#c: aleksei
aidankeef · 28 days
Aleksei said “someday i will repay you, unless of course i can't find you, or if i forget.”
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Anos de dívidas não pagas e promessas financeiras desfeitas com o vento eram o suficiente para certificar que jamais haveria a quitação dos débitos daquela amizade. “@alekseii se um dia você resolver me pagar, provavelmente o céu vai se transformar em algodão doce.” O riso contido, escapou dos lábios de maneira desleixada. “Dívida de parceiro se paga com outra dívida. Preciso que arrume algumas coisinhas para o final de semana…” A mão foi até seu bolso, procurando a anotação que havia preparado naquele dia. “Vai ter que dar uma forcinha com os efeitos especiais. Preciso de um céu estrelado numa noite de terça-feira e preciso de muita seda. Sei que você deve ter algumas por aí.” O dar de ombros perante a informação óbvia foi parte da descrição da lista. “Uma filha de Hécate sugeriu que eu tentasse usar o kumbaya para fugir dos efeitos do alcoolismo, mas acho que os efeitos só vão chegar com uma dose alta.” 
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squids-comics · 3 months
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Oh yeah, Daredevil could totally take the Rhino, Matt's only backing off to be chivalrous...
From: Amazing Spider-Man #43
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karamazovanon · 1 year
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you cannot exhume a soul
— "Either he will rise up in the light of truth, or … perish in hatred, taking vengeance on himself and on everyone else for his having served that in which he does not believe" (The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky tr. McDuff, p. 837)
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tachlys · 2 months
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@alekseii flashback (verão de 2014)
Seis meses preso naquele inferno de acampamento, Achlys não estava nada feliz. O jovem de vinte e dois anos não conseguia entender por que tinha que estar ali. Para ele, que se danasse controlar seus poderes; o Whitlock tinha planos diferentes para o início de seus vinte anos. Queria a liberdade longe de sua mãe, poder beber livremente sem se preocupar com o que os outros pensariam, festas e flertes despreocupados. Talvez por isso, quase que instantaneamente ao chegar no acampamento, ele fez amizade com Aleksei. Adorava como todos sabiam e falavam da amizade caótica deles; ele amava ser o caos.
"Que tal pichar o chalé de Afrodite e jogar pó de mico nas camas? Ouvi dizer que as dondocas estão tendo um dia no spa. Que tal transformarmos isso num esparro?" Achlys sentia uma excitação pulsante com a ideia, ele adorava a adrenalina que vinha com suas pegadinhas, a sensação de estar vivo e livre, mesmo que por breves momentos. Pichar o chalé de Afrodite e jogar pó de mico nas camas não era apenas uma brincadeira; era uma forma de expressar sua rebeldia contra as regras opressivas do acampamento e a sensação de estar preso.
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dmontanna · 2 months
A cada dia que passava dentro do acampamento, Montanna se perguntava o motivo de ainda estar ali. O que realmente o prendia naquele lugar? O acampamento parecia muito mais perigoso do que o mundo real, onde ele vivera boa parte de sua vida sem problemas. Agora, apesar de estar treinado o suficiente para manejar suas armas quase bem o bastante para se manter vivo, a tragédia após tragédia só lhe fazia sentir mais e mais como se devesse fugir e sumir dali. Entendia perfeitamente porque seu pai não havia lhe contado sobre o lugar e porque ele escolhera viver longe dali.
Enquanto seus pensamentos vagavam, Montanna olhou para o céu, notando as nuvens escuras que começavam a se formar. Virou-se para a pessoa ao seu lado, tentando afastar os pensamentos sombrios por um momento. — Acho que vai começar a chover — disse, apontando para as nuvens. — Se você tiver tempo, tem como me ajudar a por algumas dessas mudas pra dentro? Elas não são fortes o suficiente. Se ventar, já era. Não vai demorar muito, eu prometo.— Montanna sabia que cuidar das plantas era uma maneira de manter a mente ocupada e encontrar um pouco de paz em meio ao caos do acampamento. As plantas eram frágeis, assim como ele se sentia às vezes.
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zmarylou · 2 months
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Mary estava no bar Dionísio, algo quase sem precedentes. A filha de Zeus estava sempre muito ocupada estudando, treinando ou fazendo oferendas para o pai. Seria até inspirador se ganhasse qualquer coisa com todo seu esforço. Tudo que ganhara, porém, fora uma perna a menos, o título de viúva e agora uma queimadura em sua perna, que não era nem de longe tão incômoda quanto a visão de seu defeito fatal.
Ela roubou o copo da mão de Aleksei porque, se tivesse qualquer segundo para pensar, simplesmente não o faria. Virou todo o conteúdo do copo, fazendo uma careta logo depois. "This tasted foul… Me vê mais uns dois desse daqui, por favor." Ouvira tanto sobre como o álcool ajudava outros campistas que resolveu tentar a sorte. Um copo adentro e ela não se sentia muito melhor que antes, mas pelo menos sentia menos? Talvez, pensou, isso fosse suficiente por agora.
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alphynix · 5 months
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Trilobozoans (also known as triradialomorphs) are some of the more enigmatic members of the Ediacaran biota. In the past their unique three-way-symmetrical body plan was interpreted as linking them to groups like sponges, cnidarians, or echinoderms, but currently they're considered to be their own weird little phylum with uncertain evolutionary affinities, classified no more specifically than "probably some sort of early eumetazoan animal".
Lobodiscus tribrachialis is a newly-described member of this mysterious lineage. It lived in warm shallow marine waters covering what is now Southwestern China, and with an age of around 546 million years it's currently the youngest known trilobozoan, extending the group's time range by several million years.
About 3.7cm in diameter (~1.5"), it had the characteristic trilobozoan disc-shaped shield-like body, with a central depression surrounded by three triradially-symmetric lobes with branching ridges and grooves.
Its body would have been soft but fairly rigid, and it's not clear if it was capable of moving over the seafloor or if it had a more static lifestyle. Like its relative Tribrachidium it was probably a filter feeder, with the grooves on its surface directing water flow towards the central depression – and this surface ornamentation may also have been covered with cilia that actively caught and transported suspended food particles.
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Ivantsov, A. Yu, and M. A. Zakrevskaya. "Trilobozoa, Precambrian tri-radial organisms." Paleontological Journal 55 (2021): 727-741. https://doi.org/10.1134/S0031030121070066
Ivantsov, Andrey, Aleksey Nagovitsyn, and Maria Zakrevskaya. "Traces of locomotion of Ediacaran macroorganisms." Geosciences 9.9 (2019): 395. https://doi.org/10.3390/geosciences9090395
Hall, C. M. S., et al. "The short-lived but successful tri-radial body plan: a view from the Ediacaran of Australia." Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 67.6 (2020): 885-895. https://doi.org/10.1080/08120099.2018.1472666
Rahman, Imran A., et al. "Suspension feeding in the enigmatic Ediacaran organism Tribrachidium demonstrates complexity of Neoproterozoic ecosystems." Science Advances 1.10 (2015): e1500800. https://doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.1500800
Zhao, Mingsheng, et al. "A putative triradial macrofossil from the Ediacaran Jiangchuan Biota." Iscience 27.2 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.108823
Wikipedia contributors. “Lobodiscus.” Wikipedia, 29 Mar. 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobodiscus
Wikipedia contributors. “Trilobozoa.” Wikipedia, 10 Mar. 2024, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilobozoa
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Aleksey Savrasov | Winter Landscape, 1871 | Lell, 1883 | Spring, c.1870 - 1880 | Grave, 1884 | 
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l-o-t-m · 11 months
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Aleksey Galushkov · Signs (c. 1920)
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spookyxcupid · 1 year
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jj ♡ (@monsterinmyboxers), siren ♡ (@siren-serenity), ashi ♡ (@vampcubus), mae ♡ (@mmaeerof), nine ♡ (@kokonoihell), achilles ♡ (@c-nstellati-ns), sylas ♡ (@godnectar), ray ♡ (@secretivemessenger), esmèe ♡ (@hhonghu), blake ♡ (@uplatterme), castiel ♡ (@cassiepng), nobu ♡ (@sh1-n0bu), qi ♡ (@yaekiss), khaki ♡ (@oopsarvchived), haven ♡ (@havensins), nex ♡ (@pulpbeing), jack ♡ (@mlmmetalhead), rain ♡ (@mischiefwriter), tiffani ♡ (@majisyen), zeke ♡ (@zekesznn), zeppelin ♡ (@f4nrir), aleksei ♡ (@onirique-amaranth), mello ♡ (@mysicklovemain), elijah ♡ (@lieutnt), silas ♡ (@decadentworld), sam ♡ (@plushy-gutz), yun ♡ (@hana-no-seiiki), azrael ♡ (@yarelia), taur ♡ (@taurder), murr ♡ (@immurrsed), archer ♡ (@archer-fb), tein ♡ (@karteinss), ash ♡ (@scruus), plague ♡ (@plaguechyld), keegan ♡ (@keeganbrainmush), chae ♡ (@chaepink), vivianne ♡ (@vitamin-cunt), maul ♡ (@justice-maul), santiago ♡ (@2bestfriendsinaroom), spike ♡ (@odetodilfs), reece ♡ (@starrierknight-main), alec ♡ (@rodolfoparras), vesp ♡ (@dilfverz), batty ♡ (@battydora), allen ♡ (@deadmeat666), nick ♡ (@trianglesimp)
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aidankeef · 2 months
closed starter to @alekseii
local: SPA - ofurô
O filho de Ares mantinha as práticas de relaxamento recém adquiridas no Resort. Estava há tantas horas naquelas piscinas que já sabia as misturas mais interessantes de essências e o tempo máximo que podiam ficar no local antes de sofrerem os efeitos daquela experiência. Assim que avistou Aleksei entrando no local, antes que o filho de Nyx chamasse pelo auxílio de uma das funcionárias irritadas de Circe, Aidan cuidou de ir até a estante de aromas, pingando água por toda parte. Avaliou os frascos torcendo o nariz, conhecendo as necessidades do melhor amigo e, com um semblante sério, virou o corpo na direção de Aleksei. "É. Não tem aroma de MALBORO, não. Vai querer cheiro de patchuli?"
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squids-comics · 3 months
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Rhino's really grown over the years! I don't think he'd fit in a barrel like this anymore...
From: Amazing Spider-Man #43
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tachlys · 2 months
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@nikahar @alekseii
"Shhh! Deixa de ser estraga prazeres, Arnika," sussurrou Achlys, tentando conter o riso enquanto passava glitter nos olhos de Aleksei, que estava dormindo profundamente. Ele já tinha conseguido aplicar um blush hiperpigmentado e desenhar corações nas bochechas do amigo, criando uma obra de arte digna de risos. Quando Aleksei começou a se mexer, prestes a acordar, Achlys deu um salto para trás, tentando disfarçar a travessura. Fingindo estar ocupado, ele começou a tirar pó de uma prateleira próxima, assobiando casualmente."Bom dia, flor do dia! Hora de margaritas?" provocou com um sorriso travesso. "Ah, não me diga que você ainda tá no voto do AA."
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yanluvr · 9 months
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jj ♡ (@monsterinmyboxers), siren ♡ (@siren-serenity), ashi ♡ (@vampcubus), mae ♡ (@mmaeerof), nine ♡ (@kokonoihell), achilles ♡ (@c-nstellati-ns), sylas ♡ (@godnectar), ray ♡ (@secretivemessenger), esmèe ♡ (@hhonghu), blake ♡ (@uplatterme), castiel ♡ (@cassiepng), nobu ♡ (@sh1-n0bu), qi ♡ (@yaekiss), khaki ♡ (@oopsarvchived), haven ♡ (@havensins), nex ♡ (@pulpbeing), jack ♡ (@mlmmetalhead), rain ♡ (@mischiefwriter), tiffani ♡ (@majisyen), zeke ♡ (@zekesznn), zeppelin ♡ (@f4nrir), aleksei ♡ (@onirique-amaranth), mello ♡ (@mysicklovemain), elijah ♡ (@lieutnt), silas ♡ (@decadentworld), sam ♡ (@plushy-gutz), yun ♡ (@hana-no-seiiki), azreal ♡ (@yarelia), taur ♡ (@taurder), murr ♡ (@mmonikurr) archer ♡ (@archer-fb), tein ♡ (@karteinss), ash ♡ (@scruus), plague ♡ (@plaguechyld), keegan ♡ (@keeganbrainmush), chae ♡ (@chaepink), vivianne ♡ (@vitamin-cunt), maul ♡ (@justice-maul), santiago ♡ (@2bestfriendsinaroom), spike ♡ (@odetodilfs), reece ♡ (@starrierknight-main), alec ♡ (@rodolfoparras), yoru ♡ (@dilfverz), batty ♡ (@battydora), allen ♡ (@deadmeat666), nick ♡ (@trianglesimp), sy ♡ (@wrizzesley), flamey ♡ (@flametrashira), shuo ♡ (@shuosen), mr. devil ♡ (@heartfullofleeches), moon ♡ (@animated-moon), zaire ♡ (@maroonsoul)
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dawns-laboratory · 1 year
Gotta agree on that turtle neck, the ones I have have its neck out of shape because i keep pulling on them :c turtle necks look so good and neat but alas
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Okay so this was fun tod raw, but also so tiring- Sheesh.
So, fun fact:
Kenneth, Dr. Nicosia and Aleksei are all from the same project, called "Among Us: Project Evolution". A project that is currently-... Well, inactive.
Kichiro, Mikail, Cadoc and the guy above Cadoc are all from the same project as well. Namely, Sodaverse. A collab project that currently is seeing very little activity... But at least it is a teensy tiny bit of it.
Meanwhile the guy at the top with the mask, is from a new project/world of mine which so far I've named "Rifts of the Forsaken World". This is currently one of these projects that I kinda mess around with on the side for fun. Granted I've been tempted to make it something more, such as a blog. For now though-... That won't happen.
Also yes I took this time to show off characters, lmao. I wanted an excuse to do so.
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astra-galaxie · 1 year
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“I will serve the sentence proudly knowing I have aided SOMBRA! One day you will all have no choice but to follow us!” - Pyotr Morozov
Biographical information
Full Name: Pyotr Morozov
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
Status: Incarcerated
Age: 69 (season 3)
Birth: 1946
Race: Human
Nationality: Russian
Origin: Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia
Saint Petersburg, Russia
Yakutsk, Sakha Republic, Russia (formerly)
Profession(s): Distiller
Affiliation(s): SOMBRA
Height: 6'1" Age: 69 (season 3) Weight: 205lbs Eyes: brown Blood: A+
Hailing from Russia, Pyotr is a tall man in his late sixties. He has thinning, short white hair and clean stubble around his jawline. His brown eyes are dull from fatigue, with small eye bags underneath. He wears simple but clean clothes: a dark red shirt and brown jacket, light-washed jeans, and brown winter boots.
As per his suspect appearance in Fathers and Death, it is known that Pyotr drinks red wine, has read Fathers and Sons, and was a Young Pioneer.
Pyotr was the killer of his long-time friend and crush, Aleksey Zima. The two had known each other since they were teenagers but drifted apart when they went to different universities. After obtaining a business degree, Pyotr began working for a famous vodka distillery in Saint Petersburg.
Several years after he had last seen Aleksey, Pyotr found his friend in a bar trying to drink his life away. Pyotr, still in love with the man, offered to let Aleksey live with him, which the other greatly accepted. With Pyotr's help, Aleksey got back on his feet and eventually became the owner of a local bar.
It was at this bar that Aleksey met Natasha, and Pyotr realized that the man would never see him as more than a friend. It hurt to watch the man he loved get married and start a family, but Pyotr buried his feelings for Aleksey's sake. And so, the two drifted apart again, but Pyotr promised to always be there if Aleksey needed him.
When Pyotr was thirty, he heard rumours of a criminal organization looking for recruits. He was captivated by the idea of a world ruled by the strongest people and longed to prove his worth after so much heartache. He joined SOMBRA and became one of their first Russian agents. He was also the one to recruit Natasha into the agency despite his hatred for the woman.
And his hatred towards her only grew when Aleksey came to him after Natasha kicked him out. Pyotr comforted his friend as Aleksey mourned the loss of his wife and daughter, knowing he would never be a man they would be proud of. Once again, Pyotr opened his home to Aleksey even though he knew his love would never be returned.
Decades later, Aleksey told Pyotr that he learned his daughter had joined the Bureau after reading an article about Natasha's arrest. He talked about his desire to reconnect with Marina, and Pyotr, sensing this could be a way for SOMBRA to gain an advantage against the Bureau, supported the idea. So, the two travelled to Kazakhstan to find Marina and the Bureau.
Sadly, but not surprisingly, Aleksey failed to reconnect with his daughter. While comforting the man, Pyotr confessed his love and revealed the secret of SOMBRA. He'd hoped he could recruit Aleksey by promising the man could be happy with him in the new world. But Aleksey was appalled by the declaration of love, laughing in his friend's face. However, discovering Pyotr's allegiance to SOMBRA gave Aleksey an idea.
Aleksey planned to betray Pyotr by turning the man into the Bureau to prove his worth to Marina. He didn't care about the friend who had given him so much; he just wanted to show the world that he wasn't useless. He also hoped to win back Natasha's love by showing her he was strong enough for SOMBRA's world.
He tried to overpower Pyotr while they were at the mall, planning to knock the man out in order to deliver him to the Bureau. But Pyotr was stronger and more skilled than Aleksey and quickly took the man down. He drew his gun to defend himself, and when Aleksey charged at him, Pyotr shot him in the head.
Pyotr couldn't believe what he had done. He hadn't wanted to kill Aleksey, but the man left him no choice. He had to protect himself, and if Aleksey refused to love him after everything he had done, then he wasn't worthy of Pyotr's forgiveness or mercy.
Story Information
First appeared: Fathers and Death
He is a skilled poet
He knew Angela was the mole inside the Bureau; the two had met several times before
He used to be a smoker but quit in his forties
He was an expert at distilling flavoured vodka
Disclaimer: Character design was created using Rinmarugames Mega Anime Avatar Creator! I have only made minor edits to the design! Background courtesy of CriminalArtist5
Links to my stories:
The Case of the Criminal (Ao3/Wattpad) Killer Bay (Ao3/Wattpad) Where in the World are the Killers? (Ao3/Wattpad)
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