revvywevvy · 2 months
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bnuuy :]
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If throne of glass met the sons of feanor, specifically Aelin
Aelin: *sees the feanorians commit slaughters for a jewel*
Aelin: *appears in the window sill of the room Dior and his wife are sleeping in* *slits throats* *takes the silmaril* YOU SEE THIS? THIS IS SOMETHING WE CALL WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER!
Aelin: i understand the wish to see your enemy’s blood spill across marble floor, but come on
Celegorm: *takes notes*
Maedhros: *tired older brother sigh*
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decarbry · 1 year
Can we hear about Cosette? Seeing her makes me feel nostalgic! (I read warrior cats as a kid, and probably would have made a non-warrior cats universe OC if I realized I could do that)
AWW ABSOLUTELYYY I was not expecting an ask about my OC HAHA <3
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So I made Cosette back around 2015 when I was active in a lot more RP groups and this one was basically Warrior cats but with big cat species and centered in/around Roman cities. You had your typical "clans" of wild cats and then one clan of city cats that were kept by the humans and trained to hunt the wild cats and capture them for use in fighting rings. Cosette was born to two of the more elite hunters in the city (Caelina, who was mine, and Scaeden, who belonged to staniqs on dA) and was raised with her brothers Helios, Icarus, Manes, Libero, and Regilius to capture the loose cats that had run away from where they belonged with the humans in the city.
She was named after a previous leader of the hunters who lost her position in disgrace, with the belief that she would reclaim the name and give it back its honor and pride. Cosette never really cared about any of that, or even being a hunter; she was a carefree spirit that just loved to play and make friends, and learned to fight well but rarely wanted to use it on any of the enemy cats.
So a big war broke out between the wild clans and the hunters (where before they were just attacking the wild clans here and there where opportunity arose) and one night a big battle occurred and her father was killed by one of the wild cats. Scaeden was a huge presence with the hunters (I can't remember if he was leader at the time or second in command?) and the death hit the family hard, so a big group that included Cosette, Caelina, Helios, and a handful of non-family but close friends snuck onto a ship in the middle of the battle to flee to Rome where they all became a small found-family of deserters hiding out away from everyone else. It essentially made them targets of the hunters in Rome, ironically. The young flourished while the adults kind of withered. Cosette's mother Caelina becomes terminally ill and is killed when she confronts the brother of the cat that killed Scaeden, the younger group of the found-family breaks apart when Cosette learns that one of them informed the hunters of their whereabouts, and that was about where the development of the story ended.
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adamsobservatory · 9 months
Kinktober Plans !!
Hello Hello Everyone who see's this !
These are my plans for Kinktober, I don't think ill be doing something everyday but i'll post whatever I have done for these prompts ! Some might be my own characters or things on my masterlist
Req for Kinktober are allowed too!! Req link
[Praise Kink & Quiet Sex] -- Kaveh (Genshin Impact) x M. Reader [Begging & Blow Jobs] -- Sebastian (Stardew Valley) x Gn. Reader
[69-ing & Finger Fucking] -- Sampo (Honkai Star Rail) x FTM. Reader
[Strap-Ons & Mating Press] -- Kafka (HSR) x FTM. Reader
[Lingerie & Sex Magic & Tender Sex] -- Howl Pendragon x M. Reader
[Overstimulation & Worship & Wedding Night] -- Cove Holden (OLB&A) x Gn. or M. Reader
[Love Bites & Missionary] -- Amphitrite (She/Her OC) x Gn. Reader
[Undressing & Morning Sex] -- Lucianus Ambrose (He/Him OC) x Gn. Reader
[Mirror Sex] -- Konstadina Caelina (She/He) x FTM. Reader
[Nipple Play & Morning Sex] -- Masako Meri (He/Him) x M. Reader
[Sexual Inexperience & Teasing & Sex Toys] -- Michi Ren Ling (He/Him) x Gn. Reader
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janearts · 2 years
are your OCs considered "attractive" in their respective societies. like is bodran considered handsome by dunmer standards, and brii & lucelion by altmer standards?
Great question! Generally speaking, yes, because I intentionally set out to make characters that others would find attractive "in-world". I've gone into detail under the cut.
Bodran: I specifically designed Bodran's character with the idea that he would be attractive to others. I would say that other Dunmer would generally find his outward appearance attractive. However, Bodran was raised in Cyrodiil--and is thus an Outlander--and I think that his perceived attractiveness might drop the moment he opens his mouth (although this is admittedly a possible fate anywhere in Nirn). So he may be more attractive to other Dunmer outside of Morrowind than to, say, an Ashlander. I am basing this entirely off of my experience playing Morrowind because despite playing a Dunmer, the main character is held at arm's length until they establish a reputation for themselves in different areas and for different factions.
Brii: Brii is another character where I thought, 'I am gonna make them beautiful'. Her entire character was created as a pettish response to a guide on how to make beautiful, well-proportioned female elves in Skyrim. That doesn't necessarily mean that she would be considered beautiful by Altmeri standards. I think Nocteriil (who was more concerned with preserving his lineage) perceived her mother, Caelina, as beautiful. Nocteriil's entire decision to betroth his son to Caelina's daughter is rooted in the gamble that Caelina's daughter would come to resemble Caelina in appearance, values, behaviour, everything. He lost that bet.
I personally think Brii is like many haute couture models: to my plebeian eye, there are many stunning men and women who look so conventionally attractive they become almost boring when standing gorgeously next to each other, but then there are the models whose proportions are ever so slightly strange that they are more interesting to look at by comparison. I use Nastya Salenko as an example of a beautiful woman who has a completely different look than your average supermodel. I'd give Brii 50/50: I'm sure there are Altmer out there who think she's stunning and other Altmer who think her facial proportions are all wrong.
Lucelion: I created Lucelion with the idea that he would be the most "flawless" [AN: HEAVY. SARCASM.] of suitors, a paragon of the Thalmor and Altmeri people. So I do headcanon that he would be conventionally attractive by Altmeri standards and that people are willing to put up with his frigidity because they perceive him to be an attractive potential partner physically, socio-economically, etc. I based his appearance off of classical and neoclassical statues of Greek gods and young men, but that is obviously steeped in Western ideals of male beauty, strength, and virtues, not Altmeri. Since Altmeri seem to have straight hair and sharp features in-game, Lucelion likely wouldn't be as attractive to another Altmer as I'm making it out to be in my own story.
Sigurd and Vasilisa are another conventionally attractive pairing. Sigurd makes sense to today's white Western sensibilities, but Vasilisa was a love-letter to my own musculature. I have a beefier, naturally muscular body due only to genetics--(I come from a long and noble line of peasants who I suspect must've pulled their own plows)--and at the time of her design had never really been complimented on my body in a way that did not praise it for what it could do for someone else (lift a thing, throw a thing, kick a thing, punch a thing, you get the idea). While I am grateful for the people in my life who did praise my body and recognise its strength, more often than not if my body was mentioned it was negatively: they didn't date women that muscular, they didn't want to be as "big" as me, etc. I created Vasilisa in conjunction with Sigurd so I could have a narrative in which this harsh-looking muscular Nord woman was socially deemed as attractive, spouse-material by Nordic standards and someone worth courting/pursuing romantically with pride because that simply was not a narrative I saw in my own life at the time.
I bring Sigurd & Vasilisa up despite rarely drawing them because I think they kind of show a theme when paired with the characters I draw more obsessively. When I create characters, I'm usually am either working with the grain of IRL white Western standards of beauty (Lucelion, Brii, etc.) or I'm working against the grain of IRL white Western standards of beauty (Vasilisa & Morowa as muscular women, Roisia as a fat black woman, Ambrocius as an emaciated elderly man, Offa as a fat elderly man, etc.). It's usually either to underscore something in my narrative--(like Lucelion is supposed to be an ideal suitor, but is actually the worst)--or to indulge in a fantasy where certain aspects of my characters' humanity (their musculature, their weight, their features, the colour/tone of their skin, whatever) are cause for desire, adulation, and even a certain level of mundanity (they're able to just exist in peace) that may not be present or as commonplace in the bit of the Western world that I specifically live in.
I keep saying white and Western because I want to acknowledge that I'm coming from a very specific place (personally) and reacting to a very specific place (geographically) that may not apply to other's experiences living in other parts of the world. That's not to say my characters' lived experiences are 100% reflective of my own (e.g., Morowa and Roisia are Black women and I am white, Ambrocius and Offa are elderly men and I am neither of those things, etc.), but I specifically wanted a fantasy world for my characters where--for example--being a fat woman and finding love is not so riddled with hardship (dealing with sexual invisibility, wading through fetishists when not invisible, fielding vocalised assumptions about your level of health due to the amount of fat a person perceives, that sort of shit). So I know it sounds vain and self-aggrandising to say, 'Why yes my characters are considered attractive by other people in this fantasy world!' when really I set out to craft a world that catered to or at the very least gave space for them.
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goldenshrine · 1 year
🌙 hi mateo :>
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cell i remember when we first became mutuals literally i was so so excited to meet another soulcal liker (and selfshipper too! like what)! ur imagination and passion amaze me - u come across as someone who is just endlessly inspired…like, even when art block/life/etc bites you u end up biting back twice as hard and thats beautiful. just a very sweet and radiant person i think. 🌟🌻
a little biased but caelina+pyrrha are so special.. two halves of the same heart their relationship feels like a catharsis both for u and them and i really think they were born for each other
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trentonsimblr · 1 year
31 ❤️
Thanks Nonny! How'd you know to pick this one? (insert sarcastic tone here). Anyway. She's the younger sister of Raina and Jaxon whom have already been shared. I love her and she was too beautiful to not share. Her name is Caelina
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cells-superhell · 2 years
So I finally finished my separate character playlists for Caelina and Pyrrha! Just a general cw for death, distressing topics, and etc. mentioned in the lyrics,,, these playlists turned out really edgy >_>;; Also I made sure that every single song in each playlist had English subs, and just a small note as well that the playlists both share 2 songs (just different singers for each) and they have a call and response song for one another :D
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starcunning · 4 years
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XXI. The World || Caelina Valeria
completion • integration • fulfillment  • wholeness • harmony
“What next?” “You know,” he said, “I have no idea.” “And no plan?” Caelina wondered. “No,” he said. “There was only the one plan; the one goal. It is beyond me now, even if I thought to continue. Tomorrow and tomorrow stretch on before me, for the first time in an age.” She settled her hand on his arm. “That’s as it should be.” He straightened, his arm slipping from beneath her hand so that he could take it in his own once more. “And this?” he said. “This is as it should be, too,” she replied. “The dawn holds no horror for you now?” “No,” Hades replied. “Shall we greet it together?”
Mostly, though, this is about her, coming into her full at the end of a journey and eager to use that wisdom to begin another.
Another wonderful card from @mafumafuriah! I am still working on telling Caelina’s story, but of all my characters she is the one I can most clearly say triumphs in the end. What comes after that I’m not sure, but the Fool’s Journey is one without end, much like the hero’s.
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innkart · 5 years
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revvywevvy · 1 year
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Blooming still, even in the mud and rain
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+ a closeup <3
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wickhart · 2 years
Ocs and their partner pokemon
Felix: zangoose and whismur. I know that a zorua or a pumpkaboo would make more sense but i can see him bonding with normal types more. THEY CAME OUT WITH NORMAL ZORUA SINCE I FIRST MADE THEIR TEAMS I FORGOT. Hisuian zorua or zoroark are perfect for him. But hes keeping the zangoose
Adabel: espurr and trevenant. Weird girl in the village vibes.
Weiss: arbok and hitmonchan. I guess hes a genwunner. actually he needs the serviper. hes a viper guy not a cobra guy.
Ieuan: politoed and reuniclus. Frogs and see through things quite obvious. I also like them with goodra, dragalge
Seiko: metagross and chimecho. Big spider robot + cute psychic. Magnezone, duraludon
Kit: infernape and magby. I just want to see him cuddle a magby grumpily
Valentin: wyrdeer and celebi. Weird deer man and his time travel onion buddy
Milo: unfezant and furfrou. Hes the most loving unfezant owner in the world he smothers it in care and his furfrou is so well trimmed.
Jack: porygonZ. Recently evolved
Simeon: crustle and omastar. I should give him more fossils but cwustle...
Warren: smeargle. smeargle in a little domino mask for heists
Lux: alolan grimer. and trubbish :3 say anything bad about his toxic little piles of sludge and garbage and he will cry
Ymogen: shedinja an a cute breloom. Though she's a child i feel like she should have a baby bug so idk maybe a scatterbug
Caelina: Vespiquen aaaaaaand sinistea. She classy. I'm actually thinking those stupid indeedee things from gen 8. Maybe an oricorio
Teyem: Yamask and sigilyph? Though I can see them partenering with a Ho-Oh later on.
Ro-Alkyzel: Volcarona. He has an affinity for bug types in general
Mais: masquerain and alolan marowak. I know she likes birds but masquerain is her partner i dont know how to describe it it just is theyre best friends forever
Vitus: lycanroc and absol. Dogs ofc but those two fit best. Zacian later if we really want him to get out of hand.
Cherry: ninetales granbull aerodactyl clefairy gloom. Sorry he's pokemon originally he's got friends. Shiny lopunny if it wasn't so cliche. Fearow alolan meowth
Mangle: rotom. Aaaand scrafty. Maybe a raichu.
Cecil: morgrem, galarian weezing, sinistea, lampent probably. He needs a psychic but the fairies and ghosts...
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tamisdava2 · 3 years
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thedeadthree · 2 years
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VIKTORIYA VAYS white widow and corpo menace, cp2077 | POLINA VELICHKOVA the owl of gotham, dceu/bop
THALASSIA MEDE the sun sorcerer the empress, arcane | CAELINA PEG’ASI the solar princess, andromeda six
BELLONA BANCROFT the wraith of hell’s kitchen, mcu | NINIAN LIÙSAIDH elden lord and eye of heaven, elden ring
my loves @redhearths, @preachercuster, @scungilliwoman, @florbelles and @chuckhansen tagged me to make my ladies in this stunning picrew! my girls look LOVELY thank u beloveds! 🖤
— TAGGING: @griffin-wood, @risingsh0t, @marivenah, @johnnycranes, @flowsilk, @shellibisshe, @galacticvales, @theotherwiseman, @leviiackrman, @jackiesarch, @themysteriouslou, @blissfulalchemist, @aceghosts, @flyntz, @yennas, @heroofpenamstan, @shadowglens, @cobb-vanthss, @taliaferros, and @loriane-elmuerto 🖤
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weakzen · 3 years
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saw that cute picrew going around so, of course, i had to make the gals who’ve been on my mind lately... ♥
Alexandra Black - The Wayhaven Chronicles
Sîwan Xanî - A Tale of Crowns
Caelina Lavellan - Dragon Age Inquisition
Lavinia Tabris - Dragon Age Origins
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goldenshrine · 2 years
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The sun and moon were reunited today.
(*^_^)/★*☆ congratulations♪ to caelina and pyrrha! @913cell
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