#cable repair sleeve
yamunason · 6 months
Get Better Connections with Yamuna Densons Copper Braids
We are one of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of copper braid. If you are looking for the best Copper Braid Manufacturers and Suppliers in India, So you have come to the right location. Please visit Yamuna Denson. Yamuna Denson Copper braid construction varies depending on the desired flexibility and application. A copper braid can be made with different wire diameters, with a smaller diameter resulting in greater flexibility. The degree of flexibility offered by various weaves, such as flat, round, and rope braids, can be selected by the particular needs of the application.
To know more information about our products, you can directly contact us at (91) 11 - 47025670.
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heatshrinktube · 3 months
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Benefits of Using Cable Repair Sleeves:
Quick and Easy: Provides a fast and efficient way to repair damaged cables without the need for extensive downtime.
Durable Protection: Offers long-lasting protection against environmental factors, such as moisture, chemicals, and abrasion.
Versatile Application: Suitable for a wide range of cable types and sizes, making it a versatile solution for various industries.
Cost-Effective: Reduces the need for costly cable replacements by extending the life of existing cables.#upmheatshrink#shrinktube#repairsleeve@upmheatshrink#cablejoint#cablerepair
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upmheatshrink · 4 months
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Wraparound heat shrink repair sleeve and cold shrink tubing
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legobiwan · 4 months
For the drabble prompt list
"none of this is your fault" mario and luigi
Drabbles, they said, Ha! I answered. Anyway, I have no idea where this came from, but enjoy this barely-edited not-drabble. I am apparently incapable of concise writing right now :D
“None of this is your fault, Lou.”
Luigi scoffed, pushing dampened sleeves up both arms, smearing dark, sweaty grease across his skin in wide, impressionistic lines.
“You tell that to Toadsworth in three days. I’m sure he’ll be happy to believe you,” Luigi groused, tightening a stubborn, thick bolt with a violent twist. That should keep the engine boosters from flying off at speeds exceeding thirty miles an hour. (Or as they were counted in the Mushroom Kingdom, five hundred and two mycelia per second, a measuring system so opaque - and infuriating - that Luigi had sat through an entire five-hour Toad Council meeting just so he could petition the government to introduce a bill to launch a public vote on switching to any other quantifier that made a modicum of sense. The notion, of course, was voted down in a manner of seconds. Tradition, Mister Luigi, Toadsworth had sniffed, rapping his long-handled gavel with an imperious gesture, closing off all debate on the matter).
Snobby old toad could stuff it up his spore holes.
“He’ll get over it,” Mario said. “What’s he going to do, anyway? Make us sit through another boring state dinner?”
Luigi poked at a serpentine belt that resembled some slices of old cheese he once found in the back of their fridge in Brooklyn. How these guys managed to stay competitive with equipment in this condition was a complete slap in the face to basic physics.
“You like those dinners.” Luigi crawled out from under the dented chassis, sitting back on his haunches as he gestured at his brother with a ratchet-wrench, making curly patterns in the air as if he were a Magikoopa casting a spell.
“I hate those dinners as much as you. They’re hot, stuffy, and the food is an insult to the entirety of Brooklyn. It’s not my fault I get to sit next to Peach and you’re always stuck with Lady Maitake and her hundreds of onion bulb-pup photos for two hours.”
“Don’t remind me. Did you know she’s trying to train them to do circus acts and take them on the road?” Luigi ran a finger down one of the dusty schematics strewn about the stone floor. “Hand me that spanner, will you?”
Mario shook his head, chuckling, handing off the hooked tool to Luigi, who shimmied once more underneath the maroon-and-black kart. “Look, you got hoodwinked into a bad contract. I should have looked over the fine print before you signed.”
“You’re not my keeper, Mario,” Luigi grumbled, trying to keep the irritation out of his voice. “And it’s not even the contract that I care about. Frankly, I’m impressed Bowser’s been able to get these things to do anything beyond cough up smoke and crash into the nearest palm tree. It’s a good challenge to get them running again.”
“So what’s the issue, then?”
Luigi stilled, his hands guts-deep in a mess of wiring and cables that looked like an earthworm graveyard. After a moment, he sighed, letting the spanner tool clatter to the floor with a bright, metallic jangle. 
“The issue,” he began, staring up at the internal electronic system of one of Bowser’s so-called best racing karts. “Is that he’s probably going to win. Bowser, that is. And everyone will make nice about it at the awards ceremony and Bowser will get too drunk on elderflower wine and get kicked out of the post-race party.”
“That happens every race, Lou.”
“Yeah, but you know Bowser. He’ll let it slip that I was the one doing repairs on his karts. And then in the morning, there will be a meeting. And Toadsworth will go on about the standing of the Kingdom being compromised and it being a diplomatic catastrophe that we allowed Bowser to win and that,” Luigi adopted a whiny, pompous voice. “Mr. Luigi has once again strained his credibility within the Mushroom Kingdom.” 
“Look, that stodgy old Toad has no chance of making those charges stick. You were exonerated, Weeg. Nothing that happened with Bleck - “ Mario clenched his fists, hissing through his teeth. “Nothing that happened in that place was you. That wasn’t your fault, and neither is this.”
Luigi reached towards one of the dangling battery coils, playing with the violet and yellow wires between his fingers. “Sure,” he breathed. “Not me.”
“Not you,” Mario insisted, his voice steely. “And besides,” he continued, a hint of humor creeping into his words. If you’re so concerned about Toadsworth, why don’t you sabotage Bowser’s fleet?”
Luigi pushed himself out from under the kart, snapping up to a seat in wide-eyed horror.
“And ruin my reputation as an engineer? No way, bro. I’ll risk the treason charges, thank you very much.”
Mario guffawed, ambling over to take a seat next to his brother, the two coming shoulder-to-shoulder, backs set against the passenger door of the Koopa Coupe. “I think your reputation is beyond reproach, Lou.” Mario gave a small, uncertain smile. “After all, you did build two killer robots in the span of two weeks.”
It was a huge step forward, just being able to talk about the whole incident in Flipside, no less joke about it - the ordeal with Bleck and the jester and Luigi’s brainwashing. Mario had stayed tight-lipped about the entire debacle for weeks after they had gotten back, much to Luigi’s aggravation, until things came to a head one night due to a series of ill-conceived plans on the part of the Toad Council, the most brazen of which featured a misserved cup of tea laced with a dubiously legal truth potion.
Luigi sniffed out half a chuckle, nudging his brother in the shoulder. “Well, I can’t let Bowser think I’m slipping, right?”
Mario eyed his brother carefully, his features brightening as he caught the note of mischief in Luigi’s voice. Grinning, he clapped his brother on the knee. “You’ve got an idea, don’t you? The Old Koopa King doesn’t know what he’s got coming.”
Luigi straightened, composing himself into the picture of innocence. “Dear brother, I am a man of my word. Bowser will win the race, just like the contract stipulates.”
“Aaand,” Luigi drew out the word, schematics and thermodynamic equations taking shape in his mind. “Let’s say the engine modifications I’m making happen to engage a set of rocket boosters at a certain speed threshold. Bowser’ll like that. But then maybe the activation of those boosters, given a certain location and time input, temporarily cede control of the brakes and steering to a pre-programmed route of the engineer’s choosing.” Luigi paused for dramatic effect. “All after the race is finished, of course. No injuries. No harm. Just a little post-race joyride through the forest.”
Mario gave a joyous whoop, bringing his brother into a tight, side-hug. “They’ll hear him screaming all the way in Rogueport! Ha! You know he’ll threaten to invade during the after-party! No one will care if you worked on his kart once he shows back up breathing smoke!”
“He’ll do that regardless,” Luigi laughed, feeling lighter than he had in weeks. “But you know how these modifications are. Always a chance of overburdening your circuits.”
“And at least it’ll be a while before he tries to trick you into doing his dirty work again,” Mario added.
“I hope so.” Luigi placed a warm hand on his brother’s shoulder, smiling. “Thanks, Mario.”
Mario beamed back at his brother, playfully flicking the brim of Luigi’s hat. “Come on, Lou. Show me how to build a sentient robot race kart.”
Drabble writing challenge: Make me sweat!
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calaisreno · 4 months
His Favourite Jumper
Sherlock can be careless, but he always tries to make things right.
1627 words / Prompt: Eavesdropping
“What’s this?” Mrs Hudson frowns at what he’s showing her. “John’s jumper?”
“John’s favourite jumper. I need to fix it.”
She takes it in her hands and assesses the damage. It’s a nice jumper, all worsted, cabled up the front, the sleeves set in with steeks. Certainly hand knit by someone who knew what she was doing. She assumes it’s a she; there aren’t many men she knows with the patience to knit.
“What did you do to it?”
“The flat was chilly, so I was wearing it. Borrowed it. John wasn’t home. I was doing an experiment and spilled acid on it. I’ll need matching yarn, I assume. And knitting needles.”
The holes are extensive, she notes, and even a good darner would find it hard to repair such extensive damage. Still frowning, she looks up at him. “Do you know how to knit?”
“Well, no. But knitting is just interlocking loops. How hard can it be?”
She stifles a snort. The poor boy is distressed, but determined to fix what he’s ruined. No one should despise a novice effort, but…
“Sherlock, love, these are a lot of holes, and matching the colour and type of the wool is a bit harder than you might think. Even if you could find a match, even you could darn them all, it’s not going to be like new. He’ll be able to tell.”
His face falls a bit. “But he can’t know I’ve ruined it. And he’ll notice it’s gone.”
“You might buy him a new one.”
“This one was hand-made by his grandmother. It won’t be the same.”
 Nothing is the same, she wants to say. Sometimes we have to let go of things. 
But he’s looking at her so hopefully, and it’s a shame to crush that kind of hope. It’s obvious what’s happening. He’s been in love with John since they moved in together. Sherlock can be careless, but that’s because he’s heedless in his enthusiasm. This isn’t the first jumper he’s ruined, and that’s surely part of his worry. John does have a temper. 
“Just tell him. He’ll forgive you.”
“He’s always forgiving me, and I just keep ruining things. Please, Mrs Hudson. Won’t you show me how?”
Now his eyes shine with tears that threaten to fall.
She gives him a darning lesson. 
John notices the jumper is missing. She sees him going through the laundry, looking for it, and then through the bins. 
When he asks, she plays the innocent, asking him when he last wore it, whether he might have taken it off and left it somewhere. He shakes his head.
She’s watching an old movie late one night when Sherlock brings his work down to her. 
“It looks awful,” he says, slumping on her sofa. “I can’t give it to him like this.”
“I think you’re underestimating him, love. He’s not going to leave because you ruined his jumper.”
“This is not the only thing I’ve ruined,” Sherlock replies. “I broke his mug, I lost his charging cord, and I accidentally set his book on fire. It was only a paperback, but still. He must think I’m trying to drive him out.”
“No, he doesn’t.”
Sherlock’s face is pleading. “Please, Mrs Hudson. You must show me how to knit.”
“Knitting a jumper takes time.”
“How long, would you estimate?”
“Well, there’s the size. It’s not a large one, so that’s all right, and it’s a thicker yarn. Made in the round, so there won’t be much stitching up. But you’re a novice, and that adds hours. I would say… forty hours, minimum.”
“A week, then?”
“When will you find forty hours in your week to work on it?”
“John goes to bed earlier than I do, and he’s at work most days. I’ll sleep when he’s home, so I can work on it when he’s gone or asleep.”
She gives him a knitting lesson.
A skilled eavesdropper, she overhears their conversation, John asking, Sherlock giving a shrug and suggesting that if he had indexed his jumpers, maybe he wouldn’t have misplaced it. 
At night, Sherlock comes down for instruction. She shows him how to make ribbing around the bottom and cables as he travels up the body. He has good dexterity and makes quick progress.  
“He’s bought himself a new jumper,” he informs her. “Very cheap. Obviously machine-made. And the yarn is plastic!”
“Acrylic,” she says. “It has the advantage of laundering well. No shrinkage.”
“I hate it,” Sherlock replies. “But mine looks uneven. I’m not happy.”
“You have to check your gauge. You’re new to this, so it’s probably changed as you’ve become more proficient.” 
She pulls out her gauge ruler and shows him. “See? It’s narrowing. Your stitches are getting tighter.”
“How do I fix it?”
“You can either switch to larger needles, or you can recalculate, unravel, and start over. Either way, you’ll need to pull out a few rows.”
He presses his fingers against his forehead. “This is going to take years!”
“Not years.” She pats his hand. “You’ve got the hang of it. Even experienced knitters have to pull out days of work sometimes. It’s worth it to get a jumper that looks good.”
He gives a heartfelt sigh, slides the jumper off the needles, and begins pulling the stitches out.
She admires his determination. It takes him weeks to work his way to the armholes, and then she shows him how to do a steek where he will attach the needles for the sleeves. As his consulting business picks up, the weeks turn into months. 
At Christmas, John wears a dark blue jumper with an Icelandic yoke of red and white. She admires it; he smiles and tells her his grandmother made it for him. Sherlock’s eyes are on him, every time John isn’t looking. It’s not the jumper he’s admiring.
The jumper is set aside after Moriarty steals the Crown Jewels, hacks into the Bank of England, and breaks into Pentonville Prison. 
Sherlock bows out of John’s birthday, claiming he has a ‘thing.’ When she comes up to check on him, he’s finished one sleeve, ready to start the other.
She can see John is hurt that Sherlock skipped his birthday. He didn’t even get him a card. He says nothing, but the way he looks at Sherlock makes her certain; he’s in love with his flatmate.
Afterwards, an awful silence fills the flat. She can hear the floorboards creak a bit as John paces back and forth. There’s no violin to soothe him to sleep. 
It’s days before she can bear opening the door of his room, but she knows she has to put things in boxes. His brother has promised to continue paying the rent until he can collect his things. But it’s heartbreaking, looking at all the familiar clutter. She has to tidy up.
There are clothes scattered on the floor, and she gathers them for the wash. She goes through his drawers, tallying how many boxes she’ll need. In the wardrobe, all his suits and shirts hang in dry cleaner’s bags. 
As she prepares to close the wardrobe door, she spots a file box with a label reading: Experiment. Do not open!
She opens it, of course. Can’t have experiments biding their time in the wardrobe. He always had odd ideas about what was acceptable. 
Inside, she finds the jumper. He worked on it for more than a year, and it’s nearly done, just the bottom half of the second sleeve left, and he’s tidied up the ends on the inside already.
It’s a good piece of work, she decides. A long apology for something John would surely have forgiven. It’s love unspoken, words he could never say.
Such a shame, she thinks. 
That evening, she finishes the second sleeve, weaves in the final ends. It needs hand washing and blocking, so she takes on those tasks as well.  
When it’s done, it looks perfect. If she were judgemental, she would say it’s even better than the original. She folds it and wraps it in tissue paper, places it inside a Marks & Spencer shopping bag. 
John Watson is going to get his apology, even if it’s long overdue.
She finds the dismal little flat where he’s living now. Moving out hasn’t made him any happier, she can see when he opens the door. 
“Mrs Hudson,” he says, apologetic. “You didn’t have to—”
“It’s fine, John. I’ve brought you something.”
He opens the bag, reaches in. Frowning, he pulls out the jumper. 
“This,” he says, practically speechless. “It’s beautiful. It’s almost like the one…”
“The one Sherlock ruined,” she finishes. “He was so distraught over that, John. He was afraid you wouldn’t forgive him.”
“And… you made this… to replace it.” He’s feeling the wool, an incredulous smile on his face. “Mrs Hudson, this is beautiful.”
“No, love.” She smiles, the tears starting to fill her eyes. “He made it.”
For a moment he just gazes, not comprehending. “Sherlock? He made this?”
“For you. He ruined the other— it was an accident. You know him, so careless when he got caught up in things. And he wanted to make it right, so you’d forgive him. He didn’t know how, so I taught him. He did it all himself.”
He buries his face in the jumper. She can see his shoulders shaking.
“There, love. He had it nearly done, and was intending to give it to you, before… well, I know he’d want you to have it now.” She pats his shoulder. “He really loved you, John. I hope you know that. He worked on this for over a year, right up to the end. He loved you.”
Weeping, John raises his face. “I loved him too. And I forgive him.”
@lisbeth-kk @keirgreeneyes @totallysilvergirl
A knitter of jumpers myself, I imagine that Sherlock would enjoy the mathematical aspects of the craft. 🧶 💕
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eobardthawneallen · 1 year
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Tea time with octokittens :3c
[ID: From left to right a drawing of Gunpowder Tim, Nastya and Ivy are sitting on the floor of the Aurora.
Tim is smiling sitting cross legged, he is holding a white teapot with gold and pink decoration, in front of him are two tea cups on the floor and one black with withe octokitten is drinking from their nearest cup.
Tim's eyes have dark sclera with yellow zigzagged lines, with the same yellow it does a not complete circle inside the iris with a little dot opposite side of the light reflected, then a full complete circle surrounding the center as pupil, the iris of the eye is black. there are also vertical black zigzagged lines around his eyes.
Nastya is smiling towards Ivy, she is sitting with her legs to the respective sides of each leg, she has one greenish grey tabby octokitten on her shoulder and maintains them there with one hand on their back, she also has a sleeping calico octokitten on her lap.
her cheeks are grey blushed, she has a blue fade on her hair, where her tips are more blue.
Ivy has one hand up in a cup, she is drinking tea, a smile is shown towards Nastya. she is sitting with her both legs to one side, she is petting an orange tabby cat.
her haircut is a red mohawk, on the shaved part is a few pieces of metal riveted to her head.
clothes are:
for Tim are all different tones of brown except from the green glassed goggles, dress shirt and two black crossed belts by the chest. he is wearing a coat, a vest, stripped pants and work shoes, he has a kerchief with golden figures stuck in the belt of his coat.
Nastya is wearing a black coat with golden buttons, she has brown pants and black boots.
Ivy is wearing a heart earring, her make up is a red lipstick. Her clothes are a red dress shirt sleeves rolled to her elbows, is wearing a colorful necktie, a black on front and red on back vest, flowery skirt, dark blue tights, red socks and a pair of tall black boots.
background is a grey room, with square tiles, there are cables hanging on the top corners of the image, there is a vent, 3 machines, a there are octokittens up there, one is sleeping, other is looking down to an ocltokitten on the floor, there is also one looking at a wall that is damaged by shoots, there are repairs of the walls with rivets.
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just-animaxiz · 5 months
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Fuck it - I'm gonna make these guys into reoccurring characters into RC9GN because they're underrated (Especially the leader)
Starting off with lore bits for:
He is the leader of not only the Punk Bots, but also the leader of Scrap City. Ever since he failed to defeat the ninja and thus scrapped away, he gained enough sentience to start rebelling against McFist and Viceroy, shouting out the way they mistreated the robots like that.
He is the least scrapped Punk Bot out there, and that is due to his self-taught experience with mechanical repairs. He then began to take whatever parts out there and used them to fix the other bots, gaining their respect for him and vice versa.
Spike, as designed, is a punk, so he fonds over Punk music and guitar - Fortunately, McFist dumped other materials such as magazines, old guitars, and other items into Scrap City. In the middle of the heap is an untouched shiny red guitar. Spike claimed it as his and named it, "Ruby Bolt.
During their imprisonment, Spike realized the heaps of cars and vehicles stacked up like ladders. To test his theory, he created a rope out of cable and started to climb the stack. It took him 12 tries before he finally made it on the wall. Looking down, Spike found himself at the edge of a long fall, so he lasso'ed the cable to a glued object, like an impaled stick or heavy pole, and climbed down.
Once he made it, he learned that no one came after him. He's free... But then he looked up at his mates and realized they're still trapped and too many escaping can lead to getting caught. So Spike devised a plan. He talked this out with the group, and using hacking skills and convincing, they pulled in outside help into it. At a precise time, Spike and his punk bots leave Scrap City. Then when the humans are occupied (At a grand party or very busy), the Punk Bots trashed down a McFist establishment.
While they trashed the area, Spike stole a few items for personal reasons, and when they came back to Scrap City, Spike used them as upgrades.
He made upgrades on himself - making him faster, stronger, and more agile than ever. Additionally, he made personal upgrades like having sharp teeth, a tongue piercing, and a cool new torso.
He also had stolen photos of not only Mcfist and Viceroy, but the Ninja too. He kept drawing personal threats for his revenge.
As much as everyone agreed to vandalize at a specific time, Spike would sometimes go out on his own to take a breather. Wearing long sleeves and a hood over his head, he hides himself from interacting with humans... Or McFist.
A person caught his eye - A young bright boy with purple hair and a red shirt, like his. He's enjoying a night out with his family, meeting up with his best friend, and talking about the girl he has a crush on... Spike wished he could've been that boy, instead of being a scrappy mistake.
Thorn is the yellow punk bot, and personality-wise, he's the "I may be sweet but I'm not merciful" type.
He is Spike's Right Hand Man and he always inform Spike about upcoming events or news from the outside.
Thorn may not be as scary or threatening as his brothers, but he can be with his words alone. Spike taught him that!
When McFist dumped random trash into Scrap City, Thorn found an abandoned set of manga. That caused him to be addicted in different types like Shojo, Isekai, and Shonen. He would spend all night reading, learning small Japanese words.
It was until Skewer, the green Punk Bot, gave him a book he found about Japanese culture and their language. Thorn thanked Skewer for the gift and dedicated into learning about his interests.
Before Spike fixed him, Thorn used to be the most damaged. He lost his head a dozen of times, cannot run as fast, and he had a squeaky arm. Even after he's repaired, the squeak's still there. It made him feel like a repaired doll but they still have cracks on their face.
When Thorn joined his brothers out to vandalize McFist stores, he would sometimes steal manga, figurines, or Japanese books to fulfill his interests. He even made theories about Yokai and think they're real, so he showed respect whenever he passed by small statues or paintings.
He's not the type who just sees Japanese as a trend or media thing, but he truly respects their culture and wished to travel to Japan just to learn more and appreciate its beauty. He wondered if they would accept a broken doll like him over there.
When Thorn learns that the Ninja came from Japan, he wished to meet them during a fight so that he could ask them questions about their occupation, wanting to learn their moves and their history.
He would be the type to punch a jerk if they disrespect his interests or even embodies humiliation towards it. Like I said, he's sweet but not merciful.
The scariest Punk Bot. Every bot, except for his brothers, feared him.
It's not his fault though; Skewer was made with the scary face by Viceroy and McFist, which made others back away whenever they felt like he's glaring at them.
Despite this, he's also the smartest. He helped Spike set up the upgrades and hacking. This is due because of the dumped items in the heap.
Skewer found a guide to hack and a manual to repair and rebuild. He also find trashed books from Math and science (Thanks Bash) and took them in for his research.
There, his intelligence became stronger than ever, storing data after data and using them for important tasks.
The data also led him to his fond of chess and checkers, which annoyed a specific chess-obsessed robot.
Even though he's smart, he still lives up to the scary bit - He's the frontman, the bulldozer, and the brute of the pack. Someone messes with him or his people, and they'll be skewered.
Bots cannot even tell what mood he's in, questioning if he gave them compliments or subtle threats.
When he and his brothers vandalized McFist Industries, Skewer made observant notes of everything. He noticed how Thorn would stare at a store with Ancient Japanese antiques, or how Spike gaze at a happy boy before he soberly looked away. Other times, Skewer made notes of seeing a red light on a camera, or hearing an annoying voice from a distance.
If they needed time, Skewer would purposely cause a destruction somewhere else as a diversion and make an escape route to go back to his brothers in time.
Skewer questions the Ninja's existence and purpose. He learned that they had been in Norrisville for several years, which is impossible for humans. (Wink) And he discovered from articles that the Ninja came in different forms, wondering if there's a deeper reason behind it.
He also wondered why McFist would go out of his way to built world-destructive robots just to destroy one Ninja. It doesn't make sense in his way.
Hope you enjoy some lore bits I made for them!
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oftenwantedafton · 10 months
Trapped - Steve Raglan/William Afton x Female Detective Reader
Rating - Explicit
Warnings for blood and violence
Also available on AO3
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You strain against your bonds for what feels like the hundredth time, finally noticing a faint rattling sound.
The bolt shackling your right wrist to the table is loose.
The position of your hand makes it difficult to maneuver as you redouble your efforts, struggling to pull the pin out, fingers plucking and sliding awkwardly.
At last it surrenders, sliding free and falling to the floor. You tug your hand from the shackle and quickly work on the left side. Taking only a moment to rub the sore creases of your wrists, you sit up, instantly reminded of the wounds on your chest and abdomen as pain sears through you, your shirt now plastered to the weeping incisions. You grit your teeth as you work to free your ankles. You don’t have any time to waste.
Once released you slide off the table, stumbling, one hand pressed against your stomach, searching your surroundings for a suitable weapon.
You’re not entirely sure what the metal rod you select from a nearby shelf is intended for, but you know what its new purpose will be. It’s narrow and short enough to be discreet, and still has a decent amount of heft without being too heavy. One end is razor sharp. Tucking it up into the sleeve of your shirt, you start towards the exit.
It’s been years since you last saw the yellow rabbit, and those years have not been kind.
The once cheerful golden color like pure sunlight has grown discolored, stained with dirt and rust and mold and tainted with far worse things you don’t care to imagine. Most of one ear is missing. There are jagged tears along both arms and legs and one side of the chest piece, exposing the alloy and cables beneath, a child’s friend turned into the stuff of nightmares.
He’s even taller than you remember, looming over Mike clutching a knife in one fist. The guard is lying on the floor in the dining room, propped up on one elbow to support his weight. One leg is mangled, the limb twisted at an awkward angle beneath him. Just behind him is Abby, crumpled into a small heap.
She’s not dead. She’s not.
Further away, you see four animatronics, their positions on stage abandoned, eyes glowing an ominous crimson.
What the fuck is going on?
The rabbit’s head lifts in your direction, the silver eyes focusing on your wounded figure. He reaches up with his free hand, pressing some switch and the headpiece detaches, tossed lightly and dropped near your feet, exposing the monster within the decaying husk of costume. The flashing stage lights illuminate his features, revealing pale eyes no longer framed by golden rimmed glasses, his graying hair plastered in damp clusters to his forehead. He smiles at you, dimples forming at the corners of his mouth.
“William,” he corrects, stepping towards you.
You recoil instinctively but he’s fast, surprisingly so in the bulky looking costume. He closes the distance and wraps a hand encased in steel around your throat, shoving you back against the checkerboard patterned wall. His breathing is rapid, erratic. You see dried blood and saliva from earlier crusted in his beard.
“I knew those shackles sounded loose,” he pants. The weight of one forearm pins your left side as his fingers relax, dragging cold against your neck. “But it’s better this way. You should be here to see this. You really can’t stay away from me, can you?”
He’s so fucking delusional.
You try to ease the tool you’ve obsconded from the repair room further down your sleeve in subtle motions, attempting to distract him a little longer and play for time.
“You’re right. I’m addicted.”
He huffs and smirks, moaning in surprise when you stretch to capture his lips with yours, the musty smell of the rotting bowtie heavy near your mouth. The pressure against you loosens as you deepen the kiss, feeling the pointed edge of your concealed weapon shift enough to scrape your palm.
“I fucking knew it,” he breathes against your cheek, teeth catching on one ear lobe before scraping along your neck, nipping and bruising, the killer marking his next victim.
You place one hand against his chest, stroking teasingly down the tattered patches of fur and cloth until you reach an area that’s worn away completely, exposing the metal framework of the suit itself. You suck on his lower lip, starting a fresh trail of blood as you ready the improvised weapon, pointing at the most vulnerable spot of the costume. You whimper with feigned pleasure because you know he enjoys it, further distracting him, elbow drawing back slightly and then you thrust it forward, burying the metal tip within the yellow rabbit’s body.
Afton instantly draws back, eyes flashing, his grip on you already tightening again for the briefest of moments before you hear the sound of something heavy and metallic snap, like a bear trap closing.
It’s the suit itself, the interior components designed to keep the animatronic equipment separate from the wearer failing, locking the murderer inside.
A series of more snaps follows, puncturing his lungs and piercing his organs. He falls to his knees, grimacing, abandoning his knife so he can reach for the fallen headpiece. Patches of dark liquid blossom ominously, his blood saturating the costume.
He struggles to speak, each spiteful word agony.
“You think…you’ve won. But…you’re wrong. I always…come back.” The rabbit’s head rejoins its broken body, its glowing eyes glaring pure hatred at you.
“Not this time,” you whisper.
You hear Mike calling your name, Abby’s voice chiming in. The animatronics, so still during this encounter, as if awaiting instructions, march towards you in a line. Their eyes have lost their menancing shade of red, but still you cower against the wall uncertainly.
You needn’t have worried. It’s not you they’re after.
The fox’s hooked appendage lodges somewhere near the yellow rabbit’s neck, dragging him past you back into the hallway, accompanied by the other rabbit, bear, and chicken. Afton’s choked gurgles of protest continue as he’s pulled deeper into the shadows, back into the heart of the establishment.
A light fixture above your head tumbles suddenly, dangling threateningly by a single wire. Another nearby also gives way, and still another. The entire ceiling begins to collapse and you finally regain your ability to move, rushing to Mike’s side. You tuck your hands into his arm pits, curling up around his shoulders and begin dragging him along as fast as you can, yelling to his sister.
“Abby, get outside, now! This whole place is coming down.” As if to emphasize your statement another section of ceiling gives away in a cascade of ceiling tiles and ductwork. You barely make it through the arched entryway before it too collapses, sending metal and glass crashing to the floor.
Mike insists he can move on his own, struggling to stand, grabbing Abby’s hand and yours, urging you forward as you burst through the main entrance. You can hear the restaurant continue to demolish itself behind you as you flee, crumbling concrete now joining the debris of the interior. Something inside has caught fire, sending dark smoke into the air. You sag against Mike’s car, watching Abby bury her face in the crook of her sibling’s arm. His free arm wraps around your shoulders and together you watch the pizzeria burn.
You’ll make your way to your car to call for an ambulance and backup in a few moments, but for now, you just need to see this, the death of the beast that’s taken so many lives.
The nightmare that has haunted Hurricane for so long has finally ended.
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yamunason · 6 months
Protect Your Equipment with Yamuna Denson's Heat Shrinkable End Caps
Yamuna Denson Heat Shrinkable End Caps provide optimum waterproofing and environmental protection for underwater, underground, and outdoor applications. Our heat-shrink end caps are highly resistant to moisture, fungus, and weathering. We also offer electrical end caps with pre-coat sealants. The heat-shrink end caps are available in several sizes to accommodate varying cable diameters due to their large range-taking ability.
Contact Us Today.
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anandabrat · 9 months
No no, you don't understand. I don't want fluff fics. I don't want candy floss, stuck in your teeth, unnatural colors and flavors that never existed outside of a bottle made in a lab. I don't want impossibly white clouds floating out so far out of reach you can imagine they're any shape that pleases you. I don't want bubbles spilling over everywhere shiny and popping until suddenly they dissolve into the nothing they started out as.
I want wool fics. I want the full fleece and someone will have to card out the thorns and the old bits of hay, wash out the dirt and the shit until it blooms under their fingers. I want cables, lacework, big ribbed cuffs. I want raglan sleeves and a hood that will hide your entire face. I want a sweater that keeps me warm at night, in the bitter cold of winter, something I can turn against the bite of the world.
It has two places it got snagged on a fence and the repairs show. One sleeve is slightly shorter than the other because there was only one skein left and the hood still wasn't knitted. It's already pilling on the shoulders.
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bikeit · 3 years
Packing: Self-Supported + Hotel Tour
(part 2 of 5) I'm gradually going through past trip notebooks and random Google Docs and jotting down all my packing lists in one place. 
For a week-long ride like Berlin->Copenhagen which is self-contained but involves staying in hotels every night and is not far from civilization, I pack fairly light, since I have to carry everything on the bike and don’t have to carry camping gear or significant food or bike repair tools. This type of trip often involves a few days after the riding in a city, so I want clothing I feel comfortable walking around or going out to a restaurant in.
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A good list for me for what I can fit in two small panniers (in addition to the tools / accessories / etc already on the “always on the bike” list):
(2x) padded bike shorts, to wash alternate pairs in hotel sink each night (3x is more convenient in case one doesn't dry in time)
(2x) quick-dry boxers (also to wash in sink)
(6x) socks
(2x) wool t-shirts to bike + walk in (assuming moderate climate)
(1x) long shorts (to wear over padded shorts, with pockets)
(1x) basic sleeping t-shirt
light gym shorts (to change into immediately at end of ride to “let everything breathe”)
small pack towel, mostly for impromptu swimming stops (since hotels will have towels)
bathing suit (redundant a bit w/ gym shorts)
flip flops
bike cap
rain shell / windbreaker
jeans (wore on plane, then packed away and saved to dress more presentably in the evening or on "city days")
one light + fast-drying long-sleeve shirt
one warmer button-up shirt (worn onto plane, then does dual duty as warmth or "looking more presentable in restaurant")
I just ride in regular shoes that are good for walking as well
Electronics + Paper:
outlet adapter
phone charger + cable
bike computer + microUSB cable
front and rear lights (also microUSB rechargeable)
noise-canceling headphones (a luxury, helps with sleeping on international flight, may skip next time)
larger USB battery pack (enough to recharge everything overnight in case of a hotel without enough working outlets for me + travel partner)
notebook and two pens (having your own pen is frequently useful at border crossings) 
kindle or paper book
passport / ID / vax certificates / etc depending on trip
panniers (ideally with external pockets or ability to ride open-top to hold bulkier items like bottle of olive oil / wine / beer, loaf of bread, etc)
dopp kit
several days of my favorite pick-me-up snacks
safety pins (quick garment repair + clean out debris in phone port), duct tape, zip ties
a few Covid rapid tests
extra ziplock bags
two trash bags (for double-bagging possessions in panniers in heavy rain)
backup pair of glasses
Sometimes I add:
waterproof pants and shoe covers (useful in rain, but I also find they get sweaty easily, and in the heaviest rain I find water still finds a way in after a few hours, and they take up a lot of space). A blog reader suggested looking up "Rain Legs"
full-finger gloves for cold days
other warm clothing as needed, though I find I rarely want legwarmers or other base layers beyond the above
instant coffee / a few teabags, in case of a very basic hotel or airBNB that doesn't provide them or has late breakfast hours
bug repellent
Looking back this seems like a long list, but this all (barely) fit in the two small panniers above, and those panniers fit in the small tote bag below that I used to carry or check them as "one item":
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bestfrndscloset · 2 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Sonoma Navy Blue Open Knit Sweater size Medium.
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jiunengcable · 2 months
Electrical Maintenance Power Cable Joint Kits
Power Cable Joint Kits are indispensable in the realm of electrical engineering and maintenance. These kits are designed to facilitate the safe and efficient connection of power cables, ensuring continuity and reliability in electrical systems.
Electrical systems are the backbone of modern infrastructure, powering everything from residential homes to industrial complexes. A critical aspect of maintaining these systems is the ability to connect and repair power cables effectively. Power Cable Joint Kits are specially designed to address this need, providing a comprehensive set of tools and materials for creating secure and durable cable connections.
A typical power cable joint kit includes a variety of components, each serving a specific purpose in the jointing process:
1. Cable Jointing Compound: A specialized adhesive that ensures a watertight and airtight seal, protecting the connection from environmental factors.
2. Insulating Tape: Used to provide additional insulation and protection to the joint, preventing short circuits and electrical leakage.
3. Shrink Tubing: A heat-sensitive material that, when applied and heated, shrinks to form a tight, protective layer around the joint.
4. Cable Jointing Tools: Includes cable cutting tools, stripping tools, and crimping tools, essential for preparing the cables for jointing.
5. Crimping Sleeves: Metal or plastic sleeves that are crimped onto the cable ends to secure the connection.
6. Heat Shrinkable End Caps: Used to cover the ends of the joint, providing a neat finish and additional protection.
7. Safety Equipment: Gloves, goggles, and other protective gear to ensure the safety of the person performing the jointing.
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The Best Materials for Durable Cricket Net Installation
When it comes to installing cricket nets, durability and quality of materials are crucial to ensure they withstand the rigors of regular practice and outdoor elements. Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore offers top-notch cricket net installations using the best materials available. Here’s a detailed guide on the best materials for durable cricket net installations.
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Why Choose Durable Materials?
Durable materials extend the lifespan of the cricket nets, providing long-term value.
Ensures the safety of players by preventing the netting from tearing or failing during practice.
High-quality materials enhance the overall performance of the net, providing a reliable practice environment.
Weather Resistance:
Durable materials can withstand varying weather conditions, reducing maintenance needs.
Best Materials for Cricket Net Installation
High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE):
Durability: Known for its high tensile strength and resistance to abrasion.
UV Resistance: Treated to resist UV rays, preventing degradation from sunlight exposure.
Weather Resistance: Performs well in various weather conditions, including rain and wind.
Strength: Offers excellent strength and durability, capable of withstanding high impacts.
Flexibility: Highly flexible, making it easy to install and maintain.
Abrasion Resistance: Resistant to wear and tear, ensuring a longer lifespan.
Lightweight: Easy to handle and install due to its lightweight nature.
Chemical Resistance: Resistant to most chemicals, ensuring durability in various environments.
Cost-Effective: Provides a balance of durability and affordability.
UV Stability: Excellent resistance to UV rays, preventing damage from prolonged sun exposure.
Strength: Strong and durable, suitable for high-impact sports like cricket.
Weather Resistance: Withstands harsh weather conditions, ensuring long-term use.
Key Features to Consider
Knotless vs. Knotted:
Knotless Nets: Offer a smoother surface, reducing the risk of balls getting stuck and providing a more uniform impact distribution.
Knotted Nets: Generally stronger and more durable, suitable for high-impact areas.
Mesh Size:
Choose a mesh size that effectively stops cricket balls without compromising visibility and airflow.
Thickness of Twine:
Thicker twine provides more durability and resistance to wear and tear.
Black or dark-colored nets tend to be more UV resistant and less prone to showing dirt.
Installation Tips for Durable Cricket Nets
Proper Anchoring:
Ensure the nets are securely anchored to withstand high impacts and strong winds.
Regular Inspection:
Regularly inspect the nets for any signs of wear or damage and perform timely repairs.
Tension Adjustment:
Maintain proper tension in the nets to prevent sagging and ensure effective performance.
Use of Protective Sleeves:
Consider using protective sleeves on the cables to reduce wear and extend the lifespan of the nets.
Why Choose Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore?
Expert Installation:
Our experienced technicians ensure precise and secure installation tailored to your specific needs.
Quality Materials:
We use durable, high-quality materials designed to provide long-lasting protection.
Custom Solutions:
We offer customized solutions based on your unique requirements.
Reliable Service:
Our team provides efficient and reliable service, ensuring your complete satisfaction.
Choosing the right materials for cricket net installation is crucial for durability, safety, and performance. Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore provides high-quality cricket net installations using the best materials to ensure long-lasting and effective solutions.
Contact Super Fast Safety Nets Bangalore for expert advice and high-quality cricket net installations tailored to your needs!
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cycletouringlife · 3 months
Essential Bike Touring Bags and Gear: Your Guide to a Smooth Adventure
Embarking on a bike touring adventure is an exhilarating way to explore new landscapes, challenge yourself physically, and connect deeply with nature. Whether you’re planning a weekend trip or a cross-country journey, having the right bags and gear is crucial for a successful and enjoyable experience. Here’s a comprehensive guide to essential bike touring bags and gear to ensure you're well-prepared for the open road.
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1. Choosing the Right Bags
Panniers are the backbone of bike touring. These sturdy, waterproof bags attach to racks on the front and rear of your bike, offering ample storage for your gear. Rear panniers typically hold heavier items like clothing and cooking equipment, while front panniers can carry lighter items such as food and personal items. Look for panniers with secure mounting systems and weather-resistant materials to protect your belongings from the elements.
Handlebar Bags
Handlebar bags are perfect for items you need quick access to, such as maps, snacks, and a camera. These bags usually feature a transparent top sleeve for maps or smartphones, allowing you to navigate without stopping. Some handlebar bags also come with shoulder straps, transforming them into a convenient shoulder bag when you’re off the bike.
Saddle Bags
Saddle bags, or seat packs, fit snugly under your bike seat and are ideal for tools, spare tubes, and other repair essentials. These bags are typically compact, ensuring they don’t interfere with your pedaling while providing easy access to crucial maintenance gear.
2. Essential Gear for Bike Touring
Tent and Sleeping Gear
For overnight tours, a lightweight, compact tent is indispensable. Choose a tent that is easy to set up and packs down small. Pair your tent with a comfortable sleeping bag and an inflatable sleeping pad to ensure restful nights after long days of riding.
Cooking Equipment
A portable stove, lightweight cookware, and basic utensils are vital for preparing meals on the go. Look for compact, multi-fuel stoves that can handle various fuel types, ensuring you can cook wherever you are. Don’t forget a reusable water bottle and a water filtration system to stay hydrated and safe from contaminated water sources.
Clothing and Personal Items
Pack moisture-wicking clothing that can be layered for varying weather conditions. A good set of cycling shorts, jerseys, and a waterproof jacket will keep you comfortable. Also, include a compact first aid kit, sunscreen, and insect repellent to handle minor injuries and protect yourself from the elements.
Tools and Spare Parts
Being self-sufficient is key on a bike tour. Carry a multi-tool with various wrenches and screwdrivers, tire levers, a patch kit, and a mini pump. It’s also wise to bring spare parts like brake pads, a chain link, and cables to address common mechanical issues.
3. Organizing Your Gear
Efficiently organizing your gear can make your trip smoother and more enjoyable. Use packing cubes or dry bags to separate clothing, cooking supplies, and other items. This method not only keeps your gear organized but also protects it from moisture and dirt.
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Proper preparation and the right gear can transform your bike touring experience from daunting to delightful. Invest in quality bags and essential gear to ensure you’re ready for anything the road throws your way. With the right setup, you’ll be free to focus on the joy of the journey, exploring new horizons, and making unforgettable memories on your bike tour. Happy riding!
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