#c: Half Bloods
foundfamilyftw · 7 months
Kingsley: You're either the pretty sibling or the funny sibling.
Kingsley: Not me though, because I’m both. Y’all stay safe.
Jason: What the f-
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moeblob · 3 months
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Haha, it's so funny how I am so indecisive that I go "I wanna draw my son" and then have too many ideas as to how. So here!
Take Ferdinands (and a Felix, I suppose, bc they are boyfrinds in my heart and soul).
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hoofpeet · 2 years
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Sugar's still looking for her buddy</3
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qqquib · 1 year
i’m only counting fics i’ve personally read bc im silly 🤭
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teeth--king · 9 months
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Probably the longest I've worked and a piece in a while, but I saw a few people do that color wheel character thingy, and I wanted to do one for some of my own characters as well! In order of pink to purple: Byron, Jasper, Bryte, Donovan(and Cyran), Rahal, Stag, Yzi, and Elliot.
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sweetsdereese · 22 days
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Word floating around the Hecate and Hades cabin is the traveling market is at camp half-blood, the entrance hidden below the bridge out in the woods past the cabins. Don’t tell Mr.D or Chiron🤫
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
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// cw blood
a small panel from my next comic and damn, I think I peaked here
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chaoticcomposition · 6 months
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we're hitting level 20 next game so I did a silly little celebratory drawing b/c we're still in tiamat's lair. we got all bloody cuz we were inside gruumsh's ribcage and got a blood shower. yeah. but cihro has been so so brave and I'm very proud
non bloody version below cuz the prestidigitation folks cleaned us up:
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
it wasn’t a focus of his character, but curious to think that emiel regis (alongside the other hundreds-of-year-old characters on the continent) lived through some major events of history or “lore” from the past few hundred years (the invention of witchers, fortification of human cities, aelirenn’s last stand, falka’s rebellion, kaer morhen pogrom) …
buuuut because he spent the majority of these past centuries face-down in the gutter and also hadn’t yet adapted to human society, idk if he even noticed what was going on at all during this time, much less remembers most of it
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dizzybizz · 5 months
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are you munchin', son?
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phoenix--flying · 1 year
au where Alabaster and Ethan were apart of the prophecy in HoO
Alabaster saves Ethan after he falls from Olympus but they get into an argument over their faiths(Al still wanting revenge against the gods and Ethan wanting to go back to the only place he can still call home)
Alabaster is exiled, Ethan is accepted into CHB as the Nemesis counselor.
The prophecy is issued (altered, obviously but idk how) There's a line referencing "The redeemed" (Ethan) and "The banished" (Alabaster). Honestly idk where it'd fit into the prophecy but eh.
My brain was thinking 'The banished and the redeemed unite' or something but again, don't know where in the prophecy that fits
The rest of the crew can't figure out who the banished is, Ethans first thought is Alabaster but a) Al wasn't the only banished ex-TA b) He doesn't know where tf he is and c) He doesn't even know if Alabaster is alive, much less willing to help them. So he stays quiet.
Meanwhile, Hecate, like she had with Claymore, invites Hazel into her house while shes asleep. Hazel and Alabaster talk, get to know each other and all that stuff. Alabaster doesn't mention he was a camper at CHB nor that he was exiled
Argo II shows up, attacks and all that fun stuff. The next day, Hazel recalls the dream she had, telling them about Alabaster in vague detail. Eventually she finds out ab Alabasters banishment, tells the crew and Ethan confirms that Alabaster fits the prophecy. But, he doesn't know where Alabaster is nor if he'd be willing to help.
Apparently though, they don't have to worry about that part. While shadow-traveling, Alabaster is thrown off course and ends up on the Argo II. He tries to leave but finds that hes unable to. Later he finds that his mother was the one keeping him on board, he needed to help in the prophecy.
Al is obviously less than pleased to be working alongside CHBs demigods. The only people he really talks to is Hazel(underworld child solidarity, also he knew her prior to being thrown on the ship) and Claymore(who Hecate graciously made sure was with her son)
Meanwhile, Ethan's desperately trying to do damage control with Alabaster snapping at Percy whenever he can and Percy being both confused and having absolutely none of it. (Al would 100% make jabs about the Princess Andromeda because he is livid about it)
There's a weird tension between the former TA boys because neither of them want to talk about the fact that the last time they spoke prior to the boat they were literally screaming at each other in an alleyway after the war.
Eventually though, Ethan gets fed up and goes to Alabasters room and forces him to talk ab the shit. Al is less snappy after that, still snipes at Percy tho
Ethan joins Hazel and Leo when they meet Nemesis Al joins Hazel when she meets Hecate and he helps her with Mist control shit Al also joins Hazel and Jason during that Sciron situation Ethan and Al defending Nico during that jar convo because they know what it's like to be untrusted and abandoned Ethan and Al practically adopting Hazel and Nico Rocky Percy and Al friendship !! LOU ELLEN AND AL REUINION !! Ethan being all the younger former TA members big brother
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foundfamilyftw · 7 months
Pearl: Keep that pumpkin spice crap out my house. We only accept hot cocoa with ghost marshmallows here.
Percy, sipping pumpkin spice out of a Jack-o-lantern mug: Whatever
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My take on Alabaster C. Torrington...
I fully concur with 'Team Alabaster' that Alabaster is a great character with lots of potential.
However, it was Rick's son Haley who wrote Alabaster's story in The Demigod Diaries, and I think Rick probably wants for Haley to continue his story.
I'd personally prefer that Haley continue it. Haley has a unique and captivating writing style all his own that in some ways gives Rick a good run for his money.
Whatever happens with Alabaster, I do hope that Haley Riordan is planning to go places with an author career. He's too good not to pursue it.
Who knows? Perhaps Haley plans to succeed Rick as Senior Scribe of Camp Half-Blood.
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
When they first met, Wilbur would’ve sworn Philza was an Angel. 
It felt like awe. Never once did it cross his mind this was battle delirium, not when searing radiance poured over him as the basement door opened, causing his already ragged breath to catch in his throat. The writhing shadows shrieked and fled in a way Wilbur had never known before, leaving him vulnerable and utterly exposed. But why shouldn’t they flee when divine fire incarnate strolled into the room? An Angel, that’s all He could be, Wilbur knew it at once by the glowing arch of light around His head, by the glittering flash of emeralds and countless flashing eyes pressed into his skin, by the silhouette of imposing wings filling the doorway. The creature’s gaze felt like drops of sunlight, ancient and falling with equal deadly disinterest over sinners and saints alike. They quickly fastened upon Wilbur, the sole survivor amongst piles of brutalized dead. 
It felt like awe, but only at first, because then it felt like mortal panic. Wilbur didn’t believe in things like angels, he believed in hunger and pain and abyss and fighting for every second you breathed. But Wilbur knew well the horrors of the demons in the dark, surely there were others out there. A life riddled with shadow entities, was the end of both heralded simultaneously? That’s what the humans said angels were for, didn’t they? Collecting souls?
Did I die? Did I not even notice? 
Wilbur had been fighting for hours at that point, trembling and aching and vibrating with adrenaline. Monster hunters were relentless, and his mouth tasted like blood, both his and theirs. Perhaps he hadn’t actually made it out of this one, his fourteen odd years of life finally cut short like it was always going to be. He’d been running from the moment he could walk but finally it all caught up to him. 
The being stared at him with shocked golden coins for eyes, but it settled into what might’ve been a paternal smile if Wilbur had known what that was. All he could recognize was sharp inhuman teeth just as deadly as his own. As radiance dimmed, the figure sharpened into comprehension. Not eyes, but jade scales scattered like constellations. Not a halo, but the reflection of hellfire upon twisting ivory horns. Viscera decorated the being just as surely as silk did, or at least it did until the blood staining His hands steamed, unraveling into smoke until there wasn’t a single trace of violence on the holy being.
The question in Wilbur’s mind soon shifted as He descended, claws dragging against the series of wooden steps, leaving scorch marks. Not did I die, but will I die? And the answer was a short acerbic laugh and a yes, but was that reply now? Maybe the entity found a room of corpses, but maybe He was about to ensure totality of a reckoning. Wilbur could feel the familiar hands of mortal panic tightening around his throat. Whatever He was, He was like Wilbur, and that meant He was a threat. 
Not a lot of people have the bravado or the desperation to point a knife at a god, but Wilbur had never had much in the way of reverence when he was a teen. And if it took ending an immortal’s life so that his fragile mortal heart continued to beat, Wilbur wouldn’t hesitate to get ichor on his hands. 
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yappacadaver · 3 months
bro i know raymond "i've made peace with it" "I'm offering the tools to take control" delver has so so sosososo many psychosomatic issues going on i know it
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localfraudster · 3 months
Does anybody know if demigods are allowed to leave Camp Jupiter even if they haven't completed their service and haven't been on any quests or anything special?
I need it for a fanfic ;-;
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