#byler vs mileven
gayofthefae · 8 months
Being like FULLY anti Byler or anti Mileven because you ship the other is so weird because like literally the only right answer is one is your otp and the other is your brotp or you're anti MIKE. Like he would never runaway with one and leave the other behind girl did you even watch the show.
No he isn't gonna trash Will and stay with El. No he isn't gonna dump El without a second thought for Will. (this is also true for screen time btw I doubt they're gonna be like "and then the other one was happy offscreen teehee" bc both are very important relationships to him in the show)
(why can't we just all be happy and have what Elumax has 😭)
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bylerschapter · 8 months
ok but like does anyone in their right mind actually like the byler vs mileven ship wars⁉️😭😭 (i genuinely wonder this)
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isorottatime · 2 years
stranger things really said we’re doing a love triangle trope, but also it’s gay 
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i-dont-bite · 1 year
no bc i can't believe how many mlvns are gay... why are you, a lesbian, putting not just any hetship, but that hetship, over the potentially canon gays. SIDE EYE.
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noodlesbatches · 4 months
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gay/lesbian meets a bi-curious/pan-curious person
besties 🤝
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l0v3c0r3e · 11 months
the way some mileven fans see mike is really sad
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pinkeoni · 1 year
Thinking about themes of sexuality and sa imagery, as well as powers as sexuality and relating that to Willel and how they mirror each other and what their individual stories are being used to talk about those ideas as a whole.
El is a young girl that has sexuality/powers forcefully imposed onto her at a young age and when she grows up she thinks that that is all she is good for. But then she learns that she has choices outside of that. And her story isn’t about purifying herself but rather gaining autonomy outside of just what the men in her life want. She can talk about how cute Ralph Macchio is but she can also be shop and play games and not just be shut in a room kissing a guy all day.
Will, on the other hand, is a young gay boy that has his sexuality/powers forcefully supressed because it is seen as denomic. Will never has a chance to exprience or express sexuality or attraction because the entire world around him is trying to get it out of him including himself. But the answer doesn’t come from getting rid of it, but embracing it.
Sexuality is not something that should forcefully imposed nor supressed, but rather freely explored at one’s own pace.
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rosstrytobe · 8 months
I want to point out something about Mike dialogue to save El in s4 and why it didn't actually save her or Hawkins btw
First, watching this scene from Ofmd s2 make us see how the power of love can save the person you love and why for Mike and El case didn't happen:
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Stede is crying and saying emotionally to Ed to come back to him, to wake up. Taking his hand the moment he saw that Ed is still alive and respond to Stede words
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While on the other hand (i know with El the situation is different but here me out) Mike tried to bring El back saying what he thinks El is waiting for him to say:
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And even if Mike is emotionally stressed about El possible death his heart is not really in his words:
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And Mike is touching El while she's on the Upside Down
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But Ed feeling Stede touch make him feel Stede and be saved by him. Stede IS THE REASON WHY ED COULD BE ALIVE AND BE FREE FROM THE BAD VIEW OF HIMSELF:
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Also Ed is smiling here because he knows Stede come to save him and he remember all the beautiful memories that they had togheter:
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El on the other hand is miserable and looked at Max to find a way to free herself
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That's why El and Mike are not a romantic relantionship and doesn't work as one
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ronancebyler · 9 months
me? im just thinking about how in the m*leven season 4 fight scene el is wearing blue (mike's color) and red (her color) while mike is wearing blue and yellow (will's color).
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the-biggest-homo · 3 months
hello bbg homie pookie wookie dookie schmookies!!!! (hopefully that caught your attention, if not, heres this: AHHHHHDFNDJJDJDJFJFFH KEY SPAM ALL CAPS DJFNDJDKDKDJ) i will be taking requests for fanfictions to write, fandoms including: Bungo stray dogs, IT chapter 1, IT chapter 2, Stranger things, and pretty much anything besides harry potter, if its something i havent watched !!I WILL WATCH IT!! to make the characters accurate. You can also request if and which platform i post it on, or if i just dm it to you. You dont have to pay me, since i really do enjoy writing and need the practice, but if you WANT to pay me, and have the funds to do so i will happily accept and link my paypal, but again dont feel obligated to do so, i understand the struggle of wanting good ship fanfiction, and also of being broke lmao. buuuuutt(hehe butt) yeah! also, you can get a sample of a 100 word fanfic if you like, so you can check out and see if you enjoy my writing style. im really looking forward to doing this! (NOTE: I WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE WRITING M!LEVEN FANFICTION I DONT CARE HOW MUCH YOURE WILLING TO PAY ITS NOT HAPPENING I MUST STICK TO MY MORALS!!! unless its like 20 dollars thats about how much my morals cost.....)
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freyawaves · 4 months
A rant about Byler because I'm fucking insane
Queer people obviously have a different outlook on life and have different experiences than that of a straight person. So it would make sense for a queer person to see themes that others wouldn't, to spot accidental or purposeful queercoding, and interpret character interactions and decisions in a way that relates to them. So, I guess I understand sometimes when I see people being ADAMANT about Byler not even being a POSSIBILITY, but I'm like... did we even watch the same show?
I guess I can get where they are coming from. I, too, was a Mileven shipper (when I first watched ST... in the 4th grade.) and yes, it was cute and all that. But I rewatched all of stranger things recently and with a more developed brain, and I can safely say I can see why people ship Byler. Maybe I'm biased because I'm a bisexual person, but I can so clearly see that something is going on with both Will AND Mike. People like to claim that byler is one-sided, but if Byler was one-sided, why was MIKE the one who was acting weird towards Will at the beginning of s4?
Don't get me wrong. I don't HATE Mileven. However, I also believe that it has been made clear that their relationship is bumpy, and time and time again, we've seen how Mike and El DON'T WORK. If Mileven was endgame, why wouldn't Mike's love confession scene in s4 make their relationship better? They are still distant. If Byler was impossible, why would they write s4 in a way that makes us think, "Aw, Will likes Mike. I hope Mike likes him back!"
Idk. Maybe I'm just crazy and Mike really will marry eleven in the local village with 3 waterfalls
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schrodingers-romy · 1 year
The main reason I don't often interact with the stranger things fandom isn't because I don't like the show it's because the shipping discourse there is like the equivalent of causing a nuclear explosion because another toddler took the last lollipop at a preschool party
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haven't watched a single episode of Stranger Things but I hope team bicycle or whatever becomes canon
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wewebaggit · 1 year
when the homophobia needs to be clothed under homosexuality
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eightiesrobin · 2 years
i think it should go without saying that being misogynistic/ableist towards el because she’s “in the way” of byler and viceversa with people being homophobic towards will because he’s “in the way” of mileven is BEYOND weird. people should ship whatever they desire but never lose your morals over fictional characters and pairings.
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nicxxx5 · 1 year
mike did mix up platonic and romantic love with el.
at the beginning of s3 all mike and el did was kiss. it's heir first relationship and they're 13, tbh there's not much else they were going to do/knew to do. mike enjoyed kissing el physically. he liked doing it. he thought it was fun and what he was supposed to do in a relationship because kissing is considered romantic.
when mike said "i love her and i don't want to lose her" he did actually love el. he lost her before at the end of s1 and through s2 when he thought she was gone. he thought he would never see her again till she walked through the byers door. also he had taken care of her in s1 and helped her stay safe from the people at the lab while she helped him find will. mike does care for her enough to say that he loves her.
but at the end of s3 mike realizes he has mixed up those feelings when she kisses him. when el kisses him after saying she loves him, he realizes that the love for her isn't romantic. he realizes he enjoyed kissing her, but there was no romantic attachment to it. because mike has kissing associated with being something romantic couples do, he realizes that he doesn't love el in a romantic way. hearing her confession then kissing him right after put those romanticized feelings into perspective for him. he was explicitly faced with the idea that his love and el's love for each other are different. this is why he reacts the way he does. he didn't lie in s3 when he said he loves her, he just didn't know at the time it was a different type of love he was feeling.
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