#congrats this made me actually flesh him out lol
jacksoldsideblog · 10 months
hey!! i would love to know your thoughts on how Marla’s character changes in a gender bent version of fight club :)
my thoughts on Marla as a man are (edit: WERE. this got long) much less fully formed than my thoughts of the narrator and Tyler if they were women, but I'll share what I've been kicking around!
Firstly, I've done all my characterization by looking at the characters in the original, looking at them with respect to how the narrator is a gay man (this is canonical to me, I understand it's an interpretation but I simply don't bother with others, and honestly even if you don't consider that interpretation it remains that the narrative itself was written by a gay man and it really echoes in the characters) and then letting things fold out.
I said in another post a while ago that while Marla fucks the narrator/Tyler, ultimately I don't think shes actually in any form of a relationship with them and is most bonded with a sense of friendship. Which I think I would keep, with Martin (what I decided to name male Marla).
Additionally, the narrator has a lot of semi surpressed rage about Marla — arguably about how easy she is able to do what he wants, ie fuck men, fuck Tyler, etc. about how she is an unavoidable part of his life. about how women are an unavoidable part of his life. Please note, I mean that in a "he's gay" way and not a "he's a male seperatist" way.
So for me, I think Martin would be derived from something of the same. An unavoidable part of the narrators life. Keeps coming around like a stray cat that got fed once or twice. The narrator does not like him. The narrator hates how easily he can do what she wants — be masculine unhindered, unthinking, go through life unencumbered, fuck women, does not even have to think about the shit the narrator does.
I think, also, they would be friends, in the way where they're close, and they know each others' pains even if they can't truly share them. I think Martin would actually be a lot like the narrator — building on Marla's own self characterization, he hates himself, thinks he's a waste of space. It's partially why he hangs out with misandrists.
The question becomes should Tyler and Martin fuck? Because obviously, if you were to just one to one it, they would. But I think you have to consider the differences in fantasies. The narrator (gay man) dreams up a version of himself who can have all the male brotherhood and touch, but is also capable of reaping the benefits fucking women allotts men in society. It's honrstly the most repressive part of Tyler wrt the Narrator's sexuality. The narrator (gay man) comes up with Tyler to keep Marla in his life because he can't imagine a way to just be friends with her, especially without hitting on his own insecurities.
On the other hand, lesbians tend to do things differently. Fucking men gives you more privilege in society. But it also opens you up to tons of abuse from men. Many lesbians may closet themselves but dream instead of being free of men altogether, even if they don't dare dream about fucking women. There's different pressures. In a roundabout way, the narrator (lesbian) has Tyler to make friends with Martin, too, because Tyler is confident and forceful enough to not even entertain the idea that she should be in a relationship with the only man she's around, that she's felt any interest in.
So, I wouldn't have them fuck. I think Martin and Tyler would have a bit of a toxic, lets get fucked up together thing, Tyler probably loves to make Martin worse. Tyler likes seeing a man potentially actually have an internal sense of self capable of guilt and remorse. Martin likes being told he's a piece of shit. I also think there would be some sympathy, because:
I think the only reason he would be even vaguely allowed to hang around would be if he was gay, which is something of a departure from Marla's character — but I think, given that theyre not sexually entertwinned anymore, it's okay to let something like the strange relationship between gay men and lesbians stand in the slot for "complicated relationship."
And Marla has breast cancer scares, and it's the 90s, so I think you can imagine what scares a gay Martin has. I think, having Martin would add nuance to the representation of men, in female fight club. Men don't just hurt women, they hurt men too, especially gay men, and the scales are much different but I think the narrator and Tyler would see something kindred in that, in the way they wouldn't if he was just another human buttwipe of a man. Having Martin be a human buttwipe just doesn't work in the way Marla does, so they've got to have some other kindred thing.
So overall:
-hangs around like a stray cat
-gay, probably had a lot of bad shit happen to him
-narrator resents him so bad. still goes with him to the sex health clinic
-Tyler hangs out with him and they bemoan the shit men get away with. They make lists of men who should be gunned down at the first opportunity. They get drunk and stupid and the narrator is insanely jealous someone gets to have comraderie with Tyler like that, wants it to just be her.
-Tyler occasionally sets Martin to cleaning the entirety of Paper Street house as reparations. This is the only way it gets cleaned above "functional". Martin doesn't really care
-Considers himself toxic human waste
-Mostly looks like a male version of Marla. Skinny enough to be anorexic, waxy, like's he's been beat up by an abusive boyfriend.
-Doesn't do overtly feminine things really — just sort of inherently androgynous and rides on that. He hates that guys expect him to do debasing shit just like they expect of women. This is a frequent Tyler topic
-Does still totally have that fur/feathery looking coat though
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thegoodceai · 8 months
Five players wow! Thats a lot to convert to the "Devil's Game" I love that, congrats! From the handful of games I've gotten to play, I've flipped back and forth between using content that I've made for Stories and using the things that happened to place in the Stories; have you gotten to flesh out more of your fantasy adventure through dnd or vice versa?
Yesss, IF so goood. I'm definitely gonna check out those, I've had Project Hadea cross my dash a couple of times but as always know Of things not what they're about, but if u like em I definitely gotta check em out ^-^. The Passenger was a surprise hit for me, I personally suck at replaying for multiple endings/routes but that one I definitely wanna.
Ayyo! Nice! Even if nothings out yet, I still know it takes a lot of effort and ye is hard to even work up the confidence to put it out there, so I'm proud of you! I can't wait! If nothing else you'll have at least one fan, and it's always good even if you're just making it for yourself <3. Woulddd/have you considered making it an IF or do you have a more 'linear' story in mind?
Oooo nioce! I've saved scummed, and crash and stuck in sidestep is Rough, omg the good/bad angst lol. I've played twice but keep being 'too bad' for folks to want to bust sidestep out lul. I loveee reluctant villains, they're so good. I'm a big fan of playing sidestep as 'fated' but reluctant, like feels they can't stop but wants someone (cough ortega) to stop them. I've tiptoed into the fully evil sidestep, it's veryyyy rough but if you love angst I highly recommend, oh jeez just the reactions.
I feel u lol. We tend to name pets along with food names, but the hilarity of a Cat named like Kevin is just too great. Clementine is a beautiful name and a dumb orange cat would be grateful to have it lol.
Ahh fair enough. It sounds like it was a good series for the time, at the very least a good stepping stone and formative! I'm interested to see how much that might be reflected in your own writing. At the very least, thank you for sharing how important it is/was to you <3 :))).
Again thank yew for answering my questions and replying to all my paragraphs with paragraphs lol
asdfaf yeah, i love my friends to death but they are Chaotic players. it's been a journey. if nothing else, i've learned quite a bit of improv, and fleshing out our homebrew setting helped me organize my writing quite a bit (especially my outlines). for the most part, i try to keep stuff separate tho, even if sometimes some things bleed over (like, NPC traits, or city structures or stuff like that), but the stories are completely different in both the general setting, and the vibes.
Project Hadea just updated and i read it last night and. god. so good. definitely check it out.
it started out as a linear story, and mostly for fun, but the more i added to it, the more other possible outcomes and scenarios started to make themselves known and. i am kinda considering making it into IF format. idk yet, i am waiting to have it more fleshed out (like, actually written, not just outlines and bulletpoints and scenes that aren't yet tied to each other)
aaaah the good angst. i will definitely play an evil route with sidestep. hopefully soon, i started replaying Baldur's Gate again and the Hyperfixation is. very strong.
unfortunately naming pets with human names seems to start to be a tradition with my friends. we already have a cat in the group named Mike (he truly is the definition of no thoughts, head empty. i love my furry nephew so much). some other friends recently rescued a stray kitty and named her Maia (which we all know several people with that name). the other pets that are relatively close to the group are either named after food, or have very literal cat and dog names (my aunt got a cat and she named him Motan. which is just "male cat" in romanian. truly like naming your cat Cat)
thank u for being so indulging lol <3 it's been fun to rant with someone on this hellsite again 🖤🖤🖤
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sl33pyperson · 2 years
the history of my ocs isnt interesting to anyone but me but i love sitting and lookin at my kids, thinking of what they were n what they mightve been
min-kyung literally started out as a happy go lucky baker, now instead shes dating one asgdgddh
shout out to me in science realising identical twins are, well, Identical, thus meaning milos trans now sorry i dont make the rules. holy shit milo is ALSO like. a different version of what wouldve been old min-kyungs love interest. rip kelp
completely killing off bo bc my bestest friend said he looked like a mix of markiplier and jackseptieye when i was trying to redesign him. mincy if ur reading this ilu for that, it actually really made kai n katsuos story more tight n better lol
katsuo has not fucking changed tbh. kai got a missing leg in the bo divorce tho
feel kinda bad for rikku, their hair changes everytime bc i forget how its meant to be augh, also have really ignored growing them and their lil friend group. kon is the same age creation wise, and they both just. didnt feel like People? oh ones angry one wants to fly the end. so i made kon autistic lol have a part of me and go research cats my love
GODS even the fact that like. half of them started out as neopets…. that number is growing less the more i make but i am holding my kids in the palm of my hand
WAIT natash was like. a super cool assassin/killer/fighter type at the very start. that 100% went to min-kyung LOL
this doesnt even include like. the fact all my ocs n stories i started making super young, so the natural growth of “oh it just makes senses if ur trans/gay, congrats u are now” “i hate love triangles why did i do this, yall poly now”
even just general character relationships which have grown like jett/cecelia and vin+viktor…. or realising how connected everyone should be with knowing each other (thus MORE relationships, viktor+saros, jason+alistar, listen throwing in a bunch of ppl into a band was the best idea of my life)
really fucking doubt ill ever make a coherent story with anyone. its super easy to pick out even just duos to write about (kendra n emery are always spinning in my brain, kats n kais breakout, coral n saros first meeting, gods dont get me started with kishi) but nothing is actually fleshed out, just basic scenes and ideas of what the start and end is. i still love my lil kids tho, rly need to draw them more often.
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magical-agatha · 2 years
i wanted to say that hearing u talk about mlp has inspired me to rewatch and finally catch up on the show and it's been a great time so far. im on season 7 and trixie w starlight is so cute, i thought this whole time it was just a popular ship i had no idea it was basically canon lol
oh fuck yeah!!!!!! congrats im so glad ur enjoying it!!! theres like, quite a lot of gay women in that show its one of the cooler parts. but i also love how like, they dont just reset to the status quo all the time, things that happen matter and come up again later. they rly do a good job of making it feel like a real world that the creators respect. its such a good show. im so glad its having a renaissance. it rly deserves to be seen and appreciated and taken seriously. its like, so good. i do find myself wishing quite a lot that i could go back in time a couple years and like, catch the tail end of the popularity boom. bc now im an adult with control over her life and i want like, pony things but all the merch is like, lost to time mostly TwT. feels like archaeology... and theres like, a handful of fan projects ive uncovered that have been abandoned that i really wish i could have seen at their height. the main one being a really passionately made MtG fan set based on mlpfim. the person making it approached it trying to emulate official sets in terms of like, sincerity and fleshing out the setting and story through the cards, and rather than just using screenshots from the show they actually got like, artists from the fandom to make art they could use for the cards. its like, not perfect bc it was made by only one person, but its rly cool and i can see viscerally how much passion they poured into it. its called Nightfall in Equestria, in case anyone's wondering. but its almost impossible to find online, the official website went down in 2017 but luckily someone archived the cards on a site called PonyMTG. unfortunately the archive is like, very minimal, and the card image quality is the very bare minimum mediocre jpg. ive been working on getting it into a state where anyone could play it digitally, but its hard work and the guides for formatting everything arent great TwT. need to get in touch with the creator and like, ask if i have his permission to go full steam and resurrect his set but idk if ill be able to get in touch with him.
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colossal-fallout · 4 years
Ah, sorry, I reread everything and now I understand my order. Sty about that. May I have for starters some Zeke fluff messages, and for my main dish, a smutty and fluffy oneshot of zeke banging his s/o? He is so vulnerable with them in this position, and he can't help himself but to propose to them, utterly in love with his s/o, while he's banging them till they go dummy❤ As for my desert, some fluff headcannons will the amaizing ❤ Thank you and sorry for resending the whole ask lol. Also congrats on your followers 👍
Hey there 😊
Here you go! Enjoy 💕
A/N I find it hard to write Zeke with fluff as I don't cannon him to be that kind of person at all. I'll try!
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Zeke sits up onto his haunches, the back of his hand dabbing his soaked mouth and beared; the wirey hairs having absorbed and contained a lot of your arousal after he'd made you cum again and again and again. Zeke certainly knows what he's doing when it comes to pleasuring you - his tongue strong and flexible as well as dextrous fingers and a sharp mind. Damn, does he remember all of your sweet spots and maps them with precision.
You are his kryptonite, his one huge weakness as he gazes down upon your gorgeous form, panting beneath him, your body already absolutely spent and ruined before he'd even entered you.
"Look at the state of you..." He smirks, crawling up and hovering above you. "You're ruined and I have barely started."
You gasp as his lips press against yours, the loving fire simmering between your bodies raising up into a full flame as he reaches down and lines his tip to your entrance, his free hand caressing your head as his orbs gaze into yours.
"Fuck, I love you." He groans, lips returning to you. "You serve me so well."
Of course you knew he didn't mean that in a derogatory way. It's Zeke. He finds it pretty difficult to show the soft side of him. With the passion that flowed through his words, you knew he'd meant that you serve him well, mind body and spirit. Not physically.
He pushes himself into with a low groa , his girth and length stretching and filling you up deliciously.
"So tight for me... You're so beautiful I can't take it."
You hold him close - hearts together and on a synchronous rhythm as he slowly beings to rock in and out of you; hands desperately grabbing any part of flesh he can. Anything and everything to keep him anchored to the woman he adores more than life itself.
"Zeke... You feel so good." You whimper with your eyes rolling and crossing slightly, his eyes watching every single twitch of your muscles in response to the pleasures he was bestowing you with.
"That's it... Good girl. Enjoy me. Let me make you see the stars baby... Ah~ shit." His hands continue to roam, slithering around your flesh not able to get enough of you in one greedy palm, his tongue now even assisting in his hunger, running up the nape of you're neck as he sinks in and out of your core.
"S-so, perfect. You're.. a goddess. God I can hardly take it..." His eyes clasp closed in his ecstasy but he quickly reopens them, his plunges getting more firm and urgent. He doesn't want to miss a second of detail from you as his body begins to quake.
"Jesus. You feel too good. How have I got you?"
He hears himself saying it, but it doesn't feel like it's enough. "I love your" just isn't cutting it with how much emotion is swirling around within him.
"Marry me baby."
You freeze.
Did you just.. hallucinate that?
"Wh-what?" You stammer.
He halts all movements except for a shallow rocking of his shaft, his hand cupping your face as he gazes directly into your soul.
"You heard correct. Marry me. I love you... So much."
Your heart is in your mouth - your ears buzz and stomach flutters, which sends sparks down to your tunnel that flexes around him in response, enciting a moan from him.
"Of course..." You nod, the biggest grin spreading across his face as he returns his lips to yours, with a deep jerk of his hips.
As mentioned above, Zeke shows affection in his own special way.
Does not do PDA but once behind closed doors he will let on how much he actually adores you with the little things.
Eg. He will eat you out for hours. He will not stop until you're a quivering mess, and even then he'll just slide himself into your ruined slit.
Zeke likes to show he cares by massaging you after a hard or stressful day. Feeling low? Someone pissed you off? Wham. His hands are on your back and shoulders, listening and hanging onto every word as you vent to him.
He likes to try and help you with solutions to your problems. He's a smart guy - providing practical ways to make you feel better is now he shows he cares about how you're feeling.
If you smoke, he will give you the last cig in his box.
Always lights them up for you too.
If you don't smoke, hes careful not to smoke around you. He doesn't want you breathing in that crap.
Often writes you letters when he's away. You're always in the back of his mind when he's fighting in war.
Sometimes he ponders if you'd approve of the decisions he's made. He'll be sure to talk to you about it when he's home. Your opinion of him is extremely important.
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eddiesfaerie · 4 years
and “I want to be more than friends” for Clyde with him and the reader maybe being old childhood friends who’ve reconnected? Love you dear, congrats on 300!! 💖💖🥺🥺
thank you so much lovey :’) i really hope you like this!!
1.3k words: literally just fluff, soft Clyde, appearance of younger Clyde! also i don’t hate Mellie, i’m realizing now that I kinda bash on her but that wasn’t intentional lol
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It was your third dat- your third time meeting Clyde.
Well, third time meeting him as adults. 
You had moved away after high school and he had gone off overseas. You two were friends growing up, but never super close. You were always closer to Mellie, and she sort of called dibs on you being her friend first so that her brothers, Jimmy and Clyde, couldn’t date you.
You laughed at the memory as you sat on a barstool, waiting for Clyde to come back from his office. You twirled your finger absentmindedly around the rim of your glass, looking around the bar, at some of the girls dancing, the men who occupied half of the booths, some friends, family, all gathered underneath Clyde’s roof. You couldn’t believe this was all him.
You didn’t doubt that Clyde had the personality and charisma to run a business but gosh, the fact that he actually did it? And that it was successful? It just warmed your heart, made you feel so proud of him even though you didn’t really know him that well anymore.
You were hoping that would change soon enough.
Clyde reemerged from his office, locking the door behind him before coming back behind the bar, smiling at you as he sauntered over to a patron that waved him down. You smiled back, your cheeks felt hot. You let the back of your hand come to rest against your cheek. It was burning. Fuck, you hoped he couldn’t tell how flustered he had you. 
You watched him work, watched him talk to his customers who he knew like friends. 
You remembered how the two of you used to be friends. Mellie hated it. She didn’t hate you though, she hated how Clyde would always barge in when you two were hanging out, trying to join in but Mellie would just yell at him and kick him out. You always felt bad for Clyde. You understood why Mellie didn’t want him joining in but you honestly wouldn’t have minded if he did.
You made up for it by hanging out with him in the school library, somewhere Mellie rarely went. You would read books together, any kind of story really. Fairy tales, short stories, longer stories, classics. Sometimes Clyde would read out loud to you, you always told him you loved his accent, loved the way his voice sounded when he read. You two sitting across from one another on the ground, backs resting against the book shelves, your legs knocking occasionally with his much longer ones, it always made him blush. Maybe that’s why you did it so often, just to tease him. 
The two of you would stay until the library closed and then he would walk you home. Sometimes he kissed you on the cheek.
That’s as far as it ever went.
“Darlin’?” Clyde’s voice brings you back into the bar, where the lights are dim, casting magnificent shadows across his proud features.
“Sorry.” You laugh, looking back down at your glass, embarrassed.
“Head on the moon again?”
“On the moon?”
“Yeah, I think that’s what the French say when you’ve got yer head in the clouds. Dans la lune.” His pronunciation was awful, and he made it extra bad just to make you laugh. Made his accent thicker, more American.
That’s where you had gone when you moved away from West Virginia, you went to France. He knew that you knew the expression, he knew you could pronounce it a hundred times better than he could and a million other things on top of that.
He just wanted to make you laugh, he liked the way your smile lit up your face, lit up the room. You were so beautiful, he didn’t remember you being this beautiful before you left. Before he left. You probably were though, he probably just couldn’t remember because of how much has happened since then. 
Clyde hid his arm from you when you two first met up a couple of days ago, you had seen each other each day since. But Clyde couldn’t hide his arm from you forever, he realized. Slowly, he eased up around you, using his robotic hand more and more, even showing it off a couple of times.
You and Clyde talked on and off all night. When he wasn’t with a customer he was with you, leaning against the counter top to hear you better over the soft country music that played in the background. You talked about anything, your fingertip occasionally grazing against his own, sort of like the way your legs would graze his when you sat in the library all those years ago. Neither of you pulled away, just smiled wider.
As the last patron walked out of the bar, Clyde followed behind him, saying his goodnights and locking the door behind him. You walked onto the floor in Clyde’s direction, swaying softly to the music that was still playing from the jukebox. Maybe you really were dans la lune, you lost yourself too easily in the soft music, turning around and around in circles where you stood, moving around to the sweet music.
“Marvelous little moves you got there, darlin’.” You smiled and moved in his direction, your hands outstretched in front of you, grabbing for him. Maybe you were tipsy. 
“Come dance with me, Clyde.” Flushing immediately, Clyde shook his head no, looking down to his feet as he kicked some dirt that clearly wasn’t there. He had just sweeped.
“I- I can’t dance… I don’t dance.” He frowned, or pouted, more so. You pouted too, letting your hands come to hold his. He let you hold his hands, both of them. You were glad for that. You squeezed the flesh and the metal one alike, feeling his strength.
“I won’t push you if you’re uncomfortable, but don’t tell me you can’t dance… I’ve seen you dance Clyde Logan. Remember -”
“Yeah, yeah I remember.” He grumbles, holding your hands tighter as he pulls you into his chest, trying to cut you off with the sudden movement. You try to not let him feel the way your heart pounds in your chest, but you think you can feel his pounding too so you don’t feel as bad about it.
His robotic hand holds yours, leading it up to his neck so that you can rest it there. Your fingers tangle themselves in his long hair mindlessly, twirling and slightly tugging every now and then. You think Clyde likes it. His flesh hand rests on your waist, feeling the warmth radiating off of your body as you two move together, slowly.
The song has all but ended, neither of you noticing. He keeps holding you to him and you hold him right back. Cautiously, you lay your head down on his chest, you nearly gasp at how firm the muscle is, but you swallow it, you hold it in.
“Your heart’s beating so fast.” You whisper, not really sure Clyde even heard you.
“So is yours.” You laugh, nuzzling your face into his chest a bit, as if you were trying to get closer, trying to see his heart for yourself.
“Darlin’ you know I don’t know what that means.”
“Dummy, that’s an English expression-” You giggle and playfully swat his chest but his hand catches yours, cutting your sentence off near the end. You look into his eyes, they’re so dark, so soft, so meaningful, those eyes of his. You find yourself wanting to kiss him. Clyde wants to kiss you too.
“I… I want-”
“Yeah, Clyde?” You urge. He huffs and then continues.
“I want to be more than friends, this time ‘round. I want ya to be more than a friend to me if.. if that’s something you would also want.”
You find yourself nodding your head before he’s even done his sentence.
“Yeah?” Clyde asks, his own smile threatening to split his face.
“Yeah.” You laugh, leaning forward into his chest again, letting him hold you tighter.
“I’ll take ya on a real date tomorrow night, no more meetin’ me at the bar. We’ll go somewhere real nice n’fancy.” He promises, pressing a kiss to the top of your head.
With your face still nestled in his chest, you nod your head, a soft ‘yes’. Clyde continues to sway the two of you across the floor of Duck Tape until the late hours of the night.
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laketaj24 · 4 years
Unteachable III: Distractions
Author’s Note: So, I had slacked off on this because I lost some motivation lol, but this series is back! I will try my best to post weekly!! Please let me know what you think! Happy Reading!
Warnings: Smut. Drama.
Parings: Professor!Henry! Cavill x Reader, Charlie Hunnam X Reader
Masterlist for previous parts.
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Moving had been easier than you thought, it helped your brother wanted you out. He had done half of it for you, and when henry joined in you, you were in your new place within two weeks of signing the lease. It was not close to Henry’s, which in retrospect it didn’t matter. You saw him every day regardless, he would drive to you, or you would haul ass to him if you had to, but Henry didn’t require all of that.
The new house was spacious, and more importantly, it was your own, and it was all that you could want. Your living room was compiled of grays and specs of red throughout the decor. All modern, all easy and all just the way you loved it.
The call came late in the afternoon, it was not one you were expecting either. Henry was the only person that called you besides your parents occasionally, and he was on his way over.
You were tempted to ignore the number, but you didn’t. you slid your finger over it and pressed the phone to your ear. “Hello.”
“Angel.” His smooth voice sent chills up your spine, how could you hate and love a damn voice that fucking  much.
“Charlie.” You breathed. “How did you get this number?”
“Your brother and sister-in-law saw me downtown, and I asked.” he paused. The breakup had not been on bad terms, but it had been a few months, and hearing from him rattled you.
“Oh.” You paused. “Why are you in town?”
“I accepted a position in town for a year or so,” He exhaled. “And I-,” he stopped his words.
The initial reason for the break up was easy; he didn’t want a long-distance relationship. But then that whole thing revealed issues with him you didn’t know you had. Were you not worth the distance? It’s all that you thought about, “I’m happy for you.”
“I wanted to talk to you about some things that happened before you moved here if you have a minute?”
“I have someone.” You blurted out.
He chuckled. “Congrats.” It was quiet for a minute, the words resonated with him and you didn’t have anything to say. Henry was all you could think about and had he came one month earlier, you would have jumped back into his arms, but not now. “I never wanted to leave you.” He said. “I just wasn’t ready to leave the life I had, you know?”
“I know that you didn’t think that I was worth the struggle of distance.”
“Y/N, that’s not true.” He scoffed. “I hate that you even felt that way.”
“Why now? Because you’re here.”
“I moved because this is what I thought you wanted.”
“That’s a shit excuse, Charlie!”
“That’s what I have, I tried to move on, but I couldn’t even look at another woman with comparing her to you, without thinking she will never be good as you.”
“Shut up.” Your voice broke.
“Four years of my life was spent with you, and you just move on.”
“It has not been easy.”
“Then give me a damn chance, please?”
The doorbell chimed right before Henry burst into the living room with bags of food and wine. “Y/N.” He sang. “I hope that you’re prepared to be wowed by the movies I got.” Henry spun around to the small table in the bay window, and then his eyes met you. He started at your feet, the frog slippers were your favorite accompanied by the matching shorts and tank top he had given you. “You look like you are ready to fight someone.” He laughed. “Are you okay?”
“Just the editor from the paper trying to change some deadlines, babe.” You chuckled nervously.
“Okay, I’ll leave you be.”
“Give me a chance, please.”
“Yeah, well, let me think about that, okay.” You ended the call, tossing the phone to the couch and ran over to him.
Henry was easy to be with, he wanted nothing more than time and to know you cared. It was hard not to care for him, he was dedicated to making sure it worked even though his job was at risk. Your arms wrapped around his waist from behind, and you inhale. “Miss me?”
“I always do.”
“That’s good to know.” Henry fixed your plate and poured the wine. “What was the editor saying?”
“She needed a new lifestyle article like tomorrow.”
“I can leave.”
“No, she can wait.”
“Rebel.” Henry turned to face you. The stubble of his five o’clock shadow teased you as he dipped his head down to your breast and sucked at the supple flesh. “You taste like cake. What do you have on?”
“Ohh. dropped the honey bun there earlier.” You laughed. “The food is gonna get cold.”
“We have a microwave.” He smirked.
“Good thing you brought that over, then isn’t it.” You pushed your fingers through his curly mane and wrapped your legs around him.
“I like to plan ahead.”
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Henry graded papers in the library, third floor in a dark corner. He did this every Friday night, and it didn’t matter if you had plans or not, he didn’t leave until it was done. You’d grown used to the routine, five weeks of dating the professor, and you had learned he liked a procedure for everything.
“I’ll be done in a few.” He whispered after glancing up at you.
It was simple to say, you found this routine tedious and unneeded. He could grade papers in bed after he was done exhausting you. “Take your time, professor.” You leaned back in the chair across from him with your arms folded and a smug smile on your face. He always had a good way of making it up to you. Last time it was dinner and a movie. Only the dinner was you, and the film was rewatching the scene you’d done an hour earlier. Watching yourself fuck him done something for you, it was an experience. The way your body moved on him and watching his face distort when he was on the precipe of a release. You squeezed your thighs together, your teeth tugged on your bottom lip, and a sigh followed.
Henry peered up at you through the square, dark-rimmed glasses. “What?”
“Have I told you that you are incredibly sexy in this mode, just serious and brooding.”
“I’m brooding because one of my students won’t let me be productive. She insists on biting her lips and staring a hole into me.”
“Well, she definitely deserves to be punished.” You winked.
“Perhaps I can fit some discipline in after I finish,” Henry smirked, but the desire was clear across your face, and you were willing to take the chance.
“Or, you could do it now.” Your foot slid up his thick thigh, only making you wish you could ride it, better yet ride him in general. “It’s a high chance she won’t learn her lesson until this is properly handled.”
“She’s acting like a spoiled brat.” Henry’s hand touched your foot playfully and then dropped it to the floor along with your phone and everything else in your lap.
“You’re making a mess.”
“Twenty more minutes, baby.” He whispered.
“Fine. Twenty, no more.”
“Thank you.”
The exclusiveness of the library worked to your advantage because there was no way you could actually wait for him to be finished. The entire day had been a conjunction of him teasing you, and you get yourself worked up. You sink down to the floor, reaching for your phone and papers, but your knees guided you in front of him. The only light in this place was the desk lamp Henry had dimmed to keep him from distractions. He didn’t know the distraction was going to be something he didn’t need to see.
Your hands trail up his thighs to the belt buckle, and you watched him stiffen beneath your touch. “Keep working, sir. I’m getting my things.”
Henry’s deep breath was followed by a slight jolt when your hand gripped his semi-erect cock. You felt him lengthen in your hand, the heat rising as he swelled, and you gripped him. “Y/N.” He rasped.
“Shhh, this is a library, sir.” You lifted your head so that your lips could tease the tip of his head, sucking before your tongue swirled swept the drop of precum that beaded at his head. “Wouldn’t want to have anyone interrupt you doing your job.” You took all of him in your mouth, and he throbbed. His legs tensed, and the guttural moan made you wet for him. This might not be enough for you, your hunger for him was only growing more intense when you started to pleasure him. Your head bobbed up and down, taking all of him and then swallowing around his cock only to repeat the action again, grazing your teeth lazily over the veins.
His hand was under the table, gripping a fist full of your hair and urging you to move faster, and you obliged. You added your hands stroking him in between each suck and making him suck air through his teeth.
The floor creaked as the footsteps grew closer, and for a minute, you didn’t care if someone caught you or not; you wanted Henry to cum. You wanted to hear him fall apart because of the magic of your mouth.
“Y/N.” His muffled groans of protest only encourage further, and you suck harder, causing the warm and salty cum to spurt from him, hitting the back of your throat. “Hi,” he said, clearing his throat.
“Professor! It’s good to see you.”
“Dean Carter.” He leaned forward in his seat. “You as well, how are things?”
“Great, I would still love to have you over for poker night.” Dean Carter’s voice was savory, but it was apparent he was older without even seeing him.
“I apologize, I’m not really a poker guy.”
YOu teased licking the head of his cock and watched him jerk in your hands. He was so sensitive. You loved it.
“I see. Spending your Friday night here of all places.” he laughed. “I won’t hold you up. But maybe consider coming one day. I’m sure you would love it.”
“I will.”
The footsteps were departed, and you slid back up in your seat. “Got my things.”
“You’re a psycho.” He laughed.
“You’re welcome, professor. I gave it my best efforts.”
“You did well.” Henry exhaled. “I don’t even want to do this anymore.” He covertly dressed and stood up. “I want you naked... like now. But when we get to my place will work.”
“Is that a demand?”
“It’s a requirement.”
His apartment building had a constant stream of people in and out of it, but you didn’t seem to care as long as Henry got you in there and fucked you senseless. He carried you up the steps as if you weighed nothing and landed you against the door before it could get open. “We have to calm down.” you giggled but unbuttoning his shirt.
“You have to calm down.”
The door opened across the hall, and the face from your past slapped you in the face. He was still handsome. Perfect fucking face, charming ass smile, and he still had the power to make you weak.“Y/N?”
No. No, no the fuck it is not him. “Charlie?”
“Who?” Henry said, confused before lowering you to the ground.
“Y/N, you live here.”
“No, I do.” Henry lifted his hands. “who are you?”
“I’m Charlie.” he extended his hand.
Henry Cavill Taglist: @oddsnendsfanfics @taytayize123  @my-rosegold-soul @titty-teetee @sparklemichele @imgoldielikehawn @therandomthoughtsofmsparker @therealcalicali @rhys108 @shut-up-broccoli@peculiar-monstar @sincerelysinister @xxpapasfritasxx @brexrif  @sheismycherry @justgrits  @angelic-kisses13 @ikeepforgettin @persephones24​
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gayhokage · 3 years
spoiler free thoughts on mugen train movie: it was great!! stunning animation, great new soundtrack, great voice performances (i watched subbed) paced the story really well. i went in with high expectations and wasn't let down! 10/10 can't wait for everyone to get the chance to watch it :D
spoilers (and more in depth) under the cut:
wanna say that i am being Incredibly nit-picky in some of this. the movie was truly amazing and i enjoyed every second of it. i'm just gonna graze through the manga chapters the movie covered to help myself remember / point out what i liked / disliked
the second demon rengoku killed on the train i didn’t really think was necessary? i think maybe they were just trying to fill up more time, have it make more sense why tanjiro & crew liked / thought rengoku was so cool (it did give rengoku a better chance to show off his power and skill to them for the first time)
the animation used to rengoku’s flames was GORGEOUS (of course) it looked so beautiful
the dream sequences were done so well!! honestly zenitsu’s dream was super cute and boss inosuke’s and his minions.. inosuke you are so important to me i hope he knows that. THANK GOD for shiny acorns!!! genuinely one of my fav parts in the manga it’s so cute and silly i love seeing inosuke being friends with nezuko
senjurou sounded Nothing like how i’ve been imagining his voice up to this point. i’ve always read his voice as very soft like a younger child since he’s so young and has a kinder nature, so i’m not gonna lie i was a little thrown off by that lol
tanjiro pulling himself into the water in his dream was so beautifully done honestly that was one of my fav scenes just bc it was so pretty
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i was pretty upset that the detail about rengoku's spiritual core being brittle was left out, i feel like that's such a Huge detail about his character (since we only get to know him for such a short amount of time) maybe it was mentioned in the film and im just forgetting
nezuko's flames burning around tanjiro during his dream looked So Beautiful i was truly just awed throughout the whole film by how beautiful the animation was
tanjiro’s youngest brother crying when he was trying to leave the dream crushed me honestly that got the water works going lol i know the big moment of that scene was nezuko but; someone in the theater gasped Really loud when nezuko showed up in tanjiro's dream and it added so much drama lol so thank u to that person for upping the emotion
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this whole part was the Real tear jerker of the movie^
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i wish this scene had more been More? idk i was really looking forward to how this scene would end up in the movie and it was really just tanjiro screaming and then showed blood on the snow. i know it was shown multiple times later during the fight with enmu but. was hoping for something more i guess! esp i think the first time showing it should've been a Big Deal idk
during this scene tho i Loved that there was like a piano version of kamado tanjiro no uta and also a piano / softer version of gurenge; idk which played during these scene but i heard and picked up on both and really loved that
on another soundtrack note: the clarinet (or maybe bass clarinet) that played for what im guessing was enmu's theme was sooo good congrats to any composer that can get me to enjoy the clarinet lol
tanjiro's dream subconsciousness was sooo beautiful and so were the little fire spirits that lived there i think it continued to perfectly capture tanjiro's kindheartedness
tanjiro's nightmare was also so well done. i thought that was one of the best part of the movie tbh
actually my biggest complaint about the movie was how awkward and out of place the 3D / CGI looked compared to season 1 of the anime. the "guts" inside the train just looked really gross and poorly done
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[anime vs manga comparison] (also my friend said that enmu made him think of orochimaru LOL)
another thing was the train being covered with enmu's flesh or guts after their head was cut off just looked so gross and weird, i wish that hadn't been changed / added in the movie
and with the weird / gross looking 3D it made tanjiro and inosuke's fight together to find enmu's neck just a little rough to watch. i think it would've been better if there wasn't so much of enmu's flesh all over the train
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i wish this had been shown in the movie since it didn't make it into the story of the manga. the movie just showed nezuko burning inosuke and zenitsu with her fire (which is how she woke tanjiro up, so i guess it makes sense that it would work for those two as well)
after enmu was defeated i thought it was insane how clear of an image of kokushibo we got!!! we've only (barely) seen silhouettes of him up to this point in the anime, and since we also got such a clear picture of daki (with season 2 on the way) it makes me excited to think that we will see him in season 2 as well (along with the other upper moons; and hopefully get the whole series animated lol)
the fight against akaza was outstanding and amazing. truly have no words lol. unfortunately i missed a small part of the fight bc i had to go use the bathroom (my friend said i missed the coolest part of their fight) but akaza looked SO GOOD and the fight was so well animated and i Loved akaza's voice - not how i had been imaging his voice but it still fit him so well (wasn't such a major difference like with senjurou lol) and the music that played during their fight was great. the purposeful silence in some parts of their fight was perfectly placed to make it more tense and emotional (also rengoku blocking akaza's punches with his sword. king shit)
i really liked this detail, both with enmu and akaza, that their screams are apparently So Loud, i guess that's something you dont really pick up when you're reading
when rengoku's mother showed up and inosuke started crying that's what really did it in for me lol i tried to keep myself from crying too hard / loud in the theater but i know once i watch it alone im gonna be bawling
where the movie chose to end was really interesting to me. i thought for sure the movie was going to include tanjiro's visit to senjurou so im a little surprised that that's being held off until season 2. it really will make it mandatory for anime viewers to watch the movie before starting season 2
anyways if you read all of this ily and i am kissing you <3
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pixeliis · 4 years
Hey! I've just found you but I fell in love with your work. It is trully amazing. Congrats and thanks for sharing it. I was curious about something: what inspired you for your Icarus and Apollo piece and for the text with it? Is there any background for it or any legend about them meeting or interacting? Because I've never heard of one but I loved the idea of it. Thank you again. Hope you're doing well.
hi!!!! thank you very much!! I always love getting messages like this 🥺
as for the Icarus and Apollo piece, the newest one was a commission, however the old one, with the text that reads something like “Icarus crawled onto shore and said your dad won’t find us here”, honestly? I just found the text on a tumblr post and thought it was really really pretty. I don’t know if it’s from a book, or just a random quote or even something made up by the op, but it inspired me tbh. I just love symbolism- with dirk being Icarus (because of his Blackwing project name being Icarus if you didn’t know) and todd being Apollo, which I think is the god of the sun in Greek mythology?
If there were any lore to the piece(es), I would imagine it would be something like dirk thinking that he’s just a holistic detective with psychic-but-not-really traits, except he’s actually part god or something, and with that I think everything would play out the same way it did canonically, their meeting- interacting- etc.
I always imagined the original piece to be set in the castle-ish place in wendimoor where dirk finds beast. I remember someone reblogging my art and saying “it kind of looks like a departure kiss cus todd looks upset but dirk looks calm” and that was basically what it was! like when dirk is about to jump through the portal (yes I know it wouldn’t make sense because both Todd and Amanda have to hold open the portal but let me dream) to go back to Blackwing and find the boy, I think that’s where it would be set. I know Blackwing is already dangerous for dirk to be in, but if there was a story behind the art, it would be that dirk knows Blackwing is dangerous and could likely get him killed, hence the departure kiss thing.
I don’t know how it relates to the idea of Icarus and Apollo and dirk being kind of a god but. I never fully fleshed out the lore behind it all, it just seemed like an interesting concept to draw so it’s up to the viewer tbh! Maybe dirk knew it was dangerous because of the slight omnipotence that comes with being part god? maybe he figured out that he was part god because something about the Cardenas’ case lead him to that conclusion? and maybe it’s not a departure kiss but instead a “I was worried about you” kiss? that would probably make more sense in all honestly. maybe they kiss in the scene after Francis transports everyone back to their own world, except he leaves dirk and todd in wendimoor for a little bit? Lol idk. have fun with it!! make stuff up!! I don’t care!!
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talkfastromance4 · 5 years
Love So Sweet-- boxer!Luke AU
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I’ve finally finished this! This is the longest thing I’ve ever posted in one go. I originally wanted to do this in parts but I have too many in parts I’m still posting now lol. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did writing it! And yes, the title is from TEETH and you’ll see why at the end ;)
Word Count: 19.6k
Warnings: swearing, fighting, drinking (only casually), smut and sexual occurrences, unsolicited hitting on a girl at the bar, mentions of domestic abuse/violence
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Without further ado, enjoy! Please let me know your thoughts on this I’d LOVE to hear your feedback! :)
Luke Hemmings is a player and a boxer, the ultimate troubled duo. He’s the best fighter at Seconds of Summer gymnasium/arena and he goes through women like his fights, quick, fast and onto the next one. Even though the girls know they won’t get a second call from the devastatingly handsome fighter, they were still his entourage at every fight. Cheering him on and wearing scantily clad outfits.
Luke’s been undefeated since the start of the season, but that was all about to change on Friday night when he saw, quite possibly, the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen. She’s standing with her arms across her chest while he slips into the ring. Calum is murmuring tactics in his ear but he’s only half listening. He’s watching the dark haired beauty chew on her nail while she listens to her friend, who Luke recognizes is Penelope, or Nell. Nell is dating Calum.
“Bro, did you hear me? He’s quick on his feet so be wary,” Calum claps his friend on the back and Luke nods, sneaking one more glance at the pretty girl.
The sound of the bell signifies the start of the match and Luke began the dance he knows all too well. His height makes it difficult for him to move as fast as his opponents but it anchored him well enough to throw some great punches and uppercuts.
He won the first round, but he kept peeking at the new girl during the second. She wasn’t even really paying attention, instead she was scrolling through her phone or talking with Nell who was watching Luke adamantly. At least she was interested.
“Come on, Luke! Get your head in!” Calum shouts from behind and Luke regains his focus on the opponent dancing opposite him.
Luke took a running start and flipped the guy over his shoulder so he fell onto his back, his body making a loud thud and the crowd went crazy. Luke tucks a loose curl from his bun behind his ear and he strolls over to where Nell and the pretty girl were.
His usual gaggle of girls scream his name as he approached but the girl he was keen on noticing him was completely oblivious. That irritated him. Why come to a match if you aren’t going to watch?
Luke sighs and winks at his fans who squealed in response. The ding of the third and final round sounded and he turned around and was met with a hard fist to his jaw. It causes Luke to stagger as he rubs his jaw, the taste of pennies fills his mouth. He spits out fresh blood and curses at himself. This girl is getting in his head and he doesn’t even know what the hell her name is.
He lunges for his opponent but he’s tripped up, falling hard onto the floor and the guy is on top of him. Luke hears so much noise and the sound of flesh hitting flesh, then he thinks of the girl and with all his willpower he flips himself over with a loud grunt. He has the other guy pinned by the neck and the ref counts to ten.
A double bell sounds the end of the match and Luke clambers off his opponent. Calum and his two other best friends, Michael and Ashton, are jumping on him in victory. The crowd is going nuts, Luke’s breathing is heavy and his eyes scan the crowd for Nell and the girl but they’re gone.
He almost lost because of her and she didn’t even fucking witness his win. Unbelievable.
• • • •
“Why are you in such a mood? You’re on your tenth win!” Michael exclaims while they’re at their favorite bar, Charlie’s after the match.
“Thought I was going to break that streak tonight, Mike,” Luke says tipping his beer bottle to his lips.
“Yeah, what happened that second round?” Calum asks.
“I dunno, I got in my head,” he shrugs. He glances at the door just as Nell walks in searching for Cal. The girl he saw is close beside her. “Fuckin’ hell.”
“Hey guys!” Nell greets excitedly then looks to Luke, “congrats on the win, big man. Ten and counting.”
“Thanks, Nell,” Luke grins brushing his curls back with both hands, his eyes roaming over to the brown haired beauty.
She’s standing awkwardly playing with the pendant of her necklace. Luke can see her eyes are a deep blue.
“Oh! Everyone, this is my cousin, Evie. Evie these are Calum, Ashton, Michael, and the champion over there is Luke,” Nell introduces pointing to each person.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you all,” Evie gives a small wave to the group, her eyes slide over to Luke whose gaze hasn’t left her.
“She just moved here from Wisconsin,” Nell continues finding a comfortable spot in Calum’s lap who kisses her cheek affectionately.
“Well, welcome to sunny LA,” Ashton laughs with his arms open.
“Thanks,” she smiles a bit awkwardly and Luke can tell she’s shy.
As annoyed as he is that she distracted him earlier, he finds it endearing. He can feel she’s got a thick wall up and he wants to do anything in his power to knock it down. Just as long as she doesn’t keep getting into his head during fights.
• • • •
The next time he saw Evie was at his next match, and just like the first one, she wasn’t watching. She was on her phone or looking anywhere and everywhere around her except for at Luke and the ring. He almost lost again, but when that thought entered his mind it made him angry so he ended up winning anyway.
Ashton was throwing an after party at his place, lo and behold, Evie was off to the corner nursing a drink in her hand while Calum and Nell were on the opposite corner near the beer pong table... Her dissociation irritated Luke and it increased each time he saw her doing. Taking a quick shot and leaving the platinum blonde who was flirting with him mirthlessly in midsentence, he makes his way over to her.
She looks up at him, giving him a weak smile then turns her attention to the contents in her cup as she swirls it in her hand.
“You’re not a people person, are you, sweetheart?” Luke asks under his breath sidling closer to her. Normally he uses the form of endearment on his gaggle of girls as part of his tactic to get them into his bed, but it drips condescension with Evie.
“What do you mean?”
“At the matches and the bar you’re on your phone and now here,” he tilts his head down to look at her, his height overpowering, “you’re in the corner like a pretty little wallflower.”
“I’m not bothering anybody, so what’s the big deal?” she shrugs.
Luke is surprised at her retort to be honest. He thought the quiet, shy girl wouldn’t have a bite in her so he grins devilishly. “It bothers me,” he says lowly digging his hands in his black jeans.
Evie’s eyebrows raise in response. “How?”
“It bothers me how you’re always on your bloody phone when you come to a fight. You get in my head and it messes up my game. I’ve almost lost twice now because of you.”
“How exactly is that my fault? Why are you watching me anyway when you should be fighting?” her big blue eyes turn steely, he notices her sky blue manicured fingers tighten on her red solo cup.
“You distract me.”
“That sounds like your problem, not mine.”
“Evie! Come take a shot!” Nell shouts from across the room. Without another word, Evie skips around Luke’s large frame to join her cousin and his friends.
He sets his jaw and watches her go, wondering what the fuck this chick is doing with his head.
• • • •
The group of friends decided to go to a bar downtown. It was nothing like Charlie’s. It was more of a club than a bar because of the bouncers out front with a velvet rope and a massive line stretching down the sidewalk.
Luke is surprised to see Evie has joined them and even more surprised at the outfit she’s wearing. Normally when he’d see her at the ring she has on leggings and a simple shirt. Now she’s sporting black high-waisted shorts with a red sparkly tank top, he can’t help but notice the perfect amount of cleavage showing either.
Evie gives him a small smile in greeting when she walks past him. The smell of her perfume—roses and something fruity—are left in her wake leaving him momentarily stunned.
“You all right, man?” Calum asks walking by with Nell on his arm.
“Yeah, fine,” Luke mumbles following them inside the bar.
It’s dark and hazy from the random smoke machines that would go off with the bass drop of the songs. It’s crowded too and Luke searches for Evie only to find her up front leading the pack while he takes up the rear. The shortest and shyest girl of the group is leading them through the bar?
He sighs in slight irritation when he realizes he’ll have to keep his eye on her for the night so she doesn’t get into a compromising situation. He knows how guys’ minds work and Evie has that perfect innocent look with those big eyes of hers that draws you in.
Once they’re up at the bar he orders a round of shots first, something simple like a lemon drop. The group gathers in a big circle clinking their glasses and Luke’s eyes stay glued to Evie as she sucks the sugar off the lemon and licks left over sugar off her lips.
Luke orders another shot for himself. This is going to be a long fucking night.
The drinks flowed constantly and the girls danced along to the music. Luke had even saw a prospect of a girl across the bar but when he heard Evie shriek in laughter he was pulled right back to his unofficial post of watching out for her.
He tells Calum he’s heading to the bathroom quick who nods and Luke gives one more look at Evie. She’s leaning against the bar sipping on her drink listening to whatever Nell is telling her. Luke slips by dancing bodies quick as he can, now that he’s heading to the bathroom the need to relieve himself has increased.
When he’s finished he splashes water on his face and gazes at himself in the mirror. His eyes are bluer and he realizes he’s not even drunk because he’s been so preoccupied watching out for Evie.
Sighing at his reflection, he heads out of the bathroom but when he returns to his group, Evie isn’t in sight.
“Hey, where’d Evie go?” Luke asks Ashton who’s talking to some girl with bright orange eye shadow on.
“Uh, bathroom,” Ashton answers then turns back to orange eyeshadow girl.
Luke sighs scanning the crowd for her face before ordering a beer. Nell is making out with Calum against the bar so she clearly didn’t accompany Evie to the bathroom. He takes tender sips of his beer scanning constantly for Evie’s red shimmering top.
Finally, after what feels like hours, he spots her weaving in between people and Luke stands up a little straighter as she approaches. He frowns when he sees the look on her face then spots a guy behind her clearly trying to get her attention. Luke’s grip on his beer tightens, coaxing her to get to their group faster silently in his head.
When the guy grabs onto her wrist and waist pulling her against him, Luke springs into action. He slams his beer bottle on the bar top and stalks over to Evie.
“Let me go,” her voice is high as she tries to break free from the stranger but Luke is stronger.
He wedges himself in between Evie and this asshole easily, he pushes Evie behind him then glares at asshole.
“Hey man, I had her first—“
“She didn’t want you,” Luke says, his voice steely. “Walk away.”
“Whatever,” asshole scoffs shaking his head, “fucking tease of a slut anyway.”
The next thing Luke knows his fist has connected with the guy’s jaw causing him to stumble backwards into a throng of people. There’s gasps then Calum and Ashton are beside Luke when the asshole regains his footing. When he sees two other large men standing before him, he rubs his jaw then ducks away back into the crowd.
“What the hell was that?” Calum asks Luke in alarm.
Luke ignores him and instead turns around to look at Evie who’s being consoled by Nell. Her eyes are wide in shock and she’s clearly visibly shaken and what just happened.
“Are you okay?” Luke asks sincerely taking a hesitant step forward.
Her nod is jerky while she rubs her wrist, Nell is rubbing her back and hugging her to her side. Luke nods then puts a couple twenties on the bar to cover the rest of their drinks.
“Let’s get out of here,” he says and everyone agrees quickly.
He makes sure Evie is in front with Nell, Ashton and Calum are on his side as they basically escort the girls from the bar. The car ride was silent, the altercation sobering everyone up pretty quickly. Luke is only half listening to Calum berate him for punching someone outside of the ring but Luke would do it again in a heartbeat.
His breath catches at the realization.
Nell decides to stay the night with Evie and the guys want one more drink so they were going to go to Charlie’s but before they drove off Evie approaches the passenger side door. Luke rolls the window down.
“Thank you, for what you did,” she thanks him.
“You’re welcome,” he grunts clearing his throat. Their gaze holds for a moment before she nods then retreats to the entrance of her apartment.
• • • •
Luke tried to get Evie out of his head by getting someone else underneath him. It wasn’t until he opened his eyes while he was pounding into the girl he picked up at the end of his practice match that he realized he picked her out from the crowd only because her hair was the same color as Evie’s.
He closed his eyes again and focused on reaching his climax but it only made it worse because all he saw were Evie’s big, dark blue eyes.
Well, that didn’t work.
At his next match three weeks later, Evie is with Nell with the others surrounding them. She was still on her phone but not as often as the first couple times. That eased Luke a little. Slightly. Not really.
At Ashton’s that night he finally corners her because he needs answers. He pulls her out on the balcony, the summer breeze cools his burned temper slightly and she stares up at him in shock, her mouth open slightly. Luke tried not let her pink lips distract him.
“Why come?” he demands shoving his hands in his pockets
“Why come to the match when you don’t even watch? Whoever you’re texting on your phone is more important so why come?”
“What is your deal with me Luke? You have a whole group of girls watching you, why does it matter so much what I do?”
“Because! You’re there with Nell then you act like we’re all beneath you or something. Like we’re not important enough for your time. It’s aggravating.”
“You want to know why I’m on my phone?” her voice changes and her eyes harden.
“You really want to know why I don’t watch your fights?” Her normal soft voice is now monotonous with a hint of hysteria at the end.
“Yes,” he chuckles sardonically. “These are really simple questions.”
“Fine!” She throws her arms up as if in defeat. “I’m on my phone because my friends back home keep me updated on where my ex is. I can’t watch you fight because that’s what my ex did to me. Broken jaw? He gave me one. A split lip? I’ve had three. I’ve been bruised and beaten and I only come because Nell is my favorite cousin but I can’t tell her any of this because she loves it. There, are you satisfied now?”
Luke is frozen in his spot. He wasn’t expecting any of that and now he feels like a complete ass. His shock is quickly replaced with anger at whoever her ex is because any man who hits a woman is the lowest of the low and the scum of the earth.
“I—I’m sorry, I didn’t—“
“Now you do know,” she scoffs pushing past him and forces the glass door open. It slams against the wall as she stalks past their friends.
“Evie, wait!” he calls after her but she’s already rushing out Ashton’s front door. Everyone is calling her name then turn to Luke.
“What happened?” Nell asks worriedly.
“I messed up,” Luke mutters. “Fuck!” he runs his fingers through his curls in exasperation.
Nell runs out the door after her cousin and the others look at Luke waiting for an explanation but he won’t give them one. He’s not going to air Evie’s secret. He wanted to get her walls down but he never could have imagined the warzone he’d find behind it.
• • • •
Evie isn’t at his match the following Friday and it brings a bit pit to his stomach, he feels awful about what she admitted to him. After he practically bullied her into confessing it in the first place. After his win, he jogs to Nell who is looking somber.
“Where’s Evie?” he pants.
“Home. She wasn’t feeling well,” she responds stoically. “I don’t know what happened between you two, but she’s being more withdrawn than normal. You better apologize or do something to fix this Luke.”
“I will,” he nods frantically.
After his shower, Ashton is waiting for him by his cubby where his clothes are.
“What happened with you and Evie?” Ashton asks calmly.
“I really fucked up, Ash,” Luke sighs shaking his head.
“What’d you do?”
“I confronted her about being on her phone during my fights and . . . you can’t tell Nell this, but Evie’s ex was abusive. She said she’s had a broken jaw and a split lip and who knows what else. I think that’s why she moved, to get away from him.”
“Shit,” Ashton mutters looking at his feet. His hazel eyes are hardened when he looks back up at Luke. “You better fix this. Nell said she’s been real torn up.”
“I know. It’s all my fault. Do you know her apartment number? I want to go apologize.”
• • • •
Luke takes a deep breath before buzzing Evie’s apartment number.
“Yes? Who is this?” she asks over the intercom.
“It’s me, Luke. Can I come up? I want to talk to you.”
“We did enough talking, Luke.”
“No! Please, Evie. It’s really important,” he begs. It’s silent on her end of the speaker for about ten seconds then he hears the buzz of the door unlocking.
He bounds to the elevator and rushes to her door on the third floor. He knocks twice on her door and it opens wide to reveal Evie in sleep shorts and a thin hoodie. Even with no make-up, she still made Luke’s heart skip a beat.
“What’s so important?” she folds her arms.
“Can I come in?” he asks softly.
Evie sighs with her lips pursed contemplating until she finally steps back into her apartment with Luke trailing in behind her. He glances around her apartment, it’s warm and inviting with a fresh scent he can’t quite place. It feels very homey with pictures and art on her walls, fluffy rugs and blankets on her couch.
“What do you want, Luke?” she asks softly.
His eyes finally land her, really taking her appearance in. Her hair is curly in a low ponytail, she’s got dark circles under her eyes as if she hasn’t been sleeping well. That makes him feel worse.
“I want to apologize for last week. I’m so sorry Evie, if I would have known—“
“I didn’t want anyone to know,” she admits quietly, “I wanted to come here because it’s far from him. I dyed my hair and wanted to start over.”
“I’m so sorry,” he repeats, his sorrow heavy in his words.
“You said that already,” she flashes a small smile but it doesn’t meet her eyes.
“And I’ll keep saying it until it takes away how big of an ass I was to you. I’m not normally like that, I don’t know why it bothered me so much.”
“You’re used to girls watching your every move then throwing themselves at you,” she shrugs. “No big deal.”
“It is a big deal. I don’t want you to ever feel unsafe when you’re around me. And now I realize what I did at the bar probably made you terrified of me but I don’t—“he shakes his head. “When I fight it’s strictly tactical and in the ring. I do training everyday, I’ve been fighting since I was—“
“I’m not scared of you, Luke.”
“You’re not?”
“No,” she sighs. “And what happened at the bar . . . yeah it was scary but if you didn’t punch him who knows what that guy would have done. It’s just with the fights . . . the sounds bring it all back. What he did to me.”
“Fuck, I’m sorry. Can I make us some tea or something? Do you want to talk about it? Or, not talk about it? We can talk about anything else.”
“Tea sounds nice.”
• • • •
“It hasn’t really hit yet that I’m free of him, Danny is his name” she shakes her head while they’re sitting on her couch. A movie is playing on her TV while they’ve been talking. “Bad choice of words but I’m scared he’ll find me.”
“I won’t let him. He’ll have to come through me first.”
“He doesn’t stand a chance,” she smiles and he returns it.
“How long were you with him?”
“A year. My longest relationship and of course this is what happens.”
“I’m sorry you went through that. Why haven’t you told Nell?”
“Because she’d want me to go to the police but it wouldn’t do any good.”
“Why? Then you wouldn’t have to keep checking behind your shoulder if he followed you here.”
“If anything he’d get six months.”
“Did you get photo evidence?”
“Then he’d be locked up for sure—“
“Luke, you and I both know he wouldn’t. He’s conniving and he’d pay his way out of it which would only make it worse for me,” she snuggles a big white pillow against her chest.
They’re silent for a few moments watching the movie but Luke has no idea what is going on with the plot.
“You need some sleep,” he peers down at her worriedly. The dark circles under her eyes seemed to have gotten darker since he first arrived.
“Which is another way of saying ‘you look like shit,’ thanks,” she chuckles nuzzling closer into the pillow.
“No that’s not—“he sighs shaking his head. “Your eyes look sleepy, that’s all. Have you had trouble sleeping?”
“Lately, yeah,” she admits, her eyes roam over the characters on the screen. The light from the TV glows on her face, his heart aches at how tired she looks.
“I’ll stay until you fall asleep.”
“That might be awhile,” she warns.
“Good thing your couch is comfy,” he throws a blanket over her and stretches his legs out on the L-shaped portion of the couch, “and can hold a giant like me.”
She chuckles softly as he burrows further into the cushions, draping a blanket onto himself as well. He really likes how she has so many. It makes him feel cozy.
“Thanks, Luke.”
• • • •
Luke’s not quite sure what jolts him awake, but when his body jerks he has a momentary lapse of memory where he is. The TV is going through featured Netflix shows and movies when he looks down to see Evie has somehow scooted herself closer to him in her sleep. Her pillow is against his right side and her hand is clutching the fabric of his sweatshirt.
Luke smiles down at her then searches for the remote, it’s tucked in front of her. He pulls it away then uses the flashlight on his phone to figure out the buttons. Once the screen goes black, Evie stirs next to him mumbling incoherently, her fingers flexing on his sweatshirt.
“Sorry sweetheart,” he hushes, “just turning the TV off. Go back to sleep.”
She hums in acknowledgment and Luke tries to stand up without jostling her.
“Don’t go,” she sighs sleepily.
Luke freezes. Did she really say that?
“Are you sure?” he asks a bit louder.
“Stay,” she nods with her eyes still closed, “please.”
• • • •
His little sleepover with Evie from the night before has been running through Luke’s mind all day. Instead of straying his focus it has somehow kept him more on target with his punches and dodges from Calum as they practice in the ring. When he moves to the bag he’s imagining it to be the face of her ex, he doesn’t know what he looks like but he punches it as hard as he can anyway.
Once he’s finished practice and showered he calls up Evie who answers it cautiously.
“Hey, it’s me, Luke,” he says wondering why she answered that way.
“Oh thank God,” she exhales, “I thought—“
“Shit,” Luke closes his eyes slamming his head back against his seat, “I’m sorry. Of course you’d be weary because you don’t have my number and would think it’s—I’m sorry, Evie.”
“It’s all right, Luke,” she chuckles, “I’m good. What’s up? How’d you get my number anyway?”
“Nell gave it to me. I just finished practice, would you want to grab a bite to eat?”
• • • •
Evie is giggling hard behind her hand as Luke finished his embarrassing story. They were at a diner not too far from her apartment where she ordered a grilled cheese with a strawberry milkshake and a plate of fries in the center of the table.
“Ashton really thought baby turtles were tadpoles?” she snorts and it’s so damn cute Luke thinks his smile is going to be permanently stuck on his face.
“That’s closer than his second guess of thinking they’re mosquitoes,” he chortles popping a fry in his mouth.
The booth they’re currently sitting in is in the far corner by the window and he’s got his arm around the back of the booth but when Evie shifts, his fingers will brush her shoulder. His initial irritation for her is long gone and he hates himself for even feeling that way in the first place.
Now, he feels nothing but calmness when he’s with her, sitting here feels so natural and easy. When he picked her up at her apartment she told him she slept all day after he left to go to practice. Her eyes appeared brighter and she didn’t look so sleepy anymore which pleased Luke.
“You boys are funny,” she snickers taking a hearty sip of her shake.
“Excuse me, I’m a man,” he squeezes her shoulder and she leans into him.
“If you say so,” she giggles then picks up her phone at a buzzed notification. Apparently it’s irrelevant because she locks it right away then nudges him. “Don’t you have a fight in a few hours?”
“Yeah,” he shrugs. “I don’t need to be there until 7. Fight’s at eight.” He plucks up a French fry, dips it in ketchup and holds it in front of her mouth.
Without a thought she takes it and chews slowly as if she’s thinking of something to say.
“You don’t have to come, Evie,” he tells her gently watching her as her eyebrows furrow together.
“I know,” she nods then says more softly, “but I want to see you.”
“You can see me after. We’ll probably be at Charlie’s or I can come to your place and watch Friends.”
“I just won’t watch, I promise I’ll be fine,” she insists.
Luke knows he should convince her more to stay at her apartment but the thought of not seeing her for almost two hours doesn’t sit well with him. Her presence has impacted him greatly these past few weeks.
She nods again then rests her head on his shoulder. Her willingness to do that jumpstarts his heart and he rubs her shoulder. He wishes there was a way she could watch him fight without memories creeping up from her past.
Then, suddenly, he has a thought.
• • • •
When it’s almost time for him to fight, Luke grabs the small box from his cubby and moves to the door. Calum yells at him.
“I’ll be right back, I have to give Evie something,” he says dismissively then exits the locker room.
Cheers and calls fill his ears immediately as he enters the darkened ring area. He pushes through the bodies easily knowing where exactly Evie is standing. He spots her in between Ashton and Nell and sure enough, she’s on her phone.
“Luke, what are you doing?” Ashton asks.
Luke’s stomach flips when Evie’s head snaps up at the mention of his name, he smiles easily and she returns it. He pulls the box out of the pocket of his hoodie and pulls Evie aside, her hand is warm and comforting in his large one.
“Shouldn’t you be in the locker room?” she asks with a smile.
“In a minute. I got something for you,” he hands her the box.
Evie looks up at him in confusion before sliding it open then she gasps, her eyes are wide when she looks up at him again. They’re air pods.
“Luke, this is—“
“I sent you a link to a playlist on my Spotify,” he talks over her, “put these in, listen to it and you won’t have to hear the punches.”
Her mouth hangs open as she stares at the gift and then moves to her phone to find the playlist he was talking about. He titled it as her name with a blue heart next to it.
“They’re some of my favorite songs, and others made me think of you,” he shrugs sheepishly.
“Luke,” she shakes her head again then launches herself in his arms to hug him tightly.
He wraps his arms around her tightly, lifting her slightly off the ground because of their height difference.
“You’re so sweet,” she says into his neck and he shivers. Her arms release from his neck and he sets her down on the ground again. “Thank you so much.”
“You’re welcome,” he grins then looks above her head at the ring. It’s almost his turn. “Come on, let’s get you back to Ashton and Nell before Calum comes out here and kills me.”
Before he does go back in the locker room, he helps her sync the air pods and slips them in her ears. She snatches his hand and leans up to kiss his cheek murmuring, ‘good luck.’
That night is the fastest Luke has won a match because he still felt Evie’s kiss on his cheek. It fueled his adrenaline and fueled his desire for her more. He showered quickly so he could go out to her and she was the first one to congratulate him and hug him on his win. He would have just loved to hold her as long as possible but his other friends wanted to show their congratulations as well.
After some small chit chat they all decided to head to Ashton’s place to drink in celebration.
“Ride with me?” he asks her as they walk out of the building hand in hand. Their group is loud to their cars but Luke and Evie are in their own little world.
“Okay,” she smiles sweetly up at him.
After a few rounds of drinks, Ashton’s living room has gotten a little stuffy. Luke stepped away for a minute to use the bathroom and when he returned Evie was nowhere in sight. He began to panic slightly when Calum jerked his head to the balcony where the doors were opened partly. Luke nodded his thanks and slipped outside to find Evie leaning against the cement wall staring out at the skyline.
“Cooler out here, yeah?” he asks.
“Yeah,” she sighs, “You found me.”
“I had a little help from Cal,” he grins sidling up next to her.
“Man, he ruined it.”
Luke laughs. “Did the earphones help?”
“They did,” she turns her head to look at him. His back is against the wall but he’s been staring at her the whole time. “You didn’t have to do that though, those are expensive.”
“I don’t mind.”
“You’re something else, Luke Hemmings.”
“You’re something spectacular, Evie Carson,” he nudges her playfully and she blushes.
“No, I’m not.”
“But you are though,” he disagrees lightly turning his body so his right arm is leaning on top of the wall. “You’re the sweetest girl I’ve ever met.”
“That doesn’t make someone spectacular,” she rolls her eyes.
“You’re also witty, and smart, and braver than anyone else I know. You’re funny, and beautiful without even trying.”
“You left out my eyes,” she bats them at him for good measure and he laughs.
“Can’t forget those beauties,” he strokes her cheek just below her eye.
“You’re pretty spectacular too, you know.”
He snorts in response.
“You are! You have this bad ass exterior with your leather jacket and painted nails and boxing, but deep down you’ve got so much heart and soul. You’re funny and charming and I trust you.”
He swallows hard. He’s wanted to kiss her for a while now, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity but he didn’t want to go for it and make her feel forced. He leans forward to touch her cheek again, then ghosts his fingers on her jaw and under her chin.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yeah,” she barely whispers.
He tilts her chin up slightly then presses his lips to hers softly. It’s innocent enough but when Evie squeezes the sleeve of his leather jacket he takes that as his cue to deepen it so he threads his fingers in her hair to make the kiss deeper. He feels her hesitancy and he doesn’t want to push her so he breaks away slowly. He gives her one more peck. Then another.
She breaks into a smile bowing her head bashfully. Before he can ask what’s wrong she buries her face in his chest.
“Thank you,” she muffles, “that was perfect.”
“Anytime, sweetheart,” he smiles wrapping her up in his arms resting his chin on her head. He kisses her hair and sways from side to side.
When he feels her begin to shiver they head back inside and are glued together the rest of the night. They’re sitting on Ashton’s couch with his arm wrapped around her shoulders and Evie is nestled into his chest with her arm draped over his stomach. They were having quiet conversation until her head became slightly heavier and her breathing became deeper, he knew she was asleep.
“Has mine eyes deceived me?” Ashton asks pulling attention to the two on the couch. “Someone got through your hard, icy heart?”
Their friends all laugh and Luke shakes his head.
“Shut up,” he says softly, “if you wake her I’ll fight you.”
Ashton puts his arms up in defense and Evie shifts on Luke’s chest.
“Be nice,” she sighs heavily and pokes his stomach.
“Did he wake you?”
She shakes her head. “No. I was just resting my eyes, and you’re comfy.”
Luke smirks and rests his lips on her head, not kissing her but just feeling her warmth.
“Do you want me to take you home, lovie?” he murmurs. She hums a yes. “All right, come on.”
• • • •
After a long while of saying goodbye they were finally on their way to Evie’s apartment. Luke still didn’t want to leave her and was pleased when she asked him, ‘aren’t you coming?’ He couldn’t get out of the car fast enough just so he could hold her hand. Luke has never been the type of guy to be excited just by holding a girl’s hand before but with Evie it was different.
Everything with Evie was different. He took the key from her easily as she struggled to put it in the slot. She kicks off her shoes, he does the same, and follows her to her bedroom. He’s not quite sure if she wants him to spend the night but when she grabs her pajamas and motions to the bed saying,
“Make sure it’s warm for me when I get back.” And left to her bathroom.
He lets out a sigh of relief but can hear his heart pounding in his ears. Sure, he spent the night before but that was under different circumstances. This, though, this was something different entirely. Tonight they shared a kiss and Luke wasn’t afraid to admit that he liked her. He adores Evie.
Just as he pulled off his leather jacket, he had on a white t-shirt and his dark grey joggers (he’s thankful he didn’t wear his jeans otherwise it’d be an uncomfortable night) Evie returns. Luke can’t help but smile at her outfit, cloth shorts and a t-shirt with an elephant on the front. Her face was free of makeup and he could still smell the mint of her toothpaste.
“I thought I told you to keep the bed warm,” she pouts standing in front of him tossing her clothes in a pile on a chair in the corner.
“I got distracted,” he shrugs.
“By what?”
“You,” he pokes her nose causing her to giggle.
She stretches up on her toes to kiss his lips quickly then grabs his hand and pulls him to her bed. They climb in together, Luke is surprised at how comfy her bed is, and he pulls her close. She tangles their legs together and he puts his fingers through her hair before leaning in to kiss her.
It’s slow and languid the way their lips move together, he’s hesitant as he slips his tongue in her mouth. Evie sighs into him clutching his shirt in her fingers. He smiles.
“You taste minty,” he mumbles.
“You should brush your teeth,” she sighs dragging her nails over the scruff of his cheek but keeps kissing him.
He chuckles dryly against her lips. “Are you saying my breath stinks?”
“Maybe,” she sighs then giggles.
“I thought I was the asshole in this relationship?” he smirks stroking her cheek with his thumb.
“You did not just call me an asshole!”
“You said my breath stinks!”
“Did not! You can go to sleep without brushing your teeth? Disgusting,” she teases then captures his bottom lip between hers.
“Then why do you keep kissing me?” he asks after they have to catch their breath.
“Because I like kissing you. But go brush your teeth so you can come back faster and I can keep kissing you,” she kisses his nose then nips at it with her teeth.
“Ow! Fine, I’m going, you didn’t have to bite me,” he pinches her side before slipping out from the covers.
He doesn’t spot an extra toothbrush and doesn’t want to be a creep and go through her drawers and cabinets, so he uses the mouthwash on the counter. He gargles twice just to make sure she’s satisfied then jogs back quickly to his sleepy girl who is now very much wide awake. She’s sitting up against the headboard then smiles gleefully at the sight of him.
“Feel better?” she asks.
He takes his place back into her bed then pulls her easily onto his chest, she laughs as one hand holds onto her waist and the other cups her cheek.
“Now I do,” he breathes staring into her eyes.
Evie bends down to kiss him again but he easily takes the lead, massaging his tongue against hers running it over her bottom lip. She hums at that and it tightens his stomach. They continue to kiss in whispers until their lips are chapped and their breathing is irregular and Luke pushes her away gently.
“You should get some sleep, lovie,” he whispers kissing her jaw.
“I don’t want to sleep. I want to keep kissing you,” she pouts.
He traces her pouted lip and he wants to keep kissing her, too. He wants to do more than kiss but that’s for another night down the road.
“I do too, but we’ll have plenty of time to kiss tomorrow. It’s . . .” he stretches his arm to snatch his phone from the floor to look at the time. “It’s 3:30 in the morning, you need to sleep.”
“Fine,” she sighs rolling off him in a huff. He pulls her right back so he can run his fingers through her hair.
“Am I forgiven?”
“If you keep playing with my hair, then yes.”
He smiles and settles into the bed, his body is totally relaxed. He finds he’s like that a lot when he’s with Evie. He’s never been one to cuddle with other girls, after he’d sleep with them they’d always leave. He never cuddled. But with Evie it’s easy because she fits so perfectly against his body.
“Before, when you said you were the ‘asshole in this relationship. . .’ does that mean we’re in a relationship?” her voice is quiet and he can hear the hesitancy in it.
He swallows hard. “I want to be, but only if you do, too.”
“I do want to.”
He hears the smile in her voice and he kisses her forehead.
“And you aren’t an asshole,” she says.
“To other people I am. You’re the only exception.”
• • • •
A few weeks have gone by and Luke and Evie have been spending so much time together. She’ll come by after his practice and head to the diner for lunch. Kissing is always evident and one night in particular is fresh in Luke’s mind when they went one step further.
When they were watching Friends he pulled her onto his lap, with one hand holding onto the back of her head and the other precariously close to her core on her inner thigh, she boldly moved his fingers to the round wetness between her legs.
“Want my fingers, baby?” he murmured and she nodded biting her lips.
He slid his hand from her hair to her lower back and began to rub his finger in circles on the outside of her underwear. He felt her bundle of nerves and the wet spot on her panties grew slightly. With their eyes still locked on each other he pushed the fabric aside and teased his finger up her slit. She jolted at his touch and he smirked.
“I haven’t even done anything and you’re already this wet for me?” he grinned teasing his finger up once more.
“Don’t tease, please,” she practically whined and Luke’s eyes darkened at her form of submission.
He removed his finger and before she could protest he held it in front of her mouth, the tip of his finger coated in her arousal.
“Suck,” he commanded softly, “then I’ll give you what you want.”
Her lips fluttered in a faint smile, she took his hand in both of hers then slipped her mouth over his long finger. Her tongue swirled around it as she took it all in his mouth. He enjoyed watching her mouth work on his finger, the idea of her doing that around his cock caused it to twitch in his sweats but he ignored it. He wanted to please her and only her.
“That’s good baby,” he praised removing his finger with a pop. A line of spit was connected to his fingertip and seeing it sling back to her lower lip aroused him in a terrible way. He kissed her roughly and inserted his finger into her entrance easily.
She gasped in his mouth as he twirled his finger inside of her and she rose on her legs so he could get a better angle. He pumped into her languidly, then when he added a second finger she moaned loudly and knocked her forehead against his. He tilted his head so he could still see her face as he twiddled and scissored his fingers inside her.
She came on his fingers that night and Luke can still hear her pretty moans while he’s going over the fight schedule with Cal. The look she made when she came undone on him was imprinted on his brain and the way—
“Luke!” Calum shoves him snapping his that encounter with Evie out of his head.
“Sorry, what?” Luke clears his throat looking over at Cal.
“I said, you’re going to be doing five fights in two days. Peterson is still out because of his wrist so you’re taking his slot on Thursday along with yours and Jacobsen is out for his fight Friday morning, and then you’re going against Hayes Friday night. Will you be able to handle that?” he raises his dark eyebrows.
“Oh,” Luke blinks looking at the schedule. “Yeah. No problem. Is that all?”
“Yeah, hey . . . Luke?”
“Listen, I’m real happy you and Evie have gotten together. But, I don’t want her to shift your focus in the ring.”
“Cal, if anything,” Luke places his hand on Calum’s shoulder, “she makes me more focused. I gotta go get her, I’m making her dinner at my place tonight. See you Thursday.”
“No, I’ll see you Tuesday for practice, Luke,” he shakes his head.
“Right. Tuesday. I’m just messing with you, I know I’ll see you Tuesday. Later.”
Calum shakes his head again as he watches his lovesick best friend and champion walk away to get his girl. It’s a nice change seeing a genuine smile on Luke’s face instead of a permanent grimace. He’s got Evie to thank for that.
• • • •
Luke wasn’t the best cook so he resulted in baking a pizza for him and Evie. He blushed when he told her but she kissed his cheek assuring him, ‘I love pizza.’ So while he was kneading the dough on the pan she was getting the cheese and chicken ready to place on the pizza.
The playlist he made for her was playing and he was singing along to it, she loved listening to his voice. It was so pretty and comforting. When it was time to put on the toppings, she scooped up some cheese and put it in the sauce then held it up for him to eat. He took it gladly smiling then kissed tomato sauce off her thumb. She giggled and he winked before doing the same to her.
Before she could even lick up the sauce on his finger, he swiped it on her cheek near her ear and she gasped.
“Oh no, let me get that,” he grins. He grabs her waist and licks up the sauce with a wet kiss, but he doesn’t stop there. He moves his lips to her ear then onto her jaw until finally on her neck where he begins to suck and bite.
She sighs running her hands up his arms moving her head to the side so he can access her neck better. He’s on his third mark when the oven dings signaling it’s all heated up.
“Luke, Luke, baby the oven’s ready,” she giggles.
“It can wait,” he mumbles squeezing her hips, his thumbs creating circles on her exposed skin.
“No, you’re hungry. Put the pizza in and we can continue,” she giggles shoving him off playfully.
He grunts but does as she says. She adjusts her shirt watching him pick up the pizza pan and checks out his ass as he bends down to put it in the pizza. He catches her and he smirks.
“Were you checking me out?” he asks even though he knows she was.
“Who me? No way,” she waves him off and turns away from him.
“Get back here!”
He lifts her in his arms causing her to squeal and he collapses onto his couch with her straddling his lap. He unzips her sweatshirt so she’s just in a tank top with her cleavage in front of his face. With one look she connects their lips together and they make out for a while before it’s her turn to drag her lips onto his neck.
Luke rolls his head back onto the couch as she sucks expertly on his skin. His large hands are holding onto her waist, he rocks her slowly against him moaning at the friction of their bodies. Tied with her mouth on his neck if Luke died right there he’d die a happy man.
“Mm, baby, you’re good at that,” he moans as she continues to suck on his skin.
“I’m good at something else, too,” she exhales and he gets goosebumps.
Before he can retort she’s slipping off his lap onto the floor and begins to undo the button of his jeans. She’s meticulous and takes her time with his zipper as he stares wide eyed as this beautiful girl before him shucks his pants down his thighs. He gulps when her finger lightly traces around the perimeter of the head of his dick. It twitches in response and she smiles.
“Can I?” she asks flicking her big beautiful doe eyes up at him.
Luke’s voice is gone so he just nods.
She lifts his girth into her palm, Luke is aching when she presses soft kisses up his shaft and then a wet one over his slit. She continues to kiss him preciously then darts her tongue out as she kisses up and down his shaft again.
“Fuck, baby, don’t tease,” he pants reiterating what she told him when he fingered her a few weeks ago.
“What do you say?” she asks and Luke is alarmed that she’s got a small dominant side to her. But he fucking loves it.
“Please, baby,” he exhales lifting his hand up but then drops it back to the cushion. He doesn’t want to grab her hair yet, he doesn’t want to push her.
She smiles again (fucking hell) then spits heavily on his head watching it dribble down before she took him completely in his mouth. Luke couldn’t contain his moan from feeling her mouth wrapped around him. He’s imagined it when he’s in the shower or thinking of her late at night but the real thing is so much better.
She lathers him up with her spit by moving her head up and down and when she’s satisfied, she begins to pump her hand up and down as well and Luke’s mind goes blank. The pizza is forgotten. The day is gone. Hell, his own fucking name has escaped his mind.
The only thing he’s focused on is watching his pretty girl bobbing her head up and down his cock, taking him as far as she can without gagging and what she can’t take she squeezes gently with her fingers which surprisingly feels good.
He’s a moaning mess and she’ll say ‘yeah?’ and ‘does that feel good?’ which causes vibrations and more sensations and he can’t form a coherent sentence so he just keeps moaning. When he’s getting close she sucks on his dick like a literal lollipop and then her fingers begin to fondle his balls and he feels the tight knot in his stomach begin to unravel.
“I don’t swallow,” she says quietly but keeps working at him and he doesn’t care.
“That’s fine, don’t stop . . . I’ll tell you when,” he gasps and bucks his hips slightly.
The sound of her slurping sends him over the edge and then he’s pushing her off him with rushed ‘baby, baby, stop, stop’ and he’s coming over his own fingers. Her small hand is beneath his though and she helps him release until he’s fallen back against the couch hot and bothered and totally satisfied.
He doesn’t even notice her leave until she’s sitting beside him with a wet paper towel in her hand and cleans up his hand and thigh. She rolls it up in a much larger dry piece of towel and he rolls his head to the right to look at her dazedly.
“Hi, honey,” she giggles and he gives her a lazy smile back.
“You’re fuckin’ incredible,” he sighs then purses his lips. She takes the hint and leans in close to peck his lips three times.
“I wanted to make you feel good,” she shrugs.
“You exceeded. That was fuckin’ phenomenal.”
She giggles again and then the oven timer is going off. Luke groans about to get up then realizes his dick is still out with his pants still around his thighs.
“Shit,” he mumbles shuffling them back on while Evie is laughing beside him. “Quiet you.” He wiggles a finger at her in warning and she fake bites in his direction while he heads into the kitchen.
The pizza they made is delicious and they eat a majority of it before deciding on eating mint ice cream for dessert. Luke has an idea and he tells her to go in his room and pick a movie on Netflix to watch. She gives him a quizzical look but does as he says and he pulls out some whipped cream along with the tub of ice cream.
When he enters his room he hears the sound of Mary Poppins Returns on the screen and Evie is sitting cross legged in the center of his bed. She smiles at his appearance and he sets the ice cream on the bed along with the whipped cream and one spoon, she looks confused.
“Just one spoon? No bowls?”
“Nope,” he says smoothly reaching forward and tugs her towards him, her ankles on either side of his legs. “Can you do me a favor, sweetheart?”
“Yeah . . .?”
“Can you take your leggings and underwear off for me?” he smiles pressing his forehead against hers. He hears her sharp inhale and is happy when she complies. He balls up the fabric tossing it to the side somewhere.
“Now,” he mumbles kissing her cheek, “can you lie back for me?”
She nods and slowly lowers herself on her back. Luke grabs her ankles yanking her further down the bed so her naked butt is on the edge. He kneels down then grabs the ice cream and spoon. He puts a small amount on the spoon then drags it carefully from her bellybutton her mound and on the inside of both of her thighs. He sticks it back in the container then picks up the whipped cream.
He sprays the cream on the lines he just made and sets the can on the floor next to him. He hums as he looks at her, she looks delectable and her pussy is throbbing already as he looks up at her. Her eyes are wide with excitement and lust as she realizes his plan.
“You’re my sweet treat,” he rasps then attaches his mouth to her stomach.
The ice cream and whipped cream are cold on her warm skin and it tastes so good on his mouth. He takes his time licking and sucking it up making sure he gets it all off her skin. When he reaches her thighs some of it is rolling onto his bedspread but he could give less than a fuck. He swipes his tongue at the rogue ice cream melting down her thighs and glances up at her before pressing his mouth to her core.
Evie gasps at the coldness of his mouth from the ice cream and whipped cream but then his tongue starts to move in intricate designs and she enjoys it. Her fingers are clenching the bedspread but Luke drags her hand into his hair and she’s yanking on his curls.
He hefts her thighs over his shoulders as he devours her rapidly and excitedly. She’s the sweetest thing he’s ever tasted and his tongue moves in expert precision. Soon she’s rocking her hips into his mouth and her moans are sinful, her fingers yank harder as he feels her come for the first time. He smirks on her pussy lips because he hadn’t even used a finger yet.
“Fuck, Luke,” she whines but he doesn’t stop.
She’s panting and wiggling above him, her thighs clenching around his head as she comes. He peeks at her through his lashes and her mouth is open in pleasure while her eyes are closed and he hopes she’s seeing stars.
When her hips slow back down he removes his mouth and kisses the inside of her thighs, biting lightly to mark her up as she relaxes.
He rests his cheek against her thigh and stares up at her as she opens her eyes slowly. “Hi honey,” he mimics her from earlier.
“Don’t be cheeky,” she sighs and he laughs against her thigh.
• • • •
The incoming fights have been on Luke’s mind all week. He hasn’t seen Evie since he made her pizza Saturday night and he’s had to force his thoughts of her away but it didn’t quite work. It’s been a long four days of constant footwork and practice from Cal.
Evie’s been all too understanding during the whole ordeal but he’s been sure not to tell her he’s doing four fights in two days. He’s not exactly sure why but he doesn’t think she’d like that too much. Nell was even in the dark about it too, so she was spending the night with Evie while Luke and the guys were at the matches.
The first fight went well and Luke walked away with minimal damage, just a small cut on his lip and bruised knuckles. His next fight was at 8:30 so he had a little time to call her.
“Hey you,” she greets and he can hear the smile in her voice. He wishes he could see it.
“Hi baby,” he smiles sitting gingerly on the bench.
“How’s practice?”
“Uh, good. Calum’s making sure to put me to work,” he chortles, “I just wanted to hear your voice before I get back to it.”
“You’re sweet. I wish I could see you tonight,” she says sadly.
“I know lovie, me too,” he murmurs. “Haven’t seen my sweet girl all week.”
“I blame Cal, tell him I won’t allow him to work you this hard ever again.”
“He’d laugh in my face,” he laughs at the sternness in her voice.
“Then I’ll tell him,” she states proudly.
“That won’t end well, baby,” he mumbles leaning against the cold cement wall. It feels good on his sweaty skin.
“Because, he’ll laugh at you, then I’ll have to punch him for doing so, then Nell will punch me . . . it’s a vicious cycle.”
“Or no one can just not punch anyone.”
“Double negative sweetheart.”
“I don’t care, it makes sense okay?” she sniffs and Luke laughs.
Calum pokes his head in jerking his head behind him signifying it’s almost time for the second fight. Luke nods and waves him off.
“I gotta get back to it, lovie,” he sighs. He’d much rather stay on the phone with her. “I’ll see you tomorrow night after my fight, okay?”
“Are you sure you don’t want me to come tomorrow? I’ll bring my air pods.”
“Yeah, I’m sure, it’s not a major one. I miss you.”
“I miss you, too. Don’t practice too hard, okay?”
“Can’t make any promises babe,” he smiles. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Have a good night.”
“You too, Luke.”
She says his name so softly he almost wants to dip out of this next fight, snatch her away from Nell and snuggle her close in his bed all night. But he can’t.
• • • •
Nell had convinced Evie to surprise Luke at his match on Friday.
“Come on, Eve, you haven’t seen him all week and I know he’ll love seeing you there. He’ll be so surprised!”
Evie thinks about seeing Luke’s smile when he’d spot her in the crowd, it’s her favorite smile that he has reserved only for her and that alone convinces her. She decided to wear a black crop top with high waisted shorts and black ankle boots, hoping when Luke sees her he’ll be stunned into silence.
They arrive at the arena around eight o’clock, Luke usually goes on at 8:30 on Fridays but when they get there Michael and Ashton find them first. Their eyes are wide and slightly panicked.
“What the hell are you two doing here?” Ashton demands blocking their view from the ring.
“We came here so Evie could surprise Luke,” Nell answers folding her arms.
“He didn’t want you to be here, Evie,” Michael says.
“Yeah I know because it’s not that big of a fight but I haven’t seen him all week because Cal’s been having him practice every day,” Evie says sadly.
“Wait, he told you he’s been practicing?” Ashton asks.
“What are you guys saying? What’s going on?” Nell demands looking between the two tall men.
“Uh. . .”
“Well, you see, the thing is—“
Realization dawns over Evie’s face, Ashton and Michael’s faces pale when Evie pushes them out of her way and she looks down into the ring. Sure enough, there’s Luke swaying slightly as he raises his hands up slowly to his face. Even from a distance she can see how bruised up and battered he is, his technique is sluggish and Evie’s stomach drops.
“He hasn’t been practicing all week has he?” she asks quietly. “How many fights has he done?”
Radio silence is her response and she whips around, her eyes icy as she stares at the two men. They cower at her gaze.
“How many fights has he done?” she asks again enunciating each word carefully.
“Four,” Michael answers quietly, “in two days.”
“WHAT?!” Nell exclaims pushing through them this time so she can take a look at him down below. “How could Cal let him do that?”
“They were short, some guys were injured but the slots had to be filled,” Ashton tries to explain weakly.
“And he didn’t want me here—“
“Because he didn’t want you to worry or to see him fight,” Michael finishes with a sigh. His green eyes are sad as he looks at Evie.
It only takes Evie a beat before she’s darting down the stairs into the pit where the arena is. She ignores the calls from Nell and the guys even though they’re following her. She shoves past the cheering fans until she’s in Luke’s corner where Calum is standing. He glances at her then does a double take, his eyes going wide.
“Shit,” he mumbles as she stomps over to him.
“Get him out of there, Cal, he can barely stand!” she orders attempting to climb into the ring and stop him herself.
Calum stops her. “I can’t, he’s in the middle of a fight. I’m sorry Evie, he didn’t want you to know!”
“I don’t care! Look at him!” she cries pointing to him as he staggers heavily against the ropes. His body just looks heavy and drained of all energy.
Calum stares up at his best friend and prized fighter with his mouth open. The bell dings loudly and Luke slumps onto the floor in the corner of the ring. Evie tuts and scrambles into the ring, the guys in the crowd cheer thinking she’s some sort of show but she ignores the catcalls.
Luke’s breathing heavily as she crouches in front of him, her heart sinks at the sight of him. His skin is scattered with patches of black and blue, one of his eyes is swollen shut and his lip is puffed out from a large cut. He’s broken and battered and it breaks Evie’s heart.
“Oh, Luke,” she whispers sadly.
His head tilts up at the sound of her voice, his good eye tries to blink open through the sweat. He smiles, but it’s more of a grimace, as he looks at her fondly.
“He got me good if I’m imagining you here,” he croaks.
“No, Luke, baby,” she holds his cheeks gently tilting his head up so he can look at her. “I am here but you need to stop, you can’t take anymore.”
His eyes struggled to focus on her through the blood and sweat but he mumbles out a barely coherent, ‘I’m fine.’
“No, you are not fine,” she stresses. She spots a towel near his back, she picks it up and dabs away the sweat from around his eyes and on his forehead.
“Evie, give him this, he needs to drink,” Calum says from her left holding up a bottle of what looks like Gatorade.
She tilts it in his mouth and he drinks gratuitously, which sort of seems to do the trick because he appears more alert. His one good eye zeroes in on Evie and his special smile for her shows.
“I can do this, baby because you’re here,” he croaks stroking her cheek with the backs of his knuckles (which are also bruised and bloody) “I can finish. Just tell me you love me.”
“Oh Luke,” she sighs shaking her head, “I do love you. I love you so much but I didn’t want to tell you like this.”
“I love you too, baby,” he slurs trying to smile once more. “I’ll win for you.”
“Make it fast so I can get you home,” she warns then presses her lips to his clammy ones gently.
The bell dings again for the start of the sixth round, he’s only got two more after this. She helps him stand, he squeezes her hand tightly before Calum helps her out of the ring.
Evie doesn’t put her air pods in the whole fight because she’s more concerned in watching Luke. His footwork seems a bit more energetic and she’s praying he’ll knock out the other guy quickly by the time the eighth round begins. She doesn’t wince at the sound of skin connecting with skin, or the hard thumps of their feet on the floor of the ring.
Her focus is on Luke and his fourth (probably) wave of adrenaline. His opponent sends Luke a hard hit that sends him falling into the ropes. His body draped over it like a rag doll. He’s panting but when he looks down at his Evie, it’s like a switch goes off.
This amazing girl is standing here watching him after she told him she loved him and she mouths it to him once more, giving him a small nod. She’s his reason to finish this fight, not for the glory or the title of being undefeated. He wants to finish it so he can take her home and hear about her week.
That’s more important than any stupid fight.
Luke stands up straight then quickly whips around throwing a hard right hook to his opponent. He’s momentarily stunned and Luke uses that to his advantage and gives him a swift uppercut, followed by a roundhouse kick to his stomach. He does one more quick jab to his neck then another left hook and the guy is down.  
The crowd goes crazy, the bell is ringing and the ref is shouting out Luke’s name lifting his hand in the air as he’s announced the winner. Luke doesn’t care though. He nods his thanks for the acknowledgment then helps his opponent rise from the floor.
“Really thought I had you, man,” the guy who Luke thinks his name is Rob says. “That your girl that was in the ring?”
“Yes,” Luke answers gruffly. He was already so exhausted, he didn’t want to have to fight again if this guy says something crude about his Evie.
“Reminds me of my wife, she hated seeing me fight. She a keeper?” Rob pants wiping blood from his lip.
Luke’s shoulders relax when he learns the guy is married. “Yeah, she’s a keeper.”
“Good. Take your girl home before she fights you next,” he chuckles then holds out his hand, “you fight really well.”
“Thanks, you too,” Luke says shaking his hand quickly.
Calum escorts Luke from the ring, and Luke leans on his friend for support and it isn’t long until Evie is on his other side offering her support.
“Hey Cal, guess what,” Luke sighs happily. His ears are still ringing and his head feels like it’s underwater. Apparently that’s what five fights in two days does to you.
“What, mate?”
“Evie loves me,” he says proudly leaning towards Evie who stumbles a little under his weight.
“That’s great because I think she hates me,” Calum grunts pushing open the locker room door.
“I don’t hate you, I’m just very upset with you,” Evie sighs helping Luke sit down on the bench.
“Same thing. I’m sorry, Evie, but I promise I won’t let him do this again. And I’m giving him the week off next week,” Calum says.
“Come on, I can go two more rounds,” Luke sighs resting his head against the wall. His eyes are closed.
“You can’t sleep yet, you need to shower, babe,” Evie tells him pulling onto his hand.
“Wanna shower with you,” he mumbles and Calum chuckles. Evie blushes.
“I think you should just take him home,” Calum laughs.
“Can you help me get him to the car?” Evie asks going to his locker to grab his duffel bag and things.
Just then Ashton bursts through the door saying a string of apologies but Evie stops him.
“It’s fine, Ash,” she sighs, “I just want to get him home. Can you help?”
“Absolutely. Come on, Luke,” Ashton hefts him up easily against his body.
• • • •
It was a bit of an ordeal getting Luke into her shower, he simply insisted on going to her place because he wanted to be around everything that is her. He kept begging her to join him in the shower but she refused because he still had to get his cuts taken care of.
He sat in her kitchen while she hustled about getting healing ointment and bandages. He was a tad more alert but his body ached and all he wanted to do was crawl into her bed and hold her close. She hummed quietly as she cleaned him up, his eyes trained on her.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmurs and she smiles.
“Thank you,” she says quietly.
Once he has bandages on his knuckles and ointment under his swollen eye, she held out her hands to drag him into her room. She flicked on her string lights that were on her ceiling and Luke clambered into her bed heavily. His eyes were closed then he opened them in concern because she wasn’t next to him.
“Why aren’t you in bed?” he asks.
“I don’t really want to sleep in these clothes,” she chuckles.
He groans.
“What’s the matter? What hurts?” she freezes taking her bra off.
“You’re undressing and I’m too tired to open my eyes and watch,” he pouts into her pillow.
Evie laughs and continues to take off her clothes. “Well, maybe you shouldn’t fight four fights in two days.”
“I’m sorry. Do you hate me?”
“I love you, Luke, how could I hate you?” she sighs finally slipping into her pajamas which was a shirt of Luke’s. It fit her like a nightgown and still smelled like him. She slept in it every night.
“Because I didn’t tell you about the fights. I lied to you. I never wanted to lie to you and I did and I’m sorry,” he says in a rush.
She gets into bed and he immediately nuzzles his face into her neck, his arms wrapping around her. He even tangles his legs with hers and she can’t help but giggle at him basically koala-ing her. Her fingers move to his hair so she can play with it and her other hand tickles his arm across her stomach.
“I get why you didn’t tell me,” she sighs kissing his forehead, “but as much as I would have hated it, I would have been there and watched each fight.”
“Really?” his voice his muffled by the fabric of his shirt on her chest.
“Yes. I support you Luke because this is your life. But I don’t want you to ever do this many fights without telling me, okay?”
“Believe me, I won’t ever fight this many again. But I’ll tell you,” he promises. He lifts his head looking at her through bleary eyes. “I’ve wanted to do this all week.”
“Be with you in bed, I’ve missed you so damn much.”
“I missed you,” she smiles scratching at his beard affectionately.
He glances at her lips then her eyes before pressing a gentle kiss to her mouth. He inhales sharply tightening his hold on her as he deepens the kiss. It stirs a fire in her lower stomach and they both desperately wish they could do more than kiss but Evie pushes him away gently.
“You need to sleep, honey,” she tells him.
“I know,” he sighs dropping his head to her chest again. “Just wanted to kiss you.”
She smiles and goes back to scratching at his drying curls, his breathing slows down already.
“Sweet dreams,” she whispers kissing his forehead and begins to hum a song.
“I love you,” he says.
“And I love you,” she whispers. She goes back to humming and he’s out like a light in no time.
Evie stays up a little longer, smiling at each twitch he does in his sleep and simply enjoying just being with him.
• • • •
Calum was true to his word and gave Luke the whole next week off so Luke and Evie spent everyday together. She’d change his bandages on his knuckles and make him hold ice on his eye so it would bring the swelling down.
By Tuesday his bruises weren’t as horrendous looking and the cuts on his knuckles were healing over.
“Do you want to get out of town for a while?” Luke asks her while they’re lounging on her couch. She’s cuddled onto his chest wearing nothing but a t-shirt of his and his fingers are tickling the skin of her thigh.
“Where would we go?” she turns her head to look up at him.
“I’ve got a lake house about an hour away from here,” he smiles, “there’s a hot tub, and a really good restaurant that has the best bread and butter.”
“You had me at bread and butter.”
“What, not the hot tub?” he laughs.
“That’s great too, but bread is better,” she sticks her tongue out playfully.
“Silly girl,” he laughs again and pinches her waist causing her to giggle shrilly. “Do you want to? We can stay there until Friday afternoon.”
“That sounds really nice, yeah, let’s go!”
• • • •
Evie’s expression at seeing his lake house was pure amazement. It was a nice cottage with a bird bath in the front and flowers, and painted yellow with white shutters. She was silent as she walked throughout the house while Luke left to get the bags. The inside had white wood paneled walls and cream colored couches.
The whole place reminded her of sunshine and spring.
She found the hot tub outside the master bedroom on a top deck which had a beautiful view of the lake. She immediately went outside down by the small sandy beach near the dock. Whippoorwill’s trilled in the distance and Evie closed her eyes finally feeling calm and relaxed.
“There you are,” Luke murmurs from behind wrapping his arms around her waist.
“I went exploring,” she sighs leaning against his chest.
“Peaceful, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, it is. Do you come out here often?”
“Not for a while, you’re the first person I’ve brought out here,” he kisses her temple.
“Really? Not even the guys?”
“Nope, this is my hideaway. My safe space.”
Evie turns around in his arms and looks up in his pretty blue eyes. She notes how his left eye isn’t swollen anymore but still has faint coloring from the bruising and his lip is almost healed. Even battered he’s still the most handsome man she’s ever seen.
“Why’d you bring me to your private place?” she strokes his cheek gently.
“Because, you’re my safe space and I love you,” he says simply. He smiles then leans down to press his lips to hers.
She hooks her arm to the back of his neck as the kiss deepens. It’s been so long since they’ve shared a ‘getting-lost-in-you’ kiss because of his injuries from his fights. His hands go immediately to her waist then slips down to her ass. He squeezes and she sighs into his mouth.
“Let’s go inside, yeah,” he mumbles.
Evie just nods, her voice is lost on her from that knee buckling kiss. If it wasn’t for Luke’s strong hand in hers she’d probably fall flat on her face. He leads her through the house to the bedroom.
Her attention is distracted by Luke’s soft lips on her neck and his wandering hands moving up and down her stomach to her thighs. His lips continue exploring down to her shoulder while his fingers pull down the zipper of her jacket and he pulls the clothing off her.
He spins her around, his eyes trained on hers as he backs her onto the bed, her knees buckling as she sits down on it. She scoots herself backwards until her head lands on the pillows, she bites her lip and Luke crawls on top of her. He dips his head low so he can kiss her tenderly, her fingers tangle in his curls.
“Want you so bad,” he exhales letting his hand wander down her thigh.
“Take me,” she gasps yanking on his hair.
He unbuttons her shorts while she tries to lift his sweatshirt over his head. They’re a mess of tangled limbs and twisted clothing, laughter fills the air until they’re both void of clothes. He notices the rapid rise and fall of her chest as he leaves a trail of kisses down her sternum.
“You’re so perfect,” he breathes on her skin as he moves around her bellybutton.
He shifts himself on the bed so his face is between her legs. Without teasing, he kisses her heat and licks her slowly. Her moans are precious in his ears and he continues to lick her languorously. He wants to make her feel good, so good that she’ll remember this for the rest of her life and he wants to do this for all of his days.
“Luke,” she moans petting his hair before threading her fingers through it.
He hums against her and she gasps, his tongue flicks become faster as he adds a finger, pumping into her slowly. He brings her to her orgasm skillfully and perfectly. Luke sucks off her wetness from his finger and she drags him up by her so she can kiss him.
“Your turn,” she nibbles at his lip but he shakes his head.
“No, baby, tonight is all about you,” he watches her as he teases the tip of his dick in between her folds.
Evie bites her lip, full eye contact on him as he continues to lube himself up with her wetness. He pushes himself in gently, the warmth of her around him consumes him and he pushes in and out to create more slickness. Evie is tracing the features of his face as he does so, soft little grunts escape her each time he goes in and out and then he’s finally in her completely.
Luke exhaled as she inhaled from the moment of connection, her mouth open in a perfect little ‘o’ and her eyes nearly roll back in her head. He’s never seen her more lovely than this moment.
“God, I love you,” he pants then begins to start a steady thrust. When he connects fully in her he rolls his hips and Evie’s nails are scratching up and down his back.
“I love you . . . too,” she moans as his pace quickens.
Luke licks his lips adjusting his right arm beside her head to use it as leverage so he can fuck into her deeper. His other hand is holding onto her hip and soon she’s matching his pace, hips meeting hips, breath being exchanged.
Evie closes her eyes when he hits a certain spot and she begs him not to stop and Luke would never. Whatever she’d ask him in this moment he’d give to her without question. He felt her walls clenching around him and he pumped faster and faster until she’s moaning loudly in his ear.
“That’s my girl,” he praises into her ear. She moans in response and still he quickens his pace.
His hips snap into hers with ruthless passion and she’s coming over him again, her cries are salacious, her nails creating crescent moons into his back with her legs wrapped around his waist.
“Feels so good,” she whines arching her back.
Luke closes his eyes trying to hold his orgasm off but the sounds she’s making and the feeling of her around him becomes too much. His thrusts start to become sloppy but she’s moaning loudly---a fourth one?—and he’s coming as well.
He pulls out quickly because he remembers he didn’t put on a condom so he spurts all over her lower stomach. Her fingers are trying to brush away the curls from his forehead as he releases onto her. Once he’s finished he collapses onto her and they’re a panting mess, he doesn’t even care that he’s getting his cum over his stomach. His main concern is her.
“I’m so in love with you,” she admits tilting his head up from her chest.
He smiles giving her a deep kiss.
“I’m in love with you, sweetheart.” He kisses her cheek, making a trail down her jaw to her neck and to her breast that he sucks on lightly.
“That tickles,” she giggles.
“This is the first time I’ve seen you fully naked,” he muses moving to her other breast so he can kiss and suck on it as well. “Why is that?”
“Because other times you mainly paid attention to her,” she giggles again pointing down to her vagina.
“You call it a her?” he chuckles around her nipple.
“Duh, why would it be a he?”
“Fair point.”
“So what do you think?”
“Of what? Her? I fucking love her,” he sucks loudly on her breast.
“No,” she laughs, “my naked body.”
“I fucking love all of it, you’re so perfect,” he rubs her cheek with the back of his knuckles. He loves the blush on her cheeks.
“Mm, you’re pretty perfect,” she sighs closing her eyes as he continues to cater to her breasts.
• • • •
Luke and Evie stayed at the lake house until Sunday. They spent their time in the hot tub, walking along the lakeshore, going out to dinner every night because Luke insisted on spoiling her. And it was filled with lots of lovemaking.
When he pulls up to her apartment he helps get her bags out then pulls her against him, his lips connecting with hers. The plan was that she’d take a shower and change then meet him at the ring in an hour, Luke had to go over his schedule with Calum.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to wait?” he asks for the twelfth time.
“I’m sure,” she smiles stretching up to kiss his nose, “I’ll see you in an hour. Promise.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more,” she smiles then pulls away shouldering her bags and heads inside the entrance.
Luke watches her disappear, an ever present smile on his face then jogs around to his side of the car.
• • • •
Luke’s been watching the other guys practice while he wants for Evie to meet him at the ring, he’s already gone over his schedule with Calum. The finals are coming up soon so training is going to be more intense but he’s promised he won’t be fighting multiple times in a short amount of days.
It’s been a little over ten minutes from when Evie was supposed to meet Luke and Evie’s very punctual.  He knows if she’s running late by even a minute it makes her anxious. Before he’ll allow himself to panic, he pulls out his phone and texts her. Luke tries to reason that maybe she’s still putting on her makeup or is stuck in traffic.
A few minutes turn into ten and still no response.
Fifteen minutes turn to twenty-five and panic starts to set in. He tries calling her but it rings to her voicemail. He tries again but by the third ring and still no answer, he’s reaching for his keys.
He’s calling her constantly while he’s in the car driving back to her place but she’s still not answering.
“Shit!” he exclaims smacking the steering wheel.
Something is very wrong.
He parks haphazardly outside her building and takes the steps three at a time until he’s on the second level. He pounds on the door shouting her name but its radio silence on the other side.
Luke searches frantically for his phone to try calling her again. With bated breath he waits and waits and very faintly hears her ringtone through the door.
Something is really wrong.
“Fuck,” he hisses fumbling for his wallet to get the spare key she gave him.
Then he remembers he left his wallet in the car and not wanting to waste more time he grabs hold of the doorknob and shoulders onto the wood as hard as he can. It bursts open, the knob clattering to the floor and he’s searching frantically for Evie.
“Evie?” he calls.
A chair is knocked over, the lampshade by her couch is askew. His heart pounds in his chest as he makes his way through her apartment. It’s eerily silent save for slamming of his heart in his ears and then his heart stops.
She’s lying on her bathroom floor crumpled in a heap with a small pool of blood near her head. Her phone is cracked next to her fingers.
“No, no, no, no baby, please,” Luke begs falling next to her. He touches her wrist and feels a heartbeat, it’s steady and thanks God it’s there.
“Evie? Lovie, can you hear me?” he asks brushing hair from her forehead, that’s when he sees the gash as the source of blood. It’s a pretty deep cut right above her eyebrow.
She makes the tiniest of scowls but makes no noise. Panicking again, Luke dials 911 and explains what he’s seeing in a rush and to please, please send help.
“Please hurry, she’s . . . she’s not waking up,” he cries and tries talking to her gently.
“Sir, an ambulance is less than five minutes away, they’ll be there soon, okay?” The dispatcher speaks calmly. “I’ll stay on the line with you until they arrive, but don’t move her.”
“Okay, okay,” he pants.
He still tries to wake her up and is careful not to touch no matter how desperately he wants to. Then he hears sirens and soon after quick and heavy footsteps down the hall.
“We’re here! She’s in the bathroom!” he shouts voice shaking.
Two EMT’s, one male and one female, push past him. He watches in shock as they speak medical jargon to each other and into their radios. Two others arrive with a stretcher and a neck brace that is wrapped quickly around her neck.
Luke watches in horror as they lift her onto the stretcher and he follows them wordlessly downstairs and outside. He’s stopped when he goes to climb in the ambulance.
“Sir, there isn’t enough room but you can follow us to the hospital,” the woman tells him.
“Okay,” he says hollowly then she touches his arm.
“Don’t worry, we’ve got her, sir. What’s her name?”
“Evie—Evelyn—Carson,” he croaks and tries to clear his throat but there’s a lump preventing him doing so.
“And yours?”
“Luke Hemmings.”
“We’ll see you at the hospital, Luke.”
He runs to his car and called Calum immediately, his tires squeal as he follows the ambulance.
“Hey, what’s—“
“Is Nell there?”
“Yeah, she’s—“
“Meet me at the hospital,” Luke rushes and turns the corner sharply.
“The hospital? Luke—“
“It’s Evie. Just hurry, I’m behind the ambulance.”
He hangs up before Calum can say another word and tries to keep his foot steady on the gas. He couldn’t help the tremble of his hands.
• • • •
Luke’s leg is bouncing erratically as he waits to hear news of Evie and for Calum and Nell to arrive. The doors to the waiting room swing open revealing a frantic looking Nell, she makes a beeline for Luke.
“What is going on?” she demands tears brimming her eyes.
“I—she was supposed to meet me at the arena in an hour after we got back. She wasn’t picking up after thirty minutes and I went to get her and had to break down her door. Her place is turned over and she was . . . she was on the floor in the bathroom. Blood was on her forehead and the floor and she wouldn’t wake up. I don’t know what happened,” he finishes in a choked sob.
“Danny,” Nell mumbles sadly.
“Who’s Danny?” Calum narrows his eyes.
“Her ex,” Nell breathes, “He found her.”
“You know about that? How?” Luke asks.
“Ashton told me. I figured if she wanted to tell me, she would. But she’s been so happy with you—“
“I should’ve been there,” Luke cuts her off shaking his head. He rubs his face twice with his hands, the image of her lying on the floor is ingrained in his mind.
“Luke Hemmings?”
He whips around quickly then is surprised to see a police officer standing in front of him. He was about the same height as Luke but in his late thirties and a hard, steely look in his eyes.
“Yes?” Luke asks stepping forward slowly.
“Can I ask you some questions, please?”
• • • •
Luke slumps back in his chair in one of the private offices of the hospital, Officer Roth is sitting across from him with a notepad.
“I’m telling you, I would never ever hit my girlfriend! Or any woman for that matter!” Luke thunders for what feels like the hundredth time. He feels like a broken record repeating the same story of how he found Evie.
“But you are a boxer, correct?” Officer Roth narrows his eyes.
“Yes, I fight at Seconds of Summer,” he sighs.
“Have you met this ex-boyfriend of Miss Carson’s before?”
“No, but she’s told me a lot about him. I don’t know how he found her but he did and all I want is to see how she is.”
Officer Roth eyes him up silently then folds his arms. “Your hands look like they’ve been through some fights, and that shiner on your eye looks pretty rough.”
“I fought four fights in two days last week,” Luke forces his voice to remain calm. “Evie and I went to my lake house because Calum gave me the week off—Calum. Go get Calum Hood, he owns the gym and is my trainer. He can tell you I was at the arena until about two thirty when I went to Evie’s. Please. I need to see she’s all right.”
Officer Roth takes his time tapping his pen on the desk, closes his little pad and pockets.
“Fine, but you stay here, got it?”
Luke nods watching Officer Roth heave out of the chair and exit the room. Luke’s leg is shaking as he waits in anxiousness. He has no idea what status Evie’s in or if she’s awake. Is she asking for him? Is Nell with her?
Minutes tick by and then the door opens. Luke twists in his chair to see Calum is behind Officer Roth.
“You’re good to go, Mr. Hemmings,” Officer Roth says. “I apologize for the third degree but . . . well, under the circumstances and your state, I had to ask those questions.”
“I get it but Danny’s the one you need to give the third degree to. Am I free to go?” Luke rises from his chair.
“Yes, I hear Miss Carson is asking for you. I’ll be by in a few minutes to get a statement from her. If Danny’s still in the area, we’ll do our best to find him.” He holds out his hand, “I’m sorry again.”
“Thank you,” Luke shakes his hand then rushes past him with Calum. “Thanks for setting him straight.”
“No problem, I can’t believe he thought you did this,” Calum says bitterly.
“She’s awake? How is she?”
“Freaking out because she woke up in a hospital and has no idea where you are. Nell is trying to explain but she’s a little frantic. She’s down this way.”
Luke picks up his pace pushing through the double doors into another hallway filled with constant telephone rings and murmurs from the nursing staff. Calum leads him into a room to the left and Luke’s chest breaks open when he sees Evie.
There’s a bandage above her left eyebrow and her lip is swollen and bruised. Discoloration of bruises peek out from the hospital gown she’s in and though her body looks worn and torn, her eyes are alert when they land on Luke.
“Luke!” she cries trying to reach for him but he moves to her first.
“I’m here, baby, I’m right here,” he rushes sitting next to her. He takes her hands gently in his, her eyes welling up with tears.
“Where were you?”
“A cop had some questions for me,” he says grimly, “he wants to talk to you, too so he can try and find Danny.”
“Why was he talking to . . .” her voice tumbles off an edge until her eyes widen in shock. “They thought you--?! Oh, Luke, I’m so sorry.”
Her eyes well with fresh tears and her breathing has become irregular and rapid as she sputters out incoherent apologies.
“Shh, shh, breathe, lovie,” he cradles her face softly trying to calm her down. “It’s all sorted now. I’m still angry about it but from their viewpoint, I do look like the bad guy. And I am.”
“What? No, you’re not—“
“I should’ve been with you, I wouldn’t have given him a chance to touch you,” says through his teeth.
He caresses her forehead, his heart falling once more at the sight of the stitches below the bandage. He overheard the nurse telling Nell while he was reuniting with Evie that she had severe bruising on her stomach. It made him sick and angry that this happened and he was right within reach.
Danny was probably there when he dropped her off. A new wave of anger ripples through him and he has to pull his hands away to try and cool his temper. It’s taking all his willpower now not to go out and find Danny himself.
“Luke, look at me,” Evie says softly.
He stares at her blankly. She reaches for his hand lacing their fingers together and squeezes.
“What happened isn’t your fault. I have no idea how he found me but I’m glad you’re the one who rescued me. I could’ve . . .” she swallows thickly closing her eyes at what possibly could have happened to her then opens them again to look into his sad blue eyes, “You saved me. That’s what matters.”
He sighs unevenly then nods just as there’s a knock on the door. It’s Officer Roth with a fellow officer to ask Evie what happened. Luke holds her hand the entire time as she explains through a shaky voice. When she falters, Luke kisses her hand in assurance and she continues until the officers have all they need.
Officer Roth gives Luke his number in case Danny returns and they can call him right away.
• • • •
Calum and Nell came back later that night while Evie was sleeping with new clothes for her to change into when she’s discharged. She has to stay the night for observation and with the bruising on her stomach the doctors and nurses wanted to monitor it in case there was internal bleeding.
Evie didn’t want Luke to leave her and he was more than happy to stay with her, he didn’t want to leave her side either.
“We cleaned up her place the best we could,” Nell informs while the three of them are standing just outside her door.
“Mike and Ash are fixing her door right now,” Calum adds.
“Thanks,” Luke nods. He heaves a deep sigh exhaling through his nose as his fingers rub at his eyes. “I doubt she’ll want to go back once she’s checked out tomorrow night.”
“Take her to your place, she’ll be safe with you and I don’t want Danny coming back,” Nell’s voice shakes in anger at the mention of Danny.
“I should’ve stayed with her,” Luke mutters. He shakes his head, jaw working as his body trembles in anger once more.
He wants—he needs to punch something. He’d choose the wall but the sound would wake Evie up and he didn’t want to pay for damaging the hospital.
“Luke, you can’t beat yourself up over this,” Calum sighs, “You couldn’t have known he’d be there. It’s because of you she’s safe now. This could have been way worse.”
“I don’t understand why he left in the first place,” Nell mentions then at the look on Luke’s face she adds quickly, “I’m glad he did! But why show up, do what he did and then leave?”
“What did Evie say happened?” Calum asks quietly.
“She told the cop he was already in her apartment. He must have asked a tenant where she lived and found the key she hid in the light to get in. She said he wanted to talk, he apologized apparently but she told him to leave. He snapped and—“Luke tries to swallow the lump in his throat “—and threw her chair before he began hitting her. She didn’t fight back, in the past it only made it worse when she did and then she passed out when her head hit the edge of the counter.”
“I thought you found her in the bathroom?” Nell asks.
“I did. Maybe he dragged her in there? I don’t know, the son of a bitch probably thought he killed her and left. That’s the only reason I can think of as to why he’d leave.”
“Luke?” Evie calls out worriedly.
Without a second glance, Luke heads inside to be by his girl instantly, grasping her hand and dancing his fingers across her cheek.
“I’m right here, sweetheart. Calum and Nell are here, they brought new clothes and we were talking,” he explains dropping into the seat beside her bed.
“Did they leave?”
“No, do you want to see them?” he asks and she nods. “Guys, come on in.”
Nell enters first sprinting to her cousin’s side and hugs her tightly. Earlier when she was in the room Evie was still delirious and the only thing on her mind was Luke. They’re both crying and exchanging apologies.
“I should’ve told you what Danny was like,” Evie wipes under her eyes with the hand that’s not holding Luke’s.
“I understand why you didn’t. I should’ve told you I knew anyway. I’m so sorry you had to deal with this on your own,” Nell sniffs. “We’ll all watch out for you. He won’t get away with this and if he comes back we’ll make sure he’s locked up.”
“Thanks, Nell,” Evie gives her a watery smile.
There’s a knock on the door and a nurse comes in to check on Evie’s vitals. Someone will be checking on her every few hours.
“We’ll let you rest, Eve,” Calum says.
“Thanks guys.”
Luke nods his goodbye, eyes focused on Evie while the night nurse checked her vitals.
“Everything sounds good,” the nurse says, “can I check the bruising on your stomach?”
Luke watches in silent anguish at the careful way Evie moves the blankets and her gown. His eyes are trained on her face, she’s biting her lip but a small squeak slips by signifying this is painful for her.
“It hurts,” she whispers “can you help?”
The nurse aids her by lifting the gown slowly. She presses on Evie’s stomach gently, Evie winces at the pressure.
“Has there been blood when you used the bathroom?”
“No,” Evie’s voice is strained.
“That’s good. I’ll let you get more rest and be back in a few hours. I’m Cheyenne and I’ll be watching over you tonight,” Cheyenne smiles. “Call if you need anything.”
“Thank you,” Luke says watching her leave then helps Evie get tucked back in under the covers.
“Thanks,” Evie smiles.
“Try to get some sleep, lovie,” he murmurs kissing her forehead minding the stitches above her eyebrow.
• • • •
It’s been two weeks since the incident with Evie. She’s been healing nicely and the cut above her eyebrow is now raised soft skin, and pale pink in color after the stitches were removed. Luke would trace his fingers over it and kiss that spot randomly throughout the day.
He knew she hated it and felt self-conscious about it so he made it his duty to show it as much love as he could. She’d only been to her apartment once and that was only so she could get extra clothes and her favorite blankets.
Luke had passed the divisional and is now moving onto the title win which has a decent amount of prize money that will really help out the gym. Calum has increased his workouts but scheduled them around Evie’s work schedule so Luke can pick her up.
It’s a lazy Saturday morning as they’re cuddled up on his couch watching old Disney movies. Evie is on top of him, their legs tangled together under her favorite fuzzy blanket and Luke’s fingers are tracing patterns on her back.
“Can you teach me how to fight?” she asks suddenly.
Luke’s dancing fingers stopped, he craned his neck in an odd position so he could look at her.
“Can you teach me how to box? Or show me some easy moves?”
“Evie . . . why?”
“So if Danny comes back I can defend myself.”
Luke shifts underneath her so he doesn’t have to strain his neck in an awkward position, she shifts with him raising her head from his chest.
“If he comes back,” Luke’s voice is dangerously controlled, “he won’t even get a chance to fucking breathe in your direction.”
She smiles lightly at his need to protect her.
“I know but I want to learn so I’m prepared anyway. And it will make me more comfortable watching you instead of listening to music. Please?”
Luke sighs mulling it over, it’s not a bad idea. She should at least know the basics just in case something were to happen and Luke wasn’t there. But he meant what he said. If Danny comes back Luke will deal with him personally.
“All right,” he agrees and Evie squeals with glee then attacks his face with kisses. “But if anything hurts or you feel uncomfortable, you tell me and we stop. Deal?”
“Yes, deal. Thank you, honey.”
She presses her mouth to his sealing the deal.
• • • •
When Monday night rolls around Evie joins Luke at the gym into the training room. He’s spent the last forty-five minutes going over boxing basics and showing her the moves. He takes careful care of wrapping her fingers in tape then kisses her knuckles when he’s finished.
He slips on punching mitts then moves in front of her. He smiles at the sight of Evie, her dark brown hair is pulled back into a loose braid and she’s wearing a sports bra with some leggings. There’s a determined look in her eye that he finds so endearing.
“I’m not punching one of the bags?” she asks almost sadly.
“No, not today. Those are a lot harder than these,” he indicates the mitts on his hands, “I don’t want you to hurt yourself, lovie. Let’s start with an easy combination of a jab cross and right hook. Get in your stance . . . good. Keep your hands up by your face and start when you’re ready.”
Evie nods taking a deep breath then jabs her left hand across her body to hit the mitt on Luke’s left hand, she follows with a quick right hook on his other hand then repeats. Luke nods as she repeats it, her body dancing as she keeps her feet bouncing.
“Very good, lovie, keep going,” he encourages.
Evie continues, her eyes trained on the mitts. With each punch she hits harder and harder as an anger bubbles up to the surface. Each punch is for every hit Danny gave her. Each strike is for every time he yelled and swore and then more anger arose because he found her and could have almost ruined her and Luke.
Evie became relentless, hitting faster, faster, and faster still. Her face becomes red and her breath comes out in rapid huffs. Luke has been watching her carefully and when he sees her eyes flood with tears he springs into action and lowers the mitts.
She’s still punching the air and then his chest as he pulls her against him, crushing her arms so she stops. Evie chokes out her sobs into his shirt.
“I’ve got you baby, it’s okay.”
He rocks her gently from side to side as she continues to sob and gasp, finally releasing her pent up emotions she didn’t realize she buried.
• • • •
Title fight day is upon Luke and he’s trying to get in his own head and zone out the raucous cheers and buzz from beyond his changing room. He’s pacing, rotating his neck and loosening his shoulders as he attempts to block it out.
If he wins these twelve rounds he’ll also receive a whopping $50,000 prize money which would really help the gym. He tried not to think about it all coming down to him and to focus on the fight, his moves and the weak spots of his opponent.
His name is KJ Andrews who has a reputation of getting where he’s at from the ground up at his own gym he uses for youth.
There’s a quick knock on his door then Calum enters, a quick grin flicks across his face.
“Got time to meet a fan before you go out?”
“Yeah, I s’pose,” Luke huffs checking the tape on his hands.
“Don’t sound so enthused, honey.”
Luke’s head snaps up to see Evie step from behind Calum, a smile on her face as she approaches him.
“He should’ve said it was you,” Luke grins meeting her halfway. They join hands letting them hang loosely between their bodies.
“Four minutes, Hemmings. See you out there, Evie,” Calum bids them goodbye closing the door behind him.
“How’re you feeling?” Evie asks, eyes searching his face.
“Okay, good I guess. I just want to get out there,” he licks his lips. “Do you have your air pods?”
“I won’t be using them,” she shakes her head, “I can handle it but I have them just in case. This is a big fight for you, Luke, I want to be completely involved.”
“I love you,” he sighs bending down to give her a gentle kiss.
“I love you, too,” she mumbles on his lips giving him one more just as the announcer’s voice booms from the arena. “You’ve got this, Luke. I’ll see you out there.”
“Bye,” he says faintly. He gives her hands a gentle squeeze as she backs away, their fingers slipping away as she slips out the door.
Luke takes several deep breaths then heads out of his changing room and up the stairs. He cracks his knuckles then punches his palms, his adrenaline is kicking in.
When he steps out into the arena, the blue spotlight hits him but he pays no mind to people shouting his name or what the announcer is saying. Calum joins him as he makes his way to the ring and slips beneath the rope to go in his respective corner. KJ is already across from him, they both glance and nod at each other as the announcer rumbles stats.
“How’re you feeling, mate?” Calum asks rubbing his best friend’s shoulders.
“Good, I’m ready. Where’s—“
“Behind you with everybody else,” Calum smiles nodding behind Luke.
Luke cranes his neck and spots Evie right away. She smiles sweetly and waves up at him then gives him a thumbs up. His heart soars.
He can do this. He’ll win these twelve rounds and then ask Evie to move in with him. It’s crazy to think how six months ago was when he first spotted Evie. Crazy to think that six months has gone by. So much has changed but he knows he wants to spend the rest of his life with her.
The clang of the bell echoed all around followed by the loud cheers and applause from the spectators. Luke and KJ met in the middle, knocked fists and the referee blew his whistle.
• • • •
Sweaty and out of breath, Luke’s limbs were like jelly when the ref raised his right arm up above his head exclaiming ‘WINNER!’ of the title fight. The cheers were louder than ever but through his exhaustion he smiled looking out into the crowd. The house lights came on and he could see every cheering face but he only had one in mind.
When he spotted his friends he notices Evie isn’t there. Calum pointed behind him signifying his changing room and Luke nods. He’ll get to her soon enough.
Evie is setting up the six champagne flutes carefully on his coffee table with the champagne bottle in the center. The twelve rounds were intense and at some moments she thought Luke would come up short but he never failed.
She cheered as loud as she could when he was announced the winner, stray tears fell from her eyes from how proud she is for him. She snuck away quickly to set up this little celebration station for him when he arrived with everyone else.
The door opens behind her and she spins around.
Her congratulations falls short and her smile disappears when she sees who’s standing in the doorway.
“You always did heal up fast,” Danny says stepping into the room.
His presence casts a dark shadow in the room and over Evie who steps off to the side. The bottle opener is by the door still in the bag and her eyes scan frantically for any sort of defensive weapon she can use. The announcer is still calling out congratulations and she prays silently that Luke will be here soon.
“What do you want, Danny?” she asks her voice shaking.
“Why don’t you come back home? Your family misses you . . . I miss you,” he chuckles stepping even closer.
“You had an odd way of showing it at my apartment,” she bites back as furiously as she can.
“I was just angry you managed to hide from me for so long. And to cheat on me nonetheless,” he chuckles again.
The closer he gets Evie can smell liquor reeking from his body, her heart accelerated in fear.
“I didn’t cheat on you because we aren’t together. You hit me and verbally abused me, I left you, Danny. Just leave me alone, please.”
“I can’t do that, Eves, I love you too much. Come on, just come back home with me, I promise I’ve changed.”
He’s invading her space now, she flinches at his use of her old nickname but instead of fear she was filled with rage.
“You don’t love me. You don’t beat up someone you love. You’re sick and you need help but it won’t be from me,” she says vehemently. “You won’t hurt me again.”
In his drunken (or hungover) state, his actions were sluggish but Evie was faster as he lifted his arm. Evie pushes him back and throws a right hook as hard as she can into his face. A satisfying crunch sounds followed by pain in her hand that shoots up her arm.
She lets out a cry from the pain as he stumbles back then the door opens and Luke is there.
“LUKE!” Evie shouts cowering further into the corner as Danny continues to stumble.
Luke launches himself at Danny, kneeing him in the gut and punching him a few times until he’s slumped in a heap on the floor. Danny groans as Luke holds him up by the collar of his shirt.
“You’ll never touch her again, you bastard,” Luke spits then gives him on final punch and Danny is knocked out. He rushes over to Evie who collapses into his arms then lets out a whimper. “Did he hurt you? Where are you hurt?”
“I-I punched him and I think I hurt my hand,” Evie lifts her right hand that is already looking swollen and red.
Luke holds it gingerly in his own hands inspecting it. He flexes her fingers straight, she winces as he feels the bones and her wrist.
“I don’t think it’s broken,” he murmurs, “but we can have a doctor check it out.”
“Luke, we have—what the hell?” Ashton exclaims behind them.
“Call Officer Roth,” Luke tells them, “and make sure he doesn’t fucking move. I’m taking Evie to have her hand looked at.”
Luke holds her left hand leading her cautiously around Danny and out the door. Nell gives Evie a concerned look but Evie smiles and mutters an ‘I’m fine.’
The doctor on site inspected Evie’s hand and came to the conclusion it was only sprained. Evie is given an ice pack and told to keep ice on it to keep the swelling down and take ibuprofen for the pain. Two cops enter the gym after the doctor leaves, Officer Roth spots them from across the way.
“Are you all right, Miss Carson?” Officer Roth asks.
“I’m okay,” she nods, “I hit him this time.” Her eyes widen at her confession. “You aren’t going to arrest me are you? He came at me first and I defended—“
“No, no, you aren’t going to get arrested,” Officer Roth smiles kindly. “We’ll make sure he’ll be locked up for a long time. Apparently there’s an order for his arrest back at his place of residence, other girls have come forward explaining what he’s done. I’m so sorry you had to endure all of this.”
“He’s going to be taken away?” she asks faintly.
“Yes. Some allegations are from seventeen year old women,” Officer Roth responds gravely, “he won’t hurt anyone ever again. I promise you. You may have to head back home and speak to a judge and the police there, though. To give your statement of the past and from what happened a few weeks ago.”
Luke hold rubs the back of her neck in assurance at the news.
Evie takes a deep breath.
“If it will put him away I’ll do anything,” she nods, “Thank you Officer Roth.”
“I’m glad this will all come to an end for you. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to call. And congratulations on the title, Luke. My partner and I heard the news from people on our way in.”
“Thank you,” Luke smiles and Officer Roth nods one last time before leaving. Luke turns to Evie and shakes his head in wonder. “You actually punched him.”
“I did,” she laughs shakily. “It felt good.”
“That’s my girl,” he kisses her temple then holds her against him in a warm embrace.
• • • •
After Luke joined Evie on the trip back home to give her statement and photo evidence of what Danny did to her, he asked her to move in with him when they got back to LA. She agreed happily throwing her arms around him.
Danny will be in jail for the rest of his life and Evie finally feels like she can breathe. She’s happy with her new life with Luke, she adores the new friends she’s made and is happy she gets to experience this all with her cousin Nell by her side.
Luke and Evie are practice fighting at the gym, it’s a weekly thing now. Evie has excelled in her boxing but will only use it as a workout and not as a profession like Luke.
They’re moving quickly and fast across the room, Luke taunts her (all in good fun) just to get her riled up and at her first slip-up, he cages her against the cool wall in between his arms.
“You’ve got to stay focused, baby,” he smiles leaning close to her body.
“You fight so dirty,” she giggles reaching up to scratch at the stubble on his chin.
Luke rubs the scar above her forehead with his thumb then slides his eyes down to meet hers, an amused look on her face.
“But your love’s so sweet,” he grins slotting his lips against hers in a loving kiss.
Copyright talkfastromance4 © All works is intellectual property of the author. All rights reserved. Any redistribution or reproduction or any part or all contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, without written expression and consent from the author, distribute works amongst other social media platforms
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swaps55 · 4 years
HI I'M BACK TO FLAIL. I just finished chapter 5 and it was SUCH a joy to read! Kept me going through two rough nights at work. But. Stop. Being. Mean. To. Sam. Let that man eat dammit! You're so mean! (And I love it!) I enjoyed Sam and Anderson interacting sooo much, it made me squeal. And congrats to Kaidan, he's only been on one dinner date with his bf, but he's already met his father figure and actual mom and they seemed cool with him lol. I just love your story so much, thank you for making me happy. You do such a great job at fleshing out parts of the ME story that weren't really hit on or detailed like the N training, and if you do make up stuff, it fits in flawlessly and I can't even tell. It's incredible. (but I also haven't played ME in a long long time and might just be forgetting stuff) and yeah but thank you and I hope you are having an awesome day. Lots of love!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sam is such a damn delight, even when he’s A Lot. Maybe especially because he’s A Lot, hahaha. I’m hoping to eventually do some things from Anderson’s POV, which should offer a fascinating perspective on Sam. 
This story has really made me sit down and put together what I want the N program to look like, which has been a lot of fun. It felt like the games forgot that Shepard was spec ops as they went on, to the point the entire character arc with Vega over the N program basically contradicts their own canon, what little of it there is. Cantata is a chance to really explore the hard work that goes into becoming an N7, how that sets Shepard apart from most other soldiers, and how it colors the way he fights. And in this case, it means I get to play with a lot of really cool biotic headcanons. :) There’s more in the second half of this chapter about Sam’s trip through ICT and his experiences as an N, and there will be more as the story continues. 
I’m really, really glad you’re enjoying it!!!!!!!!
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stxphxn-strange · 4 years
i want to start posting from my ironstrange college au (remember the makeup fic i posted in like november? i’ll link it below but it’s from that verse) so! let me explain it:
reminder that this is an au and it’s my au, so i decide how this all goes!
IronStrange (duh)
Christine x Hope Van Dyne* (this gets complicated)
Eventual Pristine
Past Stony, Past Stucky
(Lowkey I’m also figuring out if Rhodey x T’challa could be a ship? they both seem too independent but i also might add it in)
Character Notes:
Tony deliberately never specifies if he prefers to go by Anthony or Tony. People call him both, or also his friends call him Ant. Stephen does not/has never called him Tony, he’s always known him as Anthony.
Happy just tends to go by H or Harry (anyone who calls him Harold receives a death glare, but as a joke Rhodey got him a T-shirt and the pattern is just name tags that say “hello my name is Harold.”)
Rhodey just goes by Rhodey bc Tony *insisted* that all their friends call him that and plus he doesn’t hate the nickname.
Natasha is part of this but she doesn’t go to school with the rest of the group. She’s Tony’s half sister and is the biological daughter of Maria Stark and her best friend. She lives in Italy with some of Tony’s extended family and her bio dad. Few people know of her existence, or they know her as Maria’s niece (for her own protection). It doesn’t rly matter that Howard has no idea who she rly is, he wasn’t with her the entire time Maria was pregnant w Natasha bc she was in Italy (and brought Tony with her)
- Tony and Rhodey are roommates, and they live two floors above the four suitemates. The four suitemates are: Christine and Pepper (who share a room) and Stephen and Wong (who share the other room) despite that, the six of them tend to move fluidly in between both spaces.
- Hela and Carol
- Val and Hope
- Thor and T’challa (Bruce spends a lot of time w them)
- Bruce, Sam, and Loki (as chaotic as it sounds btw)
- Bucky and Happy, who I’ve decided are very close. (btw nobody particularly enjoys the fact that Sam and Bucky live next door to each other, when they’re Busy their roommates can be found w Stephen and Co. or one of the other Odinson siblings).
Friend Groups (note: people overlap/belong to multiple groups, this is also not the full list bc that could go on for a long time):
- The Main Six: Tony, Rhodey, Stephen, Wong, Christine, and Pepper.
- Team Big Brain: Tony, Bruce, Stephen, Hope, Carol, Christine, and Bucky.
- Doctors: Stephen, Tony, Christine, and Bruce.
- Dumbass Protection Squad: Hela, T’Challa, Carol, Happy, Rhodey, and Pepper (usually).
- Psych Majors: Pepper, Wong, T’Challa and Loki.
- Stark Industries: Tony, Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy.
- People who Like Astrology: Loki, Bucky, Val, sometimes Christine.
Storylines (There’s no established time frame for this really, but it doesn’t follow mcu canon or any canon):
- Stephen and Tony are lifelong friends. They met on the first day of kindergarten and went to school together in NY (where both their families lived at the time) until middle school. For unspecified reasons, Stephen’s parents opted to move the Strange family to Nebraska before the start of 6th grade. Stephen and Tony were Devastated but were already inseparable at that point and stayed in touch. A business opportunity moved the Starks from NY to California. Stephen stayed in Nebraska for high school but Tony’s parents sent him to boarding school (read: Howard sent him away to avoid having to actually parent, and he thought he was lifting a burden from Maria. This was Not The Case, as she loved her son dearly and would call him everyday. Tony appreciated this more than he ever thought possible.)
- Howard and Stane viewed boarding school as a chance to groom Tony into something malleable and submissive enough to take orders from anyone. His obvious feelings for Stephen (with whom he was still incredibly close) were a Great Concern, so the executive decision was made to set Tony up with Steve Rogers, a blond athlete from his school. It was a way to keep Tony’s sexuality controlled, and Howard didn’t think Stephen was anywhere close to the level he wanted Tony to be (of course, Howard didn’t think his son lived up to his expectations anyway. It was more about control). On the surface, Steve was sweet and everything you could want in a partner, and he even charmed Maria into liking him. She genuinely believed he’d be a good match for her son, so it hurt when she found out what he was really like. Rhodey was Tony’s boarding school roommate for all four (4) years. They met and hit it off overnight, Rhodey instantly feeling brotherly love and the need to protect Tony (or “Tones” as he called him. Rhodey is usually the only one to call him that). Rhodey and Steve did Not see eye to eye on anything, least of all how Tony should be treated. Steve was terrible to him, and Rhodey’s heart broke when Tony admitted he was too scared to break up with him.
- Reenter Stephen. After a particularly bad day, Tony called Maria and Stephen sobbing, missing the two (2) people he talked to more than anyone except maybe Rhodey. It was then he confessed what kind of boyfriend Steve was, and Maria gasped before saying, “Dump him. Let me handle the rest.” That very day, Stephen left school early and traveled to see Tony. It was 2am when he finally arrived, throwing rocks at the window and then scaling the side of the building once he had Tony’s attention. Stephen and Rhodey met the next morning, when Rhodey came back from classes and found his roommate asleep him.
- “So you’re the one who climbed in through my window,” Rhodey said. “For a good reason, I assume.” Stephen confessed it was because he loved Tony and wanted to be there for him, didn’t want him to hurt. (It’s fair to say, though, that Stephen visited before/Tony went to visit him, and they’d spent secret time together over the summers). Tony, believing himself incapable of love, didn’t reject Stephen’s confession but assumed it was only love between friends. The summer before they all left for college (Rhodey, originally from Texas, was also going to school in NY with Tony and Stephen. NY was a big part of who they both were, and they both dreamed of studying there together), they finally started dating at Maria Stark’s motherly demand.
- This demand came a short time before Howard and Maria died, and it also came with admissions of guilt and lots of tears. “I was wrong about Rogers,” she said. “You don’t have to accept what I say or forgive me, but I know Stephen is the right one for you. I think I’ve always known.” (No shit, everyone knew) Knowong she was genuinely sorry, Tony forgave her not knowing that she would die a few months later.
- Most of this canon I’ve created takes place starting in their junior year of college, so everyone has gotten to know each other quite well. I’m sure the more I write from this the more I’ll flesh out relationships between certain characters, but one I want to mention is that Tony and Bucky are very close and co-presidents of the “I Dumped Steve Rogers for Peace of Mind” club. Steve goes to college in the next state/a little further north (that’s as specific as it’ll get for now) and dated Bucky the group’s freshman year. Tony didn’t know any of this until Bucky brought him over one day, and after they (Tony and Bucky) had a talk about the way Steve is as a partner, Bucky realized some things and dumped Steve. He remains angry at them both, especially Tony, from a short distance away which terrifies Tony.
- Sam and Bucky kissed for the first time at a truth or dare night Thor and T’Challa hosted in the group’s sophomore year. After they kissed (Sam initiated) they both shyly admitted feelings for each other.
*Now here’s where things get a little dicey. I started this au with Christine and Hope together for no particular reason, maybe they were on a club sports team together and started dating from there? But Pepper fell in love w Christine at first sight, and it got worse and worse the more they got to know each other. Much like Stephen and Tony, they’re the kind of people who meet each other and just click, even if the eventual path to Pristine involves lots of tears and jealousy for Pepper that Stephen never really experienced. He didn’t feel jealous of Tony and Steve’s relationship, because he wasn’t at boarding school with Tony and there wasn’t much he could do. But as a supportive and concerned (and honest but kind) friend, he was always encouraging and there to listen to Tony. Is Pepper going to be as good of a friend to Christine as Stephen was to Tony while Christine gets ready to marry Hope after undergrad??? that’s the question my forthcoming college au fic will answer.
Also mentioned in my forthcoming fic (which I’m still writing rn)
- post undergrad Wong works as a museum director/curator (havent decided yet, maybe he works his way up the ranks) and double majored in psych and history.
- Stephen, Tony, Happy, Rhodey, and Wong all live together and the rest of the group lives around NYC.
- Stephen, Christine, and Bruce (The Doctor friend group) are all pursuing medical degrees while the SI friend group is transforming the company completely.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk! Congrats on reading all the way to the end lmao. I second guessed posting this a lot but then i remembered that it’s mine and I’m just sharing pre-fic thoughts lol. Thanks for reading/for your support of my work y’all!
Read the makeup fic (it doesn’t have a title) here.
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Here we buried our illusion
Summary: Anniversary dinner gone wrong. The unpleasant aftermath. 
Warnings: noncon, dubcon, smut, sexual content, slight manipulation, mentions of Hydra, breeding kink if you look hard enough, female masturbation, mentions of drugs. 
Word count: 2.3k
Pairing: Dark!Reader x Steve Rogers
A/N: So here’s my entry for @mariessecretfantasies​ challenge (congrats on 500 followers, yay!). I got the second prompt, “In illusion comfort lies. The safest way, the straight and narrow, No confusion no surprise.” I struggled a bit with the lyrical prompt and the whole writing process in general but I managed to push through with this idea. In the end, I think it ended up quite well (lol). This is my second fic ever written and I just kept this in my draft for a while before mustering up enough courage to hit send. I hope y’all enjoy this unedited mess! Any feedback is welcomed 🥺
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Steve should have known better. That her smile was way too sweet. That her laughter was so intoxicating that he got drunk on it for the first time in his life. That everything she did was calculative. That her touch was leading him on. That her sweet, innocent face was all but a mask. That perhaps there was something hidden behind her eyes. That perchance she had approached him just for this day. 
These thoughts wrestled themselves restlessly in his head, creating an inebriating mixture of wistful thinking and harsh reality. As much as he had despised what she stood for, at the end of the day, Steve would hate to admit that a part of this was actually his fault. Letting her in so easy after years of putting up walls around him, afraid that he would endanger other people, only to end up in this particularly compromising situation. 
The cold, metal door sounded a click, drawing his attention to the lithe figure that was coming in. She looked perfect as always, though her hair was a bit disheveled, shapely face, full, kissable lips and stealthy y/e/c eyes. He wanted to destroy the pretentious smile she was spotting right now, as much as he wanted to bruise her lips with his. The thought did not surprise him. After all, that was what drew Steve to this woman in the first place. 
She drew a chair closer to seat herself in front of him. The American golden boy was now bound tightly to an intricate recliner that was equipped with electric lines running along the sides. His hands were placed on the armrest, two strong, metallic, rounded tongs biting painfully into his wrists while his ankles and torso faced the same fate. Steve had tried his best to break through the clamps but he only earned back cutting electric shocks. Besides, Steve was sure they had put some drugs into his system in order to weaken his sense of judgment and mobility. 
She pursed her cherry lips, a frown slight grazed her face as she stood up to get closer to him. “Poor baby,” she teased cruelly, “all pretty and bound up like this.” She fisted his hair, pulling his face forward as she continued her taunting. She was so close to him right now, the slight scent of her favorite perfume was now filling his space, triggering a chain reaction deep within his battered mind. He could hear the spokes and gears turning, pushing up a memory of the first time they had met each other. 
Now that he had seen everything clearly, perhaps that was all a ploy to place her in his life. He had been deployed for a rescue mission of a hijacked ambassador in a small country near the border of Slovakia. The threats were identified and eliminated quickly and without any collateral damages. When he made his way to the rescued victims, it was somehow as if fate had decided to turn his head to the right side to meet the gaze of the young girl, who despite her age, carried such a fervent fire in her eyes. She was so sweet, Steve had remembered. She personally sought after him after things had settled down to thank him. He recalled vividly jacking himself off and cumming violently to the memory of her biting her lips shyly, secretly touching his body.
And when months later they met at a national security convention, Steve decided to turn coincidences into a blooming relationship, which ended with the 3-month anniversary he had set up, where she had tempered the wine and food. 
“Don’t tell me you were thinking about how we first met,” she let out a mocking laugh and landed a peck on his right cheek, “It was almost too easy.” She straddled herself onto his lap now, hands snaking around his neck, tilting his head slightly up to meet her hot mouth. “I really thought you were not fooled,” she slipped her tongue inside, “but I saw you, you know.” Light feathery kisses landed on the corner of Steve’s mouth as he turned to the side, refusing to let Y/N toy with his heart. “You were magnificent. All hunched up, cock in hand,” she continued her assault with kisses all over his face, “oh and when you cum.” She faked a shudder, mimicking his action while started to grind her hips on his length, which was growing without Steve being aware of it. 
“You were so innocent, I must say. It’s like you get a hard-on for saving any innocent souls being harmed.” Y/N withdrew the hands around Steve’s neck as she moved to unbutton her white blouse, revealing the same colored bra underneath. He swallowed tightly as her intention became clearer, as was his raging hard-on. “Y/N, please, let me go,” he yanked on his restraint, “Or I swear to God, when I get out of here, I will hurt you more than you ever know.” To his surprise, she only let out a laugh and continued on removing any articles of clothing left. And when she finished, Y/N went to her knees, hands trailing absentmindedly on his thighs, which she had pushed wide apart. “Would it hurt more than what I’m about to do, Captain?” she fluttered her eyelashes, “cause I sure as hell would enjoy it while I could.” 
With that, she undid his trousers and pulled the zipper down, the sound of clashing metal prompted him to struggle against the bindings one more time. Yet, when she reached in to palm his length through the fabrics of his boxers, Steve could feel himself pushing his hips into her hand. He let out a subdued groan as she continued her assault, teasing him with the softness and warmness of her hands. “Beg me, Captain,” she pulled the band of fabric down, letting his hot flesh slap against his stomach as he grew accustomed to the cold air, “I will suck it if you beg me to.” To prove her words, she stuck out her tongue and gave his cock a lavish sweep on the tip while pumping it, forcing precum to gather on the slit atop. 
Steve gripped his armrest firmly, refusing to give in to the temptation she was presenting. Her tits were spilling from the small white bra she had picked out and if he squinted his eyes hard enough, he could see her nipples growing through the thin materials. Two hard peaks waiting to be suckled on. Sensing his gaze, Y/N smirked and slipped his cock in between her breasts, pushing them together and sliding in a dangerously low pace up and down his length. “Ooh, you like this, Captain,” she continued on, even sucked on the tip every time his cock neared her tantalizing mouth, “Just say the word and I’ll be yours.”
He could not take it anymore. The dual combination and visual and physical assault on his senses were too much and Steve knew he had to compromise. “Please, baby, please,” his breathing was so rapid, “Put it in all the way. Suck on it. Let me fuck your mouth.” He rolled his hips forward, struggling against the constraint to chase the pleasure he did not know the name to. “Y/N, I want to come all over your tits,” Steve breathed out harshly as she obeyed his words, nestled his cock tightly in between and picked up the pace. Her mouth hovered seductively over his flesh, providing it with occasional suckles, which Steve found torturous as all he wanted to was to rammed his cock deep down her throat and felt the vibrating of the deep tunnel around his raging hard-on. And it was like she read his mind. Y/N moved to release his length from between her tits and take him into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down his cock while looking up into his eyes with sweetness. Steve erupted without any warning, his thick white seed spilled down her throat and overflowed her swollen lips down to her chest. “Delicious,” she remarked and swallowed it all, “don’t wanna waste any of this.” 
Shame filled Steve after he had come down from the high. He was supposed to be the beacon of goodness in dark times, the definition of good and righteous, yet here he was, chained to a high-tech restraining system, his cock twitching with excitement with the thought of fucking his ex-girlfriend’s cunt after he had taken her mouth. Steve knew full well he must start looking for a way out of this, but his head ran empty as Y/N push her panties to the side, revealing her wet and glistening cunt as she plunged to fingers deep into it. She had turned around to give him the glorious view of her rounded ass and pussy being stretched by two slender fingers. Her wanton moans filled his ears and before he knew it, Steve was hard again. “Did you fantasize about this as well, Steve?” she purred, “fucking this cunt with your hard cock?”. She seemed to hit a spot within her walls as her knees lost balance and she had to lean on her right leg. She increased her speed now, breathing harder and profanity was spilling from her lips like poisonous enchantment. “I dreamed about you taking me as well,” her idle right hand was now rubbing on the sweet bundle of nerves, “from behind.” Another moan. “You pulled my hair real hard.” And another. “And your cock hit that spot every time your entered.” 
Y/N was on the floor now, her knees bent wide open to let Steve see the mess between her legs. “And when you cum, you made me call you Captain. Fuck me, please Captain, please. Fuck.” She came violently while shouting his name. From this angle, Steve could see everything. How her juices spilled over her pussy lips onto the floor, how her ass was begging to spanked, how her knees scraped against the hard concrete as she relished the friction. Y/N settled herself on his laps, her core dangerously close to the head of his cock and Steve thought for a moment if he could sway his hips just a bit, she would slide right in.
 “So, Captain, are you ready to beg?” 
But Y/N was well aware of his desire. She wanted to tease out the weak man that was hidden behind the muscles that were enhance decades ago. “Say “Fuck me, Y/N, princess” and I will let you have it,” she licked her dry lips, leaned in closer and pushed her juice-coated fingers into his mouth, “Come on, Captain. I know it’s right there. Captain, I will make you feel good.” Steve tried to remain in control of his lust-filled mind, yet he was well aware he was tethering on an alarming edge as he felt his command slipping away faster and faster with every kisses she was placing on his neck and her teasing hands on his sensitive nipples. In the end, lust won over. 
“Fuck. Fuck. Princess, Fuck me, please. Baby, fuck.”
“With pleasure, Captain.”
Y/N kissed Steve squarely on the mouth, their tongues engaging in a final dance for dominance as she lifted herself up slightly to slide him inside. They both let out a loud groan when he felt his entire length was encased by velvety warmth. She started slowly at first, letting herself getting used to his girth, then, Steve could feel the change in her. Y/N picked up her speed as she bounced at a violent rate in his lap. His name was on her lips like a pray that she kept on repeating. She reached in between the tangling bodies to rubbed the hard swollen nub. The tension was brewing in his balls and Steve pushed his hips up to meet hers with every thrust. He groaned out loud, “Fucking hell, Princess. You are so tight. Your cunt is latching onto my cock.” His words were only met with the hard sound of flesh slapping on each other. 
“Steve...I think I’m close,” she slacked off against his broad chest, “do you want to cum, Captain?” She tried to straighten her back, gripping her tits and bringing them close to his mouth. “Suck on ‘em and beg me like the good Captain you are,” she grunted out breathlessly. And Steve obeyed her every word. His tongue dashed out to suckle on her sensitive buds, making them swollen as he gripped them with his teeth. In the meantime, Y/N reached down to palm Steve’s ball, while she was bouncing harder now, each determined thrust was met with the same intense movements of the man beneath. Heavy moans were followed by a harmony of shouting and grunting as the two came without care, their white fluids mixing together and dripping on the chair. 
“You didn’t beg, Captain,” Y/N murmured under her breath in his ear, “I think I might have to punish you.” 
“You know that was not supposed to happen Y/N. Your mission was to get information out of him and nothing else,” the older man sitting across sternly admonished her, but his words just went into one ear and out the other. She stared quietly at the black and red skull and tentacles emblem behind him, feeling its fire burning within her. In the back of her mind, Steve Rogers took her father away, it was only fair after all, that he provided her with a child.
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cinnaminsvga · 4 years
man what is like your favorite characterization in a fic for every bts member? (can be whatever pairing, mxm, y/nxm, inanimatedobjectxm, idc) i'm wondering because, your characterization of taehyung in fox rain? cheff kiss, namjoon in wish on a fish? outstanding, jungkook in the borrowing of bones? saved my life. those are literally my holy trinity. no fic ever will compare. so i'm curious about what you enjoyed.
[cont.] btw i LOVE how you portray the rest of them too, don't get me wrong, but those are like, the untoppables for me. just, they can't get better, those are The Ones, youknow?
(i had to scream a lil @ the inanimateobjectxm part.... WHEN WILL I BE FORGIVEN FOR MY SINS SAHJDHAKSJD)
i’m........ i’m guessing you’re asking what my fave characterizations i’ve done in my fics for every bangtan member? if ur asking what i like in general, then i answered that too HJASDHJASHD but gotta say... thank you for even liking jungkook in borrowing of bones LIKE... you’re a real one for even reading that ;w; i don’t think very much of that fic (even though i... literally died for it... 40k words in 48 hours really killed me) but i did like the way i characterized jungkook in that ngl...
uhhhh for yoongi, i’d have to say tlhc? not surprising to anyone ever, but i just really love that little bitch... perhaps it’s because he’s a lil bit too much like me (minus the fact that he ended up with the love of his life BUT YA KNOW... IM GONNA SPEAK IT INTO EXISTENCE FOR ME) and i think tlhc!yoongi really made me realize how rewarding it is to be vulnerable with my characters... would do again (and add even more angst flavor next time uwu) and that applies for every yoongi fic tbh... i love it when people write him as multifaceted, when they give him layers and layers of personality. he’s neither too kind or too harsh... he has motivations, aspirations... bonus points if he’s a ride or die for his friends but would rather perish than let them know he cares... I LOVE TSUNDERES OKAY IT’S MY WEAKNESS ;w;
namjoon... well, wish on a fish!namjoon has to be my fave too HSAJDHJAS i just... love juxtaposing his ingenuity with stupidity... i tend to enhance that aspect of him bc i think it’s hilarious, and there’s just something incredibly endearing about it? especially when he’s paired with another person who is clearly more level-headed but with their moments of stupidity too (mayhaps thats why i love namgi and namjin a lot lol) but umm!! i just love it when people make him this bumbling fool with too much love to give... he’s just a ball of feelings and i love it when a fic focuses on his road to understanding how to accept/lean into those emotions ;w;
SEOKJIN... y’all already know how i like to characterize him... bold, stupid, kinda insane, but with his soft moments. i love it when people make him hilarious bc he really is funny irl, though i admit i love fics where they make him incredibly tender as well. i like it when he’s kinda tsundere but not in the same way that yoongi is, more like “i care about my friends but i’m gonna be a shithead about it and you’re gonna have to pry my insanity off my dead hands before i’d EVER show you how much i actually really fucking care.” and i think the fave seokjin i’ve ever written was like... fox rain!seokjin. i know that fic lowkey diedt and you’ve only seen his chaotic side in that fic, but believe me... he’s got a fleshed out personality and i just gotta get around to writing it :^) 
gotta love tlhc hoseok in this household... sorry folks... for always making him sad... I CAN’T HELP IT... i think i’ve read only angst hoseok fics in the past two years or so... there’s just?? something so mysterious about him irl, like??? how is he so positive and kind all the time but he never really shares as much as the other members?? he and seokjin befuddle me the most i think, but i do appreciate how much they appreciate privacy. still tho... it’s morphed my tiny pea brain into wondering “what if hoseok suffered. would it not like be the sun imploding? the world would literally be in CHAOS” and i like writing heavy angst aus so there’s that :^) OH WORD also fave fic trope is when hoseok is all happy-go-lucky at the beginning of a fic but when x character gets hurt or smth, he goes full “i’ll take care of it.” and. that’s kinda hot ^q^
LOOH JUMANJI... I MISS THAT FUCKER... im sorry for letting him die I REALLY WILL FINISH THAT AU I JUST... [insert lame excuse here] BUT FOR REAL i kinda like a “darker” jimin in my fics... like, maybe even a lil unhinged? i like fics where people make him slightly bolder, maybe a little more cunning... i’m all aboard the slytherin jimin express like... there’s something so nice about making him the bad guy?? sweet lil smiley boy is actually an asshole?? but dw i’m a sucker for a good redemption arc so he’s never REALLY an asshole on purpose... i’m too much of a softie to let the bad guys stay bad without a reason
taehyung... oh TAEHYUNG... tbh i haven’t written much for tae (a disgrace... IM SORRY) so i can’t say which tae i’ve ever written that was like... my fave... but i do love it when people make him really perceptive. as you can tell by now (assuming u’ve gotten this far into the ask... congrats btw i’m a rambling FOOL), but i’m a sucker for “gap” personalities so i like it when people make him appear to be the unassuming kindhearted fool but turns out he’s really perceptive and “takes no bullshit ever” kinda vibe. love that for him. also i love when people make him an outgoing person but be clearly more attached to his closest circle of friends,,, he might always have a crowd of people around him, but bangtan really do be his family 4 lyf ya kno???
and lastly... mister jungkook... GOD i hate love him but i did enjoy writing him in borrowing of bones... but to be honest, my fave jk isnt even written out yet!! it’s fox rain!jungoo!! omg you guys... you’re gonna love that lil fucker... he’s so... [clenches fists] like WOOOOOO you will not be prepared for that lil idiot... i think i’m most “well-known” for writing him as a weeb/himbo hybrid bc it’s always the funniest and easiest style for me, but i also do love writing him as the soft n sweet idiot with too much love to give... MY GOD!! AM I!! A SUCKER!! FOR MAKING!! JUNGKOOK!! A BOY WITH TOO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE!! that’s literally my kryptonite. tbf, writing about any of the boys as lovelorn fools is always a fucking high, but jungkook in particular... oooooHHH i love it!! especially when his love isn’t returned :----))) hits you hard bc ur left asking “WHO WOULDNT LOVE HIM??? HOW DARE YOU AUTHOR” and to me, that is the best feeling in the world
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palmviolet · 5 years
season 3: my thoughts
so. we’ve got the good and we’ve got the bad. starting off with what i liked:
joyce. she was so powerful and strong this season. they didn’t diminish her trauma from bob or even s1, showing she has ptsd. they also allowed her to be the one who saved them all and i’m so proud of my tiny wife :’)
jancy. i loved jancy’s storyline. probably the only storyline i didn’t have any issues with. i loved how they discussed the different issues facing them - sexism and classism respectively - and managed to come to an understanding. it was good to have another explicit recognition of the class issue with the byers family as well, rather than just subtext. but like, them as an investigative duo, ‘you’re relentless, you know that?’ like GAHHH
robin. now this was something i really didn’t expect. i was very apprehensive about the scoops troop because of the four of them only one was an original main - but turns out i didn’t need to be. i actually really enjoyed these scenes and they didn’t pander to the meme too much. and robin’s coming out scene?? poetic cinema. i actually felt so understood and while it’s likely not very realistic (especially from steve, who has been homophobic in the past) steve’s immediate acceptance felt so warm and nice.
erica. at first i was worried because they were going with the sassy black girl stereotype, but then- THEN- they fleshed her out, they made her a ‘nerd’ too, and honestly it was really good. she could have been annoying but she managed not to be. (congrats to priah, she did a good job).
elmax. i did enjoy elmax this season, though only tentatively (see below). finally we got some good solid female bonding. the mall scene was great. i also loved the scene when el came down the street to meet her with the skateboard. iconic.
mike and will’s fight. ‘it’s not my fault you don’t like girls.’ phew i got whiplash from that line - will’s face- i really wish they’d actually had will coming out this season or having any plot at all but i actually got chills with this. and then will destroying the castle???? i was crying.
jopper, murray, and alexei. i really liked this storyline. hopper being a smug bastard, murray playing freud again, idk i loved it. im glad jopper didn’t get together directly after murray psychoanalysed them like jancy did tho, because it felt a bit more mature which was right :) and alexei was so cute lol
hopper-byers family (ish). i am so goddamn happy that el ends up with the byers. it’s the only sensible place for her to end up after hopper dies. i just wish it was foreshadowed a bit more with joyce having a more obvious role in her life as a co-parent.
now, onto the dislikes. yikes.
hopper’s character for 80% of the season. i’ve talked about this already but honestly?? they screwed him up so much. horrifically overbearing parenting, drunkenness, and snark that was less sarcastic and funny than cruel. i didn’t like him half the time which honestly sucks, especially since this season they should have been building him up to make his death more tragic. so-
hopper’s death. it was done well, with his final acceptance and everything, giving joyce permission to flip the switch, but holy shit. joyce has been through so. goddamn. much now. the duffers are actually making their own jobs harder, because you can’t keep on piling your characters with trauma upon trauma without them suffering the consequences. they will have to be very careful next season with their handling of joyce. especially since this season the grief for his death was mainly focused on el, when it was joyce who spent all season with him. they should have grieved together, as the two who loved him most, but instead even when joyce does get her moment el has to come and interrupt it and make it all about her again. which leads me onto-
female bonding. sure, we got elmax. but it was placed in direct opposition to mileven. idk i got a lot of vibes that el could either be friends with max or date mike, which was not a great message to send - the whole elmax friendship seemed to be based on ideas about the boys. (does it pass the bechdel test? barely, probably.) and then the only other female bonding we get (aside from erica and robin, which was minor) is nancy and karen. they share a lovely scene, but it’s completely out of the blue. karen has been so absent and problematic these last few seasons and now she’s suddenly mom of the year again? it was a good scene, but personally i actually think it would have worked better with nancy and joyce. they have so much in common, they’ve been through a lot of the same things, and yet all we get is a silent hug at the very end. hmm. or even better, we keep the nancy & karen scene and get lots more female bonding scenes too. but i guess that would be too difficult.
will. oh my god, will. why the hell did they do him so dirty? his entire arc was ‘can we play d&d now, oh girls are stupid and gross, oh my friends treated me like shit but it’s all cool now.’ he had so much potential, even if we didn’t go with the will has powers storyline, even if we didn’t go with the coming out storyline like- ugh. noah is such a talent and they’re squandering him. like.. what??
m*leven. ugh i’m sorry i just... don’t care about m*leven. they’re cute?? i guess?? but so much time was spent on them. and they’re literally 14, i really don’t think they’re old enough to say they’re in love.
b*lly’s death. i guess he redeemed himself?? but ugh i didn’t want him to. didn’t shed a single tear ngl. and why was max so upset? he’s treated her like shit the entire time they’ve known each other.
the epilogue. the entire thing was awful in my opinion. the hopper voiceover was done well and i had tears streaming down my face the entire time but the context of it, and the scenes surrounding it- ugh. so we start off with a steve & robin scene that feels so incongruous i got whiplash. it’s really long, as well, and i just couldn’t concentrate on it because it lacked all the emotional weight of the scenes before. it was not good. and then we go through all the other characters’ reactions to the byers moving before we finally get to el and joyce, the two most affected by hopper’s death. el gets a very, very long scene. which is fine, because she needs to grieve her father figure. but throughout the season the el & hopper bond was so lacking that it felt odd for it to be so laboured at the end. meanwhile joyce gets little more than a sad look - an excellent look, winona deserves all the awards - but just a look. it lacked the emotional payoff we needed. and them all leaving? i get that joyce desperately needs a fresh start after hopper’s death, of course, but el needs her friends. and how the hell is s4 going to work? tbh i’m wondering if they’re just going to end it there. i hope they don’t, but they’re going to have to work very hard to make s4 succeed.
byers family. where the hell were my family interactions? joyce was apart from her sons all season (which in some ways was good, because she could grow beyond just being a mother) but the byers are what make this show so special. jonathan and will barely spoke to each other despite being in loads of scenes together. will should’ve been allowed to talk to jonathan or joyce about what he was going through with his friends. there should have been some bonding, goddamnit. maybe if they’d cut that karen and b*lly bullshit at the beginning, which, by the way, served absolutely no purpose?? at all? it didn’t advance the storyline in any way, shape or form?? wtf
anyway i’m sure there’s stuff i’ve missed, but here’s my preliminary thoughts. i actually did really enjoy this season, but i obviously have a lot of issues with it lol. it also didn’t really feel?? like stranger things?? like the vibes were completely different idk. feel free to drop me an ask telling me what you thought!
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whitewolfbumble · 6 years
Behind Enemy Lines - Part Two of Two (Bucky x Reader)
Summary: Bucky was trapped in a locked down facility, the very one you were home grown in. Now you were back and to get him out you had to battle criminals, your past, and your fears to do it. Alive, preferably, but there was no promise of that.
Prompt: “What are you doing here?”
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Language, violence/blood, death, angst, kissing because let’s balance that angst lol
Word Count: About 5k
A/N: Don’t get too comfy because down we go... This was written for @sweetboybucky 1K Writing Challenge! Congrats babe!
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The descent down to save your lives began quietly, though you doubted it would stay that way for long. This hell hole was full of gruesome surprises, most of which were burned into your memories and left you screaming from the nightmares of it.
The floor below the one you saved Bucky from was empty, as was the floor below that. Soon enough you would have to get through the carnage of bodies and blood you left in your wake, lining both stairwell and hallways. But facing that would hardly be a problem to you. There was another, bigger problem now that changed the game since your ascent up here.
“So, your brother?” Bucky asked beside you, reserved and concerned.
His arm was slung over your shoulder as the pair of you walked, Bucky’s leg hitching awkwardly and making him falter a bit with every step. You figured maybe something (or somethings) was broken. Not an easy feat to break the bones of a super soldier, but he’d heal. Eventually. If your brother held up his end and the two of you could get out alive. But it wasn’t going to be fast enough.
The big thing now was that you had added Bucky- a powerhouse of a person to be sure- but he was hurt and slow. Days of torture and electricity frying his flesh plus a broken bone (or several) left his usual prowess more than a little muted and sluggish. You couldn’t risk moving too slow but also couldn’t run full speed out of here with your hurt team mate in tow. 
It was a precarious position to put it lightly.
“The one and only,” you muttered, eyes scanning the corner of the hallway for the cameras. The little ever blinking red lights indicating they were watching were still off. You breathed out a puff of air and walked on, pulling Bucky along with you. 
Switching stairwells was a fucking ballsy move, but you knew this place better than anyone. Certain doors were locked on certain floors from the stairs to the hall (literally over to fuck people trying to escape over). Meaning if you didn’t shift stairwells and had the unlucky fortune of getting trapped, you absolutely knew with Bucky’s slow speed you wouldn’t get out alive. So better to take a big risk than guaranteed doom you figured.
“And you trust him?” Bucky questioned, limping along, his hip to yours as you held on to him.
You gave Bucky a sideways glance and a grin with little real joy in it.
“Of course not. He ratted me out more times than I can count,” you sighed before continuing, and it wasn’t because of your brother’s betrayal in your old life. You had a hard time now faulting him for keeping his head above water by throwing you under it, however painful the outcome for you. “But we won’t make it alive without him.”
And you tried not to let the two entirely empty corridors you had just passed through give you too much hope that Ward would actually pull through for you. Nothing ever worked out when you hoped. Blood and sweat and pain was how you got out of situations like this, and to that formula you would stick too.
You scooted along the wall at the far end of the hall, the little L-shape section giving you two some protection from view of anyone who left their apartment. You rested Bucky against the dirty wall, taking a break to straighten up and look around.
“Alright,” you began, taking precious seconds to fill Bucky in. You couldn’t wait until this powderkeg of a scenario blew up so now was as good a time as any. “To survive hell, you need to know a couple things. Stay away from the windows unless you want to be shot by snipers. Machetes are the weapon of choice here, so assume everyone has one and enjoys butchering in their spare time. There is no place to hide, no safe place to lay low, no time to make a plan, no time to think. You act or you die. This is worst possible life scenario here, so no pulling punches.”
“Understood,” Bucky nodded. He was a man that could handle a mission as well as any you had seen, but you watched his eyes flit back between yours, something bubbling underneath their surface. It made you shake your head slightly.
“Pity won’t help you here either.” you warned, guessing at the guarded emotion behind his eyes and poking him in the chest. 
Yeah, you grew up in this, and yeah you were irreparably damaged by it, but that only meant if there was a person who could survive this it was you. No time to stop and feel upset about it now.
But instead he stood up from the wall to his full height and pulled you in close, pinning your body suddenly to his. He gave no warning before his lips hit yours, warm and instantly intimately deep.
Your breath caught in your throat, stopped by a euphoric little hit of emotions flooding your pained and split open body. For a brief moment you felt his broad hand wrap around your waist, pressing you into him harder as his kiss did the same. 
It was a fast and deep fire that passed between you, the flames still licking inside you under you skin when he broke apart from you just a quickly as he connected. It left you as breathless as a fight did and as dazed as a punch to the head.
“You said no time to think, so I didn’t. Just acted.” Bucky murmured to you, tucking a piece of sweaty, dirty hair behind your ear. His ice blue eyes shone an inch from yours with an intensity that did nothing to quell what you were feeling.
Mission minded my ass, you thought, reversing your previous musings.
“Not exactly what I meant,” you swallowed, willing yourself to step back and not back into him. Despite how fucking amazing that felt, you two just did not have the time here. “But I’m not complaining. Last thing, no more lovey-dovey shit til we get out with our hides in tact, hmm?”
Try as you might you couldn’t help a side smirk break through your expression. Or a spark of hope in your chest that you’d get out with him at your side. Because you wanted more of that fire. More of the feel of him pressed to you.
But hope had never been your friend. The fact that you were feeling it now was undoubtedly an ominous herald of what was coming.
Three more floors and not a single other living person to dodge or fight or kill.
Bucky didn’t comment or even give you a sideways glance at the carnage that painted the floors and walls of your recent ascent. Brains and limbs, blood and shards, bone and muscles lined these halls as the dead bodies they belonged to lay in silence. You had been a one person army in a war for someone far dearer to you than a thousand of these wretched people.
Beyond the judgement of Bucky, which didn’t seem to come, you hardly cared what you had done or what it looked liked. All you wanted now was the get out and leave this behind, ideally forever.
But with every step you were growing more impatient. And anxious. And restless.
Another floor, another now cold bloodbath, and another empty desolate space. That stillness as the two of you shuffled and huffed down each hall started in you a feeling that was growing with every step.
Maybe you had only escaped this place once, but you had tried practically daily for years to get out. You were always making plans, always trying to wheedle and plot and struggle your way to freedom. You knew these gritty halls, knew these awful people, understood the routine…
This was wrong.
That thought hit you like a ton of bricks and it was only then that you realized a bit of hope there rooted in you. There was too much of it for you to dash it away out of hand as though it had never been there, and it made you feel sick. When you stopped and looked to Bucky you could feel the panicked flooding of a fresh batch of adrenaline in your veins to match the doom you felt.
Shit. This was all wrong.
“What is it?” he whispered low in the near dead silent space.
Your eyes were moving a mile a minute, taking in absolutely everything you could, though this grey concrete lined hall with cheap wooden apartment doors looked like every other hallway. Nothing was out of place (even the blood dripping and pooling around the several bodies at one end).
“There is something… Just…” You struggled with the words to describe a formless, emotion-wrought weight in the depths of you. “I don’t…”
This came on so suddenly there had to be a reason. Had to be something that sparked this survival instinct you hadn’t felt in exactly this way since you were last here.
Narrowly your eyes picked up something at the end of the hallway.
It was small, easily ignored, and nothing invasive or obvious. But you spotted it and immediately kicked everything inside you into high gear, noise and stealth be damned.
Despite your size and strength verses Bucky’s, you squeezed your arm around him tighter and pulled him along with you as you took off down the hallway. He kept up as best he could but your speed wasn’t hampered by either his hindrance or help here. He could be unconscious and dead weight in your arms and you doubted you would move any slower.
As you two passed by the camera, only then did Bucky see it too.
A tiny red blinking light of a security camera, now on and capturing your every move.
They were coming.
They were coming.
The drum of voices and footfalls and knives scrapping on the ground echoed and followed you, sounding louder, getting faster, driving you mad. It followed on your heels and chased you down the huge concrete stairwell, hidden in the shadows you until you just couldn’t take it.
They were several floors above you, screaming and jeering and gaining speed. They would overtake you in minutes. You clung still to Bucky, holding him upright and trying not to scream at the top of you lungs as your worst nightmare- your worst reality- was so fucking close to happening all over again.
You clenched your fists so tightly in your palms you felt the warm pricks of blood popping up from your fingernails breaking skin. The humidity in here was stifling and cloudy and felt like it was holding you down enough to make tears spring up in the corner of your eyes.
You were never going to let this dirty concrete coffin be the last place you saw before death took you, and in all the years that hadn’t changed. It made you desperate and reckless, but with the oncoming horde of unseen people on your tail you weren’t going to make it out if you didn’t try something. And try it right the fuck now.
“C’mon,” Bucky said over the echoing yells, willing you forward with words and holding you back because of his injuries. “Only a few more floors to go! We can do this!”
You shook your head, sweat dripping off and landing around your tired, lead-heavy feet as you shuffled him and yourself forward as fast as your frantic steps could.
“Not here,” you said, strained and on the verge of panic. Shit, you had to keep it together. If only that wasn’t near impossible, as you too vividly knew what would happen if you were caught. “We have to get to the north-side staircase. Now!”
You veered the two of you to the exit of the fourth floor- only four more to go until freedom that you would not probably never reach- and through the hallway. This was the one you exploded a couple hours earlier, with sticky red completely coating every square inch of this place. It covered the light fixtures and lightbulbs, casting a dark and twistedly eerie crimson glow on everything.
Bucky blinked surprised at the carnage as you entered the floor, but you didn’t. Your focus was in trying your best not to lose balance underfoot with the chunk of sinew and organ slime covering the floor, and decidedly not thinking about the decision you were currently making.
You pushed through the most unnerving corridor to exist, only rivalled by blood river in The Shining, to get to a small stairwell that you had avoided in every single one of your escape plans as a child. Because even then you weren’t stupid enough to try and escape this way, even at your most desperate. It filled you with far more dread than the hallway you just left.
The white light cast down around you with an uplifting, almost palpably calming glow as you entered the north-side stairwell. The feeling was a lie, a cruel deceit, as this was anything but a safe haven. It was lure and a dangerous one at that.
You swallowed, halting Bucky as he stepped forward and instead pushed your backs to the door.
He looked confused, both at you stopping and your drawn furrowed look of hesitation. You had come in head first into this building with little regard for safety, and now this bright and airy path to freedom gave you pause?
Grimly you nodded to the windows. They lined floor to ceiling in a filmy glass that carried all the way from the top floor to the bottom one. No one was allowed in here, save the Boss. You would be safe from the mob at least, but as far from actual safety as you could be.
“First rule,” you muttered. “Stay away from the windows.”
Bucky’s mouth opened slightly as he looked to the windows before clamping shut.
“So, hacked to death by a crowd or shot by a sniper, huh?” he said, cluing in grimly. Anyone coming in here that wasn’t the Boss would be shot, friend or foe. You had taken a bullet to the leg before and you weakly tried to forget that feeling.
“If we go fast,” you said, trying your best to stay optimistic and almost succeeding. But not quite. “We’ll be fine.”
And if not, at least your deaths would be quick. Hopefully.
Before you even took a first step out to what was a fucking terrible plan, a voice sounded from above, your skin tightening in sudden fear and locking your bones together.
“I don’t think so, sweet princess.”
That name. That little pet name that haunted your dreams and filled you with equal measure of crippling fear and burning rage, said from the mouth of your torturer for so many years.
You didn’t have to say a word to Bucky or explain who the voice was. His face grew dark and muscles tensed for a fight, having heard your stories in gruesome detail before being subjected to his own round of torment at the vile man’s hand.
Steps came down from above, slow and measured. Two pairs, actually.
When the man came into view, stopped at the top of the flight of stairs in front of you, he looked exactly as you remembered as a child. It was as though he was endlessly bound to outlive you and time itself, always alive as though to be a continued, nagging torture in your mind.
He was wearing a thin linen shirt that was too faded to be butter yellow, a sweat stained white tank top, and old beige shorts that couldn’t contain his beer belly. But the most noticeable attribute of him was the disgusting air of unchecked power a dirtball like him exuded. He ran this place and he knew it. Even called himself the Boss, his real name lost to time. His wrinkled, papery skin was almost tattooed with the invisible, disgusting deeds he had proudly done in his life. One such victim of his power being you.
And beside him was your brother.
You didn’t know if the punch to your emotional gut was because of the Boss or because of Ward, who must have ratted you out. Just like when you were kids.
“Bucky,” you said quietly but controlled. “Meet my brother Ward.”
You abstractedly gestured to your brother and Bucky’s only response beyond cold eyes was the slight squeeze on your shoulder, the pressure of his hand the briefest of comforts.
You noticed Ward’s hand, blood dripping in a stream it. It once- the last time you saw him actually- had a total of five fingers on it. Now there were two.
“Punishment.” Ward said, voice not fully like or unlike his usual tone.
It was that same tone the usually vibrant and annoying brother used when he sold you out. Shut down and robotic, but still your brother all the same.
“And what’s the reward for a job well done than?” you said bitterly, looking to the Boss.
He merely smiled, thick lips drawn over scummy teeth.
“You get to die.” he said simply.
That made your eyes narrow at him, not particularly fearful of the threat. You were marked from death since you walked in here, but that would never be the Boss’s first choice typically. He loved watching the sweet agony he inflicted on people, more addicted to it than any junky you had ever seen.
“He kills you, ruins you, and you die by your own brothers hand.”
Ah okay, so it was agony he wanted. He wanted one of his righthand men to pay for betraying him. 
“But if you survive,” he continued, thickly smug. “Then your brother is killed and you, little princess, are strung up like a present just for me. That is until you find some way to kill yourself. Because there’s going to be no other way to escape this time.”
You took a breath, shaking your head. Eventually you couldn’t help a bit of a smile spread across your face, with a low breathy chuckle following. Bucky was both furious at the Boss and slightly unnerved at your reaction, though his eyes stayed focused protectively on the threat in front of you.
“I’ll stay…” Bucky said, low and firm before you could get your laughter under control. “And you’ll let Y/N go. That’s the only thing going to happen here.”
“Bucky,” you said, smiling and trying to calm yourself down a little and set your smile back into a neutral (or even angry) face. “It’s alright, whatever happens, it’s going to be fine.”
You could see in a brief flash of his eyes to yours that he knew it wasn’t going to be. The horde would close in at their commanders orders once given, the snipers were visibly poised across the street, the Boss had your brother (as much as chip to play in all this as anything else was), Bucky was injured and barely able to fight, you had no backup, no way to escape unharmed, no chance to get away… This wasn’t going to end well at all.
But all that didn’t matter. For a brief moment, it just didn’t matter to you anymore.
“What?” you said to the Boss, rage creeping into your speech and overtaking each word as you spat them out, turning from humourous to furious. “You thought you could put me in a cage match all those times and get off without having to fight me yourself? Huh? Or sell me off by the hour to scumbags and not think I’d be back to fuck you up?”
You took a measured step forward, dropping away from Bucky, voice lowering dangerously.
“Whatever happens to me, you don’t win this. I won’t let you win this. Whether it’s at my hand, or Bucky’s, or someone else on my team, or even my brother one day when he grows a pair of fucking balls… Someone will take you down and I will win that day. I will.”
There was silence, deafening and suffocating, his beady eyes watching you, dark and angry at the insubordination from the likes of a “little princess” like you.
You waited for him to signal to the snipers to mow you and Bucky down, or maybe giving the okay to the few who were left to come in and overtake you and end this theatre.
The outcome was worse.
“Kill her, Ward.” he said darkly, taking a step back.
Ward immediately took a step forward, face guarded and unreadable. The same face he always had when he found you or sold you out to get ahead in this shitshow. It was distant and shut down, emotions gone and certainly wasn’t personal to him anymore going by the look on his face and speed in his movements. But to you, this was obviously and completely personal.
You weren’t kids anymore, and it wasn’t only your life on the table here so you forced that aside.
You pushed Bucky back, who reluctantly complied though despite his injured, slow body his muscle were tense and begging to be let loose. But it was finally time to teach your stupid brother a lesson.
Your brother, for all his skills, was never a creature of evolution or growth. He had enough ambition to be cunning and move up in the ranks, but that was all. You were a person who thrived and collected fighting techniques, martial art skills, practiced strategic maneuvers, always looking to expand and grow and become better. Become faster. Grow beyond any restraint or enemy.
But he was taller, less exhausted, less concerned with your feelings than you were of his. It left you two equally matched.
Once in striking distance Ward’s fists lashed out without regard for three entire missing fingers, powerful swings seeking your flesh. Blocking was useful to a point, so you did block the first few hits, your elbows swinging up and fists covering your own face. But ducking down you kicked in his knee twice and hard, rolling on the ground swiftly and with the ground as leverage, kicking out the side of his leg powerfully.
Like a ton of bricks he went down and you pounced, slamming down on top of his body with fists and feet wailing at every pressure and sensitive point your trained mind could hit. You had to get him unconscious or incapacitated, get him out of the way and deal with the Boss.
Your determined thought was interrupted with a boney, battle-hardened fist to the face, a crack of pain matching the sound that echoed in the stairwell at the impact.
You were thrown off of him and on your back, your feet flying up protectively as he tried to pounce on you this time. In a flash you saw the glint of a knife and raised your knee to his chest, using the force to move his body too far to one side and yours too far the other for Ward to plunge it into your abdomen. The knife went sliding out of his hand and clattered blissfully down the stairs.
Another kick to his side and punch to the face happened instinctively almost as shocked, you began to realize he was actually going to do it. Was actually trying to kill you himself this time.
That thought and the rage that went with it spurred you on enough to land a couple more pounding hits, but Ward landed far more. He had you on your back and had the upper hand before long, but killing you with his bare hands was something far different than killing you with a weapon.
As the strikes came, the hits became ever so slightly lighter, but maybe that was just the amount of pain you body was starting to feel, numbing to the sensation after so much fighting.
But maybe the Boss saw it too, as something that had been trained on Bucky, keeping him back and out of the fight this whole time, was thrown into the middle of you two siblings.
The distinct clatter of a gun hit the concrete floor, coming down from the Boss’s position up the flight of stairs, not a foot from you and Ward. Immediately you heard Bucky yell out your name in furious panic as both you and your brother reflexively reached for the weapon.
You hand gripped the metal fast as lightning and before you could blink two shots rang out, the light clinking of the bullet casings floating down to the ground a moment after.
You breathed deeply and calmly, the sight in front of you not reconciling with rational thought right away. You were on your back, still hands holding out the gun straight at Ward as your training dictated. He was just in front of you, body wavering a little as hands clutched his chest.
Confused, you watched dark fluid spread out from underneath his fingers, staining his grey shirt. Another few seconds later you saw that it was a deep red. A moment after a thick drop, then a steady stream began to pour from his mouth.
His guarded gaze suddenly didn’t look shut off from you anymore. The gleam in Ward’s eyes looked pained. Heartbroken even. His watery, accusatory eyes held yours, forcing his tormented and betrayed look squarely on you.
He watched you a few seconds before those vibrantly deep eyes went lightless, and his body dropped onto your legs. His warm blood soaked into your clothes, but the sensation did nothing but chill you so deeply into your bones you never thought you would be warm again.
You saw Bucky drop to his knees in front of you, several metres away, his blue eyes catching yours, but you couldn’t exactly see him. You couldn’t really see or feel or understand anything right now. What did break through your shock was a laugh. It was a familiar one. Cold and terribly cruel.
You turned to the source of the laughter, seeing the man of your nightmares at the top step, looking down on the scene with sick glee.
You got up with the same speed as the sun rising at dawn. But this wasn’t a fresh new day. This wasn’t anything close. Not a beginning at all.
With the gun in your hand you waved the man down from the steps, him not having much choice in the matter now. Unhearing and unspeaking, you waved him down the next flight as you and Bucky followed suit, each taking the man’s sweaty arm in hand.
Being so close to him, the snipers wouldn’t shoot. The mob wouldn’t come and stage a rescue. With your gun on him, trained at his side, he wasn’t going anywhere you didn’t want.
The Boss spoke, rambling on about how you wouldn’t kill him. How you were soft- always had been- and it wasn’t your way. How the team wouldn’t let you. How much fun it was watching you kill you only brother. Your only family. How he had now and always taken everything from you. How there was nothing left to you at all.
A hitch caught in your throat at those words as you stepped down to the ground floor. You pushed it down reflexively, trying to breathe through the weight that was increasing on your chest, threatening to burst.
Light hit your face and warmth your skin, though it went no deeper into you and did nothing to set off the chill in your bones. The sun outside was weak but there. The sky wasn’t much blue but it lingered in spots between the clouds. The freedom of escaping this building was lost on you though, the air none the fresher and just as stifling as inside had been.
You were dazed, about to choke on acidic bile rising up inside your beating chest when the sounds of reality snapped back in your ears, however minimally.
They rung, like someone had been yelling, Bucky by the red-faced, chest-heaving look of him. He turned an angry eye from the Boss to you, softening and pained look replacing it as you looked back at him. You saw you were at the gate. The far reaches of your torturers power and domain.
You didn’t speak. Didn’t think. Didn’t feel. You hadn’t done any of those for some time now it seemed.
What you did do was pull the trigger three more times- one for each of Ward’s fingers he took- and left the Boss on the ground to bleed out without so much as looking at him.
Back on the compound there was quite the whirlwind of activity, everyone hearing about what happened from your brief radio home on the jet. It wasn’t exactly common occurrence for a lot of the past day to have happened. 
An Avenger kidnapped without anyone (save you) noticing, another member sneaking off and finding them, not calling for backup, saving the day and bringing the kidnapped Avenger back home relatively unscathed? It was not stretch to say usually things were a bit more structured with mission briefings, a plan of attack, a team assembled and leader to call the shots.
But from what you told them, no harm no foul really. Bucky kept generally quiet on the matter, except for concerned and pained looks in your direction speaking volumes and not going beyond notice. He was unusually quiet- even for him- with face pale and breath shallow, like it hurt him to breath in too much though there was no physical injury to account for it.
“I got in, found him, got him out,” you said to sum up again with a loose shrug, eyes locked to your friend’s. “He was being tortured, probably for some Avenger-related information but if that’s what they wanted, they really picked the wrong team member. He’s a tough one to crack, that Barnes.”
The lie roll off your tongue easily and coolly, as though reality had also been like that. Like this had all merely been as simple as a grocery run from a bad part of town.
You could see a hesitation in Natasha and in Steve behind her, like something in your demeanour wasn’t quite right. Their expressions wavered, their personal little ticks showing themselves: Steve’s concerned frown and a bit of a furrowed brow from Natasha.
It didn’t matter to you though, you would never tell them the truth anyway. Everyone has secrets, you still weren’t ready to give up yours yet.
So you stayed in the med bay for a time and got patched up, before listening to stories from Sam and Clint being their funny, foolish selves, always needing to bring the centre of attention back on them somehow. After that was a drink with the others now that everyone had congregated to see and hear the drama of the day, followed by jokes and laughter and mundane talk of political landscapes and such.
But eventually, after some hours when you were sure you wouldn’t be noticed, you slipped away.
You didn’t go to your room or escape to another quiet place of the compound. You couldn’t handle being inside any longer. Instead you walked calmly straight outside.
You carried straight on across the grass until the glow of the compound was only faint on your skin. Once enough distance was between you and them, you broke out into a run, breaching the forest line in a sprint, thrashed by twigs and scratched by bushes until you had enough.
Collapsing to the ground you gasped for breath, clutching your throat and the ground, body shaking and heart dying in your chest as panic and grief not only set in, but shattered both your facade and numbing shock with an explosion of sheer agony. You had no other option, no other ability but to face your past and the murdering of your only family member, and it stole every particle of oxygen from your body.
In among your strangled gasping, your body let out a sound from deep within your soul, choked out like that of a wounded creature, pitiful and unearthly in the dark night. It was pure pain, greater and deeper and from the most tortured dying place in your soul. The moan didn’t stop, just ran out and echoed alone louder and louder. The sound of it broke you over and over again.
The mask was broken, the pretense gone. The truth of where you were from and what you had to do laid bare and open in the darkness around you.
The mournful wretched moan from that dying part inside you snapped in half, a scream taking its place in a shrill ear-shattering volume, anguish flooding every inch of you like stabs to your flesh you just couldn’t see or get away from.
Footsteps sounded behind you, almost negligible to the sound of your cries, warm arms around your hunched over body barely a comfort to you at all.
Bucky’s frame was wrapped around yours, his scent and presence and touch unable to broach your pain. The stumble of his cheek was against yours, rough and bracing against your tear-softened skin.
“I didn’t- I didn’t want to go back!” you sobbed, unhinged and uncontrolled, face digging into his own. “Please, I just didn’t want to go back!”
“You won’t have too,” Bucky whispered to you, trying in vain to say something- anything- that would help a helpless situation. He knew what it was like to lose everything, to give up a piece of yourself to simply survive even when you don’t want too. But not what it was to kill your only family in this world. “You will never have to go back there.”
“He’s dead,” you sobbed, coming out like a high pitched shot, the words bringing more tears and more torment in your veins. “My brother’s dead, and I did it! Bucky, I killed him! How could I.. why could.. how can-”
Words tumbled out without reason or control, tears flooding your eyes and clothes.
And Bucky simply held you. There was nothing else to be done. Nothing he could say, no amount of gratitude or sympathy or reasoning able to fix this or take this pain away from you.
Like you, he could only endure it, his few tears slipping down with your endless ones.
A distance behind him the silhouettes of the Avengers lay dotted in the woods and on the ground in front of the compound, both called and held back by your sobs in the darkness, and as unable to help you as you were. As unable to erase the horrible place and what was done to you. To erase what horrors you had committed.
A/N: Thanks for reading loves! Let me know what you thought of this angst!
Permanent Tags: @dontpanc, @smodvocate, @bunsterjonez, @buckybonky, @marveloustrashpanda, @hangirl93, @captainrogerrsbeard, @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen, @thisgirllikeme, @jjsoccer11, @innerpandablizzard-blog, @fanatic-fanfic, @mdgrdians, @christinky
Bucky Barnes Tags: @bexboo616 @kaaatniss
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