#cabin seven kids
mediumgayitalian · 23 days
The slam of his car door is loud enough to make him jump, echoing across the dipping valleys and proud hills. He curses to himself, standing frozen, one, two, three, four, but no one comes running. A light dusting of snow falls in a perfect circle around an invisible border, and Lee shivers as he jogs over to it, worn sneakers squelching over the wet, half-thawed grass.
As soon as he steps onto the bottom of Half-Blood Hill, he feels the difference, the balmy breath of warm summer under the clear December sky. The power of Thalia’s tree sends its usual shiver down his back, and he touches it, briefly, as he speeds past, sending his usual prayer of thanks. He pauses at the crest of the hill, using the bright gibbous moon to survey the camp, marking his path.
“Two, four….twelve,” he mutters to himself, craning his neck to map every one of the patrol harpies. He crouches for a while, watching them, tracking their patrol: paired, hexagonal, staggered circuits around the cabins. Four minute window of opportunity.
He can do four minutes.
As the two harpies walking the Apollo-Artemis circuit begin to cross the common, Lee bolts. He keeps low and close to the shadows, sprinting fast and on the balls of his feet to stay quiet, and ducks behind whatever shadow is closest whenever something looks his way. By the time the harpies turn back towards Cabin Seven, he’s already on the rickety porch, tossing his backpack inside the window Michael left open for him and throwing himself in after it.
He lands palms-first, tucking into a roll to absorb the momentum. He freezes, panting, by the leg of what is usually Amir’s bed, straining to hear past the crickets and cicadas.
One, two, three, four.
He’s good.
“Took your damn sweet time, didn’t you.”
“Hello to you too,” Lee grumbles, pushing himself upright. From across the cabin, lounging on his bed like a goddamn French monarch, is his dick of a brother, grinning like the little shit he is. “Haven’t seen you in weeks, most people say hello, et cetera, et cetera.”
Michael shrugs. “You’re late. I watched you on the hill; you coulda made that run twenty minutes ago.”
“Nobody asked you.”
“I’m always asking me.”
“Get over her, boogerbrain.”
“Real mature,” Michael mocks, but ambles over anyway. He retches like a twelve year old when Lee hugs him, but twists his hands in the back of Lee’s shirt when he lets go too fast. Lee hides his smile in his over-gelled hair.
“You might miss me less if you actually write me letters, you know.”
“I didn’t miss you,” he responds automatically. “And I wouldn’t have to write you letters if you stayed home, already.”
Lee sighs. “…I have school, Michael.”
“Oh, yeah. I’m sure your dumbass bio teachers have loads to teach the guy who can do open heart surgery with his eyes closed.”
“Yeah, yeah. If anyone could do with a good, old-fashioned, public school humbling, it would be you, hothead. You ready to go?”
Michael pulls away with a roll of his eyes. “Only since yesterday. Been waiting for your sorry ass.”
“My sorry — your sorry ass doesn’t have a car!”
Michael snickers, jogging back to his bunk and grabbing the black duffel bag resting under it. Lee makes quick work of packing his own bag, stuffing in a couple squares of ambrosia and and giant roll of bandages, just in case, before creeping over to the only bed left with someone still in it.
“Hey, kiddo.” He folds over the sheet pulled all the way over messy blonde curls, immediately plaguing the cabin with loud snoring. He rests his palm over a sleep-creased cheek, mapping his thumb over the freckles dotting pudgy cheekbones, and brushes back the hair plastered to his baby brother’s forehead. “Will, sweetheart, get up.”
It takes him a couple minutes of gentle prodding — when Will is out he is out — to wake up, squinting blearily in the dim fairy lights strewn across his bunk. He blinks, one, two, three, four, then gasps.
“Oof,” Lee grunts, shifting his weight as he is abruptly accosted with an armful of child. He smiles, curling around Will’s flailing, chattering form, tightening his hold on his waist and resting his forehead on his shoulder. “Hi, buddy.”
“—missed you so much! Is this why your letter was late? Are you staying? Is this why Diana left yesterday? Is she here now? Is Cass coming? Is everybody coming? Can I —”
“C’mon, Motormouth,” Michael interrupts, cuffing Will’s ear as he walks by. “Go get your sneakers on. We’re going for a drive.”
“‘Kay,” Will days happily, dashing off to find the light-up Star Wars shoes he refuses to throw out, even though there are literal holes in the soles.
“You got his bag?”
“Yep,” Michael affirms, holding up a straining backpack. “Toothbrush. Hairbrush that he won’t use. Three comic books. Change of clothes. And two more changes of clothes for when he inevitably destroys the first one,” he adds when Lee opens his mouth. He shoots him an exasperated look. “Me and Diana have been chasing after the little brat for four months, dude. I got him.”
“Alright, alright,” Lee grumbles. “Heaven forbid I double-check.” He turns over to the door, where Will is tying his shoelaces, tongue peeking out of his mouth. “You ready, Will?”
He tugs on the two loops. The entire knot unravels. Quick as a flash, he stuffs the laces inside his shoes, scrambling to his feet.
“Yes,” he lies. He scratches at his throat.
Lee and Michel sigh in unison.
Luckily, the reaction is hardly more than itchy eyes and a cough. Lee herds him towards the door, sliding the backpack over his shoulders and holding out his arm and —
“Hold on a sec.”
“Why?” Will whispers.
“Shh,” Lee says.
Window cracked open, Michael exhales. The release of his bow hardly makes more than a soft hiss.
The angle is odd, limited space as there is, but Michael never misses — the clunky arrow whistles through the open window, sailing past the sloped roofs of the west wing cabins, and thunks somewhere behind the first layer of trees in the forest. Immediately, it lets loose a burst of sound identical to a dropped bottle and a group of teenagers cursing. In seconds, the curfew harpies are screeching, descending upon the source of the noise with the fury of a thousand sun chariots.
“Go go go go go,” Michael orders, wrenching open the door.
Will, immediately, takes off, gleeful at the opportunity to run away with permission (usually, he’s running from one of them, screeching at him to get back here). (Or Chiron, although Chiron has a much easier time catching up, what with the six limbs and all). (…Is Chiron an insect? Technically?)
“How long do we have?” Lee whispers, once Michael has caught up.
He shrugs. “Seven minutes, give or take? More than enough time.”
Lee worries his bottom lip. “More than…” He glances at the forest. Vaguely, in the low firelight, he can see the odd wing, hear the odd screech. Nothing looks very close. He glances at the rapidly approaching Athena cabin, just a few yards out of their way. Hm.
“Detour!” he decides. “Will, c’mon!”
Ignoring Michael’s hissed complaints, he veers towards to neatly maintained cabin. He slips in the space between Cabins Six and Four, holding tight to Will’s hand. He counts the windows as he passes — one, two, three, four — and stumbles to a stop, crouching down in the dirt.
“Oh, are you — for the love of Zeus.”
Lee ignores his eye-rolling, scanning the ground for pebbles. He selects a handful of them, careful not to choose anything too big, and jogs a few steps back.
“What’re you doing?” Will asks, too loud, but at least he tries to whisper.
Instead of answering, Lee launches the first pebble at the window.
It pings off harmlessly.
Waiting a breath for the harpies to come running, he continues, firing off pebble after pebble with increasing strength. Finally, after pebble #7, a face appears behind the clear glass, bleary eyes widening when they take in the sight in front of them. Quickly, the latches are undone, and the window is yanked open.
Lee grins. “Hey, Carter.”
“What’re you — you’re — it’s December! What’s going —”
“I need a favour,” Lee whispers. “Can you — cover for us?”
For the first time, Carter looks away, brows raising as he notices Micheal, who taps his (watchless) wrist obnoxiously, and Will, who waves brightly. Carter waves back, small smile tugging at his lips.
“Cover for you?”
“Just, like, infirmary stuff. I don’t think anything will happen, and if it does we’re an IM away, but —”
“Lee,” Carter says exasperatedly, “cover you guys for what?”
“Oh.” Lee clears his throat. “I, um. I need to do something for my family.”
Smiling, Carter rests his elbows on the windowsill, chin in his hands. “Mysterious.”
“We’ll be back by tomorrow evening,” Lee assures.
“And then you’ll stay for a bit?”
Lee’s mouth goes dry. “You want me to stay?”
Carter ducks his head, fingers tracing a mindless path on the windowsill. “I wouldn’t mind seeing you for a while.”
A thousand gods of prophecy could not predict the sound that comes out of Lee’s throat.
Something between a whimper and an awkward laugh, his voice cracks four seperate times. Carter giggles. Lee prays, genuinely, that a crater opens up beneath him and drops him right at Lord Hades’ feet.
“Everything okay, Lee?”
“Peachy,” he croaks.
Carter giggles again. Lee flushes. Michael gags exaggeratedly behind him, pausing mid-heave to whisper something to Will, and then there’s a giggle, and then two people fake-retching. Carter peeks through his dark eyelashes, pleased expression softening his heart-shaped face, and Lee counts twelve of his own capillaries straight-up explode.
“Well,” he says, too loudly. “I’m — well.”
“I think you have harpies to run from,” Carter suggests gently.
“Indeed.” Lee clears his throat, nodding. “As you have so astutely observed, we do —”
Michael, recognising the strained tone to his voice, groans. “Fucksake, Lee —”
“— and so I bid you adieu —”
“Dude, oh my gods, snap out of it —”
Lee can’t. He barely has control over his own mouth.
“— and vow to see you again in the eve.”
Feeling his soul exit his body, settle in front of him, and then crumple up and die, Lee fucking bows. There is the very distinctive sound of a hand slapping over a mouth, muffling an eruption of giggles, and then the hand of mercy, also known as Michael Yew, clamping on the back of his lava-hot neck.
“Please excuse him,” he says grandly. “He was dropped on his head as a child. He’s normal, usually.”
“Except when you wear your glasses,” Will pipes up. Lee makes a mental note to find Clarisse’s spear and shove it through his own eye. “He gets real weird when you wear your glasses. Once he walked into a wall and broke his nose.”
“…Did he.”
“Yep. And last time he —”
“God, this hurts me to say,” whispers Michael, “but I have to put a stop to this conversation. We’re on a time limit. C’mon, Will. Bye, Carter. Sorry for — well, you know. Apollonian dramatics, not always easy to control.”
He turns, dragging Lee, still hunched over, out of the Cabin Six shadow.
Lee does not un-hunch until they are well over the crest of Half-Blood Hill, harpy screeches beginning to echo behind them.
“I have never been more embarrassed to be related to you in my life,” Michael informs him, the second he’s upright. “Like, genuinely, I’m considering disowning you. That was atrocious, Fletcher. You need to get ahold of yourself. Where is your game? Your dignity?”
“I think he lost it when he was born,” Will says thoughtfully. “Or maybe when Carter smiled at him the first time.”
“I hate both of you,” Lee croaks.
Neither of them seem too incredibly bothered, snickering to each other as they duck into the car.
Willing his flush to go down, Lee herds them into his car. He takes a moment in the cool air to chill the hell out, closing his eyes and breathing deeply, then slips behind the wheel. He checks that Will is belted in properly, slips the car into neutral, and coasts down the road, waiting until Thalia’s tree slips out of sight before turning it on and hitting the gas.
“Where’re we goin’?
“You,” Michael says, flipping down the vanity mirror to glare sternly at Will, “are going to dreamland. It’s three in the morning. Time for bratty children to sleep.”
“What? No! I’m not tired!”
“Fine, fine,” Lee says, exchanging a grin with Michael. “Stay awake, then. As long as you like.”
Will narrows his eyes. “Really?”
“No trick?”
Lee crosses his fingers. “‘Course not.”
“Fine,” he relents. He settles into the booster seat Lee dragged out of the trunk for him (which he hates), arms crossed over his chest, and stares out the window.
Counting off on his fingers — one, two, three, four — Lee and Michael begin to hum.
At first, nothing happens. Will taps absentmindedly on his knees, humming along to the parts he knows, but soon his fingers slow. Lee and Michael keep it low and quiet, cycling through quiet folk songs Michael’s dad taught him, matching with the rumbling of the car, the slight breeze of Lee’s cracked open window. Michael kicks softly at the base of his seat, one, two, three, four; and matches the rhythm of the radio static, the click of the blinkers on every turn.
Will’s out in twenty minutes.
The drive is long.
Michael curls up sometime around four, fogging up the windows with every snore. Lee keeps the radio on a low hum, letting the background noise keep him focused as he navigates. The Atlantic Ocean is ink-black in the early morning, and the waves crash loud enough that he can hear them over the sounds of the engine, and for a while they’re still far enough from the city that the air smells fresh. Even when it starts to sour, and the noise gets a lot more urban, it’s early enough and he’s east enough that the traffic is minimal. Never non-existent — he actually cannot imagine what a traffic-less New York would look like; he doubts he’ll ever live to see it — but enough that he keeps at a steady 35.
The drive through Jersey is uneventful. Farmland and suburbs, nothing he hasn’t seen every day of his life, nothing he didn’t see the last time he made the drive. He entertains himself by counting every brown car he sees, randomly wagering the number by the time he gets there. He’s relieved when he finally crosses the memorial bridge, driving down the exit ramp and pulling into the first big parking lot he sees. Michael wakes up as he puts the car in gear, killing the engine.
“We here?” he asks, popping the joints along his spine.
Lee yawns. “Pretty much, yeah. Pulled off the highway.”
“‘Kay.” He glances in the backseat, where Will is starting to stir. “You nap. I’m gonna find a place for him to change and brush his teeth, maybe get breakfast for all of us.”
“Sounds good”
He crawls in the backseat as Michael guides Will out of it, accepting the blanket tossed his way. He slides his hoodie over his face, lies back, and conks out in minutes.
“Yo, Lee. Get up. I got food.”
“Timizzit?” he asks, shaking the grogginess from his limbs.
“Eleven. You slept for four hours. We gotta be at the theatre in an hour.”
“When’s she on?”
“Fuck if I know, man. Diana said noon, I’m gonna be there at noon. You wanna piss off Diana?”
“No.” He rubs the heel of his palm into his eyes, reaching blindly in the direction of Michael’s voice. “Food, please.”
A bag of grease is deposited into his waiting hand. He is pleased to find three cheeseburgers within it, and immediately tears into them with a fervour that can only be described as ‘ravenous’, or perhaps ‘revolting’. Esurient, perhaps, if one was feeling poetic.
Finally awake enough to function, Lee looks critically at the scene in front of him. Michael is dressed in the same button-up and slacks he wears to his dad’s performances, on the years he’s in the U.S., and Will is in jeans without grass stains, real shoes, hair mostly brushed. Michael has even managed to find a shirt that’s not half-unraveled from Will picking at the seams.
“Nice,” he says, nodding in approval.
Michael picks at his nails, visibly preening. “Oh, it was no big deal.”
“Yeah, yeah. Dweeb.”
He polishes off his last burger, then ducks inside the nearest store to find somewhere to get changed. Diana told them it didn’t matter, really, what they wore, but Lee knows better. He knows what this means for Cass, and while yeah, sure, it wouldn’t really matter if he showed up in sweatpants, he wants to show her that he put in the effort. That even if her mother couldn’t, or wouldn’t, they will. All of them. He wants her to see them and know that they did this for her. He wants her to see them and know that they tried, that they care.
Hair perfectly placed and clothes as unwrinkled as he can get them, he hurries back to the car. The theatre isn’t far, and they have a little under an hour, but he doesn’t want to push it. Finding parking will be hard enough.
“Are we on a quest?” Will asks, five minutes out on the road.
“Eight year olds don’t go on quests.”
“Diomedes was ten when he fought the Trojan war.”
“Are you Diomedes?”
“Are you ten?”
“Then no quests for you.”
“Your quest can be being quiet for twenty minutes,” Michael grumbles, making a face when Will sticks his tongue out at him.
part two
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pjocharacterdesign · 1 year
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was musing over babby Will Solace thoughts
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merrickthemyth · 18 days
When they walk they're perfectly on beat
ALL of them can rap Hamitlon perfectly
Their cabin is filled with pride flags, binders, etc to make the campers feel safe and welcomed
They all have an annual day to watch the flowers outside their cabin bloom
Whenever someone comes out as queer, they make a little gift basket full of the flag's color themed stuff
ALL their eyes have that "sparkle" in them, that makes it hard to say no to
Most Apollo children are extroverts, but for the ones that are introverts, they recharge by laying out in the sun
They host art nights, where the entire camp paints rocks for a rock garden
For Apollo kids with disabilities like EDS that make healing actually A LOT slower than what even normal people have, they tend to be medics a lot more.
Them and then Demeter/Persephone children (I forgot if Persephone had children) make flower crowns to gift the new campers
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Camp Half-Blood Cabin Aesthetics
Part II
ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : ╰┈➤ Cabin 7: Apollo ·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳
.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
Having Apollo as your godly parent can feel like…
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But it can also feel like this :o
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.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ Images are NOT mine. All photos are found on Pinterest with the following searches of “Apollo aesthetic,” “band kid aesthetic,” “volleyball aesthetic,” and “summer sunny aesthetic.”
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phoenix--flying · 1 year
maybe I'm a little obsessed with Cabin Seven but can we talk about how they promised a "Pick up singalong" after the botl. how does one even suggest that to their siblings.
"Hey so I know lee just fucking died but we should go to the sing a long" not to mention Percy literally says 'We spent the next day treating the wounded, which was almost everybody'
the Apollo kids rlly gotta be everyone's source of serotonin even after their brother got his head bashed in
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aroacechaos08 · 3 months
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Will Solace <333
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loveofastarvingdog · 2 years
a thing about me is that i love love love keeping my little secrets. i see you fishing for answers and all i do is a little hehe 😌🫣🥰 not telling you <3
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pookha · 2 years
Changes on the Wind
Vee is with her friends on the last day of school when she receives a text that Luz is back in the Human Realm. Changes are coming. This is a follow-up story to Unexpected Magic. Rating is T for language, mild violence and adult themes.
The hot May sun blasted Vee and Gigi as they came out, hand-in-hand. Vee pulled her giant yellow sunglasses out and put them on, and Gigi put her black parasol up over them. A snicker came from behind them, but they both ignored it like they usually did.
“Camila said it was okay to go to Ethan’s but she wants to meet me at Diego’s for dinner at 7 and you can come if you want,” Vee said as they walked to Gigi’s mom’s car.
“I’ll have to check, but I think it’ll be okay.” Gigi smiled as she opened the back door, held the parasol over it, and bowed. Vee laughed and she heard a giggle from Gigi’s mom.
“You two will give me diabetes someday,” she said with her soft Southern accent.
“Aw, mom, I love you, too.” Gigi folded her parasol and sat next to Vee in the back seat.
“Thanks for picking us up, Mrs. Georgio.”
“You're welcome.” She turned in her seat to look at them.
“I was a little surprised to hear that y’all were going to Ethan’s. He ain’t been around much lately, has he?”
Gigi shook her head.
“I don’t know why, but he’s seemed distant lately.”
Vee and Gigi both buckled up, then Mrs. Georgio turned around, started the car, and drove off.
She peeked back at them a couple of times in the rear-view mirror and smiled when she caught them kissing once. Gigi saw, blushed, but went back in for another and her mom laughed. Vee noticed this time and blushed too.
“Sorry,” she said.
“It’s all right; I was young once, too.”
They pulled up to Ethan’s house soon after, a non-descript rambler in a bland housing development on the outskirts of town. Gigi leaned forward and kissed her mom on the cheek.
“Okay if I go to dinner with Vee and her mom? I’ll be home by 10:00?”
“Mmm, last day of school. You can be out till 11:00.”
“Thanks, mom, love you.”
Gigi and Vee unbuckled, gathered their stuff, and got out.
“Love you, too, sweetie. Have fun. No hickeys.” She laughed again and waved as she pulled off as Gigi and Vee both stood with flaming cheeks.
“Have I ever left a hickey?” Gigi asked.
Vee shook her head. They kissed and snuggled a lot to share energy, but each had decided to not go any further because they didn’t know how it would affect each other. Vee could feed off Gigi, and Gigi claimed it didn’t hurt her, but they just didn’t really know.
Gigi twirled her parasol in her hand but didn’t open it. As they reached the door and started to knock, Ethan’s voice came from the smart doorbell.
“Come on in, it’s open. Pol’s already here and playing CoD in my room.”
They went in, sat their packs in the entryway and Gigi hung her parasol up on a coat hook.
Ethan was waiting for them, sitting on the very edge of a cushion on the overstuffed couch.
“Hey, can you guys sit for a moment before we go back to my room?” His voice shook.
They sat down on a matching loveseat across from him, shoulders touching each other.
“What’s up?” Vee asked.
“Look, I need to apologize for being a dick.” He ran his hand through his hair, covering and uncovering his eyes with his bangs. He left them uncovered, lowered them, then raised them to meet Vee’s eyes, then Gigi’s. Vee took off her sunglasses.
“I’m sorry I haven’t been around much the last few months.”
“It’s okay, whatever it is,” Gigi said and Vee nodded.
“I was...I was just jealous.” He sighed.
“Of us?” Vee asked.
He got up and sat on the arm of the loveseat next to Vee.
“Of you, Vee. I--I’ve had a thing for Gigi for a few years and it took me a bit to get over it.”
“Oh, I never knew,” Gigi said in a small voice.
“I mean, I knew you liked girls so I just never told you. It wouldn’t have done any of us any good.”
He sighed again.
“I just felt...I don’t know...like I knew you for years and all of the sudden Vee comes out of nowhere and you fall for each other. It was hard for me, even though I knew you didn’t and had never thought of me that way.”
“It was just something I had to work out myself, and I’m sorry I cut both of you and Pol out while I did. I realized neither of you owed me anything and I was just being stupid.”
Vee leaned up and hugged him.
“It’s not stupid to feel however you feel. I’m just now finding out how to deal with human emotions myself.”
“I’m sorry, too,” Gigi said. “If I’d known, I would have…”
She trailed off.
“Yeah,” he said, “there was nothing to be done, except take time.”
He stood up and started pacing.
“I didn’t want to let it go through the summer. You’ll be working at Vee’s mom’s clinic over the summer and she’s going to summer school. I’m going to be working at Aldi’s and Pol’s going to be skateboarding all summer.”
“Must be nice to have nothing to do,” Vee interrupted. “I’ve got to make up history and social studies.”
“I’m sorry,” Ethan said.
He looked up again.
“I was a jerk and that’s all there is to it. Can you forgive me?”
Vee met Gigi’s eyes and saw the same thing in them.
They both stood and rushed him, crushing him a huge glomming hug.
“Nothing to forgive,” Gigi said at the same time Vee said, “of course we forgive you.”
“My ribs,” Ethan croaked as they hugged him tighter.
“Hey! I want in, too!” Pol shouted from the door of the living room. They rushed forward too and joined the hug.
“Why are we all hugging?” they asked.
“They’ve decided to forgive me for being a dick.” Ethan struggled to get free, but all three of them grabbed him and spun him around. Ethan tripped over an ottoman and all of them crashed to the floor in a heap.
Vee stood first, laughing, and helped Pol up, while Gigi giggled at Ethan covering his head.
“No more! No more!” he mock-cried.
Vee and Pol both helped him up while Gigi sat up, her back on the couch and her body shaking with laughter.
“I’ve got dinner with Vee and her mom at 7; what’s the plan until then?” she asked.
“CoD?” Pol asked.
Vee made a face.
“All right, how about Super Smash Brothers?” Pol cracked their knuckles dramatically.
“Okay with me,” Vee said. Ethan nodded.
“I’ll watch you guys play,” Gigi said.
They all walked off to Ethan’s bedroom, bumping shoulders.
Ethan started to set up the game and they were all choosing their characters when Pol spoke up.
“So, they know what it was all about?”
Ethan nodded.
“And you’re okay?” they asked Ethan.
“I will be.”
They played a few rounds, with Pol winning each of them as Jigglypuff. They had just started another when Vee’s phone bing-ed with a message, then again and again and again.
“Holy S, who’s blowing up your phone?” Pol asked, turning away from the screen.
“May I?” Gigi asked, picking it up.
Vee nodded and while Pol was distracted, landed a combo on her.
“Oh,” Gigi said in a small voice.
“What is it?” Vee asked.
Ethan paused the game.
“We’re going to have to go; there’s an emergency with Mrs. Noceda.” Gigi handed the phone to Vee who scrolled through the messages quickly. Tears started to stream down her face and Gigi leaned over and hugged her tight and kissed the top of her head.
“Anything we can do?” Pol asked.
Vee shook her head.
“I’ve got to go. Mom’s going to be here in a moment.” Vee stood, put her controller down, pocketed her phone, and walked toward the front door, her friends behind her.
“I might have to go away for a while. If I want to be called Luz again when I come back, can you guys do that? I might seem different, too.” Vee kept her head down and her voice was small.
“Wait, what the fuck?” Pol asked. "Does your mom use your deadname?"
“Yeah, you sure we can’t help?” Ethan asked.
“I--I can’t tell you everything right now, but if I can in the future, I will, okay?”
A horn honked from outside. Vee and Gigi picked up their packs and hurried out the door. Camila had just opened her door and was starting to get out when she saw them coming. She closed her door just as Vee and Gigi were getting in.
“I was worried you might not have gotten my messages.” Camila squealed the tires as she drove off. Vee arched her eyebrows; she’d never seen Camila do that before.
“We got them. Thank you for letting me come along, too.” Gigi reached forward between the seats and touched Camila’s shoulder.
“You’re welcome, dear. You’re a big part of Vee’s life.” She smiled suddenly.
“And you’ll finally get to meet Luz.”
Her face went back to worried.
Camila’s phone buzzed from her purse.
“Can you get that, cariño?”
Gigi handed Camila’s purse to Vee who pulled a newer smartphone out of it.
She flicked it open and read the text on the screen.
Mami, I hate to ask. I know you're in a hurry for answers, but can you get food? Enough for four of us and you two. Te amo mamá.
“Luz asked if you could stop for food for four of them and us,” Vee said.
“Four, Dios mío. I wonder who she brought.”
“I’ll order pickup from Diego’s; it’s on the way. Is that okay?” Vee asked, already pulling up their website on her phone.
“Yes, that’s fine. Luz is lactose intolerant, so get something without cheese, and maybe something vegetarian, too. I don’t know what they eat in the Demon Realm.”
She sighed.
“I can’t believe I just said Demon Realm.” Her voice quivered.
Vee handed the phone to Gigi who took over ordering, then she unbuckled her seat belt and crawled into the front seat. Vee buckled back up, then reached over and touched Camila’s leg as she drove and Camila patted her hand.
“We’ll be okay; Luz will be okay,” Vee said.
“Will you?” Camila asked.
“Will I be okay?” Vee asked back.
“I don’t know. I don’t want to go back unless I have to. I like it here. I love you. I love Gigi. I love my friends and school. Back there I was just a chained up...experiment.”
"Unless you have to go back, you're always welcome to stay with me. It's been less than a year, but it feels like you've been my daughter forever. I promise you that even with Luz back I won't treat you as second best."
She pulled in front of Diego's and went in to get the food.
"Think we should go in, too, and help her carry stuff?" Gigi asked Vee.
"It'll take a moment to get it, it's always busy there. I just want to know you'll be okay if I have to go back."
Gigi sighed and her voice broke as she spoke.
“I...I mean I guess I will be in time, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. You might not have to go back. You know your mom means it when she says you can stay, right?” She always called Camila ‘your mom’ when she talked to Vee.
Gigi opened her door and got out.
“Damn, I left my parasol at Ethan's.” She squinted at her mortal enemy, the Sun.
Vee laughed as she got out and walked around the car to Gigi.
“He can bring it to the clinic in a few days on his way to work and you can get it then.”
She took Gigi’s hand and they went into the restaurant together to help Camila with the take-out bags.
The rest of the drive home passed in uncomfortable silence. When they pulled in, Vee saw a curtain move and she and Gigi had just gotten out of the car when the front door banged open and Luz ran out.
Her hair was longer, and she was taller, and...and...harder. A cape flowed behind her as she ran. Camila had barely opened her door and stood when Luz hugged her.
“Mami, I’m so glad to be home.” She squeezed her mother tightly and they both started to cry.
“It’s been so long. I was so worried.” Camila pushed Luz out to arm’s length and looked at her, wiping Luz’s tears with the palm of her hand.
“You’ve grown up a lot, and not just how tall you are.” She sighed and hiccuped.
“I wish I could have been there for you.”
Gigi and Vee started loading out the bags of food. Luz seemed to notice them for the first time.
She grabbed Vee in a fierce hug.
“Vee! I’m so happy to see you’re still here!”
“Me too,” Vee said.
Luz let go of Vee and held her hand out to Gigi.
“Luz Noceda,” she said introducing herself.
Gigi took her hand.
“Georgia Georgio, but my friends call me Gigi.”
“Gigi,” Luz repeated, smiling broadly.
“I saw you through the portal when Vee was talking to you. I’m glad she has such good friends here.” Luz took a bag and started to walk to the house side by side with Camila.
“Girlfriend, actually,” Gigi said to Luz’s back.
Luz stopped suddenly, dropped the bag, squealed, and rushed back to hug Gigi, who blushed at the unexpected contact.
“A girlfriend, too!”
“Too?” her mom asked.
“I brought my girlfriend with me, and I can’t wait for you to meet her.”
Luz picked the bag up again and opened the door. Camila went in first and just stopped inside the door, blocking Vee and Gigi’s view.
“Don’t just let the fairies in,” a deep woman’s voice came from inside. “It’s your house, come on in.”
“Dios mío,” Camila whispered again but went in and then into the living room. Vee could see the woman who had spoken now. It was the same one who had opened the portal when she’d escaped, but she was also different now. One of her eyes was grey now and her pendant was completely black. She seemed somehow slightly feral.
“You must be Eda,” Camila said, recovering from her shock at Eda’s appearance.
Eda stood and held out her hand. Camila looked at it for just a second, but put the food bags down on a side table and stepped forward. She ignored the hand and hugged Eda who stiffened before hugging her back.
“Thank you for watching over my Luz,” she said, letting go of Eda.
A woman’s voice came from the doorway, and they all turned to look.
Vee screamed as she saw her and lost control of her form for a moment, her eyes going reptilian and her arm getting scaly. Gigi touched her gently and she stopped screaming but didn’t revert back to her normal Vee form.
“Oh, child, I’m so sorry for how I treated you.” Vee hadn’t seen Lilith since she’d escaped and as Lilith walked to her, Vee shrank further and further behind Mrs. Noceda.
“It’s okay, Vee, she’s with us now.” Luz got on Vee’s other side as Gigi supported her.
“She changed sides. She’s okay, I promise.”
Vee looked at Lilith carefully for the first time, noticing that her eyes were also mismatched and there was a grey streak in her hair that wasn’t there before. As Lilith lifted her arms to Vee, Vee saw the left one was missing just under the elbow.
Lilith followed her gaze.
“I had to take it off to remove the Emperor’s glyph or it would have turned me to stone.”
“My sister’s okay now,” Eda said, flopping onto the couch.
Camila stood between Lilith and Vee.
“You hurt Vee?”
“I--I hurt a lot of people, but yes, Vee was one of them. I’m sorry for what I did and I want to make it up to you.” She stood and met Camila’s eyes.
“I promise; I’ll take any vow you want.” Her voice broke.
Luz kept holding Vee up but touched her mom on the elbow with her free hand.
“Lilith’s okay, really.”
“Fine,” Camila said. “Let’s eat and talk.”
She picked up the food bags and Gigi squeezed Vee one more time before helping Camila take the food into the dining room.
“What happened to the Emperor and Kikimora?” Vee asked in a small voice. Her knees shook as she started to walk away and Luz helped her.
“The Emperor is gone and Kikimora died.” Luz’s voice was subdued.
Eda got up off the couch and pushed Lilith toward the dining room. She turned as they got to the threshold.
“She means Lilith killed her.”
“You killed Kikimora?” Vee asked.
“Not really,” Lilith said, her eyes filling.
“I just didn’t save her.” Her face hardened, she wiped the proto-tears away and left, too.
Eda laughed, a grim hard laugh.
“Kikimora lost control of her Abomaton and it turned on her.”
As they reached the dining room, Vee saw a girl sitting at the table. Her hair had been dyed lilac at some point, but her roots were showing a lot of brown. She fidgeted at the table but stopped when Luz and Camila came in.
She stood and crossed the room, took Luz’s hand, and visibly gathered herself.
“Mrs. Noceda, I’m Amity Blight, Luz’s girlfriend.”
Camila sat the bags down on the table, and so did Vee and Gigi.
“Let’s get plates,” Vee said to Gigi, who nodded. They both started for the kitchen.
“I’m glad to meet you finally,” Camila said to Amity.
“I wish I could have met you sooner,” Amity said. The rest of whatever she had been going to say got muffled as Camila pulled her into a hug.
“You okay?” Gigi whispered to Vee as they gathered plates, glasses, and utensils. She took Vee’s hands briefly and held them up so Vee could see they’d gone scaly.
“It’s Lilith.” Vee sniffled. “She was the head of the Emperor’s coven and one of the people who brought the basilisks back and experimented on us. I know Luz says she’s changed sides, but I don’t trust her.”
“You want some energy?” Gigi asked.
Vee hung her head but nodded slightly.
Gigi lifted her chin slightly and kissed her. Power flowed from her into Vee. The kiss deepened and they both jumped when Eda’s voice came from behind them.
“I wondered what was taking so long.” She smiled and snorted.
“I have to put up with young love at home, too.”
Eda came in and grabbed a stack of plates, then stopped and watched as Vee’s hands slowly morphed back to human.
“How are you getting the magic to do that?” Eda asked.
Vee didn’t answer, so Gigi did.
“That’s what we were doing when you came in. We weren’t just kissing. Vee can take energy from me.”
Eda frowned.
“That shouldn’t be possible. You’re human.”
“We thought it might be true love,” Vee whispered.
Eda snorted again.
“Ah, youth. True love, that’s precious.”
She took a stack of plates and left. Vee and Gigi followed with the glasses and utensils. Someone had gotten some folding chairs and had put them around the table interspersed with the regular dining room chairs.
Camila was talking with Luz and Amity while Lilith stood near the table glumly looking down. Eda put the plates down and Vee and Gigi set up the takeout dishes.
Eda’s voice cut through the conversation.
“We’ve all got a lot to talk about, but we should eat first. Hard decisions might be easier on a full stomach.”
They sat down, Vee and Luz on either side of Camila. Amity sat next to Luz and Gigi next to Vee. Lilith started to sit down next to Gigi, but Eda nudged her and Lilith sat next to Amity instead. Eda sat last between Gigi and Lilith.
“Diego’s!” Luz shouted as she dug into the boxes and started heaping beans on a tortilla.
“I miss human food,” she said as she grabbed the dish of carnitas and added a heaping helping.
“I--I’m not sure what’s safe to eat,” Lilith said.
“Nothing here can hurt you,” Eda said as she filled her plate with a little of everything.
“Trust me?” she asked Lilith and Amity.
They both nodded and Eda made a plate for each of them. Everyone else followed suit and started eating.
Amity leaned over and whispered something to Luz and Luz smiled around her full mouth.
Vee noticed that Camila had only taken two bites of her food and just pushed the rest around her plate with a fork.
“Mami,” Vee said to Camila. Luz’s eyes widened as they turned to Vee.
“Yes, cariño?” Camila asked Vee.
“You need to eat. Please take more bites.”
Camila sighed.
“She’s right,” Eda said. “It’s going to be a long night and I think you’ll need your strength.”
“I’m just so worried. I don’t want you to have to take Vee back and I want Luz back.”
Luz hung her head.
Camila continued, “but I can tell from her body language and what you haven’t told me so far that something bad has happened, too. This isn’t sunshine and rainbow time.”
“You’re right, it’s not,” Amity said quietly.
“There’s going to be some hard decisions coming, just like Eda said” Lilith added.
“Tell me now!” Camila demanded, her voice cracking.
“Okay, but first, I have something to say to Luz and Vee.” Eda stood.
“Vee was talking about true love and I’ve seen how you two are.” She motioned to Luz and Amity.
“But, I don’t want either of you to be making decisions because of your girlfriends. They're part of your life now, but they might not always be. Childhood sweethearts don’t always last and doing something rash just because you have a girlfriend isn’t the best choice.”
She sat down.
“Oh, Luz,” Camila whispered, “you want to stay in the Demon Realm, don’t you?”
Tears streamed down Luz’s flaming face and Amity reached out to squeeze her hand.
“I do.” Luz’s voice was barely audible.
She suddenly raised her face and met Camila’s eyes.
“But, also, I have to stay. I’ve been cursed.”
She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and blew her nose into a napkin.
“If I stay here, without magic, I’ll die.”
“Can’t you just go back and forth through your portal?” Camila put her hand over Luz and Amity’s.
She shook her head.
“We have to close the portal permanently or what we did with Belos will be for nothing.” Eda moved to stand behind Luz.
“The emperor wanted to unify the worlds. Imagine Gravesfield suddenly swarming with witches and demons and humans who weren’t used to them. There’s always a little leakage between the realms in soft spots like this, but if the portal stays open, then it’ll start ripping those soft spots and the worlds will rejoin.”
“In the short run, humans would be overwhelmed, but I’ve seen human movies and I know they would just shoot missiles and airplanes at us from a long way away. We’d eventually lose our magic. It would be a disaster for both witches and humans.”
Camila stood suddenly and ran off up the stairs. Luz got up to follow and Amity started to go with her.
“I’ve got to do this myself,” Luz said, kissing Amity on the cheek. “Just promise to wait for me.”
Amity gulped and nodded.
Luz went up the stairs and they all heard a door open and close then quiet voices.
“And you,” Eda turned to Vee. “You want to stay, but after we close the portal, there won’t be enough magic to live.”
“I can take energy from Gigi,” Vee said.
“What?” Lilith asked, shocked.
“I can get magic from her. When we kiss or hug, or...whatever... it feeds me.” Vee looked at Lilith’s eyes, which narrowed.
“They think it’s because of true love,” Eda told Lilith.
“It could be,” Amity started to say at the same time that Gigi defiantly said, “it is.".
“No, it isn’t,” Eda said firmly.
Both Vee and Gigi started to object, but Eda held up her hand.
“I’m not saying it’s not true love, just that that’s not the reason why you can feed on her.”
“What are you thinking?” Lilith asked Eda.
“I think Gigi’s a witch.” She dug around in her hair and pulled out a stethoscope.
“May I?” she asked Gigi who nodded.
Eda put the earpieces in and then put the chest-piece over Gigi’s heart. She listened carefully, then handed the stethoscope to Lilith who did the same.
Lilith listened for a bit, her eyes getting wider and wider. She pulled the earpieces out and handed the stethoscope back to Eda who stashed it in her hair.
“What? What is it?” Gigi asked. “Could you hear my heart murmur?”
Eda laughed and Lilith smiled.
“That’s not a heart murmur, it’s your bile sac that’s around your heart. You’re a witch.”
“What? How?” Gigi stammered.
“You’re a witch, Gigi,” Vee said, imitating Hagrid’s voice. They both laughed despite themselves and Amity smiled, catching the reference.
“It could be spontaneous from being born near a soft spot between the realms or one of your parents might be a witch” Eda eyed Gigi.
“Not my mom,” Gigi whispered, “but she doesn’t talk much about my dad, so maybe.”
She turned to Vee and kissed her; they both blushed.
“Does that mean Vee can stay here? Can I feed her enough to keep her in human form?”
“No,” Lilith said simply.
“Why not?” Vee asked.
“Eventually, you’ll get drained by stress or something else and you’ll drain her completely, no matter how safe you are.” Lilith sighed.
“I wouldn’t,” Vee said, taking both of Gigi’s hands in hers.
“It wouldn’t be on purpose,” Eda said, “but it will happen.”
“As you get older, you’ll grow. Your natural form will get bigger and bigger and it’ll take more and more magic to stay in human form.” Lilith knelt in front of the girls.
“You can’t just stay here forever. I have a solution, but you may not like it.”
“I don’t trust you,” Vee squeaked.
“But you trust me, right?” Luz asked from the doorway. No one had heard her come back. Camila wasn’t behind her.
“I--yes?” Vee half-asked, half-stated.
“I trust Lilith completely now. If you trust me, you can trust her.”
Vee turned back to Lilith.
“What can I do to stay?” She started crying and her form slowly shifted to its natural state. Amity gulped audibly and backed away. Vee turned to her.
“I won’t hurt you, I promise,” she told Amity.
“And I won’t hurt you,” Lilith told Vee.
“What can I do?” Vee asked Lilith again.
“There’s a technique we used to punish some of the troublemakers. After you take a shape, I can remove your magic and you’ll be stuck in that shape forever.” Lilith reached out to take Vee’s hands. She pulled back at first, but then let Lilith touch her.
“So, I could take Luz’s shape, stay here and be Luz Noceda?” she asked.
Lilith nodded.
“But, you’d grow as a human, live as a human, and eventually grow old and die as a human. You’d lose your magic.”
“I’d like to do that,” Vee said.
“Not so fast,” Eda said.
“Eda’s right,” Lilith said. “We only did this a few times, and they all went crazy.”
“I won’t go crazy, I promise,” Vee whispered.
“I’ll help her,” Gigi said, squeezing Vee’s hands under Lilith’s grasp.
“Me too,” Camila said, wiping her tears as she came to stand next to Luz. She grabbed Luz in a fierce hug.
“Me, too.”
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rainestorm2556 · 1 month
Snippet from my newest WIP
Isabella was in her room watching TV. She heard a knock on the front door and her mother yelled for either her or her elder sister to get it. So Isabella paused her show and opened the door. She saw a girl about her age with dark brown hair and eyes. She felt connected to her somehow and then before they could say anything a golden lyre hologram appeared above her head. “Oh fucking shit.” They both spoke at the same time.
“So uh you kinda gotta go with me now.” The girl standing before Isabella said.
“No way/ Why would I go with you?” Isabella asked. Then, her older sister Amber appeared and when she saw the glowing lyre and a green glowing trident appeared above her head. The girl across from Isabella looked panicked.
“Look, there's no time to explain. You just have to come with me.” The girl quickly wrote some ransom note and took the sisters with her. They fled down the stairs quickly and began sprinting towards Camp Half Blood. The most horrible monsters they could imagine followed them. A bat-like creature with claws of brass and glowing red eyes sneered at them and followed them all the way. It had a shriveled face and wore a horribly crumpled up and wrinkled velvet dress. Her wings looked almost leathery and her feet had sharp talons. “So you guys are children of the Greek gods. I’m Alex, my dad is Apollo. Just like yours is.” She pointed at Isa as they ran. “Yours is Poseidon. Now please introduce yourselves so if you die I know the names to give to Chiron and if I die you you know the name to give to Chiron.” The two girls nodded.
“I’m Isabella and this is my older sister Amber.”
“We’re almost there. If we can get to our destination we’ll be safe. We don’t stand a chance of fighting this fury so our only option is to try to outrun her.” Alex was out of breath but stopping meant dying.
“Why is a furry chasing us?” Isabella asked.
“Fury.” Alex corrected her half sister. “It’s a kind of monster from Greek mythology.”
“Okay furries may be weird but I wouldn’t call them monsters.” Isa responded and Alex internally face palmed.
“Fury! Not furry!” Alex chided.
“Ohhhh!” Isa realized. “By the way, you can call me Bella.”
“Yeah no. I’m calling you Isa. Your sister gets to stay Amber though.”
“Okay then I guess I’m Isa now.” As they ran Alex saw a tree on a hill in the distance and this brought her spirits up. They sprinted towards it like their lives depended on it because well they did. When they finally reached it Alex took a moment to catch her breath before bringing the Torres sisters to Chiron. They seemed hesitant to part but once they entered their new cabins they felt right at home.
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The funny thing about the PJO cabin system is that everyone's always all 'oh the twelve' this and 'the twelve' that but that's absolutely not even remotely accurate. To start, right off the bat it's thirteen, not twelve, because they don't count Hades. But not really because before Percy, there were no big three kids, so we're down to ten active cabins already but it's actually eight because Artemis and Hera don't make demigods.
And of those eight, Mr. D is stuck at camp (thus not really making new demigods all that often) and his only two kids don't even sleep in a cabin, they sleep in the Big House with him.
So, pre-Percy, there are seven active cabins at Camp Half-Blood:
Glee club, the Jocks, the Nerds, the Geeks, the Farmers, the 'Sketchy Kids' and the Popular Kids.
Or, in other words, the Apollo, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Demeter, Hermes (and the unclaimed kids) and Aphrodite cabins.
What's cool is that you can already see the cabin dynamics in the show. For example, the Athena cabin allies with the Hermes cabin for the numbers. The Hermes kids plus all the unclaimed kids? It's the biggest cabin in the camp by far. It's a battle strategy. Luke and Annabeth's close relationship is just the cherry on top for Annabeth. It'll be really cool to see how the show develops the differences in the cabins during the series.
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jamespotterismydaddy · 3 months
Seven Minutes
luke castellan x reader
A/N: i was so excited to write this request as soon as i saw it so i hope you enjoy!
TW: smut, luke being a cocky little shit
word count: 1,172 words
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Playing seven minutes in heaven is not an appealing idea to you. You don’t like the idea of being trapped in a closet with a guy who isn’t of your choosing and it isn’t some stupid kissing game that’s over in a second, but there is sadly no saying no to Silena Beauregard. Your friend is literally the embodiment of an Aphrodite child with her ability to persuade. For gods’ sake she actually has the word ‘beautiful’ in her name and everyone knows that someone with such a likeness to the love goddess isn’t someone that can be refused.
“There’s going to be lots of good looking people there I promise… Charlie, Clarisse… Luke.” Silena murmurs the last name.
“What?” You’re clearly pissed. She can hear it in your tone.
“What do you mean ‘what’?” She asks innocently.
“What was the last name you just said?”
“Oh, nothing. I was just listing people at camp who are objectively attractive.”
“Just objectively attractive or objectively attractive and playing seven minutes in heaven tonight?” You ask, giving her a pointed look.
“The second one.” She replies quietly.
“I’m not going if Luke is going to be there.” You tell her petulantly, stopping in your tracks like you’re going to turn around and head back to your cabin.
“So you did hear me.”
“I’m not going.” You start to walk back but she grabs your wrist.
“Yes you are!”
“I’m not. I hate him. I want him dead. I pray for his downfall on every quest he goes on.”
“All I can hear is that you spend a lot of time thinking about him.”
“I’m sorry but if you think about it, all this hatred could just be pent up sexual frustration.”
“It’s not.”
“It could be!” She realizes that she isn’t anywhere close to getting through to you so she holds both your hands in hers. “Please just come. The bottle most likely won’t even land on him anyway. Just think about it as a fun night.”
“Fun night my ass.” You grumble but turn around and begin to walk back to the Aphrodite cabin. Silena giggles excitedly.
When you walk in, almost everyone of the older campers in Silena’s friend group are already there. Your eyes fall on Luke first and he gives you an annoying little smirk.
“Okay, now that everyone important is here…” Silena smiles before sitting down. Clarisse hands her an empty beer bottle. “I’ll go first.” She spins the bottle and grins when it lands on Charles. If your eyes aren’t deceiving you, you could swear Clarisse’s face drops for a millisecond.
The person next to Charles goes next, and then Clarisse goes and now, it’s your turn. You’re not really sure how it’s your turn already, but you aren’t about to argue with Silena over the spinning order. You look at Luke before you spin and he gives you another cocky smirk. You try to ignore him and spin the bottle, doing it perhaps a touch too hard because it goes in circles forever. When the bottle slows, it is clearly about to stop on some Apollo kid before it shifts a little more and lands on Luke.
What the fuck?
He looks away from a son of Boreas to you. “Up you get then, princess.” He stands.
You look at Silena with ‘help me’ eyes but she shrugs with a guilty grin. So now you’re walking over to Luke. He holds out a hand so he can lead you to the closet but you slap it away as you pass him. He turns on a dim light as you enter and shuts the door behind him.
“Look at my luck.” He says in a suave tone, holding his hands out like it was the gods’ bidding.
“Did you really bribe a wind god kid so that the bottle would land on you?”
“Perceptive.” He comments. “I was just lucky that I happened to be sitting North of you. So maybe it is the gods’ will.”
“You think it’s the gods will that we fuck in this closet?” You scoff.
“You said it, baby not me.” His right hand falls to your waist, gripping at your love handles. “But sadly, we don’t have enough time for me to fuck you properly.”
“Get your hands off me.” Your gaze is filled with a lot of passion. Whether that passion is lust or hate, he isn’t sure.
“Make me.”
When you don’t make him take his hands off you (which you most could) he takes that as a sign that you want him just as much as he wants you, so he pulls you in for a rough kiss. You hate how you kiss him back, whimpering into his mouth when you feel his hand slip up your thigh to rub you through your jeans. He slips his tongue into your mouth as he begins to make quick work of your zipper. Luke tugs your jeans down and chuckles at the sight of your lacy panties.
“Were you planning on getting screwed tonight or is this just coincidence?” 
“Shut up.” You murmur before forcing your mouth back against his.
He rubs you through your panties for a second but you both know you’re short on time so he slips them to the side, sliding his fingers through your arousal. 
“Gods, you’re so wet.” He whispers into your mouth before plunging two fingers inside of you, curling them in just the right spot. You whine softly, pissed at how good he is at touching you. He leans his head down and begins to kiss your neck. He suckles on the same spot for about a minute so he leaves a deep red mark. “Oops, left a little colour.”
“Luke!” You scold quietly and he begins to rub your clit with his thumb so you can’t think straight enough to say anything else.
“Just have to let people know who’s girl you are, princess.” He starts rubbing your clit a little harder. “Who’s girl are you?”
You’re feeling so good and you’re so close to your peak that you moan out, “Your girl.”
“That’s right. Cum on my fingers, baby.” He demands and you do right away, squeezing around his fingers as you get your release. “You better get dressed.” He says as he checks his watch. “You’ve got about 12 seconds before they open that door.”
He’s clearly amused as you struggle to get your pants back on in time but that doesn’t mean you don’t notice as he licks your cum off his fingers, moaning just a little bit.
“Times up, lovebirds.” One of the other Aphrodite girls says as she swings open the door.
You walk out as soon as she does and you don’t make eye contact with anyone as you storm out of the cabin.  
“We’re done with the game for today.” Luke says cockily as he quickly grabs both your jackets and chases you out the door for round two.
Silena grins. “I knew it.”
taglist (comment to be added): General: @valeskafics @urmomsgirlfriend1 @girlwith-thepearlearring @darylandbethfanforever9 @lovellies @juhdoche @papichulo120627 @watercolorskyy @ophelialaufey @aerangi @ravenclawprincess33
Luke Castellan: @amortencjja @urmomsbananabread @kissingyourgrl @vikimontethegirlblogger @maryann2013 @stark-head @remussbitch @ever8ea @batmandabest @jennapancake @junos-web @tanifsblog @stupidtween 
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pjocharacterdesign · 1 year
Will you do Will Solace 🥺
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I don't usually draw Will this detailed but this was very fun. Local Texan medic sweetest boy ever.
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triptuckers · 4 months
I've got you - percy jackson
Request: yeah! "percy x fem!reader are on an unofficial quest together just before the big titan war (so set just before last olympian). idk what the quest is but basically reader gets injured during a fight w a bunch of monsters and percy goes a little crazy and does everything he can to protect her and once all the monsters are dead he’s super gentle and sweet w her??" Pairing:  Percy Jackson x reader Summary:  you're busy battling a handful of monsters when for a second it looks as if it might be your last fight. luckily, percy is there Warnings:  fighting, mentions of blood, injuries, swearing, angst Word count:  1K A/N: the show creators need to add grover's song from ep3 to spotify because it's been stuck in my head since wednesday. thanks for your request, enjoy!
gods forbid you're ever on a quiet quest.
you can't wait to get this over with so you can go back to camp and actually get a decent amount of undisturbed sleep.
the other kids at camp are probably spending their afternoon relaxing, or polishing their weapons, or sitting by the lake, or literally anything that's peaceful. not you and percy.
you're busy getting rid of at least half a dozen monsters.
percy's is in the distance, fighting his way through a couple of monsters. he's a blur of movement and you occasionally hear him curse or make a sound.
you know percy can handle himself. but it doesn't stop you from looking over your shoulder every once in a while, to check on him.
the second time you try to catch a glimpse of percy, it's a mistake.
you feel something sharp sink into your side.
with one swing of your sword you decapitate the monster, but not before his fang breaks off, still stuck in your leg.
'oh fuck.' you mutter as you see blood start to gush out of the wound around the fang.
but there's no time to rest. another monster lashes out at you, raking his claws through your shoulder.
you yell out in pain, getting percy's attention.
you drive your sword through the monster just as percy starts running toward you.
'fuck.' you mutter, looking at your leg.
well, that doesn't look good. you know demigods don't live long. but you would have liked some more time with percy. preferably when you don't have to fight monsters.
'y/n!' yells percy, who has nearly reached you.
'percy...' you say as he catches you before you fall to the ground.
'shit, hold on.' says percy. he carefully lowers you to the ground in his arms. there's a panicked look in his eyes as he looks at your leg.
he quickly reaches down and tears off a piece of his shirt.
'percy!' you yell, looking at a monster that's running towards the two of you at full speed.
with one swift motion, percy slices through the monster with his sword, then he drops it and turns back to you.
he pulls you towards him and wraps the piece of his shirt around your thigh, above your wound.
'how many behind me?' he says.
you look over his shoulder, quickly counting the monsters that are making their way to you. it doesn't look good. 'seven.'
'wait, for what-'
you're cut off as percy pulls the knot tight, sending a sharp pain through your leg.
'fuck! percy!' you curse.
'I said sorry. stay here do not pull that out.' says percy, pointing at the fang that's still stuck in your leg. he presses a quick kiss to your forehead before turning around and charging the monsters.
you knew percy could fight but holy shit.
it's like he moves with unnatural speed as he works his way through the monsters, making sure none of them slip past him to you.
even more so, he makes it look easy. almost god-like.
when you overheard someone from your cabin say that he's the most powerful demigod of your generation, you thought "sure he's a poseidon kid, it makes sense". you hadn't really thought much of it.
to you percy had always been, well, percy.
he always makes you laugh with bad jokes and saves you a spot at the campfire. he'll walk with you to your cabin if it's raining so you wouldn't get soaked. he prefers to sleep with you next to him, claiming it's so he won't get nightmares, but you know it's because he just wants to use you as his pillow.
but as you see him fighting off the monsters, lashing out and stabbing them like it's nothing, you realise what others see when they look at him.
suddenly percy is in front of you again, brushing monster dust off of his shoulder like it's no big deal.
'you okay?' he says, kneeling in front of you. he reaches out to gently cup your face.
you're silent as you look at him.
'y/n?' he says, looking you in your eyes, brows furrowed.
'did I mention I'm like, really really in love with you?' you say.
percy smiles briefly. 'yeah you've mentioned it.' he says. 'how are you feeling?'
'lucky to have you on my side.'
'I meant your leg, y/n.' he says, moving so he can inspect your leg.
'still hurts.'
'that shoulder also looks bad.' says percy. 'listen, I'll pull the fang out and give you nectar but it will still hurt, okay? then we'll look at your shoulder.'
'alright, make it quick.'
percy nods, then hands you some nectar.
'want me to count down?' he asks.
you nod, reaching out to take one of his hands in yours.
percy wraps his free hand around the fang.
you take a deep breath and nod at percy.
percy looks you in the eye and gives you an encouraging smile. 'sorry in advance. 3... 2... 1!'
with one swift motion he pulls the fang out. blood gushes out of the wound and the pain is unbearable. you close your eyes and feel how percy gently pushes the nectar to you and you take a sip.
it tastes like the drink sally made for you when you visited percy's home for the first time.
you keep your eyes closed as you wait for the pain to go away. you can feel percy rubbing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb, comforting you.
'it's already helping.' says percy softly.
you reach out and wrap your arms around percy.
'it's okay. I've got you.' says percy, holding you close. 'we can sit here for a while, but then we have to keep moving, okay?'
'okay.' you say, feeling percy press a kiss to your forehead.
you're really glad percy's here with you. if it weren't for him, you're not sure you would have made it back to camp in one piece, or at all.
A/N: If you want to request something, make sure to read my house rulesHere’s the list of characters I write for. Everything that I have written can be found on my masterlist. Please don’t repost my work, as I spend much time and effort on it!! Thank you for reading! Much love, Marit/Max
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shadowedvalesa · 1 year
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Deep from her chest comes a burst of energy! Jane's peering Sabrina under complete tilt of childlike wonder, elation blooming through thumping heartbeat. Hands freeze over careful work (cookie dough enveloping skin, sticky and sweet, prepping baked goods into shape) as she spins on her heel to embrace sight of the elder. " Yes! I did. " Requested specifically when shopping with Joyce, though remain locked away inside the vegetable compartment of the fridge. Cleaning fingers off on the tea towel to her left, removing clumping sweetness, she practically skips towards, quickly retrieving three decent sized carrots, before turning back, holding them out in questioning. " Here they are. " Features wrinkle slowly, " do we need to cut them or... or anything? How do the Reindeer like them? " Approaches situation as if it were the most important thing she could ever do.
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atlabeth · 1 month
true luck's kiss
pairing: luke castellan x daughter of tyche!reader
summary: luke is stuck with a streak of bad luck. what better way to get rid of it than with a child of tyche?
a/n: so this was supposed to come out on st patrick's day but unfortunately im the slowest writer in the world and ive also been doing nothing but watch basketball because we sleep in may. anyways here's a short fluffy blurb because it is getting way too sad in here with my hurricane fics lmao
wc: 1.2k
warning(s): none, this is all fluff. i know crazy coming from me
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You grimaced as you pulled the arrow back. Sweat dripped down your forehead and you itched to brush it away, but you ignored the urge as you let out a deep breath. 
“Just like that.” Kimia nodded as she stopped behind you. “Perfect angle—now let it fly.” 
You did, and the weight lifted off your shoulders once the arrow embedded itself in the center of the target. 
“Ending on a bullseye,” she said with a grin. “Great work.” 
“Only way to do it,” you said, smiling at her. “Am I a worthy opponent yet?” 
She chuckled and patted your shoulder as she moved on. “Maybe one day you’ll be as good as Cabin Seven. Today’s not that day.” 
You shook your head with a laugh and took your quiver off your back. “Keep telling yourself that!”
A bow and arrow had become your weapon of choice since the moment you stepped foot into camp, and you’d gotten good over the years—so much so that it was a surprise when your mother claimed you. One day, though, you would get an Apollo kid to admit you were better than them. 
You’d just finished putting all your equipment away, and when you turned back, you were met with a mess of brown curls and shining eyes.
“Luke,” you said, pleasantly surprised. “Didn’t know you were in archery today.”
He shook his head. “I’m not. I didn’t come here for archery—I came here for you.”
You chuckled as you gestured with your head, and he got the hint as you started walking together. “How forward of you.”
“It’s a living,” he said with a smile. “How was practice?”
“And small talk?” You pressed a hand to your heart and shook your head. “It must be my lucky day.”
Luke’s smile widened as he ran a nervous hand through his hair. “That’s what I came to talk to you about, actually. I do wanna hear about your day, though.”
You shrugged. “It was boring. Killed it at archery, nearly got killed on the climbing wall—I was gonna head back to the cabin to chill for a few hours before dinner, but it looks like you’ve taken that slot.” 
He chuckled. “So you are free?” 
“I’ve always got some time to listen to Luke Castellan,” you mused. “What’ve you got?” 
“I’m cursed,” Luke said. 
You stopped in your tracks and looked him right in the eye. “...Cursed.” 
He nodded. “I know it sounds stupid, but it’s gotta be true. I mean, nothing is going right for me. I’ve been off my groove with my sword, I’ve lost every canoe race, I nearly burnt my eyebrows off last time I was in the forge, and my team hasn’t won a game of capture the flag this entire month—” 
“I know,” you interrupted. “I’m in your cabin.” 
“So you know how bad my luck’s been lately!” he exclaimed with a gesture. “It— it was embarrassing, but now it’s just pathetic.” 
“You know I can’t fix it, right?” you said wryly. “I’m not my mom.” 
“That’s what Annabeth said,” Luke mumbled. “But— but I’ve seen the way you live—you’ve got luck on tap! Your strawberries are always the ripest, you somehow find drachmas on the ground, and your volleyball serves are better than anyone’s.”
“I play varsity back home,” you said. “No luck needed.”
“Still,” he emphasized, “you’re naturally lucky. You’ve literally got it in your DNA, and I’m fresh out of it. That’s gotta be worth something.” 
“Not really.” You crossed your arms. “So what do you think I can do about this?” 
Luke shrugged. “I dunno. Say something?" 
You barely managed to stifle a laugh. “Like what?” 
“Pray to Tyche,” he said. “You’re her only kid here—she’s gotta be listening.” 
You bit back your smile as you shook your head. “Fine. Just for you.” 
“Thank you,” Luke sighed, watching with bated breath as you cleared your throat, closed your eyes, and pressed your hands together. 
“Tyche, dearest mother, goddess of luck and fortune—I ask you to shine on Luke Castellan on this day. Smile upon my friend and break his very real curse. If you do this for him, in return, he will do all of my cabin chores for the next month.” 
When you opened your eyes, Luke looked quite unimpressed. “Very funny.” 
“Feel any luckier?” you asked with a smile as you started walking again. 
“I don’t think so,” he said, falling into step with you once more. “Especially because you’re putting conditions in your prayers. I didn’t know we could do that.” 
“My mom has a sense of humor,” you mused. “And I also think I might be her favorite.” 
“Not all of us have that privilege,” he said wryly. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he grabbed your arm to stop you.  
“I think I’ve got it,” Luke said. “How about a kiss?” 
Your eyebrows rose, but you couldn’t help showing your amusement. “Now it’s a kiss that’ll break your curse?” 
He shrugged. “Like I said—you’ve got luck in your DNA. Maybe you could pass that along.”  
“Really,” you said dryly. 
“I’ve kinda tried everything,” he said. “A kiss from a lucky and pretty girl is far from the worst option.” 
You chuckled. “You really know how to flatter ‘em.” 
“I try,” he grinned. “Are you up to it?” 
You bit your lip as you looked at Luke. Obviously, he was attractive—you’d always held an appreciation for his curls and the way they would constantly get in his eyes. He cut an impressive figure from constant, year-round training, and he even made the camp shirt look good. And gods, that damned smile got you. 
There were worse things than kissing you, and there were certainly worse things than kissing Luke Castellan. 
“Alright,” you sighed, taking a step forward. “Pucker up, Castellan.” 
Before you could really doubt yourself, you leaned forward and kissed him. You weren’t really expecting to actually… like it. 
Your first thought was that Luke’s lips were softer than they had any right to be. Your second thought was that his cologne was the scent always floating around the Hermes cabin. You didn’t really mind, though. 
Luke gently put his hand on the back of your head to keep you there, and the moment lasted much longer than you initially planned. You also didn’t mind, though your thoughts were far more muddled than they should’ve been when you finally managed to pull away. He seemed to have a gift for that. 
You felt your cheeks flush as you looked at him, not even trying to hide your smile. Turns out kissing Luke Castellan was actually pretty great. “Feel any luckier?” 
“Yeah,” he said with a soft grin, his eyes twinkling. You wondered if he had the same thought about you. “Yeah. I really do.” 
“I think that means it’s worked, then,” you said. 
Luke nodded with mock austerity. “We should probably stick together for the rest of the week, though. Just to make sure this bad luck goes away for good.” 
“You might be right,” you said. “And uh— you think you need an extra boost?” You glanced away as you bit back your smile. “Just to be safe and all. To really get rid of this curse.” 
“You know,” he drew your attention back to him as he brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear, and you leaned in closer. “I think I might.” 
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poeticmystery · 4 months
:・゚✧:・゚ RAY OF SUNSHINE (p.j.)
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summary : in which percy jackson feels attached, in some way, to a girl he just met.
w.c. : about 1k
a/n : part 2! thank you for all the support on the firsg part, there will be more to follow!
this is also on my wattpad: poet1cmystery
warning(s) : none!
| riordanverse masterlist | navigation | part 1 |
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percy awoke near midnight, having slept for almost seven hours. he had been woken up by a nightmare, just like usual. The stars hanging in the sky painted a serene picture for him as he stared out through the small infirmary window, the view calming him quickly. for once, the camp around him was quiet. no bustling demigods, no chattering kids. just quiet. 
the son of poseidon sat up, looking around more. he was never in here for as long of a time as he had been currently. he never noticed how old the withering wood was, its brown shade falling to a reddish-beige. they were surrounded by magic but still couldn't repair the infirmary. huh. he could definitely see the imprints the apollo children had made, even just in the small room he was in. there was an overall sense of brightness, despite the late hour it was. it felt welcoming, in a way. 
he debated on going back to his cabin now or staying here until morning. the harpies would be out, so that definitely wouldn't be preferable. still, could he really stay for this long? y/n had told him to stay until he felt better...
so, he stayed, in hopes of seeing her again. he was still curious about the connection he felt to her. curious about why her eyes felt so familiar. he tried to rack his brain for answer, yet nothing came to mind. there was a faint image of those eyes on a little girl, their e/c being illuminated by a ray of sunshine. but that was where the memory faded. nothing around the young girl seemed familiar, none of the scenery. he couldn’t even tell if the memory was indoors.
percy noticed the lack of movement, even inside of the infirmary. apollo kids had to sleep too. the only sound he heard was the low chirping of crickets, occasionally seeing one of their tiny bodies hopping by, being illuminated by the fading moonlight.
the lack of light was seamlessly replaced by an orange hue, accompanying the rising sun in the distance. it must’ve been closer to morning than what he had thought. well, that just meant he got to see this mysterious girl sooner.
the stars faded slowly, as if running from the intruding daylight.
y/n walked into the infirmary, smiles and all, the view causing a small grin to even grow to his own face. the optimistic attitude she often boar wasn’t new, but still found a way to draw him in.
“oh!” she looked surprised to see him, was that bad? should he have left when we woke up? the wide smile said otherwise, but he was beginning to think it was permanent, regardless of the situation. his mind raced, and he didn’t know why. it wasn’t like this with anyone else that’d help him. why her?
“i didn’t realize you were still here. are you feeling better at least?” she questioned, concern lacing her features.
“uh, yeah,” he swallowed, trying to get the ugly taste out of his mouth, “ ‘m feeling a lot better. thank you.”
“it’s what i’m here for,” she replied cheerily, spinning on her heel and moving away from the open doorway.
 he gave it a few minutes, then slowly sat up. as the blanket fell from his shoulders, a sudden wave of cool air reminded him of the shirt he wasn’t wearing.  his eyes roamed the enclosed area, searching for the familiar orange fabric of his camp-tee. then, he saw it hanging on a plastic hanger, seemingly clean. he took slightly shaky steps towards it, eventually shrugging it over his shoulders, letting it fall past his arms. 
he walked out of the room he was in, slightly zoned out. unfortunately for him, he bumped into the girl he had been trying to figure out.
“ah, shit, sorry y/n,” he said quickly, gently reaching to grab her arm to steady her.
she didn’t seem bothered. “it’s alright, are you going?”
he nodded, releasing his grip from her arm. “i’ll see you around?” he asked, hoping the answer was yes. maybe then he could figure out where he knew her from.
“of course, percy.”
her words made him smile, even if she just meant them half-heartedly. (she definitely did, he could tell.) he stepped out into the now fully-risen sun, its rays beating down on him despite the chill held by the autumn air.
immediately, he was greeted by his short, fast-talking friend. the one and only, leo valdez.
“where have you been?” the boy exclaimed, his head tilting slightly upwards to meet percy’s eyes.
“dude, it’s been like a day,” percy said flatly.
almost on instinct, percy checked his pockets for his trusted pen. no matter how long he had had it, he still wasn’t used to the fact he couldn’t lose it. just like he suspected, it was safely sitting in the back pocket of his jeans.
percy’s gaze wondered back towards the infirmary one last time, before quickly flicking back to leo, trying to listen to what the boy was discussing as they walked further and further away.
he noticed leo looking at him expectantly, and just nodded his head, seemingly agreeing to what had just been said. “yeah, of course.”
“you weren’t listening, were you?” leo groans.
“not at all,” the boy admitted, not wanting to lie to one of his closest friends.
“tell me again?” he offered, smirking sheepishly down at leo, who rolled his eyes. still, the boy repeated what he had said, this time earning a real response from percy.
the two boys conversed, occasionally shoving each other around as they walked over the dirt pathways winding between the camp cabins. eventually, they heard a horn blow, signaling breakfast.
arriving at the pavilion, percy noticed y/n walking towards a table seating annabeth chase, piper mclean, and luke castellan. wait.
luke castellan?
why was she sitting with luke castellan? 
why did percy care? 
he didn’t. right?
no, of course he didn’t. why would he?
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taglist : @iamforeverandalwaystired, lmk if you wanna be added!
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