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Glasya Labolas. 25th Goetic Spirit. Teaches all arts and sciences instantly. Inspires murder and bloodshed. Teaches the Black Arts. Illustrated by Joel Innes
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kobabeach · 11 months
so how about that star ocean 2 remake coming this like november or whatever, gaymers
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dyscrasia-eucrasia · 1 year
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Happy PriDEMONth! For pansexual, I chose Caacrinolaas as depicted in the Dictionnaire Infernal.
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WHB Lesser key: Hades
Did you wonder how much inspo they drew from the descriptions of the different demons of the Ars Goetia to create their characters and what that could point towards in terms of personality and powers? I did. You can find each character with it's respective descriptions here, divided by their respective factions.
The main link is this helpful little list of the 72 with summarized descriptions, so it's not an exhaustive list, just an organized one.
Gehenna | Tartaros | Hades | Avisos | Abaddon | Paradise Lost | Niflheim
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Barbatos is an Earl and Duke of Hell, ruling thirty legions of demons and has four kings as his companions to command his legions. He gives the understanding of the voices of the animals, says past and future, conciliates friends and rulers, and he can lead men to hidden treasures that have been hidden by the enchantment of magicians. His name seems to derive from Latin "barbatus", bearded, old man, philosopher. And once belonged to the angelic order of Virtues
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Foras (alternatively Forcas or Forrasis) is a powerful President of Hell, being obeyed by twenty-nine legions of demons. He teaches logic and ethics in all their branches, the virtues of all herbs and precious stones, can make a man witty, eloquent, invisible, and live long, and can discover treasures and recover lost things. He is depicted as a strong man. His name seems to derive from Latin foras (out, outside).
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(Count/President) Glasya-Labolas (also Caacrinolaas, Caassimolar, Classyalabolas, Glassia-labolis, Glasya Labolas, Gaylos-Lobos) is a mighty President of Hell who commands thirty-six legions of demons. He is the author and captain of manslaughter and bloodshed, tells all things past and to come, gains the minds and love of friends and foes causing love among them if desired, incites homicides and can make a man invisible. He is depicted as a dog with the wings of a griffin.
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Orias (also spelled Oriax) is a Great Marquis of Hell, and has thirty legions of demons under his command. He knows and teaches the virtues of the stars and the mansions of the planets (the influence of each planet depending on the astrological sign in which it is in a specific moment and the influence of that sign on an individual depending on how the zodiac was configured at the moment of their birth or at the moment of asking a question to the astrologist); he also gives dignities, prelacies, and the favour of friends and foes, and can metamorphose a man into any shape.
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imclicheyo · 9 months
The Dictionnaire Infernal Demon Sigil's aren't all recorded but we sure do have Depiction artwork for every mentioned demon from A to Z:
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𖤐 Abbadon/Apollyon
𖤐 Abigor/Eligos
𖤐 Abraxas/Abracas
𖤐 Adramelech
𖤐 Aguares
𖤐 Alastor
𖤐 Alocer
𖤐 Amduscias
𖤐 Amon
𖤐 Andras
𖤐 Asmodee
𖤐 Astaroth
𖤐 Azazel
𖤐 Bael
𖤐 Balan
𖤐 Barbatos
𖤐 Behemoth
𖤐 Beleth or Berith
𖤐 Belphegor
𖤐 Beelzebub
𖤐 Bhairava / Beyrevra
𖤐 Buer
⛧ Caacrinolaas
⛧ Cali
⛧ Caym
⛧ Cerbere
𖤐 Deimos / Deumus
⛧ Eurynome / Euronymous
⛧ Flaga
⛧ Flavros
⛧ Forcas
⛧ Furfur
⛧ Ganga / Gramma
⛧ Garuda
⛧ Guayota
⛧ Gomory
⛧ Haborym
⛧ Ipes
⛧ Lamia
⛧ Lechies
⛧ Leonard
⛧ Lucifer
⛧ Malphas
⛧ Mammon
⛧ Marchosias
⛧ Melchom
𖤐 Moloch
⛧ Nickar
⛧ Nybbas
⛧ Orobas
⛧ Paimon
⛧ Picollus
⛧ Pruflas/Busas
⛧ Rahovart
⛧ Ribesal
⛧ Ronwe
⛧ Scox
𖤐 Stolas
⛧ Tap / Gaap
⛧ Torngarsuk
⛧ Ukobach
⛧ Volac
⛧ Xaphan
⛧ Yan-gant-y-tan
⛧ Zaebos
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okultraoldmanyaoi · 5 months
funny thing actually: some of my ocs are inextricably linked to FAITH.
i have an oc story w/ my bf based off of christianity (other abrahamic religions sprinkled in there too) and like. basically all the main characters are angels and demons, right?
FOUR of my demon characters— BOB (don’t ask he genuinely wasn’t even based off of a real demon), allocer, paimon, and caacrinolaas— are linked to FAITH either by working as FAITH OCs or by being in a FAITH AU of mine.
BOB and caacrinolaas both work as FAITH OCs— BOB was made to be a FAITH OC and it’s VERY APPARENT (he copies john), but caacrinolaas was a character i made as a joke that i later realized could actually work as an enemy in faith.
allocer and paimon were characters i made for a FAITH AU where lisa is the antagonist. though i think they’ve both deviated a lot from FAITH’s typical style, they’re still very much linked to FAITH and it’s… very funny to me??
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beastofwant · 7 months
🌀 trick or treat !! 🌀
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Lechies, Caacrinolaas, and Amduscias of Les Cartes Infernales
This reading seems to speak of a lot of alienation from others, with one's personal views being a driving force behind that. In times like these, that sort of thing is pretty understandable.
But, you don't have to have your guard up so high all the time. It's safe to engage with others without having to always think a few steps ahead of them.
Connecting with folks through hobbies such as music can be a good foot in the door to finding your people, if you haven't already. It can be constructive to diffuse tension with passion instead.
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avemstella · 1 year
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The 1000% true spoiler, totally going to happen ending for Sandy in smfwtwd, rip the tsar theres a new god in town and he's a dog boy
I literally came up with this idea today and drew this super fast so thats why its so late lol, its fine in my timezone its still the first it counts. Also fun fact the demon Caacrinolaas is in fact a big dog.
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(ordem alfabética)
A- Abaddon (mitologia cristã) Abalam(mitologia cristã) Abezethibou (Testamento de Salomão) Abraxas/Abracas (Gnosticismo) Abyzou (mitologia judaica) Adrameleque (mitologia assíria, demonologia cristã) Aesma Daeva (zoroastrismo) Agaliarept (mitologia judaica) Agrat bat Mahlat (mitologia judaica) Agares (mitologia cristã) Agiel(mitologia judaica) Ahriman/Angra Mainyu (zoroastrismo) Aim/Haborym(mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Aka Manah/Akem Manah/Akoman/Akvan (zoroastrismo) Akira (mitologia bigottia) Ala(Mitologia eslava) Alal (mitologia caldeia) Alastor (mitologia cristã) Alloces/Allocer (mitologia cristã) Allu (mitologia acadiana) Alus Mabus (mitologia miliciana) Amaymon (mitologia cristã) Amdusias (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Amy/Amousias(mitologia cristã) Anameleque (mitologia assíria) Andhaka (Mitologia hindu) Andras (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Andrealfo (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Andromálio (mitologia cristã, Ars Goetia) Anticristo(mitologia cristã) Armaros (mitologia judaica) Aariel (mitologia cristã, Ars Theurgia) Arconte (gnosticismo) Asag/Asakku (mitologia suméria) Asakku (mitologia babilônica) Asb'el (mitologia judaica) Asmodeus Astaroth Asura (mitologia hindu) Azazel / Azaz'el (mitologia judaica) Azi Dahaka/Dahak (zoroastrismo)
B- Baal/Bael (mitologia cristã) Balam (mitologia cristã) Barão (mitologia católica)[1] Balberith (mitologia judaica) Bali Raj (mitologia hindu) Banshee (mitologia irlandesa) Baphomet (folclore cristão Barbas (mitologia cristã) Barbatos (mitologia cristã) Bathin/Mathim/Bathym/Marthim(demonologia cristã) Beball (mitologia cristã) Belzebu (mitologia judaica, demonologia cristã) Behemoth (mitologia judaica) Belial (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã) Beleth (mitologia cristã) Belphegor(mitologia cristã) Berith/Beherit(mitologia fenícia, mitologia cristã) Bhoot/Bhūta (Sanskrit) Bifrons (mitologia cristã) Boruta (mitologia eslava) Botis (mitologia cristã) Buer(mitologia cristã) Bukavac (demonologia eslava) Bune (mitologia cristã) Buta Kala (mitologia indonésia) Bushyasta (zoroastrismo)
C- Caifaz Carabia / Decarabia (mitologia cristã) Carmelo (mitologia cristã) Cramunhão Charún (mitologia etrusca) Chemosh (moabita) Choronzon(Thelema) Cimejes / Kimaris / Cimeries(mitologia cristã) Corson (mitologia cristã) Crocell / Procell (mitologia cristã) Culsu (mitologia etrusca)[2] Cérbero (mitologia grega)
D- Daeva (mitologia zoroastra) Dagon (mitologia semita)[3] Dajjal (mitologia islâmica)[4] Dantalion (mitologia cristã)[5] Danjal (mitologia judaica) Davy Jones (folclore nâutico)[6] Decarabia (mitologia cristã) Demiurgo (Gnosticismo) Demogorgon (mitologia cristã)[5] Drekavac (mitologia cristã)
E- Eisheth (mitologia judaica) Eligos (mitologia cristã) Équidna (mitologia grega)
F- Focalor (mitologia cristã) Foras/Forcas/Forras/ (mitologia cristã) Forneus (mitologia cristã) Furcas/Forcas (mitologia cristã) Furfur (mitologia cristã)
G- Gosfe (mitología japonesa) Gader'el (mitologia judaica) Gaki (mitologia japonesa) Gamigin (mitologia cristã) Ghoul (Árabe e outras mitologias) Glasya-Labolas/Caacrinolaas/Caassimolar/Classyalabolas/Glassia-labolis (demonologia cristã). Gords- Demônio dos mil dedos (Demonologia popular) Górgona (mitologia grega) Gremory/Gomory (demonologia cristã) Grigori (mitologia judaica) Gualichu (mitologia mapuche) Guayota (Guanche) Gusion/Gusoin/Gusoyn
H- Haagenti (mitologia cristã) Halphas/Malthus (mitologia cristã) Hantu Raya (mitologia indonésia) Haures/Flauros/Flavros/Hauras/Havres (mitologia cristã)
I- Ifrit Íncubo Iblis Imp Ipos/Ipes (mitologia cristã)
J- Jinn (mitologia islâmica) Jikininki (mitologia japonesa)
K- Kabandha/Kabhanda (Hinduismo) Kali (Hinduismo) Karen (mitologia nórdica) Kasadya (mitologia judaica) Kokabiel (mitologia judaica) Kroni (mitologia Ayyavazhi) Kermani (mitologia nórdica)
L- Lâmia Legião (mitologia cristã) Lechies (mitologia eslava) Leyak (mitologia indonésia) Lempo (mitologia finlandesa) Leraje/Leraie (mitologia cristã) Leviatã (mitologia judaica, mitologia cristã) Lili/Lilin/Lilim (mitologia judaica) Lilith (mitologia acádia, mitolofia suméria e folclore judaico) Lúcifer (mitologia cristã) Lucifuge Rofocale (mitologia cristã)
M- Malphas (mitologia cristã) Mammon (mitologia cristã) Mara (mitologia budista) Maricha (mitologia hindu)[7] Matin (mitologia das baleias) Marax/Morax/Foraii (mitologia cristã) Marchosias (mitologia cristã) Masih ad-Dajjal/Ad-Dajjal/Dajjal (escatologia islâmica)[8] Mastema (mitologia judaica) Medusa (mitologia grega) Mephistopheles (folclore cristão, folclore alemão) Merihem (mitologia cristã e judaica) Minotauro (mitologia grega) Moloch (mitologia cristã) Murmur (mitologia cristã) Morfeu (mitologia grega)
N- Naamah (mitologia judaica) Naberius/Cerbere/Naberus (mitologia cristã) Ninurta[9] Namtar
O- Onoskelis Orcus Orias/Oriax (mitologia cristã) Orobas (mitologia cristã) Ose (mitologia cristã) Ördög (mitologia húngara) O Tokata
P- Paimon (mitologia cristã) Pazuzu (mitologia babilônica) Pelesit (mitologia indonésia) Phenex (mitologia cristã) Penemue (mitologia cristã e judaica) Pithius (mitologia cristã) Pocong (mitologia indonésia) Pontianak Procrusto (mitologia grega) Pruflas (mitologia cristã) Puloman (Hindu demonology)
Q- Quimera (Mitologia Grega)
R- Rahab (folclore judaico) Raum (mitologia cristã) Ronove (mitologia cristã) Rusalka (mitologia eslava) Rakshasa (hinduísmo) Rangda (hinduísmo) Ravan (hinduísmo)
S- Sabnock (mitologia cristã) Saleos (mitologia cristã) Salpsan (mitologia cristã) - filho de Satã, de acordo com Evangelho de Bartolomeu. Samael (demonologia judaica) Seir (mitologia cristã) Semyaz (demonologia judaica) Shax/Chax (mitologia cristã) Shedim (folclore judaico) Sithis (mitologia nórdica) Sitri (mitologia cristã) Sthenno (mitologia grega) Stolas/Solas (mitologia cristã) Suanggi Súcubo (mitologia cristã, suméria) Surgat (mitologia cristã)
T- Tannin (mitologia judaica) Toyol
U- Ukobach (mitologia cristã)
V- Valac (mitologia cristã) Valefary/Malaphar/Malephar (mitologia cristã Vapula (mitologia cristã) Vassago (mitologia cristã) Vepar (mitologia cristã) Vine (mitologia cristã)
W- Wendigo (Algonquin)
X- Xaphan (mitologia cristã) Xezbeth
Y- Yeqon Yeter'el
Z- Zagan (mitologia cristã) Zepar (mitologia cristã) Ziminiar (mitologia cristã) Zozo (Ouija) Zulu Bangu (mitologia africana)
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tigertrotter · 15 days
Little Red Riding Hood and the Canine from Transylvania
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Once upon a time, near the end of the Long-Lost Wood, the giant, ebon black winged German Shepherd from Transylvania and leader of the European canine crew the Cuddly Canines, Labolas Caacrinolaas, was busy hunting down the girl known as Little Red Riding Hood. However, he was not alone. He had his mate, a black-skinned and white-spotted Dalmatian named Penny, and his deputy canine commander Bigl, who was a black, gray, and white beagle. They were hunting down Little Red Riding Hood together as a trio to steal her goods that she was taking to her grandmother.
“How exactly are we going to find Little Red Riding Hood?” asked Bigl.
“Good question.” said Labolas in a Transylvanian accent. “We’ll just have to split up as solo canines to track down Little Red Riding Hood. Bigl, you take a look down south of the woods.” he ordered Bigl. Bigl accepted the order. Penny was ordered to look up north of the woods. Labolas would handle the eastern part and western parts of the woods.
Meanwhile with Little Red Riding Hood, she was humming and singing a precious little song, when she was stopped by Penny. “I found her! I found her!” Penny shouted. She howled for Labolas and Bigl. However, her howl attracted wolves from the woods.
“I’m sorry, who are you canines?” asked Little Red Riding Hood.
“We are the European canine band the Cuddly Canines.” explained Labolas Caacrinolaas. “Don’t you dare let our name fool you, Little Red Riding Hood. And don’t think I don’t know you, either.”
“You can talk?!” asked Little Red Riding Hood. “And I thought the Big Bad Wolf was bad enough already.” But as Little Red Riding Hood was yapping away at Labolas, Bigl smelled something coming from Little Red Riding Hood’s basket. He walked over to it, and started to investigate.
“Get your nose out of my basket, you… dirty, rotten, beagle!” Little Red Riding Hood said as she hollered at Bigl.
“I smell chicken noodle soup!” Bigl shouted to himself. “Labolas!” he later shouted. “We hit the jackpot here!”
“Did you seriously say chicken noodle soup?!” Labolas asked. “Brilliant! Just brilliant!” he later shouted. “It will be mine! Mine! Mine!” Suddenly, another canine howled. Labolas wondered what it was.
“Excuse me?” asked Labolas to himself. Shockingly, he saw a male Saint Bernard. It was unknown if he was going to help Little Red Riding Hood get away from his band of European Canines.
“Seriously? Saint Bernards?” asked Labolas.
“Come on, Little Red Riding Hood.” said the Saint Bernard. “I will get you away from here safely, and away from those canines. Surely, they will never see this area again.” And so, Little Red Riding Hood followed the Saint Bernard to wherever he was going to take her.
“Oh, gosh darn it!” shouted Labolas Caacrinolaas. “Demons of Transylvania, hear me out! I will conquer the world! I will! Come on, canines, forth to Bran, Transylvania!” And so, Labolas Caacrinolaas later left the Long-Lost Wood. He was never to be seen again by Little Red Riding Hood or the Saint Bernard that was guiding her.
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spookyskelekat · 6 years
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“Glasya Labolas, alias Caacrinolaas, or Caassimolar, is a great president, who commeth foorth like a dog, and hath wings like a griffen, he giveth the knowledge of arts, and is the captaine of all mansleiers: he understandeth things present and to come, he gaineth the minds and love of freends and foes, he maketh a man go invisible, and hath the rule of six and thirtie legions.”
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mishcreant · 5 years
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Dictionnaire Infernal illustrated by Louis Le Breton, 1863
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aafsohb · 7 years
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Caacrinolaas as depicted in the “Dictionnaire Infernal” (1863).
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wumblr · 4 years
most underrated demons illustrated by louis breton for jacques auguste simon collin de plancy’s “dictionnaire infernal” of the decade: definitive ranking
1. crapaud
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2. amduscias
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3. ribesal
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4. flavros 
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5. caacrinolaas
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6. andras
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7. ganga-gramma
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8. furfur
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9. wall
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miqaelomeurtrier · 4 years
He noticed that i was no longer paying attention. I was about to leave with the resolution of a condemned: resigned to his curse, when I felt his heavy hand pressing my shoulder with passion, which accompanied his solemn and serious voice — You were looking for the heaviest burden, and you have found yourself —
Notó que ya no le prestaba atención. Me disponía a largarme con la resolución de un condenado: resignado a su maldición, cuando sentí su mano pesada prensando mi hombro con pasión, a lo cual acompañó su voz solemne y grave — Buscabas la carga más pesada, y te has encontrado a ti mismo —.
•Soliloquios con la hija de Caacrinolaas•
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noromojustkeith · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Voltron: Legendary Defender Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Acxa & Keith (Voltron) Characters: Acxa (Voltron), Keith (Voltron), Krolia (Voltron) Additional Tags: Platonic Female/Male Relationships, Post-Canon, Swordfighting, Keith (Voltron) is a Good Friend Series: Part 6 of Descending Upward Summary:
Three in the afternoon was Acxa's favorite time of the day at the Garrison, as nothing too interesting tended to happen. At least that was the case until today.
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