#c: michael luna
proceduralpassion · 1 year
Depth Over Distance
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Prompt: Day 1 Of Narcoctober - Create a fanwork about a canon character you’ve never written about/used before
Characters: Mika Camarena x Brother!OC (Michael Luna)
CW: language, discussions of grief/death
WC: ~2.2K
A/N: Hiiii friends, my first Mika fic! Credit to @nocturnal-milk-dud for the pic above. Also, if you've read my IWBSS series, you're probably already familiar with my OC Michael Luna, who's actually Mika's older brother. Had so much fun writing their sibling dynamic and a little insight into how Michael winds up in Colombia. Hope you enjoy 💖
“Just the person I wanted to see.” 
“Michael!” Mika exclaimed in both surprise and excitement. It’d been a while since she’d seen her older brother, a steady presence in her life for as long as she could remember. His position as an agent for the Mexico Interpol field office kept him busy, but that wasn’t why he’d been keeping his distance. 
The two of them basked in their hug before taking a seat next to one another and looking out at the baseball practice field. The park may as well have been a second home for her with how often she was here for her oldest son’s practices and games. 
“How’ve you been? Work must be keeping you busy, mano.” 
Michael shrugged, “It’s never not, unfortunately.” 
She hummed in response. They were no strangers to sitting in silence, savoring how the quiet was an easier kind of forgiveness. Their relationship didn’t allow for conflict or discord. It was effortless even at its inception. Maybe it was the decade length of age difference, but Mika and Michael had never been the type of siblings to fight. 
“How’s he doing?” Michael asks, nudging his chin towards his oldest nephew.
“Better. He’s been putting a lot more power behind those swings,” Mika sighs, “I’m glad he has the outlet. He needs it.”
She had planned on taking him out for the season after Kiki’s passing, but he begged for her to keep him in. Now, as she watched him pour every ounce of grief into his swings, she wanted to kick herself for ever thinking of the idea. Somehow, the conscience inside his little body craved for something he hadn’t realized he would need. An outlet. 
Mika chuckles to herself, wishing she had one of those. Some kind of avenue to channel every emotion bouncing in the recesses of her heart and mind. But every second of every day was dedicated to making sure her boys would and could grow up without such a vital figure in their lives. Anything less than 100% was unacceptable to her. 
Michael coming to these games might’ve been the only adult interaction she got these days. Her life had become a precise routine, down to the hour, and she never veered from it, too afraid that the facade of togetherness would shatter with any detour. She clinged to the sense of normalcy and warmth she got from their bleacher seat conversations, even if they were of the most mundane topics. And mundane they were. 
Michael’s way of helping his little sister grieve was to simply not bring it up. She had more than enough people asking if she was alright, he figured. So he didn’t ask. He was patient with her and comforting during those moments when it all felt like too much and she needed a good cry. Otherwise, he carried on as usual. The first practice after Kiki’s funeral, Michael sat down next to her and started talking about some new television show he started watching called Murder, She Wrote and how he confused Angela Lansbury with Agatha Christie. 
It’s the first time she bursts into laughter since she became a widow. She calls him an idiot and explains that they are indeed two different people, though Angela had starred in a film based on Agatha’s novel. Later that week, she watches an episode of Murder, She Wrote so she can discuss the episode with him. 
Another week, he brings polvorones. He notices she’s losing weight and this is his silent way of getting her to recuperate her appetite. She’s never been able to resist the crumbly shortbread sweets and smiles to himself when she takes the bag from him and hogs them all to herself. 
Ever perceptive, she knows the intentions behind the gesture, but doesn’t acknowledge it beyond obnoxiously licking her fingers after finishing them all.
“What if I wanted more?” He jokes.
“Too bad.”
He holds his youngest nephew in his arms as Mika rounds up her oldest, adrenaline-drunk son. He should be dead tired after the lively game under this scorching sun, but his team won and he’s still amped up as they walk back to their cars.
Her youngest babbles in baby talk and Michael indulges by nodding his head, as if actually following along with whatever the infant is trying to convey. 
Mika catches it and remarks, “He could be telling you that he thinks your goatee looks like a ferret on your chin and there you are, nodding and smiling like a doofus.” 
He looks at his nephew, seemingly ignoring his little sister’s comical dig, “What do you think, sobrino? No más polvorones para tu madre, ¿bien?”  
Mika’s eyes widened, “Wait, nevermind. He said that’s a nice shirt you’re wearing today.”
All in all, she’s not sure she’d be keeping it together if not for her big brother. It’s only once a week that she usually sees him, but the other six days are filled with longing. It’s like she crawls desperately every day so that she can get to the day where she finally sees him. 
He’s been less present this past month. Skipping practices and games, leaving vague voicemails on her machine in the aftermath. When she does get to see him, he’s more withdrawn which is saying a lot coming from a man of so few words already. She doesn’t breach the topic. Namely, it’s because she’s got a lot going on as a young widow and mother, but also because Michael’s not the kind of person you cajole or nag on. He’ll come to you when he’s ready but will blow away like a leaf if you push him too hard.
It’s annoying, but again, they’re the kind of siblings who roll their eyes at each other, rather than fully air their grievances and argue. 
“I’ve got a job offer in Medellin, Colombia.” 
When she learns of Kiki’s death, it’s like the noxious feeling that takes over you when you jump out of a plane with no parachute. Your stomach doesn’t drop, but your senses are swiped from you. You can’t see because grief is like the air that blasts into your eyes. You can’t hear because your ears have just been violently assaulted with the worst news of your life. If you touch anything, it’s like you’re grasping nothingness because how else are your hands supposed to act when they know they’ll never touch their lover again? 
When Michael tells Mika he’s leaving, it’s more like a rollercoaster. There is a drop in her stomach. She feels nauseous. Her stomach roils in spirals.
With her husband’s death, it was a long, unidirectional descent that left her fractured in pieces when the news landed on her.
With her brother leaving, it’s like the sudden drops, the highs and lows, and loops of a rollercoaster.
She’s proud because she knows how hard he works at his job.
She’s angry because he’s leaving for an entirely different country and that solid mass of reliance that she’s had for the past four months is leaving with him.
She’s scared out of her mind because how is she supposed to function now that she’s realized he’s become a crux?
Another fucking loop.
She only nods when she finally digests the news enough to form a response.
But when he follows her home, something he hasn’t done before, she slaps him two steps into stepping into the house.
And then she goes to grab him an ice pack in short order, because shit she didn’t mean to do that even though it kinda felt good. He takes it and they sit on the couch together once the boys are in bed for the night. Michael hasn’t taken the ice pack to his face at all in the couple of hours since she slapped him. Finally, she takes it from his grasp and holds it in the hand that she striked across his face. All this time, it’s been sore and she presses the mostly water but still somewhat chilly pack onto it.
“That shit hurt, didn’t it?”
Mika laughs and laughs until the queasy feeling in her stomach is replaced by aches from the overuse of her accessory muscles in snickering loudly at his comment. She cackles even more as she notes the red hand print forming on his cheek, knowing that it probably hurt as much for him as it did for her. He’s just too fucking prideful and that’ll never change. 
Once her laughter finally leaves the room, Michael heaves a heavy sigh.
“I don’t have to leave for another month. And Christmas isn’t that far away when you think about so… I’ll be home, then.”
Christmas is six months away and she already struggles through the other six days of the week that she doesn't see him.
She could tell him not to go, but to her, that would be admitting weakness and he’s already the one person that doesn’t pity her or treats her with kid gloves. And she is feeling pretty weak right about now, and she knows that he knows it, but it’s different when you have to verbally admit that. 
She also tells him not to go because she knows that he’ll stay. 
When she was six, she watched a horror movie called El Monstruo resucitado even after the warnings from her parents not to. They were out having dinner with friends and only her and Michael were home. He comes out into the living room to see her cowering in the corner at the image of the disfigured creature who possessed the eponymous character. Sure, like any other sixteen year old brother would do, he laughed and teased her for being afraid of some dumb movie, but later that night, his face veers into resolute seriousness when she finally breaks and tearily begs for him to sleep at the foot of her bed so that the monster man doesn’t come to hurt her. 
His back feels like shit the next morning and he still continues teasing her when she gets in trouble from her parents for watching the movie, but she knows then that he would do anything he asked of her. 
She had a will right now, in the present day, not to break no matter how much the rope of her composure bent. And damn, did she want to break. 
But if there was anything else that kept her glued into one piece these days, it was rage. 
Rage at the ones responsible for her husband’s death. Rage at the existence of drug cartels. Rage that they wielded such strong enough power to rot out the heart of entire families. Leaving them in shades of gray and blue from the lack of oxygen and the rush of anguish and despair that came in to replace it from the air. 
The drug trade was as interconnected and intricate as the labyrinth webs that spiders spun. And their touch was just as covert and venomous. There were ties between the Guadalajara cartel and Medellin cartel that necessitated relationships between the law enforcement agencies trying to sever them. A man with Michael’s accomplishment and knowledge was the perfect person needed in Colombia as the cobwebs grew. 
If that led to the takedown of not only the men who murdered her beloved but also all the other scum just like him, then she opined that he absolutely needed to go. 
Michael knows that his little sister will stand on her own two feet and continue carrying herself, carrying her boys forward into this new, harrowing chapter of their lives. He doesn’t doubt for a second that they’ll be okay and he acknowledges as much when he says, “Do me a favor and make an individual tres leche just for me on Christmas. Don’t tell her I said that, but I hate when mamá puts all those mangos in it.”
And because that’s their “thing”, she jokes, “I’ll tell her and put extra mangos when I make it for you.” 
She’s not sure where she goes from here, but she’s got two young boys relying on her and a husband whose demise deserves retribution.
She leans on her brother as they watch an episode of Murder, She Wrote together while night blankets the sky outside. If there’s any source of strength that she can gain from what’s probably their last night of one-on-one bonding, she’s quick to cipher it for all of its worth. 
They’ve said “I love you” to each other maybe a handful of times in their lifetime. They don’t say it now. It doesn’t need to be said. 
She can’t see what the other end of the tunnel looks like. 
The light’s too dim and she’s all alone. But if she closes her eyes and listens closely enough, she can hear him, hear Michael’s voice. 
Where life takes her next, she’s gotta do it alone. But she knows he’ll always be the one to catch her before she falls. The one who protects her from monsters and demons, even the ones taking hold in her head.
Two thousand miles of space between them could never change that.
It was always depth over distance for them.
Click here if you want to be added to my taglist! Taglist: @asirensrage @narcosfandomdiscord
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likeafantasy · 9 months
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DEXTER REWATCH — 1.12 BORN FREE You can't be a killer and a hero, it doesn't work that way.
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funeralfun · 29 days
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I 🩶 Dexter but I can't take it seriously rn because @schittscreekgifs
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111- Michael C. Hall. (Dexter). Painting by Carmen Luna. https://carmenluna.crevado.com/expresiones-ii
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badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have Dexter: The Sixth Season 2011
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cait-curious · 1 year
Goth Family Tree
This is the Goth Family tree, at the end of 11 rounds of gameplay (55 Sim days). I'll try to update this after every round.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they have four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). She and her family live in the Goth family home, also called the Goth Manor.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He has never been married.
Adrian and Michael Lothario have never been married, but they live apart because they don't get along. Michael is the twin with glasses, wearing the traditional Goth round glasses.
Nova Lothario was born as a result of Cassandra's alien abduction. She just finished her sophomore year at Sim State University.
Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They have two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7). They are currently not part of Cora's Story.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Cora, Nick, and Izzy are all very close, and are also friends with Rob and Sam Broke (unborn baby Broke), all born in Round 1.
Morty Goth is engaged to Diana Burb (born round 2, Lucy Burb's younger sister). He is friends with Adrian and Michael, as they all went to Sim State together. Morty was named after his father, who died before he was born.
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marcmarcmomarc · 6 days
Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse
Shameik Moore as Miles Morales
Hailee Steinfeld as Gwen Stacy
Oscar Isaac as Miguel O’Hara
Mahershala Ali as Uncle Aaron
Brian Tyree Henry as Jefferson Davis
Luna Lauren Vélez as Rio Morales
Jharrel Jerome as Miles G. Morales
Jason Schwartzman as Spot
Jake Johnson as Peter B. Parker
John Mulaney as Spider-Ham
Kimiko Glenn as Peni Parker
Nicolas Cage as Spider-Man Noir
Issa Rae as Jessica Drew
Daniel Kaluuya as Hobie Brown
Karan Soni as Pavitr Prabhakar
Amandla Stenberg as Margo Kess
Masi Oka as Takuya Yamashiro
Shea Whigham as George Stacy
Greta Lee as LYLA
Lily Tomlin as Aunt May
Andy Samberg as Ben Reilly
Pedro Pascal as Otto Octavius
Marc Maron as Adrian Toomes
Liam Neeson as MacDonald Gargan
Bobby Cannavale as Aleksei Sytsevich
Mark Hamill as Maxwell Dillon
Keanu Reeves as Flint Marko
Melissa Sturm as Mary Jane
Michelle Ruff as Mayday
Kathryn Hahn as Doc Ock
Liev Schreiber as Wilson Fisk
Peter Sohn as Ganke
Rachel Dratch as Ms. Weber
Natalie Morales as Miss Calleros
Ziggy Marley as Lenny
Erick Avari as Inspector Singh
Priyanka Chopra as Gayatri
Elizabeth Perkins as May
Atsuko Okatsuka as Yuri
Jack Quaid as Peter Parker
Freida Pinto as Maya Auntie
J.K. Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson
Zoë Kravitz as Mary Jane Watson-Parker
Edwin H. Bravo as C. Salas (Visions Academy Guard)
Lorraine Vélez as Maria
Ayo Edeberi as Glory
Nicole Delaney as MJ
Antonina Lentini as Betty
Anthony Ramos as Benny
Chris Pine as Spider-Man
Marvin Jones III as Tombstone
Joaquín Cosio as Scorpion
Jorma Taccone as Adriano Tumino / ‘67
Jorge Gutiérrez as Officer Gutierrez
Donald Glover as Aaron Davis
Stan Lee as Stan
Lake Bell as Vanessa Fisk
Kim Yarbough as Alchemax Scientist
Nic Novicki as LEGO Spider-Man
Sofia Barclay as Malala Windsor
Taran Killam as Web-Slinger
Danielle Perez as Charlotte Webber
Michael Rianda as Max Borne / Ezekiel Sims / Spider-Man Patient
Leland “Metro Boomin” Wayne as Metro Spider-Man
Yuri Lowenthal as Insomniac Spider-Man
Josh Keaton as Spectacular Spider-Man
Rino Romano as Spider-Man Unlimited
Grey DeLisle as Spinneret
Meg Turney as Annie-May Parker
Paola Andino as Anya Corazón
Ryan O’Flanagan as Tarantula
Lauren Ash as Cyborg Spider-Woman
Daran Norris as Spidercide
Tara Strong as Spider-Canada
Jess Harnell as Officer Parker
Robbie Daymond as Ultimate Spider-Man
Post Malone as Brooklyn Bystander
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puroresu-musings · 7 months
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RevPro HIGH STAKES 2024 Review (Feb 18th, Crystal Palace National Sports Centre, London, UK)
AEW International Championship Scramble - Orange Cassidy (c) vs. Flash Morgan Webster vs. Sha Samuels vs. Spike Trivet vs. Richard Holliday vs. Cameron Khai vs. Shigehiro Irie ***
RevPro Undisputed British Women's Championship - Dani Luna (c) Safire Reed ***
Young Blood vs. Trew & Lacey ***1/4
Luke Jacobs vs. JJ Gale ****1/4+
Mustafa Ali vs. Robbie X ***1/2
Shingo Takagi vs. Trent Seven ***1/2
Ricky Knight Jr. vs. Anthony Ogogo **1/4
Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Connor Mills ****1/2
RevPro Undisputed British Heavyweight Championship - Michael Oku (c) vs. Will Ospreay *****
Photos - BritWresPics
This was an excellent show from the premier BritWres promotion, that featured great action up and down the card, a whole load of good, nothing bad, and the best match of the year so far.
Things kicked off with a fun, but unspectacular Scramble match, that had the surprise inclusions of Shigehiro Irie and AEW's Global champ, Orange Cassidy, who got a huge pop and put his belt on the line here. Which left the finish in no doubt really. This only went 8 minutes, and was essentially just a collection of high spots, and many of the guys didn't do much. I'm a fan of Big Shig, but honestly, he might as well not have been here as his contributions came to one spot. Same with Cassidy to be fair, he was AWOL most of this thing, selling a lowblow from Holliday, but it was still fun stuff. Orange pinned Holliday with the Orange Punch to retain. The RevPro Women's Title was on the line next. This was another good match, but I wasn't a massive fan of the finish, which brought it down slightly for me. Despite seemingly having the match won, Reed inexplicably went to use Dani's title belt, but payed for it as she ate an Elevated German into the ring and a Luna Landing for the champion to retain in 9:44. Alex Windsor Jumped Luna after the match and beat her down and dragged her around with a chain, which one would presume is leading to a dog collar match.
The NJPW Dojo graduates Yuto Nakashima and Oskar Leube took on heel duo Mark Trew and Kieron Lacey in a really good little traditional tag bout next. The heels worked over stocky babyface Yuto, before he made the hot tag to his Germanic Skyscraper of a tag partner, who ran wild and they bumped around like crazy for him. After taking Lacey out with a verion of Total Elimination, Leube caught a Trew crossbody attempt, and deadlifted him onto his shoulders, allowing Nakashima to come off the second rope with a jumping knee, and Oskar hit a massive multiple rotation F-5 for the win at 9:25. They announced a UK Fantasticamania show for May 19th before the next match, which was an excellent slugfest between Luke Jacobs and JJ Gale. This was grand hard-hitting violence, with both guys hitting forearms, kicks and suplexes. After Jacobs caught Gale's leg from a roundkick attempt, he captured his arm too and hit a sickening headbutt. JJ scored a nearfall with a flash small package, then got another super close nearfall with his Gale Force spinning Oscutter as the crowd went crazy. Gale missed a 450, before eating a serious of stiff Lariats from Jacobs, which lead to Luke scoring the win at 17:02 with a Steiner Screwdriver. Great stuff here, and I hope we see more from both guys at the top of the card in 2024. Jacobs vowed to win the Revolution Rumble in the post match.
Mustafa Ali took on Robbie X in a very good flippity spot fest next. This was all-action, with a non-stop stream of flying and springboard moves. The finish came when both guys fought in the top, Ali hit a Sunsetbomb off the top, then a match winning 450 Splash to win at the 13:08 mark. Ali looked super happy to be here, and put on a good showing, so I'm under no doubt that he'll do great in New Japan and the Indys, after years of being in wrestling purgatory. Shingo took on Trent Seven next in a match that was made less than 24 hours before they came through the curtain. Originally Takagi was to take on Gabe Kidd (which I would have been all in on as that sounds awesome), but Kidd suffered an undisclosed injurey in the insane Cage Match he was in in Osaka. If I were a betting man though, I'd say it was likely a concussion from that insanely stiff Henare slap he took near the end, not to mention the crazy chairshots. This was ultimately a very decent match, but at 21:58, it was way too long, and it was another of those matches where too much stuff was kicked out of. There was no need to work this like it was a Tokyo Dome main event; Shingo kicked out of a Pump Handle Emerald Flowsion, Trent kicked out of a sitout Burning Hammer, Takagi kicked out of a middle rope Emerald Flowsion, then a short piledriver, Shingo then escaped a Seven Star Lariat and hit a Last of The Dragon... but after a delayed cover Trent kicked out(!). Seven kicked at one from a Sliding Bomber, but ate a few more Pumping Bombers to finally allow Shingo to win. This would likely have been great if it was around 14 minutes, but it outstayed it's welcome a little and they just kicked out of way too much for no reason.
Next up, Anthony Ogogo defeated RKJ in what was by far the weakest match of the night. This was perfectly fine, nothing was bad, the crowd were respectably hot, and RKJ tried his damndest to have a good match, but this ultimately didn't click. Former Olympic Boxer Ogogo scored the win at 13:30 with two great looking punches. Which were the best looking things he'd done all match. What followed was an excellent technical wrestling match, as Zack Sabre Jr. took on Connor Mills, which was my second favourite of the night. This featured exemplary mat work, as both guys exchanged submission holds, with Mills aggressively working over the left leg, and Zack focussing on the left arm. After both failed to tap the other out, frustrations flared and this broke down into a nasty strike battle, with some seriously stiff slaps back and forth. In the end, after Mills kicked out of a Zack Driver, Sabre Jr. turned up the pace and put the younger wrestler away after a series of PK's at the 21:25 mark. Great, great stuff.
Then the Main Event, which was Will Ospreay's RevPro swan song before going fulltime with AEW, and was one of the best matches you'll ever see. I loved their match at High Stakes 2022, but this one was considerably better than that classic, with off the charts drama, heat, storytelling and big fight feel. This was outstanding. The stipulations were that there were no referee stoppages allowed, but if Amira threw in the towel (like she did in their last match), then Oku would lose the title, and Ospreay threw the bloody towel from the forst match at her to use. The crowd were white hot from the off, and neber cooled down once during this epic battle. There was way too much to reasonably recap here, but everything was great. Oku worked over Will's knee in preperation of the Half Crab, but came up bloody from going into the ringpost. Ospreay worked him over, taunting Amira to throw the towel, but she responded by spitting on him, which Ospreay responded by kicking her into the guardrail to loud boos. Oku went crazy with a fiery comeback that included hitting the old El Generico Tornado DDT through the ropes to the floor, which Ospreay juiced from, then locked on the most dramatic Figure Four since Muto/Takada, but Ospreay made the ropes. Will hot the Oscutter for a nearfall, and Oku hit a reverse rana which spiked Ospreay, but as he celebrated, Ospreay popped up and hit a Hidden Blade to the back of the head for the double down. Oku then turned a Storm Breaker attempt into a package tombstone, but missed a Frog Splash. He landed on his feet though and hit Ospreay with his own Hidden Blade. In a callback to their 2022 match, Oku started hitting numerous Hidden Blades, but pulled Ospreay up at two every pin attempt. He tried another but The Ariel Assassin countered with the real deal Hidden Blade. Ospreay hit the flip out of a clothesline into a powerbomb spot, then transitioned into a Styles Clash for a near fall. Amira is dragged into the ring and she pushes Oku out of the way of a Hidden Blade, taking the move herself, leading to Ospreay pushing her unconscious body out of the ring. Oku rolls through another Hidden Blade into the Half Crab, but as he leans back into the bridge, Ospreay pulls him out of it, flips him over and hits a devastating Tiger Driver 91, another Hidden Blade and finally the Storm Breaker, but Oku kicks out at 2.9999, which blows the roof off the National Sports Centre. Oku then turns a Tombstone attempt into a Sega Mega Driver, in tribute to Mad Kurt, finally hits the Frog Splash to the back, goes back up and hits a second to the front, but Ospreay kicks out at the last minute. As he does, Oku grabbed his leg and turned it into the Half Crab as the fans went crazy. Ospreay fought to the ropes, but a revived Amira flipped him off, Oku pulled him to the centre, bridges back, and Ospreay finally tapped at the 47:12 mark, giving Oku the biggest win of his career. This was all brilliant.
In the post match, Ospreay handed Oku the title, symbolically passing the torch, Oku offered the handshake, which was expected, and Ospreay cut an emotional promo to say goodbye to a scene he's invested so much into. He thanked New Japan and RevPro, as well as the fans, for all they've done for him, and he promised his best stuff was still to come. He then said teary fairwells, before nemsis Zack Sabre Jr. appeared at the curtain to give him a hug and a kiss. All in all, this was an excellent show that's well worth checking.
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nerds-yearbook · 9 months
Rogue One, the first of the theatrical A Star Wars Story films, was released on December 16, 2016. The story took place and lead directly into Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope. The movie explained how the rebels got the plans to the Death Star and why there was such a major flaw in the design. The movie introduced the characters Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), Galen Erso (Mads Mikkelsen), Cassian Andor (Diego Luna), K-2SO (Alan Tudyk), Chirrut Imwe (Donnie Yen), Baze Malbus (Wen Jiang), Orson Krennic (Ben Mendelsohn), Saw Gerrera (Forest Whitaker), and Bodhi Rook (Riz Ahmed). It also included from the original trilogy and prequels Bail Organa (Jimmy Smits), Darth Vader (Spencer Wilding, Daniel Naprous & James Earl Jones), Mon Mothma (Genevieve O'Reilly), General Dodonna (Ian Mchinney), Princess Leia (Ingvild Deila), C-3PO (Anthony Daniels), R2D2, Red Leader (Drewe Henley), Gold Leader (Angus Mcinnes), Dr Evazan (Michael Smiley), Wedge Antilles (David Ankrum), and Grand Moff Tarkin (Guy Henry) . The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson appeared as an Emperial Technician. The events took place at Jedha, Coruscant, Mustufar, Tatooine, Hoth, Lah'mu, Alderaan, Naboo, Yavin 4, Corellia, Ring of Kafrene, Yavin, and Felucia. The movie was recieved mostly positive, with most of the negative attention on the digitally created face of Princess Leia. ("Rogue One: A Star Wars Story", Star Wars Movie Event)
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proceduralpassion · 1 year
Writing some stuff for Narcotober and my little guest star recurring OC from IWBSS might make an appearance 🥰
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likeafantasy · 10 days
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DEXTER REWATCH — 7.08 ARGENTINA Is home the place we run to, or the place we run from?
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blueonwrestling · 23 days
Finally watched the RevPro 12 Year Anniversary Show pre all in...SOOOO.
RevPro Undisputed British Cruiserweight Title Six Way Scramble Match Neon (c) vs. El Phantasmo vs. Dante Martin vs. Leon Slater vs. Cameron Khai vs. Will Kaven - 4 stars
Singles Match Tomohiro Ishii vs. JJ Gale - 4.25 stars
No Disqualification Ten Woman Tag Team Match Debbie Keitel, Gisele Shaw, Kanji, Nightshade & Rhio vs. Cut Throat Collective (Alex Windsor, Lizzy Evo, Mercedez Blaze, Nina Samuels & Safire Reed) - 4.75 stars
RevPro Undisputed British Tag Team Title Match Grizzled Young Veterans (James Drake & Zack Gibson) (c) vs. Sunshine Machine (Chuck Mambo & TK Cooper) - 4 stars
RevPro Undisputed British Women's Title Match Dani Luna (c) vs. Mina Shirakawa - 4 stars
Singles Match Zack Sabre Jr. vs. Hechicero - 4.5 stars
RevPro Undisputed British Heavyweight Title Match Michael Oku (c) vs. Luke Jacobs - 4 stars
I highly, HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY reccomend watching that 10 woman tag match because good lord that was fucking insane and easily one of the best womens matches this year.
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joker1315 · 1 month
All the actors you can find on this blog
Use the following link and insert the tag you want to see:
a: adam croasdell - aiden turner - aimee garcia - alan rickman - alan tudyk - alex kingston - alison sudol - allen leech - amanda abbington - amir wilson - amita suman - anatol yusef - andreas pietschmann - andrew garfield - andrew scott - aneurin barnard - annette badland  - anthony hopkins - anthony mackie - antony starr - anya chalotra - august wittgenstein
b: barry bostwick - bellamy young - ben barnes - ben mckenzie - benedict cumberbatch - benicio del toro - bernard cribbins - bill nighy - billie piper - billy boyd - brendan gleeson - brent spiner - brianna hildebrand
c: calahan skogman - cameron monaghan - candice bergen - carla gugino - caroline dhavernas - cate blanchett - catherine e coulson - catherine tate - catinca untaru - chadwick boseman - charlie chaplin - chris addison - chris cooper - chris evans - chris hemsworth - chris malcom - chris pine - christian bale - christian clemenson - christian tramitz - christiane paul - christina ricci - christopher eccleston - christopher lee - christopher lloyd - cillian murphy - colin firth - colin odonoghue - colin woodell - corey johnson - cory michael smith - craig parker
d: dakota fanning - daniel brühl - daniel craig - daniel radcliffe - daniel sträβer - danielle galligan- david bowie - david dastmalchian - david duchovny - david morrissey - david tennant - david thewlis - david wenham - deforest kelley - diego luna - dietrich hollinderbäumer - dominic cooper - dominic monaghan - dominic west
e: eddie karanja - elijah wood - elizabeth olsen - elton john - emilie de ravin - emily beecham - emma thompson - emma watson - ethan hawke - eve myles - ewan mcgregor
f: ferdinand kingsley - frankie adams - freddy carter - freema agyeman
g: gareth david lloyd - gary oldman - geoffrey rush - george eads - george takei - georgia tennant - georgina haig - gillian anderson - ginnifer goodwin - gwendoline christie - gwyneth paltrow
h: hadley fraser - harrison ford - harvey keitel - hayley atwell - heath ledger - helen mccrory - helena bonham carter - henry cavill - hugh dancy - hugh jackman - hugh laurie - hugh skinner - hugo weaving
i: ian mckellen - imelda staunton - inbar lavi
j: jack davenport - jack wolfe - jackie earle haley - jake gyllenhaal - james mcavoy - james spader - jamie lee curtis - jared padalecki - jason isaacs - javier bardem - jayne brook - jeff goldblum - jenna coleman - jennifer connelly - jennifer lawrence - jennifer morrison - jensen ackles - jeremy renner - jim beaver - jodie foster - joel rush - joey batey - john barrowman - john boyega - john hurt - john larroquette - john rhys davies - john simm - johnny depp - jonathan frakes - jose pimentao - joseph gilgun - josh dallas - jude law - julia stiles - julianne moore - julie covington - juliette binoche
k: kacey rohl - karen fukuhara - karen gillan - karl urban - kat dennings - kate capshaw - kathryn hahn - keira knightley - kevin alejandro - kit young - krysten ritter - kyle maclachlan - kyra sedgwick
l: lana parrilla - lara pulver - lars mikkelsen - laura allen - laura dern - laura fraser - lauren german - laurence fishburne - laurie kynaston - laz alonso - lee arenberg - lee pace - leonard nimoy - lesley ann brandt - lesley sharp - lindsay duncan - lisa vicari - liv tyler - lizzy caplan - louise hofmann - lucas till - luke evans
m: mads mikkelsen - maggie gyllenhaal - majel barrett - margo martindale - marion cotillard - mark gatiss - mark pellegrino - mark ruffalo - mark sheppard - mark strong - mark waschke - martin freeman - matt smith - max schimmelpfenning - may calamawy - meat loaf - megan boone - mel gibson - melinda clarke - melissanthi mahut - meret becker - mia wasikowska - michael benyaer - michael bully herbig - michael cumpsty - michael des barres - michael fassbender - michael gambon - michael raymond james - michael sheen - michelle gomez - mikael persbrandt - miranda otto - misha collins
n: natalie portman - ncuti gatwa - neil patrick harris - nell campbell - nichelle nichols - nicolas cage - nicole kidman
o: olivia colman - orlando bloom - oscar isaac - owen wilson
p: paddy ohagan - patricia quinn - patrick stewart - paul bettany - paul chahidi - paul lux - paul mescal - pedro pascal - penelope wilton - peter capaldi - peter falk - peter hinwood - philip glenister - phoebe waller bridge - pierce brosnan - pip torrens
q: qorianka kilcher - quentin tarantino
r: rachael harris - rachel weisz - rafi gavron - ralph fiennes - rayner bourton - reece shearsmith - rene russo - rhona mitra - richard armitage - richard obrien - rob benedict - robbie kay - robert carlyle - robert downey jr - robin lord taylor - robin williams - ronald guttman - rose mciver - rupert graves - rupert grint - russell crowe - ruth negga - ryan gosling - ryan reynolds
s: sam neill - samantha smith - samuel l jackson - scarlett estevez - scarlett johansson - sean astin - sean bean - sebastian stan - sherilyn fenn - shohreh aghdashloo - sky du mont - sophia di martino - stanley tucci - stellan skarsgard - steven strait - susan sarandon
t: tan caglar - taron egerton - tilda swinton - tim curry - tim roth - toby maguire - tom conti - tom ellis - tom felton - tom hiddleston - tom holland - tom payne - tom sturridge - tomer capone - tony curran - tony curtis - tricia helfer - troy garity
u: una stubbs
v: val kilmer - vanesu samunyai - viggo mortensen - vivienne acheampong - vladimir burlakov
w: walter koenig - william shatner
y: yasmin finney
z: zachary quinto
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badmovieihave · 1 year
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Bad movie I have Dexter: The Fifth Season 2010
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cait-curious · 1 year
Cora's Story: Goth Family Tree, Round 18
Here is the updated Goth family tree for Cora's Story after round 18 (90in-game days). Changes from the round 17 post are bolded.
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Mortimer Goth married Bella Bachelor, and they had two children: Cassandra and Alexander.
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Cassandra Goth married Don Lothario, and they had four children together: Twins Isabella and Nick (born round 1), and twins Adrian and Michael (born round 3). Cassandra also had a daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Nova (born round 6).
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Isabella "Izzy" Lothario married Ricky Cormier, and they had four children together: Twins Donald and Walter (born round 9), Aldric (born round 10), and Richard (born round 11). Izzy passed away at home surrounded by her family. Currently her son Donald lives in the Goth Manor with his daughter Anna (born round 17) and his father, Ricky.
Nick Lothario, called Nicky by his family and close friends, is Isabella's twin brother. He has one daughter as a result of an alien abduction, named Luna (born round 11). He currently lives with his fiancée, Shanna Mazza.
Adrian Lothario married Sophie Miguel, and they have two children, Cassie (born round 14) and Miguel (born round 15).
Michael Lothario lives on his own following the death of his wife, Diana Burb.
Nova Lothario has never been married.
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Alexander Goth married Lucy Burb. They had two children, Whitney (born round 6) and Johnna (born round 7).
Whitney Goth married Orlando Centowski, and they had three children together: Lucas (born round 15), and twins Alexis and Ophelia (born round 16). Following Orlando's passing, Whitney adopted a child, Isaiah (born approximately round 16).
Johnna Goth has never been married.
Mortimer Goth married Dina Caliente, following the disappearance of his first wife, Bella. Mortimer and Dina had two children together: Cora (born round 1) and Morty (born round 3).
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Cora Goth married Tara Welsh. They adopted a child, Danny Welsh-Goth (born approximately round 8). Cora passed away at her home, the same day Danny's twins were born.
Danny Welsh-Goth married Tosha Go, and they have four children together: Natalie (born round 16), Danielle (born round 17), and twins Lia and Cornelius (born round 18). Danny also has two children with Jane Stacks: twins Jay and Shea (born round 16).
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Morty Goth married Kaylynn Langerak, and they had two children together: twins Parker and Arthur (born round 17). Morty Goth died of old age.
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godsaveforum · 1 year
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Abrimos la lista de reservas de faceclaim. La misma será actualizada  constantemente hasta la apertura del foro.
Recordamos que la reserva será por llegada de mensaje así que les pedimos que controlen bien cuales son los PB que ya han sido reservados.
Aaron Taylor-Johnson — High
Abigail Cowen — missmyowndream
Adelaide Kane — leire
Andrea Damante — Mr T.
Agustín Bernasconi — Shishoska
Alan Ritchson — Almaespada
Alina Olesheva — Xenia
Allissa Salls — Cyro
Alycia Debnam-Carey — Galadriel
Amelie Zilber — Khaleeliz
Ana de Armas — Beth
Anabelle Wallis — acinderellastory
Andy Blossom — Perséfone
Angelina Michelle — Miel
Anna Zak — Hécate
Arthur Benedetti — shiker
Bar Zomer — Lost
Ben Barnes — Khaleeliz
Ben Dahlhaus — Shishoska
Brock O’Hurn — Thor
Carolina Moura — Elena
Charleen Weiss — Magdalena
Chris Evans — Mr.Sin
Chris Pratt — ScarletGuy
Chris Hemsworth — Lawson
Cindy Kimberly — Luna
Cole Sprouse — kattokoshmar-blog
Constance Dominik — Perséfone
Davey Fisher — Dr. C
Do KyungSoo — Carpincho
Dua Lipa — Khaleeliz
Eden Fines — Gotita
Elizabeth Olsen — Galadriel
Elliot Page — kattokoshmar-blog
Emilia Mernes — Shishoska
Emily Blunt — Moony
Emily Carey — Carpincho
Emily Ratajkowski — Ritsu
Emma Watson — El Sensei
Federico Cola — Beth
Gal Gadot — butterfly
Grey Damon — OnAir
Han So-hee — Athena
Hande Ercel — Coonie
Hanna Edwinson — Rose
Henry Cavill — Galadriel
Herman Tømmeraas — K.
Jacob Elordi — Laurificacion
Jake Gyllenhaal — Toffee
Jean Carlo León (jashlem) — Hana
Jensen Ackles — Perséfone
Jessy Hartel — Harrington
John Krasinski — Lighting
Jonathan Bailey — El Sensei
Josie Lane — withmew
Kailee Morgue — Tested
Ken Bek — Red Ranger
Kennedy Walsh — Carpincho
Kerem Bursin — Mr.Sin
Kwon Ji Yong — Piruleta
Lily Collins — Kaz
Lily Easton — Pinky
Lily James — gilmoregirl
Liza Weidmann — Elena
Lucas Jade Zumann — Hacker
Lucy Boynton — Bo Peep
Lusya Abramovskaya — Hana
Madelaine Petsch — Xenia
Maia Reficco — Clover
Maks Behr — poseidón
Margot Robbie — Laurificacion
Marissa Long — Harrington
Mathew Daddario — Blossom
Michael Yerger — Pikachu
Nicki Nicole — Beth
Nicola Porcella — Darkish
Noah Centineo — Astro
Oliver Stark — kattokoshmar-blog
Pedro Pascal — Karmela
Phoeve Dnyevor — OnAir
Richard Madden — Theo
Romaneinnc — lunita
Ryan Gosling — Dopesmoker
Ryan Guzman — Blossom
Sadie Sink — Obsidian
Scarlett Leithold — Blossom
Sebastian Stan — Themuffinman
Sergio Carvajal — Xenia
Sienna Raine Schmid — Fallen
Stefania Spampinato — OnAir
Stephen James — Conejito
Sophie Thatcher — safismística
Sydney Sweeney — muñeca vudú
Thomas Doherty — Coryo
Tobias Reuter — poseidón
Tom Hardy — Dr. C
Tyler Hoechlin — El Sensei
Vanessa Kirby — leire
Victoria Bronova — Laurificacion
Victor Pérez — PikachuPaldeano
Vinnie Hacker — Soul
Vladislav Gerasimov — Dimitri
Willy Whey — Hana
Yael Shelbia — elizabeth
Zoe Kravitz — Karmela
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