#c; Houston
coutureboard · 1 month
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Today in Hip Hop History:
UGK released their second album Super Tight August 30, 1994
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beyondthesurface · 1 year
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Real Texas sh!t 🤘🏾
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lonestarflight · 9 months
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Interior views of the Mission Control Center, Bldg. 30, during the Apollo 8 mission.
Date: December 25, 1968
NASA ID: S68-56007
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yourboijod · 11 months
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"Pimp C working out of his makeshift studio at the San Jac house during the recording of Super Tight. Courtesy of Weslyn Monroe".
Sweet Jones: Pimp C's Trill Life Story (Book).
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anachronous-cetacea · 5 months
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Just some random antebellum furry doodle
John Calhoun - grey-headed flying fox
John Randolph - beagle
Sam Houston - raven
Sarah Polk - cackling goose
Martin Van Buren - red fox
Sarah Goodridge - secretary bird
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Cover Hits 🎵🎵🎵
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indeedgoodman · 8 months
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bestie-enthusiast · 5 months
This is real niche, but I binge watched Smash and got inspired so, uh, here you go!
Genre: Hurt/comfort, fluff
Characters: Tom, Julia, Derek, Eileen
Summary: Tom ran a hand through his hair, uncaring if it mused. The room that Julia and Eileen had kindly locked both Derek and himself in was too small for his preferences
It was almost comedic, both the preceding events and the current occurrence, funny if you didn’t really have an understanding of comedy. Tom ran a hand through his hair, uncaring if it mused. The room that Julia and Eileen had kindly locked both Derek and himself in was too small for his preferences, even though it wasn’t particularly small at all. Slightly bigger than an elevator, still far from his favorite. Tom much preferred the wide, open concepts of studios, practice rooms, or stages.
How did he end up in this predicament? Really it was all Derek’s fault, he hadn’t been able to keep his mouth shut about Tom’s most recent lover. It had been an off handed comment really, not intended to incite an argument, just piss him off, but Tom- oh he was in a mood. Having just finished breaking up with his most recent lover, he snapped when Derek made some stupid comment about cologne and spread legs. He had made a petty comment back, and they dissolved into arguing. Derek stood up first, but Tom was not far behind, the two of them leaning into each other's space, though unfortunately Tom lost the physical aspect of the fight, having been backed up against the wall.
He would never admit it, but there were rare times where he found himself scared of Derek. Not often, never during rehearsal, but when they argued like this? He was shorter, and certainly weaker, than Derek was, and less aggressive too. Eileen had separated the two of them, tugging Derek out of her office with sharp words and Julia grabbed his shoulders and shook him, tone similarly upset. “I’m not scared,” He could recall himself saying. Now, sitting in a small, drywall box, he felt the need to rescind his earlier statement.
Derek hadn’t even done anything. They had both been shoved through the door, disoriented until well after the click of the lock, and ordered to get along if they wanted out. He wanted to pace, but he also didn’t fancy giving Derek a reason to get pissy with him when he’s locked in a room with the man. He wrung his hands, rubbed his wrists, tapped his fingers on his knees, anything to rid himself of the terrible nervous energy.
“Will you quit that?” Derek asked suddenly, sharply. Tom immediately stilled, squeezing his hands into fists instead. Slight pain radiated from where his nail dug into his skin, but he didn’t care, it was a distraction at least. Derek was eyeing the door like he was going to break it down.
“Sorry,” It was his voice, in a pathetic tone, a sound that made him embarrassed. Him, apologizing to Derek, could you imagine? The terrible things phobias made you do, honestly. The room was warming up, or maybe that was just his imagination, but he tugged off his jacket and undid a button on his shirt. He could feel Derek staring at him, and he could only imagine how pathetic he looked, having a freak out over being locked in a room. “Not a fan of small rooms.” Why did he admit that? Burying his head in his knees, Tom tried to focus on his breathing, inhaling and exhaling slowly. Really, he did not want to start crying in front of Derek. Of all people, why did it have to be Derek?
“Right.” Derek’s voice was flat, but Tom could still feel his eyes on him. To his utter humiliation, he felt tears pool in his eyes, so he kept them pressed against his knees so that he wouldn’t shed any. “Are you crying?” If he wasn’t actually crying, Tom would have laughed at the slight panic in Derek’s voice. If they wanted to get out, they needed to get along, and Tom crying definitely put a dent in that.
“No.” He lied, voice thick with emotion. He dragged in a shaky breath, and then another, and another, until he was on the verge of hyperventilating. He lifted his head off of his knees and clutched at his chest, but it only made it worse as he was reminded just how small the room was. “Fuck.” Through blurry vision, he could see Derek hesitantly take a few steps over, until he was standing above him.
“Listen, we don’t like each other. We probably will not ever like each other. But we need out of this room, so you need to. Stop. Crying.” Tom did laugh this time, slightly manic as he looked up at Derek, whose arms were crossed and whose face was in an angry scowl. “We can talk like adults when you stop acting like a child.” Ouch, that one hurt. It wasn’t Tom’s fault that he hated spending any more time than necessary in small spaces, or that he was hyperventilating, or crying.
“I- I-” Tom choked on a gasping breath. Breathe- he couldn’t breathe, the room was too small and he couldn’t- “Sorry,” He wheezed, shaking hands desperately attempting to undo another button on his shirt as he struggled to take in his next breath. Eyes squeezed shut, Tom pretended he was on stage, in a field, in his apartment, literally anywhere else but this too small room with a man who he hated and who hated him back equally.
Dizziness was creeping up on him, and he knew if he didn’t stop hysterically hyperventilating he was going to have a much more embarrassing situation on his hands. It had been so long since he’d had an anxiety attack, or at least one without Julia there to help, and the knowledge that Derek was watching him panic wasn’t helping anything at all. How was he supposed to calm down, again? He couldn’t remember- he wasn’t supposed to do this alone, Julia was supposed to help him- why isn’t Julia here to help him?
“Tom.” Shaking his head, Tom kept his eyes firmly shut and pretended Derek did not exist. “Tom,” That one was far more exhausted than Derek had any right to sound, so Tom pried his eyelids open to give the director a death stare. Derek looked back at him flatly, he looked annoyed, which was so unfair. “How can I help?”
Well, now that was unexpected. He stared at Derek, uncomprehending the words that just left the mouth of his enemy of several years. Unfortunately, Tom couldn’t respond, because he was too busy sobbing his heart out as his lungs struggled to remember how to breathe oxygen.
“Right,” An annoyed sigh, and then Derek was sitting next to him, close enough that their shoulders and thighs were touching. An arm, hooked around his shoulders, pulled him flush against Derek’s side, and Tom instinctually sought out his heart beat, resting his head on Derek chests as he gave hiccuping sobs and shallow, quick breaths. “Better?”
And how he hated to admit it, but it was. Derek was pleasantly warm, and he smelled great, and his heart was calm and consistent. Derek's hand absentmindedly stroked Tom’s arm, which helped as well, just contact in general was nice. It took a few minutes, but eventually Tom was breathing, mostly, normally, and his tears had all but stopped. He almost didn’t want to pull away, but then he reminded himself that this is Derek and he was shuffling over so they were no longer touching each other.
“Thank you.” He mumbled, turning to face the other way, as he was sure his face was quite the sight at the moment. Puffy eyes, flushed cheeks, and tear tracks aren’t exactly the most beautiful things to look at. He wiped at his face with his sleeve, uncaring if dampened the fabric.
Both Derek and him perked up when there was clicking noise, and the door swung open. Julia and Eileen both rushed into the room, and Tom scrambled up to his feet, pulling Julia into a fierce hug. Their embrace lasted a good few moments as Tom clung to her, laying his head on her shoulder to hide the way his eyes filled with tears again.
“Don’t you ever do that again,” He told her firmly, pulling back and looking at her face. “Please.” She laughed a bit, and he giggled, dragging her out of the terrible room at a brisk pace.
Things between him and Derek settled for about 2 hours, until Tom made a suggestion, and Derek got pissed at him again. Julia and Eileen exchanged a look of mutual suffering, but regaled to just telling them to knock it off and continuing on. No need for any more torture, even if it got them a few hours of peace and quiet.
Later, in Tom’s apartment, Julia would sit on his couch with his head in her lap as he made her promise to never, ever leave him alone when he has an anxiety attack and she can come help. She shushed him, coming her fingers through his hair as she promised, and it was one she would keep.
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rsrvs · 4 months
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banannabethchase · 3 months
Some people have the most atrocious takes on the people in Houston in the aftermath of Beryl and they all have shit like "guardian" and "I love everyone" and "peace for all" in their bios.
It's like the Tumblr version of bigoted Karens on Instagram having bible verses in their bios.
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todayinhiphophistory · 6 months
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Today in Hip Hop History:
UGK released their sixth album UGK 4 Life March 31, 2009
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beyondthesurface · 1 year
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bobsliquorstore · 8 months
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luxuryrapshop · 8 months
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afifthofjanuary · 1 year
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