#c/sponge the cat
monochroma-reviews Β· 1 year
TV REVIEWS I: Kip and Rory (BTVCkids/BTVCmini/BTVC)
If you had a certain upbringing, Kip and Rory were an instrumental part of your childhood, and in my eyes there can be no higher praise. If you didn't have that upbringing, I can only pity you.
For the uninitiated, Kip and Rory was a show about the titular brothers (at the beginning Kip was 4 and Rory 7), exploring the world and making discoveries. They were joined in this noble quest by their parents, their cousins Millie and Ben, and of course the best character, Sponge the cat.
What set it apart from other shows at the time was how fine-tuned it was to itsaudience; it expected them to be at the age of Kip, and as the audience got older the characters got older, with the show itself moving to a later timeslot on a more mature channel when Kip turned 8.The whole show itself was just insanely clever and well written, and ahead of its time if you're talking about stuff like queer rep and more mature themes (Rory's friend Martin, introduced in episode 2, talked about how great it was to have two dads. This was in 2009. How they got away with that I have no idea)
The show has just concluded its 14-year run last week with an incredibly emotional send-off (with Kip taking Rory's place at uni), and everyone I know was just bawling at the finale. It was just an all-round amazing show.
So, in general, Kip and Rory gets a 8.5/10, and my final words are the entirety of the theme which I can't post here because it's too long and y'all probably would have heard it anyway
0 notes
linnienin Β· 1 year
🍰 T h e ⁕ m o o n ⁕ a n d ⁕ I C 🍰 : how are you behind closed doors?
Disclaimer: Take what resonates. I'm not a professional astrologer, i just am an avid researcher and i use my personal experience when writing my posts (Also, pls, don't copy my work, i spend lot of time on it, thanks)
We all know the Sun and Ascendant play important roles in our chart, but they are often what people see at first and what we usually display to the public.
Once we get home or we meet someone that makes us feel at home, this is when another unexpected 'part' of us unleash, that part comes from our deepest place of our personality, we don't hide our emotions anymore, we feel completely free to express ourselves in our rawest form (can also be interpreted as 'getting in tune with our inner child')
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⁕ Aries moon/IC : The forever child, kinda like a Peter Pan, and hella CHAOTIC. If you think this person appeared as balanced, laid back and diplomatic, well, you were very wrong lol. You'll soon realize he/she is the most spontaneous of all. Behind closed doors they'll sing loudly, they'll laugh loudly, they'll throw things at you (be ready to catch them or they'll break for sure πŸ˜‚). Clumsy as hell, and they like it. Endless energy. Gets touchy in an aggressive mode (like when a child put their head violently against their mother's head, they don't mean to be violent, it's just the way they express love, it's bold and uncontrolled hehe) The type to workout at home and be LOUD about it (how many times did i write loud πŸ™ˆ), has noisy heavy footsteps. Can burn the food lol. Can also be prone to burn themselves accidentally. Constantly finding new distractions to turn their head to. "THAT THING IS MINE, DON'T TOUCH IT". The bed is their personal trampoline. At night, they change position at least 10 times before actually find a decent one to sleep in (they'll make the bed appear as a gym, be ready for the earthquake), heavy sleeper.
⁕ Taurus moon/IC: 'AHHHHH, finally my dear bed'. I see you tauruses, first thing you do once you get home is jumping on that comfy bed and hug your pillows (yeah, you still have your coat,scarf,hat,backpack,shoes on, why bother taking them off πŸ˜‚). Not picky when it comes to food, they love all dishes, just the act of eating gives them pleasure (they're here to ✨enjoy✨, that's also why you'll rarely see them cook πŸ˜‚). The living ghost (that maxi blanket looks good on you, but remember to wash it from time to time since you basically slide it on the floor wherever you go lol). The hugger, literally a safe and calm space for everyone, you'll see people comes to them when stressed just to feel their healing aura. Touchy, but in a sensual and calm way, like gentle little massages/strokes on shoulders, or waist (especially when the other person is cooking, to give them extra support and maybe get a taste of that sauce they're cookingπŸ‘€) Fall asleep FAST. Usually stays in bed until late morning even if they wake up earlier (spends that time fantasizing)
⁕ Gemini moon/IC: The multitasker. They can't stay still a second. Cooking while doing laundry, while listening to a podcast, while cleaning (superficially lol),while playing with their cats, while sending emails, while preparing for that exam, and oh...wait what is this smell? OH GOSH, THE OVEN! (of course of all things you forgot the food, sometimes you forget you are even human, you need those calories bbyπŸ˜‚). Has the messier room, but also the most interesting one. Have a difficult time with silence, it's uncomfy to them, that's why they are always listening to something (tv shows, podcasts, youtube videos, music) even if they don't really care about what's being said (that's also why they know everything about anything, they absorb these facts like a sponge). Changes hobbies at the speed of light. You see them throwing ceramics one week, the next they're playing the cello (they secretly can't stick to a single hobby because it becomes too boring). Have difficulty sleeping, their brain can't seem to shut down, so usually they can take hours before falling asleep (they find sound comforting and helpful so lots of them listen to ASMR before going to bed or even listen to the sound of breathing of the person next to them to calm themselves)
⁕ Cancer moon/IC: Home sweet home. There's nothing that feels better for these natives than a good relaxing day at home (or maybe an entire life between those walls πŸ‘€). They literally can feel the mood changing the moment they pass the line that separate the outside world from their inner bubble of the home. They love to take care of their environment, they don't feel the chores to be so exhausting because it feels like helping an old friend out, and they take pride in their home too (they won't let you in easily, you need to really conquer them and show them you respect and cherish other's surroundings). They make very good cooks, but not the type to be super detailed with the ingredients, they are more intuitive, a bit like old grandma style (probably learnt to cook from a female family figure too). Make traditionals meals, can make meals from recipes thet have been passed on by previous generations in the family (and they take pride in this too). Has probably a personalized cookbook they wrote by hand with cute doodles on it. Has a specialty for making excellent sweets (and love to eat them too hehe). Has a welcoming aura. Has the coziest room. Loves to make forts with bedsheets. TV series binger. Pretends life only exist between those 4 walls. Bawl their eyes out for no apparent reason at a random time (well, they accumulated the stress from outside so now that they feel safe they let go). Likes to be held when sleeping, and if there's no one beside them, they like to hold a plushie or to curl up in side fetus position πŸ˜‚
⁕ Leo moon/IC: The beef. Oh yeah, as soon as the door closes, they can't wait to spill tea on all the people that bothered them during the day (i see u πŸ‘€). The funny and spot on imitator. Gets very touchy and loving, until you don't give them attentions anymore 😾, then they'll put on a show, and if you're still apathetic, they might break something lol (don't get them to this stage pls ). Has lots of lights decor in their room, also lots of... mirrors πŸ‘€. 48393983902 hair products, their hair routine is absolutely a ritual, if you interrupt them they'll give you the death stare (but deep down they like being caught while taking care of their beautiful mane, cus they feel sexy with wet hair, or even when blowing them, feeling like a superstar). Don't you dare telling them the food they cooked wasn't good, they take pride in it and they try their best to provide for others. Also they care for their family and friends a lot, so never talk bad things about them or you'll hear the roar of the lion. Are the best entertainers, sometimes the show gets a bit too real and you don't know where the fine line lies anymore (that's how good they are, but are you good enough to handle them?). At night, they wanna be hugged from behind to feel the heat on their back (it helps them relax when trying to fall asleep)
⁕ Virgo moon/IC: Picky af. Especially with food. They don't let you enter their room unless they like you. Everything in their home is accurately chosen and has a function, no useless stuff (even if it seems 'useless' they might use it to relieve stress or whatever). Tidy room. Don't decorate much, they're into the clean look aesthetic, usually they don't have lots of things and they're put in strategical places so that it's easier for them to clean (and they clean the home quite often). The one that knows how to do anything PERFECTLY. They become masters at what they do. Cooking? They know all the secrets. Doing laundry? They have a baggage of knowledge no one else has. Oh, wanna have segss? I just got my PhD in sexology πŸ˜‚. Is into way too many hobbies, but unlike geminis they actually go deep into it until they have reached a level of satisfaction (honestly...they never reach it because it's never enough, so that's why they say they putted on hold that hobby and not that they got over it, while geminis are like well..who cares, it wasn't for me, next). Reflecting on that conversation they just had with a person 1 hour ago and re-write it to perfection in case they get to experience the same thing another time. Control freaks, i knoooow, but it's true cm'on, why would you get a panic attack when you're home? Your brain never leaves the outside world right? You overthink way too much, pls, it's okay to let go sometimes ok? Light sleeper, has difficulty falling asleep because of they're constantly ruminating.
⁕ Libra moon/IC: Lives in a castle... i'm kidding, they only wish they did lol (i mean maybe there's really someone out there that is a Libra and lives in a castle and they're reading this post laughing at me, sorry for the generalization). Loves when they have people do the things for them, it makes them feel appreciated and evalued (but also because they don't have to choose or they'll be the forever indecisive). They are the mediators in every family discussion because of their ability to remain calm while others easily fall into rage. Have a room with posters of their idols or fav celebs, is into photo collages of memorable moments. Everything in their room is somehow cohesive because of the ✨aesthetic✨. Sweets lover🧁. Randomly tries all the clothes in their closet just to see if they can make new outfit combos (and spend an entire day on it). Sips wine (or blackberry juice if they're not into alcohol, just because of the old money aesthetic) while watching rom-coms. Loves to try new foods, but don't exactly love to cook it, i mean, they try but... at some point they just lose focus, and when they see the immense chaos of mess they just did, they lose faith lol. Good listeners, probably not the best at giving advices tho (they usually don't even know what they'd have done in that situationπŸ˜‚).
⁕ Scorpio moon/IC: Collectors. You enter their room and thay have all type of weird stuff like miniatures and gadgets looking at you like... ok wow, it's a creepy good kinda feeling (i found they're into animal's skulls too). It's not rare to hear them talking to themselves, they're not crazy, it's their way to release stress lmao. Headphones on 24/7. Not available for your bullshit, they got stuff to do. "Don't disturb or i'll kill you" on the door. Plan a whole murder but archive it because in this world it's not worth making it. But they have a heart i swear, just for those they love, that's it. Likes playing with kitchen tools, to test all their abilities. Just in case. They plan all the best hiding spots. Just in case. Learning that new taekwondo move. Just in case. Yeah, they're a liitle paranoid πŸ˜‚. Can leave a bit of dust specifically so they see if someone touch their things. Likes boiling hot food and beverages. I swear, how can you even drink that tea and not burn your tongue, i'm impressed. Is the last one to fall asleep in the whole building, or family members, usually stay up until very late. Sleep few hours, i honestly don't know how they can even stand, they're for sure resilient. Don't like hugs, but gives them when they feel like it. They're like cats, 100%, you got a cat? Good, that is not a cat, it's a scorpio moon. (I love them tho hehe)
⁕ Sagittarius moon/IC: Clumsy af, but has great humour. Tell the best stories ( can add quite a lot of beef in them, but they don't make it sounds like they're saying bad things hehe ). Has the jungle room, i swear, they have all type of things dangling from walls and the ceiling, sometimes to the point of almost looking like a laser room lmfao (prepare yourself to train like Catwoman). The one that pushes others out of their comfort zone (and kinda use this excuse to escape outside with them too 'cause can't stay inside a building for too long πŸ˜‚). Probably lives somwhere in the countryside or dreams of living around nature, like in the mountains, in a forest, near a river etc... Constantly jump between rooms and hit themselves with some furniture, has constant bruises on them legs (their energy is too big to be contained between walls sigh). The big portions eater, they can eat all the leftovers from others and still not feeling heavy, i admire their digestive system lmfao (i could never). The funny face eater too, they're the living anime's characters. Binge watch survival shows. Wanna be free, so don't force them into stuff they're not interested in (they'd join by themselves if they want to). When don't know what to do, scroll endlessly their phone through meme pages. Send memes to EVERYONE , even when it's like... why did they send me that? Well, ok let's laugh (ya know, they don't have reasons, they are pretty simple people after all). The first one to try that weird stuff because you only live once so why not make it an adventure? Leaders, but need a counselor. Loud sleeper, can snore. Usually spread their limbs to the whole bed, and if you need to join them, well, good luck (you'll be sleeping on the couch sometimesπŸ˜‚)
⁕ Capricorn moon/IC: your pacific homie. They do the same things every time they come home (like a programmed robot lol). Routine lovers. They need a predictable environment because their energy gets sucked by the chaos of the outside world. They aren't into decorating much, but they do have a passion for artistic hobbies, some of them can paint or play an instrument/sing, they have their tools for that hobby and that's it, the rest is quite minimal and practical. Can wear the same outfit on repeat too, it's like they don't care, or they have better things to care about (Mark Zuckerberg kinda vibe with the same tee over and over again). Loves traditional meals, meals they always ate since they were a child, not so open to try new food. Have a...peculiar relationship with the family (particularly their mother). I have noticed they usually don't talk much when having lunch/dinner at the table, they don't express much, and don't make eye contact to avoid people making questions. Quite reserved, need a lot of alone time to recharge. However, there's a need for them to have someone by their side to share those things too, they're absolutely afraid to end up alone, it's their worst fear, so even if they don't open up much, they want someone that understands them with just a look (however, communication is key guys, sometimes you succumb to the other person, especially if they have a strong personality, to just avoid conflict, and this is to your own detriment, you deserve better!). People say that this placement don't like physical touch, however, i'll say they veery rarely initiate the contact, but deep down the like it when others take initiative and show affection to them, it makes their heart warm even if they might not show it (but i can still see that subtle change in the expression πŸ‘€). The stable sleeper, they sleep in a position and that's it.
⁕ Aquarius moon/IC: Step into home=step into my fantastic spaceship and leave earth for a while bye. The crazy calm gal. Constantly crunching their bones (why tho). Tries to walk on walls just to see if they can bend gravity. Wanna try to glue their shoes with the Pattex and attach themselves to the ceiling like the guy in the advertising(Can be content even with swinging from the chandelier). Throw random parties and invites everyone (even strangers lol). Likes when people stay over to sleep, just to see them all in their worst condition (usually drunk)πŸ˜‚. Have the tech room, and when they enter it, they turn off their lights, turn on their displays and pick up their hood, and voilΓ , they're in a Mr.Robot mood (can be good hackers for real tho). Don't know how to show emotions so they instead react with a weird funny expression that could mean everything and nothing at the same time. Yeah, they can be confusing as hell (is this part of their plan? I dunno). Record a video of themselves everyday talking about their experience on this earth, just in case someday someone (maybe an alien) finds these recording and place them in the Interspatial Galactic Museum. Thanks for your contribuition. Can sleep with eyes open. I'm kidding hehe, they actually can sleep well, because they know they did their job that day, so rest in peace (and you'll never know when the world will end, might be today, so gotta enjoy the sleeping hours). (but honestly, there's some truth behind the sleeping with eyes open, because of all the screen time on their devices, the melatonin production is at 0 basically lmao, turn on the night filter when looking at your devices!)
⁕ Pisces moon/IC: Walks in, continue walking, get to their room, get on the bed. Wakes up. Moment of realization: ohh, i didn't know i just got home, i was in my head thinking, but good thing that now i can relax. Proceed to search for food ready to be eaten (without too much cooking involved). Free to daydream with 0 consequences (hmm...maybe you should organize your time better cause that exam won't pass by itself). A literal softie, their room is full of plushies and pillows where they can drown in. Always lose track of time. Has a messy but cozy room (very bad at tidying their things). Leave 3789132789 clothes piled on the bed lol. Lost in their thoughts. Intuitive eating (can binge eat tho if not careful). Can burn the food because they just forget they even put it on the first place. The master procrastinator. Has a calm vibe , and won't disturb anyone (you probably won't even notice them). Have artistic hobbies, but can't focus on them for too long because they get easily distracted. Can lose the entire day to watching videos or social media, and even if they're aware, they still continue doing it. Are into spiritual stuff, probably got 17932701 cristals and a personalized altar for them too, with others meaningful pieces and some candles. They're always in the bathroom, even when they shouldn't be there, it's just their favourite place. Can take veeery long showers, if you live with them, be ready to wait A LOT before they actually get out (or just sneak inπŸ˜‚privacy who?). Loooove to sleep. That calming time at night when everything shuts down is the best feeling in the entire world to them. They can't wait to go to bed honestly, they even get excited. Afternoon naps are also a thing for them. Like to sleep on their stomach.
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A n d ⁕ y o u ⁕ h a v e ⁕ r e a c h e d ⁕ t h e ⁕ e n d !
I hope you enjoyed this post,
and i wish you all a great day! 🍰
⁕ L i n n i e ⁕
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hellsitegenetics Β· 4 months
I was inspired by the dolphin post to spread my anti-jellyfish agenda.
Y’know what the most confusing animal species is? JELLYFISH. They have no brains, no lungs, really no blood either and yet somehow they’re still alive?? Wtf. Not even sponges make this little sense. I want to pick their brains apart BUT THEY DON’T HAVE ANY. I don’t even know how they hold themselves together there’s nothing to mold its cells around because THEY ALSO DON’T HAVE BONES how do they do it
I am continuously confused by these creatures that should not be alive and yet have survived for millions of years
String identified:
a t t t a at- aga.
’ at t t cg aa c ? . T a a, g, a t a t t’ t a?? t. t g a t tt . at t c t a aat T T ’T A A. ’t t t tgt t’ tg t t c a ca T A ’T A t t
a ct c t cat tat t a a t a a
Closest match: Luffia ferchaultella genome assembly, chromosome: 5 Common name: Virgin smoke
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bubblegum-gf Β· 2 months
RTuler of Everything
Or RT's Minecraft series but it's Ruler of Everything by tally hall
See fluffy's post here that inspired this
Lyrics under cut
RT was glad. He’d crafted a map, So he parted the sea with a sponge Parted the sea with a sponge Sponges he stole from a sea monument
On the mountain is a tower And a creeper encounter Every hour digging under the ground Heading deeper in dark til a treasure is found
You realize the cavernous mines Are the ruler of everything Ruler of everything I’m the ruler of everything in the end
Write a sign, even three, I got an English degree We are the pioner, and spell so accurately Do you like the fruit snacks? Do you like minecart tracks? Do you yearn for the caves? They call you into their trap I have a wonderful chat, I drew a circular graph They’re criticizing me for being geometric (here for the laugh you insert rt laughing at chat's circle memes)
You search through the sculk until your viewership falls If the Warden ignored us I’d be standing so tall You spoke in circles over circles taunting secrets and thrills Fine, I admit I was wrong! Circle in for the kill
I see you and all of your nonsensical plans You know you’re making me cry, the Deeper Dark is a sham! I believed in a lie, a hypothetical dream The long awaited ancient city under ice covered peaks Oh, no, no, oh yeah >:)c
Do you hear the chittering chattering chatty chatters? With an β€œOh my god we gotta get outta here or we’ll have another Goat from hell, another story to tell Another village, stealing the bell” Did you feel your heart stop when you reached the End? No, you know the game is neverending, comprehend if you can But there is more you have yet to understand You have played the game well, for such an average man So go into the mines
Do you hear the chittering chattering chatty chatters? With an β€œOh my god we gotta go over here and we’ll have another Shrieker yell, another story to tell Another hole drops down into hell” Do you hear the beat drop in your last defense? No, you know the Warden’s ever-present, yet he’ll stop and he’ll dance And when you finally rise, you understand You have played the game well, and so the universe said That here you are alive
You realize the cavernous mines Are the ruler of everything Ruler of everything I’m the ruler of everything in the end
Adventure’s been had, listening to cat Like a bumbling bee I will fly Turning my face to the sky Oh, no, no, oh yeah
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princessprettyprivilege Β· 11 months
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It is nearing autumn, the season of free pumpkin spice lattes (b/c I’m obsessed with them) and the beginning of β€œBoys Falling For Me Fall”!
Ready to jump in the leaf pile??
Ensuring You’re Taken Seriously
Make eye contact. Nothing’s more of a fantasy killer than avoiding eye contact! Scanning the room won’t make you look creepy, and no one will think that either.
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You want your hot face to be seen, right? Looking down or away makes you seem like a target.
Put your phone away! Imagine your phone as a safety blanket and how it makes you look like you suck your thumb. Not looking at your phone won’t kill you.
Slow down if you’re a fast walker. Unless you’re being chased by an axe murderer or in the middle of a safari, slow it down a few notches.
SMILE. If you have an RBF, upturn the curves of your lips and raise your eyebrows. A grimace makes it difficult to imagine you smiling.
Anxious? Think of something that will make you smirk, have a smug look, or smile.
Getting Your Face Card Approved
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⚠️ALWAYS LOOK LIKE YOU GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOURSELF!!!⚠️ This needs to be a separate post! This is the most important apart from attitude!!!
If potential always stays potential, you aren’t doing something right! This is not for the weak minded.
Makeup isn’t optional because it maximizes the beauty and possibilities of your face! Whoever said makeup is for ugly and shallow people is lying!
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Why should you care about makeup?
Just being cute and put together can be the difference between having the best day of your life, or worst.
It can be the difference between having your opinion acknowledged or not.
It can be the difference between life and death.
Additionally, differences between:
🍁 Receiving optimal medical care
πŸŽƒ Better treatment
🍁 Struggling or striving in life
πŸŽƒ Skipping lines
🍁 Higher wages
πŸŽƒ Discounts
Keep in mind, you don’t get something for nothing.
If you can afford it, PLEASE have your makeup professionally done. Attend makeup classes and unveilings!
Go more dramatic than usual if you think your makeup is blah! I used to just wear eyeshadow on my lid until a mua included my entire eye.
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I didn’t recognize myself! Along with lashes and extra eyeliner, instant hotness!
Prepare your base to the best of your ability.
Take care of the skin below! To hydrate the best I can, I use Liquid IV or add a dash of lemon juice to my water. Add in sunscreen, moisturizer, exfoliation and face masks, you have a strong headstart!
Get your blood pumping! As a person who usually has the energy of a loafing cat (and anemic, ha), intensity exercises and cold facial rolling has me energized.
Work in your skincare and be purposeful with it. Don’t buy just anything for the pretty packaging.
I use the back of my hand to warm up products, even if I keep them in my skincare fridge since our skin doesn’t instantly absorb ingredients like a sponge. Slapping on products will melt your makeup by midday!
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Umm but Princess Pretty, how do I really make sure my face card doesn’t decline?! I’ve tried all of this!!
The foundation you set is the most important!!
Your confidence, attitude, time management, prioritization and willingness to improve gives you the strongest chance.
Pretty privilege and face cards require growth mindsets. When you put yourself down and stop improving, you regress.
πŸ’– Maximize the pretty! πŸ’–
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teacupsandcyanide Β· 1 year
red dwarf episode idea
Lister and Rimmer have a slightly pettier than normal fight and in a fit of pique Rimmer declares he's moving out of their shared room and into a completely different identical bunkroom two decks above on A-deck. Lister begs him to reconsider and stay in their room, if only for Kryten's sake. Rimmer refuses and makes a huge scene out of packing up all his vintage Io-made fascist dictator collectible cards.
Kryten takes the news ... badly. Lister tries to reassure him that he and Rimmer still both want him to do their housework and nothing's going to change. After wailing profusely for three hours Kryten storms out of the room saying that it's all their fault and if they'd just gone to bunkmate counselling with the medi-bots months ago then he wouldn't be a droid from a broken home.
Kryten goes back and forth between Lister's bunkroom and Rimmer's bunkroom and struggles to keep up with his chores due to the fact that it takes three hours in one of the lifts to get from A-deck to C-deck. Lister's socks start inventing the wheel and Lister writes an angry note to Rimmer saying that he's monopolising all of Kryten's time. Rimmer phones him and tells him he's an ugly goit and also if Kryten had been back on A-deck by 6:30pm on the dot as Rimmer mandated, then Rimmer wouldn't have to monopolise his time. Lister tells him they're on a ship in deep space and 6:30pm on the dot doesn't exist, and anyway what do you need Kryten around for when you don't even have laundry, you dead prick?
At which point Rimmer loses his temper because Lister KNOWS that's a sore spot for him, and it's incredibly lifeist of him to say that, see if he ever sees Kryten again because Rimmer's going to ask Kryten to live on A-deck with him. Lister dares him to try it, just smegging try it, Kryten'll never want to stay with him, Kryten's always liked Lister better. Rimmer accuses him of spoiling Kryten rotten with dirty dishes and ironing, always being the "fun" one, while everything responsible always falls to Rimmer, Rimmer had to teach him to drive, Rimmer had to give him a proper cultural upbringing with a healthy appreciation for organ music and 19th century telegraph poles.
Things spiral from there and Kryten overhears Rimmer threatening to take Lister back to the Justice station for full custody. He packs a little rucksack with his two favourite sponges and ties it on the end of his favourite mop and runs away. On the way to the lifts he's intercepted by the Cat, who is completely disinterested in the fact that Kryten is sobbing hysterically. Kryten tells the Cat to tell Lister and Rimmer that he's going to the ancient back-quarters on E-deck, and he's going to carve out a new life there on his own without their toxicity.
It takes the Cat two weeks to remember to tell Lister that Kryten ran away. Lister had assumed that Kryten was with Rimmer, and he immediately phones up Rimmer to ask him why the smeg he didn't tell Lister that Kryten wasn't with him. He catches Rimmer in the middle of crying, not in a sad noble way, in a very ugly, glugging noises, hunched over his un-made bed in his holo-boxers kind of way. He perks up when Lister explains that Kryten has run away, and insists that obviously he already knew that, he'd known it for days, he definitely hadn't been just sitting there in his own filth regretting every decision he'd ever made, no siree. And, you know, just by the way, not that it’s really relevant, but Rimmer’s been doing so well on his own that he’s taken up a new form of Venusian exercise that may, to the uneducated eye, happen to look like ugly crying hunched over his un-made bed. Lister suggests that they get Kryten back and share a room again. Rimmer deigns to agree, very quickly.
The three of them head to E-deck to retrieve Kryten as quickly as possible, using Lister’s rebuilt motorbike to save time. (Rimmer assumes he’ll drive, Lister will sit behind him, and the Cat will be in the sidecar. Needless to say Lister drives, the Cat is behind him, and Rimmer ends up in the side-car.) Luckily they meet Kryten on the way, seeing as it usually takes two and a half weeks to get to that part of E-deck on foot.
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the-indie-owl Β· 8 months
SpongeBob SquarePants Shipping Chart (FEEL FREE TO USE)
MAJOR UPDATE (10/14/2023): Added More Characters from the Musical
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For the record, I've decided to create my own official blank shipping chart of one of my Fandoms for the very first time (since there isn't much SB Shipping Charts all over online so I created my own).
I've created Two Versions in case for Half of the Fandom's POV on the Two King Neptune characters (rather if you believe they are the same Character or Not).
Here are the Two Links for Full Versions in case to use for the Better Quality.
In case if you are confused of what each of the Ship Terms for what each of the Color represents...
❀️ = OTP (A Ship that You Love so Much and it is your own Main Favorite One out of all of the Other Ships) 🧑 = Platonic (A Ship that you prefer to be more than just Personal Friends rather than a Couple) πŸ’– = Crack (A Kind of Ship that is meant to be either Bizarre or Funny as in a Joke) 🩷= Love (A Ship that you also Adore but not that much of a Main Favorite) πŸ’›= Like (A Ship that you do Enjoy but rather in a More "Causal" way to say the least) πŸ’š= Neutral (A Ship that you have Mixed Feelings or Indifferent with) 🩡= Ok (A Ship that you're completely Fine with, but don't have any strong feelings towards it) πŸ’œ= Meh (A Ship that you just don't completely care nor pay any attention to) πŸ’™= Dislike (A Ship that you just don't agree with or just not a personal fan of, if you don't have any too much Hate of it) πŸ’™= Hate (A Ship that you just CAN'TΒ STANDΒ no matter how much that you despise) πŸ–€= Crash and Burn (A NOTOP that you Hate so much and is your own Main DEPISE One out of all the Other Ships)
Bonus Option: πŸ’—= Ship with OC (A Character that you personally prefer to ship with Any of Your Own Persona/Mutuals' OC) πŸ’š= Ship in Crossover (An X-Over Ship that you prefer to ship with Any Canon Character in the Franchise with a Different Character from Another Media) 🟀= Stay Single (A Character that you don't have enough ships and would just leave the Character to be Single without being shipped with anyone)
Characters in the Chart:
(Main Show)
SpongeBob SquarePants
Patrick Star
Gary The Snail
Sheldon J. Plankton
Squidward Tentacles
Sandy Cheeks
Mr. Krabs
Pearl Krabs
Mrs. Puff
Mermaid Man
Barnacle Boy
Larry The Lobster
The Flying Dutchman
Man Ray
Dirty Bubble
King Neptune
Queen Amphitrite
Prince Triton
Barry Blobfish
Slappy Laszlo
Squidina Star
Chip Plankton
Squilliam Fancyson
Patchy The Pirate
Kenny The Cat
Perch Perkins
Bubble Bass
Old Man Jenkins
Kevin C. Cucumber
Flats The Flounder
Lady Upturn
Stanley SquarePants
Sam Star
Flapjack SquarePants
Bubble Buddy
Rube Goldfish
Gale Doppler
Charlton Hawkfish
Boat Salesman Shark
Hieronymus Glove
Karen 2.0.
Nurse Bazooka
Lord Poltergeist
Don Grouper
Sticky Fins Whiting
Dorsal Dan
Nancy Suzy Fish
Nazz Mimi
Tina Fran
Henry Bart
Vera Fishbowl
Medley Fishbowl
Jennifer Millie
Frank The Goldfish
Jimmy Gus
Don The Whale
Harold (Red Fish)
Harold "Bill" Reginald
Abigail Marge
Patty Rechid
Norma Rechid
Martha Smith
Billy Lime
Frank (Lifeguard Guy)
Old Man Walker
Miss Shell
Norma Edna
Frankie Billy
Purple Doctorfish
-1st Movie, "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie"
Princess Mindy
- 2nd Movie, "Sponge Out of Water"
Burger Beard
-3rd Movie, "Sponge On The Run"
King Poseidon
Queen SalaciaΒ (For those who don't know, in Roman Legends, Salacia was the Goddess of the Sea as well as the Actual Wife of Neptune (her Counterpart was Amphitrite, a Greek Goddess who was Poseidon's Wife). However, considering that the Franchise has secretly done an Alternate "Wife Swap" idea between the Consorts of the Greek/Roman Sea Gods,Β Salacia did appear in a Cameo of the Third Movie, regarding if it could be truly her or not. There was also a Semi-Design of Her through Concept Arts behind the Third Movie that I did found through ArtStation by 3D Developer (Michael Defeo). For those who are curious to know about the concept design behind King Poseidon's Wife in SB,Β here's the link that you can click on.)
Tiffany Haddock
-Kamp Koral
Narlene Narwhal
Nobby Narwhal
Preda Tory
Jimmy Blobfish
-The Patrick Star Show
Mrs. Mayor
Merlina Mermaid
Entity Punkfish
Fred Blutang
The Eletric Skates
(Other Media)
- GamesΒ 
Prawn ("Battle for Bikini Bottom")
Madame Kassandra ("The Cosmic Shake")
- Books
Princess Neptuna ("SpongeBob and the Princess")
Feel free to use if you like to use any version you want, either if you'd want to credit me or link my own charts in the descriptions/texts.
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astrolotte Β· 2 years
Seeing as I just made a post about how people should make more non-'ling OCs, I figured it might be a good idea to make a list of all the various species included so far in Splatoon!
All species with only a few members are listed with those examples next to them, including where they're from. This is so it's easier to look them up and find examples of the species on Inkipedia, so you can get a guide faster :p
italics = in-game/3D model
bold = especially humanoid
Band and Shop
Sea Anemone (Annie [Cooler Heads], Harmony [Hotlantis, Chirpy Chips], Mayaya [Ink Theory]) Crab (Shikaku [Chirpy Chips]) Double Lined Fusilier (Taka [Hightide Era]) Herring (Nishida [Hightide Era]) Stonefish (Kuze [Hightide Era]) Sea Urchin (Murasaki [Squid Squad], Aachin [Ink Theory], Kitamura [Ink Theory], Spyke, Murch) Betta Fish (Fin Bottom [Bottom Feeders]) Seaweed (Tangle Bottom [Bottom Feeders]) Yesso Scallop (Murata Bottom [Bottom Feeders]) Shark (Fuka Bottom [Bottom Feeders], Master Mega [Shiver's shark]) Globefish (Blow Bottom [Bottom Feeders]) Cutthroat Eel (Tsumabushi [Wet Floor]) Candy Crab (Kazami [Wed Floor]) Nautilus (Karen [Ink Theory], Gnarly Eddy [Naut Couture]) Scaly-Foot Gastropod (Karla [SashiMori]) Koi Carp (Ryu-Chang [SashiMori]) Largehead Hairtail (Taichi Sawaberu [SashiMori]) Cuttlefish (Cuttlefish Idols) Bivalve (Unknown Front Roe Member) Horseshoe Crab (Sheldon [Ammo Knights], Ammoses Shellendorf) Japanese Tiger Prawn (Crusty Sean [Shrimp Kicks]) Sea Slug (Flow [Headspace]) Spider Crab (Bisk [Shella Fresh]) Goldfish (Staff/Marigold) Coconut Crab (Mr. Coco [Crush Station])
Deep Sea Metro
Sea Angel Ping-Pong Tree Sponge Deep-Sea Jellyfish Predatory Tunicate Gulper Eel Flashlight Fish Birdbeak Dogfish Siphonophore Blobfish
Main Creatures
Inkling Jellyfish Manta Ray Octarian -Octoling -Octotrooper -Twintacle Octotrooper -Octoball/Octodisco -Octo[sniper/commander] -Octostamp -Tentakook -Octohurler -Octoballer -Octocopter -Octobomber -Octomissile -Octozeppelin -Octopod -Octorpedo -Octostomp -Octonozzle -Octowhirl -Octomaw -Octo Oven -Octo Samurai -Octo Shower -Tentacle Salmonid -Chum -Smallfry -Cohock -Snatcher -Steelhead -Flyfish -Steel Eel -Maws -Stinger -Drizzler -Scrapper -Fish Stick -Flipper Flopper -Big Shot -Slammin' Lid -Chinook -Griller -Goldie -Mothership -Mudmouth -Cohozuna
Other Creatures
Clownfish (hover around anemones - Moe [Cooler Heads], Harmony's Clownfish [Hotlantis, Chirpy Chips]) Emporer Shrimp (similar to clownfish but with different species - Craymond [Headspace])(Great) Zapfish (energy resource) Cat (only Judd and Lil Judd) Bear (only Mr. Grizz) Bird (various) Butterfly Nudibranch Turtles (mentioned) Eel (Frye's eels) Human (extinct) Dog (extinct)
Sunken Scrolls
(my apologies, but this part will look different. The above was made in my notes app and copy pasted, while this is added in edit)
Airborne Microbes (Sunken Scroll 14, Splatoon 2)
Clams (Clam mochi mentioned in Sunken Scroll 1, Splatoon 3. Also the dead clam graffiti)
Fiddler Crab (Glen Fiddler, Sunken Scroll 6, Splatoon 3)
Plankton (mentioned in Sunken Scroll 12, Splatoon 3)
Pond Snail (okay technically I should've included it in the Band and Shops section, but I can't edit it now. Nails, Naut Couture/Sunken Scroll 13, Splatoon 3)
Once we finally get information about the members of C-Side, Damp Socks, etc., I'll be sure to update this properly. Until then.
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tblsomedoodles Β· 2 years
Is there any specific way Leon would cope with Dee being gone apart from the tunnel thing? Like say they had the bandanas and stuff when Dee goes maybe he looses it during the thing with Hob and Leo keeps it
Unfortunately, i don't think they had their bandannas yet so he didn't really have anything like that to loose. I think the only thing left behind in that tunnel at the time was the large sponge he kept tied to his back.
I think when it first happens, Blue is pretty quiet. He's not entirely sure what happened. He knows he was racing his twin through the sewers and they ran into a big cat monster. That it called them lunch and they ran. he heard Purple scream and he turns to find he got caught. That he stopped, b/c he was scared and didn't want to leave without his twin. But the cat monster didn't stop. it was still coming for Blue, who by then, wouldn't be able to get away fast enough even if he tried. He noticed Purple looked terrified even as he started to glow, well, purple. Then a ring of purple light appeared between him and the cat monster (between him and Purple) and when it disappeared, they were gone.
Blue doesn't understand that it was a portal, that his twin was so scared of Hob getting him too that he accidentally opened one with the thought of sending them anywhere else. He just knows his brother was there one second, and now he's not.
He tells it all to Splinter when he's found, but in the terrified ramblings of a four year old who didn't understand what he was seeing. Splinter interprets it as the cat mutant killed Purple (and that Blue may or may not have seen it.) And that's how he explains it to the boys. That Purple is gone. He died. He can't come back.
I don't think Blue was fully convinced Purple was dead, but then again, he didn't know what else it could be. Splinter knows everything. He had to be right.
ANyways, brief detour aside, Blue is very quiet after Purple disappears. (i have a semi-headcannon that the twins both go non-verbal when something like this happens. idk why. Just do. so Blue's probably not talking a lot, if at all, in the following months.) He was pretty traumatized by the whole ordeal and Splinter doesn't really know how to handle that, so he doesn't. Instead Red and Orange try to help. Red comforts him when the nightmares wake him up and holds him tight as he cries. Orange makes sure he gets as many hugs as he can stand, and tries to make him feel better by giving him thing like pictures or offering him the first slice of pizza. it helps but it's still no Purple coming back.
...i got derailed again. OK. Actual answer now!
Leon coping with Dee being gone!
I think, part of how he copes with Dee being gone is doing the mechanical work around the lair (at least later on.) Like maybe Purple's been gone a year or when they find a tech book of some sort, something Leon would know Purple would have liked. So he reads it and even though it's not exactly his thing, it reminds him of his twin so he learns about the tech stuff and starts working on things around the lair. He knows that if Purple were there, he'd be doing all these things like taking apart the toaster or just keeping their heater running, so it feels nice doing them in his stead.
thank you!
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11facepainter Β· 1 year
Face Painting: The Perfect Kid's Entertainment for Memorable Events:-
When it comes to entertaining children at events, face painting has become a timeless favorite. It adds an element of magic and excitement, allowing kids to transform into their favorite characters, creatures, or designs. As a professional face painter, you have the power to captivate young imaginations, create unforgettable experiences, and bring smiles to children's faces. In this article, we will explore the reasons why face painting is the perfect entertainment option for kids, how it sparks creativity and self-expression, and the various themes and designs that can make your face painting services truly extraordinary.
a) Sparking Creativity and Imagination:-
Face painting provides a canvas for children to unleash their creativity and imagination. As they browse through design options or share their ideas with you, their excitement builds. They can transform into superheroes, princesses, animals, or anything they desire. By encouraging them to express their preferences and preferences, you allow them to explore their individuality and develop their imagination. With each stroke of the brush, you bring their visions to life, helping them believe in the power of their dreams and fostering a sense of wonder.
b) Themes and Designs:-
As a face painter, you have a vast array of themes and designs to offer, allowing children to select their desired look. Consider the following popular themes:
Superheroes: Bring the likes of Spider-Man, Batman, or Wonder Woman to life, empowering kids to become their beloved heroes.
Princesses and Fairies: Transform little girls into princesses with glittering tiaras, shimmering gowns, and delicate fairy wings.
Animals: Paint faces with animal designs, such as tigers, butterflies, dolphins, or cats, letting children channel their favorite creatures.
Fantasy: Unleash the magic of unicorns, dragons, and mermaids, taking kids on a journey to mystical realms.
Sports: Cater to sports enthusiasts by painting faces with their favourite team logos, sports equipment, or athlete-inspired designs.
c) Safety and Hygiene:-
As a professional face painter, prioritizing safety and hygiene is crucial. Use high-quality, hypoallergenic face paints that are approved for use on the skin. Ensure that your brushes, sponges, and other tools are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized between each child. Communicate with parents about any allergies or skin sensitivities their child may have and avoid using paints containing harmful chemicals or irritants. Taking these precautions not only guarantees the well-being of the children but also helps build trust and maintain a stellar reputation for your face painting services.
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hellsitegenetics Β· 4 months
vertebrates are nothing. this planet is dominated by water which is filled with plankton, algae, countless swarms of critters with a few miserable fish. the reefs are built of cnidarians, sponges, algae; crustaceans and gastropods outnumber chordates a zillion to one. even on land, beetles, flies, hymenopterans reign among the life visible to the naked eye; dwarfing them are the plants, and the fungi, and the microbes which live on and in everything. you will never get a vertebrate in a million years.
unless you're fucking Margaret Thatcher apparently.
I would love a geometrid moth, but I'll take anything without *shudders* bones
String identified:
tat a tg. t at at at c t at, aga, ct a ctt t a a . t a t caa, g, aga; ctaca a gat t cat a t . a, t, , ta g ag t t t a ; ag t a t at, a t g, a t c c a tg. gt a tat a a.
' cg agat Tatc aat.
a gt t, t ' ta atg tt **
Closest match: Poecilus cupreus genome assembly, chromosome: 5 Common name: Carabid beetle
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majorxmaggiexboy Β· 2 years
The Terror characters as sound effects:
Crozier: gloomy yet frazzled hurdy-gurdy half filled with gravel and booze
Franklin: dial-up tone mixed with clown honks
Jopson: that little trilly mrrp cats do when they headbonk
Dr. MacDonald: gentle piano that stops abruptly
Irving: faint indistinct preaching overlayed with a sponge being wrung out
Silna: fire crackling
Stanley: fall out boy's light em up played on a xylophone where some of the keys are teeth
Goodsir: bagpipes but the bag is a squeaky toy
Fitzjames: purposeful high heels and the shng of a sword being drawn, with seagulls overhead.
Blanky: an audio mashup of we will rock you and boss ass bitch where the beats are made by punching a wall
Morfin: slinky with a bowling ball tied to it being flung down the stairs
Collins: the mom from pride and prejudice sobbing hysterically
Bridgens: pages turning, coffee burbling, canon in C on a rickety piano
Gibson: creaky springs
Hickey: pieces of styrofoam scraping against each other
Magnus: that sound Luigi makes when he sees a ghost
Little: that wan wwwan waAaAah noise and a gold chain going shhhhk
Hodgeson: bag of jelly thrown against a wall
Peglar: canon in C played by crying babies
Gore: Grizzly bear noises and a loud OOF
Tuunbaq: stitch laughing maniacally
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sabakos Β· 2 years
Since I still have the wikipedia page open, here's the nine largest animal phyla ranked from worst to best.
9. Arthropoda. Is anyone really surprised to see this here? The only nice thing anyone ever has to say about bugs is that our ecosystem depends on them, which is true for everything else on this list. Some will object that arthropoda contains more than just bugs, but I contend that instead everything else in the clade should also just be considered a bug, because they bug me. The best arthropods are the ones that eat smaller, more annoying arthropods. Like spiders, which eat insects, or crabs, which eat British monarchs. The really chill arthropods like trilobites are all long dead and nothing we've got today can ever live up to it. They were supposed to be the vessel for the perfect ontology but it all went wrong somewhere and no one is quite sure why.
8. Platyhelminthes. Flatworms. I don't have much of an opinion on them, but the fact that their name doesn't follow the usual phyla naming conventions implies something I don't like. They don't have an inside so there's no place for a soul to go. I'm already bored of them.
7. Porifera. Sponges. At some point a line had to be drawn and the philosophical question of what exactly *is* an animal had to be suppressed, and the line was drawn here. No matter how many pictures of sponges I see, I will always picture a kitchen sponge. I don't really think these should count as animals, but I also don't hate them, I can tolerate their existence. I feel about them the way my homophobic uncle who insists he's not homophobic feels about me: willing to be in the same room, but merely accepting his fate, not comfortable.
6. Nematoda. Roundworms. I always hated the episode of Spongebob Squarepants where they ate his house, but I've since learned that they are actually pretty important. I'm not really sure what they're important for, but the biologists I wasn't paying attention to seemed really excited about something. Also these are the main reason you need to take you cat to the vet other than to make your cat unable to make more cats. Which is a fitting but not too cruel or exacting revenge for everything else my cats put me through. I guess they get a C+.
5. Annelida. Segmented worms. Animal biology should be called wormology because animal biologists all love worms for some reason. If I was going to have to talk about something unrelated while pretending to talk about another kind of worms after this, I was probably going to give up on this post. Fortunately, we've already gotten to the best ones. Segmented worms are all of my friends that I used to dig up as a small child and play with because the other children didn't want to be friends with me for some reason. In high school, we learned how to do dissections in stamp collecting class using an earthworm and it was a very emotional experience for me.
4. Echinodermata. Common name? Nah. These are basically just all of the squishy mouth-anus toroids that live in the ocean and never figured out how to grow a backbone. They aren't very intelligent, but they're doing their own thing with symmetry and I respect that. A lot of scientists cut their arms off because the arms grow back and the scientists wanted to figure out how to make humans grow their arms back after they cut them off. That particular line of research appears not to have panned out. It looks funny when a sea cucumber poops, a gif of this lives in my head and can be summoned at will as a free action; I recommend cultivating this ability within yourself.
3. Chordata. Hey, that's me! And all the other vertebrates. It would be chauvinistic and delusional to rank the chordates as the highest creatures, so I didn't. I could talk a lot about different kinds of chordates and why they matter, but if you're talking about phyla you probably aren't talking about any of that because it's all very interesting and useful information that people mostly know already. e.g. I know what a zebra is. The only question about chordates is whether the best ones are the ones that always lived in the water or the ones that decided to go back. My vote is with the whales but there are a lot of sharks I know would be unhappy to hear me say that.
2. Cnidaria. Jellyfish. I really hope I don't have to justify this ranking above Chordates too strongly. Some of them are immortal. Many of them are poisonous. All of them are beautiful. I don't know why anyone would choose to be a human or some kind of bird or cactus when they could float in the ocean and just hang out for all eternity. All the capacity for higher brain function we developed was only to make up for what we lost in humble simplicity.
0. Mollusca. Giving these a mere positive integer ranking would be a grievous error. Our philosophers and psychologists have racked their brain trying to figure out the complexities of human consciousness, but it will all be for nought; we will one day be forced to concede that whatever and how many things "consciousness" really includes, our own pales in comparison to the dreams and aspirations of even the simplest bivalve. We will, too, in resignation, eventually abandon such childish notions as the persistence of the self in humans and dolphins as mere phantasms, but the sacred mind of the octopus will enclose us in its tentacles. These are the beloved, chosen vessels of the Demiurge, the craftsman that built this world and all of existence. Their prayers are the ones that are answered. Fried Calamari is an affront to the divine creation, we are but plodding, naive barbaric children battering ontological perfection in beer and bread crumbs for 6.95. Once we know, we will never forgive ourselves for our sins, though we will be forgiven. Lovecraft was on to far more than he knew, and this was not mere coincidence, but rather a protopsionic invocation of teleological fulfillment. Human society will one day, as Lovecraft predicted in his insolence, either find its true path in the veneration of the cephalopod, or, in guilt and shameful respect, retreat onto other planets to live out our own meager, inferior existence beyond the blessings of the solar winds.
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plesesatanbleachmyeyes Β· 3 months
consider this a warning a sponge and a cat walk into a bar (warning they fuck) - dead_circus_clown - S. C. Johnson & Son Mr Muscle β€œClean Less Live More” Commercials - [Archive of Our Own]
:)) good luck
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mi4011thameenahallaldeen Β· 3 months
ANIMATOR #1: Simon Tofield
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Meeting Shelly was the spark that ignited his love for drawing and later on animating, cats.
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Shelly references
Simon learnt to animate by creating flip books using characters from his imagination. (Video with one of his flipbook animationsπŸ‘‡)
Interview that explains more. Time stamps : 2:40-3:31, 7:05 - 7:33
Timestamps: 1:02-1:56
Simon started off as a traditional animator (with flipbooks) but since the times were changing, the industry was getting technical so he had to move to digital platforms. He had to get used to Adobe Flash. To practice he wanted to create a little animation.
Narrative 1 :
Simon’s love for cats stems from him meeting his first ever cat, a tortoiseshell named Shelly. Simon would watch Shelly go about on her little cat adventures. As he follows her around he sees the nature and all the movement and sounds around him. The birds chirping as they fly away from Shelly, the leaves rustling as they make way for the rambunctious little cat, leaves falling from the trees, the little purrs and meows Shelly makes as she navigates her surroundings. Little Simon Tofield absorbed all of this like a sponge and this was how his passion for animating sprung into action. He learnt how to draw by tracing picture books. He would trace and draw animals, mostly birds and dinosaurs. His very first form of animating was flipbooks! He would watch a lot of cartoons, his main target being Transformers. Simon would record the show on VHS tape and analyze each and every frame, calculating how long the animation would take to convey one action. Later on, after being forced to having to switch from traditional to digital animating methods, Simon had to learn how to use Adobe Flash, which was a popular software for animation at the time. To get used to it Simon decided to create a little animation. This led to his very first digital animation β€œCat man do” which features his cat at the time Hugh. The simple animation was based on Hugh just pestering Simon all morning, trying to get Simon to give him food. Little did he know the short animation would get a lot of hits after he posted it on YouTube, which he was hesitant to post on due to it being a young platform at the time. Simon would go on to expand on his newfound creation, which he named Simon’s Cat. Later on he published books on Simon’s Cat and eventually founded Simon’s Cat Ltd, where he and his team work on the popular series Simon’s Cat.
Biography :
Simon Tofield, who lives with his 6 cats is the creator of the popular cartoon series β€œSimon’s Cat” and is the founder of Simon’s Cat Ltd which is the studio that now works on expanding the world of Simon’s cat. You could say the foundation of Simon’s Cat would be Shelly, his very first cat. Ever since then Tofield was a hardcore cat lover and would grow up to even work with shelters and adopt cats. β€œI didn’t mean to end up with 6 cats” - Simon Tofield. As a kid he would master the art of making flipbooks, analyzing cartoons he saw on the telly. One particular show he mentioned was Transformers. Simon would record and analyze each frame and calculate how to capture the same motion and timings. His main inspiration for the animated series, his cat Hugh, was what started the whole show. Since Simon wanted to practice his transition from traditional animation to digital on Adobe Flash, he challenged himself to create a small animation. He wanted to keep it simple while having a good storyline so he ended up creating a little comedic animation based on his cat Hugh and his little cat tantrums. None of them expected the video, β€œCat man do”, which was his first digital animation to blow up. Of course Hugh didn’t expect that because he just expected Simon to give him his food. Simon had to keep up with the growing popularity of his cartoons, thus β€œSimon’s Cat” was created.
Narrative 2:
It all started with little Simon in his barn. It was there that he met his first pet cat Shelly. Shelly is curious and bounds forward. Little Simon also gets curious as well and he moves his hand towards the little kitten. His hand moves closer and closer and his hand connects softly with Shelly’s head. Shelly purrs and starts kneading the hay. Little Simon stares as the kitten before him transforms into the iconic white cat, the star of the animated series β€œSimon’s Cat”. Simon finds himself in front of a computer, where he’s posting his little animation on YouTube. Aka β€œCat”, jumps out of the frame and rubs against Simon’s legs. Simon looks down in surprise as he feels his life changing drastically and very rapidly. His animation blew up as he started gaining views from all over. Simon feels overwhelmed, and Cat who was watching him sees this and moves away as the scene transitions into the golden YouTube plaque for hitting 1M subscribers. Cat knocks down the plaque as the scene cuts to Cat doing the iconic move where he points to his mouth to ask for food. Simon sighs and they walk to get the food. As the two of them go to get the food, Simon finds himself walking past all his milestones of his journey as an animator. Founding Simon’s Cat studios, publishing his books, YouTube animations, his first animation. (Simon grows younger as the scene continues but Cat stays by his side) The final scene they stop at is young Simon making flipbooks. He looks behind him to look for cat but finds Shelly instead.
More reference links :
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Software used in creating Simon’s Cat : Adobe Flash (now known as Adobe Animate), TVPaint Animation
Hardware : Wacom Cintiq
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mcytblr-archive Β· 4 months
SORRY I know I keep sending you stuff, but I JUST remembered very specific localized mcytblr trend in november-december? Of 2020. There were like. Two or three explicit fics on ao3 posted or popularized around the same time of dwt with a glow squid? I have my posts where it became a thing but for like one week people were constantly talking about the crazy fics with dwt and random very specific things. I think there was a sponge and an enderman too, and there was no conversation, just half of mcytblr being really laughably shocked at its existence.
And (this part is a little disturbing) then there was the fic in the minecraft tag during November 2020 that for weeks was at the very top of the recents tab because the author kept changing the posted date containing like all of the worst things and it had everyone putting up warning posts about it because it was so terribly triggering
AND there was the discussion during exile, when dwt brought up putting cc/c markers in front of creator names to differentiate, where they started calling it lore instead of plot or story and people started posting really sad posts about how they missed calling it the old thing, and that they were using the word lore wrong.
If I remember anything else I will just put it in a huge post and post it in like a month so I don't go overboard I'm sooooo sorry this blog has just unlocked too many memories. Not drawing kristin fat discourse. Whatever was going on with the is fundy-dwt marriage actually canon or is George a homewrecker. That one schlatt thumbnail. Racoon tommyinnit and the chat personifications. EVERYTHING that happened with ranboo and the /p /r wiki edits. The Sapnap George Hannah goes to tubbos house and nearly kills Michael _ and then eret has to go and hide him, oh my gosh it's not even important stuff it's just everything.
no, this is fantastic! i'd completely forgotten about it, but yes, the glow squid fics absolutely happened. i can even try to find the fics, it should be fairly easy-- ao3 has a MUCH better search function than tumblr, as well as letting fics be orphaned instead of deleted.
as for the other fic, i do vaguely remember it-- iirc, it definitely involved patches (dream's cat) and possibly his sister. i think i read it all the way through once, rubbernecking at a car crash style, but i don't recall enough about it to be absolutely sure.
something i just remembered because you brought it up; there was also the "The ___ Fic" series, which was a series of gory, often sexual fics about the dream team. the ones i can remember are "the toe fic" and "the teeth fic", but there were at least ten of them in total.
as for putting everything together in one big post, i would absolutely love that! if you tag me in it when it gets posted, i would absolutely reblog it; it's one thing to archive firsthand posts from the time period, but retrospectives and starting a community dialogue can be instrumental to preserving the things that either weren't saved or were considered so ubiquitous as to not merit an explanation.
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