also confused.
Also he’s dramatic and when you’re in that dipped position where you’re in his arms and he’s holding you up and you lowkey just fell into him he’d kinda love it lmao.
But then it all kinda pieces together and he looks at whoever fucking did that and that’s when protective!Anakin comes out in full force.
I legit think that he’d just glare at them and most people would scurry the fuck away bc he’s a big ass powerful Jedi. Mans is intimidating. Especially when he’s pissed. Like if that anger is channeled at you- run away.
But if they’re like laughing at you and refusing to back down and shit and he sees the little tears coming into your eyes, he’s like “no none of that.” I can see him going all up to them and being like “don’t ever do that shit again.” And if the person tried to play innocent he wouldn’t have any of it. I don’t think he’d like full on pummel them into the ground or anything, but he’d make damn sure it didn’t happen again.
And if this did become a recurring thing, let’s just say some ~aggressive negotiations~ would take place. Especially if it became to the point where you’d feel all uncomfortable walking around. Anakin just wants you to feel safe; you shouldn’t have to be looking over your shoulder all the time to ensure you don’t get fucking knocked over.
And if it happened when he wasn’t walking right with you, perhaps he’s across the Temple and he sees it, he’d catch you with the Force and run over to you as fast as he could. His reaction would be the same ofc. And he would then always wanna walk with you from them on. He knows you can take care of yourself and all, but he would be thinking “Fuck what if I hadn’t seen it?! What if I couldn’t catch them?!” so it would give him extra security knowing he was with you.
Also I think he’d just hold you super close to him afterward. Like you’d be pressed right into his side. If someone tried to trip or knock into you, you physically wouldn’t move bc he’s got his strong arms just locked around you. If it was empty enough that y’all wouldn’t get caught, he would literally just scoop you into his arms, regardless of the amount of times you say you’re fine.
Anakin also wouldn’t want you to feel embarrassed at all. Like yeah it’s just a trip but the fact that someone did it intentionally?! It might get to you, you know? He’d 100% just take you back to your shared apartment and hold you, if that’s what you wanted.
And if you were embarrassed and just wanted to never speak of it again, he’d also respect that. However, he would just keep a little extra close eye on you from then on.
I love Anakin’s protectiveness so much. Even something as “small” as an intentional trip/trying to knock you over he has no tolerance for. Anyone trying to harm you in any way, shape, or form is a hard-ass no.
Now you got me thinking of falling into Anakin’s arms... 🥰🥰
Also dw about having anon on, I’m really shy too so I get it 🥺. Anons are always welcome here!! That being said, if you ever do wanna come off anon, I got you!! My account is a 100% safe and nonjudgmental space. We all wanna be held, I wanted to make it like a mutual comfort and touch starved place for us all lmao. And if u wanna make yourself a little emoji anon, that’s also fine! And then I can tag it like “✌️ anon” or whatever emoji u want, y’know?
Whatever makes u comfortable babe <3 I’m really happy u sent me something!! I sometimes get all shy and nervous even when I send on anon so I appreciate it a lot. Here is some chocolate 🍫, I hope you like it! Thank you for allowing me to rant about Anakin I always be loving that shit 🥰✌️
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anlian-aishang · 3 years
“Hey, you okay?”
Levi looked at you from the other side of the couch, concern lacing his features. He knew something was up with how quiet you had been for the past couple of hours. Your usual bubbly and sweet behavior was almost completely gone and your eyes had lost some of their spark. He knew you were trying your best to hide it. Had it been anyone else, they might have just bought your brave facade.
You didn't want to bother him with your problems. He knew that. He knew you.
“Yeah, it's nothing. I'm just tired.” You gave him a tired smile and returned your attention to the tv, subtly trying to play off your anxiety and nausea on your hectic schedule.
Only Levi knew better. He could read you like an open book. Reading people was his specialty, and he could read you better than anyone else.
“Aha, if you say so.”
He got off the couch and headed towards the kitchen. A pang of disappointment hit you the moment he left. Did he really buy your lie this time? As much as you didn't want to bother him, you wanted his reassurance and comfort more. Tears started welling in your eyes. You wiped them quickly and told yourself to suck it up and shake it off. You gave him clear indication that nothing was wrong, so you couldn't exactly blame him for his actions.
He returned to the living room about fifteen minutes later with a Tupperware box in his hand.
He put the box on the table in front of you and simply said, “I'll go get Muffin.”
A smile spread across your lips when you looked at the contents inside the box. A couple slices of lettuce and small cut pieces of strawberry, banana, carrot and bell peppers.
You sat together on the couch, feeding Muffin the tiny bits of fruits and vegetables, laughing and giggling at the bunny's cute behavior.
This was nice, you were feeling a whole lot better already.
Levi watched you intently the whole time, gaging your mood and your reactions. His gaze softened when he saw how you started returning to your normal self.
“Hey brat,” he called out to you, nothing but tenderness in his eyes when you raised your head to meet them, “You know I'm here for you right? You don't have to hide whatever is bothering you from me. I can always tell.”
You turned your gaze to the side, slightly embarrassed, but also incredibly grateful for his efforts.
“Yeah I know. Thank you so much for this.” You flashed him one of your best and most genuine smiles before continuing to pet Muffin.
“Well, good.”
He stayed silent for a solid minute, most likely finding the courage to say what he was about to tell you.
“I love you, you know? I don't like seeing you upset.”
He didn't say it often. He was more the type to show how much he cared as opposed to saying it out loud. The surprise was evident on your face and he felt embarrassment coat his cheeks.
He quickly got up from the couch and mumbled something about putting Muffin back and brushing your hair afterwards.
As you watched his back retreating from the living room, Muffin gently but firmly secured in his arms, you just couldn't help yourself.
“I love you too, Levi.”
He stopped in his tracks, but just barely for a second, before he continued walking.
fjlkdsjfldsajfsajlfdjdsalfjlsafjs u - u wrote a fic for me 🥺🥺🥺 oh my god i am cryingggg. i am LEGIT crying right now. Tears are streaming down the face ;_; This is like, one of the top 10 NICEST things anyone has ever done for me 💝 This is just - so touching, beautiful, meaningful, I can’t say enough about it. All I can say is thank you and this made my life complete. I LOVE YOU AND AND AND. HOW CAN I RETURN THE FAVOR???
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bellafarella · 3 years
⚠️This is very long so you don’t have to read it or post it I just wanted to share how I thought the ending would have made people at least satisfied with the ending ⚠️
How each persons storyline should have ended
Frank’s-good ending. The floating was weird. I’m kind of upset that out of his all things his (dementia,alcoholism,overdose, his failing liver) they decided to kill him with COVID something he showed no symptoms of.
Liam- it should have shown Liam reading Frank’s letter. Seeing him read the letter and getting emotional over what frank said about him and Frank’s voiceover as he smiles when he reads his part in the letter would have been great. The idea of the letter should have been to have the one person that cared about him read it, which was Liam. People may say this would have hurt Liam but I think it would have gave Liam some sort of closure just letting him know that frank loved him and cared for him more than the Gallagher’s and Liam did care about frank more than anyone so for Liam this may have just made him happy to know that his mission of helping frank and making sure Frank felt loved was fulfilled.
Ian and Mickey-This may be a little controversial but I think Ian and Mickey should have ended their story with getting married. The whole relationship and really what made people love this relationship was the fact that nothing could break them up because what they have is special, it’s true love. Them being sperated so many times and being brought back together so many times was kind of what people loved. Not so much the being torn apart part but more of the coming together because they love eachother and that they have true love that can’t be broken. Them getting married is the perfect way of showing that it’s real this time they will be together till death do them part. JW’s ending was great on paper. Mickey telling Ian how he felt about being a dad, Mickey acting like he forgot about their 1 year anniversary when really he wanted to surprise Ian. Great on paper but unfortunately JW did an awful job of showing this finale storyline he could have had an emotional, important, and impactful storyline but instead he had a storyline about Mickey arguing about a potato masher, Mickey talking about getting a blow job, deleted important scenes, and just a underwhelming ending overall. I’m still mad there was no mutual ily. Since they got married last season and there’s nothing we can do to change that now I think the last scene was great, them dancing around in the alibi where Mickey came out celebrating their 1 year anniversary. I just wish JW did a better job at adding a more emotional or just impactful finale rather than a bunch of scenes that meant nothing and two important scenes
Lip- It should have ended like it started. Lip being happy fixing his house. I think it should have been him in his new house looking at it from the outside and seeing that his hard work has finally paid off. Jw decided to leave lip broke with a kid on the way and still having to support Liam considering he promised Liam a home (which as we can tell he is not getting anytime soon), having a job as a delivery driver, and started smoking again. Again very sad and underwhelming storyline that Jw managed to mess up.
Debbie- the season shouldn’t have been purely Debbie angry at lip I feel like they should have had Debbie be angry at lip for about two episodes max and then her finally coming to terms with having to move so she ends up buying the apartment that she was looking at with Franny. The last episode should have been her at her new apartment and lip comes to visit her and she expresses that she feels alone and lip tells her that he is right there next to her and just because they don’t live under the same roof doesn’t mean that he won’t be there for her and that he is just around the corner and whenever she needs him or any of the Gallaghers they will be right there. This would then give Debbie some peace of mind and the last scene should be Debbie hugging Franny maybe sitting on a couch watching TV, both with a big smile on their face.I feel like this could have gave there be a more emotional storyline rather than a petty unimportant storyline which would have caused less hate towards her.
Carl- his ending was good the whole episode was terrible with his storyline but at least they gave him a good ending where we can imagine him in the future buying The alibi and running it and possibly saving up money to buy a home and starting his life
Kev and V-The episode should’ve ended with them agreeing to move to Kentucky because we know that they will be fine in Kentucky considering Kevin already has a job there promised to him and V potentially has a job in government this would have let the viewers imagine their life in Kentucky and leaving it up to the viewers to imagine how their life in Kentucky would be while still leaving us with a good and secure ending considering they are planning to buy the condo which already leaves the viewers with imagining a stable home and job in a good neighborhood for Kevin and Veronica and their kids .
Hi so I read all of this and your ideas are good! But I do have to say that you're expecting too much from a show that's done nothing but disappoint fans for years lol
I thought that considering how this show has been going the last few years that the ending we got was as good as it was ever gonna be.
I do think they could have given us at least 1 more episode just to tie some things up like this finale felt more like the penultimate episode instead of the series finale it was
For Frank, the floating thing is dumb but it's symbolic. It's his soul watching over his family and friends and seeing them happy and knowing they'll be okay eventually.
I liked that the letter was read by him. It was a very nice callback to the pilot and that's def why they did it. And why they had them sing that song since it was also in the pilot.
Liam reading it would be a nice way to end his whole sl with Frank but ultimately, frank was a neglectful shitty parent, maybe not to liam but to his other kids and I think their objective with not having any of the kids know in that moment that frank died is because frank never cared about them and they learned not to care about him so the point of them not finding out, imo, hit the mark. This show was never about the children wanting the parents love and approval, it was about these children taking care of each other and being there for each other because their parents were neglectful
I do agree that frank dying from covid was fucking bs. Like now we don't know if the kids or any of them got covid cause they were in contact with him like you're giving us this entire sl of how dementia is slowly killing frank but then he dies cause of covid??? I get he'd be way more prone to catching it and it actually killing him but then why heavily show his decline with dementia only for covid to take him out. That's def a big fault I have with the finale
As for Lip, I think it would have been nice to see him get a legit offer or him with his new place but I like that his ending was very open. As we know, Lip is a genius. Even after years of not being in school or working with computers he was still able to help that guy with his exchange thing in 2 seconds. And like frank said, lips just too stuck in his own way. I think with him possibly having a 2nd kid, it will kick him into high gear and he'll find a way to get them a house and get himself a good job to support them. His ending shows that yeah he might be down right now but don't count him out because he will find a way to support his family.
For ian and mickey I def disagree with you. I absolutely loved seeing them as husbands this season. Yeah they bickered for too many episodes but it's also accurate af. Couples bicker. My parents have been married over 30y, they bicker constantly. But aside from bickering we got to see them grow as a couple. We saw mickey attempt to get a legal job because it would ease Ian's mind. We saw Ian want a better life for them. We saw them get an apartment and start their own business together. We saw them communicate about what they want within their marriage. We saw them discuss children and past traumas surrounding that. We saw Ian comfort mickey when terry died. We saw Ian comfort mickey when he said he didn't wanna be like terry or that he would be a shitty dad like terry. I think their ending was definitely the best one out of everyone. They're happy, in love, just celebrated a year of marriage, they have a business, a home, and the door is open for them to have children. I thought that it was a great way to end their story. It left it open enough for us to imagine them in their new home and discussing kids then making the moves to try and have one.
Debbie I fucking hate so idgaf how her story ended lmfaoooo but what I did hate was how she kicked sandy to the curb for wanting them to ditch but then this new psycho bitch Heidi says the exact same thing and she's all maybe. I hope she goes and leaves franny and Ian and mickey adopt her lol
Carl's whole cop sl was annoying af but I did like his ending. I like the idea of him potentially buying the alibi with Tipping and yeah a cop bar is not ideal but I think it's nice imagining him getting back to his roots u know? Living in the south side, working at a staple of the South Side. He could even live in the apartment above it. I rly liked his ending. It gave us a lot to imagine or hope for for him.
Liam, we know he's going to be great. We saw future him in franks hall of shame and he's this successful beautiful man and he looks happy. He deserves it. But also he said they all have money in the Gallagher future so that's why I'm just thinking of that and that's why I'm okay with how it ended cause I know they'll all be okay
For kev and v, I agree we should have seen them moving already but I get why they didn't. The Alibi didn't sell yet but we know they'll move. They sold their house, they put a deposit on a condo across from Vs mom, they have jobs lined up. I'm good with their ending cause we know what they're going to do and we know they'll be happy, even if it's not a permanent stay, they'll make anything work together.
Thanks for coming to me with your thoughts or hopes for how it should have ended. Sorry I steamrolled and told you my opinions but I figure it'd be okay since you came to me lmaoooo
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fluffyskies · 3 years
Laughter is just as Sweet (Part 3)
Sanders Sides
Ship: Could be seen as Logicality
Category: Tickling
Characters: Ler Patton, Lee Logan!
Summary: The sides have been eating a little too many sweets and Patton is hear to show them that they're not the only thing that is sweet.
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4
Roman and Patton cuddled watching cartoons after their little tickle session. But a little while later he got up.
"Are you on the prowl again Pat?"
"You know it, gotta catch your partner in crime" he winked.
Roman chuckled at the joke "Go get him" he said smile turning feral. He just wanted Logan to get what he deserved because he left him ( since he went *nyoom*).
With that Patton fled the scene.
He had been looking for a good while but Logan was nowhere to be found...
Logan's Pov.
Logan currently was all over the place and was just running from the inevitable. I mean he did know he'd he caught eventually, but why not make it harder. Somewhere in the back of his mind he was hoping he'd get caught, but at the same time he hoped that Patton would give up.
Right now he was hiding in his room under his bed. To be honest he knew this was not a good place to hide but he was running out of options. Patton was really good at hide and seek. But he was knocked back into reality when he heard his voice making him hold his breath.
Back to Patton
"Hmm where is he" he growled.
He decided to try Logan's room it was a fifty percent chance he'd actually hide there. But he might as well try.
"Logi~ where are you?" he said as he opened his door.
Logan legit just froze like a statue.
"It's not very nice to keep the Tickle monster waiting~, the Tickle monster is hungry~"
Logan watched Patton's movements from under the bed going silent when he got closer.
"Wouldn't it be great if I got to taste your cute giggles~"
Logan blushed, the blood rushing through out his body like never ending adrenaline.
Patton frowned when nothing seemed to happen, but something was telling him that Logan indeed was hiding somewhere in here. So he decided to up the ante and pulled out some feathers. Twirling them in his fingers, one of them was big and fluffy, another was not as fluffy but silk like, and the last was stiff but equally as tickly.
Logan gulped he was quite feather sensitive and the thought of feathers all over his body was making his lee mood even stronger.
All of a sudden Logan's eyes widened when he saw the feathers that Patton had fall to the ground. They fell lightly gliding on the air and landed softly on the floor. They fell right in front in the bed.
Logan couldn't conceal the whimper than left his mouth, so he tried backing up further under the bed. But there was a pole and he hit his head on it in the process.
"Ouch" he said quietly then he froze again hopefully that wasn't enough sound to alert Patton.
He waited for a moment nothing, Patton's figure didn't move from where he was standing. He thought he didn't hear anything so he sighed in relief.
"Gotcha" Patton said all of a sudden
Logan wasn't sure why he said it but it didn't matter because now he was face to face with Patton himself.
"Found youuuu~" he purred.
Shocked, Logan sputtered out a "how did you know?" though he probably heard him making noise.
"I had a hunch" he smiled brightly.
A hunch!? Patton really found him because he had a feeling? he cursed at the fact that Patton was good at guessing.
"Anyway, now I have to tickle you"
"Waihihit! I'm sorry for trying to steal cookies!" He shouted.
"Awe I forgive you...but you shouldn't say sorry to me you should say it to poor Roman, after all it was you who left him and he had to take the punishment".
"I-I can apologize to him!"
Patton giggled "A little too late for that" as he grabbed Logan's ankle making him squeak.
Patton dragged Logan out from under his bed and sat on his waist, but unlike Virgil and Roman they were on their backs Logan was on his stomach.
"What a lovely canvas I have" he said as he pushed Logan's shirt up to reveal his back.
Logan squirmed feeling the cool air on his warm back. And just as he feared he saw Patton's hand grab the feathers that he dropped earlier.
"Hey, Lo what's something that is just as sweet as cookies?"
Surprised at the sudden question.
He said "giggles?"
Patton gasped.
"Wow! you got it correct" Patton said happily.
"Now...the Tickle monster must reward you"
Apon hearing this Logan started to squirm even more to try and escape.
"N-no that's ok he doesn't have to-" his words being interrupted with a squeal when he felt a finger slide down his back.
"Oh but he does" Patton replied in a teasy tone.
And with that Patton chose a feather and started to draw like it was a pencil.
"Eehehehek!" Logan yelped
"Does it tickle?"
"Yohohou knohohohw ihihit dohohoes!!"
"I guess I forgot...that your ticklish" Patton said with a grin.
God if Logan could just crawl out of his skin he sure would of done it by now. If this teasing continues he certainly won't survive.
"Say Lo, can you guess what I'm drawing?"
Since Logan was in a loop of giggles he just nodded his head.
Patton started to draw a flower relishing all the squeals and squeaks that were made in the process.
"Can you guess what I drew?"
"Ihihi thihink yohuhu mahehede a flohohower" he said with his giggles.
"Yes, that's correct!"
"You know if guess right you get a prize".
"What's the prize?" he asked
"More Tickles!" the fatherly trait said as he ditched the feather and started to squeeze his sides.
"AH-hahahah!" Logan squealed.
"Mmmmm what adorable laughter you have it's quite delicious".
"Ihihits nahahaht dehelihicious!!"
"It's not?, But the Tickle monster says it's a five star meal, not to mention it's super duper cute!"
"Nohohoho!" Logan giggled
"Oooh we can't forget your blushy wushy face!"
Logan was just about dying so he covered his face with his hands.
"Hey cutie pie don't hide your pretty face"
The logical side just ignored him and continued to giggle in his hands.
Patton pouted, but then got an idea. He reached to tickle his ribs and armpits. Just as he thought Logan shot his arms down to protect himself. And he grabbed both arms and secured them under his legs restraining them.
"There we go!, now we can see that cute face that everyone knows and loves."
"Yeeeeeeees that's my name" he joked
"Please what?"
"Lihihighter tihihickles!!" he squeaked
"Ok! light it is"
Patton just went back to tracing Logan's back with the feathers.
"Hehehehe!" he giggled
"Is this better Logi?"
"Yehehes Ihihits fihihihine" he answered
Looking at how happy Logan looked made Patton just melt he really liked to tickle the sides to make them feel better.
It had been about 15 minutes of light tracing with the feathers. And Patton gave Logan a break to calm down from his giggle high. After he had calmed down he said something that surprised Patton a bit.
"U-umm Patton?"
"C-could you do that a-again?"
"Do what? a smirk starting taking over.
"T-the thing y-you did with the feathers that caused me to laugh" he explained.
"You mean when I was tickling you?"
"Y-yes when you where ti-yeah that" he said as he blushed.
"Awwe sure I'd love to"
Logan guessed Patton was going around tickling each side because they including him we're a bit sad about being banned form cookies for a while.
So just as Logan requested Patton continued lightly tickling his back for as long as he wanted him to.
Hey! You've reached the end hope you enjoyed sorry if there were spelling mistakes. (Part 4) Final will be out soon prob in the next few days. Have a good day :D
Little note: I had to add the nyoom it was funny tag 🤣
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xmagicxshopx · 4 years
Rush Hour Pt 1
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Genre: Action Adventure, Angst, Romance, Comedy Rating: PG-13 - M Warnings: drug trafficking, human trafficking, language, smut (in pt 2) Pairing: officer!jungkook x reader , officer!taehyung x oc (Nari) Notes: AU fic. Not idol!bts. Single quote marks ‘ ‘ are for thoughts and double “ “ are for talking. Additional Notes: Thank all the crime shows my parents watch for this. XD Not to mention I love the Rush Hour movies. @u@
Tagging: @grxnadxs​
Summary: You and your best friend are being framed for a crime you didn’t commit and there’s only two people who believe you. Agent Inspector Jeon of the Busan Police Department and Detective Kim of the Daegu Police Department. Can they rescue you before it’s too late?
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Organized Crime.
South Korea’s biggest enemy.
Financial fraud, drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, human trafficking. It was all because of organized crime and it made the police departments absolutely sick. A beast they couldn’t contain, let alone kill. Drugs were their biggest problem, really. And what drugs couldn’t produce in real cash flow, fake won made up for it. Sickening. Absolutely sickening.
“Detective Kim---Agent Inspector Jeon has arrived.”
Having been standing there watching the city with his steaming mug of hot chocolate because he’s not a coffee drinker, he simply turned his head to the officer-in-training and smiled a friendly smile before nodding his head and saying casually,
“Let the asshole in.”
“Hey, I heard that, asshat!”
Detective Kim, more commonly known as Kim Taehyung, just laughed as he set his mug down to greet one of his best friends and favorite partners in law enforcement. Walking through the door was one chuckling Jeon Jungkook, otherwise known as Agent Inspector Jeon. After performing their super secret handshake, the both of them took a seat in which Jeon sighed heavily.
“They briefed me on the situation. One of them is from Busan so they sent me over. It’s a pretty ugly case. This organization seems to have quite the record.”
“No kidding. Drug and human trafficking?? Disgusting. Makes me sick.”
Jungkook watched his older bestie tossing the folder full of files onto his desk and he couldn’t help but feel bad for him. Kim Taehyung was a good man. An honest and traditional man. Someone who one day wanted to settle down and have a family. A wife and kids. He cherished his fellow human beings so human trafficking always hit harder for him than anything else.
“Hey. We’ll catch them, hyung. They’re going to slip up and that’s when they’ll hang themselves with their own rope. In fact, it sounds like they might already have. It says they’re on the run. Armed and dangerous. But we’re more dangerous. Besides....”
Kim looked away from the window once more to see what his younger friend might be trying to say. The sight before him made the male snort and shake his blonde head in amusement. Jeon Jungkook had since stood up from his seat and was standing in a fighting position while saying with confidence that only he could pull off,
“I’ve been taking boxing lessons. These dirt bags won’t see me coming.”
“Whatever you say, Jeon. Whatever you say.”
Meanwhile, on a train heading out of Daegu.....
“I’m scared....”
You could hardly hear your best friend and honestly you couldn’t blame her. Both of your voices were hoarse from the lack of hydration. The first thing you’d do once getting to the next town would be trying to buy some bottles of water. Your tongue felt like sandpaper. Trying your best to comfort the female next to you, you simply reeled her in and let her head rest on your shoulder.
In the eye of the public, that’s what you were.
The world knew you both as criminals but the world couldn’t be farther from the truth. You two were just a pair of best friends who had found themselves in the wrong place at the wrong time. Simple on paper but oh-so complicated in all actuality. With an internal sigh, you gently stroked your best friend’s raven locks as you spoke up softly,
“It’s going to be okay, Nari. I’m going to take care of us. Just stick with me and everything will be fine.”
Nari, your best friend of four years, nodded gently against your shoulder as she shifted a little closer in the bus seat the two of you were sharing. Honestly, the two of you weren’t used to the silence of the bus. The life you both had been living for the last four months was anything but silent. Guns, violence, moving from home to home. It was all so chaotic.
Human trafficking.
You were no longer considered a person. No. You and your best friend had become objects to be used by scum bags who called themselves men. To be used as they saw fit. Whether it be as a cover-up for a smuggling operation or to release sexual frustration, you were no longer considered a human being. It may have only been for four months, but it’s been the longest four months of your lives.
“Once we get off the bus, I’ll get us a hotel room, okay? I managed to knock the one guy out and grab his wallet. Let’s just hope this won is legit and not fake. Otherwise we’re screwed.”
You didn’t want to scare Nari, but you had to be realistic too. The situation was not pretty but you were going to do your very best to make this as easy for her as possible. Your best friend was a soft and sensitive soul so naturally this was extremely hard on her. Not just physically, but also mentally and emotionally. The physical scars would heal, but the mental and emotional? That was a whole other ballgame.
“Let’s get off here. Surely there’s a hotel or motel near by. If not, we can always ask around.”
Back at the Daegu Police Department....
“Okay. So your prime suspects are two females, both in their 20s and South Korean natives. Squeaky clean criminal records. Not even a parking violation.”
Both Taehyung and Jungkook found themselves sporting identical expressions of confusion as their eyebrows knitted together. While the younger of the two was staring at the huge TV screen that had the suspects’ passport photos on display, Taehyung was looking through each of their files and couldn’t believe his eyes.
“The one was going to school to be a kindergarten teacher with a minor in journalism while the other has an online degree in Police Science and has taken several self-defense classes.”
While the blonde detective was rattling off more information from the files, Min Yoongi who was Daegu’s Intelligence Analyst was bringing up those very same records up on the screen for Jungkook to look over as well. Dang. It was hard to believe these girls were their prime suspects.
“The files go on to say the university student, Nari, was currently shadowing a kindergarten class when she went missing four months ago. The Police Science graduate was currently working at a cafe in Busan when she too went missing four months ago.”
“So they were together when they went missing?”
Just as Yoongi and Taehyung were about to wager a guess to the younger’s question, a new voice entered the room as a young man that went by the name of Jung Hoseok strolled in. Hoseok, or otherwise known as Hobi, was a Forensic Psychologist and had been brought it to try and figure out why two girls with absolutely no prior criminal records would be suspects in one of South Korea’s largest drug trafficking ring.
“Possibly. According to their records, they live at the same address. An apartment building on the shadier side of town. Judging from their day jobs, I would say it was all they could afford. The Busan girl commutes.”
Jungkook turned around to look at the older males with his hands stuffed in his pockets, expression pensive as he stood there in deep thought before asking out loud,
“So maybe they did it for the money?”
With a casual shrug, Hoseok looked to the TV screen where the records and photos were on display. It just didn’t add up to him. He had dealt with a lot of cases and in all his years of forensic psychology, he had never seen anything quite like this. But then again.....
“It’s not uncommon for financial stress to drive a person to commit crime. For now, they’re probably going to be your only suspects. They were seen on the storefront’s security footage with the bag as they fled the scene. Looks like it was a deal gone South.”
It was then that Yoongi pressed a button on his tablet and brought up the exact footage Hobi was referring to. The four young men watched as the two female suspects approached two men who were twice their size. Again. It didn’t make sense to Hobi. This was a professional ring. Why would a ring leader who was supposedly one of the smartest men in crime......be sending in two puny girls in their 20s to perform a hand-off???
“Looks like the one put her self defense lessons to good use. But she’s lucky neither one of them got shot.”
While Yoongi spoke in his usual calm tone, the rest of the boys watched on as the footage soon revealed the spat that took place. One man was knocked out and Taehyung could see one of the girls swiping his wallet. The last few seconds of the recording was of the girls running off while leaving the bag behind. The bag was then taken by the two men who ran in the opposite direction. Dang.
“Okay, Hobi hyung. Put your brain to work. Why would those girls try to fight when they were just going to let them have the drugs anyway? What’s the purpose here? The only crimes they committed were assault and stealing a dirt bag’s wallet.”
The psychologist took a moment to consider the young inspector’s questions. Yes. What was the purpose of the whole transaction??? All the girls got away with was a wallet and who knows if it had any actual won in it. Even if it did, the odds of the won being legit were slim to none. Still......it wasn’t adding up......there was more to this story here. That’s for sure. It was then that Taehyung spoke up as he said in an authoritative tone,
“Okay. Jeon---call in Jimin from your guys’ Busan department and have him interview the cafe manager and the staff. You and I are gonna take a trip to the kindergarten class Nari was shadowing and see if the teacher might have any insight. Maybe they got close while working together.”
He then turned to the older males in the room and added in the same tone but with more softness and naturally more respect,
“Yoongi hyung, if you can get me any further footage, maybe even some traffic cams, I’d greatly appreciate it. Maybe we can track down where they ran off to. Hobi hyung, try to take a closer look at the footage we already have. Maybe you can spot something we aren’t looking at. See if you guys can enhance the video any. Get a closer look.”
With that, the four men went to work. Innocent or not, these two women needed to be found because they could be the key to bringing down the largest drug trafficking ring in South Korea.
“There’s a convenience store. Want to grab some supplies and food and then find a place to stay?”
After receiving a timid nod from Nari, you offered her a warm smile and gently tugged her along as the two of you headed into the store. There was plenty of won in the wallet you had swiped so thankfully they could afford the necessities without having to skimp. Shampoo, body wash, water, and food. Pretty simple. Well maybe some toothbrushes and paste as well. The two of you felt absolutely disgusting and probably looked just as much.
The hotel room would probably have little bottles of shampoo and body wash, but you planned to douse yourselves in both. Now that you got to thinking about it, both of your hair looked like rats nests. Comb and brush. Okay. The list was getting longer but still. You both were a little more than ready to start feeling human again. Could anyone blame you???
Once picking out the cheapest shampoo and conditioner you could find, you went to go pick up a bottle of body wash that was just as cheap. You guys didn’t need to be in a beauty pageant, just clean. After picking a brush and comb both, you gently tugged your bestie along with you to have her pick out some food.
Ever since the human trafficking started, Nari had nearly completely shut down. She became quiet and shut off. It was hard for even you to get her to speak. Like the few moments they had alone together while waiting for their next ‘owner’ to arrive and take them ‘home’. It was so heartbreaking because your best friend was once a ray of pure sunshine. A light in the darkness.
And now she had become part of the darkness.
“Okay, Ri, what sounds good for dinner tonight? I think some instant noodles are calling our name.”
You would have loved to just call room service. However, for two reasons, you didn’t go that route. One, it wasn’t essential and therefore you didn’t want to risk wasting your limited funding on it. Two, you didn’t want to give the organization or the authorities any ammo that might help either one of them track you both down. Oh how you wanted to use this guy’s credit cards. But you knew better. Credit Cards were so easy to trace back. It was safer to use the won notes.
After allowing Nari to pick out her bowls of instant noodles, you picked out some as well before buying a loaf of bread and some peanut butter. Carbs. You both needed carbs desperately. The organization and all of your ‘owners’ hadn’t exactly taken the best care of you. Apparently you didn’t need to have a pretty or healthy body to be a sex toy. Go figure. With all of your hygienic items in one basket and the food in the other, you gently tugged your bestie along so that the two of you could pay for the items and get the heck of here.
Coughing up more notes than you wanted to, everything was paid for and the two of you were soon out into the world once more. Honestly, the weather was perfect for a nightly stroll. It had been so long since you felt so.....free. Granted you were currently on the run but you’d take what you could get. Just before you had left the store, you asked the employee on the other side of the counter if there were any hotels close by. Turns out there was. Thankfully just a block away from the store.
“Come on, Ri. Let’s get a roof over our heads and some food in our bellies. You can have first dibs on the shower. It’s gonna be okay, bestie. We’re gonna be just fine.”
You could only hope you didn’t turn into a liar. Going over it all in your head, you were pretty confident that you wouldn’t be found. At least not for a few days. But your mind was already thinking of the next steps to take. Thinking and calculating. You knew better than to think you could be on the run forever. No. You just needed a bit of time before contacting the authorities and explaining the situation; hoping they’d hear you out.
“Morning, Jeon.”
“Morning, hyung. Ugh. I didn’t sleep a wink last night. Just kept thinking about those girls. Makes no sense.”
It was a new day and the game plan was simple. Information gathering. After that, the pair would get together with Yoongi and Hobi to analyze the data collected. Meanwhile, Yoongi was going to try and see if he could use traffic cams to map out where exactly the two girls went. They could still be in Daegu for all they knew. Hobi’s job was to pick apart the suspects’ body language and see if there was anything he could identify that might help them figure out why the girls are even their prime suspects. That part still didn’t add up with any of them.
Okay so maybe not such a simple plan. But it was a plan all the same.
“It was a good call to wear something casual. We wouldn’t want to scare the kiddos.”
Taehyung honestly hadn’t thought about it till late last night. He too had a hard time sleeping. All he could think about was the girls. There was this nagging feeling telling him these girls were innocent. He highly doubted they were armed let alone dangerous. Speaking of, as he popped the trunk to his personal vehicle, he said casually,
“Probably ought to hide the guns too. These kids are young but you know how they pick up on every little thing that’s out of the ordinary.”
“Good point. You’re batting a thousand today, hyung. I’m gonna have to up my game if I’m going to keep up with you.”
“Just put your mad boxing skills to good use should something go south and we’ll be square.”
Chuckling softly, the two made their way into the building and showed the receptionist their badges before being escorted to the kindergarten classroom Nari had been shadowing. It was odd to be working in something other than their usual suit and tie. Jungkook could get used to working in his button up shirt and skinny jeans. The two could hear lots of giggling and it warmed Taehyung’s heart. God how badly he wanted to be a dad. But he needed to focus. This was a job. Not a field trip. He couldn’t let his feelings get involved.
“Good morning, Mrs. Lee. I’m Detective Kim Taehyung and this is my partner Agent Inspector Jeon Jungkook. If you have a moment, we’d like to ask you a few questions concerning the girl who was shadowing your class. She disappeared a little over four months ago. Her name is Nari. Do you remember her?”
Turns out this Nari girl was quite the ray of sunshine to be around. Naturally shy upon first meeting but once she got comfortable, she was a bit of a chatter box. Kind of cute, really. She got along great with the kids and when she had first disappeared, they immediately picked up on it and kept asking where she was. The class had even made get well cards after being told that she was simply not feeling good and needed some time off.
The whole thing silently broke Taehyung’s heart. This Nari sounded like his dream girl. Aside from the criminal part. Which still didn’t make sense. This girl enjoyed reading, writing, anime, and kids. She enjoyed several things that he too enjoyed. It was a shame to think that she possibly turned to organized crime. But for what? What was the incentive to just drop everything and turn to crime? She had such a beautiful life and it seemed like it was something she was still working on building. Why just abandon it?
“Okay, Jeon. Playtime’s over. Let’s go.”
His partner had been of little help during the questioning. However, it wasn’t entirely Jeon’s fault. The kids were insistent that he play with them. Who was a man to deny so many sets of puppy eyes??? That was how Taehyung found his younger partner currently being used as a human jungle gym. He had a kid hanging off each arm as he flexed his arm muscles to help hold them both up. A little girl was giggling and squealing in happiness as she had been placed on his shoulders, hugging his face to keep herself from falling. What a dork.
“Okay, kids. Let Mr. Jeon go so he can get back to work. And what do we say to others who play nicely with us?”
“Thank you, Mr. Jeon!”
The chorus of high pitched voices was so endearing. Perhaps Jungkook was starting to see why his hyung wanted to be a father so badly. These little ones weren’t so bad. Well that was probably a result of good parenting. Not to mention it sounded like the teacher was trying to set good examples for them too. After smiling to the kids and trying to dodge their questions of whether or not they’d be seeing him again, Jungkook quickly made his exit with his partner who was smiling and shaking his head in amusement.
Kids. Go figure. It was then that both agents heard Yoongi coming in through their ear pieces. Taehyung had just been popping the trunk back open to get their guns when the Daegu native started speaking in a calm but rushed voice,
“You two better get back to the office. Hobi made a huge discovery that’s going to change this into a whole different ballgame.”
Well that didn’t sound good.
Making haste, the two drove from the school parking lot and headed straight for the station. It wasn’t often that Yoongi sounded so urgent. He was usually pretty cool, calm, and collected. That’s what made him such an awesome analyst. He was able to look at things with a clear head. It was a trait that many in the department wish they had as well. Arriving in the information room where the male worked, Taehyung said in a breathless tone,
“What you got for us, hyung?”
But it was Hoseok that spoke up in reply; his tone grave.
“Your suspects just turned into victims.”
Wait what???
Meanwhile, you were up bright and early. It was easy and yet difficult to sleep all at the same time. The exhaustion had knocked both you and Nari out the second your heads hit the pillows of your shared king sized bed. However, it seemed like you were awake every other hour. Your body screamed sleep but your mind was on full alert. It was hard to sleep peacefully when you knew danger could be around every corner. You could open your eyes and find yourself right back in the jaws of danger.
It was exhausting, really. But this was your reality for the time being. Looking away from the window, you peered over at the sleeping figure in the bed. Poor Nari. She looked so small and frail laying there in that big bed. It was comforting to see her getting some sleep. Hopefully dreamless and restful. Last night had been wonderful. Their first night where they weren’t held in some kind of captivity. No disgusting cages or dirty food and water. For the first night in four months, they were just two girls hanging out. No longer objects. But humans.
They were humans again.
Deciding it was safe to take a shower, you tiptoed your way to the bathroom and just cracked the door so that it wouldn’t let all the steam out. Gosh the shower last night had been amazing! Hot water, soap. It was wonderful! The both of you had brushed your teeth twice just for good measure too. While you allowed the water to warm up, you thought about the tasks at hand today. The plan sounded simple but it was going to be tricky regardless.
A disguise. You both needed a disguise. Just until you could get your thoughts together and a plan for when you notified the authorities. You didn’t want to just go waltzing in the Daegu Police Department with hands in the air. No. You needed a plan. You needed to be able to prove your innocence. And that was when you thought of those disgusting bracelets you had to wear. Ugh. They were the ugliest shade of orange too. It was surly a color you’d despise for the rest of your life.
“They’re what?!”
Jungkook tried to put a gentle hand on his partner’s shoulder but it got roughly shrugged off. Taehyung was furious. Absolutely furious. Seeing red. That was all the male could see as he stared at Yoongi and Hoseok. The two had just informed them that the two suspects were actually being trafficked and were part of the transaction that took place on the storefront camera footage they were able to obtain.
Human trafficking. These two poor girls were being handed off along with the drugs. It all made sense now. The one using her knowledge in self defense to try and disarm and distract the punks. Swiping the wallet and yet leaving the drugs behind. It all finally added up. These girls weren’t criminals at all. There was a reason their records were so squeaky clean. They never asked for this. They were forced into it. They didn’t go missing willingly. They were kidnapped.
“It’s gonna be okay, Tae. I was able to get access to the town’s traffic cams and I think I know what city they’re in. But you gotta calm down first. The chief isn’t going to let you go into this guns blazing and you know that.”
However, the blonde detective wasn’t entirely listening. It was like his ears were filled with water. He just stood there staring at the single clue that lead Hobi and Yoongi to discovering what was actually going on in the footage from earlier. Each girl sported an orange colored wristband. After doing some digging, Yoongi had discovered it was an inside tagging system for women who were being trafficked. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. It left a horrible taste in Taehyung’s mouth as he thought of Nari......Nari........
It was then that the feline looking male spoke up but this time directed his attention to the younger inspector.
“Kook---Take him to the cafe around the corner. I’ll forward you guys what I believe to be their city of refuge. It’s not too terribly far from here but it’s a drive. Looks like they took the bus.”
“Thanks, Yoongi hyung. Come on, buddy. Let’s go have a drink.”
That was how Taehyung wound up sitting at a small table with a steaming to-go cup of hot chocolate. Meanwhile, Jungkook had opted for an iced americano. Ugh. Gross. While the younger was looking over the traffic cam footage Yoongi had forwarded to his phone, the detective simply stared out the window of the local cafe. His partner had tried to place a single glazed doughnut in front of him to go with his hot chocolate but Tae had touched neither one; too lost in thoughts of the sweet college student trying to become a kindergarten teacher.
His dream girl.
‘I bet she wants to have kids too someday.....I’ll make sure she has that chance. I’m gonna find her. And I’ll save her.’
The young inspector, on the other hand, was more focused on you. What was your story? Certainly you weren’t going to be working as a barista the rest of your life. The fact that you had taken an online course in Police Science intrigued him. Perhaps you were interested in going into law enforcement? That would be cool. Especially since you were a Busan native. What would be the chances of you working in the same station as him?
“Okay, Ri. Today we’re gonna try and get some fresh clothes and maybe do something with our hair. Basically we need a disguise. Just until we can get our thoughts together and figure out how to notify the police without it looking like we’re turning ourselves in.”
It saddened you when all your best friend did was nod. Again....she used to be so talkative. So bright and cheery. You weren’t sure you were going to be able to take her out of this hotel room just yet. While your guys’ physical scars were already starting to heal, there were far deeper cuts that needed attention. Carefully taking a seat next to her on the bed, you gently wrapped an arm around her and spoke in a soft and soothing tone,
“Nari, baby. You gotta talk to me. I’m no therapist but I think being your best friend has to count for something. You can tell me anything. So please, say something.”
“You could have died.....”
Hmm? Out of all the things you were expecting Nari to say, that definitely wasn’t one of them. Before you could ask her to clarify, she did it for you as she added in explanation,
“They had guns, bestie. And they were shooting at us. They were shooting at you. I was so scared you’d get hit and die. I’ve lost so much. I can’t lose you too. Please---”
“Hey, hey. Shhh. It’s okay, Ri. It’s okay.”
You sat there at the foot of the bed hugging a sobbing Nari; gently rocking the both of you back and forth as you allowed the girl to cry out her feelings. You had been in such a constant state of survival mode, that you hadn’t taken into account how the dangers of the whole situation would affect her. Of course seeing your best friend get shot at would be traumatizing. Gently kissing the girl’s forehead while stroking her hair with a free hand, you said softly and soothingly,
“I’m sorry I scared you, Ri. It wasn’t my intentions. I just......I needed to get us out of there and it was the only way I knew how. And the good news is, we’re not only alive, but we’re free. No more drugs, no more trafficking. We’re humans again and we’re gonna get through this together. I’m with you every step of the way. Okay? Together?”
You held out your pinkie finger for her to take and was happily surprised to see her return the gesture by weakly wrapping her pinkie around your own. This was progress. It was the most Nari had said since the two of you escaped from the organization. Hopefully with this off her chest, she’d open up a little more and just maybe, things would get back to some kind of normal between you two. You really didn’t want to lose your best friend. Nari wasn’t the only one in that hotel room who had lost a lot.
With the both of you feeling a little bit better, you carefully stood up from the bed and brought your bestie along with you. It would be okay. You’d make it be okay no matter the cost. It was time to get out of these disgusting clothes and find something more suitable for wear. Not to mention your hair needed a trim something awful. Then again.....you were willing to go the extra mile for a disguise if it meant surviving to see real freedom.
Deciding it wasn’t smart to stay in one place for two nights in a row, you made the plan to get your clothes, get stuff needed for your hair, maybe purchase a couple duffel bags, and make your next move. That was as far as you had gotten in the planning. Should the two of you stay in this town or perhaps travel back to Daegu? Maybe Busan? Ugh. You just didn’t know yet. Okay. One step at a time, here. One step at a time.
Crossing the street, you had heard from the hotel desk clerk that there was a hand-me-down store for clothing not too far from where they were staying. That would be perfect! You didn’t need to look like models. You just needed some clean clothes to wear. And you had saw where a pharmacy was close by as well. You decided to dye your hair and cut it yourself but you just weren’t sure what color to get. Poor Nari, on the other hand, was way too happy with her hair and especially the color. So to try and find some even ground, the two of you had agreed on a hat. She could tie up her hair and wear a baseball cap. That would work.
While Nari wanted something pretty, you were more focused on trying to disguise yourself as much as possible. In fact, when you came out of the dressing room with a plain white t-shirt tucked into a pair of black skinnies and a black blazer to match; paired with black combat boots that looked like they could kill, Nari couldn’t stop herself from mumbling shyly,
“You look like a boy if it wasn’t for your boobs and long hair.”
“That’s the plan.....babe.”
You couldn’t help but grin as you watched your best friend blush heavily. Don’t get the wrong picture, the both of you were far more into boys. But it was cute to tease your bestie because as much as you loved her, she was such a cute and easy target. When you heard that familiar whine of mortification, you couldn’t help but feel your chest bubble with happiness and relief. Perhaps that talk in the hotel room really did do some good. Nari just simply needed to get some feels off her chest.
After he got Taehyung to finally eat and drink something, Jungkook ended up lugging his butt up from the cafe chair and hauled him outside into the fresh air. It wasn’t like his older friend to get stuck in his feels like this. Sure human trafficking had always been a sore subject, but he was taking it to a completely new level of sore. Stuffing his hands in his pockets and squinting against the sun’s rays, the young inspector said casually,
“Jimin said there wasn’t much to report on the barista from Busan. Apparently she was trying to save her tips from the cafe in order to go into law school. She’s on the fence of whether or not she wants to be a cop or an attorney.”
Jungkook really wanted to meet you. You fascinated him to no end. First the course in Police Science and now law school? You sounded super cool with how you had taken several self defense classes as well. He wondered if you liked boxing......Yeah......maybe he could teach you one day.
Wait what???
Shaking his head to clear it, it was then that he heard Yoongi coming on the ear piece once more.
“Your girls are on the move. They stayed at a hotel last night but they’ve not made any further reservations. Apparently one of the other guests recognized them in the hallways. I informed the manager to keep it quiet because we don’t want to scare them off. If we’re lucky, we can catch them before they depart. The manager said they’ve not returned the room keys yet.”
“Thanks, hyung. Keep us posted.”
“No problem. Forwarding you guys the hotel address now.”
“You hear that, hyung? We’re gonna find them and it’s gonna be okay.”
Feeling a hearty pat on his shoulder, Taehyung nodded and tried to give his younger partner a smile. The two girls must be so scared. Running from not only the organization, but the law as well. When in all reality, this had since then turned into a rescue mission. This was definitely a first for him in his career of law enforcement. Pulling himself together, the blonde squared his shoulders and held his head up high as he walked to the car. Meanwhile, Jeon was reading off the directions to the city where the girls were currently staying in.
“So.....Hyung.......You seem pretty invested in this case. You wanna talk about it?”
Yoongi was right when he said it was a bit of a drive. At the same time, Jungkook couldn’t help but mentally praise the girls for thinking of taking such a far, out-of-the-way route to escape danger. It was a quieter town too. Or so he had heard. Listening to the ticking sound of the vehicle’s turn signal, the blonde detective finally spoke up but in a small voice.
“I just want to find them and bring those dirt bags to justice.”
Okay. So clearly his hyung wasn’t ready to talk about it. Which was totally fine. But it was easier to work with a Kim Taehyung when he had his head on straight and he wasn’t thinking with his heart instead of his brain. Subconsciously nibbling on his bottom lip, a nervous habit of his, Jungkook silently nodded and turned his attention to his phone. With the help of Yoongi and his ability to enhance images, he was able to get a better look at the two girls they were trying to rescue.
“They’re both kind of cute. Once you get past their bird nest hairstyles and grungy clothing.”
That didn’t seem to make matters any easier as Jungkook could hear his hyung gripping the steering wheel all the tighter; the sound of his skin squeaking against the material of the wheel. Oops....
“What hotel was it again? I think we might be approaching the town soon.”
Yeah. Definitely not ready to talk about it.
“Bestie.....are you sure you want to do this? We can get you a ball cap too, you know. It doesn’t have to be this extreme.”
“I’m absolutely positive, Nari. Lay it on me.”
Nari couldn’t believe what she was about to do to her best friend’s hair. It was already painful enough to watch you chop it all off. She knew the point was for you to look as far from yourself as possible but still......This was just crazy. You had chopped your own hair off and now sported a boy cut of sorts. Bangs hung in your eyes to try and hide them while your back had been completely taken up. Not a single strand of hair was hanging down or coming anywhere close to your shoulders. Nothing framing your face. Just your bangs.
“They won’t be looking for a blonde, Nari. Just trust me.”
And that was how you got your hair bleached for the first time ever. It was worth it, though. Everything you were doing, you were doing for you and Nari both. What was a little hair if it meant keeping you both alive and getting your tickets to true freedom? It was so worth it in your mind and you could only hope your bestie would see that too. With time.
After washing and drying it, you stood there in the hotel bathroom mirror with your girl next to you. Nari looked shocked and a bit pale while you were grinning like an idiot. This was perfect. Sporting your outfit you had picked out from the store and turning your head this way and that way to inspect your new hairstyle, you couldn’t wait to throw both the organization and the police for a loop.
They’d never see you coming.
“Okay, Ri. Sadly we can’t stay here. We gotta keep moving. Let’s check out and find a different place to stay. We’ll grab a bus to the next city over and grab another hotel room. We still have plenty of won left. The guy was stupid enough to leave his wallet loaded.”
Helping your bestie secure her baseball cap on and making sure her hair was tucked in nice and neat, you couldn’t help but think how cute she looked dressed so casually compared to the rags she was forced to wear for the last four months of her life. Nari was way too pretty to wear such filth. You couldn’t wait for things to get back to normal. The first thing you’d do is take her shopping for some pretty new clothes to wear to the kindergarten class she shadowed. You knew how much she loved those kids.
Once the both of you packed your items from the convenience store last night and the new batch of instant noodles and snacks from the pharmacy earlier today, you hoisted up the duffel bags and made your way out of the room; making it look just as it did when you arrived. It would be like you were never even here. Although you couldn’t help but notice how deadly quiet it was in the hotel hallways.
“Thanks for staying with us. Have a wonderful day!”
Cool. You were out and on the street once again. The next step in your plan was simple. Find a bus routing out of town to the next city and hop on. Simple, right? Just as you were about to make a step for the bus stop down the street, you felt something hard and cold pressing into the small of your back. Not only that, but a chin rested on your shoulder and whispered in your ear,
“Scream and I’ll shoot you right where you stand, slut.”
Well that sucks.
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buckstaposition · 4 years
I cling to your lips like gloss (1)
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a Javier Peña x OFC story 
now also on AO3
author: @youhavereachedtheendofpie (if u wanna come say hello on main)
rating/warnings: swearing, mentions of character death
words: 5521
Author’s note: dude this chapter fought me every step of the way but it’s here now so suck it, muses or whatever
Tag list: @keeper0fthestars @opheliaelysia @dindjarindiaries (thank you sweeties whom I will hold forever in my heart)
(message me if you want to be added to the list)
Chapter 1 - The Informant
'Liliana' the file said. I was tucked away in the locked bottom drawer of his old desk, the one he hadn't even had time to clear out when they'd sent him away. To be fair, Javier had only known to look because Murphy had called him to tell him about this informant. It sounded too good to be true. An informant coming to them of their own accord, ready to spill valuable inside secrets of the Calí cartel, and they didn't even want payment? One would be forgiven, in their line of work, to smell a trap. But Murphy had vouched for this one, and he trusted Murphy, knew that his partner (former partner) did his homework with due diligence. That, and the first batch of intel Murphy had brought back from their first few meetings had already proven invaluable. 
There was apparently only one hiccup, and it was that the informant refused to talk to any agents other than him or Murphy. It had even led to Steve having to postpone his return to the States for almost two months, until it was clear that Javier would return to Colombia. Fair enough, he'd need to make up his own mind about them anyway. He collected the file and tucked it into the box that held all the stuff he'd cleared out of the desk, since he would now officially be moving a an office of his own.
Upon arriving in said office, he kicked the door closed and sat, lighting a cigarette and reaching for the file. As thin as it was, it still took him almost an hour to work through it, though half of the time was spent deciphering Murphy's chicken scratch mess of annotations. The rest was spent on making his own. After checking the time, Javier fetched himself a cup of the same old tar brew that passed for coffee here, lit another cigarette, and dialled Steve's new office number in Miami. 
"Alright, I've read the file." Javier started without preamble. Perhaps that was a bit short. He grimaced, then added, "About the informant. Liliana."
"Yeah, I figured." Steve exhaled probably puffing away at his own nicotine habit. Javier meant to quit, but kept pushing it off. The intent was all there was to it, at this stage. "So what're you calling me for, big boss?"
Javier elected to ignore the taunt, knowing it was friendly. 
"You've met her. Is she legit?"
"Why, you smelling a trap?"
Pathological mistrust was a feature one acquired while on this job. Those who didn't ended up dead. Those who did would still end up dead, just later and more jaded. Either way you'd get a lot of other people killed on the way. "Just making sure." 
They spent the next half hour and a bit going over the file together, comparing notes, catching up, thinking aloud - all of which were much easier to do when they had each other to bounce off of. It felt good, almost like old times. Javier went through close to a third of his pack of cigarettes, the air growing heavy in the windowless room. Just as well that it was almost time to wrap this up. A look at his watch told him that it was getting late in the day, and that Steve would want to get home to his family. All Javier could hope for at this point was avoiding resident CIA-asshole Bill Stechner on his way out, at least on this day. 
"You won't be able to pull your usual shit with this one." Steve remarked, accompanied by the sound of shuffling papers. Javier bristled, even though he knew the things people said about him, both behind his back and to his face. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" Knowing didn't mean it didn't, occasionally, sting, but he'd given up on trying to influence other people's minds long ago. A reputation once acquired was not easily shed, not that he'd made much of an effort to. 
"It means that you shouldn't. Pull your usual crap with this one. For one I hardly think it'll be necessary."
"That would be new." Javier snorted. He could hear Steve's eyeroll through the phone. 
"Still the same asshole-" Steve snarked. "I'm just saying be nice for once, especially since that woman's intel is the only reason you still have a job. She's a nice lady, so with a bit of luck some of that might even rub off on you." 
"And I'm the asshole..." 
"So everyone keeps saying." 
"Fuck you, Steve."
"Go fuck yourself, Javi." Steve's chuckle told him it was all in good humor. "And don't fuck this informant."
"Yeah, yeah," Javier waved it off. The woman was an accountant, for fuck's sake. Note exactly his usual type. Or the type he usually attracted. 
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 
They were meeting at one of the small restaurants lining the edge of Parque Sabaneta in Medellín. Over the phone her voice had sounded... hesitant, above all else. Tinny, too, but he blamed the connection for that. And he'd brought her a satellite phone for future contacts; her driving out to remote phone cells and him waiting for calls after hours in his office just didn't cut it. 
There hadn't been a picture in the file, but Steve's description had been quite accurate and Javier was able to pick her out at the table she'd chosen before making himself known. Dark hair and darker eyes behind large, slightly old-fashioned glasses. She was almost tall and hid her figure underneath loose-fitted clothing; today a flowy blouse and high-waisted dress pants, and a bulky cardigan against the spring chill that lingered even into the late morning. Her hair was pulled back into a low bun that reminded him of his fifth grade math teacher, Ms Jenkins. Javier approached the table. 
"Diana Rivas?" She froze for a split-second before relaxing again, returning his greeting softly. In real life her voice was deeper than he would have anticipated, raspier too, but not unpleasant - the kind of voice one would expect first thing in the morning, just after waking up. 
"I do hope your drive was not too tiring, Agent Peña." she said as he sat. He grimaced slightly. The drive had been long, above all else. Not his first choice of how to spend a Friday morning. Well, he'd endured worse for this job. But next time he'd definitely travel by plane.
"Do they serve decent coffee here?" Javier scrubbed a hand over his burning eyes and settled, resuming his assessment. She squirmed slightly under his unrelenting gaze, but squared her shoulders after a moment, meeting his gaze head-on and motioning a waiter over with a flick of her delicate wrist. 
"Of course they do, this is Medellín!" She sounded mildly offended, then ignored him in favor of telling the waiter their order. Javier took the time to observe her further. 
No make-up, no jewellery, save for a simple, functional watch and a small silver locket on a long, thin chain. No wedding band either, but the paleness and indentation around her ring finger still indicated that she'd worn one in the recent past. Her features were soft and feminine, with high cheekbones and a pointed chin, all making her look younger than she purportedly was. His gaze caught on her defined cupid's bow just a second too long. Her complexion seemed far too sunkissed for someone who spent most of their time indoors, in air-conditioned office spaces. In conclusion, undeniably lovely to anyone with eyes who cared to look, but obviously taking great pains to discourage closer scrutiny, to look as mousy and plain as possible. It worked, to a degree. 
It occurred to Javier that maybe he should actually talk to her, since that's what he'd come here for. 
"Do you always begin your interrogations with the silent treatment? I can see how that might be effective." She beat him to it, just before the coffee cups were set on the table in front of them. 
"This isn't an interrogation." he groused, taking a tentative sip of the coffee. The scent of it alone was enough to wake the dead; it was heavenly. He'd have to see if he could weasel some halfway decent coffee out of his budget at the office. 
"Regardless, I only have until noon today. We can meet again tomorrow; I can make myself available all afternoon for you, Agent Peña." 
Javier huffed out a breath before taking another sip. "Why can you suddenly do Medellín anyway? You had Murphy travel across half the country to meet you." 
She made a face at that, something between annoyed and apologetic. "My aunt, she... she's sick and been getting worse. I make the time to come down here every other weekend now to help her."
"And your employers are alright with that?" He hadn't exactly pegged the Calí cartel for employers of the year. Or to pioneer part-time models so their employees could care for sick relatives.
"As long as the work gets done, yes. It means I work ten to eleven hour days Monday to Thursday, but I am the only one left in this family..." She sniffled a little and swept the tips of her fingers under the plastic rim of her glasses, wiping at her eyes. Javier looked away, pretending it was to give her privacy. He imagined this unusually forthright woman walking up to Pacho Herrera to ask for reduced work hours so she could care for her aunt- That could really have gone either way, but somehow he thought that was probably not how it happened, or whom she'd asked. He just couldn't picture it. Maybe one of the brothers; they liked to style themselves as charitable family men, to a degree.
"Anyway, Medellín's closer for you, and we're less likely to be found out here. They like to keep security pretty tight in Calí. My friend Angelika calls it the Calí Stasi, and she's from the former East Germany, so she'd know." 
He hummed in acknowledgement, his coffee almost gone and him almost feeling like a living human being again. He flagged the waiter down for another. 
"In any case, I am glad that we can keep this to Spanish now. My English is not very ...confident." She prattled on, sipping from her own cup. Murphy had told him that she'd brought a dictionary to their first meeting, and apparently, with his former partner's dismal language skills, they'd actually needed it. 
"I'm sure your English is better than Murphy's Spanish." Steve had told him as much, but then again, Steve's Spanish was shit, so it really wasn't saying much. There was something else niggling at the back of his mind. 
"Why me?" 
Her glasses slid down her nose half an inch or so in surprise at his -admittedly abrupt- question. "I'm sorry?"
"Murphy said you wanted to speak to me specifically when you first called. Why?" 
She hesitated a moment, squirmed a little and averted her eyes, then pushed her glasses back up her nose before answering, softer than before. "Gabriela said you could be trusted."
"...Gabriela?" He said sharply, neck flushing at the thought of the beautiful redhead. 
She shrunk in on herself, hands fidgeting nervously in her lap. Perhaps his voice had come out a little bit harsher than intended. He hadn't even thought that she'd actually tell him her real name. He'd just been a client after all. 
"Yes," Miss Rivas breathed out, her voice so soft now that he had to lean halfway across the table to even catch it. "She's my best friend. We've been inseparable since the firts day of school. We tell each other everything. She told me she knew a DEA agent; that's why I told my cousin to go to her when she ran into trouble with Pablo Escobar-"
"Your cousin???" He almost roared. It came out as more of a whisper-yell, but she still flinched, eyes going wide behind the lenses. 
"Yes, my cousin," she said carefully, "Maritza Rincón." 
"Maritza–" he patted his pocket for a smoke and swore under his breath when he remembered how he'd left them in the car with the intention of advancing his 'quit smoking'-idea beyond idle talk. "What is this, a fucking trap? Very elaborate setup just to yell at me, missy. Unless you've got some buddies of yours here to–"
"What- what are you *talking* about? I don't blame you for Maritza's death!" By now people were staring. Not a lot of them, since it wasn't really the time yet for the midday crowd and too late for the morning rush, but the few pensioners and whatnot were definitely sensing the tension at their table. Javier gave up on his cigarette search and took a deliberate breath, willing himself to calm down. 
"Maritza is dead?" He hadn't known that. He wasn't sure how he would have learned of it, but it still shocked him regardless. He looked over to see her fidget with her locket, lips pressed tight and trembling. Shit. Another informant on his conscience, fucking great. 
"I'm sorry, I didn't-" he started, his voice catching. He bought himself time with his now lukewarm coffee, "Look, I'm sorry. I didn't know that. I-"
"It's alright." She whispered, in a tone of voice that clearly indicated it wasn't. She swept her glasses off with trembling fingers and pressed beneath her eyes, as if to restrain the tears that pooled in her lashes. 
"I'm sorry." Javier said again, insistent, soft, sincere. "What happened?" 
"We- I don't know. She called me to say she was in trouble with Escobar, and I helped her set up the meeting with Gabi."
"With me." He remembered that evening, that young girl sitting in Gabriela's apartment, ready to be sprung on him. Part of him had resented it; Gabriela had been someone he'd sought out to get away from the damn narcos and their dealings. Miss Rivas nodded. 
"Yes. It was that idiot Jhon. He was one of the neighborhood kids. Growing up he'd always had a crush on her..." She talked a lot, he found. It should irritate him more, the way she'd throw in seemingly irrelevant asides without explaining further. Instead he only found himself worrying that someone so pathologically honest could not possibly keep the Gentlemen of Calí off her tracks, at least not if she kept spilling her life story so eagerly. 
" ...and then she hid out on her uncle's farm again, where my auntie - her mom - grew up and went back to after my uncle - that's Maritza's dad - died of a heart attack. Auntie had been out for the day and when she came back- "
He can't bear to listen to it, but forces himself to anyway. In the sea of his regrets, what's one more? Besides, there's nothing else he can do for the girl now; the least he can do is witness how he failed her. 
For all her unassuming bluntness, Diana Rivas is not one to hold back, even on unsavoury details. At least he doesn't get the sense that she does it to torment when she tells him how they found Maritza's lifeless body with her young daughter next to her.  
By the end of that sorry tale, he has his head in his hands, Miss Rivas is still just this side of openly weeping, and all the other patrons have demonstratively averted their attention so as not to impose on what must, on the outside, look like an urgent case for a damned good couples' counselor. 
"I'm sorry, I know this is a lot." And why in the hell is she apologizing?
"No shit." And yeah, he has to digest this before he can even think of making any attempt at non-destructive human interaction. "You couldn't tell Murphy any of this?"
She gave him a look. 
"Yeah, alright. Sorry." More than just a language barrier, got it. 
"I didn't come here today with the intention to relive this, you know?" She said archly. He supposed she had all the right to be upset. And he'd never had a meeting with an informant turn this harrowing, which was really saying something. 
"I'm sorry." He said again, putting the weight of sincerity behind the words. Her hands were in the table now, fidgeting again as she sat slightly hunched over, staring into her coffee cup.
"Unless your government has a time machine to spare, I would prefer not talking about it again. At least not more than necessary." She replaced her glasses and checked her watch. "1 pm tomorrow?"
Javier nodded dumbly, already plucking a few bills out of his wallet to pay for the coffee. "Yeah, 1 pm is okay. Where?"
"Meet me at the church. Santa Ana. You know it?" He didn't particularly, as in he didn't know its name before now, but he could see the building's tall white facade from where they were sitting. 
"Iglesia de Santa Ana, 1 pm tomorrow." Javier confirmed, rising as she did. The stared at each other for a moment, unsure of how to conclude this meeting, until she stuck her hand out for him to shake. He took her smaller, slender hand in his, squeezing it wordlessly. 
"Until tomorrow, Agent Peña." She said, managing a sad little smile. "I hope you'll get some rest. You look like shit." 
Javier bit down every one of the snarky replies that sprung to mind, not least because he knew it was true. His bags had bags and he itched for a smoke.
And to think, this was Murphy's 'nice lady'. 
--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
Somehow it hadn't occurred to him that at the church meant inside the church. Not until a very miffed face peered out between the heavy doors, giving him a look as he stood there smoking. 
"It's barely been five minutes!" Javier defended himself, stubbing out the cigarette beneath his heel. 
"It's 1:07pm." She informed him matter-of-factly, pushing the glasses back up her nose pointedly as she made to turn back inside. Javier caught the door, crowding perhaps a bit too close, but the damned thing was heavy. 
"Sorry." He said simply, seeing no point in making a scene out of it. She had to crane her neck just the slightest bit to meet his gaze. 
"Wait here, I'll be out in a minute." And with that she stalked off. Javi watched her sweep down the aisle, her hair and skirt fluttering behind her. She wore her hair loose today, the ends of it curling around her shoulders, and a simple off-white shirt dress that reached down to mid-calf. He let his eyes trail after her, leaning his weight more fully against the heavy wood of the door to lever it open. She walked around two thirds of the way down the pews before stopping by a... baby carriage? 
She bent over it before carefully wheeling it around and starting back towards the door. Javier racked his tired brain. The file hadn't said anything about a kid. Married five years but no children. That didn't seem like the kind of thing one would easily miss, and he knew Murphy to be thorough in his inquiries. 
"Who's this then?" He peered inside the carriage -more of a buggy really now that he got a closer look- and barely caught a glance of a dozing toddler with soft brown curls, while hoisting the door open wider to let her pass more easily. "Didn't know you had a kid."
"I don't." The buggy caught on the threshold and jolted, and a displeased cry came from inside it, making her curse under her breath. "This is Maritza's daughter, Salome. I've got it! Just- the door, just get the door!"
The last part of that came out high and sharp, much like the crack of a whip, and in direct response to Javier's attempt to swoop in and help heave the buggy over the worn-down threshold. He jolted back on instinct, grunting when the door swung squarely into his spine. Who the hell was responsible for all these old-ass church doors being solid enough to squash an actual living human between them?
After some fumbling they managed to make it out with most of their dignity still intact. Javier bent down and quickly shoved the bag he'd brought into the wire basket underneath the buggy's seat, next to her purse. 
"Where to?" He asked, straightening up again. Miss Rivas still looked cross, her lips pressed together.
"Follow along. There are some secluded benches a little walk away." And off she was, leavin him to catch up.
"If your intention is to disguise this meeting as just another family enjoying the sun I suggest you slow down a little." Javier hissed under his breath. He'd actually had to jog a bit to keep up with her steamroller pace. She looked even more annoyed and declined to grace him with an answer, but slowed with a sigh that told him that this was indeed her intention. It was a smart enough plan, he wouldn't dispute that. 
At least the kid seemed to have calmed from her little jostle-startle, seeing as she was now quietly babbling away as if narrating the sights. Javier tried to loosen his tense shoulders and to look like he was enjoying himself as they fell into step ambling along the walkways between the lush greenery. 
"How old is she?" he asked, thinking that perhaps some small talk would ease the woman's sullen mood. 
"Almost two and a half." Or not. Well, he tried. Javier wasn't exactly an expert with kids and none of his previous informants had ever shown up with theirs. Not that that would have been appropriate considering the circumstances. They walked for about a quarter of an hour, which Javier spent agonizing about how to smooth over the sudden mood change Miss Rivas was displaying compared to the day before. By the time they'd made it to their destination he was no closer to that goal. 
She sat with a weary sigh, shaking out her flowy skirt before sitting and rolling her sleeves up to her elbows. It was much warmer today than when they'd met previously, only in part due to the later hour. Stiffly, Javier sat down next to her at a distance that instantly belied their 'family outing' cover. She turned to him after checking on the baby, peeling back the sunshade of the buggy to allow her to look around. 
"You can smoke if you want to." Miss Rivas said offhandedly, her tone forcedly polite. Javier cleared his throat. 
"I'm actually trying to quit."
Her lips quirked into a pleasant curve. "And how's that going?"
Javier sighed. "I'm thinking I might have chosen the wrong time."
"Or the wrong job."
The laugh that bursts forth from him is short, but not altogether hollow. "Yeah, or that."
"Very well, then you may not smoke even though you might want to." 
Javier smiled. Couldn't help it, really. He had been worried that he'd somehow managed to offend her during their last meeting. He said as much, and she shook her head with a look of remorse.
"No, it's not your fault. It's just..." She pushed her glasses up and rubbed at her eyes, revealing the dark rings that had previously been hidden beneath the plastic rim. "Yesterday dredged up some things, and I didn't sleep well as a consequence. That always makes me snippy. And to top things of, this one," she leaned over to unbuckle the child and heave her into her lap, "was being fussy all morning, which didn't help. Sorry for being so short with you earlier."
"In this job, people usually shoot at me. It's alright, really. You're alright." Truth be told, he was glad she pulled herself out of this funk. Maybe she was as nice as Murphy claimed after all. The kid looked at him with large, round, strangely sage eyes. I got your mommy killed. I got your mommy killed and you had to watch. If he had gotten her that visa- The thought made him gulp, made him dizzy and nauseous and if there was anything to be glad for in this situation it was that he was already sitting down. Miss Rivas replaced her glasses and looked at him with furrowed brows. He felt like he was being read. 
"I already told you that I don't blame you for Maritza." Javier tried his damnedest not to squirm underneath that discerning stare. Screw read, he felt like he was being flayed open. "Obviously you still blame yourself."
"Wouldn't you?" He shot back, defensive. She didn't answer for a moment, gently rocking the kid who had grabbed a hold of her locket and started to play with it. 
"I have enough regrets of my own, Agent Peña." Part of him wants to scoff, even just to dispel the heavy moment, but the severity in her tone nips that impulse in the bud. Instead, he clears his throat and gestures to the buggy where he stored his bag earlier.
"I brought you something." 
Her features soften into not quite a smile, but something close enough. "What a coincidence, so have I."
And then she hands him the toddler, who lets out a displeased cry at having her toy wrenched from her chubby hands in so unceremonious a manner, and Javier freezes as her squirmy weight is settled in his lap, only his hand shooting out to steady her on instinct. Up close her big brown eyes are even more enormous. 
"Um, hi. Nice to meet you, Miss Salome. I'm Javier." He says awkwardly and is met with a pout. This is patently terrible and reminds him of the few times he'd been handed baby Olivia. She'd started crying instantly nine times out of ten. He hopes against hope that today will be a deviation from that norm. Salome considers him a long moment, blinking owlishly and making that certain kind of skeptical face that little kids so often do. He's had less tense moments in interrogations. He might be sweating in a way that has little to do with the midday heat. 
And then Salome blows him a raspberry and dives for his wrist to investigate the shininess of his watch. And when he can breathe again he allows himself a smile. Of relief, mostly. In stark contrast to the smile Miss Rivas wears as she regeards them both, which is pure mischief with a dash of smugness. 
"Well look at that. You passed muster, Agent Peña." Miss Rivas set both their bags down in the space between them, then leaned over to press a quick kiss to little Salome's soft curls. And Javier has been much closer to many women than this; his heart shouldn't lurch at the sudden proximity, the waft of her perfume or the light brush of her soft hair over his bare forearm.
"Ladies first." Javier gestured at the bags between them. She smiled and rummaged through hers, producing two thick stacks of folded papers, either parcel secured with a rubber band. 
"Trade you?" she motioned at the girl, who was now intently examining the fingers of his right hand. Reluctantly, he let Miss Rivas pluck the small child from his lap and stand her next to the bench. Salome frowned adorably for a moment at having been interrupted in pulling his pinky finger off, then realized she was free to roam around and brightened instantly, hitting the bench a few times with chubby palms and babbling. 
"Yes, of course I have your toy, sweetie." Miss Rivas said earnestly, presenting a brightly colored ball. Salome grabbed for it with a squeal, her momentum propelling her straight onto her backside. Miss Rivas turned back to Javier with that soft, fond expression still on her face and handed him one of the parcels. 
"Do... did you want to go over this? While I'm here to explain things?"
"That complex, huh?"
"Well, it's a lot to do with creative book-keeping and tax law loopholes. It's more about how they structure their business to launder their incomes than anything else, but it'll still be helpful in building a case, no?" 
It is, which is the whole reason he's been sent back here apparently. And while it's nothing the analysts back at the office can't handle (probably), he still likes being in the loop. And also maybe because he enjoys the sound of her voice. In any case he peels off the rubber band and unfolds the stack of papers, keeping a careful hand around it to ensure that nothing blows away in the spring breeze. Miss Rivas pulled out a pencil from her purse and shuffled closer. Close enough that he can smell her perfume again. - - - Over the following hour and a half Javier realized several important things: 
One. Diana Rivas is likely one of the cleverest people he has ever met. By page eight his head is swimming with numbers, but her even explanations make even tiered corporate tax rebate systems sound fascinating. Even in his line of work, he'd never truly considered accounting to be the stuff of suspense, but she makes it sound like a thriller that even the brightest heads in Hollywood would have trouble coming up with. 
Two. Having to do anything while keeping an eye in a rambunctious small child who is still learning to walk is a uniquely stressful experience. Little Salome is bouncing around the small patch of grass in front of the bench much like her ball, endowed with seemingly endless reservoirs of energy. She crashes into his knee a few times while chasing her ball or deciding that playing hide and seek underneath the bench is a better use of her time, and it puts him on edge that he feels responsible at all. 
Three. The Rodríguez brothers make more than enough money from their few legitimate businesses to never have to worry themselves financially. Not that this had been in question, technically, but to see the numbers in black and white is still galling, even if he's not nearly as incensed about it as Miss Rivas seems to be. And while Javier is far from a religious man, he does consider greed that is levered with blood to be at least distateful. 
Four. It's not her perfume he smelled earlier, but her shampoo, bright and fruity, with high notes of citrus. 
Five. As long as this is all they have and all she can get, the DEA cannot make a move against the Calí cartel. His orders had been very clear on that. Nail them down beyond escape and make absolutely sure you get them into custody, in that order. It means that whatever Miss Rivas can reveal about the inner financial working of the cartel is valuable, but on its own won't be enough. As always in this job it's sorting through a haystack with a rake in search of needlepoints. 
Which brings him to the next thing he needs to ask her. Needs to ask her to do for him, and the operation, to be specific, and he can already tell she'll say yes eagerly. Eager informants should be a blessing, but their eagerness seems to directly correlate with their likelihood of getting killed, or close enough. 
"This is for you." He says instead, handing her the satellite phone. There's directions that go with it, but he takes the time to walk her through it nonetheless. Also his numbers, both office and home, just in case. He watched as she carefully tucked everything into her purse.
It's later in the afternoon now - past three - and Salome comes toddling over, handing Javier her ball and sitting down on the grassy ground with a world-weary sigh. 
"Okay, time for your nap I think, young lady." Miss Rivas plucked the child from the ground and stood to deposit her back in the buggy, then holding out her hand to him expectantly. He hands the ball over after a split-second of dumbstruck hesitation. 
"Well, goodbye then, Agent Peña." 
He stood. Offered her his hand to shake, which she took. "I'll call you during the week. What time is good for you?" 
"Any time between seven and ten. I'll probably be in Medellín again in a month. I'll let you know if I have more intel by then." He nodded, finally releasing her hand after realizing he still had her fingers clasped in his. She smiled and turned to leave, wheeling the buggy around from its resting position and onto the footpath. "Oh, and Agent Peña?" She turned halfway, throwing the words over her shoulder with a smirk. "Gabriela won't be available tonight, just so you know. We're meeting for dinner and general catching up."
His neck flushed hotly, both despite and because he'd had no intention of visiting her. 
"Thanks," he said stiffly, "Give her my best."
"Will do!"
Shaking his head, Javier watched her retreat until she disappeared from view behind a bend in the path.
Further author’s note bc apparently I have more to say:
I’m gonna play a bit fast and loose with the timeline, because the show makes it look like Javi was sent back pretty much immediately and it only took those ~6 months to take down the cartel bosses, but in reality Escobar died in December of 1993 and the Calí godfathers weren’t arrested until summer of ‘95, so I’m sending Javi back to Colombia in the first half of ‘94 (April to be specific), meaning the time frame for this story is about a year
also I thought Maritza’s daughter in the series was still a baby, but upon rewatch it is actually stated in s2 ep4 that she’s two, and now I had to rewrite those parts. As to why she doesn’t speak, that’s actually something that will come up later and has nothing to do with my bad memory of the series. though tbh I probably assumed that because Olivia was a baby for like three years. (also according to the timeline I determined Maritza’s daugher would actually be between three and four at this point, but I’m going to disregard that. I’ve already had to age her up once and for the purposes of this story I need her to be still this little)
Chapter 2
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