#bye Netflix
dyhlanobrien · 1 year
After the cancellation of Lockwood & Co, I think I’ll cancel my Netflix sub. I don’t watch much on there anymore, and what I do, I can stream elsewhere. I’m tired of giving them money and them giving me nothing.
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gloalnie · 2 years
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WHY?! NETFLIX, why?! Why do you have to force me to leave right before I find my new crush?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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trdsf · 2 years
Too late.
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I already cancelled. And I don't believe it was "an error". If they posted a rule about verifying devices, it was deliberate. The only kind of error is was, was in judgment.
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Apparently I get cable TV at my new apartment and I just discovered there is an entire channel that plays Antiques Roadshow 24/7. So long streaming services, you've become obsolete now
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iwantmygun · 1 year
So I recently canceled my netflix account because I was very broke and needed the $10 they attempted to pull from my account. When I went to reactivate like three days later, the price had gone up to $15. To say I was upset would be an understatement. I won’t be able to watch She-ra anymore.
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mcqraw · 1 year
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solarockk · 1 year
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Sad that June already ended but now it's time for pride month #2
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lexawxlf · 2 years
After Henry Cavil leaves everything is the same except it’s joey Batey in a cheap white wig and no one mentions it
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Images curtesy of @tuupang
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guiltandorder · 19 days
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That one essay I wrote back in the days is canon now wtf... Enid really is her safe place
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aroacespacerock · 1 month
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George posted this today with a part of the quote
“They will come back, back again as the red earth rolls. He never wasted leaf or tree, do you think he would squander souls?”
Ummm so season 2 announcement for Netflix geek week???
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piscespetals · 10 days
summary: in which sevika becomes your roommate. click here to view all parts.
content: gay pining, angst, thought spirals, fluff
word count: 4k
this is the final part. thank you so much for all your support! very sorry for the delay, I honestly had this sitting in my drafts on here for WEEKS y'all. this was supposed to have already been uploaded and silly me never logged back on to double check.
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Chapter Five
When you wake, your muscles feel like jelly. You're hyper aware of the sheets underneath you—how warm they are. And how your duvet swaddles you just the right way…Your pillow smells good. Like coming home after a long day of work. Like Sevika. 
Suddenly, there's movement behind you.
And that's when you realize it's her breath. It tickles the back of your neck, stutters momentarily while she shifts, then resumes. A chill runs down the slope of your back as you feel pressure around your waist, which happens to be her arm. She pulls you closer to her as if she's afraid of you getting up right then.
But there's no answer. The only sound that echoes is a soft snore and grinding teeth.
You bite back a smile while your muscles relax, and you lean into the inviting embrace of the woman behind you.
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“You’re staring,” Sevika mutters. Her eyes remain downcast as she dries off a freshly washed knife. You admire how strong she looks in that moment; how she’s handling such a thing with the utmost care.
Sevika standing there with a sparkling knife shouldn’t be an image that you welcome. Yet you do. 
“Am I?” You mutter. Your lips barely part as you get lost at the sight of the woman before you. 
She peers at you under the lids of her lashes, eyebrows raising with sparkling pools of grey. 
“I don’t mind it.” She says quietly, almost sweetly. Her gaze readjusts quickly back to the task at hand–the knife–despite it already being completely dry. “I never do.”
Your eyes follow her slow and careful movements, towel in her right hand and utensil in her left. Your heart flutters.
Softly, you smile and manage only then to look away. 
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Alicia bends over, hand gripping the porch handrail as a tear trickles down her face. She’s laughing, which you usually don’t mind, but this time it’s at your expense.
“It’s not that funny,” You mumble, which only makes her laugh harder.
“Hun, it’s known to all of mankind,” Mel chimes in. “That you’re quite dramatic.”
“Am not!”
Another round of guffaws. 
That’s when you glance towards Sevika, who’s relaxing in a rocking chair across from you. She somehow thought that today was the perfect day to tell Alicia and Mel about your waxing incident a few weeks back. Maybe you should find some sort of humor in it; after all, it turned out fine after an application of aloe vera. 
But still.
It was embarrassing.
“What about the night I told you that I’d be moving in with Alicia?” Mel’s eyes shine from the distant memory. “You were hysterical.”
“Okay, now you’re overexaggerating.”
“Remember when you said that me moving out was the beginning of your end? That you were doomed to grow old and die alone in a nursing home–”
“While Alicia and I had to explain to our kids what happened to their Aunt-”
“It was a rational fear.”
At this point, Alicia is struggling to breathe. She grips the sides of her ribs, eyes squinted shut and jaw slack from silent laughter. She crouches down to the floor, hands stabilizing themselves on the arm of Sevika’s rocking chair. You notice Sevika’s amusement seconds later; how she coughs fakely into her inner elbow while her forehead crinkles. Mel giggles when you playfully shove her.
“I hate you guys.” 
For a split second, you peer at Sevika to find that she’s already regarding you. Her pupils are dilated and her full lips have stretched into a lazy grin. Her cupid’s bow looks exceptionally prominent, reminding you of how warm her mouth felt when pressed against you this morning. 
She winks and manages to pull you from the memory. 
Mel rolls her eyes, sending you a cheesy grin. “You love us.”
You open your mouth to object, but nothing comes out. You can’t fight it. Because Mel is right.
You do.
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When you wake up, the first detail that you can pinpoint is the smell of something warm and sophisticated. Your eyes flutter.
“Careful.” The murmur is low. Gentle. Sevika. “You’ll wake her.”
“Sorry,” The distinct lilt of Mel’s voice. “Do you need help getting her into the car?”
Shifting, “No, it’s okay.”
Then there’s movement. Is it you? Is it Sevika? You’re too drowsy to be able to fully tell. You try to open your eyes, but the pull is too enticing.
“Thank you for always looking after her…” Mel’s voice draws closer. There’s the warmth of another body now, and a gust of Mel’s signature fruity perfume. You struggle to register the feeling of being smothered by two people. Is Sevika carrying you? “She may never tell you, but she appreciates you so much.”
Mel pulls away, squeezing your arms briefly. When you try to open your eyes, your vision can only make out the edge of a jawline that curves into a neck. Sevika’s neck.
Arms hold you with a strength you hadn’t thought possible. Fingers press into your skin when you shift your weight–or try to. 
“We’ll be home soon,” Sevika says. Her voice has dipped down to an incredibly low volume, much closer to your ear than before. Her skin–at least, that’s what you think it is–brushes against your cheek for a few seconds. Lingering there before disappearing again. “Just rest.”
If you were fully awake, you’d probably be absolutely embarrassed by the thought of Sevika carrying you to the car. You must have fallen asleep after dinner, since your last memory is sitting around the fireplace with Sevika, Alicia and Mel. 
But you’re too tired to feel embarrassed.
And you’re too comfortable.
There’s a hand that touches your shoulder, a gentle caress before it pulls away and then, “She looks exhausted,” Mel whispers. 
Sevika hums. The voices begin to drift away again. You catch the end of a sentence, very specifically the words, “...Haven’t told her yet,” before you succumb to a restful sleep.
It’s only when your neck is sore from being craned, forehead resting against the cool glass of the passenger window, when your eyes flutter open. You see flashing lights and blurred buildings, and for a second, you're incredibly disoriented as you try to register the passing world. But then there's a hand that rests on your thigh, the slight caress from a thumb, before you're being gently squeezed.
“Almost home,” Sevika mutters.
You blink slowly and gaze at her side profile. There’s certain parts of her that are beautifully accentuated in the dark of the night. Her grey eyes glow as they shift from streetlights to traffic, always alert and ever-watchful. Her full lips move discreetly as she hums along to the car radio. There's something sweet that settles in your mouth then, a new flavor that you're not quite used to. After walking around the world with a bitter-aftertaste for so long, you almost convince yourself that anything else is wrong. But you know, deep down, it’s completely the opposite.
This couldn't be anymore right.
You're at a red light now and Sevika does not hesitate to flick through the radio channels, frowning in distaste at some of the songs. Your heart dances at the sight. 
“Thank you,” You find yourself saying.
Her gaze remains on the radio and she allows the silence to be enveloped by a commercial before she replies. “For what?”
“Being you. And lovi–” You swallow thickly. “...caring for me.”
You can tell that melts through to her. Your words have found a way to pierce that shell of nonchalance she always carries. Her lashes flutter and you swear you hear the slightest hitch of her breath. 
But then the light turns green, the car jolts forward and she glances back towards the road. 
The moment passes and so does the rest of your courage. 
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You can’t seem to find your courage around Sevika anymore. 
The next morning, you wake to the smell of bacon lingering in the air. A cloud of fatigue hangs over you whilst you make yourself presentable. Even after splashing ice cold water on your face–and brushing your teeth twice–you barely manage to keep your eyes open when you approach the kitchen. 
Sevika stands at the island, dressed in a black hoodie and grey sweatpants. A few strands of hair sweep the sharp lines of her jaw as her gaze remains on the task in front of her. With deep concentration, she slices through a strawberry. Several pieces of said fruit sit in a bowl to her left. 
It’s ridiculous that the mere sight of her is enough to wake up every atom in your body. Within seconds, your drowsiness has dissipated, and you stand before her with your teeth working into your bottom lip. 
Her head snaps up upon your arrival, grey eyes alert before softening (a telltale sign that she was deep in thought) when they land on you. 
“Strawberries?” Is all that you can say.
Her eyebrows fret together–lips parting, “They’re your favorite right?” She appraises your forehead, then your nose, before returning back to your eyes. “Or do you not like them anymore?”
She remembers. 
Your ears ring and for a split second, you’re convinced you’ll become a puddle on the floor.
Behind her, on the opposing countertop, sits a platter of bacon and prepared scrambled eggs.  
It’s a simple gesture–but the emotions that said gesture ignites feel dangerous. Scary. All encompassing. 
Lines of worry etch themself onto Sevika’s forehead as you struggle to respond.
You want to tell her. You need to tell her.
But how? 
Is it not too soon? Will it scare her away?
To jump or not to jump is the true question that you find yourself wanting to answer. How do people take the plunge? Put their hearts on the line with a possibility of it being crushed?
“Is this too much?” She asks, voice much quieter now.
If you look close enough, you’d almost believe that there was a cloud of desperation swirling in Sevika’s grey irises. Your head shakes slightly as you try to recenter yourself. 
There it is again–that ear ringing sensation that makes you want to jump into her arms while simultaneously collapsing onto the ground. The pull towards her–the one that’s always there–no matter how many times you try to wish it away.
You shake your head, only managing to croak, “I love strawberries,” with a pounding heart.
I love you.
“It’s not too much,” You add. 
You could never be too much. 
Sevika doesn’t move–doesn’t blink. Barely breathes.
Your lips part and she watches you with a patience that’s warm enough to console you even during the coldest winters. She’s waiting for you to say something more. 
But you can’t.
You fucking can’t.
“Come here,” Her command is nothing more than a whisper. 
Your mouth goes dry when you watch her set the knife back down on the chopping board. She side-steps, strawberries long forgotten, as her hands stretch for you.
It doesn’t take much effort for you to close the distance. Despite your tongue being tied, and despite that god-awful lump in the back of your throat, your body doesn’t hesitate in following her. It never will.
Her hands, as tender as they can be, cup the apple of your cheeks. “Are you sure this is okay?” Her breath fans your skin, nose nearly inches from yours as her head bows to meet your gaze head-on.
You nod, boneless and vulnerable. 
“This is okay,” Is pretty much all that you can manage to respond. “More than okay.” 
And that seems to be enough for her. Her shoulders relax and she dips down to meet you with a kiss.
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You can feel the beads of perspiration dripping down the nape of your neck. Your chest heaves up and down as you step into the lobby, eyes immediately landing on two receptionists sitting at the front desk. 
One of them sports auburn ringlets and hazel eyes. Small rectangular frames sit on the edge of her nose, and she’s dressed in all black with a large scale spider tattooed onto the front of her neck. 
Two people sit in the lobby chairs positioned against one of the walls. One of them is deeply attuned to their smartphone. The other is asleep.
The receptionist with the spider tattoo, follows your movements with acute focus. You shoot her a lazy smile, slightly dazed from rushing two blocks and also stressed about the time. 
Your eyes dart to the watch on your left wrist as you reach the receptionist desk.
4:17 PM.
You’re late.
“Hi,” You breathe, before taking a long gulp of water. Your purse is barely hanging off of your shoulder, chest heaving up and down as you struggle to breathe while simultaneously inhaling half of the contents in your hydroflask. 
The woman stares at you tepidly, the corner of her mouth twitching as she blinks. That’s when you notice how striking her hazel eyes are, which happen to be coated with a thick layer of black eyeliner and mascara. Her name reads:
Sage’s coworker, a muscular brunette with a buzzcut and two industrial piercings, finally glances up from their book. Their name tag, much more shinier than Sage’s, reads: 
Mav is friendlier, greeting you with a wide grin. Wrinkles appear around his eyes when he does so. “Hey! Are you here for an appointment?”
Your eyes dart to Sage, who is still appraising you with a harsh stare. She plays with the lanyard around her neck as her head slightly tilts. 
You shift your weight nervously, “I’m actually visiting Sevika. Um,” You redirect your gaze back to Mav. “She’s my…” A heatwave flashes through you as you try to form a comprehensible sentence. “I’m uh, like, her…” God. This is awkward. “I was originally supposed to be here at 3:45? I don’t know if she told you. Um-”
“Oh!” A hint of recognition flashes across Mav’s face. His smile widens and his gaze travels to every detail of your face. “You're Sev’s girl? It’s nice to finally meet you! I swear to God, it’s been ages of us asking,” Mav pauses, glancing over to Sage for reassurance. “...About when we would finally see you. We were beginning to think that Sev has just been lying all this time. Or that the whole love triangle thing between you, her and Monica was just a big story she made up t-Ow!”
It almost looks as if Sage kicks Mav. Mav winces, reaching underneath the desk to check on–what you assume to be–his leg. His eyes narrow as he sends a side-long glare in Sage’s direction, but the deadpan woman ignores him. 
Instead, Sage glances at you, humor dancing in the swirls of her hazel irises as she stands to her feet. “I'll let Sevika know you're here,” She murmurs.
“Thanks. I texted her a few times but she hasn't responded so I figured she’s probably busy with,” You clear your throat. “Tattooing and… stuff.”
One of Sage’s eyebrows quirk up in amusement. She doesn't say anything more, turning on her heels and rounding the corner that leads to another room. When you return your gaze back to Mav, he’s already nose-deep into his novel; your presence long forgotten.
A few minutes later, you hear footfalls echoing from the hallway. It sounds like multiple, which causes your shoulders to tense and back to straighten. Subconsciously, you wipe your palms against the denim of your jeans. A worn pair of black boots rounds the corner, clunking against the marble floors. Your eyes travel up the fitted dark-washed jeans and stop on Sevika’s exposed shoulders—thanks to her sleeves being cut off.
You aren’t able to get much ogling done before she speaks.
“I thought you weren’t gonna make it,” Her voice is low. A bit strained but laced with an undertone of satisfaction. Sage quietly trails behind, eyeing the two of you before sitting back down in her seat. 
You aren’t quite sure how to greet Sevika; at least, not in public like this. Especially since you’re at her workplace. Surely, kissing would be inappropriate?
Thankfully, she doesn’t give you a chance to truly decide. Instead, her arm drapes over your shoulders as she pulls you into her side–a half hug, to your surprise–while something warm presses against your temple.
Her lips.
The kiss is too fleeting for you to register it at that moment. It’s only when she pulls away, squeezing your left shoulder and urging you to walk with her when the gesture dawns on you.
“Are you hungry?” Her lips brush against your right ear, voice low. “I ordered food. It got here a while ago though so we’ll most likely have to microwave it.”
Your skin is warm. Every inch of it. 
Blinking through a daze, your head tilts in her direction as you nod. “That's fine with me.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you still feel the heavy stare of Sage. You wait until you’re further away and out of sight from the receptionist desk when you add, “The woman…Sage? She’s kind of, uh, intense don't you think?”
Sevika doesn't necessarily laugh at your statement but her lips do stretch into a small grin as she exhales shakily. “Yeah, she is. Mostly nosy, is all. And she’s not really a people person—her apprenticeship starts here soon though. She’s one hell of an artist. So we’re keeping her at the front until then.”
You hum at the thought, Sage quickly fading from your brain as Sevika’s arm drops from your shoulders. Instead, you feel a loose grip around your waist–her fingers rest around the curve of your hip and gently urge you to move closer to her. The pair of you have long passed the piercing and tattoo stations, nearing the tail end of the building where a staircase leads to a second floor. Silently, she gestures for you to begin climbing.
Your eyebrows raise and you glance at her, “Up?” You ask, not bothering to mask your surprise. Your index finger motions towards the second floor.
“Where else?” She gives you a quizzical stare.
You suppose it was a bit silly to think that the pair of you would be anywhere else. It’s not like it’s sanitary or professional to be lounging around the tattoo stations, especially if you’re eating food soon. 
It was early this morning when Sevika proposed the idea of having a meal together. She mentioned that it could be at her job, since you haven’t seen the inside of her building (and it’s also geographically convenient since her tattoo shop is closer to home than your office).
The moment you heard the words food and tattoo shop, you immediately said yes. Spending more time together has especially been on your mind lately (and you’ve always had a nagging desire to see this side of her). 
However, you hadn’t actually thought through the logistics of the plan. Not until now. 
“Will it be too taxing for you? I’m sorry–I didn’t even realize–” She points in the direction you just came from. “...The elevators are in the lobby. We can walk back if you want. Are you hurting badly?”
The car accident.
You were sore from time to time, but not as bad as before. Quickly, you grab her hand and begin to climb the stairs. “No, actually–” You struggle to hide your smile. “...I’m okay with taking the stairs.” 
You lead the way, with the help of a few directions from her.
Sevika’s office is heavily decorated with all things that describe her. Hundreds of sketches are pinned to a wall while three signed basketball jerseys are hung up on another. There's an incense burning, per usual, when the pair of you walk into the room. A window is slightly propped open and gives you a perfect view of the city. Art clippings and photographs are sprawled across the desk, and a tall lamp is positioned in the corner of the room. To your right is a couch, with a folded blanket and what looks like-
Your head whips back at her. “Chinese takeout?”
Sevika still stands by the door threshold, balancing her weight against it as she rests her hands in her pockets. “Your favorite.” A small smile falls upon her lips.
You don’t know what to say. Thankfully, she continues talking. “I don’t have a TV though. So we’ll have to do without one of your romcoms.” She motions her head behind you. “I hope the window is enough entertainment.”
You laugh and make your way towards the couch. “This is perfect.”
Today is perfect.
She is perfect.
But the feelings are too powerful for you to allow yourself to linger on them. Instead, you make a beeline for the couch, opening up the takeout bag and retrieving  one of the containers. You’re well aware of Sevika’s presence–the waft of her cologne and muted thuds of her boots. Out of the corner of your eye, you see her grab the takeout bag, sitting down in place of it before placing the bag on a coffee table that's a foot away. 
Your heart is hammering in your chest, mouth full of egg fried rice and skin buzzing. If you were to scoot father right, your leg would press against hers. 
But you don’t.
A few beats pass before, “Is everything okay?” She mutters. Her voice is low.
That’s when you force your head to lift, meeting her eyes for a fews seconds. She remains calm. Steady. Her expression is clear–gaze never leaving you. 
“You’ve been distant for a little while now,” She pauses, lips parting. You can tell she’s thinking deeply about what to say and how to say it. “...For the last week or so. And I just want to make sure it’s not because of anything I’ve done or–”
“No.” Your eyes are widening. “You haven’t done anything at all. You’ve been good to me, Sev.” Blinking rapidly, you refocus back on the food in front of you. “I have no complaints. I’m happy with you.”
Hesitation. Then, “Are you sure?” 
And when you catch wind of her face again, you notice that she’s sporting an expression of genuine curiosity. A hint of quiet longing also seems to be staring back at you, and it’s apparent that she's truly–completely–surprised. Have you not been obvious about how much you care for her? Is there really a chance that she thinks differently?
A wave of courage greets you and you decide, right then, that you have to stop denying yourself.
You deserve to take a hold of this–to firmly grasp this time with her–no matter how badly you want to listen to the fear that is nagging in the back of your mind.
You deserve to let yourself fully enjoy this–to fully enjoy her.
And she deserves that too.
“I love you,” You say it as faithfully as you can, because damned if you don’t surely sounds worse than damned if you do. Your hands are shaking, but you don’t allow yourself to think twice because you’ve already said it. You can’t take it back. “God, I love you.” It’s becoming harder to see her. Your line of vision is blurry and your throat hurts. “Sorry I-” You swallow deeply. “I’ve been trying to figure out how to tell you, or even if I should. I don’t want to scare you off. I know it’s soon and we’re still trying to figure this out but…” You’re at a loss for words, shrugging as you try to contemplate what else to say.
She grabs your hands, tugging you towards her. 
“I…” The sound of her exhaling softly is all you can hear. She tries to speak again, “You…” But her voice trails off again.
“I know you’ve expressed to me how you feel and I know this is a lot considering your divorce, then Monica and now me. I want to be with you and I want to give you everything I can, even if that includes taking things slow.” You wet your lips and that’s when you taste tears. You’re crying. “Whatever you need...I’ll be that. I don’t mind. I’ve just been trying to process it all. How I feel for you–it only seems to grow stronger each day. My love for you…” You shake your head, trying to recollect yourself. “...Becoming distant…Making you worry–that wasn’t what I intended.” 
She lets go of your hands. Air leaves your lungs when you feel her coming closer…closer…closer. Her mouth is hot, pressing against yours without any hesitation. That feeling alone makes your muscles turn to mush. But then she deepens it, leaning further into you as if none of this is enough. The urgency she exudes, combined with the swiftness of her tongue, makes you feel as if you’re running out of time….like kissing you is the most dire thing she could be doing right now. 
She wraps her arms around you completely and you allow your body to relax. 
All you can think about is her. Her lips and her taste and her smell and her hair.
All you can think about is how much you loved her when you were inside of her last night, and how much you loved her when her arms were wrapped around you this morning. How much you loved her even when the two of you bickered over the broken tea kettle last week, and how much you still love her right now. 
And that love, you're completely sure, will just keep growing and growing and growing…
You need her, in every aspect. You believe that you’ll always need her.
The tip of her nose brushes your cheek, then grazes against it when she tilts her head in the opposite direction. You feel yourself arching when her hands slide to the small of your back. Your fingers dig into her hair and tug at her scalp. Her quiet hum of satisfaction falls directly into your mouth, chest pressed against yours, body sliding in between your legs.
The salt of your tears fall onto your tongue, but she doesn't seem to mind. When she pulls away, gasping for air, her arms tighten around you even more. Her lips are swollen, eyes misting over as they stare back at you, and forehead merely inches from yours, “Don't you get it?” She whispers. “I'm yours,” Her voice strains with desperation. “You could never scare me away by telling me this. Ever.” 
“And if it isn’t obvious already,” She adds, nose brushing against your cheek. She leaves a trail of her burning touch as she inhales deeply; breathing you in. Your eyes flutter shut and the feeling of her lips pressing against your neck causes your breath to hitch. “I love,” And she pulls away to kiss your other side, “Love,” You shiver when she practically drags her face against yours before halting your anticipation with a tender peck against your lips. “...Love you. More than you’ll ever know.”
And you’re kissing her again, still needing more, but this time allowing yourself to have it. At this point, you’re pretty sure cartoon birds are circling above your head. You’ve never felt so blissed out and completely flustered at the same time. This moment is full of mirth, and promises, and undeniable love.
This is what it means to be alive.
Sevika is smiling now, laughing when you press into her for more, more, more. You’ll always want more of her and more of everything with her. 
“Take me home?” You whisper.
She’s laughing again, eyes misting over, but doesn't miss a beat standing up.
She understands. She feels it too.
Grabbing your hand, she manages to collect the food and her keys in one sweep. “Okay,” She answers, seemingly happy to grant you such a wish.
With your chest aching something fierce, you follow her without question. 
You love her.
And she loves you back.
Tomorrow, you’ll wake up and spend your morning eating toast and drinking tea, loving each other just the same. 
There’ll be days where you two will hang photos that haven’t been taken yet, loving each other just the same.
You’ll spend more dinners together, more holidays, and weekends and years–loving each other just the same. 
Your new life, the one you have been so afraid to accept ever since Mel moved out, is waiting for you with the door wide open.
Now is when you decide to take the leap forward, hand in hand with Sevika; promising yourself that you’ll never look back. 
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heytheredeann · 1 year
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arcanegifs · 6 months
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kitconnor · 2 years
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#fan service
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Ok but Imogen is so cute
Yes, she has her flaws but she’s just a human, she’s trying really hard to be supportive and that’s just cute!!<3
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elysiarte · 1 year
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