#by setting the line spacing to 1 instead of 1.5 as for the rest of the text
tardis--dreams · 2 years
4 out of 12 pages are references. That's about half of the references i will end up using. So. 8 pages of references mean i only have 30 pages not 40. Help¿?
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usergif · 11 months
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HOW TO: Cross-Fade Multiple Gifs
Hi! In this tutorial, I'm going to go over how I typically do a fade transition that works with Video Timeline. Disclaimer: This tutorial assumes you have a basic understanding of gif-making in Photoshop and requires the use of keyframes.
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Before I start, if you're wondering "why don't you just use the cross fade tool on the Timeline?" — this thing:
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It doesn't work for me 🤷🏻‍♀️ Something happens when converting from Video Timeline back to Frame Animation (the converting everything into a smart object step) that completely negates the cross fade whenever I use it. I'm not sure why, but this is why I do fade transitions the way I'm about to explain.
1.1 – Determine how many frames you need. There are 3 things to remember here: 1) Ideally, each gif section should have the same amount of frames, so the transitions feel evenly spaced. 2) The gif's dimensions and total number of frames affect file size. Your final exported gif needs to be under 10MB (Tumblr's limit), so you should consider the total number of frames in relation to the size of your gif. My example gif is 540x540px and 60 frames total; final file size = 7.8MB. 3) Add 4 extra frames to each section to account for the cross-faded portion. (The reason I chose 4 specifically is because Video Timeline works in 0.03-second intervals. The typical duration of my fade transitions is 0.06 seconds — which, when converted back to frames, is 4 frames.) I knew 60 total frames would be a safe bet for a gif this size. Since I had 3 gif sections, each would be 20 frames. I added 4 additional frames, making each one 24 frames (before removing duplicates in the exporting process, which will be explained in Phase 3). You can make your transitions longer than 0.06, but I recommend keeping it to intervals of 0.03 due to the way Timeline works. Every 0.03 seconds = 2 frames, so use this when deciding how many extra frames you'll need.
1.2 – Import frames, crop, and resize. Do this as you normally would! If you need a tutorial for the basics, here's my tutorial. :)
1.3 – Move all gifs onto one document/canvas. Right-click the gif layer and select "Duplicate Layer:"
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Then choose the appropriate document from the dropdown list:
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Do this for each gif section so you can work on one document for the rest of the process.
1.4 – Put each gif into its own group. Select each layer and use the shortcut Command+G or right-click and select "Group from Layers." In Phase 2, we'll be putting the opacity keyframes on the groups instead of the individual layers.
1.5 – Arrange each gif's group on the Timeline. At the end of Gif 1, move backwards 6 times. Move the starting point of Gif 2 to this spot. At the end of Gif 2, move back 6 times and make this Gif 3's starting point. Here's how my gifs look arranged on the Timeline, animated so you can see the 6-space distance:
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We'll be adding keyframes to these overlapping sections in Phase 2.
1.6 – Set up the last transition. At the very beginning of the Timeline, hit the forward button 6 times and click the scissors to divide the clip. Move the starting point of your gif to the newly trimmed beginning as shown below:
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Then, move the original beginning chunk of Gif 1 — that tiny 0.06-second clip — to the end of the timeline above the rest of your layers, aligning its end with the end of Gif 3. Put it in a group like you did in Step 1.4:
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Note: This screenshot shows my final workspace with the coloring layers in groups and the keyframes already placed.
1.7 – Color your gifs. Do this however you want, just keep all your adjustment layers and any other effects within their respective groups:
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Duplicate the adjustment layers from Gif 1 and move them into the folder Gif 1 - Beginning (where your tiny 0.06-second clip is). Be sure the adjustment layers line up with the rest of the group so those adjustments don't affect your other gifs! You may want to trim the adjustment layers to match the duration of the clip or just move them so they start at the same spot as that clip.
2.1 – Place a 100% and 0% keyframe at the beginning of each gif's group. Drag the playhead (red vertical line) to the end of Gif 1. Expand the Gif 2 group to reveal the opacity keyframes on the left side of the Timeline panel, then place a keyframe by clicking the icon that looks like a stopwatch. This opacity keyframe is at 100% by default; leave it like that. Drag the playhead to the beginning of Gif 2 and drop another keyframe. While that new keyframe is highlighted yellow, go to the layers panel, make sure Gif 2's group is selected, and reduce the opacity to 0%.
Repeat these steps for each gif's beginning, including the tiny chunk we moved to the end! Here's a gif to show the process:
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(Btw, if you click this gif, it should expand to full size so you can get a better look! I made it 1080px.)
3.1 – Convert back to Frame Animation. If you're not sure how to do this, I've written out the steps here. But I recommend using an action in your general gif-making process to make this step a lot faster. The one I use is linked in my tutorial which I linked earlier!
3.2 – Delete duplicate frames. Remember, at the beginning I set out to make my final gif 60 frames total. With the keyframe animations, I now have 66 frames:
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Palpatine's number 👎 Anyway, that means I have 6 duplicate frames. This is what the gif looks like without removing these duplicates:
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Watch closely during the transitions; there's a tiny lag. It doesn't look smooth to me. It's the clones!! Here's why we have these duplicates:
For every 0.03-second long keyframe animation, you'll get 1 duplicate frame. Unfortunately, that's just how Video Timeline works with any kind of animated keyframe. Since our fade transition is 0.06 seconds, we have to get rid of 2 duplicate frames per transition section (2 x 3 transitions sections = 6 total duplicates. Ew, math!).
There's not really a way to avoid this step that I know of, but it's not a big deal in the long run. You just have to look at each transition section, eyeball the duplicate frames yourself, and delete them. It's usually the first frame where the fade starts and then two frames after that. I already deleted the duplicates from the first two transition sections, so here's how it's done for the last transition:
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Side note: I set up keyboard shortcuts so I can quickly move forward and backward by one frame and delete frames. You can do this by going to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts and editing these:
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And now I have 60 frames like I originally said I would!
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If you want the transition sections to be quicker, you can even decrease the frame delay for the 3 transition frames only — 0.03 or 0.04 might be up to your speed 🥁 but I don't usually do this since I'm fine with the way it looks already.
3.3 – Export. That's it!
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I hope this tutorial is helpful. As always, if you have a specific question about this tutorial, feel free to send us an ask!
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getfuckedblr · 9 months
here’s my guide to making typesets! I use Word to make my typesets, Canva for designs, and Adobe to insert the majority of my designs.
this is a ton of info and I tried to make it as readable as possible, but plz let me know if u need any clarification!
Word: always use the app, the online program doesn't have all of the options needed
paper size: US Letter Borderless
then i flip it landscape, do custom borders, and select book fold. I do 1 inch on top and bottom, .75 in inside, and .5 in outside. i leave the gutter option alone and leave it set to 0. You can choose how large you want your signatures to be (sheets in booklet option on the margins page): I normally do 40 page signatures, but if it's a smaller text you'll want to go smaller for stability. after that, you should have a half page to start your typeset!
Inserting your fic:
the next thing you’ll do is insert your fic; on ao3 click entire story, CTRL A to select all, CTRL C to copy it all. Paste it into your document. word automatically detects the headings, and you should be able to see all your chapters on the left side bar (if you can’t see it, click the page numbers on the bottom left to open the tab).
you can do the next few steps in any order, but we’re going to fix the formatting now. you’ll want to CTRL A everything, pick a font and a font size. I normally use georgia and size 10, going smaller or larger depending on the file size.
To have an indent on every line: CTRL A your work to select all, right click the “normal” style, on the home tab. go to the bottom left, open the drop-down menu, and select “paragraph”. next to special, hit first line. i like to do .3, you can do whatever you want. i then like to make sure the space after is set to 0, the line spacing to single, and then hit save. it should automatically adjust your lines to start at whatever indent you picked.
To fix the spacing: go into the layout tab, and go to spacing. There'll be a before and after option: write in 0, then click enter for both of them. Word is a little bit bitchy so you have to force it do things sometimes. after this you can choose if you want single spacing, or 1.5, or whatever you want.
*sometimes, the way the fic was formatted when posted to ao3 means that even after setting the line spacing to zero, there will still be a space in between each line. this is where you have to troubleshoot. you can either go line by line to delete the excess space (yes, for real. and yes, it's just as awful as it sounds) or, sometimes, not every-time but sometimes, you can highlight the chapter text, go into the home tab on top, click the A with the purple eraser to erase all formatting, and then do all the beginning steps again, and it will get rid of the extra space.*
Now that your format is mostly fixed, delete the archive of our own beta, and anything else you don't want. I normally delete everything up to the title of the work, and leave that for creating my copyright page. Remember to do the same for the end of the work!
Page Breaks and Section Breaks:
the next part is the most crucial. it's how we format both the chapters, but also how we format the headings and footer. this was the part that took me the longest to figure out: it's the page breaks and section breaks. page breaks mark the place where one page ends, and another begins. section breaks will create a new section in your document, so you can break the beginning few pages from the rest of your textblock. This will allow you to insert page numbers that start on page one, instead of at the first page of the document.
I like to go the end of the description, and then click on the first chapter. then I'll add a section break. you can find this in the layout tab, click breaks, and then click section break. so now our section 2 starts with chapter one. After this, add a blank page after the description and before your new section, and then click on the first chapter. (adding a blank page allows for smoother formatting later with headers and footers)
I then go to each chapter, delete the authors notes at the start and end of each chapter, and add a page break at the start of each chapter. i like to use the heading tab on the left to click each chapter, so I know I'm actually starting the new page right where I need to, and other formatting won't delete the page break.
when I create a compilation fic, where I have muitlple fics in one typeset, I use section breaks at the starts of each new fic. this will allow the page numbers to continue, but I can then edit each sectio to change the fic title and the authors name. if you're really fancy, you can do this for each chapter title as well, you would just hve to use a section break for each chapter instead of page break. *Remember to click link to previous to turn it off, so you are only editing that section, and not all the other sections. this can be found in the heading and footer tab on the top, which will automatically open when you click on the heading or footer.*
Adding page numbers, authors name, text name:
To add a page number, I click the footer, which automatically opens the header/footer tab on top. Then, I click page numbers, add page numbers. I turn on different odd and even pages, which is also found in the header/footer tab. you'll have to insert page numbers on both an even and odd age to get them to show up once you click that option. Page one should be an odd page, page two should be an even page. I like to put the page numbers on the outside of the page. Then you'll click format page numbers, click "start at" instead of "continue from previous section", and write in 1. now your typeset starts at 1 on chapter one instead of the start of your document! you'll need to go back and delete the numbers that showed up on the first section, but remember to deselect link to previous before you do that! or you'll end up deleting your page numbers again.
to add text on page numbers:
click into the header/footer again. double click directly on the page number, then start typing. You ca highlight the whole thing to change the font, font seize, etc. I normally do the same size as my text, and I'll either do georgia font or garamond font. I google "copy paste line for text" to get that line dividing the page number from whatever text I have next to it.
to add graphics on an entire work:
you can go into the header or footer, go to the insert tab, and insert a picture. Doing it in the header or footer will ensure it's on every single page that shares that header or footer. I have done this in the past, and find it's cute, but it's also tricky because it needs to be small enough to fit inside the header or footer, and won't really be able to interact with the text because it's different on each page, while the graphic will stay in the same position regardless.
Blank Pages:
you want blank pages at the start and end of your textblock: this is what you'll be glueing your end papers to. even more, you'll want to ensure your total page number is both divisible by 4 (each page of paper will have four pages of your text on it, two to each side) and fits into your signature count. If you're working with a 40 page signature, and you have 420 pages, that's fine. You'll end up having the last signature only be 5 regular pages instead of 10, which is plenty enough to sew. you really just want to try and avoid only having one of two pages in that last signature, as that won't be very strong in holding up your end page, or be very stable in sewing on to your book block.
to make sure they're blank, with no page numbers, you'll want to insert a section break on the last page of text. Deselect link to previous, delete the page numbers and you should be all good!
I'm on a mac. I don't know how you would do this on anything but a mac. let that be a warning lmao. but I will CTRL A everything, ensure it's US Letter Borderless, and then hit print. if you don't tell the document it's the right size, it'll be funky when you go to print because of the margins. to insert images, i click save as pdf. it'll save it in the correct order to print for your signatures, and then I upload it into adobe to edit further. that'll have to be a different post bc this is entirely too long already.
If you want to print directly from here, ensure it's printing the right size, flip on short edge, double sided. and you're all done!
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nautiscarader · 4 years
2020 in animation - recap
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So, 2020. 
Yeah, I have to say I’m not entirely satisfied. Would not recommend, 1 star. 
But I would be willing to bump it to 1.5, if only because of one factor: the animation. 
Because I have to say, this was the best animated end of the world so far! And if there was something that kept our spirits up, it was the cartoon industry!
Just like last year, I should preface this by saying that this is highly subjective selection. Even when one is confined to their Hobbit holes for better part of the year because of *waves hands* everything around, 
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day still only has 24 hours, so I have missed a few shows. (I should also apologise for omitting a few major ones last year, like Milo Murphy’s Law S2, Ducktales, or She-Ra. This is why I started keeping a track this year). I’m sure I will catch up with those I missed this year some time in the future, but for now, let’s see what this year has gifted us with.
And right from the start, January opens the race with very interesting propositions. We were still riding on an incredibly high wave from last year, with Infinity Train season 2.
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This one focused on Tulip’s mirror, and pushed the season towards a much darker and complex story, diving deep into one’s personal journey and identity. There were tears, math, deer, and cops being murdered. Brutally. 
t was followed by two newcomers: The Owl House and first season of Kipo and The Age of the Wonderbeast. Both of them would dominate first half of the year, with The Owl House’s traditional, week-to-week airings, and Kipo's seasons appearing in  June and October.
The Owl House, a strong contender in "What will be the Next Gravity Falls?" contest, invited us to a world full of magic, mystery, elongated owl demons and some dark secrets. It has also created a milestone for Disney, introducing an LGBT couple with characters of bisexual Luz Noceda and lesbian Amity Blight. Their Grom dance has risen to the top of my animates scenes, polling very closely to the unforgettable Kataango.
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On the other hand, Kipo has taken us to the post-apocalyptic world filled with mutant animals, revealing that despite the end of the world, our old vices and animosities have survived in underground burrows, and we have infected the overworld of giant doggos and suit-wearing frogs with them. 
Kipo did not pull any punches regarding commentary about our society, at the same time giving us hope in the form of the main protagonist, who was able to spread friendship and understanding amongst the mutes, as well as the humans that had to survive. And in the world that we have found ourselves in, it was a pretty darn good lesson.
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February would bring end to two seasons of airing cartoons, Big Hero Six season 2 and Miraculous season 3, as well as another newcomer that won the hearts of fans: Glitch Techs, with its "second" season arriving in August. And while in my opinion he show wasn't as good as the other two new titles, I am clearly in minority, as the show about Ghostbuters-like team of game console technicians gained huge popularity... though not enough to keep the show afloat. As of writing this, it is currently in limbo, which is a shame, as the second set of 10 episodes finally added some much needed ongoing story.  
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in March, another show from last year ended - Steven Universe Future. As we have expected, it tackled slightly more mature themes, showing how much Steven needed that therapy we have wished him, telling an important tale of finding one's worth and one's self. its ending might not have been as explosive as those of the original show, or the movie, but it left Steven’s story as open as an open road, and deep in our hearts, we all knew it would look like this.   
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March was also the time when majority of western world caught the coronavirus, and that caused quite a turmoil with the movie and animation industry. One of the first victim of changed schedule was Disney's Onward, which was released on-line on Disney+ quickly after its theatrical release.
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I have mixed feelings towards “Onward”. For such interesting promise, I think it made a few questionable and down right boring turns, though the unorthodox message at the end of it was its strongest point, and it was one I haven’t seen in a while, so it was worth watching just for that.  
April was relatively quiet (aside from more end of the world stuff); brought us third season of Ducktales that spread throughout the year, while May gave us final, fifth season of She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. 
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To my eternal shame, I missed on this show when it premiered, and due to the lockdown, I binge-watched the previous four right in time for powerful and explosive season 5. And even though Catra and Adora finally gave us exactly what we needed, some fans felt slightly unsatisfied, calling for a movie, like the Steven Universe one to be made. And I’d be all for it, the rest of universe needs saving from the Horde! Also, cats in space - hilarious. 
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May also revealed a new player on the streaming field: HBO Max, who surprised us with new Looney Tunes Cartoons, much more in the spirit of the legendary originals than the often-criticised Looney Tunes Show from 2011-2014. And in my opinion, it did; one could feel the same fluidity in animation, dedication to slapstick, and synchronisation with music than in the very first cartoons with Bugs and Daffy.
HBO Max would, however, return in June with first of series of Adventure Time original movies called "Distant Lands". The first centred around BMO, with second one - Obsidian giving us a glimpse into Bonnibel and Marceline's lives.
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Distant Lands allowed people to revisit the odd, odd world of Ooo and learn about its colourful inhabitants, taking turns to seeing their past and the future, an, as usual, showing us that post-apocalyptic world can teach us valuable and meaningful lessons.   
Just in time for full lockdown in our burrows, aforementioned Kipo season 2 premiered in June, together with another cartoon movie, this time featuring We Bare Bears. While their movie wasn't anything to write songs about, it was exactly like the show, providing some wholesome content right when we needed it.
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And just in case you needed more wholesome adventures, Craig of the Creek's second season ended, and its third season began, reminding us of HOW COOL LIFE WAS WHEN OUTERNET WASN’T SCARY AND WE COULD STILL WALK OUTSIDE FOR FUN AND NOT TO HUNT TOILET PAPER.
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Just like last year, July was not dogs' days, but frogs'. Amphibia season 2 started raining on our heads, but unlike last year, its schedule wasn't a daily one, spreading the episodes throughout the Summer and early Autumn, with its second part arriving in February of 2021. There were more roadtrips, more mysteries and MORE MARCY.
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August was equally strong: aforementioned Glitch Techs "season 2" premiered, offering better and more plot-heavy episodes than the first ten episodes. Unfortunately, the show's future is unclear; the uneven divide of plot between the seasons probably contributed to the show not being renewed. 10 new episodes apparently are written, but await in sleep mode, until Nickelodeon remembers about it.
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HBO MAX picked up Infinity Train for its third season, after being derailed by Cartoon Network. And if you thought that killing a mirror cop was shocking... then this season has pushed the limit of what can be shown in modern children's cartoon to a frightening degree. The schedule was once again, weirder, with first five episodes airing on the day of the premiere, ending with a cliffhanger (literally) that only contributed to the shock factor and made us wait anxiously for its conclusion. It was bold, it was dark, it was memorable. 
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And just like Glitch Techs, Infinity Train waits on a side track, unsure if it will be picked up, or will it be abandoned and left as a canvas for graffiti artists.
However, to end the Summer, a truly amazing TV movie has arrived on Disney Plus, where we came back to good, old Danville and could witness Candace against the universe. The new Phineas and Ferb movie brought back the glorious memories of this fantastic show, with the same humour, writing, abundance of catchy songs and a surprisingly deep moral.
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In September we have seen the start of Big Hero 6 season 3 and a odd change of format. Instead of standalone 22-minute episodes, the show now consists of two 11-minute segments. In opinion of many, this weakened the stories, forcing them to be more comedy-oriented, and shortening the potential emotional drama. Still, it gave us funny, short stories, but they did clash with the two previous season, not to mention the movie.
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However, if that wasn't up to your taste, Ducktales season 3 also started airing, and continued its first part up until December with more action- and plot-driven episodes, including the Darkwing Duck crossover, serving as a pilot of the spin-off. 
Later in December fans have learned that Season 3 will be its last, which broke the hearts of many duck fans; however, it seems that the season has been written as the last one in mind, and the news of the ending was known to the creators, which gives us hope for a kick-ass finale somewhere in 2021.
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Miraculous New York, telling arguably one of the most mature storylines, opened the "Heroez" world to some new characters and new opportunities, with two more specials, taking place in Shanghai and Brazil, meant to air somewhere next year. AND I DO HOPE WE WILL SEE MORE LOCAL FOOD VENDOR SUPERHEROES LIKE HOT DOG DAN. 
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October was the month of two season 3's: Carmen Sandiego and Kipo. In case of Carmen, as it is usual with Netflix, the "season" was only a half-one, with just a handful standalone episodes, and just a dash of more ongoing plot. 
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For Kipo, however, season 3 was the end, and what a glorious one it was. Fans were saddened to learn of it, but Kipo was always imagined as a 3-part story, and it showed. The finale proved more than satisfying ending to the plot, elevating Kipo to one of the smartest cartoon characters we should all try to aspire to.
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In November, Distant Lands: Obsidian aired, focusing on everyone’s favourite candy/vampire couple, and the long and complicated love between Bonnibel and Marceline. And as usual, it showed us that relationships are not always as straightforward as we would like them to be, but with enough music and teamwork, no enemy is big enough. 
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For the next new show, I’ve waited with the most amount of excitement and anxiety. Because while I was completely fine with other reboots and re-imaginings to take creative takes, new Animaniacs, (airing on Hulu) had to be perfect and had to be the lightning that struck twice. 
And sadly... it wasn’t. It was still good, but some people criticised (incorrectly imho) the amount of political topics, while I mourned almost total cast-ration of additional characters, aside from Pinky and the Brain. This truly weakened the possibilities it could have had. It was still very good, but you can feel that some of the original charm was lost, due to these odd, odd limitations. 
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December brought us a new original Apple TV movie, Wolfwalkers. A beautifully animated folk tale of friendship and social divides, and how short-sight can cause the collapse of both arguing sides, reminding me very much of the intelligence and heart of original “How to Train Your Dragon”.  
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We’ve had to wait two years for the return of arguably one of the most wholesome shows out there: Hilda. Second season dived into deeper mysteries that permeate the rich and colourful troll-ridden land, we saw the return of some familiar characters, and introduced a whole new storyline, that ended with a surprising cliffhanger. Still as wholesome, but now with a tiny bit of Police incompetence. Also Twig, lots of Twig.   
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Just like Onward, Pixar’s highly anticipated Soul aired on Disney+, telling a very mature story about finding one’s purpose in life, what that purpose actually means, and whether it exists at all. Beautifully animated, with fantastic soundtrack, it was a stunning tribute to creativity, and it never dumbed down its profound, open message about following your dream.   
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And just if you thought that Soul was going to be 2020′s last note (pun very much intended), right before the year ended, DC Super Hero Girls concluded its first season on a rather anti-climactic two-parter. That being said, the season, running from March of last year, was packed with short, bite-sized, funny stories, taking interesting spins on existing comic book characters. For a comic book noob like me, it was perfectly fine, and I can’t wait for the second season next year. 
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And so, we have reached the series finale of humanity. 
2020 ends in just under a day. What will 2021 bring us? I do not know, and if the animated shows of this year have taught me anything, is that the future is an always open book, full of worries and challenges, but also opportunities and possibilities. 
And in reality I was too lazy to check any news sites about upcoming projects.
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therealvalkyrie · 4 years
Painter’s Hands and Guatemalan Coffee: Part 1.5
portraiture and speculation
Pairing/setting: Levi Ackerman x Female!Reader, modern!college!AU
Summary: When you catch your idiot boyfriend cheating, your grumpy roommate is there to pick up the pieces and watch your back as you toe a carefully drawn line in the metaphorical sand.
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: mentions of insomnia, slight angst, swearing, and idk libraries?? ‘Tis not a heavy one
AN: So this is a mini-chapter, entirely Levi’s POV, hopefully to give some more background/insight into what homeboy’s thinking. And we get some Hange in this chapter which I had so much fun writing:)) Thank you for the wonderful comments on the last chapter and again, please don’t hesitate to reblog/comment/send in an ask with any suggestions, questions, or feedback!! ~valkyrie
(read Part 1 here)
In the hierarchy of genres established by the Academy, history painting was at the top and portraiture came next. Artists aspired to elevate the importance of…
Levi takes a slow sip of tea while his eyes glide over the article in front of him: the latest reading for his European Art History class. His mouth twitches at the bitter taste of over-brewed Earl Grey. The library cafe never seems to be able to get tea right, but he was desperate for some caffeine to push him through a couple more hours of studying.
...female members of the royal family have been depicted as goddesses…
Fuck. Levi’s brain had gotten away from him again. I have no idea what I just read.
With a deep sigh and adjustment of his posture, Levi starts the paragraph again.
In the hierarchy of genres established by the Academy, history painting was at the top and portraiture…
The portrait in his room flickers into his mind’s eye. Nearly complete, his mother’s smiling face stares back at him. The stormy grey of her eyes had taken Levi a week to remember and another to perfect. Sometimes, when he can’t sleep, he sits cross-legged on his bed facing her and wondering if it’s truly an accurate depiction. In his best memories, she is warm and smiling and beautiful. Levi can’t help but wonder if somehow he’s written over his mother’s true features with an invention of his own; some sort of collage of the kind women in his life. He had caught himself painting Hange’s wide smile instead of his mother’s once, and he hadn’t worked on the portrait for a month after. If he was going to ever do it justice, he had to be certain it was as close to his actual memory as possible.
The end of the page jars Levi out of a reverie, and once again he hasn’t retained any of what he just read. Leaning back in his chair with a frustrated groan, he allows the ambient noise of the library to drift back into his consciousness.
The beeping from the front desk as a librarian scans books. The thunk of someone’s metal water bottle on a table. A spirited discussion between two professors in line at the cafe. Levi can feel his will to work slipping from his grasp with each passing moment.
“No use trying to study with your mind caught up in more important things,” your voice seeps through the cracks of his work ethic. It had been six weeks into living with each other when you caught Levi staring into space at his desk instead of working yet again and decided to do something about it. Your pretty hands had guided his own away from the laptop and closed it with a finality even your obstinate roommate couldn’t argue against.
“We’re going out for sushi,” you’d insisted. “And then you’re going to watch your favorite show and go to bed.”
You were right. It’s exactly what Levi needed, both then and now.
“Hey, shortstack!” A pair of hands lands heavily on his shoulders, and Levi has to quell the urge to break Hange’s nose with the back of his hand. He settles for a steely glare over his shoulder, greeted by her energetic grin.
“If you touch me without warning like that again I will not hesitate to put you in the hospital.” Hange doesn’t seem perturbed by his deadpan delivery, but nonetheless removes her hands and holds them up in surrender.
“I come in peace! Just thought I’d say hi before my lab.” She pulls out the chair next to him and plonks down but doesn’t bother to put down her backpack or unwrap her scarf. “How’s the studying going?”
“I was just finishing up. Can’t concentrate in this environment.” He gestures vaguely to their surroundings.
“Yeah, no kidding. I’m surprised to find you here, actually, don’t you usually hole up in an empty studio?”
“Eh, figured a change of pace might help. Clearly not.”
“Great, then you can walk me to class! I’ve been meaning to talk to you anyway.” Hange bounces out of her seat and flits her gaze around the library as Levi packs up his stuff.
As they leave the library together, frigid winter air swirls around them, kicking up a flurry of snow from the snowbank by the sidewalk. Levi zips up his jacket and stuffs his hands into its pockets. Hange is unusually quiet as they walk towards the sciences building. Levi hazards a glance and sees her deep in thought, chin tucked into her scarf and glasses fogged with breath.
“So are you gonna tell me what you wanted to talk about or am I supposed to guess?” He nudges her with an elbow and she jumps.
“Oh! That’s right. It’s about your delightfully brilliant roommate,” she starts, grinning at Levi once more.
“What about her?”
“How has she been doing? Y’know, since the breakup?” Hange’s tone is almost too casual, and it makes Levi take a second to carefully consider his answer.
“She’s been fine, I think. Going to class, eating, studying.” He pauses to think again. “She has been staying up late a lot. Why do you ask?”
“That’s just it, she looked exhausted this morning in our seminar. Like she hadn’t slept at all.” Her quizzical gaze is fixed on him as he considers this.
Come to think of it, you had been looking quite tired recently. He had attributed it to upcoming exams, but it could certainly be deeper than that. For the past two weeks since the breakup, Levi had noted light from under your bedroom door every night as he went to bed. And yet, you were consistently awake before him, already on your first or second cup of coffee.
“You’re right. I don’t think she’s been sleeping,” he affirms, setting his mouth in a thin, worried line. While Levi was no stranger to insomnia, he did have strategies to help himself get enough sleep even when his mind couldn’t rest. Chamomile tea, meditation, sleeping pills when it really came down to it. Does she have those resources? he wonders.
They arrive outside the sciences building and Levi stops just short of the stairs, Hange turning to face him.
“Will you check up on her, please? Make sure she hasn’t actually been turned into a vampire?” Her tone is joking, but Levi can see the worry behind Hange’s eyes as he gives her a nod.
“Of course. I’ll text you later. Good luck in your lab.” He waves her off as she practically skips up the steps, giving him an impish salute.
“Have a good one, shortstop!”
As Levi turns back to begin walking home, worry sets in his chest with a winter-like frigidity. He thought you had been doing fine. 
I thought she was glad to be rid of that jackass.
-- (read part 2 here)
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hrodvitnon · 3 years
Post-Abraxas timeline GvK scenario - Continuity and thoughts
Continuing from my review of ‘Abraxas’ new chapter on FF .net; I thought I’d just contribute some thoughts I’ve had about how 'Abraxas’ would affect events, mythos and continuity (ways in which Abraxasverse has already deviated and diverged from Monsterverse’s post-KOTM canon and how that would impact on GvK, that sort of thing), if the GvK crisis DOES occur in some form or another canonically in Abraxasverse. Sorry it’s late, it took a lot longer to write this than I thought it would. ^^’)
This post by me is for making pointers for consideration about diverges from Monsterverse canon that the main 'Abraxas’ story has already made and how they’ll impact if a GvK scenario occurred in Abraxasverse, though I’ll also take this opportunity to share some of my own thoughts and ideas about it beyond that. :)
So, down to it:
(1) Where/How/Would a Ghidorah skull come in in regards to Mechagodzilla? It’s been established in 'Abraxas’ that Abraxasverse Ghidorah’s severed heads will fight off necrosis with their healing factor and will just slowly regrow the rest of Ghidorah; that severed heads can suck the power out of any electrical systems they come in contact with to feed themselves; and that humans being too close to Ghidorah heads’ telepathy for too long is a bit like mixing lead poisoning with an over-winter stay in the Overlook even if you don’t actually sit in the head’s skull. All three of which are divergent to the implications of the Ghidorah-skull in GvK. Maybe there’s adaptation deviation in the Abraxasverse GvK scenario, where Apex use the Children of Zmei instead of a Ghidorah skull to pilot Mechagodzilla and it’s them that makes the Mecha become a sentient psychopath?
(1.5) This is just my thoughts and ideas: if it’s still a Ghidorah skull piloting MechaG instead of some of the Children of Zmei: maybe in the four years after 'Abraxas’, Ghidorah comes back again and is killed again and the skull comes from this most recent defeat, with Apex using a chemical to suppress the skull’s healing factor and assuming that was enough for them to control the evil triple-mind inside the bone. (Although after how big and dramatic that climax chapter was, I like to think that Ghidorah is now either gone for good or it’ll be a very long time, as in at least a decade in-universe, before Ghidorah ever resurges directly.) Or, maybe there’s a creepier origin story for Apex’s Ghidorah skull: Apex unearthed the skull in a dig which reveals it to be thousands of years old, and when Monarch find out after everything, they’re puzzled about why a decapitated Ghidorah head just decomposed and became a semi-sentient hunk of bone, instead of regrowing the rest of Ghidorah like San’s old head did or re-attaching itself to other severed pieces to speed up Ghidorah’s resurrection from a pre-Antarctica ancient battle. Godzilla doesn’t know anything about the skull, and neither does San. What’s creepier, Monarch’s analysis of Apex’s Ghidorah skull indicates that while the skull’s structure is the same, its DNA actually isn’t entirely identical to Ghidorah’s, as if the skull encountered something which changed its genetic makeup. A thought occurs to Viv 'n’ San: San’s decapitation at Isla de Mara probably wasn’t the first time a shed skin got split off from Ghidorah, in fact San remembers that when there was more than one shed skin each time Ghidorah died in the past, they would usually signal each-other and combine to speed up Ghidorah’s resurrection… but there were times, on alien worlds that Ghidorah conquered, when it just wouldn’t care for these shed skins before returning to space since it wouldn’t be around on the planet for them to challenge it. What if more Ghidorah clones grew from the severed pieces it left littered on the dead alien worlds once the main Ghidorah left? Godzilla, San or other Titans would surely know if a Ghidorah-clone ever set foot on Earth while they were alive - does that mean the Ghidorah skull’s owner came to Earth and died before the still-living Titans were born and before the main Ghidorah that San came from arrived on Earth? And what killed the skull’s owner? Why is it’s DNA altered: did it encounter something, on ancient Earth or in space, that changed its genetic makeup? :o Does this mean there are more creatures like it, born from Ghidorah’s remains littered on dead alien worlds, who are still amongst the stars and who might one day find their way to Earth?
(2) I’m wondering who will be in charge of Monarch when Godzilla starts rampaging. If Mark rejoins Monarch and it’s still him who’s in charge, hopefully his character development during 'Abraxas’ will mean that even if his role doesn’t change much, he’ll be a lot less of an ass now than he was in GvK, and he won’t be the same fantasy-forbidding father that he apparently was to Madison in the GvK novelisation.
(3) One major thing that’s on my mind every time I think about this: in GvK, a lot of the conflict came from the humans not understanding why Godzilla’s attacking; and Viv 'n’ San as a Titan with EVP can communicate with both humans and Godzilla. So the only way I can imagine the whole Mechagodzilla crisis wouldn’t be over in time to prevent MechaG’s activation with Maia never getting near the Hollow Earth energy source, (unless there’s more adaptation deviation) is if Viv 'n’ San are on vacay in the Hollow Earth when the Titan rampage kicks off, and therefore aren’t topside to explain to Monarch and the world that Godzilla can hear Ghidorah’s call at every place he attacks. (Who knows, maybe in Abraxasverse, Viv 'n’ San will run into Kong and Team Kong in the Hollow Earth, then follow them topside in time for Mechagodzilla’s emergence - heh, I can imagine Viv 'n’ San’s “Oh, for fuck’s sake!!” reaction to a big, cybernetic Godzilla-Terminator bursting out of a mountain with Ghidorah’s bio-acoustics howling out of it.) And on top of this, there’s also the main 'Abraxas’ story hinting that the old Bone Singers’ ways of communicating with Titans are going to start coming back soon in Abraxasverse among the human population, making it less likely humanity will be as completely in the dark about Godzilla’s rampage as they were in GvK…
(4) I’m not sure where the internet rumour that Godzilla in Monsterverse canon sent the Titans back into hibernation because he sensed the Ghidorah skull came from - from what I’ve read, in 'Godzilla Dominion’ and the GvK novelisation, Godzilla explicitly sent all the Titans back to stasis because keeping them in line while they were awake was too much for canon-Godzilla to keep managing in the long-term, unlike with Abraxas-Godzilla. Maybe the other Titans will globally participate in Godzilla’s rampage looking for the Ghidorah-piece that’s calling out to any Titan listening, and the fact it’s every benevolent Titan that’s rampaging instead of just Godzilla will proportionately fan the flames of public panic and enable Apex’s role to go unnoticed. This could actually go quite a long way to make it understandable why the public are so blind to the pattern with Apex-facilities that Godzilla is attacking; if over a dozen Titans rampaging on humanity’s cities has the public too whipped up into a panic to think straight - especially since from what we’ve seen in 'Abraxas’ so far and from what TVTropes says about the GvK novelisation’s expansion, it looks like the public generally in Abraxasverse are a bit more humbled and concerned about the Titans’ environmental importance and a bit more common-sensed after KOTM’s events than they were in GvK’s continuation. Anyway, frankly I’m hoping an Abraxasverse GvK scenario will retcon or at the very least downplay the KOTM Titans going back into hibernation - I’m in agreement with TVTropes that turning KOTM’s humans-coexisting-with-awakened-Titans setup into an aborted arc and largely letting the Titans-environmentalism thing fade into obscurity was a crappy move on the Monsterverse writers’ part.
(5) Mechagodzilla’s pilot. With how Abraxas-Ren has already interacted with the Titans and shown his father’s respect for nature, I can’t see that character going down the same path as the Monsterverse-canon Ren did. There’s that idea a Nonnie suggested that Ren could get mind-raped by Ghidorah if it comes back (or maybe by another psychic evil Titan like Gigan ;)) so Ren becomes like canon-Ren - but after Chapter 17, I feel it would be better if canon-Ren, who’s stood apart from his canon counterpart and become his own endearing character in 'Abraxas’ already, goes down his own unique path. There’s also the possibility that Abraxas-Ren could be an unwitting pawn to Apex who doesn’t know what they’re really up to, but I doubt Simmons, if he’s anything like in Monsterverse canon, could ever fully pull the wool over nature-respecting Abraxas-Ren’s eyes. If MechaG still has a pilot with a relevant role, I think the pilot should be someone else. Maybe it’s Maia, who has a bit more brains in Abraxasverse than she did in GvK. Or maybe it’s an OC.
(5.5). An idea in the latter camp I had: maybe, as a mirror-world like flip to canon-Ren; whereas in Monsterverse canon it was Serizawa’s son who was MechaG’s pilot, in Abraxasverse it’s instead the OC son of Admiral Stenz - the son who agrees with his late father about killing the Titans to prevent human casualties, but who is much more willing to murder thousands for the so-called greater good and is crossing lines that his father never would’ve crossed. Or alternatively, maybe Stenz Jr. is a bitch-in-sheep’s-clothing; he expressly disagrees with his late father’s approach to handling the Titans which almost handed the world to Ghidorah on a silver platter in 2019, and he believes humans and Titans should live together… but instead of seeking a fair coexistence, Stenz Jr. thinks the Titans should be humanity’s slaves and Sentient Batteries, replenishing the world to benefit human civilisation whilst being penned by humans who dominate them with MechaG and being harvested for any resource goodies their bodies hold.
(6) Continuing from my pointer about how the human public in Abraxasverse seem to be a bit more common-sensed generally in Abraxasverse: I’m guessing this means Apex probably won’t have the military’s under-the-table support that they had in the GvK novelisation (according to TVTropes), and instead Apex’s corporate conspiracy will rely more on underground paramilitaries and other illegal groups - including groups with anti-Titan sympathies - to get the materials and resources they need to build Mechagodzilla. OR: maybe in Abraxasverse, MechaG wasn’t built in secret by Apex; maybe in reference to your old Tumblr shenanigans about Vivienne and Serizawa using MechaG, Monarch started building MechaG so humanity could contribute in a fair and meaningful way to fate-of-the-world Titan brawls alongside Godzilla and Mothra, but Apex stole MechaG (maybe Apex used the havoc and confusion of a Titan rampage instigated by Ghidorah-remains or the Children of Zmei calling out) and they installed the Ghidorah/C.O.Z.-parts into the Mecha thinking they could control it.
(7) If this scenario does occur, considering how awesome Monsterverse-MechaG was; maybe in an Abraxasverse scenario, instead of being killed fifteen minutes after he’s born, MechaG will have the smarts to flee once Kong and Godzilla team up and the odds turn against MechaG, leading to MechaG being a longer-lived threat? Maybe he’ll even recognise Viv 'n’ San are part-Ghidorah and take an interest in the Ghidorah half of them, in contrast to Ghidorah’s interest in the human half during 'Abraxas’?
(8) The destruction of Skull Island. It was caused in Monsterverse-canon by Camazotz manipulating Ghidorah’s storm. Assuming this still happens in Abraxasverse, wouldn’t Monarch contact Viv 'n’ San and make them aware of what’s happened (if Viv 'n’ San don’t find out on their own) so they can use their Ghidorah-derived, storm-harnessing powers to try to reverse what Camazotz did? After all, Monarch would probably be thinking, since the storm will kill all non-protected life on the island if it stays that way, even if Viv 'n’ San’s attempt to change the change goes wrong, it can’t be any worse for the island than if they didn’t try. Of course, there’s still the real possibility Viv 'n’ San’s attempt could make no difference or even end up making the storm worse for the climate of places beyond the island.
So, yeah, those are just my thoughts on how a GvK scenario could occur in Abraxasverse, and the mythos and continuity considerations involved. :)
Whew! So many possibilities and great ideas, thanks for sharing them! Who knows what the future brings, but what I can say is that, whenever the hell I start working on it, Chapter 18/Epilogue won’t be nearly as huge as 17 was (which was over 22 THOUSAND WORDS HOW THE FUCK), so if it’s okay maybe I’d like to leave one or two nods to this list for the AbraxasVerse take on GvK…
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cno-inbminor · 4 years
adsentio - stagnation
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a/n: we’re back with prince!akaashi, royalty!au, extra part. i promise i was writing the wedding scene, but then it started storming pretty heavily...and my brain said, “no, Kay. it’s rainy hours. write angst. you know you want to.” and...this happened.
NOTE: for this specific scenario, it’s not 100% necessary to read ‘adsentio’, the main story. however, there are details that reference it and subsequent parts. the basic idea is: you and prince akaashi had been set up to marry since you were children, and while the both of you were against it for a while, feelings changed for the better.
summary: after a few years of being married, you find yourself firmly concluding that indeed, akaashi no longer loves you.  
genre: angst!! with happy ending though. wc: ~2.9k
main story: adsentio (pt. 1) | bonus letters (pt. 1.5) | the masque (pt. 2)
Whenever torrents of rain cascade over the kingdom, down the vine-ridden castle walls and pattering upon the lake, many will pause in their tasks and gaze out the nearest windowpane. Thunder may rumble and lightning may strike, yet everyone registers the same twist in their stomachs. An unease lies beneath their skin; a chill that wickedly summons horripilation. In an effort to battle the shadows, fires begin to roar, one by one through the castle. Aches and pains arise in bodies as the masses wait with bated breath for the rainbow to appear as it always does.
Smoke floats through the chimneys and taints the air, evident by the wisps of gray and onyx. Yet they are unnoticed and in stealth on this dreary night where everyone must succumb to the understanding that there will be no rainbow. The controller of the tides will peak above the midnight clouds and attempt to shine, but never strong enough to guide the nightly travelers.
Even with the tamed inferno in the chambers, a puff of visible air leaves your lips. Your hands clasp tightly together, your fingers intertwining with each other in your lap as you sit in front of your vanity. Raindrops beat against the glass of the balcony doors, glistening in their trail towards the ground. Yet as soon as they fall onto stone, the drop shatters and colors the surface. It paints and paints until the blemishes appear and the imperfections glare towards the skies.
Jewels sit heavy on your figure, your crown resting on a cushion atop your vanity. But in this moment, nothing weighs more than the wedding ring on your left hand. It’s crushing, suffocating; it burns a print and imprisons your appendage, reminding you of unspoken promises ghosted against your ear. The gems hold decades of memories, being passed down from queen to future queen, and you wonder if any of them proceeded with what you plan on doing.
Akaashi had entered the room as smooth as a serpent, silent like a zephyr. Your only warning of his presence is the raised hairs on the back of your neck, your body tensing just as his hands placed themselves on your shoulders from behind. Another breath is drawn from your lungs as he peers into the mirror at you, the faintest expression of happiness drawn from his lips. But it’s lifeless. It’s the one he reserves for meetings and pleasantries, for when he disagrees with his father but has no choice to comply. His eyes are darkened with death and dissatisfaction, and has been for almost two weeks now.
His brows only marginally furrow with concern at your lack of reaction, how you seem to be looking past him. Your own expression comes off as solemn yet nervous, as if you’ve committed a grave sin.
“Is anything wrong, my dear?” He asks gently, watching carefully.
Your lips purse as you turn your head towards the hand on your right shoulder. They no longer provide the warmth and comfort that they did so many years ago, but only serve to freeze your soul and weave together the insecurities that you had painstakingly unraveled. Akaashi continues to gaze at you in silence as you stand from your seat, wordlessly beckoning for him to take your place. With guarded hesitation, he does as you say. Instead of standing behind him as he did you, you instead take the space on his right, facing his side profile. Feeling unnerved, he turns to face you rather than his own reflection.
In times of vulnerability, you have always struggled to find your footing, to feel that you are powerful. You believe there is a strength in possessing self-awareness and having the ability to convey those thoughts to someone who cares and knows. Just because you feel small in the moment does not mean you must be small. You can tower over the other person as you do now, forcing your prince to lift his chin to speak to you.
“You are unhappy,” you whisper ruefully.
“I don’t…I don’t understand,” he fibs, his eyes wavering as he directs his gaze away from yours. In that brief moment of eye contact, you had seen the show end, but the curtains lifted, the gears turning and unveiling his chaotic despair.
“You cannot lie to me, milord. And only you are incapable of doing so with me.”
He lets out an arduous sigh and slouches his back, a pose of defeat and exhaustion. A dagger twists his heart at the title, but his reticence allows you to continue.
“I can only imagine that there have been many women in my position before, where they must continue to rule with locked lips and the key thrown. There must have been many who were as hopeful as me, and yet as time aged us, we had to turn the other way and simply learn to accustom ourselves to the new surroundings. With how long we have known each other, I know almost everything about you. To most, you may only have a few sitting postures. But to me, you have tens. Each little movement indicates something different, something you happen to be thinking or feeling at that moment. It’s ingrained into my brain by sheer force and repetition, and I’m beginning to wish I was more oblivious. Perhaps, then, I would at least have been a happy fool, content with my misguided beliefs.”
“What are you trying to say?” He enquires as he dares to face you again. With regret, loss, and grief, he watches as your eyes begin to shine with tears and the most bittersweet smile on your face begin to form.
“You no longer love me.
“And I have no objection to that,” you continue, raising a hand to stop any of his interjections. “I should have known that you would eventually tire and wish for what I had voiced all those years ago: some freedom, some choice. As much as you had convinced yourself that marrying me was unequivocally your free will, you no longer believe it. All of your interactions with me scream so, and I have no intentions to attempt to convince you otherwise. Doing so would be hypocritical of me. So for now,” you pause, looking down at your hands while catching your breath.
Akaashi can hear the tremble of your lungs over the crack of thunder and the beating of the heavens. But everything deafens when your right hand hovers over your left ring finger. They hesitate and shake, reaching then reclining, before grasping the ornate band and slowly, lamentably removing it. You then extend a hand to gently grasp one of his, placing the piece of jewelry in his open palm, then curling his fingers closed around it.
“For now, I shall return this to you. You may do as you wish, as I will not stop you. Perhaps…we were not lucky enough for love.”
You sleep with your back to him that night, unwilling to face him when only mere inches exist between you two. You miss how Akaashi turns to face your back, how his arm tentatively reaches to wrap around your waist before pulling back, and can only slip into his dreams when counting the strands of your hair.
“The Prince urgently requests that you meet him in the library, Your Highness.”
“Preferably, yes.”
“Very well, I shall be there shortly,” you sigh, your turning away signaling the messenger’s dismissal. Your head bends down to take one last look at the embroidery in your lap, your fingers finishing some last few stitches for an appropriate stopping point. Fingers cautiously smooth the wrinkles of your day dress, and you take one last deep breath.
The journey to the library is painstakingly laborious, as though each step you made had been done with shackles around your ankles. There is a weight to the sound of your heels clicking against the ground. Maids and butlers shuffle past you with heads bowed, though you seem to deep in a trance to observe.
Much of the energy and power that you felt you had exuded those nights ago had soon dissipated from your body. Your body resembles an empty shell, devoid of a plan to stand on your feet and continue with your normal activities. Your left ring finger screams into the numbing void, the missing weight almost bearing its own scarlet letter. You stayed in your room as much as possible, requesting meals to be delivered to the chambers. Akaashi nearly always needed to be away, taking care of kingdom affairs in preparation for his inevitable ascension to the throne. The only times you were ever near him were in the mornings and nights. You understood he was allowing some space for you, yet to request your presence…
Soon, you stand in the doorway of the royal library, the wooden entrance left ajar. The space acts as a safe haven for anyone in the castle; you gently press it open with the pad of your fingers. Hundreds of books on shelves line the walls with a few tables and lounging couches, yet it is eerily empty. Typically, there would be another person climbing one of the ladders to reach a high book, but even those are gathering dust for now.
Akaashi is in the farthest corner by the window, small stacks of bound journals and novels on almost every available space of the surface. He stands tall by the glass, looking out towards the gardens with his hands clasped behind his back. You take this moment of his oblivion to appreciate the back of the man before you, choking back and battling the agonizing twist of your heart. It is a moment you feel that you no longer deserve, but whatever it may be, the matter seems far less urgent than what the butler had told you.
You near him and clear your throat, the noise causing him to spin on his heels. He looks somewhat taken aback, but quickly composes himself as you curtsy. “I am here, Your Highness. I was told you had urgent matters to discuss.”
Akaashi sighs somewhat before sitting in the chair, beckoning you to come closer to the desk. His complexion seems pale and almost gaunt, and in turn, you frown. Was he not sleeping? Or eating? Has his father been putting too much pressure on his shoulders?
“I must confess,” he begins softly and refuses to meet your eyes. “The matter isn’t as urgent as I made it out to be. But I wanted to see you as soon as possible as it is still important and does concern you.”
“Did I…do something wrong?”
“Of course not,” he immediately denies, taking a hasty glance towards you before turning back to the books on the desk. “If anything…I am the one who has wronged you, and I hope you can find it in yourself to forgive me,” he continues, his voice trailing towards the end of his confession. The desperation for forgiveness and repentance drown his words until they are all you can feel, yet you were so unsure of why he was seeking those. Did he pity you? Your emotions?
“I believe there is no reason to forgive you, as there is nothing you should feel sorry for,” you say stiffly, hands subtly wringing together.
“I must concur,” he kindly retorts. “Here, please have a look at this.”
He hands you a journal from the top of a stack, encouraging for you to take it. The leather feels aged and worn, but it is one you recognize from many, many years ago.
‘You could consider it a memoir.’
“Open it, please. And read what’s inside it.”
With a curious look, you unwind the ties and peel back the cover. The first page holds nothing, but when you turn the yellowing parchment, familiar handwriting greets you. A date sits in the top right corner, marking it a little less than a year before your eighteenth birthday.
‘I must say, I was pleasantly surprised to receive a letter from the princess. In my mind, she would have better things to attend to than to reply to me. After all, we both have our own duties, and in addition to hers, she must be attending some of her father’s meetings. I cannot deny the fact that my heart began to race swiftly when I saw her signature at the bottom of the letter. Even in her writing, I could hear her voice in my head, reading it the same way as if she were speaking to me. How I long for the summer months to quickly come.’
The beginning entry ends there, but as you thumb through the other pages rapidly, they are filled with his writing in neat, onyx ink. You begin to recall the days when you both were here in this very room, him scribbling away as you read your subject of interest. Your eye the other similar-looking journals and he confirms your unspoken questions.
“They’re all about you,” he smiles, though it seems sad and apologetic. “As you can see, I filled quite a few journals over the many years, but…unfortunately, as I grew busier, I was unable to write as much. When you said those words to me that night,” – a grimace on his complexion – “I couldn’t believe myself. Did I truly not love you anymore? At first, I struggled to find an answer…until a few days ago. I have spent much of my time reading through these pages, seeing what I have written.”
“You read…all of these? There must be almost twenty journals here,” you say in a mixture of disbelief and awe.
“I couldn’t quite put them down, I must admit. Some of my best work, perhaps.”
He stands from his seat and walks around the desk until he’s in front of you. Those pools of cobalt blue still find it difficult to meet your own eyes – they swim with contemplation and hesitation, but a sheet of determination soon clouds them. After you recognize that, he grasps your left hand with both of his and kneels on one knee, his forehead bowed down onto your knuckles either out of embarrassment or absolute respect.
“Keiji, what are you—”
“I was wrong. I had been so wrapped up in my own affairs that I failed to look after you as I had promised at the altar. I neglected you and unwittingly led you to believe that I no longer loved you. You do not deserve such a foolish man, so ignorant to forget how good you are to me, how there can be no other woman because you are my perfect match. I have been reminded of all the reasons of why I love you, and I swear on my existence that I love you more than I ever have.
Yet the truth is, I shouldn’t need to be reminded. You should never need to question my loyalty to you, and for that…I can only give my deepest apologies,” his voice trails to a volume so soft, yet so shaky with remorse. “The regret that I feel can’t even begin to hold a light to the pain that you must have kept bottled inside you, where you kept the cork in for as long as possible as to not burden me. I have failed you, and I will spend the rest of our days correcting my wrongs. In this very moment,” he pauses, inhaling a deep but quivering breath.
“I desperately and humbly request of you to give me this one last chance, to prove that I can be the man you deserve. I am begging you, my future queen, to forgive me.”
Your breath hitches with the last statement.
A prince never begs.
Yet he was here to lay it all out for you, imploring that you stand by his side, again, in more ways than one.  
“Please rise, Your Highness,” you call out softly, your hand reaching out to try lifting his chin and meet his gaze.
He stubbornly shakes his head. “Not unless you give me your answer.”
“Keiji, you don’t need—”
“Your answer. Please,” he beseeches with the last word, breath held. You know that when Akaashi becomes insistent, he never backs down yet somehow still allowing the other person to have a choice in the say. No thinking needed to be done, as your answer should be quite obvious.
“How could I ever refuse you, Keiji?” You tease softly with a smile.
Since the first moment he had kneeled before you, he looks up to see your face. Unshed tears glisten from the sun’s rays streaming through the glass. Your words are more than enough for him to stand on both feet again, soon wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head into your shoulder. These acts of affection are only a small portion of what you had sorely missed, and you were counting on Akaashi to fulfill his vow.
“You are everything to me,” he breathes unsteadily into your neck. “And I will make certain that you never forget this, even after we pass.”
“I can trust you?”
“Yes. I promise.”
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cheryls-blossomed · 4 years
1.1) I would like to comment with you, some critical points in my opinion in season 6 for Iris, 6x1 was all very fast, to explain the consequences of Nora's death for Barry and Iris1.2) 6x2 cut the scene where Iris is at Star Labs showing concern about her burnt husband, but left KF (🙄) drawing and shows Iris arriving at the end of the day at home, to see her husband and when Jay and his wife are already leaving, which makes her look like work is more important than her husband and his visitors
1.3) Barry and Iris 6x5 are going to travel and instead of saying that they went on romantic walks, they said they went to many beaches, because when the couple is a white man and the protagonist and his wife a black woman, they cannot speak on the Show, that they were having sex
1.4) 6x8 didn't give WestAllen a space alone for Barry to talk to Iris who saw Nora baby, since the directors were wrong to not allow them to talk more about the subject in 6x1, 6x8 would be a great opportunity to fix this, but no, they put Iris on the same level of importance as the Flash team when she went to talk to Barry with the others.
1.5) 6x9 (this episode seems like a joke to me), Barry and Iris spend 8 episodes practically without touching, then just because Barry is chosen as the paragon of love, the episode has more kisses than the entire season🙄😒😤
1.6) 6x10 Great episode (Candice was great), I thought now the journalist Iris will appear more, because Iris was in a vibe of Olivia Poppe and Annalise Keating, but they didn’t put her in the mirror and didn’t even make her explore the world of mirrors, she and kamila could have a parallel journalistic adventure that Barry was having outside the mirror, but unfortunately they didn't.
it was about these things from season 6 that I would like to talk like Iris, in my opinion it was impaired
Absolutely, nonnie, and seeing as how this is quite long and I’d like to give weight to your full discussion, it probably makes the most sense for me to respond to each of your points individually. 
In relation to 6x01, I personally think the episode did a really good job in portraying Barry and Iris’s respective grief, especially Iris’s. There were issues in that episode, including Iris having to watch her jacket be swept into the Black Hole, and in this traumatic moment, she has to save herself and the attendant who was with her (meanwhile other white characters, whom are always coddled, are allowed to be saved). But I think the episode did do a good job in centering Iris’s grief and allowing her and Barry to have a really good conversation revealing that they’re not okay after losing Nora, and having them comfort each other. The issue is that the show just dropped the fact that they are grieving parents after this. There are nods later on to their grief over Nora, but given how well 6x01 had dealt with their respective grieving processes, particularly Iris’s, it was a real disappointment that the show didn’t continue writing conversations for Barry and Iris where they continued to deal with that grief, especially in the lead-up to Crisis, where Iris now has to deal with losing her husband so soon after losing her child. 
I agree that it was ridiculous to cut the scene of Iris going to see Barry at S.T.A.R. Labs, as that looked like such a sweet moment, when there were certainly other scenes that could have been cut (that “art” sub-plot... could have been cut by one scene). However, I disagree that that was how that final scene when Iris returns home was framed. Iris was at work; she’s working during the days, and she was also meeting her newest hire. Iris met Jay and Joan earlier that day and was extremely grateful that they had brought Barry back to her. Barry was just chilling with Jay and Joan later that evening; they probably popped by when Iris was finishing up t work. Iris was shown juggling her work life and her family life, and she still has to work. I don’t think her returning to the apartment a bit later after she’d met Allegra and wrapped up her work, especially because she was investigating an ongoing case, had any implication that she puts work above her family life. She rushed back the moment Barry came back from Earth-3, and then when she was resting, she returned back to work, when she had this pressing ongoing investigation. 
Wrt 6x05, I mean, this show never explicitly says anyone is having sex. They use innuendo all the time, and this is one of the most innocuous examples. Iris tells Cisco that they went to fifteen beaches. It’s not like she would tell him she and Barry had sex on those beaches, lol. So, I really don’t think that’s an issue. However, what is an issue is the fact that we didn’t get even one scene of Barry and Iris on their romantic getaway, especially because season 6A had completely neglected Iris’s feelings and POV on losing Barry. This would have been a great time to showcase Barry and Iris just spending time with each other and making every moment count. 
I agree re 6x08. That episode is beyond infuriating.
6x09 was great, imo, nonnie! I get being frustrating that they had way more kisses in that episode than in any other episode before, but I don’t think it was simply because Barry is the Paragon of Love and so they wanted to emphasize his love story (although I’m sure that was part of it). That episode really showcased how deeply Barry loves Iris and that she is by far the person who is most important to him (Barry only caring that the wave is getting closer to Iris “Every moment that wave gets closer to my wife”; Barry’s last word being Iris; “I’ll always come running home to you;” Barry telling Iris what a superhero she is). 
Yes, 6x10 was a great episode for Iris. And I agree that after setting up such a cool journalistic arc for her, it was beyond egregious that TPTB trapped Iris in the Mirrorverse and didn’t give her the investigative arc in the Mirrorverse that she deserved. The Mirrorverse opened up so many possibilities, and TPTB squandered that, instead focusing on random stories I definitely didn’t care about (like who really needed to see speedster! Grodd or Nash’s man pain drama, for that matter). It was beyond frustrating, especially because this story-line is Iris’s. Eva is Iris’s Big Bad. And yet, the writers trapped Iris, subjecting her to mental and psychological torture, and didn’t do anything substantial with the Mirrorverse. 7x01 was the first episode that we see Iris in other parts of the Mirrorverse, but 1) this plot deserved way more screentime, and 2) she’s undergoing mental trauma during this plot. TPTB frame Iris’s stories through her trauma constantly, and this is a misogynoiristic narrative construction. 
Season 6 was overall a complicated season, in many respects. 
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inkofamethyst · 4 years
October 1, 2020
This will have to be the last week of me messing about instead of studying and the like.  I’ve had a good month, and so far I haven’t really screwed up anything all too badly, but I’ll be starting a strict daily schedule next week.  For every ~1.5 hours of work, I get a ~30 minute break to do whatever I wish.  I’ll be attending the guided study sessions for orgo II and watching my lecture videos on a regular time schedule.  I got lucky in that I had my first midterms all around the same time, allowing me to start fresh.  This doesn’t really happen again for the rest of the semester.  I’ve got a spaced repetition calendar all set up within Notion, and it’s time to start putting that to good use.
Second thing, I ordered some more fabric :)  Turns out I’ve made ~$300 this past month selling masks (not just on Depop though, I’ve given some masks to family and friends and they’ve paid me for those as well, but over $200 came from Depop mask selling alone), and another $30 or so selling some clothes within the past few weeks.  This doesn’t make me feel nearly as bad for buying fabric and notions and new clothes and the like, especially after getting the refund I got for returning one of my books for school.  Would you look at that!  I’m making money!  I haven’t done my accounting officially for this month (this month will be the most complex by far, since I’ll have to split what I earned from what I purchased, and I’ll have to split my purchases into personal and mask-related), but I’m positive that I’ll be in the clear.  I set a loose budget for clothes shopping, but not so much for fabric shopping.  In future months I’ll most definitely need to limit my sewing-related purchases unless I’m making something to be sold, but this month was sort of a “I have cash to spend, and I need things to do while I’m home for the semester!” type of deal.  I have a couple of projects in mind that I want to do, but I’m currently just filling out my fabric stash so I’ll have some fun stuff in case I come across a fun new pattern I want to try.  I still don’t quite know what I’ll be doing with my wool, by the way.
I do know that I definitely want to make the American Duchess Cape that’s been making the rounds within the historical sewing community, but I’m not quite sure what fabric I’d like to use.  Apparently cotton flannel is pretty good for a thinner one, and maybe I could use a solid quilting cotton for the lining, or maybe the other way around, I’m not quite sure yet.  I’ll head to Wal-Mart next time I ship my orders and I’ll see what solid cottons I find.  I have to do it early in the morning though because the Wal-Mart near me is a bit... shifty.  But!  Their cotton prices tend to be lower than JoAnn’s, and that’s what counts.  All that said, I absolutely must finish the other projects I’ve begun (I’ve still got quite a few masks left that I’d like to do, both for donations and for selling, and I’d really like to complete the waistband of the brown pants I had started a month or so back, and I need to stitch up the straps on a couple of my sister’s tank tops) before I start something else.  I’ve got too many things in progress right now!!
Okay, last thing before I head back into studying before Swing.  Actually, no, I’ve got two more, no, three more things.
1.  This is a quickie: tomorrow I’ll be taking part in a mental health research interview aimed at studying the mental health of young black women.  I’ll also be getting paid ($10) for doing it!  But of course, I’m here to support the science.  As Judas most definitely said, “I haven’t thought at all about my own reward; I really didn’t come here of my own accord.”
2. Okay this one is a bit more exciting: Ever since I started going on college tours and such, I think I’ve always wanted to do something like that and represent whichever university I ended up attending.  So!!  I submitted an application to be an ambassador for my honors program and I just did my interview yesterday!!  And it went really well!!!  I should find out by next Friday what the decision will be, but I actually feel fairly confident about my chances.
3. The most exciting one: So my YA Lit class is literally the chillest class I’ve ever taken in my life (literature teachers just be like that I suppose because my AP Lit teacher senior year was also extremely chill), and basically this prof is making this class into a class she would have wanted to take in undergrad as a humanities students in an honors program.  So we read a bunch but since she also has creative writing experience, we also are doing some creative writing workshops where we peer-review.  Today we had our first one, and I decided to submit a scene from the audio drama I’ve been working on (which I might try to binge-write a complete draft for during NaNoWriMo?  We’ll see), and the two people in my group really liked it!!  I got some good feedback about the clear characterization and it was good to hear someone else’s opinions on two of the characters (MC and RS, specifically) for the first time.
Today I’m thankful for my YA Lit class, as I think this writing workshop might have hopefully jumpstarted me into drafting this whole drama?  I know I had wanted to finish it during the summer, but then COVID rolled in and writing wasn’t my coping mechanism, sewing was.  I really would love to complete it before next semester, and I’d love to be able to record and edit it next semester and possibly publish it by the end of the Spring, even if I have to get my own recording things.  The sound won’t be quite as professional as I’d hoped, but I think that should be okay?
I’m so relieved that people at least think of that part as cool.  Granted, it was a more... colorful conversation than most of the drama will be, but I only had a page and a half and I needed to hook people in somehow.  One of the options for this class’s final will be to present a creative writing portfolio, and I think I might do that with this drama?  Like, use our free-writing time to work more on the episodes and such, then I can submit pieces of an episode or two --vignettes, really -- as part of the portfolio to make it a bit more comprehensive than just a bunch of random short stories (though I might include a couple of those too).  My dad keeps warning me that I should be careful about who gets to see my story ideas and excerpts and stuff, so I’ll keep that in mind when deciding what to share.
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steve0discusses · 6 years
Yugioh S3 Ep5: Happy Valentines Season the Writing Team Remembered YugixTea Exists
Alrighty, I’m mostly back together from nearly a week of the plague and now my buffer is basically demolished. Man. Youknow, every time I make a buffer this happens. Maybe I was just asking to get sick? That every time I finish a healthyish buffer my immune system just tanks in response?
Anyway, that’s fine because it’s been like a week now that I’ve been sort of wanting to talk about the massive amount of birds in this episode. Yeah, birds. I mean there’s no reason for me to try and hide the spoilers, I’m assuming 99% of y’all have seen this show. There were a LOT of birds.
Last we left off, Yugi decided to run headfirst into a trap door.
And then on the other side he was somehow amazed this was a trap?
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Because there wasn’t either a mace or an ax handy to go through the wall like Tristan And Duke, instead Yugi has to end up in a Photoshop Filter.
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Shoutouts to the overlay aurora borealis on top of this whole mess. This whole aesthetic here is just so nostalgic and I didn't even watch this show as a kid.
Man the 00′s were a great time. Speaking of great time.
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We’ve had like 0 Joey for like 4 episodes and it’s been kind of incredible since this show leans pretty heavily on Joey. Like I have barely touched that mustard color in Photoshop, instead it’s been a lot of Tea, and I’ll be honest, about time. I have been saying for like 3 seasons now that this girl never has anything to do but be a ghost bus and a sort-of-not-really-gf to I guess Mokuba and sometimes Yugi but now she’s...still not doing a whole lot. I’ll be honest her new big thing is mostly running away from things, but at least now she now does Olympian feats while still doing nothing.
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But all that’s gotta change because, much like Joey in S1, Tea’s gonna throw some cards with only like 2 games under her belt. 
So like, I was experiencing Witcher 1 the other day, and I don’t recommend it since Witcher 1 is not nearly as good as it’s sequels, but there’s this hilarious line where Witcher is gonna learn a dice minigame, and he asks his friend “how can I become a dice expert?” and his friend goes “Well that takes experience! Play 4 games.” and it’s like lol what? 4? That was all it need for ANYONE to be an expert, huh?
This is like that. Yugioh is a weird universe where Yugi is King of Games but he’s only been in one tourney and he’s only played this game professionally in a professional no-one-is-setting-anyone-on-fire setting like maybe 4 times.
Like everyone plays this game but the bar for entry is surprisingly low? All Yugi had to do was beat one guy by playing him once, really--just beat Pegasus and boom, King of Games. No wonder Seto was so freakin pissed.
Anyways, so the fact that Tea hasn’t really played is just like everyone else on this show.
(read more)
Anyways, after she ran 4 miles and climbed a bridge and all that, she decides, youknow what? Right here in this barren orc-filled desert is probably a safe place for a dream sequence.
And she dreams of the very last person I expected her to dream about.
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So...I have questions about this dream sequence, ones that I will touch on later, but clearly Tea is getting some inception quality prophetic card knowledge from Yugi through a dream...however...Yugi isn’t actually doing anything right now. Right now Yugi is running through Tron so like...how is this happening?
Like is this just Tea actually knowing how cards work under layers and layer of subconscious? Because under layers and layers of Tea’s subconscious is actually SlightlyMoreOrLessEvil!Marik, who, as we discovered through last season’s plot twist is actually very, very bad at cards. Bakura might be still under there too, but he’s sort of everywhere just minding his own business so I doubt he’d bother coming out for Tea. Bakura’s still canonically dead/hanging out in Yugi’s Brain Labyrinth Game Room playing Gameboy Advance until Season 5.
I mean, it would be neat if Yugi actually could do this but like...he’s not actually here or at all aware that this is happening. Yes he has Ishizu’s necklace right now but will not use it this episode. This is just happening for no reason.
Which leads right into the second thing which is our most vague couple is finally going to get it’s own episode since like the beginning of season 2 and it’s literally all a dream.
Flashbacks to Yugi and Tea actually hanging out and talking one on one were all we really needed to stop calling this ship vague but eh this BARELY counts as it’s all one sided. This is just Tea doing all of this relationship herself. Which is pretty true to form as Yugi is a mess and can barely do relationships with himself at this point, let alone add a girl into the mix.
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I feel like at this point a Broadway play about one single Yugioh card is waaaaaaay more likely than YugixTea ever like ever getting together (cuz like FOR REALS most Broadway is bad. Like legit not great). In fact, this make believe date they went on together is so far from reality--as it is not only a dream, but a dream in VR, and that even in the dream itself Yugi reminds her “PS, WE NEVER WENT ON THIS DATE, PS” and Tea’s like “that seemed open ended” and Yugi was like “NOPE.”
So this play is so terrible that it asks for audience participation and it turned her into a cosplayer.
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So little aside, when I got my Netflix account the first thing I rented was Ironman, and then the second thing I rented, mostly out of morbid curiosity, was Cats.
Regrets. I like watching some pretty bad movies and plays but Cats is sort of like...if everyone dressed like personified leg warmers and made us pretend the leg warmers turned them into cats for some reason, and that the legwarmers were all in a polyamorous relationship with everyone else and got way too horny when they danced. And then they all died at the end/went to space/got reincarnated. But, I guess we have to give Cats some credit for basically launching furry technology forward like 50 years.
I am SUPER looking forward to the Cats movie. Probably will skip it in theaters but Netflix? Yes, please!
Anyway, Pharaoh was also here chaperoning these two like he always does although Tea has no idea what he looks like.
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I just realized that, so far, every date we’ve seen with YugixTea, Yugi wasn’t even there. Like how does he keep managing to do this? The kid is managing this relationship like a champ being the supportive boyfriend or whatever and he’s not even there. Like damn.
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A penguin.
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so many penguins
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Anyways, the animation team drew I want to say like 600 penguins for this episode. I just want to acknowledge their sacrifice for our behalf, so we could have this filler episode and watch an actual relationship blossom between Yugi and Tea but only in a dream sequence.
Because I notice art stuff like this, they did copy paste these penguins in a clever way so it wasn’t drawing 60000 penguins, but damn that’s still a lot of penguins.
My bro, the namesake of this blog, freakin loves penguins. So this entire episode he kept looking over at me and being like “right?! RIGHT!?” and it was like “wow, Bro they really made this show just for you huh?” and he was like “RIGHT?!?!”
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So the thing about Crump is that he likes collecting numbers about people, which the show makes out to be strange but I have a bunch of accountant friends, and I once had one tell me that God was an accountant, and then he gave me some complicated explanation that I absolutely muted out of my memory. I once had a friend who had a fascinating spreadsheet on everywhere she lived and the friends she had, just to see if she could accurately display the percentage chance of who was dating, who was getting married, and the exact percentage of which of those broke up and the length of all of their relationships. And she was an art major.
I never saw those spreadsheets of love numbers, I only know they exist, and I have no idea where I stood on them. Sometimes I think about it. Is she still tracking me? I sure hope so.
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Dude that one penguin on the right just
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This show throws out the number 219 pieces of pizza like that was a bad thing?
I guarantee you, that eating 14 slices of pizza a year is a depressingly low statistic (assuming you don’t eat pizza when you’re 1 yo) That is only about 1.5 large pizzas a YEAR. That is nothing.
Course bear in mind I’m a Californian and I eat like...about 2-3 slices every time fast food pizza is offered me. And if I’m alone, well dammit I’ll eat.......more than that, we’ll just say. In fact, I just Marie Kondo’d my closet and found my college cookbook which was mostly me trying to replicate the CPK Thai chicken pizza as well as the CPK Pear Gorgonzola pizza (and may the CPK Pear Gorgonzola Pizza Rest in Peace, you perfect pizza. I have not returned to CPK once it left the menu. Bro hates this pizza but he is wrong.)
Like it sounds way nasty but I’m Californian so we don’t believe in food purity here. Put whatever the hell you freakin want on your dumb ass pizza. No food is sacred, no food will be left untouched, we’re all human beings, and everything you like is all going to be turned into pizza and tacos anyway. That is the way.
I’m pretty sure that I’ve only had 219 pieces of just Pear Gorgonzola Pizza (since it was a pricier pizza). Maybe Crump was just referring to the one type of zah?
Anyway, I got very distracted by pizza just now.
Tea heard Crumps offer to duel her in exchange for her body and she was like “I don’t really actually want to do that.” and just bounced.
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I mean at least she tried to bounce. As it is, I’m glad Tea is like the only one here who at least has figured out that Cards are Dangerous.
And then an iceberg formed under her feet.
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Meanwhile, Yugi has been sent to this room with four doors. Each door has a number of stars between one and four. Please remember he has Ishizu’s future necklace somewhere on his person and it could probably help him out but nah.
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and then out of no where Yugi pulls this out of his pocket.
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Another place where, because they localized the show to a ton of different countries, they decided to make a fake currency so people wouldn’t be thrown off by a Japanese coin and it only made the lore more confusing. He could have just used a Yen and I’m pretty sure us American kids would have been fine but localization problems amiright?
But yeah, there’s just this super random Millennium Penny that Yugi just has. To have. The redheaded stepchild 8th Millennium item no one remembers. Just like how no one remembers Bakura.
Now that I think of it, he did pull some pennies out of his pocket back in S1 with the labyrinth riddle. So maybe that’s just a skill the millennium puzzle can do--making weird ass pennies?
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This is my brother’s aesthetic, this right here. This Big Penguin in a 3 piece suit and it’s got some anime for some reason strapped in the most goofy way on it stubby little wing.
This is Steve-o’s Mood down to a T.
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Anyways, funnily enough, Tea and Yugi do actually get to communicate with each other this episode, but she isn’t aware that she’s doing it, much like how he wasn’t aware that he was in a dream she just had.
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And so, Yugi feels newly inspired and very desperate and just throws himself directly at the door.
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Yugi never did this back when Tea was abducted last season. Which...was yesterday. All that happened literally yesterday in the timeline of this show. Literally yesterday in the timeline of the show Seto Kaiba had to save Tea because Yugi got himself tied to an anchor and was too busy trying to kill himself to save Joey Wheeler (which didn’t even work and Serenity had to save Joey Wheeler instead it was a whole very confusing thing.) Like Yugi has got to stop needlessly sacrificing himself it only works a fraction of the time.
Anyway, Crump (Crumb? I don’t remember his name anymore) gives us a little backstory on why he chose to be a bird. We never got a backstory with like...Gansley. I think Yugi didn’t really waaaant to know why he was a sexy fish. And Gansley honestly didn’t want to tell him. And personally, I’m OK with not knowing.
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What is it with TV shows and saying that every freakin weird tick their characters have is down to childhood trauma? Usually from parents? Like it’s such a tired trope nowadays. And honestly, from a psychological standpoint, TV shows constantly blaming parents for any character being an asshole is sort of unfair because sometimes you just have a kid who’s an asshole and it’s no one’s fault (except for the kid himself). But mostly, Yugioh tends to get creative with their backstories and this one is just “I dunno, I was lonely” which is a whole lot like the Mai backstory, but she didn’t turn into an evil bastard who wants to be a penguin, did she?
Hell, she got engaged.
Anyways, Seto’s S1 outfit makes a rare appearance. I miss that green jumpsuit with the pop collar. We got it twice this season. Heh, and bro told me this arc was bad.
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And so because Crump was just straight up real bad at business and didn’t know how to find more angel investors, he’s just gonna do a murder.
Can we talk a little bit about this? So Gozoboro Kaiba was an asshole who made a ton of weapons--and that whole time, Crump was working with him so that one day he could go up to Kaiba Sr and be like “lets put that nuclear deal on hold--what if instead we just sold...penguins?”
Like that was Crump’s whole life plan. He blames Seto for it not working out but this guy worked for a supervillain for I’m assuming was like 30 years to build this theme park that I’m pretty sure would have never been made anyway?
And then Seto turned right around and made a theme park with a bunch of dragons in it?
Like why didn’t Crump just go to a freakin Zoo and be like “Lets make a penguin only zoo?” Like why didn’t he start with people who actually worked with animals?
Why did Crump go straight to working with the evil guns n stuff company to build a children’s theme park?
Anyway, he’s a penguin now, so it’s not like Crump is really all there and altogether. Like I’m assuming that maybe Kaiba Sr got a penguin theme park commission in his inbox once a month and just threw it in the trash being all “there goes that Crump again” and just ignored it or something. Like every Halloween work party Crump would have been a penguin, right? Like EVERY Halloween for 30 years? And like when Kaiba Sr got his boys did Crump come up to him and give him a Penguin lecture about how to be a perfect parent? Like how much of a nightmare was Crump to work with and how many times did the Kaibas try to kill him before Seto finally did is what I’m asking.
Also, still taking Dayquil, thanks for asking, I apparently still have some rants.
But that’s all for now.
PS I’ll have you know I almost made the title of this episode “fowl play” and decided that was too much of a low hanging pun. But I’m still like...I’m still feeling like putting it up there. That be the mix of meds and congestion.
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digital-arts-etc · 5 years
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Clean House to Survive?
Museums Confront Their Crowded Basements
With storage spaces filled with works that may never be shown, some museums are rethinking the way they collect art, and at least one is ranking what it owns.
Paintings line the basement storage space at The Indianapolis Museum of Art, which has graded its entire collection to help determine what art it may want to sell or transfer to another institution. Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields; Lyndon French for The New York Times
Fueled by philanthropic zeal, lucrative tax deductions and the prestige of seeing their works in esteemed settings, wealthy art owners have for decades given museums everything from their Rembrandts to their bedroom slippers.
It all had to go somewhere. So now, many American museums are bulging with stuff — so much stuff that some house thousands of objects that have never been displayed but are preserved, at considerable cost, in climate-controlled storage spaces.
At the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston: ashtrays, cocktail napkins, wine glasses. At the Indianapolis
Art Museum: doilies, neckties and women’s underwear.
In storage at the Brooklyn Museum: a roomful of home décor textiles, a full-size Rockefeller Center elevator and a trove of fake old master paintings the museum is barred from unloading.
Some collections have grown tenfold in the past 50 years. Most museums display only a fraction of the works they own, in large part because so many are prints and drawings that can only sparingly be shown because of light sensitivity.
“There is this inevitable march where you have to build more storage, more storage, more storage,” said Charles L. Venable, the director of the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields. “I don’t think it’s sustainable.”
His museum was so jammed with undisplayed artwork that it was about to spend about $14 million to double its storage space until he abruptly canceled the plan.
Instead, it embarked on an ambitious effort to rank each of the 54,000 items in its collection with letter grades. Twenty percent of the items received a D, making them ripe to be sold or given to another institution.
Not long ago, such ratings would have struck many in the museum world as crass. But Mr. Venable is now at the vanguard of a growing number of museum directors who are taking a hard look at how much they have and how they collect art because they fear a history of voracious stockpiling and the pressure to acquire still more is creating a crisis for American museums.
“It doesn’t benefit anyone when there are thousands, if not millions, of works of art that are languishing in storage,” said Glenn D. Lowry, the director of the Museum of Modern Art. “There is a huge capital cost that has a drag on operations. But more importantly, we would be far better off allowing others to have those works of art who might enjoy them.”
MoMA regularly culls its collection and in 2017 sold off a major Léger to the Houston art museum. Yet, it too is in the midst of yet another costly renovation (price tag $400 million) to be able to exhibit more of its ever growing collection.
Part of the problem is that acquiring new things is far easier, and more glamorous, than getting rid of old ones. Deaccessioning, the formal term for disposing of an art object, is a careful, cumbersome process, requiring several levels of curatorial, administrative and board approval. Museum directors who try to clean out their basements often confront restrictive donor agreements and industry guidelines that treat collections as public trusts.
Collections have ballooned in the past 50 years.
Some major American museums have seen the size of their collections soar. Even the oldest institutions often saw their holdings double or triple in number
Percent change in collection size, 1970 to present
Brooklyn Museum...3%
MFA Boston...................75%
Philadelphia Museum of Art......114%
Denver Art Museum........................251%
Indianapolis Museum of Art..................265%
Metropolitan Museum of Art................... 329%
Whitney Museum................................................692%
Dallas Museum of Art...............................................818%
SF MoMA......................................................................1014%
MFA Houstob..............................................................................1438%
            100%       300          500      700       900        1,100       1,300  
Major museums are only able to display a small portion of their collection.
Number of objects on display at a given time:
300,000 objects
.........................Dallas Museum of Art
..................................Whitney Museum
600,000................................... SF MoMA
......................................................Indianapolis Museum of Art
..............................................................MFA Houston
900,000...........................................................Denver Art Museum
...................................................................................Brooklyn Museum
..........................................................................Philadelphia Museum of Art
1,200,000.................................................................................MFA Boston
1,500,000..........................................................Metropolitan Museum of Art
The percentage on display is affected by space constraints, but also by how much of a collection is devoted to works on paper, which cannot be shown for long due to light sensitivity. The Met collection is particularly weighted toward works on paper, but its percentage on display, about 4 percent, is in rough parity with other museums on the list.
And many still hold the view that a wholesale parting with objects can be risky. Overlooked art comes back in style. Forgotten treasures turn up. Many pieces, they argue, should be retained for scholars, regardless of how often they go on public view. And much art still needs to be acquired as museums respond to the soaring popularity of contemporary art and aim to integrate more work by women and artists of color.
“People can’t understand why museums have more than they can show at any given time,” said the critic and curator Robert Storr. “But preserving the best of the past — no matter how unpopular it may temporarily become — is the purpose of museums. They should protect their holdings; they shouldn’t jettison them for short-term gains or savings.”
But holding on to it all has consequences, most notably the pressure to build new exhibition wings. Some wealthy collectors take matters into their own hands, creating private museums to retain control of what goes on view.
Eli Broad, the philanthropist, said one reason he created his own Los Angeles museum, the Broad, was to ensure a proper display of his impressive collection of modern and contemporary art.
“I don’t see how giving art to museums that are not prepared to show a fair amount of it makes any sense,” Mr. Broad said. “Of the 2,000 works in our collection, I got the sense they would show 1 or 2 percent of the work and the rest would go in storage.”
Generous to a Fault?
The current museum storage predicament has its roots in gifts like Adelaide Milton de Groot’s to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Upon her death at 91 in 1967, she did not give just a few paintings from her collection. She gave all of them — more than 200.
Thomas Hoving, then director of the Met, recalled in his 1993 book, “Making the Mummies Dance: Inside the Metropolitan Museum of Art,” that he was “shocked” to learn from his No. 2, Theodore Rousseau, that “only half a dozen paintings” were first-rate.
“Many of the other pictures were not even worth showing,” he wrote. Upset, Mr. Hoving said he demanded an answer from Rousseau, “What were we going to do with them?”
“Put them in storage or sell them was his answer,” he added.
Adelaide Milton de Groot, who died in 1967, arranged in her will to leave more than 200 paintings to the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Sidney J Waintrob; Budd Studio
Museums have always had to be diplomatic with important collectors. With acquisition budgets so limited, they have long depended on donors’ largess.
“Museums were accepting with less criticality when collections were smaller,” said James Rondeau, director of the Art Institute of Chicago. “We took 12 when we might not have even taken one.”
Some donors were able to dictate terms.
In 1985, when the philanthropist Wendy Reves donated more than 1,400 works from the collection of her late husband Emery Reves to the Dallas Museum of Art, she required that it re-create five rooms from their villa in the South of France — including furnishings from the décor of the home’s original owner Coco Chanel. Among the accouterments in the display: Mrs. Reves’ slippers beside the bed.
Four years ago, Stefan Edlis and Gael Neeson gave the Art Institute 42 contemporary works worth an estimated $400 million. It was the largest gift of art in the museum’s history and came with a stipulation: All the works have to be on display for the next 50 years.
“I got the deal of a lifetime,” Mr. Edlis said in an interview.
In the case of Ms. de Groot’s large gift to the Met, the museum sold some 50 pieces, and ended up with much public criticism and an inquiry by the Attorney General’s office as to whether the Met had trampled on the intent of Ms. de Groot’s will.
Two years later, Mr. Hoving agreed to accept the collection of the investment banker Robert Lehman — at 2,600 works, then the largest art donation in the Met’s history. Though some art critics questioned its quality, the Met built a wing to display the collection, with rooms that re-created the Lehman family residence.
Under the Lehman Foundation’s agreement with the Met, the collection will remain in the museum forever.
Today the Met’s collection tops 1.5 million items,  many of them stored in 105,000 square feet of on-site storage, the equivalent of almost two football fields, and four off-site locations in New York and New Jersey.
Max Hollein, director of the Met, said the collection’s size reflects that the museum’s mission extends beyond display. “We also preserve the cultural heritage of humankind,” he said, but added that going forward, “Our focus at the Met is not going to be on what we still need but on what we have and how we display it.”
As Mr. Hoving found out, deaccessioning can sometimes be a dirty word. A routine practice, it is nonetheless often fraught with controversy. Won’t donors be insulted when museums re-gift or sell their donated work? Aren’t such gifts, underwritten by taxpayers, part of the public trust?
The Berkshire Museum Museum drew protests when it announced a plan to sell art from its collection in 2017. Gillian Jones/The Berkshire Eagle, via Associated Press
Moreover, the Association of Museum Directors has strict guidelines dictating that proceeds from such sales can only be used to acquire more work, not to cover operating costs like staff salaries. Institutions that have violated these rules in the name of financial survival — including New York’s National Academy of Design, the Delaware Art Museum and the Berkshire Museum— have been labeled pariahs, in some cases penalized by the refusal of other institutions to lend works.
“If an institution is faced with an existential threat, isn’t it better for the institution to survive with some works of art than no works of art?” countered Gary Tinterow, director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, defending the Shelburne Museum in Vermont’s decision to sell $25 million worth of art in 1996. Mr. Tinterow said his museum has gradually been getting rid of the excess in its two house collections of decorative arts — including those ashtrays and stemware.
Anne Pasternak, the director of the Brooklyn Museum, said there is increasing discussion these days about revisiting the strictures of deaccessioning policies. But she acknowledged “there is a lot of fear around this conversation.”
From Dusty Attic to Modern Museum
From the Brooklyn Museum’s first days, storage was an issue. When its Beaux-Arts building on Eastern Parkway was built in 1893, the museum was focused on amassing enough art to put on view, not where to keep it.
“They took just about anything that was offered and thought maybe someday it will be useful,” said Kevin Stayton, the museum’s chief curator emeritus.
In those early years, random spaces were recruited to house things. “You had storerooms and you threw work in it,” Ms. Pasternak said.
Some donors literally dropped their collections at the door. One art dealer, Ivan C. Karp, persuaded the museum, starting in the 1950s, to take some 400 fragments of ornate terra cotta and stone mythological creatures that he and friends had salvaged from demolition sites. They were stored in the museum’s backyard. Some were used for a sculpture garden. Others ended up in a parking lot.
Objects stored in remote areas came to be forgotten. Such was the case about 20 years ago, when curators found an old slab of marble leaning against a back storage wall. It was a delicately carved 1860s relief by an important self-taught sculptor, Margaret Foley.                     
Arnold Lehman, who led the museum from 1997 to 2015, recalled confronting the great morass, including more than 23,000 items of American and European clothing and accessories, an impressive but fragile collection that was costly to maintain.
One advancement in storage has been to make it visible to the public as done here in the Brooklyn Museum's Luce Center for American Art. Andrea Mohin/The New York Times
“I kept saying that we weren’t equipped to deal with this properly,” Mr. Lehman said.
He set out to consolidate and now the museum is that rare art institution that holds fewer items today than it did 10 years ago.
Not that it was easy.
Some complained when Mr. Lehman transferred some 1,500 terra-cotta pieces to a foundation in St. Louis. There was grumbling when he sent the museum’s huge trove of costumes to the Met in 2008 under a deal that gave Brooklyn continuing access, and its name on the collection.
Mr. Lehman was never able to unload some of the 926 items that were bequested by Col. Michael Friedsam, once president of the department store B. Altman, who died in 1932.
A quarter of the gifts, including old master paintings, turned out to be fake, misattributed or of poor quality. The museum still stores and cares for them because the courts have ruled that, under the colonel’s will, deaccessioning requires permission from his executors. The last of them died in 1962.
The Brooklyn Museum storage facilities are updated today. Paintings hang on special racks; objects returning from loan are temporarily isolated, lest they be carrying pests; and an open storage area allows visitors to see items that would otherwise be out of view.
But Ms. Pasternak, who took over as director in 2016, is continuing to look at “next steps” regarding storage. One focus: a room that holds thousands of textiles, European tapestries and lace, and some furniture.
She would like to turn it into a gallery for African art. The cost-benefit analysis, she said, seems straightforward: “A permanent home for an African art gallery versus storing something that we’ve never shown.”
  The Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields has deaccessioned more than 4,600 works since beginning a major study of its collection in 2011. Lyndon French for The New York Times
On the Front Lines: Indianapolis                                              
If you want to start an argument, there are few better ways than assigning something a grade.
So Mr. Venable created quite a stir by deciding to rank the entire collection of his Indianapolis museum.
Founded in 1883, the museum shows 8 to 10 percent of its collection at any one time. The ranking began in 2011 when a Mellon Foundation grant paid for outside experts to spend six years reviewing the collection.
His own staff then built on that work. By the end every item had a grade: “A being a masterpiece,” Mr. Venable said, “and D being maybe onetime in the distant past this was a valuable object for us but we probably shouldn’t hang on to that.”
The assessment measured a work’s aesthetic qualities, its physical condition and whether the museum perhaps had better examples of the genre. Mr. Venable decided not to keep art purely for study, asking. “How many scholars actually look at those things on an annual basis?”
Now comes the tough part — getting rid of the works through sale or transfer to another institution. What may be a D painting to a large, encyclopedic museum, which has several by that artist, may be an A to a smaller institution, which has none.
Charles L. Venable, director of the Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields. Lyndon French for The New York Times
The storage spaces at Indianapolis. The conservation of art requires an understanding of aesthetics, logistics, the science of materials and how they react over time and to other substances. Lyndon French for The New York Times
Since 2011, the Indianapolis museum has deaccessioned 4,615 objects, with the vast majority of those having been sold. Some 124 works have been transferred to other institutions, including art glass from the Marilyn and Eugene Glick Collection.
The museum decided that only some of the collection’s 250 pieces were worth keeping, so Mr. Venable approached the Glicks' grandson-in-law, David Barrett — a museum trustee — about transferring some to another institution.
The Marilyn K. Glick Center for Glass at Ball State University in Muncie, Ind., soon received 60 pieces from Indianapolis.
That kind of flexibility is essential to museum survival going forward, Mr. Venable said.
”What is the balance between almost obsessively art collecting and spending vast amounts of resources on it?” he said. “Are we really just addicts collecting objects that our curators bring in generation after generation?”
Collections have ballooned in the past 50 years.
Some major American museums have seen the size of their collections soar. Even the oldest institutions often saw their holdings double or triple in number
Percent change in collection size, 1970 to present
Brooklyn Museum...3%
MFA Boston...................75%
Philadelphia Museum of Art......114%
Denver Art Museum........................251%
Indianapolis Museum of Art..................265%
Metropolitan Museum of Art................... 329%
Whitney Museum................................................692%
Dallas Museum of Art...............................................818%
SF MoMA......................................................................1014%
MFA Houstob..............................................................................1438%
            100%       300          500      700       900        1,100       1,300  
Major museums are only able to display a small portion of their collection.
Number of objects on display at a given time
300,000 objects
.........................Dallas Museum of Art
..................................Whitney Museum
600,000................................... SF MoMA
......................................................Indianapolis Museum of Art
..............................................................MFA Houston
900,000...........................................................Denver Art Museum
...................................................................................Brooklyn Museum
...............................................................Philadelphia Museum of Art
1,200,000..................................................................MFA Boston
1,500,000..........................................................Metropolitan Museum of Art
The percentage on display is affected by space constraints, but also by how much of a collection is devoted to works on paper, which cannot be shown for long due to light sensitivity. The Met collection is particularly weighted toward works on paper, but its percentage on display, about 4 percent, is in rough parity with other museums on the list.
The Indianapolis Museum of Art has ranked its collection with letter grades to determine which works may be a drain on resources. Which one do you think got an A?
Grade: C  Cour d'une Ferme    Maurice de Vlaminck    c. 1926                
Grade: A   Jimson Weed   Georgia O’Keeffe   1936                
Grade: B   The Flight into Egypt    Marc Chagall    1943-44                
Grade: D  Seascape   A follower of Willem van de Velde II 17th century
The Chagall won praise for its “whimsy and pathos,” but curators celebrated “Jimson Weed,” calling it O’Keefe’s “largest and most ambitious floral work.” They noted, “The use of three blooms separates it in quality and importance among its peers of similar composition and subject.”   “Seascape” earned its low grade in part because of a large hole in the canvas but also because it’s not by Velde, but a “follower of” Velde. In sum, a curator wrote: “Extremely poor condition. Poor quality painting.”        
9 notes · View notes
everything-dlp · 6 years
Three day itinerary for Legends of the Force and Pirates vs Princesses season @ Disneyland Paris
This is designed for people with older children or teenagers staying in Disneyland for two or three nights with no meal plan. For me, this includes a Saturday so I have planned to not get much done on my last day.
Note how I haven’t left time for rides like Pinocchio, Snow White, dumbo, It’s a small world, etc. Trust me, your teenagers will be thankful. I always was (mind that wasn’t too long ago)
21-23 February 2019
Day 1
Set off from Ebbsfleet station at 10:30am
Arrive and check in before 15:00
Go to Parc Disneyland once you have picked up anything you need from the hotel shop such as autograph books, lanyards, pins and ears.
Do Indiana Jones or Hyperspace mountain
Get into a spot for the parade. I prefer the top of fantasyland near it’s a small world. It’s less rammed.
16:30 Disney’s stars on parade begins, lasting 15/20 minutes. Enjoy!
Do the other ride that you didn’t do earlier (hyperspace mountain or Indiana Jones)
Get dinner at Casey’s corner.
18:45 leave just before Disney’s illuminations. You will watch this tomorrow night.
The park may be closed but your day isn’t over. If your hotel has a pool, you can use this time to go swimming (pools close at 22:00)
Day 2
Begin your day bright and early. You want to be up at around 7:30 to eat breakfast either in your room or at your hotel’s restaurant.
8:15 arrive at Parc Disneyland for extra magic hours.
8:30-9:45 Ride Peter Pan’s flight, buzz lightyear’s laser blast, orbitron and hyperspace mountain.
Before 10:00, get in line to meet Darth Vader at star port. This is where season of the Force really begins.
When you’re finished, probably around 10:30, go to Adventureland and ride pirates of the Caribbean
Around 12:00, grab a fastpass for Big Thunder Mountain. If the slots are still showing before 2:00, wait until later.
Now you have a character meal, either inventions or ADC (we chose inventions). Reservation for 12:30, so leave roughly 1.5-2 hours for this. Make sure you have no fast passes or lineberty meets booked for this time
When you return to the park, use your BTM fastpass and watch the ‘make your choice’ parade for pirates vs princesses.
You could also go to Alice’s curious labyrinth if you have time, the views from the top of the Queen’s castle are stunning and you can get some excellent photos
16:30 is parade time again. Instead of watching it, you can use this time when rides and meets are less crowded to head to a show like Mickey’s philharmagique, ride something that is usually a little more popular such as Peter Pan, or, what we chose to do here, meet a princess. It’s all depends what your kids are into, but we’re all big princess fans here
Now it should be around 17:30 to 18:00. Go to the castle and get your perfect Instagram picture by heading around to the left. Less people take photos here so your view should be clear.
Head inside the castle and look around the gallery. Enjoy the views from the balconies and take some lovely scenic photos of fantasyland.
Now you’re going to want to go down to the bottom floor, through merlin’s shop (make a wand if you like) and down into the dragon’s lair. Take some photos while you’re in there, she’s a beautiful piece of audio-animatronic work.
18:30 you may get kicked out of the castle if you are still here because they have to set up for illuminations. Aim to already be in a space for the show by this time.
19:00 it’s time for Disney’s illuminations! Sit back and enjoy the show, but make sure to wrap up. It gets so cold at night, especially this early in the year
19:30 hang around for 10-15 minutes after illuminations ends. You’ll be able to get THE picture; you (and your kids) in front of the castle on Main Street, at night with nobody else around. It’s stunning!
19:45 now it’s time for some shopping! Go to Disney village and enjoy the endless merchandise shops.
Day 3:
7:30 get up and get some breakfast. Today is your Star Wars day, you’re going to need plenty of energy.
8:00 if you are going home today, check out of your hotel now and drop off your luggage at the holding station just outside the Disneyland Park, or in the lockers in the train station. If not, just go straight to the parks as normal.
8:15 be at the entrance to the studios park ready for extra magic hours to begin.
8:30-9:45 ride anything that’s open - rock n roller coaster, crush’s coaster, tower of terror, RC racer, etc. I recommend doing crush’s coaster first as it is the busiest of those.
9:45 book a meet n greet using the Lineberty app. We chose to do Spider-Man
Before 10:00 head to the Chewbacca meeting area. The queue will open at 10:00.
Once you have met Chewie, check show times for the first order march and the legends of the Force show. In between these, you can go on rides such as RC racer. If you like, pick up a fastpass for the tower of terror and ride it again.
Go to your Lineberty meet n greet when you get notified
Head out to the village for lunch. I recommend earl of sandwich.
If you are staying for the whole day and heading home tomorrow, watch the Star Wars projection show in the evening.
When the projections show is over, get back to your hotel and get some rest, ready to travel home the next morning
If you’re not staying, it’s probably time to catch your train now. Pick up your luggage and head on home.
Of course, you don’t have to follow any kind of plan. Just go with the flow. All it really takes is Faith, Trust and Pixie Dust. Above all else, have a magical time at Disneyland Paris! ✨🇫🇷
1 note · View note
livingcorner · 3 years
Easy No Dig Flower Bed – Create a Garden Right Over Your Grass!
The first time I heard about creating a garden bed right over the grass… my mind was blown. Then, the skepticism set in… this CAN’T really work… can it? Although It sounds too good to be true, the method I’m about to explain to you actually works. I use it all the time and actually have garden beds with less weeds than if I were to remove the grass and till the soil.
So, let’s get into how you can create a brand new flower garden bed without having to dig up all the grass.
You're reading: Easy No Dig Flower Bed – Create a Garden Right Over Your Grass!
Before we get started I should mention that although this is called the “no dig” method… there’s actually still a little bit of digging you’ll have to do. But believe me when I say that it’s WAY LESS than you’d be doing otherwise.
What is “no dig” gardening?
No dig gardening is a method created by… well… no one actually knows. It’s thought to have originated centuries ago, though! If you want to learn more about the method, Charles Dowding is your man. He has done years and years of testing the results of a no dig vegetable garden vs. a tilled vegetable garden. The results are quite amazing, actually.
The theory behind this method is that when you till the garden you’re actually affecting the soil structure and bringing up lots of weed seeds and other things to the surface. If you keep the soil undisturbed, it is actually better for all of the microorganisms and living creatures within the soil…. all the things that help to make the soil fertile and good.
You can hear more about the no-dig method from Charles Dowding himself in this super quick YouTube video: No dig explained in 3 minutes.
And, while Dowding speaks of this method mostly related to vegetable gardening, the same methods can be used to create a brand new flower garden bed pretty much anywhere. This is a great method to use if you want to create a new garden bed where there isn’t one yet. For example, in a patch of grass.
Here’s a great resources I wrote if you’re really interested in all the mechanics that go into improving your soil, It will help you to understand why this method works so well.
Materials for no dig flower bed
Rolled cardboard, recycled cardboard or lots of newspaper
hose with nozzle
tape measure (to measure your space and calculate mulch and compost amounts)
spade shovel
garden gloves
Not such a bad list of materials, right? Notice I didn’t include landscaping fabric. This method is way better than using that crap anyway. But… mostly I didn’t include it because you CAN’T use it for this method. The fabrics don’t allow for organic matter decomposition into the soil. And, that’s how we make a great, nutrient rich garden bed.
So, if you’re currently using landscaping fabric… your soil is probably in rough shape underneath it. And most weed seeds drop from above via birds and the wind so you’ll still have weeds. Try this awesome method instead.
Steps to create a no dig flower bed or garden
Still interested? Great… now lets just find a patch of grass where we want our new flower garden bed to be and we’ll get started. Here’s a quick list of the steps that I’ll talk about in more detail throughout this post.
Measure the bed and calculate materials needed
Clear the bed area
Edge around the bed
Pre-plant larger trees and shrubs
Lay paper over the no dig flower bed
Cover the paper with compost
Top the compost with a layer of mulch
Plant flowers
And just for some extra clarity, here’s a diagram to show you how this will work.
Read more: How to make an easy raised garden bed for your vegetables
This diagram explains how to assemble the layers of your no-dig flower bed.
1- Measure the bed and calculate materials needed
The first step is to figure out exactly how large your new flower garden bed will be. Measure the length and width of the space using your tape measure or a flexible landscape tape (I use this one by Komelon).
With dimensions in hand, head over to this website to determine how much compost and mulch you’ll need to fill your new bed. It will also give you estimated costs related to the materials.
As an example, if you had a bed that’s 10 feet long by 10 feet deep, the website will give you this information:
250 square feet of cardboard— or approx – 0.3 rolls of standard recycled cardboard (4’x250′) which range from $50-110/roll. Alternatively you can gather your own cardboard.
0.4 cubic yards of compost— to cover a depth of about 1.5″ which ranges from $25-$50 per cubic yard. You can also use your own compost if you make it.
0.9 cubic yards of mulch— to cover a depth of 3″ which ranges from $15-$35 per cubic yard. You can use a variety of different kinds of mulch as long as they are natural and will degrade into the soil. So… no rubber mulch or stone or anything like that.
The estimated material cost is $90-$195…. or  $40-$85 for just the mulch and compost.
Quick Tip: Before we even get started with this project… if you’re a total newbie at flower gardening, you should read this post first so you can learn answers to the questions you didn’t even know you should be asking…. yet. Then, you’ll really be ready to get started.
2- Clear the bed area
In this step you should clean out the area within the flower garden bed. I honestly skip this step a lot… especially if it’s just covering the grass. However, if you’re converting a rougher area you may need to remove noxious weeds (ivy, blackberry, bermuda grass, oxalis, etc) to give yourself the best start. Also remove any larger sticks, rocks and other items from the area.
What Blooms with What?
Never know what to plant together? Find out with this FREE Plant Pairing Guide and become a pro at combining plants for the best garden design possible!
3- Edge around the bed
This is the only digging you’ll have to do, so now let’s get it out of the way! All you need to do is create an edge around the perimeter of your garden bed.
Using a sharp spade, cut a straight line around your bed to at least a 4” depth. Then, from inside of the bed area, cut a diagonal line at least 6” from the perimeter down to the depth of your first pass to create a “V” notch. This will keep all of your soil and mulch inside of your bed. It also helps to prevent your grass from growing into the garden bed area.
After measuring, you should edge out the perimeter of the bed with a shovel. This isn’t me… or my garden space, by the way. It’s just some random guy edging.
Some proponents of this method recommend creating a “trench” that’s about 3-4″ deep and about 8-12″ wide. So, you can make the trench wider if you’d like to. Creating a trench will allow you to build up the height of the inside of your bed without the mulch and soil, etc. falling into your lawn.
4- Pre-plant larger trees and shrubs
Before we cover the area with the cardboard, you’ll want to “pre-plant” any larger trees and shrubs. I would say anything that’s 5 gallons or larger you can plant now (yes, right into the grass). Be sure to plant these trees and shrubs slightly above soil level because later you’ll be adding about 4.5″ of organic matter to your bed. Also keep any mulch away from the base of your plants or trunks of your trees and shrubs.
This is also a good time to wet down the entire area with your hose. This will water any plants you just put in. It will jump start this whole process.
5- Lay paper over the no dig flower bed
Finally it’s time to lay the paper. If you are using rolled cardboard, it’s best to do two layers since it’s much thinner than recycled cardboard boxes. I like to do this in a crosshatch pattern. So, lay rows horizontally, then do the same vertically.
If you’re using recycled cardboard, make sure that it’s not coated. Also remove any shiny plastic or tape. I would recommend using heavy cardboard if you’re concerned about weed pressure. However, you can also use uncoated newspaper.
I do one layer of heavy cardboard or 8 layers of newspaper, or a mix of both. Whichever paper you use, be sure to overlap your materials at least 6-8″. Make sure that every square inch of your new bed is covered very well to prevent weed pressure.
You may be wondering if the ink on your cardboard boxes is safe… but rest assured the industry standard for ink on cardboard is soy-based and will not hurt your plants or soil.
Lay 4 layers of newspaper or a layer of cardboard over your grass to start your no dig flower bed.
Saturate the paper layer with water. This will hold it in place and also start the decomposition process. The water may roll off the paper at first. If that happens, wait a few minutes, then go back and saturate it again. Repeat as needed.
6- Cover the paper with compost
Next you’ll just spread the compost right over top of the cardboard. Usually at this point I try not to walk on the bed too much. I would start in the middle with the compost and work your way out to the edges. Put a layer at least 1.5″ thick. You can use even more compost if you’d like to. And, if the area had a lot of weeds when you started you may want to do a little bit thicker layer to keep them in check.
Here’s what it looks like after you cover the paper with 1.5″ of compost. Not too shabby, right?
Saturate the compost layer with water.
7- Top the compost with a layer of mulch
Now we’ll add mulch to the top of the pile. I usually spread about a 2-3″ layer of mulch if I’m just covering up a basic lawn. Again if you had a lot of weeds when you started you can go thicker.
Read more: Was The Snake In The Garden Of Eden Satan?
Here’s what it looks like in the end. A layer of paper, then compost, then mulch and you have an instant no dig flower bed.
It’s recommended that you use coarse mulch for this process. You can try using arborist or tree trimmer mulch. This is usually a mix of wood chips and leaves and will work very well. Another option is pallet mulch, which is what you’ll usually find at the hardware store. This is made from untreated pallet wood and either dyed a color or left natural. Then, saturate the mulch layer with water.
8- Plant flowers
Finally… you’re ready to plant your no dig flower bed. Many people get to this point and then say… wait… I can plant right now? And the answer is yes. IF you have smaller plants, you can actually plant them right into the compost layer. As they grow their roots will break through the decomposing paper.
If you have something larger to plant, you can poke a hole through the cardboard layer and plant. Just be sure that you add some organic matter to the hole when you do this. But… likely you already pre-planted your larger plants in step 4.
Quick Tip: If you’re new to flower gardening, you may want to check out this post about how to make your flowers bloom more (and longer)!
Bonus Step: Look into lawn conversion rebates with your water company
The other thing you should do is contact your local water company. Many water companies offer what’s called “lawn conversion rebates” so you should find out if you’ll be eligible. You’ll need all of the size and area specs for them so be sure you have that handy.
Wrapping Up
Well, that’s the easiest way that I’ve learned in my many years of gardening to make a new bed from scratch. It’s really a lot less labor-intensive than having to remove all of the grass, then tilling up the soil, then tilling in the compost, then ending up with a ton of weeds. This process used to be so frustrating for me and actually stopped me from enjoying gardening. But now… I’m throwing newspapers all over the place and starting beds without much effort at all.
What’s been your experience with no digger flower gardening? Do you have any tips or tricks to share that I didn’t include in this post? I’d love to hear about them!
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Don’t forget to pin this post for later!
Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/easy-no-dig-flower-bed-create-a-garden-right-over-your-grass/
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loadnude91 · 3 years
Small Gps Tracker For Kids
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Gps Kids Tracking Devices Waterproof
Can I Get A Gps Tracker For My Child
Trax Personal GPS Tracker. If you want a very lightweight GPS tracker that works perfectly in real. Say hello to the world’s smallest Bluetooth tracker – and goodbye to lost items! Small enough to fit on a key ring (12mm x 12mm x 6mm) The Bit is the perfect Bluetooth finder. The Bit app will alert you when you're about to leave something behind or let you know when you are in the range of one of your trackers. Make your life a bit easier with this personal location device. A GPS tracker for kids device is an extremely small monitoring tool that can be placed in your child's pocket, backpack or jacket. GPS tracking for children uses satellite technology to continuously know the location of your child. A GPS tracker for kids device can also be placed inconspicuously in places such as your child's stroller, allowing.
The ultimate Small GPS Tracker for locating your loved ones quickly, easily and economically. Ideal for Dementia / Elderly, Kids, Cars + more.MORE INFO: http. Wonbo GPS Tracking Smart Watches. Here, the GPS tracking system incorporated in the smart.
One of our most successful articles here at Smartwatches is our list of the best smartwatches for children. That list contains a wide variety of devices, from entertainment wearables to full-on GPS tracking watches for kids.
Strapping a wearable with tracking support to your child’s wrist makes a lot of sense, especially when it allows you to monitor their current location and habits in real-time.
In the past, it was perfectly acceptable to allow your children free roam of the neighborhood without supervision. Parents would usually set a dinner curfew, and children were expected to return at the appropriate time.
The world isn’t so forgiving anymore; at least it sure doesn’t seem to be. Every day we hear stories about children being abducted, going missing, or being involved in some kind of accident. As a parent, you can never be too safe with your child.
Features such as geofencing are becoming popular methods parents use to ensure the whereabouts of their child.
That’s why we’re going to take a look at some of the best GPS tracking watches for kids.
Some things to note first:
There are not truly “tamper-proof” models, it seems. Most include a silicone band that can be easily removed. Some of the devices have tamper alerts to let you know if the child – or someone else – tries to remove it, but nothing stops them from doing so.
Pay attention to the GPS limitations. If the device is SIM-enabled and has an active subscription, it can usually be tracked anywhere, even internationally. If the device does not connect to mobile networks, the range is going to be severely limited.
Identify the features you want most, which are most important to you and your family, and go from there. Some devices sacrifice features to make room for others. For example, if you want to track your child’s location no matter where they are, without fear of range limits, you’ll need to pay the cash for a wireless subscription. In this case, that might mean your budget will suffer more than expected.
A “water-resistant” rating rarely means waterproof. In most cases, it’s not safe to submerge water-resistant devices, nor is it safe to go swimming, take a bath, or get in the shower with them. Be responsible.
Android and iOS are the most common smartphones supported when it comes to companion apps. If you have another type of phone – or an out-of-date model – you might want to consider an upgrade.
An overwhelming majority of these devices are crowdfunded through platforms like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. This means people have the opportunity to financially back and support a project before it’s commercially available. For whatever reason, sometimes these projects fail, and the devices are not released. We do our best to keep you updated, but just be aware of this.
We’ve done our best to choose safe, family-friendly devices that have a good reputation. Sometimes, there’s just not enough info. This is where we rely on you – our community – to weigh in with your experiences as you have done in the past. Thank you.
The Best GPS Tracking Watches for Kids
By choosing one of these GPS tracking watches for kids, you will monitor your child’s location and call them back if they stray too far. The idea is not to be a burden on your child — as if any parent is more concerned about that than safety — but instead to ensure they are safe at all times.
Each device on the list includes its own features and a unique price tag. However, with so much variety, you should be able to find something that fits your budget.
We recommend considering everything that’s here before making a final decision about which of the GPS tracking watches for kids you will buy.
GPS Watches for Kids: What to Know
Before we get into our list, let’s take a closer look at what you should consider when purchasing GPS watches for kids. Vyncs.
GPS Tracking
One of the biggest fears for a parent is losing their child. It is something no parent wants to experience. Fortunately, there are GPS watches available on the market that allow us to keep track of our child’s location for greater peace of mind.
You can download the mobile app Find My Kids and then connect it to your child’s smartwatch. It offers reliable global positioning, and some even allow for geofencing.
SOS Alerts
When the watch has the SOS feature, your child can press the button when they find themselves in an emergency situation, and they can get help as quickly as possible.
Two Way Calling
With two-way calling, you can maintain even better lines of communication with your children. However, not all smartwatches have this functionality. So, when reviewing your options, see if two-way calling is a feature.
A kid’s smartwatch can also be used for entertainment purposes as well. While the camera really doesn’t have any safety benefits, it is fun for the kids. You might even be able to find a camera that you can monitor remotely from the mobile app to view your child’s location.
Finding a waterproof watch for your kids is especially ideal because they are made to be more durable and long-lasting. It is safe for your child to wear while swimming, washing their hands, and splashing around in the rain.
Tech Specs
Finally, make sure to look at the technical specifications of each GPS tracking watch as well. Check for a good battery capacity and make sure it comes with a reasonable amount of storage space.
Now, let’s get into our top recommendations of the best GPS watches for kids currently available online.
1. Xplora X5 Play
The Xplora X5 made our list of the best GPS watches for kids simply because of its many features and functionalities, making it ideal for both kids and parents. This smartwatch can make and receive phone calls from pre-saved numbers. It can also receive text messages, emojis, images, and voice messages and reply to those messages.
With the SOS button, you can rest assured that your child will have access to help. All they have to do is press the SOS button to notify emergency contacts of their location. Multiple services are used to show the location of this device when needed. You can also choose to set up Safety Zones around key locations if you wish.
This kid’s smartwatch can also be connected to Wi-Fi. It is compatible with several different networks, including Sprint, Verizon, and US Cellular. However, you will need to purchase a SIM card separately, as one is not included.
The device is rated waterproof IP68 up to 1.5 meters. It also features a pedometer and a 1.4-inch touchscreen, making it easier for your child to use. Overall, this GPS watch for kids allows parents to have the ultimate control and visibility.
The parents can control all the settings and functionality easily from the mobile app. You can even activate School Mode, so only the watch is on display during school hours. It also disables all calls and messages but still allows you to track your child’s location.
The Xplora X5 watch is suitable for children ages 5 to 12 and helps your child stay connected.
Good style, not too childish
Easy to use applications
Easy to set up
Safe Zone and geofencing feature for safety
Good for older children
Works on a 4G network
Some reported that the app is not stable on Android and may show as network not available
Child can access APN and Wi-Fi settings and can also shut down the device
May be too complicated to use for younger kids
A bit on the expensive side
2. Generies Smart Watch for Kids with GPS Tracker
If you are looking for a more affordable list of GPS watches for kids, then this Geneseries Smart Watch with GPS Tracker definitely tops that list of options. It is a multifunctional watch with features that include voice chat, two-way calling, class mode, camera, LBS tracking, security zone setup, remote camera, SOS alarm, remote monitor, alarm clock, and low battery notification. It also allows your children to access up to three math games to continue their learning while still being entertained.
When your children are out of the house, you can use this GPS tracker watch to keep track of their real-time location through the Setracker 2 app. When your children are in trouble, they can press the SOS button for three seconds, and it will call the numbers programmed into the phone. Up to three SOS numbers can be programmed into the watch at one time.
The built-in HD camera is also fun for the kids to use to take selfies and photos with their friends. It is also waterproof, so you don’t have to worry about your child wearing it while washing their hands or splashing around in the rain.
Parents can set up safety zones for their children with this watch as well. They will be notified if their child is outside of these zones and has exceeded the safety range.
Great battery life
Easy to set up
Suitable for both boys and girls
May have signal trouble
No text message capabilities
GPS can be a hit or a miss
3. Willow Wind Kids GPS Smart Watch
The Willow Wind smart GPS watch for kids features GPS+LBS two location ways, meaning there is a historical footprint available of your children, so you can ensure their safety in real-time. You can also use the app to set up safety zones for your children. When your child is outside of the designated safety zone, you will receive an alarm through a message.
There is also an SOS function on this GPS watch. When your kids find themselves in an emergency situation, they can press the SOS button for two seconds to quickly call the three phone numbers programmed into the watch.
With two-way calling, it is easier to keep in touch with your children. You can have a maximum number of 10 contacts saved into the smartwatch at one time. You add them to the app, and the numbers are synced to the watch. Voice message and chat time are up to fifteen seconds.
Class Mode or do not disturb can be enabled during school hours, so your child is not distracted; however, SOS mode will still be fully functional.
Easy to navigate
Good battery life
Comfortable for long time wear
Durable and long-lasting
Can be hard to set up
4. Themoemoe Kids GPS Watch
This Kids GPS Watch uses LBS positioning technology, so you can track your child’s movements and set safe zone areas in the app. When they are outside of the safe zone you have set, you will receive a notification through the app. This tracking feature depends on the local signal and GPS base station. If the signal strength is low, then the positioning error could result in a 0.3 to 5-mile radius.
With the SOS function, your kids can call for help quickly and easily when they find themselves in an emergency situation. They just have to press the SOS button for three seconds, and it will call up to three numbers that have been programmed into the watch.
With the Class Mode function, your kids will not be disturbed by their watch. All functions will be paused except the SOS emergency feature while the watch is in do not disturb mode.
If you insert a SIM card, your child can have access to two-way calling, which allows you to stay in even closer contact with your children throughout the day. This watch is compatible with SpeedTalk or T-Mobile. Among its other features, you will also find voice chat, a flashlight, camera, phone book, talk-back feature, footprint, and alarm clock.
This GPS watch for kids is suitable for children between the ages of 4 and 12 years old. However, the simplicity of its design and its style may be tailored more toward younger children.
Has an accurate GPS tracker
Has games and fun designs your child will love
SOS feature in case of emergencies
Best suited for younger children
5. Rayph Store Kids Waterproof Smart Watch with GPS/LBS Tracker
If you have more of an active child, you will want to find a durable GPS watch for kids that can stand up to the active lifestyle your kid leads. This smart watch has amazing functionality and even allows your child to keep up with their very active fitness level. It can be used during almost any sport as well, including swimming, because it is waterproof.
You will also find that it has a camera and a photo album. You can easily connect to the app to keep track of your child and also set alarms, and do not disturb times. It is multifunctional and supports two-way calling, LBS positioning, SOS emergency, Voice chat, and more.
In the app, you can also set up safety zones for your children and remotely control the camera at any time so you can see your child’s location. The fence radius when setting up safety zones is 500 meters. Once your child has walked outside of this fence, you will receive a notification.
The maximum standby time for this smart watch is three to five days. It has a long battery life which is perfect for your children. This watch is suitable for children between the ages of 5 and 12 and comes in your choice of pink or black.
Has a fitness tracker
Easy to read high-definition screen
LBS capability
Accurate GPS tracking
You have to purchase a compatible SIM card, or many of the more essential functions will not work
6. Blackview Smart Watch with Tracker
While it may not necessarily be advertised for kids, this Blackview Smart Watch with Tracker has been praised by parents for its functionality and GPS accuracy. If your child participates in a lot of afterschool activities, you will find that this watch will definitely benefit you and your child.
Your child can use this watch to call, text, and set alarms. Parents can easily track their child’s whereabouts with the accurate built-in satellite positioning system, and they can control everything. All you have to do is download the app on your smartphone, and you can easily control the watch remotely and always know your child’s location in real-time.
This smartwatch supports GPS, Glonass, Galilean precise positioning. It is also made with waterproof materials so it can be worn at all times. It is water-resistant for up to 50 meters and within ten minutes.
It also has a sleep tracker that can track your child’s sleep quality and sleep time. The advanced HR sensor allows for accurate and effective heart monitoring as well and can keep you and your child more up to date on their health.
You will also find an impressive 45-day battery life. Its low power consumption design offers endurance. When it is time to charge, it only takes 2.5 hours and can be used again for up to 10 days with a standby time of up to 45 days.
Accurate and precise GPS tracking
Made of waterproof, durable materials
Long battery life
Sleep and fitness tracker
App notification on the watch may be distracting for some children
May be better suited for older children
Final Thoughts
Choosing to invest in a smartwatch for your child with GPS capabilities can grant you the peace of mind you need when your child is outside the home. You will know your child’s location in real-time, and your child will be able to call you whenever they need you.
The best GPS watches for kids will feature an SOS button, two-way calling and be made with durable and long-lasting materials. When looking for the best GPS watches for kids, make sure to check for high accuracy when it comes to GPS tracking.
We are always concerned about our family members, especially the little ones. The well-being of our kids is our first priority. You may be able to know where they are from their friends, teachers or even by calling them but with a GPS Tracker for Kids, you will get to know the location beforehand to prevent any situation or danger.
Almost every day we read something bad on the news, kids are disappearing, kids are abducted and frankly, we are doing nothing. Their safety is of utmost importance, so, if a tracking app is installed on their smartphones or if you buy them a good GPS tracking device, you will be able to keep track of their movements, all the time. Some of the best GPS tracking apps and devices are listed below.
Part 1: Top 5 GPS Tracking Apps for Kids
These days the tracker apps are more suitable for kids, as everyone owns a smartphone and it will be easier to install the app there and turn the smartphone into a tracking device. You also don't have to spend any money on additional gadgets, they are very expensive. Here we have listed 5 best GPS tracking apps for mobile phones.
1. KidsGuard Pro
Hands down, KidsGuard is the best kid tracker app you will ever use. It has a very simple but effective interface. The installation is very easy and once it is done, you will be able to track your kid's location very easily. You will also be able to perform other stuff like; data managing, monitoring etc. In terms of tracking your kid; you have GPS tracking available and Wi-Fi logger tracking is also available. Some of its features are listed below;
Real-time location tracking by GPS and Wi-Fi logger.
You can get a detailed report on your kid's smartphone usage from the dashboard.
Monitor all apps, messages, contacts, call logs, photos and more.
Easy installation and the interface is very user-friendly.
The app is very user-friendly and easy to operate.
After the app is launched, the icon gets hidden and works for the background of the device.
From the Dashboard, you will be able to control every aspect of your kid's smartphone usage.
No alert function available.
Of course you will have a 3 day trial period at the beginning. Then you have to select a plan. You have to pay $29.95 for one month and for a yearly plan it is $99.95 which will be cheaper at $8.32 per month only.
2. Spyzie
Spyzie is also one of the efficient and effective kid tracker apps available on the internet. Once you install this app on your kid's smartphone, you will be able to track their location in real time. You will also have access toanother type of data like photos, messages etc. Some of its features are listed below;
Real-time location of your kid's device.
You will be able to visit the dashboard from any device of your choice and get the information.
You will also have access to Call History, Browsing Data, Notes, Messages and more.
The interface is very simple and the dashboard is user-friendly
Easy to use
Real time location monitoring
This app is not available for Windows
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There is no free trial. The Premium version is available for $29.99 and the Ultimate Edition for $ 39.99 per month.
3. Norton Family Premium
Everybody knows about Norton, it is a pretty famous Web Security Application but it also has a tracker app called Norton Family premium. It is a decent app; you will be able to track your kid's device from the provided interface. It comes with parental control features too, you can limit the time your kids spend on the internet, remotely.
You will have access to your kid's locations.
The web filter feature will help you to stop your kid from accessing indecent content and other stuff.
You will be able to limit their access to the internet and get a proper preview of their usage data from the interface.
A 30 day trial period is also available.
Mostly focused on internet. It will not provide you any support to view or filter the content or the message on your kid's device.
This app does not support the real time location tracking. So, you will only be able to view where your kid has been.
There are two types of subscription available. It is $18 per year for 1 device and the plans can go upto $42 for covering 10 devices.
Wifi boosters virgin. Powerlines use your home's electrical wiring to connect devices. Just hook up an adaptor to your Virgin Media Hub to help you get a better WiFi signal in any room with a working socket. We have three different kits to choose from, depending on what you’re after, and they’re available from just £35 plus £7 p&p.
4. ESET Parental Control
This child GPS tracker comes with a lot of features to control your kid's online activity. Aside from tracking your kids in real time, ESET Parental Control app also comes with parental control that will manage their online usage and filter any inappropriate content.
Product and Service Management Requirements. This course provides a broad overview of the product and service management functions from an operations. Product and service management is the process of designing, creating, and maintaining a product or service. Basically, a product is a tangible offering to a customer, whereas a service is an intangible offering. The former is usually a one-time exchange for value. In contrast, a service usually involves a longer period of time. The value of a product is inherent in the tangible offering itself. Treasury management products and services. This course provides awareness of the fundamental tools, techniques and structured methodologies for Product and Service Management across a broad range of organisational contexts and the capability to participate as a member of a team in the application of the key tools. Definition: Product service management is a marketing function that focuses on developing a product or a service according to how the market evolves. It involves a continuous evaluation of their attributes in order to improve or change the items accordingly.
Provides a real-time location of your kid's device.
Using the web filtering feature, you will be able to block any type of content you want.
You can also control your kid's smartphone usage.
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The details on location history are very limited.
It only works with Android devices.
The free version of the app does not support the child tracker feature, you will find it only on the Premium version.
The premium version of the app starts from $29.99 every year for a single device you monitor.
5. FamiSafe Kid Tracker
Another, very capable children tracker! As the name suggests, it will track your kid and you will have constant supervision. The app supports both Android and iOS devices. Basically, this app turns the smartphones into a capable tracker devices.
It is easy to use.
You won't have to reboot or jailbreak the target the device to install it.
Remote location tracker is available.
The free version comes with very limited tracking features.
The location info update is not so timely.
A 3-day free trial is available. It has several plans, the popular one is $59.99 for a year.
All of these tracking apps are great and effective but the best out of all of them is KidsGuard. As you can see, it has excellent features, meets all the requirements and the price is moderate.
Part 2: Top 5 Tracking Devices for Kids
Without a doubt, you will get a lot of facilities from the tracking apps but there are certain features that are only available with the tracking devices. These devices are specifically designed for tracking; you will get options like real-time GPS tracking and SOS alerts etc. A lot of different tracking devices are available but GPS tracking bracelet or watch will be best fitted for kids. So, some of the best GPS tracking devices are detailed below.
1. Wonbo GPS Tracker Watch
Wonbo GPS Tracker Watch is one of the best GPS tracker devices for kids available at a reasonable price. The model you would be buying is called Wonbo Q50. The watch is fashionable and your kid will look good wearing it. It also has an emergency call function for any unexpected situations.
Very high-quality device.
A kid-friendly device, anyone can use it.
It has a location tracker; it sends an alert via SMS or an app.
Remote voice control is also available.
It has an emergency call button.
The battery backup is very reliable.
It's a modern watch but only supports 2G network.
2. WJPILIS Touch Screen Bluetooth Smartwatch Phone
This is also a very fashionable tracking watch for your child. So, you don't have to worry about your kid anymore, as long as they are wearing this watch you will be able to know their location all the time. The watch uses a specific algorithm to send the real-time location of your kid.
Gps Kids Tracking Devices Waterproof
It is an activity tracker; it will monitor sleep, works as a pedometer, record sound etc.
Two-way communication is available if you are using an Android device.
Also compatible with iOS.
It is a wearable tracking device that helps you to locate your kid.
You will be able to listen through the device as well.
The battery life is not that good. https://loadnude91.tumblr.com/post/658857378981265408/x-plane-11-klax.
3. LG GizmoPal 2
LG GizmoPal 2 is the most amazing kid tracker. It comes with a two-way calling feature. The build quality is really good. It looks funky and the colours pop out as well! You kid will surely like it. Other than that, it has superior tracking capability and perfect for the job!
Several ringtones, sounds and voice prompts are available.
It has a simple but effective calling feature.
Provides location updates all day.
It also supports Geo-fencing.
It is an affordable device.The monthly subscription is also available.
Two-way calling feature is available.
Good battery life.
https://loadnude91.tumblr.com/post/655207041984528384/stremio-westworld. Very comfortable on the wrist.
The automatic location update is not available.
No SOS alert.
4. Verizon GizmoWatch
You have to do all you can to protect the little ones! The solution may be a bit expensive but their lives are more important. So, to keep track of them, buy them a Verizon GizmoWatch. It will be on their wrist all the time and you will be able to keep track everywhere.
It is also an activity tracker.
Two-way communication is also available.
Very fashionable, kids like it.
It providesaprecise location of your kid.
Affordable tracker device.
Two-way communication is very effective.
You can set GPS boundaries, if your kid goes outside of that, you will receive an alert.
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Comes with a 2-year contract attached to it as it runs on Verizon network.
5. AmmbyGear Smartwatch
This is another great addition to the tracking devices list. It is overall a good device with potent tracking capabilities. It looks and feels nice too!
The activity is good and fun for kids.
It also has a Calendar app.
It comes with learning activities.
The Reward system is fun for kids.
There are also other learning activities in the watch.
Can I Get A Gps Tracker For My Child
The watch is filled with fun stuff, and it kind of loses its priorities.
These days a tracking device is needed, the outside world is just too unsafe for the child. So, you can choose anyone from the list. But if you need a good tracking app with lots of features, there is nothing better than the KidsGuard Pro app, it's excellent. Go for the free trial now!
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0 notes
logofox855 · 3 years
Best Child Tracker
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One of our most successful articles here at Smartwatches is our list of the best smartwatches for children. That list contains a wide variety of devices, from entertainment wearables to full-on GPS tracking watches for kids.
The next best thing is a GPS tracking device. GPS trackers allow parents to monitor their children’s whereabouts, get important alerts about their locations and activities and communicate with their kids in the event of an emergency. There are a number of these trackers on the market, and all of them function a little differently. The best kids GPS tracker app is “Find my Kids” app from AppStore and Google Play. It provides amazing features like live location tracking and listening to surrounding noises and others. The best part is that you can use it for your toddlers and teenagers. The Best GPS Tracking Watches for Kids. By choosing one of these GPS tracking watches for kids, you will monitor your child’s location and call them back if they stray too far. The idea is not to be a burden on your child — as if any parent is more concerned about that than safety — but instead to ensure they are safe at all times. AngelSense is a kids’ GPS tracker that can keep your little one safe at school, play, and everywhere in between. Its comfortable design won’t interfere with your kiddo’s range of motion. And it locks tight onto school bags or clothes to stay with them from home to bus to classroom and beyond.
Strapping a wearable with tracking support to your child’s wrist makes a lot of sense, especially when it allows you to monitor their current location and habits in real-time.
In the past, it was perfectly acceptable to allow your children free roam of the neighborhood without supervision. Parents would usually set a dinner curfew, and children were expected to return at the appropriate time.
The world isn’t so forgiving anymore; at least it sure doesn’t seem to be. Every day we hear stories about children being abducted, going missing, or being involved in some kind of accident. As a parent, you can never be too safe with your child.
Features such as geofencing are becoming popular methods parents use to ensure the whereabouts of their child.
That’s why we’re going to take a look at some of the best GPS tracking watches for kids.
Some things to note first:
There are not truly “tamper-proof” models, it seems. Most include a silicone band that can be easily removed. Some of the devices have tamper alerts to let you know if the child – or someone else – tries to remove it, but nothing stops them from doing so.
Pay attention to the GPS limitations. If the device is SIM-enabled and has an active subscription, it can usually be tracked anywhere, even internationally. If the device does not connect to mobile networks, the range is going to be severely limited.
Identify the features you want most, which are most important to you and your family, and go from there. Some devices sacrifice features to make room for others. For example, if you want to track your child’s location no matter where they are, without fear of range limits, you’ll need to pay the cash for a wireless subscription. In this case, that might mean your budget will suffer more than expected.
A “water-resistant” rating rarely means waterproof. In most cases, it’s not safe to submerge water-resistant devices, nor is it safe to go swimming, take a bath, or get in the shower with them. Be responsible.
Android and iOS are the most common smartphones supported when it comes to companion apps. If you have another type of phone – or an out-of-date model – you might want to consider an upgrade.
An overwhelming majority of these devices are crowdfunded through platforms like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo. This means people have the opportunity to financially back and support a project before it’s commercially available. For whatever reason, sometimes these projects fail, and the devices are not released. We do our best to keep you updated, but just be aware of this.
We’ve done our best to choose safe, family-friendly devices that have a good reputation. Sometimes, there’s just not enough info. This is where we rely on you – our community – to weigh in with your experiences as you have done in the past. Thank you.
The Best GPS Tracking Watches for Kids
By choosing one of these GPS tracking watches for kids, you will monitor your child’s location and call them back if they stray too far. The idea is not to be a burden on your child — as if any parent is more concerned about that than safety — but instead to ensure they are safe at all times.
Each device on the list includes its own features and a unique price tag. However, with so much variety, you should be able to find something that fits your budget.
We recommend considering everything that’s here before making a final decision about which of the GPS tracking watches for kids you will buy.
Best Child Tracker Uk
GPS Watches for Kids: What to Know
Before we get into our list, let’s take a closer look at what you should consider when purchasing GPS watches for kids.
GPS Tracking
One of the biggest fears for a parent is losing their child. It is something no parent wants to experience. Fortunately, there are GPS watches available on the market that allow us to keep track of our child’s location for greater peace of mind.
You can download the mobile app Find My Kids and then connect it to your child’s smartwatch. It offers reliable global positioning, and some even allow for geofencing.
SOS Alerts
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When the watch has the SOS feature, your child can press the button when they find themselves in an emergency situation, and they can get help as quickly as possible.
Two Way Calling
With two-way calling, you can maintain even better lines of communication with your children. However, not all smartwatches have this functionality. So, when reviewing your options, see if two-way calling is a feature.
A kid’s smartwatch can also be used for entertainment purposes as well. While the camera really doesn’t have any safety benefits, it is fun for the kids. You might even be able to find a camera that you can monitor remotely from the mobile app to view your child’s location.
Finding a waterproof watch for your kids is especially ideal because they are made to be more durable and long-lasting. It is safe for your child to wear while swimming, washing their hands, and splashing around in the rain.
Tech Specs
Finally, make sure to look at the technical specifications of each GPS tracking watch as well. Check for a good battery capacity and make sure it comes with a reasonable amount of storage space.
Now, let’s get into our top recommendations of the best GPS watches for kids currently available online.
1. Xplora X5 Play
The Xplora X5 made our list of the best GPS watches for kids simply because of its many features and functionalities, making it ideal for both kids and parents. This smartwatch can make and receive phone calls from pre-saved numbers. It can also receive text messages, emojis, images, and voice messages and reply to those messages.
With the SOS button, you can rest assured that your child will have access to help. All they have to do is press the SOS button to notify emergency contacts of their location. Multiple services are used to show the location of this device when needed. You can also choose to set up Safety Zones around key locations if you wish.
This kid’s smartwatch can also be connected to Wi-Fi. It is compatible with several different networks, including Sprint, Verizon, and US Cellular. However, you will need to purchase a SIM card separately, as one is not included.
The device is rated waterproof IP68 up to 1.5 meters. It also features a pedometer and a 1.4-inch touchscreen, making it easier for your child to use. Overall, this GPS watch for kids allows parents to have the ultimate control and visibility.
The parents can control all the settings and functionality easily from the mobile app. You can even activate School Mode, so only the watch is on display during school hours. It also disables all calls and messages but still allows you to track your child’s location.
The Xplora X5 watch is suitable for children ages 5 to 12 and helps your child stay connected.
Good style, not too childish
Easy to use applications
Easy to set up
Safe Zone and geofencing feature for safety
Good for older children
Works on a 4G network
Some reported that the app is not stable on Android and may show as network not available
Child can access APN and Wi-Fi settings and can also shut down the device
May be too complicated to use for younger kids
A bit on the expensive side
2. Generies Smart Watch for Kids with GPS Tracker
If you are looking for a more affordable list of GPS watches for kids, then this Geneseries Smart Watch with GPS Tracker definitely tops that list of options. It is a multifunctional watch with features that include voice chat, two-way calling, class mode, camera, LBS tracking, security zone setup, remote camera, SOS alarm, remote monitor, alarm clock, and low battery notification. It also allows your children to access up to three math games to continue their learning while still being entertained.
When your children are out of the house, you can use this GPS tracker watch to keep track of their real-time location through the Setracker 2 app. When your children are in trouble, they can press the SOS button for three seconds, and it will call the numbers programmed into the phone. Up to three SOS numbers can be programmed into the watch at one time.
The built-in HD camera is also fun for the kids to use to take selfies and photos with their friends. It is also waterproof, so you don’t have to worry about your child wearing it while washing their hands or splashing around in the rain.
Parents can set up safety zones for their children with this watch as well. They will be notified if their child is outside of these zones and has exceeded the safety range.
Great battery life
Easy to set up
Suitable for both boys and girls
May have signal trouble
No text message capabilities
GPS can be a hit or a miss
3. Willow Wind Kids GPS Smart Watch
The Willow Wind smart GPS watch for kids features GPS+LBS two location ways, meaning there is a historical footprint available of your children, so you can ensure their safety in real-time. You can also use the app to set up safety zones for your children. When your child is outside of the designated safety zone, you will receive an alarm through a message.
There is also an SOS function on this GPS watch. When your kids find themselves in an emergency situation, they can press the SOS button for two seconds to quickly call the three phone numbers programmed into the watch.
With two-way calling, it is easier to keep in touch with your children. You can have a maximum number of 10 contacts saved into the smartwatch at one time. You add them to the app, and the numbers are synced to the watch. Voice message and chat time are up to fifteen seconds.
Class Mode or do not disturb can be enabled during school hours, so your child is not distracted; however, SOS mode will still be fully functional.
Easy to navigate
Good battery life
Comfortable for long time wear
Durable and long-lasting
Can be hard to set up
4. Themoemoe Kids GPS Watch
This Kids GPS Watch uses LBS positioning technology, so you can track your child’s movements and set safe zone areas in the app. When they are outside of the safe zone you have set, you will receive a notification through the app. This tracking feature depends on the local signal and GPS base station. If the signal strength is low, then the positioning error could result in a 0.3 to 5-mile radius.
With the SOS function, your kids can call for help quickly and easily when they find themselves in an emergency situation. They just have to press the SOS button for three seconds, and it will call up to three numbers that have been programmed into the watch.
With the Class Mode function, your kids will not be disturbed by their watch. All functions will be paused except the SOS emergency feature while the watch is in do not disturb mode.
If you insert a SIM card, your child can have access to two-way calling, which allows you to stay in even closer contact with your children throughout the day. This watch is compatible with SpeedTalk or T-Mobile. Among its other features, you will also find voice chat, a flashlight, camera, phone book, talk-back feature, footprint, and alarm clock.
This GPS watch for kids is suitable for children between the ages of 4 and 12 years old. However, the simplicity of its design and its style may be tailored more toward younger children.
Has an accurate GPS tracker
Has games and fun designs your child will love
SOS feature in case of emergencies
Best suited for younger children
5. Rayph Store Kids Waterproof Smart Watch with GPS/LBS Tracker
If you have more of an active child, you will want to find a durable GPS watch for kids that can stand up to the active lifestyle your kid leads. This smart watch has amazing functionality and even allows your child to keep up with their very active fitness level. It can be used during almost any sport as well, including swimming, because it is waterproof.
You will also find that it has a camera and a photo album. You can easily connect to the app to keep track of your child and also set alarms, and do not disturb times. It is multifunctional and supports two-way calling, LBS positioning, SOS emergency, Voice chat, and more.
In the app, you can also set up safety zones for your children and remotely control the camera at any time so you can see your child’s location. The fence radius when setting up safety zones is 500 meters. Once your child has walked outside of this fence, you will receive a notification.
The maximum standby time for this smart watch is three to five days. It has a long battery life which is perfect for your children. This watch is suitable for children between the ages of 5 and 12 and comes in your choice of pink or black.
Has a fitness tracker
Easy to read high-definition screen
LBS capability
Accurate GPS tracking
You have to purchase a compatible SIM card, or many of the more essential functions will not work
6. Blackview Smart Watch with Tracker
While it may not necessarily be advertised for kids, this Blackview Smart Watch with Tracker has been praised by parents for its functionality and GPS accuracy. If your child participates in a lot of afterschool activities, you will find that this watch will definitely benefit you and your child.
Your child can use this watch to call, text, and set alarms. Parents can easily track their child’s whereabouts with the accurate built-in satellite positioning system, and they can control everything. All you have to do is download the app on your smartphone, and you can easily control the watch remotely and always know your child’s location in real-time.
This smartwatch supports GPS, Glonass, Galilean precise positioning. It is also made with waterproof materials so it can be worn at all times. It is water-resistant for up to 50 meters and within ten minutes.
It also has a sleep tracker that can track your child’s sleep quality and sleep time. The advanced HR sensor allows for accurate and effective heart monitoring as well and can keep you and your child more up to date on their health.
You will also find an impressive 45-day battery life. Its low power consumption design offers endurance. When it is time to charge, it only takes 2.5 hours and can be used again for up to 10 days with a standby time of up to 45 days.
Accurate and precise GPS tracking
Made of waterproof, durable materials
Long battery life
Sleep and fitness tracker
App notification on the watch may be distracting for some children
May be better suited for older children
Final Thoughts
Choosing to invest in a smartwatch for your child with GPS capabilities can grant you the peace of mind you need when your child is outside the home. You will know your child’s location in real-time, and your child will be able to call you whenever they need you.
The best GPS watches for kids will feature an SOS button, two-way calling and be made with durable and long-lasting materials. When looking for the best GPS watches for kids, make sure to check for high accuracy when it comes to GPS tracking.
Is there anything present which is 100 percent safe? No, there is not. In this fast pace of the world, you will see news daily about cyberbullying, fraudulent activities on the web. This risk of these harmful threats is increasing like a wildfire. For parents, it is more important to keep their kids safe from such harmful threats. In order to solve this problem, there are lots of mobile applications developed which allow parents to track their kid activities. In this article, we will talk about top child phone tracker apps for Android devices. Before writing this article, I personally tested all the apps for almost 1 month and compiled the list as per features and prices.
What can child phone tracker app do for us?
Child Phone tracker app is a great way to track kid location at any time. If your kid is not telling you about their location and other activities then, you can use kid tracker apps to track their location. On the internet, there are numerous location tracking apps available but, choosing the best is not easy. Here, we have compiled top apps which help you in child tracking.
These days, there are lots of things that kids are not comfortable sharing with their parents such as location, messages, social media activities, and much more. If you find that your kids are hiding something from your then, it’s time to start surveillance with child tracker app.
10 best child phone tracker apps
1. FamiSafe Child Tracker
FamiSafe Child Tracker is a reliable family locator tool designed for parents to track kids. I is available for Android devices which are running on Android 4.0 or higher. The process of setting up FamiSafe on the target device is very easy as compared to other tools. You can locate the target device remotely from anywhere at any time. Also kids can share real-time location with parents on iphone devices so that they can keep tabs on families.
You can track the real-time location and check location history of the target device using FamiSafe.
Set screen time limits in specific places like schools and make sure their phone can not be used during study or sleep time.
Parents can let kids share ral-time location on kids' iOS devices.
In FamiSafe, the user will find a flexible subscription place that is affordable in price.
Compatible OS: FamiSafe is available for Android and iOS devices.
Web Filtering
Location Tracking & Geo-fencing
App Blocker & App Activity Report
Screen Time Limit & Schedule
Explicit Content & Suspicious Photos Detection
2. Norton Family parental control
Norton is one of the leading companies which offer security services. Norton Family Parental Control is a mobile application designed for parents to protect their kids. This parent tracker app will help you in locating the location of your kid without them knowing.
With Norton Family Parental Control, you can easily access the location of your kid device without knowing them.
Website blocking is also possible with the help of Norton Parental Control.
You can also track web browsing history including YouTube history, and web browser.
Compatible OS: Compatible with Android and iOS devices.
3. ESET Parental Control for Android
ESET is another well-known name in network security industry. ESET parental control for Android is specifically coded for Android devices. Using this app, you can remotely locate where your kid is right now. You can download it free of cost from Google Play Store.
Keep an eye on web activities 24 x 7.
ESET also allows a parent to block applications on the target device.
Locate the location using ESET web-based
Compatible OS: It is only compatible with Android devices.
Best Child Tracker App For Iphone
4. Glympse
Glympse is one of the best location tracking applications available on the Google Play Store. Engaging with this application, you can easily share the live location with others. This app work silently in the background and uses GPS, GPRS, or Wi-Fi network to locate the device and redirect it to the Glympse server.
There is no need to sign up in order to use this service.
One can view the live location of target person using Glympse.
Compatible OS: It is available for both Android and iOS devices.
5. Family Locator - GPS Tracker
Family Locator – GPS Tracker is developed by Life360 for Android and iOS devices. With the help of Family Locator – GPS Tracker, one can keep a connection with family and friends all the time. Using this child phone tracker app has lots of benefits. You can track the device if the device lost or even stolen.
One can create ground inside the app to communicate with others.
It will show you real-time location of the target
There are many other types of features available in this application.
Compatible OS: Compatible with Android and iOS devices.
6. Find My Kids – Child Locator
As the name says, this is GPS based location service that offers child location tracking services. Using this service, you can easily locate their real-time location remotely. Moreover, another benefit of choosing this app is that it is available at free of cost.
Real-time location tracking is easier with Find my kids.
Find my kids is also equipped with a geofencing function to get a notification when target person leaves or enters the specified area.
Compatible OS: Both Android and iOS devices supported.
7. Family Locator with GPS Tracker
Family Locator with GPS tracker is the best app which allows the user to easily locate the target device. It is designed by keeping parenting in the mind. With this app, you can locate the location of your family members at any time.
Live location tracking is an amazing function of Family Locator with GPS tracker.
Share location with more than one user.
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Compatible OS: It is compatible with Android devices only.
8. Kaspersky SafeKids
Kaspersky SafeKids it the application designed for Android and iPhone devices to keep an eye on kid activities. Engaging with Kaspersky SafeKids, you can track the live location, access messages, call logs, and much more.
It is available at free of cost.
Website blocking is easier with Kaspersky SafeKids.
Compatible OS: It is available for Android and iOS devices.
9. MMGuardian Parental Control
MMGuardian parental control is a parental control tool which is used by millions of Android users to know where their kids are. In this tool, you will find web filtering to restrict inappropriate websites.
You can download this kid tracker app at free of cost. But, the free version is available only for 30 days.
Easy to block websites.
The user interface of this application is clean.
Compatible OS: It is available for Android and iOS devices.
10. SecureTeen Parental Control
Originally developed by Infoweise Pty Ltd, this is one of the best location tracking applications designed for Android devices. Using this app, you can easily track the target device location and apply various restrictions such as screen time, and others.
It is efficient and powerful.
Using SecureTeen is very easy, unlike many other apps.
Compatible OS: Both Android and iOS devices supported.
Keeping an eye on the kid is necessary for parents in this high tech era. There are various apps available which allow parents to monitor their kid device. FamiSafe kid tracker app is one of the apps which is highly recommended by lots of users if you want to know what your kids are doing. Simply, create an account and configure the app on the target device to start monitoring.
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Possible To Do A 7 Page Essay In One Day?
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