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Glasya Labolas. 25th Goetic Spirit. Teaches all arts and sciences instantly. Inspires murder and bloodshed. Teaches the Black Arts. Illustrated by Joel Innes
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fortitudina · 7 months
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salvationofsouls asked: “ shit, i think i pulled my stitches. ” ~ Caass from Ethan
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DARKENED EYES TURNED THEMSELVES upwards from the book that was nestled within his grasp, attention instead had turned itself on to his husband as he heard the exasperated words leave from his lips. For a brief moment, a faint look of disappointment befell the demon's features but whether it was at Ethan or at the failed stitching would be a question unanswered. " You need to be careful and take things easier... "
He knew that staying sedentary was something that Ethan struggled to do, often having seen him need to go for a run or to the gym to work off his stress, but he was also squishy in comparison to him and seemed very prone to getting into scrapes that left him injured. Caassimolar had found himself getting more and more worried about him whenever he was working and wanted him to take some time to just relax.
" Lie yourself down and I'll take a look at your stitches... If I do find that they're pulled though, I'm confining you to our chambers. " His small threat came with an added glare as he set his book aside and stood himself up. He rarely failed to carry out his threats either, but this one one that was in Ethan's best interest to follow.
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WHB Lesser key: Hades
Did you wonder how much inspo they drew from the descriptions of the different demons of the Ars Goetia to create their characters and what that could point towards in terms of personality and powers? I did. You can find each character with it's respective descriptions here, divided by their respective factions.
The main link is this helpful little list of the 72 with summarized descriptions, so it's not an exhaustive list, just an organized one.
Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Avisos | Abaddon | Paradise Lost | Niflheim
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Barbatos is an Earl and Duke of Hell, ruling thirty legions of demons and has four kings as his companions to command his legions. He gives the understanding of the voices of the animals, says past and future, conciliates friends and rulers, and he can lead men to hidden treasures that have been hidden by the enchantment of magicians. His name seems to derive from Latin "barbatus", bearded, old man, philosopher. And once belonged to the angelic order of Virtues
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Foras (alternatively Forcas or Forrasis) is a powerful President of Hell, being obeyed by twenty-nine legions of demons. He teaches logic and ethics in all their branches, the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, can make a man witty, eloquent, invisible, and live long, and can discover treasures and recover lost things. He is depicted as a strong man. His name seems to derive from Latin foras (out, outside).
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(Count/President) Glasya-Labolas (also Caacrinolaas, Caassimolar, Classyalabolas, Glassia-labolis, Glasya Labolas, Gaylos-Lobos) is a mighty President of Hell who commands thirty-six legions of demons. He is the author and captain of manslaughter and bloodshed, tells all things past and to come, gains the minds and love of friends and foes causing love among them if desired, incites homicides and can make a man invisible. He is depicted as a dog with the wings of a griffin.
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Orias (also spelled Oriax) is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has thirty legions of demons under his command. He knows and teaches the virtues of the stars and the mansions of the planets (the influence of each planet depending on the astrological sign in which it is in a specific moment and the influence of that sign on an individual depending on how the zodiac was configured at the moment of their birth or at the moment of asking a question to the astrologist); he also gives dignities, prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes, and can metamorphose a man into any shape.
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salvationofsouls · 6 months
fortitudina asked: [ text ] –– an ouija board, but instead of letters and numbers, pictures of cats. ( From Anya for Ethan )
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[ Message : Littlest Bird. ] Was this text meant for Deacon? Regardless, I approve either way. Cats are my jam. You know Caassimolar is a bit like a cat at times? Don’t think Zozo would enjoy this new ouija board though… Might cause him some problems? ~ ES
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(ordem alfabética)
A- Abaddon (mitologia cristã) Abalam(mitologia cristã) Abezethibou (Testamento de Salomão) Abraxas/Abracas (Gnosticismo) Abyzou (mitologia judaica) Adrameleque (mitologia assíria, demonologia cristã) Aesma Daeva (zoroastrismo) Agaliarept (mitologia judaica) Agrat bat Mahlat (mitologia judaica) Agares (mitologia cristã) Agiel(mitologia judaica) Ahriman/Angra Mainyu (zoroastrismo) Aim/Haborym(mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Aka Manah/Akem Manah/Akoman/Akvan (zoroastrismo) Akira (mitologia bigottia) Ala(Mitologia eslava) Alal (mitologia caldeia) Alastor (mitologia cristã) Alloces/Allocer (mitologia cristã) Allu (mitologia acadiana) Alus Mabus (mitologia miliciana) Amaymon (mitologia cristã) Amdusias (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Amy/Amousias(mitologia cristã) Anameleque (mitologia assíria) Andhaka (Mitologia hindu) Andras (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Andrealfo (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Andromálio (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Anticristo(mitologia cristã) Armaros (mitologia judaica) Aariel (mitologia cristã, Ars Theurgia) Arconte (gnosticismo) Asag/Asakku (mitologia suméria) Asakku (mitologia babilônica) Asb'el (mitologia judaica) Asmodeus Astaroth Asura (mitologia hindu) Azazel / Azaz'el (mitologia judaica) Azi Dahaka/Dahak (zoroastrismo)
B- Baal/Bael (mitologia cristã) Balam (mitologia cristã) Barão (mitologia católica)[1] Balberith (mitologia judaica) Bali Raj (mitologia hindu) Banshee (mitologia irlandesa) Baphomet (folclore cristão Barbas (mitologia cristã) Barbatos (mitologia cristã) Bathin/Mathim/Bathym/Marthim(demonologia cristã) Beball (mitologia cristã) Belzebu (mitologia judaica, demonologia cristã) Behemoth (mitologia judaica) Belial (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã) Beleth (mitologia cristã) Belphegor(mitologia cristã) Berith/Beherit(mitologia fenícia, mitologia cristã) Bhoot/Bhūta (Sanskrit) Bifrons (mitologia cristã) Boruta (mitologia eslava) Botis (mitologia cristã) Buer(mitologia cristã) Bukavac (demonologia eslava) Bune (mitologia cristã) Buta Kala (mitologia indonésia) Bushyasta (zoroastrismo)
C- Caifaz Carabia / Decarabia (mitologia cristã) Carmelo (mitologia cristã) Cramunhão Charún (mitologia etrusca) Chemosh (moabita) Choronzon(Thelema) Cimejes / Kimaris / Cimeries(mitologia cristã) Corson (mitologia cristã) Crocell / Procell (mitologia cristã) Culsu (mitologia etrusca)[2] Cérbero (mitologia grega)
D- Daeva (mitologia zoroastra) Dagon (mitologia semita)[3] Dajjal (mitologia islâmica)[4] Dantalion (mitologia cristã)[5] Danjal (mitologia judaica) Davy Jones (folclore nâutico)[6] Decarabia (mitologia cristã) Demiurgo (Gnosticismo) Demogorgon (mitologia cristã)[5] Drekavac (mitologia cristã)
E- Eisheth (mitologia judaica) Eligos (mitologia cristã) Équidna (mitologia grega)
F- Focalor (mitologia cristã) Foras/Forcas/Forras/ (mitologia cristã) Forneus (mitologia cristã) Furcas/Forcas (mitologia cristã) Furfur (mitologia cristã)
G- Gosfe (mitología japonesa) Gader'el (mitologia judaica) Gaki (mitologia japonesa) Gamigin (mitologia cristã) Ghoul (Árabe e outras mitologias) Glasya-Labolas/Caacrinolaas/Caassimolar/Classyalabolas/Glassia-labolis (demonologia cristã). Gords- Demônio dos mil dedos (Demonologia popular) Górgona (mitologia grega) Gremory/Gomory (demonologia cristã) Grigori (mitologia judaica) Gualichu (mitologia mapuche) Guayota (Guanche) Gusion/Gusoin/Gusoyn
H- Haagenti (mitologia cristã) Halphas/Malthus (mitologia cristã) Hantu Raya (mitologia indonésia) Haures/Flauros/Flavros/Hauras/Havres (mitologia cristã)
I- Ifrit Íncubo Iblis Imp Ipos/Ipes (mitologia cristã)
J- Jinn (mitologia islâmica) Jikininki (mitologia japonesa)
K- Kabandha/Kabhanda (Hinduismo) Kali (Hinduismo) Karen (mitologia nórdica) Kasadya (mitologia judaica) Kokabiel (mitologia judaica) Kroni (mitologia Ayyavazhi) Kermani (mitologia nórdica)
L- Lâmia Legião (mitologia cristã) Lechies (mitologia eslava) Leyak (mitologia indonésia) Lempo (mitologia finlandesa) Leraje/Leraie (mitologia cristã) Leviatã (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã) Lili/Lilin/Lilim (mitologia judaica) Lilith (mitologia acádia, mitolofia suméria e folclore judaico) Lúcifer (mitologia cristã) Lucifuge Rofocale (mitologia cristã)
M- Malphas (mitologia cristã) Mammon (mitologia cristã) Mara (mitologia budista) Maricha (mitologia hindu)[7] Matin (mitologia das baleias) Marax/Morax/Foraii (mitologia cristã) Marchosias (mitologia cristã) Masih ad-Dajjal/Ad-Dajjal/Dajjal (escatologia islâmica)[8] Mastema (mitologia judaica) Medusa (mitologia grega) Mephistopheles (folclore cristão, folclore alemão) Merihem (mitologia cristã e judaica) Minotauro (mitologia grega) Moloch (mitologia cristã) Murmur (mitologia cristã) Morfeu (mitologia grega)
N- Naamah (mitologia judaica) Naberius/Cerbere/Naberus (mitologia cristã) Ninurta[9] Namtar
O- Onoskelis Orcus Orias/Oriax (mitologia cristã) Orobas (mitologia cristã) Ose (mitologia cristã) Ördög (mitologia húngara) O Tokata
P- Paimon (mitologia cristã) Pazuzu (mitologia babilônica) Pelesit (mitologia indonésia) Phenex (mitologia cristã) Penemue (mitologia cristã e judaica) Pithius (mitologia cristã) Pocong (mitologia indonésia) Pontianak Procrusto (mitologia grega) Pruflas (mitologia cristã) Puloman (Hindu demonology)
Q- Quimera (Mitologia Grega)
R- Rahab (folclore judaico) Raum (mitologia cristã) Ronove (mitologia cristã) Rusalka (mitologia eslava) Rakshasa (hinduísmo) Rangda (hinduísmo) Ravan (hinduísmo)
S- Sabnock (mitologia cristã) Saleos (mitologia cristã) Salpsan (mitologia cristã) - filho de Satã, de acordo com Evangelho de Bartolomeu. Samael (demonologia judaica) Seir (mitologia cristã) Semyaz (demonologia judaica) Shax/Chax (mitologia cristã) Shedim (folclore judaico) Sithis (mitologia nórdica) Sitri (mitologia cristã) Sthenno (mitologia grega) Stolas/Solas (mitologia cristã) Suanggi Súcubo (mitologia cristã, suméria) Surgat (mitologia cristã)
T- Tannin (mitologia judaica) Toyol
U- Ukobach (mitologia cristã)
V- Valac (mitologia cristã) Valefary/Malaphar/Malephar (mitologia cristã Vapula (mitologia cristã) Vassago (mitologia cristã) Vepar (mitologia cristã) Vine (mitologia cristã)
W- Wendigo (Algonquin)
X- Xaphan (mitologia cristã) Xezbeth
Y- Yeqon Yeter'el
Z- Zagan (mitologia cristã) Zepar (mitologia cristã) Ziminiar (mitologia cristã) Zozo (Ouija) Zulu Bangu (mitologia africana)
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karasukiller · 4 years
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⁣ ニューリリース![先行予約 ]⁣ ⁣ (KKPC076) CAASSIMOLAR オフィシャル刺繍パッチ⁣ 色: 黒 糸の色: 白 (Vegan Leather)⁣ 横10cm x 縦5cm  ⁣ 発売元 : KARASU KILLER PATCH CUSTOM⁣ 予約受付締め切り : 2020年11月15日⁣ *発売日:2020年12月中旬予定 ⁣ 販売価格: ¥1.000⁣ [email protected]←ご予約はコチラからお願いします。⁣ Overseas order: [email protected]⁣ 刺繍パッチは限定数量 生産!⁣ ⁣ ⁣ #caassimolar #karasukillerpatchcustom #embroideredpatch #makingembroideredpatchesathreatagain https://www.instagram.com/p/CG6x9Lag94N/?igshid=1pcbt5ut72bkh
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aafsohb · 7 years
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Caacrinolaas as depicted in the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (1863).
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An unusual breed of magical hounds, Caassimolars are small winged hounds, closely related to Crups. Originally bred in the United States, Caassimolars were bred by crossbreeding Crups with Calygreyhounds, creating small winged terriers with spaniel-esque features. Considered one of the iconic American breeds of magical canine, Caassimolars are superb ratters, but are also capable of hunting a wide number of New World pests, making them very popular among magical colonists. Indeed, Caassimolars are one of a very few breeds of magical hounds capable of going toe-to-toe with a Tailypo and not immediately dying, and sometimes are even known to win.
Caassimolars make good family pets, being loyal to everyone in their immediate social group and have an almost preturnatural ability to know when someone wishes to do their family harm. Where many dog-owners will claim their dogs know who to trust, with Caassimolars it is thoroughly proven, with the dogs showing immediate distaste and dislike - and sometimes even attacking - those they are know are likely to soon turn on their family. It is believed that this almost Seer-like trait is a part of why Caassimolars are capable of going toe-to-toe with a Tailypo.
(Image Source)
(Read about Caassimolar in lore Here. I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.) 
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spaceyecho · 5 years
@multiplvs || from here
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Sarai sighs, reaching out to cup his cheek. “I just want for you to be more careful. With Nitza pregnant thanks to Caassimolar, I’m scared of anymore of you getting hurt.” She leaned in to kiss the top of his head. “I love you, Davian.”
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glitch-in-space · 5 years
Hey @hapennydreams, thought I’d make a new post for our fic discussion (unless you wanted to DM) bc the other one was getting long.
I hadn’t actually thought about making Dog a mutt in the literal sense, but I think that would make sense. I do love the idea of Harry and Dog just continuing to defy magical logic/rules and everyone being very confused by it. Either way, I think I’m gonna have to draw a couple of mongrel crossbreeds, bc this Crup-Gusthound-Caassimolar thing is inspiring me.
What’s your thoughts on Gusthounds being able to Apparate with people? I’m assuming it would work similarly to House Elves, in that they can Apparate with people if they’re touching.
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amansinidolum · 5 years
❣ for a random kiss (nitza)
kisses | accepting | a cheek kiss
it’s not that he’d be opposed to kissing the angel - he’s not, but she’s just a little too innocent to be up to his personal taste, half demon baby growing inside her or not. but he’s far too aware of the danger associated with going anywhere close to sexual with nitza at the moment. so when he sees her, he greets her with a kiss not often given by the demon. a gentle and chaste kiss to the cheek. a sign of familiar affection without the hang ups of anything else.
nothing that can be used against him as evidence of manipulation like caassimolar’s.
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fortitudina · 1 year
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               * MUSE LIST.     ------      Angel Aalbiel  /  Abigail Walker  /  Aeshma Daeva  /  Archangel Akrasiel  /  Alec Lightwood  /  Anastasia Grey  /  Anastasiya Schmidt  /  Anastasiya Zakharov  /  Anatola  /  Angel Aoife  /  Angel Arik  / Divine Goddess Asherah  /  Asmodeus Morningstar  /  Angel Aziel  /  Angel Bina  /  Briar Morningstar  /  Caassimolar  /  Castaelar Aleanundlin  /  Charlotte Holmes  / Chloe Decker  /  Cillian Brockhurst  /  Clary Fray  /  Dr Conrad Hawkins  /  Cooper Hemming  /  Daisy Johnson  /  Dantanian Daeva  /  Dorothea Morningstar  /  Dr Eliza Campbell  /  Ella Lopez  /  Elua D’Angeline  /  Esther Morningstar  /  Angel Evangeline Stewart  /  Faolan Lowell  /  Archangel Gabriel  /  Genevieve Hart  /  Dr Guinevere Voigt  /  Angel Hali  /  Prince Hamon of Zion  /  Harv Wilson  /  Hermione Granger  /  Iris Russell  /  Isabelle Lightwood  /  James Bond  /  Dr Johanna Carter  /  Archangel Jophiel  /  Julian Barnett  /  Kate Bishop  /  Kol Mikaelson  /  Leon Andrews  /  Lien Xao  /  Life  /  Dr Lily Morningstar  /  Lily Evans-Potter  /  Dr Linda Martin  /  Prince Liron Strix  /  Louie Morningstar  /  Love Pena  /  Luna Lovegood  /  Lyall Mortis  /  Angel Malachi  /  Lady Mary Crawley  /  Mother Mary ~ Jesus’s momma  /  Mary Queen of Scotts  /  Massimo Torricelli  /  Matilda Demiurgos  /  Matt Casey  /  Matthew de Clermont  /  Mazikeen Smith  /  Archangel Michael Demiurgos  /  Mycroft Holmes  /  Nancy Perez  /  Nancy Wheeler  /  Demon Ornias  /  King Paimon  /  Q  /  Quinlan  /  Archangel Ramiel  /  Rebecca Barnes  /  Rhonwen Harrow  /  Romy Willow  /  Rosier D’Angelus  /  Ruby Moran  /  Rudi Miller  /  Sherlock Holmes  /  Demon Sitri  /  Storm Demiurgos  /  Angel Temeluchus  /  Tito Giordano  /  Tommy Shelby  /  Uinseann McConnell  /  Waverly Earp  /  Wynonna Earp  /  Yahweh ( God )  /  Yelena Belova  / Zarya Demiurgos.
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spookyskelekat · 6 years
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“Glasya Labolas, alias Caacrinolaas, or Caassimolar, is a great president, who commeth foorth like a dog, and hath wings like a griffen, he giveth the knowledge of arts, and is the captaine of all mansleiers: he understandeth things present and to come, he gaineth the minds and love of freends and foes, he maketh a man go invisible, and hath the rule of six and thirtie legions.”
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ryoching240 · 4 years
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2020年4月18日(土) ABSOLUTE ZERO presents 【WALPURGIS NIGHT vol.11】 at 鴬谷What's Up Open 17時半 Start18時 1,500円(1d inc)
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broiler-grind · 5 years
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BROILER久しぶりのライブします。 ホームタウン京王線XIBASAKIにて!宜しくお願いします! 3/31(日) 柴崎 RATHOLE らーめんHAGGY presents Fuck-the-noodle gig Vol.6 BROILER SELF DECONSTRUCTION CORBATA CAASSIMOLAR OPEN 18:30 START 19:00 ADV ¥1,300 (+1D
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Bat-Winged Caassimolar
Cousin to the common Caassimolar, Bat-Winged Cassimolars are somewhat larger and possess more feline characteristics, due to cross-breeding with a single pygmy specimen of a Sabrefang. Loyal and large hunting pets, Bat-Winged Caassimolars are just as excellent companions as the common kind, and are growing in popularity. 
Generally Bat-Winged Caassimolars will mature at a slightly slower rate than their common cousins, but will ultimately grow larger, though their lifespan is not that much extended, especially if they actively hunt: as they are bigger and will often hunt more dangerous prey they are more prone to dangerous injuries, some of which can be life threatening. Despite this, domestic Bat-Winged Caassimolars remain popular, especially in Germany, where they are used to help patrol the magical portions of the Black Forest, and by several groups of Vampires, who appreciate the creatures’ night vision.
(Image Source)
(Image is of the Bloodpouncer pet from RuneScape. I hate that I have to include this but PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THE IMAGE SOURCE OR MY CAPTION.) 
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