#by which i mean theyre lesbians obviously
deathlonging · 1 year
xo kitty trying to get me to sympathize w the millionaire's daughter by having him be domineering is soooo funny like that is a level one at BEST not even an undertone of physical violence being threatened. maybe its the actors fault but he is not rlly scary at all lol
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officialspec · 7 months
What do you think gay men are attracted to in men that they can’t be attracted to in women?
It can’t be anything about femininity or masculinity obviously. That’s both sexist, and cultural so can’t be what drives men-only attraction.
It can’t be anything about stated identity because someone could lie just as easily as they could tell the truth in such a statement, and it makes no sense because homosexuality and heterosexuality exists in other species with no stated identities. It’s not like other animals without gender are all pan.
Saying idk it’s the vibes or some indescribable trait men have that women can’t but “I can’t explain” is a nonanswer.
Soooooooo what is it? Or do you think any sexuality but bi/pan is just cultural performance or an identity rather than an inborn orientation?
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first off i hate this ask and i think youre a freak. in any other world i wouldve blocked you for this but unfortunately for both of us i actually like this type of philosophy. dont send this shit to anyone else though
i dont think its right to compare human sexuality to the same thing in animals, to get that out of the way. im sure until a certain point it comes from the same biological impulses, but human beings have way more complicated social structures and reasons for coupling that just do not exist in other animals. our social behaviours are what make us unique in the animal kingdom and that definitely extends to gender and sexuality. so theres that
people love to tout 'gender is a social construct' around like its a criticism in and of itself, which i think betrays a misunderstanding about social constructs in general. theyre the foundations we build language on to better understand each other, and affected by a whole host of cultural and historical factors. just because theyre subjective and complicated doesnt mean they arent real. in terms of the effect they have on peoples lives they may be the most real thing that exists
for example, 'kindness' is a social construct. the definition and ways it is enacted differ greatly across personal and cultural lines. but no one would ever suggest a world where kindness doesnt exist or loses meaning, because its an essential part of the way we interact with each other (in the same way i dont really see a world where gender entirely ceases to exist, mainly just one where people have more fun with it. im not a psychic though so who knows)
similarly, sexuality in humans is another social construct. i think the driving biological forces behind it are very real, but the labels people attach to those impulses are subjective attempts to express their inner world to the people around them if that makes sense. and those same biological impulses are ALSO subject to social ideas of gender, because those ideas are established at birth and reinforced over a persons entire lifetime
to use myself as an example, im a gay trans man. ive identified as other things in the past, because i was trying to pick apart feelings i had and express them to others in an attempt to find community. my identity might change as i get older and experience new things, or it might not. i identify as gay because im not attracted to the social concept of women, and someone i would otherwise be attracted to might lose all appeal after i find out they fall under that concept (this has happened before w transfems pre and post coming out lol)
of course, the real REAL answer to this is that trying to give queer identities rigid and objective definitions is a fools errand, and also lame as fuck. someone might identify as gay and be more attracted to general masculinity than men as a social category, maybe they fool around with a couple of butch women without considering themself any less gay. two otherwise identical people might be a butch lesbian and a gay trans man without either of those identities coming into conflict. they might even be the same person at different times of the week
the labels people choose to use are communication tools, not objective signifiers. if you dont understand them, they probably arent talking to you
social constructs are everything. we as humans have the unique ability to interpret our own messy desires and impulses into words that other people can use to form an idea of someone else in their mind. its how we build connections, and of course it isnt perfect because trying to squeeze someones entire personal history and the centuries of context that defined it into a handful of syllables is going to leave some room for error. but its all we have, yknow? so we keep trying. and i think thats much more human than any imposed objective 'truth' could ever be
tldr we live in a society dipshit. get with it
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spitinsideme · 3 months
Honestly, girl (and anon), you're so right. Like, bro, I'm a furry, and that knot shit always grosses me tf out. It seems to me it's normalized in my Fandom, but hey, that's a different conversation entirely. We should get more afab representation with nsfw fics and art. But that is not to say I hate folk under the Trans umbrella lmao. I need to get to writing more stuff and actually finish it like God damn I have a problem with abandoning shit.
yeah !!! i mean obviously its normalised in lime furry since its a thing in that community mostly, but i think that there is so little attentiin to vaginas in like MOST places actually which really sucks. i think some of this is that lesbian relationshios are somewhat rare to come across (not as much anymore, but still) and even then lesbian sex is MUCH rarer. like healthy lesbian sex not for men to wank off to. i do also havw to say that a lot of people label lesbians as pure and shit, like people who dont have sex and its this like "oh theyre just two girls in love !!" and whenever lesbian sex IS talked about, a lot of people are quick to go "oh thats all for male gaze" as if women dont have sex wkrh other women in wlw relatiionships ? i dont think people mean bad when theh sah these things, but when SO MUCH of lesbian sex is accused of being only for the male gaze it makes lesbians seem like these pure relationshios where 5hey can do nothing rxcept go on little dates and its sort of infantalised in that way ? like two tirls being togethe4 is nothing more than two girls holding hands and kissing (but not with any sdxual feelings !) and going on walks togeher and shit. i think that this is very obviously in the movie love lies bleeding, whwre i have seen many people say the sex was "clearly for the male gaze" when it really isnt. if we assume everything is for men, then what do we have left ? i feel like this is a whole other problem that is relevant to this actyally, but its a differnt problem entirely and has its own thing going on
we need more oussy representation !!!! give us aroused vaginas !!!! explain that wetness running down her thighs in detail please and thank you !!! make her squirt !!!
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quodekash · 1 year
wait what did patpran's friends say when they told them they would be playing the main characters
how did they react during rehearsals and stuff
obviously kornwai wouldnt care, but what about the others who think they still hate each other??? who think theyre currently exes?? i have many questions.
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oh i wasnt expecting that
i wouldve expected it to be the other way around
that's so interesting, subverting expectations
i love subverting expectations /gen
veriudjksgbvouerbjsdoguvbre im so excited
im so freaking excited
holy hell
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its a shame that the tear is on the side of his face that the audience cant see buT STILL
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oh dear merciful god please let them freakin kiss
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bro did you not watch the previous architecture play?
the other one he literally starred in?
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i agree
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they just mean so much to me, your honour
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i get that you wanna congratulate them buT PLEASE, THE MAN HAS TOO MANY FLOWERS ALREADY, SPARE HIM
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which, by the way, this is one of the few times i can say that theyre short, because shes the only one that's shorter than me. i am a whole two centimetres taller than love, and im proud of that
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look at me, promoting them. i could be their spokesperson. (hire me gmmtv, im begging you)
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YOU'RE ABOUT TO FIND OUT (please let him be about to walk up to them, please please im begging you)
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please, make it stop, he cant carry any more flowers
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[quodekash.exe has stopped working]
i wouldve inserted the image again but uh. youll never guess who ran out of images again
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jacksoldsideblog · 10 months
hey!! i would love to know your thoughts on how Marla’s character changes in a gender bent version of fight club :)
my thoughts on Marla as a man are (edit: WERE. this got long) much less fully formed than my thoughts of the narrator and Tyler if they were women, but I'll share what I've been kicking around!
Firstly, I've done all my characterization by looking at the characters in the original, looking at them with respect to how the narrator is a gay man (this is canonical to me, I understand it's an interpretation but I simply don't bother with others, and honestly even if you don't consider that interpretation it remains that the narrative itself was written by a gay man and it really echoes in the characters) and then letting things fold out.
I said in another post a while ago that while Marla fucks the narrator/Tyler, ultimately I don't think shes actually in any form of a relationship with them and is most bonded with a sense of friendship. Which I think I would keep, with Martin (what I decided to name male Marla).
Additionally, the narrator has a lot of semi surpressed rage about Marla — arguably about how easy she is able to do what he wants, ie fuck men, fuck Tyler, etc. about how she is an unavoidable part of his life. about how women are an unavoidable part of his life. Please note, I mean that in a "he's gay" way and not a "he's a male seperatist" way.
So for me, I think Martin would be derived from something of the same. An unavoidable part of the narrators life. Keeps coming around like a stray cat that got fed once or twice. The narrator does not like him. The narrator hates how easily he can do what she wants — be masculine unhindered, unthinking, go through life unencumbered, fuck women, does not even have to think about the shit the narrator does.
I think, also, they would be friends, in the way where they're close, and they know each others' pains even if they can't truly share them. I think Martin would actually be a lot like the narrator — building on Marla's own self characterization, he hates himself, thinks he's a waste of space. It's partially why he hangs out with misandrists.
The question becomes should Tyler and Martin fuck? Because obviously, if you were to just one to one it, they would. But I think you have to consider the differences in fantasies. The narrator (gay man) dreams up a version of himself who can have all the male brotherhood and touch, but is also capable of reaping the benefits fucking women allotts men in society. It's honrstly the most repressive part of Tyler wrt the Narrator's sexuality. The narrator (gay man) comes up with Tyler to keep Marla in his life because he can't imagine a way to just be friends with her, especially without hitting on his own insecurities.
On the other hand, lesbians tend to do things differently. Fucking men gives you more privilege in society. But it also opens you up to tons of abuse from men. Many lesbians may closet themselves but dream instead of being free of men altogether, even if they don't dare dream about fucking women. There's different pressures. In a roundabout way, the narrator (lesbian) has Tyler to make friends with Martin, too, because Tyler is confident and forceful enough to not even entertain the idea that she should be in a relationship with the only man she's around, that she's felt any interest in.
So, I wouldn't have them fuck. I think Martin and Tyler would have a bit of a toxic, lets get fucked up together thing, Tyler probably loves to make Martin worse. Tyler likes seeing a man potentially actually have an internal sense of self capable of guilt and remorse. Martin likes being told he's a piece of shit. I also think there would be some sympathy, because:
I think the only reason he would be even vaguely allowed to hang around would be if he was gay, which is something of a departure from Marla's character — but I think, given that theyre not sexually entertwinned anymore, it's okay to let something like the strange relationship between gay men and lesbians stand in the slot for "complicated relationship."
And Marla has breast cancer scares, and it's the 90s, so I think you can imagine what scares a gay Martin has. I think, having Martin would add nuance to the representation of men, in female fight club. Men don't just hurt women, they hurt men too, especially gay men, and the scales are much different but I think the narrator and Tyler would see something kindred in that, in the way they wouldn't if he was just another human buttwipe of a man. Having Martin be a human buttwipe just doesn't work in the way Marla does, so they've got to have some other kindred thing.
So overall:
-hangs around like a stray cat
-gay, probably had a lot of bad shit happen to him
-narrator resents him so bad. still goes with him to the sex health clinic
-Tyler hangs out with him and they bemoan the shit men get away with. They make lists of men who should be gunned down at the first opportunity. They get drunk and stupid and the narrator is insanely jealous someone gets to have comraderie with Tyler like that, wants it to just be her.
-Tyler occasionally sets Martin to cleaning the entirety of Paper Street house as reparations. This is the only way it gets cleaned above "functional". Martin doesn't really care
-Considers himself toxic human waste
-Mostly looks like a male version of Marla. Skinny enough to be anorexic, waxy, like's he's been beat up by an abusive boyfriend.
-Doesn't do overtly feminine things really — just sort of inherently androgynous and rides on that. He hates that guys expect him to do debasing shit just like they expect of women. This is a frequent Tyler topic
-Does still totally have that fur/feathery looking coat though
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demonophilia · 11 months
minors, or no age listed. this is an instant block. have your age plainly listed either in your bio or pinned post.
raceplay, ageplay (dd/lg, md/lb, or any variation on those), detrans/misgendering, sexism/misogyny, sissy/forcefem, beastiality, incest (including step/adopted/fauxcest) , or orientationplay (ex. 'turning' lesbians. fuck off
proana/promia/thinspo/any kind of ed blogs i have an ed and these blogs are INCREDIBLY triggering for me. do not interact with me. i will block you.
scat, vore, inflation etc. nothing wrong with these but i'll most likely block if theyre a main focus of our blog. if i follow first, this doesnt apply!
any "icky x" shit. generally falls under the ageplay or incest umbrella, but i wanted to make sure i was clear. if i see any variation on those tags on your post, i will block.
chasers please just be normal LMAO
do not ask about my private life/ask for my sfw blog. again, this is only if we aren't friends/close. i might post abt it in vague terms and its fine to ask abt minor things (how was your day etc) but dont pry. i am literally a porn blog im on here to get people off LMAO im not that interesting
if i say no or say to stop, stop. this should be obvious. if i say no, i mean no. this includes if im being dominant. if you repeatedly disrespect a boundary ive set, i will block you. if you arent clear on a boundary, ask!
more info under the cut ⬇️
hii im connor :] i use it/its, he/him, and she/her pronouns. i'm bisexual + bigender (tme, and i have a cunt), and i'm fine with both feminine and masculine petnames (see petnames section below :]) i'm a vers and a switch, though recently i've been heavily sub leaning. feel free to send me dom-focused asks, i just can't guarantee i'll get to them too quickly!
i love getting asks, especially sexual ones (obviously). just be certain that youre respecting my boundaries! i understand slip-ups, but try your best to "respect" me (obviously disrespect me lmao but yk what i mean). if you'd like to use an emoji for your asks, lmk and i'll tag the answers with that emoji :]
the terms i use for my anatomy are fairly loose, but do not use the term "bonus hole" or any variation to refer to my cunt. boypussy is fine, but i don't really find it very sexy LMAO. also, i call my clit a cock or tdick. it's fine to use clit for it, but i prefer the other 2.
i looove petnames :] feel free to use any of these (unless i specify otherwise), id honestly prefer you using these over my actual name LMAO.
angel, baby, darling, etc. these aren't sexual, but feel free to use them! i find them cute :]
toy/doll/fucktoy/thing etc. i love being objectified/dehumanized so these are always a good bet LOL
puppy, dog, pet, mutt, kitten, kitty, etc. bonus points for "bad dog" which makes me crazy in my head
good boy/girl/toy etc.
slut/whore/cumdump etc. i love most degrading names, lol. go wild with these, if i don't like one i'll lyk :]
sir/miss. when i am domming, these are generally the titles i prefer. feel free to try others though! (aside from daddy/mommy.)
go wild! the ones above are some of my favorites/the ones that immediately came to mind, but feel free to try other ones :] like i said if i don't like it i'll just lyk, no harm done!
i should note that i enjoy all my kinks from both directions, whether im dom or sub :] due to my frequently subby nature some of these descriptions are worded in terms of Me being the sub but i love them when im domming also basically.
praise i adoree being praised... generally i prefer it mixed in with degradation ^_^ tell me if im doing a good job, making you happy, etc! i also love praise when im domming please lmk if youre enjoying yourself i like knowing im getting people off :]
degradation another favorite ^_^ as ive mentioned, i love being dehumanized and sexualized. call me stupid, useless, etc. aside from words, i do enjoy being made to do degrading tasks <3 Also idk where to put this but i lovee spit spit in my mouth spit on me Whatever
painplay hitting, slapping, choking, biting etc are some of my favorites. i also enjoy knifeplay and gunplay. anything that will leave bruises/marks will make me wet <3
somno/intox i enjoy both of these, but i am very picky about them, and i'd probably won't talk about them a lot because of how picky i am.
monsterfucking vampires werewolves angels demons tentacles etc etc etc i go crazy for them . i do want to do unspeakable things to a service top werewolf this is true.
petplay i should note that i'm fairly picky about petplay as well! i mainly prefer the petnames, collars/leashes, etc. i don't enjoy anything about cages or being made to bark (though i don't mind phrases like "puppies don't talk" and stuff like that)
bondage, gags, handcuffs etc. pleasee tie me up and tell me what you'd do to me <3 i have an oral fixation so any use of my mouth is very appreciated <3
breeding I LOOOOOVE BREEDING im crazy abt it. if you threaten to knock me up i Will beg for it lol. i don't really care abt any actual pregnancy details, aside from future hypotheticals (youre gonna be so big, im gonna fuck another baby into you after, etc)
exhibitionism/voyeurism if i didnt get off on ppl looking at me i wouldnt have made this blog love and light .
this list is nonexhaustive! i like a lot of kinks, so feel free to bring up any you think i'd like, so long as they aren't on my dni or anything. worst case scenario i just won't like them and i'll lyk LOL.
mutuals feel free to dm me if you'd like ;] i tend not to initiate bc i have a hard time telling when its normal to reach out LOL, so if you want to talk to me, please do! everyone else can talk to me through the ask box!! once again, Please sexualize me (why would i make this blog if i didnt wanna be sexualized lmao) but respect my boundaries <3
related to above, but if you get off to my posts/thinking of me, id love to know :] i loveee getting ppl off so <3 and if im feeling dommy i might tease you abt it LOL
i do my best to tag specific kinks for navigation (and to tag hard kinks with tw (kink)) but i might slip up/forget! if you notice an issue with the tags, feel free to lmk and ill get that fixed :]
also i should note i am bisexual bigender, so im fine being rbed with both wlw/nb and mlm/nb tags ! lmk if youre uncomfortable with me interacting with yr content in any way 👍
ty for reading this whole long thing :D i tend to ramble a lot lol... i don't rly have anything to give you for reading it all buttttt feel free 2 like if youve read all this also youre my favorite and you can do whatever you want to me (joke (or is it!?))
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redheadbigshoes · 11 months
🌻 here ya'll 👋 Okay so about the 'femboy' thing... strap yourself in I'll explain as best as I can.
So trans women have a rocky history of the terms used to describe us given by others and ourselves.
Some of them were made by trans women to describe ourselves (trans woman as a term obviously desires the msot respect, we want to be seen as we truly are by other people as women)
Some terms were used by others to describe trans women, but are not explicitly slur-esque or detogatory in nature (transsexual is a good example here, some older trans women use this term, but it originated from medical officials describing trans women who undergo hormones or surgeries to affirm our gender and relieve dysphoria)
And some terms were explictly created by others as slurs, like Tranny, Trap, and yes, Femboy. Some trans women reclaim Tranny, similar to how some lesbians and gays reclaim Fag and Dyke, infact that word was contemporary with both of those others, and is a similar case, but Femboy is inextricably tied with Trap in the realm of 'slur that innately denies a trans woman's nature as a woman'.
Trap obviously comes from negative stereotypes that trans women transition to pass perfectly and then 'surprise' sexual partners with our genetalia, a predatory, disgusting, and completely fallacious stereotype, which reduces trans women to gender non-conforming feminine cis men and innately denies us being respected and seen as women just like cis women. It also has innate objectification and sexualization behind its meaning, reducing us to just sexual objects that its okay to use and abuse and ridicule because we're not cis women.
Femboy is basically the term that 4chan internet reactionaries started using once Trap became social taboo to say on social media, thanks to the efforts of trans women and allies to dispel the slur and its transphobia. Femboy was and is still used by hateful transphobes to describe openly stated trans women characters like Bridget from Guilty Gear, and is commonly used to blur lines between characters stated to be feminine gender non conforming men and out and plain trans women. Essentially using the existence of gender non conforming men characters to erase the existence of trans women characters.
Some legitimate gender nonconforming men decide to use the term to describe themselves, either wholly unaware of how it has and is still used to erase the existence of trans women, or just uncaringly despite knowing its origin and history.
So in short, yes, it is a slur, but some gender nonconforming men decide to pick it up as an identity while its still used to invalidate and erase the existence of trans women, so to people like me, it is a slur. Frankly I dont respect gender nonconforming men who use it as an 'identity' because it still just means theyre gender nonconforming men, and its not like Butch as an identity where it has respect, identity, culture behind it. 'Femboy' just has transmisogyny and sexualization behind it as a term.
Phew, that was my best try at keeping it succinct, if anyone has any other questions I can send another ask to try and explain further, thanks for listening!
Thank you so much for explaining all of this! Yeah I asked this because of how I’ve seen being used to describe feminine men (more specifically gay men), so I wasn’t sure if it depended on the context or if regardless of the context it was a slur and derogatory.
I used it a couple of times (without knowing its history) whenever I talked about people (especially “mspec lesbians” supporters) wanting to include men (cis/trans) in lesbianism by using that argument of “there’s no difference between a butch and a trans man” and “there’s no difference between a trans woman and a ‘femboy’” , and in this case (at least from what I understand of the phrase) it seems they’re trying to compare feminine gay men (by using the slur) with trans women.
Other people already explained to me as well but again, thank you. I won’t be using that term anymore, even if the case is the one I brought up (bringing up as an example of what people have said).
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nefariousfool · 6 months
I have no direct goat in this game but I will yap anyways
I don't think tme/tma is, like, precise language in almost any form especially in the casual usage I've seen it used and was curious why this push was being made for its usage. transfem/transmasc have been far more useful and far less reductive for a very very long time. I know this may come off "all people are affected by oppression" but saying your definition of Trans Misogyny Affected doesn't apply to a cis gay man who has been regularly treated with the same tools of oppression for not acting in line with society's conception of gender, then suddenly deciding he is "affected" by transmisogyny the second he identifies as non binary seems entirely useless. The obvious retort would be that, of course, all the punishments he faced for behaving femininely are retroactively now also transmisogyny, but this implies if he never came to this conclusion on his gender that violence he faced would not be the same hammer of transmisogyny but just uhhhh misdirected transmisogyny or transphobia. Your life cannot be affected by misdirected oppression after all! This feels like a functionally useless set of terms when more useful ones exist, and reducing criticism of this to exclusively being from afabs is not only entirely untrue but a bad if nonexistent defense of their use. also if I'm going to nitpick the term doesn't really function to differentiate itself from afab and amab if you're only going to use it when talking about situations that all but explicitly exclude cis men if not cis people all together, which seems to be the case but whatever that's about use and largely separate from the issues I have at the heart of this
The reasoning for the change I've seen that has been the most consistent and makes the most sense is "annoying transmisandry-truther afab dweebs call themselves transfem on tumblr (obviously because theyre gender edgelords the weirdest gender they can conceive of is a trans woman) thus making the term lose all meaning" and that feels like. OK. first, what's going to stop them from claiming to be tma. They will do that. They are already, probably. second, this is like claiming bc a bunch of annoying 4chan plants start identifying as cis male lesbians it makes the term lesbian useless so we gotta pivot to wafiia (woman and feminine identified individual attracted) and yeah that's more loose and ignores a lot of obvious issues but it's more direct about the axis of oppression wafiia face (their love of women (and feminine identifying individuals but not feminine cis men and also-))
If you disagree greatly feel free to do so, after all I might be fully misinformed, but idk I've read a lot of discussion and am yet to be fully convinced and since I just feel kinda "eh" about the term and don't personally write posts about the tma/transfem experience (obviously) your efforts may be better done elsewhere. Who knows maybe in a few it'll become the only term people use and all dissent will be moot anyways.
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spikrock · 1 year
my mad t party lgbt hcs explained
very messy post below! some are genuine reasonings and others are just "yeah haha trust me bro"
tarrant: bisexual & nonbinary
i mean for all the bi characters the hc is pretty self explanatory, i mean look at them yknow. hes a little too fruity with mally and thackery 🤨 but tarrant and alice are literally bi4bi couple of all time as for the nonbinary hc, i dont know! id like to know if anyone else sees him this way or if its just me :) hes just got too much enby swag 
alice: bisexual & trans
its all spiderwebs fault!!!!!!! it made her gay!!!!!!!!! /j but seriously, kissing ladypillar and different numbers such ho hey (you know how every now and then theyll switch alice standing with mally to someone else like thackery or absolem, the few times she did it with ladypillar are so funny because they cant rhyme the pronouns 😭). also ik this sounds silly but i really appreciate that in the mtp shows once ladypillar was added they didnt stop doing spiderwebs or change it to be like “haha were both girls 😵‍💫blehh this is so weird 😂”/play it off as a joke or anything because they very easily could have done that. shes trans. i already made that post with her and mally but again, if shes not trans then why is her color palette blue and pink? checkmate liberals. 
thackery: bisexual & bigender
yeah hes bi i dont know what else to say he and mally are in love frfr i actually just completely made up bigender. made it up, i dont know where i got it from i just remember early february drawing mad t party on my laptop and suddenly thinking “bigender thackery” and its stuck with me since then. (the two genders i hc him with are male/female though so) i wouldnt say he feels just one or the other, he feels both at the same time
mally: bisexual & trans
he is top ten bisexuals of all time,, whenever they do the pretender and tarrant and alice stand on either side of him and take turns singing he is DYING. passing away HE IS TRANSGENDER!!!!!!! we all know it. instead of coming out as trans he made up some crazy story about being killed in a war and then coming back as a man 🙄/j hes just dramatic like that
chessur: gay & trans
haha this is mostly because of @thatrandomartistjavi's hcs xd chessur is special in the sense that hes the only mtp character that never really gets a chance to flirt with anyone else since hes always hiding behind that drumset. from what ive seen he was shipped with dinah a lot, presumably just cuz theyre both cats since they rarely interact, so ive never really understood it :p i usually hc cheshire cats as nonbinary/something under that umbrella but this guy gives me transgender vibes. idk
absolem/ladypillar(? dont know if she ever got a real name): lesbian & trans
shes very much a lesbian. just. just like yeah. i think the most prominent character that she flirts with (other than alice) is mally. from what ive seen it only really happens when its el dormouse on stage but before i started seeing that i always saw mally/absolem/thackery as like, a trio. i mean obviously everyone in the band are friends, but idk. i have lots of drawings of those three hanging out so maybe thats just something my delusional brain has completely made up. but anyway the point is i dont ship those two and i sort of see them with a more sibling dynamic. mally always holds her back when shes trying to touch the little castle music box thing, at the end of sets he’ll pull her antennae to take her off stage/she'll pull him by his scarf, etc. (also theres a clip where she kisses him on the cheek and as they begin to walk off stage she turns to the crowd and mouths “no” and does the throat slitting gesture thing which makes me think theyre sorta just playing around :p)
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sooo in a post a while back i said i hc her as genderfluid but ive changed my mind?? actually before i made that post i headcanoned her as trans but then switched to genderfluid and now ive uhh changed my mind again. im very indecisive like that and very easily swayed on my opinions haha,,, @ticktockteapot's metaphor for her “becoming the beautiful butterfly she was always meant to be” is very nice i like it lots. also the fact that ladypillar has a much higher stage presence than absolem (obviously not including the spiderwebs number…or crazypillar) was always so sweet to me cuz like,,,aw shes finally more comfortable being herself and performing :’)
tl;dr none of them are straight none of them are cis. happy pride month and thank you for coming to my TED talk
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danggirlronpa · 1 year
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Seed B2 Masterpost
Polaris/Kyoko art by shy-the-trash-lion
Chihiro/Hina art by rayysart
I mean. Once again. I do not understand the appeal of Togiri. I'm a lesbian. Spike Chunsoft's intended characterization of Byakuya means nothing to me and I enjoy balling it up and playing tennis with it against a concrete wall in my spare time. But if YOU like Togiri. And you think, "now the only thing this ship is missing is that they're not both girls!" GREAT NEWS.
As with most Kyoko and Polaris ships there are some big elements here about breaking out of the mold your family has confined you in vs keeping the place you clawed and fought for. And both of those narratives are made even more powerful when added with lesbian and trans coding. Do you choose a heterosexual detective life your grandfather intended for you? Do you start taking estrogen and abandon the Togami name? What will make you happy? Does your happiness even matter?
Also you can still throw them into a polycule with Naegi if you want. Like I do understand the appeal of that. They both have two hands
the-strong-must-protect-the-sweet.png (this-joke-never-gets-old.gif)
This is one of the rare ships where I think Hina's repression really shines. In the investigation leading up to Chihiro's trial Hina says something like "she was always hanging out with guys which made me think she was...you know...a certain type of girl" which obviously we have to throw THAT suitcase into the back of the closet for a while but for this specific context we're discussing. hina. honey. ms "makoto please practice being my boyfriend because i dont understand how girls can like guys it just seems so gross." babygirl are you maybe experiencing some things that you are redirecting into some internalized misogyny. some Gay Thoughts mayhaps
and theyre red/green colors!! christmas gfs <3
※To avoid spamming artists, I will only @ them the first time their work shows up unless told otherwise. If you want to check all the art I used, check here!
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dykeyote · 1 year
💔 + 🎥 for tpo or rgu (or both!!)
also maybe 📜 for rgu cause i’m trying to get into it
i assume u mean tpp bc idk what else tpo would be tho i may be being stupid ...... so i will do both bc i like to talk >:)
one of my least favorite characters from penumbra and why: oh god i really cannot stand mick mercury . i really cant . i just really dont like himbo characters or anything adjacent ..... unless its handled INSANELY well or in a really new and compelling way i just Do not like cis guy characters where the whole thing is that theyre like incompetent and dumb and thats their main thing and often feels like their Only thing i just Do not like it they immediately get on my nerves and i dont like his voice either so whenever hes on the show i am Displeased ...... theres interesting aspects to him and idk i get why people like him i suppose but i cannot stand him . at all . he just is like the biggest example of a trope i really hate </3
one of my least favorite characters from rgu and why: this ones tricky because like .... i like most of the characters that dont do awful shit . like i can be like "oh i hate akio" and ur gonna be like yeah duh ......
fav scene from penumbra: i did this a while ago in this post but ill also throw in one that i forgot which is that i do quite like juno and cassandra's interactions in murderous mask also .... its quite entertaining and puts an interesting lens on both characters . and also theyre both really fucking funny
fav scene from rgu: okay like.... there are many INSANELY good scenes in rgu . so beautiful so cool so fucking thought provoking it is an AMAZING show . however ngl the scene i think and talk the most abt (i literally was talking abt this to my friend the other day who was thinking abt watching it) is the goddamn scene in the dub (idk what its like in the sub i havent seen it i might after i finish watching the dub thru bc i struggle w paying attntion to captions) where they like . show this like triple angle shot of utena and all the girls are staring at her with heart eyes and shit and then they go in the silliest fucking anime dub voice "Shes So Cool" when it is so obvious that they all want to say shes smoking hot and they need her rn . love that scene . i think abt it all the time . its so funny . why would u censor the lesbians of ohtori academy which is apparently all the girls ever
plotline of rgu and what kind of media it is: revolutionary girl utena is a late 90s anime that was heavily influential on the anime that came later and on animation in general (: the plot surrounds utena tenjou, a teenage girl (ish . her relationship to gender is VERY complex and she is at the very least clearly butch to me . bigender utena 4eva) who wants to be a prince and who is sort of unintentionally drawn into a duel for (among other things) the hand of the rose bride, anthy himemiya, a teenage girl with some magical capacities who is treated more as an object than a person by those who want to win her. utena wins the duel, and continues to have to defend her spot as champion despite not particularly Wanting anthy to treat her as her owner and bride-to-be. things obviously spiral down and get way more complicated from there but thats the basic synopsis of the beginning without spoiling later stuff (: (and obligatory warning for anyone intrigued by that that it gets very heavy later on check the warnings ideally on smt besides does the dog die bc there is a Large amnt and imo the does the dog die doesnt really cover them properly or explicitly explain how intrinsically tied to the narrative some of said warnings Are)
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If a man knows a woman is a lesbian he should know sexual attention is unwanted + automatically a boundary violation. Sexual attention meant broadly here might just be some flirting. If a man doesnt know a womans sexuality or knows a woman to be into men then sexual attention may be wanted + is not automatically a boundary violation. I think this is fair to say. There is no nuance in our lack of interest, it cannot be misunderstood. Therefore lesbians can and should have different expectations for men + how men treat us. + this doesnt mean that when boundaries are violated by men, it is worse for lesbians than other women. But it disregards + invalidates the whole concept of lesbianism, which is a specific issue. And by the way, one every feminist should care about a lot.
For other reasons too. But it is bizarre and kind of frustrating to me when a response to "it sucks when people act like there is any context in which lesbians are sexually available to men" from other women is "well why are you dykes special im not always sexually available to men either." No of course not but sometimes you might be. And its not insane or fucked up for a guy to explore that possibility. But literally if a guy ever tries to pursue a woman he knows is a lesbian its unjustifiable.
This is so niche i know this but it has also been going on for a long time and a small number of people saying smth over years can feel the same as a bunch of ppl saying smth all at once.
And the other part of it is, sometimes things are distinguished not because theyre worse but because theyre specific. Like to go to the extreme example, corrective rape is not worse than other kinds of rape. Obviously. But we still talk about it as a distinct thing bc it is borne of a distinct kind of hatred + a need for a distinct kind of control (kind of). Similarly, when a man pursues a woman he knows or should know to be uninterested, this is always bad. When a man pursues a woman he knows or should know to be uninterested by virtue of her being a lesbian, this is bad in a specific way that points to a specific kind of homophobic misogyny, and it makes sense for lesbians to want to talk about it.
To be less subtle people who get mad at lesbians for taking issue with the specific way men violate our boundaries just strike me as people who also hate lesbians. But im defensive when it comes to that stuff ik
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butchviking · 2 years
You're usually so big brained but you honestly believe that if these past women and lesbians who literally weren't allowed to live full lives without concealing themselves as men can be categorised as "trans"? When the choice was to either appear as a man or have their lives ruined and achievements erased? When in the modern sense "trans" is about inner feelings instead of an actual effort in passing? These past women didn't feel like men, they HAD to appear as men because society didn't allow women to do anything. Such a need doesn't reflect the current trans community's hypervisibility. Calling them trans is an insulting misnomer
hmm so i have several points on this.
can you define transgender? bc if it's not someone of one sex assigned the corresponding gender role at birth who chooses to pass as the opposite sex in order to live in the opposite gender role, then I don't see what it could possibly be. unless it's going to be "someone who identifies as trangender", in which case. well. we know how that kind of definition goes.
like i said, you can speculate on motives all you like. many women in days gone by absolutely chose to live as men bc they weren't allowed to live full lives as women, particularly as lesbian women. the thing is. many women in the modern age make the SAME decision for, subconsciously or consciously, the same reasons. like this is obviously not something commonly admitted by current transmen (for lack of a better phrase lol) but is smthn reaaaally often discussed by detrans women. for the amount of 'transmen are just women/lesbians who want to escape sexism/homophobia' often cited in radblr circles, im always confused by. 'this woman/lesbian who wanted to escape sexism/homophobia cannot possibly be a transman'
"These past women didn't feel like men" ok for real like ofc we can't know how each individual person felt (again i don't think thats super important to defining them as trans tho unless we're defining trans purely by identity status which is. kinda meaningless i feel like being trans-identified and being transgender are actually not always synonymous at all) but actually. u know what. many DID 'feel like men', this is a common experience of many women and particularly lesbians and particularly women/lesbians who chose to LIVE AS MEN thru history. literally sexual inversion theory was not only believed by straight people bro many lesbians have thought of themselves as 'a man in a womans body' for a long time
hey why can so many gendercrits say things like 'transmen are women' but then when u say 'this historical figure was a transman' theyre like 'how dare u imply thats not a woman'. like bro if u think transmen are women then. calling them a transman isn't denying that they're women at all. like only females are transmen so saying someone is a transman doesn't hide or disguise their femaleness. in fact it openly states it. those two things aren't in conflict they go hand-in-hand.
btw yes i KNOW im always going on abt how the cis/trans dichotomy isnt real but listen. the grey areas of trans identity politics in the modern age isnt at all whats being discussed here like this isnt abt calling someone like joan of arc trans for being a woman who wore mens attire. again we are talking abt people of the female sex who literally lived as and passed as men like thats. i cannot stress enough that is like the entire definition of a transman. even if that word wasn't around in their era for them to self-identify with.
idk what u mean abt their need to live as men not reflecting the current trans community's hypervisibility. can u explain that?
also btw i think its fair to say that while the benefits of living as a man in deeply misogynistic cultures are obvious, it's not technically a need and the vast majority of women have (no blame on them the pressure is immense and physical force often involved) usually yielded to the demands of gender thru time. and even imposed that on other women often. and so sue me i think its nice for those who are defiant of gender to be able to point to people like them in history and say. that's me. that's someone like me and people like me have always been here. and i know trans identity/transition is often considered by gendercrits to be a cave-in to gender and i DO see the point there i see all the points i promise but. listen im biased but i honest to god think that the decision to live in the opposite gender role is like. no its not as defiant as being openly gnc and telling everyone who doesn't like it to cope and seethe but it IS a lot more defiant and i think a lot braver than to cave in to gender the other way, by conforming and being a feminine makeup sexy dresses kind of woman. im veering wildly off track here and ive had too much wine i think but let's end on a hot take: top surgery isn't feminist at all but its still more feminist than a boob job.
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ok this is just a random post abt me musing abt my sexuality and my attraction to people that are not women?
like. im a lesbian. point blank period, thats me. but to me, that not only includes women, but also the non binary spectrum. i just dont want men; theyre not for me, there 0 attraction there
and ive been thinking abt the nuances of that, and how vast the non binary spectrum is, cuz its literally everything that is not binary (men and women). and thats crazy btw like i love it, i love being genderqueer, i love that i have a community that gets it and is so diverse and beautiful and im gonna stop or imma get emotional. anyways.
in the last few days ive been thinking. abt amab individuals who are on the nb spectrum. and i think, before, in my mind (and this is genuinely something that im glad im working on btw), me being attracted to nb ppl who were amab was wrong? because to a lot of ppl thats just men (which is transphobic btw; idk why its so much easier to see afab ppl as nb and thats that, but then amab ppl its another thing? like thats weird, why is it like that?? we need to work on that, seriously)
and ive come to the conclusion, which is the logical one btw, that: if theyre non binary, then theres a chance i will be attracted to them. ofc theres nuances here n there, n sexuality n gender is vast n complex, n if u dont want to, dont put urself in a box that doesnt fit u, but yh!! like. for example: a bigender individual, amab. i would so crush on them (depending on my type n shit like that yknow, its not every bigender person ever lmao, my mind does have certain things it likes more here n there, but i hope this makes sense still). an amab person who is a demiboy or goes by he/they or whatever else; like thats not A Man, thats a person who fucking went through a gender self discovery journey, probably still is there just discovering shit abt themselves and theyre queer and they get it!!!! they know what its like to not be binary!!! and i rly hope this isnt fucking mind blowing or god forbid problematic to yall, cuz it shouldnt!!!
im a lesbian, and that to me means im not attracted to men. anything else fucking goes OBVIOUSLY. i rly hope this is making sense, i rly hope im not saying anything stupid here. if u think i said anything wrong or hurtful or if i should put any trigger/content warnings pls do tell me!!! this is just a post abt me musing abt my sexuality and finally working on this weird issue i was having which shouldnt even fucking be there!! my brain was just being dumb!!
i feel like ppl will do ANYTHING to tell lesbians that they are not, in fact, lesbians, and i feel like this will break those ppls minds. but yh. im a lesbian bitches. thats what i am rn, thats what i think i'll be for a long long long long long time. and yh. rly hope this makes sense.
edit: n i didnt even touch on intersex ppl yknow like. its so complex but its also rly simple, i feel like ppl just like to poke at this and make The Big Issue that it is but rly isnt. yknow??
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phoenixfangs · 1 year
>:3c fandom askies for aa, depending on your Mood
Salty: 1, 8, 10, 25
Neutral: 16
Posi: 17, 18
JAJAJAJAJAJAJA pepper coming in clutch as always, and u KNOW im gonna do all of them, mood be damned. going under a readmore because i rambled!!
the character everyone gets wrong
maybe its a boring answer but phoenix. good god do people just Not understand him. i think the fact weve seen him in so many forms (feenie, trilogy, 7yg, aa5/6) makes it hard for people to get a pin on him, but thats the thing: u cant really get a pin on someone like that. too often i see stuff where, well into his thirties and having gotten his badge back, people portray him as just as outwardly emotional (and sometimes emotionally volatile...) as he was when he was dating dahlia, and Thats Simply Not The Case, especially after how guarded and jaded he became during aa4. hes SUCH a complicated character i cant even go into specifics and try to give other examples, because they each require paragraphs of their own explaining context and nuance in what goes through his head. i dont know how else to go on, just know that i am the only person who is correct about phoenix wright, and if anyone requires consultations for fic or art, my fee is steep but fair
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
all of them. no im kidding, uhhhhh hm. i guess that klavier and apollo Immediately knew they liked each other/were attracted to each other and spent any time pining for the others affection during aa4. i like klapollo as a ship, i just dont think klav teasing apollo with flirtation when they first meet means he was Seriously Flirting with apollo, i think its possible there was a base physical attraction but he was mostly just trying to get apollos goat for fun since he was a rookie attorney. and because of that, what reason does apollo have to be drawn to klavier? apollo isnt some stock tsundere, i think he probably was really annoyed by klavier and Didnt Like Him All That Much at first. plus, with aa4s story being what it is, i just dont think any romantic feelings are on either of their minds until well after the last case. with their ship, i like to imagine they start as professional adversaries (not rivals in the sense phoenix and miles are rivals, its a different vibe), then become friends, THEN graduate to exploring other feelings
10. worst part of fanon
all of it. no im kidding, the worst part of fanon is how rigidly people expect u to obey it. if u dont portray miles as a gay trans man, people look at u weird, for example. which isnt to say that its Bad to follow that fanon, obviously i also think hes gay (i dont personally headcanon him as trans though) but just that it is fanon. until we get concrete proof in a game or anime or what have u of miles demonstrating or naming his sexuality/gender expression, it is just as perfectly valid to portray him as a cishet man as it is to portray him as a gay trans man, even if i personally think its weird and impossible to imagine him with a girlfriend or something. its fine to have different interpretations of whatever; its Not fine to get mad at somebody because theyre not following fanon that u personally ascribe to
25. common fandom complaint that ur sick of hearing
'i dont read wlw content because its all the same :( why are all the mean lesbians getting so mad that my mlm ship is just better :( its not my fault those stupid broads arent written as well as my spicy yaoi :( what do u mean one half of my mlm ship is a lamp ur just being mean to a mlm because ur bitter that ur stupid bitches arent written as well as my mlm gay disaster babies :( stop bullying me for no reason u crazy psycho cunt this is why nobody gives a shit enough about ur dumbass wlw ship to make anything for it :('
obviously nothing wrong with mlm ships, i have been known to enjoy many mlm ships! but when a wlw (particularly a lesbian...) complains about the disproportionate amount of mlm fan content between characters who literally never spoke, stood next to each other once, or where one of them is literally Not A Character (clay terran is a prop i am not wrong about that), its SO FRUSTRATING to see the response be someone taking it as a personal attack and throwing the blame back out at wlw for not just shutting up and dealing with it. that post that showed among us had significantly more mlm fics over wlw fics on ao3 when Those Stupid Creatures Dont Even Have Gender/Character applies to like literally every other fandom
16. u cant understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
any situation in which phoenix depends on miles for money during 7yg. similarly, royalty/medieval au where phoenix is some kind of servant to prince miles, and yes being a knight counts as being a servant in my mind. these two things feel wayyyyy imbalanced to me but in fanworks theyre portrayed as like necessary and appreciated by phoenix (in the money situation) or really romantic (in the royalty/medieval situation). idk, to me, phoenix would rather saw off his own arm and eat it than accept money, especially from miles, during 7yg, and if he did accept it it would only be because miles says 'let me do this for trucy then if ur gonna be so stubborn about it' and he Begrudgingly Agrees; with phoenix being miless knight, it just feels too much like people seeing phoenixs one-sided devotion to miles in aa1 and going 'this is normal and desirable behavior', and idk how to tell people this but phoenixs savior complex over miles is Not Good fjkdsjlfslak like it worked out for them but i dont think phoenixs behavior towards miles in aa1 especially is indicative of a well adjusted, emotionally stable person, and that hardly ever gets talked about its just 'wee wah hes soooo in luuuuurve isnt that romantic'
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
siblingsssss there are so many good sibling pairs/groups in aa. also wlw ship stuff In General because there is never enough in any fandom. also also (because i love to kick the hornets nest) more fic where the intention is to Tell An Actual Story With The Characters instead of projecting the authors trauma and/or kinks and/or personality onto the characters where it doesnt fit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18. its absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
idk if krisnix counts as slept on because ive only been in the fandom for a couple years, i know things were different like 10-15 years ago and maybe it was more popular then, but. krisnix. jfkdsjfls. there is soooooooo much narrative drama u can cook up with these two, so many scenarios and angles, and uve got 7 whole years to fill!! and u can be as serious and somber as u want, going into mental health and toxic relationships and what it means to spend so much of ur life with someone who is so bad for u but letting go isnt easy because thats years of ur life with that person ur being asked to let go of, OR u can be silly and say that kristoph is christian grays lawyersona, because come on i dare anyone to try and tell me kristoph Isnt Also the worlds worst dom
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fallencrowkarma · 2 years
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the bestest of gal pals
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