#c: boba fett
salome-c · 2 years
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Babies Jedi paralllels.
The Book of Boba Fett (2022 - )
Tales of the Jedi (2022 - )
Taglist: @oscarseyebrow @the-little-ewok @mypedrom @prettylilhalforc @princessxkenobi @mariesackler @dailyreverie @nowritingonthewall @mandelirious @zinzinina @nadja-antipaxos @einno-arko @mario-pratt  
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tiefighters · 5 months
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Star Wars Graffiti Heads
Series by Sean Hamilton
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tcards · 2 months
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The Empire Strikes Back
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redstuffs-ig · 5 months
the krayt's claw team from star wars the clone wars is an untapped fanfiction goldmine and y'all have been SLEEPING on it you're telling me that at one point a 13 y/o, his big lizard bodyguard, a purple fashion icon and her on-and-off ex-sith girlfriend, a funny brit with zero game, a silent hat guy and his dog, AND a killer robot all lived in the same tiny house in a desert and took wackass jobs like the A-Team. and we did NOTHING with it??? I want to see the domestic life of these people. I want to see tiny Boba Fett try to keep the place professional for potential clients as the Dengar-Latts prank war of 20 BBY nears its fourth week. I want to see Bossk be enamored with Embo's dog Marrok and consider theft. I want to see C-21 Highsinger make an intervention about droid rights while everyone else comically misses the point. I want to see Asajj Ventress pay a visit and for it to be the most tense awkward shit ever. I want the gang to kick Cad Bane's blue cowboy shit in. we have been missing out on objectively the best house sitcom ever. the clones and the jedi don't have shit on space Team Fortress
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yukipri · 1 year
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We got the Star Wars TIE Fighter gingerbread cardboard cat house for the boys!
For a cardboard cat house, it's super detailed! All 4 sides have different cardboard cutout decorations, including a Boba on the roof of one side💚
Purchased on Chewy.
Their tag: #YukiPriASLKittens
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gimp-69 · 1 month
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Some Star Wars images I did today.
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elcarimercanto · 2 years
Everyone go watch the Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation because it was a blast.
In it you will find;
-Obi wan rapping at Jabba's birthday Party
-The Boba Fett theme but instead with lyrics consisting of booooo-baaaa
-Lego Han with grey hair
-Han saying "I love you" to Ben and him responding with "I know"
-Cute Organa/Solo parenting
-Palpatine calling Weird Al Yankovic, "Vic"
-Vader loosing his shit at Palpatine pulling the "Your never grateful for anything I do" card like an absolute wife
-L I G H T S A B E R L I M B O
-Anakin and Leia laughing at the idea that Obi wan said to have fun.
-Anakin using the word "chill" in a sentence
-Anakin calling himself Skyguy, and then proceeding to make a pun
-Poe going absolute bat shit crazy over activities
And finally:
-Anakin in a snorkel
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gameraboy2 · 1 year
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Famous Monsters #166 (1980)
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slyandthefamilybook · 4 months
Disney really heard the line "no one's ever really gone" in The Last Jedi and instead of taking away "people live on in our memories and it's our duty to keep their legacy alive" they thought "so you mean deaths never have to matter because we can always just bring back any character whenever"
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movietimegirl · 1 year
Grogu: *Growling and making weird movements*
Boba: Um... okay... Um... Bantha!
Bo Katan: Kowakian!
Boba: Uh, monster!
Bo Katan: Loth-Cat!
Boba: Angry face?
Bo Katan: Rancor!
Boba: Uh...
Din: Gideon!
Grogu: *nods*
Din: Unredeemable monster!
Boba: Worst kriffing person in the Galaxy!
Bo Katan: A tyrant that needs to be burned!
*Bell rings*
Grogu: Vill-ain!
Everyone: Ooooh!
Bo Katan: In a way, we were all right.
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sidonius5 · 1 month
ℐ 𝒶𝓂 𝒹𝑜𝓌𝓃 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓌𝒶𝓉𝒸𝒽𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 1950'𝓈 𝓋𝑒𝓇𝓈𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫 ���𝐚𝐫𝐬...
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salome-c · 1 year
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Parenting 101 by Din Djarin.
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casp1an-sea · 1 month
These are just my opinions your welcome to have different ones
Han and Leia waiting to get married makes total sense! At the end of return of the Jedi the only time they’ve spent as a couple is when their relationship started in ESB and its continuation in ROJ most of which they were in battle. Yes Leia has been thinking about him for about a year now but she hasn’t been able to get closer to him in that time, and for Han it’s like not time has passed at all. Plus there’s still a fucking War going on that they very much are invoked in. Marriage is not on their minds, especially Leia’s. (Plus all the traumatic shit they have to process)
This is a message to both legends and canon LUKE IS GAY come on now 🥲
Mara was cool until she married Luke then the writers kind of screwed up her character
Han’s backstory WTF (it’s so sad but so good)
Can we get more Han and Lando buddy cop adventures?
Okay but those stormtroopers from Choices of One feel like The Bad Batch’s emo cousins
I think it’s rly funny that C-3PO gets given to Han
I love Anakin so much why did he have to die???? Also please Leia why did you insist on that name. Don’t get me wrong I love it but the pressure you put on this poor child. Han why’d you give in you idiot?
I feel so bad for Han in courtship of Princess Leia. Should I?
Okay but let’s be clear Leia definitely cheated on Han with Isolder. Idc what she thinks that was, it was cheating.
I see a common theme of Leia being rly untrustworthy of Han until they get married. To like an unhealthy degree. What is this guys? I promise he’s not a bad dude.
remember that time where Luke made a submarine out of a dead creatures stomach skin? Yep I do.
lando’s mining facilities getting destroyed is such a funny gag
Did you notice Isolder’s daughter marries Han and Leia’s son? It’s like poetry it rhymes.
I love paradise snare but to me the hutt gambit was a dumbstruck fire
HUGE PET PEVE I HAVE WITH TATOINE GHOST! (Still love the book though) Forgiving and forgetting is not always the answer. Han does not need to forgive the republic. LEIA DOES NOT NEED TO FORGIVE VADER. Nor would Han push her to do so and he certainly would not condone the slaughter of tuskins because “he was a boy with a dead mother”. Well wouldn’t you know Han you’re a boy with a dead mother and you didn’t commit genocide. You have even less reason to forgive Vader than the twins. I block this out it was a bad writing choice.
HAN HAD A CHILD WITH BRIA???? I know when, but WHERE ARE THEY?! google was no help
“Must be nice to have a grandmother” LMAO HAN YOU OKAY BUDDY?
Is it bad of me to say I prefer the og force witches/dathomirians/dathomir/nightsisters to the canon ones?
LUUKE SKYWALKER? They’re so goated for that. OKAY BUT DID DAVE FILLONI READ THE REBEL FORCE SERIES? BRAINWASHED abducted children with no memory of their lives and family, solely devoted ASSASSINS to an ECCENTRIC IMPERIAL WITH A SUPERIORITY COMPLEX who wants favor with the emperor. And these assassins are called X-1, X-2, X-3, X-4, X-5, X-6, and X-7. This is why it should have been tech.
I thought Chewie’s death was impactful and I didn’t hate it
I like it better that Han and Leia didn’t divorce
I like that Han is a male wife and I love how close his children are to him. It makes sense that Leia would be the working one.
not them have a floor to ceiling length tapestry of Leia in a their house. That would scare the shit out of me at night.
I like that Leia is a senator and not a general. Okay hear me out. Leia is trained in diplomacy as much as she is in combat. She was a senator before she was a rebel. And she has always been very much involved in matters of state and would want to feel like she was actively doing something to keep the republic in check. The rebellion was not just a war to her it was making the Galaxy a better place that doesn’t end when the war for her so the natural next step would be a government position. Granted she still acts as a general if need be and goes far beyond her job description countless times.
Can someone fo a demo of the song C-3Po wrote about Han?
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comicwaren · 10 months
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From Star Wars: Return of the Jedi - Max Rebo #001, “The Max Rebo Band”
Art by Paul Fry and Carlos Lopez
Written by Daniel José Older
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redstuffs-ig · 4 months
i've just found out something super funny so apparently in the "Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious" canon book, written in part by Inspector Divo from the Clone Wars TV show (remember him? me neither) they had a section on Krayt's Claw with this to say: Sourced from Wookieepedia, the Star Wars wiki: Divo finally learned what had happened to Fett in the last year of the war when Sedra Hoxin, a constable from the prefect of Mos Eisley, a spaceport on Tatooine, contacted him. The constable sent Divo a holographic image touting the services of the "Krayt's Claw," a posse of bounty hunters stationed on Tatooine, among them Fett.
They had fucking ads.
This band of mercenaries, a bunch of them wanted, had fucking ads. Could you imagine browsing the HoloNet, watching space YouTube when your video of Twi'Lek dancers gets interrupted by an advertisement that goes "Hey, want a fucker dead? Need to guard a train carrying important cargo? We're your people! Dial Krayt's Claw at 066-22-1313, Mos Eisley Spaceport, Tatooine, and hire a team of professional bounty hunters for all your gunslinging needs"
i'd kill and murder to see this shit brought to life. was it like a stylized animation made by Latts, did they strap a camera to Highsinger or something, I NEED TO KNOW
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sinisterexaggerator · 8 months
So, when writing Stars Above (which I plan to update soon), I had Aurra Sing interacting / working with Boba Fett. I often questioned my choice, having an internal dilemma of sorts on whether or not he would ever team up with Sing again, while sort of keeping her at arms length.
The lesson he learned from Aurra was you can’t trust anyone in the game, everyone is in it for themselves, but that doesn’t mean he would completely cut ties with her, he just might learn to always watch his back.
Anyway, this is from the book Scum and Villainy. It’s a picture of Krayt’s Claw which includes Aurra Sing. This syndicate of Boba’s wasn’t founded until after Aurra left Boba with Plo Koon on Florrum to save her own ass, which in doing so she left baby Fett behind to wind up in prison with adult men. Good thing Bossk and Bane were there I guess.
I love when I find things to back up my insanity. It made me happy. I’m also really happy Embo is there, too.
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