#c: osaron
incorrectsom · 6 years
Kell: You use me, you use Holland, you use everybody.
Osaron: Using Holland? Hey Holland, am I using you? Am I using you Holland?
Holland: Yeah.
Osaron: Shut up! He is answering a question from a half hour ago!
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boiling-paint · 5 years
What the FUCK, a gathering of shadows-
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lovethbest · 7 years
also,, 2 @ reincarnated holland n vor tho
                holland, as a rule, sleeps mostly when he’s too exhausted to remain awake, and not always for very long at once.  as far as he can tell, it’s been that way most of his life ; he’s either working, or just awake.  of course, the increase of vivid nightmares that come with remembering a past life ( and memories of what could happen every time he let his guard down enough to sleep ) don’t help any.
the upshot of this is that waking up somewhere distinctly not his bed isn’t particularly surprising.  one hand is still loosely curled around an open book, & it’s just LIGHT enough to see the familiar outline of the living room.  he was dreaming, but not badly, and maybe that’s why he’s less quick to move away when he wakes, this time, to someone dropping into the space next to him.  tenses anyway, on reflex, but doesn’t move. 
or maybe –– if he thinks about it, and holland isn’t prone to dwelling on such things –– it’s the space between them, the way vor sits with easy grace and waits, not in a way holland is used to waiting.  neither a test nor a demand, so unlike the way athos would wait, having given an order, and KNOW holland had not the freedom to refuse him.  
there was a life where the space between dreaming and waking didn’t exist ; no safety to linger there.  this is not that life, and it’s as close to unguarded as holland ever comes, somehow alert yet still on the edge of half-asleep.  ‘ are you waiting for a written invitation? ’ he asks, dry tone laced with faintest amusement. 
it’s not a LONG kiss, hardly even a kiss at all, barely-awake and barely-there.  holland lets himself lean into it anyway, holds onto the closeness only for a second.  / @oflegendaries​
kiss prompts ; accepting!  
( 02. early morning.  a kiss that’s a wake up call, it’s barely even lips touching, more like they’re kissing your chin because they’re so tired in the early morning haze. )
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rapid-oxidization · 6 years
Me, naturally sympathetic toward characters who cannot escape their situations, torn between Rhy, heir to a kingdom, and Holland, literally enslaved by sentient magic: f u c k .
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zofias · 6 years
tag game!
tagged by @nikolailatnsov thank you so much!  rules: answer all the question and tag 10 other blogs tagging: @heronstaiirs @rencrown @interxct @filthygods @wizarding @liviablackthorns @osarons @vlctorvale @connorscobalt @aaronwarner
a — age: 19 b — birthplace: california, usa c — current time: 10:35 am d — drink you last had: chai e — easiest person to talk to: my friends on here, my college friends f — favorite songs: too many to name  g — grossest memory: my cousin cut her head on fan when we were like 4 and she had blood coming down her face and ive been traumatized ever since  h — horror yes or horror no: fuck no i — in love: H A H A no j — jealous of people: it happens sometimes l — love at first sight or should i walk by again: idk its depends m — middle name: its my dad’s name lmao n — number of siblings: three  o — one wish: find a job i actually like and comfortable with  p — person you last called: my mom q — questions you’re always asked: what do you want to do with ur degree? my answer f u s — song you last sang: down by jay sean t — time you woke up: 8 am bc of cramps  u — underwear color: purple v — vacation destination: rome i guess  w — worst habit: i bite my nails due to nervousness sigh  x — x-rays: too many to fkn count y — your favorite food: bruh i cant choose  z — zodiac sign: leo
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somedayking-a · 7 years
ok just. do me a solid n tell me ( in as much or little detail as u like ) abt which characters u think have had the Strongest influence on ur boy / which ones have the most solid relationships with him
i’m gonna focus especially on Influence bc this isn’t smth i’ve talked about in great deal but i do have a lot of thoughts so here we go.
the danes.    and not in a good way.  i’d like to give two middle fingers and two slow, painful deaths @ both of them for traumatising holland to the point he continually wanted to die ( you could consider the ads/om fight with kell a form of attempted suicide, since he first taunted kell into trying to kill him and then stopped fighting long enough to be fatally wounded ) n leaving him with severe c-ptsd.  lasting effects include intense nightmares, flashbacks, strong touch-aversion, an insecure n regularly-fluctuating sense of self-worth + identity, general self-hatred, and issues w both physical and emotional intimacy with others.  by virtue of them murdering his best only friend and then immediately trapping, torturing, and cursing him, he’s also got a whole lot of unprocessed n repressed grief ( and other emotions ) stemming from that time and after it.  it’s all the worst kinds of influence, but a lot of his canon characterisation is directly shaped by this, so a strong one nonetheless.
ros vortalis.    imo, there’s a good few things canon holland got from vor, one being his tendency to charm people into doing what he wants, smth i actually have a Long meta post in my drafts abt.  vor’s supposed to be very good with words and people, using this skill to get what he wants as much as anything else, and it’s even something you see him do w holland when they meet.  see, a decade later: holland talking rhy into taking astrid’s necklace, every single interaction w ojka.  it’s not holland’s natural persona at all, and he doesn’t use this with everyone, but he knows it will work with both of them.  rhy is outgoing and sociable, will flirt with anything, is deeply insecure, and enjoys positive attention ; ojka sees holland in an almost worshipful light, and “could he feel all of [her desires]?”…. uh-huh.  holland’s aware.  he’s making use of that.  there’s also a particular line i wanna talk about, and it’s this one: “  listen to me, holland.  of all the ways to die, only a fool chooses pride.  ”  holland’s arguing against going to red london for help, because of them leaving white to die whilst flourishing themselves.  n it’s understandable that he’s bitter about it ; but vor’s thinking as a king, and as he points it out, they’re both in that castle because they’d do anything to help the world.  whenever we see holland making decisions in canon, he’s absolutely taken this lesson to heart.  the most notable example is actively choosing to fight with kell and the others in red london to stop osaron –– essentially the same thing vor was advocating years ago, but with much more at stake this time. 
alox & talya.  these two go together because they had a very similar influence.  holland first heard the someday king legend from alox, and then from talya.  both encouraged him in dreaming of a better world, of being the one to bring the magic back ( that quote about alox letting kid holland sit on makeshift thrones and dream of better days, the stories being talya’s favourite ).  both of them had a way of making the dying, bloody world feel far away when they were there.  significantly, holland loved and trusted them both very much, and was betrayed by them in turn.  he lost the most idealistic parts of himself with them ; they were the brutal lessons that even the closest people can’t be trusted further than you can spit, and that even love isn’t enough to keep you safe.  he never stops dreaming of the magic coming back, doesn’t stop completely trusting people, but that younger self who dreamed more openly, trusted more easily, that was left behind.  ( it’s not that he would trust just anyone, he’s got a healthy wariness around everyone even as a child + teenager, but this is really when he learned that even being That Close to someone isn’t a reason to let your guard down.  if you can’t around your older brother or your lover, you can’t around anyone. ) 
edit +bonus: kell.  meeting kell really shattered one of the last idealistic parts holland had left.  he’d gone his whole life thinking the other london had to be like his, dying and cold, and to see how they really lived –– rich, thriving, in luxury –– well, that illusion is dead and gone, and all that’s left is anger.  ( which, sadly, colours his relationship w kell for a long time. ) /  @titanslayer
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recalculandoblog · 8 years
Dulce amanecer de despertares agitados 🌅
3er día de colegio tras varios sin horario, y sin rutina "in a far far away Land" Adelanto el despertador x la firme convicción de q 10' más, hacen la diferencia. Irrumpe en mi descanso el cantar del nuevo iphone q desde la mesa de luz, me reclama implacable c su pantalla plus. Lo manoteo, y pospongo el momento de activar mi cuerpo, ante la perspectiva de tnr q activar el de toda mi familia. Es q implícito esta, q sea yo la responsable del despertar ajeno. Sintiendo los músculos pétreos x el ejercicio retomado ayer, me levanto c el esfuerzo de un mamut, y camino c piernas temblorosas de 90 años. Me dirijo al cuarto de mis dulces angelitos q mansos aún, permanecen ajenos al vértigo x venir. Es allí cuando comienza la carrera de obstáculos. Mi íntimo Ironman cotidiano. Aquel para el cual no me entrenó nadie, y salgo a correr de prepo. Primero el uniforme: hoy toca gimnasia o formal? Rugby c botines y remera bajo la del uniforme p q no se pierda, o kilt con bombachudo p equitación? Donde quedaron las medias del uniforme? Como es q no hay ninguna en el placard? Dudas existenciales q ni los filósofos atenienses osaron descifrar. "Me arreglaste los zapatos mamá?" me interpela rigurosa mi hija, c el pelo de Brave revuelto y pegoteado por haber dormido con el producto q mata piojos toda la noche, total el frasco dice q no es "tóxico". "Q zapatos?" pregunto en mi cabeza. Ni siquiera sé q zapatos son los q tienen la suela levantada. Queriendo hacer un paréntesis en el correr del tiempo, bajo a toda marcha en busca del pegamento q en algún lado debe estar, y en el camino veo los restos d la fiesta de cumpleaños de mi marido, q nos dejo la casa y el espíritu cmo Kosovo. Fue una fiesta improvisada, con algunos pocos 30 amigos, c los q bailamos hsta las 5am para justificar el traslado desde USA del "parlantito" Bose + la maquina d humo + las luces multicolor. Es q nuestro lema es la sobriedad, y montados en eso, no quisimos perder la oportunidad de traer 7 valijas cargadas con todo lo q encontramos en Amazon a un precio q da risa. Pero eso forma parte de otra vida... Vuelvo a enfocarme en mi tarea, y encuentro el pomito del pegamento de contacto. Pongo el zapato debajo de la mesa del comedor para q haga efecto antes de tnr q montarnos al auto entre mochilas excedidas de peso, luncheras preparadas c el amor de una madre arrasada por lo inexorable de la cotidianidad, bowls c uvas c semillas sudacas de desayuno de último momento, y mi infaltable café c leche en el jarro térmico q tanto mezquino. Lucas, con su 4to grado a cuestas, no se resigna a la realidad q le toca, y protesta x las medias del uniforme de gimnasia. Quiere ponerse otras q sean mas cómodas, y q no les sobre medio carrete de hilo en cada costado de la costura q se le incrusta en los 5 dedos del pie, dejándole un surco diario. Le explico c la paciencia de las 7:20am, q debe respetar el uniforme, aunq mas no sea la primer semana d clases. Como si el audio de mi voz estuviera en mute, resiste c argumentos q íntimamente considero lógicos , pero q refuto con un "haces lo q digo xq se nos hace tarde y no quiero discutir". Mi angelical niña, aun descalza y con los pelos revoloteados, recuerda que la maestra de nombre exótico, le reclamó los folios p las carpetas. Mientras le corto los bordes de la tostada a mi hijo q seguia debatiéndose entre hacerme caso, o crecer de golpe, explico q los folios habían sido diligentemente entregados, junto con los mil útiles solicitados por la institución, en la bolsa correspondiente. No obstante, con tal de ahorrarle el disgusto, estaría dispuesta a reponerlos, aunq no en ese instante, c el reloj corriendo, la tostada quemándose, el zapato pegándose y mi termostato elevándose. Lagrimas brotan de sus ojos ante mi pasmada incredulidad. A quien habrá salido tan aplicada? A mí... pero es q fui así hace tanto q ya casi no lo recuerdo. Con las medias a medio poner, los botines sueltos en el piso del auto, los folios robados de la carpeta de Lucas, la plantilla arrugada pegada entre la suela y el cuero, la colita de pelo hecha a las corridas, la kilt todavia húmeda en la cintura, el café mas aguado de lo esperado, y la vida rodando a mas ritmo dl q hubiera querido, me encomiendo al Señor, y salgo con la camioneta marcha atrás de un garage slim fit, intentando esquivar las columnas colocadas por el mismo q, con un criterio dudoso, decidió revestir todo el piso de la planta baja y galería c un porcelanato propio de un penthouse en puerto madero. Logro salir airosa de la prueba mas difícil de la mañana, esquivo el único pozo del barrio instalado a la salida d mi garage, y eludo el 30 colocado para poner a prueba mi capacidad de atender a varias cosas a la vez. Vamos en camino. Mi hija me reclama la campera, y mi hijo me pide q prenda la calefacción del auto Yo había prendido el AA. Algo no anda bien Por lo menos no vamos a llegar tarde. Dulce despertar de mi vida cotidiana. Y recién son solo las 8 de la mañana...
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incorrectsom · 6 years
Kell: You won’t get away with it, you know.
Osaron: And what makes you so certain of that?
Kell: Nothing at all, but it does my morale good to say it.
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incorrectsom · 6 years
Osaron: She first looked at me the way all beings lesser than I wanna be looked at.
Athos: Awwww~
Osaron: With fear in her eyes.
Athos: ...
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lovethbest · 6 years
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          STARTER CALL for anouk savi !  ( a darker shade of magic oc ; black london antari from the separation era ––– c. 1500s –––, flees to red and then grey london after black london falls to osaron.  has a wife and child in white.  can be adapted to modern / other magical verses. )
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lovethbest · 7 years
hey hey can i introduce y’all to my oc anouk for a sec because i Love her,
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black london antari from the pre / post-separation era ( c. 1500s )
fled her own london to escape osaron, initially to neighbouring white but then to red when osaron began to spread further
although she sympathises with white london on principle ( and had the most friends there ) she was in full favour of the separation.  she believed osaron would eventually reach the other londons, and cutting off the worlds was the only way to stop this happening.  
mostly, she was just terrified and wanted somewhere safe after losing friends, family, and her entire world to the oshoc.
she stayed in red london for some time after the separation, but eventually moved to grey, where she stayed until she died.  partly because between being in public support of the separation and almost a personification of black london magic at a time when all black london relics were being destroyed or locked away out of fear, there were very few who welcomed her there and many who would have gladly seen her dead.  partly for other reasons, to come in a later post.  
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incorrectsom · 6 years
Osaron: So I bought your soul last month and - Holland: No returns. Osaron: Please it’s making me sad.
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incorrectsom · 6 years
Osaron: I can destroy your armies and take this world by force.
Rhy: Well, yeah, you could. Yeah, you could do that, of course you could. But why? Look at these people: these human beings. Consider their potential. From the day they arrive on the planet, and blinking step into the sun. There is more to see than can ever be seen. More to do than - no, hold on… Sorry, that’s the ‘Lion King’. But the point still stands.
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incorrectsom · 6 years
Kell: Why can’t you just leave Red London in peace?
Osaron: Fuck me gently with a chainsaw, do I look like Mother Teresa?
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incorrectsom · 7 years
Osaron: Hey.
Lila: You son of a bitch!
Osaron: Is it me, or have the greetings gone downhill around here?
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