#connector front & rear
yamunason · 6 months
Get Better Connections with Yamuna Densons Copper Braids
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To know more information about our products, you can directly contact us at (91) 11 - 47025670.
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imagine-knowing-a-name · 10 months
At Your Service
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Summary: As a trainee mechanic, you apply for an apprenticeship at Stark Automotives on a whim. What you don't expect is for Tony Stark to reply personally with an offer to train you, and if that wasn't enough, a certain redhead also takes an interest in your sessions.
Word Count: 2303
Pairing: (Mentor/Mentee relationship for both) Natasha Romanoff & Reader; Tony Stark & Reader
Warning: None :)
A/N: Thanks for the response to my last fic, all the comments and reblogs kept me writing even with all my deadlines, and Mechanic!R was the clear winner of the last poll, so here you all go! Enjoy :)
»»————- ★ ————-««
You rested centimetres from the cold floor with the sight of oil-covered gears, shafts, and pipes overtaking your vision as you rolled under the automotive.
"Does the axle cover come off?" you said after a short inspection.
"Yeah, those two hex screws, I'll get you the tool. You've worked out the issue?"
"It's meant to be 4-wheel drive and only the front wheels are moving; I'd guess a problem with the connector shaft meeting the rear axle."
"You'd guess or you'd know?"
"I can't know anything 'til the cover's off and I can see inside."
"Good answer," Tony replied. "Hand out."
As instructed, you stretched your arm until your fingers just about reached out from under the car chassis, where a tool handle was placed in your palm.
"One 5/8 hex screwdriver, that's the one you'll need."
"The screws are imperial?"
"'Course, kid, we're in America."
"Yeah, but you sell these cars globally; I just assumed-"
"Dear old dad set up factories all over the globe – allows for some regional differences in the schematics, then each production line just does its own thing. It's easiest for everyone."
You hummed your acceptance of his method, then started to undo the screws, until a light rock to the car paused you. The movement stopped, so you assumed it was just Tony leaning on the car and you moved to continue your work, until the hum of a motorbike -- the sound of which you'd previously ignored -- grew even louder. You jolted when the bike pulled into the garage, causing you to smack your head against the car's underbody and let out a low groan.
"Watch yourself, kid; are you alright under there?" Tony said from above. At your murmur that you were fine, he continued, "roll yourself out, there's someone for you to meet."
"Why's there someone under your car, Tony?" came a woman's voice -- the person to meet, you assumed -- "can't get under the car like the old days, hm?"
When you emerged, the bright light of the outside world temporarily blinded you; you could make out Tony's figure, and as your vision returned, you saw the newcomer's back was turned to you, so only an orange plait could be seen from under her bike helmet.
"Very funny," Tony scoffed, continuing the conversation before he pointed at you. The woman turned and you only just managed to stifle a gasp when you recognised her face. "This is an apprentice, wrote to me a couple months back asking to learn about Stark Automotives, so I've been training them since. Y/N, this is Nat. Nat, Y/N."
From the moment Tony suggested training you here, in the garage of the Avengers Compound, you knew there would be a chance of running into the rest of the team you'd spent your childhood idolising. But truthfully, you were too starstruck that Tony Stark himself had offered to train you to truly believe that moment of meeting the other Avengers would ever come.
Now here you were, facing the Natasha Romanoff, looking effortlessly cool with her white vest, jeans, and leather biker jacket...while you laid on the floor in a Stark branded boiler suit and a definite grease mark where you’d hit your head. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment when you realised that the Black Widow's first perception of you was seeing you smack into an object directly in front of your face. You only hoped the blush didn't show when you finally met her eyes.
"Good to meet you," she said cooly, holding her hand out, but her eyes tracked up and down as if sizing you up.
You took her hand instantly, about to ramble through an introduction before a slight gasp from her shook you back to attention. Your eyes snapped down to where your hands met, and you realised then that you still wore your gloves, coated with oil from working on the vehicle, and now you've smeared it all over her uncovered hand. You instantly broke away -- apologising profusely -- and grabbed sheet after sheet of blue paper roll, offering it to her to help clean her hand.
"I'm so sorry," you repeated again, but she shook her head and smiled at you.
"I've had much worse meetings. I'll happily take a little bit of grease over being shot at."
"Hey, kid," Tony began. Both your head and Natasha's snap in his direction; you'd honestly forgotten he was still there. "Not to interrupt, but have you ever worked on a motorbike? I made a few modifications to Nat's, and now that she's so kindly brought it to us I can show you how they work."
"Do not lay a finger on my bike, Stark," Natasha growled in a tone that reassured you that if she had actually been angry at the grease before, you would have known.
"I won't," Tony scoffed with a roll of his eyes, "...Y/N will."
You gulped, eyes darting between the two Avengers as you were drawn into the fold. "Me? Tony I'm not sure that's-"
"It's essential learning. We don't just make fancy cars so you have to learn it all. Nat, you wouldn't deprive Y/N of this learning, would you?"
Natasha groaned, but eventually relented, crossing her arms and perching on the counter by the wall. "Okay, but I'm not leaving you alone with it. And Y/N?"
You looked up, fear probably showing on your face. Natasha smiled in return, and allowed you to see a glint of mischief in her eye, "give me a running commentary of what you do. I trust your honesty more than Stark's." She smirked at the last part, rolling her eyes as she pointed to Tony behind his back, an action for you and you alone to see. Something about it put you at ease, so you nodded, smiled back, then got to work, spending the rest of the session under the assassin's watchful eye.
»»————- ★ ————-««
You watched the phone in your hand, hoping and waiting for those three little dots. Tony Stark was not a man famously known for his punctuality, but he’d been early to every lesson so far and now, ten minutes after you were due to meet, you’re starting to worry.
The worry wasn’t the lesson being cancelled so much as the worry that one of the other Avengers would walk in and accuse you of trespassing – there were still so many residents you hadn’t met, and without Tony present, you were just a stranger loitering unaccompanied in the Avengers’ garage, surely that looked suspicious. No matter the fact that you were supposed to be there and had gained authorised access with your security card, your anxieties continued to grow and grow.
Your heart rate sped up proportionately to the increasing rumble of an approaching bike. The seconds seemed to elongate when you knew there was no escape to being caught there alone. In the remaining time you had, you pulled your phone back out and, with shaking fingers, messaged Tony one more time – at least then you had proof, you kept your eyes on the device even as you felt the newcomer pull in and dismount from their motorbike.
“Let me guess, Tony didn’t tell you he’s away?” Your head snapped up at the familiar voice, face breaking into a grin as red hair broke free from under the helmet. Natasha had been showing up more and more frequently to your sessions, so her arrival was no surprise, but you were glad to have a friendly figure to justify your presence, lest anyone else appear. Natasha set her headgear to the side and hopped up onto the counter, following her usual routine; you watched her intently until you realised she was watching you too, still waiting for an answer.
"Oh, uh, yeah, no, he didn't- he didn't tell me. He's not coming?"
“He got called on a mission last night. Should be back in a few days, if all goes to plan, but I’ll have a word with him about keeping you informed.”
Her undivided attention unnerved you – Tony had always acted as a buffer before – so you fidgeted, avoided eye contact, and wondered what your next move should be. Thankfully, Natasha answered that last question for you: “It wouldn’t be right to send you home so soon,” she said, “And I am officially a Stark Industries employee still, you know, if you wanted…”
“Yes!” you exclaimed instantly, speaking before you thought. “I mean, yeah, if it’s no trouble. That would be awesome.”
“We both know I’d sit here and watch anyway.” She spoke softly and with a smile that you found yourself drawn to replicate, feeling more at ease in the spy’s presence. “Now then, I know about a lot of things but mechanics is an area where you might already have me beat, so how about something else?”
“Like what?”
“What do you want to know?” she shrugged, “Russian? Latin? Artillery? Archery? Wrestling? Weightlifting?” At your dumbstruck expression, Natasha smiled and realised she would have to make the choice for you, “how about the gym? You can impress Tony with your strength next time he makes you use that scissor jack.”
Your cheeks burn at the memory – neither Natasha nor Tony had said anything at the time, but both of them had needed to jump in and assist when you’d been unable to turn the jack enough for it to actually lift the car and fulfil its purpose. From Natasha’s warm smile, you could tell she still wasn’t mocking you for the incident, but you still nodded quickly and murmured agreement with her plan, before following her through the Compound towards the gym.
“Can I ask why you’re a Stark Industries employee?” you asked on the elevator, as a way to fill the silence and out of curiosity from her earlier words.
She laughed, “It was back in ‘09, we had to get intel on the newly revealed Iron Man, and the man behind the suit-”
“Exactly. So, S.H.I.E.L.D. made some edits to the employee list, added my cover there, and I successfully infiltrated the company for as long as I needed. I only officially revealed myself at the 2010 Stark Expo – do you remember that? – and in all the chaos afterwards, they never officially took me off it.”
“I think I remember seeing it on TV – you were there?”
“I left before the explosions started, but I was around, trying to make sure as few people were in harm’s way as possible-” Natasha cut herself off as the two of you entered a space larger than any lecture hall, fitted with all sorts of workout machines – the majority of which you’d never seen in your life. “Here we are.”
“You use…all of this?”
She nodded, then paused, before pointing to a section in the corner where the machine structures and weights seem almost treble that of the current area. “That section’s for Steve, or Thor if he ever bothered to train. Us regular humans wouldn't move it an inch if we tried to use those machines.”
Natasha smirked and shook her head again, guiding you towards one of the regular machines: a chest pad adjusted to press against your front as you sat on the stool, while Natasha adjusted the weight and pulled the two handles back for you to grab them. With the position set, you looked up to her for advice,
“Pull the handles towards your chest and push them back to neutral, it'll work out your upper arms. That's where a mechanic will need strength the most, so aim for 10 repeats.”
Natasha watched carefully, adjusting your posture where needed, until you completed the set. You broke into a grin at the realisation that you'd managed it, one which Natasha happily replicated as she held her hands up for a high fives. “You'll be a pro in no time,” she promised, “ready to increase the load?”
The rest of the session continued in much the same manner – Natasha introduced you to different bits of equipment and perfected your form until your phone buzzed with a routine alert to mark the end of a session. 
Natasha accompanied you to the door, smiling, receiving, and occasionally rebuking the many thanks you bombarded her with for stepping up. “It was truly my pleasure,” she said at last, “I'll make sure Tony is back next week, but if you want to do this again, you have my number.”
She squeezed your shoulder, turned, and began to walk back inside – all before you came to the realisation: “I don't actually have your number!” you shouted after her. Natasha didn't respond, but when you checked your phone only seconds later, a message had appeared in your notifications.
‘Yes you do :) 
She really was some spy.
»»————- ★ ————-««
Everything changed from then on: you walked in to Tony and Natasha arguing a week later, their sudden pause at your presence a very good indicator that they were discussing you, something they confirmed only moments later.
Next thing you knew, both Tony and Natasha had taken you on as their mentee, a session with each of them once a week, and neither of them wanted you to leave. Your apprenticeship was extended into the next academic year, where you moved even closer to the Avengers Compound to visit them more often, the two Avengers – not to mention the others they'd introduced you to – always making sure you were well cared for whenever you visited. Eventually, Tony even offered you a full-time job post-graduation as the Avengers' official mechanic, and who were you to refuse? You loved the work just as you loved spending time with your mentors, so you could think of no better job in the world.
»»————- ★ ————-««
taglist: @canvascoloredin @fxckmiup @wizardofstories
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bagopucks · 1 year
J. Hughes - Late Night Drives
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Jack Hughes x Reader
Word Count: 1.8k
Warning(s): none? Jack getting a little ‘worked up.’
“Cole get your ass out of my face!” I peeked into the back seat, met with the sight of Cole’s legs and Trevor trying to push him aside. When Quinn suggested we do a side-by-side ride, I assumed it would be a peaceful drive on back roads. The boys’ excited reactions seemed to portray something completely different. Jack was in the drivers seat, turning the vehicle on while Quinn, Trevor, and Luke scrunched themselves up in the back, and Cole found a place to stand beside Trevor. The side-by-side had an open roof, and he was the only one short enough not to fly out if he stood. Despite the fact that it was unsafe, nobody stopped him.
The boys at the lake house.. they were completely different. Still sweet and lovable, but god they were handfuls.
The sun was setting, so Jack flipped the headlights on simply for safety.
“Ready, babe?” Stupidly, I nodded, un-expecting of my fate. I heard the familiar ding of a Bluetooth connector. Jack reached upwards to press something, then blaring rock music overtook the atmosphere. My whole body tensed.
Jack was a good driver. A responsible driver. Apparently not at the lake house. What happens at the lake house stays at the lake house. Dangerous or not. He ripped out of that driveway faster than a snake could strike, throwing up the gravel from the end of the drive as he pulled out onto the road. I heard Cole let out a shout, his excitement bringing a smile to my lips despite the tension.
Jack flew through potholes, ignored speed limit signs, barely touched the break on turns- I finally understood why they called him Rowdy. I also understood why Quinn’s natural older sibling instinct took a sideline when it came to who drove the side-by-side. Because Jack, as reckless as he was, did it best.
My anxiety calmed through the excited shouts from the boys in the back seat, and the big smile on Jack’s face. He stretched his arm out to me, and I slipped across the seat to lean into his side. He draped his arm over my shoulders while the other gripped the wheel tightly.
Everything was loud. The music, the engine, the wind. It made the environment all the more thrilling. Especially the way Jack’s eyes would leave the road for a split second to peek at me.
Things went well until he hit a particularly deep hole. The whole vehicle jolted, and I spotted Cole immediately finding a seat in Trevor’s lap. My own hand had come to grip Jack’s thigh, but he merely barked out a laugh at the nerves, as did Quinn and Luke.
“You can’t sit there!” Trevor shouted over the roar of the engine.
“What?” Cole shouted right back. Jack and I both laughed.
“Never mind!” Trevor leaned back, brow raising in mock frustration when Cole maneuvered himself to sit sideways, draping his legs over the laps of Quinn and Luke. Luke Laughed, but Quinn -sitting in the middle of the back- rested his arms on top of Cole’s legs, probably to provide some type of security. If not to Cole, then at least to himself.
The familiar piano tune roared over the speakers, a song that became popular in the previous summer. Soon I had five boys singing, “Great Balls Of Fire” in my ear, and I couldn’t help but sing with them. I glanced in the rear view to see Cole leaned back so far, his head was hanging upside down outside of the side-by-side. Despite that, I could still hear his raspy laughter, mixed in with Trevor’s asthmatic giggles. Jack flew around a turn, and my body leaned away from his. It was only a matter of time before he pulled me back into his side. Luke leaned forward, peeking his head into the front seat on the side opposite of Jack, and I closed my eyes in preparation for his shouting.
“Jacky!” Luke called.
“What’s up?”
“Let’s stop at the pond!”
“The what?”
“The pond!” Apparently, Luke waited too long to mention said destination, because the next thing I knew, Jack was breaking hard and making a sharp turn off the road and onto a trail. Everybody started yelling. None particularly worried, simply having a good time. My hand gripped Jack’s thigh impossibly hard.
“You’re turning me on!” Jack complained as he tried swatting my hand away.
“You’re turning me on!” Jack repeated, loud enough that our company could hear.
“Dude that’s nasty!” Luke reached past me to gently push his brother’s head, before leaning back in his seat.
“Fuckin’ gross!” Cole shouted in agreement with the youngest Hughes, lifting his head back into the vehicle only long enough to voice his distaste for the conversation Jack and I were trying to have. But when he leaned it back out, he was startled by the branch that almost smacked him in the face, so he decided to keep his head inside the side by side.
Jack hadn’t slowed the whole drive through the woods. Not until we made it to this pond. He stopped the side-by-side and let the boys out, the four of them running off toward the water. I saw a shoe fly, another follow, some kicked off in the grass. A few shirts were removed, but the shorts remained on. Jack smiled at me, grateful for the moment of privacy as he shut the side-by-side off.
“Good drive?”
“There were a few moments I thought I was gonna die.” I responded casually, earning a laugh from him. Jack leaned forward and pressed his lips to my own. I raised my hand to cup his cheek.
“Love ya,” I whispered against his lips before he pulled away.
“I love you too.” Jack opened his door and climbed out, offering his hand to me. I quickly took it and slipped out his side, letting the door swing shut behind myself. I could hear the faint laughter of the boys in the water, splashing each other and shouting random trash talk. I turned just in time to see Quinn take his younger brother down in the water. Jack and I laughed while we slipped our shoes and socks off. His shirt followed, mine did not.
“Come on, Rowdy!” Trevor called, and Jack quickly slipped from my side to run down the bank and into the water. The air wasn’t particularly cold. It was a warm evening. I didn’t mind joining them in the pond, but I certainly didn’t want to get near as wet as the five boys were. I cautiously approached the pond and dipped my feet into the water. A bit chilly, but refreshing. Jack’s giggly laughter was contagious, and I found myself laughing quietly at him as he stomped through the water to get to Quinn. The two brothers got into quite the wrestling match before they both went tumbling into the water. I hugged myself as I stood there, shaking my head in disbelief. Jack was the first to emerge. We made eye contact, and he started in my direction before a hand got ahold of his ankle and pulled him back into the water. Quinn and Luke turned toward me, mischievous smiles on their lips as soon as they started running. I gasped. They were after me.
“Run!” Jack shouted when he came back out of the water, his hair a hot mess in his face, and I heard him gag. No doubt on the taste of pond water.
It was too late, by the time I got one foot out of the water, Luke had me in his grasp. I broke into a fit of laughter as he tossed me over his shoulder and lugged me deeper into the pond.
“Cole! Help me!” I demanded, but Cole and Trevor were too busy laughing at me. The second Luke deemed it deep enough, he dropped me. I gasped for air before I hit the water, mentally cursing Quinn and the sound of his triumphant laughter mixed with Luke’s.
My back came into gentle contact with the bottom of the pond, and I was quick to surface, rising to my feet and drawing in a breath full of hair. I coughed a few times before two gentle hands parted the curtains of hair in front of my face. Jack.
“You good baby?” I smiled and laughed softly. His hair always looked curlier when it was wet. Like a poodle.
“I’m great, Jacky. Thanks.” I dipped my hand into the water and splashed him. Jack laughed and pulled his hands away from me to shield himself. Quinn and Luke were busy going after Cole and Trevor while Jack and I threw water at each other.
When the excitement died down, and the adrenalin finally stopped rushing, we found ourselves all laid out on the bank. Cole was on his side, Trevor beside him on his stomach. Luke was on his back next to Quinn. Jack and I were sitting up on the bank, cuddled up together to try and stay warm.
“To think, you were gonna skip out on a side-by-side ride.” Jack softly teased.
“I know, Rowdy. I would have missed out on about five near death experiences, and the swim of a lifetime.”
“You didn’t almost die.” Jack disagreed, shaking his head.
“Cole almost did when that branch almost whacked him in the face.” My soft joke caused quiet giggles to fall from our lips.
“Can’t believe I gotta get back in that thing with you.” I mumbled.
“The drives back are always more peaceful. I let Quinn drive.. since he drives like a mother.” I smirked and glanced toward Quinn, who flipped Jack the bird.
Jack hadn’t been wrong. I sat in the back with him, along with Trevor and Cole once again. Jack sat in the middle, and I on one side with Trevor on the other. Cole went back to using everybody as a mattress.
Luke sat upfront with Quinn, who turned the stereo down and practically off to listen for oncoming traffic in the darkness of the night. Quinn truly did drive like a mother. Slow and controlled enough to lull Jack to sleep before I followed soon after, amused in my dazed stupor by the way Luke’s head hung forward in the front seat. He must have passed out before anybody else. I was thankful the engine of the side-by-side was louder than the collective snores of the group, but nestled into Jack’s side, it all sounded like faint background noise nonetheless. I was comfortable and secure in his arms.
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of-tatooine · 2 months
where it truly lies. | chapter ii - rain
little anakin's vivid imagination made him wonder.
It kept getting in your eyes.
No matter how much you covered up, every inch of potentially exposed skin besides your eyes that were necessary for the job at hand, the little grains found their merry way in, further annoying you in the process.
Ah, how much you hated sand.
You swore you could hear him agreeing with your thoughts in the depths of your mind.
It was ironic, really, considering you both worked to live and lived to work on a completely sand-covered, desert planet - when both of you despised it with a passion. It also did not help that it had to be one of the worse days of the year to tinker with the metal structure in front of you, as your body protested internally. The scorching suns radiated their never-ending heat over the partially covered corner of the vast scrapyard, your holdup point for today’s session stationed right next to a fairly tall sand dune.
But it had to be done. There was a goal, a joint objective, that failure could not withhold the hopeful hearts of two little troublemakers willing to risk it all.
Yours just had to be the fastest one. Anything below first place, was unacceptable.
You could never forget the light in his eyes and just how fast he stood up with excitement when you had first came to him with the over-the-top idea, which was slowly proving to be one of the most arduous tasks in hindsight.
There was a rather strong feeling within you that all of it would be worth it. One day, somewhere, sometime.
It had to be, after all this effort.
But nevertheless, up until that moment when you could relinquish in victory, both of you needed to hurry with the screws and bolts until Shmi Skywalker called for dinner later that night.
“Do you ever wonder how rain feels like?”
The boy’s bob of scuffed blond hair tilted parted in the wind ever so slightly, a big pair of tired blue-grays found yours for a brief moment as he slid up his protective sand goggles - an accessory you should have also been sporting. His hands were holding on tightly to the rear wing, previously working diligently to connect the two motors through the recently acquired energy binder. Anakin had lost count of the hours spent on customizing the engines whenever he was out of his master’s watchful command, hand in hand with his best friend in the whole wide galaxy.
He would later realize that anything you told him took his attention away in a split second. This had been no exception, though the boy took his time to slightly ponder the question in his head, surprised you voiced yet another thought that he often found himself dwelling on before his slumber took him away most nights, before he would be woken up by nightmares.
Of course, he did.
It was a comforting thought. He had read about the rain that came sparsely once in a century on this desert planet, saw some holograms merchants would trade of far, unknown planets while roaming the dry and chaotic markets of Mos Espa as he trailed behind his master. He recalled seeing something akin to shiny little droplets, like clear jade bits falling down from the skies. His unusually vivid imagination somehow failed to fully comprehend just how it would look like if long-awaited water crowned the endless peaks of sand. Would it be humid? Would the existent heat cause everything to evaporate? Would it feel like that fresh splash of water he woke himself up with, yet coming down from the heavenly skies instead of a stale supply from the bucket?
The clinks of your screwdriver as you tightened yet another bolt to hold the connector wires in their places took him out of his thoughts, only to realize he had not properly answered you. “I have.”
A smallest blush creeped up his cheeks and he thanked the Maker for the high suns to disguise it. You, ever the patient one, shot him a knowing grin as another stabilizer to hold the control cable in place snapped tight, not yet attached to the engines as the cable slapped against the sand in a low thud. “I have trouble imagining so much water in one place,” the words flowed from your lips, eyebrows furrowing slightly in concentration as you found the strength to climb up the scaffolding stairs a bit further up on the blue and silver metal structure, attempting to reach what was going to eventually become the cockpit - not without a couple of huffs of complaint as a foot faltered slightly, yet it found a stable surface to hoist yourself up and into the makeshift seat.
Anakin sometimes wished you had let him help you more, though he chuckled slightly at your comment. “Anything is better than sand,” he mumbled just loud enough, hands clutching onto the metal levers of the rightmost racing engine to ensure the trailing wing had been properly attached.
“It’s not that bad most of the time, Ani. You had to choose one of the hottest days of the decade.”
“I don't like sand,” he started, as yet another gust of heated wind splashed minuscule yet annoying amounts of sand to both children’s faces, as if the galaxy had heard him.
“See? It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere.”
All you could do was laugh, having heard the exact complaints many times before that it had become a cherished daily ritual. As he kicked his feet and attempted to pat away the sand that got on his cheeks and desert robes, you thanked the Maker for the small but mighty plexi-shield you had thought of putting over the edge of the cockpit that temporarily kept you away from the wrath of the sand. Fueled with even more desire to finish the tasks at hand to spend even less time out in the open, little Anakin lowered his goggles to focus on getting his scrapped engines to ignite properly.
“Maybe this thing will take us to a planet far, far away,” you mumbled to yourself as you attempted to attach control levers to internal wires trailing within the unfinished cockpit, stealing a small glance at him between movements.
Behind those goggles, his eyes acquired a spark that lit up his soul with the fire of dreams, not just of the desert heat.
Anakin still remembered his master, no doubt with the effects of a little too much booze and ill-placed bets, put him in a clunky podracer for the first time. “The smugglers offered me too much,” he had said as Anakin strapped his belt and helmet on with a newfound ease, stepping foot in a racer cockpit for the first time - yet it had felt like the millionth.
“They told me no human could race in one of these.”
The moment his hands had found the steering rods, his gaze switching up to revel in the roaring cheers of the crowd in the narrow, orange canyon, he felt the energy, the speed, the sheer momentum coax through his little being.
He just knew how to operate that thing, and his instincts proved him right as he crossed the finish line, a mere boy hailed a wonder in the small arena, an elated Watto running to him to pat his head.
Following his uncanny talent, he wanted to make one of his own, adorned with the blue of his eyes and the glorious silver of your choice, a racer so awfully fast. It did not matter to him that the majority of the material that tied the very vehicle together were scraps and junk rescued from the shop, no.
From that day on, he wanted to race. The gentle tremors of the engine jolting him, the corners quick and turns daunting. Feel the adrenaline run through his very being, when he crossed the finish line first. He wished to find only to find your eyes watching you with pride and with joy.
To maybe, one day, whisk you far, far away into the depths of the galaxy, find a planet on which you would dance in the falling rain with him.
It was what little Anakin would dream of that night, safe in his bed. He would be too far gone in the dreamland of greenery and blue heavens to notice the disturbance in the Force that shook like a tremor.
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yuzukult · 2 years
crush 02 | jww & oc/reader
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title: crush 02 / part of the attacca series pairing: jeon wonwoo x reader/oc (ft. seokmin) rating: 16+ (mentions of sex, but no act of sex) genre: angst, fluff, eventual smut, racecar driver!au, mechanic!au wc: 5.2k summary: all he knows are fast rides, drag-strips, and speed ovals until he meets you, someone that’s got his heart racing instead of his car. warnings: explicit language, smoking, suggestive content (but nothing follows through), mentions of sex a/n: yes i know im better at updating this than ybny but what of it
You could almost feel the piercing glare that lasers in the direction of Wonwoo from Seokmin.
They exchange glances, both adjusting the shield attached to their helmets in unison. Hopping in, they both start their routine the same: pulling their seatbelt over themselves, clicking it into the plug connector—the front clip, rear clip, and middle section for security.
While Wonwoo’s car has a matte black body with a white circle decal of his designated number five, Seokmin sports a flashy lime green with a three spray painted on the side. Their vehicles are slimmer than the ones on the streets; there’s barely room for another passenger, the roll cage taking up majority of the inside, nose of the car tapered and pointed for the best aerodynamic features, and the suspension is low to allow less air to allow them to stick to the ground.
Or so, that’s what Seokmin says.
You don’t really understand the mumbo jumbo about racing.
But what you do understand is that everything happens quickly. 
Their engines start with a roar, a soft rumble following, with smoke puffing out of their exhaust pipe like a bull kicking their feet against the dirt with a bellow and gruff, except in lieu, it’s on an asphalt road with drivers. The crowd goes wild, waving their banners and flags, displaying visuals of their favorite racers and teams on their attire, tearing up the merchandise stands and tossing their money in the sellers’ way. You never really understood the temptation to overly purchase on celebrity goods, but with the smile that stretches across the audiences’ faces, it’s hard to argue why not to.
The cars begin to leave their pits, one by one, and into their grid positions. You recalled a time where a guy who competed against Seokmin had been running late—apparently from stumbling out of a hook-up’s apartment the night before, realizing she lived across town which was a hike to get here. That’s when you guiltily learn about how when cars don’t leave their pit on time, the drivers have to start from there… after the field completed their first lap.
The personnel finally shuffle off the tracks when they complete their final touches, and that’s when you spot Seokmin in the midst of the chaos. He does a slight wave, and it brings warmth into your chest until you realize the girl in a neon yellow crop top that stands beside you who waves back. 
What’s the human traffic cone doing here?
You want to be mad, you truly do, but there’s always a part of you that remains soft for Lee Seokmin. The way he drops the shield of his helmet, attaching his steering wheel into its slot, and doing that shoulder raise of his that becomes habitual, everything about him makes you feel vulnerable.
But your thoughts and feelings are immediately interrupted at the sight of Jeon Wonwoo waving to you instead.
He’s… infectious, you’re slowly beginning to learn. When he smiles, it’s enough for the people in proximity to imitate. His eyes curve into half moon crescents, shining brightly just as they do in the night sky, and when you don’t immediately return the greeting, he chuckles in amusement instead of annoyance. He treats his team like they’re his friends, pointing at them prior to getting into his car earlier, teasingly saying, “No modding, right? It’s a stock car, gotta be built just for this. It ain’t supposed to be like those machines you’re ridin’ on late night cruises with a babe in the passenger seat,” as the boys laugh in unison before shoving him away. 
You slowly wave back.
Wonwoo only grins wider before popping down the cover of his helmet.
You notice the lineup—as the cars begin their positions one by one, you realize Wonwoo’s vehicle is placed last and Seokmin is located in the top five. With a nudge, you gesture with your chin to the cars on the speedway with your tongue poking your cheek. “Chan. Why’s Wonwoo last?”
“He didn’t race in the tournament two weeks ago,” he says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Wonwoo only qualified because one of the sponsors for the cup saw him race in the streets that same week. But because of the rules, that means he can’t be placed anywhere near the top.”
Nodding slowly, you open the lid of your thermos. The steam fills the air, brushing against your nose, and you tap your pointer finger against the stainless steel. Impressive, you think, because you’ve heard of the stories of how difficult it was for Seokmin to get his way here. The constant begging, the bugging, and the praying—he had to find people that had even an ounce of belief in him to invest in him so he could get to where he wanted to be.
But Wonwoo didn’t jump those same hurdles as Seokmin.
Seokmin knows the deal. He memorizes the track like the back of his hand; where the tight turns are, when the perfect and exact moment to drift, and how to move just close enough to his opponents to intimidate them. He’s known to be able to determine the required timing for every motion, down to the second of when he’s supposed to have his foot pushing down the accelerator. 
Seokmin was a professional.
His favorite thing about driving a stock car is the only thing he loves about driving stock cars. The way the gearshift falls into the palm of his hand is swift—there’s no hesitation and the evident comfort is there. It’s his strongest suit, behind the wheel of a vehicle with a manual 4-speed transmission, switching gears when he knows right when the perfect millisecond would be. 
It’s not the same as riding on the highway, wind blowing through his hair with the smell of the ocean salty air infiltrating his senses, and it’s not the same as weaving through the traffic of a busy city. He gets to push his limits here, see how far he can go, and the rush he gets is one that can’t be replicated. 
The car is heavy duty—engines 3.5x faster than regulation cars. He can accelerate the car from 0 to 60 in the matter of seconds; the sound of the soft zoom from the engine revving, the stiffening of his body, and tightened grip on the leather steering wheel has become a feeling Seokmin has grown addicted to.
It gives him a blast from the past. Speed had always been a priority; recalling how his onyx grease stained hands were from all the constant modifications on cars in a garage. He could hear an older male, around his early thirties, yelling in his ear about how fast he needs to go, and that it was Seokmin’s job to make it happen.
Now? He’s the one demanding it.
On the oval track, he’s so used to his competition’s habits. They’re repetitive, he learns, all his opponents seemingly never finding themselves in a situation where maybe they should change their tactics. They’re the same. They never change.
And honestly? It gets a little boring.
Releasing the pressure on the clutch, he pushes the sole of his shoes flat against the accelerator. He shifts the gears readily, weaving through the crowd of cars that he “allows” to pass him initially, letting himself fall behind just so he could catch up. A little bit of entertainment doesn’t hurt, right? Notably when the trophy isn’t up for grabs for anyone else anyways.
Lee Seokmin is made for racing. A smirk pulls on the side of his lips, eyes darken and zeroing onto the end of the lap when he notices an unfamiliar car in his side view mirror.
Jeon Wonwoo.
His skin burns—and it’s not from the sun piercing through the window. Every time he sees—no, even hears Wonwoo’s name, he can’t help but seethe with anger. How dare he enter the tournament, especially all that he’s said about those with money and race professionally? The audacity of Wonwoo, stepping onto Seokmin’s turf, like he owns the track when this is merely his first taste of professionally racing.
He’s good, Seokmin admits. Wonwoo expeditiously glides between the cars fluidly, no hesitation with each move, turning and drifting at the right parts of the oval tracks. He doesn’t let the competition scare him, in fact, he looks… comfortable behind the wheel. The expression on his face doesn’t display anything concerning, and if he was anxious, he was good at keeping a facade. 
Seokmin inhales deeply. 
Breathe in. Breathe out. In. Out.
Seokmin snatches onto the clutch. His brand new shoes lay flat against the metal pedal; eyes narrowing in onto the finish line. Freshly painted and he could almost smell the chemicals from the spray can, his chronic need to inhale in that scent of victory, the sound of the crowd cheering his name, as the flag waves behind him after he crosses the line. He doesn’t just want it–he needs it. 
“Fuck,” he mutters under his breath, the heat gusting over his shield that nearly blinds him for a brief moment. Switching the gear quickly, he does it automatically as if the car is one with him, an extension of his arm. “Jeon Wonwoo can’t fucking win.”
Here’s a thing about Lee Seokmin.
Whatever Lee Seokmin wants…
Lee Seokmin gets.
“Fuck off,” he growls under his helmet, moving side to side to block off Wonwoo from cutting him off. 
It doesn’t take long for Seokmin to pass the finish line as the flag waves down.
He sucks in his cheeks in content, a smirk tugging on his lips as he eases into his station, slipping out of his seat and tossing off his helmet. He waves to the crowd who cheer his name. 
Body shot with a wave of dopamine, he feels like he’s conquered it all. All the rejections, the doubters, and his haters—they used to fuel him with rage but they now give him a sense of relief. Without them, he wouldn’t be where he is now, arms up and encouraging the crowd more. This is it for him. Everything he has ever wanted, all in one stadium.
When Wonwoo hops out of his car, his eyes meet with Seokmin’s.
Expecting Wonwoo to be pissed, Seokmin has his fists resting at his sides, but when he sees that gratified smile on his face, confusion washes over his face.
Is he really satisfied with losing?
Seokmin will never understand Wonwoo—from the past when he went by Dokyeom up until now, he can’t loop his head around the fact that Wonwoo race but at the same time, he doesn’t understand why Wonwoo still preferred to keep his hands stained with black while underneath a car.
Deciding to shove the thoughts away, he turns back to the sea of people calling his name. Wonwoo doesn’t matter now, especially since Seokmin won the tournament. Nobody is better than him.
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“I didn’t know you were a racer racer.”
“I didn’t know you were a Kyeom stan. Seems like a lotta info was missed over our text exchange,” he grins with a playful tone, hands in the fronts of his pockets. “I don’t judge. Kinda wish you were on my team though.”
He’s out of his overalls by now, in the comforts of his blue jeans and black t-shirt. Wonwoo looks more like himself; the ruffled hair, metal rim glasses that sits atop the bridge of his nose, and the genuine smile on his face is welcoming. Being behind the wheel of that car didn’t feel like him—the look he’s sporting  while standing beside his Prius feels right.
“Are you disappointed?” You ask teasingly–what was that? Was that… an attempt at… flirting? This isn’t like you, and the fact that Wonwoo effortlessly pulls you out of your comfort zone without you noticing is appalling. It’s barely been a night. “I um,” you clear your throat, straightening your posture when you catch yourself in the midst of the act. “I um, I didn’t really want to be here, I was requested to be.”
“Mm, possibly,” he answers, pearly whites all out on display. “But I think with a lil’ convincing, it won’t be too hard to get you to come over to my side. What do you take for bribes? A sweatshirt? I can whip up one.”
“Hm, I’m thinkin’ socks.”
He nods approvingly. “Socks, socks. I think I could do that. What do you want on it? My name, my car? Or what about my face? An iron-on picture of my face on your ankles?”
You quirk a brow.
Wonwoo laughs, shaking his head. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. But, I gotta admit that I am a bit disappointed that you’re Kyeom’s lucky charm.”
“You want me to be your lucky charm then?”
“Nah, I just want you to be a cheerleader in the stands for me. I’m already winning if you’re on my side.”
Oh. Is that heat rising to your cheeks? Touching the side of your face, you feel the warmth radiating despite the cool air hitting your skin. “I–Oh. That…”
“I’m kidding,” he reiterates, the soft look on his face is enough to cause the butterflies to release in your stomach. “So… did Kyeom come and thank you yet? You know, for being here and helping him win. For someone being their good luck charm, he seems to be taking you for granted.”
You wave him off–it’s almost an instinct to defend Seokmin even when you don’t have a good reason to be. “Oh, pft. Please. He doesn’t need to thank me. I… I came willingly.” Not a lie–you did come willingly. But, what… is a lie is that you sorta… feel like you want to be thanked. Not with a huge extravagant gift or a heartfelt card, but a simple “thank you! You coming means so much to me,” would’ve been nice. Acknowledgement! Any kind. Watching him walk off with a girl after every event wasn’t really making him feel appreciated.
“Mm,” he hums, nodding slowly. He doesn’t seem entirely convinced, but he doesn’t probe any further. “Well, I thank you for being in the audience today. It was nice having a familiar face around, especially since this is new for me.”
Your lips curl up unconsciously. “You're welcome, then. Glad I could be that for you.”
As the two of you walk outside of the arena, a bright yellow car is parked by the curb. “Well, this is me.”
Startled, you point at the car then at Wonwoo. “This… This neon yellow Prius–”
“Yeah, yeah,” he whips out the key fob, and with a click of a button, the Prius’ lights go off with two beeps. “This lovely, cute car with a great personality is mine. I know what you’re thinking—”
“This is so funny.”
“It’s such an attractive–what? Funny?” You know that he’s joking when his lips curl up. “Well, maybe next time I can show you around with my whip. It’s not necessarily a Corvette, but I’m sure we can have just as much fun as some other racer with a flamboyant car.
“Mm,” you hum in response teasingly, eyes narrowing as you cross your arms and tap your chin with your finger. “We’ll see. I may have to up your offer. What other cars do you think you can show me that in?”
Wonwoo smiles sweetly, hopping into his car with a wink. “I got a Ford F-250,” he says, shutting the door before rolling down the window. “See you later then, yeah? Since I don’t think that Kyeom would let me drive you home.”
Chewing on your bottom lip, you feel the heat rush to your cheeks. “I don’t think ‘Kyeom,’”—the name is unfamiliar when it falls off your tongue but the context remains the same—“determines who I can hang out with.” Why are you flirting so boldly? This doesn’t feel like you. 
“Really?” Wonwoo says, a brow raised in amusement. “So… it wouldn’t be a bad thing if we went on that date soon?”
“I… I’m not sure if–”
“She’ll go.”
Both you and Wonwoo turn your head to the culprit of the voice, only to find Lee Chan standing there with the brightest grin plastered across his face. “She’ll go, and if her car breaks down, I’ll even pick her up to meet you.”
You turn to glare at Chan – the lasers darting from your eyes could pierce through his skin and burn it with a hiss, but he could care less. To Chan, if there’s a sliver of hope for you to move on, to find anyone else that isn’t Seokmin, he wants you to dive for it. 
“Chan –”
“Hear me out,” he begins, showing his hands. “What’s wrong with a harmless date?”
Looking over at Wonwoo, he only cheekily smiles as he rests his chin on his car door. “What can I say? People like me. But regardless of that, don’t feel like you gotta accept a date from me if you don’t wanna. No pressure–I know that there might be somethin’ between you and Kyeom, I just didn’t know if it was somethin’ you were plannin’ on pursuin’.”
Inhaling in a deep breath to calm your nerves, you pick at your fingertips. It’s true, there’s nothing wrong with going on one date with Wonwoo. Plus, just the last thing he says alone gives away that he’s exactly that–respectful, honest, and… it’s harmless. It’s not like you’re committing to be his long-term girlfriend or are agreeing to wed.
“I–Okay. I’m… I’d be interested in a date.”
That stupid grin of his grows even wider. How’s he this adorable without even trying?
“Great! Then… I’ll text you then?” 
“Sounds good,” you reply back before you exchange your goodbyes and he drives off in that traffic cone Prius.
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“You realize you’re only causing trouble when you tell me that I should date Wonwoo, right?”
Chan freezes before the loaded hot dog—cheese, relish, ketchup, mustard, and the shack’s famous in-house chili to top it off—reaches his mouth, and he blinks blankly at your question. “I… What?”
You swipe your finger on the droplet of chili that falls into the red striped disposable paper tray. Slipping it into your mouth, you pull your lips into a straight line. Salty. “Seokmin, you know. He doesn’t even like Wonwoo, and if he ever found out that you were trying to nudge me in his direction, you’re fucked.”
Chan rolls his eyes, saying his final words so he could shove a portion of the hot dog into his mouth. “Not like he’s seeing other girls or anything.”
Stealing the fry that sits in the basket at the center of the table, you let out a heavy sigh. There’s a part of you that still clings onto the what-ifs when it comes to Seokmin, but when Chan is here, attempting to lure you into another man’s arms, you’re not sure if this is the right thing to do. 
“Do you really think I should go through with the whole Wonwoo thing?”
Chan looks at you with disbelief. His cheeks are full like a chipmunk’s, but he still reaches for a fry and stuffs it into his mouth. “Seokmin scares me, yeah, but I'd rather you be happy. So, if Wonwoo is that potential case, I’ll be here to back you up—even if I lose my already ‘special privileges’ with Seokmin.”
You eye the younger male carefully. He makes a statement when he declares something like that, and you wonder with all the passion he feels for you finding someone new, if other people saw it from the perspective he does. “Is it really that bad?” 
He sighs, pulling his lips into a straight line as he slowly nods his head. It’s not the answer you were expecting, but it’s one you’ve gradually come to accept. “I want you to be happy,” he reiterates once more. “And Seokmin can’t do that for you.”
So, maybe you’ll go on this date with him. One time wouldn’t hurt, right?
Seokmin is the main reason for your hesitance and he always is. But when you get a glimpse of him from across the stadium, arm around the flag girl with a smirk dressed upon his lips, your reluctance dissipates and reality sinks in once again.
If Seokmin isn’t ready for you, then you wouldn’t be ready for him either.
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The taste of victory permeates all his senses; each time he crosses that line with the pretty gal in a short skirt while waving a flag isn’t the only benefit of racing, but the amount of zeros behind the first digit that gets cashed into his bank account is the fundamental cause.
For Seokmin, this lifestyle is a dream. The days where he laid underneath a car, sliding in and out on a creeper with grease stained hands and soiled clothes are long gone–he could recall those moments he’d pull his clothes out from the wash and question where the origins of the blemishes were. Some new, some old, he didn’t quite remember, but what he knew was that he couldn’t afford to buy a new wardrobe. He didn’t own a single spotless shirt.
And here he is, present day, at a private table of one of the most expensive clubs in the city with a Huge Boss suit and Gucci black leather oxfords. Seokmin only purchases top shelf liquor; swirling the drink in his hand, the ice clacks against the glass adequately as he watches a pretty girl dance on the main floor with eyes glued onto him. 
He brings the cup to his lips, the cool whiskey on the rocks reaching to his lips, sweet when it hits his tongue and smooth when it slides down his throat.
The quick arch of his brow is an invitation for her introduction.
“Hey,” she says, voice silky as she slides onto the couch beside Seokmin. “Rumor has it, you’re a racecar driver.”
Of course he’s a race car driver—he loves hearing the saccharine words of achievement leave from people’s lips. He’s a professional, accomplishing a goal that people consistently told him would be hard to reach. Now with his arms resting on the back of the sofa at a high end club with girls practically lining up to sit on his dick, he’s gone beyond what he chased for.
He couldn’t ask for anything more than this — other than more money, of course. 
“I am,” he smirks, patting the cushion beside him. “Want me to order you a drink? In exchange, you can tell me your name.”
As she giggles over a fancy mixed drink (he doesn’t even know what she got, all he knows is that it’s pink with an orange slice on the rim and it’s making her eyes swirling with intoxication), he tells her about driving on the track and how it feels to have a crowd of people cheering his name. 
Then the thought of Wonwoo appears in his mind.
It wasn’t always like this—the sharp eyes, fire burning in lieu of the chocolate irises; Jeon Wonwoo was a friend he admired in the past. They both worked together—in a body shop that seemed simple on the outside, providing service for regular people and nothing more.
But there was definitely more beneath the surface.
All the illegal activity that went on behind the scenes is what made Seokmin leave. He was welcomed into the car shop and stayed when they offered him training, learning so much from a team that he looked up to, only to realize that he’d been a part of a scheme he never wanted to be in. Wonwoo was one of the guys who held the information back. And Seokmin swears he won’t forgive Wonwoo for that.
Truthfully, he should’ve suspected something when on the first day, one of the mechanics named LNY (which Seokmin later learned wasn’t even his initials, it fucking stood for Lunar New Year and he would never learn that guy’s real name) advised Seokmin to come up with a pseudonym for working hours and any association to the auto shop. That’s when he came up with Dokyeom. Realistic enough, but far from his birth name in avoidance of putting his family in danger.
“Mm, I looooove peaches,” the girl sings, and honestly, he already forgot her name but he knows what flavor her drink is. 
“Sweet,” he grins, thumb pressing against the corner of her lips. She doesn’t have anything there, but it’s rather charming for a guy to pretend to wipe something off a girl’s cheek, right? “Kinda like you. Can I call you that for the night? Peaches.”
Her cheeks flush pink as she nods slowly.
“I bet your lips taste like them too.”
Needless to say, Seokmin can report the next morning that her lips were indeed sweet like peaches.
He admits he doesn’t think of you on these nights; his thoughts are disgusting and disrespectful for someone who promised himself to end up with another. Fumigating his head would be the only route in making himself even remotely good enough for you — even he knows that.
But nonetheless, there’s something in him that plagues these ideas that this is what he wants, despite the empty promises he makes you. In his mind, there’s this fucked up mentality that you’ll stay, regardless of what decisions he’s made and what girls he picks up because that’s just it—he knows you’ll stick around.
The girl in his sheets that night creates a temporary bliss for him. It’s exhilarating, being able to swoon a woman into his home on a late night out with words and touches as intoxicating as the alcohol she indulges in earlier that night. Just like driving on a racetrack, it has his adrenaline rushing, and he craves for more.
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“Gasp!” she exclaims in unison with the drop of her fork. It clangs against the porcelain plates, and you’re just grateful that she didn’t chip or break anything. “You’re joking. You’re going on a date?”
“Would you hush, P?” You shoot back, grabbing her utensils and pushing it far from the other dishware on the table. “I know you’re shocked, but you don’t gotta be dramatic.”
P’s your best friend–P being the initial of her legal name that she forbids anyone from using. She’s told you at least once before what it was, only because on a trip to Cancun, customs yelled it out when she filled out the form with the duty free limit nearly reached. “P****?” you recalled reiterating, and P was so quick to hush you. (Yes, you realize that every time you try to censor her name, it just looks like you’re redacting genitalia. But that’s besides the point). P works for one of the biggest luxury designers in the world–attending parties, runway shows, fashion weeks–name it, and she’s done it all.
Except design her own line and bring her boss the correct coffee order. “Who the fuck orders a matcha latte with six pumps of vanilla, two scoops of protein powder and three egg yolks? Of course I fucking get the order wrong. I don’t think any local coffee shop even has raw egg yolks on hand.”
“No, no no, I-I think P’s got the right reaction,” your other friend says, patting P’s back in assurance. “Last week, you sighed so hard that the lettuce in my salad blew out of my bowl because Seokmin was talking to you while checking out a girl from across the room. You wouldn’t stop gushing over him and now suddenly… there’s a new guy? Where’s you even meet him?”
P slams her elbows onto the table. “I’m with Sunny on this one. Tell us more.”
Sunny is also a nickname (now that you think about it, does anyone go by their actual name?) She earned it for her bubbly nature; generous, bright, and warm, she exhibits behavior that would be like a boost of serotonin or the equivalent of vitamin D for people (or eggs. You read somewhere that two eggs a day provides at least 82% of sunlight for the average person–makes sense why P’s boss is so insistent about getting it). You and P met in high school, friendship lasting up until… well, now, and Sunny was an easy and seamless addition when she got stuck rooming with you and P freshman year.
Rolling your eyes, you plop back into the booth seat. “I just wanna make it clear–it’s just one date. Nothing crazy. Not like he can swoon me off my feet in seconds and all of the sudden I forget everything I promised Seokmin.”
“Promised Seokmin?” P scoffs, waving her pointer finger dramatically. “Mr. Seokmin promised you a handful of things. I don’t see him following your agreement. So why should you? Go on that date with ummm…”
“Yeah, yeah, with Wonwoo. Speaking of, you got a pic of him?”
You furrow your brows. “What? No. I don’t have a picture of him. What year is it? Why would I keep a picture of him?”
“No, you idiot,” Sunny chimes in, whipping out her phone to open Instagram. “Like, do you have a picture of him on Instagram. Facebook, Twitter–all the social media platforms. Sure, you know he’s real, but is he a psycho?”
“He’s not a psycho,” you add, shoulders slouching in annoyance. Well, you’d hope he isn’t a psycho. The only red flag you saw was that Seokmin doesn’t like him but to be fair, Seokmin himself is a walking red flag. “But… Seokmin hates him.”
P and Sunny’s full, undivided attention is on you. 
“You’re kidding.”
“Why does it matter what he thinks?”
You shrug. “I mean, that’s the one thing I can think of that would be considered a red flag. Seokmin doesn’t like him–but mostly because Wonwoo street races and now he wants to do it professionally.”
P turns back to her own phone and taps away on the screen.
“Okay, but that’s not really a bad sign. So what if Seokmin doesn’t like Wonwoo? Get a taste of his own medicine. We’ve been telling you for what feels like forever that you gotta move on. Like–there are so many candidates out there. Have you even checked dating sites yet? Maia from my International Business Master’s Program met her husband on Tinder. Now, they have a house in the hills, two kids–”
“--Found it!” P interjects, shoving her phone in both your faces. “Jeon Wonwoo. Mechanic–a detail you failed to mention, by the way–and he’s 26, likes KBBQ and oddly enough, for a car guy, doesn’t obsessively post cars.”
Sunny snatches it out of P’s hand. “Oh my god, he’s so cute.”
“That’s what I’m saying!” P exclaims, flailing her arms theatrically. “If you don’t go out with him, I will.”
You let out a sigh. It’s almost equivalent to the one you exasperated at the last outing. “I already told him that I would, so it’s not like I can back out. Plus, Chan was pressuring me! For someone whose eyes practically sparkle when they see Seokmin, he’s so anti-Seokmin when it comes to me.”
“Yeah, because even though he looks up to Seokmin, it’s for racing. That’s all it is. He’s been treating you like shit, love. This story you think will have an ending might not exactly have the word happy in it.”
It doesn’t matter how many times you hear it, it never gets easier with each reminder. P and Sunny have good intentions, Chan does too, but you’re not ready to raise a glass to this so-called tragedy that’s known as you and Seokmin.
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366 notes · View notes
t509speedtriple · 3 months
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Details of the new T509 Mk5 build (top to bottom):
Beringer master cylinder and matching clutch lever, Matris fork cartridge in DLC coated inner tubes, Koso RX-4 TFT dashbord.
Rizoma rearsets, custom titanium swingarm spindle, linkage bolts and engine mounting bolts. Rearsets and custom titanium headers,
Blueflame silencer (EG approved). Beringer dual six-piston front brake and 310mm rotors. Custom titanium front wheel spindle and titanium caliper mounting bolts.
520 chain conversion with lightweight rear sprocket and shorter gearing.
Rebuilt wiring harness, silicone hoses and self-sealing metal quick-release connectors for the fuel lines.
3 notes · View notes
p-a-s · 2 years
Selection and Application of Liquid Flowmeter
Reading guide: The liquid volume flowmeter consists of a chamber with a known volume and moving parts. The liquid passing through the flow is calculated by determining the volume of the container and the number of movements of the moving parts. According to the characteristics of liquid volume flowmeter, it can be divided into the following types: waist wheel flowmeter, oval gear flowmeter, scraper flowmeter, double rotor flowmeter, reciprocating piston flowmeter, rotary piston flowmeter, screw flowmeter, etc. Structure and principle of the liquid volumetric flowmeter calibration device The liquid accumulation calibration device consists of the quick connector, hydraulic hose, hydraulic filter, standard flowmeter, temperature transformer, pressure transformer, computer system, hydraulic source, etc. The hydraulic oil source also includes a hydraulic oil tank, variable frequency motor, hydraulic variable pump, hydraulic safety valve, and other components. The main features are compact installation, easy use, the same calibration medium, strong movement ability, and the ability to provide hydraulic oil. The working mode of the liquid flow controller is as follows: match through quick connection and replacement, and lead the hydraulic hose into the displaced liquid flow controller calibration device; The hydraulic power converter of the investment department generates clean and stable liquid flow through the hydraulic pump, hydraulic filter, etc. Capture the cumulative flow value determined by the computer system using the calibrated flowmeter and the standard flowmeter, and capture the temperature and pressure on the calibrated flowmeter and the standard flowmeter; The measured value error of calibrated flow is determined by the computer software system. Main characteristics and application of common liquid flowmeter Volumetric flowmeter Volumetric flow meters (also called volume-specific flow values) are general-purpose instruments with the highest accuracy. The measured components can also be divided into the following main features: pitch circle (two rotors), plate flow measurement, oval gear flow measurement, rotary piston flow measurement, circulation flow measurement, etc.
① Advantages: high measurement accuracy; It can be used for measuring high viscosity fluid and simple phase fluid; The instrument does not need external energy to directly record the total flow. It is easy to install without special requirements for front and rear tangent lines. ② Disadvantages: not suitable for high temperature and low temperature; Type of measuring center with limited diameter; Pressure drop; Periodic calibration is required. ③ Application: Volume traffic signs, due to their high-precision measurement in energy, petroleum, medicine, food, chemistry, and other fields, especially raw materials and other fields, must be measured for storage, transfer, and distribution, and used as the basis for a financial settlement, or as a legal indicator of the contract between two tax dealers.
Differential The differential is one of the most commonly used flowmeter types, which can be divided into diverter flowmeter, Venturi flowmeter, average line current, etc. according to the test piece (inlet instrument). The main features are: ① Advantages: single-phase fluid has a wide range of measurement methods, some mixed fluids; Simple structure, easy maintenance, the long service life of control components and detonators, display equipment produced by different manufacturers, improving economies of scale. ② Disadvantages: general customization accuracy; Large pressure loss (orifice plate, nozzle, etc.) The assembly constraint shall be high, and there shall be enough straight pipelines before and after assembly. ③ Nozzle: When measuring the flow in the closed pipe for the first time, the differential can be used for projects under different conditions where the flow is about 1/4-1/3 of the total flow. Ultrasonic assistance The ultrasonic flowmeter can be generally divided into plug-in type, pipe section type, external clamp type, and portable type. ① Advantages: large diameter non-contact measurement, large flow calculation; Pressure loss, no fluid disturbance; Suitable for every liquid, easy to install and maintain. ② Disadvantages: When the measured liquid contains bubbles or noise, the measurement accuracy will be affected; The temperature range of the measured liquid is limited by the heat of the ultrasonic protection and the communication materials between the switch and the line, and the original data for measuring the high temperature of the liquid is incomplete. ③ Application: Ultrasonic velocimeter is often used in petroleum, chemistry, metal, electric power, and other fields, and is often used to measure the emission reduction of gas pipelines in factories, fluids, and work areas.
Turbine speed Intel Remax accelerated technology plan has been expanded to multiple categories in mass production, and its main features are as follows: ① High precision, usually ± 0.25% r - ± 0.5% r, up to ± 0.25% r - ± 0.5% r; Repeat at most 0.05% r-0.2% r for a short time; Zero contact movement, sturdy and durable. ② Disadvantages: The physical characteristics of the liquid have a great influence on the flow characteristics; Calibration characteristics cannot be saved for a long time. ③ Application. A turbine flow counter is usually used to measure oil, organic liquid, inorganic liquid, and liquid frozen body. The first terminal of the main raw material pipeline is used for commercial calculation of automobile exhaust, gas stations, and light hydropower plants.
Vortex flowmeter The vortex flowmeter is the latest flowmeter, but it has developed rapidly and has become a common category. Its main characteristics are as follows. ① Advantages: wide application range, liquid, gas, and steam flow measurement can be used; Small pressure loss; Easy installation, simple and durable structure. ② Disadvantages: poor anti-interference ability; Straight pipe section is required before and after installation; The application experience in pulsating flow and multiphase flow is still lacking. ③ Application: Vortex flowmeter has a wide range of applications, usually used in the factory water supply system, and its application will be limited in the case of high viscosity, low flow rate, and small diameter.
General criteria for flowmeter selection and calibration device Determine the technical requirements for flow measurement and the correctness of the flowmeter, that is, the accuracy requirements for measuring liquid; The flow measurement is repeated, that is, the same measurement is performed multiple times under specific conditions to repeat the same measurement. The expression of flow measurement, that is, whether the flow is mass flow or flow, real-time flow, or cumulative flow. Command and remove the transmission function if necessary. Specifies whether the flow measurement is displayed as a mechanical or electronic title. If the flowmeter does not meet the technical requirements of the measured liquid, measurement errors may also occur.
For the description of the flow calibration liquid calibration device, according to the flow requirements in jgg667-2010: ① The expanded uncertainty of the standard setting should generally not exceed 1/3 of the maximum allowable flow, because the expanded rate of the calibration device is 0.22%.
② Output or. The input line in the equipment used for online identification shall not include redirection between the flowmeter and the equipment designed as a locked cabinet without intermediate circuit. ③ "When the flowmeter is greater than 1.0, the flowmeter and liquid temperature must be measured according to the standard, and the temperature and pressure shall be measured near the standard flowmeter or calibrated flowmeter. Therefore, the liquid flow controller is applicable to the acceptance accuracy standard of Class 1.0 (allowable deviation ± 1.0%) and subsequent fluid calculation.
Conclusion In the process of liquid flow measurement, a liquid flowmeter is a major measuring tool and has been widely used in metallurgy, pharmacy, paper making, water conservancy, environmental protection, petrochemical, and other fields. In the actual online calibration process, the standard volume method, the standard meter method, and the electrical parameter method are all feasible online calibration methods. However, they all have different use conditions, which requires the staff to constantly summarize and analyze the use of online calibration methods for liquid flow meters, so that the calibration methods can be improved.
Article from: supmeaflow.com
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govindhtech · 1 day
PD34: Porsche Design AOC AGON PRO Curved OLED Monitor
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The Porsche Design 34-inch WQHD Curved OLED Monitor will help you perform at a higher level. Take advantage of HDR TrueBlack 400 and a 240Hz refresh rate for unmatched visual quality!
Experience performance never before seen in a 34-inch WQHD (21:9) curved display. Developed in association with Porsche Design, the PD34 has state-of-the-art QD-OLED technology for unparalleled color accuracy and striking contrasts. Every detail comes to life with breathtaking clarity and colorful images thanks to a lightning-fast 240Hz refresh rate with HDR TrueBlack 400, making it ideal for both creative work and gaming.
The PD34 provides the utmost in productivity and convenience with its extensive connection suite, which includes USB-C, KVM, and HDMI 2.1. It also comes with an ergonomic stand for maximum comfort, a multipurpose USB hub, and a USB port. The Porsche Design PD34 is your key to outstanding performance, style, and sophistication, and it comes with a 3-year burn-in warranty.
Porsche design AOC AGON Pro PD34
Inspired by the cooling fins of the iconic Porsche 911 which, according to Ferry Porsche, was meant to be driven “from an African safari to Le Mans, then to the theater and onto the streets of New York” Porsche Design created the PD34 monitor. Its style is replicated in the monitor’s rear surface structure. The monitor’s exceptional hardware characteristics and transcendent design speak for itself.
Broad QHD (WQHD) Resolution
Wide Quad HD (WQHD) offers excellent picture clarity and sharp visuals that displays every detail with its 3440 x 1440 resolution. In addition to providing greater room for work, the widescreen 21:9 aspect ratio is ideal for viewing movies in a large format or losing yourself in the newest video game. A wide color pallet is made available by true 8-bit color for photographs that look lively and realistic.
1800 Curved
Experience unparalleled immersion with our 1800R curved display. Impressive sights fill your view and take you to a new cinematic experience. The curved design of its display makes sure that every detail is in front of your eyes whether you’re working, playing games, or streaming.
240 Hertz Refresh Rate
High-end GPUs are fully unleashed at 240Hz, resulting in previously unheard-of image smoothness on your screen. Feel your responses become one with the action and up your game as every detail is brought to life and every movement is seen with unwavering clarity.
DisplayHDR True Black 400, VESA-certified
DisplayHDR True Black 400’s deeper, more accurate black levels enhance your viewing experience. No more drab, washed-out sequences in video games and films. You’re in for a more lifelike visual experience with TrueBlack400.
If you want the visual content on your screen to appear as realistic as possible when you are viewing pictures, videos, or playing games. Because of this, this display has Wide Color Gamut technology, which enables it to show far more colors than typical monitors. This is not accomplished by making simple software changes, but rather by using a unique hardware solution. As a result of using a wider color pallet, realistic photos with subtle details are seen.
Using KVM switch technology, several computers can share a single keyboard, mouse, and display.
The display has multiple connectors, including USB, HDMI, DisplayPort, headphones, and a microphone, so connectivity is also not left up to chance.
An ergonomic stand will keep you comfortable and reduce strain when you play for extended periods of time. It accommodates the right ergonomics and your individual tastes with its wide range of motion and simple height, tilt, and swivel adjustments.
You can install the free program AOC G-Menu on your computer to enjoy maximum convenience and total customization.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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shopofthemoment · 20 days
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Harley Davidson HD Motorcycles ✪ Air Suspension Pump ✪ Black ✪ Bagger Biker Moto.
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iphone15prokkk · 22 days
With the unveiling of the iPhone 15, Apple enthusiasts and tech aficionados are eager to see how it stacks up against its predecessor, the iPhone 14. Both models represent significant advancements in Apple's smartphone lineup, but the iPhone 15 brings a host of new features and improvements that set it apart. In this comprehensive comparison, we'll explore the key differences between the iPhone 15 and iPhone 14, examining design changes, performance upgrades, camera enhancements, and more.
Design and Build
The design of the iPhone 15 has undergone notable changes compared to the iPhone 14. The iPhone 15 features a titanium frame, replacing the stainless steel used in the iPhone 14. This shift not only makes the iPhone 15 lighter but also enhances its durability. The iPhone 15's titanium chassis is more resistant to scratches and provides a more refined, premium look compared to the iPhone 14’s stainless steel.
Another significant design change in the iPhone 15 is its use of a USB-C port, replacing the Lightning connector found in the iPhone 14. The USB-C port on the iPhone 15 allows for faster data transfer and charging speeds, offering a more universal solution compared to the proprietary Lightning port of the iPhone 14. Additionally, the iPhone 15 continues to use Ceramic Shield technology for its front cover, which was introduced with the iPhone 14 but remains a key feature in the iPhone 15, ensuring enhanced protection against drops and scratches.
Both the iPhone 15 and iPhone 14 boast impressive displays, but the iPhone 15 introduces some notable improvements. The iPhone 15 retains the 6.1-inch Super Retina XDR display of the iPhone 14 but incorporates enhancements that improve color accuracy and brightness. Additionally, the iPhone 15's display features ProMotion technology with a 120Hz refresh rate, offering smoother scrolling and more responsive touch interactions compared to the iPhone 14’s 60Hz display.
While the iPhone 14’s display is already excellent, the iPhone 15’s upgraded screen technology provides a more vibrant and fluid visual experience. This makes a noticeable difference when watching high-definition content or playing graphics-intensive games on the iPhone 15.
Performance and Hardware
Under the hood, the iPhone 15 is powered by Apple’s latest A17 Pro chip, a significant upgrade from the A15 Bionic chip found in the iPhone 14. The A17 Pro chip, built on a 3nm process, offers substantial improvements in processing power and energy efficiency. This translates to faster performance, smoother multitasking, and better handling of demanding applications on the iPhone 15 compared to the iPhone 14.
The iPhone 15 also features improved thermal management, which helps maintain optimal performance even during intensive tasks. This ensures that the iPhone 15 remains cool and efficient, avoiding performance throttling that could occur under heavy use. In contrast, while the iPhone 14 performs admirably, it does not match the iPhone 15’s advancements in processor technology and efficiency.
Camera System
The iPhone 15’s camera system represents a major leap forward from the iPhone 14. The iPhone 15 continues to feature a dual-camera setup on the rear, but with enhanced sensors and improved computational photography capabilities. The iPhone 15 introduces a 48MP main sensor, compared to the iPhone 14’s 12MP main sensor. This increase in megapixels allows for greater detail and better low-light performance in the iPhone 15’s photos.
The iPhone 15 also improves upon the iPhone 14’s ultra-wide and telephoto lenses, offering better optical zoom and more advanced image stabilization. Additionally, the iPhone 15 supports ProRes video recording, which provides higher quality and more flexibility in video editing. This is a significant upgrade for users who create professional-grade video content.
Battery Life and Charging
When it comes to battery life, the iPhone 15 delivers notable improvements over the iPhone 14. Thanks to the energy-efficient A17 Pro chip and optimizations in battery management, the iPhone 15 offers longer battery life, providing users with more screen-on time and extended usage throughout the day. The iPhone 15’s battery performance is further enhanced by its support for faster charging speeds via the new USB-C port, compared to the iPhone 14’s Lightning port.
The iPhone 15 supports both wired and wireless charging, including MagSafe, which offers a more efficient and convenient charging experience. While the iPhone 14 also supports MagSafe and wireless charging, the improvements in the iPhone 15’s charging technology make it a more versatile and user-friendly device.
Software and Features
The iPhone 15 comes preloaded with iOS 18, which introduces several new features and enhancements over iOS 17 found on the iPhone 14. iOS 18 brings improvements in customization, more powerful widgets, and enhanced privacy controls. The integration of AI and machine learning in iOS 18 enhances the overall user experience, making the iPhone 15 smarter and more intuitive.
One of the standout features in iOS 18 for the iPhone 15 is the enhanced Live Text functionality, which allows users to interact with text in photos and videos more seamlessly. The iPhone 15 also supports advanced AR capabilities, opening up new possibilities for augmented reality applications.
Pricing and Availability
The iPhone 15 starts at $999 for the base model with 128GB of storage, which is a slight increase from the starting price of the iPhone 14. The iPhone 15 offers several storage options, including 256GB, 512GB, and 1TB, catering to a range of user needs. The iPhone 15 is available for pre-order now and will be officially released in stores shortly, while the iPhone 14 continues to be available at a lower price point.
The iPhone 15 represents a significant upgrade over the iPhone 14 in several key areas, including design, performance, camera technology, and battery life. With its new titanium frame, faster A17 Pro chip, improved camera system, and advanced features in iOS 18, the iPhone 15 offers a more refined and powerful smartphone experience. While the iPhone 14 remains a solid and capable device, the advancements in the iPhone 15 make it a compelling choice for those looking to experience the latest in smartphone technology.
In summary, the iPhone 15 brings notable enhancements over the iPhone 14, making it a worthy upgrade for users seeking cutting-edge performance and features. Whether you’re considering upgrading from an older iPhone or simply curious about the latest advancements, the iPhone 15 is definitely worth a closer look.
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yamunason · 6 months
Protect Your Equipment with Yamuna Denson's Heat Shrinkable End Caps
Yamuna Denson Heat Shrinkable End Caps provide optimum waterproofing and environmental protection for underwater, underground, and outdoor applications. Our heat-shrink end caps are highly resistant to moisture, fungus, and weathering. We also offer electrical end caps with pre-coat sealants. The heat-shrink end caps are available in several sizes to accommodate varying cable diameters due to their large range-taking ability.
Contact Us Today.
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sanaavay · 23 days
Features THE H-SERIES PC CASE The H510 Elite compact ATX mid-tower is perfect for your RGB build. Behind the flush-mounted, tempered glass front panel, you’ll discover our renowned Aer RGB 2 fans keeping your components brilliantly cool. Well-engineered airflow, removable radiator mounting bracket, multiple fan filters, vertical GPU mount, a front panel USB-C connector, and an all-steel and tempered glass construction are just some of the key features you’ll get. The H510 Elite also includes the NZXT Smart Device V2, powering the built-in RGB light strips and case fans. BEAUTIFUL CRAFTMANSHIP Two tempered glass panels top off your build, perfectly showcasing your RGB build. We’ve included two Aer RGB 2 fans and an RGB LED strip to get you started. The H510 Elite features a removable radiator mounting bracket, simple-to-use SSD trays, and a patented cable management system for a smarter, easier build experience. The new Smart Device 2 includes two HUE 2 RGB lighting channels, and three fan channels that support 0dB modes for voltage-regulated or PWM fans. The USB 3.1 Gen 2-compatible USB-C connector on the front panel makes it easier than ever to connect smartphones, high-speed external storage, and the latest peripherals to your PC. The clean, modern design, iconic cable management bar, and uninterrupted tempered-glass panels all showcase your stunning build. Use the intuitive NZXT CAM application to monitor and control your build, choosing from presets or custom controls for your RGB lighting and fans to create your dream PC. Specifications Model Number CA-H510E-B1 Dimensions W: 210mm H: 435mm D: 428mm (without feet) W: 210mm H: 460mm D: 428mm (with feet) Material(s) SGCC Steel and Tempered Glass Motherboard Support ATX I/O Ports 1x USB 3.1 Gen 2 Type-C 1x USB 3.1 Gen 1 Type-A 1x Headset Audio Jack Filters All Air Intakes Expansion Slots 7 Smart Device 3x Fan channels with Max 10W per channel output* 2x RGB LED channels, each support up to 4x HUE 2 LED strips or 5x Aer RGB 2 fans Built-in noise detection module *Note : If a splitter is used, fan control is regulated depending on the fan connected to the 4-pin port . Do not use low-noise adapters. System Requirements PC with open internal USB 2.0 port and Windows® 10 operating system recommended. Internet connection is needed to download CAM. Some CAM features require Internet access, a valid email address and acceptance of our current Terms of Service. LED Strips 1 integrated RGB LED strip No additional strips included. Drive Bays 2.5”: 2+1 3.5”: 2+1 Radiator Support Front: 2x 140 or 2x 120mm with Pull Rear: 1x 120mm Fan Support Front: 2x 120/ 2x 140mm (2x AER RGB 2 140mm included) Top: 1x 120mm/ 1x 140mm (1x AER F140 Case Version Included) Rear: 1x 120mm (1x AER F120 Case Version Included) Fan Specs Aer RGB 2 (140mm) Speed: 500-1,500 RPM Airflow: 30.39 – 91.19 CFM Noise: 22 – 33 dBA Air Pressure: 0.17 – 1.52mm-H2O Bearing: Fluid Dynamic Bearing Fan Connector 4-Pin PWM Clearance Cable Management: 19-23mm GPU Clearance: Up to 368.5mm Vertical GPU Mount Clearance: 40.64mm CPU Cooler: Up to 165mm Front Radiator: 60mm Rear Radiator: 60mm Reservoir & Pump: Up to 180mm (Along cable bar), Up to 86mm (Along bottom panel) Warranty 2 Years Note ***Features, Price and Specifications are subject to change without notice.
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Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Market: Current Analysis and Forecast (2022-2028)
According to a new report published by UnivDatos Markets Insights, the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Market is expected to grow at a CAGR of around 8% from 2022-2028. The analysis has been segmented into Manufacturing Process (Solution Polymerization Process, Slurry/Suspension Process, and Gas Phase Polymerization); Application (Building & Construction, Automotive, Plastic Modification, Military & Defense, Wire & Cable, Lubricant Additive, and Others); Region/Country.
The Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market report has been aggregated by collecting informative data on various dynamics such as market drivers, restraints, and opportunities. This innovative report makes use of several analyses to get a closer outlook on the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market. The Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market report offers a detailed analysis of the latest industry developments and trending factors in the market that are influencing the market growth. Furthermore, this statistical market research repository examines and estimates the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market at the global and regional levels.
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Market Overview
Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) is a synthetic material obtained from natural gas and thermal cracking petroleum products such as naphtha. EPDM is widely used in low-slope buildings, automotive applications, and construction applications due to their longer durability and superior resistance to environmental factors such as UV, ozone, and other weather condition. In recent times, the EPDM witnessed significant demand due to its increasing demand from the automotive industry, manufacturing & construction industry attributed to its lower cost, higher moldability, and longer durability. Also, the EPDM could be used as an alternative to silicon rubber and could also be incorporated in the hose, O-ring, accumulator bladder, diaphragms, and connectors for wire & cables among many other applications on the account of their higher resistance towards tearing, abrasive, solvent, and temperature.
Factors such as technological advancement coupled with the growing number of industries and manufacturing units along with the new product launches in the market are some of the prominent factors that are positively influencing the market growth globally.
Some of the major players operating in the market include DowDuPont Inc., Exxon Mobil Corporation, Lion Elastomers, Johns Manville, SK Global Chemical Co. Ltd, Lanxess AG, Mitsui Chemical Inc., PetroChina Company Limited, Kumho Polychem, and Versalis S.p.A.
COVID-19 Impact
The recent covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the world and has brought a state of shock to the global economy. The global pandemic has impacted the manufacturing industry along with supply chain disruption, regulatory and policy changes, labor reliance, working capital management, and liquidity & solvency management. The Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market has been significantly affected during these times owing to the gap between supply and demand.
The global Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market report is studied thoroughly with several aspects that would help stakeholders in making their decisions more curated.
Based on application, the market is segmented into building & construction, automotive, plastic modification, military & defense, wire & cable, lubricant additive, and others. The automotive industry is expected to witness significant CAGR during the forecast period owing to the increasing automotive vehicle sale coupled with the adoption of EPDM-based products in the vehicle such as rear lamp gaskets, tire sidewalls, front & rear bumper, and inner tire tubes among others. Also, the EPDM-based material has excellent barriers against the road surface, engine vibration, and resistance against the weather such as UV light, acid rain, as well as atmospheric pollution and is expected to support the market growth in the coming time.
Based on the manufacturing process, the market is segmented into solution polymerization process, slurry/suspension process, and gas phase polymerization. The solution polymerization segment is expected to witness significant growth during the forecast period due to the higher concentration and lower required amount for the optimized performance. Additionally, solution polymerization is used to manufacture both crystalline and amorphous polymer grades and is expected to support market growth.
Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) Market Geographical Segmentation Includes:
North America (United States, Canada, and Rest of North America)
Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, France, and the Rest of Europe)
Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, India, and the Rest of Asia-Pacific)
Rest of the World
Asia-Pacific is anticipated to grow at a substantial CAGR during the forecast period. This is mainly due to the rapid industrialization and growing automotive industries along with the electronic & electrical industry, consumer goods industry, and medical sector in the region. Also, the ongoing infrastructural projects and increasing disposable income of the individual are expected to support market growth in the coming time. Furthermore, EPDM has also been used as a substitute for thermoplastic olefins and thermoplastic vulcanizate in the manufacturing industry. Also, the lower cost of the raw material coupled with the lower cost of production associated with the lower labor cost propels the market for the EPDM. Moreover, the growing research & development activities, increasing investment, and technological investment are expected to derive the market in the coming time. For instance, in March 2022, Arlanxeo a Netherland-based firm announced to increase in its production capacity by 15% for its EPDM plant based in Changzhou, China.
The major players targeting the market include:
DowDuPont Inc.
Exxon Mobil Corporation
Lion Elastomers
Johns Manville
SK Global Chemical Co. Ltd
Lanxess AG
Mitsui Chemical Inc.
PetroChina Company Limited
Kumho Polychem
Versalis S.p.A.
Request Free Sample Pages with Graphs and Figures Here https://univdatos.com/get-a-free-sample-form-php/?product_id=31683
Competitive Landscape
The degree of competition among prominent global companies has been elaborated by analyzing several leading key players operating worldwide. The specialist team of research analysts sheds light on various traits such as global market competition, market share, most recent industry advancements, innovative product launches, partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions by leading companies in the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market. The major players have been analyzed by using research methodologies for getting insight views on global competition.
Key questions resolved through this analytical market research report include:
• What are the latest trends, new patterns, and technological advancements in the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market?
• Which factors are influencing the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market over the forecast period?
• What are the global challenges, threats, and risks in the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market?
• Which factors are propelling and restraining the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market?
• What are the demanding global regions of the Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer (EPDM) market?
• What will be the global market size in the upcoming years?
• What are the crucial market acquisition strategies and policies applied by global companies?
We understand the requirement of different businesses, regions, and countries, we offer customized reports as per your requirements of business nature and geography. Please let us know If you have any custom needs.
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UnivDatos Market Insights: Your Partner in Data-Driven Market Strategies. Unlock growth opportunities and make smart decisions with our expert research and insights.
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agrieyes · 2 months
Experience the Convenience of AG-T28 Wireless Trailer Lights by AgriEyes
AgriEyes’ AG-T28 wireless trailer lights are designed for maximum convenience, enhancing the safety and ease of your towing process. Whether you are a professional or just use them occasionally, these lights are the perfect addition to your towing equipment. Safety and ease of use are important considerations when it comes to towing.
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Convenient wireless technology
A major benefit of the AG-T28 trailer lights is their wireless structure. Conventional trailer lights typically need complex wiring, which can be both time-consuming and burdensome. The AG-T28 allows you to get rid of the inconvenience of managing cords. The fast and easy setup provided by the wireless feature allows you to start your journey quickly and with minimal effort.
Easy Installation with Magnetic Base The AG-T28 lights are equipped with a robust magnetic base, making installation incredibly easy. You don’t need to drill holes or permanently modify your trailer. Simply attach the lights to any metal surface, and you’re ready to go. The magnets are strong and rubber-coated to prevent scratches, ensuring a secure fit while protecting your vehicle’s finish.
For those who prefer a more fixed solution, the lights also offer a screw option with washers. This feature allows for easy switching between magnetic and screw installations without removing the magnet, providing flexibility based on your specific needs.
Stable and Reliable Signals
Despite being wireless, the AG-T28 trailer lights do not compromise on signal stability. They operate on a 2.4GHz frequency and come with a built-in antenna, providing a reliable signal with a range exceeding 100 feet (30.5 meters). This ensures that your trailer lights function seamlessly, even for longer vehicles, enhancing your safety on the road.
Enhanced Visibility
Safety is paramount, and the AG-T28 lights deliver on this front as well. These DOT-compliant lights provide tail, brake, turn, and license plate lighting, ensuring you remain visible in all conditions. Additionally, the built-in reflectors enhance visibility even when parked, reducing the risk of accidents.
Universal Compatibility
The AG-T28 wireless trailer lights come with a standard 7-pin round to 4-pin flat connector, compatible with most truck rear sockets. If your truck uses a different socket, a plug converter can easily adapt the connection, making these lights highly versatile and user-friendly.
Two-Year Warranty for Peace of Mind
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In Conclusion AgriEyes’ AG-T28 wireless trailer lights add unsurpassed ease and safety to your towing experience. These lights are an invaluable addition to any towing setup, thanks to their simple installation, strong magnetic base, stable wireless signals, and improved visibility. Enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a two-year guarantee and top-notch customer service.
Improve your towing experience today with the AG-T28 wireless trailer lights! For additional information, please visit http://www.agrieyes.com.
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abbyspeckhals · 2 months
Researching Spline Connectors
Something new that we will probably have to use in our transmission design this year is a spline connector between the small sprocket and its mount to the motor.
22A Design
Last year, our motor was mounted to the chassis with a single plate seen behind the motor in the image below. On the rotor side of the motor, the small sprocket bolts onto a custom mount. The purpose of this mount is solely to offset the sprocket away from the face of the motor, so the chain can align with the large sprocket on the differential.
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24A Design
For our new car, we want the motor to have two mounting plates attaching it to the chassis (we had some issues with a bent motor mount last year that I don't want to talk about). This means we will have a similar mount as seen on the rear of the motor above. But the sprocket mount on the front of the motor will double as a mount to the chassis.
My rough concept of this design is seen in the image below. Since the small sprocket mount extends further past the sprocket, it is impossible to use bolts to attach the sprocket to the mount like we did on 22A. This is why I will be investigating the use of splines for this connection.
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Spline Connector
Starting on page 2252 (lol), the Machinery's Handbook linked below explains when to use splines, the basic dimensions of splines, and tolerances for these dimensions.
I just read through most of this chapter and highlighted in Adobe Acrobat the useful topics that I need to revisit if we go through with using a spline connector design.
My overall thoughts:
splines are probably the best option for mounting the small sprocket
more research is need to determine type and fit of splines for our application
we will have to outsource the machining (hopefully get it sponsored)
overall seems do-able for our timeline and level of knowledge
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sofia1452 · 2 months
Comprehensive Chrome Parts Kit for NGA Stock Rifles
Mastering the assembly and disassembly of your NGA stock rifle is a crucial aspect of ownership. Over time, you may find that certain components require replacement or upgrading to maintain peak performance. Glendale Parade Store offers a diverse selection of chrome parts for large NGA stock rifles, allowing you to purchase individual pieces as needed, saving you money and avoiding the need to replace your entire DrillAmerica® 1903 drill rifle.
The Butt Plate and Butt Plate Screws (available in two sizes) are vital for the rear stock, providing a secure and polished finish. The Trigger Guard Plate and its Front and Rear Screws are essential for maintaining the integrity of the trigger assembly, ensuring smooth operation and reliability.
For mid-rifle support, the Mid Swivel and Mid Swivel Band offer stability and ease of handling. The Stacking Swivel Band and Band Screws (two in total) provide additional reinforcement and are designed for durability.
The Rear Swivel Plate and its Screws (two in number) offer secure sling attachment points, making it easier to carry the rifle during drills. For barrel components, the Barrel, along with the Connector Front Pin and Spring, ensure a tight and effective assembly.
The Front Band with Bayonet Lug is perfect for versatile front assembly needs, while the Front Band Pin secures the band in place. The Receiver Ring and Connector/Receiver are crucial for the rifle's overall function, providing a robust connection point for various components.
The Bolt Assembly and Bolt Stop Screw are essential for smooth bolt mechanism operation, ensuring reliable cycling and functionality. The NGA Weight Pack allows you to adjust the balance and weight of your rifle for precise handling during drills.
Explore our full range of chrome drill rifle parts to find the exact pieces you need. Whether you require a new connector/receiver, barrel, or just a few small parts like rear swivel screws, front band pins, or springs, Glendale Parade Store has you covered. Shop online to find affordable rifle parts kits for your drill team or ROTC rifle.
Visit Glendale Parade Store to explore our selection of chrome parts for your NGA stock rifle and keep your DrillAmerica® 1903 drill rifle in top condition.
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