#c!thomas x janus
thomasxsides · 2 years
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“Ask Thomxiety” didn’t go super well. But I’m not giving up! It’s time to
Ask C!Thomas and his boyfriend any questions that are on your mind!
*Please be respectful. Disrespectful questions will be ignored and deleted.
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halfhissandwich · 7 months
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This is very out of character, but take some more Ace Attorney inspired sides
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spoondrifts · 1 year
i've been converted to thomceit not sorry. something about a totally normal guy who's in love with the metaphysical representation of his own self preservation instinct
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darksides-dutchess · 2 years
I gotta know if Thomas is a relationship with all of them bc I love evil Thomas just fgdfsrfd
So as time goes on, The bionic sides starts to grow a connection to Thomas that is more than just a master-servant thing. They want to make Thomas happy, they don't care about the many dollars Thomas is willing spend on them, all they want is him to be happy.
There does come a time where the sides regain all their memory due to an unexpected incident but along with that they had their current memories of Thomas, so when finally given the choice to either be free, turn against Thomas and put an end to his mad ideas, they all collective decide to stay by him due to how much they care for him.
As for Nico, while the rest of the world paints "Eve" in a cruel and horrific way, Nico is beyond fascinated by him because....Thomas wasn't hurting innocent people, he was hurting people who were know for being horrible. A kinda anti-hero. So he began writing articles about his view on this Eve and Thomas saw them. He himself now gets fascinated by this Nico because how is he willing to see good in Thoams when he has all the traits of a sociopath.
This leads to Thomas inviting Nico over to his Manor to reveal that he is Eve and the two have a very complicated yet loving relation. With Thomas sharing his ideas to Nico and Nico writing more articles about Eve, they both managed to get something out of each other. Sure enough, the two because lovers with Nico just as hopelessly devoted to Thomas like his sides.
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angrytoaster123 · 27 days
sanders sides incorrect quotes
Roman: we saved our best idea for last
Logan:if it was our best idea why did we save it for last
Thomas:because we didn’t know it was the best Idea until all the other ones went horribly
2. patron:how are you feeling?
Virgil:good,but I have this headache that comes and goes.
janus: *walks into the room*
Virgil:there it is.
patton: I have cat-like reflexes
Roman:prove it
patton: *points to a cat*
patton:I like that cat.
Logan: you lied to Roman?
janus: call it what you will.
Logan:well I call it lying. LIAR!
patron: janus told me Santa’s not real but jokes on him because guess who’s in the mall right now.
6. remus: *takes a sip of a drink* Remus: oh my god is this expired?
Remus:*continues to drink it*
Janus:Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Roman: can I bother you for a sec?
Janus: you’re always bothering me but go ahead
9. Roman: so I’ve been thinking
Janus: oh that must’ve been hard. Are you okay?
Janus: F*ck you Patton for eating the rest of the snacks
Patton: I already bought new ones
C!Thomas: Janus apologize to him!
Janus: fine un-f*ck you or whatever
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anxceitpolls · 3 months
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Hi! Welcome to the @ask-nico-and-the-sides blog! I'm the artist, and I run things here! For the record, if you'd like to see more of my art, my main is @halfhissandwich, you'll find lots of Sanders Sides fan content there. This is a story driven blog, so if you're ever confused, there's probably something happening. Extra Details below.
Artist: I will be referring to myself as Admin in out of character posts. My pronouns are he/they. Feel free to ask me questions should you need to.
Magic!Anons: CLOSED
Characters open to questions: c!Thomas, Nico, Logan, Patton, Roman, Virgil, Janus, Remus, Orange Side, Nico’s “scarf side”, Nico’s “bow side”
- No NSFW asks.
- You can feel free to criticize the artist but do so respectfully.
- If you have art requests then ask on my main.
- If you request a Magic!Anon, it cannot be for more than 15 asks at a time and you must include how long the Magic!Anon is in your original ask. I reserve the right to reject any Magic!Anon for any reason.
- Be respectful of all other askers. You can be mean to the characters all you want, but askers are real people and must be respected.
- If the story calls for it, you can use an anonymous ask to be cruel to the characters to stir up conflict. I have no problem with askers being mean to the characters. However, I ask that these asks have a marker at the top of the post marking that you are saying mean things for the sake of plot rather than a real ask.
- I reserve the right to add more rules should I feel the need to.
Disclaimers: This blog will be shipping Karrot Kings, which is c!Thomas x c!Nico. This blog will not be shipping actor Thomas and Manny, who are real people with their own lives. The artist does not respect the act of shipping real people. Also, this blog was first made in March of 2024, before the release of the Sanders Sides season 2 finale. A lot of the content in this blog will become outdated.
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tss-whumper · 10 months
my whump intro!
hey, gang!! i'm annie, you might know me from my main blog (@prodigal-explorer). this is my side blog, and it's a place for all things sanders sides whump! whump isn't a very big thing in this fandom, but i really love it and i think this fandom has so much whump potential.
to clear things up for anyone confused, whump is basically a genre of fanfic/headcanons/content where characters (they are called whumpees) are being hurt either by other characters (they are called whumpers) or by natural elements such as sickness and weather. sometimes, there are characters who help whumpees feel better, or protect them from whumpers (they are called caretakers). whump is sort of like hurt/comfort, but there's not always the guarantee of comfort. whether or not there's comfort is up to personal preference! when it comes to whump, pretty much any kind of pain/injury/hurt is on the table, so when engaging with it, it's important to read tags carefully, just for your own safety!
with this blog, the characters from sanders sides will be playing whumpees, whumpers, and caretakers in an assortment of ways! characters will not always be named. sometimes it will just be (side a) or (side b), or it will just be labeled as "whumper" or "whumpee" if i don't really have a sanders sides character in mind for the scenario.
more info about my page and what i will and won't write below! (warning: i don't censor any of my words, so proceed with caution if that bothers you. some of the content i mention is very sensitive.)
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i LOVE writing:
emotional/verbal abuse
physical abuse
familial abuse
religious trauma
pet whump
whumpee turned caretaker
caretaker turned whumpee
caretaker turned whumper
small whumper and large whumpee
medieval whump
canonverse whump
non-canonverse whump
stress positions
inhumane punishments (especially when they have significant meanings in the story)
sunshine character who is secretly the whumper
whumpers who genuinely think they're doing the right thing
whumpees who are bad people
caretakers who don't know how to be a caretaker/bad caretaker
unreliable narrator
eating disorders
age gaps (as long as they're painted in a bad light)
whumpees of marginalized communities (poc, lgbtq+ besides gay cis white men, disabled, fat, jewish, etc.) because there is NOT ENOUGH OF THAT IN THE WHUMP COMMUNITY. i get it's tricky territory and you have to be careful with it, but why are little white guys the only ones getting rescued and taken care of?
descriptive fics
multi-chapter fics
bullet fics
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL write:
whumpee turned whumper
whumper turned whumpee
suicidal thoughts/ideation
boxboy (though i don't have much experience, so i will be learning as i go!)
lady whump (it's not my favorite but i'll do it)
sick whump
wilderness whump
child whump
children whumping children
whump with remy/sleep, c!thomas, and emile picani (i'll write them as any role, whumpee/whumper/caretaker)
whumpee x caretaker (as long as it's not codependent)
toxic whumpee x whumper (where it's clear that the relationship is not a good one)
whumpee x whumpee
courtroom scenes
major character death
unhappy endings
happy endings
bittersweet endings
whump themes/ideas/characters/tropes i WILL NOT write:
tiny whump (just not my thing)
fem side x masc side (especially when the whumpee is the fem side)
any whump involving thomas sanders (like the real person) or any of his friends.
anything relating to bodily waste
detailed descriptions of needles (it just freaks me out lol)
feel free to send in an ask requesting anything you want me to write or react to, as long as it's not in the "will not write" category. if you don't see what you want listed anywhere, just assume that i will write it! there isn't a lot that i don't do, but i will not negotiate with the boundaries i have, so please don't try to convince me!
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beauty-and-passion · 11 months
Fanders Sides Season 3: The Asides
Hello dears,
after the introductory post about FSS3 and before starting with the actual episodes, I wanted to write a short post about the Asides too.
As you all know, recently Mr. Sanders moved a few episodes here and there: random stuff became part of the Asides, while ATHD, FWSA and WTIT became main series episodes. Why did it take him so long to realize they were following the plot more than other videos? No idea.
But even though Mr. Sanders seems to find it a bit difficult to distinguish between main series episodes and Asides, the fandom on the other hand seems to know pretty well what the difference is and your suggestions in the survey have been AMAZING.
This is why I wanted to write this post: to expand on some of your best ideas. But also to offer you this post as a starting point. If you have even more ideas/thoughts/concepts for other possible Asides episodes, feel free to add them with a message or a reblog. We can go on forever with great suggestions.
Once again, I applied the same three rules I talked about in the introductory post:
to write something in the real of human/editing possibilities
it should be an idea that can be developed in a 20-minute-long video
no ships
The promised rap battle
During Am I ORIGINAL?, Logan had the best rap battle of all time and in the end, he said Patton would be the next one he would “fight”.
So this Aside will be the match Logan wanted. He will crush Patton with great verses, amazing flow and sick burns.
Patton, on the other hand, won’t take any offense at all and reply with puns. Just. So. Many. Puns.
Will Logan still win? Will the puns be enough to defeat him? Will he start using the power of puns too? Will this battle turn into a huge battle of puns? Will Patton have fun regardless of the result?
You decide on the answers to all of these questions, except for the last one. Because we all know Patton would enjoy some quality time with Logan.
The very normal vlog
This episode is a very normal vlog in which Thomas talks about very normal stuff happening in his life and the Core Sides comments/offers suggestions as always.
So Logan says Thomas should've remembered that doing X thing wasn't great. Thomas replies that it was an infinitesimal mistake.
Patton compliments Thomas with a pun. Thomas replies with another pun.
Roman tells Thomas they should strive for greater things. Thomas says that they should start by improving their acting skills.
Virgil reminds Thomas that trying new things can be challenging and he can fail. Thomas says that it won't be as bad as Virgil's make-up.
Virgil is caught off guard by this, but before he can comment, Thomas ends the episode and sends them all away. Only after the Sides disappeared, he said goodbye to his viewers and turned off the camera, only then he reveal himself as Janus.
Janus stretches, snaps his fingers and says he's still the best liar of all time, before leaving.
The episode ends with Thomas, who is still sleeping in his bed. He suddenly jolts up: "Oh my gosh", he yells, "I need to do a video!”
Bam, start intro.
The troll
An April fools episode titled “Am I the ASSHOLE???” and the whole video is over dramatic and makes fun of tropes, also is poorly shot.
This is the original post of @dillydallydove from which this person took the idea. And it's hilarious, I love it.
The most serious argument ever
A prequel episode set when Virgil was still one of the Dark Sides and centered on an argument they have.
You can choose whatever topic you want, but it should be the stupidest argument ever. And the dark boys should all act as if it’s the most important topic in the world, nothing is more important than this topic and nothing is more important than proving the others are ALL wrong.
Follows shenanigans, Janus pretending to mediate only to say something and add more fuel to the chaos, Virgil trying to prove his point with extra convoluted thoughts, Remus throwing stuff around only to add more chaos, Orange sending death threats.
Bonus points if they manage to set something on fire without matches.
Grocery shopping
Thomas going grocery shopping with his Sides.
Logan is in charge: he wants to put just healthy food in the cart.
Patton begs Logan for at least one single pack of cookies ("Thomas needs them, as a treat!").
Roman checks for the most aesthetically pleasing packages and the ones with the most promises, no matter how far-fetched they are ("Logan, this shampoo will make Thomas' hair fluent and shiny! And this cereal mix will make him taller! We must buy them!").
Virgil disappears for entire minutes, then comes back with a full emergency kit, a new alarm system, pepper spray and a blanket. When Logan asks him why, he replies that the safety stuff it's necessary, while the blanket is for him because it will help him stay calm, once Thomas starts handling this stuff.
Remus runs all over the grocery store, then comes back with different stuff: the first time with the biggest zucchini and carrots he can find, then with sticks and poles. Then, with all the different brands of condoms he can find. Then with lubricants. He says Thomas needs them and drops everything in the cart.
Janus pretends to help Logan, but also sneaks stuff behind other stuff: shorter boxes behind taller ones, chocolate chips under a bag of vegetables and so on. When Logan finds out, Janus picks a bottle of wine and puts it on the conveyor belt. Logan sighs and lets everything go.
Thomas, who went to the grocery store to buy one bag of apples, comes back home with a bag of carrots, a bag of zucchini, 2 boxes of cookies, 3 new shampoos, a pack of condoms, a new emergency kit, two cereal boxes, a blanket and a bottle of wine. And no apples.
The game night
The episode has the structure of a game show, in which every Side has to answer questions about the other Sides, in order to win an amazing prize.
Logan tries to use his intuition, but it doesn't always work.
Patton replies with kind, good, nice answers and everyone feels bad about telling him he's wrong, so he somehow wins.
Roman has no idea, so he drops the first thing that pops into his mind and fails miserably.
Virgil mumbles something, then says he doesn't know/it's stupid/he doesn't want to reply. Somehow, ends up second after Patton.
Janus straight out lies about everything and somehow he's right. But everyone refuses to acknowledge he's right.
Remus throws the most sexual ideas and argues about who has the longest dick. Somehow, he ends up being just one step above Roman. No one understands how, Roman first.
In the end, the amazing price was the last piece of pizza.
The "Sides' daily schedule" series
This can be a series of seven videos, in which every Side takes his time to tell us what they do during a normal day of their life.
Logan shows a perfectly organized schedule, down to the second. His routine includes cleaning, organizing, planning, working, writing, reading and a relaxing hobby: chemical reactions.
Remus sneaks in to be his lab assistant. The video ends up with them blowing up something.
Patton's schedule is more relaxed, made of sunshine, happiness, hours spent remembering the past, sad hours, more sad hours - but then Patton gets better, he gets out of his room and meets his friends. And plans a nice time for all of them.
The evening ends with Logan emptying a whole fire extinguisher on the barbecue, because somehow Patton set it on fire.
Roman starts his day by being his most marvelous self, removes his night-time beauty mask, makes his daycare routine, strikes poses, talks about how great he is, goes around slaying monsters and dueling... all in the morning. Then, he sits and the desk and works non-stop for 20 hours straight. Then, he gets up still with his marvelous self, says he has not been “very productive” and goes on a trip to slay more monsters and flirt with beautiful men in distress.
In the end, Remus has to stop him from working even more, by hitting him on the head. He throws Roman on his bed, throws the sheets on him but, before leaving, he never forgets to carefully put on Roman his night-time beauty mask.
Remus' video alternates between him starting to say something, to huge censored parts. Around half of the video, he loudly protests, because he's censored, even when he doesn't say anything sexual. His day includes pissing out Roman, messing with Logan's chemical stuff, obediently sitting and listening to Janus reading him a book, throwing stuff in a volcano, jumping in a river with piranha and 20 different sexual positions all censored.
Virgil's video shows him doing something peacefully, only to suddenly stop, look directly at the viewers and ask them questions. Like: he's peacefully knitting, then he stops, lifts his head and asks: did you turn the stove off? Is it still off? Or is it on? Is your house burning down? Will it burn down before you go to bed? Will you die in your bed?
The questions stop, to show us more of Virgil’s day and his different ways to relax. Some are heavy blankets and knitting, others are push-ups, running like a madman for hours, sleeping like a log, watching horror movies and doing make-up while listening to emo/rock music.
Janus' schedule is weird. The scene before he's walking, then it abruptly cuts to him knitting, then to him halfway into an explanation of a specific part of a book, to him explaining what he will eat. It looks like a series of scenes randomly put together.
Only in the end, we will find out he did it on purpose, because he has no intention of telling what he actually does. So he tells the viewers to have fun with what they have (which is basically nothing), while putting on a beauty mask, a glass of wine in his hand and relaxes into a bathtub.
The "Dressing like each other" series
This can easily end up in another series of videos, in which every Side raids the closet of one Side and they all dress up like him.
Logan's closet should include tons of shirts and lab coats, so they would all dress up like teachers or lab technicians. Roman hates it, Remus loves to dress as a mad scientist.
Patton's closet should include bright colors, funny hats, animal prints everywhere. Either they would dress up as animal lovers or as stereotypical fathers from the 50s. Janus searches everywhere for something that's not bright-colored. In the end, he fights Virgil for the only two gray clothes.
Roman's closet should include rich, embroidered dresses with beautiful details on every piece of fabric. They would end up dressed as members of the court or royalty, with matching, fabulous makeup. Virgil complains and calls it "extra and preppy", only to end up being fabulous.
Virgil's closet should include black, emo, laced dresses for everyone. Also, guyliner and leather/laced matching accessories. Roman complains and calls it "dark and gloomy", only to end up being fabulous.
Janus' closet should include black and yellow dresses, fancy hats, polished shoes and fancy accessories like golden pocket watches, handkerchiefs with embroidered initials and so on. Logan appreciates the formality, Roman the nice details. Virgil calls it "even more extra" and ends up being quite fabulous. (Janus refuses to acknowledge it)
Remus' closet should include the most insane, batshit stuff, possibly put together in the weirdest way. They could end up dressed entirely in fishnet clothes, rainbow clothes, silly costumes or the most baroque, heavy costume ever known to mankind. Also, a shit ton of accessories, wigs, makeup and everything you can think of. Somehow, Janus is the only one who manages to find a coordinated set.
And now, it's up to you!
Do you have more ideas for the Asides? Share them! The weirdest, the strangest, the better! :D
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@royalprinceroman @reesiereads @mudpuddlenl @allmycrushesaredead @aquatedia @whatishappeningrightnow  @effortiswhatmatters  @atlasistryingherbest @bella-in-a-bag  @doydoune @forever-third-wheeling @mishanthropist​ @payte​ @mcang3l  @geekyapollokid @hypnossanders​  @idontreallyknow24​  @imcrushedbyarainbowoffical​ @patton-cake​  @hereissananxiousmess​  @purplebronzeandblue​  @cynicalandsarcastic​  @empressserelene​  @dubstepbranch  @lost-in-thought-20​ @andtheyreonfire​ 
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thomasxsides · 2 years
As Sovereign of Thomceit, I've come to ask a very important question......... Janus why on earth aren't you looking after your son he has two dads right there???? Sir???? /hj
No but really, would y'all like to raise Jake?? How would you feel about having a kiddo??
"Who's Jake?"
"Well, I'm not sure we're looking to have kids yet and as much as I love kids, I haven't decided if I want any of my own someday or not. I really like being a godfather and uncle. I still think I want to start out with a dog first, but gosh, even that's a commitment I'm not sure on at the moment. I do think Janus would make a great dad. To a puppy or a human."
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pupplaylogan · 7 months
if you’d like, what are your headcanons on what each side is into? (+ Remy and Emile) :) /nf
i don't hc like normal people. i do not choose something & then keep it 4ever, i jump around A Lot. so i don't have like "this side is into X always!" hcs, i focus more on dynamics. instead of "this side always does this", its "how would this side/these sides react in this situation".
so short answer: they are into everything depending on the scenario or situation or au.
long answer: thats not ENTIRELY true always. for example, my headcanon for logan's role in a d/s relationship is always submissive. i literally cannot imagine him as anything else BUT that's bcuz it's based off of his character & actual arc in the story. dom logan squicks me out & i like Genuinely hate it so much (not judging any1 who likes dom logan ofc, its just not my cup of tea). same w/ always hcing roy///ality as not having a d/s relationship.
PLUS i do have kinks & fetishes that i tend to correlate with the sides. so i will do that instead & also i will only be referring 2 roy///ality & ana///lo///ceit bcuz thats all i talk about ever.
roman: um. i dont know actually. manhandling . tends to be more submissive, but within roy///ality, they do not have a d/s relationship. in my mind they are (usually) t4t & neither have bottom surgery & they don't like to use toys that penetrate.
janus: male lactation & cum eating, more specifically drinking logan's cum & milk. also nipple play (again. w/ logan's tits). usually dom/switch, can top or bottom depending on scene.
remus: i also don't know probably bondage & anything that involves hurting the other person (slapping, spanking, biting, knife play, etc). remus is everything 2 me & very versatile. switch & vers
patton: scent kink? idk what it's actually called, but I think he has a big thing for how roman smells esp after working out or fighting. tends to be more dominant, but again w/ roman, they do not have a d/s relationship. (& again again they don't like to use penetrating toys)
logan: omorashi + watersports, pet play, sounding (aka all my kinks. i project let me live), nipple play. a little pathetic submissive & usually bottoms, but can also top depending on scenario.
virgil: breeding (more specifically breeding logan) + exhib / voyuerism . all of the above whatever. light humiliation (he likes 2 make logan embarrassed) . soft but teasing dom, always tops
remy: remy is a little bratty sub 2 me. i can also see him as a mean ass dom. idk what the hell this guy likes. i think he has a very "ill try everything at least once" vibe.
emile: i don't think i've ever once talked abt this man on this acc actually so i have no idea. probably into (legal) age gaps w/ ppl younger than him (<- based off of an emile x logan fic i read)
c!thomas (not a side but i will include him): humilation & degration. a subtop/service top. a pathetic whiney loser of a man
I HOPE THIS IS. ENJOYABLE ANON IM SORRY I AM SO LAME. im prtty sure raincloud anon asked me 4 my sides body hcs & i didnt even know how 2 answer bcuz i just. i dont have hcs like that.
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t4t-apexeclipse · 2 years
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the-ultimate-nobody · 6 months
Ordem Paranormal x Sanders Sides that literally no one asked for
Let's get y'all up to speed. "Paranormal Order" (Or Ordem Paranormal) is a RPG tabletop game that has horror and puzzle-solving genre. Not much fighting but depends on the campaign. I won't info-dump here since that's not what I'm going through.
In OP, there are these things called elements/entities of the paranormal/whatever the occultist uses. And me, a categorizing nerd, I have placed each of the sides with one of the elements with explanations.
There are Five elements; Blood, Knowledge, Chaos, Death, and Fear.
Let's get the two obvious out of the way:
Patton: Blood
(*Dead stares at the camera*) This element is literally "Feelings". The blood that flows within the "Other Side". This entity is pleased by any intensity of feelings that it comes across... Come on, my guy, it makes sense. (As such as life, these things are like pokemon weakness/strength. Blood surpasses Knowledge)
Logan: Knowledge
(*continues dead stares at the camera*) "To know everything is to lose everything." A quote from the official book/wiki. Same with Patton, this doesn't really need an explanation. This entity is about discovering and learning about everything. Funny that; Knowledge overrides Chaos
And now the 2nd easiest
Remus: Chaos
(*Continues to dead stare*) Remus fits this entity to a T. It's unpredictability, the unfiltered energy that he gives off, and the unexplained nonsense he sometimes say out. Chaos is kinda built different, since it doesn't follow its own logic. Sometimes, Remus will help (in his own way) or sometimes he'll see how the shit goes out for his entertainment. Who knows. Only Remus does. Chaos shouts over Death
Our beloved Anxeity, Deceit, and pure, heroic Light Creativity... the three hardest I have to think about in terms of OP entities.
Virgil: Death
Don't let the word scare you. This Entity is about Time, mostly. It runs in the OP so everything in existence has a place to end. Every story has an ending and this entity is there to see. It. Through. The reason I put Virgil in Death is purely because the others don't show anything like it? Someone can research and try to connect the dots that my brain is trying to connect. Death in OP already has a black/gray color scheme. Death overpowers Blood
Roman: Death
Roman was originally put with Remus into Chaos, but the more I think about it, the more Death seems to fit him a bit more. Roman doesn't have the chaotic energy that either has. But, according to the wiki, Death entity revolves things around itself. Telling things that there's a limit and there's more things to do. Kinda reminds me of that one video, yeah? Death ignores Blood
Janus: Blood and/or Knowledge
You thought I would put Janus in Fear? Nah, Janus is a wild card, same with the other two above. In OP, you can switch elements but kinda have to stick with one. I'm stuck between the two entities for Janus, without making him into a monster. Blood, sure, emotions but it's where he kinda need it and Knowledge (Ignoring that Knowledge entity is known for being yellow) the vibe of it fits the darn snake. I'll let yall do your research if you've read this far. Janus is so hard to categorize without his literal reason of existence.
(c!)Thomas Sanders: Fear
Purely, because, Fear is the entity that powers all the other elements. Without it, the "Other Side" won't function. But no person can get Fear and continue being sane. For all I know, putting Fear in him would make him a monster so the protagonists of the campaign have a reason to gain victory.
Poor lil Sides, what happens if you have to kill Thomas yourselves? Hm? What a tasty idea...
(If anyone in the Ordem Paranormal fandom seein' this, uh, shut up)
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magic-spirit26 · 1 year
AU Suggestions
Hi everyone Arhi the hedgefox here so this will be new of the blog which are AU suggestions I haven’t said anything about this yet but now I amSo I’ll be taking AU suggestions for my ocs and I’ll list the resent ones below so you can suggest one for me to doMy ocs from the Sonic universe but they are hybridsJake the jaghog (Jaguar and Hedgehog)Danny and Xavier the bunndog twins (Dog and Bunny)Kelly the hedgehogGabe the HedgehogIan the hedgekidna (Hedgehog mix with one I can’t pronounce correctly but it’s a hybrid)Arhi the hedgefox (Fox and hedgehog)Zozo Lucifer (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Lucy (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Isa (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox child)Jack & Nick (Sonic.exe and Arhi the hedgefox children)Alex (Mix of 4 characters)Alice (Sil x A)Stacy (Sil x A)Raven (Son x A)Ace (Sha x A)Max (Sha x A)Linda MacyLily CollinMaxwell BlueMaxy  and Macey the hedgebunny (Hedgehog and bunny) Hodarr Zabus Taylor Kai Arhi the Dog Amber the bunny Alex the rabbit Dominic the Rabbit Jessica the Dog  James the Bunny  Max the wolfMikel the catAmanda the hedgehogAce the werehogJack the werehogMaddison the werehogMaddox the werehog Max the werehog Ian the werehog Mike the werehog Micale the werehog Jim the werehog Angel the werehog Zamen the werehog Josh the werehog Nick the werehog John the werehog Kim the werehog Jay the werehog Stacy the rabbit Miranda the dog Jaquinn the hedgehog Kayla the dog Oliver the dog Amilia the cat
Owen the hedgedog
Emma the hedgehog
Olive the rabbit
Angela the hedgedog
Pam the rabbit
Jason the wolf
Jonny the fox
Mason the rabbit
Grayson the cat
Ava the Dog
Conner the hedgehog
Lucas the Hedgehog
Jake the hedgehog
Aaron the hedgehog
Pat the hedgehog
Mat the dog
Jade the hedgehog
Kade the hedgehog
Jema the hedgehog
Kacey the cat
Jeremiah the hedgehog
Kenny the hedgehog
Ken the hedgehog
Melody the cat
Ortensia the hedgehog
Bob the hedgehog
Cole the hedgehog
Opal the hedgehog
Bobby the hedgehog
Chris the hedgehog
Janus the hedgehog
Jackson the hedgehog
Jacob the Hedgehog
McKayla the wolf
Eli the hedgehog
Jin the hedgedog
Layla the dog
June the Dog
Sam the dog
Rosey the rabbit
My exes and others: MS.exe Arhi.exe Danny.exe Xavier.exe Needlefox Isa needle Gorge Spirit Garry Spirit Len Spirit Jake Glitch King Glitch Alice Spirit Gabriela Spirit Ash Spirit Glitch Coby Grown Zosia Way Dallas Grown Maddox Way Marcus grown Mack Grown Ian Way Angela Way Gabe Grown Nick Way Sam way Owne Grown James Grown Jax Way Susan I. Speye and Linda I. Speye (Twins Identical) Karter Spirit Leo error Cristy Curse Cail Curse Ben Magic Kai Chaotic Malissa Chaotic Macey Chaotic Len Magic Nick Needle Nikky Magic Max Grown Sally Spirit Isaac Magic Samuel Spirit Angela Error Alice Needlefox Eil.exe
Backroom oc entities: Anti-gravity jack Ava Isaiah Ghost Sam Demon kitty Spider boi TV man Rainbowy Dreamcore ocs: Austin woodlock Tomas Woodlock (Resent character) tick tock tim/tom blind Emily rabbit Tarry Henry dream Kenny the robot cat Sana the robot rabbit Creepypasta ocs: Lexi Wolf Lost Exe Lost Alex Grey Elizabeth Morningstar
Cuphead OCS:
Cherry Mocha
Green tea
Chocolate mocha
Strawberry Calypso
Orange Jamaica
Black tea
Batim ocs:
MHA ocs:
Danganronpa ocs:
Leo Komaeda
Lucky Komaeda
Roy Komaeda
Lily Komaeda
Roy Hinata
Jim spirit
Jessica Hinata
Cassandra Kamukura
Katy Kamukura
Conner Spirit
Xavier Kamukura
Rosy and Cane
Vanessa Naegi
Sam Spirit
Samara Spirit
Isaac Komaeda
John Spirit
Cortney Naegi
Luna Naegi
Tim Spirit
Madoka Magica ocs:
Lily Jackquin
MVA ocs:
murder drones ocs:
Magic Spirit and Blare Spirit
Tai Kai
Macy Harkquinn
Casella Tarisa
Marcus June Keller John Keller Zen C. Akuma/Damien C. Akuma Zane B. Akuma Mr.Akuma Mrs.Akuma Leon Spirit Amilia Magic Azrail L. Zozo Thomas Quinn A lot more down the line  So here’s a list of all ocs Yes you can ask me to make your ocs into this as well or draw the actual character them selves Please have a good day/Night or afternoon
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Expected Rating: Mature
Warnings: Nothing is in place yet except for a significant age gap between adults in a relationship. There could be mentions of rape, violence, medical procedures, blood. But I’m not sure if I want it in yet.
Characters: Patton, Emile, Remus, Logan, Janus, Remy, C!Thomas, Roman, C!Joan(minor character)
Romantic Relationships: Patton x Emile, Logan x Janus (background), Remy x C!Thomas (background)
Summary: When Patton started work he thought it would be easy. Well… as easy as working in the medical field could be. Things get a little muddled when he finds himself falling for his doctor. Omegaverse and BDSMverse mixed world. Patton/Emile human au healthcare workers settings. Omegaverse and BDSMverse mixed world. Age gap.
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tolf-masterposts · 2 years
Thomas Sanders/ Sanders Sides/ Roleslaying With Roman Posts
Posts are sorted by category which are sorted oldest to newest
Games I Think the Sides Would Play // Autistic!Remus headcanons // Remus likes glitter // Remus got one of Roman’s plushies to drop kick it // Found family dynamic with Creativitwins and Karrot Kings // My favorite Sanders Sides headcanons // Remus has done the cartoon running through walls // 30 Random Remus Sanders headcanons // Found/Chosen Family C!Thomas & Creativitwins headcanons //
Remus isn’t Intrusive Thoughts // I <3 Sanders Sides // First Sanders Sides AU I ever saw //
The Ghost and the Reaper // As the World Caves In (Demus Angst one-shot) //
Best TSS AU // Sanders Sides Steven Universe AU // Darkside Afton Family AU //
Remus Sanders <3
Remus end card // Remus incorrect quote // Remus canonically cannot wear a bow tie correctly // Remus Sanders gives me vocal stims whenever he speaks // Remus definitely destroyed his air fryer // I want to toss Remus Sanders into a washing machine and watch him spin // Remu Sandy :) // Remus listens to Junie & TheHutFriends // I am a Remus Sanders defender // Was going to make an April Fools joke about being Anti-Remus Sanders // Remus would unironically listen to You’re Mine // Will Remus become real if I say his name three times? //
Remus and Janus are husbands // “Doc” Janus // All the sides fusing = Thomas // Roman should have a villain arc // Roman’s hat should be the Pikachu hat from CLBG // Sanders Sides x Hunger Games Sim // Happy April 13th // The sides are back after a long hiatus // Picani’s office details // Sanders Sides has got me in a chokehold // Fanders is Sanders but with an “f” // Full Sanders Sides Recap // The dudes are back!!! <3 // Patton has “canonically” committed vehicular manslaughter // Remus is the only side Janus is nice to // Forbidden Fruit detail I love // Sanders Sides logo font // Remus and Roman are Sodikken Hansel and Gretel coded // I want to make a Sanders Sides rp blog // If Karrot Kings ends up being tragic I’m suing //
Working on a Sanders Sides x FNaF AU // Remus Sanders and Suction Cup Man would be besties // Autism headcanons // Sanders Sides and FNaF reference in CRK // All Stay Strong: The Transcript Files //
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