#by a girl. for starting a. girls alliance? like okay……… that’s a choice
mazojo · 1 year
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Oh the flopping
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mcmookiemeal · 1 year
Can I request a Donkey Kong x Socially anxious human(just reader who came with Mario and Luigi……your choice) Female! Reader? When I say “socially anxious”, I mean as in doesn’t talk alot and often gets nervous around others yet is still pretty stand-offish and seems intimidating despite the small size(but is actually not……just anxiety) but also has difficulty opening up. I also thought it would be a love at first sight thing(like Mario and Peach in the movie) as well as DK being all protective and maybe he gets jealous at one point…..
It can be a whole imagine, headcanon, multi-part story……..imma leave that up to you.😉
Donkey Kong x Socially anxious reader
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I’m gonna make you Mario and Luigis younger sister I hope thats okay!!
You and Dk had kind of a rocky start when you first met.
He was just so…out there.
And you were not.
So there were definitely a lot of walls to break before you guys even developed a friendship.
You met at the arena when mario was going to fight in order to win an alliance with the Kong army.
You were sitting up on the balcony with Cranky Kong and peach.
Dk hadn’t even noticed you at first.
He was too busy trying to gain his dad’s attention while showing off his muscle.
Then his eyes shifted in your direction.
And when he saw you he was just struck by your beauty.
“Hey…Hey whats your name?”
You looked around to see who he could be talking to before it hit you like a ton of bricks that he was talking to you.
“I’m (Y/n.)” You responded quietly.
He smiled at you and winked before turning his attention back to his brother.
He was here to fight after all.
After that event it kind of felt like Dk followed you everywhere.
And you didn’t mind, you were just wondering why he had chosen you.
“I’m sorry but is there a reason you’re following me?” You questioned while standing on the porch of the hut
“You’re just really pretty.” He said without hesitation
Did he even know what he was saying?!
Had he by any chance mistaken you for someone else? Never has anyone outside of your family called you pretty before.
In fact, most people considered you intimidating.
You just chose not to respond to his complement because you honestly didn’t know what to say, but that didn’t seem to stop him from keeping his mouth closed.
You didn’t even talk to him much, he did all the talking and you sat back to listen to him.
I mean everyone needed a friend who could listen to them right?
During the events of helping Peach take down Bowser, Dk stayed right by your side.
Seriously he never left once, he was always there.
It was almost like he was a lost puppy.
Mario picked up on what this “smash monkey” was trying to do and he really wasn’t a fan of it.
And the fact you seemed perfectly fine with it bothered him even more.
So whenever Mario would try to separate the two of you and keep you close to him, Dk just wouldn’t have it.
He would snatch you back from your brother and keep you next to him, where you belonged.
You really didn’t like it when they fought over you, but you understood Dk was probably just happy to have a human friend so you didn’t mind.
It was a completely different story from his perspective.
He just had a really really big crush on you.
He just didn’t understand how could a girl as beautiful as you be related to someone as annoying as Mario.
Even though you didn’t talk much, he still loved being around you.
But sometimes it did worry him a bit.
Did you secretly hate him? Were you in love with someone else? All these thoughts ran through his head so finally he decided to ask you about it.
So when you and Dk got swallowed by the giant eel after the big battle at rainbow road, he figured this would be the time to ask.
“Do you hate me?” He asked, breaking the silence.
You looked up at him and raised a brow.
“No.” You responded before looking back down at your feet.
Then why do you never talk to me? Did I do something to upset you?”
You sighed and shook your head.
“No you didn’t…It’s an issue on my part.”
His face contorted from one of worry to one of confusion, He didn’t understand what you mean’t.
“I’m just not good with other people. It’s not that I don’t like you, i’m just nervous around everyone.”
He didn’t understand how you felt, but he didn’t need to understand to help you.
He grabbed your hands in his very large ones and squeezed them reassuringly.
“You never have to be nervous around me.”
You blushed as he stared at you with those big eyes you just couldn’t bring yourself to turn away from.
You know…since we might die in here, I’ve got something I wanna tell you.”
You look at him with a curious expression, wondering what he’s going to say.
“I really like you.” He confesses.
You really were not expecting that.
You didn’t know what to expect from him but it definitely was not a love confession.
“I just think you’re really pretty and nice and cool and I just really like you.” He continued
Your blush only grew darker and darker as he continued with his confession to you.
“It’s okay if you don’t feel the same way, I get it.”
You sat in your own thoughts for a second, contemplating on what you should say next.
You liked him too but you have never been a romantic person so you really didn’t know what to say right now.
He anxiously looked at you, obviously waiting on your response
You couldn’t keep him waiting forever so it was now or never.
“I like you too but I- I’m kind of scared of getting in a relationship.”
“Yes I’m scared. It’s a lot of commitment, trust, and it just sounds so scary to be in love with someone.”
He wasn’t sure on how to comfort you, this was obviously a personal issue that he stumbled into by accident.
“Whatever you decide I hope you know I’ll always protect you.”
You look up at him with glossy eyes and nod, wiping away any tears that had stained your cheeks.
“Thank you, but how about we continue this conversation when we get out of here.” You said remembering that you were in an eels stomach.
After escaping the eels stomach on a barrel from Dk’s kart, you two made your way to go crash Bowsers wedding.
Fighting your way through the koopas like badass couples do(you’re not a couple yet but you act like one)
You and Dk came in as the fight was still at its peak, so you helped out by fighting some koopa troopers who just so happened to be in the way.
The fight at the Mushroom kingdom looked like it was about over, You and Mario found Luigi and had your moment as you were reunited, the same went for Dk and his dad.
Everything was fine until Bowser released that giant bullet onto Peaches castle.
Mario stepped in and led it away into one of the pipes which seemed like a smart plan at first, but it ended sucking all of you in with it.
You all landed in Brooklyn and Dk made sure to keep you in the backlines.
The two of you had been through so much together, he didn’t wanna risk loosing you now.
But when Dk has his little brawl with Bowser it wasn’t looking too good for him.
Bowser had him up in a chokehold and was getting ready to punch the life out of him.
You needed to help but you didn’t have anything on you so you grabbed a brick from one of the buildings that had been destroyed and threw it at bowsers head.
He dropped Dk and slowly turned his head towards you.
He huffed and angrily ran in your direction but before he could get to you Dk pushed him out of the way.
“(Y/n) go get the star!” Dk yelled and nodded over to the star.
You understood and ran as fast as you could over towards the star but sadly Dk wasn’t able to hold Bowser off forever and Bowser came after you once again.
He caught up to you and grabbed you by the collar, throwing you back with intense strength.
Dk caught you in his strong arms and didn’t let you go.
He wouldn’t let you go. He couldn’t let that crazy turtle freak hurt you again.
“You’re okay I got you.” He comforted as he stroked your hair with his finger.
You clung onto his big fuzzy arm, shaking violently as a few tears escaped your eyes from the fear you just felt.
The rest of the fight you and Dk sat back to let Mario handle it since you had done all you could do by that point.
The conclusion to the battle was sweet, Bowser was defeated and everyone was happy.
You decided that you didn’t want to stay in Brooklyn anymore, Instead you wanted to go back to the Jungle Kingdom with Dk.
Your brothers chose to stay in the Mushroom Kingdom meaning they were always close, which you were happy about.
Dk and you got together(obviously) and ended up having a pretty successful relationship.
Sure it took a lot of effort to get to where you are now, but you’re so happy you put forth that effort.
Dk is pretty happy you got together because he was really wondering if that crush would ever go away.
A/n: Hope you enjoy!!❤️❤️
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justewil · 4 months
well, i never thought that young lady would betray you like this. your assistant, a targent mole!
i can see by your face that you had no idea... but we can't stand here moping while bronev seizes the azran's power. i don't care what happens to the boy, but i know you feel differently. we both want to stop bronev. why not work together? i won't let you go alone, so you may as well accept.
very well. i see i have little choice. onwards it is. there! that's luke!
i don't see bronev or the others. they must have left him and gone on ahead. i suppose you'll want to rescue the boy. well, whatever we do, we'll need to cross this gap.
that is true...
now then, layton. how do you propose we get across?
hmm, i believe it is a test.
those who cannot find the way are deemed unworthy and may not enter the sanctuary. that is all there is to it.
aha! i believe this device is the key!
luke! i'm glad to see you safe.
i could say the same, professor...
how did you end up here all alone, boy? did they leave you behind?
descole! professor, why is descole with you?
so much resentment! you'll be glad to know that we have forged a temporary alliance, a truce while we fight a common enemy.
i wasn't talking to you!
luke, calm down, please. i don't like it either, but descole is right. if bronev unleashes the power of the azran, the consequences may be disastrous. we must work together to stop him. now, why did bronev and emmy leave you behind?
oh yes! i meant to tell you, professor! emmy is still on our side!
hm? what do you mean?
well, she let me go, for a start...
emmy, how could you do this to us? you were the professor's assistant! you were our friend!
you wouldn't understand, luke.
sniff... sniff...
why won't you tell me?
look... uncle leon - bronev - is like a father to me, and he's a good person, really. he just has to finish this. you'll see.
bronev's your uncle?!
he may as well be. he's always looked after me, ever since i was little. he was so kind... now, though... it's as if the azran have consumed him. but with the professor here... well, maybe the professor can finally bring him to his senses.
what do you mean, emmy?
emmeline! what's going on over there?
sorry! er... the boy tripped over a rock! i think he's hurt his knee. we should leave him behind. he's only going to slow us down.
indeed. we only need the girl for our purposes.
we should hurry before descole or the professor catch up with us.
very true. and as you say, the child would only be a hindrance. leave him. now, let's go!
... luke, the professor is sure to be here soon. you just stay here and wait for him, okay?
i see.
so the young lady has a personal stake in all this...
we can ponder emmy's intentions later. for now, we must press on after bronev.
another door! the sanctuary could be just on the other side.
it looks as though this whole passage was blocked by ice until just recently.
it does. all this time, the sanctuary has been encased in protective ice, hidden from the world...
the others must have cleared the way. they're already inside!
then this is no time to hesitate. let us press on. the doors appear to be firmly shut, and i can't see any obvious way of opening them...
how did bronev get inside, then?
he had the key, didn't he? besides, he had aurora with him. it would have been child's play.
but... we don't have either. and it's all your fault! if you hadn't stolen the key stone in the first place-
yes, yes, how truly dreadful of me. now, shall we focus on how to open the door?
"when the need is great, there is always a way. now, prove your worth."
what?! er... yes, our need is very great. let us prove ourselves! that was... odd. but the way is open. we can continue. we're coming, bronev! just you wait!
hmph! whoa!
through every age of man it has been here, and here it is still, almost intact. the azran were capable of great things.
i suppose the ice seal would have provided some protection from the elements, but even so...
layton! they kept a girl alive for a million years! keeping this place standing would be a cinch in comparison! ha! with their power, one could dominate the whole world if one wanted to. imagine it in bronev's hands...
or in yours! you're just as bad as he is!
is that what you think?
if you hadn't stolen the key from us, none of this would have happened!
allow me to clarify something for you. the only reason i invited you to travel with me at all was so that i could take my revenge on bronev. not everything is about the azran. in fact, they are a great annoyance to me. but you never considered this, did you?
shut up! i'll never believe you again! all those kind things you said to aurora, and it was j- just an act...
luke, please-
enough! stop your snivelling, boy. we haven't the time. while we stand here chatting, bronev is making his way to the heart of the sanctuary!
i know. we cannot let bronev unleash the power of the azran.
perhaps... we have all been deceived. you and i, even bronev... perhaps we are all puppets dancing to the azran's tune. but we can worry about that later. it's time to move on.
very well. there now, luke. come along. aurora needs our help.
there's no path. how are we meant to get across?
hmm... it appears to be a canal, but the water level is very low... ah! do you see those bridges overhead? it looks as though the control mechanisms are up there.
okay, so we use them to raise the water level, and then what? we swim?
ha, you can, if you wish. now, allow me.
no! you'll just stab us in the back! i'll go! p- professor! look!
yes, you won't have to swim, after all. that boat looks to be made of wood, though. it should have rotted away aeons ago. hmm. in any case, well done, luke. thanks to you, we can move on.
a relatively simple puzzle, i'm sure, but still... you did well.
i don't need your praise!
now, now, luke, there's no need to be like that. let's carry on.
the air feels different here. it's really hot!
those statues... look at their eyes! i have a horrible feeling these fellows have been designed to shoot fire at intruders.
a rather nasty kind of azran guardian, i see. anyone without the key will get burnt to ashes... whoever built this sanctuary really didn't want any intruders to wander in!
they do seem to have gone to an astounding effort to protect this place.
ha! these pitiful defences are not going to stop me! stand back!
those statues won't be causing us any more trouble!
what? no!
descole, are you- ?
agh, save your concern, layton. there's something i have to tell you.
what is it?
you were too young. you probably don't remember.
remember what?
that day... after our parents were abducted.
i don't understand.
i am Not typing out the cutscene ... hi this was just to keep me awake in the car >_<
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karizard-ao3 · 1 year
arranged marriage enemies to lovers eremika 🤭
I actually had to take a while and brainstorm with a friend for this one because I was trying to think of a way to make it work since I’m pretty sure with arranged marriages you don’t get much opportunity to know your future spouse well enough to hate them prior to the wedding? But, I’m not positive.
Anyway, this is what I came up with.
The Jaegers and the Ackermans are business rivals and have always been at each other’s throats. However, recently they’ve decided that it’s in their best interests to align with each other. Maybe there’s some new up-and-comer they have to take down. Rather than rely solely on contracts and whatnot, they decide to do what the Romans would do and use a marriage to seal the alliance. Being the only members of the two families who are single and of marrying age, that responsibility falls to Eren and Mikasa.
Neither of them are happy about it. Being lifelong rich kids and nepo babies, they’re both very hedonistic and don’t really do anything productive. They have their little pet business ventures, like Mikasa models and Eren owns a whiskey company, but they’re both young partiers who date celebrities and neither of them is even thinking about marriage to anyone, much less to someone they’ve been raised to see as the competition.
When Mikasa tries to get out of it, her family reminds her that she does not actually pay for her beautiful apartment or her beautiful car or her beautiful wardrobe or her beautiful vacations with her own money and that they could easily stop funding her lifestyle and she’d have to get by on her modeling gigs and makeup line alone. Eren is informed that he’s similarly on his own if he doesn’t comply and is informed that his whiskey company does not actually make any money. It consistently only breaks even and that’s kind of a miracle seeing how little time Eren invests in it. So, with no other options beyond taking a severe hit to the quality of life they are accustomed to, they reluctantly agree.
To add insult to injury, though, someone has the genius suggestion to turn their first year of marriage into a reality show and their families are like, “Yes. Let’s commodify the kids even more. The profits can be your nest egg.”
Since their alliance is shaky at best and they know how their spoiled heirs are, they make sure to staff Eren and Mikasa’s marital home with people who will keep them in line and prevent them from doing anything that could be grounds for divorce. Their lives for the next six months are scheduled down to the minute because now their parents also want them to start taking the family businesses seriously. They’re followed around by camera people and their house is fitted with cameras by the reality show producers as well, so Eren and Mikasa find themselves compelled to sleep in the same room in the same bed in order to give off the appearance that they don’t loathe each other. They also have to hold hands and smile and pretend to flirt, even though they want nothing more than to never see each other again.
They’re like wild animals stuck in a cage.
Little by little, though, they start to get to know each other. They don’t have much choice. And there are some moments of sweetness between them that aren’t scripted. Eren gets sick during a break in filming and Mikasa attempts to make soup for him. When paparazzi hound Mikasa at a movie premiere about the actor she’d been dating right before her marriage (he’s seeing a new woman and has already gotten her pregnant), Eren gets in their faces and tells them to fuck off, then asks her if she’s okay once they’re in the limo. She’d just broken up with the guy before she got forced into marrying Eren and he’s not sure if she’d had to break up with the guy so she could marry him. She shrugs and looks out the window, frowning, then says they’d already split and he’s just going to cheat on his new girl the way he’d cheated on her, so she doesn’t really care. I think maybe another time she gets too drunk and he takes care of her, and she gets him something really thoughtful for his birthday when the rest of his family just sent him generic gifts picked out by their assistant. Mikasa actually took the time to commission something for him. I don’t know what, but something tailored to his interests, which she knows very well by now.
Keep in mind, these are all grudging moments of sweetness between them that happen when they’re not being examined under a microscope, so there is still a lot of antagonism as well because they’re both frustrated with the situation, but they’re also starting to see that they are both in the same boat and they have a pretty good vibe together when they’re left to their own devices.
They’re also sharing a bed, so they’ve hooked up on more than one drunken night.
Eventually, they decide to work together to make their lives livable again.
When filming ends, they team up against their families and the producers to refuse a second season. After all the cameras come out of the house, they come up with a postnuptial agreement that stacks on top of the prenup and reassures their families that they’ll behave within the marriage for a minimum of five years or suffer dire personal consequences which clears them to get rid of the staff of spies and hire back their old employees. Before they know it, they’re actually alone. They can have their own rooms and their own lives again. They stand in the middle of their huge house, not sure what to do with themselves now that they’re not obligated to spend their time with each other. They’re both feeling a little bit lonely about it, in fact, so Eren turns to Mikasa and says, “Do you want to send someone for takeout and rent a movie with me?”
And, of course, she says, “Yes.”
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atlantis-scribe · 2 years
things i (think) i know about Stargate Universe: a Stargate SG-1 & SGA Enjoyer's list of slightly accurate pre-viewing 'knowledge' gathered thru fandom osmosis
there's a ship called Destiny (AKA the Ancient Tesla) that's been traveling thru deep space for who knows how long to reach who knows where in order to do who knows what (it's classic Alteran modus operandi so this part doesn't really surprise me)
before that there's also an offworld base called Icarus, which is definitely a pretty ordinary name and not at all ominous and is in fact a great choice to call a facility you want to operate successfully
there's a character named Eli and a character named Rush. they may or may not be the same person
one of the crew is a video game player (?) who was recruited to the Stargate Program, the highly exclusive, top-secret international initiative for intergalactic exploration, because they are so good at playing video games (ousting John Sheppard & his One-Gene Qualification from the top spot in Luckiest Career Moves of the 21st Century)
Robert Carlyle is present, possibly as the only character who has the faintest clue what Destiny is and where it's going and what it's for
Will from Sense8 is also here, but he doesn't look like he knows what's going on at any given time
at some point, Daniel was convinced to record NOVA-esque videos about Stargate 101 for when the project gets declassified in the future (or maybe for new recruits like Video Game Guy? who, understandably, may not know a lot about wormholes or glowing squids or space snakes because why would they)
Daniel does not look happy in these videos
He looks good tho I'll give them that
Because Destiny cannot be stopped or turned around, and because the gate only works one-way, the infamous Communication Stones are used to temporarily take control of another person's body to talk to people on Earth or visit the ship
Yes, the same stones that made Jack O'Neill drift compatible with a barber from Indiana and made Vala experience what it's like to be burned alive (sorry Vala)
Stargate Universe also made it very difficult to refer to the setting of the entire franchise, because having to say 'The Main Universe Where Events in Stargate Happen' can be a bit of a mouthful
We also revisit Langara (AKA Jonas's planet) because the writers remembered that naquadria is a thing (but apparently still no Jonas?? because the writers hate me)
The Lucian Alliance becomes a problem again, this time not just because of space corn
Rodney shows up (!!) at some point, and someone (a Colonel?) uses their Very Important Screen Time to show the audience that John Sheppard still gossips about McKay every chance he gets (I'm 59% sure this particular interaction is not just from a fic)
SGU is apparently the Voyager of the franchise
There better be a newbie who Totally Didn't Sign Up For This who loves science and adores his mom because I need another Harry Kim in my life
I've been putting off watching SGU because I have a behemoth of a post-SGA WIP and canon is like insect for my brain only the termite variety
But I'm sick and in bed what else am I gonna do, figured it's now or never
Okay I'm gonna start now wish me luck
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popcerulean · 10 days
speech #2
Have you watched Avengers? Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness? WandaVision?
Is Scarlet Witch a hero or a villain?
Let’s talk about it! First things first, Scarlet Witch, or Wanda, is my favorite superhero of all time. I remember playing as her in Ultimate Alliance, and I instantly felt a connection with her. I got to know her more in the animated series X-Men '93, and seeing her in the post-credits of Captain America? I was hyped.
Let me just share a little bit about our girl of the night: Did you know she is actually the daughter of Magneto in the X-Men? Of course not! Marvel Entertainment had licensing rights issues that stripped that history from her, and instead of making her a mutant born with powers, they turned her into a weapon, an experiment.
Most heroes are formed from tragedy. Through terrible loss or internal suffering, their will to protect others manifests as they become their best selves. For some heroes, that part isn’t so straightforward—some, like Wanda, stray from that familiar path.
Wanda lost her parents during the war, which started her trauma and one of her many losses. She wasn’t the same anymore. She then volunteered, along with her twin Pietro, under HYDRA, gaining her chaos magic for revenge. She initially teamed up with Ultron but turned against him when she saw Ultron’s real intentions and chose to team up with the Avengers. Along the way, she lost Pietro, her twin brother, her family, and her only home.
Coping with the loss of her family, and now her twin brother, Wanda experienced disappointment from her friends and team due to differing stances during the Civil War. The event that shattered her heart one last time was when she was given the toughest choice that a fragile, sensitive, and emotional person could face—sacrificing her only love, Vision, to stop Thanos. And for what? Just so the blip could happen? Just so she could see how Stark Industries treated Vision’s body as nothing more than a robot, disassembling him to pieces? What was it all for? Things didn’t get any clearer after the blip, and like many grieving people, she sought escape.
Wanda has the ability to change reality with just a wave of her hand. If you’ve watched WandaVision, she retrieves Vision’s body and creates her own reality in a little town called Westview, manipulating people under her spell to recreate a town based on her favorite 50s show, with Vision alive and well. Her ability to manipulate reality was so powerful that she even conceived twins. At first, it stunned me a bit since biologically, twins skip a generation, but then again, this is the Scarlet Witch we’re talking about—she can make twins if she wants to make twins.
In the Multiverse of Madness, Wanda wouldn’t stop at anything to get what she wanted, revealing her selfishness for the first time throughout the Marvel franchise. If you ask me, I thought she was fucking badass. Her potential, which she had kept in check because she always chose to do the right thing before Vision died, was unleashed. In the end, Wanda redeemed herself by sacrificing herself to stop the chaos magic—the Scarlet Witch.
I’m not going to talk much about the show in detail, but to summarize, it illustrates how someone grieving goes through the stages of denial and bargaining. Honestly, in my view, whether villain or superhero, Wanda is a mutant—an emotional, powerful, and broken one. Knowing her through films and comics, I connect with her. I know what it feels like to care deeply for friends who wouldn’t even nudge or ask how I was doing when it was clear I wasn’t okay at all, to be disappointed by a team that didn’t respect my morals and views. My heart ached knowing that my brother was getting married when we had been long-distance throughout childhood, and now he is leaving me one last time to create his own family. The first boy I actually looked up to and really enjoyed spending time with. I remember crying so hard on his wedding day because I knew he was on another path, and I was on a different one. I know what it feels like to lose someone you love and have no choice but to just let go and let the pain seep in. I know what it feels like to lose a parent slowly and then all at once. All of that pain piling up at once—I can say I’m not a good person because I happened to stray away from the redemption arc of superheroes. Instead of creating something good after such pain, I strayed for a long time. I was angry most of the time, I shut people out, and I did poorly in my work and commitments. I thought to myself, if I ever had the chance to manipulate my own reality—call me selfish and human—I would have snapped my fingers in a heartbeat because, honestly, who wouldn’t?
If I had the chance to meet the Scarlet Witch without her killing me, I would give her a tight hug and say, “It’s okay not to be okay. We’ve all been there sometimes.” I’ve seen how people compare her to Doctor Strange and Spider-Man and how they label her as a villain, but if you think about it, I’ve never seen those two do something good out of grief. It’s just a double standard that I won’t argue about—yet. Call me biased, but if you ask me again, “Is Scarlet Witch a superhero or a villain?” Most people will say she is a villain because she is selfish and just tries to be good. To me, she is a superhero who just strays from the familiar path from time to time but ultimately chooses to be good. In the end, Scarlet Witch is a mutant.
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marcmarcmomarc · 5 months
Wings Around the Globe Rally
Leg 6
AANG: You are looking live at Melbourne Airport.
(Gabriel eyes the leaderboard. Marinette’s plaque blinks at the top.)
MARINETTE: Yep. First place. Not bad for a baker girl.
(As she leaves, Gabriel adresses Nathalie and Cash.)
GABRIEL: Now, listen up. It’s time to make yourselves useful.
Starting line: Melbourne Airport in Melbourne, Australia
Starting positions:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Gabriel Agreste
Nathalie Sancoeur
Alya Césaire
Sabrina Raincomprix
Kagami Tsurugi
Rose Lavillant
Nino Lahiffe
Chloé Bourgeois
Kim Chiến Lê-Ature
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Mylène Haprèle
Juleka Couffaine
Ivan Bruel
Max Kanté
Alix Kubdel
Marc Anciel
(The racers soar over people canoeing in Port Phillip Bay.)
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4,583 km
TOPH (V.O.): This is our sixth and shortest leg. These racers are lucky to have dressed warm, because they’re going to the ice hole of the Earth, Antarctica.
(From above, Nathalie and Cash shadow Marinette. With a smirk, Cash dives and swoops in behind Marinette, knocking off her GPS antenna.)
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MARINETTE: My antenna!
(The antenna falls into the ocean and sinks.)
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MARINETTE: No. No, no, no! What am I gonna do?!
(Marinette circles the splash and flies off-course.)
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MARINETTE: (message breaking) Hawaii, are you there? Do you read? I am low on fuel.
(An alarm goes off. Marinette sees her flashing fuel gauge, which nears empty.)
MARINETTE: Oh, no! Oh, boy.
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(She looks around for any sign of dry land. Nothing but vast ocean as far as the eye can see. Suddenly, a jet appears behind her, piloted by Adora.)
MARINETTE: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
ADORA: Unknown rider, unknown rider. You have entered restricted airspace. Why haven’t you responded to radio contact?
MARINETTE: Somebody cut off my antenna.
ADORA: Identify yourself.
MARINETTE: I’m Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
ADORA: Roger that. Bogey has been identified as Dupain-Cheng Seven.
MARINETTE: I’m running on vapours. I need to land.
(Another jet arrives, piloted by Catra.)
CATRA: What are you doing out here with an empty tank?
MARINETTE: Well, I thought I’d refuel in Hawaii, but...
ADORA: Hawaii is 375 miles southwest of here.
CATRA: Listen, Dupain-Cheng. You’d better follow us to the boat. No bingo fields around here.
MARINETTE: “Bingo fields?”
CATRA: Places to land.
MARINETTE: “The boat?”
CATRA: The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower.
(Marinette and the jet pilots arrive at the ship.)
ADORA: Bow, this is Adora, checking in as frag plus one. Check.
BOW: Two. Go ahead, Adora.
ADORA: Bogey is civilian and needs emergency fuel.
BOW: Copy that.
GLIMMER: (OVER P.A.) Princess Alliance, rig the barricade for the incoming civilian. Repeat, rig the barricade for the incoming civilian.
HORDAK: You heard her, ladies! Rig the barricade! Chop, chop!
ADORA: (to Marinette) Let’s line you up for the barricade. All you have to do is throttle on back and call the ball, and hopefully end up in the spaghetti.
MARINETTE: What? Wait, no, wait! Wait a second! Um, uh, guys, I’m not sure I can do this.
CATRA: I don’t see how you have a choice.
MARINETTE: Okay. But that runway is moving.
CATRA: We’ll set you up on the glide path.
MARINETTE: Runways are not supposed to move. Okay. I’m okay. I’m going to be fine.
ADORA: Take it easy.
MARINETTE: Moving runway, moving runway. There it is. Here we go.
ADORA: Throttle on back.
MARINETTE: Maybe if I just came around again.
ADORA: Level your wings.
CATRA: Easy with it.
HORDAK: Cut! Cut!
(Marinette comes in too fast. She heads straight for a net they had set up. Her rear wheel makes contact with the arresting wire, which stretches like a sling shot and it immediately stops her before she hits the barrier.)
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(The Princess Alliance cheers as Marinette looks around at them and smiles.)
HORDAK: We’ve got you, Dupain-Cheng.
(She is escorted below deck.)
ADORA: Come on, let’s get you fixed up, refuelled and back in the race. You are way behind.
MARINETTE: Thanks. You saved me out there.
Destination: Williams Field at McMurdo Station in Antarctica
Finishing positions:
Gabriel Agreste
Nathalie Sancoeur
Alya Césaire
Nino Lahiffe
Chloé Bourgeois
Sabrina Raincomprix
Alix Kubdel
Mylène Haprèle
Rose Lavillant
Juleka Couffaine
Ivan Bruel
Kim Chiến Lê-Ature
Max Kanté
Nathaniel Kurtzberg
Kagami Tsurugi
Marc Anciel
Marinette Dupain-Cheng
(After getting her plane fixed and taking off from the Eisenhower, Marinette tries to navigate through pouring rain from a major thunderstorm and the monstrous swell of waves on the Southern Ocean. Her wheel hits the surface and sends her spiraling out of control. She tries to climb a giant breaker and barrels through the crest, but suffers engine failure.)
MARINETTE: Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! I’m going down! 18 degrees north, six minutes, 119…!
(She hurdles into the ocean, but forces herself back up.)
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(The waves continue to thrash and force her underwater, but each time, she fights her way to the surface. Her plane battered and bruised, she eventually sinks to the bottom.)
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(Later, rescue staff dives into the water with a net and airlifts Marinette to Antarctica, dropping her off on McMurdo Station’s runway surrounded by her family and friends.)
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ALYA: Marinette!
NINO: Is she okay?
SABINE: Quick! Get her to the hospital!
Leg 5
Plane repair
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captaincassianandorr · 8 months
Australian Survivor Titans v.s Rebels Ep 1:
As usual I ramble incoherently about what I think: (And of course Australian Survivor spoilers ) I'm stupidly excited I finally get to watch
-2 seconds in and I'm already obsessed with Viola help. -Can someone please explain to me how an LPO(Loss Prevention Officer) is a rebel? Isn't he kind of the opposite of a rebel? -WHO IS THE GIRL IN THE PINK JUMPSUIT?Is that the word? -I am so glad for a newbie cast. Newbie casts are the best. -Kelli is slightly unhinged and I am here for it. -omg I just noticed Viola is wearing crocs (-1 for shoe choice) but I am still obsessed with her. -What is up with the chest closeups of each tribe starting reward challenge? -So far I like Raymond, and Viola and possibly Valeria. -the lack of communication between the Titans is sending me. Who thought lighting the wicker man early was a good idea? -Considering I thought when seeing the theme "the rebels will surely not win anything," how very wrong I was. They worked much better as a team than the titans for this reward challenge. -how is a teacher/paramedic/firefighter a "rebel" -OKAY I ADORE EDEN. I love a cinema nerd. Plus he referenced Star Wars. He can stay. Please let that adorable man stay. -does anyone know how to build a shelter on the titans tribe? Anyone??? -Hmm Frankie and Nathan seem to think they are running the tribe but it looks like the other tribe members are getting along? -Lol Valeria "I do feel like a wet chicken." -And the Titans shelter collapsing. HAHAHA I love newbies playing Survivor. -OMG VIOLA AND VALERIA YES. ALLIANCE FORMING. -Jess is a little bit socially awkward and fish out of water and I understand because I am horrible at social situations. I actually still want to get a test for aspergers because I would like to know if I have it or not(my sister does and I have some of the behaviour from it) -HAHAHA the titans forgetting their ball. If this tribe is this much of a trainwreck all season I am here for it. I love trainwreck tribes. I tend to root for them and pray/hope they get at least ONE immunity. -I think the Titans mistake in this one was not having enough guys left to pull the ball up? -2-2 Rebels and Titans. -Rebels win immunity! Unexpected outcome but I am glad they did in a way. Excited to see the Titans first Tribal Council. -Nathan saying him and Frankie are going to take control of their tribe. Nathan that is 2 people out of many. -LOL "you guys want to have a quick chat about how that all went?" then going "we lost 2 challenges." Jess is putting a target on her back here honestly. -Nathan telling the 2 blonde ladies that they'll carry them through. Um I'm pretty sure those 2 ladies are tough as. -YES EDEN. EDEN. I like this plan lol. -Eden you can play Survivor more than once. Just ask Shonee. -YES I like this kind of play where people risk everything. -I must laugh at Jonathan asking if this tribe of Titans is a Titanic mess? Because yes, yes it is. -Jess/Frankie tied votes. I hope Eden's blindside works here because it would be an epic move. HAHA loving the cocky/shock/confusion of Nathan and Frankie. Like "what's going on? People said they were going to vote with us?? :( " -BLINDSIDE I AM HERE FOR IT EVEN THOUGH IT'S EARLY -An enjoyable episode but I don't think anything in Aussie Survivor history can top David's blindside of Daisy or the cookie idol saga quite frankly.
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girlrandomstuff · 2 years
Okay, I have a problem with this and if I don't talk about it, I'm going to go insane.
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1. She didn't formed the Delegation of the Two Thousand, nor the Rebelion. The Delegation of the Two Thousand was created by Bail Organa (and Mon Mothma) thanks to Breha Organa's idea.
Here the cut scenes from Revenge of the Sith. You can clearly see that the one leading the meating are Bail Organa with Mon Mothma's help, he's the one who started the alliance by inviting Mon, Padme and the other Senators who where in the meeting. Not Padme.
“senator Mon Mothma and I are putting together an organization”
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Then in Leia Princess of Alderaan, when Leia finds out her parents work against the Empire they have this talk:
“Does Mom know?” she asked.
Bail gave her a look. “As if I could hide anything from your mother. The truth is, she had the idea even before I did. She remains on Alderaan, but she has a role to play. Let’s leave it at that.”
“this was your mother's idea from the start” and before anyone could say Bail Organa could have refered to Padme without Leia knowing, no, he never refered to Padme as Leia's mother in presence of Leia, not even with Leia not realizing, so no. Here they were talking about Breha Organa.
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2. She may have dislike Palpatine too at somepoint, but she never fully was against him, she even tried to stand up to him even when EVERYONE in the meeting agreed that Palpatine was corrupt.
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It was until this Senator (I'm very sorry for not naming him, I couldn't find his name anywhere) told her how wrong she was until she kind of realized how wrong she was indeed.
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3. I'm not sure if “against her husband” when she knew about Anakin's Tusken massacre (before marrying him) and never went against him, “to be angry is to be human” she told him, like WTH girl. Neither she went against her husband when Obi Wan told her Anakin murdered children, AGAIN, “not Anakin, he couldn't” she said, even when she knew he could, he would and he did, no, she was willing to forgive all that, to forgive Anakin after everything he had done already, AGAIN, if he just stopped. Like okay maybe he went against Anakin when she agreed in the Delegation of the Two Thousand, but what about everything else?
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And before anyone says “Padme is not good in the movies because was written by George Lucas and he did the woman dirty”, I do agree that men have complications writing women but also I don't think Padme is not a good character just because she was written by one, a character can be a good or bad character regardless who they were written by. Let's remember that he first wrote Leia Organa, maybe one of the best female characters in pop culture (OF COURSE LEIA HAS BEEN IMPROVED BY OTHER AUTHORS, MANY OF THEM WOMEN and of course thanks to Carrie Fisher herself, she fought a lot for Leia to have better)
With this I'm not trying to say she didn't have noble things in mind, or that she was also corrupt, or supported Palpatine, no, but neither I think she made good choices or that she was someone important for the rebelion to get birth.
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Ivar Series I Recommend #1
The devil and the snake (from @21_years_old_lady on ao3) [COMPLETE]
Girl crush -2 [COMPLETE] // Ocean Eyes (6/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @akamaiden)
The battle between love and fire (from @alexhogh7137) [COMPLETE]
May I // Just let me hold you // Addicted to love [COMPLETE] // 4,7 inches of fierceness (2/?) (from @AnUnhealthyDoseOfAngst on AO3) [NOT COMPLETE]
Viking Massage (3/?) (from @angryschnauzer on AO3) [NOT COMPLETE]
A nun's tale (5/?) (from @abonelessgod) [NOT COMPLETE]
Bang bang // The girl Ivar love 2-3-4 (from @bonniebird) [ALL COMPLETE]
The right woman (from @BroltaAMaga on Ao3) [COMPLETE]
That witch haunts us (from @bragisrunes on AO3) [COMPLETE]
The proposal (7/13) (from @backalley-requests) [NOT COMPLETE]
Ivar’s first (from @clumsywonderland) [COMPLETE]
Imagine being a warrior -2 (from @cbouvier23) [COMPLETE]
It's Our Secret (6/?) (from @cecesaurus) [NOT COMPLETE]
Me before you (3/?) (from @castielsangelsx) [NOT COMPLETE]
New start (8/?) (from @cocovikings23) [NOT COMPLETE]
Kindness (from @directionlessbuthappy) [COMPLETE]
Faint of heart (from @dreamwritesimagines) [COMPLETE]
Pricked by a Viking (15/?) (from @exoticinspirits on AO3) [NOT COMPLETE]
Healer (10/?) (from @fandomficsnstuff) [NOT COMPLETE]
The guy next door // The boss (from @geekandbooknerd ) [ALL COMPLETE]
Coffee (11/?) (from @golden-pickaxe) [NOT COMPLETE]
A different time // Find us [COMPLETE] // Annoying (9/?) // Condition (4/?) // Kissed by the Sun (5/?) Alliance (5/?) The one he chose (7/?) Horrible Marriage (9/?) (from @heathenarmyimagines) [NOT COMPLETE]
The tinder date (from @hecohansen31) [COMPLETE]
Accidents happen // Blessed [ALL COMPLETE] // Just friends (4/?) // The milkmaid (7/?) // Latte Kisses (5/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @honestsycrets)
Hjem(los) (14/?) (from @imyourliquor-youremypoison) [NOT COMPLETE]
Unexpected Places (from @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl) [COMPLETE]
When we were wild (from @istorkyou) [COMPLETE]
Who said I was…? (from @Kirah32 on AO3) [COMPLETE]
Imagine Ivar saving you // You and Ivar love to raid // Being slave of Ivar // You save Ivar’s horse (from @lordavanti) [ALL COMPLETE]
Friends (5/?) (from @laketaj24) [NOT COMPLETE]
Redamancy (from @neme-jpeg ) [COMPLETE]
Vantalađur Ást (16/?) (from @mylifeisactuallyamess) [NOT COMPLETE]
Aarhus Universitet [COMPLETE] // We move lightly (14/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @ofhoneyandrosepetals)
Hidden love (from @otakufrenchfries ) [COMPLETE]
I'm not okay (3/?) (from @onlinevampire1898) [NOT COMPLETE]
Pity // God Jul // Move on // Crush [ALL COMPLETE] // Secrets (18/?) // Hate (11/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @peaceisadirtyword )
Healing hands (from @premiere-gaou ) [COMPLETE]
Unholy Matrimony (from @procrastinatingsoicanreadfanfics) [COMPLETE]
Conquer you (12/?) (from @pagan-raider) [NOT COMPLETE]
Blue eyes (from @rosepetals-flyingbirds ) [COMPLETE] [Not found anymore]
You’re different like me // Hmm ? // You are everything [ALL COMPLETE] // When he’s not around (14/?) [NOT COMPLETE] (from @squirrelacorngliterfarts)
Rest your weary hands (from @spaghettificationandpretzels) [COMPLETE]
Five Brothers (from @teeninpanic) [NOT COMPLETE]
Love’s labor (from @tra-sh) [COMPLETE]
Your god can’t help you now (from @theoriginalragnarsson) [COMPLETE]
Choice is an Illusion (5/?) (from @theinsandoutsofcastiel ) [NOT COMPLETE]
Lost & Found (11/?) (from @thyshadowwriter) [NOT COMPLETE]
Be ruthless // One look // Addicted (from @waiting4inspiration) [ALL COMPLETE]
I need you (from @writingstudent) [COMPLETE]
The Prince's Favorite (7/?) // Quarantine with Ivar (3/?) (from @writingsnmusings) [NOT COMPLETE]
The friend, The lover and the fool (from @xxdearlybeloved) [COMPLETE]
Chance Encounters // Coming home // Best friend // Roommates // The summer people // No more blind date // My boss is a four letters word // Love letters and life lessons // The secret journal // Anyone but him // Love to Hate Me (from @zuxiezendler) [ALL COMPLETE] [Not found anymore]
Last Updated 01/25/23
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nestasgalpal · 3 years
I don't know what your feelings are with Mor and Amren but I was never much of a fan of Mor in ACOMAF (she reminded me too much of an "it" girl and Regina George especially in ACOWAR) and I liked Amren ok, but was so disappointed in her in ACOSF. Theres being grumpy and then theres whatever she was in that book. Anyways, while alot of people seem to be singing their praises, its nice to see that its not just me that is put off by them (or at least Mor).
I dislike both characters. I haven't always disliked them, though. I didn't mind Mor up until ACOSF because I thought all her bullshit behavior and treatment of people who are not in the IC would be addressed later on 🤡🤡 I thought she was a good friend to Feyre and did her best to include her in a group that hasn't welcomed anyone in in centuries, which I thought was nice of her.
Up until ACOSF I liked Amren as well, to be honest. Even after the ACOFAS epilogue when we learned that she and Nesta were no longer friends, I still was positive there would be a reason for it, kind of like a misunderstanding or something. I wasn't expecting Amren calling Nesta a waste of life, that's for sure lol.
In ACOSF I despised Amren. She was mean and cruel for no reason, and wished harm upon others just because. She was also trying to push her colonialist agenda and doing her best to convince Rhysand to try becoming High King. I couldn't believe it when I read it because the IC formed an alliance with Eris (betraying Mor's trust in the process, and no mater how much I dislike her as a person, as a woman, she was forced to meet with her abuser and give up her safe space), and the only reason they did this is to stop Beron from trying to take advantage of a moment of instability to take over more power or land. Yet the second they can yield Nesta's power, she pushes for Rhys to use it, steal her weapons and colonize Prythian.
Nesta didn't change the aspects of herself Amren used to respect. Amren's perspective on them only changed after Feyre had a talk with her about her sister. Amren later tells Nesta she saw her enabling of Nesta's coping mechanisms wasn't helping her, but apparently that's the first explanation Nesta gets from her?? She simply had a chat with Feyre and the next thing Nesta knew was Amren (her only friend and the only person she was opening up with at that point) calling her a waste of life. And then she puts the blame on Nesta for being immature??? Of course you think her reaction is childish, you are like 1000 yo, and she is 25.
Amren is simply a bad person.
Same thing with Mor, I think she is a bad person who's shitty behavior is enabled by a group of friends that only sticks together by never addressing their issues and pretending things are okay. Mor is not an empowered woman. For all I know, the only thing she's done for herself is sleep with Cassian for her own gain. Honestly, good for her, have sex with whomever you want and don't make a fuss about virginity, I'm 100% behind that choice. Would I be more comfortable if she had let Cassian know she was a virgin beforehand? Sure, but I don't think it is such a bad thing, specially since they were so young and the problems actually came from the group not adressing it rather than the act itself.
From that point onward, everything Mor has, was given to her, starting with her "power". Not the power of truth, whatever that means. I mean her power as a part of the Inner Circle of the Night Court. She didn't escape Hewn City because she was a dreamer or whatever, it was because she was Rhysand's cousin and he took her out of there. He gave her a position as Third in Command (I don't know what that even is, since she has never done... anything), but just as easily, he has taken the power back because it was never hers. Again, when they don't tell her (third in the NC's hierarchy!!!!) about the meeting or the pact with Eris or Keith, they are proving how little authority Mor actually has, and when they win the war without her doing anything (although she is supposed to be a glorious warrior), she is proven useless as well. In ACOSF she is allegedly trying to convince I don't know who of I don't know what, but most of her appearances are her being a taxi and her opinions being ignored or not even cosidered at all.
Mor's personality as a dreamer who escaped the court of Nightmares means nothing the moment she knows first hand the kind of horrors female, kids and probably male as well endure in that place and does nothing to end it while having (in theory) all the power to do so. I would even say she perpetuates the cycle of violence whenever she goes there and reinforces her self-importance at the thought she escaped it while others can't.
I know it's due to SJM wanting to make Rhysand the inventor of feminism, but neither Mor nor Amren, the only two female in positions of power in Prythian, apparently, seem to care or have done absolutely anything for illyrian females (I mean prior to Feyre's arrival, but then Feyre joins them in their lack of regard, so who cares). Rhysan'd efforts to put an end to the discrimination are always portrayed as his little project, which, in the end, only gives us pages of Rhys being the victim of Illyrians not obeying and saying those female don't even know what is happening to them... That whole theme across the books is not the feminist take SJM thinks it is.
But back to the rant: It doesn't matter how badly they want to convince us Mor is a good person, she is not. She willingly ignores the suffering of everyone around her, including both the people she is supposed to guard aka her subjects, and also her closest friends. Mor doesn't use her "power" to change the cruel system, only comments on how bad it is as if it wasn't her literal job to do something about it. At the same time, she puts effort into worsening the life of people who have done nothing to her such as Nesta or Lucien. She has a "pick me" personality and can't stand her one-sided rivalry with Nesta for the attention of a male.
And those are my feelings for Mor and Amren, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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mistersshelby · 4 years
I have an idea for the story. So, maybe Thomas Shelby would be invited to a party to do some business but all of the guests would be speaking in different language (unfamiliar to Thomas) and he would ask the reader to come to the party to translate it (she would be almost native to it) and the guests would hit on her all the time and even though Tom and reader are not together he would be veeeeeeery jealous of her!!! (We love some good jealous Thomas) It’s just an idea, I hope you liked it! 😊
sorry this took so long!! hope you like it! also just disclaimer i don't actually speak german anything i used here i used google translate for so i'm sorry if it's incorrect!!
questions, comments, concerns
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“Business with the Germans?” You frown, “I didn’t know you worked with the Germans.”
“The alliance is new. Will you do it?” You’re sitting across from Tommy in his office and he looks rather bored, “I’ll pay you extra.”
You smirk, “Can I get a new dress?”
He sighs, “Sure.”
“Okay.” You fold your hands in your lap, “I’ll do it.”
“Great.” He says dismissively, “I’ll pick you up at 7.” He pushes some cash across his desk, “Go pick out a dress.”
You eagerly take the cash and leave his office. Tommy never took you on business. You had always hoped he would, but you knew for the most part he only ever asked you to check over the books for him, needing your patience and attention to detail. But now, now he needed your German. And you got to wear a pretty dress.
Tommy was silent as he drove you to the party. The only instructions he gave were to not let anyone know that you spoke German, at least at first. Easy enough. After being in Birmingham for so long you were more capable of sounding like a native Brummie than a German anyway. Though your mother had left Germany with you long before the Great War, you knew the way the Brits saw Germans and so you had removed every trace of your native country from yourself.
“You’re German.” Tommy had said the day you sat across from him, to apply for the secretarial position.
“Yes.” You swallowed tightly. You knew a decorated war vet like Tommy was highly unlikely to hire a German, but you had to try. You were out of money and you needed a job.
“When did you leave your home country?”
“1910, sir.”
“And who did you support in the war?”
You opened and closed your mouth, “I was still quite a young girl then, sir, I knew nothing of politics.”
He carefully leaned forward at his desk and folded his hands in front of him. You avoided his eyes, “Which side?”
“I supported the Allied Forces, sir. I like living here, I supported my new home.” You say quietly, still unable to meet his eyes.
“You don’t sound German.” He says.
You look up at that, “When the war started I made sure I sounded like true Brummie. I think you know what patriotic men do to women from the enemy country.” You recalled a memory of being backed into an alley by two Englishmen who had heard you mutter something in German while in a shop. “I rarely speak German anymore.”
“But you can?”
“Yes,” You say and smile sadly, “Sprechen erinnert es mich an meine Mutter.”
He had no idea what you had just said, but it made no difference, “Good.” He took out a cigarette and lit it, “You’re hired.”
You think now as you sit in this car that even all that time ago, Tommy must have foreseen that he would need someone around who spoke German. 
Though you had looked forward to this party all evening, you felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest as Tommy walked you inside, “Stay close to me and just listen.” Is all he says and you manage a nod.
Hearing the cacophony of German as you entered the room nearly brought you to tears. You loved England and were proud to be English now, but you hadn’t been in a room with so many Germans since you were barely a girl and the nostalgia rushed through you. You thought of family parties, your father sneaking you a sip of beer when your mother wasn’t looking, the smell of her potato pancakes filling the whole house.
“Are you alright?” Tommy asked, noticing the expression on your face.
You shook off the memories, “Fine.”
Tommy grabbed two champagne flutes off the waiter’s tray and handed one to you as an older man approached him, flanked by two associates.
He spoke to Tommy in heavily accented English about a deal. It didn’t concern you and they were speaking English so you directed your attention elsewhere and found there were several sets of eyes on you. You were one of maybe two women that were in the room currently and you found yourself sweating beneath their predatory gazes.
And then one of the associates of the man who spoke to Tommy said something lowly and German and you had to hide your blush. Tommy sensed your change in behavior and forced a smile, “Excuse us a moment,” He takes your arm and drags you from the room, “What did he say?”
You open and close your mouth, “Tommy, it had nothing to do with the business, it’s fine.”
He narrows his eyes at you, “They said something about you. They know you’re German.”
You sigh, “No, but with the way you just pulled me out of there, I’m sure they do now.”
“What did he say?” He repeats.
You chewed the inside of your cheek and sighed, “They want to have a go at me as well in addition to… The weapons that you seem to be selling them.”
He stares at you and then nods, “You can let them know you speak German now.” And then walks back to the men without waiting for you.
You frown to yourself and then walk back to Tommy. When you return, they’re speaking business again and the one who suggested he wanted to fuck you stares you down again. You look away.
He elbows the man talking to Tommy, “Sag ihm, ich will Zeit mit seiner Hure oder es wird keinen Deal geben.” Tell him I want time with his whore or there will be no deal.
You finally look at him, the disgust evident on your face, “Ich bin keine Hure und wenn du mich berührst, werde ich sicherstellen, dass du mit einer Hand weniger gehst.” 
The men pale and Tommy leans to your ear, “What just happened?”
“He insisted on fucking me and I told him if he touched me he’d leave without his hand.”
Tommy couldn’t hide the smirk on his face as he turned back to the Germans who still had yet to regain their color.
“You brought a German with you?” The first one said.
“Well, I didn’t want to be at a disadvantage seeing as I’m the only Englishman here, surely you understand. It appears you’ve upset her as well,” He clicks his tongue, “That’s not a very good idea.”
“My men are not afraid of your small woman, Mr. Shelby, and they still feel that since you brought her here she is fair game--”
“I think she made it perfectly clear that no one will be laying a hand on her,” He stepped to the man, “You may not be afraid of her, but you should be very afraid of me. And I don’t take kindly to my associates being disrespected.” He steps back, “Now we can resume the business or we’re leaving. Your choice.”
“You forget, Mister Shelby, that you are outnumbered here.”
Tommy smiles, nodding, “You think I would come alone. I brought a German with me, none of you thought to consider that I would prepare in that way. Do you really want to take the gamble that no one else is with me?”
The Germans hesitantly looked around the room. You were fairly certain Tommy was bluffing, but he could have men waiting outside that he hadn’t told you about. If you were the Germans, you wouldn’t take the gamble. Tommy was fuckin’ ruthless, you’d witnessed it first hand, but he was also clever as hell. Could probably outsmart every person in this room. You would never bet against him.
Suddenly, the Germans smile, “Why don’t you and your woman enjoy the party, eh? The business can wait.”
Tommy stares for a moment before smirking, “Pleasure, gentlemen.” And then he leads you away.
You exhale in relief and Tommy notices, “I’m sorry.”
“No,” You frown, “No, don’t be sorry.” And then you smile, “This is the most alive I’ve felt in years.”
He manages a small smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, “Go enjoy yourself, then. We’ll leave in an hour or two.” And then he’s gone before you can protest.
Before you know it, there’s another man next to you. He has kind eyes, “Sprichst du Deutsch?” He asks.
You nod, offering him a shy smile, “Ja.”
Tommy had disappeared into a dark corner, perplexed by the sudden feeling he needed to protect you, needing to drown it in alcohol. He was watching you still, the easy way you talked to the men who ate up your smiles and shy glances. You were kind, good. And yet, when you bit back at those Germans like a Rottweiler he thought maybe you had been hiding something from him. These men would rue the day they underestimated you, he was sure of it. He was beginning to regret it himself especially as he saw the glint of a knife tucked away in your hair disguised as a clip, something he certainly had not told you to bring.
They all eat you up, and you’re polite, but you keep looking around the room. Looking for more suitable men or looking for him? He lets himself imagine the latter and then feels incredibly stupid for even wanting it. Wanting you. And the want and the jealousy only grows as he keeps drinking and you laugh at some joke the German toff next to you had recited. You even reach out a hand to rest on his arm. Tommy’s hand tightens on his glass.
And then when he leans over to whisper in your ear, his lips fall to your neck. You don’t push him away and the roaring in Tommy’s ears is deafening. He wants you to reach for that knife in your hair and cut him, but instead you lean into his touch, your eyelids fluttering with pleasure. 
That’s the final straw. Tommy cracks his neck each way before standing. He walks over to you calmly and clears his throat from behind and you jump, spinning to look at him. “Tommy, I--”
“Are you having fun, love?” His tone becomes territorial and the toff is already frowning. Good. But you’re also frowning at the endearment. He doesn’t blame you, he hadn’t paid much attention to you before tonight.
You frown, “Yes.” You say firmly. He almost raises his eyebrows at the challenge in your voice.
“Go and fuck off now.” He says to the toff, not taking his eyes off you.
“I, but, we were just--” The toff starts and you begin smirking.
“Yes, Tommy,” You continue, “We were just getting to know each other, did you need me for something?” He can see in your eyes you’re aware of the effect you’ve had on him tonight and you’re enjoying this. You’d push him over the edge if you could. He had gravely misjudged you.
“You’d like to continue talking with the toff?”
“Oh, Tommy,” You lower your voice, “We were doing much more than just talking.” There’s deadly rage in his eyes and it delights you.
“Brauchst du mich, um ihn loszuwerden?” Do you need me to get rid of him?
You laugh, still looking at Tommy, “Oh nein, Liebling, du würdest dich nur umbringen lassen.” Oh no, darling, you’d only get yourself killed.
“What are you saying to him?” Tommy asks coldly.
You ignore his question, “What would you do if I kissed him right now?” You whisper in Tommy’s ear.
He looks at you with such disdain, you’re unsure if maybe you crossed the line. “Do you want him dead?” Tommy asks quickly in Romani. You had spent enough time with the Shelbys to pick up some words here and there and he knew you would understand. 
You stare him down for a few moments, the poor toff still waiting behind you. Finally, you sigh and turn to him, “I’m terribly sorry, but I must be going.” You tell him in English, “It was lovely to meet you.” You don’t kiss him on the mouth, but you do kiss his cheek lightly and it takes everything in Tommy not to pull that knife out of your hair himself and cut him.
You walk out without waiting for the toff or Tommy and as he walks behind you he thinks of all the ways he’ll give you hell for what you did in there. When you’re outside, he catches up to you and grabs your arm, backing you against the wall. He grips your throat with his hand, enough that it should scare you, but not enough to make it hard to breathe.
But you only look at him defiantly, that smirk still on your face, “If I had known it was this easy to make Tommy Shelby squirm I would’ve done this ages ago.” You said.
He can’t answer you, can’t think of anything but that mouth, that dirty, cursed mouth. And so he covers it with his own. His kiss is rough and angry and his hand tightens around your throat enough to make you gasp, but he can feel you’re still smiling. You like it. That only arouses him further.
“You’re fuckin’ evil.” He says into your mouth and you moan when he tightens his hand again, “Will you come to bed with me?”
He pulls away from you the smallest bit to read your face. “Yes,” You say breathlessly.
He leans in for one more hungry kiss before pulling you roughly by the wrist to the car. His hand wandering up your thigh throughout the drive home. It was probably the best night of your adult life.
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youuuimeanmee · 4 years
Selfish is Eren’s trait.
No matter how much time changes.
EDIT: Should I mention that this is NOT an Eren rant? This is just me marveling at how great Eren’s character is, no matter what his flaws are.
Many people has been saying that Eren is selfless, how the Rumbling is the only choice to save Paradis so he had to set aside his emotion for greater good. While yes, that is true, it’s not quite right. Remember chapter 131?
Eren himself said he was selfish. He was disappointed the world is not as beautiful as in Armin’s book. He was disappointed humanity outside the walls exist. He wished to wipe them all away. But still, no matter how much he wished for it to happen, it’s still wrong. Just like Eren said in chapter 130, all the future he saw is still far away. Maybe things could change. Maybe his wish won’t come true, but at least things would turn out to be morally right. That’s why he decided to sit back and watch.
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But no. Even after Zeke (another royal blood) and Azumabito (the mediator to the outside world) entered Paradis, they’re not giving him a great option. They’re blinded by their own selfish desire. Azumabito just wanted to use Paradis as a cashgrab, while Zeke wished for Eldia’s euthanasia. Paradis doesn’t give him another option either, even though the time is running out.
Of course Eren would snap. 
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Fuck them all. Fuck them all, who won't give Paradis a chance. Fuck them all, who choose to stay in their comfort zone. Time is running out. All lives matter, including Paradis. If the world refused to see Paradis as a part of humanity, then he’ll reject them as parts of humanity too. If Paradis refuse to move, then he’ll force them to move. Better bring out his dream to life if that's the case.
It was all too convenient; the time, the circumstances. It was all matching with his dream to exterminate his enemies; to become free from shackles; to expand his horizon outside the walls.
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He has the power, and he only have a few years to live, what's the more appropriate time than now?
But still.  He's painfully aware it's wrong.  What’s he about to do is a one-sided massacre.
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If I had to say, Eren has several options:
Wipe out the rest of the world
Let the world trample Paradis
Run away and forget it all
Share his future memories, and decide things with his friends.
Option #4 is already out of the window, because he doesn’t trust his friends enough to let them decide their future. He believes all the hatred and bloodshed will not stop until he buries the world to the ground, to avoid them laying a hand on Paradis ever again. He believes if he doesn’t do this, his friends would continue to live in misery until they die.
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Option #3 is also out, since he had to move forward no matter what, so he’s left with 2 choices.
Again, he throw away option #2, because no matter how much he think about it, there’s no way he’d let his own people being trampled by the world.
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So yeah, option #1 is to go, then. But he knew, it’s wrong.  He will take all the lives of innocent people. He will drag his friends into danger, he will hurt them, he will disappoint everyone. He will become a monster. There's no guarantee Paradis will strive once this is all over. There might be another hell, he knew.
That’s why, even though he knows what to do, even though things is going according to his dream, he broke down. He still asked for forgiveness, even though he knew full well he’s the one at fault.
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He couldn’t take it anymore. His guilt is eating him alive. 
At this time, he wished for an escape. He’s starting to reconsider option #3. And that’s where Mikasa came in.
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Mikasa, the girl who sticks to him no matter what. Mikasa, who saved him, no matter how hopeless the situation is.
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Maybe this time, she could save him too. He relies on her, he clings to her answer for dear life. Maybe he could stop him. Maybe things would turn out okay if she give a different answer.
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But no. Things didn’t work out as he wished for. Mikasa didn’t see through his suffering, she is clueless as ever; so he had to move on with his initial plan. When Eren said it’s a perfect timing, he really meant that, since he could snap out of his emotional self and focus on what he needs to do. Back to option #1.
This is one of the moments where Eren’s half-assed-ness selfishness shine. If he truly cares for the rest of the world, if he truly cares for his friends’ feeling, he should’ve open up more. He should’ve told Mikasa his dream, because only then, she could understand where Eren is coming from. If so, maybe Mikasa could told him to give up his dream, just like Levi to Erwin.
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But no. Until the very end, he didn’t told his friends anything, because he already decided. He didn’t want his friends to stop him at this point, not yet. He has to do what he needs to do first. Not even in the moment of weakness he’d let Mikasa stop him. Because he knew. If he let his emotion and moral get the better of him, he’d never find a solace. Sure, maybe he could live the rest of his life with Mikasa in peace, but he wouldn’t be able to live with another greater regrets.
He chose the solace instead of salvation from his sins. So he turned his back from SC and never came back.
Eren infiltrated Marley. He experienced it firsthand how, even outside the walls, bad and good people were all the same. Reiner’s confession surprised him in a good way, because of  how similar they are than he originally thought.
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Both of them are moving with such selfish desire, under the pretense of “for the greater good.” Reiner destroyed the walls because he wanted to become a hero, while Eren is about to destroy the world because he wants humanity to perish. Their guilt is eating them alive to this day.
But Willy’s speech reminding him once again, that, in the end, they’re all the same, they’re just one side of the coin.
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Willy reminded him why he’s doing all of these in the first place. He reminded him of his initial motivation.
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It resonates with him so much that it hurt. Listening to Reiner and Willy gave him comfort,  that everything is not his, nor everybody's fault. There’s no right or wrong. Maybe, everyone is born this way. Even if he moves with selfish desire, the world really doesn’t give him much choice so it doesn’t really matter. It's just the matter of who will keep going until the very end.  
He keeps moving forward until his objective is fulfilled, no matter how much he suffers, no matter how much his friends suffer. But deep down, he wanted to be saved. So much that during the Rumbling, his mind regressed into a child, because it’s easier for him to kill “bad people” to reach his “freedom.” This is why he didn’t fight the Alliance seriously. If Eren really wanted the Rumbling to continue, he could’ve eliminated them on the get-go, or sent one of his titans to remove the explosives around his neck, or prevented Armin from reaching out to Zeke, anything. But he didn’t. Because now that his objective is fulfilled, as Reiner said, he wants someone to stop him. He decides when is the right time to stop; and that’s after he destroy Fort Salta, humanity’s last weapon.
TLDR; Eren is selfish for  letting his dream get the better of him; for deciding what’s best for Paradis himself; for dragging his dad and his friends into this mess; for choosing this bloody path; for wanting to be saved after everything he had done. But if he hadn’t done this, who knows what hell will await Paradis. He won’t take that risk, ever. Eren is aware of all of this; thus why, he asked Mikasa to forget about him.
His selfishness makes him a true monster, yet at the same time, a really flawed human being.
Eren Yeager decides where to start, and where to end his journey. He really is selfish until the end. 
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kuekyuuq · 3 years
On Lena wearing that NCU sweater
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I keep trying to find in-canon reasons for that.
Could it be Lena's? Lena went to and graduated from MIT. (For all non-american fans, that's the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in Cambridge, Massachusetts - east coast, presumably close to Metropolis. The National City University is - as the name says - in National City (not necessarily related to the real life National City), which is canonically in California / west coast.)
Canonically, genius Lena graduated from MIT at the age of 18 (in 2011) and either was already or started working as an advocate at LuthorCorp that same year, when and where she first met Sam. A year later, Lena was fired by Lex, because she didn't share his hatred and obsession for Superman. Around that time she met Jack Spheer and they started working together from a garage, to find a cure for cancer(s) using nanotech. It wasn’t until 2016, when Lex was convicted to 32 consecutive life-sentences and sent to Striker's Island after (kidnapping Lena and) “turning the sun red” to try and kill Superman (resulting in numerous fatalities), that Lena ended things with Jack in Metropolis and moved to National City, taking over LuthorCorp...
While Lena may have taken some online-courses at NCU, to continue learning and expand her knowledge / in other fields, during that time, she was still living in Metropolis. Boston and a vast variety of high-praised universities in an even wider variety of fields are right around the corner. So, somehow I doubt she would have enrolled in at a decent, but not as high-class university across the country. However, there is a slim chance, she did exactly that, if she had been somehow cut off financially after her fall-out with Lex, and NCU was simply the cheaper choice - for some additional credits, she officially didn’t even need(?). So, she maybe got the sweater via mail? Or/and visited NC occasionally before her permanent move for her studies/exams/I-have-no-idea-how-long-distance-universiting-works?
To my best knowledge, we first saw Lena wearing it while staying with the Arias girls. So, could it be Sam's? "Samantha [...] pulled through by herself as a single mother once graduating school from to one job and city to the next to ensure that she and her daughter would have a future together." [arrowverse wiki]
...I don't know about you, but to me that doesn't sound like Sam ever really went to university, but got to where she ended up (COO for L-Corp) for being a hard worker and through experience ...and for having happened to catch Lena's attention.
Sooooooo.... outside of Lena plainly purchasing herself that sweater to show/feel her alliance to National City folks... What's my non-canon / head-canon explanation for Lena wearing that sweater?
Scenario 1:
Game night at Kara's. Kara trips, bumps into Lena and has her spill her red wine over her sweater. Kara: "Oh, my gosh! I'm soooo sorry, Lena! Here, let me grab you something to change into! I will totally pay the cleaning of your probably incredibly expensive-... is that cashmere!? Oh, Rao..!" Lena: "Don't worry. I got it on a discount from Brunello." Lena grabs the offered sweater, goes to the bathroom and changes into it. Lena, smiling to herself: "Yepp, I'm so gonna walk outta here wearing this and never return it..." (Lena returns to Kara googling Brunello Cucinelli sweater prizes; wide-eyed, sweaty and really pale... Poor thing.)
Scenario 2:
Kara learned that Lena's horrible childhood deprived her of watching Disney and Pixar movies. Kara: "I am so gonna make up for that." Lena: "Do I have a word in tha--" Kara: "No." So, Lena shows up at Kara's apartment after work, still wearing her business attire. Kara: "That won't do. Watching movies and chill requires comfy clothes!" Kara goes and fetches Lena her NCU sweater...
3 hours, two movies, 3 pizzas (3 slices for Lena and 2 1/2 pizzas "slowly" consumed by Kara) and a good amount of ice-cream later: Lena: "This was... actually lovely. But it's getting late. I've got to go. Thank you, Kara. I had a wonderful evening." Kara: "I knew it! Nobody can resist cute widdle Wall-E's charm!" Lena: "...he was really sweet, adorable and excitable, but I associated more with EVE." Kara: "Hey, you are still wearing my--" Lena: "Oh, your sweater? I didn't realize. It really is much more comfortable than most anything I own. And it does smell ni--.. Ehem. Hold on, I'll go change." Kara: "Huh, what? Wait! You know, keep it. It suits you. Soft-Lena is a nice look on you." Lena: "Oh, uh, okay... Thank you again. I will see you Thursday at lunch?" Kara: "Count on it!"
And then she wore it at her low point, because it gave her comfort... ❤
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eenasbabysmom · 3 years
Okay but now I want the AU where Madame Yu decides to get her son a strong betrothal before the plot kicks off, or maybe she botices The Comb after the Cloud Recesses and sets up chengqing. The drama! Both of them wanting the other to switch sides so they can be safe! JC trying to claim his betrothed's family to honor his mother's choice!
. . . Well, I actually can. None of this is organized or likely to make sense. Blame nonny.
There is a multiverse of AUs within this little concept:
1-YZY sees the tides of change before her husband, starts buttering up WRH for an alliance for her son. WRH sees an opportunity to co-opt the Jiang sect in the near future when an 'accident' befalls JFM. (Not to imply that YZY would know or condone such a thing-just that they both have their own motivations and WRH wants to kill people and take over territory). His sect is like all the others, nary a female born into the main families to marry off, but he does have his brilliant doctor of a niece that fits the required criteria of 1-being a Wen, 2-being a girl, and 3-being scared enough of him to do what he tells her. This leading to a betrothal or a marriage is possible.
A Betrothal-JC meets his betrothed for the first time at Cloud Recesses, where she appears to be very unimpressed with him but allows him to follow her around like the lovesick puppy he becomes within seconds of their meeting. But JC is capable of uttering a coherent sentence around WQ, WWX tries to wingman him into not looking like an idiot, which JC fighting crippling doubt, jealousy, and hope all at the same time. JYL appears often to whisk her future SIL away from where her brothers are actively being idiots, leaving WN to referee (which he is completely ineffectual at, but gives both WWX and JC more time to imprint upon this stuttering baby and agree to shared older brotherhood-also gives NHS ample opportunity to meet and flirt his way to a partial obsession with WN which scares EVERYONE because NMJ and Wens DO NOT MIX).
How awkward then is the Indoctrination arc? JC is technically a future son-in-law and WRH maybe orders his idiot son not to harm the Jiang sect heir, but says nothing about WWX and WC increases his punishment of WWX, but now under the guise of infractions made by JC because 'Father says we shouldn't harm family, future or otherwise' and promptly designates WWX as a whipping boy.
("Really, Jiang gonzi? Can't you follow simple instructions, not even for the sake of your own shixiong? How much more of your insubordination can WWX take?")
JC not being left behind in the Tortoise of Slaughter cave ("Wouldn't want to jeopardize your future happiness, would we WQ?"). JC marched back to Nightless City under guard (WN slips away, promising to help WWX and the others, and JC not being able to wrangle him to NOT DO THAT YOU IDIOT-DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY'LL DO IF THEY CATCH YOU?). WQ getting a message to JYL about both WWX and WN and JFM leads a small band of disciples to Muxi Mountain, recovering both the group that had left the cave with JZX and WWX and LWJ from the cave itself.
WRH marries JC off to WQ under duress in the meanwhile and YZY is FURIOUS and DEMANDS the return of her son. WRH sends troops to eliminate the Jiang Sect while keeping JC in his dungeons (torture happens, because WRH). Returns JC to a ravaged LP with his parents and sect dead, sends WQ along as his 'wife' and orders both to set up a Supervisory office in Yiling. JC and WQ fighting and arguing constantly, JC half mad with grief and WQ in terror for her still missing brother and the not so subtle threats against her remaining family on Dafan Mountain. WN stealing into the Supervisory Office one night months after JC had given up his entire family for dead and the relationship between him and his wife on the edge of a knife. WN reveals that WWX and JYL survived the slaughter, that JYL is hiding in Meishan and WWX and he had gone into hiding in the Burial Mounds. A Golden Core!Demonic Cultivator WWX who shows up to kill everyone at the Supervisory Office except WN, JC, and WQ. JC recognized by WWX as his sect leader and they take WN and WQ with them to go take back LP. WWX's army of dead and JC's burning desire for revenge results in a bloodbath that sends WC and WZL running for the relative safety of Qishan.
WQ and WN left behind in LP to 'rebuild or whatever' while JC and WWX go off to get revenge. JC having enough wherewithal to leave a couple of disciples of those that had shown up when LP had been retaken behind with the siblings, clearly stating that "THIS IS YOUR FUREN" and leaves WQ in charge after telling her that it's either that she stays and does the work here, or they divorce and they're on opposite sides of the war. WQ hissing at him about her family on Dafan Mountain and JC screaming back "well, go get them then! Stash them in some of the rooms-most of them are empty now anyway. Or take them all back to Qishan with you-just PICK" and stomping away to torture and kill with WWX until they catch up to WC and WZL, an altercation that leads to meeting LWJ once more. Getting back Suibian and Sandu, but WWX resolute on demonic cultivation and JC firmly in his corner. Do they join the SSC or go on their rampaging way?
And I have to cut it off there because I need to get back to work-but I have lots more thoughts about this that I'll maybe articulate later!!!!!
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the-phantom-ender · 3 years
okay serious entity assignments time now because i said i might yesterday and i am better rested now.
first off, ill say that like... i dont know everything about every empire, i might be a little off base with some of the members i know less about.
second, the thing about aligning characters with entities is that it doesnt tend to be as easy as just something they fear. they also have to thrive in it. if all it took was fear, there would be lots of people marked directly by the web, if all it took was the ability to thrive, most introverts would be marked by the lonely. it takes a careful balance of both (unless the characters hand is forced, which we do technically see in t.ma canon at least once) for someone to be effectively marked by a fear, much less be an avatar (which is... a loose term at best but i digress because the explanatory bit is getting long dfjkhdf)
stuffs under the cut because it got. long. and feel free to share your own thoughts about them!!
shelby: an interesting case where my gut said corruption but upon reflection i think aligning her with the eye makes more sense? she definitely is shaped by corruption, but her arc thus far has mostly revolved around her desire to learn and her fear of what that knowledge might reveal. after her encounters with xornoth, she also seems very nervous about the idea of being watched.
lizzie: the vast is obvious for her, but it does make sense. its the fear of heights and deep waters and human insignificance, infinity. lizzie absolutely thrives in the depths and holds no fear for the waters but she does show hesitance when it comes to leaving. the danger comes from the outside, the other. which seems more like the lonely, sure, but the vast and lonely link greatly.
joel: im a little biased with the desolation alignment for joel because of 3l. i still think it could work for empires, but... the stranger might work better. i dont think theres anything quite as 'stranger' as filling your home with statues of yourself, giving workers your face, but everything is just slightly... wrong. be it that they dont fit quite right or that their limbs are leather and wood. Unfamiliarity, the uncanny.
gem: so id originally said eye for gem but @loganprobably (i hope the tags cool sjgkhdfh) mentioned the lonely and... both work i think. gem has an appreciation for knowledge, for awareness and learning. but shes also in a position where she both isolates herself and gets overly involved. being one of the people to try to ally with everyone but having a clear side picked. the welcome and the shunning. whats a girl gotta do for some peace and quiet?
scott: scott is... hard. itd be so easy to just throw lonely or eye at him because he stays to himself and knows a lot. id wager the web might work better, though. he keeps his distance, keeps an eye on all that goes on, and... makes no moves. he waits, plans ahead. if war brews he needs to be able to side with the winners. he shows a distain for the idea of being controlled and avoids situations where he could be. hes careful with his choices when theyre made.
jimmy: jimmy. lonely, but for a different reason than gem would be. he is friendly and kind and cares deeply for others, yet hes so clearly... the outcast, even within his own circles. hes the picked on, the betrayed. a friend to all but loved, respected, by none. in his times of need he is forgotten, silenced. yet he doesnt seem to hate the loneliness, just the fact that no one came.
joey: oh god here we go. joeys hard to pin down. the hunt might work? he could fall into the lonely but being lost doesnt inherently mean lonely (it actually ties more in with the vast). i say the hunt, though, because he refuses to back down from his stances, even if theyre objectively wrong, and will do so by whatever means necessary. hell instigate the death of others for the sake of getting what he wants.
fwhip: the slaughter. sacrifice and destruction follow him in everything and he thrives in it. his violence isnt entirely mindless but he has a penchant for war and the things that go into it. heres where my stuff starts getting less cohesive as i watch these members much less ;^^
sausage: the corruption and the desolation lay equal claim on sausage. in everything he plays tricks and feigns niceties and makes himself out to be the one in the right. all the way he makes it seem as if hes kind and just in his actions even if his motives are chaos and destruction. he still holds a fear for things going wrong and holds tight to his alliances.
pixl: the end. his vigil is very very 'end' to me. death, to him, is inevitable, a fact of life, and he choses to honor it and give it respect. in all things he does he knows death to be a cause and an end to the means. even if his trickery may just be a signal of the spiral... whos to say?
katherine: okay. bear with me for this one, yeah? the flesh. no im not only saying this because of the bone garden. the fear that we are just meat and bones, the realization that animals go to the slaughter. i believe its a fact that many involved with the flesh become vegetarian after encounters and her whole thing is plants. she shows a distaste for killing animals but a desire to use them in projects.
pearl: the dark. yes, this is the obvious choice, but i do have reason beyond it. pearls character in empires is directly contrary to her name. she revels in the light and lives around sunflowers and growth. despite this she will let herself work into the night, she will let herself turn a blind eye to damage being done. what she cant see cant hurt her.
xornoth: the extinction. i know there are no actual avatars of the extinction in the source, however: it makes sense, right? more than this creature is corruption or the end it wants mortals gone. it wants mortals gone and to be released and freed to do this deed.
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