#Magical Pets
Hello, I was wondering if you have a classification post on magical canines? We have looked everywhere but to no avail. Me and my friend are making a HP world that does not follow or support TERF Rowling's views, actions and her TERF followers. To make it something that can be enjoyed again... Well first time through for me. >> Was banned from it due to Christian mom when I was younger. My friend Tifa basically said this would not do and now I am in the Potterverse... with tweaks lol.
I do have a Black Dogs (Classification) page, but that only holds different varieties of Black Dogs/Spiritual/Ghostly dogs, not domestic canines or magical wolves. I have a Domestic Magical Felines (Classification) page for magical cats, and a Magical Equines (Classification) page (there are separate ones for Pegasids, Unicorns, Water Horses and Omen Horses, which are linked in the intro of the post), but it looks like I never got around to a magical Canines, Wolves, or Domestic Canines Classification post. Oops. And given this blog is on hiatus (Yeah the TERFery is bullshit isn't it? My motivation dropped off a cliff the worse it got) there's not likely to be one soon.
Magical Pets A-K is pretty self-explanatory, as is Magical Pets L-Z. There's also two Yokai canines I have down that likely aren't on any of the aforementioned lists, namely, the Raiju and the Makami, and there's also the Werewolf (Classification) list with different kinds of werewolves.
And oh! Ages back someone sent in an ask about magical domestic canines and I went through feasibility/likelihood of each being a pet at Hogwarts. It can be found Here.
Hopefully that's a good start for you? And let me know how your de-TERFifying goes!
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plotbunnygames · 1 year
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Hi, we're Plotbunny Games, a TTRPG publisher from Berlin, Germany, run by @this-curiouscat and founded almost a year ago.
We publish both original games (most of them in both English and German) and translations (we've already announced that we'll be translating Dream Askew/Dream Apart into German and have more translations in the works that are still secret).
Great games by marginalized creators are especially dear to our heart, as are well-explained, newbie-friendly games with interesting topics and mechanics in general.
We've run two successful crowdfunding campaigns already (for Viva la QueerBar and Fräulein Bernburgs Pensionat für junge Damen), and you can buy all the games shown in this post through our website. Digital versions (all screenreader-ready with image descriptions, PDF tags, etc.) are also available on Itch.io.
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psychopomp-recital · 1 month
Show me your magical pets! Here’s mine💙
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His name is The Count…like Dracula….
All my love!
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nevermindigotthis · 7 months
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Pets! (I‘m rereading HP, started on Friday, it is now Tuesday and I finished book 3 this morning)
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faerieorgremlin · 10 months
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Do u like him? Adopt him today!!
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nixieofthenorth · 6 months
Familiars & Magical Pets
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In this post I will go on a deep dive on what a Familiar is. How to encounter one, or maybe you actually have a familiar?
(This post will be part 1 in a series of magical animals that one might have in their life).
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This post is part 2 of my series where I deep dive into familiar. In this post I will shed a light on magical pets.
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I took a bath with sweet sugary soaps and now there's a single fruit fly following me around home. Feeling like a wizard with the world's tiniest familiar
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thebluestrokes · 4 months
Beautifully Bankrupt!
The WHOLE budget!
ᴳᵒᵒᵈ ᴳᴼᴰ ᵗʰᶦˢ ˢᶜᵉⁿᵉ ᶦˢ ˢᵒ ᵇᵉᵃᵘᵗᶦᶠᵘˡˡʸ ᵃⁿᶦᵐᵃᵗᵉᵈᵎ
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nipahnan · 3 months
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dailiadelc · 6 days
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I've had this idea--oh, for ages now--about how a deaf witch or wizard might be able to navigate Hogwarts. Namely in regards to service animals. I was looking into birds that could talk, like the Valravns and...the other one (Cornicla? I can't remember) which can mimic human speech, because I had the idea that the bird could translate sign language for the professors and people who don't know sign language. Do you think they might suit? Or perhaps you have a suggestion for another type of creature that would suit better?
(Reposting because I'm pretty sure my previous ask didn't actually go through. If it did, I apologize for the repeat.)
I recieved no duplicate; sometimes tumblr is just a bit glitchy.
There's a few animals on the blog pretty much created to be service animals - most namely the Crocodogs and Atlantean Octopi - but yes, certain of the magical birds could also suit, or something like the Benigno Bunnies. There's a magical pets tag, which might also help you refine your ideas.
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plotbunnygames · 8 months
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I thought I'd post a reminder of all the games you can get through us!
Viva la QueerBar is a story game about a queer bar and the team who runs it. GM-less one-shot for 2-6 players, Descended from the Queen mechanics. Written by Sandra Dahlhoff and Andrea Rick, cover art by Hannah van den Höövel.
Miss Bernburg's Finishing School for Young Ladies is a story game about the interpersonal drama at a boarding school for upper-class young women in the 1950s. GM-less one-shot or few-shot for 3-6 players, Firebrands mechanics. Written by Andrea Rick, cover art by Christiane Ebrecht.
Bunny, We Bought a Dungeon is an OSR map-drawing story game about anthropomorphic bunnies who bought a dungeon to move in there together. GM-less one-shot for 2-6 players, D6 dice pool mechanic. Written by Jasmin Neitzel and Andrea Rick, cover art from the Public Domain.
Dolly, We Bought a Dream House is a dream-house-drawing story game about Dollys in a pinktastic world who explore and furnish a Dream House together. GM-less one-shot for 2-6 players, D6 dice pool mechanic. Written by Jasmin Neitzel and Andrea Rick, cover art by Andrea Rick.
Magical Pets is a narrative TTRPG about pets at a magic school. One-shot or mini campaign for 2-6 players and 1 GM, Lasers & Feelings hack. Writing and art by Andrea Rick.
Rodents With Guitars is a narrative TTRPG about a group of rodents who want to win a guitar band contest. One-shot or mini campaign for 2-6 players and 1 GM, Honey Heist hack. Writing and art by Andrea Rick.
ImproVeto is a story game to practice collaborative storytelling (usually fun and absurd ones) and using the X-card. Warm-up or one-shot of 10-90 minutes, minimal mechanics. Writing and art by Andrea Rick.
We've also published the official German translation of Follow by Ben Robbins and are currently working on further translations into German (including Dream Askew/Dream Apart by Avery Alder and Benjamin Rosenbaum).
We'll be crowdfunding our next bilingual game Against the Monster/Gegen das Monster in February 2024 (separate post to come!).
You can buy all the games shown in this post through our website (most of them are available in print and PDF). Digital versions (all screenreader-ready with image descriptions, PDF tags, etc.) and more detailed descriptions in English are also available on Itch.io.
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theghooligan · 2 months
bloodraven being a tree and giving his great great grandfather sleep paralysis demons all season courtesy of harrenhall and alys:
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aloneinthedark-eagle · 7 months
True love ♥️♥️🦜
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faerieorgremlin · 10 months
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The reviews are in 😈 worse conditions for the creatures!! Oh well :/ hopefully they are rescued quickly
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turnaboutstar · 6 months
autistic people when there's collectable things with tv shows with multiple generations of them:
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