#c'est moi.
dirtyhands · 9 months
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august 8, 2023
crop topped, productive (but never enough), had a sexy camping trip: cried on the river (but in the best way), skinny dipped, saw the sky in a wide, bright way, reconnected with other people and nature in ways I haven't been able to in quite awhile with more to come
got some updates about my health that make sense and I'm starting to improve a lot but working on the final push to get me to the best place I can be. My back is going to be a chronic issue I need to make more permanent moves in my life over sooner than expected, but my hip is in the direction to get better! takin it one day at a time. a little nervous about my finances and navigating short-term disability, but I'm grateful for the momentary help and space to rest. Now it's time to buckle up for the next chapter.
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cemeterything · 6 months
guy who has tons of rizz when it's on his terms but if anyone tries to flirt with him he freezes and hits them with the prey animal stare
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luvring · 4 days
gn!reader fluff | “y’see somethin’ you like?” osamu asks, barely glancing at you as he shapes the rice in his hands into a triangle.
the stool beneath you wobbles as you lean forward—he really should get a new one—and smile, palm resting on your cheek. “yeah, i like watching you work.”
your eyes follow the veins on his hands to his forearms, up to his biceps and his chest barely hidden by his stupidly well-fitting black uniform shirt.
he hums. “well, that’s nice t’hear-”
“i love watching you make croissants.”
osamu pauses.
he looks at you, but no eyes meet—yours focused on his hands that move to wipe themselves clean on a towel before resting on his hips. maybe if you were stronger, you’d notice the smirk on his face. “what colour’s my shirt?”
a smile tugs at your lips. “red?”
fingers flick your forehead before you can wave them away. “ack- god, ’samu!”
he snorts and pulls you off the stool, forcing your head into his chest and muffling your groan while he pinches your cheek. “i should kick ya outta my kitchen for harassin’ the chef.”
“but he’s so hot and handsome, what am i meant to do?” you huff.
“at least don’t say i’m making croissants. am i french?”
“woah,”—you push away from his chest—“take that back right now. you know i’d never date a french man.”
“then why’d ya say croissants?”
“i don’t know, it was the first pastry i thought of! i love, i don’t know, macarons—”
amusement lights up his face as his arm takes you back into a head lock. “macarons? the also french desert—”
“fuck, stop, wait, oh my god, please,” a sound between a laugh and cry escapes you.
osamu cackles when you smack his chest with one hand, covering your face with the other. the onigiri is forgotten on the counter as he pulls it away to uncover your face, fingers threading through the spaces between yours.
your laughter dies down, and after using your free hand to pick a stray grain of rice off his shirt, you pout. “whatever, not french man. are you gonna kick me out of the kitchen for ogling you now?”
he only rolls his eyes. “no, it’s not like y’don’t already ogle me outside of the kitchen.”
another smack comes to his chest as you scoff. “wow. okay, it’s because i love you, you know.”
“yeah, yeah, of course you love the hot, handsome guy who cooks for you,” osamu brushes off your defense and picks up the last finished onigiri.
motioning to the stool and pretending you can’t see the blush that paints his cheeks, or smile on his lips, he huffs. “now sit back down so you can taste test this for me.”
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hotgirlmuseboardxo · 1 month
my links: astrology/tarot blog | creative portfolio | paypal | instagram | of | pinterest | spotify
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i can't be bothered to do paragraphs rn so summing myself up for you in bullet points this time lol:
before i am a Hot Girl on Tumblr.com i am a Mentally Ill Woman Who Doesn't Owe You Shit. please don't forget that <3
i have bipolar and adhd and psychic gifts 🔮
i make a living by writing for numerous pop culture/entertainment websites and reading people's birth charts/tarot cards/energy. a hippie dippie ass bitch, if u will <3
i have two sweet baby cats (they'll be five this year !!), astra and apollo
i studied journalism and fashion marketing after high school. ever since i was a little girl i knew i wanted to play dress up and look pretty for the rest of my life 💅🏼
i live on the west side of canada but my family is from out east on the island and randomly decided to raise me in yeehawville lmaooo. i've moved around a lot since i was 17 and i'm planning on relocating to toronto or wherever the good lord plants me in a few months 🫡
ethnically i'm a european mutt + indigenous (of mi'kmaq descent). i'm not quite bilingual but i've been studying french forever. i'm an only child. i'm the oldest soul i know. i'm a healer and a lover girl and an angel on earth and a being of light!!! and so much more
but also i'm just a girl so pls don't expect too much of me hehe
my frequently used tags are below :) xo
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pigeonneaux · 11 months
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Many thoughts
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Jamy c'est un seigneur du temps, Fred et Sabine ses compagnons, et Marcel c'est le nom de son TARDIS deguisé en camion qui ne communique que par des bruits de klaxons
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transfaabulous · 2 years
Starting Dracula Daily: haha, this Dracula fellow is actually rather charming! Silly Jonathan Harker!
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randomstuffifindfunny · 6 months
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The new Trixie Mattel doll looks flawless!😂🐷
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 3 months
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In other news, I finally found a nice nerdy motif that includes eyes to paint on my mask. I wanted a simple, reasonably beginner-friendly design that would read well on the mesh and that'd be easy to fix when it inevitably gets too badly scratched up by, you know, being repeatedly hit with a steel sword. (And in the meantime it's gonna get cool appropriately silvery details as the paint gets scraped off.)
Progress pics under the cut for those interested.
First, redrawing the symbol from a very low-res old rulebook scan, printing it out, and cutting out a stencil. There is a very nice high-res transparent png of this holy symbol available in the BG3 game files, but sadly it's a very detailed, fancy, redesigned version with way too many complicated thin lines to work for this.
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The first step is just black and white primer, airbrushed on, kinda messy and blurry, as expected.
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Then, freehanding in both black and white to sharpen it up and bring out all the details. Moonmaiden, guide my hand! etc etc etc.
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And there you have it.
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tevallen · 2 months
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once again, new things are being implemented without our knowledge and you have to manually opt out of letting them use your content for AI without your consent. Go to your blog settings >visibility >prevent third-party sharing, and you have to do this for EACH blogs.
Now is a good time to say that I am completely against NFTs and AI 'art'. Go away, get out of here.
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passigentilcoquelicot · 3 months
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Pepperminturple sal 2023 almost done.
Not sure about the border yet
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dirtyhands · 1 year
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march 10, 2023//
hi. i’m here. a dreary afternoon before work. eagerly waiting for the day where i feel caught up, but also forever wanting to go slow. the always conundrum. i don’t waste my days off anymore, but i sure don’t take care of the shit i need to. there hasn’t been any lulls in time during night shift due to the ever worsening of staffing issues in health care so i think that’s where i place the blame on prioritizing my pleasure in my free time. however the pleasure can never be as deep as i would like with my responsibilities over my head. so i’m trying to figure that out. anyway, not sure where i left off last, but being philly has been treating me well but mostly like molasses. a little sludgy but also delicious. that’s a bad metaphor but whatever. i hurt my back last summer and i’m still not back to usual and i’m not sure i will be but i’m making the best of it. i’m able to get back to taking care of my body in ways that work for me, and while my injury eventually triggered some really bad habits due to the length of healing time, i haven’t had a ciggy or a drink in over two months. my brain is rekindling itself, big time. it doesn’t feel good most of the time, but the better days are delightful. i’m back to journaling elsewhere so i’m just hoping to renegotiate my relationship with the interwebs (which now feels synonymous with social media) and reconnect in ways that are sustainable for me. i still wish i could throw my cell phone into the delaware river but maybe using an actual computer will work for me as i engage with old/new habits. we’ll see! who’s still here?? i’m here to see the poetry and art ya’ll are diggin today or tomorrow or whenever. 
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sloubs · 4 months
(inspiré de ce post)
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la-cocotte-de-paris · 3 months
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Melt my heart of stone and make my dream come true
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rollinginthedeep-swan · 2 months
Rp dans l'ordre ou non ?
C'est un sujet que j'avais envie d'aborder depuis quelques temps et je me sens inspirée. Alors, Rp strictement dans l'ordre est-il à vos yeux totalement primordiale ? Ne pas le faire vous culpabilise-t-il complètement ?
Pour ma part, j'ai arrêté de répondre strictement dans l'ordre. (Rarement quand même et je continue de culpabiliser un peu quand même, alors qu'en réalité, j'évite un cercle vicieux dont je vais vous parler plus bas.) J'ai mon propre schéma. Déjà, je fonctionne forum par forum, et généralement - pas toujours - par personnage. Si j'ai envie de tel thème et de tel perso, je me réserve un moment pour écrire avec. Pour contextualiser, il faut savoir que j'ai pas moins de dix personnages - jugez pas j'ai aucun self control TT - et que, parfois, je ne suis absolument pas d'humeur avec tel ou tel personnage. J'essaie néanmoins de me donner des restrictions, mais pas trop. Pourquoi ?
Parce que, par le passé, je tenais absolument à répondre dans l'ordre de mes réponses. Et ça été un échec complet. J'ai perdu la motivation pour certains personnages, simplement parce que tel RP sur le moment ne prenait pas. Attention, le RP était très bien, ici le partenaire RP et son écrit ne sont 'pas du tout remis en cause. (Mon cerveau par contre, oui, un peu. Alalala, sacré Brian*, t'es relou quand tu veux.) Mais je suis du genre - et j'étais pire avant - à me foutre la pression et à vouloir faire en sorte que mes partenaires RPs aient vraiment de quoi répondre. (Promis je me soigne autant que possible.) En me bloquant, en voyant la liste de réponses s'allonger, je tombais dans une drôle de spirale. Culpabilité -> Page blanche -> inactivité -> Culpabilité -> Page blanche ... Et on recommence, bref, vous avez l'idée.
À mon retour dans la sphère public du RPG, j'ai décidé de ne plus me mettre cette pression. (une de moins, c'est jamais de refus) Étonnement, ça marche vraiment. Je me donne une certaine limite, si jamais ça fait un mois, j'essaie de me bouger dans la limite du possible et du temps que j'ai parce que bon j'ai trois Job et des trucs persos relous alors que je suis bien dans mon canapé avec mon chat, mon thé et mon rp. *rire jaune*.
Oups, je m'égare.
Choisir le RP suivant me débloque même parfois pour le RP d'avant, détruisant ainsi cette maudite spirale qui finissait par me faire faire un personnage kleenex. Bref, c'est ma méthode imparfaite, mais qui fonctionne vraiment dans mon cas quand je bloque et n'arrive pas à trouver un scénario pour la continuité d'une trame. Ça convient pas à tout le monde et peut-être (j'espère vraiment pas) que ça peut contrarier mes partenaires RP, mais promis, sans ça je vous assure que je serais bien plus longue. (Et rappel : quand la liste me dépasse, je trépasse.) J'ai des part' géniaux, qui plus est, et je suis contente d'avoir rencontré autant de perles à mon retour, je pensais pas ça possible. (Je voulais le glisser là quelque part quand même, coucou vous qui lisez ceci, ça gaze ?)
Et vous, vous avez un système pour vos Rps qui sort un peu du lot ?
*Brian c'est le nom qu'une amie donne à son cerveau, la marque est déposée, déso.
Bref, des bises,
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pigeonneaux · 3 months
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Let him have a fucking break or whatever
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