#buy organic Mango
keyssaltscrub · 7 days
Discover the Secrets of Luxurious Hand Salt Scrubs
In our fast-paced lives, our hands frequently bear the brunt of day by day errands, uncovering them to unforgiving components and visit washing. As a result, they can ended up dry, harsh, and in require of a few spoiling. Enter the world of lavish salt cleans for hands—an liberal arrangement outlined to revitalize and re-establish your skin, taking off it feeling delicate, smooth, and profoundly fed.
The Benefits of Salt Scrubs
Salt scours are celebrated for their exfoliating properties, which offer assistance to swamp off dead skin cells and advance cell re-establishment. This handle not as it were uncovers fresher, more dynamic skin but too upgrades the retention of moisturizers and medications that take after. Here's why luxurious salt scrub for hands are the perfect choice:
Peeling and Reestablishment:
Salt gems tenderly clean the skin, evacuating dead cells and unclogging pores. This peeling makes a difference to anticipate unpleasant patches and advances a smoother surface, giving your hands a young, brilliant shine.
Mineral Lavishness:
Numerous salt scours utilize ocean salt or Himalayan salt, both of which are wealthy in basic minerals like magnesium, calcium, and potassium. These minerals are known for their hydrating and relieving properties, making a difference to recharge and revive the skin.
The normal salts in these cleans can help in drawing out pollutions from the skin, giving a detoxifying impact. This will be especially advantageous for hands uncovered to poisons and chemicals.
Progressed Circulation:
The rubbing activity of applying a salt clean not as it were exfoliates but too invigorates blood stream. Progressed circulation can upgrade the in general wellbeing and appearance of your hands, making them see more vibrant and energetic.
Choosing the Correct Luxurious Salt Scrub
When selecting a luxurious salt scrub for hands, consider the taking after components to guarantee you're getting the foremost liberal involvement:
Hunt for cleans that join high-quality, common fixings. Basic oils like lavender, rosemary, or eucalyptus can include restorative benefits and a delightful scent to your hand care schedule.
The surface of the clean ought to be fine sufficient to supply tender shedding without being as well grating. A well-balanced scrub will effectively remove dead skin without causing bothering.
Moisturizing Properties:
Choose scrubs that incorporate moisturizing operators like shea butter, coconut oil, or jojoba oil. These fixings offer assistance to hydrate the skin and bolt in dampness, guaranteeing your hands remain delicate and smooth after shedding.
A luxurious salt scrub ought to not as it were be viable but moreover pleasant to utilize. Select a fragrance that requests to your faculties and upgrades your unwinding schedule, making hand care a relieving custom.
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How to Use luxurious Salt Scrubs for Hands
Joining a salt scrub into your hand care schedule is straightforward and agreeable. Take after these steps for the leading comes about:
Prep Your Hands:
Begin with clean, clammy hands. You'll either wash them with warm water or splash them briefly to mellow the skin.
Apply the Scour:
Take a little sum of the salt scour and delicately rub it into your hands utilizing circular movements. Centre on regions that feel harsh or dry, but dodge scouring as well difficult to anticipate bothering.
Rinse and Pat Dry:
Wash your hands altogether with warm water to expel the scour. Pat them dry with a delicate towel.
After exfoliating, apply a wealthy hand cream or salve to bolt in dampness and keep your hands hydrated all through the day.
By contributing in high-quality salt cleans and joining them into your regimen, you'll be able appreciate the benefits of shedding, hydration, and revival. Grasping luxurious salt scrubs for hands can change your hand care schedule into a spa-like encounter. Spoil your hands with the luxury they merit and delight within the delicateness and smoothness that takes after. Your hands will thank you for the additional adore and care, and you'll appreciate the certainty that comes with beautifully maintained skin.
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srinivaspuramangoes · 6 months
Embrace Exquisite Flavor: Alphonso Mangoes Online at Srinivaspura Mangoes
Welcome to a paradise of flavor and freshness! Join us as we explore the world of Alphonso Mangoes online, now conveniently available online at Srinivaspura Mangoes. Prepare to tantalize your taste buds and indulge in the rich, tropical essence of these exquisite mangoes. From their origins to the ease of online shopping, let's delve into the extraordinary realm of Alphonso Mangoes.
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rashomonss · 1 year
The brothers and the Human Realm
a/n: so ik ‘jealous much’ won the poll but it’s still not done yet so have this instead!
context: a part of me still finds lessons 40-43 funny because the brothers have never really been to the human world that much, and they don’t really know how certain things work. Take the slow cooker and ice cream truck for example. So these are little headcanons I have for when all of y’all are together in the beginning of their stay in the human realm.
enjoy <3 , also these are in no specific order
you all are hopeless…
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Solomon and MC would so fuck with the brothers while being in the human realm.
For example they’d take Lucifer to the shadiest mexican restaurant possible then after they finished eating they would tell the waiters it was Lucifer’s birthday and watch the Avatar of Pride sit there with a big ass sombrero on his head as they sang happy birthday to him.
MC later took a picture and sent it to Diavolo who then made it his lock screen.
Satan and Belphie tried to electrocute Lucifer by throwing a toaster in the bathroom while he was in the middle of a shower. This happened after the fact you told them not to put water on the toaster because it could electrocute someone. 
Beel ate an entire bottle of ibuprofen liquid gels because he thought they were hard gummies.
Beel also ate the food and cake shaped wax candle melts you had bought for Asmo as a gift
Beel lastly ate your whole brand new container of melatonin and it knocked him out for 15 hours straight. Needless to say Lucifer was very concerned for his wellbeing, and Belphie soon questioned if you had anymore.
Belphie and his brothers were never taught stranger danger, because who in their right mind would be a danger to them in the Devildom?
So after you had explained to him what an ice cream truck was he vowed to go to one with you.
However when a creepy old man in a white van offers him candy he believes it to be the same as the ice cream truck so he gets in the van.
When the brothers relay this information to you, you begin to lose your shit explaining how that was not in fact an ice cream truck he got into but instead a kidnapper van.
The brothers don’t know how to eat certain human world foods.
Such as a banana, watermelon, mango, pineapple, kiwi, avocado, cherry, dragon fruit, papaya, onion, etc.
So when you first buy one from the grocery store and leave it out before cutting it they automatically think it’s some weird shaped human food and bite into it eating the skin or seeds and all.
After they tell you about the weird but delicious taste of it you ask if they cut it or spit out the seeds before eating it, and when they reply with a puzzled look and a no your heart drops.
Thank god they’re demons. You then proceed to buy the same thing again this time cutting it up in front of them so they know what parts to eat of certain things.
Expanding on the cherry part, did y’all’s parents ever tell you not to swallow watermelon or cherry seeds because if you did a cherry tree or whole watermelon would then grow in your stomach??
I know mine and some of my friends parents would tell us that when I was younger to make sure we didn’t swallow any seeds.
If they didn’t then oh well, anyway…
Continuing with Solomon being an ass, he would so tell something like that to the brothers. If he happened to see Beel swallow a cherry whole he would then proceeded to tell Lucifer not to let him do that.
And when the oldest asks why Solomon would then go onto explain that if he swallows cherry pit then a cherry tree will then grow inside his stomach.
Of course this freaked out Lucifer so for the next hour he tried getting Beel to spit out all the cherries he ate.
You would have to organize their fridge and pantry in the new house because they don’t know which human world foods need to be refrigerated or not.
After you arrive at the house you spent a good three hours explaining to them not everything can go in the pantry because some of it will spoil after you open it.
Then you proceed to gag when you pulled out an expired chunky milk container from the pantry.
They find the concept of drive thru or fast food places astonishing. The fact that you can just order wait in a line for a few minutes in your car then get your food is crazy. They do however all panic though when you get to the front and they don’t know what to order off the menu.
Car washes are also something they found themselves favoring. You would turn up the music as you slowly pulled in and joked by telling the brothers you were going on a ride of sorts.
Which in turn shocked you when they did believed you as the car wash stared. Each of them were staring out the windows with starry eyes as different colors of soap were thrown on your car.
You laughed to yourself as they all admired the way the soap blended together, Asmo and Mammon found themselves taking pictures of the whole thing. While Belphie was telling Beel how this looked like a starry sky.
And Levi went on to tell Satan how this reminded him of an anime scene. Lucifer also found himself sitting quietly in the passenger seat enjoying it too. (Lucifer is a certified passenger princess, fight me on that)
Each brother questioned you on how this was possible and you replied with smile. After the car wash was over and you drove through the dryers they all asked if you could do that again, to which you replied smiling “maybe some other time”.
Lucifer watered the fake succulents and plants you put around the house for two weeks straight until you said something.
They love watching true crime documentary’s to the point you’d have to physically pull them away from the tv.
It happened one afternoon while a few of them were relaxing in the living room and you were looking for a channel to watch.
Deciding there was nothing interesting on you put on an old true crime documentary and began watching it. As the brothers heard the story of the crime from the tv they each became immersed in it.
Telling you things such as “how could humans do that to each other?” or “wow humans are more brutal than we thought” or even adding in their own comments on how they could have made the crime worse.
It became a guessing game between all of them to figure out who killed who during each episode you watched.
Much to everyone dismayed Satan was the one who won every time.
Meanwhile while they were all immersed in the tv you noticed Lucifer standing behind you, arms crossed also watching tv. You told him to sit down and watch with all of you but he denied, claiming he wasn’t really interested in stuff like this anyway.
Yet he never moved from that same spot each episode.
Each of the brothers have made something explode in the microwave.
Lucifer stained it red when he went to reheat pasta, but he put it in for to long and it exploded. Mammon overfilled his ramen thus causing it to leak then explode.
Satan and Levi also happened to be reheating takeout at the same time, but both of the containers were styrofoam and exploded. Levi got annoyed and Satan threw the microwave at Lucifer.
Asmo put some skincare product in there because he found something online about a certain hack, and it exploded causing the microwave to smell like burnt strawberries.
Beel put too much food in the microwave causing it to all melt together then explode.
Belphie put a coffee in there to reheat and it exploded, but he was too lazy to clean it up so he just left it. Lucifer was then next to use the microwave and got coffee all over him.
You made all seven of them watch the entire twilight series as a joke but ironically they all actually enjoyed it.
Satan even went out and bought the books, and finished all of them in about 2 hours
Solomon distracted Diavolo for 3 hours straight by making him watch 5 minute craft videos.
Diavolo then proceeded to break things to try these said crafts which caused Barbatos to have a meltdown.
Barbatos destroyed an entire sidewalk because he saw two rats run across it into the sewer.
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suzukiblu · 5 months
WIP excerpt for Mango Bat; obligatory sugar baby Kon.
Tim, unintentionally, ends up in the Justice Cave Thursday night. Well–Robin does, anyway. There's some hard files Bruce needs that he left here last weekend, because Bruce never tells anyone he needs anything until he is literally physically incapable of avoiding it and so he didn't know not to leave them here. 
Tim didn't get into being an emotional support sidekick expecting much aside from a less-vengeful Batman out of it, obviously, but it'd still be nice to occasionally get communicated with. Like, just for the novelty factor, if nothing else. 
He collects the files, and while he's double-checking that he's got them all, a cloud of beige smoke spills into the room and materializes into Suzie before he can grab his rebreather. Tim knows, factually, that Suzie is gaseous and therefore not always in an obviously human shape, but after growing up in Gotham, land of fear gas and Joker gas, there's some instincts that are a little hard to shake. 
“Robin!” she says delightedly while he's calming his heart rate, flying over to him with a surprisingly excited expression. He feels a brief flash of guilt remembering that she's probably been alone most of the week. Really, Suzie isn't in an ideal living situation either, but she also doesn't have any physical needs and can't pass for a normal human and is being actively hunted by a dubiously moral government organization, so . . . 
Fuck, Tim thinks. 
. . . maybe he can move Suzie into Kon's future cul-de-sac later, if he gets him one in a quiet enough area. Or maybe it'll be time to burn down the world as a supervillain before that and she can just live wherever she likes. Just–she's on his to-do list now, either way. And now that he’s thinking about it, maybe Cissie would be better off with a place to live that wasn’t either a boarding school or her mother, and–
Maybe he can just buy a whole neighborhood and move everyone he knows into it. Maybe that's an option. 
He'll start some soft plans and go from there, Tim figures. Once he’s got things settled with Kon, at least, since he’s the one currently in the shitty cloning lab. At least Suzie’s not in a lab anymore. 
God, why is this a concern in their lives, whether or not any of them are in labs or not? Also why was he not more concerned by this sooner, all things considered? 
Or, like, why don’t any of the adults in Kon’s damn life care about him in any way that is even remotely visible from an outsider perspective. Or that. 
Tim’s pretty sure any relevant “caring” wouldn’t even be visible from Kon’s perspective, given the way he talks and how sure he was that Robin wouldn’t think there was anything weird or wrong or straight-up ethically appalling about him professionally risking his life for a shitty cloning lab for room and board and literally nothing else.
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scleroticstatue · 11 days
tell me more about papaya. Ive never heard anyone say bad things about it. Can I put it in a smoothie? Also are there any other antibacterial foods Im unaware of? (Mad about onions)
Papaya is a food rich in digestive enzymes, which means eating it can help your body digest things better, even if your stomach acid is weak, your body isn't making enough of its own enzymes (like in the case of gluten intolerance and celiacs). You can even purchase papaya enzyme as a pill, but it's not as effective. There are other foods with digestive enzymes — mango, pineapple, avocado, banana, melon. That weirdly spongy fruit texture is almost always a giveaway that it's got some stomach boosting foods. Honey and ginger are also enzymatic, but they're antibiotic (not even antibacterial, full on antibiotic they're that strong). Coconut is also enzymatic, but it's a balancing act because the fat converts to antibacterials as it's digested, so you might try getting a product with coconut aminos instead of eating the coconut meat itself.
You can put papaya in a smoothie! You can put it in juice. You unfortunately cannot buy it pre juiced unless you're also going to drink a lot of sugar and other fruit juices. It is very tasty if you do not breathe while you are drinking it and rinse your mouth afterwards because your lips and mouth will also smell like vomit.
Almost every herb or spice is antibacterial. Turmeric, rosemary, oregano, sage, clove, cinnamon, black pepper, salt, even basil has a couple strains (though it seems more antifungal than antibacterial). It's speculated the reason humans like the flavor to begin with is because we know subconsciously it's protecting the food at make with it.
As for actual foods, citrus, cranberries, anything that is purple or red (grapes, pomegranate, blueberries, black currents, tomatoes, radishes, etc.), peppers, anything in the allium family, coconut oil, and honey are all antibacterial. Green foods — even green versions of red vegetables like green cabbage or green grapes — are not antibiotic, and onion greens are significantly more friendly than the roots, too. Plus, anything grown with herbicides and pesticides is going to kill your microbiome, so avoiding that and going organic is very important.
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skz-records · 1 year
nct dream as your 80s trope!
as a lover of 80s/90s music, movies, and fashion, I felt the need to do something like this!
I probably will do, in the future, with 127 and maybe stray kids.
based on my favorite characters from 80s movies <3
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Mark Lee
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the boy who is in a band and also your chemistry classmate
he's a chill kid, never got in trouble, but his bandmates weren't that good people
got in detention and somehow you too
just you two at the library, reorganizing books by alphabetic order and by gender
when suddenly mark asks why you're there, very quietly and timidly
you say that you answered back a professor that didn't liked you and asked the same to mark
"Somehow, I got the smell of Marijuana on my shirt. They didn't believe that I didn't smoke, and here I am!"
time passed by and you and Mark started to going out, watching his performances and going to arcades also spending the entire night talking on the telephone, only to go to school and spend the entire morning talking and giggling too
eventually, you two got suspended (again) for laughing too loud.
and since then, you two started an incredible bound.
Huang Renjun
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your favorite local bad boy even tho he's not bad at all
for some reason he loves all star and leather jacket
smells like mint and mango
except his straight face and the "I might kill you if I want" eyes, he's very sweet and gentle
is your seat mate in algorithms and helps you everytime when you have difficulty with something with a gently voice
and if needed, he will repeat it 100x until you understand it.
your small chats stays only at school, but as times pass by, he asks you to ride you home on his motorcycle or if you need help in any other classes
he's a good listener and gives good advices when you struggle with life
when the first mall inaugurated in your small city, he right away took you there and spent the entire day walking in and out the stores without buying anything except for some ice cream
you watched back to the future for the first time with him
Lee Jeno
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the nerd one who is not that nerd
except the great ability he has in some classes and some geek t-shirt he uses (like Star Trek or spider-man). People call him nerd because of his looks and his round glasses
you step out for him during a bullying session and even punched the guy in the face, since then, jeno never left your side
and you kinda didn't want him to, you liked his presence
always reading a comic book or making up theories about the universe. might as well call you during the night saying "y/n, it's jeno! look outside your window, it's full moon!"
loves dracula and zombies theory
at some point, you got 10 magazines only about spider man without noticing
every single one belongs to jeno
likes to go to the park, sit on the grass, and read comic books to you
also into horror movies such as halloween and Scream
would rent a lot of horror movies to see during Friday after school and, at some point in the middle of the night, you two would sleep together on the couch
Lee Haechan
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works on a local vinyl shop
eventually knows everything about music and can talk about it with you during hours
bon jovi? that's okay. Metallica? he knows everything about them, too. ABBA? great taste!
that's how you meet him. soft black hair with blond mullet, denim jeans, and black boot with a michael jackson t-shirt.
you went to his shop to buy a gift for a friend and haechan helped you choose madonna's true blue album
he truly loves his job and is always singing while walking on the store or organizing things
he often calls you to keep him company and you eventually started working with him
he has a lot of albuns on the palm of his hand but only didn't have thriller by Michael Jackson since it is the most album seller in the entire world
you gave it to him as a birthday present and haechan cried a little, hug you and whisperer a soft thank you
you two spend the entire day listening to the album, dancing and laughing
Na Jaemin
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the popular one with the nice hair
I swear, he has great hair, and it even glows in the sun because of how hydrated it is
always says he uses Farrah Fawcett hair spray
even tho he's popular he's not the jerk one
he's very kind and likes to meet new people
that's how he meet you, the new student
he showed you around, who you can talk and who you can't mess with
and also offered to be with you during lunch breaks
has a great sense of style
always uses flannel shirts and all star shoes
at some point, you two became inseparable, and he kind of forgot the ones who only wanted to be with him because of his "fame"
would totally take you out in those roller rink and also late night talks to gossip !!!!
Zhong Chenle
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also the famous one, but it's because he's on the basketball team and team captain
everyone thinks he's a jerk and full of himself but in reality he's just more reserved
but when he's with his real friends, he turns into a sunshine ball and laughs easily
meet you because he shot the basketball ball in your direction
since you worked at the school newspaper, he broke your camera
you started to avoid him because you were so mad at him but he bought you a new one and even better
that made a soft spot for him but you were still a little upset
so he asked you out so he can properly apologize
since then, he would be your muse
drive in dates!!!!!!!
and after the dates, he would take you to eat on McDonald's
Park Jisung
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the skater boy who's always with his headphones on and walkman on his waist
is into rpg such as d&d and arcades
you meet him by accident at the arcade
you two wanted to play the same game, and jisung kind of just stopped on his track, gazing at you, and you starred back, both of you didn't know what to do
being the gentleman he is, he let you play first and discovered you were the one who broke his record on the game
"wow, you're so good at this", he would say eventually in a little whisperer but you heard him
he's too shy, so you probably would be the one to ask him to go on the arcades on a daily basis or after school
jisung would explain to you how d&d works with such enthusiasm that convince you to play with him
also would teach you how to skate
and if you fall into his arms, he would blush furiously
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kia8088 · 1 month
Title: In Passing
Author Note: I’m just a girl, missing writing RomComs. Enjoy, maybe!
She scanned over her list for the 37th time.
It was 4 things, so surely, her grocery trip should be no less than 20 minutes. It was supposed to be a quick trip in and out.
Hinata went to grab a shopping cart, searching for the smaller ones. It was her method to not over-shopping.
“Maybe I should pick up a few cucumbers,” mumbled the young woman, as her cart rolled into the store. Her senses were flooded with colors and smells of fruits and veggies. “No,” she coached herself.
She approached the array of fruits. Opal eyes scanned prices and any sign of a sale. Something about being poor really does put things in perspective. She scoffed at the organic sign and reached for two okay-looking mangoes.
“If the pesticide kill me before the climate, oh well,” she muttered, stuffing them in the available plastic bags. The tired woman rolled her shoulders and glanced up at the cucumbers—just for a second. There was a man standing there, placing 7 cucumbers in a bag.
Mentally, she was preparing to judge him until she saw his cart—which had multiple smaller carts in them.
He was one of the Delivery Shoppers. She just knew he was NOT giving the customer what they wanted.
Her giggle must have triggered him, he whipped his head over his shoulder. She was taken aback by how attractive his face was, despite the actual look of disgust.
Her lips parted and cheeks warmed in embarrassment. Suddenly her oversized shirt and no bra situation felt very silly. She quickly turned her cart and bumped directly into the banana section. She shrunk more into herself and to avoid turning around, she grabbed a bunch of bananas and sped her little cart away.
In reality, he may have not even noticed her. He may have been looking past her. In reality, no one probably even noticed her knocking into the Banana Bin and therefore, there was no need to panic buy.
“Okay, okay,” she grumbled. “I could use 5 bananas. I like them. They’ll be great breakfast.”
Even though she never eats breakfast.
Sasuke was just trying to make a bit of extra money. Naruto talked him into being a “InstaShopper.”
There he was standing there trying to figure out what a half of pound of cucumber weighed when he heard the girliest, pitchiest giggle.
He peered over his shoulder to see a girl. While it looked like she just slumped out of bed, she was…
…bumping into the Banana Bin.
He smirked as she drove her little cart around the corner. She was attractive but if he wasn’t technically “working” then he…
…would still not approach her because he wasn’t a creep and didn’t feel like going viral for attempting to bother a woman alone. He had class. He had manners. He…
“…five should be enough,” he assumed. Next on his list was hotdog buns. He popped one earphone in and continued his shopping.
Hinata stood, arms folded. Must there be so many opinions of bread? Wheat. Honey Wheat. White. Whole Grain. Potato.
“Potato?” She squinted, leaning towards the words. “Since when…”
“Excuse me, ma’am,” said an employee.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” She moved her cart backwards and crashed into the one behind her. Hinata turned to apologize and saw it was Cucumber Guy again. “I…”
His face remained stoic. And beautiful. She touched her own cheeks in a sort of jealousy. She panicked once again: “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—“
“I…,” he started. “Need those buns.”
As the words left his lips, she witnessed his dark eyes widened. There was so much regret on his face, then in a split second, his face relaxed. He turned around without a word, without the buns and left the aisle.
Oh, that was…not suave.
She placed a loaf of the cheapest honey wheat bread in her cart and moved along. She needed to get out of this store before something silly and chaotic happens.
Luckily she ventured into the aisle with the rice without a hiccup. No signs of that cute cucumber-buns guy. She was almost done.
She swerved into the Care Aisle, and wished she had horse blinders because in truth—why not buy the toothpaste since she was already here. Oh, and soap. There would be no second trip if she also went ahead and got more shampoo. She’d be saving a trip, thus saving money. That’s girl math.
She finally got to the feminine care, grimaced at the prices before picking up her old faithful, no need to ponder, but she did dream of ruling the world and destroying The Pink Tax.
“I need a treat for sticking to my list,” decided Hinata.
…and bananas.
Yup, the list. She deserved a sweet treat. She smiled moving through the store, with an overwhelming sense of confidence. Opal eyes lifted to the signs above and noticed “Water, Wine and Beer.”
She needed a glass of wine with her future sweet treat, but more importantly she needed a cases of water for work. She turned down the aisle and saw him.
Cucumber-Bun guy holding her favorite wine. As she got closer, she noticed there weren’t many of bottles left. He glanced her way and moved to the other side, allowing her to cruise up to the aisle.
He had the last one.
Her hand touched the spot where the wine should be. She slowly turned to the wine in his hand. He looked from the wine to the piercing ghostly stare of the women in front of him.
She watched in horror as he scanned the bottle with his work scanner thingy, and placed it in his cart.
“That’s unfortunate,” mumbled the man.
No, what’s unfortunate is that she didn’t have one of those remotes to pause time. She’d use it to pause time and kick him in the shin. Maybe also a little kiss on the cheek because, hot damn, extra attractive people aren’t supposed to be in public doing mundane things.
What’s also unfortunate, had she not stopped for shampoo and soap, she would have beat him here.
But what’s most unfortunate is she said: “Don’t forget the buns.” Without thinking ahead, which would have been fine had she sped out the aisle but she needed water.
Mouth agape, his eyes followed her to the water section.
He wanted to laugh because how dare she? He watch her then proceed to struggle with a case of water. Served her right! Wasn’t like the wine was for him! Wasn’t like he purposely withheld the cheapest, sweetest Moscato.
Karma was quick and just.
However, unfortunately for him, he could be a gentleman when the time calls for it. He left his cart, walking towards her. “I’ll help,” said the young man.
“No, i got it.”
“Do you?”
She did not. He picked the case up with ease. She noticed he had really nice arms as well. He sat it in the bottom of her tiny cart, it hung off the sides but it was the effort. He did notice her flushed face and smirked, “You’re welcome.” He returned to his cart.
She coughed: “T-Th-thank you!”
Hinata placed a hand on her chest. Ovulation week was beating her up so bad. Openly staring at that man like that should have warranted an arrest, at the very least.
He left the aisle and she went back to grab an extra large bottle of a random moscato. She just needed a sweet treat so she could leave!
She quickly tossed some jumbo cinnamon rolls into her stuffed cart and went to check out: she tried her best to go as fast as possible. The anxiety of people waiting on her had started to creep. She glanced at the line and there he was Cucumber-Buns one person behind her.
The employee helped her with her large bottle of wine and the wobbly case of water. She quickly finished and headed out the store. Though, part of her was kind of sad…
Some sort of strange thing happened between CBG (Cucumber Bun Guy) and herself. Maybe it was in her head. She purposely moved slowly out the store. Extra slow wheeling out her cart.
CBG could be a psychopath, possibility is high because most men are, and here she was hoping for one last interaction. So she stopped, literally to smell the flowers they keep outdoors.
“You…uh, need help?”
She turned to see him, a bit breathless. He motioned to the case of water.
Truth be told, he scanned the hell out of those groceries…because truth be told, to Hell with seeming odd… he wanted her name, at least, it was the 21st century. Exchanging numbers was so 90s. However, he had to catch her before she entered the parking lot.
Creep scale goes through the roof when men approach women in the parking lot.
She smiled but shook her head. “I got it…but, um,” she stammered, pulling at her t-shirt. “Can I have your, mm, n—?”
“Young man,” an elderly woman tugged on his arm. “Won’t you help me with these groceries. My wrist hurt an awful lot. It won’t take long!”
Her cart was filled and overflowing.
Hinata giggled as the older woman didn’t give him a chance to decline before pulling him away. “Uh, Sasuke is my name,” he told her.
“Hinata…” she waved.
He nodded. She nodded. Maybe next time, she decided. Maybe they’ll meet again in passing.
Cinnamon Rolls
…and Sasuke? Mm.
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manicpixiepisxes · 1 year
just spent over $150 on my ana grocery list and here’s what I got
skinny pop - 35/cup
heart of palm noodles - 60/bag
rice cakes, salted - 35 (50 for flavored)
healthy living English muffins - 100
lewis keto bread - 30/slice
walden farms mayo - 0
mashed potatoes - 110/half cup
tuna packets - 70-90/pack
oats - 150/serving
flaxseed - 40/tbsp
chia seeds - 60/tbsp
kidney beans - 120/half cup
lupin flour - 80/quarter cup
dates (so so so good for you but higher cal)
silken tofu - 30/serving
walden farms asian marinade - 0
organic protein shakes - 150-190
egg replacement - 25/serving (~1 egg)
greek yogurt (SUGAR FREE) - 90
coffee concentrate, starbucks - 20
almond milk - 60 (30 unsweetened)
squash/zucchini - 17/100g
brussel sprouts - 40/100g
carrots - 40/100g
salad kits - 500-600/bag (140-200 per serving, dressing amount up to you)
light sour cream - 20/tbsp
whipped cream cheese - 25/tbsp
whipped butter - 50/tbsp
ice cream - 270-300
frozen cherries - 90/cup
mashed cauliflower - 200/container
riced cauliflower blends - 110-150/bag
frozen shrimp - 80/serving
I know it’s a lot of money, so this is not meant to be a post that’s like “you NEED these things!” but these are a lot of groceries that keep my binges lower calorie when everything I buy I try to find low and/or filling that keep the cravings at bay. feel free to add some of your staples on!
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niaking · 4 months
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My books are on sale for pride season. Usually $20 each, you can get all three volumes of Queer & Trans Artists of Color for only $50 (and free shipping) until the end of June. These books include interviews with Janet Mock, Julio Salgado, Vivek Shraya and more! Get the discount here. Full listing of interviewees below the break.
Mixed-race queer art activist Nia King left a full-time job in an effort to center her life around making art. Grappling with questions of purpose, survival, and compromise, she started a podcast called We Want the Airwaves in order to pick the brains of fellow queer and trans artists of color about their work, their lives, and “making it” - both in terms of success and in terms of survival.
In this collection of interviews, Nia discusses fat burlesque with MAGNOLIAH BLACK, queer fashion with KIAM MARCELO JUNIO, interning at Playboy with JANET MOCK, dating gay Latino Republicans with JULIO SALGADO, intellectual hazing with KORTNEY RYAN ZIEGLER, gay gentrification with VAN BINFA, getting a book deal with VIRGIE TOVAR, the politics of black drag with MICIA MOSELY, evading deportation with YOSIMAR REYES, weird science with RYKA AOKI, gay public sex in Africa with NICK MWALUKO, thin privilege with FABIAN ROMERO, the tyranny of “self-care” with LOVEMME CORAZÓN, “selling out” with MISS PERSIA and DADDIE$ PLA$TIK, the self-employed art-activist hustle with LEAH LAKSHMI PIEPZNA-SAMARASINHA, and much, much more. Buy book one here.
Building on the groundbreaking first volume, Queer and Trans Artists of Color: Stories of Some of Our Lives, Nia King is back with a second archive of interviews from her podcast We Want the Airwaves. She maintains her signature frankness as an interviewer while seeking advice on surviving capitalism from creative folks who often find their labor devalued.
In this collection of interviews, Nia discusses biphobia in gay men’s communities with JUBA KALAMKA, helping border-crossers find water in the desert with MICHA CÁRDENAS, trying to preserve Indigenous languages through painting with GRACE ROSARIO PERKINS, revolutionary monster stories with ELENA ROSE, using textiles to protest police violence with INDIRA ALLEGRA, trying to respectfully reclaim one’s own culture with AMIR RABIYAH, taking on punk racism with MIMI THI NGUYEN, the imminent trans women of color world takeover with LEXI ADSIT, queer life in WWII Japanese American incarceration camps with TINA TAKEMOTO, hip-hop and Black Nationalism with AJUAN MANCE, making music in exile with MARTÍN SORRONDEGUY, issue-based versus identity-based organizing with TRISH SALAH, ten years of curating and touring with the QTPOC arts organization Mangos With Chili with CHERRY GALETTE, raising awareness about gentrification through games with MATTIE BRICE, self-publishing versus working with a small press with VIVEK SHREYA, and the colonial nature of journalism school with KILEY MAY. The conversation continues. Buy book two here.
Is it possible to make art and make rent without compromising your values? Nia King set out to answer this question when she started We Want the Airwaves podcast in 2013. In her Queer & Trans Artists of Color book series, Nia collects podcast interviews — with Black, Latinx, Asian, Middle Eastern and Indigenous LGBTQ writers, musicians and visual artists — which feature both incredible storytelling and practical advice.
In the latest installment of the Queer & Trans Artists of Color series, Nia discusses performing at the White House with VENUS SELENITE, the global nature of colorism with KAMAL AL-SOLAYLEE, writing for Marvel Comics with GABBY RIVERA, using lies to tell unspeakable truths with KAI CHENG THOM, Black mental health with ANTHONY J. WILLIAMS, curating diverse anthologies with JOAMETTE GIL, growing up trans in rural Idaho with MEY RUDE, covering crime as a baby-faced reporter with SAM LEVIN, feminist approaches to journalism with SARAH LUBY BURKE, documenting Black punk history with OSA ATOE, crossing color lines with QWO-LI DRISKILL, fat hairy brown goddesses with PARADISE KHANMALEK, the usefulness of anger with JIA QING WILSON-YANG, transitioning as death and rebirth with ARIELLE TWIST, surviving homelessness and touring the world with STAR AMERASU and much, much more. Buy book three here.
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unorthodox-oblivion · 7 months
I'll tell you about my day then you tell me yours?
I tried foundation today, my friend is a makeup artist and influencer and she gifted me foundation but i never wear it so for her i tried it and i think it looks good but ugh im not a full coverage girl. i don't even wear concealer but we have a special event tomorrow so I'll wear it so she can see it on me lol. also im drinking a mango juice + tequila drink right now and it's great but i should've used Cachaça but i forgot i had it. this tequila is very good and expensive though, someone got it as a gift for my dad. do you drink alcohol? if so what do you prefer?
I'm not much of a makeup girl. I hardly ever wear it and I definitely do not know what I'm doing when it comes to wearing it. But it can be fun and I'm happy you had a good time trying it and think it looks good. You don't have to succumb to the pressure of wearing it, though. Just be yourself and do what makes you happy.
I hope your special event is good, tomorrow! I'm sure it will be!
Oooooh you have Cachaça??? What kind? I do drink alcohol, on occasion. Not ironically, tequila has ALWAYS been my favorite drink and I can handle it well. I don't mix it with anything, though. I'm more of a "shots" kinda gal than a fruity drink gal. I do love a good Moscow Mule if I'm going for drinks (but that's vodka). I do enjoy beer, as well. Honestly, if there's alcohol in it, I'll probably drink it. But fruity things that aren't lemon/lime are not for me.
My day was alright. Got some minor, but good news. Had lunch out with my favorite coworkers (instead of either taking lunch from home or buying and eating at work) and my day mostly consisted of recutting a video so we could have three shorter, 9x16 versions of it and subtitling them for social media and a long ass meeting about how we can optimize our workflow and now I've been tasked with organizing all the projects at work before ingest, considering all the requirements for each project (not a burden, I love organization and as the most organized person there, I will definitely be good at making life easier for everyone else by keeping things tidy).
Got to play with my boss' kid too and I'm her favorite "daddy's work auntie" too. It was fun, she didn't wanna let go of my hand when we all left.
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keyssaltscrub · 7 days
Experience Rejuvenation with a Salt Scrub 12 Pack: Your Ultimate Skincare Essential
In the world of skincare, salt scrubs stand out as one of the most effective ways to exfoliate, rejuvenate, and revive tired skin. For anyone looking to elevate their self-care routine, a Salt Scrub 12 Pack offers a variety of benefits in one convenient package. In this article, you will explore the numerous advantages of salt scrubs, the unique qualities of a 12-pack collection, and why this should become a staple in your skincare regimen.
The Power of Salt Scrubs: Nature’s Exfoliator
Salt scrubs are beloved for their ability to slough off dead skin cells and promote the regeneration of new, healthy cells. Salt Scrub 12 Pack are made from various types of salt, such as sea salt, Epsom salt, or Himalayan pink salt, all of which bring their own beneficial properties to the table.
Exfoliation: The coarse texture of salt makes it an excellent exfoliator. It effectively removes dead skin cells, unclogs pores, and allows the skin to breathe, preventing the build-up of oils and dirt. Regular exfoliation leads to smoother, softer skin, and helps reduce the occurrence of blemishes and acne.
Mineral Benefits: Salt is naturally rich in minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which are known to detoxify the skin and improve its overall health. These minerals are absorbed into the skin during the scrubbing process, helping to balance hydration, reduce inflammation, and strengthen the skin barrier.
Why Choose a Salt Scrub 12 Pack?
When it comes to skincare products, consistency is key, and a Salt Scrub 12 Pack provides just that. Having a set of 12 scrubs at your disposal offers numerous benefits, from variety to convenience. Here are some special reasons why a salt scrub 12-pack should be your next beauty purchase.
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1. Cost-Effective and Long-Lasting
Purchasing individual salt scrubs can be expensive over time. By investing in a Salt Scrub 12 Pack, you get more value for your money while ensuring you always have a scrub on hand when needed. This bulk approach allows you to indulge in regular exfoliation without the worry of running out, keeping your skin consistently healthy and glowing.
2. Perfect for Gifting and Sharing
A Salt Scrub 12 Pack makes for an excellent gift, whether for a loved one or even for yourself. With multiple scrubs available, you can share them with friends and family or give them away as part of a luxurious self-care package. The variety included in a 12-pack means there’s something for everyone, making it a versatile and thoughtful present for any occasion.
A Salt Scrub 12 Pack is more than just an exfoliating product; it’s a complete skincare experience that offers variety, convenience, and luxury in one package. From the multitude of benefits salt scrubs offer to the cost-effectiveness and versatility of a 12-pack, it’s clear why this should be a must-have in every skincare collection.
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hollowfaith · 8 months
ok so wanna hear about my real life aurelius religious experience lolol here we go
so yesterday i went to see argylle (very camp much fun super cheese) and afterwards went to play the claw machines at the mall (cause i love them) and lo and behold! there was a loid forger plushie in the machine
ofc my brain being RP-coded it went Blond Hair + Suit = Aury so i was like "lol don't worry Not Aury i'll save you from the box" and i got him no prob
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then afterwards i went to buy mango and passionfruit ice cream rolls and was chatting with friends on discord about Not Aury and sending them pics of me feeding him and suddenly...this lady comes to sit next to me
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"hi," she says, "i just wanted to introduce myself. have you heard about God? would you be interested in joining our weekly Bible study?"
cue random lady giving me a lesson on her faith (complete with neat phone slideshow about its historical miracles) and then telling me how to be saved, etc etc.
now while i am a faithful kind of person i don't know if talking to girls eating ice cream alone with their plushie in the mall is the right time to convert them so after we both talked about our faith and realized we believed equally firmly in different things she suddenly got up and said "ok goodbye have a nice day" and left with her two friends who were standing in the background and prolly giving her moral support
anyways lesson learned do not tempt gods and also Aury if you decided to possess my plushie im telling you now i don't have a plushie Klaus at home i only have a giant Wang Yi pillow now go back to your tumblr and bother people there
(fun fact: this isn't the first time i've been targeted by random nice lady from a christian organization, last time it was me eating dipping dots on a massage chair in a mall. so maybe you know, i should stop sitting down while i eat or stop getting ice cream or heck it stop shopping alone hahaha. that lady invited me to their church for a party and so i went with a neighbor to check it out, it was nice and the food was pretty good but it still was something )
edit: forgot to add this is the other plushie I won that day, some sort of bunny sashimi thing. anyways she’s home with some random 8-10 year old girl now whee:
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mezmer · 10 months
Ummm I’m addicted to this organic dried mango. Sun dried apparently? Idk they don’t use sulfates. Well, a bag of it is $11. I can eat the whole bag In under two days and it makes my tummy hurt. I’m trying to just not buy it because I can’t control myself
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peaxhxhair · 1 year
Midnight Snacks || Jung Taeju
Pairing: Jung Taeju x Male! Reader
Warnings: Angst, use of Y/N, mentions of death. (This fanfiction used M/n in my drafts- I think I changed them all but let me know if I missed any x)
Word Count: 1.4K
Author's note: This is kind of my first attempt at angst, though I have to admit it took a bit of a drastic turn towards the end.
Consider buying me a coffee! <3
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“Hmm..Pineapple or Mango…” He muttered to himself, as he tried to decide between two pouch drinks. He thought that it may be unnecessary to get the biggest sized drink, and yet he was only choosing between those pouches. He reluctantly grabbed an ice cup from the freezer, making sure the plastic at the top of the lid was white, before choosing his drink. “I’ll go with mango” he muttered again, although his quiet tone sounded like shouting in the silent convenience store.
It was unusual for him to be at a convenience store at 3am, and yet it was something he found himself doing more frequently. His career and rank made it difficult for him to take breaks, so he found himself in the store closest to his apartment, eating for what would be the first time that day.
With his father being the leader of the biggest drug organizations in Korea - Dongcheon - he found it difficult to gain any respect from his coworkers. Because of that, he found himself relating to the young worker who scanned his items. Alone, and disrespected by everyone she had to work for or with.
He sat himself down at one of the tables, attempting to be as far away from people as possible. He put his collection of items onto the table, Only to get up to fill his cup of noodles with water and to stick it into the microwave, along with the dumplings he had purchased. He found himself staring into space, thinking of how his life came to this - venturing to a convenience store in the middle of the night.
He almost jumped at the noise, having been distracted by his thoughts. He opened up the microwave and took out his items, making sure not to burn his hands as he carried them back to his seat after draining the water.
He took a few minutes to fully prepare his meal, putting in the flavor packets and filling his ice cup with the drink he had picked. When it was ready, he relaxed, glad that he could finally enjoy a meal. And yet, as he was about to take his first bite, he was interrupted.
“What are you doing here so late at night?” He heard someone ask, the voice sounding familiar and slightly annoying. He slammed his chopsticks back into his cup of noodles, turning to face the voice, and the man he worked with.
“Can’t you see I'm eating?” He grumbled, picking his utensils up again to grumpily move the noodles around in the cup. After a second, he gestured to the seat in front of him, telling his colleague to take a seat. “What do you want?” He asked, earning a late response from the other man.
“You’re not supposed to leave without an escort,” Taeju said, as he sat down in the chair that he was offered. His response seemed almost hesitant, as if he wasn’t sure whether he had the right to say that. A scoff was given in response, which had confused Taeju at first.
“I’m a grown man, I can go out on my own. And it’s not like I’m anything more than a lackey.” Y/n answered, finally starting to eat his meal. “I’m a lower rank than you” He said, and he shoved a dumpling into his mouth, a salty look on his face.
“Your father doesn’t want you going out” Taeju tried again, almost cautiously. He watched as the other male practically inhaled the food in front of him, and yet he said nothing.
“My father can go and fuck himself” Y/n answered, after he took a big sip of his drink. “He doesn’t show me any respect, and yet he acts like he deserves any from me” He rolled his eyes and sat back in his chair, his arms crossing over his chest.
Taeju didn’t respond to what he had said, and he knew that the other male was not looking for reassurance. The lack of response earned a chuckle, an eyebrow raising on the other’s face “What? Have something to say?” He huffed, not exactly sure what the other wanted to say.
In all honesty, Taeju wasn't sure what he wanted to say to him either, but he knew that there was something he was yet to remember. So, he shook his head in response. “It’s nothing” was what he answered, a slight tone of hesitance in his words. Jung Taeju had never been the type to show any form of weakness to anyone, and yet here he was, not sure what to say to the man in front of him. He chose to ignore the idea that he saw Y/n as anything more than a colleague, and pushed the thoughts in his mind aside.
“Why are you looking at me like that? Something on my face?” The other male asked, after trying to ignore the way Taeju was staring at him. In reality, he wasn’t looking AT him, but through him. Sure, his thoughts were about him, but Y/n was definitely not a mind reader.
“Sorry. Just Thinking” It was never like him to be so unprofessional. Though, he wasn’t exactly at work.
“Think somewhere else. Either talk or leave” Y/n huffed, getting slightly annoyed about Taeju’s presence. Whenever he came to a convenience store in the middle of the night, he did it to be alone. As much as people may think, Liber is anything but quiet at night. No one sleeps when working for Dongcheon. That was just the job.
Taeju didn’t actually know what he wanted to do, but he knew that he didn’t have anything to say. So, he got up. “Make sure you actually go home” He said, before bidding a silent goodbye, and leaving the convenience store.
“Ugh, I should really find another store…” Y/n grumbled to himself, when he noticed a familiar face sitting at his usual table. He attempted to avoid locking eyes with the other man in the store, hoping to buy what he wanted and leave before they had to talk again.
Y/n had visited this store a few times in the past week, and every time Taeju had managed to find him, or of course, be there before him. It was getting a little annoying, since he had tried to make it clear that he enjoyed his solitude. Nothing seemed to work though.
He wouldn’t admit to himself that he started to enjoy the company. Though, there were some days where being alone was better. As he considered his drinks, he began to consider staying in the store, the thought not really one that he enjoyed. He reluctantly grabbed another pouch drink from the shelf, deciding on coffee this time.
He paid for his drink, before heading over to the table, huffing as he took a seat. No words were spoken for the next ten minutes or so, and yet the two of them were comfortable with not saying anything. There were a few times where Y/n would get up again to buy something, but after about two hours, they parted ways.
This went on for weeks. Only a few words are spoken between the two every time. Every so often, one of them would have a question about work, but that was the most they spoke to each other. At first, Taeju had been uncomfortable actually taking the time to relax, but as the weeks went on, he began to get used to it. Y/n had been surprised the first time he had actually bought something, or when he chose to take his jacket off.
Subconsciously, Y/n began to buy more food, so that Taeju wouldn’t have to waste his money. Sometimes, even when he didn't feel like going out, he would go, only because he knew that Taeju would be there.
It wasn’t any of his business when he died. Though he found himself alone again, with too much food in front of him. He could barely remember Taeju’s funeral, since he hadn’t thought it was real until he saw him, lying in that casket - cold, almost blue.
He hadn’t thought it had affected his life much, but the almost minuscule amount of respect he received from Jung Taeju was enough for him to feel valued. To feel like a normal guy again.
And now, it was gone. He was gone. And no one could bring him back.
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thekrows-nest · 1 year
I don’t think I ever asked… we know what Krow likes to eat, but what is it he actually does eat? If it’s hard to cook well at home.
And outside of work, art and watching/pursuing Dove what does he do in leisure time?
...That's a good point anon lmao.
Krow is... somewhat limited as to what he can make at home. He does have at least a working burner he can use, and has a small oven. But deep frying things or some other more fancy kitcheny things ha ha nooooo he doesn't have.
Generally what he eats is basically whatever he can afford, get at the food bank, or grows from home. Lot of canned foods, and things that have a long shelf life (like dried pasta for example). He will buy stuff that is on sale and preserve them or freeze them if he can. He also absolutely goes out and picks blackberries and stuff, whether that's from people's yards, heading out into the forest or what have you. Things like most non canned meat and seafood are a luxury to him, as are of course organic foods. He goes nuts whenever fresh mangoes are on sale. He occasionally splurges on fancy tomatoes and just snacks on them like one would an apple (he does sometimes miscalculates and is able to... ONLY get the tomatoes so there are times when he's... hungrier than others.)
As for other leisure activities, bird watching. He will actually get on his scooter and drive a ways out from the city to go to more wild, natural habitats to bird watch (and sketch them) for hours. Least, that's what he did before Dove. He still does take the time to bird watch this extensively, but not as much after meeting Dove. If Dove were a bird watcher, he's 100% take them out bird watching. When he can afford it, he likes going to museums, loves looking at other examples of art. Going to the zoo/aquarium is another favorite past time of his. Again, when he can afford it.
For things that don't cost money (or that much), going to the park and the library are ones he enjoys. He often makes use of the library's wifi (no he doesn't do anything nefarious with public wifi. Krow isn't the most internet savvy but he knows better than that.) There he'll watch some stuff, rent DVDs and the like too. And of course, to read.
Krow isn't particularly religious, so he doesn't go to church on Sundays or anything. Though he would like to learn more about the beliefs held by people in India, especially around Hindu gods and goddesses.
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kenkubluk · 1 year
grocery list time~
literally just get these things if you want a vegan low cal life, because you can control portions and make things you enjoy eating with less calories- i made some example recipes under the list:
SPICES. please make the investment into SPICES!
->continuation of spices, heres a basic list- cocoa powder, cinnamon, garlic powder, onion powder, chili powder, veggie bouillon powder/cubes, salt, pepper, lemon pepper, etc (you can find more online but please dont forget it)
->and simple sauces like soy sauce, basic hot sauce, mustard, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar, etc.
stevia or agave fruit sweetener. (please make sure whatever you choose you dont buy any sweetener with aspartame!!)
dairy free yogurt (i’ve heard coconut is good)
dairy free butter (earthbalance is my fav by far)
-> you could also make due with olive oil (cooking)
1st milk for normal stuff- unsweet cashew milk or unsweet creamy almond milk
->2nd milk for cooking- i suggest soymilk but creamy coconutmilk works good too
tofu. extra firm and silky work for different things (meat substitutes, egg substitute, diff. milk products substitutes) get either/both
carrots, mushrooms, chickpeas, and cauliflower all make good meat substitutes (bacon, chicken nuggets, pulled pork, etc) if cooked properly
OATS! plain oats are soooo versatile (used as flour, cereal, granola, crust, etc)
ricecakes (i use it as replacement for toast)
Pumpkin or sweet potato (in NO SYRUP canned form, very good for cooking low cal desserts or protein bars)
apple sauce (used for cooking and just yum- can be an egg substitute)
low cal noodle types- chickpea, edamame, shirataki, konjac, cauliflower, zucchini, spaghetti squash, and i think miracle noodle
literally any and all veggies and fruits- but a reminder of basics are broccoli, cucumber, onions, spinach, beets, eggplant, tomato, zucchini, potato, apple, banana, grapes, oranges, pineapple, strawberries, watermelon, mango, etc
WARNING ⚠️ be careful of sugar free drink flavor packets as they contain aspartame and other strange ingredients that ppl have complained of side effects- i would suggest to steer clear of many of the packets and go for a large unsweetened lemonade or fruit punch bin of flavoring so you can make it yourself. please check ingredients for health reasons.
-> HOWEVER, drinks like olipop, simple truth organic, waterloo, and zevia all have flavored water/sparkling water/cola drinks that are aspartame free.
I highlighted things that i think are really important
Veggie dip: yogurt, seasoning spices (ranch seasoning is goated), and a tbsp or lemon or soysauc, all mixed and best used as a “veggie chip” dip, like baked cucumber chips
Literally any cake/protein bar: oats blended, protein powder, 1/2cup apple sauce OR mashed banana, some milk, and whatever toppings you like
Granola: oats, chia seeds, cut up fruit pieces, and maple syrup or honey for binding. mix in bag, bake on baking sheet on pan.
Hot n sour soup: you can use hot n sour packet or make veggie bouillon and add hot sauce, soy sauce, and tsp chili powder. Then (to whichever mix you’ve made) add egg mixing around, and then add extra firm tofu in little cubes. Let the soup mix well and set a little while cooling.
Nicecream: freeze banana. add banana, tbsp of milk, 2 tbsp of yogurt, tbsp of sweetener, and a fruit of choice (a tbsp of protein powder also will help). blend with blender and then let it sit for a minute- add whatever you want on top
my best “toast”: seasalt ricecake, spread 1tbsp vegan cream cheese, and then spread 1.5 tbsp of organic raspberry jelly.
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