#c. garret
jeannepompadour · 1 year
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Portraits of Theodora and Ruth Finch by Garret Morphy, 1680s
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soulcluster-moved · 1 year
garret's armor rustled as he knelt down next the couch his partner made himself comfortable on. a month or so apart was becoming a recurring thing, much to his dismay, though he was committed to helping the wardens rebuild and settle in again at weisshaupt and wanted to see that through to the end. "fen, i have to say i love what you've done with your hair." lips curled upwards into a small smile as he reached out to card his hand through the other's cropped hair, specifically the tuft on the top of his head. "it's never been this short before."
Rather than being cooped up in the abandoned mansion or running around Kirkwall with Hawke, Fenris's days were now spent along the border of Tevinter hunting slavers that were tracking refugees. Fenris's path would be easy to identify by the trail of bodies he left in his wake. If not for Garret, he would spend more time out in the field, but as it was even he traveled to meet up with him when the longing proved too much.
Perhaps that was why Garret now got a whole gracious five seconds of tussling his hair before Fenris swatted his hand away with a sour look. "That you've seen," Fenris corrected. It had been cropped short in the past. "I couldn't have it getting in my way, but..." his voice softened, "I am pleased that you like it."
Garret, however, appeared the same as always, though perhaps a bit worse for wear. Fenris knew his obligations had only expanded, as had his sister's, so these moments they could have together were precious few.
"Don't tell me you traveled all the way here only to talk about my hair." He certainly had other topics on his mind and it did not involve very many words at all.
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flyingupwards · 1 year
;; tag dump - CHARACTERS 2
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vampvinylz · 11 months
Alright. This is my theory on the whole “Afton Family” thing. I think Michael, Abby, and Garrett are all still Afton’s, however, they weren’t raised by William.
In the games, we know that Mrs. Afton isn’t relevant to the lore and is absent in the Afton family’s lives.
This is what lead me to think perhaps they were divorced, but William got custody over the children in the game lore. Meanwhile in the MOVIE, Mrs. Afton won custody.
This is what leads to the fork in the universes between the games and the movie.
Since in the movie, the Afton kids weren’t raised by William, Michael and Garrett never went to Fredbear’s Family Diner or inhaled hallucinogenic gas that made them develop fears of the animatronics. Because of this, there is no ‘bite of 83’ in this universe.
Instead, William, angry that his wife took the kids in the divorce, kidnapped Garrett and killed him (rather than Michael)
We see in the movie that “Steve Raglan” pauses when saying Mike’s name.
“Michael Sch….”
After this, he begins to act strange towards Mike. Why? Because that’s his ex wife’s name. That’s when William made the realization that the person in front of him was his son whom he lost custody of and later murdered his brother.
So now to address some questions about this theory:
“But what about the parents?”
The parents that we see in the flashback are likely Mike and Garret’s mom, as well as their step dad.
This would mean that Mike and Abby are likely step-siblings since Abby wasn’t alive pre-divorce (unless their mom was already carrying Abby from her previous relationship with William by the time Garrett disappeared.)
“What about Vanessa?”
Honestly? I’m not sure.
A: She has a different mom and was raised by Afton after the divorce
B: Afton got custody of her, meanwhile in the game timeline, Mrs. Afton/Schmidt got custody instead
C: She just wasn’t born in the game timeline until much later (23 years before Help Wanted.)
I really hope this makes sense bc Im just rambling rn😭I’m also sick and barely coherent so I might rewrite this later so it’s actually comprehensible
TLDR: The FNAF movie lore is similar to the game lore, however, in the game lore, William gets custody of the kids. In the movie lore, Mrs. Afton/Schmidt gets custody of the kids, preventing the Bite of 83, and leading William to kidnap and murder Garrett instead.
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Reference from Brooklyn 99, how would some of the boys react if we just said "If I run and leap at (Name), he will most certainly catch me in his arms" and then proceeded to run full force at them while they're carrying stuff. (You can just ignore this if you don't understand this or don't want to do this.)
I was given 'some' and immediately ignored my own rules and did 'all', that's fun.
Still, finally cracking down and writing all *checks notes* 2 requests I've gotten.
(Please feel free to send in requests, I'd love to have more to work with)
Oh it is such a rough thing for poor Nimh.
Problem A), the call alone is a little jump scare to him, and now his heart is freaking out
Problem B), he’s now faced with the dilemma of either dropping everything, or letting you eat shit on the pavement. He’d like neither to happen, but he’s not dumb enough to think he could do both
He eventually commits to catching you, but that just leads to
Problem C), he is not very strong and he can barely hold you
Give him the courtesy of keeping a foot on the ground to balance out your weight, yeah?
You joke about it sometimes before you ever commit to the bit
And every single time you do he insists to you that he will make zero effort to catch you
But you know Volks very well at this point.
And you know, among other things, that he is a dirty fucking liar
So you can only imagine your personal childlike glee when you finally do it and he does, in fact, catch you without hesitation 
He insists it’s because if you fell and like, broke your elbow or something, that’d be terrible. Medical bills and all that.
For his sake, you’re ignoring that his face is growing redder by the second. 
No hesitation 100% of the time
First of all, holding you is extremely easy for him, but also he just finds carrying you to be romantic as hell
Oh he’ll cringe if he happens to be dropping something heavy, like a weight, but he still goes for you, that’s his priority
Still, he likes looking for opportunities to show off, and carrying you around like it’s nothing is prime show off material.
He might even get in a couple squats. He knows they go appreciated.
It’s a coin flip with Eli
Though if there’s a chance you’d genuinely injure yourself he’ll probably catch you
But it’s fair game to just let you crash if it’s carpet or grass. Because he thinks it’s just a little funny. 
He also occasionally makes you pay the ‘catch tax’ 
It’s 5 dollars to at least partially make up for the drink that just died on the ground for your goofs.
Really, shame on you, you should know better.
He makes no attempt to catch you
In fact, he finds the way you end up crashing into the wall kinda funny. 
Like watching a cat really fuck up a jump.
Beyond the fact that he’s kind of a stickler with his physical contact to begin with, a lot of the things he carries around are very easily breakable
So yes it’s rude, but frankly he’s not about to shell out 1000 dollars for a new laptop because you thought you could make a goofy point- because you couldn’t.
Garret doesn’t even miss a beat
He’s got you held up in one arm and whatever it was he was holding cradled in the other
While he thinks that it was certainly an odd thing to do, it was pretty cute.
Not hard to do. He thinks most things you do are cute.
Gives you a little kiss and gently sets you back down
Don’t get overconfident though. If he’s holding an animal, the animal gets priority. They’re more fragile.
He still feels really bad about it though. You think he might cry
Dmitri also goes for the catch every time
It adds to his suave and romantic charm, obviously.
However, as the type to prioritize romance over basic logic on occasion, he’s also prone to forgetting that he’s often holding his drink of choice
No it’s fine that his foot just got doused in hot coffee, no he’s not getting a third degree burn
Appreciate the romance, he’ll go see someone about it later
Like Anon, Ichiban hesitates, because if he’s holding something, it’s likely expensive. 
However, unlike Anon, he makes the fatal mistake of still trying to catch you
And it worked maybe once. He’s still riding that high though.
He can handle it!
…But also this case of shenanigans that he has never told you to stop doing has cost more in equipment that either of you are ready to admit out loud.
You may or may not have pitched in to replace several cameras, controllers, and lavaliers 
He tries very very hard to get you to stop charging him before contact is made
It’s a flurry of paperwork, because he does catch you
Says it’s the least he could do as the doting boyfriend he is
Though he does awkwardly dismiss himself from in after a moment. 
While carrying you around is quite romantic, he won’t disagree with that, but also those papers were kind of important and he should get those together ASAP. 
People have pets in need, and they can’t get it without the information getting where it needs to be.
He promises to give you a good cuddle once it’s all sorted, however.
There’s a very direct correlation between what exactly he’s holding and how okay he is with dropping it to scoop you
Electronics? Hard no, those are pricey to replace
Instruments are also frequent victims, and it depends on its fragility.
He tried to catch you with his leg once, except all he actually did was end up kicking you in the gut on the way down
He apologized about it for fifteen minutes straight. 
But if it’s something sturdy, he has no problem with chucking it straight down and scooping you up into a whole ass cuddle. 
Oh please don’t do that outside 
He’s fine with it inside and at night. It’s very attractive, even. Smooth and charming as he sweeps you off your feet before you can even make the jump.
But in the middle of the day it’s very bad for both of you
He can’t hold his parasol and you at the same time, it’s not happening 
So get ready to either hit the deck or get caught on fire with him, depending on how much time he gets to think about it
He screams at first
There’s a loud clatter of knives, but he’s got you!
Scale insists very hard that he did not shriek like a little baby at you almost impaling yourself on his knives
Instead he scolds you over it
I mean come on, you spent an entire afternoon to keep his assassination deadline on you years away
What’s the good in wasting that, he could’ve done better things with his afternoon if you were gonna die a couple months later anyway
Puts no thought into whatever he’s holding, he just tries to hold you on top of it
It’s very uncomfortable every time, why do you keep doing that
It also doesn’t register to him that it’s his need to multitask it that results in you injuring yourself
He starts doing it to you to prove a point, and thinks he’s doing it better because he doesn’t get hurt
He has not realized it’s because you actually drop everything to catch him
But it’s still fun, and you kinda don’t want to ruin it for him.
He doesn’t even flinch
It’s like he anticipated you’d do this exact thing
And unlike some of the other boys he doesn’t even think when he drops whatever he’s holding. 
Unless it’s something on the more… incriminating side. At that point he dodges you, dodges any questions, and quickly dismisses himself from the conversation entirely.
Sure it’s entirely possible there’s a shattered plate of hot food at his feet now, but that doesn’t matter because you’re here, being contently held in his arms
He uses it as an excuse to keep holding you
It what fucking world do you think he could hold you?
He drops his coffee and his school papers
Luckily they don’t damage each other, but w o w that was a close call
But beyond losing his morning caffeine and having to gather his work back up, you’ve hurt his wrists and also your entire body
No one has won here.
He also just. Literally can’t hold you. He’s a tiny frail goth boy, he crumbles if he’s holding anything heavier than 20 pounds. 
Once you’re back on your feet, he asks if you could at the very least help him gather up his papers. They’re worth like 20% of his grade. 
Already a bit on the twitchy side, when he notices you speeding like a bullet train, he squeaks.
What exactly do you think you’re doing??? He’s been relocating his books all afternoon, you can see that he’s holding like, 8.
But, visibly cringing, they hit the floor, because he knows that he can’t hold them and you at the same time
One of them falls wide open, pages down. He tries not to think of the potential folded pages and boxed corners. 
Especially because of how pleased you look!
…But the second he can set you down he’s on the ground checking for damages.
Seth is the absolute king of the ‘casually carrying around hazardous objects’ club
But unlike everyone else in said club, he has no qualms about chucking whatever it is on the ground and scooping you up. 
This has resulted almost unanimously in making more hazards and chaos, but he hasn’t fussed about it once
He gets to give you a lil snuggle and it has the potential to cause crime. It’s a win-win for him!
You are an accessory to arson now though, so watch out, yeah?
Man goes into bullet time
It’s just a race to him to see if he can free an arm before you inevitably ‘plink’ off him and crash into the floor
Like. He does it, no real problems
But he immediately sets you down and scolds you for it
Because that was dangerous! What if he got hurt? What if you got hurt? What if he was holding something breakable, or bringing his fire axe somewhere?
All of those sound awful! 
Still, he ruffles your hair and plants a little kiss on the top of your head. He isn’t mad, he just wants to make sure you’re being safe.
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crimsonhydrangeavn · 20 days
would garret like an m/c whose introverted and clings on to him in public?
Oh absolutely! He would be in heaven if MC clung onto him in public. The thought of being just as important to you as you are to him would make him beyond estatic. Honestly, he would be more than happy to do all of the talking for you if it meant you would become fully dependent on him.
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bowties8glasses · 5 months
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A commission for @daroachie, this and is about to drop a new album, and this time, they got some newcomers
Making Of (this one's gonna be a bit more tangent-y): Daro's main idea for this comm was to make albulm cover of his OC's band, and that it should, in some way, go hard. things like the band name, the album name were sorted out later
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I've done a comm with fritz(torracat) and james(luxio) before, but I felt I needed a refresher
as for the two other members
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Cleo(floragato) is a first time, while Garret I had drawn once before when Daro was asking for sugestion for his design, which I had given a rough ms paint doddle with my ideas
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now for the cover, daro idea was first then laying on a hill in a starry sky, but that didn't go hard in the way he wanted so he changed his mind to the doddle he made here(left image)
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however, one character in, I was doubting this would work, leaving us stumped
(now for context; this comm was done with daro while on his discord server's VC) this was when a friend (edenadyk) joined the call, and here's a illustrated depiction of what happened
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eden then had to leave right after to go to another call
anyway thats what we went with c^^
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note the smaller circle in the middle, thats for where'd be empty space, as a way to help evenly spread each member around the hole
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aaand here's a no text version c^^
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roses-r-rosie3 · 1 year
whenever you have time<3
harlan x bttm/virgin/big booty m!reader
Flames Come Alive
Harlan Briggs x M!Reader
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Warnings: Smut, swearing, and a bit of fluff
Summary: Harlan was at a party when a certain someone catches his eye out of everyone and he starts to try and win the reader
Quote: “My charm is starting to work on you”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Harlan was at another one of his parties, he knows that Garret and Luna don’t approve of this lifestyle but he doesn’t care, the young wolf just wanted to have fun. Harlan was just enjoying the time when he notices a h/c haired guy at a corner of the party just on his phone. Harlan being… well Harlan… walked up to the boy.
“Hey handsome, what’s your name?” Harlan said flirtatiously.
“Y/n and yours?”
Usually Harlan just talks to guys for a bit and a little later he hooks up with them, but this boy felt, different.
“Harlan, what brings you to this party”
“Oh I just came here just in case if my friend gets too drunk and they need a ride home” you said.
“You should party a little instead of just sitting in this little corner” Harlan laughed.
“Oh, I’m fine but you go ahead” you said.
“Well you’re missing out” Harlan said before he walked away.
When Harlan got home he couldn’t stop thinking about the boy he met at the party. Something about him just seemed pure. A couple weeks passed by and Harlan bumped into you at school.
“Oh hey! You’re y/n right?” He smiled.
“Yeah” you smiled back.
“So I’ve been thinking about you for a while and I was wondering if you wanted to go out to the movies or something?” Harlan asked.
“Sorry but you’re not really my type” you said.
Well that wasn’t the response Harlan was expecting, he has never really been rejected before.
“Playing hard to get? I like it. Don’t worry, I’ll find a way to take you out” Harlan chuckled.
“Sure you will” you laughed.
As Harlan was walking to class, the young wolf couldn’t stop thinking about you, he needed to find a way to get with you. He has never felt this type of way before, usually he was the one doing the rejecting, but to be rejected was something he has never experienced. A couple weeks later he bumped into you at yet another party, but this time, you were actually partying.
“I see you are actually having fun this time” Harlan said.
“Let me live a little” you smiled.
“So what about that date?” Harlan whispered into you ear.
“I’ll think about it” you said.
“My charm is starting to work on you” Harlan smirked.
“Yeah, yeah” you said as you rolled your eyes playfully.
The next day, Harlan was waking to his class when all of a sudden you came up to him.
“So I’ve been thinking about that date, and I would like to go out with you” you said shyly.
“I knew you would come around” Harlan smiled.
“Don’t get too cocky” you said as punched his arm playfully.
“So do you want to go to the movies for our little date?” Harlan asked.
“Sure” you said
When you had your first date with Harlan, he was trying to send you signals but you weren’t getting it.
“I need to use the restroom” Harlan said suggestively.
“Okay” you said.
“Okay?” Harlan said.
“What? do you want me to go in there to watch you take a piss or something?” You laughed.
Harlan just sat back down. After the movie was over Harlan lead y/n to his car.
“So… you want to come to my place and watch another movie in my room” Harlan smiled.
“But we just watched a movie” you said cluelessly.
“Do you really not get it?” Harlan sighed.
“Get what?” You said.
“I’ve been trying to have sex with you this whole time!” Harlan groaned.
“Oh… well- uhm about that I’m kind of… a.. virgin” you whispered.
“That makes it better” Harlan smirked.
“So my place?”
“Sure” you blushed.
As Harlan drove to his house his pants started to feel tight. The thought of you under him, got him going. When you finally arrived at Harlan’s house, Harlan immediately started to kiss you.
“Are you sure nobody is home?” You whimpered.
“Who cares, let them listen” Harlan smiled.
After your make out session with Harlan was done, Harlan got out of the car, and opened the door for you before you walked into Harlan’s house. After you got inside Harlan’s room Harlan started to attack you neck.
“Ngh! Fuck!” You moaned.
Harlan started to lead you to his bed as he started to take his shirt off.
“So how does this work? Do I just suck your cock or do you suck mine?” You said.
“Just shut up and let me do this” Harlan laughed.
Harlan started to take off your shirt and he started to kiss down your happy trail. Harlan got to the waistband of your boxers and looked up for your permission. You nodded eagerly your head. Harlan slowly started to pull your boxers down, letting your dick spring free from It’s restraints. You groaned feeling the cold air hit your length. Harlan started to put your tip in his mouth earning a whine from you.
“F-fuck” You groaned talking in the immense pleasure.
You prayed that Garret or Luna wouldn’t just burst in the room and see what was happening between the two of you. Shortly after, you felt a tightening sensation coming from your groin. You decided to look down at what Harlan was doing and you made eye contact. That was all you needed to see before you came inside of Harlan’s mouth with loud moans and whines. You groaned at the sight of Harlan swallowing your cum.
“It’s my turn” Harlan smirked as he pulled off of your cock and swapped positions with you.
“So uh- how do I do this” you said.
“Just pull my fucking pants down and we will take it from there” Harlan said amusingly.
You did what you were told to do and pulled Harlan’s boxers down and Harlan’s dick sprang free. You started to stare at how big it was, you didn’t know if you could take all of it.
“You like what you see?” Harlan said.
“Oh- uh right” you said nervously.
You took Harlan’s dick in your hand receiving a groan from Harlan. You tried to copy what Harlan did as best as you could. You slowly put Harlan’s tip in your mouth and started to slowly bob your head. You gagged a little but got used to the feeling. And right as you were getting comfortable, you felt Harlan’s hands on your head pushing you deeper down his length. Harlan moaned as your mouth was working on his length.
“Fuck~ I can’t- hah- believe I’m the first person that gets to fuck your pretty little mouth” Harlan groaned.
Soon after Harlan felt his climax coming and he started to push his cock deep down your throat as he spilled his nut down your throat.
“Fuck!” Groaned Harlan as he pulled your head away from his cock.
He saw a line of saliva connecting from your mouth to his cock and some of his seed on the side of your mouth. He laughed and kissed you, the both of you tasted each other as you kissed.
“Fuck, Well that was the best time I’ve ever had” you panted.
“I’m glad that I was the one you had ‘fun’ with tonight” Harlan laughed.
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Garret jacob hobbs' attic
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Google has informed me that is hannibal and after searching for a few minutes it came up with exactly zero pictures of an attic. so. he's in the "c" garret jacob hobbs' attic.
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🩷 Sapphic BIPOC Books for Sapphic September
💜 Too often, books by authors of color get shelved out of view in favor of books written by well-known, already-established white authors. No more! In this amazing era of writing, there are more sapphic books by authors of color (about characters of color) than ever before! Here are a few sapphic BIPOC books to consider adding to your TBR! Spread the word about these books to give them the attention they deserve.
🩷 Girls of Paper and Fire -Natasha Ngan 🩷 You Should See Me in a Crown - Leah Johnson 🩷 Once Ghosted, Twice Shy - Alyssa Cole 🩷 Cinderella Is Dead - Kalynn Bayron
💜 Friday I'm in Love - Camryn Garret 💜 The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali - Sabina Khan 💜 Wild Beauty - Anna-Marie McLemore 💜 Last Night at the Telegraph Club - Malinda Lo
🩷 Gay the Pray Away - Natalie Naudus 🩷 D'Vaughn and Kris Plan a Wedding - Chencia C. Higgins 🩷 The Good Luck Girls - Charlotte Nicole Davis 🩷 Clap When You Land - Elizabeth Acevedo
💜 The Midnight Lie - Marie Rutkoski 💜 Tell Me How You Really Feel - Aminah Mae Safi 💜 We Set the Dark on Fire - Tehlor Kay Mejia 💜 The Henna Wars - Adiba Jaigirdar
🩷 All of Us with Wings - Michelle Ruiz Keil 🩷 How to Find a Princess - Alyssa Cole 🩷 Cinderella Is Dead - Kalynn Bayron 🩷 Sorry, Bro - Taleen Voskuni
💜 Wish You Weren’t Here - Erin Baldwin 💜 Girl, Serpent, Thorn - Melissa Bashardoust 💜 We Didn’t Ask for This - Ali Alsaid 💜 The Grief Keeper - Alexandra Villasante
🩷 Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Really Feel - Sara Farizan 🩷 Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me - Mariko Temaki 🩷 It’s Not Like It’s a Secret - Misa Sugiura 🩷 Everything Leads to You - Nina LaCour
💜 You Exist Too Much - Zaina Arafat 💜 The Skin and Its Girl - Sarah Cypher 💜 Hijab Butch Blues - Lamya H 💜 Roses in the Mouth of a Lion - Bushra Rehman
🩷 Faebound - Saara El-Arifi 🩷 Legendborn - Tracy Deonn 🩷 The Weight of Stars - K. Ancrum 🩷 Dread Nation - Justina Ireland
💜 I’ll Be The One - Lyla Lee 💜 Not Your Sidekick - C.B. Lee 💜 Honey Girl - Morgan Rogers 💜 Every Body Looking - Candice Iloh
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soulcluster-moved · 1 year
🔥 ( fenris -- garret )
Send “🔥?” and my muse will admit whether they find your muse attractive or not.
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"You don't need me to tell you that Hawke's an attractive man. The only true question is why he chooses to give his attention to me." Yet Fenris never gave voice to the question. Hawke had chosen him and he had already fumbled it once. He wouldn't do so again.
Fenris hummed for a moment, a rare smile gracing his lips. "He would be insufferable if he heard this."
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deadpresidents · 1 year
2 and a half weeks until JC passes Cactus Jack!
It took me a little bit to figure out what you were referencing, but yes, Jimmy Carter will pass John Nance Garner as the longest-living President or Vice President in American history on September 18th. And if he is still with us on October 1st, Carter will be the first President or Vice President in American history to celebrate their 99th birthday.
And since I'm a huge dork who finds this stuff interesting, here's the big, complete list of longest-living to shortest-living Presidents and Vice Presidents in American history: (Presidents are in bold text, Vice Presidents are in italics, and those who served as both POTUS and VP are in bold italics.) John Nance Garner: 98 years, 351 days Jimmy Carter: 98 years, 337 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Levi P. Morton: 96 years, 0 days George H.W. Bush: 94 years, 171 days Gerald R. Ford: 93 years, 165 days Ronald Reagan: 93 years, 120 days Walter Mondale: 93 years, 81 days John Adams: 90 years, 247 days Herbert Hoover: 90 years, 71 days Harry S. Truman: 88 years, 232 days Charles G. Dawes: 85 years, 239 days James Madison: 85 years, 104 days Thomas Jefferson: 83 years, 82 days Dick Cheney: 82 years, 216 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Hannibal Hamlin: 81 years, 311 days Richard Nixon: 81 years, 104 days Joe Biden: 80 years, 287 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) John Quincy Adams: 80 years, 227 days Aaron Burr: 80 years, 220 days Martin Van Buren: 79 years, 231 days Adlai E. Stevenson: 78 years, 234 days Dwight D. Eisenhower: 78 years, 165 days Alben W. Barkley: 78 years, 157 days Andrew Jackson: 78 years, 85 days Spiro Agnew: 77 years, 261 days Donald Trump: 77 years, 81 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) George W. Bush: 77 years, 59 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Henry A. Wallace: 77 years, 42 days James Buchanan: 77 years, 39 days Bill Clinton: 77 years, 15 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Dan Quayle: 76 years, 211 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Charles Curtis: 76 years, 14 days Al Gore: 75 years, 156 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Millard Fillmore: 74 years, 60 days James Monroe: 73 years, 67 days George Clinton: 72 years, 268 days George M. Dallas: 72 years, 174 days William Howard Taft: 72 years, 174 days John Tyler: 71 years, 295 days Grover Cleveland: 71 years, 98 days Thomas R. Marshall: 71 years, 79 days Nelson Rockefeller: 70 years, 202 days Elbridge Gerry: 70 years, 129 days Rutherford B. Hayes: 70 years, 105 days Richard M. Johnson: 70 years, 33 days William Henry Harrison: 68 years, 54 days John C. Calhoun: 68 years, 13 days William A. Wheeler: 67 years, 339 days George Washington: 67 years, 295 days Benjamin Harrison: 67 years, 205 days Woodrow Wilson: 67 years, 36 days William R. King: 67 years, 11 days Hubert H. Humphrey: 66 years, 231 days Andrew Johnson: 66 years, 214 days Thomas A. Hendricks: 66 years, 79 days Charles W. Fairbanks: 66 years, 24 days Zachary Taylor: 65 years, 227 days Franklin Pierce: 64 years, 319 days Lyndon B. Johnson: 64 years, 148 days Mike Pence: 64 years, 88 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Henry Wilson: 63 years, 279 days Ulysses S. Grant: 63 years, 87 days Franklin D. Roosevelt: 63 years, 72 days Barack Obama: 62 years, 30 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) Schuyler Colfax: 61 years, 296 days Calvin Coolidge: 60 years, 185 days Theodore Roosevelt: 60 years, 71 days Kamala Harris: 58 years, 318 days (As of Sept. 3, 2023) William McKinley: 58 years, 228 days Warren G. Harding: 57 years, 273 days Chester A. Arthur: 57 years, 44 days James S. Sherman: 57 years, 6 days Abraham Lincoln: 56 years, 62 days Garret A. Hobart: 55 years, 171 days John C. Breckinridge: 54 years, 116 days James K. Polk: 53 years, 225 days Daniel D. Tompkins: 50 years, 355 days James Garfield: 49 years, 304 days John F. Kennedy: 46 years, 177 days
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doingitforbokuto · 9 months
The White Knight - Chapter Six
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Summary: Your father wants to protect you, no matter at what cost. But what does that mean for your future? Can you still be with the man that you love if your father has different plans for you?
Words: 3,521
Warnings: talks of arranged marriage, wound treatment (not graphic, mentioned), angst, talks of death
Your Point Of View 
The needle pushing into your skin stung, no matter how many times it happened. The royal physician rushed to your room as soon as he heard what had happened. The news of what had happened to you had spread throughout the castle like a forest fire after a maid walked past your room and was alarmed by Kita shouting for her to get help. 
Your knight had not moved from where he kneeled by your bedside. When the physician came to deal with your wound, he only shuffled a bit to the side to give the other man some room to work. But he did not leave. Just like he promised. Maybe he wanted to leave, to find the man who had done this to you, but you held onto his hand so desperately that there was no room for any questions: You needed him here, with you. So he stayed. 
Other knights had already been sent out to capture Garret anyway, so Kita could best serve you by helping you stay calm during the painful treatment of the wound. It was hard to stay still when every time the skin on your collarbone was touched, when even the air that brushed against it seemed to burn. But that wasn't what you focused on. You focused on the hand that was holding yours, on the only touch that you would ever need in your whole life. Had anyone else's touch ever felt this good? You could not remember. It was like his hands were the ones you had been longing, waiting for your whole life. Nothing else mattered. Not even the pain, not the fears. They all vanished the moment you closed your eyes and focused on the man beside you, on his breathing, on his skin on yours. There was no other feeling that mattered but the love you had for him. Even if he didn't feel the same way. Even if it could never be. At least you could love him now, you could bask in his presence now. And you would continue to do so for as long as you could. You hoped it would be a long time.
The door to your room was shut again, but not locked. Under normal circumstances, Kita would have left the room as to not disturb the work of the physician,  but now, you had insisted he stayed. After all, you didn't know who to trust anymore. No one argued with you about that. Your safety was the most important thing right now, anyway. If they thought that him holding your hand was improper, they did not mention it. At first, Kita had tried to pull his hand away from you, but you held onto him firmly. You needed him. 
Other people could interpret the touch as something romantic, as a sign that there was more than an appropriate relationship between the two of you. You knew that, of course. But that did not change the way your whole being longer for him. You still wished that he would hold you longer, tighter. Wrap his arms around you like he had done when he had carried you to your bed. If he would just touch you like that again, everything would have been worth it, just to feel his touch for one second again, you would go through all of this fear and danger all over again. So you held onto his hand, whimpering as another stitch was made. If having a wound was what would make him keep his hand onto your skin, you would gladly take that pain. His touch made you forget all of the bad things that had just happened to you. The only thing you could feel in that moment was him: His warmth, his skin on yours. 
With a concentrated look on his face, the physician finished the last stitch on your wound. In order for him to be able to work on it properly, he had to remove your dress from your chest, leaving you in only your underdress. Your chest was still covered, but the cut of the underdress was much deeper, exposing just the tiniest bit of the soft swell of your breasts that was usually hidden by your clothes. Like the gentleman that Kita was, he turned his head, averted his eyes and locked them onto the ground. 
And as you looked at him, you couldn't help but wish that he didn't look away. That he looked at you the same way you looked at him now. That he, too, would try and map out every little detail of your face. 
You took in the way his hair fell. The way his ears turned a slight shade of pink, just the same his cheeks did. By now, you had committed him to memory. It was impossible for you to forget the way his cheeks rounded out or the way his nose curved. Even though he had a more stoic manner most of the time, you had never missed the softness in his features. Maybe it was because he had always been so kind to you or maybe it was just your affection for him that made him even more handsome, but what you saw when you looked at him was the most beautiful, handsome man you had ever laid eyes upon. 
Everyone else saw a knight, one that had even admitted to being afraid of dying. They saw a man who they thought would not be able to protect you the way that he was supposed to. But you didn't see that, you never had. You had always seen a man that knew the dangers of his duty and faced it anyway. For you. Who cared about you. Who deserved so much more than you could ever give him. He should ride by a Lord's side, by your father's side and receive all the honor in the world. But instead, he was stuck with you and no honor worthy of him could ever be bestowed upon him by your hand. 
“There,” the physician said. “All done. I will let your maid wrap the bandages around your chest so the wound is protected. Make sure to rest as much as you can, overworking yourself can lead to the wound opening up again.” He shot you an apologetic look as he gathered his things. 
Your maid stepped towards you while Kita helped the physician to the door. It hurt you to let go of him, but he really could not stay with you while your maid undressed you to bandage the wound. The whole time he kept his face turned away from you, making sure that there was not a bit of your exposed body that he could see. But you could still see the red tips of his ears. In all of this mess that you were in now, the small bit of red skin that shone through his hair seemed like a little glimmer of hope. It was the one thing that made the edges of your lips curl upwards, not a real smile, but some piece of happiness nevertheless. The maid wrapped the bandages around your chest and shoulder so that the whole wound was covered in it and protected before helping you into your clothes again. There would probably be some visitors, your father and brother, maybe Alysane if she was allowed to see you, so you had to be somewhat decent. As if you really cared about being decent in front of your family after almost dying. But, well.. it wasn't you making the rules.
“Do you need anything else, princess?” 
“No, Clara, thank you.” You gave her an exhausted smile. All you wanted was to rest, just rest. 
“I will check back in with you in a bit, just in case.” She squeezed your hand gently. In the time that she had been your you had really grown to appreciate her. Clara wasn’t someone who hid her emotions or pretended to be someone she was not, like so many people around you did. So when she acted like she cared about you, you knew that she did actually care. It was always nice to know that the people close to you want to help you. And though, yes, she could be quite talkative at times and loved to gossip, but that wasn't always bad. She loved to hear and share new information, but she never did it with bad intentions (even if gossip often led to bad things in your world). It had actually given you a lot of useful information about some people at court and helped you steer clear of many bad people. Sadly, it hadn't helped you now. 
Clara stood up to leave and Kita returned to your side. He could not see it as he was standing behind your maid, but you did not miss the way that she glanced at you before turning to leave. It was just a split second, but you could practically see the questions that were going through her head spelled out on her forehead: "Is he always this close to you? Does this bother you? Do you like it? Is this something more than just him protecting you?"
Of course, she did not say any of that out loud. As nice as she was to you and as much as you liked and appreciated her, it was not her place to ask you such things. Maybe in another lifetime, you could have been friends and she could have asked you. Maybe in a different world. But not not in this one. In this one, there was always an invisible wall separating you from everyone else. Even from Kita. Even he did not dare to ask you about the thoughts running through your head. 
And there was nothing you could do about it. There was no way for you to tell him that it was alright to be close to you because it wasn't. He wasn't allowed to ask you such things and you weren't allowed to tell them to him, not because it was what was best for you, but because that was just the way that things were. And you did not make the rules. You never would. Your life would never be the way that you wanted it to be. You would never be able to be as close to Kita as you wanted, you would never be able to give him what he deserved. All that you had done since meeting him was make him feel bad for not protecting you well enough, make him uncomfortable with your panic and stupidity and steal his handkerchief. You were completely useless. 
“Princess..” Kita’s voice was gentle, careful. “It’s alright. It's alright.” His hand was on your arm and it felt like the most natural thing for him to do; like his hand had been molded just to hold you. 
The tears streaming over your face did not stop under his touch, if anything, they got worse. He wasn't supposed to be doing this. Or, he was supposed to be doing this, if the way this felt was any indication. He was made to hold you. It was just that someone had decided that it wasn't appropriate for him to be doing this. Well, not someone. Your father. He decided what was appropriate for you to do. He decided everything, for everyone. And there was nothing you could ever do about it. You could never love Kita the way you were both meant to. 
Everything was horrible. Everything was pain again and not even Kita's touch could make you forget about it. 
As if your father could hear you thinking about him, he walked in, flanked by two of his guards, another one no doubt waiting outside with the two knights already ordered there for your protection.
“Your Grace,” Kita immediately moved to greet him, bowing down. He shot you an apologetic look. Did he miss touching you just as much as you missed his touch? He had to. There was no way that a love like yours could be a coincidence. It was a force bigger than you, pushing you towards him. Of God wanted you to love him, he had to make him love you too. Right? 
“y/n! I heard what happened, my dear.” Your father walked up to your bedside, his guard following him. 
With so many people now filling the space, Kita had no choice but back up and make room for the three other men now demanding your attention. But your attention wasn't on them. You tried and follow Kita with your eyes but the broad bodies of the king's guards obscured your view. Reluctantly, you looked up at your father. The tears were still wet on your face, but you held yourself back from spilling even more now. 
“Oh, my dear.” He repeated as he sat down on the side of your bed, a hand on your forehead. With gentle motions, he brushed stray hairs and sweat from your forehead. His hand felt warm against your skin and it reminded you of when you had been still a child and had your parents comfort you when you were sick. When was the last time you had felt this kind of touch from your family? Not since your mother's funeral. The thought made the tears flow again all by themselves. 
“Oh,” your father whispered again. “Oh, sweetheart.” His hand didn't stop brushing over your skin as he turned around and quickly motioned for the other men to leave you two alone. 
It was like a wave that came crashing down on you. It wasn't just what had happened today, it was everything. Your mother's death. The loneliness you had felt for so long. The pressure coming down on you from all sides. The expectations. The way you didn't know what your future held for you because you didn't know what man your father would choose for you. The love you had for a different man, that you could never have. It was the nightmares you had every time sleep overcame you. It was the fears that haunted you. It was everything. Everything hurt. 
Only when you had calmed down enough to breathe steadily again did your father speak up again. “I am so sorry this happened to you, love. I promise you: I will make sure that Garret is punished for what he did. And your knight, too. How could he let this happen?!” 
What? “No,” you gasped. “No, it wasn't the knight's fault!” 
Your father raised an eyebrow. “Really? Because I heard that the knight on duty this morning let you go into your room all by yourself.” Oh. Oh, he wasn't talking about Kita. Thank God. But still - it still wasn't the knight's fault!
“He was right outside the door, talking to the maid like I commanded him to do.” Your heart was still pounding in your chest. Would you have a broken rib by the end of this, too? 
“He should have known better than-” 
“Father.” You looked deeply into his eyes. Eyes that weren't cold, but angry and clouded by worry for his child's safety. “Trust me. It wasn't his fault. Do not punish him. For me. Please?” 
He hesitated for a moment. But then, his eyes softened and he sighed. “Alright.” He kissed your forehead. “If that is what you say happened. But I'm still not happy with him.” His eyes turned serious yet again. “And what about Sir Kita? Should I be happy with him?” 
How could he even ask that? Could he not see how perfect Kita was? “Yes, father.” You tried not to blush. And probably failed miserably. “He saved me. I would probably not be here without him right now. Or.. Garret’'s plan would have worked out.” 
“I am sick and tired of men trying to weasel their way into a marriage. With you, especially!” The tone your father now used was one you rarely heard. One of anger and frustration. “I am trying to keep you safe. I -” He choked up for a second. You knew what he was about to say. 
“I am safe, father.” You squeezed his hand. “Mother knew that you would keep us safe after her death. You kept your promise to her.” 
“But you are not safe.” Did you see tears glimmer in his eyes? “Look at you!” He motioned to your bruised and hurt body. “I promised to keep you safe and yet here you are, wounded on bedrest because I could not keep you safe!” 
“This is not your fault. You can't-” 
“This will not happen again.” The emotional look vanished from his face and left you with your father like you saw him almost all the time: A calm, distanced king who ruled over everyone and everything. One who would not take “No” for an answer.
“There will be no more men coming to try and grab at your hand because I will decide on the man who will marry you. I was wrong to postpone this. The sooner I decide, the better.” 
No. No, no, no. No! This could not be happening. You weren't ready yet. You needed more time! More time to be with Kita, to love Kita, to give him what he deserved. Even if just quietly, you needed to love him. To do something good for him. To change for him. You needed more time. Time with him. 
“Father, I don't think that-” 
“You do not need to worry about this.” As harsh as the reality behind his words was, the way he said them was soft, gentle. Like he was reassuring you instead of shutting you up. Perhaps that was what he thought he was doing. “You do not need to worry about any of this. Soon, you will be safe. I will keep you safe. Always.” He kissed your forehead. “Rest now.” 
“You're supposed to stay in bed.” Clara's hands were gentle but firm as they pushed your shoulders back onto the bed. 
“But I need to see Alysane.” You had been crying for God knows how long. Your head felt as if it was about to explode and not a single thought seemed to be coherent. Everything was a mess and you needed someone to help you sort this out. There were only two people who could help you with that: Kita or Alysane. And seeing as your feelings for Kita were pretty much the reason behind your distress, he was probably not the best choice.  
“She hasn't come to see me yet.” You felt like a sulking child. You probably sounded like one, too. “Why hasn't she come to see me yet?” Your father had been here, your brother too. So why hadn't your best friend been there? 
 “I don't know, your highness.” Clara’s eyes avoided yours. Quickly, she moved to place the covers over your chest again. Oh, but she did know. And you knew that she knew. If anyone in the whole castle knew, it had to be the maid who gossiped with everyone, about everything. She probably knew any news before even your father did. 
“Why hasn't she come to see me?” You asked again, this time more intently. 
She still avoided your now piercing gaze. “I'm not supposed to tell you.” 
That was it. You have had enough of people telling you what was right and wrong! You swung your legs out of your bed, pushed her to the side and rushed out of the room. 
“Princess?” Kita sounded almost panicked. “Where are you-? I don't think you are supposed to-” 
“I do not care what I'm supposed to! I want to see my friend, so I will see my friend!” Your scream echoed off the walls of the hallway. This was improper behavior for a Lady. For a princess, this was horrific behavior. But what did that matter now? What did any of your behavior matter now that you had fallen in love with your knight? There was nothing you could do that could be worse. At least not in the eyes of your father, your brother, every other Lord and Lady in the kingdom. Everyone else, too. They would all think that it was a bad, distasteful thing for you to do. Oh, if they only knew that it was the best thing you had ever done. 
“You need to rest.” Kita held onto your arm. 
He was right. You were weak and could already feel your knees getting weaker every moment. The rush you had gotten just a few seconds ago was wearing off and left you feeling even worse than before. 
“Please,” you begged him. “Please tell me what is wrong.” 
You could see the pain in his eyes. What was hurting him so much? And what could you do to help him? 
“You are not the only one Garret wanted to kill today,” Kita whispered. He couldn't even look at you. But he still caught you when your knees finally gave in.
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jselorekeeper · 20 days
MUSIC STUFF (sorry, very autistic about music and the egos as you probably know by nowdshg)
Angus - Natural by Imagine Dragons and Some Nights by Fun
Jackie - Feeling Good by Micheal Bublé and Midnight by Caravan Palace
Marvin - Midnight Waltz by David Garret and Electra Heart by Marina
Jacques - Smooth by Santana and Remains of the Day from Corpse Bride
Henrik - Blood//Water by Grandson and Can't Stop the Bleeding by Gramatic
Chase - Hells Comin with me and Valse De La Lune by Peter Crowley
C!Jack - My Enemy by Hans Zimmerman and Towards the Sun from Home
Anti - Run Boy Run by Woodkid and Drift Away from Steven Universe
Shawn - Discord by the Living Tombstone and Come Little Children by Odjbox
Jameson - Black Cotton Blues by Tape Five and Hit the Road Jack by Maskarade and Wolfgang
S34N - Waltzing on Rooftops and Cobblestones by Austin Wintory and It's Been So Long by the Living Tombstone
Markus - Love Don't Roam by Murray Gold(From Doctor who) and Sh-Boom by The Cords
Robbie - King of the Clouds by PATD and The Voice by Celtic Woman
We have, so many more songs it was so difficult choosing just one that we went with twojhdd
Thank you so much for asking this/gen
Oh that is quite the list!
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dk-thrive · 7 months
We had a thousand things, like everyone. But ours were only ours. Who will find them beautiful now?
Falling in love with C was not gradual. Falling in love with C was encompassing, consuming, life-expanding. It was like ripping hunks from a loaf of fresh bread and stuffing them in my mouth. In those early days, he was a man frying little disks of sausage on a hot plate in a Paris garret, asking me to marry him. Making me laugh so hard I slipped off our red couch. Loving the smoked tacos we got from a tiny shack just north of Morro Bay. Pointing out backyard chickens from the garage we rented behind a surfer’s bachelor pad. Putting his hand on my thigh while I drank contrast fluid that tasted like bitter Gatorade, before a CT scan to find my burst ovarian cyst. Playing the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band on a road trip, putting a cinnamon bear on our rental car dashboard because it was our mascot, our trusty guide. Our thing. We had a thousand things, like everyone. But ours were only ours. Who will find them beautiful now? ...
He is still that man. I am still that woman. We have betrayed those tender people, but we still carry them around inside of us wherever we go.
— Leslie Jamison, Splinters: Another Kind of Love Story (Little Brown and Company, February 20, 2024)
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timelessxmemories · 3 months
paoper clippies -Garret
Thank you Garret. -C
Youre welcome! -Garret
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