#holland what the HELL are you thinking my guy
softspiderling · 5 months
illicit affairs - part one | r.c.
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“I’ll be upstairs with Monique, a’ight?” he said, muttering in your ear. “Are you okay getting the drinks to the boys?”
“Yeah yeah,” you huffed with a wave. “Go on. Be safe.”
Rafe smirked at you, ignoring how Monique was staring daggers at you. “Come get me if anything’s wrong, you hear me precious?”
OR; Topper gets duped by a pretty “bartender”, Rafe (almost) has another hook up, and you're trying to tell yourself that this is enough.
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: mention of drugs and alcohol (weed!), this chapter has no smut, but the later parts will so 18+ MDNI!
word count: 2,5k
author's note: wait... is this finally the first chapter of illicit affairs?🤭 yes it is!!! ik i've been teasing it for so long but it's finally hereee!!! inspired by my own tom holland fic (don't talk to me pls) and it has evolved into a series... i hope you love it so much!!!
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part one: "don't call me kid"
Women and men can’t be “just friends”.
You had always hated that saying. Like, why the hell couldn’t men and women be friends? All three of your best friends were guys, and you didn’t even remotely want to be anything more than friends with any of them.
Okay, maybe you wouldn’t mind being more than friends with one of them.
Bane of your existence.
Pain in the ass.
Annoying as hell.
Your best friend, Rafe Cameron.
You tried so hard to not be in love with him, to only be his friend. Mostly because it would make your life so much less complicated, but also because you hated proving that saying right by being in love with your guy best friend.
“Hey, you still with us?”
Rafe stared at you with a frown, before he plucked the joint from your lips.
“You nearly smoked the entire thing by yourself. What’s got you thinking so hard?”
He raised an eyebrow at you while taking a hit from the joint, barely pulling it from his lips before Kelce snagged it from him.
“Greedy bitch,” Rafe huffed before he turned his attention back to you. “You tired, precious? Want to leave?”
You rolled your eyes at the nickname - despite the long tradition of it - and shook your head. “Nah. It’s not even one. And Topper hasn’t made a fool of himself yet.”
“Fuck you,” Topper shot back immediately, moving his cup out of the way when you reached for it. “No, no drinks for mean girls.”
“Come on, don’t be such an asshole,” you whined, smacking your mouth a little to get rid of the dryness the joint has left. Making grabby hands at the cup, you annoyed Topper until he finally gave in, handing you his cup. You took a big gulp, before you pulled a face, pushing the cup back into his hands, barely able to swallow whatever the hell he was drinking.
“Ew, what is that?”
“Some girl in the kitchen made it for him,” Rafe told you, snickering. “I don’t think he was even watching what she was pouring into his cup. Too entranced by her pretty eyes.”
“She said she’s a bartender,” Topper said defensively and you only snorted. He made it far too easy for girls to mess with him.
“Top, I love you,” you said, getting to your feet and straightening your clothes in the process. “But please, you can’t keep falling in love with every pretty girl who pays attention to you.”
“But I’ve been in love with you for six years precious,” Topper proclaimed as he clutched his chest melodramatically, “When will you give me a chance?”
You only scoffed at his antics, twisting your hair up before putting a hair clip in it. “You wish,” you said, slapping his hands away. “I’ll get us some new drinks.”
“I’ll come with,” Rafe offered.
“Can you get me one too?” Kelce piped up and you pinched his cheek, making him wince.
“Vodka soda?”
Kelce gave you a dirty look, rubbing his cheek before he nodded petulantly. You gave him a thumbs up, grabbing Rafe by the wrist to drag him inside.
It was incredibly packed as soon as you entered the house from the backyard, the body heat from about 50 drunk people raising the temperature indoors and it smelled like the inside of a beer keg. Rafe kept his hand on your lower back, to not lose track of you as you carefully weaved between the people on your way to the kitchen. You tried not to get distracted by how his hand occasionally brushed over your exposed skin whenever your top rode up. He had always been this way. Running a hand through Topper’s hair to annoy him, clasping Kelce’s shoulder whenever he drank too much and was hanging over the toilet, squeezing Wheezie’s arm in a quick hug, and keeping his hand on your lower back whenever the two of you were walking somewhere crowded. He liked to show affection the way his father failed to do. So you refused to overthink it when his hands splayed over your skin, despite your heart racing whenever it happened.
Losing yourself to your thoughts for a second, you didn’t pay any attention when some guy walked into you, too busy talking with his friend to watch where he was going. You nearly went flying face down on the ground, but Rafe’s hand quickly found your waist, steadying you.
“Hey, watch it!” Rafe snapped at the guy, who only raised his hands in defense.
“I’m fine,” you insisted, gently pushing his hands off of you. “We’re nearly there, don’t start a fight.”
Out of the corner of your eyes, you could see Rafe giving the guy a stink eye before you reached the kitchen, where it luckily wasn’t as cramped, with only a handful of people mingling and talking. Grabbing four cups off of the stack on the kitchen island, you pursed your lips as you let your eyes roam over the options, rows, and rows of alcohol.
“Do you want a beer or something harder?”
“Beer, I think I might have to drive us home,” Rafe replied, grabbing the vodka bottle that was on his left, and handing it to you.
You unstacked the cups on the counter and poured vodka into three of them. Rafe reappeared by your side - not that you had noticed him leaving, you were too focused on making sure there was an equal amount of vodka in all the cups - sipping on a beer, a jug of cranberry juice in his other hand. You grabbed the jug out of his hand, wordlessly, filling your cup to the brim.
“Where’s the club soda?” you asked, glancing at him over your shoulder. Rafe only shrugged.
“Couldn’t find it.”
“Here’s club soda, Rafe,” a flirty voice suddenly said, and Monique Colver batted her long, fake eyelashes at Rafe.
“Thanks Monique,” Rafe replied with a smirk, taking the bottle to give it to you, which you accepted wordlessly.
Here we go.
“Call me Moni.”
“Moany?” you muttered under your breath while you filled the other two cups, barely wincing when Rafe gave you a side eye, acting like he was listening to every word that left Monique’s lips.
“- but I told my dad I really wanted to travel a bit so he got a me a trip to Europe.”
“Oh yeah? What countries you tryna see?”
You downed your entire cup in one go, already refilling it when you heard “show you” and “upstairs” and you rolled your eyes. You lifted your cup to your lips, basically putting your entire face in it, really, anything to remove yourself from this conversation, only pausing with drowning yourself when you felt Rafe’s hand on your lower back. Again.
“I’ll be upstairs with Monique, a’ight?” he said, muttering in your ear. “Are you okay getting the drinks to the boys?”
“Yeah yeah,” you huffed with a wave. “Go on. Be safe.”
Rafe smirked at you, ignoring how Monique was staring daggers at you. “Come get me if anything’s wrong, you hear me precious?”
You flipped him off and he took that as a sign to leave, following Monique as she dragged him upstairs.
“Bitch,” you muttered to yourself, grabbing the three cups on the counter and heading back outside to the boys.
It was a miracle that not a single drop was spilled on the way, probably because you were too busy trying not to imagine what was going on upstairs.
“There she is!” Kelce greeted you. “Almost died of thirst. What took you so long?”
“Don’t ask,” you muttered, handing them the drinks and Topper eyed you suspiciously. Acting like you didn’t notice it, you plopped yourself into the empty seat next to them, taking a big gulp from your drink.
“Where’s Rafe?”
“Where do you think?” you said with a sigh, giving him a look.
You weren’t jealous.
Okay, you were.
But it wasn’t the main reason why you were so annoyed.
You just hated it when the girls Rafe hooked up with always treated you like you were their competition, like you would take him away from them.
Which, fair, you could if you wanted. If you faked an injury or being sick, Rafe would immediately drop them to get you home.
But he’d never want you the way he wanted them. Yes, you knew he loved you, and yes he was your best friend, but you couldn’t help but want more. Maybe that was selfish. You let out a small sigh, leaning your head on Kelce’s shoulder, missing the way he glanced at Topper. Lucky for you, they decided against pushing it. Taking a sip from your drink, you tried not to think about Monique and Rafe. It didn’t help that the vodka and the joint were starting to work, spreading into your system, making you feel all warm and woozy, your head cloudy.
Your eyebrows shot up when Rafe suddenly appeared, squeezing himself between you and the armrest, his hair disheveled. You were still stewing, looking at him with a crease on your forehead.
“That was quick,” you noted. “Where did you leave Moany?” You couldn’t help but ask, putting emphasis on her nickname.
Rafe only shook his head, plucking your cup out of your hand to take a big gulp.
“That man is traumatized,” Kelce pointed out, nodding in understanding like he didn’t need any further explanation.
“Wait, Monique Colver?” Topper asked. “She’s pretty, isn’t she?”
Rafe held up his hand, stopping him. “Yes, but that wasn’t the problem.”
You rolled your eyes, already knowing what was coming. He was such a drama queen sometimes.
“What did she do?”
Rafe didn’t answer, taking another sip of the drink, before he winced. “She told me to call her precious.”
“You know what’s the worst?” Rafe groaned, rubbing a hand over his face. “I didn’t even get off.”
“That’s your biggest problem??”
He rolled his eyes at you, shifting on the sofa. “Pretty big, yeah.”
“Can we get back to Monique wanting you to call her precious?” Kelce interjected. “Did Rafe call you precious in front of her?”
“Yes, very clearly. There’s no way she didn’t hear,” you replied.
“Maybe she hates your guts and she wanted to roleplay being you while Rafe abuses her in a sex-way.”
“Kelce, literally never open your mouth again,” you groaned, covering your ears with your hands, while Topper cracked up, Rafe only pulled a face.
“It makes sense,” Topper insisted. “Like, precious is the only girl who’s been around us, or well, Rafe, constantly. You know, apart from Sarah and Wheezie. Maybe that was Monique’s way of telling you she wants to be your girlfriend.”
“What?” Rafe asked, his forehead creased.
You snorted, shaking your head. “You’re giving her way too much credit, I think she’s just weird.”
“You’re biased,” Topper pointed out, reaching behind Kelce’s to boop you on the head. “I don’t think you’ve ever liked any of the girls Rafe hooked up with.”
“Ugh, what’s there to like? They either act like I’m invisible or are passive aggressive bitches,” you huffed, smacking his hand away. Rafe snickered, throwing an arm around your shoulder to pull you close, pressing a kiss on your head.
“They’re jus’ jealous, cuz you’re the only girl I keep around.”
“Get off me,” you grumbled, your cheeks warming regardless. Rafe knew how to make you feel special.
Kelce yawned, stretching his arms, laying one of them on top of Rafe’s arm around your shoulder. “This party sucks. And I’m starving.”
“I’m so down for tacos right now, do you think Mateo’s still open?” Topper asked, sitting up straight because if there was one thing he took seriously, it was tacos.
“It’s two am on a Saturday,” you pointed out, and his shoulders sagged. You exchanged looks with Rafe, a grin growing on your face. “His truck is definitely still open.”
“Alright!” Topper cheered, jumping up. “Let’s go then!”
He dragged the rest of you off of the couch, herding you through the backyard and to the car, all the while laughing and joking around. You ignored the dirty looks you received from others as you got into the passenger seat, Rafe getting into the driver’s seat of his truck.
It didn’t take long until Rafe pulled up into the parking lot where Mateo’s food truck was parked, the four of you tumbling out of the car, Topper nearly falling flat on his face as he sprinted to the food truck. The light was still on, with faint Spanish music playing in the background.
“If it isn’t my four favorite Kooks,” Mate said, wiping the counter with a towel, before throwing it over his shoulder, eyeing you expectantly as you stood in a row in front of him. “Can I help you?”
“Do you have any carne asada tacos?” Kelce asked, peering over the display.
“Even four would be enough,” Topper added, wringing his hands nervously.
Mateo sighed and you’d already come to terms with having to go to bed with a taco craving, before he grinned at you, shaking his head fondly.
“Grab some drinks and have some patience, I’ll feed you in a second.”
Ten minutes later, the four of you were chowing down on some tacos, washing it down with ice-cold cans of coke.
“Fuck, I so needed this,” Topper moaned, biting into his third taco and you rolled your eyes at him, dabbing at your mouth with a napkin.
“Get it together Top.”
Rafe nudged you with his knee, giving you a look. “Give him a break, I know you’ve been craving some tacos as well,” he said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, which made you pull a face.
“Eurgh, please use a napkin you slob.”
You pushed the stack of napkins in his direction and he only grinned at you, picking up some off the stack to wipe his mouth.
“What would I do without you?” he teased, but you only rolled your eyes fondly, picking up some nachos.
“Whatever, eat your damn taco.”
Rafe squeezed your wrist with his clean hand, and you only leaned your head on his shoulder, starting to zone out when they started talking about some new boat, just enjoying their company. Honestly, you were glad you had them. Even if they were boys, incredibly dumb, and lacked a little tact sometimes, you wouldn’t trade it for the world. You glanced down, where your legs were pressed against Rafe’s as you sat next to each other on the picnic bench, just like always.
Maybe, you thought to yourself, maybe this was enough.
“You good?” Rafe asked, raising a brow at you, taco halfway into his mouth.
“Yep, ‘m perfect.”
It had to be.
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author's note: tell me what you think pls!!!
🏷️list: @maybankslover
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etherealstar-writes · 3 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: sixteen
part one here
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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felt lotte 😔
neev you went to a wsl match and to an arse-nal one of all ?! i thought you were a chelsea supporter y/n 😔 how could you do this to me bae
kyra who the hell would be sane enough to support chelshit?
elton PLS
neev are we seeing this rn sam @ samtheskippa the disrespect
sam the skippa kyra lillee cooney-cross
kyra erm mum, save me @ stephy
stephy i ain't getting involved in this
kyra 😔
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meado oh my lord
tom holland's twin i have a concussion y/n ✌️ twinning
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ want me to come over and we can watch movies i'll bring ice-cream
tom holland's twin pls do 🙏
stairway why is lotte getting special treatment? i sprained my ankle the other day
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ sucks to be you
elton are you seriously still mad at us for accidentally giving you a concussion
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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neev i'll make it up to you with nandos i'll pay 🙏
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ okay
willybum that's all it took for you to forgive her? nandos?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ hey, nandos is fire 🔥 only ppl with taste can understand
mccard real
kyra real
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ and i can never stay mad at you guys for long
the REAL karate kid yayyy
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ but tillies are still my number one
willybum NOOO
kyra YESSS as you should 💪
the REAL karate kid okay but you support arsenal yeah? 🥺🙏
neev NAHH chelsea 🤍💙🥺🙏
brightness chelsea 🤍💙
flaming hot chelsea 🤍💙
sam the skippa aye up the blues 🤍💙
elton NAHH yanited 🔛🔝
earpsy yesss ❤️🖤
zelem ❤️🖤
turner ❤️🖤
hempo it's actually mancity thank you very much
lani ayeee
esme yess
chloe that's right
kyra nah y'all are absolutely delulu it's fairly obvious y/n should support ausenal we're superior 💪
wilybum you mean arsenal 🤨 ❤️🤍
kyra yeah that of course 😁 ❤️🤍
the REAL karate kid ❤️🤍
meado ❤️🤍
tom holland's twin ❤️🤍
mccard ❤️🤍
ford ❤️🤍
stephy ❤️🤍
cha cha i was gonna suggest spurs ....
willybum OH HELL NAH
the REAL karate kid NO
cha cha okay okay geez
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i think i should remain unspoken about this topic before things get more out of hand ....
neev NAH this is an important life decision y/n
rusty metal wait y/n barca will welcome you with open arms
rusty metal i thought it was just clubs in general 😔
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ barca is lookin very convicing ngl and i most def support ausenal (and lotte) 🇦🇺✊
mccard technically i'm an honorary aussie so do i count in ausenal 👀
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ of course
neev i thought we had a connection y/n 😔
willybum why not lionessenal 😔
meado that is a terrible name
the REAL karate kid fr
willybum sue me for tryin why don't you think of something better then
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nahh doesn't hit the same as ausenal
willybum i liked it better when you didnt know who we were and supported me 😔
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ that isn't very cash money of you willybum
ona you should come to barcelona y/n!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ anything for you ona 🙏
stairway nahhh come support bayern in germany 💪
kie barca is superior actually
rusty metal that's right!
willybum they're overrated
kie you did not
ona added la reina
neev HELP the alexia putellas being added to this gc was NOT on my bingo card this year 😭
ona alexia, leah williamson just said barca is overrated
willybum deleted a chat
willybum i don't know what she's talking about alexia you're amazing
la reina thank you? your nickname is ... creative
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ alexia will you adopt me?
la reina what?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ what? erm you are insanely peng oml
ona i thought i was peng 😔
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ YOU ARE
ona then you need another compliment for her
kyra alexia is very mother actually
cha cha she is fr
neev seconded
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ but steph is mother for me 🙏 alexia is literally la reina, my queen 😩
stephy what in the world are you guys talking about 😭
rusty metal wait what am i then?
neev grandma duh
rusty metal i shouldn't have asked 😭
ona grandma lucy hahaha
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ ona i'm packing my bags rn coming to barca right away for you
ona i shall be waiting
willybum i can't believe we're being forgotten about 😔
kyra no one cares lord farquaad
willybum you pest 😒
willybum changed kyra's name to pest
pest wow
willybum suits you very well
pest that's not gonna stop me from pestering you, willybum you do realise that
willybum steph control your child
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ but i never did anything 😔
stephy do you have a problem with my children, williamson?
willybum erm no
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ mother, kyra is hogging your favourite son from your favourite daughter
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stephy kyra give calvin back to y/n
pest wow i'm the neglected middle child i guess 😒
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ L
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
not me finally posting another crappy chapter 🤭
next part here
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siriustaylorsversion · 9 months
Nevermind (Taylor Swift x reader) She has always owned my heart pt.4
finally got over my writers block so this is a little long <3 thankyou so much @karsonromanoff for the idea!!
part one, two and three
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enews does anyone hear wedding bells? singer yourname.official seen wearing an ENGAGEMENT RING in a new interview... what news do her and taylorswift bring??? liked by tomhalland2013, y/n_sink and 4,205,600 others.
conangray my mothers are doing what now??
oliviarodrigo oh my god yourname.official SO HAPPY FOR YOU
siriustaylorsversion NOT #mymothersaremarried TRENDING ON TWITTER WHAT 😭😭😭
blakelively oh wow
tay.y/nforevermore WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'WOW'?????? y/n.sink MOM WHAT'S HAPPENING
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y/n_sink it's yourname.official's new story AND OH MY GOD MY PARENTS ARE MARRIED IM DEAD liked by woodvaleisreal, y/n_sink and 100,309 others.
y/ntourupdates but her story is so real 😭😭😭
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yourname.official IM OPENING FOR THE LOVE OF MY LIFE (and the highest grossing tour, I could not be prouder) liked by tomhalland2013, blakelively and 7,208,600 others.
taylorswift could not be more excited, my love 🥹🩷🩷
blakelively my favorite girls, oh my god <3
folkmore.forevermore CONGRATS ON THE ENGAGEMENT
y/nandsadie.forevermore YOU'RE MARRIED????????
conangray CONGRATULATIONS, MOTHER (why didn't you tell me??)
yourname.official what's up with the comments?
tomholland2013 i might've accidentally liked a post... yourname.official uh huh.... tomholland2013 it might've accidentally been about your nonexistent wedding, nevermind... yourname.official you're dead, spidey. folkmore WAIT WHAT IS GOING ON??
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taylorswift we got married? looking at all the fake wedding drama like 😦 liked by yourname.official, blakelively and 7,208,600 others.
yourname.official it was fun while it lasted 💘
zendaya wait, what drama??
tomholland2013 nothing, nothing at all. i- zendaya you good?? yourname.official got him mid-sentence... rest in peace, holland
y/n_sink i have never been this heartbroken, why.
folkmore.forevermore WHAT NOOO??????
blakelively i thought you didn't tell us </3
taylorswift you'd be the first one to know when it does happen tomholland you'd say yes to her? why?? yourname.official shush, you're dead.
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jimmyfallon we're gonna have yourname.official talking about the eras tour, the wedding rumors and should she "pull a monica" for a surprise proposal? don't worry, blondie can't see this post liked by yourname.official, blakelively and 3,200,600 others.
comments on this post have been limited
yourname.official i should go do it...
blakelively best of luck, darling <3
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tmz We are not coming to you with fake news this time, that time was in yourname.official's words... "all Tom Hollands fault". On the Jimmy Fallon show, the singer revealed that all the comments by the fans made her reflect on her relationship and said that "I couldn't be happier being with my girlfriend and I just think maybe we should get married. Taylor was scared at first that the people would believe the news and we'd have to get married when I'm not ready but.. it's like that one f.r.i.e.n.d.s. episode, maybe I should pull a monica and ask her." We could not be happier for the couple, now it's up to Ms. Swift to follow her own lyrics and baby just say yes. liked by zendaya, blakelively and 5,060,700 others.
gracieabrams they both have such a way with words, I'm actually crying.
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yourname.official NEVERMIND, SHE SAID YES liked by taylorswift, blakelively and 11,060,789 others.
yourname.official YOU'RE GONNA MAKE ME CRY AGAIN
gracieabrams FINALLY 🥹💖💖
tomholland13 to think i made this happen
yourname.official shUSH tomholland2013 congratulations and you're welcome 🙄💕
oliviarodrigo CONGRATS GUYS!!
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taylorswift of course i said yes, there is no other answer when it comes to her 🩷🩷🩷 liked by yourname.official, blakelively and 13,000,000 others.
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had a lot of fun writing this, maybe I'll make the wedding a part 5? stay happy and hydrated!
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hockeyandhrsepwr · 2 years
On the Seas
Charles Leclerc x Yachtie Reader
**I've been watching a lot of Below Deck which is how this came about - Enjoy:)**
Part 2
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Is there a new WAG on the horizon? Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc was spotted chatting to a pretty woman on a boat ride, then later on a larger yacht, Monaco Grand Prix weekend. After a little bit of digging, we found that the woman was yntakestheseas. She appears to be based on the south of France/Monaco and the same age as Charles but we can’t quite figure out what she does. Her instagram is full of scenic, party & boat pics. Do we think trust fund baby? Gold Digger?
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Ferrrari4657 y’all are ridiculous. He was spotted with a woman, he must be dating someone. sure jan
F1fan19 You saw one blurry picture & found all of that? Thats such an invasion of privacy but I’m kind of impressed. 
Fan58 do you not see the uniform? She clearly works on the boat, it’s not like they were making out of something. 
Fan856 god forbid, a single man talking to a pretty woman 🙄
F1083 saying she may be a gold digger is so out of pocket. Maybe she’s just rich and honestly if she is, good for her. 
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yntakestheseas It's the Grand Prix, I never miss the Grand Prix
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Bestfriend1 did Red Bull win?
yntakestheseas you can fuck right off
Bestfriend1 rude
Fans57 thats the same club the driver were in 👀
yntakestheseas along with half of Monaco babes, its not that deep
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yntakestheseas Yes, I Cannes, finally walk the carpet at the film fest! 
📍Cannes film fest
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Bestie finally seeing what its like on the other side
yntakestheseas I don’t like it mom come pick me up
F175 Charles is there, coincidence?
yntakestheseas Pierre, Max and Lando are somewhere here too. That mean I’m fucking them? Hell, Tom Holland is here, maybe I’m
Bestfriend1 You mean to stop there?
yntakestheseas no, I just realized that that might not be the best example because I would fuck him so…
Fan0237 Oh shit 😂
Fan477 She definitely gives off socialite energy, but how have we never seen her before
F1946 she must be new money, seems a bit tacky
yntakestheseas babes the 24 euros in my bank accounts say I’m no money
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yntakestheseas people jumping to conclusions in my comments 
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Fan466 What does this mean!!! bestie3 ooh girl 
MaxVerstappen Why you gotta do me like that?
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yntakestheseas when the captains away, the crew will play 
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BoatCapJoe you know I can see this right?
yntakestheseas Sir yes sir, its a joke. We are actually working very very hard right now folding your underwear into roses. 
BoatCapJoe youre lucky I like you
Bestie babe…..
yntakestheseas I’m coming to live with you if I get fired
Bestie no youre fucking not, I've seen what C's apartment looks like when youre there
CharlesLeclerc do you ever actually work?
yntakestheseas No, my daddy pays for everything thanks for asking
CarlosSainz55 ew 
yntakestheseas what? All I said was my dad pays 
CarlosSainz55 You & I both know what you meant 
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yntakestheseas You can call me captain #8 years 
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PierreGasly your mental age? Yeah we know
yntakestheseas I think you have me confused with lando
LandoNorris or himself
Bestie only took 8 years
yntakestheseas you know what, at least I did it
Charlesleclerc did what?
yntakestheseas bag someone rich enough to own the boat
CharlesLeclerc that all I’m good for?
Bestie you have a nice car!
yntakestheseas no, you have a decent dick too
PierreGasly 😲
yntakestheseas oh shut it mr 🐶
Charlesleclerc Decent isn't what you were saying yesterday
LandoNorris My EYES MY EYES Jesus guys 🤢
PierreGasly yeah I dont want to know that 🥴
Ferrrarifan3 Things I didnt expect to see today. This comment section 
yntakestheseas you should see the group chat
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spidey senses earth-1610 miles morales x spidergirl!reader
"favorite actor?"
"i'd say tom holland."
"really? i mean, personally, i think the guy is overrated."
"how is he overrated miles? he's gorgeous."
"looks like your everyday white boy."
"oh shut up. you're just jealous because he's dating zendaya," you smirk. miles laughs and rolls his eyes. those big, beautiful brown eyes.
"whatcha thinkin' about?" he shifts so he's facing you, getting a good look at your mopey expression.
new york is so beautiful from here. if only he could see your new york. the views from the rooftops were just as amazing, if not more.
"why'd you come back, miles?"
"i missed you," he sighs. his voice is nothing but a whisper, so quiet you almost think you're imagining it.
"that can't be the only reason. you've never come to see me before."
"i want you to come with me."
your heart skips a beat.
"miles... i can't-"
"please? just for a little while! you can take a break from being spiderwoman and we can hang out like regular teenagers and I mean, it'll be-"
"and i could-"
"we would be-"
he's gotten himself so worked up. his eyes are bright, his face is beaming, and his hands are flailing all over the place. it's been rare for you to see him so excited, it's the cutest thing, but it still breaks your heart.
"miles, i can't. i can't leave. i have a duty to these people. my new york is... it's beautiful, like yours, but it's hurting. hurting in a way i wish i'd never have to admit. i can't just... go."
he lowers his hands, his smile fading.
"oh... yeah yeah... i get it. totally."
you rest a hand on his shoulder.
"miles... i wish i could."
before you lean in, he grabs you by the waist, pulling you close.
his lips meet yours and for once, all seems right with the world. his skin is so soft and warm. so... perfect. the two of you linger there for a moment, and as you pull away, his gentle breaths warm your nose.
"miles, i-"
"i understand. i do." his hands are still tight on your waist, but you don't mind. "I'll come back to see you. i promise."
"but it's dangerous."
"i met you by some freak accident. miguel treats you like hell, and now he's sent you home? now i'm here with you. looking at you. that's not dangerous too?"
"i'm home because i rebelled. that's my fault."
"do you regret it?"
"not even a little, miles... and you keep fighting. don't stop, but i don't want you getting hurt like i did."
he nods and kisses you again, and though it's much shorter this time, it means everything to the both of you.
"how did you know i was gonna kiss you?" you inquire.
"what do you mean?"
"th-the first time... before i leaned in you... you pulled me closer to you and-"
"what- like this?"
he pulls you in again, planting that same warm, soft kiss on your lips.
"yeah... like that."
"i guess i could tell."
"sure... with spidey senses or something?" you laugh as you playfully nudge his shoulder.
"well, if you end up in my universe again, miles morales, you might wanna keep 'em close. you never know when you might be... using them again." you wink, kissing his cheek.
"i'm gonna miss you," he sighs, grasping your hands.
"i already miss you miles."
one last kiss.
and no, it wouldn't actually be your last kiss, but neither of you knew that, and you were going to make this one count.
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strawberryspence · 2 years
Dear Eddie,
Eddie fucking Munson,
Yeah. Hello. It's me. Steve Harrington.
Jesus. This is so weird.
Max just got out of the hospital today. It's surreal to think that it's been six months since Spring Break and she's only getting out today. The doctors said there's gonna be a long road ahead of her but that's okay, right? What's important is that there's a road ahead of her.
Anyway, the day Max got Vekna-ed Vecna-ed (Dustin just corrected my spelling. I think Vekna sounds better.), she wrote us letters. Just in case she… bites the dust. When she woke up, she told us we could read it if we wanted. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that I burned it the moment she woke up. She told me (Just me specifically) that I should try it. When I asked who I should write to, she smiled and started humming a Metallica song. Which is fucking wild that I even knew that she was humming Disposable Heroes.
Robin told me I wasn’t good at dealing with my grief. That instead of letting the wound heal, I just let it scab and hurt. Which— I hate the word grief. Because I hate grief, you know?
You don’t know this, but Barbara Holland died in my backyard and Nancy… Nancy still mourns her to this day. I don’t think she’ll ever stop mourning her. A few months back, we talked. Dude, I know what you’re going to say and No, we are not getting back together. I let her smash bottles of beer in my empty pool. We cried and screamed until we were both exhausted. I asked her this question that’s been running through my mind for months now.
What the hell is grief?
Nancy smiled at me. She told me that she had a hard time trying to learn what grief is, that at first she thought it was anger and disappointment and hatred. But she told me (after a few minutes because Nancy also loves dramatic pauses. I think you guys have that in common), that it’s actually just love. Just love. With no place else to go.
And you know what? Fuck that. She’s the smartest person I know but she was wrong. Fuck that.
This grief I have for you, it can’t be love right? How could I love someone I barely even knew? It’s nothing but disappointment that I couldn’t have done more. It’s nothing but pure fucking rage that you didn’t fucking listen to me when I told you to run. It’s nothing but hatred from the fact that you did this when you could’ve lived.
I don’t care if you felt like a coward. You should’ve been a coward because at least you would still be alive. I wouldn’t be writing this letter if you were alive.
I hate you. I goddamn fucking hate you for every decision you’ve made that night.
But Eddie…
Eddie, I need you to get up and tell me what to do. I am begging you to get up and tell me what to do. I don’t care how you do it, just do it. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do without you. Which is fucking ridiculous, because I didn’t know you. But I need you here. Right now.
We’re done with the Upside Down forever. We’re done with it. Everyone’s moving on, moving forward. And I… I still sleep with your vest. How could I be sad over something I never even had in the first place?
Robin’s giving me weird looks. She’s telling me that I could talk to her about anything. I know. I know I can. But I wanted you to be the first to know. Apparently, I am gay. Maybe half gay because I like both. Fucking Eddie Munson, you’re dead and you’re still giving me a sexuality crisis.
I think… I think I am mourning the fact that we could’ve been friends, and if I am being delusional, maybe even more. Dustin won’t stop talking about you these days. I think it’s his way of keeping you alive. If I’m being honest, I hate it. Because I am falling in love with a memory.
I… I miss you. I wish there was a way I could send this to wherever you are, so you could write back and tell me that it’s going to be okay. That someday I would forgive myself for everything I did and did not do, that someday it wouldn’t hurt this much anymore.
Max was right. I’ll write more in the future.
I wish you were here.
Fuck you,
Steve Harrington.
Steve laughs as he carefully closes the old letter— stained with tears and age, some crumpling and tearing on the edges— and slips it back to the envelope. The envelope is yellow at the edges, showing its true age.
“God, I was so mad.” Steve says, his hand finding the cold headstone. His fingers tracing the name inscribed on the marble. After a few years, after the town of Hawkins eventually forgot everything, the Party got Eddie a headstone in the cemetery. It’s a funeral ten years too late, but it brought closure to everyone that needed it. Wayne, included.
“You want me to read my newest letter?” Steve asks the empty space. Steve takes the newer envelope from the picnic basket he packed, opening it carefully and taking a deep breath.
“Dearest Eddie,” Steve smiles at the stone. He thinks of Eddie, the only image he always conjures when he misses him. He thinks of Eddie, hair wet and face grimy from having fought bats for a person he barely knew. He thinks back to that Eddie, big brown eyes and teasing smile.
He looks down at the letter and continues reading, “I am writing this letter before I go visit you. Spring has been good to us. I’ve been trying to plant more and I think it’s going great. Dustin’s been bugging me to get some exercise. Can you believe that? He said it’ll be good for my old bones. Or some shit like that. He’s still a disrespectful little shit. I do find joy over the fact that Edward is a jock. Dustin Henderson? Has a jock kid? It’s the best thing in my life. El loves joking about it. We’re just thankful the kid doesn't have powers.”
“The Byers-Wheelers are doing pretty good too. Will sent us this really funny picture of Mike in a tutu as the twins practice beside him. It feels like only yesterday Will came out to Robin and me. You remember that right? I think I wrote it in one of my letters. Will still tells me that you and him could’ve been really good friends, and I believe him.”
“The Sinclairs are planning to travel across the country this Summer. We did have a few laughs when the “Winnebago” dream came up. Elena’s going through a rebellious teenage phase, and I just think it’s funny that she stole their car to drive to me. She really is her mother’s daughter.”
“As for Argyle and Jon, last I heard they were in Montana. They’ll come back down for the holidays, but they live their lives on the down low. Aside from Jon’s very active instagram account, they do write through emails. Robin and Nance are in Europe right now. They wanted me to come, but you know I can’t leave Arwen. She could be forty and married, and I’d still stay by her side. She has this concert coming up, and I want to stay and make sure it goes well.”
“I still think it’s funny that I adopted her at a random adoption office, because it still feels like she chose me rather than I chose her. Sometimes, I still let myself be delusional. If I squint hard enough, I could see it. With the way she plays the guitar, or the way she talks nerdy with her uncles. It’s like you were right there when she was growing up, right there beside me, helping raise her. Now that Arwen’s older, she understands it now. Why I never got married.”
“It’s been 36 years since you left. It doesn’t feel that long ago. I know you know this already, but sometimes I still reach out for your vest at night. It doesn’t smell like you anymore, not at all. I still remember it though. Like cigarettes and weed and the damn forest. Sometimes I’ll get a random whiff of something similar in public, something remotely close, and I’ll smile. Because I just know that’s you, being a creep and checking in on us.”
“In the hundreds of letters I’ve written in the last few years, I don’t think I’ve ever said it.”
Steve chokes as he reads the next few lines, “I think I’ll be okay, Eddie. I am sorry it took me this long to say it, but I hope you’re resting well now. I think we’ll meet again in a few more years, maybe another 20? What’s another 20, right? I can wait. When we meet again, we can spend an eternity together if you’ll have me. We’ll do everything we want to do. Just… wait for me, okay, Eds?”
“I’ll be back soon. Love always, Steve.” Steve slowly closes the letter, slipping it back to the envelope.
Steve sits in silence. Just listening to the birds chirp, just basking in the sunlight.
“Dad!” Steve turns to see Arwen climbing the hills, waving her hands as she jogs over to him.
“Hi, peanut.” He greets her when she’s finally close enough.
“Hi. I am sorry to interrupt.” She looks at the headstone with pain before turning to him, “Are you almost done? We have to be back to Indianapolis by four.”
“Yeah, I think I am done. I can come back some other time.”
Arwen helps him up, his knees creaking with age, “Give us a few more minutes, hm? I’ll follow you.”
Arwen nods, smiling before turning to the grave, patting it gently like it’s an actual person, “I promise to visit some other time, Eddie. I’ll play you this new song I’m writing.” She kisses Steve’s cheeks before running back to the car.
“I wish I could stay longer. But she’s got that concert thing. There won’t be an actual concert if she’s not there.” Steve chuckles.
“See you later, Eds.” Steve lifts kisses his fingertips before pressing it on the headstone.
The trees shake with a gust of wind. He smiles, letting his eyes flutter shut as he feels the wind against his skin.
Steve opens his eyes, waving at the headstone one last time.
Edward Joseph Munson
1965 - 1986
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.
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alexendria-rose · 3 months
Part two of celebrity crush
Part one
A/n- it’s not really a part two but I loved making Instagram aesthetic for it lol so here’s just a little something 🤎
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liked by y/nupdates and 4,729 others
your username: eye spy a little cutie 👀
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y/nupdates- oh my gosh! Finally a confirmation!
cumberbitch- omfg he could do so much better
y/nstand replies- girl you think that’s you or what?
benedict cumberbatch - and I spy with my little eye a gorgeous woman 🩷
martin freeman replies- hey I thought I was your gorgeous doctor!
yourinstagram replies- awh Martin don’t be sad, we can share.
benedict cumberbatch replies- sorry Martin she’s a lot cuter then you 😇🙃
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liked by cumberbatchupdates and 5,798 others
benedict cumberbatch: I love that she dances like nobody is watching.
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cumberbatchupdates- she looks so free spirited!
cumberbitch- my heart is broken 💔
y/nupdates replies- please shut up and let them enjoy their relationship.
benedict cumberbatch replies - you looked so happy and carefree. I had to capture the moment.
yourinstagram - you’re lucky that I love you
zendaya - if you think this is bad you should see her on set 👀
sydney sweeney replies - god it’s so bad! How many times she shook her ass to the soundtrack.
alexa demie replies - the soundtrack was dope. We both were shaking our ass together.
robert downey jr - y’all are adorable it’s sickening.
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liked by y/nupdates and 4,798 others
yourinstagram: little behind the scenes before the show comes out tomorrow! Make sure to watch Eric 😉
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y/nupdates- wait are we going to get a y/n cameo! Please please.
cumberbitch replies- oh god I hope not
y/nstand replies - for the love of god shut the hell up please.
benedict cumberbatch- sneaking photos of me now?
yourinstagram replies- yes since someone likes to sneak photos of me, I had to get payback.
zendaya- 🥹
tom holland - look at my babysitter.
benedict cumberbatch replies - your the reason why my fans call me a babysitter, if someone didn’t spoil!
tom holland replies - I like you being my babysitter, your more fun then Anthony and Sebastian.
sebastian stan replies - rude
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liked by y/nupdates and 5,987 others
yourinstagram: Surprise 💍 #finally
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cumberbitch - NO
y/nstan replies - hahaha bitch get shit on
cumberbatchluv - WE LOVE Y/N🩷🩷
zendaya - no stop you finally posted lemme go cry.
sydney sweeney- look at our girl go 🥹
alexa demie replies - she’s growing up so fast.
yourinstagram replies - stop u guys are gonna make me cry fr
benedict cumberbatch - here’s to forever darling girl.
yourinstagram replies - forever and always my favorite British man 💍
tom holland replies - I thought I was your favorite !
yourinstagram replies - your my favorite British Tom.
tom hiddleston replies - okay rude, btw congratulations you two.
robert downy jr - damn that is one fat stone on your finger. Congratulations to the beautiful couple 🥂
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liked by benedictstan and 6,509 others
benedict cumberbatch: Marrying this girl in a week. Cannot wait 💍 #MrsCumberbatch
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yourinstagram - cannot wait to be Mrs Cumberbitch 😜
cumberbitch replies - this is rude
benedict cumberbatch replies - I cannot wait either my love 🥰
zendaya - she’s so cute. I want to marry her.
tom holland replies - you’re literally with me
yourinstagram replies - and I’ll take her from you, watch it holland
Marvel Official - My favorite couple.
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liked by y/nupdates and 7,898 others
yourinstagram: Call me Mrs Cumberbatch please 👀💍
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cumberbitch replies - I wouldn’t call it anything… 🤦‍♀️
y/nstan replies - ISTG BITCH LEAVE PLEASE
robert downy jr - this was such a beautiful wedding, I almost cried.
anthony mackie replies - almost? You did!
tom holland replies - I’m sorry mr downy but you did.
zendaya - GO BESTIE GO BESTIE, I still cannot believe I was the maid of honor
sydney sweeney replies - me too, I mean I’m obviously better.
alexa demie - yall stfu it’s her wedding
yourinstagram - yall were all beautiful bridesmaids, and thank you for being a part of the day 🩷
benedict cumberbatch - Hello Mrs Cumberbatch 😉
yourinsagram replies - Hi Mr Cumberbatch 😉 I love you husband.
benedict cumberbatch replies - I love you most dear wife
Marvel Official - not Benedict and Y/n being the main characters. Congratulations 🥂
martin freeman - 😭😭 look at my guy go, I love you guys such a beautiful wedding. Congratulations 🤎
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sluttywonwoo · 2 years
instead of you [part two] || l.mh
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pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex (18+ mdni)
word count: 3.8k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
series masterlist | early access to the next chapter on ko-fi
“What the hell is this?” you demanded as you burst into Jisung’s room, holding your phone out to him. 
He jumped when he saw you, tripped over the pants he was putting on, and fell backwards onto his bed all at once in a blur of flailing limbs.
“Jesus Christ, how’d you get in here?” 
“Seungmin let me in,” you said off-handedly. “You guys never lock your door anyway.” You waved the phone in his face again to get his attention. “Dude, what the fuck is this?”
He squinted at the screen. “I don’t know- stop moving!” 
You sighed and relinquished the phone to him, thrusting it accusingly into his hands before flopping down on the bed next to him. He read over the email you had pulled up once, then again. 
“Y/n, what are you talking about?” Jisung asked. “It’s just an email from my mom about the trip?” 
You jabbed a finger at one of the bolded lines. “Sleeping arrangements for Jisung and his girlfriend?”
The color drained from his face, telling you everything you needed to know. You bolted upright, confronted with the reality of your best friend’s stupidity. 
“So that’s not a mistake? That- you told them-“
“I can explain.”
You raised your eyebrows and stared expectantly. “I sure fucking hope so.”
“So, um, a few months ago when my parents were planning the trip they kept bugging me about bringing someone because I’d never dated anyone long enough for them to meet… I don’t know, it was typical parent stuff. They were probably just giving me a hard time, but I guess their nagging kind of stuck with me or something because…” Jisung trailed off and looked down at the carpeted floor beneath him, unable to meet your eyes. 
“Because what?”
“Do you remember Reagan?”
You blinked in surprise. You hadn’t heard that name since last semester. “Yeah, you dated for like two weeks… what about her?”
“I got it in my head that I was in love with her. I don’t know why, but I thought she was the one and-”
“You were stoned ninety percent of the time you were with her,” you reminded him. “That could have something to do with it.”
He glared at you. “You wanna let me finish explaining or?”
“Anyway, I thought I was in love with her and one night when I was, uh, a little crossed, I guess I called my mom and told her I’d met someone. I don’t remember doing that, but the next day I woke up with a bunch of excited texts from her and my dad about asking her to go on our summer trip so they could meet her. I told them I’d ask her, but we broke up the next weekend.”
“And you didn’t tell your parents, did you?” you asked with a sigh.
“No I didn’t.”
Han gave you a sheepish grin. His face was flushed red with embarrassment and you could tell he felt guilty about lying to his family. As frustrated as you were with your best friend you also couldn’t help but feel at least a little bad for him. You knew his parents could be a little pushy, especially since he was their only child in college. He always felt pressured to be the picture perfect son, so you could understand why he wouldn’t be eager to tell his parents that the girl he thought he was in love with was actually just a half-month fling. 
“So what did you tell them?”
“Nothing.” He shrugged. “I only talked about my ‘girlfriend’ when they asked. And I just made stuff up, like when they wanted to know what she was like. Reagan’s personality wasn’t very… family friendly.”
You snorted, thinking back to when she offered you coke within an hour of meeting you. “That’s putting it nicely.”
“Hey, she wasn’t that bad,” he argued defensively. 
“Han, she cheated on you.”
“Fine, maybe you have a point.”
“Remember, this is why we never trust people named after republican presidents?” you asked in a sing-song voice, touseling his hair playfully. 
He swatted you away and ran a hand through his hair, trying to fix the damage you’d done with little success. You backed off, but nudged his shoulder gently to get his attention. 
“Why didn’t you just tell me? I thought we told each other everything.”
“I don’t know,” he sighed, “I thought I could fix it I guess, like maybe I’d get into another relationship and I could just pretend like nothing ever happened… and when I didn’t I just tried to forget about it, honestly.”
You let his explanation sink in as you sat there and tried to sort out your own feelings. The situation he’d gotten you both into was pretty fucking stupid and could’ve easily been avoided, but at the same time you understood why he felt backed into a corner. And he’d gotten you out of so much shit throughout the years, you owed him this much didn’t you? And you’d only have to pretend to date in front of his family… and how bad could spending the summer with your best friend be anyway?
“Wait, am I supposed to be Reagan? Like is that who I am in this scenario?”
A spark of hope ignited in Jisung’s eyes at what your question was implying. “No, no,” he assured you. “I don’t think I ever mentioned her name, so we’re good.”
“You don’t think you did?”
“I didn’t.” 
He said it more confidently, but you weren’t sure you believed him. Even so, there wasn’t anything you could do beside trust him and hope for the best. 
“Wait, so when were you going to tell me that I’m supposed to be your girlfriend?” you asked. “Were you just gonna drop that on me as we were standing on your parents’ doorstep?”
“I mean… no?”
You smacked the same shoulder you’d nudged seconds earlier. “Asshole.”
“Repeat it back to me again.”
You took a deep breath, running over the details in your head before reciting them back. “We met in our World Perspectives class freshman year and were put in a study group together. We became fast friends, but before we knew it, it turned into something more. All of our friends could see there was something between us, but we were in denial for the longest time until finally you told me you had feelings for me this year and I said I felt the same,” you paused and rolled your eyes for good measure. “And the rest was history.”
“What a beautiful story. You sound so in love,” Jisung deadpanned. 
“Watch it, Han,” you mumbled. “It’s not too late for me to back out of this thing.”
“Y/n, we’re literally on a plane to Seoul, mid-flight right now.”
“I said what I said.”
“Fine, fine, sorry. It was an Oscar worthy performance.”
You relaxed back into the leather seat smugly. “Thank you.”
“Quiz me now?”
You nodded and leaned down to unzip your backpack, rifling through its contents for the rubber banded index cards buried somewhere at the bottom. You and Jisung had spent a couple nights in the library creating and studying “your story”. It lowkey felt like you were preparing to be interrogated for murder with the way you had constructed a timeline of events and memorized every single detail so that your accounts matched. 
Jisung called you ridiculous when you started making flashcards late into one of your study sessions, but even he had to admit they were pretty damn helpful once you both started using them. 
“What was our first date?” you asked, squinting at your messy handwriting on the card. 
“The state fair,” he answered back. “We shared a cinnamon pretzel and had our first kiss in the house of mirrors.”
“Damn, you’re good- the next one was ��where was our first kiss’.”
“What can I say, I’ve always been an overachiever.”
“Shut up. When’s our anniversary?”
He shut his eyes for a moment to think. “Um…”
“C’mon, Mr. Overachiever, when is it?”
“Give me a second,” he muttered. “November… twenty-first.” 
“Good job. But if it takes you that long to remember in front of your parents I’m dumping you right then and there.”
You gave him a fake smile and shuffled to the next card. “Love hurts.” 
“What’s our favorite thing to do together?”
“Try new bars and coffee shops and give them really specific ratings on Yelp afterwards.” 
“Who said I love you first?”
“You did.”
“Who ‘wears the pants’ in our relationship?”
“Neither of us, preferably,” Jisung quipped with a wink. 
“Oh my god. Don’t- don’t say that in front of your parents. Or do the wink. Just stick to the script.”
“You know I’m kidding, y/n, don’t worry,” he assured you. 
“I know, I’m just… feeling kind of nervous.”
“What do you mean?”
You set the index cards down in your lap and forced yourself to look your best friend in the eyes. “It’s just, uh, I’ve never met your family before. Like I dunno, I know we’re not actually a couple, but you’re really important to me so I still really want them to like me. Like, I want to make a good impression.” 
“Oh,” his expression softened as he spoke, lines of worry fading back behind his freckles. “You don’t have anything to worry about. Trust me, they’ll love you.” 
Trusting Jisung had never led you wrong before, at least not severely, but you still felt an uneasiness pulling at your chest that you couldn’t explain. 
“I mean, my parents have wanted for me to bring someone home to meet them for years, so you already have a huge advantage. They just want to see me happy in a relationship- which reminds me, if we’re going to make this convincing and pull it off, we should set some rules.”
“What kind of rules?”
“No sex?”
“Y/n!” Jisung hissed through his teeth. “You think you could lower your fucking voice a little?” His tone was even, but his eyes betrayed the thinly veiled panic you were all too familiar with. 
Pushing your best friend’s buttons was something you usually enjoyed, but in that moment you were feeling a similar sense of panic. 
“Sorry, how was I supposed to react to you telling me I can’t sleep with anyone this summer?” you snapped in a whisper. 
“How were you expecting to pull that off without making it look like you were cheating on me?” he countered. 
“I- I don’t know. I guess I wasn’t thinking about it…”
Jisung had been typing the list of “rules” for the summer in the notes app of his phone for the better half of an hour as you brainstormed together, and you had been on board with everything that it consisted of so far:
No gross pet names (babe, baby, and darling are acceptable)
No kissing with tongue
No telling embarrassing stories!! (yes that includes that one time i got a condom stuck in my nose and we had to go to the emergency room- that’s literally only funny to you)
Share a bed together for the whole trip
Spend at least an hour with family per day
Take “coupley” pictures together when my parents as- bc they WILL ask
Wear the matching shirts my mother made 
Buy y/n all the alcohol she wants
It was a pretty decent list, all things considered, until he got to rule number ten. 
“I mean it’s not like it’s going to be easy for me either,” Jisung reasoned. 
You rolled your eyes. “Am I supposed to thank you for your service or something? Applaud you for keeping it in your pants for two whole months?”
“You’re literally complaining about the exact same thing.”
“Yeah, but I’m only doing it to save your ass,” you huffed.
“Trust me, I’m well aware,” he said, sighing. “I’m sorry for dragging you into this.”
You gave him a soft smile. “You don’t have to keep apologizing. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want to be.”
“You don’t want to be. You’ve mentioned that several times.”
“Well, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t love you.”
Jisung smiled at that. “Thanks, I love you too.”
“Alright that’s enough sincerity between us for a lifetime,” you said and chuckled uneasily. “We can go back to being assholes to each other now.”
“Good, that took a lot out of me.”
You glared at him, but refrained from making a comment. “What’s next on the list then, lover boy?”
“Already breaking the first rule-”
“Fine, what’s next on the list, fuckface?” you asked with a smirk. 
Jisung clenched his jaw and scrolled on his phone. “Okay, number eleven, no flirting with my brothers.”
“Do you really need to write that one down?” You watched as he typed it out without acknowledging you. “Like isn’t that kind of implied? You know I don’t see Felix like that.”
“He’s not the one I’m worried about,” he muttered. 
You raised your eyebrows expectantly, awaiting an explanation, but he offered none. Instead, he moved on to the next rule and left you sitting alone in your confusion. 
The majority of the rest of the flight was spent bickering with Jisung over the list, undoubtedly annoying the hell out of everyone seated around you. The other passengers finally got some reprieve from the sound of your hushed voices when Jisung put his earbuds in to listen to music. You knew he was only doing it to tune you out because whenever he was really listening to something he always shared one of his earbuds with you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. If he was going to be like that then… god, this was going to be a long summer.
You shifted in your seat so that you could comfortably rest your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Even though he was frustrated with you, you knew he wouldn’t push you away. It was just like that with you guys. He’d get over it by the time you landed. 
When you opened your eyes again, Jisung had fallen asleep too. He was slumped against you with his head resting on top of yours like something out of a movie. It struck you as ironic. To passers by you already looked like a couple. Game on. 
Jisung led the way through the busy airport terminal to baggage claim, apparently trusting you were right on his heels. But it was almost like he was trying to lose you with the way he was weaving through the crowd like a wanted fugitive. You could barely keep up. Some fake boyfriend he was. 
You’d never seen your best friend like this before. Usually he was so calm and collected, the one who was always talking you off the ledge, but you could tell he was the one climbing stairs right now. 
“Fuck, there’s no way this’ll work.” 
It had been another one of those late nights in the library when Jisung had thrown the stack of index cards onto the table in surrender and buried his face in his hands. You were both teetering on the edge of a caffeine crash. The words on the pages had started to blur together in a way that was almost illegible and neither of you could keep the important dates of your relationship straight. 
“Yes it will,” you insisted as you gathered up the cards and handed them back to him. “We’re just burnt out. That’s why we keep getting things wrong.” He knit his eyebrows together in a way that told you he didn’t believe you, but didn’t say anything in return. You sighed and took a sip of your coffee, giving him a measured look over the lenses of your glasses. “It’s four am., Ji. We just need some sleep and then we’ll come back fresh tomorrow, you’ll see.”
He pushed his hair back from his forehead and nodded reluctantly. “Thanks for doing this with me… it’s, uh, really important to me.”
“I know.” 
But you didn’t know why. Jisung didn’t even study this hard for midterms, but here he was night after night with you mapping out every single detail of your fake relationship. A small part of you wondered if there was something more, something that he was keeping from you, but you pushed the thought down. You told each other everything…
As you watched him wait for your suitcases at the carousel, arms crossed, left foot tapping the tile impatiently, it dawned on you just how nervous he was. You wished there was something you could say to ease his mind, but the right words were escaping you. To be fair, you weren’t having any luck shaking your jitters either. You’d never been in a relationship long enough to meet your significant other’s parents. Somehow the fact that you weren’t even dating made it even more daunting. You desperately needed the Hans to like you- for both you and Jisung’s sakes. 
“This one’s yours, right?” Jisung asked and pointed to one of the bags he’d rolled over.
“Yeah, thanks for grabbing it.”
“Don’t mention it, babe.” You fought the urge to make a face- “you’re making a face.”
“Sorry, knee-jerk reaction. Still adjusting to hearing that.”
“Well adjust quicker because my brother will be here to pick us up any minute.”
“Wait, what?”
“How else did you think we were going to get home?” he asked.
“I don’t know. I didn’t think about it.”
You followed Jisung outside through the automatic doors to the car loop to wait for Felix. It was warm out, but there was a light breeze that lifted some of the heat from the pavement. The sun had set mere minutes ago, and dusk was lazily settling over the horizon. You were too close to the city to see any stars, but the moon glowed dimly behind the clouds, like a performer waiting in the wings. 
Jisung scrolled through Spotify as you both sat there, carefully balanced on your suitcases, and offered you one of his AirPods. You took it wordlessly and put it in your ear. The gesture was comforting, almost intimate, a reminder that nothing had changed between you. At least not yet. 
He was playing something you hadn’t heard before, a classical piece. It sounded old and European which didn’t narrow it down at all. A glance at the title scrolling across his screen suggested that it was French, but he put his phone in his pocket and stood up before you could fully read it. 
Before you could ask what was happening a black Audi pulled up to the curb, parked, and a boy who was… not Felix stepped out of it. It was then that you realized Jisung had never specified which brother was picking you up. 
You knew Jisung had an older brother, but he didn’t talk about him much. You had just assumed they weren’t close, but as you watched them hug and laugh together you weren’t sure what to make of it. 
“Y/n, this is Minho,” Jisung said as he introduced you to his brother. “Jisung, this is my girlfriend, y/n.”
“Nice to meet you.” You held out your hand and he shook it tentatively.
“Likewise,” he replied, sounding unconvinced. “Can I help you guys with your bags?”
“Um, sure. That’d be great.”
You handed over your suitcase and backpack to him and joined Jisung back over on the sidewalk while Minho lifted the luggage into the trunk with surprising ease.
Minho was about Jisung’s height, slender like Jisung too. But he was wearing a baseball cap so you couldn’t make out the features of his face very well. 
“Do you want to sit in the front, baby?” Jisung asked, pulling you back into the moment.
“No thanks, you catch up with your brother. I’ll be fine in the back.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. Minho didn’t seem too thrilled to meet you in the first place so sitting in the back seemed like the safer way to play it. Jisung just shrugged and climbed into the passenger seat while you slid into the middle seat in the back. 
“Did you tell mom we’re running a few minutes late?” Jisung asked Minho once he’d merged onto the road. 
“Yeah, she said she expects it from Incheon anyway since they’re always so busy.”
“It was fucking packed.”
“I know. Traffic was awful getting here. Everyone’s going on vacation.” Minho turned to glance at you, then back at his brother. “Are you guys hungry? Dinner should be ready when we get there.”
“When we get where?” you piped up in confusion, wondering who would’ve cooked at the boys’ flat.
“Our parents’ place.”
You grabbed Jisung by the shoulder. “Wait, we’re going straight to your parents’ house? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“What do you mean? Why does it matter?”
You stared at him, eyes wide. “I can’t meet your parents like this!”
“Like what?”
“Are you fucking kidding me? I’m wearing sweatpants!”
“And you look fine!” he argued. “Minho, tell her she looks fine.”
“Uh, you look fine.”
Why were men so fucking dense? You rolled your eyes and unbuckled your seatbelt. Your suitcase was just out of reach in the trunk so you hoisted yourself up over the seatback and grabbed one of the straps on the bag to pull it closer to you.  
With your limited access it was hard to find what you were looking for, but you managed to randomly pull out a nice pair of jeans and a floral print blouse you’d thrifted last semester to change into. 
Before either of the boys up front could register what was happening you pulled your t-shirt off over your head and started shimmying out of your sweats. 
“What the fuck are you doing, y/n?” Jisung hissed as the car swerved. 
To be fair, you were just straight up taking your pants off in his brother’s car, but in your defense he’d really left you no choice. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” You snapped and looked back up at him, catching Minho’s eye in the rearview mirror as you did. 
“Keep your eyes on the fucking road, Minho.” Jisung grumbled, shooting daggers back at you.
You blew him a kiss in return followed by the middle finger as you buttoned your jeans with your other hand. 
Minho laughed and turned to his brother. “I like her.”
tags: @phobia0325 @fwess @hipsdofangirl @galaxleeknow @urmomma0324 @bangmechanpls @102598s @farfromsugafanfic @ritzy-roo @dimpledsatan @bvselines
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rebelspykatie · 11 months
that green light, i want it
Part 3
Steve takes off towards the other side of the cemetery, not looking back to see whether Eddie’s following. 
“Wait,” Eddie stumbles after him, crunching loudly through the leaves, trying to catch up, “are you taking me to your lair to kill me?” 
“Lair?” Steve looks over his shoulder incredulously.
“Don’t look at me like that. Jesus H. Christ, you have fucking light balls coming out of your hands.” He wiggles his fingers in the air in a poor imitation. “I don’t know anything about this shit. Do you need potions or spells or is that all just coming out of you naturally?” He nods towards Steve’s hands, now striding along through the woods at his side. 
“There’s no lair.” Steve doesn’t answer any of the other questions, but he does say, “I’m not going to kill you unless you don’t shut up. If you’re not more careful, they’ll find us and do the job for me.” 
“Who the fuck are you even talking about, man?” 
“The coven.” 
“There are more of you?” 
“Did you think I was just out here by myself figuring this all out?” He scoffs. “Of course there are more witches.”
“Aren’t witches normally chicks?” 
“You’re really testing the whole will this guy murder me thing, you know?” Steve comes to a stop, holding out his arm to stop Eddie in his tracks. He flicks his hand in a complicated gesture and a car blinks into existence in front of them. 
“Holy shit, dude,” Eddie reaches out and touches the hood of the car, testing whether it’s real. “Was that a cloaking spell or like did you shrink it down?” He spins around and gestures wildly with his hands. “Wait, was it teleportation? No, no. You probably would’ve teleported out of here if you could do that. Unless you can do it with objects, but not people.” He looks at Steve expectantly. 
All he gets is a blank stare.
“Cloaking,” he finally answers. “Get in.” 
“My uncle taught me to never get in the car with strangers.” Eddie says, but he’s already pulling the passenger door open and climbing in. Wayne’s going to murder him if this guy doesn’t. 
“You’re not a stranger, anymore,” Steve reminds him as he gets into the driver’s seat. “You’re Eddie and I’m Steve. Not strangers. You’re about to learn a hell of a lot more than you bargained for. I’m sure your uncle’s really proud of you right now.” 
“Bullshit, man,” Eddie huffs and tugs on his seat belt as they go careening around a curb. “Knowing someone is about more than a name. And leave Wayne out of this.” 
“You want to know more than my name?” Steve questions, speeding out of the graveyard and onto the deserted highway. 
“I just risked losing my job to follow a known necromancer to an unknown location to potentially get answers about whatever the fuck I just witnessed. So, yeah man, I want to know more.” 
He really hopes this guy doesn’t murder him. This is the most interesting thing that’s ever happened to him and he’s seen some shit, burying dead bodies and all.
“You have no survival instincts.” Steve sounds disappointed, like Eddie is somehow letting him down with his inability to shut up.
“Duh,” Eddie laughs, a harsh sarcastic thing, “I’m the cat.” 
“The way you were stomping through the graveyard you’d think you were an elephant,” Steve mutters.
“Sorry some of us can’t be stealthy assholes that dig up graves in the middle of the night,” he brings up again, just to be a little shit. 
“I’m sorry about that, but I had to find the right one.” 
“The right one?” Eddie gapes at him. “You mean the right corpse?” 
“The right witness.” 
“Witness to what?” 
“The murder.” 
It takes Eddie a minute to put the pieces together, to recall the conversation he had with Wayne. To remember the ghost stories passed around Hawkins about the girl that disappeared.
“Is this about Barbara Holland?” Steve’s hands tighten around the steering wheel. “You know who killed her?” Steve nods. “What are you going to do with that information?” 
“Hide,” Steve says.
“What do you mean hide?” 
“They’re going to come after me now.” 
“Who?” Eddie’s having trouble following. 
“The coven.” Like that’s supposed to make any sense to Eddie. “They knew we were looking for answers, but not how. If they find out I know what those people knew, I’m as good as dead.”
Steve turns into a nice neighborhood, one with the kind of houses Eddie’s never even seen the inside of, one’s that would have kids playing outside in the streets if it weren’t for it being the middle of the night. There’s a mansion, tucked into the trees that you could almost miss if not for its size, directly on the other side of the woods lining the graveyard. They pull into the driveway, but it doesn’t look like anyone is home. 
“Come on,” he says, turning off the engine and getting out of the car. 
“I’m not sure I understood anything you just said,” Eddie clamors after him, almost tripping over a hose left in the driveway by a well kept garden. “Are we robbing this place?” 
Eddie gets another incredulous look thrown at him as Steve says, “I live here.” 
Fuck. This witch is fucking rich. Of course the wealthy have time to dabble in the dark arts. Eddie’s out here working a shit job and this bitch is learning how to make zombies. Life really isn’t fair. 
Once they’re inside, Eddie whistles as he takes it all in. The pristine, cleanliness that feels foreign to Eddie, who grew up in a cluttered, but warm home. It’s almost clinically clean. Off white walls and spotless furniture. No knick-knacks or clothes strewn about.
“Guess your maid didn’t have the day off,” Eddie wonders out loud before he can stop himself. Steve rolls his eyes and heads upstairs, Eddie trailing after him so he’s not left standing in the foyer like an idiot. There’s a part of him that’s afraid to be left alone, like Steve might just disappear out of thin air if Eddie takes his eyes off him. 
What must be Steve’s room is infinitely worse than the rest of the house. The walls are an atrocious plaid pattern. Eddie’s eyes cross just glancing at it, but there are at least some personal touches in this room, even if Eddie wants to turn his nose up at them. 
But that all fades away when Steve pulls a bag out of his closet and starts going through the items like he’s taking an inventory. Pulling out potion bottles and little leather bound notebooks. There’s a larger book that looks ancient, which must be a spellbook. 
Eddie’s fingers itch to go over and riffle through the contents himself. His curiosity might actually get him killed one day, but he knows better than to pick up a random witch’s spellbook. It’s probably cursed. There are likely numerous unspeakable ways in which Steve could kill him, it would be a shame to die from his own stupidity. 
“What’s the plan here?” Eddie leans against the doorframe, crossing his arms and legs, watching as Steve carefully repacks the bag and starts haphazardly throwing clothing into a second bag. 
“I told you,” he sounds frustrated, and a little panicked, “Hide.”
“And then what?”
Steve pauses, glancing up guiltily, “I haven’t thought that far ahead. I didn’t expect to find answers. Nancy and I didn’t prepare for this. We both lost hope a while ago, but we just kept trying anyway.” 
“Who the fuck is Nancy?”
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four | Part Five | Part Six | Part Seven | Part Eight | Part Nine | Epilogue | AO3
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cashcart1er · 1 year
Surprise Y/N (Part I)
Gf!Riri, Bestfriend!Shuri, Blood, Gore, Drug Use, Explicit Language, Main Character Deaths, Sexual Content, Ghostface Shuriri?
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This was inspired by @killmongerskeepermain Ghostface story and Scream I. Enjoy!
'Two Apalachee High school students Jamie Lynch and Brady Harrison found dead in the Lynch household on 7th street. They were stabbed multiple times in multiple places. There is no known suspect yet, but there a Halloween mask found at the scene-
You switched the TV off sighing. They have been blowing every TV channel with this. Of course it sucked that they died, though You didn't really know them but that doesn't make it any better. "Damn, this is one crazy town I swear" Your friend Jerome spoke up while sparking up a blunt. "Hey, you okay? we haven't had a casualty like this since..."
Your girlfriend Riri was talking about your father. Your father died a year ago from being brutally murdered by a serial killer named Ray Holland. You weren't ever the same that day and it showed. Ever since that day you never let a door go unlocked or a window left open.
"I'm fine baby. Do you feel like getting me sprite?" She nodded giving you a kiss before getting up to go to the kitchen. "Nigga I know we ain't letting this sleepover go to waste over some classmates we ain't even know. Rest In Peace and shit but we gathered each other to have fun not slump in your seats" You gasped from your friend Mariah's lack of sympathy.
"Have a heart Mariah that ain't cool. She is right about us coming to have fun though. When is Kai and Shuri comi-" Jerome was cut off when the door swung in. "Your favorite people just arrived! Did y'all pick out the horror movie?" You did forget about the movie you guys were supposed to watch. Luckily Riri had one.
"What's up twin. Yeah I got a movie to watch and it's called Scream. It's basically about the same mask from the news" Jerome scoffed, "That movie was so unoriginal. The girl goes answering calls that don't need to be answered but somehow every time the killer comes she slips away while all of her other friends get slaughtered. They never follow the main rules of a horror movie. 1. Don't pick up the phone 2. Keep them doors locked and 3. Don't say you'll be right back. Because you probably won't" Everyone rolled they eyes and greeted each other happily before sitting down. "Alright lets get this shit started!" Shuri shouted causing everyone to chuckle.
"Alright I'll see you guys tomorrow at school" Everyone said their goodbyes as they left your house. "Be safe baby. I'll see you tomorrow?" You nodded giving her a deep kiss pulling away only after I lost breath but she pulled me back in kissing on my neck. "You know I can stay here with you" You felt her smirk on your neck as she pecked at it. "Mm it's okay Ri. My cousin is coming here soon to watch me until my mom gets back Sunday" You pulled away patting her on her soft cheeks. "You positive?" She pouted making You laugh as you nodded. "Alright Ma. I love you" Riri replied walking to her car. "I love you too"
You closed the front door and locked it before cleaning up the living room. A couple minutes passed and in the middle of picking up some cups, your phone rung. "It's like 9:00 at night who the hell is calling at this time?" You pick up the phone answering it. "Hello?" You start. "Hey Y/N it's Darnea I just clocked out. Coming over right now. I did get us some snacks in case you had the munchies" You smiled lightly before speaking. "Alright, I'll see you when you get here" You hung up and threw the cups in the trash.
The phone rung once again making you think she forgot to tell you something. "Darnea just get in your car-" "Hello Y/N" An unfamiliar raspy male voice spoke sending a chill over your body. "Uh Hi? May I ask who's calling?" the person only chuckled as a response. "Such a spooky night isn't it? It's almost like..it was straight out of a horror movie or something" You were sure it was Jerome just trying to mess with you after the mention of scary movies.
"Jerome if you don't get yo ass off of my phone. It is you ain't it?" You asked. "Do you like scary movies Y/N?" Who you think is Jerome spoke in a deep, sulky tone. "I like what you're doing with your voice J. It's kinda sexy. Don't tell Ri I said that before she jumps to conclusions" You snicker. "What type of scary movies do you like?" You rolled your eyes at all of his questions that he would know. "J you know I barely watch those. The one we watched today got on my nerves. Besides, they're all the same" You shrugged walking over to the couch.
"Are you alone in the house?" You sigh at the typical movie lines he's throwing at you. "J you're supposed to be an expert of movies why are you being so unoriginal?" You plop on the couch waiting for his response. "Maybe that's because I'm not Jerome" You sat back up just as fast as you sat down. "Uh well then who the hell are you?" You ask as you look throughout your windows. "The question 'Who am I' is never more important than the question 'Where am I'" A part of you still thought it was Jerome but you were still on edge. "Fine, where are you?"
"Your front porch"
This could easily be a joke but that didn't stop you from starting to get a little bit nervous. The only reason your black behind crept to the front door was because this wasn't the first time your friends pulled this bullshit. You opened the door slowly as you skimmed the front porch finding nobody. An idea popped up in your head causing you to smirk.
"Can you see me right now?"
"Uh huh" they replied.
"Yeah okay then what am I doing?" You stuck a finger up your nose waiting for a response but to no avail. "Helloo what am I doing?" You looked around giggling. "Stop playing J you ain't slick. Bye" Your finger was hovering over the end call button. "If you hang up you'll die just like your fucking father bitch!" You froze realizing this wasn't Jerome at all. It was a whole psychopath. "Fuck you nigga" You hung up anyways and scurried back inside locking the door behind yourself.
As you were taking a deep breath, you heard footsteps behind causing you to dart your head that way. To your surprise it was the killer from the news and the movie. Blood was rushing to every part of your body as the killer swung their knife. You barely dodge it but they grabbed your body slamming you onto the floor. The killer got on top of you as you both fought.
The killer locked their hands in your locs bringing your head up and back down ferociously bringing pain to your cranium also making your vision blurry. They dragged their knife across your body before getting ready to cut you open. You snapped back in time and kicked them in their stomach. You took the chance to open the front door but the lock wouldn't budge.
They got up and tried to stick the knife into you but you dodge running up the stairs but they were right behind you. You locked your bedroom behind you pulling out your phone to call 911. The unknown person banged the door slowly busting it down. "911 what's your emergency?" "Help me this guy is trying to kill me with a knife!" You yelled scared for your life. "We have a unit in your neighborhood they will be their in a couple seconds"
When you looked at the door, the person in the mask was gone. There was a thud at your window making you yelp. It was Riri and she looked confused as she climbed in. "What the hell is going on? I was coming back to return those notes I borrowed but I heard screaming" You hugged her tightly letting tears run down your cheeks to her shirt. Her phone dropped making you look at it. You were in shock when you saw that her phone said call ended the same time you ended the call with the dude in the mask.
It couldn't be...Could it?
You slowly removed yourself from her grip making her brows furrow. "What?" she ask but you were in too much fear to speak. "Wait don't go Y/N stop!" You ran out the room to the front door yelping because a police officer surprised you. "Rico help me!" You knew the officer because he was your cousins' brother. "It's okay we got this. Lets go!"
"Ow fuck!" They arrested Riri as she winced from the force. "Do you wish to give up the right to remain silent?" Rico asked before leading her to the sheriff. "I didn't do anything. tell them Y/N! Sheriff call these guys off" The sheriff shook his head no signaling the other officers to put her in the car. "Wait! At least call my mom for me" They put her in the car as you just sat and watched. "Y/N please! Y/N" The officer drove off with her still calling your name.
Rico approached You after sending Riri to the station. "Hey, you alright? You might have to come to the station to answer some questions" You nodded as a response. Your cousin approached the house in her car. You chuckled a bit when she went under the tape with no hesitation. "Oh my gosh Y/N are you okay?" She asked. "Other than almost getting stabbed to death, I'm good" You joke trying to calm your nerves but that only did so much.
"D you can't be here. This is officially a crime scene" She scoffs at her brother. "Nigga please. She's staying with us for the night" Her brother rolls his eyes at her antics. "C'mon let's get you to the station"
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lnfours · 2 years
summer loving (four) ⎸ t.h
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⌙ summary: your mom and tom’s mom grew up together, swearing that their kids would be life long friends. and it was true, the holland boys were a special part of your life. but on the annual trip to their beach house this summer, everything feels different. and that’s because it is.
⌙ au:  based on the book and tv show ‘the summer i turned pretty’ by jenny han. childhood friends to lovers
⌙ wc: 3k
⌙ warnings: swearing, some angst, fluffy as hell towards the end, some light drinking (nothing crazy), SHAWN BEING THE BEST BF EVER!!!!!!! but also tom being jealous AF, oh and shirtless tom, poor baby sam swooning but having no balls to say anything :(
⌙ pairing: tom holland x fem!reader with a lil bit of shawn mendes x fem!reader 
masterlist ⎸ chapter three ⎸ chapter five ⎸ listen
                                ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
tom was losing his absolute mind. 
sure, it was no secret that tom was in love with you. anyone with eyes and brain cells would be able to tell just by spending 2 minutes in a room with the two of you.
however, he felt as though he wasn’t good enough. like there was someone who would be way better for you. someone who could be your knight in shining armor, show you their vulnerable side, be everything you desperately wanted tom to be.
so, when he found out that you had went to shawn’s gig, part of him was relieved that you had moved on from his chaos, the way he pulled you in one minute and the next he was pushing you away in fear of letting someone get close to him again. but, he couldn’t deny that part of him ached, part of him broke at the sight of shawn walking you to the front door. 
and what really sealed the deal was when you leaned in with a smile on your face as you kissed shawn on the lips. 
that’s when he knew for sure that he was just a thought all the way in the back of your head. 
the next morning, everyone sat in the kitchen while eating breakfast, making small talk. everyone mostly asking about how your date went, which caused a the heat to creep onto your cheeks. however, it made his blood boil at the fact that shawn was everything you wanted. everything you tom wanted to be for you, but couldn’t. 
“it was good,” you smiled, poking at the eggs on your plate that sam had made for you, “he’s really sweet. i think you guys would like him.”
“we should have him for dinner tonight,” nikki smiled, “i know the mendes family pretty well, all of them are lovely.”
“yeah, sounds like a great idea.” your mom agreed.
“meeting the guy that my sister made out with on the front porch, no thanks.” austin joked, causing everyone to roll their eyes.
“gonna have to agree with austin on that one,” harry joked, “they’re gonna make kissy-faces at each other the whole time.”
you flung a piece of pancake at the boy, hitting him right in the center of his forehead. paddy giggled next to you, giving you a high five, “nice aim!”
“listen, let’s just give him a shot, yeah?” sam said, “if he makes y/n happy, then it’s worth meeting him.”
tom hadn’t said a word, eyes suddenly interested in his plate. your eyes fell onto his figure, your lips meeting the edge of the mug, speaking before taking a sip of coffee. 
“what do you think, tom?”
you watched as he looked up at you, his normally warm, brown eyes suddenly cold. you raised an eyebrow as you watched him put down his fork.
“doesn’t matter to me.” he shrugged, getting up from the table as he cleared his plate. you turned to look at him.
“maybe alicia can come too, might as well make it a whole thing.” you said, smirking into your mug as he gave you ‘shut the fuck up’ look. 
“who’s alicia?” nikki asked, turning to the oldest boy.
“no one.”
“mhm, she’s no one alright.” harry chuckled.
“wait, alicia garnett?” your brother asked.
“since when?” it was paddy’s turn to look confused.
“you know she’s kind of a whore, right?” 
tom rolled his eyes at your brothers words, you turning around and smacking him in the forehead, “ow!”
“you’re an ass.”
“it’s true!”
“well, you don’t have to call her a whore.”
“i mean, she’s slept with half the town.”
you rolled your eyes, letting nikki take the floor, “if you’d like to invite her, you can. i’d like to meet her, you know.”
“me too,” your mom smiled, “and who’s to say she isn’t what everyone thinks she is.”
she eyed your brother and he raised his hands in fake surrender, “i’m just telling you what i’ve heard.”
“yeah, well, we don’t need to hear about it.” you mumbled.
tom nodded, sighing, “alright, alright, i’ll see if she wants to come.”
you cleared your plate, putting the dishes in the sink before making your way upstairs. you squeaked as someone grabbed your arm, pulling you into a bedroom before the door shut behind you. 
“are you proud of yourself or something?” it was tom’s voice.
you crossed your arms, “why would it matter if she’s more than just a fuck buddy to you?”
he groaned, “because… i don’t know how i feel about her yet.”
“guess you better figure it out.” you shrugged, going to reach for the door handle but tom stepped in front of you,
“can i go? i have to make sure kat can come in this weekend.”
“not until you talk to me about what’s going on.”
you scoffed, rolling your eyes in complete annoyance, “nothing’s going on, tom.”
“you sure?”
you huffed, “look, you’re the one who tried to kiss me on the beach just to move on the next day. i’m sorry, but whatever kind of emotional rollercoaster this is,” you motioned back and forth between the two of you, “i don’t want it. i’ve got a guy who’s sweet, treats me like a fucking princess, and is actually clear with what he wants, which is me. if you can’t accept the fact that i moved on from you and your bullshit, that sounds like a personal issue.”
he stared at you blankly as you pushed past him, reaching for the door, “until then, worry about your own relationship and i’ll worry about mine.”
he flinched as his door slammed shut behind him, making him groan as he plopped down onto the bed. he knew you were right, you had every reason in the book to hate him right now. he knew he played with your emotions, he knew that he fucked up big time, but he didn’t know how to make it right. he didn’t know how to get you back. 
your phone buzzed as you got a text from kat.
kat any updates? 
y/n nothing much other than tom’s an asshole and i think i really like shawn
kat good. if tom can’t get his priorities straight and realize that it’s been you this entire time, then you shouldn’t have to wait around for him.  also shawn’s a cutie, who wouldn’t like him 😉
you looked up as there was a soft knock on your door, meeting sam’s eyes as he softly smiled, “up for the beach?”
you nodded, “yeah, just give me a second.”
he nodded back at you, walking out of the door and leaving it cracked open the tiniest bit. 
y/n you’re right.  i’ll check in with you later after shawn comes for dinner, gonna go catch some waves with sam. 
kat sam 😏 ya know, i’ve always been team sam
y/n 🙄 goodbye, katarina <3
kat goodbye y/n 🥰
you locked your phone and threw it down on the bed before picking out a bathing suit. you grabbed a bathing suit from your bag, throwing on a big t-shirt overtop. you met sam downstairs, the two of you heading out to the beach. 
you two talked amongst yourselves, giggling and having a good time. sam always knew how to get your mind off of things.
“you excited for everyone to meet shawn?” he asked and you shrugged. 
“i don’t know,” you bit down on your bottom lip, “i just don’t know how tom’s going to react.”
“yeah, didn’t seem too happy about it earlier.”
you nodded, “i know.”
“which, sounds like his problem.”
you shot him a confused look, an eyebrow raised, “not that i don’t disagree, but what do you mean?”
“please, it’s not like we all don’t know he’s had a thing for you for years,” he laughed, “plus, mom did say that you were destined for one of us, minus paddy.”
you smiled, remembering when nikki told you that, “yeah, well, i guess destiny isn’t mine and tom’s thing.”
he chuckled again, “doesn’t really seem like it, huh?”
“whatever, it’s his loss,” you shrugged, “if he can’t tell me what he wants then why should i wait around for him to tell me? i deserve better than that.”
he nodded, “you deserve the best.”
you smiled, “thanks, sam.”
he nodded, looking towards the house as the sun shone down on you. your hair was falling perfectly around your face, your eyes glistening in the sunlight. the way the water droplets fell from your skin was mesmerizing. 
he was in awe. 
“i guess i should head back soon, i gotta get ready for dinner and make sure shawn’s still coming.”
he nodded, “yeah, sure thing. i’ll probably be out here for a little while longer and then head in.”
you smiled before paddling to shore on your board, “see you back at the house!”
you made your way inside, running up the steps. you gathered your things to take a shower, walking into the hallway only to bump into someone who was shirtless and dripping wet. 
your cheeks burned as you realized it was tom. 
“sorry,” he apologized, moving around you, “didn’t mean to bump into you.”
you couldn’t help it, your eyes followed the way his abs dipped and curved, the way the towel sat lowly on his hips, his dripping wet curls hanging over his forehead. he smirked as your eyes traveled his body, watching you contently. 
“just watch where you’re going next time.” your voice was laced with sarcasm. 
“watch where your eyes wander next time.”
you rolled your eyes, refusing to let him believe that you were still somewhat into him. yeah, shawn was great and everything you wanted, but tom was always going to be in the back of your mind. like an annoying, nagging feeling that won’t leave you alone no matter how hard you try. 
after your shower, you made your way back to your room. you decided to facetime shawn, just to make sure he was still able to come tonight. 
he picked up after a few rings, smiling into the camera as he laid in bed, “hey,”
“hi,” you smiled back, “sorry if i interrupted anything.”
he shook his head, rustling coming from his side of the call as he situated himself to sit up, “‘s okay, everything alright?” 
you nodded, “just wanted to make sure you were still coming tonight.”
“of course, wouldn’t miss it for the world.”
you smiled, a blush forming on your cheeks, “nikki wants to know if you like seafood.”
he nodded, “not my favorite, but i’ll eat it,” he smiled, “i’m sure anything she cooks is good.”
you laughed, “it is, actually.”
“sounds great,” he ran his fingers through his hair, “should i bring anything?”
“just yourself.” you smiled.
“okay, i’ll bring a bottle of rosé.”
you smiled, “if you insist.”
“i do, i refuse to come empty handed, my mom taught me better than that,” he smiled back at you, “also, what’s nikki and your moms favorite flowers?”
you scrunched your nose, thinking about it, “for nikki it’s probably daisies and my mom is simple, she likes white roses.”
he nodded, “alright, i got a few stops to make in town and then i’ll be over.”
you watched as he slipped a shirt over his head, his keys jingling in the microphone shortly after, “take your time.”
“well, i don’t want to keep you waiting.”
you smiled, “i don’t mind.”
he smirked down into the camera, “i’ll remember this.”
you laughed, “drive safe, i’ll see you soon.”
“see you soon, beautiful.”
you smiled before ending the call, squealing quietly to yourself before quickly clicking onto kat’s contact. she picked up almost right away.
“long time no see,” she smiled, “what’s up?”
“it’s confirmed,” you smiled, “i really like shawn.”
                               ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the doorbell rang as you ran down the steps, “i’ll get it!”
you opened the door and smiled as shawn held up three bouquets of flowers and a bottle of rosé. you smiled, taking the bottle from him to help him carry things inside, “what’s all this?”
“a good first impression,” he smiled, kissing your cheek softly, “these are for your mom and nikki.”
you smiled, your heart beating quickly as you closed the door behind him, “you’re so sweet. c’mon, i’ll introduce you.”
he followed you into the kitchen where nikki, your mom, austin, paddy and harry were sitting. everyone was quick to say hello, shawn shaking hands with the boys and offering the flowers to the moms. they both smiled and accepted them, also mentioning how it was a sweet gesture. you left the boys to talk as you followed your mom and nikki into the kitchen to open the bottle of wine. 
“he’s handsome,” your mom smirked, rubbing her shoulder against yours, giggling, “and respectful.”
“he’s great, y/n. a 10 in my book.”
you laughed at both of the women in front of you, shaking your head as you grabbed two wine glasses, “you two are insufferable.”
“c’mon! if i were you, i'd be all over that.” your mom laughed and you scrunched your nose, letting out a chuckle as you shook your head. 
“gross, don’t ever say that again,” you laughed with the other two, walking back into the dining room with the two wine glasses. you handed one to shawn, him smiling and thanking you as you sat down in the chair next to him. 
“so, you’ve played guitar your whole life?” harry asked. shawn nodded. 
“yeah, pretty much,” he smiled, “i learned from watching youtube videos on how to play ed sheeran songs.”
“i wish i was good at playing an instrument,” paddy sighed, “i tried piano, but i wasn’t good so i gave up.”
“that’s what practice is for,” shawn said, pulling the glass away from his lips, “if you want, i could teach you how to play, show you a few pointers.”
“really?” paddy’s face lit up, “that’s awesome! thanks, mate.”
shawn nodded and smiled back. you smiled at him as he made eye contact. 
“so, is the infamous katarina coming next weekend?” he asked. 
“yeah, she is,” you smiled, “and she’s really excited to meet you.”
he widened his eyes a little, “guess i gotta make a really good impression.”
“shouldn’t be too hard.” you smiled, biting down on your bottom lip to try to contain it. 
“i don’t know, seems like a big deal.”
“please, if you can make it through this dinner, you should be able to handle kat.”
you heard sam as he entered the room, “that’s a lie, kat is like a hurricane. she’s kinda crazy.”
you rolled your eyes playfully at sam, “she’s not crazy, she’s just… a concerned friend.”
sam scoffed, “yeah, we can say that,” he smiled as he shook shawn’s hand, “sam, by the way. nice to meet you.”
“nice to meet you, too.” shawn smiled. you watched as tom was the last one to sit down at the table, nodding his head towards shawn.
“hey, mate.”
“hey, man. what’s up,” he greeted back, reaching to shake tom’s hand, “shawn.”
tom shook his hand, “tom.”
you watched as tom’s eyes locked with yours for a split second, the warm brown eyes once again cold as he saw you with shawn. he clenched his jaw as he sat down, not wanting to sit across from you and the guy who was everything he couldn’t be for you. 
nikki and your mom, thankfully, came out with the food in their hands as they placed everything down on the table, “who’s hungry.”
you felt shawn’s nerves from his seat next to you, giving his hand a squeeze under the table. he squeezed back, smiling as you made eye contact. 
the dinner talk consisted of everyone getting to know shawn a little better and talking about everyone’s favorite summer activities. but, of course, austin had to ruin the moment with an embarrassing story from when you were younger. 
that’s when you grabbed shawn’s hand, leaving the table as you led him up the stairs, “okay, i’m done with this conversation. you all have fun.”
everyone laughed as harry called out to you, “oh, come on! at least leave shawn!” 
you two laughed, “over my dead body, holland.”
you made your way into your room, closing the door behind you, “sorry, they get to be a little much.”
he waved you off, “it’s alright, i get it.”
you sat down on the bed, gesturing to the room, “this is me. not much, but that’s what i like about it.”
“that and this view,” shawn said as he looked out the large window, “i’d never leave this room.” 
you smiled, getting up and wrapping your arms around him from behind, resting your cheek on his back, “that’s another favorite part.”
he smiled, turning around as his arms wrapped around your torso this time, “i can’t deny a great view when i see one.”
you blushed softly, “me either.”
he smiled as his hand reached up and cupped your cheek into his hand softly, leaning down slowly as his nose pressed up against yours, “can i ask you something?”
you nodded, biting down softly on your lower lip as he continued, “i know it hasn’t been very long, but i really really like you and i was just wondering if you’d wanna be official, like be my… girlfriend?”
you smiled, “i really like you, too. and yes, i’d love to be your girlfriend.”
he smiled, leaning down and softly pressing his lips to yours. you both smiled into the kiss, breaking apart after a little while. you led him to bed bed, the both of you laying down. he grabbed the stuffed bear from under his back, laughing softly as you grabbed your tv remote from the nightstand. 
“who’s this?”
you chuckled, “that’s beary.”
“beary? you couldn’t have come up with a better name?” he joked and you laughed, snatching the brown stuffed bear from his hands. 
“i was 4! leave me alone.”
he laughed, pulling you so you were laying on top of him, both legs on either side of his hips. you smiled as you braced yourself, hands resting against his chest as his landed on your hips. 
he giggled, “poor beary. he’s stuck dealing with the worst name in history.”
you rolled your eyes, laughing as you smacked him playfully with the pillow, “shut up!”
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etherealstar-writes · 7 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: fourteen
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you guys back me up here
lotte y/n absolutely not
neev oooh what's gotten lotte acting like this
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ so i made this insane connection yeah lotte is literally a female tom holland but miss wubben-moy here is denying it
the REAL karate kid huh?
mccard hold on you might be onto something here
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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LOOOK it's not the best photo to compare from but tell me i ain't the only who sees it
stairway OMG
brightness oh yeah i'm seeing it
stephy YESSS it's the side profile
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ exactly!!
meado that is insane
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ seeee lotte! i meant it as a compliment when i said you look like tom holland's twin
elton changed lotte's name to tom holland's twin
tom holland's twin
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ 😔😔
tom holland's twin niamh do i need to remind you of this afternoon at the beach? because i will
hempo oooh i wanna know what happeneddd
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the REAL karate kid that is so sad we must've completely forgotten about you
neev Y/N NO
tom holland's twin Y/N YES
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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this one and jessie were STRUGGLING for an hour trying to place their mats 😭😭 it was so funny
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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and miss fleming here even gave me the bird guys she's not as innocent as she looks
flaming hot oh shut up y/n
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you're just sour that the wind loved me
flaming hot yeah i really am
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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i'm justfdghjkem ehyu tyuiolkjehsyuikmdrnh
willybum um y/n you good?
elton are you having a stroke rn?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ sorry y/n's a bit busy rn
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ if you want to see her alive again i'm gonna need y'all to venmo me 10k each
stairway 10k?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ is that too much for you?
stairway oh no no it was just surprising how you didn't go for one 1 million like everyone usually does
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh well i guess if you want it that way then 1 million each from y'all
willybum STANWAY WTH
neev had to open that big mouth of yours
ona we'll save y/n just what is this venmo and how do i venmo you money?
elton i mean do we have to ..... she'll be fineee
neev you know what how about 1 m for y/n toone will pay for it on behalf of us all
elton HUH excuse you i ain't venmoing anyone a million dollars i'm positive i don't even have a hundred dollars in my bank account
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ wow glad to know how much i'm worth 😔
ona y/n! you're okay! do i still have to venmo for your safety?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh no no don't worry about it ona you're too sweet for this world 🥺 kyra and charli were being jerks and snatched my phone and ran away
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ added kyra and cha cha
kyra aw man you ruined the fun 😔 i could've earned some money
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nahhh ona's too precious to be scammed by you but i mean ella on the other hand ....
elton OI
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cha cha just enough 😁
stephy i was dreading when the three of you would meet up as if we don't already have enough chaos in this groupchat
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ stephyyy why would you think that 😔
cha cha honestly
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the REAL karate kid 😭😭
willybum HELP
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✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
i don't even know what the hell this is anymore 😭😭 but i hope you enjoyed this nonsense
part fifteen here
565 notes · View notes
bloodybreakupscene · 1 year
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tom holland! peter parker x reader
-> so uh basically flash makes fun of peter and is like "embarassinggg 😳!!" so he runs out the cafeteria like a disney channel character but u comfort him l8r so it's okay
-> wrote this while i was in sugarland texas!! it was so much fun :3 n e ways im so hungry ( ;∀;) and i want a fruit smoothie
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"peter look! there they are!" ned pointed, hinting peter towards your presence at the table across from theirs.
"shh! keep your voice down, what if they hear you?" peter said, shoving ned's arm down.
"they probably heard you already." mj rolled her eyes.
"no way, we're pretty far. . . right?" he asks, half rhetorical and half serious. mj ignores it and ned laughs. "don't worry pete! I'm sure they love you already, you just don't know it_!"
peter lays his head down on his arm and absentmindedly stares at you, you were talking with your friends sitting at a semi occupied table, hand swirling around a straw that was inside your chocolate milk carton. there was only one person he recognized sitting next to you and it was flash.
"penis parker! something you wanna say to us or what?"
speaking of flash, peter's lovestruck face falters and is replaced with a confused one. he noticed that each and every one of the people in your small friend group were staring at him, including you. his face immediately flushes as you both make eye contact.
"is he gonna say anything?" one of your friends mentions to you.
"how about you leave us alone, flash, he's not hurting you." mj defends, frankly tired of flash's behavior over the years.
"exactly, it's not even you he's staring at!" ned attempts to defend. peter and mj really don't know how to respond to that other than a shocked and 'oh my god i can't believe you just said that what the hell ned' look.
the table collectively goes 'oooo' [ aside from you ] in a childlike manner, which embarrasses him even further. he wanted nothing more than to crawl underground and become one with the moles and dirt.
flash whistles, "damn then, who were you staring at." he eyes you, in which you glare at him, a silent message for him to not say what he's about to say.
"i think i know who it is, but you gotta help me out here man, who's got your—"
"flash shut up." you say, in a light tone, but stern enough for him to know that you were actually kind of serious.
"that confirmed it." he jokes, no one really paying attention to him anymore.
you shoot peter an apologetic look and he stares back at you, an unanalyzable expression painting his face. your group continues to discuss miscellaneous topics as his exponentially smaller trio try to comfort him. you save him the embarrassment by not sparing him any glances.
"it wasn't that bad of an interaction! at least they defended you."
"ned! it was your fault this happened in the first place!"
"nuh uh."
"it's okay guys, not that big of a deal." peter brushed off, "gonna do the restroom really quick, yeah." they look at him unconvinced but inevitably let him go. he sits outside the restroom near a water fountain.
embarrassing, is all he found that interaction to be. he just needed to be alone for a bit. what pissed him off was that it was a joke, he wasn't supposed to take it this seriously. it was worse that he walked out of the cafeteria feeling and looking stupid, at least in his mind.
he looks up; oh shit it's you.
"oh, uh, hey."
"sorry about. .you know. .flash."
"it's fine, nothing i'm not used to!" he laughs slightly, ignoring the fact that he is most definitely not used to flash's bullying just yet.
"well uh, whatcha' listening to?" you sit next to him on the floor.
"oh just, generic stuff, i guess, here." he hands you one of his earbuds, blush apparent on his face. you smile as you put in your ear as you guys share your different tastes in music, eventually spending your whole lunch period together.
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malarkgirlypop · 11 months
MEDIC! Part 13 (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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HEY! So this chapter is not as sad, still a teeny tiny bit. But the rest is fun! I had a good giggle. I am really setting myself up to be super duper hurt when the inevitable happens, but I have grown so attached to Skip and Alex. I know they were just trouble makers! Silly little pranksters with terrible jokes and great banter! Goofy goobers. That's their group name the goofy goobers ahahah. Their foxhole would've been the most lively and loud!
This is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters, no hate to anyone involved!
“He had a god damn Luger in his pants.” Buck explains to Babe and Bill what happened to Hoob. I sat quietly listening, when Buck first arrived talking about the incident I wanted to run away immediately, I didn’t want to have to think back to Hoob’s death. It hurt too much. But I couldn’t get away fast enough or come up with a good excuse to leave while Buck was talking. Buck was so serious. He was different from before, or so I had heard. I had only met Buck briefly before we did the Market Garden attack. He was injured in the assault, which I had treated. God that felt so long ago. That was only my second day after going through the shimmer, which is what I lovingly call the portal that took me here. I had no idea what I was doing. It’s weird to think back to a time where I wasn’t close with all the Easy men. Bull had been kind enough to take me under his wing and surprisingly everyone else was kind, but I wasn’t close to them. I consider them now my family, I love all of them so dearly. I often think about what my life would be like if I didn’t put my hand through the shimmer, had just ignored it and moved on. When I had my first few months here, I would constantly look for the portal. I would sneak away during the night when I could and scour the surroundings. But after a while I stopped looking, I stopped thinking about it altogether. 
“Jesus.” Babe muttered, as Bill stated, “Dear God.” 
“And don’t you two do something stupid like that, all right.” Buck warned the two men. He thinks he doesn’t have to warn me, but little does he know I also have the pistol that Winters gave me in my bag. But I keep it unloaded, too paranoid that it will fire even with the safety on.  
“Try not to, Buck.” Babe reassures him. 
“I mean it.” Buck reiterates trying to drill his point into the men’s heads. “And you, Wild Bill, I’ve invested too much goddamn time shaping you into something useful.” Bill gives his signature chuckle. “You do something crazy, get yourself knocked out of this thing…” Buck laughs but his manner is serious.       
“I know, I know, you’ll kill me.” Bill finishes Buck’s sentence knowing what the man is getting at. 
“Even if you’re dead, I’ll still kill you!” He jokingly threatens, as he bonks Bill on the head with a stick. I laugh watching the interaction, the sound of the stick hitting Bill's helmet just tickling my funny bone. 
“I’ll see you guys later, alright. I’m gonna check on the other guys.” Buck swiftly left. 
Babe and I watched the man leave. “Crazy Joe McCloskey.” Babe muttered to himself. I looked over at him, giving him a confused look, I swivelled my head to look at Bill who was wearing the same expression. 
“What?” Bill asked Babe who still stared at Buck who had kneeled down to talk to the men in the next hole over. 
“Who’s Crazy Joe McCloskey?” I asked Babe. He turns to me. “This guy used to hang out the front of Delancey’s and just… you know, stare at people.” 
“Yeah, I know who Crazy Joe McCloskey is. What the hell’s that got to do with anything, Babe?” Bill retorts trying to understand what Babe is going on about. I look between the men, listening to the conversation.  
“Hmm, Buck kind of reminds me of him now.” Babe says still watching Buck. 
“What?” Bill says in his harsh accent, leaning forward in disbelief. 
“You know, ever since he got shot in Holland.” Babe stated. 
“Wait, wait, wait.” Bill moved to come sit in between Babe and I. “Wait. What are you saying he’s nuts? Cause Crazy Joe McCloskey was fucking nuts, Babe. That’s why they called him Crazy Joe.” Bill tried to get what Babe was saying straight. 
“No, I'm not saying he's nuts. I’m just saying-” Babe pauses trying to articulate his point.
“What? What are you saying?” Bill pushes Babe for an answer. 
“Oh, forget it.” Babe dismisses his comment.
“What?” Bill coerces. 
“Forget it.” Babe pauses thinking again about his original statement, “Oh, come on, you’ve seen him Bill. He’s-he’s all wound up like a spring.” He finally comes out with it. 
“Hey, hey, hey he’s fine. It wasn’t getting shot that got him. It was being in that hospital. I’ve been there ok? It ain’t pretty.” Bill defends his friend. Babe nods understanding where Bill is coming from. “Besides, you saw, once he was up and moving around, he was his old self again. I’m telling you Buck Compton’s fine.” Bill and Babe nod at each other. 
Their conversation piqued my interest. Don was good friends with Buck; they often sat and talked to each other when they had time. I was friendly with Buck but I wasn’t as close as the rest of the men were to him. I wondered if that’s because I had only properly met him after he had come back from the hospital that Bill was talking about. He had already formed bonds with the men before I had arrived and then after being discharged he wasn’t the same. He still had the same friendships with the men due to having the rapport beforehand but with me he was polite. We didn’t click the way I did with everyone else. He didn’t sit and chat with me, or try to get to know me. I had tried before but he didn’t stay long. The conversation often felt forced and awkward. He seemed to be in his own mind most of the time. 
We crowd around Peacock as the men wish him well on his travels home. I don’t know who’s more stoked, the men or Peacock. He’s a sweet guy and tries his best but he’s not the best platoon leader, often getting lost, or leaving the men behind to fend for themselves. Peacock was being sent home to rally more men to join the cause. Due to the heavy amounts of casualties from the war, we needed men to replace the ones who couldn’t make it back to us. I stand on the outside watching as the men huddle together and chant, “Hip, hip, hooray!”
More days pass, it’s quiet. Eerily quiet which puts me on edge. Skip and Alex tell me to relax, enjoy the holiday while we can. I laugh, shaking my head, “Yeah what a holiday, I’m freezing my ass off stuck in a hole with you two nitwits.” Skip mocks hurt feelings as Alex tried to pin me under his arm to give me a noogie. I laugh playfully fighting with Alex, these two are like the brothers I never had. They constantly tease me, wind me up, tell me terrible jokes. I give it back to them, roasting them with witty insults. 
One of the men films us on an old camera, well I say old, this is new technology for this time. I laugh thinking about if I just pulled my phone from my bag and showed them the camera, they would be shocked. Probably a bit too shocked, do they still burn witches in this time? We smile and pull silly faces as the man shoots us, laughing at Alex for doing a stupid face. 
“Skip, did you see what he did?” I manage through laughter, Skip laughs shaking his head. “He did this.” I mimic the strange pose Alex did, crossing my arms over my chest and puffing it out, pulling the face he did, he kinda looked like Robert De Niro, the scrunched up face and pulled down lips with squinting eyes. Alex scoffs pushing me over in the hole, as Skip and I die laughing. 
“I didn’t do that!” He protests.
“Yes you did! Yes you did, you did this!” I laugh doing the pose again as he shakes his head disagreeing with me. 
We stand in line waiting to get our meal. We shuffle forward slowly in the snow. I stand between Alex and Skip, who shiver furiously from the cold. Alex puffs on the smoke that hangs from his lips. 
“Hey fellas, look who I found.” Bill announces, I look over my shoulder to see Toye and Bill standing together looking pleased. I smile at the man, and then my smile drops, what is he doing back? Joe makes eye contact with me, I give him a questioning look. All he does is send me a cheeky smile and wink. I smile at him, but shaking my head, silently telling him off. 
“Hey, Joe Toye, back for more.” Skip cheers from beside me.
“Hey Muck, how are you?” Joe says in his gravelly voice. 
“How are you Joe?” Alex says, patting the man on his shoulder. Joe nudges into the line in front us with his plate.    
“Yeah, doing pretty good. Escaped from the aid station.” He replies to the men. 
“How’s the arm?” I question, he smiles at me. 
“All better, Em.” He waves his arm around to show me it’s fine, grinning as he does so. Gene had treated him but it was bad enough for him to be sent back to the aid station.
“Where’d you get hit?” A replacement, who was standing behind Alex, asked Toye. Joe glanced at the young man, giving him a judgey stare. 
“What’s that?” Joe asked, motioning at the man, like he couldn’t hear him. I let out a scoff at his brashness. 
“Ah, it's Webb, replacement.” Skip informs him. 
“Really? Thought it was some guy I’ve known for two years and I forgot his face.” Skip chuckles at Toye’s comment. 
“Joe got hit in the arm. New Year’s Eve gift from the Luftwaffe.” Alex tells Webb. 
“Jesus. A lot of you guys been injured?” Webb asks us as we shuffle forward, closer to the food. My stomach growls. 
“It’s called ‘wounded’, peanut.” Martin says from behind Webb. “Injured’s when you fall out of a tree or something.”
We move forward, I put out my bowl for the hot meal. Smiling at the soldiers serving up the meal, thanking them quietly. I’m so excited to eat this food! 
“Don’t worry there is enough crap flying around here, you’re bound to get dinged sometime. Almost every single one of these guys has been hit at least once. Except for Alley, he’s a two-timer.” Skip says as Webb hangs off his every word. I follow behind, not even waiting to find a seat, I eat the food from my plate. “He landed on broken glass in Normandy and got peppered by a potato masher in Holland.” Skip points to Alley who sticks his bread into the food on Skip’s plate, gathering the juicy content and eating it. “Now, Bull, he got a piece of exploding tank in Holland.” We pass Bull who sits on the ground eating looking unimpressed by the replacement. I grin at him, a small smile forms on his lips. I follow behind, waiting for Skip to sit down so we can eat properly, but he’s caught up in his chatter. “And George Luz here has never been hit. You’re one lucky bastard.” He pokes the eating George in the chest. 
“Takes one to know one, Skip.” Mumbles George, mouth stuffed full of food. 
“Ah, consider us blessed.” I roll my eyes at the chatter-box, scoffing, the noise catches his attention. “Even our medic here, Emily, got hit. Took a bullet to the hip, ain’t that right?” Skip points at me, as I still trail behind the pair.
“Yeah. How come I got a bullet and you still haven’t been hit yet?” I asked the man with a cheeky grin on my face. 
“I’m blessed, don’t ya know it. Now, Liebgott the skinny little guy, he got pinged in the neck in Holland. And right next to him, that other skinny little guy, that’s Popeye. He got shot in his scrawny little butt in Normandy.” Skip points out all the men to Webb. My face lights up as I see Don, walking over to join him. Alex was already standing beside him. God I should’ve followed Alex over not Skip, who took us on a whole tour before rejoining the group.  
“And Buck got shot in his rather large butt in Holland.” Malarkey adds on to the list of wounded men. Buck turns around lifting the back of his jacket to expose his behind, pointing at his butt. I laugh at his silliness. 
“Yeah, kind of an Easy Company tradition, getting shot in the ass.” Alex adds. 
“Hey even 1st Sergeant Lipton over there, he got a couple of pieces of a tank shell burst at Carentan. One chunk in the face. Another chunk almost took out his nuts.” Skip says as we all giggle at the thought. 
“How are those nuts, Sarge?” Bill asks Lipton who stands beside him eating in peace, shaking his head from the comment that came from Bill. 
“Doing fine, Bill.” He smiles trying to hold back his laugh. “Nice of you to ask.” 
I finish all of my food, satisfied with a full stomach. I stand and talk to the rest of the men, Webb hangs around Skip like a bad smell. I’m sure he was just ecstatic when Skip actually spoke to him, the rest of the men just avoided them all. I felt bad for the replacements but I understood where the soldiers came from with their disdain. They were always so eager to fight, to see action and then when it came time for action they made stupid decisions or decided they actually didn’t like it at all and tried to flee. Which wasn’t helpful when there was an assault and we needed all the firepower we could get. They men rightfully didn’t trust them. The Easy men from Taccoa stuck together like glue, however their numbers were slowly dwindling. 
Much to our dismay, Easy was being moved back into the old position outside of Foy again. I walked with the normal trio as we made our way back again. Passing the men we were leaving behind to hold resistance on the main line, they were attached to D company for the time being until Easy took hold of Foy. Men made passing comments to the men as we walked by. Warning them of the scary Ronald Speirs. I could attest to his scariness, when he had shown up when the D company soldier was trying his best to kill me, I felt like I was also going to be discharged when I hadn’t done anything wrong. His cold stare shook me to my core.  
“Hey, be careful if he offers you a cigarette.” I pushed Malarkey as he teased the men sitting in the hole.
“Hey, be careful Frank, Christenson and Webb.” I said pointing at them, “I want you back in one piece, you hear!” They smiled at me. 
“Oh we sure will Em, don’t you worry about us.” Christenson assured me. I turned, walking backwards as I yelled at them. 
“Oh and be sure to brush your teeth, Frank. Don’t forget! Gotta keep up the good oral hygiene. Webb, don't let him forget. Twice a day Frank.” I teased Perconte, he laughed, shaking his head at me. I was grabbed by my elbow as Alex led me away from the men. I walked backwards still facing them, as Alex ushered me along, waving at the soldiers until they were out of sight.
I turned facing the front again, so that I didn’t trip over, walking alongside Alex. Skip and Don walked just ahead of us. 
“Hey Skip, did you tell Em, what you told me?” Alex called to the man walking in front of us. Skip looked over his shoulder confused at what Alex was talking about. Trying to remember what he had told him. I could tell exactly when he remembered as his face lit up, mischief in his eyes. He slowed down to walk beside me. 
“What?” I asked nervously as Alex and Skip grinned at me.
“You know Webb?” Skip asked, I nodded, eyeing the men suspiciously. Before he could tell me anything more the pair burst out into a fit of giggles unable to contain themselves. 
“What?!” I laughed along with their infectious hysterics, but I was still confused. “What’s so funny! What?” I pushed Skip as he tried to catch his breath. They straightened themselves again, taking deep breaths. Skip tried to tell me but made eye contact again with Alex, sending them into another bout of laughter.  
“What are you doing to them?” Don turned around assessing the scene, Skip and Alex could barely walk, they both held onto my arms trying not to fall over from how hard they were laughing. 
“I didn’t do anything, I’m waiting to be let in on the joke.” I tell them man, trying not to fall over myself from the pair of idiots holding on to me for dear life.
“Ok! Ok!” Skip sighs. Wiping tears from his eyes. Alex has to look away from us, not being able to make eye contact with his friend. 
“So Webb, asked me if you had a boyfriend.” Skip tells me. 
“What? What did you say?” I asked, looking shocked. 
“We said that you were married to Don!” The pair crack up again. My eyes widened.
“What? Why did you tell him that?” I feel a blush rising to my cheeks. 
“He looked so disappointed.” Alex added, while Skip was still losing it. “Then we convinced everyone else that you had secretly eloped.” 
“WHAT?! Are you two serious? What is wrong with you?” I couldn’t help but laugh as well though, the thought of all the men being tricked into believing I was married to Don was pretty funny. I could imagine Alex and Skip, the devious pair that they were, going around telling the men. Trying their best to control their reactions when the men were persuaded. Then having it as their inside joke. 
“Have you told Malarkey this?” I asked when their laughter finally subsided. 
“No we haven’t.” Alex shook his head as we continued to walk, Don none the wiser strolling ahead of us. 
“Should we not tell him, and wait for someone to bring it up?” Skip said, as Alex and I nodded our heads vigorously. The thought of having our inside joke with Don being clueless made us all giddy. I couldn’t stop laughing. We would be walking in silence and then one of us would start to laugh, knowing exactly what the other was thinking we would all join in.
Chapter 14
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webbo0 · 1 year
It's a shame that Stay didn't get more a fandom. What do you love about Henry? I wanna know your thoughts because he absolutely is a special little guy. 🥺
First of all anon thank you for letting me talk about my little guy I'm in love with you now
Spoilers for Stay 2005 in reply below btw
I'll admit it's a lot of projection (mental iwness luv) but also look at him!! I'd dare say this is Ryan Gosling's most wet-cat role (besides Holland March but he's undefeatable). I just love a character in anguish and both him throughout the movie plus him at the end just hurt so good!
I think what captures me the most is the world he's created for himself. The whole movie we think we're seeing Sam's perspective but in reality we know next to nothing about him! Everything is a projection that Henry's come up with and that fascinates me! His own mind is trying so desperately to save himself but a deeper part knows it's useless but still his main perspective is to save himself and UGHHH
ALSO while you could say him being suicidal is a "rationalization" for dying, his mind could just as easily made him terminally ill, or able to predict a freak accident. The fact his mind comes up with being suicidal, combined with the cigarette burns, just makes me wonder about is mental state IRL. We know he has a good relationship with his parents and is in a happy relationship, but imo he must've had a history of mental illness/self destructive thoughts if not actively struggling. Idk I just want a He Survived AU where we get to unpack this! And unpack the survivors guilt!!! He obviously blames himself for the accident + everyone dying ("practicing for hell" "I killed my parents" etc.) And I Wish we could see him have to work past that. Maybe with Sam's help!! Because even though he's not an actual psychiatrist (at least I don't think so) in my He Survives AU Sam helps him while he recovers both physically and emotionally. I'd LOVE to see Henry's dynamic with IRL Sam and have to reconcile the version his mind made up with how he actually is!
Also he's hot af miserable and covered in blood
In conclusion I love self destructive people, wet-cat characters, and I have Ryan Gosling brain-rot already, so the combination of all three has imploded my mind. I am in a chokehold by a character that would listen to Radiohead and think it's deep as fuck
Now if only there was any content about Stay :( I need a 600 page novel about him (I might just write it myself atp)
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browniefox · 8 months
Alright, more Crisis Core, let's go! This one ended up being REALLY long (we got through two chapters), so I'm putting a read more some ways down so it doesn't kill people's dashes.
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The boy said the line!
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Yay, Cloud is finally here! He still clearly has the basic infantry model other than the head, but it does mean he stands in the casual almost sassy way they all do haha. In general, it's so weird but cute to see him smiling and laughing. Aw, he's not traumatized yet!
I knew what was coming, but my friend I'm playing with didn't, so it was fun to see her reaction (tho i totally still got so excited anyway haha).
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This is just here bc I love them so <3 And then Tseng is also here being a third wheel. The sneaking portion that is right after this I sucked ass at. I couldn't make it five feet without being seen and tossed out, and I just had to wait until the game took pity on me and took the guards away.
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Genesis, please I'm begging you just kill Hollander. I do love seeing his hair, once so bright red, getting grayer and darker, how his nice leather jacket is getting all broken, giving a sense that he's not taking care of himself and his things as much as he should be.
My sister has tried to stay more-or-less blind to what happens in Crisis Core (she knows some stuff, I know a little more) but all fics tend to use the same Loveless lines (which makes sense, of course) but I did end up reciting this quote with him bc it's one of my favorites, much to the shock of my sister.
I can't believe Zack really thinks Genesis died tho. Like, the guy has a wing, he can fly, falling is not gonna kill him. I'm still not totally clear what Genesis is trying to achieve, but I've been watching some of ButterBuns CCR videos and she's kind of given me a better sense of Genesis. He's just flailing around, trying to get something, anything, to work. He's a dying man who is desperate and doesn't even know himself exactly what he wants.
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HELL YEAH! If the creators weren't cowards they would have let your models touch. Our new thing while playing is being proud of Zack for having two boyfriends and one girlfriend. The boy can get it.
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As per usual, my biggest problem with this game is the writing - especially with Angeal, tbh. I guess Angeal is just like Genesis in that he's desperately trying to figure out who he is, monster or man. But every time he talks about being a monster I kind of roll my eyes. He's like an emo teenager. Last chapter I felt like it was getting a better grip and liking for him, but I'm kind of back to just being like 'what's your deal man'.
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That being said, I kind of dig his weird monster form! It's a mishmash but super cool, and I love how his arms are folded in front of him. My friend and sister I don't think liked it as much and mostly made fun of it which, fair.
Mostly unrelated, but i really got myself into a big of predicament in that I'm super overpowered, which means I get through battles so quick, which also means I don't get to show off all the limit breaks and summons and such when we're playing ;-; but then I turn it to hard mode and die instantly.
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I'm always a sucker for sad sunsets. I might not get Angeal or his deal, but I do at least buy that Zack cares about Angeal. It's kind of like Angeal was too set in his ways of monster vs heroes, and that a monster needs to be killed by a hero. That Zack is the only hero left to kill a monster like him, or that by doing so Zack proves he's a hero. But really all it's done is given Zack trauma and made him more uncertain than ever who he is and what he stands for.
(It kind of reminds me of near the end of Homestuck, when Dave and Dirk are talking, and Dave admits it's possible that Bro was trying to train him, but all it did was make him scared.)
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I wish we got to spend more time in the game with Aerith, but at least you get the sense that they do spend more time with each other, especially with Aerith being there for Zack after this.
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MY BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL BOY! I wish your limit break looked cooler tho :P
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Wait, so are Angeal and Genesis brothers then?? I knew they were connected through Gillian, but I guess how connected never hit me. I mean, Angeal defo has her hair while Genesis has her face, but also I've been imagining and seeing them as boyfriends this whole time???
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So many mixed feelings about Zack right now. The first thing is yay, new hair cut! My sister absolutely hated his bangs, so big win for her. I do like that you get to see that, as one of the last remaining Firsts, Zack has started to take on more of a leadership and mentor role for the other SOLDIERs. However, him telling them to protect their SOLDIER honor is weird when Zack doesn't know what that is either. I've felt it, but I am glad Zack himself has acknowledged that he doesn't know what that honor is or what it means. I hope we get to see Zack figure it out. I also like that Zack is kind of unmoored and uncertain now. Puts him in an interesting place for whatever's next.
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Beach episode! It is FUCKING INSANE to me that Cissnei just... tells Zack that Aerith is an Ancient. Why? What was the point of that? Cissnei, you can't just say that! I guess it could be seen as her trusting Zack and demonstrating she wants to help him, but it's still so weird. It's nice Zack has been said to be hanging with the turks more, but I wish we could have gotten more of that in game. I don't think he even knows Reno and Rude's names.
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So I know Genesis is still alive, but interesting that this is beign considered since it's Sephiroth's whole deal. Tbh, tho, I'm not sure how I feel about Tseng openly acknowledging that Mako is life. How much is that recognized in general, actually? I mean, people do fade into mako when they die... hm, much to think about.
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The chase through the city was so dumb, I've had it with Hollander, how hard can it be to catch and/or kill one guy for real. That being said, I do like how cool the buster sword is, and at the end is Sephiroth :D I'm glad that Zack seems a little bitter towards Sephiroth; they're both mourning in different ways, and it's driven a rift between both of them. But at the same time, they're the closest thing they both have to someone who can understand what they're going through.
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Shoutout to Zack's little fidgets :D He's still a restless little puppy, despite it all. Sephiroth and Zack's relationship is just so good and interesting, I need them to hang out more so I can see more of it.
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God Genesis is so pretty. Both him and Angeal have fucked up looking wings - which adds to what they're going through - but I actually love it for Genesis. Again, what is this dude's goal? He'll probably tell you once he figured it out himself. I love the reveal that he was also at Junon this whole time. Interesting parallel to how the Firsts fought 'at Junon' altogether and now they can't be further apart.
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I need to pet that dog! Is Angeal still alive?? I totally thought he died, he has to be dead, right? Just living on in his copies? Anyway, the dog should be a character who manages to live forever because I love him. Also, laughed so hard when the little Shinra robots came into the church oh my god, it's not supposed to be funny I think but it's hilarious how non-threatening they look.
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Wow Kunsel, jealous much?? Also, a little creepy? Is my boyfriend stalking me? If I trusted Kunsel, at this point I'd think he was going to betray me at some point, but I trust him too much for that. It seems more like Kunsel just doesn't know how to say 'I'm worried about you and you should talk to me about what you're going through'. I love Kunsel <3
As usual, this game feels like it goes too fucking fast. It's always one thing after another, nobody's talking or explaining things. Maybe it's because you're expected to do side missions every so often? That would probably break things up a bit more. God, there's such an interesting story here! I just wish it was told better.
Also I've been playing so much of this game and only just learned you can sprint :P
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