#and this was her original story but I plan on reclaiming all of my characters from these groups to use them in other stories instead
decarbry · 2 years
Can we hear about Cosette? Seeing her makes me feel nostalgic! (I read warrior cats as a kid, and probably would have made a non-warrior cats universe OC if I realized I could do that)
AWW ABSOLUTELYYY I was not expecting an ask about my OC HAHA <3
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So I made Cosette back around 2015 when I was active in a lot more RP groups and this one was basically Warrior cats but with big cat species and centered in/around Roman cities. You had your typical "clans" of wild cats and then one clan of city cats that were kept by the humans and trained to hunt the wild cats and capture them for use in fighting rings. Cosette was born to two of the more elite hunters in the city (Caelina, who was mine, and Scaeden, who belonged to staniqs on dA) and was raised with her brothers Helios, Icarus, Manes, Libero, and Regilius to capture the loose cats that had run away from where they belonged with the humans in the city.
She was named after a previous leader of the hunters who lost her position in disgrace, with the belief that she would reclaim the name and give it back its honor and pride. Cosette never really cared about any of that, or even being a hunter; she was a carefree spirit that just loved to play and make friends, and learned to fight well but rarely wanted to use it on any of the enemy cats.
So a big war broke out between the wild clans and the hunters (where before they were just attacking the wild clans here and there where opportunity arose) and one night a big battle occurred and her father was killed by one of the wild cats. Scaeden was a huge presence with the hunters (I can't remember if he was leader at the time or second in command?) and the death hit the family hard, so a big group that included Cosette, Caelina, Helios, and a handful of non-family but close friends snuck onto a ship in the middle of the battle to flee to Rome where they all became a small found-family of deserters hiding out away from everyone else. It essentially made them targets of the hunters in Rome, ironically. The young flourished while the adults kind of withered. Cosette's mother Caelina becomes terminally ill and is killed when she confronts the brother of the cat that killed Scaeden, the younger group of the found-family breaks apart when Cosette learns that one of them informed the hunters of their whereabouts, and that was about where the development of the story ended.
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kagekitsuneoflight · 7 months
Hazbin Hotel criticism has been done so much by so many people about very real and serious things but I’m throwing my hat in the ring because this is something most people don’t talk about often.
Hazbin is boring and it misuses it’s setting and biblical characters/inspirations. Or rather it doesn’t use them in a way that’s actually interesting.
For a show about heaven and hell and blatant Christian setting it sure does seem to only take the aesthetics. And not even the visual aesthetics. It’s not even clear on which branch of Christianity it’s drawing from.
This is going to be done with a casual tone and it’s not very well structured because I am not being paid to write about my grievances.
Adam’s motivation as a villain is so shallow and flat. You’re telling me he’s doing this for funsies? For a laugh? Adam was made in God’s image. What does this say about the guy. For a show whose themes is about going “not everything is black and white!” It sure does make him (even visually) black and white. Which is just sooooooo. Boring. Here’s an actually interesting idea that also makes Lucifer more interesting. Adam was cast out of Eden, which was paradise on earth, all because of how Satan (aka Lucifer) tempted Eve (and thus Adam) into sin. So why not make Adam’s enthusiasm for rampaging through hell so that he’s wrecking a Lucifer’s hellish paradise in revenge? If Adam had to suffer then so too should Lucifer. It’s *Lucifer’s* fault after all.
Lets not even get into how Lucifer and Satan are technically two different people. It’s a common thing. But still if you went with Lucifer’s actual story where he’s being so jealous about humanity that he went out of his way to RUIN it all for them. it gives him more depth then him being Depressed. And loves his daughter.
It opens so much more that you can do with *both* characters. It also makes Charlie’s motivation to redeem sinners carry a more personal weight than just. Doing it because it’s right. Her dad was the catalyst! She’s taking on the sins of her father! Make her LEARN that as his child, she does not need to feel responsible for what he’s done. (And, hey, maybe have Vaggie be the one to teach her that! You know, the Angel? The one who would best be able to teach how to change from sin? And not just be “haha fuddy duddy no fun allowed” character.)
Saint Peter is in the show. Saint Peter is there. I am not going to get into Saint Peter because the implications and questions it poses is going to make me insane. And he’s probably only there because of how ingrained it is that *he’s* the one who greets you at those pearly gates. He’s pop culture Saint Peter and not the actual Saint Peter.
Now you might be wondering “what about Lilith she’s clearly going to be the antagonist in the second season.” Yeah she can still have that. We have no real basis on how much she’s done or doing. The only real motivation we have is that she wants to stay in heaven.
(My theory (aka what I think would make Lilith interesting) is that Lilith originally planned to try and outnumber and out power hell so then she could try and take paradise for herself. But obviously the yearly exterminations put a damper on the plan. I bet she was *happy* to be with Lucifer. I bet she loved her family. But she’s in hell. She’s in hell and the queen and her subjects do not respect her (if they do not respect charlie or lucifer, then they will not respect her) and when you have known what paradise on earth is, well you’d want it back. Originally you might’ve planned to take your entire family with you. But you just can’t manage it. Your husband is wallowing and tells stories but he takes no action. You start to resent him. Your daughter has heard his stories and has taken on his naïve hopefulness and maybe that’s what you loved about your husband when you fell into sin with him, but now it just reminds you of what you had and what you cannot reclaim and she looks *so much like her father* you start to resent her too. It’s Lucifer’s fault that you’re here. It’s Charlie’s fault that you stay. And then something changes. You strike a deal. You get to stay in heaven. The paradise you want.)
In a good world this is what Lilith’s motivations are. Which is a lot of words for saying Charlie should have this final “the child shall not bare the sins of the father.” Moment during her confrontation with Lilith. (This would have been something that was slowly built up during the show.)
Charlie shouldn’t be trying to redeem sinners in an attempt to apologize for her father’s actions. She should be doing it because it’s the right thing to do. (You know, for a main character, she sure does remain rather stagnant.)
What else did I want to point out the flaws for.
Ah right ass backwards way that Sinners apparently get redeemed. You are making a show about Catholicism you better get the absolute basics of it down. (We don’t know the breed unfortunately.)
Yeah so like. It should be remorse. You should be seeking out forgiveness for your sins. Not doing one selfless act and then getting killed immediately. And you can have! A very very interesting way of discovering this! You can have Charlie thinking that sinners need to become Good. (And you know, What Is Good.) She could confuse Goodness with Niceness. She could think that so long as they just Stop Being Bad, they get into heaven.
You can have Charlie lean into the whole Fire and Brimstone levels of Being Good. And then have to unlearn that! Angeldust (just using him as the example) Isn’t a sinner because he does sex work and drugs. He is a sinner because of whatever he did to get into hell. He needs to feel remorse for his *actual* sins, and seek out forgiveness before he gets redeemed. (from heaven, ig. Who the fuck is god anyways is god going to be a twink. is there a god? if not then wHY IS SAINT PETER-)
(TAKE NOTES. This is a great way to explore a character’s backstory beyond what’s told via Word of God (a la vizzie) and squinting at the aesthetics and motifs of a character and guessing what they did.)
Being redeemed through remorse can also carry a conflict! Let’s take one of the most morally reprehensible characters on the show. Valentino. Let’s say he has a sudden change of heart. Not a halfassed one. (It has to be REAL to make it an actual conflict). He realizes that what he’s done is vile, evil and reprehensible. He seeks out forgiveness. It is granted.
Because the only forgiveness you need (for Christians) is the forgiveness from god. (or heaven?? Ig?????)
Is there no sin that is beyond forgiveness? Is there no one beyond redemption? Is that whole all encompassing love from god schtick actually real, not clickbait?
I don’t know. Hazbin Hotel doesn’t want to get that deep into it. Because they just want to do a Heaven Bad????? Hell Good???? Or maybe???? Both are Bad and Good??????????? Story.
There is a lot more that I can nitpick and offer criticism to, or simply go “hey wouldn’t this be better?” To with this series. Because I think the concept can work really, *really* well. But it falls so flat on its face that it’s become concave.
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androids-insides · 8 months
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v v More info on them down here v v
Favourite Character to Draw:
He’s this sort of alien from a different dimension who “governs” a town. He acts like the only normal one there, but he’s just as weird as everyone else. He’s just super pointy and fun to draw! I love drawing sharp characters. A nice balance of solid shapes, and fine detail.
Latest Character of Mine:
WICKEt The Wizard!!!
(Yes, his name is spelt correctly) Technically, he’s a DnD character, but he’s really fun to draw. Just a little goober who is entirely convinced that he is a very powerful wizard, and that he has killed every wizard in existence, but he is very wrong. He is also semi-illiterate, and therefore has learned the only four spells he knows, very incorrectly. He’s awful and I love him.
First Character I Made:
She is a Silent Protagonist from a story called MasonMaggedon. She talks eventually, but not until over half way through. She’s one of four roommates, the most responsible one, and is severely traumatised! I redesign her and her roommates every time I get a new sketchbook, but I ought to write for them again. Lots of secrets in her story, per all my stories, I suppose.
Hardest to Draw:
12 0 |] 11 3 \’
He’s a sort of robot who miraculously powers back on after an accident at this science facility. It’s slowly being reclaimed by nature, and is falling to pieces. He goes around, carrying a computer he found plugged into his neck that he believes is important to keeping him functioning, trying to remember who he is and what happened. I planned for this to be a plat-former game, actually. That, or a mix of a bunch of different game styles. Just had a cool brainwave where he is in the same universe as that weird non-Newtonian zombie I made, so I guess it’s cannon for now. He’s fairly simple to draw (and one of the characters I’m scared of showcasing), it’s just all the little robot parts that are hard to keep track of. So. Many. Moving. Parts.
Easiest to Draw:
He doesn’t really have a story, per se, but he’s fun to draw. He’s a little 2D shape, and he’s got anxiety. There is a 3D version of him, but it looks a lot like how I draw myself, so I’m trying to workshop it. He’s all fragmented and such, and he’s super easy to draw, solely because he’s always changing shape. I can do whatever the hell I want with his character design, because thats’s part of his design! I’m so cheeky :]
The Artist:
That is exactly what I look like. I’ve been trying to draw myself with more of the outfits I actually wear, just for some variation, but I definitely have my favourites. Hopefully, I can break out of the habit of creating characters that look like me.
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liquorisce · 30 days
So idk if you've touched it since but can you give us a little sneek peak of BYLB as an original work? Like the new characters and things things you plan on/have changed from the version we read?
thank you so much for this question!!
i'm not sure i have a sneak peek that that is good enough to share, because for a long time, despite rewriting nearly 25k words, i couldn't pinpoint what was wrong with it. I thought changing pov might be able to tell the story better, but that was a tool, not the material itself.
thanks to all the reading and writing i have been doing on other projects, i have been thinking about bylb a lot. i think one thing i'll have to do, a kill-your-darlings of sorts, is to cut down a lot of details about other characters, and sometimes whole characters themselves.
the story i really want to tell demands a lot of interiority, and i think i'm way better at it now, but it also makes me understand then, that i cannot devote the same kind of attention or perspective to levi's backstory with petra. to his dynamic with hange. The incident that occurred between Cherry and Hange. I can't just throw them in there like I did last time and expect those things to resolve themselves.
I'll explain it this way. In my first draft that's up on ao3, I'm trying to talk about:
Levi, Hange, Levi's late wife and their relationship to the sex work industry. All of their relationships are different and filled with different types of pain. Levi was a cop that fell in love with a sex worker who became his CI, and then got caught and murdered for it. Hange is a trans character who wants to undergo a sex change surgery and is trying to save up for it, but at the same time they want to invest in creating a better environment for the girls who end up in similar situations. With Cherry we see a situation where Hange feels like they have failed in that endeavour, because Cherry refused to follow the boundaries laid out by Hange, and ended up being abused at the hands of a customer who claimed to love Cherry.
Mikasa on the other hand is trying to reclaim the ownership of her body by making it work. quite literally. she's been mothered by hange, fathered by levi, and this industry whilst dangerous, has been a playground of exploration for her. because she's been so protected, she doesn't consider the aspects of it that she doesn't want to. she's a good dancer, and she's proud of it. she wants to get a kick out of turning men on, so she does. But where Levi and Hange feel like shit for exposing her to this industry, she is trying to assert a "Why can't I do this if i feel safe and free?" kind of attitude.
Mikasa's sexuality: Mikasa is somewhere on the ace spectrum, demi i guess. she's felt broken for so long because her body doesn't experience desire the same way as others, but she's grown up knowing that her body elicits desire in others. and she's tried to push and prod and poke at that sensation until it's sore. Now for whatever reason, she finds it in the arms of a man who is supposed to be off limits to her. She is willing to disregard these limits, but this man is hot one minute, cold the next, hung up over an ex, and mostly unreliable.
Eren's backstory and divorce: Obviously Eren comes into the story with a really key perspective, the opening scene is about him and his friends, and his inner turmoil. What I was trying to do was write a man on the precipice of change. Here you have a man who thought he was doing all the right things in life, and suddenly he's found out it doesn't work. What is a moral choice anymore? He isn't so sure. What am I doing with a stripper? Why am I getting a divorce? How am I in love with someone else when I promised to be with my wife forever? Why do I feel like a different person when I am with this mysterious girl? etc.
Historia's sexuality and cheating: I obviously have sympathy for her, the way I wrote her into the story. She married her best friend but fell in love with a woman much later, something that she never expected would happen to her. This is not something she has an understanding of, herself. She has a controlling father whom she genuinely fears for, and is still very fond of her husband. So even though she wants to leave him, she is scared to leave him behind. He's one of the few people in her life who has been good to her, after all.
I have 2 choices to make here,
1) either I write a dual pov story from Eren and Mikasa's perspective, in which case I would really massively cut down point 1, and just briefly mention point 5 and change Mikasa's back story because there is so much to unpack in the dynamic itself, OR
2) I would keep the story from Mikasa POV and try to tackle all the above whilst featuring Eren as just a love interest. you know what i mean?
I THINK i am leaning towards the former, but this is a thing that keeps me spinning every three business days. Ultimately I am also conscious of "writing what I know" and the idea that I could be making an offensive commentary on sex work does scare me. On the other hand, I love romance and writing about Eren unravelling feels so compelling to me.
Regarding character changes: I like the character I have fleshed out for Mikasa. where I lean into her wistfulness, devotion and submissiveness in other fics, here I wanted to explore her pride and obstinacy, and desire to fight. So I like the character that I have here. In an original, I would call her M, and have her whisper her name to her lover, and the audience would not know it until the very end.
One thing I have toyed with seriously, is making M an onlyfans persona who breaks a lot of rules for a man who says he's never done this before, and kind of taunts her by asking what's so special about her. this is what i would do if i choose to option 1 as I explained above, because then I can just really make this an obsessive love story that takes place in the shadows. And I can still touch upon points 2, 3 and 4 in proper detail! If I got this route, I picture M's persona to have pink wig and a pole installed in her room. I wonder if she would be a rich girl. We'll have to see lol.
Eren on the other hand... oh boy. I just would not know what to name him. I have grown attached to the name 'Mr Jaeger' and it kinda sounds sexy, idk what else to say lol. Also while writing original fic, I also feel somewhat of a fraud writing names of people that are so far removed from the names and cultures that I know intimately. I've toyed with the idea of making the MMC an indian man, because I can then relate to the cultural obligations family thrusts on you especially in a marriage. i think i just need to give myself permission to do this, and a lot of things will fall into place, because here then is an archetype of man that i know LOL.
I think the real thing is nailing down what questions I am trying to answer in this story, and i'm still not a 100% sure. However, writing this post was super fun and helpful because it also lays out very clearly what I need to think about and write about. All I know for sure is that I will write it eventually, and it will have a positive ending. thanks again for this ask!
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drakkonyan · 4 months
Who are your OCs?
My main fellas come all em with a LOT of world building, but I'll try to synthetaze it as much as I can! Tldr: they all come from different dimensions with different vibes and biology (one of em is like a medieval fantasy land, one is like a scify robot land, etc etc) and there is some sort of past war-hostility between all em.
First I'll talk bout Mawla. She is the oldest one I've created, but also the one with the best defined personality for now. Basically she was originally an orphan taken by the government to experiment in, as a way to research protesis and quick DNA alteration to use for medical purposes in the upcoming war. Once they where done with her she got cryogenizised for further study and learning material by medical students. But after several years (once war was rather settled) she somehow escaped. All those process had a toll on both her body and mind of course, so she became rather cold and mostly non-verbal as a result to all that. The only thing that kinda helped her heal was meeting who she calls her brother, Ray.
Which speaking of, he was originally an experimental medic AI applied to a soldier robot to heal and rescue individuals the government considerated of interest, but he became revelious because like, war and such. So he ran out, not without his body getting hurt. Fortunately he is a robot so he can just like, rebuild himself with scrap parts and such. He just wandered around without too much purpose for several decades until he found Mawla and they both helped eachother.
Then on the completely oposite side of the multuverse there's Fritz, who is some sort of totem-elemental golem creature-thing. Basically his species is called elementals, which are born when a soul is forced to reincarnate into a body and then imbued with some sort of natural element a la pokemon style. He was originally created to be used as a beast-weapon for the war, but was then rescued by his adoptive father, who was a blacksmith mage. He was eventually killed under mysterious circunstance and thus Fritz had to to escape since the government considered his species too dangerous to be let free (as wizards would usually create them and threat them as beast to be tamed and kept under their control rather than actual individuals) he went around for a while until he met Kass
And finally about her. Kass is part of a colony settled in what is like a middle space between the 3 main dy mentions. It's like a dead space between em 3 that isnt reclaimed by any of them, so several opositors from all of them settled there and eventually became a wasted land. She was part of a small village that got burned down by bandits. She went out living from what she could get and kinda becoming a bountyhunter until she met Fritz, they became professional partners and then met Mawla and Ray, who joined them.
I really don't know what most of this is but this is my most planned out and complex story I've made so I keep it around and I'll eventually make something outta it because like, hell, look at all of what I already have written, plus all of the world building not included, several support character and strangled family members from each all of em and several parallels that I wanna pan out more. Like the fact that they all where created rather as tools to be used and discarted rather than as people with emotions and feelings and the such. Several relationships, plot twist, that kinda thing. So even if yeah a medieval story with dragons that also is an alien scify and a furry contemporary story and a cyberpunk-wasteland survival of the strongest a la fall out sounds farfetched, it's my story so I'll tell it some day.
Also both Fritz and Ray have that "acts ad thinks like a kid but it's actually a 5000 year old dragon" except they both are young adults. That's basically a plot device for me to have both characters that knew their world before the war, characters that lived said war and characters that lived the consecuencies of the war. But putting 3 whole characters in the freezer was kinda convenient so instead I did this. May change it so they did have like a time skip (like making ray get turn off for certain time? Idk) but I'll have to think of it.
Also making them both long-lived allows me to make them survive their loved ones for centuries for extra angst nyehehehehe >¦}
Thanks for giving me a space to yap bout em! Ik this is my blog but sometimes the current hyperfix takes me by the throat and I need external input for me to come back to my kiddos :)
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librarycomic · 2 months
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The Naked Tree by Keum Suk Gendry-Kim. Translated by Janet Wong. Drawn & Quarterly, 2023. 9781770466678. 320pp.
The Naked Tree is based on a Korean novel by Park Wan-Suh that was originally published in 1971. According to the introduction by Park's son Ho Won-Sook, his mother always said she was going to write about the artist Park Su-geun, who drew portraits for American soldiers at the PX in Seoul. Gendry-Kim's graphic novel version veers from Park's a bit but, according to Ho's introduction and my wife's readings, it seems to be quite loyal to it while extending beyond the original. (If you're going to read the graphic novel, make sure you read the forward and Gendry-Kim's afterward, which has photos of Park Wan-Suh and Park Su-geun.)
The story itself gives the sense of being a memoir, with the characters conveying at least in part the experiences of Park Wan-Suh and Park Su-Geun. It begins in 1951, after UN forces reclaimed Seoul from Communist forces. Miss Lee works in the PX, behind a counter where foreign soldiers come to have portraits painted on "silk" scarves. The artists who do the work are paid by the piece, and are called "signies." No one makes much money. Miss Lee is very much alone; she lives with her mother, but she doesn't like her. And she longs for someone to love. The shop's owner hires a real artist, Ok Huido, and it's Miss Lee's job to bring in enough work for him and the others. Even as another man who works at the PX starts to show an interest in her, she falls herself falling for the married Mr. Ok.
I love the sense of history and tragedy that permeates this story, and particularly Miss Lee's attitude toward her mother, which made it feel real and shocking. Gendry-Kim's adaptation has sent my wife seeking more of Park Wan-Suh's novels (and luckily the University of Washington's libraries have several in Korean and English), and I'm planning on reading an English translation of the original just as soon as some of the details of this adaptation have left my brain. We both admire and highly recommend all of Gendry-Kim's graphic novels.
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chartreuseian · 3 months
Hey! Fan fic writer ask. 💥🥳🔎😎
Hi hi!! Thank you 🥰
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
Ooooh, I did already get this one, but let's be real, we all have a thousand things we would change if we could. Maybe Nikola saying he loved her in 'The Five'? Or just how they handled him in general? I think they didn't have a huge plan for his character (which, fair) so he's a little all over the place.
🥳 Why did you start writing fanfic?
Not a clue! Fun, I guess. I was the summer after I'd finished high school just before I started university but other than remembering when I started, I've got no idea why.
I restarted because last year nearly broke me and I made a deliberate decision to reclaim my life and my time to do thing that I like. And writing was something I loved, but hadn't done properly since about 2014/2015.
🔎 Does anyone beta read or edit your fics?
Nah! Sometimes I'll send bits to people for feedback or if I don't like how something is going to get some advice, but no proper editing/beta stuff. I don't take it quite seriously enough for that!
😎 What fics do you prefer on a scale of canon compliant to wildly original?
To read? Either.
To write? I call it canon adjacent. Like train fic is my sort of 'what if?' response to if something forced Helen and Nikola together back during their Oxford days. In my head, once they get home a lot of the events of the show would still happen, but with their relationship playing out alongside it.
Same for Lessons. It's the question of what would have happened if James had manned up and let Helen and John seduce him (because you can't tell me the three of them weren't flirting up a storm).
I'm attempting my first ever totally original story for them (I say that, but it's got some big Out of the Blue inspiration) at the moment, and it's a very different experience to write it!
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maiemorrae · 9 months
Story and Character Name Updates
Just wanted to make a post to update a few things. I've been going over some of my work and some of my planned work and decided to make a few changes to either character names or full title updates for some of the work I've put out. This pretty much all focuses on my work with Ellis and her story.
Story Name Updates
What Makes a Seeker is getting a change to its title. From here on out I'll be referring to this story as Lost Recollections.
Why the change?
So before WMaS was being written I was writing a version of Ellis' story that was about her time as a Seeker Initiate. That was meant to be the start of her story and thus was called What Makes a Seeker. Eventually, though I decided I wanted to instead start with her story at the point my current work begins. I didn't really know what to call the revamp at the time so I just kept the same name even if it didn't fully match anymore.
Well, now I've changed my mind again and want to start her story with her time as an initiate. This won't change the events that have already been written for WMaS, I just want to better flesh out things and the best way I felt to do that was to go back to the original starting point. Part of that is that the original story gets to reclaim its title.
I'll be going through soon to change the titles on my website to reflect this change.
Character Name Change
A simple spelling change of Alexander's name. From here on out I'll be spelling his name as Aleksandr.
Why the Change?
This one is more or less just a preference change. While I was in the class where I made the story bible for Lost Recollections I tested out if I wanted to use the alternate spelling and ended up liking it.
I will eventually go back and update his name as it's been so far but it's not high on my priority list at the moment.
I'll leave this pinned on my blog for a while at least until I feel it's no longer needed.
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helix-enterprises117 · 6 months
What fic are you most and least proud of? Also, what character is hardest to write/get right?
The one I'm most proud of is "Bride of the Reclaimer." It was based on a dream I had that I vaguely remember, but the concept of John's Forerunner-genes being inadvertently passed on to Linda, making her (for all intents and purposes) a superhero was badass. I like how it turned out and I do plan on making more stories with Reclaimer!Linda.
My least favorite is "Halo Reloaded - Combat Evolved," which I have renamed to "Prelude to Combat Evolved." It starts out as rushed copy of both seasons of the Halo TV Show, and it was made with the intention of transitioning into the first game; but with Bride of the Reclaimer, a "denser & wackier" original story, proving to be much more receptive than Reloaded-CE, I scrapped it and relegated it to a non-canon pilot.
The most difficult character to nail? All of them tend to be hard to pin since they, unfortunately and admittedly, all act kind of the same. But I don't have any one that I find hard to write, so as a whole, I'll just say that it's difficult for me to write for new characters I've never heard of before; with those, I have to do unholy amounts of research on before I do anything with them.
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monerelluvia · 2 years
Iri: 2, 20, 21, 69 Enoch: 4, 7, 40, 52
Oh thanks for the ask!! This might be a bit long so bear with me... I love answering these.
Iri'thiel (half-drow, fey wanderer ranger) 2. what was your original concept for this character? how did playing them change that concept? Surprisingly, she didn't change all that much from my initial concept! Originally she was meant to be far more religious; I wanted to see if I even could play a character like this. Then her mind was erased, but when she recovered some of her memories the deity stuff came back. The relationship this time is not as much a blind devotion as planned at first, she treats it more like partnership, like being welcomed back by an old friend, not as servant - patron. She was also meant to be a lot more wild, prickly to humans, cracking inappropriate jokes and not giving a fuck most of the time. Some of that was filled by another player, so even though she's still sometimes rude and takes her goddamn time to warm up to others, she cares SO much for her troop and likes to be involved in everything. Much softer than planned, but I like her this way.
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Her ears grew twice the size though and I keep making them longer each time I draw her it's very funny
20. what attracts them to someone—platonically and/or romantically, anything counts. I think it's mostly people being genuine and compassionate. She tries to be that herself, but it's not so easy, so she likes to see that in others. Also those who are not afraid of a challenge, someone she could look up to. She's generally attracted to non-human people, the more interesting kinds of elves mostly. Maybe it's got to do with gravitating towards the fey-adjacent and their chaotic and interesting nature. Also women. Yeah.
21. do they have an idea about how they’ll die? do you? At this point this could be literally anything, multiple times XD But for the final death, I hope she goes out in a fight just like before, but fighting for something she chose to defend, or dying peacefully somehow in the far far future if she'll be allowed to see it.
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69. what’s one secret they don’t want getting out? That's a tough one since she might have secrets she doesn't know about yet (not all memories yet recovered). At this moment maybe her youth/teenage "adventures" of trying to fit in, just because she'd probably be ashamed of herself/afraid to talk about her life before now. As shy as she can be she'd probably be fine with sharing most of herself in time, though.
Enoch (firbolg, shadow monk/archaeologist kinda) 4. what one person, place, or thing do they love more than anything else? There was probably a half buried house, or some other caved in place in the ruined city of the Bone Valley that they studied in. A small space being reclaimed by nature that they could've meditated at or trained at when not at work of recovering the forgotten libraries of that place.
7. there’s a magic item (or technological innovation, or special resource) made just for them—what is it? Some device that essentially could create a pocket dimension for thoughts. Where they could store what they learned, what they read, thoughts they had that needed to be remembered, important conversations, etc. All for recording the world around them.
40. if you had to remake this character right now, how would you change them? Since this character was created for a one-shot at a moderately high level, I would probably go more in-depth of their learning to add them more skills/proficiencies in certain areas like Arcana or Perception or Persuasion to be a bit more useful and in accordance to what they do. Teach them more languages that they learned with all the books around them. But other than that, not many changes actually. I really like this build and their story.
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52. how would they dress themselves up for a formal event? Simple black with hints of green, tight minimalist design. Alternatively grey with complicated floral patterns, wide slacks and wide blazer. As gender neutral as possible, but probably wearing makeup on the eyes.
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goatlingsvent · 10 months
Lupisvulpes also dated a trans person despite being straight herself, I believe her intent was to encourage them to detranisition because she herself also concluded trans people being "just as perverted as gay people" and thus just as icky. Ironically if she was refusing to acknowledge them as their gender identity, she'd be, at least in her mind, in a lesbian relationship (dude was a trans guy) and this would be seem to be the case as she was nortious for misgendering him!
Also she sold off all the characters for her original series so she can't continue the series, this isnt a add on the growing list of the controversy irs just not a lot of people know that but still get confused why she won't continue the series. Additionally most of the new owners don't like lupis after the incident and or don't plan on reselling the characters either.
So please don't try and "steal" the characters thinking your reclaiming them. They already have new, better owners who have all but given them much more queer friendly back stories.
Point is of my rant however: my character uncommon-ish species that I had to go out of my way to look up to find any examples of, and none of what I found that look like my guy, it was a water fowl, and "dry land birds" are FAR more common. In my experience ravens, crows, jays and other corvids are much more common- and my guy wasn't a penguin either.
I'm not gating keeping the species either, is just the design while on the simpler side was 1:1 with the design I entered in their raffle, and they claimed to have never seen my design before, a lie.
I'm ok with "sibling" designs. It's just they took the design I entered 1:1 in their raffle, a simple design but the species and circumstances making at least hella sus to me. Had it been something way more common id easily shrug it off. But no, I had a very uncommon species by furry standards.
The reason the Christrain thing was brought up is I've never heard the words Christian and furry in the same sentence without the said "CF" (Christian furry) saying or doing some inheritly anti-christrin but also anti-furry: stealing someone's uncommon species fursona design- yes a real life animal, but us furies have a huge species bias so if it's not one of the cooler animals or as well known it gets shafted big time. Stealing and lying about is anti-christrian, but stealing someone's design and profiting off it is also anti-furry.
Like again, if it wasnt for the fact I entered in their raffle which was held through Google forms, I couldn't claim oh yeah they've already seen my design and made a 1:1 copy of it to keep for themselves because they are uninspired as all fuck. But I did enter and I paid to enter. Which caused some drama because something about the legal differences between raffles, lotteries and gambling or whatever. A Google search corrects me and that you can pay to enter raffles: however unlike a lottery there MUST be a guaranteed winner. Which I think there was.
It's just, claiming you never saw my uncommon species design before despite entering in your raffle some months earlier (about the time it would take to finish a fursuit give or take a month or two) with that said exact species and you turn around and 1:1 recreate it. Had I won the raffle I'd have the suit.
So like I shouldn't have done what I've done: I actually offered to buy it back much more than they were asking for, even offered to make stuff for them only for them turn around and give it someone else.
I don't trust Christrian furries any more. It's a walking contridicting giving the furry community has ties to the kink and LGBTQA+ communities which APPEARS TO GO AGAINST MOSR CHRISTIAN VALUES.
No seriously look it up, the first ever conventions that were anime related doubled as furry ones and the first furry conventions were kink met ups. Not saying modern furrism hasn't changed to very much being a welcoming space for all ages, but know your history given it's deeply connected to queer, kink and even anime history.
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Ok so like I know Indie is edgy about it and stuff which understandable but I can't stop thinking about what could've been with her family 🥺
!Spoilers I guess for the fic!
But like it's sad! It's sad Satine was murdered and it's sad that Obi Wan and her obviously weren't able to get Indie when she was older. It's sad that they had to hide her alone on a planet in the first place! Or felt like they had to.. I wonder if their spirits(?) Or at least Obi Wan's force ghost self? I wonder if he forever feels that guilt of abandoning her...
Yeah... I thought a lot about that when I was writing the fic too
Spoilery things under the cut
So yeah, for one, it really does suck that they had to hide her on Corellia at all, even if the original plan was just for a few years until things died down enough to retrieve her. But think about it: if she grew up somewhere else, even if they were careful, eventually something would slip about who her parents were. And then she's a diplomatic bargaining chip or a youngling trained too early in the Force at best, flat-out ransom at worst. Her parents would've had a lot of enemies, and very powerful enemies at that, and the safest thing was just to not let those enemies realize Indigo existed at all.
And then... obviously that plan fell apart, but the initial idea was well-intentioned at least.
Second thing: fun fact, the original draft for this story DID have Indie interact with Obi-Wan's Force ghost at some point, in more detail than the one whisper she gets after the final battle. It was supposed to occur before the final battle, basically in place of having her captured on the Judgement. She was going to have a bit of an identity crisis after Maz broke the news to her, and fly off to where Obi-Wan's Force ghost was last spotted to have a conversation with him. I was going to have Hux there as well, since Indie doesn't know how to fly a ship and she'd want him there with her anyway.
In my head, it would've been a bit of tension in and of its own right, at first. Obi-Wan would try and apologize and explain (and yes, he feels incredibly guilty for what happened to her), but Indie would get overwhelmed by the emotion and lash out at him at first (and understandably, I mean, she was left on Corellia). It would end on a bit of an angsty note too, where she basically tells him that he was never her father before storming off. Once she leaves, Obi-Wan would stop Hux before he follows her, just long enough to tell him to look after her since Obi-Wan couldn't. It's basically a stamp of approval for Hux, or the closest thing. Meanwhile, Indigo was looking for closure and didn't find it.
(the idea here is that then, in the final battle, her reclaiming her name and ancestry is that much more impactful since she tried so hard to avoid it before)
In the end, I felt like that scene wouldn't really work for the main fic, for a few reasons.
I feel like it was accomplished well enough with the Maz scene, and having the Obi-Wan scene also might have felt redundant. Indigo's lingering trauma over her parents is a big part of her character, but there's a lot more to her than just whining about being left behind
Having them interact directly with Obi-Wan's Force ghost felt too easy. Usually the Force ghosts only appear to people when they need it and nobody else can help. Seeking them out is different, and Indigo has other people who help her get through that pain. As much as I love Ex Machina references in this fic, I try to avoid actual deus ex machinas like that. Obi-Wan is dead, there shouldn't be an easy way out.
I feel like it's more impactful not to have so much direct confrontation, closure or not. Indigo gets one whisper, and that's all she needs. Her parents have never been a figure in her life, and while she carries that trauma with her, she wouldn't get much out of seeing Obi-Wan in person as opposed to hearing the story from Maz
It took us away from the action, while the Judgement scene allowed them to keep things moving in a forward direction. The idea struck me, and I didn't think I could fit both ideas in whole maintaining the timeline of the movie decently well, so the Judgement scene won out
This answer got a lot longer than I meant it, I apologize. But you actually struck on something that was a big factor in weaving this fic together, so I wanted to talk about it! Thank you for the ask, I always love the chance to talk about my writing! I try to put a lot of nuance and detail into the characters and themes of my writing, so I will take any excuse to talk about it lol
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 1 year
The Owl House: On Winds of Magic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JlIfDp7
by A Random Basilisk (Rangi_Taylor)
The Owl House (Luz) x LotR & The Hobbit
Luz and Amity were investigating an artifact, years after Belos' defeat. They wanted to know why he wanted or needed it. Little did they know that this would lead to Luz working to aid a certain company of 13 Dwarves, a halfling, and a Wizard in reclaiming an ancestral homeland; then saving a world from destruction from destruction.
Meanwhile, Amity Blight seeks to find allies to fight back against Belos' expanding empire, whilst searching for a way to find Luz. Her hopes to find the allies she needs lie in ancient history: legendary lords, demigods, and incarnate deities from long-forgotten days.
First story in a planned series.
 I recently retconned a lot of this work so that it would be set after the end of The Owl House. Anything that contradicts that might be edited in the future.
Finally, I mostly publish on Wattpad. Visit me there (@arandombasilisk) and check out my works. Currently, I'm planning to write two stories there.
Words: 46727, Chapters: 8/?, Language: English
Fandoms: TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Owl House (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Other
Characters: Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins
Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Thorin Oakenshield & Thorin's Company, Gandalf | Mithrandir & Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins & Thorin's Company
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/JlIfDp7
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
The Owl House: On Winds of Magic
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1FkPbsv
by A Random Basilisk (Rangi_Taylor)
The Owl House (Luz) x LotR & The Hobbit
Luz and Amity were investigating an artifact, years after Belos' defeat. They wanted to know why he wanted or needed it. Little did they know that this would lead to Luz working to aid a certain company of 13 Dwarves, a halfling, and a Wizard in reclaiming an ancestral homeland; then saving a world from destruction from destruction.
Meanwhile, Amity Blight seeks to find allies to fight back against Belos' expanding empire, whilst searching for a way to find Luz. Her hopes to find the allies she needs lie in ancient history: legendary lords, demigods, and incarnate deities from long-forgotten days.
First story in a planned series.
 I recently retconned a lot of this work so that it would be set after the end of The Owl House. Anything that contradicts that might be edited in the future.
Finally, I mostly publish on Wattpad. Visit me there (@arandombasilisk) and check out my works. Currently, I'm planning to write two stories there.
Words: 46727, Chapters: 8/?, Language: English
Fandoms: TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms, The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Lord of the Rings - All Media Types, The Owl House (Cartoon)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death
Categories: Other
Characters: Luz Noceda, Amity Blight, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Thorin Oakenshield, Bilbo Baggins
Relationships: Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Thorin Oakenshield & Thorin's Company, Gandalf | Mithrandir & Thorin's Company, Bilbo Baggins & Thorin's Company
Additional Tags: Crossovers & Fandom Fusions
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/1FkPbsv
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